CAPE Physics U1 P1 2015

May 29, 2018 | Author: Anonymous19 | Category: Waves, Velocity, Kinetic Energy, Acceleration, Collision
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=4, coDE 0213E0r0 FoRryI TP 2015?sE MAY/JIJNE 20I5 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCTL CARIBBEAN ADVAT.{CED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATIONO PHYSICS Unitl-Paper0l I hour 30 minates 05 JUNE 2015 (a.m.) BEAD THp FOLLOWTNG TNSTRUCTIONS CABEFULLY. t. This test consists of 45 itpms. You will have l hour gnd 30 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items in thir test. 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (c), (D). Read e4ch item you arre about to answer and decide which choice is best. 5. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample ltem Which of the following lists has one scalar quantity and one vector quantity? Sample Answer (A) (B) Mass : temperature Momentum : pressure @o@@ (C) Force : velocity (D) Potentialenergy : volt The correct answer to this item is "Momenturn : pressure", so (B) has been shaded. 6. lf you want to change your answer, be sure to erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 7. Whgn you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. lf you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 9. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scate. -- I - 10. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. - I- I DO NOT THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TO DO SO. I- Exami rcns ' --- All rights reserved. - - 02 1380 tO/CAPE 20 t5 -2- LIST OF PI{YSICAL CONSTANTS Universal gravitationalconstant G : 6.67 x l0-'r N m2 kg-t Acceteration due to gravity B : 9.81 m s-2 I Atmosphere atm : 1.00 x l05N m-2 Boltzmann'sconstant k = l.38xl0-23JK-r Density of water p* : 1.00 x 103 kg m-3 Specific heat capacity of water C*ro : 4200 J kg-r 6-t Specif;c f atent heat of vaporization of wate r )" : 2.26 x | 06 J kg-' Avogadro's number NA = 6.02 x 1023 per mole Molar gas constant R : E.3i J K-' mol-' Stefan-Bolumann constant o = 5.67 x lO-t W m-2 K{ Speed of light in vacuum c : 3.0xt08ms-l Triple point temperature T" = 273'16 K I tonne t - 1000 kg GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02r38010/CAPE 20ls 3- l. Four students measure the circumference 3. A container of gas contains 1.505 x 1024 of a circular room of radius 5.00 m using molecules. The number of moles of gas a metre rule. Their recorded results are: in the container is 31.40 + 0.04 m (A) O.zs 31.41 + 0.M m (B) 0.40 31.42 + 0.M m (c) 2.s0 31.43 + 0.04 m (D) 4.00 Which of the followings statements is colrect? A metal case is dropped out of a hovering helicopter and plummets E0 m before (A) The measured circumference is hitting the ground. What is its velocityjust precise and accurate. before it hits the ground? (B) The measured circumference is not precise and not accurate. (A) 0.0 m s'l (c) The measured circumference is (B) 8.2 m s'l precise but nol accurate (c) 28.0 m s'r (D) The measured circumference is not (D) 39.6 m s'l precise but accurate. 2. In determining the density ofa cube, a student 5. An object falls freely under gravity, g, from a height of 12.5 m. Which of the following records the fol lowing measurements: equations can be used to determine the time, l, taken for the object to reach the Length of side, I = 3.0 + 0. I cm ground? Mass of cuba, tn = 12.5 + 9.5 g (A) t- tB The student then uses the equation p = + {t to determine the density of the cube. The percentage error in the calculated value of pis r (B) (c) l= t=L r (A) 0.6 % 25 (B) 7% (D) l=- 25 (c) t4 % I (D) 40% CO ON TO THE NEXT PACE 02 1380 | OicAPE 20l 5 4- 6. What is the gravitational field strengh of a 8. A ball is thrown vertically upwards and then planet whose mass is one-third that of the caughtatthe same level from which itwas Earth's and whose radius is one-half that thrown. Which of the following graphs of the Earth's? would BEST represent the variation of the ball's acieleration with time? (The gravitational field strenglh of Earth is g-) (A) 7s IA (A) 3 (B) 7s 4 (c) 1s 9 (D) os (B) 7. The frequency of a transverse wave travelling along a stretched string of length, /, with tension, Z, is given by ,=+E Whichofthe following unis ofp willmake the equation dimensionally consistent? (C) (A) kg m-' (B) kg s-' (C) kg-'s (D) kg-'m (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02l3801O/CAPE 201 s -5- . 9. Which of the foltowing jairs of phrases is MOST appropriate for describing elastic and inetastic collisions? Elastic Collision Inelesfic Collision (A) Kinetic energy NOT conserved Momentum NOT conserved (B) Momentum conserved Kinetic eners/ NOT conserved (c) Kinetic energ/ conserved Kinetic ener5/ conserved (D) Momentum conserved Bodies stick together 10. An object of mass, n, travelling initially u. A car with mass, ,tt, moves around a at a velocity, z, is acted upon by a force, I circular road of radius, r, aa a constant for a period, l, until it is travelling with a speed, u. Which of the following state- velocity, v. Which of the following equa- ments iVare true? tions can be used to determine the impulse of the force? I. The car's velocity changes and the magnitude ofthe acceleration is l. lmpulse: Ft v'. r Il. lmpulse: mv - mu II. There is no resultant force on the car since its speed is constant. lll. mv-ma III. lmpulse - The resultant force on the car is t outwards from the centre and (A) | only eQuals tnY2 ' (B) Il only r (C) I and ll only (D) I and lll only (A) | only (B) II only (C) | and ll only (D) ll and lll only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02t38010/CAPE 20t5 6- Item 12 refers to the following graph which 14. Two cars of equal mass move with shows the velocity of a small ball bearing velocities V, and V" respectively. When travelling through a measuring cylinder of the ratio of their kinetic energiestt , glycerine. i what is the ratio of their velocities? (A) E (B) E (c) ^ft 2 3 (D) ,12 12. The points labelled X and Y represent respectively 15. What is the powerof an engine that delivers a driving force of200 N and causes a body (A) force and acceleration to move at a velocity of | 5 m s-t? (B) acceleration and terminal velocity (C) terminal velocity and acceleration (A) 200 w (D) uniform velocity and displacement (B) ls00 w (c) 22s0w (D) 3000 w t3. If m is the mass of an object and E its kinetic energy, then its linear momentum is (A) ^J-E (B) zJi n (c) ,[i n (D) J2,,,8 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02r3801O/CAPE 2015 .7- 16. A pendulum is held at is highest point and 17. The displacement of a particle undergoing then released. A suitable graph to show one simple harmonic motion is given by cycle of this motion could be x: 8 sin 0.4 n t. The frequency ofoscillation ofthe particle is (A) 0.211z, (B) 0.4tlz (c) 5.0llz (D) 8.0 Hz rt. Which of the following pairs of words BEST describes how a wave disturbance moves in relation to the direction ofenergy transfer for longitudinal and transverse waves? Longitudinal Transverse (C) (A) vao"rty Same Opposite (B) Same Perpendicular (c) Opposite Same (D) Opposirc Perpendicular (D) vdocity GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE 02t380t0/CAPE 20t5 .8- Item 19 refers to the following two graphs which display the variation of displacement, with time and distance rcspectively, for the motion of a wave, x/cm x/cm 19. What is the velocity of the wave? (A) LQ x lQr 6 t-r (B) 3.0 x l03 m s-l (C) J.Q x lQr nt r-t (D) S.Q x I Qr n't t-t 20. What is the phase difference between the two points A and B on the fotlowing graph? (A) Z .u61"n, 4 (B) 3z radians 4 (c) 3o odiun, 2 (D) 3z radians GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021380r0/CAPE 20t5 9- 2t. Two sources of wat'er waves, X and Y 22. In a double slit experiment using a generate waves which are of identical monochromatic light source of wavelength frequency but out ofphase by 180". The 400 nm, the distance between the bright waves from X erc of amplitude 5 m and fringes was found to be 8.0 mm. If the the waves from Y are of amplitude 3 m. screen is 5 m from the double slit, what is Which of the following graphs corectly the slit separation? describesthe oscillation ofa particle which is equidistant from X and Y ? (A) 1.0 x l0-5 m I (B) 2.5 x lO-a m DlspLccment(m) I (c) 1.0 x l0-3 m (D) 2.5 x l0-2 m 23. The power of a lens of focal length | 5 cm is (A) 0.067 D Displrcemeat(m) (B) 0.67 D (c) 6.7 D (D) 6AD 24. Stationary waves are produced by superimposing progressive waves of frequency 500 Hz. Successive nodes are separated by a distance of2 m. What is the speed of the progressive waves? (c) (A) 125 m s-l (B) 250 m s-' (C) 1000 m s-l (D) 2000 m s-r 25. Which of the following statements is NOT true about reflection or refraction? (A) Both occur at the interface between two different media. (B) The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. I J (C) The refracted ray is on the same side ofthe normal as the incident J ray. (D) The reflected ray is in the sanre plane as the incident ray and the normal to the miror at the point of incidence. CO ON TO THE NEXT PACE 02 l 380 | O/CAPE 201 5 t0- 26. Which of the following statements 30. A student's range of hearing is from concerning sound and light waves is 40 Hzto | 5 kHz. What is the SHORTEST corrcct? wavelength of sound that the student can hear if the speed of sound in air is (A) Both sound and light waves in air 330 m s-r? are longitudinal. (B) Both sound and light waves in air (A) 0.022 m are transverse. (B) 0.045 m (C) Sound waves in air are transverse (C) 8.25 m and light waves are longitudinal. (D) 22.0 m (D) Sound waves in airare longitudinal and light waves are transverse. 31. Which of the following options conectly identifies the disadvanage ofthe given type 27. At what angle does the second order of thermometers listed in the table? constructive interference occur for rcd light ofwavelength 700 nm through a diffraction TYpe Disadvantage grating that has 600 lines Per mm? (A) Liquid in glass Isbulkyanddifficult to use. (A) 12" (B) Thermocouple Temperaturc range (B) 39" is too small. (c) 57" Platinum is very (D) 90" (c) Platinum expensive. rcsistance (D) Constant volume Gas expands too 28. As light travelling in air enters a medium, gas quickly. its speed changes to 2.4 x lOtm s'r. The refractive index of the medium is 32. The triple point of water is chosen as the (A) 0.60 upper fixed point on the thermodynamic (B) 0.E0 scale oftemperature ratherthan the melting (c) t.2s point of ice because (D) l.s0 (A) the thermodynamic scale is not an empirical scale 29. ln Young's double slit experiment, the (B) it makes the scale more linear for separation between the slits is halved and gas thermometers the distance between the slits and screen is (c) the melting point of ice varies with doubled. The fringe width is the type of thermometer used to measure it (A) unchanged (D) it is precisely reproducible as it only (B) halved has one Possible temPerature and (C) doubled pnessure (D) quadruPled GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138010/CAPE 20ls - ll - . 33. The thermal productivity, &, of a material 35. Water falls from a height of 500 m. What in the form of a uniform cylinder is to be is the rise in temperature ofthe water at the determined from the rate of linear heat bottom, if all the energy gained is converted flow, P, its cross-sectional atea'A,and the to internal energy in the water? temperature gradient, G (where C = P Ax l. (A) 0.19 K (B) 0.24 K Which of the following equations is (c) 0.4e K correct? (D) l.l7 K (A) r=* 36. Which of the following statements is/are p true? (B) k=fu I. While a substance is melting, its temperature remains constant- (c) *=G'! II. The triple point of a substance has P a constant value. lll. The boiling point of a liquid does (D) *=U not depend on the Pressure ofthe G surroundings. (A) I only 34. ln an electrical method for determining (B) I and ll only the specific heat capacity of a metal, the (C) ll and lll only following readings were obtained: (D) I,ll and III Mass ofmetal 2kg Supply voltage 240V 37. Which of the following statements is true Current 3A abopt sight in human beings? Time for which heat supplied 20 s Temperature rise ofmetal l0 "C (A) A short-sighted person sees near objects blurred. What is the specific heat capacity of the (B) A long-sighted person sees near objects clearly. metal? (C) For a short-sighted person, the distant object is iocused (A) z!W:-\ kg-r6 -r image of a \- -/ in front of the retina. 2xl0x20 (D) Fora long-sighted person, the focal length ofthe eye is too long forthe length of the eyeball. (B) ffiJkg-r*-' 2 xlO x20 38. Which of the following methods of heat transfer occurs as a consequence of a (c) #tkg-'!s-r change in the density of a substance? (A) Conduction (D) 2a9x?!20 t kg -'s -r (B) Convection 2xl0 (C) Radiation (D) Evaporation GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02r 3801O/CAPE 2015 t2- 39. The mean kinetic enetgy of the molecules 40. A gas contains N molecules. The speeds in a sample of a monoatomic gas is of the moleculbs are Cr, Cr..., Cn. Which 8.28 x lC-23 J. What is the temperature of of the following equations can be used to the gas? determine the root mean squate speed of the molecules? (A) 2s0 K (B) 300 K (A) |Cr+Ql:Ct_ . - -- (c) 3s0 K (D) 400 K (B) (c) l(c, +c,' 1cl + cl +...c'i'z (D) a gas as e function of its mass 41. Which of the following graphs BEST rcpresents the pressure of the temperature rcmains constant? when the gas is purnped into a container of fixed volume and (A) E (c) rt a O O ; g E F{ A (D) i B E I lt is hung in the centre of an enclosure 42. A small black sphere has an absolute temperature'f,' whose walls are at a higher absolute temperature' ?i" Th" net rate of gain of thermal energy by the sPhere is ProPortional to (A) (T,)' (B) (T,Y (c) (?ry - (r,y (D) (T2-T)1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02138010/CAPE 20ls -13- 43. Helium gas is kept in a container at a Item 45 refers to the following graph which pressune of 1.7 x l0r Pa. If the density of shows the force in newtons, ^E, required for helium is 0.92 kg m'', then what is the root the extension in millimetres,4 of a material. mean square speed of the helium atoms? ^F0{) (A) 248 m s'l (B) 330 m s'l (c) 430 m sl (D) 745 m s'l I{mn) 44. Which of the following graphs correctly 45. According to the graPh, which of the shows the force, F, vs extension, E, for following statements is/are true? copper, glass and rubbefl l. The graph represents the extension of a metal. (A) II. The graph represents the extension ofrubber. III. Plastic deformation is predominant. (A) l only (B) ll only (c) I and lll only (D) Il and III only END OF TEST . 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