BS EN 1515-1

June 12, 2018 | Author: Fawad Kazmi | Category: Screw, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Building Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering
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Li c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I British Standard A single copy of this British Standard is licensed to lbocvzr lbocvzr on March 24, 2002 This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most current version of this document by searching British Standards Online at | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 1515-1:2000 The European Standard EN 1515-1:1999 has the status of a British Standard ICS 21.060.10; 21.060.20; 23.040.60 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Flanges and their joints Ð Bolting Ð Part 1: Selection of bolting L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 February 2000 © BSI 02-2000 ISBN 0 580 35750 3 BS EN 1515-1:2000 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 1515-1:1999. It partially supersedes BS 4504-3.1:1989 and BS 4882:1990, the relevant sections of which will be withdrawn on 30 April 2000. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee PSE/15, Flanges, which has the responsibility to: Ð aid enquirers to understand the text; Ð present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; Ð monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº, or by using the ªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2 to 9 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄlSCHE NORM EN 1515-1 November 1999 lCS 21.060.10; 21.060.20; 23.040.60 English version Flanges and their joints - Bolting - Part 1: Selection of bolting Brides et leurs assemblages - Boulonnerie - Partie 1: Sélection de la boulonnerie Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Schrauben und Muttern - Teil 1: Auswahl von Schrauben und Muttern This European Standard was approved by CEN on 25 September 1999. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC lnternal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, lceland, lreland, ltaly, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. (8523($1 &200,77(( )25 67$1'$5',=$7,21 &20, 7e (8523e(1 '( 1250$/, 6$7, 21 (8523b, 6&+(6 .20, 7(( )h5 125081* CentraI Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 BrusseIs © 1999 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 1515-1:1999 E L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 2 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 Contents Page Foreword 2 1 Scope 2 2 Normative References 3 3 Selection of bolting types 4 4 Selection of bolting materials 4 5 Technical conditions of delivery 6 Annex A (normative): Stud bolts threaded full length 7 Annex B (informative): Equivalent bolting materials 8 Foreword This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 74, Flanges and their joints, the Secretariat of which is held by DlN. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2000, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by May 2000. This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association. This European Standard is considered to be a supporting standard to those application and product standards which in themselves support an essential safety requirement of a New Approach Directive and which make reference to this European Standard. According to the CEN/CENELEC lnternal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, lceland, lreland, ltaly, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. EN 1515 consists of two parts: Part 1: Selection of bolting Part 2: Combination of flange and bolting materials for steel flanges, PN designated. 1 Scope This European Standard is applicable to the selection of bolting for PN designated flanges in accordance with EN 1092 series and class designated flanges in accordance with EN 1759 series 1) . lt specifies standards for dimensions, materials and technical conditions of delivery for bolts, stud bolts and nuts. 1) prEN 1759-1 is in preparation whereas prEN 1759-3 and prEN 1759-4 are publicly available. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 3 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 The bolting of within standard is selected for the combined use with flanges from the EN 1092 series and EN 1759 series but not for general purpose. The selection of the materials is based on commonly used materials. lt covers all pressure and temperature ranges of the general service of standard flanges. For special applications other materials may be selected by the user. ln some cases, similar alloys have been included, which differ only by carbon contents (e.g. 0,25 % or 0,42 %), because of the different requirements of the national standards. When the new European Standards are produced, it is expected that the opportunity to rationalize these many grades will result in a reduction of standardized grades. 2 Normative references This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard, only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. EN 1092 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories - PN designated prEN 1759-3 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, class designated - Part 3: Copper alloy and composite flanges prEN 1759-4 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, class designated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flanges EN 10269 Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature properties EN 20898-1 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs (lSO 898-1:1998) EN 20898-2 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values - Coarse thread (lSO 898-2:1992) EN 24014 Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B (lSO 4014:1988) EN 24016 Hexagon head bolts - Product grade C (lSO 4016:1988) EN 24032 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B (lSO 4032:1986) EN 24033 Hexagon nuts, style 2 - Product grades A and B (lSO 4033:1979) EN 24034 Hexagon nuts - Product grade C (lSO 4034:1986) EN lSO 3506-1 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 1 : Bolts, screws and studs (lSO 3506-1:1997) EN lSO 3506-2 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 2 : Nuts (lSO 3506-2:1997) lSO 261 lSO general purpose metric screw threads - General plan lSO 965-2 lSO general purpose metric screw threads ÷ Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads - Medium quality. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 4 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 3 SeIection of boIting types The selection of bolting types specified in Table 1 is based on the material. lt is necessary that all other service conditions such as fluids are taken into account by the user of the standard. TabIe 1: Types of boIting Dimensional standard Material Bolts Stud bolts Nuts or property class Remarks EN 24016 EN 24034 4.6/5 5.6/5 6.8/6 Hexagon head bolt EN 24014 EN 24032 EN 24033 1) All Hexagon head bolt Annex A of this standard EN 24032 EN 24033 1) All Stud bolt, threaded full length 1) Nuts in accordance with EN 24033 are normally used for industrial plants. For sizes ˜ M39 nuts with P= G are recommended. 4 SeIection of boIting materiaIs The selection of bolting materials specified in Table 2 is based on PN or Class and the allowable temperature. lt is necessary that all other service conditions such as fluid are taken into account by the user of this standard. TabIe 2: MateriaIs and service Iimits Line No PN Class Tempe- rature range Type of material Steel designation name or property class Steel designation number Material standard up to °C bolts nuts bolts nuts 1 PN 40 Cl. 300 -10 to 120 C-St C-St 4.6 - EN 20898-1 5 - EN 20898-2 2 PN 40 1) Cl. 300 -10 to 300 C-St C-St 5.6 - EN 20898-1 5 - EN 20898-2 3 PN 40 1) Cl. 300 -10 to 300 C-St C-St 6.8 - EN 20898-1 6 - EN 20898-2 4 PN 40 1) Cl. 300 -10 to 300 C-St C-St 8.8 - EN 20898-1 8 - EN 20898-2 5 All -10 to 450 0,25C-1Cr-Mo C-St elev. temp. 25CrMo4 1.7218 EN 10269 C35E 1.1181 EN 10269 6 All -10 to 450 0,42C-1Cr-Mo C-St elev. temp. 42CrMo4 1.7225 EN 10269 C45E 1.1191 EN 10269 7 All -60 to 400 0,25C-1Cr-Mo 18Cr-9Ni 25CrMo4 1.7218 EN 10269 A2-50, A2-70 - EN lSO 3506-2 continued L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 5 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 TabIe 2: (concluded) Line No PN Class Tempe- rature range Type of material Steel designation name or property class Steel designation number Material standard up to °C bolts nuts bolts nuts 8 All -100 to 450 0,42C-1Cr-Mo 0,42C-1Cr-Mo 42CrMo4 1.7225 EN 10269 42CrMo4 1.7225 EN 10269 9 All -40 to 300 0,3C-2Cr-Ni-Mo 0,42C-1Cr-Mo 30CrNiMo8 1.6580 EN 10269 42CrMo4 1.7225 EN 10269 10 All -10 to 500 0,42C-1,3Cr- 0,6Mo 0,42C-1Cr-Mo 42CrMo5-6 - EN 10269 42CrMo4 1.7225 EN 10269 11 All -10 to 500 0,40C-1Cr- 0,6Mo-V 0,42C-1Cr-Mo 40CrMoV4-6 1.7711 EN 10269 42CrMo4 1.7225 EN 10269 12 All -10 to 540 0,21C-1,3Cr- 0,7Mo-V 0,21C-1,3Cr- 0,7Mo-V 21CrMoV5-7 1.7709 EN 10269 21CrMoV5-7 1.7709 EN 10269 13 All -10 to 600 0,2C-1Cr-1Mo- V-Ti-B 0,2C-1Cr-1Mo- V-Ti-B 20CrMoVTiB4-10 - EN 10269 20CrMoVTiB4-10 - EN 10269 14 All -200 to 550 25Ni-15Cr-0,2Ti- Mo-V-B 25Ni-15Cr-0,2Ti- Mo-V-B X6NiCrTiMoVB 25-15-2 1.4980 EN 10269 X6NiCrTiMoVB 25-15-2 1.4980 EN 10269 15 All -10 to 550 16Cr-16Ni-Mo- B-Nb 16Cr-16Ni-Mo- B-Nb X7CrNiMoBNb16-16 1.4986 EN 10269 X7CrNiMoBNb16-16 1.4986 EN 10269 16 PN 40 Cl. 300 -200 to 400 18Cr-9Ni-Mo 18Cr-9Ni-Mo A4-50 - EN lSO 3506-1 A4-50 - EN lSO 3506-2 17 PN 100 Cl. 600 -200 to 400 18Cr-9Ni-Mo 18Cr-9Ni-Mo A4-70 - EN lSO 3506-1 A4-70 - EN lSO 3506-2 18 PN 40 Cl. 300 -200 to 400 18Cr-9Ni 18Cr-9Ni A2-50 - EN lSO 3506-1 A2-50 - EN lSO 3506-2 19 PN 100 Cl. 600 -200 to 400 18Cr-9Ni 18Cr-9Ni A2-70 - EN lSO 3506-1 A2-70 - EN lSO 3506-2 20 PN 40 Cl. 300 -200 to 550 17Cr-12Ni-2Mo 17Cr-12Ni-2Mo X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 EN 10269 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 EN 10269 21 PN 100 Cl. 600 -200 to 200 2) 17Cr-12Ni-2Mo AT+C 17Cr-12Ni-2Mo X5CrNiMo17-12-2 AT+C 1.4401 EN 10269 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 EN 10269 22 PN 40 Cl. 300 -200 to 550 18Cr-10Ni 18Cr-10Ni X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 EN 10269 X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 EN 10269 23 PN 100 Cl. 600 -200 to 200 2) 18Cr-10Ni AT+C 18Cr-10Ni X5CrNi18-10 AT+C 1.4301 EN 10269 X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 EN 10269 1) Up to PN 63 for temperature up to 120 °C. 2) Allowable stresses for elevated temperatures may be taken from the material in AT condition, as no stresses exist for the cold worked condition. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 6 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 5 TechnicaI conditions of deIivery The technical conditions of delivery are included in the standards given for the bolting and the materials. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 7 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 Annex A (normative) Stud boIts threaded fuII Iength Stud bolts shall be threaded full length. The points shall be chamferred or rounded at the manufacturer's option. The height of point shall be a maximum one times the pitch of thread. The length of stud bolts has to be measured including points. The lengths are stepped by increments of 5 mm for lengths up to 80 mm, by increments of 10 mm for lengths above 80 mm and up to 200 mm, and by increments of 20 mm for lengths above 200 mm. Thread in accordance with lSO 261, lSO 965-2 tolerance class 6g. Type of thread is either coarse thread or above M39 fine thread with 4 mm pitch. The type of thread shall be selected by the user. Fine thread above M39 is normally used for industrial plants, coarse thread up to and including M64 is normally used for water service. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 8 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 Annex B (informative) EquivaIent boIting materiaIs Bolting materials according to national standards which are comparible to the materials of European Standards is given in Table B.1. These materials have similar chemical composition and similar strength level as the compared materials of European Standards. They can be used if agreed upon by the purchaser. These national materials may be applied within the scope of Directive 97/23/EC (Pressure Equipment Directive) under the precondition that European Approval for Materials is available. TabIe B.1: EquivaIent boIting materiaIs Pro- duct Material designation name or property class or grade Material standard Re- marks for materials in accordance with EN BS NF DlN ASTM 1) Bolt 4.6 EN 20898-1 4.6 BS EN 20898: Part 1:1992 4.6 NF EN 20898-1 4.6 DlN lSO 898: Teil 1 Gr. B ASTM A307 2) Nut 5 EN 20898-2 5 BS EN 20898: Part 2:1994 5 NF EN 20898-2 5 DlN EN 20898: Teil 2 1/2 ASTM A194 2) Bolt 5.6 EN 20898-1 5.6 BS EN 20898: Part 1:1992 5.6 NF EN 20898-1 5.6 DlN lSO 898: Teil 1 - - 2) Nut 6 EN 20898-2 6 BS EN 20898: Part 2:1994 6 NF EN 20898-2 6 DlN EN 20898: Teil 2 - - 2) Bolt 6.8 EN 20898-1 6.8 BS EN 20898: Part 1:1992 6.8 NF EN 20898-1 6.8 DlN lSO 898: Teil 1 - - 2) Nut 8 EN 20898-2 8 BS EN 20898: Part 2:1994 8 .NF EN 20898-2 8 DlN EN 20898: Teil 2 - - 2) Bolt 8.8 EN 20898-1 8.8 BS EN 20898: Part 1:1992 8.8 NF EN 20898-1 8.8 DlN lSO 898: Teil 1 - - 2) Nut C35E EN 10269 - - - - Ck35 DlN 17240 - - Nut C45E EN 10269 162 BS 1506 AF65C45 NF E29-043 Ck45 - 2H ASTM A194 Bolt 25CrMo4 EN 10269 - - 25CD4 NF E29-043 24CrMo5 DlN 17240 - - ET Bolt 25CrMo4 EN 10269 - - 25CD4 NF E29-043 26CrMo5 DlN 17280 - - LT Bolt 42CrMo4 EN 10269 630 BS 1506 42CD4 NF E29-043 - - B7 ASTM A193 ET Bolt 42CrMo4 EN 10269 630 BS 1506 42CD4 NF E29-043 - - L7 ASTM A320 LT Nut 42CrMo4 EN 10269 253 BS 1506 42CD4 NF E29-043 - - 7 ASTM A194 LT Bolt 42CrMo5-6 EN 10269 - - - - - - - - Bolt 30CrNiMo8 EN 10269 - - 40NCD7-03 NF E29-043 - - L43 ASTM A320 Bolt 40CrMoV4-6 EN 10269 670-860 BS 1506 42CDV4 NF E29-043 40CrMoV4 7 DlN 17240 B16 ASTM A193 Bolt and Nut 21CrMoV5-7 EN 10269 - - 20CDV5-07 NF E29-043 21CrMoV5 7 DlN 17240 - - Bolt and Nut 20CrMoVTiB 4-10 EN 10269 681-820 BS 1506 - - - - - - continued L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I Page 9 EN 1515-1:1999 ©BSl 02-2000 TabIe B.1: (concluded) Pro- duct Material designation name or property class or grade Material standard Re- marks for materials in accordance with EN BS NF DlN ASTM 1) Bolt and Nut X6NiCrTiMoVB 25-15-2 EN 10269 286 BS 1506 Z6NCTDV25-15 NF E29-043 X5NiCrTi26 15 VdTueV 435/3 Gr.660 ASTM A 453 Bolt and Nut X7CrNiMoBNb 16-16 EN 10269 - - - - X8CrNiMoBNb 16 16 DlN 17240 - - Bolt and Nut A4-50 EN lSO 3506-2 A4-50 BS EN lSO 3506 : Part 2: 1998 A4-50 NF EN lSO 3506-2 A4-50 DlN EN lSO 3506-2 - - 2) Bolt and Nut A4-70 EN lSO 3506-2 A4-70 BS EN lSO 3506 : Part 2: 1998 A4-70 NF EN lSO 3506-2 A4-70 DlN EN lSO 3506-2 - - 2) Bolt and Nut A2-50 EN lSO 3506-2 A2-50 BS EN lSO 3506 : Part 2: 1998 A2-50 NF EN lSO 3506-2 A2-50 DlN EN lSO 3506-2 - - 2) Bolt and Nut A2-70 EN lSO 3506-2 A2-70 BS EN lSO 3506 : Part 2: 1998 A2-70 NF EN lSO 3506-2 A2-70 DlN EN lSO 3506-2 - - 2) Bolt X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 EN 10269 B8M 316S31 BS 4882 Z7CND17-11-02 NF E29-043 X6CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 DlN 17440 B8M CL.1 ASTM A193 ASTM A320 Bolt X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 AT+C EN 10269 B8MX 316S31 BS 4882 Z7CND17-11-02 Ecroui NF E29-043 - - B8M CL.2 ASTM A193 ASTM A320 Nut X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 EN 10269 8M 316S31 BS 4882 Z7CND17-11-02 NF E29-043 X6CrNiMoTi 17 12 2 DlN 17440 8M ASTM A194 Bolt X5CrNi 18-10 EN 10269 B8 304S31 BS 4882 Z6CN18-09 NF E29-043 X5CrNi18 10 DlN 17440 B8 CL.1 ASTM A193 ASTM A320 Bolt X5CrNi 18-10 AT+C EN 10269 B8X 304S31 BS 4882 Z6CN18-09 Ecroui NF E29-043 - - B8 CL.2 ASTM A193 ASTM A320 Nut X5CrNi 18-10 EN 10269 8 304S31 BS 4882 Z6CN18-09 NF E29-043 X5CrNi18 10 DlN 17440 8 ASTM A194 1) ET = service at elevated temperatures, LT = service at low temperatures. 2) BS 3692, BS 4190, NF E29-043, NF E25-100 and NF E25-400 may also be used. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I BS EN 1515-1:2000 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BSI Ð British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: 020 8996 9000. Fax: 020 8996 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services. Tel: 020 8996 9001. Fax: 020 8996 7001. In response to orders for international standards, it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as British Standards, unless otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international standards through its Library and its Technical Help to Exporters Service. Various BSI electronic information services are also available which give details on all its products and services. Contact the Information Centre. Tel: 020 8996 7111. Fax: 020 8996 7048. Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards. For details of these and other benefits contact Membership Administration. Tel: 020 8996 7002. Fax: 020 8996 7001. Copyright Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of the publications of the international standardization bodies. Except as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means ± electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise ± without prior written permission from BSI. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior written permission of BSI must be obtained. If permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager. Tel: 020 8996 7070. L i c e n s e d C o p y : l b o c v z r l b o c v z r , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 0 2 , U n c o n t r o l l e d C o p y , ( c ) B S I 060.040. 21. (c) BSI The European Standard EN 1515-1:1999 has the status of a British Standard ICS March 24.BRITISH STANDARD Flanges and their joints Ð Bolting Ð Part 1: Selection of bolting Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. Uncontrolled Copy. 23.60 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BS EN 1515-1:2000 . 2002. an inside front cover. was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 February 2000 © BSI 02-2000 Amendments issued since publication Amd. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee PSE/15. or proposals for change. pages 2 to 9 and a back cover. Ð present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the interpretation. and keep the UK interests informed. the relevant sections of which will be withdrawn on 30 April 2000. Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. (c) BSI Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.1:1989 and BS 4882:1990. the EN title page. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled ªInternational Standards Correspondence Indexº.BS EN 1515-1:2000 National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 1515-1:1999. Date Comments ISBN 0 580 35750 3 . or by using the ªFindº facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Committee. No. Flanges. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. This British Standard. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover. 2002. Ð monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. Uncontrolled Copy. March 24. which has the responsibility to: Ð aid enquirers to understand the text. It partially supersedes BS 4504-3. 6&+( 1250 .&6    (1  1RYHPEHU  (QJOLVK YHUVLRQ )ODQJHV DQG WKHLU MRLQWV  %ROWLQJ  3DUW  6HOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ %ULGHV HW OHXUV DVVHPEODJHV  %RXORQQHULH  3DUWLH  6pOHFWLRQ GH OD ERXORQQHULH )ODQVFKH XQG LKUH 9HUELQGXQJHQ  6FKUDXEHQ XQG 0XWWHUQ  7HLO  $XVZDKO YRQ 6FKUDXEHQ XQG 0XWWHUQ 7KLV (XURSHDQ 6WDQGDUG ZDV DSSURYHG E\ &(1 RQ  6HSWHPEHU  &(1 PHPEHUV DUH ERXQG WR FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH &(1&(1(/(& .(8523($1 67$1'$5' 1250( (8523e(11( (8523b.QWHUQDO 5HJXODWLRQV ZKLFK VWLSXODWH WKH FRQGLWLRQV IRU JLYLQJ WKLV (XURSHDQ 6WDQGDUG WKH VWDWXV RI D QDWLRQDO VWDQGDUG ZLWKRXW DQ\ DOWHUDWLRQ 8SWRGDWH OLVWV DQG ELEOLRJUDSKLFDO UHIHUHQFHV FRQFHUQLQJ VXFK QDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV PD\ EH REWDLQHG RQ DSSOLFDWLRQ WR WKH &HQWUDO 6HFUHWDULDW RU WR DQ\ &(1 PHPEHU 7KLV (XURSHDQ 6WDQGDUG H[LVWV LQ WKUHH RIILFLDO YHUVLRQV (QJOLVK )UHQFK *HUPDQ. 2002.77(( )25 67$1'$5'.FHODQG .7(( )h5 125081* &HQWUDO 6HFUHWDULDW UXH GH 6WDVVDUW  % %UXVVHOV ‹  &(1 $OO ULJKWV RI H[SORLWDWLRQ LQ DQ\ IRUP DQG E\ DQ\ PHDQV UHVHUYHG ZRUOGZLGH IRU &(1 QDWLRQDO 0HPEHUV 5HI 1R (1  ( .21 (8523b.21 &20. (c) BSI (8523($1 &200.UHODQG .6&+(6 . $ YHUVLRQ LQ DQ\ RWKHU ODQJXDJH PDGH E\ WUDQVODWLRQ XQGHU WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI D &(1 PHPEHU LQWR LWV RZQ ODQJXDJH DQG QRWLILHG WR WKH &HQWUDO 6HFUHWDULDW KDV WKH VDPH VWDWXV DV WKH RIILFLDO YHUVLRQV &(1 PHPEHUV DUH WKH QDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV ERGLHV RI $XVWULD %HOJLXP &]HFK 5HSXEOLF 'HQPDUN )LQODQG )UDQFH *HUPDQ\ *UHHFH . March 24.6$7.=$7.LQJGRP Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. Uncontrolled Copy.7e (8523e(1 '( 1250$/.WDO\ /X[HPERXUJ 1HWKHUODQGV 1RUZD\ 3RUWXJDO 6SDLQ 6ZHGHQ 6ZLW]HUODQG DQG 8QLWHG .20. 3DJH  (1  &RQWHQWV )RUHZRUG  6FRSH  1RUPDWLYH 5HIHUHQFHV  6HOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ W\SHV  6HOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ PDWHULDOV  7HFKQLFDO FRQGLWLRQV RI GHOLYHU\ $QQH[ $ QRUPDWLYH.  6WXG EROWV WKUHDGHG IXOO OHQJWK $QQH[ % LQIRUPDWLYH. 1 Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr.QWHUQDO 5HJXODWLRQV WKH QDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGV RUJDQL]DWLRQV RI WKH IROORZLQJ FRXQWULHV DUH ERXQG WR LPSOHPHQW WKLV (XURSHDQ 6WDQGDUG $XVWULD %HOJLXP &]HFK 5HSXEOLF 'HQPDUN )LQODQG )UDQFH *HUPDQ\ *UHHFH . 2002. (TXLYDOHQW EROWLQJ PDWHULDOV 3DJH         )RUHZRUG 7KLV (XURSHDQ 6WDQGDUG KDV EHHQ SUHSDUHG E\ 7HFKQLFDO &RPPLWWHH &(17&  )ODQJHV DQG WKHLU MRLQWV WKH 6HFUHWDULDW RI ZKLFK LV KHOG E\ '. March 24. (c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ncontrolled Copy.FHODQG .  .W VSHFLILHV VWDQGDUGV IRU GLPHQVLRQV PDWHULDOV DQG WHFKQLFDO FRQGLWLRQV RI GHOLYHU\ IRU EROWV VWXG EROWV DQG QXWV . SU(1  LV LQ SUHSDUDWLRQ ZKHUHDV SU(1  DQG SU(1  DUH SXEOLFO\ DYDLODEOH ‹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icensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr.62  0HFKDQLFDO SURSHUWLHV RI FRUURVLRQUHVLVWDQW VWDLQOHVV VWHHO IDVWHQHUV  3DUW   %ROWV VFUHZV DQG VWXGV . (c) BSI (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1  (1 .62 . 2002. March 24. Uncontrolled Copy. (1 .62 .62  0HFKDQLFDO SURSHUWLHV RI FRUURVLRQUHVLVWDQW VWDLQOHVV VWHHO IDVWHQHUV  3DUW   1XWV . 62 JHQHUDO SXUSRVH PHWULF VFUHZ WKUHDGV  *HQHUDO SODQ . .  .62 JHQHUDO SXUSRVH PHWULF VFUHZ WKUHDGV ± 7ROHUDQFHV  3DUW  /LPLWV RI VL]HV IRU JHQHUDO SXUSRVH H[WHUQDO DQG LQWHUQDO VFUHZ WKUHDGV  0HGLXP TXDOLW\ ‹%6.62  .62  . W LV QHFHVVDU\ WKDW DOO RWKHU VHUYLFH FRQGLWLRQV VXFK DV IOXLGV DUH WDNHQ LQWR DFFRXQW E\ WKH XVHU RI WKH VWDQGDUG 7DEOH  7\SHV RI EROWLQJ 'LPHQVLRQDO VWDQGDUG %ROWV 1XWV 6WXG EROWV (1  (1  0DWHULDO RU SURSHUW\ FODVV    $OO $OO 5HPDUNV +H[DJRQ KHDG EROW (1  $QQH[ $ RI WKLV VWDQGDUG .3DJH  (1   6HOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ W\SHV 7KH VHOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ W\SHV VSHFLILHG LQ 7DEOH  LV EDVHG RQ WKH PDWHULDO . (1  (1  . (1  (1  . (c) BSI 6HOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ PDWHULDOV 7KH VHOHFWLRQ RI EROWLQJ PDWHULDOV VSHFLILHG LQ 7DEOH  LV EDVHG RQ 31 RU &ODVV DQG WKH DOORZDEOH WHPSHUDWXUH . Uncontrolled Copy. 2002.W LV QHFHVVDU\ WKDW DOO RWKHU VHUYLFH FRQGLWLRQV VXFK DV IOXLG DUH WDNHQ LQWR DFFRXQW E\ WKH XVHU RI WKLV VWDQGDUG 7DEOH  0DWHULDOV DQG VHUYLFH OLPLWV /LQH 1R 31 &ODVV XS WR        31  &O  7HPSH UDWXUH UDQJH ƒ& &6W &6W &6W &6W &&U0R &&U0R &&U0R 7\SH RI PDWHULDO EROWV &6W &6W &6W &6W &6W HOHY WHPS &6W HOHY WHPS &U1L QXWV 6WHHO GHVLJQDWLRQ QDPH RU SURSHUW\ FODVV 6WHHO GHVLJQDWLRQ QXPEHU 0DWHULDO VWDQGDUG EROWV QXWV   (1    (1    (1    (1  &U0R  (1  &U0R  (1  &U0R  (1    (1    (1    (1    (1  &(  (1  &(  (1  $ $  (1 . March 24.62  FRQWLQXHG  WR  31  . +H[DJRQ KHDG EROW 6WXG EROW WKUHDGHG IXOO OHQJWK 1XWV LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK (1  DUH QRUPDOO\ XVHG IRU LQGXVWULDO SODQWV )RU VL]HV ˜ 0 QXWV ZLWK P G DUH UHFRPPHQGHG  Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr.  &O  WR  31  .  &O  WR  31  .  &O  WR  $OO  WR  $OO  WR  $OO  WR  ‹%6.  . 7DEOH  FRQFOXGHG. /LQH 1R 31 &ODVV XS WR        $OO $OO $OO $OO $OO $OO $OO 7HPSH UDWXUH UDQJH ƒ&  WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR   WR  .  WR   WR  . &U1L0R  (1  .&U1L  (1  .1L&U7L0R9%   (1  .62  $  (1 . 7\SH RI PDWHULDO EROWV &&U0R QXWV &&U0R 3DJH  (1  6WHHO GHVLJQDWLRQ QDPH RU SURSHUW\ FODVV 6WHHO GHVLJQDWLRQ QXPEHU 0DWHULDO VWDQGDUG EROWV QXWV &U0R  (1  &U0R  (1  &U0R  (1  &U0R  (1  &U0R9  (1  &U0R97L%  (1  . Uncontrolled Copy. March 24. (c) BSI        $OO 31  &O  31  &O  31  &O  31  &O  31  &O  31  &O  31  &O  31  &O    .&U1L  (1  Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr.62  $  (1 .&U1L0R  (1  .62  .&U1L0R%1E  (1  $  (1 . 2002.62  $  (1 . . &U1L0R  (1  &U1L0R &U1L0R .62  &U1L0R &U1L0R .62  &U1L0R &U1L0R $  (1 .1L&U7L0R9% 0R9% 0R9%   (1  &U1L0R &U1L0R .&U1L0R%1E %1E %1E  (1  &U1L0R &U1L0R $  (1 .&U1L $7& $7&  (1  8S WR 31  IRU WHPSHUDWXUH XS WR  ƒ& $OORZDEOH VWUHVVHV IRU HOHYDWHG WHPSHUDWXUHV PD\ EH WDNHQ IURP WKH PDWHULDO LQ $7 FRQGLWLRQ DV QR VWUHVVHV H[LVW IRU WKH FROG ZRUNHG FRQGLWLRQ ‹%6.&U1L0R $7& $7&  (1  &U1L &U1L .  .62  &U1L &U1L $  (1 .&U1L  (1  &U1L &U1L .62  &U1L &U1L $  (1 . &U0R  (1  &&U1L0R &&U0R &U1L0R  (1  &&U &&U0R &U0R 0R  (1  &&U &&U0R &U0R9 0R9  (1  &&U &&U &U0R9 0R9 0R9  (1  &&U0R &&U0R &U0R97L% 97L% 97L%  (1  1L&U7L 1L&U7L . (c) BSI ‹%6.  .3DJH  (1   7HFKQLFDO FRQGLWLRQV RI GHOLYHU\ 7KH WHFKQLFDO FRQGLWLRQV RI GHOLYHU\ DUH LQFOXGHG LQ WKH VWDQGDUGV JLYHQ IRU WKH EROWLQJ DQG WKH PDWHULDOV Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. March 24. 2002. Uncontrolled Copy. 3DJH  (1  $QQH[ $ QRUPDWLYH. 2002.  .62  WROHUDQFH FODVV J 7\SH RI WKUHDG LV HLWKHU FRDUVH WKUHDG RU DERYH 0 ILQH WKUHDG ZLWK  PP SLWFK 7KH W\SH RI WKUHDG VKDOO EH VHOHFWHG E\ WKH XVHU )LQH WKUHDG DERYH 0 LV QRUPDOO\ XVHG IRU LQGXVWULDO SODQWV FRDUVH WKUHDG XS WR DQG LQFOXGLQJ 0 LV QRUPDOO\ XVHG IRU ZDWHU VHUYLFH Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. Uncontrolled Copy.62  . 6WXG EROWV WKUHDGHG IXOO OHQJWK 6WXG EROWV VKDOO EH WKUHDGHG IXOO OHQJWK 7KH SRLQWV VKDOO EH FKDPIHUUHG RU URXQGHG DW WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU¶V RSWLRQ 7KH KHLJKW RI SRLQW VKDOO EH D PD[LPXP RQH WLPHV WKH SLWFK RI WKUHDG 7KH OHQJWK RI VWXG EROWV KDV WR EH PHDVXUHG LQFOXGLQJ SRLQWV 7KH OHQJWKV DUH VWHSSHG E\ LQFUHPHQWV RI  PP IRU OHQJWKV XS WR  PP E\ LQFUHPHQWV RI  PP IRU OHQJWKV DERYH  PP DQG XS WR  PP DQG E\ LQFUHPHQWV RI  PP IRU OHQJWKV DERYH  PP 7KUHDG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK . March 24. (c) BSI ‹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Uncontrolled Copy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c) BSI %ROW 1XW %ROW %ROW 1XW .&U1L0R7L    '.1  %0 &/ $670 $ $670 $ %0 &/ $670 $ $670 $ 0 $670 $ % &/ $670 $ $670 $ % &/ $670 $ $670 $  $670 $ Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. 1) (1 .1    .1 (1 .1    .&U1L  '. March 24. Uncontrolled Copy.62   =&1' 1) ( =&1' (FURXL 1) ( =&1' 1) ( =&1 1) ( =&1 (FURXL 1) ( =&1 1) ( .62  '.&U1L0R7L    '. 2002.1  . .  . (7 VHUYLFH DW HOHYDWHG WHPSHUDWXUHV /7 VHUYLFH DW ORZ WHPSHUDWXUHV %6  %6  1) ( 1) ( DQG 1) ( PD\ DOVR EH XVHG ‹%6. Tel: 020 8996 9001. In response to orders for international standards. unless otherwise requested. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. BSI also holds the copyright. Tel: 020 8996 7002. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copyright Manager. the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing agreement. it is BSI policy to supply the BSI implementation of those that have been published as British Standards. 2002. international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services. type or grade designations.BS EN 1515-1:2000 Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr. Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions. 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Except as permitted under the Copyright. Contact the Information Centre. in the course of implementing the standard. Various BSI electronic information services are also available which give details on all its products and services. Uncontrolled Copy. recording or otherwise ± without prior written permission from BSI. It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national.


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