Book 1 Language Laboratory Activities
Book 1 Language Laboratory Activities
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IÍK1LLASTJanuary 1991 B Defense Language Institute English Language Center Lackland Air Forcé Base, Texas AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE \ DLIELC ) \ \ vc\ i y./ /.y LEVELI BOOK1 LANGUAGE LABORATORY ACTIVITIES STUDENTTEXT PREFACE The American Lang\uiqe Course (ALO is designed primatily for an intensive language training program. llowever, those material c r.an al so be used in nonintenaive programe . The course will provide studDnts with a suf f i cien t level of f luency and communicativo prof iciency in American English to enable them to successfully pursue technical or proEessional training in schools conducted by che Departirent of Defense. The General English Phase of the ALC cenáis ts of six levéis of language praficiency Craining. Levéis I through V of six sepárate instructional packages each, Level . VI four. Level I Level II Level IXT Level IV Level V Level VI EaokE Baokü; Books Book3 Books BooXs 1 7 13 19 25 31 - 6 12 18 2J 30 34 The coordinated instructional packagi?s £or RookE 1-30 consist of the following: 1. inatructor Text 2. Student T«xt 3. Lanffuage IrfúJOtatory Activitios Instructor 4. Language Irfiboratfjry Actlvities Studant 5 Audio Recordinge 6. Rite 7 . Opcional tr^iining aids Tnquiries concerning these materials, including pucchase ahould be addrcssed to DLIELC/LESL 2235 Andrews Avenue Lackland Air Forcé Base, Texas 76236-5255 E-mail: LESL@lackland,af -mil Copyright© 2003 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center ¿nd its licensors. Notice of Rights : All rights reserven. Ho p^rt of this booh may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any i^eansH electronic, mechan ical, photocopying, recording, or without the prior written permission of the publisher. NOTES TQ THE STDDEHT This booklet contains the Lflnguage Laboratory Activitias (LIA) for BOOl'. 1. You wlll nced a pan or pencil and this booklet to do the activitieE correctly. All directions are given orally on the audio recording. It is important to listen carefully to the instructions and to do the things the recording tells you to do. You will be told to repeat words or sentences and to ask and anawer questions. You will also be told to choose and mark certain words or expressions, or to wríte special words, phraaes, or sentences. Most o£ the time the recording will give you the cocrect answers right awayH 30 you can check your worlt. Sometimes the recording will tell yon to loóle on a certain pnge for the answers- Relax, listen carefully, and respondí 111 . 7) Figure Figure Figure 1 2 3 Figure 4 Vocabulary (numbers) Function (initiating a conversación) Gcammar and Vocabulary (clas^room ob it 's a _ _ . It's a. ) Vocabulary (ST p.DISTRIBUTION OF OBJECTIVES TH Tflfi LAHGUAGE IABORATORY ACTTVITIES POR BOOK 1 LESSON 1 1A Figure (ST p 1) 1 Vocabulary (verbs) Grammar (imperaCive) Vocabulary (alphabet) Listening Skill (same or different sound /p/ and /b/í Vocabulary (numbers) Figure 2 Figures 3-4 Figure 5 Figures 6-7 LE55OK IB (ST p. 23) 1 2 3 4 Vocabulary Fuñetion Listening Skill (select the sound /p/ or /b/ Vocabulary (ST p 29) 1-3 4 5-6 7-S 9 Vocabulary (alphabet) Vocabulary Granunar (this/Chat review) Grammar (these/Chose wich plural nouns) Vocabulary . 13) LE5SOM._1C Figures 1-4 Vocabulary and Grammar (What's that? Figures 5-6 Figure 7 Figure 6 Grammar (this is/that is) Grammar (V^iat is this/that?) Grammar ( this /that} ID Figure Figure Figure Figure 2A Figures Figure Figures Figures Figure (ST p. .. Figures 1-2 Figure Figure 3 4 Figures 5-6 Figure 7 Figure Figure Figure Figure 3 9 10 11 Figures 12-13 Figure 14 LES50N 3B Figures Figures Figure Figure 57) Vocabulary (alphabet) 1 Grammar (What s he/she? Grammar (What are they? He' s a They're Grammar (He/She's a . i .) Vocabulary (money) Vocabulary/Grammar (review) Listening Skill (same or different sound. /t/-/d/) Listening Skill (select letters) Writing Skill (word dictation) fST p 1-2 3-4 5 É ./They're -) Grammar (What is/are .) Grammar (forms of BE) Vocabulary (money) Vocabu1ary (revi ew) Writing Skill (word dictation} . Figure 5 /le/ or /g/) Vocabulary LESSON 3 LES5OM 3A (ST p.) Vocabulary (numbers) VQC abular y /Gr aromar ( this/that/ these/thoae with my /you/hi s / her ) Fuñe t ion (iniciacing a cooversation) LESSQH 2C Figures Figure Figures Figure Figure Figure LE55OH 2D (ST p 45) 1-2 3 4-5 6 7 S Vo cabu 1 a r y ( number 3 ) Vocabulary (numbers with plural nouns) Vocabulary (nutnbers) <ST p 51) Figures 1-2 Vocabulary (numbera with plural nounaj Grammar ( these/those} Vocabulary (alphabet) Figure 3 Vocabulary/Graimnar (ñame +• BE + profession) Grammar { negative impera ti ve) Listening Skíll (same or differenl: soundH Figure 4 Listening Skill (same or different sound.LES5ON 2B (ST p. /E/-/Z/) Listening Skill (select sound. 39 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure Figure Figure 3 4 5 Figure 6 Grammar (negative impera ci ve) Grammar (possessive adjectives : his/her) Grammar (contractions. Figures 1-2 Figures 3-5 Figures 6-7 LES5QN 3D (ST p Figures 1-5 Figure 6 77) Vocabulary Grammat (BE negative) Gramrnar (short answers to yes/no queations w/BE) 39) Grammar (ahort answers tQ yes/no questione w/BE) Grammar (BE negative) LESSON 4 LESSQH 4A (ST p. 1 ? 3 4 Vocabulary (days of the week) Liscening Skill (selecc the sound Vocabulary (time) or /n/J 109 Speahing Skill (dialog repeat) Vocabulary Listening Skill (selecC the SOund /i/ or /e/) Vocabulary (time) Vocabulary (in/on/uiider) Grammar (imperativa) 115) Vocabulary Vocabulary (in/on/under) Vocabulary (number review Vocabulary (days of the VLl . 1 2 3 4-5 6-7 8 (ST p. Figures 1-2 Grammar (long answers to yes/na questions Figure 3 Figures 4-5 Figures 6-7 Grarnmar (This/that these/those review) Grammar (long answers) Vocabulary (alphabetj W/BEJ LESSON 4B Figure Figure (ST p- 103) 1 2 Vocabulary Listening Skill (same or dif£erent sound Figures 3-5 Figure 6 Figures 7-0 LE55ON _4£ Figure Figure Figure Figures Figures Figure 4D Figure Figure Figure Figures (ST p.LESSQH 3C (ST p. . TJ ra f" fT 3M K- 1J M H tfl 5 O I . ll H Q.X_\Y Listen lo [T. (It Q. 20. Look at th© booK. 11. Open the book. G D C A 6. f e d b 7. 21. 24. A -E B D 13. B F E G 5. 19. 12. d b C a . 17. b g d f 10. Repeat. please. 8. 13. Go to your chair. g c -d e F 11. Please open your book. Figure 3 the A a EJÍAMPLE : B b b t 6 VH- C C . Please open the window. 23. c g F a 14. 9. Repeat the word. please. 7. please. please. Please listen. 3 B C a 9. Look at the picture. 6. G A C £ 3. 10. 16. Open the door. 5. • c d a f 4.Repeat the words and sentences. 2. 22. pisase. Cióse the door. Write your ñame. Gírele the word. 4. Open the window. 3. 16. X F F f D d ¡ Circle the letters. Listen. Cióse the hook. Wrlt© the word. please. c b f g 12. Please look at the clocJt. A 1. 14. Go to the lah. Wrlte the mimber. d c b f 15. b E C 8. Cióse the window. Gírele the letter. a B C d 2.I Figure 2 1. Please go to the clasgroom 15. Please write my ñame. • i » . 2. « • • » » • * « • • Rapeat the nmnbers. S D 5. S D 7. S D - . 7.Irrite the letters. | Figure 6 4 11 » 12 13 14 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 3. S D 2. » - • » • * . fl D 1. Figure 4 EXAMPLE: • A 3 i. 3. 6. S D 6. |_CJLrcle S or D Figure 5 EXAMPLE. 3 D 9- S D 10. 5. S D 8. 10. S D 3. t - 1. 4. . 9. § >í •fl- n fH O ^ - O O lí> % oí LO O fS H fS Oí es (Ti fS .!f¡ <U Ü <D -P H U fj •H ü (7 U O. B F g d 2. 11. 6. 8. C d b E ai. 8. 9. G F E g £ e 2. 9. 4. 14. 12. 2. A a a b Figure 7 1. II- E A A C 3. 4. BODK 1 Figure 3 1. 5. G F g f 0. 3 11 6 12 9 10 5 13 IB 0 15 4 19 20 1 2 . 3. : A. 10. 10.MJSWERS FQR LEESOr. 16. 5. 13. D C B d c b 7. 12. 5. 7. 10. 67. 1G. 3. 15. g 14- F 15- b Figure 4 1. 9. . XJLBOAATORY ACTIVITIES. 4 I Write tiie misoing nimbar. Figura 1 EXñMPLE: 1. 14 2. . . 7._ 11. 7 3 12_ 3 2 12 3. BOOK 1. 6. B. 10 0 4 5. 6 4 11 _ f 10 11 9. 10. 4 ¡ LESSQN 10 12 3 . O O LT D (D el. o o o o O O rt C ti Í5 O O O (O ID C. ?ÍD ÍD 3 s9 •fl H- .H3 ^ Ü> iQ • ^ CL O.h¡ D fT m W --3 rt O C Cu d O Q) 3 3 Cu I-1.1! (D •o M m X - O X o o rr o H O H c - o 0) Ül ID tJ "á o o n i-3 (fí til H0) C O Q.í ftl 3 a ro K ^< 01 D1 aa 0O m -o rt 0> i] LE P. 4- 10. .Figure 3 1. the questions and 2. Open __ ____ __ notebook. 10 . How 1. __ _ What is 6. What's your 10. please That's a LISTENING/SPEAKING ACTIVITY: Alease repeat the sentences you hear. are Pepaat. There ±s no figure for this activlty.Figura 4 EXAMPLE: | Wrlte the missing word. Good morning. you? at your book ia a pencil- 5. ? to the lab.| ? ^^^_ pen. Gírele the 7- That Is 8. 9. See 2* Please 3. 4. & B 9 7 Figure 4 1. 2 7. 5.AMSWERS FOH LEESOÍJ IB. 3 6. 11 5. 12. 1 8. 3 3. 23. 8. 4 9. 9 4. 1011. you look your This that wofá my ñame Go clock 11 . 7. 10. 6. 9. 4. BQGK 1 Figure 1 2. . 8 'El udd IT OT 'L i aooa ' DT Aaoivaoaví . DI .-I 0 3 4^O *J m •p ai 4J -p tí 41 M H EH U4 ES *^ J^ .s . \~ &-- -^.ft A M (P to *i íO W 3 a . o cu a a a» rt i- W ft ft 0> h* h rt y yCD d. ItT E a Classroom 2 . a booh it's a 9- a notebook It1 s a noteboclí. 7. 13. . a letter It1 s a letter. a dock It's a cíock. a pen It's a pen.Figure 4 1. 11. 4. a tabl© It's a table. Repeat the words and gentonces. a chair It' s a chair. 8. 10. 5. 14. It's a window. 6- a pencil It( s a pencil . a number It ' s a number. a picture It 's a picture. a door It's a 3. a lab It's a lab. a word It's a word. ¿t 'TI •oí L \ . f\ CD ' 1 í1. ' / H< Q) ui '- ' 4 X ff rt-g ft rt on H a n- o. M (O . rt ftt -O rt- o QJ n BJ d3 ¡T 0 d3 -J rt 07 H[TI O rt 07 d.ct Ifí H- LT LT I-.Cu ü> H- rt ri- ET LT & QJ H £ O» rt -J rt o rr í Oí rtt l-i- at 8 A •^ fT d(O ft> Q) LT S1 QJ .o o o Oi1 -J d. ífl ri- e* o* fu rt H.H- E LT u¡ H- H.Cu M rt rr rr O1 IO O rt LJ {U rt *J &> H&í Pl u .w o O -O Oí rt U •O HH.H- íl) fl rt rt h-. r/ (A/\ ^-^ T r v ^ M* •^o » cr •O £U fD ft CU ft ft (tí • ^ U ?r t01 cu o o CO [2te . . notebook window bcok please 18. please 11. word window write what a. picture Lable wrice open 10. door that word what 5. LESSON ID Figura 1 EXAMPLE: | Repeat and circla the word. pene i 1 19.door clock pen chair 17. page psncil please picture 20. chair table picture letter 16. this tablc that the 3. cióse number window pencil clock pen lab pie tur e page open 12. this it it 's the 14. notebook number letter ñame 21. what Chat to the 15. what book ñame door 3. ncime write your wmd 9. BQOK 1.LAMGDAQB LABORATORY ACTTVTTTES. thot boolc this the 6. door lettej: number pen 7. to the table that 4. cióse clock chair the . my pen lab book 13. chair pene i 1 pcn clock 1. 22. 23. table that niy that the this 24. please pen picture pencil 25* cióse open dock door . O M > n> pu 3¡ (D •j fí PDI (D a QJ ÍD O. kO •o o c > 3 3 ?T W Cu rt K Ül cu y a (D 1 I ID M H O O- O A M H Q ft ÍB 0) íD •O í oí D e i K<0 .u ui Q. O» u VJ id g u X M (Ü fl) fí flj co <d . en • en si < os *- I tú - M 5* n fe rf M K tn o * 3 LO 4 Si Sí ss se E ro ÍT " DI D . ¡T O ce OtJ tr o fu c K ID U M 10 ID CD fl) 0a O O 7T rc n rT ID o 3 n i-1 w O tf fT E M tt H- ü* O O (D k-1 1? t? I a 8 .rn T J ' Q rr O1 £ O Cu C D n t Ü O P.- . Figura 1 Repsat tha lattara T! M Circle the lettar. K 4. O r-: 7. 10.LANGUAGE IABQRATQRY ACTIVITIES. BOOK 1. E . 8. 3. 9. Figure 2 i l H •I 2. O 56. c I o ck B. w o r d 11 _ c o m e 12. Thare is no figuro for this activity- 30 . Giróle the lettera. t e a c h e r 5. s t u d e n t 2. 1 6. d o c t o r 3- p ± 1 o t 4. b a r b a r 7.Figure 3 1. r e a d LISTEÑÍNG/SPEAKING ACTIVITY: Please repeat th© sentencea you hear. 3 t u d y 10. c o o k | Itepeat theworda. t sb i e 9. Bill: And what's hls ñame? Pam: Oh.Figure 4 Listen.| JOE. Repea±. Ms. . Hi! My ñame ia Bill. THIS IS YOUR CLASSROOM Bill: Para: Helio. Smlth's his teacher. This ±s your ciassroom. Joei 31 This ia her classrooin. his ñame is Joe. My ñame is Pam. Oh good! Look. Bill: Pam: Joe's a etudent. V ' > / /' t h / 1 m o I g o K o . ta i/ iv nD (D fT d3 5 0% . 5. 3. 11.Figure 7 Repeat the sentenees Answerthe questions 1. 6. . 7. 10. \ íl) ct rt O rtl 1 o M hQ C TI . 5.Figure 9 1. 6. 4. 8. | Mrite the words. 10. 3. 2. 7. 9. | . 6. s t u d y 10. 10. pilot mcchaniq: student doctor barbcr tcacher conk 3. H 4. d o c t o r 3. c o o k 6. 2.. p Í 1 o t 4. O F 6. 10. e ¿ o c k 3- t a b 1 e 5. 300K 1 Figure 9 1. ñ P 3. 8.POR LESSOK Figure 2 i. r e a d 2A. 2. 4. H 7. b a r b e r 7. picturcs . E. 9. I H Figure 3 1- s t u d e n t 2. w o r d 11- c o m e 12 . 5. 3. t e a c h e r 5. 7. . 6.IJLBQRATOAY ACTXVITIES. LEESOH 2B Rc-poat the Eentences. 2. Figuce 1 BOOft i. 39 . D 10 H- n •D (D 3 m cr o o rt- O M rt- a o U tD •o P ft U Qí m r+ tu ÍT ií Si 1 W 33 •n H- . d- 3 D> s U .•Jl EO . (O N) PJ O tO ÍJ Ul oí OJ O OJ Ul Oí c" CT O CQ O O Oí M O5 O ÜJ CT CO O O O (T tr Cu tu o o cr ID O cr p 5 a í rt- 0) ro ü D ri- . 2.Figures Repeat the words and sentences Write the letters. 1. 4. 43 . My ñame is Mr. GQGd morning. wilson: Ted: Listen. Repeat_. ñame? My ñame is Ted.Figuro 6 Mr. Wilsori: Ted: Mr. Wilson. 44 I'rn your teachfir._ | Good morníng. sir. What' s . 53 doors 9. 52 chairs 3. 63 doccors 14. 65 pilots 16. 68 tapes 19. 64 mechanics 15. 67 recorders Ifi. 53 pens 4. 36 letters 7. b4 5.LAHGUAGE LiABORATORY ACTIVITIES. 57 pictures B. 70 students 21. 69 televisions 20. 60 clocks 11. 100 teachers 62 cooks . 55 p&ncils 6. G6 radios 17. fil ]3. 59 Windows 10. Figure 1 Repefltthíinumbe r a 3 4 5 6 7 fí 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 12 Figure 2 10 LESSOtf 2C Rapeat Un- 20 30 40 hundred 50 &0 70 80 QC orle hundred Figure 3 Repeat tha numbers and 51 tibies 2. BQQK 1. 17 13 16 15 13. 5. G 10 3 2 2. 86 98 73 18 6. 48 54 84 8B 15. 19 36 94 69 4. 9. 8 83 18 80 | Write the number. 78 17 18 87 12. 3. 2 5 4 S 11. 33 9S 63 48 18. 21 10 12 31 9. 10. 46 . 56 24 46 64 20. 4. 90 49 19 9 17. 69 96 59 19 10. 43 34 51 53 5. 54 79 36 64 7. | Figure 4 1. 55 15 5 50 16. 63 33 36 23 14.| Gírele the number. | Fiqure 5 1. 2. 56 75 76 57 19. 71 25 43 86 3. 6. e. 11 14 41 40 8. 7. g •n «es •P £ ÍQ .& U g •H tu . 9. Those are his pencáis. Those are her pictures. 14. '. 10. These are your chairs. 7. 13. These are his telcvisions 12. Those are my recordera.! Figure 7 1- These are your 2V Those are his books. 3- These are her pencils. 48 R e p e a t t h p jsr^ntences There is no figure for . LISTENING/SPEAKING ACTIVITY: Please Change the you hear. this activity. Those are her radios. These are my pens. Those are her noteboohs. These are your pictures. 6» Those are my tables. 4» These are my notebooks* 5. These are his tapes. 11.5. ñepeat your answors. 8. 4. 5. 20. 19. 12. _ _ 14. 7. . 10.| Write the letters. 9. 24. 15. 23. 21. 2. 16. | Fiqure 0 EXAMPLE: B 1. 25. 22. 3. 11. 6. 17. 9. 13. 18. 4. 12. 11 13. 0 p h m g 5. 20. ÍK 14. 69 18 4G 59 07 23 50 16 . 43 a 11 2. 10. 12.ANSWERS FOR LESSOH 2C. H a j f b c 1 H 3. 17. 3. 21. 6. 4. 17. e. D 25. 10 35. 13. B A J o T. 15. BOOK 1 Figure 4 1. 13 13 5. G 7. 6. 14. 35 54 79 21 60 Figure 8 1. Figure 5 1. i 4. 22. 11. e. 2. r. 8. 19. 9. E 2. 16. 13. 25 43 36 12 4 13 48 19 75 SB 10. 20. 8. 9. 23. 53 56 18. 15. 24. 7. 19. 10. 7. k d . (M f- *> ~ 10 .Q n w 3 § H H & I ti u V 4J 4 4* ^ U O i» t. in' jnoA ¡r.awr.sanb .SJIBIJJ.j.| uGueqo sseau ou noí 1 L •i ' SUOTq. 3j.nl. S D 3. S D 4. S D 6. S D 5. S D B. a b 5. a b 7. S D 9- S D 10. =i b 10. a b 6. 3 b 3. a b 4. | Circle S or D. a b 2. Tíiere is no figure for this activity. S D 7. a b EXAKPLE: 53 . 3 D Circlo the lottcrs Figuro 4 CAME GAME CAME GAME 1. a b 9. a b 8. Figure 3 EXAMPLE 1: S D EXAMPLE 2: S D 1. S D 2.LISTENING/SFEAKING ACTIVITY: Picase repeat the words you hear. . . 5. 9. 2.Figure 5 | Mrlte the 1. 10._ 6. . 3. 4. ^^_ G. . 7. 1 2. table 6. door 3. BODK 1 Figure 5 3. classroom 4. window CÍCCle lab 7.AHSWERS FGR LEESQN 2D. 5. 10. 9. shair write . pieCure penci. . -H —I Lf .o m TJl O S ifl U H I Id o. fej u i. f-. o K K U fe. O CP ti O1 Oí "O tr w Q O £O JQ to oí O o . cu ft Oí •o o rt K O = tt re O D Ico C ^ M- . They're cooks. 3 . They're mechanics 13. 2. He's a teacher. . She ' s a cook. They're teachers. 4. Shc's a doctor. He1 s a barber. He ' s a mechanic. I Figure 5 1. 6. 7. 12. 5. They're students. He's a pilot. • They're doctors . They're pilots. They ' re barbers .6. Repeat the sentences. 11. She ' s a student. Figure 6 Circle the letters . I— o . ¥ -a r ít o » u tt 0) n ^ 10 ' .' ^-l- ^>^.«n . Figure 8 Answer the questions and repeat the answera. 3. 2. 63 . | EXAMPLE: 1. n o O n u > 9 drt M tíl c . S D 4. S D 3.10 I _C±rcla_S_or_!. S D 5. EXAMFLE 1: S EXAMPLE 2: S 1. S D 65 . S D 2. ft T (U (D ft ffM- H LO § S h* 11 (A) p o líü •o rn cr Q^ £• cr fl D ú t O" {U tr (1 i° r c. 4 4 -o f 3 Sí PJ m M m M l-í rjicrio |QJ ro *!) g PJ n O K h m rift Ctr ^ 5r ? O ft o* y) Ul ft tr CJ ÍTi M ffl + fr 4 A - . T-1 3 O H' Sí s M 0 _ H- . _ 10. _ 8. 12.Write the words. _ 3. 4. _ 9. _ _ 2. dime . _ 6. _ 7. _ _ 5. Spell the words and repeat the spelling Figure 1J EXAMPLE: 1. T ^ vi ^ iQ rT1 fl rt CL ÍJ 1—* ^. ^ n a h«. -T| CJ Hr 3" fT (B t & n !^ n (JJ . 3 H- £ h-« M M M M ft J O CD T 3 h-^ O 0 U) n ib u» nj h< w M M 3 o D ro i o M 1—' Ü Q.ID |_PL n x' M O O O O | 1 Tí O £ O. ffl H- CfO H w OJ O "d O s s . rn H ta w 8 H tí un "P u n u o i] *í U a a u o u • « U -H «H rd ¡i a o H a U 3 • Cu (fl ^^» '• Ü U (o ^ v •— ft n tí K y •4 m V u c d ** ffl ÍM . o u kl Úl uu ít.'." -p T3 «5 a tu k tu O P. o K M -H (O tn M VH -H qj ü 1 S W ti (O --H O] • a o 0 CU ^ U . 0 n v- M cu J> U <o Ltl tf flJ 4 1 m -H ro E u VH 1 (Ti ¿1 El a E « vi SJ -H <0 j? ID u\ Ü M o •H t.M .c -P t. D) U] •H m Oí m L -r| 4= -P 1 W -P G CU o¡ en •H . a. 10 cents d. 50 cents b. 5 cents b. 25 cents a* 1 cent b- 25 cents 4. This is a dollar It's 100 cents. 1 cent 5 cents b. a- 1 cent a.This is a half dollar. 25 cents a. 5 cents c. 5. 100 cents o\ 100 cents d. 72 . It's 50 cents. 3. 10 cents d. 10 cents c. 10 cents c. 5 cents c. Figure 4 check and repeat th© ans«ers 1. 5 cents c. 25 cents 6. 1 cent b. 10 cents c. 1 cent a. 0 cents b. 6. 25 cents d. ñame 10. mechanic 4. tcacher 9. dallar 11. BOOK 1 Figure 6 1. they 5. he's 75 .ANSWERS FÜH LESSON 3B. dime 2- nickel 3. we're E. arn 6- aren't 7. he b. cook c. booh b. pencil b. teacher c. pilot c. 7. book a. 73 . they b. are c. cent 4. clock b.Circle the words. these c. write those b. word a. picture d. he ' s d. clock d. iE b. a . his a- isn't b. a. ghe c. . 9. penny d. I'm a. tape a.piease 3. it's c. piease c. coo* c. Fiqure 5 EXAMPLE: i. am a. door c. this d. it d. chair d. f. window c. S. donar d. a. cióse a. that b. 3. 2. pencil 10 . table d. aren't d. radio a. pilot b. 5. doctor b. 7. 11. 3. 2. 5. 9. 74 . Figure 6 1.| write the words. 12. 4. 10. 6. 8. . LAMGUAGE LABORATORY ACTIVITIES. 10. 6. 1. 8. LESSQN 3C Figure Write the Say the wocd and repeat the EXAMPLE. 77 . 7. 9. BQQK 1. Figure 2 1. nickel 2. money 3. she 4. not 5. barber 6. they 7- penny 8. my 9- your 10. pilot | Spell the words and repeat the spelling. \s •n e n 3J fl Sn *a ÍS (D ffl (D O = LQ rt ffl C5. \ o ÍC . doctors barbers. 6. They're 5. They 2. They're cooks. They're books. Thos© are tablea. Those are pens peiicils 4.the EXAMPLE: They're pilota. teachers 3. They're students. They're not mechanics. chairs 83 . pictures 1. •£ £ í-l C P 4J (C ID i H ID Q .tí to u C o o •rT >H •p -p (O flí 0 {y 3 3 01 en . 7 CD 3 rt H- o . Figure 7 | Answer the questions . Those are tables. They aren'C barbers.AHSWEKS FQR LESSQN 3C. BOQK 1 Figure 5 12. 5. They're cooks. They're not pencils. They're students. They aren't pictures. 6. They're barbers. They're not teachers 3. They're books. Those are pens. 4. They're not chairs. . They aren'c doctors. . § 03 ífl u § [l] u g u 4* ID K cu o eo . 3en c O OJ H in . fO •3 "ai K . aj g K <\ H J Oí V. C flj Q £TJ . s irl 01 DI Ul OJ O) 3 3 tr en o tu £ J3 +J -frj a (o 0) C CE < in a> M g •H . lt isn't. Answer the questions Figure 6 Student 1: Js this your classroom? Student 2: No. Smlth's classroom? Student 2: It isn^ a classroom. Student 1: Is it Mr. It's a lab .Pepeat the dislog. . 4. LESSOK Figure 1 Repeat tlie ^ueations and the questions. 3. SOOK i. 1. .LAKGUAGF: T-ABORATORY ACTXVITIES. U) l CJI I-1 Cb W O rt 4 § ym d- d- m p . »w ÍD CD cu to CD O 3 rt ft P- Ul í ÍT ÍT rt ft rotb TIrs .5 L ". I O W O, C Ü 01 '- •o -o o o •H -H 4^ -1 DI ti V *r cu < ¡o m rt oí ID j i^ooq syq q.ou ST q.T ¿jjooq sjq ¿sjtQQqeq.au ano A ^.ou ©ae Aiu ¿sued anoA •I -3jg«sue pue suQTq.sanb o o 01 £L ÍD -1 PI OJ [J (Q rr D n K e rt M D y rt M <D M 0 l^r O u.H < < K > ¡J K CC (t -3 ta n Hi -d W (0 (D rn da .D o h m O O fT 03 o ?* •O t) O O n ^ ^ (P h n dd- (t* M a> d- rt CD OJ iy s a O\ CD C h "1 !-• (Q . ^J 4 [D C D *J h* > ' 4 4 4 - - ¥ » ¥ * » » t-i-Li í E -< N w ^ 32 M f X^ M. G. 10. 3.ABSWERS FOB IJISSQN dA. 8. 4. O e 9. n D K P J 7. a L 101 . BOOK 1 Figuce 7 1^ g 2. 5. . 103 . 3. 1. Write the letters. 6. BOOK 1. LESSON 4B Figure 1 Write the lattera Answet the (fuestions and repeat tho Circle the letters.TANGUAGE LABORATORY AGTIVITIES. Wednesday 5^ Thursday 6. S D 10. Figure 3 1. "| Figuro 2 1. S D 4. S D 6. S D | Repoat the days. 5 D 9. s D 7. S D 5. S D 8. S U 2.[ Circle S or D. Monday 3. Friday 7- Saturday 104 . S n 3. Tuesday 4. Sunday 2. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Sunday. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow is Monday. 3- Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Saturday 7. Today is Tomorrow is Tuesday.Figure 4 Repeat the aentenccs Today is Surulay. Tomorrow is 4. 2. 6- Today is Friday. IOS . Tomorrow is Thursday 5. Today is Tharsday. ' ST Aepoi ST ST Aepoj. 'L '9 s T rto j JQUIO j. '£ 57 ST Aepol ST ST Aeptu - T .90t ST «OJJOUIOX ST AEPOI. • ST Aepoi. p cr O tr 10 cr fl> fo o- cr & oí Oí rr cr U o1 IsJ cr M iz o \-z O ft V ffi O C 4 (D TI PQ .n i-p o -• Cí o h- o I- o o o1 O ct flí O ri- P> rtO rt O 10 o O O rt- 01 tr QJ dD U) rtO ¡n o O rlO IJI H i?. | Gírele the letters Figure 8 If I? u 6. 10 108 . thanks. Student 1: It's Thursday. thanks. Student 2: Good iriorningr How are you? Student 1: Fine. Student 2: Student 1: Fine.IANGUAGE IABORRTORY ACTIVITIES. Ohay. And you? Student 2: Student 1: l t H s Thursday Student 2: 109 . Repeat the di Student 1: Good morning. BOOK 1. Student 2: oh! What day is it? Tomorrow is Friday! Figure Student 1¡ writc the sentencee Pepeat the di Good morning. LESSON Figure 1 Llgten to Lhe dialog. ñnd you? Student 2. cr -J CT CQ o1 tr CI cr QJ tn cr y fe y to cr o1 Q) ir[i] \> IM . 3. 5.| Repeat the sentences. 111 . Figure 4 1. 6. 4. 5. a -2.| Gírele the letters Figuro 5 1. 112 . ST SJ "[tallad v 'I uo h 10 MU u i: pin 1 t.utji i ii Jcib . 14. Please put tha desks in the classroom. Go to the lab at 10 o'clock. please. please. 6. 7. please. Put the docks in the classroom. 9. Put his money on the book. please. Please put the calendar on my desk. Put your books under your desk. 15. 4. 13. 10. Please sit down. Please put your pencil on the table. Stand up.Figure B I Hepeat the sentencas 1. Put the notebooks under the table. Please stand up. please. Sit down. 114 . Put the map on the wali. Put the notebook on the desk. 12. please. 8. 11» Please come to the classroom at 7:30. 3. 5. 2. sn 5ojuonúDE pnia HQSS3T 'T 'S3I4IAIXOY . uas -'-t\~\ ie QE 6 2 9 3 Í3 03 51 fl £ 1 9 H* e ¿ i 95 6! 31 9 52fZ£¿I 81 ¿1 91 II 01 6 f £ 2 5 J 1 M 1 W S Nvr 63 9 3 22 13 SI H 9 ¿ 1 S IG L2 93 5 3 ^ 3 OS 6 1 91 L\ £1 £1 \\ 01 9 5 v C Oí £2 91 6 * d X M 1 ^J 1 S nr .9TT 'Z seoueq. 7. 117 . B.3. 5. 6. | .Figure 3 Conncct the ritimbera. 6TT -E Aepung -¿ -3 •e *g •o ' -q -e - -e -g 'B -o -o -q *e 'T . Documents Similar To Book 1 Language Laboratory ActivitiesSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextBOOK 2 TEXTO.pdfuploaded by ConcepcionBautistaGallegosBook 20uploaded by Cosmin FloreaBOOK 6 TEXTO.pdfuploaded by ConcepcionBautistaGallegosAmerican Language Course Book 1uploaded by Javier A. 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