Bridge Bearing

June 7, 2018 | Author: Kabbilawsh Peruvazhuthi | Category: Bearing (Mechanical), Bending, Structural Steel, Friction, Stress (Mechanics)
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Bridge BearingsPREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The book ‘Bearings for Railway Bridges’ was first published in 1996. The book had been well taken by the field engineers as this was perhaps the first book exclusively devoted on bridge bearings. A need was felt to revise the book thoroughly in view of the fact that numerous developments have taken place in the field of bearings. New types of bearings are being conceived and tried on the bridges. These are aimed at mitigating the problems arising out of increased seismic activities and longitudinal forces. On existing bridges, these types of bearings have proved to be a boon because the substructure can be retained merely by replacing the conventional bearings with these new bearings in order to cater for the higher longitudinal forces on account of introduction of higher axle loads. A revised & enlarged edition of the book has been compiled by Shri Ghansham Bansal, Professor/Bridges. A new chapter on ‘Emerging trends in bearings’ has been added which incorporates the new types of bearings which are being used in advanced countries. Sample design problems have been incorporated in the chapters of ‘Elastomeric Bearings’ & ‘POT- PTFE Bearings’ for better understanding of the subject. Although every effort has been made to bring out the latest and present the book in error free manner, yet if there is any suggestion or discrepancy, kindly do write to us. Shiv Kumar Director ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of the book ‘Bearings for Railway Bridges’ published in 1996 was very popular among the field engineers probably because this was the first book available exclusively on bearings for railway bridges. Shri S.M. Vaidya, Ex. Professor/Bridges, IRICEN had made great efforts in publishing the first edition. Nevertheless, with numerous developments taking place in this field, there was a crying need to bring out the latest on the subject. In this second enlarged and revised edition, a new chapter on ‘Emerging trends in bearings’ has been added to incorporate the new types of bearings. In addition to this, design of POT- PTFE bearings has been dealt in greater detail with one sample design problem for better understanding. Likewise, one sample design problem has also been included for Elastomeric bearings. The critical steps have been explained with the help of sketches and derivation of formulae. Many a times, due to increased longitudinal loads on account of traffic as well as seismic activities, the bridge substructures constructed in the past with conventional bearings are found to be inadequate. New types of bearings like ‘Shock Transmission Units’ and ‘Seismic Isolation Bearings’ have come to the rescue of bridge engineers and the same old substructures, thus, can be retained by provision of these new bearings. Efforts have been made to make the book more useful for the field as well as the design engineers. In this effort, the IRICEN faculty and staff have contributed immensely, notably among them are Mrs. Lata Sridhar, Mr. Ganesh and Mr. Sunil Pophale. In fact, Shri Ajit Pandit, Ex. Dean/IRICEN had initiated the idea of updating this book, which was taken to its logical end. I am also thankful to Shri A.K. Yadav, Senior Professor Bridges for proof-checking and valuable suggestions. Above all, the author is grateful to Shri Shiv Kumar, Director/ IRICEN for his initiative, encouragement and necessary guidance for the publication. Ghansham Bansal Professor Bridges ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO THE FIRST EDITION While covering the subject of Bridge Bearings during various courses at IRICEN the absence of a document covering all aspects of different types of bridge bearings was acutely felt. Information on bridge bearings is available in various technical literatures but it is scattered. This IRICEN publication is a result of the desire to fill the gap and produce a documentation which would be useful for all practicing civil engineers on Indian Railways. Even though the publication is primarily aimed at Railway engineers, the basic concepts are equally applicable to road bridges also. It would not be out of place to acknowledge the support and assistance rendered by IRICEN faculty and staff in the above efforts. Shri N.L. Nadgouda, Associate Professor has contributed immensely by his experience of handling steel bridges. Word processing of the manuscript and numerous editings thereof has been done by Mrs. Lata Sridhar. The drawing staff of IRICEN have assisted in preparation of the drawings. Above all the author is greatful to Shri Vinod Kumar, Director IRICEN for his encouragement and guidance for improving the document. S.M. VAIDYA PROF. BRIDGES 1 FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION The subject of bridge bearing is of considerable importance to the field engineers who are engaged in construction and mainte- nance of railway bridges. Trainee officers have often expressed the need for a comprehensive documentation on this subject. It is hoped that this booklet will fulfil this need and disseminate the knowledge and experience on this subject to the field offi- cials. This book has been prepared by Professor S.M. Vaidya of this Institute. If there are any suggestions for improving the book or if any error/discrepancy is noticed in its contents, kindly write to the undersigned. Vinod Kumar Director IRICEN/Pune PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Indian Railways are custodians of one of the largest bridge stock under one management with more than 1,15,000 bridges on the rail network. It is important to construct new bridges with highest standard of quality and to maintain them for smooth movement of railway traffic. Bridge bearings play a very important role in keeping the bridge structure in good health. Tradionally, Indian Railways have been using steel girder bridges and steel bearings. With the advent of new technology, RCC and PSC bridges along with elastomeric and PTFE bearings are gradually replacing steel bridges and conventional bearings. The bridge engineers require a comprehensive document deal- ing with all facets of bridge bearings to facilitate procurement, installation and maintenance of the same. I am glad that IRICEN is bringing out this book exclusively dealing with bridge bearings. I hope that this publication will be very useful to all civil engineers with the objective of maintaining the bridges in good condition. V. K. AGNIHOTRI MEMBER ENGINEERING RAILWAY BOARD NEW DELHI viii CONTENTS CHAPTER - 1 GENERAL 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Classification of Bearings 4 1.2.1 Degree of Freedom 4 1.2.2 Material Used 5 1.2.3 Types of Bearings 6 1.3 Selection of Bearings 11 1.3.1 Functional Requirement 11 1.3.2 Expected Life 11 1.3.3 Maintenance Efforts 11 1.3.4 Cost 14 1.3.5 Other Factors 14 1.4 Minimizing the Requirement of Bearings 15 CHAPTER - 2 SLIDING BEARINGS 2.1 General 18 2.2 Different Type of Sliding Bearing 18 2.3 Parts 20 CHAPTER - 3 ROCKER & ROLLER BEARINGS 3.1 General 23 3.1.1 Parts 23 3.1.2 Connections 25 3.1.3 Segmental Rollers 26 3.1.4 Oil Baths 27 3.2 Design Aspects 29 3.3 Installation 34 ix CHAPTER - 4 MAINTENANCE OF STEEL BEARINGS 4.1 General 38 4.1.1 Lifting of Girders 38 4.1.2 Cleaning and Greasing of Steel Sliding Bearings 42 4.1.3 Cleaning and Greasing of Rocker & Roller Bearings of Open Web Through Girders 44 4.1.4 Method of Greasing 45 CHAPTER - 5 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS 5.1 General 47 5.2 Properties of Elastomer 48 5.3 Behaviour of Elastomeric Bearings 51 5.4 Types of Elastomeric Bearings 55 5.5 Design of Elastomeric Bearings 56 5.5.1 Flow Table of Design 56 5.5.2 Input Data Required 59 5.5.3 Output Expected 59 5.6 Manufacture and Quality Control 60 5.6.1 Properties of Elastomer 60 5.6.2 Dimensional Tolerances 60 5.7 Inspection and Testing 62 5.7.1 Lot Size 62 5.7.2 Level 1 Accpetance Testing 63 5.7.3 Level 2 Acceptance Testing 71 5.7.4 Inspection and Quality Control Certificate 71 5.8 Installation 74 5.8.1 General Guidelines 74 5.8.2 Process of Installation 76 5.9 Periodical Inspection and Maintenance 77 5.10 Elastomeric Bearings in Aid of Old Substructures 78 x 5.11 Anti-Slip Devices 81 5.12 Sample Design Problem for Elastomeric Bearings 84 CHAPTER - 6 POT BEARINGS 6.1 General 93 6.2 POT-PTFE Bearing vs Elastomeric Bearing 94 6.3 Properties of PTFE 95 6.4 Permissible Bearing Pressure on PTFE 100 6.5 Other Recommendations for Design 101 of PTFE Sliding Bearing 6.6 Design Aspects 103 6.7 Installation of POT Bearings 105 6.8 Design Specifications for POT-PTFE Bearings 107 6.9 Design of POT- PTFE Bearings 113 6.10 Design of Guides 119 6.11 Design of Anchoring Arrangement 120 6.12 Sample Design problem for POT-PTFE Bearings 122 CHAPTER - 7 EMERGING TRENDS IN BEARINGS 7.1 General 131 7.2 Shock Transmission Unit 131 7.2.1 Description 133 7.2.2 Advantages 134 7.2.3 Limitations 134 7.2.4 STU on second Bassein Creek Road 135 Bridge, Mumbai. Type 136 Cost 136 Basic Requirement of Design 136 Critical Factors in Design 137 xi 7.2.5 Load Testing of STU 137 7.2.6 Installation of STU 138 7.3 Seismic Isolation Bearings 139 7.3.1 Types of Seismic Isolation Bearing 140 xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials BM Bending Movement BS British Standard BSC Bridge Standards Committee CDA Coefficient of Dynamic Augment DL Dead Load EUDL Equivalent Uniformly Distributed Load HMLS Heavy Mineral Loading Standards IIBE Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers IRC Indian Road Congress IRHD International Rubber Hardness Degrees IRS Indian Railways Specification IS Indian Standards KN Kilo Newton LF Longitudinal Force LL Live Load LUD Lock Up Device LWR Long Welded Rail MBG Modified Broad Gauge MPa Mega Pascal MS Mild Steel ORE Office of Research and Experimentation PSC Pre-stressed Concrete PTFE Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene RBG Revised Broad Gauge RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete RDSO Research Design and Standards Organisation SEJ Switch Expansion Joint xiii SIB Seismic Isolation Bearing STU Shock Transmission Unit UIC International Union of Railways (Translated from French) xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS ζ α = Shear stress in elastomer due to rotation ζ h = Shear stress in elastomer due to horizontal force ζ p = Shear stress in elastomer due to compressive force σ b = Permissible bearing pressure in Bed block material σ m = Max. Permissible pressure in elastomer σ s = Permissible tensile stress in the steel plate σ min = Minimum stress in elastomer σ max = Maximum stress in elastomer α c = Rotation under effect of slow acting loads α s = Rotation under effect of quick acting loads a = length of the bearing along the span b = width of the bearing across the span B = width of the girder/beam E a = Modulus of elasticity of elastomer e i = Compression of elastomeric layer f ck = Grade of concrete G = Shear modulus of elastomer H c = Slowly applied horizontal load H s = Quickly applied horizontal load n = number of layers of elastomer P c = Slowly applied normal (vertical) load P s = Quickly applied normal (vertical) load S = Shape factor of elastomer h i = thickness of each layer of elastomer xv h = Total thickness of elastomer t s = Thickness of steel plate in the elastomeric bearing U c = Horizontal movement due to slow acting load U s = Horizontal movement due to quick acting load D 1, D 2 = Diameter of contact surfaces in roller bearings 1 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1.1 INTRODUCTION A bridge is assumed to be made up of two major parts namely, superstructure and substructure. Superstructure consists of track structure, girder/ truss and bearing. Substructure consists of bed block, pier or abutment and foundation as shown in Fig. 1.1. FIG. 1.1 PARTS OF BRIDGE Thus, a bridge bearing is an element of superstructure which provides an interface between the superstructure and substructure. This interface is vital because superstructure undergoes dimensional changes and deformations due to various factors which are listed as follows: TRACK STRUCTURE GIRDER BEARING BED BLOCK PIER / ABUTMENT FOUNDATION } } SUPER STRUCTURE SUB STRUCTURE ↑ ↓ ↑ ↓ 2 a) Thermal expansion/contraction b) Elastic deformation under live load c) Seismic forces d) Creep and shrinkage of concrete e) Settlement of supports f) Longitudinal forces - tractive/ breaking g) Wind loads. Most of these movements are bi-directional but some, like creep of concrete may result in irreversible unidirectional movement. The magnitude of these movements depends upon a number of factors like span of the bridge, magnitude of loads, extent of temperature variation etc. If the movement between the superstructure and substructure are not allowed to take place freely, large amount of forces may develop in the girder or the substructure. If the ability to move is not built into the bridge (span), it will push the supports until it achieves the freedom required and in the process causing damage to the supports. It is, therefore, necessary to permit relative movement between the girders and the substructure. Since the bearing is introduced between superstructure and substructure for acco- mmodating the various permitted movements, it has to transfer the entire load from superstructure to the substructure of bridge. We can say that ‘Bearings’ assume the functionality of a bridge by allowing translation and rotation to occur while supporting the vertical loads. In nutshell, the 3 various functions of bearings can be summarised as given below: (1) To allow the permitted’ movements. (2) To prevent the ‘not permitted’ undesirable movements. (3) To transfer the load from superstructure to substructure. The ‘permitted’ and ‘not permitted’ movements in the bridge in relation to bearing can be better appreciated if we analyse the degree of freedom in 3-D as shown in Fig. 1.2. FIG. 1.2 DEGREE OF FREEDOM IN 3-D In the era of stone and brick masonry bridges, the spans were limited and the superstructures used to be massive, primarily developing only compressive stresses under the loading conditions. Such bridges did not need special bearings since the movements were very small. ACROSS TRACK ALONG TRACK VERTICAL PERMITTED MOVEMENT NON-PERMITTED MOVEMENT ACROSS TRACK VERTICAL ALONG TRACK 4 With the advent of steel, RCC and PSC for construction of bridges, the spans became large and the girders longer. The longer spans coupled with higher elastic deformations led to the need for and development of various forms of bridge bearings. 1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF BEARINGS Bearings can be classified depending upon a) Degree of freedom b) Material used These are discussed below. 1.2.1 Degree of freedom : There are possible 6 degrees of freedom at any support as described earlier. These are translation in three directions and rotation about these three axes. A bearing may permit movement in any of these 6 degrees of freedom or in none. During the structural design of the bridge girders, each support point is idealised in a specific manner by the design engineer. The bearing has to fulfill this assumption. Translation can be permitted by the following modes of action : i) by sliding action ii) by rolling action iii) by shearing strain iv) by racker and pinion devices (gears) 5 Rotation can be permitted by the following modes: i) by rocking/hinge action ii) by differential compression (as in elastomeric pads) iii) by bending/ flexure (as in tall piers, portals) Therefore based upon degree of freedom requirements, different degree of freedom can be given at the support point and bearings may be classified as: (1) Fixed - Translation not permitted, Rotation permitted (2) Free - Translation permitted, Rotation permitted (3) Rocker & Roller - Roller end free, Rocker end fixed 1.2.2 Material used : A number of different materials have been used for making bearings such as steel of various types, phosphor bronze, synthetic material like rubber (elastomer) and PTFE etc. Out of these materials steel, rubber and PTFE are the most commonly used materials, today, for bearings. In certain forms of bearings, a combination of two materials is also used. Table 1.1 lists various materials used in fabrication and installation of bridge bearings. 6 TABLE 1.1 MATERIALS USED IN BRIDGE BEARINGS Material Components of bearing where material used 1) Steel a) Plates-MS, HTS, Stainless steel b) Cast and forged products c) Gears d) Anchor bolts, rivets, pins etc. 2) Bronze a) Sliding plates b) Bushings 3) Synthetic a) Elastomer materials b) PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) 4) Other a) Concrete materials b) Wood and timber 5) Lubricants a) Graphite b) Grease, oils and silicones 6) Packing a) Lead sheets and levelling b) Bitumen impregnated felt pads materials c) Cement / Epoxy grouts 1.2.3 Types of bearings : Based upon degree of freedom and types of materials used, the various types of bearings used on bridges are shown in Fig. 1.3 to 1.13. 7 OUTER BEARING PLATES SLIDING SURFACE FIG. 1.3 PLAIN SLIDING BEARING OUTER BEARING PLATES ROLLERS OUTER BEARING PLATES CIRCULAR ROLLER FIG. 1.4 SINGLE ROLLER BEARING FIG. 1.5 MULTIPLE ROLLER BEARING OUTER BEARING PLATES CIRCULAR ROLLER ROLLERS OUTER BEARING PLATES OUTER BEARING PLATES SLIDING SURFACE 8 OUTER BEARING PLATE PIN OUTER BEARING PLATES PIN LEAVES O R OUTER BEARING PLATES FIG. 1.6 KNUCKLE PIN BEARING FIG. 1.7 LINEAR ROCKER BEARING FIG. 1.8 KNUCKLE LEAF BEARING S OUTER BEARING PLATES OUTER BEARING PLATES OUTER BEARING PLATES PIN CYLINDRICAL ROCKER CYLINDRICAL ROCKER PIN LEAVES 9 PISTON POT ELASTOMER SEAL OUTER BEARING PLATE OUTER BEARING PLATES SPHERICAL ROCKER FIG. 1.9 POT BEARING FIG. 1.10 SPHERICAL KNUCKLE BEARING FIG. 1.11 POINT ROCKER BEARING S ELASTOMER PISTON POT SEAL OUTER BEARING PLATES OUTER BEARING PLATES SPHERICAL ROCKER 10 OUTER BEARING PLATES FIG. 1.13 CYLINDRICAL KNUCKLE BEARING OUTER BEARING PLATES ELASTOMER STEEL REINFORCING PLATES FIG. 1.12 REINFORCED ELASTOMER BEARING ELASTOMER STEEL REINFORCING PLATES 11 1.3 SELECTION OF BEARINGS For a given bridge structure there could be a number of different solutions for providing bearings. However, in each case there will be one most appropriate choice of the bearing. The selection will depend on a number of factors. These are listed and discussed below: 1.3.1 Functional Requirement : The bearing must fulfill the functional requirement in terms of permitted movements, load bearing and load transmission. The various functions performed by different types of bearings are reproduced in Table 1.2 from BS: 5400 part-IX. Table 1.3 may also be referred for selection of bearings as this table gives load ranges and movement capacities of various types of bearings. 1.3.2 Expected life : An attempt should be made to select a bearing whose expected life is compatible with that of the bridge itself. Failing this, replacement of the bearing will have to be planned for during the life of the bridge. It should however be acknowledged that any scheme for replacement of bearings will invariably require suspension of traffic, which is very costly and troublesome. 1.3.3 Maintenance efforts : The importance of proper functioning of the bearing for the health of bridge can not be overemphasized. In many cases, the bearing is not in a easily accessible position. It is, therefore, preferable to opt for a bearing which requires minimum maintenance effort. Bearings 12 T y p e o f b e a r i n g T r a n s l a t i o n p e r m i t t e d R o t a t i o n p e r m i t t e d L o a d i n g r e s i s t e d L o n g i t u d i n a l T r a n s v e r s e L o n g i t u d i n a l 1 T r a n s v e r s e 2 P l a n V e r t i c a l L o n g i t u d i n a l T r a n s v e r s e R o l l e r S i n g l e c y l i n d r i c a l ! X ! X X ! X S M u l t i p l e c y l i n d r i c a l ! X X X X ! X S N o n - c y l i n d r i c a l ! X ! X X ! X S R o c k e r L i n e a r X X ! X X ! ! S P o i n t X X ! ! ! ! ! ! K n u c k l e P i n X X ! X X ! ! S L e a f X X ! X X ! ! ! C y l i n d r i c a l X S ! X X ! ! S S p h e r i c a l X X ! ! ! ! ! ! P l a n e S l i d i n g ! ! X X X ! ! S E l a s t o m e r i c U n r e i n f o r c e d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! l a m i n a t e d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! P o t X X ! ! S ! ! ! G u i d e L o n g i t u d i n a l ! X ! S X X X ! T r a n s v e r s e X ! S ! X X ! X K e y : !! !! ! s u i t a b l e X n o t s u i t a b l e S S p e c i a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n r e q u i r e d N o t e : 1 . R o t a t i o n a b o u t t r a n s v e r s e a x i s . 2 . R o t a t i o n a b o u t l o n g i t u d i n a l a x i s . T A B L E 1 . 2 F U N C T I O N S P E R F O R M E D B Y D I F F E R E N T T Y P E S O F B R I D G E B E R A I N G S 13 S N T A B L E 1 . 3 G U I D E L I N E S F O R S E L E C T I O N O F B R I D G E B E A R I N G S T y p e o f b e a r i n g V e r t i c a l l o a d r e c o m e n d e d r a n g e ( K N ) M o v e m e n t c a p a c i t y ‘ ‘ O n e W a y ’ ’ ( m m ) R o t a t i o n i n r a d i a n s S e i s m i c p e r f o r - m a n c e M a i n t e n a n c e r e q u i r e m e n t H o r i z o n t a l * f o r c e o n s u p p o r t s ( % o f s u p e r s t r u c t u r e d e a d l o a d ) B e a r i n g h e i g h t a p p r o x . r a n g e ( m m ) T y p i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n S t r a i g h t C u r v e d S t e e l C o n c . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S t e e l r o l l e r S t e e l S l i d i n g P o t D i s c S p h e r i c a l P l a i n E l a s t o m e r i c L a m i n a t e d e l a s t o m e r i c 6 0 0 t o 2 6 6 0 2 0 0 t o 1 3 3 0 2 0 0 t o 1 7 8 0 0 4 0 0 t o 1 7 8 0 0 8 0 0 t o 2 6 7 0 0 1 0 0 t o 4 5 0 3 0 0 t o 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 5 N o l i m i t N o l i m i t N o l i m i t 1 0 6 0 0 . 1 9 0 . 0 8 0 . 0 4 0 . 0 4 N e g l i g i b l e 0 . 0 2 5 P o o r P o o r G o o d G o o d G o o d G o o d G o o d 3 1 5 3 t o 5 3 t o 5 5 t o 1 0 3 t o 1 2 3 t o 1 2 M a x i m u m M a x i m u m M i n i m u m M i n i m u m M i n i m u m N o n e N o n e 3 6 0 t o 6 6 0 5 0 t o 1 0 0 6 0 t o 1 8 0 6 0 t o 1 8 0 1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 1 0 t o 2 0 9 1 0 t o 2 0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - - ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - - - - ! ! ! ! ! 14 with moveable parts require greater maintenance effort as well as those made of steel due to the possibility of corrosion, and consequent freezing of the bearing. 1.3.4. Cost : The capital cost includes cost of design, fabrication and installation of bearing. Generally, this will be a fraction of the cost of the bridge. As such, the initial cost alone should not be a consideration in choice of the bearing. Many bearings which had attractive initial cost proved to be a liability later on during maintainance. Therefore, life cycle cost should be the criteria for selection of bearing. 1.3.5 Other factors : Factors which may be relevant in our quest for the most suitable bearing are: a) Height of the bearing : This may be critical in case of regirdering works where maintaining existing rail / road level is the main constraint . b) Management of horizontal force transferred to the substructure : This is an important consideration while upgrading the load carrying capacity/gauge conversion works. The bridge rule stipulates that with properly designed elastomeric bearings, the dispersion of the longitudinal forces to the approaches can be increased from 25% to 35%. c) Performance under seismic loads : Some- times seismic consideration may alter the choice of bearing particularly in zone IV & V. 15 Having chosen the type of bearing for a given structure, the following guidelines may be followed in order to minimize the life cycle cost. i) Choose larger size of rollers in rocker & roller bearing, since smaller components are more prone to accumulating dust and moisture. A larger roller will overcome debris more easily than smaller roller. Larger components also facilitate inspection and maintenance. ii) For the material selected, specify the highest grade of mechanical properties and the strictest tolerance that can be practically attained. Maintenance efforts, thus, can be greatly reduced. These recommendations only underscore the fact that the initial cost is not a consideration for good bearing design and specification. 1.4 MINIMIZING THE REQUIREMENT OF BEARINGS Bearings are unavoidable evils. In bridges of very small spans, however, the bearings are not required e.g. in slab bridges. Here, the interface between the slab and the abutment-top or bed block functions as a ‘bearing’. The coefficient of friction between concrete and concrete can be taken as 0.50 to 0.60 depending upon the surface condition. Generally speaking, spans shorter than 9 m do not need bearings. 16 The various ways, which can be used to minimize the number of bearings are given below: 1. Adopt continuous construction through a number of spans. Superstructure is supported on the intermediate piers with one bearing on each pier. Thus the number of bearings on each pier is reduced by one half. 2. On long and tall piers, the bridge movement can be accommodated by flexible piers and thereby using fixed bearings only. The fixed bearings are relatively less problematic as compared to free bearings. 3. The superstructure and substructure can be made monolithic, thus totally eliminating the need for any bearings. In such type of multispan structures, the enti re movement i s accommodated at the abutments, where bearings capable of providing large movements are required.As per AASHTO specifications, in sliding bearings up to span 50 feet, no provision for deflection of the spans need be made. Excluding these special cases, all other forms of bridges require bearings. Though bearing is a tiny part of the bridge, both physically as well as costwise, the entire load is transmitted through it. Therefore, great attention must be paid on selection, design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of the bridge bearings. Theoretically, the bearings can be avoided for any type of bridge, but the design of substructure will 17 have to be modified to bear the entire loads. This modification will result into high cost of substructure. Therefore, provision of bearings is the economical solution. A bearing is a negligibly small part of a bridge and unfortunately the attention it receives from the engineers is also negligibly small. In fact, the importance of this small part should have been inversely proportional to its size, as the entire load is transmitted through this tiny component and any mis-behaviour of bearing may lead to catastrofic results both for substructure as well as superstructure. Therefore, selection, fabrica- tion, installation and maintenance of bearings should be on the top of list as far as the bridges are concerned. 18 CHAPTER 2 SLIDING BEARINGS 2.1 GENERAL A system of two plates, one sliding over the other makes one of the simplest type of bearings. These bearings permit translation in longitudinal and transverse directions, unless specifically restrained in any of these directions. No rotation is permitted unless specially provided in the form of articulation and only vertical loads are resisted / transmitted by these bearings. Common materials that have been used as sliding surfaces and their coefficients of friction are: a) Mild steel over mild steel - 0.2 to 0.3 b) Mild steel over phosphor bronze - 0.15 c) PTFE over stainless steel - less than 0.08 Generally, plain sliding bearings are provided where span is less than 30 m, because the movement capacity of these bearings is generally small. 2.2 DIFFERENT TYPES OF SLIDING BEARINGS There has always been an endeavor to reduce the coefficient of friction. The longitudinal force transmitted to substructure depends upon coefficient of friction. In an effort to reduce the 19 coefficient of friction, different materials have been tried and different types of sliding bearings have been created. These are as given below: (a) Steel over steel : Steel over steel sliding bearings transmit considerable horizontal force to the substructure because coefficient of friction is very large. In addition to the type of material the coefficient of friction also depends upon the condition of the contact surface. Bridge Rules stipulate that the coefficient of friction should be taken as 0.25 for the lubricated steel surface. Entrapment of dirt, debris and corrosion of steel plates can increase the coefficient of friction considerably, and in the limiting case it may cause the bearings to freeze. These bearings, therefore, require periodic cleaning and greasing so that the superstructure is allowed to expand/ contract freely without transmitting excessive longitudinal force to the substructure. (b) Steel and phosphor bronze : Since the coefficient of friction between steel and phosphor bronze is considerably low, it is advantageous to provide these in lieu of steel sliding bearings. Phosphor bronze bearings also require lesser maintenance than steel bearings as no greasing is required. This eliminates the need to jack up the girders for greasing operation. Moreover, use of the grease which attracts dust and sand particles is avoided. Only outside area (other than the contact area) needs to be cleaned. (c) Steel and PTFE : Use of PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) more widely known as Teflon 20 also offers many advantages. The coefficient of friction between PTFE and stainless steel is the lowest between any two materials within the normal temperature range. A peculiar feature of PTFE is that the coefficient of friction reduces as the applied load increases. The value of coefficient of friction at 5 MPa is 0.08 where as at 30 MPa the value reduces to 0.03, which is very close to rolling friction. Thus we are able to achieve near-rolling friction without having to maintain the rolling arrangements. PTFE is also hard, durable and possesses high chemical resistance. It is routinely used in POT bearings where very large translational movements, required for large span bridges can be achieved. 2.3 PARTS Stopper plates : When both ends of a span are supported on such sliding bearings, the girder may have a tendency to creep under the influence of predominantly unidirectional movement. To prevent the girders from falling off the bearings, stopper plates are provided. Guide strip : To regulate the movement of the girder in the correct alignment, guide strips are provided parallel to the span. Size of bearing plate : The size of the bearing plate is governed by the total vertical load (DL + LL + CDA) on the bearing and the allowable bearing stress in the bed block material. The sole plate of the bearing is directly connected to the girder by welding or countersunk rivets / bolts. The base or bed plate is held in position on the 21 bed block by anchor bolts. Since the sliding bearings do not allow free rotation, unequal distribution of load takes place due to the rotation/ deflection of the girder. This leads to stress concentration under the bearing towards inside of the span. There have been instances of failure of the bed block material due to this deflection. In order to overcome this deficiency, the inside edge of the top plate of the sliding bearing is chamfered. This is commonly known as the centralised articulated bearing. Fig. 2.1 shows a typical sketch of the standard centralised articulated bearing adopted on Indian Railways, These bearings are used in steel plate girders, composite girders and underslung girders. On a reference made by RDSO to British Railways it was learnt that the PTFE bearings are in use on British Railways since middle of seventies without any maintenance problems. The British Railways have provided these bearings in through type girder bridges of spans upto 40 m and concrete bridges of various types upto 90 m spans. Sliding bearings are the simplest type of bearings, used up to 30.5 m span girders. Their regular maintenance is very important, to keep a tab on friction otherwise the value of horizontal force transmitted to sub-structure will increase tremendously. It may so happen that the value of horizontal force becomes so large that cracks may develop at the bottom of bed block. Therefore, the frequency of lubrication has been prescribed as once in three years. It may be increased to once in two years in case track consisting of long welded rails is provided over the bridge. 22 CLEAR SPAN THEORETICAL SPAN OVERALL LENGTH PLATE GIRDER GENERAL ARRANGEMENT A - EXPANSION GAP 12 TO 20 mm B - INSTALLATION GAP 1.5 TO 2 mm NOTE: FOR ENSURING THESE GAPS, THE ANCHOR BOLTS SHOULD BE INSTALLED ACCURATELY IN PROPER POSITION. FIG. 2.1 CENTRALISED ARTICULATED BEARING LOCKING STRIP C.L. OF GIRDER BEARING PLATE ANCHORE BOLT GUIDE STRIP (ON OPPOSITE SIDE ON OTHER END OF GIRDER) PLAN A B S E C T I O N A T ' X X ' X X BEARING PLATES CSK RIVETS BEARING FLAT BEARING PLATE ELEVATION CSK RIVETS COUNTERSUNK RIVETS ← BED PLATE PLAN ← → 23 CHAPTER 3 ROCKER & ROLLER BEARINGS 3.1 GENERAL For railway bridges with spans in excess of 30.5m, where open web through girders are generally provided, the amount of movement needed and the vertical load transmitted through each bearing is too large to be catered by the sliding bearings. It is common, on Indian Railways, to provide rocker & roller bearings at the free end of open web through girders, and rocker bearings at the fixed end. A typical rocker and roller bearing for open web girders of 45.7 m span is shown in Fig. 3.1 & 3.2. The roller bearing consists of a base plate, two or more rollers and a top plate. The rocker & roller end is made by providing a saddle and knuckle plate on top of the rollers whereas the same arrangement except rollers is at the rocker end. The rocker & roller end of bearing permits translation as well as rotation, whereas the rocker end permits only rotation. 3.1.1 Parts : (a) Roller : The rollers are made of forged steel of Class-3, as per IS:2004 and basic raw material is as per IS:1875. The rollers may, alternatively, be turned from approved C&W axles manufactured after 1931. USFD test shall be conducted to ensure that there are no internal flaws. These have machined surface to permit smooth rolling action. 24 440 55 4 0 6 520 LINK PLATE TOOTH BAR SEMI CIRCULAR CUT FOR ANCHOR PIN SADDLE PLATE SADDLE KNUCKLE KNUCKLE SLAB ROLLER EXPANSION BASE FIG. 3.2 ROLLER BEARING AT FREE END KNUCKLE SADDLE 440 SADDLE PLATE 4 0 6 680 BASE PLATE HOLE FOR ANCHOR BOLT LIFTING HOLES 40 mm DIA ROCKER 55 FIG. 3.1 ROCKER BEARING AT FIXED END KNUCKLE SLAB → 25 (b) Link Bar : All the rollers are connected to each other with a link bar to ensure that they always move together and maintain the clear gap between rollers. (c) Tooth Bars : Rollers on the extreme end of a group of rollers are provided with tooth bars. The tooth bars rest into grooves provided in the knuckle plate on top and base plate at bottom. The purpose of tooth bars is to arrest movement of the rollers beyond a point (depending upon the design movement). Tooth bar in rocker-roller bearing can be assumed to be equivalent to ‘stopper plate’ in sliding bearing. (d) Rib and Notch : To arrest transverse movement between the roller and the base or knuckle plate, a longitudinal notch can be provided in the middle of the roller and a matching rib in the base and top plate. The rib thus guides the rollers to roll only in the longitudinal direction and prevents any transverse movement. Rib and notch arrangement in rocker- roller bearing can be assumed to be equivalent to ‘Guide strip’ in the sliding bearings. 3.1.2 Connections : The top plate or saddle plate is connected to the end of the bottom chord. Since this connection is crucial for transmitting the horizontal thrust from the bottom chord to the bed block, it must be made tight fit. The top plate is generally installed to the underside of the bottom chord in-situ. However, the joint is not amenable for riveting for want of adequate space. The number of rivets required and their lengths will also be very large. The joint is therefore made with turned and fitted bolts. The reaming of the 26 holes in bottom chord and the saddle plate is, therefore, required to be done by assembling them together. The tolerances in the hole and shank diameter of turned bolts as per clause 28.6 of IRS :B1 -2001 are as under : Limit of tolerance Shank of Diameter of bolt (mm) hole (mm) Upper 0.000 + 0.125 Lower - 0.125 0.000 Such tolerances are prescribed to ensure adequate contact area between the hole and shank, which is presumed while allowing higher permissible bearing stress for the design of turned bolt connections. The rocker-cum-roller bearings require periodic greasing of rolling contact surfaces. This requires the girder to be jacked up and the contact surfaces are cleaned to remove all entrapped dirt/ dust etc. and a fresh layer of grease is applied. A frequency of once in 3 years has been prescribed for greasing of bearings on Indian Railways. The oiling and greasing of roller bearings must be done under traffic block. The maintenance details of rocker-roller bearing will be discussed in subsequent paras. 3.1.3 Segmental Rollers : For large span bridges (Span > 45.7 m) more than two roller are required. The size of the base plate required is large when number of rollers are more. It should be realized that the full periphery of a circular roller is never utilised during the rolling action. It is, therefore, 27 prudent to cut the sides of the roller to save not only in the weight of roller, but also to reduce the size of the base plate. A smaller base plate will require smaller pier top, thus, resulting in economy. These cut rollers are called segmental rollers as shown in Fig. 3.3. FIG. 3.3 SEGMENTAL ROLLER BEARING Size of the base plate is reduced without compromising the rolling action of the rollers. Generally, the height of the segmental rollers is made more than its diameter so as to permit a larger effective diameter. Thus the centre of the curved surfaces at top and bottom do not coincide. This imparts a tendency of lifting of the girder during the rolling action but this is negligibly small. IRC:83 Part-I cautions designers while proposing use of segmental roller bearing in seismic areas as there have been instances of the bearing collapsing under excessive longitudinal movements, which may occur during an earthquake. 3.1.4 Oil Baths : Roller bearings function smoothly as long as the contact surfaces are clean. However, 28 there is always a tendency to accumulate dirt and debris as well as rusting of steel. Very quickly, it leads to freezing of the bearing. The smaller the size of the rollers, more are the chances to freeze. There have been instances where after a few years, a small nest of rollers has corroded so much that it is difficult to count the number of rollers. The Indian Railways have rightly gone in for large size of roller in the standard designs. The minimum size of roller to be provided is 102 mm as per Para of IRS: Steel Bridge Code. Therefore, in order to overcome this problem for spans of 76.2 m and above, an oil bath is provided around the rollers as shown in Fig. 3.4. FIG. 3.4 SEGMENTAL ROLLER WITH OIL BATH The reason for providing oil bath for such large spans is that mostly these bridges are rail-cum- road bridges and lifting of the girders is very difficult due to the very heavy dead load. Since the rollers are completely submerged in oil, they are effectively protected against corrosion. OIL INDICATOR MS OUTER COVERING DRAIN OUT LET 29 The oil bath is fabricated from MS plate and is provided with oil seals. A gauge or an oil level indicator is provided to enable periodical check of oil level in the box. A drain outlet is provided at the bottom to drain out and replace the oil without the need to open out the oil bath. The necessity of such replacement may be due to contamination of the oil, which should be periodically sampled. Once in five years the oil bath is to be opened out after draining the oil, the rollers inspected and the oil changed. The oil baths have performed very well on Indian Railways and have contributed to the success and longevity of roller bearings. The use of oil bath should be extended to all roller bearings of through spans and more so in aggressive environments. 3.2 DESIGN ASPECTS The design of rocker & roller bearing involves selection of roller length, its diameter, radius of the contact surface of saddle/knuckle, thickness and plan size of the base plate and number and size of anchor bolts. Simple design rules are provided in IRS: Steel Bridge Code to obtain these values, The excerpts are given below : a) Allowable load P for rollers Roller on curved surface i) For single and double roller ( ) 2 1 1/D 1/D 1 0.8 P − = kg/mm length of roller 30 ii) For multiple rollers i.e. more than two rollers ( ) 2 1 1/D 1/D 1 0.5 P − = kg/mm length of roller where D 1 and D 2 are diameters of convex and concave contact surface respectively as shown in Fig. 3.5. FIG. 3.5 ROLLER ON CURVED SURFACE Roller on flat surface For a flat surface the diameter is infinity. Substituting D 2 = ∞, the above two equations reduce to - i) For single and double rollers- P = 0.8 D 1 kg/mm length of roller ii) For multiple rollers P = 0.5 D 1 kg/mm. length of roller A lower value of P for multiple rollers is taken due to the possibility of unequal load sharing among various rollers when number of rollers are more than two. When more than two rollers are in contact with rigid plates at top and bottom, any small difference in diameter of rollers will result into unequal load distribution. This possibility is not there where only two roller are used. D 1 P 2 D L e n g t h o f r o l l e r Diameter Diameter 31 Therefore the tolerance in roller diameter is an important aspect to be considered in fabricaton of rollers. In recognition of the importance of variation in diameters, a very close tolerance of +0.04mm is prescribed in IRS: B1-2001, Appendix-VI. A positive variation in diameter of one roller is more damaging than negative variation. In a set of rollers, a smaller diameter roller will only become ineffective, whereas the larger diameter roller in the same set will make many other rollers ineffective depending upon its location as shown in Fig. 3.6 & 3.7. FIG. 3.6 POSITIVE VARIATION IN DIAMETER C - CONTACT NC - NO CONTACT FIG. 3.7 NEGATIVE VARIATION IN DIAMETER C NC NC C BIGGER DIA ROLLER C NC C C SMALLER DIA ROLLER 32 b) Allowable load on spherical bearing ( ) kg 1/D - 1/D 1 127 1 P 2 2 1 = c) Size of base plate: The length and width of the base plate will be governed by the following three factors - i) Total vertical load and horizontal thrust to be transmitted by the bearing to the bed block. ii) The length and number of the rollers and the total movement to be accommodated. The length of the rollers will be governed by allowable load per roller and maximum vertical load. iii) The permissible bearing stresses in the bed- block material. As per clause 3.16 of IRS : Steel Bridge Code the allowable bearing pressure for different materials is as under: i) Stone Masonry = 36 kg/cm 2 ii) PCC (1:2:4) = 31.6 kg/cm 2 iii) RCC = 0.2 * fck (average pressure) = 0.3 * fck (local max. pressure) Where fck is the characteristic strength of concrete. The base plate size can be reduced by adopting concretes of grade higher than M-20, provided a larger size of base plate is not required from other considerations. 33 d) Thickness of base plate : The thickness of base plate should be adequate to withstand the bending moment (B.M.) caused by line load of rollers as shown in Fig. 3.8. FIG. 3.8 BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM Thickness of base plate can be calculated from bending moment crietria as given below. Permissible value of bending stress = M / Z M = Max. Bending Moment Z = bt 2 / 6 where b = width, t = thickness of base plate A very thin plate may be adequate from max. B.M. crieteria but it has a tendency to develop a curvature resulting into a non uniform load distribution. Therefore a minimum thickness of 20 mm is recommended even if it is not required from B.M. point of view. P 1 2 P LOADING DIAGRAM BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM Max. B.M. 34 e) Saddle/knuckle block : The saddle plate can also be designed as a cantilever with uniform load from top and a line load reaction from the knuckle plate. Quite often the saddle plate/knuckle blocks are made of cast steel. In such cases the cast steel should conform to the appropriate grade of the cast steel, the permissible stresses are same as that for mild steel conforming to IS:226/IS:2062 Gr. A. f) Anchor bolt : All the longitudinal force from the girder is transmitted to the piers through the fixed end of bearing. Any friction between the bed block and base plate or saddle plate and bottom chord is completely ignored and the entire horizontal force is assumed to be transmitted by the connecting bolts/rivets. The bolts are thus checked against shear failure and also for safe bearing stresses. The permissible shear or bearing stresses for different grades of steel should be as per IRS: Steel Bridge Code. 3.3. INSTALLATION For proper transmission of loads, the bearing should have uniform seating on the bed block. It is a common practice to provide a felt packing dipped in coaltar under the base plate. This is done with a view to provide uniform and even seating of the bearing. It has the added advantage of damping the vibrations and impact forces and thus increasing the life of the bed block. Cement or cement epoxy grout are also used as an alternative for levelling the bed block top surface. 35 Use of materials such as lead sheets which tend to flow under loads in not recommended. Mean position of rollers : In order that the bearing provides the full designed movement, it should be ensured that the rollers are in mean position (vertical in case of segmental rollers) at the specified mean temperature and loading condition. It is common to prescribe that the rollers are in mean position at the specified mean temperature and under (DL + LL + impact). In such a case, the rollers will take a position towards the inside of span at mean temperature when only DL is acting. Since there is no scope for adjusting the position of base plate, positioning of the anchor bolts must be done with a very high level of accuracy. If mean position is not ensured, the bearing movement may be limited in one direction whereas unusable surplus movement will be available in other direction. The saving grace against an error during installation of the anchor bolts is the fact that the thermal movements specified in most cases is quite conservative. A typical scheme of installation of anchor bolts is illustrated in Fig. 3.9. If the correct position of the roller at mean temperature and DL condition is known it will be a very useful reference point for monitoring proper functioning of the roller bearing. It is very easy to check the bearing position by measuring the gap between the top and bottom contact points of the rollers in longitudinal direction. Alternatively, for 36 A N C H O R T U B E A S S E M B L Y W E L D E D T O R E I N F O R C E M E N T O F P I E R C A P P I E R C A P P I E R D E T A I L A T ' A ' P L A N E L E V A T I O N 1 0 / 1 2 m m T H I C K S T E E L B E D D I N G P U N C H M A R C E N T R E L I N G . I . P I P E W I T H R O U T E R F A C E ( B O T T O M E N D S D E T A I L ' A ' X + T O L E R A N C E F I G . 3 . 9 S C H E M E F O R I N S T A L L A T I O N O F A N C H O R B O L T S N O T E - 1 ) X = T h e o r e t i c a l d i s t a n c e f r o m p i e r c e n t r e t o b e a r i n g c e n t r e T o l e r a n c e ≤ 1 / 2 ( D - d ) D = I n s i d e d i a o f a n c h o r t u b e d = A n c h o r b o l t d i a 2 ) A n c h o r t u b e t o b e s e a l e d f r o m t o p d u r i n g c o n c r e t i n g o f p i e r c a p . 3 ) A n c h o r b o l t s t o b e g r o u t e d i n p o s i t i o n a f t e r p o s i t i o n i n g o f t h e b e a r i n g . 4 ) A t h i n l a y e r o f m o r t a r m a y b e u s e d b e t w e e n t h e b e a r i n g a n d b e d d i n g p l a t e f o r m a k i n g u n i f o r m c o n t a c t . D E T A I L A T ‘ A ’ 37 full/segmental bearings, the movement may be measured by the position of the contact point of the tooth bar on top and bottom plate respectively. In case oil bath is provided, a movement gauge should be provided so as to directly read the roller position from outside without the need of opening the oil bath. 38 CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE OF STEEL BEARINGS 4.1 GENERAL Cleaning and greasing of bearings is one of the important maintenance works to avoid premature failure of bearings and reduce recurring heavy repair cost of bed block and masonary below bed block. Steel bearing strip resting on steel base plate has a tendency to stick together on account of corrosion, and cease the movement of bearings. This is called as Frozen Bearing. Sliding bearings of plate girders are generally designed keeping both ends free. When bearings are frozen, a large amount of longitudinal force is transferred to the substructure for which the substructure may not have been designed. Upon introduction of RBG, MBG and HM loadings on the Indian Railway, longitudinal forces have increased considerably whereas the old substructures had been designed without considering such large longitudinal forces. Sometimes, even repairs will not hold good if cause of frozen bearings is not eliminated by greasing. It has been laid down that the steel bearings of all girder bridges should be greased once in 3 years to ensure proper movement of bearing plates. This should be done once every two years when track consisting of LWR is continued over bridge span. 4.1.1 Lifting of girders : For greasing the bearings girders are required to be lifted. But the gap between the bottom flange of plate girders and 39 the bed block generally varies from 100 mm to 150 mm. The standard jacks normally available have a closed height of at least 300 mm. These jacks, therefore, can’t be used for lifting the girders without making special jacking arrangements. Following jacking arrangement can be adopted for different types of girders: 1. For plate girders upto 6.1 m span, jacks can be directly applied below end sleeper ensuring firm hook bolt connection, since load to be lifted is about 4 to 5 ton only. 2. Jacking arrangement for span 9.15 m plate girder requires provision of a hard wood beam below inner top flange as shown in Fig. 4.1 for lifting the girder. 3. Jacking arrangement for span 12.2, 18.3, 24.4 and 30.5 m plate girder requires provision of a steel beam as shown in Fig 4.2. The provision of jacking steel beam and its removal is difficult. It requires more man power and also it is time-consuming on account of heavy weight of the beam and limited working space on bridge piers. Field officials, many times, apply jack to the end cross frame angle (diagonal) to avoid provision of the jacking beam, to lift the girder. This may cause bending of the angle on account of its slender size, which results in lifting of bearing strips inside when lowered on base plate. This improper seating of the bearing strip will cause hammering action during subsequent passage of train resulting in damage to the bed block and masonry of the 40 F I G . 4 . 1 J A C K I N G A R R A N G E M E N T F O R 9 . 1 5 m S P A N 3 0 T S C R E W J A C K W O O D E N B L O C K S D I A G O N A L B R A C I N G E N D F R A M E B E A R I N G B A S E P L A T E 1 8 5 0 1 0 2 5 W O O D E N B E A M 1 7 5 3 0 0 41 F I G . 4 . 2 J A C K I N G A R R A N G E M E N T F O R 1 2 . 2 m , 1 8 . 3 m & 2 4 . 4 m S P A N S 3 0 T S C R E W J A C K S T I F F E N E R W O O D E N B L O C K S D I A G O N A L B R A C I N G S E N D F R A M E B E A R I N G B A S E P L A T E 1 8 3 0 1 3 1 2 S T I F F N E R 42 substructure. Therefore the method of provision of jacking beam to outside girder as shown in Fig 4.3 is preferable. This requires less manpower and less time for lifting of the girder. 4.1.2 Cleaning and greasing of steel sliding bearings : Following equipments are required for greasing of steel sliding bearings: 1. Jacks (50 ton capacity) - 2 nos. 2. Hard wooden packing below and above jack 3. Grease graphite Grade 3 conforming to IS:508 4. Kerosene or released black oil for cleaning 5. 6 mm thick steel scrapers 6. Mortar pan 7. Cotton waste Greasing of sliding bearings can be undertaken under traffic with issue of caution order and line protection for temporary works as per provision of IRPWM. Lifting of girder should be restricted to 8 to 10 mm only, ensuring that the bearing strip does not get lifted over locking strip and guide strip to avoid creep of girder in logitudinal and lateral direction. For lifting, it is not necessary to break the track. Only loosening of fish bolts and dog spikes over a small length on both sides of the pier is sufficient. Only one end of the girder should be lifted at a time and steel scraper inserted between bearing strip and base plate to remove old grease dust and dirt. The contact surface is cleaned with oil and grease applied. Girder is then lowered back over the base plate. Time required for all these activities is approximately 15 to 20 minutes. 43 B E A R I N G S T I F F E N E J A C K I N G B E A M ( F I X E D ) T O B E D E S I G N E D F O R E A C H S P A N H S F G / R I V E T T E D C O N N E C T I O N F I G . 4 . 3 P R O P O S E D J A C K I N G A R R A N G E M E N T F O R 1 2 . 2 m , 1 8 . 3 m & 2 4 . 4 m S P A N S 44 4.1.3 Cleaning and greasing of Rocker & Roller bearings of open web through girders : In case of standard open web through girders, no separate jacking arrangement is required as the end cross girders are designed and provided with stiffener and pad plate for provision of jack for lifting. Gap between bottom of cross girder and top of bed block is about 600 mm, hence any type of jack of 100 ton to 200 ton capacity can easily be used for lifting. In case of non standard spans, the end cross girder requires adequate strengthening or special jacking beam below the bottom boom. The equipments required in this case are same as for sliding bearing except that the jacks of higher capacity (100 ton to 200 ton) and wire rope with turn buckle arrangement for holding the free end are required. Greasing of rocker and roller bearing should be carried out under traffic block under the supervision of an official not below the rank of ADEN/ABE. Following precautions and preliminary arrangements are required: 1. Ensure tightness of rivets connecting end cross girder and end panel point of truss. 2. Provide hard wooden packing below the end cross girder to support the girder in case of failure of jacks. This should be done at three places to prevent tilting of this girder. 3. Remove fish plates and loosen dog spikes of rail over adjacent spans to avoid overloading 45 the jack on account of weight of adjoining span and stiffness of the track. 4. If trolley refuge is connected to both spans on any pier, loosen the bolted connection of adjoining span to avoid overloading of jack and damage to the trolley refuge. 5. While lifting the fixed end, the other end being free, the girder is likely to creep longitudinally. To prevent this, provide hard wood packing between the ends of girder on pier and between girder and the ballast wall on abutment. 6. Jacks should be kept in working order and tested to 1.5 times the load they are expected to lift. Keep one spare jack as stand by. 7. During lifting of girder, precaution should be taken to prevent creep of rail. 4.1.4 Method of Greasing : Greasing of fixed end requires 20 to 25 minutes. The lifting is hardly 10 mm, ensuring that the gap is created between saddle block and knuckle pin. Saddle is not lifted above collar to prevent lateral creep of the girder. Steel scraper is used to remove old grease, dust and dirt. The contact area is cleaned with oil. Grease is applied and then girder is lowered back. Greasing of free end requires 45 to 50 minutes. Knuckle plate is tied to the saddle plate with wire rope having turn buckle arrangement to release the load from roller when the girder is lifted. When the girder is lifted about 10 mm and rollers are free, link plate and tooth bar are removed after opening the stud connections. All rollers 46 should be taken out and cleaned with scraper and these are sand-papered with a fine sand-paper of zero grade. Rollers should be examined for any possible signs of flattening or minute cracks with a magnifying glass. Grease graphite grade 3 conforming to IS 508 is applied over the base plate evenly below the roller contact area. The rollers are then placed in position and grease applied at the top contact surface. Link plate and tooth bars are connected with care so that tooth bar is placed in the same inclination as per the drawing. With the help of turn buckle of wire rope sling, the knuckle plate is lowered over the rollers. This will create gap between the saddle block and knuckle plate. Cleaning and greasing of this area is then carried out similar to the fixed end and girder is lowered back. While taking out rollers for examination and greasing, take special precautions to prevent the rollers from falling-off the bed block. 47 CHAPTER 5 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS 5.1 GENERAL Steel bearings are good but suffer from problems of corrosion and high level of maintenance. Due to these problems of steel bearings, engineers were on the lookout for a bearing which could accomodate large movements and at the same time being relatively maintenance free. Elastomer as a material for making bridge bearing has been found to satisfy these requirements so much so that many engineers believe that the search for an ideal material for bridge bearing has come to an end. Further developments in future may involve refining the use of elastomer and enhancing its properties. To summarise, the elastomeric bearings offer number of advantage as listed below: 1. Requires minimum maintenance compared to all other bearings. 2. Installation is easy. 3. Permits movement of the structure in all directions, depending upon the applied forces. 4. Occupies small space. 5. Serves as a shock absorber due to anti-vibra- tion properties of elastomer. 6. Acts as an aid to better dispersion of longitudinal forces to the approaches. 48 5.2 PROPERTIES OF ELASTOMER An elastomer is a polymeric substance obtained after vulcanization of rubber. Vulcanization is the process of improving the properties of rubber by heating with sulphur. A normal rubber is not useable as it becomes brittle at low temperature and sticky at high temperature. Charles Goodyear had been trying to ‘cure’ the rubber so that it could be used in all seasons. He tried to mix all kinds of things such as ink, black pepper, cheese and what not. But he couldn’t succeed until he dropped a piece of rubber on stove accidentally. To his surprise, he found that instead of melting the rubber piece hardened and remained pliable. It was found in the lab that it contained traces of sulphur. Goodyear perfected the process and named it ‘vulcanization’ after the Roman God of fire, ‘Vulcan’. As a result of vulcanization, rubber molecules are cross-linked with sulphur. This cross-linking makes the rubber stronger. It allows the rubber to keep its shape better even when it is stretched over and over again. But there is a drawback of cross-linking also. Vulcanized rubber doesn’t flow when it gets hot, therefore one has to mould it into whatever shape one wants before cross linking. Due to the same reason, it can’t be recycled – a big environment problem. The tyres of the vehicles also use the same material, and we are not able to recycle the cross-linked rubber used in tyres. One of the most well known natural rubber is ‘Poly-isoprene’ which is harvested from the sap of ‘Hevea’ tree. Natural rubber have all the 49 excellent properties making it extremely suitable to many engineering applications, except for its relatively high reactivity with environment particularly ozone. Ozone causes surface cracking that can rapidly penetrate even at very low tensile stress. To obviate this drawback many synthetic rubbers were developed, most popular among those is ‘Poly-chloroprene’. Thus, we have - 1. Natural rubber - Poly-isoprene 2. Synthetic rubber - Poly-chloroprene There is often a confusion between the words elastomer and neoprene. While elastomer refers to the generic name of the rubber, neoprene refers to the trade name of the elastomer of one of the leading rubber manufacturers. Engineers are more familiar with materials which obey Hooke’s Law i.e. behaving in a linear elastic manner. We understand elastomers less well than we do concrete or steel because elastomers do not obey Hooke’s Law. They are very flexible in shear but very stiff in bulk compression. The simple theory of mechanics characterizing the behaviour of rubber is quite different from that used for conventional materials, and quite complex for the liking of the practical engineers. It is therefore not surprising that most of the codal provisions for design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of elastomeric bearings are based on extensive studies and laboratory trials conducted by ORE (Office for Research and Experiment) of UIC. These are documented in ORE Report D-60. Important specifications which 50 can be referred to for elastomeric bearings are listed below: 1. UIC 772-2R 1989 2. BS:5400 Part 9.1 3. IRC 83 Part II 4. AASHTO specifications 5. IS:3400 Part I to XXIV Some of the important findings of the studies conducted by ORE, which are relevant to the design of elastomeric bearings are enumerated below : 1. Elastomers do not follow Hooke's Law and, therefore, the modulus of elasticity ‘E’ is not constant. 2. The shear modulus ‘G’, however, is fairly constant and is more relevant for the design of elastomeric bearings than ‘E’. 3. The coefficient of friction between elastomer and the base material is unaffected by the nature of the contact surface i.e steel, concrete, painted or unpainted surfaces. 4. The coefficient of friction between the elastomer and the base material reduces with increase in normal load on the bearing. It is expressed by the formula N 6 . 0 15 . 0 + = µ where N = normal pressure in MPa 5. Except under extremely low temperatures (less than -15 0 C), performance of the elastomeric bearing is not affected by temperature variation. These have also been tested satisfactorily up to + 50 0 C. 51 6. Under the effect of cyclic loading the bearings become more flexible. 7. In some of the tests conducted on elastomeric bearings, there was a distinct tendency of the elastomer to slip when the minimum normal pressure was less than 2 MPa. This observation has important ramifications for use of elastomeric bearings in railway steel bridges of smaller spans where normal pressure may be less than 2 MPa. The elastomeric bearings in such small bridges can be used alongwith anti creep devices as explained in subsequent paras. 5.3 BEHAVIOUR OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS In order to carry out successful design and installation of elastomeric bearings, it is necessary to understand the behaviour of elastomeric bearings against various imposed loads. The elastomer being practically incompressible, the total volume of the pad in loaded and unloaded conditions remains unchanged. Therefore, under the action of a compressive load, a plain elastomeric pad with no friction on its top and bottom surfaces, flattens and expands laterally as shown in Fig. 5.1. SLIP FIG. 5.1 PLAIN ELASTOMERIC PAD WITHOUT FRICTION AT CONTACT PLANE 52 Since a frictionless contact surface does not exist in practice, the deformation of the pad will be part flattening and part bulging and the behaviour of plain elastomeric pad will be as shown in Fig. 5.2. FIG. 5.2 PLAIN ELASTOMERIC PAD WITH FRICTION AT CONTACT PLANE The lateral expansion of plain elastomeric pad is too much for practical purposes and it can not be used as it is without making arrangements for reducing the lateral expansion. If the elastomer is bonded between two layers, the lateral expansion is prevented at the interfaces and bulging is controlled. The compressive stiffness of the bearing, therefore, depends upon the ratio of loaded area to the area of the bearing free to bulge. This is essentially quantified by Shape Factor ‘S’ which is a dimensionless parameter defined as under: S = Plan area loaded in compression Perimeter area free to bulge Greater compressive stiffness is, therefore, obtained by dividing elastomer into many layers by introducing very thin, usually 1 to 3 mm, steel reinforcement plates between the elastomer layers and bonding the plates firmly with the elastomer to prevent any relative movement. This 53 has the effect of decreasing the area free to bulge without any change in the loaded area. Hence, higher the Shape Factor, stiffer is the bearing under compressive load. Since the elastomer expands laterally, shear stresses are set up in the elastomer by the bond forces. The steel plate, in turn, is subjected to pure tensile stresses as shown in Fig. 5.3. FIG. 5.3 REINFORCED ELASTOMERIC PAD The elastomeric bearing provides horizontal translation by shear strains as shown in Fig. 5.4 and rotation by differential compression as shown in Fig. 5.5. FIG. 5.4 SHEAR STRAIN DUE TO SHEAR FIG. 5.5 SHEAR STRAIN DUE TO ROTATION 54 Elastomeric bearings can accomodate horizontal movements to an extent of 125 mm while it is claimed that each 13 mm thickness of the pad could accomodate one degree of rotation. In fact, horizontal translation is being provided by elastomeric bearing without loosing the contact either with superstructure or with substructure. Therefore, the movements are allowed without any relative movement of parts. The shear deformation depends upon the height of the elastomeric pad as shown in Fig. 5.6. FIG. 5.6 DEFORMATION OF ELASTOMERIC PAD Shear stress = shear force plan area b x a H = Shear strain = δ h where δ = deformation h = thickness of elastomeric pad H = horizontal force a b H h δ 55 a = length of elastomeric pad b = width of elastomeric pad Shear Modulus G = shear stress shear strain G b x a H = x δ h . . . δ = Η x h G (a x b) Thus for a given size of bearing, the shear deformation will depend upon thickness of elastometric pad, value of horizontal force and value of ‘G’. Since horizontal force and ‘G’ can not be altered, deformation ‘δ’ will be proportional to thickness of elastomeric pad. δ ∝ h Under the influence of rotation, the compressive loads on the inner edge is magnified and it is relieved on the outer edge. In the design it is, therefore, ensured that, under the combined effect of normal loads and rotations, the outer edge of the elastomer does not get off-loaded completely. 5.4 TYPES OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS Three basic types of elastomeric bearings are used. 1. Plain elastomeric pads 2. Steel reinforced elastomeric pads 3. Fibre reinforced pads Plain pads are used for light or moderate 56 loadings. Plain pads have a tendency to bulge under heavy loadings. In order to reduce the tendency of bulging, the elastomer pads are reinforced with steel plates. The steel sheets separating the layers of elastomer are completely encased within the elastomeric material. For vertical load, each layer of elastomer behaves like an individual pad, while horizontal strain on each layer is additive. Therefore, adding steel laminations is a convient way to accommodate larger lateral movements for the same compressive loads. Fibre reinforced pads are usually reinforced with fibre glass. 5.5 DESIGN OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS The standard drawings of bridge bearings issued by RDSO are on the basis of UIC 772-R. To maintain uniformity of approach, the design of elastomeric bearing discussed in the following paragraphs is only as per UIC 772-R. 5.5.1. Flow Table of Design : The flow table of design given at Table 5.1 has been prepared to simplify the design process and eliminate trial and error approach. It is expected that the number of iterations required for successful design will be minimum if this sequence of steps is followed. 57 TABLE 5.1 FLOW TABLE OF DESIGN SN Sequence of steps Remarks 1. Collect input data Dead load, live load, horizontal slow load, horizontal quick load, span length, rotation at ends, etc. as given in next paragraph. 2. Select width ‘b’ of Generally equal to width of bearing girder & larger than ‘a’ due to better rotational stability in lateral direction. 3. Calculate net plan area Depends upon max. vertical of bearing load including impact and permissible bearing pressure on bed-block. 4. Calculate length ‘a’ of Net plan area divided by ‘b’. bearing along girder 5. Calculate Shape Factor It should be between 6 and 12. ‘S’ 6. Calculate min. vertical Dead load / plan area of bearing. pressure a) If it is < 2 MPa Bearing may slip. Revise plan dimensions so that vertical pressure is min. 2 MPa or provide ‘Anti Creep Device’. b) If it is ≥ 2 MPA O.K. Proceed further. 7. Calculate max. vertical Total vertical load including pressure impact / plan area of bearing. a) If it is ≤ 10 MPa O.K. b) If it is > 10 MPA Revise plan dimension, keeping a watch on step 6 a). 8. To ensure ‘No slip condition’ a) Calculate µ 1 when only µ 1 x DL should be more than D.L. is acting slow acting horizontal force. µ 1 = 0.10 + 0.6/N 1 where N 1 = vertical pressure due to DL only 58 b) Calculate µ 2 when both µ 2 x (DL + LL) should be DL + LL (including more than total horizontal force. impact) are acting. µ 2 = 0.10 + 0.6/N 2 where N 2 = vertical pressure due to DL + LL 9. Calculate % distortion It should be max 70%, otherwise in shear increase ‘h’ to limit this % age. % distortion = δ x 100 h 10. To ensure no uplift condition a) Under Dead Load Permissible rotation = It should be more than actual Comp. of all layers under DL rotation of span under dead a/6 load only. b) Under Total Load Permissible rotation = It should be more than actual Comp. of all layers under TL rotation of span under total a/6 load including impact. 11. Total shear in elastomer Addition of all three should be includes limited to 5 x G or 5 MPa a) Due to compression (considering G = 1 MPa). b) Due to horizontal load c) Due to rotation 12. Thickness of steel This should be more than lamination plate required actually provided. = 2 (h i + h i + 1 )( P c + 1.5 P s ) a x b x σ s 59 5.5.2 Input data required : The input data required for carrying out the design is as under: P c = D L or slowly applied vertical loads P s = L L or quickly applied vertical loads H c = Slow acting horizontal forces H s = Quick acting horizontal forces U C = Horizontal (shear) movement due to H c U s = Horizontal (shear) movement due to H s α C = Rotation under effect of slow acting loads α s = Rotation under effect of quick acting loads G = Static shear modulus of elastomer σ b = Permissible bearing pressure in bed block material σ m = Max. Permissible pressure in the elastomer • 10 MPa (as per IRC : 83) • 5 MPa or 5G, whichever is less (as per RDSO) • 11 MPa (as per UIC 772 - 2R) B = width of the girder/beam 5.5.3 Output Expected : The output expected at the end of design of the elastomeric bearing is as under : a = length of the bearing along the span b = width of the bearing across the span n = number of layers of elastomer h i = thickness of each layer of elastomer h = total thickness of elastomer. 60 5.6 MANUFACTURE AND QUALITY CONTROL 5.6.1 Properties of Elastomer : Though elastomeric bearings offer a number of advantages as compared to steel bearings, many failures have been reported pertaining to these bearings. A majority of these failures can be attributed to improper quality of elastomer and/or faulty installation. These two aspects, therefore, need very careful attention by the construction engineer in the field. The properties of the elastomer are detailed in IRC:83 Part-II and are reproduced in Table 5.2. The shear modulus of the elastomer depend upon the hardness of the rubber. The relation between shore hardness and shear modulus G as indicated in UIC-772-2R is as under: Shore hardness 50 60 70 80 Modulus G 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 Therefore with age, hardness increases, which in turn increases the value of ‘G’. For the adopted dimension of the elastomeric bearing, the horizontal movement ‘δ’ reduces with the increase in value of ‘G’. Therefore with age, the movement capacity reduces. 5.6.2 Dimensional Tolerance : The bearing should be fabricated to the dimensional tolerances stipulated in IRC:83 which are reproduced in Table 5.3. 61 TABLE 5.2 PROPERTIES OF ELASTOMER Name of test Reference Permissible Methodology of code for testing limits testing and remarks 1) Chemical composition i) Poly-chloroprene ASTM- D297 Not less than Use of fillers to be content test 60% mi ni mi zed. ii) Identification ASTM- D3677 No reclaimed Test involves use of polymer rubber or of infra red natural rubber spectrophotometry to be used. i i i ) Ash content IS 3400 Not more than PART-XXII 5% 2) Hardness IS 3400 60+ 5 IRHD stands for PART- II International Rubber Hardness Degree. The hardness scale is IRHD similar to the Shore or Durometer hardness. 3) Ultimate tensile IS 3400 Min. 17 MPa strength PART-I 4) Elongation at -do- Min. 400% break 5) Accelerated IS 3400 Variation in The elastomer sample aging test PART- IV i) Hardness - not is subjected to a more than 5 temperature of 100 0 C ii) UTS - not for a period of 70 h more than 15% and then allowed to iii) Elongation cool to room tempera- at break - not ture. The variation in more than 30% physical properties is subsequently measured. 6) Compression IS 3400 Compression The elastomer sample set test PART- X set not to is subjected to a exceed 35% compressive strain of 25% at a temperature of 100 0 C for 24 hours. Subsequently, the sample is cooled and the residual strain is measured. The resi- dual strain called the ”set” should not exceed 35% of the initial strain. 7) Ozone test IS 3400 No cracking or The sample is PART- XX disintegration subjected to a tensile of the sample. strain of 20% in a chamber where the temperature is main- tained at 40 0 C and Ozone concentration kept at 50 pphm(parts per hundred million) 62 TABLE 5.3 DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES SN ITEMS TOLERANCES 1. Overall plan dimensions -0, + 6 mm 2. Total bearing thickness -0, + 5% 3. Parallelism A. Of top surface of bearing with repect to the bottom surface as datum 1 in 200 B. Of one side surface with respect to the other as datum 1 in 100 4. A. Thickness of individual internal + 20% layer of elastomer (max. of 2mm) B. Thickness of individual outer layer -0, +1 mm 5. A. Plan dimensions of laminates -3 mm, +0 B. Thickness of laminate + 10% C. Parallelism of laminate with respect 1 in 100 to bearing base as datum 5.7 INSPECTION AND TESTING The inspection and tests on elastomer and the finished bearings are very important aspects of ensuring a satisfactory performance of the bearing. IRC:83 has laid down detailed testing plan and acceptance criteria for elastomeric bearings. The important aspects are highlighted in the following paragraphs. 5.7.1 Lot size : Testing and acceptance of elastomeric bearings should be done lot-wise. A ‘lot’ of bearings shall comprise of all bearings of equal or near equal size produced under identical conditions of manufacture to be supplied for a particular project. For the purpose of grading the 63 levels of acceptance test, the lots are classified as under : 1. A lot size of 24 or larger number of bearings is defined as large lot. 2. A lot size with less than 24 bearings is defined as small lot. When the number of bearings for a bridge project is large and phased production is permitted, bearings supplied in any one phase will be considered as a large lot. The levels of acceptance test applicable will be as under : Large lot - ‘Level 1’ Acceptance testing Small lot - ‘Level 2’ Acceptance testing. 5.7.2 Level 1 Accpetance Testing : This will include the following tests: A. General inspection B. Test on specially moulded test piece C. Test on complete bearings. A. General inspection 1. All bearings of the lot shall be visually inspected for absence of any defects in surface finish, shape or any discernible superficial defects. 2. All bearings of the lot shall be checked for dimensional tolerances. 3. All bearings shall be subjected to an axial load corresponding to normal pressure of 15 MPa applied in stages and held constant while visual examination is made for: 64 a. Misalignment of reinforcing plates b. Poor bond at interface c. Variation in elastomer thickness d. Surface defects e. Low stiffness. The deflection under loads between 5 MPa and 15 MPa should be measured with sufficient accuracy. Variation in stiffness of any individual bearing from the mean of all such bearings should not be more than 20% of the mean value. B. Test on specially moulded test piece The test piece shall be moulded by the manufacturer with identical compound and under identical vulcanizing conditions as used in manufacture of the bearings. The test pieces should be suitably identified and certified. The test pieces will be subjected to the following tests: • Test for chemical composition, specific gravity, ash content etc. • Test for physical properties such as (i) Hardness (ii) Ultimate tensile strength (iii) Elongation at break (iv) Accelerated aging test (v) Compression set test (vi) Ozone test The details of these tests are given in Table 5.2. 65 C. Test on complete bearings Two bearings should be selected at random from the ‘lot’. Various tests should be conducted on these ‘test bearings’. These bearings should be excluded from the accepted lot because all the tests given below except ‘Shear Modulus test’ are destructive tests. 1. Shear Modulus 2. Elastic Modulus 3. Adhesion strength 4. Ultimate compressive strength. In addition to above tests, the ash content (%) and specific gravity of elastomer of test pieces from test bearing shall be compared with those of corresponding specially moulded test pieces and maximum acceptable variation will be as given below: Ash content + 0.5% Specific gravity + 0.2 The test specifications and acceptance criteria should be as per Appendix II of IRC 83 Part II. The excerpts are given below: General about tests 1. All testing shall be done at room temperature. 2. No bearing shall be tested earlier than a week after vulcanization. 3. Bearing sections shall be cut from test bearings without overheating the rubber and with smooth cut square edges. 66 4. Test for determination of ‘E’ may precede that of ‘G’ when both tests are conducted on the same pair of test bearings. Test for determination of Shear Modulus • Condi ti oni ng l oad : Beari ngs shal l be preloaded with maximum horizontal load H test (with N test or vertical load held constant) and unloaded before test loading. • Rate of loading : N test corresponding to σ m = 5 MPa shall be held constant during test and the horizontal loading H shall be gradually increased to yield a shear stress rate of approximately 0.05 to 0.1 MPa per minute. • Maximum test loading N test : The horizontal loading H shall be increased upto a maximum H test whi ch corresponds to hori zontal deflection equal to ‘h’ (total elastomer thickness). • Measurement : Load and defl ecti on measurements shal l be cal cul ated at approximately equal intervals not less than 5. Evaluation A shear stress strain curve shall be plotted and the value of shear modulus G determined as shown in Fig. 5.7. The test result shall be deemed satisfactory if value of G is within + 20% of 1 MPa and provided there is no evidence of instability, defect or damage detected by close inspection during the test. 67 2 H RIGID CONCRETE SLAB ( FIXED ) RIGID CONCRETE SLAB (DEFLECTED UNDER 'H') N test RIGID CONCRETE SLAB (FIXED) S H E A R SHEAR STRAIN 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10.0 S T R E S S a) TEST ASSEMBLY b) SHEAR STRESS STRAIN CURVE FIG. 5.7 DETERMINATION OF SHEAR MODULUS SHEAR STRAIN S H E A R S T R E S S ∆ τ m ∆ tan γ G = ∆τ m / ∆ tan γ ↑ ↑ 0.0 0.2 68 Test for determination of Elastic Modulus • Condi ti oni ng l oad : Beari ng shal l be preloaded upto N test . The load shall be retained for 10 minutes and unloaded upto σ m = 2 MPa before test loading. • Rate of loading : The axial load ‘N’ is increased gradually at a rate yielding approximately σ m = 0.5 MPa to 1 MPa per minute • Maximum test loading N test corresponds to σ m = 20 MPa. • Measurement : Load and defl ecti on measurements shal l be made i n approximately equal load intervals not less than 5. Deflection shall be measured at four edges and mean value accounted for. Evaluation A compressive stress strain curve shall be plotted and the value of apparent elastic modudus ‘Ea’ shall be defermined as shown in Fig. 5.8. Acceptance Criteria Test result shall be deemed satisfactory if value of ‘Ea’ is within + 20 percent of 1(0.2/S 2 + 0.0005) and provided, there is no evidence of any defect or damage discerned by close visual inspection during the test. 69 N test C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E S S STRAIN 0.0 2 10 20 FIG. 5.8 DETERMINATION OF ELASTIC MODULUS a) TEST ASSEMBLY b) COMPRESSIVE STRESS STRAIN CURVE RIGID CONCRETE SLAB 2 10 20 ∆ σ m ∆ε E a = ∆σ m / ∆ε 70 Test for determination of Stripping Strength Two identical test pieces shall be cut from the test bearing. The plan dimensions of each test piece shall not be less than 100 mm x 200 mm as shown in Fig.5.9. Two opposite ends of each test piece shall bevelled to an angle of 45 0 FIG. 5.9 DETERMINATION OF ADHESION STRENGTH Test Procedure • Maximum test loading: N test corresponding to σ m = 4 MPa is to be held constant during the test. • The horizontal loading H shall be increased upto a maximum yielding τ m = 3 MPa Evaluation Examine the test pieces for evidence of cracking or peeling both in the strained and unstrained state. Acceptance criteria If neither test piece shows evidence of peeling or separation at or near the interface 2 H LOADING PLATE 45 200 MOUNTING PLATE N test PLATE RECESSED TO PREVENT SLIP h ≥ 50 ↓ ↓ 71 between rubber and reinforcement layers, the bearing shall be deemed to have satisfactory adhesion. Test for determination of UItimate Compressive Strength The test pieces are to be loaded either till the failure of the steel laiminate or till the irreversible squeezing out of elastomer whichever is earlier. The test assembly and the test pieces may be identical to those for ‘E’ test. However, a small section (not less than 100 x 200 mm) shall be cut from test bearing and testing to failure by placing directly between the plates of the testing machine shall also be performed. The rate of loading shall not exceed 10 MPa per minute. The result of the test shall be deemed satisfactory if the σ m at failure is not less than 69 MPa. 5.7.3 Level 2 Acceptance Testing : This will also include the same tests as in Level 1 A. General inspection B. Test on specially moulded test piece C. Test on complete bearings. But here, the test ‘C’ is little different as only one test i.e. ‘test for shear modulus’ is conducted. Since this is not a destructive test, the test bearings can be used in the bridge and these shall become the part of the accepted ‘lot’. 5.7.4 Inspection and Quality Control Certificate : A ‘lot’ under inspection should be accepted by the inspector when no defect is found in the acceptance level tests and so certified. In case of any defect in the bearing, the whole ‘lot’ shall be rejected by the inspector and certified 72 accordingly. The bearings shall be transported to the bridge site after final acceptance and should be accompanied by an authenticated copy of the test certificate. An information card giving the following details should be appended to the test cerftificate: 1. Name of manufacturer 2. Date of manufacture 3. Grade of elastomer 4. Bearing dimensions 5. Production Batch No. 6. Accpetance lot No. 7. Date of testing 8. Specific bridge location 9. Explanation of markings on the bearing, if any. A commentary on various tests conducted on specially moulded test piece Elastomeric bearings have had an extraordinary performance record over the past 50 years as some of these have been used since 1950 satisfactorily. A number of tests are required to be performed on elastomers in order to ensure the good performance. But still it is not very clear whether all these tests are necessary or not. In this commentary, it has been discussed that some of the tests are not related to the actual performance of an elastomeric bearing and thus may be either scrapped or the prescribed tolerances should be diluted. These are based upon the studies undertaken by AASHTO. 1. Ozone Test Some research and studies determined that the ozone test was unnecessary as this affects only 73 the surface layer. In un-stretched rubber, ozone degradation is confined to a thin surface layer, typically 0.5 µ. Ozone cracks develop at right angles to the tensile strain and they degrade rubber’s tensile strength and may also initiate fatigue growth that ultimately leads to failure of rubber products. Because cracks only occur in regions where tensile stresses are induced, they are unable to penetrate very far into objects, which are under compression. In bearings, the growth of cracks ceases close to the surface because cracks quickly encounter compressive rather than tensile stresses. Therefore, it has been contended that ozone damage is a serious concern in thin-walled products, but not in those bulky products like bearings. Contrarily there is a harmful effect because the manufacturers use anti ozanant waxes to protect against ozone attack. This viscous layer of wax is responsible for a significant number of serious slipping problems where the bearings ‘walked-out’ of the support area. 2. Accelerated Aging Accelerated ageing tests are conducted at elevated temperature of 100 o C to know the variation in hardness, UTS and elongation at break. The research showed that the size of sample was very important in establishing the significance of aging. Current test methods use very thin specimen and the results generally show significant changes due to aging. The actual bearing, however, is not a thin specimen and effect of aging is not so pronounced. It was found that it would take hundreds of years of 74 service to change the bearing stiffness by 10%. Given that the correlation between the test and the real situation is not known, it seems that the test is just a quality control test, not a performance test. 3. Hardness Hardness has been believed to be related to shear modulus but studies have shown that hardness is a surface measurement and it only crudely represents the stress strain relationship in shear. 5.8 INSTALLATION 5.8.1 General guidelines : Some of the important provisions of UIC-772-2R and IRC:83 Part-II pertaining to installation of elastomeric bearings are given below: 1. Elastomeric bearings must not be placed one behind the other along the longitudinal axis of the girder on a single line of support under any circumstances. 2. Bearings of different plan size must not be installed next to each other (on the same pier) under the same girder/span. Different plan area will lead to different value of ‘δ’ for given values of H, h and G as under: ( ) b a G h H δ × × = 3. The contact surface between the bearing and the bed block must be horizontal to avoid tangential force due to gravity coming on to the bearing (maximum tolerance 0.2% 75 perpendicular to load). In case of sloping girders, this may be achieved by providing shims under the girder or by creating a recess with a horizontal surface on the underside of the girder. 4. The bearings must be placed on a contact surface which is free from local irregularities, maximum tolerance being +1 mm in height. 5. The bearings must be placed at true plan position with a maximum tolerance of +3 mm (along and across the bridge axis). 6. As a measure of ample safety against accidental displacement, the bearings should be placed in a recess. This is specially necessary for bridges with low DL/(DL+LL) ratio or bridges with larger horizontal displacements. This is typical in railway bridges with steel girders. 7. Where shrinkage and creep are likely to produce excessive horizontal movements, it is advisable to raise the girders before commissioning the bridge, allowing release of this unidirectional displacement. 8. Care should be taken in storage, handling and installation of the bearing to avoid any mechanical damage, contamination with oil, grease, dirt and undue exposure to sunlight and weather. 9. It is preferable to install the elastomeric bearing on a pedestal to permit jacking of the girders for future replacements and for proper drainage. 76 10. The area around elastomeric bearings should be inspected and scrupulously cleaned after the installation is complete. Railway bridges with ballasted decks should be provided with suitable expansion joints to prevent ballast from fouling the breathing space between girders, or between end span girder and ballast wall. 5.8.2 Process of installation : The process of installation of elastomeric bearing differs in case of precast vis-a-vis cast-in-situ girders. For precast girders, the bearing may be fixed to the underside of the girder by application of epoxy resin adhesives after specified surface preparation. Care should be taken to guard against faulty application and consequent behaviour of the adhesive layer as a lubricant. The adhesive is considered merely as an installation device and is not an adequate anti- creep measure. The process of installation of elastomeric bearing in a cast-in-situ girder is more complex. It involves the following stages: 1. Placing and adjusting the bearings on the bed block with required accuracy. 2. Preparation of a formwork sideframe all around the bearing. 3. Filling up the space between the bearing and the formwork frame by clean sand. 4. Placement of top forms over the side frame and sand with an opening matching the size and position of the bearing. 77 5. Sealing of the gaps between the opening in top form and the bearing by adhesive tape. 6. Execution of soffit formwork of the girder. 7. Concreting of the girder. 8. Removal of side forms and sand from around the bearing and cleaning up the spaces. 5.9 PERIODICAL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE The elastomeric bearings are considered largely to be maintenance free. However due to possible deficiencies in manufacture and installation, these bearings may show signs of distress or develop malfunctioning. Before any malfunctioning of the bearings leads to distress in the girders or substructure, it should be detected and preventive actions taken. It is, therefore, necessary to undertake periodical inspection of elastomeric bearings. The inspecting official should look for the following aspects: ! Correct position ! Excessive shear ! Excessive bulging ! Separation of rubber from steel lamination ! Cracking and tearing of elastomer ! Flattening out ! Off-loading of one edge due to excessive rotation 78 Under the effect of loads and induced movements, the elastomeric bearing will a) compress (flatten), b) bulge and c) shear. These are signs of normal functioning of the bearing and judgement regarding distress can be formed only on the basis of personal experience of the inspecting engineer. As a general guide, however, the following movements can be considered to be excessive: a) Shear deformation more than 50% of height of elastomeric pad b) Rotation leading to off-loading of an edge c) Compression more than 5% of height of the pad. Generally, malfunctioning of the elastomeric pad would result in distress either in the girder or in bed block and the area close to the bearing should be examined for cracking or spalling of concrete. 5.10 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS IN AID OF OLD SUBSTRUCTURES There are very large number of railway bridges constructed before 1926. The significance of the year 1926 is that it was in that year the IRS : Bridge Rules first incorporated provision of longitudinal force i.e. tractive effort and braking force. Prior to 1926 the bridges were designed only for the vertical effects of axle loads. 79 With the technological improvements, the bridge rules have also undergone changes primarily to reflect introduction of diesel and electric traction. RBG loading standard - 1975, MBG loading standard - 1987 and HM loading standard - 1995 are characterised by large increase in longitudinal force as compared to the increase in axle loads. In addition, due to the "Policy of Uni-gauge", many MG and NG sections have been upgraded to BG. It is therefore not surprising that a large number of railway bridge substructures are called upon to bear much larger horizontal forces than their original design values. A check on design calculations of substructure of such bridges indicates unacceptable level of stresses in the bridge substructure. Thus many piers are required to be strengthened or rebuilt even though they happen to be otherwise physically in sound condition. Apart from being costly and time consuming, strengthening measures like jacketing may not inspire full confidence in the load carrying capability of the substructure. Complete rebuilding of bridge, in many cases is far too time consuming to fit within the tight time schedules laid down for gauge conversion works. A better and cheaper solution to the above problem is possible by way of better management of the longitudinal force on bridges. The longitudinal force is generated at the rail wheel contact surface and it can either be passed on to the substructure through the bearings or can be dispersed onto the approaches. The sharing of the longitudinal force depends upon the relative 80 stiffness of the "girder-bearings-pier-soil" system or "rail - track - ballast - approach embankment" system. While the derivation of the load sharing is quite complex, it is certain that introduction of a flexible bearing under the girder can disperse more longitudinal force on the approaches, thereby relieving the piers of the horizontal forces. A number of experiments have been conducted in India and abroad on this aspect and rules laid down for dispersion of longitudinal force to approaches. Surprisingly, there is considerable variation in the rules adopted by various countries in this regard. The provision of IRS : Bridge Rules in force on Indian Railways are explained below: 1. The quantum of longitudinal force is laid down in appropriate EUDL tables in the appendix to the IRS : Bridge Rules. 2. Subject to proper standard and condition of track on bridge approaches and provision of rail free fastening on the girders, 25% of the longitudinal force subjected to a minimum of 16t for BG, can be considered to be dispersed on to the bridge approaches. 3. In case, suitably designed elastomeric bearings are used, the above dispersion can be further increased by 40%. Thus use of elastomeric bearings results in 35% of longitudinal force being thrown on to the approaches. 4. In case of a span having free-fixed bearing combination, the full longitudinal force (net after dispersion) is transmitted to the pier with fixed bearing. 5. In case of a span having sliding bearing or 81 elastomeric bearings at both ends the net longitudinal force is shared @ 40% at either support point, the remaining being shared by the piers beyond the loaded span. Though the above provisions are considered to be conservative by many, it still shows a clear cut benefit of replacing steel sliding bearings or rocker & roller bearings by elastomeric bearings. A note of caution is however necessary that the amount of dispersion will also depend upon the capacity of the rails, joints and approach track to transmit and absorb the longitudinal force. It is however beyond doubt that more studies are necessary in this area and there is scope for retaining old substructures by use of elastomeric bearings. While replacing other bearings especially rocker & roller by elastomeric, the correction slip no. 6 to Concrete Bridge Code dated 30.7.2002 should be kept in mind, which states that “use of elastomeric bearings in prestressed concrete bridges should preferably be restricted up to maximum clear span of 30 m.” 5.11 ANTI-SLIP DEVICES It has been explained earlier that elastomeric bearings have a tendency to slip if the minimum normal pressure is less than 2 MPa. Such a situation is likely to occur when elastomeric bearings are used in steel plate girders having less self weight. UIC code 772-2R cautions against the use of elastomeric bearings if they are required to undergo simultaneously light loading and large longitudinal movements. 82 For steel girders of spans ranging from 12.2 m to 30.5 m the minimum bearing pressure is less than 2 MPa. All such bearings, therefore, require some anti-creep or anti-slip device. There are number of possible ways of providing the anti-slip device as given below: 1. By stops : In this method stopper plates or angles are welded to the underside of the girder and embedded in the bed block. It should be ensured that the thickness of the elastomer butting against the stops is not considered in the design since this thickness will not take part in the shearing action. A typical anti-slip device using stops is shown in Fig. 5.10 a. 2. By embedment : A recess can be created in the bed block in which the elastomeric pad will be placed. The functioning of the recess as an anti-slip device is same as that of the stopper plate. The bearing is usually glued to the girder with an epoxy resin. A typical detail is shown at Fig. 5.10 b. 3. By bolting : The elastomeric bearing can be vulcanised with a stainless steel outer plate. The stainless steel plate is provided with holes through which anchor bolts can be used for attachment of the bearing to the girder and to the bed block. This method however requires either anchor bolts to be cast along with the girder or dowel holes left in position in the concrete at correct locations. A typical detail of this scheme is shown in Fig. 5.10 c. 83 BEARING BED BLOCK BEARING STOPS ANGLE EMBEDDED IN BED BLOCK EXTERNAL PLATE BONDED TO BEARING BED BLOCK GIRDER FIG. 5.10 ANTI-SLIP DEVICES a) PLACEMENT IN RECESS b) BY STOPPER PLATE c) BY BOLTING BEARING BED BLOCK ANGLE EMBEDDED IN BED BLOCK STOPS BEARING EXTERNAL PLATE BONDED TO BEARING BED BLOCK BEARING BED BLOCK 84 5.12 SAMPLE DESIGN PROBLEM FOR ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS Problem Check the design of bearing as shown in Fig. 5.11, of size 650 x 450 x 120 mm, for 18.3 m span PSC I - girder section as per HMLS 1995. Assume suitable related data and refer IRS : Bridge Rules and IRC-83 Pt.- II. FIG. 5.11 CUT SECTION OF ELASTOMERIC BEARING Guiding considerations 1. Dimensioning (i) b < 2a where ‘b’ is across the traffic and ‘a’ is along the traffic The longer dimension across the girder ensures rotational stability in lateral direction. (ii) a/10 < h < a/5 a/10 < h so that it should ride over the irregularities of bed block in a better way. h < a/5 so that there is no buckling condition. (iii) Shape Factor 6 < S < 12 6 < S so that high vertical stiffness can be given and bulging is controlled. S < 12 not required from design considerations and thus uneconomical. STEEL REINFORCING PLATES ELASTOMER b a h h 85 2. Limits of vertical pressure i) Minimum vertical pressure = 2MPa Otherwise bearing is likely to ‘walk-out’ ii) Maximum vertical pressure =10 MPa Otherwise bearing is likely to get crushed 3. No Slip condition a) when only DL is acting. µ 1 X DL > slow acting horizontal force b) when (DL + LL) both acting. µ 2 X (DL + LL) > Total horizontal force 4. Plan dimensions of bearing should be sufficient such that bearing pressure on bed-block should be within permissible limit for the material of bed block. 5. Distortion limit in shear = 70 % of height of bearing or δ max = 0.7 x h 6. No uplift condition The bridge span rotates at ends due to dead and live load deflections. Due to this rotation, there should be no loss of contact of the far end of the bearing with bed block. To ensure this i) c tanα a/6 ei > ∑ when only dead load is acting. ii) s c 1.5tanα tanα a/6 ei + > ∑ when dead load and live load both are acting. 7. Total shear stress in elastomer should be within limit of 5 x G. 86 Total shear stress includes a) due to compression b) due to horizontal load c) due to rotation 8. Thickness of steel lamination h s = ( )( ) s x b x a 1.5P P h hi 2 s c 1 i i σ + + + Solution: Thickness of top and bottom rubber pad covers = 6 mm Steel plates = 8 nos @ 3 mm thick, total = 24 mm Intermediate elastomer pads = 7 nos @12 mm thick Thickness of elastomer = 7 x 12 + 2 x 6 = 96 mm Thickness of bearing (h) = 96 + 24 = 120 mm 1. Dimensioning (a) Considering 6 mm cover on all sides, a = 450 - 2 x 6 = 438 mm b = 650 - 2 x 6 = 638 mm 2a = 438 x 2 = 876 b < 2a ..................................... Hence OK (b) a/10 = 43.8 and a/5 = 87 h should be between 43.8 mm & 87 mm h provided = 96 mm ..........almost satisfied. (c) S = 638)12 2(438 638 x 438 b)h 2(a b x a i + = + = 10.82 (It is calculated for individual layer) Since, 6 < S < 12 ........ Hence OK 87 2. Limits of vertical pressure Data for 18.3 m span (HMLS) Dead load of span = 226 t Weight of ballast and track per span = 96 t (say) Slowly applied vert. load = 226 + 96 = 322 t Slowly applied vert. load per bearing P c = 322/4 = 80.5 t For a girder of 18.3 m clear span overall length of girder = 20 m L (m) Total load for BM Total load for SF CDA=0.15+8/6+L ———- ———————— ————————- ————-———— 20 261.8 t 286.2 t 0.458 Total load for shear =286.2 t (excluding CDA) Total load including CDA = 286.2 x 1.458 Quick acting vertical load per bearing Ps = t 104.32 4 1.458 x 286.2 = σ min (only due to DL ) = MPa 2 MPa 2.88 638 x 438 10 x 1000 x 80.5 > = ... O.K. …hence no slip condition σ max (due to both DL & LL) = MPa 6.61 638 x 438 10 x 1000 x 104.32) (80.5 = + < 10 ... O.K. 3. No slip condition L Tractive Effort Braking force ——— ——————— ——————— 20.0 m 75.0 t 50.6 t 88 Horizontal load adopted = 75.0 t. (higher of TE & BF) ∴ Quick acting horizontal load per bearing H S = t 15 kg 2 0.4 x 1000 x 75 = (Considering 40% horizontal load on one support) Assuming value of G = 1 MPa Shear strain = shear stress/G Shear Strain = 0.54 1 x 438 x 638 10 x 1000 x 15 = Movement corresponding to above strain = 0.54 x 96 = 51.84 mm Slow movements due to temperature effect (Assuming temp. change of 30 0 C with other end fixed) Temperature movement = ∝ t l = 1.17 x 10 -5 x 30 x 20 x 1000 = 7 mm Adding 3 mm for creep and shrinkage Total movement = 10 mm Slow acting horizontal force H c corresponding to movement of 10 mm = 638 x 438 x 1 x 10/96 = 2.9 Check for no slip condition µ = coefficient of fraction = 0.10 + 0.6/N for DL only µ 1 = 0.10 + 0.6/2.88 = 0.31 for DL + LL µ 2 = 0.10 + 0.6/6.61 = 0.19 When only DL is acting Slow acting horizontal force = 2.9 t Resisting frictional force = 0.31 x 80.5 t 89 = 24.96 t > When (DL + LL) both are acting Total horizontal force = 2.9 + 15 = 17.9 t Resisting force = 0.19 x (80.5+104.32) = 35.1 > 17.9 t 4. Bed block concrete σ max = 6.61 MPa use M30 grade concrete for bed block Permissible stress in bearing = 0.25 x 30 = 7.5 MPa ............ safe 5. Limit of distortion Shear strain = 96 10 51.84 + = 64.4% 6. Check for no uplift condition at most lightly loaded edge of bearing Assumptions: Let the vertical defection under DL + LL = 25 mm Rotation at bearing = 25 x 2 / 20000 = 0.0025 radians Rotation due to only DL = radians 0.0011 104.32 80.5 80.5 x 0.0025 = + Rotation due to LL = radians 0014 . 0 32 . 104 5 . 80 32 . 104 x 0025 . 0 = + 90 a) For D.L. condition c tanα a/6 ei > ∑ 3N 4GS N x hi ei where 2 + = Compression of individual layer = mm 0.072 2.88 x 3 (10.82) x 1 x 4 2.88 x 12 2 = + Compression of 7 layers = 7 x 0.072 = 0.504 a/6 ei ∑ = radian 0.007 438/6 0.504 = Rotation under DL = tan α c = 0.0011 radian Hence b/6 ei ∑ > tan α c ................. hence safe. b) For DL + L. L. Condition s c 1.5tanα tanα a/6 ei + > ∑ Compression of individual layer = mm 0.162 6.61 x 3 (10.82) x 1 x 4 6.61 x 12 2 = + Compression of 7 layer = 7 x 0.16 = 1.14 mm a/6 ei ∑ = radians 016 . 0 6 / 438 14 . 1 = tan α c +1.5 tan α s = 0.0011+1.5 x 0.0014 91 = 0.003 radians Hence a/6 ei ∑ > tan α c +1.5 tan α s ............ hence safe. 7. Check for total sheer stress a) Sheer stress due to compression load =       + axb s 1.5P c P S 1.5 Factor 1.5 with P s makes allowance for severe effect of vertical vibratory railway loads observed during test. = MPa 1.18 10 x 3 10 x 638 x 438 104.32 x 1.5 80.5 x 10.82 1.5 = + b) Shear stress due to horizontal load = ( ) MPa 0.64 638 x 438 10 x 10 x 2.9 15 3 = + c) Shear stress due to rotation = ) α 1.5tan α (tan H x hi x 2 Ga s c 2 + The factor 1.5 for tan α s makes allowance for the fatigue effects produced by rapid variation of vertical vibrators railway loading. = MPa 0.27 0.0014) x 1.5 (0.0011 96 x 12 x 2 438 x 1 2 = + Total shear stress = 1.18 + 0.64 + 0.27 = 2.09 MPa < 5 MPa ......... safe 92 8. Check suitability of 3 mm thick steel plates hs > ( )( ) s s c 1 i i σ x b x a 1.5P P h h 2 + + + σ s = allowable stress in steel = 140 MPa > 140 x 438 x 638 104.32) x 1.5 12)(80.5 2(12 + + > 2.9 mm Therefore, adopted size of 3 mm is safe. ---------- 93 CHAPTER 6 POT BEARINGS 6.1 GENERAL POT bearing was developed in 1959 as an alternative to heavy steel sliding bearings. It consists of a circular non-reinforced rubber-pad fully enclosed in a steel pot. The rubber is prevented from bulging by the pot walls and it acts similar to a fluid under high pressure. From the discussion on various bearings, it has been observed that most of the bearings have the limitation of either load or movement capacity. The load range and movement capacity of various types of bearings are given in Table 6.1. TABLE 6.1 Load and Movement Ranges Load (T) Movement Sliding 20 – 133 ± 25 mm Rocker & roller 60 – 266 100 mm Elastomeric 30 – 220 60 mm The above bearings are adequate for smaller spans having the requirement of load and movement, within the range prescribed in the above table. But what to do for the larger spans having more load and more movements? In fact the problem of load can be solved by providing more bearing area or providing more number of bearings so that load is shared by many bearings. However this idea of ‘sharing’ can’t be extended to movement because the number of ends can’t be more than two. 94 Therefore, it is the requirement of movement which is more critical than the load requirement and we require some other type of bearing where the horizontal movement should not be the limiting factor. Since necessity is the mother of invention, a special category of bridge bearing was developed known as ‘POT and PTFE’. PTFE is a short form of Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene. 6.2 POT-PTFE BEARING vs ELASTOMERIC BEARING In POT bearing, two most important synthetic materials i.e. Elastomer & PTFE are utilised. Elastomer has an excellent property of providing translation and rotation without any moving parts. In POT-PTFE bearing, the latter part is utilised by completely encasing the elastomer pad in steel casing or POT. PTFE has an excellent property of having very low coefficient of friction and in the free end, a sliding component is added on top of POT, comprising stainless steel and PTFE for translation. The rotation, therefore, is provided by elastomer due to differential compression and translation by steel and PTFE. Elastomeric bearing, otherwise, considered to be an ideal bearing, could not be used in larger spans because of some drawbacks. These drawbacks of elastomeric bearing which lead to development of POT – PTFE bearing are given below: (1) The ordinary elastomeric bearing can’t be used as a fixed bearing. (2) The translation allowed by the elastomeric bearing is restricted by its thickness. 95 ( ) b a G h H δ × × = or δ α h ‘δ’ is generally restricted to 50-60% of total thickeness of the elastomer. (3) In order to have more value of ‘δ’, the thickeness of the elastomer pads will have to be increased but the same can't be increased beyond a limit as thicker elastomer pads are rather unstable. (4) There is a limit to the vertical load also which the elastomeric pad can safely withstand. Large vertical loads result in greater amount of compression and bulging. (5) Large rotation create the danger of off-loading of one edge and overstressing the other. Fig. 6.1 to 6.4 show typical details of various types of POT-PTFE bearings. 6.3 PROPERTIES OF PTFE PTFE is a linear chain polymer of great molecular strength, known for its chemical inertness and low coefficient of friction. PTFE is not oxidised easily, it is resistant to all common solvents and remains stable at extremes of atmospheric temperatures. It was earlier thought that lowest coefficient of friction could be obtained with PTFE sliding against PTFE. But on the basis of tests conducted on several frictional interfaces, it has been conclusively proved that the frictional coefficient of PTFE sliding against grounded stainless steel surface is lower than PTFE on 96 F r e e t o r o t a t e a b o u t a n y a x i s i n t h e h o r i z o n t a l p l a n e P i s t o n H a r d F a c i n g I n t e r n a l S e a l C o n f i n e d E l a s t o m e r i c P r e s s u r e P a d C y l i n d e r E x t e r n a l S e a l F I G . 6 . 1 F I X E D T Y P E P O T B E A R I N G 97 F I G . 6 . 2 F R E E S L I D I N G T Y P E P O T - C U M - P T F E B E A R I N G F r e e t o s l i d e a l o n g a n y d i r e c t i o n i n t h e h o r i z o n t a l p l a n e F r e e t o r o t a t e a b o u t a n y a x i s i n t h e h o r i z o n t a l p l a n e S l i d i n g T o p W i p e r S e a l E x t e r n a l S e a P i s t o n H a r d F a c i n g I n t e r n a l S e a C o n f i n e d E l P r e s s u r e P a C y l i n d e r P T F E S t a i n l e s s S t S L I D I N G T O P P L A T E W I P E R S E A L E X T E R N A L S E A L H A R D F A C I N G I N T E R N A L S E A L C O N F I N E D E L A S T O M E R I C P R E S S U R E P A D C Y L I N D E R S T A I N S T E E L P L A T E P I S T O N 98 F I G . 6 . 3 P O T - P T F E B E A R I N G W I T H S L I D I N G G U I D E S F r e e t o r o t a t e a b o u t a n y a x i s i n t h e h o r i z o n t a l p l a n e S l i d i n g T o w i t h s i d e W i p e r S e E x t e r n a l S H a r d F a c i I n t e r n a l S C o n f i n e d P r e s s u r e C y l i n d e r S l i d i n g r e s t r a i n e d a l o n g t h i s d i r e c t i o n P T F E P I S T O N S t a i n l e s S L I D I N G T O P P L A T E W I T H S I D E G U I D E S W I P E R S E A L E X T E R N A L S E A L H A R D F A C I N G I N T E R N A L S E A L C O N F I N E D E L A S T O M E R I C P R E S S U R E P A D C Y L I N D E R S T A I N S T E E L P L A T E 99 F r e e t o r o t a t e a b o u t a n y a x i s i n t h e h o r i z o n t a l p l a n e S l i d i n g r e s t r a i n e d a l o n g t h i s d i r e c t i o n C y l i n d e r S l i d i n g T C o n f i n e d P r e s s u r e I n t e r n a l S H a r d F a c E x t e r n a l W i p e r S e P T F E P I S T O N S t a i n l e s s F I G . 6 . 4 P O T - P T F E B E A R I N G W I T H C E N T R A L G U I D E S L I D I N G T O P P L A T E W I P E R S E A L E X T E R N A L S E A L H A R D F A C I N G I N T E R N A L S E A L C O N F I N E D E L A S T O M E R I C P R E S S U R E P A D C Y L I N D E R S T A I N S T E E L P L A T E 100 PTFE. However PTFE has poor creep properties i.e. it exhibits permanent compression under loads. It also has poor bonding properties, and therefore, always used in thin sheets (upto 3 mm) recessed in a steel plate with half the thickness of PTFE embedded. Addition of certain fillers such as glass fibre, graphite or bronze to PTFE increases the wear resistance and creep properties but it also increases the frictional resistance. Fillers of molybdenum sulphide or silica though improves wear and creep properties without appreciable increase in friction. In bridge bearings, pure PTFE is therefore rarely used. Although, friction between steel and PTFE is the minimum, yet it is highly susceptible to intrusion of dust. Elaborate arrangements are, therefore, must to prevent entry of dust particles on the sliding surface. Silicon grease is generally used as a lubricant for PTFE surfaces. Dust seals are also recommended around PTFE bearings to prevent the ingress of dust. 6.4 PERMISSIBLE BEARING PRESSURE ON PTFE For the purpose of design, it is important to lay down permissible bearing pressure on PTFE sliding surfaces. There is no code of practice available in India for this purpose. Reference may be made to BS:5400 Section 9.1 and AASHTO specifications of USA for this purpose. The values as given in Table 6.2 obtained from various technical literature give an idea about the range of the permissible stress in various types of PTFE. 101 TABLE 6.2 PERMISSIBLE BEARING PRESSURE Type of PTFE Average bearing Max. edge pressure pressure (MPa) (MPa) Filled PTFE or unfilled recessed 24.5 35 PTFE Unfilled PTFE 14 35 (not recessed) PTFE with bronze 42 70 PTFE perforated 35 35 metal composite BS:5400 limits the average pressure on PTFE with glass fibres to 45 MPa and PTFE in a metal matrix to 60 MPa. For any material other than the above, permissible values should either be established by tests or the values recommended for unfilled PTFE should be adopted. 6.5 OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN OF PTFE SLIDING BEARING 1. Expansion bearings having sliding surfaces of PTFE shall have a provision for minimum 0.01 radians of rotation. This is to prevent excessive local stresses on the PTFE sliding surface. 2. The minimum and maximum thicknesss of PTFE sliding surface shall be as given in Table 6.3. 102 TABLE 6.3 THICKNESS OF PTFE SURFACES Type of PTFE Minimum Maximum thickness thickness Filled PTFE 0.8mm 2.4mm Unfilled PTFE 0.8mm 2.4mm PTFE with bronze 0.8mm 3.0mm PTFE perforated metal composite 1.6mm 3.0mm 3. The contact surface of PTFE shall have a minimum Brinell hardness of 125 and surface finish of less than 20 microns. 4. Holes or slots shall not be made in the sliding surfaces. 5. For calculating the pressure on PTFE, the contact surface area may be taken as the gross area of the PTFE without making any deduction for lubricating cavities, if any. 6. The stresses in the elastomer are limited by the effectiveness of the seal preventing it from squeezing out. However, they should not exceed 40 N/mm 2 . 7. The lateral pressure exerted on the cylinder (POT) can be considered to be that produced by the pad acting as a fluid. The stress analysis in the pot is very complex and should be verified by testing. 103 6.6 DESIGN ASPECTS Basic elements of a POT bearing are: - POT or a shallow cylinder - an elastomeric pad - a set of sealing rings - a piston POT bearings are fixed against all translation unless they are used with a PTFE sliding surface. The POT may either be one piece construction shaped by machining or fabricated by welding ring on to the base plate. The elastomer pad inserted into the POT is restrained from being squeezed out of the annular gap between the side wall and the piston by means of a set of two or three flat brass rings. The circular rings have traditionally been brazed into a closed circle, whereas the flat ones are usually bent from a strip and the ends are not joined. Brass rings are placed in a recess on the top of the elastomeric pad. PTFE rings have been tried, but have been abandoned because of their poor performance. The cover piston which fits into the POT is placed in contact with the elastomer pad. In the POT type sliding bearing the cover/piston is mounted by a sliding assembly. The upper surface of the piston is recessed and filled with the PTFE disc. The upper sliding plate is provided with a sheet of stainless steel or chrome nickel alloy steel. The PTFE disc is provided with small cavities (lubrication pockets) containing a special lubricant which ensure life long lubrication of the sliding surface. An all around seal is provided to 104 prevent ingress of moisture and dust on the contact surface as well as inside the POT. Generally four holes are drilled in the top plate as well as the plate on which POT is mounted to facilitate attachment of the POT bearings to the girders and bed block. The PTFE-steel contact surface can also be in the form of two hemispheres in which case the bearing provides for rotation as well as translation. The following types of actions are there in POT bearings. a) Compression : Vertical load is carried through the piston of the bearing and it is resisted by the elastomeric pad. Elastomer is incompressible, though deformable. Due to this property, elastomer exerts pressure on the POT wall like a fluid. Deformation of the POT wall is a concern since this deformation changes the clearances between the POT and the piston. Similarly in the downward direction, the base plate deformation causes the POT wall to rotate inward. b) Rotation : POT bearings are associated with large rotations which are accomodated by the deformation of elastomeric pad. Large cyclic rotations can be very damaging to POT bearings due to abrasion and wear of the sealing rings and elastomeric pad. In fact, duri ng rotati on, the el astomeri c pad compresses on one side and expands on the other, so the elastomer is in contact with the POT wall and slips against it. This causes elastomer abrasion and sometimes contributes to elastomer leakage. To mitigate this problem, silicon grease is generally used. 105 c) Lateral load : Lateral load is transferred from the piston to the POT by contact between the rim of the piston and the wall of the POT. The contact stresses are generally very high. Lateral loads may also contribute to increased wear of the elastomeric pads and greater potential for wear and fracture of the sealing rings. The damage observed in tests suggests that the lateral load should be carried through an independent mechanism wherever possible. Design aspects will become clear in design problem at the end of chapter. 6.7 INSTALLATION OF POT BEARINGS In a sliding POT bearing, positive fixing to the main structure may not be required if the bearing is always subjected to adequate vertical loading which is the case in most of the concrete bridges. In such a case, any horizontal movement will always occur on the plane of least resistance which is of course the sliding surface of bearing. However, it is prudent to provide some fixing to guard against displacement during installation, impact, vibrations and accidental loading. Malfunctioning in a bridge bearing, in majority of cases, can be traced to faulty installation and much of damage usually occurs during installation, handling or storage. Careless handling on site and ingress of dirt can easily lead to abnormally high frictional resistance. The sliding POT bearings are, therefore, normally delivered at site with the top and bottom parts bolted together. The bearings should not be dismantled at site. The bearings should be 106 transported and unloaded carefully and stored under cover in clean, dry conditions. The seating provided under the bearing should be perfectly levelled. It is common to use a mortar bedding composed of sand-cement mortar with or without epoxy resin. A cube crushing strength of 35 N/mm 2 is usually recommended for the bedding mortar. While installing the bearing, the transit bolts must be in position and these should be removed after the mortar has set and before the bearing is called upon to slide or rotate. POT bearings have been used in many important bridges on Indian Railways. It was used, in addition to many other bridges, in the construction of 3rd Godavari Bridge at Rajamundry having bow string arch girders of 90 m span, on Zuari and Mandovi bridges on the KRCL having 120m span open web steel girders. Recently these have also been used on a number of bridges on Jammu- Udhampur Rail Link Project (JURL) e.g. Tansi bridge (71.4+102+71.4m), Dudhar bridge (64+92+64m) and E-18 viaduct (40+29.68m) etc. POT-PTFE bearings are being used on Udhampur-Srinagar section also. POT bearings, both fixed and sliding type can be used to advantage in all situations where there is a limitation on overall height of the bridge girder coupled with large force/movements involved. This is so because the POT bearings are substantially thinner as compared to roller bearings. PTFE sliding sheets have also been used for the launching of superstructures of bridges in Konkan Railway and JURL with great advantage. 107 6.8 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR POT-PTFE BEARINGS General Guidelines - Provisions apply for temperature ranges of -10 o C to +50 o C. - POT bearing of dia. up to 1500 mm are within scope of these specifications. - Tensile load can’t be applied to bearings. - Rotation up to 0.025 radians only considered. Confined elastomer used in metal POT is unreinforced. It allows only rotation by virtue of differential compression. The popular property of elastomer i.e. translation due to shearing strain is not used here in POT-PTFE bearings due to confinement. Specifications 1. Design horizontal force generated due to friction at sliding surface shall in no case be less than 10% and greater than 25% of design vertical load i.e. µ = 0.10 to 0.25. Moment will be induced due to stiffness of elastomer and friction at piston-cylinder contact. This may be computed as under: a) Induced moment resulting from resistance to rotation due to effect of tilting stiffness of elastomeric pressure, is given as M e,d = di 3 x (k 1 q p + K 2 q v ) di = dia of elastomer pad in mm k 1 , k 2 = constants depending upon di/he as given in Table 6.4 he = thickness of elastomer pad in mm 108 q p = rotation angle in radian due to long term effect q v = rotation angle in radian due to short term effect TABLE 6.4 Values of constant k 1 and k 2 di/he k 1 k 2 15.0 2.2 101.0 12.5 1.8 58.8 10.0 1.5 30.5 7.5 1.1 13.2 b) Induced moment will also result due to friction at piston-cylinder contact which is given by M R,d = 0.2 x C x H C = perpendicular distance from point of action of horizontal force on cylinder wall to the axis of rotation (mm) as shown in Fig 6.5. H = Design Horizontal force (N) FIG. 6.5 MOMENT ARM FOR ROTATION RESISTANCE c DIRECTION OF HORIZONTAL FORCE AXIS OF ROTATION DIAMETER DIRECTION OF HORIZONTAL FORCE DIAMETER AXIS OF ROTATION 109 c) Total induced moment M T,d = M e,d + M R,d For pin bearings M e,d = 0 Therefore, M T,d = M R,d Design values of rotation and translation movement will be multiplied by a factor of 1.3. 2. Recommendations for confined elastomeric pad (a) Permissible limits for confined pressure on elastomer pad depends upon effectiveness of internal seal preventing it from extruding. Therefore, it shall be verified by load testing of assembled bearing. (b) Dimensioning of pad should be such that at design rotation, the deflection at perimeter shall not exceed 15% of pad thickness (he,eff) below internal seal, as shown in Fig. 6.6. FIG. 6.6 DEFLECTION IN ELASTOMERIC PRESSURE PAD h e < 0.15 x he,eff Rotation 0 h e , e f f h e di φ 110 (c) Even then average stress in pad shall not exceed 35 MPa and extreme fibre stress shall not exceed 40 MPa. However minimum value, under any critical combination of loads, shall not be less than 5 MPa. (d) The thickness of confined elastomeric pad shall not be less than 1/5 th of its diameter or 16 mm whichever is higher. Its diameter shall not be less than 180 mm. 3. Recommendations for PTFE (a) It can be either of the two forms given below: (i) Dimpled large sheet It may be circular or rectangular divided maximum into four parts. For dimpled sheets with smallest dimension exceeding 100 mm (dia. or smaller side of rectangle), the contact area shall be taken as gross area without deduction for the area of the dimples. (ii) Arrayed (without dimples) Distance between individual modules shall not be greater than 10 mm. Thickness of PTFE and its protrusion from recess depends upon maximum plan dimension as given in Table 6.5. TABLE 6.5 Thickness of PTFE and its Protrusion Max. dimension Minimum Max.protrusion of PTFE (mm) thickness above recess (Diameter or (mm) (mm) diagonal) ≤ 600 4.5 2.0 > 600, ≤ 1200 5.0 2.5 > 1200, ≤ 1500 6.0 3.0 111 (b) The coefficient of friction between stainless steel and uniformly lubricated PTFE will be as given in Table 6.6. TABLE 6.6 Coefficient of friction between PTFE and Stainless steel Average pressure on Max. value of ‘µ’ ‘µ’ for confined PTFE (MPa) for lubricated PTFE unlubricated PTFE 5 0.08 Double the 10 0.06 values for 20 0.04 lubricated PTFE ≥ 30 0.03 For design purpose, the value of ‘µ’ corresponding to unlubricated PTFE is taken into account. (c) Average pressure on confined PTFE shall not exceed 40 MPa and extreme fibre pressure shall not exceed 45 MPa. Corresponding values for confined elastomeric pad are 35 MPa and 40 MPa 5. Permissible limits in bolt and screws for Class 4.6 (Ref IS : 1367). (a) Permissible stress in axial tension ≤ 120 MPa Permissible stress in shear ≤ 80 MPa Permissible stress in bearing ≤ 250 MPa For higher class than 4.6, the above values shall be multiplied by factor ‘x’ yield stress or 0.2% proof stress or 0.7 x UTS (whichever is greater) Where x = ————————————————— 235 MPa 112 (b) For bolts and screws subjected to both shear and axial tension. Calculated shear stress Calculated tensile stress ——————————— + ———————————— ≤1.4 Permissible stress in shear Permissible stress in tension 6. Permissible stress for welds (a) Permissible stress in fillet weld based on its throat area shall be 110 MPa. (b) Permissible shear stress on plug welds shall be 110 MPa. No increase in permissible stresses is allowed for seismic, wind or any other load combination for elastomer pad, PTFE, bolt and screws or welds. 113 6.9 DESIGN OF POT- PTFE BEARINGS In absence of 3D - FEM analysis, simplified design can be adopted. For POT bearings of vertical load capacity 7500 KN or higher, the analysis should always be done using 3D–FEM with authentic software. Design steps 1. Effective contact area shall be calculated with load distribution of confined elastomer stress as 1V : 2 H, as shown in Fig. 6.7. FIG. 6.7 LOAD DISPERSION THROUGH BEARING COMPONENTS 2. The confined elastomer pad is considered to act as fluid exerting fluid pressure under vertical load. 3. Total hoop tensile stress on cross section of cylinder wall will be due to - 2 1 2 1 EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA 114 (a) Fluid pressure due to elastomer (b) Horizontal force The sum of both shall not exceed the permissible stress value in axial tension. (i) The hoop tensile stress d i x h e x σ ce due to elastomeric bearing = —————— 2 x b p x h c where; d i = Dia of elastomer pad (mm) h e = thickness of elastomer pad (mm) σ ce = fluid pressure in elastomer due to vertical load b p = thickness of cylinder wall (mm) h c = Height of cylinder wall (mm) Total force on cylinder wall = projected area x σ ce Projected area = d i x h e From Fig. 6.8 c p ce e i h x b σ x h x d 2T = FIG. 6.8 HOOP TENSION Therefore, Hoop tension (T) = c p ce e i h x b x 2 σ x h x d T T Di b P 115 (ii) The hoop tensile stress due to horizontal force H = —————— 2 x b p x h c 4. Shear stress at cylinder wall and base interface will be due to (a) Fluid pressure (b) Horizontal force and the total shall not exceed the permissible value in shear. (i) Shear stress due to fluid pressure h e x σ ce = ———— for 1 mm radial slice as shown in Fig. 6.9. b p Radial shear on 1mm radial slice = h e x 1 x σ ce Resisted by a section = b p x 1 at interface FIG. 6.9 CALCULATION OF SHEAR STRESS therefore shear stress = p ce e b σ x h 1mm Shear Shear SHEAR SHEAR 116 (ii) Shear stress due to horizontal force 1.5 x H = ———— b p x d i Factor 1.5 has been taken due to parabolic distribution 5. Bending stress at cylinder and base interface shall also be due to - (a) Fluid pressure (b) Horizontal force The total shall not exceed the permissible value of bending stress. (i) Bending stress due to fluid pressure 6 x σ ce x h e 2 = ————————— 2 x b p FIG. 6.10 CALCULATION OF BENDING STRESS M at interface = 2 e ce h σ 2 × as shown in Fig. 6.10 P ce 1 b h c h e B M D BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM σ ce 117 Bending stress at interface f = I y x he ce σ 2 2 × 3 12 p b 1 I × = 2 b y p = Therefore, 3 p p e ce b 12 x 2 b x 2 .h f 2 σ = = 2 2 p e b x 2 h ce σ x 6 × (ii) Bending stress due to horizontal force = 2 p i b x d ha x H x 6 x 1.5 Where, ha = Height of application of design horizontal force ‘H’ in N from cylinder wall above base interface in mm. Force H is acting on entire section width of d i Therefore, force per unit length = i d H Max force per unit length = i d H 1.5 (considering parabolic distribution) Therefore, M at interface = i d H 1.5 x ha 118 Bending stress = I M.y = i d H 1.5 x ha x 2 b p x 3 p b x 1 12 = 2 p i b x d ha x H x 6 x 1.5 6. Combined bending and shear shall also be checked such that the equivalent stress due to co-existing bending and shear stress shall not exceed 0.9 fy. Equivalent stress when bending is in tension = 2 ) nsion tressin.te d.bendings (Calculate 2 stress) ted.shear. 3x(Calcula + or Equivalent stress when bending is in compression = 2 comp) d.bending. (Calculate 2 stress) ted.shear. 3x(Calcula + 7. Minimum dimensions in POT bearing (a) Minimum thickness of cylinder base shall not be less than 2.5% of inner diameter of POT cylinder. (b) Minimum thickness of sliding component of stainless steel shall not be less than 2.5% of max. dimension (dia. or diagonal) in plan. (c) Min. thickness of any steel component shall in no case be less than 12 mm. 8. Other minimum dimensions (a) Minimum theoretical depth of effective contact width of piston at design rotation shall not be less than 5 mm. (b) Minimum theoretical clearance between the top edge of cylinder and the bottom edge of piston at design rotation shall not be less than 5 mm. 119 (c) For sliding component, the stainless steel surface always overlap the PTFE even when the extreme movement occurs. The welded connection with backing plate should be designed to withstand only the force generated at sliding interface due to friction. The thickness of stainless steel plate shall be guided by the requirement of proper welding and in no case shall be less than the thickness of weld or 3 mm (whichever is higher). 6.10 DESIGN OF GUIDES 1. Sliding surface for guides and sliding assemblies shall be made of one of the following: (a) Stainless steel sliding on confined PTFE (i) ‘µ’ to be taken for unlubricated PTFE (ii) Average pressure on PTFE should not be > 40 MPa Extreme fibre pressure should not be > 45 MPa (b) Stainless steel sliding on stainless steel (i) ‘µ’ = 0.2 (ii) Bearing pressure should not be >150 MPa But it may be increased by 33.33% when effect of wind or EQ is taken into account. (c) Stainless sliding on composite material (i) ‘µ’ = 0.05 (ii) The pressure on composite material shall not exceed 70 MPa. 2. Guide shall be in the form of one guide bar located centrally or two guide bars attached side wise to the sliding plate. But one thing is certain that it shall be monolithic to the component to which it is connected, thickness of which shall not be less than thickness of guide along direction of horizontal force acting on the guide. 120 3. For central guides (a) The thickness of the recessed portion of sliding plate shall not be less than 0.3 x thickness of sliding plate or 0.3 x width of recess or 12 mm (b) The vertical clearance between the guide and the recessed sliding plate shall not be less than 0.2 % of length of recess or 2 mm 6.11 DESIGN OF ANCHORING ARRANGEMENT Aim : Bearings should be replaceable with minimum lifting of the superstructure 1. The horizontal force transmission capacity of the anchorage shall be considered as the sum of friction force developed at the interface and the capacity of the anchorage to resist shear force. Here ‘µ’ will be taken as 0.2 2. (a) The diameter of anchor sleeves should not be < 2 x nominal diameter of bolts/screws. (b) The length of sleeve should not be > 5 x diameter. 3. Peak stress on concrete adjacent to the anchor sleeve shall be calculated using the following expression. L x D δ x A x 3 σ cpu = σ cpu = peak stress in concrete behind anchor sleeve (MPa) A = Effective tensile area of bolt/screw (mm 2 ) δ = permissible shear stress in bolt / screw D = Diameter of sleeve (mm) L = Length of sleeve (mm) 121 4. Specifications for bolt / screws (i) The threaded fastening length of bolt / screw (of class 4.6) should not be < 0.8 x nominal dia. For higher class, it will be proportionately adjusted. (ii) Edge distance should not be < 1.5 x dia. of hole. (iii) Centre to centre distance of bolt/screw should not be < 1.5 x dia. of hole. (iv) a) Anchor studs shall be made of forged steel. For adjacent structure made of concrete of grade M35 and above - - Length of stud should not be < 6 x dia. of stud - Dia of stud head should not be < 2.5 x dia. of stud - Thickness of stud head should not be < 0.4 x dia. of stud - Stud head shall be always monolithic to the studs. b) Centre to centre distance between studs should not be < 3 x dia. of studs. For manufacturing tolerances, manufacturing methods, finishing, acceptance specifications, installation and maintenance, IRC-83 (Pt.III) may be referred. 122 6.12 SAMPLE DESIGN PROBLEM FOR POT-PTFE BEARINGS Problem Design the bearing for 76.2 m open web girder. Assume suitable related data and refer IRS : Bridge Rules and IRC- 83 Pt.- III. Assume seismic zone-IV. Effective span = 78.8 m D.L. of girder + track + gangway etc = 405 t Live load for shear = 980.024 t From Bridge Rule Appendix- XII (H M Loading standards) EUDL for shear = 980.024 t (corresponding to Span 78.8 m) Assumed data : Vertical load due to wind / bearing = 16.84 t Lateral load due to wind / bearing = 24.2 t Lateral load due to seismic effect = 25.18 t Longitudinal force / bearing = 67.5 t Max. horizontal movement = 63.5 mm Total vertical load including wind only = 423.123 t Total vertical load including seismic effect only = 454.613 t Deflection at center = 116 mm Rotation = 116/39400 = 0.0029 radian < 0.025, therefore all provisions of IRC 83 - (Pt-III) can be applied. A. Design of elastomeric pad Guiding considerations : • •• •• Minimum dia. should be 180 mm. Also the area should be sufficient such that average vertical permissible stress should not be > 35 N/mm 2 • •• •• Min. average pressue should not be < 5 N/mm 2 • •• •• Extreme fibre stress should not be > 40 N/mm 2 • •• •• Thickness of elastomeric pad should be minimum of (a) Dia. / 15 123 (b) 16 mm Add 6 mm for brass ring and 25% provision for creep. • •• •• Deflection at perimeter should not be > 15% of pad thickness. 1. Maximum vertical load = 454.61 t (including seismic effect) Average permissible stress = 35 N/mm 2 P —————— = 35 π/4 x d 2 d = 406.77 mm Provide d = 490 mm. 2. P min = 405/4 = 101.25 t Min. Avg. Stress = 101.25 x 10000 / π/4 x 490 2 = 5.36 N/mm 2 > 5 N/mm 2 ............… OK 3. Max. horizontal movement = 63.5 mm at guided sliding end Max. eccentricity = 63.5/2 + 10% for unserviceable service condition Moment due to this eccentricity = 454.61 X 0.035 = 15.91 tm Extreme fibre stress = P/A + M/Z 454.61x 10 4 15.91x 10 7 = —————— + —————— π/4 x 490 2 π/32 x 490 3 = 37.86 N/mm 2 < 40 N/mm 2 O.K. 4. Thickness should be greater of a. Dia of elastomer/15 = 490/15 = 32.67 say 35 mm. b. 16 mm (minimum) c. Extra 6 mm for brass ring – 3 Nos. and 25% for creep ∴ Minimum thickness = (35 + 6) 1.25 = 51.25 mm Say 55 mm 124 5. Deflection at perimeter = Max. 15% of pad thickness = 0.15 x 55 = 8.25 mm Actual rotation = 0.16869 degrees Actual deflection at perimeter = 490/2 x tan 0.16869 = 0.7213 < 8.25 … OK B. Design of confined PTFE • •• •• Average pressure on confined PTFE should not be > 40 MPa, and • •• •• Extreme fibre pressure should not be > 45 MPa There are two alternative for shape of PTFE: Alternative 1 Square shape of sheet Considering square sheet of 450 x 450 mm 2 Average pressure = 450 450 10000 454.61 × × = 22.45 N/mm 2 < 40 MPa ………. OK Extreme fibre stress = P/A + M/Z 454.61x 10 4 15.91x 10 7 = —————— + ————— 450 x 450 450 3 /6 = 32.93 N/mm 2 < 45 N/mm 2 ....OK For max. dimension of PTFE < 600 mm Min. thickness = 4.5 mm Adopt 5.0 mm Max. protrusion above recess = 2.0 mm Adopt = 2.0 mm Alternative 2 Round shape of sheet Consider dia. = 520 mm Av. pressure = 454.61x 10 4 —————— = 21.40 N/mm 2 π /4 x 520 2 < 40 N/mm 2 ……… OK Extreme fibre stress = P/A + M/Z 125 = 2 X520 32 π 7 15.91X10 2 X520 4 π 4 454.61X10 + = 21.40 + 11.525 = 32.925 < 45 MPa … OK Adopt 4.5 mm thick pad with max. protrusion as 2.0 mm. C. Design of POT cylinder Guiding considerations : • •• •• Resultant force due to longitudinal and lateral force should not be less than 10% and greater than 25% of design vertical load. • •• •• Permissible axial tension due to hoop shall not exceed 0.6 x fy. 1. Longitudinal force per bearing = 67.5 t Lateral force due to wind = 24.2 t Horizontall seismic force = 25.18 t Resultant with wind pressure = 2 2 67.5 24.2 + = 71.71 t Resultant with seismic force = 2 2 67.5 25.18 + = 72.26 t Out of wind and seismic force, only one is assumed to act at one time. (greater of above two adopted). Design horizontal force H = 72.26 t (adopted) 72.26 should be < 25% of 454.61 = 113.65 t and also, 72.26 should be > 10% of 454.61 = 45.46 t Both satisfied .....OK 2. Axial tension in cross section of cylinder wall will be due to - a. Fluid pressure b. Horizontal force of 72.26 t 126 a. Fluid pressure = c p ce e i h x 2b σ x h x d d i = dia of confined elastomer pad = 490 mm h e = thickness of confined elastomer pad = 55 mm σ ce = fluid pressure in elastomer due to vertical load = 2 490 x 4 / π 4 10 x 454.61 = 24.12 N/mm 2 b p = thickness of cylinder wall h c = height of cylinder wall fluid pressure = c p h b 2 24.12 55 490 × × × × ……………. (I) b. Axial or hoop tensile stress due to H = c p h x b x 2 H = c p h x 2b 4 10 x 72.26 ……….…………. (II) Total (I) + (II) = c p 4 h x b 10 x 104.76 N/mm 2 This value should not exceed 0.6 fy or 0.6 x 280 = 168 Mpa Therefore c p 4 h x b 10 x 104.76 = 168 ∴ b p x h c = 6235.72 168 4 104.76x10 = taking b p = h c = 72 . 6235 = 78.9 mm Adopt b p = h c = 90 mm 127 D. Design of base plate of POT Assume base plate thickness = 65 mm Dispersion of stress through 65 mm plate at 1V : 2 H Dia. at base resisting pressure = 490 + 2 x 2 x 65 = 750 mm Max. pressure = P/A + M/Z Min. pressure = P/A – M/Z Max. pressure = 3 32 7 2 4 4 750 / 10 91 . 15 750 / 10 61 . 454 x x x x π π + = 10.29 + 3.84 = 14.13 N/mm 2 Min. pressure = 10.29 – 3.84 = 6.45 N/mm 2 Moment at XX due to upward force as shown in Fig. 6.11 = 30 x130x2/3x1 2 12.80 14.13 2 130 12.80x130x       − + ↑ ↓ 1 2 . 8 0 FIG. 6.11 MOMENT DUE TO UPWARD FORCE 128 = 108160 + 7492.33 = 115652 N-mm Thickness of plate required: Taking 1 mm width, 6 xt 1 Z 2 = or t = Z 6 M/Z = f = 0.66 fy (fy = 280 MPa) = 184.8 N/mm 2 Z = M / 184.8 = 115652 / 184.8 = 625.822 t = Z 6 = 61.277 mm Adopt = 65 mm E. Checks for cylinder (a) Check for shear stress Shear stress at interface of cylinder wall and base will be due to fluid pressure and horizontal force. Considering 1 mm slice of cylinder. (i) fluid pressure = 1 x b 1 x x h p ce e σ = 90 24.12 x 55 = 14.74 N/mm 2 (ii) Horizontal force = p i b x d H x 1.5 (Factor 1.5 for parabolic distribution and total H will be resisted by d i x b p ) = 90 x 490 10 x 72.26 x 1.5 4 = 24.58 N/mm 2 129 Total shear stress = 14.74 + 24.58 = 39.32 N/mm 2 < 0.45 fy or 126 N/mm 2 ……. OK (b) Check for bending stress Bending stress at cylinder and base interface considering 1 mm radial slice of cylinder due to (i) fluid pressure = Z M = /6 b 2 h h x σ 2 p e e ce = /6 90 x 2 55 x 24.12 2 2 = 27.02 N/mm 2 (ii) Horizontal force = /6 b h x d 1.5H 2 p a i ha = height of line of application of design horizontal force from cylinder wall above base interface in = 75mm = /6 2 90 x 490 75 x 4 10 x 72.26 x 1.5 = 122.891 N/mm 2 Total bending stress = (i) + (ii) = 149.914 N/mm 2 < 0.66 x fy or 184.8 N/mm 2 ……………….. OK (c) Check for combined bending & shear = 2 2 ress ss Shear.stre + = 2 2 149.91 39.32 + = 164.655 N/mm 2 < 0.9 fy or 252 ……….. OK 130 F. Design of side guides for sliding of POT – PTFE bearing Size of side guide = 350 x 50 x 30 1. Lateral load due to wind = 24.2 t 2. Horizontal seismic force = 25.18 t Greater of the two i.e. 25.18 t is adopted (a) Check for shear stress Shear Stress < 0.45 fy 50 350 10 18 . 25 4 x x < 0.45 x 230 14.39 N/mm 2 < 103.5 N/mm 2 ……………. OK (b) Check for bending stress Moment at - XX M = 25.18 x 10 4 x 30 Z = 6 50 x 350 2 Z M = 51.8 N/mm 2 < 0.66 fy < 151.8 N/mm 2 …………..OK (c) Check for combined bending and shear Total stress = 2 2 ress ss shear.stre x 3 + = 2 2 51.8 14.39 x 3 + = 57.4844 N/mm 2 < 0.9 fy or 207 N/mm 2 …… Hence OK 131 CHAPTER 7 EMERGING TRENDS IN BEARINGS 7.1 GENERAL New innovations have taken place in the area of bridge bearings, notable among them are: (1) Shock Transmission Unit (STU) or Lock Up Device (LUD) (2) Seismic Isolation Bearings (SIB) 7.2 SHOCK TRANSMISSION UNIT Ever since engineers have started designing multi span simply supported bridges, they have been dreaming of connecting all the spans together to distribute seismic loads to more than one pier during an earthquake or other sudden loadings. Thus, the peaks due to sudden force is considerably reduced. One possible solution to this requirement could be continuous construction of bridges so that a large number of piers can participate in load sharing during earthquake. But the requirement of size of expansion joint in such an arrangement would be extraordinarily large and thus not feasible. The other solution has been provided by Shock Transmission Unit (STU) or Lock Up Device (LUD). It is a simple device which is designed to 132 be connected between superstructure and substructure of a bridge to form a temporary rigid link as shown in Fig. 7.1. The peculiar feature of this device is that it forms a rigid link only under rapidly applied loads such as braking and seismic forces whereas under slowly applied loads such as temperature, creep, shrinkage etc, it allows the free movement. FIG. 7.1 CONNECTION OF STU STU, thus, allows load sharing in case of suddenly applied short duration horizontal loads. The unit is connected near the bearing between the superstructure and substructure. It works on principle that rapid passage of viscous fluid through a narrow gap generates considerable resistance while slow passage through the same gap only minor resistance as shown in Fig. 7.2. 133 In this figure e 1 and e 2 are the movements accomodated in STU due to superstructure and substructure respectively. FIG. 7.2 PRINCIPLE OF WORKING OF STU Use of an STU was first made by Steinman, the designer of Carquinez Bridge in California in 1927 and thereafter it was used in many bridges in US, Europe, Netherlands and UK. In India STU has been used for the first time in the Second Bassein Creek Road Bridge, Mumbai. It has not yet been tried on Indian Railways. 7.2.1 Description : The STU as shown in the Fig. 7.2 consists of a machined cylinder with a transmission rod that is connected at one end to the structure and at the other end to the piston of the cylinder. Inside the cylinder a specially formulated Silicone compound is filled in an unpressurized condition LUD e 1 e 2 → → ← ← 134 instead of normally used hydraulic oil. The compound doesn’t adjust quickly to accommodate the movement and therefore locks up under the action of a sudden load. Under slow acting thermal, creep or shrinkage movements, the liquefied compound gradually migrates from one side of piston to the other and allowing the piston and cylinder to expand or contract with the structure. 7.2.2 Advantages : (a) STU is simple to install with minimal traffic disruption. (b) STU can be used for strengthening of existing bridges also. This option of strengthening is more economical and feasible than structural methods. (c) Efficient design of new continuous bridges due to reduction in structural component sizes. (d) STU can also be used advantageously for expansion joints as shown in Fig. 7.3 FIG. 7.3 STU FOR EXPANSION JOINTS 7.2.3 Limitations : STUs are not intended for energy/ shock absorption. They simply transmit load from one part of the structure to another thus sharing 135 the load among various spans. 7.2.4 STU on second Bassein Creek Road Bridge, Mumbai : In India, the Second Bassein Creek Bridge is a good example of a new multi span continuous bridge where installation of STUs have saved time and money in construction of caisson foundations. The bridge is located 25 m upstream of existing bridge on Mumbai-Ahmedabad NH-8 near Ghodbunder at the confluence of Ulhas river and the Arabian Sea. Being a creek area with two low and high tides, the site is very difficult for construction of caissons. Average daily tidal variation is of the order of 4.25 m with an average velocity of 2.4 m/s. All these conditions at site made the caissons construction a risky and difficult task. The bridge was designed for vessel collision for an impact force of 5000 KN at well cap, horizontal seismic coefficient of 0.075 and importance factor of 1.5. The central navigational span being 114.7 m and earthquake shock as a function of the deck mass, the caisson foundation with fixed pot bearing was to be designed for 9300 KN seismic horizontal loading. During preliminary design it was found that for the above loading of 9300 KN, the size of caisson required was 16.5 m for P4. The engineers immediately realized the difficulty in constructing such a large 16.5 m caisson in this difficult creek conditions combined with very high cost. This was the situation where it was decided to incorporate Shock Transmission Unit on P3 and P5 to create temporary fixity at these 136 piers during seismic loading. The STU on piers P3 and P5 would lock up during an earthquake thereby distributing the seismic loading of about 9300 KN among P3, P4 and P5 according to their stiffness. This resulted into a massive reduction of the diameter of Caisson for pier P4 from16.5 m to 12.5 m This not only made the Caisson construction manageable but also resulted into considerable cost saving. Type : Presently two types of STUs are available in the overseas market: (a) Silicon putty based from UK and USA (b) Oil based from some countries in Europe The disadvantage of oil STU is that oil is more likely to leak out rapidly from the cylinder than Silicon putty, which is like dough. Cost : There is a keen competition among the few STU manufacturers. For the second Bassein Creek Bridge, the average cost of two STUs of capacity 3100 KN was US $100,000 including supply at site, specified tests at UK, brackets holding down bolts airlifted from UK to the site and assistance of a qualified supervisor for the installation of STUs at the site. Basic requirement of Design : The STU must withstand the specified design load. The stroke of the piston must be bigger than the movement of deck due to temperature, shrinkage & creep in each direction of the deck’s longitudinal movement. Just to give an idea about the movement of deck to the readers, the movement of the deck was for +40 mm to –90 mm. 137 The maximum life expected for an STU is around 75 years subject to appropriate maintenance being performed by the user. Critical factors in Design : (a) STUs are unidirectional devices for load transmission. If out of plane forces will be acting on the STU, the angular limits of these loads must be determined to assure that the STU can withstand them. Generally ball joints and or additional devices can be incorporated to properly transfer these forces. (b) For rail road bridges, the traction forces may equal or exceed seismic forces in magnitude and applied many times over the life of the structure. (c) The corrosion protection for STU is very important. The position rod, in particular, should be protected from environment by a scaled cover able to accommodate the full stroke of the STU. 7.2.5 Load testing of STUs : a) Seal wear b) Fatigue load c) Drag load d) Dynamic force transfer e) Cyclic load a) Seal wear test : Seal prevents the leakage of silicon putty in the cylinder. The test is conducted for 30000 cycles assuming that the piston of STU moved for the full design range in 24 hrs. 30,000 cycles equals 82 years which is more than the expected life of STU which is 75 years. b) Fatigue load test : This test was carried out for 100,000 cycles for maximum capacity of STU, assuming the worst case that the ‘Lock Up Load’ 138 is applied to STU due to braking load four times a day for specified design life of 75 years. c) Drag load : This test ensures that excessive load should not be transmitted to the structure by the STU. As per the test the STU shall have an impressed deflection of ‘0 mm – 40 mm – 0 mm – 40 mm – 0’ mm in not less than 10 hrs and not more than 24 hrs. During the impressed deflection cycle the STU shall develop no more drag force than 10% of the maximum design capacity of 3100 KN. d) Dynamic force transfer test : This test mainly prove the lock up capability of the device.The STU shall be loaded in tension from zero to the full design load in less than 0.50 seconds and the force sustained for 5 seconds. Then the load shall be reversed to the full design load in less than 0.50 seconds and held again for 5 seconds. The acceptance criteria for the above test shall be that the deflection during the loading of the positive force and the negative force shall be no greater than 6 mm and the deflection during sustained load portion shall not exceed 3 mm. e) Cyclic force transfer test : This test is specified to prove that the STU would function as intended during a seismic event. The STU shall be tested by applying 50 sinusoidal cycles of load ranging between the maximum design tension and compression forces at a frequency of 1 Hz. There shall be no visible signs of distress or degradation as a result of 50 cycles of loading. 7.2.6 Installation of STU : It is not always necessary to 139 install STUs while a structure is under construction but the holding down anchor bolts and the brackets are required to be fixed in structure during construction. There are two ways of connecting STUs to a structure. a) One way is to connect the superstructure element together normally at the expansion joints. b) The other way is to connect superstructure elements to substructure elements. The first type of connection may be more helpful for railway bridges where excessive longitudinal traction and braking load is applied to one particular viaduct and the same is required to be transmitted through STUs connected across the expansion joints for sharing the load with adjacent unloaded viaducts. The second type of connection is used for load distribution in continuous bridges. 7.3 SEISMIC ISOLATION BEARINGS Many bridges had been built before the proper seismic design specifications were known to us. These bridges require strengthening and enhancing the ductility of substructures in order to sustain the earthquake forces. Conventional retrofitting methods are costlier (more than 3 times) than providing ‘Seismic Isolation Bearings’ (SIB). The studies have shown that: (a) The SIB eliminated the in-plane torsional rotation of the bridge and resulted in a more uniform distribution of seismic forces among substructures in the transverse direction. 140 (b) The modifications in the response of the bridge resulted as a result of use of SIB because the effective fundamental period of the bridge get elongated due to the flexibility provided by the SIB. (c) Average retrofitting cost using SIB is calculated as only 30% of that using conventional retrofitting methods. An isolation bearing induce sufficient lateral flexibility in a bridge structure and increase the period of vibration, resulting in a reduced force response. The increased lateral flexibility is associated with larger horizontal displacements at the bearing level. In the longitudinal direction, the stiffness of a bridge with isolation bearings is the sum of the stiffness of all piers and abutments including the bearings. In a bridge with conventional bearings. However, the longitudinal stiffness incorporates the stiffness of a fixed support alone. The isolation bearings should also include a restoring force to return the superstructure to its pre-earthquake position. 7.3.1 Types of seismic isolation bearing : Seismic isolation is obtained by two types of isolation bearings. a) Rubber bearings b) Friction pendulum bearings Rubber bearings are composed of a lead case and natural or synthesized rubber with embedded 141 layers of steel plates as shown in Fig. 7.4. FIG. 7.4 RUBBER BEARING The force-displacement behaviour of this bearing is elastic under service load and inelastic during an earthquake when the lead case deforms beyond its elastic limits. In fact, the bearing distribute the inertial forces from the deck level to all supporting substructures on the basis of their relative stiffness. Rubber bearings are meant to shift the vibrational period of the structure so as to avoid resonance with the excitations. These are usually combined with high damping material to prevent the isolated structures from over-displacing. In friction pendulum bearings, the lateral displacement is permitted at the interface of the bearing element between the superstructure and the substructure. Lateral movement at a sliding surface is associated with friction forces that F Steel Rubber Lead F F(vert) 142 oppose movement as shown in FIG. 7.5 FIG. 7.5 FRICTION PENDULUM BEARING The value of the friction force depends on variation factors, including the vertical reaction at the sliding surface, contact pressure, ambient temperature, speed of the movement and the condition of the sliding surface. As shown in Fig. 7.5, the relative displacement between the sliding interfaces is u 1 - u 2 and the potential energy V g due to gravity accumulated during the lift-up is | . | \ | − − = 2 R / 2 2 u 1 u 1 WR g V where W is the weight supported by the bearing, R is the radius of curvature of the sliding surface as depicted in Fig. 7.5. The friction force between the sliding interfaces plays the roll of energy dissipation during the sliding motion. u 1 u 2 u -u 1 2 Bridge Superstructure Pier u -u 1 2 W R BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE 143 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. IRS- Steel Bridge Code: Code of Practice for design of Railway Steel bridges. 2. IRS - BI :79: Code for design of steel bridges, Research Design and Standards Organization, Indian Railways, Lucknow, India. 3. Bridge Rules, Ministry of Railway (Railway Board) 4. IRC: 83 (Part I): Standard specification & code of practice for road bridges, Part I - 1982 Metallic bearings, Indian Roads congress, New Delhi, India. 5. IRC; 83 (Part II): Standard specification & code of practice for road bridges, part II- 1987 Elastomeric bearings, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, India. 6. UIC 772 - RC: Code for the use of rubber bearings for rail bridges - 1969, International Union of Railways, Paris, France. 7. BS: 5400 : Steel, concrete & composite bridges, Section 9.2 - 1983 specification for materials, manufacture and installation of bridge beariangs, British Standards Institution, London UK. 8. BS: 5400 : Steel, concrete & composite bridges, Section 9.2 - 1982 specification for materials, manufacture and installation of bridge beariangs, British Standards Institution, London UK. 9. ORE Report D - 60 Application of rubber for bridge supporting plates 144 10. Proceedings of International Conference on Bridges and Fly over bridge bearings - National cooperative high way research programme synthesis of high way practice. 11. Concrete Bridge Practice - Analysis, design and economics - By V. K. Raina 12. AASHO : Standard specification for highway bridges, The American Association of State Highway Officials, Washington, U SA. 13. Retention of old MG bridges for Heavier BG loading by use of Elastomeric bearings’’ By S.R. Agarwal and Adesh Shrama International Seminar on Failures, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Bridges & Aqueducts, IIBE, 17-19 Nov. 1994 Bombay. 14. Internet site : Civil/lud.htm 15. Internet site : 16. Design of sliding and fixed POT-PTFE bearing for 76.2 m for HMLS - RDSO, Lucknow 17. American Iron and Steel Institute: Steel Bridge Bearing selection and design guide 18. Journal of Bridge Engineering: Efficiency of Seismic Isolation for Seismic retrofitting of heavy substructured bridges. Vol.10, No.10, July/August 2005 19. Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation - A practical Guide by Parsons Brinckerhoff. Price Rs. 50/- Bridge Bearings These are aimed at mitigating the problems arising out of increased seismic activities and longitudinal forces. kindly do write to us. A revised & enlarged edition of the book has been compiled by Shri Ghansham Bansal. On existing bridges. these types of bearings have proved to be a boon because the substructure can be retained merely by replacing the conventional bearings with these new bearings in order to cater for the higher longitudinal forces on account of introduction of higher axle loads. Although every effort has been made to bring out the latest and present the book in error free manner. New types of bearings are being conceived and tried on the bridges. Shiv Kumar Director . A need was felt to revise the book thoroughly in view of the fact that numerous developments have taken place in the field of bearings. Professor/Bridges. The book had been well taken by the field engineers as this was perhaps the first book exclusively devoted on bridge bearings.PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The book ‘Bearings for Railway Bridges’ was first published in 1996. Sample design problems have been incorporated in the chapters of ‘Elastomeric Bearings’ & ‘POTPTFE Bearings’ for better understanding of the subject. A new chapter on ‘Emerging trends in bearings’ has been added which incorporates the new types of bearings which are being used in advanced countries. yet if there is any suggestion or discrepancy. Dean/IRICEN had initiated the idea of updating this book.K.M. Above all. Ex. Nevertheless. IRICEN had made great efforts in publishing the first edition. Ghansham Bansal Professor Bridges . In addition to this. Lata Sridhar. I am also thankful to Shri A. Yadav. Ganesh and Mr. design of POTPTFE bearings has been dealt in greater detail with one sample design problem for better understanding. can be retained by provision of these new bearings. In this second enlarged and revised edition. Mr. New types of bearings like ‘Shock Transmission Units’ and ‘Seismic Isolation Bearings’ have come to the rescue of bridge engineers and the same old substructures. which was taken to its logical end. Ex. Many a times. the author is grateful to Shri Shiv Kumar. Efforts have been made to make the book more useful for the field as well as the design engineers. Vaidya. Professor/Bridges. notably among them are Mrs. Director/ IRICEN for his initiative. Shri S. the bridge substructures constructed in the past with conventional bearings are found to be inadequate. Senior Professor Bridges for proof-checking and valuable suggestions. encouragement and necessary guidance for the publication. the IRICEN faculty and staff have contributed immensely. due to increased longitudinal loads on account of traffic as well as seismic activities. one sample design problem has also been included for Elastomeric bearings. In fact. In this effort. Shri Ajit Pandit. with numerous developments taking place in this field. a new chapter on ‘Emerging trends in bearings’ has been added to incorporate the new types of bearings. Sunil Pophale.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO THE SECOND EDITION The first edition of the book ‘Bearings for Railway Bridges’ published in 1996 was very popular among the field engineers probably because this was the first book available exclusively on bearings for railway bridges. there was a crying need to bring out the latest on the subject. The critical steps have been explained with the help of sketches and derivation of formulae. Likewise. thus. S. VAIDYA PROF. It would not be out of place to acknowledge the support and assistance rendered by IRICEN faculty and staff in the above efforts. Director IRICEN for his encouragement and guidance for improving the document.M. The drawing staff of IRICEN have assisted in preparation of the drawings. Information on bridge bearings is available in various technical literatures but it is scattered. Above all the author is greatful to Shri Vinod Kumar. the basic concepts are equally applicable to road bridges also. Lata Sridhar. Associate Professor has contributed immensely by his experience of handling steel bridges. This IRICEN publication is a result of the desire to fill the gap and produce a documentation which would be useful for all practicing civil engineers on Indian Railways. Shri N.L. Word processing of the manuscript and numerous editings thereof has been done by Mrs. Nadgouda.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO THE FIRST EDITION While covering the subject of Bridge Bearings during various courses at IRICEN the absence of a document covering all aspects of different types of bridge bearings was acutely felt. BRIDGES 1 . Even though the publication is primarily aimed at Railway engineers. Vinod Kumar Director IRICEN/Pune .FOREWORD TO THE FIRST EDITION The subject of bridge bearing is of considerable importance to the field engineers who are engaged in construction and maintenance of railway bridges. Trainee officers have often expressed the need for a comprehensive documentation on this subject.M. This book has been prepared by Professor S. If there are any suggestions for improving the book or if any error/discrepancy is noticed in its contents. Vaidya of this Institute. It is hoped that this booklet will fulfil this need and disseminate the knowledge and experience on this subject to the field officials. kindly write to the undersigned. 000 bridges on the rail network. Bridge bearings play a very important role in keeping the bridge structure in good health. RCC and PSC bridges along with elastomeric and PTFE bearings are gradually replacing steel bridges and conventional bearings. I am glad that IRICEN is bringing out this book exclusively dealing with bridge bearings. installation and maintenance of the same. With the advent of new technology. K. I hope that this publication will be very useful to all civil engineers with the objective of maintaining the bridges in good condition. V.15. Tradionally. The bridge engineers require a comprehensive document dealing with all facets of bridge bearings to facilitate procurement.PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Indian Railways are custodians of one of the largest bridge stock under one management with more than 1. AGNIHOTRI MEMBER ENGINEERING RAILWAY BOARD NEW DELHI . Indian Railways have been using steel girder bridges and steel bearings. It is important to construct new bridges with highest standard of quality and to maintain them for smooth movement of railway traffic. 3 ROCKER & ROLLER BEARINGS 3.1 GENERAL Design Aspects 3.1 Introduction 1.3 Installation 1 4 4 5 6 11 11 11 11 14 14 15 18 18 20 23 23 25 26 27 29 34 viii .3.4 Minimizing the Requirement of Bearings CHAPTER .4 Cost General 3.3 Maintenance Efforts 1.2 SLIDING BEARINGS 2.1 Parts 3.2 Expected Life 1.3 Selection of Bearings 1.3 Parts CHAPTER .2.4 Oil Baths Material Used 1.3 Segmental Rollers 3.2 Connections General 2.1.1 Functional Requirement 1.2 Different Type of Sliding Bearing 2.1 Degree of Freedom 1.3 Types of Bearings 1.5 Other Factors 1.2 Classification of Bearings 1.CONTENTS CHAPTER .1. 6 Manufacture and Quality Control 5.9 Periodical Inspection and Maintenance General 4.2 Input Data Required 5.6.3 Cleaning and Greasing of Rocker & Roller Bearings of Open Web Through Girders 4.1 General Guidelines 5.2 Level 1 Accpetance Testing 5.4 MAINTENANCE OF STEEL BEARINGS 4.CHAPTER .5 Design of Elastomeric Bearings 5.2 Dimensional Tolerances 5.8 Installation 5.1 Lifting of Girders 4.1.3 Behaviour of Elastomeric Bearings 5.5.2 Properties of Elastomer 5.3 Output Expected Properties of Elastomer 5.4 Inspection and Quality Control Certificate 5.5 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS 5.7.4 Types of Elastomeric Bearings 5.1 Flow Table of Design 5.4 Method of Greasing 38 38 42 44 45 CHAPTER .6.2 Cleaning and Greasing of Steel Sliding Bearings 4.1 General 5.10 Elastomeric Bearings in Aid of Old Substructures 47 48 51 55 56 56 59 59 60 60 60 62 62 63 71 71 74 74 76 77 78 ix .7.1.7 Inspection and Testing 5.2 Process of Installation 5.5.3 Level 2 Acceptance Testing 5.1 Lot Size 5.8.8. 2.7 EMERGING TRENDS IN BEARINGS 7.4.2 Shock Transmission Unit 7.12 Sample Design Problem for Elastomeric Bearings 81 84 CHAPTER . Installation of POT Bearings 6.2 Advantages 7.12 Sample Design problem for POT-PTFE Bearings 93 94 95 100 101 103 105 107 113 119 120 122 CHAPTER .2 POT-PTFE Bearing vs Elastomeric Bearing 6.4 Critical Factors in Design 131 131 133 134 134 135 136 136 136 137 x .10 Design of Guides 6.6 Design Aspects 6.4 Permissible Bearing Pressure on PTFE 6.6 POT BEARINGS 6.1 Type 7.11 Design of Anchoring Arrangement 6.3 Limitations 7. Mumbai.2.PTFE Bearings 6.2.8 Design Specifications for POT-PTFE Bearings 6.2 Cost 7. 7.1 General Properties of PTFE General 7.1 Description 7.11 Anti-Slip Devices 5.4 STU on second Bassein Creek Road Bridge.5 Other Recommendations for Design of PTFE Sliding Bearing 6.2.9 Design of POT.3 Basic Requirement of Design 7. 2.2.6 Installation of STU 7.5 Load Testing of STU 7.3.1 Types of Seismic Isolation Bearing 137 138 139 140 xi .3 Seismic Isolation Bearings 7.7. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AASHTO BM BS BSC CDA DL EUDL HMLS IIBE IRC IRHD IRS IS KN LF LL LUD LWR MBG MPa MS ORE PSC PTFE RBG RCC RDSO SEJ American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Bending Movement British Standard Bridge Standards Committee Coefficient of Dynamic Augment Dead Load Equivalent Uniformly Distributed Load Heavy Mineral Loading Standards Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers Indian Road Congress International Rubber Hardness Degrees Indian Railways Specification Indian Standards Kilo Newton Longitudinal Force Live Load Lock Up Device Long Welded Rail Modified Broad Gauge Mega Pascal Mild Steel Office of Research and Experimentation Pre-stressed Concrete Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene Revised Broad Gauge Reinforced Cement Concrete Research Design and Standards Organisation Switch Expansion Joint xii . SIB STU UIC Seismic Isolation Bearing Shock Transmission Unit International Union of Railways (Translated from French) xiii . Permissible pressure in elastomer = Permissible tensile stress in the steel plate = Minimum stress in elastomer = Maximum stress in elastomer = Rotation under effect of slow acting loads = Rotation under effect of quick acting loads = length of the bearing along the span = width of the bearing across the span = width of the girder/beam = Modulus of elasticity of elastomer = Compression of elastomeric layer = Grade of concrete = Shear modulus of elastomer = Slowly applied horizontal load = Quickly applied horizontal load = number of layers of elastomer = Slowly applied normal (vertical) load = Quickly applied normal (vertical) load = Shape factor of elastomer = thickness of each layer of elastomer xiv .LIST OF SYMBOLS ζα ζh ζp σb σm σs σmin σmax αc αs a b B Ea ei fck G Hc Hs n Pc Ps S hi = Shear stress in elastomer due to rotation = Shear stress in elastomer due to horizontal force = Shear stress in elastomer due to compressive force = Permissible bearing pressure in Bed block material = Max. D2 = Diameter of contact surfaces in roller bearings xv .h ts Uc Us = Total thickness of elastomer = Thickness of steel plate in the elastomeric bearing = Horizontal movement due to slow acting load = Horizontal movement due to quick acting load D1. . This interface is vital because superstructure undergoes dimensional changes and deformations due to various factors which are listed as follows: 1 . SUPER STRUCTURE ↑ ↓ TRACK STRUCTURE GIRDER BEARING BED BLOCK PIER / ABUTMENT ↑ SUB STRUCTURE ↓ FIG. a bridge bearing is an element of superstructure which provides an interface between the superstructure and substructure. 1.1 INTRODUCTION A bridge is assumed to be made up of two major parts namely. 1. superstructure and substructure. pier or abutment and foundation as shown in Fig.CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 1. girder/ truss and bearing.1 PARTS OF BRIDGE } } FOUNDATION Thus.1. Substructure consists of bed block. Superstructure consists of track structure. Since the bearing is introduced between superstructure and substructure for accommodating the various permitted movements. it will push the supports until it achieves the freedom required and in the process causing damage to the supports. In nutshell. If the ability to move is not built into the bridge (span).a) Thermal expansion/contraction b) Elastic deformation under live load c) Seismic forces d) Creep and shrinkage of concrete e) Settlement of supports f) Longitudinal forces . We can say that ‘Bearings’ assume the functionality of a bridge by allowing translation and rotation to occur while supporting the vertical loads. necessary to permit relative movement between the girders and the substructure. like creep of concrete may result in irreversible unidirectional movement. If the movement between the superstructure and substructure are not allowed to take place freely. Most of these movements are bi-directional but some. large amount of forces may develop in the girder or the substructure. It is. it has to transfer the entire load from superstructure to the substructure of bridge. the 2 . extent of temperature variation etc.tractive/ breaking g) Wind loads. therefore. The magnitude of these movements depends upon a number of factors like span of the bridge. magnitude of loads. ACROSS TRACK ACROSS TRACK NON-PERMITTED MOVEMENT PERMITTED MOVEMENT ALONG TRACK ALONG TRACK VERTICAL VERTICAL FIG. Such bridges did not need special bearings since the movements were very small. To prevent the ‘not permitted’ undesirable movements.2. To transfer the load from superstructure to substructure. The ‘permitted’ and ‘not permitted’ movements in the bridge in relation to bearing can be better appreciated if we analyse the degree of freedom in 3-D as shown in Fig. the spans were limited and the superstructures used to be massive. primarily developing only compressive stresses under the loading conditions.various functions of bearings can be summarised as given below: (1) (2) (3) To allow the permitted’ movements. 1. 1. 3 .2 DEGREE OF FREEDOM IN 3-D In the era of stone and brick masonry bridges. RCC and PSC for construction of bridges. The bearing has to fulfill this assumption.1 Degree of freedom : There are possible 6 degrees of freedom at any support as described earlier.With the advent of steel. These are translation in three directions and rotation about these three axes.2. 1. Translation can be permitted by the following modes of action : i) by sliding action ii) by rolling action iii) by shearing strain iv) by racker and pinion devices (gears) 4 .2 CLASSIFICATION OF BEARINGS Bearings can be classified depending upon a) Degree of freedom b) Material used These are discussed below. 1. A bearing may permit movement in any of these 6 degrees of freedom or in none. The longer spans coupled with higher elastic deformations led to the need for and development of various forms of bridge bearings. the spans became large and the girders longer. During the structural design of the bridge girders. each support point is idealised in a specific manner by the design engineer. Translation not permitted. a combination of two materials is also used.2.Roller end free. synthetic material like rubber (elastomer) and PTFE etc. portals) Therefore based upon degree of freedom requirements. phosphor bronze.2 Material used : A number of different materials have been used for making bearings such as steel of various types. today. for bearings. Rotation permitted (3) Rocker & Roller .1 lists various materials used in fabrication and installation of bridge bearings. Rocker end fixed 1. In certain forms of bearings. 5 . Table 1. Rotation permitted (2) Free .Rotation can be permitted by the following modes: i) ii) iii) by rocking/hinge action by differential compression (as in elastomeric pads) by bending/ flexure (as in tall piers. Out of these materials steel.Translation permitted. different degree of freedom can be given at the support point and bearings may be classified as: (1) Fixed . rubber and PTFE are the most commonly used materials. 13. rivets.TABLE 1.1 MATERIALS USED IN BRIDGE BEARINGS Material Components of bearing where material used a) b) c) d) Plates-MS. oils and silicones a) Lead sheets b) Bitumen impregnated felt pads c) Cement / Epoxy grouts 6) Packing and levelling materials 1. 6 . pins etc. the various types of bearings used on bridges are shown in Fig.3 to 1. 1. Stainless steel Cast and forged products Gears Anchor bolts.3 Types of bearings : Based upon degree of freedom and types of materials used.2. 1) Steel 2) Bronze 3) Synthetic materials 4) Other materials 5) Lubricants a) Sliding plates b) Bushings a) Elastomer b) PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) a) Concrete b) Wood and timber a) Graphite b) Grease. HTS. 4 SINGLE ROLLER BEARING ROLLERS ROLLERS OUTER OUTER BEARING BEARING PLATES PLATES FIG. 1. 1. 1.3 PLAIN SLIDING BEARING CIRCULAR ROLLER CIRCULAR ROLLER OUTER OUTER BEARING BEARING PLATES PLATES FIG.OUTER OUTER BEARING BEARING PLATES PLATES SLIDING SURFACE SLIDING SURFACE FIG.5 MULTIPLE ROLLER BEARING 7 . 1. 1. 1.OUTER BEARING OUTER BEARING PLATE S PLATES PIN PIN FIG.7 LINEAR ROCKER BEARING PIN PIN OUTER BEARING OUTER PLATES BEARING PLATES LEAVES LEAVES FIG.8 KNUCKLE LEAF BEARING 8 .6 KNUCKLE PIN BEARING CYLINDRICAL CYLINDRICAL ROCKER R ROCKER OUTER BEARING OUTER O PLATES BEARING PLATES FIG. 1.9 POT BEARING OUTER OUTER BEARING BEARING PLATES PLATES FIG. 1.10 SPHERICAL KNUCKLE BEARING OUTER OUTER BEARING BEARING PLATES PLATES SPHERICAL ROCKER SPHERICAL ROCKER FIG.PISTON PISTON POT POT ELASTOMER ELASTOMER SEAL SEAL FIG. 1.11 POINT ROCKER BEARING 9 . ELASTOMER ELASTOMER STEEL REINFORCING PLATES STEEL REINFORCING PLATES FIG. 1.13 CYLINDRICAL KNUCKLE BEARING 10 . 1.12 REINFORCED ELASTOMER BEARING OUTER OUTER BEARING PLATES BEARING PLATES FIG. 2 1. The selection will depend on a number of factors. the bearing is not in a easily accessible position.2 from BS: 5400 part-IX. replacement of the bearing will have to be planned for during the life of the bridge.3 SELECTION OF BEARINGS For a given bridge structure there could be a number of different solutions for providing bearings.3.3. These are listed and discussed below: 1. preferable to opt for a bearing which requires minimum maintenance effort.1. Expected life : An attempt should be made to select a bearing whose expected life is compatible with that of the bridge itself. It is. In many cases. However. The various functions performed by different types of bearings are reproduced in Table 1. in each case there will be one most appropriate choice of the bearing.3 may also be referred for selection of bearings as this table gives load ranges and movement capacities of various types of bearings.1 Functional Requirement : The bearing must fulfill the functional requirement in terms of permitted movements. Table 1. therefore. load bearing and load transmission. Failing this. It should however be acknowledged that any scheme for replacement of bearings will invariably require suspension of traffic.3. which is very costly and troublesome.3 . Maintenance efforts : The importance of proper functioning of the bearing for the health of bridge can not be overemphasized. Bearings 11 1. TABLE 1.2 Translation permitted Transverse X X X X X X X S X X X X ! X ! ! ! S ! Note : X ! ! S X X X X X ! ! X ! ! ! ! S ! ! X X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X X ! X ! X X X X X X ! ! ! X X X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! X ! 1. Longitudinal Transverse 1 2 FUNCTIONS PERFORMED BY DIFFERENT TYPES OF BRIDGE BERAINGS Rotation permitted Plan Vertical Loading resisted Longitudinal Transverse S S S S ! S ! S ! S ! ! ! ! X Type of bearing Longitudinal ! ! ! X X X X X X ! ! ! X ! X Roller Single cylindrical Multiple cylindrical Non-cylindrical 12 Rocker Linear Point Knuckle Pin Leaf Cylindrical Spherical Plane Sliding Elastomeric Unreinforced laminated Pot Guide Longitudinal Transverse Key : ! suitable X not suitable S Special consideration required . 2. Rotation about longitudinal axis. Rotation about transverse axis. TABLE 1.08 0.04 0. range (mm) Rotation in radians Seismic performance Horizontal* Maintenance force on requirement supports (% of superstructure dead load) 3 15 3 to 5 3 to 5 5 to 10 3 to 12 Maximum 360 to 660 Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum None 50 to 100 60 to 180 60 to 180 125 to 250 10 to 209 Typical application Straight Curved Steel Conc.025 Good 3 to 12 2 Steel Sliding 200 to 1330 3 Pot 200 to 17800 4 Disc 400 to 17800 5 Spherical 800 to 26700 6 Plain Elastomeric 100 to 450 7 Laminated elastomeric 300 to 2200 None 10 to 20 ! ! - ! .19 0.3 GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF BRIDGE BEARINGS SN Type of bearing Vertical load recomended range (KN) Movement capacity ‘‘One Way’’ (mm) Bearing height approx.04 Good Negligible Good Good Good Poor Poor 25 No limit No limit No limit 10 Steel roller 600 to 2660 13 60 0. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 100 0. 5 Other factors : Factors which may be relevant in our quest for the most suitable bearing are: a) Height of the bearing : This may be critical in case of regirdering works where maintaining existing rail / road level is the main constraint . fabrication and installation of bearing. b) Management of horizontal force transferred to the substructure : This is an important consideration while upgrading the load carrying capacity/gauge conversion works. the initial cost alone should not be a consideration in choice of the bearing. Cost : The capital cost includes cost of design. As such. 1. this will be a fraction of the cost of the bridge. the dispersion of the longitudinal forces to the approaches can be increased from 25% to 35%. The bridge rule stipulates that with properly designed elastomeric bearings. 14 . life cycle cost should be the criteria for selection of bearing. c) Performance under seismic loads : Sometimes seismic consideration may alter the choice of bearing particularly in zone IV & V. and consequent freezing of the bearing.3. 1.4. Therefore. Many bearings which had attractive initial cost proved to be a liability later on during maintainance.3.with moveable parts require greater maintenance effort as well as those made of steel due to the possibility of corrosion. Generally. In bridges of very small spans. since smaller components are more prone to accumulating dust and moisture. Maintenance efforts.50 to 0. the interface between the slab and the abutment-top or bed block functions as a ‘bearing’. specify the highest grade of mechanical properties and the strictest tolerance that can be practically attained. 1. spans shorter than 9 m do not need bearings. in slab bridges. Larger components also facilitate inspection and maintenance.Having chosen the type of bearing for a given structure. can be greatly reduced. i) Choose larger size of rollers in rocker & roller bearing. the bearings are not required e. thus. For the material selected. however. 15 . ii) These recommendations only underscore the fact that the initial cost is not a consideration for good bearing design and specification.4 MINIMIZING THE REQUIREMENT OF BEARINGS Bearings are unavoidable evils. the following guidelines may be followed in order to minimize the life cycle cost. A larger roller will overcome debris more easily than smaller roller. Here. Generally speaking. The coefficient of friction between concrete and concrete can be taken as 0.g.60 depending upon the surface condition. where bearings capable of providing large movements are required. Excluding these special cases. thus totally eliminating the need for any bearings. 2. Thus the number of bearings on each pier is reduced by one half. in sliding bearings up to span 50 feet. Superstructure is supported on the intermediate piers with one bearing on each pier. Theoretically. On long and tall piers. the bearings can be avoided for any type of bridge. but the design of substructure will 16 . The superstructure and substructure can be made monolithic. all other forms of bridges require bearings.As per AASHTO specifications. the entire load is transmitted through it. fabrication. Though bearing is a tiny part of the bridge. 3. design. In such type of multispan structures.The various ways. Therefore. both physically as well as costwise. the bridge movement can be accommodated by flexible piers and thereby using fixed bearings only. which can be used to minimize the number of bearings are given below: 1. the entire movement is accommodated at the abutments. great attention must be paid on selection. no provision for deflection of the spans need be made. The fixed bearings are relatively less problematic as compared to free bearings. installation and maintenance of the bridge bearings. Adopt continuous construction through a number of spans. as the entire load is transmitted through this tiny component and any mis-behaviour of bearing may lead to catastrofic results both for substructure as well as superstructure. selection. Therefore. In fact. installation and maintenance of bearings should be on the top of list as far as the bridges are concerned. the importance of this small part should have been inversely proportional to its size. A bearing is a negligibly small part of a bridge and unfortunately the attention it receives from the engineers is also negligibly small. Therefore.have to be modified to bear the entire loads. This modification will result into high cost of substructure. provision of bearings is the economical solution. 17 . fabrication. Common materials that have been used as sliding surfaces and their coefficients of friction are: a) Mild steel over mild steel . plain sliding bearings are provided where span is less than 30 m.1 GENERAL A system of two plates.less than 0.3 b) Mild steel over phosphor bronze .15 c) PTFE over stainless steel .CHAPTER 2 SLIDING BEARINGS 2. 2. The longitudinal force transmitted to substructure depends upon coefficient of friction. In an effort to reduce the 18 . because the movement capacity of these bearings is generally small.0. These bearings permit translation in longitudinal and transverse directions.0.08 Generally.2 DIFFERENT TYPES OF SLIDING BEARINGS There has always been an endeavor to reduce the coefficient of friction. unless specifically restrained in any of these directions. one sliding over the other makes one of the simplest type of bearings. No rotation is permitted unless specially provided in the form of articulation and only vertical loads are resisted / transmitted by these bearings.2 to 0. use of the grease which attracts dust and sand particles is avoided.25 for the lubricated steel surface. This eliminates the need to jack up the girders for greasing operation. Entrapment of dirt. therefore. In addition to the type of material the coefficient of friction also depends upon the condition of the contact surface. (b) Steel and phosphor bronze : Since the coefficient of friction between steel and phosphor bronze is considerably low. Only outside area (other than the contact area) needs to be cleaned. and in the limiting case it may cause the bearings to freeze. Moreover. (c) Steel and PTFE : Use of PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) more widely known as Teflon 19 . These are as given below: (a) Steel over steel : Steel over steel sliding bearings transmit considerable horizontal force to the substructure because coefficient of friction is very large. These bearings. different materials have been tried and different types of sliding bearings have been created. it is advantageous to provide these in lieu of steel sliding bearings. Bridge Rules stipulate that the coefficient of friction should be taken as 0. require periodic cleaning and greasing so that the superstructure is allowed to expand/ contract freely without transmitting excessive longitudinal force to the substructure. debris and corrosion of steel plates can increase the coefficient of friction considerably. Phosphor bronze bearings also require lesser maintenance than steel bearings as no greasing is required.coefficient of friction. guide strips are provided parallel to the span. Guide strip : To regulate the movement of the girder in the correct alignment. Size of bearing plate : The size of the bearing plate is governed by the total vertical load (DL + LL + CDA) on the bearing and the allowable bearing stress in the bed block material.also offers many advantages.03.08 where as at 30 MPa the value reduces to 0. which is very close to rolling friction. The value of coefficient of friction at 5 MPa is 0. required for large span bridges can be achieved. stopper plates are provided.3 PARTS Stopper plates : When both ends of a span are supported on such sliding bearings. The sole plate of the bearing is directly connected to the girder by welding or countersunk rivets / bolts. The coefficient of friction between PTFE and stainless steel is the lowest between any two materials within the normal temperature range. durable and possesses high chemical resistance. the girder may have a tendency to creep under the influence of predominantly unidirectional movement. Thus we are able to achieve near-rolling friction without having to maintain the rolling arrangements. The base or bed plate is held in position on the 20 . PTFE is also hard. A peculiar feature of PTFE is that the coefficient of friction reduces as the applied load increases. 2. It is routinely used in POT bearings where very large translational movements. To prevent the girders from falling off the bearings. There have been instances of failure of the bed block material due to this deflection. Therefore. This is commonly known as the centralised articulated bearing. the inside edge of the top plate of the sliding bearing is chamfered. 21 . Their regular maintenance is very important. composite girders and underslung girders. These bearings are used in steel plate girders. Since the sliding bearings do not allow free rotation. In order to overcome this deficiency. This leads to stress concentration under the bearing towards inside of the span. the frequency of lubrication has been prescribed as once in three years.5 m span girders. Sliding bearings are the simplest type of bearings. The British Railways have provided these bearings in through type girder bridges of spans upto 40 m and concrete bridges of various types upto 90 m spans. used up to 30. to keep a tab on friction otherwise the value of horizontal force transmitted to sub-structure will increase tremendously. unequal distribution of load takes place due to the rotation/ deflection of the girder. 2.1 shows a typical sketch of the standard centralised articulated bearing adopted on Indian Railways. Fig. On a reference made by RDSO to British Railways it was learnt that the PTFE bearings are in use on British Railways since middle of seventies without any maintenance problems.bed block by anchor bolts. It may be increased to once in two years in case track consisting of long welded rails is provided over the bridge. It may so happen that the value of horizontal force becomes so large that cracks may develop at the bottom of bed block. INSTALLATION GAP 1.5 TO 2 mm FOR ENSURING THESE GAPS.EXPANSION GAP 12 TO 20 mm NOTE: B . FIG. THE ANCHOR BOLTS SHOULD BE INSTALLED ACCURATELY IN PROPER POSITION.L.1 CENTRALISED ARTICULATED BEARING 22 SECTION AT 'X X' BEARING PLATE ← . OF GIRDER ← B BED PLATE → X GUIDE STRIP (ON OPPOSITE SIDE ON OTHER END OF GIRDER) PLAN PLAN PLATE GIRDER CLEAR SPAN THEORETICAL SPAN OVERALL LENGTH GENERAL ARRANGEMENT A . 2.CSK RIVETS CSK RIVETS BEARING PLATES BEARING PLATE BEARING FLAT ELEVATION A X ANCHORE BOLT COUNTERSUNK RIVETS LOCKING STRIP C. two or more rollers and a top plate. on Indian Railways. be turned from approved C&W axles manufactured after 1931. 3.7 m span is shown in Fig. alternatively. and rocker bearings at the fixed end. where open web through girders are generally provided. USFD test shall be conducted to ensure that there are no internal flaws. as per IS:2004 and basic raw material is as per IS:1875. It is common. The rollers may.1 & 3. 3. 23 .CHAPTER 3 ROCKER & ROLLER BEARINGS 3.1 Parts : (a) Roller : The rollers are made of forged steel of Class-3. The rocker & roller end of bearing permits translation as well as rotation. to provide rocker & roller bearings at the free end of open web through girders.2. These have machined surface to permit smooth rolling action.5m. A typical rocker and roller bearing for open web girders of 45. whereas the rocker end permits only rotation.1 GENERAL For railway bridges with spans in excess of 30. The rocker & roller end is made by providing a saddle and knuckle plate on top of the rollers whereas the same arrangement except rollers is at the rocker end. The roller bearing consists of a base plate. the amount of movement needed and the vertical load transmitted through each bearing is too large to be catered by the sliding bearings.1. 440 55 SADDLE PLATE SADDLE KNUCKLE KNUCKLE SLAB LIFTING HOLES 40 mm DIA HOLE FOR ANCHOR BOLT 680 ROCKER → 406 BASE PLATE FIG.2 ROLLER BEARING AT FREE END 24 .1 ROCKER BEARING AT FIXED END 440 55 SADDLE PLATE SADDLE KNUCKLE 406 LINK PLATE TOOTH BAR EXPANSION BASE 520 SEMI CIRCULAR CUT FOR ANCHOR PIN KNUCKLE SLAB ROLLER FIG. 3. 3. (d) Rib and Notch : To arrest transverse movement between the roller and the base or knuckle plate. The number of rivets required and their lengths will also be very large. a longitudinal notch can be provided in the middle of the roller and a matching rib in the base and top plate. The top plate is generally installed to the underside of the bottom chord in-situ. The joint is therefore made with turned and fitted bolts.2 Connections : The top plate or saddle plate is connected to the end of the bottom chord. Rib and notch arrangement in rockerroller bearing can be assumed to be equivalent to ‘Guide strip’ in the sliding bearings.1. However. Tooth bar in rocker-roller bearing can be assumed to be equivalent to ‘stopper plate’ in sliding bearing.(b) Link Bar : All the rollers are connected to each other with a link bar to ensure that they always move together and maintain the clear gap between rollers. Since this connection is crucial for transmitting the horizontal thrust from the bottom chord to the bed block. it must be made tight fit. The rib thus guides the rollers to roll only in the longitudinal direction and prevents any transverse movement. The reaming of the 25 . The purpose of tooth bars is to arrest movement of the rollers beyond a point (depending upon the design movement). The tooth bars rest into grooves provided in the knuckle plate on top and base plate at bottom. 3. (c) Tooth Bars : Rollers on the extreme end of a group of rollers are provided with tooth bars. the joint is not amenable for riveting for want of adequate space. 1.6 of IRS :B1 -2001 are as under : Limit of tolerance Shank of bolt (mm) 0. which is presumed while allowing higher permissible bearing stress for the design of turned bolt connections. 3.0. A frequency of once in 3 years has been prescribed for greasing of bearings on Indian Railways.000 Upper Lower Such tolerances are prescribed to ensure adequate contact area between the hole and shank. The size of the base plate required is large when number of rollers are more. The oiling and greasing of roller bearings must be done under traffic block.125 0. The rocker-cum-roller bearings require periodic greasing of rolling contact surfaces. This requires the girder to be jacked up and the contact surfaces are cleaned to remove all entrapped dirt/ dust etc. 26 . required to be done by assembling them together. It is. therefore. It should be realized that the full periphery of a circular roller is never utilised during the rolling action.3 Segmental Rollers : For large span bridges (Span > 45.000 .holes in bottom chord and the saddle plate is.125 Diameter of hole (mm) + 0. The tolerances in the hole and shank diameter of turned bolts as per clause 28. therefore. and a fresh layer of grease is applied. The maintenance details of rocker-roller bearing will be discussed in subsequent paras.7 m) more than two roller are required. IRC:83 Part-I cautions designers while proposing use of segmental roller bearing in seismic areas as there have been instances of the bearing collapsing under excessive longitudinal movements. but also to reduce the size of the base plate.prudent to cut the sides of the roller to save not only in the weight of roller.4 Oil Baths : Roller bearings function smoothly as long as the contact surfaces are clean. resulting in economy. thus. Thus the centre of the curved surfaces at top and bottom do not coincide. This imparts a tendency of lifting of the girder during the rolling action but this is negligibly small.1.3. However. A smaller base plate will require smaller pier top. the height of the segmental rollers is made more than its diameter so as to permit a larger effective diameter.3 SEGMENTAL ROLLER BEARING Size of the base plate is reduced without compromising the rolling action of the rollers. 27 . These cut rollers are called segmental rollers as shown in Fig. Generally. which may occur during an earthquake. 3. 3. 3. FIG. The Indian Railways have rightly gone in for large size of roller in the standard designs. The smaller the size of the rollers.2.4. it leads to freezing of the bearing. Therefore. 28 .4 SEGMENTAL ROLLER WITH OIL BATH The reason for providing oil bath for such large spans is that mostly these bridges are rail-cumroad bridges and lifting of the girders is very difficult due to the very heavy dead load.3 of IRS: Steel Bridge Code. more are the chances to freeze. 3.1. they are effectively protected against corrosion. in order to overcome this problem for spans of 76. 3. The minimum size of roller to be provided is 102 mm as per Para 3. Very quickly. Since the rollers are completely submerged in oil.there is always a tendency to accumulate dirt and debris as well as rusting of steel. a small nest of rollers has corroded so much that it is difficult to count the number of rollers.2 m and above. MS OUTER COVERING DRAIN OUT LET OIL INDICATOR FIG. There have been instances where after a few years. an oil bath is provided around the rollers as shown in Fig. thickness and plan size of the base plate and number and size of anchor bolts.2 DESIGN ASPECTS The design of rocker & roller bearing involves selection of roller length. The use of oil bath should be extended to all roller bearings of through spans and more so in aggressive environments. the rollers inspected and the oil changed. 3. A gauge or an oil level indicator is provided to enable periodical check of oil level in the box. A drain outlet is provided at the bottom to drain out and replace the oil without the need to open out the oil bath. Once in five years the oil bath is to be opened out after draining the oil. The excerpts are given below : a) Allowable load P for rollers Roller on curved surface i) For single and double roller P = 0. Simple design rules are provided in IRS: Steel Bridge Code to obtain these values. The oil baths have performed very well on Indian Railways and have contributed to the success and longevity of roller bearings.8 (1/D1 − 1/D2 ) 1 kg/mm length of roller 29 . The necessity of such replacement may be due to contamination of the oil. its diameter. radius of the contact surface of saddle/knuckle. which should be periodically sampled.The oil bath is fabricated from MS plate and is provided with oil seals. When more than two rollers are in contact with rigid plates at top and bottom.5 D1 kg/mm. the above two equations reduce to i) For single and double rollersP = 0. 30 . Substituting D2 = ∞.5 (1/D1 − 1/D 2 ) 1 kg/mm length of roller where D1 and D2 are diameters of convex and concave contact surface respectively as shown in Fig.8 D1 kg/mm length of roller ii) For multiple rollers P = 0. 3. t ng Le f ro ho r lle Diameter D1 P Diameter D2 FIG. This possibility is not there where only two roller are used. length of roller A lower value of P for multiple rollers is taken due to the possibility of unequal load sharing among various rollers when number of rollers are more than two.5.ii) For multiple rollers i. more than two rollers P = 0.5 ROLLER ON CURVED SURFACE Roller on flat surface For a flat surface the diameter is infinity. 3. any small difference in diameter of rollers will result into unequal load distribution.e. a very close tolerance of +0. 3. C NC C NC BIGGER DIA ROLLER FIG. In recognition of the importance of variation in diameters.7.6 & 3.7 NEGATIVE VARIATION IN DIAMETER 31 . A positive variation in diameter of one roller is more damaging than negative variation.04mm is prescribed in IRS: B1-2001. In a set of rollers.Therefore the tolerance in roller diameter is an important aspect to be considered in fabricaton of rollers.NO CONTACT FIG. 3. a smaller diameter roller will only become ineffective.CONTACT NC . 3.6 POSITIVE VARIATION IN DIAMETER C NC C C SMALLER DIA ROLLER C . whereas the larger diameter roller in the same set will make many other rollers ineffective depending upon its location as shown in Fig. Appendix-VI. 32 .3 * fck (local max. As per clause 3.6 kg/cm2 RCC = 0. The base plate size can be reduced by adopting concretes of grade higher than M-20. iii) The permissible bearing stresses in the bedblock material.b) Allowable load on spherical bearing P= 1 1 127 (1/D -1/D2)2 1 kg c) Size of base plate: The length and width of the base plate will be governed by the following three factors i) Total vertical load and horizontal thrust to be transmitted by the bearing to the bed block. The length of the rollers will be governed by allowable load per roller and maximum vertical load. provided a larger size of base plate is not required from other considerations. ii) The length and number of the rollers and the total movement to be accommodated.2 * fck (average pressure) = 0.16 of IRS : Steel Bridge Code the allowable bearing pressure for different materials is as under: i) ii) iii) Stone Masonry = 36 kg/cm2 PCC (1:2:4) = 31. pressure) Where fck is the characteristic strength of concrete. M. t = thickness of base plate A very thin plate may be adequate from max. crieteria but it has a tendency to develop a curvature resulting into a non uniform load distribution.8 BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM Thickness of base plate can be calculated from bending moment crietria as given below.M.d) Thickness of base plate : The thickness of base plate should be adequate to withstand the bending moment (B.M. Bending Moment Z = bt2 / 6 where b = width. Permissible value of bending stress = M / Z M = Max.) caused by line load of rollers as shown in Fig. 3. B. 33 .8. point of view.M. Therefore a minimum thickness of 20 mm is recommended even if it is not required from B. B. P 1 P 2 LOADING DIAGRAM Max. 3. BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAM FIG. Cement or cement epoxy grout are also used as an alternative for levelling the bed block top surface. the bearing should have uniform seating on the bed block. INSTALLATION For proper transmission of loads.3. It is a common practice to provide a felt packing dipped in coaltar under the base plate. Quite often the saddle plate/knuckle blocks are made of cast steel. f) Anchor bolt : All the longitudinal force from the girder is transmitted to the piers through the fixed end of bearing. The permissible shear or bearing stresses for different grades of steel should be as per IRS: Steel Bridge Code. A. the permissible stresses are same as that for mild steel conforming to IS:226/IS:2062 Gr.e) Saddle/knuckle block : The saddle plate can also be designed as a cantilever with uniform load from top and a line load reaction from the knuckle plate. In such cases the cast steel should conform to the appropriate grade of the cast steel. This is done with a view to provide uniform and even seating of the bearing. 3. It has the added advantage of damping the vibrations and impact forces and thus increasing the life of the bed block. 34 . Any friction between the bed block and base plate or saddle plate and bottom chord is completely ignored and the entire horizontal force is assumed to be transmitted by the connecting bolts/rivets. The bolts are thus checked against shear failure and also for safe bearing stresses. Alternatively. it should be ensured that the rollers are in mean position (vertical in case of segmental rollers) at the specified mean temperature and loading condition.9. positioning of the anchor bolts must be done with a very high level of accuracy. Mean position of rollers : In order that the bearing provides the full designed movement. It is very easy to check the bearing position by measuring the gap between the top and bottom contact points of the rollers in longitudinal direction. the rollers will take a position towards the inside of span at mean temperature when only DL is acting. the bearing movement may be limited in one direction whereas unusable surplus movement will be available in other direction. A typical scheme of installation of anchor bolts is illustrated in Fig. Since there is no scope for adjusting the position of base plate. In such a case. It is common to prescribe that the rollers are in mean position at the specified mean temperature and under (DL + LL + impact). If mean position is not ensured. The saving grace against an error during installation of the anchor bolts is the fact that the thermal movements specified in most cases is quite conservative. for 35 . If the correct position of the roller at mean temperature and DL condition is known it will be a very useful reference point for monitoring proper functioning of the roller bearing. 3.Use of materials such as lead sheets which tend to flow under loads in not recommended. d) D = Inside dia of anchor tube d = Anchor bolt dia 2) Anchor tube to be sealed from top during concreting of pier cap. 3.I. 4) A thin layer of mortar may be used between the bearing and bedding plate for making uniform contact.ANCHOR TUBE ASSEMBLY WELDED TO REINFORCEMENT OF PIER CAP 10/12 mm THICK STEEL BEDDING X + TOLERANCE PUNCH MAR CENTRE LIN PLAN DETAIL AT 'A' G. 3) Anchor bolts to be grouted in position after positioning of the bearing.9 SCHEME FOR INSTALLATION OF ANCHOR BOLTS . PIPE WITH R OUTER FACE (BOTTOM END S AT DETAIL 'A' ‘A’ 36 ELEVATION PIER CAP PIER NOTE 1) X = Theoretical distance from pier centre to bearing centre Tolerance ≤ 1/2 (D . FIG. 37 . In case oil bath is provided. a movement gauge should be provided so as to directly read the roller position from outside without the need of opening the oil bath. the movement may be measured by the position of the contact point of the tooth bar on top and bottom plate respectively.full/segmental bearings. This should be done once every two years when track consisting of LWR is continued over bridge span. and cease the movement of bearings. longitudinal forces have increased considerably whereas the old substructures had been designed without considering such large longitudinal forces. Sliding bearings of plate girders are generally designed keeping both ends free. But the gap between the bottom flange of plate girders and 38 . even repairs will not hold good if cause of frozen bearings is not eliminated by greasing. This is called as Frozen Bearing. Upon introduction of RBG. It has been laid down that the steel bearings of all girder bridges should be greased once in 3 years to ensure proper movement of bearing plates.1 GENERAL Cleaning and greasing of bearings is one of the important maintenance works to avoid premature failure of bearings and reduce recurring heavy repair cost of bed block and masonary below bed block.1 Lifting of girders : For greasing the bearings girders are required to be lifted. Sometimes.1. MBG and HM loadings on the Indian Railway. 4.CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE OF STEEL BEARINGS 4. When bearings are frozen. Steel bearing strip resting on steel base plate has a tendency to stick together on account of corrosion. a large amount of longitudinal force is transferred to the substructure for which the substructure may not have been designed. 4 and 30. 18. Field officials. This improper seating of the bearing strip will cause hammering action during subsequent passage of train resulting in damage to the bed block and masonry of the 39 . This may cause bending of the angle on account of its slender size. Jacking arrangement for span 12. jacks can be directly applied below end sleeper ensuring firm hook bolt connection.5 m plate girder requires provision of a steel beam as shown in Fig 4. 2. The provision of jacking steel beam and its removal is difficult.2. 3. apply jack to the end cross frame angle (diagonal) to avoid provision of the jacking beam.3. For plate girders upto 6. many times. The standard jacks normally available have a closed height of at least 300 mm. Jacking arrangement for span 9. Following jacking arrangement can be adopted for different types of girders: 1. therefore.1 for lifting the girder. to lift the girder. It requires more man power and also it is time-consuming on account of heavy weight of the beam and limited working space on bridge piers. 24.the bed block generally varies from 100 mm to 150 mm. can’t be used for lifting the girders without making special jacking arrangements. which results in lifting of bearing strips inside when lowered on base plate. 4.1 m span. since load to be lifted is about 4 to 5 ton only.2.15 m plate girder requires provision of a hard wood beam below inner top flange as shown in Fig. These jacks. 15 m SPAN . 4.175 WOODEN BEAM 30 T SCREW JACK 300 END FRAME DIAGONAL BRACING 1025 WOODEN BLOCKS 40 1850 BEARING BASE PLATE FIG.1 JACKING ARRANGEMENT FOR 9. 2 JACKING ARRANGEMENT FOR 12.4 m SPANS .3 m & 24.STIFFNER STIFFENER 30 T SCREW JACK END FRAME DIAGONAL BRACINGS WOODEN BLOCKS 1312 41 1830 BEARING BASE PLATE FIG. 18. 4.2 m. ensuring that the bearing strip does not get lifted over locking strip and guide strip to avoid creep of girder in logitudinal and lateral direction. Time required for all these activities is approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Only loosening of fish bolts and dog spikes over a small length on both sides of the pier is sufficient.2 nos. Lifting of girder should be restricted to 8 to 10 mm only. 3. Therefore the method of provision of jacking beam to outside girder as shown in Fig 4. 42 . it is not necessary to break the track. Jacks (50 ton capacity) . 7. This requires less manpower and less time for lifting of the girder. 4.substructure. Hard wooden packing below and above jack Grease graphite Grade 3 conforming to IS:508 Kerosene or released black oil for cleaning 6 mm thick steel scrapers Mortar pan Cotton waste Greasing of sliding bearings can be undertaken under traffic with issue of caution order and line protection for temporary works as per provision of IRPWM. 4. Girder is then lowered back over the base plate. 2.1. For lifting.2 Cleaning and greasing of steel sliding bearings : Following equipments are required for greasing of steel sliding bearings: 1. 5. Only one end of the girder should be lifted at a time and steel scraper inserted between bearing strip and base plate to remove old grease dust and dirt. The contact surface is cleaned with oil and grease applied.3 is preferable. 6. 3 m & 24.3 PROPOSED JACKING ARRANGEMENT FOR 12.BEARING STIFFENE HSFG / RIVETTED CONNECTION JACKING BEAM (FIXED) TO BE DESIGNED FOR EACH SPAN 43 FIG. 18.4 m SPANS .2 m. 4. and preliminary Ensure tightness of rivets connecting end cross girder and end panel point of truss. no separate jacking arrangement is required as the end cross girders are designed and provided with stiffener and pad plate for provision of jack for lifting. In case of non standard spans. Following precautions arrangements are required: 1. Provide hard wooden packing below the end cross girder to support the girder in case of failure of jacks. hence any type of jack of 100 ton to 200 ton capacity can easily be used for lifting. Greasing of rocker and roller bearing should be carried out under traffic block under the supervision of an official not below the rank of ADEN/ABE. the end cross girder requires adequate strengthening or special jacking beam below the bottom boom. 44 . This should be done at three places to prevent tilting of this girder.3 Cleaning and greasing of Rocker & Roller bearings of open web through girders : In case of standard open web through girders. 2.4. Gap between bottom of cross girder and top of bed block is about 600 mm.1. Remove fish plates and loosen dog spikes of rail over adjacent spans to avoid overloading 3. The equipments required in this case are same as for sliding bearing except that the jacks of higher capacity (100 ton to 200 ton) and wire rope with turn buckle arrangement for holding the free end are required. 4. To prevent this.4 Method of Greasing : Greasing of fixed end requires 20 to 25 minutes. the other end being free. Grease is applied and then girder is lowered back. precaution should be taken to prevent creep of rail. 7. The lifting is hardly 10 mm. Saddle is not lifted above collar to prevent lateral creep of the girder. 6. Greasing of free end requires 45 to 50 minutes. Keep one spare jack as stand by.the jack on account of weight of adjoining span and stiffness of the track. dust and dirt. The contact area is cleaned with oil. During lifting of girder. If trolley refuge is connected to both spans on any pier. Steel scraper is used to remove old grease. Knuckle plate is tied to the saddle plate with wire rope having turn buckle arrangement to release the load from roller when the girder is lifted. 5. loosen the bolted connection of adjoining span to avoid overloading of jack and damage to the trolley refuge. While lifting the fixed end. 4. provide hard wood packing between the ends of girder on pier and between girder and the ballast wall on abutment. When the girder is lifted about 10 mm and rollers are free.5 times the load they are expected to lift. All rollers 45 . the girder is likely to creep longitudinally. ensuring that the gap is created between saddle block and knuckle pin.1. link plate and tooth bar are removed after opening the stud connections. Jacks should be kept in working order and tested to 1. Grease graphite grade 3 conforming to IS 508 is applied over the base plate evenly below the roller contact area. 46 . This will create gap between the saddle block and knuckle plate. Rollers should be examined for any possible signs of flattening or minute cracks with a magnifying glass. The rollers are then placed in position and grease applied at the top contact surface. With the help of turn buckle of wire rope sling.should be taken out and cleaned with scraper and these are sand-papered with a fine sand-paper of zero grade. Link plate and tooth bars are connected with care so that tooth bar is placed in the same inclination as per the drawing. take special precautions to prevent the rollers from falling-off the bed block. While taking out rollers for examination and greasing. Cleaning and greasing of this area is then carried out similar to the fixed end and girder is lowered back. the knuckle plate is lowered over the rollers. CHAPTER 5 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS 5. Serves as a shock absorber due to anti-vibration properties of elastomer. the elastomeric bearings offer number of advantage as listed below: 1. engineers were on the lookout for a bearing which could accomodate large movements and at the same time being relatively maintenance free. 2. 5.1 GENERAL Steel bearings are good but suffer from problems of corrosion and high level of maintenance. To summarise. 47 . 4. Further developments in future may involve refining the use of elastomer and enhancing its properties. Permits movement of the structure in all directions. Occupies small space. Due to these problems of steel bearings. 3. Elastomer as a material for making bridge bearing has been found to satisfy these requirements so much so that many engineers believe that the search for an ideal material for bridge bearing has come to an end. Requires minimum maintenance compared to all other bearings. 6. depending upon the applied forces. Acts as an aid to better dispersion of longitudinal forces to the approaches. Installation is easy. 5.2 PROPERTIES OF ELASTOMER An elastomer is a polymeric substance obtained after vulcanization of rubber. Vulcanization is the process of improving the properties of rubber by heating with sulphur. A normal rubber is not useable as it becomes brittle at low temperature and sticky at high temperature. Charles Goodyear had been trying to ‘cure’ the rubber so that it could be used in all seasons. He tried to mix all kinds of things such as ink, black pepper, cheese and what not. But he couldn’t succeed until he dropped a piece of rubber on stove accidentally. To his surprise, he found that instead of melting the rubber piece hardened and remained pliable. It was found in the lab that it contained traces of sulphur. Goodyear perfected the process and named it ‘vulcanization’ after the Roman God of fire, ‘Vulcan’. As a result of vulcanization, rubber molecules are cross-linked with sulphur. This cross-linking makes the rubber stronger. It allows the rubber to keep its shape better even when it is stretched over and over again. But there is a drawback of cross-linking also. Vulcanized rubber doesn’t flow when it gets hot, therefore one has to mould it into whatever shape one wants before cross linking. Due to the same reason, it can’t be recycled – a big environment problem. The tyres of the vehicles also use the same material, and we are not able to recycle the cross-linked rubber used in tyres. One of the most well known natural rubber is ‘Poly-isoprene’ which is harvested from the sap of ‘Hevea’ tree. Natural rubber have all the 48 excellent properties making it extremely suitable to many engineering applications, except for its relatively high reactivity with environment particularly ozone. Ozone causes surface cracking that can rapidly penetrate even at very low tensile stress. To obviate this drawback many synthetic rubbers were developed, most popular among those is ‘Poly-chloroprene’. Thus, we have 1. Natural rubber 2. Synthetic rubber Poly-isoprene Poly-chloroprene There is often a confusion between the words elastomer and neoprene. While elastomer refers to the generic name of the rubber, neoprene refers to the trade name of the elastomer of one of the leading rubber manufacturers. Engineers are more familiar with materials which obey Hooke’s Law i.e. behaving in a linear elastic manner. We understand elastomers less well than we do concrete or steel because elastomers do not obey Hooke’s Law. They are very flexible in shear but very stiff in bulk compression. The simple theory of mechanics characterizing the behaviour of rubber is quite different from that used for conventional materials, and quite complex for the liking of the practical engineers. It is therefore not surprising that most of the codal provisions for design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of elastomeric bearings are based on extensive studies and laboratory trials conducted by ORE (Office for Research and Experiment) of UIC. These are documented in ORE Report D-60. Important specifications which 49 can be referred to for elastomeric bearings are listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. UIC 772-2R 1989 BS:5400 Part 9.1 IRC 83 Part II AASHTO specifications IS:3400 Part I to XXIV Some of the important findings of the studies conducted by ORE, which are relevant to the design of elastomeric bearings are enumerated below : 1. Elastomers do not follow Hooke's Law and, therefore, the modulus of elasticity ‘E’ is not constant. 2. The shear modulus ‘G’, however, is fairly constant and is more relevant for the design of elastomeric bearings than ‘E’. 3. The coefficient of friction between elastomer and the base material is unaffected by the nature of the contact surface i.e steel, concrete, painted or unpainted surfaces. 4. The coefficient of friction between the elastomer and the base material reduces with increase in normal load on the bearing. It is expressed by the formula µ = 0.15 + where N = normal pressure in MPa 5. Except under extremely low temperatures (less than -150C), performance of the elastomeric bearing is not affected by temperature variation. These have also been tested satisfactorily up to + 500C. 50 0.6 N Under the effect of cyclic loading the bearings become more flexible.6. 5. there was a distinct tendency of the elastomer to slip when the minimum normal pressure was less than 2 MPa. the total volume of the pad in loaded and unloaded conditions remains unchanged. In some of the tests conducted on elastomeric bearings. under the action of a compressive load.3 BEHAVIOUR OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS In order to carry out successful design and installation of elastomeric bearings. 5. 7. SLIP FIG. This observation has important ramifications for use of elastomeric bearings in railway steel bridges of smaller spans where normal pressure may be less than 2 MPa. a plain elastomeric pad with no friction on its top and bottom surfaces. flattens and expands laterally as shown in Fig. Therefore. 5. The elastomer being practically incompressible.1 PLAIN ELASTOMERIC PAD WITHOUT FRICTION AT CONTACT PLANE 51 . it is necessary to understand the behaviour of elastomeric bearings against various imposed loads. The elastomeric bearings in such small bridges can be used alongwith anti creep devices as explained in subsequent paras.1. usually 1 to 3 mm. not will the as FIG. the lateral expansion is prevented at the interfaces and bulging is controlled. depends upon the ratio of loaded area to the area of the bearing free to bulge.2 PLAIN ELASTOMERIC PAD WITH FRICTION AT CONTACT PLANE The lateral expansion of plain elastomeric pad is too much for practical purposes and it can not be used as it is without making arrangements for reducing the lateral expansion. 5.Since a frictionless contact surface does exist in practice. This 52 . The compressive stiffness of the bearing.2. therefore. This is essentially quantified by Shape Factor ‘S’ which is a dimensionless parameter defined as under: S = Plan area loaded in compression Perimeter area free to bulge Greater compressive stiffness is. 5. steel reinforcement plates between the elastomer layers and bonding the plates firmly with the elastomer to prevent any relative movement. the deformation of the pad be part flattening and part bulging and behaviour of plain elastomeric pad will be shown in Fig. If the elastomer is bonded between two layers. therefore. obtained by dividing elastomer into many layers by introducing very thin. Since the elastomer expands laterally. 5.3 REINFORCED ELASTOMERIC PAD The elastomeric bearing provides horizontal translation by shear strains as shown in Fig. shear stresses are set up in the elastomer by the bond forces.5 SHEAR STRAIN DUE TO ROTATION 53 . higher the Shape Factor.has the effect of decreasing the area free to bulge without any change in the loaded area. in turn. 5. 5. 5. Hence. The steel plate.4 SHEAR STRAIN DUE TO SHEAR FIG. is subjected to pure tensile stresses as shown in Fig.4 and rotation by differential compression as shown in Fig. 5. FIG.5.3. 5. stiffer is the bearing under compressive load. FIG. 5. horizontal translation is being provided by elastomeric bearing without loosing the contact either with superstructure or with substructure. The shear deformation depends upon the height of the elastomeric pad as shown in Fig. Therefore.6 DEFORMATION OF ELASTOMERIC PAD Shear stress = = shear force plan area H axb Shear strain = δ h where δ = deformation h = thickness of elastomeric pad H = horizontal force 54 .6. the movements are allowed without any relative movement of parts. In fact.Elastomeric bearings can accomodate horizontal movements to an extent of 125 mm while it is claimed that each 13 mm thickness of the pad could accomodate one degree of rotation. 5. δ a b h H FIG. Since horizontal force and ‘G’ can not be altered. the compressive loads on the inner edge is magnified and it is relieved on the outer edge. In the design it is. value of horizontal force and value of ‘G’. Plain elastomeric pads Steel reinforced elastomeric pads Fibre reinforced pads Plain pads are used for light or moderate 55 . the shear deformation will depend upon thickness of elastometric pad.. 2.4 TYPES OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS Three basic types of elastomeric bearings are used. 1. δ ∝ h Under the influence of rotation. therefore.. the outer edge of the elastomer does not get off-loaded completely. 3. δ = Η x h G (a x b) Thus for a given size of bearing. ensured that. 5. under the combined effect of normal loads and rotations.a = length of elastomeric pad b = width of elastomeric pad Shear Modulus G = G = H axb shear stress shear strain h x δ . deformation ‘δ’ will be proportional to thickness of elastomeric pad. adding steel laminations is a convient way to accommodate larger lateral movements for the same compressive loads. the design of elastomeric bearing discussed in the following paragraphs is only as per UIC 772-R. 56 . It is expected that the number of iterations required for successful design will be minimum if this sequence of steps is followed. the elastomer pads are reinforced with steel plates. To maintain uniformity of approach. In order to reduce the tendency of bulging. Flow Table of Design : The flow table of design given at Table 5. each layer of elastomer behaves like an individual pad. Plain pads have a tendency to bulge under heavy loadings. Fibre reinforced pads are usually reinforced with fibre glass. 5. while horizontal strain on each layer is additive. For vertical load. 5.5 DESIGN OF ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS The standard drawings of bridge bearings issued by RDSO are on the basis of UIC 772-R. The steel sheets separating the layers of elastomer are completely encased within the elastomeric material.1.loadings. Therefore.1 has been prepared to simplify the design process and eliminate trial and error approach.5. as given in next horizontal quick load. Revise plan dimension. paragraph.10 + 0. 2. Calculate max.K. keeping a watch on step 6 a). To ensure ‘No slip condition’ a) Calculate µ1 when only D. Net plan area divided by ‘b’.TABLE 5. 57 .1 FLOW TABLE OF DESIGN SN Sequence of steps 1.K. O. vertical load including impact and permissible bearing pressure on bed-block. Calculate net plan area of bearing 4. O. Calculate length ‘a’ of bearing along girder Calculate Shape Factor ‘S’ Calculate min. Select width ‘b’ of bearing Generally equal to width of girder & larger than ‘a’ due to better rotational stability in lateral direction. live load. 6. Depends upon max. Bearing may slip. It should be between 6 and 12. Total vertical load including impact / plan area of bearing. horizontal span length.L. 5. is acting µ1 = 0.6/N1 where N1 = vertical pressure due to DL only µ1 x DL should be more than slow acting horizontal force. rotation etc. Revise plan dimensions so that vertical pressure is min. 3. 2 MPa or provide ‘Anti Creep Device’. Proceed further. Collect input data Remarks Dead load. vertical pressure a) If it is < 2 MPa b) If it is ≥ 2 MPA 7. slow load. vertical pressure a) If it is ≤ 10 MPa b) If it is > 10 MPA 8. Dead load / plan area of bearing. at ends. 10 + 0. 11.6/N2 where N2 = vertical pressure due to DL + LL 9. b) Under Total Load Permissible rotation = Comp.b) Calculate µ2 when both µ2 x (DL + LL) should be DL + LL (including more than total horizontal force. Thickness of steel lamination plate required = 2 (hi + hi + 1)( Pc + 1. To ensure no uplift condition a) Under Dead Load Permissible rotation = Comp. µ2 = 0. otherwise increase ‘h’ to limit this % age. Addition of all three should be limited to 5 x G or 5 MPa (considering G = 1 MPa). 58 . 10. Total shear in elastomer includes a) Due to compression b) Due to horizontal load c) Due to rotation 12. impact) are acting. of all layers under TL a/6 It should be more than actual rotation of span under total load including impact. of all layers under DL a/6 It should be more than actual rotation of span under dead load only.5 Ps) a x b x σs This should be more than actually provided. Calculate % distortion in shear % distortion = δ x 100 h It should be max 70%. 2 Input data required : The input data required for carrying out the design is as under: Pc Ps Hc Hs UC Us αC αs G σb σm D L or slowly applied vertical loads L L or quickly applied vertical loads Slow acting horizontal forces Quick acting horizontal forces Horizontal (shear) movement due to Hc Horizontal (shear) movement due to Hs Rotation under effect of slow acting loads Rotation under effect of quick acting loads Static shear modulus of elastomer Permissible bearing pressure in bed block material = Max.5. whichever is less (as per RDSO) • 11 MPa (as per UIC 772 .5. Permissible pressure in the elastomer • 10 MPa (as per IRC : 83) • 5 MPa or 5G.3 Output Expected : The output expected at the end of design of the elastomeric bearing is as under : a = length of the bearing along the span b = width of the bearing across the span n = number of layers of elastomer hi = thickness of each layer of elastomer h = total thickness of elastomer.5.2R) = width of the girder/beam = = = = = = = = = = B 5. 59 . 60 . 5. the movement capacity reduces. the horizontal movement ‘δ’ reduces with the increase in value of ‘G’. many failures have been reported pertaining to these bearings. Therefore with age.5. need very careful attention by the construction engineer in the field.6. hardness increases. These two aspects.1 80 1. which in turn increases the value of ‘G’.1 MANUFACTURE AND QUALITY CONTROL Properties of Elastomer : Though elastomeric bearings offer a number of advantages as compared to steel bearings. For the adopted dimension of the elastomeric bearing.2.6. A majority of these failures can be attributed to improper quality of elastomer and/or faulty installation.6 5. The shear modulus of the elastomer depend upon the hardness of the rubber.4 Therefore with age.3. therefore. The properties of the elastomer are detailed in IRC:83 Part-II and are reproduced in Table 5.2 Dimensional Tolerance : The bearing should be fabricated to the dimensional tolerances stipulated in IRC:83 which are reproduced in Table 5.8 70 1.5 60 0. The relation between shore hardness and shear modulus G as indicated in UIC-772-2R is as under: Shore hardness Modulus G 50 0. The hardness scale is similar to the Shore or Durometer hardness.TABLE 5. 17 MPa Min.not more than 30% Compression set not to exceed 35% The elastomer sample is subjected to a temperature of 100 0C for a period of 70 h and then allowed to cool to room temperature.X 7) Ozone test IS 3400 PART.not more than 15% iii) Elongation at break .IV Min. The variation in physical properties is subsequently measured.XX No cracking or disintegration of the sample. The elastomer sample is subjected to a compressive strain of 25% at a temperature of 1000C for 24 hours.D3677 of polymer iii) Ash content 2) Hardness IS 3400 PART-XXII IS 3400 PART. Not more than 5% 60+ 5 Use of fillers to be minimized. the sample is cooled and the residual strain is measured.D297 content test ii) Identification ASTM.not more than 5 ii) UTS . 3) Ultimate tensile strength 4) Elongation at break 5) Accelerated aging test IS 3400 PART-I -doIS 3400 PART. The residual strain called the ”set” should not exceed 35% of the initial strain.2 Name of test PROPERTIES OF ELASTOMER Methodology of testing and remarks Reference Permissible code for testing limits 1) Chemical composition i) Poly-chloroprene ASTM. The sample is subjected to a tensile strain of 20% in a chamber where the temperature is maintained at 400C and Ozone concentration kept at 50 pphm(parts per hundred million) 6) Compression set test IS 3400 PART. Test involves use of infra red spectrophotometry IRHD IRHD stands for International Rubber Hardness Degree. 400% Variation in i) Hardness . 61 .II Not less than 60% No reclaimed rubber or natural rubber to be used. Subsequently. TABLE 5.3 SN ITEMS 1. 2. 3. DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES TOLERANCES -0, + 6 mm -0, + 5% 4. 5. Overall plan dimensions Total bearing thickness Parallelism A. Of top surface of bearing with repect to the bottom surface as datum B. Of one side surface with respect to the other as datum A. Thickness of individual internal layer of elastomer B. Thickness of individual outer layer A. Plan dimensions of laminates B. Thickness of laminate C. Parallelism of laminate with respect to bearing base as datum 1 in 200 1 in 100 + 20% (max. of 2mm) -0, +1 mm -3 mm, +0 + 10% 1 in 100 5.7 INSPECTION AND TESTING The inspection and tests on elastomer and the finished bearings are very important aspects of ensuring a satisfactory performance of the bearing. IRC:83 has laid down detailed testing plan and acceptance criteria for elastomeric bearings. The important aspects are highlighted in the following paragraphs. 5.7.1 Lot size : Testing and acceptance of elastomeric bearings should be done lot-wise. A ‘lot’ of bearings shall comprise of all bearings of equal or near equal size produced under identical conditions of manufacture to be supplied for a particular project. For the purpose of grading the 62 levels of acceptance test, the lots are classified as under : 1. 2. A lot size of 24 or larger number of bearings is defined as large lot. A lot size with less than 24 bearings is defined as small lot. When the number of bearings for a bridge project is large and phased production is permitted, bearings supplied in any one phase will be considered as a large lot. The levels of acceptance test applicable will be as under : Large lot - ‘Level 1’ Acceptance testing Small lot - ‘Level 2’ Acceptance testing. 5.7.2 Level 1 Accpetance Testing : This will include the following tests: A. General inspection B. Test on specially moulded test piece C. Test on complete bearings. A. General inspection 1. All bearings of the lot shall be visually inspected for absence of any defects in surface finish, shape or any discernible superficial defects. All bearings of the lot shall be checked for dimensional tolerances. All bearings shall be subjected to an axial load corresponding to normal pressure of 15 MPa applied in stages and held constant while visual examination is made for: 2. 3. 63 a. b. c. d. e. Misalignment of reinforcing plates Poor bond at interface Variation in elastomer thickness Surface defects Low stiffness. The deflection under loads between 5 MPa and 15 MPa should be measured with sufficient accuracy. Variation in stiffness of any individual bearing from the mean of all such bearings should not be more than 20% of the mean value. B. Test on specially moulded test piece The test piece shall be moulded by the manufacturer with identical compound and under identical vulcanizing conditions as used in manufacture of the bearings. The test pieces should be suitably identified and certified. The test pieces will be subjected to the following tests: • Test for chemical composition, specific gravity, ash content etc. • Test for physical properties such as (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Hardness Ultimate tensile strength Elongation at break Accelerated aging test Compression set test Ozone test The details of these tests are given in Table 5.2. 64 Bearing sections shall be cut from test bearings without overheating the rubber and with smooth cut square edges.2 The test specifications and acceptance criteria should be as per Appendix II of IRC 83 Part II. 65 . 1.5% Specific gravity + 0. No bearing shall be tested earlier than a week after vulcanization. Various tests should be conducted on these ‘test bearings’. Shear Modulus Elastic Modulus Adhesion strength Ultimate compressive strength. the ash content (%) and specific gravity of elastomer of test pieces from test bearing shall be compared with those of corresponding specially moulded test pieces and maximum acceptable variation will be as given below: Ash content + 0. All testing shall be done at room temperature. 3.C. These bearings should be excluded from the accepted lot because all the tests given below except ‘Shear Modulus test’ are destructive tests. 3. The excerpts are given below: General about tests 1. Test on complete bearings Two bearings should be selected at random from the ‘lot’. 4. 2. In addition to above tests. 2. Measurement : Load and deflection measurements shall be calculated at approximately equal intervals not less than 5. Rate of loading : N test corresponding to σm = 5 MPa shall be held constant during test and the horizontal loading H shall be gradually increased to yield a shear stress rate of approximately 0. 5.4. Test for determination of ‘E’ may precede that of ‘G’ when both tests are conducted on the same pair of test bearings. defect or damage detected by close inspection during the test. • • • Evaluation A shear stress strain curve shall be plotted and the value of shear modulus G determined as shown in Fig.1 MPa per minute. 66 . Test for determination of Shear Modulus • Conditioning load : Bearings shall be preloaded with maximum horizontal load Htest (with Ntest or vertical load held constant) and unloaded before test loading.7. The test result shall be deemed satisfactory if value of G is within + 20% of 1 MPa and provided there is no evidence of instability. Maximum test loading Ntest : The horizontal loading H shall be increased upto a maximum H test which corresponds to horizontal deflection equal to ‘h’ (total elastomer thickness).05 to 0. N test RIGID CONCRETE SLAB ( FIXED ) 2H RIGID CONCRETE SLAB (DEFLECTED UNDER 'H') RIGID CONCRETE SLAB (FIXED) a) TEST ASSEMBLY ↑ SHEAR STRESS G = ∆τm / ∆ tan γ ∆τ m 0.0 SHEAR STRESS 0.0 SHEAR STRAIN SHEAR STRAIN b) SHEAR STRESS STRAIN CURVE FIG.2 0.4 ∆ tan γ 0.6 0.7 DETERMINATION OF SHEAR MODULUS 67 ↑ .8 10.2 0. 5. Test for determination of Elastic Modulus • Conditioning load : Bearing shall be preloaded upto N test . The load shall be retained for 10 minutes and unloaded upto σm = 2 MPa before test loading. Rate of loading : The axial load ‘N’ is increased gradually at a rate yielding approximately σm = 0.5 MPa to 1 MPa per minute Maximum test loading Ntest corresponds to σm = 20 MPa. Measurement : Load and deflection measurements shall be made in approximately equal load intervals not less than 5. Deflection shall be measured at four edges and mean value accounted for. • • • Evaluation A compressive stress strain curve shall be plotted and the value of apparent elastic modudus ‘Ea’ shall be defermined as shown in Fig. 5.8. Acceptance Criteria Test result shall be deemed satisfactory if value of ‘Ea’ is within + 20 percent of 1(0.2/S2 + 0.0005) and provided, there is no evidence of any defect or damage discerned by close visual inspection during the test. 68 N test RIGID CONCRETE SLAB a) TEST ASSEMBLY Ea = ∆σm / ∆ε 20 COMPRESSIVE STRESS ∆σ m 10 2 0.0 2 10 20 STRAIN ∆ε b) COMPRESSIVE STRESS STRAIN CURVE FIG. 5.8 DETERMINATION OF ELASTIC MODULUS 69 Test for determination of Stripping Strength Two identical test pieces shall be cut from the test bearing. The plan dimensions of each test piece shall not be less than 100 mm x 200 mm as shown in Fig.5.9. Two opposite ends of each test piece shall bevelled to an angle of 450 MOUNTING PLATE N test PLATE RECESSED TO PREVENT SLIP LOADING PLATE ↓ h ≥ 50 ↓ 200 2H 45 FIG. 5.9 DETERMINATION OF ADHESION STRENGTH Test Procedure • Maximum test loading: N test corresponding to σm = 4 MPa is to be held constant during the test. The horizontal loading H shall be increased upto a maximum yielding τm = 3 MPa Examine the test pieces for evidence of cracking or peeling both in the strained and unstrained state. Acceptance criteria If neither test piece shows evidence of peeling or separation at or near the interface 70 • Evaluation between rubber and reinforcement layers, the bearing shall be deemed to have satisfactory adhesion. Test for determination of UItimate Compressive Strength The test pieces are to be loaded either till the failure of the steel laiminate or till the irreversible squeezing out of elastomer whichever is earlier. The test assembly and the test pieces may be identical to those for ‘E’ test. However, a small section (not less than 100 x 200 mm) shall be cut from test bearing and testing to failure by placing directly between the plates of the testing machine shall also be performed. The rate of loading shall not exceed 10 MPa per minute. The result of the test shall be deemed satisfactory if the σm at failure is not less than 69 MPa. 5.7.3 Level 2 Acceptance Testing : This will also include the same tests as in Level 1 A. General inspection B. Test on specially moulded test piece C. Test on complete bearings. But here, the test ‘C’ is little different as only one test i.e. ‘test for shear modulus’ is conducted. Since this is not a destructive test, the test bearings can be used in the bridge and these shall become the part of the accepted ‘lot’. 5.7.4 Inspection and Quality Control Certificate : A ‘lot’ under inspection should be accepted by the inspector when no defect is found in the acceptance level tests and so certified. In case of any defect in the bearing, the whole ‘lot’ shall be rejected by the inspector and certified 71 Accpetance lot No. Date of testing Specific bridge location Explanation of markings on the bearing. 3. if any. But still it is not very clear whether all these tests are necessary or not. 1. 6. A commentary on various tests conducted on specially moulded test piece Elastomeric bearings have had an extraordinary performance record over the past 50 years as some of these have been used since 1950 satisfactorily. Ozone Test Some research and studies determined that the ozone test was unnecessary as this affects only 72 . Name of manufacturer Date of manufacture Grade of elastomer Bearing dimensions Production Batch No. it has been discussed that some of the tests are not related to the actual performance of an elastomeric bearing and thus may be either scrapped or the prescribed tolerances should be diluted. 8. 2. In this commentary. These are based upon the studies undertaken by AASHTO. An information card giving the following details should be appended to the test cerftificate: 1. 5. 4. The bearings shall be transported to the bridge site after final acceptance and should be accompanied by an authenticated copy of the test certificate. A number of tests are required to be performed on elastomers in order to ensure the good performance.accordingly. 9. 7. 2. which are under compression.5 µ. they are unable to penetrate very far into objects. In bearings. Current test methods use very thin specimen and the results generally show significant changes due to aging. The actual bearing. Accelerated Aging Accelerated ageing tests are conducted at elevated temperature of 100oC to know the variation in hardness. Contrarily there is a harmful effect because the manufacturers use anti ozanant waxes to protect against ozone attack. however. UTS and elongation at break. Ozone cracks develop at right angles to the tensile strain and they degrade rubber’s tensile strength and may also initiate fatigue growth that ultimately leads to failure of rubber products. it has been contended that ozone damage is a serious concern in thin-walled products. but not in those bulky products like bearings. The research showed that the size of sample was very important in establishing the significance of aging. It was found that it would take hundreds of years of 73 . In un-stretched rubber. the growth of cracks ceases close to the surface because cracks quickly encounter compressive rather than tensile stresses. typically 0. Therefore. Because cracks only occur in regions where tensile stresses are induced. ozone degradation is confined to a thin surface layer.the surface layer. is not a thin specimen and effect of aging is not so pronounced. This viscous layer of wax is responsible for a significant number of serious slipping problems where the bearings ‘walked-out’ of the support area. 8 5. Hardness Hardness has been believed to be related to shear modulus but studies have shown that hardness is a surface measurement and it only crudely represents the stress strain relationship in shear.8. Elastomeric bearings must not be placed one behind the other along the longitudinal axis of the girder on a single line of support under any circumstances. not a performance test. Given that the correlation between the test and the real situation is not known. Bearings of different plan size must not be installed next to each other (on the same pier) under the same girder/span. 5.service to change the bearing stiffness by 10%. 2. Different plan area will lead to different value of ‘δ’ for given values of H. h and G as under: δ= H×h G (a × b ) 3. it seems that the test is just a quality control test.1 INSTALLATION General guidelines : Some of the important provisions of UIC-772-2R and IRC:83 Part-II pertaining to installation of elastomeric bearings are given below: 1.2% 74 . 3. The contact surface between the bearing and the bed block must be horizontal to avoid tangential force due to gravity coming on to the bearing (maximum tolerance 0. 9. contamination with oil. This is specially necessary for bridges with low DL/(DL+LL) ratio or bridges with larger horizontal displacements. 8. allowing release of this unidirectional displacement. The bearings must be placed on a contact surface which is free from local irregularities. this may be achieved by providing shims under the girder or by creating a recess with a horizontal surface on the underside of the girder. This is typical in railway bridges with steel girders.perpendicular to load). 7. dirt and undue exposure to sunlight and weather. handling and installation of the bearing to avoid any mechanical damage. Where shrinkage and creep are likely to produce excessive horizontal movements. It is preferable to install the elastomeric bearing on a pedestal to permit jacking of the girders for future replacements and for proper drainage. maximum tolerance being +1 mm in height. 5. the bearings should be placed in a recess. 75 . As a measure of ample safety against accidental displacement. grease. it is advisable to raise the girders before commissioning the bridge. The bearings must be placed at true plan position with a maximum tolerance of +3 mm (along and across the bridge axis). In case of sloping girders. 4. 6. Care should be taken in storage. Placement of top forms over the side frame and sand with an opening matching the size and position of the bearing.2 Process of installation : The process of installation of elastomeric bearing differs in case of precast vis-a-vis cast-in-situ girders. For precast girders. It involves the following stages: 1. The process of installation of elastomeric bearing in a cast-in-situ girder is more complex. Placing and adjusting the bearings on the bed block with required accuracy. 3. or between end span girder and ballast wall. 4. Filling up the space between the bearing and the formwork frame by clean sand. Preparation of a formwork sideframe all around the bearing. The adhesive is considered merely as an installation device and is not an adequate anticreep measure. Railway bridges with ballasted decks should be provided with suitable expansion joints to prevent ballast from fouling the breathing space between girders. 2. Care should be taken to guard against faulty application and consequent behaviour of the adhesive layer as a lubricant. 76 .10. 5. The area around elastomeric bearings should be inspected and scrupulously cleaned after the installation is complete. the bearing may be fixed to the underside of the girder by application of epoxy resin adhesives after specified surface preparation.8. 7. Before any malfunctioning of the bearings leads to distress in the girders or substructure. The inspecting official should look for the following aspects: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Correct position Excessive shear Excessive bulging Separation of rubber from steel lamination Cracking and tearing of elastomer Flattening out Off-loading of one edge due to excessive rotation 77 . it should be detected and preventive actions taken. It is.9 Sealing of the gaps between the opening in top form and the bearing by adhesive tape. therefore. these bearings may show signs of distress or develop malfunctioning. PERIODICAL INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE The elastomeric bearings are considered largely to be maintenance free. Removal of side forms and sand from around the bearing and cleaning up the spaces. 6. necessary to undertake periodical inspection of elastomeric bearings.5. However due to possible deficiencies in manufacture and installation. 5. 8. Execution of soffit formwork of the girder. Concreting of the girder. Generally. These are signs of normal functioning of the bearing and judgement regarding distress can be formed only on the basis of personal experience of the inspecting engineer.e. As a general guide.10 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS IN AID OF OLD SUBSTRUCTURES There are very large number of railway bridges constructed before 1926. tractive effort and braking force. malfunctioning of the elastomeric pad would result in distress either in the girder or in bed block and the area close to the bearing should be examined for cracking or spalling of concrete. Prior to 1926 the bridges were designed only for the vertical effects of axle loads.Under the effect of loads and induced movements. b) bulge and c) shear. 78 . the following movements can be considered to be excessive: a) b) c) Shear deformation more than 50% of height of elastomeric pad Rotation leading to off-loading of an edge Compression more than 5% of height of the pad. 5. The significance of the year 1926 is that it was in that year the IRS : Bridge Rules first incorporated provision of longitudinal force i. the elastomeric bearing will a) compress (flatten). however. strengthening measures like jacketing may not inspire full confidence in the load carrying capability of the substructure.1975. The sharing of the longitudinal force depends upon the relative 79 . due to the "Policy of Uni-gauge". Apart from being costly and time consuming. in many cases is far too time consuming to fit within the tight time schedules laid down for gauge conversion works. MBG loading standard .With the technological improvements.1987 and HM loading standard . many MG and NG sections have been upgraded to BG. The longitudinal force is generated at the rail wheel contact surface and it can either be passed on to the substructure through the bearings or can be dispersed onto the approaches. In addition.1995 are characterised by large increase in longitudinal force as compared to the increase in axle loads. It is therefore not surprising that a large number of railway bridge substructures are called upon to bear much larger horizontal forces than their original design values. A better and cheaper solution to the above problem is possible by way of better management of the longitudinal force on bridges. RBG loading standard . Thus many piers are required to be strengthened or rebuilt even though they happen to be otherwise physically in sound condition. A check on design calculations of substructure of such bridges indicates unacceptable level of stresses in the bridge substructure. Complete rebuilding of bridge. the bridge rules have also undergone changes primarily to reflect introduction of diesel and electric traction. Surprisingly.approach embankment" system. 5. In case of a span having free-fixed bearing combination. The provision of IRS : Bridge Rules in force on Indian Railways are explained below: 1. A number of experiments have been conducted in India and abroad on this aspect and rules laid down for dispersion of longitudinal force to approaches. 3.stiffness of the "girder-bearings-pier-soil" system or "rail . the full longitudinal force (net after dispersion) is transmitted to the pier with fixed bearing. While the derivation of the load sharing is quite complex. suitably designed elastomeric bearings are used. Thus use of elastomeric bearings results in 35% of longitudinal force being thrown on to the approaches. In case. In case of a span having sliding bearing or 80 .ballast . The quantum of longitudinal force is laid down in appropriate EUDL tables in the appendix to the IRS : Bridge Rules. the above dispersion can be further increased by 40%. Subject to proper standard and condition of track on bridge approaches and provision of rail free fastening on the girders. it is certain that introduction of a flexible bearing under the girder can disperse more longitudinal force on the approaches. 25% of the longitudinal force subjected to a minimum of 16t for BG. there is considerable variation in the rules adopted by various countries in this regard. can be considered to be dispersed on to the bridge approaches. 2.track . 4. thereby relieving the piers of the horizontal forces. While replacing other bearings especially rocker & roller by elastomeric. it still shows a clear cut benefit of replacing steel sliding bearings or rocker & roller bearings by elastomeric bearings.2002 should be kept in mind. A note of caution is however necessary that the amount of dispersion will also depend upon the capacity of the rails. 81 . UIC code 772-2R cautions against the use of elastomeric bearings if they are required to undergo simultaneously light loading and large longitudinal movements. joints and approach track to transmit and absorb the longitudinal force.7. Such a situation is likely to occur when elastomeric bearings are used in steel plate girders having less self weight. the correction slip no.” 5.elastomeric bearings at both ends the net longitudinal force is shared @ 40% at either support point. Though the above provisions are considered to be conservative by many. the remaining being shared by the piers beyond the loaded span. which states that “use of elastomeric bearings in prestressed concrete bridges should preferably be restricted up to maximum clear span of 30 m. It is however beyond doubt that more studies are necessary in this area and there is scope for retaining old substructures by use of elastomeric bearings. 6 to Concrete Bridge Code dated 30.11 ANTI-SLIP DEVICES It has been explained earlier that elastomeric bearings have a tendency to slip if the minimum normal pressure is less than 2 MPa. By stops : In this method stopper plates or angles are welded to the underside of the girder and embedded in the bed block. There are number of possible ways of providing the anti-slip device as given below: 1. By embedment : A recess can be created in the bed block in which the elastomeric pad will be placed. 5. 82 . 2. 5. All such bearings.For steel girders of spans ranging from 12.10 c. The stainless steel plate is provided with holes through which anchor bolts can be used for attachment of the bearing to the girder and to the bed block. A typical detail is shown at Fig. 5. A typical anti-slip device using stops is shown in Fig. A typical detail of this scheme is shown in Fig. The functioning of the recess as an anti-slip device is same as that of the stopper plate.2 m to 30.10 a. By bolting : The elastomeric bearing can be vulcanised with a stainless steel outer plate. therefore. This method however requires either anchor bolts to be cast along with the girder or dowel holes left in position in the concrete at correct locations. require some anti-creep or anti-slip device. It should be ensured that the thickness of the elastomer butting against the stops is not considered in the design since this thickness will not take part in the shearing action.5 m the minimum bearing pressure is less than 2 MPa.10 b. The bearing is usually glued to the girder with an epoxy resin. 3. 10 ANTI-SLIP DEVICES 83 . 5.BEARING BEARING BEARING BED BLOCK BED BLOCK BED BLOCK a) PLACEMENT IN RECESS STOPS STOPS BEARING BEARING ANGLE EMBEDDED ANGLE EMBEDDED IN BED BLOCK IN BED BLOCK b) BY STOPPER PLATE GIRDER EXTERNAL PLATE EXTERNAL PLATE BONDED TO BEARING BONDED TO BEARING BED BLOCK BED BLOCK c) BY BOLTING FIG. 3 m span PSC I . 84 h . 5. for 18. of size 650 x 450 x 120 mm. a b h ELASTOMER STEEL REINFORCING PLATES FIG.12 SAMPLE DESIGN PROBLEM FOR ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS Problem Check the design of bearing as shown in Fig.girder section as per HMLS 1995. Dimensioning (i) b < 2a where ‘b’ is across the traffic and ‘a’ is along the traffic The longer dimension across the girder ensures rotational stability in lateral direction. (ii) a/10 < h < a/5 a/10 < h so that it should ride over the irregularities of bed block in a better way. 5. h < a/5 so that there is no buckling condition..II.5. (iii) Shape Factor 6 < S < 12 6 < S so that high vertical stiffness can be given and bulging is controlled.11 CUT SECTION OF ELASTOMERIC BEARING Guiding considerations 1. Assume suitable related data and refer IRS : Bridge Rules and IRC-83 Pt.11. S < 12 not required from design considerations and thus uneconomical. Due to this rotation. µ 2 X (DL + LL) > Total horizontal force 4. 85 . No uplift condition The bridge span rotates at ends due to dead and live load deflections. No Slip condition a) when only DL is acting. Total shear stress in elastomer should be within limit of 5 x G. 5. µ 1 X DL > slow acting horizontal force b) when (DL + LL) both acting. Distortion limit in shear = 70 % of height of bearing or δmax = 0.5tanαs a/6 both are acting. Plan dimensions of bearing should be sufficient such that bearing pressure on bed-block should be within permissible limit for the material of bed block. Limits of vertical pressure i) Minimum vertical pressure = 2MPa Otherwise bearing is likely to ‘walk-out’ ii) Maximum vertical pressure =10 MPa Otherwise bearing is likely to get crushed 3. ii) > tanαc + 1. ∑ ei when dead load and live load 7.7 x h 6. To ensure this i) ∑ ei a/6 > tanαc when only dead load is acting. there should be no loss of contact of the far end of the bearing with bed block.2. ...2 x 6 = 638 mm 2a = 438 x 2 = 876 b < 2a .. axb = 438 x 638 2(438 + 638)12 (c) S = 2(a + b)h i = 10.8 mm & 87 mm h provided = 96 mm .Total shear stress includes a) due to compression b) due to horizontal load c) due to rotation 8.....almost satisfied. Dimensioning (a) Considering 6 mm cover on all sides..... a = 450 .. total = 24 mm Intermediate elastomer pads = 7 nos @12 mm thick Thickness of elastomer = 7 x 12 + 2 x 6 = 96 mm Thickness of bearing (h) = 96 + 24 = 120 mm 1... Hence OK (b) a/10 = 43.....5P s ) axbxσs h should be between 43. 6 < S < 12 .. Thickness of steel lamination hs Solution: Thickness of top and bottom rubber pad covers = 6 mm Steel plates = 8 nos @ 3 mm thick.........2 x 6 = 438 mm b = 650 .... Hence OK 86 ........8 and a/5 = 87 = 2 (hi i + h i +1 )(P c + 1..........82 (It is calculated for individual layer) Since...... 0 t Braking force ——————— 50.2 t (excluding CDA) Total load including CDA = 286.5 t For a girder of 18.2 x 1. load = 226 + 96 = 322 t Slowly applied vert. 3..458 Quick acting vertical load per bearing Ps = 286.5 x 1000 x 10 438 x 638 = 2.2. O.0 m Tractive Effort ——————— 75. O..5 + 104.32) x 1000 x 10 438 x 638 = 6..458 Total load for shear =286. load per bearing Pc = 322/4 = 80. No slip condition L ——— 20.K.458 4 = 104.6 t 87 .3 m span (HMLS) Dead load of span = 226 t Weight of ballast and track per span = 96 t (say) Slowly applied vert.3 m clear span overall length of girder = 20 m L (m) ———20 Total load for BM ———————— 261.32 t σmin (only due to DL ) = 80.88 MPa > 2 MPa .2 x 1.2 t CDA=0. Limits of vertical pressure Data for 18.61 MPa < 10 .K.8 t Total load for SF ————————286..15+8/6+L ————-———— 0. …hence no slip condition σmax (due to both DL & LL) = (80. 10 + 0.Horizontal load adopted = 75. change of 300C with other end fixed) Temperature movement = ∝ t l = 1.54 Movement corresponding to above strain = 0.6/6. (higher of TE & BF) ∴ Quick acting horizontal load per bearing kg = 15 t 2 (Considering 40% horizontal load on one support) H = S 75 x 1000 x 0.17 x 10-5 x 30 x 20 x 1000 = 7 mm Adding 3 mm for creep and shrinkage Total movement = 10 mm Slow acting horizontal force Hc corresponding to movement of 10 mm = 638 x 438 x 1 x 10/96 = 2.31 µ = 0.9 Check for no slip condition µ = coefficient of fraction = 0.10 + 0.10 + 0.5 t 88 .9 t Resisting frictional force = 0.6/2.84 mm Slow movements due to temperature effect (Assuming temp.54 x 96 = 51.4 Assuming value of G = 1 MPa Shear strain Shear Strain = = shear stress/G 15 x 1000 x 10 638 x 438 x 1 = 0.6/N for DL only for DL + LL µ = 0.0 t.88 = 0.31 x 80.19 2 1 When only DL is acting Slow acting horizontal force = 2.61 = 0. 32 89 ..5 MPa ..= 24.9 t .5 + 104..4% .0014 radians When (DL + LL) both are acting Total horizontal force = 2. Bed block concrete σmax = 6.84 + 10 96 = 64.....32 = 0..5 80....0011 radians Rotation due to LL = 0.........61 MPa use M30 grade concrete for bed block Permissible stress in bearing = 0..5 + 104.96 t > 2.......5+104...........0025 x 104.0025 radians Rotation due to only DL = 0..0025 x 80....32) = 35.25 x 30 = 7........32 = 4...1 > 17. Limit of distortion Shear strain = 6..9 + 15 = 17.. Check for no uplift condition at most lightly loaded edge of bearing Assumptions: Let the vertical defection under DL + LL = 25 mm Rotation at bearing = 25 x 2 / 20000 = 0. safe 5.9 t Resisting force = 0......19 x (80... .82) + 3 x 2..14 mm ∑ ei a/6 = 1.0011+1. hence safe.0011 radian ∑ ei Hence b/6 > tan αc . b) For DL + L...5 x 0..16 = 1..61 2 = 0.14 = 0..504 ∑ ei a/6 = 0..82) + 3 x 6.0014 90 .162 mm Compression of 7 layer = 7 x 0..88 = 0.072 mm = 4 x 1 x (10..5tanα s a/6 Compression of individual layer ∑ ei 12 x 6.61 = 4 x 1 x (10. Condition > tanα c + 1.016 radians 438 / 6 tan αc +1... condition ∑ ei a/6 > tanα c where ei = hi x N 4GS + 3N 2 Compression of individual layer 12 x 2. L.504 438/6 = 0.5 tan αs = 0.L...072 = 0.a) For D.88 2 Compression of 7 layers = 7 x 0.007 radian Rotation under DL = tan αc = 0... ......5 tan αs .= 0.64 + 0.. = 1..5 with Ps makes allowance for severe effect of vertical vibratory railway loads observed during test..5 x 0.27 MPa Total shear stress = 1.64 MPa 438 x 638 c) Shear stress due to rotation = Ga 2 2 x hi x H (tan α c + 1. a/6 > tan αc +1..5 x 104..5  Pc + 1.27 = 2. safe 91 ..18 + 0..09 MPa < 5 MPa . Check for total sheer stress a) Sheer stress due to compression load = 1.0014) = 0.9) x 103 x 10 = 0..82 438 x 638 b) Shear stress due to horizontal load = (15 + 2.5tan α s ) The factor 1.5 + 1.5 x 80.5P s    S  axb  Factor 1.. = 1 x 438 2 2 x 12 x 96 (0. hence safe.003 radians ∑ ei Hence 7.0011+ 1.32 x 10 3 x 10 = 1...18 MPa 10...5 for tan αs makes allowance for the fatigue effects produced by rapid variation of vertical vibrators railway loading. 5 + 1. adopted size of 3 mm is safe.8.5 x 104. ---------- 92 .9 mm Therefore.5Ps ) a x b x σs σs = allowable stress in steel = 140 MPa 2(12 + 12)(80. Check suitability of 3 mm thick steel plates hs > 2(h i + h i +1 )(Pc + 1.32) 638 x 438 x 140 > > 2. It consists of a circular non-reinforced rubber-pad fully enclosed in a steel pot. it has been observed that most of the bearings have the limitation of either load or movement capacity.1 Load and Movement Ranges Load (T) Sliding Rocker & roller Elastomeric 20 – 133 60 – 266 30 – 220 Movement ± 25 mm 100 mm 60 mm The above bearings are adequate for smaller spans having the requirement of load and movement. TABLE 6. 93 . But what to do for the larger spans having more load and more movements? In fact the problem of load can be solved by providing more bearing area or providing more number of bearings so that load is shared by many bearings.1. The rubber is prevented from bulging by the pot walls and it acts similar to a fluid under high pressure.CHAPTER 6 POT BEARINGS 6. within the range prescribed in the above table. The load range and movement capacity of various types of bearings are given in Table 6. However this idea of ‘sharing’ can’t be extended to movement because the number of ends can’t be more than two.1 GENERAL POT bearing was developed in 1959 as an alternative to heavy steel sliding bearings. From the discussion on various bearings. two most important synthetic materials i. In POT-PTFE bearing. 6. These drawbacks of elastomeric bearing which lead to development of POT – PTFE bearing are given below: (1) The ordinary elastomeric bearing can’t be used as a fixed bearing. a special category of bridge bearing was developed known as ‘POT and PTFE’. therefore. considered to be an ideal bearing. (2) The translation allowed by the elastomeric bearing is restricted by its thickness.2 POT-PTFE BEARING vs ELASTOMERIC BEARING In POT bearing. otherwise. Elastomer & PTFE are utilised. Since necessity is the mother of invention. could not be used in larger spans because of some drawbacks. the latter part is utilised by completely encasing the elastomer pad in steel casing or POT. PTFE is a short form of Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene. Elastomer has an excellent property of providing translation and rotation without any moving parts. The rotation. Elastomeric bearing. a sliding component is added on top of POT. it is the requirement of movement which is more critical than the load requirement and we require some other type of bearing where the horizontal movement should not be the limiting factor. comprising stainless steel and PTFE for translation.Therefore. 94 .e. is provided by elastomer due to differential compression and translation by steel and PTFE. PTFE has an excellent property of having very low coefficient of friction and in the free end. 6.δ= G (a × b ) H×h or δ α h ‘δ’ is generally restricted to 50-60% of total thickeness of the elastomer. known for its chemical inertness and low coefficient of friction. PTFE is not oxidised easily. Large vertical loads result in greater amount of compression and bulging. it has been conclusively proved that the frictional coefficient of PTFE sliding against grounded stainless steel surface is lower than PTFE on 95 . (5) Large rotation create the danger of off-loading of one edge and overstressing the other. (3) In order to have more value of ‘δ’. But on the basis of tests conducted on several frictional interfaces. it is resistant to all common solvents and remains stable at extremes of atmospheric temperatures. the thickeness of the elastomer pads will have to be increased but the same can't be increased beyond a limit as thicker elastomer pads are rather unstable.3 PROPERTIES OF PTFE PTFE is a linear chain polymer of great molecular strength.1 to 6. It was earlier thought that lowest coefficient of friction could be obtained with PTFE sliding against PTFE. Fig. (4) There is a limit to the vertical load also which the elastomeric pad can safely withstand. 6.4 show typical details of various types of POT-PTFE bearings. 1 FIXED TYPE POT BEARING .Free to rotate about any axis in the horizontal plane Piston External Seal Hard Facing Internal Seal Confined Elastomeric Pressure Pad Cylinder 96 FIG. 6. 2 FREE SLIDING TYPE POT-CUM-PTFE BEARING .Free to slide along any direction in the horizontal plane Free to rotate about any axis in the horizontal plane Sliding Top PLATE SLIDING TOP Stainless St STAINSTEEL PLATE WIPER Seal Wiper SEAL 97 PTFE PISTON Piston External Sea EXTERNAL SEAL HARD FACING Hard Facing INTERNAL SEAL Internal Sea Confined ELASTOMERIC CONFINEDEl PRESSURE PAD Pressure Pa CYLINDER Cylinder FIG. 6. Sliding restrained along this direction Free to rotate about any axis in the horizontal plane Sliding To SLIDING TOP PLATE with side WITH SIDE GUIDES Stainles STAINSTEEL PLATE Wiper SEAL WIPERSe External S EXTERNAL SEAL Hard Faci HARD FACING Internal S INTERNAL SEAL Confined CONFINED ELASTOMERIC PRESSURE PAD Pressure Cylinder CYLINDER PTFE 98 FIG.3 POT-PTFE BEARING WITH SLIDING GUIDES PISTON . 6. Sliding restrained along this direction Free to rotate about any axis in the horizontal plane Sliding T TOP PLATE SLIDING PTFE STAINSTEEL PLATE Stainless WIPER SEAL Wiper Se EXTERNAL SEAL External HARD FACING Hard Fac INTERNAL SEAL Internal S CONFINED ELASTOMERIC Confined PRESSURE PAD Pressure CYLINDER Cylinder 99 PISTON FIG. 6.4 POT-PTFE BEARING WITH CENTRAL GUIDE . However PTFE has poor creep properties i. Although. it is important to lay down permissible bearing pressure on PTFE sliding surfaces. Dust seals are also recommended around PTFE bearings to prevent the ingress of dust.PTFE. The values as given in Table 6. therefore. Fillers of molybdenum sulphide or silica though improves wear and creep properties without appreciable increase in friction.4 PERMISSIBLE PTFE BEARING PRESSURE ON For the purpose of design. It also has poor bonding properties. and therefore. Silicon grease is generally used as a lubricant for PTFE surfaces. must to prevent entry of dust particles on the sliding surface.2 obtained from various technical literature give an idea about the range of the permissible stress in various types of PTFE. Addition of certain fillers such as glass fibre. graphite or bronze to PTFE increases the wear resistance and creep properties but it also increases the frictional resistance.e.1 and AASHTO specifications of USA for this purpose. pure PTFE is therefore rarely used. In bridge bearings. Elaborate arrangements are. 100 . yet it is highly susceptible to intrusion of dust. always used in thin sheets (upto 3 mm) recessed in a steel plate with half the thickness of PTFE embedded. 6. There is no code of practice available in India for this purpose. Reference may be made to BS:5400 Section 9. friction between steel and PTFE is the minimum. it exhibits permanent compression under loads. 6. Expansion bearings having sliding surfaces of PTFE shall have a provision for minimum 0. edge pressure pressure (MPa) (MPa) Filled PTFE or unfilled recessed PTFE Unfilled PTFE (not recessed) PTFE with bronze PTFE perforated metal composite 24.3. 2.5 14 42 35 35 35 70 35 BS:5400 limits the average pressure on PTFE with glass fibres to 45 MPa and PTFE in a metal matrix to 60 MPa. permissible values should either be established by tests or the values recommended for unfilled PTFE should be adopted. For any material other than the above. This is to prevent excessive local stresses on the PTFE sliding surface.5 OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN OF PTFE SLIDING BEARING 1. 101 . The minimum and maximum thicknesss of PTFE sliding surface shall be as given in Table 6.TABLE 6.01 radians of rotation.2 PERMISSIBLE BEARING PRESSURE Type of PTFE Average bearing Max. 0mm The contact surface of PTFE shall have a minimum Brinell hardness of 125 and surface finish of less than 20 microns. the contact surface area may be taken as the gross area of the PTFE without making any deduction for lubricating cavities. 102 . However. 5.4mm 3.8mm 1. Holes or slots shall not be made in the sliding surfaces. The stresses in the elastomer are limited by the effectiveness of the seal preventing it from squeezing out. The lateral pressure exerted on the cylinder (POT) can be considered to be that produced by the pad acting as a fluid. The stress analysis in the pot is very complex and should be verified by testing.0mm 3.3 THICKNESS OF PTFE SURFACES Type of PTFE Filled PTFE Unfilled PTFE PTFE with bronze PTFE perforated metal composite 3.TABLE 6.4mm 2. if any.8mm 0. Minimum thickness 0.6mm Maximum thickness 2. 4. 6. For calculating the pressure on PTFE.8mm 0. 7. they should not exceed 40 N/mm2. a set of sealing rings . PTFE rings have been tried. The PTFE disc is provided with small cavities (lubrication pockets) containing a special lubricant which ensure life long lubrication of the sliding elastomeric pad . but have been abandoned because of their poor performance. The upper sliding plate is provided with a sheet of stainless steel or chrome nickel alloy steel. The elastomer pad inserted into the POT is restrained from being squeezed out of the annular gap between the side wall and the piston by means of a set of two or three flat brass rings.6 DESIGN ASPECTS Basic elements of a POT bearing are: . The upper surface of the piston is recessed and filled with the PTFE disc. The circular rings have traditionally been brazed into a closed circle.6. whereas the flat ones are usually bent from a strip and the ends are not joined.POT or a shallow cylinder . The POT may either be one piece construction shaped by machining or fabricated by welding ring on to the base plate. In the POT type sliding bearing the cover/piston is mounted by a sliding assembly.a piston POT bearings are fixed against all translation unless they are used with a PTFE sliding surface. Brass rings are placed in a recess on the top of the elastomeric pad. An all around seal is provided to 103 . The cover piston which fits into the POT is placed in contact with the elastomer pad. The PTFE-steel contact surface can also be in the form of two hemispheres in which case the bearing provides for rotation as well as translation. elastomer exerts pressure on the POT wall like a fluid. 104 . The following types of actions are there in POT bearings. though deformable. This causes elastomer abrasion and sometimes contributes to elastomer leakage. so the elastomer is in contact with the POT wall and slips against it. Due to this property. silicon grease is generally used. Generally four holes are drilled in the top plate as well as the plate on which POT is mounted to facilitate attachment of the POT bearings to the girders and bed block. during rotation. a) Compression : Vertical load is carried through the piston of the bearing and it is resisted by the elastomeric pad. Similarly in the downward direction. b) Rotation : POT bearings are associated with large rotations which are accomodated by the deformation of elastomeric pad. To mitigate this problem. Elastomer is incompressible. the elastomeric pad compresses on one side and expands on the other. Deformation of the POT wall is a concern since this deformation changes the clearances between the POT and the piston. Large cyclic rotations can be very damaging to POT bearings due to abrasion and wear of the sealing rings and elastomeric pad. the base plate deformation causes the POT wall to rotate inward.prevent ingress of moisture and dust on the contact surface as well as inside the POT. In fact. In such a case. The bearings should be 105 .c) Lateral load : Lateral load is transferred from the piston to the POT by contact between the rim of the piston and the wall of the POT. handling or storage. positive fixing to the main structure may not be required if the bearing is always subjected to adequate vertical loading which is the case in most of the concrete bridges. The sliding POT bearings are. Design aspects will become clear in design problem at the end of chapter. Careless handling on site and ingress of dirt can easily lead to abnormally high frictional resistance. it is prudent to provide some fixing to guard against displacement during installation. Lateral loads may also contribute to increased wear of the elastomeric pads and greater potential for wear and fracture of the sealing rings. vibrations and accidental loading. Malfunctioning in a bridge bearing. therefore. can be traced to faulty installation and much of damage usually occurs during installation. any horizontal movement will always occur on the plane of least resistance which is of course the sliding surface of bearing. The bearings should not be dismantled at site. 6. The contact stresses are generally very high. in majority of cases.7 INSTALLATION OF POT BEARINGS In a sliding POT bearing. The damage observed in tests suggests that the lateral load should be carried through an independent mechanism wherever possible. normally delivered at site with the top and bottom parts bolted together. impact. However. It is common to use a mortar bedding composed of sand-cement mortar with or without epoxy resin.g. POT bearings have been used in many important bridges on Indian Railways. in the construction of 3rd Godavari Bridge at Rajamundry having bow string arch girders of 90 m span. the transit bolts must be in position and these should be removed after the mortar has set and before the bearing is called upon to slide or rotate.4+102+71. in addition to many other bridges. Dudhar bridge (64+92+64m) and E-18 viaduct (40+29.68m) etc. Tansi bridge (71. POT bearings. on Zuari and Mandovi bridges on the KRCL having 120m span open web steel girders. This is so because the POT bearings are substantially thinner as compared to roller bearings. The seating provided under the bearing should be perfectly levelled. PTFE sliding sheets have also been used for the launching of superstructures of bridges in Konkan Railway and JURL with great advantage. While installing the bearing. Recently these have also been used on a number of bridges on JammuUdhampur Rail Link Project (JURL) e.transported and unloaded carefully and stored under cover in clean. It was used. A cube crushing strength of 35 N/mm2 is usually recommended for the bedding mortar. dry conditions. both fixed and sliding type can be used to advantage in all situations where there is a limitation on overall height of the bridge girder coupled with large force/movements involved.4m). 106 . POT-PTFE bearings are being used on Udhampur-Srinagar section also. is given as Me. Rotation up to 0. The popular property of elastomer i. POT bearing of dia.e.e.4 he = thickness of elastomer pad in mm 107 .025 radians only considered.d = di3 x (k1 qp + K2 qv) di = dia of elastomer pad in mm k1. µ = 0. Specifications 1. Confined elastomer used in metal POT is unreinforced. It allows only rotation by virtue of differential compression.8 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR POT-PTFE BEARINGS General Guidelines Provisions apply for temperature ranges of -10oC to +50oC. k2 = constants depending upon di/he as given in Table 6. This may be computed as under: a) Induced moment resulting from resistance to rotation due to effect of tilting stiffness of elastomeric pressure. Tensile load can’t be applied to bearings.6.10 to 0. translation due to shearing strain is not used here in POT-PTFE bearings due to confinement. Moment will be induced due to stiffness of elastomer and friction at piston-cylinder contact. Design horizontal force generated due to friction at sliding surface shall in no case be less than 10% and greater than 25% of design vertical load i. up to 1500 mm are within scope of these specifications.25. 4 di/he 15.8 30.5 MOMENT ARM FOR ROTATION RESISTANCE 108 .5 1.qp = rotation angle in radian due to long term effect qv = rotation angle in radian due to short term effect TABLE 6.8 1.5 13.5 b) Values of constant k1 and k2 k1 2. H = Design Horizontal force (N) DIRECTION OF DIRECTION OF HORIZONTAL FORCE HORIZONTAL FORCE c DIAMETER DIAMETER AXIS OF ROTATION ROTATION AXIS FIG.1 k2 101.5.5 10.2 x C x H C = perpendicular distance from point of action of horizontal force on cylinder wall to the axis of rotation (mm) as shown in Fig 6.0 12.2 Induced moment will also result due to friction at piston-cylinder contact which is given by MR.d = 0.0 58.2 1.0 7. 6. 3.15 x he. 2. Therefore.6. he. it shall be verified by load testing of assembled bearing. 6. the deflection at perimeter shall not exceed 15% of pad thickness (he.d = 0 Therefore.eff) below internal seal.eff Rotation φ 0 FIG.d = MR.d = Me. Recommendations for confined elastomeric pad (a) Permissible limits for confined pressure on elastomer pad depends upon effectiveness of internal seal preventing it from extruding. (b) Dimensioning of pad should be such that at design rotation.d For pin bearings Me.d + MR.6 DEFLECTION IN ELASTOMERIC PRESSURE PAD 109 he .c) Total induced moment MT. MT.eff he di < 0.d Design values of rotation and translation movement will be multiplied by a factor of 1. 6. as shown in Fig. However minimum value. (ii) Arrayed (without dimples) Distance between individual modules shall not be greater than 10 mm.protrusion above recess (mm) 2.0 110 . TABLE 6. Thickness of PTFE and its protrusion from recess depends upon maximum plan dimension as given in Table 6. 3.0 Max.(c) Even then average stress in pad shall not exceed 35 MPa and extreme fibre stress shall not exceed 40 MPa. ≤ 1200 > 1200. (d) The thickness of confined elastomeric pad shall not be less than 1/5th of its diameter or 16 mm whichever is higher. dimension of PTFE (mm) (Diameter or diagonal) ≤ 600 > 600.0 6. ≤ 1500 Minimum thickness (mm) 4. shall not be less than 5 MPa.5 Thickness of PTFE and its Protrusion Max. under any critical combination of loads.5. the contact area shall be taken as gross area without deduction for the area of the dimples.5 5. For dimpled sheets with smallest dimension exceeding 100 mm (dia.5 3.0 2. Recommendations for PTFE (a) It can be either of the two forms given below: (i) Dimpled large sheet It may be circular or rectangular divided maximum into four parts. Its diameter shall not be less than 180 mm. or smaller side of rectangle). value of ‘µ’ ‘µ’ for confined PTFE (MPa) for lubricated PTFE unlubricated PTFE 5 10 20 ≥ 30 0. (c) Average pressure on confined PTFE shall not exceed 40 MPa and extreme fibre pressure shall not exceed 45 MPa.6.6.6 Coefficient of friction between PTFE and Stainless steel Average pressure on Max. the value of ‘µ’ corresponding to unlubricated PTFE is taken into account.2% proof stress or 0. the above values shall be multiplied by factor ‘x’ yield stress or 0. Permissible limits in bolt and screws for Class 4.(b) The coefficient of friction between stainless steel and uniformly lubricated PTFE will be as given in Table 6.03 Double the values for lubricated PTFE For design purpose.06 0.04 0. TABLE 6.7 x UTS (whichever is greater) Where x = ————————————————— 235 MPa 111 .6 (Ref IS : 1367).08 0. Corresponding values for confined elastomeric pad are 35 MPa and 40 MPa 5. (a) Permissible stress in axial tension ≤ 120 MPa Permissible stress in shear ≤ 80 MPa Permissible stress in bearing ≤ 250 MPa For higher class than 4. No increase in permissible stresses is allowed for seismic. wind or any other load combination for elastomer pad.4 Permissible stress in shear Permissible stress in tension 6. (b) Permissible shear stress on plug welds shall be 110 MPa. PTFE.(b) For bolts and screws subjected to both shear and axial tension. bolt and screws or welds. 112 . Calculated shear stress Calculated tensile stress ——————————— + ———————————— ≤1. Permissible stress for welds (a) Permissible stress in fillet weld based on its throat area shall be 110 MPa. FEM analysis.9 DESIGN OF POT.6. Design steps 1. simplified design can be adopted. as shown in Fig.7 LOAD DISPERSION THROUGH BEARING COMPONENTS 2. EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA 2 1 1 2 EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA EFFECTIVE CONTACT AREA FIG. 113 . The confined elastomer pad is considered to act as fluid exerting fluid pressure under vertical load. 6.PTFE BEARINGS In absence of 3D . Effective contact area shall be calculated with load distribution of confined elastomer stress as 1V : 2 H. For POT bearings of vertical load capacity 7500 KN or higher.7. 6. Total hoop tensile stress on cross section of cylinder wall will be due to - 3. the analysis should always be done using 3D–FEM with authentic software. (i) The hoop tensile stress di x he x σce due to elastomeric bearing = —————— 2 x bp x hc where. 6. di = Dia of elastomer pad (mm) he = thickness of elastomer pad (mm) σce = fluid pressure in elastomer due to vertical load bp = thickness of cylinder wall (mm) hc = Height of cylinder wall (mm) Total force on cylinder wall = projected area x σce Projected area = di x he From Fig.8 HOOP TENSION di x he x σ ce Therefore.(a) (b) Fluid pressure due to elastomer Horizontal force The sum of both shall not exceed the permissible stress value in axial tension. Hoop tension (T) = 2 x b x h p c 114 . 6.8 2T = di x he x σ ce bp x hc T Di bP T FIG. (i) Shear stress due to fluid pressure he x σce = ———— for 1 mm radial slice as shown in Fig. 6. 6.(ii) The hoop tensile stress due to horizontal force H = —————— 2 x bp x hc 4.9 CALCULATION OF SHEAR STRESS he x σ ce therefore shear stress = bp 115 . Shear stress at cylinder wall and base interface will be due to (a) (b) Fluid pressure Horizontal force and the total shall not exceed the permissible value in shear.9. bp Radial shear on 1mm radial slice = he x 1 x σce Resisted by a section = bp x 1 at interface 1mm Shear SHEAR Shear SHEAR FIG. 6.5 x H = ———— bp x di Factor 1.10 116 .(ii) Shear stress due to horizontal force 1. Bending stress at cylinder and base interface shall also be due to (a) Fluid pressure (b) Horizontal force The total shall not exceed the permissible value of bending stress.10 CALCULATION OF BENDING STRESS M at interface = σ ce × h e 2 2 as shown in Fig.5 has been taken due to parabolic distribution 5. 6. (i) Bending stress due to fluid pressure = 6 x σce x he ————————— 2 x bp bP 1 2 hc σce ce he BENDING MOMENT BMD DIAGRAM FIG. 5 H di H di (considering x ha 117 .h e 2 2 x bp 2 2 x 12 bp 3 = 6 x σ ce × h e 2 2x b p (ii) Bending stress due to horizontal force 1. ha = Height of application of design horizontal force ‘H’ in N from cylinder wall above base interface in mm. force per unit length = di Max force per unit length = 1.Bending stress at interface f= σ ce × he 2 x y I 2 1× bp 3 I= 12 bp 2 y= Therefore. f = σ ce .5 x 6 x H x ha = di x b p 2 Where. Force H is acting on entire section width of di H Therefore.5 parabolic distribution) Therefore. M at interface = 1. 9 fy. dimension (dia. Other minimum dimensions (a) Minimum theoretical depth of effective contact width of piston at design rotation shall not be less than 5 mm. stress) 2 + (Calculate d. or diagonal) in plan.bendings tressin. di x b p 2 Combined bending and shear shall also be checked such that the equivalent stress due to co-existing bending and shear stress shall not exceed 0. Equivalent stress when bending is in tension = 3x(Calcula ted.te nsion ) 2 or Equivalent stress when bending is in compression = 7.Bending stress = M.5 H di x ha x bp 2 12 x 1 x bp 3 1.stress. 2 2 3x(Calculated.5% of inner diameter of POT cylinder.5% of max. (b) 118 .shear. thickness of any steel component shall in no case be less than 12 mm.stress) + (Calculated.bending.y I = 1. Min. (c) 8.comp) Minimum dimensions in POT bearing (a) (b) Minimum thickness of cylinder base shall not be less than 2. Minimum thickness of sliding component of stainless steel shall not be less than 2.5 x 6 x H x ha = 6. Minimum theoretical clearance between the top edge of cylinder and the bottom edge of piston at design rotation shall not be less than 5 10 DESIGN OF GUIDES 1. (c) Stainless sliding on composite material (i) ‘µ’ = 0. Guide shall be in the form of one guide bar located centrally or two guide bars attached side wise to the sliding plate. 119 . The thickness of stainless steel plate shall be guided by the requirement of proper welding and in no case shall be less than the thickness of weld or 3 mm (whichever is higher).2 (ii) Bearing pressure should not be >150 MPa But it may be increased by 33.05 (ii) The pressure on composite material shall not exceed 70 MPa.33% when effect of wind or EQ is taken into account. thickness of which shall not be less than thickness of guide along direction of horizontal force acting on the guide. the stainless steel surface always overlap the PTFE even when the extreme movement occurs. 6. 2. But one thing is certain that it shall be monolithic to the component to which it is connected.(c) For sliding component. Sliding surface for guides and sliding assemblies shall be made of one of the following: (a) Stainless steel sliding on confined PTFE (i) ‘µ’ to be taken for unlubricated PTFE (ii) Average pressure on PTFE should not be > 40 MPa Extreme fibre pressure should not be > 45 MPa (b) Stainless steel sliding on stainless steel (i) ‘µ’ = 0. The welded connection with backing plate should be designed to withstand only the force generated at sliding interface due to friction. 2 % of length of recess 2 mm or 6. σ = 3xAxδ cpu σ cpu A δ D L DxL = peak stress in concrete behind anchor sleeve (MPa) = Effective tensile area of bolt/screw (mm2) = permissible shear stress in bolt / screw = Diameter of sleeve (mm) = Length of sleeve (mm) 120 .3.3 x thickness of sliding plate 0.11 DESIGN OF ANCHORING ARRANGEMENT Aim : Bearings should be replaceable with minimum lifting of the superstructure 1. (a) The diameter of anchor sleeves should not be < 2 x nominal diameter of bolts/screws.3 x width of recess 12 mm or or (b) The vertical clearance between the guide and the recessed sliding plate shall not be less than 0. 3. For central guides (a) The thickness of the recessed portion of sliding plate shall not be less than 0.2 2. (b) The length of sleeve should not be > 5 x diameter. The horizontal force transmission capacity of the anchorage shall be considered as the sum of friction force developed at the interface and the capacity of the anchorage to resist shear force. Peak stress on concrete adjacent to the anchor sleeve shall be calculated using the following expression. Here ‘µ’ will be taken as 0. of studs.5 x dia.5 x dia. acceptance specifications. of hole. of hole.8 x nominal dia.Dia of stud head should not be < 2. 121 .III) may be referred. manufacturing methods. Specifications for bolt / screws (i) The threaded fastening length of bolt / screw (of class 4. For adjacent structure made of concrete of grade M35 and above . For manufacturing tolerances. of stud . of stud .Stud head shall be always monolithic to the studs.5 x dia. (iv) a) Anchor studs shall be made of forged steel.Thickness of stud head should not be < 0. For higher class. IRC-83 (Pt. it will be proportionately adjusted. finishing. installation and maintenance.4.4 x dia. of stud . b) Centre to centre distance between studs should not be < 3 x dia. (iii) Centre to centre distance of bolt/screw should not be < 1.6) should not be < 0.Length of stud should not be < 6 x dia. (ii) Edge distance should not be < 1. 5 t 63. Also the area should be sufficient such that average vertical permissible stress should not be > 35 N/mm2 • • • Min.024 t (corresponding to Span 78.025. Effective span = 78. should be 180 mm.0029 radian < 0. Assume seismic zone-IV. Assume suitable related data and refer IRS : Bridge Rules and IRC83 Pt.(Pt-III) can be applied.2 m open web girder.8 m) Assumed data : Vertical load due to wind / bearing Lateral load due to wind / bearing Lateral load due to seismic effect Longitudinal force / bearing Max.84 t 24. therefore all provisions of IRC 83 .123 t 454. A.2 t 25.XII (H M Loading standards) EUDL for shear = 980.18 t 67.6. average pressue should not be < 5 N/mm2 Extreme fibre stress should not be > 40 N/mm2 Thickness of elastomeric pad should be minimum of (a) Dia. Design of elastomeric pad Guiding considerations : • Minimum dia.5 mm 423. / 15 122 .613 t 116 mm Rotation = 116/39400 = 0.12 SAMPLE DESIGN PROBLEM FOR POT-PTFE BEARINGS Problem Design the bearing for 76. horizontal movement Total vertical load including wind only Total vertical load including seismic effect only Deflection at center = = = = = = = = 16.024 t From Bridge Rule Appendix.L.III.. of girder + track + gangway etc = 405 t Live load for shear = 980.8 m D. Thickness should be greater of a.(b) 16 mm Add 6 mm for brass ring and 25% provision for creep. Deflection at perimeter should not be > thickness... and 25% for creep ∴ Minimum thickness = (35 + 6) 1. Extra 6 mm for brass ring – 3 Nos.61 t (including seismic effect) Average permissible stress = 35 N/mm2 P —————— = 35 π/4 x d2 d = 406.67 say 35 mm.36 N/mm2 > 5 N/mm2 .61x 104 = —————— + —————— 2 π/4 x 490 π/32 x 4903 = 37.91x 107 454. b. 15% of pad Maximum vertical load = 454.25 mm Say 55 mm 123 .5 mm at guided sliding end Max. • 1.. horizontal movement = 63...25 t Min.5/2 + 10% for unserviceable service condition Moment due to this eccentricity = 454..77 mm Provide d = 490 mm.K. Avg. Stress = 101. Dia of elastomer/15 = 490/15 = 32. < 40 N/mm2 O. 16 mm (minimum) c.61 X 0.. Max...25 = 51. P min = 405/4 = 101. 2... eccentricity = 63.25 x 10000 / π/4 x 4902 = 5.… OK 3.035 = 15.86 N/mm2 4.91 tm Extreme fibre stress = P/A + M/Z 15. 45 N/mm2 < 40 MPa ………. = 520 mm 454.16869 degrees Actual deflection at perimeter = 490/2 x tan 0.40 N/mm2 π /4 x 5202 < 40 N/mm2 ……… OK Extreme fibre stress = P/A + M/Z 124 ..61x 104 = —————— + ————— 450 x 450 4503 /6 = 32.61 × 10000 450 × 450 = 22. dimension of PTFE < 600 mm Min.16869 = 0.25 mm Actual rotation = 0. and Extreme fibre pressure should not be > 45 MPa There are two alternative for shape of PTFE: Alternative 1 Square shape of sheet Considering square sheet of 450 x 450 mm2 Average pressure = 454.0 Adopt = 2.91x 107 454.5 mm Adopt 5.OK For max.7213 < 8.61x 104 Av. protrusion above recess = 2.5. Deflection at perimeter = Max. pressure = —————— = 21. OK Extreme fibre stress = P/A + M/Z 15.25 … OK B.0 mm Max. 15% of pad thickness = 0. Design of confined PTFE • • Average pressure on confined PTFE should not be > 40 MPa.. thickness = 4.15 x 55 = 8..0 mm Alternative 2 Round shape of sheet mm Consider dia.93 N/mm2 < 45 N/mm2 . 40 + 11.61 = 113.0 mm.182 = 72. (greater of above two adopted). 72.925 < 45 MPa … OK Adopt 4..26 t Out of wind and seismic force.65 t and also. protrusion as 2.5 t = 24.2 t = 25.52 + 25..22 = 71.26 t 125 .5 mm thick pad with max.26 should be < 25% of 454. • Permissible axial tension due to hoop shall not exceed 0.. Longitudinal force per bearing Lateral force due to wind Horizontall seismic force Resultant with wind pressure = 67.52 + 24. 1.46 t Both satisfied 2.91X10 π 32 2 X520 = 21.18 t = 67. C. Horizontal force of 72.525 = 32. Design of POT cylinder Guiding considerations : • Resultant force due to longitudinal and lateral force should not be less than 10% and greater than 25% of design vertical load. only one is assumed to act at one time.26 should be > 10% of 454.71 t Resultant with seismic force = 67.6 x fy. Design horizontal force H = 72.61 = 45..61X10 π 4 2 X520 + 7 15. Fluid pressure b. .= 4 454.OK Axial tension in cross section of cylinder wall will be due to a.26 t (adopted) 72. 72 taking b = h = p 6235 .26 x 10 = ……….72 = 78.6 x 280 = 168 Mpa Therefore 104.76x10 168 c 4 = 6235.9 mm Adopt b = h = 90 mm p c 126 .12 N/mm π / 4 x 490 bp = thickness of cylinder wall hc = height of cylinder wall fluid pressure = 490 × 55 × 24. (II) 4 2b p x h c 104.76 x 10 Total (I) + (II) = bp x hc N/mm2 This value should not exceed 0. Axial or hoop tensile stress due to H = 4 H 2 x bp x hc 72. Fluid pressure = 2bp x hc di = dia of confined elastomer pad = 490 mm he = thickness of confined elastomer pad = 55 mm σce = fluid pressure in elastomer due to vertical load = 454.………….61 x 10 4 2 2 = 24.76 x 10 bp x hc 4 = 168 ∴ b x h = p c 104.12 2 × bp × hc …………….6 fy or 0.di x he x σ ce a. (I) b. 13 − 12.61x104 15.84 = 14. pressure = P/A – M/Z 454. at base resisting pressure = 490 + 2 x 2 x 65 = 750 mm Max. 6. pressure = 10.13 N/mm2 Min. pressure = π / 4 x7502 π / 32 x7503 = 10. Design of base plate of POT Assume base plate thickness = 65 mm Dispersion of stress through 65 mm plate at 1V : 2 H Dia.29 – 3.11 = 12. pressure = P/A + M/Z Min. 6.80x130x 130 2 +  14.80 ↓ FIG.45 N/mm2 Moment at XX due to upward force as shown in Fig.80   x130x2/3x1 30 2   ↑ 12.11 MOMENT DUE TO UPWARD FORCE 127 .29 + 3.D.84 = 6.91x107 + Max. 822 = 61. Checks for cylinder (a) Check for shear stress Shear stress at interface of cylinder wall and base will be due to fluid pressure and horizontal force.5 x 72. (i) fluid pressure = h e x σ ce x 1 bp x 1 = 55 x 24.8 t = 6Z 1xt 2 or t = 6 Z 6 (fy = 280 MPa) = 115652 / 184.277 mm Adopt = 65 mm E. Considering 1 mm slice of cylinder.33 = 115652 N-mm Thickness of plate required: Taking 1 mm width.26x 10 490 x 90 4 = 24.8 = 625.5 x H (ii) Horizontal force = di x b p (Factor 1.12 90 = 14. Z = M/Z = f = 0.66 fy = 184.8 N/mm 2 Z = M / 184.74 N/mm2 1.58 N/mm2 128 .5 for parabolic distribution and total H will be resisted by d x b ) i p = 1.= 108160 + 7492. .5H (ii) Horizontal force = di 2 x ha b p /6 ha = height of line of application of design horizontal force from cylinder wall above base interface in = 75mm = 4 1.45 fy or 126 N/mm2 …….26 x 10 x 75 2 490 x 90 /6 = 122.stress 39.32 N/mm2 < 0.66 x fy or 184.02 N/mm2 1.74 + 24.32 + 149.12 x 55 2 x 90 /6 2 = 27. OK 129 .. OK (b) Check for bending stress Bending stress at cylinder and base interface considering 1 mm radial slice of cylinder due to σ ce x h e he 2 (i) fluid pressure = M Z = 2 b p /6 2 = 24.91 2 2 2 2 = 164.9 fy or 252 ……….891 N/mm2 Total bending stress = (i) + (ii) = 149.Total shear stress = 14.914 N/mm2 < 0. OK (c) Check for combined bending & shear = = Shear.655 N/mm2 < 0.58 = 39.stress + bending.8 N/mm2 ……………….5 x 72. Design of side guides for sliding of POT – PTFE bearing Size of side guide = 350 x 50 x 30 1.66 fy < 151.8 N/mm2 < 0.2 t Horizontal seismic force = 25.45 x 230 350 x50 14.OK (c) Check for combined bending and shear Total stress = = 2 3 x shear. 2.8 = 57.8 N/mm2 …………. Lateral load due to wind = 24. 25.39 N/mm2 < 103.XX M = 25.F.39 + 51.4844 N/mm2 < 0.9 fy or 207 N/mm2 …… Hence OK 130 .stress 2 2 2 3 x 14. OK (b) Check for bending stress Moment at .18 x104 < 0.5 N/mm2 …………….stress + bending.18 x 104 x 30 350 x 50 6 2 Z = M Z = 51.18 t is adopted (a) Check for shear stress Shear Stress < 0.e..45 fy 25.18 t Greater of the two i. 1 GENERAL New innovations have taken place in the area of bridge bearings. the peaks due to sudden force is considerably reduced.CHAPTER 7 EMERGING TRENDS IN BEARINGS 7.2 SHOCK TRANSMISSION UNIT Ever since engineers have started designing multi span simply supported bridges. they have been dreaming of connecting all the spans together to distribute seismic loads to more than one pier during an earthquake or other sudden loadings. It is a simple device which is designed to 131 . notable among them are: (1) Shock Transmission Unit (STU) or Lock Up Device (LUD) (2) Seismic Isolation Bearings (SIB) 7. But the requirement of size of expansion joint in such an arrangement would be extraordinarily large and thus not feasible. Thus. The other solution has been provided by Shock Transmission Unit (STU) or Lock Up Device (LUD). One possible solution to this requirement could be continuous construction of bridges so that a large number of piers can participate in load sharing during earthquake. The unit is connected near the bearing between the superstructure and substructure. 7. 7. thus. allows load sharing in case of suddenly applied short duration horizontal loads.2. 132 .1 CONNECTION OF STU STU. It works on principle that rapid passage of viscous fluid through a narrow gap generates considerable resistance while slow passage through the same gap only minor resistance as shown in Fig. shrinkage etc. connected between superstructure and substructure of a bridge to form a temporary rigid link as shown in Fig. 7. creep.1. it allows the free movement. The peculiar feature of this device is that it forms a rigid link only under rapidly applied loads such as braking and seismic forces whereas under slowly applied loads such as temperature. 7.2 consists of a machined cylinder with a transmission rod that is connected at one end to the structure and at the other end to the piston of the cylinder. Netherlands and UK.In this figure e1 and e2 are the movements accomodated in STU due to superstructure and substructure respectively.2. It has not yet been tried on Indian Railways.2 PRINCIPLE OF WORKING OF STU Use of an STU was first made by Steinman. the designer of Carquinez Bridge in California in 1927 and thereafter it was used in many bridges in US. 7. Mumbai. Europe. In India STU has been used for the first time in the Second Bassein Creek Road Bridge. Inside the cylinder a specially formulated Silicone compound is filled in an unpressurized condition 133 .1 Description : The STU as shown in the Fig. LUD e1 → ← → ← e2 FIG. 7. The compound doesn’t adjust quickly to accommodate the movement and therefore locks up under the action of a sudden load. Under slow acting thermal.2 Advantages : (a) STU is simple to install with minimal traffic disruption. (d) STU can also be used advantageously for expansion joints as shown in Fig.3 STU FOR EXPANSION JOINTS 7.instead of normally used hydraulic oil.2. (b) STU can be used for strengthening of existing bridges also. the liquefied compound gradually migrates from one side of piston to the other and allowing the piston and cylinder to expand or contract with the structure. 7.3 Limitations : STUs are not intended for energy/ shock absorption. creep or shrinkage movements. They simply transmit load from one part of the structure to another thus sharing 134 . 7. 7. (c) Efficient design of new continuous bridges due to reduction in structural component sizes.2.3 FIG. This option of strengthening is more economical and feasible than structural methods. the size of caisson required was 16. The engineers immediately realized the difficulty in constructing such a large 16.25 m with an average velocity of 2.5 m caisson in this difficult creek conditions combined with very high cost.075 and importance factor of 1.4 m/s.2. Being a creek area with two low and high tides. the Second Bassein Creek Bridge is a good example of a new multi span continuous bridge where installation of STUs have saved time and money in construction of caisson foundations.7 m and earthquake shock as a function of the deck mass. The bridge is located 25 m upstream of existing bridge on Mumbai-Ahmedabad NH-8 near Ghodbunder at the confluence of Ulhas river and the Arabian Sea. Mumbai : In India.the load among various spans. During preliminary design it was found that for the above loading of 9300 KN. Average daily tidal variation is of the order of 4. The central navigational span being 114.5. All these conditions at site made the caissons construction a risky and difficult task.4 STU on second Bassein Creek Road Bridge. 7. The bridge was designed for vessel collision for an impact force of 5000 KN at well cap. the site is very difficult for construction of caissons. This was the situation where it was decided to incorporate Shock Transmission Unit on P3 and P5 to create temporary fixity at these 135 .5 m for P4. the caisson foundation with fixed pot bearing was to be designed for 9300 KN seismic horizontal loading. horizontal seismic coefficient of 0. 2.5 m This not only made the Caisson construction manageable but also resulted into considerable cost saving. P4 and P5 according to their stiffness. For the second Bassein Creek Bridge.2 Cost : There is a keen competition among the few STU manufacturers.2.4. The stroke of the piston must be bigger than the movement of deck due to temperature.000 including supply at site.2. 7. the movement of the deck was for +40 mm to –90 mm. 7. specified tests at UK. 7.4.piers during seismic loading. brackets holding down bolts airlifted from UK to the site and assistance of a qualified supervisor for the installation of STUs at the site.3 Basic requirement of Design : The STU must withstand the specified design load.5 m to 12. The STU on piers P3 and P5 would lock up during an earthquake thereby distributing the seismic loading of about 9300 KN among P3. Just to give an idea about the movement of deck to the readers.4. shrinkage & creep in each direction of the deck’s longitudinal movement. 136 . the average cost of two STUs of capacity 3100 KN was US $100. This resulted into a massive reduction of the diameter of Caisson for pier P4 from16.1 Type : Presently two types of STUs are available in the overseas market: (a) Silicon putty based from UK and USA (b) Oil based from some countries in Europe The disadvantage of oil STU is that oil is more likely to leak out rapidly from the cylinder than Silicon putty. which is like dough. b) Fatigue load test : This test was carried out for 100.4 Critical factors in Design : (a) STUs are unidirectional devices for load transmission. 7. Generally ball joints and or additional devices can be incorporated to properly transfer these forces. the traction forces may equal or exceed seismic forces in magnitude and applied many times over the life of the structure. assuming the worst case that the ‘Lock Up Load’ 137 . the angular limits of these loads must be determined to assure that the STU can withstand them.000 cycles equals 82 years which is more than the expected life of STU which is 75 years.000 cycles for maximum capacity of STU. The position rod. 30. (b) For rail road bridges.5 Load testing of STUs : a) b) c) d) e) Seal wear Fatigue load Drag load Dynamic force transfer Cyclic load a) Seal wear test : Seal prevents the leakage of silicon putty in the cylinder. The test is conducted for 30000 cycles assuming that the piston of STU moved for the full design range in 24 hrs.2.2. should be protected from environment by a scaled cover able to accommodate the full stroke of the STU. 7. in particular.The maximum life expected for an STU is around 75 years subject to appropriate maintenance being performed by the user.4. If out of plane forces will be acting on the STU. (c) The corrosion protection for STU is very important. c) Drag load : This test ensures that excessive load should not be transmitted to the structure by the STU.6 Installation of STU : It is not always necessary to 138 .is applied to STU due to braking load four times a day for specified design life of 75 years.50 seconds and the force sustained for 5 seconds. Then the load shall be reversed to the full design load in less than 0.The STU shall be loaded in tension from zero to the full design load in less than 0. e) Cyclic force transfer test : This test is specified to prove that the STU would function as intended during a seismic event. 7. The STU shall be tested by applying 50 sinusoidal cycles of load ranging between the maximum design tension and compression forces at a frequency of 1 Hz. During the impressed deflection cycle the STU shall develop no more drag force than 10% of the maximum design capacity of 3100 KN. As per the test the STU shall have an impressed deflection of ‘0 mm – 40 mm – 0 mm – 40 mm – 0’ mm in not less than 10 hrs and not more than 24 hrs. The acceptance criteria for the above test shall be that the deflection during the loading of the positive force and the negative force shall be no greater than 6 mm and the deflection during sustained load portion shall not exceed 3 mm.2. There shall be no visible signs of distress or degradation as a result of 50 cycles of loading.50 seconds and held again for 5 seconds. d) Dynamic force transfer test : This test mainly prove the lock up capability of the device. The first type of connection may be more helpful for railway bridges where excessive longitudinal traction and braking load is applied to one particular viaduct and the same is required to be transmitted through STUs connected across the expansion joints for sharing the load with adjacent unloaded viaducts. a) One way is to connect the superstructure element together normally at the expansion joints.3 SEISMIC ISOLATION BEARINGS Many bridges had been built before the proper seismic design specifications were known to us. There are two ways of connecting STUs to a structure. The second type of connection is used for load distribution in continuous bridges. These bridges require strengthening and enhancing the ductility of substructures in order to sustain the earthquake forces. 7. 139 . Conventional retrofitting methods are costlier (more than 3 times) than providing ‘Seismic Isolation Bearings’ (SIB). The studies have shown that: (a) The SIB eliminated the in-plane torsional rotation of the bridge and resulted in a more uniform distribution of seismic forces among substructures in the transverse direction.install STUs while a structure is under construction but the holding down anchor bolts and the brackets are required to be fixed in structure during construction. b) The other way is to connect superstructure elements to substructure elements. a) Rubber bearings b) Friction pendulum bearings Rubber bearings are composed of a lead case and natural or synthesized rubber with embedded 140 . the stiffness of a bridge with isolation bearings is the sum of the stiffness of all piers and abutments including the bearings. the longitudinal stiffness incorporates the stiffness of a fixed support alone.3. In the longitudinal direction. An isolation bearing induce sufficient lateral flexibility in a bridge structure and increase the period of vibration.1 Types of seismic isolation bearing : Seismic isolation is obtained by two types of isolation bearings. However. 7. The isolation bearings should also include a restoring force to return the superstructure to its pre-earthquake position. The increased lateral flexibility is associated with larger horizontal displacements at the bearing level. In a bridge with conventional bearings. resulting in a reduced force response.(b) The modifications in the response of the bridge resulted as a result of use of SIB because the effective fundamental period of the bridge get elongated due to the flexibility provided by the SIB. (c) Average retrofitting cost using SIB is calculated as only 30% of that using conventional retrofitting methods. Rubber bearings are meant to shift the vibrational period of the structure so as to avoid resonance with the excitations.layers of steel plates as shown in Fig. the lateral displacement is permitted at the interface of the bearing element between the superstructure and the substructure. the bearing distribute the inertial forces from the deck level to all supporting substructures on the basis of their relative stiffness.4. 7. Lateral movement at a sliding surface is associated with friction forces that 141 . These are usually combined with high damping material to prevent the isolated structures from over-displacing.4 RUBBER BEARING The force-displacement behaviour of this bearing is elastic under service load and inelastic during an earthquake when the lead case deforms beyond its elastic limits. 7. F Lead Rubber Steel F F(vert) FIG. In fact. In friction pendulum bearings. contact pressure.5.oppose movement as shown in FIG.u 2 and the potential energy Vg due to gravity accumulated during the lift-up is   2 Vg = WR 1 −  u − u  / R 2     1 2     where W is the weight supported by the bearing. ambient temperature. R is the radius of curvature of the sliding surface as depicted in Fig. 7. 7.5 FRICTION PENDULUM BEARING The value of the friction force depends on variation factors.5. 7. speed of the movement and the condition of the sliding surface.5 u1 BRIDGE Bridge Superstructure SUBSTRUCTURE W R u1 -u 2 u2 Pier u 1 -u 2 FIG. As shown in Fig. including the vertical reaction at the sliding surface. 142 . the relative displacement between the sliding interfaces is u 1 . The friction force between the sliding interfaces plays the roll of energy dissipation during the sliding motion. 7. Lucknow. . UIC 772 . New Delhi. 6. 7. India.1969. Indian Roads Congress. BS: 5400 : Steel.1982 Metallic bearings. Section 9. BS: 5400 : Steel. 83 (Part II): Standard specification & code of practice for road bridges. India. IRC. manufacture and installation of bridge beariangs. part II.Steel Bridge Code: Code of Practice for design of Railway Steel bridges. Ministry of Railway (Railway Board) IRC: 83 (Part I): Standard specification & code of practice for road bridges. Part I . New Delhi.1982 specification for materials. British Standards Institution. India.RC: Code for the use of rubber bearings for rail bridges . 8. 5. Bridge Rules. British Standards Institution. concrete & composite bridges. 3.60 Application of rubber for bridge supporting plates 143 2.1983 specification for materials. 9. manufacture and installation of bridge beariangs. International Union of Railways. Indian Roads congress. London UK. Research Design and Standards Organization. IRS . 4.2 . France.BI :79: Code for design of steel bridges. Section 9. concrete & composite bridges.LIST OF REFERENCES 1.1987 Elastomeric bearings. Indian Railways. ORE Report D . Paris. London UK.2 . IRS. design and economics . 1994 Bombay.wikipedia. 14. Retention of old MG bridges for Heavier BG loading by use of Elastomeric bearings’’ By S.By V.Analysis. 17-19 Nov. Lucknow 17. Concrete Bridge Practice . Raina 16. 13.10. American Iron and Steel Institute: Steel Bridge Bearing selection and design guide 18. The American Association of State Highway Officials. Proceedings of International Conference on Bridges and Fly over bridge bearings .A practical Guide by Parsons Brinckerhoff. Agarwal and Adesh Shrama International Seminar on Failures. Journal of Bridge Engineering: Efficiency of Seismic Isolation for Seismic retrofitting of heavy substructured bridges.National cooperative high way research programme synthesis of high way practice. U SA. July/August 2005 19. Internet site : http://www. Design of sliding and fixed POT-PTFE bearing for 76. IIBE. 11.R.10.10.RDSO. K. AASHO : Standard specification for highway bridges. 144 . Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Bridges & Civil/lud. Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation . No.2 m for HMLS .htm 15. Washington. Internet site : http://ww. Price Rs. 50/- .


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