
June 4, 2018 | Author: Wach Ijocho Naggx Babetare' | Category: Paleontology, Pleistocene, Indonesia, Geology, Earth & Life Sciences
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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF INDONESIAAND SURROUNDING AREAS Edition 6.0 September 2016 J.T. VAN GORSEL X. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, PALEONTOLOGY (Comprehensive Edition) X. PALEONTOLOGY, BIOSTRATIGRAPHY This chapter of the bibliography contains 434 pages with ~3950 papers. It should be noted that: 1. This is an 'expanded version'. It does not just contain the references in Chapter X of the Bibliography master list, but also contains most of the paleontology/biostratigraphy papers that are under the regions chapters; 2. It includes not only papers from Indonesia, but also paleontological papers from surrounding areas. It is an updated version of the 'Annotated Bibliography of Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of Indonesia- SE Asia' of 337 pages that was published as a supplement to Berita Sedmentologi 29 (April 2014), and has been available online at: The present list is organized in nine chapters, arranged by increasing age (except Chapter 9): X.1. General Papers X.2. Quaternary-Recent faunas- microfloras and distribution X.3. Tertiary X.4. Cretaceous X.5. Jurassic X.6. Triassic X.7. Permian- Carboniferous X.8. Ordovician- Devonian X.9. Quaternary Hominids, Mammals X.1. General Papers Biostratigraphy is the main tool for age determinations of sedimentary rocks, and good age control is obviously critical for all geology interpretation. In addition, fossil assemblages provide information on depositional environments and paleoclimate. Paleobiogeographic patterns can be important constraints on the plate reconstructions of the SE Asia mosaic of tectonic blocks. Chapter X.1 contains a number of general papers on fossil faunas-floras of the region. X.2. Quaternary, General This section mainly contains papers on the taxonomy of modern or sub-recent microfaunas and microfloras, as well as their distribution in Recent environments of SE Asia. An understanding of modern biofacies distributions is obviously significant for the interpretation of depositional environments and paleoclimates in the geological rock record. These biofacies patterns, in turn, are invaluable for sequence stratigraphy interpretation Tables 1 and 2 list selected papers on present-day environmental distribution, sorted by environments. Chapters X.3- X8 deal with fossil faunas and floras of the region, organized by increasing age. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 2 March 2014 TABLE 1 MODERN FORAMINIFERA DISTRIBUTION FAUNA AREA REFERENCES Benthic foraminifera Challenger Exped.1873- Brady (1884), Barker (1960) , (Jones 1994) Monographs' 76 Durrand Collection Millett (1898-1904) Albatross Exped. 1891 Cushman (1921) Siboga Exped. 1899-1900 Hofker (1927, 1930, 1951) Snellius Exped. 1929-30 Hofker, 1978) Snellius II Exped. 1984- Van Marle, (1988-1991) 85 Recent Indonesia catalog Adisaputra, Hendrizan & Kholoq (2010) Brackish, estuarine SE Sulawesi Horton et al. (2005) N Borneo Dhillon (1968), Bronnimann & Keij (1986), Malay Peninsula Mahani et al. (2010, 2011), Culver et al. (2012, 2013) Delta front, prodelta, Mahakam Delta, Villain (1995), Lambert (2003) bay Java- north coast. Rositasari (2010) N Borneo Ho Kiam Fui (1971) Carbonate NW Java (incl. P. Seribu) LeRoy (1938), Wijono (1991), Renema (2008), Suhartati (2009) environments E Kalimantan Renema (2006) SW Sulawesi Troelstra et al. (1996), Renema & Troelstra (2001), Renema et al. (2001) Bali, Lombok Barbin et al. (1987), Adisaputra (1998, 2000), Renema (2003) PNG Haig (1979-1993) Langer & Lipps (2003) Great Barrier Reef Jell et al. (1965), Renema et al. (2013) NW Australia Parker (2009), Parker & Gischler (2011) Shelf seas Java Sea, Paternoster Myers (1945), Biswas (1976), Hofker (1978), Boichard et al. Platform (1985), Isnaniawardhani (2009) Sunda Shelf- S China Sea Waller (1960), Szarek (2001), Szarek et al. (2006), Suhartati & Muchslin (2012) Makassar Straits Adisaputra & Rostyati (2003) Arafura Sea Suhartati & Rubiman (2010) Deep marine East Indonesia Hofker (1927, 1930, 1951), Van Marle (1988, 1991) Makassar Straits Rositasari (2010), Suleiman et al. (2011) South China Sea-deep Miao & Thunell (1993, 1996), Jian & Wang (1997), Marquez (1999), Szarek et al. (2009) Sulu Sea Rathburn et al. (1994, 1995), Szarek et al. (2007) Andaman Sea Frerichs (1970, 1971) Timor Sea, Indian Ocean Loeblich & Tappan (1994), Basov & Krashenninnikov (1995), Murgese & De Deckker (2005) , De & Gupta (2010) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 3 March 2014 TABLE 2 OTHER MICROFAUNA/MICROFLORA - MODERN DISTRIBUTION FAUNA/ FLORA AREA REFERENCES Ostracodes Mahakam Delta Carbonel & Moyes (1987), Carbonel and Hoibian (1988) Sunda Shelf Mostafawi (1992) Java Sea, Bali Dewi (1997), Mostafawi et al. (2005) P. Seribu, Jakarta Bay Watson (1988), Whatley & Watson (1988), Fauzielly et al (2013) Malacca Straits Whatley & Zhao (1987, 1988) Other Indonesia Muller (1906), Keij (1953) Pollen, spores and SE Asia case studies Flenley 1973, Haseldonckx (1977), Gastaldo (op. div), Van kerogens der Kaars (1991), Chandra (2010), Sun et al. (1999) N Borneo Simmons et al. (1999) E Kalimantan-Mahakam Hardy & Wrenn (2009) Sulawesi Engelhardt et al. (2007) Diatoms (fresh-brackish Lake Toba, Sumatra Van der Marel (1947) waters) SE Sulawesi Horton et al. (2007) Malay Peninsula Zong & Kamaludin (2004) Indonesia Van Iperen et al. (1993), De Deckker & Gingele (2002) Diatoms (deep water) South China sea Wu et al. (2013) Calcareous nannofossils SE Asia Okada (1983), Varol (1985), Fernando et al. (2007) Radiolaria Banda Sea Harting (1863), Van de Paverd (1989) Dinoflagellate cysts Java Sea, etc. Lirdwitayaprasit (1997a,b), Matsuoka et al. (1999), Kawamura (2004), Furio et al. (2006, 2012), Hessler et al. (2013) X.3. Tertiary A vast amount of literature has been published on Indonesian Tertiary faunas. The principal tools for biostratigraphic subdivision of Tertiary sediments in Indonesia are planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils in open marine deposits, complex larger foraminifera in shallow marine carbonates and palynology in non-marine and marginal marine deposits. The basics of the Eocene- Recent larger foraminifera zonation, also called the 'East Indies Letter Classification', were developed in the 1920's. Ranges of the key genera on which this is based are shown in the figure below. More detailed and better calibrated charts like this can be found in the literature. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 4 March 2014 An early version of a distribution chart of Tertiary larger foraminifera, that defined the 'East Indies Letter zonation' (Van der Vlerk, 1948). Suggested reading Tables 3 and 4 list some of the key papers on Cenozoic biostratigraphy by topic. This listing is by no means complete. TABLE 3 CENOZOIC FORAMINIFERA BIOSTRATIGRAPHY FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES General Indonesia Billman & Scrutton (1976), Van Gorsel (1988), Lunt (2013a,b) , Van Gorsel, Lunt & Morley (2014) Neogene General Blow (1969, 1979), Kennett & Srinivasan (1983), Bolli & Saunders (1984) planktonic Java Bolli (1966), Blow & Banner (1966), Van der Vlerk & Postuma (1967), Hartono foraminifera (1960, 1969), Harsono P (1968, 1983), Blow (1969, 1979), Wibisono (1972), Kadar (1972- 2008), Saint-Marc & Suminta (1979), Van Gorsel & Troelstra (1981), Harsono et al. (1998) West Papua/ PNG Belford (1962, 1966, 1967, 1984, 1988) Sumatra LeRoy (1948, 1952), Blow & Banner (1966), Kadar et al. (2008) Andaman Sea Frerichs (1971) Paleogene Kalimantan Thalmann (1942), Baumann (1972) planktonic Java Hartono (1960, 1969), Purnamaningsih S & Harsono P. (1981), Novita (2014) foraminifera West Papua Belford (1966, 1974, 1989) Larger General Douville (1905-1924), Mohler (1946), Adams (1965-1992), Lunt (2003), Lunt foraminifera- & Allen (2004), Renema (2002) Letter zonation Van der Vlerk & Umbgrove (1927), Leupold & Van der Vlerk (1931), Gerth (1935), Tan Sin Hok (1939), Van der Vlerk (1959), Clarke and Blow (1969), Adams (1970), Haak and Postuma (1975), Boudagher-Fadel & Banner (1999), Govindan (2003), Lunt and Allan (2004), Renema (2007), Matsumaru (2011) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 5 March 2014 Cycloclypeus Tan Sin Hok (1932), MacGillavry (1962), Drooger (1955), Adams & Frame (1979) Lepidocyclina Van der Vlerk (1928, 1959-1973), Scheffen (1932), Tan Sin Hok (1936), Caudri (1939), Van der Vlerk & Postuma (1967), Ho Kiam Fui (1976), Van Vessem (1978), Adams (1987), Ghosh & Saraswati (2002) Miogypsina Tan Sin Hok (1936, 1937), Drooger (1953, 1963, 1993), Raju (1974), Schipper & Drooger (1974), De Bock (1976) Heterostegina.- Van der Vlerk (1925), Tan Sin Hok (1930, 1937), Krijnen (1931), Lunt & Spiroclypeus Renema (2014) Austrotrillina Adams (1968) Alveolinids Bakx (1932), Mohler (1949), Wonders & Adams (1991) Nummulitids Verbeek (1871, 1874, 1891), Doornink (1932), Renema et al. (2002) Larger Multiple areas Rutten (1911-1934), Van der Vlerk (1922-1973), Adams (1965, 1992), foraminifera- Boudagher Fadel (1997-2008) faunal studies Sumatra Verbeek (1871-1891), Brady (1878), Douville (1912), Tappenbeck (1936) Java Verbeek (1892), Martin (1881), Douville (1916), Hanzawa (1930, 1965), Caudri (1932, 1939), Doornink (1932), Mohler (1949), Cole (1975), Adisaputra et al. (1978), Adisaputra & Coleman (1983), Boudagher-Fadel (1997-2008), Renema (2002, 2007), Sharaf et al. (2006), Umiyatun et al. (2006), Irwansyah et al. (2011), Rahmawati et al. (2012), Lunt (2013) Kalimantan- Verbeek (1871), Von Fritsch (1877), Provale (1908), Rutten (1911-1926), Van North Borneo der Vlerk (1925, 1929), Tan Sin Hok (1930-1940), Adams (1965), Hashimoto et al. (1973), Hashimoto & Matsumaru (1981), Roohi (1998), Boudagher-Fadel et al. (2000), McMonagle et al. (2011), Cotton et al. (2014) Sulawesi Crotty & Engelhardt (1993), Boudagher-Fadel (2002), Sudijono (2005) West Papua- Schlumberger (1894), Rutten (1914, 1921, 1925, 1936), Crespin (1962), Papua New Guinea Binnekamp (1973), Bain & Binnekamp (1973), Beldord (1974), Brash et al. (1991), Sudijono (2000) Sumba, Kei islands Van der Vlerk (1922, 1966), Douville (1923), Caudri (1934), Bursch (1947) Timor Bakx (1932), Henrici (1934), Hayasaka & Ishizaki (1939, Ritsema (1951), Marks (1954) Smaller benthic Sumatra LeRoy (1939, 1941, 1944) foraminifera Java Koch (1923), Thalmann (1934, 1935), Yabe & Asano(1937), LeRoy (1941, 1944), Van der Sluis & Vletter (1942), Boomgaart (1949), Soeka et al. (1980), Sukandarrumidi (1990), Kadar (1992) Kalimantan, Koch (1926), LeRoy (1941), Mohler (1946), Billman and Witoelar (1974), Sabah Billman et al. (1980), Whittaker & Hodgkinson (1979) Seram, Timor Fischer (1921, 1927), Koch (1925), Rocha & Ubaldo (1964) New Guinea Belford (1962), Haig (1982) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 6 March 2014 TABLE 4 OTHER MICROFAUNA/MICROFLORA BIOSTRATIGRAPHY FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES Calcareous Indonesia Panuju (2010) nannofossils Kalimantan, N Borneo Keij (1964), Lambert & Laporte-Galaa (2005), Panuju et al. (2007) Java Okada (1981), A. Kadar (1990,1991), Kapid et al. (1991-2003), Siesser et al. (1984), Theodoridis (1984), Nur Hasjim (1988), Rubiyanto & Harsolumakso (1996), Choiriah & Kapid (1999), Panuju & Kapid (2007) Sulawesi Kadar & Sudijono (1993), Priyadi & Sudijono (1993) Roti Tan Sin Hok (1927), Kamptner (1955), Jafar (1975) Timor, Tanimbar Hadiwisastra (1987), Hadiwisastra (1993) Recent- Banda Sea Kleine (1990) Ostracodes multiple areas Brady (1880), LeRoy (1939, 1941), Kingma (1948), Van den Bold (1950), Keij (1953-1979), Hanai et al. (1980) C Java McKenzie & Sudijono (1981) Timor Fyan (1916) E Kalimantan Doeglas (1931) South China Sea Zhao (2005) Radiolaria Roti –Mio-Pliocene Tan Sin Hok (1927), Riedel (1953) Sumatra forearc Ling & Samuel (1998), Celebes, Sulu Seas Scherer (1991a,b) Waigeo Ling et al. (1991) Diatoms Java Grandjean & Reinhold (1933), Reinhold (1937), Ninkovich & Burckle (1979), P. Siregar (1981), Burckle (1982) Buton Reinhold (1952) Timor Sea Jouse & Kazarina (1974) Spores-Pollen Zonations Germeraad et al. (1968), Morley (1977, 1991), Yakzan et al. (1996), palynology Mao & Foong (2013) Dispersal, climate Morley (1998, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2012), Lelono (2007, 2012) E Kalimantan, Barre de Cruz (1982), Carter & Morley (1995), Polhaupessy (1998, Makassar Straits 2007), Morley et al. (2004, 2006), Morley & Morley (2010) East Java Sea Lelono & Morley (2011) Java Polhaupessy (1980, 2009), Takahashi (1982), Rahardjo et al. (1994), Van der Kaars & Dam (1995, 1997), Lelono (2000, 2001, 2007, 2012) Natuna Basin Morley et al. (2003, 2007) West Papua, PNG Lelono (2008), Playford (1982) Dinoflagellate cysts Java Matsuoka (1981, 1983, 1984), Morgenroth et al. (2000, 2008, 2011) NW Borneo Besems (1993) Sunda Shelf Kawamura (2002) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 7 March 2014 X.4. Cretaceous and X.5. Jurassic For a recent review of Cretaceous and Jurassic faunas and floras of Indonesia see Van Gorsel (2014). Relatively little has been published on Cretaceous and Jurassic faunas of Indonesia, and references to these are mainly found under the areas in which they occur. The Jurassic in East Indonesia (Misool, Sula, W Papua, etc.) appears to be dominated by open marine facies. Relatively many paleontological papers on ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, bivalve mollusks, etc., were published, most of them in the early 1900's. Deep marine Late Jurassic pelagic limestone facies with abundant radiolarians and calcispheres are known from Buton, E Sulawesi, Timor, Seram and Misool (Wanner 1940). In these areas the Jurassic is overlain by relatively thin Cretaceous pelagic limestones, with common Globotruncana in the upper parts. In West Indonesia, Jurassic shallow marine carbonate facies are more common, exemplified by papers on corals, foraminifera, etc., from N and SW Sumatra (summarized in Fontaine and Gafoer 1989) and the Bau limestone of the W Sarawak- W Kalimantan border area (Wolfenden 1965, Beauvais and Fontaine 1990) Mid-Cretaceous shallow marine limestones with Orbitolina and rudists have been known from numerous localities across Kalimantan and W Sarawak since the late 1800's (Martin 1888, 1889), and also from S Sumatra (Lampung and Gumai Mts.; Zwierzycki 1931, Musper 1934, Yabe 1946) and the Lok Ulo accretionary complex of C Java (Verbeek 1891). These are generally interpreted as low-latitude Tethyan forms, and are not known from Australia- New Guinea. Today's most powerful biostratigraphic tool in this time interval is probably dinoflagellates. It is widely used in NW Australia and Papua New Guinea wells, but not much work has been done, or published, on this in Indonesia. Suggested reading See Tables 5 and 6 TABLE 5 CRETACEOUS FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES SE Asia Hashimoto et al. 1975 Faunas- General Sumatra Beauvais et al. 1989 Upper Cretaceous Birds Head Visser and Hermes 1962 Pseudorbitoides, Papua New Guinea Crespin and Belford 1957, Glaessner 1962 Omphalocyclus Borneo Van Gorsel 1978 Timor, Leti Schubert 1915, De Roever 1940, Sartono 1975 Sula islands Kholiq et al. 2011 Misool Vogler 1941 Upper Cretaceous Sabah Adams and Kirk 1962 planktonic Central Java Asikin et al. 1992 foraminifera (Globotruncana) W Kalimantan Tan Sin Hok 1936 SE Sulawesi, Buton Van der Vlerk 1925, Koolhoven 1932, Keijzer 1945 PNG Owen 1973, Haig 1981 Halmahera Brouwer 1923 Calc. Nannoplankton West Papua Panuju et al. 2010 Sumatra Baumberger 1923, 1925, Musper 1934 Molluscs Kalimantan Martin 1889, Vogel 1904 South Sulawesi Hasibuan and Limbong 2009 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 8 March 2014 De Beaufort 1932 Rudists NW Borneo Lau 1973. Buton. Harloff 1929 Zwierzycki 1931. Wolfenden 1965. Beauvais and Late Jurassic limestones Sarawak (Bau Lst) Fontaine 1990 with Cladocoropsis. Verbeek and Fennema 1896. Von Koenigswald 1939 PNG Matsumoto and Skwarko 1991. Vogler U Jurassic calcispheres Timor 1940. Pseudocyclammina Silvestri 1925. Yabe 1946. Jasin 1985-2000. S Sumatra 1989 Tan 1978. Clowes 1997.vangorselslist. Yabe 1946. Geinitz 1883. Martin 1888. Tan Sin Hok 1927. 1994 Buton Soeka 1991. 2000. Timor Wanner 1940 calpionellids NW Australia Brunnschweiler 1960 Sumatra Baumberger 1925 SW Sarawak Ishibasi 1982 Ammonites W Kalimantan Krause 1904. 1989. Bassoulet 1989 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Ling and Smith 1995 Roti Tan Sin Hok 1927. Munasri 1998 Ungar (Tanimbar) Jasin and Haile 1996 N Indian Ocean Renz 1974. Ed. Baumgartner 1993 Lower Cretaceous Buton. 2013. Bassi et al. Jasin and Tongkul 2013 C Kalimantan Hinde 1900. Beauvais 1983. 2009 West Sulawesi Brouwer 1934 Early Cretaceous W Sarawak Hashimoto and Matsumaru 1977 Orbitolina Sabah Leong 1972 Central Java Verbeek 1891. 1981. Bennett et Sumatra al. 2011 SE Kalimantan Martin 1888 Misool Boehm 1924 TABLE 6 JURASSIC FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES Sumatra Fontaine et al. Sato 1975. Riedel and Sanfilippo 1974. Riedel 1953 Timor Tan Sin Hok 1927. Skwarko 1967. Grunau 1965 SE Kalimantan Wakita et al. PNG Heinz 1928. Brouwer 1919. Djamal et al. 1932. 1983 Jurassic Stratigraphy Indonesia Wanner 1931. Aitchison 1994. Beauvais et al. 1983 Von Fritsch 1879. 1993 Lower Cretaceous West Papua Challinor 1989 belemnites NW Australia-SE Asia Mutterlose 1992 Fish (shark teeth) Timor Weiler 1932. Skwarko et al. Hofker Kalimantan 1966. Musper 1934. Sukamto and Westermann 1992 Seram. Hanzawa 1947.1 9 www. West Papua . 1995. Sabah 2012. Munasri 1995. Bolli 1974 (Pithonella) Buton Bothe 1927 Roti Tan Sin Hok 1927 NW Kalimantan/ Wilford and Kho 1965. Wanner 1940. Wakita et al. 1998 SW Sulawesi Wakita et al 1994. 2013 Radiolaria South Central Java Okamoto et al. 5. 1994. Misool. Fontaine and Ho 1989. Hashimoto and Matsumaru 1974. Asis and Jasin Sarawak. March 2014 . Skelton et al. Helby et al. Mantle 2009. 1965. Stevens 1964 Middle. Hasibuan 2004 PNG Skwarko 1973. Stolley 1929. 1960. Bassoulet 1989. Schluter 1928. 1903. Mantle Dinoflagellate zonations and Riding 2010.vangorselslist.PNG and Getty 1970. Ed.b PNG Haig 1979 Cookson and Eisenack 1958. Wandel 1936 Timor. E Sulawesi Wanner and Jaworski 1931. Gerth 1927. 1983. Sarawak Tamura and Hon 1977. 1998 W Sarawak Jasin et al. Challinor Sula Islands and Skwarko 1982. Babar Rothpletz 1892. Martin 1899. Misool Stolley 1929. M-U Jurassic ammonites Westermann 1995 Timor. 1996. 1981 Sumatra McCarthy et al. Yabe 1946. Hirano et al. Wandel 1934. 2012 Papua New Guinea Davey March 2014 . Vogel 1896. Westermann and Callomon 1988 Boehm 1913. Helby Morgan and Jurassic. Krumbeck 1923. Roti Sashida et al. Buru. Misool Krumbeck 1934 Inoceramus haasti) E Sulawesi Hasibuan and Kosworo 2008 ('anti-tropical') Papua New Guinea Glaessner 1945. 1991 Timor. 1991 Boehm 1907. Challinor 1989.E Cretaceous NW Australia margin Partridge 1987. 1935. 1912. 2001 SE Kalimantan Wakita et al. Westermann and Callomon 1988. Newton 1897. 1999. 1989 Late Jurassic shallow W Sarawak (Bau Lst) Bayliss 1966 marine foraminifera Sumatra Silvestri 1925. 2006 Sula. Riding. 1923 U Jurassic bivalves (Malayomaorica. Hayami 1984 E-M Jurassic bivalves Timor Krumbeck 1923 Misool Soergel 1913. Haig and Bandini 2013 Sula islands Panuju 2011 U Jurassic nannofossils Timor Kristan-Tollmann 1988a. 5.Late Jurassic Belemnites Yamdena Stolley 1929 W Papua/ PNG Challinor 1990 Central Sulawesi Stolley 1943 Indo-Pacific Stevens 1965 NW Kalimantan. Jaworski 1933 E Jurassic ammonites Roti. 1900. 1932. Timor Krumbeck 1922 W Kalimantan Krause 1911. Bassoulet 1983 Sarawak Beauvais and Fontaine 1990 U Jurassic corals Sumatra Beauvais 1983. Westermann W Papua. Roti Boehm 1908 Babar Callomon and Rose 2000 W Kalimantan Schairer and Zeiss 1992 Yamdena. Challinor 1989. Grant-Mackie et al. 1974. Stolley 1929. 1999. Roti. Welsh 1990 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .1 10 www. NE Palawan Fontaine et al. 2004. Jasin and Said 1999 M-U Jurassic Radiolaria East Sulawesi Hojnos 1934 Sula Islands Pessagno and Meyerhoff Hull 2002 Timor. Kruizinga 1921. Edwards and Glaessner 1953 Australia NW Shelf Brunnschweiler 1960 Sula Islands Kruizinga 1926. Partridge 2006. Seram. Roti Krumbeck 1922. 1972 Late Trias Palynofloras Seram Martini et al. East Sulawesi. They represent depositional settings around two branches of the Tethys Ocean. Hayami 1984 X. S China Sea Kudrass et al. 1986 Krusin Flora SW Sarawak Kon'no 1968. Seram. General Wanner 1907. Triassic rocks and faunas are relatively widespread across Indonesia. Buton.. These Tethys ocean branches closed in Late Triassic and Early Cretaceous times respectively. Triassic For a recent review of Triassic faunas and floras of Indonesia see Van Gorsel (2014). etc. Jongmans 1951. Suggested reading See Table7 TABLE 7 TRIASSIC FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES Trias faunas. Hasibuan 2008 biostratigraphy Timor Charlton et al. 2009 Late Tr(?) Bintan Flora Riau Archipelago. Thailand Kon'no and Asama 1973 Late Trias Tonkin/ Reed Bank. 1992 Sula Islands Lelono and Nugrahaningsih 2012 Spores-Pollen NW Australia margin Burger 1996 Jurassic Coccoliths Timor Kristan-Tollmann 1988 E Jurassic brachiopods Seram Wanner and Knipscheer 1951 Lithiotis Limestone Timor Fatu Limestone Krumbeck 1923. 5. Wade-Murphy et al. 2004 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Misool Helby and Hasibuan 1988. separated by Cimmerian Blocks that stretch all the way from Turkey in the West to Sibumasu in the East. West Kalimantan. non-marine to deep marine clastics. Sarjeant et al. Paleo-Tethys and Mesotethys. 2008 N Vietnam. Ambon. and have been described from Timor- Roti. Ed. including March 2014 .1 11 www.vangorselslist. represent a wide variety of facies. shallow marine reefal to deep marine pelagic carbonates and oceanic radiolarian cherts. Geyer 1977. Buru. Triassic sediments. Misool.6. etc. Debates continue on the exact position of these Tethys sutures and possible Sibumasu -equivalent blocks in the Indonesian region East of the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Many of the papers dealing with Triassic faunas from East Indonesia remarked on the 'Tethyan' nature of faunas and the similarities with faunas and rock types in the eastern Alps. Sumatra. 1931. 1973 Malay Peninsula. Koike 1984. Diener 1923. 1989 Trias conodonts Nogami 1968.Dinoflagellates Seram Helby et al. Sarawak Vogel 1904. Tamura 1970. Hasibuan 1990. Von Kutassy 1934 Buton Hasibuan 2010 Timor Krumbeck 1922. 5. Kutassy Halobia. Krumbeck 1913 U Trias brachiopods Ambon Jaworski 1927 (incl. Wanner 1907. 1983 Buru. 2005 Seram Wilckens 1937 Heterastridium Timor. Rose 1994. Gheyselinck 1934 Wanner 1911. Musper 1930 Buru Krumbeck 1913 M-L Trias shallow Misool Jaworski 1915 marine bivalves (Myophoria assemblages) Papua New Guinea Skwarko 1963. 1915. Krumbeck 1921. Silberling 1985 M-L Trias pelagic Seram Krumbeck 1922 bivalves (Daonella.1981. Pia 1924 Lovcenipora Timor Vinassa de Regny 1915. Newton 1903. Krumbeck 1914. Rhaetian Misolia) East Sulawesi Von Loczy 1934. 1973. Gerth 1910. March 2014 . Von Arthaber 1926. Wanner 1928 Welter 1915. Gruber in Kristan-Tollmann 1987 Sumatra Volz 1899. Krumbeck 1924. Krumbeck 1914 PNG Skwarko 1967. MacFarlan et al. Rothpletz 1892. 1922. Berry et al. Welter 1914. 1973 Gastropods Timor Tichy 1979 Seram. Roniewicz et al. Seram Gerth 1909. Nicoll and Timor Foster 1998 M-U Trias radiolarians Timor Hinde 1908. 1925.vangorselslist. Nakazawa and Bando E-M Trias ammonites Timor 1968. Seram Krumbeck 1913. Ichikawa 1958. Singapore Kobayashi and Tamura 1968. Misool 2011 Seram Deninger 1918. 1952. 2009 Sumatra Metcalfe et al. Cox 1936. 2004 Buru Gerth 1910 Late Trias corals Timor Vinassa de Regny 1915. Ed. 1927 (hydrozoan) Misool Krumbeck 1913 Von Seidlitz 1913. 1987. Kieslinger Timor U Trias ammonites 1924. Wanner 1923. 1999 U Trias dasyclad algae Seram. 1915. 2012. 1990 U Trias belemnites Timor Wanner 1911. Krumbeck 1922. 1984. 1924? Sumatra Vinassa de Regny 1915 Timor Kristan-Tollmann 1988 U Trias foraminifera Sumatra Vachard 1989 PNG Kristan-Tollmann 1986. Monotis) Timor. 1979. Buru Pia 1924 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Roti 1931. Sashida et al. Kummel 1968. Burur Wanner 1907. 1952 Buru Von Seidlitz 1913. Tatzreiter 1980. Tamura and Hon 1977. Tokuyama 1961. Von Bulow 1915. 1996. Grunau 1957 NW Australia margin Campbell 1994 Thailand Kobayashi and Tokuyama 1959 W Kalimantan.1 12 www. Skwarko and Kummel 1974 W Sumatra Boettger 1981. Martini et al. Brayard et al. Sugiaman and Andria 1999) March 2014 . 5. Permian crinoids from Timor (Wanner 1921) Permian deposits are relatively widespread.vangorselslist. conodonts and graptolites from West Papua. The oldest fossils from Western Indonesia are a Devonian Heliolites coral and a stromatoporoid from a locality in C Kalimantan (Rutten 1940. etc. Vachard 1990) and Timor (numerous papers). Early Paleozoic For a recent review of Paleozoic faunas and floras of Indonesia see Van Gorsel (2014). The classic. including W Papua (Visser and Hermes 1962). Sumatra (Fontaine and Gafoer 1989). but also from West Sumatra and West Papua. 1947. The oldest fossils from Indonesia are Ordovician-Silurian nautiloids. but their localities were never confirmed. all indicating a 'Cathaysian' equatorial climate. Permian . rich marine Permian faunas from Timor have been the subject of numerous papers. and showing that these parts of Sumatra were not part of the much colder Gondwana continent at that time.8. W Kalimantan-Sarawak (Terbat Lst. A fairly extensive body of literature exists on Paleozoic faunas of Indonesia. The E-M Permian of W Sumatra contains reefal and fusulinid limestones and the famous 'Jambi Flora' of SW Sumatra.). They were believed to probably come from a local Chinese pharmacy by Von Koeningswald (1933). A larger volume of more modern studies of comparable faunas and floras is available from nearby SE Asia (Malaysia. Ed. Suggested reading See Tables 8- Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .1 13 www. The Indonesian region is host to some important localities of Paleozoic fossil faunas and floras. The Late Paleozoic faunas from Sumatra are generally comparable with those described from Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia.7. and not written in English or Indonesian. Most of these are from the Permian of Timor and adjacent islands. but much of it is in old and commonly hard to find papers.Carboniferous and X. Thailand. A Late Devonian brachiopod and a Permian ammonite were reported from the Kalosi region of C Sulawesi by Brouwer (1919). Fontaine 1990. Archbold 1981. Timor. Van Waveren et al. Ueno 2003. 1961 Bangka.TABLE 8 PERMIAN FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES Timor Wanner 1926. Haniel 1915a. 2008. Kato et al. Sakamoto and W Sarawak Ishibashi 2002 NE Kalimantan Tan Sin Hok 1930. 2013 Timor Wanner 1916. Fontaine and Gafoer 1989 Jongmans 1940. Wang 1947. 1940. 1983 Timor C. 1973 Ammonoids Bangka/Belitung Kruizinga 1950. 1916. Ed. Leti Gerth 1950. Van Overeem 1960 Permian Fusulinid Krekeler 1932. 1962. 2006 South Sumatra De Neve 1949. Sanderson 1966. West Papua Glenister et al. Glenister et al.b. Winkler Prins 2008 West Papua Visser and Hermes 1962. Rigby 1997. West Sumatra Tan Sin Hok 1933. 1998. 2009 'Cathaysian' flora Belitung Jongmans in Van Overeem 1960 NW Kalimantan Jongmans in Zeijlmans 1939 West Papua Playford and Rigby 2008 Palynoflora Australia Kemp et al. Charlton et al. Furnish and Glenister 1971. Shimizu 1966. Archbold and Bird 1989. Vachard 1989. Sumatra Crippa et al. 2008. 2005. Thompson 1936a. 2013 West Papua Visser and Hermes 1962 Sumatra Tien 1986 Tubiphytes Timor Riding and Barkham 1999 ( = Shamovella) Corals Timor Gerth 1921. Srivastava Cathaysian flora and Agnihotri 2010 Posthumus 1927. 2007. 2001. Webster 1998. Blastoids Timor Sprinkle and Waters 2013 Wanner 1915. 2002 Permian General Sumatra Fliegel 1901. Ozawa 1929. Jasin 1997 Radiolaria Thailand Kamato et al. Thompson 1949. Hamlet Brachiopods 1928. Leti. 1972. Krumbeck 1924. Roti Barkham 1989. 1929. Jongmans and Gothan 1935. 1940. Hasibuan 1994 Mollusks Sumatra Fliegel 1901 West Papua Dickins and Skwarko 1981 Fliegel 1901. Von Schouppe and Stacul 1955. 1993. Hopping and Wagner in Visser and Hermes Mixed Glossopteris- West Papua. 2000.b. Breimer and Macurda 1965. Meyer 1922. Smith 1927. Archbold et al. Leti Davydov et al. 2014 Rothpletz 1892. J.b. 1942. Playford and Rigby(2008. Li and Wu West Sumatra 1994. Spiller and Metcalfe 1994. Tan Sin Hok 1933. Hahn and Weber 1981. Charlton et al. Hasibuan et al. Timor.1 14 www. 5. De Maresz Oyens 1940 Crinoids Belitung Strimple and Yancey 1976 Wanner 1924. 1995.vangorselslist. 1941.1923. De Roever 1940. Lange 1925. Cummings NW Kalimantan/ foraminifera 1962. Wanner 1922. Broili 1915. Archbold and Timor. Nogami 1963.1951.E Triassic Malay Peninsula Sashida et al. Wanner and Sieverts 1935. Koker 1924. Vachard March 2014 . Fontaine 1983. 1991. Roti. 1995. Asama 1976. 1922. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1999. Wanner 1940. Tan Sin Hok (in Krekeler 1933). Fontaine 1990. Sugiaman and Andria 1999 (Upper Kutai) Schubert 1915a. Booi et al. 1977 Permian. 1982 Geinitz 1876. 1932. Belitung De Roever 1951. 1933. Volz 1904. Von Staff 1909. 2002. 2013 Timor Van den Boogaard 1987 Conodonts SE Asia Mei and Henderson 2001. Oliver et al. Sorauf 1984. 1999 Thailand Fontaine et al. and Burton 1971 Ordovian? orthoconic W Papua Central Range Crick and Quarles van Ufford 1995 nautiloids Birds Head Kruizinga 1957 E Ordovician conodonts W Papua. Minato and Kato 1965. Minato and Kato 1965. 2010 Silurian corals W Papua. 1989 Corals West Papua Kato et al. 1947. 1991 W Sumatra Metcalfe 1983. 1959. 5.b Thailand Fontaine et al. Sugiaman and Andria 1999 Devonian brachiopods West Papua Stehn 1927. Heluk River Fortey and Cocks 1986 (M Ordovician) W Papua Star Mountains Kobayashi. Birds Head Visser and Hermes 1962 (Silurian) graptolites W Papua. Teichert 1928. Wang et al. 1989. 1995 fish SE Asia Wang et al. 2002 Ostracodes Timor Grundel and Kozur 1975. Vachard 1989 Foraminifera NW Borneo Cummings 1962.S of C Range Van den Boogaard 1990. 2004 West Sumatra Volz 1904.vangorselslist. Musper 1938 Silurian conodonts W Papua. Sanderson 1966. Nguyen Duc Tien 1989a.DEVONIAN FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES West Papua Gerth 1927. 1986 Conodonts West Papua Nicoll and Bladon 1991 TABLE 10 ORDOVICIAN. 1994 Smaller Sumatra Nguyen Duc Tien 1989a. Ed. Keijzer 1941. Niermann 1975.1 15 www. 1995 Devonian corals NE Kalimantan Rutten 1940.b foraminifera Sibumasu Zhao and Zhou 1987. Bless 1987 TABLE 9 CARBONIFEROUS FAUNA/FLORA AREA REFERENCES W Sumatra Fontaine 1983.S of C Range Gerth 1927. Vachard 1990 Sumatra Metcalfe 1983. S Central Range Nicoll 2002 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Nicoll and Bladon 1991 Ordovician-Silurian W Papua. Feuilleteau de Bruyn 1921 Late Silurian-Devonian W Papua Turner et March 2014 . Homo sapiens. East Java. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .vangorselslist. common in Asia at that time. were reported from West Kalimantan and from Timor.1 16 www. have been interpreted as impoverished island faunas of Asian origin.0 Ma. Pleistocene vertebrate faunas were from SW Sulawesi. Eocene acanthocerids (Hippopotamus family). separating balanced ‘Asian’ Sundaland faunas from unbalanced island faunas on Sulawesi. followed by the arrivals of a more diverse Asian mammal population (including Homo erectus) in the Middle Pleistocene around 1 Ma. (1994) reported a radiometric age of 1. Similar forms from East Java and West Java suggest these parts of Java were also islands in the Early Pleistocene. but still primitive Upper Pleistocene hominid fossils were found in a Solo River terrace at Ngandong in East Java. not humans or other predators). Well-known biogeographic boundaries like the Wallace Line (1869).5 Ma. Only a selection of papers from this popular field of research is included in this bibliography. The first fossil evidence for human evolution and migration came with the discovery of ‘Java Man’ (Pithecanthropus erectus. Jacob et al. Land mammals started to appear on Java. Flores is also the site of the latest new discovery of cave-dwelling Homo erectus-like dwarf population of hominids of Late Pleistocene age (95-13 ka). The incomplete fossil record. Finding this rare material was a remarkable story of perseverance and luck. where there is a succession of faunas reflecting island conditions in the Late Pliocene. Quaternary Hominids. The most widely accepted interpretation of Homo erectus history has been an evolutionary transition from Homo habilis in E Africa around 1. and suggested it may have originated in Asia instead of Africa. Early island populations are typically composed of a limited number of migrant species of Asian origin that are relatively good swimmers (elephants. Ed. Flores and islands farther East. In the absence of carnivorous predators.6. separating the Australian faunas of Australia and New Guinea in the SE from the impoverished island faunas to its West. Additional Homo erectus fragments were reported in the 1930’s and later. Swisher et al.01 Ma. Present-day distributions of faunas and floras still reflect plate tectonic past March 2014 .8-1. named Homo soloensis (‘Solo Man’) and represent another much-debated group of hominids transitional between H.Recent terrestrial vertebrate evolution and dispersal is best documented on Java. mammal species commonly developed into either dwarfed species (pygmy Stegodon elephants) or giants (giant tortoises. Komodo lizards. The history of Late Pliocene. as these areas emerged to form significant land areas during Plio.X. 5. It was named Homo floresiensis. erectus skull (De Vos and Sondaar 1994). the oldest date for any Homo erectus.1.9-1. now called Homo erectus) at Trinil by Dubois in 1891. and it overlaps in time with ‘Solo Man’ and with modern man. erectus and H. including hominids. Older mammal fossils are extremely rare in Indonesia.81 Ma for a Homo erectus skull from Mojokerto.6 Ma and a migration into SE Asia/ Java around 0. adults are only one meter tall.8 Ma. discovered relatively recently. mainly a reflection of the rarity of pre-Pleistocene terrestrial deposits in the archipelago.51. etc. Latest age dating of these skulls is in the 40-70 ka range.Pleistocene tectonic uplift processes and volcanism. at around 2.) in the Pleistocene of. hippos. as evidenced by well-dated stone tools. and Lydekkers Line. sapiens. Sulawesi and Flores relatively late in geologic history. Timor. (2006) and others have argued that these Flores hominids should be regarded as a dwarf population of Homo sapiens. and their evolution and dispersal from mainland Asia across the islands of Java and farther East. Younger. Mammals Indonesia has long been an area of great interest for the study of the Late Pliocene.Pleistocene vertebrate faunas. Recent Ar/Ar dating of pumice layers at Sangiran dome yielded an age range of the Homo erectus-bearing interval between 1. the often poorly documented origins of much of the fossil hominid material collected by local farmers and inaccuracies of various radiometric dating methods still leaves much room for debate on timing of arrivals and evolution of hominids in the region. The latter find is another indication that much of Timor Island was attached to Sundaland in Eocene time.Early Pleistocene. their dating is on tuff samples that may not be from the same horizon as the H. Homo erectus probably reached the island of Flores by 0. SW Sulawesi and Sumba. rats. deer. However. ... Leidsche Geologische Mededelingen. 5 ('Feestbundel Prof....... I... No illustrations of fossils) Fontaine...) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie..G........... (eds.... K......... p... (online at: http://library.............Devonian .M. a continuation of limestones in W Cambodia locally rich in fusulinids (Yabeina...........dmr........ etc. ('The paleontology and stratigraphy of Netherlands East Indies'... 17 X...H. 247 X........................ B...... No figures) Hashimoto....G...........G.......... 375 X.. 192 X..... p........... p..... Kobayashi & R...... Cretaceous . Martin).... Triassic (Timor... van der Vlerk. No figures) Escher........repository.F................... Widespread Jurassic. K.............. & S....... University of Tokyo Press... 552-566......... Carboniferous (Sumatra)...................... Kuenen (eds..... In: T....3...vangorselslist......Pliocene fossils assemblages from Philippines.. Triassic....Paleozoic In: B...... Rel.... Leidsche Geol.................. Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K..........) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie.................... also bivalve Trigonia mindoroensis..... Martin memorial volume).naturalis. Permian (Timor mostly endemic solitary species)... H. p................microfloras and environmental distribution ......Pisces...... Cretaceous with larger foram Orbitolina on Cebu.......... Phyllocera.......... (1931).. Reptilia and Aves....) Onze palaeontologische kennis van Nederlandsch Oost Indie. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY.... Carboniferous rare.... 20 X....Cretaceous (very rare.......PALEONTOLOGY X. 361 X................... In: B.......... H... Tertiary (rel............. Quaternary Hominids....................... reptiles and birds known from Indonesia as of 1931..... Toriyama (eds... 68 X................ M-L Triassic coral limestones...1 17 www................ In:B.. Leidsche Geol..) (1931)..pdf) (Listing of 71 fossiliferous localities in E Thailand. Timor.............. Martin')................ p....... Tertiary ..... Martin memorial volume).. Leidsche Geol........... (2) Jurassic with ammonoids Macrocephalites aff.7....... (1931).. Sumatra).... Permian mainly large bodies of limestone.Paleontology of the Philippines...Coelenterata......Carboniferous...... Voluminous book with 20 chapters summarizing ‘state of knowledge’ of paleontology and stratigraphy in Netherlands East Indies... (Summary of fossil fish....... widespread)......... (eds.... 73-82.... 1. General Papers Brouwer. Inoceramus galoi. p........repository...... Perisphinctes Oldest rocks from Mansalay region on S Mindoro(1) Permian limestones with fusulinids and algae in Eocene conglomerate.......Cretaceous continental sediments) Gerth..1.........8...Biostratigraphy of East Thailand........ (also Andal 1968).. W Papua)) De Beaufort..... 283 X..... Martin. Escher et al...... Int............ Lepidolina)............... Mededelingen 5 (K.......... Ed....6.......... Escher et al.... Salyapongse (1997).........4....) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. (online at: www...... L... Commerative volume at 80st birthday of Prof..naturalis..................... W....... J. Mededelingen 5 ( (Coelenterata chapter in 'Our paleontological knowledge of the Netherlands East Indies'.............. (Review of Carboniferous........... Dr....... Conf.... etc.... 217 X......Recent faunas.... Permian........... Jurassic ................................... Misool. Ceram......................X... March 2014 ..9.......... H......... Oppelia.... Mammals ....... Escher et al. (eds...... 461-470.... (1969).......5............ Overview of coral species and occurrences in Indonesia: Devonian (New Guinea).........................) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology ................ Sumatra only).................. Quaternary.........2... keeuwensis............ Bangkok 1997. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific...... Umbgrove & P... 6........go........................... (1931)... (online at: www........De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie............H.......... Ordovician...F.... Globotruncana marls overlain by Eocene limestones in Samaloc area.... Jurassic..... In: Proc...... 120-151...A...1....... (Brief review of distribution of Paleozoic rocks and fossils in Indonesia (Sumatra. General Papers ..................... 293-329............ With listings of species and fossil localities and stratigraphic tables.. complete Paleozoic section and possible Precambrian metamorphic rocks.......G..... Dr.. 509-551. Programs E and SE Asia (CCOP).1 18 www.Recent foram material) Metcalfe. B. (Extensive review of geology. Triassic.Ordovician cephalopod limestone. and correlations with other regions) Hasibuan. 34th Sess. Geological Agency. p. In: B. & Purnamaningsih (1998). Ingavat & P. Jurassic.Hasibuan. (online at: www. In: J.Permian (numerous localities with fusulinid limestones).F.go. 40-54. Spiller.. Mededelingen 5 (K. (Summary of state of knowledge of fossil brachiopods in Indonesia in 1931) Pitakpaivan. Martin Memorial Volume). Repts. Ed. p. Buru and March 2014 . other rich faunas of Jurassic and Permian. Korea 1997. Bangkok. Co-ord. p.Pre-Tertiary biostratigraphy of Indonesia. Escher et al. F. p. Wu & K. 1-210.Annotations to the map of the more important fossil localities in the Netherlands East Indies. In: B.Pre-Tertiary biostratigraphy of Indonesia. constrains ages of Paleotethys Ocean opening (Devonian) and closing (Triassic)) Pannekoek. p. Geoscience resources and environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008). 1. etc. Berita Sedimentologi 29.vangorselslist. Dept.dmr. p.G. vol. Comm.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .nl/document/549269) (Map and chronological listing of 330 significant Paleozoic. p. (2008). etc. Rotterdam. Carboniferous. (Radiolarian biostratigraphy in Thailand. 2. (Mainly on Misool Archipelago M Triassic to Cretaceous macrofossil succession) Hasibuan.Cephalopoda. Bangkok. Thailand. biostratigraphy and stratigraphy of Misool Island. but relatively few species from Cretaceous) (Summary of state of knowledge of ammonites and belemnites in Indonesia in 1931. Liu.Fossils of Thailand. Eastern Indonesia. F..) Proc. Most known species of Triassic age.pdf) (Listings of fossils known from Thailand: Cambrian trilobite-brachiopod shale off W Peninsular Thailand. Bandung. Pariwatvorn (1969). Mededelingen 5 (K. 396-435. paleontology (brachiopods. R..) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. Final Results IGCP Project 321. Escher et al. 1.).) Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion. Mededelingen 5 (K.naturalis. I. (online at: www.. 123-132. 4th IGCP 516 and 5th APSEG. Pariwatvorn (1969). Thailand. 323-325. rare marine fossils).th/library/DMR_Technical_Reports/1969/4814. ammonoids. F. K. Symp. Leidsche Geol. (2012).id/fosi) (Description of technique of imaging foraminifera by combining series of digital photographs in automated software to produce single optical image with high resolution and superior depth of focus. Silurian Tentaculites and graptolite shale. p.The Paleo-Tethys in Mainland East and Southeast Asia: contributions from radiolarians studies. p. With examples of Indonesian Tertiry. Bangkok.Fossils of Thailand. H. (online at: http://library. Geol. S China. Sula Islands. Int. p. Martin memorial volume).Stacked digital imaging of foraminifera.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie.repository. Rau (ed.G. 5. Tertiary (in isolated intermontane basins only). Balkema.L. (1931). Other significant cephalopd faunas on Roti. F.Brachiopoda.iagi. bivalves. 1-65 + plates (online at: http://library.P. (online at: www. (eds.Cretaceous (rel. Taejon. Sashida (1999). Malaysia.Mesozoic marine macrofossil biostratigraphy of Indonesia. (Review of Paleozoic. In: I.Mesozoic geology and paleontology of Misool Archipelago. 1-67. Highest number of species known is from Timor. Coastal Offshore Geosc. particularly in Misool island) Krijnen.1_2.repository. no known Devonian fossils. In: Proc. (eds.go.Recent fossil localities in Indonesia) Kruizinga.1_1. (2014). R. W. P. Geol.C. Survey Memoir 3. Leidsche Geol. 259-281. Mineral Res. (1931). 2. Survey Memoir 3.dmr. (1931). Metcalfe (ed. P.naturalis. Dept Mineral Res. Techn. Sess. 297-389. Martin memorial volume). K. Ingavat & P. With descriptions and illustrations of Permian fusulinids and corals) Pitakpaivan.or.J. 2. Leidsche Geol. vol. go.) Posthumus. p. p.Die Perm. Ed. 567-609. (1931).com March 2014 . Permian- Triassic material from Ayer Mati area. 3. 2.. etc. includes Permian brachiopods (Spirifer spp.Mesozoikum In: B.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie.1 19 www. Dept Mineral Res. vol. (1931). and Stephanoceras (Coeloceras) and M Jurassic Belemnites gerardi) Skwarko. Ordovician-Silurian graptolites. A. Phillipsia. Pliocene. Spec. Triassic and Jurassic ages) Pitakpaivan. incl. 5.1_3. Mesozoic (11p. Also plant fossils: Permian 'Cathaysian' Pecopteris. Res. Proetus). Yusuf (1982). Mededelingen 5 (K. Dev.(Continuation 1 of fossils known from Thailand: descriptions and illustrations of brachiopods (incl. coral Zaphrentis.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. Also in mud volcano material 'Tethyan' Early Jurassic ammonites Arietites spp..pdf) (Continuation 2 of fossils known from Thailand: descriptions and illustrations of Cambrian trilobites(Pagodia.G. Martin memorial volume). Geol. ('The Permian. Survey Memoir 3. Palaeontographica 39. ammonoids of Permian (Agathiceras).Paleogene Sequoia.und Jura-Formation auf Timor und Rotti im Indischen Archipel. Thailand. ammonites Arcestes and Cyclolobus persulcatus and crinoids. (Listing of Permo-Carboniferous. Geol. Productus spp. From Roti some Permian fossils in mud volcano material.Fossils of Thailand. etc. Martin memorial volume). O. K. Leidsche Geol. 485-508. W Timor. (1892)... Taxodium. Trias. (Three lists of literature references on invertebrate fossils of Indonesia: Paleozoic (11p). etc. bivalve Atomodesma. Thailandium). with cross-index tables) Wanner.G. Pariwatvorn (1969). (eds. (eds.).Pleistocene fossil plant species known from Indonesia and adjacent areas) Rothpletz. Borneo. 3. 436-460.Plantae. (Comprehensive review of distribution of Mesozoic rocks and fossils in E Indonesia. J. Lythonia (=Leptodus). Sumatra. Late Triassic-E Jurassic Clathropteris. p. Leidsche Geol. J. Descriptions of many new Permian.Echinodermata In: B. R. Mededelingen 5 (K. mainly collected by Wichmann 1888-1889. Centre. Ingavat & P.vangorselslist. Spirigera.) and Cenozoic fossils (10p. 57-106. S.). Carboniferous trilobites (Thaiaspis. & G. p. 1-66. U Cretaceous. Martin memorial volume). Alethopteris. Bandung. 1-41 + plates (online at: http://library. Permian Leptodus tenuis) and molluscs (Daonella sumatrensis. Cretaceous Araucaryoxylon from Khorat series. Escher et al.K. p. Triassic and Jurassic formation on Timor and Roti in the Indies Archipelago'. In: Onze palaeontologische kennis van Nederlandsch Oost Indie.Jurassic macrofossils from Indonesia. (1931). p. Halobia.Pleistocene vertebrates (Stegolophodon). Also white-red thin-bedded limestones with ‘alpine’ U Triassic Monotis salinaria and Halobia spp. Sphenophyllum. Bangkok. Escher et al. Mededelingen 5 (K. Publ. Rhynchonella). (Listings of fossil echinodermata described from Indonesia) Wanner. Cordaites and Taeniopteris spp. SE of Kupang.dmr.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Bibliography of the invertebrate macrofossils of Indonesia (with cross references). Leidsche Geol. p. from top: (1) Globorotalia fimbriata-Bolliella adamsi. (1996). Conv. p. Ed. (3) Globorotalia crassaformis hessi and (4) Globigerinoides cyclostomus)) Adisaputra. Bali') Adisaputra. Geol. 15-21. Lombok and Savu Basins. 465-475. Miliolina.) Adisaputra. Indonesia 3. J. 10-17. (2) Globigerina calida. (1997). one SW of Timor (2313m). (1992).microfloras and environmental distribution Adisaputra.K. (1992)-Mikrofauna perairan Muria. Indonesia.K. Quaternary. ruber and Gr. incl. p. menardii. Four subzones in Quaternary Globorotalia truncatulinoides zone (N22-N23). March 2014 . Lombok and Savu Basins dominated by Gr. (1998). Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 1. Neogloboquadrina dutertrei in S part) Adisaputra. Globigerinoides ruber dominant in North.K. Bull. HvG). A.25-36.10.Indonesian cores collected in 1990. tumida) Adisaputra.Schlumbergerella floresiana accumulation in coastal zone of Bali and Nusatenggara. Coord.K. (Abundant planktonic foraminifera in Makassar Straits bottom samples between 42. (IAGI). collected during Snellius II expedition. p. Inst. (Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages differ between Flores. Bull. W Lombok. M.Planktonic foraminifera in recent bottom sediments of the Flores.1 20 www.Belitung Straits') Adisaputra. Neogloboqudrina dutertrei is indicator of rel. Gs. 5. ('Microfauna in the waters of Muria'. 2-6. 33rd Sess. Baculogypsina. M. Sumberdaya Mineral 2. Shallow marine small benthic forams of Java Sea.Late Quaternary calcareous nannoplankton in the surface sediment of Makasar and Flores basin. Coastal and Offshore Programmes E and SE Asia (CCOP). 57.Mikrofauna dan potensi wisata perairan Benoa.Planktonic foraminifera and oxygen isotope records in two cores from the Banda Sea and Indian Ocean. Comm. Proc. J. etc. 1. Geol. Hastigerina siphonifera and Globigerina bulloides.K. Indon. (1985).Paleontological analyses of the Savu and Lombok basins and Argo abyssal plain. J. Inst. menardii. dutertrei is dominant followed by Gr. 2. M. 11-16. low salinity. M.K. ('White sands' along coasts of E Bali. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6.vangorselslist. Marine Geol. 5. (Study of Quaternary planktonic foraminifera from two ~7-8m long French. beccarii. ('Foraminifera from seafloor sediments of the Bangka.Recent faunas. ('Microfauna and recreational potential of the water of Benoa. 70. p.K. (1988). 1. Proc. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. M. p. eastern Indonesia. p. 205-221. Asterorotalia trispinosa. 4. Lombok and Savu Basins. J. N Sumbawa and S Flores composed mainly of rounded foraminifera Schlumbergerella floresiana (formerly also called Tinoporus.X.2.Foraminifera sedimen permukaa perairan Selat Bangka-Belitung. M. Netherlands J.K. p. Bali. 7. Shanghai 1996. Pseudorotalia schroeteriana. Indonesia: implementation for tourism. Sea Res. Study of Quaternary planktonic foraminifera from 46 seven meter long seafloor cores in deep waters of E Indonesia and adjacent Indonesian Ocean. J. 2-6.Late Neogene planktonic foraminifera of the Makasar Basin. Baculogypsinoides. one in Banda Sea depth (3163m). p. Geologi Sumberdaya Min. M. Assoc. ('Stratigraphy of Quaternary seafloor sediments in waters of eastern Indonesia and the Indian Ocean'. Ammonia annectens. 14th Ann. Adisaputra.Biostratigrafi kuarter sedimen dasar laut perairan Indonesia bagian Timur dan Samudera Hindia.K. Marine Geol. M. p. (1989). high salinity) Adisaputra. 59. 24.K. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 6. (Bandung) 7. 1. (1991).2300m. 310-316. M. Forams derived from adjacent coral reefs) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (1996). with Pulleniatina obliquiloculata. Globorotalia menardii for rel. M. In Flores Basin Ng. p. Geol. & D. Bandung. p. Geol. E and SE Asia (CCOP). p.K. Rel.M. p. Bandung. (Collection of papers on subrecent foraminifera in Adriatic Sea. Conv. Wiedicke & S. V. (1998). Thesis University of (1991). derived from coral reef. (Coccolithophores used to decipher Pleistocene paleoproductivity changes in E Indian Ocean in past 300-65. 1-221. E Kalimantan'. 53-65.Adisaputra. Emiliania huxleyi and G.B.C. 69. J.K.. 181-200. Kelautan 1. Eastern Indonesia.lipi. (Useful taxonomic revision of beautifully illustrated modern deep water foraminifera book of Brady (1884) (see also Jones (1994)) Barmawidjaja. M. R. p. (1960).Recent foraminifera on the coast and offshore of East Lombok. 36th Sess.Late Quaternary development of the Java upwelling system (eastern Indian Ocean) as revealed by coccolithophores. collected during Siboga Expedition 1899-1900)- Andruleit.2180m. (online at: http://isjd. Ph. M.') Adisaputra.Foraminifera sedimen dasar Laut Delta Mahakam. Conv. Spec. 29th Ann. Halmahera was freshwater lake during Last Glacial Maximum. W Lombok. Lombok Barat dan asosiasinya. Planktonic foraminifera rare) Adisaputra. sill depth 40m) and Molucca Sea. Assoc. Proc. 27th Ann.pdf) ('Foraminifera in sediments offshore Mahakam Delta.5%).Report on the deep-sea Madreporaria of the Siboga Expedition. Dominated by Florisphaera profunda (41. Cailliez & D. Brady in his report on the foraminifera dredged by the H.archive.pdii. 1. and its associations. p. M.Taxonomic notes on the species figured by H. ‘Challenger’ during the years 1873-1876. common planktonic foram species Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Geologica Ultraiectiana 82. 3. (online at: http://www. (IAGI). M. Indon. M. p..M.Katalog foraminifera perairan Indonesia. Core SO139-74KL at seaward limit of fore-arc basin of Indonesian continental shelf. 1-51. Warm tropical conditions prevailed throughout) Barbin. Comm. J.Foraminifera bentos pantai Senggigi. (Sands composed of Schlumbergerella floresiana large globular forams and Conus gastropods in SE Bali) Barker. Stager (2008). 1-238.Recorded Recent foraminifera in the surface sediment of Sunda Strait water. 117-132.S. p. 5. followed by Gephyrocapsa ericsonii. p. semi-enclosed Kau Basin (Halmahera. 4.K. A. possibly related to rel.vangorselslist. Kholiq (2010). Three categories of species: epifaunal.library. oceanica.W. (IAGI).go. A. Hanoi 1999. M. SEPM 9. beneath Java upwelling system. Rostyati (2003). Yogyakarta. faktor penunjang pariwisata. still with Amphistegina. 159-164. Kalimantan Timur. In S Asterorotalia ('Rotalinoides') gaimardii dominant. Foraminifera distribution in samples mainly from 10-100m water depth) Alcock. (2000).uu.K. 1. Ed. Decrouez (1987). & D. (Benthic foraminifera from East Lombok coast and Alas strait shallow waters down to 90m. ('Benthic foraminifera of Senggigi Beach. Siboga Expeditie Monogr. 3-15. D. In N and central parts Amphistegina lessonii dominant and associated with Calcarina. Beach samples in N with common Schlumbergerella and Baculogypsinoides.1 21 www.Sable a Schlumbergerella floresiana (foraminifere) et Conus mobilis skinneri (gasteropode) de Kesuma Sari (SSE Bali. Publ. Indon.Studies in living and fossil foraminifers from seasonally productive regions. (Foraminifera from 12 seafloor samples in Sunda Straits and adjacent Indian Ocean between 52. Revue Paleobiologie 6. (online at: http://dspace. ('Catalog of Foraminifera collected from Indonesian seas') March 2014 . M. Proc. 16a. 1-198. H. Kau Basin.D. Coastal and Offshore Progr. (1902).3 kyr. Indonesie). Assoc. Marine Micropal. Luckge. (Descriptions of 75 species of modern mainly solitary deep-sea corals from East Indonesia. Rostyati (2000). Coord. low salinity) Adisaputra. became reconnected with open Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . etc. Pusat Puslitbang Geologi Kelautan.K.. Hendrizan & A. predominantly infaunal and infaunal. Geol. Proc. Halmahera') Barmawidjaja.. In: M.W. botanisch. Planktonic species 4% of total fauna at 20-30m. (1901).M. Lambert & J. 107 species at shelf edge. P. oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1899-1900. Monographie LX. H.ocean about 10 ka due to sea level rise at Pleistocene. Kon. p. Brill.The genus Halimeda. p. p. 1-15. Geol. (1996). ('Influence of environment on planktonic foraminifera distribution in Kau Bay. (Late Quaternary calcareous nannofossils in three Snellius II Expedition (1984-1985) cores from Savu Sea. Akademie Wetenschappen. Netherlands J. In some sheltered lows abundant Halimeda algae. R.. Piston core off Halmahera in N Molucca Sea suggest Pleistocene glacial climate was drier than today and surface water T 2. Kapid & B.B.5° C lower than today) Barmawidjaja.Holosen bentos foraminifera dan sebaran mikrohabitat di Teluk Kau. Indon. (Benthic foraminifera distribution on Sunda Shelf.Report on the foraminifera dredged by H. 2. Francaise. Jakarta 1987. In: Proc. (IAGI). 1-32. p. Aru and Kai islands and in Banda-Archipelago. ('The carbonate platform of Paternoster.1 22 www. Barton. Halmahera.Coccolithophores in the Upper Quaternary of some Indonesian basins.Pengaruh lingkungan terhadap sebaran foraminifera plangton di Teluk Kau. Ed. Geol.M. Seven species distinguished) Belasky. On reef islands mainly fragments of corals. Conv. D. 22nd Ann. 173-183. (On modern corals and larger foraminifera distribution in Indo-Pacific. Assoc.algaebase.S. (1884). 23rd Ann.M. (1976).vangorselslist.The distribution of calcareous nannoplankton in Late Quaternary sediments collected by the Snellius-II Expedition in some southeast Indonesian basins. Challenger Reports 9. Conv. (IAGI).F. Proc. increasing to 65-80% at shelf edge) Boichard. All bottom samples are m-c grained carbonate sands. between reef complexes mainly benthic foraminifera.. S. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .M. Sea Res. (IAGI). 1. Uitkomsten op zoologisch. (Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from E Indonesia piston cores dominated by Florispharea profunda) Biswas. D. Proc. p. XXII. Assoc. Indon. 25th Ann. Palaeogeogr.M. Foraminiferal Research 6. Nederl. Proc.) Siboga Expeditie. (1994). Conv. ('Holocene benthic foraminifera and microhabitat distribution of Kau Bay') Barmawidjaja. 107-133. 1114-1129.Bathymetry of Holocene foraminifera and Quarternary sea-level changes on the Sunda shelf. coccoliths and glauconite) Brady. Eastward decline in diversity due primarily to shallowing of thermocline and significant cooling of Equatorial Undercurrent in E Pacific) Biekart. algae and foraminifera. Palaeoclim. D. 20. Timor Trough and Lombok Ridge) Biekart. (online at: http://images. 2. J. March 2014 . B 92. Sulawesi. J. Dwiyanto (1996). 77-141. Leiden. Amsterdam. 119-141. p. Weber (ed. Dysoxic bottom conditions prevailed throughout Holocene. (1989).ecological study by TOTAL personnel of recent sediments on platform bordering SW Makassar Straits deepwater. Well-documented sedimentological. 5. 4.Environmental factors controlling the distribution of benthonic foraminifera of Jakarta Bay. Assoc. Only 3 species in littoral zone of S China Sea. P. Indon. Est de Kalimantan (Indonesie). faunal similarity. p. p.. Notes et Mem. Snellius II Symposium. 3-101.Holocene transition. Petrole.W.La plate-forme carbonate du Pater Noster. 523-530. and sampling bias. Burollet.S. B. 24. 2. TOTAL Comp. East of Kalimantan'. etude sedimentologique et ecologique. Palaeoecology 122.Biogeography of Indo-Pacific larger foraminifera and scleractinian corals: a probabilistic approach to estimating taxonomic diversity. B. Zool. (1993). (1989). Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Geol. E. J.M. On E slope of platform common planktonic foraminifera. Proc. 1-814. Villain (1985). p.pdf) (Recent calcareous algae Halimeda rel. H. widespread in coastal reefs around of E Indonesia: LesserSunda Islands. Age ~30 ka.. & T. Vincent (1993). Zaninetti (1992). Proc.E. Burke. W.. p. Zaninetti (1983). 1. For revisions of taxonomy see also Barker 1960 and Jones 1994) Brady. (1880). P. Whittaker & L.Benthic foraminifera in box core ERDC 112. Villain (1986).. J. 2.T. London.S. Ed. Recents sediments m-c grained carbonate sand.sp. 1. J. and ornamentation of polymorphic species decreases. Southwest Pacific.S. in the Millett Collection. Fiji Islands. Hoibian (1988). the Mahakam Delta.C. molluscs and foraminifera.). p. Hoibian & J. H. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . P. Bronnimann. 13-65. Pacific Ocean thermocline waters may have moved above site. In front of delta mouth number of species decreases. Foraminiferal Research 11. n. Between delta mouths ornamentation increases. Ontong Java Plateau.E. E. Indian Ocean. Whittaker (1993).Ecosystemes et paleoenvironnements de la zone deltaique de la Mahakam depuis la fin du Neogene. G. A. Zoology III.Brackish water foraminifera from mangrove sediments of southwestern Viti Levu. its fundamentals and applications. p. the Natural Museum of History. Hanai (eds. J.Southeastern Kalimantan.Le Sondage Misedor.) Evolutionary biology of ostracoda. 5. 348-352.1 23 www. Challenger Reports 1. Beck. 1-184. W.The impact of organic matter on ostracodes from an equatorial deltaic area.H. p. Petrol. Moyes (1987). J. Assoc. Boichard. Burollet.. Hist.Sedimentation and ecology of the Pater Noster carbonate platform. Keij & L.J. 107-124. In: T. Open marine area sands mainly forams.Recent benthonic foraminifera of the Ontong Java Plateau. probably due to less degradation of organic matter here) Carbonel. Revue Paleobiologie 2. British Mus. Developments in palaeontology and stratigraphy 11. Edit. Keij (1986). P. Paleoceanography 15. often larger ones. I. red algae. Lambert & J. L. Revue Paleobiologie. p. S. On E slope and medium deep terraces of Massa Lima.J.gen. Lynch-Stieglitz. providing silica and nutrients required by diatoms) Bronnimann.M. 3. 35-41. p. mainly from deep water SE Asia) Broecker. W. Elsevier.M. Hajdas & G. W. 353-366. Nat. & A. Stott. p. P. 1-19. Bonani (2000).Bruneica clypea n. Conv. (Pater Noster Platform broad shallow platform off SE Kalimantan. Northwest Borneo. Geneve. Bull.C. In: Geochimie organique des sediments Plio-Quaternaires du delta de la Mahakam. Revue Paleobiologie 5. & J. Berger. 19-39. Paris. p. R. 15th Ann.. p. (Zool. Foraminiferal Research 23.S.Late Glacial diatom accumulation at 9°S in the Indian Ocean. T. P.(Historic description of foraminifera from deep waters of SE Asia. TECHNIP.. consists of 2/3 of diatom Ethmodiscus rex and 1/3 planktonic foraminifera. Indon. Clark. (1981). Trochamminacea) from brackish waters of Brunei. glauconite may be abundant) March 2014 . (10-m-long section in core from 3800 m depth at 9°S on Ninety-East Ridge.. Hemicytheridea reticulata relatively common. B. (On ostracod fauna in Mahakam delta area.Taxonomic revision of some Recent agglutinated foraminifera from the Malay Archipelago. P. Burke. 11. 155-169. p.vangorselslist.D.Report on the Ostracoda dredged by H. 85-135. sediments rich in planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths. Malaysia.Agglutinated foraminifera (Lituolacea and Trochamminacea) from brackish waters of the state of Brunei and of Sabah.S. a Recent remaneicid (Foraminiferida. London 59. Coulbourn & E. Bronnimann. (Early paper describing 30 species ostracods from Challenger Expedition seafloor samples. Challenger during 1873-1876. Bronnimann.11 ka. P. 11-31. S. Northwest Borneo. Some sheltered lows up to 80% Halimeda algae. Reef islands and vicinity sands composed of coral fragments.F.M.. p. During glacial time. 6.Bolivina robusta (higher organic carbon flux or lower oxygen water at maximum siliciclastic fluxes to slope with falling sea level). A. (online at: http://www. Sci.Report on the specimens of the Genus Orbitolites collected by H. Palaeoecology 61. A.. Calcarina spengleri.D.B. Int. Collen.M.('Ecosystems and paleoenvironments of the Mahakam Delta zone since the end of the Neogene'. Ed. Geophys.Y. p. Res. 335-437. Papua New Guinea. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. J..Foraminifera. (online at: http://ntur. Good overview of delta plain environments and distribution of foraminifera and ostracodes. Dickens. Marginopora vertebralis. (Larger foraminifera common around Fongafale Island.R.J. In: Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29. G. Wei. B. Moyes (1987).W. Bartholomae (eds. Ocean. Assoc. H. Palaeogeogr. In deeper water Halimeda replaces foraminifera) Collins.A Late Quaternary planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record of the Banda Sea: chronostratigraphy. & J. Terr. HvG)) Carson. BMR J.000 yr B. 24.R. Palaeoclim.Holocene planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy (N19-N23) in cores from Queensland and Townsville Troughs) Chen. Australia. Zool. 19. K. London. (Paleoenvironments in deltas can be defined by biological tracers. W. G. Leckie. 3. 3.E. (3) high % neritic benthic species like Planorbulina mediterranensis (increased off-shelf delivery of neritic carbonates.N. Harris & J. orbital forcing.Late Quaternary paleoenvironments of the Mahakam Delta (Kalimantan. (2) high Globocassidulina subglobosa (lower organic carbon flux or elevated oxygen. Coral Reefs 23.) Tidal signatures in modern and ancient sediments. 195-221. Tuvalu. March 2014 .P.4. A. p. mainly benthic foraminifera and ostracods.. Droxler. indicating strong orbital forcing) Cole. with sharp asymmetry in transgression/progradation cycle) Carpenter.Foraminifers as facies indicators in a tropical macrotidal environment. Keene (1995). A.Benthic foraminiferal response to sea level change in the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system of southern Ashmore Trough (Gulf of Papua). 445-454.. S. p..C.W. 265-284. R.S. 331-339. Australian Geol. 213-223. XXI.Pleistocene to Holocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Coral Sea offshore Queensland. Spec. and 23 ky.W. and paleoceanographic implications.ntu.Larger foraminifera and sedimentation around Fongafale Island. In shallow lagoon mainly larger foraminifera (Amphistegina lessonii. & D.. p.pdf) (Well-illustrated latest Pliocene. when carbonate productivity on outer shelf increased significantly when reflooded) Chaproniere.1029/2006JF000629. C. et al.W.. Repts. 113. In 200 m of core these biomarkers show four transgressive marine sequences since 125. 1-47. Publ. p. (online at: www. P. 41.B. Sorites marginalis). Garton (2004). corresponding to lowered siliciclastic fluxes to slope due to sediment bypass during sea level lowstand) (1883).T. lobifera. 3-4. Flemming & A. Spectral analysis of 18 O time-series reveals distinct periodicities of 100.H. 5. Challenger Repts. (Three foraminifera assemblages in deepwater Gulf of Papua Pleistocene-Holocene: (1) high Uvigerina peregrina.1 24 www. Francis. 6. (1958). Indonesia). (2008). P. British Museum (Natural History). (1991). 7. Baculogypsina sphaerulata. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .M. H. p.S. Torres Strait-Fly River delta.lib. Funafuti Atoll.html) (Descriptions of Recent larger foram Orbitolites complanata from coast of Australia and Fiji (= Marginopora vertebralis Quoy and Gaimard.pdf) (Oxygen isotope time-scale based on planktonic foram Globigerinoides sacculifer at piston core site MD012380 in water depth 3232m in Banda Sea was established for past 820 ky. J.M.vangorselslist. Yang (2008). doi:10. With data from Misedor core hole on Handil Anticline) Carbonel.M. p.S. Geophysics 12. Mii & T. Scient. Jorry. 18p. In: B. p.. Part 1- Astrorhizidae to Trochamminidae. Shazili. Trochammina amnicola. Nat. N. (Four benthic foram thanatofacies in Setiu wetlands of NE Peninsular (Descriptions of smaller bulimimid benthic foraminifera from tropical Pacific Ocean.A. (Part 1 of descriptions of Recent foraminifera in deep water samples from around Equatorial Pacific islands) Cushman. Foraminiferal Research 42. 1-75.The foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific collections of the Albatross. Part 2- Lagenidae to Alveolinellidae.A. (1932). No. U.E. J. aoteana. Whittaker. 100. p. Museum Bull.vangorselslist. J. (2013). J. Cushman. 161. (online at: https://repository. Proc.S. 35). Yaacob. p. 1-67. 262-279.A. Low- mangroveswamp and adjacent mudflat populations dominated by calcareous species such as Ammonia aoteana. exiguus and Ammonia aff. (2) medium salinity lagoon: dominated by Ammobaculites exiguus. Ammonia aff. (1942). Museum Bull. 161. Corbett. J..Distribution of foraminifera in the Setiu estuary and lagoon. Nat. D. A. (1919).The foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific collections of the Albatross. (3) normal marine salinity inlet and adjacent lagoon: high diversity dominated by Amphistegina lessonii. Museum 51. Ed. aoteana) Cushman. 5. 4.M. E. 363-368. D. Rouf. Six taxa found live in all cores: Ammobaculites exiguus.S. Cushman. J. Washington 342. Terengganu. N. 1899-1900. Nat. Caronia exilis. Trochammina inflata. p. (online at: https://repository.A. Siphotrochammina and Trochammina inflata. (online at: online at: https://repository. S. (Extensive descriptions of Recent benthic and planktonic foraminifera from 600 shallow and deep water dredge samples collected during 'Albatross Expedition' around Philippines) Cushman. Leorri. Elphidium oceanicum. Publ. A.M. Upper-mangroveswamp foram populations characterized by Arenoparella mexicana (=Trochammina inflata mexicana).Foraminifera of the Philippine and adjacent seas.A. March 2014 . related to variations in salinity and hydrodynamics: (1) low salinity estuarine: low diversity assemblage dominated by Ammotium directum. Shazili et al.Culver. U. (1933). For Part 4 of series see Todd 1965) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Mallinson. Terengganu. Miliammina fusca. Rosalina sp. Bruneica clypea.The relationships of the genera Calcarina.Infaunal mangrove swamp foraminifera in the Setiu wetland. 1-84. J.R. Museum Bull. Miliammina fusca and Ammobaculites exiguus. p. J.A.1 25 www. 4.A. Nat.S. 3. Haplophragmoides wilberti. D. US (Brief descriptions of new species of deep water foraminifera from Albatross Expedition in Philippines.J. E. and Triloculina oblonga) Culver. 1- 589. Buzas & P. 1899-1900. Carnegie Inst..New species and varieties of foraminifera from the Philippines and adjacent waters: (Scientific Results of the Philippine Cruise of the Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" 1907-1910. Miliammina obliqua. Haplophragmoides.S. p. D. J. Museum Bull. 109-133. M. U. Corbett.S. Tinoporus and Baculogypsina as indicated by recent Philippine and the calcareous species Helenina anderseni. S. 21. Foraminiferal Research 43. p. (online at: https://repository. (online at: https://repository. Mallinson. No figures) Cushman. Museum Bull.Samoan foraminifera. J. 1899-1900. p.The foraminifera of the Tropical Pacific collections of the Albatross. dominated by A. U. 1-79. (3) high salinity estuary and lagoon: high diversity.J. (online at: https://repository. (Mangrove swamp samples from Setiu wetlands of NE Peninsular Malaysia with 13 infauna taxa.R. Part 3- Heterolicidae and Malaysia. (1917).A. U. 100. (1924).A. (1921). A. 161. Parham (2012). Nat. Montpellier.P. Bikini and Eniwetok. 31-43. (Distributions of 46 species of deep-sea benthic foraminifera from 131 core-top samples (322-5013 m) from across Indian Ocean. Techn II-7. Moore & R. p. Cassidulina laevigata. 1-383. Foraminiferal Research 40.usgs. 4.. (On low diversity fresh water Thecamoebian assemblage in Lake Sentani. Baculogypsina sphaerulata) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . In: Compendium of marine species of New Caledonia. J. IRD Editions.000 foraminifera from Southwestern Pacific New Caledonia.A guide to 1. cold deep water) Debenay. & C. range in depth from beach to 835 fathoms. Heterostegina. p.A. Calcarina spp. J. Survey (USGS) Prof Paper 260-H. Bulimina alazanensis. preventing low-salinity ‘cap’ at surface of oceans) De Neve.Recent and Quaternary foraminifera collected around New Caledonia. Epistominella exigua.Preliminary survey of arcellaceans (Thecamoebians) as limnological indicators in tropical Lake Sentani. Indonesia. Indonesia: implications for tropical palaeoceanography. S.1 26 www. Bolivinita spp. Mainly miliolids. J. (Deep-sea core from water depth 2542 m off SE Sumatra shows ‘blooms’ of giant diatom Ethmodiscus rex in Indian Ocean during last glacial period.E. NE Papua) De. p.A.Foraminifera from the shore zone of the Islands of Roeang and Siaoe. p. Marine Geol. Rech. (Descriptions and environmental conditions of 1000 species of Recent foraminifera found around New Caledonia) Debenay. (2013). p. Reef flat fauna characterized by common Calcarina spengleri. Bulimina aculeata. 183. Two faunal provinces: (A) NW (Arabian Sea): with high organic flux and pronounced oxygen minimum zone (dominated by Uvigerina peregrina. (B ) S. Chronica Naturae 105. Uvigerina proboscidea.geoscienceworld. Gingele (2002). oceanography (biologic).nc/biodec/downloads/Compendium/Version%20v%E9rrouill%E9e/ p. Foraminiferal Research 30. Doc. U. Globocassidulina subglobosa. Elphidium.. & F.P.vangorselslist. J. Palaeoclim. Cibicides wuellerstorfi.pdf) (Listing and some illustrations of modern forams around New Caledonia) Debenay. Robulus nicobarensis.. 1.Cushman. Irian Jaya. Gyroidinoides soldanii ) suggesting well-oxygenated.Recent foraminifera of the Marshall Islands: Bikini and nearby atolls.Epiphytic foraminiferal assemblages on macroalgae in reefal environments of New….ird.. Cabioch (2007). During glacial period Indonesian Archipelago was much drier. J.pdf) (331 species from 195 samples from lagoons and outer slopes of Marshall Islands: Rongerik.K.leiden. Amphistegina. 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(Recent benthic foraminifera in shoreline sands of islands between Sulawesi and Philippines. part 2. No major upwelling s recorded during glacial times.. Lagoon fauna dominated by Amphistegina. 319-384.J. p.P. Marginopora vertebralis. (1949). Inst. & G. Ehrenbergina carinata and Cassidulina carinata). G. (online at: http://colonial. J.library. Oridorsalis umbonatus. & A. 113-115. Dev. R. Gupta (2010). A. Homotrema rubrum.full. A. 15. West of Bawean Island. Late Neogene limestone similar to described by Tobler (1918). Philippines. and inner bay channel. Chronica Naturae 105. 10. Jurnal Ilmu…) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Foraminiferal assemblages of Pagbilao Bay.Foraminifera from the shore zone of Parigi and Poso (Gulf of Tomini). p. Robulus.leiden.Een notitie over de foraminiferen van de oudste diepzee-lodingen in Indonesia.leiden. & P. K. (sam as Dewi (1993) Masters Thesis.uow. Amphistegina radiata. Kelautan Tropis 4. as reported by Cushman (1921)) De Neve. J.P. 1.) (Recent foraminifera from beach sand samples of SW Molotai and Ternate: Quinqueloculina. Brief note on earliest descriptions of deep sea foraminifera from Indonesia by Ehrenberg (1854) and Harting ( 1861. University of Wollongong.T. (1949). 291-292.1-86.A. Verbeekia. 47-54. beach. Inst. March 2014 .A.ipb.cgi?article=3832&context=theses) (Seafloor samples from Sunda Shelf W of Bawean island contain 113 species of 7. Yuningsih & Y. 1-2. L.vangorselslist. Ed. (online at: http://colonial. Baculogypsina sphaerulata. miliolids.T. Chronica Naturae over een foraminifenhoudende kalksteen van Baranti op het schiereiland Sanggar (Soembawa) en de strandzanden van Poeloe Ngali (Salehbaai) en Poeloe Madang. (2000). Marine Geol. (online at: http://colonial. p. Geol.J.) (Recent foraminifera from beach sand samples near Parigi and Poso. (1949). Up to 13 species. Baculogypsina tetraedra n.Bocboc point. 196-198. (online at: www. C Sulawesi. (1949). (online at: http://colonial. With summary of foraminifera from deep water samples off W Halmahera from 'Albatross- Expedition'. Elphidium. 1864)) De Silva. University of Wollongong. as reported by Cushman (1921)) De….sp.library.Ostracoda from the Java Sea.leiden. Indonesia. inner bay. Alveolinella quoyi. Arifin. Publ. Heterostegina. Militante-Matias (1998).leiden. Chronica Naturae 105.. K. Spec. Australia.library. Elphidium. Permanawati (2012). Orbitolites.Meiofauna (Foraminifera) dalam sedimen dan keterkaitannya dengan pantai pasir putih Senggigi serta kondisi perairan Lombok Barat. p. G. representing 7 foraminiferal assemblages: river…. G. etc. Baculogypsina sphaerulata. p. Operculina. 252-254. 1. (1993). G. Masters Thesis. including 7 new) Dewi.T. Marine Geol. intertidal zone.itk.library. Philippines 53. incl. 1-165 + plates (online at: http://ro.. p. Nature of substrate strongly influences distribution of shallow water benthic foraminifera) Dewi. p. Rotalia gaimardii. described by Tobler (1918) from this area is probably synonym of Tinoporus baculatus and T.Patayan Island.. (online at: http://colonial. intertidal zone. 11. 4. Siderolites tetraeda and Calcarina.) ('Remarks on a foraminifera-bearing limestone of Baranti on the Sanggar Peninsula (Sumbawa) and the beach sands of Pulau Ngali (Saleh Bay) and Pulau Madang'. p. West of Bawean Island.Ostracoda from the Java Sea. 5. 116-118.Foraminifera from the shore zone of the islands of Morotai and Ternate.A.library. (134 foram species identified. 1-14.1 27 www. Australia) Dewi. Soc. Indonesia. (1997). p. Dewi.) ('Note on the foraminifera from the oldest deep sea soundings in Indonesia'.edu/…. (1949). K. p. with Schlumbergerina. reef/carbonate platform. L.. South Kalimantan. A. Calcarina With summary of Gulf of Tomini deep water samples (1240-1966m) from 'Albatross-Expedition'. K. Bull. floresianus (Schlumberger)) De Neve.De Neve.….Distribution of ostracoda from South of Tanjung Selatan. 4. Chronica Naturae 105. Calcarina spp. Mikrofauna (ostracoda) di sekitar paparan Sahul dan Laut Banda dalam kaitannya dengan batimetri. p.. Foveoleberis) Ding. (IAGI).Recent ostracoda (microcrustacea) from a Banda-to- Timor Sea traverse: implications for paleobathymetric studies. Auliaherliaty & L.iagi. (Study of recent ostracods distribution in Snellius II samples along transects from Timor. 1. P. Indon. with lysocline rising above 2800m. 1.T. Dominated by Amphistegina. Frenzel & D. Ceratobulimina pacifica. Dewi. Muller. Quinqueloculina. Frenzel.pdf) (60 species of foraminifera in samples from 6-24m water depth offshore E Bangka island. Bassinot.fpik. Samples dominated by planktonic foraminifera (>90%). F. but not common in offshore samples) Dewi.pdf) ('The characteristics of the deep sea foraminiferal community in Tomini Bay. (IAGI). (IAGI).A. Conv. Proc. Assoc. and nutrient supply. Bandung. 32nd Ann. Acantocythereis and Ambocythere related to changes in March 2014 . 37th Ann.T. Indonesia. also very rare Laticarinina below 1000m) Dewi. (3) Java upwelling region. 17-25. (online at: www. (2) Timor region. M. K. Bandung 2004. Li. R.. N. K.West Lombok'. 1. etc. possibly regressive events) Dewi. (Samples from E of Timor in water depth 1768m show several small ostracod diversity peaks. 5.1 28 www. 29th Ann. Illahude (2005). salinity. Uvigerina peregrina. Muller (2008). 127-138. J. with Bairdopillata.. L. Strongest dissolution in Java upwelling Guichard. 20. K. Ed. Quadracythere. & D. Sulawesi'. 109-116. (4) Indian monsoon Sumatra region. Hanafi (2013). Bradleya. Polycope and Loxoconcha) Dewi.C.. Hardjawidjaksana (2006). Gustiantini (2003).H.T. K. East Kalimantan (LP-1815) in relation to bathymetric zonation. Paranesidea.K. indicating intensification of upwelling in relation to strengthened SE monsoon) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Ostracoda perairan Utara P. ('Ostracodes from waters North of Kangean Island. Hemiparacytheridea. Indon. Seram into Banda Sea down to 3070m. 4. Dewi. p. Geol. A. relations to sediment transport'. Proc. Indon.Q. Frenzel & A. Conv. (online at: www. Schlumbergerella floresiana abundant in white sands of Senggigi beach. Foveoleberis. Cytherella. Benthic foraminifera represented by Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi. Cytheropteron. N. Fang.or.vangorselslist. Indon.Karakteristik komunitas foraminifera laut dalam di Teluk Tomini. Conv. Bull. Planulina. Q. & M. Highest number of ostracods between 100-210 m water depth. X. 30 sediment samples with 30 species. Increase in Globigerina bulloides at 10-8 ka BP in Java upwelling region corresponds to decrease in Banda/ Java region. P. Kangean: kaitannya dengan transpor sedimen. van Harten (2005). thermocline depth. Nurdin. Muller. 1. (Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages five provinces: (1) Banda/Java region.T. Jakarta. 5. Conv. Elphidium. K. Labeyrie. p.Do Quaternary ostracods reflect sea level changes in the Timor Sea? Proc.Ostracoda from off Derawan island. p.T. Geol.T. 1-14. Berita Sedimentologi 33. Operculina) Dewi. Xin. Y. Geol. Other peak with mixed shallow-water (Paracytheridea. P.Benthic foraminifera in marine sediment related to environmental changes off Bangka Island. Priohandono & A.. Geologists (IAGI) and 28th Ann. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis (Bogor). L.itk. A. Pyrgo sp.ipb.. Sinaga (2015). Neonesidea) and deep-sea taxa suggest downslope transport of sediments. Loxocorniculum. Marine Micropal. Sulawesi.('Meiofauna (Foraminifera) in sediments and its association with the white sand beaches and water conditions of Senggigi. Conv.Y. Prabowo (2000) 33rd Ann. Neonesidea. Assoc. Adisaputra & K. 58. dominated by Bairdopillata. Assemblages reflect sea-surface temperature. p.. K. related to circulation patterns. F. 11p. Proc. Foraminifera from 14 seafloor sediment samples from 600-1400m in Tomini Bay. Tanimbar.A. and (5) NW Australia margin region. Assoc. p. HAGI. Peaks of deep-sea taxa like Krithe. Paracytheridea.Distribution and ecology of planktonic foraminifera from the seas around the Indonesian Archipelago. 1-14.T. Assoc. Marine Geol. Y. Bolivinita quadrilatera. p. 114-134. Prihandono & H. 47-57. Sampei (2012). Wiesner (2007).G. Peleo-Alampay & M.1-26. 4. (1968). Irizuki & Y.R. p. Dominant species is Loxoconcha malayensis. (SE Sulawesi mangrove zonations parallel to shoreline and dominated by Rhizophoraceae.Notes on the foraminiferal sediments from the Lupar and Labuk estuaries.Calcareous nannofossils in surface sediments of the eastern and western South China Sea. wrighti.R. 15. (Ostracodes from sediment core from inner part of Jakarta Bay. 177-197. (In montane areas in Sunda-Sahul region Upper Montane rainforest appears to be absent in Late Pleistocene. Sediment mainly m-grained sand) Fauzielly. Foveoleberis cypraeoides. p. Borneo Region. and H.ukm. Kluwer.G. dominated by Keijella carriei. 1-162. 549-555.) Potential impacts of climate change on tropical forest ecosystems. p.S. and Cytherella spp. 242. review of pollen diagrams from lowlands of SE Asia. L. Loxoconcha wrighti and Hemicytheridea ornata. 66. p. T.Spatial distribution of Recent ostracode assemblages and depositional environments in Jakarta Bay. Omar & Basir Jasin (2007).R. D.Taburan ostrakod di dalam sedimen luar pantai di sekitar Pulau Tinggi. Sci. PeerJ 4:e2157.S. Neomonoceratina bataviana and Pistocythereis cribriformis) Fernando. p. and Pistocythereis also abundant. & M. Indonesia. Johor. Elevation significant control on distribution of pollen assemblages) Faiz. A. (1998). (1979). Three biofacies: (I) muddy bottom inner-middle bay with K. J. reticulata..000 years. B. Sains Malaysiana 36. Rev. (b) oceanic and (c) deep basin assemblages. March 2014 .gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924127/pdf/peerj-04-2157. (Recent ostracodes of Jakarta Bay 94 species. T.Mangrove pollen of Indonesia and its suitability as a sea-level indicator.The Equatorial rain forest: a geological history. J. East Malaysia. Markham (ed. DOI 10.H.nih. Heritiera and Sonneratia also important.N.M. D. (Includes chapter on Quaternary palynology and vegetation changes of SE Asia. 11 shallow(?) marine samples off SE Malay Peninsula with 36 genera/ 51 species of ostracods.ncbi..Problems of the Quaternary on mountains of the Sunda-Sahul region. Bull. 9. Ed. p. R.R. Engelhart. (online at: www.Vertical changes of Recent ostrocode asemblages and environment in the inner part of Jakarta Bay.2157. 56-73. Climatic Change 39. Quat. F. dominated by Keijella carriei and Loxoconcha wrighti. 16. Florisphaera profunda dominates. with Avicennia.R.Five new species and one new genus of recent miliolid foraminifera from Raja Ampat (West Papua. M. Cytherella. 2. Biofacies. p. Depression of altitudinal vegetation zones during Late Pleistocene Last Glacial Maximum suggests temperatures 5-10 °C cooler than now) Flenley. p. which are common in areas with high organic carbon and nitrogen contents) Fauzielly. Corbett (2007)..E. Cytherelloidea.. carriei. Irizuki & Y. Sampei (2013). N. In shallow/ nearshore waters dominant taxa are Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. Estimates of temperature lowering in Late Pleistocene strikingly greater in mountains than in lowlands) Forderer. Indonesia. J. reticulata. (II ) muddy bottom outer bay with H. Roberts. 139-148. Marine Geol. A. In deeper portion of SCS. profunda is relatively resistant to dissolution) Flenley. Indonesia). (Calcareous nannofossils in surface sediments of S China Sea in water depths of 35–4345 m. 65-81. 5.7717/peerj. H. Geol. Three assemblages were recognized:(a) upwelling.L. L. (1999). with relation to environmental factors.nlm.Dhillon.Tropical forests under the climates of the last 30. (Incl. Survey of Malaysia. 11-24. C. Research 16. Langer (2016). Coastal Dev.1 29 www. 53 species. (online at: http://journalarticle. Neomonoceratina.. suggesting 10°C decline in temperatures) Flenley. S. In PNG vegetation zones moved downward ~1600 m during Pleistocene glacial (Distribution of ostracods in offshore sediment around Pulau Tinggi. 267-281. (III) sandy mud bottom outer bay high-diversity assemblages with Atjehella kingmai. Butterworths London. In: A.vangorselslist. Johor.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Paleont. ornata. L. Marine Micropal. J. 20p. Hemicytheridea reticulata. Horton. Bryant & D. (Shallow waters W of Waigeo Island with highly diverse assemblages of 455 species of benthic foraminifera (249 miliolid species). (Depth and spatial distributions of Large Benthic Forams in 39 surface sediment samples from W coast of Miyako Island (Ryukyu Islands. (1970). J. Baula. Matsuoka (2012). Coastal Marine Sci. Quaternary Int. (2012). 15-33. Yamada & K. Yamano (2009). 159-173. (Includes discussion of Recent palynomorph distribution in meso. 62-73. New species relatively rare) Frerichs. Kayanne. Y.F.Distribution and sediment production of large benthic foraminifers on reef flats of the Majuro Atoll. Coral Reefs 28. K. W. as far as 75 km inland from mouth of rivers in frequencies of 5% of pollen spectra) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. X.. W. Okamura.Distribution of gravel-sized empty tests of large benthic foraminifers as practical depositional indicators in tropical reef and shelf carbonate environments. p. 4. W. Ed. With new genus (Dentoplanispirinella) and 5 new species of miliolids (D.Review of geographical distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in Southeast Asian coasts.pdf) (Dinoflagellates play role in harmful agal blooms. Coastal Marine Sci. (Estimates of sediment production by Large Benthic Forams. Marine Geol. 29-45. p. macrotidal Rajang River Delta. suggesting uplift. Chan. Li.1 ka reflect drier climate) Furio. Y.Assemblages and geographical distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of coastal waters of Sabah.itc. Calcarina density higher on windward sides) Fukumoto. 11. 30. Foram. Gastaldo. Both live attached to seagrass/algae and most abundant on ocean reef flat (ORF) and in inter- island channel near windward.. (1971). Puyong et al. Siphonaperta hallocki). (1971). 374. Large volumes of fresh water in N Andaman Sea result in lowering of surface salinity and exclusion of planktonic forams. geomagnetic and geochemical analyses on 3. Contrib. Bali. K. 20-33. Benthic foraminifera in Pliocene samples indicate depths similar to water depths from which they were on reef flats of Pacific atolls. & S. March 2014 . Foraminiferal Research 1.0 and 3. mainly Calcarina and Amphistegina.vangorselslist. 1-14. Sarawak.F.Distribution and ecology of benthonic foraminifera in the sediments of the Andaman Sea. R. probably beginning in M Miocene and culminating in Pliocene) Fujita. p. Miliolinella moia. I. R. M. Res.5-5.A. Y. 35.u-tokyo.dl.6-3. Palaios 27. p. Mizushima. 21. Triloculina kawea. K. pollen. Y. A. NW Pacific)) Fujita. M. Y.1 30 www. Mangrove pollen found throughout delta and alluvial plain sediments. E. Facies 57. 1. Matsuoka.W. K. Osawa.. 5. representing ∼8000 yrs sedimentation. p.Taphonomic controls on the distribution of palynomorphs in tidally influenced coastal deltaic settings. (Diatoms. Ide & H. K. Depth zonation: Sphaeroidinella and some Globorotalia species indicative of bathyal depths) Frerichs. p. Frerichs. K. 525-541. water depth.The Holocene environmental changes in southern Indonesia reconstructed from highland caldera lake sediment in Bali Island.Planktonic foraminifera in the sediments of the Andaman Sea. p. (2006).E. Review of distribution in marine sediments shows Pyridinium bahamense var.Paleobathymetric trends of Neogene foraminiferal assemblages and sea floor tectonism in the Andaman Sea area. Cushman Found. (Distribution of Recent planktonic foraminifera in sediments of Andaman Sea controlled by surface 798-810. Fukuyo & K. Yasuda. diagenesis and topography. (Benthic foraminifera from Miocene samples recovered from floor of Andaman Sea indicate deposition in water depths significantly deeper than depths from which they were dredged. 123-147. compressum most common species in SE Asia waters) Furio. Marshall Islands.6 m long core from Lake Buyan. Azanza. Kato (2011)..E. (online at: http://repository. sparsely populated islands. Malaysia. Kashima (2015). E.V. Laminated sediments at 6. undina. H. Indonesia.Gastaldo.The benthic foraminifera Ammonia beccarii as indicator of estuarine environments in Indonesia (Segara Anakan lagoon and southern Gombong. Java). Palynology 21. Oceanogr. HvG). Soc. Mindoro. East Kalimantan') Gustiantini.W. etc. R. 145-172. J. Philippines. ('Comparison of benthic and planktonic foraminifera (P/B ratio) in the waters around Derawan Island.T. 5. Delta fauna dominated by Hemicytheridea. Quinqueloculina)) Hadiwisastra. Alino & V. more effective in delineating reefal sub- environments than do live assemblages. 399-408. (1943). Cytherelloidea. Comparisons of live and dead assemblages show time-averaged assemblages. 1.J. p. & I. Proc. 2. p. 32nd Ann.C. 4th Coral Reef Symposium. p.R. K. Feng & J. 3.Recent foraminifera from the Puerto Galera area. Some genera more abundant in sandy deposits (incl. (Foraminifera ~40% of sediment at small. 11p.34th IAGI and 14th PERHAPI. E.Kumpulan Ostrakoda dari delta Cimanuk. Alveolinella). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Muller & Praptisih (2003). (online at: http://pustaka. (1989). & S. Palaios 16. Djoehanah (1979). 1-665 (Unpublished) Glenn. Ph. S. Glenn-Sullivan.E.The relation between the foraminifera and deposits of the Java Sea. HAGI. Surabaya. Proc.Penyebaran foraminifera bentos di delta Cimanuk. Open marine genera Cytherella. Staub (1997). Illahude (2005). J.A. Conv. S.W. 27-36. Dewi. Siderolites (=Baculogypsina?. (1989). Rotalia schroeteriana. 6. p. Philippines. Evans (2001). E.1 31 www. K.1-No.C.Foraminifera and associated sedimentary constituents in Holocene and Miocene reefs of the Philippines and Indonesia. 123-134. Japan 12.Palynological investigations in the Danau Tempe Depression..Perbandingan foraminifera bentik dan plangtonik (P/B ratio) di perairan sekitar Pulau Derawan. (1978). Rotterdam. Planorbulinella. 35 Recent genera of ostracods in shallow waters around Cimanuk 'birdfoot delta'.pdf ('Ostracodes from the Cimanuk Delta'. p. isolated Apo Reef. Loxoconcha.J. 341-348.H. E. Sci. p. (Three organic matter facies assemblages in Rajang River delta sediments) Gastaldo. free-living miliolids and small rotaliines in leeward zones. 9-20. Philippines. Dewi & D. Kalimantan Timur. Southwest Sulawesi (Celebes). 11. L. Dissertation. Joint Convention 30th HAGI.vangorselslist. Modern Quaternary Research in SE Asia. Stanford University Publ.T. East Malaysia. Y. L.C.go. some more abundant in muddy deposits (Eponides praecinctus. J.Water column and grab sample palynofacies assemblages from the Rajang River delta. IAGI and 28th Ann. Robust calcarinids are in shallow seaward zones. Proc. East Malaysia. Hemikrithe. Bradleya. S Java.geotek. p. Gustiantini. Textularia. Mindoro. p. Operculina. March 2014 . R.R. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) 2.) Hada. 2. Amphistegina. Sarawak. Cythereis. abundance is low in modern Segara Anakan lagoon N of Nusakambangan.D. Balkema. p. McManus.) Hadiwisastra. P. (Fossil estuarine deposits often with common Ammonia beccarii. Conv.Palynofacies patterns in channel deposits of the Rajang River and delta. northern Mindoro. 1-171. 266-279. 2. 4. etc. University of Houston. Banzon (1981). J. & P. Geol. 4. Militante (1959). (in Japanese with English Abstract) (Bottom samples from 31 stations in shallow areas of Java Sea rich in foraminifera. L. Gremmen . 775-780. 7-21. p.. Planktonics and large thin rotaliines in fore reef) Graham.The effects of time-averaging and taphonomy on the identification of reefal sub-environments using larger foraminifera: Apo Reef. Glenn. & J. Java.. Jakarta. A.lipi. J. W. Sarawak.. Palaios 11.. Ed.2-78.A. the product of taphonomic of live foraminifers on a portion of Apo Reef. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) 1. Staub (1996). Talaue. University Museum. 17.) Modern Foraminifera.Distribution of miliolid foraminifera in marine sediments around Motupore Island.go. New Guinea. New Guinea. Espanola Micropaleontol.Numerical analysis of foraminiferal assemblages: a tool for recognizing depositional facies in Lower Miocene reef complexes.vangorselslist. Ed.W. 123-149. D. 5. Amphistegina lobifera and Peneroplis planatus in protected shoals in <5m water. 3. (1984). In Hawaii. 359-366. 6. Foraminiferal Research 14.W. Haig. (online at: http://jfr. Yajima (1980). D. p. N. 467-474. D.2-No. Four clusters (1) Calcarinidae-dominated r on seaward reef flats. production rates much lower because of slower growth rates and absence of family Calcarinidae) Hallock. J. Western Australia. D.pdf) (60 small buliminid-bolivinid-uvigerinid species from in 0-50m water depth in lagoon behind Papuan barrier reef. Kluwer. 137 species of benthic foraminifera in 33 bottom samples around Cimanuk Delta. Hallock. In: B. P. Philippines.C. off NW Palawan. (4) Amphistegina radiata and Operculina ammonoides deeper dwelling taxa) Hallock. (1993). and Nummulitidae in (1999). Hallock.Miliolid foraminifera from inner neritic sand and mud facies of the Papuan lagoon. Sen Gupta (ed. (online at: www. 138-143. Foraminiferal Research 18.geotek.html) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Bull. Motupore Islands.Brackish-water foraminiferids from the Purari River delta. p. SE coast of PNG) Haig. p. 1-236.lipi. Haig.1 32 www. W Caroline Islands: seaward reef flats up to 2.W. 3. Foraminiferal Research 23.Symbiont-bearing foraminifera. Four main assemblages) Haig. Assigned to zone Te5. p. Science in New Gunea 14. (1981).Checklist of Ostracoda from Southeast Asia. Burgin (1982). (1997). D. West. J.8 kg CaCO3/m2/yr. 162-179. Miliolids generally 10-40% of total foram assemblage. (3) Amphistegina lessonii on reef slopes of 5-20m. (2) Marginopora (online at: http://jfr.(online at: http://pustaka. & E. D. Productivity on lagoonal reef slopes about one-fifth. P.Foraminiferids from shoreline sediments. 54-94. associated with N8 planktonic forams) Hanai.Buliminid foraminifera from inner neritic sand and mud facies of the Papuan Lagoon. SE coast of PNG. (1988). Rev. Sedimentary Res. equivalent to deposition of almost 1 mm/yr.W. (late Early Miocene larger foram facies assemblages in wells Matinloc 2 and Libro 1. Papua New Guinea. 1382-1394. Royal Soc. (Distribution of 15 larger foram species on reefs of Palau (W Caroline Islands) and Oahu (Hawaii). Calcarinidae. Ikeya & M. N coast of Java. 51.geoscienceworld. J. T.. University of March 2014 . (Carbonate production rates by foram families Asterigerinidae. J. which is dominated by rotaliids) Haig.W. & S.pdf) (101 species of miliolids from five physiographic settings in Papuan Lagoon. (Recent foraminifera from 5-30m water depth at Exmouth Gulf: 236 benthic and 6 planktonic species) Haig. Amsterdam. p. (1979). Papua New Guinea.Production of carbonate sediments by selected large benthic foraminifera on two Pacific coral 203-236.Distribution of selected species of living algal symbiont-bearing foraminifera on two Pacific coral reefs.u-tokyo.pdf) ('The distribution of benthic foraminifera in the Cimanuk delta'.full. Paleontology 59. but more likely Lower Tf?. 2. 3. p. (1988). Glenn (1985). J. p. Australia 80. P. Papua New Guinea. 14. 263-280. p. p. Science in New Gunea 6.Foraminifera from Exmouth Gulf. p.K. p. Recent and fossil Cycloclypeus from the Ryukyu Islands and their adjacent seas.J.S. Paleont. (2000). from Recent deep Banda Sea sediment samples between 1200-4000 fathoms) Hasan. (1977).(Review of studies on extensive listing of Recent and fossil ostracodes described from SE Asia) Hanzawa.E. processing and application in determination of paleoenvironments. p. Sains Malaysiana 3.A palynological interpretation of palaeo-environments in S. radiolaria. Short Papers Inst. one from 235m) Hardy. particularly in Lower Oligocene (upper Group L and Group K) Haseldonckx. Radiocarbon dating on deepest peat yielded ~4. Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition. Palynology 34. fusca used as indicator of marine incursions into basin.Palynomorph distribution in modern tropical deltaic and shelf sediments- Mahakam Delta. (1977). M. Amsterdam. 3.The palynology of a Holocene marginal peat swamp environment in Johore. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Modern intertidal foraminifera in mangrove-lined microtidal distributary of Barron River Delta (Queensland): (1) saltmarsh: Trochammina inflata assemblage. Thesis Louisiana State University. In Malay Basin M. Amounts of marine palynomorphs (foram linings. (2) regularly inundated tidal flat: dominated by Ammonia beccarii. P. (2002). p. P. Palaeobotany Palynology 24. 10. Ph. Proc. Klang Delta.Origin. Kuala Lumpur 2013. with 47 pollen and spore types.Late Pliocene to middle Pleistocene extinctions of deep-sea benthic foraminifera (‘Stilostomella extinction’) in the Southwest Pacific. Kuala Lumpur. Proc.Palynology and its application to Quaternary geology in the Sunda shelf region. (‘Contribution to the knowledge of the microscopic fauna and flora from the Banda Sea’ Early report on foraminifera. March 2014 . 2.D. J.The palaeoenvironmental implications of the distribution of intertidal foraminifera in a tropical Australian estuary: a reconnaissance study.. Ed.Bijdrage tot de kennis der mikroskopische fauna en flora van de Banda-Zee.. M. Asia. Muhsin & S. Indonesia. distribution. (Distribution of terrestrial palynomorphs in Mahakam Delta surface sediments from 12 depositional environments from head of delta to shelf edge can be explained by transport and depositional processes. P. (Study on distribution of small agglutinated benthic foram Miliammina fusca in three modern depositional settings. 33-53. 1976. (3a) high tidal flat: >70% Ammonia beccarii and low diversity. copepod eggs. (14 samples with Recent Cycloclypeus from off Ryukyu Islands from 87-133m water depth. and degradation of sedimentary organic matter in a modern tropical deltaic system (Mahakam Delta. (2001). Australian Geogr. (1863). 5. Jirin (2013).K. & J. (Brief. 1-368. dinocysts) increases gradually offshore) Harting. Pollen profile shows succession from open swamp vegetation with mangrove influence to marginal peat swamp facies with river bank vegetation. M.H. Borneo. 1-34. p. p. 274-306. p. B. 119-127. Malaysia. Akademie Wetenschappen. Publ. Verhandelingen Kon. 19-42. 227-238.The distribution of Miliammina fusca in three different environmental setting of Peninsular Malaysia. (1974).vangorselslist. United Nations ESCAP CCOP Techn. 5. Sendai. 1-12. Tohoku Univ. Mohamed. etc. ‘Palynology in SE Asia still at early stage of development’) Haslett.9 ka) Haseldonckx. 5. S. Pahang Delta and Sedili Besar River. Indonesia). P. Generally associated with brackish conditions. p. p. S. and (3b) low tidal flat: 55-65% Ammonia beccarii and diverse small allochthonous species transported into estuary from shelf) Hayward. (1951).J.1 33 www. (Unpublished) Hardy. Studies 39. p. general overview of pollen and spores. Symposium on Quaternary Geology of the Malay-Indonesian coastal and offshore areas. 67-74. S. p. Wrenn (2009). Geol. Johore. Borneo. N. Baton Rouge.W. Malaysia. Rev. Foraminiferal Research 32. (Shallow Holocene peat near Pekan Nanas. p. Luckge & H. and S. (Modern foraminifera in seafloor samples collected by Siboga Expedition in Indonesia. 4a. J.) Proc. The foraminifera collected in 1929 and 1930 in the eastern part of the Indonesian Archipelago. 1-78. (Rel. Deuteroforaminata. R. benthic foraminifera like Pleurostomella. B. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 37. Brill. Soritids subtidal.J.Distribution of living larger foraminifera NW of Sesoko-Jima. p. peat swamp) Hofker. (Modern foraminifera in seafloor samples collected by Siboga Expedition in Indonesia. Three distinct regions (1) W and E Indonesia. 1.vangorselslist. 495-504. Malaysia Bull.W.naturalis. part 3 of 3)- Hofker.H. Monogr.Hayward. Asterorotalia pulchella. U. Majority (14 species) from two stations off Kei Islands. suggesting tectonic uplift) Hessler. Peneroplids in shallow-water from intertidal (common Peneroplis) to 40m (Dendritina. 89-105. M. Leiden. (1968).0. Quinqueloculina. Behling (2013).nl/document/155300) (462 species of oraminifera from 78 sea bottom samples at depths 85. J. 11-59. J. Orthomorphina. E. Okinawa. Part III. (1994). p. Station 192 (~250m depth) is considerably shallower than established fossil bathymetric ranges of extinct species. 1-69. Rotaliidae. p. 171-175. deltaic/ esturine. Young. Amphisorus and Marginopora common down to 30 m. 291-334.wordpress. Brill. Elphidium batavum. collected by 1929-1930 Snellius Expedition to East Indonesia. J (1951). high O. Kuala Lumpur 1984.). mangrove. p.6 Ma (mainly elongate. dominated by Spiniferites spp. Biforaminata. Monogr. ramosus. Paramananthan (eds. (online at: http://www. p.)reflecting high productivity. 1.Foraminifera from the Bay of Jakarta.Extinct foraminifera figured in Brady’s Challenger Report. low diversity recent foraminifera assemblages in shallow marine Jakarta Bay. 5.files. (1930). Rhizamminidae. Geol. from reef moat down to 60m. Operculina complanata. 192). Java. Zool. Parasorites in deeper parts of reef slope. with high T and low nutrient content of surface water. J. Brill. Pseudorotia most common in muddy substrates in SE. 1-513. E. (2) Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) region. Ed. away from delta muds) Hofker. J. Soc. (1986). 4a. Anomalinidae. M. & S. 3.The foraminifera from the Siboga expedition. 4a. 19.repository. Baculogypsinoides and miliolids mainly in NW. 101. Teh & S. (Recent distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in 116 marine surface samples of E Indian Ocean. etc. Verhandelingen Rijksmuseum Natuurlijke Historie Leiden 161. with rel. 79-170. p. March 2014 . (online at: https://gsmpubl. Leiden. Siboga Expedition 1899-1900. and a few other shallow marine samples) Hohenegger. (1978).part 2 of 3)- Hofker. I. Micropalaeontology 24. part 1 of 3)- Hofker. 2. (Modern foraminifera in seafloor samples collected by Siboga Expedition in Indonesia.The Foraminifera of the Siboga Expedition. Ordo Dentata. Reophacidae. In: G. (1927). Kawagata (2005).Palynology as a tool in delineating tropical lowland depositional environments of Late Quaternary age. p. Siboga Expeditie Monogr. Amphisteginidae. GEOSEA V Conf. Part II. (Brigantedinium spp.pdf) (Samples from Lower Perak and Kelantan lowlands (Malay Peninsula) allowed palynological characterizaton of environments:shallow offshore. A. (Brady’s (1884) monograph on living foraminifera from Challenger Expedition samples contains 18 species known to become extinct in M Pleistocene between 1. (Living larger foraminifer restricted to photic zone. characterised by water masses of saline and nutrient depleted Leeuwin Current. (3) offshore NW Australia. sandy substrates). Holzwarth. Alveolinella in upper 40m Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . fresh water swamp.5138m.Imprint of eastern Indian Ocean surface oceanography on modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. Marine Ecology 15. Mohtadi. Families Astrorhizidae.. Highest diversity in NW part of bay. Japan.Foraminifera of the Siboga Expedition. centrocarpum) Hillen.Biological results of the Snellius Expedition XXX. Siboga-Expeditie. Banda Sea (191A. Peneroplidae.1 34 www. p. dominated by Pseudoratalia schroeteriana. Leiden.. Marine Micropal. Nummulitidae. Sub-Ordines Protoforaminata. Families Tinoporidae. J.J. Stilostomella. dominated by heterotrophic dinocyst species. Hatta (2000).The importance of symbiont-bearing benthic foraminifera for West Pacific carbonate beach environments. J. found down to 50 m. (2004).K. & E. Res. sandy substrates. Marine Micropal. Calcarina similar facies. (2005). Hard substrates settled by Heterostegina down to 80 m. 19-45. abundant on firm substrates close to reef edge. below 50 m. p. p. Foraminiferal Research 34. Papers. (1995). 17.Estimation of environmental paleogradient values based on presence/absence data: a case study using benthic foraminifera for paleodepth estimation. Hohenegger. Test construction enables life under strong hydrodynamic regimes. 31-47. Baculogypsinoides deeper slope. radiata also common on sand. Parasorites restricted to sandy substrates. 26. J. Heterostegina depressa broad range in light intensities and is protected against irradiation by thick tests and cryptic life mode near surface. 115-130. with test flattening with increasing depth.. occasionally on sandy bottoms. (Peneroplis common on reef flat. Yordanova (2001). J. Sedimentology 48. p.. 20-80 m. p. Yordanova. J. Sorites and Amphisorus firm substrates between reef edge and 50 m. Baculogypsina restricted to high energy reef flat regions. Ed. (Good overview of depth distribution modern larger benthic forams in W Pacific) Hohenegger.1 35 www. Lives firmly attached to hard substrates. Marine Micropal. Yordanova & A. Palaeoecol. Japan. 4-39. Pacific Isl.Depth estimation by proportions of living larger foraminifera. A. rare individuals on rubble) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Habitats of larger foraminifera on the upper reef slope of Sesoko Island. Nakano & F. avoids shallowest parts. & E.Larger foraminifera-microscopical greenhouses indicating shallow-water tropical and subtropical environments in the present and past.60m are inhabited by Nummulites (Operculina) venosus. p.Remarks on West Pacific Nummulitidae (Foraminifera). 36. Nummulites on sands between 20.Depth coenoclines and environmental considerations of Western Pacific larger foraminifera.Displacement of larger foraminifera at the western slope of Motobu Peninsula (Okinawa. Planostegina. Lower distribution limit depends on light intensity and is near base photic zone) March 2014 . J. Alveolinella similar distribution. Calcarinids cling to firm substrates. Baculogypsinoides dominant calcarinid genus from 30-70m depth. Nummulites venosus lives exclusively on coarse sand and avoids high sediment movement. p.of reef slope. thus counteracting transportation by water movement. Micropal. p. Hohenegger. (2006). J. 32. Dendritina on sandy bottoms avoids uppermost slope. sandy bottom. Calcarinids withstand high energy. Operculina. Okinawa. Sandy bottoms from 30. Palaeoclim. (Operculina. 9-33. Amphisteginids in entire photic zone. E. 5. Yordanova (2001). Hohenegger. Cycloclypeus carpenteri easily transported due to thin. Heterostegina prefers hard substrates on reef slope. J. 1025-1046. hardgrounds down to 30 m.70 m. Upper distribution limit correlates with storm wave base. starting distribution beneath fair weather wave base. Mar. 109-168. 61. J. J. p. J. (1999).Tatzreiter (1999). Operculina frequent in deeper part. 3-28. plate-like form. 53-72. common on hard bottom.vangorselslist. p.. Cycloclypeus restricted to fore reef areas below 50m down to base of photic zone) Hohenegger. extending to fore reefs down to 8 m. Palaeogeogr. Hohenegger. Foraminiferal Research 30. Cent. independent of substrates. Cycloclypeus and Heterostegina from W Pacific. Occas. (Comparisons of distributions of living versus dead tests of larger foraminifera indicate common downslope transport in two NW Pacific off-reef transects) Hohenegger. Amphistegina species prefer hardgrounds. E. Japan). J. starting at 20 m. Hohenegger. Palaios 16.Depth-transport functions and erosion-deposition diagrams as indicators of slope inclination and time-averaged traction forces: applications in tropical reef environments. Y. Kagoshima Univ. P. M. (1973). Larcombe. Dendritina striata and Operculina complanata) Horton. Papua New Guinea. 225-243. A.The vegetational history of Mt Wilhelm. 124-137. Wakatobi Marine National Park.000 BP.R. J. S.J. & N.E. (Intertidal foraminifera from Tukang-Besi islands off SE Sulawesi. Quinqueloculina venusta and Triloculina oblonga. Florilus (seaward part of inner bay)) Holbourn. M.J. Elphidium. Wright (2005).anu.Recent deep-sea benthic foraminifera species) Honjo. S.H. 1-461. Foraminiferal Research 37. G. B.. Indonesia. Thesis Australian National University.La microfaune benthique traceur de l’evolution d’un systeme deltaique sous climat equatorial: le delta de la Mahakam (Kalimantan). (2007).2. (Samples behind barrier reef with water depths from 4. Woodroffe. M. p. J. From >22 000 years ago until 10 200 yrs B. A.S. of Ecology 64. Henderson & N. G. Thesis Universite Bordeaux. (Three foraminifera assemblage in nearly landlocked Brunei Bay: (1) Trochammina cf.1 36 www. (Atlas describing and illustrating 300 common Jurassic.48 m.Contemporary foraminiferal distributions of a mangrove environment. T. 3. B.A. These assemblage zones similar to those found in both tropical and temperate intertidal environments) Horton.P.The development of a modern foraminiferal data set for sea-level recontructions. 169 p. Wiley-Blackwell. Hardbattle. notably Ammonia tepida and Elphidium discoidale multiloculum. Thomson.P. 1-654. Doct.I. B. Marine Geol..jst. Minoura (1968). Foraminiferal Research 35. 198. (online at: https://digitalcollections. Wynn (2003). p..S.Atlas of benthic foraminifera. Planispirinella exigua. Australia: implications for sea-level reconstructions. J. Whittaker. By 8300 BP subalpine forests colonised Mt Whilhelm up to 4000 m. The Brunei Mus. (online at: https://www. Two foraminiferal zones: inner shelf with Elphidium hispidulum. and small Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 5. (Pollen diagrams and 14 C dating from sites between 4420. Macleod (2013). March 2014 . (3) Asterorotalia trispinosa with Ammonia. and Zone III (lowest) dominated by calcareous species. (Modern foraminifera and associated environmental information from Cocoa Creek.A..Hoibian. and middle shelf dominated by Amphistegina lessonii.Discoaster barbadiensis Tan Sin Hok and the geologic age of the Setogawa Group. G.2740m on Mt Wilhelm. Larcombe. 1-14. Great Barrier Reef coastline.The vegetation history of Mt Wilhelm.A. Pararotalia venusta. respectively. Canberra. p. 47-63.vangorselslist. Wright & (Nannofossil assemblage with Discoaster barbadiensis (originally described by Tan Sin Hok from Roti) signifies E-M Eocene age)) Hope. K. Ed.000 BP cooler and drier conditions prevailed in mountains and most mountains over 3800m in New Guinea were glaciated. Glaciers started retreating after 14. a mesotidal fringing mangrove environment on Great Barrier Reef.jstage. Hardbattle.. p. (1984). Culver.P.Distribution of recent benthonic foraminifera in the “inner” Brunei Bay.go. Southeast Sulawesi. tree-line stood well below 2700 m and glaciers were present on mountain) Horton. Woodroffe & M. Before 10. (Palynology study of sites on Mt Wilhelm PNG.E. 3. Agglutinated species like Arenoparella mexicana. lobata and other small arenacous species (tidal inlets). Miliammina fusca and Trochammina inflata most common at landward margin. Zones I (highest) and II dominated by agglutinated species Trochammina inflata and Miliammina fusca. 165-169. p. Three elevational zones. Proc. (2) Ammobaculites (large part of inner bay). Milne et al.P.R. Whittaker. S. p. 4. 2. Ph.I. J. PNG Highlands allow determination of position of vegetation zones.Reconstructing Holocene sea-level change for the central Great Barrier reef (Australia) using subtidal foraminifera. Forests extensively cleared after 800 BP when planting of gardens took place below 2500 m) Hope. S.D. Japan Academy 44. p. P. J. (1976).S. ('Benthic microfauna tracing evolution of a delta system under equatorial climate: the Mahakam Delta (Kalimantan)') Ho Kiam Fui (1971). 627-663. C. Spirillina vivipara. 239-253.Modern bathyal agglutinating foraminifera from the Vella Gulf and Blanche Channel. Utrecht Micropaleontol. Foraminiferal Research 15. J. Hughes. (1988).225m water depth off Solomon Islands. G. etc. Foraminiferal Research 7. p. Reussella simplex. Amphistegina lessoni and Heterostegina depressa two most common species in all samples) Hughes.W. mangrove-fringed regime withnormal marine salinity (34 ppt) has mixed calcareous and agglutinated autochthonous foraminiferal assemblage with Trochammina spp. Diploneis ovalis. Zong. L. Cribrostomoides and Ammobaculites.calcareous species Ammonia tepida. (Modern diatoms from mangrove swamps of Kaledupa (Tukang Besi island).geoscienceworld. 5. Engelhart (2007).grass-fringed tidal regime supports rare.pdf) (56 species of foraminifera in Halimeda gravels from Ontong Java Atoll lagoon between 31-38 m water depth. Amphora turgida. p. p. Cook Islands. Tiphotrocha comprimata.Diatoms from Indonesian mangroves and their suitability as sea-level indicators for tropical environments. Solomon Islands. Planispirinella exigua and small miliolids) Hughes. March 2014 .. p. 63. p.1. (2) Mediterranean and (3) Indo-Pacific (with Cycloclypeus. J. Lower estuarine. symbionts. Estuarine. Increase in abundance and diversity between 865-1.Recent marine ostracoda (Crustacea) from Darwin and North Western Australia. Y. light. Heterostegina depressa. Foraminiferal Research 18. (Depth distribution of larger foraminifera controlled by temperature.full. Foraminifera mainly Cymbaloporetta bradyi. p.full. Upper estuarine. Below ~600m Bathysiphon. (1984). Alveolinella)) Howe. low diversity agglutinated foram assemblages dominated by Miliammina fusca and Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 13. Haplophragmoides spp. Ammodiscus. Elphidium. (online at: http://jfr. Monogr. Southwest Pacific. (1983).V. Grzybowski Foundation Spec. freshwater-slightly brackish Pandanu.P. (1) Caribbean. Karreriella H. Martinottiella. 30. 29-36.) and rare planktonics.W.geoscienceworld. (Samples from 8-65 water depth in Avatiu and Avarua channels of Rarotonga Island. 13-17. Samples collected for foraminiferal analysis from estuary upstream yield biofacies associations that could be used to determine Tertiary palaeoenvironments in wells in S China Sea.Recent brackish Foraminifera and Thecamoebae from Sedili River. Ed. J. 304-310. Ammonia. Nitzschia sigma.pdf) (Diverse agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages of 39 species between 510. J.Recent foraminifera from the Honiara Bay area. Peneroplis pertusus..1 37 www. Hughes. Hillier & S. G. Ser.Processes determining the distribution of larger Foraminifera in space and time. Sorites marginalis. and surge- transported inner neritic calcareous benthonic foraminifera (Asterorotalia. Siphogenerina (Sedili River of S Malay Peninsula enters S China Sea through wide estuary at Sedili Besar. Marine Micropal. West Malaysia. 1-50. 45-57. mangrove-fringed regime upstream of lower estuarine contains diverse. and Ammobaculites spp. McKenzie (1989). Southwest Pacific.W.Recent foraminifera and selected biometrics of Heterostegina from Ontong Java Atoll. G. rich agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages dominated by Trochammina spp. nearshore North Rarotonga.G.070m associated with regional oxygen-maximum zone between 450 m and 750 m and salinity-minimum zone below 800 m) Hughes. Planorbulinella larvata. South Pacific. 41-45. Triloculina. & K. Northern Territory Museum Arts Sciences.. Micropalaeontology 14. Amphistegina radiata. Operculinoids. p. G. Publ. Bull. Elphidium advanum and Quinqueloculina dominant at seaward margin of mangrove belt) Horton. substrate. p.W. Rosalina globularis. Progonoia didiomatia) taxa) Hottinger. Cellanthus. Solomon Islands. (online at: http://jfr. 95 species. (1995)-Recent foraminifera from inter-reef channels. Tryblionella balatonis) and oligohalobous (Amphora veneta. S Pacific. New Georgia. dominated by mesohalobous species (Amphora coffeaeformis. (1977). B. Three major biogeographic provinces.vangorselslist. etc. 3. Solomon Islands. Achnanthes delicatula. G. (2008). Borelis schlumbergeri. Tiphotrocha. 155-168. A 50. 61-80.O. Deep Water Mass (Astrononion novozealandicum and Bulimina aculeata) and Deep water below CCD (Eggerella bradyi)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Marine Geol. Suparka. Assoc. Thecamoebae include Difflugia oblonga. E.Calcareous nannoplankton and foraminifera in the surficial sediment of Madura Strait. Maxwell & R. Muhammadsyah (2015). Latief (2003). spanning period from ~52. F. (Reprinted 1980 by Otto Koeltz Science Publishers. R. p. p. Z. 273-279. Stadials are indicated by taxa characteristic of open environments. p. McKellar (1965).vangorselslist.Late Quaternary benthic foraminifera and deepwater paleoceanography in the South China Sea. Great Barrier Reef Province. Scientific Contr. Latief (2002) keanekaragaman dan spesies khas dari kumpulan foraminifera bentik pada sedimen permukaan dasar laut di perairan Tambelan. 3. V.H. 1: Systematischer Arch. Benthic foraminifera from shallow waters around Tambelan Islands. (Distribution of foraminiferal detritus in sediments of Heron Island Reef. Ed. suggesting temperature declines of ca 7–9 °C relative to present) Hunt. Conv. Amphistegina. Suparka. (UNPAD) 13. Marine Micropal.3..Systematische und okologische Untersuchungen uber die Diatomeen-Flora von Java. . Jell. C. Hydrobiol. 2. Elphidium. Band 15. 5. Bull. D.S. 249.6.Spirolocammina sp. Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy. Kapid & H.lipi. Vegetation of interstadials marked by lowland forest.unpad. Dominant genus Calcarina spp. Bali and Sumatra…') Isnaniawardhani. Congr.Nannoplankton and foraminifera assemblages and their relations to bathymetry in Madura waters. Rushworth (2012).1 38 www.. Paleontology 39.go. 31st Ann. 24. (IAGI). Chiang Mai 2003. human activity and climate from Sarawak.O. 127-154. p.Kelimpahan. (In deepwater S China Sea different foram assemblages associated with Intermediate Water Mass (Globocassidulina subglobosa).G. 259-269. 8th Int. V. p. Natuna Sea) Isnaniawardhani. Operculina. W. & F. Quaternary Int. 32. 380- 386. with taxa now restricted to 1000–1600 m above sea level.000-5000 ('Abundance. V.000-year record of Late Pleistocene tropical vegetation and human impact in lowland Borneo. Bali und Sumatra nach dem Material der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda-Expedition. p. 1. Geol. sometimes rather dry and at times by mangroves. Gilbertson & G. Kapid & H.D. p.The significance of the larger foraminifera in the Heron Island reef sediments. (1938). Peneroplis and Alveolinella quoii relatively rare) Jian. Bull.pdii.G. p. Cucurbitella tricuspis and Nebela colaris) Hunt. & March 2014 . (online at: http://isjd.pdf) (Distribution of nannoplankton and foraminifera in 26 shallow marine surface sediment samples from Madura Strait and 24 samples from open marine water N of Madura) Isnaniawardhani. (2009). (Palynology from sections in Great Cave of Niah. J. diversity and species of benthic foraminifera in sea floor sediments in waters of Tambelan'. 1-790. Sarawak.Early Holocene vegetation. (online at: http://jurnal.. 1-12. J. Malaysian Borneo. Quaternary Science Reviews 37.. Wang (1997). Surabaya. Premathilake (2012).75 ka) sequence of marginal- marine deposits) Hustedt. E. (40 m core from Loagan Bunut yielded high-resolution E Holocene (11. Suppl. & L. Konigstein) ('Systematic and ecological investigations of the diatom floras of Java. Isnaniawardhani. Proc. Baculogypsina sphaerulata and Marginopora vertebralis mainly in outer parts of reef flats. C. V. R. Upstream freshwater areas of Nipa palm and grass-fringed river banks do not contain foraminifera. In: Proc. Indon.Environmental control of nannoplankton and foraminifera assemblages in Madura waters. 105-119. ('Distribution of microfossils (pollen and foraminifera) in the Mahakam delta. Bull. M. Oxford University Press. 75 km S of W tip of Timor in 2315m water depth. 156. followed by Rotaliidae. p. 115-160.K. p. 24. Government Printing Office. Geol.deepseadrilling. 224. Assoc. H. Abhandl. induced by increased input of nutrients from nearby river runoff) detritus feeders like Bulimina aculeata and Uvigerina peregrina dominated benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Marine Geol. 52. Bowden et al. 155-168. Geol.000 years. 355-375. Palaont.W. A. South China sea). Ed. The Micropalaeontological Society. Sarnthein.Dinoflagellate distribution along a shelf to slope transect of an oligotrophic tropical sea (Sunda Shelf.Taxonomy. R.J. M. Nonionidae. All samples with of Thalassionema and Thalassiotrix) Jurnaliah L. well preserved.pdf) (Site 262 near axis of the Timor Trough. Keij. etc. H.Pleistocene diatoms from site 262 leg 27. U. p. 97 species.H . p. L. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. p. Soc. M. Kienast. (13 species of podocopid and one platycopid ostracode species from 28 stations in E Indonesian Seas) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . W. (Foram distributions in 96 samples of coastal sediments down to 3m depth along E coast India. In: Initial Repts. Bull. (IAGI). London. & Winantris (2015).Marine palynological records in the southern South China Sea over the last 44 kyr.ddb. (Updated taxonomy and reproductions of foraminifera from H. Christian-Albrechts-University. 25th Ann. (eds.) Landmarks in foraminiferal micropalaeontology: history and development. Brady (1884) Challenger report) Jones. 21 mangrove and 117 species of non-mangrove and 7 biofacies. 57-66. p.files.…) (Mainly on Recent and Quaternary dinoflagellates in Molengraaf paleo-river area of N Sunda Shelf) Kawamura. DSDP. (Updates to Jones (1994) updates to names of foraminifera in Brady Challenger Report) Jouse. Kazarina (1974). p. 1-149. (UNPAD) 13. Soc.Preliminary note on the Recent Ostracoda of the Snellius Expedition. (2002). Elphididae. East Kalimantan'. also 7 biofacies. (2004). Lin & P. Kalimantan Timur. 3. (1996). Malaysia. 169-181. Publ. A .Jian.W.J. Conv. p.. Diatoms only in upper 250m (M-U Pleistocene. Scientific Contr. Foraminifera 82 species of small benthics. Kiel. 29 samples from delta front. Hassan (1989). dominantly oceanic (38). (1953).pdf) Karmini AS. (1994). (2002). Proc. In: A. 1. (During periods of high organic carbon flux during last glacial maximum (~10 ka.The Challenger Foraminifera. 31-45. Z. Proc. Washington. Mainly nannofossil oozes with some terrigenous material. Suspension feeders like Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and ‘opportunistic’ species like Oridorsalis umbonatus. Wang (1999). 5 zones). Pollen 24 species of palmae. Indon. Res. 6. 1.S. (online at: http://www. 159-186.Supplemental notes on Challenger Foraminifera. possibly due to increased surface productivity.Significance of palynology in Late Quaternary sediments in Peninsular Malaysia.Foraminifera sedimen permukaan perairan Teluk Semangko & Lepas Pantai sebelah Barat Sumatra Selatan. Melonis barleeanum and Chilostomella ovoidea gradually became more abundant as soon as organic carbon flux decreased) Jones. 5. P. Akademie Wetenschappen. S Sumatra') Kathal.1 39 www. Faunas dominated by Miliolidae. Geol. R. Nederl. Spec.vangorselslist. 145p. & G. H.wordpress.Distribusi submikrofosil (polen dan foraminifera) pada delta front di delta Mahakam. distribution patterns and ecology of Recent littoral foraminifera of the East coast of India. ('Foraminifera in seafloor sediments of Semangko Bay and Lepas beach. not numerous. Doctor Diss.P. p. from inner shelf to mangrove swamp) Kamaludin b. 925-946. (online at: https://gsmpubl. March 2014 . 2. (2014). 71-87. (online at at http://deposit.Benthic foraminiferal paleoceanography of the South China Sea over the last 40. Kon. p.)) Kawamura. B 56.B. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 27. (1978). Cebu- Philippines. 36 living species recorded. p. up to 80% between 100-200m. (1990).ac.Distribution and malformation of extant calcareous nannoplankton in the Indonesian Seas.J. A. and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Elphidium. A.Micropaleontological investigations in the modern Mahakam delta. Ammonia annectens) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . and confined by the 200 m isobath. Not very useful) Khare. Micropaleontology 12. Tohuku University. p.niscair. Madura. (Discussion of distribution of 4 species of Miocene. (1963). Delta front environmments and characteristic forams are: (1a)mud flats with Trochammina.Some recent Ostracoda of Manila (Philippines).K. Umbellosphaera irregularis. Pseudorotalia conoides. but devoid of coccoliths during NW monsoon. 3.J.) Keij. Miliammina fusca. Thesis Univ. 288-300.An overview of foraminiferal studies in nearshore regions off eastern coast of India. (1979). Ed. sibogae. Nederl.1 40 www. Wet. p. 1-79.On variability in East Indian foraminifera. 293-316. Leiden. Science Repts. Akad. Chaturvedi & A. tides. (Calcareous nannoplankton distribution in 202 samples from Snellius-II Expedition in Banda Sea and adjacent seas. 28. 36. and north to south drift current. crassaformis and Sphaeroidinella dehiscens only below 100m) Keij.Keij. Kon. Bali. p. N. Not present in pelagic environments. 351- 363. 324-354. p. etc. (1966). Ann. Common on outer reef slopes. Ammobaculites agglutinans.J. B 82. 146-153. C. East Kalimantan (Indonesia). 449-464. p. Malaysia Geological Survey 1963. 5-40 % between 40-100m.J. Keijzer. but clear abundance peak around 90m) Lambert. (Biometric study of selected modern foraminifera species from coasts of Java. Mazumder (2007). Ammotium salsum. 4.The relative abundance of recent planktonic foraminifera in seabed samples collected offshore Brunei and Sabah. Doct. 5. B (Distribution of benthic foraminifera in Mahakam Delta system controlled by three main parameters: fluvial input of fresh water and sediment. suggesting low salinity and nutrient depletion of surface waters restrict coccolith formation. (online at http://paleopolis. (1b) tidal flats (0-2m) with Trochammina. Pulleniatina. Kon. Emiliania huxleyi and U. p. Globorotalia menardii below 40-50m. p.rediris.res.J. (2) internal delta front and river mouth bars with Ammonia beccarii .vangorselslist. M. 1-21. p. Coccolithophorids present.library. B.Distribution and environment of Recent Cycloclypeus. 283-311. In Recent samples found between 32-1419m depth. Indian J. Rept.Southeast Asian Neogene and Recent species of Paijenborchella. ser. Arenoparrella mexicana. Proc. S. lagoons or bays. Ammonia beccarii. most common Gephyrocapsa oceanica. (online at: http://ir. (online at: http://nopr. Gr. Distinct increases in relative abundance of Orbulina. Keij. A. A. Carnets de Geologie/Notebooks on Geology. reef banks. Akad.pdf) (Review and bibliography of over 100 papers dealing with shallow marine and coastal Recent foraminifera) Kleijne. since normal coccoliths do develop during SE monsoon when upwelling causes nutrient enrichment and normal salinity) Koba. Eggerelloides scabrum. Proc. <5% between 20-40m. 7. Brill.Review of the Indo-West Pacific Neogene to Holocene ostracode genus Atjehella..tohoku. Marine Micropaleontology 16. Nederl. Wet. Globorotalia truncatulinoides.pdf) (Tropical larger foram Cycloclypeus widely distributed in Recent of Indo-Pacific oceanic region. (1935). A. Marine Sci. (4) prodelta (>5m) with Operculina gaymardi.Recent ostracode genus Paijenborchella in Brunei. (3) external delta front (1-5m) with Asterorotalia trispinosa. (1975).com March 2014 .jp/re/bitstream/10097/45065/1/ (2003). 2003/02. (Percentages of planktonic foraminifera in 561 seafloor samples from narrow Brunei and Sabah shelf between 4-113m increase with depth: rare between 0-20m. Two new genera (Pseudolachlanella) and eight new species of benthic foraminifera) Langer.Haplophragmium. Li.-Indie (IV) 5. 130-133. Sorites. Alveolinella quoyii.Distribution patterns of intertidal and shallow water foraminifera of the tropical Pacific Ocean.Y. M.A.vangorselslist. universa increased from the last glacial to Holocene) Ling. Coral Reefs 22. West coast of Java. Nummulites venosus and Cycloclypeus carpenteri. (Recent foraminifera off W Java SW of Labuan three assemblages (1) Haplophragmoides. Publ. sheltered areas. 215-221. Madang reef and lagoon. 126-137. 6. J. Advances in the biology of foraminifera. Calcarina spp. 8.Sea surface environment inferred from planktonic foraminifera in the southern South China Sea since the last glacial period. Papua New Guinea. Philippine.Langer. p. 85-93. Lipps (2003). Papua New Guinea. Wang (2009). Papua New Guinea.1 41 www.Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of Recent larger and smaller foraminifera from the Madang Lagoon (Papua New Guinea). Pseudorotalia March 2014 . (3) W Indian Ocean and (4) Caribbean) Langer. Cushman Found. 40-58.. 143-154. Heterostegina. Severin (1985). (1980). Amphistegina radiata. a living fusiform foraminifera. Marine Micropal. Anikouchine (1967). Heterostegina depressa. Virtually absent on back-reef flats) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . P. Amphisorus hemprichii.New Recent foraminiferal genera and species from the lagoon at Madang. p. M. R.B. 1481-1491. Ed.H. Suppl. (2007). Alveolinella quoyi. (Planktonic foraminifera from Site 17964 in southern S China Sea (SCS) show higher % warm-water species in Holocene. (2) Indo-Pacific with Marginopora vertebralis. (1938).R. Micropaleontology 46. Marginopora vertebralis. L. p. Lemigas Scientific Contr. p. 1. 3. M. Paleontology 41. Jian. p. Also locally common diatiom Ethmodiscus rex) Lipps. at Motupore Island. Alveolinella) from Madang Lagoon of depletion in heavier C and O isotopes.R. with Euchitonia spp. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata more common during glacial period. p.H. Marginopora.Foraminiferal distribution and diversity. M. Operculina heterosteginoides.Alveolinella quoyi. 5. Dictyocorine and Rhopalodictyum.Y. while temperate-water species increase during last glacial period. 26. & L.Biogeography of selected 'larger' foraminifera. Wang. H. 3. (1992). p. 1.R. Palaeoworld 18.M.H. (Global distributions of recent larger foraminifera species. and Mariana Trenches.Pleistocene palynology of East Java.tropical W Pacific.14. 23-33. Java Trench samples from pelagic ooze in core from 3380m water depth off S Sumatra. Micropalaeontology 11. p.Some spumellarian radiolaria from the Java. (Benthic foram distribution shows four clusters in in Madang lagoon at NE coast of PNG) Lelono. p. E. De Ingenieur in Nederl.W. (Eight species of five genera of patagium-bearing and morphologically closely related spumellarian Radiolaria in three sediment cores from Java. 19.P. (General trend in Recent large benthic foraminifera (Operculina.. indicating warmer and less saline surface water in Equatorial. Sorites spp. mainly on algae-covered coral rubble and around bases of living coral heads in rel.A preliminary study of the microfaunal facies along a traverse across Peper Bay. Orbulina universa test size larger than those in Indian and Atlantic Oceans.R. B. J. (2) Operculina ozawaia and (3) Dendritina-Aveolinella) Lessard. J. Spec. & J.. Z. Hymeniastrum.A. & W. (Samples from shallow water (0-55m) fore.. (1995). p. Philippines and Mariana trenches. X. Science in New Guinea 11. Main provinces: (1) Central Pacific with Baculogypsinoides spinosus. Diameter and shell porosity of O. LeRoy. with depth appears to be depth- and light-dependant) Langer. (Living species of Alveilinella quoyi in water depths of 3-12m. Schlumbergerella floresiana. 29. Dead tests scattered over wider bathymetric range. Hottinger (2000).X.and back-reef environments at Madang lagoon with larger foraminifera (Assilina spp. & K.. 105-126. (1997). Sarawak and Brunei Darussalam waters. Loeblich. P. R.K. 1-661. (online at: http://map.Distribution patterns of intertidal and shallow-water foraminifera of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata more common during glacial period. Baculogypsina sphaerulata is shallow water high-energy species. & H. SE Asia Fisheries Dev. Rev. Soc. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Syst. Ng. (online at: http://map. Geol.T. R.Foraminifera of the Great Barrier Reef bores. 101 new species) Lohman. H. Spec.Biogeography of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. ) (Dinoflagellate cysts off N Borneo with Spiniferites bulloideus as dominant species) Lloyd. p. p. Lucero. 1. environmental indicators in the highly impacted environments of the Mekong Delta: Hydrobiologia 548.seafdec.) Biology and geology of coral reefs. E. Publ. Spiniferites spp.Foraminifera. Res. Palaeoworld 18. T. Cushman Foundation Spec.Benthic foraminifera of the family Calcarinidae from Green Island Reef. M. de Bruyn.P.cushmanfoundation. Zambales. 294-309.R. 31. Seminar Marine fishery resource survey in the South China Sea. Ed. In: O. In: Proc. Academic Press. Calcarina mayori smaller and dominates in deeper water off reef flat.J.pdf) (Recent foraminifera from Timor Trough and Sahul Shelf. & L.The occurrence and distribution of Recent benthic foraminifera in Subic Bay. p.1 42 www. Tappan (1994).P. Thailand. March 2014 .M. 205-226. 1st Techn. Best preserved Calcarina at Green Island Reef in windward shoals) Lessard. 3. 23-33. Present distribution patterns of species shaped largely by pre-Pleistocene dispersal and vicariance events. von Rintelen (2011).S. Training Dept. collected in 1961.) dominant cyst species) Lirdwitayaprasit. Jian. Area II: Sabah. Mainly descriptions of species: (946 species of 428 genera.H. Jones & R. whereas more recent changes in the connectivity of islands within the Archipelago have influenced the partitioning of intraspecific variation) Luan. Seminar Marine fishery resource survey in the South China Sea.A. Hall. Ecology. 40-58.Y. Philippines 61. New York. Calcarina spengleri (=hispida) dominant and common in shallow water on reef flat. Endean (eds. D. Orbulina universa test size larger than those in Indian and Atlantic Oceans. K. Z. (1997). p. A. S4/SB7. Foraminiferal Research 32. Ann. 75-83.Foraminifera of the Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. J. Evol. Shih. (1973)..R. S2/FB4. p.L. 310-322.. Carvalho & T. Wang. Li. Area I: Gulf of Thailand and East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.vangorselslist.R..tropical W Pacific.pdf) (Dinoflagellate cysts in the Gulf of Thailand and E coast of Peninsular Malaysia 20 goniolacoid. while temperate-water species increase during last glacial period. Thailand. 1. p.. 201-216. SE Asia Fisheries Dev.Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the surface sediment of the South China Sea. p. Foram. G.H. p. indicating warmer and less saline surface water in Equatorial. universa increased from last glacial to Holocene) Lirdwitayaprasit. In: Proc. 347-366. Philippines. Page. von Rintelen.K. Training Dept. 42. J.seafdec. (online at: http://www. (Three epiphytic calcarinid species on Great Barrier Reef and limited to W Indo-Pacific (absent from Indian Ocean and E of 170°W). tuberculodinioid and peridinioid species. (2002). 5. P. (1980).Sea surface environment inferred from planktonic foraminifera in the southern South China Sea since the last glacial period. 19. T. Debenay (2005). Centre (SEAFDEC). Centre (SEAFDEC). Publ. (Planktonic foraminifera from Site 17964 in southern S China Sea (SCS) show higher % warm-water species in Holocene.X. Wang (2009).. & J. 1st Techn. Great Barrier Reef Province. B.Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the surface sediment of the South China Sea. T. (=Gonyaulax spp. de Silva (2006). Cushman Found. A. p. (Extraordinary species richness and endemism in Indo-Australian Archipelago. Diameter and shell porosity of O. 367-374. p. Militante-Matias. Thailand March 2014 . Geol.J. Kuala Lumpur 1998.V. (online at: http://naosite.J.P. Tutum Bay. & A. Fukoyo.Deep-sea foraminiferal distribution of the central and eastern portions of the South China Sea.Stacked digital imaging of foraminifera. E. Bull.Deep sea foraminiferal distribution of eastern South China Sea.J.R.1 43 www. 529-536..J. K. (Recent ostracodes from Snellius Expedition to East Indonesia. Kodama (1999).G. (1999). De Leon. Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA ’98). E of New Ireland. P.K. K. time scale and biozonations) Marquez. to depth of ~20 m. D.files. Not much detail (not one species name!)) Maryunani. Akademie Wetensch. P. Malaysia Bull. Q. PNG) McKenzie. M. (online at: www. Bull. Geoscience Australia. p. World Archaeology 24. In: G. Canberra. D. Eruption affected foraminifera only in cores taken near Luzon. Yumul.M. Four assemblages.Deep-sea foraminiferal distribution of the central and eastern portions of the South China Sea. P. 1-2. Geol.Foraminiferal biodiversity and Holocene evolution of the Phetchaburi coastal area (Thailand Gulf).H. Berita Sedimentologi 29. Congress Geology. Typical low diversity brackish-water R.pdf) (1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo covered S China Sea with W-trending ash fan.. 49-54. p.Dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of Jakarta Bay. Faustino et al. 43.Foraminiferal responses to arsenic in shallow-water hydrothermal system in Papua New Guinea and in the laboratory. Anwar ( 2003). B. Matias.Calibration of tropical Pacific marine sediment indices (d18O) to sea surface Melis.J. 123-132. 94-115.) Proc. 9th Reg. Ph.P. incl. With examples of Indonesian Tertiary. Thesis University of South Florida. B. 1-425. (1999). with salinity fluctuation controlling factor) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Nagasaki University. Adnan & M. Matsuoka. Marquez. Praseno. D. 61. p. (Palynological information on SE Asia Holocene from deep sea cores. Kelman. G. & D.Recent foram material) Maloney. Geologi. (1999). Nederl. Nicoll & J. E. Faustino et al.wordpress.V.S.Late Holocene climatic change in Southeast Asia: the palynological evidence and its implications for archaeology. Keij (1977). Ed. Malaysia 43. Marquez.J.Australian biozonation chart 2010.PDF) McCloskey. p. J. (1992).Lunt. Area characterized by inflow of Mae Khlong (Description of technique of imaging foraminifera by combining series of digital photographs in automated software to produce single optical image with high resolution and superior depth of focus.J.D. Soc..J.pdf) (Large chart with Ediacaran. Pterobairdia maddocksae n. E. a new genus from the Indo-West Pacific. (2014). 1. Yumul. Fac. 5.. Violanti (2006).iagi. archeological sites and land cores) Mantle. Indonesia with special reference of Pyrodinium bahamense.M. Kon. 5. (On shallow marine. De Leon. R. (2009). p. p. 80. (online at: http://www. M. Laurie (2010).. Marine Micropal. 1. p. 529- 536. Teh (ed. Geol. Fish.nagasaki-u. Y.or. reef flat foram assemblages around hydrothermal vents in ~8m of water at Ambitle Island. Soc. Philippines 54. p. G.P. Soc. Bairdiidae)..P. A. (online at: https://gsmpubl.. 35. D.Pterobairdia (Ostracoda. Proc.vangorselslist. sp. Bul. and core in Mae Khlong delta plain. (Study of foraminifera from surface sediments from Phetchaburi coastal area. off Ujung Pandang and Larantuka of Flores island. 80. from margin of vegetated zone. p. Filipescu (eds. Mahani. parts I-XVII. S.vangorselslist. Trengganu. Mohsin (2010)..5-10m with 9 nine genera of foraminifera.Recent agglutinated foraminiferal trends and assemblages of the Sedili Besar River and its adjacent offshore area. p. (2) Bulimina aculeata between 1700. Geol. (Distribution of Recent foraminifera from Sedili river estuary to shallow marine offshore S China Sea along SE coast of Malay Peninsula. F. dominated Ammonia. Durrand. beach/nearshore and inner shelf depositional settings) Mohamed. Nat. p. 1-248. Geoscience Conf. p. Kuala Lumpur 2010.L. below 2200m assemblages dominated by Oridorsalis umbonatus) Miao. In: M. within oxygen minimum zone).S. Exhib. 9-23.S. Satyanarayana (2014). Millett. & R. & R. (1898-1904). Five biofacies zones differentiated. Talib & O. Jirin (2011). also associated with high organic carbon content. Parham. Soc. Thunell (1996). Durrand at 30 stations along transect from N Australia to Malay Peninsula) Minhat. 35-43. Three modern localities studied for biofacies analogs: Sedili Besar Estuary. in water depths 1. Peninsular Malaysia. 131-136.. Mahani.Agglutinated foraminiferal trends and assemblages of the Sedili Besar River and its offshore area. p. P. J. J. A. Yakzan & S. p. K.A survey of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in tropical coastal waters of Pulau Pinang. Bigenerina. S. Mahani. Klang-Langat Delta and Pahang River Delta. Foraminiferal Research 26. 2. M. Berita Sedimentologi 29. (Reprinted by Antiquariaat Junk. S. Foraminiferal Res. where agglutinated foraminifera are useful in characterising biofacies.Benthic foraminiferal distributions as bioindicators in coastal waters of Penang National Park.I. Malaysia. (Extended Abstract) (Brief review of current status of intertidal. 1-32. (Samples from subtidal zone to 1200m offshore Pinang Island. Geosc.) Proc. Ed. Mohamed. (NGC) 2014.A. Low abondances but high diversity. Petrol.Biofacies characterisation in the marginal marine environments of the Malay Basin using agglutinated foraminifera. (4) below lysocline (∼3200m) in S China Sea agglutinated Rhabdammina abyssorum assemblage. 1.C. southeastern Peninsular Malaysia. F. 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Jirin (2014).Miao. in water mass that is highly undersaturated with respect to calcite. Kaminski & S. Jirin. southeastern Peninsular Malaysia. S. In Sulu Sea Pyrgo murrhina assemblage 1400 to 2200m. Q.R.I. estuary mouth. Conf. Publ. Malacca Straits. Ammobaculites and Elphidium) Minhat.palaeoceanographic implications. Grzybowski Found.Report on the Recent foraminifera of the Malay Archipelago collected by Mr. F. p. agglutinated foraminifera show reverse trend. Textularia sp and Arenoparrella mexicana used to differentiate nearshore.Review of foraminiferal studies in Nearshore Areas. 22. (3) Astrononion pusillum in S China Sea between 1500-3200m. Yahya.S. 143-150. coinciinge with the upper brackish intertidal. 1898-1904. Yahya. 8th Int.W. Marine Micropal. Ahmad (2014). 73-79.. Royal Microscopical Society. (Benthic foraminifera in surface sediment samples from S China and Sulu Seas. Occurrences of species such as Ammobaculites exiguus.2000 m in SE S China Sea. A. Malaysia. Hebbeln. (Palynology and foraminifera from two shallow Late Pleistocene.Modern environmental conditions recorded in surface sediment samples off W and SW Indonesia: planktonic foraminifera and biogenic compounds analyses. N. Weber (ed. 96-112. G. SE Bali. March 2014 .) Siboga-Expeditie.) Proc. Poster 7. Petroleum Assoc. p. In: Petroleum Geology Conference and Exhibition 2011. S. Auradilus convolutus. Sarawak. D. takanabensis (also identified as Ammonia beccarii) in stratified water column of marine base and freshwater top.. De Deckker (2005). p. In: R. Indonesia. p. etc. Indon. ('The ostracodes of the Siboga Expedition') Muller. p. Sci. Ammonia assemblages are quite scattered. L.A. Agglutinated forms (mainly Arenoparrella group) dominate less stratified water column) Mohtadi. McKenzie et al. M. 65.5 m.J. Ph. (Study of planktonic foraniifera in surface sediment samples from fore-arc basins in W and SW Indonesian Archipelago. p.F. H. In Klang-Langat and Pahang Deltas. Ocean Driling Program.S. J. J. 147-156. Monographie 30. (Ostracods from recent reefal flat sample off Sanur. 123-140. 48. Northeastern Australia. 129-168. Max. Jakarta 2004.A. p. p. Morley.)) Muller. 40 p.An account on the taxonomy of ostracodes from recent reefal flat deposits in Bali.Die Ostracoden der Siboga-Expedition. N.W. Noble et al.P. Mohsin (2011). Jennerjahn (2007). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 72. (1965). p. Present-day oceanography and marine productivity are reflected in tropical to subtropical and upwelling assemblages of planktonic foraminifera in surface sediments. (Extended Abstract) (Foraminifera in Sedili Besar River Estuary dominated by Ammonia cf. Leiden University. Revue Micropal. In: Symposium on ecological research in humid tropics vegetations. (eds. Res. Sukarno & S.Salinity stratification and its effects on the Malay Basin biofacies assemblages. (eds.) Proc.Holocene cores from Makassar Straits and offshore SW Sulawesi) Mostafawi. (Unpublished) Montaggioni. dominated by dominated by Loxoconcha peterseni. In: J. Fauna belongs to East Indian biogeographical province of Titterton and Whatley (1988) in tropical littoral zone of Indo-W Pacific. Kruck & T. Murgese.T. UNESCO. Babinot (2005). Paranesidea conulifera. Auradilus australiensis. (1906). (1992). (1983). N.Zonation and diversity of Scelaractinia on reefs off S. Hasan & N. Jirin & S.(Similar to paper above) Mohamed.Palynological study of Holocene peat in Sarawak. 365-378. 141-143.. Sulawesi. D. 361-371. Venec-Peyre (1993).W.tamu. & M. Kuala Lumpur. between the Malay Peninsula and Borneo’) Mostafawi..P. Marine Micropal. van der Kaars (2004). Baumgart. Ed. A. Wonders. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . etc. where minimal salinity stratification. In M.S. Assemblage of 34 species. (online at: http://www-odp.The distribution of deep-sea benthic foraminifera in core tops from the eastern Indian Ocean. 25-49. zwischen der Malaiischen Halbinsel und Borneo. A. Calcarina hispida. Associated with foraminifera Schlumbergella floresiana. 56. Mahani. & P. L. (‘Recent ostracods from the central Sunda Shelf. 133. at a depth of about 1. Opal in surface sediments corresponds to upwelling-driven increased marine productivity) Moll. 5.H. R. Marine Micropal.pdf) (Useful overview of foram distribution on and around Great Barrier reef) Morley.Biostratigraphy of modern (Holocene and Late Pleistocene) sediment cores from Makassar Straits.vangorselslist. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia and Australasia.Thesis. Colin & J. p..Shallow-water foraminiferal taphocoenoses at Site 821: implications for the Pleistocene evolution of the central Great Barrier Reef shelf.A.1 45 www.Rezente Ostracoden aus dem mittleren Sunda-Schelf. Kuching. & P. Newsome. E.W. p.biodiversityjournal. 339-361. (Chagos Archipelago is surface expression of thin limestone cap on Eocene volcanic basement in central Indian Ocean. p. 1. East Malaysia. Principal larger foraminifera in surface samples from 0-43m are Amphisorus hemprichii and Sorites orbiculus widespread in shallow lagoon Heterostegina depressa patchy distribution. Sarawak.Ostrakod baharu di dalam sedimen luar pantai di Sekitar Pulau Tioman. & R. New York.) Science and scientists in the Netherlands Indies. with high carbon flux due to higher primary productivity at sea surface. 9-20. Noraswana Nor Faiz & Ramlan Omar (2009).. Marine Geol. Venericythere papuensis) Nurdin. II. Muruganantham. 1.Ecology and applications of benthic foraminifera. Thesis. Pahang.pdf) (Living benthic foraminifera Nevillina coronata. J.Larger foraminifera from the Chagos Archipelago: their significance for Indian Ocean biogeography. Pahang'. most common species Loxoconcha paiki. 121p. 265-269.1 46 www. Sigmoihauerina involuta and Loxostomina limbata reported from inner shelf regions of Andaman Islands. 43-55. ('Recent Ostracoda in offshore sediment around Pulau Tioman. Omar (2009). p. Uvigerina proboscidea mainly at low p. Verdoorn (eds. 555-578. Murray. while two other specie abundant in non rainy months) Myers.4335m from E Indian Ocean between Australia and Indonesia. Sains Malaysiana 38. DKI Jakarta Province. Proc. 5. J. New York.go. Bull.34 species of ostracodes identified in samples from shallow waters around Tioman Island. Carbondale.Late Quaternary vegetational history of the Central Highlands of Sumatra.. S. Pistocythereis bradyi. Gustiantini. S. In: P. Mohan (2015).S. Two species groups: (1) Oridorsalis tener umbonatus. Palaeopalynology and vegetational history.vangorselslist.php/bomg/article/view/62/63) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Distribution and ecology of Holocene foraminifera within the Lassa distributary of the Rajang River delta. Biodiversity Journal 6.M.Analyses of foraminifers microfauna as environmental bioindicators in Kotok Besar. M. Pahang Sains Malaysiana 38. well-oxygenated. Venericythere papuensis) Nor Faiz. 1. Biogeography 15.On some silicified woods from the Quaternary of Indonesia. Southern Illinois Univ. (online at: www. Pistocythereis bradyi. below 12m) Murray. Marina & M. ('Recent Ostracoda within offshore sediment around Pulau Tioman. 21-28. (1945). (2006). Marine Micropal.mgi. p. flourishing in low T of rainy season. 4. Epistominella exigua and Pyrgo murrhina (cold.R. Naizheng Du (1988). M. Kotok Kecil and Karang Bongkok Islands. 789-794. p. L.34 species of ostracodes identified in samples from shallow waters around Tioman Island. Pahang'. Operculina ammonoides generally in deeper lagoon. 1-426. Kon. most common species Loxoconcha paiki. 9-20. p. March 2014 . J. and low oxygen levels due to organic matter oxidation and presence of oxygen-depleted Indonesian Intermediate Water and N Indian Intermediate Water) Murphy. N. (online at: http://ejournal.H.(57 core tops between 700. Yosi (2014). p.Ostrakod baharu di dalam sedimen luar Pantai di sekitar Pulau Tioman. most common between 18- 25m. Nevillina coronata very common in NE. & J. low carbon flux to sea floor) and (2) Nummoloculina irregularis and Cibicidoides pseudoungerianus (upper-bathyal). J. (1996). Cambridge University Press. Ed. Seven key-species useful for environments. Flenley (1988).First report of three benthic foraminifera from the waters of Andaman Islands. N. Nederl. 24. Honig & F.India. Kepulauan Seribu. Akademie Wetenschappen B 91.W. (1994).Recent studies of sediments in the Java sea and their significance in relation to stratigraphic and petroleum geology. Listings of Recent molluscs from southernmost Sumatra. 166-255. Indian Ocean. F. Australasian Palaeont. Meded. 1-810. also Operculina. Brief pamphlet promoting use of foraminifera for oilfield stratigraphic subdivision)) Orpin. Peneroplis. (2009). Gastropoda. Western Australia. Six cluster groups. Batavia 1920. Meded.Distribution and ecology of Recent foraminifera from Pulau Pari (Pulau Seribu). Three assemblages reefal and dominated by Amphistegina and Calcarina. 30-49. profunda dominates associations in deep basins) O'Neill. (1931). 46. 30. p.Modern foraminiferal distribution and diversity in two atolls from the Maldives. (Recent foraminifera distribution in shallow water grab samples. Ed.H. p. but not as high as central Indo-Pacific) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p.H. as needed for oil exploration'. 3. dominated by Amphistegina and Calcarina. Asterorotalia trispinosa. 4-6.vangorselslist. D. 5.Recent shells from Java. Taiwan. W. J. (1976). Woolfe (1999). oceanica and E. Descriptions and illustrations of 404 species) Parker. p. Landbouwhoogeschool Wageningen 26. Utrecht Micropal. Haig & K. Gephyrocapsa oceanica. West Java Sea. along Sunda straits) Oppenoorth. Species diversity in Maldives higher than W Indian Ocean . Oostingh. Mijnbouw en Geologie. 607-621. A. (1983). Assoc. off Myanmar shows Asterorotalia trispinosa has preference for low salinity. Oostingh. p. C.(Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands) samples from coral reefs with ~20 genera of benthic foraminifera. p. 36. 77. 406-423.Modern nannofossil assemblages in sediments of coastal and marginal sea along the Western Pacific Ocean. Mem. and Discorbis) Okada. (Comprehensive inventory of modern foraminifera from 334 samples in 0-34m water depth of subtropical Ningaloo Reef in E Indian Ocean..Modern and relict foraminifera from the central Queensland continental shelf: Queensland Government Mining J. Algemeen Ingenieurs Congres.Gulf of Carpenteria (mainly G. Benthic foraminifera dominant. p. Australian J. J. 5. F. 4. planktonics only 1-2%. p.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna von Sud Sumatra. G. M. huxleyi.R. (Recent benthic foraminiferal distribution on Ayeyarwaddy Delta Shelf. 88-104.1 47 www. ('Contributions to the knowledge of the mollusk fauna of S Sumatra'. 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One lagoon assemblage with abundant Ammonia and smaller miliolids.J. mainly controlled by bottom sediment type) Palmieri. Gischler (2011). (1986). Florisphaera profunda.W. ('The use of microfauna for the knowledge of stratigraphy of the Late Tertiary. Panchang. Archiv Molluskenkunde 63. & E. 78. Bull.H. 171-187. H. rare).com March 2014 . Verhandelingen. Nigam (2012). C. Benthic foraminifera as environmental indicators in Torres Strait. 1-8. 17. Manggarai region.L.Pollen based reconstructions of biome distributions for Australia.Palynology of Togi Ndrawa cave. A. A. & H. Montane forest assemblages record climate changes) Rai.. J.1 48 www. Zeitschrift Deutschen Gesellschaft Geowissensch. Seasonal variations of terrigenic layers deposited during rainy season (November–April) and diatom gyttja layers with thin distal turbidites.. East Java (Indonesia). Singh (2001). Spec. 77-78.A. Sumber Daya Geologi 14. Southeast Asia and the Pacific (SEAPAC region) at 0. 24. Ruteng. E Java. 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(2) middle part higher diversity including marine Tenedocythere.The size-frequency distribution of the foraminifer Marginopora vertebralis on seagrass through time.Holocene Ostracoda from the Satonda crater lake (Indonesia).A preliminary report on a Sangiran pollen diagram. Zool.Temperature-induced stress leads to bleaching in larger benthic foraminifera hosting endosymbiotic diatoms.archive. Part 6 of series of six monographs on Recent gastropods from Indonesia.E. M. Geophysics 3. (1970). 29-34. Foram faunas in shallow marine calcareous sand off Singapore dominated by miliolids) Schudack. (1978).The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. tribe Bullomorpha. p. BMR J. (1983). Res. (1913).) Schmidt. Sonderband SB2. 1587-1602. p. Schepman. 119-123. Brill. 165-170. Part VI. Rachiglossa'. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Severin.M. Toxoglossa'. (1984). M. oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1899-1900. ('The Prosobranchs of the Siboga Expedition.vangorselslist. A.and freshwater molluscs (2 new).P. p. (1911). Semah. p. Anzeiger 23. p. Monographie 49e. (Holocene Ostracoda from 80cm deep digs on beach of Satonda Crater Lake off Sumbawa: (1) lowermost samples monospecific associations of fresh-brackish Aglaiocypris. Reitner(1996).com March 2014 . collected during Siboga Expediton 1899-1900) Schepman. M. 187-195. Part V. Malacology) 28. Modern Quat.) Siboga 247-364. C.M. Uthicke (2011).org/26/items/sibogaexpeditie58sibo/sibogaexpeditie58sibo. botanisch.aslo. Leiden. Australian Geol. (1911).. 161-178. Gottinger Arbeiten Geol. Part 5 of series of six monographs on Recent marine gastropods from Indonesia. Brill. collected during Siboga Expediton 1899-1900) Schepman. 19 species of land. 500-502. K. Part IV. R. S. Bandung. p. 5.Pengaruh musimterhadap penyebaran foraminifera di Teluk Jakarta.pdf) (On significance of modern fauna and floral distribution for evolution of SE Asia) Sterrenburg. A. Venus (Japanese J.Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation of West Java.. 197-212. Hendrizan (2012). Possnert & A. P. I. einem Aestuarium der tropischen Zone.. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .com March 2014 . Thesis. Indonesia.Ecology of sandy beach bivalves of Pari Island off the coast of Jakarta Bay. ('On the distribution of some living and fossilized bivalve and gastropod species at the mouth of Sangkulirang Bay (East Borneo). p. Southeast Asia 8. Universiteit Groningen. Ph. (1993). Ser. p. Seasonal influence shown by modern foraminifera Rotalia and Quinqueloculina) Soemodihardjo.0 ka. Vierteljahrschrift Naturforsch. Stuijts. Tokyo. Two additional minimum events in Younger Dryas and late Last Glacial Maximum (20-18 ka). 207-216.R. M.H. Modern Quat. 1-270. T. Nienhuis (1995). Staub.1 54 www. p.Taxonomical notes on the Turrids of the Siboga-Collection originally described by M. Matsukuma (1989). PMEs of Andaman Sea characterized by fewer thermocline species.Album mikrofosil foraminifera dan nanoplankton perairan Indonesia. Schepman. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) 1..M.K. Sijinkumar. 1913 (Part 3).Uber die Verbreitung einiger lebender und versteinter Lamellibranchier und Gastropodenarten am Ausgange der Sangkulirangbai (Ost Borneo). 183 p. A. (1984). Thesis Humboldt-Universitat. J. (Late Quaternary record of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata in cores from Andaman Sea. 1-8. an estuary of the tropical sea'. Palaeobot. Palynology 55. Flendley (1988).L. West Java. 1913 (Part 2). Newsome & J. brackish and marine mollusks in estuary of NE Kalimantan) Stelbrink.vangorselslist. Botanica Marina 38. Balkema. & A. Venus (Japanese J. (1970).M. ('The influence of the seasons on the distribution of foraminifera in Jakarta Bay'. Bull. Shuto. p. Doct. T. p. F. p. Nat. comparison with growth on inert substrata. 37-54.Diatoms as epiphytes on seagrasses in South Sulawesi (Indonesia). Berlin. Rev. Zurich 61. Nath. Ed. (1993). R.5. Marine Micropaleontology 81.V.Taxonomical notes on the Turrids of the Siboga-Collection originally described by M. B. Adisaputra. Aldahan (2011).Pulleniatina minimum events in the Andaman Sea (NE Indian Ocean): implications for winter monsoon and thermocline changes. J. ('Album of foraminifera and nannoplankton microfossils from Indonesian waters') Siregar. Puslitbang Geologi Kelautan RI (Research Center Marine Geology).Palynological study of Situ Bayongbong.Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation of West Java. Stuijts. 33-78.S. Res. 1. As in Pacific Ocean. p.D. Southeast Asia 12. 2. B. 1-126. p.A. (1915). 3. W. Mus. I. 2-17.A biogeographic view on Southeast Asia’s history. I. I. Malacology) 29.N. Ges. Early paper on distribution of land. J. (1978). Schepman. Indonesia. Stuijts. (2014). Rotterdam. Erftemeijer & P. p.C. 15. Stuijts. (online at: http://edoc. Kapid & Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Minimum Event exists in Indian Ocean between 4. p. G. Res. indicating increased depth of thermocline during minimum events) Silalahi. Sci. M.Evidence for Late Quaternary vegetational change in the Sumatran and Javan highlands. Indonesia. (1971). 120-135.S. Malacology) 30.C.3. Modern Quat. 1-143. 5-22. Living Coastal Resources. 323-329. M. Agritek 4. Calcarina.Distribusi dan kelimpahan foraminifera bentik Resen di Pulau Opak Besar.Distribusi foraminifera bentik (Textularia) di Delta Porong.omicsonline. 2.6. Geol. J. Sumatran and Javan sites at intermediate altitudes show higher altitude vegetation from ~18.M. (15 sediment samples from 0. 2. p. 23rd Ann. followed by miliolids) Suhartati M. and Operculina) Suhartati M. Heterostegina.1 55 www..pdf) (Benthic foram assemblages around Gili islands. Indonesia 36. 1410-5217-13-276. (1994). ('Distribution of benthic foraminifera (Textularia) in the Porong Delta. suggesting much lower forest altitudinal boundaries than today's) Suhartati . (IAGI).The distribution of benthic foraminifera in Damar and Jukung Island. Seribu islands'. 181-192. Kepulauan Seribu. Indon.Foraminifera bentik sebagai indikator kondisi lingkungan terumbu karang perairan Pulau Kotok Besar dan Pulau Nirwana. Kotok Besar Island healthy reef growth due to FORAM Index of ~7.First record of agglutinated foraminifera from Lombok. Lingkungan Tropis 3. 57-63. Conv. Oseanol. 2. Marine Research in Indonesia (LIPI) 35. p.N. 48-55. 95-103. p. March 2014 . Natsir (2005).. Jukung Island higher diversity than Damar Besar Island. showing stressed conditions unsuitable for reef growth as shown by FORAM Index of 1. (1994). Larger foraminifera of both islands Amphistegina. Asterorotalia trispinosa. Natsir (1998). (2010). (eds. 9-14. Samples from water depths 27-36m around Opak Island dominated by Calcarina calcar. Calcarina calcar and Elphidium advenum.vangorselslist. (Ammobaculites agglutinans and Textularia pseudogramen common in Recent sediments near Solo and Poreng River mouths. Elphidium. Seribu Islands. (Benthic foraminifers on Jakarta Bay islands. Calcarina and Tinoporus. Ed. Elphidium spp. (Online at http://www. ('Benthic foraminifera as indicator of environmental conditions of coral reefs in Kotok Besar and Nirwana islands of Seribu islands'.P. Pulau Pari.400 yr B. Kepulauan Seribu. 1.9) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Off NW Java. Jawa Timur. 2. Suhartati.Benthic foraminifera in the seagrass beds of Pari island. Marginophora.First record of brackish water agglutinated foraminifera from Java. 13. M. Natsir (2010). Proc.) Proc.6. Most abundant species Ammonia beccarii. Nirwana Island was dominated by opportunistic foraminifera Ammonia. Quinqueloculina and Spiroloculina. Coastal Dev. 10p. M. ('Distribution and abundance of Recent benthic foraminifera in Opak Besar.5m along Porong delta front. Reopical Biodiversity 5. p. In: S. Third ASEAN-Australia Symp. Natsir (2010). Pseudorotalia schroeteriana and Quinqueloculina) Suhartati. 12. p.6-1. Dominant symbiont bearing foraminifera are Amphistegina. Limnol. 1-7. 2. East Java') Suhartati.Seribu islands. have more agglutinated individuals in stations close to bay. Kepulauan Seribu. 1.N.N. Also common Elphidium crispum.200 yr B. Madura Straits.lingkungan-tropis.) Suhartati.21. M.(Late Pleistocene pollen records from above 2000 m on tropical mountains indicate cooler climates and more arid climates below 1200 m. East Java. Also common Ammonia beccarii.Preliminary study on the benthic foraminifera and its association with ostracoda in Porong Delta.Foraminifera bentonik dan kaitannya dengan kandungan zat hara di perairan Padang Lamun.N. Natsir (2009). 582-590. (Dominant species in reef-flat seagrass areas are miliolids Quinqueloculina spp. E Java) Suhartati. Assoc. to ca. p. NW Lombok. Goba Besar.P. and Spiroloculina spp. 1. M. (online at: http://www. Jakarta. Bangkok. (1992). Sudara et al. Toyama Univ. mainly Ammobaculites agglutitans and Haplophragmoides canariensis) Suhartati M. Calcarina calcar.. pdf) (Recent foraminifera in shallow waters around Tambelan Archipelago in S China Sea dominated by Amphistegina lessonii and Assilina ammonoides.The distribution of agglutinated foraminifera in Porong and Solo deltas. crispum. 66-72. Natsir & M. Engineering A 1. 2. Most abundant benthic foraminifera in Nasik Strait on coarse sand substrate with coral reef (Peneroplis.259-264. Natsir & Z. p.Foraminifera bentonik di perairan menpawah dan Sungai Duri. (Benthic foraminifera in . Indonesia. E- Jurnal Ilmu Tekn. (online at: www. Suhartati M. Most specimens from sand sediments of coral reefs community. Also present are symbiont bearing foraminifera Amphistegina. mainly Textularia pseudogramen. (Online at: http://www. Ujung Kulon National Park of Banten. (online at: www. M..1 56 www. Coastal Development 15. p. Sorites also Cymbaloporetta. p. Suhartati M. Berita Sedimentologi 29. J. Spirolina. (Summary of studies on Recent benthic foraminifera in Indonesia shallow waters by Research Center for Oceanography) Suhartati M. Kelautan Tropis 2. Geol. 86-91. 5. J. Natsir (2010). Proc. Arafura Sea shallow waters S of Papua. Calcarina. Pseudorotalia. Oolina. Also common Quinqueloculina. p. (IAGI). 918-923. Kelautan Tropis 2. (Recent foraminiferal assemblages around Porong and Solo River Deltas dominated by small agglutinated 1. (online at: http://ejournal. 1181-1188. (IAGI). p. 9-18. 259-264. 4. J. p. Ammonia.A.Suhartati M. most common Ammonia beccarii and Pseudorotalia schroeteriana. Natsir & Rubiman (2010). Amphistegina and Elphidium) Suhartati. Samples mainly between 30-90m. Operculina. Seagrass beds of Nasik Strait dominated by opportunistic foraminifera Heterostegian. Ammobaculites agglutinans. Indon.vangorselslist. J. Natsir & M. Calcarina.The distribution of benthic foraminifera in Indonesian shallow waters. Assoc.Foraminifera bentonik dan spesifikasinya pada beberapa lingkungan perairan Dangkal di Indonesia. Indon. Calcarina.Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. Geol. 37 species. AACL Bioflux 5. Quinqueloculina and Spiroloculina) Suhartati M.fpik.The benthic foraminiferal assemblages on Handeuleum Islands. Subkhan (2012). Shipping and Ocean Engineering 2.php/coastdev/article/view/1997/1775) (Benthic foraminiferal from six sampling sites around Belitung Islands 29 species of 18 genera. Indonesia. etc. Most common foraminifera are opportunistic taxa such as Ammonia beccari and Elphidium craticulatum and E. & Helfinalis (1994).id/index.). except station 13 which has abundant Bolivina spp and Anomalina rostrata) Suhartati & Subadri (1993).Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Tambelan Archipelago. 2. p. Ilmu Conv. 22nd Ann. (online at: http://www. W Kalimantan) Suhartati M.The distribution of benthic foraminifera in coral reefs community and seagrass bed of Belitung Islands based on foram index. Proc. Ricky R.waters and Duri River. Shallow-water ecosytems such as mangrove. ('The abundance of recent foraminifera in surface sediment of Ambon Bay') Suhartati M.Distribusi foraminifera Resen di Laut Arafura. 1.ipb. Natsir (2014). Natsir (2012). Acervulina. 1. 23rd Ann.or. Elphidium. 51-58. p. Conv. Quinqueloculina and Lenticulina. seagrass beds and coral…) (Nine sediment samples from around Handeuleum Islands off Ujung Kulon Peninsula contain 14 genera of benthic foraminifera and some Ostracoda and Bryozoa. p. Most abundant species of all sites is Peneroplis pertusus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Subkhan (2012).davidpublishing. Muchlisin (2012).ac. Pontianak.bioflux.pdf) ('The distribution of Recent benthic foraminifera in the Arafura Sea'.. Assoc. etc. Ammotium. East Java.Kelimpahan foraminifera Resen pada sedimen permukaan di Teluk Ambon. March 2014 .iagi. Environmental Sci.undip. deepest station 13 at 341m. Tian & P. 293-316. Sun. 1-273.. (Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents identified over past 2.Benthic foraminifera in South Waigeo waters. off NW Java. Triloculina malayensis and Triloculina siuriensis) Suleiman. In: Proc. p. 29 pollen zones. H. p. 1. Wahyu & A. (Palynology/ environments of Holocene sediments from Lower Barito and Martapura Rivers shallow cores) Sun. (Summary of benthic foraminifera from 1700-1800 m depth. (Benthic foraminifera distribution patterns on Vietnam Shelf and Sunda Shelf of SW S China Sea. Lariang Basin. Bioevents and Australasian microtektite impact event calibrated to oxygen isotope stratigraphy.The distribution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Tambelan Islands of Riau Islands.I.Biodiversity and biogeography of Recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the south- western South China Sea (Sunda Shelf). Clear 100 ka Milankovich cyclicity) Szarek. p. Marine Geol.P. Proc.A. X. (2001). (online at: http://ejournal. 2732.vangorselslist. & F.S. Faunas dominated by symbiotic bearing benthic March 2014 . J. Indonesia. Biodiversity Int. 1-6. p. (online at: http://biosains. Bull. etc. Kepulauan Seribu.esdm. 1. ('Benthic foraminifera as indicators for water quality of coral reefs ecosystem in Bidadari and Ringit Islands. M.Quaternary benthic foraminifera from bathyal zone seabed of Mamuju offshore. Tang (2011). Raja Ampat group.C.) Suhartati M.) Suhartati M. 3. Li.S.K. Media Teknik (UGM) 13.go. Soc. Yu. Natsir.D.M Chang & Z. Wibowo & K. 107‐112. Sediments mainly clay and mud.36 Ma in two sediment cores from Benham Rise. (High-resolution pollen record for last 820 ka of ODP Site 1144. Joint 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. mainly defined by alternations of Pinus-dominant (interglacial) vs. S. 2. T. Amphistegina lessonii and miliolids) Sukandarrumidi (1990).1 57 www. sampled during geohazard survey.T. (1998). Conf. Calcarina.. dominated by Operculina ammonoides ('Assilina depressa').upper bathyal instead of arenaceous tests that are common in bathyal zone. offshore. M. Subkhan & V. herb-dominant (glacial) zones correspond to Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages 1-29.Deep-sea pollen from the South China Sea: Pleistocene indicators of East Asian monsoon.2738. Makassar.pdf) (Foraminifera from 5 shallow shelf stations around Tambelan Archipelago in South China Sea. Subkhan. Thesis. Quinqueloculina aberensis. 27. Raja Ampat. Natsir & M. p. West Papua. 25.G. p. Thousand Islands'. This suggests deposition is allochtonous sediment debris from upslope) Sumawinata. off NW Kalimantan (34-50m water depth). Assemblages 64 species. Heterostegina. Mainly calcareous benthics usually found in outer shelf. based on 75 sites along two transects in 50-2000 m water depth..J. JCM2011-424. Ed. B. Natsir.T. Shallow water (<200 m) assemblages from Vietnam and Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .. also Baculogypsina. Age of highest concentration of microtektites 792 ± 2 ka. Wardhani (2012).ac. North Makassar Basin. Bachtiar (2011). Luo. northern S China Sea. 5. Southeast Asian Studies. 132-143. Conv.uns. Tarigan. Huang. Bali Strait and Karimata Strait with 3 new species of miliolid benthonic foraminifera. Bali Strait and Karimata Strait. M. (Sea floor samples from Java Sea. Tinoporus. near boundary of isotope stages MIS20/19) Sun. F. West Sulawesi. Kiel. C. Marine Geol.Calcareous nannofossil bioevents and microtektite stratigraphy in the Western Philippine Sea during the Quaternary. Bull. X. Kyoto 36.Foraminifera bentik sebagai indikator kualitas perairan ekosistem terumbu karang di Pulau Bidadari dan Ringit. R. Ph. W Papua. Wang (2003). mainly Amphistegina lessonii.mipa. Subkhan (2012). Christian Albrechts Univ. R. A. Y.. p. E of Luzon.Sediments of the lower Barito basin in South Kalimantan: fossil pollen composition.Suhartati M.mgi. 201.The new species of "Quinqueloculina" and "Triloculina" from the bottom sea sediment of the Java Sea. 97-118. Dewi (2012). Indon. Chinese Sci.php/bomg/article/view/40/41) (Foraminifera from 12 sites in S part off Waigeo Island. W Philippine Sea. H. Palynomacerals 1-3 more common in nearshore facies. p. (in press) (Palynofacies analyses of organic matter of 64 seafloor samples in Gulf of Papua. 7. A.Recent Bairdiinae (Crustacea.Sunda Shelves significantly different species composition and distinct distribution patterns. (5) structureless organic matter. Kuhnt.. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Micropalaeontology 55. spathulata) and uvigerinids (U. H. 171-195. W.Distribution of recent benthic foraminifera on the Sunda Shelf (South China Sea). Nishi (2009). J.Assessing palaeobathymetry and sedimentation rates using palynomaceral analysis: a study of modern sediments from the Gulf of Papua. p. (B) high-energy inner shelf (Heterolepa dutemplei. Marine Micropal.The provincial distribution of shallow water Indo-Pacific and marine ostracoda: origins. bolivinids (Bolivina pacifica. 759-786. Nomaki & H. Ed. 71. in fine grained sediments. Bathyal faunas exhibit more uniform species composition) Szarek. (4) black debris. & R. Operculina ammonoides) in neritic relict sand. Kitazato (2007). R. Below 3000m foram faunas mainly agglutinants (Spiroplectammina. auberiana. Asterorotalia gaimardii) in sand and silt dominated sediments NE of Natuna. University of Wales. Palynology 40?. p. p. A. S. dispersal routes and mechanisms. Phong (2009).Living deep-sea benthic foraminifera from the warm and oxygen- depleted environment of the Sulu Sea. 3 biofacies controlled by salinity) Taylor. Samples from water depths 534-4635m..1 58 www. PNG.D. (2) Middle Bathyal (Uvigerina auberiana. S. Reophax).M. antiquity.g. Deep-Sea Res. 145-176 (Sulu Sea is semi-enclosed oceanic basin with warm (~10°C) and oxygen depleted deep waters. (Unpublished) Thomas.Recent ostracod assemblages from the northeastern coast of Vietnam and biogeographical significance of euryhaline species. except Valvulineria and Globobulimina pacifica. Komatsu & N.Uvigerina peregrina) and (4) Lower Bathyal (Paratrochammina challengeri. H. Symposium on Ostracoda. Marine Micropal. (C) high-energy outer shelf biofacies (Cibicidoides pachyderma- Textularia bocki. Shizuoka. II. 2) brown wood. Hyperammina. B.) Evolutionary biology of ostracoda: its fundamentals and applications. D.L. (3) leaf cuticle. Ammoscalaria.. ecology and zoogeographical significance of Recent reef Ostracoda from Singapore. Five categories of palynomacerals distinguished: (1. Whatley (1988). 9th Int. Kawamura & H. R. Whatley (1988). Four biofacies: (1) Upper Bathyal (Siphotextularia foliosa. (4) outer shelf (Facetocochlea pulchra- Bulimina marginata. R. from river mouth to shelf to slope. East Indian and SW Pacific regions were locus from which ostracods migrated out since Miocene) Titterton.C. (3) uppermost Lower Bathyal (Lagenammina difflugiformis . 4 more common in deeper offshore sites) Titterton. Micropal. M.Distribution of recent benthic foraminifera along continental slope of the Sunda Shelf (South China Sea). Rhizammina) common at all sites) Tanaka. Bolivina) in area covered with modern silt and mud) Szarek. Most living foraminifera in top 2cm of sediment. 1-203.J Bentley. In: T. R. Kitazato (2006).Parrelloides bradyi)) Szarek. 111-142. offshore Papua New Guinea. Elsevier. Tubular arenaceous tubular forams (e.Cibicidoides robertsonianus).Asterorotalia pulchella). (Benthic foraminiferal distribution from the winter upwelling region off Borneo on continental slope of Sunda Shelf and from continental slope of S Vietnam Shelf. Ostracoda) from the Solomon Islands. Neouvigerina ampullacea). (1988). Kuhnt. Amsterdam. 365-382. 54.The taxonomy.A Nittrouer (2015).. 24p. 5. Magister Dissertation.. Kawamura & H.vangorselslist. Faunas highly diverse. (eds. Proc.W Droxler & C. W. Four biofacies: (A) inner shelf (Ammomassilina alveoliniformis. Rhabdammina. 61. (Recent benthic foraminifera distribution on Sunda Shelf around Natuna Island between 60-226m depth. Hanai et al. p. & R.C. G. 41-59. p.Nuttallides rugosus. (Tertiary to Recent ostracods from Indo-Pacific and Southern Ocean fall into 13 zoogeographical provinces.T Pocknall. (75 species.Textularia lythostrota. Foraminifera assemblages above 3000m dominated by Angulogerina. March 2014 . R. within oxygen minimum zone). Aberystwyth. T.. E. Part 2.php/revista_micro/article/view/325/322) Titterton. Espanola Micropal. 38. Cytheruridae. S. Platycopids/ Cladocopids 13% of total fauna) Titterton. J. (online at: https://repository. 1-16. R. 4. (1989). Repts. Netherlands J. Spec.R. Sci. Benthic foraminifera from 11 stations at Karang Bongkok. Part IV. 24.A. Samoa.C. and Onrust Island. Hemicytherids more endemic than thaerocytherids) Titterton. p. J. Hemicytheridae. p. Bull.1 59 www. Sea Res. 100-107..S.. Spec. p. Rev. Whatley (2006). Cytheracea (Xestoleberidae). Indonesia (Snellius-II expedition. Rotaliform families and planktonic families. Ito (1985). (11 species of family Hemicytheridae and 7 of family Thaerocytheridae described.C. Highest composition of symbiont-bearing foraminiferal assemblages associated with reef ecosystem was in East Pramuka (78%) and lowest was in South Onrust (22%).fpik. Geol. R.A palynological study of the Pucangan and Kabuh Formations in the Sangiran area. Gilberts. Common from Australia Great Barrier Reef to Philippines and Ryukyus in W and from Marianas to Marshalls. R. (online at: http://revistas. 73-94. Krithidae. 477-489. Centre.N. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . common grass pollen from M-U Pucangan and Lower Kabuh Fms) Toruan. C Java. 5. Ed. 199-217. Soedharma & K. Dewi (2013).Some observations on the distribution of Calcarina and Baculogypsina in the Pacific. A. Bandung. p. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 5. 1-139. R. Part 3: Cytheroidea. Whatley & J. Rel. 4. S. (Review of 15 modern (mainly deep water?) ostracode species from Brady's Challenger collection) Todd. (Calcarina spengleri and Baculogypsina sphaerulata common reef-dwelling foram species of tropical W Pacific between ~170°W and 120°E. (16 species of Cypridoidea described. R. Brady. 169- 189. Both first appeared late in Tertiary.ipb.S. J. ser. Part 1: Cypridoidea.C. H. 291-313. (online at: http://revistas. Vol. National Museum.L. (Descriptions of smaller rotaliform benthic and planktonic foraminifera from tropical Pacific Ocean (continuation of Cushman 1932-1942 monographs)) Tokunaga. Whatley (2005). 31-44.igme. Phoenix Islands. & R. p. Platycopina and 13-33. Cytherideidae. & In : N.pdf) ('The composition and distribution of benthic foraminifera at coral reef ecosystem in the Thousand Islands'. p. 37. Thaerocytheridae. 2 (Geol. D. Oshima. p. Whatley (2006). Whatley (2008). R.A review of some key species of mainly Indo-Pacific ostracoda from the collections of G. Tohoku Univ..). Espanola Micropal. Kadar (eds.Recent marine Ostracoda from the Solomon Islands.Recent marine Ostracoda from the Solomon Islands. Part 4: Cytheroidea.T. & R. p. and Niue in E) Todd. Whittaker (2001). Publ. R.. Res.Titterton. March 2014 .The foraminifera of the tropical Pacific Collections of the ”Albatross”. R. Rev. and sediment distribution of three transects across the Banda Arc. p. L. Micropaleontology 25.Recent marine Ostracoda from the Solomon Islands. (1960).igme. Neoytherideidae. cruise G5). 2. J. together comprising 14% of Recent ostracod fauna from Solomon Islands. 1.Komposisi dan distribusi foraminifera bentik di ekosistem terumbu karang pada Kepulauan Seribu. Micropaleontology 27. Sendai. Watanabe & D. indicating high nutrients) Troelstra. 1894-1900. Bythcytheroidea. comprising 15% of ostracode fauna of 160 species from Solomon Islands. (Preliminary palynological study of Pleistocene of Sangiran.php/revista_micro/article/viewFile/314/312) Titterton. & R.C. Opportunistic types highest in S Onrust. (online at: www. (1965).) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java.Recent marine Ostracoda from the Solomon Islands. Polhaupessy & Y. Dev. 161. P. Boschma) Van der Horst. Jakarta 1987. 539-604 .J. 20 (1950) p. Siboga Expeditie Monograph 16b. 139-152. one from Batu Island. part 4 by H. a new genus of ostracoda from the Indopacific. & K.S. Sea Res. 239-302. de Rijk (1996). new genus Hemikrithe orientalis) Van de Paverd. (Reprint of 5 papers on Recent fresh and brackish water mulluscs from Indonesia. collected during Siboga Expedition) Van der Horst. Siboga Expeditie Monograph 16c. p.Systematic studies on the non-marine mollusca of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. 5. Near-reef facies dominated by few species (Calcarina. (Numbers of radiolarians in sea-floor sediments of Banda Sea vary widely: low from 0. Part 3: Eupsammidae.. p.Note on extant planktonic foraminifera from the Banda Sea.Hemikrithe. 459-463. Distribution reflect sediment influx and occurrence of highly productive areas in surface water) Van de Paverd.naturalis. Jonkers & S. C. 19-73 and 23 (1956) p. 19-73. Linnaeus Press. C.S. p.1 60 Van Benthem Jutting. Jakarta 1987.S. W. Kroon (1989). In: Proc. 511-521. Palaeoclim.Madreporaria Fungida. Indonesia).org/25/items/sibogaexpeditie92sibo/sibogaexpeditie92sibo. (1922). Elphidium). 900-904. Hist.R. Palaeoecology 85. (Online at: http://www. & K. Leiden. collected during Siboga Expedition (Part 1 by Alcock (1902).archive. p. p. (1991). 1-477. Outer platform reefs more open ocean influence with Amphisorus hemprichii and Amphistegina lessonii) Van Benthem Jutting. 22 (1953) (Modern larger foram distribution in Spermonde reefal province off SW tip of Sulawesi. 99-127. 291-435 . Ann.950m.S. Palaeogeogr. Siboga Expeditie Monograph 16b.S. p. H.pdf) (Third of series of monographs on Recent corals of Indonesia. Van Benthem Jutting. Ed. In: March 2014 .S.Madreporaria of the Siboga Expedition. Bjorklund (1996). 93-120. Critical revision of the Javanese gastropods. 259-477. high between 950. Netherlands J. (Second of series of monographs on Recent corals of Indonesia. Mag. p. Leiden. collected during Siboga Expedition Van der Kaars. (Short note listing 44 species of ostracods from two samples. Cruise G-5). 259-477) Van den Bold. Van der Horst.vangorselslist.A. S.Troelstra. Amsterdam.Systematic studies on the non-marine mollusca of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. W. 21 (1952) p. 381-505 . & D.R. 24.A. Brill. 3.Palynology of eastern Indonesian marine piston-cores: a Late Quaternary vegetational and climatic record for Australasia. Mid-shelf reefs mainly with Heterostegina depressa and Amphistegina radiata. Netherl. 12. Eastern Indonesia. W coast of Sumatra. Treubia 23. Critical revision of the freshwater bivalves of Java Treubia 22. (1956). C.. J.J. eastern Indonesia.repository. Nat. Snellius II Symposium. Troelstra. p. W. S. V. and low again below 4800m water depth. 53-98. W. (1950). p.4800m. (online at: https://ia600404. Scripta Geologica 113. 1-46.Preservation and density of Late Quaternary radiolaria in piston cores from the Banda Sea. IV. p. 2. Snellius II Symposium. 28.The Madreporaria of the Siboga Expedition. P..R. Bjorklund (1989). W.Frequency distribution of polycystine radiolarians in surface sediments of the Banda Sea.Systematic studies on the non-marine mollusca of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Madreporaria Fungida.J. Brill.Larger Foraminifera from the Spermonde Archipelago (Sulawesi.J.R. one off Sarawak . p. Part 2. 24. (1953).19 (1948) p.J. Incl. Indonesia (Snellius-II Expedition. Revista Espanola Micropal. (1921).. (1921). 3. (First of series of papers on Recent corals of Indonesia. p. Sea Res. originally published in 'Treubia' (vol.M. (1973). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Results 124.Diatomaceous deposits at Lake Toba. For Last Glacial Maximum 4-7 ° C lower temperatures recorded) Van der Kaars.Palynological aspects of Site 767 in the Celebes Sea. J. (Sediment cores from intramontane Bandung basin (W Java) provide paleoclimatic record for last 135. S. and also shows glacial periods characterised by expanding grassland vegetation. Diatom Symposium. between ~52. (1998). A. & R.vangorselslist. SW Sumatra was covered by rainforest. & M. Palaeogeogr.. Silver et al. Fluin. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .43 ky..000 years. Dam (1995). One piston-core (G6-4) extends to 300 ka. p. 220 and 130 ka) Van der Kaars. but no evidence for cooler conditions. p.Diatoms in surface sediments of the Indonesian Archipelago and their relation to hydrography.Marine and terrestrial pollen records of the last glacial cycle from the Indonesian region: Bandung Basin and Banda Sea. March 2014 . Quaternary Int. J. Bassinot. Palaeoecol.A.M. Reduction in Asplenium ferns from 81.J van Bennekom & T. and very warm and humid interglacial conditions from 126. During MIS 4 conditions became drier. D. H. while increased numbers indicate slightly wetter climate from 74-47 ka Distinctly cooler and possibly drier climate from 47. Indonesia.000 years. N Sumatra.000 years: the record from marine core BAR94- 42.20 ka. S.A.C Dam & P.1 61 www. with maximum grassland cover at ~18 ka. Penny. Sedimentary Res.A 135. 113-128. Hydrobiologia 269-270.) Proc.Vegetation and climate change in West-Java. Dam (1997). while climate was cooler and drier than today. de Deckker & F. Some diatomites mainly composed of mainly of Synedra rumpens.81 ka.. p. Palaeoecology 171. 17. 1. P. West-Java. On Halmahera and N Australai montane oak forest largely replaced tropical lowland vegetation during last glacial period. and during interglacials increases in woodland and fern cover. In: H. Layers up to 75-100 cm thick. p.(Pollen analyses on Late Quaternary sediments from E Indonesia marine piston cores show vegetation and environmental record for E Indonesia and N Australia. palynology and paleoclimatology of a tropical lowland swamp: Rawa Danau. 37. Palaeogeogr. very warm and humid conditions during last interglacial.E.. Ed. Anomalously dry conditions for penultimate glacial last glacial periods.) Twelfth Int.A.C. van Weering (1993). Onset of Holocene coincides with change to more humid conditions) Van der Marel. Palaeoecology 296. 5.74 ka suggests drier conditions. Palaeoclim. 129-134. For Last Glacial Maximum temperatures 4-7°C lower than present) Van der Kaars. 117.. probably due to tectonic upheaval) Van der Kaars. Suparan (2001). around 135 ka.A. Mangrove vegetation expansions suggest rises in sea-level at ~ 244. Palaeogeogr.A.. others mainly Denticula species) Van Iperen. 209-219. 55-72. After ~43 ky everwet climate gradually developed) Van der Kaars. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). the driest of the last glacial. During marine isotope stage (MIS) 5a. Indonesia. 3. ten Dam (ed. J. p. 67-71. Palaeoclimates 3. Indonesia during the last 135. At start of Late Pleistocene montane vegetation expanded. (online at: http://www-odp. Palaeoclim. S. R. West-Java.000-year record of vegetational and climatic change from the Bandung area.pdf) (Palynological study of ODP Site 767 in Celebes Sea indicates presence of extensive wetlands in area in Middle and Late Miocene. Anomalously dry conditions in penultimate glacial period.C.. Sci.000 years. (1991). F. W. 369-374. Van der Kaars.tamu.Late Quaternary palaeoecology. In: E. 52-78. cooler and most open during MIS 3.W. S.Monsoon and ocean circulation and the vegetation cover of southwest Sumatra throughout the last 83. p. Guichard (2010). (Open vegetation and drier climate suggested for Late Glacial. W. (Palynological record from deep-sea core off SW Sumatra used to reconstruct monsoon circulation and vegetation of SW Sumatra over the last 83 ky. (1947). Palaeoclim. Tibby. (Sediment cores from Bandung intramontane basin provide paleoclimatic record for Java for last 135. (Description of Early Quaternary fresh-water diatomaceous deposits around Toba caldera lake. (eds. 185-212. p. now at 150m above lake level. 85-111. tintinnomorphs and dinoflgellate cysts) Van Waveren. dinoflagellates) and land-derived material (spores-pollen. (online at: dspace. Free University Press. L. 97-152. Thesis University of Utrecht. and their paleobathymetric significance for geologic interpretations of the Late Cenozoic sedimentary record.D. Marine Micropal.J.D. (online at: http://www. (Analysis of organic matter types in 31 deep water sea floor samples E of Seram) Van Waveren. p.Irian Jaya continental margin. I. Afd.J.Eastern Indonesian.. Palaeoecology 112. Palaeogeogr. Thesis Vrije Universiteit.Benthic foraminifera from the Banda Arc bottom currents and river outflow) Van Marle. organic matter. Natuurk. a palynological approach.uu.Analysis of the composition and selective preservation of organic matter in surficial deep-sea sediments from a high-productivity area (Banda Sea. off Solo Rivr Delta. (Collection of 11 papers. Amsterdam. Eastern Indonesia. Nederl. Indonesia).dwc. I.)) Van Waveren. 1-328. 151- 156. 441-447. 501-509.J. Indonesia).naturalis. Mix of open marine (foraminifera. p.. Nederbragt (1987). p. L. 24. Amsterdam.Palynofacies analysis of surface sediments from the Northeastern Banda Sea (Indonesia). p.Tintinnomorphs from deep-sea sediments of the Banda Sea (Indonesia). (3) seasonal upwelling areas in Arafura Sea and S of Java. Geologica Ultraiectina 104. 1-271. I. Indonesia. 1-2. ) (Collection of seven publications.J.Irian Jaya continental margin between 60-2119 m water depth. Akademie Wetensch.vangorselslist. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 4. Marine 62 www.. indicators of productivity in littoral environment. p.Plankton percentage of the foraminiferal fauna in seafloor samples from the Australian-Irian Jaya continental margin. Four fauna1 depth-zones and four subzones distinguished) Van Marle. etc.Pattern analysis of organic component abundances from deltaic and open marine deposits: palynofacies distribution (East Java. L.Depth Transform derived from data set. Percentage. p. Examples: around 100m water depth plankton % = ~50%. 13. also published elsewhere. Scripta Geologica 105.repository. 1.Bathymetric distribution of benthic foraminifera on the Australian. p. 23. p. 34.. (1989). (Plankton percentage of foram fauna in 36 seafloor samples between 40-2119m depth from Australian-Irian Jaya continental margin increases with water March 2014 . L. (1989). Ph. 1-237.. Three significant assemblages.J. Presence and preservation may be related to effects of high productivity and high sedimentation rates in Banda Sea) Van Waveren. Late Cenozoic smaller benthic foraminifera. 77. Netherlands J. related to parameters of overlying water mass: (1) related to warm saline surface waters of Pacific and Indian Ocean origin. Also three groups of allochthonous species. Palaeoclim. (Study of distribution of 164 species of benthic foraminifera in 35 seafloor samples from Australia.van Hinte & A. collected during Snellius II Expedition. Ph. Eastern Indonesia. I. Ed. Netherlands J. (1993). six of which deal with Recent Banda Sea palynomorphs.library.(Recent marine diatoms from 53 seafloor samples between 350-7200 m water depth in Indonesian Archipelago. (1994). J. (Eleven types of organic debris types in sea floor samples from Java Sea. Sea Res. & H. Porong Delta. p..Recent deep water benthic foraminifera in E Indonesia) Van Marle.pdf) (Taxonomy and distribution of Miocene. Sea Res.Planktonic organic matter in surficial sediments of the Banda Sea (Indonesia). I. 27-51. etc.knaw. Verhandelingen Kon. 4.E. 2. (1988). along three transects across Banda Arc. (online at: www. 5. Visscher (1994). (2) low-salinity lobe in Makassar Strait. (1989). (1991). on modern foraminifera distribution and Neogene stratigraphy of E Indonesian islands) Van Marle. below 500m >90%) Van (64 types of chitinous remains of tintinnomorph protozoans in (sub-)Recent sediments of Banda Sea. & P. PNG) Van March 2014 .Ecology and physiology of phytoplankton in Ambon Bay. W. Paleolimnology 13. Okol. Syracosphaera pulchrae. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Rotaliidae indicate low salinities at shelf edge.Ostracoden von Sumatra. Cyclococcolithus leptoporus. Assoc. Operculina typical of shallow marine low-oxygen organic-rich clays.M. Veron. Siam. 45-64.A. Paleontology 34. Tiere 23. etc. Mem. Kelley (1988). Indonesia. E. V. Mem. & K. Zool. Buliminidae and Nodosariidae) Vyverman. (1985).M. p. J. 369-374. Australasian Palaeont. J.Distribution of calcareous nannoplankton in surface sediments from intertidal and shallow marine regimes of a marginal sea: Jason Bay. O. with examples from Java. Java. p. Inner shelf with larger Rotaliidae towards euryhaline conditions. J. p. Rotterdam.Foraminiferal biofacies off the South China Coast. J. 9. Ed. p. 6. den Sandwich-lnseln und Japan (Reise von Dr. p. (1991). p.(Palynological analysis of box-core samples from deep-sea sediments along three transects in Banda Sea) Van Zeist.1 63 www. (1995). Stuijts (1979). (Sediments collected from intertidal and shallow marine (0–20 m) parts of Jason Bay. Deltaic assemblages arranged according to salinity. 43-56.Distribution of seagrasses and associated macroalgae in South Sulawesi. (Early review of use of palynology to identify paleo-vegetational changes in Quaternary sediments of Indonesia. Model above valid only for highstand situations. p. Sumatra. (2002). (Palynology of two shallow core holes in Holocene lake deposits at Situ Gunung and Telaga Patengan. S China Sea contain calcareous nannoplankton assemblages with 99% Gephyrocapsa oceanica and rare Helicosphaera carteri. Sabbe (1995). p. 5. (Recent diatoms from lakes. etc. in PNG) Vyverman W. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 8. p. Syst. becoming abundant below ~20m) Vavra. Marine Micropal. Villain. Scapholithus fossilis. N. where they coexist with Operculina and Amphistegina.. Nannoplankton species abundance increases with depth. G. Wagey. Bibliotheca Diatomologica 22. South China Sea. (1984). including several dinoflagellates new to Indonesia) Waller. 65-77.vangorselslist. Spec.O. 18. 1164-1182. (1960). p.A. Ph.) Verheij. (105 phytoplankton species identified from Ambon Bay. (On Recent fresh-water ostracodes from swamps. Erftemeijer (1993). Coarser seafloor rich in oxygen with Amphisteginids.Modeles micropaleontologiques recents et stratigraphie sequentielle en Indonesie. Shelf microfaunas thin-walled. Polhaupessy & I. Geogr. Balkema. close to deeper facies with planktonics. Sediments deposited during last lowstand period cored and correlated. lakes. SW Java) Varol. ('Recent micropaleontological models and sequence stratigraphy in Indonesia'. etc.N. 1-69. Jahrbuch. a preliminary report. W. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 5. Java..) First European Palaeontological Congress. 1-224. Thesis University of British Columbia. Walter Voltz). W. Blumea 38. Umbilicosphaera sibogae.D. due to low oxygen and low carbonate concentrations. & R.Two pollen diagrams from West Java.Species stability in reef corals of Papua New Guinea and the Indo Pacific. p.Diatom-temperature transfer functions based on the altitudinal zonation of diatom assemblages in Papua New Guinea: a possible tool in the reconstruction of regional palaeoclimatic changes. (eds.A. 1-185.The prospect of palynology for the study of prehistoric man in Southeast Asia. of Sumatra. (1906).L. Nodosariidae and planktonics bathymetric markers on slope. Rotterdam. 409-423. 6. Foraminifera distribution on E Kalimantan shelf between Mahakam delta and Makassar Strait. Geobios. Indonesia. comparable to present day. Balkema. In bathyal areas mostly agglutinants. 413-436.Diatoms from Papua New Guinea. Gayet et al. H. In: M. 1-15.E. 1 64 www. Zhao (1987).A. Java Sea.The taxonomy and distribution of Recent reef Ostracoda from the Pulau Seribu. Zhao (2000). offshore Western Australia. (eds. 9th Int.. R. A. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . March 2014 . Nonion japonius. In: T. 952-955. B. P.. J.. thriving best from 10-30m. p. 3. (28 species of coccoliths in surface sediments of East China Sea. Titterton (1981). (2) C Shelf (151-275') Amphistegina lessonii. In: M. (2) dominated by U. Chinese Science Bull. SE Indian Ocean. 13. p. K.A preliminary account of the distribution of ostracoda in Recent reef and reef associated environments in the Pulau Seribu or Thousand Island Group. (Core 17957-2 from S China Sea shows distinct changes in radiolarian/foraminfera ratio and radiolarian assemblages that can be related to global climate cooling observed at M Pleistocene revolution at ~900 ka) Watson. Aberystwyth. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 11. Episodes of high influx of particulate organic matter during glacial episodes. Abelmann. Loxoconcha. Uvigerina auberiana. oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1899-1900. 1-110. R. p. p. Hanai et al. p. 185-229. Diss. p. tied to upwelling episodes and to unusually low sea- surface paleotemperature indicated by planktic foraminifera) Whatley. (Samples on and around reef complex of Pulau Pari. but also present on reef flats and deeper water down to ~120m) Wells. Quinqueloculina. Cassidulina neocarinata. 5. Espanola Micropal. invariably in areas of strong tidal or other currents. Coccoliths very rare in water depths <50 m). Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica together >90% of assemblages. E. Monographie 61. 45. (Unpublished) Weber. Pulau Seribu. Li & Q. Ed. G. p.Response of deep sea benthonic foraminifera to Late Quaternary climate changes. Weber (ed. 1. R. (4) U Bathyal (401-656') Bolivina spathylata. Espanola Micropal.Calcareous nannoplankton in surface sediments of the East China Sea. 1-434. Leiden. Calli & A. 5-37. & M. Shizuoka. Operculina bartschi. & R. & K. Uitkomsten op zoologisch. p. A. 399-411.Recent ostracoda of Malacca Straits (Part II). 23.C. Hanzawaia nipponica. Brill. Faunas close affinity to South China Sea and Indonesia) Whatley. P. Chivas (1994). Rev. yielded 141 species of podocopid and platycopid Ostra coda. Watson (1988).) Siboga Expeditie. Rev. (Late Quaternary benthic foraminifera of four ODP 122 deep-sea cores off W Australia with two main assemblages (1) dominated by Uvigerina peregrina. 19. Streblus tepidus. University of Wales. 20.C. Renaudcypris and Hansacypris mainly in intertidal zone. 10. (18 bottom samples of modern sediments from Malacca Straits over depth range of 10-100m contain 129 species of ostracodes (22 new). Marine Micropal. Wells. & Q. Rev.van Bosse. R. Elsevier.Some new Recent podocopid Ostracoda from the Solomon Islands. (1988). & Q. Bairdiidae maximum diversity on reef.The Corallinaceae of the Siboga Expedition.C. 8. Spiroloculina communis. Symp. Proc. Whatley. reflecting different water masses) Wang. South- West Pacific.C. Foslie (1904). schwageri) Wang. Espanola Micropal. Coccolith species composition different between continental shelf and Okinawa Trough. proboscidea. Xestoleberis and Ornatoleberis wider environmental tolerance) Whatley. p.) Evolutionary biology of ostracoda: its fundamentals and applications. on Ostracoda. Java Sea.(Benthic foraminifera from shelf S of Taiwan and in Gulf of Tonkin. 249-259. Java Sea. & C. 157-170. Samtleben (1983). botanisch. Lithothamnium group present at 55 stations. (Monograph on Recent marine coralline red algae collected by Siboga Expedition in 1899-1900. Zhao (1988).Recent ostracoda of Malacca Straits (Part I). Four depth-related faunas: (1) Inner Shelf (65-150') Elphidium advenum. (3) Outer Shelf (276-400') Biloculinella labiata. Doct. Marine Micropal.vangorselslist. U.Abrupt variations of the radiolarian fauna at Mid-Pleistocene climate transition in the South China Sea. 327-366. sagrum. Joint Prosp. (2) delta front dominated by Oncosperma tiggilarium. Nypa fruticans. (2013). Horton.E. 119-131. Shah & R. (1987). (Extended Abstract) (Palynomorph distribution patterns in three fluvial systems on W (Klang-Langat River) and E (Pahang and Sedili Besar Rivers) coasts of Peninsular Malaysia. 259-270. Eugessona insignis. Petrol. Melosira sulcata. Pacific Ocean. Sediments in offshore area contain pollen signals which approximately mirror vegetation character onshore) Yakzan. low diversity.P. Larcombe & J. Y. Ammonia aoteana. Conf. Sediments of Mahakam Delta contain 28 Palmae species in delta plain and 23 species in delta front. Sun L & Lan D.The major trends of palynomorphs distribution in three fluvial systems.. Biol. with small miliolids and small attached genera (discorbids. 3.). 73-87. S. p. J. Pollen and spores redistributed by currents and less by wind. A.8 m) Wu. Palm pollen can help differentiate between delta plain and delta front facies: (1) delta plain dominated by Oncosperma tiggilarium. B. Fauna all calcareous. 2. 43rd Ann. Fang Q.J. p. Roperia tesselata. Syafri & A. & R. Java Sea'. p. J. Techn. dominated by Coscinodiscus africanus . Seven zones) Yakzan.The foraminifera of the Pitcairn Islands. 31-45. Geosc. Catena 30. 'Distribution of benthic foraminifera off Papateo Island. Nitzschia marina.8 m).Whittaker. with freshwater Pandanus peat overlain by mangrove peat) Yanagisawa.Diversitas polen Palmae pada endapan delta Mahakam Resen. R. Sudradjat. Comm. Ammotium and Haplophragmoides between just above Mean Low Water of Neap Tides to Highest Astronomical Tide level (vertical range 1. Nypa fruticans. Morley (2010). Co-Ord.vangorselslist. Nypa) and hinterland pollen. Jakarta.. Mineral Res. Amphisorus. (1991). (Diatoms in 62 sediment samples from 101-4185m water depths. 1. ('Diversity of palm pollen in Recent deposits of the Mahakam Delta'. Linnean Soc. (Palynology of Late Pleistocene sediments from Pantai tin mine. etc. Apparent absence of Calcarina. also higher diversity) Woodroffe. 365-371.L.M. C yclotella stylorum. Lan B. Living forams almost exclusively from phytal (attached or clinging) habitats. Geol. P. Agglutinated foram assemblage of Miliammina fusca. Papateo. Pulau Seribu. Laut Jawa.. PIT IAGI 2014-195. 391- 406. Ed. Kuala Lumpur 2010. Australia: implications for sea-level reconstruction. Kamaludin (2010). & H. Sorites) and Amphistegina.Age assignments of dredge and piston core samples based on diatom biostratigraphy. Oceanology Limnology March 2014 . 19.. (Recent foraminifera from Pitcairn Islands.. Assoc. Exhib. S. S. Foraminifera in sediment samples mainly thanatocoenoses. Forams from 18 samples from 21-30m depth) Winantris.Palynology of late Quaternary coastal sediments. Pollen palmae abundance in delta plain nearly four times greater than delta front. 5p. Peninsular Malaysia.1 65 www. A. Asian offshore areas (CCOP). mangrove (Rhizophora).E. Trochammina inflata. Chinese J. elphidiids and agglutinating species. I. Chen C. 5. 56. p. p.. back mangrove (Acrostichum.S.. Foraminiferal Research 35. p. Bull. A.C oscinodiscus nodulifer..Rahardjo (2014). Kepulauan Seribu. Conv. dominated by large soritids (Marginopora. (Latest Pliocene. J. Whittaker (2005).T.A. Hodgkinson (1995). small rotaliids.dominated assemblage between just below Mean Low Water of Neap Tides and Mean High Water of Neap Tides (vertical range 0. common in W Pacific islands) Wijono.Distribusi foraminifera bentonik di daerah peraian P.Diatom assemblages in surface sediments from the South China Sea as environmental indicators. S. W coast of Malay Peninsula. Eugessona insignis.Intertidal mangrove foraminifera from the central Great Barrier Reef shelf. Jirin. 4. Thalassionema nitzschioides. (IAGI). Pinanga parvula and Cocos nucifera. Media Teknik (UGM) 13. 256 species.M. (Foraminifera distribution in intertidal zone tied to elevation. Proc. Hemidiscus cuneiformis .Recent ages for sediments in piston cores in forearc offshore E Java) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Indon.etc. Gao Y. p. Phoenix paludosa and Licuala sp. Ecological groups.M. 1273- 1306. S. (2002). Q. Aryanto & R. Planulina wuellerstorfi. Siregar. Suparan & K. 2. Thick Operculina with intensively coiled spirals predominate in shallow water (20 -40m).Yap. Soc.T. J. In: T.R. representing 9100 BP. Neocytherideis sp. & R. 29.Recent Foraminifera of Matabungkay and Talim Bays. L. P. 9. Palaeobotany Palynology 131. 1187-1199. Proc. Bolivina spathulata. 5.. where it develops very thin tests) Yordanova. 101 species recorded. (Distribution of ostracodes in Jason Bay.. & J. E. Symposium on Ostracoda. p. p. Dewi. Dardji Noeradi. ?Cytherissa. Indonesia. Dead assemblages higher diversity than live assemblages . Whatley (1989). Batangas. Micropaleontology 35. p. Biogeography 29.N Sumatra. (online at: http://ejournal. D. 168-187.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Rev. S Kalimantan and Pare-Pare.K. Hirakawa (2004)- Mangrove shoreline responses to Holocene environmental change.A. (Pollen analyses of two near-coastal sites at Batulicin. Pseudonodosaria discrete. (eds.). 53-59.1 66 www. Rahardjo. p. Siregar & K. Lenticulina suborbicularis. W. Java is a relatively small but landbridge island connected with large islands of Sumatra and Borneo during Pleistocene low sea level periods) Yordanova E.vangorselslist. (Present-day fresh water fish distributions classified into 19 biogeographical zones/ main river systems Sundaic islands grouped into four pairs: Malay Peninsula.Recent podocopid Ostracoda of the Sedili River and Jason Bay. Asian Earth Sci.Studies on settling. C Sumatra-W March 2014 . Makassar Strait. Hemicytheridea reticulata.J. in deep euphotic zone (−120m) thin forms with weakly coiled spiral. Wang (1988). & J.C. 251-268. Mangroves developed at Batulicin in mid-Holocene. 805-821. From ~6000 BP gradual change from mangrove forest to peat swamp forest due to higher precipitation and progradation. Hirakawa (2005). (Pollen analysis of Batulicin. Human influence recognized from ~1600 BP) Yulianto. Q. 149-177. in brackish estuary 4 species (Sinocythere superba.php/bomg/article/view/65/66) (Core top samples from water depths 200-1500m in S Makassar Straits with 38 species of benthic foraminifera. Militante-Matias (1997). Dardji Noeradi.T. Hanai et al. p. Mangrove development commenced at Pare-Pare in early Holocene. N. (Relations between water depth and shape in Operculina. J.S. Rahardjo. Bull. Most common species Anomalinoides colligerus. 9th Int. (Buoyancy experiments on modern tropical larger foraminifera) Yulianto. 1-8. K. Keijella multisulcus. & P. off SE coast of Malay Peninsula. due to postmortem transportation.A. SE Kalimantan coastal peat swamp core. S Sulawesi.) Evolutionary biology of ostracoda: its fundamentals and applications. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 11. persisting to present at Batulicin. Ed. Sukapti. p.Distribution of modern ostracoda in the shelf seas off China. p.K. J.esdm. A. 2. & P. Freshwater Sedili River only two species (Darwinula stephensoni. N Borneo-E Borneo- Sarawaka and S Borneo-Java. D.A Holocene pollen record of vegetation and coastal environmental changes in the coastal swamp forest at Batulicin.On the distributional patterns of Southeast-East Asian freshwater fish and their history. S.mgi. Thin Planoperculina heterosteginoides restricted to deep euphotic zone (>80m) can extend distribution to just below euphotic zone. E. 1. E.go. C. Highest abundance of benthic foraminifera in silty sand and sandy silt) Zamoras. p.D. of living operculinid foraminifera. A. Zhao. Shizuoka. Marine Geol.T. South Kalimantan.. shows Rhizophora mangrove forest since early Holocene. Zhao. Philippines 52. One new genus and 13 new species.The correlation between benthic foraminifera and sediment types of South Makassar Strait. Hohenegger (2004). but since mid Holocene fluvial/floodplain deposition) Zallesa. Micropaleontology 50. Geol. Rahardiawan (2014). southeastern Malay Peninsula. 25. Planoperculina and Planostegina in Ryuku islands. Sedimentology 54. Elsevier. traction and entrainment of larger benthic foraminiferal tests: implications for accumulation in shallow marine sediments. p. Hohenegger (2007). Ed. Melonis pompilioides. 329-344.1 67 www..The Recent Foraminifera of the Xisha March 2014 . Sphaeroidina bulloides. p. 55 species of benthic foraminifera identified on plateau. p. (In Chinese with English summary) Zheng. 101-232.) Zheng. Javanella kendengensis. 345-349. China.Deep-water Quaternary Foraminifera from short cores taken between Australia and southeast Indonesia.pdf) (Twenty short cores from N Scott Plateau (water depths ~3200 m) and S slope of the Java Trench (4950-5790m) taken by R. Part I. Gyroidinoides.V. Australian Geol. Holocene-Pleistocene boundary at ~60 cm in cores. Eggerela bradyi. most common: Atjehella semiplicata. etc. p. Y.Y. less in trench (ncl. (In Chinese with English summary) Zobel. etc. Valdivia.The Recent Foraminifera of the Zhongsha Islands. Guangdong Province. & B.H. and carbonate solution more marked above than below boundary) Oridorsalis tener. Globocassidulina.vangorselslist. S. (1979). B. (1980). Neomonoceratina delicata. 5. Diatom Research 19. p.Diatom assemblages from two mangrove tidal flats in Peninsular Malaysia. Hemicytheridea spp. BMR J. (1978).Forty-eight species live in open sea. Cushmanidea subjaponica. Geophysics 3. Parakrithella pseudadonta. Studia Marina Sinica 15. S. China. Studia Marina Sinica 16. 143-182. Bulimina spp. Kareriella bradyi. Cibicides wuellerstorfi. Planktonic foraminifera belong to tropical associations. Only deep-water forms. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Kamaludin (2004) Part II. (online at: www.. Guangdong Province.Y. G. Larger forams (Ranikothalia. 283-338. Borneo Region 1963. (Melinau Lst in NE Sarawak up to 7000’ thick.V. 47-66. Palaeogeogr. (1968). Palaeoclimatol. Ann. Dept. (Nat. Int. Athens 1979. 19. including huge Jatibungkus limestone olistolith. 7. Matteucci. (1973). British Borneo Geol.The foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Melinau Limestone. Surv.Larger foraminifera and the Late Cenozoic history of the Mediterranean region. (Classic review of Late Paleocene. Ann. three new species: Dictyoconus melinauensis. One new genus. p. British Borneo 1958. p. 152-162. In: C. Geol. C. 71-97. Mediterranean Neogene. Mus.. p. 3. 87-137. London 121. C. known as East Indian Letter Classification) Adams. (Eocene larger foraminifera from Sarawak) Adams. p.Eocene and Miocene foraminifera from limestone and shale in the middle Baram Valley. 7th Int. Halkyardia. American and Indo Pacific Provinces. Geol. Tethys. 16. (Nat.G. etc. From M Miocene onward diverged rapidly) Adams. Publ. Palaeoecol. Middle Baram. Rept.E Miocene Austrotrillina are of value in stratigraphy) Adams. C. J. Distichoplax biserialis) suggest Late Paleocene age (Thanetian. Geol. Bull. Dictyoconus recorded for first time from Oligocene-age strata) Adams. C.X. Soc. Sarawak. Systematics Association.). thin (~90m).G. London. 5. IV. Nummulites fichteli.Recent larger foram zonation. etc. Hist. Pignatti & A. (1967). Ann. Bull.M Miocene larger foram genera) Adams. p.G. (Notes on biogeography of Eocene. Wilfordia. Elsevier. Forams 2010. Symposium on Foraminifera.Tertiary Foraminifera in the Tethyan. Geol. incl.1 68 www. p.A revision of the foraminiferal genus Austrotrillina Parr. Age based on larger foraminifera Late Eocene.G. (1970). 145-151.Larger foraminifera and the Paleogene/ Neogene boundary. In: Proc. SE of Tatau.. Spec. p. Miscellanea. hors serie.girmm. Pays Hellen. (Poster Abstract) (online at: http://www.G. (Occ.sp.. Adams & D.pdf) (Eocene Karangsambung melange of C Java with exotic blocks.G.) Aspects of Tethyan biogeography. rotaliids and discocyclinids). Sarawak. 20. corals (11 species) and calcareous algae (incl. Geol.G. In: A. M. (Larger foram faunas similar between Mediterranean and Indo-West Pacific. rel. Indo-Pacific) Adams.Foraminifera from limestone and shale in the Batu Gading area. Ann.G. (Evolutionary changes in Late Oligocene. C. Halkyardia. Hallam (ed. Nummulites javanus. Neoalveolina inflata. and its importance in Tertiary correlation. Bintulu. C. 64-67. Russo (2010). Quart. 453-468. p. Sarawak.) Adams. British Mus. R. East Sarawak. C. 195-217. p. 73-85. J. Surv.).Biostratigraphy of the Jatibungkus olistolith (Central Java). Ager (eds. Di Carlo.Some Tertiary foraminifera.A reconsideration of the East Indian Letter classification of the Tertiary. C. Discocyclina javana.G. 1959. Ed. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Bukit Sarang Limestone of Sarawak. (Tertiary larger foraminifera three major bioprovinces: Americas. Rept. Amsterdam. F. Tertiary Accordi. Malaysia. G.3. Geol.) Adams. Dictyoconus melinauensis n. Hist. foram zones SBZ3/ SBZ4). but different from Americas. Carbone. Bonn. Eocene larger forams. Three main depositional environments) Adams. March 2014 . (1964). C. (1965). (1981).vangorselslist. (1959). and Wilfordia sarawakensis.Early Miocene. Eorupertia. (1976). Surv.) Atlas of Palaeobiogeography. p.The age and foraminiferal fauna of the Bukit Sarang limestone. With Tc/ Early Oligocene species only: Borelis (1960).G.. Rept. Brit. in localities worldwide. Belford (1974).W Pacific first appearance of Miogypsina best marker event) Adams. p. C. (Online at: http://www.G. 255-287. Tsuchi & J. & P. (1992). of Tokyo Press.W. Adams. p.. C. In Indonesia. C. (1984).) Pacific Neogene.. tectonism. 23. Contributions to biostratigraphy and chronology. 181-187. Rosen (1990). Frame (1979). Gentry & P.) The emergence of the biosphere. Adams. Bull. D.W. 5. 475-506. Bull. related to climate changes and tectonism (Early Miocene disconnection of Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. etc. Palaeontology 22. Lepidocyclina.. Whybrow (1979).Neogene larger foraminifera.1 69 www.G. University of Tokyo Press. 1. (Nephrolepidina).Speciation. Ed.J. L. 30.G. In: R. (Geographic distribution of larger foraminifera shows continuous connection between Mediterranean and Indian Ocean closed by mid-Burdigalian) Adams.(No major changes in larger foram faunas distribution at Oligo-Miocene boundary. Brit. a new complex miliolid species from M Eocene Lower Chimbu limestone. Tsuchi (eds. p. Mus.) 32.G.J. 221-235. Utrecht Micropal.. Adams. 47-67. C. Butterlin & B. Premoli-Silva (eds. and L.) Adams. p. evolutionary and geological events in the context of datum planes.K. (Reticulogyra mirata.G.G.R. phylogenesis. etc. (Three subgenera.A new foraminifer from the Middle Eocene of Papua New Guinea. Nummulites javanus. & D. (Review of evolutionary patterns of Cenozoic larger foraminifera (Miogypsina. Microspheric forms from Fiji up to 90 mm) Adams. In: R. Amsterdam. Vol. Cycloclypeus. Palaeoecology 77. C. 1. Pellatispira. C. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina).Dating the terminal Tethyan event.Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Oligo-Miocene limestones of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). Hist. Tokyo. Univ. C. C. Mention of Eocene limestone..Larger foraminifera and the dating of Neogene events. Possibly triggered by global sea level fall with climatic deterioration. (Paleotemperatures derived from some isotope studies are too low to account for distribution and diversity of many Tertiary tropical. etc.Larger foraminifera and events at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the Indo West Pacific region. March 2014 . (Late Oligocene. Belford (1979).G. Pomerol & I.) Terminal Eocene events.C. (Eulepidina). (1987). Assoc. p. p. Spiroclypeus vermicularis. London.G. Spec.Conflicting isotopic and biotic evidence for tropical sea-surface temperatures during the Tertiary. Sims et al.Observations on Cycloclypeus (Cycloclypeus) Carpenter and Cycloclypeus (Katacycloclypeus) Tan (Foraminifera). In: C.. Nat. with extinction of Discocyclina. Ingle (eds. 289-313. (Lepidocyclina) on basis of equatorial chamber shape) Adams C. p.Lower Tf zones) LBF assemblages in ~190m thick limestones capping a truncated basaltic volcanic cone in the Indian Ocean off SW Java. Associated larger forams include Fasciolites.G. climate and eustasy: factors in the evolution of Cenozoic larger foraminiferal bioprovinces. but no details) Adams. Elsevier. discriminated on nature and arrangement of peri-embryonic chambers. Palaeoclim. (Katacycloclypeus limited to Middle Miocene Lower Tf letter stage. A. 237-252.On the classification of the Lepidocyclinidae (Foraminiferida) with redescriptions of the unrelated Palaeocene genera Actinosiphon and Orbitosiphon. C. 3-17. J.G. Samanta (1986). In: N. Micropaleontology 33.vangorselslist. & D. (eds. Lee & B.archive. p. 273-298. Academic Press.subtropical taxa) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .E.J. (In most Indo-Pacific localities Eocene terminated by disconformities. Two groups of species recognized within L. Ikebe & R. (Geol. (1983). 289-317. Syst.) Pacific Neogene datum planes.).M Miocene (lower Te. Palaeontology 17. Dictyoconus chimbuensis) Adams. M. Adisaputra. 22-34. Indian Ocean. p.and larger forams (mainly Te1-4. N of Sumbawa. Indian Ocean S of East Java. Bandung. ('Biostratigraphy of the Cimandiri Formation in the Central Jampang area.K. p. Oji Seminar on Neogene Evolution of Pacific Ocean Gateways. Indian Ocean South of East Jawa. (Samples from Tagogapu/ Cikaming part of Rajamandala Limestone in W Java with both planktonics (zones N2-N4). L.K. Hendrizan (2008). (Early Miocene shallow water limestone samples with Miogypsina-Miogypsinoides dredged from sites D1 and D2 (1500 and 2100 m) in Bali-Flores Basin.Umur batugamping Waripi dan Yawee di Wamena dan Formasi Faumai dan Ainod di Timika. M. Oji Seminar on Neogene Evolution of Pacific Ocean Gateways. J. 1. Late Oligocene. Geol. Geologi Kelautan 6. 1. M. 3. Adisaputra-Sudinta. May be reworked into Pliocene.Pleistocene deep water sediments from nearby uplifted fault blocks. 108.3914 m below sea level) Adisaputra. M. C. IGCP-355. 27-48. Rodda & R. Repts.Neogene events through biostratigraphic constrain in the Banda Sea. near top Miocene) Adisaputra.Correlation between larger benthonic and smaller planktonic foraminifera from the mid-Tertiary Rajamandala Formation. 4. based on larger foraminifera') Adisaputra. 4. p.The phillipsite mineral in deep sea sediment from single core in Roo Rise.. 1.Paleocene postgenetic accumulation of nannoplankton on the phillipsite minerals in Roo Rise. IGCP-355. Bull. Adisaputra.Late Miocene. based on nannoplankton biostratigraphy') Adisaputra. 5. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 5. Kyodai Kaikan. Kyoto. (2000). M. P. p. 3880. 2.K. M.K. Central West Java.. 45. p. & Budiman (1995). & H. 72-79. (Paleocene nannoplankton on phillipsite crystals in core from Roo Rise. M.Notes on Cycloclypeus (Katacycloclypeus) Tan and Cycloclypeus (Radiocloclypeus) Tan. Sukabumi. & L. Korea 1997. Sarmili (1995). ('Age of the Waripi and Yawee limestone in Wamena and the Faumai and Ainod Formations in Timika. & Hartono (2004).G. In: Proc. Programs E and SE Asia (CCOP).Foraminifera from dredged samples in Bali and Flores basins: implications for tectonic environment.Sundaland Neogene biostratigraphic events.Adams.K. 49-56. 4. In: J. p. p. Hasjim & A. berdasarkan biostratigrafi nannoplankton. Stellate Radiocycloclypeus may be N12 and younger) Adisaputra. Publ. & D. Ser. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) 8. M. Indonesian Mining J. Inst. p. & M. becomes extinct at N18/N19 boundary..Holocene biostratigraphy of single core in Roo Rise.The extinction of the foraminiferal genus Lepidocyclina and the Miocene-Pliocene boundary problem in Fiji. Adisaputra. Coleman (1983). based on planktonic and larger foraminifera'. Djojosumarto (1995). berdasarkan foraminifera besar. N.1 70 www. Indonesia 5. Techn. (1987). M.K. J. Comm. Samudera Hindia. Taejon. M. J.J.. ('Hiatus between Eocene and Upper Miocene on the Roo Rise. p. In: Proc.earliest Miocene) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Last surviving species of Lepidocyclina. Age of Katacycloclypeus is M Miocene (planktonic foram zone N8-N12). Marine Micropal.K.vangorselslist. 9. Sess. Centre. p. SW Java) Adisaputra. 34th Sess. p. Marine Geol. 37-55. 39-43. Prasetyo (1998). 62-71. p. di daerah Jampang Tengah. berdasarkan foraminifera plangton dan foraminifera besar. 25-33. J. Dev. Co-ord. March 2014 .K. Res. Coastal Offshore Geosc. Paleont. (Discussion of larger foram Cycloclypeus subgenera and species. 1. Papua. p. 2-11. 10. M.Biostratigrafi Formasi Cimandiri. Jurnal Geol.L. at top Te5. Indian Ocean South of East Jawa. Kusnida (2010). Kiteley (1979). & P. Not much detail on sample positions) Adisaputra. Sukabumi. Selatan Jawa Timur. Rau (ed. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral (GRDC) 10. Papua.J. 19. M Miocene. radiata. Kyoto. 319-339. & Hartono (2007).) Proc.Hiatus pada kala Eosen-Miosen Tengah di tinggian Roo. Ed.K.K. T. due to closure of Indonesian seaway. Rahardjo (2010). (online at: http://www. In: Proc. Oyo Fm 3 zones (NN8-NN10. p. Kano & K. C Java.Adisaputra-Sudinta. Central Java. Gradual δ18O increase (cooling) in Late Miocene (~12 Ma) in all taxa can be correlated to global cooling and/or closing of Indonesian seaway. probably related to development of W Pacific Warm Pool. Decrease of O isotope values at ~14 Ma. 1. Proc. Seminar on Geology of the Southern Mountains of Java.Calcareous nannofossils biostratigraphy of Ngalang River section. 247-252.. Watanabe (2009). van Vessem (1978). (Abstract only) (Samples from Miocene Sambipitu and Oyo Fms of Ngalang River section.The characteristics of foraminfera distribution patterns within turbidite sequence of Banyak Formation. p. S Mountains. 1. Yogyakarta. Akmaluddin. Dev. Yogyakarta. Proc.L Miocene). Akmaluddin & Y. C Java. 29-47. Maryunani. (Oxygen isotopes study of planktonic and benthic foraminifera from Ngalang river section. Kano & K. Gunung Kidul. which moved to present-day location in W Pacific after ~10Ma. Indonesia. Watanabe (2009). Geol. Bandung. p. Int. p 1-9. and (2) Miogypsina antillea in 200m thick ‘Upper Rembang Fm/ Tlatah Limestone Beds'. Indon Geol. Decreasing of carbon δ13C in Late Miocene likely correlates to 'carbonate crash'. Yogyakarta 2009. (IAGI). Conv. Indonesia. Akmaluddin (2008). 43rd Ann. Proc. S Mountains. tied to M Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Indonesia. Assoc. 5.Miocene warm tropical climate: evidence based on oxygen isotope in Central Java. A. Buletin Geol.J. M. Indonesia. 1992 geological map)) Akmaluddin. Southern Mountains. p. probably equivalent of Middle Miocene ‘Platen Limestone’) Agnes M. Pekanbaru 2006. 41st Ann. A. Technology. Ardhito (2014). comparable to N13-N16 zone of planktonic foraminifera (younger than N8-N11 age suggested by use of foraminifera in Surono et al.1 71 www. Assoc. Geol. 1 p. Centre. Jakarta. K. Smit & E. Conv. ('Biostratigraphy of nannofosils in the Oyo Formation along the road of Gunung Lanang.M Miocene).pdf) (O and C isotopes records of foraminifera and bulk carbonates from Oyo. (IAGI). C Java. Bayat. (IAGI). Indon.Biostratigrafi nanofosil Formasi Oyo jalur Gunung Lanang.vangorselslist. 2012-SS-10. & A. World Academy of Science. Southern Mountain area. 66-70. Klaten area'. Assoc. Central Java-Indonesia.K.Preliminary study of high-resolution correlation and calibration of biodatum marine microfossils (foraminifera and nannofossils) using strontium isotope stratigraphy: case study in Southern Mountains. Geol. at ~11-10Ma) Akmaluddin. Watanabe (2012). 32. Susilo & W. Conv. NE Java: (1) Miogypsina cushmani in Middle Rembang Beds below Ngrayong-equivalent quartz sands. R. Sambipitu Fm shows 5 zones (NN2-NN6. Yogyakarta. (Localities on Jatirogo Quadrangle. Kano & W. Kamei & K. 1. Yogyakarta 2009. Suggesting younger ages than dated previously) Akmaluddin. Low δ18O values (warming of bottom water) of benthic foraminifera at ~18 Ma and ~12 Ma.Miogypsina cushmani and Miogypsina antillea from Jatirogo (East Java). daerah Bayat- Klaten. Ed. Consistently low planktonic δ18O values indicate sea surface temperature in this area was higher than other tropical areas during E-M Miocene.waset. Workshop on Earth Science and Technology. 71. NN9 (Discoaster hamatus) and NN10 (Discoaster calcaris). p. 6th Int. A. 5p.Sambipitu Fms. A. 97-102. Watanabe. In: Proc.Age correlation of Oyo Formation based on nannofossils and foraminifera biostratigraphy at Southern Mountains area. Indon. p. Int. In: Proc. Central Java.A. suggesting Oyo Fm is of Middle -Late Miocene age. K. 35th Ann. NN8 (Catinaster coalitus).com March 2014 .Paleoclimate reconstruction based on oxygen isotope composition of foraminifera in Southern Mountains area. Bull. of Central Java and closing of Indonesian Seaway reconstruction based on oxygen isotope composition of foraminifera. E. Calcareous nannofossils Gn Lanang four zones: NN 7 (Zone Discoaster exilis). PIT IAGI 2014-247. demonstrate warm sea surface T during Miocene. Seminar on Geology of the Southern Mountains of Java.T. Res. Results suggest gap between Sambipitu and Oyo Fms. M. Rahardjo (2006). Rahardjo (2000). 103-108 Akmaluddin. 2 Ma.…) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . middle and upper Semilir Fm at Buyutan section yielded ages of 23.J. 2012-SS-09. (Fission track dating of 3 samples from lower. Muller (1975). Sed. Central Java.php?li=article_detail&id=645) ('Foraminifera distribution patterns within sequence stratigraphy. (Strontium isotopes used to calibrate ages of Oligocene.3 Ma of Oyo Fm tuff layers in agreement with biostratigraphic ages (tuff layers 10m above FO Discoaster hamatus ( good agreement with nannofossil biozones. p. 40Ar/39Ar dating & fission track dating in Southern Mountains. Proc. Proc.Oligocene-Early Miocene foraminifera. Assoc. inconsistent with nannofossils. Only one spore type. Bandung 30. Inst. Ledok and Ngliron River sections. 27th Ann. Floristic composition of mixed swamp forest stage in both bogs closely comparable.Strontium isotope stratigraphy and the Oligocene-Miocene T-Letter 'Stages' in Papua New Guinea. D. Conv. 4th PNG Petroleum Conv.) Papua New Guinea’s petroleum industry in the 21st century. (Palynology study of Holocene raised peat bog near Marudi (Sarawak) and Miocene coal near Berakas (Brunei) and compared with present-day swamp vegetation along NW Borneo coast. 155-168. Yogyakarta. p. Sambipitu Fm 5 zones (NN2-NN6. K. Bachtiar (1998). Foraminifera biostratigraphy of Sambipitu Fm 4 zones (N6- N8a). March 2014 . Soc.Miocene calcareous nannofossils and foraminifera biostratigraphy. 3. Malaysia.. Watanabe & W.1 72 www. Tekn. Te/Tf1 boundary older (20.R. hamatus (9. Proc. Masters Thesis Inst. 66-68. Sabah: preliminary interpretation. p.2 Ma) younger than generally accepted age of 15. Nummulites possibly ranges in Late Oligocene) Anderson. (Calcareous nannofossil analysis on Miocene Sambipitu and Oyo Fms at Kali Ngalang section. paleobathymetry and sequences identification at Braholo. 76 pollen and spore types recognized.vangorselslist.A. near FO Globoquadrina dehiscens. p. but M Miocene (Oyo Fm) suggest hiatus of N10-N12. Geol..8±1..5 Ma. 41st Ann.3 Ma) than generally accepted age of 18. Ngrayong Sst Fm generally age N9-N10 ) Armein.. near Top Globigerina binaiensis) Akmaluddin.Miocene Optimum. Yogyakarta. T. Tawau.itb. Ed. (Extended Abstract only) (online at: http://geology. Rev.A. Assoc. J. Tekn.L. J. 19.Palynological study of a Holocene peat deposit and a Miocene coal deposit from NW Borneo. D. (IAGI). Palynol. Geol.7 Ma) and FO Globigerina nepenthes (11. Oyo Fm 3 zones (NN8-NN10. In: P. with absence of NN7. Woelandari & A. Khoiril (1998). M-L Miocene). tied to Late Miocene global cooling or due to closing of Indonesian Gateway) Akmaluddin. Paleobot. 291-351. Age of larger foram zonal boundary Tf1/Tf2 (12. 40Ar/39Ar date of 10. Pal. 2012-SS-08. 16-26.43Ma. Indon. Whitford & M. Conv. (Online at: http://journal. (1998).edu. Cooling at ~12 Ma.Pola penyebaran foraminifera dalam hubunganny dengan sikuen stratigrafi. a case study in Blora and surrounding areas'. p.early Late Miocene Darai Limestone.G.W. 19.7 Ma). Strat. 1-16. (IAGI).Miocene larger benthic foraminifera from the Kalumpang Formation. & Basir Jasin (2013). In: Proc.Pola sebaran foraminifera dalam hubungannya dengan stratigrafi sikuen (studi kasus: daerah Blora dan sekitarnyaldaerah lintang rendah. with calibrating the age using 40Ar/39Ar dating in Southern Mountains. & J. J. Guwo. p. 41st Ann. Indon. 20m below LO D. Age. Nat. Trotter. (IAGI).(eds. (On the use of foraminifera in sequence stratigraphy in NE Java) Anwar Maruyani. E-M Miocene).um. Port Moresby 2000. K. Central Java.0±1. Rahardjo (2012). Proc. K.4 Ma)) Allan. Ohira (2012). Buchanan et al. Geoscience Conf.0 Ma. Geol.Identifikasi fosil rombakan di lapisan Miosen cekungan Kutai dan implikasinya geologinya. Indon. Assoc. p. p.Korsch (2000). ('Identification of fossil debris in Miocene beds of the Kutai Basin and its geological implications') Asis. Stenochlaena areolaris became extinct in Borneo) Anwar Maruyani. Ipoh 2013. Warming of sea surface T related to development of W Pacific Warm Pool and flow of warn water through Indonesian seaway. 5.5 Ma and 19. Bandung. Watanabe & H. Results indicate gap between Sambipitu and Oyo Fms. Overlain by E Miocene (incl.E Oligocene/Tc limestone in Chimbu River gorge (Kubor Anticline?). Malaysia. Japan.dwc. Bur. & S. D. p. (1938). Ph. Flosculinella bontangensis. However. p.. 3. Papers. New Guinea. Nederl. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) spp.tulips. Chand (conv. Kon.) from Timor. of Tsukuba.The geology and planktic foraminiferal stratigraphy of the Northwest Borneo Int. mainly reflecting Early Cretaceous. sometimes separated by mudstones) Bakx. Mijnbouwk. 1-12.. 41. Akademie Wetenschappen.knaw. (1937). 1. H. (Lyell's survivorship percentages of Cenozoic mollusk assemblages s re-calculated for the Indonesian area) Bain.vangorselslist. with 14 species of larger foraminifera.The Lyellian coefficients checked for Tethyan and Indonesian Cenozoic benthic molluscs. Techn. SE Sabah. and probably also Pellatispira ( March 2014 . L. Akademie Wetenschappen. Miogypsina. Symposium on Shallow Tethys 4. Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina).A. p.Tertiary rocks from the Misool Archipelago (Dutch East Indies). Sartori (1996). Gen. Mainly Eocene alveolinids (then called Fasciolites spp. not Miocene) Baggio. Geol. 333-356. Banda. Univ. Proc. Cycloclypeus (Katacycloclypeus) annulatus. 145p.pdf) (Larger forams from limestones from Weber collection from small islands S of Misool identified as Eocene (Alveolina on Jef Lili) and Miocene (Spiroclypeus.Eocene period of S- directed subduction. 9. 10 from Sabenibnoe island W). incl. 926-927) Baggelaar H. Tawau.G. Amsterdam. Ser. HvG) limestones with Miogypsinoides. 301. 205-266. Also critiqued by Musper in Neues Jahrbuch Geol.. & J. 6. Nederl. (1998).pdf) (Lepidocyclina and Spiroclypeus identified from seven islands S of Misool are Discocyclina and Asterocyclina. Sulawesi. (online at: www. Langhian.pdf) (~300m of M Eocene/Ta3. Mainly Cycloclypeus carpenteri) Baggelaar. a comparison with the Mesozoic.De genera Fasciolites en Neoalveolina in het Pacifische gebied. 5. (1994). Followed by study of planktonic foraminifera from overlying Late Oligocene-Pliocene basin) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .H.M. (online at: http://www.Chronostratigraphic studies of Philippine Cycloclypeus. Verhandelingen Geol. Heterostegina borneensis and Eulepidina.(Miocene larger foraminifera from Spit Lst unit of Kalumpang Fm in Teck Guan Quarry. etc. (1980). Nummulites javanus. E.The foraminifera and stratigraphy of the Chimbu Limestone. R. p. p. (Cycloclypeus larger foram assemblages common in Miocene carbonates of Philippines.O. (online at: http://www. p.knaw. Kol.) Proc 25th Austr. Proc. Philippines) 34. (most likely age E Middle Miocene. p.. Proc. In: F. All limestones therefore appear to be of Eocene age. 73 www. all 'Miocene' identifications erroneous and should also be Eocene (Baggelaar 1938). 1937.dwc. Soc. Java. Discocyclina (no Pellatispira/ Biplanispira. etc. 285-292. (online at: http://www. ('The genera Fasciolites and Neoalveolina in the Pacific area'. Geol.D.Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Miri-Tinjar road section. Nederl. HvG)) Ayala.J. Thesis.Some correcting notes on 'Tertiary rocks from the Misool-Archipelago (Dutch East Indies)'.jp/limedio/dlam/B14/B1451308/…. Lepidocyclina from 7 islands) genera. 77-116. North Sarawak. Malaysia. Miogypsina. 40.which ceased after Late Eocene Luconia Block collision.C. Eocene with Lacazinella. J. Ed. E Oligocene with Nummulites intermedius. Geological Papers 1970-71. The Philippine Geologist (J.) (Overview of NW Borneo/ West Sarawak geology. Binnekamp (1973). Kon. R. creating accretionary complexes. Fasciolites/ Alveolina. Palaont. as reported by Crespin (1938)).) Banda. 139. (1932). para- conformable on U Mineral Res. latest Oligocene Te4?. p. Sarawak. Bull. New Guinea. p.On Pseudotaberina malabarica (Carter) (Foraminiferida)..A. dutertrei in glacial times)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .J. Palaeoecology 101. Thesis University of Leiden. 1826. With meandrine. is similar to that recognized in other tropical areas of world. March 2014 . Drier climate and lower sea level resulted in expansion of Lower Montane oak forests on Halmahera. 1733-1745.Een monografie van het genus Operculina d'Orbigny. (Monograph on foram genus Operculina. indicating weakened NW winds. W. Micropal. Kuncoro & K. p. subsp. in Iloilo. banyakensis n. (New genus names Tansinhokella for Eocene members of Spiroclypeus group and Vlerkina for involute Heterostegina) Banner. deep basinal conditions until M Pliocene) Banner. 107-117. p. 138-143. Indonesia. including descriptions of Tertiary material from Borneo and Sumatra. Barmawidjaja. Yogyakarta.. (2000). J. early Mid Miocene) and Miri Fm (barren) sandy alternations) Bande. 1-159. Luzon. with reconstruction of Tertiary environments of region. (1950). & U. n. Southeast Asian Applied Geol. In Late Miocene when Central Valley paralic facies.gen. (On Archaias-type soritid species formerly assigned to Orbitolites. Watanabe (2010). (Compilation of information on Paleogene and Neogene floras of SE Asia.T. Rohling. sp.. involute chambers in large microspheric specimens. 14. changing upward into increasingly deeper-water bathyal facies. R.D.M.B...T.L. 1. Malaysia 1. (Neogene limestones of Nias and Tuangku. Palaeogeogr. (Core K12 N of Halmahera spans last 27. M. Glacial time climate drier than today.T.Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation and basinal development in Philippines. Ed.H. (Miri-Gunong Subis area four lithostratigraphic unit: Suai Fm metamorphosed shale (Ga binaiensis Zone. Late Oligocene-Early Miocene commenced with shelf-type conditions and orbitoidal facies.M. J.The Tertiary flora of Southeast Asia with remarks on its palaeoenvironment and phytogeography of the Indo-Malayan region. B. 47.J. 89-131. (also in J. p. & J. niasensis primitiva. C. AAPG Bull. (UGM) 2. Panay. Rev. Dept. Sibuti mudstone (Gs sicanus Zone. (1963).1 74 www. Rev.The planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Miri-Gunong Subis area.Geosc. and deeper marine and simpler A. Papers Min. Micropalaeontology 8. Techn.vangorselslist.D. p. and S Iloilo. Palaeobotany Palynology 49. F.sp. Soc. Lambir sandy alternations (Orbulina suturalis-Gr peripheronda Zone. P. May be same species as Archaias vandervlerki De Neve from E Kalimantan.The use of foraminifera fossils for reconstructing the Yogyakarta graben. 23. & M.A revision of the foraminiferal subfamily Heterostegininae.. p. Micropal. SE Asia flora compared with that of India and migration of various families and genera between these two areas is traced) Bandy. Philippines 16. (looks like Eocene Wilfordia)) Bannink.) Banner. Genus comprises nine species) Barianto.Alanlordia. with new acervulinid forma Alanlordia niasensis niasensis n. D. Malaysia. O. 2 (1962)) (Planktonic foraminifera zonation Late Oligocene-Pliocene of Central Valley.000 yrs. Esp. in Late Pliocene (looks like Maastrichtian Vanderbeekia of Middle East). 9 p. Samuel (1995). 113-129. Hodgkinson (1991). Geol. Ng.L.. D. Vergnaud Grazzini & W. J. F. Ph. Highton (1989). early Early Miocene). Also well-developed ‘Deep Chlorophyll Maximum layer’ (elevated Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. van der Kaars. Surface water salinities probably higher. Mid Early Miocene). 2. F. Palaeoclim. p. Serravallian limestones contain ancestral A. a new genus of acervuline foraminifera from the Neogene of Indonesia. 5. n. Zachariasse (1993)- Glacial conditions in the northern Molucca Sea region (Indonesia). p.Banda. 203-233. E. 101-140.A. Sarawak. W of Sumatra. Prakash (1986). In SE Asia characterizes carbonate platform facies of zone Tf1 (late E Miocene). & R. 2. (1943). 6. 349- 355.Revision of a Middle Eocene mollusc assemblage of Nanggulan (Java. M.Oligocene section of Pasir Basin.E.A. C. (1943). 817-829. C. (‘Contributions to the knowledge of the supposedly Oligocene-age mollusk fauna of Buton Island. Leidsche Geol. (1972). 16 also found in other Tethys basins. (1943). Sud de Kalimantan. E Kalimantan’.1935. p. (in Beets 1952 believed to be younger)) Beets.E. Celebes) und den Neogenfaunen des Ostindischen March 2014 . 218-254. 53. p. (‘A Late Miocene mollusk fauna from the Mangkalihat Peninsula. (1942). P. Moscow. 161p. ('Molluscs from the Tertiary of the East Indies Archipelago'.A. 61p. (On a new species of tube-shaped pelecypod of genus Brechites from Miocene of Sarawak) Beets. 160 well-preserved mollusc species from one locality 114 at N side of Mangkalihat Peninsula. (Listings of Middle Eocene mollusc assemblages from Nanggulan.Weitere Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Oberoligocaenen Mollusken von Buton (S. No illustrations of fossils) Bazzacco. Scienze Geol. Revue Inst. p. 1-110. C. (3) Observations on small Neogene mollusk fauna from E Kalimantan (collected by Rutten)) Beets.Les faunes de foraminiferes de l’Eocene superieur a la base du Miocene dans le basin de Pasir. 1. Leidsche Geol. but most similarities with Late Neogene of E Indonesia) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . ein neuer Fund aus dem Miocan der Landschaft Serawak. Geol. Mer de Chine: Permis de Beibu). p. Mededelingen 13. Mededelingen 13. Brachiopods are generally very rare in Tertiary of Indonesia) Beets. C. 'Oligocene' Buton mollusk faunas mostly endemic in character. Baumann. Mem. ('The foraminifera of the Late Eocene to the base of the Miocene in the Pasir Basin. but possibly Late Oligocene as suggested by Martin. 1931. but endemic faunas (51 new species+ 11 species already described by Martin 1933. 329-333.Stratigraphy and foraminifera of Pliocene-Quarternary deposits of the Timor Trough. 2. (Description of new species of terebratulid brachiopod from asphalt rocks of Buton. Thesis Universite de Bordeaux III.. & V.Mollusken aus dem Tertiar des Ostindischen Archipels. p. Francais Petrole 27. die Leitfossilien-Frage). Leidsche Geol. (1943). Age of fauna uncertain. (2) Notes on some interesting molluscs from E Indies. (1941). S Kalimantan' Planktonic foraminifera faunas and zonation in open marine Eocene.. 341-347. Dutch East Indies. studied earlier by Boettger 1883 and Martin 1914. 256-328. while 35 others have affinities with European Eocene species) Beets.13. vol. Looks like diverse. ('Palynological study of the Tertiary of SE Asia (Kalimantan/Mahakam Delta and S China Sea/ Beibu Permit)) Basov. Mededelingen 13. p. 1-282. C. collected by Leupold)) Beets. C. Indonesia). Mededelingen 13. ('Additional relationships between the Upper Oligocene mollusks from Buton (SE Sulawesi) and the Neogene faunas of the East Indies archipelago'.Eine Jungmiocane Mollusken-Fauna von der Halbinsel Mangkalihat.Barre-De Cruz.On Waisiuthyrina. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 13. (1982). Description of mollusks from asphalt beds on Buton in collections in The Netherlands.Brechites venustulus.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der angeblich oberoligocanen Mollusken-Fauna der Insel Buton. Izdatelstvo "Nauchniy Mir".Etude palynologique du Tertiaire de Sud-Est Asiatique (Kalimantan: delta de la Mahakam.- Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol. C. p.vangorselslist. Ost-Borneo (nebst Bermerkungen uber andere Faunen von Ost-Borneo. 1. p. Ed. W of Yogyakarta.W. 1937). 5. 29-35. Krashenninnikov (1995).1 75 www. Verhandelingen Geol. with discovery of a new species of Solen and proposal of a new name for a Ptychocerithium species. a new articulate brachiopod genus from the Upper Oligocene of Buton (S. Padova. Leidsche Geol. Three short papers on molluscs from collections in The Netherlands: (1) gastropod Buccinum in E Indies. Borneo. Niederlandsch-Ostindien. and vol. (2001). Ser. Netherlands East Indies’. N. Of 74 mollusc species. I. Celebes). p. SE Kalimantan. (1950). Beets. (1944). C. 237-258. of which Recent representatives are poorly known) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Beets.lowermost Miocene in age due but here re-interpreted as Mio-Pliocene. partly based on associated diatoms (Reinhold) and foraminifera (Keijzer). p.. Leidse Geol. 2.N. p.) Beets.Beets. Geologie en Mijnbouw.1 76 www.. 1. (1950). (Three species of Neogene fossil crabs from Java and Madura) Beets. (1949). p. Nederl.On Lower Tertiary Mollusca from SW and Central Celebes. Leidsche Geol. C. 200-203. Beets. E. (Incl. Geol. Geol. Geologie en Mijnbouw 5. p. 15. 6p. Geol. Mededelingen 15.Reconsideration of the so-called Oligocene fauna in the asphaltic deposits of Buton (Malay Archipelago). (1952). E. Geol. Leidsche Geol. Beets. Gen.sp. (1950). 5. Nederl. (1950). C. Geol. 15. 40-42. (1950). 9. 265-281.On fossil Mollusca from the island of Mandul. (1943). Mededelingen 15. Borneo. C. ('The species Buccinulum in the Early Miocene of the island Madura') Beets. Kol.Pliocene Mollusca from a coral limestone of a hill near Sekurau. 11. p. p.). Geologie en Mijnbouw.Die gattung Buccinulum im Altmiozän der Insel Madura (O. 241-264. Borneo.Revised determinations of East Indian and related fossil mollusca. Gen. C. Borneo. p. C. C. Mijnbouwk. p. 9. (Mollusks from asphaltic marls of Buton previously considered Oligocene... Mijnbouwk.vangorselslist. Beets. C Java) Beets.Note on fossil Echinoidea and Gastropoda from Sarawak and Kutei. 229-232. 13. p. East Borneo and from dessah Garoeng (Lamongan). Mijnbouwk.n. p. Ser. East-Borneo. Mijnbouwk. Ser. C. p. 15. (On Eocene gastropod species Puruninella permodesta from Upper Eocene of Nanggulan. ('The genus Galeodea (gastropod) in the Tertiary of Indonesia') Beets. (1950). Mededelingen 17. (1947).On fossil brachyuran crabs from the East Indies. Geologie en Mijnbouw. (1950).. Beets. Geologie en Mijnbouw. 2.. Trochocerithium gloriamaris n. Beets.. Ser.S. Mio-Pliocene mollusca. Leidsche Geol. 14-16. Nederl. Verhandelingen Kon. Verhandelingen Geol. Beets. Geol.Uber Puruninella permodesta (Martin) aus dem javanischen Obereozan von Nanggulan. 282-290.N. 2. 291-304. 329-341. C.s.-I.S.Die Gattung Galeodea Link im Tertiar von Insulinde. 435-443. p. (1947). Leidsche Geol..N. 7.S. Gen. Verhandelingen March 2014 . Nederl. p. Geol. (1950). Gen. C (1943). C. Verhandelingen Kon.On probably Young Miocene fossils from the coal concession Batoe Panggal near Tenggarong (Samarinda). 342-348. Beets. C. C. C. Mededelingen 15. 92-93. 305-318.On Quaternary mollusca from the Islands of Boenjoe and Tarakan.On probably Pliocene fossils from the Mahakkam Delta region. Java. Mededelingen 15. p. Ed.. C.On the occurrence of Biplanispira in the uppermost Eocene (Kyet-U-Bok Band) of Burma. 349-354. Mededelingen 15. Eastern Borneo. Leidsche Geol.On an East-Indian representative of the rare gastropod genus Trochocerithium. The low % of Recent species is because this is deep water mollusk fauna. Preangerian (Miocene) Mollusca from the Lower Sangkulirang Marl Formation.Late Miocene Mollusca from Tapian Langsat and Gunung Batuta. Associated corals described by Felix 1921 and Gerth 1923) Beets. (Two small Late Miocene mollusc assemblages from NE Kutai Basin. Kari Orang. (online at: http://www. (online at: www. Scripta Geologica 82. Kalimantan (East Borneo). C. northern Kutai. northern Kutai. northern Kutai (East Borneo). C. Kalimantan Timur (East Borneo). in Late Miocene clays with limestones and sandstones. p.repository. Scripta Geologica 67. Tf3 (Late Miocene) age. suggesting mixed faunas and Miocene age) Beets.Note on Mollusca from the Lower Mentawir Beds. C. C. Scripta Geologica 82. (online at: www. New Guinea.naturalis. Tf3). 1-12.1 77 www. p.naturalis. Tarakan basin. March 2014 . 5.Miocene molluscs from Muara Kobun and Pulu Senumpah. Scripta Geologica 74.Preangerian (Late Miocene) Mollusca from a hill near Sekurau. 1-21. 35 species identified.repository. (1986). Scripta Geologica 67. (Mollusks from two localities around Sangkulirang Bay.Mollusca from Preangerian deposits of Mandul island. Northeastern Kalimantan (East Borneo). 49-80. Sungai Bangalun area. 23-47. Buccinidae).Miocene (Preangerian) molluscs from Kari Orang. (online at: http://www. E Kalimantan) Beets. Restudy identified 42 species. West Irian. Scripta Geologica 74. C. (1986). p. Some species belong to genera whose living species are restricted to Australian waters) Beets. Borneo). 1-37.Beets. but molluscs suggest probably Late Miocene/Tf3 age) Beets.naturalis. N Kutai. Leiden. and age 'uppermost Old Miocene' or 'Upper Miocene'.naturalis.repository. C. C.str.. Age determination (Compilation of investigations of molluscs collected Rutten from Late Miocene Gelingseh (Description of molluscs collected by BPM in Klasaman Fm of West Birds Head in 1930. (online at: http://www. Scripta Geologica.Notes on Buccinulum (Gastropoda. 83- 100. (1981). a reappraisal. Kalimantan Timur (East Borneo). (Molluscs collected by Rutten in Lower Sangkulirang Marls Preangerian. Scripta Geologica 67.Plio-Pleistocene' on basis of foraminifera by NNGPM. 1-82. Scripta Geologica 59. (1983).vangorselslist. p. (1986).repository.Molluscan fauna of the Lower Gelingseh Beds s. Kalimantan (East Borneo). 101-134. p. collected by Schmidt in 1902 and Rutten 1912 mainly gastropods of Preangerian age) Beets. East Borneo.repository. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Molluscs collected by Witkamp in 1908 on N flank Kari Orang anticline 27 species are of Preangerian age (Late Miocene.Neogene Mollusca from the Vogelkop (Bird's Head Peninsula). C. C. Sangkulirang Bay. 13-28. p. Sixty species suggesting Preangerian age (Tf3) and shallow marine conditions) Beets. Ed. Balikpapan Bay area. (online at: http://www. (1984). overlain by Pliocene coral limestones. (1983). not Early Miocene (Tf2) as originally interpreted) Beets. E Kalimantan) Beets.naturalis.. (1983). (Mentawir Beds NE of Balikpapan originally assigned to M Miocene Tf2 (Miogypsina. Lepidocyclina). Scripta Geologica 82. p. Subsequently dated as 'Late Miocene. (1981).repository. Sangulirang (Molluscs collected in 1916 by BPM from Mandul Island. C. p. p. Kalimantan ( (Molluscs fossils collected Schmidt in 1902 from hill near Sekurau. E Kalimantan. First examined by K Martin in 1916: 22 species. (1986). Permit 22. All contain mixed Permian. No locality maps)) Belford.vangorselslist.. (https://www.Belford. Mineral All material M Miocene. Bur. collected by Papuan Apinaipi Petroleum Ltd.. Mineral Res. Oldest rocks with Permian foraminifera and one sample with mollusc Atomodesma exarata. D. 1 well. 47 m NW of Port Moresby and 10 m NE of Cape Suckling.J.J. Radiolarian-rich sediments are probably of Triassic age (probable Halobia).Micropalaeontology of samples from Portuguese 78 www. Geoph. Records 1959/157. (online at: (Micropal analysis of 26 samples from Tubu (Tuffaceous limestones collected by J. Geoph. Records 1958/9. Papua.Miocene foraminifera from the Wira Anticline. Portuguese Timor. Bur. (1958).ga. p. Mineral Res. (All rel.Micropalaeontology of samples from the Karema-Karova Creek and Malalaus-Saw Mountains areas. Papua. Jurassic-Cretceous and ?Miocene fauna) Belford. Mineral Res.. of samples from Portuguese Timor. Lepidocyclina ( (Summary of analysis of cutting samples from well Ossulari 1 (2840'-3010') and Ossulari 1a (2960'-3100'). 1-4. Kaufana 1 well with diverse M Miocene and younger bathyal marine calcareous forams above 600' ( March 2014 . Records 1959/105. Miogypsina)) Belford. Mineral Res. D. Permit 22..). probably all still of Miocene age) (Biostrat of 56 outcrop samples collected by Timor Oil Co.Pliocene age) Belford. Rec. p. 1-2. p.. Papua.Pliocene deep marine faunas) Belford. (1960). Lower Miocene (Te with Spiroclypeus and reworked U Cretaceous Globotruncana limestone) and pelagic U Miocene (more likely Plio-Pleistocene. D. HvG).ga. p.Micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Tabu area. Rec. 1-2. (online at: www. Records 1957/029. Papua. Geoph..E. (Miocene. Thompson at Milne Bay (SE tipe of PNG mainland) probably all of Lower Miocene age (Upper Te with Spiroclypeus.. Canberra. Bur. 1-4. Ed. Records 1959/99. Bur. (1957).Micropalaeontology of samples from Ossulari No. 1960/ Also several samples rich in radiolaria.J.Pliocene age) Belford. 1960/33. 1-3. p. p. 1961/6. 1 and No. Mineral Res.J. (online at: www. 1-5. (online at: www. Miocene Lepidocyclina at 350').Foraminifera from the Middle Purari River area. deep marine sediments of M Miocene. Records 1958/94. Canberra. (online at: https://www. Tertiary samples M-U Eocene (with Nummulites and planktonics and reworked Upper Cretaceous plankton). Geoph. (https://www. Oldest samples are of Permian age (foraminifera). From 640-3348' (TD) poor deep arenaceous water foram faunas only. Mineral Res. p.Lower Miocene foraminifera from the Milne Bay (1960).au/products/servlet/controller?event=GEOCAT_DETAILS&catno=10588) (Samples from Wira anticline all Late Miocene. Mineral Res. D. (online at: (Biostrat of 76 outcrop samples collected by Timor Oil Co in Timor Leste. (1958). Geoph. Bur. Bur.J. 1A bores.J. Bur. (1959).J. D. (online at: www. (1959). (Papuan Apinaipi Petroleum Co. Rec. (1959). Geol..J. Canberra.Micropalaeontology of samples from Kaufana No. Geol. Geol.J. Mineral Res. p. Papua. proably Mesozoic. Also an Eocene limestone with Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Puri-Purari River area. D.Pliocene sediments) Belford. Geoph. 5. 1-6. Papua. (1961). D. Geol. 1 bore. from Mutare No. Geol. 5. Mineral Res. G..Miocene and Pliocene smaller foraminifera from Papua and New Guinea. Mainly from Globorotalia pseudomenardii Subzone. (1967). Bur.1 79 ) (43 outcrop samples.J..2000'). trinidadensis Zone) Austral. 1 bore. Bur. D. oldest beds may be Globigerina daubjergensis. Interval 370-760' regarded as 'block clay' of Upper Miocene age (but faunal lists include Pleistocene Gr.J.. Canberra.pdf) (Comprehensive taxonomy/ descriptions of 156 Mio-Pliocene marine benthic foram species. 92.Foraminifera from the Port Moresby area. Geoph. 1-33.J. Bull. Geoph. (1965). one sample with reworked Permian). ranging in age from M (Summary of biostratigraphy of Matai 1 cuttings (370'. (1965).J. (online at: www. Record 1965/102.Additional Miocene and Pliocene planktonic foraminifera from Papua and New Guinea. (1962).net/168/Bull_092. Bull. D. Rec. p. Geol. (online at: www. Ed. Globigerina. Austral. 1-3.cloudfront. Bur. (online at: www. D. Eocene limestone with Discocyclina and Alveolina rel. ) (Seven cores from Oil Search well Wuroi 1. p. Papua-New Guinea.pdf) (Three more species of Mio-Pliocene planktonic foraminifera recorded and figured from PNG: Globorotalia crassaformis. (https://d28rz98at9flks. Bur. Papua.J. Little or no stratigraphic info) Belford. Mineral Res. Geoph. D. Australia 79. and no microfossils observed between 1300-2000') Belford. D. D. Also limestone chips between 880-1000' with Late Eocene Discocylina and Pellatispira.. Eocene Pellatispira reworked in E Miocene (but Lower Te= Late Oligocene. Bull. archaeomenardii and Sphaeroidinellopsis kochi (mainly from Ramu Atitau area)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1-4. and planktonics-rich U Miocene sediments (more likely Pliocene?. D. common at 760-830'.ga. (1963). truncatulinoides and Hyalinea balthica. Mineral Res. p.J. Australia 62. (Thirty-four species of planktonic foraminifera described from Miocene-Pliocene beds of PNG) Belford. Sample gap between 1040-1300'.cloudfront. planktonic foraminifera from Papua and New Guinea. Globorotalia and Chiloguembelina. HvG) with reworked Upper Cretaceous and Eocene (1966). Record 1965/103. Bur. (online at: (Paleocene planktonic forams described from PNG areas Wabag in W Highlands and Cape Vogel in March 2014 . (1967). p. Fourteen species assigned to Subbotina. but not sure if in situ. (online at: ranging in age from U Cretaceous to E Miocene/ Te. Mineral Res. 1961/ overlain(?) by zoneN8 planktonics from'Iwoer Fm') Belford. HvG)) Belford. 1 well.Mesozoic) Belford. p. Mineral Res.J.Micropalaeontology of samples from Matai (1965)-Foraminifera from the Wuroi No. Geoph. D. p. p. Bureau Mineral Res.vangorselslist. Star Mountains. Mineral Res. Bur. 1-223. Portuguese Timor. ) (Basal Miocene carbonates on unidentified Mesozoic section) (Very brief report on outcrop samples from Star (online at: www. No locality maps) Belford. Mineral Res. Record 1965/233. 1-35. p.Foraminifera from outcrop samples. (1961). Mineral Res.J. 1-3. Papua.J. Geol. (online at: www. Mainly E-M Miocene limestones. Record 1963/170. 1-6.Miocene and Pliocene planktonic foraminifera from Papua New Guinea. 92. (1977). 216.indet.J. D. D. 35-42. p. D. (online at: www. Lacazinella. Ed. Palaeontological Papers 1981. Bur.Quasicyclammina gen. Age probably Letter zone Tf1. p. Geophysics 2. 192 (Crespin Volume). Geophys. (online at: March 2014 . Bull. Australian Geol. p. D. 4. Geoph. (1982).J. Geophys. Mineral Res. D. widespread in Early Miocene (Te5-Tf1) of PNG) Belford.1 80 Bull. D. 1900) redescribed from Christmas Island type locality. It is referred to subgenus Lepidosemicyclina and is senior synonym of M. p.J. droogeri Mohan & Tewari. PNG. Indian (New genus and species of cyclamminid agglutinated foraminifera from Upper Paleocene Lagaip Beds N of Central Range.pdf) (New species name for Linderina sp. (online at: https://d28rz98at9flks.Miocene larger foraminifera and Plio-Pleistocene planktonics and smaller benthics from SE PNG) Belford. Australian Geol. BMR J.Belford. NW of Mt. Geoph. (online at: http://www. Bull. PNG.Tertiary foraminifera and age of sediments. PNG) Belford. Geol. nov. 315-320. D. Occurrence of Lacazinella near Telefomin) Belford. (online at: http://www. Christmas Island. Bur.Pliocene planktonic foraminifera distribution from outcrop samples. (Miogypsina neodispansa (Jones & Geol. 150. BMR Geol. Planktonic foraminifera from same area described by Belford (1967)) Belford. Bur. BMR J.J. Australian Geol.J. p. New Britain.vangorselslist. (1988). (online at: http://www. 1-52. 4. age of sediments and polarity reversals. (Appendix in Smith & Davies (1976). Papua New Guinea. Geophysics Geol. Australian Geol. with zone N8 planktonics overlying top Darai limestone Lower Tf assemblages. Bull. Papua New Guinea. Lower Tf) and planktonic foraminifera (zones N11-N12) in M Miocene samples from New Ireland.J.pdf) (Three species of small benthic agglutinated foram Triplasia in Lower Miocene Yangi beds in Wabag area) Belford. Eocene planktonic and larger foraminifera.J. Nassau (1976).) howchini. Irian Jaya. Hagen. Late Oligocene.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Planorbulinella solida D.The genus Triplasia (Foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea. (1978).au/webtemp/1309887/Jou1988_v10_n4. (1981). (BMR) Geol. (1982). Indian Ocean.J. (Foraminiferida) from the Miocene of Papua New Guinea.Redescription of Miogypsina neodispansa (Jones & Chapman). 1. 10.pdf) (Paleocene. (1984). Mineral Geoph.Foraminifera from the Ilaga valley. (1974). nov.cloudfront. Top larger foram zone Te correlated to planktonic foram zones Bull. Mineral ) (Fauna with both larger foraminifera Lepidocyclina (N. Bur. p. 209.Co-occurrence of middle Miocene larger and planktic smaller Foraminifera. late Early Miocene) Belford. etc. Geophysics 7. BMR J. and Thalmannammina (Foraminiferida) from the Paleocene of Papua New Guinea.Planktonic foraminifera. Ok-Tedi-Wabag. 1-7. (online at: http://www. (online at: http://www. Mineral Res. Listings and illustrations of Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera. New Ireland. as recorded from Cape Vogel area.pdf) (Foraminifera from rocks collected by Dow on way to Carstensz peak include Late Eocene (Discocyclina. 1-26. D. Late Oligocene and E-M Miocene larger forams from Carstensz limestone and Late Oligocene N3 planktonics from marly interbeds) Belford. p. and age of samples from southeastern Papua. 321-325. BMR J. 1-21. M. Symp. Dev. Irian Jaya. W Papua) Belford. including Distal turbidite (often deformed 'Trochammina/ Recurvoides'). (1993). Sci. Schweiz. Discocyclina) and Late Oligocene. R. (online at: http://gf. in Naturalis Museum.J. H.Cape Ruge area. In: G. p. 4. Petrol. their canal system. Chaproniere (1993). etc. p. Kutei Basin. Leiden.. based on analysis of 56 wells off NW Borneo) Betzler. Paper 9. Ann. with normally magnetised interval) Belford. (eds. 13 p. Paleont. Challengerella brady. 22-49.M Eocene Lockhartia. Publ. (Leg 133 Queensland Plateau ODP site sites with Eocene (Nummulites. 41-58. SEAPEX Offshore South East Asia Conference Conf. (Overview of Cenozoic biostratigraphic zonations in Indonesia) Billman. Singapore 1976. Lagoon/ Distributary channel margin (mangrove swamps with Trematophragmoides. L.repository. (IPA). at least in part.D. Conv. (online at: www.G.D. 5. offshore East Kalimantan.G. Res.1 81 www.E.) Billman.vangorselslist. Haplophragmoides). 301-310. Proximal turbidite (fine-grained and thin-walled Trochammina. p. 101. Thomas (2000).Witoelar Kartaadipura (1974). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Recent dinoflagellate zonation. Ed. Zone N21-N22 age. P.Neogene fossil tonnoidean gastropods of Indonesia.H. 3rd. 5. 65-93. Hart et al. D. Asterorotalia gaimardii inermis. Davies et March 2014 . p. D. Cyclammina. Plymouth 1997. (Paleogene.B. Geophysics 12.pdf) (Late Paleocene.M Pleistocene. New Britain. & L. In: M.) Proc. Hottinger & H.. New species incl. 71-113. Assemblages characteristic of different depositional environments. Indon. McKenzie. 7. M.Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of offshore NW Borneo.Neogene to Recent rotaliid foraminifera from the Indo- Pacific Ocean. p. Paleont. H. p. (1991).C. Oesterle (1980).nl/document/41902) (Review of Neogene gastropods from Java. Geol. Assoc. 297-299. Teh (ed. & Sample of volcanolithic sandstone of Late Pliocene. (2005). (eds. Kuala Lumpur 1992. Scrutton (1976). Birds Neck. p. 33. Res. Soc. 133. Ocean Drilling Program.. etc. their classification and their stratigraphic use. H. 5th Workshop Agglutinating Foraminifera.tmsoc.Late Tertiary biostratigraphic zonation. C. (Description of rich Early Eocene zone P9 planktonic foram fauna from deep water calcareous siltstones in Lengguru foldbelt.Paleogene and Neogene larger foraminifers from the Queensland Plateau: biostratigraphy and environmental significance. A. Simmons & C.) Proc. BMR J.E.pdf) (Miocene sediments from Brunei and Sarawak often rich in agglutinated forams.Early Eocene planktonic foraminifera. In: J. Challengerella persica.A record of the genus Lockhartia (foraminiferida) from Misool archipelago. (online at: http://www.Agglutinated foraminifera from Miocene sediments of northwest Borneo.(Rudiger Point. Pseudorotalia schroeteriana angusta) and (2) late Miocene age. not conformable Late Miocene-earliest Pliocene sequence.G.M Miocene larger foram facies) Beu. collections) Bidgood. Abhandl. Irian Jaya. (1989). Recurvoides and occasional Ammobaculites). Proc. Planktonic Zone N18 correlated. Ser.naturalis.J. Miliammina fusca). (Species and zonation of rotalid foraminifera successfully used for biozonation of E Kalimantan deltaic series. 51-66. SE of Misool) Besems. & G. Tidal flat/ tidal channel (coarse-grained Trochammina. Bandung.A. p. Tectonic framework and energy resources of the western margin of the Pacific Basin. Australian Geol.) Proc. Grzybowski Foundation Spec. but two age groups (1) general M Miocene age. 1-186.Stratigraphic correlation in Indonesia. youngest marine sediment recognised in New Britain.H. Scripta Geologica 130. Centre. Discocyclina and Distochoplax biserialis in ‘Daram Sandstone’ of Sabennibnu Island. Malaysia Bull. (1979). Mainly Late Oligocene. A. (1875). Parts of this work are based on Indonesian sections like Bojonegoro 1 well. (online at: www.Gr. (1922).gov. (1974)?.E-M Miocene (Te. Sammlungen Geol. Flosculinella) Binnekamp. Biplanispira. p. Record 1970/012.Foraminifera and age of samples from the Star Mountains. incl. Halkyardia).) etc. 9-59.H. Bur. p. Cl. 521-535. Record 1970/14..G. Aure Group deeper water facies of M Miocene age (zone N11-12. 5. taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Globorotalia barisanensis LeRoy. 1-8. Austrotrillina. Bur. p. 1-26. (online at: www. 3.(First Late Miocene. peripheroacuta. Darai Lst in S of area with E Miocene with Miogypsina near top. (Classic text on Eocene. Dictyoconus. Conf. C Sumatra) Boehm. Brill. 3. Brill. 1-32. Oligocene age rocks rel. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . In: Die Fossilien von Java auf Grund einer Sammlung von Dr. kon. Cycloclypeus. with Gr. First Int. Micropaleontology 12. Territory of Papua New p. Barisan mountain front. particularly the evolution of the Gr. Katacycloclypeus. taxonomy. (1970).Foraminifera and age of outcrop samples collected during the Kubor survey 1968. Nephrolepidina. J. etc. Most samples hard limestones with larger foraminifera. Bur.. 1939 from the Lower Palembang Fm of the Kassikan section. fohsi lineage. Mineral Res.D. J. p. Bain et al. In: R. Reichs-Museum Leiden (N. New Guinea. Papua New Guinea.M. Pellatispira. Palaeontological Papers 1970-1971. Cycloclypeus. (1882). from Nanggulan. 45.. p.1 82 www.The Cainozoic Globigerinida. p. kais. Belford (1970). K. W.Die fossilen Mollusken der Eocanformation auf der Insel Borneo.F. Verbeek und von anderen bearbeitet durch Dr..Late Middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. A study of the morphology.J. 3 vols. Incl. March 2014 .G.Recent biozonation based on rotaliid benthic foraminifera for use in deltaic sediments where planktonics and larger forams are usually absent) Binnekamp. Nyalindung. rare. Denkschr..G. 2. (Monumental study of Tertiary.Recent planktonic foraminifera zonations. Leiden.Recent planktonic foraminifera (expansion of Blow (1969) book)) Blow. Geol. Geoph. (Taxonomy of planktonic foraminifera around E-M Miocene boundary.D. Austr. 199-422. Upper Eocene Calianassa etc. Naturw. R. (1973). ('On some Tertiary fossils from Madura island. Geneva 1967. Bull. 1970)) Blow.. 26). J. 1-1413. Geoph. Reworking of Eocene larger forams into E Miocene in SE of area (in 'Movi Beds/ Omaura greywacke' which unconformably overlie Eocene- -E Oligocene Chimbu Lst.Gr. p. Late Oligocene Merai Volcanics (Lower Te with Eulepidina. For locality map see Bain et al. 140. & D. & Banner (1966). Die Eocanformation von Borneo und ihre Versteinerungen.html) (Foraminifera from 56 limestone outcrop samples from PNG Central Range. Bull. 3. 286-302. Asterocyclina and Lacazinella wichmanni. praefohsi. Martin. Geol. Math.lower Tf) ages. Palaeontographica Suppl. evolutionary relationships and the stratigraphical distribution of some Globigerinida. 1.H. North of Java') Boehm. J. Oldest rocks Cretaceous Chim Fm with Cenomanian- Turonian p.M. close to West Papua border.html) (Foraminifera from 158 Kubor Range outcrop samples. Proc. 359-372. some Oligocene Tcd) Binnekamp. Akad. Globorotalia fohsi Cushman and Ellisor and related taxa. Miocene of W Progo. (1969).Ueber einige Tertiare Fossilien von der Insel Madura nordlich von Java.and M Miocene (upper Te-Tf) with Nephrolepidina. using the N and P-numbered zones widely used in Indonesia.The morphology. Verbeek et al. Central Highlands.) Boettger. Ci Lalang. Eocene-E Oligocene Chimbu Lst with M-U Eocene Alveolina. Yogyakarta and Rembang regencies from collections of Verbeek and Martin. Geoph.vangorselslist. (Crab fossils from Priangan. Mineral Res. (online at: www. Pellatispira). described earlier as Globorotalia barisanensis by LeRoy. p. Mineral Res. Planktonic Microfossils.) 1. 1. Leiden.pdf) (Larger forams from 3 formations in New Britain: Eocene Baining volcanoclastics (incl. Ed. W.H. fohsi group. O. Wissenschaften Wien. larger foraminifera from New Die Conchylien der Obereocaen-Schichten von (Classic study of E Miocene (G.Chapter 13. 3.D. ('The molluscs of the Oligocene beds of the Bawang River. p.Die fossilen Mollusken der Eocanformation auf der Insel Borneo. (‘The fossil molluscs from Batu Raja on the Ogan River’ (= type locality of Baturaja Limestone in S Sumatra)) Boettger. 3. 10-11. AGU Spec. ('The mollusks of the Lower Tertiary beds (The bivalves of the Lower Eocene beds of Sumatra. Insel Java. Suppl. Palaeontographica. Wet. Meratus Mts. (1883) Die Tertiarformation von Sumatra und ihre Thierreste. p. 18 species of gastropods and many more bivalves. insueta zone) to Pliocene (Gr. Res. In: R. (1880). most of them marine. 17-151. (= Early Miocene?. O. etc. collected by Verbeek) Boettger. Molluscs from marls above andesite in North Serayu Mts. In: R. (1877). 3. O. Deep water benthic forams from same well described by Boomgaart. Jaarboek Mijnwezen 1883. 10-11. ('The molluscs of the Oligocene beds of the Bawang River. p. collected by Verbeek) Boettger. H. 225-266. Palaeontographica Suppl.D.. Die Conchylien der oberen Tertiarschichten Sumatras. (1883).Die Conchylien der unteren Tertiarschichten (Die Conchylien der Untereocänschichten von Westsumatra. Die Conchylien des sumatranischen Orbitoidenkalks. 1949.M. p.seals. O. Die Conchylien des sumatranischen Krebsmergels. (online at: http://retro. (‘The fossil mollusks of the Eocene of Borneo’. O. Res. 325-338. etc'.Miocene molluscs from Sumatra. 16-110.. von Fritsch. 5.M. the bivalves of the Sumatran orbitoid limestone. Die Conchylien der unteren Miocanschichten vom Flusse Kamoemoe. the bivalves of the Lower Miocene beds of Kamoemoe River. 10-11. Palaeontographica Suppl. (1880).Die fossilen Mollusken von Batoe Radja am Fluss Ogan. Oost-Indie 6 (1877). HvG)) Bolli. O. p.Verbeek. (1883). HvG)) Boettger. but the lowest clay beds associated with coals have mainly large fresh-brackish water Cyrena species) Boettger. In: J. 2. 449-465. (Review of 73 papers on biostratigraphy of six DSDP holes in SE Indian Ocean/ Timor Sea) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 8-9. 9. 1. Verbeek et al. p.D. p. Djokdjakarta. 19-34. (Additional short papers on Eocene. Verbeek et al. p. (1883). Reprint of Boettger (1883) paper above) Boettger. etc.Orbitoidenkalk von Sumatras Westkuste.1 83 www.) Indian Ocean geology and biostratigraphy.The planktonic foraminifera in well Bodjonegoro-1 of Java. O. Ed.M.). Indian Ocean Sites 211-269 and 280-282.Miocene molluscs from various localities of West Sumatra.M (1966). (1883). p.).Die Mollusken der Oligocaenen Schichten vom Bawang-Flusse. Die Tertiarformationen von Sumatra und ihre Tierreste II. Palaeontographica Suppl. Die Tertiarformationen von Sumatra und ihre Tierreste I. (‘Orbitoidal foram limestone from the West coast of Sumatra’) Bolli.R.Pliocene planktonic foram zonation in Indonesia. 29- 120. Java'. menardii zone) planktonic foraminifera. 125-148. O. Palaeontographica March 2014 . 3.' Series of chapters on Eocene. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (eds. Boettger & K. II Theil. (1977). Includes descriptions of molluscs from Eocene Tanjung Fm near Pengaron.(‘The fossil mollusks of the Eocene of Borneo’. Publ. Ged. 3.Paleontological-biostratigraphical investigations. Insel Java.vangorselslist. O. DSDP Legs 22-29. 92-98. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 59. H. Djokdjakarta. Residency Yogyakarta. based on continuous core samples from 1934 BPM well Bodjonegoro 1. (Showed validity of the then new ‘global’ E Miocene. 8-9. In: R.Die Mollusken der Oligocaenen Schichten vom Bawang-Flusse.M. The bivalves of the Sumatran crab marls. Same paper as Palaeontographica (1875) paper above) Boettger. Heirtzler et al. P. Luyendyk (eds.E Pliocene Tacipi Fm of Sulawesi deposited in large area of shallow marine carbonate production with deeper water sediments deposited to N. (1949). Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 21. Akademie Wetenschappen. Boudagher-Fadel. University of Utrecht. In: H.Chapter 5. Doct.Holocene planktonic foraminifera.K. 675-741. 5. with many of the species illustrated from Indonesia) Boudagher-Fadel. p. (2015). 155-262.) Initial Reports of Deep Sea Drilling Project 26. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .The Cenozoic larger benthic foraminifera: The Neogene. Banner (1997). (2015). 3-16. p. and enlargement of our knowledge about Tg and Th “letter stages”) 203-269. 141-201. Nederl. Davies & B.Bolli. Co-occurrence of planktonic foraminifera and larger benthic foraminifera allowed refinement of biostratigraphic ranges of Katacyclocypeus and Flosculinella. J.ucl. rotalids. Kon. In: T. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy 21. updated 2nd Edition.vangorselslist. M. 39. M. Boudagher-Fadel. p. 153-176.K. (Classic study of E Miocene. M.The Cenozoic larger benthic foraminifera: The Palaeogene.The revision of some genus-group names in Tethyan Lepidocyclininae. Perch-Nielsen (eds.Pleistocene sediments from eastern Kendeng zone near Mojokerto. UCL (University College London) Press.K.pdf) Boudagher-Fadel.pdf) (Neogene planktonic foraminifera from Leg 26 sites in Indian Ocean between W Australia and Madagascar) Boomgaart. (M Miocene. 7. 419-548.) Plankton L. (2008). Saunders & K.The Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera: The Paleogene.Neogene planktonic foraminifera of the Indian Ocean (DSDP Leg 26). p. H.pdf) (Elegant review of Miocene.K. In: Evolution and geological significance of larger benthic foraminifera. (1974). In: Biostratigraphic and geological significance of planktonic foraminifera.M. Elsevier. Proc. Vroman (1947). stratigraphy) Boudagher-Fadel. p. Bolli.ucl. E. UCL (University College London) Press. (Comprehensive review of Oligocene.Pliocene section is in bathyal mudstone facies) E M.K.Chapter 6. p. (online at: http://www.knaw. Paleopelagos. p. Micropaleontology 48.Chapter 6. 1934. & J.K. (2008).B. p. (online at: http://www. 2. Saunders (1985). Elsevier. updated 2nd Edition.Smaller foraminifera from Bodjonegoro (Java).The stratigraphical relationship between planktonic and larger benthic foraminifera in Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene carbonate facies of Sulawesi. Ed.Smaller foraminifera from the marl zone between Sonde and Modjokerto (Java). In: Evolution and geological significance of larger benthic foraminifera.Pliocene benthic foraminifera in continuously cored Bojonegoro 1 well E of Cepu (BPM. 3. p. & J. & F.T. Cambridge University Press.pdf) (Distribution of benthic foraminifera in samples from Late Pliocene.Recent planktonic foraminifera and zonations) Boltovskoy. M.deepseadrilling.M. 1- 175. Washington.B.dwc. No location maps. M.Chapter 7. p. March 2014 .1 84 www. 297-418. In Biostratigraphic and geological significance of planktonic foraminifera. One of first examples of the use of benthic forams for paleobathymetry interpretation. Amsterdam. Entire late Early Miocene. (2002). Indonesia. L.Oligocene to Holocene low latitude planktic foraminifera. (online at: http://discovery. (online at: http://discovery.The Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera: The Neogene. Mainly shallow marine 137-156.T. L. Banner (1999). Paleobiologie 24. 1.R. 532-539. (Nephrolepidina) M.D. Lord (2000). Geol.Miocene miogypsinid foraminifera) #Boudagher-Fadel. (Description of larger benthic foram family Miogypsinidae and evolution of Miogypsinodella n. Lord & F. Sumatra. Mediterranean and Indo-Pacific provinces. (Review of Eocene.K. Price (2013).uk/1383038/) (Review of Oligocene. 1. (M Miocene Tf1-Tf2 larger forams from Wonosari Fm in Gunung Sewu area. gen.vangorselslist.K.K. 32. J.The phylogenetic and palaeogeographic evolution of the nummulitoid larger benthic foraminifera.) brouweri in the Late Oligocene-Miocene of the Far East. Micropalaeontology 60.On some fossil foraminifera from the West-coast district.J. Lokier (2005).Some Miogypsinidae (foraminifera) in the Miocene of Borneo and nearby countries. Noad & A.R. Rev. 341-362 (Gomantong Limestone of E Sabah was deposited along E-W trending shoreline in Late Boudagher-Fadel. 483-508. 2. & G.A revision of some larger foraminifera of the Miocene of Southeast Kalimantan.Revision of the stratigraphic significance of the Oligocene- Miocene “Letter-Stages”. (Re-invention of the classic Indo-Pacifc larger foram Letter zonation. 1.) isolepidinoides. L. M. & G.The phylogenetic and palaeogeographic evolution of the miogypsinid larger benthic foraminifera. 153-165.K. (N. Micropaleont. Ed. Geol.E Miocene. Also frst description of Paleozoic foraminifera in Indonesia: U Carboniferous or Permian fusulinids named Fusulina princeps (= Verbeekina verbeeki) from Guguk Bulat Padang Highlands) Brady. p. Soc. M. M. p. Revue Paleobiologie 19. (online at: http://discovery. (1875). (see also McMonagle et al.K. J. (Burdigalian.ucl.B. & F. Price (2010). (Re-description of well-known evolution of Lepidocyclina (L) to Lepidocyclina (N) at Oligo-Miocene boundary in material from NE and SE Kalimantan and Nias.On some fossil foraminifera from the West-coast district. Espanola.M Miocene) in NE Borneo. p. Sumatra.K. J.. M. Wilson (2000). off Sumatra) Boudagher-Fadel. (1878). Magazine 2. Earliest lepidocyclinids in Indo-Pacific Province migrated from Mediterranean in end Rupelian) Boudagher-Fadel. p. 157-169. in Te-Tf (Late Oligocene. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. M.earliest Miocene reefal limestones of North East Borneo. Foraminiferal Research 30. (Reprint of 1875 paper above) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .K.T. 3. p. 46. Oost Indie 7 (1878). New species Miogypsina sabahensis) Boudagher-Fadel. & A.Serravallian Tf1-Tf2 larger foram assemblages from Batu Putih limestone patch reefs inland from Mahakam Delta. p. Revue Micropal.Significant Miocene larger foraminifera from South Central Java.R.‘New’ correlation between Far East Letter Stages and Oligo-Miocene planktonic foram stages) Boudagher-Fadel. M. p. 1. March 2014 . 93-97.) Brady. M. Banner (2000). p. & G.1 85 www. one new (Lepidocyclina banneri).B. A. p. 2011)) Boudagher-Fadel.The evolution of Lepidocyclina (L. London. With Lepidocyclina praedelicata new species.. Foraminiferal Research 40. Price (2014). Lord (2000). S Mountains of C Java) Boudagher-Fadel. 5.K. Micropal. & M. 170. p.Evolution and paleogeographic distribution of the lepidocyclinids.Miocene lepidocyclinid foraminifera in American. (Description of foraminifera collected by Verbeek 1873-1874. J. Sixteen species described. 79-108. H. 6. M. & S.ucl. Rev. 291-309. H.Larger foraminifera from Late Oligocene. 185-208. Including Eocene Nummulites and Discocyclina from Nias island. 71-76.K. (online at: http://discovery.Boudagher-Fadel. de Beaufort (1923). p.H. 3. Centre. Proc. Nederl.Recent planktonic foram zonation of DSDP holes of Ontong Java Plateua and East Caroline Basin N of PNG. H. Two fish fossils of probable Miocene age in fine-grained 'lithographic' limestone block from roadcut near Patoenoeang Asoe E. (2001). Proc.H.dwc. middle part M Pliocene Nitzschia jousea zone. Aardrijksk. (Marine diatoms from Late Miocene. 21-34. K. Kon. Burckle. Ed. In: R.vangorselslist. should be Lacazinella. p. Dev. (1906). Fiji) Bronnimann. Publ.G. Akademie Wetenschappen. emended re-description of Discoaster brouweri Tan Sin Hok 1927 and new Late Eocene species Discoaster tani and D. 2.Neogene corals from the Indo-Pacific. (online at: http://www. Simonsen (ed. 1-69. p.Biostratigraphic study of Toraja Formation. p. Indonesia. extinct) from(1) Salayar Lst in S Sulawesi. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1977. Riedel (1954). 1.On Tertiary marine deposits with fossil fishes from South Celebes.pdf) (Extensively documented M Miocene.H.R. and (3) Tokelau Lst. ('About the six Selachier (shark) teeth found in the Lower and Middle Palembang Beds'. 1235-1469. Fish identified as Clupea (Sardinella) brouweri n. Amer. Assoc.Diatom biostratigraphy of Late Miocene and Pliocene sediments of eastern Java (Indonesia).. L.T. M. Lower part of Globigerina marls in Late Miocene.1979. tani nodifer) Bromfield. especially in lower part of section) Bursch. R. 53.Occurrence of Cenozoic bryozoa in Nanggulan and elsewhere in the Indonesian Archipelago. (IAGI). 385-403.Mikropalaontologische Untersuchungen des Tertiars von Gross Kei (Molukken). L. SW Pacific) Brouwer. 61-64. (1947). P. Collected by Tobler) Burckle. Rocks probably lagoonal deposit in Eocene-Miocene reefal limestone complex. Abhandl. p. In: Biostratigraphic datum-planes of the Pacific Neogene. & W. 217-256. 26. (Incl. 159-166. Second Working group meeting. Bull. Res. Init. (Descriptions of 155 M Miocene. Schweizerische Palaont. (2013). E Java. p. March 2014 . Memorie Scienze Geol. p.F.Stratigraphic value of discoasters and some other microfossils related to Recent coccolithophores. & L. Kon. Geol. Geol. p.pdf) (English version of paper above. Nova Hedwigia 39. Spec. (DSDP) 7. Tijdschr. & J. Bandung.1 86 www. M. Kendeng zone. Nederl.sp. 25-44. Bramlette. 28th Ann. and Lutjanus) Burckhardt. Proc. Foraminifera studied by Saint-Marc & Suminta. (‘Micropaleontological investigations of the Tertiary of Kai Besar’. 3.. Papua New Guinea and Fiji. IGCP Project 114. (1978).A. Conv. Indon.Pliocene diatom datum levels in Equatorial Pacific) Burckle. p. Paleontology 28. Resig (1971). Yalam Lst in New Britain.Pliocene Njepung section. Gen. 1-130. 363-368. South Sulawesi. Reports Deep Sea Drilling Proj. Padova. Maros district. Open oceanic environment with strong upwelling suggested by presence of Thalassiosira nitzschioides. 2. 241-243. Well-illustrated descriptions of limestones with Eocene (incl. Marine Micropal.Braga.E Pleistocene coral species (22 new. 23.) Symposium on Recent and fossil marine diatoms. Lacazina. PNG. Kalosi. Amsterdam. p.E Pliocene Thalassiosira convexa zone. Paleontology 387.N.Early Miocene to Pliocene diatom datum levels for the equatorial Pacific. (1972). J. J. G.knaw. HvG) and Early Miocene larger forams) Buskamal. 3-4.Late Cenozoic planktonic diatom zones from the eastern Equatorial Pacific. (1982). (online at: http://deepseadrilling. p. (Over 40 Early Miocene.A Neogene Globigerinacean biochronologic time-scale of the Southwestern Pacific. L. Djunaedi & Nur Hasjim (1999).Uber die sechs in den untern und mittlern Palembangschichten gefundenen Selachierzahne. Lepidocyclina ferreroi.V. illustrating a model of Miocene reef sedimentation) Carter. Petrol. (eds. Little or no stratigraphy context) Caudri..iagi. Jakarta 1995.High resolution Neogene planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of Site 806. Reefs reached final and maximum development in M or M-L Miocene (Miogypsina indonesiensis. not Australia/ New Guinea. 1. Pellatispira (= Sundaland. Banten Block. (1995). Miocene larger forams from Java localities S Kediri. Leiden University. (Many species names probably synonyms. ('Lepidocyclinids from Java'. College Station. 34th Ann. (Sequence stratigraphic subdivision of >5000m of Early Miocene sediment in onshore Kutai Basin establishing ‘high-resolution’ palynology zonation between 20-16 Ma) Caudri. Verhandelingen Geol. Berita Sedimentologi 29. ~5-6 Ma)) Chandra. p. Ocampo (1976). Dominance of surface dwellers (P.1 87 www. (Update of earlier depositional-diagenetic models for Miocene reefs in Visayan Islands. Proc.. D.Lepidocyclinen von Java.) dwellers in Late Miocene. (2010). A. collected by Gerth.) in E-M Miocene replaced by more equitable distribution of surface. and deep (Streptochilus spp.Palynofacies analysis of the Eocene Bayah Formation in Bayah High. Globigerinoides spp. p. Geol. kugleri. C. Rahardjo & Dardji Noeradi (2014).V. Katacycloclypeus). Nephrolepidina. (1932).P. 1. C.. Sci.) Int.Tertiary deposits of Soemba. Doct. Petrol.Depositional models and reservoir properties of Miocene reefs. Spiroclypeus and Miogypsina) Caudri. (online at: www. (online at: www-odp. Publ.B. HvG). altispira. March 2014 . intermediate {G.. In: C. Visayan (Description of palynofacies of Eocene Bayah Formation from cores of wells DDH-1 and DDH-2) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . East Kalimantan. (1934). Sequence Stratigraphy in Southeast Asia. 1-80.or. (eds. Manila. M. Texas. (General paper describing palynofacies as tool for identification of depositional environment and sequences) Chandra. 80-94. Descriptions of 26 Lepidocyclina species from Oligo-Miocene samples from C and W Java and Madura . Assoc. alveolinids (Fasciolites). 5. B.) Carozzi. fauna. p. Caughey et al. Not much specific on localities. Leckie (1993).T. Res. 18. A. & R.Berger et al. 9. Conv.De foraminiferen-fauna van eenige Cycloclypeus-houdende gesteenten van Java. Austrotrillina). reflecting shoaling of thermocline along Equator.. W. J. Petrol. Kol. from more horizontal Earliest Miocene (zone Te5) sediments with Lepidocyclina (N. Reyes & V. Assilina. ('The foraminiferal fauna from some Cycloclypeus-bearing rocks of Java'.S. 171-204. I. S. In: W.pdf) (E Miocene. HvG)) Chaisson.. Nederl. Mijnbouwk. Indon. 29-48. 1-225.B. 345-361.). Spiroclypeus. thickness.H. Ser.M.Characterization of clastic sediment: a palynofacies approach. Philippine Oil Development Company.Y. Gen.) Proc Ocean Drilling Program. ~8-10 Ma) and initiation of large-scale glaciation in Antarctic (latest Miocene. unconformably over folded and intruded Mesozoic (Jurassic?). & R.M.Carozzi. (1939). Mijnbouwk. P. Oligocene angular unconformity separates Late Eocene-earliest Oligocene (Tb-Tc) limestones with dips of 30°. C. Symp. following closing of Indo-Pacific Seaway (Late Miocene.A.Pliocene planktonic foram biostratigraphy of Site 806. 130. Philippines.Microfacies and microfossils of the Miocene reefs carbonates of the Philippines.M.J. 7p. Priangan and Purwakarta. SW Java. 135-257. A. Ser.V. Geol. p. Reefs began to develop in E Miocene (Eulepidina. Indon. Asterocyclina. Morley (1995). Spec. p.B. (40 photomicrographs of carbonate microfacies. (Eocene carbonates (zones Ta2 and Tb) with Nummulites spp. 12. Thesis. IPA10-G-075.tamu. p. Ed. Gen.P.M. 137-178. Verhandelingen Geol.. Discocyclina. Geol. menardii).vangorselslist.Utilising outcrop and palaeontological data to determine a detailed sequence stratigraphy of the Early Miocene deltaic sediments of the Kutai Basin. mayeri. etc. B. Ontong Java Plateau (Western Equatorial Pacific). p. No Spiroclypeus or Eulepidina observed) Chaproniere. Their record of occurrence of Indo-Pacific genus Pellatispira spp. (Description of Late Eocene (zone Tb) larger forams from Giralia Lst.Oligocene and Miocene larger foraminiferida from Australia and New Zealand.. BMR J. BMR J. Proc. p. Geoph. Canberra. Ed.. 6. G. 55-62. each representing specific environment) Chaproniere.C. interval of Ashmore Reef 1 well) Chaproniere. 299- 317. L. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .C. New Zealand) Chaproniere.Tertiary larger foraminiferids from the northwestern margin of the Queensland Plateau. Western Australia. wichmanni. & I.vangorselslist. p. 1.H. (1975). (1980). 37-58. G.Biometrical studies of Early Neogene larger foraminiferida from Australia and New Zealand.M Miocene Lepidocyclina. (N3-N6 planktonic foram zonation in ~750. (1981). Cycloclypeus.Australasian mid-Tertiary larger foraminiferal associations and their bearing on the East Indian Letter Classification. G. Exmouth March 2014 . Bull. Miogypsina) Chaproniere. Res. Geol. Geoph. (1980). G. ) (M Eocene Ta3 with Asterocyclina and Latest Oligocene. With Discocyclina. (Eight large foram assemblages distinguished in E Miocene of W Australia North-West Cape area. Alcheringa 4.M Miocene Cycloclypeus. Bur. (1997). 145-151. Asterocyclina.The Bullara Limestones.H. Res. (1983). p. Bur.Influence of plate tectonics on the distribution of Late Palaeogene to Early Neogene larger foraminiferids in the Australasian region.H. (Paleogeographic distribution of Oligocene-Miocene larger forams in SE Asia. G. Australia. Geol. Heterostegina. with Tertiary Lower Te stage larger foraminiferal fauna (Eulepidina. Alcheringa 1. Miogypsina and Lepidocyclina from N studies of Early Neogene larger foraminiferida from Australia and New Zealand. Nummulites.C. Miogypsina and Lepidocyclina invaded Australasian region in M Oligocene) Chaproniere. Geophys. Soc.Foraminiferal limestones of Eocene age from Northwest Division. W Australia. Austral. p. p.Australia. Miner.C. etc. Bullara. 153-181.. presumably reworked from Eocene) Chaproniere.C. 1-98. Miner. NW Australia.C. 31-57. off Great Barrier Reef. a new rock-stratigraphic unit from the Carnarvon Basin.Middle Miocene larger foram associations in Cape Range. Heterostegina borneensis)and Zone N. (1976). Palaeoclim. p.. Crespin (1935). p. (Quantitative studies of latest Oligocene. Cycloclypeus. 103-131. Miocene (around Lower Te/ upper Te boundary) larger foram assemblages in dredge samples from~1500-2500m water depth on Queensland Plateau.) Chaproniere. 1 well. (1980).188. Geol.H. found to be incorrect by Haig et al. (1984).H. NE Australia) Chaproniere. (Statistical study of Late Oligocene.C. p.1 88 www. Paleontological papers 1983. Alcheringa 5. (online at: http://www.pdf) (Latest Oligocene limestone at Cape Range. kugleri without Globigerinoides primordius. Bull. p. Victoria 48. 171-174.3 planktonic foram fauna (Globorotalia (T. Alcheringa 4. Western Australia. (online at: https://www. Palaeogeogr. F.Chapman.Palaeoecology of Oligo-Miocene larger foraminiferida.H. Palaeoecology 31.H. p. Aust. (online at: http://www. 1. G. (Eight Latest Oligocene. 5.Late Oligocene to Early Miocene planktic foraminiferida from Ashmore Reef No. (1980). G. Northwest Australia. cf. Also presence of Lacazinella sp. In: J. S. Batesford and Bochara Lst in Victoria. (Neogene larger foraminifera in N Australia range from Late Oligocene-earliest M Miocene. in S Australia restricted to late E Miocene. 1896. shallow water dweller. sect. Geol.Paleoclimatic interpretation using calcareous nannoplankton. Zone 6 (warm. Sci. Ocean Drilling Program. Lack of Pellatispira. 28th Ann.U.) Proc. (IAGI). Twelve alternating warm and cold zones found. (1984). (1964). NN16). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . quadrilobatus) forms at levels below first appearance of Globoquadrina dehiscens (within Zone N. Repts.The Tertiary fauna of Andamans. India 1964. 8. M Miocene/N14 deep-water volcaniclastics with evidence for reworking from Zones N9 -N10.H.C. age of NN13-NN14). Halkyardia in ODP Hole 841B. G. NN18. 135. and 826.U.The Neogene larger foraminiferal sequence in the Australian and New Zealand regions and its relevance to the East Indies Letter Stage classification. Kapid (1999). Abstract. & C. (Two larger foram assemblages in Eocene limestones on Eua Island. SOPAC Techn. AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid Recipients 1999. VIII. G. Last two zones belong to Klitik Formation: zone 11 cold. Stevenson et al. Indon. p.) Proc.(Larger foraminifera from Late Oligocene-M Miocene outcrops in Carnarvon Basin and W Australia. showing climate changes in nannoplankton. March 2014 . 21-44. p.Middle and Late Eocene larger foraminifers from Site 841 (Tongan Platform). (eds.. G.Nannoplankton biozonation in Bengawan Solo River.tamu. whilst zone 12 zone two warm zones. (1994). Ngawi.H. (eds. NE of New Zealand.C.mid-M Miocene) Chaproniere. G. Indonesia. In: A. Zone 9 (transitional. 35-46. NN15). (online at: p. p. Kalibeng Formation subdivided into eight zones: transitional zone (Zone 3. Solo River Ngawi area. Two zones (Zone 1 and 2) of the Kerek Formation are the warm zone and cold zone of lower NN12 and NN12-NN13 respectively.. including Eocene-Miocene larger forams) Choiriah. Neogene and Quaternary foraminiferal faunas from Eua and Vavau islands. Sci.C. Zone 8 (warm.A.H. Betzler (1993). p. Res. NN16). Ed.C. NN16-NN18). Reworked Eocene Pellatispira in Upper Miocene) Chaproniere. A. northeastern Australia. primordius) and reticulate (Gs. Pliocene-Pleistocene reefal limestones often contain larger forams from Eocene. 3. Congr. 25-35. Shallow water carbonates of early M Miocene (N9-N12) age (lower Tf stage). 231-243. All samples from Vavau with Plio-Pleistocene shallow water forams) Chaproniere. Globigerina bulloides group temperate biogeographic range. (eds. 83. Geol. Coralline algae and Halimeda are the major bioclasts) Chatterji. Globigerinoides quadrilobatus warm. (1992). (Late Miocene . 816. Hawkins et al. Asterocyclina. also Ashmore Reef 1 well in Bonaparte Gulf. Conv. Discocyclina.) Geology and submarine resources of the Tonga-Lau-Fiji region. Tonga Group. Assoc. with a barren zone between 12a and 12b) Choiriah. 303-328. 22nd Sess. (Marion Plateau large carbonate platform off NE Queensland.. 11 p. 39-49.1 89 www. Two new subspecies of Lepidocyclina (N): Lepidocyclina (N) howchini praehowchini and Lepidocyclina (N) orakeiensis waikukuensis) Chaproniere.4A in N Australia). & R. Proc.H.Spiroclypeus suggests zone Ta. Gage Roads 2 well in Perth Basin. Leg 133.The distribution and development of Late Oligocene and Early Miocene reticulate globigerines in Australia. p.pdf) (Eocene larger foraminifera Nummulites.Middle and Late Eocene.but typical of upwelling zones in subtropical and tropical areas) Chaproniere.H.. (1994). AAPG Bull. 279-305. Marine Micropaleontology18.J. 12a & 12b. (Paleocene-Recent sequence. G. 8. NN19 and NN20. Longer range in New Zealand: Late Oligocene. Palaeoecology 46. (Globigerinoides represented by both hispid (Gs.C. Bull. (1999). NN16). Zone 5 (cold.Larger foramineral biostratigraphy of Sites 815. In: J. ODP. Palaeogeogr. S. and Zone 10 (warm.K. Wreck Island 1 well in Queensland. and various localities in New Zealand. Results 133. Int. Zone 7 (cold zone. McKenzie et al. p. Palaeoclim. NN16). Zone 4 warm (NN14-NN15).. Tonga: (1) late M Eocene zones Ta3/ P14 without Pellatispira and (2) latest Eocene/Tb/P17 with Pellatispira).M Pleistocene of Kendeng zone analyzed. Studi biozonasi nannoplankton daerah Gunung Pendul Formasi Wungkal.Geology of Saipan. 4. Miocene ( Conf.. primitive Miogypsinoides dehaartii var.Choiriah.S. Larger Foraminifera. Oligocene and Miocene larger foraminifera and plankton biostratigraphic indices. Geol. Lepidocyclina palauensis n. (IAGI). U.S. 260-V.1 90 www. Mariana Islands. Proc. Geol. 47-59. W.J.usgs. 21-31. p. 16p. Klaten.pdf) ((Description of larger foramifera from from Palau islands.S. suggesting continuous shallow marine facies) Cole.(latter re-assigned to Lepidocyclina radiata by Cole (1963)) Cole.H.) Geology of Lau. p. Pringgoprawiro (2000).Pliocene in Solo River. Geol. 2.U.S. Indon.S. Paper. Survey Prof. p.U. Kurniawan & Surono (2006). Conv. formosensis and Lepidocyclina (N. Pekanbaru. p. Sumatra)) Cole. Geol. Part 3 Paleontology. Klaten. J. Fiji. Includes section on records of Miogypsinidae in Indonesia (W Java. 5. Bayat. Kapid & H. W. 569-608.usgs. Assoc. Survey Prof. Ed. Miogypsinoides.Larger foraminifera from Eniwetok Atoll drill holes. 41-53.. In: H. ('Nannoplankton biozonationof the Wungkal Fm in the Gunung Pendul area. Jiwo Barat Bayat. Geol. W. Survey Prof. Geneva 1967. & W. In: Sumberdaya Geologi daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah. Bernice P. W. p. First Int. Planktonic Microfossils.sp. Hoffmeister (eds.pdf) (Description of 37 March 2014 . Ladd & J.Foraminifera besar pada satuan batugamping formasi Wungkal. Proc. Indon. 29th Ann. (1954). Jawa Tengah. Leiden.Large foraminifera from Guam.) Proc. 2.Larger Foraminifera and smaller diagnostic Foraminifera from Bikini drill holes.S. Klaten. p. Ikatan Ahli Geologi Pengurus Daerah DIY-Jateng. Paper 221-B. S. (online at: http://pubs.S. Spiroclypeus). Nummulites.Interpretasi paleotemperatur berdasarkan nannoplankton lintasan S.Larger foraminifera of Lau. Cole. West Jiwo Bayat.H.Larger foraminifera from the Palau Islands. R. Bronnimann & H. p.usgs. 272-297. & B. 82-97. 183-189. ('Larger foraminifera in the Wungkal. W. Borelis pygmaeus. Prastistho. sp. C Java') Clarke. Bandung. Flosculinella) and Pliocene.pdf (62 species of Late Eocene (Asterocyclina. Heterostegina borneensis. p. Pellatispira). Bull. Triwibowo (2002). Biplanispira. 35th Conv..Recent larger and planktonic foraminifera zonations. (online at: http://pubs. 181. 321-360.Recent (Calcarina. Lepidocyclina rutteni. U. Age basal Miocene. Paper 280-I. (One of first papers calibrating the Eocene. Marginopora. Jawa Timur.S.U. Brill. Paleontology 13. Geol. Micronesia. p. (online at: http://pubs.Gamping daerah Sekarbolo. C Java') Choiriah. Paper. S. Assoc.Recent foram species from two wells (2556') of Bikini Atoll) Cole. SW Pacific: Late Eocene (Tab) with Pellatispira and M Miocene (Tf) with Katacycloclypeus.J. (1950). W. Sorites) larger foraminifera from three Eniwetok Atoll drill holes. HvG)) Cole. (IAGI). Ngawi. In: P. (1945).vangorselslist. B. U. Spiroclypeus higginsi n. S. which are rarely found together due to different facies. Blow (1969). R. Late Oligocene (Eulepidina. Renz (eds. Bishop Mus.S. Deeper water genus Cycloclypeus Bayat Klaten. 743-784. (1957).S. Jawa Tengah. Fiji. Bengawan Solo.Gamping limestones in the Sekarbolo area. (1939).E. (Limestones from Guam with larger foraminifera. (1957). zone Te (more likely latest Oligocene?. Borelis. Survey Prof. U. (Nannofossil species and diversity from Late Miocene. W. Ngawi (Kendeng Zone) section suggest 12 alternating warm-cold zones) Choiriah.) parv.S. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .The inter-relationship of some Late Eocene. E-M Miocene (Miogypsinoides dehaartii.). March 2014 . (online at: http://pubs.S. Tonga) Cole. W. p.usgs. but 4 samples contain Eocene fauna and 3 have Plio-Pleistocene faunas) Coleman. ser. Austrotrillina striata) in deeper part of 1261' deep well) Cole.).Analysis of Lepidocyclina radiata (Martin). Biplanispira. Miogypsinoides.pdf) (Descriptions of Late Eocene (Nummullites.S. U. & J.pdf) (Late Eocene (Asterocyclina. W. (online at: http://pubs. (1960). from E side of Eua Island. 1-28.pdf) (Eocene sample with Pellatispira. Discocyclina. Baculogypsina.. Fiji. Micropaleontology 9.S. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1-38.Larger foraminifera of Late Eocene age from Eua. Pellatispira. 2 (Geol.Upper Eocene and Oligocene larger foraminifera from Viti Levu.pdf) (Larger foram assemblages for Saipan island: Late Eocene Tb (20 species. Spiroclypeus. U. (1963).S. Nummulites.Larger foraminifera from deep sea drill holes on Midway Atoll. etc. (2. (1975). Pellatispira.Problems of the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of certain Tertiary larger foraminifera. Nummulites. p. C Java late E Miocene Lower Tf LBF and Globigerinoides sicanus-Globigerinatella insueta (N8) planktonic foram zone.pdf ) (Good agreement in age determinations based on larger and planktoic foraminifera from 5 widely separated localities: (1) Sentolo Fm. Late Oligocene. Tohoku Univ. (1963). Geol. Halkyardia). 5. Spiroclypeus. p. (1970).S.E Miocene Te (35 species. Survey Prof. 208. Asterocyclina. Paper 374-A. W. p.(online at: http://pubs. Bridge (1953). Gypsina discus) larger foraminifera from main island of Fiji) Cole. Geol. Asterocyclina. Sci.S. 157-185. Tonga. Cycloclypeus carpenteri) larger forams from outcrops on Guam) Cole. assigned to Lepidocyclina radiata) Cole.Geology and larger Foraminifera of Saipan Island. (online at: http://jfr.usgs. 21-39.S. Bull. U.3) Larat (Moluccas) and Solomon Islands: early E Miocene Te LBF zone and Globigerinita dissimilis zone planktonics. Survey Prof.Tertiary larger Foraminifera of the British Solomon Islands. 640-B.S. Asterocyclina) and Early Oligocene (Nummulites fichteli. (1960).S.S. In: Hanzawa Memorial Volume. Oligocene (Nummulites fichteli). Paper. 680-C. (online at: http://pubs. Paper 253.usgs. p. U. U. Vol. Foraminiferal Geol.S. Pellatispira. incl. p. Cole. W.pdf) (38 species of larger foraminifera from limestone outcrops on Saipan. Geol.S. 9-18.) Cole. Fiji Islands. Survey Prof.Tertiary larger foraminifera from Guam. W. Spec. (1969). 1-17.vangorselslist.usgs. 46. p. (1963). Survey Prof. (Study of Lepidocyclina from Tf (Miocene) of Futuna Lst of Lau. etc.usgs. Southern Pacific. Discocyclina.1 91 www.geoscienceworld. Most species are Early Miocene forms. 1-15. 1-45. Nummulites. Ed. 1-7. W. (online at: http://pubs. Heterostegina borneensis) and Pleistocene (7 species)) Cole.S. J. 4. Repts. W. Katacycloclypeus annulatus) and Pleistocene (Calcarina. American Pal. (Early Miocene Te larger forams (Miogypsinoides dehaartii. 403-E. (online at: http://pubs.Concordant age determinations by larger and planktonic foraminifera in the Tertiary of the Indo-Pacific region. Paper. Survey Prof. Spiroclypeus. Paper.. p. 373-374. J. P. E-M Miocene and Late Miocene) Coleman. 29.S. Bull Mizunami Fossil Museum. (1978). Australian J.S. Three distinct faunas: Aquitanian. & R. Bull. L. Barber (1998). Collins J. 1-66. 29. & R. Ed. H. (Online at //www-odp.. F. Ser. Abhand. (eds.R. British North Borneo. Sci. p. 1. In: H.Larger foraminifera from the Visaya Basin and adjacent areas of the Philippines (Eocene through Miocene). ODP. Oligocene Nummulites fichteli and Lepidocyclina formosa. Miogypsina polymorpha. Geophys.. Ostrea. 2. Porth & C. p. Miocene (Te. (Four main Tertiary larger foraminifera assemblages between N coast New Guinea and Fiji: Late March 2014 . (Brief descriptions of ?Mio-Pliocene pelecypods. Pearson & W. von Daniels (eds. incl. Philippines. (1938). 1-38.Some Tertiary and Recent conescharelliniform Bryozoa. Geol. Asian Earth Sci.J. Japan. incl. & R. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .nl/assets/uuid:75768866-49a4-43b7. Palaeont. Barru.pdf) Cotton. Western Australia 47. (1948). 2.. p. 13-24. Lobocarcinus pentanodosus sp. L. Isotope analyses (δ13C and δ18O) of rock samples studied by Adams show that end-Eocene LBF extinction event in Melinau Limestone occurs below isotope excursion) Cox. 25.Reflections on outer Melanesian Tertiary larger foraminifera. Magazine 61.Statistical studies on the phylogeny of some foraminifera: Cycloclypeus and Lepidocyclina from Spain.Recent sedimentary successions in British Solomon Islands with 32 species of larger foraminifera.N.J. Chaix (2005). p.R.A new middle Eocene crab. Bull. p. Doct. Dalmasso & C. Adams.J. P. Zool.1 92 www. Favre.A. Southwest Pacific. Indonesia. Guadalcanal.tudelft. etc.E Miocene.) Proc. p. p. (New cancroid crab fossils from M Eocene of S Sulawesi. (online at: repository.(U Oligocene. Miogypsina. Renema (2014). Miogypsinoides and Spiroclypeus. Katacycloclypeus. P. 10. L. 65-71. Schweiz. similis. E. etc. Munch. L. Sci. Eocene Pellatispira madaraszi. British Museum (Natural History). Mineral Res.H. Lagaaij (1976).H.R. (Crustacea. L. p. nov. including Cycloclypeus..A./71384. Bur. Thesis Technical University Delft. 194. Anselmetti et al. 5.) Cox.Lower Tf) Spiroclypeus margaritatus. (Major extinction of larger benthic foraminifera close to Eocene-Oligocene boundary in Melinau Limestone already recognized by G. (35 species of larger foraminifera.Biosedimentary and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Southern Marion Platform from the Middle to Late Miocene (northeast Australia. Sites 1196 and 1199).. grunaui) Cosico. Decapoda) from Doi Doi. 3-70.Neogene Mollusca from the Dent Peninsula. 66.Association of larger and planktonic foraminifera in single samples from Middle Miocene sediments.. Burdigalian and Pliocene-Recent) Coleman. Porth (1989). In: F. Gramann & H. MacTavish (1967). South Sulawesi. MacTavish (1964). p. Res. This is first record of genus from W Pacific) Conesa. Solomon Islands.) On the geology and hydrocarbon prospects of the Visayan Basin. Globorotalia from the Netherlands Indies. Pecten spp. p.) Cosijn. asymmetrica. P. Lepidocyclina. Coleman. Sarawak. Jahrbuch B70. R. Southwest Pacific. 97-101.. G.Association of Early Miocene planktonic and larger foraminifera from the Solomon Islands. P. Royal Soc. 31-36.Stable isotope stratigraphy and larger benthic foraminiferal extinctions in the Melinau Limestone.A. 56-63.tamu. 79A. Discocylina and-Alveolina. J. Geol. Late Oligocene. 317-376.vangorselslist. ODP Leg 194.Some Late Kainozoic pelecypoda from the Aru Islands. P.. Geol. 192 (Crespin Volume). & publications/194_SR/ ) Cook. (Includes descriptions of Miocene bryozoa from Indonesia: three new species of Lacrimula from E Miocene Globigerinatella insueta Zone of Madura (L. 147-205.L. (1924). Clementia. p. 2.. Papua. (online at: http://takata. Dow in W Papua Central Range.slv.Notes on a Lepidocyclina. 1-5.. 3. Philippines. Geoph. Palaeont. (E. Geoph. (1961). Nummulites. Foram. etc. Record 1961/104. Palaeont. Bougainville) Crespin.Foraminiferal rocks from the Nassau Range. Report 25. (Micropaleontology of rocks collected by D.A lower Miocene limestone from the Ok Ti River. I. (Limestone beneath ‘mudstone grit series’ at W bank Ok Ti River (= Upper Tedi River. Paleontology 24. I. Mineral Geol. Victoria 53. Meleri River sample near Tiom E Miocene Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . In: Papers on Tertiary micropalaeontology. NW Australia. (1950).ga. Cushman Found. p. 28-32. Palaeontological Bull. Crespin. (1941).gov. 9-12.…) New South Wales 92. 1-77. Lepidocyclina (N) borneensis) Crespin. (Description of large Early Miocene Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) badjirraensis and L. Ed. (1943).html) (Thin. (online at: https://www. (1952). No genus Cycloclypeus in Victoria. PNG.(Mollusks from Late Miocene. (1936).Papers on Tertiary Res. Proc. stellate forms).Pliocene sandy marls and clays near E tip of Dent Peninsula. (1956). Bur. Bureau Min.) manduensis from Mandu calcarenite. Res. (1938).The occurrence of Lacazina and Biplanispira in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea. no thin sections) Crespin.The larger foraminifera of the Lower Miocene of Victoria. 2. I. Exmouth Gulf.. Bur. (1958). similar to specimens from type locality at Cape Range. Asterocyclina. Proc. Mantalongan. I. Crespin.vangorselslist. Mineral Res.1 93 www. Royal Soc. Lepidocyclina (incl. 3. Canberra. (1956). 421-429. Phillippines. Cycloclypeus. Canberra. p.large (up to 60mm). 3-8.The genus Lepidocyclina in Victoria. Canberra.vic. Mineral Res. p. I.html) (Seven papers on foraminifera from Australia. geologic ranges and index species).Australian Tertiary microfaunas and their relationships to assemblages elsewhere in the Pacific Region. These genera not normally found associated (but: Biplanispira was not seen in these rocks by Bain & Binnekamp 1973. 3-15. Netherlands New Guinea. 133-147.Two species of Lepidocyclina from Cape Range. Carnarvon Basin. Discusses proportion of living Assemblage of Heterostegina borneensis. Proc. 2. Crespin. I. NW Australia. Canberra. p. p. Bull.bearing rock from Cebu. (Limestone near Chimbu aerodrome in PNG is rich in Eocene Lacazina and also rare Biplanispira. p. Victoria 55. I. Bull. Austrotrillina howchini. Bureau of Mineral Res. Crespin. NW Australia) Crespin. Geol. (online at: www. Borelis pygmaeus and Eulepidina (practically identical to W Java Rajamandala Limestone = Te1. Late Oligocene)) Crespin. Canberra. Bureau of Mineral Res. with headwaters in Star Mts). p. (occ. 301-314. Associated with Cycloclypeus eidae Miogypsina HvG) Crespin.. kotoi. (online at: http://www. near Irian Jaya border. 3. p. (online at: http://www. E Miocene (upper Te) Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) badjirraensis Crespin from Magalambac. Localities of Eocene limestone with larger forams ( March 2014 . I. Royal Soc. Royal Soc. Cebu. I. p. 5. (1938). I.Microfossils in Australian and New Guinea stratigraphy. Bur. Report 25. J. I. L. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. 8 (Verbeek volume). (Fish fossils collected by Brouwer in 1923 from lithographic (lagoonal?) platy limestone mear Patanuang Asi. p. Engelhardt (1993). Currie. 1-21.E. Discocyclina and Pellatispira spp. (online at: https://www. In Watabung and Bena-Bena area at S side of Bismarck anticline U Cretaceous with Pseudorbitoides. I. In: T. p. ser. Associated foraminifera identified by Rutten as Early Miocene age. 3-6.Het voorkomen van een osteoglosside visch in het Tertiair van Sumatra.. (Brief descriptions small collection of ?Mio-Pliocene echinoids from limestones and sandy limestones of Aru ) (107 samples collected by J. including herring-like Sardinella brouweri and Lutjanus. Record 1957/91. Record 1955/96. Micropaleontology 8.On a collection of Miocene fish-teeth from Ser. Oligocene and Miocene with Lepidocyclina. For geology of area see Perry (1956)) Crespin. Indie 8. Bur.Larger foraminifera and palynomorphs of the upper Malawa and lower Tonasa Formations.1 94 www. 5. Katacycloclypeus. S Sulawesi Fifteen coastal marine fish species. Record 1956/20. Discussion of Eocene fresh water bone. & D. (1924).F. Verhandelingen Geol.Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Upper Sepik- August River area. Kol. etc. Nederl. Bur. Thailand. I. 1-6. K. (ed.Recherches sur la flore Pliocene de Java. Bur. Papua. collected by Verbeek and Tobler. M. I. Belford (1955). Thompson from Cape Vogel area. (New genus name for Lacazina wichmanni from Upper Eocene limestone near Chimbu aerodrome in PNG) Crespin. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Fauna described in more detail by Sanders 1934) De Beaufort. 1-5. 5. 1.J. p. Mineral Res. p. 115-148. Plant fossils from tunnel drilled in volcanic terrains of Gunung Kendang. (1928).gov. 63-72.Pliocene open marine fauna. Mineral Res. 2. Thanasuthipitak. Belford (1957). p. (1925). southwestern Sulawesi Island. Miogypsina polymorpha. Ed.. clastics with common reworked U Cretaceous and Paleocene planktonics.On a collection of marine fishes from the Miocene of South Celebes. Geol. Mineral Res. W Java) Crotty. Eocene pebbles with Nummulites.J. & D. (1962). No location or stratigraphy info) De Beaufort. Sammlung March 2014 . Believed to be of probable Pliocene age) De Beaufort. Reichsmuseums Leiden.Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Central Highlands. No locality maps ) Crie. are mainly U Miocene. Mijnbouwk. (online at: /www.F.)) Crespin. Miogypsina. (online at: www. p.W. Magazine 61. & D. (1888).. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen 17 (1888). Verhandelingen 1. Maros district.vangorselslist.On fossil Echinoidea from the Aru Islands.D.F.. 71-82. Geoph. p.-Indie 54 (1925). 49-52. Geol. Geoph. Geoph. p.Micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from the Cape Vogel area. Geol. (Micropaleontological analysis of outcrop samples collected by McMillan & Johnson (1960) around E part of Bismarck Range/ Goroka Valley. p. & D. L. a new genus of trematophore (Samples of E and M Miocene limestones.J. New Chiang in C Sumatra. etc. L. p.limestone with reworked ‘Asian-Pacific’ Eocene E end of Papuan Peninsula. E of Sukabumi and SW of Cianjur. A few limestones contain Lower Tf (M Miocene) larger forams. (1926). 49-71) ('Investigations on the Pliocene flora of Java'.Lacazinella. New Guinea. Geol. ('The occurrence of an osteoglossid fish in the Tertiary of Sumatra'. p.) Symposium on Biostratigraphy of mainland Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology. Belford (1956). Gen. incl. Marls from Ilaga valley with E Miocene planktonic forams) Crespin. E.L. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Mijnbouwk. (Description of Quaternary brachyurid crab fossils from Manado area. 3. Gen. L. p. 180-181. Ser. 7. Kulun Progo. 1-137. Moore (1993). Bull. presumably with Cycloclypeus annulatus (= M Miocene)) De Beaufort. ('Characteristics of recent and fossil Dipterocarp species'. Spec. T.A new Archaias species from East Borneo. Reichs-Museums Leiden. ('Fossil wood species from the Tertiary of South Sumatra'. Comments on identifications of Krausel (1922)) Den Berger. (1934). Ed.G. associations with special reference to morphological features. (New larger foraminifer species Archaias vandervlerki from Miocene Poelobalang beds. Bengalan river region. 143-148. 2. Three palynofloral zones of bog-forest and mangrove affinity. p. Verhandelingen Kon. (20m-thick Miocene Warukin Fm Sarongga lignite from SE Kalimantan distinct vertical variations in palynofloras. Yogyakarta district. Ser.vangorselslist. tobleri.J. 5.Beschreibung einiger brachyurer Krebse aus post-Tertiaren schichten der Minahass.P. J. Organic Geochem. (On foraminifera in samples of Miocene (Te-Tf) limestone from western Birds Head and adjacent islands) De Los Santos. Kol. Plant material in Miocene lignite mainly derived from arborescent angiosperms Increasing abundances of mangrove pollen suggests encroachment of mangrove swamp toward bog-forest. p. Bulletin du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg.naturalis. by Brouwer 1929 expedition) De Bock. 254-278. Burdigalian (Banner & Highton 1989)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Brief description of fish fossils. 1-57. probably fresh-water and of Neogene age. (May be same asPseudotaberina malabarica. 10. March 2014 . Little variation in organic characteristics within seam) Den Berger. Ser. Associated molluscs described by Schepman) Demchuk. p. (1904). 7. Amsterdam. p. Scripta Geologica 36. Geol. Proc. 495-498. (Hashimoto 1982: Includes record of Late Eocene Nummulites. Nederl.Unterscheidungsmerkmale von rezenten und fossilen Dipterocarpaceen Gattungen. & F. p. Dryobalanoxylon javanicum. With descriptions of fossil wood from West Java. D. Mijnb. p.(Fish teeth (incl. Indonesia. Quezon. (1976). (1960). ser. Verhandelingen Geol. possibly with Lepidocyclina flexuosa. (1923).D. Publ. p.s. L. 13-16. Akademie Wetenschappen. 63.F.Discocyclina. C Sulawesi. Profess. etc.Geology and resources of central Polilio Island. E. Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey of Indonesia 1. L.. Kon. Kleripan fish fauna similar to that of oil-bearing limestone in Ngembak described by Martin 1919.Tertiary foraminifera from Northwest Dutch New Guinea. Spencer (1968). W.Palynofloral and organic characteristics of Miocene bog-forest.Studies on some Miogypsinoides-Miogypsina s. shark) and teeth of ?crocodile and Cetacea (whales) in agglomerate at base of manganese ore seam in Kleripan mine. (online at: http://www. (1947). p.F.) De Neve.C.Pellatispira larger foram fauna in Babacolan Lst overlies meta-volcanic facies in area of Polillo coalfield. Sammlungen Geol.F. G. J. Nederl. Coal. 20. Brill. Philippines Bureau Mines. V. Nederl. Seam is between Miocene limestones. (Detailed morphological studies of MioceneMiogypsina and Miogypsinoides. Palynofloras and low sulphur content suggest predominantly freshwater deposition. incl.repository. collected at Gimpoe basin. 119-134. Kalimantan.On a fossil fish from Gimpoe (Central Celebes). 2.H. collected by Fennema.A. 368-373. 15.1 95 www.Fossile houtsoorten uit het Tertiar van Zuid-Sumatra. N Sulawesi.. Celebes. E Kalimantan. Gen.G. partly based on material from Madura and Larat (Kai islands)) De Graaff. Also Late Oligocene Eulepidina- Spiroclypeus without Miogypsina from coal-bearing Burdeos Formation and E-M Miocene Austrotrillina- Miogypsina thecidaeformis from overlying Langoyen Lst)) De Man. Geol.G.D & T.A. (1927). & S.D. East Kalimantan. Geol. 5. I. Res. Cranosina. Part II: 'Ascophoran' Cheilostomata.Dev. 99-108.vangorselslist.Deprat. Wiryosujono & (online at: http://www. L. 1-142.S. 9. Indonesia. Taylor (2012). Bandung. Taylor. Johnson & W. (Abstract only) (Langhian patch reef exposed near Bontang. Renema (2012). p. Bul.1 Ma) limestones of E Kalimantan. ser. 2nd Working Group Mtg. E Kalimantan. & P.Fossil molluscs from Java. Scripta Geologica 1486. Very short note reporting the presence of Pellatispira. Alveolinella (=Flosculinella) bontangensis restricted to Poeloe Balang stage. (New cheilostome bryozoan from rocks around Burdigalian-Langhian boundary near Bontang. 111-124.G. p.5.Miocene bryozoa from East Kalimantan. 109-115. 59-64. Vincularia and Canda.Sur la presence de Pellatispira dans l’Eocene de Nouvelle Caledonie. 2. p. Scripta Geologica 146. Pseudidmonea. Soc. Soc.Morphology and palaeobiogeography of Retelepralia.Nota betreffende de foraminiferenfauna van het Neogeen van Koetai. Marks (eds. Two new genera and 20 new species) Di Martino.1 96 www. Ed. Taylor (2014). Geol.Sangiran (Java. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. 288. P. Di Martino. Centre. associated with Discocyclina and Nummulites in Eocene of New Caledonia) De Sitter. B. p.C. In: S.. Biostratigraphic datum-planes of the Pacific Neogene IGCP Project 114. Retelepralia macmonagleae. p. Braga . P. J. Paleont. In: Giornate Paleont. A. (2000). Bontang and Sangkulirang in E Kalimantan. France. p. p. Parellisina. Catania 2012. Indonesian Borneo.Miocene bryozoa from East Kalimantan.. a distinctive cheilostome bryozoan new to the fossil record. p. Bull.6. Late Oligocene W of Sukau. Abhandl. (New species of bryozoan. Indie 59 (1930). E Sabah) Di Martino.D.D.D. with 61 species of bryozoans. Taylor (2012). & P.Systematics and life history of Antoniettella exigua. E Kalimanta. (online at: http://www. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Palaont. Club Conchylia Informationen 32. Marks (1978).Early Neogene foraminiferal biohorizons in E. Verhandelingen 3. p. E.289. Novak . Part I: Cyclostomata and ‘Anascan’ Cheilostomata. (1932). & P. 67-74.) Proc. Bryozoans found mainly encrusting undersides of corals) Di Martino. Italiana 51. Publ. N. (123 species of bryozoans identified in Miocene (17. Boundary between Beboeloe and Poeloe Balang stage characterized by extinction of Eulepidina.Bryozoan diversity in the Miocene of the Kutai Basin. & P. Johnson (2015).idno=15146a02) (Descriptions of 51 Miocene (late Burdigalian-Messinian) bryozoan species from 17 sections near Samarinda. 17-126.. E. (1909). Colonies encrust undersides of platy scleractinian corals that formed patch reefs in turbid shallow waters) Di Martino. E.D. E. Kalimantan. Spec. ('Note on the foraminiferal fauna of the Neogene of Kutai'. E.idno=17148a01) (Descriptions of 72 Miocene ascophoran-grade cheilostome bryozoa ((late Burdigalian-to Messinian) from 17 sections in E Kalimantan. Y. Boll. Indonesia. Geologi (ITB) 20. K. Taylor & K. Taylor (2015). Indonesia. from. Eleven new species of Microeciella. E. Rosler. Palaios 30. V. Mainly encrusting species associated with plate-like scleractinian corals) Di Martino. Santodomingo. 12. almost double number of species (31) previously reported from Cenozoic of Indonesian Archipelago) Djamas.D. a new genus and species of cribrimorph bryozoan from the Miocene of East Kalimantan (Indonesia). (' On the presence of Pellatispira in the Eocene of New Caledonia'. Indonesia. p.U.Bryozoans from a Langhian patch reef in East Kalimantan (Indonesia). 263.scriptageologica. p. & E. Sartono (1990). J. 4. Kutai Basin. Jaarboek Mijnwezen March 2014 .Pleistocene molluscan environments. Indonesia): Upper Pliocene. With detailed Neogene foraminifera range chart) Dharma.scriptageologica. Summary of foraminifera distribution and BPM stratigraphy of Kutai Basin. 1. Di Geronimo. (In Indonesian) (Larger foraminifera from base of Wonocolo Fm at Kedungatta River. First report of such fossils from Neogene of region) Doornink. 253-278.E Oligocene Nummulites from Gerth Java collections. Larangan March 2014 . Renema. Smith. 4. E Seram and Daweloo island near Babar) Donovan. Ned.J.-Indie 17. 10p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .O. Taufiq (2010). (1908).vangorselslist. 4.sp. Verhandelingen Geol-Mijnbouwk.Ostrakoden von N. sampled by Leupold.Tertiary Nummulitidae from Java. Nephrolepidina. (1908). Three species: Cycloclypeus eidae. Molukkenverslag. (On fragments of diadematoid echinoids from Miocene-Pliocene of Java. East Java. Lewis (2010). Geol. indicating zone Tf1-2 age. p. Includes 14 new species. Conv. 1. Miogypsina. ('On the Lepidocyclinas from a limestone from Kai Besar island'. ser.A new species of Goniocidaris Desor (Echinoidea. Veltkamp (2012). Kalimantan and Sulawesi. p.D. Geologische verkenningstochten in het oostelijke gedeelte van den Nederlandsch Oostindische Archipel. but according to Verbeek (1908. Cidaroida) from the Middle Miocene of Java. H. Described as Goniocidaris paraplu n. (1931). Cytheridea and Cythereis) Dollfus.Miocene larger forams from SE Kalimantan. Alcheringa 34.Sur quelques polypiers fossiles des Indes neerlandaises. C. (1905). Ged.1 97 www. 5..N Kutai material allows some larger and planktonic foram zone calibrations:Late Oligocene N2-N3 correlates with Te1-4. upper M Miocene. Bull. E Java.N. 99-105. Lepidocyclina (T. Warren D. p. p. 8. W. S. H. 53-80. 39th Ann. H. Can be correlated with planktonic foraminifera zones N15/N16. Larger foraminifera from samples collected by M. 87-95.. Mainly Miocene Lepidocyclina species. S. 267-316.-Borneo. (Distinctive cidaroid echinoid spines from M Miocene Bulu Fm.W. No locality maps. France. M. collected by Verbeek) Douville.F.Larger foraminifera from the bottom of Wonocolo Formation. Philippine J. Assoc. p. 16 species of Oligocene. Geol. Early Miocene N4-N5 zones correlate with Te5) Djunaedi. 5 km NNW of Sale.. 690-693. 11 of genus Nesidea. 5. Indon. Proc. Associated with Katacycloclypeus annulatus.Les foraminiferes dans le Tertiaire de Borneo. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.T.K. along Rembang- Bojonegoro road.Sur les Lepidocyclines d’un calcaire de l’Ile Grand-Kei. ('On some fossil corals from the Netherlands Indies'.Les foraminiferes dans le Tertiaire des Philippines. p.A. Kai Besar. 1. p. p.lower Late Miocene. H. 435- 464. Brief description of five Late Tertiary corals collected by Verbeek from C Timor.Significance of diadematid echinoid ossicles in micropalaeontological samples.K. Wetensch. Description of Aquitanian Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) from Tamangil. (1932). Oost-Indie 37 (Verbeek Moluccas Report). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Pinnington & C. Deposited in middle neritic environment) Doeglas. 676-686.) Donovan. (IAGI).. Ed. ('The foraminifera in the Tertiary of Borneo'. Gen. Miocene-Pliocene of Indonesia. In: R. 9. etc. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (M Eocene. collected by Buxtorf. 1. ('Ostracodes from NE Borneo'. Verbeek. 481 from Meratus Mts front between Rantau and Barabai) Douville. Pati District. M Eocene. Alcheringa 36. Oost-Indie 37 (1908). No locality maps. H. Reichs-Museums Leiden. & M.) rutteni and Lepidocyclina B form. Lombok.. Description of Spiroclypeus new genus and two species. G.M. p. 25-54.(S Mangkalihat. 6. Ser.J. W.U Miocene ostracodes from 43 localities in NE Kalimantan. Sammlungen Geol. Kol. (1911). D. 5. Geol. Renema & D.Les foraminiferes de l’Ile de Nias. one of Cythere. ('The foraminifera in the Tertiary of the Philippines'. PIT-IAGI-2010-248. Soc. p. (1912). Sci. stratigraphy) Douville. also small Oligocene Nummulites) Douville. Remarks on Cycloclypeus.Les foraminiferes des couches de Rembang.Sur quelques foraminiferes des Moluques orientales et de la Nouvelle Guinee.. (’The foraminifera from the Rembang Beds’. Kon. 19-35. 415- 433. etc. Proc. C. ('On some foraminifera from the eastern Moluccas and from New Guinea'. 8. Brief description of Eocene larger forams in samples collected by Brouwer in Halmahera (Nummulites. 315-349. (Measurements on Cycloclypeus eidae from Tf1/ Burdigalian of E Borneo. Taxon 63. Includes Middle Eocene Nummulites bagelensis. This is a proposal to legitimize the common use of Discoaster) Drooger. N. Elsevier. Helio-discoaster and Hemi-discoaster. (1924). pengaronensis. (Revision of lepidocyclinid Tertiary larger foraminifera. H.1 98 www. 279-294. Reichs-Museums Leiden. In: R.S. H. Alveolina). (1916). No location info) Douville. C. four considered valid. N. B56. 5-49 and (1925) part 2. samples represent single populations) Drooger. Eocene from Kali Poeroe. Akademie Wetenschappen. with well-preserved Nummulites. (Eulepidina and Nepholepidina). Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden. Nederl. p. 40 km N of Balikpapan. S of Rembang in NE Java. Soc. (1953). Helio-discoaster Tan (rosette-shaped discoasterids. 107-116. C. Seram (E Miocene Lepidocyclina in breccia with reworked angular clasts of Upper Cretaceous pelagic limestone). Discocyclina. including material from various parts of Indonesia) Doweld. 1.W. New Guinea. It combines 3 groups of species of formally described genera Eu-discoaster Tan (star-shaped discosterids. (1955). March 2014 . Roti (large Nummulites. Discocyclina) Douville. Sammlungen Geol.Quelques foraminiferes de Java. Ed. von Koenigswald (ed. (Revision of eight miogypsinid species described from Indonesia. sampled by Martin. (Commonly used calcareous nannofossil genus name Discoaster. no maps (locality map in Van der Veen 1913. France.. Kai Besar (rounded fragments of Eocene Lacazina in quartz sandstone. as first described by Tan Sin Hok (1927). Geol. and the names Heliodiscoaster and Hemidiscoaster with those spellings (fossil Prymnesiophyta (Algae) vel Haptomonada (Protista)). Verhandelingen 2. p. No predominance of Tan Sin Hok’s 1932 ‘elementary species’ found. (1963). ser.Revision des Lepidocyclines. Also Early Miocene Lepidocyclina spp. type species Discoaster barbadiensis Tan and Hemi-discoaster Tan (star-shaped discoasterids with arms welded together. Includes some Indonesian/ Indo-Pacific material) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Discocyclina). Ngandong. Miocene Cycloclypeus annulatus and Lepidocyclina from Ngampel.W. was an informal genus name that lacked a generic description and designation of type species. Proc. 1. (1923). Also Flosculinella bontangensis from Sedan in sample collected by Verbeek) Douville. 51-123. 195-197. 5. type species Discoaster brouweri Tan). HvG)) Douville. collected by Schroder and Verbeek. Nanggulan. (2014). p. 5.) Evolutionary trends in foraminifera. Discocyclina (here called Orthophragmina) and Assilina javana. Akademie Wetenschappen B58. Nederl.Evolutionary trends in the Miogypsinidae. p. type species Discoaster molengraaffii Tan). Amsterdam. (Review of evolutionary patterns in Late Oligocene. Mem.Proposals to conserve the name Discoaster against Eu-discoaster. Miogypsinlla Hanzawa is synonym of Miogypsinoides Yabe and Hanzawa) Drooger. A. H. p.M Miocene miogypsinid larger foraminifera. Kon.W. No stratigraphy. 104-123. (‘Some foraminifera from Java’. 10.('The foraminifera from Nias Island'. p. Indie 50 (1921). Descriptions of larger foraminifera from Nias.vangorselslist. p. etc.Some Indonesian Miogysininae. 1. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. p. p.B. H. 2. (1912). Y. p. Rao & R. S.A lower Tertiary vertebrate fauna from Krabi (South Thailand). Suteethorn (1992). J. M. p. Kon. I. 1-242. Palaeobot. Natuurkunde. Y. 41. 184. 63-68.The Late Eocene Anthracotheriidae (Mammalia.. unless part of Timor is Asian continental microplate that migrated S and collided with Timor) Ducrocq. Suteethorn & J. 763-766. V. Palaeoecology 108. p. E. Greenwood. (1996).vangorselslist.1 99 www. (Mammalian assemblages of rodents. Palynology 166. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Magazine 133.The Eocene terrestrial mammal from Timor. Ducrocq. p.W. 101-122. suggesting Asian dipterocarps originated in Gondwana and dispersed from India into Asia once land connection between Indian-Asian plates established in M Eocene (49-41 Ma)) Eames.F. R.M.Aturia in the Upper Miocene of Java. below beds with Lepidocyclina) Dutta. Banner.H. Southeast Asia Earth Sci. p. W Java.J. J. 4 km N of Jasinga. J.knaw. 93-140. Jongkanchanasoontorn & V. 163p. Localities from N Thailand M Miocene age (16-14 Ma)). S. S. In W India dipterocarp resin and palynomorphs in ~53 Ma old Eocene sediments. B. 65-78.J. 5.. morphometrics and evolution... ruminants.) Ducrocq. Can not be autochtonous. J. p. P. 149-163. Paleoenvironment March 2014 . Y. Paleontology 14. (online at: http://www. Rev. 2. rhinos and mastodonts from continental basins in N Thailand all of early M Miocene age (16-14 Ma). Palaeoclim. F. Described as Dermotherium major n. S. H. (1984). Nederl. p. (Brief note on first reported occurrence of nautiloid Aturia aturi in Indonesia. Clarke (1962). (Dipterocarpaceae angiosperm trees common in rain forests of SE Asia (>470 species). Buffetaut. Verhandelingen Kon. 12. Mathews. Abh. (1999). Suteethorn (1992)- First fossil flying lemur from the Late Eocene of Thailand. Soc. Artiodactyla) from Thailand. Akademie Wetenschappen.pdf) (Overview of evolution of Cretaceous and Tertiary larger foraminifera) Ducrocq. (1940). Buffetaut-Tong.M.sp.Mammalian faunas and the ages of the continental Tertiary fossiliferous localities from Thailand. P. Buffetaut-Tong. Buffetaut.R. Jaeger (1994). p. p. p. Proc. E. (Classic study on relations between mid-Tertiary larger foram and planktonic foram zonations) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . C. (Late Eocene hippopotamus-like mammals from Krabi Basin) Ducrocq. Jongkanchanasoontorn & V. foraminifera. Suteethorn & J. Jaeger. Cambridge University Press.J. Palaeogeogr. M. 2. Jaeger. Drooger. 6. Palaont. S. 20. Mallick.. S. V. Nederl. Chaimanee. Akademie Wetenschappen.Evolutionary patterns in lineages of orbitoidal foraminifera. S. C. S Thailand.palass-pubs. Palaeontology 35. 87.. Geol. R. 373-380. Ed.P. Quart. 160-161.. 72-73.Drooger. F. Helmcke-Ingavat. Summons (2011)- Eocene out-of-India dispersal of Asian dipterocarps. Tripathi. Jaeger (1995).dwc.J. in Late Miocene dark shales of Middle Bodjongmanik beds.W. open forests with grassland) Ducrocq. 1. Geol. (Krabi Basin in SW Thailand with 27 mammal species of Late Eocene age. Earliest dipterocarps in SE Asia from Oligocene of Borneo (Muller 1981).J. p. W. J.W.E. (Skull of Eocene anthracocere (Hippopotamus relative) from N West Timor has Laurasiatic affinities. (One of first descriptions of fossil corals from Java) Durham. H. S. (1864). 103-130. Chaimanee.Note on a coral from Mount Sela in the island of Java. Duncan. (1993).pdf) (First fossil dermatopteran from U Eocene of Krabi. Palaeontographica 252.Ages and paleoenvironment of Miocene mammalian faunas from Thailand..E. Blow & W. Indonesia. (online at: http://www. Y.Fundamentals of mid-Tertiary stratigraphical correlation. J.H. 301-307. Conv. Geol. (probably Late Pliocene.. Association of large coastal Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. Molengraaf 1909. p. 1-45. 21st Ann. Fujiyama (1965). Farida. Ber. Palaeontographica 60. Sachs. Sequoia. Mainly taxonomic descriptions of corals collected by Wanner. Stuttgart.On some Tertiary plants from South-East Burma. taxonomy. Drugg (1992). Confirm Paleogene age) Endo.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. 9.Eames. South Sulawesi'. Magazine 60. K. Wanner (ed. 2. Minas Field. Yogyakarta 2013. Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah Mada. Stuttgart. W. 4. S. J. 1. W. p. Taxodium. (‘The fossil corals from the surroundings of Trinil’. Assoc.E Pleistocene)) Felix. p. 225-237.Some late Mesozoic and late Tertiary plants and a fossil insect from Thailand. In: J. p. ('Late Tertiary and Quaternary anthozoans from Timor and Obi. Blow. etc.. In: T.vangorselslist. Indon. 60-61) paper on Borneo corals) Felix.Thailand border region.S. p. Sparganium. Schweizerbart. p. Outcrop section with M-L Eocene open marine calcareous shales and thin limestones with planktonic foraminifera (P9-P16). W. 15. Arifin. 1911 expeditions) Felix.-Phys. Dipterocarpophyllum. NW of Myawadi in Myanmar.T. 5. Smout (1962). Dicotyledonous. 289-322.J. Quercus. F. 13. smaller benthics and larger forams) Felix. In: Proc. In: T. Wanner (ed. (1913). p. 1-40.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Microfossils as indicators of deltaic subenvironments. North New Guinea.I. Clarke & A. Toriyama (eds. (1966). R. Micropaleontology 8. University of Tokyo Press. (1923). Kobayashi& R. (‘Fossil corals from Borneo’.N. Edwards. Petrol. Miocene corals from Kutai Basin outcrops. (Additional fossil plant species from lignite and oil shale deposits of Amphoe Li.) Palaeontologie von Timor 2. (Collection of Tertiary plant fossils collected by Gregory near Tichara.1 100 www. p. Banner. Fagus.E. 113-115. Kobayashi & R. F. Central Sumatra. 2. University of Tokyo Press. 6. 1- 61. In: J.. p. Material from Van Rees Mountains. Kon. Central Java. Additional coral species from this area described in Felix (1921. Signify warm-temperate (not tropical) climate) Endo. 1. Kobayashi (ed. 12p. (1920).) Endo. 165-169. Schweizerbart. Husain & I. Alimuddin (2013). Kl.Some older Tertiary plants from northern Thailand. etc. March 2014 . collected by BPM geologists) Finger.. University of Tokyo Press. and stratigraphic occurrence of the Lepidocyclininae. 3. 429-445. new species of Alnus. Glyptostrobus europaeus.Paleoseanografi Formasi Tonasa berdasarkan Kandungan Foraminifera Daerah Barru.A supplementary note on the Paleogene Li flora in northern Thailand. M.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Incl. Stuttgart. 6th Seminar Nasional Kebumian. & W. Math. Ed. p. Leipzig. Biotic distributions controlled primarily by salinity and pH gradients. Wiss. Schweizerbart. Age most like Late Eocene. Toriyama (eds. Proc.Fossile Anthozoen von Borneo..Jungtertiare und Quartare Anthozoen von Timor und Obi.H. Ficus. Leguminosites.Die fossilen Anthozoa aus der Umgegend von Trinil. Palaontologie von Timor.L. 311-365. ('Paleoceanography of the Tonasa Formation based on foraminifera content in Barru area. Sulawesi Selatan. S. N Thailand incl. (Fossil plants from lignite and oil shale deposits of Amphoe Li. I. N Thailand incl.part 2') Felix. In: T. (Depositional environments of E Miocene Bekasap Fm interpreted as fluvial delta plain to distal delta front or prodelta. 64. possibly E Oligocene. (‘On a Pliocene coral fauna from Netherlands New Guinea’. (1921). p. (‘Late Tertiary and Quaternary anthozoans from Timor and Obi.) Palaeontologie von Timor 8. S. J. Akad. F.Uber eine pliocane Korallenfauna aus Hollandisch Neu-Guinea.Jungtertiare und Quartare Anthozoen von Timor und Obi-II. & I. Ficophyllum burmense. 159-165.Morphology. (1964). 3. (1915). (1912).part 1. ('A Pliocene fauna from Seram (Moluccas).digitallibrary. J. A. Rivista Ital. 5. Velez-Juarbe & R. 4. P. Geol. Centralblatt f. (Global geographic distributions of Tethyan Eocene larger foram assemblages) Fornasiero. Palaontologie von Timor.C. Wells (2013). A. 53.G. M. 8. Ed. possibly part of accretionary prism) Franchino. (Eight mollusc species in Malawa. p. p. Poignant (1985). Dario (1990). Fornasiero. Bull. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. also occur in M Eocene of Nanggulan. C Java and are all Tethyan species not known from Australian Plate. Brizio (1988). p. (1921).. (1925). Bignot. p. Soc. Amsterdam. 18. Bellini & S. Represent the earliest mammal recorded from island of New Guinea) Fleury. (1996). (Age of Wonosari Lst in easern Southern Mountains of SE Java with Flosculinella bontangensis (Lower Tf larger foram stage= planktonic foram zone N8-N9 or slightly younger)) Frost. Appear to be of limited biostratigraphic value) Fyan. Franchino. Rovereto 11 (1995)-. p. 2. Vertebrate Paleontology 33. Mus.J. (‘Contribution to the knowledge of the Pliocene fauna of the Moluccan islands of Seram and Obi’.Some young-Pliocene ostracods of Timor. P. Paleont.Mathematical model in benthic paleobiogeography for the Indonesian Tethyan and Post- Tethyan molluscs. Sartorio (1991). 1-179. Geol.foraminifera with minute deeper water forms implies shoreward transport of latter and supports concept of tide-dominated Bekasap delta) Fischer.T. Min.. Blondeau & A. p. (1916).1 101 www. 25. p. Geol.J. North Sumatra. NE of Makassar. p. E. Ann. Kon. 757-770. p. 57-60.Eine Pliocanfauna von Seran (Molukken). France (8) 1. A.-Indie 2. March 2014 . E. Also molluscs and foraminifera from Akalamo valley on Obi) Fitzgerald.Eocene molluscs species known from Nanggulan (Java) newly found in Malawa (Sulawesi)..M. (1927).Remarks on the age of the limestones of southeastern Java (Indonesia). G. Schweizerbart. 40. Pal. Stuttgart. Seram. (2001). p.) (First description of SE Asian Tertiary ostracodes: nine species from Pliocene clay along Mota Talau near Atambua. Bellini & A. 15. W PNG.Biogeographie de foraminifers benthiques tethysiens du Senonien a l’Eocene superieur. 150m below top of Darai Limestone in Selminum Tem cave. (Vertebrae and ribs of indeterminate sirenian from Burdigalian-Serravallian (Tf1) section. Proc. A. Akademie Wetenschappen. 1-28. Memorie Scienze Geol. A.Preliminary notes on the age of Miocene limestones from South East Java to Sumbawa. 1205-1216. 375-386..Miocene sea cow (Sirenia) from Papua New Guinea sheds light on Sirenian evolution in the Indo-Pacific. p. Hindenburg M.Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pliozanfauna der Molukkeninseln Seran und Obi. Robba & D. 1921.Indonesia. Padova. Indonesia. Geologi (ITB) 20. Sci.J. Civ. Mainly on molluscs from Fufa outcrop and well near Bula. Padova. E.. Bul. 956-963. SW Sulawesi. Includes Paracypris Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 629-638. 3-4. 97. 5. J. Franchino. based on samples collected by Molengraaff Timor expedition of 1910-1912. Outcrops believed to be Middle Miocene chaotic deposits with large olistoliths of M Eocene marls.Geological notes on the age of the limestones of the Island of Lombok.. 242- 251 and p.Description of fish otoliths from the Tertiary formations of Atcheen. E.vangorselslist. (37 species of fish otoliths from Neogene of oil field terrains of N Sumatra. J. (online at www. Stratigr.. Mem. 335-368. Descriptions of open marine smaller benthic foraminifera) Fischer. E. IIB. (1927). Akademie Wetenschappen. Kon. (online at: http://www. R. Abundant Pellatispira and some Nummulites demonstrate Late Eocene age. from museum collections in Leiden. (1933). Hopping & J. p. Reichs-Museum Leiden (N. 497-520.) 1. (1930). Amsterdam. Verbeek und von anderen bearbeitet durch Dr. 5. Typical reefal limestone with common coral. Stuttgart. (1922).knaw. (1923).H. 4.The stratigraphical distribution of the larger foraminifera in the Tertiary of March 2014 . H. Basel. The corals of the Eocene and older Neogene'.knaw. 1- 45.D. H. 10. (1921).zealandica. In: Die Fossilien von Java auf Grund einer Sammlung von Dr. K. 26.Palynology of Tertiary sediments from tropical areas. etc. N. Sammlungen Geol. Tegal residency of C Java and E Kalimantan) Gerth. Nederl. 1.The distribution and evolution of the larger foraminifera in the Tertiary sediments. Serayu and Rembang areas.). ('New contributions to the knowledge of the coral fauna of the Tertiary of Java. different facies from and also younger than nearby Nummulites limestone localities of Jiwo and Nanggulan?) Gerth. J. H. Java und Borneo. p..) Gerth.M. Proc.Ein neues Eocaen-Vorkommen bei Djokja auf Java. 4. 455-460. H. H. Descriptions of ~120 species of Miocene. White limestone outcrops of Gunung Gamping. 1. 33. Reichs-Museum Leiden (N. 1. p. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Congr. H. Rev. C. mulleri. Cytheridea (now called Neocyprideis) timorensis n.F. Proc. 15. Loxoconcha australis. Muller (1968).e. 22-82. H. K. C.dwc. (1935). (Classic paper on tropical Tertiary palynology by Shell on sections from Venezuela. alata.Ueber einige Pliozan-Quartare Echinoiden von Timor. W of Yogyakarta. Die Korallen des Eocaen und des alteren Neogen. i.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Korallenfauna des Tertiars von Java.sp. Nigeria and Borneo) Gerth. Includes descriptions of corals from N Nias.M. Descriptions of four species of solitary corals from Nanggulan. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 25. 189-348. (‘A new Eocene locality near Yogyakarta on Java’. (Short paper with larger foram distribution table. 181-184. Palaeobotany Palynology 6. Leidsche Geol Meded. Schweizerbart. 387-445.Coelenterata. p. 591-599. 3. Nederl. (online at: http://www. H.F. (Tertiary echinoids chapter in Martin's Fossils of Java volume from collections of Verbeek and Martin) Gerth. 37-136. 4 th Pacific Sci. p. p. with an overview of the Cenozoic species known from the Indies Archipelago'. Leiden. Ed.1 102 www.) 1. Akademie Wetenschappen. and species from Oligo-Miocene of Rajamandala. 392-395. not much new) Gerth. Europe and Americas) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . in collections of Verbeek and Martin) Gerth. Java and Borneo. 3. p. (1925).Pliocene coral from 52 localities in E Kalimantan and Sabah. (1929). 4 km W of Yogyakarta. p. nebst einer Uebersicht uber die aus dem Kainozoikum des Indischen Archipels bekannten Arten. p.dwc.pdf) (Table of Eocene.Miocene larger foram zonation on Java and comparisons with India.Die Anthozoenfauna des Jungtertiars von Borneo. ('The coral fauna of the Late Tertiary of Borneo'. Kon. Proc. 2. ser. Verbeek und von anderen bearbeitet durch Dr. Utrecht.Quaternary echinoids from Timor') Gerth. 3. Martin.. Little stratigraphy and locality information) Gerth. spinulosa.) Germeraad. I.Jungtertiare Korallen von Nias. Martin. R. I. ('On some Pliocene. Sammlungen Geol.Echinodermata. (‘Late Tertiary corals from Nias. etc. In: Die Fossilien von Java auf Grund einer Sammlung von Dr.A.vangorselslist. (Tertiary corals from Java. p. Nesidea molengraaffi. Palaeontologie von Timor. 38. Reichsmus. Sammlungen Geol. Amsterdam. L. (1942). H. (3) nummulitids and Discocyclina in both fore. 3. & P. Saraswati (2002). (1939).F. 5.F. 1-169.Paleoecology of the Cenozoic reefal foraminifers and algae. Eocene floras comparable to present-day tropical vegetation. (2) Orbitolites and Marginopora in sheltered waters on reef-flat and back-reef. p. M. 53-67. Mainly on material collected by Verbeek from Tanjung Fm near Pengaron. Nephelium.vangorselslist. on road leading from left bank of Vailala River near mouth of Kariava Creek) Glaessner. J. but rel. Reprint of 1877 Palaeontographica paper above) Ghose. p. glabra in NW Australia by Chapman & Crespin (1935)) Ghose. (1854). Sci. J. Phyllites spp. p. SE Kalimantan. Ltd. (5)Pellatispira typical fore-reef form. p. Wade (1956). Carpites) Geyler.and back-reef shoal areas. largely based on larger foraminifera. III.Th. M. 2.F. New Zealand and Australia. (1972). (Grade of enclosure of protoconch by deuteroconch good estimate of relative age. (Correlation of local Tertiary biozonations of India. (1943). 18.K. 1. 3-54. Geol. (Review of ecologic distribution of Cenozoic larger foraminifers: (1) common 'Alveolina' in back-reef near reef core. Palaeontographica Suppl. Incl. Calibrations may be different for different biogeographic provinces) Glaessner. Ueber fossile Pflanzen von Borneo. India 1.. M. 106-109. p.s. Petrol. distribution and evolution of the genus. (Monograph on Late Eocene Indo-Pacific larger foram Pellatispira. M. 55. B. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 2. (1879). The Hague. M. (4) Heterostegina in quieter waters of back-reef lagoons and reef-fiat pools. 231-256.K. Includes record of zone Te limestones with Spiroclypeus in Portuguese Timor (probably 'Cablac Limestone' of Audley Charles.a brief review. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecology 22.1 103 www. Geol. p.The morphology of Pellatispira glabra with comments on the taxonomy.K. Entoneuron. Junghuhn beschrieben und erortert in ihrem Verhaltnisse zur Gesammtflora der Tertiarperiode. 11. Austral. 15. Mieling. (Larger foraminifera manual for field geologists to help identify in field with handlens) Glaessner. associated with Aquitanian Globorotalia kugleri zone planktonic foraminifera in interbedded shales (Eames et al. Royal Soc.F. 41-80. HvG). 149-162. (1959). (‘On fossil plants from the Eocene of Borneo’. (online at: http://australianmuseum. Indian J. H. B. Revue Micropal.Die Eocanformation von Borneo und ihre Versteinerungen.. (1977). 2. 200- Goppert. Proc..The foraminiferal genus Lepidocyclina in South Australia.pdf) (Mold of turtle bone in Miocene dark tuffaceous sandstone in quarry near APC 01 well location. high variation within sample requires statistically sufficient number of measurements..Die Tertiarflora der Insel Java. (1877). p.. 61-84. Indonesia. Australasian Petroleum Co. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Erroneously accepts record of P. 17p. Records Australian Museum 21. Palaeogeogr.Field guide to the study of larger foraminifera.Geyler. March 2014 . H. p. & M.Tertiary stratigraphic correlation in the Indo-Pacific region and Australia. Victoria. Also on calcareous algae) Ghosh.Problems of stratigraphic correlation in the Indo-Pacific Region. 2. p. 85-92. 13 new species of moderately well preserved Eocene flora collected by Verbeek from claystones associated with coal-bearing Tanjung Fm near Pengaron. 6. Soc.Ueber fossile Pflanzen von Borneo.R.The occurrence of the New Guinea turtle (Carettochelys) in the Miocene of Papua.Biostratigraphic reliability of the grade of enclosure of Neogene Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina). n. nach den Entdeckungen des Herrn Fr. (‘On fossil plants from Borneo’.F. Ed. 3. Oost-Indie 8 (1879).Th. C. 1962)) Glaessner.W. Sc. upper part (Seputih Mb.sp. p. Nagpur. 3. N. 177-186.sp. p. (1988). Magazine..Ostracoda from Tertiary sediments of Burma with reference to living species.Contribution to biostratigraphy of the Nanggulan Formation (Java) based on planktonic foraminifera. (1975). Magazine. J. Rutimeyer 1880. 5. XVIII Indian Colloq.Ostracodes du plateau d'Exmouth (Ocean Indien): remarques systmatiques et evolution des environnements oceaniques profonds au cours du Cenozoique. Padova. Stylophora papuensis n.On the Ostracoda from Neogene of Andaman Islands. 433-440. 481-488.S. D. ('On the Tertiary flora of Java') Govindan. Geobios 26. (First description of Eocene or younger fresh-water fish fauna of Ombilin Basin.sp. particularly in Northern Australia.. Geol. from Macrossan.) Proc. Rev. 3. Geol. Kobya hemicribriformis n. Montipora antiqua) Grindrod. Dachiardia macgregori. Mainly from 3 localities) Goppert. J. (2001). Thesis University of Oklahoma. 40-46. p..The palynology of Holocene mangrove and saltmarsh sediments. (Descriptions of Feddenia. More than 30 species. Sumatra. Sanders 1934. Fly River area. Geol. Guernet. Palaeobotany Palynology 55. 200m) with planktonic foram assemblages of zones P11. p. (1968). Assemblages relatively diverse until E Miocene and poor in M Miocene. P. described and placed in context of total flora of the Tertiary period'.Upper Eocene-Lower Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of wells JS 25-1 and JS 52-1. sumatraensis. p. Pseudeutropius verbeekii. Plesiastrae horizontalis n. p. A. Micropal. & J. Indonesia. Neues Jahrbuch Min. 53. 3. (2003). p. Graetzer. Magazine. A. etc. 1-46.vangorselslist. Soc. 229-245. (1993).. (1980).. Mem. Gunther. mostly long-ranging) Guha. N. Trench (1916). 12. Jahrbuch 14. 3.W. C. including new species Auliscops sumatranus. Padang Highlands. Bagarius gigas. 1864. Kundal (ed. Nine genera.Tertiary larger foraminifera in Indian basins: a tie up with standard planktic zones and 'Letter Stages'. Musper 1935) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . J. p. 45-78. De Mijningenieur 14.K. A.R. Reinhold (1933). Eocene. Collected by Verbeek in 1874. 1-112. Trench (1916).B. Vol. M.1 104 www.B.Contributions to our knowledge of the fish-fauna of the Tertiary deposits of the Highlands of Padang. Stylina macgregori.. (Descriptions of Actinacis maitlandi. Central New Guinea (2). Circophyllia. In: P. Middle Eocene?) Gregory. Porites deshayesana. Geol.De diatomeeenaarde van Darma in Cheribon. Spec. Leptoria carnei n. (1864). p. Geol. Ed.P14 (M Eocene).Pleistocene.Eocene corals from the Fly River. Strat. Offshore Eastern Java.Pleistocene ostracodes from Indian Ocean DSDP wells 762 and 763. H.B. Geol. M. 58-66. March 2014 .Eocene corals from the Fly River. 60m) zones P15-P19 (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene)) Grandjean. (Nanggulan section W of Yogya: lower part (Kalisonggo ) ('The Tertiary flora of the island of Java. & T. collected by Junghuhn. Pal. & J. (1876). Magazine Decade 2.sp. First description of Tertiary plant leaves and petrified wood fragments from Java. 1. See also Von der Marck 1876. 6. Grandesso.K.S. India 9. 23-28. p. 529-536. 345-360. Central New Guinea. ('Ostracodes of the Exmouth Plateau (Indian Ocean): systematic observations and deep sea environmental evolution during the Cenozoic'.(online at: http://books.W. Junghuhn. F. ('The diatomaceous earth of Darma in Cirebon') Gregory. J. (Unpublished) Gramann. Geol.. Scienze Geol. 11. after discoveries of Mr Fr. J.Uber die Tertiarflora von Java. 2km N of Padedewatu) Hadiwisastra. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Pseudohastigerina micra. A.Miocene). Molluscs 47 species.1 105 www. Kulunprogo and Nanggulan areas (Eocene.3-No. and from Lower Palembang Fm at Talang Akar anticline N of Talang Abab.1 Ma (coinciding with greatest development of Antarctic ice sheets and strong SW monsoons)) Haak. (Peaks of abundance of Uvigerina proboscidea inferred to represent times of high-surface productivity. S. Akad. S. p. Molluscs from Bengkulu area collected by Erb in 1902 along coast between Bengkulu and Krue (72 species.Revisi umur Formasi Batilembuti. J.Uber Fossilien aus dem Altmiozan von Rembang (Nord Java). causing upwelling along equatorial divergemce in Indian Ocean. Late Eocene Tb shallow marine larger foraminifera (incl. Proc. 195-198. Riset Geol.knaw. Assoc. Ed.S. Timor') Hadiwisastra. S. Indon. Proc. Kon.pdf) (‘On Late Neogene mollusk faunas from the Bengkulu and Palembang Residencies. Wet. Globorotalia cerroazulensis. p. Marine Micropaleontology 19. 2. Pertambangan 1. (1994). Conv. 355-367. (online at: http://www.2 Ma.A.8 and 5. Sumatra. Amsterdam. 17% Recent) Haanstra. Pellatispira) and 32 species of planktonic foraminifera (zone P16. Sumatra. Kon.pdf) (‘On fossils from the Early Miocene of Rembang. Nummulites. (Calibration between Tertiary planktonic foram zones and larger foram ‘E Indies Letter Classification’ by Shell micropaleontologists) Haanstra. 1. Palembang Province (50 species.Uber jungneogene Molluskenfaunen aus den Residenzen Benkoelen und Palembang. 46-63. p. Moluccas: implications for age and nannoplankton biostratigraphy'. 12-19. p. Oost Indie 7 (1878). Amsterdam 35. suggesting Miocene age)) Hadiwisastra. suggesting Late Neogene age). Spiker (1932). related to intensified trade winds SW Indian monsoons.Uvigerina proboscidea abundances and paleoeeanography of the northern Indian Ocean DSDP Site 214 during the Late Neogene. Geol.Gunther. Postuma (1975). marls and quartz sandstones. ('Plio-Pleistocene nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Soe area. etc. p. Nederl. Tridawarsa Puslitbang Geoteknologi LIPI. Geologie en Mijnbouw 54. p. Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta.vangorselslist. (online at: Srinivasan (1992).pdf) 'Early Tertiary stratigraphy of the Wanokaka area. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) 3. Sumba'.. 35.lipi. 1.geotek. p. incl. highest between 5. 26% Recent.dwc. Nederl. N Java’. Study of molluscs collected by Erb from Ngrayong Beds at North side Lodan saddle. 36% Recent. Akademie Wetenschappen. ('Studies of nannoplankton and Tertiary biostratigraphy in Indonesia'. (1878). M.Penelitian nannoplangton dan biostratigrafi Tersier di Indonesia. Proc.Plio-Plistocen nannofosil biostratigrafi dari daerah Soe. U.S. Maluku: implikasi umur dan biostratigrafi nannoplangton. 10.Biostratigrafi Tersier Bawah daerah Wanokaka. S. 1096-1104. Upper Tertiary calcarenites-shales of Batilembuti Fm of Yamdena Island with E Pliocene NN14-NN15 nannofossils) Hadiwisastra.The relation between the tropical planktonic foraminiferal zonation and the Tertiary Far East Letter Classification.5 Ma and ~6. 14 p. (IAGI). Sumba Barat. 1313-1324. Spiker (1932). p. 18-26. Summary of analyses of nannoplankton from samples from (1) C Java Karangsambung. 3-4. & E. & M. March 2014 . 8. 171-184. Increases at ~ 8. (1980). Grey and brown-grey clays interbedded with Lepidocyclina limestones. A. (online at: http://www. (2) C Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .W. Tanimbar. Pros. 15th Ann.) in marls/ limestones along road Waikabukak and Padedewatu.go. to our knowledge of the fish-fauna of the Tertiary deposits of the Highlands of Padang. 2. (1993).5-7. U. (Reprint of 1876 paper above) Gupta.2-2. ('Revision of the age of the Batilembuti Formation. & J. Yogyakarta 1986. SW Sumatra’. & E. R.dwc.knaw. (1987). Papua New Guinea.. Port Moresby. (1982). (Calcareous nannoplankton zonation of Nanggulan Fm. (2) Late Oligocene-E Miocene neritic limestones off Trobriand Platform and inner wall New Britain Trench. (1985). p. Bayat area. Japan (Chishitsugaku Zasshi) 106.Pliocene. Foraminiferal Research 12. (Rock fragments dredged from four stations in W Solomon Sea: (1) E Eocene upper bathyal biomicrite from Trobriand Platform with (Acarinina spp. Jurnal Teknol.go.. Suppl.jst. malacology.) (First paper on calcareous nannofossils of ~70m thick section of Wungkal Fm. Publ. (1987). Cyclicargolithus floridanus and Reticulofenestra bisecta) Hadiwisastra. & H. (Planktonic and benthonic foraminifera from zone N18 in the siliciclastic Orubadi Beds of Papuan Foreland Basin.inner neritic shallowing upward sequences. upper part (Totogan Fm) Oligocene age) Haig. Range from Late Eocene/CP 14. (2001). 2. Eocene-Oligocene boundary recognized by last occurrence of Discoaster Papua New Guinea.. Lindsay (ed. Geosc. Late 16 (M.W.Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the Nanggulan Formation. 4. (online at: http://jfr.geoscienceworld. Pseudohastigerina. D. Paleobios 16. No stratigraphic section.Pleistocene. E side of Gunung Pendul.M. Mines and Energy 5. Subzone CP 16c in upper part of section identified by co-occurrence of Reticulofenestra umbilicus.Timor (Batu Putih Fm near Soe): Neil Ludbrook.pdf) (Tropical Paleocene (P1-P7) planktonic foram assemblages from lower bathyal calcareous mudstones in highly folded ‘Port Moresby Beds’. D. No reworked pre-Tertiary foraminifera) Haig. papers in honour of Dr. Soc. J.) ferreroi. 20km E of Yogyakarta. In: Forams '94 International Symposium on Foraminifera.) Stratigraphy. zones CP 13. p. (3) Yamdena (Tanimbar Islands): Pliocene Batimafudi and Batilembuti Fms. S. 10. Lower Pliocene. palaeontology. p. Papua New Guinea. (3) Miocene bathyal sediments from Trobriand Platform. No reworking in foraminiferal assemblages. (N) martini and Miogypsina. 5. p. C Java.L Eocene)) Hadiwisastra. Wermatang. D.pdf ) (Paleogene of Loh Ulo mainly olistostromes with mudstones and scaly clays with exotic blocks. Central Java. Morozovella. 2. although reworked nannofossils and dinoflagellates flood mud- fraction of sediment. D.1 106 www.journalarchive. Osaka City Univ. (online at: http://www. characteristic of Lower Tf Letter Stage. 287-279. Mineral (ITB) 8.NN15M Miocene. (1994). p. p. Central Java- Indonesia. (4) similar Pliocene from inner wall New Britain Trench and central part Solomon Sea Basin. suggesting extensive sediment plumes clouded surface waters of foreland basin) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . L.. Geo-Marine Lett. Type section > 2000 m thick and includes two mid bathyal. 4.. Late Eocene?) Hadiwisastra.Deep-sea foraminifera from Paleocene sediments.). 117-131. ( March 2014 .Biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils in the Paleogene chaotic sediments in the Karangsambung area.vangorselslist. 21-31. D. Average degree of curvature of Lepidocyclina embryon of 43% agrees with age-equivalent assemblages from Indonesia) Haig. & H. and Tungustuban Fm sand-shale in Oktofan area. limited geologic context) Haig.full. J. Geol. NN5. 43. Central Java. Ed.W. Kumai (2000). J.Tertiary foraminiferal rock samples from the western Solomon Sea. S. Orubadi Beds and underlying Puri Lst (pelagic middle bathyal base of sequence) belong to N17B and N18. (Friable bathyal marine mudstone in upper Fairfax Fm 25 km NW of Port Moresby with Early Miocene/ Burdigalian zone N7 planktonic foraminifera and displaced shallow marine Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) sumatrensis. L. etc.Lepidocyclina associated with Early Miocene planktic foraminiferids from the Fairfax Formation. 33. Kumai (2000). South Australia Dept. Berkeley.. In: J. 651-658. 6.Zone N18 in foreland basin and oceanic platform sequences. Lower part (Karangsambung Fm) with late M Eocene NP16-NP17 and reworked Upper Cretaceous nannofossils. barbadiensis and Cribrocentrum reticulatum.Calcareous nannoplankton of Paleogene sediment from the Bayat area. (online at: http://dlisv03.Early Oligocene/CP 16c. 4. S. Spec. 59-61. Top larger foram zone Te calibrated to planktonic foram zone ~N6) Haig. (M Eocene larger foram assemblage from Giralia calcarenite of Gascoyne Platform. M. & R.) Hallock. with absence of Spiroclypeus and Miogypsinoides suggestive of Te1/ Early Chattian ?. Smith & M. 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(Foraminiferal assemblage of a limestone block in river near Nakanai. 1-236. 17. southern Carnarvon Basin. 2 (Geol. Asterocyclina and Nummulites (but no Pellatispira as reported by Chapman and Crespin. p. Amphistegina. Operculina complanata common in terrigenous mud-rich facies. New Britain. Heterostegina borneensis. Rare Distichoplax algae near base. but more likely Lower Tf?.Larger foraminifera: a tool for paleoenvironmental analysis of Cenozoic carbonate depositional facies. (Broad overview of Neogene planktonic and larger foram zonations. Glenn (1985). western Australia.B. Results 194. Carman (eds. W Java: Lepidocyclina (N). off NW Palawan. & E. D. Glenn (1986). D. p. W of Tagogapu. Eulepidina... S. 20.J. Geol. p. K.C.vangorselslist.html) (Review of studies on extensive listing of Recent and fossil ostracodes described from SE Asia) Hanzawa. 2-4. Geol.. reflecting maximum flooding event. Yajima (1980). and paleobathymetry applicable to PNG.C. northeastern Australia (ODP Leg 194): comparison of faunas from bryozoan (Sites 1193 and 1194) and red algal (Sites 1196-1198) dominated carbonate platforms. (This assemblage. Tohoku Univ. Apthorpe (1997).Note on an Eocene foraminiferal limestone from New Britain.PDF) (Two Neogene carbonate platforms on Marion Plateau. Nihon Shizen Kagaku Shuho (Japanese J. Java. First PNG Petroleum Conv.tamu. & Z. (1947). (1947). p. 1-31. incl. Geogr.) Proc. Katacycloclypeus annulatus). Perembo (1990).S. (1930). Lepidocyclina spp.Larger benthic foraminifers of the Marion Plateau. Pellatispira reticularis and Acervulina linearis and resembles Eocene fauna of Palau island) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . both with common latest Oligocene-Late Miocene larger benthic foraminifera. Cycloclypeus (incl. Assigned to zone Te5. March 2014 . Kalisonggo. C Java.Cenozoic foraminifera from Micronesia. Centre (GRDC). p. 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(Unpublished) (NE Java basin biostratigraphy and paleogeography) Harsono Pringgoprawiro & Baharuddin (1980). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Underlying Lutetian friable rock with Nummulites boninensis n. Two monosulcate forms (Iguanurinae) are compared to fossil form-genus Palmaepollenites kutchensis and Palmaepollenites sp. Alveolina javanus var.go. Science Repts. Centre. Java) Hanzawa. but limited distribution compilation of foraminifera described from Indonesia. D. Berggren in Micropaleontology 44. Vol.Pliocene in age) Harsono Pringgoprawiro (1983). p. 2.tohoku. 163p. (Restudy of Discocyclina spp. Geol. thin (60m?). 3. 6.sp.).). p. D. Techn. in 3 volumes. Saipan and Guam.Foraminifera in Indonesian stratigraphy. Uppermost horizon Priabonian limestone with Biplanispira. 2nd ser. p. Indonesia (IAGI) 7. Third pollen type referred to Dicolpopollis malesianus (Calaminae). (Sentolo Fm overlying ‘Old Andesites’ in W Progo Mts are Burdigalian.pdf) Hanzawa. 41-47. Thesis Inst. 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University of Tokyo Press. Distichoplax. University of Tokyo Press. South Sulawesi. 71-86. In: Stratigrafi Pulau Jawa. (2001). K. from the Middle Eocene of Malawa Formation. and correlation with planktonic foram zonation) Hashimoto. Hashimoto. Kurihara (1978). Review of Eocene. Spec. Indon.M Miocene) Hasibuan. W. 2. K. F. Timor. David & G. Dev. p. (eds. Ed. 103-124. Univ. Fac. p. I. W.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Kurihara.On the occurrence of Eocene foraminifera in the neighbourhood of Besleo. etc. Palaeont.R. Res. Oligocene.. Ishizaki (1939). solitary corals ond other bivalves) Hasibuan.Pliocene mollusc biostratigraphy of Java. Bandung. University of Tokyo Press. 55-62. p. Late Cretaceous Lepidorbitoides. Centre (GRDC). 103- 123. Omphalocyclus and Paleocene Ranikothalia. 18. Matsumaru & M. 16-29. XI. Hashimoto. F. University of Tokyo Press. Balce (1977). W. Sugaya (1978).moeacgs. 18. (T. 65-72. S of Ralla. Centre Bandung. In: T. Taihoku Imp. Geol. W. Southeast Asia. S Sulawesi.Larger foraminiferal assemblages useful for the correlation of Cenozoic marine sediments in the mobile belt of the Philippines. (2006). In: T. J. University of Tokyo Press.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia..P. p. Yogyakarta 2001. Central Cebu. (eds. Part VII. Kurihara (1978). 22. Indonesia.. & K. Philippines.PDF) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Proc. (Cosico et al 1989: occ. Matsumaru & foraminifera from the Philippines. O. In: T.sp. K. Central Luzon. 19. (Five species from U. On the Coal Harbor Limestone. 5. (eds.. p.Miocene. K.R. (eds.Miocene genera-species and correlation with planktonic foram zones) Hashimoto. Sumber Daya Geol. Assilina on Luzon) Hashimoto Kobayashi et al.Larger foraminifera from the Philippines. Kobayashi et al. K. Kobayashi et al. P. Geol. Mem.Biostratigrafi Kenozoikum moluska di Jawa. 16. K. 9-17. Matsumaru & K. Kobayashi et al.vangorselslist. Kurihara. 30. (1995). p. (Range charts. VI. 15. Publ. p.) doidoiensis) is from basal marine beds above the two coal beds of Malawa Fm and is associated with gastropods. Banten.Ostrea (Turkostrea) doidoiensis Hasibuan from the Bayah Formation. F. Conv.Ostrea (Turkostrea) doidoiensis n. (eds. Tanay. Larger Foraminifera found from the Lutak Hill Limestone. (online at: http://twgeoref. Albay Province. Kobayashi et al. Cagraray Island. Science Agric. Bongabong". 191-194. 1... 22. F.orbitoid-bearing limestone from Barahid. Kobayashi et March 2014 . (New oyster species from M Eocene Malawa Fm that unconformably overlie Late Cretaceous Balangbary flysch in Doidoi village. Matsumara. 30th Ann. (IAGI).) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Biostratigrafi moluska di Indonesia. SW Java. Larger foraminifera found from the Pinugay Hill Limestone. p.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. P.Larger foraminiferal assemblages useful for the correlation of the Cenozoic marine sediments in the mobile belt of the Philippines. Geol. West Jawa: a new find. (eds. (Middle Eocene oyster species from Bayah Fm. In: T. Pandan Valley. p. Believed to be Miocene age by Heer. C.6 Ma)). Nodosariidae) became extinct during increasingly cold glacial periods in Late Pliocene- mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (~2. deposited in shelfal marine environment in E Oligocene (zone P19)) Henrici.S. (Group of ~100 species of elongate. M. 5. O.) Beitrage zur Geologie von Niederlandisch-Indien. Buzas (1979). 3. R. bollii. Pellatispira) and Early Miocene age (Spiroclypeus. 1-56. Niki-Niki fossile Pflanzen von Sumatra. Reprint of Heer (1879)) Hendrizan. prepentaradiatus and D. Schweiz. Neue Denkschr. Verhandelingen 1. p. 1-154. Banyumas. A. incl. ('Contributions to the fossil flora of Sumatra'. perforata) Hayward.6. March 2014 . Ficus. etc. SW Timor. cylindrical deep-sea foraminifera in the Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722. In: J. Abhand. Putra (2012). p.Biostratigraphy of the Late Miocene Halang Formation in the Loh Pasir succession. Daphnophyllum.vangorselslist. Pal.php/dir/article_detail/403) (Batuasih Fm overlies (Eocene?) Walat Fm and grades upwards into Late Oligocene Rajamandala Lst Fm. West Java Province. E. hamatus. Johnson (2010).T. Descriptions of 32 species. Discocyclina. (1880).or. (1874). H. (online at: http://www. 2.Taxonomy and paleoecology of Early Miocene benthic foraminifera of northern New Zealand and the North Tasman Sea. Miogypsina. B. p. 2. 744. p. Wanner (ed. Indonesia 7. 101-112. Smithsonian Contr.Ueber fossile Pflanzen von Sumatra. p. p. Schweiz. Pleurostomellidae. (online at: (Biostratigraphic study nannofossils from 1. (1880).bgl.19.go. 1.. Praptisih & P. Ges. Berita Sedimentologi 30. Geol. A. 1. ('Contributions to the fossil flora of Sumatra'. Padang Highlands. (1934).iagi. 32-43. Paleobiol.Beitrage zur fossilen Flora von Sumatra. O. Verhandelingen 1. 36.W. 121 samples with 57 species. Nomura. C Java. Sanders 1934. M. Kapid & Djuhaeni (2014). Heer. S. Indonesia. Reprint of Heer (1874)) Heer. 113-133.(Eocene limestone blocks found in Basleo area. Central Java.Foraminiferen aus dem Eozan und Altmiozan von Timor. 1879. & M. Oost-Indie 9 (1880). Oost-Indie 9 (1880). ('On fossil plants from Sumatra'. Outcrops in 3 sections W of Sukabumi. J. Ges. Gupta & K. 738. Associated with marls with fish fauna described by Rutimeyer 1874.) Heer. O. quinqueramus) Hendrizan. (online at: www. otherwise known mainly for its abundant Permian fossils and Cretaceous manganese-bearing beds with abundant shark teeth. 758 and 763)-. 135-168.A. Dipterocarpus. Larger foraminifera of Eocene (Nummulites. ('Foraminifera from the Eocene and Early Miocene of Timor'.K. O. p.) Heer. 113m. collected by Verbeek in 1874. W Java: Batuasih Village.Beitrage zur fossilen Flora von Sumatra. Palaeontographica Suppl. ('On fossil plants from Sumatra'.pdf) Hayward.4 km thick outcrop section of Late Miocene Halang Fm at Loh Pasir. Kawagata.0. Cibatu River. Schroder-Adams.1 112 Foraminifera poorly preserved black benthic and planktonic foraminifera.Depositional environment of the Batuasih Formation on the basis of foraminifera content: a case study in Sukabumi Region. divided into five Late Miocene biozones: Discoaster brouweri. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina)) from W and E Timor) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. Mainly black shaly claystone. with limestone intercalations in upper part. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. cylindrical deep-sea benthic foraminifera (families Stilostomellidae. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.6m. Description of 13 species of plants from Eocene marls near coalfields of Ombilin Basin. R. alveolinids. Ed. p. Padaarang. Descriptions of alveolinids (Fasciolites timorensis. Thomas. Sabaa. Naturf. 1. 3- 22. etc. wichmanni) and Nummulites cf. F. (1879). B. 169-202. D. D.W.sil. IV. D. Foraminiferal Research 40.Cenozoic record of elongate. 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NE of New Guinea. reflecting well-oxygenated water mass. (1997).org/32/volume/dsdp32_32. 491-505. Bull.. (1989).Architecture and revision of the Pellatispirines. p.Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the Ontong-Java plateau (Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean): faunal response to changing paleoenvironments. p.Middle Miocene paleoceanography of the western Equatorial Pacific (DSDP Site 289) and the evolution of Globorotalia (Fohsella).12. 5. (Evolution of planktonic foram lineage Globorotalia (Fohsella) Miocene between 23. p. L. (3) Uvigerina peregrina-dominated assemblage reflects episodes of further depletion in oxygen content due to intensified upwelling or changes in thermohaline circulation) Highton. J. Repts.. O values suggest change in depth stratification associated with expansion of thermocline in W Equatorial Pacific. 35-77. Conf.associated with deep oxygen minimum layer of Pacific Intermediate Water. Caus (2001). L. Epistominella exigua. Bull. In: Int. Oridorsalis umbonatus. 83 genera. France. A. Res. Sarawak) Hottinger. Benthic fauna 262 taxa. 1-143. After adapting to deeper water habitat at 13. 18-33.Vayavananda (1993). Neorotalia and Calcarina: taxonomic revision. 26. Micropaleontology 47.pdf) (Pliocene benthic foraminifera from DSDP Hole 586A on Ontong Java Plateau.Processes determining the distribution of larger Foraminifera in space and time. L.pdf) (Occ. P. 30. p. E.Recent intracratonic basin with up to 8000m Neogene section in mainly non-marine facies.7 Ma. 3-4. Geol. Hottinger. Site 309. Marine Micropal. Globocassidulina subglobosa. Racey.0 Ma. Fohsella lineage became extinct at 11.J. planispiral canaliferous foraminifera from the Late Eocene Tethys.Quantitative biostratigraphy: an example from the Neogene of the Gulf of Thailand. 22. Init.8 Ma and forms basis for subdivision of early M MioceneZones N 10-N 12 ).O. & A.Hermelin.Late Oligocene larger foraminifera from Koko Guyot. J. Spec. Ed. Wakefield et al. Biostrat zonation mainly based on palynology..pdf) (Gulf of Thailand Eocene?. L. J. but should be Neorotalia) Hottinger.Shallow benthic foraminiferal assemblages as signals for depth of their deposition and their limitations. p. 825-826 (online at: http://www. 563-585. Late Oligocene Spiroclypeus tidoenganensis and Heterostegina assilinoides on top of Koko Guyot seamount between Japan and Hawai) Hottinger. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of southeast Asia and the South Pacific. Geologie en Mijnbouw 55. D. linked to changes in paleoenvironment: (1) Nuttallides umbonifera-dominated assemblage.. Utrecht Reiss (1991). March 2014 .Morphogenetic trend of Lepidocyclina and its application in time stratigraphy. Publ.deepseadrilling. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. (Correlation between Lepidocyclina degree of curvature and planktonic foram zonation in E-M Miocene of C Luconia wells. 168.A.C. coinciding with increase in the d18O ratios. Bangkok 1997. 279-310. Foram. In: Proc.1 114 www. 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Warta Geologi 15. In both localities associated with upper bathyal benthic species) Icke.Time and spatial distibution of some Neogene rotaliid foraminifera in the Southwest Pacific. Jawa Barat. Oji Seminar on Neogene Evolution of Pacific Ocean Gateways.Vacuolispira group. Basuki (2011).. (3) foreslope: Lepidocyclina. 2. 47-60. (5) open platform: Quinqueloculinids and Austrotrillina. (‘On Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of Nias Island’. (1989). Scylla. Widespread distribution across Neotethys) Huang. Rhodophyta) described by W.wordpress. Samml.Over Tertiaire en Kwartaire vormingen van het eiland Nias. (1964). Malaysia Bull. Chiji & T. p. Y. (online at: http://jfr. Macropthalmus. M. (1983). coral and algae. G. Geol.Karakterisasi batuan karbonat Formasi Rajamandala berdasarkan foraminifera besar di daerah Padalarang. Acta Geol. Asterorotalia. p.Significant datum planes of the Western Taiwan Neogene.New Early Miocene occurrences of Abyssamina quadrata Schnitker and Tjalsma from Southeast Asia.pdf) (Six localities of Late Miocene. Mainly description of molluscs. Austrotrillina. (online at: https://gsmpubl. Pararotalia) datum planes useful for correlation recognized in marine Neogene of W Taiwan) Huang. 41-51. 16.full. & N. Miogypsinoides. 23-33. JCM2011-103. 207-213. p. partly based on well-preserved specimens from Kalimantan. Khoiril Anwar M. Miogypsinoides formosensis and Lepidocyclina (N). No maps) Idris. Asterorotalia. Taiwanica Pararotalia.I. E Miocene) and in zones N1-N4 (Late Oligocene) of Malajon 1 well. Conv. Ishijima during 1954-1978. (2) deep shelf margin: planktonic foraminifera. E. Soc.J. Irwansyah.B.files. Heterostegina. J. Euphylax and Martinaarcinus) Ikebe. T. Philippines. Amphistegina. p.J. 79-86. Degree of curvature indicates Aquitanian age. H. 204-252. Pseudorotalia)) Huang. Palaeontology 52. Foraminiferal Research 16. Ser.vangorselslist. Hughes.Quaternary age in Sabah with crab fossils. 5. 24p. Reichs- Museums Leiden. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann. Cluster analysis shows larger foram biofacies: (1) open sea shelf: planktonic foraminifera. (1986). Operculina. (1995). 49-62.Y. Pararotalia and Spiroclypeus. T. Kyoto. 34. Ed. (Thin limestone in Kungkuan Tuff with Miogypsina. previously recorded from Paleocene. p. (online at: http://www.(Detailed study of morphology of Late Eocene Pellatispira. Borelis) Iryu.Important datum-planes of the western Pacific Neogene. found in upper bathyal sediments of NE Kalimantan (zone N5. Pseudorotalia.'Rotalia' group from the Upper Cenozoic of Taiwan. Previously reported from S Palawan. Marinduque Island. S. 61-70. Biplanispira. Philippine Mobile Belt. 1.Triq. & D.Tertiary and Pleistocene algae from Mindoro. Kobayashi & R. Cebu and Bicol by Villavicencio and Andal (1964). V. 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(Nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy of Batuasih Fm near Cibadak. J.Some comments on the calcareous nannoplankton genus Scyphosphaera and the neotypes of Scyphosphaera from Rotti.Late Miocene coccoliths from Neill Island. 1. India 44. Indonesia. ('Association of Sigmoilina personata with Eocene foraminifera in S Kalimantan'. 5. druggi. Verh.Euthecosomatous gastropods (Mollusca: Heterobranchia) from Buton (SE Sulawesi. Archaeolithothamnium. The Philippines.Ishida. University of Tokyo Press. etc. J. 277-291. 2. ciperoensis zone) to earliest Miocene? (Catapsydrax dissimilis and D. Age of sample upper NN9.Biostratigrafi nannoplankton Formasi Batuasih serta korelasinya dengan biostratigrafi foraminifera plankton. Indonesia. a potential Eocene marker species as first proposed by Mohler (1946)) Janssen. 28. (1999). Fiji.P. (online at: http://www. Jania.Calcareous algae from the Philippines. 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Assilina?. Amphiroa. 19. Lithophyllum. 32-44. 179-189. Kobayashi & R. 87-92. Corallina. 365-379. Jafar. Indon. Andam Sea. India. 119-134. Jakarta. (1975). p. p. Discocyclina) Ishijima. In: T. p. Natuurkunde. A. Geol.W.Hubungan antara Sigmoilina personata dengan Foraminifera Eosen di Kalimantan Selatan. University of Tokyo Press. S. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Kon. & O.S. Indonesia).. Proc. Central East Luzon. Gondwana Res. (1978). collected by Molengraaff 1910 and previously studied by Tan Sin Hok (1927) and Kamptner (1955). Good Eocene Discocyclina- Pellatispira larger foram assemblages in Tanjung Fm from wells in Barito Basin. where associated with Paleocene foraminifera) March 2014 . (Incl. Luwarno (1982). Akademie Wetenschappen.knaw.pdf) (Late Miocene Discoaster beggreni (CN9A)/ lower Discoaster quinqueramus zone (NN11) from Neill Island) Jamas.P. M. Survey Prof. p. Survey Prof. Quart. Sabah. Warta Geologi 17. S of Ciremai volcano. 1. Sains Malaysiana 16. (eds. Basir.. Paleontology. (online at: http://pubs.Middle Miocene planktonic Foraminifera and their implications in the geology of Sabah. A. N Sumatra. p. and clastics) Jasin. 99-113.F. 4. Geol.vangorselslist. in the island of Java. Jasin. (Early paper on Tertiary gastropods from Gunung Sela.1 116 www. Sanudin Tahir & Jasin. Comparison with Fiji associations suggests Late Miocene (Tortonian. Kunigan District. Malaysia 45. tuffite. 537- 543. Sabah. Sanudin & F. (online at: www. Calcareous algae can be rock builders. Ceram.wordpress. Paper. Geol. Mainly paleontological descriptions of Neogene echinoid fossils from Java. from various European University collections) Jenkins.naturalis. 215-308. Sabah. During M Miocene intense volcanic activity with widespread tuffaceous material in E Sabah) Jasin. (1888). Soc.H. p. p. Basir.On some Tertiary Mollusca from Mount Sela. (Limestones of uncertain location. Sabah. Main use is in paleoecology. some are green.) Bull. 12. O. J. 5. Geol. Warta Geol. 3. Geol. p. 1953) from alleged Late Miocene/E Pliocene asphaltic deposits of Buton.files. Soc. Pun Batu. p. Cirebon) Jennings. etc. probably Eocene in age) Johnson. 1. late E Miocene). U.pdf) Johnson. p.pdf) (Garinono Fm in Bidu-Bidu area. Overlain by well bedded tuffaceous mudstone-sandstone sequence with Orbulina universa. 157-162. (Planktonic foraminifera from M Miocene melanges.Late Eocene planktonic foraminifera from the Crocker Formation. Magazine 5. Sarawak.repository. 18 genera and 88 species described.Ueber Neozoische Echinoidea aus dem Niederlandisch-Indischen Archipel. Martin (1937). 241-246.Some Miocene planktonic foraminifera from Bidu-Bidu area. Mariana Islands. probably Silungen in Soubis and from Batu Gading.T. Teh et al. 21. J.Some Paleogene planktonic foraminifera from the Lubok Antu melange. In: G. H. Timor. 260-M. Ed. 4. Jeannet. p.Fossil calcareous algae from Bikini atoll. suturalis and Globorotalia fohsi peripheroacuta (N10. U.H.S. 1950. (1954). Planktonic foraminiferal assemblage from melange mudstone matrix include Globigerinoides bisphericus and Praeorbulina sicana (N8. Geol. early M Miocene. Malaysia. Kalimantan. and Asterocyclina. 280-E.usgs. Harun (1995). & R. of limited use in stratigraphy) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Sains Malaysiana March 2014 . H. Calcareous algae.Messinian) age for Buton faunas) Jasin.pdf) (Most Eocene. Jasin. Basir & Taj Madira Taj Ahmad (1995). (online at: http://pubs. Madura. (‘On Neozoic echinoids from the Netherlands Indies Archipelago’.Recent algae from Saipan are mainly red algae.Middle Miocene planktonic Foraminifera from the Libong Tuffite Formation. Basir (2002). S Sabah with chaotic melange/ debris flow deposits. Basir & Sanudin Tahir (1978). (1957). Tating (1991).Paleogene planktonic Foraminifera from Pulau Kalampunian Kecil. p. Warta Geologi 21. Paper. Part 3.H. 187-191.S. (1864). E.usgs. 45-73.(Revision of Pteropoda described by Beets (1943. 147-151.Notes on the orbitoidal limestone of North Borneo. p. p. collected by Burls contains Discocyclina spp. (online at: https://gsmpubl. J. Mededelingen 8. A. Basir & Selvarajah (1988). 209-243. Leidsche Geol.Geology of Saipan. 20.V. Dept.Tertiary and Pleistocene coralline algae from Lau.Miosen Tengah Formasi Sambipitu. Massachussets Inst. 78. (Thorough review of applied biostratigraphy) Jones. 1937) (Foraminifera.P.. Jawa Barat. p. Dev. Stilostomellidae. J. L. Corallina delicatula) from Eocene and Miocene of E Kalimantan and W Java... R. Ser. 53-62. Brit. T. J. nanosporum. R. collected by LeRoy. M. 11. Bishop Museum Bull.H. Marine Micropal.0-13. (Oligocene nannofossil biostratigraphy of Batuasih Fm Bogor Basin’) Kadar. 19th Ann. p.Biostratigrafi nanofosil akhir Oligosen Awal-Oligosen Akhir dan lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Batuasih..P.7 Ma)) March 2014 .On the stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical significance of Borelis melo melo (Fichtel & Moll. 201. B. Hist. Both sub- species occur only in Indo-Pacific Province in late E Miocene (Burdigalian). 226-264. 1. Oxford University Press. 1. Palaeontology 23. Pal. B. Res.early M Miocene nannofossils of Sambipitu Fm stratotype of Batur Agung escarpment.H. p. & B. Conv. W of Yogyakarta: Helicosphaera ampliaperta and Sphenolithus heteromorphus) Kadar. 1-432.W. (1996).W. Miliolida. (1966). A. 175-185. Lithophyllum parricellum. Bandung 1990. (Nat. p. 201-215. cylindrical benthic foraminifera of 'Extinction Group (Nodosariidae. In: C.D. Alveolinidae). Ferris (1949). Central Java.Foraminifera from the Pliocene of New Guinea. (1981). Bull. Micropalaeontology 25.) Geol. (IAGI). Ferris (1950). Hist. 257-280. Bull. Simmons & J. (58 species of elongate. M. Ser. (On E Miocene. Centre. extinct during M Pleistocene Climate Transition) in ODP Sites 1146.S. p. Oxford.Micropalaeontology in petroleum exploration. 6.W. p. B.J. SE of Yogyakarta) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Johnson. Nat.Tertiary red algae from Borneo.P. Andrews (ed. Geol. Publ.J. 1798) and B. A. Mesophyllum javaense. Southern Mountains. (1990). (Two late Early Miocene nannofossil zones in 103m deep BR-2 hole in Sentolo Fm marls.R. p. Whittaker (2006). cylindrical foraminifera in the subtropical Pacific. (Tertiary coralline algae. & F. Indon.On the Foraminifera of the orbitoidal limestones and reef rocks of Christmas Island. and Discocyclina) Jordan. melo curdica (Reichel. serta kolerasinya dengan biostratigrafi foramnifera plangton. Thesis. J. Larger foraminifera include Lepidocyclina spp. Mus. British Museum.M Miocene. (41 species of red calcareous algae from Eocene-E Miocene limestones of Melinau Gorge and Paleocene localities of upper Baram and Belukan River regions) Johnson. (online at: http://archive. of Geology.Tertiary coralline algae from the Dutch East Indies. 17-29.E.A.1 117 www. but also present in Mediterranean province in latest Early. p. K. Pleurostomella. 5. .Johnson. Kadar. Techn. (1931).H. Chapman (1900). 50-64. Geol. p.Biostratigrafi nanofosil Miosen Bawah. (Descriptions of foram content of Tertiary limestones. 193-198. (1991). Cekungan Bogor.P. 1-27. J.) A monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean).Impact of the Middle Miocene climate transition on elongate. including five new species (Lithothamnium borneoense.Langhian)) Jones. mainly from Flying Fish Cove. Most common species is Lithoporella melobesioides) Johnson. J. Assoc.vangorselslist. Hayward & A. Proc. 2. melo curdica restricted to late E. (Borelis melo melo ranges throughout Miocene. 13. (S China Sea) and 1237 (SE Pacific) show no major changes during major cooling in M Miocene (14. Geol. & B. A. Holbourn (2011). Ed. L. Geologi Indonesia. p..early M Miocene (M Burdigalian. Fiji.Early Miocene calcareous nannoplankton from the Sentolo drill hole. 2. A. In: P. 45. (1994). One new: Hastigerina klampisensis) Kadar. Spec. Res. 137-158.Early Oligocene ages) Kadar. petrology and lithostratigraphy of Cenozoic rocks of the Yogyakarta region. Saito (ed. Spec. Geol. p. S Sulawesi.pdf) (One of first studies of planktonic foraminifera in Java. (online at: http://jfr.Rajamandala Limestone succession: older in East. Conf. S Java. Indonesia. D. Indon. Hanoi 1992. Co ord. Geol. 35-47.Kadar. Ounchanum & B. (Discussion of paleoenvironments and fossils of Late Pliocene. Geol. Yamagata University.Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal zonation of Ambengan drill hole. Central Java. March 2014 . show Late Eocene. Conv. Geol. (Descriptions of planktonic foraminiferea from small outcrops of open marine marls of latest Miocene age in SW Bali and calcareous sandstone from SE Bali) Kadar. planktonic foram zone N1.. Nanggulan area.P. Indonesia.Pleistocene formations of Sangiran Dome) Kadar. CP19b. Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP).org/content/5/1/1. Teknik. p. Assoc. Bandung. Direkt.On the age of the Rajamandala and Batuasih Formations. Sonderband 19. Central West Java. 6.) Proc. Proc. One new: Hastigerina klampisensis) Kadar. Chiangmai 1990. (1972). (Nannofossil biostratigraphy of Tonasa Fm in Rala area. Assoc. D. 3 rd Working Group Mtg. Res. 2nd Working Group Mtg. A. Pacific Neogene Events in Southeast Asia. D. Bali Island. p. (One of first studies of planktonic foraminifera in Java. (1973). 25-38. Publ. Proc. Sulawesi Selatan. Central Java. p. Bandung.Planktonic foraminifera from the lower part of the Sentolo Formation. Seri Paleont. Conv. 2. Paterson & Hudianto (1996). IGCP 246.. 1100-1113. Indonesia.) Proc.Upper Miocene planktonic foraminifera from Bali.Biostratigrafi fosil nanno Tersier Tengah Formasi Tonasa (Penampang Rala). 29th Sess. (1991).P. p. (1975). 1. with Lepidocyclina. (Review of Oligocene-Pliocene stratigraphy/ biostratigraphy of Kutai Basin) Kadar. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 22nd Ann.Successful techniques and pitfalls in utilizing biostratigraphic data in structurally complex terrain: VICO Indonesia's Kutei Basin experience. 46 late Early. Most likely age Middle-Late Miocene) Kadar. southern part of Bali island. (1978). 51-60. Biostratigraphic datum-planes of the Pacific Neogene IGCP Project 114. 58-70. Indonesia. 1. Rau (ed. 13-15. Comm. (1975). ESCAP. Dev. Ed.Planktonic foraminifera from the lower part of the Sentolo Formation. p. J. W Progo Mts. W of Yogya.P. Joint Prosp. Japan. 1-20. D.A review of the Sangiran (Central Java) Plio-Pleistocene environment from marine and non-marine floras and faunas. Kadar.) Micropaleontology. & Sudijono (1993). p. A. Nannofossils from Batuasih Fm in Sukabumi area CP18. Publ. Dept. (Apparent diachronous ages of Batuasih marl. Central Java. Proc. (IAGI).vangorselslist. S-dipping limestones of southern peninsula of Bali.Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Miocene-Pliocene Sentolo Formation.geoscienceworld. Earth Sci. 313-331. Min.. Publ.full.Mapping by the Geological Survey and stratigraphic correlation. Bundesanst. (Planktonic foraminifera zones N21-N23 in 201 m deep Ambengan core hole) Kadar. 1-20. Petrol. Cycloclypeus and some planktonic foraminiferea including Orbulina. overlain by Rajamandala Lst with Lower and Upper Te zone larger forams) Kadar. D.W. p. 46 E-M Miocene species identified in Sentolo Fm. Centre.Notes on the age of the limestones in the southern peninsula. overlain by Rajamandala Lst with Upper Te zone larger forams. A. In: T. Foraminiferal Research 5.early M Miocene planktonic foram species identified in Sentolo Fm. (1978).1 118 www. CP19a. Indon. D. (1981). p.P. J. Jahrb. D. In: J. D. p. p. Ratansthien (eds. At E end of Rajamandala ridge (Padalarang) Batuasih Fm nannos zone CP18.L. 5. 25th Ann. Nanggulan area.. In: Proc. (Samples from 500-600m thick. Foraminiferal Research 5. Central Java. Ishizaki & T. Tuban. Preece & J. Indonesia. 1-105. (Four shallow marine benthic foram zones recognized in Late Pliocene Kalibeng Fm. D. (Deep water agglutinated benthic foraminifera in Celebes Sea ODP site 767 similar to assemblages in Carpathians and Atlantic Ocean. (Planktonic foraminifera from marine Ngimbang. 2.Late Eocene. Tokyo. spans zone N10) Kadar.Pleistocene (upper Zone P17.knaw. Res. D. Dev. p.Biostratigraphy of selected Neogene sequences in Indonesia. Verhandelingen Kon. North Central Java. Proc. (Descriptions and ranges of Ammonia. North C Java range in age from Late Eocene. Indonesia. 245-256. Geol. 95-115. (online at: www. 243-251. Kadar (eds.A. Central Java. Indon. Centre. Sci. (1955). (Key documentation of Miocene. 4. In: N. Publ. & S..iagi.vangorselslist. R.Rotaliid foraminifera from the Rembang zone area. Spec. p. Geol. 193-202.(13 Early Miocene. H. Indonesia. Akad. Res. In: Sumatra stratigraphy workshop. Soeka (1984).. In: K. Phelps (2008). Basal assemblage probably Early Eocene ?Oligocene. Amsterdam. Duri (Riau) 2005. Glomospira and Reticulophragmium amplectens. Berita Sedimentologi 29. Reophax. Terra Scient. Tokyo Press. two brackish lagoonal zones in Pleistocene Pucangan Fm) Kadar. Watanabe & D. Publ. p. Kadar (eds.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java. Kaminski. Nederl.A.Kebumen areas) Kadar. Watanabe & D.Hormosina ovulum assemblage: tubular genera and Spiroplectammina spectabilis. Kujung. 2.Upper Cenozoic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Kalibeng and Pucangan formations in the Sangiran Dome area.Y.) Centenary of Japanese micropaleontology. D. D. 5-51.M Miocene planktonic foram zones in C Sumatra subsurface. p. with common reworked planktonic foraminifera. contributions to biostratigraphy and chronology. p. p. Publ. called Duri event. Spec. North Central Java. Tsuchi (eds.1 119 www. D. Bandung. (2) Reophax elongatus. Centre. 1-83. p. Kadar. Asterorotalia in Miocene of NE Java. p. Saito (eds. Ed. L. Geol.Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Kuripan-1 well. Pleistocene Pucangan Fm barren) Kadar. eine mikropalaeontologische Untersuchung.Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the South Central Java area. Early Eocene. latest E Eocene. Dev. (Lower Kalibeng marls with Early Pliocene fauna. confirming the rotalid biozonation established in E Kalimantan can also be applied in NE Java) Kadar. Wijaya. Progr (ODP). 171- March 2014 . Sebayang & E. E. D. (IAGI). Res.Pliocene foram biostratigraphy of outcrop sections of Java Southern Mountains and Banyumas. ser. 124.Biostratigraphy of Eocene to Oligocene deep water agglutinated foraminifers in the red clays from Site 767.or. 4. Early M Miocene hiatus in Minas and other fields. Centre. 219-241.) Pacific Neogene datum planes. Selorejo and Lidah Formations in Kuripan-1 well. p. 5. (1992). M. (Well-documented study of six Late Oligocene. In: N.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Celebes Sea. Indonesia. Bandung. Wet. (1985). Res. Wibowo. (1986). (1985). Publ. (online at: http://www.Foraminifera of the Kalibeng Formation in the Sambungmacan area. 5.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java. overlying “Old Andesites” W of Yogyakarta) Kadar.Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Central Sumatra Basin... suggesting underlying oceanic crust Early Eocene age or older) Kamptner. In: N. Univ. Bandung.Pliocene biozones in Sentolo Fm.Fossile Coccolithineen-Skelettreste aus Insulinde. R.dwc. Ocean Drill. Dev. Huang (1991). D. Spec. Three zones/ assemblages: (1) Paratrochamminoides. Upper Kalibeng interbedded limestone. Patriani3 (2014).E Oligocene and (3) low diversity assemblage of long-ranging forms. including Rhizαmminα. Geol.. Assoc. Ikebe & R. & Z.N22).sandstone Late Pliocene N20-N21. 50. Geologi.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Permana (2003). (Klitik Mb of U Kalibeng Fm along Solo River in Sonde area. E Java. Jurnal Teknologi Mineral 7. Pacific Neogene stratigraphy. ITB. R.Age refinement of the Sonde molluscan fauna. 345- 353. 55-64.Studi nannoplankton pada Formasi Karangsambung dan Totogan di daerah Luk Ulo. Kurihara.(‘Fossil coccolith skeletal remains from Indonesia: a micropaleontological investigation’. p. . Geologi.Batas Miosen-Pliosen berdasarkan nannoplankton pada Formasi Ledok dan Mundu di daerah Bukit Kapuan. Bangkok 2004. University of Tokyo Press.Reconstruction of color markings in Vicarya.45. These Doct.U.M. SW Java) Kase. Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary defined based on top Discoaster s. p.58 Ma. & G. quinqueramus zone. (1978). from same samples as studied by Tan Sin Hok 1927 and Jafar 1975. Bul. a Miocene potamidid gastropod (Mollusca) from SE Asia and Japan. T. Y. 1. De Reims-Champagne-Ardenne.Early Pliocene in Kali Cilik section.Brackish molluscan fauna (Upper Eocene) from the Silantek Formation in West Sarawak. Mem.H. Indonesia). Jawa Timur.earliest Miocene (NP23-NN2) nannofossils) Kapid. R. F. Purely paleontological study without maps or stratigraphic context. Tokyo. Paleont. Kobayashi et al.l. (1991).Le Mio-Pliocene marin du NE de Java. suggesting compressional deformation in C Java continued into this time. 12 km N of Bojonegoro.95 Ma. Hayashi. derived from calcareous nannoplankton and ostracode assemblage in Makassar Strait. & A. Conf. Y. Kitao. E Java. 26. Ledok Fm roughly NN11- lower NN12/ D. (Nannoplankton from C Java Karangsambung Fm scaly clays Mid to Late Eocene (NP16-NP21). truncatulinoides. Indonesia: biostratigraphie qualitative et quantitative des foraminiferes et du nannoplancton.. In: Proc.l.Batas umur Pliosen/Plistosen berdasarkan analisis nanofosil pada lintasan sungai Bengawan Solo daerah Ngawi Jawa Timur. Kapid. Planktonic foraminifera in Klitik Mb along Solo River at Bangun. Harsolumakso (1996). Indonesia contains diverse shallow marine molluscs that have been standard of Neogene mollusc sequences in Indonesia. suggest age between 3. ITB. East Java.E. H. Indonesia. S. 26. Choiriah (2000). Muller (2004).A. 5th Int. Bul.vangorselslist. H. Y. Aguilar (2008). Sci. Dewi & A. p. p.Calcareous nannofossils and foraminifera as indices of paleoenvironment (case Study on Waturanda. Same boundary as Van Gorsel and Troelstra (1981) based on appearance of Gr. 5. (Late Miocene. 127-138. R. Nat. Pandita (2008). Nat. Pandita & Y. Numerous new species) Kanno. 1. p. Ciangsana. Chiang Mai 1993. Ngawi. overlying Mundu Fm is upper NN12-NN14/ Early Pliocene) Kase.3. Late Miocene. Congr. Research 12. from M Miocene Nyalindung Fm. 2 km W of Sonde. Mus. 8th Int. R. Univ. 13-43.M. Penosogan and Halang Formations in South-Central Java. Aguilar. (Includes material of Vicarya verneuili. Suprijanto (1996). 4. Ed. K. 5-7 Ma. Reims. Also shoreline displacement of Java Sea toward E since Late Pliocene) Kapid. Indonesia: qualitative and quantitative biostratigraphy of foraminifera and nannoplankton') Kapid. Kebumen. p. 19. ~mid Pliocene (NB: unusual mix of shallow marine molluscs and siltstones with Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . & S. (eds. (Quantitative analysis of calcareous nannofossils from Solo River.New biostratigraphic sub-biozonation for Indonesia. p. Comparison between this study and palynology analysis indicates same climatic changes at Plio-Pleistocene boundary. Overlying Totogan Fm clay breccia with various blocks with Late Eocene (NP 18-20) to Oligocene. R. R. Study of coccolithophores from Jurassic-Cretaceous and Upper Tertiary marls of Timor and Roti. 103-112. 1. Asean Marine Geology.T. In: T. 29-42. p. ('The marine Mio-Pliocene of NE Java. Kurihara & H. Kapid. March 2014 . Jawa Tengah. T. & S..1 120 www. Malaysia. and first appearance of Gephyrocapsa s. Underlying Wonocolo Fm is NN10/ Late Miocene. Kapid.. and were vaguely dated as Late Pliocene. p. (1974). restricted to Paleocene. One Pliocene sample is breccia with reworked Upper Cretaceous clasts and Globotruncana planktonic forams.Aktinocyclina and nearby marls with Late Paleocene planktonic forams. (Late Cretaceous. A. 4. with rare calcareous benthics and planktonic foraminifera. and may be indicative of mud volcanism. B78.Review of the Indo-West Pacific Neogene to Holocene ostracode genus Atjehella. which may be reworked from older Kalibeng Fm. 2. (Includes summary and discussion of Indonesian Miocene to Recent cowries) Keij. A. Revue Micropal. with common Discocyclina. Sabah. 449-464.J. Aktinocyclina. p. Age (Late Miocene-?) Pliocene.Remarks on the Indo-Pacific ostracode genus Loxoconchella. Proc. Proc. Malaysia Geol. Malaysia Geol. (1964). p. Asterocyclina (Ta zone) and the algae Distichoplax biserialis.153-154. 415-430.J. 23-34.Cypraeidae of the Indo-Pacific: Cenozoic fossil history and biogeography.1 121 www.A.Neogene to Recent species of Cytherelloidea (Ostracoda) from northwestern Borneo. overlain by dense white limestone with Discocyclina. 259-293. 7. Klitik Beds younger than concluded here?.Upper Palaeocene Distichoplax Limestones of Kudat Peninsula and Pulau Banggi. 1. Proc. Also in Banggi Limestone at SW coast of of Banggi island indicates Early Eocene age) Keij. ten new) Keij. Micropaleontology 10. Nederl. Subtle varations between relative abundances probably reflect environmental factors like oxygenation) Keij. Kon. Kon. (1979). p. (1964). p.J.Review of the Indo-Pacific species of Triebelina (Ostracoda). (1978).J. Fifteen species. A.J. 47. 231-241. p. 345-358. B81. Keij. 2. (Amphimorphinella butonensis Keijzer 1953 indicator of hydrocarbon seepage?. Mededelingen 17. Akademie Wetenschappen. Keij. p.Note on three Holocene Indo-Malayan ostracod species.abundant deeper planktonic forams. Akademie Wetenschappen. E. not Oligocene as previously postulated. Nederl. (1964). Hayward et al. p. p.Distichoplax from Kudat Peninsula and Banggi island. 2. B77. F. No maps or other stratigraphy info) Keij. B 82. 1963.Late Cretaceous and Palaeogene arenaceous foraminifera from flysch deposits in northwestern Borneo. Nederl. Survey Ann. A. (Distichoplax biserialis found in Suangpai Lst of N Kudat peninsula. Kon. 215-229. 4. p. Ed. Proc.J. 155-158. Forams dominated by monotonous bathyal arenaceous 'Bathysiphon-Cyclammina-Trochammina' assemblages. Kon. (1963). (1990). University of Miami. 5. Akademie Wetenschappen. Sabah. (1975). 115-118. Young-Neogene foraminifera and calcareous algae. A. 2011)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Keij. Survey Ann. (Buton asphalt-bearing marls with 333 species of deep marine benthic foraminifera and common planktonics.. A. Borneo. 4. (Cytherelloidea common in Neogene-Recent ostracode assemblages of N Borneo. Bull. Marine Sci. A. p. 3. HvG)) Kay. March 2014 .vangorselslist.J. Nederl.Paleogene flysch deposits across >550 mile belt from Sarawak to Sabah (Crocker range). Rept. A. Akademie Wetenschappen.G.E Eocene in other areas of the Tethys. (Suangpai quarry in Tajau area of N Kudat Peninsula has basal marl with Late Paleocene planktonic forams. Leidsche Geol. Report 1964.Reconsideration of the so-called Oligocene fauna in the asphaltic deposits of Buton (Malay Archipelago). (1953). F. Rep.M. 197-236.Neogene planktonic foraminifera. (1948). (1926).au/products-services/legacy-publications/reports. In: Papers on Tertiary micropalaeontology.html) (' Hinterland Limestone' of Manus Island NE of PNG with Lower Tf (=Burdigalian) larger foraminifera Miogypsina kotoi and Lepidocyclina.vangorselslist. Shallow marine faunas. (Descriptions of M Miocene. p. Belford (1956). (1923). Ost-Borneo. 76- 77.Palynology of Neogene sediments from Papua (New Guinea) stratigraphic boundaries.. (1976). (online at: on the occurrence of some Tertiary larger foraminifera on Bougainville Island (Solomon Islands). Bur.M. G. (Late Neogene ostracods from outcrop samples in Aceh (N Sumatra) and S Kendeng zone (E Java. E of Fiji.Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and paleoceanographic development of the Indo-Pacific p. 207-213. Thesis University Utrecht. Mineral Res.T. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 19. deep marine tuffaceous siltstone and volcanics with rich smaller benthic and pelagic forams) Kingma. dated paper on Neogene palynology from Iviri 1 well. Geoph.. Bur. Kennett (ed. a widespread species in Indo Pacific. Geol. 25. a phylogenetic atlas: Hutchinson Ross Publ. p.P. Fiji. Mineral Res.P. 211.Contributions to the knowledge of the Young-Caenozoic Ostracoda from the Malayan region. In: Papers on Tertiary micropalaeontology.Pleistocene smaller foraminifera from Lau Islands. Geoph. Keller & M.S. Fly River Delta) Kicinski.Neogene smaller Foraminifera from Lau. p.E. Sisivi area with Tf2 Lepidocyclina verrucosa) Kicinski. Probably deeper marine faunas. of Late Miocene.1 122 www. 5. 2.Kennett. 3. Rep. J.. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 18. 31 species).html) (Brief note on limestone samples from Bougainville: Wakuai River with Te Spiroclypeus. Java'. Java). (online at: http://www. Surabaja. Listing of 107 species of benthic and planktonic foraminifera from foraminiferal marls collected along road Babad-Ngimbamg Geol.Eine jungtertiaren Foraminiferenfauna aus Ost-Seran. America Mem.M. R. R.Notes on the Tertiary succession and foraminifera of Manus Island. Miogypsinoides. Khan. Soc. 41 species). p. p. from the Miocene-Pliocene of Bojonegoro 1 well (E Java. F. In: J.M. Marl sample collected by Muhlberg in 1902 along Kasama River in 9 km W of Waru in NE Seram contains rich Pliocene shallow marine foraminifera fauna with 85 species) Koch. Paijenborchella. Geol. 163. 265-284. & D.seals. and Recent forms from Snellius Expedition samples in eastern Java Sea (19 species). p. Six new genera (Hemicytheridea. Srinivasan (1983).com March 2014 . R. 1- 96.Mitteltertiare Foraminiferen aus Bulongan.) The Miocene Ocean: paleooceanography and biogeography.J. J. (1925)..P.Die jungtertiaren Foraminiferenfauna von Kabu (Res. ('The Late Tertiary foraminifera fauna from Kabu (Surabaya residency.) Koch. Co. Bishop Mus. p. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 19. (1956). 25. Bull. etc. R. associated with larger foraminifera Lepidocyclina. J. ('A Young Tertiary foraminifera fauna from East Seram'. Tanella. overlain by M-U Miocene? rel. 342-361. Limited stratigraphy/ stratigraphic results) Kleinpell. E Java. 1-265. (Suggest closure of Indonesian Seaway around 13-12 Ma) Kennett. Doct. Srinivasan (1985). (1954). 722-751. Bernice P. A. Miogypsina. (online at: http://www. 94 species of which 40 new.Early Pliocene age) Koch. & M. (Early. Stroudsburg. Includes description of Caudites javana Kingma. Pollen et Spores 16.E. p. 71-75. p. Atjehella. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Javanella). Kemink. com March 2014 .. Paleoenvironmental conditions changed gradually from warm. 2014)) Kramer. p. Sumatra 4. Palaeontographica. etc. p. Ser. 3 non-marine bivalvia and 9 non-marine gastropoda identified from U Kalibeng Formation and Pucangan Fms. Age of deposits uncertain.Nipadites borneensis n. which may be of E Permian age (Booi et al. Fossils (Palaeont. (‘The Tertiary woods of Southeast Asia (with exclusion of Dipterocarpaceae’. Senckenbergiana 5. Palaeophytologie. (in Japanese with English abstract) (online at: http://ci. tripartita= G. NE Kalimantan’. (1923). p.seals. Kon. Java. 1-11.1 123 www. Globigerina bulloides var.. B. Geol. Fresh water conditions returned to area during upper U Pucangan) Kramer.knaw. 5. nuttalli and R. deemed to be new species named Dipterocarpoxylon javanense (= Dryobalanoxylon javanense according to Berger. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der fossilen flora Niederlandisch-Indiens. Palaont. p.Die tertiaeren Holzer Sudost-Asiens (unter Ausschluss der Dipterocarpaceae). Ed. C Java: 25 species of marine bivalvia. (On a new species of fossil fruit of a Nypa-type palm from the Eocene of Borneo) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .E.pdf) ('On a fossil tree trunk from Bolang.. (First report of U Paleocene 'Tethyan' foram Ranikothalia from limestone in lower argillaceous facies of Mithakhari Group (Lipa Black Shale) in NE part of Middle Andaman Island. R.Namens-Aenderung einiger Tertiar-Foraminiferen aus Niederlandisch Ost-Indien.dwc. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 28. India and its significance. Abt.Molluscan fossils from the Sangiran (1935). Part 1. Japan) 33. Bolang locality has silicified tree trunks up to 2m long. Descriptions of Miocene silicified woods collected by Tobler. Nederl. (online at: http://retro. Gen. 3-6. Brief note about name changes for species described by Koch (1926): Globigerina aspera= G. 549-555. Hasibuan (1983). Palaeophytologie. & F. mainly from Late Oligocene marls in Sajau and Binai rivers drainage.o.Fossile Holzer aus dem Tertiar von Sud-Sumatra. (1923). 60 cm in diameter. Three species: R.M. (Plio-Pleistocene mollusc assemblages from Sangiran Dome area. Central Jawa. & K. Part 2) Krausel. Palaeontographica. (‘Middle Tertiary foraminifera from Bulongan. Akademie Wetenschappen. Includes material from Sumatra collected by Posthumus a. tripartita) Koch.) Koley. 25 marine gastropoda.vangorselslist. Kol. T. Specimen from dipterocarp tree family. 1 Teil.Uber einen fossilen Baumstammm von Bolang (Java).First Report of Ranikothalia Caudri from Middle Andaman Island. 77- 81. Assoc. Mijnbouwk. p. eine fossil Palmenfrucht aus Borneo. 2 Teil. sidensis. Soc. Associated with Discocyclina. binaiensis. p. tobleri) Kotaka. K. tripartita. 145. R. p. Wanjarwadkar (2013).sp. 231-287. 144. (1974). (Online at http://www. Return of shallow marine environment during lower U Pucangan. India 81. with Dammaroxylon kaurioides n. Some name changes suggested by Den Berger (1923)) Krausel. (1922). a contribution to the knowledge of the fossil flora of Netherlands Indies'. 557-558. 25. 9-16. R. Beitr. 1-150. then to fresh water facies during lower Pucangan. HvG) Krausel. p. cf. SE Bulongan. First descriptions of planktonic foram marker species like Globigerina binaiensis and G. K. Verhandelingen Geol. J. shallow marine during U Kalibeng into tidal ) ('Name changes of some Tertiary foraminifera from Netherlands East Indies'. Up to 10m long silicified tree trunks in tuffaceous Upper Miocene Lower Palembang Fm.Die tertiaeren Holzer Sudost-Asiens (unter Ausschluss der Dipterocarpaceae). 5. T. (‘The Tertiary woods of SE Asia (with exclusion of Dipterocarpaceae’.(online at: http://retro. R.nii. ('Fossil wood from the Tertiary of South Sumatra'. Abt. Geol. sp. (1974). Listing of 255 deeper marine foram species. 5. Amsterdam. B. Proc.seals. cf. 1927. p. 1-75 + 23 plates. Sumatra 11.Pliocene gastropods from W Pacific islands. (On barnacles on Spondylus mollusc collected by Verbeek in 1899 from Pleistocene marls near N coast Sumba) Krijnen. H. p. Kol. Verhandelingen Geol. R.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . stratigraphy) Kruizinga.Early Palaeocene planktonic foraminifera from Baratang Formation. (1977).usgs. p. Gen.. H. p. p.Der Stand unserer Kenntnisse von der Tertiarflora Niederlandisch-Indiens.Het genus Spiroclypeus in het Indo-Pacifische gebied. Petrified wood from Late Tertiary deposits of Bandung and Batavia belongs to Dipterocarpaceae. Tonga. Verhandelingen Geol.Two fossil Cirripedia from the Pleistocene marls of Sumba. Gen. A. J. Geol. R. Survey (USGS) Prof. Geol. Nederl.S. U. Kol. Kusworo. ('The state of knowledge of the Tertiary flora of the Netherlands Indies'. Geol.volcanic rocks. (1970). Mijnbouwk. 2.usgs. (online at: http://pubs. (Diverse Tortonian mollusc assemblage from coral carpet environment at Bontang.1 124 www. 116-127. Soodan (1976).gov/pp/0640c/report. Geol. P. Palaios 30. 1-12. (online at: http://pubs. W. R.Cenozoic fossil molluscs from Western Pacific islands. Ed. 1.. 9. 1. U. Nederl. 1-44. Renema (2015)- Diversity and paleoecology of Miocene coral-associated molluscs from East Kalimantan (Indonesia). dominated by predatory snails) Ladd. 6th Indian Colloq. Verhandelingen Geol. 5. with closer ties to Indonesia and N Australia than to Ryukyus and Japan) Ladd. Reich. U. Geol. Molluscs are of Indo-Pacific aspect. gastropods (Turritellidae through Strombidae). Paper 640-C. (Early Paleocene planktonic foraminifera in Baratang Fm (= Mithakhari Gp) of Middle Andaman Island) Kupper. p. Hyderabad.pdf) (Many of the W Pacific islands have Late Eocene shallow marine limestones. No locality maps. Micropal. ('On some fossil woods from Java'. (1972).Uber einige Fossile Holzer aus Java.Krausel.Eocene molluscs from Eua.Cenozoic fossil molluscs from Western Pacific islands. p. S. Sumatra) Krausel.Note on a new Cycloclypeus from Australia. Mijnbouwk. (1942). & K.. H.G. (1939). De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV).A.usgs. Most molluscs appear reef-associated. Gen. Paper 533. Geol. 329-342.145-150. Todd & W. (1925). 77-112. Ser. 1-4. Ser.. (1929). Ned. N. probably slightly deeper marine fauna (see also Storrs Cole (1970) for larger and Todd (1970) for smaller associated foraminifera)) Ladd. ('Fossil plants from the Tertiary of South Sumatra'.Fossile Pflanzen aus dem Tertiar von Sud-Sumatra. Nederl. Naucleoxylon spectabile of Crie (1888) re-assigned to Dipterocarpoxylon (then Berger 1927 re-assigned to Dryobalanoxylon. K. Mainly small gastropods. 1-79 + 20 plates. Late Miocene S Sumatra forests not much different from present-day. Middle Andaman Island. Proc. Kol.S. Borneo. p. Leidsche Geol. gastropods (Eratoidae through Harpidae). (online at: http://pubs. many are from lagoonal beds. Johnson. Mijnbouwk. Stratigraphy.P March 2014 . On Eua in Tonga Group Late Eocene limestone overlies plutonic. Verhandelingen Geol. H.pdf) (170 species of Eocene. HvG) Krausel. (‘The genus Spiroclypeus in the Indo-Pacific region’) Kumar. Mijnbouwk.S. P. Review of known pfossil plant occurrences on Java. 9.S. 8 (Verbeek volume). Geol. (1931). Beitr. Santodomingo. F. p. Ser. 1-8. 9. Description of plants collected by Tobler from M and U Palembang Fms.. Mededelingen 2. (1926). Survey (USGS) Prof. Ser. Geol. Survey (USGS) Prof. Gen. 259-264. p. 12.F. Paper 532. Pal. collected by Musper in 1927. Calcareous nannofossils present in prodelta shales. Ph. Palau. (2006). 1-76. Contr. ('Study on a fossil plant from marine Tertiary deposits of S Sulawesi'. Laporte-Galaa (2005). Bali. p.E Java Sea is unusual. E. 167-190. Echinides reguliers. ein Schlangenhalsvogel aus dem Tertiar von W. LEMIGAS Scient. Lembaran Publ. gastropods (Eulimidae and Volutidae through Terebridae). LEMIGAS Scient.) Ladd.Discoaster zonation of the Miocene of the Kutei Basin. Lelono. Many palynomorphs affinity with Indian forms.-Indie 54 (1925). 3. E.B.Eocene. (1982). (Long-necked bird skeleton from ?Eocene fish-rich lacustrine clays in Ombilin basin.14. U. 3. n. (2007). 16-26.Pleistocene palynology of East Java. Borneo.B.B. & A.1 125 www. (2007).Oligocene climate based on palynological records. Sumatra. Mainly shallow marine seaweed Cymodocea micheloti) Lelono. Eniwetok. Thesis. Ed. 1-63. the evidence of earlier arrival. 1-457. Guam. p. and 29th IATMI. E.Palynological study of the Eocene Nanggulan Formation. 10-23. Jeannet (1935). p.usgs. in Late Eocene- Oligocene of wells in N Madura. On regular echinoderms from Java.Etude sur une plante fossile des depots du Tertiaire marin du Sud de Celebes. JCB2007-010. (1926). p. p. E. B. Survey (USGS) Prof.Gondwanan palynomorphs from the Paleogene sediments of East Java?.gl. Oldest known member of Anhingidae water-bird family. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.B. Verhandelingen 1. ('Palynological investigations in the western part of Indonesia') Lelono. Mem. H. 14p. Lelono. p. (Abstract at www. 15-23. Central Java. but also poor and dominated by Discoasters. Proc. E. Podocarpidites pollen in upper unit indicates (Commonly used chronostratigraphic markers (foraminifera.B. Lemigas 39. p. Contr. based on Discoasters only) Lambert. J. (1931). as these are generally first recorded in Early Miocene Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Contribution a la connaissance des Echinides tertiares des iles de la Sonde. (Appearance of regular Gondwanan/ Australian pollen. spores and pollen) are rare or absent in most of the Kutei Basin. East Soc. (2000).com March 2014 . I. With common gastroliths (= stomach stones)) Laurent. 1-100 + 41 plates. (Online at http://paleopolis.vangorselslist. mainly from Late Miocene-Pliocene of Fiji. 29.. 29. Propose modified Miocene nannofossil zonation of 13 zones for Outer Kutei basin. 36th IAGI. E. suggesting plant migration into SE Asia following plate collision in E Tertiary. p. (2001). Plant fossils associated with fish fauna in Early Miocene lithographic limestone at Patanuang Asu.Penelitian palinologi pada sedimen Paleogen di kawasan Indonesia bagian Barat.D. Carnets de Geologie. ('Contribution to the knowledge of the Tertiary echinoids of the Sonde Islands (=Indonesia)'. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 15-24. 2005/01. (2005). including Dacrydium and Casuarina. & C.S. Indonesia (Mahakam Delta Offshore).rhbnc. Paper 1171. Distribution of similar M Eocene palynomorph assemblages suggests Sundaland extended from Java to SW Sulawesi.html) (Nanggulan Fm age diagnostic M-L Eocene fauna and palynomorph assemblages. (online at: http://pubs.g. K. Nanggulan Fm is transgressive sequence) Lelono.sp. Lembaran Publ.Cenozoic fossil molluscs from Western Pacific islands. Pal. Suisse 56. 5. 32nd HAGI. Lemigas 35. p. Sumbawa and Timor) Lambrecht.pdf) Lambert.Revisi zonasi polen Eosen. 2. 1. University of London. etc. Indonesia. ('Revision of Eocene pollen zonation') Lelono.Protoplotus beauforti n. Joint Conv. L. Mem.rediris.(Indo-Pacific gastropods. Geol. collected by Brouwer. probably equivalent to M-L Eocene boundary event recorded elsewhere. NE of Makassar. Indie 17. naturalis. London.Pleistocene palynology of the Waipona (Updated. E. Nat.shallow marine. Central Sumatra. S Sumatra and C Java. Scient.naturalis.go. p. Tijdschrift Nederl. L. Contr. (1939). (2012).) The SE Asian gateway: history and tectonics of Australia-Asia collision. Leiden. &…) (same paper as above) Leloux. or arrival with Gondwanan fragment in Early Oligocene.Types of Cenozoic Mollusca from Java in the Martin Collection of Naturalis. Spec. Contr.repository. Natuurk.lemigas. (Palynomorph assemblages from independently dated marine Oligocene succession from E Java Sea wells here named X and Y. Morley (2011). Morley (2011). 6. E. Palynological succession similar to Sunda Basin. p. (2002) of type specimens of Tertiary bivalves. Early Oligocene with common rain forest elements.W.B. suggesting everwet.esdm. p. suggesting absence of lake deposit. Oil Gas. 1-765. Contr. (online at: http://www. J. mainly from Martin. Nat. With listing of fossil localities and 289 color plates) LeRoy. 31. E. 333-345. Records of Dacrydium in Eocene of Ninety East Ridge and the Indian subcontinent may support alternative dispersal route into SE Asia via Indian plate) Lelono. Previously thought to haves migrated to Sunda region after collision of Australian and Asian plates.lemigas. Museum Techn.E. (online at: http://www. Geol. Early part of Late Oligocene much reduced rain forest elements with grass pollen.Some small foraminifera. & F.1 126 www. Gerth and Umbgrove collections) Leloux. (online at: http://www.. In: R. E. 5.Indie March 2014 . Lemigas.pdf) (Listings and illustrations of type material of 229 taxa of Tertiary and Permian corals in Leiden Natural History Museum.lemigas. Scient.The migration pathway of some selected Australian palynomorphs from their origin to SE Asia.esdm. Generally poor pollen assemblages.B. (online at: http://www. Unlike equivalent beds offshore NW Java. Renema (2007). (Descriptions of 95 species of Miocene small benthic foraminifera and six species of ostracoda from Telisa and Palembang formations along E front of Barisan mountains) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . M. (2008).J.B. Contr. & W. E. Martin collection at Naturalis Museum. p. (2012). 10.B.Oligocene palynological succession from the East Java Sea.J. Oil Gas.A. Leiden.Oligocene palynology of onshore West Java. rainforest climate. 2. 34. In latest Late Oligocene rainforest elements return in abundance. lacustrine elements rare. Depositional environment transition non-marine. ) (Palynological studies of Oligocene in (unnamed) onshore wells in Ciputat sub-basin. Cottam & M. ostracoda and otoliths from the Neogene ("Miocene") of the Rokan-Tapanoeli area. 67- 82.Types and originals of fossil Porifera and Cnidaria of Indonesia in Naturalis.go. Lelono. Natuurhist. 49-56. 11. p.. 7-18. Common brackish pollen of Zonocostites ramonae and Spinizonocolpites echinatus indicate mangrove/ back-mangrove environment) Lelono. Museum Technical Bulletin. S Sulawesi and Natuna. p.P.B.Oligocene palynological succession from the East Java Sea. after collision of Australian plate and Sundaland in latest Oligocene. J.esdm. 1-305. Wilson (eds. 215-296. Lemigas. p. 2. expanded and illustrated version of Van den Hoek Ostende et al. LEMIGAS ) (Proposes alternative dispersal route of Australian taxa Dacrydium and Casuarina to SE Asia. suggesting superwet climate. indicating more seasonal climate. Papua. Leiden. Soc. (online at: http://www. Ed. Wesselingh (2009). & R. 2. Oligocene defined by presence of Oligocene marker Meyeripollis naharkotensis.vangorselslist.go. p. Lemigas Scient. This may indicate earlier arrival of Gondwanan/ Australian fragment in East Java area than in other areas of Indonesia) 355.of other areas such as NW Java Sea.en/contents/i000884/the%20gerth%20catalogue. W Java Sea) Lelono. 35.J. 35. gastropods and scaphopods from Java in K. W Java. 95-104. Hall. Bull. Publ. Natuurhist. L. Netherlands East Indies. Netherlands East Indies. East Borneo. 576-584. (Fourteen new species of ostracode Cytherelloidea from Indonesia. W Java and 7 species from Miocene of C Sumatra) LeRoy. 3. With discussion of stratigraphy and faunas of Kassikan section near Aliantan. L. 612-621. p. Colorado School Mines March 2014 . Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederl.Smaller foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of Southern Okinawa. Paleontology 22. L. (1948). 70-113. 2. a suggested middle Tertiary time indicator. 1-69. Bantam Residency. W Java) LeRoy. L. 107-132. (online at: http://pubs. Netherlands East Indies. incl.W. E of Pelabuhan Ratu. p.W.The foraminifer Orbulina universa d'Orbigny.Miocene foraminifera from Sumatra and Java. Quart. (Includes discussion and illustrations of growth stages of Cythereis holmani from Telisa Fm of C Sumatra) LeRoy. (Descriptions of 107 species of small benthic foraminifera from Miocene marls at Tjijarian bridge.The ostracode genus Cytherelloidea from the Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. p. 1. (1941). LeRoy. J.Small foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. Survey (USGS) Prof. Colorado School Mines 36. (Descriptions of 183 species of Miocene small benthic foraminifera from Telisa and L-M Palembang formations along E front of Barisan mountains. L. Small foraminifera from the Miocene of West Java.W.W. 1. p. 1. L. Small foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of Siberoet Island. p. 81-86.pdf) (Good descriptions of typical Indo-Pacific shallow and shelfal marine smaller benthic foraminifera)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 4. (1945).1 127 www. Colorado School Mines 39.usgs.W. (1944).W. Quart. (1941).. p. 5. Paper 454-F.W. (1952). J. 1-62. 4. (Lowest stratigraphic occurrence of pelagic foraminifer Orbulina universa proposed to bea good mid-Miocene markerhorizon. (1941). 2. Quart.Small foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of the Netherlands East 63-105. U.The ostracode genus Cytherelloidea from the Late Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. (1964). p. J. (Lowest occurrence of planktonic foram Orbulina within Telisa Fm of C Sumatra good base of Middle Miocene marker horizon. Bodjong beds. Barisan mountain front) LeRoy. 6. L. Paleontology 19. (Same paper as above: 14 new species of ostracode Cytherelloidea from Indonesia.Miocene foraminifera from Sumatra and Java.A contribution to ostracodal ontogeny. Miocene foraminifera of Central Sumatra. Small foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of the Sangkulirang Bay area.M Palembang formations in Kasikan section. Quart. off the West coast of Sumatra. incl. Geol. 1. Little or no stratigraphic or locations information) LeRoy. where this event occurs near top of Telisa Fm) LeRoy. (1940). p. W Java and 7 species from Miocene of C Sumatra) LeRoy. p. 179-196. J. 3. 1.vangorselslist. Colorado School Mines 36. L. 3 from Late Miocene of NE Kalimantan. Netherlands East Indies. Paleontology 26. 500-508. L.W. p. West Java. Quart. Colorado School Mines 36.Indie 100.Orbulina universa d’Orbigny in Central Sumatra. C Sumatra.LeRoy.W. LeRoy. LeRoy. Sultanate of Siak. With chart of foraminifera distribution in Telisa.Small foraminifera from the Late Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. L. p.W. Ed. 4 from Mio-Pliocene from Bantam.S.W. (1941). 4 from Mio-Pliocene from Bantam. L. 3 from Late Miocene of NE Kalimantan. 3. Some small foraminifera from the type locality of the Bantamien substage. (1944). Paleontology 15. 1-58. their taxonomy and stratigraphic significance. Geol. Southeast Asian Earth Sci.. Overlies ?Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ophiolite complex and thin volcaniclastic Kapadiri Fm with Early Cretaceous calpionnelids) Ling. p.Y. Martin memorial volume. (Similar to M Eocene radiolarians on ophiolite of S Andaman (Ling and Srinivasan 1993)) Ling. Bur. H. (eds.) Proc. Lituolacea and Miliolacea. Part 2.R. p.G. Miner.J. No location/ stratigraphy info) Ling.Neogene foraminifera from H. (1943). 1991)) Lloyd. Wreck Island No. Palaeont. Karkare (2006). Samuel (1998). Res. R. H. p. p. (eds. Nichols (1991). 16. Ed. & R. India 38.R.A.Siliceous microfossils from Nias Island: their significance for the Tertiary paleoceanography of the northeast Indian Ocean. (Basal sedimentary unit on Waigeo is Tanjung Bomas Fm and contains late M Eocene radiolarian assemblage. J. Chandra & S. Palaeontological papers.1 128 www. Lloyd. 13. p. 92.R. A. L. 53-57. Ser. & I. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 166-179. Nodosariacea and Buliminacea.) Stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. G. Geophys. In: A.Less. Miner. & E.Neogene foraminifera from HBR Wreck Island No. With distribution chart of larger foraminifera and 'Letter Classification' zonation) Lignac-Grutterink. Leidsche Jones & R. In: B. 11. 407-417. (Well-preserved Early Eocene radiolarian assemblages confirms presence of Eocene marine sediments on Waigeo Island. 1967. Verhandelingen Geol. Geol. Leupold. J. p.The Late Eocene evolution of nummulitid foraminifer Spiroclypeus in the Western Tethys. 145-225. (1967). Java. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 303-316. Endean (eds. 299-305. Hall (1995). (Brief descriptions of Tertiary calcareous algae from Borneo. (online at: http://www. p. 1 bore and Heron Island bore. Feestbundel Martin.Note on an age of the basal sedimentary sequence of Waigeo Island.. Ozcan (2008).. J.H. & M. p. 2.E Eocene sedimentological hiatus) Ling.…) (Mainly Miocene open marine shelf foraminifera from below Great Barrier Reef.. In: O.S. their taxonomy and stratigraphic significance. Mijnb. H. 5. 108. p.. A. (M Eocene radiolarians in red chert from SW Nias constrains oldest age of emplacement of ophiolitic basement. W.Y.G. overlying Late Cretaceous or Early Eocene ultramafic 'basement' on S Andaman. J. Northeast Indian Ocean.Y.The Tertiary. Bur.Foraminifera of the Great Barrier Reef bores. in Leiden collection. etc. Similar to M Eocene radiolarians of Nias (Ling et al.Some Tertiary Corallinaceae of the Malaysian Archipelago.) Biology and geology of coral reefs. Srinivasan (1993).gov. A.pdf) (M Eocene radiolaria in chert in Port Blair Fm. Mededelingen 5. p. 1 bore and Heron Island bore.M. Bull. 69 species nodosarids and buliminids) Lloyd.Significance of Eocene radiolaria from Port Blair Group of South Andaman Island. (Overview of Tertiary stratigraphy across ‘Netherlands East Indies’ in K. van der Vlerk (1931). Academic Press.Tectonic significance of Eocene and Cretaceous radiolaria from South Andaman Island. Escher et al. Queensland.Early Eocene radiolaria from Waigeo Island. INTERRAD VII Conf. 1-5. (M Eocene) and Campanian radiolarian faunas from basement rocks of SE South Andaman Island affirm Paleocene.Y. Eastern March 2014 . Polonica 53. Yao et al. & M. 1. New York. eastern Indonesia.vangorselslist. India. H. Res. R. p. Hall & G.Y. 611-648. 347-366. Soc. Geol. Asian Earth Sci. NW of Birds Head) Ling. Gen. Acta Palaeont.A. 283-297. (1973). Bull. Island arc 5. Queensland. Part 1. (1970). (online at: http://palaeontologicalsociety. 6. H. Lloyd, A.R. (1974)- Time measurement of geological time and precision in correlation. Proc. SEAPEX Conv. 1, Singapore, p. 31-43. (On stratigraphic correlations, with examples from SE Asia) Lloyd, A.R. (1975)- Paleontology and its role on oil exploration. Proc. SEAPEX Conv. 2, Singapore, p. 152- 159. Lloyd, A.R. (1975)- An outline of the Tertiary palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea. In: Wiryosujono & A. Sudrajat (eds.) Proc. Reg. Conf. Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia (GEOSEA), Jakarta 1975, p. 43-54. Ludbrook, N.H. (1965)- Tertiary fossils from Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). J. Geol. Soc. Australia, 12, p. 285-294. (Algal imestones of Christmas Island in Indian Ocean of Late Eocene (Tb) and Early Miocene (Te-Tf) age. Upper Eocene limestone with Discocyclina, Nummulites, Heterostegina. Lower Miocene limestone lower part with Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina), followed by Miogypsinoides dehaarti, then Flosculinella bontangensis. No rocks younger than Burdigalian identified other than young fringing reef) Lunt, P. (2003)- Biogeography of some Eocene larger foraminifera, and their application in distinguishing geological plates. Palaeontologia Electronica 6, 1, p. 1-22. (Online at (Eocene larger foram assemblages can distinguish between Asian-Pacific-Mediterranean (Pellatispira- Assilina) or Australian- New Guinea (Lacazinella) realms) Lunt, P. (2013)- The sedimentary geology of Java. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. (IPA), Jakarta, Spec. Publ., p. 1-340. (Comprehensive book on Java sedimentary geology with introductory chapters on biostratigraphy/ micropaleontology) Lunt, P. (2013)- Foraminiferal micropalaeontology in SE Asia In: A.J. Bowden et al. (eds.) Landmarks in foraminiferal micropalaeontology: history and development, The Micropalaeontological Society, Spec. Publ. 6, Geol. Soc. London, p. 193-206. (History of foraminiferal micropaleontology in SE Asia (mainly Indonesia) since late 1800's) Lunt, P. (2014)- A review of the foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Melinau Limestone, Sarawak. Berita Sedimentologi 29, p. 41-50. (online at: (Study of Melinau limestone, Sarawak show age range from M Eocene (Letter Stage Ta) to E Miocene (Te5, about 20.3 Ma). Strontium dating and biostratigraphy shows significant change in sedimentary rates or preserved thickness during mid-Oligocene (latest Tc or intra-Td times). Termination of Melinau limestone with initial event near the Oligo-Miocene boundary (Te4-Te5 boundary) and youngest limestones dated as Te5) Lunt, P. & T. Allan (2004)- A history and application of larger foraminifera in Indonesian biostratigraphy, calibrated to isotopic dating. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre Museum, Bandung, 2004 Workshop on Micropaleontology, 109p. (Modern overview of Indonesian Tertiary larger foraminifera and zonations) Lunt, P. & W. Renema (2014)- On the Heterostegina- Tansinhokella- Spiroclypeus lineage(s) in SE Asia. Berita Sedimentologi 30, p. 6-31. (online at: (Detailed discussion of larger foraminifera evolutionary series from Heterostegina (Vlerkina) through Tansinhokella to Spiroclypeus, which can be observed twice in fossil record: (1) in Late Eocene and in mid- Oligocene- E Miocene. Morphologically no reliable way to distinguish Late Eocene and later Oligocene tests. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 129 March 2014 Second evolutionary development of Tansinhokella and Spiroclypeus was at same time in three geographically separate areas. Tansinhokella important for biostratigraphic subdivision of Letter Stage Te) MacGillavry, H.J. (1962)- Lineages in the genus Cycloclypeus Carpenter. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen B65, 5, p. 429-458. (Eight Eocene- Recent Cycloclypeus lineages distinguished) MacGillavry, H.J. (1978)- Foraminifera and parallel evolution- how or why? Geologie en Mijnbouw 57, 3, p. 385-394. (On evolutionary trends in larger foraminifera, by former Stanvac micropaleontologist. With appendix B and C summarizing larger foraminifera and stratigraphy in S Sumatra Basin) Madon, M.B., R.B.A. Karim & R.W.H. Fatt (1999)- Tertiary stratigraphy and correlation schemes. In: Petronas (ed.) The Petroleum Geology and Resources of Malaysia. Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, p. 113-137. (Review of biozonations and stratigraphic nomenclature of Malay Basin, Penyu Basin, NW Borneo, Sabah), Maha, M. & S. Sanyoto (2000)- Biodatum dan zonasi foraminifera bentik kecil serta hubungannya dengan foraminifera planktonik Sumur-95 daerah Cepu, Kab. Blora, Jawa Tengah. Proc. 29th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), 4, p. 247-258. ('Datum levels and zonation of smaller benthic forams and their relations with planktonic foraminifera in well 95, Cepu area, C, Java'. Shallow well W of Cepu, TD 340m, penetrating Late Pliocene- Pleistocene Mundu, Selorejo and Lidah Fms. Calcarina calcar restricted to Pleistocene, planktonic foram zones N22-N23, Pseudorotalia indopacifica basal occurrence near base zone N20) Mandang, Y.I. & N. Kagemori (2004)- A fossil wood of Dipterocarpaceae from Pliocene deposit in the West Region of Java Island, Indonesia. Biodiversita 5, 1, p. 28-35. (Online at (Giant silicified dipterocarp tree trunk 28 m long from Lower Pliocene near Leuwidalang, Banten, W Java, described as Dryobalanoxylon lunaris) Mandang, Y.I. & D. Martono (1996)- Keanekaragaman fosil kayu di bagian barat pulau Jawa. Bul. Penelitian Hasil Hutan 14, 5, p. 192-203. ('Fossil wood diversity in the western part of Java Island'. Of 199 wood fossils, 81% belong to family Dipterocarpaceae (Dryobalanops,Alstonia, Calophyllum, Dillenia, etc.)) Mao, L. & S.Y. Foong (2013)- Tracing ancestral biogeography of Sonneratia based on fossil pollen and their probable modern analogues. Palaeoworld 22, p. 133-143. (Review of biogeography of tropical mangrove pollen Florschuetzia, which is ancestral to modern Sonneratia. Florschuetzia documented from Late Eocene- M Miocene in palaeotropics around Tethyan region. Migrated from center of origin in SE Asia probably during E Eocene, and radiated and expanded China, Japan, Australia and E Africa. Until warm early M Miocene (Langhian) Sonneratia had largest geographical range) Marks, P. (1954)- Contributions to the geology of Timor. III. An occurrence of Miogypsina (Miogypsinella) complanata Schlumberger in the Lalan Asu area, Timor. Indonesian J. Natural Science 110, p. 78-80. (Lalan Asu area polymict basal conglomerate above amphibolite, originally described by Tappenbeck 1939, contains latest Oligocene larger forams Miogypsinoides complanata (with >21 spiral chambers) and Spiroclypeus. Probably equivalent of Base Cablac Limestone in E Timor (Called Aquitanian by Marks, but age should be Late Chattian, Latest Oligocene; HvG) Marks, P. (1956)- Smaller foraminifera from well No. 1 (sumur 1) at Kebajoran, Djakarta. Djawatan Geologi, Publ. Keilmuan 30, Ser. Paleont., Bandung, p. 25-47. (Study of foraminifera in water well drilled to 255m in 1950 at S side of Jakarta. Mainly barren, non-marine section with 3-4 thin intervals with shallow marine microfauna (Asterorotalia, Pseudorotalia, Elphidium, etc.). Uppermost samples rich in reworked planktonic forams. Age of section latest Pliocene- Pleistocene) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 130 March 2014 Marpaung, L.P., K.A. Maryunani, I.N. Suta & C. Irawan (2007)- Quantitative biostratigraphy of Jabung Block, South Sumatra Basin: a probablilistic approach for biozonation and correlation. Proc. 31st Ann. Conv. Indon. Petrol. Assoc. 1, p. 317-331. (Probabilistic analysis of Oligocene- lower Middle Miocene in ten S Sumatra wells enabled higher precision of correlation and biozonation. Palynology, foram and nannofossil micropaleontology gave 52 biostrat events, 11 of which proved reliable. An eight-biozone scheme is proposed) Martin, K. (1879-1880)- Die Tertiarschichten auf Java, nach den Entdeckungen von Fr. Junghuhn, Palaeontologischer Teil. E.J. Brill, Leiden, p. 3-164. (‘The Tertiary beds of Java, after the discoveries of Fr. Junghuhn; paleontological part’. One of earliest descriptions of Tertiary macrofossils from Java, with many new species, incl. Cycloclypeus annulatus from Citarum valley, W Java. Chapter on corals p. 132-146, mainly from Miocene of Nyalindung area, W Java) Martin, K. (1880)- Untersuchungen uber die Organisation von Cycloclypeus Carp. und Orbitoides D'Orb. Niederl. Arch. Zoologie 5, 2, p. 185-206. ('Investigations on the organization of Cycloclypeus and Orbitoides'. Early descriptions of Java larger foraminifera Cycloclypeus (C. annulatus, C. communis, C. neglectus) and Lepidocyclina (here still called Orbitoides; including new species radiata, carteri, gigantea)) Martin, K. (1881)- Eine Tertiaerformation von Neu-Guinea und benachbarten Inseln nach Sammlungen von Macklot und v. Rosenberg’s. Sammlungen Geol. Reichsmuseum Leiden, ser. 1, 1, p. 65-83. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen 11 (1882), Wetensch. Ged., p. 137-156) (‘A Tertiary formation from New Guinea and adjacent islands, from collections of Macklot and Von Rosenberg’. Descriptions of Tertiary fossils from W Papua (incl. Eocene Alveolina limestone), Kur, Kai Besar and Aru islands (post-Tertiary mollusk breccia)) Martin, K. (1881)- Jungtertiare Ablagerungen im Padangschen Hochlande auf Sumatra, nach der Sammlung Horner’s. Sammlungen Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden, E.J. Brill, Ser. 1, 1 (2), p. 84-101. (‘Young Tertairy deposits in the Padang Highlands on Sumatra, from the collection of Horner’. Probably Miocene-age 19 mollusc species, mainly bivalves, from Tanjung Ampalo, Padang Highlands, W Sumatra) Martin, K. (1881)- Tertiaerversteinerungen vom ostlichen Java, nach Sammlungen Junghuhn's und der Indischen Bergbeambten. Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden, Ser. 1, 1, E.J. Brill, p. 105-130. ('Tertiary fossils from East Java, from collections of Junghuhn and Indies mining engineers'. Incl. descriptions of Eocene Nummulites djokjakartae n.sp. and Discocyclina (Orbitoides dispansa) from Yogyakarta area, echinoids, bivalves, gastropods, etc.) Martin, K. (1882)- Tertiaerversteinerungen vom ostlichen Java, nach Sammlungen Junghuhn's und der Indischen Bergbeambten. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 1882, Wet. Ged. p. 253-280. ('Tertiary fossils from East Java, etc'. Same as Martin (1881) paper above) Martin, K. (1883)- Nachtrage zu den 'Tertiarschichten auf Java', 1er Nachtrag: Mollusken, nach Sammlungen der Indischen Bergbeambten, Junghuhn's und Reinwardt's. Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden, Ser. 1, 1, E.J. Brill, p. 194-270. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Ned. Oost-Indie 1883, Wetensch. Ged. p. 285-358) (Continuation of ‘The Tertiary beds of Java', part 1, molluscs. Descriptions of 71 species) Martin, K. (1883)- Palaontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java, nebst allgemeineren Studien uber das Tertiar von Java, Timor und einiger anderer Inseln. Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden, Ser. 1, 3, p. 1-380. ('Paleontological results of deep wells on Java, and more general studies on the Tertiary of Java, Timor and some other islands'. Descriptions of Tertiary fossils from outcrops and from water wells on Java (Grissee (=Gresik?) NE Java, Batavia, Ngembak- W of Purwodadi), mainly collected by Van Dijk of Geological Survey) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 131 March 2014 Martin, K. (1883)- Palaontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java, nebst allgemeineren Studien uber das Tertiar von Java, Timor und einiger anderer Inseln- 1. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 12 (1883), Wet. Ged., p. 371-412. ('Paleontological results of deep wells on Java, and more general studies on the Tertiary of Java, Timor and some other islands'. Part 1 of Martin (1883) paper above) Martin, K. (1884)- Palaontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java, nebst allgemeineren Studien uber das Tertiar von Java, Timor und einiger anderer Inseln- 2. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 13 (1884), Wet. Ged., p. 77-216. ('Paleontological results of deep wells on Java, and more general studies on the Tertiary of Java, Timor and some other islands'. Part 2 of Martin (1883) paper above) Martin, K. (1885)- Palaontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java, nebst allgemeineren Studien uber das Tertiar von Java, Timor und einiger anderer Inseln-3. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie (1885), Wet. Ged., p. 5-108. ('Paleontological results of deep wells on Java, and more general studies on the Tertiary of Java, Timor and some other islands'. Part 3 of Martin (1883) paper above) Martin, K. (1887)- Palaontologische Ergebnisse von Tiefbohrungen auf Java, nebst allgemeineren Studien uber das Tertiar von Java, Timor und einiger anderer Inseln-4. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie (1887), Wet. Ged. 2, p. 253-342). ('Paleontological results of deep wells on Java, and more general studies on the Tertiary of Java, Timor and some other islands'. Part 4 of Martin (1883) paper above) Martin, K. (1891)- Die Fossilien von Java, auf Grund einer Sammlung von R.D.M. Verbeek. Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums Leiden, N.F., 1, 1-2, E.J. Brill, Leiden, p. 1-538. (also partly reprinted in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 1896, Wetensch. Ged., p. 43-328) ('The fossils of Java, based on a collection of R.D.M. Verbeek'. Collection of papers by Martin and collaborators, published between 1891-1922. Mainly extensive descriptions of Tertiary molluscs) Martin, K. (1891)- Die Foraminiferen fuhrenden Gesteine, Studien uber Cycloclypeus und Orbitoides. Appendix in Die Fossilien von Java, auf Grund einer Sammlung von R.D.M. Verbeek, Sammlungen Geol. Reichsmuseums Leiden, N.F., 1, p. 1-12. ('The foraminifera-bearing rocks- Studies on Cycloclypeus and Orbitoides'. Early summary paper on W, C and E Java larger foraminifera (mainly species of Cycloclypeus)) Martin, K. (1895)- Neues uber das Tertiar von Java und die mesozoischen Schichten von West-Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichsmuseums Leiden, E.J. Brill, ser. 1, 5, 2, p. 23-51. ('News on the Tertiary of Java and the Mesozoic beds of West Borneo'. Mainly listings of Tertiary gastropods from various localities of Java. No maps, no illustrations) Martin, K. (1898)- Die Fauna der Melawi-Gruppe, einer Tertiaren (Eocanen?) Brackwasser-ablagerung aus dem innern von Borneo. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 1898, Wet. Ged. 2, p. 37-96. (also in Samml. Geol. Reichsmuseums Leiden 1899, ser. 1, 5, p. 257- 316) ('The fauna of the Melawi Group, a Tertiary (Eocene?) brackish-water deposit in Central Borneo'. Descriptions of brackish-fresh water molluscs from Melawi and Kajan Rivers area, collected by Wing Easton. Mainly species of Corbula, Cyrena and Paludomus, less common Arca melaviensis n.sp. Age indeterminate) Martin, K. (1899)- On brackish water-deposits of the Melawi in the interior of Borneo. Proc. Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 1, p. 245-248. (online at (Molluscs collected by Wing Easton and Molengraaff in sediments of Melawi River area, Upper Kapuas, C Kalimantan, mainly fresh (Melania, Paludomus) or brackish water (Cyrena, Corbula), but also some shallow marine species. Age Tertiary, possibly Eocene) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 132 March 2014 Martin, K. (1900)- Die Eintheilung der Versteinerungs-fuhrenden Sedimente von Java. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie (1900), 108 p. ('The classification of the fossiliferous rocks of Java' Overview of fossils and discussion of probable ages of formations from various parts of Java and Madura. Very 'wordy'; no maps or other illustrations) Martin, K. (1900)- Die Eintheilung der Versteinerungs-fuhrenden Sedimente von Java. Samml. Geol. Reichs- Museum Leiden, Ser. 1, 6, p. 135-244. ('The classification of the fossiliferous rocks of Java'. Same paper as above) Martin, K. (1904)- Jungtertiare Kalksteine von Batjan und Obi. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, ser. 1, VII, p. 225-230. (Young Tertiary limestones from Bacan and Obi'. Occurrence of probably Early Miocene age limestone with Lepidocyclina and Heterostegina in SW Bacan and N-Central Obi) Martin, K. (1907)- Eine Altmiocane Gastropodenfauna von Rembang, nebst Bemerkungen uber den stratigraphischen Wert der Nummuliden. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Museums in Leiden, Ser. 1, 8, p. 145-152. (‘An Early Miocene gastropod fauna from Rembang, with comments on stratigraphic value of nummulitids’. Listing of 40 gastropod species from Sedan and Gunung Butak, Rembang District, NE Java, only 6 species still known from recent faunas. Fauna held for Early Miocene (but associated with Cycloclypeus annulatus, so more likely Middle Miocene age, probably Bulu Limestone; HvG)) Martin, K. (1907)- Systematische Ubersicht uber die Gastropoden aus Tertiaren und jungeren Ablagerungen von Java. Neues Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1907, 2, p. 151-162. ('Systematic overview of Tertiary and younger gastropods from Java'. Listing of 648 gastropod species names. No illustrations, ranges, descriptions, etc.) Martin, K. (1911)- Palaeozoische, Mesozoische und Kaenozoische Sedimente aus dem sud-westlichen Neu- Guinea. Sammlungen Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden, ser. 1, 9, 1, E.J. Brill, p. 84-107. (Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossils from foothills from SW New Guinea expeditions 1907-1909. Brief review of fossils collected in foothills South of Central Range by Heldring. Flanks of Wilhelmina (=Trikora) peak composed of Eocene Nummulites and Alveolina limestones. Float in Setakwa (Otakwa) river with Mesozoic limestone with ammonite (Coeloceras?) and Eocene Lacazina limestone. In Noordwest River hard quartz sandstone with brachiopods Rhynconella and Spiriferina (Permian?). In Noord/ Lorentz River Paleozoic grey limestone with trilobite fragments, also blue gray rock with orthoceratid, probably Actinoceras. In B-River (upper tributary of Eilanden R.) Jurassic ammonites (Macrocephalites?), belemnites, also Eocene Nummulites and Alveolina limestones, E Miocene Lepidocylina limestone, etc. No plates) Martin, K. (1914)- Miocane Gastropoden von Ost-Borneo. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser. 1, 9, p. 326-336. ('Miocene gastropods from E Kalimantan') Martin, K. (1914)- Die Fauna des Obereocaens von Nanggulan auf Java, A. Gastropoda. Samml. Geol. Reichs- Museums Leiden, ser. 2, 4, p. 107-178. (online at: (‘The fauna of the Upper Eocene of Nanggulan, C Java, A. Gastropoda’. Descriptions of very well-preserved gastropods from U Eocene marls of Nanggulan, W of Yogyakarta) Martin, K. (1915)- Die Fauna des Obereocaens von Nanggulan auf Java, B. Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata, Rhizopoda u. Allgemeiner Teil. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, N.F. 2, 5, p. 179-222. (online at: (‘The fauna of the Upper Eocene of Nanggulan, Central Java, B. Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata, Rhizopoda and general part’. Part 2 of Martin (1914) paper. Descriptions of well- preserved molluscss from Eocene marls of Nanggulan, W of Yogyakarta) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 133 March 2014 Martin, K. (1916)- Die Altmiocane Fauna des West-Progogebirges auf Java. A. Gastropoda. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, N.F., 2, 6, p. 223-261. (‘The Early Miocene fauna of the West Progo Mountains on Java, A. Gastropods’, SW of Yogyakarta) Martin, K. (1917)- Die Altmiocane Fauna des West-Progogebirges auf Java. B. Scaphopoda, C. Lamellibranchiata, D. Rhizopoda. Samml. Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, N.F., 2, 7, p. 261-296. (‘The Early Miocene fauna of the West Progo Mountains on Java- Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata, etc.) Martin, K. (1918)- On some fossils from Celebes believed to belong to the Oligocene. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 20, p. 793-799. (online at (Fish fossils found by Abendanon near Enrekang along lower Saadang River, believed to be of Oligocene age by Dollfus, based on presence of Vicarya. However, this is misidentified and mollusk fauna more likely of Neogene age) Martin, K. (1918)- On the Miocene fauna of the West Progo Mountains in Java. Proc. Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 20, 6, p. 800-804. (online at (Rich Miocene macrofossils from right bank of Progo River, W of Yogyakarta, Main localities: marls at Gunung Spolong and clay Kembang Sokkoh (well preserved, still some shine and color). Shallow marine Indo-Pacific mollusc assemblage, 103 species, only 7% still alive today. Associated with Miogypsina thecidaeformis. Most likely age Early Miocene) Martin, K. (1919)- Unsere palaeozoologische Kenntnis von Java mit einleitenden Bemerkungen uber die Geologie der Insel. Brill, Leiden, 158 p. ('Our paleozoological knowledge of Java, with introductory remarks on the geogy of the island'. Early overview of Cretaceous- Recent Java fossils) Martin, K. (1921)- Die Mollusken der Njalindungschichten erster Teil, Gasteropoda. In: Die Fossilien von Java auf Grund einer Sammlung von Dr. R.D.M. Verbeek und von anderen bearbeitet durch Dr. K. Martin. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden (N.F.) 1, 2, 3, E.J. Brill, Leiden, p. 446-496. (‘The molluscs of the Nyalindung Beds, part 1, Gastropods'. Molluscs from M Miocene, SW Java) Martin, K. (1922)- Die Mollusken der Njalindungschichten, Gasteropoda (Fortsetzung), Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata, Allgemeiner Theil. Sammlungen Geologischen Reichs-Museums Leiden. (N.F.) 1, 2, 4, E.J. Brill, Leiden, p. 471-496. (‘The molluscs of the Nyalindung Beds, continuation, Scaphopoda, Lamellibranchiata, General Part') Martin, K. (1926)- Plioceene versteeningen van Cheribon in Java. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.-Indie 4, p. 1-24. ('Pliocene fossils from Cirebon in Java'. Shallow marine and brackish water molluscs from Pliocene of Tji Doerei, SW of Karang Suwung) Martin, K. (1928)- Eine Nachlese zu den neogenen Mollusken von Java. Leidse Geol. Mededelingen 3, p. 105- 129. ('Supplement to the Neogene molluscs from Java'. Additions to Martin (1919) paper, based on new Miocene- Pliocene mollusc material collected by Geological Survey in W Progo Mts (C Java), Nyalindung Beds (W Java) and Tjilanang Beds. No maps or stratigraphy info) Martin, K. (1928)- Mollusken aus dem Neogen von Atjeh in Sumatra. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl-Indie 10, p. 1-36. (Descriptions of Neogene mollusks from Aceh, N Sumatra, collected by 'Dienst Mijnwezen'. Indo-Pacific fauna) Martin, K. (1928)- Concerning the Tertiary of Atcheen. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 31, 3, p. 300. (online at Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 134 March 2014 (One-page communication summarizing work on molluscs from ~3000m thick Pliocene deposits of N Aceh. Department of Mines collected >6000 molluscs, belonging to 347 different species. Typical Indo-Pacific fauna) Martin, K. (1929)- Ein neues Argonautiden Geschlecht von Sumatra. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 3, p. 221- 226. ('A new Argonautid genus from Sumatra'. New octopod nautiloid shell, described as Kapal batavus, from clay nodule in M-L Miocene Lower Palembang Beds of Pangadang, 25 km W of Sekayu, S Sumatra) Martin, K. (1931)- Mollusken aus dem Obereocaen von Nanggulan. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Indie 18, p. 1-56. ('Molluscs from the Upper Eocene of Nanggulan'. Follow-up of Martin 1915 paper. Taxonomic descriptions of molluscs (mainly gastropods) from the shallow marine Upper Eocene of Nanggulan, C Java, collected by Zwierzycki, Van der Vlerk and Gerth. 72 new species. No stratigraphy, locality descriptions) Martin, K. (1932)- Ein eocaner Nautilus von Java. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Indie 20, 4 p. ('An Eocene nautilus from Java'. New Nautilus species from Eocene of Kali Puru, Nanggulan, C Java) Martin, K. (1932)- Bericht over fossielen van Kedoengwaroe in Soerabaja. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.-Indie 59 (1930), Verhandelingen 3, p. 113-121. ('Report on fossils from Kedung Waru in Surabaya'. Shallow marine Pliocene molluscs from Kedung Waru anticline along road Jetis-Sidoteko) Martin, K. (1933)- Eine neue Tertiare Molluskenfauna aus dem Indischen Archipel. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 6, 1, p. 7-32. ('A new Tertiary mollusc fauna from the Indies Archipelago'. Mollusc assemblage of 26 new species from Buton asphalt-bearing marls/ limestones, which are unconformable over folded Mesozoic sediments. Assigned Late Oligocene or E Miocene age. Later interpretations generally favor Late Miocene-Pliocene age (e.g. Beets 1952, Keyzer 1953)) Martin, K. (1935)- Oligocaene Gastropoden von Buton. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 7, 2, p. 111-118. (‘Oligocene gastropods from Buton’) Martin, K. (1937)- Die oligocaenen Mollusken von Buton als Auswurflinge eines Schlammsprudels betrachtet. Leidsche Geol. Mededelingen 8, p. 311-314. ('The Oligocene mollusks from Buton, interpreted as clasts in mud volcano'. Molluscs from Buton originally dated as Oligocene, here regarded as mud volcano ejecta. Subsequently found to be Mio-Pliocene age; Beets 1952) Martin-Icke, H. (1911)- Die fossilen Gastropoden. In: L. Selenka & M. Blanckenhorn (eds.) Die Pithecantropus-Schichten auf Java. Geologische und palaontologische Ergebnisse der Trinil-Expedition (1907 und 1908). Engelmann, Leipzig, p. 46-51. ('The fossil gastropods'. Late Pliocene - E Pleistocene gastropods from Trinil, collected by Selenka expedition) Martini, E. (1971)- Standard Tertiary and Quaternary calcareous nannoplankton zonation. In: A. Farinacci (ed.) Proc. Second Planktonic Conference, Rome, 1970, p. 737-785. Martino, E., P.D. Taylor, A. Kudryavtsev & J.W. Schopf (2016)- Calcitization of aragonitic bryozoans in Cenozoic tropical carbonates from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Facies 62, 11, p. 1-15. (Calcification of originally aragonitic skeletons of cheilostome bryozoans Reussirella and Reptadeonella in muddy reefs from Miocene of E Kalimantan) Matsumaru, K. (1974)- The transition of the larger foraminiferal assemblages in the Western Pacific Ocean- especially from the Tertiary period. J. of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), Tokyo, 83, 5, p. 281-301. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 135 March 2014 (In Japanese. Review of stratigraphic distribution of larger foraminifera in localities across SE Asia- W Pacific, the Letter zonation and its calibration to planktonic foram zones) Matsumaru, K. (1974)- Larger foraminifera from East Mindanao, the Philippines. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 14, p. 101-115. (E Mindanao Cretaceous andesites and sediments, unconformably overlain by Tertiary clastics and carbonates. Larger foram assemblages Early Oligocene (Tcd/ with Nummulites fichteli and Borelis pygmaeus) and Miocene (Te1-4, Te5 and Tf1-2)) Matsumaru, K. (1980)- Cenozoic larger foraminiferal assemblages of Japan, Part 1. A comparison with Southeast Asia. In: T. Kobayashi et al. (eds.) Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 21, p. 211-224. (Review of Eocene- Recent larger foram occurrences and zonation in Japan and correlation with Indonesian letter zonation. Three abundance peaks: (1) M-L Eocene, (2) Late Oligocene; (3) latest E Miocene-M Miocene) Matsumaru, K. (2011)- A new definition of the Letter Stages in the Philippine Archipelago.Stratigraphy 8, 4, p. 237-252. (M Paleocene- Recent Letter Stages for Philippines re-defined in terms of 17 larger foram assemblage zones) Matsumaru, K. (2012)- Miogypsinid foraminiferal biostratigraphy from the Oligocene to Miocene sedimentary rocks in the Tethys Region. In: I.A. Dar (ed.) Earth Sciences, InTech Open Science, 25, p. 619-648. (online at: ) (Good review of late Oligocene- M Miocene miogypsinid larger foram evolution and biostratigraphy Matsumaru, K. & K. Kimura (2012)- Larger foraminifera from the Eocene Shimizu and Miocene Misaki Formations in Tosa Shimizu City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc Japan 156, p. 255-269. (online at: (Larger foraminifers from Eocene Shimizu Fm (Asterocyclina, Orbitoclypeus. Discocyclina) and Miocene Misaki Fm (Nephrolepidina) in Tosa Shimizu City, Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan) Matsuoka, K. (1981)- Dinoflagellate cysts and pollen in pelagic sediments of the northern part of the Philippine Sea. Bull. Fac. Liberal Arts, Nagasaki Univ. Natural Science 21, 2, p. 59-70. Matsuoka, K. (1981)-Dinoflagellate cyts and Pediastrum from the Nanggulan and Sentolo Formations in the middle Java Island, Indonesia. In: T. Saito (ed.) Micropaleontology, petrology and lithostratigraphy of Cenozoic rocks of the Yogjakarta Region, Central Java,. Spec. Publ. Yamagata University, p. 48-52. Matsuoka, K. (1983)- A new dinoflagellate cyst (Danea heterospinosa) from the Eocene of Central Java, Indonesia. Review Palaeobot. Palynology 40, 1-2, p. 115-126. (New gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate species Danea heterospinosa from Nanggulan Fm of Kali Puri, 20km W of Yogyakarta. Associated with M Eocene calcareous nannoplankton assemblage of zones CP 13-CP14) Matsuoka, K. (1984)- Some dinoflagellate cysts from the Nanggulan Formation in Central Java, Indonesia. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S., 134, p. 374-387. (online at: (13 species of Paleogene dinoflagellate cysts belonging to nine genera of Gonyaulacales group. Four new species; Glaphyrocysta circularis and G. dentata of Ceratioid Lineage and Exochosphaeridium reticulatum and E. brevispinosum of Gonyaulacoid Lineage) McGowran, B. (1978)- Australian Neogene sequences and events. Proc. 2nd Working Group Mtg. Biostratigraphic datum planes of the Pacific Neogene, IGCP Project 114, Bandung 1977, p. 165-167. McGowran, B. (1979)- The Tertiary of Australia: foraminiferal overview. Marine Micropal. 4, 3, p. 235-264. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 136 March 2014 Widespread oceanic hiatuses appear to correlate with episodes of global warming and transgression) McGowran. Centre. eine Leitform aus dem Eocan von Sudost Borneo und Java. M. Thalmannia.G. McGowran. K.sp. p. 3-27. W... Larger foraminifera in Australia limited to 5 Eocene and 4 Oligo-Miocene excursions of tropical larger benthic forams. 302-309. (eds.E. L. 29-51. B.1 137 www. P. etc.Handleiding voor het determineeren van de groot foraminiferen-genera van Nederlandsch Oost Indie. p.A. Sr age 1. p.(Four major Tertiary sequences. Li (2000). Publ. W. Late Oligocene N3-N4. 1-46. (1946). Southern Australia. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 39. Johnson. Berau area. including Cenozoic larger foraminifera of Papua New Guinea and biostratigraphic correlations in the Indo-Pacific region) McGowran. an index species for Upper Eocene in SE Kalimantan (Asem Asem and many other E Kalimantan localities) and C Java (Nanggulan)) Mohler.sp. 459 p. Burdigalian) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . HvG)) McGowran. B. (Descriptions of 25 ostracode species in Late Pliocene Upper Kalibeng Fm and Pleistocene Pucangan Fm at Sangiran Dome.Biostratigraphy: microfossils and geological time. 298-300. Palaeoecology 55.M Miocene N8-N11 and N14 (similar to distribution in Japan. B. Palaeoclim. Publ.Plio-Pleistocene ostracoda from Sangiran. (1946). (1986). Palaeoclim.6 Ma).J. (‘Manual for the identification of larger foram genera of Indonesia’. Pal. (1946).Martin Glaessner's foraminiferal micropaleontology..0 Ma). Lacustrine Upper Pucangan Fm with Physocypria and Indocythere) McMonagle. in area underlain by oceanic crust and dominated by deep marine sedimentation. p. London. (2005). Lower Pucangan Fm with brackish water assemblage of Ishizakiella.J. Jawa. The Micropaleontological Society. & Q.. larger foram zone Te1.B. & Sudijono (1981).) Landmarks in foraminiferal micropaleontology: history and development. K. Palaeogeogr.8-27.. Dev.. aus dem Burdigalien von Ost-Borneo. 5. 28-42.A. p. Spec. Geol. Res. 2. Sr isotope ages 28. Small atlas of key larger foraminifera genera of Eocene. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 39. Lunt... Re-dating of limestones in E Sabah: (1) Lower Kinabatangan Lst mid-Oligocene (coral-rich. Bowden et al. Palaeoecology 305. Stenocypris and Cyprinotus.Evolutionary palaeoecology of Cainozoic Foraminifera: Tethys. 1. W. Description of new small miliolid Sigmoilina personata. Stellate and advanced nephrolepidine Lepidocyclina with four rays from Sungai Mandai. (Review of M. Cambridge University Press. (Overall Cenozoic climatic deterioration reversed in Eocene and in Miocene by short-lived. (2) Gomantong Lst Early Miocene (LBF zone Te5/earliest Tf1. extratropical excursions by tropical-type foraminifera. 15. B. (‘Sigmoilina personata n. Hemicytheridea. Ser. Wilson. an index species from the Eocene of SE Borneo and Java’. In: A. Associated larger foram assemblage includes Miogypsina and Miogypsinoides and suggests zone Tf1. Hemicytheridea. C Java. (2013). (Tertiary larger foram extinctions and migrations into higher latitudes tied to major cooling/warming events) McKenzie.72 Ma) Mohler. Palaeogeogr. ('Lepidocyclina crucifera new species from the Burdigalian of E Kalimantan'. Unknown publisher.A. Soc. late E. warm climate periods: late M-L Eocene.vangorselslist. (Shallow marine limestones rel. Young (2011). p.sp. nannofossil zone NP24. p. rare onshore N Borneo and show punctuated development.Sigmoilina personata n. far-reaching. 227-250.Lepidocyclina crucifera n. Shallow marine Kalibeng Fm fauna with Neonesidea.A re-assessment of age dating of fossiliferous limestones in eastern Sabah.Recent of Indonesia) Mohler. reflecting rel. (3) Togopi Limestone with Alveolinella quoyi and abraded Calcarina (Pliocene-Pleistocene..G..Cainozoic oceanic and climatic events: the Indo-Pacific foraminiferal biostratigraphic record. Ilyocypris. Historical Biol. Glaessner contributions to foraminiferal micropaleontology. p. C. Geol.247-265. Sr age 21. March 2014 . Ed. Borneo: implications for understanding the origins of the Indo-Pacific marine biodiversity hotspot. Cytherelloidea. Manning & J. A.125-157. Proc. 99- 108. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 41. ('On the occurrence of Alveolina and Neoalveolina in Kalimantan'. Lejeunecysta. W.vangorselslist. (1949). Java’. Indonesia. Eocene Alveolina rel. E Kalimantan) Morgenroth. A. 1968 work) Morley. but not in Priabonian. both marine claystones overlain by Rajamandala Fm limestones. (Flosculinella reicheli. from genera Achomosphaera. 111-137. p. Javadinium. Anwar Maruyani (2011). N Barito basin. 329-332. Suggests Aquitanian age for Spiroclypeus limestone and Burdigalian age for Flosculinella-bearing limestones) Mohler. in Hajup rubber plantation N of Tanjung. p. Neoalveolina (N. 29th Ann. Proc. 321-329. Geol. 521-527. (1977). Rahardjo & K.A. 2. Petrol. p. Conv. Morgenroth. commonly associated with Nummulites fichteli) Mohler. Palaeontographica. 4-6.1 138 www. common in NE Kalimantan. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 15 new. P. 4.T.Palynology of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments in Southeast Asia. R. M Eocene (Ta). HvG) first occurs at base of Tc/ Oligocene.Dinoflagellate cysts from two Oligocene surface sections on Java island. P.Dinoflagellate cysts from Miocene outcrops on Java island.Dinoflagellate cysts. Twenty-six dinoflagellate species found. p.T. A. R. aus dem Tertiar e5 von Borneo. Indonesia. (1949).A. 6th Ann. Also common in Lutetian. p. (Two Oligocene surface sections studied in W Java. W. Rahardjo & K.T.J.J.Development and vegetation dynamics of a lowland ombrogenous peat swamp in Kalimantan Tengah.A. Dinoflagellate cysts in phosphatic nodules heavily affected by thermal metamorphism. building on Germeraad et al. W. Hystrichosphaeropsis. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 42.sp. (Up to eight palynozones in Oligocene.Late Oligocene boundary. (1949). Southern Mountains. Edwardsiella. Anwar Maruyani (2008). also around Early. (IAGI). Assoc.) Morgenroth. J. 519-521. B 278. 383-404. p. mainly based on evolution of Florschuetzia species of mangrove pollen. 5. Most samples common dinoflagellate cysts. Indonesia. Palaeontographica.Pelabuhan Ratu road (M Miocene Cimandiri Fm). W.Quaternary. 29 species. Assoc. rather than Lower Eocene and represents reef deposit formed at same time as Nanggulan limestones farther W (already identified as Late Eocene Pellatispira limestone by Gerth 1930. Dilabidinium. Indon. p. Hulu-Sungei area. HvG)) Mohler. Batuasih Fm near Cibadak and equivalent section near Padalarang. A.A. Biogeography 8. 1.Spiroclypeus und Flosculinella in Kalken aus dem Kustengebirge zwischen Patjitan und Blitar (Java). (1949). p. a new species of globular flosculinellid from foram-rich marl of Te5/Burdigalian age. P. Spiniferites. etc. Foraminifera and nannoplankton date Batuasih section around Early-Late Oligocene boundary. ('Spiroclypeus and Flosculinella in limestones of the coastal ranges between Pacitan and Blitar. 255-276. (Dinoflagellate cysts in three Miocene surface sections in West and C Java: Cipimangkis River near Jatiluhur (Late Miocene Cisubuh Fm). including three new species) Morley. Rahardjo & K. 2. 2. Ed. Maryunani (2000).. Padalarang section planktonic foraminifera indicative of zones P20-P21. Limestone of Gamping outcrop W of Yogya is Upper. Kali Jaya NNE of Kebumen (around E-M Miocene boundary) and Cijarian River along Bogor..Das Alter des Eozan-Kalkes von Gunung Gamping westlich Djokjakarta. Indon. SE Java'. Dinoflagellate cysts may indicate slightly younger age than Batuasih. Bandung. but not S of Sangkulirang Bay. (‘The age of the Eocene limestone of Gunung Gamping W of Yogyakarta. Java. 4-6.Uber das Vorkommen von Alveolina und Neoalveolina in March 2014 .an alternative stratigraphic tool in marine Tertiary strata in Indonesia. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 41. B 284. Conv. Operculodinium.Flosculinella reicheli n. pygmaeus group= Borelis.Mohler. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 42. (1981).. 9. In: M. Much of Sunda region moisture deficient in Oligocene. (2003). Nine dispersal routes. R.J. Phyllocladus subsequently dispersed into SE Asia) Morley. (1982). R. leading to more pine forests and savannah. p.E Tertiary Gondwana break-up and routes formed since M Eocene phases of plate collision) Morley. Sunda Eocene flora stretched as far East as S arm of Sulawesi. Chapter 1. (1982). 211-234.Interplate dispersal paths for megathermal angiosperms. Int.pdf) (Tertiary plant dispersals reflect tectonic and climatic evolution of SE March 2014 .000 year pollen record from Danau Padang. (1998). Flenley (eds. 151-190. New Guinea mountains formed in M Miocene allowing dispersal of Gondwana taxa from S. 28. Jakarta 1995. Morley.J. (On palynomorph distribution patterns in sequences/ systems tracts) Morley.J. In: C. Symposium on sequence stratigraphy in SE Asia. p. Ed. In: R.J. Central Sumatra. Greatest extent of rainforest at beginning of M Miocene. Some.A. Indon. p. so in Tertiary application of palynology is mainly in correlation rather than dating.Cretaceous and Tertiary climate change and the past distribution of megathermal rainforests. (2007).G.Tertiary vegetation history of SE Asia. (1996).Palynological evidence for Tertiary plant dispersals in the SE Asian region in relation to plate tectonics and climate..Morley. In: L. 2-28.Biostratigraphic characterization of systems tracts in Tertiary sedimentary basins. a flowering plant. Geol.5 and ~1 Ma.Fossil pollen attributable to Alangium Lamarck (Alangiaceae) from the Tertiary of Malesia. Bush & J. J.) Taxonomy: the cornerstone of biodiversity.New Guinea floral elements (Casuarina. p. Soc. Early Cretaceou s radiation of angiosperms unrelated to formation of Tethys. Palynology 36.J. Age-restricted palynomorphs are relatively few. R. (eds. after which they repeatedly expanded and contracted. Saw et al. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Malaysia. Leiden.5.Tertiary stratigraphic palynology in Southeast Asia: current status and new directions. Wiley. 14. (2002).vangorselslist. Kershaw et al.B. p.J. Morley. (Review of dispersal of megathermal angiosperms between tectonic plates in Cretaceous and Tertiary. In: P. in SE Asia) Morley. ever-wet rainforest becoming widespread at ~20 Ma. Higher resolution requires quantitative palynological zonation schemes) Morley. Urban & Fischer Verlag. 5. Quaternary 'glacial' periods with low sea levels and more seasonal climates. Small number of plant taxa dispersed W across Wallace line since Miocene. p. R. 1-31. London. R.earliest First Australian. 1-36.) start appearing in W Java Sea around 22-21 Ma) Morley. http://searg.) Tropical rainforest responses to climatic change.J. as reflected in Indonesia palynology records.Australian region. evolution and systematics 6. R.1 139 www. Assoc. and after Makassar Straits opening. with emphasis on biogeographical relationships with Australia.) Biogeography and geological evolution of SE Asia. 3. and was attached to E Kalimantan. R.) Bridging Wallace’s Line: the environmental and cultural history of the SE Asian. Hall & J. 34. like Podocarpus imbricatus.J. 49-70.D. R.rhul.J. R.) Proc. Makassar Straits became floral-faunal migration barrier in Late Eocene. Advances in Geoecol. part of this flora became stranded E of Wallace Line. Malaysia Bull. R.A palaeoecological interpretation of a 10.Tertiary history of the Malesian flora: a palynological (online at. Holloway (eds. 5-20. (On four pollen-morphological evolutionary trends and Eocene-Pliocene fossil record of genus Alangium. 197-210. (Palynology is only biostratigraphic tool for correlation of non-marine sediments and correlation across facies. Indonesia. Morley. etc. Palaeobot. Kepong. 65-94. p. In M Eocene SW Sulawesi has Laurasian flora. (Incl. R. Petrol. (2000). (1991). Caughey et al. p. p. Backhuys Publ. Forest Research Inst. Springer-Praxis. some tied to Late Cretaceous. 1-362. p. SE Asia chapter describing Cenozoic vegetation response to plate tectonic evolution. (eds. Biogeography 9.J. Rev. at 17 Ma. In: Perspectives in plant ecology.Origin and evolution of tropical rain forests. (2000).. (eds. p. J. R. p. R. 20p.Neogene climate history of the Makassar Straits. The Systematics Association. Indonesia. 27-47.Dispersal and paleoecology of tropical Podocarps. (eds. Decker. London.jlimnol.) The SE Asian gateway: history and tectonics of Australia-Asia collision. 355. Morley (2013). Publ. Jakarta 2006. 21- 41. In: D. 319-332. Pollen and spores content illustrate variety of fresh and brackish water swamp communities around their margins) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (28 sequences identified in M March 2014 .jlimnol.Rifting and mountain building across Sundaland. Limnology 72.J. Late Oligocene Talang Akar Fm.J. Soc. Equatorial climate has been everwet since M Miocene. & H. R.J. Gower et al. Morley.Morley. based on palynological J. Dacrydium reached SE Asia in E Oligocene and expanded range to Japan during M Miocene climatic optimum.J. M Miocene Air Benakat Fm) Morley. J. Dacrycarpus and Phyllocladus dispersed into New Guinea as island emerged in Late In: T.php/jlimnol/article/view/704) (On development widespread rift lake systems in Oligocene of SE Asia and eventual demise of these lakes following marine transgression. (2013). PG 27. (2014). Spec. progress and preliminary results from the Middle Eocene to Pliocene of Sumatra and Java.s2.) Biogeographic evolution of the Malay Archipelago. (IPA). 2s. Dev.R.J. Oxford Mon. Whitmore (ed. occurrence of coals (form only during periods of everwet climate) and palaeosols) Morley. H. 79-114.J.1 140 www. 18-35. Morley & S. 10. Biogeogr. (online at: http://www.J. Ser. Clarendon Press. Petroleum Assoc.. p.2013. p. (Summary of Cenozoic climatic and environmental history of Sunda region. Bandung.P.Cenozoic ecological history of Southeast Asian peat mires based on comparison of coals with present day and Late Quaternary peats. Indon. 2s. R. L. p.P. Wilson (eds. explained by dispersal from India and possibly multiple dispersal events from Australia.P. IPA Geosci. Proc. Conf. Exh. Smithsonian Contr. Centre. J. Morley (2011). 36-59. Geol.Development of high resolution biostratigraphic framework for Kutei Basin. Hall. (online at: http://smithsonianrex. E Miocene Gumai Fm. Dacrycarpus reached Sumatra and Malay Peninsula in Pleistocene) Morley. then island hopped to Borneo in M Pliocene. R. Oxford. Botany 95. (online at: http://www. Cambridge University Press. Podocarpus s. Morley. Limnology 72.E.. Distinctly seasonal climate during last glacial maximum.M Miocene section.e3/573) Morley. M. 50-59.l. Proc.Pleistocene of Makassar Straits) Morley. a palynological and sequence biostratigraphic perspective.J. R. Sumatra (E Oligocene Pematang Fm. p. Jakarta.) Biotic evolution and environmental change in Southeast Asia.Mid Cenozoic freshwater wetlands of the Sunda region. Flenley (1987). (Summary of palynology work in Java (Eocene of Nanggulan and Bayah).B. (Neogene climate history of Makassar Straits from palynological studies of Late Quaternary cores from ocean floor and petroleum exploration wells penetrating E Pleistocene. Conv. & J. R. Cottam & M.A. Smith (2006). Paleontol.Late Cainozoic vegetational and environmental changes in the Malay Archipelago.php/scb/article/download/175/131) (Tropical Podocarpaceae family appeared in Triassic of Gondwana and essentially remained southern family. p. 5.LEMIGAS Tertiary palynology project: aims. Lelono.J. (2011). dispersed into SE Asia in Late Eocene. 38th Ann..php/jlimnol/article/view/ (2012). In: R. Int. Nugrahaningsih & Nur Hasjim (2000). but at subequatorial latitudes seasonal climates became established from Late Pliocene onward) Morley.A review of the Cenozoic palaeoclimate history of Southeast Asia. Ed. E. Geol. IPA14-G-011.vangorselslist. 4. 6 p.J. from Sulawesi to S Vietnam. R. Res. & H. E Oligocene synrift followed by Late Oligocene and younger post-rift deposition. Sabah and Sarawak. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Asian Earth Sci. but with cool lowstand phases.J. In: P. T. J. Ashton (eds.J. Rev. Dept. & J. Indon. Morley. 1. 1. Barat.nummulites. the pollen story.Montane pollen from the Tertiary of NW Borneo. (IPA).vangorselslist. 47. March 2014 . 13. (IPA). Morley & P. Ser. (New biostrat data from Cretaceous.S. (1964).A. Collins (1991). Teknologi Technoscientia 3.) Proc. (1978).P. (eds. 1-33. ((Unpublished BPM report on NE Java basin stratigraphy and foraminiferal zonation.A palynological contribution to the history of mangrove vegetation in Borneo. IPA11-G-002. In: L.. Finch (1998). Udang and Gabus cycles characterized by cool and dry lowstands and warm and slightly wetter highstands. Ed. & M. Assoc. p. Palaeobotany Palynology 26. Conv. Proc. S. Honolulu. Cranwell (ed. 22 p. 14 p. p..Mikrofasias dan diagenesa batugamping Formasi Zaag de Pulau Misool dan sekitarnya. ('Microfacies and limestone diagenesis of the Zaag Fm of Misool island and surroundings'.Miocene of various parts of Kalimantan) Muhar. Assoc. Wonders. Petrol. 15.H. J. Petrol. (1972). A. R. Bull.M. Belut Group cycles trend from drier to wetter with little temperature change) Morley.A sequence stratigraphic framework for the Sunda region. Petrol. University of Hull. p. (Classic early paper on Neogene palynology of SE Asia) Muller.Unravelling the tectonically controlled stratigraphy of the West Natuna Basin by means of palaeo-derived Mid-Tertiary climate changes. Malay. 5. based on integration of biostratigraphic lithological and seismic data from Nam Con Son Basin. 231-235. R.Holocene cores from Makassar Straits and offshore SW Sulawesi) Morley. (Geology). E-M Miocene variable degrees of inversion and also extension in Nam Con Son Basin. p. and warm climate highstands.Palynological evidence for change in geomorphology.H. Vietnam.F. Lunt website www. p.P. 361-371.Morley.J.489-506. Swiecicki & D. Indonesia. Hist. (2010).Neogene crabs from Brunei. British Mus. 561-584.biodiversitylibrary. W Natuna and Nam Com Son Basins many common features: Late Eocene. (1966). Geogr.S. (Stratigraphic successions in Pattani.) Ancient Pacific floras. Indon.. Abnormally high proportion of leucosiids) Moss. climate and vegetation in the Mio- Pliocene of Malesia. p. Nat. (Descriptions of Mio-Pliocene crab fossils from NW Borneo.T. Conv.Geological implications of new biostratigraphic data from East and West Kalimantan. Deepwater and frontier exploration in Asia and Australasia. A. Jakarta.M Miocene. BPM Report SB1770.New observations on pollen morphology and fossil distribution of the genus Sonneratia (Sonneratiaceae). 277-300. Sukarno & S. p. (15 climate cycles interpreted from Late Eocene. Noble et al. D. & E.) The Quaternary Era in Malesia. 35th Ann. 33-42. Paleocene-Eocene Zaag Fm carbonates on Misool two facies: (1) packstones with Fasciolites (Alveolina) and Lacazinella and (2) grainstones with Fasciolites (Alveolina). Muller. miliolids and algae) Muller. Restrepo-Pace (2003).Biostratigraphy of modern (Holocene and Late Pleistocene) sediment cores from Makassar Straits. Indon. Proc. p. J. Pham (2011). Jakarta 2004. Arang Fm climate cycles reflect mainly very wet climates. H. S. J.1 141 Mulyadi. p. (1957). (Palynology and foraminifera from two shallow Late Pleistocene. van der Kaars (2004). followed by Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene regional subsidence. J. 6-16. Sequences closely parallel sequence biostratigraphic frameworks of W Natuna and Malay basins) Morris. University of Hawaii Press. Assoc.Micropaleontological examination of samples from the geological survey in Tuban. Penyu.J. Blumea 14. In: R. Muller. (online at: www. Misc. 29th Ann. English translation on P.. H. D. Ocean Drilling Program.Distribution and preservation of Cenozoic planktonic foraminifers from the Celebes and Sulu seas. De Ingenieur in Nederl. etc. 20. 1-21. 249-255. In: E. (Mainly on larger foraminifera from limestones collected by Wollaston Expedition in 1912-1913 along Utakwa River. 2. Indie 99.Recent pelagic carbonates and marls on late M Eocene mid-oceanic ridge basalts.S. Nederl. Natuurk.A. (1939). Sulu Sea late E Miocene. Leckie (2003).M. 5. De Deckker (2005). Leg 124.Japan Joint Research Program on Regional Tectonics of Southeast Asia. Indonesia. and low oxygen levels due to organic matter oxidation and presence of oxygen-depleted Indonesian Intermediate Water and N Indian Intermediate Water) Musper. p.Kritische Betrachtungen uber Herkunft und genaueres Alter der aus dem Tertiar Niederlandisch-Indiens beschriebenen Holzer.W.vangorselslist. K. 2. and fossil representatives Florschuetzia. ('Radiolarian-bearing rocks from Sumatra'. Publ.6 Ma.Early Miocene age. (1936). R. May have originated in Eocene in Tethys area. (1991). J. Also occurrence of Jurassic Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1-43. well-oxygenated. Indragiri). 1. Nederbragt. Seven key-species useful for environments.Einige Bemerkungen zur fossilen Fischfauna von Padang (Sumatra). with high carbon flux due to higher primary productivity at sea surface. (1938). Res.R. 12. ('Some remarks on the fossil fish fauna from Padang (Sumatra)'. (57 core tops between 700. (online at: http://62. Ed. (Celebes Sea sites 770 and 767 M Eocene. with pelagic carbonates only in Late Pliocene and Pleistocene.) Proc.F. S.PDF) (South China Sea Miocene planktonic foram biostratigraphy (N5-N19)) Natori. p. 2020 samples of Tertiary plants and wood from C Sumatra (Padang Highlands. p. 169-181.A. De Ingenieur In Nederl. low carbon flux to sea floor) and (2) Nummoloculina irregularis and Cibicidoides pseudoungerianus (upper-bathyal). Uvigerina proboscidea mainly at low latitudes.Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of sites 1143 and 1146. 4.Bullen (1916). In: W.L.) Proc. 25-49. On locations (S Sumatra. on way to Carstensz Peaks. Critique of Sanders (1934) monograph of Eocene fresh or brackish water fish fauna) March 2014 . 81-89.(Study of mangrove pollen Sonneratia.R. Epistominella exigua and Pyrgo murrhina (cold. Dominated by Lepidocyclina spp (Nephrolepidina and Eulepidina types) and Spiroclypeus (not Cycloclypeus.A.Foraminifera from West Jawa.tamu. De Mijningenieur 10.-Indie (IV) 5.5 Ma.) Newton. K.The distribution of deep-sea benthic foraminifera in core tops from the eastern Indian Ocean. Two species groups: (1) Oridorsalis tener umbonatus. GRDC Spec.A. (1978). but earliest reliable occurrence (Florschuetzia trilobata) from E Miocene in Sunda area) Murgese.Radiolarienhoudende gesteenten van & R. ('Localities and stratigraphic position of new collections of Tertiary land lants. (eds.A.253/cgi-bin/…) ('Critical notes on the origin and precise ages of Tertiary wood fossils described from Netherlands Indies'. Sato (eds. Sci. H. In: Reports on the collections made by the British Ornithologists Union Expedition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea 1910-1913. 184. Scient. Tijdschr. Silver et al. 6. & P.F. Ocean Drilling Program. p. Wang et al. collected by the Wollaston expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Marine Micropaleontology 56. etc. Indonesia. 1. In: M..) Gravity and geological studies in Jawa. HvG). 1-20. p.Notes on some organic limestones.Fundorte und stratigraphisches Lager neuer Aufsammlungen Tertiarer Landpflanzen- besonders Kiezelholzreste auf Sumatra und Java. 159-170. p.1 142 www. No true radiolarites) Nathan. p. 124.F.4 Ma. suggesting falls in carbonate compesation depths at ~3. Java) and ages (mainly Miocene) of 30 petrified wood species) Nash. K. (1929). (online at: http://www-odp. New localities with radiolarians in S Sumatra.Recent sediment.M.J. 70-74. Prell.R. Res. p. P. p. Indie (IV) 3. (eds.4335m from E Indian Ocean between Australia and Indonesia. A.particularly silicified wood remains on Sumatra and Java'. Untung & Y.41.28. latest Oligocene. S Sumatra (SW of Palembang) and W Java) Musper. (Pebbles from Upper Fly River. (online at: www. P. (Two comparable M Eocene marine fish otoliths associations from India and Java.L. E Kalimantan.tamu. (1918). p.Pliocene) Nolf. Isolapotamon bauense and I. Holland (1899). 126. Pahang.B. Bajpai (1992). Belgique. 62. collected by MacGregor in 1890 include Eocene limestone with Alveolina wichmanni.Calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy in the Sunda Arc. 53-65.B. Min. & Earl of Cranbrook (2014).uva. Krakow 2013. Alveolina and Lithothamnium) Newton. Ann. Inst. Lactarius nonfungus. Nat. In: B. Scient. NE Borneo. Comm. 231-234. Everett in 1878-1879. 69-72. Nat. 203-212. Fujioka et al. Berita Sedimentologi 29. V. & R. p.H.idno=16147a21) (Crustacean fossils from Jambusan Caves in Bau (Sarawak) assigned to two species of potamid freshwater crabs (Brachyura) that are still extant in area.Making sense of mud: the use of benthic foraminifera in mudstone sedimentology. etc. Scripta Geologica 147. 5.H. (online at: http://www-odp. 289-307.Sarawak/ Brunei border area.Larger foraminifera as environmental discriminators in Miocene mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems. terquemi in pebbles of Utakwa River. (On use of benthic foraminifera in interpretation of depositional environments of mudstone samples from five formations outcropping in E Sabah. Bull. Mag. Omar (2009). Palaios Co-Ord. Percoideorum sciaenoides. R. 5th March 2014 . New species Apogon townsendoides. dominated by apogonids.uba. (eds. p. Nishimura. (1992). p. Preece (2014). p. In: R. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Decapod Crustaceans. Sabah. Hist. Malaysia) Novak. K. Magazine 6. North Borneo. Royal (Occurrences of Eocene Nummulites. S.B. C. Associated nannofossils upper Zone NP16. Res.Foraminiferal and nullepire structures in some Tertiary limestones from New Guinea. Bontang and Stadion sections formed in more restricted environments. (online at: http://dpc.Discocyclina limestones from Kalimantan.Carbonate bioclasts of shallow-water origin at Site 793. Java. Ey Bartonian age) Nor Faiz.Marine Middle Eocene fish otoliths from India and Java.vangorselslist. & R. collected by A. Asian Offshore areas (CCOP). Renema (2015). Nine clayey glauconitic sand samples from Nanggulan area. and from Gomanton hill. Proc. Biplanispira and Asterocyclina found reworked as gravity flows in deeper water Oligocene sediments at W Pacific Site 793 on Izu-Bonin Arc at 31°N) Noad.) Proc.1 143 www. N.or. Techn.pdf) (Occ. 245-264. p. Everett and their comparison with similar forms from Sumatra. Pahang. With review of older paleontological literature of New Guinea) Newton. A. (1987). 3. (eds. Geol. 19. suggest Batu Putih section paleoenvironments ranged from delta front to shelf edge reefs. Lacazinella wichmanni and Orthophragmina (=Discocyclina) and Miocene limestone with Carpenteria. consobrinum. Kinabatang district) Ng.). (Larger foraminifera from late E-M Miocene mixed carbonate-siliciclastics near Samarinda and Bontang. with 24 neritic teleost species. Sarawak). D. A. Ed. Bull. 195-221. under higher terrigenous inputt settings) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .. ranging in age from Eocene. ser. 7.Fossil brachyuran crabs from the Jambusan Caves (Bau.p.Ostrakod Baharu di Dalam Sedimen Luar Pantai di Sekitar Pulau Tioman.mollusk Ctenostreon cf. p. 40-52.K. Joint Prosp. & W. Taylor. Sciences de la Terre.iagi.H. 9-20. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). Late Eocene limestone clasts with larger foraminifera Pellatispira. & R. Res. p.On some Tertiary foraminifera from Borneo collected by Professor Molengraaff and the late Mr. Two species were probably collected for food by early human inhabitants of Sarawak) Nishida. 5. Fraaije et al. Sains Malaysiana 38. 5. (Recent Ostracoda in offshore sediment around Pulau Tioman. 1. & S. R. PNG. p. Novian (2014). p. (Biometrical study of Miocene Cycloclypeus from Van der Vlerk collection from NE Java. Malaysia. D. Klaten. p. (1926). Sumberan-Mojosari section 7 Late Eocene- Oligocene biozones (P14-N2).iagi. Abdullah & Chieng Yih Yaw (1993). Rept. p. sensu Brady. 1. p. Sarawak. 165-166. Nuttall.. Scripta Geologica 7. (1961). p. C. Scripta Geologica 35.Report on Mollusca from the Sebahat Formation. Chiang Mai 1993. Malaysia.F.or. Proc. Madura and Borneo) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .repository.I.A reconsideration of Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny. L. Soc.Le Neogene marin du Nord-Est de Java. D. p. Mem. Wilford. 1.P. (Comparison of two stellate Lepidocyclina species from E-M Miocene of Java. Miogypsina. C. 1939). Madura and Larat) O'Herne.E Miocene (N5) planktonic foraminifera zones in Kebo Butak Fm of S Mountains of C Java.geologi. Malaysia Geol.L. 231-242. Survey. Bayat. Barianto & M. 82. 5p.vangorselslist. Geol. (1961). 2. (Eocene limestones with Discocyclina. T. Geomedia Mem. J. Area contains Oligocene Nampurejo pillow lava. 83-96. Three measured sections with nine facies. Ann. Ann. Teknik Geologi (UGM). 5. 1963. Surv. 1-48. Borneo.I. In: G. D. British Borneo Geol. Brunei.Report on the Haile collection of fossil Mollusca from the Plio-Pleistocene Togopi Formation. (1974). W.Novita. Kalinampu-Sendangrejo section 13 M Eocene to E Miocene foraminifera biozones (P11-N5). 1960. J.naturalis.Distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in the Upper Eocene Batu Gading Limestone.. biostratigraphic study'. from the Miri and Seria Formations. Tunku River. 155-192.Biozonasi Formasi Kebo bagian bawah jalur Kalinampu- Sendangrejo. C. in bathyal depositional environment) Novita. 1-129. Ed. Geol. (online at: www. Int.Planktonic foraminifera biozonation of the Middle Eocene- Oligocene Kebo Formation. Borneo Region. 10. Foraminifera and nannofossils listings from several classic Tertiary outcrop sections in NE Java) Nuttall. p. Nuttall.P. Depositional environments bathyal marine) Nuraiteng.P.1 144 www. Nur Hasjim (1988). (1965). Survey Mem. Berita Sedimentologi 31. 1884 (Foraminifera). British Borneo Geol. D. (online at: http://lib. mainly from Java) O’Herne. L. p. 1-53. 1909) and Lepidocyclina multilobata (Gerth.naturalis.H. Indonesie. C. Central Java. 1-35. Survey. Spiroclypeus) O’Herne. (online at: www. 1826. 26. Bayat. Borneo Region.repository. Bayat Jawa Tengah. (1972). Barianto & M. Scripta Geologica.E. Dent Peninsula. 70-81. (1976). Nuttall. (online at: www.A comparison of Lepidocyclina ferreroi (Provale. C Java'.id/fosi/berita-sedimentologi) (Identification of 12 M Eocene (P11). 22-43. Miocene limestones with Lepidocyclina. 16. Sabah. p. p. Novian (2013).id/ojs/index. Tutong Road. Sabah. L. Biostratigraphy of Mainland and Southeast Asia: facies & paleontology.A revision of the Orbitoides of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). The geology and mineral resources of Brunei and adjacent parts of Sarawak.P.Mollusca from the Togopi Formation (Upper Cenozoic) of North Borneo. Kalinampu area. (Discusson of Oligocene-Recent Amphistegina March 2014 . (1964). Rept.ugm. Quart. Malaysia.php/geo/article/view/20) ('Biozonation of the lower part of the Kebo Formation near Kalinampu-Sendangrejo. Dent Peninsula. etude biostratigraphique (foraminiferes et nannoplancton). 73-87.Secondary chamberlets in Cycloclypeus. (‘The marine Neogene of NE Java. Techn. II (1. 79-83. Indie IV. De Ingen. including a Laevicardium described here for first time from Indonesia) Oostingh. p. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of Bumi Ayu. Spec. Geol. New species from coal-bearing Middle Bojongmanik beds. C. Descriptions of species of gastropod Clathrodrillia group) Oostingh. III (2.H. p. 2. p. Upper part Sentolo Fm may be E Pliocene) Ong Goan Eng (1960).Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. Inst. p. Fortsetzung). p. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Banten in W Java’. Okada. (On species of Pliocene gastropod genus Thais. ‘Old Andesites’ underlain by Mid-Oligocene Sphen. stratigraphy. p. etc.The development of Shell micropaleontological studies in South Sumatra. First of series of 10 papers) Oostingh. Soc.H. in Nederl. C. in Nederl.H. C. overlain by middle E Miocene S.Aanteekeningen over eenige bivalven uit het Neogeen van Java.) Oostingh. (1935).Geological age determinations on a biometrical basis (comparison of eight parameters). (Stramonita) martini n. T. Contrib. Fortsetzung). 5.O’Herne. 3-18. Italiana 10. De Ingenieur in Nederl. (1933). Discussion of biofacies versus lithostratigraphy and time.H. Java. H. 2 p. p. 19-22. Java. (1934). West Java. Dept. 17-33. p. 5. (1935). in Nederl. (1981).) Micropaleontology. Boll. No details on faunas. p.-Indie (IV) 1. De Mijningenieur 14. Central Java. from Bumiayu. 50-61. (1938). De Ingenieur in Nederl.Einige neue Gastropoden aus dem Miocan von Mittel-Bantam (Java).H. 1. 1. 3 p. (Very general paper on use of micropaleontology since 1930 by BPM/ Shell in S Sumatra.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. 4 p. Java’) Oostingh. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. in Nederl. 28-30. & I. Japan.Calcareous nannofossils of Cenozoic formations in Central Java.Die Purpurinen aus dem Pliocan des Tjidjoerej in Cheribon. Earth Sci. Three species of Cardium-type molluscs from Pliocene of Bentarsari basin. (1938). De Ingen. 4.H.Die Cardiiden aus dem Cheribonien von Bentasari in Tegal. W Java) Oostingh. incl. C. 9. 25-34. Publ. in Nederl.Neue Mollusken aus dem Pliozan von Java. (1938). 76-78. (1934). distentus. C.Die Mollusken des Pliozaens von Boemiajoe (Java). ('New molluscs from the Pliocene of Java') March 2014 . Indie IV. On Mio-Pliocene Metis and Cardilia from various localities on Java) Oostingh. 35-46. De Ingen.sp. Ed. C. ('The cardiids from the Cheribonian of Bentasari in Tegal. E Miocene Sentolo Fm. Dept. 5. 5.-Indie 26.H. C.H. De Ingen.-Indie (IV) 1. ('Some new gastropods from the Miocene of Middle Banten (Java)'.-Indie (IV).M. 3-9. 192-197 and p.1 145 www. (1934).vangorselslist. p. Yamagata University. belemnos zone CN2. 5. Bandung 47. van der Vlerk (1971). De Ingen. L. G.H.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. 2. collected by Ziegler and Koolhoven) Oostingh. 1-247. ('Notes on some bivalves from the Neogene of Java'. In: T. Saito (ed. 212-215. Java'. petrology and lithostratigraphy of Cenozoic rocks of the Yogyakarta region. etc. (Nannofossils from M Eocene-M Oligocene Nanggulan Fm. C. C Java. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Palaeont. (‘The mollusks from Pliocene of South Banten in W Java-2’. Indie IV.- Indie (IV). (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Banten in W Java-8’) Oostingh. 5.-Indie (IV) 6. 4. in Nederl. Soerabaja 1938. De Ingen.H. 103-119. De Ingen.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. Oostingh. De Ingen.IX. 9. Fortsetzung).Over de Tertiaire molluskenfauna van Palembang. p. Descriptions of species of gastropod group Mitra) Oostingh. 4. (1939). in Nederl.1 146 www. 140-141. (1941). part 7'. Handelingen 8e Nederl.-Indie (IV) 6.H. 12. 43-51.-Indie (IV). 21-29. (Discussion of molluscs as index fossils for Neogene. (1941). Ed.Note on the stratigraphical relations between some Pliocene deposits in Java. 508-516. (1938).(‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Banten in W Java-3’. De March 2014 . C.vangorselslist. Harpidae) Oostingh. Descriptions of species of gastropod family Mitridae) Oostingh. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Banten in W Java-5’.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. Last of series of 10 papers. C. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Bantam. C. Indie IV. Descriptions of species of gastropod families Volutacea. 163-187. (1939). Descriptions of species of gastropod family Terebridae)) Oostingh. p.Mollusken als gidsfossielen voor het Neogeen in Nederlandsch Indie.-Indisch Natuurw. V (4. Descriptions of species of gastropod families Pyrenidae and Muricidae) Oostingh. Descriptions of species of gastropod family Marginellidae) Oostingh. Indie IV. (1939). etc. (1940). C. C.H. in Nederl. 7-16. 1.H. in Nederl.Three new species of gastropods from the Pliocene of Semarang (Central Java). Descriptions of species of gastropod family Nassariidae.) Oostingh. p.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. C. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Bantam. p. De Ingen. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Banten in W Java-4’.VI. 8. in Nederl. in Nederl.H. in Nederl. 5. De Ingen. (1939). 119-129. Congres. (1939). 7 p. 6. De Ingen.H. Very few of Neogene Java species known from elsewhere (unlike Eocene species. 8. p. Java’. 6.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. 105-116. p. Three faunas of bivalves and gastropods distinguished: Lower Telisa (21 species).H. Gastropod Vicarya callosa isM Miocene (Tf2-3) index species. 3. C. Bumiayu and Kendeng regions) Oostingh. (1938). VIII. part 6'. C. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Bantam. Nederl.-Indie (IV) 7. HvG)) Oostingh. IV (3. C. range charts. in Nederl.H. (1938). Java’.H. 5. Fortsetzung). Java’. Indie IV.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java. p.H. De Ingen. De Ingen. (‘The mollusks from the Pliocene of South Bantam. C. 45-60. (‘On the Tertiary mollusc fauna from Palembang’. part 9'. etc.Die Mollusken des Pliocaens von Sud-Bantam in Java-X. p. C. 8 p. (On correlations of Pliocene formations in Cirebon. in Nederl. basal Lower Palembang and typical Lower Palembang (52 species)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .-Indie (IV) 6. De Ingen. No illustrations.-Indie (IV) 8. Olividae. p.VII. 7. Java’.-Indie (IV). collected by Bonarelli. HvG)) Oppenoorth. At several localities limestone at base of Neogene. (‘The use of corals in Tertiary and Quaternary stratigraphy of Indonesia’. 100. SE of Tegal. also Miogypsina. Queensland Govt. IV.Jungtertiare Korallen von Java. 252-256. ~20 km W of Yogyakarta. Abh. ('Description of some Tertiary corals of Java') Osberger. R. (1908)-Di alcuni foraminiferai dell' Eocene di Celebes. N Sulawesi. (‘Foraminifera from the North coast of Aceh’.F. Palaont. but more likely Middle Miocene. 201-207. Bandung. 119- 158. Monatsh. M-U Miocene).N14 from N Australia. V. Eocene intruded and overlain by by E Miocene 'Old Andesites') Osberger. part 1’) Osberger. Keilmuan 32. 110. Natural Sci. Java 1929. Gen. Fourth Pacific Sci. Mining Jour. also with Discocyclina. Interbedded with marls with Orbulina universa. Palaont. M Miocene) Osberger. (On corals from uplifted Plio-Pleistocene reef terraces near Lalan Asu.Oppenoorth. Verhandelingen Geol. C Java. 6. 39- 74. p. 312-317. p. R. overlain by marls with Discocyclina and tuffs (Discocyclina Beds). 101. Cycloclypeus. 28-54. Geol. R. With range charts) Osimo. W. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. (Work on corals from Bandung survey collections from four localities on Java: Geger Tjabe (C Java. rich in Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) spp.F. 1. Pamitran (SW of Nyalindung. 2..looks more like Late Oligocene assemblage) Palmieri. Survey Indonesia.vangorselslist. (1973). ('On some foraminifera from the Eocene of Celebes'. Abh.The Upper Eocene Nanggoelan Beds near Djogjakarta. (1954). 1-2. Ed. (1954).. 74. (’Early Tertiary corals from Java. 6-9% in Early Miocene. G. Geol. (1954). Material generally poorly preserved) Osberger. R. & H. Teil I. R. Spriroclypeus. Teil II.F. R. Djunggrangan (E Miocene) and Punung (Southern Mountains. (Degree of Curvature in 2 wells between Miocene planktonic foram zones N4. 1955. 20p. Larger forams from marl near Dongala. p. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. (Age assumed to be Aquitanian. Gerth (1929). p. Baculogypsina. (Overview of geology and fauna of ~200m thick Middle Eocene section of Nanggulan. Nat. p. Paleont. (1918). 1-79.Beschreibung einiger tertiarer Korallen von Java. Publ. 5. Palaont. 14.Foraminiferen van de Noordkust van Atjeh. part 2’) Osberger. 80-82. March 2014 . p. Pliocene reef). 30-60% in Late Miocene- Pliocene and ~80% in Pleistocene. marine transgression.-Mijnbouwk. Indonesian J. 249-258.Pliocene fossil coral faunas described from Indonesia. Riv. With Miogypsinoides complanata. Percentage of living coral species increases from 0% in Eocene-Oligocene.Research on fossil corals from Java. (1955). collected by De Waard expedition. Congr. Elegant review with listings of all Eocene.1 147 www. SW Java. Above Orbulina datum DOC 60-75%)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Contribution to the geology of Timor. 15-30% in M Miocene.Comparison of correlation methods for planktonic and larger foraminifera in the Caprocorn Basin.. p. Notes on Plio-Pleistocene corals of Timor. Ital. (1956). 110. Excursion Guide D1. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. NW of Pacitan. Queensland. 1. Indonesian J. Associated Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) may be Tribliolepidina.Jungtertiare Korallen von Java. (1955). ser. overlain by andesitic sandstone. Axinea= Glycymeris Beds) with a 1m thick coal bed and layers rich in Nummulites (Djokdjokartae Beds). W. Three levels: basal quartz sandstone (>80m.Korallen als Hilfsmittel der Tertiar und Quartar-Stratigraphie Indonesiens. Sci. p. (’Early Tertiary corals from Java. Proc. Proc.. The 21 standard zones of Martini (1971. 5p. Proc.D. with sedimentation resuming in Late Oligocene (zone N2)clay-breccia formation. Prayitno. 14p. caused period of non-deposition. (1967). (Jatibungkus section (Karangsambung Fm) with continuous M Eocene (P 14) earliest Oligocene (P 17) marine section with planktonic foraminifera. Three sequences identified. J.The high resolution Neogene and Quaternary nannoplankton zonation for Indonesian basins. Indon. tied to S-ward shift of subduction zone. American Paleontology 52. Proc. Aswan & Y. Jakarta.. 165-183. A. ('Revision of the basal Early Miocene nannoplankton zonation (zones NN1-NN2) in the NE Java Basin') Panuju. mainly from Sedang oil concession. PIT IAGI 2014-279. (Late Miocene. S. Little or no stratigraphy) Panuju (2010). Geol. Joint Conv. 43rd Ann. Conv. PIT-IAGI-2010-265. Ph.1 148 www. 115. (Lepidocyclina. 36th IAGI and 29th IATMI.aspx?paperID=33473. Zaim. S Sulawesi. (IAGI).. Firdaus & G. Indon. F. NN9. Descriptions of Early Miocene mollusks. Rembang zone. and with Late Eocene larger foraminifera Discocyclina and Pellatispira (LBF zone Tb). Int. p. Sunardyanto (2007).Biostratigraphy of the Jatibungkus section (Lokulo area) in Central Java. Late Eocene faulting/ uplift event. No samples location map) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Two consistent groups: small size in U Miocene. Indon.Neogene foraminiferida from GSQ (Geological Survey of Queensland) Sandy Cape 1-3R bore.scirp. 1-18. Palaeoclimat. ('Palynology study for sequence stratigraphy of track A. Banyumas Basin'. R. 777-784. Cekungan Banyumas.M.Podocarpus imbricatus palynozone. 32nd HAGI. F. NE Java.U2QRPfldWpA) (Turritellidae gastropods studied in 5 localities in W Java (type localities of Martin 1919 and Oostingh 1938). 1-12. Petrol. p. Assoc. p.Palmieri. Tapak Formation.Relationship of biometrical aspect of Turritellidae with geochronological aspect in West Java. Rahmat. ('Contributions to the knowledge of the Early Miocene mollusk fauna of Rembang (Java)'. (IAGI). 46. Ed. p. although probably part of Eocene olistostrome complex). V. 195-204. JCB2007- 097. Bali 2007. Salawati.can be subdivided into 58 subzones) Panuju & R. 36th IAGI and 29th IATMI. 235. Bintuni and Waipoga-Waropen Basins. (online at: http://www. 5. Y. Kutei. & U. NW Java. 5th Ann. Conv. Miogypsina. p.208. (New high resolution Neogene-Quaternary nannoplankton zonation for Indonesia. (1984). Queensland: a biostratigraphic appraisal. 4. Pandita. Palynology of 166 samples from 3 areas in Banyumas basin.. H. 32nd HAGI. This is relatively coherent package in overall chaotic olistostrome area. p.vangorselslist. 1-80. Lombok.NN12).Revision of the Late Miocene nannoplankton biostratigraphy for Kutei Basin. Saputra (2014). p. Kapid (2007). based on samples from 23 unidentified wells in Kutai Basin) Parker.Beitraege zur Kenntnis der Altmiocenen Molluskenfauna von Rembang (Java). All with Stenochlaeniidites papuanus and within Late Pliocene Dacrycarpidites australiensis. Mount Tugel and Bunkanel. C Java: Kedung Randu. Conv. mostly based on material from NE Java. Sajekti & Suminta (1976).Revisi biostratigrafi nanoplangton Miosen Awal bagian bawah (Zona NN1-NN2) di Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara. Jatibungkus Mb ~80m thick reefal limestone in middle of section between pF zones P14-P15. Palaeogeogr. (1936). Depositional environments from back-mangrove to mangrove. March 2014 . 39th Ann. Sumatra.Lower Pliocene and large shells in Pliocene-Pleistocene) Pannekoek. Joint Conv. Assoc. JCB2007-098. etc.Pliocene planktonic foram zonation on samples from deep sea cores and Fiji outcrop samples) Permadi. I. Jakarta.L. Assoc. Palaeoecol. (Late Miocene calcareous nannoplankton zonation (7 zones..Late Tertiary biostratigraphy (planktonic foraminifera) of tropical Indo-Pacific deep-sea cores. Succession almost normal. Thesis University of Amsterdam. G. in 300m of Late Tertiary above thin Late Oligocene marine sands) Paltrinieri. Proc. Geosciences 4. Bali 2007. Rizal (2013). I.Studi palinologi untuk sikuenstratigrafi di lintasan A Formasi Tapak. J. Bur. S. Piccoli. 86. Somalia. Scienze Geol. & Premonowati (2001).D. Fauna include incisor of earliest known rodent from Australian region and new representatives marsupials. Plane. G. (1980). subdivided into Axinea Beds at base.Stratigraphy and vertebrate fauna of the Otibanda formation. and dasyurid) Playford. Piccoli. (Palynological analysis of outcropping shales from 3 low-grade coal occurrences in Pindiu area. NE PNG. G. (ed. East Jawa. 1-8. Geol. G.1 149 www.Five shallow benthic faunas from the Upper Eocene (Baron.pdf) (Thick Late Tertiary intermontane lacustrine and fluviatile deposits in the Morobe District. p. Padova. 17-22.vangorselslist. 9. HvG)) Polhaupessy. E Miocene. Dev.K. (1984). Spiroclypeus yabei. p. New Guinea.Tethyan exchange of benthic molluscs between SE Asia and Mediterranean in the Paleogene Mem. Andaman Sea. Scienze Geol. 53. Ser.The palynological study of ancient lake Bandung. (2002). Pyroclastic rocks below mammal horizons K/Ar ages 6. (Nanggulan exceptionally rich Eocene mollusc faunas. Geol. Polhaupessy.. p. Bol. Bull. with vertebrate fossils. A. 1-64. 5. Tan et al. 300m thick mudstone-dominated section. Geology Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA VII). Coral/algal reefal limestones. Mineral Res.. p. Scienze Geol.A. Congr.Piccoli.D.Neogene palynomorphs from the Huon Peninsula.1-7. birds. Res. p. 31-47. Tai Fm reefal limestones rests unconformably on pre-Late Eocene schist basement in Central High of Mergui Basin. (1990).) 7th Reg. Mem. 338p. 8. p.7 Ma associated with faunal locality. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Miogypsina.Pliocene and representing deposits of low diversity tropical freshwater swamp vegetation) Polachan. (Unpublished) Polhaupessy. central Huon Peninsula with spores-pollen ranging in age from E Miocene. Racey (1993). p. 36. 487-496. p. Italiana 22. Garoowe.. p. Soc.New studies about molluscs from Eocene of Nanggulan (Java Indonesia). Java. A. 5. Japan). Nanggulan. Papua New Guinea. March 2014 . snakes.Quaternary palynological study of the Trinil area. Paleont. (First record of Tertiary larger foraminifera in Thailand.A. 29-54.a preliminary report. Bandung. (Collection of ten short papers by Italian students on Middle Eocene stratigraphy and molluscs of Nanggulan section. 15-65. & E. 1-7.Late Cenozoic palynological studies on Java. and upper unit of calcarenites interbedded with shales and sandstonesWith Lepidocyclina (N. 53.New studies on the Cenozoic fossil fauna of Nanggulan (Java Indonesia). A. Savazzi (1984). p. Palynology 6. known since Verbeek & Fennema 1896.) (2001). 19-23.Cenozoic molluscan associations of Mediterranean and Southeast Asia: a comparison. and mainly of Middle Eocene age) Piccoli. In: B. (online at: http://www. Ed. G. 3. 499-521. (Nummulites) Djokjokartae Beds in middle and Discocyclina Beds at top. Mem. Padova. 54.6 Ma. Bangkok 1991. crocodilians. (1999). (1967). M. Priabona. also gastropods. Italy.) japonica. Miogypsinoides (=Upper Te. & A.Lower Miocene larger foraminifera and petroleum potential of the Tai Formation. Mergui Group. Centre. France. 20km W of Yogyakarta) Piccoli. Padova. Bull. Thesis University of Hull. Bandung. G. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Paleont.A. Res. Geol. on Thai side of offshore Mergui Basin. G. Scienze Geol. (eds. (1982). Ph. Takashima.. 1993.A. Centre.Palynological evidence for a Pleistocene environment in Trinil. Bul. perhaps suggesting slightly drier climate than today) Polhaupessy. 21 km SSW of Yogyakarta (17 gastropod. (Bryozoa. (1999). Memorie Scienze Geol. In: Proc. S. & G. (Inst. 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In: Geologi Indonesia: dinamika dan produknya. 149-165. Karangsambung pollen from M Eocene (Karangsambung Fm). (1971). 35th Sess.Palynology of Tanjung Formation. (2001). 1-417. Geol. Bandung. ('Coral biostratigraphy of the Rajamandala Formation'. 1-151. (IAGI).Some Eocene molluscs from Nanggulan and a new species of Cyclina (Bivalvia) in the Miocene mollusc assemblage from Panggang (Java. Bandung) 20. 34th Sess. Diversity maximum at cycle boundaries. S Kalimantan. low diversity grass-dominated terrestrial vegetation and lacustrine fresh water plants.esdm. In: Proc. South Kalimantan. Jawa Barat.. (Listings of mollusces from M Eocene of lower Nanggulan Fm at Kalisonggo (14 gastropod species. no Tethyan connections. inquadrate nelle fauna della Tetide. Coastal Offshore Geosc. ('Paleogene. Barito basin. Jardin Botanique Buitenzorg.Neogene pollen from the Nanggulan and Karangsambung areas. p. Korea 1997. p.Manual of planktonic foraminifera. Res. Indonesia). Indonesia)') Pozzobon. 36-40. 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(Nummulites limestones are blocks redeposited in deeper water environment) Rahmawati. p.Prijosoesilo. Paleont. 22nd Ann. S Sulawesi’) Proto Decima. 55-80. Conv.. Bandung. Geol.) March 2014 . Bayat area. p. and stratigraphic distribution of discoasters. 36-39.Di alcune Nummulitine e Orbitoidine dell‘Isola di Borneo. Lelono (1994). Conv. M. Purnamaningsih Siregar & Harsono Pringgoprawiro (1981). Conv. Conv. p. Jakarta. Formasi Wungkal Gamping. (IAGI) 2. 10th Ann. Mojokerto area. 43-56. Indon. A. S. Geol. F. 238-247. & Sudijono (1993). Proc. Wiyono. Poernomo (1972). Proc. Late Eocene Nummulites. 14. Pal. 1017-1031..B. A.Depositional environment of nummulitic limestones of the Eastern Jiwo Hills. Hantkenina spp. Buletin Geol. collected by Bonarelli. Nugrahaningsi & E.Speculations on relations. Tecnoscienza. Assoc. p. Sulawesi Selatan. E and NE Kalimantan. 2. Paleont.Zonasi pollen Tersier Pulau Jawa. Assoc. 1100-1113. Jawa Tengah. Farinacci (ed. Assoc.The genus Gephyrocapsa (Coccolithophorales) in the Plio-Pleistocene of the Timor Trough. Indon. Truncorotaloides rohri. p. Indon. 23rd Ann. calibrated to planktonic foram zonation) Rahardjo. 1-13. Publ. Novian & W. (IPA). (1999). No locality maps or stratigraphy) Provale. p. 1. Provale. Sangiran Area. etc. In: A. 77-87. p. G. (1971). D. p. Geol.Diatom fossils of the Pucangan Formation. (Brief review of use of nannofossils in Cenozoic of SE Asia) Prins B. Indon. Petroleum Assoc. Ser.T. (Discussion of legitimacy of calcareous nannofossil genus Discoaster Tan Sin Hok 1927) Priyadi. Ed. Indonesia (IAGI) 9.Perubahan iklim dan batas umur Pliosen-Plistosen berdasarkan analisis foraminifera dan palinologi di daerah Mojoroto. (1908). Polhaupessy.1 151 www. ('On some nummulitids and orbitoidal foraminifera from the island of Borneo'. & C. Proc. 2nd Planktonic Conference. p.Di alcune Nummulitine e Orbitoidine dell‘Isola di Borneo (parte seconda). Mem. Proc. ('Pollen zonation for the Tertiary of Java Island'. A. G.Early Miocene LBF from SE. Conv. evolution.T. Gunung Gajah. Geol. Overlain by Late Oligocene 'Old Andesite Fm'. cerroazulenis. a new biostratigraphic tool in the oil industry with emphasis in Indonesia..Biostratigrafi fosil nanno Tersier tengah formasi Tonasa (Penampang Rala). Geol. 15.Pliocene zonation of 7 pollen zones. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (IAGI). I. (IAGI). ('Climate change and Pliocene-Pleistocene age boundary based on foraminifera and palynology analysis in the Mojoroto. Rahardjo (2012). Discocyclina (called Orthophragmina) and Pellatispira (here called Assilina) from 'Oudjou Halang' in C Borneo. Central Java. Ediz. Centre. Geol. Central Java. I. Riv. 9-28. No locality maps or stratigraphy) Purnamaningsih Siregar (1981). East Java') Rahardjo. (ITB) 3. jalur Pengukuran Padasan.I. 1st Ann. Ital. Ital. Dev. Late Eocene. Indon. L. Geol. (1909). 1. (‘Mid-Tertiary nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Tonasa Fm.vangorselslist.Jawa Timur. Res. p. Bayat. Sci. With Globorotalia lehneri.Stratigraphy and planktonic foraminifera of the Eocene-Oligocene Nanggulan Formation. p. centralis. Proc. Roma 1970. (Second part of above paper. 1-34. Wartono (1982). Riv. Assoc. A. 5. 453-464. (Planktonic foram zonation of M Eocene. in beds transgressive over 'Old Andesite' volcanics.N. Four new gastropod species: Bothropoma mediocarinata. March 2014 . G. p.S. Reduced inflow of warm and oligotrophic water masses from SW Pacific to E Indian Ocean due to effective closure of Indonesian seaway increased surface water productivity. Assilina. etc. Bayat. reticuspiralis) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .9 Ma. by Sr isotopes ~18. Indon. Palaeogeogr. Alveolina. Ed. Ranikothalia. Discocyclina.Miogypsina evolution in India.Study of Indian Miogypsinidae. infaunal taxa and high productivity taxa and decline in faunal diversitysuggest development of pronounced upwelling.Spore and pollen dating of some Tertiary coal and oil deposits in Northern Thailand. Assoc. Palaeoecol.Response of eastern Indian Ocean (ODP Site 762B) benthic foraminiferal assemblages to the closure of the Indonesian seaway.('Biostratigraphic study and carbonate microfacies analysis of the Wungkal Gamping Formation. (1984). Raju. 41st Ann. (Study of Miogypsinoides. M.Late Neogene deep-sea benthic foraminifera at ODP Site 762B.P. Bittiinae points to seagrass environment. 1-8. D. 5-129. Renema (2014). Y. B. Mishra (1991). Species diversity inverse relationship with abundance of Uvigerina proboscidea and precentage infaunal taxa)) Rai. 449-472. 5. (online at http://palaeontologicalsociety. Age suggested by associated zone Tf1 larger foram fauna ~ E Burdigalian. Eocene limestone with Nummulites. 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F.Miogypsinidae from the Andaman Basin. Singh (2012).5 Ma) relatively oligotrophic and warm bottom water conditions. Annal. Palaeont.C.A highly diverse molluscan seagrass fauna from the Late Burdigalian (Early Miocene) of Banjung Ante (South-Central Java. Mexicana Ciencias Geol. p. Proc. Oldest forms Late Oligocene Miogypsinoides complanata.Biozonation study of Jonggrangan carbonate succession based on petrographical analysis. Rev. 273- 280. B. F. Puspitasari. 140-142. Naturhist. 19.) & P. youngest M Miocene Miogypsina antillea) Ramadhan.Problems of Neogene biostratigraphic correlation in Thailand and surrounding areas. (1973).. highly applicable to Indonesian faunas) Raju. S-flowing Leeuwin Current) Raju. Proc.K.B.S. Bothropoma.y. Pellatispira. Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen B76. Cahyo & C. Ratanasthien. a new species of Miogypsinidae from the Miocene of India. 116. p. (Study of E Miocene shallow marine mollusc fauna from Jonggrangan Fm near Banyunganti village. Mus. C Java'. Conv. Gunung Gajah. A.5 Ma) increase in abundances of Uvigerina proboscidea.dmr.pdf) (11 species of Miogypsinidae reported from offshore wells E of Andaman Island. p. S C Java. A. p. Ser.S.vangorselslist. Palaeoclim.K. (Main correlation tools in Thailand Neogene basins are vertebrate fossils and palynology) Reich.K.go. Plesiotrochus hasibuani. At beginning of Late Pliocene (i. & V.. 184 species. and place: distributions.Ages of Miocene fossil localities in the Northern Kutai Basin: (East Kalimantan. and islands. around M-L Eocene boundary. W. 1-260. (online at: http://retro. Revue Paleobiologie 25. T.Fossil diatoms of the Neogene of Java and their zonal distribution. J. 317-342.vangorselslist. p.Een voorkomen van Nummulieten kalksteen aan den noordrand van het Westelijk grensgebergte. J. O.R. J.Miocene Planorbulinella from Java. (1992). Kupper (1946). Report on diatoms. (‘An occurrence of Nummulites limestone at N edge of the ‘Western border mountains’. (2008).K. Eclogae Geol. March 2014 .. Nederl. ODP Leg 121. etc. 179-215.R.Calibration of Late Neogene calcareous nannofossil datum planes with the paleomagnetic record From Site 758. T. p. p.. T. Two new species) Renema. Tijdschr. p. (2007). Lokier. W. Scripta Geologica 124. Dark grey breccious limestone with Nummulites below m1 breccia-layers. 1. (2002). A.Internal architecture of Miocene Pseudotaberina and its relation to Caribbean ('On morphogenetic investigations of larger foraminifera') Resiwati. (Documentation of ages of 12 Miocene (Late Burdigalian. Gen. near villages Gegerbajing and Plana. Young.Palaeogene Nummulitids (Foraminiferida) from the Indonesian Archipelago: a review. PNG.Fauna development of larger benthic foraminifera in the Cenozoic of Southeast Asia. Ser. W. Palaios 30. Marshall & F.. Ed. Timor Miomaffo samples with Nummulites and Pellatispira) Renema.- Mijnbouwk. Djokjakarta.Uber morphogenetische Untersuchungen an Grossforaminiferen. N. Scripta Geol. (also in Renema 2002. Natuurk. 124. & H. p. Springer. (2006). W Sulawesi. p. Topics in Geobiology 29.K. E Kalimantan. T. Warter. Lunt (2002). W. Geol. 5. 137- 146.L. W. (1937). W.W..) Biogeography. Coscinodiscus. gouv. p.Comment on “Significant Miocene larger foraminifera from South Central Java” by M. 291-293. Renema. 23-78. 110-165) (60 species of Nummulites reported from Indonesia.The genus Planorbulinella (Foraminiferida) in Indonesia. 2.Reinhold. time. Ninetyeast Ridge. etc. only 7 believed to be valid. Weissel et al. Scripta Geologica 129.seals. Indonesia). Palaeontology 51. 1-2. C Java.Messinian. Renema (ed. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1. Yogyakarta region’.1 153 www.W.5 Ma) short-lived reefal limestone localities in siliciclastics-dominated section of NE Kutai Basin) Renz. 294-297. Also known from W Java (Tf2). Helvetiae 39. Indie 90. (Late Oligocene. In: W. (Soritid LF Pseudotaberina malabarica described from material collected by Martin in 1911 from Burdigalian (Tf1) Jonggrangan Fm near Yogyakarta. (Argues for maintaining Lepidocyclina and Eulepidina as separate genera) Renema.) Renema. Cainozoic Res. p. 12. V. (1930). (2005). gerthi/ N. barriers. Novak.Larger foraminifera as marine environmental indicators. Farrell. (Diatoms from asphaltic marls of Buton with species related to Upper Miocene Globigerina marls of Java: Actinodiscus. Sangiran mud volcano boulders of Nummulites-Pellatispira limestone with N. Racey & P. pengaronensis and planktonic foraminifera (P15. Hemidiscus. BouDagher-Fadel and S. p. (Middle Miocene and younger diatoms from 'Globigerina Marls' of C and E Java) Reinhold. P. Kol. between Nanggulan and Purworejo) Renema. W. V. SE Borneo. Nederl. 43-132. ~16. (Overview of Far East Tertiary larger foraminifera zonations) Renema. Janecek. 71-79. 405-406. Mededelingen 17. Geol. (1952).) Reitsema. p. Leidsche Geol. 3. p. Verh. 26-39.Reconsideration of the so-called Oligocene fauna in the asphaltic deposits of Buton (Malay Archipelago). Hasibuan (2015). & A.Radiolaria from the Southern Indian Ocean. p.S. A. Tricolocapsa. 3. Micropaleontology 24. Asssoc. p. Sanfilippo (1974). Fauna previously assigned Pliocene age. 2.landesmuseum.) Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 26. 18 species incl. Pareucbelus pannekoeki and Leptothyra laddi) Robba. W Timor. Ethalia stefanoi. 417-436. (1951). 280-G.deepseadrilling. (1996). (First to suggest that the radiolarian assemblages described byTan Sin Hok (1927) from Roti are of Mesozoic 102. NE Java. Sanfilippo (1978). Archaeogastropoda. p. (1952). 805-813. 154. Vitterh. 1-18. Vetensk.1 154 www. Geol. Watznaueria barnesae and W. (Re-examination of the radiolarian fauna described by Tan Sin Hok (1927) from calcareous sediment from Bebalain.usgs. Proc. Also true Late Neogene sample with 21 species) Riedel. L. Manivitella pemmatoidea. 21st Ann.Langhian Tawun Fm/ Rembang Beds in Sedan-Tuban area of Rembang anticlinorium. Akademie Wetenschappen B54. Vienna. Parhabdolithus embergeri. Dictyomitra lilyae Tan Sin Hok. Gerold.repository. (online at: www. J. Rotti Island. Stichomitra etc.Uber fossile Korallen der Insel Java.The Rembangian (Middle Miocene) mollusc-fauna of Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . biporta. p. 165-185. ('Description of some alveolinids from Timor'. Reuss.Mesozoic and late Tertiary Radiolaria of Rotti. In: B. 1927= Early Cretaceous (Albian?) age range. 1859. Theil 2. (1953). 61-96. 174-182.). new taxa Ilanga rebjongensis. 149.R. p. Paleontology E. W. Eocene Radiolaria. & A.Description de quelques Alveolines de Timor: resultat d’une elaboration de la methode des courbe d’indice de Reichel.P. Geol. p. p. E.naturalis. p. (online at: http://pubs.pdf) ('On fossil corals from Java Island'. Scripta Geologica 144. Chapter March 2014 . 6.vangorselslist.Tertiary and Quaternary fossil pyramidelloidean gastropods of Indonesia. p. Kon. 6. W. Main locality Gunung Sel in Tji-Lanang valley. but includes reworked(?) Cretaceous forms (Spongosaturnalis. Ed. 5.pdf (Sixteen species of Radiolaria representing single faunal zone from two Eocene formations) Riedel. Indon. (1867).Stratigraphy and evolution of tropical Cenozoic radiolarians.pdf) (Radiolaria from Leg 26 Sites 250-258 in Indian Ocean W of Australia. (1957). (IAGI). 17 species of corals collected by Von Hochstetter during round-the world expedition of Austrian frigate Novara. Samh.E. DSDP Leg 26. p. Vagalapilla matalosa. contain five species) Robba.Tertiary Radiolaria in western Pacific sediments: Goteborgs Kungl. Part 3.Indian Ocean. U. Proc. (online at: http://www. Pages 773-774: unpublished nannofossil work on Tan Sin Hok's Bebalain 150 sample from Rotti island by Bukry: presence of Cretarhabdus crenulatus. 257-263. Rivista Ital. Davies (eds. 267-292. W. W. Survey Prof. Paleont. Eiffellithus turriseiffeli. Paleontology.A. Indonesia: I. (Review of zonation and datum levels of low-latitude Cenozoic radiolarians) Ritsema. (online at: www.rivistaitalianadipaleontologia.R. Rongga District) Riedel. Mariana Islands. not Late Neogene age) Riedel. Other samples of Tan Sin Hok from Rotti (no. 2. Luyendyk & T. Handl. 1-191. (online at: www. (2013). indicating Aptian-Turonian age.R.R. Eocene Alveolina limestones collected by Van West in Miomaffo region. Paper. Strat. B. Nederl. W.Geology of Saipan. Conv.pdf) (Langhian archaeogastropods from Burdigalian. In: Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857. 771-813. and 384) contain similar radiolarian assemblages and probably of same age) Riedel. Stylosphaera. Deep Sea Drilling Proj. Pakistan J.J. 1-168.J.Sc Thesis University of Malaya. 53. Sartono. F. (online at http://www. Thesis. Mem.Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Subis limestone. With Niah caves. G.sp. (2005). tosaensis. Exesilla.Early Pleistocene gastropods from Timor (Indonesia). truncatulinoides groups) Rolando. Eastern Indonesia. & E.Contribucao para o estudo foraminiferos do Terciario superior de Timor. (Marine gastropods (56 species) and foraminifera from E Pleistocene marl (Batuputih Fm) from Oe Sapi creek. S. Sarawak. W Timor. (Listing of 44 mollusc species.vangorselslist. M Sc. (1993). influenced by cold currents) Roberts. (Unpublished) (Early Miocene Subis Limestone of Sarawak. D.) Init. 153-158. de Lourdes Ubaldo (1964). Roosmawati. A. (1974). Scienze Geol. Hydrocarbon Res. Padova. p. Finch (1993).(Pyramidelloidean gastropods collected from Rembang anticlinorium (M Miocene. p. Washington. (DSDP) 27. S.. (Unpublished) Roberts. incl.. ('Contribution the the study Late Tertiary foraminifera of Timor') Rogl. (1998).D. 4 km W of Nanggulan. N. M. Proc. 41. Globorotalia tosaensis. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.. etc. Thesis University of London.The foraminiferal biostratigraphy and biofacies of the Neogene sediments of the Halmahera region. 1-180. 1-287. (online at: http://www.n. Associated with rich marine foraminiferal fauna (85% planktonics. Tavares & M.. 1.M. four formerly described (Leucotina speciosa. 65 km SW of Miri) Roohi.1 155 www. 5. Mem. Site 262. Chiang Mai 1993. Brigham Young University. A. 41-44. Pakistan. A. Age late M Eocene. p. Tinu. p. Violanti & E. Ed.G.The new species Terebellum olympiae .org/27/volume/ March 2014 . Mem. Most Neogene species endemic of Indonesian Archipelago) (Gastropoda.. East Malaysia. E. G. 455- 457. Java. 1 km NE of Atambua town. (2001).byu. NE Indonesia. 111 species discussed. Symp. p. one new. Seraphidae) from the Middle Eocene mollusc assemblage of Nanggulan (Yogyakarta province. 81-104.Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of the Subis Limestone (Early Miocene) Sarawak. planktonic foram zones P13-P14) Roohi. In: J.) (Foraminifera documentation of Pliocene age and deep water facies of Batu Putih Fm marls on Rote and Savu) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . de Lourdes Ubaldo (1964). Erba (1989). Repts. Tavares & M. Kuala Lumpur. 52 are proposed as new. ('Foraminifera of the Late Tertiary and Quaternary of the Portuguese province of Timor'. NE Java) described and those in collections of Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden are reviewed.J. in upper part of Nanggulan Fm. p. Ph. Rocha.deepseadrilling. p. (eds.pdf) (DSDP Site 262 in Timor Trough SW of Timor Island with rel.Long-term surface uplift history of the active Banda Arc-continent collision: depth and age analysis of foraminifera from Rote and Savu Islands. 1-120. Padova. Rembangian assemblage 89 species. Indonesia). Indonesia. East Malaysia and correlation with the Neogene of the Indus Basin. Biostratigraphy of Mainland SE Asia (BIOSEA).G. p. Interpreted to be deposited in 150-250m of water.Foraminiferos do Terciario Superior e do Quaternario da provincia Portuguesa de Timor. S. 10.An integrated Tertiary biozonation scheme for the Halmahera region. in Portuguese) Rocha. 61-113.)). Lisboa. Megastomia regina. 769-771. most undescribed species. Neogene fauna composed almost entirely of extinct species. thick U Pliocene-Pleistocene. Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar 51. Scienze Geol. p. Int.etd. Good record of evolutionary trends in Globorotalia crassaformis. (1994). Veevers et al. DSDP Leg 27.The evolution of the Globorotalia truncatulinoides and Globorotalia crassaformis group in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Timor Trough. from water well outcrop near Watumarah. p. Garcia de Orta 12. East coast of Borneo. radiata/ L. Institut Tekn. Sammlungen Geol. Palaios 30. Dept. p. Contr.Studi nannoplankton pada Formasi Karangsambung dan Totogan di daerah Luk Ulo. 199-209. L. 2. V. Leiden (1). V. Council Sci. (online at: http://www. 2. polygona.13-43. thick crusts of Spongites and Hydrolithon. Abhand. Renema & J. Techn. 9. J. South Kalimantan'.nl/DL/publications/PU00013345. Harsolumakso (1996). L.1 156 www. incl. p. p. Description of fish fossils from Eocene lacustrine deposits of Ombilin Basin. No detailed localities. On Miogypsina from East Kalimantan'. Nederl. 1. Kon. & A. Amsterdam. Lok Ulo area. Miogypsina bifida n. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia. Proc. 1. Akademie Wetenschappen. ('Nannoplankton studies in the Karangsambung and Totogan formations. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia. Pretovic. Mahanjong with large Lepicyclina formosa and Cycloclypeus communis) Rutten. Proc.Paleontologic methods of correlation in Central Sumatra.Serravallian) reefal limestone in E Kalimantan. Early Miocene foram limestones from Sg. Jawa Tengah. (1961).. Java') Rutimeyer. Bandung (ITB). from Miocene marl with Miogypsina 20 km W of Bontang. (1912). Novak. (Study of 31 species of crustose coralline algae from 6 localities of E-M Miocene ( (Presence of Eocene Orthophragmina (= Discocyclina) at S coast Sumba. Southeast Asia). A new Alveolinella from East Kalimantan'. E-M Miocene Miogypsina from Balikpapan Bay and Bontang areas. Sammlungen Geol. Neue Fundstellen von Tertiaren Foraminiferen in Ost-Borneo. 9. L. 5. small L. sp.C. Ed. ('Remarks on fossil fishes from Sumatra'. 1122-1139. Kon.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. C. Several new species proposed: L.vangorselslist. flexuosa.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. (1912). Locality map.dwc. Inst. p.. 461-467. Eine neue Alveolinella von Ost-Borneo. pictures) Rutten. sumatrensis and large species. 2. Two main assemblages: (1) a shallow-water. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia.Bemerkungen zu den fossilen Fischen aus Sumatra. mainly thin crusts of Lithothamnion.Rossler. New localities of Tertiary foraminifera in E Kalimantan’. Akademie Wetenschappen. (2) darker water. 4. p. (online at http://www. Braga (2015). 4. including Smerdis (herring family) Associated with plants described by Heer 1874. Bandung 46. Kebumen.Coralline algae from the Miocene Mahakam Delta (East Kalimantan. but no good foram illustrations) Rutten.digitallibrary. Leiden (1). 20- 26. L. Ges. with new species L. Now assigned to Flosculinella) Rutten. p. Publ.On Orbitoides of the Balikpapan Bay. Also new subgenus of E-M Miocene miogypsinids Lepidosemicyclina. collected by Verbeek in 1874. L. (1914). 83-93. Mainly on Miocene Lepidocyclina near Balikpapan. Reichsmus.On orbitoids of Sumba. acuta. W. Bul. 15. Reichsmus. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia. (1911).J. (1912). p. L.H. 9.Murung area. Fish fauna re-described by Sanders 1934) Rutten. p. 201-213. L.pdf) (Miocene lepidocyclinids (called Orbitoides here) from Balikpapan Bay area: star-shaped L. dominated by Neogoniolithon. Sammlungen Geol. 1. 26. p.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. Amsterdam. Leiden (1). L. 3.knaw. 219-224. Pal. Bontang) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . L.217. Uber Miogypsina von Ost-Borneo. 1. (1912). Leiden (1).Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. Kebumen. Geologi. 15. Schweiz. K. Uber Foraminiferen aus dem Gebiet des oberen Kapoewas-Moeroeng. (Brief Caltex paper on Central Sumatra basin stratigraphy and micropaleontology) Rubiyanto. Sud-Borneo. martini. Reichsmus. polymorpha. Sammlungen Geol. (1874). A. Alveolinella bontangensis March 2014 . thecidaeformis and L. Geol. 281-307.) Rutten. p. Reichsmus.sp. 3. 1. 9. Mesophyllum and Sporolithon) Rozeboom. Nederl. Three species. Foraminifera from the Upper Kapuas. 213. M. Alveolina. Includes reports of Lacazina larger foram in Eocene of Dramai Island SE of Triton Bay. Reichsmus. Sammlungen Geol. Vier Eozanvorkommen aus Ost-Borneo. Coralline nummulitid limestones described by Hirschi from Batu Putih rich in large Lepidocyclina formosa (= Eulepidina). Discocyclina dispansa. Sammlungen Geol.coal beds on Pulau Laut. N.repository. Rutten footnote: “it is remarkable that the Eocene fauna of Celebes is more similar to samples from New Guinea than Java and Borneo”) Rutten. Leiden (1). javanus. but called Calcarina. Sample from Sungai Apat also rich in ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia. Alveolina. 9. Discocyclina. previously described as Calcarina) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . etc. With Nummulites bagelensis. Four Eocene localities in East Kalimantan'. fichteli= E Oligocene ?) and black Nummulites limestone from Sebuku River) Rutten. Lepidocyclinea limestones of Bau Putih near Puruk Cahu. (online at: http://www. Balambangan and Banguey (= Banggi)) Rutten.repository. L. HvG) characterized by large Lepidocyclina. March 2014 . (1915).Foraminiferen-fuhrende Gesteine von Niederlandisch Neu-Guinea.. NE Kalimantan’. ('Some foraminifera from the east arm of Sulawesi'. South Kalimantan'..-Indie 43 (1914). L. p. Ed. 8. Oligocene with Nummulies fichteli. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 9. Eocene at Sg Bungalun (with Pellatispira. Lepidocyclinenkalke von Batoe Poetih bei Poeroek Tjahoe.vangorselslist. L. 2. but Oligocene or early Miocene age) Rutten.322. 11-18. M Miocene marls with Lepidocyclina angulosa. (online at: http://www. Sud. Cycloclypeus annulatus. Verhandelingen 2. Eocene with Orthophragmina (= Discocyclina).Eocene orbitoiden en nummulieten van Paloe Laoet. 9. W Java limestone belt between Cibadak.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. 10. Indie 44.1 157 www.R. L.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. L. (1914). Zwei Fundstellen von Lepidocyclina aus Java. L.Tagogapu (=Rajamandala Limestone. 7. 29-32. Tertiare Foraminiferen von den Inseln Balambangan und Banguey.Foraminiferen-kalksteenen uit de Tidoengsche landen (Noord-Oost Borneo). Sammlungen Geol. p. p. p. (1914). Includes an Eocene sample with Alveolina wichmanni n. L. Leiden (1). 74-77. Leiden (1). collected by Hotz from two islands N of Sabah. Follow-up of Rutten (1915) description of Eocene limestones collected by Munniks de Jongh (1913) in upper Tarakan basin. 322-324. 9. Sammlungen Geol. etc. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia.Sukabumi. (1915). SE Borneo) Rutten. Nova Guinea 6. Leiden (1). Tanjung Seilor (Kayan River.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien.) Rutten.Rutten. Rutten not sure if earliest Miocene or Oligocene) Rutten. 307-320. Reichsmus. 10. Einige Foraminiferen aus dem Ostarm von Celebes. 5. Nummulites). Miocene and Eocene larger forams from Balambangan and Banguey islands. (1914). Miocene Lepidocyclina associated with arc volcanics on Arimoa Islands off N New Guinea.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. (Orthophragmina (=Discocyclina) omphalus and Nummulites bagelensis demonstrate Eocene age of marl formation above the sandstone. p. Mangkalihat Peninsula (Discocyclina. nordlich von Borneo.naturalis. 6. L. Reichsmus. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia. sp. Leiden (1). 320. p.naturalis. North of British Borneo'. 9. 21-51. (1916). 7. Sammlungen Geol. (Description of foraminifera-bearing rocks from the 1903 Netherlands New Guinea Expedition collected by Wichmann. 3-10. ('Studies on foraminifera from East Asia. (1914).Borneo.Studien uber Foraminiferen aus Ost-Asien. p. here called Orthophragmina). 5. Reichsmus. therefore not Eocene. also with N. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (‘Foraminiferal limestones from the Tidung Lands. p. 8. (1915). Reichsmus. Two localities with Lepidocyclina on Java'. sp. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen. 23. L. Proc. (online at: http://www. Amsterdam. Proc. p. Nederl. (online at: http://www.) brouweri n.Over de foraminiferenfauna en den ouderdom van kalksteenen uit Zuid-Celebes afkomstig uit de groep der vischresten-bevattende gesteenten.vangorselslist. 27.pdf) (Tertiary limestones collected by BPM from N New Guinea between Tami and Biri rivers. (2) Embryonal chambers of Lepidocyclina acuta from Balikpapan area.Kleine mededeelingen over foraminiferen uit Nederlandsch-Indie. ('On the occurrence of Halimeda in Old-Miocene coast reefs of East Borneo'. Gen. (1925). (1924). Proc.pdf) (English version of Dutch paper above)) Rutten. Also two samples of black-grey Eocene reefal limestone with Alveolina.dwc.dwc. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 415-428. epigona in Globigerina-chert of Skru Island (W New Guinea) (confirmation of small. L. 5. p.dwc.and the Biri- River basins. (1924). 2.Quaternary and Tertiary limestones of North New Guinea between the Tami.knaw. Kon. Kon. p. (online at: www. Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen Amsterdam 28. Amsterdam. no fragments of volcanic rocks observed in limestones and sandstones) Rutten. in nearby samples suggest E Miocene age) Rutten. Amsterdam. Akademie Wetenschappen. 8. Verhandelingen. Linderina limestone on Bacan (probably Late Miocene or Pliocene calcareous sandstone rich in Planorbulinella). Verhandelingen Geol.. (1921). Brief descriptions of foram- bearing samples. Kon. Includes: 1. L.dwc. Akademie Wetenschappen. L. (1921). L. p. 7-8. Indie 52 (1923). No detailed locality information. Ed. but rel. Kon. Proc.On Foraminifera-bearing rocks from the basin of the Lorentz River (Southwest Dutch New Guinea). 173-183. (3) Age of limestone on island Kamara(ng) in Pare Pare Bay. Kon.On the occurrence of Halimeda in Old-Miocene coast reefs of East Borneo.R. Mijnbouwk. 8 (Verbeek Memorial Volume). Geol. L. (Larger forams from limestone from series with fish fossils in S Sulawesi (Brouwer 1924). (1925). 1.. (1924). Ser. Unlike N New Guinea. (1920). Proc. March 2014 . Nederl. L. Eocene Alveolina-Lacazina limestone from top of Wilhelmina (Trikora) peak. 539-544. 1137-1141.Rutten. Nederl. (online at: http://www. Nederl. 6.Over fossielhoudende Tertiaire kalksteenen uit Britsch Noord Borneo. L.knaw. 606-614. but true Lepidocyclina)) Rutten.pdf) (Eocene Alveolina-Lacazina and Nummulites and Miocene Lepidocyclina foraminiferal limestone pebbles from Lorentz River (S foreland of Central Range). p.Over het voorkomen van Halimeda in Oudmiocene kustriffen van Oost Borneo. etc. p.1124-1126.pdf) (English version of Rutten (1924). Nummulites. Akademie Wetenschappen. Spiroclypeus and Lepidocyclina (N. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .nl/DL/publications/PU00014672. (Short notes on foraminifera from the Dutch Indies'. Eocene Nummulites-Alveolina-Lacazina in Horna region and many E-M Miocene limestone localities) Rutten.knaw. 1. Amsterdam. (1920). Majority of limestones of Oligo-Miocene age with Lepidocyclina. 529-534.M. Calcareous algae Halimeda rel.1 158 www. common in modern coastal reefs in E Indonesia. Orthophragmina (=Discocyclina) in Nanggoi River. Several E Miocene limestones from E Kalimantan have Halimeda. including globigerinid limestone near SE coast (= Imskin Fm of subsequent authors). opuntia) Rutten. 28. 23. S Nimboran Mts) Amsterdam. S Sulawesi (Late Neogene.knaw.Foraminiferen-houdende gesteenten uit het gebied van de ‘Vogelkop’ op Nieuw Guinea. p. Verslag. Nederl. Indie 53 (1924). common Operculina without Kolon. Nederl. probably same as recent species H. See English version below) Rutten. Akademie Wetenschappen. (4) Lepicocyclina cf. p. ('Foraminifera-bearing rocks from the area of the 'Birds Head' on New Guinea'. uncommon in Miocene limestones. 22.Some notes on Foraminifera from the Dutch Indies. Fish-bearing limestones with non-diagnostic Heterostegina only. p. E Kalimantan. 147-167. Geologie en Mijnbouw 10. p. M. Geol. 27th Ann. W Sulawesi'. 297-328. Geol. Ser. A.G. Kon. p. Pisang Island.Over Tertiaire. 5. Nederl. Kudat Peninsula N of Kinabalu Eocene limestones with Discocyclina. Kabupaten Mamuju Utaru. 170-172.dwc. Sulawesi Barat. Assoc. Mijnbouwk. Proc.H. Sempor and Rawakele Formations of the Kebumen Area. (‘Tertiary foraminifera from E Sulawesi’. First and only occurrence is Lepidocyclina zeijlmansi Tan Sin Hok 1936 from northern Central Borneo. Congr. Geol.E Pliocene. (1936). Correlation with Bodjonegoro sequence relatively easy) Saito.. Indon. 10. (1926). Geol. Tokyo 1976.Tertiaire foraminiferen van Oost Celebes. Part of Von Loczy (1934) E Sulawesi mapping report) Rutten. In: Late Neogene Epoch boundaries. Kendeng zone. 4. p. 8. etc. Arifin ( (2012). ENE of Ngawi. Verhandelingen Geol. L. etc. Spiroclypeus and Pellatispira. ('On Tertiary foraminifera-bearing rocks from Berau. Mus.pdf) (Planktonic foram biostratigraphic study of Late Miocene. ('Rocks and fossils from Pisang Island and from New Guinea'. P. from widespread limestones in Berau region. Ser. 179. no Pellatispira) Rutten. Rutten. Burckle & J. (1950). p. Nederl. Miogypsina. Most Tertiary clastic sediments contain rounded fragments of Mesozoic radiolarite. samples.Late Miocene to Pleistocene biostratigraphy of equatorial Pacific sediments. 106-117.Pliocene Globigerina Marls Fm of Ngepung section. p.F. 2012-SS-28.. Nederl. ('Planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy of the sand member of the Pasangkayu Formation. Saito. M. NE Kalimantan. p. 640m thick.G. J. 2. Akademie Wetenschappen 53.('On fossiliferous Tertiary limestones from British North Borneo'. foraminiferenhoudende gesteenten uit Beraoe (Oost Borneo).geoscienceworld. Foraminiferal Research 9.Biostratigrafi foraminifera planktonik satuan batupasir Formasi Pasangkayu. Verhandelingen Kon.knaw.R.M. Hist. (IAGI). & Suminta (1979). 286-289. Roy. Indon.Planktic foraminifera biostratigraphy of the Penosogan. L. but closely related species. T. L. p. (1934).Late Cenozoic planktonic forminiferal datum levels: the present state of knowledge toward accomplishing Pan-Pacific stratigraphic correlation.pdf) (Larger foram genus Lepidocyclina very rare in Eocene of SE Asia. Indonesia. Both belong in subgenus Polylepidina) Safitri. Kecamatan Hays (1975).D. Oligocene and Miocene larger forams Lepidocyclina. Conv.. E Java. L. Mijnbouwk.On the contemporaneous occurrence of Lepidocyclina and Discocyclina in Northern Borneo. T. 41st Ann. E of Misool. First Int. p.Comparison of Lepidocyclina zeijlmansi Tan from Borneo with Lepidocyclina birmanica Rao from Burmah.M. (1977). collected by Weber (NKPM) and Beucker Andreae. 2. (IAGI). include Eocene limestone with Lacazinella. Ed. (online at: http://www. but some samples with younger Lepidocyclina) Rutten. 10. Pasangkayu. Proc. Study of N Lariang basin upper M Miocene.full. Conv.vangorselslist.Roches et fossiles de l’Ile Pisang et de la Nouvelle Guinee. Gen. Nummulites. Geol. p.Biostratigraphy of Late Miocene and Pliocene deep water sediments of eastern Java. E Kalimantan'. & F.. Nat. 1-13. consisting of three zones) Saint-Marc. Central Java Indonesia. Gen. Proc. birmanica Rao 1942 from Eocene of Burma is distinct. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 196-198. Belgique 12. Yogyakarta. Pacific Neogene stratigraphy. Proc. Assoc. L. Marls with sandy and tuffaceous March 2014 . Discocyclina. Hendrasto (1998). p. (1948). (online at: http://jfr. 7. 61-80. Micropaleontology Press. Kol. with abundant planktonic foraminifera. suggesting significant Pre-Tertiary uplift) Rutten. D. Imran & M.1 159 www. Bull. (Abstract only) Sahabuddin. Sarasin (1898). (1932). Tonga. Current Science India 31. mainly extant species. Zoologischer Anzeiger 20 (536)-. p. B. P. Bolli. (Standard work on Cenozoic radiolaria and zonations) Santoso.Materialien zur Naturgeschichte der Insel Celebes. In: H.M.The occurrence of Globorotalia velascoensis in the Philippines. Magazine 121. Geol. Ombilin basin. Saunders & K. (1934). A. Philippine Geologist (J. Indonesia. (Brief communication reporting first find of M Miocene foraminifera association of Miogypsina and Orbulina in calcareous sandstones of Strait and Nicholson Islands. C Java') Sanders. & T.V.M. (IAGI). 5. hoffmeisteri (Whipple) and in Andaman Islands by B.K. Geol. Kapid (2014). Ed. vol. Teil I. C.R.Pleistocene in the North Rast Java Basin. 97-99. p. Jurnal RISET Geol. Geol.D.) Scheffen. R.Paleosalinity conditions on Late Miocene. ('On the identification of Lepidocyclina's.geological travels in Sulawesi by cousins P. 20-21. V. (Biplanispira closely related to Pellatispira.vangorselslist. p. and F. Pertambangan (LIPI) 24. First discovered by Verbeek in March 2014 . Orbulina in the Miocene of the Andaman islands. In Upper Eocene of Garo Hills. Biplanispira is confined to region between E India and Eua. mirabilis) Sampurno.B. 3. 1. Kreidel's Verlag.M.Ueber die Molluskenfauna der grossen SusswasserSeen von Central-Celebes. (Peaks in abundance of nannofossil species Calcidiscus leptoporus and Helicosphaera carteri used to infer rel. p. Sarasin) Sastri. p. Proc.On the occurrence of Miogypsina. ('On the mollusk fauna of the large freshwater lakes of Central Sulawesi') Sarasin. Includes 7 species of cyprinid fish. 11. and restricted to middle and upper parts of Upper Eocene. W. 4-76. Nederl. p. 25th Ann. from which it probably arose. Associated with plant fossils described by Heer 1874 and a water bird described by Lambrecht 1931) Sanfilippo. 1. 631-712. 1-102. Soc. M.Die fossilen Fische der Alttertiaren Susswasser Ablagerungen aus Mittel-Sumatra.Ostindische Lepidocyclinen. Gen. Indon.1 160 www. J. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Mijnbouwk.Zur Lepidocyclinen-Bestimmung. p. 4. R. Conv. Padang Highlands. Perch-Nielsen (eds. Cycloclypeus. (online at: http://www. G.. Barmawidjaja (1996).. Kapid & D.) Plankton Stratigraphy. Assoc. Insani & R.The genus Biplanispira Umbgrove (Foraminiferida) and its occurrence in India. & F. (1932). Cambridge University Press. Sarasin (1897). W. 1-11. Wiesbaden. De Mijningenieur 13.. (1984). 65-74. 241-245. (also Thesis University of Amsterdam. p.J. 16-30. W.. Ser. 1. Description of well- preserved Eocene fresh-water fish fossils from bituminous marly shales from S. hyposaline conditions in Late Miocene Ledok and Late Pliocene-E Pleistocene Selorejo Fms) Sarasin. & F.Cenozoic Radiolaria. ('Materials for the natural history of the island of Sulawesi. Volume 1 of 5 of the classic work on the late 1800's geographic. Die Susswasser-Mollusken von Celebes. H. 142p. Geol.Analisis foraminifera kuantitatif pada kala Pliosen di daerah Ledok Kabupaten Blora. Sipang. it is represented by B. Jawa Tengah.S. (1964). Westberg-Smith & W. M. P. Riedel (1985). 1. 2. Chapter 14. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl-Indie 21. with further collections by Musper in 1927.archive. The fresh-water molluscs of Celebes island'. (First record of Paleocene planktonic foraminifera in S Palawan) Samanta. ('Quantitative analysis of Pliocene foraminifera of the Ledok area.Samaniego. en Kol. p. Philippines) 18. E India. Bedi (1962).W. Middle and S Andaman Islands) Scheffen. p.) ('The fossil fishes from Early Tertiary fresh water deposits from Central Sumatra'. based on nannoplanktonon population changes. Verhandelingen Geol. p. 311-318. M. Pal. C. No Late Eocene radiolarians due to probable hiatus or condensed section. Rangin et al. Earth-Science Rev. Scheiber. Part 3 (Families Eratoidae. Little or nothing on localities. Onset of larger foraminifera-dominated platform correlates with Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum. Pliocene of Solo River and E Pleistocene of Mojokerto region. in Nederl.a response to long.-Indie (IV) March 2014 .A. Results 124. 659-661. R.E Eocene Tethys carbonate platforms: (1) late Paleocene: coralgal-dominated at low-mid paleolatitudes.P.A. 171-194. Leg 124. E. 233-256.P. Sites 767 and 770. (1907). Nummulites) platforms at low-middle paleolatitudes. In: E. 345-357. 153-203. Leg 124. Orbitolites.A. p. Descriptions of molluscs from Kajoe ragi area. 494-500. (3) E Eocene larger foraminifera-dominated (Alveolina.Late Paleocene.The marine mollusca of the Kendeng beds (East Java). ('The Buton asphalt with its foraminifera'.) Scheibner. 90. 11.Miocene radiolarians of the Sulu Sea. In: E.and short-term paleoclimatic change. Sammlungen Geol. (1932). p. F. Pelagic sedimentation until E Miocene. 195-210. with sea-surface temperatures in tropics beyond maximum temperature range of corals) Schepmann. 3. 81. when sedimentation became strongly influenced by continentally derived material) Scherer. (Part of series of papers on Kendeng Beds marine molluscs by Van Regteren Altena 1938-1950 and Schilder) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 4.(‘East Indies Lepidocyclinids’. etc. F.Radiolarians of the Celebes Sea. p. Mededelingen 12. (eds. (eds.Early Eocene Tethyan carbonate platform evolution. Sci. stratigraphic significance. not Oligocene as originally suggested by Martin (1934). & R. p. (1991).pdf) (Radiolarians generally rare in ODP Leg 124 sediments from Sulu Sea) Schilder. p. and Amphiperaidae).Zur Morphologie und Morphogenese der 'Lepidocyclinen'. ('Neogene Cypraeacea from East Java'. Paleontological paper describing dozen new 'species' and varieties of Lepidocyclina. collected by Fennema) Scherer. Results 124. 1. C. Speijer (2008). Descriptions of cowrie shells from Miocene of Lodan anticline.P. Rangin et al. Decline of coralgal reefs in low latitudes related to warming. 8. Leiden. Leidsche Geol. Gastropoda). R. Ranikothalia. W. collected during mapping by Bandung Geological survey) Schilder. F.J.(2) latest Paleocene: coralgal reefs dominant at middle paleolatitudes and larger foraminifera-dominated (Miscellanea. (1991). Reichsmus. (Celebes Sea ODP Sites 767 and 770 brown clays over basalt at both sites contain radiolarians of late M Eocene Podocyrtis chalara Zone.vangorselslist.1 161 www. p. p. (online at: http://www-odp. ('Molluscs from the post-Tertiary beds of Sulawesi'. Assilina) at low paleolatitudes. Obscure reference reporting presence of planktonic foraminifera Pulvinulina (=Globorotalia) menardii and Orbulina universa in asphalt-bearing rocks of Buton. Brill.Uber einige fossile Cypraea aus dem Sunda-Archipel. 1. p.) Proc. De Ingen.A. p. Sci.Neogene Cypraeacea aus Ost. Oligocene represented by Theocyrtis tuberosa and Dorcadospyris ateuchus zones. Gastropoda. (1941).) Scheffen. (1939). (Three stages in Late Paleocene. 4. 359-368. Silver. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). R. (1932). Silver. ('On some fossil Cypraea from the Sunda Archipelago') Schilder. Zeitschrift 14. Neues Jahrbuch Min. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). 71-102. Ser.A.M.Mollusken aus posttertiaren Schichten von Celebes.Java (Mollusca. Strassenbautechnik 32. Ed. 5. Cypraeidae. This clearly suggests M Miocene or younger age. C. Palaont.Der Boetonasphalt mit seine Foraminiferen. Asphalt und Teer.) Proc. etc. (1937). N9)) Schlumberger. 6.Note sur un Lepidocyclina nouveau de Borneo.pdf) (‘On the occurrence of Miogypsina and Lepidocyclina in Pliocene marls from the Bismarck Archipelago'. peripheroronda zone. epigona and M. Zool. p. France (3). and comparison with Baculogypsina sphaerulata.seals. kais. cushmani (~N8?) and M.1 162 www. Reichsanst. p. (1910). 1. 45-134. (1934). Verhandl. 1910. Verhandl. HvG)) Schubert. Reichsanstalt. 6.J.Note sur les genres Trillina et Linderina. p. 3. 22. Proc. Nederl. 250-253. globulina (N5-N7?). Lengguru foldbelt. (online at: http://www.W. 128-134. Lepidocyclina insulae natalis (probably E Miocene Euleidina. 318-328. Most of samples collected by Weber.-Indien). but are associated with younger deep water fauna. 295-298. kon. from S coast of Flores. a new species from Teweh. p. Geol. Soc. (1893). Akademie Wetenschappen B77. Vienna. New species of Miogypsina M. (online at: http://retro.J. 87-90. Sammlungen Geol.. (Three E-M Miocene miogypsinid species assemblages from same samples studied for lepidocyclinids and planktonics by Van der Vlerk and Postuma (1967): rel. (online at: http://www. (1900). Reichsanstalt. 20. SE Kalimantan) Schmid. 5.Miogypsinidae from East Java and Madura. (1902). C. Soc. 14.Note sur Lacazina wichmanni Schlumb. S Australia) ('Note on a new Lepidocyclina from Borneo'. Species also known from New Caledonia?.vangorselslist. R. E Java and stellate Lepidocyclina martini from Miocene of Madura. France 1896. Incl. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Sammlungen Geol. Not very useful. common in Indian and Pacific Oceans) Schlumberger. R.) Schubert. Kon. France (3).Note sur le genre Tinoporus. 130p. Victoria. p. HvG).Truncatulina margaritifera granulosa Fischer) aus dem Pliocaen von Ceram (Niederl. p. upper Barito area. Kais. ('Biometric investigations on foraminifera (…) from the Pliocene of Seram'. Geol.Die fossilen Foraminiferen des Bismarckarchipels und einiger angrenzender Inseln. Ed. Kais. M. (First description of (Austro)Trillina howchini from Muddy Creek. Geol. March 2014 .) Globorotalia tumida (Brady) und Truncatulina margaritifera Brady. (Description of Recent species Baculogypsina floresiana n. long-lived M. Kon. C. Bull. 395- 398. 4. antillea (Gr. (1910). 4.Biometrische Untersuchungen an Foraminiferen (Globorotalia menardii (d'Orb. Kon. laganiensis (These shallow marine larger forams look like M Miocene age.sp. ('Note on two species of Lepidocyclina from the Netherlands Indies'. & C. Listing of Pliocene deep marine smaller foraminifera from blueish marls of Torricelli Mountains.landesmuseum. (1911). C. Leiden (1). (1894). Bull. Vienna. (1896). collected by Verbeek) Schlumberger. 1910. 1. Vienna. R. C. p. C.J. (online at: http://www. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 27. Geol. J. Drooger (1974). 22. Reichs-Mus.. Leiden (1).Uber das Vorkommen von Miogypsina und Lepidocyclina in pliocanenen Globigerinengesteinen des Bismarckarchipels. 118. K. Abhand. Mem. Soc. HvG) from Ngembak well.landesmuseum. new species Globigerina fistulosa (= Globigerinoides fistulosus)) Schubert. Lepidocyclina formosa (= Eulepidina.Uber Foraminiferen und einen Fischotolithen aus dem fossilen Globigerinenschlamm von Neu-Guinea.Note sur deux especes de Lepidocyclina des Indes Neerlandaises. (Lacazina wichmanni new species described from (Eocene) limestone from Triton Bay area.pdf) ('On foraminifera and a fish otolith from a fossil Globigerina marl of New Guinea'. Extensive measurements on selected planktonic and smaller benthic forams from ?Pliocene Fufa Beds foram marls from Wai Wahai hinterland of N Central Seram. collected by Wichmann. p. 1-14. Koolhoven 1929) Schlumberger. Andaman Sea. R. Kais.H.Nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy around the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in parts of the Indo-Pacific region.J. Taxonomy updated by Srinivasan & Sharma (1980)) Schweitzer.1 163 www. Rieb (eds. 187-268. 1-66. C. Novara Expedition. Eight new Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Two Tethyan molluscs species recorded for first time from Nanggulan.. p. (BMR) J.K. C. Drobne. (online at: www.vangorselslist. Jauhri. E Kalimantan (Dryobalanoxylon musperi. Ratanasthien & S. Indonesia.M Miocene limestones with larger foraminifera (incl. L. C. Less.pdf) (Based on study of Ashmore Reef 1 (Australia NW shelf). Foraminifera from North Arm and N part of East arm of Sulawesi. Geol. Feldmann & C. Bureau Mineral Res. Looks like typical Tethyan fauna) Scolari. a discussion on shared taxa. Hottinger. nummulitids and orthophragminids. Flosculinella n. etc.J. Nanggulan. Lepidocyclina) Schwager. C Java. Palaeontographica B 105. Banten). bangkoense. Goneplacoidea) from the Eocene of Java. 1-54. Java (Bogor. Stratigraphy 9.Pliocene Globigerina-rich pelagic sediments) Schubert.Hole 762C with ~240m of Eocene pelagic chalk off NW Australia: ~250 Eocene species. J. collected by Koperberg. sumatrense.Eocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and community structure from Exmouth Plateau. (1913). & G. S. Includes descriptions of new species of petrified wood from Miocene- Quaternary of Sumatra (Jambi. (Eocene fossil molluscs from Nanggulan. outcrop material from 'Meleri Beds' of W Papua and Capricorn 1 well (off Queensland) a. p. Jahrbuch Kon.M. and Lepidocyclina) and Late Miocene. 2. In: B. (New family to accommodate fossil crab Martinocarcinus from Late Eocene of Kali Puru.Larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. 5.Die fossilen Dipterocarpaceen Holzer. Bull. Symp.A new family of brachyuran (Crustacea. p. Eastern Indian Ocean (ODP Site 762).ga. find overlapping ranges of Globigerinoides primordius and Globorotalia opima in combined zone N3/N4. p. C..pdf) ('Contribution to the fossil foraminiferal fauna of Sulawesi'. F. Mainly young Miocene. (20 shallow benthic zones in Paleo-Eocene. 53. p. Australian Geol. ('The fossil dipterocarp woods'. Correlation with Berggren et al.Fossile Foraminiferen von Kar Nikobar. France 169. J. H. A. Ed. Wien. Bonadio (2009). First or one of earliest studies on foraminifera from SE Asia. 135-151. Fernandez. (2001). 2.Middle Eocene molluscs from the eastern and western Tethys.o. p. (1995) time scale based on magnetostratigraphic data from Pyrenean Basin and correlation with nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera zonations in E and C part of Tethys) Shafik. ('Fossil foraminifera from Kar-Nikobar'. Reichanstalt 62 (1912). Watkins (2012). Geoph. D. p.)) Scolari. K. Pavlovec. Mem. p.K. (1999). Scripta Geologica 138. (1998). Chiang Mai. R.E. E. R. Chaproniere (1978). Globigerinoides first appearance datum is in Late Oligocene) Shamrock. Some E-M Miocene carbonates with March 2014 . 5. Palembang).Beitrag zur fossilen Foraminiferenfauna von (1866).(‘Fossil foraminifera from the Bismarck Archipelago and some adjacent islands’ Oligocene. 3. Major changes in nannofossil assemblages correspond to paleoenvironmental shifts such as the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum) and the EECO (Early Eocene climatic optimum). 127-150. 403-414. (New gastropod species from M Eocene lower Nanggulan Fm('Axinea Beds')) Serra-Kiel. F.L. Java) Schweitzer. (Nannofossils from ODP Leg 122.The new species Sundabittium shutoi from the Middle Eocene of Nanggulan (Java. 281-299. D. 45-48.) Proc.L. based on alveolinids. Scienze Geol. from Kar-Nicobar islands.Pliocene. G. (online at: http://www. & D. borneense. Geol. on Shallow Tethys (ST). Pignatti et al.gen. Padova. Geol. Soc. 4. Indonesia). Decapoda. 1857-1859. p 1-10. Caus. (1958). D. edu/SF/SFE0000546/kshepsthesis.) Proc. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.. (136 species of Miocene.. Northeast Indian Ocean. 14. 2006) papers on NE Java basin Miocene biostratigraphy) Sharma. Carroll (2006). M. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .F. Singh & N. Berita Sedimentologi 30.Pleistocene gastropods from E margin of Iloilo Basin. (1977). Kobayashi & R. 105 p. Sci. Cruciplacolithus nebulosus.A revision of the biostratigraphy and strontium isotope dating of Oligocene-Miocene outcrops in East Java.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. V. Rawal (1999). Kyushu Univ. Cyclicargolithus parvus. Indonesia. 239-257. p. Tokyo 1976.Neogene gastropods from Panay Island. the Philippines. but no information on localities) Shuto.K.species: Calcidiscus ellipticus.Martin (~1880-1922). Markalius latus. Boudagher-Fadel. p.iagi. Toriyama (eds. E. the (Updated version of Sharaf et al. (online at www. In: T. 5.Preliminary correlation of the Neogene molluscan faunas in Southeast Asia. 3. (2004). (1969). the Philippines.Biostratigraphy and strontium isotope dating of Oligocene-Miocene strata. Sci. p.vangorselslist. University of Tokyo Press. J... 6. T. Mem.or. College of Marine Science. Pedinocyclus annulus)) March 2014 . University of Tokyo Press. p. (1971). Turritellidae and Mathildidae In: T.K. Panay Island) Shuto. 3. (1974). Sharma. 1. Nicobar islands Nancowry and Kamorta moderately rich radiolarian assemblages studied here. (1969). opacus. (2006. 1-250. T. Geol. (Taxonomic revisions of many of the new gastropod species described by K.Sc. Boudagher-Fadel. Larger foraminifera and planktonic foraminifera overlap in occurrence in many localities. (1975). Congress Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Andaman Sea. 19.etd. 1-73. Fac. With range chart. ser. 15. Kobayashi & R. First Int. M. K. Fac.fcla. Kujung. S. India 34. & G. E.) Shuto.R. Shuto. p.Notes on Indonesian Tertiary and Quaternary gastropods mainly described by the Late Professor K.. (Same paper as below) Shuto. 44-58. with 120 species belonging to the Dorcadospyris alata Zone (about 15-13 Ma) Sheps. Indonesia. mainly Miocene. p. University S Florida.Neogene bivalves from Panay Island. Simo & A. Carroll (2014). Kobayashi & R. Kyushu Univ. M.Neogene gastropods from Panay Island.R. ovata. Soc.A. Sharma (1989). Geol. (Neogene of Andaman and Nicobar Islands deep water marine facies rich in Radiolaria. D. T. T.K. 76-82. J.Late Miocene to Early Pliocene radiolarian biostratigraphy of Neill Island.. Ed. T. Micropaleontology 45. J. Stratigraphy 2. 1-250. Tuban and Ngrayong Fms. University of Tokyo Press. Simo & A. 289-301. Mem. Biostratigraphic ranges of larger benthic and planktonic foraminifera tied to the ages from Strontium isotope dating) Sharaf. Toriyama (eds.Early Middle Miocene radiolaria from Nicobar Islands. Hexadelus archus. p.Correlation of Neogene formation of Southeast and South Asia by means of molluscan faunas. 251-277. 135-160.1 164 www. Saito & H. C. (Oligocene-M Miocene in E Java grouped into three stratigraphic intervals. Hayella situliformis var. 133-144. T. etc. p. 21. Martin I. (online at: www. In: T. In: T.F. p.pdf) (Paleoenvironmental distribution of Large Benthic Foraminifera. ODP Leg 194).Quantitative paleoenvironmental analysis of carbonate platform sediments on the Marion Plateau (NE Australia.A. D. Shuto. Ujiie (eds. p. East Java. V.Pliocene turritellids from Java. Thesis. A. Res. Band 71. Berichte Naturforsch. Sahuro Kanno Mem. 1.A revision of the Burmese Tertiary turrids. Martin from Java. (1978). with remarks on other species of this genus'. Sci. Igo & H. p. 25-52. Proc. Kalimantan) Shuto. (1929). Siphonofusus (M Miocene and younger) and Euthria (Eocene and younger). Shuto. F. p.pdf) (Sites 767 and 771 in Celebes Sea post-Oligocene sediments below carbonate compensation depth (CCD) and calcareous nannofossils recovered only from turbidites. Palaeontol. 267-307.tamu.25- 2. In SE Sulu Basin nannofossils preserved only in post- early M Miocene. T. University of Tokyo Press. p. Orchiston & T. In: H.3 Ma). (online at: http://www.gen. (online at: http://www-odp. (Upper Kalibeng Fm and marine intercalations of Lower Pucangan Fm at Sangiran contain > 30 calcareous nannoplankton taxa. Palaont. Kyushu Univ. Shyu.Jouanetia cumingi (Sowerby) aus den Pliocan von Timor nebst Bemerkungen uber andere arten dieser Gattung. Noda (eds.vangorselslist.W. 2. Central Java. ('Fossil Brechites (Aspergillen). Toriyama (eds. 23. 124. T. Bivalve species) Sieverts. Shuto. Bandung 1977. 99-110.NN 18 interval (3. Kobayashi & R. besonders aus dem ostindischen Tertiar.M.Micropalaeontological investigation of Late Pliocene marine sediments at Sangiran. W. 5. Incl. Sci. Geol. Spec. T. p. the Phlilippines.P. T. Upper Kalibeng Fm assigned to Zone NN 16 (3. 87-99. Ed. p. Soc. 111. N.) Proc.G. (1933). In: T. 115- 157. H. (1978). D-XXV. From late M Eocene to Late Oligocene Site 771 was above CCD and accumulated pelagic clay. (1980). Fac. University of Tokyo Java.palaeo-soc-japan. Centre (GRDC). p. Martin. (1982). H.West Pacific Neogene. In: E. Vol. 19. (1978).S. Publ. Djubiantono (1984). Dev. Proc. for gastropod Cerithium fritschi from Eocene of Nanggulan) Shuto. Geol. including fossils from Pliocene of Muna Island and Miocene of Brunei.Miocene molluscs from the Macasilao and Paghu Mayan Formations.Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Celebes and Sulu Seas. Trans.1. Shuto.Jungtertiare Molluskenfauna aus Niederlandisch Ost-Indien. p. 133-159. p. & C.Fossile Brechiten (Aspergillen). p.A note on the Eocene turrids of the Nangulan Formation. Mem. (1934).com March 2014 . p. ('Young Tertiary mollusk fauna from Netherlands East Indies') Siesser. Palaeont. ('Jouanetia cumingi from the Pliocene of Timor. particularly from the East Indies Tertiary'. II.. Lower Pucangan Fm within NN 16. indicating Late Pliocene age for both.l.pdf) (On gastropod genera Buccinulum (E Miocene and younger).) Prof.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. J. Zeitschrift 16. (eds. Highest occurrence of Chiasmolithus grandis just above basement and indicates late M Eocene age for Celebes Basin crust. Base Gephyrocapsa oceanica s. 263-275.West Pacific. (1984). Japan. 358-369. Descriptions of tube-dwelling molluscs. D. Neues Jahrbuch Min.Molluscan biohorizons in the Indo.1 165 www. Negros Island. T. p.Notes on Indonesian Tertiary and Quaternary gastropods mainly described by the late Professor K. Potamididae and Cerithiidae. Alcheringa 8. Res. 113-160.Shuto.On the genera Siphonofusus and Euthria of the Indo. 2nd Working Group Meeeting Biostrat Datum Planes in the Pacific. Silver et al. Gesellschaft Freiburg 29. With descriptions of species from Java. (Second part of taxonomic revisions study of many of the new gastropod species described by K. collected by Bothe) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). Mueller (1991). closest datum to top Olduvai paleomagnetic event and most suitable biohorizon for approximating Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Celebes and Sulu Seas) Siemon..65 Ma) Sieverts. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. 309-369. T. IGCP Project 114. Beil. 101-135. Sundabittium n.25. 1. (Biology). Sis (1981). Thailand. Soc. Suminta & W. Indon. 5. a fossil sonneratioid pollen genus.K. & A. Dev. J. Limbong (1994). p. Asanoina globosa. Institute Teknologi Bandung. trispinosa. Simmons (eds.Biostratigrafi dan lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Ngrayong di daerah Cepu. Soenarti. Res. Discussion of foram biostratigraphy in and around M Miocene (N9-N12) quartz-rich Ngrayong sandstone in wells Cepu 1-6 (probably not real well names). (1973). 9th Ann. Mtg.K. a new Miocene gymnocodiacean alga from Papua New Guinea. 219-241. Singh (2008). Rept. p. Geol. indopacifica and Calcarina calcar) Soeka.Simmons. Associated microfauna and other microflora described) Sinha. Proc. (1973).. Bivalvia.D. 1-796. Chiang Mai. (Review of six Late Miocene-Pleistocene zones based on rotaliid benthic foraminifera from outcrop sections in NE Java. M. Johnston (1991). S. Karangsambung. p. P.K. 1. March 2014 . p. ('Biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the Ngrayong Formation in the Cepu area'. Contr. Cephalopoda. E. M.Neogene benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and datum-planes of East Java basin. E. well correlations and paleogeographic map showing transition from inner neritic in North to bathyal paleoenvironment in South) Skwarko. p. Scaphopoda.Paleogene foraminiferal biostratigraphy and its problem in the South Central Jawa. 2. Indonesia. Pseudorotalia tikutoensis/ P.. 4th Ser. see also Paltrinieri et al. Southeast Indian Ocean. Paleont. In: Int.Florschuetzia. Indon. Bandung. Skwarko.) Biostratigraphy in production and development geology. (1994). S. 4. Centre.1 166 www. Soeka. Publ.D. London. Yogyakarta. S.Mollusca in Indonesian Cenozoic biostratigraphy (a computerised compilation). Geol. Lambiase & C. A. p. D. p. S.D. Sect. Conv. Sci. Bandung. 251-270. 1-125. Sudjaah (1980). Thesis Dept. (New species of gymnocodiacean alga from Miocene Darai Limestone Fm of PNG. J.D.geoscienceworld. 98-112. p.J.Late Neogene planktic foraminiferal biochronology of the ODP Site 763A. 239-244. p. Micropalaeontology 9. p. Defined by evolutionary appearances of (old to young:) Asterorotalia subtrispinosa. (Unpublished) ('Analysis of the Jatibungkus Limestone. Proc.F. I. & M.D. Jones & M. Centre. & E. 1. Assoc. Lemigas Scient. (Palynomorphs and foraminifera allow distinction of paleoenvironments where core is absent) Simmons.nov.. Bandung. Bandung. Geol. Assoc. & Djuhaeni (2008). Pseudorotalia catilliformis. Introductory chapters. E. Bidgood. Geol.Microfossil assemblages as proxies for precise palaeoenvironmental determination. Morley (1999). Sufiati (1994).. 37th Ann. With foram distribution charts. example from Miocene sediments from North-West Borneo. Gastropoda. p.K. Java Tengah. Sect. (IAGI). Soeka. 3.K.Mollusca in Indonesian Cenozoic biostratigraphy (a computerised compilation).Permocalculus iagifuensis sp. Eocene limestone study. 1. (online at: http://jfr. 2.Biostratigraphy of mainland Southeast Asia: Facies and Paleontology. p. Dev.. Dev. Spec. S. Thayib & T. (IAGI). In: R. Skwarko. Res.pdf) (Late Miocene-Pleistocene planktonic foram zonation and numerical age calibration of datum levels) Sjamsuddin. Amphineura. M. K.Neogene benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and datum-planes of East-Jawa basin.full. from Sulawesi. Sufiati & A. Crevello. Central Java'. Indonesia. P.vangorselslist. & Mudjito (1993).K. Suminta. Previously only recorded from Permian and Cretaceous.. Geol. Symp. Tohoku Univ. J. 1976) Sohma. Foraminiferal Research 38.Mollusca in Indonesian Cenozoic biostratigraphy (a computerised compilation). 261-266. Exmouth Plateau.W. 1-326. Paleont. Teknik Geologi. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . S. 152.J. 36..Analisa batugamping Jatibungkus. Geol. Centre. Brenac. In: J. F.E. J. Univ. p. Boomgaart (1949) Smaller foraminifera from Bodjonegoro (Java).Nicobar Islands. Bandung. (1931). 17.H.P. Lamb.. 75-92. 1-83. Bay of Bengal. p. Chaturvedi (1992). 1962. Four species of Scopelus. March 2014 .C.S. Tsuchi & J.) Centenary of Japanese micropaleontology. a decade of progress. Burckle (eds. Warme et al.H.) The Deep Sea Drilling Project. Saito (eds. SEPM Spec. p. (eds. Saito & L. Doct. M.P. probably from E Pliocene (N19) Sawai Bay Fm) Srinivasan. & J.S. Stainforth. Rept.S. also Macurus gracilis and Argentina sp.) Stinton. H. Univ. In: R.Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biochronology of the DSDP sites along the Ninetyeast Ridge. In: T. Contr. Indie. Ed. Beard & R. p. Kansas Paleont.The status of late Tertiary foraminifera of Car Nicobar described by Schwager in 1866. Tokyo. M.Standard planktonic foraminiferal zones of the Andaman-Nicobar Late Cenozoic: Recent Researches in Geol.S. (1963). 23-79. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Northern Indian Ocean. Sinha (1992). In: L. Ingle (eds.Srinivasan. etc. South Pacific. 11-14. M. Micropaleontology planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and evolution: Equatorial to Subantarctic. p. Srinivasan. Kennett (1981). Micropaleontology Press. M. Ishizaki & T. (1949). 107-110. Base Globoquadrina dehiscens (Base Miocene). 124-161. & D. (Seven species of fish otoliths 'of deep-sea character' from Mio-Pliocene marls of Bojonegoro 1 well. NE Java. (online at: http://svr4. Srinivasan. Survey. (1977). Major epoch boundaries marked: by Top Globigerinoides fistulosus (Plio-Pleistocene). p. Brunei and North Borneo.S. F. Ann. (Brief revision of taxonomy of Late Tertiary foraminifera described by Schwager (1866) from Car Nicobar Island samples collected during 1858 Novara Expedition) Srinivasan.Late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal events of the Southwest Pacific and Indian Ocean: a comparison. Base Globorotalia tumida (base Pliocene). 62.pdf) (Neogene planktonic foram biostratigraphy of Ninety East Ridge. 499-533. 1. University Utrecht.Late Neogene biostratigraphy and planktonic foraminifera of Andaman. p. (Revision of taxonomy of deep marine foraminifera originally described in classic work of Schwager (1866) on material collected by Austrian Novara Expedition in 1858. British Borneo Geol.vangorselslist. In: K. 32. Srinivasan.Schwager's Car Nicobar foraminifera in the reports of the Novara Expedition: a revision. & V.P. p. p. of Tokyo Press. R. Publ.) Late Neogene Epoch boundaries.Otoliths from Bodjonegoro.1 167 www. Top Globoquadrina binaiensis is useful marker close to N5-N6 boundary in tropical Indian Ocean and Indo-Pacific region. Jeffords (1975). Luterbacher. N Indian Ocean. p. Terra Scient. Publ. Kennett (1981). 175-188.A review of Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy applications in the equatorial and South Pacific.S. J. Thesis. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Sharma (1980).) Pacific Neogene: environment. 6. (Many new species of fish otoliths from North Borneo) Stromer. M.Die ersten Alt-Tertiaren Saugetier-Reste aus den Sunda-Inseln.M. 203-220.Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera zonation and characteristics of index forms. 395-432. Srinivasan. M. & S.) Srinivasan. p. M. 5.N. & J. Absence of Pulleniatina spectabilis suggests effective closing of Indonesian Seaway in M Miocene.. 3. Today & Tomorrow's Publ.terrapub. Tokyo. DSDP sites. Srivastava (1975). evolution and events. New Delhi. Marine Micropal. S.C.S. 1-425. Publ.Teleostian otoliths from the Upper Tertiary strata of Sarawak. & S. p..L. Spec. Stinton. S. 154-157. Sharma (1969). & V. go. Sudijono (2000). 57-74. W Borneo. Thesis University of Wales.Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Northern South China sea (Leg 184. Publ.Foraminifera from the mud volcanic area.5-No. J. 1-24. p. Presence of Austrotrillina howchini.L. 1-25. Centre. Sirga Fm quartz sandstone is barren. 2. are first record of Early Tertiary mammals in Indonesia. 1. E Miocene sandy limestones with Spiroclypeus. Bumi Ayau. Miogypsina Indonesia. 72. In: N. 14-34.Biostratigraphy and depositional environment of the limestone sequence in the drill hole LS- 12. (online at: /www-odp. Sumber Daya Geol. Kadar (eds.) Quaternary geology of the hominid bearing formations in Java. inspinosa. A.Neogene foraminifera from the Rembang Basin. Oligocene. Aberystwyth. Dev. X. Geol. (Biostratigraphy of limestones in S mountains of Lombok. Lepidocyclina. in which upper Zone NP25 and lower Zone NN1 were missing (missing time span ~1 My) Sudijono (1985). Toraja.Age and the depositional environment of the Kalibiuk Formation of the Cisaat river section. HvG) Sudijono (2005). 253-273. 4.tamu. Res. Flosculinella bontangensis. subdivided into 4 Paleogene and 21 Neogene zones of Martini. Ser.On the age of the Makale Formation of the Makale-Totumbang Road section.Sc. (Foraminifera suggest mainly Late Pliocene ages (upper N20-N21) for Kalibiuk Fm) Suhartati. northern South China Sea. p. p.N. Unconformity recognized at Oligocene-Miocene transition. J. A. . East Java. 2. Probably belong to small anthracocerid Artiodactylus. (1984). Res. 17-24. p.('The first Early Tertiary mammal remains from the Sunda islands'. upper Te5-Tf1-2 (E-M Miocene) and Tf3/ N16 (Late Miocene)). Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 7. etc. (GRDC) 15. Miogypsina. p. common in M-U Eocene of Asia and Europe) Su. (Makale Fm limestones in S Sulawesi mainly Tf1 Letter stage. 5. Paleont. (Sedimentary rocks from mud volcano include limestones (M and Late Eocene with Nummulites. trispinosa) in 200m deep Cengkareng well.1 168 www.Pellatipira. West Nusatenggara.early M Miocene) Sudijono (2005). Cycloclypeus (Katacycloclypeus) annulatus. Central Java. Sangiran.Biostratigraphy and the depositional environment of the Toraja Limestone at the Nanggala river section. Res. Prell et al.On the age of the limestone in the island of Lombok. but is at base Oligocene. 224.lipi. Ed. Dev. In: W. Age late E Miocene. Bandung. sites 1146-1148). South Sulawesi. Faumai Fm contains Lacazinella and Fasciolites.Early Oligocene.vangorselslist. Bandung. Xu & Q. Y. (GRDC) 15. 10. M. Two teeth from probable Eocene beds in Sanggau area.geotek. 2. Miocene and Pliocene planktonic forams) Sudijono (1997).2-2. Geol. NW Java) Sukandarrumidi (1986). Sumber Daya Geol. J. 118-135. Irian Jaya.) Proc. 1-292. Watanabe & D. Length-width ratios of 3 Asterorotalia species (A.PDF) (Oligocene-Pleistocene sequences at Sites 1146 and 1148.Biometri statistik rasio panjang lebar pada genus Asterorotalia di sumur bor Centre. J.pdf) ('Statistical biometry of the length ratio in the genus Asterorotalia in wellbore Cengkareng'.earliest Miocene (basal Te5) LBF assemblages in Faumai-Sirga-Kais succession in well LS- 12 well. Three zones: Te1-4 (Latest Oligocene Sekotong Lst with large foram Miogysinoides complanatus). (eds. Central Java. Tana Toraja. (M Eocene (Ta3). Ertsberg mining district.multispinosa. possibly also Te5 near base and Tf2 at top. a family rel. Miogypsinoides) and marls with Eocene. p. 3-23.. Tu (2004). J. p. p. M. (Unpublished) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Sumber Daya Geol. Riset Geologi Pertambangan (LIPI) March 2014 . p. (GRDC) 15. (online at: http://pustaka. 184. overlain by Rupelian (Tc) with Nummulites fichteli (= as noted by Brash et al. Spec. Scient. Sudijono (2005). no Pellatispira. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). South Sulawesi. ) (‘On the composition and origin of chalks and marls of the Moluccas’.M Chang & Z. Amsterdam. 1. p. Conv. Nugrahaningsih & E. Kon. Thesis. Very little work done in Indonesia) Tan Sin Hok (1926). L. 165p.B. Java Sea). 303-304. Jatibarang. ((N. Central Java. Very little stratigraphic context of samples.Ammonia umbonata zone) Pleistocene (Asterorotalia trispinosa zone) biostratigraphy of Jatibararang CLS-X well. 25. 8. Limoges. 150-162. University of Tokyo Press.en mergel-gesteenten van de Molukken. (IAGI). Baumgartner 1992. Many of the new radiolarian species from Roti also present in Early Cretaceous of SW Sulawesi. (also as Ph.B. Assoc. Aberystwyth.Miospores from the Eocene Nanggulan Formation in the Yogyakarta region. Soc. 1-730. Nederl.Sukandarrumidi (1989). Walanae formation. (Unpublished) Sukandarrumidi (1990).2738. Age of highest concentration of microtektites 792 ± 2 ka.K. O'Dogerty 2009). p. NW Java) Sukapti. are of Early Cretaceous age ( Incertae Sedis. 3.Over de samenstelling en het ontstaan van krijt.Late Cenozoic foraminifera from West Java (Jatibarang oil field. 25. Soc.Calcareous nannofossil bioevents and microtektite stratigraphy in the Western Philippine Sea during the Quaternary. Sun.-Indie 55 (1926). (1982). W. p. (1984). Verhandelingen 3. Proc. Proc. Yamdena.S. Halmahera.. Mineral (ITB) 8. 411-419.G. near boundary of isotope stages MIS20/19) Suyoto. p. p. 77. 2732. T. Li. 1095-1105. p. 303-326. Savantes. (Very brief review of literature on calcareous nannoplankton in SE Asia. Japan. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.S. Geol. 30.g. collected by Brouwer) Tan Sin Hok (1927). Eucyrtidium (now Archaeodictyomitra) brouweri. A. Akademie Wetenschappen. calci and manganese peroxide spherulites.J.Coccolith biostratigraphy in Southeast Asia. p. drilled to 2630m. Sukiman. 5-165. Thesis University of Wales. 3. In: T.1 169 www. S (1977). 29-36. & F. Lelono (1994). (online at: http://www.Sur deux bois fossiles du gisement de la region Pachitan a Java. Bull.Zonasi polen Tersier Pulau Jawa. ('On two fossil woods from the deposits at Pacitan in Java'. 5. 1. Rahardjo. M Miocene (Lepidocyclina verbeeki. p. Nederl. Bioevents and Australasian microtektite impact event calibrated to oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Jurnal Tekn. (online at: http://naosite. Polhaupessy. p. 1. N. Comptes Rendus 102nd Congres Nat. Jasin & Haile 1996. (Seven calcareous nannofossil bioevents identified over past 2. S. K. (eds. T. Amsterdam. W Philippine Sea. Kobayashi et al. p. 17 of which are new) Takayama. Ed. Proc. Indon. South Sulawesi.A. E of Luzon. Akademie Wetenschappen. Tang (2011). Chinese Sci.36 Ma in two sediment cores from Benham Rise. With Shoreoxylon pachitanensis) Sun. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 197-209.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.nagasaki-u. p.Palynological study of the Burecing member. Roti.Biostratigrafi sumur pemboran CLS-X. Proc.On a young Tertiary limestone on the isle of Rotti with coccoliths. All radiolarian species described from marls on Roti believed to be of Late Tertiary age by TSH. Delft University.pdf) (Early description of Late Teriary calcareous nannofossils and radiolaria in pelagic limestone with radiolaria and small manganese nodules from S part of Roti island. Munasri 2013)) Tan Sin Hok (1927). Palaeont. . A.T. Ph. Trans. 29.vangorselslist.knaw. etc.87. Wiyono. Jatibarang'.com March 2014 . ('Biostratigraphy of well CLS-X.pdf) (Palynology study of 48 palynomorph types in M Eocene lignite at Nanggulan.dwc.D. H. Pioneering study of radiolarians and calcareous nannoplankton from deep water sediments of Timor. Yu.D. R. Media Teknik 12. (2001). X. 23rd Ann. ('Tertiary pollen zonation of Java') Takahashi. Coccolithinae and Radiolaria. 180-184.On the genus Cycloclypeus Carpenter. Mijnbouw en Geologie). 1-194. 12. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. including new Late Pliocene species of Discoaster: D. boetonensis from Eocene(?) of Buton) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Java.1 170 www. ('Two new microspheric Lepidocyclinas from Java'. Vlerk.Recent Cycloclypeus in West Java) Tan Sin Hok (1934) a new Polylepidina from Central Borneo. De Ingen. (B) omphalus. De Mijningenieur 11. 144-146. (eds. Larger foram Spiroclypeus evolved from Heterostegina in middle part of Tertiary e= Late Oligocene) Tan Sin Hok (1930). Possibly close to Lep. pentaradiatus. D. Tegal (Mittel-Java) und Benkoelen (Sud-Sumatra).Uber Lepidocyclina gigantea Martin von Sud-Priangan (West-Java). 19. De Ingen.Lepidocyclina zeylmansi n. 92-114.-lndie (IV). p. assigned to Lepidocyclina papulifera Douville) Tan Sin Hok (1935).knaw.Recent. 2. Reported in more detail in 1932)) Tan Sin Hok (1931). S. p. De Ingen.Over Spiroclypeus met opmerkingen over zijn stratigraphische verspreiding.sp. a stellate form from W Java) Tan Sin Hok (1935). De Mijningenieur 11.-Indie (IV). 1. Large microspheric Lepidocyclina from Lusi River near Ngampel. De Ingen. ('On microspheric Lepidocyclinas from Ngampel (Rembang. in Nederl. De Ingen. C Java)'. Mededelingen 5.- Indie (IV. p. etc. Larger foram genus known from Early Oligocene. Escher et al. brouweri. Bantam.Discoasteridae.pdf) (First publication on 'aragonite stars' (calcareous nannofossils/coccoliths) from E Indonesia.d. Tan Sin Hok (1930).Die peri-embryonalen Aquatorialkammern bei einigen Orbitoiden. Part 1 and an appendix on the Heterostegines of Tjimanggoe.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. Lep. D. nebst Bemerkungen uber die verschiedenen Entstehungsweisen der Lepidocyclinen.collected by Ter Haar.). 5.-Indie (IV).. 3. ('On Spiroclypeus and its stratigraphic distribution'. C. in Nederl. (Listings of calcareous nannoplanton and radiolaria species reported by 1931 from Indonesia) Tan Sin Hok (1932). 2. Java. (General discussion of initial chamber morphologies in Cretaceous and Tertiary orbitoidal foraminifera) Tan Sin Hok (1936). p. collected by Bothe and Lep. 233-242. 7-14. 1.G. 12. p. Martin. molengraaffi. 2-3-211. Leidsche Geol.Over Cycloclypeus: voorlopige resultaten eener biostratigraphische studie. ('On Cycloclypeus: preliminary results of a biostratigraphic study'.sp. Two M-L Miocene new species described. 113-126. 12. In: B.(online at: http://www. in Nederl. Large microspheric Lepidocyclinids) Tan Sin Hok (1935).com March 2014 . p. Tegal (C Java) and Bengkulu (S Sumatra)'. This most evolved Lepidocyclina subgenus regarded by Van der Vlerk as limited to upper Tertiary f. Feestbundel K. Ed. in Nederl. p. Indie. but questioned by TSH) Tan Sin Hok (1930).vangorselslist. 2. p. tributary of Mahakam River. New. p.Enkele opmerkingen over de stratigraphische verspreiding van Trybliolepidina v. ('Some remarks on the stratigraphic distibution of Trybliolepidina'. ('On Leidocyclina gigantea Martin from S Priangan (W Java). in Nederl.with remarks on the various origins of the Lepidocyclinids'. 2. 9. eine neue Polylepidina von Zentral Borneo. primitive species of Lepidocyclina from Eocene in Tjihan River. (Classic paper on evolution and species of Early Oligocene. ('Lepidocyclina zeylmansi n. 1. 1-8. De Mijningenieur 11. (B) stratifera from Pasean village. Mitteljava).Uber mikrosphare Lepidocyclinen von Ngampel (Rembang.-Indie (IV). 9-18. C Kalimantan.dwc.Zwei neue mikrosphare Lepidocyclinen von Java. p. ecuadorensis. (‘Remarks on Cycloclypeus from Sipura.On the genus Spiroclypeus Douville with a description of the Eocene Spiroclypeus vermicularis nov. 6. 3. p. bifida) Tan Sin Hok (1936). Natuurk. De Ingen. sp. with remarks on various classifications of the lepidocyclinids’.Zur Kenntnis der Lepidocycliniden. p. 5. M. 3.-lndie (IV). 35-45. E Borneo) Tan Sin Hok (1936). Akademie Wetenschappen 39. 7-15. 235-280.Second continuation and end'.II'. here reclassified as subspecies of M.vangorselslist. p. complanata.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lepidocycliniden. 9. p. a polylepinid orbitoid from Central Borneo. p. p. De Ingen. Miolepidocyclina excentrica n. 3. 4. in Nederl.-lndie (IV). ('Further investigations on the Miogypsinids.Lepidocyclina zeijlmansi nov. Proc.. Geologie en Mijnbouw 15. Discussion of more 'obscure' Miogypsian species and details of chamber patterns and stolons) Tan Sin Hok (1936). p.-lndie (IV). De Ingen. 4. ('On the knowledge of the Miogypsinids. 3. 4.-lndie (IV). 109-123. II Fortzetsung und Schlusz.Weitere Untersuchungen uber die Miogypsiniden I. 45-61. 7. in Nederl. March 2014 . (First Polylepidina-type Lepidocyclina from the Indo-Pacific.Zur Kenntnis der Miogypsiniden. De Ingen.-Indie (IV). I Fortzetsung. 3. ('Further investigations on the Miogypsinids.1 171 www. 3. De Ingen.Tan Sin Hok (1936).Bemerkungen uber die Cycloclypeen von Sipoera (Mentawai-Inseln).Zur Kenntnis der Miogypsiniden. 57-58. p. Five types/ stages: M. De Ingen. in Nederl. Tan Sin Hok (1937). p. First (and only?) record of Eocene lepidocyclinid from Indonesia) Tan Sin Hok (1936). 87-111. (Mainly a critical review of Barker & Grimsdale 1936 paper on American lepidocyclinids. in Nederl. p. sp. 5. ('On the different paleontological criteria for the subdivision of the Tertiary') Tan Sin Hok (1937). M.Over verschillende paleontologische criteria voor de geleding van het Tertiair.Weitere Untersuchungen uber die Miogypsiniden II. No illustrations) Tan Sin Hok (1936).-Indie (IV). 4. from Madura) Tan Sin Hok (1937). Mentawai Islands’) Tan Sin Hok (1936). Ed. in Nederl.First continuation'. from Koetai in East Borneo. 177-193.-lndie ( IV) 3. No figures or data) Tan Sin Hok (1936). indonesiensis and M. cushmani) Tan Sin Hok (1937). De Ingen. Discussion of growth patterns of miogypsinid and other larger forams and remarks on stratigraphic distribution and interregional correlations. in Nederl. De Ingen. in Nederl. eine polylepidine Orbitoide von Zentral Borneo.Zur Kenntnis der Miogypsiniden. Mainly on Miogypsina indonesiensis group.-lndie (IV). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . in Nederl. 84-98. Tijdschr. from tributary of Mahakam River.sp. Nederl. Miogypsinids probably evolved from Rotalia. ('Lepidocyclina zeylmansi. 8. p. First of series of five papers on miogypsinid evolution and species in Indonesia. De Ingen. (‘On the knowledge of Miogypsinids’. (online at website Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen ) ('On the knowledge of the Miogypsinids.Note on Miogypsina kotoi Hanzawa.-Indie 96. 1. (Discussion of value of various larger foram genera for biostratigraphic subdivision of the Tertiary) Tan Sin Hok (1936).I'. M. 2. p. nebst Bemerkungen uber die verschiedenen Einteilungsweisen der Lepidocyclinen.Over verschillende paleontologische criteria voor de geleding van het Tertiair. 3. 173-179.-lndie (IV). Kon. borneensis. 10. 3-32. 3. in Nederl. in Nederl. lndie (IV). 173-179. 990-999. p. De Ingen. 585-586.E. 93-97. Acad. March 2014 .sponge symbiosis from the Lower Miocene of Indonesia') Tesch. 294. 5.Note on the occurrence of Miogypsinoides Yabe and Hanzawa in Oligocene Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .F. Continuation of above monograph.. 2. Kon. 7. J.I.vangorselslist. Faunas dominated by gastropods.knaw. Molengraaf 1909. Ed. nov. p.Tertiary foraminifera from Borneo.go. In: J. off W Sumatra. Poignant (1982).Jungtertiare und quartare Mollusken von Timor. in Nederl.part 2’. P. Nephrolepidina spp.dwc. (Brief paper with comments on larger foram 'letter zonation'. In: J.(Review of larger foram genus Spiroclypeus. Nummulites). (1933).. 1911 expeditions. (online at: http://retro. species 114- 233. 113 (During exploration in 1942 of Cimandiri coalfield. 5. On p.-lndie (IV). 6. (1899). p. New name Rotalia trispinosa for Rotalia pulchella. 661-670. 179: mention of Biplanispira in Wani series of Buton) Tan Sin Hok (1939). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 27. a sample was collected N of mouth of Tjibeuleungbeung that contains both Camerina fichteli. Imp. Nat. (online at: http://www. p.Uber Tertiare Foraminiferengesteine von Sipoera (Mentawei-Inseln). Miogypsinoides appears in Late Oligocene.) Palaeontologie von Timor 8. H. nov. Late Pliocene. trispinosa nom. Ann. described by Brady (1884) from Bangka Straits) Thalmann. 349-353.. accompanied by isolepidine- nephrolepidine and eulepidine Lepidocyclines.E. Larger foraminifera in M Eocene black limestone (zone Ta with Assilina. 41-121. etc. Hist. no map) Tesch. (Brief general review) Tan Sin Hok (1939).) Palaeontologie von Timor 5.E. p. Termier G. in Nederl. Proc.Jungtertiare und quartare Mollusken von Timor-II. 14. Miogypsina. and a Miogypsinoides sp. D. With table listing localities. 248-251. W Java. p. This demonstrates that Miogypsinoides made its appearance in Oligocene time (Td)) Tappenbeck.- lndie (IV). Mag. Proc.Remarks on the “Letter classification” of the East Indian Tertiary. und R. Schweizerbart. 9.Early Pleistocene and Pleistocene) Thalmann. 98-101. D. & A. 2. Amsterdam 39.) Tan Sin Hok (1943). (1920). (online at: http://retro. De Ingen. Acad. Mainly taxonomic descriptions of mollusks collected by Wanner.part 1'. p. Early Miocene (zone Te with Spiroclypeus. p. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 26. ('Late Tertiary and Quaternary molluscs from Timor.The results of phylomorphogenetic studies of some larger foraminifera (a review). 7.Une symbiose algue rouge-spongiare dans le Miocene inferieur de l'Indonesie. 7. (‘Late Tertiary and Quaternary molluscs from Timor.jst.Mitteilungen uber Foraminiferen I. In stratigraphic conclusions samples grouped in 3 categories: Late Miocene?-Early Pliocene. ser. guembelianus) marl and limestones) Tenison Woods. Akad Wetensch.1 172 www. 6. 245-264.Zwei neue Vertreter der Foraminiferen-Gattung Rotalia Lamarck 1804: R. Paris. trispinosa'.ch/cntmng?type=pdf&rid=egh-001:1933:26::270&subp=hires) ('Two new representatives of the genus Rotalia Lamarck: R. Abh. p.seals. (1934). p. 2. (online at: www. (1916). Wanner (ed.seals. Stuttgart. 9. p. Stratigraphic range Late Oligocene. Nederl. Wanner (ed. 17 new.jstage. cubana new name and R. Tokyo 19. (1936). cubana nom. H. Sci.). De Ingen. 3. Short paper. and Late Miocene (Tf with Pliolepidina and Cycloclypeus cf.pdf) ('On Tertiary foraminifera rocks from Sipura (Mentawai Islands)'. ('A red algae.E Miocene (zone Te) and also in Late Eocene (Tb). Compte Rendu Hebd. ser. P. . ('Communications on foraminifera.. 5. H. p. p. Soc. Known only from E half of East Indies Archipelago: E Sulawesi (Boealemo peninsula). from Late Tertiary and E Quaternary of N Java) Thalmann. Geol. p. 1927 ex Tan Sin Hok.uu.('Communications on foraminifera. 5. Discocyclina and Alveolina. 3. 2. 57. 333-337. S. 57. Utrecht Micropal. Soc.E. (INA) Newsl. H. and Seram island) Thalmann. Helvetiae 31. Brief. Includes chapter 8. ( (Miocene nannofossil zonation. Mainly a brief review in the importance of work by Tan Sin Hok (1932-1937) on the 'morphogenetic' evolution of Cenozoic larger foraminifera Lepidocyclina.) ('Communications on foraminifera. 12. p. Miogypsina. E Java. Geol. (1942). Spiroclypeus. p. (Occurrence of Late Eocene planktonic foram marker genus Hantkenina in Sangkulirang and Tanjung Selor regions.Occurrence of the genus Lacazina Munier-Chalmas in the East Indies. Nannoplankton Assoc.E. W Papua (Pisang Island E of H. Kai Besar Island (between Riamroe and Yamtimur) Thalmann.III'. and 4 on two new species from the Plio-Pleistocene of Java. 1-271. Birds Head between Rumberpon and Horna.library. description of Pseudorotalia indopacifica n. assigned to 'subgenera' Eu-Discoaster and Helio-Discoaster) Theodoridis.pdf) (Commonly used genus name Discoaster is technically invalid because at the time of first description no type species was designated (instead spp. America Bull. 15-21.seals. 1838-1839. 1931.E.Wert und Bedeutung morphogenetischer Untersuchungen an Gross-Foraminiferen fur die Stratigraphie. S and E of Paniai Lake).On the legitimacy of the generic name Discoaster Tan Sin Hok.Mitteilungen uber Foraminiferen III. (online at: http://ina. etc. (1946). p. Onin Island. early review of Miocene. 2. Includes chapters 1 on Rotalia gaimardi. (Abstract only) (Eocene limestones with larger foram Lacazina (= Lacazinella) often associated with Nummulites. 12. 53. 2. 5-24. (1942). Stanford Univ. Rotalia catilliformis and Rotalia alveiformis) Thalmann. 592-606. Nothing on SE Asia) Thalmann. Long Iram area). (1946). 1946)) Theodoridis. 2 on Rotalia conoides from Cepu area.E. E Kalimantan) Thalmann. on Wilhelmina Peak of Central Range. Dramai Island. (1984). p. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 28.New occurrences of the foraminiferal genus Hantkenina in Europe and Asia. 337-356. (online at: ('Value and meaning of morphogenetic investigations on larger foraminifera for stratigraphy'. H. S and E of Triton Bay. PNG (Chimu aerodrome). (1935).Hantkenina in the Eocene of East Borneo.New occurrences of the foraminiferal genus Hantkenina in Europe and Asia. Cape Pasanea. p. Ed. presence of Eocene planktonic foram genus Hantkenina in E Kalimantan (many localities along upper reaches and tributaries of Mahakam River. partly based on Miocene material of Solo River section.II'.vangorselslist. H.I'.seals.tmsoc. (online at: http://dspace. Int. (1937). (1938). Sci. (1983). Geol. America (GSA) Bull. S. Cycloclypeus. p. Geol. Setawka River in SW New Guinea.E. America (GSA) Bull.Calcareous nannofossil biozonation of the Miocene and revision of the Helicoliths and Discoasters. (Meeting abstract only) (Incl. and C Seram (Wai Tali. Returns to emended definitions of Helio-discoaster Tan and Eu-discoaster Tan for Discoaster species) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Germeraad. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 30. E Java. 1.E. Kendeng zone. 2. presence of Eocene planktonic foram genus Hantkenina in E Borneo. 32. 1236-1237. (online at: http://retro.Pleistocene Pseudorotalia species from Indonesia.Mitteilungen uber Foraminiferen II. and Sungei Ingsiim. Bull.sp. Abstract. (online at: http://retro. H.1 173 www. 2.E. Eclogae Geol. from Indonesia) Thalmann. 1236-1237. Publ. March 2014 . Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 20. Recent foram faunas dominated by Indo-Pacific reef genera Calcarina. Ammonia.Recent smaller foraminifera from Guam. collected by Buxtorf. 9. 87-102. A. H.S.pdf) (Descriptions of planktonic and smaller benthic foraminifera from Late Eocene (172 species).usgs. Ujie. first description of Schlumbergerella neotetraeda in Quaternary? limestones) Tobler. Nat. 323-330.Restudy of Japanese Miogypsinids. U. (below 179'). A. 99-114. (online at: http://retro. Incl. Survey Prof. ('Calcification of the lateral chambers in Miogypsina'. Part 2. Austrotrillina striata n. Brief paper on occurrence of Miogypsina with Spiroclypeus in Tabalong section. H. 547-568. Paleontology. R. (Descriptions of marine benthic forams from Middle Miocene Sandakan A. No stratigraphy or biozonations) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . ('Notes on some foraminifera-bearing rocks from the Sanggar Peninsula (Sumbawa)'. Larger foram Meandropsina from marly limestone of Samui near Balikpapan. p.Miocene foraminiferal faunas from the Sandakan Formation.pdf) (Eocene. 113-141. p. 2. Geol. HvG)) Tobler. >4500m thick clastic series.Tobler. 16. abunensis) Todd. Survey Prof. E Kalimantan. Bull. Nat. (1970). 413-430. 5.Recent smaller foram faunas from Bikini Atoll dominated by miliolids and peneroplids. Geol. 115-136'.com March 2014 . Gyroidina. (’Miogypsina in the basal Neogene of Trinidad and East Borneo’. p. sp. mostly barren. 3 samples with middle Miocene planktonic forams (Gr.“Evolutionary line” of Miocene Miogypsinid populations. p. (Sandakan Fm on Sandakan Peninsula.Verkalkung der Lateralkammern bei Miogypsina. Upper 95' of wells dominated by Calcarina spengleri (reef deposition). Late Oligocene (61 species) E-M Miocene (161 species) sediments. etc. Mus. (1927). from donated collection in Basel. Survey Prof.Geology of Saipan. 3. Paper.S. 280-H. 260-N.New species and subspecies of benthonic foraminifera from the Miocene Sandakan Formation. p. Sci. (1927). Pseudorotalia borneensis. new species Miogypsina tuberosa. (online at: http://pubs. (1926). New species of Bolivina. (1977). NE Sabah. In: Geology and Palaeontology. & R. Paper 403-I. 2. Appendix in Pannekoek van Rheden (1918)-paper. University of Tokyo Press. Bull. H. Baculogypsina and also Marginopora) Todd. Post (1954). (1966). Rotalia calcar and Calcarina delicata n. 3. 265-320.1 174 im untersten Neogen von Trinitad und Ost Borneo. U. M. (’Meandropsina in the Tertiary of East Borneo’.sp. Papers.seals.vangorselslist. 165-185. 189-192. (1957). (1973).pdf) (Miocene. p.S. U. p.Distribution of the Japanese Miogypsina with description of new species. Geol. Mus.usgs. Sci. (1918). May be Pseudotaberina (Meandropsina is Upper Cretaceous genus. R.Smaller foraminifera from Bikini drill holes.Maeandropsina im Tertiar von Ostborneo. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 20. hispida. 321-323.Smaller foraminifera from Guam. Part 3. Deeper also C. Assigned to Zone Tertiary 3y of Van der Vlerk. Ujie. North Borneo. p. Baculogypsina sphaerulata (reef. Mariana Islands. Tokyo. see also Cole 1966) Todd. E Kalimantan.Notiz uber einige foraminiferenfuhrende gesteine von der Halbinsel Sanggar (Soembawa).usgs. University of Tokyo Press. 1. Smaller foraminifera. Southeast Asia 18. (online at: http://pubs. Incl. Not much new) Tobler. p. p. 719-721. Ed. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 8. A. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 19. (1966). (online at: http://pubs. Zeitschrift Vulkanologie 4. fohsi zone)) H. North Borneo. R.) Ujie. Hotz (eds. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 10. 82-89. Tokyo Press. vol. Philippines. SE Kalimantan. (1928).H. S Sumatra. SE Borneo) Umbgrove. J.vangorselslist. In: Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. (Planktonic foraminifera spanning zones upper N17-lower N21 in Opol Fm of N Mindanao) Umbgrove. p. Martin. (1930). H. Leidsche Geol. p.F. (Biplanispira absurda n. (New species of Lepidocyclina from marly limestone in Ayer Laje. In: B.Pliocene Menkrawit. Embryon advanced nephrolepidine to trybliolepidine.Heterospira: a new foraminiferal genus from the Tertiary of Borneo.Tertiary sea connections between Europe and the Indo-Pacific area. 5. (1931). Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.1 175 www. p. (Describing difficulties in Indonesia. 45-76.repository.H. Indie. J.H.A second species of Biplanispira from the Eocene of Borneo. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen. 1-22.sp. J. p. J.F. p.F. J.Neogene en Pleistoceene koralen van Sumatra. Fourth Pacific Science Congress. 91-104.) Geological. n. 2nd ser.H. J. 155-157. p. p.naturalis.F.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. 13. Antjang and Domaring beds.Europe biostratigraphic correlations due to faunal provincialism) Umbgrove. Proc. Mededelingen 8. gen.Het genus Pellatispira in het Indo-Pacifische gebied. Java 1929. Indie 5. van Sumatra. a few km S of Bataraja. J. Tanah Bumbu. spec. 28-41.sp. (1938). 129-144. (online at: http://www. p. Middle-Late Miocene age) Umbgrove.H. p. p. 25 species identified.H.Tertiary foraminifera. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen. Escher et al. nov. from Eocene of Sungei Sangajam. Palaeontology. 25. Mededelingen 10. petrographical and palaeontological results of explorations.repository. (?Middle Miocene ‘Upper Tf’ larger foraminifera from Bebulu River.F. Leidsche Geol. (1936). (online at: http://www.F.H. Pasir (Zuid Oost Borneo). Univ.. Mededelingen 5. Low diversity coral assemblages from Late Miocene. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. (1926).F. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. about 80 Recent species. S Palembang.55. J. (1924). probably all Late Pliocene or younger age) Umbgrove.H. 109-113. 32.Ujie. Probabbly Upper Tf. Rutten & W.Upper Miocene planktonic foraminiferal faunas Northern Mindanao.F. collected by Leupold in NE Kalimantan) Umbgrove. five of which new) Umbgrove. (Corals collected by Rutten from 13 localities in C and E Seram.H. Genus later renamed Biplanispira) Umbgrove. March 2014 .naturalis.Anthozoa van Noord-Oost Borneo. Seven species.. Descriptions of Miocene-Pleistocene corals from N Aceh.F. p. from several localities in E Kalimantan. IIA. J. Leidsche Geol. (eds.Report on Pleistocene and Pliocene corals from Ceram. (1927). Indie 9. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.G. (Review of Late Eocene (Ta-Tb) larger foram genus Pellatispira in Indo-Pacific area. collected by 'Mijnbouw' and from other N Sumatra localities collected by Tobler) Umbgrove.-Indie 4.Pliocene. listing foraminifera species reported from Tertiary of Indonesia) Umbgrove.43-71. In: L. carried out from September 1917 till June 1919 in the island of Ceram. & T. (‘Neogene and Pleistocene corals from Sumatra’.Lepidocyclina transiens. (1929). Ed.Neogene foraminiferen van de Soengei (Description of Late Eocene larger foram Heterospira mirabilis n. J. (Chapter in Martin memorial volume. Samata (1973). Feestbundel K.F. Considered to be are aberrant specimens of Pellatispira madaraszi or Pellatispira mirabilis by Cole (1970)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . with double arrangement of chambers on both sides of a median plane. ('Anthozoans from NE Borneo'.H. (1929).-Indie 9. Miocene corals from Flores (East-Indies). Stephanotrochus. 729-778. Amsterdam. Soc. (online at: http://www. (Small hill of Gunung Linggapadang near Prupuk. p. Kon.H. incl. Akademie Wetenschappen. (online at: (Pliocene corals from Buton asphalt deposits at Waisiu.H. 20.repository.F. collected by members of Geological Survey) March 2014 .F. 8. Meded. Geol.H. 47% still living. as demonstrated by their steep Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. Amer. Verhandelingen Geol. 14-16. Reef comparable to patch reefs in Bay of Jakarta.Corals from asphalt deposits of the Island Buton (East-Indies). 62- 67.H. Ed. p. collected by (1947). J. 521-542. (1945). (Review of investigations on coral reefs in E Indies in last 15 years before WWII. Leiden.naturalis.Corals from the Upper Kalibeng beds (Upper Pliocene) of Java. 340-344.repository.1 176 www. 9 species. p.Umbgrove.Corals from an elevated marl of Talaud (East Indies). Ser..) 5.F.repository. (1946). Extreme thickness of some reefs. Progyrosmilia vacua. Platygyra and Porites Also illustration of fossil coconut) Umbgrove. (Geol. (online at: http://www..Coral reefs of the East (Corals collected by Kuenen during Snellius expedition from marine marl near Mahammale. p. Hydnophyllia.Holocene age) Umbgrove. 263-274. Proc. Leidsche Geol.15 could be identified. America Bull.naturalis. incl. J. J.knaw.F. Mijnbouwk. (Corals from limestone at N coast of Flores near Papang. p.F. 393-398. 49. so young. 29-37. 15 species. p. Goniopora planulata) Umbgrove. Paleontology 20. 48. C Java. (1946). (1939). J. 23-31. E Java. p.H. Kon.F. Amsterdam. Cyphastrea. (1946). Well preserved.F. Favia. (1938). Phyllangia. (online at: http://www. Every atoll and barrier reef studied shows evidence of subsidence. J. 87-93. Percentage suggests Cisande limestone older than coral-bearing localities in Pliocene Sonde beds (Th). 8 of which still living species. Geol. Leidsche Geol.dwc. Akademie Wetenschappen. Gen. Mededelingen 11. 58.dwc. J. Geologie en Mijnbouw (N.F.H.Corals from a Lower Pliocene patch reef in Central Java.H.) 13. J. Caryophyllia.H. Leptoseris. Well. Proc. 6. (Percentage-of-living-species figures useful for stratigraphic dating and correlation) Umbgrove.Evolution of reef corals in the East Indies since Miocene time. (1946). p. Nederl. probably Miocene age. Zoolog.H.S. Goniastrea. 5. 1.naturalis. (1943). Talaud Island.H. (online at: http://www. p.F. Java. 1. C Java. 30. Coeloria. maybe around Mio-Pliocene boundary) Umbgrove. Assoc. J. N of Lurahgung. Fungophyllia spp. (Miocene and Eocene corals (mainly solitary species.Tertiary corals from Sumba (East Indies).preserved coral fauna of 70 species) Umbgrove.vangorselslist. Cyphastrea monticulifera. 9 species. Goniastrea.knaw. Mededelingen 13. Associated with Aceratherium boschi rhinoceros tooth (oldest land mammal fossil known from Java). Umbgrove. Nederl. Diploastaea) from Witkamp collection from W Sumba) Umbgrove. J. 1. J. is Lower Pliocene patch reef in marly Tapak Beds.pdf) (35 coral species from Late Pliocene Upper Kalibeng Beds at Sonde in W part Kendeng zone. Petrol. probably Pleistocene.F.Corals from the Upper Miocene of Tjisande. Twnenty-one coral species.pdf) (Reefal limestone lenses in U Halang Beds along Cisande all still living. (1942).A revision of fossil corals from Celebes described by Dollfus. sp. Schreurs (1996). Van Andel. J. J. Indon.1 177 www. Klaten. 503-504. SE of Rembang. with only 50% living species. Bayat.Corals from the Putjangan beds (Lower Pleistocene) of Java. p. S.sp.). Proc. collected by Wanner. 760-765. and Nummulites perforatus de Montf. Geol.Wungkal. 51. This abnormally low percentage probably due to special character of fauna which consists mainly of solitary 'deep water' corals) Umbgrove.pdf) (Lepidocyclinids from Early Miocene 'orbitoidal limestone (OK)' of Rembang Beds near Sumberan. B. Assoc. Geol. 20. N. offshore Sabah. Bandar Seri Begawan. 5.naturalis.. and Spiroclypeus vermicularis) Umiyatun Choiria. In: S. R.) The geology and hydrocarbon resources of Negara Brunei Darussalam (2nd ed. Pellatispira orbitoidea. 1-11. Amsterdam. wanneri n. 5- 14. (Umbgrove objects to use of 'East Indies Letter Classification' without proper referencing. p. Elbert and Selenka and Bandung Geological Survey. Assilina spp. Bayat Klaten.Notes on freshwater Mollusca from the Malay Archipelago. Java'.dwc. pengaronensis. Kon. cannot be explained by glacial control only. M-U Eocene (zone Ta3) larger forams from classic Jiwo Hills locality include Nummulites javanus. Nummulites javanus (Verbeek) considered to be younger synonym of N. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen. p. (Monograph of fresh water molluscs from collections of Dubois. Proc. (1948). C.The claystone age of Wungkal Formation based on calcareous nannofossils in Gunung Pendul area.. Proc.E.knaw. Koopman & A. p. T. Proc. T. Muzium Brunei and Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Berhad. 1013-1023. (1931). Setiawan (2001).nl/DL/publications/PU00018695. Prastistho. Ed.. 8. Publ.T. E Java. p. Spec. mainly subgenus Nephrolepidina. Sekarbolo. (Forty species of corals from lower Pleistocene Pucangan beds of Kendeng zone. (IAGI).Some remarks on Nummulites javanus Verb. W Timor. (online at : http://www.Sandal (ed. (Includes review of biostratigraphy in Brunei region (p.Foraminifera besar pada satuan batugamping Formasi Gamping.K. p.dwc. perforatus) Van Benthem Jutting. Conv. Assoc. Paleontology 24. Indon..repository.J. N. L. No data) Umiyatun Choiria. American Assoc. introduced for specimens with multilepidine embryon) Van den Brink. 637-651.H. 34th Ann. Yogyakarta. Prevailing wind and wave action are important influence on upper structure of reefs. 81-128.H. Additional examples of currents as factors of morphological importance) Umbgrove. Pekanbaru. Zool. Syabas.knaw. Molluscs from same samples described by Wanner & Hahn (1935). Bayat. Akademie Wetenschappen 52.Neogene dinoflagellate cysts from a deep water well. & J. Mtg.Stratigraphy.Tertiary stratigraphy of the Far East. (1937). 81-96)) Van den Abeele. (IAGI) and 10th GEOSEA Conv. (1949). American J. (online at: http://www. a protest. (1954). 6. Discocyclina spp. Bringin and Gegunung oilfield. Palynologists. p.Non marine mollusca from fossil horizons in Java with special reference to the Trinil Fauna. Kon. (Abstract only) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . collected by Tappenbeck. some Ann.Conv. Lepidocyclina wanneri n. 83-180. Nederl. Jawa Tengah. p. Van Benthem Jutting. mainly from Latest Pliocene-Pleistocene of Kendeng zone/ Trinil area) Van Borren. northern Borneo. (online at http://www. Proc. Meded.Lepidocyclininae from Rembang (Java) with a description of L. djokdjakartae. Science 252. J.pdf) (Study of Nummulites perforatus from Mollo.vangorselslist. Treubia 13. 30th Ann. (2002). Seven Lepidocyclina species. Jiwo Barat. Central Java.F. W Jiwo. T. 278-279.Wungkal Fm. (1950). March 2014 . ('Larger foraminifera from limestones of the Gamping. p.F. Jati Kurniawan & Surono (2006). 7. S. Strat. D. p.submarine slopes. PIT IAGI2006-072. 5. J.Recent in deep-water wells off Sabah and Brunei. No location ('A new Cycloclypeus species from East Borneo'. W. incl. de Vletter (1942). Little stratigraphic (New miogypsinid larger foram species from Larat. C (Listing and re-descriptions of Tertiary mollusk type specimens in K. Geol. Contains 5700 type specimens of 912 species) Van der Kaars. C.pdf) (Palynological study of ODP Site 767 in Celebes Sea indicates presence of extensive wetlands in area in Middle and Late Miocene. Nederl. (Looks like mainly M Miocene. so should be assigned to genus Miogypsinoides) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Akademie Wetenschappen 45. Lepidocyclina spp. HvG)) Van der Vlerk. & D. Alveolinella. etc. I. Sample from Gunung Mlendong near Kari Orang. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages similar to open oceanic assemblages from E Indian Ocean and NE Australian margin) Van den Hoek Ostende. which looks like and is associated with C. I. (eds.Een nieuwe Cycloclypeus soort van Oost-Borneo. Leloux. With locality map.Miogypsina Dehaartii nov. Natuurhist.seals. 429-431. 5. Martin collection at Naturalis Museum. Ser. acritarchs. Nat.dwc. Silver et al. At start of Late Pleistocene montane vegetation expanded.-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol.M. Samples collected by Rutten in SW corner of 109-Lamongan map sheet.knaw. Winkler Prins (2002).A. Description of new genus and species Orthocyclina soeroeanensis from Kali Soeroean. collected by BPM geologist De Haart. Looks like an advanced M-L Miocene radiate Lepidocyclina (Trybliolepidina). Palynological assemblages dominated by land plant material. 3.) Van der Vlerk. Geol. (Online at http://www. I.1 178 www.P.. 137-140. Bagelen area. Proc. Cycloclypeus (incl. No lateral chambers. mainly from Java. Ed.repository.) Proc. (1923). 5. March 2014 . spec. etc.Young Tertiary smaller foraminifera from the neighbourhood of Ngimbang. Kon. With discussions on Indonesia larger foram species and distribution.. Sammlungen Geol. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). National Museum of Natural History. p. Mus. Bull. No locality info. Results 124. (online at: http://www-odp. equivalent of Wonosari Lst of South Java. annulatus with concentric rings. In: E.F.Een overgangsvorm tusschen Orthophragmina en Lepidocyclina uit het Tertair van Java.sp. F. Their occurrence on Sumbawa and significance for the geology of East Asia and Australia'. an island off SW coast of New Guinea.. p. (1991). Associated with Cycloclypeus annulatus. Miogypsina.Cenozoic Molluscan types from Java (Indonesia) in the Martin Collection (Division of Cenozoic Mollusca). de Larat (Moluques). but is smaller and supposedly has somewhat different embryon. ('Studies on Nummulinidae and Alveolinidae. marine elements (dinoflagellate cysts. 2. Limestone samples from Sumbawa with Miocene larger foraminifera. Flosculinella bontangensis.Studien over Nummulinidae en Alveolinidae. ('A transitional form between Orthophragmina and Lepidocyclina from the Tertiary of Java'. Verhandelingen Geol. (1923). Contains Cycloclypeus martini n. 329-464. (1924). East Java. Lepidocyclina spp. Names never used by other workers. I.M. 369-374. p.Palynological aspects of Site 767 in the Celebes Sea.R. p. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 18. algae) only 2-5% of microflora.. probably due to tectonic upheaval) Van der Sluis. Wesselingh & C. Tech. annulatus).A. p. Verhandelingen Geol. no stratigraphic context) Van der Vlerk.vangorselslist. Sci. (online at: http://retro.pdf) (129 species of mainly deeper marine foraminifera in Pliocene marls.. Kutai basin (no map or stratigraphy info) rich in ?M Miocene larger forams. p. J. Leiden. (1922).(Attempt to establish dinoflagellate cyst biozonation for Late Miocene.. Reichs- Museums in Leiden 10.M.-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol.M.tamu. L.P.naturalis. Leiden. 10. 1-130. 1010-1015. Haar voorkomen op Soembawa en haar betekenis voor de geologie van Oost-Azie en Australie. Ser 7. HvG) Van der Vlerk. (online at: http://www. Reinhard & E. Great Britain 1948. Nephrolepidina. 15. Isolepidina and Pliolepidina) Van der Vlerk. Pasir. I.Het genus Lepidocyclina in het Indo-Pacifische gebied. Indisch Natuurwet.M. (online at: http://retro. 3e Nederl.Tabulation of determinations of larger foraminifera. 16-35.Groote foraminiferen van N.Cenozoic Amphineura. (1925).Stratigraphy of the Caenozoic of the East Indies based on foraminifera. I. (Listing of all Cenozoic mollusc species described from Indonesia before 1931) Van der Vlerk. Leidsche Geol. (1928). p. NE Borneo Eocene-Miocene larger forams collected by Leupold from Tidungsche Landen. 13-32.Foraminiferen uit het Tertiair van Java. March 2014 . spec. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnb. Bull. no maps) Van der Vlerk. 267-269.M. Verhandelingen Geol. I.sp. I. (1928). Congress. Mededelingen 5 (K. (1951). from Nyalindung beds near Sukabumi) Van der Vlerk. Geol. 137- 145. p. (1925). from Tji Lalang beds and Lepidocyclina/ Miogypsina/ Cycloclypeus and Rotalia beccarii atjehensis n. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 1. Associated with Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) formosa and Spiroclypeus. Three new species of Spiroclypeus. p. 8 (Verbeek volume).-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kolon. p. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.vangorselslist.G. 371-380. 61-63. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 21. I. 18th Int. Martin memorial volume). Borneo.M.seals. 7-86. Little or no stratigraphy) Van der Vlerk. ('Larger foraminifera from NE Borneo'. (New species of Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) from Sungei Telakai. I. Escher et al.Early Miocene larger forams from Naintoepo and Tempilan beds. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Late Oligocene. (1929). p. Buitenzorg. With species determination table) Van der Vlerk. British Territories Borneo 1. Ed. Java: Lepidocyclina rutteni n.E Miocene age) Van der Vlerk. NE Kalimantan.De verspreiding van het foraminiferengeslacht Lepidocyclina en haar beteekenis voor de palaeogeographie. (eds. 8. Trybliolepidina. suggesting Late Oligocene.M.. Oost-Indie. With stratigraphic table. Gastropoda. p. primarily based on characteristics of embryon: Eulepidina.) Geology of the Colony of North Borneo.1 179 www. p. SE Kalimantan. Survey Dept. 561-568. p. Congr. ('The distribution of the foraminiferal genus Lepidocyclina and its significance for paleogeography') Van der Vlerk. (1950). ('The larger foram genus Spiroclypeus and its significance for the stratigraphy of the Tertiary of the Indo- Australian Archipelago') Van der Vlerk. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. (1924). In: B.Het foraminiferen genus Spiroclypeus en zijn beteekenis voor de stratigraphie van het Tertiair van den Indo-Australischen Archipel. 3-44.Van der Vlerk. 206-296.-Indie 3. collected by Leupold. 1. Rept.The genus Lepidocyclina in the Far East. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnb. Scaphopoda. I.M. In: M.-Indie. I.A study of Tertiary Foraminifera from the "Tidoengsche Landen" (E. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 19. 182-211. (Classification of Indo-Pacific Lepidocyclina. Geol. Nederl. 5. var.Lepidocyclina mediocolumnata nov. (1931).O. Wenk (eds. 9. p.-Indie. p. de Pasir (SE-Borneo). Nederl. (Miocene larger forams from W. (Early review of Oligo-Miocene larger foram genus Lepidocyclina. I. Borneo). (1924).M. I. Handel. (Summary of Tertiary larger foram Ta-Tg 'Letter zonation' used in shallow marine carbonates of Indonesia) Van der Vlerk.M.M.M. (1925). lamellibranchiata. Bulungan and Mangkalihat Peninsula. Dickerson (1927).E.J. No locality map or local stratigraphy. M. Quart. p. p. p. Ser.M. 45-50% at Te-Tf boundary and 50- 55% in E Miocene/ Burdigalian) Van der Vlerk. (On evolutionary tendency in iso-. 5.M. D. maximum values increase from 25-30% in Late Eocene. (1961). & D. Kon. (1966). I. (1955). (1963).1929. Akademie Wetenschappen B76.M. ('Stratigraphy of the Tertiary of the Indo-Pacific and Mesogean domains (attemp of correlation)'. 334-338. Geol. Geol. (“Degree of curvature” preferred method over “grade of enclosure” to characterize evolutionary stage of Lepidocyclina) Van der Vlerk. Kon. Kon. 3. (Three limestone samples from central part of Larat Island (=Kai Besar?). Strat-graphic correlations between Far East and Europe using evolutionary stages of Lepidocyclina) Van der Vlerk. Verh. 1880. Geol. I. 245-255. Martin). 183-218.Lepidocyclina radiata (K. Proc. I. Nederl. 1934) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 115. Kon. p. p. Ges. Bull. p. p. 40-45% in Late Oligocene. with miogypsinids already described by Drooger (1953). 169-174.. I. (1973). Mijnbouwk. Ed. B69. Micropaleontology 14. 620-626.Correlation of the Tertiary of the Far East and Europe.. B 72. Nederl. 425-426. I. 1.Van der Vlerk. Dozy (1934). 185-192.M. 3. Van der Vlerk.M.Miogypsinoides. (appendix in Brouwer.Recent) Van der Vlerk. 1 (Kugler memorial Volume). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 59. Type locality of Miogypsinoides dehaartii Van der Vlerk 1924. B64. p.Modification de l’ontogenese pendant l’evolution des Lepidocyclines (Foraminiferes). Amsterdam.Nomenclature and numerical taxonomy (name and number). Micropaleontology 1.Two methods of worldwide correlation.. 421-429. March 2014 . Basel 84. Wet. (Brief paper on how larger foraminifera genera can be used by field geologists to determine broad ages of Tertiary limestones) Van der Vlerk. (On the different ways of classifying Lepidocyclina) Van der Vlerk. No locality descriptions or local stratigraphy) Van der Vlerk. & J.vangorselslist. p. 336-344. 72- 75. nephro. 669-673. Proc. Van der Vlerk.Stratigraphie du Tertiare des domaines Indo-Pacifiques et Mesogeen (essai de correlation).M.M. Proc. Soc.The Tertiary rocks of the Celebes-expedition. 49-63. London. p. I. (Includes measurements on Operculina foram material from SE Asia. France (7).and trybliolepidine embryons in Lepidocyclina embryon of deuteroconch to enclose protoconch to an increasing degree.Biometric research on Lepidocyclina. (1968). (Description of type specimen of M-L Miocene Lepidocyclina radiata from south coast of W Java) Van der Vlerk. Gen.M. I. 245-259. Miogypsinoides dehaartii and Miogypsina borneensis suggest Aquitanian age. (1973). & R.M. (1966). (1959).Biometrical investigations on Operculina. 5. Measured as 'grade of enclosure. Akademie Wetenschappen. Naturf. J. Nederl.1 180 www. Van der Vlerk. 3. p. 3. J. Miogypsina. I.M. Observed gradual decrease in grade of enclosure of second chamber by third in specimens from Eocene.Distinctions among certain genera of larger foraminifera for the field geologist of the East Indies. p. Bannink (1969). Micropaleontology 9.Problems and principles of Tertiary and Quaternary stratigraphy. Lepidocyclina et Cycloclypeus de Larat (Moluques). Amsterdam. I. I. Akad. Akademie Wetenschappen. Geol. Soc. I. Nederl. 4. I.M. 10. Proc. Van der Vlerk. Verhandelingen Kon. collected by Weber (BPM). (1959). I.M. Nederl.An improved method of biometric research. Paleontology 1. (eds.Oligocene planktonic foram biostratigraphy of Indian Ocean ODP sites along Ninety-East Ridge. A. Proc. Miogypsina borneensis) and B (with Miogypsina indonesiensis. I. Wennekers (1929). ('Some foraminifera-bearing limestones from South Palembang (Suamatra)'.M.1 181 www. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Rate of evolution changes from very slow to very fast to slow again and to fast again.basal Miocene (Zones P19-P22/N4) O and C isotope stratigraphy of benthic and plankonic forams from E Indian Ocean ODP Hole 758A. Lepidocyclina ( March 2014 . (Oligocene. (Composite section of Oligo-Miocene sediments of E Java and Madura with Lepidocyclinas and planktonic foraminifera.M. p. Smit (1991). 1-45. J.Tf2) assemblages A (with Lepidocyclina (N) besaiensis n. Assoc. Ganssen (1995).Tertiaire gidsforaminiferen van Nederlandsch Oost Indie.Paleoenvironmental distribution of Mid-Cretaceous to Recent larger foraminifera.Australia. Little or no stratigraphic info) Van Eijden. (1988). Akademie Wetenschappen. Telisa Fm E-M Miocene (Te5. Gloor (1968). Lower Palembang Fm localities C and D M Miocene zone Tf3(?) with Miogypsina indonesiensis and Lepidocyclina pilifera. Ocean Drilling Program.M. Genetica 39. Jakarta. Larger foraminifera from Early Miocene (lower Tf) Baturaja limestones between Batu Raja and Muara Dua) Van Eek.pdf) (Upper Cretaceous.An Oligocene multi-species foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope record from ODP Hole 758A (Indian Ocean): paleoceanographic and paleo-ecologic implications. Bordeaux.tamu.M.sp. De. Petrol. Oost-Indie 6. (online at: http://www-odp.J. (Overview of methods.Einige foraminiferenfuhrende Kalksteine aus Sud-Palembang (Sumatra). 17th Ann. (1981). p. 392-399. I. One of earliest papers to define the Eocene-Recent larger foram zonation known as the 'East Indies Letter Classification') Van der Vlerk. 121. I. p..) martini). & J. (IPA). Sci. not of glacio-eustatic origin) Van Gorsel. 4. 2. 5. Res.1EX. Exploration Memo EPR-E. Esso Production Res. Indonesia. & J. etc.H. p. J. 47-55.Biostratigraphy in Indonesia: methods. Most intervals reflect temperate. B. p. p.Eastern Indian Ocean Cretaceous and Paleogene quantitative biostratigraphy.subtropical climate) Van Eijden. W and SW of Sumatra. (Small guidebook describing principal larger foram genera from the Tertiary of Indonesia. (Measurements on embryonic shambers of Lepidocyclina from Java and Madura. (E-M Miocene Lepidocyclinids and Miogypsina from 4 localities on Gedongratoe map. Indon.A.M.F. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 22.(Documentation of Eocene limestones with Pellatispira and Miocene limestones in different parts of Sulawesi) Van der Vlerk. p. pitfalls and new directions. facies interpretations. in Indonesian Tertiary biostratigraphy) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .) Proc. in Nederl. D. & G.Oligo-Miocene Lepidocyclinas and planktonic foraminifera from East Java and Madura. including major fall at 30 Ma.Evolution of an embryo. (Unpublished) Van Gorsel. A. 47-65.M. Extent to which deuteroconch encloses protoconch or extent to which dividing-wall between them is curved (“degree of curvature”) increases from 10% in M Oligocene to 67% in M Miocene. Oligo- Miocene boundary placed above Globigerina ciperoensis ciperoensis zone) Van der Vlerk. & J. p. M borneensis. Weissel et al. Postuma (1967). (1937). Kon. Marine Micropal. Ed. Second phase of rapid evolution from earliest Miocene up to extinction of genus) Van der Vlerk. 70. 275-300.Foraminifera from the Telisa and Lower Palembang beds of South Sumatra. 4. Ingen. Lepidocyclinas 'grade of enclosure' increases systematically from 36% to 65% up section. 45-63.L.. Proc.H.J. Lampong Districts.-Indie (IV). I. In: J. Nederl.M. Conv.T. Umbgrove (1927). 166-172. 77-123. & J. 1.vangorselslist. 1-12. zonations. First rapid change in M Oligocene when genus migrated from America to Europe and to Far East. p.-European. collected by Van Tuyn. & H.81. Lack of covariance in planktic and benthic δ18O ratios indicates that many Oligocene sea level fluctuations. 4. or.A. Indie 98. Berggren & A. 209-212. van Waveren & J.R. diatoms and radiolaria) Van Gorsel.C. mainly from Tertiary in Java. Berita Sedimentologi 30. (Brief overview of principal groups and literature of Cenozoic macrofossils known from outcrops in Indonesia. p. C. Also brief reviews of work done on ostracodes.The marine Mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java). p. Berita Sediment. In: Proc. p. (2014). Molluscs mainly from Pucangan Fm. 6. C.) and by Cosijn. Edwards (1986). L.iagi.H. 1-421. Bull. Lunt & R. Leidsche Geol. Cenozoic marine macrofossil assemblages from Indonesia all represent tropical faunas of Indo-Pacific province affinity) Van Gorsel. Carbonate buildup with ferro- manganese cement. personnel during Kendeng zone mapping survey (Duyfjes et al. Tijdschr. (First of series of paleontological papers on molluscs from Plio-Pleistocene Kendeng Beds W of Surabaya.T. (Listing of proposed nomenclatural changes for mollusc names described from Indonesia by K. (Overview of Cenozoic biostratigraphy and biofacies interpretation of SE Asia. (Carbonate seamount with 320-350m of relief in 2050m deep water of S Makassar Straits is Late Oligocene-age pinnacle reef.An introduction to Cenozoic macrofossils of Indonesia. Martin) Van Regteren Altena. Marine Micropal. 445-457. J. (Inventory of holotypes of fossil plants in Leiden Naturalis museum collections. Dienst Mijnbouw. Netherlands J.J.T. 11. p. Mededelingen 10.A Late Oligocene drowned pinnacle reef in deepwater Makassar Straits. Gastropoda. (Late Miocene-Pleistocene planktonic foram biostratigraphy of deep water deposits of Kendeng zone in Ngawi section. Eastern Indonesia. Berita Sedimentologi 29. Jakarta 1987. p.Van Gorsel. 4.M. Bandung. calcareous nannofossils and palynology.SE Asia.O. representing >20 Million years of exposure and non-deposition in deep water) Van Gorsel. p.1 182 www. & E.vangorselslist. Since then focus has shifted to microfossils.The marine Mollusca of the Kendeng beds (East Java). J. which drowned in latest Oligocene time. p.1100m (probably 600-900m) and >2 km of post E Pleistocene uplift) Van Morkhoven. Centre Rech. Sea Res. (1989). Snellius II Symposium. 116-122.M. Bull. 5. were principal objects of paleontological and biostratigraphic studies in Indonesia. Helsing (2014). p.T. 217-320. Leiden. Natuurk. directly on Paleozoic March 2014 . Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 27. based on presence of Miogypsinoides cf. (1938). 63-76. Prior to 1930's macrofossils. Bandung. F.-Prod. 27 p. 7. Principal microfossil groups used in region are foraminifera. (Two M Pliocene. 29. J.T.. Mem. (online at: www..Cenozoic cosmopolitan deep-water benthic foraminifera.or.Late Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and climatostratigraphy of the Solo River section (Java. Morley (2014). bantamensis near crest and Spiroclypeus and Neorotalia mecatepecensis deeper in section. Part. in ‘Martin Collection’) Van Marle. Jonkers (2004). I.O. 183-209. NNM Techn. Van Regteren Altena. 2. Ed.Catalogue of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic holotypes in the collection of plant fossils in the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum. (online at: www.iagi. Elf-Aquitaine. p.Renamed Mollusca from the Dutch East Indian Tertiary. in particular molluscs. I (Families Fissurellidae-Vermetidae inclusive). Troelstra (1981).Pleistocene (N19-N22) outcrop sections in SW Seram.. (1938). P. J. suggest paleobathymetries between 400.Gastropoda. some Upper Kalibeng Fm) Van Regteren Altena.P.S. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Material collected by Geological Survey. (1938).Recent and fossil benthic foraminifera and late Cenozoic palaeobathymetry of Seram. 24.Introduction to Cenozoic biostratigraphy of Indonesia. Expl. W. & S. Indonesia). C.C. 6-40. Paleoclimate signal inferred from fluctuations in cooler-climate planktonic forams used to correlate with Mediterranean Miocene-Pliocene boundary stratotype) Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.O. Java. ). Bandung. Portunien nouveau du Tertiaire de l'Ile Celebes. 169-170. Madura (Calappa madoerensis n. V. Ser. p. 1-86.Arthropoda.sp.naturalis. Dev. a new portunid from the Tertiary of Sulawesi'. Ixoides. Nederl. described as Ranina (Hela) molengraaffi. Martin).The marine Mollusca of the Kendeng beds. p. (1923).V. 5-6.O. Amsterdam.A reappraisal of Protoplotus beauforti from the Early Tertiary of Sumatera on the basis of a new Pelecaniform family. Gastropoda. Proc. Centre. 89-120. Leidsche Geol. C. P. In:B. Kon. sp. (online at: http://www. Leidse Geol. V. etc. Amsterdam. East Java. p. Mededelingen 13.. (online at: http://www. as known in 1931.) Van Tets.Crustaces decapodes Cenozoiques des Indes Orientales neerlandaises. W. Decapod crab fossils collected by Lohr in Tuhup River valley.) Onze palaeontologische kennis van Nederlandsch Oost Indie.O. S Sulawesi (see also Brouwer 1924)) Van Straelen. (online at: http://www.Eocene of Sumba (Ranina (Lophoranina) soembaensis n. Bandung) Van Regteren Altena.etc. Res. (1923). Cenozoic crab fossils) Van Straelen. 421-428. p. (also in: Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 28. part IV (Families Cassididae-Ficidae inclusive). Gastropoda. 37-67.vangorselslist. SW of Bandung. (1977). G. Protoplotidae) Van Vessem. No maps or stratigraphic context info) Van Straelen. 90-103. Review of Neogene crab fossils from Neogene of Java (Calappa sangiranensis n. Akademie Wetenschappen. (1943).777-782.Portunus brouweri. Mijnbouwk. Akademie Wetenschappen March 2014 . V.dwc. Incl.repository. p. 156-163. Nederl.). Geol. 26. (1931). 5.J. & C. 57-75. Mededelingen ('Cenozoic decapod crustaceans from the Netherlands East Indies'. Verhandelingen Kon.The internal structure of Miogypsina polymorpha and Miogypsina bifida. 26. Oost-Indie (1923). Leidsche Geol. p. 14 (Gedenkboek Tesch).O.G. 9-10. (Listings of arthropod fossils from Indonesia. Decapod crab fossils collected by Kemmerling in Barito Basin described as Ranina (Lophoranina) kemmerlingi (probably from Oligocene) and Calappilia borneoensis (from Eocene marls W of Lemoe village)) Van Straelen. Van Regteren Altena. Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K. Ranina toehoepae. ('Portunus brouweri. Nederl. Proc. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.sp . Verhandelingen p.pdf) (‘Description of new raninian crabs from the Tertiary of Borneo’. (1941).V. Escher et al. Van Regteren Altena. Marino (1989).Description des Crustaces decapodes nouveaux des terrains tertiares de Borneo.knaw.The marine Mollusca of the Kendeng beds. Leidsche Geol. Part II (Families Planaxidae-Naticidae inclusive).nl/DL/publications/PU00014967.Description de Raniniens nouveaux des terrains tertiaires de Borneo. part V (Families Muricidae-Volemidae inclusive). E. Barito Basin. Kon. (1950). 1. Gen. Geol. p. (1924).1 183 www. East Java.). (Suggest Eocene water bird fossil initially described by Lambrecht 1931 from lacustrine shales of Ombilin basin should be placed in new pelicaniform family. p.(Reprint of Van Regteren Altena (1938) above) Van Regteren Altena.)) Van Straelen. Leidsche Geol. Permian trilobites.sp. (eds.O. Dienst Mijnbouw. New species of crab fossil from probably Miocene-age lithographic limestones with fish fossils at Patunuang Asu. C. Rich & H. 1. 5. p. Mededelingen 12. Neogene ostracodes. Proc. Akademie Wetenschappen. Philyra. (1938). 5.knaw. etc. V. 489-492. Beets (1944). Kon.R.pdf) (‘Description of new crabs from the Tertiary of Borneo’. 205-240. Nederl. Cancer javanicus n.Eine Neogene Molluskenfauna vom Tji Gugur (Priangan). p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Paleont. Mededelingen 10.. (Rich Neogene mollusk faunas from Priangan. V. C. C.The marine Mollusca of the Kendeng Beds (East Java) Gastropoda. De Nummulieten uit den Eoceenen kalksteen van Borneo. Malaysia Bull.c=ctz) (On characteristics of large Melongena-type gastropods from Miocene-Recent of Sarawak.L. Geol. sumatrensis. Also found in Cebu and Bicol) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 103-113.uva. (L) polymorpha may be ancestor of M (L. (online at: http://dpc. Boegoel wells) and Madura.library. 5 of which have Eocene sediments unconformably overlying Pretertiary metamorphics. Utrecht Micropal.Brunei) Villavicencio.D. 2.. Only 6 areas of Java with Early Tertiary in outcrop. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Geol. Kinabatangan River). 101-138.Voorloopig bericht over nummulieten. (1983). Palaont. (Latest Cretaceous. Indie 51.12. C and E Java (Lodan. 37-46. Solomon Islands and Bougainville. isolepidinoides.M. modified from schemes of Martini (1971) and Okada & Bukry (1980)) Varol. Papua New Guinea regions. Discocyclina.pdf) (Quantitative study of lepidocyclinids of Nephrolepidina group from 42 samples from N Borneo (Klias Peninsula. Nummulites pengaronensis n.M. In S Palawan associated with Discocyclina. Circum-Pacific Council Energy Min.pdf) (Miocene. Bruns (ed. Assilina. Ed. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederl.Study of Lepidocyclinidae from Southeast Asia. 239-268. (1891). 2. C Java (smaller species than those known from W Kalimantan) Vermeij.uu.D.J. & P. p. Vedder & T. 16. Philippine Geologist (J.G. SE Kalimantan) Verbeek.Late Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils identified from Solomon Islands. (online at: http://igitur-archive. rutteni) March 2014 . bagelensis. New Nummulites species from Pengaron area.) Verbeek. Oost-Indie 3 (1874). Andal (1964). In: J.Distichoplax biserialis Dietrich in the Philippines. Alveolina javana) and mention of Cretaceous larger foram Orbitolina from Luk Ulo. Soc.P. p.) Geology and offshore resources of Pacific Island arcs. p.Recent SE Asia calcareous nannofossil zonation. O. Barito basin margin. 19. ('The Nummulites of the Borneo limestone'. 3.wordpress. Sangkulirang).R. p. (1989). (http://books. L. (First report of Paleocene. Neues Jahrbuch Min. Zoology 78. Geol. orbitoiden en alveolinen in Java en over den ouderdom der gesteenten waarin zij optreden. 5. M. M. p. R. 18 new species) Verbeek.uba. particularly from Java and Borneo. First descriptions of Eocene Nummulites from SE Borneo (and Indonesia). originally described by Rutten (1911. Res.J.Calcareous nannofossil study of the central and western Solomon Islands.sp. R. E Kalimantan (Kutei. based on material from E Kalimantan and E Java.html?id=uFoYAAAAYAAJ) ('Preliminary note on Nummulites. 1-14. (1871). Contrib. Dutch version of 1871 paper on Eocene Nummulites from SE Borneo. 113-127. B9. called species: L. N. ('The Nummulites from the Eocene limestone of Borneo'. O. 4. orbitoids and alveolinids in Java and on the age of the rocks in which they occur'.1 184 www. (1874).Proposed calcareous nannofossil zonation scheme for the Miocene to Holocene of Southeast Asia. Raven (2009). 133-161. martini and L. Nummuliten des Borneo-Kalksteines. Soc. p. Includes first descriptions of Eocene Nummulites (Nummulites Tremboel. Miscellanea and small Paleocene foraminifera. Assemblages subdivided into five successive biometric units. L. L. (1978).Southeast Asia as the birthplace of unusual traits: the Melongenidae (Gastropoda) of northwest Borneo. & H. p. incl. (online at: https://gsmpubl.) bifida)) Van Vessem.Lower(?) Eocene (Ta) index algal genus Distichoplax biserialis from Philippines. E. Philippines) 18. p. R. Earth Science Ser. Bull.(Study of two Miogypina (Lepidosemicyclina) 200310/Utrecht%20Micropaleontological%20Bulletins-19-van%20Vessem.D. 1912) from E Kalimantan. Suppl. HvG) Von der Marck. (1877). 2. First paper on fresh water fish fossils from bituminous shale in Ombilin Basin.Die Echiniden der Nummuliten-Bildungen von Borneo. (1967). K. Suppl.Einige Crustaceenreste der Eocanbildungen von Borneo.) Indian Ocean geology and biostratigraphy. Palaeontographica.R. 236-251. p. 1. 1. W. Sardinioides amblyostoma.An Upper Eocene mammal of the family Anthracotheriidae from the island of Timor. Heirtzler (ed. 5. SE Kalimantan. Palaeontographica. Protosyngnathus sumatrensis. omphalus) from Pengaron area. ('Fossil fish from Sumatra'. 139- 143. 1. decipiens and O.Indian Ocean Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and its paleoceanographic implications. 529-533. p. Oost-Indie 8 (1879).Einige Eocane Foraminiferen von Borneo. (‘Some Eocene foraminifera from Borneo’. Ducrocq 1996) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 3.1 185 www. p. Union (AGU) Mem. K. Descriptions of Nummulites and Discocyclina ('Orbitoides papyracea. Brachyspondylus indicus. Mainly new species) Von Fritsch. Nederl. Also descriptions of mid-Cretaceous orbitolinids 'Patellina scutum' and 'Patellina trochus' from Seberuang River.Fossile Korallen der Nummulitenschichten von Borneo. Description of rel. Palaeontographica. 138-155. p. (1877). O. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 85-92. named Anthracothema verhoeveni n. In: J. and may be used to support proximity of much of Timor island to SE Asia/Sundaland in Eocene. p. E. epihippum. etc.Fossile Fische von Sumatra. 405-414. 3. K.vangorselslist. 3. Oost-Indie 7 (1878). 1. (online at: http://archive. all new. 136-138. p. 143-230) (‘Fossil corals from the Nummulites beds of Borneo’ Description of well-preserved coral assemblage from Eocene limestone collected by Verbeek in Pengaron area. American Geophys. W Borneo (both assigned to Orbitolina concava by Martin 1889)) (Same material already described by Verbeek (1871). Reprint of paper above) Von Koenigswald. Oost-Indie 8 (1879). dispansa. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Suppl. (1878). W Timor. (Reprint of paper above) Von Fritsch. p. 231-236) (‘Some crustacean remnants from the Eocene formations of Borneo’. collected by Verbeek) Von Fritsch. 5. Von der Marck.. HvG)) Von Fritsch. sp. p. (1977). 1. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. not Australian. vdM assigned fish U Cretaceous age. Crab fossils from concretions in blue-gray Eocene shale from SE Kalimantan) Von Fritsch. W. incl.. Genus also known from Eocene of Birma. 3. 1. March 2014 . (1879). 138-155. (‘The echinoids from the Nummulites beds of Borneo’. p.Fossile Fische von Sumatra. (Fauna described in more detail by Sanders (1934). 7. 1. 1. Palaeontographica Suppl. (1877). (1876). Asian affinity. left tributary of Kapuas River. K. Proc. K. Kon. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (1878).Vincent. p. ('Some Eocene foraminifera from Borneo'. 3. O. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.H. O. Akademie Wetenschappen B70. W. Oost-Indie 8 (1879). but Eocene age currently accepted. (Description of Eocene Hippopotamus-like skull fragment and upper molar from W of Laharus. Oost-Indie 8 (1879). W Sumatra. p.Einige Eocane Foraminiferen von Borneo. (1877). Reprint of paper above) Von der Marck. Palaeontographica ('Fossil fish from Sumatra'. S China and W Borneo and is first indication of Eocene mammalian fauna in E Indonesia. Oost-Indie 7 (1878). 93-135. p. 1. collected by Verbeek. 1. 469-584. 127-142). SE Kalimantan. Four new species. poor echinoid assemblage of 6 species. 3. Ed. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.Fossile Fische von Sumatra. p. N. W of Rengat. Butak. Symposium on Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia. Distributed among various academic institutions) Wanner. p. 111-142. C Sumatra) Wade.. In: T.Sur sune nouvelle Dipterocarpacee du Tertiaire de Sumatra: Shoreoxylon rangatense n. . In: M.W. Wanner notes N to S facies changes. Molluscs mainly gastropods. Thanasuthipitak (ed.Von Kutassy. Watanasak. 68 species. Gen. Selenka & M. Ngandong and Lodan).Palynological zonation of Mid-Tertiary intermontane basins in northern Thailand. 104.Mid-Tertiary palynostratigraphy of Thailand. Ph. p.Einige neogene Seeeigel von Java. p.Mid-Tertiary palynology of onshore and offshore Thailand. Thesis University of Adelaide. Earth-Science Rev. Associated with Miogypsina thecidaeformis. Basis for zonations is first or last appearances of key species incl. A. Berggren & H. (1980). (Unpublished) Watanasak. 79 B. Pearson. estelae. kotoi. (’Miocene molluscs from the Rembang area (Java)’. Ser.. Geol. Min. p. p. p. p.D. Sea urchins in Pliocene? marls in Trinil March 2014 . The Hague. Correlation between terrestrial and dated marine sequences) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . J. Kol. ('On a new dipterocarp from the Tertiary of Sumatra: Shoreoxylon rangatense n. Zeitschrift Deutsch. Nederl.S.Review and revision of Cenozoic tropical planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and calibration to the geomagnetic polarity and astronomical time scale. Mij. (Late Oligocene. Geol. (1934). J. Inaperturopollenites dubius. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Int. C.sp. half of them new) Watanasak. Richest mollusk localities on Dermawu-Mahindu and Gegunung anticlines.Tertiaire vischotolieten van Java. & E. 225-231. northern C Madura. Molluscs from area N and NNW of Bojonegoro (Sedan.) Proc. B. M. Engelmann. (1988).-Indie 5. eulepidinid Lepidocyclina. und seine Epoke aus dem Altmiocaen der Insel Madura. Leipzig. p. ('Some Neogene sea urchins from Java'. 87. 4. collected by Weber off Bawarukem River. well illustrated manual. W.-Bd. 1-307. p.. 306-317. 5.Manual of larger foraminifera. (BPM). (Unpublished. Societe Savantes. Beil. collected by Selenka 1907 expedition) Vorstman. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwk. In: Comptes Rendus 105th Conf. sp. M. (1990). M. (1964).'. (‘Young Tertiary corals and molluscs from E Sulawesi molasse deposits’. 1-206. 1-16.Balanocrinus sundaicus n. Petrol.Miocaene Mollusken aus der Landschaft Rembang (Java). Geol. Chiang Mai. 41-45. Ed. C Java. & H. Nat.G. E Miocene Nyalindung beds and Late Miocene Tjilanang beds in Bandung survey collections) Vozenin-Serra.vangorselslist. Ngampel.E Miocene palynological assemblages from nine basins in Thailand. sp.Jong Tertiaire koralen en mollusken uit de molasse-afzettingen in Oost-Celebes. Ges. M. HvG) Wanner. A. p. 222-273. Bataafsche Int. p. (Modern review of calibration of planktonic foraminiferal datum levels to the geomagnetic polarity and astronomical time scale) Wagner. ('Balanocrinus sundaicus from the Early Miocene of Madura Island'. New crinoid species from blue-grey marls. Caen. 10. 216-223. Blankenhorn. (1989). 203- 218. Palike (2011). Sciences. 4. Hahn (1935). Pal. Descriptions of otoliths from Late Eocene of Nanggulan. (1938). Reck (1911). 385-403. (1929).L. Neues Jahrb. 3. Chapter in Von Loczy 1934 paper) Von Staff. Alnipollenites verus and Echiperiporites cf.A.). collected S of Peranap. J. Ledok and Globigerina Marls Fms. P. ('Tertiary fish otoliths from Java'. H. C. Die Pithecanthropus-Schichten auf Java.1 186 www. Mainly from M Miocene orbitoid-Cycloclypeus Lst (later called OK Limestone and Ngrayong Beds) and some from overlying Globigerina Marls series (later subdivided into Wonocolo. Katacycloclypeus (= more likely Middle Miocene?. Description of new fossil wood species. (1996). Mikrofazies und Diagenese Tertiarer Karbonate aus dem Sudchinesischen Meer (Dangerous Grounds-Palawan. p. Bull. p. (1947).sp. (1987).vangorselslist. Species names Ammonia togopiensis n. Verbeek. 1-69. costatus) and molluscs from Mio-Pliocene of Nias Island.Biostratigrafi nannoplankton daerah Rajamandala. now at water depths of 2400 m) Wijono. & C. Verbeek.The biostratigraphical and evolutionary significance of Alveolinella praequoyi sp. J.). 9. eastern Sabah. Bull. Brit. Proc. Doct. Whipple.Young Tertiary and Quaternary Gastropoda from the Island of Nias (Malay Archipelago). Dangerous Grounds dredge samples compared to St Paul Limestone on Palawan Island and Nido Fm in wells on NW Palawan shelf. Fiji.1 187 www. etc.L.A. p. Philippinen). W Sumatra) Woodward. 10. 7-212. Geol. 16th Ann. p.Waterhouse. (‘Biostratigraphy. In: H. 195-302. 1. 329-343.Notes on a collection of fossil shells. Geol. Ser. Museum (Nat. Indon. Magazine 6. Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast. S. Assoc. Facies 16. (1879). all Te.G. 141-154. Adams (1991). Hodgkinson (1979). 169-175. Productus undatus. A.Larger foraminifera from Vitulevu.Miocene of Rajamandala area. 441- 444. Wonders. Not much locality or stratigraphic succession detail) Wiedicke. 31. Museum (Nat. Early Miocene) Whittaker. Conv. Proc. P. (IAGI).. Brit. (First of four short papers describing fossils collected by Verbeek in C Sumatra.Foraminifera of the Togopi Formation. Part II. Wibowo. 1-120. In: P. 3rd PNG Petrol. H.archive. 5. from Sumatra (obtained by M. G.Biostratigraphie. (1987). Wissema. introduced for Billman et al (1980) marker speciesAmmonia ikebei.K. p. Hist. Blora. Contr. Asterorotalia pulchra for more commonly used name Asterorotalia trispinosa) Wibisono (1972). Jakarta. Geol. Thesis University of Leiden.L. J. East Java.E. (Primitive Alveolinella. Kapid (2014). 119.Potential of palynostratigraphy for Neogene basin analysis in Papua New Guinea.. Including descriptions of four Permian brachiopods from Sibelau. Kab.S. semireticulatus. Jawa Tengah. ('Nannoplankton biostratigraphy of the Rajamandala area'. Pecten) and solitary corals from Nias island. W Sumatra) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. Magazine 6. 4 (203). from M Miocene Tf1-2 Darai Limestone at Hides Anticline. P. U.Hubungan beberapa parameter sedimen dengan populasi foraminifera bentonik pada Formasi Ledok.G. Sumatra). H. Lemigas Scient. Malaysia. & R. Padang Highlands (Spirifera glabra. p. Ed.) 47. (Descriptions of Mio-Pliocene molluscs (Cyrena. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 15. Bishop Museum Bull. Ladd. (1934). Various shallow water facies. Jalur Kedung Planangan. from Sumatra (obtained by M. Brief review Nannofossils from 26 samples of Eocene. H. Indonesia. PNG) Woodward. Buchanan (ed.Lower Miocene) larger foraminifera. 1. (online at: http://www31. etc.Further notes on a collection of fossil shells. Hist.C.Neogene planktonic foraminifera from Kawengan. Port Moresby. Bernice P. M. transitional between Flosculinella bontangensis and Alveolinella praequoyi. Geol.H. p.) Petroleum exploration. Most samples abundant Te5 (U Oligocene. Carbonates represent drowned Oligocene-Miocene carbonate platform. p.. 385-393. nov. from Papua New Guinea. March 2014 . (3 larger foram horizons on Fiji. p. Geology of Vitulevu. Sumatra). Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast. microfacies and diagenesis of Tertiary carbonates from the South China Sea’. (125 species of foraminifera described from Late Miocene Togopi River section. Conv.G. development and production in Papua New Guinea. (1879). & R. G. Li & Z. 3.Further notes on a collection of fossil shells.D. 11. Rep. J. (Additional descriptions of Mio-Pliocene molluscs from Nias island.. NE Kalimantan) Yabe. Tohoku March 2014 ...) Woodward.Response of planktonic foraminifera to glacial cycles: Mid- Pleistocene change in the southern South China Sea. Part I. Magazine 6. Minute foraminifera from the Neogene of West Java. (Planktonic foraminifera from ODP Site 1143 in S South China Sea show faunal response to glacial cycles in last 2. Assilina orientalis. Geol. 15p. III. Sumatra). (Geol. P.1 Ma. (Three limestone samples from Kinatabang River. 12. In-between barren or shallow water larger benthic forams like Nephrolepidina. HvG)) Yabe. 492- 500. Australia 24. J. (Geol. 2nd ser. Q. Thunell (1988). Huang. 2nd ser. Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast.Notes on some Eocene foraminifera. including Oliva pseudoaustralis n. etc. H. 2. 54. J. Sci. Notes on Pellatispira Boussac. Tohoku Imp. p. Magazine 6. etc. Verbeek.D.library. 5. (1879). Japan. Univ. Ed.Distribution of Cainozoic foraminiferida in the Scott Reef No. 2 (Geol. Closure of Indo-Pacific passage at end of E Miocene strengthened low-latitude circulation in Indian Ocean and led to development of distinct tropical and subtropical faunal provinces. Micropaleontology 34. p. II. (Additional descriptions of Mio-Pliocene molluscs from Nias island. Wang. p. (Indian Ocean planktonic foraminiferal biogeography examined in DSDP sites for 5 Neogene time-slices and used to reconstruct surface circulation patterns. Sumatra).Notes on a Lepidocyclina-limestone from Cebu.).pdf) (Eocene Nummulites subbrongniart.. etc. Abundances of Globorotalia menardii high in interglacials and low in glacials. p. Borneo. p. Univ. H.Recent larger and planktonic foram zonation in well in Browse Basin. in limestone from Marah. Western Australia..sp. Univ. 5. & K. H. p. (Geol. 100-106. Tohoku Imp. Marine Micropal.Contributions to the paleontology of the Tertiary formations of West Java. Univ.Lower Eocene (P1c-P6) and Oligocene. Sci. 1 well. Tohoku Imp. Geol.. Rich planktonic faunas of Lower Paleocene. Ser. Rept. (Maastrichtian. 2nd ser. Tohoku Imp. Rept. 2 (Geol. (1879). p. Asano (1937). with Cycloclypeus annulatus and common Carpenteria (interpreted by Yabe to be Oligocene.) 19. 106-108. Notes on two foraminiferal limestones from E. Geol.193-216. p. 5. including Strombus sumatranus n. but more likely M Miocene?.). (Shallow marine benthic foraminifera from samples collected by Chitani in 1935 in M Miocene. Discocyclina javana. Sendai. Univ. 539- 549. (1919). H. With stratigraphic columns of NW Java Mio-Pliocene.. N. Yabe. p. partly based on material from Borneo and Japan) Yabe. (1921). H. (online at: http:// ir.) Wright. (1921). 15-30.tohoku. Ser. Part IV. pengaronensis.sp. Verbeek.1 188 www. Part III. Soc.Woodward. 89-105.vangorselslist. H.).Further notes on a collection of fossil shells. 5. No locality details) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . in Banten and Bogor areas. Sci.Neogene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and paleoceanography of the Indian Ocean. B.C. (1977).A. Borneo. British Borneo. (General discussion of Eocene larger foram Pellatispira. & R. C. Rept. Australia NW Shelf.N.).jp/re/bitstream/10097/30174/1/KJ00004176256. Bulungan.Notes on a Carpenteria Limestone from B. (1918).Pliocene. from Sumatra (obtained by M. Pulleniatina obliquiloculata before Mid-Pleistocene Revolution also higher abundances during glacials) Yabe. Global cooling during M-L Miocene resulted in steeper latitudinal temperature gradients and enhanced faunal provincialization) Xu. etc.) Wright.Lower Miocene to (P19- N6).Notes on some Eocene foraminifera.. Jian (2005). Science Repts. H. from Sumatra (obtained by M. 5. 269-277. Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast. 5. Sci. 87-127. jstage. p. from Maloewi Anticline. 90% Recent March 2014 .New occurrence of Rotaliatina in the Pliocene of Java. Lepidocyclina angulosa.library. 523.On some simple corals from the Neogene of Java. H.1 189 www. & T. Derived from Rotalia schroeteriana and named Rotaliatina globosa (now assigned to Asanoina Finlay 1961)) Yabe. Geol. (online at: www. Morley (1996). from Klias Peninsula. Cycloclypeus annulatus.pdf) (Discusssion of Rutten (1925). Japan 44. H. Kolon. Hanzawa (1924).pdf) (Miocene lepidocyclinids in rocks collected by Dickerson) Yabe. Ser. 9.Younger Cenozoic reef corals from the Nabire beds of Nabire. & S. Hanzawa (1925). Dutch E. (Description of small Miocene and Pliocene corals (Heterocyathus. Reports Tohoku Imp. Geol.. W Java. 1. (Geol. 54 p. Bull.library.Tertiary foraminiferous rocks of the Philippines. Abstr. Fungia). & S. 71-76.jst.J. 2nd Ser. Sci. Descriptions of 20 species from 10 localities near Cenderawasih Bay. which is very similar to typical Favoidea) Yakzan. with a questionable fauna.). H.. H. 4. p. H.N. p 157-184. Reports Tohoku Imp. 2. Geol. Sugiyama (1942). Yabe. H. p. 269-273. 16-23. H. Univ. Description of specimen of Anisocoenia junghuhni from Plio-Pleistocene of Nabire district.A Lepidocyclina limestone from Klias Peninsula. & M. 3. (M Miocene limestone with Miogypsina polymorpha. W Papua. Lepidocyclina) larger forams) Yabe. Proc. Hanzawa (1929). & S. p. 2 (Geol. Hanzawa (1925). Trans.go. p. 97-109. Borneo.tohoku. (Tokyo).W Papua. Proc. Imperial Acad. W Java) Yabe. Sugiyama (1942).jp/re/bitstream/10097/30195/1/KJ00004178169. (Geol. Borneo. Nederl.. 326-328. British North Borneo. & T. Imperial Acad. Uppermost Miocene.N. Banten. Spiroclypeus from Klias Peninsula) Yabe. Sci. etc. 1-7. Dutch New (Brief note describing new Pliocene rotalid foram species from Bojong and Cilegong. Hanzawa (1926).tohoku. Yabe.. 194-199. H. 4. Eguchi (1941). one new (Cyathoseris? tayamai).vangorselslist. Asano (1937). Stratigraphic relationships in U Oligocene fluvial-lacustrine sediments best determined from miospores and freshwater algae. Chishitsugaku Zasshi (= J.A foraminiferous limestone.and description of another example of limestone with mixed Eocene (Pellatispira. (Early Miocene limestone with Lepidocyclina.Pleistocene marine facies dated using planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . H. Malaysia 39. p. & K. Gen. (online at http://ir.A Lepidocyclina limestone from Sangkoelirang. Tohoku Imp. 17. p. Univ. nannofossil and quantitative palynological data. collected by Chitani in Banten and Bogor areas. (Fossil corals from beds considered to be of Plio-Pleistocene age in Nabire district. p.Notes on Anisocoenia Reuss and Favoidea Reuss. Soc. E Kalimantan) Yabe. (Reviews of related coral genera Anisocoenia and Favoidea. 11. 5. (Tokyo) 18. H. 7.Integrated biostratigraphic zonation for the Malay Basin. & S. In E Miocene marine flooding surfaces characterized by benthic foraminifera not age diagnostic. E-M Miocene boundary marine transgressive unit dated by nannofossils and benthic foram and palynological events. Awalludin. Soc. Imperial Acad. Geol. Bahari & R.-Mijnb. (Biostratigraphic scheme for Malay Basin based on foraminiferal. 3. M. 1. Nummulites) and Late Oligocene-E Miocene (Spiroclypeus.Notes on some Tertiary foraminiferous rocks of the Philippines. 2nd Ser. Proc. Japan. Sendai. Verhandelingen Geol. Ser.). 617-632. Japanese J. Univ.). B. Science Repts. Discocyclina. M. (online at: http://ir. & S. Ed. Geogr.Yabe. but permit accurate correlations. 8 (Verbeek volume). Miogypsina. Chapter 8. College Station. Mem. Rizal. Padova. W. M. Res. T.Some molluscs and foraminifers from the Eocene-Oligocene of Nanggulan (Java. Lowest level NG1 with lignite.Late Cainozoic ostracod faunas and paleoenvironmental changes at ODP Site 1148. p.J.The Eocene stratigraphic sequence of Nanggulan and the levels reported by K. 185-189. with Striatricolpites catatumbus. Scienze Geol.pdf) (Ombilin Basin E Miocene intertidal beach sediments of Sawahlunto Fm with tracks of two different types of shorebirds. Scienze Geol. 1939). Laevigatosporites and Deltoidosporas. ~45 km SE of Keluang. Said (2002). B. Ciochon (2011). (online at: www-odp. p.J. Foraminiferal Research 42. Mem. Berita Sedimentologi 20. Represent first discovery of bird footprint fossils in Indonesia) Zamparini. 53.R.or.Neogene. & U.pdf) (Diverse.Palynological study on a rock sequence at Bandar Tenggara. Ed.early M Miocene (26- 14 Ma) to depth similar to the present (>2500 m) since the late M Miocene. Soc. Scient. without marine fauna. (eds. Padova.Neogene planktonic foraminifera from Sites 761 and 762 off northwest Australia.R. (SEM images of specimens of 'Globigerina siakensis' from near its type locality in C Sumatra show spinose test and straight intercameral sutures on spiral side of test. Zhao. p.) Proc. Univ. p..1 190 www. 54-56.New data on the morphology and classification of the Oligocene- Miocene planktonic foraminifer Paragloborotalia siakensis (LeRoy.) Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. (1992).id/fosi/files/2011/01/BS20-Sumatra1.2500 m) in Late Oligocene. p. overlain by deeping-upward facies clastic succession. (2001). Haq et (online at: http://www. 54. with plant fossils and rich palynomorph assemblage. (M Eocene Nanggulan Fm ~300m thick and subdivided into ten levels. (1984). (Earliest Oligocene-Recent deep water ostracod faunas in northern S China Sea suggest spreading of SCS Basin predates Oligocene. In: P. usmensis zone. 377-390. p. (2005). S. Chapman & Hall.pdf) (Outcrop of Tertiary sediments at Bandar Tenggara. 45.F. 122. G. Johore.iagi. Bown (ed. warm-water Late Oligocene-Recent planktonic foram faunas on Wombat and Exmouth plateaus. Geol. 225-265.. Late Miocene (common cool-water Globorotalia conoidea just after coiling change in Neogloboquadrina humerosa) and Pleistocene (common cool-water Globorotalia inflata)) Zachariasse.. 156-168. M. In: Marine micropaleontology of the South China Sea. March 2014 . Y.vangorselslist.U. von Rad. Stidham & R. Alnipollenites. Presence of Verrucatosporites usmensis. Invasions of cool-water species during periods of global cooling in late M Miocene (replacement of warm water Paragloborotalia mayeri by Globorotalia partimlabiata). W.The Eocene mollusc fauna from Nanggulan (Java) and its palaeogeographic bearing. (2001). Scienze Geol.tamu. Publ.First evidence of Miocene avian tracks from Sumatra. (1998). (online at: www. Zacchello. reflecting paleodepth changes from upper bathyal (<1500 m) in Early Oligocene. p. Globorotalia mayeri has curved spiral-side intercameral sutures and lacks spinosity) Zacchello. (Thorough review of Miocene-Pliocene calcareous nannofossils and biozonations) Zachariasse. J. 36. Soc. Ser. South China Sea. J.. suggests Late Eocene V. despite N-ward drift of Australia across 10°-15° latitude since E Miocene. M. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). & Sudijono (2012). Marine Micropal. 665-675.Present) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Three ostracod assemblages recognized.L. Padova. Mem. indicate freshwater swamp environment) Young.. In: U. Q. Stenochlaena. etc. p. Fresh water algae Pediastrum sp. 5-6.gsm.A. 49-53. 5. Malaysia Bull.Yap. Psilatricolporites operculatus. Spinizonocolpites baculatus...F. Gunnell. With listings of molluscs species and comparison to 21-level stratigraphy of Oppenoorth & Gerth (1929)) Zaim. British Micropal. Y. 27-47. p. 2. 53. lower bathyal (1500. Indonesia). Zaim. Lepidocyclina amoentai.Zonneveld. 4. Geol.A.L. M. (Two types of bird footprints in intertidal sand flat fine sandstone of Oligocene Sawahlunto Fm in outcrop near Kandi Ombilin Mine. R. R. Includes descriptions of 'new' Early Miocene larger foram species from Bintut-Amuntai area (= Berai Limestone. Ichnos 18. L. 221-227. cupulaeformis. Y. Gunnell (2011).1 191 www. (1928). Ciochon.Oligocene shorebird footprints. 127-148. Bol. March 2014 . Bettis. p. Kandi. 47.F. Barito Basin?) that were never used like Miogypsina verrucosa. ('On some Tertiary foraminifera from the island of Borneo'. Referable to ichnogenus Aquatilavipes and similar to small modern shorebirds) Zuffardi-Comerci.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 5.Di alcuni foraminiferi terziari dell’isola di Borneo.. Ital.P. p. fovelata. Ombilin Basin. Sumatra. Ed. Aswan & G. Soc. J.vangorselslist. Rizal. etc. E. 22 km from Kunak. J. Kunak. Three assemblages: I (Aptian-Albian).Geol. J. Cherts deposited on floor of marginal ocean basin in Cretaceous and tectonically deformed in melange in M Miocene) Backhouse.Turonian radiolaria. Bedded chert has abundant radiolarians and is exposed at Sipit Lahundai River.Turonian)) Asis. J. basalts. & Basir Jasin (2012). etc. Chert interbedded with folded siliceous shale and contains Aptian. Dictyomitra communis. & Basir Jasin (2010).pdf) (Miocene Kuamut Melange in Kunak district. Nat. p. from which blocks were probably derived.X. SE coast of N Borneo. Sabah. (E Miocene Kuamut melange with broken Paleogene rock formations and dismembered ophiolite blocks embedded in shale with 45 species of radiolarians. Alievium superbum.files. Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex consists of mafic-ultramafic association. Cretaceous Adams. p. Sabah. Geol. C.. Three age assemblages (I-III. etc. Malaysia. 9. Aptian. 89-96.vangorselslist. p. Heterohelix.etc. Kirk (1962). With Upper Cretaceous algae. J. Bull.Early Cretaceous (pre-Albian) radiolarians from blocks in Ayer Complex melange.1 192 www. & Basir Jasin (2012). Kunak. Sabah'.. (online at: http://www. Chert-Spilite Fm of E Sabah. 289-303. Folded bedded cherts with 56 species of Aptian-Turonian radiolarians in three assemblages. Malaysia. 5. Ultranapora cretacea. Xitus clava.wordpress. slightly longer version below) Asis. (online at: http://borneoscience. 561-570. Sabah. Absence of limestone indicates deposition below Calcite Compensation Depth) Asis. may represent fragments of early Pacific Ocean seafloor.. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Crucella cachensis.ukm.The Madai-Baturong Limestone member of the chert.Aptian to Turonian radiolarians from chert blocks in the Kuamut Melange. Malaysia 58.Some Cretaceous radiolaria from Kuamut Melange.G. Sabah. J. (1988). Crucella bossoensis.ums. Praeglobotruncana). capped by red radiolarian chert. (online at: https://gsmpubl. Survey Western Australia 135. p. J. etc. North Borneo.4. Abundance of radiolarians reflects high planktonic productivity. Dictyoconus and in marginal parts planktonic foraminifera (Campanian Globotruncana. with comments on their regional tectonic significance and the origins of enveloping melanges. 255-262. These blocks were incorporated into mud-matrix melange developed during E Miocene NW-directed collision and overthrusting of Sulu volcanic arc onto thinned continental crust rifted from S China) Asis. (1994). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .C.J. eastern Sabah. 3p. Soc. Bull. probably unconformably overlies Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex. Pseudoaulophacus sculptus.Aptian to Turonian radiolaria from the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex. p.5m thick chert-siliceous shale section on pillow basalt. Geol. & Basir Jasin (2013). 5. Borneo Science 27.spilite formations. 1-4. Dictyomitra gracilis. ) ('Cretaceous radiolaria in the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex at the Sipit Lahunday River. Kuching 2012. (Madai-Baturong limestone of Chert-Spilite Fm of Semporna Peninsula. 1-233. p. Ed. Sains Malaysiana 42. 3. SE Western Australia. older than age of oceanic basement rocks in Sulu and Celebes Seas.. Chert-Spilite Fm uplifted against Upper Tertiary sediments along thrust fault (interpreted as seamount on oceanic crust by Lee (2003)) Aitchison. III (Turonian) with Pseudotheocampe tina. & H. overlain by bedded chert.Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous palynology of the Perth Basin. Fourteen samples from 1-2. Consists of broken Paleogene formations and dismembered ophiolite blocks embedded in shale with chert Kunak.Radiolaria Kapur dalam kompleks ofiolit Teluk Darvel di Sungai Sipit Lahundai. J. Geoscience Conf. I (Aptian-Albian) with Sticomitra simplex. forms important marker horizon. II (Albian-Cenomanian) and III (Turonian). March 2014 . (Red ribbon-bedded chert blocks in Miocene mudstone matrix melange in E Sabah with E Cretaceous (pre- Albian?) radiolarian fauna. Kunak.pdf) (Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex (formerly known as Chert-Spilite Fm) of E Sabah composed of ultramafics. II (Albian-Cenomanian)with Xitus mclaughlini. Magazine 44. Geoph. E. Hedbergella from W Australia) Belford. (1981). Gafoer & J. 217. Geoph. Foraminiferida). Bull. D. Sumatra). 1978 (Orbitolininae. Argo Basin was paleoceanographically separated from Tethys during Late Jurassic and part of y Cretaceous by position at higher paleolatitudes and/or by enclosing land masses. Geol. Lazarus & P. P. Several localities with E Cretaceous Orbitolina) Belford. along with still dominant Circum-Antarctic species result of more equitable climatic conditions during Barremian. Upper Cretaceous may be absent. (Cretaceous rel. Radiolaria at Sites 765 and 261 in Argo Basin reflect restricted oceanic conditions in latest Jurassic-Barremian. 120-125. 19. Interrad VI. from Aptian shallow-water carbonates at Amussium. 581-582. Geol. and the generic designation of Late Cretaceous forms from Western Australia. Mineral Res. Paleontological papers 1983.Late Cretaceous planktic foraminifera in Valdivia core KL1 from the Scott Plateau. Bull. (1993). Circum-Antarctic forms. Iryu (2009). especially S Sumatra. Carnarvon Basin.F. Lower Cretaceous limestones hard to distinguish from Upper ) (Descriptions/ illustrations of diverse Campanian planktonic foraminifera from Scott Plateau core. (1983).. etc. 766 and DSDP Site 261): the Antarctic Tethys connection. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae March 2014 . In: Arca) of Valanginian age in Dusun Pobungo and Batu Kapur show rel.Die Kreidefossilien von Dusun Pobungo. Ed. (Lower Cretaceous fossils collected by Tobler in 1907 from 3 Jambi localities. p. Bull. Foraminiferal Research 39. Proc. Publ. Type specimens no diagnostic features to ally it to any genus or species of orbitolinids) Baumberger. Archeodictyomitra brouweri. 8 (Verbeek volume). Absence of most Tethyan radiolarian speciesin Valanginian-Hauterivian interpreted as time of strong influx of Circum-Antarctic cold water following spreading between SE India and W Australia.). Thurmannites) and bivalves(Nerinea. 21.Bassi. 5. formerly considered a green halimedacean alga. collected by Tobler. D. Dark folded shales with ammonites (Neocomites. Geol.J. D.Note on costellate planktonic foraminifera. D. p. Geology of Scott Plateau and Rowley Terrace. Stagg. L.). p.geoscienceworld. Appendix 2 in H.Early Cretaceous radiolarians of the Northern Indian Ocean (Leg 123: sites 765. Exon. Hottinger & Y. (online at: http://www. (online at: http://www. 48-67. 329-352. 313-319. Geol. p.vangorselslist.. (1922). 5. Ser. De Wever (eds. (1925). Cryptamphorella. Fontaine & S. S. Paleontological papers 1983. 11-27.. CCOP Techn.E Aptian and establishment of oceanic connection with Tethys Ocean in E Aptian) Beauvais.Reassessment of ‘Boueina’ pacifica' Ishijima.The Cretaceous. Bur. Mineral Res. with weak Tethyan influence (Holocryptocanium. Breccious calcareous sandstones with Nerinea in Sungi Pobungo also similar to European Valanginian species ('Himalayan Province of Uhlig 1911)) Baumgartner. Brief report on Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian) fossils from thick shales in Barisan Mts.Uber die Valanginienfauna von Pobungo auf Sumatra. Kalimantan. Fontaine.J. pseudo-pexiptychus/platycostatus. but is an orbitolinid foraminifer. & N. H. Geyssant (1989). 213. Parvicingula.-Mijnb.R. L. Typical 'Mediterranean' fauna) Baumberger. In: H.A probably Coniacian (Late Cretaceous) foraminiferal fauna. p. (Neocomian radiolarians from Sites 765 (Argo Abyssal Plain) and 766 (lower Exmouth Plateau) dominated by non-Tethyan. Gafoer (eds. deep marine facies with European ‘alpine’and Himalayan (Spiti) affinities. Western Australia.1 193 www. like Neocomites neocomiensis and N.pdf) (Boueina pacifica Ishijima 1978. common on Sumatra. off northwestern Australia. Kilianella.full. 2. p. (1983).gov. Batu Kapur-Menkadai und Sungi Pobungo (Djambi. (online at: http://jfr. 17-47. Marine Micropal.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Bur. 217. 1-9. Mineral ) (On Santonian-Campanian planktonic forams Whiteinella. E. p. NW Shelf) Belford. Mainly ammonites. originally ascribed to Halimeda-group algae. (‘On the Valanginian fauna from Pobungo on Sumatra’ (Jambi Basin).J. p. J. Geoph..O. Gen. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .M. W. Bur. Reappearance and gradual increase of Tethyan taxa.J. Verhandelingen Geol.. Palaont. (2004).H. 1-53. & V. Geol. Condensed Valanginian-Aptian sequence and expanded M-L Berriasian sequence with rich microplankton assemblages) Brunnschweiler.1 194 www. etc. Khorat ) (Good description/ illustrations of Coniacian planktonic foram assemblage from Korojon calcarenite. two species of Calpionella in Tithonian.(online at: http://www.Marine fossils from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Dampier Peninsula. Soc. Neocomian Broome sst with plants only. G. Geol. (1911). March 2014 . ticinensis from Ieru Fm at S side of Mueller Anticline. Origin and evolution of the Ontong Java Plateau. collected by Witkamp in 1910. NW Australia. (eds. G.) Belford. p. Mineral ) (Dampier Land between Derby and Broome. online at: https://www. With Globotruncana concavata. Gt. Strickland River. Bur. Fitton. Gt. In: U.First record of a fossil bird from the Early Cretaceous of Thailand. SW Pacific) Boehm.A. W. (First known occurrence of Mesozoic fossil bird from NE Thailand and SE Asia: left humerus from non-marine E Cretaceous Sao Khua Fm) Buffetaut. Central Range. (Dinoflagellate cysts from Lower Cretaceous of Exmouth Plateau. p. p. Praeglobotruncana stephani. Geoph. Belemnopsis gerardi group. all similar to East Indonesia Late Jurassic assemblages. E. R. Mineral Res.O. Ontong Java Plateau. G. Geol. Northwest Australia. p. Tropical assemblage. Austral. Planomalina buxtorfi. In: J. Upper Cretaceous of Misool mainly marly rocks with Inoceramus and also some rudists (Durania)) Brenner. Suteethorn (2007). Soc. (On possible occurrence of Posidonomya in dark grey sandy shales in W Sumba. 681-686. Papua New Guinea. Tong (2005).gov. 9. et al. Early Neocomian Jowlaenga Fm with Hibolites and bivalves. (1985).U. but re-identified by Roggeveen (1929) as Jurassic or Cretaceous Inoceramus) Boehm. Late Jurassic Langey Beds with Buchia malayomaorica. (1992). p. (‘On a Senonian fauna from Misool’. 350- 352. J. Early Cretaceous dinosaur remains from Sao Khua Fm. 183-189. Previously known only from Late Jurassic of SW China. Aptian Melligo quartzite with bivalves) Buffetaut. (Theropod tibia from Phu Kradung Fm of NE Thailand referred to family Sinraptoridae. (1960). (eds. NE Thailand) Buffetaut. p. Palaeoclim. Stuttgart.Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous sequence of Sites 762 and 763. (M Miocene. coronata. Palaeogeogr.Aptian nannofossils from ODP Leg 192 sites 1183-1187.Uber eine senone Fauna von (On diverse pre-Aptian. Results 122. Neocomian Leveque sst with Inoceramus spp. 113-132. unlike temperate Queensland fauna) Bergen. but E Cretaceous age suggested by palynomorphs) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .ga.Late Albian planktonic foraminifera. Comptes Rendus Palevol 4.G. 2. Exmouth Plateau.Posidonomya becheri in Niederlandisch-Indien? Centralbl. Von Rad. Ontong Java Plateau. Geol. London. Ed. Publ. Bur. Palaeoecology150. This identification implies Carboniferous age.J. Giralia Anticline..Calcareous nannofossils from ODP Leg 192. Bull. Suteethorn (1999).A sinraptorid theropod (Dinosauria: Saurischia) from the Phu Kradung Formation of northeastern Thailand. & V. Rotalipora apenninica and R.pdf) (Late Albian planktonic foraminifera assemblage with Globigerinelloides. Dyke. Scient.H.) Proc. 497-502. (1924). E. B. 1911. PNG. 14. 229. etc. Min. pseudolinneana. Geophys..The dinosaur fauna of the Sao Khua Formation of Thailand and the beginning of the Cretaceous radiation of dinosaurs in Asia. Western Australia.vangorselslist. France 178. Spec. 83-103. Australia 59. Suteethorn & H. D. 8. p. Ocean Drilling Program. In: Palaeontoloy of Timor XXVI.. (online at: http://www. E. Haq et al. 13- 23. p. Hedbergella spp. 413-426. Bull. Schweizerbart. 140. Samples represent (1) U Triassic (Rhaetian)-M Jurassic (Bathonian) paludal. Moss ( ) (Five Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) palynological zones recognized in four Gulf of Carpenteria oil wells) Howe & This combines calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphic events to provide high-resolution biostratigraphic subdivisions and correlation) Campbell. Australia. Northern Australia. AGSO J. In: M. Austrialia Symp. Carnarvon Terrace: Late Jurassic. Geoph. Geotechnology and Mineral Resources of Indochina (GEOINDO 2005). (online at http://theses.. footprints). Planktonic assemblages combine elements of low-latitude Tethyan Province to N and high-latitude Austral Province to Tong & K.P. Geology. R. (Hons). (3) Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian- Aptian) open-marine) Burger. 1-33. Thesis.H. D.uwa. 15.0025/ ) (First detailed stratigraphic distributions and descriptions of M-U Cretaceous foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from Bathurst Island Gp of N Bonaparte Basin and Darwin Shelf. Bureau of Mineral Resources.E Cretaceous. Keep & S.restricted- marine sequence (2) U Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) shallow-marine. D. and N Carnarvon Terrace.vangorselslist. p. Queensland. Mineral Res. p.J. Le Loeuff. Geol.E Cretaceous dredge samples exposed on NW shelf sea floor off W Australia) Campbell. R. Record 1991/84. (Australia NW Shelf composite calcareous microfossil (KCCM) zonation commonly used to correlate middle to Upper Cretaceous R. 217 p. Rexilius (2004). comprising saurischians (theropods and sauropods) and ornithischians (ceratopsians and ornithopods) ( Australian Geol. (Palynological study of 33 latest Triassic.P.Middle Campanian. Proc. Rexilius (2002). p. E. 827-864.The dinosaur fauna from the Khok Kruat Formation (Early Cretaceous) of Thailand. 6. Most UC nannofossil zones and European- Mediterranean planktonic foraminiferal zones recognised.pdf) (Palynological examination of dredge samples from Rowley Terrace.) The sedimentary basins of Western Australia 3. Conf. (1991). B.pdf) (Palynology of 34 dredge samples collected by BMR on NW Shelf in 1990 (offshore Canning: Late Triassic. Scott and Exmouth Plateaux. (Campanian-Maastrichtian marked by increase in bioprovinciality of calcareous microfossils into distinct Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . D. Howe & J. Soc. Tethyan zonations most applicable for uppermost Albian- M Campanian because global climate was warm and equable. J.R. (1994). 1. partial skeletons. offshore Western Australia. Bull.R.library. p. (1996).com March 2014 . J. Petrol. 49-103. Ed. (online at: http://www.Calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal analysis of the Middle to Upper Cretaceous Bathurst Island Group. p.W.Sc. J.Palynological observations in the Carpenteria Basin.Mesozoic palynomorphs from the North West Shelf. Palynology 20. (2003).W. Int.1 195 www. 575-581. 155-165. University of Western Australia.45ºS.Palynology of Mesozoic dredge samples from the North West Shelf. Khansubha. Expl.Documentation and refinement of the Middle to Late Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal KCCM zonation.Buffetaut. Wongko (2005). 5. V. Dinosaur assemblage from Khok Kruat Fm different from slightly older Sao Khua Fm. Albian and late M Campanian-Maastrichtian greater bioprovinciality and paleotemperature gradient. S. During M-L Cretaceous this area occupied palaeolatitudes between 35ºS.Results of a preliminary palynological examination of Mesozoic grab samples from the North West Khon Kaen. which is dominated by sauropods without ornithischians) Burger. Suteethorn. Northern Bonaparte Basin and Darwin Shelf. p. 27-44. 89-100.M Jurassic). 25. (online at: http://www. with application of Tethyan zonations more difficult) Campbell. (online at: www. (Aptian Khok Kruat Fm of non-marine Mesozoic Khorat Group of NE Thailand with abundant and diverse dinosaur assemblages.lowermost Maastrichtian nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the northwestern Australian margin. (1973). 3. Cretaceous Res. Scott and ExmouthPlateaus: E Jurassic) Burger. H. Geoph. Palaeontological Papers 1970-1971. ) Crespin. In: L. 21.Early Cretaceous belemnites from the central Bird's (1989). (16 species of bony fish in Jurassic and Cretaceous continental deposits of Thailand) (Brief report on 8 samples from Timor Leste (presumably Timor Oil Ltd outcrop samples). Discocyclina). Ko (2003). & D. Geol. Publ. p. 1-3. below Viqueque Fm. Geol.) Fishes and the break-up of Pangaea. Bur. probably controlled by global climatic zonation. Res. Record 1956/65. & K.. but Tethys species present as well. (Report on 6 samples from Timor Leste (Timor Oil Ltd outcrop samples). I. Mineral Res. 611-618. Belford (1959).gov. Indonesia.The Jurassic and Cretaceous bony fish record (Actinopterygii. Discocyclina from localities Suai and Ranuc) Crespin. 5. Examples of 'anti-tropical genera: Buchia s. Canberra. R. Geol. Deesri & V. northern Myanmar. Bur.Geology of an amber locality in the Hukawng Valley.A. (Unpublished) (SW Timor Kolbano foldbelt Early Cretaceous. Bur. Ph. p. Geol. Aucellina in Early Cretaceous. Spec.Micropalaeontological examination of rock specimens from Portuguese Timor. J. 1-3. Mainly Cretaceous (Albian- Turonian) deep water shale and radiolarite from E of Betano Landing) Cruickshank. London. Suteethorn (2008).l. Ser. Geol. roughly of Aptian- Albian age) Crespin. Soc. of further rock samples from Portuguese Timor. Biplanispira. p. Geoph. Geol. Nakfunu Fm dated as Valanginian-Aptian.. (eds. Samples from tuffaceous breccia near base of fatu/ ophiolite at Mota Cena (Barique) contains limestone boulders with M-U Eocene larger forams (Nummulites. Cavin et al. 6. (1963). etc..D. I. p. Geoph. (1956). Aptian-Albian more common Tethys species) Crame.Maastrichtian.1 196 www. Center. 1-21.. I. (1997). 295. U. Mineral Res. J. Mineral Res. E. assigned Hauterivian age) Clowes. p. is of M Eocene age) Crespin. (online at: www.Cretaceous. Irian Jaya. University College (Report on 7 more samples from Timor Leste (Timor Oil Ltd outcrop samples). Bandung. (Bipolar bivalve genera probably existed through greater part of late Jurassic. Thesis. p. NW Australian margin in Transitional Province. Magazine Dev. (online at: www. p. 125-139. (Description of belemnites from central Birds Head collected by Skwarko from Jass Fm calcareous mudstone and sandstone. Geol. L.Tethyan. Bur.vangorselslist. March 2014 . Include Late Eocene larger foram limestone with common Pellatispira.Lower Cretaceous arenaceous foraminifera of Australia. 1-443. Bull. Ed. Early Cretaceous species dominated by endemic species known only from high S latitudes.Micropalaeontological analysis of the Kolbano sequence (Jurassic to Pliocene). Canberra. 1-3. Record 1959/92. Mineral Res. Asian Earth Sci. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. London. Publ. Geoph.B. Absence of key Tethyan marker species like Radotruncana calcarata and Gansserina gansseri led to use of local KCCM integrated calcareous microfossil zonation scheme) Cavin. (1986).Late Mesozoic bipolar bivalve faunas. and inoceramids (Retroceramus) in latest Jurassic. Dipnoi) from Thailand. D. Geoph. p.E Miocene radiolarian-rich deep-water pelagic facies. 441-455. Sample from matrix of Bibileu block clay N of Fatu Lulic. West Timor and its radiolarian fauna. Paleont. (online at: www. Transitional and Austral Provinces. Ofu Fm mainly Santonian.Micropalaeontological report on rock samples from Portuguese Timor... 1-105. (1959). Albian-Coniacian hiatus. (Mainly descriptions of small arenaceous benthic foraminifera from Great Artesian Basin. Record 1959/118. Philippines.F. Not much on SE Asia) Doyle. S. Early Cretaceous). (1923). (Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves did not thrive in shallow or warm seas. A.spec. Tectonic affinities of Kut island unclear. 57- 70. Cretaceous Res. PNG. Ammonite pebbles viewed as 'magic stones' by natives) Fernandez.. E Gulf of Thailand. (1992). (Mesozoic vertebrate fauna from sandstones on Kut Island. 174-210.sp. Palaeogeogr. David (1994). Locality is at NW margin of Kolbano foldbelt) Dettmann. L. (2) Late Campanian.. Tethyan belemnite realm cannot be recognised after Cenomanian) Elliott. 4. 207-216.F. (‘A Cenomanian ammonite Cunningtoniceras hoeltkeri n.E Maastrichtian Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . SW Timor. originally described by Molengraaff. Campbell (ed. (eds. p.earliest Cretaceous. turtles. p. Geol. Ammonite collected in Wagi valley. includes hybodont sharks. 295. Buffetaut (2008).P.pdf) (New algal fossil from Upper Cretaceous Chert-Spilite Fm. conoidea. London. Overlie thin-bedded Late Triassic limestone with Halobia. Austral marine realm was lacking. shallow marine water) Erni. p. 93-107.Ein Cenoman Ammonit Cunningtoniceras holtkeri nov. 5.A review of the biogeography of Cretaceous belemnites.Cenomanian shallow water carbonates with Orbitolina texana and Orbitolina cf.vangorselslist.. Essays in honour of Dorothy Hill.Notes on the Cretaceous carbonates in Catanduanes Island and Caramoan March 2014 .On a collection of Upper Cretaceous teeth and other vertebrate remains from a deep sea deposit in the island of Timor. Oost-Indie 49 (1920). A. 619-622. Dimitobelidae.Cretaceous inoceramid biogeography: a review. In: K. p. and therefore rare in Tethyan shallow deposits. Also nearby U Albian Orbitolina limestone (see also Shi et al. (Belemnites display Boreal and Tethyan marine faunal realms from Early Jurassic. Occurr mainly in temperate seas. Suteethorn. p. De Beaufort.V.Fossil vertebrate remains from Kut Island (Gulf of Thailand. Signifies warm. 468-475. Lauprasert (2010). 4. P.) Fishes and the break-up of Pangaea. p. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. p. In: L.early Aptian Austral Realm was initiated with first Gondwanan family. O..1 197 www. actinopterygians.E & G. Verhandelingen 4. Believed to be of M-U Albian age based on ammonite Mortoniceras. and distribution often bipolar. 1920. Palaeogeogr. M. Palaeoclimatol. Laojumpon. Palaeoecology 92. (1944). Helvetiae 37. Soc. 241-261. Australian National University Press. Cavin et al. Eclogae Geol. (Decalcified Elasmobranchii shark teeth and reptile teeth from Cretaceous oceanic red clays with manganese nodules from Niki Niki area. Soc. C. Palaeobiogeogr. A. Playford (1969).E Cenomanian palynomorphs. a new dasycladacean alga from the Upper Cretaceous of Borneo. Kamha & E. from New Guinea. with remarks on some other fossils from the island'.Trinocladus exoticus.217-232. (Cretaceous rocks of Catanduanes Island and Caramoan Peninsula contain (1) Aptian.Hybodont sharks from the Lower Cretaceous Khok Kruat Formation of Thailand. G. and hybodont diversity during the Early Cretaceous. (1972). Ed.V. Fauna same age as Sao Khua Fm and not Jurassic. V.. Dhondt. during 1936/1939 anthropological New Guinea expedition. With Late Albian. (online at: http://retro. Stratigraphy and Palaeontology. Sabah. In late Barremian.. p.(Occurrence of mid-Cretaceous amber ('burmite') rich in arthropod fossils in volcanics-rich clastics in Hukawng Valley of NE Myanmar.S. Palaeoclim. 31. Philippines 49. J.seals.Palynology of the Australian Cretaceous: a review. 2012)) Cuny. M. may represent Sibumasu or Indochina Block) Cuny. Cheychiw & K. aus Neu Guinea. goniopholidid crocodiles and theropod dinosaurs. but Berriasian or younger. Revilla & S. (1992). (online at: http://palaeontology. 92. G. Palaeontology 15. nebst Bemerkungen uber einige ander Fossilien von dieser Insel.palass-pubs. Canberra. Publ. 415-423. G. Geol. (1992). 35. etc.Mid-Cretaceous foraminiferids from the Wahgi Valley. (Albian-Cenomanian open marine forams from Kondaku Tuff and Chim Fm at N flank Kubor Anticline. Soc.W.1 198 www.K.F.F. (1981). Ed. Trigonia (Aganthotrigonia) phyllitica. Jurassic- Cretaceous of E Sulawesi and Triassic of Malay Peninsula.Aptian-Albian foraminifers from the Cuvier Abyssal Plain and comparison with coeval faunas from the Australian region. p. Res. greenhornensis. First report of this distinctive assemblage outside Caribbean-Gulf of Mexico area) Grunau. with a contribution on a new ammonite genus by R. Incl. Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea. (1960). Chimbuites sinuosocostatus) Glaessner. dominated by agglutinants) Haig. Triassic and Cretaceous of Seram. 2nd. 37-44. Proc. First record of Mesozoic rocks in Kalimantan. Geol. ('On Cretaceous fossils from W Kalimantan'.) Proc. (Isolated limestone occurrence with Upper (Lower?) Cretaceous caprinid rudists at Gunung at Madai and Baturong hills SE of Lahad Datu. and Tibia? morobica. Spec. PNG. and similar rocks from Sumatra. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Includes new Cenomanian ammonite species from Chim Fm near Chimu airstrip. Sabah. (eds.). include Cucullaea (Ashcroftia) distorta.Uber Kreide-Petrefakten von West-Borneo. Vol. East Malaysia. M. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). 4. Hedbergella delrioensis. descriptions of ?Jurassic Danau Fm and Cretaceous Lupar Fm of Borneo. Ges. D. S Central Highlands. 123. Voisella sp. (1945). Gradstein et al. Queensland Mus. Diverse benthic assemblage.Mesozoic fossils from the Central Highlands of New Guinea. Cretaceous of Timor. Micropaleontology 27. March 2014 . Lee 2003)) Geinitz. 12. Praeglobotruncana.F. Royal..Note on the Madai-Baturong limestone. p. (Abundant larger forams Pseudorbitoides israelskii and Orbitoides tissoti described from Campanian of Port Moresby area. H.Mesozoic fossils from the Snake River. M. p. PNG. 13.Albian mollusks and ammonites from Central Highlands. Guinea. Age of fauna is Cretaceous) Glaessner.New Cretaceous fossils from New Guinea.Upper Cretaceous larger foraminifera from New Guinea.. typically intensely folded and associated with turbidites and ophiolites. Sci. (U Jurassic and M Cretaceous molluscs from Central PNG. incl. M. Belemnopis gerardi and Grammatodon virgatus from Kuabgen Range at Upper Fly River area. 199-126. Tohoku Univ. 4 (Hanzawa Memorial Vol. Casey.vangorselslist. in shallow marine packstones with rudists) Fontaine. H. (1949). Radiolarian cherts typical deep water 'geosynclinal' deposits (mainly Tethys eugeosyncline). Mem. and (3) Late Maastrichtian Lepidorbitoides (Asterorbis) sp.F. Planktonic forams include Favusella washitensis. D. 151-168.. Central New Guinea. As already concluded by Molengraaf (1909) these are remnants of former ocean basins) Haig. Zeitschrift Deutsch. Ser. 337-351.) Glaessner. 205. Glycymeris sp.B. 291-297.W. Science Repts. p. Records South Australian Mus. CCOP Newsletter 14. In: F.. 27-32. (Geol. Ho (1989). 3-4. & W.pelagic wackestones with Globotruncana. R. etc. 5. p. 2. discovery of Caprinidae (Rudists). Hedbergella implicissima. (Review of radiolarian cherts worldwide. (Mollusk faunas from Mesozoic beds of Snake river region. Victoria 56. (1958). Cardium sp.R. Late Jurassic Buchia malayomaorica. 165-180. collected by Van Schelle.M. limestones with mid-Cretaceous orbitolinid larger foraminifera and Upper Cretaceous echinoid Hemiaster spp. p. p. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 58. Planomalina buxtorfi. M.Radiolarian cherts and associated rocks in space and time. (1965). Also Albian Feing Group with belemnite Parahibolites blanfordi. Rotalipora appenninica. Cretaceous from hills N of Purari River with Exogyra probably Aptian-Albian) Glaessner. H. SE Sabah.). p. 157-206. (Cenomanian. (1883). (May be deposited on seamount. Incl. Cretaceous overlies Jurassic Maril shale with minor unconformity. Very similar rocks on Timor suggest Sulawesi and Timor probably part of continuous terrain during deposition of radiolarian cherts) Hanzawa. Geol. Vol. 311-362. Kitamura et al. Barnbaum (1978). Carpentaria. Similar change in coeval deposits of other basins on NE margin of Australian continent (incl. Two main associations: Ammobaculites (hyposaline. Marine Micropal. etc. Kadar & S. hyposaline. cyclamminoides. Alcheringa 3. London 136.J. 5. Geogr. (1929). Central Java’. D.tamu. D.3: Palaeozoic and Mesozoic foraminifera. (‘On radiolarian-bearing rocks in the Pre-Tertiary of Lok Ulo. D. Ed.Cretaceous system of Southeast Asia.A geological reconnaissance of the reservoir area of the Riam Kanan dam.Note on some species of Pseudocyclammina from Sumatra. & D. Surat Basin. De Mijningenieur 10.vangorselslist.K. N. (Fontaine et al. Geol. (Shallow marine fauna of probable Aptian age) Haig. open shelf ). Toriyama (eds. P. 5-8.W. Sulawesi. Benthic assemblages belong to Marssonella Association. (Major transgressive pulse in late Early Albian in W Papuan Basin.Foraminifera in Indonesian stratigraphy. Kobayashi & R. S. Alcheringa 2. SW Sulawesi. Cool. W. A. Borneo. P. Indonesia. 3. (2008).W. Balce.) Hashimoto. Soc. W. p.S. 163-184. (1947). Aoki. Open marine shelf conditions in Albian in Laura and NE Carpentaria Basins. E.Cretaceous foraminifera described from Indonesia) Hashimoto. 2. p. bemmeleni) Harloff. 4. Chert with radiolarians in deep water limestone) Harsono Pringgoprawiro.(online at: http://www-odp. Philippines. Lynch (1993).E. off W Australia. p. N. Ishibashi.Cretaceous foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Queensland.Over radiolarienhoudende gesteenten in het Praetertiair van Loh Oelo (Midden Java).. Aliate. 159-178. p. C. 219-287. N. p. 1983: Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous Pseudocyclammina from Gumai Mountains and in deep well in Kikim oilfield near Gumai Mts Including P. black shales of Toolebuc Fm). Koike (1973). (Extensive review of Japanese work on Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleontology of Taiwan. 20. but deeper correlation tentative due to absence of index species. T. 2-4. Rapid marine regression in W Papuan Basin immediately after latest Albian) Albian northern seaway to open ocean) Haig. Skwarko (1998). (Non-metamorphosed Jurassic or Early Cretaceous pelagic radiolarian chert deposited unconformably on brecciated gneiss (Bantimala Complex. p. Res. Mid-Cretaceous faunas from W Australia represent middle.high paleolatitudes in S Hemisphere. Centre. Tokyo University Press. Bandung. precursor to epeiric basin anoxia: foraminiferal evidence. & T.A. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. In: T. (1975). University of Tokyo Press. p. East of Martapura.Early Cretaceous microfossils from the type Wallumbilla Formation. shallow water) and Marssonella (normal marine.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 13. G. changing character of foraminiferal faunas from impoverished agglutinated-dominated Ammobaculites assemblages to diverse calcareous Marssonella/ Hedbergella assemblages. J. (Distribution of foraminiferids in Aptian-Albian marine deposits of Laura.Mesozoic cherts on crystalline schists in Sulawesi and Timor.J. shallow water conditions prevailed over much of Queensland. p. p. HvG) in Pangkajene valley. 65-70. Geol. cool. Dev. Australian fauna lacks many families present in Tethyan (low- latitude) faunas. & D. Cherts associated with deep water lithic sandstone. 171-187. 1-150.A late early Albian marine transgressive pulse over northeastern Australia. lamellifera. Barber & D. March 2014 . Japanese J.. Carter (1979). Kalimantan Selatan (South Borneo). Uppermost Albian age near top (equivalent of Rotalipora appenninica Zone).A. Java. (Listings and illustrations of Carboniferous. Eromanga and Surat Basins. Queensland.1 199 www. D. 22.W. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 15. Late Albian planktonic foraminifers from Site 766 similar to those from Papuan Basin) Haig.pdf) (79 U Aptian-Albian foram species from ODP Site 766. W Central Kalimantan with lenses of coral-bearing limestones rich in Orbitolina lenticularis. Chigaku Zasshi = J. University of Tokyo Press. 17. F. Sumber Daya Geol. Martin (1889). Indonesia (Geology along the upper stream of the Riam Kanan River).jp/…) (1972 survey of Meratus Mts Upper Cretaceous sediments at upper Riam Kanan River. (Lower Cretaceous Orbitolina from Pedawan Fm.On the Martapura Cretaceous system of Southeast Kalimantan. S Sulawesi'. Orbitolina from limestone farther North not March 2014 . Rusmana (2007). (Overview of stratigraphy and macrofaunas of Cretaceous at S side Misool and adjacent islands. Also good map of all Orbitolina localities in W Indonesia) Hashimoto. W.esdm. & K. Misool Archipelago. bounded by Bobaris Peridotite. East Malaysia. with silts and sands in Campanian. ('Geology and paleontology of the Cretaceous Balangbaru and Marada formations. Marada Fm is partly distal equivalent of Balangbaru Fm.(Description of Cretaceous (Aptian-Senonian). Misool. Kalimantan Barat (West Borneo). 1-18. In: T.grdc. In: Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia 4.jst. Ed. Cretaceous. Area now mainly flooded by reservoir. (eds. with Turonian ammonoids and Inoceramus. (Multiple localities of Selangkai Fm clastics at Seberuang River. Paleoclimates in Asia during the Cretaceous. E and Riam Kiwa W of Bobaris Mts. agglomerates and tuffs. 6. Study of Eocene.go.Orbitolina from West Sarawak. W. Yogyakarta 2010.go. Kobayashi & R. F. Basal Cretaceous (Cenomanian?) conglomerate mainly composed of schist. Toriyama ( (Description of small collection of M Campanian inoceramid bivalves from Fafanlap Fm. Sulawesi Selatan. with additional observations.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Sumber Daya Geol. (Abstract only) (online at http://igcp507. & E. 1. IGCP 507 Project Symp. Tabatan Fm sandstones and conglomerates with Apto-Albian Orbitolina in limestone pebbles and reworked Benuariam Fm. I. p. scutum type. Upper Kapuas. Tokyo University Press. SW Meratus Mts. sandstones and siltstones.Maastrichtian) Hayami. (GRDC) 19. Matsumaru (1977). (in Japanese) (online at: http://www. Includes record of mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina in Meratus Mts at Hantakan. 89-99. p. p. Krol (1920) and Koolhoven (1935). Kobayashi et al. Koike (1974). Overlying Benuariam/Atiin Fm porphyritic lavas. J. probably Senonian. 420-435. Balangbaru Fm Albian.1 200 www.Late Maastrichtian nannofossil assemblages) Hasibuan. concavata.Orbitolina from Seberuang. with trace fossil Spirorhaphe sp. Hooze (1893). Basal conglomerates. 100-107. (1968). also peridotite. (Early paper on Cretaceous non-marine bivalves from Khorat Group) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Geography. p.Maastrichtian turbiditic series with macrofossils including echinoids. W. Indonesia.vangorselslist. and Turonian. E of Barabai. p. 6. Overlying Rantaulajon Fm fissile shale rich in estheriids. in Japan associated with Upper Aptian ammonites. Proc. (2010). Martin (1899). Oldest rocks crystalline schist.. & T. Seberuang Orbitolina is Orbitolina lenticularis of Hofker (1966) groups II (within E Aptian) and I-II (Late Aptian). 83. Section dominated by deep marine calcilutites.Cretaceous rocks of Misool Archipelago. but older form of O. Fossils first described by Von Fritsch (1883). Borneo. Overlying marine sediments with volcanics. In: T.Lower Tertiary stratigraphy of area of Riam Kanan dam at Aranio. unconformable over schist. F.Cretaceous Inoceramidae (Bivalvia) from Fafanlap Formation. & K.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 14. 40 km E of Banjarmasin. Indonesia. 49-57. and ammonite Grossouvreites sp. & A. Tokyo Univ. and conglomerates. 1 p. bivalve Inoceramus sp. Indonesia. probably shallowing. 365-376. indicating non-marine facies. p. Similar to Campanian assemblage from U Kembelangan Fm from W Papua 'Birds Head') Hasibuan. 5. Matsumaru (1974). Press. Limbong (2009). 18. Latest Cretaceous non-marine shales with estheriids) Hashimoto.journalarchive. W Sarawak (?)) Hasibuan.Some non-marine bivalves from the Mesozoic Khorat Group of Thailand. J. Molengraaff (1900) and Zeijlmans (1939).Geologi dan paleontologi Formasi Balangbaru dan Formasi Marada berumur Kapur. Tokyo.Miocene suggests Early Oligocene Td stage is absent in area) Hashimoto. Review of works of Verbeek (1875). and radiolarian tuffs and marls S of Semitau Hills. Two kinds: folded red radiolarian cherts in Upper Kapuas River area.Lower Jurassic ammonites from Bengkayang. Upper Jurassic bivalves in W Borneo part of East Asian Province with Philippines and Japan.. Bandung. Stilwell & R. Dev. flora in Australia. Molengraaff.. Nakajima. Assoc. (online at: www. (Marine Lower Cretaceous lower Guiya Fm with ammonites from S part of N Tibet.Jurassic marine bivalve faunas and biogeography in Southeast Asia. Haig. Radiolarians of probable Jurassic age (called Early Cretaceous by Sanfilippo & Riedel 1985. Indonesia. not Maastrichtian as assumed by Boehm) Henderson. in beds previously mapped as Upper Triassic. (1984). p. J. and Plicatounio. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 23. Hamburg 10. middle and upper Pedawan Fm in Sarawak. Geol. W Kalimantan. I.) Heinz. and classified as relatively primitive 'Group I. etc.Lower Aptian' species) Hoffet.vangorselslist.J. G.S. 6.. Geol.Biogeographical observations on the Cretaceous biota of Australasia.Early Early Cretaceous ammonites from Bangoin. (Two species of Toarcian (upper Lower Jurassic) ammonites (Harpoceras sp. Bull. Service Geol. ('On the Upper Cretaceous Inoceramus mollusks from the islands Fafanlap. p.F. Leiden. 3-25. Mem. Kilianella.A. Futakami (1981).com March 2014 . Seram. Geological explorations in Central Borneo (1893-94) Brill.A.Hayami. p. Bengkayang area. Upper Cretaceous freshwater mollusks. Res.) Palaeobiogeography of Australasian faunas and floras. Formation intruded by E Cretaceous (~104 Ma) Mt. R. S.1 201 www.naturalis. 657-671. West Kalimantan Province.X.H. (1902). 5. (1937). and Unio spp. Dettmann. J. Locally associated with large reptiles Titanosaurus and Mandchurosaurus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Jabatano and Jillo II in the Misool Archipelago and their relations to those of Europe and other areas'. Gervilleioperna. 4. Borneo.Uber die Oberkreide-Inoceramen der Inseln Fafanlap. Misool. J. Min. In: T. Centre. p. Appendix I. University of Tokyo Press. 1. & J.. Berriasian-Valanginian age and may be correlated with U Spiti Shales in Spiti. Ed. Borneo-expedition. (Unique E Jurassic (Pliensbachian?) heavy bivalve assemblage from Timor with Lithiotis.A. p. described from Fatu Lst of Timor by Krumbeck (1923). both below Cretaceous clastics with Orbitolina. Kobayashi et al. and Dactylioceras sp. (eds. J.Jurassic Bengkayang Gp (Sungaibetung Fm) at Mt Bawang. Mededelingen 29. S.G. 1-57.J. N. In: A.B. J. G. sampled by Molengraaff. (1963). incl. eocomites neocomiensis. Wright et al. Includes material from W Kalimantan Seberuang area collected by Van Schelle and Wing Easton collections. Jabatano und Jillo II im Misol Archipel und ihre Beziehungen zu denen Europas und anderer Gebiete. Australasian Pal. 181-253. (1928).) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25.). Maximum paleobiogeographic gradients in Albian. microfauna. 229-237. Ichihara. Douglas. etc.D.E.Studies on the genus Orbitolina (Foraminiferida). etc. p. Bull. Y.repository. Sunarya. (Overview of Cretaceous macrofauna.Description of fossil radiolaria from the rocks of Central Borneo. Thurmanniceras. Leidsche Geol. p. Crampton. are part of Maorian Province with Malayomaorica and Retroceramus haasti) He. Obata & M. Jr. NE Japan. ('The freshwater bivalves of the Senonian of Muong Phalane (Laos)'. Revision of Boehm (1924) inoceramids from Fafanlap Fm and considered to be of Senonian age.Les lamellibranches saumatres du Senonien de Muong Phalane. HvG)) Hirano. Pachymegalodon. p. Staats-Inst. (eds. Raya granodiorite and Tertiary tonalite of 29-19 Ma age) Hofker. I. 23. 21-26.Phylloceras serum. Shafik. 355-404. R. Timor-Roti. H.. northern Xizang. Xia (1984). 99-110. Late Campanian and Maastrichtian) Hinde. de l'Indochine 24. M. Thulborn (2000). In: G. D. From uppermost part of >3000m thick Upper Triassic. (Several localities of radiolarian chert in C Borneo. mainly Trigonoides (Study of mid-Cretaceous (Barremian-Cenomanian) 'Tethyan' larger foram genus Orbitolina. Basir (1996).Significance of Mesozoic radiolarian chert in Sabah and Sarawak.R.Barremian. Malaysia Newsl.H.. B. chert. mainly near Antarctica) Iba. Palaeoclim. p. Mesorbitolina parva. p. p.Cenomanian (suggesting subducted proto-South China Sea oceanic crust older than this?. 13.Mesorbitolina (Cretaceous larger foraminifera) from the Yezo Group in Hokkaido. p. 2.und Susswasser-Bildungen der Oberen Kreide von Borneo.Integrated uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphic zonation of the northwestern margin of Australia. Micropalaeontology 22. Geol. 14. Leiden. Sarawak. Basir (2000). grouped into three ages: late Tithonian. 61-65. Soc. sandstone.P. (Lubok Antu melange with blocks of mudstone. March 2014 . 1. 29-62. S. J. Palaeoecology 92.J. Warta Geologi. Sabah. wienandsi. Teh et al. (Mesozoic cherts exposed in W Sarawak and Sabah dated by radiolarian faunas. Indonesia. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Reichs-Mus. 1-11. Miura (2011). Chert sequence at base of Pedawan Fm Late Tithonian-Berriasian radiolarians. Mainly gastropods (Faunus eastoni. (On Late Cretaceous planktonic forams. (Two radiolarian assemblages from deep marine cherts on Ungar Island: Upper Tithonian. Geol. M. Japan and its stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic significance. 14. (1992). Three ages from chert blocks in Lubok Antu melange: late Tithonian. Paludinopsis silatiensis. p. Palaeogeogr. hornfels. Valanginian-Barremian and Albian-Cenomanian. B. J. Japan Academy. Hutchison 2005). 1.Howe. Ser. Ed. R.1 202 www. 5. & K. Martin (1906). Huber.Barremian and Late Albian. Basir & N. chloritised mudstone matrix (with Early Eocene nannofossils.Early Albian of Japan. Chert blocks widespread in melange. 216- 223.T. & S. limestone.Some larger foraminifera and radiolaria from Telupid olistostrome. Geol. p. Conf. gabbro and serpentinite in sheared. Micropaleontology 57. Sano & T. 2. H. Sano (2006). 325-360. p.Orbitolinid foraminifers in the Northwest Pacific: their taxonomy and stratigraphy. 82. In: G. Y. Y. Jasin. Proc. Praeorbitolina cf. p. Samml. Malaysia.Berriasian and Valanginian. p.Die Silatgruppe. Brack. 163-171. basalt. Description of fresh and brackish water molluscs) from Melawi Basin E of Sintang. Chert from Sabah ophiolitic and melange associations Valanginian-Cenomanian.vangorselslist. Rexilius (2003).Lower Cretaceous radiolarian chert from the Tanimbar Islands (Banda Arc). Hokkaido represent first report of this species from Circum-North Pacific) Iba.. (eds. Radiolaria in 14 samples. Oldest assemblage mixture of Tethyan and non-Tethyan fauna) Jasin... p.Paleobiogeography of Campanian-Maastrichtian foraminifera in the southern high latitudes. Madun (1996). 225-230.W. Oldest chert in Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian-Toarcian) Serian Volcanics. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . J. Geol.Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radiolarian from chert blocks in the Lubok Antu melange. 91-100. HvG) Jasin. 5. collected by Wing Easton. (‘The Silat Group brackish and freshwater deposits of the Upper Cretaceous of Kalimantan’. Warta Geologi 17. (Four orbitolinid species ('Palorbitolina lenticularis'. Cherts deep-marine and related to high plankton productivity in E Jurassic and Early to early Late Cretaceous) Jasin.Uppermost Jurassic. 7. 106-144.S Sakhalin) Icke.) Proc. J. Malaysia Ann. Ser. Soc. Haile (1996). (Aptian Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) parva from limestone olistoliths in lower Yezo Group. Basir (1991). Southeast Asian Earth Sci. texana) recognized in Late Hauterivian. Basir & A. Campbell & J. 8. Melania krausei) and some bivalves (Corbula silatiensis)) Jasin. M Valanginian.Some Lower Cretaceous radiolaria from the Serabang Complex. Sarawak. 22. Ophiolite sequence occurs as steeply-dipping. Desa Parigi. Sarawak) Jasin. Conv.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Jasin.H. p. Geol. Riam Kanan River. Trigonioides and Plicatounio.Early Cretaceous radiolarian faunas from the Pedawan Formation. Bambang S. Soc.pdf) (Brief paper on Lower Cretaceous radiolaria from chert above pillow lava in in Chert-Spilite Fm of N Sabah (ocean floor sediments). 9th Congr.N-S oriented. Geol. J. (online at: https://gsmpubl. 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann.Zonasi foraminifera plangtonik Kapur Akhir dari Formasi Tanamu. 1. Sarawak. Said (1999). p. Kepulauan Sula. Widiastuti. 47-72. Mainly of species Pseudocyclograpta hashimotoi n.knaw.pdf) (Tertiary asphalt-bearing marls of Buton generally pure Globigerina-Globorotalia-marls. A. overturned thrust slices. Basir & U. incl. Sains Malaysiana 17.sp. Abdul (1985). Meratus Mts front. p. p.vangorselslist.Cretaceous radiolarians from Baliojong ophiolite sequence. One sample with angular white and grey pieces of limestone (resembling Cretaceous Globotruncana- limestones). T. 67-79.G. 258-265. Kudat.. and common reworked Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera. Dicarinella asymetrica. In: T.R. p.Barremian radiolaria from Chert-Spilite Formation. Kuala suggesting possible Barremian. Dicarinella concavata.Some Late Jurassic.. Nederl. 5. Toriyama (eds. & I. 4. intensely folded before deposition of Paleogene Crocker Fm) Keijzer. etc.The Cretaceous non-marine pelecypods from the Nam Phung Dam Site in the Northeastern part of the Khorat Plateau. 34.E Albian age) Jasin. p. 338-339. (Baliojong ophiolite sequence Baliojong River in N Sabah consists of basalts. (Upper Cretaceous small fresh-water crustacean shells from shales near Rantaulajung.). Akademie Wetenschappen. Kobayashi & R. Parigi Village. p. Firdaus (2011). (Cretaceous fresh-water molluscs from Khorat Group) Kobayashi. Basir & Sanudin Tahir (1988). 611-620. 43. Japanese J. Ed. (Deepwater Tithonian.wordpress. with a note on the Trigonioididae. Two radiolarian assemblage zones in cherts (1) Dictyomitra communis Zone (Barremian-Aptian). Tongkul (2013).files. Gt. Including several Tan Sin Hok1927 species like Conosphaera tuberosa.Upper Cretaceous smaller foraminifera from Buton (D. 11p. Sula Islands'. (1973). 48. Sabah. p. grey and black pieces of chert. Pseudotextularia varians. Kon.1 203 www. In: G. 161-162. F. SE Asia. Malaysia. Basir & F.On the history and classification of the fossil Conchostraca and the discovery of Estheriids in the Cretaceous of Borneo. Probably first sediment deposited on newly formed Cretaceous oceanic crust. T.Lower Cretaceous radiolaria from the Chert-Spilite Formation. Sabah.I. Asian Earth Sci. (1968). Warta Geologi 11. T. Sabah. Thailand. East Taliabu. SE Kalimantan. Geol. Good correlation with nannoplankton) Kobayashi. Jasin. T. Planktonic foraminifera zones in Tanamu Fm (unconformably on Upper Jurassic?) indicative of Lower Coniacian-Campanian: Dicarinella primitiva. University of Tokyo Press. (1945). probably Neogene.) Kholiq. Amsterdam. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 4.dwc. Hemiaryptocapsa pseudopilula. Basir. March 2014 .H. (Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera zonation of the Tanamu Fm. Energy Res. Geogr. Stiahocapsa pseudodecora and Archaeodictyomitra pseudoscalaris. Sanudin Tahir & R. Press. Joint. calcarata. Proc. mudstones and sandstones. Makassar. Teh (ed. (online at: http://www. Tokyo Univ. 76. GEOSEA ’98. E of Martapura. R. overlain by well-bedded cherts. H. 34-41. (1963).com/2014/09/ngsm1985004. JCM2011-108.Berriasian radiolarian chert in basal part of 4500m thick Late Jurassic-Cretaceous Pedawan Fm in Bau and Tubeh areas. (2) Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala Zone (Albian-Cenomanian).E. Min. Globotruncana arca. Kudat. Kobayashi.) Proc. Globotruncanita elevata and Globotruncana ventricosa zones.S. 109-138. Taliabu Timur.On the Cretaceous Ban Na Yo fauna of East Thailand with a note on the distribution of Nippononaia. Planoglobulina acervulinoides. Malaysia Bull.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 13. G. London.go. Gleichenoids spp. G. Cupressinocladus. including in continental facies of Rantaulajung Fm near Martapura. an advanced neosuchian crocodyliform from the early Cretaceous (Aptian/Albian) of northeastern Thailand. Publ. 135-164.. (1904). p. also Schloenbachia (Knemoceras pinax assigned to genus Engoceras.Some younger Mesozoic plants from Malaya.) (Distribution of E-M Cretaceous non-marine bivalve mollusc Trigonioides in SE Asia. Frenelopsis. et sp. Brill. HvG)) Lauprasert. p. Cuny. 2. p. collected by Koperberg in 1895.iagi.. (Three fossil teeth reported from U Cretaceous of W Timor are only known fossils of Mosasaurus-type marine reptiles in E Tethys region. Thirakhupt & V. Oost-Indie 1899. Cuny. P.1 204 www. (Brief. E. Sammlungen Geol. Ed. Thirakhupt & V. E. Cuny. a Late Albian. Schulp & S. 315. In: T.Siamosuchus phuphokensis. plant remains and crustacean remnants. (1979). 59-62. p.vangorselslist. p. 4. 1-52). B 1. Toriyama (eds. Berita Sedimentologi 30.S. See also Kon'no 1968. Buffetaut. 5. Lauprasert. Toriyama (eds. Smiley 1970) Kon'no. Ammonites mainly Knemoceras pinax n. Sammlungen Geol.. ser.journalarchive.Addition to some younger Mesozoic plants from Malaya. Floral affinity with East Asia.G. Conites. 1-5. K..G. No locality maps) Krause. E. E.Kobayashi.or. (Nine fossil plants from 'Gagau Flora' from 'post-orogenic' Gagau/ Tebak Fm clastics from 3 areas in median zone of Malay Peninsula. possibly including Late Jurassic. 169-218. E. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.Suteethorn (2010). Thirakhupt & V.. A..E Cenomanian genus that lived in rel. incl. In: T. W. Cretaceous ammonites from slightly bituminous dark grey limestone at Temojoh village on the Landak River. Palaeont.jst. K. Saenphala. (online at: http://www. Gleichenites. Geol. Associated with rel. ser. a new goniopholidid from the Early Cretaceous (ante-Aptian) of northeastern Thailand. p.. 5. etc. (eds. G. early description of W Borneo Mesozoic (incl. 3. Lauprasert. Laojumpon. Reichs-Museums Leiden. (Crocodilian skull from Berriasian-Barremian non-marine sediments of the Khorat Plateau in NE Thailand) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Proc. in Gunong Gagau area of N Pahang.J. W Borneo’. 1-28. (online at: www. (1968). Reichs-Museums Leiden. Otazamites.sp.J.The Trigonioides basins and the Cretaceous palaeogeography of East and Southeast Asia. Orbitolina limestones) and Tertiary rocks and fossils from Molengraaff collection.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. with U Cretaceous conchostracans) Koevoets.) Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems in SE Asia. 37-47. Wetensch. France 178. 1. (‘Cretaceous fauna from Temojoh. 1. Kobayashi & R. Zeitschrift. T. Descriptions of Equisetites.The age and provenance of the Globidens timorensis holotype.. 139-155. Soc.Die Fauna der Kreide von Temojoh in 3. shallow shelfal marine facies in Tethys region (Bujitor 2010)..Uber Tertiare. However. In: E. K. (Nine fossil plants of E Cretaceous 'Gagau Flora'. University of Tokyo Press. Troelstra (2014).. March 2014 . incl. (1899). 201-216. SE Kalimantan. Suteethorn (2007). Brill. Kobayashi & R. Kelantan.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia.R. Japan Academy 55. bivalves.Khoratosuchus jintasakuli gen. etc. there is some uncertainty about exact locality of origin of these fossils) Kon'no. Most likely age early E Cretaceous. M J. K. Spec. Soc.Atoposaurid crocodyliforms from the Khorat group of Thailand: first record of Theriosuchus from Southeast Asia. p.. University of Tokyo Press. Buffetaut et al. C. P. nov. Ged.) Krause. very different from India flora. newly collected from Sungei Pertang. (1967). p. Pelourdea. Geol. Cretaceische und altere Ablagerungen aus West-Borneo. Bull. 175-187. Suteethorn (2009). 7. small and thin-shelled gastropods. K. Ptilophyllum. K. (Cretaceous age for radiolarians from cherts. Island arc 5. p.Ueber das Vorkommen einer Rudisten fuehrenden Kreideformation im suedoestlichen Borneo. J. K. Chandra & S. p. India 38..Ueber das Vorkommen einer Rudisten fuhrenden Kreideformation im sudostlichen Borneo.E Eocene sedimentological hiatus) Ling.Tectonic significance of Eocene and Cretaceous radiolaria from South Andaman Island. 4.. Oost-Indie 17 (1888). a left tributary of Kapuas River (Danau Kloenten. K. INTERRAD VII Conf. (1972). Lauprasert. Palaeontology 57.Albian radiolaria (Tobelo Fm at Rumu River section of SE Buton)) Martin. HvG) Martin. p. p. (1888). (1888). Ser. making Chert-spilite Fm.vangorselslist. R. ('An Ichthyosaurus from Seram'. Sammlungen Geol. D. collected by Van Schelle in 'Patellina (=Orbitolina) marl' at Sebaruang River. Newsletter 34. Sing.Y. Sabah. Bull. 1.The occurrences of Orbitolina-bearing limestone in Sabah. Buffetaut. (Hutchison (2005). Geol. (Reprint of Martin (1888) paper above) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Ged. p. 5. 226-229: Brecciated. March 2014 .M. Sharma. Djarikan).Leong.E.Ein Ichthyosaurus von Ceram. Liard & V.Ein Ichthyosaurus von Ceram. ser. S. Ed.New ages from radiolarian cherts of the Chert-Spilite Formation of Sabah. Originally described as Sunosuchus thailandicus. Possibly related to Madai-Baturong Lst and part of Eastern Rajang Group. Geol. older than previously assumed by Geological Survey reports) Ling. 2. 3-18.Y. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Wetensch.Cretaceous and Middle Eocene radiolarian from ejected sediments of mud volcanoes of Baratang Island in the Andaman Sea. Geol.. 38. 117-125) (‘On the occurrence of a rudist-bearing Cretaceous formation in SE Borneo'. Oost-Indie 1888. Reichsmus. Soc.G. Malaysia 8. Int. 4. p. p. Same as Martin (1888) paper above) Martin. H. representing cover of Sabah obducted oceanic crust. In: Proc. Smith (1995).B. 166-179. but Umbgrove (1938) considered this to be Cenomanian. p. which has been interpreted as seamount deposit in oceanic environment) Leong. (1888). K. K. K. poorly preserved molds of Cretaceous rudists. Survey Vietnam. J. Soc. p. (Abstract only) (Pre-Neogene Wolio collision complex of N Buton includes samples with early M Eocene radiolaria (U Tobelo Fm of Turumbia Bay) and well-preserved Cretaceous Aptian. 160-161. sp. 72-80.A large pholidosaurid in the Phu Kradung Formation of north-eastern Thailand.. Sammlungen Geol. Leiden. (1977). Leiden.1 205 www. Soc. 109-111. 1. p. but here assigned to new genus Chalawan) Martin. Suteethorn (2013). 5-6. Ling. probably Aptian-Albian age limestone with Orbitolina lenticularis and Hedbergella in Segama Highlands. 463-469.) Proc. Mazumdar & A. Limau Gulung.. Sg. p. & R. Malaysia. H. Malaysia. H. (M Eocene) and Campanian radiolarian faunas from basement rocks of SE South Andaman Island affirm Paleocene. Reichsmus. V. Skull/ jaw fragment of large Mesozoic (Cretaceous?) Ichthyosaurus ceramensis n. J. (('An Ichthyosaurus from Seram'. R. probably collected at E Seram South coast) Martin. 70-86. (Jaw of large crocodilian from E Cretaceous (possibly Late Jurassic) continental Phu Kradung Fm in NE Thailand Indochina block). Sungei Pangaringa. E.M. Sg.Role of Eocene and Cretaceous radiolarians from Buton Island in the Eastern Indonesian collision tectonics. Geology. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Symposium Geology of SE Asia and adjacent areas. Mahapatra (1995). Wet. In: A. Hanoi. Rel. 757-769. K. (1888). K.. Karkare (2006). Yao et al..Y. Identified as Sphaerulites and Radiolites (age interpreted to be Senonian. Geol. (eds. Northeast Indian Ocean. Ged. 4. S.Early Cretaceous ammonite fauna of Catanduanes Island. (online at: http://palaeontologicalsociety. K. Educ. Furusawa (2007). M. S Kalimantan'. Vola. p. p. Cardium). (‘Fossils from the so-called Old Slate Formation of West Borneo’. NW India. M. Cretaceous Res. (1889). SE Kalimantan. brachiopods (Terebratula spp. rudists (Sphaerulites. 39-44. Hokkaido. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Wetensch.T. F. same paper as above) Martin. Presence of Gervillea and Corbula probably indicate Cretaceous age. ser. 195-204. SE Kalimantan. l. (online at: http://palaeontologicalsociety. Reichsmus.Untersuchungen uber den Bau von Orbitolina (Patellina auct. Oost-Indie 18. Obata (2012). libanica. Ed.Martin. 56. Ged. March 2014 . Leiden. Philippines. Wetensch. T. NW India.Versteinerungen der sogenanten alten Schieferformation von West Borneo. a tributary of Kapuas River.. India 52. 1. bivalves (Trigonia limbata. Leiden. Sato & I. Lower Yezo Group. 1.. Early paper on mid- Cretaceous larger foram Orbitolina concavata. Paleodictyoconus conica) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Age probably Upper Cretaceous/ Senonian) Martin. Central Kalimantan) Maryanto.On Orbitolina (Foraminiferida) from the Shyok suture zone.Die Fauna der Kreideformation von Martapoera. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 15. minuta..V. Furusawa (2007). Collected by Van Schelle on Seberuang River. Japan.).in/vol52_1/v4. Mesorbitolina parva.Paleocene Keramaian Fm (?)) Matsukawa.) von Borneo. (Mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina at several localities across accretionary prism of Japan and also Taiwan Shimanoshita location E Aptian with Palorbitolina lenticularis.vangorselslist.D. M.Mikrofasies batugamping Formasi Butanunggal di daerah Binuang. S. Sammlungen Geol. p. K. ('Limestone microfacies of the Batununggal Fm in the Binuang area. Mesorbitolina texana. Japan.pdf) (Five E Aptian orbitolinid species in Takisato Orbitolina Lst of Hokkaido: Palorbitolina lenticularis. 4. ('The fauna of the Cretaceous formation of Martapura’.. Ser. minuta. Ostrea ostracina). p. Sendon.. gastropods (incl.1 206 www. p. Kusumah (2014). SW side of Catanduanes Island. p. 4. Aizawa. Praeorbitolina) Matsumaru. Kojima (2006). Ammonite-bearing rocks possibility exotic blocks embedded in chaotic sediments (like Orbitolina-bearing limestone in same area)) Matsumaru. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. M. p. (1889). Marl-dominated U Cretaceous section with sandstones and conglomerates. Oost-Indie 18. Microfacies of Early Cretaceous limestone with Orbitolina (identified as Aptian-Albian Orbitolina oculata and Orbitolina primitiva) in Meratus Mts. Palaeontological Soc. Kalimantan Selatan. Ged. 86-108. (but Martin (1898) deemed these to be Early Jurassic in age. called Patellina in earlier papers. Vogel )) Martin. K. M. Rare molluscs collected from shales by Van Schelle in W Borneo 'Chinese districts'. Saitama University Fac. K. 1-74. Limestones occuring as olistoliths in Late Cretaceous.Note of orbitolinid foraminifera from the Lower Aptian (Cretaceous) Shimanoshita Mudstoner. Mesorbitolina parva. (Nine Aptian. 2. Ladakh. Mateer. Ladakh. K. common oysters (Ostrea martapuriensis. With poorly preserved ammonites (Acanthoceras). 198-208. 43-49. 5. K. Mukai & A. K. E of Luzon. K. Jamal & K. Were in warm current regime. See also Newton 1903. India 51. 126-194.. J. ('The fauna of the Cretaceous formation of Martapura’. Ehiro & S.pdf) (E-M Albian Orbitolina from Lower Shyok Fm in Shyok suture zone. conulus) Matsumaru. p. J. ('Remarks on the construction of Orbitolina (= Patellina of earlier authors) from Borneo'. 367-372.E Albian ammonoid species from Yop Fm. Palaeontol. & A. Faunas resemble assemblages from E side of Japan. (1889). 1. Sammlungen Geol. Simplorbitolina cf. 4 (203). Soc. Reichsmus. 8 species of Nerinea). 261-271.Die Fauna der Kreideformation von Martapoera. M. Radiolites). (1889). 37. incl.On orbitolinid foraminifera from the lower Aptian (Cretaceous) of Hokkaido. J. (1995).. Austral. Skwarko (1993). Bragin & F. & S. (online at: www. p.S. W. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Maastrichtian larger foram Lepidorbitoides cf blanfoldi in Engkilili Fm) Mohler. western Papua New Guinea.Early Cretaceous radiolarian fauna from West Timor. H. Large Puzosia aff. G. (1968). Proc.vangorselslist. Aita. V. (1909). Pedawan Fm is Cenomanian- Turonian. Kapuas drainage basin. 2.1 207 www. Pemaparan Hasil Penelitian Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi LIPI. (First report of small benthic foram Trocholina in SE Asia. Australian Geol. P. mayoriana and Pachydesmoceras suggest Cenomanian age. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 39. Munasri.K. of West Sarawak with notes on the palaeontology of west Sarawak by W. Interpreted as deep oceanic deposits. Malaysia. Crew and comments on the geology of W Sarawak by P. (online at: www.Y.Cretaceous ammonites from South Central Papua New Guinea. 4. Proc. Geoph.F.digitallibrary. Ed. Akademie Wetenschappen Amsterdam. T.micropress. 1-37. Age interpretations revised by Morley (1998)) Munasri (1995). G. (Unpublished) Munasri (1998).E Cretaceous according to Hinde (1900) and Heryanto et al. 257-264. 2. Acanthoceras rhotomagense. p. p. (On Early Cretaceous Tethyan larger foram Orbitolina in Philippines) from Lower Cretaceous of Seberuang River.Orbitolina-bearing rocks of Philippines. 14. (Unpublished) (Hashimoto et al. 1869. Indonesia.…) (Eleven ammonite species from 11 localities in Central Higlands and foothills to S. 337-350. 300-302. Material collected by Zeijlmans 1939.On oceanic deep-sea deposits of Central Borneo. T. 203-213. 245-262. J.Eocene) in Sarawak. etc.Mesozoic radiolarians and radiolarian-bearing sequences in the circum-Pacific regions: a report of the Symposium 'Radiolarians and orogenic belts'.Ammonites of the Cretaceous Ieru Formation.A. others more likely Turonian. (Collection of 7 extended abstracts) Militante-Matias. Nederl. Sashida. Liechti. AGSO Japan. Ph. Geol. 1993) Muller. p. p. (Unpublished) Munasri (2012). 3. K.Cretaceous radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Bantimala and Barru areas. Four are typical Cenomanian species. Associated ammonites described by Von Koenigswald 1939. K. 5.Uber das Vorkommen von Trocholina Paalzow in der Unterkreide von West-Borneo. South Sulawesi. Report GR602. (1946).au/corporate_data/49552/Jou1991_v12_n3.K. Japan.pdf) (Eleven ammonite species from five localities in Ieru Fm (above Toro Sst) in W PNG Ok Tedi sheet. (online at: www. Wakita. Thesis. p. 411-433. Cunningtoniceras cunningtoni.Eocene age.Penggunaan fosil radiolaria dalam sintesis geologi. The Island Arc 5. 286: incl. Kon. (online at http://www. 12. Indonesia. ) (Danau Fm radiolarian cherts stretching E-W over distance of 650 km across N Central Borneo. p. Bandung 2012. Royal Dutch Shell. Pros.Palynology of the Pedawan and Plateau sandstone formation (Cretaceous. similar to those forming at depths below 5000m at equatorial latitudes today. Cordey (1996). Plateau sandstone is of Senonian. definitive Cenomanian age. W Kalimantan. 141-147.A. 15th Int.V. p. p. Ujiie.pdf) (Early palynological study of Upper Cretaceous. University of Tsukuba.S. Vishnevskaya. Fauriella boissieri from Maril Shale is part of Berriasian Tethyan fauna. University of Tsukuba. 12.E. Y. BMR J. No.D. Thesis. p. p. Kyungpook National University.Santonian) Matsumoto. & S. Romaniceras deverianum indicates Turonian age) Matsuoka. Micropaleontology 14. A.Eocene section of Sarawak. p. (1953).com March 2014 . 1975. Sumatra) Molengraaff. Geoph. Skwarko (1991). Age of Danau Fm oceanic assemblage is Jurassic. Shen. who noted similarities of this material with Dusun Pobungo Cretaceous of Jambi. 1. collected by APC 1954- 1969. J. Theocapsa laevis. 134-142. J. S. p. Pseudodictyomitra lilyae. Geol. Eucyrtidium parviporum. Oh. Okamoto.Fossil wood diversity gradient and Far-East Asia palaeoclimatology during the Late Triassic-Cretaceous interval. Suparka & J. p.geotek.M. 47-65. Papers 1.Fosil radiolaria sebagai alat biostratigrafi yang baru di Ocean Drilling Program.. Mineral Res. (1994). M. Assemblages close affinities to Belemnopsis moluccana group from Indonesia and are included in Neocomian Indo-Pacific Subprovince of Tethyan Realm) Nuttall. Review of Mesozoic radiolarian research in Indonesia.tamu. Geoph. ) (Diverse Turonian.Occurrence of Acteonella (Opistobranch gastropod) in the Cretaceous of Sabah. 48-52. Sci. Kim.R. J. tectonic reconstructions. p. S.Early Cretaceous belemnites from the East Indian Ocean and their paleobiogeographic implicatons In: F. p. HvG).l. (IAGI). Indonesia.go. Stichocapsa pseudodecora.E Cenomanian) radiolarian assemblage found in chert-siliceous shale of Bantimala Complex by Wakita et al. carpatica.P. 9.Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera from Papua New Guinea. ('New fossils and the age of the limestones in the Pre-Tertiary of the Gumai Mountains'. Geol. 443-450. Philippe & I. Loftusia and nerineids. etc. Globotruncana wabagensis n. 710-721. Sashida (1999). March 2014 . 1-8. Gradstein et al.. suggesting E-M Cretaceous age (Yabe 1943 suggests Late Jurassic age. Assemblage includes Pantanellium squinaboli. K. Also new species of gastropod Nerinea palembangensis) Mutterlose. Riset Geologi Pertambangan 23. Survey Malaysia. Gongylothorax verbeeki. Supriyanto (1994). C. brouweri. Barru and Bantimala Complexes may not be from single accretionary complex as previously regarded) Munasri. Ed. Legrand. paleo-oceanography and paleogeography. Leong (1972). Rocks accreted at subduction trench in mid-Cretaceous (Aptian) time. Yogyakarta. contain Orbitolina.Early Cretaceous radiolarians in manganese carbonate nodule from the Barru area. 45-50. Indon.) Proc. Wabag 8. Asian Earth Sci. (1934).) from 19 samples) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .pdf) (ODP Holes 761B-766A (Legs 122-123) off NW Australia Exmouth Plateau yielded Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Hauterivian) belemnites. Cecrops septemporatus.Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera assemblage from Lagaip Beds. (online at: http://www. Wakita & K. C. Descriptions of 38 species (incl. Belemnopsis ex gr. Conv. including Belemnopsis cf. K. (Brown shale clast in Paleogene breccia in Karangsambung with Campanian tropical radiolarians not seen in coeval Campanian assemblages from blocks in Luk-Ulo melange. (online at: http://www-odp.vangorselslist. suggesting juxtaposition of material from different paleolatitudes in Late Cretaceous.A. M. Res. but juxtaposed before deposition of Paleogene) Owen. sp. Assoc.-Indie (IV) 1. p. Geol. E. De Ingenieur in Nederl.. Limestones from folded Saling series interbedded with basic andesitic volcanics in Saling River. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 27th Ann. 123. P. Radiolarian fossils found in deep-sea environments and are used for biostratigraphy.('The use of fossil radiolaria in geological synthesis'. Palaeontological Papers 1970-1971. 5.php/jurnal/article/view/92/52) (E Cretaceous (Valanginian-Barremian) radiolarians from manganese carbonate nodule in dark reddish shale of Barru melange complex. p. South Sulawesi. W Highlands. p. ('Fossil radiolaria as a new biostratigraphic tool in Indonesia') Musper.. Geol.M. (eds. Proc. (1973). 79-88. Mid-Cretaceous (Albian.F.Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) radiolarians from a shale clast in the Paleogene of central 140. & K. 15 km SE of Barru. Hibolithes and Duvalia. With summary of 15 areas in Indonesia with radiolarian sediments) Munasri (2013). Kojima. 2. J. S Sumatra.1 208 www. S. (online at: www. p. Bull. jonkeri. 40.Nieuwe fossielresten en de ouderdom der kalksteenen in het Pretertiair van het Goemai Gebergte. (1992). moluccana s. Indonesia.lipi. Paik (2011). Bur. S. Paik & F. p. Same as Panuju et al 2010) Petrizzo. warm temperate. Cretaceous Res. L. M. Cekungan Bintuni. Barale (2004). Iskandar F. Agathoxylon (formerly Araucarioxylon). 479- 505. 21.Shimakuroxylon a new homoxylous Mesozoic wood genus from Asia.Cretacous (genus not known from Indonesia or Gondwana)) Philippe. p. Cavin.Early Cretaceous wood assemblages from Gondwana. Rev. 39th Conv. p. named Shimakuroxylon. 18-26. Gromyko. M. K.esdm. & Buskamal (2012). PIT-IAGI-2010-178. Papua. Diversity peak of Xenoxylon spp.. C. 3. 4.Panuju.Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) nannoplankton zonation.Zonasi biostratigrafi nanoplankton berumur Coniacian-Maastrichtian (Kapur Akhir). Brachyoxylon..Stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical significance of fossil wood from the Mesozoic Khorat Group of Thailand. S.. (IAGI). Firdaus. (online at: www.R.E.1 209 www. Assoc. A. Falcon-Lang. 129. p. March 2014 . Bintuni Basin'. M. Gnaedinger.php/dir/article_detail/733) ('Biostratigraphic zonation of Coniacian.E Cretaceous age. Oh. Harland. Upper Cretaceous section presumably unconformable on M-L Jurassic) Panuju.). p. ('Coniacian.R.E Maastrichtian nannoplankton (Late Cretaceous). Cuny & G. Pons (2014).Zonasi biostratigrafi nanoplangton berumur Coniacian-Maastrichtian (Kapur Akhir). Lutat.Structure and diversity of the Mesozoic wood genus Xenoxylon in Far East Asia: implications for terrestrial palaeoclimates. M. Majalah Geologi Indonesia 27. C. Sutheethorn. Bamford. Alves. Papua'. although still present in Vietnam. Paleobot. L. analysis of Jurassic. I. (Fossil wood common in poorly dated continental sediments of Khorat Gp. (Mesozoic fossil wood Xenoxylon is indicator of wet temperate biotopes and is common in Far East Asia in Carnian-Maastrichtian. (Distribution of Jurassic.bgl. Indochina. M. M. (2000).J. Ginanjar R. M. Hedbergella flandrini. Marginotruncana marianosi) and high latitude (Globigerinelloides impensus. Indon. Semitau. Also present in Outer Zone of SW Japan. Iskandar F. Proc. with palaeogeographical and palaeoecological implications.S. etc. whereas other taxa more provincialism) Philippe. Nannofossil zones CC12 (U Turonian) CC26 (U Maastrichtian) recognized. and suggest M Jurassic.. (New type of (Late?) Jurassic-E Cretaceous fossil wood with radial pitting of 'japonicum type'. E. Buffetaut. 5. Bintuni Basin. Imam P. Magazine 141. Ed. 393-406. p. Rev. It is part of ‘Northern-type’ leaf-flora (also call Tetori-type or Siberian-Canadian). Palynol. 141-173. becoming wetter during deposition of upper formations of Khorat Group) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Lethaia 42. H. Imam P.. desert. Oh & D. (2004).go.S. G. NW Australia): biostratigraphy and taxonomic notes. Thevenard (2009). H. M. D. (Planktonic foraminifera from ODP Holes 762C and 763B Some low latitude (Globotruncana ventricosa. Hedbergella sliteri) markers different vertical distribution at mid-high latitudes from low latitudes) Philippe. Birds Head. Pole et al.. Geol.Early Cretaceous fossil wood across Gondwana suggests 5 climate zones: summer wet. suggest relationships with Indochina. 16p. E. Kim. Lombok. Probably indicator for warm and wet climates) Philippe. V. etc. McLoughlin. where wet-temperate climate probably prevailed through Late Triassic. Firdaus. winter wet. especially Vietnam..G. Geographic distribution limited to terranes which lined S-most E Asia during Jurassic (Lhasa. cool temperate. Jiang. W Kalimantan specimen in British Museum collected from Buduk/ Boedak 100km N of Pontianak. 171-186. associated with bivalves identified as M Jurassic by Newton (1903) (could be younger?). WD-4 and Birds Head Ainin River outcrop samples. M. & Buskamal (2010).. Cekungan Bintuni. cosmopolitan element.vangorselslist. Palaeobotany Palynology 204. M.. 319-328. Ottone. centred on NE China. NE Thailand. Araucarian-like conifer wood dominant. based on samples from Bintuni Bay wells RBB-1. P. Trees grew along streams in arid climate. Ginanjar R.Upper Turonian-lower Campanian planktonic foraminifera from southern mid-high latitudes (Exmouth Plateau. Kepala Burung. East Malaysia.J. northern Sierra Madre. Geol. Uyop. (Most of NE Thailand Khorat Group redbeds of (Late Jurassic?-) Cretaceous age.25. Assigned to lowest speciosus Assemblage zone (Valanginian. 21. Helby (2001). p. (1973). (2) Eucyrtis columbarius and (3) Spongocyclia lanigera Assemblage. Assoc. which is believed to be younger than this DSDP material) Reyes. 53.B. 24. 2. Luzon.The extension of Tethyan Lower Cretaceous to Sarawak. 2. Planomalina buxtorfi.G. (1975) as 19 mile marker on Serrian Road) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Aitchison & J. ludbrookiae. The Philippine Geologist (J. Geol. (Three localities on N Exmouth Plateau with faunas of Late Aptian.Queano. C.J.pdf) (Road-cuts in central Pahang with distinct palynomorph assemblage with Cicatricosisporites australiensis.E Cenomanian age in radiolarian-rich mudstones With planktonic forams Ticinella multiloculata.) Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 27. No illustrations. & R. oceanic crust of Huatung Basin E of Taiwan and ophiolites in E Indonesia) Quilty. 225-235. M. Biretisporites eneabbaensis and Baculatisporites comaumensis.Lower Valanginian age and of Tethyan March 2014 . Philippines) 24. 769-841.Aptian/Albian). Asian Earth Sci. Soc. Geol. 45. Buffetaut et al. 1-67. p. Locality clarified in Hashimoto et al. Goodall (2009). J. In: J. older than U Cretaceous stratigraphic range previously reported in region. (eds.Radiolarian biostratigraphic data from the Casiguran Ophiolite. Australasian Palaeont.S.Cretaceous foraminiferids from Exmouth Plateau and Kerguelen Ridge. palynologically dated as M Albian-Cenomanian. In: E. (online at: http://geology. & J. Luzon.G. Fig. with Lower Cretaceous radiolarian assemblages (U Barremian. Said. Bull.R. (1984). Soc. Mem. p. Soc. J.Philippine Cretaceous smaller foraminifera. Spec. Soc.Some stratigraphically significant dinoflagellate cysts from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian and Albian) of Australia.Radiolaria from Leg 27 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. and K. London. Publ. Marquez.P. 67-81. (online at: www.Neocomian palynomorph assemblage from Central Pahang.Hauterivian)) Sarkar. mainly Site 261 in eastern Indian Ocean and Site 262 in Timor Trough of SW Timor. seasonally dry subtropical climate) Renz. Jurassic mostly absent. etc. Khorat Gp palynomorphs dominated by gymnosperm pollen Corollina (= Classopollis) spp. p. Malaysia.L. P. 131-142.V. indicating warm. Includes brief discussion of Tan Sin Hok (1927) Roti sample 149 assemblage. Konjing (2007). Micracanthoceras and Turmanniceras from basal Pedawan Fm shales (overlying Bau Lst) of Upper Succession of three assemblages.1 210 www. 4-5. & E. p. A. of uncertain ages (but placed in ~Berriasian-Aptian range by Sanfilippo and Riedel 1985. Khorat Gp overlies Late Triassic Nam Phong Fm and is unconformably overlain by continental evaporitic Maha Sarakham Fm. 5. M.pdf) (Study of Cretaceous radiolarians from Leg 17 sites. G. p. (1974). Riding. Philippines: stratigraphic and tectonic implications.C. providing additional evidence for Mesozoic oceanic substratum upon which Luzon and neighboring regions of Philippine archipelago were likely built. p.vangorselslist.deepseadrilling. S. Ali (2013). Alcheringa 8. Ordonez (1970). 225-241. p. J.Palynology and stratigraphy of the Mesozoic Khorat Group of NE Thailand. Indian Ocean. (eds. HvG). Malaysia Newsl. E. (Cherts and limestone interbeds overlying Casiguran Ophiolite. 65. Malihan & Z. Age closely resembles ages of ophiolite in SE Luzon.. New benthic genus/species Scheibnerova protindica in E Cenomanian of Exmouth Plateau and in previously reported Eltanin samples from Cenomanian of Kerguelen Ridge) Racey.S. Geol. Veevers et al. Ed. Malaysia. (Ammonites Berriasiella.) Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems in SE from young to old: (1) Bathropyramis timorensis. p.Geol.Synthesis of the Cretaceous benthic foraminifera recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project in the Indian Ocean.). (1974). but also presence of many 'Tan Sin Hok 1927 species'. 277-283. Magazine (V). In: March 2014 . Albian. i. S. Lithocampe pseudochrysali. 62-83. Sites 259.2009. J. nothing on Indonesia) Sha. V. (1964). 1. Aptian. B (Biol. 585-597.Tethyan and non-Tethyan Early Cretaceous radiolarian faunas from the Nakfuna Formation.pdf) (Well-preserved radiolarian faunas in Albian pelagic sediments above basalt from four DSDP Leg 62 sites in W Pacific. 1. Spec.Cretaceous trigonioidid (non-marine Bivalvia) assemblages and biostratigraphy in Asia with special remarks on the classification of Trigonioidacea.pdf) (Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifera from Leg 27 (Sites 259. Ueno (1996). Geology and Environment of Southeast Asia. Chiang Mai University. Project Leg 62. 697- 741. (Review of mainly Mesozoic radiolarian-bearing rocks on the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia. 263) off Exmouth Plateau. Publ. (online at: www. Korea. Heirtzler (eds. Geol. (2010). S. Scheibnerova.pdf) Scrivenor.Early Cretaceous radiolarian faunas from the Nunleo area in southwest Timor.) Init. C. studies following Deep-Sea Drilling legs 22-29. Repts Deep Sea Drilling Project 27. Indonesia. Palaeontology and Stratigraphy. (1977). West Timor. (Seven zones distinguished in distribution of Cretaceous Trigonioides-group fresh water molluscs. (1912).deepseadrilling. Mainly on mainland Asia (China. et al. Eastern Indian Ocean. some Thailand) and Japan. C. (online at: www. Royal Soc. New Delhi 1964.Historical distribution patterns of trigonioidids (non-marine Cretaceous bivalves) in Asia and their palaeogeographic significance. molengraaffi. p.L. J.J. 241-248. (eds. Veevers & J. 21 new species. Archaeodictyomitra pseudoscalaris. Sidi (eds. Symposium.royalsocietypublishing. K. 9. Forum Spec. Int. incl. 9. Publ. 29.e. the non-tropical Austral bioprovince) Scheibnerova. Congress. In: Heirtzler. 277.. In B. V. Amer. 22nd Int.Sartono. Pseudodictyomitra lilyae + ~10 others) Scheibnerova.pdf) (Non-marine trigonioidid bivalves five phases of radiation in Cretaceous of Pal-Asia: pre-Aptian (?Valanginian/ Hauterivian. grutterinki. houwi. p. all in same paleogeographic province as coeval sediments on adjacent continents Australia. palaeogeographic and tectonic implication. 5. p. Proc.1 211 www. 6. 407-416.B. Conosphaera NW Australia.R. Indonesia. 419-470. 260 and 263. 135-174. Sedim.H. Repts. p.R.Radiolaria-bearing rocks in the East Indies. Darman & F. C. Rieb (eds. 88-91. (online at: http://rspb. V.) Proc.Cretaceous foraminiferal fauna from the Kekneno tectonic unit of Bokon area in Timor. J. Asian Earth Sci. (1981). Geophys.agu. (eds.Foraminifera and the Mesozoic biogeoprovinces. p. Radiolarites of Danau Fm of C Borneo ( probable Jurassic age) do look like oceanic deposits. Deep Sea Drilling Project 62. In: H.Barremian).org/books/sp/v009/SP009p0585/SP009p0585. p. p. & Munasri (1999). Union (AGU).0936. 8.. Records Geol. Cyrtocapsa asseni. (2007).Late Early Cretaceous radiolaria from Deep Sea Drilling. 260.) Init. Eucyrtidium thiensis. A. India and S Africa. (Abstracts volume). Tectonics and sedimentation of Indonesia seminar. Trigonioidid distribution pattern suggests Japan was attached to part of E China and/or Korea in Valanginian-Cenomanian (no records from Indonesia)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . J. K. Indon.Proc. Sci.vangorselslist. (Abstract only?) Schaaf. Proc. Distribution patterns show two distinct paleo-river systems feeding trigonioidids. Kolbano Area. (1971). J. Eucyrtis molengraaffi. Survey New South Wales 13. Bandung 1999. Ratanasthien & S. 223.deepseadrilling. In:J. but other radiolaria-bearing rocks often associated with clastic material and may be of shallower marine origin) Sha. Cenomanian and Turonian-Maastrichtian.full. Adachi & K. Thiede et al. Ed. Munasri. (online at: http://www.Aptian-Albian benthonic foraminifera from DSDP Leg 27. p. Sashida.) Indian Ocean geology and biostratigraphy. 59-61. J. Skwarko. Mineral Res. More open marine conditions in Cretaceous.K. (online at: http://www. p. Ser.Non-marine Cretaceous bivalve biostratigraphy of Thailand.Pseudohyria assemblage) Shafik. Southern Lao PDR and Central Vietnam.A brief review of literature on the larger marine invertebrates in the Cretaceous of Indonesia with list of fossils hitherto identified. S. incl. ('Revision of Pre-Tertiary foraminifera from SW Sumatra'. Miner.Sur quelques foraminiferes et pseudoforaminiferes de Sumatra. S. 15. Dev.Mesozoic Mollusca from Australia and New Guinea.Revisione di foraminiferi preterziarii del Sud-Ouest di Sumatra. Late Cretaceous nannofloras suggest positions in Extratropical Nannoprovince in Campanian (coeval nannofloras from Carnarvon Basin in S Extratropical Nannoprovince. 1. Bur. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Resour.A new upper Mesozoic trigoniid from western Papua New Guinea. Geol. Italiana Paleont. (online at: www. Cretaceous) from Papua New Guinea. 209. Canberra. p. Three temperature-controlled biogeographic realms in Maastrichtian: Austral (Perth Basin). Geoph.. offshore northwest Resour. 1-164. suggesting surface-water connection between E Cretaceous juvenile ocean NW of Australia and S Tethyan ocean. 53-55. Australian Geol.pdf) (Nannofossils from dredge samples of Rowley March 2014 .Plicatounio assemblages and mainly Albian Trigonioides diversicostatus. Geol.Nototrigonia cinotuta ( (1932). Verhandelingen Geol. 85-98. 449-458. Bull. Report 295. Skwarko. Miner. (Eleven mollusk species from Lower Cretaceous Sampa beds of Lake Trist area. S. Resour. (1981). Jambi) with Choffatella cyclamminoides n. Papuan Basin in Tropical Nannoprovince) Silvestri. S. (Turonian. p. 5. Nguyen (2012). Bull.1 212 www. p. Bur.Sha. Lao and Vietnam entirely in non-marine facies (Khorat Group). Two nannofloras of E Toarcian and E Bajocian ages. A. Hasibuan (1989). (= Pseudocyclammina. Geoph.K. Centre. Relatively rare in Jurassic paralic pre-breakup sequence.. (1981).- Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kolon. 209. Stratigraphy 36. Bandung. p. Geol. ('On some foraminifera and pseudoforaminifera from Sumatra'. p. 2. Mineral Res. Mesozoic fossils from eastern New Guinea. Res. Geol.Maastrichtian nannofossils from onshore Carnarvon and Perth basins and comparison with 10 other localities in Indo-Pacific region. Miner. Bur.Significance of calcareous nannofossil-bearing Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments on the Rowley Terrace. J. A.vangorselslist. S.Late Cretaceous nannofossil biostratigraphy and biogeography of the Australian western margin. Skwarko. Geol.K. 2. S. (1967). 44-52. S. p. 209. Geol. 382-399. 6. Bur. Bull. Meesook & X.. 57-58. Foraminifera from Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous limestones from Sungi Tuo (Korinci.and Gumai Mts Saling series with Lacazina (=Loftusia)) Silvestri. (1925). (Cretaceous of Thailand..K. Bull.First report of Megatrigoniinae (Bivalvia. 8 (Verbeek volume). AGSO J. Geophys. with both Austral/Boreal and Tethyan elements. p. Yabe and Hanzawa 1926). p. Geophys. Paleont.. PNG) Skwarko. Ser. Ed. (1990).. Early Cretaceous foraminifera from SW Sumatra described by Silvestri (1925) as Choffatella should be assigned to Pseudocyclammina Yabe and Hanzawa and Lacazina lamellifera is a Loftusia) Skwarko. 71-88. & F. 75-107. PNG. Geol. (1994). Aust. Two trigoniodid bivalve assemblages: Aptian Trigonioides kobayashii. (b) Lower Cretaceous Mollusca from the Sampa beds near Wau.K. reflecting transgressive events. Extratropical (Carnarvon) and Tropical (PNG)) Shafik. Geoph. 38. (1981). mainly Lower Cretaceous) from northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. with oldest nannofloras Valanginian age. 75.K. Geophys. A. sp. Abstr. one from Sulawesi. 265-291.. Bandung.) and pectinid bivalve molluscs from basal Jass Fm (= Kembelangan Fm) marine clastics in tributary of Ainim River. p. Include tree fern Gleichenoides spp. p. Bull. Triactiscus tumidus. S. Birds Head. 1 conifer (Frenelopsis). Probably represents open forest flora under climate with distinct dry season) Smiley. C. Soc.J. Stradnerlithus silveradius.Oligocene 5 interval zones.. Ed. Maran florules identical to Gagau flora from several localities in N Pahang (Kon'no 1967. southern high-latitude assemblage) Tamura. SW Birds Head. Assemblage composition relatively uniform between ~50° N and S. Bandung. Part 1: Geological considerations.1 213 www. Zamites.Palaeobiogeography of Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) calcareous nannoplankton. (1970).P. Thesis. Paleolatitude interpretation of Buton in E Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian) and late E Jurassic (Pliensbachian-Toarcian) indicates latitudes of 22-30°S and 40°S) Soeka. 119-124. p.sp.wordpress. 5. Taminabuan sheet. Bull. Pahang. Borneo. (Unpublished) (Radiolarians from Tobelo Fm of Buton represent Tethyan faunas and range from E Cretaceous to Oligocene. University of Wollongong. (1973).Early Barremian (Early Cretaceous) mollusca from western Irian Jaya.files.Radiolarian faunas from the Tobelo Formation of the Island of Buton. Five species of Inoceramus. Indonesia. J. Misool and West Papua. 29 Int. C. 1 range zone and 3 barren zones. S. Pseudothurmannia. Zanola riedeli. Res. Malaysia 3. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Early Cretaceous (Valanginian). eastern Indonesia. Discoconocaryomma. p. 4. (online at: https://gsmpubl. High-palaeolatitude assemblages less rich. & P. Paleont.wordpress. Most diverse groups are bivalve molluscs (80 species) and cephalopods (70 species). Sornay & Geol. Hemihoplites taminabuanensis n. Most deteminations in need of revision) Skwarko. Sphaerostylus lukmani. Three new genera (Butonastrum. University of Tokyo Press. 8 from Kalimantan. 61-73. 6. S. 252. 77-88.D. 1968) and resemble Neocomian species from other areas. 26-34. lower diversity and with more Crucibiscutum salebrosum. Ten datum planes for local biostratigraphic correlations proposed. Centre.files. 128 species described. p. Paraxitus) and 29 new species (Butonastrum perkinsi. No records of Ginkgophytes or Angiosperms (Dicotyledons) are present in Neocomian floras of W Malaysia) Soeka. C Malay Peninsula. etc. Equisetites). Res. Bown (2000). Street.J. Congr. Malaysia 3. Part 2: Taxonomic considerations.(Listing of 32 papers with descriptions of Cretaceous marine macrofossils from Indonesia since 1883. dominant in all settings. Argo Abyssal Plain. Paleont.Early Cretaceous-Paleogene radiolarian biostratigraphy from the microcontinent of Buton.K. Thieuloy (1989). Zanola deweveri. (online at: March 2014 . 1-398. (Small Middle Campanian mollusc fauna and one ammonite (Pachydiscus) from Mios River. S. Dev. and Sarawak.). (Barremian ammonites (large Crioceratites (Menuthicrioceras) irianensis n. Geol. Eastern Indonesia. Geol. Soc. (Early Cretaceous nannoplankton biogeographyWatznaueria spp. (1991). & J. Ptilophyllum. 3 each from Sumatra. Geol. 89-113. Matsumoto (1983). In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Centre. Sula Islands. disconformable over Tipuma Fm) Smiley. Pahang.Two species of lower Cretaceous Parvamussium from Kyushu. Geol. West Malaysia. Ser. conifer Frenelopsis and others. Ransiki Sheet. Praeconocaryomma sutrismani. (1970). NW of Australia. Beds are transgressive.pdf) (Plant fossils from Tembeling Fm 4 mi N of (16 plant megafossil species in Maran area: 5 pteridophytes (Gleichenoides.. 39. p. C. etc. Kyoto. Marine Micropal. Broinsonia matalosa. 5 cycadophytes (Olozamites.Upper Cretaceous molluscs from western Irian Jaya.. Japan. Dev. 22 faunas documented.vangorselslist. Ser. West Malaysia. some similar to species decribed from Misool by Boehm) Skwarko. p.K. & Mudjito (1992)..R. Ph. 11. M. Orbiculiforma eocenica .Later Mesozoic flora from Maran.Later Mesozoic flora from Maran. Australia. Java and Kalimantan in W to Sulawesi. Tellina. p. (2014). tributary of the Besirtan in Langkat.Vindplaatsen van Globotruncana Cushman in West-Borneo. (General review of (Review of Mesozoic fossils of Indonesia. Late Cretaceous?) Tumpeesuwan. Part of Gumai Mts limestones determined as Triassic based on Lovcenipora (but Musper (1934) found good Orbitolina indicating E-M Cretaceous age. 1-120.28.Sur l’age des calcaires du Barissan et des Monts Gumai a Sumatra. 14-18. 7. Tijdschr.New Guinea of more temperature character) Vinassa de Regny. Timor. J.. Nakhapadungrat (2010). n.. 6. (online at: www. P.(Lower Cretaceous Pectinid bivalve from Sarawak S of Kuching. 27-56.sp.gen. Landak and Sg. Jambi and Gumai Mts. present in PNG. ser. p. F. S. Sula Islands and New Guinea in East. In SE Asia members of 'Caribbean-Tropical Pacific' assemblage with Pseudorbitoides. Seram).- Indie 96. from E Cretaceous Sao Khua Fm of NE Thailand.biology.( Matsumotoina) somanai n. Warta Geol. Tropical Natural Hist. London. Palembang. Exogyra sp.Cenomanian)) Tan Sin Hok (1936). In: R. 8 (Verbeek volume). J.1 214 www. ('Contributions to the knowledge of the Mesozoic formatons of Borneo. collected by Ehrat and Zeylmans) Tornquist. Geol. Ed.G. Tanimbar. Triassic low-latitude Tethyan faunas present in both W and E Indonesia. (1981). 93-106.An introduction to Mesozoic faunas and floras of March 2014 . Corbula) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .H. Verhandelingen Geol. p. Nederl. A.Ueber mesozoische Stromotoporiden. Late Jurassic ammonites and bivalves from E Indonesia. Northeastern Thailand. D. Ser. Astarte. Berita Sedimentologi 31.41.) Foraminifera 3.253/cgi-bin/…) ('Localities with Upper Cretaceous planktonic foraminifer Globotruncana in W Kalimantan'. not described elsewhere) Van Gorsel. p. Mesozoic-age faunas relatively widespread in Indonesia.. Adams (eds. Kajan.-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kolon. (1978). Asterorbis. 4.Masstrichtian orbitoidal larger foraminifera. 1. 1: Der Nerineensandstein von Bana. p. (1925). from float in Sekoendoer Besar River. W Kalimantan (Itieria scalaris n. Hedley and C. Preuss..pdf) (New freshwater bivalve species. West Sarawak..T.Lower Cretaceous age for the chert in the Lupar Valley. Akad. probably of Late Barremian age) Van Gorsel. (online at: http://www. Sitzungsber. 405-414. Y. Occurrence of Omphalocyclus in Kalimantan. The Nerinea sandstone of Bana'.N. Sammlungen Geol. etc.chula.A new species of Pseudohyria (Matsumotoina) (Bivalvia: Trigonioidoidea) from the Early Cretaceous Sao Khua Formation. from Sumatra. 9p. W Papua and E Philippines. Academic Press. p. Also report perisphinctid ammonite from Bau series black shale probably Berriasella or Microanthoceras indicating Tithonian-Berriasian age) Sato & S. Nerinea sp. (Radiolaria assemblages identified by Pessagno from 5 chert blocks in Lubok Atu melange mainly Early and mid-Cretaceous (Valanginian. Natuurk. E Sumatra (=Actinacis sumatrensis. P. (On the age of the Mesozoic limestones collected by Tobler in Barisan Mts.sp. Lucina. (1901).vangorselslist. Sungei Silat.T. Landak River. Arca. Outer Banda Arc (Sumba. Includes description of Neostroma sumatrensis n. Sg. 173-176. Kon.. 208. (online at: http://62. Reichs-Museums Leiden. ('On Mesozoic stromatoporids'. p. Mytilus arrialoorensis. Cretaceous molluscs from the Bana. 1. HvG)) Vogel. Interpreted as a fluvial species. Khorat Group.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der mesozoischen Formationen in Wissenschaften Berlin 47. (1904).Late Cretaceous orbitoidal foraminifera. Upper Cretaceous Globotruncana from 3 areas in W Kalimantan. 10. 5. . (1878). Ph. Hoplites neocomiensis. extending E to Myanmar and W to Ladakh. In Tibet limited to Lhasa Block (= SE Eurasia margin in M Cretaceous) and parts of Qiantang. p.V9XKwvkrKUk) (Mid-Cretaceous Orbitolinid larger foraminifera common in Barremian. This suggests brief tectonic event followed by quick waning tectonism during Albian-Cenomanian transgression) Wakita.-Band 67. Pal.jcu. J. Lower Bedungan Fm (unconformable on Permo- Carboniferous Bojan Fm meta-sediments and volcanics with Valanginian Pecten. (online at: http://eprints. W Kalimantan. 144- 146. Fragmentation and mixing with schist and quartz porphyry must have occurred in Paleocene) Wan. p.1 215 www.Patellinen von der Westseite von von Borneo.. Ed. ('On some ammonites and aptychs from the Lower Cretaceous of Borneo'. Sopaheluwakan. G.Distribution of Mid-Cretaceous Orbitolinids in Xizang (Tibet) and its paleobiogeographic implications. ('Patellinids from the West side of Borneo'. SW Timor (from Jonker 1916 Expedition collection Delft. p. 1-2.Late Cretaceous or earliest Paleocene. K. Branson 1937 suggested possible Permian elements(?)) Williamson. (2006). 412-416. trochus from Seberuang River. p. Widoyoko (1994).Von Fritsch. 9. Oe Batok II is ~2m large block of Triassic cephalopod/ heterastrid limestone). James Cook University. Indonesia.Ueber Fischreste aus der Kreide von Timor. 1. (1932). Li (2003). 5. (Chinese with English Abstract) (online at: E. Descriptions of Patellina scutum and P. X. Zentralblatt Min.Uber einige Ammoniten und Aptychen aus der Unteren Kreide von March 2014 . Zulkarnain & K. 29-43... Verhandelingen.M Campanian) and V. Upper Cretaceous Mosasaurus teeth Globidens? timorensis n. W Kalimantan (re-assigned to mid-Cretaceous Orbitolina concava by Martin 1890.Late Cretaceous (Coniacian.-Indie 68. p. Not present on India Plate) Weiler. J. ('Mosasaurus teeth from Timor'. Siliceous. 1-8.jourlib. etc.Early Cretaceous ('up to Barremian'). 287-304. while K-Ar ages from schist range from 132-114 Ma. I. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. not sure if correct. South Sulawesi.early Late Cretaceous. HvG)) Von Huene. and accreted at subduction trench in M. (1935). Miyazaki (1994). Munasri & B. ('On fish remains from the Cretaceous of Timor'. The Island Arc 3. Both from 'Niki Niki. III.Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian- Maastrichtian). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Systematics and biostratigraphy of Australian Early Cretaceous belemnites with contributions to the timescale and palaeoenvironmental assessment of the early Australian Early Cretaceous system derived from stable isotope proxies. Neues Jahrbuch Min.) Wakita. Cretaceous tectonic events implied in the time-lag between the age of radiolarian chert and its metamorphic basement in Bantimala area. (Five assemblages of Cretaceous radiolarians in shale and chert of Luk-Ulo Melange in Karangsambung area: I. B. Indonesia.sp. The only known Mosasaurus teeth from Indonesia) Von Koenigswald. (Bantimala Complex of S Sulawesi mainly melange. Geol. 1. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Similarities with Jambi. p. collected by Ehrat. Thesis. chert. Y. Radiolarian assemblage from unconformably overlying chert Mid-Cretaceous (late Albian-early Cenomanian). Acta Geologica Sinica 77. in beds previously ascribed to Upper Cretaceous. p. K.vangorselslist.Cenomanian of shallow marine Neotethys margins. believed to be of Late Cretaceous age from red clays above Triassic Halobia Limestone in Noil Tobee. K. II.D. 90-102. Lower Cretaceous ammonites and collected by Zeijlmans in Seberuang area. Fish teeth. Wu & G. Valanginian noted. Sumatra.argillaceous rocks were deposited throughout Cretaceous time. (1939). Central Java. T. Palaont.Baung zone' of Wanner (1913). Munasri. left tributary of Kapuas River.Middle Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian?). 162-171.H.Mosasaurier-Zahne von Timor. 10. basalt.R.Cretaceous radiolarians from the Luk-Ulo Melange complex in the Karangsambung area. W. ultramafic rocks and high-P metamorphics. Palaeontographica Suppl. p. 3. from red clays above Triassic Halobia Limestone in Noil Tobe near Nikiniki (collected by Wanner) and Oe Batok II near Baoen (Baung. Beil. F. Include Gleichenites (Gleichenoides) gagauensis. Scholz (1988). Wolcke.Cretaceous ammonites from Bathurst Island. 228-240.A. Malaysia. 2. Parent plants inhabited paleotropical humid coastal plains of Proto-South Atlantic and Tethys oceans) Wright. (‘On the paleobiogeographic significance of caprinid rudists from the Lower Cretaceous of Cebu. Soc. Batu March 2014 . M. Abstracts. Universitat Hamburg 67. p. Philippines’. p. J. Bull. 10. 121-133. Johor. Late Cretaceous) Wright. Oxygen-isotope values from Carnarvon Basin continental margin system indicate S Hemisphere mid-latitude Late Aptian sea surface temperatures. Online at: http://jfr.Paleoclimatologic. mostly endemics?) Yaacub.palass-pubs.Uber die palaeobiogeographische Bedeutung eines Vorkommens caprinider Rudisten aus der Unterkreide von Cebu (Philippinen). G. p.pdf) (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous plant fossils from 'post-orogenic' fluvial deposits in outcrop at Bukit Belah. In: AAPG Int.A. G. Typified by elater bearing pollen Elaterocolpites. Mitteilungen Geol. Geol. Middle East and PNG. Miller. Geol. 1968. Stratigr.Cenomanian belemnites from NW Australia.wordpress. 2002. D. & J. Australia. (online at: Batu Pahat. pterophylloides and Otozamites gagauensis (similar to 'Gagau' and Ulu Endau floras described by Kon'no 1967. Foraminiferal Research 6.(Aptian. p. p.full. 104-117. Dino (1998)..pdf) (16 species of Albian. Ed. Conf.a summary.pdf) (Twenty-five planktonic foram species recorded in wells on NW Shelf and used to erect three biostratigraphic zones.Planktonic foraminiferids from the Maastrichtian of the Northwest Shelf. Overall tropical and subtropical character of fauna appears inconsistent with palaeomagnetic studies which place NW Australia at cool temperate latitude of perhaps as much as 40° S. etc. & U. (now believed to be seamount fauna of Albian age. similar to today's.New Zealand Late Jurassic to Eocene dinoflagellate biostratigraphy. Newsl. Ptilophyllum cf. 5.J. (1963). Pocknall. S Malay Peninsula. AAPG Bull.M. Aleman. pantiensis. Exhib. 4. 2013)) Wood. in tropical-subtropical Africa. (1984). during. In: GSM Ann. A. paleoecologic and biostratigraphic significance of the Middle Cretaceous elaterate microfloral fossils from Bukit Belah.T. 1982. C. Elateropollenites. associated with larger foram Palorbitolina lenticularis. representing greenhouse climatic conditions) Wilson. (online at: https://gsmpubl. C. Palaeont. 287-292.files. J. Pulanbato area. (Abstract only) (One of best defined Cretaceous phytogeographic realms is Albian-Cenomanian elaterate microfloral province. 45.1 216 www. Johor. Said (2002). S. Rudists from Barremian-Aptian Pandan Fm limestones in volcanoclastic succession.W. Smiley 1970 and Kon'no and Asama 1975)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . . Gondwana..geoscienceworld. Palaeontology 6. & M. Central Cebu. Stein & R. Apthorpe (1976). p. Warming trend in Albian-Cenomanian. G. Skelton et al. Elateroplicites.S America and outliers in China.Turonian ammonites off N Australia. 82. Mainly new species. Conf.D. bracketing Cretaceous paleo-equator. Inst.vangorselslist. 597-614.A. Western Australia. Also Early Cretaceous limestone with primitive orbitolinids from Gumai Mts. University of Tokyo Press. CCOP Techn. (Late Jurassic foraminifera and algae from samples collected by Fontaine from Ili Island and Cayatong. S. Bardhan. biochronology. CCOP Techn. Bull. H. of M Callovian. Incl. 179-197. Palaeoenvironments 81.P. Dumitrica. C. systematics. Nakornsri. CCOP Techn. E Indonesia (?.The Jurassic Mansalay Formation. all Pacific-type species. (1983). J. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Reyes & T. Mem. O'Dogherty. TP 19. In: Geology and Palaeontology of SE Asia. 15 new) Bassoulet. p. Publ. Gafoer (eds.basal Cretaceous foram Pseudocyclammina lituus and dasyclad algae Salpingoporella pygmaea. Bassoulet. M.S.X. Bartolini. also known from Bau Limestone of W Sarawak and from Sumatra) Bassoulet..20. All representative of 'Woyla Terranes'?. Raba Lamno) and S Sumatra (Tembesi Basin).Biogeography of Kutch ammonites during the latest Jurassic (Tithonian) and a global paleobiogeograph overview.vangorselslist. T. p. Upper Oxfordian similar perisphinctid assemblage with Perisphinctes (Kranaosphinctes). ('Foraminifera from the Newmarracarra Limestone (Lower Bajocian.) Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: occurrences. p. G. sp. algae) from Thailand. P. In: P. (Rel. Malz (2001). Philippines. De Wever et al. J. University of Tokyo Press. 403-411. (1995)-Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of Tethys based on Unitary Associations. S. ('Bosniella fontainei nov. 35-47.Jurassic microfossils from The Philippines. 39 species. S Sumatra. Jurassic unconformably overlain by Eocene limestone) Asama. Biokovinidae) du Jurassique moyen de Thailande. R. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Y. Ed. 227-241. J.Bosniella fontainei nov. (Mansalay Fm few 1000's m of shales and sandstones near Mansalay SE Mindoro. Bull.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. L. J. 31-38. (Latest Jurassic. Possibly overlies metamorphic rocks.P. W Australia'. Palaeobiodiv. A.Some younger Mesozoic plants from Trang. Conti.Jurassic brachiopods from the Klo-Mae-Sot area. Geobios 27. p. sp. Shome & P. with abundant ammonites and pelecypods.1 217 www. (1994). Hashimoto. S. Also faunal affinity with Japanese U Oxfordian. Southern Mindoro. southern Thailand.New micropaleontological data on some Upper Jurassic. non-diagnostic rhynchonellids from NW Thailand) Andal. CCOP Techn. P. HvG). A. New small benthic foram species from M Jurassic carbonate platform facies in Kanchanaburi Province near Myanmar border in NW Thailand. (Foraminifera. Fontaine & S. Sinsakul (1981). p. K. Baumgartner et al. Himalayan Kutch ammonites part of Indo-Madagascan Province) Bartenstein. In: H. Hinthong & S. p.. Biokovinidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Thailand'. (1988).basal Cretaceous limestones with Pseudocyclammina lituus from N Sumatra (Tapaktuan. HvG)) Bassoulet.P. p. Associated with bivalve Parvamussium donaiense and foram Timidonella sarda) Baumgartner. & H. 20. P. P. Bangkok. and overlain by Eocene limestone. p. 4.O. Bull.Preliminary note on some Jurassic microfossils (foraminifers. distribution patterns. 25-57.Oxfordian age. Springer. (Study of diversity. Pillevuit.O. B. March 2014 . Jurassic Almeras. Geologie.Foraminiferen aus dem Newmarracarra Limestone (Unter-Bajocium.O. (1989). Sato (1968). 5. 16. W. p. Late Jurassic. A. Euaspidoceras and Taramelliceras comparable to Mefa Beds of Buru. J. Danelian. and endemism of Late Tithonian ammonites. W- Australien).Lower Cretaceous limestones of Sumatra. Lausanne. In: Cephalopods present and past: new insights and fresh perspectives 3. Gorican. N.p.. (1988). Urquhart. E. 211-217.. (eds. 375-395. Roy (2007). Baumgartner. 4. 22.R.P. 1. Dumitrica-Jud. Cortese.P. 142-151. Esguerra. D. E. (Foraminifère.5.S. O.Stylosmilia. 20.Myanmar border area previously interpreted as probale Triassic. presence of Pseudocyclammina with affinities to P. Gafoer (eds.Revision of the corals from the Kamawkala Limestone (Burmo-Thai frontier) described in 1930 by J.204-210. Memoires Geologie (Universite de Lausanne) 23. Pillevuit & P. 5th Int. Cladocoropsis (placed in Lovcenipora by Renz 1926. Res. Assoc Australasian Palaeont. 23. S. L. Joint Prosp. (Upper Jurassic corals. 21-27. D. Jurassic microfacies of Thailand and Sumatra similar but not identical. Bull. p. S of Umphang. northeast India.) Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: occurrence.Jurassic Cnidaria from the Philippines and Sumatra. A. Corals and calcareous sponges (Cladocoropsis) present. L. 243- 297. 39-76. incl. Sumatra and Philippines not classic reefs. Co-Ord. Gondwana Res. Coral. systematics.Foraminifera from the Bau Limestone Formation. Tahiti. E of Padang. 173-195. Min. L. In: H. p. In: Proc. 152-203. Nagaland. Comm. 19. p. 5. Hutchison 2005. p. (1989). (eds. Mem. mainly of microbial origin.Jurassic corals and coral-bearing limestones of Thailand and Burma.s. p. Geologie.calcisponges from N Sumatra. Corals from 4 levels.C. 638-644. Soc.Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous radiolaria of Tethys: occurrences. (Kimmeridgian. 1989. Urquhart. p. S.Upper Jurassic Madreporia and calcisponges of Sumatra. 1965. (1985). E. Coral Reef Symposium. (1995).T. NE India) Beauvais. 8. but corals here re-identified as Thalamocoenia. Incl. France. C Sumatra (Tembesi River) and Gumai Mts (S Sumatra)) Beauvais. CCOP Techn. Ed. Fontaine & S. 16. W Sumatra. Mem. Gorican.Upper Jurassic radiolarians from the Naga Ophiolite.. Bangkok. Rept. Maurin (1985).) (1995).. 20.lower Tithonian radiolarians from cherts in ophiolitic melange in Nagaland. (1988). Universite de Lausanne.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Techn. (Bau limestone rel.R. systematics. Bull. Bernet-Rolande & A.) Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils of West Thailand and their environments. p. 6. (M-U Jurassic carbonates of Thailand. p. are M-L Jurassic taxa) Beauvais L.. Fontaine & V. biochronology. CCOP Techn. W Thailand (Sibumasu Block)) Beauvais. L. Aitchison. Publ. Geol. Ali (2011).. 291-302. L. de Wever (eds.F.O. rare calcisponge Cladocoropsis miriabilis and algae Salpingoporella pygmaea at Pa La Tha.Radiolarian catalogue and systematics of Middle Jurassic to early Cretaceous Tethyan genera and species. (1966). Gregory. Zyabrev & J. Beauvais. but mud mounds. CCOP Techn.Donnees nouvelles sur les calcaires ‘recifaux’ du Jurassique superieur de Sumatra.vangorselslist. Baumgartner et al. 581-586. (Key publication on M Jurassic. 20. (1988).com March 2014 . biochronology. mainly western Tethys and Japan) Bayliss. 37-685.W. In: P. p. Bangkok. L. etc.C. (Fossils from Kamawkala Lst in Thai. Stereocoenia. (Lower. but no true coral reef limestones. (also described by Yancey and Alif (1977). (‘New data on the ‘reefal’ limestones of the Upper Jurassic of Sumatra’) Beauvais. p. (Brief descriptions of poorly preserved Upper Jurassic coral and stromatoporoids fauna from Indarung.Matsuoka et al. A. Montlivaltia numismalis. Ann. (1983). but different). incl. Survey Borneo region Malaysia. Sarawak. Bull. but often in mud matrix and main rock-building organisms are Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .V. low diversity Late Jurassic foraminifera assemblages in W Sarawak. Baumgartner. Geol.E Cretaceous radiolaria from Tethys region. Tak Province. 1-1172. J. etc.Suteethorn (eds. P.Re-interpretation of pre-Tertiary classical reefs from Indo-Pacific Jurassic examples.D. (1989). Middle and Upper Jurassic limestones present in Thailand.1 218 www. 147. M. lituus forma alpha) Baxter. L. Malaysia. Actinostroma. Asian offshore areas (CCOP). In: H. n. Mem. Incl.Jurassic corals of the Circum-Pacific area.stromatoporoid (Cladocoropsis) faunas related to those described from Japan and Tethys Also M and U Jurassic corals from reefal limestones in Philippines) Beauvais. O'Dogherty. p. Peltoceras). M. H. algae Salpingoporella. Symp. Timor. etc.Sedimentology of Upper Jurassic deposits in the Tembesi River area. Macrocephalites from Batu Berketak. 'Tethyan' corals in limestones indicate Kimmeridgian in Padang area. Palaeontographica. IV. Nucula). G. Bernett-Rollande & A.) Proc..sp. Harpoceras. 324-343.Tithonian. Phylloceras strigile) and bivalves (Mytilus.Microfacies analysis of the Upper Jurassic limestones of Sumatra.The fossil locality at the upper Lagoi on Taliabu'. Chiang Mai 1993. Indo- Australischen Archipel VIc. Geol. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 1. 47-58.) Geol. CCOP Techn. (Well-preserved coral fauna of Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgean. 20. IV. P. 59-120. L. Beilage Band 25. W Sarawak. Maurin (1988). Beitr. Thanasuthipitak (ed.Oxfordian of the Galo River. Boehm (ed. Publ. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien I. ammonites (Hoplites spp. ('The South coasts of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 2. with common species stromatoporoid Cladocoropsis. G. Most species thin. Beitr.F. p.. Vol.Transitional beds between Jurassic and Cretaceous'. (N.) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia. p.)) Boehm.Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. Timor.F. B. Jurassic of Sarawak. IV.1 219 www. etc.C.. Already noticed great similarities with 'Spiti-Fauna' Himalayan assemblages) Boehm. Neues Jahrbuch Miner. alfuricus n. and Tithonian age in Jambi area. p. 63-70. p. Blanc. ('The South coasts of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 3. Mitteil. abundant belemnites (B. Geol. Fontaine & S. Biostratigraphy of Mainland SE Asia: facies and paleontology (BIOSEA). Corals belong to species of North Tethys.Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. CCOP Techn. ('The Jurassic of Roti. (Tembesi River area interbedded black limestone with Upper Jurassic corals and black shales-sandstones.B. Stephanoceras. Palaeont. Palaeontographica Suppl. 1. but form March 2014 .Corals from the Bau limestone formation. (Upper Jurassic limestones of Sumatra with common corals but are not true reefs. Litharaeopsis. Fontaine (1993). 3. no species as known from S Tethys.. p.) and brachiopods (Rhynchonella)) Boehm. Macrocephalites spp.Cretaceous macrofaunas. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 1. Cuneiphyllia. Taliabu. Cladophyllia ramaea. (Limestone similar to some limestones from Sumatra and N Palawan Block.algae of Baccinellid. G. Himalayites. 299-309. G. probably due to terrigenous sediments coming from nearby continent) Beauvais. Seram. Babar and Buru'.vangorselslist. Ed.Montlivaltia numismalis (D’Orbigny): a Middle Jurassic coral newly found in west Thailand. p. etc. Gafoer (eds. etc. 5. 45-64. 1-46. L. Perisphinctes from Buru. Beitr. In: T. HvG) Beauvais. 22. B. Bangkok. Oxford des Wai Galo. Roti. Bangka.). Inoceramus (I. Malaysia. Central Sumatra. 209-239. Der Fundpunkt am oberen Lagoi auf Taliabu.Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. M.. L. alfuricus. galoi. (1907). Malaysia Bull. Perisphinctes spp. Rich Late Jurassic belemnite assemblage of Belemnites gerardi group (B.C. ('The South coast of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 1. Tembesi River mounds assembled in clusters at different bathymetric levels) Beauvais. C Sumatra. U Jurassic corals of Sumatra do not build true reefs. 19. possibly extending into earliest Cretaceous) age from Bau Lst. & H.Lithocodium. Incl.. 2. Suppl. In: G. In: H. Int.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Stephanoceras from Babar and Perispinctes from Timor).stromatolite consortium. (1904). Fontaine (1990). Suppl. Latiphyllia. p.. Maurin (1989).. p. Bernet-Rolande & A. L. Fontaine (ed. In: H. Publ. Babar und Buru. Palaeontographica.Jura von Rotti. and usually assigned Late Triassic age?) Boehm. moluccanus. Grenzschichten zwischen Jura und Kreide. With Cladocoropsis mirabilis.. foram Pseudocyclammina lituus. Soc. etc. Common ammonites (Phylloceras spp. Montlivaltia also known from Timor. (1907). in sediments with high mud content) Beauvais. First systematic descriptions of rich Sula islands ammonite-dominated Jurassic. Aegoceras. (1908). I. galoi. incl. all collected by Verbeek) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Descriptions of Jurassic brachiopods (Rhynchonella) and ammonites (Phylloceras.. (online at: www.) Initial Reports Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) 27. Belemnites mainly Dicoelites. p. p. H.M. 1-20. 16. calcisphaerulidae (av. Res. 260. Nova Guinea 6. (Late Jurassic. 21. 369-379. p. p. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Ned.O.Jurassic and Cretaceous calcisphaerulidae from DSDP Leg 27. ('Geological investigations on the Sula islands-2'. like Stomiosphaeridae and Cadosinidae from Late Jurassic. 157-213. Sunosuchus thailandicus n. S of Bintuni Bay. Gradstein. & R. Bull.Boehm.N. p. Sci. (1974). size 40-120μ) described only from thin sections.pdf) (19 new species of Pithonella. Geobios 13. and the palaeogeographical history of South-East Asia in the Mesozoic. Probably Laurasian affinities) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .deepseadrilling. p. R. ammonites mainly Macrocephalites (= Gondwanan-Tethyan or Himalayan bioprovince of later workers. 6. Most common species Macrocephalites keeuwensis and Phylloceras mamapiricum) Bolli. Brief descriptions of traverses on Taliabu and Mangoli islands. (1963). Timor.Die Sudkusten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. In: Evolution and geological significance of larger benthic foraminifera. (1913). NW Australia. Buton and Misool by Wanner 1940 and Vogler 1941) BouDagher-Fadel. Brill. and 263 of Leg 27 in E Indian Ocean. Now assigned to genus Malayomaorica) Buffetaut. 123. 3-11.A. Interpreted to belong to the family Goniopholididae (Mesosuchia). 879-889.Geologische onderzoekingen op de Soela eilanden. & R.M. IV.Lower Callovian) ammonites collected from Upper Aramasa River. known only from continental Jurassic of N C China) Buffetaut. Victoria 76. Ingavat (1983). from U Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments from Sites 259.Lower Cretaceous. Ed. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 1. HvG)) Boehm. Eastern Indian Ocean.Lower Callovian. 1.New calcareous nannofossil taxa from the Jurassic/ Cretaceous boundary interval of sites 765 and 261. Previously. (Thailand is only place in SE Asia with Jurassic continental vertebrates. p. 68-74.vangorselslist. mainly from Khorat Plateau in NE (incl. (1926).K. Cooler water suggested by absence of thermophile Tethys forms (Nannoconus) and presence of taxa that display bipolar distribution like Crucibiscutum salebrosum) Brouwer. G.Vertebrates from the continental Jurassic of Thailand.II. E Jurassic crocodile Sunosuchus. Oldest rocks Upper Liassic. Leiden.1 220 www. (eds. transitional between Tethyan and Austral nannofloral realms.Unteres Callovien und Coronaten-Schichten zwischen MacCluer Golf und Geelvink-Bai. p. Ocean Drilling Program. 121-179.The Mesozoic larger benthic foraminifera: the Jurassic. Ludden et al. Palaeontographica. (‘Lower Callovian and Coronatus beds between MacCluer Gulf (Bintuni Bay) and Geelvink (=Cenderawasih) Bay’ M Jurassic (Bajocian. ('The South coasts of the Sula islands Taliabu and Mangoli: 4. Argo abyssal plain. with common ammonites. (On ranges of Buchia (= Aucella) bivalve mollusc species in Oxfordian-Tithonian. M. (Crocodilian jaw fragment from Jurassic of Thailand is new species of Sunosuchus thailandicus. Roti. (1992).J. 843-907. Unteres Callovien. J. (1912). CCOP Techn.R.earliest Cretaceous pelagic limestones of Seram. Outcrops mainly Jurassic. (Mesosuchia. Elsevier. 1. E. but also from Ko Kut island in Gulf of Thailand (Lepidotus fish and shark remains). H. sp. P.. Geologie. With table of macrofossil distribution at different localities by Kruizinga) Brunnschweiler. (2008). In: F. March 2014 . Veevers et al. 261. Chapter 4. 163-168. and by Wichmann from Mamapiri and Papararo rivers in Wendesi area on W side Cenderawasih Bay. Royal Soc.Early Cretaceous nannofossils from Argo Abyssal Plain. Goniopholididae)). Suppl. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy. (General review of Jurassic larger foraminifera (not common in SE Asia-Indonesia)) Bown. family Calcisphaerulidae. Ingavat (1980).A review of the sequence of Buchia species in the Jurassic of Australasia. G. In: J.) Proc.A new crocodilian from the Jurassic of Thailand. E. 4. Late Jurassic dinosaurs and crocodilians). 5. Oost Indie. Verhandelingen 54 (1925). (eds. Proc. J. p. No clear Kimmeridgean fossils found.The lower jaw of Sunosuchus thailandicus. Publ. Nepal): biochronology and paleobiogeographical significance’. p. 5. etc. to Sula. Rose (2000).The Mesozoic vertebrates of Thailand. 80-87.Hauterivian belemnites from S Misool and islands off S coast. H. Ingavat (1985).B. p. 5. Geol. Berriasian Toro sst. (assemblage similar to Sula Islands and New Guinea).A belemnite biozonation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous of Papua New Guinea and a faunal comparison with Eastern Indonesia. Pal.. (Belemnopsis from Misool and Sula all part of B. unknown in W Tethys.H. 8. Centre. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. p. 8. Condensed section of 'Iron Oolite Fm' below Spiti Shales contains Late Bathonian faunas dominated by Macrocephalites spp.Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnitida of Misool Archipelago. Neues Jahrbuch Geol.palass-pubs. & R. (Callovian. Oxycerites sulaensis Westermann. 199-206. (mainly species described as M. keeuwensis group by Boehm 1912). Suteethorn (1993).B.H. etc. & R. 701-726. J. 153 p. no close relationships between Indonesian and New Zealand assemblages) Challinor. Vol. (M Jurassic ammonites from outcrops on Babar. a bioprovincially Austral sphaeroceratid genus. & G.Early Callovian. Misool Late Jurassic stratigraphy condensed rel. 571-596. (‘The ammonites of the Bathonian and Callovian of Thakkhola (C. theropod footprints from E Cretaceous Phu Phan Fm and theropods and primitive ceratopsian Psittacosaurus in Aptian-Albian Khok Kruat Fm) Buffetaut. Revue Paleobiologie. Irianites. Ingavat (1984). Similarities between Misool and Madagascar assemblages. Indonesia. but characterizes Late Bajocian. but. A.vangorselslist. E. Spec. Misool: 85m of Oxfordian Demu Fm carbonate/ shale overlain by ~100m of Kimmeridgean-Tithonian Lelinta shale with minor sandstone) Challinor. 11. moluccana lineage. & R. Australian Geol. E. & V. Suteethorn (1994).The succession of Belemnopsis in the Late Jurassic of Eastern Indonesia. 3.77-82. (1989). Res. Enay (1999).com March 2014 . Geobios 32. Tong & V. p. and known also from Sula and W Irian Jaya) Cariou. Palaeontology 27. 385-390.Middle Jurassic ammonites from the island of Babar in the southern Moluccan forearc. Fauna dominated by Satoceras satoi (= part of Macrocephalites group). p. A. Irian Jaya. Good correlation with thicker and more complete (down to Toarcian) Jurassic section of the Sula Islands. (Popular review of vertebrate faunas from Late Triassic. E. Spec. a mesosuchian crocodilian from the Jurassic of Thailand. 429-447. Bandung.. 53-64. 9.pdf) (E Jurassic crocodile jaw from Phu Kradung Fm of lower Khorat Group in NE Thailand) Buffetaut. BMR J. Dev. p. Geophys.Les ammonites du Bathonien et du Callovien de Thakkhola (Nepal central): biochronologie et interet paleobiogeographique. Monatshefte 7.B. Palaeontology 32. E.1 221 www. (Dinosaur record from continental rocks of Khorat Plateau includes footprints of small dinosaurs in M-L Jurassic Phra Wihan Fm. Presence in Nepal gives evidence of early phase of W-ward migration of Macrocephalitinae along Gondwana N margin from roots in SW Pacific region) Challinor. Scientic American 253.Buffetaut. (1989). Belemnite succession resembles that of E Indonesia Sula islands) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .The dinosaurs of Thailand. A. (Central PNG highlands belemnites show Bathonian-Tithonian age for Maril shale. Indonesia.middle Cretaceous laccustrine and fluvial deposits of NE Thailand (mainly Khorat Plateau)) Buffetaut. E. varied dinosaur assemblage from Late Jurassic Sao Khua Fm dominated by sauropods. 1.First post-Triassic labyrinthodont amphibian in Southeast Asia: a temnospondyl intercentrum from Jurassic of Thailand. (1990). unlike earlier studies. (online at: http://palaeontology. Ed. Callomon. 319-334. Misool and W Papua six genera and 40 species: Dicoelites (M Rickwood 1955) N Australia (Brunnschweiler 1960)) Cookson. (Brief summary of Jurassic belemnites in E Indonesia. A. etc. Sci. p. part 2 never published due to WWI) Colom.B. 269- 304. Nat.E Oxfordian). Geol. Text volume only.Essais sur la biologie. p. (1965). but higher latitude ‘Austral’/’peri-Gondwanan’ assemblage) Cheng.…) (Early paper of Late Jurassic.Jurassic Coleoidea of New Caledonia. Ed. parts of N and W Australia. Hibolithes (late Callovian. With Belemnopsis. Classic paper on Jurassic-Cretaceous tintinnid nannofossils. geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the fossil Tintinnids'.5169/seals-163267) ('Review of the biology. W Papua. similar to New Zealand. I.Revision of the belemnites of Misool and a review of the belemnites of Indonesia. Grant-Mackie (1989).Oxfordian) and Belemnopsis (basal Oxfordian. (1991).B. (Jurassic belemnites from New Caledonia.1 222 www. 4.doi. New Zealand. Fak. (1992). 1977 and Vallupinae Pessagno and MacLeod. Indonesia. Bull. Misool. A.latest Tithonian)) Challinor. Hibolithes (important only in Callovian-Oxfordian and Hauterivian)and Cretaceous Duvalia and Chalalabelus.B. A. Palaeontographica Abt. 3. March 2014 . A.E Oxfordian). (online at: http://dx. A. 1-49. Cloos. tied to dinoflagellate zonations. Three main assemblages Dicoelites- Conodicoelites (Late Bajocian. I. Sula. (1991). (1916). Alcheringa 13. Assemblages dominated by species of Belemnopsis. 301-325. Kgl.Belemnites of the Southwest Pacific. (1992). Y. Tethyan province extended from W Europe to PNG and possibly New Caledonia inM Jurassic and E Cretaceous. Habilitationsschrift Hohen Phil.vic. Conodicoelites (M Bathonian. Dicoelites and Hibolithes.pdf) (M Jurassic. Eclogae Geol. Skwarko (1982). p. Australian Geol. Ser. 218. (Mid-Bajocian. 1987) from the Busuanga Islands. p. 1-89. In: G. (online at: www. Mainly taxonomic descriptions of 75 species from Australian NW shelf. Proc. Philippines.Challinor. PNG. Stuttgart. & A. Text. World and Regional Geology 3.E Cretaceous: (1) Tethyan: E Indonesia. records of Late Jurassic Calpionella alpina group in PNG (Maril Shale.Early Cretaceous dinoflagellates. Hibolithes. 308-309. p. Helvetiae 58.Upper Jurassic Pantanelliidae (Pantanelliinae Pessagno. (online at: http://takata. Westermann (ed. 4. BMR J. PNG.) The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific.slv.B. Moluccas. suggest it is not low-latitude Tethyan.E. (17 belemnite species from M-L Jurassic of Sula Islands. Res.E Cretaceous belemnites from SW Pacific. Eisenack (1958). Dev. p.E Oxfordian). Geophysics 12.Belemnite successions and faunal provinces in the Southwest Pacific.vangorselslist. incl. A.Microplankton from Australia and New Guinea Upper Mesozoic sediments. Royal Soc. 1-50. Postulated relationships between Indonesian and New Zealand Belemnitidia non- existent. & S. Paleont. Indo-Tethyan province extending E from N India to PNG existed in Late Jurassic) Challinor. New Guinea. p.B. Era River)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .A.Jurassic belemnites from Sula Islands.. Belemnopsis (late Bathonian-Valanginian).K. p. Victoria 70. 5. la distribution geographique et stratigraphique des Tintinnoidens fossiles. most of Australia) Challinor. some from PNG (Omati River. ('Dogger (= M Jurassic) ammonites from the Moluccas'. which. Gondwana Belemnopsis strongly endemic. Universitat Marburg. & J. On Hammoceratids from Misool and Mangoli.Doggerammoniten aus den Molukken. but no common species) Challinor. H. with absence of Tethyan genus and the belemnites of Gondwana. 1. Museum Nat. Centre.Hauterivian belemnites from Sula Islands. 87-164. (2) S Pacific: New Zealand. Stephanoceratids from Mangoli and Taliabu. Two belemnite provinces in SW Pacific region from M Jurassic. 44-93. Shark assemblages of Phu Kradung Fm both European and Asian affinities) Cuny.Recognition of reef facies in the Bau limestone (Upper Jurassic. 51p. I. Morgan. J. S. G. p. R.. New Guinea) Davey. Deposited in reefal setting. Eisenack (1974). G. 148. (online at: http://cdn. New Zealand.Ammonite faunas and palaeobiogeography of the Himalayan belt during the Jurassic: initiation of a Late Jurassic austral ammonite fauna. (1999). HvG)) Davey. (See also revised Helby et al. (1988).org/publications/palaeontology/volume_2/pdf/vol2_part2_pp243-261.C.Early Cretaceous Bau Limestone S of Kuching. B. S. Suteethorn (2013). Geol. U. Sula. Geobios 35.1007/s12542-013-0206-0) (Freshwater hybodont shark fauna from NE Thailand from Phu Kradung Fm. (Robertson Research Jurassic-Cretaceous marine dinoflagellate zonation. p. P.Revised palynological zonation for the Late Cretaceous and Late Jurassic of Papua New Guinea. (online at: http://link.springer.M. 51-71. Geol. & A. palynology and detrital zircon favor Early Cretaceous age.J. but overall endemism diminishes from Oxfordian to Tithonian–Berriasian. Soc. W Australia and other localities in Australia and New Guinea) Cookson. Surv. De Coo. Eisenack (1960). from samples along Strickland River in W PNG. Suppl. No facies maps) Dickins. Cuny et al. In: E. R. 309-328.C. I. p. Similar to Helby. March 2014 ..Cookson.Upper Mesozoic microplankton from Australia and New Guinea. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Tong (2009). V. Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian Malayomaorica has austral distribution. Spec. Geol. T.palass.H. Partridge (1987) zonation. 1. Khamha. 2. (2002). 243-261. p. p. Upper and uppermost Middle Jurassic in the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua New Guinea. Liard. Palaeogeogr. (New M Jurassic shark fauna from Khlong Min Fm. Palaeontology 2. (‘Microplankton from Australian Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments’) Cuny. New Guinea. Cariou (1997). W Sarawak. Survey Papua New Guinea 13. (First identification of Late Jurassic Buchia malayomaorica from Kubor Ranges) Enay.M. 72-78. Mem. Palaeophytologie.Mikroplankton aus Australischen Mesozoischen und Tertiaeren Sedimenten.1 223 www.) Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems in SE Asia. Seram.Jurassic evolution of Southern Hemisphere marine palaeobiogeographic units based on benthonic bivalves. Mem. R. G. Zeitschrift 88.. S. Palaont. Timor. (1958).basal Cretaceous dinoflagellates and hystrichospheres from Canning basin. Buffetaut.algal and pelletal back-reef facies. Late Jurassic Maorian Province extends to Antarctic and W Pacific localities incl. Papua New Guinea 17. Palaeontographica. Unpublished Report. Geological Papers 2. Ed. J.A new elasmobranch fauna from the Middle Jurassic of southern Thailand. Suteethorn & H.W. Vertebrate assemblages suggest Late Jurassic age.. 1. incl.earliest Cretaceous distribution of bivalves in S Hemisphere. 33-40.Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous. & J. (Latest Triassic. mostly oncolite. Reef facies rudist-gastropod boundstone and coralgal boundstone. p. Palaeoecology 134. 1-38. Geol. 315. Austral Province of Indo-Pacific Region (South Temperate) strongly developed at beginning of Cretaceous. Lau (1977). but more elaborate (12 zones in Callovian- Ttihonian). 5. Tethyan Realm with Australian unit restricted to Late Triassic. & A.Jurassic pelecypods from the Kubor Ranges.Early Cretaceous of northern Thailand.vangorselslist. 1-77. Palaeoclim. reaching Australia-New Guinea. Deesri.E. p. which is basal formation of Khorat Group. Liard. Survey Malaysia.E. Srisuk.C. p. (Brief survey of facies in Late Jurassic. London. zonations updated in 2004 and 2006.pdf) (Upper Jurassic. Sarawak. Khamha & V. Australia. (eds. S Thailand) Damborenea.Shark faunas from the Late Jurassic.Lower Cretaceous). R. & E. (1994). & E. 1. belemnites and bivalves more common. Port Moresby. low diversity and dominance of indigenous genera. Ingavat (1983)- The Jurassic in Southeast Asia (Thailand. Westermann (1993). From Werianki River: Macrocephalites keeuwensis. 75-93. First Conf. Beauvais (1986). Thesis. 1-75.Jurassic ammonite faunas from Nepal and their bearing on the palaeobiogeography of the Himalayan belt. E. p. Bassoulet 1983).The Kimmeridgean problem in Papua-New Guinea and other parts of the Indo-Southwest Pacific. Malay Peninsula. iehiense dinos) Gerth. Issue 5. March 2014 . 225-228.. & D. In Sula Islands more complete Jurassic ammonite sequenc.earliest Berriasian assemblage with P.Ein neues Vorkommen der bathyalen Cephalopoden Fazies des mittleren Jura in Niederlandisch Neu Guinea.vangorselslist. Low diversity Austral ammonite fauna around E and S Gondwanaland. rare in PNG Late Jurassic. H. Fontaine. Geology of Indochina. Beauvais. E Thailand and Malay Peninsula mainly in continental facies. Late Jurassic. J.Late Triassic and Early Jurassic calcareous nannofossils from Timor. Linapacan and Ili islands. Philippines (Mindoro. 137- 145. A. 829-848. R. Pardede.. Borneo. Thaumatoporella. (Fish fauna from U Jurassic Long Binh Fm (andesitic volcanics and continental redbeds). Tuong (ed.G. Borneo (W Sarawak. P. 17km E of Ho Chi Minh city. David. 5-6. making biozone-stage calibrations difficult in this region. Carman (eds. p. 1983.Tithonian/ Berriasian peri-Gondwanan faunas. R. all tied to 'Woyla Terranes'?. 2nd PNG Petroleum Conv. the Indo Pacific Realm. NE Palawan). 17. Ammonites in geodes from hard black limestone. from Himalaya to Patagonia) Enay. Dept. M. 54)-. G.J. p. Vietnam. three different taxa) Finch.) Proc. N.Distribution of the Jurassic corals in Southeast Asia. In: G. (On Jurassic corals from S Vietnam. Laos. Jambi. Visser and Hermes 1962. W Kalimantan). p. similar to those from Cenderawasih Bay and Sula islands. rich ?Sinemurian-Pliensbachian- lower Toarcian nannos in Wai Luli Fm) Francis. S Laos. Pseudocyclammina lituus. Thailand (Mae Sot)) Filleul.Pseudocyclammina at many localities across W Sumatra (NW Sumatra. Gen. 3. (Extensive review of Jurassic in SE Asia. Also provincialism of PNG belemnites makes direct correlations to Tethyan of Europe impossible.Rhaetian nanno assemblages in Aitutu Fm. of Geology Vietnam. Bassoullet.. rel. HvG). R. (from base: Wanaea spectabilis. Faunas extending from Himalayas to Antarctica represent an actual biogeographical unit. Cambodia. Diagnostic Kimmeridgean ammonites almost unknown in Indo-SW Pacific from Himalaya-PNG. with occasional thin. ('A new occurrence of the bathyal cephalopod facies of the Middle Jurassic in Netherlands New Guinea'. In: P. Ammonite-rich zone overlain by ammonite-poor zone. with 3 Oxfordian zones. Bull. Cariou (1999).1 224 www. Mainly small actinopterygian fish. H.E. Sumatra. Calamian Islands. Asian Earth Sci.) Proc. presumably near Fak Fak. Philippines. U Jurassic Bau Limestone in W Sarawak. Cambodia. J. p. (Fontaine et al. poor Norian. p.Sc. p. 200m thick Late Jurassic limestone with Cladocoposis. Sumatra.Early Cretaceous limestones with Cladocoropsis. L. p. Jurassic in Cambodia. etc. Suwarna J. then latest Tithonian. 19. London. Reportedly from Wairor River and its Weriangki tributary. (1927). 16. Mededelingen 2. Leidsche Geol. (M-L Jurasic Himalayan ammonite faunas rel. H.A new fish fauna from the Jurassic of Vietnam. Vietnam. Busuanga. Salingoporella spp. (Ammonites rel. Ho Chi Minh City 1986. 641-647. & L. upper W. etc. donated to Leiden Museum by government official from Fakfak. NE of Palawan. West Philippines).P. University College.Q. & G. & Z. Buffetaut &. Laos. Viet Nam.New Zealand. Ed. Vu Khuc (2001). spectabilis and Wanaea clathrata dinozones). With Blanfordiceras wallichi in Tithonian) Fontaine. Small collection of M Jurassic ammonites supposedly from the Birds Head (but unlikely from there. Asian Earth Sci. S Sumatra. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . shallow marine interbeds. 5.(Jurassic ammonite faunas form basis for new biogeographical interpretation of U Bathonian. (Unpublished) (Rose 1994: rel. CCOP Techn.). Berriasella) Geyer. B. with M Jurassic (late Bathonian. Berriasian with Blanfordiceras. M. Neues Jahrbuch Geol.F. H. Callovian. incl. Thesis Deakin University. bullatum and Peltoceras. and also few species in common with faunas known Roti. Wright (ed.E Callovian) radiolarian assemblage of 55 species. S Timor Leste.Thulborn (2000). 75. D.) Palaeobiogeogeography of Australasia. 5. Challinor (2006). Abhandl. Asian Earth Sci. Callovian Macrocephalites keeuwensis. Mem. Geol. Francis. Age is close to that of continental breakup in region. nov. G. Hayami 1984)) Grant-Mackie. Frondicularia.W.B. (1965). ostracod faunas of W end of Tethys and NW Australia (E end of S Tethys) indicates little variation in depositional conditions along N Gondwana marine shelf. Guzel. B. Band 69.J.Berriasian ammonites collected by Faber from two ‘Kembelangan Fm’ localities. Bandini (2013). similar to Sula Islands ammonites. (Review of Australian Jurassic fossils distribution) Grant-Mackie. From Wairori River two Stephanoceras species.J. 311-353. G. Also present in Fatu Limestones of Timor (Krumbeck 1923. J. p. Eine Koralle aus dem Oxford von Misol.Jurassic molluscan palaeontology of the Telefomin area. Beil.E Cretaceous marine ostracod faunas of W Australia. 23.R. Monatshefte 4. D. Min. 1-417.B.. By Late Jurassic distinctive Indian Ocean ostracod fauna developed. Interpreted as part of Noni Group originally described as lower part of Palelo Series in W Timor.vangorselslist. Fauna little similarity to other assemblages from Jurassic of Timor. March 2014 . 169- 171. p. p. Assemblage dominated by nodosarians and includes Lingulina. Sumatra. probably Bajocian age) Gerth..Early Jurassic foraminiferids from the western Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Australasian Assoc. 209-218.D.N. (1977). p. Paleont. 1-101.W. 19. (2012). Abh. Campbell.Jurassic palaeobiogeography of Australasia.Ammoniten des mittleren und oberen Jura und der altesten Kreide von Nordabhang des Schneegebirges in Neu Guinea. Neues Jahrb. Papua New Guinea. Melbourne.E. Molnar.Die "Lithiotis-Kalke" im Bereich der unterjurassischen Tethys.B. 304-340. Survey PNG Mem. probably Callovian age. p. p. Perisphictes and Inoceramus galoi. p. 208-215. No agglutinants) Haig. Ph.. B. Abh. O. Palaontologie des Ost Indischen Archipels.E.Middle Jurassic radiolaria from a siliceous argillite block in a structural melange zone near Viqueque. 121. S foothills of Bismarck Range in western (should be eastern?) PNG Highlands. (1979). A coral from the Oxfordian of Misool') Gerth. H.. Involutina liassica. Stevens & R. J.Palaeobiogeographic significance of Jurassic and Cretaceous Western Australian ostracod faunas.A. (‘Middle and Upper Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous ammonites from the North flank of the Snow Mountains in New Guinea’. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. (Thin-bedded siliceous argillite block in Bobanaro melange at Viqueque. (1932).Sphaeroceras cf. 2. ('The Lithiotis limestones' in the Early Jurassic Tethys Realm'. 71-81. novaguiense n.. In E Jurassic. Neues Jahrb. S Kalimantan. Timor Leste: paleogeographic implications. 153. Lambek in W and Amarai 100 km to E. Y.1 225 www.. and Sula. suggesting deposition in newly rifted Indian Ocean (part of new 'Indian Ocean Megasequence')) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Geol.E. Oxfordian Mayites. Beitr.sp. Tethyan Early Jurassic reefal limestones commonly dominated by large thick-walled Lithiotis-type bivalves. Ed. In: A. Pal..Thecocyathus misolensis sp. R. & A. Palaeont.A.. By Barremian- Aptian Austral Province had been initiated) Haig. (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian shelfal foraminifera from gently folded Balimbu greywacke in upper Jimi River area near Mongum. Challinor. Palaeont. Pal. H. Geol. A. (Study of Jurassic. ('Thecocyathus misolensis sp. D. G. MacFarlan. p. Aita.. nov. etc. J. Westermann & A.A. indicating Albian age. Nugroho (1996). Pal. Thesis. Belemnopsis moluccana. et sp. 3. B. Indonesia. galoi. showing good marker for regional correlation) Hasibuan. galoi... Well exposed fossiliferous Mesozoic. F. 2. Res. Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks on Roti broader than previously mapped. F. Bandung. (2004). (IAGI). 52-70. Jurassic on Misool ~260 m thick. 1-384. Distribution of Triassic. Most taxa unique to this area. Nakfunu Fm rich in radiolaria of Albian age) Hasibuan. F. Cretaceous Nakfunu Fm calcilutite with chert interbeds and radiolarians such as Dictyomitra sp. J. (Actinopterygii. A. F. Kusworo (2008). In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. F. Indonesia. p. Ed. Sumber Daya Geol. Conv. a fish from the Lower Jurassic of Misool Island. aucklandica simitis. (Gastropod fauna of Triassic and Jurassic ages from SE Misool Archipelago reviewed. Assoc. Similar to upper part of Buya Fm of Sula islands) Hasibuan. University of Tokyo Press. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 14. Belemnopsis mangolensis. Dev. Centre. (2007). 25th Ann. B. etc. p. 1. 5. Similar bivalve faunas as Sula islands. brought to surface by mud volcanoes. (Unpublished) Hasibuan. F.Biostratigrafi dan biota Jura kepulauan Misool.Sarawakia ellipsactinoides. but Sula faunas also rich in ammonites. J. Can be correlated with New Guinea fauna with ammonites like Fontannesia March 2014 . p. Stratigraphic ranges of Buchia from Misool correlated with overseas Buchia. ('Jurassic biostratigraphy and biota of the Misool islands and its interregional and global correlations'. Sumber Daya Geol. (New stromatoporoid species from Late Jurassic Bau Limestone. Demu Fm (Late Callovian. p. 191-207. B. (‘Age of the Nambo Fm in C Sulawesi based on fossil molluscs’. 7. Sinica 30. but ammonite Timorites in float indicates Permian. p. 51-60. University of Auckland. (2009). p. (1990).) haasti. Sumber Daya Geol. Sumber Daya Geol.Tithonian stages. (GRDC. 4. Indonesia.Penelitian biostratigrafi Mesozoikum Pulau Rote.12. (GRDC) 18. Aitutu Fm probably overturned) Hasibuan. Malaysia. F. p.vangorselslist. stolleyi.E Berriasian) and Gamta Fm (Late Callovian-Cenomanian) contain Buchia. while Misool has more belemnites) Hasibuan. Halecostomi). 43-54. 2. J.1 226 www. ('Mesozoic biostratigraphy of Rote Island'.Mesozoic stratigraphy and paleontology of Misool Archipelago. B.A Grant-Mackie (2007). (Lepidotes-like scales of Jurassic marine fish) Hasibuan. Lelinta Fm (Late Oxfordian.Hashimoto. Indon. & P. nov. Nambo Fm along Kali Nambo near Luwuk 50m thick calcareous shale of latest Jurassic/ Tithonian age with macrofossils including Retroceramus (R. Carnian-Norian Aitutu Fm thin-bedded marl with Halobia and Monotis. 10-17. stolleyi. Nusa Tenggara Timur.. F. Ph. 126-139. based on collections made in 1981. Bandung).H. W Sarawak) Hasibuan. Geol. W. Five described species and five in open nomenclature. Ser. 207-215.Lepidotes sp. 257-272. ('Late Jurassic. Jurnal Sumber Daya Geol. p. Acta Geol. J. Janvier (1985).Triassic and Jurassic gastropods from the Misool Archipelago.. (GRDC Bandung) 17.. moluccana and B. & A. p. but Eucyclus orbignyanus known also from Europe) Hasibuan. (1973). spanning Toarcian.Geological and paleontological investigation of Rote island. Sarawak. Limbong.Umur Formasi Nambo di Sulawesi Tengah dengan acuan khusus fosil Moluska. B.Early Cretaceous Buchiidae from Misool'. 17.D. 13 (Abstract only) (Rote Island Permian not exposed. (GRDC) 19. p. & J.Buchiidae (Bivalvia) Jura Akhir sampai Kapur Awal dari kepulauan Misool dan korelasi regionalnya. an Elipsactinia-like fossil from the Bau Limestone Formation. Bathonian-Berriasian Wailuli Fm fine sandstones and sandy limestone with Perisphinctes timorense. Suyoko & E. Presence of Monotis salinaria in Norian Aitutu Fm. 1. Geol. 3. Sulawesi Tengah. Sudijono. gen. dan korelasi interregional dan globalnya. Proc.Data baru umur Formasi Nambo. Suppl. (2009).Late Oxfordian). F. Malayomaorica malayomaorica. Black shales in Huu-Nien area (C E Vietnam) with poorly preserved bivalves.Oxfordian bivalves from dark grey mudstones of Mansalay Fm on Mansalay Island (part of Palawan Block. p. Kobayashi & R. p. (Shallow marine late Early Jurassic (Toarcian) bivalve assemblage of from Lo-Duc.vangorselslist. p. Sydney.A Jurassic dinoflagellate sequence from Misool. Indonesia. Partridge (2004). 69. (Lower Jurassic in Indochina is transgressive epoch. p. R. R. R. (Late Permian.D. Esso Australia Ltd. Cardinia. I.. etc. 4. 21 species. p. Australasian Palaeontologists 4. H. 5.A. Palaeonucula. Aulacomyella. Mem. incl. of northern Thailand. Myophorella. (On microfiche appendix 1 in R. Grammatodon tenuis.pdf) (Updated Jurassic. 4. R. Tancredia. I. galoi. Helby. Partridge (1987). 253-267. Yefbie shale Toarcian to Bathonian Caddasphaera halosa zone. Partridge (1976). Procercopina thailandica sp. Morgan & A. nov. incl. In: Proc.A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic.Fossil plants and arthropods from the Phra Wihan Formation. Apparent absence of Kimmeridgean Dingodinium swanense zone in middle Lelinta shale) Helby. incl. In: T. which is now preferred tool for dating Mesozoic sediments of Australian NW Shelf. 297-336. Plagiostoma. Helby et al. Jell (ed.) Studies in Australian Mesozoic palynology. (Fossil plants.. Goniomiya. R. 311-316. possibly extending into early Berriasian Kalyptea wisemaniae zone.) Hayami.Lower Jurassic bivalvia from the environs of Saigon.) Studies in Australian Mesozoic palynology. (1968). Australasian collected by Dr. Ed.. Hasibuan (1988). (Descriptions of 8 species of U Callovian.. 1.) Hayami. Brisbane. Papuan Basin. crustaceans (Conchostraca and ?Amphipoda) and insects (Blattodea indet. with marine deposits in several Late Jurassic deposits) Hayami. 5.D. Astarte. E Sulawesi'.) Geology and paleontology of Southeast Asia.. University of Tokyo Press. Schluter (1990). Gervillia. (Abstract only) (Diverse Jurassic dinoflagellate assemblages from Misool. Palaeontological Report 1976/5A.Updated Jurassic. Assoc. University of Tokyo Press. & A.Palynological analysis of Aramia-1. Assoc. presumably Middle Jurassic. Geoscience Australia Publ. & F. 2006)) Heggemann. Modiolus. H. 1-94. Palynological Conf.Early Cretaceous dinocyst zonation. (1972). Australasian Palaeont. 7th Int. Mid-Bathonian. Jell (ed. 173-185.New Guinea) Helby. In: P.) (1987) A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic.D. (1964).) Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia.J. In: T. ISBN 1 920871 01 2. Kobayshi (ed. 30km NNE of Saigon. Tokyo University Press. etc. In: T. Assoc. Alcheringa 14. 1-14. 10. Khoring & T.early Kimmeridgean Wanaea clathrata zone. Rutitrigonia. Morgan & A..Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation. Grammatodon. (1987). R. I. (eds.A.Late Callovian unconformity between Yefbie Fm and Demu Fm.) from lacustrine sediments of M Jurassic? age from Phra Wihan Fm in N Thailand) Helby R.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Inoceramus cf. Sydney.Muderongia and related dinoflagellates of the latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous of Australasia. (online at: http://www. Mem.. Parainoceramus.Albian palyno-biostratigraphic zonation) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Toriyama (eds.Some Jurassic bivalves from Mindoro. Mem.Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate zonation chart) Helby.. 85-98) (Bathonian. Kobayashi & R. p. Demu Fm late Callovian suite to Oxfordian Wanaea spectabilis zone.('New data on the age of the Nambo Fm. Chlamys.. Toriyama (eds. Parvamussium March 2014 . Fontaine.1 227 www. In: P. Lelinta shale upper Oxfordian. p.Some Lower Jurassic pelecypods from South Vietnam. Modiolus. p. p. similar to first Jurassic transgressive beds over Indosinian unconformity across Thailand (Kozai et al.H. 179-230. NWS Australia. S.vangorselslist.J. Australasian Palaeontologists 4. Australasian Palaeontologists 4. Australasian Palaeontologists 4. H. Esso Australia Ltd. Dactylioceras from Upper Sungaibetung Fm flysch at S flank Mt.. 4. R. West Kalimantan Province. (On microfiche appendix 1 in R. Papuan Basin. Ichihara. Esso Australia Ltd. Chapter in Von Loczy 1934 paper on thin sections DD21-DD33. Sunarya. Upper Jurassic ammonite faunas similar to Himalayan faunas of Spiti. Palaeontological Report 1977/22. p. Epimayaites). Helby et al. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Verslag over een micropalaeontologisch onderzoek van sedimentaire gesteenten uit Celebes. (On microfiche appendix 1 in R. R.J. 144-166) (Oxfordian-Albian palyno-biostratigraphic zonation) Helby. Monatshefte 1978-11. (1981).1 228 www. (eds. Palaeontographica Suppl. von Hillebrandt (1978). Helby et al. Bawang. Deninger's in den Molukken.D. Bull.Albian palyno-biostratigraphic zonation) Helby. Geol. (eds. Partridge (1977). Palaeontological Report 1976/13. (On microfiche appendix 1 in R. Esso Australia Ltd.) (1987) A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. p.. 10. (Two species of Toarcian ammonites Harpoceras. surrounding ophiolite massifs. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. R.. 126-142) (Bathonian.D. Assoc. Australasian Palaeontologists 4.) (1987) A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. 21-26.Lower Jurassic ammonites from Bengkayang. Mem.Palynological analysis of the Mesozoic sequence in Iamara-1. (‘Report on a micropaleontologic investigation of sedimentary rocks from Sulawesi’. IV. Palaeontological Report 1976/12.Palynological analysis of the Mesozoic cores samples from Iehi 1.Aptian palyno-biostratigraphic zonation) Helmcke. Gen.Helby. Berriasella). & A. Late Jurassic. p. Y. 674-684. 168-196) (Bathonian. Ser.J. Nepal) Hirano.. R. Centre 4. Ages mainly Oxfordian (Perisphinctes. Dev. 291-294.. 1-25. and radiolaria of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous ages (NB: age interpretations questioned by Tan Sin Hok (1935).A palynological reconnaissance of BMR stratigraphic drilling in Mesozoic rocks of the Carpentaria Basin. Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwk. W Kalimantan. p. Kilianella. D. 100-112) (Bathonian. Mem.. & A.W.D. Res. 1-11. Kol. Nakajima et al. Mem. (1934). 1-23. Esso Australia. p.. II. R. but also Bajocian. (On microfiche appendix 1 in R. Helby et al.Geologische Ergebnisse der Reisen K. N. 114-124) (Callovian.J. Assoc.Tokala Lst by Von Loczy. K. Esso Australia.Aptian palyno-biostratigraphic zonation) Helby.Uber Jura und Unterkreide aus dem Zentralgebirge Irian Jayas (Indonesian). Blanfordiceras wallichi. White and reddish deep marine limestones from Tokala Mts/ N Boengkoe Mts in E arm of Sulawesi (called 'Boeroe Lst. Esso Australia Ltd. HvG) Hummel. p. Partridge (1977). p. (eds. near Bengkayang.) (1987) A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. p. p.D. ('On Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from the Central Range of Irian Jaya'.. 5. p. but all species identified do appear to be diagnostic of Late Jurassic. p. Die Oxford-Tuffite der Insel Buru und ihre Fauna. highly deformed..J. March 2014 . Partridge (1977). Callovian. Mem. Papuan Basin.Early Cretaceous. Partridge (1976).Albian palyno-biostratigraphic zonation) Helby. Assoc. Australasian Palaeontologists 4.) (1987) A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. (eds.E Cretaceous ammonites mainly as loose float from dark shaly beds in N part Irian Jaya foldbelt.Palynological analysis of Barikewa-1. 113-184.D.) (1987) A palynological zonation of the Australian Mesozoic. p. p. Partridge (1976). Mem. & A. Helby et al. (1923). Sediments previously mapped as Upper Triassic) Hojnos. Assoc. (eds. Tithonian and Early Cretaceous (incl. Barthel & A. Assoc. Esso Australia. Indonesia. Ed. Papuan Basin. (On microfiche appendix 1 in R. Helby et al. 1-13. Palaeontological Report 1977/3. R. Geol. Palaeontological Report 1977/10. & A. & A. Nederl. Esso Australia Ltd. p.Palynological analysis of Omati-1 and Omati-2 wells. 1-17. with canaliculate belemnites in lower parts. Palaeont. uplift event?). (eds.vangorselslist. U. Neues Jahrbuch Miner. Descriptions of Late Jurassic fossils from 9 localities at SW coast and NW Buru. Age believed to be Early Oxfordian.) Geology and Palaeontology of SE Asia. Almost everywhere overlain by thick. Little on stratigraphy. Kobayashi et al. (Early to Late Jurassic limestones with 'Tethyan' larger foraminifera from few-100m thick limestones in Kanchanaburi Province. Jaworski.Involutina) limestone.. 22. overlain by red and violet clastics and limestone of Rhaetian. ('Revision of the arietes. p. Deniger's travels in the Moluccas. (1933).. Malaysia Newsl. and Phanerostephanus sp.A.H.Triassic and Jurassic limestone in the region northwest and west of Si Sawat (Kanchanaburi Province. In: T. p. 148-160. (typical of Kimmeridgean of Gondwana margin.). rare belemnites (to be described by Stolley). 129- 153.palass-pubs. Oppelia. Faunal affinities with Mediterranean-Caucasian Realm) Ishibashi. (Pliensbachian. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Overlain by 200- Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . HvG) Kemper. Geol. Phylloceras. (1982).org/pdf/Vol%206/Pages%20148-160.Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ammonites from Sarawak. (200-300m thick Triassic with Anisian and Norian (with Boueina. Ceram.A. Utrecht.Discovery of Early Jurassic radiolaria from the tuff sequence.Significance of Early Jurassic radiolarian from West Sarawak. etc. Geol. (online at: http://palaeontology. 343-347. Soc.) Proc. p. no maps) Jeletzky. Paraboliceras jubar. 251-333. Borneo. E (1921). Limaites. p. Virgatosphinctes sp. Maronde & D. Misool. latest Jurassic.M Dogger) and Kurnubia (Malm= Late Jurassic). Palaeontology 6.E Jurassic age (mainly non-marine. Leiden. Bonn. (1976). echiocerates and dactyliocerates from the Liassic of Netherlands Indies'. E Sulawesi. 21. Timor and Sula Islands from collections in Amsterdam. These are from reddish 'Mefa Beds tuffites'. Said (1999). Harpoceras. B.(‘Geological results of K.Malayomaorica gen. Soc.pdf) (S Hemisphere Late Jurassic bivalves described as Buchia and Aucella differ from N Hemisphere-Boreal Buchia. (1963). Pecten. Buru.The foraminifera in the Jurassic limestone of West Thailand. ('A contribution to the knowledge of the basal Dogger (= Middle Jurassic) of Taliabu. Western Thailand. 5. 65-75. Bd. collected by Boehm and Deninger in 1907. probably top of Upper Triassic Serian Volcanics) Jasin. p. 93-127. p. H. Little or no locality information) Kemper.. Also Early Cretaceous Neocomites.Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Untersten Doggers von Taliabu (Sula-Inseln). 2. East Malaysia. 200-300m thick?. Warta Geologi. Thurmanniceras from Pedawan Fm) Jasin. 491-502. Delft. p. most fossiliferous near top. Jahrbuch. Lucasella (E-M Dogger= M Jurassic). near Piching. with comments on related forms.E Toarcian radiolarian chert in dacitic tuff-chert series. GEOSEA ’98. indicate Latest Jurassic (Tithonian) age). Said & A. 2: The Oxfordian tuffites of Buru islands and its fauna'. Fossils mainly ammonites (Phylloceras spp. no Inoceramus). 191-206. J. Dactylioceras. 23. Arietites. J. Woei (1996). Sula. Palaont. Basir & U. Malaysia Bull.Revision der Arieten. Jahrbuch B21. (Family Aviculopectinidae) from the Indo-Pacific Upper Jurassic. Mainly taxonomic descriptions of Early Jurassic ammonites from Roti. Facies rel. Beil.. Babar. ribbed brachiopods (Rhynchonella spp. Sula islands'. Seram). Verh.. Relatively poorly preserved molluscs and ammonites indicative of Dogger/ Aalenian age) Jaworski. Kuala Lumpur. Coeloceras moermanni. Echioceraten und Dactylioceraten des Lias von Niederlandisch- Indien. West Sarawak. W Thailand: Orbitopsella (M Lias= E Jurassic). shallow marine compared to generally bathyal facies of age-equivalent rocks in Moluccas (Sula. Geol. E. including NW Australia.Cretaceous deep water Buru Limestone.. Alectyronia. 70. In: G. University of Tokyo Press. therefore assigned to new genus Malayomaorica. New Zealand New Guinea. and probably directly overlying Upper Triassic Lovcenipora limestone or bituminous shale.D. Teh (ed. 1912. nov. Haurania (M March 2014 . Timor. (Ammonites from Lower Pedawan Fm of W Sarawak. 5. 43.1 229 www. p. Geol. Berlin and Basel: Arnioceras spp. Basir. E. thick-walled bivalves (Opis. Perisphinctes).D. Indie 49 (1920). T. Ed. etc. Stoppel (1976). Haurania. Sammlungen Geol. Ishida & A. Rel.II. Sato (1964).. & T. Associated with common ostracode Ptychobairdia neokristanae) Kristan-Tollman. SW of Soe.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia.New palaeontological investigations in the Jurassic of western Thailand. Faunas partly endemic. from Timor'. T. 10.pdf) ('Coccoliths from the Alpine Liassic.pdf) ('Coccoliths from the Alpine Liassic. Wetensch. University of Tokyo Press. p. Riccardiceras longalvum. C. Coccolithen aus den aelteren Allgauschichten (Alpiner Lias. Parvamussium donaiense) mainly endemic and defining Toarcian-Aalenian SE Asian Province of Tethys.Early Bajocian shallow marine strata in partly terrestrial Jurassic sequence. Alpiner Lias) von Timor. (U Triassic halimediform alga Boueina redescribed by Flugel (1988) as Boueina marondei n.sp. Geol. (1899). Ishida. Bartolini. Charoentitirat. 5. Generally accepted as index species for Aalenian of Mediterranean and Pacific provinces) Kozai. 19.sp. 1. Hirsch. Meesook (2006). etc. from Timor'. E. 154-168. (online at: http://www2. Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian) nannofossils from Aitutu Fm at Meto River. p. W Timor. J. Ammonites (Tethyan Catulloceras perisphinctoides. 109-133.uibk.Uber unteren Lias von Borneo. Guex (2011). A. bivalves.Malm limestones with Lucasella. Erycites and Graphoceras concavum. T. Abbasites. Geosc.G.)) Komalarjun. p. Basal conglomerate of Jurassic derived from pelagic Triassic substratum. Bivalves mainly endemic fauna with pectinoid bivalve Parvamussium donaiense and Bositra ornate in Toarcian.sp. (Three ammonites from marly limestone localities of Mae Sot Basin. p. Northwestern Thailand. Meesook & J. Indonesien. 1. Coccolithen aus dem Pliensbach (aelteren Allgauschichten. collected by Van Dijk) Kristan-Tollman.Faunal affinity of Toarcian-Aalenian (Early Jurassic) bivalves from Mae Sot and Umphang (Tak Province). L. T. Northwestern Thailand. regleyi. (online at: http://www2. SW of Soe. Reichs-Mus. In: T. Pliensbachian. Lotharingius haufforum and Discorhabdus ignotus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Orbitopsella.. 9.vangorselslist. E. First description of Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) nannofossils. ('On Lower Liassic from Borneo'. Mitteil. ser. Single sample with 20 species. (Jurassic of Mae Sot and Umphang districts. 35 bivalve species (incl. Ed. Perelis-Grossowicz. collected by Wing Easton. Reichs-Museums Leiden. Sinemurian.). p. F. 1. p. ser. Sandoval. 1. with N Tethyan (Eurasian) affinity. A.Aalenian (Jurassic) ammonites from Mae Sot. Hirsch. (NW Thailand Mae Sot. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. provide age constraints for marine Jurassic inundation of Sundaland after Paleotethys closure. Upper Liassic macrofossils from slightly bituminous dark shales interbedded with lighter sandstones in Sambas region. F. 3. Palaeontol.Early Bajocian) Krause.Uber Lias von Borneo. Palaeont. Oost-Indie 25. Indonesian.. Sinemur) von Timor. Kobayashi (ed. With ammonites of Harpoceras radians group and possible Inoceramus) Krause. Gondwana Res. (1988). 5. 237-251. (1988). 71-83.Umphang areas E-M Jurassic (Toarcian-Aalenian) beds overlie Permian-Triassic substratum of Shan-Thai (=Sibumasu) terrane with brecciated conglomerate. p.. 77- 83.I. Yamee. from Aitutu Fm at SW edge of Soe town and Meto River. Leiden. Associated corals of Tethyan affinity) Kozai. from W Kalimantan. K. Spinammatoceras schindewolfi. Mitteil. Innsbruck 15. Innsbruck 15.uibk. Japan. (1911).. NW Thailand: Tmetoceras dhanarajatai Description of Early Jurassic ammonite Aegoceras borneense n. Malladaites spp. etc. dominated by Timorhabdus timorensis. Geol. low diversity assemblage. March 2014 . P.1 230 www. NW Kalimantan. W Thailand. K. dominated by Biscutum novum. p. T. large benthic forams (Timidonella sarda )and algae (Cladocoropsis mirabilis Felix) suggest Toarcian-Bajocian ages. (‘On the Liassic of Borneo’. P. W Timor. P.300m thick Jurassic (M Lias. 28-42). Sammlungen Geol. Ged. L.sp. moluccanus and B.sp. Jurassic belemnites collected by Brouwer. p.Ammonieten en eenige andere fossielen uit de Jurassische afzettingen der Soela eilanden.De belemnieten uit de Jurassische afzettingen van de Soela eilanden. p. while in Roti dominated by ammonites. (The belemnites from the Jurassic deposits of the Sula Islands'. In: J. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . K. Hayami 1984. Oost-Indie 49 (1920). L. Beil. (‘The Aucellas from the Malm of Misool’. (1921). Geyer 1977. also Arnioceras.Radiolarienhoudende gesteenten van Borneo. cf. ('Ammonites and some other fossils from the Jurassic deposits of the Sula islands'. In: J.Zur Kenntnis des Juras der Insel Rotti. Wanner (ed. Buru. 30-33. Deep Sea Drilling Project 27. West Misool Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) siliceous marls with muscovite and fine quartz grains and Aucella sandstone with common Aucella (now called Buchia) mollusks. P. Acta Geoscient. mostly float material. Dicoelites sp.Tithonian in pelagic facies) Krumbeck.sp. Buru.I. Schweizerbart Stuttgart. Bajocian.. (1923). Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. unlike Timor Permian-Triassic. Krobicki & Golonka 2009). in the Eastern Indian Ocean. H. (1974).Mediterranean species. 1-120. commonly compressed and dissolved.) Init. Verhandelingen 3.. 20. Belemnopsis rumphii n. p. haasti (also known from Roti. etc. Palaeont. subspitiensis) Kuznetsova.sp. Verhandelingen 1. DSDP Leg 27. Jurassic of Timor mainly in brachiopod-bivalve facies. p. (‘On the knowledge of the Jurassic of Timor. Lytoceras rotticum.sp. Oost Indie 54 (1925).. underlying Demu Limestone with A. (4) M Liassic dark grey bituminous platy limestone of Ramelau Mts. Repts. as well as the Aucella horizon of Seram and Buru’.Oxfordian. (1922). lagoicus. from brown-grey Mytilus limestone (= typical Tethyan. Jahrb.Mutis Mts. & J. M-L Jurassic cephalopods from Brouwer collection. p.. Present across S Tethys margin.Zur Kenntnis des Juras der Insel Timor. Verhandelingen 2. Ed. etc. with. ('Radiolarian-bearing rocks of Borneo') Kruizinga. 1. but also some Middle Jurassic ammonites (Macrocephalites).) and Fatu Nimassi (where underlain by U Triassic limestone) and Fatu Kenapa: Lithiotis timorensis n. 107-220. B. P. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (2) M Liassic 'Lithiotis fauna' of thick-shelled molluscs with Mediterranean affinities in 'Fatu Limestones' at Lelefoei Pass (Bonleo. Also Aucellas from clay-marls from Facet island (‘Fatjet Schiefer’). Seram. Descriptions of 44 species of Liassic amonites from grey cephalopod nodule marls. p. Veevers et al. etc. galoi by Boehm). L. Hibolites brouweri n. (online at: www. with Rhynchonella. Jurassic of Timor different facies types: (1) Liassic red cephalopod limestones. (eds.1 231 www.H. Golonka (2009). 71. ('On the knowledge of the Jurassic of Roti Island'. sowie des Aucellen-Horizontes von Seran und Buru. also known from Timor.. Arietites wichmanni. Basal M Jurassic (Aalenian) in neritic facies. 243-248. including Timor (Krumbeck 1923)) Krol.) Palaeontologie von Timor March 2014 . De Mijningenieur 10. 673-681. H. Mainly Belemnopsis gerardi Oppel (includes forms formerly described as Belemnites taliabicus. All Jurassic facies on Roti deep marine) Krumbeck. Includes first description of Upper Jurassic 'Aucella' (=Malayomaorica) malayomaorica from Seram) Krumbeck. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Most species similar to Alpine. (1929). Aegoceras subtaylori. possibly Callovian.. Sinica 30 Suppl. often 'rock-forming' and generally asociated with Inoceramus cf. (3) E Malm Aucella malayomarica at several localities on W and E Timor.) Kruizinga. few new species. Belemnopsis indicus n. Oost Indie 49 (1920). verbeeki n.J. 422-467. p.cagsbulletin. p. M. (1934). B soelarum. 13-85.Krobicki. and Arietites spp.Palaeobiogeography of Early Jurassic Lithiotis-type bivalve buildups as recovery effect after Triassic/Jurassic mass extinction and their connections with Asian ) (Buildups of large bivalves of Lithiotis group are first reefal features after end-Triassic extnction. with rich open marine foram assemblages. Belemnopsis alfoericus. (1926). with Pachymegalodus.vangorselslist. Assemblages dominated by Dactylioceras spp. 161-189. No confident age conclusions. Geol.Distribution of benthonic foraminifera in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits at Site 261. Facet shales with Aucella (Buchia) malayomaorica. Seram and New Zealand North Island. Spiriferina. Myophoria. L. Min.Die Aucellen des Malms von Misol. N. E Timor. Roti. 5. Palynology of the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian-Bathonian) Wanaea verrucosa dinoflagellate cyst zone of the North West Shelf of Australia. 24. Riding (2012). Timor Sea region. Timor Sea region. Late Bajocian-E Bathonian age (slightly older than previous Helby. Bayu-Undan Field. & Nugrahaningsih (2012). (Marine and terrestrial palynomorphs from M Jurassic Wanaea verrucosa dinoflagellate cyst zone in wells Perseus-3A. Assemblage formerly known from Japan and Barisan Mts of Sumatra) Mantle.vangorselslist. D. Three subzones.J. Timor Sea region. sequence stratigraphy. D.B. p. (2005).Palynology. Wanaea clathrata.seals. In: Cephalopods present and past: new insights and fresh perspectives. Mem. 115-127. 1-126. Also four dinoflagellate zones. p. Publ. Palaeobot. In: W. Mantle. Ed.U Schmid. Three microflora zones identified. Ph. (2009).B. & J. (eds. and palaeoenvironments of Middle to Upper Jurassic strata.B. First record of Late Jurassic Pseudocyclammina associated with Cladocoropsis mirabilis Felix from Switzerland. Sumatra and Philippines) Lelono.lower Oxfordian Rigaudella aemula Zone. Middle. Australasian Palaeontologists. Rev. Sydney. Oil Gas.Studies in Australian Mesozoic palynology II. p. p. 4-6. Scient. Lovcenipora (Cladocoropsis) und Clypeina im alpinen Faziesgebiet.) (2001).. Leinfelder.earliest Oxfordian dinocyst species from Bayu Undan and Challis fields) Mantle. (Palynoly of U Plover.the expression of a changing globe. 3.Biogeography of Kutch ammonites during the latest Jurassic (Tithonian) and a global paleobiogeography overview.R. Lovcenipora (Cladocoropsis) and Clypeina in the Alpine facies region'. Palynostratigraphic sequence previously assessed as latest Bathonian. (online at: http://retro. Mantle. 1-210. 41-78. Palaeontographica B280.465-520. N. Helvetiae 28.Palynology. Kiessling et al. R. Laurie. Springer…) (Palynology of 1200m thick section of Jurassic marine Buya Fm of Mahigo River near Modafumi. and lower Frigate Fms in Bayu-Undan Field. 5. northwestern Australia. & W. Rev. Palynomorph succession very similar to Australian NW Shelf) Leupold.(Latest Jurassic(?) to Early Cretaceous foraminifera from Argo abyssal plain DSDP site 261 suggest gradual deepening of basin with time and increase in agglutinated forms) Landman. Eclogae Geol. Dinoflagellate acme events coincident with marine flooding surfaces and enable precise correlation across field. Timor Sea. Contr.lemigas. Bayu-Undan Field. ('The occurrences of Choffatella. University of Queensland. R. Partridge age calibrations). from old to young: Caddasphaera halosa. Part Two. 72. Foster (eds.H. D. sequence stratigraphy. E. Nose & W. 129-139. p. p. Both zonations suggest age of Buya Fm is Bathonian. Part One. Timor Sea. Pseudocyclammina. Sula Islands.) Phanerozoic Reef Patterns. Mapes (2007). M.. Thesis.A.D.R. Sunrise-2 and Sunset W1 in N Carnarvon and Bonaparte basins. Palaeobotany Palynology 135.J.E Oxfordian. p . and palaeoenvironments of Middle to Upper Jurassic strata.Late Jurassic. SEPM Spec. from old to young: Contignisporites cooksoniae.Jurassic reef patterns.esdm.Wanaea indotata. sequence stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of Middle to Late Jurassic strata. D. (2006).J. Mangole Island. Pseudocyclammina. (online at: http://www.go. Bayu-Undan Field. Assoc. Lemigas. (2009).H. p. Palynology 180. 3.J.Das Auftreten von Choffatella. Elang Fm three third order sequences) Mantle. Murospora florida and Retitriletes watheroensis zones. Davis & R. Elang. Dingodinium swanense and Criboperidinium perforans zones.Australian palinomorphs from the Buya Formation of the Sula Island. Maync (1935). D. (Four new late Callovian. Associated spore-pollen assemblages transitional from upper Dictyotosporites complex to the lower Contignisporites cooksoniae zones) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Includes brief discussions of Jurassic carbonates of W Thailand. D. Werner (2002). p.1 232 www. p. 3.E Tithonian. 35. Palaeontographica B280.Palynology.245-264. W. 1-86. & March 2014 . 1-235. J. 1-3.New dinoflagellate cyst species from the upper Callovian. 697-707. excellens= Lithomitra excellence. Indian and Antarctic floras of E Jurassic.E Cretaceous based on occurrence of Lovcenipora (= Cladocoropsis?. 33-36. 113-136. Radiolarian assemblage Aalenian or E Bajocian Transhsuum hisuikyoense Zone (= part of oceanic assemblage of Woyla Group: M. Haile (2001). Vallupinae radiolarian subfamily restricted to Late Jurassic in low.Notiz uber den Lias von Borneo. Cinguloturris carpatica Oxfordian). p. Limestone overlain by Golok crystal tuffs (K/Ar age of ~105 Ma/ Albian. Interpreted as carbonate cap on seamount.Martin.Late Jurassic tropical Radiolaria: Vallupus and its related forms.Middle Jurassic radiolarians from the Western Pacific. A. A. (Vallupus Territory is tropical radiolarian realm of Panthalassa and Tethys in Latest Jurassic.S. Bathonian-Callovian age. ODP Leg 129 in W Pacific: Dibolachras tytthopora (Hauterivian). Cecrops septemporatus. K.J. ser. Bennettitaleans leaves intermediate in size between low and high latitude mid-Mesozoic assemblages.Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous radiolarian zonation in Japan and in the western Pacific.. K. Shallow Tethys 3. Padang District. carpatica/ Berriasian. p. (Most Tan Sin Hok (1927) species of Archaeodictyomitra (A. P. 140-153. (U. HvG). Australia sparse. & C. supporting previous paleogeographic placements of W Australia in mesothermal middle-latitude province in Jurassic) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . brouweri= Eucyrtidium brouweri. 1. (First record of Jurassic sediments in W Pacific at ODP Site 801. (1991). C Pigafetta basin. p. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. Ed. In: Proc. 3. Same paper as above) Matsuoka. 31-44. (1992). Assemblages show links to E Australian.The Jurassic flora of Western Australia. Lubuk Peraku Limestones dated as U Jurassic. J Asian Earth Sci. McCarthy.and middle-latitudes of W Pacific. Saito Ho-on Kai Spec. (online at: www-odp. Oost-Indie 1898. Pseudodictyomitra carpatica (Berriasian. p. Foren. Ged. A. Stylocapsa spiralis (~U Callovian) and Tricolocapsa conexa (Bathonian. 19. The Island Arc 4. Valanginian). Jurassic radiolarian chert. tytthopora/Hauterivian and down through P. Probably accumulated within 25° of Jurassic paleoequator) Matsuoka. Scient.E Cretaceous age. Follow-up on Krause (1897) discovery of Liassic rocks of W Kalimantan. lilyae= Dictyomitra lilyae) range up into D. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. HvG) Matsuoka. 131.. Wet.tamu. (‘Note on the Lias of Borneo’. Oldest faunas of Tricolocapsa conexa Zone. lilyae only in U Valanginian-Hauterivian. Sites 800 and 801. (‘Note on the Lias of Borneo’. Beds dipping steeply to to SW. Res.pdf) (Seven M Jurassic . Larson et al. E Asia. Sammlungen Geol.1 233 www. etc. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). In: R. 203-220.Notiz uber den Lias von Borneo. P. Eucyrtis (E.E Callovian). Geol. (1995). 10km E of Padang of Aalenian (lower M Jurassic) age. B. (1899). (Jurassic plant remains in W.Jurassic and Early Cretaceous radiolarians from Leg 129. 5. (Kimmeridgean-Tithonian). Western Pacifiic Ocean. A. Publ. (1899). A. but also bivalve Gervillia borneensis (already described by Martin (1889) possibly from same area)) Martin. Palaeoecology 119. Sendai 1990. but suspect?). p.E Valanginian). p.. Indonesia.vangorselslist. M Jurassic Ngalau bedded chert probably faulted into younger limestone during Cretaceous ENE-directed compression. 359-369. (GFF). (eds. 253-256. March 2014 . hanni= Lithocampe hanni) and Pseudodictyomitra (P. Mediterranean regions.early Cretaceous. 2..) Proc. and its implications for the tectonic evolution of western Sumatra. Forhandl. (1995).Lower Cretaceous radiolarian zones from Sites 800 and 801. Interbedded with volcanics and limestone conglomerate/breccias. (Radiolaria chert in Indarung Area. A. S. Pott (2009). p.L. Indarung. Reichs-Museums Leiden. New material collected by Wing Easton from shales-sands at Sungei Kerassiek near Sepang in Sambas not only contained poorly preserved ammonite Harpoceras radians. primitiva. 129.Late Cretaceous SW dipping accretionary prism with M Jurassic seafloor oceanic material and Late Jurassic volcanic seamount. 5. 1-2. Jasin & N. p. pseudoscalaris= Stichomitra pseudoscalaris). HvG) McLoughlin. Faunas compare well with Tethyan and Japanese faunas) Matsuoka. Revue Paleobiologie 21. (Australia biogeographic realm comprises W Australia. p. Presence of Late Jurassic not confirmed) Meesook. p. etc. 160-169. Igo (1996). p. (Marine Jurassic rocks well-exposed in NW Thailand-Myanmar border area (= W part of Shan-Tai/ Sibumasu block).th/library/Proceedings-Yearbooks/M_1/1994/4665. bivalves (Parvamussium donaiense. evolution et paleobiogeographie. S.Some Jurassic radiolarians from Busuanga Island. thinner in other areas. Geobios 33.Pliensbachian ammonites (incl. New Guinea and Sula Islands. Atractites) in Liassic of Nong Son basin) Meister. S. Yamee & W.A.pdf) (Jurassic sediments of Thailand widespread marine (in W) and non-marine (in NE) deposits.Repartition mondiale des faunes d’ammonites au Jurassique moyen (Aalenien superieur a Bathonien moyen): relations entre biodiversite et paleogeographie. Palaeoecology 248. Generally underlain unconformably by Triassic and overlain by Quaternary. Saengsrichan (2009). D-Earth Sci.The space-time relationship of taxonomic diversity and morphological disparity in the Middle Jurassic ammonite radiation.. Cephalopoda): ontogenese. Phop Phra. Noda & K. and paleoenvironment. C. 5. Aalenian Onychoceras.. Calamian Island Group. South Vietnam'. Graphoceras. paleoecology and paleoenvironment of marine Jurassic rocks in the Mae Sot. C. 52. (online at: http://library. & J. Sashida (eds. D.. A. Vu Khuc & D.E Bajocian.).Les ammonites et les belemnites du Jurassique inferieur de Huu Nien.go.. Marine Jurassic mainly Toarcian.Marine Jurassic lithostratigraphy of Thailand. p. Philippines. New Zealand. Regionally Thailand Jurassic similar to that of Vietnam and Myanmar) Meesook. Bositra) and foraminifera (Aalenian Timidonella sarda) and is largely Toarcian- Aalenian plus some Bajocian. J. Int.Biostratigraphic correlation of marine Jurassic rocks within Thailand and Southeast Asia. 14. 1. Lower Sinemurian rel.Les ammonites du Jurassique inferieur des provinces de Dak Lak et de Ho Chi Minh Ville. ('The ammonites and belemnites of the Lower Jurassic of Huu Nien. 112-113: Lower Jurassic ammonites described from Roti by Krumbeck (1922. Proc. Viet Nam Central. In: H.scichina. 12. F. Moyne.T. 165-191. Science in China. 2001-2023.. Palaeogeogr. less in other areas of Thailand. Neige (2007).Les Phricodoceratidae Spath. Grant-Mackie (1996). Sha. Marine Jurassic contains ammonites (Toarcian Dactylioceras. Huyen (2002). C. 79-96.) Prof.dmr.). 1. etc. Thierry (2004). suggesting these are from exotic blocks now on S Tethys/ Australian margin?) Meister. Viet Nam du Sud. Symp. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. C. Palawan. Neige. Marchandet & (E-M Jurassic (Toarcian-Aalenian) marine Jurassic clastics and oolitic limestones with mainly bivalves ( March 2014 . (online at: http://earth. brachiopods and some coral (Montlivaltia numismalis). 1938 (Mollusca.T.. but no belemnites) Meister. particularly in S. Volume.Faunal associations. Geodiversitas 29. also 87-117. Sashida & H. Sequences ~450-900m thick in NW. Geol. Palaeoclim. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . France 175. 377-391. province de Quang Nam. p. (p. 513-523. Igo Comm. Bangkok 1994. 82-95. K. Vu Khuc. & J. and Umphang areas. Pliensbachian Ibex zone) have North Tethys affinities. Geology and Paleontology of Japan and Southeast Asia. Rare and low diversity Sinemurian. Ed. J. p. Central Vietnam'. H.Meesook. Doyle (2000). 5. p. Grant-Mackie (1994). 439-483. p. D.1 234 www.A. Ectocentrites. ('Lower Jurassic ammonites of the Dak Lak province and Ho Chi Minh city. Trigonia. P. A. p. Not much specific data/ interpretation) Moyne. (2007). Leioceras. Stratigraphic Correlation Southeast Asia.. unique ammonite fauna) Meteer. A. basin history. & P. Tongdzuyites) and belemnites (incl.G. Soc. western Thailand. Bull. Huyen & P. In: Jurassic of China and environs: stratigraphy. (Review of Jurassic. 119. JCM2011-053. Ed.M. incl. 4. and description of a M Jurassic bivalve Alectryonia amor in British Museum collection. 12p. 1.N.Cretaceous radiolaria. Genus Sulaites also known from W Papua. Trigonia molengraaffi n. p. Proc. but because of lack of useful ammonites in Australian M Cretaceous. Neocomitidae (incl. Joint 36th HAGI and 40th IAGI Ann.sp. p. Bullen (1903).. PNG and probably New Zealand and Nepal) Oosting. Pacific. (online at: http://dspace. 2.). Westermann (1998). (Jurassic rocks with molluscs known only from West of Borneo island: Sultanate of Sambas and W Sarawak.) Panuju (2011). p.('Global distribution of ammonite faunas in the Middle Jurassic (Upper Aalenian to Middle Bathonian): relations between biodiversity and paleogeography'.The evolution and geography of Jurassic ammonoids. Geol. L. Baumgartner & A. (Jurassic ammonites 7 suborders. & G. E Pacific. 35-57.vangorselslist.G. (2004). with distinct European affinity. K.) Newton. Buya and Tanamu Formations. Malacological Soc. including a new species of Trigonia. (2008). 3-4.Palaeoenvironmental and climatic changes in Australia during the Early Cretaceous. described from Sula Islands.O. Thesis University Utrecht. (Biochronostratigraphy for Tethyan and Boreal M Cretaceous traditionally based on ammonites. Tethyan. 6. Subkossmatia) and Perisphinctidae (Indosphinctes. Makassar. Geol. P.The perisphinctid ammonite Sulaites n. R. Virgatosphinctes. 231-240. probably from Sarawak River. with approximate ages. gen. (Useful listing of 6296 Mesozoic radiolarian species names. Part 2: Jurassic-Cretaceous. (Illustrated catalogue of type species of 581 genera of Jurassic. Bandini. Initially described as Cretaceous by Martin (1890). R.On a Jurassic Lamellibranch and some other associated fossils from the Sarawak River Limestones of Borneo.g.Albian stage boundaries in Australia) Page. Banggai- Sula basin. Indo- Malgach Province recognizable first in Callovian. helpful in confirming correctness of Hojnos (1934) Late Jurassic. Geodiversitas 31. 407- 415.Pre-Tertiary nannoplankton biostratigraphy of Bobong. S Pan- Tethyan Realm includes Mediterran-Caucasian. M Jurassic (Trigonia molengraafi considered to be species of Myophorella (Haidaia) by Kobayashi 1957) O'Dogherty. Aulacosphinctoides. subsequently determined to be Liassic. Alcheringa 22. Carter. in combinations as originally described. P. E. 271-356. By Tithonian.. in ~20 distinguishable biogeographical provinces and subprovinces.Early Cretaceous age assignments of E Sulawesi radiolarian rocks) O’Dogherty L.Catalogue of Mesozoic radiolarian genera. correlations between different realms is not straightforward. Magazine IV. with endemic Sphaeroceratidae (Macrocephalites. p. etc. several restricted Indo- Pacific/Austral genera and endemic species: Pachysphinctes.Notes on some Jurassic shells from Borneo. and Late Oxfordian-?E Kimmeridgian 'Pseudoparaboliceras aramaraii' group described from W Papua. Boreal domains and associated epicratonic platforms divided into 16 paleobiogeographical provinces. 5. Protocardia. Dumitrica. 403-409. Dinoflagellate cyst events combined with changes in carbon- isotope stratigraphy used here to assess Barremian.library. Himalayitidae. P. March 2014 . etc. Kinkeliniceras. E. W Kalimantan.1 235 www. p. Most likely age 'Lower Oolitic'= ~Bajocian. Indo-Pacific and Austral realms/ subrealms. 2. Assoc. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .E.S. and faunal and floral latitudinal contrasts. with place of Macrocephalitinae taken by endemic Mayatinae. Corbula. collected by McCarthy. Choffatia.N. S.. Matsuoka (2009). Gorican. (2009).. Uhligites. Pseudomonotis. 1-203.Inventory of Mesozoic radiolarian species (1867-2008).uu. with a sketch of the Mesozoic fauna of that island. De Wever. A. Conv. Geodiversitas 31. London. Provinces that show strong endemism are isolated (Boreal and SE Tethyan margin)) Newton. 371-481. Bullen (1897). etc. (New genus Sulaites comprises Oxfordian group of 'Perisphinctes' sularus and moluccanus. Proc. Proc. No range charts) Oloriz. endemic Blanfordiceras). Persisted into Oxfordian times.Cretaceous macrofossils known from Borneo. F. from the Upper Jurassic of the Indo-Southwest Pacific. A. Description of new Jurassic fossils from Boedak (Buduk). au/image_cache/GA14151. Late Cretaceous.Campanian. J.Early Cretaceous for Australia. Helby (2001). Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts: supplement 1. p. Shallow marine deposition. but not illustrated. Area subsided ~4000 m since deposition) Remane. 349-367. Wallaby Plateau. Riding.nerc. A. (online: /www. p.G. Foraminiferal Research 41. J. J. 2. (1985). Riding.A selective reappraisal of Wanaea Cookson & Eisenack 1958 (Dinophyceae). First record of marine rocks of this age from Australia) Quilty. (Foraminifera from RV Sonne sample dredged from 4438–4049 m water depth on Wallaby Plateau SW margin.) Australian Mesozoic palynology and paleobiogeographic significance. 5. Cambridge University Press. (2012). p. www. M Jurassic.B. Australia. each through different formations. biostratigraphic. with Marthasterites furcatus at bottom. Micropaleontology 48. 24. presence of calpionellids in PNG by Rickwood (1955)) Riding.pdf. 182-195. Quilty. 985-995. p. 1-119. J. Palynology 37. p.B. Assoc. Western Australia. (2006). p. P. (1981). Assoc. dominated by Conicospirillina. Tanamu Fm zones CC13-CC17 (Coniacian. _revised_manuscript_March_2012_word_2003.updated to the 2004 Geologic Time Scale.Calpionellids. with Zeugrhabdotus embergeri at bottom. In: H.Early Jurassic Foraminifera from the Exmouth Plateau.B. 3.D. Paleontology 55. (Review of Late Tithonian. 345-354. J. (1990). & R.The literature on Triassic. Eastern Indian Ocean. Late Jurassic. J. chronostratigraphic.Triassic and Jurassic foraminiferid faunas. J. & R. Oxfordian/Kimmeridgean foram fauna. (online at: http://nora. Buya Fm zone NJ17 (Tithonian. 4. Strat.(Nannoplankton from three M Jurassic. (Samples dredged from Exmouth Plateau by RV Sonne yielded Late Sinemurian forams Ichthyolaria and Geinitzina. Bolli. Offshore Western Australia. 33-58. northern Exmouth Plateau. p. Monteil (coord. and earliest Cretaceous dinoflagellate Conorboides and Lenticulina. Late Cretaceous- Cenozoic Gippsland Basin) Pessagno. Dallas. 46. & D. 24. Low diversity fauna.pdf) (Spore-pollen and dinocyst zonations charts: Jurassic.Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) radiolaria from the Sula Islands (East Indies): their taxonomic.Australian Mesozoic and Cenozoic palynology zonations (Charts1-4). P. with Watznaueria brittanica. in keeping with Gondwana origin of Sula) Quilty. Babong Fm contains zone NJ9 (Bajocian. Quadrum gartneri at top)) older than previously known ages in region and predates initiation of seafloor spreading along W Australian margin.B. J. (2013). American Assoc. Stepanolithion bigotii at top).Late Jurassic foraminifera.E Valanginian planktonic protozoans of unknown affinities. J. Palynologists (AASP). 555-572. p.A compilation and review of the literature on Triassic.Cretaceous outcrop sections of Sula islands (no locality details).M. Geoscience Australia Record 2006/23.Early Jurassic (Toarcian) dinoflagellate cysts from the Timor Sea. Mem. (2011).pdf) March 2014 . p. Ser.G. 2. Perch-Nielsen (eds.) Plankton Stratigraphy. Mem. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Includes reported. P. Contr. 5.A. Meyerhoff Hull (2002). Australasian Palaeont. Saunders & K. In: E. Ed. (Buya Fm L-M Oxfordian radiolarians and association with Austral ammonites suggest N Austral Province (>30°S) paleolatitude in Oxfordian.vangorselslist.1 236 www. Australasian Palaeont. Helby (2001). Foraminiferal Research 20. Diductius constans). nl/DL/publications/PU00015738. Mem. Athol Fm indicates E Bajocian marine transgression onto Australian block) Roggeveen.P. Described as Protocupressinoxylon malayense n. (online at: http://journals.Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst zones of NW Shelf (relatively minor modifications of Helby.. Nederl.Phallocysta granosa sp. S. Inoceramus molluscs and fragment of an aegoceratid ammonite from S coast of W Sumba in rocks collected by Witkamp. Assoc. Mantle & J. J.B. 24. Ed. Riding. Philippe et al. J. P. (1932). J.pdf) (English version of paper above. Kon.Epidiceras (Bivalvia. Proc.A review of the chronostratigraphical ages of Middle Triassic to Late Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst biozones of the North West Shelf of Australia. p. (1983).dwc. Assoc. Riding.. & R. 177-220. Riding. S coast of Sugi island. Palaeobot.B. Australia. Earth Sci. (Co-occurrence of ammonites (Pseudotoites robiginosus) with palynomorphs in Athol Fm of Tusk-1 and 2 wells. D.vangorselslist. confirms E Bajocian age of Dissiliodinium caddaense dinoflagellate zone. In opinion of Kruizinga this could be Hammatoceras molukkanum.dwc. offshore Carnarvon Basin. Mem. Palynology 162. Rev.59–63.Dinoflagellate cysts from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Dingodinium swanense Zone in the North-West Shelf and Timor Sea. 24. 4. & R. p. S of Singapore.M. (Reassessment of ages of 20 M Triassic. Akademie Wetenschappen. Helby (2001).s. HvG)) Sano. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen 35.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Helby (2001).Jurassic in the island of Sumba. Australasian Palaeont.W. p.tubitak.sp. Hippuritoidea) from the Tithonian-Berriasian Torinosu-type Limestones of the Sakawa Area. Turkish J. S Andes.Microplankton from the Mid Jurassic (late Callovian) Rigaudella aemula Zone in the Timor Sea. Thought to be probably Triassic-age but could be Jurassic-Cretaceous (Age of beds poorly constrained and classification uncertain. north-western Australia. Folded Mesozoic intruded by igneous rocks and unconformably overlain by Eocene (Caudri. p. nov. Australia. J. Silicified conifer wood in sandstone-shale- conglomerate series at cliff of Tanjung Riau. (online at: http://www.B. humphriesianum forma indica). (online at: http://www.Marine microplankton from the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) of the north-west Australian region. 19. Helby (2001).B. (1929). & R. p. Helby (2001). W New Guinea (where identified previously as Stephanoceras cf. Western Australia. Tentatively placed in U Liassic by Wanner (1931). Assoc. Riding. G. Alcheringa 34.B. Bajocian) in the Tusk-1 and Tusk-2 wells. P. 733-743. 65-110. Proc.knaw. Assoc. p. 111-140. 24..knaw. as known from Jurassic of Sula islands. Riau Archipelago’. Australasian Palaeont.Dinoflagellate cysts from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) Wanaea spectabilis Zone in the Timor Sea region. Mem. p. 1934)) Roggeveen. & R. Mem. Helby (2001). Australasian Palaeont. Amsterdam 32. 2004. Westermann & D. p. More likely age of beds is Cretaceous according to Von der Borch et al. Riding. Niederlandisch Ost-Indien. 5.Mesozoisches Koniferenholz (Protocupressinoxylon malayense n. & R. 1. Mem.B. Ammonite Pseudotoites prominent in E Bajocian of Indo-Pacific Realm (onshore W Australia. 2004 zonations)) Riding.) von der Insel Soegi im Riouw Archipel. Skelton (2010).E.1 237 www. 512-514. J. March 2014 . p. Morgan and Partridge 1987.pdf) (‘Mesozoic conifer wood from Sugi Island. Other specialists deem the ammonite fragment indeterminate and the Inoceramus more likely a Cretaceous species (HvG). Kon.B. 21-35. Southwest Japan.I. Australasian Palaeont. & P.Riding. 24. Backhouse (2010).M. a Mid Jurassic (Bathonian) dinoflagellate cyst from the Timor Sea. Assoc.G. 543-575.. 141-176.New evidence for the age of the Athol Formation (Middle Jurassic. J. 580- 584. off Carnarvon Basin.J. Protocupressinoxylon in China is Jurassic genus.F. Australasian Darbyshire (2010). 81- 108. 32. NNE of Saigon. May be classified as (1) thick geosynclinal sequences in Sumatra. Geol.E Kimmeridgean Wanaea spectabilis zone in rest of Demu Fm and basal Lelinta shale.(Primitive rudists Epidiceras speciosum and E.Ammonoids of Southeast Asia. Ammonites collected by Fontaine at Lo-Duc.Newly collected Jurassic Ammonites from the Mansalay Formation. Sci. E Berriasian) Sashida. Philippines. (1975). ('The Oxfordian ammonites of Mindoro Island') Sato. Kobayashi & R.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. etc. (3) marine clastic sediments with poor molluscs in W Thailand/ Burma. Laos. (1972). guirandi from Tithonian-Berriasian Torinosu limestones in SW Japan. Ed. Kobayashi et al. T. & G.C.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia 15. 38.A. Buru. Timor and New Guinea. Cambodia.. rare. C. T. p. (Folded ‘Wai Luli Fm’ calcareous shale near Baa at NW coast of Roti with Bajocian. P. Mus. W Sarawak/NW Kalimantan. (Useful compilation of distribution and ranges of Jurassic macrofossils in Indonesia) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Bathonian low-latitude ‘Tethyan’ radiolarian assemblage. In: G.. & T. Vietnam. Mindoro Island. 10. In same areas also Late Triassic and Early Cretaceous thin-bedded limestones with radiolarians) Sato. p.) The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific..M. S Vietnam'. Australia. Kobayashi & R. believed to be deposited in deep ocean. Westermann (1991). 63-73.Les ammonites oxfordiennes de l'ile de Mindoro.G. Ong. March 2014 . Geogr. Volkheimer & W. Aguilar & W. T. later assemblages suggest age as young as Kalyptea wisemaniae zone. Java.base Demu Fm has Late Callovian.G. Asian Earth Sci.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Epidiceras speciosum also present in Kimmeridgean-Tithonian Bau Limestone of SW Sarawak. (2) marine calcareous facies with rich macrofaunas in E Sulawesi. Kamata (1999). 273-292. Nat. (online at: http://www. Sato.E Oxfordian Rigaudella aemula zone. In: G. Hammatoceras suggest U Toarcian. 267-272. In: T.A. Pseudammatoceras molukkanum.) cf. Ricardi (eds. Sula. p.kahaku.S Laos) Sato. 25. (1961).G.1 238 www. p. 1. Shigeta.S. Late Oxfordian. Westermann & A. and (4) Khorat Group continental red beds in NE Thailand. In: T. T. Kase. K. Japan and Southeast Asia. Munasri.P.lower Aalenian age and Tethyan affinities. Ishibashi (1984). Associated with rich bivalve fauna described by Hayami 1972) Sato. Philippines: Physodoceras cf.4. University of Tokyo Press. p. World and Regional Geology 3. Bull. Pseudogrammoceras. Tethyan rudists extend into W Pacific province) Sarjeant. W. Ser. W.P. far from land. ( Jurassic taxa ranges and correlation charts fror the Circum-Pacific.go. T. University of Tokyo Press. 231-242.pdf) (Four species of Jurassic ammonite from Mansalay area in Oriental Mindoro. ('Ammonites from the Toarcian N of Saigon. Stratigraphy 24. T. 151-189. p. Indonesia. Adachi & Y.vangorselslist. Zhang (1992).Middle Jurassic radiolarian fauna from Rotti Island. In: T. Nat. p. Westermann (ed. J. De Ocampo.Ammonites du Toarcien au Nord de Saigon (Sud Viet-Nam). 4. R.E. Toriyama (eds. Japan J. T..Jurassic palynomorphs of the Circum-Pacific region. Mago (2012). Y. laevipickeringius and unidentifiable perisphinctid from Colasi Point. University of Tokyo Press. (eds. Ceram and Misool. Newsl.E. and P.Marine Jurassic formations and faunas in Southeast Asia and New Guinea. Toriyama (eds. 141-143. gortanii and Perisphinctes (Liosphinctes) sp. 5. from Amaga River valley near Mansalay. Assemblage indicative of M Oxfordian age and close affinity with Tethys-Pacific faunas) Sato.E Bathonian Dissioliodinium association. The only Jurassic palynoflora from SE Asia is partly published work from Misool by Helby and Hasibuan: Yefbie Shale has characteristic Toarcian Susadinium assemblage and Bajocian. Y. S. Jurassic rel. p. 1-2. (Compilation of Jurassic fossils/ stratigraphy in SE Asia.E. Dumortieria lantenoisi. (Includes discussion of Jurassic palynomorphs/ dinoflagellates of Papua New Guinea. 17. Brachyoxylon boureaui from ‘Gres Superieurs’ in Cambodia (also known from Phu Kradung Fm/ Khorat Gp of NE Thailand. Res.W. Kalimantan Barat. Phylloceras. C. London. VietNam 11. Very little on SE Asia region rudists) Skwarko. Archives C. Age range Late Toarcian. 4.Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Sula Islands. Incl. Ptilophyllum.Tithonian. 513-526. probably <1500m thick. Westermann. ) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Iran (looks different from the Macrocephalites-dominated Callovian assemblages of E Indonesia?. Hoplites. U Tithonian Blanfordiceras. p.. Reineckia and Indosphinctes. Palaeontological Papers 1970-1971. Indonesia). Idoceras. Poorly preserved plant fossils. Skwarko & F. Centre Bull. Zamites and Klukia? collected from middle part of Tembeling Fm. Geophysics 13. (Includes mention of early rudists Epidiceras speciosum (Goldfuss) and Valletia sp.. Dev.I. (1985). (Rudist distribution in Pacific region.W. S. Bur. 70.E.P. du Laos et du Viet-nam. 5. 3. p. collected in 1910 by German 'border commission'. 43-51. SW Sarawak. P. Oxfordian Mayaites. New Guinea’. 59-131. 2004)) Serra. (‘Jurassic fossils from the Upper Sepik. S. Archives Geol. Archives Geol. Bull. Geol. (1973).vangorselslist. 229-236.1 239 www. (New ammonite fauna of probable Callovian age from Brandung Fm dark limestones and shales in W Kalimantan. Special Papers in Palaeontology 33.Jurafossilien vom oberen Sepik auf Neu-Guinea. Hasibuan (1978). BMR J.K. Fossilized tree trunk in Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous redbeds of Khorat Group-equivalent of Tho Chau islands. S.First report of Domerian (Lower Jurassic) marine mollusca from New Guinea. Mainly calcareous shales. from Bau Limestone. N of Maran. Typical 'Indo-Pacific' series with Lower Callovian Macrocephalites fauna.Nouvelle contribution a l’etude paleoxylologique du Cambodge. P. G. ('New contribution to the paleoxylological study of Cambodia. 53-62. (1966). Indonesia. 3.First record of Callovian ammonites from West Kalimantan (Middle Jurassic. etc. Masse (2013). but Aalenian and M-U Callovian missing) Schairer. Archives Geol.K. ('Anatomic and paleogeographic studies of some of homxylous species from South Vietnam and Cambodia'. p. Ed. Geoph. p. Araucarioxylon saravanensis (= Agathoxylon. Similarities with fauna from Sula islands. Six new conifer species. Sano & J. 159-173. Vietnam part of Gulf of Thailand) Skelton. in collections of British Museuan of Natural History. ('On some Mesozoic imprints of Malaysia'. Vietnam 9. (1969).Preadaptation and evolutionary innovation in rudist bivalves. Includes ammonites Macrocephalites keeuwensis. Pahang) Serra. (online at: www. with araucarias and ginkgos also present.Sur quelques empreintes Mesozoiques de Malaisie. 40 km NW of Sanggau. Affinities with Europe. Perispinctes spp.G. Laos and Vietnam'. Mesozoic forests dominated by podocarps. Zeiss (1992). Jurassic-Cretaceous fossil wood from 4 localities in S Vietnam and Cambodia. p. T. some conglomerate and sandstone. C. & A. with Hectioceras spp..Sur des bois fossiles de l’Archipel de Tho Chau (Golfe de Thailande). Philippe et al. 1-28. C. G. Borneo. Geol. Vietnam 8. March 2014 . M-U Jurassic macrofossils from geodes in float of Upper Sepik River near 4d 15’S. (1928).. Pahang. 2004)) Serra. from Kazanian (Permian) of Sisophon (Cambodia). 1-15. London) Skelton. Also canaliculate belemnites and Incoceramus galoi. J. Philippe et al. Dadoxylon khmerinum n.. 17-40. (1968). 105-112. probably of Triassic age described from N of Mentakab.Rudist bivalves and the Pacific in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Australian Geol. Soc. HvG)) Schluter. (Sula Islands Jurassic rich in fossils.Etude anatomique et paleogeographique de quelques especes homoxylees du Sud-Vietnam et du Cambodge.141d E. 140. p. Nova Guinea 6. H. p. Also Paracalamites. sp. p. (1966). Mineral Res. Viet Nam 12. Affinities with Rhaetian and Liassic species.Sato. p. ('On fossil woods of the Tho Chau Archipelago (Gulf of Thailand)'. Cenderawasih Bay and Himalaya Spiti Beds) Serra. Mainly bivalves (Astarte spp.. Sula islands (D. 586-612. etc.R.palass-pubs. (Major review of J-K belemnites. Trachyostraca more restricted affinities. G. Geol.pdf) (Belemnite genus name Dicoelites first used by Boehm (1906). uhligi. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. p. for Belemnopsis aucklandica specimens collected by Weber in variegated Upper Oxfordian marls of the ‘Belemnitenbach’ (belemnite creek). but no equivalent for Pacific. In: G. (eds. (1965). Geol. tectonism and eustasy on faunal development in the Jurassic of New Zealand. (online at: http://www.palass-pubs. (Ammonite assemblages of Late Jurassic of New Zealand contain Tethyan elements (PNG.) and belemnites) Springer. G. Mon. p. March 2014 . also gastropods. (1913). Neues Jahrbuch Min. evoluzione. moluccana. brachiopods. (1964). but latter re-assigned to new genus Conodicoelites) Stevens. Rome1987. (1987). etc.). (1918). Paleont. Indonesia. Van Nouhuys and Wanner in 1909. First described by Stolley (1929)) Stevens.The Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites of New Zealand and review of the Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites of the Indo-Pacific region.sp. Most palaeogeographical reconstructions of Late Jurassic show New Zealand close to South Pole. Nucula. Paleontology 7.The Late Jurassic ammonite fauna of New Zealand. ambiente. (‘Liassic and Dogger of Jefbie and Filialpopo.A new belemnite from the Upper Jurassic of Indonesia. Tanimbar. (1963). In Tithonian uhligi complex persists.A new species of fossil Pentacrinus from the East Indies. G. Beil. Nuclear Sci. 9: Lias und Dogger von Jefbie und Filialpopo (Misol Archipel).R.The influences of palaeogeography. Both have two grooves.vangorselslist. Etc. F.Geologische Mitteilungen aus dem Indo-Australischen Archipel. p.) Stevens. II. Usually associated with Buchia and Inoceramus. Ed. keeuwensis).Gondwanan. (1997). Palaeontology 7. 621-629.1 240 www. Geol. 9. Taliabu. but more likely in mid-latitudes (~ 40°-50°S)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . partly in the Boreal and partly in the Indo-Pacific. (New crinoid species Pentacrinus rotiensis from Jurassic of Roti. p. incl. Leiostraca (Phylloceras. Cold-temperate Triassic- E Jurassic 'Maorian' faunas of New Zealand gave way to subtropical/warm-temperate 'Tethyan' faunas in M-L Jurassic) Stevens. NW of Bebalain) Stevens. collected by Brouwer in 1911 from grey shale-marl-limestone succession at Toempa Sili. Cucullaea.) are essentially circum. They apparently are divided. In: Nederlandsche Timor- expeditie. (online at: http://palaeontology. 4.Faunal realms in Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites.R. Boundary between Boreal and Tethyan realms was distinct and stable. p.. Inst.. Verhandelingen 1. Oost Indie 45 (1916). G.) Atti 2nd Pergola etc. p. Int. Kimmeridgean abundant Belemnopsis developed in Indo-Pacific. p. G. Pal. but progressively replaced by Hibolithes and Duvalia assemblage.). then in 1912 for material from Callovian-Kimmeridgean? of Wai Miha. Pallini et al.R. Fossili. with Arieticeras ammonite and some bivalves) Soergel. ammonites (Harpoceras spp. (Progressive movement of Gondwana away from Carboniferous-Permian South P99ole-centred position led to disappearance of temperature barriers and climate equalization across E Gondwana. 59-64. 1-217. Belemnopsis uhligi complex (Belemnopsis spp. 4. (1964). Lytoceras. 481-497. etc. (Three faunal realms recognized for Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites. Misool Archipelago’. Survey New Zealand 36. 18. dicoelus Rothpletz from Callovian-Lower Oxfordian of Roti Island.). 36B. In Oxfordian development of Indo-Pacific province. indica... G.(S Sepik region Yuat River occurrence of marine Pliensbachian in 'Balimbu Greywacke/ Kana Fm'. Magazine 100. W. Bd.for D.pdf) (Belemnopsis stolleyi n.The belemnite genera Dicoelites Boehm and Prodicoelites Stolley.R. Geol. 6.R. incl. 5. boundary between Tethyan and Indo-Pacific realms varied considerably in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous) Stevens. 441-457. Bull. Boreal and Tethyan realms for Jurassic ammonites. 6 km from W coast of North Yamdena. Middle East. 1-283. Descriptions of Middle Jurassic macrofossils collected by Boehm in 1901. Paleobiogeographie de quelques Stephanocerataceae (Ammonitina) du Jurassique moyen et superieur.Part 2. Neues Jahrbuch Min. p. (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgean faunal assemblages from artesian wells at Broome. W Australia. Neoburmesia. Seram and Yamdena/ Tanimbar. galoi. De Ingenieur in Nederl. showing 'Tethyan' Macrocephalites. p. 3. 91-213. 18. p. (Kedadum Limestone Fm of W Sarawak rich in bivalves (Nuculana. 31-33. Sula Islands. J. 1e kwartaal 1908. Mainly on belemnites collected by Weber) Stolley.1 241 www. 2.B. 18.Over ouderdomsbepalingen op grond van radiolarien van Oost-Celebes. 33- 47. Browse basin. Mijnbouwk. Verslag Mijnwezen. Palaeontogischer Teil. Gamarra (2011). 73. B. Somapecten.5-145. Geol.Upper Jurassic bivalves from the Kedadom formation of Sarawak. J. Hayami 1984)) Tan Sin Hok (1935). E. (1976). Palaontologie von Timor. Geobios 9. & C. HvG) Teichert. Malaysia. mainly Belemnopsis gerardi group (= Tithonian B. (‘On the knowledge of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Misool. (1940).) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Marine Jurassic of East Indian affinities at Broome. re-described as Belemnopsis stolleyi by Stevens. (1908). Jonker and Weber collections from Timor and Roti. University of Tokyo Press.. A. Verhandelingen Geol.Mededeeling over de eerste ontdekking van jurassische gesteenten (leigesteenten met belemnitiden en pentacrinitiden) in Boven-Djambi (Sumatra). Australia. 172-175. Associated microplankton initially identified as 'basal Cretaceous' Pseudoceratium iehiense or overlying Kalyptea wisemaniae Zone) Stolley. Kobayashi et al. 4. (1935).5 Ma) ammonite Blanfordiceras wallichi in core from Upper Swan Fm in well in Browse Basin.Early Cretaceous age determinations of 12 E Sulawesi radiolarian-bearing samples by Hojnos in Von Loczy (1934) is questioned. M.. Lucina. 291-331.Early Cretaceous forms (O'Dogerty 2009). 16. Notable similarities to Jurassic faunas of E Indonesia) Thierry. 103-119. The validity of Late Jurassic. Geol.. 551-554. C.Uber Mesozoische Belemniten-fuhrenden Schichten von Celebes. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Royal Soc. demonstrating presence of marine Late Jurassic between 950’. characterized by pelecypod Buchia (= Malayomaorica. Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian?) belemnites. (1943). 1964) Stolley. B. Grammatodon. with comparisons to belemnites from Misool. une confrontation avec la theorie mobiliste.D.B. 42-69. Palaont. (‘On East Indies Jurassic belemnites’. north-western Australia. Ed. 5. M. Stuttgart. Belemnites from Molengraaff. p. Appendix in Brouwer (1934). Cephalopoda) from Fortissimo-1 wildcat well.1.. Nederl. ('On Mesozoic belemnite-bearing beds from C Sulawesi'. Hojnos' conclusions are probably mostly correct. E. Abh. ('On age determinations based on radiolarians of E Sulawesi'. aucklandica from Yamdena.Stilwell. p. describing material collected in 1929. (First record in Australia of Latest Tithonian (146. HvG) and belemnites of Belemnopsis gerardi group. p. etc. p.vangorselslist. Palaeontology 85. In: T. 29. Kol. but no suggestions for alternative ages are proposed (N. NW shelf. Hon (1977).Zur Kenntnis des Jura und der Unterkreide von Misol. Indie 1935. p. E.Mayaites group distribution) Tobler.Jurassic. 10. p. J. Tan's skepticism derives from his not recognizing the Early Cretaceous age of his radiolarian-rich samples from Roti (Tan 1927).550’.Cretaceous boundary ammonite Blanfordiceras (Mollusca. Western Australia 26.paleontology’. (1929). (eds. Gen. (Paleogeography of Middle-Late Jurassic March 2014 . stolleyi of Challinor 1990). Lehner & S. all species recorded are Late Jurassic.Uber Ostindische Jura-Belemniten. from limestone with chert at Bahoempombini on Gulf of Tolo) Tamura. Schweizerbart. J. B.) show Callovian or Kimmeridgean to Berriasian in age and related to Torinosu fauna on Pacific side of Japan (Kobayashi 1978. Ser. Dixon. Includes reports of Belemnopsis aucklandica from Timor (Ofu) and Roti (re-assigned to Belemnopsis uhligi-jonkeri group by Stevens. IV. Northwest Shelf. 3. 1964. . ('Molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo'.ac. Mollusc breccia of Sungei Perdajun in Kendai area.Some Jurassic radiolarians from Busuanga Island. 65-192. Molluscs collected by Wing Easton and Bosscha. Buffetaut & V. Reports of acid tuffs in Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous limestones. 389-448. 4. in S peninsula of Thailand. Philippines. p. Hisayoshi Igo Commemorative Volume on Geology and Paleontology of Japan and Southeast Asia... Calamian Island Group. (Identification of an ammonite fragment from SW Sumba as M Jurassic Hammatoceras by Roggeveen (1929) is highly questionable. ser. P. etc. Wien. possibly into New Zealand.Die marinen Reiche des Jura und der Unterkreide. Sashida & H. Illustrations of vertical sections of Upper Cretaceous keeled Globotruncana planktonic forams) Volz. (1911).). (1900). (1913). Wetensch. (online at: http://www2. F. and Cretaceous age is more likely.pdf) ('The marine realms of the Jurassic and the Lower Cretaceous'. Wetensch. In: Beitrage zur Geologie von Niederlandisch-Indien. IV. J. 40-76. Common deep-water faunas with Liassic dominated by Phylloceras. West Papua: implications of a ‘forgotten’ 1913 paper. p.sp. Palawan. In: H.Middle Jurassic ammonites from the Cendrawasih Bay coast and North Lengguru fold- belt. Sungai Riong. E. all classified in 'Himalayan Province'.1 242 www. Sashida (eds. F.. H. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. p. Additional Upper Jurassic mollusc material from NW Kalimantan (Sungai Pasi. Ges. Mitt. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.) (Occurrences of Middle Jurassic (Bathonian-Callovian) bathyal shales with 'Macrocephalites' ammonite faunas as reported from 'Birds Neck' by Boehm (1913) and Gerth (1927.J.New Guinea. F. Brill. March 2014 .Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo. p. Geol. Geol.Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo. 1. p. Reprint of Vogel (1896) paper above) Vogel. J. Suteethorn (2002).vangorselslist. Oldest proven rock age on Sumba is thus Cretaceous) Vogel.L Jurassic of China and C Asia) Tumanda-Mateer. 1-27. Common bivalve molluscs (Astarte spp.) and gastropods) Vogler. 127-153. 35-37. etc. Geol. (1941). 4. Subdivision of Jurassic.Ober-Jura und Kreide von Misol (Niederlandisch-Ostindien). (New cryptodiran turtle.T. 1. Reichsmuseums Leiden. from M Jurassic Mab Ching locality. p.Cretaceous into 5 main faunal provinces. 24. Igo (1996). 35-41. Includes review of Indonesian Mesozoic macrofossils known at that time. 5.uibk. Palaeontographica Suppl. p.T. W. 6. Exelissa septemcostata n. Centralblatt Miner. F. whch stretches from Tibet to Indonesia. Reichsmuseums.) Vogel. 3. (‘Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous of Misool’.at/downloads/oegg/GG_004_329_448.('Note on the first discovery of Jurassic rocks (shales with belemnitids and pentacrinids) in Upper Jambi (Sumatra)') Tong. 6.) Prof.or. E. etc.Oberer Jura in West-Sumatra. Noda & K. This suggests an eastern limit for gas-productive Middle Jurassic sandstone reservoirs of Bintuni Bay and thus have significant negative implications for the potential of Mesozoic hydrocarbon plays in Cenderawasih Bay) Van Gorsel. Geol. ser. Uhlig. 5. Corbula borneensis n. Samml. (2012). K. Protocardia..Neue Mollusken aus dem Jura von Borneo..Middle Jurassic turtles from southern Thailand. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Oost-Indie 1899. 753-758. (1896). p. Oost-Indie 25. Corbula.No Jurassic rocks on Sumba? Berita Sedimentologi 25.. p. Samml. (2012).iagi. tenuicostata n. 243-293. (1896). Berita Sedimentologi 23. Magazine 139. ('Molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo'. IV. Dogger with Stephanoceras and Macrocephalites) Van Gorsel. (online at: http://www.687-697. 2) (‘New molluscs from the Jurassic of Borneo’.. Leiden. Occ. p. Ged.sp. Geol. Closely resembles species M. J. Pal. Protocardia crassicostata n.. Late Jurassic Facet Limestone with calcispheres Stomosphaera and Cadosina spp.sp. V. Ged.represent deep marine Middle Jurassic facies. New results of the study on Early Jurassic ammonites from Viet Nam and their stratigraphic implications. Seram.Ammonites from Jurassic basins of Viet Nam and their stratigraphic implications. New York. Cambridge University Press. p. Zeitschrift 22. In: G. 447-526. F.. and Arnioceras cf. In: G. p. Lower Callovian Macrocephalites keeuwensis assemblage. J. Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) ammonites known from Kalimantan.T. Cambridge University Press. Marker species for latest Jurassic (+earliest Cretaceous? (NB: these are not foraminifera. Weber.L. Neues Jahrbuch March 2014 . Neues Jahrb. W Timor) Vu Khuc & E. (1940). Buton. p. (Review of Jurassic ammonite stratigraphic and geographic distributions in Pacific region. 211-214. p. Band 75B.) Beitrage zur Palaeontologie des Ostindischen Archipels 13.. etc. 20km SE of river mouth). 38-41. Jurassic Stratigraphy Newsl.H. ('Liassic ammonites from Yamdena and Sulawesi'. Vu Khuc. Callomon (1992). Ost Celebes. Ed.Liasammoniten von Jamdena und Celebes. Geol.pdf) Asteroceras sparsicostatum n. Geol..E. Westermann. lower Dogger Hammoceraten beds. Meister & D. Int. (‘Rock-building foraminifera from the Malm and Lower Cretaceous in the eastern East Indies Archipelago’.E.) The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. Description of Mollusca. B. 11-12. Jaworski (1931). Fauna and lithology very similar to 'grey cephalopod nodule marl' of Roti and Timor. Seran und Jamdena. Min. Satoceras and Praetulites. Oxfordian Aucella malayomaorica marls (also in E Sulawesi). Beil. p. HvG)) Wanner. with mayaitids also in New Zealand) Von Huene. Subcomm..Ammonite zones of the Circum- Pacific region. & E.Ichthyosaurier von Seran und Timor. C. Beilage Band 66. Collected by BPM geologist Weber: vertebrae of Eurypterygius from E Jurassic? of Bula. (1936). (‘Contributions to the knowledge of Jurassic molluscs from Misool. Seram and Yamdena’. and material from Triassic? of Basleo. Geol. Cariou (1998). 75-99. ) Foraminiferen aus dem Malm und Unterkreide des ostlichen Ostindischen Archipels. Palaeont.. Buton.vangorselslist. are first records of Early Jurassic ammonites from E Sulawesi (Arnioceras cf. Misool. 342-359. Misool and Timor and Roti. U Jurassic (Oxfordian Mayaites) also rich on Sula Islands. (Jurassic ammonite zonations of Circum Pacific region.New Guinea sub-provice of Indo-Pacific Province in Bajocian. mainly collected by F. Westermann (ed. nebst Bemerkungen uber Orbulinaria Rhumbler und andere verwandte Foraminiferen. 5. characterized by endemic Irianites.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Jurassischen Molluskenfauna von Misol.E.E. 107-120. J.) The Jurassic of the Circum-Pacific. Misool faunas include upper Liassic Harpoceraten beds. M Jurassic ammonites mainly on Sula Islands and New Guinea (Bajocian-Bathonian Sulaites. Kimmeridgean ammonites virtually unknown) Von Hillebrandt. collected by BPM geologist Weber. Buton and E Sulawesi.1 243 www. p. Detterman (1992). Sulawesi ammonites from poorly known central part of East arm. Westermann & J. Palaeont. Roti. p.sp. 2. p. (online at: http://jurassic.Ammonites of the Circum- Pacific region. arnouldi.G. P. (1931). Callomon & R. seilaeve from dark grey sandy limestone as float in upper Balingara River.. Wanner (ed. Geology. J. Journ. Hanoi.H. described by Krumbeck (1922)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Bathonian. A. A. Pal. Sula Islands. In: J.G. East Sulawesi. ('Ichthyosaurus fossils from Seram and Timor'. Stromotoparoid Myriopora verbeeki from limestones in Padang Highlands SE of Merapi volcano look identical to forms from U Jurassic in Japan) Von Hillebrandt.G. First description of Upper Jurassic calcispheres Stomiosphaera moluccana and Cadosina fusca from Timor. Beilage Band 66. Westermann (ed. 32. NE Seram. Palaont. G. In Oxfordian more extended Indo-SE Pacific realm. Huyen (2005). G.(‘Upper Jurassic in West Sumatra’. Sula. Neues Jahrbuch Miner. Smith.ox. 247-272. B. 199-210.G. Yamdena ammonites from Tasik Selwasa and Botenjahu mud volcano deposits include Echioceras wichmanni. p. A. Hantkeniana 1.A. Geophysics 45. Lytoceras. (1988)-Middle Jurassic ammonite biogeography supports ambi-Tethyan origin of Hudson & J Grant-Mackie (2002). Most species related to European Tethys faunas) Welsh. Geol. G.E. In: G. Academic Press. 4. Palaeontographica A. Westermann. Terebratula). Spririferina spp.vangorselslist. No obvious similarities with New Guinea faunas) Westermann. Paleont. PNG. First PNG Petroleum Convention. NE of Paniai Lakes. & H.). while Tethyan Himalaya belonged to Indian Shield. & J. London. Dactylioceras.. Geophysics 43.Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) Ammonitina of New Zealand. Westermann. (online at: http://www. etc.2000. Soc.R. 499-525. G. overlying (Triassic?) massive oolitic limestone. 369-380. Phylloceras. In: M. cephalopods (Oxynoticeras. New Zealand J. Also from Bathonian at Strickland River. Geol. many of which are species unknown outside Indonesia. presumably from Kembelangan Fm ‘A-member’ phyllites and re-examination of Bajocian. p. 57. Central Range. Eclogae Geol. (online at: http://www. Callomon (1988). previously unknown fauna of Ammonitina from Bajocian of SW Auckland.Callovian ammonites from loose stream bed material in Kemabu valley.G. Ed.G.H.R.New Middle Jurassic Ammonitina from New Guinea.E. New Zealand J. & T.E.E. (Five Bathonian. Most ammonite species endemic to E Indonesia) Westermann. 1. House & J. G. East Indian faunas dominated by Macrocephalitidae. E Indonesia and PNG may be considered as separate ammonite faunal province or March 2014 . Audley-Charles & A. Hallam (eds. 33-57. J. bivalves and gastropods (Pleurotomaria. Budapest. 231-308. 1-90. (Bajocian. In Nief Gorge very thin (60 cm) glauconitic limestone with Middle Liassic diverse brachiopods (Rhynchonella spp. p. p. G. p.New Jurassic Ammonitina from New Zealand: Bathonian-Callovian Eurycephalitinae.G. G. A modified version of Helby et al.Ammonite biochronology and biogeography of the circum-Pacific Middle Jurassic.) Gondwana and Tethy. (1990).G. p. Ammonitina from the Central Ranges of Irian Jaya and the origin of stephanoceratids. Diversity and compositions of ammonite faunas suggest Sula was in warmer waters than Birds Head Peninsula) Westermann. Hudson & J Grant-Mackie (2000).1080/00288306.E.1 244 www. Bull. New Zealand) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . In: Barnabas Geczy Jubilee Volume.) Petroleum exploration in Papua New Guinea. 203.tandfonline. Spec. G. p.tandfonline. G. Amer.37. Helvetiae 44.Early Callovian ammonite assemblages on S Taliabu. then at N margin of Gondwana) Westermann.G.9514988) (Low diversity M Jurassic ammonoid fauna from SW Auckland province.Wanner. (1980).E.) The Ammonoidea. Senior (eds. 235- 239. Carman (eds. London. perhaps part of Maorian/SW Pacific Province during Late Bajocian. N. N.E.). Because of high endemicity at species level in Macrocephalitinae and at genus level in Satoceras and Irianites. (BP Jurassic-Cretaceous palynology zonation of PNG LateJurassic.9514869) (Relatively rich. Qamdo and Lhasa terranes were in proximity to Eurasia. 459-498. (M and L Jurassic ammonites from Tibet indicates that Bajocian and younger ammonites of Tethyan Himalaya are closely affiliated to N and W Australasia (Indo-West Pacific province). 105-118. Getty (1970).G.C.2002. In: M. Port Moresby. 1-18.G.Der Lias der Niefschlucht in Ost-Seran (Molukken). North Island. (1995). Species from Lhasa block of S Tibet and Qamdo block of N Tibet appear to be typically W Eurasian.Callovian ammonites from other parts Indonesian archipelago. & Z. Publ. Knipscheer (1951).E Callovian. .. 5. With PNG chronostratigraphic diagram) Westermann. p.The Macrocephalitinae and associated Bathonian and early Callovian (Jurassic) ammonoids of the Sula islands and New Guinea... Geol. ('The Liassic of the Nief Gorge in East Seram'. etc.Applied Mesozoic biostratigraphy in the Western Papuan Basin. 1987 and Davey 1987 zonations.J.New Guinea (one other SW Pacific occurrence in New Zealand).mid-Cretaceous section. p. (Loftusia bemmeleni Silvestri from Saling Lst. (1946). No new evidence for Bathonian or higher Callovian. Jambi Province. (N.G. described by Silvestri (1925) from Sungi Saling series older than mid-Cretaceous Lingsing series quartz sst. H. p. H. T. Alif (1977).A. etc.E.I. Korinci. J. Newsl. Overlying thick marly claystones with E Callovian "Keeuw fauna" and "Wai Galo fauna" with E-M Oxfordian ammonite assemblages. Bull. T.1 245 www. 'Corals' described from here as Lovcenipora vinassai are same as Late Jurassic hydrozoan Cladocoropsis miriabilis from Japan) Yabe. Perisphinctes (Grossouvreia) propinquus Uhlig= Choffatia (Grossouvria) propinqua). HvG) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Geol. Japan. 6. Geology. Fontanesia kiliani (Kruizinga).E. 9-13. Indarung Fm used to determine ~200km of offset along Sumatra fault zone. (online at: http://ir.jstage. 5.go. HvG )(NB: Lovcenipora believed to signify Late Triassic age by several authors. Thick Kimmeridgian-Middle Tithonian argillaceous sequence entirely in belemnite-bivalve facies. basal M Wang (1988). (part of Woyla Terranes. (1946). more likely Pseudocyclammina.G.E.tohoku. 8. Sumatra. p.. p. & S. 200-203. Palembang.G. 259-264. 107-110. Sumatra. 5. S Sumatra. 96-101. Palaeontology 31. (online at: www. Palembang. Borneo and frequently erroneously assigned to (Triassic) genus Lovcenipora) Yancey.Middle Jurassic ammonites of Tibet and the age of the lower Spiti Shales. Proc. 2001. Japan Academy 22.B. (U Skwarko (1978).a new genus of arenaceous foraminifera. Also known from Sumatra.On some fossils from the Saling Limestone of the Goemai Mts. G. H. (1943 examination in Bandung of thin sections of Saling Lst (in supposedly Cretaceous-age volcanic Saling Series of Gumai Mts) show common so-called Lovcenipora timorica clavata March 2014 . 2nd series.Choffatella Schlumberger and Pseudocyclammina. & S.Brief report on the Jurassic biostratigraphy of the Sula Islands. Proc. Toyama (1927). Sumatra) Yabe.K. Upper Tithonian claystones again rich ammonite fauna) Westermann. Soc.palass-pubs. H. Geol. U Toarcian sst overlain by thick Bajocian micaceous marly shales. Ed. No evidence for Aalenian. 61-74. part of 'Woyla Group Jurassic-E Cretaceous arc terrane. (Classic ammonite localities on Taliabu and Mangole reexamined. which species is very similar to Choffatella cyclamminoides n. p. West Sumatra. Ferruginous ooilite interpreted as E-M Callovian. also in Gumai Mts. Sato & S.library. Hanzawa (1926).pdf) (M Jurassic ammonites from Lower Spiti Shales (Belemnopis gerardi Beds) of 'Tethyan Himalayas of Late Oxfordian-Kimmeridgean age? With Macrocephalites waageni Uhlig = Grayiceras? waageni. Science Reports Tohoku Imperial University. shale and Orbitolina limestone (but relative age of formations reverse of that suggested by Musper?. G. p. Late Callovian. Malaysia 8. but here possibly Late Jurassic Cladocoropsis. Also stromatoporoid Myriophorella. which is same as Cladocoropsis mirabilis from U Jurassic Torinosu Lst of SW Japan. Carbonates with coral-like Lovcenipora near base and bedded cherts (Ngalan Mb) near top. & T. Japan Academy 22. by McCarthy et al.jst. 295-339.II.pdf) (New genus name Pseudocyclammina for Late Jurassic foram 'Cyclammina' lituus from Torinosu Lst of Japan. Indonesia..Upper Mesozoic strata near Padang. 2.On some fossils from the Saling Limestone of the Goemai Mts. HvG)) Yabe.. (online at: http://www.Cladocoropsis mirabilis Felix from the Torinosu Limestone of Japan. 9.: cherts subsequently dated as Aalenian. & Y. (On (Late) Jurassic Tethyan reefal sponge or branching stromatoporoid Cladocoropsis in Pacific accreted terrane of Japan. p.Westermann. Geogr. few km E of Padang.Lw Cretaceous Indarung Fm limestones and clastics exposed near Indarung.Oxfordian mainly hiatus) Yabe. sp. Stratigraphy 7. Matsuoka (2000). with Tithonian Virgatosphinctes- Aulacosphinctoides and Uhligites-Aulacosphinctes. with shallow marine faunas dominated by bivalves (incl.Oxfordian (Jurassic) mayaitid (ammonite) dispersal in the Tibetan Himalaya as the first signal of the establishment of the Indo-Austral subrealm. 2. J. (online at: http://www. Yin.lower Kimmeridgean brachiopods) Yeh. etc. H. p. (online at: http://dspace.R. Pseudocyclammina lituus. Parvamussium donaiense) and ammonoids. Niigata University.Tithonian ammonoid biostratigraphy in eastern Himalayan Meesook (2008). Charoentitirat & A. Similar to C and SW Japan. 1-65. J. Guexella nudata. North Palawan Block (Philippines). C. & J.R. & Y. K. Tibetan Himalaya. University of Tokyo Press. of Late Callovian or E Oxfordian age (see also Marquez et al. 56 species. M Permian limestone with fusulinids Verbeekina verbeeki and Neoschwagerina spp. Mus. with multicyrtid nassellarians (Praeparvicingula. Nat. 361-380. Geobios 37. Science Reports.) Proc. Japan.New Guinea and SW Pacific ammonoid faunas.Y. Progress in Natural Science 13. 35-47. Thanasuthipitak (ed.Jurassic radiolarians from the Northwest Coast of Busuanga Island.287. characterized by endemic epimayaitids. (Bau Limestone of SW Sarawak contains Oxfordian.Lw Berriasian in E Himalayas of Tibet.E Cretaceous clastics and various-age limestones. and U Jurassic limestone with Cladocoropsis miriabilis. U Tithonian dominated by Blanfordiceras wallichi. Int. Malaysia. Busuanga Island. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Cheng (1998). Distribution of mayaitids around E Gondwana can be regarded as first signal establishment of Indo-Austral Subrealm in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) Yin. Soc. p. Elodium). Camptonectes sp.The Upper Jurassic and Middle Cretaceous Terebratulidae from the Bau Limestone formation in West Sarawak. (1993). Ed.geo. March 2014 .Malampaya Sound Group: a Jurassic-Early Cretaceous accretionary complex in Busuanga Island.lib. Geol. trace fossils and plant remains. 19.N. J. also rhynchonellid brachiopods. Dicolocapsa conoformis. 15. Bangkok. Also presence of Kimmeridgean Sulaites Belemnopsis galoi) Zamoras. 667-686. etc.. Philippines. Philippines.. 91-109. Strong affinities with E Indonesia. Age Toarcian-Aalenian) Yanagida.pdf) (Busuanga Island accretionary complex. Incl. narrows age down to lower part of zone. Bull. Chiang Mai. 107. T. M Jurassic. HvG)) Zamoras. E (Geology). Enay (2004).Faunal aspects of marine Jurassic rocks in the Ban Mae Kut Luang Area. p. p.niigata-u. composed of M Permian- Jurassic radiolarian chert. Lau (1978).Radiolarians from the Lower Jurassic of the Busuanga Island. Assemblages dominated by smaller nassellarians. Mae Sot suum. Thailand. 5. K. Philippines. 2. (At least 60 species of radiolarians in siliceous mudstone of Tulbuan Plain. Grammatodon sp. Symposium on Biostratigraphy of Mainland Asia: facies and palaeontology.Early Late Jurassic radiolarians from the clastic unit in Busuanga Island. Int. Tak Province.. 2006. North Palawan. Cheng (1996). J. (Marine Jurassic of NE Thailand ~600m of clastics and oolitic limestone. L. 177-180. (M Jurassic (Aalenian) radiolarians from Liminangcong red ribbon chert in Palawan olistostrome (part of Late Permian-Late Jurassic ocean plate stratigraphy at edge of N Palawan block). p. & A. (2003). & R. 316-336. collectively called Malampaya Sound Gp. with minor melange bodies. L. 93-124. Associated occurrence of Stylocapsa tecta. Bositra ornati. 5.The discovery and significance of the Late Jurassic sporopollen assemblage in Peninsular Thailand.Y. p. (Mid-Oxfordian ammonite fauna in Lanongla area.Yamee. North Palawan Block. & Y. Symposia on Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008).N. Micropaleontology 42. 11. (Rich ammonoid faunas in Tithonian.1 246 www. Presence of common Praeparvicingula and abundant pantanellids indicates N Tethyan or S Tethyan assemblage (~22-30°N or S) Yeh. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .vangorselslist. Abundance of Stylocapsa(?) spiralis indicates zone JR6 of Matsuoka (1995).chula. In: Proc. 282. & A. p. Matsuoka (2001). 4. Salpingoporella) Zuoqi. In T. Nat. L. jp/publish_db/Bulletin/no30/no30000. Micropalaeont. Arch. Minerals and Energy Research Inst. R. (Revised regional palynological zonal scheme for Late Triassic. Helby. Sci.Palynological zonation and correlation of the latest Triassic. gen. Western Australia. H. Mem.pdf) (Late Triassic rhynchonellid brachiopod Halorella common in Europe.L. S. 297-313. Altiner. Bando. Norian- Rhaetian small benthic foram Triasina in Tethys from Europe to E Indonesia) Al-Shaibani. p. The University of Tokyo Museum Bull. With formal subzones for N Carnavon Basin. D. & D.. P. Report 226. D. Trocholina. Northern Carnarvon Basin. Coll. (Foraminifera from U Triassic Asinepe Fm tropical-reefal carbonates of Seram show Norian..Distribution of Mesozoic brachiopods on the northern and southern shores of Tethys. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Soc. 179-201. (1987). Petrol. 2. Sci. Aulatortus spp.Lower and Middle Triassic ammonites from Portuguese Timor (Palaeontological Study of Portuguese Timor 4).ac. Halorella nimassica described from Timor by Krumbeck (1921-1924) not true Halorella. Sun (1988). (online at: http://www. 83-111.) Al-Shaibani.1 247 www. 1-27. stratigraphy. p. Indonesie: precisions stratigraphiques et paleocologie. D.. Halorella spp.Rhaetian age. p. 137-142. Carter & L. Bronnimann.V. J. 1-168. and high-resolution correlation for wells on Rankin Trend) Backhouse.6. No location maps. Perth. N.Geological and micropaleontological investigations in Upper Triassic (Asinepe Limestones) of Seram.. Sci.Late Triassic palynology of the Northern Carnarvon Basin.Microfaunes associees aux Involudinidae et aux Milioporidae dans le Trias superieur (Rhetien) de Seram. including Duostomina. B 34. Differs from coeval fauna from same area (Heath & Apthorpe. 54-70.vangorselslist.A. M. p. Balme. in the Upper Triassic of the Tethys (Europe and Asia)'. p. etc. p. Gsollbergella. but assigned to Timorhynchia n. Outer Banda Arc. p. with Triasina hantkeni.G. Kobayashi (1968). 301-316. ('Triasina hantkeni Majzon 1954 (foraminifer). Palaeontologia Cathyana. Geneve 37. Zaninetti (1984).) The sedimentary basins of Western Australia 3. Indonesia.V. p. India 5-9. Morgan (2002). previously recorded from S China and Alps. Marshall & R. (Late Triassic brachiopod Misolia widely distributed in S Tethys.E. Science.. Arch. 4. of Kyoto.Triasina hantkeni Majzon. J. and (2) near-reefal facies dominated by porcellaneous 23-51. but here placed in Halorelloidea) Ager.The supposedly ubiquitous Tethyan brachiopod Halorella.Early to lowermost Middle Triassic Foraminifera from the Locker Shale of Hampton-1 well. Carter & L. 1.u-tokyo. & B. 22. Ed. March 2014 . J. p.. Soc. Carter & L. Triassic Ager.J. Y. (Upper Triassic microfaunas from Asinepe Fm reefal and lagoonal platform limestone. & K. Western Australia. recorded from Middle East to E Indonesia) Al-Shaibani. Keep & S. Moss (eds. 30. D. Australia Symposium.J. Proc. B.Paleobiological study of the Late Triassic bivalve Monotis from Japan.J. dans le Trias superieur de la Tethys (Europe et Asie). New fauna contains some ‘Tethyan’ genera. Expl.X. Endothyra and Endothyranella) Backhouse.html) Apthorpe. off W Australia. Ser. p.E. Paleontol. S. Zaninetti (1982). 1986). S. etc.J. Two distinct foram facies associations: (1) muddy lagoonal facies dominated by Involutinidae. Geneve. Zaninetti (1983).um. Krikoumbilica. (Marine smaller foraminifera from 350 m shale section from upper Lower Triassic to lowermost M Triassic (Spathian-Lower Anisian). (1968). Balme (2002). (online at: http://palaeontologicalsociety. 5. D. 35. 1954 (Foraminifere). D. J. described from Seram by Wanner (1907) look more like true Halorella. Seram with Rhaetian index foram Triasina hantkeni. (2003). In: M. Geneve 36. Many similarities with U Triassic Tethyan faunas in Europe and Asia) Ando. Arch. Publ. Probably same faunas determined as Late Triassic by Jaworski 1925) Boehm. (1881). Beil. 127-137. suggesting rel. Brachiopods from dark. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Upper Triassic cephalopods from Eastern Timor (Paleontological Study of Eastern Timor 6)-. N Sumatra with branching corals. Centralblatt Miner.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments.) Boehm. Trias Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata. Bangkok. Lake Toba area. 5. Kobayashi (1981). Ed. but proved to be of Late Triassic age (fauna re-described by Krumbeck 1914). G. F. p. p. (W Buru) and Bara Bay (NW coast Buru). II. III. p. Stuttgart. 6. with many descriptions of new species subsequently reported from Timor. 16. Geol. Bernet-Rolande & A. impure limestone in sandstone series in Batu Gantung River are all new species. 2.Triassic. & K. (incl. Area previously interpreted as thrusted. possibly Triassic. Burrett & March 2014 . 119-156. (Verbeek Ambon report). 31. Buru U Triassic limestones in bivalve-cephalopod facies.vangorselslist..Bando. probably of Early Paleozoic age. Y. M. p. G. (1929). Palaont.The Mesozoic larger benthic foraminifera: the Triassic. Miocidaris timorensis n. p. Neues Jahrb. nebst kleineren Beiträgen zur Palaontologie einiger anderen Inseln des ostindischen Archipels. II. Kagawa Univ.Himalayan fosssils. (‘Pre-Jurassic brachiopods from Ambon’. but probably simple Triassic stratigraphic succession. Mollusks collected by Verbeek from Bukit Kandung and Lurah Tambang in beds he held for Lower Eocene. Reprint of 1880 Paleontographica paper. 30: similar to Late Triassic of Seram)) Boehm.A.Vorjurassische Brachiopoden von Ambon. In: H. Athyris. 1-76. ('The mollusks of the Lower Eocene beds of West Sumatra'. Daonella. CCOP Techn.Triassic echinoderms of Timor. 57-142.K. Vol. Spirigera. Indie 1905. different from those from Misool (mainly brachiopod-coral facies)) Boettger. low paleotemperatures <100°C) Bittner. O. 214-272. contains Upper Smithian (E Triassic). 293-303.. previously assigned to Permian Maubisse Fm. Geol. Fac. In: Geologische Mitteilungen aus dem Indo- Austratrischen Archipel VI. Palaont. 19. Miner.1 248 www. p. p. Geol. 21. L. Fontaine & S. Pholadomya verbeeki.Microfacies analysis of the Triassic limestone of Sibaganding. (1908). Abh. Wanner (ed. Halobia.F. containing Daonella indica and ammonites. (Conodonts from red ammonoid-bearing limestone 6 km W of Manatuto. Wetensch. Megalodon).Zur neuen obertriadischen Fauna aus den Molukken. 161-163. Maurin (1989). p. (Classic work on Triassic brachiopods (Rhynchonella. see also Vachard 1989) Berry.F. Part 2. Bather. Elsevier. G. Pinna blanfordi. C.) Beauvais.Uber Brachiopoden aus einem alteren Kalkstein der Insel Ambon. Spririferina) and bivalves (Pseudomonotis.. N of Prapat. (2008).) Palaontologie von Timor. In: Evolution and geological significance of larger benthic foraminifera. (1910). Highly folded Upper Triassic asphalt beds near Fogi. R. 88-93. Dielasma from Batu Gantung valley near town of Ambon. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.A. 49-91. etc. 2. with inverted ages (Permian on Triassic). Mem. Rhynchopora. Mem. 30. (1905). 1910. 2. With bivalves Hemicardium myophoria. Banks (1984).) BouDagher-Fadel. Age uncertain. p. In: J. Trigonia dubia. Pecten verbeeki. p. Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy.sp. Gafoer (eds. M. (Deninger 1918.New Triassic faunas from East Timor and their tectonic significance. p. New species of Spiriferina. Schweizerbart. Conodonts well-preserved with CAI of 1. Palaeontologia Indica 15. Band 25. (‘On the new Upper Triassic fauna from the Moluccas’. Educ. probably Late Paleozoic.. mica-bearing. Tethyan conodonts. Lucina. ('On brachiopods from an older limestone of Ambon Island'. Geologica et Palaeontologica 18. calcisponges (Cladocoropsis?) and stromatolites in carbonate mud matrix. Die Conchylien der Untereocanschichten von Westsumatra (Etage I).C. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 10 (1881). Survey India. Chapter 3. etc. A. (Massive Triassic reefal limestones at Sibaganding. Ged. Cardita globiformis. (1899). 195-204. tamu. (1983). 122. Von Rad. 1-179. 764 on Wombat Plateau during ODP Leg 122. Polonica 28.Smithian and Spathian (Early Triassic) ammonoid assemblages from terranes: paleoceanographic and paleogeographic implications. In: U. Rhaetian age by Ashmoripollis reducta palynozone.) Proc. (Upper Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) calcareous nannofossils from Sites 759.. J. calcareous nannofossil. Wombat Plateau. Australian spore-pollen zones recognized: Carnian Samaropollenites speciosus. Australia). Rutiodon) at Chulabhorn Dam suggest NE Thailand already biogeographically part of Laurasia in Late Triassic) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Australia NW Shelf.Correlation of Carnian to Rhaetian palynological. Dumont. p. 5. 761 and 764). T. (Cluster analysis of E Triassic ammonoid faunas. (1992). as S Tethyan cluster) Brenner. Rhaetogonyaulax rhaetica dinozone and forams Triasina hantkeni and Involutina liassica. P. Wombat plateau. foraminiferal. Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems.G.) March 2014 .R. Northern Shan States. Nannofossil Prinsiospharea triassica occurs through (Late?) Norian. (eds. 761. Assemblages dominated by Prinsiosphaera triassica Jafar. Ocean Drilling Program. Haq et al.. 760. T.pan.W. Brayard.Significance of Upper Triassic nannofossils from the Southern Hemisphere (ODP Leg 122. Res. 1-2. Nothwestern Australia. W. Bralower. Phu Kradung Fm (?Liassic) yielded jaw of mesosuchian crocodile. F. Res.pdf) (Correlation of Upper Triassic sediments at four Wombat Plateau sites of ODP Sites 759.pdf) (Late Triassic (?Norian ) fauna from basal Khorat Group at Chulabhorn Dam includes fishes. E. Riv. Escarguel. Scient. Laurasian affinities. Depeche. similar to those from Alps) Brayard. 420- 433. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). Asian Earth Sci. p. (eds.G. Wombat Plateau. (online at: http://www-odp. balmei dinozones and foram Triasina oberhauseri.Upper Triassic nannoplankton biostratigraphy. College Station. S. and ostracode biostratigraphy. Geobios 15.First results of Late Triassic palynology of the Wombat Plateau. Norian Minutosaccus crenulatus and Rhaetian Ashmoripollis reducta zones) Brenner. & R.E. Results 122.pdf) (Late Triassic palynostratigraphic framework of Leg 122 sites. Von Rad. W. 43-53.. Paleontol. Whittaker & L.U. & H. Marine Micropal. Dinosaur remains (sauropods and theropods) in various places in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. 122. H. 7-15.J.Smithian (Early Triassic) ammonoid faunas from northwestern Guangxi (South China): taxonomy and biochronology.tamu. 1-30. Ingavat (1982). stegocephalian and phytosaurs.) Proc. p. 1. N. Bucher (2008). 17. etc.vangorselslist. Scient. E. A. T. Siesser (1992). Bown. Northwest Australia.J. (Late Triassic vertebrate fragments of phytosaurs (related to Belodon. P. Bucher & T.Rhaetian) 36. A. Carnian characterized by Samaropollenites speciosus pollen zone.Norian clastics overlain by Rhaetian section dominated by carbonates. Bown & W. Jadwisin 1981. 760. p. Buffetaut. (online at: p. Fossils and Strata 55. J. Zaninetti (1975). Zaninetti (1992). p.Triassic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Kyaukme- Longtawkno area. Ed. Wombat Plateau. Crasquin-Soleau. Bruhwiler (2009). p. B. suggesting collision of SE Asian blocks with mainland Asia Late Triassic or earlier) Buffetaut. 119-154. Siesser & p. R. P. Late Carnian.(General review of Triassic foraminifera) Bralower. Suessia listeri and H. Martini. In: U. (eds. P. von Rad et al. Similar to those from Alps) Bralower. Ital. (online at: http://www-odp.Phytosaur remains (Reptilia. B. In: 2nd Symp. 413-426.U.1 249 www.G. Thecodontia) from the Upper Triassic of North- Eastern Thailand.. G. 81. Acta Palaeont.Mesozoic vertebrates from Thailand: a review. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP).R. (Upper Triassic calcareous nannofossils from Wombat Plateau. T. W.J. Haq et al. 487-496. 437-451. Siesser (1991) In U. Timor grouped with Afghanistan. Sci. p. Burma. Bown & W. Norian by Minutosaccus crenulatus palynozone. Martini. p.dmr. referred to Onslow microflora of S Cretaceous Sambosan accretionary complex in SW Japan with U Triassic reefal limestones typical of seamount atoll in Panthalassan Ocean. cf. Martini. Kobayashi. Micropaleontology 57. N. cf. New Caledonia.. misolica or M. Elsevier. AGSO J. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 182.New Upper Triassic foraminifers of Sambosan accretionary complex (Japan). Thailand 7. F. Changwat Petchabun. R. 93-124. Geoph. Carter.A. 133-142.vangorselslist.Global distribution of Rhaetian radiolarian faunas and their contribution to the definition of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. pinajae). J. R. In: (Review of stratigraphy/ fauna of marine Triassic outcrops of E Indonesia. G. widely recorded in Carnian of Europe and less frequently recovered in Carnian of W and E Australia. northern Thailand.F. Formation previously assigned to Cretaceous based on plant fossils. Australian Geol. Wongwanich & C. Timor-Roti and SE Sulawesi-Buton (late Norian Monotis subcircularis in Winto beds). Ed. With paleobiogeographic distribution analysis between Neo-Tethys and Panthalassa: six faunal provinces defined on foram assemblages) Chablais. Soc.W Timor as described by Rose (1994). In W Timor several taxa. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 135-136. H. J.) The global Triassic.1 250 www. Suggests Onslow microflora assemblages. Trigonirchynchella sp. 19-24. SW Japan. E. 15. R. Chonglakmani (1995) March 2014 . Geol.)) Campbell.pdf) (Includes comparison with Rhaetian radiolarian faunas from Meto River.pdf) (Late Triassic brachiopods from mudstone dredged below Rowley Terrace.go. (60 species of foraminifera in U Triassic atoll-type carbonates of Sambosan Accretionary Complex. (1994). S.Rhaetian Fogi Beds with Misolia). (online at: http://paleo. northwest Australia. Ingavat & M. 5. 2. Palynological assemblages from Carnian of W Tethyan margin (Mediterranean) compared with W Timor floras from U Triassic pelagic deposits.Triassic and Permian conodonts from the Lampang and Ngao Groups. p. T. (2007). No maps. Geological Congress. Abstracts 33rd Int.The marine Triassic of Australasian and its interregional correlation. Grant-Mackie (2000). Onoue (2011). Zugmayerella sp. 235-255. with minor variations. & S. (Two U Triassic palynoflora provinces: Onslow and Ipswich. Including brief summaries of PNG (Yuat River gorge argillites with Anisian ammonites). Misool. Martin (1984). strat columns) Carey.S.J. mainly conifer miospores. & J. S. Seram.cortland.M. a tool for sedimentological and paleobiogeographic understanding of the Panthalassan Ocean. p. present from W Tethys to N Australian margin (W Timor)) p.Upper Triassic foraminifers from Panthalassan carbonate buildups of Southwestern Japan and their paleobiogeographic implications. Rigaud. C Thailand with (Late) Triassic vertebrate remains: Semionotus actinopterigian fish scales and phytosaur reptile tooth. (eds. E. Australia and New Zealand.. Yin et al. Developments in palaeontology and stratigraphy 18.. Oslo (Abstract only) (Late Jurassic. 2. Buru (Norian. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bull. C.P. NW Australia: Misolia sp. Onoue & H. Samankassou. Geobios 40. Cirilli (2007).) Permian-Triassic evolution of Tethys and Western Circum-Pacific. p. 27-31. p.Late Triassic brachiopods from a dredge haul on the slope below Rowley Terrace. Spielmann (eds.Microfloristic provincialism in the Upper Triassic Circum-Mediterranean area and palaeogeographic implication. P. (similar to M. Four foram associations: (1) lagoonal: common Aulotortidae. 1. E.Fossil vertebrates and the Late Triassic age of the Lom Sak Formation of Central Thailand.G. (online at: http://library. Stampfli & T. Lucas & J. Burrett. but probably underlies Jurassic redbeds of Khorat Fm) Buratti.A. 41. In: S. T. Assemblages not ypically Tethyan but mix of cosmopolitan taxa and species with stronger affinities to Japan and Philippines) Chablais.. J. 497-513.pdf) (Lom Sak Fm near Lom Sak. (online at: http://www. J. Sano (2008). Palaeoclim. Villeneuve. warm. which forms oil reservoir in the‘Jurassic Limestone hydrocarbon play’ of Oseil oilfield in NE Seram. Non-skeletalgrains mainly peloids. 'Ipswich' (rel. 36. M.J. Soc. Chiang Mai 1993. Hist. 213-221. (Late Triassic. Berita Sedimentologi 31.R. B. L. Vachard. Sambosan AC seamounts moved >15. R. Hoyenella. suggesting paleoposition at low-middle latitude in S Hemisphere. but subsequent studies on ammonites (Sato 1963) and bivalves(Tamura 1973) suggest M Triassic age) Dagys. ammonoids relatively rare) Cirilli. D. Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology. McGowan. 10. Widespread outcrops of ~150m of white latest Triassic reefal carbonates S and SW of Kolonodale (below E Sulawesi ophiolite terrane?). 57-69. 1. 97-123. p. Auloconus. L. Ophthalmidium and Cucurbita. p.Skeletal grains include molluscs. Cook. Sarmili (1994). S. 79-87. II. Pahang. exposed in fold-and-thrust belt and melange complex. 5. van Gorsel (2014)-The Manusela Limestone in Seram: Late Triassic age for a ‘Jurassic’ petroleum play.and microfaunas and microfloras) Chonglakmani. London. 'A carbonate platform of Rhaetian age in Central-East Sulawesi (Kolonodale region)'. T. Indonesie).com March 2014 . (4) Shoal facies rich in ooids and near-monospecific Pilammina sulawesiana association (as known from Sulawesi). Mag. Samodra & L.and fore-reef: mainly Duostomina and Variostoma. A.. Geol. cool. Paris 318.. Asian Earth Sci.S. with a fourth. Vrielynck.sp. J.lowermost Jurassic palynology and palynostratigraphy: a review. mainly based on bivalve molluscs. p. Twelve faunal zones. also Grammotodon malayensis. Palaeoecology 100.R. (Overview of Triassic successions of Timor.. southern Tethys margin) vs. Three formal lithostratigraphic units defined previously (Niof. & J. Limestones can be correlated with U Triassic limestones of Tokala Mts of Sulawesi East Arm) Cox. Chiang Mai University. Nat.Geographic differentiation of Triassic brachiopods.Upper Triassic.echinoderms and benthic foraminifera (Aulotortus spp. Barber. coral clusters. Gunawan. Comptes Rendus Acad. Aitutu and Babulu Fms). Age interpreted to be pre-Rhaetian Triassic.or. J. Int. (1993).iagi. with some ooids and intraclasts. mainly Myophoria spp. S. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . H. 341-363. ser. R. Foraminifera Tethyan tropical affinity. C. 809-814. Bird (2009).R. (Relatively complete marine Triassic section in Thailand >3000m thick. Roniewicz. primarily Jurassic in age but extending down into Triassic. Triassic extension not associated with major volcanism. Carnian-Norian age matches Tethyan carbonate platform/ reefs in Alps and Asinepe Limestone in algae (including dasycladaceans). & J. p.. Barkham & P. Wai Luli Fm. Grant-Mackie (1993). Zaninetti... Distance in accordance with velocity and direction of plates related to Neo-Tethyan ridge opening) Charlton. Special Publ. Ser. W..A. Limestones range from boundstone to grainstone. (2) Back. T.Une plate-forme carbonatee d’age rhetien au centre-est de Sulawesi (region de Kolonodale. Federated Malay States. E. A. (online at: www. S. Symp. (1936). A.J. N of Raub gold mine. (2010). 334.000 km to be accreted against Asian blocks.T. chronostratigraphy and palaeogeography. Sci.. (Fossils from marly shale at Sungei Taba.Nodosariidae and (No biostratigraphic evidence to support a Jurassic age for Manusela Limestone.On a fossiliferous Upper Triassic shale from Pahang. 17. Palaeogeogr.1 251 www. Celebes.Biostratigraphy and facies variation of the marine Triassic sequences in Thailand. Triasina hantkeni) and locally also brachiopods. unlike Early Permian extension) Charlton.vangorselslist.E Jurassic palynostratigraphy and latitudinal control on distribution of 'Onslow' (rel. p.T. 285-314. p.J.The Triassic of Timor: lithostratigraphy..E.S. dominated by bivalves. Gondwanan) microfloral provinces in S Hemisphere) Cornee. Nicoll. p. Ann. Many paleontological studies on outcrops and wells instead document only Late Triassic macro. in agreement with presence of endemic foraminifers and corals of Timor and Sulawesi. Modiolus raubensis n.. (3) reefal: Galeanella. Ed. Martini. Comptes Rendus Acad. selli.. p. (Review of Triassic floras. Vozenin-Serra C. Triassic of Sumatra mainly shallow marine clastics) Diener. 405-549. 1312-1314. with at least five biochores: Boreal. E part of peri-Gondwana Tethys with Misolia. 5. Notal or Maorian and E Pacific. paleogeographical implications'. I. G. Wissensch. bivalves. (1997). & C. Denkschr. (Descriptions of >300 species of M-U Triassic ammonoids from W Timor collected by Jonker 1916 expedition. No illustrations (Montlivaltia molukkana also known from U Triassic of Seram. (1922). C.Sawai area.Nachtrage zur Dibranchiatenfauna der Halstatter Kalke. incl. with cephalopods and corals very similar to Alps.pdf) (Upper Triassic low metamorphic limestones below Loemoet mine tin deposits. Total thickness of M-U Triassic may be only 2 meters) Djoehanah. Triassic benthic foraminifera in Manusela Limestone: Glomospira. Mineral (ITB) 4. p. SE of Klabat Bay.Seram. based on cephalopods. from Thailand (Norian.A. Band 10. Upper Cretaceous Sawai Fm only planktonics: Globotruncana. 2.Triassic floras of Eurasia. S. Other areas Triassic starts with Carnian transgression. unicava. 1-422. Hedbergella. First documentation of poorly preserved Norian corals (Montlivaltia molukkana). Brief reviews of Triassic on Timor.) Dobruskina. (online at: http://www. etc. Diplotremina. p. Review of global Triassic macrofaunas as known in 1916. 475-492 (online at: http://opac. (The flora of the Upper Triassic of Vietnam. folded with phyllites and fine-crystalline quartzites.…) ('Additions to the Dibranchiate fauna of the Halstatter Limestone'. peri-Gondwanian. Wien. C. (1918). Akad. Vietnamese U Triassic flora belongs to coastal floristic assemblage of SW Pacific. venezuelana.Foraminifera Pra-Tersier dan Paleogen di daerah Saleman.Rhaetian near base of Khorat Group). Seram Utara. Timorhynchia) De Franceschi. Vienna. Mediterranean. Reichsanstalt. with species of both Alpine-Mediterranean and Himalayan affinities. calcareous sponges (Peronidella moluccana) and crinoids (Entrochus spec. G. Four main faunal provinces (Boreal.p. Jahrbuch Geol. 4.Upper Triassic fossiliferous limestones in the island of Bangka. Rugoglobigerina and Rotalipora sp. Oost-Indie 49 (1920)..Norian or mix of these. p. Glomospirella. Kon. p. Sciences. Only Timor has complete Triassic section.knaw. 92. 1.Sawai. (‘Pre-Tertiary and Paleogene Foraminifera from Saleman.(Maximum paleobiogeographic differention of Triassic brachiopods in Late Triassic. HvG)) Diener. 324. HvG) planktonics such as Catapsydrax dissimilis. North Seram’. C. Proc. Implications paleogeographiques.. & W. Different blocks different ages.1 252 www. March 2014 .geologie.f Lisabata Fm has Paleogene (Oligocene?. but also Anisian and Ladinian faunas. In both areas very similar thin-ribbed Aulacoceras sulcatum group. Timor. 75-276 + Atlas. Heterohelix. p. (1997). Springer Verlag. Ser. Buru. (1916). Sumatra. Komm. Akad.. Kon. de Roever (1947). Osterrr.La flore du Trias superieur vietnamien. and etc. 3. Akademie Wetenschappen. Verhandelingen 4. Indonesian area groups in Himalayan Domain. Savu. Encrinus).Ammonoidea trachyostraca aus der mittleren und oberen Trias von Timor.Die marinen Reiche der Triasperiode. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. D. Nederl. Mainly comparison of Late Triassic belemnoid faunas from Timor and from North Calcareous Alps.vangorselslist. 333-340. See also Vozenin-Serra & De Francesci (1999)) De Neve. C. (1994). Prefers to maintain Aulacoceras timorense Wanner as separate species) Diener. Upper Norian- Rhaetian faunas not demonstrated. 10. resembling ‘Halstatt Limestones’ in Alps. Erdwissensch. Dominated by Haloritids. Assemblages from blocks very rich in well preserved ammonites. (online at: http://www. near basal conglomerates of Halobia clastics series)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .dwc. Austria.pdf) (‘The marine realms of the Triassic period’. 1918. Himalayan and Andean). N Tethyan. G. Globigerina eocenica. tripartita. Globotruncanella. Vietnam (Tonkin flora) and Sarawak (Krusin flora.P. mainly Carnian. Jurnal Teknol. 50. Roti. (Five Triassic palynological assemblage zones in wells from Carnarvon Basin: I.W.N. Forams rel.E. Geol. also Meandrospira dinarica) Fontaine. Kedah. Palaeobot. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Tan et al. II. Similar to 'Chuping Lst' and 'Kodiang Lst'. Ibrahim March 2014 . Southeast Asian Earth Sci.Triassic wood from the Malay States. Geol. Kiessling et al.Triassic reef patterns. Provincialism in M-L Triassic floras:(1) Onslow microflora on NW Shelf. p. Amnan. J. 21. 105-168. rare. Many previously included in Permian.P. Aulatortus sinuosus. In: B. Geology.Dolby. Indie 1940.8° E) drilled ~300m of Late Triassic limestone at TD. (Triassic limestone development in Indonesia appears to follow trends across Tethys: first reef optimum in earliest Carnian (sponge-dominated). Singh (1990). Malaysia Bull.10. Chonglakmani. Piyasin. Ed. (1933). Bull. Sulawesi. C-E Seram (up to 150m thick sponge-coral-hydrozoan limestone. and (2) Jerantut.pdf) (Sotong B1 well in SW part of Malay Basin (4. 104. in Gunung Sinyum area and at Kota Jin.017') with some oolites.K. HvG) Fontaine. 8. p. Vachard (1988). with material derived from underlying sediments. European elements not present) Durham. J. To W Triassic overlain by non-marine Paleogene quartz sandstones and conglomerates. with mixed Gondwanan- European elements. Rodziah & U. Papua New Guinea.files.P. H. D.000'. Kelantan with Dadoxylon sp. p.A Triassic 'reefal' limestone in the basement of the Malay Basin. Tigrisporites playfordii (Smithian-Anisian).Discovery of Triassic fossils at Bukit Chuping. New foram Malayspirina fontainei described. (1940). J. Rev. p. p. Tubiphytes. 73-83. Soc. Sedim. (Presence of Early. Pahang with silicified log of Dadoxylon sclerosum from sandy beds overlying andesite.Triassic fossils near Rantauprapat. p. In: W. p. Amnan & H. (SEPM) Spec. (Probably Late Triassic-age wood collected by Scrivenor from 2 localities on Malay Peninsula: (1) Sungei Tranang. (online at: https://gsmpubl.Triassic limestone within and around the Gulf of Thailand. E. Apparent absence of growth rings) Post Triassic fracturing and karstification. Khoo (1993). 41-42. decrease in LateCarnian. J. Minutosaccus crenulatus (Carnian- ?Norian). SE Asia (GEOSEA VII).B. 72. (2002). (Anisian smaller benthic foraminifera from Bukit Tunjang (should be Bt Tunjung) limestone quarry. Western Australia. Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Soc. & B. sponges. etc.Rhaetian (sponge-caral and coral dominated). p. 7th Conf.Late Triassic limestones at Peninsular Thailand and NW Peninsular Malaysia. Staurosaccites quadrifidus (Anisian-Carnian). Paleolituonella meridionalis) indicating Ladinian-Carnian age. III.European faunas) Fontaine. IV. Two types of limestones: (1) black wackestone-packstone (10. 145-162. Palynology 22. 2. 5. (Includes summaries of known Triassic reefal carbonates in Timor (various localities with Norian reef sponges and corals). H. four localities with casts of Triassic bivalve Halobia in red-brown. S. H. Mineral and Energy Res.wordpress. 2. (eds.H.) Fontaine. Vachard (1990). N-C Sumatra. common Tolypammina. De Ingenieur in Nederl. 391-463.Triassic palynology of the Carnarvon Basin. H. South China Sea: regional implications. (At Sungei Bila and Aek Pamengka W and NW of Rantauprapat. J. 11. Kraeuselisporites saeptatus (Griesbachian-Smithian. 3.vangorselslist. Balme (1976). H.More Triassic foraminifera from Peninsular Malaysia. C. second reef optimum in Late Norian. Khoo & D. H. 236-241. Thaumatoporella parvovesiculifera. Bangkok 1991.. (eds. Publ. Many contain Aulatortus. Strong affinity with Alpine. 27.1 253 www.P.9° N. (Some poorly fossiliferous limestones of Peninsular Malaysia. Soc. Samaropollenites speciosus (Carnian) and V. Khoo & D. Peninsular Malaysia.) Proc. 83-95. yielded Triassic algae (Thaumatoporella parvovesiculifera) and foraminifera (Piiammina gemerica. previously considered to be Permian. Occurrences of Halobia probably in same formation as locality noted by Volz (1899)on Soengei Koeala to NW and other places) Edwards.) Phanerozoic reef patterns. United Nations CCOP Techn. Tubipytes locally abundant. 1-25... (2) Ipswich microflora: less diverse Falcisporites-dominated assemblages in E and S Australia. Ibrahim. W-dipping series of sandstones. silts and shales. Wilckens 1937). W.. Tolypammina gregaria. p. HvG)) Gastony.. 1909. 3. Involutina communis and I. Referred to Dictyophyllum exile) Gazdzicki.E.761') rich in fragments of sponges. Smith (1977). Natur u. gemerica. Glomospira densa. Thecosmilia?). 219-232. C. p. W Sarawak. (Sporangial fragments of Mesozoic ferns in Late Triassic (Norian) black chert interbedded with trachytic volcanic rocks of Serian Volcanic Fm. p. Acta Geol.Discovery of an Upper Triassic limestone basement in the Malay Basin. Ges. D. Endothyra kueperi.030- 10. J. (2) grey wackestone-packstone (9. HvG).Echte und falsche Hydrozoen aus Niederlandisch-Indien. ('Timorella permica. eine neue Lithistide aus dem Perm von Timor.Triassic foraminifera from the Malay Peninsula. 5.) Gazdzicki. Polonica 27. with oldest species. (1909). bryozoa. etc. Bonn. Krystyn. New Cretaceous coral genus from Langkat.017'. 17-25. Palaeont. N Sumatra: Actinacis sumatrensis) Gerth. H.Timorella permica n. Centralbl.and appearance of Euconusphaera zlambachensis (two most important Rhaetian pelagic carbonate producers).Tubiphytes. NW Malay Peninsula.Fossile Korallen von der Molukkeninsel Buru nebst Bemerkungen uber die polygenetischen Beziehungen der Gattung Alveopora. Amer. Endothyranella lombardi. etc. H. 1909.. E Antarctica.. East Seram (also locally common on Timor. Sitzungsber. a new lithistid from the Permian of Timor'.1111. new species. Ovalipollis ovalis. Palaont. offshore Peninsular Malaysia: regional implications. f.Where and when the earliest coccolithophores? Lethaia. Min. n. NW Malay March 2014 . 17p. H. S. A. Australian Geol. (Smaller foraminifera from Upper Triassic Kodiang limestone Fm at Bukit Kechil. (1969).736'-9.First record of Tethyan palynomorphs from the Late Triassic of East Antarctica. & O. new genus. p. With Aulatortus.vangorselslist. L. probably Norian-age reefal limestone) Fontaine. Rodziah & U. see Gerth 1915. 319-332. Ed. p. Heilkunde. calcareous sponges (Colospongia). 1181-1186.J. Crucirhabdus minutus and Prinsiosphaera triassica appearing in latest Norian.B. p. Ophthalmidium. Foraminifera Alpinophragmium perforatum. p. collected by Verbeek) Gerth.sp. ('Real and fake hydrozoans from Netherlands Indies'. Samaropollenites speciosus. 10. (online at: www. Helby (1994). Galbrun (2012). foraminifera (Alpinophragmium ) and abundant calcisponges) Foster. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . etc. gaschei. 16-28.. 319-332. (1910). With Aulatortus. Common Tubiphytes (=Shamovella). Geol.. Singh (1990). Bartolini & B.. A. Smith (1977). (same paper as above on limestone at base of Sotong B1 well with Triassic limestone penetrated from 9. Botany 56. Includes first record from Indonesia of ?pelagic Late Triassic hydrozoan Heterastridium from Seram. New sponge species from Permian limestone.E.E. 3. B. Geol. ‘Tethyan’. 10. Tetrataxis. 2.1 254 www.) Gardin. (Oldest known coccoliths appear in Late Triassic. corals (Pinacophyllum. Penrissen Region. 3. with Minutosaccus crenulatus. Balme & R. Acta Geol. Agathammina austroalpina. Niederrhein. Across Norian-Rhaetian boundary increase in abundance of Prinsiosphaera triassica. Opthalmidium. 1910.Sporangial fragments referred to Dictophyllum in Triassic chert from Sarawak. (1909). H. collected by Verbeek from Teri Mountain. (Smaller foraminifera from Upper Triassic Kodiang limestone Fm. p. Geophysics 15. Polonica 27. 239-246. Wombat Plateau (NW Australia) (also on Seram?. indicating E Anisian-Ladinian age) Gerth.Triassic foraminifera from the Malay Peninsula. & J. G. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. Both present on Timor. S.. Southeast Asian Earth Sci.pdf) ('Onslow-type'/ 'Tethyan' Norian microflora from Prince Charles Mts. Falcisporites australis. Richoz. G. With pseudoalgae. J. 4. A.g. Mesozoic Bivalvia from Clerke and Mermaid Canyons. (1975). Ed. 37. p. ('Shapes and mode of living of the Heterastrids of Timor'.Ein Heterastridium mit eigenartiger Oberflachen Skulptur aus dem Perm von Timor. 1-380. R. G. globular. p. (1994). named Heterastridium conglobatum. presumably from Triassic limestones of Nifoekoko area) Gerth.1978.auckland. J. p.subgenus Entomonotis. ('A Heterastridium with peculiar surface sculpture from the Permian of Timor'. (1978). Study of >3000 Asteroconid and Aulacoceratid belemnites from the Triassic of W Timor (probably Late Triassic 'Halstatter facies').The stratigraphy and taxonomy of the Upper Triassic bivalve Monotis in New Zealand. Proc. Timorese aulacocerates may be viewed as two varieties (savutica and timorensis) of the alpine species Aulacoceras sulcatum Von Hauer) Grant-Mackie. (Entomonotis) includes the ochotica. Geol. (1942).A. 4.1080/00288306.10424073) March 2014 . (1978).gov. deep water 'Halstatt' cephalopod facies with Norian ammonites. 15.pdf) ('On the systematics of the aulacocerates'. H.dwc. Nederl.A. from Austrian Alps to Seram to New Zealand. Amarassi). Appear to be restricted to blocks of pelagic. Geophysics 21.A. Monotis s. and zabaikalica groups. Palaontologie von Timor. Over 1000 specimens collected by Wanner and Molengraaff expeditions. (1934). (online at: http://www. New Zealand J. M.Systematics of New Zealand Monotis (Upper Triassic Bivalvia). Leidsche Geol. mainly from Bihati (near Baung. 97-111. 3. p. p. (1915).Zur Systematik der Aulacoceraten. collected by Jonker Timor expedition. Schweizerbart.1080/00288306. On Late Triassic hydrozoan fossil Heterastridium conglobatum. (online at: http://www. also known from Tethys. 223-225. Geol. Mededelingen 2. p.1 255 www. (1927). Some layers composed exclusively of heterastrids. H. Stuttgart. G. Descriptions of Late Triassic corals from Buru. New species of Triassic hydrozoan described as Heterastridium (Stoliczkaria) rugosum from Noil Boewan. p. (Maorimonotis)) Grant-Mackie.D.sp. Usually associated with Norian fauna) Gheyselinck. 483-500. AGSO J. 5. 181- 202.1978. Thesis University of Late Triassic small.Die Heterastridien von (20 taxa recognized in New Zealand Late Triassic bivalve genus Monotis) Grant-Mackie. p. Australian Geol. 63-69.Subgenera of the Upper Triassic bivalve Monotis. similar to those originally described from Halstatter Limestone in Austrian Alps. ('The Heterastrids from Timor'. (online at: www. Geoph. 1. Akademie Wetenschappen. globiformis) and E Jurassic oolitic calcarenite (Pseudopecten dugong n.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Geophysics 21.tandfonline. subcircularis. G. 2.A. 1. some from Nifoekoko near Niki Niki. resembles salinaria group.tandfonline. Re-assigned Pachypora intabulata Wanner 1907 from U Triassic of Seram to Lovcenipora) (Eomonotis) typha group and M. 119-125. 173-180. Zeitschrift 23.vangorselslist.('Fossil corals from the Moluccas island of Buru.pdf) (Dredge samples from 3625-4480m of Rowley Terrace contain bivalves of Tethyan affinity in Late Triassic reefal limestone (Paleocardita aff.s.10420726) (Proposal of five subgenera of Monotis. (online at: https://researchspace. with remarks on the polygenetic relations with the genus Alveopora'. possibly pelagic colonial hydrozoans.Formenfulle und Lebensweise der Heterastridien von Timor. northwest Australian continental New Zealand J. (online at: http://www. Ph. H. covered with black iron-manganese coating) Gerth. Amsterdam. Kon. The end-Triassic bivalve extinction event. Fauna cosmopolitan composition. A. Facies associations range from those influenced by sediment from nearby carbonate banks to prodelta and delta-front associations) Haig.pdf) (Rel. J. (Discovery of Epigondolella abneptis. J. Foraminiferal Research 40. poorly preserved E Triassic ammonites from Gua Panjang. F. 2. Geol. 4th IGCP 516 and 5th APSEG. deltaic sands. In Timor Leste. p. 155-166. Calamian Islands. E Timor.Lower Jurassic foraminiferal indices for Bahaman-type carbonate-bank limestones.Intraspecific variation in Triassic ophthalmidiid Foraminifera from Timor. etc. D. based on Duotaxis metula. McCartain (2010). p. Major extinction of other icl. One genus and five species new.W.vangorselslist. Biostratigraphy scarce and most publications not in English. Balce. p. Paranannites. Owenites. (Paleozoic in Indonesia scattered amongst archipelago and generally thin. palynomorphs and other forams. Proc. 39-52. (Peloidal. p. March 2014 . Takizawa. Backhouse (2007).E Jurassic. McCartain. Int. Revue Micropal. S. 5. Foraminiferal Research 37.Discovery of Early Triassic ammonoids from Gua Musang. Japan Academy 56. (Four ophthalmidiid species from Triassic mudstones and wackestones. Bangkok. and carbonate shoals) Hallam. Palaeogeogr. p.A. E Jurassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian) age indicated for some of limestone by Meandrovoluta asiagoensis. L. Siluro- Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . McCartain (2012). S.E Jurassic limestones and clastics described by Fontaine 1979)- Hasibuan.. 3. Other limestones Late Triassic. Ed. B. of Meekoceras glacilitatis Zone of middle Lower Triassic) Haig. some Lower Triassic.oolitic limestones at Cablac Mountain. ammonites. (online at: http://dlisv03. At another locality K. Espiritu & C. This suggests carbonate banks developed locally on submerged topographic highs in seas that flooded interior-rift basins in this part of Gondwana and complex facies array of deep-water muds. 4. 111-122. (49 species of agglutinated foraminifera in 11 facies associations in Triassic basinal deposits of Timor Leste. (Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) reefal Kamawkale Limestone on N Thailand-Myanmar border between Tak and Kanchanaburi Provinces) Hada. Baura (1980). (2008). bandeiraensis. D. at end of Triassic. In: Proc. grunaui found with Carnian conodonts. affecting primarily deeper marine taxa like bivalves Halobia and Monotis. N of Palawan. J. (1966). Coherent stratigraphic sections not preserved and stratigraphic reconstruction is based on correlations using conodonts. possibly related to major eustatic sea level drop?) and its geological significance. G. Kelantan.Gregory. Soc. 248-264. 9. D. corals. A.A.R. in limestone at SE coast of Malajon Island. & E. Kelantan. Geosciences. 4.Upper Triassic fossils from Burmo-Siamese frontier: the Thaungyin Trias and description of the corals. 55. Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008)-. p. with Triassic or Lower Jurassic small foraminifera. J. Symp.. Ser. 1-44. E. Osaka City Univ. p. These radiolarites appear to be unconformably overlain by latest Triassic.Triassic. Cablac Mountain. a Lower Norian index conodont of Japan. Prosphingites and Pseudosageceras. (1930).Discovery of Triassic conodonts from Majalon and Uson Islands of the Calamian Island Group. atsabensis and S.Pre-Tertiary biostratigraphy of Indonesia. Most samples Upper Triassic. Palawan Province. India Records 63.1 256 5 mi S of Gua Musang rail station.W.W. 366-392. Barbar & J. G. Malaya. E.Triassic organic-cemented siliceous agglutinated foraminifera from Timor- Leste: conservative development in shallow marine environments. East Timor. Sumatra and Timor only localities with exposed ?Carboniferous-Permian. 323-325. (1981). & E. (Important mass extinction episode in latter part of Triassic. atsabensis occurs with conodonts suggestive of M Triassic) Haig.. 69-73. Palaeoecology 35. K. the Philippines. Arctoceras. Basinal facies of nearby Wai Luli Valley indicate Late Triassic (Carnian) age for transported foraminiferal assemblage characteristic of carbonate-bank deposits.W. Everticyclammina praevirguliana and palynomorph assemblage. Pseudostylosphaera spp and Triassocampe deweveri. and correlations with regions outside Indonesia) Hassan. Australian J. in Norian Kanikeh Fm. at ~200 Ma. Tomasovych (2008). Norian-Rhaetian) of east-central Iran'. R.Jurassic boundary in many parts of world. Cryptosphenidium sp.Devonian faunas only on Irian March 2014 .Die Muschelfauna der Nayband-Formation (Obertrias. sphinctozoan sponges and ammonoids. Benton & A. Ed. Kedah with Busuanga sp. (2001).Rhat) des ostlichen Zentraliran. 10 new. (2010).1 257 www.pdf) ('Preliminary studies of Triassic-age radiolarian from the Semanggol Fm in Bukit Lada . 2004.. Indonesia 5. Dampier sub-basin.J. Wilson (1987).. 34. (Marine macrofossil biostratigraphy of Triassic in Indonesia. associated with undescribed dinoflagellate suite including suessioids and Heibergella. NW Shelf. Eptingium manfredi. attached to Gondwana until end Triassic and separated later by opening of 'Ceno- Tethys' Ocean (= Mesotethys?. Misool Archipelago.bibliothek. W Sumatra) and S subprovince (Lhasa- block.uni-wuerzburg. p. & Basir Jasin (2004). 313-333. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. non-Tethyan assemblage of 34 species. Geol. Kangar. Lead to virtual absence of reef systems for nearly 10 Myrs in E Jurassic). J. p. Kedah.Annelid Terebellina mackayi (Bather) from Middle Triassic Keskain Formation. p. In: eLS online.J. Probably caused by volcanic activity of Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. Hasibuan. tied to volcanic degassing) Hautmann. Circum-Pacific distribution of Sverdrupiella in Late Triassic similar to distribution of Late Triassic bivalve Monotis) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . caused by ocean acidification. abundant and relatively diverse in Norian strata.Middle and Early(?) Triassic foraminifera from the Northwest Shelf.C. Kedah'. Perlis. (GRDC) 17. 1 ('The bivalve fauna of the Nayband-Formation (U Triassic. Hasibuan. Mesozoic biostratigraphy based mainly on Misool Archipelago. V. Well-preserved. with most complete Mesozoic section ranging from Triassic (Anisian?) Upper Cretaceous). Sumber Daya Geol. (2007). E Indonesia. Soc. Malaysia.N. 1-181. 151-152. In: GSM Ann. (On end-Triassic extinction of reefal organisms and end of carbonate deposition at Triassic. Beringeria 29.. Western Australia. Abhandl.The circum-Pacific occurrence of the Late Triassic dinoflagellate Sverdrupiella.Extinction: end-Triassic mass extinction. HvG)) Hautmann. p. 2. 116-123. p. (On mass extinction at end of Triassic.. Conf. Bull. & M. 1. Mainly on ammonoids from Timor and Misool. M. (online at: http://opus. 31-47. Earth Sci. p. F.The Triassic marine biota of Eastern Indonesia and its interregional and global correlation: a review. Parasepsagon spp. Burma. John Wiley & Sons.S. 119-127. Geol.Catastrophic ocean acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. Cryptosphenidium verrucosum. (online at: https://gsmpubl.geoscienceworld. Wiggins & G. 249. 5. S. (Late Triassic dinoflagellate genus Sverdrupiella Bujak and Fisher widespread. Jurnal Geol. 67-70. R.pdf) (Anisian foraminifera from Lawley No. Well- preserved bivalve fauna with more than 100 species. p. Paleogeographic analysis of Tethyan bivalve faunas suggests E Tethys province. with N (Iran. M. Foraminiferal Research 16. M. Apthorpe (1986).. Anisian age of material based on palynological evidence (T. Nor. playfordi zone)) Helby. E Indonesia terranes.files. 1-10.Kajian awal radiolaria berusia Trias dari Formasi Semanggol di Bukit Lada. Presence of Triassocampe deweri and Eptingium manfredi robustum zones indicate M Triassic (Anisian- Ladinian) age of Bukit Lada chert) Hautmann.vangorselslist. (online at: http://jfr. Heath. Palaont. Yunnan. M.wordpress. Fifteen species of radiolarians from Bukit Lada.. This event eliminated conodonts and nearly annihilated corals.full. 49.D. F. Vietnam. Repported from Seram. (2012). 1982) Jasin. (Revision of M . (see also Koike 1973. 2012-SS-26. Yogyakarta. (Folded limestones from S Kelantan. R. Acta Geol. 16. Richest assemblages from Triassic Halobia- Daonella-bearing cherty limestones from Rote and Savu and Timor (Cenosphaera. (In Indonesian.Discovery of Early Triassic bivalves from Kelantan. Jurassic Neo-Tethys ocean extended S of consolidated SE Asia block and Cimmerian terranes) Ishii. Only E edge collided with Eurasia in Late Triassic. However. G. & E. Probably mainly of Late Triassic-Jurassic age. 4. in reality an Early Jurassic Analytoceras hermanni Gumbel. Malaya.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Savu. Dictyomitra. Gondwana Res. Toriyama (eds.. which is same as Monotis subcircularis Gabb (Westermann 1962)) Ichikawa.). Fewer. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 101-106. Includes description of new species Monotis (Entomonotis) timorica from Timor. Molukkenverslag. University of Tokyo Press. Buru and Mangoli in Verbeek's Moluccas report.Triassic conodonts from Kelantan. 157-171. J. Ged. p. Warta Geol. K. Conv. 694-736. ('On the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Triassic 'Pteridae (Lamellibranchiata). Keupp (2010). Ishida. T.1 258 www.E Jurassic (Hettangian). Pseudofurnishius murcianus confers S Tethyan low-latitude character to Kodiang Lst.D. (Radiolaria from Timor. Kobayashi & R. Geosc. 9. 41st Ann. p.Some Triassic ammonites from Indonesia and Malaysia.Hinde. New collections from other erratic boulders in type locality confirmed observations (Tozer 1971.The myth of the Triassic lytoceratid ammonite Trachyphyllites Arthaber. T. Oost-Indie 37 (1908). Koike & E. Eumorphotis.. & F. (IAGI).Discovery of Triassic conodonts from the so-called Palaeozoic limestones in Kedah. March 2014 .early L Triassic conodonts from NW Malaya Kodiang Lst. p. Nogami (1966). (Trachyphyllites costatum Arthaber (1927) described from single specimen from limestone boulder in Tertiary melange in Bihati River. 1. Osaka City Univ. Hirsch (2011). etc.Middle Triassic radiolaria from the Semanggol Formation. Palaeontographica. Indon. Timor and presumed to be of Late Triassic (Norian) age. H. 279-284. 83 species identified. p. 2. 20. 'Trachyphyllites costatum Arthaber' is junior synonym of Analytoceras hermanni (Gumbel. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Polonica 60.Zur Taxonomie und Phylogenie der triadischen „Pteriidae" (Lamellibranchiata) mit besonder Berucksichtigung der Gattungen Claraia. 93-95. & H. Wetensch. 1927. K. p. Verbeek.) Irwansyah & Panuju (2012). Maluku. p. Geosc. central part of Malay Peninsula include white-grey Permian limestone with common fusulinids and grey M Triassic limestones rich in ammonoids and conodonts (dominated by Hindeodella spp and Hibbardella sp. K. Sulawesi.Radiolaria from Triassic and other rocks of the Dutch East Indian Archipelago.The Triassic conodonts of the NW Malayan Kodiang Limestone revisited: taxonomy and paleogeographic significance. p. Osaka City University 9. In: T. (1975). (A) 111. Basir (1994). Geologische verkenningstochten in het oostelijke gedeelte van den Nederlandsch Oostindische Archipel. 131-212. forming Sundaland platform. 19. Jurassic and Cretaceous ages) Ishibashi.H. 5. 2. Ed.H. part of Cimmerian terranes that in Triassic formed diagonal partition between gradually closing Paleo-Tethys and widening Neo-Tethys. Toriyama (eds.. Geol. 22-36. Oxytoma und Monotis. Malaya. Tanimbar. Malaya. with particular emphasis of the genera Claraia.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia University of Tokyo Press. p. Igo. In: R. 45-56. 74 new.J. Krystyn 1978) that age of original boulder is E Jurassic (Hettangian). 1861)) Ichikawa. 1861.Integrated microfossil analysis of Pre-Tertiary sediments in the Bubuan Island. Oxytoma und Monotis'. In: T. p. Eumorphotis. Assoc. Proc. Yin (1966). (1958). K. J. Yin (1966). but similar species in loose chert pebbles collected at Seram and E Sulawesi) Hoffmann. Ceram. p. Kobayashi & R. (1908). Biostratigraphy analysis of outcrop samples of Pre-Tertiary sediments from mud volcano deposits on Bubuan island. shows Triassic.M. Tanimbar group.vangorselslist. 'Hallstatt facies' limestones ranges in age from Triassic. stretching E to Malaya (Shan Thai Terrane). northwest Peninsular Malaysia. & Y. p. Verhandelingen III. Basir. W. Anadontophora. J. but still considered to be Rhaetian-Liassic by Wade-Murphy and Van Konijnenburg(2008). (Cherty packstone-wackestone in Bukit Kodiang quarry. A. Kedah.sp. p.. northern Thailand and their paleogeographic significance. Similar fauna and rocks to E continental margin of Sibumasu Block. and Protocupressinoxylon malayense K. Basir. P. E. 31-39. Leptophyllia praecursor n.Fossil plants of the Island of Bintan. Charoentitirat.-Indie 55 (1926).. S Kedah. Ueno. 5.sp.sp.wordpress. SE Peninsular Thailand with two kinds of radiolarian-bearing fine-grained sediments: Middle- early Late Permian lower shale unit and E-M Triassic upper chert unit.Die Fauna der obertriadischen Nuculamergel von Misol. T. K. With Late Triassic (Late Carnian. northwest Peninsular Malaysia. 18 species) Jasin. Sashida. K. 51.. E.files. Nederl. 20. 110. Charusiri (2002). HvG) Kamata.) Jaworski. Interpreted as part of Late Triassic Dictophyllum. Asian Earth Sci.. include Ptilophyllum bintαnense n.. etc. southern peninsular Thailand: implications for the tectonic setting of the eastern margin of the Sibumasu Continental Block and closure timing of the Paleo-Tethys. rather than abyssal plain pelagic deep-water sediments) Kamata. Nucula marls in SE part of Lios island SE of Misool underlies the 'Athyridenkalk' (Misolia limestone). Four assemblage zones. solitary corals (Molukkia triasica n. W. Ali & K. Hisada (2014)- Late Permian and Early to Middle Triassic radiolarians from the Hat Yai area. more comparable to Neocomian Gagau flora of W Malaysia by Kon’no (1972). Marine Micropal. Brachiopods from dark limestones intercalated in several 100m thick sandy shales package including Rhynchonella. n. Saengsrichan..sp. (1915). nathorsti. Proc. J. p. Hisada. Mainly bivalves (Pecten misolensis and other spp. Cycadolepis sp. Charoentitirat.1 259 www. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (Early to Late Triassic (Spathian-Carnian) radiolaria from bedded cherts of Mae Sariang Gp in NW March 2014 . Y. Spiriferina spp. Sardsud. Y.J. P. Harun & U. NW Peninsular Malaysia. 201-229. Charusiri. Koike & K. Myophoria. 183-190. rosenkrantzi. P. (online at: http://gsmpubl. 5. C. Nakornsri & P. 2. K. p. 12. Nucula misolensis n.M Norian) radiolarian assemblage. Y. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Entactinosphaera chiakensis (late Spathian). Southern Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . not well preserved. Ed. Z. gastropods. Charusiri & K. K.. Said (2005). p.Triassic radiolarian faunas from the Mae Sariang area. Peninsular Malaysia. Paleocardita).pdf) (27 taxa of E-M Triassic radiolaria from outcrop of chert units in Semanggol Fm (and Kodiang Limestone?). Hisada (2008)- Stratigraphy and geological ages of siliceous sedimentary rocks distributed in the Hat Yai Area. Akademie Wetenschappen. T. 491-506. Triassocampe deweveri (late Anisian) and Oertlispongus inaequispinosus (E Ladinian)) Jaworski.. (First description of latest Triassic 'Bintan flora'. (1927). 73-174.Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Semanggol Formation.Clathropteris flora (But thought to be younger. Pterophyllum muensteri. Soc.5 km E of Kuala Ketil.Obertriadische Brachiopoden von Ambon (Molukken). 5. Malaysia Bull. A. 8-24 (Hat Yai area.Jasin. (‘The fauna of the Upper Triassic Nucula marls of Misool’. Ueno. (1951). T. Shirouzu. B54. Roslan Mohamed (1995). Ueno. 4.vangorselslist. South Kedah. NW Malay Peninsula. 31-39.. Geol. E (?) Carnian radiolarian assemblage from bedded chert shows closure of Paleotethys Ocean between Sibumasu-Indochina blocks after E Carnian) Kamata.Late Triassic radiolaria from the Kodiang Limestone. Sardsud. A.) Jongmans. p. Triassic chert interpreted as continental slope sediments overlying Permian clastic-calcareous facies. N.) Palaontologie von Timor II.gen. P. Species identified Tanjung Batu Itam. Wanner (ed. Bintan island. Otozamites gagauensis. In: J. ('Upper Triassic brachiopods from Ambon (Moluccas)'. Triassocampe coronata (M Anisian). Kon. Riau islands. p. Spirigera.A. Shamovella and Mizzia velebitana and colonial coral Waagenophyllum. H. T. Verhandelingen.. Kyushu 260 www. In: III Congr. 39-78. generally reddish color Permian. Simp. Flugel (2000). (Corals from U Triassic Pacific seamount limestones in Japan. (1985). Eptingium. Facies 43. separated from Indochina Block in M Permian and collided with S China Block in Late Cretaceous (then separated again with S China Sea opening)) Kimura. 51-145. with a short note on the Cenozoic floras of Southeast Asia and China. M Triassic radiolarians in bedded chert (Triassocampe coronata. March 2014 . 15. 135-200. etc. (1924). Symp. Includes mention of species previously known only from Timor) Keupp. Terra Science Publ. Also found 1-5 cm big globular hydrozoans Heterastridium conglobatum. Colania douvillei. (Well-illustrated report on 2008 fossil collecting trip to Baun area. deweveri. University of Tokyo Press. Fossilien.Chlathropteris floristic province) Kimura.Die Nautiloideen der mittleren und oberen Trias von Timor. distribution of Paleozoic and Mesozoic plants in East and Southeast Asia. In: T. D Geology. etc. ('The nautiloids from the Middle and Upper Triassic of Timor'. Bangkok. Int.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25.Lower Jurassic limestone blocks in olistostrome in Late Tertiary marl-radiolarite-tuff succession. p. Tokyo. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 3. With Golonka Permian-Triassic plate recontructructions. 214-220. Large erratic. Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008).geo. Oost Indie 51 (1922). Ser.Triassic coral faunas from the Konose Group in Kyushu. (Review of Triassic. sobre Floras Trias. W. N Palawan probably part of Indochina in Carboniferous-Permian.). Triassic. p. 5-9. Latino America Paleontology. Malay Peninsula. 117-147. suggesting closure of Paleo-Tethys after M Triassic in Peninsular Thailand) Kanmera. Mainly from isolated blocks of ‘Halstatter facies’ condensed Triassic section (other classic works on Triassic ammonites are by Welter 1914.Early Jurassic limestones open ocean facies. Malay Basin. (1964). Parafusulina. Permian Minilog Fm Guadalupian fusulinids (Verbeekina verbeeki. T. Incl. Neoschwagerina) and dasycladacean wacke-packstones with Permocalculus.. probably continental margin sequence at E side of Sibumasu Plate. Science. (1984). commonly coated by manganese layer.) Historical biogeography and plate tectonic evolution of Japan and Eastern Asia. 4/2009. (online at: www.Notes on the present status of Late Triassic floras in East and Southeast Asia. (Permian.Timor: Bonanza nicht nur fur Triasfossilien. Mexico City. 1915 and Diener 1922)) Kiessling. A. Tashiro (eds. Busuanga Island Late Triassic (Rhaetian) limestones in reef and platform facies with Triasina hantkeni.chula.Triassic Kaeng Krachan and Yaha Fms deep marine clastics of Peninsular Thailand. Paglugaban Fm with M Carboniferous fusulinids (Pseudofusulinella). of Norian age and possibly a pelagic hydrozoan colony) Kieslinger.E Jurassic Krusin flora is part of Indochina/ South China Dictyophyllum. Mainly taxonomic descriptions of nautiloid ammonites collected by 1916 Jonker expedition.Cretaceous floras in SE Asia and China. 349-352.vangorselslist. locally rich in ammonites and aulocerate belemnites. (1987). SW Timor. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 20km W of Hat Yai. p. In: A. Carbonates formed on seamounts surrounded by deep water radiolarian cherts. p. K.Peninsular Thailand. p. Taira & M. Proc. p. etc.pdf) (Permian. 5. Kimura. 4th IGCP 516 and 5th APSEG. dark shale with Late Permian radiolaria (Follicucullus scholasticus). Mem.Carboniferous limestones in El Nido area. T. T. Banda Basin.. NW Borneo Late Triassic.Late Paleozoic and Late Triassic limestones from North Palawan Block (Philippines): microfacies and paleogeographical implications. (eds.Triassic carbonates contradict close paleogeographic connection between N Palawan Block and S China. Mem. similar to E Sulawesi. Ed.Mesozoic floras of East and Southeast Asia. Kobayashi et al. p. Pseudostylosphaera japonica. (2009). & E. Fac. 4.). p. T. sec. R. mainly of Ladinian age. Cherts in Tuhul Fm of S Sumatra are M-L Triassic or Permo-Triassic in age) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Nakaya (2006)..Diplotremina astrofimbriata (Ladinian) and (4) Aulotortus sinuosus (Carnian). (Includes review of Paleozoic. Tokuyama & E. p.On the Triassic Daonella beds in central Pahang. Kimura (1944). Japan). (Four Triassic foraminiferal limestone localities in Lampang Group of Sukhothai foldbelt. 6. 34. based on occurrence of Pilammina densa and Meandrospira dinarica. NW Khorat Plateau) Kobayashi. In: T. N Thailand. from Temerloh area. 2. Triassic shales of Temerloh associated with Pahang Volcanics tuffs.jstage.A study on the radiolarian rocks. also Europe (unlike M. p. Fac.H.K. & T.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. D. 751-763. University of Tokyo Press.Kobayashi.Triassic foraminifers of the Lampang Group (Northern Thailand). Kobayashi (ed. T. D. 3.38. 312-325. 7. lommeli. Ratanasthien. B. (Daonella faunas with 5 species incl. C. Geobios. Daonella Beds mainly Ladinian. (Non-marine conchostracan (bivalve crustacean) Euestheria mansuyi from Late Triassic Nam Pha Fm. 101-112. Geogr. T. 10. Daonella and Halobia widespread in deep-water W zone. University of Tokyo Press.A Norian conchostracan from the basal part of the Khorat Group in Central Thailand. (3) endothyroid foraminifers.Halobia and some other fossils from Kedah. Proc. basal Khorat Group. Kobayashi & R. 57-90. therefore possibly more likely of Triassic age. Imperial University Tokyo.Upper Triassic estheriids in Thailand and the conchostracan development in Asia in the Mesozoic era. 27. L. Kobayashi.Typical Tethyan fauna. Central Malay Peninsula. (1975). Zaninetti.. Terrane was part of N Gondwana margin.vangorselslist. Important taxa of these associations common to S China and SE Asia. J. Contributions to the geology and palaeontology of SE March 2014 . Pahang. H. p. Characterized by: (1) Glomospirella lampangensis n.Mesozoic radiolaria data from Sumatra. northwest Malaya. 34. Saegusa & H. Zaninetti (2005). (online at: https://www. 5. T. In: T. Martini. then isolated eastwards before E Cretaceous amalgamation with S China) Kobayashi. etc. E zone on E side of Main Range. (1963).3. 825-828. West Kyushu.sp. from Kelantan via Pahang and Johore to Singapore.On the Triassic Daonella Beds in Central Pahang. Ed. A. between Sibumasu (Shan-Thai) Terrane in W and Indochina in E..The Daonella and Halobia facies of the Thai- Malay Peninsula compared with those of Japan.E Norian. (Occurrence of Ladinian-Norian hemipelagic bivalves Posidonia kedahensis Kobayashi. Malaya. T. sp. Geology and Palaeontology of Malaya 1. 3-67. associated with Triadodiscus.. Halobia beds mainly Carnian. Aulotortus. indica. T. (35 species of M Triassic foraminifera in allochthonous oolitic limestone blocks in Carnian Tanoura Fm in Kurosegawa Terrane of W Kyushu. etc. D. Geol. Blocks are of Anisian in age. Same paper as Kobayasi 1963) Kobayashi. (M-L Triassic mollusc-bearing beds in Malay Peninsula E and W zones. Contributions to the geology and palaeontology of SE Asia. from S Thailand through Kedah to N Perak ('Semanggol Fm'). Geol. Malaya. F. Japan Academy 49. Asian Earth Sci. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 16. (2) Pilammina densa (Anisian). Martini & L. (1973). characterized mainly by nearshore Myophoria sandstones) Kobayashi. F. T. Yin (1967). p.go. (1963). NW Malay Peninsula) Kobayashi. Burton. Toriyama (eds. (1964). Japanese J. Halobia talauana Wanner. R. Kalimantan Danau Fmradiolaria transitional between Jurassic and Carboniferous faunas.Anisian foraminifers from allochthonous limestones of the Tanoura formation (Kurosegawa Terrane.. 98-122. Kalimantan. pahangensis n. R. 113-128. Geogr. Rettori. Similar distribution to Myophoria sandstones across Malay Peninsula) Kobayashi. Japanese J.Late Permian foraminiferal assemblages which have many provincial and endemic characters) Kobayashi.jst. (E Triassic ?). Halobia parallella Kobayashi and Halobia comata Bittner in Semanggol Fm. (Five species of Daonella (one new species Daonella pahangensis ) from M Triassic shales NW of Temerloh. J. Nam Phrom Dam.1 261 www. p. p. 75-187. p.. 2. Sci. jp/DKoseibu/pdf/Ref_0211_.E Carnian) and 3 km NW of Kampong Awah (C Pahang. (Review of Triassic bivalves Claraia. Pecten (Entolium?). Kobayashi et al. Tamura (1983). Thailand and Sumatra) Kobayashi. University of Tokyo Press. Temerloh. SW Singapore. Tokuyama (1959). distributed from Europe-Himalaya to Borneo. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Japan Academy 59. chegarpahangensis n. New faunas with Daonella sumatrensis Volz (originally described from N Sumatra) from Na Thawi at Thai-Malay border area. Geol. Kobayashi & R.1 262 www. University of Tokyo Press. Paragondolella polygnathiformis. Borneo is junction of three Monotis seas: (1) salinaria group. incl. T.. In: T. with Epigondiella mungoensis. Also samples from chert of Semanggol Fm at Tawar (S Kedah. p. Japan.u-tokyo.vangorselslist.l. 12. 12. & K.The Halobiidae from Thailand. J. T. T. In: T. West Malaysia.Myophoria (s. (Triassic conodonts from N Kedah. J. verbeeki. (online at: http://umdb. megalodontids in Malay Peninsula. Daonella-Halobia. kwaluana. fauna described by Newton (1923)) Kobayashi. p. poorly preserved Late Triassic neritic bivalves from Jurong Industrial Estate.Triassic conodont biostratigraphy in Kedah. 2-4. etc.). 88-137. (Family Trigoniidae evolved from Myophoriidae polyphyletically in M and Late Triassic. Myophorids from Padang Beds of Sumatra limited to 3 Norian species of Costatoria)) Kobayashi. 201-227. Costatoria). pahangensis. Fac. 5. Halobia cf. Sci. & M. Thailand and adjacent areas. (1982). 2. styriaca Krumbeck (originally described from Timor) and H.sp. myophoria and other spp. late Ladinian. & M.pdf) (Late Triassic bivalves previously reported from Chiang Rai and Lampang areas. Tamura (1984). p. Malaysia. p. sp. pichleri.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. T. Tamura (1968). mainly P. (Lake Toba area 'Kualu Fm' open marine mudstone with Carnian deeper marine bivalves Halobia tobaensis n. 113-123. Fauna similar to Katialo Fauna of Sumatra described by Krumbeck 1914 (?) and also to Mount Faber. Trigoniaceae (incl. sect. Geogr.. (1973). C. & M. p. March 2014 . Toriyama (eds. Kobayashi et al. Carnian-Norian subdivided into four zones based on Halobia species) Kobayashi. Tokyo. myophoria. 91-113.Upper Triassic Halobia (Pelecypoda) from North Sumatra with a note on the Halobia facies in Indonesia. (eds. Cassianella cf. In: T. Toriyama (eds. 138-150. 5.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25. viewed as M-U Triassic foreland or fore-arc basin along W side of E Malaya Terrane (Ismail 2007). etc. University of Tokyo Press. Bukit Kechil (probably Monotis. (eds. 27-30. In: T. Ed. In: T. With 17 species. Also Daonella cf.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Halobia ex. gr. polygnathiformis). U Triassic cosmopolitan genus Monotis with paleogeographically restricted species. verbeeki. p. p. New Caledonia and New Guinea constitute distinct fauna. etc. Triassic bivalves of New Zealand. H. Elegantinia. Kobayshi & R. C. Halobia simaimaiensis. & M. Kuala Lipis). Proc. Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. T. H. comata from E of Lampang. Costatoria cf. (with affinities to Cardium martini of Sumatra).. cf. (Deposits now called Semantan Fm. 207-210.The Triassic Bivalvia of Malaysia. Singapore. B. University of Tokyo Press. Toriyama (eds. T. Costatoria (7 species. T. Neogondolella.) in Malaya with a note on the Triassic Trigoniacea. C. Tamura (1968). (Taxonomic review of 13 species of M-U Triassic Trigoniacea bivalves from 'Myophoria Sandstone belt' in Central Belt at E side of Main Range of Malay Peninsula (Chegar Perah. (Rel. Masatani (1968).Kobayashi. 39. Myophoria.sp.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 23. Jurong-Singapore. T. University of Tokyo Press. probably of Early Norian age. Kobayshi & R. 1. Cardium scrivenori n. (2) ochotica group from Siberia to Borneo through Japan and (3) subcircularis group from Canada to New Zealand and Borneo through E Pacific coast) Kobayashi. Univ. p. incl. E Carnian)) Koike.Upper Triassic pelecypods from Singapore.) and Bukit Kodiang (E Carnian?.The Arcto-Pacific Realm and the Trigoniidae in the Triassic Period. Presence of Neoschizodus.Triassic conodonts from Kedah and Pahang. All species related to Carnian of Alpine-Himalayan region) Koike. & A. Myophoria. Towapteria. New Mexico Mus. Palaont. Cladophlebis spp. 22. (1968). D. H. and 'East Asian floristic zone' . (On thin-walled molluscs Claraia spp. Norian of Timor Leste)) Komatsu. Float collected by Boehm in Wai Sifu River at Bara Bay. and similar to Norian Tonkin Flora of N Vietnam.. In: T. Todites goeppertianus. Kobayashi & R. (Description of Late Triassic (E Norian?) flora dominated by Equisetites arenaceus. University of Tokyo Press.go. etc. (Brief review of Triassic conodont faunas in Malay Peninsula. now called‘Krusin flora’. (‘Remarks on the ammonites from the asphalt shales of Bara Bay.) The Global Triassic. Hist. E.Summary of Triassic conodonts of Southeast Asia. p. (online at: www.T. Paleobiogeography based on conodonts: Triassic of SE Asia.. p. Nat. Anisian-Ladinian and Carnian and W Timor. Neues Jahrb. p. 5. T. 8. Toriyama (eds. etc.T.jstage. Dictyophyllum cf. 125-178. Belongs to Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris floral province of E Asia/ SW Pacific. F. Thailand and Indonesia (Carnian of Lake Toba. Science Bull. Geol. J. In: S. p. which lies unconformably over Permian limestone in Khorat Plateau. Ed. Chen (2007).Koike. p. Innsbruck 3.G. similar to 'Yamaguti Flora' of Japan. 470- 483.Faunenprovinzen in der Trias und ihre Bedeutung fur die Klarung der Paleogeographie. & K. Kobayashi et al. ('Faunal provinces in the Triassic and their significance for paleogeography'. (eds. Thailand.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia 10. Todites.. 25. Eumorphotis. nilssoni. Huyen & J. contains Jurassic 'Buru Limestone' with inoceramids and belemnites. NW coast of Buru. Buru’. 15 plant species from Sadong Fm. T. Huyen & J. southernmost occurrence of Dipteridaceae flora of SE Asia in Borneo in U Triassic) Kon’no. Botany. (1973). (1972). open marine bivalves) Komatsu. in basal Triassic calcareous mudstones of Yangtze Block of S China and N Vietnam) Kon'no. (eds.1 263 March 2014 . In: T. 295-302. Flora similar to 'Tonkin flora' of N Vietnam and belongs to Dictyophyllum.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. is in Tethyan faunal province.Mesozoic plants from Khorat. J. p. D. p. Clathropteris miniscoides... Kobayashi et al. by Dobruskina 1994)) Kon' (Similar to paper below: E Triassic Claraia.Bemerkungen uber die Ammoniten aus den Asphaltschiefern der Bara-Bai (Buru). 41. No stratigraphy details (Hutchison 2005: associated in same formation Carnian-Norian bivalves Halobia and Monotis salinaria and sands derived from Serian Volcanics) (Krusin flora classified as Carnian age. Probably of Late Carnian age. p. Bd. but was subsequently re-identified as Neotibetites of Late Triassic (Norian) age by Krumbeck 1909.Some Late Triassic plants from the Southwestern border of Sarawak. T. Miner. Beil. Asama (1975). (1906).Clathropteris flora of SW Pacific floral province) Kossmat. without any European or North Asian floral elements. in Huai Hin Lat Fm. generally crushed Tissotia weteringi.Depositional environments and fossil bivalves in the lowermost parts of the Triassic systems in North Vietnam and South China. In:T. 149-171. 1913) Kozur. Mitt. etc.Bivalve assemblages in North Vietnam and South China following the end-Permian crisis. Geography (Chigaku Zasshi) 115. 93-105. London. 686-691. Also common flat pieces of dark bituminous shales with numerous ammonites. Geol. Lucas & J. (Description of Cuxthropteris (=Clathropteris) meniscoides from near SW border of Sarawak. 384. Chen (2006). Linnean Soc. 1-41. (Plants from beds near basal conglomerates of Halobia-bearing coaly series near Krusin. 61. This ammonite was interpreted by Kossmat to signify Upper Cretaceous age. etc. 134-136.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. (1984). 12. East Malaysia. also with Chlathropteris meniscoides. With Neocalamites. NE Thailand. incl. Timor. E. 4. No maps) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Spielmann (eds. Palaont. Sumatra.vangorselslist. incl.Some Upper Triassic species of Dipteridaceae from Japan and Borneo. E.jst. SW Sarawak.H. University of Tokyo Press.A. pdf) ('Microcrinoids from the Upper Triassic of the Tethys'. Upper Triassic Tethyan faunas remarkably similar all the way East to New Zealand. E. 82 (1989). with other Tethyan species Nodobairdia mammilata and Tethyscythere austriaca. Geol. p.-Palaont. 245-253. W Timor. (online at: http://www2.A comparison of Late Triassic agglutinated foraminifera of Western and Eastern Tethys. E. PNG Kuta Limestone and Timor). (1988). With descriptions of new taxa from Alpine Late Triassic of Eastern Alps (Austria). 245-253. Thecosmilia chlathrata) and diverse forams. p.. showing uniformity of Late Triassic Tethyan reef faunas. p. Palaont. Most common species Cytherella acuta.G. Australien. Abhand. PNG. Soc. Timor fauna includes Verneulinoides mauritii and Variostoma helictum) Kristan-Tollmann. (‘Observations on the Triassic of the SE margin of the Tethys. 37. Bundesanstalt. Ges. Ges. incl.) Ostrocoda and global events.Rhaet-Foraminiferen aus dem Kuta-Kalk des Gurumugl-Riffes in Zentral- Papua/Neuguinea. PNG Kuta Limestone and Timor).Foraminiferen aus dem Rhatischen Kuta-Kalk von Papua. Mitteil. 41. similar to same age faunas from Mediterranean/ Alps area. Mitt.Pandemic ostracod communities in the Tethyan Triassic. Coronipora. Hagen area. E. 541-544. Involutina liassica. Publ.. All species also known from West Tethys. Bundesanstalt. Galeanella tollmanni. Taurus Mts (Turkey) and Norian 'Hallstatt Limestone' at Bihati near Similar Triassic ostracode faunas on N and S sides of Tethys (Timor. Abhand. Mt.landesmuseum. Geol. E. etc. 4. (1988). 291-317. etc. (online at: http://www. 5. Publ.Papua New Guinea. (First description of Rhaetian foraminifers from Kuta limestone. Maybury (eds.pdf) (Examples of common species of Triassic arenaceous and calcareous agglutinated foraminifera across Tethys realm (mainly from Austrian Calcareous Alps. PNG Highlands. etc. Mitteilungen Osterreich. p. British Micropal. p.vangorselslist. Innsbruck 17. Incl. Fauna of Tethyan Leiocrinus krystini. Includes discussion of Kubor terrane Rhaetian Gurumugl reefal limestones ESE of Mount Hagen. 78 (1985). 51-100. (1988). Vienna. E. No stratigraphic info) Kristan-Tollmann. Whatley & C. Glomospira/ Glomospirella) Kristan-Tollmann. NW Australia)) Kristan-Tollmann. 201-222. fore-reef (crinoid detrital limestones with Variostoma cochlea. March 2014 . (1990). Semiinvoluta. Osterr. (1988). Geol. 1880-1890m. L. (1986). 41.).at/downloads/c715/gpm_17/051_100_17.Neuguinea. E. Australia and New Zealand.Beobachtungen zur Trias am Sudost-Ende der Tethys. which contains latest Triassic corals (Montlivaltia norica. (1986). (Remarkable uniformity in Triassic faunas throughout Tethyan region. In: M. p. Monatsh. Involutina Geol. (Tethyan Late Triassic ostracodes in Sahul Shoals 1 well. incl.landesmuseum. In: R. W Kundiawa. More detailed account of Latest Triassic foram assemblage of 85 species from W part of Gurumugl Reef. suggesting Rhaetian age) Kristan-Tollman. Timor fauna includes Verneulinoides mauritii and Variostoma helictum) Kristan-Tollman.uibk. Audley-Charles & A. p. E. gracilis. E.Unexpected microfaunal communities within the Triassic Tethys.pdf) (Examples of common species of Triassic arenaceous and calcareous agglutinated foraminifera across Tethys realm (mainly from Austrian Calcareous Alps.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Australia NW Shelf.A comparison of Late Triassic agglutinated foraminifera of Western and Eastern Tethys. (online at: http://www.1 264 www. Both planktonic and benthic organisms. Neuseeland. p.) Gondwana and Tethys. Tetrataxis. Geol.Mikrocrinoiden aus der Obertrias der Tethys. Geol. Very little on SE Asia) Kristan-Tollmann. London. etc. (1991). ('Rhaetian foraminifera from the Kuta Limestone of the Gurumugl Reef in central PNG'. Hallam (eds.Papua/ Neuguinea. NW Australia.Kristan-Tollman. Spec.) and lagoonal (low diversity with Angulodiscus. Bihaticrinus manipalus. 213-223. Soc. 211-289. Three biofacies types: near-reef (with Trocholina.. Ed. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Haq et al. J. Saito Hoon Kai Spec. including Timor and PNG.J. Trocholina spp. 82. Centralblatt. 2008) Kristan-Tollmann. Geol. Part of Alpine Late Triassic. nebst ihren Faunenelementen. Hasibuan (1990). Shallow Tethys 3. fascigera. Nearly all genera known from W Tethys. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. I. 467-492. & J. liassica usually signifies lowermost Liassic). similar to other Tethyan/ 'Alpine' foram faunas.U. 1909.Ostracoden aus der Obertrias von Misol (Indonesien).vangorselslist.Kristan-Tollmann. Lower Liassic yellow echinoid-mollusc limestone samples dredged from submarine Exmouth Plateau from >2000 m water depth. p. E. turgida. Innsbruck Dickins et al. Himalaya') Kristan-Tollmann. Geol. Oesterr. 80.uibk.(although these may be found in latest Triassic. Mitteil. 84. but found here for first time in E-most Tethys. In: U. Sample 96 DR 30 with distinct foram fauna with Involutina liassica. see also Chablais et al. B. p. 561-562. SW of Soe. confirming Tethys-wide distribution) Kristan-Tollman. suggesting close similarity of faunal communities throughout Tethys realm) Kristan-Tollmann. & V. Eoconusphaera zlambachensis and Prinsiosphaera triassica are most common species in uppermost Triassic of calcareous Alps. E. 1-11. E.pdf) ('Alpine Enzesfelder Limestone (Lower Liassic) from the Exmouth plateau. salinaria) by Gruber) Kristan-Tollmann.are Upper Triassic in age) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Monatshefte 1987. (online at: http://www2. 463-474. 301-308. With descriptions of U Triassic and Liassic ostracod assemblages and Liassic calcarous nannofossils by Kristan-Tollman. echinoderms. Geol. Small ostracod fauna from marine Early Carnian?.Anmerkungen zur Mikrofauna der rhaetischen Kiotomergel von Kumaun. & F. p. Results 122. Scient.Kurze vorlaufige Mitteilung uber eine neue obertriadische Fauna aus den Molukken. (Upper Triassic (Norian. One new form (Hasibuana asiatica)) March 2014 .) and Monotis (M. NW Australia.Weitere Beobachtungen an Rhatischen nannofossilien der Tethys. and revision of U Triassic mollusc genera Halobia (H. Ed. Similar to Enzesfeld Fm in Northern Limestone Alps in Austria and also from Timor. Osterr. Mitteil. (1909). ('Remarks on the microfauna of the Rhaetian Kioto-Marls from Kumaun. and ostracodes).) Proc. 3. E. Ammonites from Buru interpreted as Cretaceous by Kossmat (1909). Kotaka. (1995).Rhaetian fauna. E. p. 5. abundant I. with no Pacific faunal elements. rugosa. H. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)..Rhaetian) E Jurassic thin-bedded marls-limestones and faunas from deep marine 'Aitutu Fm'. Palaont. p. etc.Jurassic facies belt that stretches for >15. radiata. Pal. ('Ostracods from the Upper Triassic of Misool'. L.1 265 www.uibk. & F. von Rad. (Limestone samples from ODP site 764 and Sonne cruise 1979 dredge samples from N side Wombat Plateau have Norian. In: T. Ges. Gramann (1992). Close faunal and lithological similarities with members of age-equivalent 'Hallstatt facies' rocks in Eastern Alps (W Tethys).Potschenschichten.M. Gruber (1987). Himalaya. Ges. (eds. (First description of U Triassic foraminifera from Panthalassan seamount reefal limestone in Sambosan accretionary complex in Japan. (online at: http://www2. 8. p. 35-49. E. mainly along Meto River. SW part of W Timor.) Proc. also present off Wombat Plateau. Mitteil. (eds. 173-181.. Osterreich. Palaont. Publ. Miner. NW of Australia'. Obertrias) und Liasfleckenmergel in Zentraltimor. Zlambachmergel (Hallstatter. Colwell (1991). Sendai 1990.Paleontological evidence for the Triassic age of rocks dredged from the Northern Exmouth Plateau (Tethyan foraminifers. Gupta (1987). etc. (1991). Barkham & B. Symp.Triassic Tethyan microfauna in Dachstein limestone blocks in Japan. Ges. Geol..Int.000km from Alps to Australia-PNG) Kristan-Tollmann.Alpiner Enzesfelder Kalk (Unter-Lias) vom Exmouth-Plateau NW von Australien. p. E. H. Mitteil. ('Brief preliminary communication on a new Upper Triassic fauna from the Moluccas'.pdf) ('Additional observations on Rhaetian nannofossils of the Tethys'.. 229-285. bituminous platy limestones. Placunopsis.). 142 p. L. etc. Pecten. etc. and overlain by Eocene sandstones of Ombilin Basin). IV. Halobia sumatrana n. Bituminous platy limestone and marls. ?Megalodon. fish scales. 1-38. (1911). Der Athyridenkalk des Misol-Archipels. Anadontophora. Nucula.-Buru). (Also similar to Jurong Fauna of Singapore. 5. ('Upper Triassic of Sumatra (The Padang Beds of West Sumatra…'.1 266 www. Lima.sp. 3. despite same age as Fogi Beds of Buru?)) Krumbeck. marly fossiliferous. 5. condensed 'Halsttter facies'. Palaeontographica Suppl.. Ed. Savu. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II. p. Brachiopod Limestone (rel. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II.part 1. (1921). rare).. The asphalt beds at Sifu (NW Buru)'. Cardita. Dissert. A. L. Schweizerbart. Pecten (Aequipecten) verbeeki.Uber die Fauna des Norischen Athyridenkalkes von Misol. Pinna.sp. Klippen/ Fatu coral reefal limestone. L. Burmesia. etc. with distribution of ages and facies and comparisons to Triassic in other regions. Pinna blanfordi. (1913b) Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. Rich in fossils: mainly bivalves (Pseudomonotis. Palaeontographica Suppl. 1-119. Beitr. 1. Extensive overview of Triassic occurrences on Timor. Macrofaunas collected by Boehm and Wanner from the lower Norian? Fogi-Beds of W Buru. crinoids (Pentacrinus). Protocardia. 3. A. Halobia limestone and shales) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . pectenids. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II. Cephalopod Limestone. Alectryonia. Macrofaunas collected by Boehm and Wanner from the ~50m thick Athyrid Limestone of the Misool islands. shallow marine dark grey limestone with grey and yellowish marls with corals (Thecosmilia cf. Includes some corals (Thecosmilia). Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II.Die Brachiopoden. p. Sagenites. Roti. Krumbeck. In: J. Cardita globiformis. etc. Aulacothyris). Five main facies: 1. ammonites (Neotibetites weteringi). C. Neotibetites weteringi) and brachiopods (Misolia).Obere Trias von Sumatra (Die Padang-Schichten von West-Sumatra nebst Anhang). clathrata). Schweizerbart.Krumbeck. ('Upper Triassic of Buru and Misool.. Cardita.. L. I. (1913c) Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. but not very deep marine dark marls and limestones with bituminous limestone interbeds (up to 19% bitumen). p. Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden der Trias von Timor. No illustrations) Krumbeck. The Fogi Beds of West Buru'. Stratigraphic part’. IV. Stratigraphy. (1914). 120-127.vangorselslist. The Athyrid limestone of the Misool Archipelago'.paleontology of >210m thick Upper Triassic Padang beds from two main localities Lurah Tambang and Bukit Kandung/Katialo. C. hydrozoans (Heterastridium). ('Upper Triassic of Buru and Misool. bivalves and gastropods from Timor. 17. 128-161. Die Fogi-Schichten West Burus. (‘On the fauna of the Norian athyrid limestone of Misool’. N India Himalayas) Krumbeck. Poorly fossiliferous clastics with four layers of dark. IV. Tibetites. Rel. B. bivalves (Pecten. incl. L. Myophoria myophoria. brachiopods (Spirigera. Macrofaunas collected by Boehm and Wanner from Triassic (Lower Norian?) asphalt beds of NW Buru: bivalves (Pecten). Gervilleia bouei. Myophoria. Palaeontographica Suppl. HvG) (Absence of Misolia. described by Volz 1904. (‘The Triassic brachiopods. March 2014 . 1.W. p. Faunas similar to Juvavites Beds of Spiti. Beitr. also ammonites (Sibirites. stromatoporoids. Distal. hydrozoa (Heterastridium). Most similar to fauna from Napeng Beds.) Palaeontologie von Timor 10. Wanner (ed. off S Misool. Stratigraphischer Teil. Beitr. often oolitic. p. L.. Die Asphaltschiefer am Sifu (N. Upper Birma as described by Healy 1908). 2. Palaeontographica Suppl. Based on collections from 1911 Wanner and Molengraaff Timor expeditions. With review of geologic setting by Verbeek of Triassic beds E of Lake Singkarak in Padang Highlands (Triassic overlies Permocarboniferous granites. Kobayashi & Tamura 1968) (Some species described earlier by Boettger 1881. 195-266. B. clastics and fusulinid limestones. rich in thick-walled bivalves that look related to Carnian North-Alpine Cardita facies (38 species. Age similar to Fogi Beds) Krumbeck. Stuttgart. 4. (1913a) Obere Trias von Buru und Misol. etc. Cassianella verbeeki n. but erroneously assigned E Eocene age. Brief description of macrofauna of ~50m thick limestone rich in Misolia brachiopods from S coast and ilands Jillu. ('Upper Triassic of Buru and Misool. 1. Friedrich-Alexanders- Universitat zu Erlangen. 2. Beitr. IV. 2. (1931). Lett... B. p. Schweizerbart. Akad. Bull. (Triassic brachiopods.Scythian ammonoids from Timor. Neues Jahrb. central Malay Peninsula (= E Malaya/ Indochina terrane?: HvG). p. Ed. L. etc. 1. Beitr.. p. Beyrichites. Ser. (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Carnian Hallstatt limestones of Timor (Indonesia). Komm.Anisian ammonoids from Malaya. Brachiopoden. p. B.Integrated Upper Carnian to Lower Norian biochronology and implications for the Upper Triassic magnetic polarity time scale. and Monotis bed at Wai Ehana (typical Monotis limestone rich in Monotis salinaria). p. 22. Incl. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien III. Norian Kanikeh Beds with Myophoria.) Kutassy. Wanner (ed. p. 349-351). & M. (online at: http://www. Trigonia. (Description of Lower Triassic ammonites from Wanner. (1968). Verhandelingen (Treatise on Early Triassic/ Scythian ammonoids. (M Triassic ammonites from folded dark grey shales 10. mainly from 'Block E near Nifoekoko'.Triadische Fossilien vom Portugiesischen Timor. Owenites. 343-351.Austriellula robusta n. Trachyceras (Paratrachyceras).Ein Choristoceras Vorlaeufer (Ceratitina. Himalayas and Timor) Krystyn.5 miles SSW of Kuala Lipis. & J. III. Zoology.vangorselslist.185-246. 4.) Palaeontologie von Timor 13. Timor. Palaeontologischer Teil. L.. Wiedmann (1986). ('Geological results of Deniger’s 1912 trip in the Moluccas.biodiversitylibrary. (Summary of Upper Carnian. Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden aus der oberen Trias der Insel Seram (Mittel-Seram). bivalves and gastropods from Timor.archive. Stuttgart. based on data from Alps. Many specimens manganese-coated. IV. 5. (Online at: http://www. On Carnian Halobia shales of Wai Isana near Manusela with Halobia spp. Deninger's in den Molukken. Breviora. (New rhynchonellid brachiopod species from Carnian (U Triassic) of Baun. described previously by Welter (1922). Contains Hungarites spp. Pronorites spp. 1-8. (1923). 137. Breviora 124. (1960). (‘A Choristoceras ancestor (Ceratitina. L. p. Sicily. (1969).Ammonoids of the Late Scythian (Lower Triassic). Y. Also Misolia Limestone) Krumbeck. III. Acrochordiceras and Ptychites) Kummel. bivalves and gastropods from the Upper Triassic of Seram island (Central Seram)'.. Ammonoidea). Mae Moh River). Siblik (1983). 49-56.Lower Norian ammonoid. Besse & J. collections. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Brachiopods. L. Cladiscites beyrichi. Palaeont. Geol. 1986. 259-266. etc.1 267 www.Geologische Ergebnisse der Reisen K. p. Marcoux (2002). including material from Timor (p. 1-21. Pahang. J. p. (1960). (online at: http://www. 203. B. 5. Osterreich. Jonker. aus dem Nor von Timor. Sturia sansovinii. Earth Planet. Lobites). Paleontology 34. A.Die Brachiopoden. 27-37. all from isolated blocks from extremely condensed sections. IX. In: J. Comparative Zoology. 682-694. p. Prosphingites) Kummel. Ammonoidea) from the Norian of Timor’) Kummel. Contains Tethyan species Paraceratites trinodosus. Geol. Monatshefte. Turkey. Gallet. (1924). 5. etc. Sturia) and Carnian (Joannites. Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden der Trias von Timor II. J. Cardita. From ‘Halstatt facies’ ammonite-rich limestone blocks in Tertiary olistostrome in SW Timor) Krystyn. Balkans.Triassic ammonoids from Thailand. Sci. Harvard.part 2. None of Triassic localities and faunas known to date from mainland SE Asia anywhere comparable to abundance and diversity of faunas known from Himalayas and Timor) Kummel.archive. Schriftenreihe Erdwissensch. Mainly addendum to Welter (1922) monograph. L. sp. B. Wissenschaften. conodont and halobiid biochronology. showing presence of Anisian (Balatonites. March 2014 . Paleontological part) Krystyn. 311-701. Gen. Museum Comp. (First Triassic ammonoids from N Thailand (Doi Chang.Krumbeck. 1. Palaeontographica Suppl. Tropigymnites. 283. In: G. Comptes Rendus Acad.. Assoc. Cyprus.Mesozoic brachiopods of Misool Archipelago. a new foraminifer from Upper Triassic reefal facies in E. Ta (1998). Association with Triasina hantkeni and conodont Miskella posthernsteini suggests U Rhaetian age (species subsequently also found in Asinepe Lst of Seram. deposited on wide. 326. Palaeogeogr. 1-2.(Triassic fossils from Von Loczy 1922 expedition in S part of Portuguese Timor near Suai. (2008). three varieties of Von Seidlitz (1913) are synonyms).vangorselslist. typical of Late Triassic reefal carbonates. 41. p. S. Ninh Binh area (Song Da Terrane. (2) oncolitic grainstones. Ed. Cornee & M. R. L. Indonesia).) Martini. Mem. (Ammodiscidae. 149-177. 3. C. 75-102.. Wombat Plateau and Sinta Ridge all part of same N Australian margin marine bioprovince) McRoberts. p. E Sulawesi. Shi (ed. p. subfam.J. (New genus name Claviatractites proposed for belemnite originally described as Atractites claviger by Von Bulow (1915) from Late Triassic of Timor. N Vietnam).T. R.A. Aucklandirhynchia yefbiensis. (Species of marine bivalves of pectinoid genus Monotis provide useful biochronologic indices for Late Triassic (M Norian–earliest Rhaetian). p.Upper Triassic carbonate deposits of Seram (Indonesia): palaeogeographic and geodynamic implications. and Prochlidonophora spinulifera of Austral affinity and Ptilorhynchia pugnaciformis belongs to Circum-Pacific or bipolar genus) Mariotti.. Palaeoclim.sp. 113-119. Turkey. Pignatti (1995). Surviving Monotis dwarfed compared to Norian predecessors) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (online at: http://archive-ouverte. 2. incl. L. Sulawesi (Kolonodale area. Vachard & L. Grant-Mackie (2011). Mostly from folded deep-water marly limestones with ammonites. belemnites (Aulacoceras striatus) and pelagic molluscs Daonella indica. Zaninetti. E Sulawesi. Lathuilliere. N. shallow water carbonate platform. Halobia styriaca) MacFarlan. Sambosan accretionary complex in Japan.S. South China Block.. With Glomospirella. Arenovidalina. Hasibuan & J. Karakorum. Tran & T. Zaninetti. Australasian Palaeont.A. 45-52. B. Palynology suggests Seram-Buru Block more tropical than Sulawesi/ Kolonodale Block. 5. Villeneuve (2004). Affinities to coeval faunas from N Malaysia and S China Block suggest connections during Triassic between continental blocks of Indochina Peninsula) Martini.) Brachiopods: extant and extinct. J. Geochemical and geodynamic interpretations placed Seram-Buru Block as derived from New Guinea. Four new Late Triassic species. J. Aucklandirhynchia yefbiensis) and three Cretaceous. (New small.Decouverte de foraminiferes du Trias dans les calcaires de la region de Ninh Binh (Nord-Vietnam). Lower Triassic(?) to Anisian benthic foraminifera in Dong Giao Fm limestones.). etc. Villeneuve. Four reefal facies: (1) boundstone forming buildup cores with calcisponges and calcareous algae.J. March 2014 . a new xiphoteuthidid cephalopod from the Upper Triassic of Timor. <20% coral.)) Martini.B. Biogeographically fauna is Perigondwanan (or S Tethyan). p.A. Revue Paleobiologie 14. Cornee. IIA. Sci. only one previously described (Rhaetian Misolia misolica.1 268 www. Palaeopelagos 5. complex agglutinated ammodiscid foraminifera species Pilammina sulawesiana from Norian- Rhaetian limestones of Kolonodale area. Profound extinction event in pelagic realm at Norian-Rhaetian boundary where c.Pilammina sulawesiana n. Brachiopod Congress.. & J.. etc. Palaeoecology 206. n.721-735. N. two Jurassic (incl. p. 6th Int. D. eastern Indonesia. Meandrospira. (3) foraminiferal packstone-grainstones. waist is narrower. Palaeontology 51. Cirilli. because Atractites has ventral furrows. F.Rhaetian (Late Triassic) Monotis (Bivalvia: Pectinoida) from the eastern Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) and the end-Norian crisis in pelagic faunas. Zugmayerella bogalica. Foraminifera suggest Seram. etc.unige. 455-460. Carnian-Norian to Rhaetian Asinepe Lst (=Manusela Fm) part of allochthonous series. (Seram Upper Triassic limestones of Gondwanian-Australian type in ‘Parautochthonous’ and of Laurussian- Asian type in ‘Allochthonous’.R. Melbourne 2010.Claviatractites. R. 15 monotids became extinct. D. but cooler than Timor/ NW Shelf. (Mesozoic brachiopod fauna of Misool ten species. M. ('Discovery of Triassic foraminifera in limestones from the Ninh Binh Area (North Vietnam)'. Zaninetti (1995). Pilammininae. (4) foraminiferal-megalodont mudstones. N Italy. Koike. incl. and Metapolygnathus spp. p.S. 3. overlying Halobia- Daonella shale.vangorselslist. Faunas correlate with similar faunas from Chuping Lst of Perlis.Lower and Middle Triassic conodonts from the Jerus Limestone.Lower Norian and conodonts. Peninsular Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia.wordpress. Also Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . N Sumatra) Metcalfe.f Southeast Asian Earth Sci.pdf) (Conodonts representative for all Triassic stages. Halobia (Carnian-M Norian). 201-219. NW corner of Peninsular Malaysia (= Sibumasu Terrane). p. Magazine 127. Kedah. found in Malay Peninsula. I. Daonella (M Triassic).. I. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Haile (1979). 191-194. London.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Triassic of Malay Peninsula three regions: (1) Elongate carbonate platform complex on Sibumasu block (Chuping Lst. Metcalfe. p.McRoberts. (1989).Lower Triassic (Smithian) conodonts from northwest Pahang Peninsular Malaysia. J. supporting pre-E Triassic rifting of W Malay Peninsula (Sibumasu) from Gondwana) Metcalfe. (Six limestone localities in N Sumatra Lake Toba area with Late Triassic (Carnian) conodonts) Metcalfe. Panthalassa and Boreal regions) McTavish. Publ. Enteropleura. p. 3. 26. Contains Metapolygnathus polygnathiformis. J. 737-746. 7. Malaysia. forearc/ intra-arc or post-orogenic rift) Metcalfe. Spec. Malaysia.Triassic) in Kedah and similar limestones in S Thailand and N Sumatra. nodosa and Epigondolella primitia. 2. Bangkok.Triassic conodont biostratigraphy in the Malay Peninsula. 143. I.A. Lucas (ed. (1992). NW Pahang. (Lower Triassic conodonts from limestones (possibly submarine slum) along new Kuala Lipis -Gua Musang highway.Triassic conodonts from Sumatra. Abhandl. Geol. 133-145..B. p. M. (Conodonts from Kodiang Lst at Kedah. foredeep or intracratonic pull-apart basin) and (3) volcanic-sourced volcaniclastic basinal sequence on E Malaya block (Semantan Fm and equivalents.Triassic conodont faunas from western Australia. (1973). (General zonation scheme for Triassic based on bivalves Claraia. best known sequence of Triassic conodonts in Kodiang Lst of Kedah) Metcalfe. (1992). Soc. Micropalaeontology 11. J.G. Fontaine & S. C. Geol. CCOP Techn. 19. 275-303. R. Pahang. Cheroh. (2010). 131-138. Lake Toba. I. except Rhaetian. NW Peninsular Malaysia. previously considered part of Permo-Carboniferous Raub Group yielded rich Lower Triassic (late Dienerian) and M Triassic conodont faunas) Metcalfe.1 269 www. (Chuping Lst of NW Malay Peninsula with Late Triassic (E Norian) conodonts and spans late E Permian. p. I. (Late Carnian conodonts from limestones of N Sumatra (3 km N of Prapat. Part equivalent to Kodiang Lst (Late Permian.) The Triassic Timescale..files. (1990). Ed. p. Pal. M. (1990). 567-578. Widely distributed across Tethys. Soc. Document presence of U Carnian.Stratigraphic and tectonic implications of Triassic conodonts from Northwest Peninsular Malaysia. 334. In: S. In: H. Geol. (2) pelagic/ turbidite basinal sequence (Semanggol Fm. Epigondolella spp. hamadai unknown from Peri-Gondwana. March 2014 . Early Late Triassic (Carnian) conodonts also in pelagic limestones associated with bedded cherts of Semanggol Fm. Peribositria. p. Publ. P.Triassic conodonts of Sumatra. I.Biochronology of Triassic bivalves.Upper Triassic conodonts from the Kodiang Limestone. Rafek & N. and limestones from Lake Toba area and Sungei Kalue.A. (1990). 5. p. Neues Jahrbuch Geol.. 4. I. Paleontology 22. Neospathodus dieneri and Platyvillosus hamadai indicates Scythian age.Late Triassic. Bull. Kodiang Lst). Eomonotis and Monotis (Late Norian). (online at: https://gsmpubl. Platyvillosus costatus). 141-146 (Jerus Limestone. Pahang. Gafoer (eds. Co-occurrence of Neospathodus triangularis. p. Bando (1968). & Y.On marine Triassic fossils from the Malayan Provinces of Kedah and Perak. Ed. (In Triassic N margin of Gondwana opened onto Meso-Tethys Ocean. etc. (Kummel 1960: Two Upper Triassic ammonites described by Newton from Kedah probably are a Juvavites or Anatomites and Hammoceras) Nicoll.Notice on some fossils from Singapore. In: H. Meekoceras.1 270 www. Dieneroceras. A. (Discovery of Triassic fauna in Singapore by Scrivenor. Vol. Mem. (Classic work on Triassic cephalopods (Halorites. also Chlamys valoniensis. 3.pdf) (Doi Long Fm Triassic limestone NE of Lampang in Sukhothai Zone of N Thailand. Keep & S. 2.vangorselslist. K. Nat.pdf) (Sixteen species of E-M Triassic (U Scythian. III. Pteria (=Avicula) pahangensis. p. Hist. R. Soc. Soc. Incl. Alpinophragmium perforatum.1. R. Wuhan 1999.S. With listings of associated conodonts) Newton.) Nakazawa. Malacol. Rich foraminiferal assemblage with abundant Aulotortus sinuosus. Ueno & T. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 33.probable Late Triassic conodonts from C Sumatra limestones in Padang Highlands. Magazine 62. London. Mainly bivalve molluscs in friable sandstone. p.J. Continental margin formed by Lhasa and W Burma Blocks and New Guinea part of Australian Plate.Mesozoic transition. Orthoceras. Science.Bullen (1900). (First record of Mesozoic fossils from Singapore. Agathammina austroalpina. Geoscience Press. Joannites. p. p. Kamata (2012). p. Seram.. (2002). Tibetites. R.. Australia Symp. Mag. Juvavites. In: 45-49. Lagoon. Anasibirites. Conf. suggesting Carnian Geol. Geol. 4.Sawahlunto area) The sedimentary basins of Western Australia 3.Lower and Middle Triassic ammonites from Portuguese Timor (Paleontological study of Portuguese Timor 4). R. Kyoto University. Petrol. 1. etc. Jurassic fauna dominated by marine bivalves. first described by Newton in 1900) Newton. (1999). Cladiscites. 1-157. Moss (eds. Palaeontologia Indica 15.cags. p.On marine Triassic lamellibranchs discovered in the Malay Peninsula. Bullen (1925).. (Abstract only) (Conodonts at various horizons in Timor Triassic similar to Australia NW shelf margin) Nicoll. 140-141.Conodont biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Triassic on the western. p. Fac. northwestern and northern margins of the Australian Plate. Northern Thailand. consistent with age estimated by ammonoids.Himalayan fosssils.Bullen (1923). Mem. Geol. Part 1. reef and shoal facies recognized) Mojsisovics. Magazine (5).) Proc. 300-321. 83- 114.Lw Anisian) ammonites from cephalopod limestones in N and S part of E Timor. etc. a. Proc. Pangea and the Paleozoic. also fragments of land plants) (1906).Foraminiferal assemblage and depositional environment of the Doi Long Formation (Triassic Lampang Group). p. 76-85. Survey India. (online: http://repository. Upper Trias Cephalopoda faunae of the Himalaya. 167-177. 5. Ann. with Myophoria. 130-135. 34. 487-496. Yin & J.kulib. believed to be Permian- Triassic island arc system along margin of Indochina Block. Arcestes. K. Int. etc.). Suppl. Tong (eds. (Late Triassic sandstone rich in bivalve shells in from Kuala Lipis. Proc.. Silungkang.S.On marine Triassic shells from Singapore. Geol. (online at: http://igcp589. Leiophyllites timorensis. (1899). III. Pahang.Triassic conodont faunas from Australia and Timor. Charoentitirat & Y. Fauna regarded as Upper Triassic age. Singapore beds extension of Myophoria Sst of Pahang. Gervillia) Newton. with descriptions of several species subsequently reported from Timor. March 2014 . 3. Cratonic basins along future margin of Australian Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Expl. China Univ. Min. Mainly Myophoria spp. E. R. Also with Shamovella (formerly Tubiphytes). J. Mem. In: S. (online at: http://www.B. Martini (2009). 213-270. Australia. (1994). Triassic sediments deposited in tectonically controlled basins. Includes description of new species Gondolella timorensis (now assigned to Chiosella. Timor Leste.J. Palaont. P. Dumitrica.Catalogue of Mesozoic radiolarian (1968). Geoph. (2007).R. T. London.B. Geol. 32-34. North West Shelf. M. Part 1: Triassic.Triassic biozonation and stratigraphy. Kyoto Univ. Geodiversitas 31. Geol. Malaysian material probably all Late Triassic) Nutzel. Ed. Ser. ('Cephalopods (ammonites. & C. Chablais & R. (chart) (online at: www. 334. Foster (1994).ch/downloader/vital/pdf/tmp/h9e6l0h9909ttreormuo3a7uk1/out. p. A. Corals dominated by Retiophyllia)) Orchard. posthernsteini zones. Soc. Work on Triassic in Indonesia limited to Sashida et al.S. (online at: http://archive-ouverte. Hist. Seven conodont faunas recognized in Triassic of Malaysia. 1999 on Timor. Expl. 1998 Chart 20. Freunde Bayerischen Staatssamml. 1. In: P.Late Triassic conodont and palynomorph biostratigraphy and conodont thermal R. Min. Carter. Gorican. Timor and Japan. Sci. postera.Plate: Perth Basin. Y. p. S. p. R. 5. Soc. (General discussion of Triassic radiolarian The Triassic Timescale. de Geologie (Lausanne) 22. a worldwide marker species for Lower Anisian.Revised biostratigraphic (conodont-palynomorph) zonation of the Triassic of Western and northwestern Australia and Timor. Proc. Misikella hernsteini. base of M Triassic. Manatuto District.N. 2. Jahresbericht 2006 und Mitt. Australia (PESA) Symposium.unige. De Wever.Upper Triassic reefal limestone from the Sambosan accretionary complex in Japan and its geological implication. Fac. Aulatortus sinuosus. O’Dogherty L. E. Oman and Timor. 1p. E. p. Epigondolella triangularis. nautilids and Aulacoceras) from the Triassic of Timor. 115. R. p.pdf) (Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) conodonts from cores.S.Triassic radiolarian biostratigraphy. Malaysien und Japan (Palaeontological study of Portuguese Timor 5).. Geol. Takemura (2009).. etc.1 271 www. Gorican & P. Australian Geol. 115-136. Conodonts from Timor from samples collected by Nakazawa of ammonoid-bearing limestone of Lacon River. Bonaparte Basin and Triassic basins on Banda Arc islands. J.) The sedimentary basins of Western Australia 2. Perth. Dumitrica (2010).au/corporate_data/76687/Chart_20_NWS_Triassic. wells and dredge samples on NW Shelf assigned to Metapolygnathus primitius. & R. HvG).gov.. A. J. 34.S. Lucas (ed. E. ('Triassic conodonts from Spec. spiculata.B. Carter.. & C.. E. and M. 129-139. Nautiliden und Aulacoceras) aus der Trias von Timor (Indonesien).G. Mem. Foster (1998). E.earliest Cretaceous Sambosan Sambosan accretionary complex in Japan accumulated on mid-oceanic seamount in Panthalassa Ocean. March 2014 . 15. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Foster (1998). 105-114.pdf) (U Triassic massive reefal limestone in latest Jurassic. Smaller foraminifera include Alpinophagmium perforatum..vangorselslist.G. Bandini & A. Calibrated with dinocyst and spore-pollen zonations) Nicoll. Malaysia and Japan'. bidentata. Many studies on Thailand Triassic) Onoue.Cephalopoden (Ammoniten.S.S. mainly Middle Triassic age. A. Munchen.pdf) Nogami. Survey Org. Australian Geol. Petrol. 2. 163-200. p. (Studies of relationships between conodont faunas and spore-pollen and dinocyst palynofloras from W Australian margin and Timor have revised calibration of Australian Triassic palynomorph zones and stage terminology.Conodont biochronology around the Early-Middle Triassic boundary: new data from North America. Publ. Wombat-Timor Trough (newly defined) is axis of sedimentation on NW Shelf in Triassic) Nicoll. p. (AGSO). Soc. 292-295. Hungerbuhler. Geol. Indonesia') O’Dogherty L. 101-118. Japan. 2. & C. 6. Only along N margin of New Guinea and some islands of N Banda Arc did continental margin shelf areas open directly onto Meso-Tethys Ocean. P. Purcell (eds.Trias-Conodonten von Timor. 35. Conodonts and other fossils allow high- resolution correlation of sequences and events) Nicoll. p. Agathammina austroalpina. assigned to U Ladinian Daonella lommeli Zone. etc. Verh. Model of E-M Triassic carbonate platform of 'Great Bank of Guizhou'.Life in Triassic oceans: links between planktonic and benthic recovery and radiation. J. Brouwer (ed. Clionites. 409-425. Malaysia) 38. Malaysia) 35.Fosil ammonoid berusia Trias Tengah dari Aring. & G. Yu & D. Geol..R. van de Schootbrugge (2007). Amsterdam. Soc. (Gradual increase in diversity of foraminifera through E. Geol. Kelantan. Mentakab. p. Kelantan.) Evolution of primary producers in the sea. Warta Geol.S. suggest E Anisian age) Othman. p. ('Daonella bivalve fossils from Sg.1 272 www. Soc. In: H.vangorselslist. evenness. Anolcites anguinus and bivalve Halobia charlyana in Semanggol Fm in road-cut near Binjui. Five pichleri in Telong Fm gray mudstone near Aring. M. Geol. Warta Geol.R.L. Assemblage characteristic of Lower Carnian (Upper Triassic)) Othman. Discovery of species in Kelantan shows that deep marine Semantan basin extended from Singapore to S Kelantan) Pakuckas. Zestoceras birwicki. Leman (2012). Jentar. 3. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .pdf) ('Note on discovery of the Triassic bivalve Daonella from Aring. M Triassic (Anisian) platform margin Tubiphytes reef. Falkowski & A. Kedah.) 2e Nederlandsche Timor-Expeditie VI. Warta Geol. (Newsl. most of them similar to ‘Halstatter Facies’ of Mediterranean Province) Payne. & M. belonging to Cathaysian domain) Othman.Fosil bivalvia Daonella dari Sg. (Addendum to Diener (1922) work on thousands of M. Othman. Malaysia) 38. Area can be correlated to Sukhothai Terrain of Shan-Thai Block. Lehrmann (2011). & B. Leman (2010). Soc. Academic Press. p. Malaysia) 36. Malaysia. Soc..A. 111-114. Knoll (eds. (Newsl. March 2014 .J. Leman (2009).Late Triassic ammonites collected from loose blocks in W Timor by 1916 Jonker expedition. M Triassic (U Ladinian) bivalves Daonella lommeli and D cf. Malaysia.The discovery of Middle Triassic bivalve Daonella pahangensis Kobayashi from Aring. Assemblages represent 'Paleo-Tethys' ammonoid Zones Balatonicus Subzone of Balatonites Zone (M Anisian) and Regoledanus Subzone of Protrachyceras Zone (Late Ladinian). Joannites). A. & M. A. Fossils ammonoids Frankites apertus. M Triassic Daonella bivalve fossils from o tuffaceous shale of Semantan Fm near Mentakab. from which Tozer described ammonites. Bull.) Payne. Paleobiology 37. 27-34. Two localities with 13 species from Telong Fm on N Malay Peninsula.-Indie 56 (1927). W Malay Peninsula. D. (online at: http://geology. Jentar.L. & M. Kelantan. p.Nachtrag zur Mittel.M Triassic. J. Kelantan. von Arthaber (1928). Associated with M Triassic ammonoids (Frankites spp. In: P. p. 143-218. Zestoceras spp. A. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Summers.pdf) ('Late Triassic molluscan fossils from Binjui area. Kelantan'. & M.Carnian and probable Rhaetian assemblages.S. Gua Musang. and size of foraminifers on a carbonate platform in south China: implications for tempo and mode of biotic recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction.Early and Middle Triassic trends in diversity. Pahang'. 5. Kedah.L. (2012). Bivalves restricted to Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Species commonly found in deep marine environment) Othman. Warta Geol. 2. M. A. Altiner.Fosil moluska Trias Akhir dari kawasan Binjui. Mentakab.Rekod penemuan fosil Trias bivalvia Daonella dari Aring. Dieners aus Timor.R. 56. Sirenotrachyceras. 3-4. Located in Eastern Triassic Rocks Zone. Anisian.S. (Newsl. (Newsl.. Common Chiosella timorensis and fewer Gladiogondolella tethydis. Pahang. in Eastern Triassic Rocks Zone. 3. 53-59. (online at: http://geology. B.R. 165-189. p. Megaphyllites. Rego. 2. C. Obertriadischen Fauna der Ammonoidea trachyostraca C.H. p. A. Ed. Malaysia'. 221-227. Leman (2011).(Includes discussion of Triassic conodonts from Hallstatt limestone block.R. Geol. S China: E Triassic with widespread thrombolite limestone. Kedah'. Wei. Geol. ('Middle Triassic ammonoid fossils from Aring. D. (1930).Triassic and Jurassic foraminiferid faunas. Rettori & G. massive Upper Triassic limestone with Lovcenipora and Macroporella irregularis n. commonly associated with black shale. p. R. spec. p.pdf) (New genus name Aulosina for Late Triassic (Norian. Widely distributed in E Norian reef facies of Tethys region and occurs in Carnian of Timor. DOI 10.. all new) Pia. J. Aulotortus tumidus. Foraminifera ~75% well-known Tethyan species. limestone breccia interbed in Monotis-bearing flysch-like Upper Triassic series.vangorselslist. Records Geol.. type locality is Saututun.G. 1906. eastern Indian Ocean. 3-4. and Daonella from Sumatra (collected by Volz). 137-149. E-M Carnian reefs dominated by Porifera.1007/s12542-009-0030-8. Stanley. G. Noriphyllia monatutoensis n. (Noriphyllia new genus of solitary coral. 1. a new approach for the biostratigraphy of Gondwanaland. Renz. 2.. (1906). Carnian-Norian benthic foraminiferal assemblages in isolated limestone remnant of Panthalassa Ocean in N Wallowa Mts. (1995). stratigrafica ed interpretazione filogenetica. A new dasycladacea. J.A. E. S. Foraminiferal Research 20. R. but reefs dominated by Tubiphytes. Geologie et Paleontologie. etc.Uber Halobien und Daonellen aus Griechenland nebst asiatischen Vergleichsstucken.sp.. 27-40.Noriphyllia. Includes revisions of Rothpletz (1892.E Rhaetian) involutinid foram Triasina oberhauseri. 34-39. Ed. Monotis salinaria of Rothpletz should be assigned to Pseudomonotis ochotica var. Stanley (2010). J. with two new E Norian and one Carnian species. p.1 273 www. Zeitschrift. Geneve. p. C. Da Costa Monteiro & J. with a description of the allied genus Aciculella Pia. p.A new genus of Norian involutinid foraminifers: its morphological. 177-181. Timor Leste. A. Neues Jahrbuch Min.D. Alcheringa 26.Stratigraphic potential of the Upper Triassic benthic Rettori. (1924). Acta Palaeont. nov. Geol..Upper Triassic fossils from the Burmo-Siamese frontier. (Summary of rich. Few species. (First record from Indonesia of Upper Triassic (probably Norian) dasyclad algae from (1) NE Seram: Bula river. p. densistriata) Retallack. Grant-Mackie (2005). E Triassic global reef gap after end-Permian extinctions. Doctoral Thesis. gen.. (online at: http://www. P.sp. p.. Dept. (3) NW Buru: Wai Tina 'Fatu limestone'. R. biostratigraphic. morphologically transitional between Aulatortus and (Rhaetian) Triasina hantkeni) Roniewicz. Martini.Foraminiferi del Trias inferiore e medio della Tetide: revisione tassonomica.J. (Unpublished) Rigaud. 247-278. Polonica 58. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1-147. and descriptions of Pseudomonotis and Daonella from Roti (collected by Wichmann). Norian-Rhaetian reefs dominated by corals. northern Exmouth Plateau. 391-405.Reconstructing Triassic vegetation of eastern Australasia. Manatuto. 1894) identifications of Triassic bivalves. Also with Norian Heterastridium conglobatum) March 2014 . (online at: http://archive-ouverte. in Carnian limestone in Babulu Fm) Roniewicz.(Review of faunal trends through Triassic. p 287-303. Survey of India 63. (1977).Einige Dasycladaceen aus der Ober-Trias der Molukken. p. Verhandelingen. (1990). S. communis. tenuis. 5. and evolutionary significance. E. Quilty. possibly Jurassic. setting and biogeography. Albertiana 38. ('On Halobia and Daonella from Greece.pan. F. p.unige. Oregon. a new Tethyan Late Triassic coral genus (Scleractinia). Alcheringa 1. Rettori (2013). (2) SW Buru: S of Tifu. with comparable stratigraphic distribution. Holosporella siamensis nov. Palaont. Stanley (2009). & G. E Jurassic is another reef gap.Late Triassic (Carnian) corals from Timor-Leste (East Timor): their identity. 349-367. G. with comparison of Asian specimens'. Increase in coral and algal diversity through M Triassic. Triasina oberhauseri. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 2. Pal. incl. Oost Indie 52 (1923).D. Martini & R. again with common black shale) Pia. p. Ph. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Abstracts Interrad VIII Conference. Babar. (online at: http://www. Paravolzei.M. C-Norian and D-Rhaetian. (Block of probably allochtonous Aitutu Fm radiolarian calcilutite from Bobanaro melange 3 km W of Kefamenau contains abundant Early Ladinian ‘typical low-latitude Tethyan forms’. K. (2009).Late Devonian conodonts and the global Frasnian-Famennian extinction event. Sardsud & W. K. N.Occurrence of Dienerian (Lower Triassic) radiolarians from the Phatthalung area of Peninsular Thailand and radiolarian biostratigraphy around the Permian/Triassic (P/T) boundary. (M Triassic radiolaria of Anisian Triassocampe deweveri fauna in siliceous rocks at Nan area along Nan- Uttaradit suture zone. 171-184. Palaeont. Kamata.) Professor H. Thesis. Moa. p. In: H. K. Savage.Discovery of Middle Triassic radiolarian fauna from the Nan area along the Nan-Uttaradit suture zone.. Leti. Sashida & A. 1-48. (Unpublished) (Rich Upper Carnian. Buggisch (2006). (2013).vangorselslist. S. Kamata.Triassic radiolarian faunas from West Timor. Eastern Indonesia. K. Sashida (eds. Indonesia. Tokyo. Proc. N. K. & Munasri (1998). H.. (Abstract only) (Allochtonous blocks of Aitutu Fm fine-grained radiolarian limestone in Bobanaro melange. 1 p. Ed.. 1296-1310. Paleontology 73. Vol. D. Ueno. K. similar to European Tethys. Sardsud (2008). Special Vol.. Igo (1992). 11.. Apparent Late Rhaetian. Y. Indonesia.E Sinemurian time gap at Triassic-Jurassic boundary) Saesaengseerung. northern Thailand.D. p. Adachi & K. only Norian corals known from Timor Triassic.S. E Jurassic assemblages closer to Japan than other areas.1-384.Triassic radiolarians from a limestone exposed at Khao Chiak near Phattalung. Savage.(Four coral taxa from Late Triassic limestone in Babulu Fm sst-shale sequence at Manatuto. B-Carnian. suggesting possible Norian age for these corals?. 12. 59-70. S. A. S. p. but with Triassic (Anisian) radiolaria) Sashida. A. 225-234. Oregon. & H. N Thailand. in low latitude Tethyan realm) Sashida. HvG)) Rose. central W Timor. Adachi.Rhaetian radiolarian faunas from Aitutu and Wai Luli Fms in River Meto sections. 5.palaeo-soc-japan. Gakujitsu Tosho Insatsu Co. Radiolaria 16. Paleontological Res. Noda & K. 168. far from land area. K. Four different localities and radiolarian faunas: A. (Siliceous bedded limestone block embedded in Bobanaro melange in NW part of W Timor with radiolarians and conodonts interpreted as Carnian age) Sashida. N.Late Triassic and Early Jurassic radiolarians from Timor. western Thailand.Late Anisian. Philippines and Japanese assemblages. University of London.pdf) (Limestones around Phattalung regarded as S extension of Permian Ratburi Lst. Deposited in pelagic environment in Nan-Uttaradit back-arc basin between Simao and Indochina blocks. Adachi & Munasri (1999). Craspedophyllia.Late Triassic radiolarians from Nefokoko. G. Y. E Timor N coast (incl. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists.1 274 www. Ueno & Munasri (1996). west Timor. J. p. 397-409. Sardsud. S.. p. warm water conditions in Triassic) Sashida. Trinity Press Co. Ueno (1998). Thong Pha Phum. Aitutu Fm deposited in warm-water. Adachi. (1994). Previously. K..Middle Triassic radiolarians from West Timor. Palaeoworld 15. 765-786.. southern Thailand. Additional material collected from presumed Triassic on Buton. Igo Comm. Indonesia. Affinities to Carnian faunas from Italy. March 2014 . 5. Paris. Trans. Carnian faunas help confirm paleogeographic affinities with W Tethys (NB: stratigraphically above Norian dinoflagellate Wanneria listeri (Da Costa Monteiro 2003 in Charlton et al. 2. but no radiolarians recovered. 4. Soc. All are Tethyan- Panthalassa faunas and suggest rel. Margarosmilia confluens).Late Devonian conodonts from Northwestern Thailand. Igo. Timor Triassic radiolarian assemblages differ from European Tethys. suggesting this basin was connected with Paleo-Tethys and Panthalassa oceans and closed after M Triassic) Sashida.. Nakornsri. p. oceanic environment. N. S. a hydrozoan of uncertain affinity and possible pelagic Beyrichites.Mesozoic fossils from Ramu 1:250. Sardsud & M. U Anisian fauna is Tethyan in character and Circum-Pacific in distribution) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (1963). etc. belt and Banda Sea region) Skwarko. In: D. etc. New Zealand and W North America. (1985). 40-82. p.Ammonites du Trias de la ) (M and U Triassic molluscs from Yuat River gorge in E PNG Highlands (= part of 'Jimi Terrane'. (a) First Upper Triassic and ?lower Jurassic marine Mollusca from New Guinea. In SE Asia: Fauna C (Monotis subcircularis + Eomonotis + Entomonotis ochotica) in E Asia. p. Regional disappearance or extinction of conodont species at Frasnian-Famennian boundary followed by recovery during E Famennian) Savage. In: T. 'Monotrypella timorica' is calcareous demosponge) Silberling.(Late Devonian Frasnian. (online at: http://www. p. (online at: (Macrofossils collected by Dow & Dekker from 5 units in U Triassic. (Dienerian (Early Triassic) Neospathodus dieneri conodont fauna reported from limestone outcrop possibly belonging to Doi Chiang Dao Limestone (= Carboniferous. Nearby Jimi River Ladinian.Middle and Upper Triassic mollusca from Yuat River.) Geology and Palaeontology of SE Asia. is known from Norian of Tethys (Hallstatt Lst in Alps. Myophoria. p. 75. 1-2. Mesozoic fossils from eastern New Guinea. Spiriferina. New Caledonia.Revised systematics and palaeobiogeography of some Late Triassic colonial invertebrates from the Pacific region. (Revision of U Triassic colonial organisms from New Zealand.Biogeographic significance of the Upper Triassic bivalve Monotis in Circum-Pacific accreted terranes.. W Borneo. 87-122. based on Late Triassic thin-shelled bivalve Monotis. Geoph. trinodosus. 27-50. Houston. Bur. outboard of Kubor Block?. half of them new. 5. ('Ammonites from the Triassic of Malaysia') Schafer. University of Tokyo Press. (3) Balimbu greywacke (Lower Jurassic Tropidoceras?). Luer et al. N. Geoph. Geol. Gervillia. Eastern New Guinea. ( Mollusca from Australia and New Guinea. P. p. 21 genera and species.1 275 www.) InterRad 11 & Triassic Stratigraphy Symposium. Highly provincial Late Triassic mollusks in thick Jimi Greywacke series. Fauna E (Monotis salinaria) in Tethyan rocks of Alpine. & Jurassic S of Ramu River: (1) Jimi greywacke (M-U Triassic molluscs Costatoria. 120. Record 1963/031. ?M Jurassic Mongum volcanics and Upper Jurassic Maril shale with Malayomaorica and Inoceramus haasti) March 2014 . Australia. Middle East. p. Thailand section includes U Kellwasser Event recorded in Europe. Palaeontological papers 1969. Myophoria and ammonite Sirenites malayicus Welter. (1973). Alcheringa 22. etc.Permian Paleotethys seamount Lst) Sato. 63-70.). Mineral Res. N..) (Mesozoic of Jimi River. Overlain by Upper Triassic Kana Fm acid volcanoclastics. 2. (Five biogeogeographic areas in Circum-Pacific region. A.Conodonts of Dienerian age (Early Triassic) from northern Thailand. Heterastridium conglobatum.Famennian conodonts in W Thailand mostly cosmopolitan species. (2) Kana Fm detritus from acid volcanics (with Triassic Costatoria. (5) Maril Shale (U Jurassic Buchia malayomaorica. (https://www. Territory of New Guinea. Mineral Res. HvG). Wellington 2006. probably Lower Jurassic Balimbu greywacke. New Caledonia.. 126..M. Associated with volcanics. S. Yuat Fm black shale with Late Anisian ammonites. Bur. Grant Mackie (1998). In: V. etc. Bismarck Mts and Central Highlands five sedimentary units.Carnian sandstones-shales with halobiid bivalves.000 Sheet area.G. Parapopanoceras. Bur. Geoph. Japan. (4) Jurassic Mangum volcanics.. Howell (ed. Orchard (2006). Mineral Res. Inoceramus cf. T. N America. S. Bull. 2. China.K. Spiriferina). Kobayashi (ed. Ed. Timor. originally described from Timor). haasti)) Skwarko. etc. Geol. (1964). incl. Bull. (1967).K.vangorselslist. p. Paraceratites cf. Circum Pacific Council Energy & Mineral Resources.) Tectonostratigraphic terranes of the Circum-Pacific region. Geol.. 111-127. Kobayashi & R. S. 126.east parts of Malay Peninsula. p. etc.Somareoides hastatus (Skwarko) a new Late Triassic bivalve from Papua New Guinea.S. 5. 163-168. central PNG. Spiriferina. ) (First report of M-U Triassic Halobiidae molluscs from mainland New Guinea: Carnian-Norian (U Triassic) of Yuat River gorge. Limestone unconformably overlain by Upper Jurassic or Cretaceous) Stanley. S. Math. New species. (1958). (Two species of E Triassic (M Scythian) thin-shelled marine bivalve Claraia from folded limestone-shale series in N Pahang and S Kelantan. Australian Geol. G. & B. Paraponanoceras. p. 63-64.The Late Triassic molluscs. p. Paraceratites. M. Bur. Campbell (1976). Geoph. off Canning Basin. PNG Highlands. Kobayashi & R.1 276 www. Toriyama (eds. ('The genus Stromatoporidium Vinassa de Regny from the Upper Triassic of Timor island (Hydrozoa)') Tamura. Bur. Kl.Claraia from North Malaya. (1973). Bull. Miner. bivalves and conodonts (Misikella) E of Mt Hagen. Yuat River gorge in W Highlands with Anisian cephalopods (Beyrichites. M. Papua New March 2014 .K. 150. Geol. Bull. intermedia multistriata and C. S.-Naturw. Wissensch. Bull.) and two corals (Pamiroseris rectilamellosa. Branching spongiomorph (Spongiomorpha sp. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .. 5.S. 217.Spia. a new Triassic bakevellid bivalve from Papua New Guinea. conodonts and brachiopods of the Kuta Formation.) Skwarko.K.Upper Triassic spongiomorph and coral association dredged off the northwestern Australian shelf.K. Palaeontological papers 1969.K. Toriyama (eds. Kummel (1974). Rowley Terrace occurrences may be E-ward extension of Wombat reefs.. p. C Malay Peninsula: C. Skwarko (1973) Jimi River sandstones and shales with Ladinian-Carnian halobiids and Carnian-Norian ammonite Sirenites cf. 80 km to ESE.D. Australian Geol. Although different in composition.K. M. (On systematic position of new Upper Triassic bivalve from Jimi Greywacke. (1973).) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. In: T. (1981). p. Mineral Res. Daonella novoguineana described Jimi River area is closely related to Daonella indica Bittner 1899. (1968).) Skwarko.. University of Tokyo Press. Mineral Res. Bull. 78-87. (1983). (U Triassic corals and spongiomorphs dredged during BMR Cruise 95 from Rowley Terrace. S. and from Ladino-Carnian in Jimi River area NE of Tabibuga. 219-230.. E. along rifted margin of Gondwana) Sy. Geoph. 12. R. With Chlamys. Bur. (M Triassic pectinid bivalves from 'Myophoria sandstone' from central. p. 133-148. Mineral Res.Some Triassic bivalves from Malaya. Retiophyllia tellae) indicate Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) age. first described by Skwarko 1967)- Skwarko. Geophys.Marine Triassic molluscs from Australia and Papua New Guinea.) Tamura. with a note on the distribution of Claraia in Southeastj Asia. Geol. Bur. In: p. known from Himalayas and Timor. Mineral Res. p. p. Skwarko. Resour. malayicus. University of Tokyo Press.Die Gattung Stromatoporidium Vinassa de Regny aus der Obertrias der Insel Timor (Hydrozoa). Anzeiger Osterr.Pectinids from Malayan Triassic. etc. Kuta Fm grades laterally into calcareous breccia with metamorphic rocks. Geol. NW Australia..) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Associated with Costatoria. griesbachi concentrica (latter species also described from Timor by Krumbeck 1924)) Tamura. (1994).vangorselslist. Geophysics 15. p. 209. 12. S. University of Tokyo Press. J.. Ed.Skwarko. (Mainly on Australian material. (30-250m thick Kuta Limestone with Rhaetian brachiopods. AGSO J. cephalopods (Arcestes). 1958. Nicoll & K. 127-133. Geoph. Palaeontological Papers 1983. Geophys. etc. (1973). 51-54. 115-131. (online at: http://www. 1. Geol. Triassic) in New Guinea. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (ed. In: T. 67-72. Entolium.On the discovery of Halobiidae (Bivalvia.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. . p. (eds.geologie. etc. Thanee (2011). Feng. Beitr. Mus. ochotica and M.vangorselslist. Identified as M. p.The trachyostrace ammonoids of the Himavites columbianus Zone (upper Middle Norian) from Timor. 285-301 (online at: http://www. & R. Yin (1975).pdf) ('New trachyostracous ammonoids from the Norian of the Tethys'. (Late Triassic thin-shelled bivalve Monotis subcircularis found at Kuap. (1981). University of Wien. modified from Westermann (1973): in Indonesia with 'Arctic- W Pacific' M. University of Tokyo Press. 2. F. W Timor) Thassanapak. China) Thang. etc. Gastropods interpreted as deep water. Pinna. Grammatodon. Rhacophyllites. Thenius. T. Iwai. 29-31. H. Baun. Looks like typical 'Hallstatt facies’ of European Alps. Denkschr.L. T. probably seamount deposit) Tatzreiter. Two subzones proposed: Himavites hogarti (Alaun2) and Halorites macer (Alaun 3).. myophoriids and pectiniids described by Tamura 1970. salinaria and M. Tamura. Naturhist. Igo. Osterr. Warsaw. K. subcircularis in NW Kalimantan. p. based on new investigations in Timor'. ('Ammonite fauna and stratigraphy of the upper Norian (Alaun. Thesis. In: T. pelagic U Triassic limestone in olistostrome at Bihati River. 6. but more likely Monotis (Eomonotis) according to Silberling (1985)) Tatzreiter.R. New Late Triassic (columbianus Zone) ammonites from exotic.Ammonitenfauna und Stratigraphie im hoheren Nor (Alaun. 34.. N Thailand. Ann. 1-142. J. 121. Sarawak. Doct. Northern Thailand.Zum Problem der „zirkumpazifischen" und der Tethys-Verbreitung mariner Evertebraten in der p. Cladiscites.oeaw. Chonglakmani & N. Kobayashi et al.pdf) ('On the problem of 'Circum-Pacific' and the Tethys distribution of marine invertebrates in the Triassic'. Indonesia. Baun. Figure 2 shows distribution of Norian bivalve Monotis. of M-U Norian and Carnian ages.-Naturw. SW Timor. 123-159. T. subcircularis on Timor) Tichy.Pitakpaivan. Triassic) of the Tethys. W. Sato & E.Neue trachyostrake Ammonoideen aus dem Nor (Alaun 2) der 18. M. M. Wien 83. with seaway between E and W Paleotethys. Bui Duc (1989). Palaont. M Norian fauna consist of 90 species in 29 genera. E (1980). indicate deep marine environment in N Thailand.) Geology and Palaeontology of SE Asia. Ishibashi. (1980).Middle Triassic radiolarian faunas from Chiang Dao. mainly Chegar Perah area (not incl. 1980.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. In: T. (‘Gastropods from Triassic Halstatt limestone blocks of W Timor’. Most common genera Arcestes. C. 1973). Kobayashi. East Malaysia. Hashimoto.landesmuseum. & C.Monotis subcircularis Gabb from Sarawak. Palaeonucula. Palaeoworld 20. 4. Can be correlated with E zone of Changning-Menglian Belt in SW Yunnan. p.. 119-133. (M Triassic (Anisian) radiolarians from bedded chert in Chiang Dao.Lower Triassic conodonts from North Vietnam. Ed. Grant-Mackie. 15. Trias) der Tethys aufgrund neuer Untersuchungen in Timor. Nuculana. subcircularis.1 277 www.H. Acta Palaeontologica. J. G. SE of Kupang. ) Tamura. Q. Bundesanst. (online at: http://hw. Kl. (1979). University of Tokyo Press. Hon (1977). H. Wiss. Toriyama (eds. 103-149. SW Timor Bihati River limestones with abundant ammonites and rare gastropods.M Triassic sequence. F. Verhandelingen Geol.The Triassic system of Malaysia and adjacent areas. Revision of abundant Norian ammonoids from blocks of condensed. p. (online at: http://www.Koike.(Descriptions of bivalve molluscs of M Triassic. p. 391-416. Osterr. 5. Species identical to Hallstatt Limestone in Austria) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Akad. T.Gastropoden aus den Triassischen Hallstatterkalk-Blocken von West-Timor (Indonesien). pink blocks of 'Hallstatt Limestone' from Bihati March 2014 . Probably from tectonic slice in Carboniferous. Kobayashi. with 'Tethyan' M. Columbianus zone is 1 m thick. p. F. (1983). 179-202. ‘Pacific/ mid-high paleolatitude’ Monotis ochotica in New Caledonia. Ges.Orthoceren und Belemnitiden der Trias von Timor. 51.Ichthyosaurierreste aus Timor. probably from SE of Kendai) Volz. p. Indonesia (Sibaganding limestone of Sumatra. p. B.) Vachard.) Palaontologie von Timor 4. W. 1077-1104. (1936). Anthozoen und Bryozoen aus Timor.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. 7. Rundschau 71.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der mesozoischen Formationen in Borneo.Triassic micro-organisms from the Sibaganding Limestone. Wanner 1909-1911 expeditions.Some foraminifera and algae of the Upper Triassic of west Thailand. (Triassic forams from Thailand. 1. Globochaete) and rich foraminifera fauna (lituolids. Fontaine & S. mainly from reefal ‘Fatu Limestones’ from westernmost Timor and Pualaca area. 2. New Zealand. p.. NW Malay Peninsula. but different from U Triassic of Seram) Vachard. p. p. Isastraea.vangorselslist. Aulotortus) from reefal limestones with corals. 1. First description of 600-800m thick Upper Triassic with Daonella and Halobia molluscs in N Sumatra) Von Arthaber. Schweizerbart. P. Geol. off Lake Toba. commonly with manganese coating) Von Huene.) and belemnites (Aulacoceras. Papers 19. E. Sammlungen Geol. Geol. p. D. 61p. (Marine Triassic paleobiogeography. (’Orthocerids and belemnites from the Triassic of Timor’.Ammonoidea leiostraca aus der oberen Trias von Timor. In: J. 2: Trias in Borneo. D. 75-118. Atractites spp. Indie 55 (1926). D. 217-220. (1915). (1982). etc. (1926).) from Molengraaff. 5. E. Palaontologie von Timor. CCOP Techn. Montlivaltia). (1915). pachyporidae (Lovcenipora). East Timor (Nine coral species in common with alpine Zlambachschichten. 1-173. 4.Tozer. Bull. Vietnam) Vinassa de Regny. Savu and Roti. etc. Resembles microfauna from Kodiang Lst of NW Malay Peninsula and Namyua Gp in E Burma. and resembles Kodiang Lst of NW Malaysia and various outcops of Sumatra) Vachard. Philippines (Malajon Island). Dictyoconites spp. E. species of Thecosmilia. oncoliths. (Illustrations of U Ladinian. (Late Triassic algae (Solenopora). 135-141.Biostratigraphic importance of Triassic foraminifera and algae from South- East Asia. Mainly on taxonomy of straight nautiloids (Orthoceras spp. stromatoporidae and bryozoa. Wanner (ed. 57 species in common with Mediterranean/ Tethys bioprovince). 8. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Fontaine (1988). Diener 1916)) Vogel. Myanmar. G. (1899). Norian ‘Tethyan/ low paleolatitude’ Monotis salinaria in Hallstatt facies of Timor. 8.. Mainly collected by Jonker 1916 expedition) Von Bulow. & H. Reichs-Museums Leiden. Stuttgart. ('Contributions to the knowledge of the Mesozoic formatons of Borneo.Lower Carnian algae (Thaumotoporella parvovesiculifera. Zeitschrift Deutsch Geol.Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntnis von Nord-Sumatra. March 2014 . 110 species of Carnian. Seram).Triadische Algen. Zentralblatt Min. corals (incl.T. 20. Upper Triassic shale rich in Monotis salinaria. Triassic in Borneo'. F. (1904). 179-189.1 278 www. sponges (Molengraaffia. Triassic belemnites known from Timor. Steinmannia). 327-334. (Contributions to the geological knowledge of North Sumatra’. 1-72. In: H. ('Leiostraca ammonites from the Upper Triassic of Timor'. Verhandelingen 2. Palaont. Duotaxis. Revue Paleobiologie 7. (Carnian-Norian Aulotortus assemblage of Thailand characteristic of Tethyan province. 8.Marine Triassic faunas of North America: their significance for assessing plate and terrane movements. Ed. p. Schweizerbart. ser. Stuttgart. 87-98. 7. p. (1988). p.Norian ammonites described from Timor (66% endemic. (1989). Spongien. Gafoer (eds. Carnian-Norian belemnites in bright limestones. CCOP Techn. p. 5. 211-214. (1907). C. Soc. Review of Triassic-Cretaceous floras.. B. First author to recognize Alpine/ Tethyan affinities of the Late Triassic bivalves and ammonites of Seram and Timor) Wanner. Beilageband 24. E Seram. Neues Jahrbuch Min. Y.Notes sur des bois Mesozoiques et Cenozoique du Viet-nam et du Cambodge. p. but also ‘Pacific’ mollusc Pseudomonotis ochotica). (’Triassic fossils from the Moluccas and Timor Archipelago’. Ed. Absence of fern and sphenophytes and dominance of diminutive Pterophyllum and Ptilophyllum leaves.Triaspetrefakten der Molukken und des Timorarchipels. ('Notes on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic woods from Vietnam and Cambodia') Vozenin-Serra. Timor/Roti/ Savu Triassic reminiscent of N Sumatra Upper Triassic described by Volz. Neues Jahrbuch Min. C. Geol. 73-105.Savu (generally deeper water facies.Etat de nos connaissances sur les flores du Paleozoique superieur et du Mesozoique du Sud-Est Asiatique. W. ammonites faunas from Misool (Carnian dark shales with Daonella). Also Triassic fossils from Timor-Roti..Triassic radiolarians from the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in the Jinlu area. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Additional taxa determined.Clathropteris floral province' of SW Pacific at end-Triassic (also known from (Flora from SW Bintan Island. clathrata and Montlivaltia molukkana and Pachypora intabulata (= Lovcenipora). Wanner. p. IV. Grenoble 1983. 169-181. For Indonesian region only mentions W Sarawak Krusin flora of Kon'no 1972. Band 32. T. Description of ichthyosaur remains from E-M Triassic of Noil Bunu. (1971).uva. Soc.Etat de nos connaissances sur les flores mesozoiques du sud-est Asiatique. 19.H. O. 1-47. p. mainly from Vietnam. Pal. Thailand. which is part of Late Triassic 'Dictyophyllum. Neues Jahrbuch Min. also known from NW Australian margin) Vozenin-Serra. Palaont. eine neue Brachiopoden-Gattung aus den Athyridenkalken von Buru und Misol. (1984). W Timor) Von Huene. (1931). Kobayashi. & J. Genus characteristic of ‘Gondwanan Tethys’. 1. 215-227. ('Status of our knowledge of the Mesozoic floras of SE Asia' .('Ichthyosaur remains from Timor'.uba.vangorselslist.A revision of the Late Triassic Bintan flora from the Riau Archipelago (Indonesia).J. Geol. (New genus Misolia for Upper Triassic (Norian) shallow marine costate athyrid brachiopod from Athyrides limestone in Misool and Fogi Beds of Buru.W Japan)) Vozenin-Serra. Nagahashi & Q. Vietnam 14. Zetang County. Interpretations paleogeographiques. but unlikely to be Early Cretaceous as suggested by Kon’no 1972) Wang. Scripta Geologica 136.1 279 www.A. Stronger similarities between Bintan and SW Asian than with SE Asian floras. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (2008). Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien II.. southern Tibet. Mem. Riau Archipelago. 2. Archives Geol. 159-220. Zeng (2002). Sciences de la Terre.. Palaeontographica Suppl. Sinica. Differences may point to slightly younger age (E-M Jurassic). Geol. Acta Micropal. Comptes Rendus 108e Congres Nat. Amonotis and brachiopod Halorella).G. Daonella. 177-196. Beil. F. p. J. 3. corals. Late Triassic molluscs. p. France 147. Beitr. C.Ichthyosaurier von Seran und Timor. J.. etc. A.Triascephalopoden von Timor und Rotti. p. Seram (typical Tethys-Mediteranean Norian molluscs Monotis salinaria.163-194..Misolia. (1911). From Seram limestone come corals Thecosmilia aff. and Basleo. Palaont. p. partly described by Jongmans in 1951. p. 101-116. March 2014 . Thailand. Savantes.. (1983). Geol. Matsuoka. 2. 1899. Yang. (online at: http://dpc. but potentially similar ‘alpine’ character with mainly Halobia. K. Beilageband 66. (1913). W Timor) Von Seidlitz. ('Status of our knowledge of the Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic floras of SE Asia and paleogeographic interpretations') Wade-Murphy. (Triassic or Jurassic Ichthyosaurus vertebrae from Bula. Associated with white tuffs and ammonites commonly with black iron-manganese coating.A.1 280 www. Incl. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. (online at: http://retro. Chondrites gonidioides n. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 42. Pal. Stuttgart. collected by Wanner and Molengraaf 1909-1911 expeditions. (‘The ammonites and nautiloids from the Ladinian and Anisian Triassic of Timor’.sp.sp.. ('Anisian Monophyllites from Timor'. timorensis n. 83-154. Band 67. Schweizerbart.(‘Triassic cephalopods from Timor and Roti’.A. HvG)) Welter. Some ammonites with black manganese staining. from S half of W Timor. (online at: http://retro. Cladiscites) and belemnites (Aulacoceras timorense)) Wanner. p. Bandung. J.. continuus) Wanner.Anisische Monophylliten von (‘On the knowledge of the Triassic of Seram’. Palaeontologie des ostindischen Archipels IV. J. 19. marls. (‘The Upper Triasic ammonites and nautiloids from Timor’. New species of M Triassic ammonite Monophyllites from Oe Masih. Similar Upper Triassic limestones in C Seram. and J. p. bathyal Triassic cephalopod limestones called ‘Halstatt Facies’ from various Timor localities. In: J. Description of ‘Tethyan’ ceratitid ammonites collected by Weber from Late Triassic flysch of Wai Sabora in SE ('Trace fossils from the Upper Triassic of Seram (Moluccas) and the Alps'. 183-195. (1922). limestones and macrofossils.. Upper Norian with lenses of massive Lovcenipora. Good documentation of NE Seram Late Triassic (Carnian- Norian) ‘flysch’. (1949). Flemingites timorensis n.) Palaeontologie von Timor 11. Remarkable similarities to Mediterranean and Himalayan ammonites. Triassic macrofaunas dominated by Tethyan elements like Monotis salinaria. Incl. marly limestones and calcareous sandstones. Schenk (1952). Sirenites malayicus n.Lebensspuren aus der Obertrias von Seran (Molukken) und der Alpen. p. In N of Timor age- equivalent Norian ‘Fatu’ coral limestones (Both these U Triassic carbonate facies considered part of 'allochtonous' nappe complex by Wanner 1956 and others. p. Rich assemblage of Middle Triasic ammonites (>27 genera) from blocks of thin. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 45. Probably of Norian age. J. S Buru and Timor. Early paper on Triassic ammonites (Meekoceras indoaustralicum n. .Halorella limestone. J.sp.Ueber einige Juvaviten von Ceram (Molukken). Basleo area.sp. (1928).) Palaontologie von Timor 5. 279-286. Beitr. In: J. p. Juvavites ceramensis n.. Stuttgart. 1. (1914). mainly from blocks of ‘Halstatter Facies’ red limestone. Wanner 1911 and Weber 1911 W Timor expeditions.seals. Ed.sp. B. Monograph of ammonites collected by Molengraaff 1910-1912.sp. 37-42. ('On some Juvavites from Seram (Moluccas)'.A. Rich assemblages with 205 Carnian-Norian species. quartz sandstones with plant debris. Schweizerbart. Upper Jurassic represented by marly calcareous shales with Aucella malayomaorica and Belemnopsis gerardi) March 2014 . and other trace fossils from Norian flysch of E Seram) Wanner. M.seals.vangorselslist. Lovcenipora coral limestones erroneously interpreted as Late Jurassic in age by Van der Sluis (1949) and Van Bemmelen (1949). 71-136. Beil..Die Obertriadischen Ammoniten und Nautiliden von Timor. Wanner (ed. 10. 53-84. Wanner (ed. Geol. Stuttgart.Die Ammoniten der unteren Trias von Timor. Norian more platy limestones. 5.C. Ammonite assemblages more 'Alpine' than 'Asian' in character) Welter. reddish. (1932).Die Ammoniten und Nautiliden der Ladinischen und Anisischen Trias von Timor.sp. from Ehrat collection) Wanner. Schweizerbart. O. Knipscheer & E. Wanner (ed. ~2 m thick fossil accumulation without terrigenous sediment. 1. p. In: J. 1-258. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Rare loose fossil material suggests limited presence of E-M Jurassic.G. On deep-water Palaeodictyon seranense n.Zur Kenntnis der Trias der Insel Seran (Indonesien). Indie 10. O. 1. Carnian dominated by clays. Halobia spp and Juvavites. Neues Jahrbuch Miner. aff.) Palaeontologie von Timor. O. p. (1915).Cretaceous deep water marls and limestones. H. Triassic overlain by Jurassic. Taiwan..Korallen und Kalkschwamme aus dem obertriadischen Pharetronenkalk von Seran (Molukken). 4. Seranella. Yeh. III. (‘Remarks on the ammonite and nautilid fossils collected by Deninger from Seram’. 12. March 2014 . Timor 'Bihati C' fauna has more Mediterranean than Asian elements) Welter. 196- 197. Vinassaspongus subsphaericus. Mus.. Nat. Geol.) Palaeontologie von Timor 11. (1963). Stuttgart. etc). Sect. Includes new coral species Thecosmilia alfurica. Band B77. Congr. (Abstract only) (Rich Triassic radiolaria in ~100m thick section of bedded siliceous rocks N of Mae La Noi. Radiolaria Newsletter 28. 4. Wanner (ed. 155-159. Many similarities with Himalayan- Mediterranean Triassic faunas.. I). Believed to be part of Permian-Jurassic Liminangcong. Nat.. p. 5. Juvavites) and nautilids (Phoioceras) from C Seram resemble species known from Timor and of 'alpine' affinity) Westermann. etc. (1937). 171-211. Geol. Branch. Chert in uppermost part of section with significant siliciclastics and carbonate minerals. N Palawan Block.nmns. In: Nat.E. etc.Carnian age. In: Proc. Schweizerbart. Sci. p. indicating U Ladinian. Suppl. Nat. 1-63. Monograph on high-diversity (26 genera.G.('The ammonites from the Lower Triassic of Timor'. 374-389. NW Thailand. Anasiberites multiformis from Noil Saban and Ophiceras crassecostatum Fatu Toekoenenu. 2.Rhaetian radiolaria from Uson island. Northern Thailand.vangorselslist.. 245. Triassic corals and sponges of Seram and Timor have ‘alpine’ character. Neues Jahrbuch Min. Other blocks are limestones with Owenites egrediens from Bihati. Cadiz 2012. Palaeont. Mem. (1922). Mae Hong Son province. Descriptions of 4 additional Early Triassic ammonoid species. All blocks of condensed 'Hallstatt facies' with tuffs and black manganese coating. and new calcareous sponge genera Deningeria. Top of section of E-M Norian age (Capnuchosphaera crassa. (online at: bull3. Sci.Some Triassic corals from Portuguese Timor (Palaeontological study of Portuguese Timor.Species distribution of the world-wide Triassic pelecypod Monotis Bronn. O. p. Cryptocoelia. (2012). 83-87. Bull. indicating gradual change from deep oceanic environment to continental marginal realm.1 281 www.A.A. Flugel (2002. (1990). (Short paper on U Triassic corals collected in 1961 from Fatu Laculequi near Pualaca in C Timor Leste) Yeh. Bull.. Flugel also suggests close similarities with Timor Fatu Limestone) Wonganan. Wilckens. (1992).Y.Bemerkungen uber die von Deninger gesammelten Ammoniten und Nautilidenreste von Seran. Mus. No locality maps) Welter. (1973). Taiwan. Osaka Univ. 51-91. 71 species) Lower Triassic ammonites from various Timor localities. K. p. ('Corals and calcareous sponges from the Upper Triassic Pharetronen-limestone of Seram'. 8. Genus Amarassites first described from Timor now also found in Alps. (1923). Beil. Arts Educ. cherts) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 55 species. Isastrea seranica. Palaeontographica. India 1964. Appendix in Krumbeck (1923) Seram brachiopod/mollusc paper. 22nd Int. 19. (2004) found no endemic fauna.) (Ladinian. implication for the tectonic of Southeast Asia. Philippines. Paleo-Tethys almost closed in middle Late Triassic) Yamagiwa.Y. p. N. G. p. Beitrage zur Palaontologie des Ostindischen Archipels 14.Nachtrag zu den obertriadischen Ammoniten von Timor. Proc. Philippines. Nat. representing Paleo-Tethys Ocean deposits. only species of Tethyan affinity. Therefore. K. Lib..Triassic radiolaria from Uson Island. Oldest horizon is yellow Meekoceras limestone from Kapan and Nifoekoko near Niki-Niki (overlying dark red Permian limestone)..….Taxonomic studies of Triassic radiolaria from Busuanga Island. but Martini et al. Multimonilis. p. 420) suggested W Seram Late Triassic corals and sponges mostly endemic taxa or taxa known from Timor.. etc. O. p. N. 13th Interrad Conf. Capnuchosphaera crassa. including Palaeosaturnalis triassicus. Fragments of Upper Triassic ammonites (Choristoceras. 3. collected by Wanner and Molengraaf 1909-1911 expeditions. ('Supplement to the Upper Triassic ammonites from Timor'. Anatomites. O. Ed..The youngest radiolarians from Mae Hong Son region. Sci. Yeh, K.Y. & Y.N. Cheng (1996)- An Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) radiolarian assemblage from Busuanga Island, Philippines. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Taiwan, 7, p. 1-43. Yin, Hongfu (1997)- Triassic biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of East Asia. In: J.M. Dickins (ed.) Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic Circum-Pacific events and their global correlation, Cambridge University Press, p. 168-185. (Timor Triassic classified as ‘Gondwanan Tethys’ facies, similar to Lhasa- W. Birma?; different from ‘India- Gondwana’ and ‘Cathaysian-Tethys’. Misolia is element of subtropical ‘Gondwanan Tethys’. Gondwanan Tethys and Tropical Tethys merged in Late Triassic due to S-ward expansion of tropical-subtropical biota) Zammit, M. (2010)- A review of Australasian ichthyosaurs. Alcheringa 34, 3, p. 281-292. (Ichthyosaur fossils recorded from M Triassic of Timor (Mixosaurus sp.), from U Triassic of New Caledonia (Shonisauru) and Lower Cretaceous of Australia and New Zealand (Platypterygius)) Zaninetti, L. (1976)- Les foraminiferes du Trias, essai de synthese et correlation entre les domaines mesogeens europeen et asiatique. Rivista Ital. Paleontol. Strat. 82, p. 1-258. (Synthesis of Triassic foraminifera and correlation between European and Asian domains) Zaninetti, L., R. Martini & T. Dumont (1992)- Triassic foraminifers from sites 761 and 764, Wombat Plateau, Northwest Australia. In: U. von Rad, B.U. Haq et al. (eds.) Proc. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sci. Results 122, p. 427-436. (online at: (Late Norian (Triasina oberhauseri) and Rhaetian (Triasina hantkeni) forams from ~250m thick Late Triassic reefal-platform carbonate section in ODP cores from Wombat Plateau at edge of Argo Abussal Plain, NW Australia. Reefal carbonate platform with inner shelf (intertidal to lagoon), patch reef, and outer shelf facies. Close affinity to microfauna of Seram. First record of Galeanella? laticarinata outside Seram) Zaw Win (1991)- Triassic ammonites from the Plateau Limestone, East of Lungyaw and Baukkewzu, Myit-tha and Ywa-ngan Township, Myanmar. Georeports 1, 1, p. 75-87. Zwierzycki, J. (1925)- Overzicht der Triasformatie in Nederlandsch Indie. Verhandelingen Geol. Mijnbouwk. Gen. Nederl. Kol., Geol. Serie, 8 (Verbeek volume), p. 633-648. (‘Overview of the Triassic formations in Indonesia’. Lower- Middle Triassic found only on Timor. Everywhere in Indies Upper Triassic is developed in ‘Alpine facies’. Upper Triassic present on Savu/ Roti, Timor, Leti/Babar, Ceram, Ambon, Misool, Buru, Buton, Borneo, Lingga, Sumatra and Malay Peninsula. With one overview map) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 282 March 2014 X.7. Permian- Carboniferous Andal, P.P. (1966)- A report on the discovery of fusulinids in The Philippines. The Philippine Geol. 20, 1, p. 14-22. (First report of M Permian fusulinid foraminifera (Schwagerina, Verbeekina) in limestone pebbles in Eocene conglomerate from Carabao Island, SW Mindoro (see also Koike et al, 1968)) Archbold, N.W. (1981)- Permian brachiopods from western Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 2, p. 1-25. (Early Permian (Latest Artinskian- early Kungurian) brachiopods in Aifat Fm in Taminabuam area, Birds Head. Assemblage similar to age-equivalent faunas in Thailand) Archbold, N.W. (1981)- Quinquenella magnifica sp. nov. (Chonetidina, Brachiopoda) from the Permian of Irian Jaya, Indonesia: a study of the ontogeny of a chonetid brachiopod. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 2, p. 2, 27-34. Archbold, N.W. (1981)- New Permian trilobite from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 2, p. 35-41. (New species of Early Permian trilobite) Archbold, N.W. (1983)- A Permian nautiloid from Belitung, Indonesia. Publ. Geol. Res. Dev. Center, Bandung, Paleont. Ser. 4, p. 32-36. (Fragment of straight nautiloid Neorthoceras at Kelapa Kampit, NE Belitung, suggests E-M Permian age for part of NE Belitung Island 'basement' complex. Only other occurrence of Neorthoceras in Indonesia is Bitauni, Timor With summary of other Permian macrofossil occurrences on Belitung.) Archbold, N.W. (1983)- Permian marine invertebrate provinces of the Gondwanan realm. Alcheringa 7, p. 59- 73. (Permian chonetidine brachiopods allow distinction of five Permian Gondwanan faunal provinces: Andean, Paratinan, Austrazean (E Australia- New Zealand), Westralian (W Australia) and Cimmerian (Cimmerian terranes, from Tunisia, Himalayas, Thailand, Sumatra, Leti to W Papua). With description of Waterhouseiella n.gen. for Waagenites speciosus))) Archbold, N.W. (1983)- West Australian Permian brachiopoda: their taxonomy, biostratigraphy and provincialism; with an appendix of published articles including a description of Permian brachiopoda from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Melbourne, 2 vols. Archbold, N.W. (1983)- Studies on Western Australian Permian brachiopods 3. The Family Linoproductidae Stehli 1954. Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 95, 4: p. 237-254. (Incl. Productus spp., Globiella foordi, Globiella flexuosa, etc.) Archbold, N.W. (1987)- South-western Pacific Permian and Triassic marine faunas: their distribution and implications for terrane identification. In: E.C. Leith & E. Scheibner (eds.) Terrane accretion and orogenic belts, Am. Geophys. Union (AGU), Geodyn. Ser. 19, p. 119-127. (Three provinces of SW Pacific Permian faunas: (1) Cimmerian (Arabia to Irian Jaya, Timor: cold earliest Permian with bivalve Eurydesma, etc., warm-tropical later in E Permian), (2) Westralian (cold earliest Permian followed by temperate faunas, with tropical elements only in Late Permian) and (3) Austrazean (E Australia- New Zealand, New Caledonia) cold and cool temperate conditions throughout Permian). Marine Triassic faunas two provinces: (1) Tethyan- cosmopolitan, (2) cool Maori Province in New Zealand (not including Torlesse)) Archbold, N.W. (1988)- Permian brachiopoda and bivalvia from Sahul Shoals No. 1, Ashmore Block, Northwestern Australia. Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 100, p. 33-38. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 283 March 2014 (Brachiopod- bivalve fauna of Late Permian fine, light-grey, biomicrite limestone in Sahul Shoals 1 well, off NW Australia: Streptorhynchid fragments, Waagenoconcha, Neospirifer, Elival sp., Gjelispinifera sp., Etheripecten and Cyrtorostra. Fauna interpreted to indicate paleogeographic proximity of Late Permian Sahul Shoals limestone and Maubisse Fm of Timor (but Permian brachiopod provinciality rel. poorly defined?; HvG)) Archbold, N.W. (1991)- Late Paleozoic brachiopod faunas from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: D.I. McKinnon, D.E. Lee & J.D. Campbell (eds.) Brachiopods through time. Proc. 2nd Int. Brachiopod Congress, Dunedin 1990, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 347-353. (M Carboniferous- Permian brachiopods from Aifam- Aifat Formations of Birds Head) Archbold, N.W. (1991)- Early Permian brachiopoda from Irian Jaya. BMR J. Australian Geol. Geophysics 12, p. 287-296. (online at: (New E Permian (E Artinskian) brachiopod fauna from Aiduna Fm, from float boulder in upper Mapia River, S flank of Charles Louis Mountains, SW West Papua. New species of Neochonetes, Chonetinella, Aulostege, etc.. Significant links with E Permian faunas of W Australia and Peninsular Thailand) Archbold, N.W. (1999)- Additional records of Permian brachiopods from near Rat Buri, Thailand. Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 111, p. 71-86. (Permian brachiopods from Ratburi Lst of NE Peninsular Thailand, which overlies Phuket Gp 'pebbly mudstones'. Referred to Ufimian (=Roadian) stage) Archbold, N.W. (2000)- Palaeobiogeography of the Australasian Permian. In: A.J. Wright et al. (eds.) Palaeobiogeography of Australasian faunas and floras, Mem. Assoc. Australasian Palaeont. 23, p. 287-310. Archbold, N.W. (2001)- Permian Productida of Australasia: palaeobiogeographical and palaeoclimatological implications. In: S.L. Long et al. (eds.) Brachiopods, chapter 37, CRC Press, p. 363-371. (Permian Productid brachiopods few genera in common between Westralian (rel. warm, S Tethys margin) and Austrazean (colder water, mainly endemics, strong links with New Zealand) provinces) Archbold, N.W. & S.T. Barkham (1989)- Permian brachiopoda from near Bisnain village, West Timor. Alcheringa 13, p. 125-140. (Permian brachiopoda from outcrops of calcarenites-shales attributed to Maubisse Fm near Bisnain, W Timor. Assemblage correlative to late Sakmarian (E Permian), temperate climate, Callytharra Fm of W Australia) Archbold, N.W. & P.R. Bird (1989)- Permian brachiopoda from near Kasliu Village, West Timor. Alcheringa 13, p. 103-123. (Permian brachiopoda from outcrops of Maubisse Fm volcanoclastics near Kasliu, W Timor. Assemblage probably Chidruan age and correlative of classic Late Permian ‘Tethyan’ Basleo and Amarassi faunas) Archbold, N.W., C.J. Pigram, N. Ratman & S. Hakim (1982)- Indonesian Permian brachiopod fauna and Gondwana-South-East Asia relationships. Nature 296, p. 556-558. (First description of late E Permian articulate brachiopods in Birds Head. Assemblage similar to Thailand Rat Buri Limestone, suggesting geographical proximity of Thailand and Irian Jaya in E Permian) Archbold, N.W. & G.R. Shi (1995)- Permian brachiopod faunas of Western Australia: Gondwanan-Asian relationships and Permian climate. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 11, 3, p. 207-215. (W Australian Permian brachiopod faunas mixture of Gondwanan, endemic Westralian and Asian (Tethyan) genera. Presence of Tethyan genera largely temperature dependent; no apparent geographical barriers to migration of such genera into intracratonic basins of W Australia. Paleotemperature curve indicates peak warm conditions in Sterlitamakian and Late Baigendzhinian and subtropical conditions in Dzhulfian) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 284 March 2014 Asama, K. (1966)- Permian plants from Phetchabun, Thailand and problems of floral migration from Gondwanaland. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 2, p. 197-244. (Re-evalution of Permian floras of Phetchabun, described by Kon'no (1964) as Cathaysian with Gondwanan elements Glossopteris and Paleovittaria. Asama interpreted only Cathaysian flora. Similarities to Jambi flora of SW Sumatra (6 genera (but no species?) in common, incl. Sphenophyllum, Alethopteris, Pecopteris, Taeniopteris, Cordaites. With discussion on Permo-Carboniferous floral provinces) Asama, K. (1973)- Lower Carboniferous Kuantan Flora, Pahang, West Malaysia. In: Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 11, p. 109-118. (Lower Carboniferous (Visean) flora from Raub series near Kuantan, East coast Malay Peninsula. This warm- humid 'Kuantan flora' is on East Malaya/ Indochina Block and contains Lepidodendron spp., Stigmaria, etc.)) Asama, K. (1976)- Gigantopteris flora in Southeast Asia and its phytopalaeogeographic significance. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 17, p. 191-207. (Sumatra Permian Jambi flora typical Asian, not Gondwanan) Asama, K. (1984)- Gigantopteris flora in China and Southeast Asia. In: T. Kobayashi et al. (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25, University of Tokyo Press, p. 311-323. (Mainly on classification and evolution of Permian Gigantopteris flora. C Sumatra Permian Jambi flora typical Asian Gigantopteris flora, not Gondwanan Glossopteris flora) Asama, K., A. Hongnusonthi, J. Iwai, E. Kon’no, S.S. Rajah & M. Veeraburas (1975)- Summary of the Carboniferous and Permian plants from Thailand, Malaysia and adjacent areas. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 15, p. 77-101. (online at: (Oldest plants in SE Asia are from Lower Carboniferous, known from Malaysia only (Kuantan flora, with Lepidodendron, on E Malaya Block). Five known Permian floras. Permian Jambi flora of Sumatra greatest similarities with Artinskian-Kungarian Shansi Fm of N China. Four other U Permian Cathaysian floras with Gigantopteris: Linggiu and Jengka floras from E Malay Peninsula; Phetchabun and Loei floras of N Thailand. Permian plants from W New Guinea are Gondwana-type flora, but some apparent Cathaysian elements) Asama, K, J. Iwai, M. Veeraburus & A. Hongnusonthi (1968)- Permian plants from Loei, Thailand. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 4, p. 82-99. (Typical Gigantopteris flora in continental facies U Permian of Loei area, NNE ofPhetchabun, NE Thailand (= W margin Indochina terrane). 16 species of Sphenophyllum, Pecopteris, Bicoemplectopteris, Gigantonuclea, Taeniopteris, etc. (but no Gigantopteris) (more locality information in Iwai et al. 1966)) Aung, A.K. & M.K. Shuib (2013)- Similarities in Middle-Late Permian fossils from Myanmar and Malaysia and its paleogeographic implications. In: Proc. Nat. Geoscience Conf., Ipoh 2013, Geol. Soc. Malaysia, B14, p. 87-88. (Abstract) (online at:…) (M-L Permian rugose corals from 'Plateau Limestone' of Myanmar (Sibumasu Block) include Thomasiphyllum (Cimmerian province) and Wentzellophyllum, suggesting mixed Cimmerian (Sibumasu) and Cathaysian provinciality in M Permian and imply that M Permian Paleo-Tethys is only narrow seaway that probably closed by collision in Late Permian) Aung, A.K. & J. Azmi (2014)- Yatsengia jengkaensis- a new yatsengiid rugose coral from the “Jenga Pass Limestone”, Pahang, central Peninsular Malaysia. Warta Geol. (online at: (Yatsengia jengkaensis n.sp. rugose coral from early M Permian (Wordian) Jengka Pass Limestone outcrop, ~24 km E of Temerloh and 8 km E of Bukit Kepayang, Pahang, C Peninsular Malaysia (= W margin of Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 285 March 2014 Indochina Plate). Jengka Fm steeply folded, Associated with fusulinds Neoschwagerina katoi, Verbeekina verbeeki, Sumatrina annae, Pseudofusulina, indicating Middle Permian age. Also with coral Michelina indica and algae Mizzia sp)) Aw, P.C., K. Ishii & Y. Okimura (1977)- On Palaeofusulina- Colaniella fauna from the Upper Permian of Kelantan, Malaysia. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S, 104, p. 407-417. (online at: (First record of uppermost Permian fusulinids (Palaeofusulina cf. bella, Reichelina, also Colaniella media and C. parva) in Malay Peninsula. In folded, WSW-dipping argillo-tuffaceous limestone interbedded with tuffs of Sungei Paloh, Lebir River area of S Kelantan, S of Kotabaru (= W margin of E Malaya Block?). Overlain by E Triassic with bivalve Claraia) Baird, A., O. Dawson & D. Vachard (1993)- New data on biostratigraphy of the Permian Ratburi limestone from north peninsular Thailand. In: T. Thanasuthipitak (ed.) Proc. Int. Symp. Biostratigraphy of mainland southeast Asia: facies & paleontology, Chiang Mai 1993, Chiang Mai University, p. 243-260. (online at: (Ratburi Lst of Peninsular Thailand deposited on broad carbonate platform that covered Shan-Tai (Sibumasu) Terrane. With rel. low diversity fusulinid forams (Nankinella, Staffella, Eopolydiexodina afghanensis and rare Parafusulina, Pseudofusulina, Chusenella), typical hemigordiopsid small forams (Hemigordius reicheli, Hemigordiopsis renzi, Baisalina, Shanita amosi) and Sphairionia sikuoides, suggesting age range of late Murgabian- Midian (late M- early Late Permian)) Bassler, R. (1929)- The Permian bryozoa of Timor. In: Palaontologie von Timor, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 16, Abh. 28, p. 37-90. (Principal (and only?) work on Permian bryzoa of Timor. Ross (1978): Artinskian Bitauni Beds sparse bryozoan fauna, early Late Permian Basleo beds more abundant, overlying Amarassi beds sparse bryozoan. Some species, like Fistulipora timorensis Bassler rel. widespread in M-U Permian of Tethys region) Battail, B. (2009)- Late Permian dicynodont fauna from Laos. In: E. Buffetaut, G. Cuny et al. (eds.) Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems in SE Asia. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 315, p. 33-40. (New collection of Late Permian Dicynodon spp.tetrapods from purple beds of Luang Prabang area) Batten, R.L. (1972)- Permian gastropods and chitons from Perak, Malaysia. Part 1. Chitons, bellerophontids, euomphalids and pleurotomarians. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 147, 2, p. 1-44. (online at: (One of richest Permian gastropod faunas of Asia 92 species) in H.S. Lee No. 8 opencast tin mine near Kampar, Perak. Associated with fusulinids, all with Tethyan affinities (but on Sibumasu Terrane; HvG)) Batten, R.L. (1979)- Permian gastropods from Perak, Malaysia. Part 2. The trochids, patellids, and neritids. Amer. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Novitates, 2685, p. 1-26. (online at: (Continuation of Batten (1972). Rich Permian gastropod fauna from white limestone in H.S. Lee Mine 8 near Kampar, Perak, associated with corals, scaphopods, bivalves, brachiopods, cephalopods and fusulinids. Fusulinids suggest Late Artinskian- E Guadalupian age, Misellina claudiae zone (Jones et al. 1966). Neritacean species similar to those found in Sicily, Timor and Sumatra and identified as typical Tethyan) Batten, R.L. (1985)- Permian gastropods from Perak, Malaysia. Part 3. The murchisoniids, cerithiids, loxonematids, and subulitids. Amer. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Novitates 2829, p. 1-26. (online at: ((Final part of 3-part study of rich Permian gastropod fauna from H.S. Lee Mine 8 near Kampar, Perak) Belasky, P. (1994)- Biogeography of Permian corals and the determination of longitude in tectonic reconstructions of the Paleopacific region. Canadian Soc. Petrol. Geol. Spec. Publ., p. 621-646. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 286 March 2014 (Mainly focused on American terranes. South China was center of diversity of Permian Tethyan coral province and was located near Permian equator and W margin of Paleopacific Ocean) Beyrich, E. (1865)- Uber eine Kohlenkalk-Fauna von Timor. Abhandl. Konigl. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 1864, p. 59-98. ('On a Carboniferous fauna from Timor'. First description of ‘Carboniferous’ (now accepted as Late Permian) limestone fauna from Timor, collected in Kupang area by Dr. Schneider. Includes mollusc genus Atomodesma, solitary rugose coral Zaphrentis, new brachiopod species Spirifer kupangensis (= Arcullina; Waterhouse 2004), Rhynchonella timorensis (assigned to Uncinunellina timorensis by later authors; HvG), etc.) Bless, M.J.M. (1987)- Lower Permian ostracodes from Timor (Indonesia). Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen B, 90, 1, p. 1-13. (Lower Permian (Sakmarian- Artinskian) ostracodes from Bitauni, Mutis, Nono Ofien and Noil Toensieh in W Timor. Diverse 'Thuringian-type' assemblages with 40 species, usually interpreted as deep marine, as also suggested by Grundel & Kozur 1975) Boehm, G. & F.A. Bather (1908)- Jungeres Palaozoikum von Timor. In: G. Boehm (ed.) Geol. Mitteil. Indo- Australischen Archipel VIb, Neues Jahrbuch Min., Geol., Palaeont., Beilage Band 25, p. 303-323. ('Young Paleozoic of Timor'. First description of two Permian blastoids from Timor, collected by Verbeek in 1899 from Bisano Hill S of Baung (Schizoblastus (now called Deltablastus), Schizoblastus timorensis and S. delta). Associated with Spirifer lineatus, Nautilus, ammonoid Agathiceras timorense n.sp., trilobite Phillipsia) Booi, M., I.M. van Waveren, J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert & P.L. de Boer (2008)- New material of Macralethopteris from the Early Permian Jambi flora (Middle Sumatra, Indonesia) and its palaeoecological implications. Rev. Palaeobotany Palynology 152, 3-4, p. 101-112. (New material of E Permian Jambi flora. Comparison with related Cathaysian and Euramerican species show the isolated occurrence of alethopterid genus Macralethopteris in Cathaysian region) Booi, M., I.M. van Waveren & J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (2009)- Comia and Rhachiphyllum from the Early Permian of Sumatra, Indonesia. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynology 156, p. 418-435. (Early Permian flora from Mengkarang Fm of Jambi with Comia, Rhachiphyllum, Supaia-like material and an Autunia fructification, corroborating peltasperm affinity. Material shows strong relationships with N China and even Angaran region, but no Gondwanan elements, suggesting migration zone running from N China Block to W Sumatra- W Myanmar terrane) Booi, M., I.M. van Waveren & J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (2009)- The Jambi gigantopterids and their place in gigantopterid classification. Botanical J. Linnean Soc. 161, 3, p. 302-328. (Two gigantopterid species/genera from E Permian Mengkarang Fm of Jambi, originally described by Jongmans & Gothan 1935 as Gigantopteris bosschana (reclassified to new genus Gothanopteris by Koidzumi 1936) and G. mengkarangensis (reclassified to Palaeogoniopteris by Koidzumi 1936). Similar to other gigantopterids, but not related directly. Possible scenario for evolution of gigantopterid leaf morphology) BouDagher-Fadel, M.K. (2008)- The Palaeozoic larger benthic foraminifera: the Carboniferous and Permian. In: Evolution and geological significance of larger benthic foraminifera, Chapter 2, Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, Elsevier, 21, p. 39-118. (General review of Paleozoic larger foraminifera, mainly Carboniferous-Permian fusulinids. End of Permian is major extinction event) Boureau, E. & W.J. Jongmans (1955)- Novoguineoxylon lacunosum n.gen., n.sp., bois fossile de la Nouvelle- Guinee hollandaise. Rev. Gen. Botanique 62, p. 720-734. (' Novoguineoxylon lacunosum n.gen., n.sp., fossil wood from Netherlands New Guinea'. New wood species of supposedly Jurasssic age from Birds Head (but very similar to Australoxylon mondii described from U Permian of East Antarctica, and Permian age more likely according to Bamford & Philippe 2001) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 287 March 2014 Breimer, A. & D.B. Macurda (1965)- On the systematic position of some blastoid genera from the Permian of Timor. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, B68, p. 209-217. Breimer, A. & D.B. Macurda (1972)- The phylogeny of the fissiculate blastoids. Verhandelingen Kon. Ned. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, ser. 1, 26, 3, p. 1-390. (online at: (Monograph on Paleozoic fissiculate blastoids (echinoderms). Mainly taxonomy, anatomy and phylogeny, also discussions of geographic distribution (worldwide), stratigraphic distribution (Silurian- Permian) and paleoecology (open marine, attached to limy-muddy seafloors). Most extensive development of Permian fissiculates is on Timor, associated with tuffs (12 genera; all in allochtonous blocks). Main collecting area is Basleo; many endemic species, some also in other areas, e.g. Pterotoblastus gracilis in Thailand) Briggs, D.J.C. (1998)- Permian Productidina and Strophalosiidina from the Sydney-Bowen Basin and New England Orogen: systematics and biostratigraphic significance. Mem. Assoc. Australasian Palaeont. 19, p. 1-258. Broili, F. (1915)- Permische Brachiopoden der Insel Letti. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 43 (1914) Verhandelingen 1, p. 187-207. (‘Permian brachiopods from Leti Island’ (E of Timor). Small brachiopod fauna collected by Molengraaff. With Productus spp., Chonetes strophomenoides, Spirifer spp., Martinia nucula, Retzia, Dielasma and Notothyris) Broili, F. (1916)- Die Permischen Brachiopoden von Timor. In: J. Wanner (ed.) Palaontologie von Timor, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, VII, 12, p. 1-104. (‘The Permian brachiopods of Timor’. Descriptions of 46 species in material from numerous localities in W and some from E Timor, collected by Wanner and Molengraaff. Many are long-ranging and widely distributed Tethys forms, incl. Productus, Spirifer, Spirigera, Retzia, Camarophoria, Dielasma, etc. Rare Lyttonia (Leptodus) cf. tenuis from Basleo and Niki-Niki areas.) Broili, F. (1922)- Permische Brachiopoden von Rotti. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 49 (1920), Verhandelingen 3, p. 223-227. (Nederlandsche Timor expeditie 1910-1912). (Brief description of Permian brachiopods from Roti island, W of Timor, sampled by Brouwer in 1912. Species rel. long-ranging, incl. Derbya beyrichii, Productus waageni, Productus cf. semireticulatus, Spirifer fasciger, Spirigera timorensis, Retzia radialis, Camarophoria pardoni, Notothyris, etc.) Broili, F. (1931)- Mixosauridae von Timor. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Indie 17, p. 3-10. (Vertebrae collected from clays with manganese nodules and ammonites by Jonker in 1873 in NE part of W Timor near E Timor border ('Wai Loelik/ Ramea, Beloe district'). Looks like primitive Ichtyosaurus group and described as Mixosaurus timorensis n.sp.. Age probably Triassic (Manganese nodules known in Timor-Roti from Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous; HvG; see also Zammit, 2010)) Bronnimann, P., J.E. Whittaker & L. Zaninetti (1978)- Shanita, a new pillared Miliocean foraminifera from the Late Permian of Burma and Thailand. Riv. Ital. Paleont. 84, p. 63-92. (New late M- Late Permian pillared miliolid Shanita amosi from W margin of Shan Plateau, E Myanmar. Species mainly characteristic of M Permian of Sibumasu terranes?) Brouwer, H.A. (1919)- Fossielhoudende Palaeozoische afzettingen op Celebes. De Ingenieur, 8 Nov. 1919, p. 832-833. ('Fossiliferous Paleozoic beds on Sulawesi'. Permian ammonite Popanoceras timorense in collection of Colonel G.J. Verstege, reportedly from 'the Sadang and Mato Allo river basins and the mountains in-between, partly found by myself, partly presented by chiefs of Enrekang, Doeri and Maiwa in 1907 and 1910' (Kalosi region). This suggests presence of Paleozoic marine sediments in S-C Sulawesi, but localities never independently verified, and questioned by Abendanon (1920) and Von Koenigswald (1933), who believed they probably came from Timor, via a Chinese pharmacy (But cannot be dismissed completely?: Permian brachiopods also reported from E Sulawesi by Von Loczy (1934) and Von Kutassy (1934); HvG) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 288 March 2014 Bunopas, S., H. Fontaine,S. Salyapongse & D. Vachard (1983)- Permian paleogeography in Southeast Thailand evidenced by new discoveries. J. Geol. Soc. Thailand 6, p. 17-21. (online at: (Complete sequence of Permian fossils now known from region. New Permian limestone localities described from E Thailand near Cambodia border (incl. M Permian Ipciphyllum timoricum). In E Thailand limestones dominant, in W dominantly shale with rare limestones) Burke, J.J. (1966)- On the occurrence of Oklahomacrinus in Ohio and Timor. Ohio J. Science 66, 5, p. 464-468. (Delocrinus expansus Wanner from M Permian of Basleo, W Timor, re-assigned to Oklahomacrinus) Campi, M.J., G.R. Shi & M.S. Leman (2002)- The Leptodus shales of central Peninsular Malaysia: distribution, age and palaeobiogeographical affinities. J. Asian Earth Sci. 20, 6, p. 703-717. (‘Leptodus Shales’ is M Permian argillaceous facies rich in brachiopods in C Belt of Peninsular Malaysia. Sediments often highly tuffaceous and in N Pahang associated with pyroclastic volcanics of probable island-arc origin. Probably represent deposits on W continental shelf of Eastern Belt/ Indochina Block. Faunas of Paleo- Equatorial affinity and closest to faunas in Indochina (S China, Cambodia, Japan)) Caridroit, M. (1993)- Permian radiolaria from NW Thailand. In: T. Thanasuthipitak (ed.) Proc. Int. Symp. Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia, facies and paleontology 1, Chiang Mai University, p. 83-96. (online at: (Permian and Triassic radiolaria from Chiang Dao region, NW Thailand, an area SW of Nan from which U Silurian- Triassic deep water radiolarian-bearing rocks are known, and where nappe sheets are indicated. With descriptions of Permian radiolaria (Folliculus, Albailella, etc.) Caridroit, M., D. Bohlke. & A. Lamchuan (1993)- A mixed radiolarian fauna (Permian/Triassic) from clastics of the Mae Sariang area, northwestern Thailand. In T. Thanasuthipitak (ed.) Proc. Int. Symposium on Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology (BIOSEA), Chiang Mai, 2, p. 401-413. (online at: (Folded sequence of red conglomerates/ sandstones/shales W of Amphoe Mae Sariang not of M Triassic age but Late Triassic or younger. Pebbles include metamorphic quartz and reworked chert clasts with two distinct radiolarian assemblages, M-L Permian and M Triassic) Caridroit, M., H. Fontaine,V. Suteethorn & D. Vachard (1990)- New paleontological data on the Carboniferous and Permian of NW Thailand. In: Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia, CCOP, Spec. Vol., p. 337-351. (Microfaunas from 40 new localities of Visean- Late Permian limestones in NW Thailand) Caridroit, M., D. Vachard & H. Fontaine (1992)- Datations par radiolaires (Carbonifere, Permien et Trias) en Thailande nord-occidentale. Mise en evidence de nappes de charriage et d'olistostromes. Compte Rendu Acad. Sci. Paris, ser. II, 315, 4, p. 515-520. ('Radiolarian age datings (Carboniferous, Permian and, Triassic) in NW Thailand, evidence of nappes and olisthostromes'. Paleozoic stratigraphic column in NW Thailand described as single Ordovician- Permian marine succession, tectonized in Triassic time, but ages from radiolarite dating (Carboniferous- Triassic) demonstrate existence of separate sedimentary basin far from detritic sources and of Carboniferous- Triassic limestones. Present structural imbrication of radiolarites with limestones and detritic series interpreted in terms of tectonic nappes with considerable shortening, and olistostrome deposits) Chapman, F. & W.J. Parr (1937)- On the discovery of fusulinid foraminifera in the Upper Palaeozoic of Northwest Australia. Victorian Naturalist 53, p. 175-179. (Described presence of fusulinid genera Verbeekina and Neoschwagerina in NW Australia (but were shown to be fish remains by Crespin (1958), Quilty (1975). No fusulinid forams recorded yet from Australia, but present on Timor and probably also in Birds Head of New Guinea; HvG) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 289 March 2014 Shallow marine.Middle Permian ostracods from Tak Fa Limestone. T. C. mainly anti-tropical taxa (but herer grouped with warm water taxa rather than with cold water taxa from Gondwanan-Perigondwanan region). Archbold.J. 5. J. (Extensive compilation of Timor Permian stratigraphy and paleontology. Bur. Bull. I. 1954)) Crippa. Pseudoschwagerina cf.pdf) (106 species/46 genera of Permian foraminifera. Eight new species) Chitnarin. R. Ed. (online at: https://www. (online at: http://www. Whittaker (2002). Bull. Crasquin.R.Ostracods (Crustacea) of the Early-Middle Permian from Central Thailand (Indochina block). A. 719-774. Mineral Res. S. Tasmania. W Australia. mainly arenaceous.J. Brachiopods 6 genera (mainly Stereochia aff. Geobios 41. families Aparchitidae. 1-207. part of the W Sumatra Block Volcanic Arc deposits. and Coelonellidae. Owens. cephalopods. Samples from 12 limestone localities in Loei.T. afghanensis. Mineral Res. Eoparafusulina ?haydeni).The Permian of Timor: stratigraphy. Florinites florini and Convolutispora sp. Amphissitidae.G. (Brachiopods. poor assemblage of widespread genera but-tropical Tethyan affinity due to common occurrence large schwagerinids.J. p. also Eostaffella. Harris. which shows paleobiogeographic links between C Thailand and S China) Crespin. . Sumatra) and their palaeobiogeographical significance. p. S. palaeontology and palaeogeography. Youngiellidae. Geol.. 3. different from coeval assemblages of Gondwanan region. (On smaller benthic forams from Queensland.. Grote & N. 129-175. Morris. J. from M Permian Tak Fa Lst in Phetchabun province. etc. P. (1958). C Thailand. conodonts. Taiwan. T (2002). N.). foraminifera. Bird.. Jambi. irianensis. Phetchabun and Nakhon Sawan-Lopburi contain 39 species of Palaeocopida. Crow. Canberra. T. S. Central Thailand.. Bull. except one. Crasquin. M. New South Wales. 15. J. G. 4. mainly Pseudofusulina rutschi. 20. S.Upper Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic radiolarian assemblages from the Busuanga Islands. P. R. HvG)) Crespin. Thanee (2012). meranginensis.E. Y. P. Ueno (2014)- Brachiopods. L. I.. and fusulinids are probably fish remains (Brunnschweiler. Knoxitidae.R.Charlton. also Marginifera.H.W. March 2014 . Publ. p. Kirkbyidae. The only record of two genera of Fusulinid forams is Neoschwagerina and Verbeekina from W Kimberley area in W Australia by Chapman and Parr (1937) (but identifications now believed to be erroneous. R.) Charoentitirat. Geoph... Asian Earth Sci. Science. 48. bryozoans. (1989).Permian fusulinodean biostratigraphy and carbonate development in the Indochina Block of Thailand with their paleogeographic implication. Hasibuan. Fusulinids at one level at Teluk Gedang (rel. F. Webster & J. fusulines and palynomorphs of the Mengkarang Formation (Early Permian.D. A. Van Waveren. p. Owen. North Palawan Block.. Nicoll. fusulines and palynomorphs from Lower Permian Mengkarang Fm. C Thailand. poor assemblage of 6 species. molluscs. Paraparchitidae. Stephenson & K. rel.Foraminifera in the Permian rocks of etc. Beds in W Australia from which Chapman and Parr (1937) described fusulinids are not Permian but Triassic. Hollinellidae. Barkham. 15 species mainly endemic. Bur. Palynomorphs dominated by Laevigatosporites spp. with specialist reviews of brachiopods. P.Permian foraminifera of Australia. 341-353. Charoentitirat. Asian Earth Sci. and Neochonetes carboniferus. Doctoral Thesis. Museum Nat. Podocopida will be described in second paper. P. echinoderms. but affinity with Cathaysian phytogeographic province as represented in N China. University of Tsukuba. Taylor.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Barber. Order (First Permian ostracod fauna described from Thailand. Most likely age Sakmarian. Spec. Chitnarin.A. p. Broutin. Phetchabun Province.E. (1947). Sorauf. etc. Kloedenellidae. etc. Reticulatia.S. 801-835. Geodiversitas 34. M. p. A.D. Thanee (2008). G. Philippines. Schubertella. Angiolini. 206-223. 79. but E Artinskian age cannot be excluded. J. (Unpublished) Cheng. Tepnarong & N. all small benthics. 1. Chonglakmani.1 290 www. nearshore assemblages. trilobites.J. (E-M Permian shallow marine ostracods from W margin of Indochina block. Part I. H. I. Bangkok 1991. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 49-65. McCartain (2013). and can be correlated with S Pamirs. Iran. I.Crow. Johore and W Sumatra Associated dasycladacean floras assignable to E Circum-Pacific Realm. Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA VII). Subdivided with abundant fusuline and calcareous algal biota.K.calcareous algal paleoecology of the Permian Ratburi Limestone. p. D. Geological Journal 44. Symp. central Thailand. Afghanistan.go. HvG)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Also suggest subtropical environment at paleolatitude of ~40° S. HvG)) Davydov. Paraschwagerina. Central Thailand. Ed. 9-33. (1962). 5. 8. Geol. Ratburi Lst transgressive-regressive carbonate platform sequence. O.Tobler's oyster and the age of the Tabir Formation.1 291 www.. 36-48. (Tabir Fm of Jambi long considered to be Upper Jurassic. & A. Palaeoclim. J. British Territories Borneo. Fusulinid foraminifera including Schwagerina spp. Van Waveren & S.A latest Carboniferous warming spike recorded by a fusulinid-rich bioherm in Timor Leste: implications for East Gondwana deglaciation. at S end of Phetchabun foldbelt in C Thailand. Kulau bioherm is oldest unit recognized in Maubisse Fm of Timor. with 6 main assemblages. West Sarawak. Biostratigraphy of mainland Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology (BIOSEA). Survey Dept. (For Davydov et al. Palaeoecology 376. and Eostaffella suggest latest Carboniferous (-earliest Permian) age.The palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical significance of Shanita (foraminifera) and associated foraminifera/ algae from the Permian of peninsular Thailand. West Sarawak. Cummings. p. (Permian carbonates N of Saraburi. p. See also Fontaine 1990. Racey & J.I.E Midian supratidal to outer platform biofacies.Limestones of the Terbat Formation. E Burma. R. uber. (E-M Permian Ratburi Lst of C Thailand (= W margin of Indochina terrane) folded sequence of Sakmarian. S China. (Lensoidal limestone body of Maubisse Fm near Kulau village in central highlands of Timor Leste is bioherm with massive lower unit. Schwagerina). 117-121. 2013 these forms signify a broad latest Carboniferous to Early Permian age. (1993). A.K.early Late Permian (Midian) age.A preliminary account of foraminifera from the Carbo-Permian.. Racey (1993). Geol. HvG)) Dawson. similar to M Permian reefs of Austria and W Texas. p. Chiang Mai University. Central Sumatra.W.vangorselslist. and bedded grainstone upper unit. Report for 1955. Survey Dept. Palaeogeogr. Tan et al. British Territories Borneo. In: B. Saraburi.J. based on small molluscs collected by Tobler and assigned to Ostrea. J. Saraburi. Turkey. In: T.E.) 7th Reg. Appears to be restricted to W Tethys and Shan-Tai Block. With fusulinid facies distribution model) Dawson. including reef framework at base.H. (online at: http://library. Haig & E.H.. Jambi Province. Whittaker (1993). at N margin of Gondwana (where E Permian is glacial-dominated) (Authors do not consider alternative interpretation that Maubisse Fm may be 'allochthonous' and not part of Australian margin. R. 22-38. 1. 283-295. O. Fusulinid distribution depth-controlled. 1. Tethyan Verbeekinoidea dominate late M Permian fusuline assemblages together with some cosmopolitan species of Parufusulina and Schwagerina. Chiang Mai 1993. Fusulinid faunas of Arctic-Tethyan affinities in E Permian and Tethyan affinities in M Permian. p. P.Fusiline foraminiferal biostratigraphy and carbonate facies of the Permian Ratburi Limestone. Geology. These are not oysters and other fauna/flora show Tabir Fm is Late Permian) Cummings. (Terbat Fm with fusulid foraminifera of Early Permian (Asselian) Pseudoschwagerina zone (Pseudoschwagerina heritschi. (eds. Micropalaeontology 12. (Good marker for(early) Late Permian) of Sibumasu/ Cimmerian terranes. p.dmr.Fusuline.. p. Associated with poor fusulinid assemblages (unlike high-diversity fusulinids in E Thailand. Eight fusuline assemblage zones) Dawson. Ann. M. N-S trending carbonate platform with diverse fusulinid-algal assemblage of E Permian (Sakmarian). Archaeolithoporella and Tubiphytes form reef frameworks. Donovan (2008). Congr. (1955).pdf) (late Middle Permian (Midian) pillared miliolid foram Shanita amosi known from Ratburi Lst of peninsular Thailand and from platform carbonates in Tunisia. Ann. Thanasuthipitak ( March 2014 .) Int. Report 1961. 79. Bioherm developed on basalt substrate in warm shallow water. V. Royal. Dept. F. Soc. Proc. Natuur.Geneesk..pdf) (Permian fusulinid foraminifera from limestone blocks associated with spilitic pillow lavas from Whangaroa Harbour.pdf) (Six species of Permian ammonite Paralegoceras proposed by Smith (1927) from Jonker collection from Timor are all variations of P.W. O. Nederl.W.Mizzia in Palaeozoische gesteenten uit de omgeving van Palembang.Neue Permische Krinoiden von Timor.Preliminary note on the occurrence of a new ammonoid fauna of Permian age on the island of Timor. 240-242.Permian foraminifera from northeast and peninsular Thailand. Geol. Padang Highlands (Pia 1935. Magazine 77. (1933). etc. 323-332. Nederl. New Zealand 79. 9.A. Akademie Wetenschappen. F. Neoschwagerina. where fusulinid assemblage of low diversity.E. (M Permian dasyclad calcareous algae Mizzia velebitana Pia in grey-black limestone at Bukit Pendopo. 1. Thought to be stratigraphically transitional between known Basleo and Bitauni faunas) De Marez Oyens.) Proc. Kon. from Basleo. F. diverse foraminifera and algal assemblages mainly of M Permian (late Murgabian-Midian) age. associated with marls and common diabase with tuffs. Proc. Neoschwagerina margaritae. Verbeekina verbeeki.Over het voorkomen van Fusulina-kalken in het Basleo gebied. (‘New Permian crinoids from Timor. tuberculatus.vangorselslist. p. In: P. 88-98.A. etc. 2.pdf) (Listing of Permian ammonites from new locality Tae Wei.dwc. Amsterdam. (online at: http://www. (online at: http://www.W.natlib. p. a correction. G. NE Thailand (Indochina terrane) age-equivalent fusulinids are abundant and diverse Tethyan assemblages with Colania douvilei.. F.H. locally ranging down into Sakmarian. p.A. collected by Keil in 1931. Handelingen 28th Nederl. (1938). Fontaine 1983).Dawson. N. New Zealand. A. with remarks on their occurrence in the Basleo area’. 1. 41. Associated with fusulinids Fusulina and Neoschwagerina) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . In Noil Toeke in series of Permian rocks enclosed in Mesozoic rocks. Loose blocks of fusulinid limestones in Noil Boenoe river deposits. (1949). 319-321. 1122-1126. Utrecht. Angsuwathana et al. Lepidolina.Permian fusulinid foraminifera from the North Auckland Peninsula. ('On the occurrence of Fusulina limestones in the Basleo area’. 36. (1940).nl/DL/publications/PU00016378. Yabeina multiseptata probably of M Permian (Wordian. North Island. (eds. Amsterdam. Symp.. p 253- 254. Racey & J. (1951).A.govt.Capitanian) age) De Marez Oyens. Mineral Resources. With mod. Hornibrook. Stratigraphic correlation of Southeast Asia. sundaicum Haniel) De Marez Oyens. 3.H.On Paralegoceras sundaicum Haniel and related forms.A. Marls locally rich in crinoids.go. mit Bemerkungen über deren Vorkommen im Basleogebiet.pdf) (Permian carbonates of Peninsular Thailand originally deposited on Shan-Tai (Sibumasu) terrane. Bangkok 1994. p. Brouwer (ed. p. Chronica Naturae. 285-348.dwc. NW of Basleo Permian limestones generally thin lenses. 224-225. In some areas this Permian adjacent to deep marine Cretaceous with manganese nodules and fish teeth) De Marez Oyens. (online at: http://library. probably remnants of thrust sheet) De Neve. S Sumatra. 5. (1940). Congr.A. Timor) De Marez Oyens. 10. 106.A. Int.dmr. Whittaker (1994).H. Kon. In: H. coarse conglomerates with March 2014 . Also known from Guguk Bulat.knaw.knaw.W.H. p.Platycrinus tuberculatus Oyens. (1941). Noord Hollandsche Publ. Ed. 1937. Verbeekina.) Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands. 5 km NE of Basleo. Localities with Shanita amosi and common Hemigordius and Hemigordiopsis restricted to peninsular Thailand. Akademie Wetenschappen.1 292 www. (Suggests Permian crinoid Platycrinus wrighti to replace P. Trans. are first record of fusulines New Zealand. (online at: http://rsnz.)) De D. Batavia.H. IGCP 306. p. 2.Problems of a Late Palaeozoic glaciation in Australia and subsequent climate in the Permian. 339-342. etc. (1940). p.Correlation of fusulinid rocks from southern Sumatra.. Also white silicified limestone interbedded in phyllite-sandstone series with Permian fusulinid foraminifera in old tin mine 17 at at Airduren. Faunas associated with glacial deposits low diversitywith Deltopecten. Geologie en Mijnbouw 13. jasperoids and combustible clay shales from W Borneo found by Krekeler (1932. all separated probably by colder periods. 185-197.Upper Palaeozoic pelecypods and gastropods from Irian Jaya. J. p. J.vangorselslist. J. in Sekaju area pebbles with fusulinids in Old Neogene conglomerate by Van Tuyn (1931) and (4) silicified limestones and fine crystalline quartzites with fusulinids of Sungailiat area near Aerduren. in H. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Dev.M. Bull. 23. Bangka island collected by de Roever) De Roever. Eurydesma. in Palembang area. Palaeoclim. (online at: https://s3-ap-southeast-2. Carnarvon. 1933). End of glaciation asssociated with worldwide eustatic rise in sea-level in Early Sakmarian.. Palaeontological Appendix to Simons (1940). p.Some additional data on the stratigraphy of Bangka. 29. Marine Levipustula fauna may represent less cold sea water than Eurydesma fauna) Dickins. (1963). Ed.P. from Perth. with similar rocks from Malaya. Bureau Mineral Res. E Kalimantan (Tan Sin Hok 1930). p.P. (3) Two localities of limestone with Neoschwagerina and Fusulina spp. Palaeoclim. (1996). p. marbles. & S. Indonesia. Ends with eustatic rise in sea level. Kungurian. p. 63. Centre. with entry of Tethyan forms (Spriferella. (1957). W.M. Palaeogeogr. Bull. NE Bangka) Dickins. Proc. Western Australia. Palaeogeogr.E Artinskian) cool.cloudfront. (Two main periods of glaciation: (1) Namurian (E Carboniferous) possibly extending into beginning of Late Carboniferous. Lidak. and Borneo. J.D (Artinskian-Kungurian) slow warming in W Australia. 1-203. Western Australia.Description of some Permian ammonoids from F. (1956). indicating tropical temperatures) Dickins. 206-210. 9th Pacific Science Congress. Geol.De Neve. 10. Ser. Leptodus in N. (online at: https://d28rz98at9flks. discovered by Keil and (3b) 18 km W of Palembang. S (1940) Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands 1937. (3a) E of Bukit Pendopo. Geophysics. Dickins.M. G. Geophysics. (2) Asselian (earliest Permian).amazonaws. p.Lower Permian pelecypods and gastropods from the Carnarvon Basin. J. Geol. Keeneia and Trigonotreta. 33-46. Bureau Mineral Res. J. C. 43-52. Skwarko (1981). Geol.M. 1-42. (1978). Bangka.K.. B (Sakmarian. (New species of cyclolobid ammonite Waagenoceras lidacense from Lower Permian of NE West Timor) De Roever.1 293 www.pdf) (150 species of pelecypods and 60 gastropods from Lower and Upper Permian of W Australia.Permian pelecypods and gastropods from Western Australia.M. 1. March 2014 . 41. Bangkok 1957. (New fossil finds on Bangka Island include: Upper Triassic in limestone bed in dynamo-metamorphic clastics and volcanics in Lumut tin mine (coral Montlivaltia molukkana Wanner.pdf) Dickins. Bandung. Palaeoecol.A. Stage F (latest Permian) Tethyan faunas. (Permian climate stages in Australia: A (Sakmarian) cold water from present latitude 20° 1-75. p.Climate of the Permian in Australia: the invertebrate faunas.M.A. (1961). Palaeont. Bureau Mineral Res. Res. U Artinskian.. (2) Permo-Carboniferous Fusulinidae in limestones. In some places in Australia subtropical or tropical conditions in U Sakmarian. Brouwer (ed. Geology and Geophysics 12. Geophysics. Palaeoecology 125. incl. 5. sponges Peronidella moluccana Wilckens and crinoids). Geol. Eurydesma and Keeneia persist in E Australia.).Permian pelecypods from the Carnarvon Basin. (1951). Bull. Paleozoic rocks with fusulinids in Indonesia: (1) U Paleozoic pebbles with Fusulina spp. 249. (Abstract only) (Four occurrences of U. Thailand and Burma. in Lower Tertiary conglomerate in Kutai. Canning and Fitzroy Basins) Dickins. Koekatoe. Kazanian and Dzhulfian. 113-122.) Permian stratigraphy. E of Timor) Edwards. Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Soc. Macroporella. 308- 324. (First record of Permo-Carboniferous plant fossils from 'Raub series' shale with thin ash beds at Sungei Chiku. In: T. M. Solenopora. p. (Algae from conglomeratic beds near Mansalay Fm (probably Jurassic) at Agbahag Point.) Ehiro. (2) Equatorial American. Fusulinids described earlier by Toriyama and Kanmera 1968. Proc. 171-172. Mindoro Oriental. Mizzia velebitana. M. Early Permian (Sakmarian). In: Jin et al. Macroporella. New South Wales. verbeeki Gothan & Jongmans from Sumatra) and Cordaites March 2014 . 56.S. with E Permian perrinitids. 575-587. (Incl. HvG).) Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. p. Kelantan.Les calcaires a fusulines de l’Indo-Chine. Soc. R. etc. (W Australia Permian cephalopod Gastrioceras very similar to Paralegoceras sundaicum Haniel of Leti island.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Fossil algae from the Khao Phlong Phrab District in Thailand. Northeast Japan. (Biogeographic analysis of Permian. 7. from Permian of Kinta Valley) Endo. University of Tokyo Press. p. the Philippines. Early paper on Permian fusulinid foraminifera from Vietnam and Laos) Dun. (1998). p. Palaeontology 11. (Permian ammonites of 'allochthonous Timor' group with Tethyan instead of peri-Gondwanan assemblages) Elliott. p. Mindoro Island. p. ('The fusulinid limestones of Indochina'. J. Kobayashi & R. W. Incl.Ammonoid palaeobiogeography of the South Kitakami palaeoland and palaeogeography of eastern Asia in Permian to Triassic time. (Descriptions of calcareous algae from E-M Permian Rat Buri Lst between Lop Buri and Sara Buri. suggesting Permian pebbles reworked into younger (Jurassic?) sediments) Endo. (eds. Geol. Waagenoceras?) and (4) Peri-Gondwanan (incl. Palaeoworld 9. Sydney. Timor. Incl. Permocalculus. Ed. Toriyama (eds. Iran. J. France (4) 6. Proc. Velebitella. Kobayashi & R.1 294 www. S China. Four ammonoid provinces in Permian: (1) Boreal. p. Vermiporella. H. 249-252. In: T. & D. Utrecht. David (1922).Notes on the occurrence of Gastrioceras at the Irwin River Coalfield. Salt Range)) Ehiro. 12. (1997). (1968). (1969). and a comparison with the so-called Paralegoceras from Letti. 4.W. p.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Triasic ammonoids in E Asia suggests Kikatami Terrane in NE Japan.vangorselslist. Malay Peninsula. J. p. Western Australia. University of Tokyo Press.sp. (1906). M. etc. N Thailand.(Early Permian (Artinskian or Kungurian) Aimau Fm pelecypods from Birds Head) Dixon. Royal Soc. Pecopteris cf. cyathea (somewhat similar to P.biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography. incl. Dutch East Indies. Toriyama (eds. Australia.Foraminifera and their habitats within a cool-water carbonate succession following glaciation. (1968).Permian ammonoid fauna of the Kitakami Massif. Geol. 30th Int. Himalayas. VSP. 211-219. 18-28. 5.Fossil algae from Mindoro Oriental Province. & E. SE Asia. Haig (2004). environments and resources 2. C. W. Beijing 1996. 2. Douville. Congress. Archaeolithporella hidensis. 491-497. W. Most species known from Permian of Japan. Epimastopora malaysiana n.N. Bull. M Permian Timorites. 4. 4. was in equatorial realm near S China/ Khanka Terranes. Palaeontology and historical geology.F. Vermiporella nipponica (=Vermiporella sumatrana Pia 1937?. 33-85.Carboniferous plants from the Malay States. Foraminiferal Research 34. R. (1926). Mainly systematic descriptions of 64 species of 33 genera.Three new Tethyan Dasycladaceae (calcareous algae). Australia. (3) Equatorial Tethyan (incl. Res. Spirifer. Notes 21. Bandung. p.1 295 www. Similar to those from mainland SE Asia. Canning. ('Research on the Permian tabulate corals of Timor and on the affinities of the spongiomorphs of the Triassic of Austria. Tectonostratigraphic model and palynological zonation chart) Ezzoubair. geochimiques et biochimiques.Some Permian corals from the Highlands of Padang. C. cephalopods (Orthoceras. 1-346. laosense. N and S Perth). N. Chonglakmani. etc. Palaeontographica 48. 173-226. Mollerina/ Schwagerina verbeeki). Wentzelloides frechi.. HvG)) Fontaine. R. 21-43. and algae Mizzia velebitana. (Blastoid genus Pterotoblastus from Permian of Timor. Upper Carboniferous of Padang'.Eyles.). 11. Paleont. A. a Permian blastoid from Timor. 1-31.Helmcke. R.Deltoblastus.. p. p. gastropods (Bellerophon spp. Carnarvon. Wentzelophyllum. bivalves. Gu. p. F.). with type species D. Centre.Permian rugose corals from Timor (remarks on Schouppe and Stacul’s collections and publications from 1955 and 1959). Ingavat-Helmcke & M. Publ. N. etc. 298-300. (33 species of latest Permian radiolaria from bedded cherts in S China) Feng. Oklahoma Geol.Carboniferous. which was not single block. (1961). 4. geochemical and biochemical data') Fay. Permocalculus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Wonganan. p. Pavastehphyllum. I.).Latest Permian Spumellaria and Entactinaria (Radiolaria) from South China. subelegans Minato & Kato. and initially described by Roemer (1880). Collie.Permian palynostratigraphy of West Australian rift basins: resolving tectonic and eustatic controls during Gondwanan glaciations. p. collected by Verbeek and donated to Breslau University. corals. (1901). trilobites (Phillipsia). 84. (1961). brachiopods (Dalmanella. Geol. Y. He.. gracilis from Basleo beds) Fay. K. Ph. (M Permian reefal limestone from Guguk Bulat and Silungkang areas E of Singkarak lake. 2-3. Sumatra.D. Dev. Ser.J. Indonesia. Oklahoma Geol. J. with type species. Oberkarbonische Fauna von Padang.E Permian up to 2-3 km thick glacially-influenced siliciclastic successions in NW Australia basins (Bonaparte.. NW Thailand. (Now regarded as mainly Middle Permian age. (Late Carboniferous. Malila.Recherches sur les Tabules permiens de Timor et sur les affinities des Spongiomorphides du Trias d'Autriche: importances des donnees microstructurales. Caridroit (2005)- Permian and Triassic radiolaria from Northwest Thailand: paleogeographical implications. (Late Permian. Fac. Rev. (New genus Deltoblastus. Meng (2006).O. Palaeontographica A 191. elongatus. etc. 2. fusulinids (Fusulina granum- avenae. (1983). importance of microstructural. ('On Upper Carboniferous faunas from East and South Asia. Notes. G.vangorselslist. Sciences. C Sumatra. p. Orthothetes.The type species of Pterotoblastus. Palaeogeogr. Spirigera. 4-6. for blastoids from Permian of Timor) Fedorowski. 91-136. 49. Q. 305-319. a new Permian blastoid genus from Timor. p. Jin & Y. (2000). Backhouse (2002). but composed of Paleotethyan Ocean and two continental terranes affiliated with Gondwana and Cathaysian domains. Coral faunas include Sinophyllum. 21.. W. Ed.Mae Sariang area. Associated with rich fusulinid fauna.Uber Oberkarbonische Faunen aus Ost und Sudasien. (1986). D. H. (online at: http://archive. 237-255. Thesis Universite Libre Bruxelles. Q.O. Re- description of 59 Permian fossil species from dark limestones in Padang Highlands. Incl. S. Thomasiphyllum. Productus. Tripartite successions of glacial- deglaciation cycles (diamictite/ shale/ sandstone) of different ages and marked variations in thickness. respectively) Fliegel. Revue Micropal. Main oceanic basin was in 'Shan-Thai Block'.. represent Paleotethyan pelagic basin in Late Paleozoic-Triassic. late Ladinian and M Carnian radiolarians (51 species) from Mae Hong Son. small foram Hemigordius sp. p. March 2014 . Feng. Palaeoclim. I. Ipciphyllum fliegeli (Lange). I. 1. Palaeoecology 184. 36- 40. Mory & J. Micropal. R. Locally up to 600m thick. CCOP Techn. In: G. 20. p. H. Teh & S. Laos.. HvG)) Fontaine. Include Tabulata (mainly Sinopora.Discovery of Lower Permian corals in Sumatra. p. Unlike earlier papers here believed to be mainly of M-U Carboniferous age.Lower Carboniferous corals. (1986). Bull.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments.vangorselslist. (Extensive review of geology and paleontology of Permian of Thailand. (First record of E Permian corals from Sumatra. Waagenophyllum?)) Fontaine. p. Fontaine (ed. Pavastehphyllum) and rare compound rugosa (Paraipciphyllum. a very famous Permian limestone locality of Sumatra. H. Fontaine & S. No massive Rugosa found) Fontaine. H. Vietnam.Fontaine. tubular sponges. (1989). Bull.183-191. Paper 19. ranging up into earliest Permian (Moscovian. 112-127. (M Permian corals from three localities: some Tabulata (Sinopora asiatica) and abundant Tetracoralliia. E Thailand and Vietnam.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Paper 19. but some local recrystallization near ?Triassic granite intrusions) Fontaine. Mainly solitary Rugosa (Zaphrentites) and compound Rugosa (Siphodendron). 1. Muara Liso. Bangkok. CCOP Techn. In: H. and Wentzelloides (called Lonsdaleia by Volz 1904 and Lange 1925)). Geol. p. H.. Fontaine & March 2014 . p. 81-89. (1989). Followed by 7 appendices on Permian fauna-flora by Fontaine. In: H.5 km NE of Singkarak Lake in Padang Highlands of ~150m thick grey. Paper 19. algae and occasional fusulinids (type locality of Sumatrina. Vachard and Vozenin-Serra)) Fontaine. p. Kuala Lumpur 1984.. Jurassic (Kedadom Fm) and Cretaceous (Pedawan Fm) ages (also reworked inn Paleogene of NW Kutai Basin. 5. Associated with M-L Asselian Pseudoschwagerina zone fusulinids.Permian corals of West Thailand. Kepingophyllum.Guguk Bulat. and is reefal facies) Fontaine. (1990).H. CCOP Techn. 41-44. (1986). Bangkok. bedded M Permian limestone rich in corals (including massive tetracorallia of Waagenophyllidae family). Indonesia. (1989). Fontaine (ed. Publ. 149-165. Jambi Province) Fontaine.1 296 www. Batu Impi): Protomichelinia.Lower Permian corals of Sumatra. Cummings (1961) and Sanderson (1966). Geol. (W Sarawak Terbat Fm dark grey limestone with fusulid foraminifera and little or no corals. 18. Michelinia). (1990). Gafoer (eds. (1990). Ed. Sumatra. Faunas many similarities with M Permian rocks on SE Asia mainland. Limestone not metamorphosed. Pebbles of possibly related fusulinid limestone found in conglomerates of Triassic (Sadong Fm). but very different from age-equivalent rocks of W Malay Peninsula. GEOSEA V Conf. p. Publ. Gafoer (eds.) Proc.173-181. solitary rugosa (Lophophyllidium. Paramananthan (eds. Malaysia Bull.) Ten years of CCOP Research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia. Lower Permian sediments well developed in upper Mesumai River area and represent forested volcanic arc surrounded by shallow sea) Fontaine. 1-111. Mesumai River. 20.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. 95-98. Malaysia.) and large colonies of tabulate coral (Protomichelinia) from Lower Permian Batu Gajah and Batu Impi localities.Peninsular Thailand ('Sibumasu'). (Two species of colonial rugose coral (Kepingophyllum sp. Gafoer (eds. Warm water limestones with some similarities to limestones of E Malay Peninsula. H. also Pseudofavosites.Carboniferous corals from Northeast Thailand (northeast of Loei). etc. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Reprint of 1982 paper in CCOP Newsletter. p. in Jambi Province (Pulau Apat. Soc. 20.E Asselian). CCOP Techn. Fontaine & S. In: H. Bangkok. Chusenophyllum? and Polythecalis.The Permian of Southeast Asia. 19. 43-54. (Corals present but not prolific in Lower Carboniferous limestones of N and C Sumatra.The Terbat Formation of Sarawak (Malaysia): a very peculiar limestone. In: H. CCOP Techn. H. described earlier by Krekeler (1932). Nguyen Tien. CCOP Techn. Batu Gajah. Jahrbuch B73. In: H. H. (1988).) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia. H. H. Guguk Bulat rich and massive tetracorallia colonies (mainly Ipciphyllum spp. p. also Verbeekina). (Corals from W Thailand (Sibumasu Terrane) not abundant and mainly simple forms.Middle Permian corals of Sumatra. Amplexocarinia. CCOP Techn. Classic locality 3. H. Jambi Province (Sungei Luati. Rel. environments of deposition and to define crustal blocks and Permian paleogeography) Fontaine. poor coral assemblages of mainly solitary Rugosa. Publ. V. These characterize well-defined biogeographic unit (= Shan-Tai/ Sibumasu terrane. CCOP Newsl.S. 6. Chaetetes) Fontaine. Salyapongse. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Sumatra. Pseudohuangia. Bangkok. some associated with volcanics: Padang Highlands (Guguk Bulat. Local occurrences of thick-bedded cherts indicate deep marine environments. nothing similar in Australia. 9. near Lubuksikaping (Muara Sipongi) and N Sumatra near Takengon (Situtup Lst)) Fontaine. Suteethorn & D. Batang Tabir. Limestones with fusulinids. p. & S. Publ.12-17. (online at: http://library. Techn. Jambi Province. H. Guangzhou 1985. 17. p. (online at: http://permian. incl. Co-ord. I.. T. Asian Earth Sci. Ed. Peninsular Thailand.(NE of Loei in NE Thailand small outcrops of M Carboniferous(Visean. extending into NW Malay Peninsula with low diversity corals. HvG). 20. M. low diversity corals and fusulinids (Pseudofusulina.Pre-Tertiary limestones found at the bottom of wells drilled in Malacca Straits. E Malay Peninsula and Timor. p. 567-588. 129-151. Palepat). found to be Triassic. Gafoer (1989). CCOP Techn. 5. Kibul. Chonglakmani. H. H. Fossils rel. In: H. (Review of M Permian fossil localities of Sumatra. (M-U Permian-Triassic Ratburi Lst of Peninsular Thailand and Chuping Lst of NW Peninsular Malaysia with rel. H. March 2014 . Amnan & S. 4. p. Joint Prosp.A well-defined Permian biogeographic unit: peninsular Thailand and northwest Peninsula Malaysia. This E Permian flora and fauna similarities with C Europe. Widespread massive limestones represent extensive carbonate platforms. Sg. Gafoer (1989).pdf) (Limestone is widespread in Surat Thani Province and forms spectacular karst topography. including foram genus Shanita at depth 2630’. S. Some localities rich in Hemigordiopsis renzi. Tanjung Alai). etc. Volcanic rocks absent in NW Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand. 19. with high diversity assemblages similar to Cambodia. Staffella.The Middle Permian.. & S. Silungkang. known from >100 localities. Gafoer (eds. Pebbly mudstones in Myanmar.go. Fontaine & S. Bangkok. many with fusulinids. (1999). 99-112.Permian of Southeast Asia: an overview. Permophiles 33. Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP).H. Vietnam and S China. with smaller foraminifers Sphairionia sikuoides. on Geology of Thailand: towards sustainable development and sufficiency economy. J. p. Asiah & S. H. CCOP. Many limestones with fusulinaceans recognized as Permian. Hemigordiopsis and Shanita. (2002). Sanatul (1992). 36-38. from Lower to Upper Permian.vangorselslist. Multithecopora. Pachyphloia. (Four wells: Singa Besar-1 basal carbonate ('Tampur Fm'?) contain Middle Permian age fossils. but widespread in N Vietnam. J.1 297 www. Fontaine & S. In: GEOTHAI’07 Int. 47-51. Sg.Diverse Permian coral faunas are widely distributed in Thailand. NW Malaysia and Sumatra formed in glacial environment. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Bukit Pendopo (Palembang). Laos. C. Monodiexodina). 221-228. Gafoer (eds. Conf. Endothyra. and with forams incl. but ones without fusulinaceans and previously assigned to Permian.) The pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Papers 22nd Sess. Two distinct provinces (1) E and C Thailand. rare due to dolomitization or recrystallization. Piyasin (1994).pdf) (Summary of Permian coral distribution in Thailand.2740’ (generally associated with 'Sibumasu'/ Cimmerian terranes: HvG)) Fontaine. H. Vachard (2007). Thailand. Hoang.Permian limestone of Surat Thani Province. Faunal and floral assemblages used to establish climatic conditions.The Lower Permian..Bashkirian) limestones in two facies belts. Mainly limestones. and (2) Peninsular Thailand. (Lower Permian of Merangin River area W of Bangko. U Permian declining coral faunas) Fontaine. p. Noted similarities of several fossil groups with Timor Permian faunas) Fontaine. absence of corals in Lower Permian and no Ipciphyllum. In: H.T. (Permian rocks widespread in SE Asia. Ages probably mainly M Permian. Comm. Mineral Res.). well known since 1930's for its Cathaysian 'Jambi Flora' in Mengkarang Fm.stratigraphy. incl Monodiexodina wanneri in Padang Higlands (Hahn & Weber 1981)) Fontaine.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Peninsular Malaysia.) Proc. Fusulinella. Geol. Verbeekina. (2) Jengka Pass black shale with limestone lenses with Michelinia and fusulinids a. Kavinate. V.. p. Kavinate. Geol. Bull. Papers 2. primitive Verbeekinoids (Pamirina leveni. H.).. palaeogeographic significance. etc. W Thailand. Malaysia. Pseudostaffella. H. fusulinids (Schellwienia.Important discovery of late Early Permian limestone in Southern Terengganu. Nguyen & D. In: G. 39-47. Suteethorn & D. T. algae (Mizzia. rare Fusulinidae and solitary corals.The Neoschwagerina -zone and the Lepidolina-Yabeina -zones in Malaysia and the Dzhulfian-Dorashamian in Malaysia: the transition to the Triassic. Vachard (2013).) and corals (mainly solitary Rugosa). Amnan & D. 1-65. in Seri Bandi area in E part of Malay Peninsula. Malaysia March 2014 .or.H.T. 69-99. Sumatrina. Kuala Lumpur. p.1 298 www. indicate three Late Cisuralian (=Artinskian-Kungurian) biozones. & Ibrahim B. near Myanmar border.). Energy Res.P.a. Ibrahim B. Geol. Cha-am and Thong Pha Phum areas. also Mizzia. In: B.L. fasciculate and massive Rugosa) (= Ratburi Lst of Shan-Tai/ Sibumasu terrane. etc. Ibrahim B. 9th Congr. Chiang Mai. Levenella. Soc. calcispherids.Carboniferous corals from the Kuantan area. Fontaine. Papers 4. 453-460.A. Misellina). (Small exposures of grey-black . etc. Tubiphytes). Profusulinella. Soc. S. 38. Leeina. Khao Yoi localities rich in fusulines (Eopolydiexodina a megasphaerica) indicating U Murgabian/ M Permian age. Permocalculus). Khoo D. Geological Survey of Malaysia. H. (3) Bukit Biwah M Permian Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .pdf) (Carboniferous limestones in NW Thailand.).Carboniferous of Malaysia: biostratigraphy and paleogeography. Soc. Chalaroschwagerina. (Description of M and Late Permian corals from three localities on E Malay Peninsula: (1) Bukit Kepayang quarry (Kampong Awah) andesite with dark limestone blocks with Waagenophyllum and Ipciphyllum. Hoang & D. etc. Thailand. Very different from Carboniferous of Peninsular Thailand) Fontaine. (1999). Palaeofusulina. Vachard (1994). GEOSEA ’98. (Karsted limestones of Kinta valley probably of Permian age) Fontaine. 159-172. Hemigordiopsis. p. Endothyra. Ed. etc. algae (incl. Brevaxina. Rocks of area previously considered Early Carboniferous age) Fontaine. Ibrahim B. fossils similar to above . Nat.. more widespread than previously thought (usually assigned to Permian). Other samples rich in low-diversity Fusulinidae (Parafusulina spp. Permocalculus. Issue. Cha-am. 500 m from granite.. H. solitary.T. Malaysia Bull. Fontaine. Ratanasthien & S.Wide extension of Carboniferous Limestone in Northwest Thailand with an interesting stratigraphy. etc. Descriptions of localities and diverse assemblages of smaller foraminifera . 65-78.T. Ipoh. 58. J. In Cha-am District M Permian corals (Paraipciphyllum. 26-44. p. Vachard (2003). Perak. N of Chiang Dao. Vachard (2012). Int. Techn. and associated microfauna: peculiar faunas for Southest Asia and puzzling faunas for stratigraphy. Spec. Peninsular Malaysia. Soc. Amnan & D. 1-74.. H.Permian limestone of Peninsular and Western Thailand in Khao Yoi.) Proc. H. H.Biostratigraphy of the Kinta Valley. Toriyamaya. Amnan. Hoang. abundant fusulinids (incl.Some Permian corals from East Peninsular Malaysia: associated microfossils. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Symposium on Shallow Tethys 5. S. (online at: www. Minerals and Geoscience Dept. In Thong Pha Phum. p.gst. p. 43. p. Estimated thickness 90-300m. also suggesting M Permian Shan-Thai fauna (=Sibumasu) Block) Fontaine. Yangchienia.vangorselslist. & Ibrahim Bin Amnan (1995). smaller foraminifers ( Min.Globivalvulina and Agathammina. Chusenella) with few. late E Permian massive shallow marine limestone.. HvG)) Fontaine. common Tubiphytes. p. Lys & Nguyen Duc Tien (1988). 2. Kanchanaburi Province. Hist. With stromatolites. fusulinid forams Neoschwagerina. Vachard (1999). T. H. J. Rieb (eds. Fontaine.. Geol. Geol. SE Asia. Siam.. Petchaburi Province) and W Thailand.. Sinopora asiatica) and fusulinids (Yangchienia iniqua).pdf) (Paleontological study of limestones in N Peninsular Thailand (Khao Yoi. 5.siamese-heritage. with Sinopora asiatica and Paraipciphyllum. H. low diversity corals (Tabulata. Teh (ed. (online at: http://www. ~360km NNE of Bangkok. Chusenella. Profusulinella. Bangkok. 51.thaiscience.Permian fossils recently collected from limestones of Nan area.. CCOP Techn. energy and water resources of Thailand: towards the year 2000. 250km NE of Bangkok. March 2014 .…) (Review paper of fossil corals of Thailand. Nguyen D.The Permian of Khao Tham Yai area in Northeast Thailand. E Malay Peninsula and Sumatra (Indochina. Peninsular Thailand (= Shan-Thai/ Sibumasu terrane. Bangkok 1999.massive limestone with Parawentzelella and algae.Permian corals of Southeast Asia and the nearing of a recent discovery of Lower Permian corals in Northeast Thailand.E Malaya terrane'. p. S. Verbeekina verbeeki. H. p. p. with rugose corals. (online at: Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .dmr.. Conf. & V. CCOP Techn. Tien & D. Parafusulina gigantea. Central and NE Thailand.go.1 299 www.dmr.pdf) (M Permian limestone around Nan. H. N Thailand. Staffella. Of Cathaysian affinity. incl. 45° E-dipping M Permian limestone of Tham Yai hill cave in Nam Nao district. Vachard (2002). Central Thailand. Also Latest Permian with Colaniella and ?Paleofusulina in area. 1. Carboniferous volcanic section overlain by E-M Permian limestones (=W margin Indochina Block?. In: Symp.) and mainly massive rugose corals (Ipciphyllum.dmr. with strong affinities to S China. HvG). more abundant and and more diverse than NW of Malay Peninsula) Fontaine. 24. Suteethorn (1992). (Permian corals common and diverse assemblages in SE.Glimpses into fossil assemblages of Thailand: coral perspectives.Jurassic faunas) Fontaine. Salyapongse & V. thick-bedded. p. In: N.pdf) (M-U Carboniferous fossils from black limestone lenses intercalated in basic-intermediate volcanoclastics E of Lam Narai.pdf) (>700m thick. & V. H.) Proc. Lepidolina.. smaller foraminifera and fusulinids (Pseudodoliolina cf. Rare fusulinds. In: N. Suteethorn (1988).Permian corals of Thailand. Assemblages of E Malay Peninsula corals and fusulinids different. incl.) Proc. Symposium on Geology of Thailand. Mineral.go. H. Nankinella. affinities with Vietnam and S China) with rich coral faunas.. Bull. Hist. Siam Soc. Salyapongse. p. HvG)) Fontaine. Bangkok 2002. Piencharoen (ed. 37-67. Suteethorn (1994). (W Thailand part of Shan-Thai/ Sibumasu Block. Parawedekindellina(?). Vachard (2002). (online at: http://library. Bangkok 2002. 20. Carboniferous. Multimurinus) (Lower Midian Horizon 3 comparable to Guguk Bulat fauna of Sumatra?)(see also Fontaine & Salyapongse 2001)) Fontaine. Descriptions of Devonian. Mantajit (ed. Devonian and Jurassic corals locally common. Resources. Suteethorn (2003). Typical Tethyan/ Indochina Block assemblages of fusulinids (incl.go. Nguyen D. pseudolepida.E Frasnian. Lower Permian (Asselian-Sakmarian) unknown in area. Dept Min. H. 58-76. C Thailand. Salyapongse & D. Bull.Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils of West Thailand and their environments.) Proc. Permian and Triassic corals widespread. p. (online at: http://library. 45-57. Vietnam. N.. 1- 108. etc.dmr.vangorselslist.. stromatoporoid Chlathrodictyon and tabulate coral Heliolites porosus (= same taxa as reported by Rutten 1940 from NE Kalimantan)) Fontaine. although Nan area is separated from Indochina block by Nan- Uttaradit suture) Fontaine. Symposium on Geology of Thailand.Protriticites. schwagerinids. Salyapongse. Bull. Sattayarak & V. Vachard (2000). 5. Tien & D. Geologic resources of Thailand: potential for future development. (online at: http://library. Cambodia. Includes Devonian limestone in NE Thailand area near Laos border (possibly Givetian. H.go. Ordovician and Silurian corals rare and poorly known. S. Colania douvillei. 201-211. In: C. (online at: http://www. HvG) only rare corals belonging to Tabulata and solitary Rugosa and with low diversity fusulinids) Fontaine. 346-354. but unknown in Australia. Sumatrina.New Carboniferous fossils found in Ban Bo Nam area. Nat. North Thailand. S. Mantajit (ed. Ed. H. Suteethorn & D.Carboniferous corals of Thailand.(Brief review of Permian corals of SE Asia. Afghanella. Absent or only rare tiny corals without dissipiments in Peninsular Thailand (=Sibumasu terrane. H. W Europe. Tabulata (Syringopora. (online at: http://library. No corals found in Carboniferous of Peninsular Thailand or NW Peninsular Malaysia (Sibumasu)) Fontaine. 1-17. p. near Burma border. all of which are richer and more prolific than those from Australia.Moscovian to Gshelian coral assemblages in northeastern Thailand: field- relationship between Carboniferous and Permian strata. Bangkok 2002. In parts of area overlain by Permian (mainly limestone). etc. Schubertella). p. CCOP Techn. Carboniferous of N Thailand affinities with S China. 35-37. In SE and NW only rare solitary Rugosa. Rugosa most common. V. Chiang Mai. more affinities to Indochina than Sibumasu. 3.go. Bull. limestone is rare and fusulinids and compound corals are absent) Fontaine.The Carboniferous corals of Southeast Asia with new discoveries in Laos and Thailand. p. 5. Kepingophyllidae) Fontaine. Verbeekina. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Most diverse coral faunas in 'mid-Carboniferous' (Upper Visean. Bangkok 1994. 25-42. (Carboniferous corals abundant in C and NE Thailand. Sphairionia.The coral Koninckophyllum in the Early Carboniferous of Thailand.. (All stages of Carboniferous represented in NE Thailand (Indochina Block).Khao Yoi. shale and chert occur occasionally in C and N parts of area. E Permian (Sphaeroschwagerina. incl. Overlain by Permian (Asselian) sandstones-limestones and M Permian fusulinid limestone) Fontaine. mainly solitary Rugosa.Carboniferous and Permian limestones in Sop Pong area: unexpected lithology and fossils. Jongkanjanasoontorn (1991).The Carboniferous of northeast Thailand: a review with new data. E of Loei.Lower Serpukhovian.vangorselslist.dmr. 34-41.. Rugofusulina). Suteethorn & Y. Japan. H. Symp. Loei Province. Stratigraphic correlation of Southeast Asia. Sumatrina. low diversity. Vachard (1995). Tansthein (1987). Vachard (1998). M-U Devonian limestone. (online at: http://library. a Permian limestone hill of the Ratburi area. where. J. Sumatra corals of Padang and W Jambi regionshigh diversity reefal limestone. as in NW Australia. Ed. H. algae (Permocalculus).go. V. Thailand 2000. very rare corals. V. H. foraminifera (Dagmarita. Suteethorn & & V.pdf) (New M-U Carboniferous (mainly Moscovian) coral limestone localities in Ban Na Duang area. Geol. Biostratigraphy of mainland Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology. Terbat Lst of W Borneo common fusulinids. Suteethorn (2000). In: Proc.dmr. transitional form between Hemigordiopsis and Shanita). V. and Alas River in N Sumatra. Chaetetes) rel. NW Peninsular Malaysia and Timor. Peninsular Thailand. corals (Sinopora. H. Int. p. p. With diverse fusulinid foraminifera in Late Carboniferous (Triticites. but differs from Peninsular Thailand/ NW Malaysia. & Soc.dmr. H. 22. Suteethorn & D. Mizzia. Vachard (1993).go. U Tournaisian-Visean and U Carboniferous limestones rich in corals. Timor corals March 2014 . V.pdf) (On thick reefal E Carboniferous (Visean) Late Permian Doi Chiang Dao Limestone in Inthanon Zone of NW Thailand. H. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Sumatra only place in Indonesia with Carboniferous corals: Visean at Muara Gorge in C Sumatra. Hemigordiopsis.1 300 www. CCOP Newslett. In: Proc. primitive Colaniella). HvG)) Fontaine. 23. Also Hemigordius. 12. 12-14. NE Thailand.. HvG). etc. Permian corals of Thailand more diverse than Peninsular Thailand.pdf) (Review of geographic and stratigraphic distribution of Carboniferous corals in SE Asia (generally rare). algae. rare))) Fontaine. Int. 1-73. Vachard (1994).. fasciculate Waagenophyllidae) (= late M Permian 'Sibumasu Fauna'. but few or no corals. Now considered to be Paleotethyan seamount carbonate) Fontaine.. p. 319-336. Permocalculus. J. Symposium on Geology of Thailand. M Permian (Neoschwagerina. Suteethorn & D. (online at: http://library. Symp. 1. In: Proc. (Midian-age Ratburi Lst at Khao Yoi with Pseudoalgae (Tubiphytes). New Lower Permian fossil localities in NE Thailand (Loei) with solitary and compound rugose corals. W Sarawak lower Terbat Lst is of M-U Carboniferous age. M.Early Permian ammonoids from the Kaeng Krachan Group of the Phatthalung-Hat Yai area. = youngest coal seams and with last known Glossopteris).. 739-752 (Late E Permian (Kungurian/ Bolorian) small ammonoid fauna with Neocrimites. Bisatoceras. samoilovichii). changxingensis. 5. & T. commonly associated with Glossopteris). Diaboloceras involutum. Vachard (1981). Pseudogastrioceras. Saengsrichan. (Ammonoids from N Thailand in latest Permian of Lampang (Prototoceras. Sardsud. W. 14-18. Ed.1 301 www. Geol. Publ. Nakornsri (1999). Pseudoparalegoceras sp.B.M. 153-175. W Timor) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Ruasnain. Gzheloceras.go. southern peninsular Thailand. T.Spore-pollen assemblages of the Bowen Basin. Agathiceras West Pakistan. occurrences from Basleo. indicative of Namurian.A note on the discovery of Lower Carboniferous (Middle Visean) in Central Sumatra. Geol.F. Malaysia Bull. Xenodiscus) and Carboniferous from Loei and Sop Pong (Lower Pennsylvanian. 372. Mem. Ishibashi & N. E of Bukit Tinggi along road to Payakumbuh. Temnocheilus and Epistroboceras. from old to young:“Upper Stage 5” (= Dulhuntyipora zone of authors. No range charts (Morante 1996 suggests Base 30. N Thailand.gsm. Protohaploxypinus microcorpus Zone (also with P. Pronorites.pdf) (E Carboniferous rugose coral genus Koninckophyllum not common in Thailand. A. (1982).. incl. clastic-dominant shelf to temperate. p. Neogastrioceras.dmr. Asian Earth Sci. Queensland (Australia): their relationship to the Permian/Triassic boundary.vangorselslist. No regional metamorphism. Pseudotirolites. (On M Permian ammonite Cyclolobus. Lower Carboniferous limestones rel. Palaeobotany Palynology 36.subtropical. carbonate platform. Soc. 165-183. NE Australia) Foster. Gastrioceras. Paralegoceras. & D. Tapashanites floriformis.Permian ammonoid Cyclolobus from the Salt Range. T. W. (online at: http://www. Ueno. (Permian palynology of Bowen Basin. Environment of Sibumasu Block changed around this time from cool. Catastroboceras subsulcatifomae. Epidomatoceras doohylense. (1979). Ishibashi (1999). latest Permian or E Triassic?) and Protohaploxypinus samoilovichii Zone (= E Triassic). northern Thailand. Paratirolites. C. ~15m below Ratburi Lst (with Monodiexidina in basal transition beds )on S Peninsular Thailand (= Sibumasu block) suggests these beds are of Kungurian/Bolorian age. Second locality in C Thailand. girtyi and Miklukhoceras from uppermost Kaeng Krachan Gp. CCOP Newslett.Permian plant microfossils of the Blair Athol coal measures. Congress Geology. J. p. M. 1. Science. Playfordiaspora crenulata Zone (M Permian.Carboniferous and Permian ammonoids from North Thailand. Rev. slightly younger than previously considered. etc. 43.Moscovian age. Kuala Lumpur. M. poor in fossils and darker than associated Permian fusulinid limestone.Middle Carboniferous cephalopods from Loei area. C. 467-475. microcorpus is ~Base E Triassic = base of Mt Goodwin shale in Bonaparte basin) Fujikawa.pdf) (Abundant M Carboniferous cephalopods at 'Barite Mine'. In: Ninth Reg. p. 6. Kamata & K. K. Survey Queensland. D. Fac. & B. just local contact metamorphism around igneous intrusions) Foster. Lunatisporites pellucidus Zone (also contains Falcisporites= Alisporites?. 8. p. H. In: Stratigraphic boundary problems: Permian and Triassic of West Pakistan. Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA '98). p. and basal Rewan formation of Queensland. With brief overview of known Late Paleozoic ammonoid localities in Thailand) Fujikawa. Ammonoid fauna much less diverse than probably coeval faunas of Timor) Furnish.E Triassic of Bowen Basin.) Fujikawa. 1-244.(online at: http://library. Kyushu March 2014 . p. 24. Five genera of ammonoids and 5 nautiloids: Branneroceras branneri. (Five palynofloral zones in M Permian. 91-110.B. in M Visean limestone 40 km SW of Phetchabun) Fontaine. Baralaba coal measures. Y. (Lower Carboniferous limestones with M Visean foraminifera in Agam River. N Loei city. p. A. Hisada (2005). Glenister (1970). collected by Verbeek) Gerth. Geol.B. Coloquios de Paleontología. Mutis region. Metalegoceras involutum. Colaniella) Gaillot. crinoids. (1876).Roadian of Bitauni. Potonieisporites spp. NW slope of Mount Somohole ~3 km SW of village at Fatu Bena. The Somoholitidae: Mississippian to Permian Ammonoidea. W. p.Die Anthozoen der Dyas von Timor. 100-118. Interradispora.. T. 'Lysites'. Nederl. etc). ('The paleontological character of the Permian coral fauna of Timor'. & B.sp. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Ned.West Yunnan and its geologic significance.Der palaeontologische Character der Anthozoenfauna des Perms von Timor. p. E Thailand) characterized by presence of Lepidolina. Timor Expeditie 1910-1912. J. new species. p. ('The corals from the Permian of Timor'. With Neopronorites timorensis. (1921). New sponge species from Permian limestone. J. 55 species. Waagenina dieneri. Ed. Asselian-Sakmarian in age) Geinitz. (Middle. Schweizerbart. (2007). p. ranging from S Turkey to S China and up to Japan) Gao Lianda (1998). Indie 7 (1878). (1909).. (First record of palynomorphs from E Permian Dingjiazhai Fm in Baoshan.S China plates (e.Zur Geologie von Sumatra's Westkuste. 65-147. W Sumatra. Palaontologie von Timor. Eopolydiexodina ex. Hemigordiopsis renzi.) and 3 species of 'waagenophyllid' colonial rugose corals (Lonsdaleia. Reprint of Geinitz. Vachard. new foraminiferal taxa. ('On the geology of Sumatra'. J.B.g.sp. H. 1. Descriptions of grey limestone with globular fusulinids (incl. 399-414. Brakarites rotatus. Carcinophyllum. Martini (2009). In: W. Paleogeographic distribution interpreted to be Neo-Tethyan regions. Paleobiogeographically significant M-L Permian foraminifera for Cimmerian/ Sibumasu blocks incl. 405-414) Geinitz.F. ('Timorella permica.1 302 www. p. W Thailand. Oost-Indie 49 (1920). 1. 16. Fusulina verbeeki n. (Somohole Horizon of Kekneno series.New latest Permian foraminifers from Laren (Guangxi Province. p. Miospore assemblages assigned to Parasaccites distinctus-Microbaculispora fentula zone.) Gaillot. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.The Lower Permian Somohole fauna of Timor.sp. and Vachard. n. S China) with rich small foram fauna. Verh. persica. p. probably of Sakmarian age. H.W Yunnan. Properrinites. Verbeekiella. Stutgart. South China): palaeobiogeographic implications.On the discovery of a Gondwana affinity microflora from Baoshan. 695-700.Furnish.. Carcinophyllum from Artinskian. Somoholites beluensis. New Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . First and still principal monograph on Permian corals from Timor. 5. Dominated by solitary corals (Timorphyllum wanneri. etc. (1878). Paleofusulina.g. Microbaculispora. HvG). incl. Geobios 42. Glenister (1971). brachiopods. a new lithistid from the Permian of Timor'. ('On the geology of Sumatra's West Coast'.Zur Geologie von Sumatra. and palaeogeographical implications. Horriditriletes. Michelinia)) Gerth. D. (Latest Permian limestones at Laren (Guangxi. p.. H.Timorella permica n.).Late Permian foraminiferal biostratigraphy for 'Cimmerian Plates' of Middle East (can be applied to to Sibumasu plates in SE Asia. Basleo).com March 2014 . p. N West Timor is one of oldest Permian horizons. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 1998. Indochina. 1909. gr. D. 1-30. Saunders. 37-223. 15 species of solitary rugose corals (Timorphyllum. Also 50m thick Eocene coral limestone Companion paper by Von der Marck (1876) on Tertiary fossil fish from region.vangorselslist.. 9. Agathiceras. Min. 45. 57. New species Somoholites deroeveri n. The Khuff Formation (Middle East) and time-equivalents in Turkey and South China: biostratigraphy from Capitanian to Changhsingian times (Permian). Juresanites somoholensis. III. Parasaccites distinctus.B. 127-137. etc. H.M. Baoshan) include Shanita. Centralbl. Brief description of rocks collected by Verbeek from Ombilin area. Palaeont. Galfetti & R. (1921). 1. etc. 1876) Gerth. Verbeekiella. p. new genus. dominated by Gondwana microfloral elements (up to 80%. 141-168. Palaeontographica 22. Propopanoceras boesei. eine neue Lithistide aus dem Perm von Timor. H. Palaont. Amsterdam.-Indie 55 (1926). C. Key paper on Timor Permian ammonite zonation and correlations with Sumatra. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 5. ('The sponges from the Permian of Timor'. Waagenoceras (Sosio satge).A.vangorselslist. but whole sponges mainly known from Permian and Triassic of Timor. B. Mortieria permica from Tai Wei near Basleo) Gerth. 1952). (Single specimen of Cyclolobus persulcatus Rothpletz (1892) from Hardman Fm. Alps. B. Ser. Furnish & G. J.naturalis. & W. Doct. Geol. 399-402. (1944). Baker. from old to young: Properrinites (Sakmarian). p. Gen. Furnish & J. (‘The ammonoids from the Permian of Timor and significance for zonation of Permian formations’. 233-320.) 2e Nederlandsche Timor- Expeditie VI. 3. mainly siliceous sponges. Paleontology 35.. H. suggesting these areas were farther apart in Permian time. Isolated sponge needles known from various formations in Indonesia.M. 7-14. Canning Basin. Perrinites (Artinskian). At least 25 species of siliceous sponges in Permian.F. Paleontology 64. Geol. B. Five ammonoid zones in Permian. W.G.The Permian ammonoids of Australia.R. etc.C. crinoids and fusulinids and is typical warm water fauna. Leidsche Geol. 4. 91. W.repository. H. p.Die Spongien aus dem Perm von Timor. (1929). 392-399. 25 species. ('A new species of the sponge genus Mortieria from the Belgian Carboniferous from the Permian of Timor'.Porifera. Youngest Permian ammonoid known from Australia. (1931). No figures) Gerth.. p. H.F.Die Korallenfauna des Perm von Timor und die Permische Vereisung.M. Abhandl. R. Ed. Thesis University of Amsterdam. In:B. (‘The coral fauna of the Permian of Timor and the Permian glaciation’. H. About 100 specimens.M. (1950). etc.Eine neue Art der Spongiengattung Mortieria des belgischen Kohlenkalkes aus dem Perm von Timor. 93-132. Verhandelingen Geol. 14 (Tesch volume). Most common species is Neoproetus indicus Tesch. Palaont. Escher et al. Timorites (Basleo stage) and Cyclolobus (Chidru stage)) Gheyselinck. H. Mijnbouwk.M.Late Permian ammonoid cephalopod Cyclolobus from Western Australia. Originally described from W Timor Late Permian 'Amarassi fauna') Glenister. 673- 736. Paleontology March 2014 . ( (Porifera (sponges)chapter in 'Our paleontological knowledge of the Netherlands East Indies'. J. p. C. B. (Svetlanoceras irwinense (Teichert and Glenister. Martin). mainly from Basleo. 1-108.F.Die Ammonoiden des Perm von Timor und ihre Bedeutung fur die stratigraphische Gliederung der Perm-Formationen. Dickins (1990). from basal Callytharra Fm oldest ammonoids from Permian of Carnarvon Basin) Glenister. p. 7 species. 1. It is contemporaneous with glaciations in nearby Australia. Japan.. No locality maps or stratigraphic info) Glenister. 115-119.1 303 www.sp. China. Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K. Neues Jahrb. (online at: www.F. Scheltema & Holkema. p.Additional Early Permian ammonoid cephalopods from Western Australia. collected by 1916 Jonker Timor expedition. p.A. Furnish (1961). Thomas (1990). Permian of Timor 25 species. Timor Permian marine fauna rich in corals.. most of them new. Brouwer (ed. In: H. (1926).Permian trilobites from Timor and Sicily. Baker.. (= Ipciphyllum timoricum) from Fatu Oinino on road to Nenas and Favosites permica from Basleo) Gerth. (Comprehensive study of rare trilobites from Permian of Timor. 199-203.colonial corals Lonsdaleia timorica n. p. p. 2. Verhandelingen 1. Rather endemic assemblage of lithistids) Gerth. With world map showing distribution of Permian floras and faunas) Gerth. J. 3. Mededelingen 2. Triassic of Timor mainly calcareous sponges. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (1937).) Onze palaeontologische kennis van Nederlandsch Oost Indie. Leidsche Geol. Furnish (1988).M. associated with rich brachiopod fauna described by Archbold (1982).F.M.Ammonoid cephalopods from the Lower Permian of Thailand. Four species identified: Miklukhoceras cf.go. Timor) Glenister. Advanced perrinitid suggestive of Late Artinskian (Baigendzhinian).Patterns in stratigraphic distribution of Popanocerataceae. Prostacheoceras cf. Birds Head. Tamiabuan sheet. Pseudoschistoceras irianense n. p. Baun area.S. 1940. (Late Early Permian (Artinskian) cephalopods from Aifam B (Aifat) Fm mudstones in Aifam River. J. Paleontology 47. 74-85. Zhou (2004). from Amarassian beds at Kuafeu.. Furnish & Z.G. Furnish (1987). Propinacoceras. P. No figures) Glenister. (eds. Res. 6. Skwarko (1983). 43-71. Ser. diverse.F. Geol. Basleo) and D.vangorselslist. Metalegoceratidae are distinctive element of Lower Permian 'Boreal' ammonoid realm) Goodall. (With descriptions of Propopanoceras boesei (Smith) from Somohole and Epitauroceras soewarnoi n. clarkei Miller conspecific with senior Indonesian synonym. Dominant species Punctatisporites/ Retusotriletes spp. Zhou &M. australe (Smith). W. ancestral to Waagenoceras-Cyclolobus lineage. p.K. redescribed from Roadian of Timor) Glenister. 982-998. Indonesia. Int. 3. a new Upper Permian (Wuchiapingian) ammonoid from Indonesia (Timor). A. March 2014 . lidacensis (de Roever. oshense.Metalegoceras. Glenister & S. B. & W. Perrinites cf. 479-780. Paleontology 61. B. Baun area. pamiricum. Dev. from Aifat Fm) Glenister. etc. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 69. Ed.. Incl. Agathiceras.sp. Ecologically. Thai ammonoids close to assemblages of SW China and Pamir. 1-2. Associated with cyclolobid genera Timorites and Cyclolobus. based on collections from W Australia.~150 km NE of Bangkok. p.) Proc. Dheeradilok et al. B. Polahan (1990). 1031-1043.F.M. Spore color 4-5 (heavily carbonised. hilli. Bangkok. 56-61. (New species Eohyattoceras gerthi and Cardiella martodjojoi from late Early Permian (Roadian) of Basleo and Bitauni. Hightom (1997).M. Bandung.F. P. In: P. J. (online at: http://library.F.New Permian representatives of ammonoid superfamilies Marathonitaceae and Cyclolobaceae. (Taxonomy of Lower Permian Juresanites.pdf) (Clastic basement in wells 7-152-1X and 8-320-1X at W flank of N Pattani Trough in Gulf of Thailand with mod. J. formerly assigned to Waagenoceras. mainly from sedimentary basins of W Australia. Centre. cosmopolitan mid-Tournaisian miospore assemblage..Paedopronorites. Racey & P. p. J.F. Timor and Oman.M. No strat info) Glenister. Amarassi Province. 1014-1015. p. Palaeont. Speleotriletes balteatus and Vallatisporites vallatus. Windle & W. from Lidak district). in dry gas or barren maturity window)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . W. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. B.1 304 www. Conf... L. B. 5.sp. D. Paleontology 64. 1950 from Tae Wei. simile Teichert) Glenister.. B. Timor. Furnish.. Names Paralegoceras sundaicum form.dmr. hanieli (Smith) (both formerly Gastrioceras).M. M. Paleontology 78. Pseudoschistoceras gigas (Smith) from Bitauni beds of Timor figured and compared with P. Furnish (1973)-Australasian Metalegoceratidae (Lower Permian Ammonoids). Permian Ammonoids. Descriptions of Sakmarian Juresanites somoholense (Haniel) and J.(19 species of ammonoids known from Early-Late Permian of Australia. Metalegoceras. (New Permian ammonoid from Amarassi Beds. p. Kuafeu (Koeafeoe). 5. W Timor. (Brief note on discovery of Lower Permian ammonoid fauna in 'Ratburi Lst' at Amphoe Muaglek. involuta replaced by genera Metalegoceras and Pseudoschistoceras. Australian species M. p. & W. S-C Thailand. and minimal similarities to faunas of S China or Boreal biogeographic assemblages of W Australia.Lower Permian cephalopods from western Irian Jaya. evoluta and form.Early Carboniferous (Tournasian) palynomorphs from the Gulf of Thailand. 1. Demarezites oyensi (Gerth. Z. 5.Pseudoschistoceras ammonoid lineage. Agathiceras mediterraneum. J. - Hefte C 304. Devonian Baragwanathia flora.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. (1975). Incl. (1964).Gould. 1-173. Permian Glossopteris flora. Permian. Ranges in age from Wordian (middle M Permian). Khosithanont.Recent volcanics and Permian-Tertiary granitic massifs) Halle. Lepidolina (with abundant large fusulinids) and Codonofusiella. France. (1935). Verhandelingen 2. p. p. Boreal regions) Grundel. 5. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.Permian brachiopods from southern Thailand.) 2e Nederlandsche Timor-Expeditie VI. including Ombilin Basin. L. Palaeontologica Sinica. 2. Soc. Brouwer (ed. 1. 10p. n. compiled during 1976-1978 Indonesian. Also common Mizzia algae) Hahn. J. Indicate late Artinskian (Baigendzinian) age and many similarities with Bitauni fauna of Timor. 177-189. Triassic clastics with Halobia and also Triassic limestones.G. B. In: H. Supplement). Freiberger Forsch.. p. Three fusulinid zones. C-N China (N China Plate.Evolution and extinction of Permian fusulinid fauna in the Khao Tham Yai Limestone in NE Thailand. Mainly Barisan Mountains NE of Padang. Little or no stratigraphy or locality information) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Cathaysian). R. Goto. Salyapongse (2014). Permian Limestones with fusulinids (at Batang Siputar with 'antitropical' Monodiexodina wanneri). (Permian ostracodes in samples from Mutis area. & H.Psychrospharische Ostracoden aus dem Perm von Timor. p. Paleogeographic setting of Thailand faunas interpreted to be near E end of Tethys Sea in fairly warm and shallow waters that had access to March 2014 . Nw Cambodia. p.Wuchiapingian (lower Ur Permian).Les fusulinides du Permian de l'Indochine: leur structure et leur classification. 41.000. incl.Permische Brachiopoden. Weber (1981).German Uranium Exploration Project. Soc. 4. In: T.Two Carboniferous brachiopods from Loei. p. Boundary between Guadalupian (M Permian) and Lopingian (U Permian) defined by extinction of large Verbeekinids and Schwagerinids to domination of small Schubertellids (similar pattern evolution at Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary in shallow-water Tethyan shelf areas and mid-Panthalassa). ('The fusulinids from the Permian of Indochina: their structure and classification'. Kozur (1975). not Gondwanan) Hamada. and Brachythyrina strangwaysi. With review of Carboniferous fossil localities in other mainland SE Asia countries) Hamlet. Mem. S.sp. (Descriptons of 109 species/ 81 genera of silicified brachiopods from Permian 'Rat Buri Limestone' in 7 localities along S peninsula of Thailand (=Sibumasu Terrane. With comparisons to Late Paleozoic floras from other parts of SE Asia: of all Asian floras most closely related to Jambi flora of Sumatra which is probably Lower Permian in age and of 'northern type. collected by De Roever in 1937. J.E. 1-269. p. Jahrbuch B47. The Botanical Rev. Palaeontology 50. 5-19.s.with explanatory notes. (1976). W Timor. ser. (Geologic map of W Central Sumatra. Palaeont. Fontaine & S. etc. H.. (in press) (Limestone unit within Khao Tham Yai Lst deposited in shelf setting on Indochina Block without clastic beds. (Extensive documentation of diverse collection of Permian plant fossils from Upper Shihhotze Formation in C Shanxi Province.E. collected by 1911 Molengraaff and 1915-1917 Jonker expeditions. S. A. Ed. & H. Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden von Timor. 39-49. T. ) Hada. 1. (Permian brachiopods and molluscs from W Timor. Triassic Dicroidium flora. (1927). 11. Geol. 1-316. (Review of Devonian. H. 9 (J. p.Palaeozoic plants from Central Shansi. (M Carboniferous brachiopods from Loei Province. 1-115. (1928). Mem. Thailand.1 305 www.Geological map of West Central Sumatra 1:250. J. University of Tokyo Press. interpreted as deepwater Early Permian) Gubler. HvG). Asian Earth Sci.S. 26. 3.A.Cretaceous floras of Australia.-Indie 56 (1927). T.vangorselslist. N Central Thailand: Purdonella magna n. Unconformably overlain by Oligocene lacustrine deposits rich in fish fossils and Oligo-Miocene quartz sandstones. R. 453-483. 4.) Grant. Geol.. in ascending order: Colania.The succession of Australian Pre-Tertiary megafossil floras. Kobayashi (ed. 3. Two localities. 2. Gan (1940). SW of Bangko.sp. 86- 87. Inst. C Sumatra. Mengkarang Fm 400m thick. & S. and brachiopods. 59-69. S. All belong to Stereochia semireticulatus (Martin).) Palaontologie von Timor. F. HvG)) Hayasaka. E Timor'. 21. Res. Geol.. Schweizerbart. 104-111.Stereochia semireticulatus (Martin) dari Formasi new species like Sundaites levis) Hasibuan. I. Gua Musang.. Kelantan'.. Ser. Dev.Fosil kayu dan beberapa fosil tumbuhan dari Sg. Indon. basal basalt overlain by fluviatile system. Hosono (1951). p. Kelantan.files. Agathiceras sundaicum n. Berok.nii. Age Permian or Triassic) Haniel. called Productus semireticulatus by Woodward (1879) (reclassified as Stereochia aff. Pecopteris sp.A new Permian Spirifer from Timor. Japan 47. F.. Geol. Berok. Oost-Indie 43 (1914) Verhandelingen 1. 89-95. Short Papers 3. F. I. (Permian brachiopods from Jambi series along Mengkarang River. p. Bandung. Soc. 247-253. In: Geologi Indonesia: dinamika dan produknya. 10. p.S. 5. (1994). p. irianensis by Crippa et al. J. N. with marine limestone beds ands shale interbeds containing fusulinids. with Cordaites sp.) (Permian brachiopod Camarophoria 'purdoni' of Broili (1916. Jakarta. crinoids. C. HvG)) Hayasaka. 558. (1939). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .wordpress.Kungurian. & M. (‘Ammonites from the Permian of Leti Island’ (E of Timor). and a new species from the Kitakami Mountains.Ammoniten aus dem Perm der Insel Letti. Hayasaka. New species proposed Camarophoria timorensis (now usually called Stenoscisma timorense and viewed as per-Gondwanan. Hayasaka. U. p.A study on paleoflora (Permian) of Jambi. Dev. 4. W Occurrence of 'Gondwanan' cool-climate brachiopods (Globiella foordi) and bivalves (Atomodesma and Eurydesma) in Permian of Timor Leste. Similar to Bitauni fauna from W Timor) Haniel. & Ng Chiang Seng (1995).Hamzah. ("Gondwana fauna from the Maubisse Formation. Japan. South Sumatera. In: J.Hamletella. 25-28. Timor. p. Sumatra. p.1 306 www. Paleont. (1915). Wood and plant fossils from Gua Musang Fm in Kelantan. by multi-disciplinary team in 2003. Japan. Science 9.On a piece of Fusulina-limestone found in the Niki-Niki region. and Sphenopteris sp. 135-147. p. Centre. Palaeont. Gua Musang. Brief descriptions of presumably Early Permian ammonites Paralegocereas sundaicum.Fauna Gondwana dari Formasi Maubisse. (IAGI). Stuttgart..A note on Camarophoria ‘purdoni’ from the Permian of Timor. W of Bangko. a new Permian genus of brachiopoda. (online at: https://gsmpubl. Timor (Broili 1916) as Productus semireticulatus. Two plant associations of Jambi Early Permian paleoflora. (1915). Andi Mangga & Suyoko (2000).pdf) ('Wood and some plant fossils from Sg. First systematic monograph on Permian ammonites from 35 localities on W and E Timor. C. S. Publ. Trans. I. Geol. anti-tropical species. (‘The cephalopods from the Dyas (=Permian) of Timor’. also known from Bitauni. 6. Grant 1976. Centre. Gua Musang. 23rd Ann.Die Cephalopoden der Dyas von March 2014 . p. Spec. Rothpletz (1892) and Boehm (1907-. 161-165. p.A. 1-153.vangorselslist. Timor Timur.. Wanner (ed. ammonites. Geol. N C Malay Peninsula. from greywacke shale at S slope of 'small Woerlawan' Mountain. Ed. 75 km S of Dili) Hasibuan. 1. (Revisit of Mengkarang Fm along Merangin River. 12. (2007). Proc. presumably from Basleo area) includes several species. Warta Geol. Conv. Proc. Araucarioxylon sp. 127-132. Geol. (online at: http://ci. Bandung. 2014) (Sterochia believed to range from Sakmarian. Palaeont. I. Leti. suggesting one new local and one probable S Cathaysian affinity paleofloral domain) Hasibuan. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Assoc. Schweizerbart. Stuttgart.A. Incl. Post Blau and SW of Sungai Berok. 33. Soc. and Propinacoceras sp. Tohoku Univ. (1953). after brief early papers by Beyrich (1865). Res. commn Eopolydiexodina.Erganzungen zur Tabulatenfauna des Perm von Timor und zur Stellung des Genus Trachypsammia Gerth. March 2014 . F.Further Permian corals from Western Australia. Proc. Geol. 1-16. In: H. (eds. (online at: http://www2. Brief descriptions of some Permian rugose corals) Hess. H.H.) and Cathaysian (Taeniopteris. (1999).uibk.J.geo. with much lower diversity than Timor faunas) Hill. birkheadensis and Spelaeotriletes yberti zones in Kulka 1)- Heritsch. 20. as first described by Gerth (1921)) Heritsch. Canning and Carnarvon basins. Ed.Permian. p. Kon. Int. (1937). E. Sphenophyllum) elements) Huang. (‘Observations on Timor Permian tabulate coral faunas’) Helby. from Timor and from Djoulfa.1 307 www. 1-17. including one Verbeekiellia.vangorselslist.pdf) ('The rugose corals and the stratigraphy of the Permian'. chinghaiensis. Canberra. including one Verbeekia. Permian crinoids from Australia cooler water faunas. Three biozones in ascending order (1) Verbeekina inflata Range Zone (9 species of Schwagerina. Geol. (Review of Permian corals. Struckmeyer (comp. China. Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008). Kulka-1 and Tasman-1 wells. J. C. Abt. p. 5. Math. In: F. Wissensch. 307-328. (2) Eopolydiexodina Abundance Zone (high diversity. Hermes. Visser & J. V. Kl. Roadian-Wordian in age. Symp. In: H. Nederl. and P. IV. Wagner (1962). (Results of palynological analyses from Australian part of Arafura shelf. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Wien. p. Wien. H. Science 19. 57-94. Akad.) New datasets for the Arafura Basin. Cambridge Univ. China (= Cimmerian/Sibumasu Block). aus Timor und aus Djoulfa. including Timor material) Hopping.Middle Permian fusulinids from Southern Baoshan Block.Die rugosen Korallen und die Stratigraphie der Permformation.A.H. Geologie Niederl. (2006). Pseudodoliolina pulchra. Palaeontographica Suppl. with Verbeekina p.pdf) (41 M Permian fusulinid species of 9 genera from lower Shazipo Fm in of SE Baoshan Block. X. (1951). p.(Incl. Jin & Y. 169. Review of Permian coral zonation. 1-11. D. Suess Festschrift. Australian J.-Indien V. Photographs of fossils.In: W. ('Rugose corals from the Salt Range (Himalaya). Ser. J. Enclosure 17.A palynological reconnaissance of new cuttings samples from the Arafura-1. grabaui. most new. Western Australia 27.The Permian corals of Western Australia. W Yunnan.chula. Geoscience Australia Record 2006/06. (Description of 16 species from Perth. Shi (2008).-Naturw.) Fossil crinoids. Beitr. Western Yunnan. (1939). D. F. 1. (13 species. p. E Permian Pseudoreticulatispora confluens and Corisaccites alutas in all 3 wells. Genootschap. p. genus first described from Timor) Hill. Hess et al. Royal Soc. Mitt.M.. new Permian brachiopod species Spirifer basleoensis) Hehenwarter. 146. R. E. 43-64. Gesell. including discussion of M Permian Basleo coral fauna of Timor. (1937). (Abstract only) (online at: http://www. Geol. 160-165.The sequence and distribution of Upper Palaeozoic coral faunas. (1942). genus first described from W Timor by Penecke 1908) Hill. with remarks on the stratigraphy of the Permian'. Geological results of the exploration for oil in Netherlands New Guinea. with 320 species described by Wanner. 29.Rugose Korallen aus dem Salt Range. Both Gondwanan (Glossopteris spp. Carboniferous D. Mijnbouwk. most new and unique to Timor. & R. Royal Soc. 57-72. mit Bemerkungen uber die Stratigraphie des Perms. 42-61. Press. 2. Western Australia 23.I. (Timor Permian crinoid faunas most diverse and abundant in world. Bangkok 2008. (Identifications and photos of Early Permian plant fossils from Birds Head outcrops and well cores (Poeragi 1). p. (1957). Permian fossils from northern Pahang. Fauna comparable to Shanita faunas from Burma.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. p. 30-38. 44. 24. Chusenella.. X. Jin.sp. 6. p. (M Permian fusulinid limestones in intensely folded clastic. (Upper Carboniferous Panching Lst with five local assemblages of fusulinid larger forams) Idris M. Sumatrina annae.pdf) (Sediments at Bukit Bucu.. (33 species of Carboniferous fusulinids from NE Thailand. Grey shale from Sungei Spia with brachiopod Spirifirellina.The Shanita fauna (Permian foraminifera) from Baoshan area. Geol. 3. With Neoschwagerina. and Tibet. In: T.B. Shi & X. 32 fusulinid species.: 'Cimmerian' Baoshan Block includes 'Sumatran' species Verbeekina. annae Wordian. Hemifusulina. Sumatrina. H. Western Yunnan. (online at: https://gsmpubl. & S. Pahang.Middle Permian Western Tethyan fusulinids from southern Baoshan Block. Kobayashi & R. Verbeekina. H. Soc. 114-124 (2007)) (online at: http://article.S. C Malay Peninsula. similar to Guguk Bulat fauna. Warta Geol. H.B. corals (Wentzellella malayensis n. (In Chinese.wordpress. Verbeekina verbeeki. high latitudinal region within Tethyan Realm.. Shanita fauna from Baoshan area in W Yunnan suggest characteristic genera Shanita and Hemigordiopsis here comprised 8 species and 10 genera of other nonfusulinid foraminifera. etc. 1. 6. China. Thailand. 1. p.Some Permian fusulinids from Pahang. Silicified black limestone from Ulu Sungei Atok with diverse fusulinid foramins (Climacammina. Soc. p.. Malaya. 10.Fusilinacean fossils from Thailand. Y.vangorselslist. p. see also Cummings 1965. 191-208. (Same paper as Igo (1964) above. Jin (2005). Chonetinella). These shallow marine invertebrates also reported from Kelantan. Neospirifer) Igo. crinoids ('Poterocrinus') and bivalves (Edmondia) March 2014 . 880-896. Pahang Darul Makmur and Thailand) Igo. J. (New fusulinid collections from SE Baoshan Block in SW China necessitate paleobiogeographic re-evaluation of M Permian fusulinids in region. Sumatra. but lower diversity and absence of fusulinids) Idris M. Yang (2009). Batu Rakit.B.andesitic volcanics series from Jenga Pass area and Kampong Awah quarry. H.files. etc. Pseudofusulina. Age probably late Maokouan. brachiopods (Brachythyrina strangwaysi. Pahang. Pseudofusulina (very similar to fauna of Padang Highlands. 87-99. and Sumatrina annae Range Zone). Sumatrina annae Volz 1904. China. 3 Murgabian. Acta Palaeont. HvG)) Huang. 5. p. Yabeina. Geol.1 308 www. Sinica.Biostratigraphy and paleoecology of fusulininids from Bukit Panching. Sumatrina longissima and S. University of Tokyo Press. 9 genera. Trengganu. In: T. bryozoans (Fenestella retiformes).com/2014/09/ngsm1986006. Sumatrina and Pseudodoliolina) and low diversity suggests rel. Zaki (1986). (1964). incl. Yabeina. western Yunnan Province. Kobayashi (ed. etc. Malaysia Newslett.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Toriyama (eds. 215-219. Azlan (1989). C Malay Peninsula. Gowka ) (Permian Shanita foram fauna good marker of N peri-Gondwana tectonic blocks.Wuchiapingian. Paleontology 83.. In: T. Yang & X. H. translated in Frontiers of Biology in China 2. p.. 12. Protriticites) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .)) Igo. p. Part VI.Roadian-Wordian and (3) Sumatrina annae Range Zone (5 species of Sumatrina. Pseudodoliolina. University of Tokyo Press. Schwagerina padangensis Lange 1925. W Sumatra)). 545-555. Fusulinacean fossils from North Thailand.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia.A Carboniferous shallow marine fauna from Bukit Bucu. X. Malaya. Kobayashi & R. Eopolydiexodina Abundance Zone. (1972). Sinopora). Malaysia Bull. (N.M. Batu Rakit N of Terengganu with U Carboniferous fauna of trilobites (Paladin ophistops= U Carboniferous). Ed. University of Tokyo Press.E Capitanian) Huang. Profusulinella spp.Midian biozones (Schwagerina yunnanensis Range Zone. Toriyama (eds. & M. Permian NE corner of Pahang province. 4. Fusulinids assemblages belong to W Tethyan Province: presence of 'W Tethyan' genera Eopolydiexodina (but also 'Tethyan' Verbeekina. 63-116. incl. (1967). S. (online at: http://library. Pitakpaivan (1980). University of Tokyo Press. Sumatrina annae.Kazanian fusulinids incl. Mineral and Energy Res. (First record of fusulinid Monodiexodina from basal Ratburi Limestone in W-most Thailand. west Thailand. J. 93-100. Parafusulina and Monodiexodina (Ueno (2003).pdf) (Permian fusulinids and smaller forams (incl. Parafusulina gigantea. p.Fujikawa. In: B. 23-34. Eoparafusulina. R.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. M.K. 241-248. Geology. Geol. p.pdf) (M Permian limestone hills ~200 km N of Bangkok. 5. Thailand 1. etc.Yoda & N.Myanmar border area (genus generally regarded as typical of Kungurian of Sibumasu/ Cimmerian Terranes. J. (1973). N. Royal Soc. R.vangorselslist. 29-42. & C.Uppermost Permian ammonoids from northern Thailand.Fusuline fossils from Thailand. R. etc. Peninsular Thailand. & D. HvG)) Ingavat-Helmcke. p. Helmcke (1986). p. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Igo. Southeast Asian Earth Sci .1 309 www. central and eastern provinces of Thailand. Johore. (should be E Sibumasu Terrane). Muanlek & C. 147. virgalense) Ishibashi. p.On the discoveries of some Permian fusulinids and Ordovician cephalopods at Ban Rai. Ed. R. Ingavat-Helmcke. J. SE Asia (GEOSEA VII). Tapashanites yaowalakae) in uppermost horizon of Doi Pha Phlung area.163-170. Ishibashi. 81-89. Ozawainella.S. 1996). Ueno et al. (eds. Silurian. University of Tokyo Press. Kobayashi et al. Proc. R.)) Ingavat. (2) M-U Permian boundary to lower U Permian (Midian) extinction of ~90% of fusulinids. Chonglakmani (1990). ammonoids (Paratirolites nakornsrii.. p.Permian fusulinaceans from the Sungei Sedili area. In: T. tied to closure of Urals and global regression. 7th Conf. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .On the correlation of the Permian foraminiferal faunas of the March 2014 . Kobayashi (1979). H. 14 questions Monodiexodina identification here)) Ingavat.Polygnathus.dmr.)) Igo. Shanita. foramininifera (Gallowayinella and Colaniella parva-Reichelina zones).) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Hemigordius) from S Peninsular Thailand (=Sibumasu Block) p. Soc. Douglas (1981).4. (Late Permian diverse macrofauna in Huai Tak Fm shale. Nakornsri (1998). Kungurian. Neoschwagerina. The fusulinid genus Monodiexodina from Northwest Thailand.Dorashamian biostratigraphy of the Doi Pha Phlung area. (3) End of Permian extinction) Ingavat. Toriyama & K. (1993). North Thailand. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. H. (online at: http://library. 95-118. Soc. University of Tokyo Press 22. M Permian smaller benthic foram Shanita widespread in S Peninsular Thailand) Ingavat.Contribution to the Permian fusulinacean faunas of Peninsular Thailand.) Proc.C.event controlled evolution. R. 21. Udomratn (1975). Cuniculinella. Mem. Springer Verlag. With Hindeodella. Songkla. (eds. University of Tokyo Press. T. R. 221-226.. Rajah & F. Verbeekina verbeeki.Fusuline zonation and faunal characteristics of the Ratburi Limestone in Thailand and its equivalents in Malaysia.Permian Fusulinacean faunas of Thailand. In: T. Lower Permian (Asselian) from W coast cold water facies. etc. Also brachiopod Leptodus tenuis and rugose coral Waagenophyllum aff. p. & R. Gnathodus. 43-62. Part XIV. (Evolution of Permian fusulinid faunas of Thailand controlled by 3 bioevents (1) upper Lower Permian disappearance of 'Arctic-Tethyan' elements. Geol.Lower Carboniferous conodonts from Ko Yu. p. Toriyama (eds. p.go. 8. S. (Low diversity late Early Permian fusulinid assemblage with Misellina. France. (1984). along E coast near Chumphon warmer- water carbonates with fusulinids Pseudoschwagerina and Eoparafusulina (but may be younger taxa?.S. (Lower Carboniferous conodonts from siliceous shale of Khanchaburi series on island at SE side of Peninsular Thailand... M Permian fusulinids many similarities with faunas of central N Thailand (Indochina Block). Kobayashi & R. 12.Devonian shale. Malaysia.dmr. T. incl. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 20. Tan et al. associated with thick Ordovician limestone with straight nautiloids.go. p. Bangkok 1991. In: Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 8. Victoria 110. S. ac. K. Perak. p. Nogami (1972). Kato & Y.pdf) (Short note on E Permian H. Lee limestone with fusulinid foraminifera in H. p. 107-138. Geosciences Osaka City Univ. 3. HvG)) Ishii. p. Cancrinella cancrini.). Endothyra. abneptis and Gladigondolella tethydis faunules (see also Nogami 1968. generally associated with fusulinids ( Hemigordiopsis. Geosciences Osaka City Univ.pdf) (Late Middle Permian fusulinids. M. 3. (online at: Nogami (1966).jp/infolib/user_contents/kiyo/ Pseudofusulina aff. Malaya. Ishii. K. also in Thailand.Discovery of Triassic conodonts from the so-called Palaeozoic limestones in Kedah.pdf) (Grey upper Middle Permian (Wordian) limestones within andesitic series from two localities: ENE of Jengka Pass (steeply dipping interbedded limestones and clastics) and Kampung Awah quarry (thin grey limestones in thick andesitic pyroclastic. W Malay Peninsula (Sibumasu Terrane). J. 9.S. Permian fusulinids. Malaya. Osaka City University 8.Artinskian age?)) Ishii. p. Glomospira. 6. J Geosciences Osaka City Univ. Geosciences Osaka City Univ. Koike 1973.I. Globivalvulina. (online at: http://dlisv03. 15. J. Lee Mine No. J. & Common in Japan. Schwagerina. Species present include Yabeina (also called Lepidolina) multiseptata. Monticulifera. 19. etc.). Neoschwagerina douvillei. Nakamura & Y. Nogami (1972). (from same range Newton 1926 described Fusulina granum-avenae which probably belongs to M Permian Monodiexodina)) etc. S China. NW Malay Peninsula.I. Mediterranean. 93-95. Yabeina elongata. K. K. crassa padangensis (Lange) and Chusenella cambodgiensis) Ishii. March 2014 .volcanic series). Geosci. 8 Limestone near Kampar. corals and brachiopods from limestone hills W of Siem Reap in NW plains of Cambodia. Both with primitive Yabeina (Y. N Thailand. p.sp. p. K. Malaya. Basal fusuline limestone assigned to Pseudofosulina kraffti Nogami (1964). Lembu. M.Preliminary notes of the Permian fusulinids of the H. and Xenodiscus?) in Huai Thak Fm near Malay Peninsula (Kelantan)) Ishii. Paratirolites nakornsrii n. 65-76.sp.1 310 www. 1982)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (1975).. etc.pdf) Small latest Permian benthic foram genus Colaniella. Part 1.(Uppermost Permian ammonoids (Pseudogastrioceras aff. ~50 m below occurrence of Triassic bivalve Claraia Uppermost Permian Palaeofusulina fauna-bearing limestone bed present in same area) Tetrataxis.On some fusulinids and other foraminifera from the Permian of Pahang. Geosciences Osaka City Univ. Reichelina. Osaka (online at: http://dlisv03.Permian brachiopods from Bukit Tungku.. Agathammina. 145. (1966). 9. etc. Perlis. overlying grey- white limestone rich in gastropods. Lembu. Lee No. with two M-U Triassic conodont assemblages: Gladigondolella cf. K. & Y.pdf) (Tungku Lembu hill in NW Malay Peninsula near Thai border (= Sibumasu terrane) Univ. Ed. with brachiopods in sandstone near base of M Permian limestone: Derbyia?.pdf) (First report of Truiassic conodonts in Kodiang Lst in limestone hills near Kodiang Malaya. 131-142. Malaya. J. Verbeekina verbeeki. 9. p. Sumatrina annae. Himalayas. guangxiensis.On the genus Colaniella and its biostratigraphic significance. J. from where fusulinids were first described by Gubler (1935). related to Guguk Bulat fauna of W Sumatra?.S. 8 Mine. Staffella) and small foraminifera (Pachyphloia. Kato. 5.. Perlis. asiatica brachiopods from the Tungka. Verbeekina verbeeki.Contributions to the geology and paleontology of (online at: http://dlisv03. (online at: http://dlisv03. (Pahang series = W part of E Malaya terrane?. 65-76. Kedah. (1966). assigned to Misellina claudiae zone (~Sakmarian. (online at: http://dlisv03. Also small forams Pachyphloia. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (2006). J. and Japan. 139-155. 54. Geol. Basir (1996).ac. (1934). Early and Late Permian and M Triassic assemblages. 819-825. Amsterdam 37. Malaysia. B82. Warta Geologi (Geol. Pseudoalbaiella.. longtanensis Zone and P. rhombothoracata Zone. Trans.Significance of Monodiexodina (Fusulininacea) in geology of Peninsula Malaysia. 53-58. M Permian)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Y.files. Palaeogeogr. Soc.H. Malaysia. Three E-M Permian radiolarian assemblage zones identified: Pseudoalbaillella scalprata. Palaeoecology 284. p Isozaki. late E Permian). near Thailand border. K. Ed.) Jasin. shiptoni) and also on E Malaya Block Sumalayang Lst (M. Tokai University rhombothoracata (late Sakmarian. 283-287. (Monodiexodina rare genus of Permian fusulinids and restricted to narrow sliver from C Afghanistan in W to Malaysia and Japan in E.Notes on Tethys biogeography with reference to Middle Permian fusulinaceans.M. Royal Soc. indicating Semanggol Fm chert sequence ranges from E Permian- M Triassic.Ishii. 15. p. H. Proc. Palaeoclim. p.vangorselslist. kattaensis) where they are associated with many other species of fusulinids) Jasin. Geol. with typical Tethyan fusulinids of Neoschwagerina and Lepidolina zones. Scotland. Soc.A. overlying glacio-marine pebbly mudstones (M. thick bivalves from E-M Permian shallow-marine carbonates in 9 areas in low-latitudes of Tethyan and Panthalassan domains.Guadalupian (Middle Permian) giant bivalve Alatoconchidae from a mid-Panthalssan paleo- atoll complex in Kyushu.u-tokyo. In: W Timor) Jasin. Pokok Sena. p.. & D.wordpress.End-Guadalupian extinction of the Permian gigantic bivalve Alatoconchidae: end of gigantism in tropical seas by cooling. Japan: a unique community associated with Tethyan fusulines and corals. Bull. Okimura & K. P. p. (2006). probably due to temperature drop (Kamura cooling)) Jansen. Kedah.Pecopterids from the Lower Permian of Jambi Sumatra. incl. Akademie Wetensch. 10. With Albaiella. (online at: shiptoni and M. Basir (1997). etc. p.pdf) (2m thick chert sequence in Semanggol Fm at N slope of Bukit Yoi. Range up to end-Guadalupian extinction level) Isozaki.M.pdf) (Large Alatoconchidae bivalves in M Permian..pdf) (Radiolarians from chert sequence at Bt Kampung Yoi and Bt Larek indicates latest Wolfcampian. Philippines. (online at: https://gsmpubl. Dickins ( March 2014 . E Permian Pseudoalbaillella scalprata m. (32 species of radiolaria from 20 chert samples of folded/faulted Semanggol Fm in N and S Kedah. Northwest Peninsular Malaysia. Aljinovic (2009). Y.A. sutschanica and M. Thailand. 171-181. Y. Halobia comata. Basir (1991). (online at: http://geology. This 'tropical trio' became extinct near Guadalupian-Lopingian boundary.1 311 www.M Triassic) Jasin. p. Verhandelingen Kon.Die Variationsstatistische Methode angewandt auf ein groszes Material von Schizoblastus aus dem Perm von Timor und einige neue Anomalien dieser Gattung. I.Discovery of Early Permian radiolaria from the Semanggol Formation. Iskandar E. M Triassic cherts interfingers with Ladinian-Norian mudstone with Posidonia kedahensis. van Waveren & J. Asian Earth Sci.Some Permian radiolarians from Bukit Yoi. 11-21.. Interbedded with siliceous and tuffaceous mudstone. Associated terrigenous detritus suggest deep continental margin setting. 5. Tokyo.) The Tethys: her paleogeography and paleobiogeography from Paleozoic to Mesozoic. northwest Peninsular Malaysia.. Triassocampe. Age of Semanggol Fm now E Permian. Ichikawa (1985). In Malaysia present on Sibumasu Block. (Variation statistics of Permian blastoid Schizoblastus from Basleo and Niipol. Basir (2008). (Permian Alatoconchidae are large.. Malaysia) 22. p. Acad. Nakazawa & J. Soc. globosa Zone ( S of Pokok Sena.P. Malaysia 29. Follicucullus.c. 4. etc. Japan. Always in association with large fusulines (Verbeekinidae) and/or rugose corals (Waagenophyllidae). Bull. p.Permo-Triassic radiolaria from the Semanggol Formation. 43-53. 25-32. Malaysia Ann. (Extended Abstract only) (online at: http://geology. Ulu Kelantan. Cenosphaera andoi and Pantanellium? virgeum suggestive of Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis Zone. Malaysia. Geoscience Conf. 15.A. (E Carboniferous) Albaillella deflandrei Zone and (3) Permian radiolarians. indicating M Permian age. Harun (2013). Fauna represents upper Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria Zone. Pseudoalbaillella fusiformis and Follicucullus monacanthus..H. Basir (2013). Located near E margin of Bentong suture and above andesitic volcanics and sheared olistostrome unit. incl. (eds. Tuffaceous sediments became widespread in Late Permian and Triassic) Jasin. Harun (2001). Basir & C. with 34 radiolarian taxa . p. (22 radiolaria species from 30m folded chert sequence in roadcut near Pos Blau.Middle Permian radiolarians from the siliceous mudstone block near Pos Blau. Steeply dipping to SE. lower part ribbon chert.Lower Permian Radiolaria from the Pos Blau area. Geol. Geol.wordpress.gsm.and early Late Triassic conodonts (Metcalfe 1984. p. Geol.Chert blocks in Bentong-Raub Suture Zone: a heritage of Palaeo-Tethys. Ali (1997). incl. Soc. Ali (1997). Teh et Soc. Southeast Asian Earth Albaillella (Bivalves) from northwestern Peninsular Malaysia and its significance. p. 33-38. Malaysia 59. N central Malay Peninsula. Soc.pdf) (Kodiang Lst of NW Malay Peninsula yielded Late March 2014 . Basir & Z.vangorselslist.Permian Paleo-Tethys Ocean include blocks of oceanic sedimentary rocks such as bedded chert blocks in several localities. (Late Devonian and E Carboniferous radiolaria from Langkap also studied by Spiller and Metcalfe (1995)) Jasin. Geol. Bull. Malaysia Ann. upper part interbedded siliceous mudstone and tuffaceous mudstone. 110-114.pdf) (Large siliceous sediment block in melange in Bentong-Raub Suture. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Conference 2001. Malaysia 41. Soc. (Late Devonian) Trilonche minax Zone. A. Presence of Entactinia chiakensis. Remnants of closed E-M Devonian. In: Proc.pdf) (Thin-bedded folded-sheared mudstone in Langkap chert in Bentong Gp in S-C Malay Peninsula. 5. (eds. B05.A. Assemblage similar to W Europe and suggests deposition in equatorial regions of Tethys.1 312 www. Pangkor. Ulu Kelantan. 1992). Most of Posidonia in area very closely related to Posidonia becheri) Jasin. 69-71. Teh et al. Harun (2001). Basir (2013). J. 85-91. divided into two zones. (online at: https://gsmpubl. New samples from clastic-chert sequence at base of Bukit Kechil with 11 taxa of radiolarians. Ipoh 2013. northwest Peninsular Malaysia. Tuffaceous material related to volcanic activity on E Malaya terrane. E. Probably Lower Carboniferous age. Overlying limestone at Bukit Kechil with M Triassic conodonts (Koike 1973) and foraminifera (Gazdzicki & Smit 1977)) Jasin. Basir.) Proc. 105- 109. Geol. Ulu Kelantan and their significance. deflandrei and A. p. (2) Tournaisian. Basir & Z. Negeri Sembilan. Soc.Some Triassic radiolarians from the Kodiang Limestone. (online at: www. Geol. Nat. Geol.H. In: G. M Permian/ Wordian Follicucullus monacanthus Zone) Jasin. 109-125. Associated with ammonoid Agathiceras) Jasin. nikorni. late Spathian age (E Triassic).Significance of Early Carboniferous radiolaria from Langkap. Pangkor. exposed near Pos Blau.Some radiolarians from bedded chert of the the Kubang Pasu Formation. indicating A. A. (online at: https://gsmpubl.files. Thaisphaera minuta. In: G. Malaysia. Ulu Kelantan. Radiolarian assemblages in cherts: (1) early Frasnian. Malay Peninsula. (online at: www. Basir &…) (Planktonic bivalve Posidonia common in Kubang Pasu and Singa Fms in NW Peninsular Malaysia. Fourteen radiolaria taxa. Lower Permian). Conference 2001. undulata.files. upper Wolfcampian (= Sakmarian. Bull. p.) Proc. Ed. deflandrei Zone of Late Tournaisian age. Malaysia. p. Bashardin & Z. Soc. Malaysia (Bentong-Raub Suture Zone is Triassic collision zone between Sibumasu and E Malaya terranes. which developed at glacial N Gondwana. Dyscritella and Streblascopora exilis indicate Artinskian age. U. porrectus Neoalbaillella ornithoformis and p. (online at: 1. Geol.. 47-54. Abdul Rahman (1995). Warta Geologi 18. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Bryozoa genera Fenestella. Polypora. Geol. Five radiolarian zones recognized (Pseudoalbaillella scalprata. Malaysia J. U. 2. optima). 14km N of Kuah. from Frasnian (Late Devonian) Triassic. (online at: http://geology.Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Semanggol Formation. Sains Malaysiana 19. Said & R.files. Soc.Jasin. Malaysia. Tournaisian radiolarian cherts widespread in Paleo-Tethys ocean) Jasin. older than Sakmarian.Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) radiolarians from Peninsular Malaysia and their significance. W. Thailand) Jasin. 53. Ed. 79-83. Bukit DurianPerangin. at E side of Central basin of Malay Peninsula.Late Permian) Jasin. 12. Saad (2005). (online at: http://geology. Z. Presumably from S side of Paleotethys Ocean (Sibumasu). (online at: http://gsmpubl. 35-44. Located near top Singa Fm. Common tuffaceous material in lower Semanggol Basir & Z. central Pahang. Harun (2011). Bull. Basir & p. Leman (1992). Hegleria spp. GSMAnn. 19-24.E Mesozoic of W belt of Peninsular Malaysia.Thailand border area indicates update. Basir & Z. Chert also can be used as marker bed for Tournaisian age and defines base of Kubang Pasu Fm) Jasin. related to upwelling of cold dense bottom water.pdf) (37 taxa of Permian radiolaria from Semanggol Fm interbedded siliceous shale-chert-tuff in outcrop 4. Basir.The occurrence of bryozoan bed in the Singa Formation. 19-30. Malaysia Bull. Perlis. Sixteen radiolarian assemblage zones recognized.1 313 www. p.files. (Late Early Permian fusulinid Monodiexodina shiptoni from transitional beds between Kraeng Krachan Gr.F. E Permian (similar to Late Artinskian assemblage described by Sakagami (1970) from nearby Ko Muk Island. p.pdf) (Tournaisian radiolarians widespread in Peninsular Malaysia especially in W Belt. Follicucullus spp. Langkawi. NW Maly Peninsula. Basir. Koay (1990).5 km E of Kuala Ketil. Geol.Permian fusulinids from Bukit Wang Pisang.W. Langkawi.Late Middle Permian radiolaria from the Jengka area. Malaysia 57. Basir & Z. due to high radiolarian productivity during Tournaisian. ranging in age from late E Permian (Sakmarian). Malaysia. Soc.S. E Carboniferous age. Harun (2011). 29-35. 5. Soc. Basir & L. (Albaillella deflandrei radiolarian assemblage from folded bedded chert at NW Malay Peninsula.T. Harun.Discovery of some Early Carboniferous radiolarians from North Perak and their significance. Said & S. p. HvG)) Assemblage with Entactinia clastics and overlying Ratburi Lst-equivalent in NW Malay Peninsula (= 'anti-tropical' genus from Kungurian or Artinskian of Sibumasu Terrane. Malaysia Bull. Peninsular Malaysia. Soc. S Kedah. south 27-38. (Nine species of radiolarians from tin. 2004. Conf. Soc. p. Most of Permo- Triassic biozones identified from Semanggol Fm) Jasin. Deep marine clastics with cherts with 5 Permian and 4 E-M Triassic radiolarian biozones.Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Peninsular Malaysia. Basir. 103-109. Hassan & M. (online at: https://gsmpubl. Harun (2004). p. Geol. Bull.pdf) (Deep marine radiolarian cherts common in Late March 2014 .pdf) (Semanggol Fm outcrops in NW Malay Peninsula.. 49. Harun (2007). Thickness of formation hard to determine due to intense folding-thrusting) Jasin. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. bedded chert in quarry in folded Semantan Fm(?)N of Jengka Pass.vangorselslist. probably in transition zone between clastic Singa Fm and overlying Chuping Limestone. Bull. p. (Bryozoan bed (1m thick bed of thin-bedded limestone and calcareous sandstone) at Bukit Durian Perangin. Geol.wordpress. E Permian. Folliculus monacanthus.Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the chert unit of the Semanggol Formation. Often associated with Hemigordius. Queensland Museum.. including 14 Pecopteris spp.Elementen der Glossopteris flora in het Carboon van Nieuw Guinea. Die palaeobotanischen Ergebnisse. Yang (2004). Central Range foothills. Episodes 27. Occurs in Gondwana-derived blocks.pdf) (Permian foraminifer Shanita of special paleobiogeographic importance. Mijnbouwk.J. led by Zwierzycki and Posthumus. 1.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora des Oberkarbons von Sumatra. S Afghanistan. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 267-271. etc. no Gondwana elements (NB: Asama et al. (1941). Indie (1930). Kol. W. ('The results of the 1925 paleobotanic Jambi March 2014 . or Late Permian by McLoughlin (1993). X. to Turkey.N. Presence of typical low-latitude 'Cathaysian' species including Sphenopteris. p. & W. Description of mixed ‘Cathaysian’ flora (Taeniopteris. Hashimoto (eds. Assemnblage similar to those described from China and Japan) Jell. 2007. etc. Occurrence in S Papua of Carboniferous flora with mixed Gondwanan (Glossopteris) and Asian (Cathaysian) species (now deemed to be of Permian age. 129-154. Pecopteris. W. Here believed to be of Late Carboniferous age. Pecopteris spp. Ed. (1999). 265-266 also mentions several occurrences of possible Carboniferous or Permian wood (Calamites. HvG)) Jongmans. 2. in strip from Peninsular Thailand to Burma.episodes. (Brief first description of two arms of small Permian starfish from Noil Tonino I.A monasterid starfish from the Permian of Timor. Brisbane.. HvG) (JWJ. ('Contributions to the knowledge of the flora of the Upper Carboniferous of Sumatra'.C. HvG)) Kanmera. 8 (Verbeek volume). Verhandelingen 2. Dadoxylon) and plant fossils (Pecopteris arborescens) from NW Kalimantan and Sarawak.and Pseudobaillella indicative of late M Permian Follicucullus japonicus Zone. with no relations to Gondwana flora) Jongmans. Van Waveren et al. Identifications re-evaluated by Rigby (1997)and Playford & Rigby (2007). Congr. Oman.Die Ergebnisse der palaobotanischen Djambi-Expedition 1925. W. W. ~100 and 250m above the lowest fossil-rich limestone bed (= 'Productus Limestone' of Tobler?). ('Contributions to the knowledge of the Carboniferous flora of Netherlands New Guinea'. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Mededelingen Geol. 43. p. 4. 5. Additional Permian plant fossils of 'Jambi Flora'.J. P. Toriyama (1976). University of Tokyo Press. Two plant- bearing horizons in thick tuff-sandstone-shale series. p. SE of Basleo.1 314 www. Mem. Gigantopteris. Taeniopteris. Handelingen 28e Nederl. Interpreted here as Upper Carboniferous age (but Posthumus (1927) and subsequent workers all assigned it to Early Permian) and of ‘European’ affinity.vangorselslist. ('Elements of the Glossopteris flora in the Carboniferous of New Guinea'. 340. Two species described here as Gigantopteris not true Cathaysian Gigantopteris. from Macurda collection) Jin. 71-201. Sphenophyllum. etc. Age of plant fossils here still regarded as ‘Upper Carboniferous’ instead of more likely Early Permian age. 273-278. First report on classic Early Permian ‘Jambi flora’ of W Sumatra: 80 species. 2. 59. 279-303. In: T.J. Taenopteris. p. (1940). Nederl. see also Zwierzycki 1935.) and Gondwanan 'Glossopteris' fauna from two localities in Otakawa River. not published elsewhere?)) Jongmans. S of Carstensz Peaks. 263-274. (online at: http://www. Kobayashi & W. Gothan (1925).. but regarded as Permian by Hopping and Wagner (in Visser & Hermes. The paleobotanic results'. based on correlation with Bowen Basin (Glossopteris. & X.Paleogeographic implications of the Shanita-Hemigordius fauna (Permian foraminifer) in the reconstruction of Permian Tethys. p. collected by 1925 Djambi Expedition. HvG ) 17..The evolution and extinction patterns of Permian Fusulinaceans. Natuurk. K.J. & W. S China. Stichting 1938-1939. p. C. Gen. Geol. 1962). (1975) argued only limited % of Cathaysian species in Jambi flora. Gothan (1935). Shanita-Hemigordius fauna considered as marker of marginal Gondwana environment (more specifically 'Cimmerian' strips that rifted off Gondwana in M-L Permian?. Verhandelingen Geol. etc. Ser. Geneesk. Ishii & R. K.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Karbonflora von Niederlandisch Neu Guinea.. p. First description of Carboniferous corals from Western Irian Jaya. 99. Assigned to Yabeina and Neoschwagerina Zones. D.A.C. including Waagenophyllum. Ser. in tropics. K.M. calcisponges. High diversity unique among Permian reefs. Tobing et al. C Malay Peninsula. M.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Geol. Helby. Australian Geol. K. (Two new species of rugose corals from central Birds Head float samples in area of Aimau Fm and Aifat mudstone outcrops reportedly suggest Late Carboniferous age and Eurasian affinity) Kato. Cyathaxonia. HvG)) Kato. most of which are mainly formed by calcisponges and calcareous algae. Two coeval fusuline (biogeographic) territories within Tethys–Panthalassa realms: Neoschwagerina-Yabeina territory (>12 °S) and Colania- Lepidolina territory (<12°). Ser. Bandung. etc. Bandung. 21. M. (online at: http://eprints. represents coral reef complex.Fusulinacean fossils from Thailand. Malaysia. Ed. all Tethyan elements (=Cathaysian. Tubiphytes. South Kitakami Terrane.. Hokkaido Univ. p. p. C Thailand. 177-208.A Late Permian coral reef complex. Ser. Indonesia. Y. HvG).Carboniferous and Permian palynostratigraphy in Australia and Antarctica: a review. etc. No sudden and catastrophic extinctions of fusulinaceans. With rugose and tabulate corals..lib.Constraining paleo-latitude of a biogeographic boundary in mid- Panthalassa: fusuline province shift on the Late Guadalupian (Permian) migrating seamount. A. R. Balme. Playford & P. 9. (Corals in massive oolitic Kuantan Fm limestone in Agam River in Padang Highlands E of Bukittingi include corals Michelina. Fac. 4. March 2014 . Toriyama (1968). 135-150. 31-46. Geophysics 2. J. p. Wentzelloides.On the occurrence of the Permian brachiopod genus Leptodus in Sundari & S. Sedimentary Geol. Bandung. Amin. Visean age) Kato. D. & H. Maklaya evolved from Misellina) Kasuya. new generic designation for Neoschwagerinids of the group Cancellina pamirica LEVEN. 5. 4. Centre.. Res. plus higher latitude Eopolydiexodina territory (>~25°S)) Kato. Hendarsyah & D.pdf) (M Permian corals in black limestone breccia associated with andesites in Kampong Awah Quarry. Paleont. Sundari (1999). D. Price (1977). Ipciphyllum. Geol. interspersed with longer periods of relative stability. also quote Leptodus occurrence in W Australia.Permian corals from Pahang and Trengganu. (Brachiopod Leptodus probably from Permian Maubisse Fm.L. Centre.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.. M. Takeuchi.(Review of parallel evolution of several lineages of fusulinid foraminifera. Ser. Kyle. indicates Timor was in Tethyan faunal realm (but Kato et al. (1999). (On group of neoschwagerinid fusulinids from M Permian of Sara Buri/ Rat Buri Lst. Maklaya. Six species. Paleont. Dev. now embedded in Tertiary clay. 9-41. Gondwana Res. Skwarko (1999). 21. T. (online at: www. p. E Malaya Plate. each with short periods of rapid diversification. Sci. p. 611-623.hokudai. BMR J. Res. T. Machiyama (1995).. In: T.. Sundari. 43-51. Isozaki & H. 9.. p. G. (M Permian Iwaizaki Lst of S Kitakami Terrane in NE Japan. but gradual waning of group through later Permian) Kanmera. Michelinia.subtropical regions. Geol. Centre. Ezaki (1986). B. Coral reefs developed mainly around S China and Indochina continents. Kobayashi & R.1 315 www. M. University of Tokyo Press. Part III.E. Igo (2012). Dev. Timor Permian marine faunas closer affinity to SE Asian Permian faunas than to Australian Gondwana) Kawamura. Paleont.A note on the reconfirmation of Lower Carboniferous age of the Agam River limestone of the Kuantan Formation. Clisiophyllum and algae Koninckopora. solenoporacean algae. Dev. West Sumatra. which accreted to S China (Japan) margin in Jurassic..L. & Y. stromatolite-bryozoan reefs in arid areas) Kemp. Toriyama (eds.vangorselslist. 53-61. E. Archaeolithoporella. Confirm E Carboniferous. Res. (Using Permian fusulinid forams and paleomagnetic data to reconstruct low latitude origin of M Permian seamount. S. Pahang. & R. R. 5. Calcisponge reefs and Tubiphytes- algal crust reefs common in tropical . 645-668. Japan. West Tokyo.) Late Paleozoic foraminifera.. No map or illustrations. Also present on Early Permian rifted terranes. Neoschwagerina simplex (U Roadian).ch/mhng/paleo/paleo-pdf/30-2/pal_30_2_01a. Siberia. divided into 7 zones: Parafusulina nakamigawai (U Kungurian). 669-687.knaw. N.Ome area. p. (online at: http://www. Amsterdam. p. Trilobite subsequently determined to be Permian in age by Tesch. F. Cancellina nipponica (Lw Roadian). (Latest Permian Palaeofusulina fauna serves as paleogeographic constraints on E and SE Asian terranes. their biostratigraphy. S. March 2014 .ch/mhng/paleo/paleo-pdf/31-2/pal_31_2_03. (online at: http://www. dominant Yabeina and less Lepidolina. 5. 2. evolution and paleoecology. Palaeoclim. (1997).Middle and Late Permian foraminifers from the Chichibu Belt. craticulifera (Lw Wordian). p. F. evolution and paleoecology. (1999). Japan.Klein. incl. Palaeoecology 150.Tethyan uppermost Permian (Dzhulfian and Dorashamian) foraminiferal faunas and their paleogeographic and tectonic implications. (1916). Ed. Kobayashi. F.A.pdf) (Description of diverse Permian smaller foram assemblages with Tethyan affinities. Publ. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Paleontology 79. Palaeogeogr. Ross et al. Trilobite probably of genus Proetus. 77-80. (B) Eastern Tethys. Takachiho Area. In: C. (Continuous carbonate deposition of >70 My on Panthalassan buildup in Carboniferous-Permian limestone blocks in Itsukaichi. Res. S China.C. 3. 2. weakly folded limestone-shale succession. p. (2005).A.ville-ge. Indochina and E Malaya shelf limestone facies. (eds. Cushman Found. Cushman Found. in 190m thick. (2012). F. 2. (1997). like N Thailand (Sibumasu terrane) and Tibet (Qiangtang Terrane). Kyushu. SE Aceh. F. Paleontology 86. from 250m thick Akasaka Lst.Permian foraminifers from the Itsukaichi-Ome area. 279-307. p. 73-76. Foram. and limestone units in SW Japan Permian accretionary complex.. Foram. in exotic limestone blocks around Circum-Pacific (N America. colaniae (U Wordian) Yabeina globosa (Capitanian) and Nanlingella suzukii Zone (Wuchiapingian)) Kobayashi. Associated with rich fusulinid assemblages. Proc. Kon.Permian non-fusuline foraminifers of the Akasaka Limestone (Japan). Ross et al. (online at: http://www. deposited on Permian Panthalassan seamount and emplaced as exotic block in Jurassic-E Cretaceous accretionary complexes of Mino Terrane in C Japan. Afghanella and Sumatrina and without Lepidolina.Middle Permian biogeography based on fusulinacean faunas In: C. 36. p. Common in S China.pdf) (Discovery of presumably Devonian limestones with trilobites W of Kaloee on Simpang Kiri River.On a trilobite fauna of presumably Devonian age in the Dutch East Indies near Kaloee. F. with diverse neoschwagerinids and verbeekinids. 105 species of Permian and 65 species of Carboniferous forms in 24 fusulinacean zones) Kobayashi. 18. covering SE Asia. 431-574.ville-ge. Spec. Afghanella and Tamiang District. 1916)) Kobayashi.1 316 www. Japan)) Kobayashi. 1632-1636.vangorselslist. Associated with brachiopods. without sumatrinids.E. extends from Mediterranean to N Arabia. Atjeh).pdf) (Mainly M Permian Akasaka Lst in C Japan with 63 species of fusulinids. (2011). with 7 zones. Revue Paleobiologie 30. Indochina. p.. p..Middle Permian fusulinacean faunas and paleobiogeography of exotic terranes in the Circum-Pacific. (Permian fusuline foram faunas three provinces: (A) Western Tethys. their biostratigraphy.dwc. (2012). Absence of Palaeofusulina fauna and presence of late Midian Lepidolina multiseptata faunas in Lhasa Terrane (Tibet) and Woyla Terrane in Sumatra are important for identifying rift–drift–collision process of Gondwana-affinity terranes) Kobayashi. Res. Japan: implications for faunal events J. and the Mid-Carboniferous boundary. Blocks and breccias resulted from collapse of seamount and tectonic mixing with trench-fill deposits in Jurassic accretionary complexes of Chichibu Terrane.) Late Paleozoic foraminifera. F. corals and crinoids.Permian fusuline faunas and biostratigraphy of the Akasaka Limestone (Japan).) Kobayashi. W. Spec. N. (eds. 413-432. with Yabeina. (C) Panthalassa. Publ. Nederl. Revue Paleobiologie 31. 313-335. Akademie Wetenschappen. J. and the Mid-Carboniferous boundary. 1.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25.A new genus of the Phillipsidae from Thailand. Hashimoto & T. In: T. Waribole. 1-21. Proc. etc. Ross & J. 103-110.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. E. Geol. (Two species of M-L Permian trilobites described. (Triproetus) subovalis from near Kuala Lipis. Ditomopyge sp. aff. Hamada (1978). J. Geogr. Kobayshi & R.Fusulinid-bearing limestone pebbles found in the Agbahag conglomerate. (M Eocene conglomerate at Agbahag Point on SE Mindoro Island contains Permian fusulinid limestone (18 species of trilobites known from Carboniferous of SE Asia.gen. Hamada (1984).).sp. Hamada (1979). Mansalay. T. Hamada (1966).. thailandinid wall is secondary mineralization of calcite as seen in specimens of Staffellidae. In: T. Proc. Japan Academy.Trilobites of Thailand and Malaysia. 32. (eds. p. Oost Indië 51 (1922). 4. p. blastoid and brachiopod faunas.vangorselslist.J. Younger assemblage (Dinantian) with Linguphillipsia (= Phillipsia of older authors?)) Kobayashi.Some Permian plants from Thailand.1 317 www. Japanese J. based on unique wall structure. Prosmilia. March 2014 . Cystiphyllum. 5. (Carboniferous trilobite Thaiaspis sethapuli n. Philippines. P. Yangchienia compressa. W. 5. 3.M.) Kobayashi. T. incl. p. Sphenophyllum.. etc. (Late Permian fusulinid forams. T. 1-4. (1924).go.273-284. I. Mixture of cosmopolitan and endemic species) Konishi. Pseudofusulina fusiformis. 245-250.R. NW Malay Peninsula (probably E Carboniferous age)) Kobayashi.Thailandina and Neothailandina. Oldest assemblage in Langgon Red Beds in NW Malay Peninsula (Langgonbole. University of Tokyo Press.Kobayashi. Verhandelingen. Cystiphyllidae.New Boultonia and other microfossils from North Thailand. Koike. Cordaites.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. collected by 1916 Jonker expedition.P. Descriptions of probably deeper water solitary rugose assemblages of Zaphrentis spp. p.A.) Kobayashi. Kobayashi & R. (New trilobite Cyrtosymbole (Waribole) perlisensis from Kubang Pasu Fm in Perlis. Bitauni. Japanese J. (Includes record of Permian 'Gondwanan'? Glossopteris cf. With 13 species. p. from Wesleo. Misellina. etc. Zaphrentidae. n. p. (1961). Japan 12. (1963). Sato (1968). & T. p. Geol. F. Soc. University of Tokyo Press. (online at: https://www. (Permian corals from Timor. Polycoelia. C. Pahang) Kobayashi.Macrobole. University of Tokyo Press. Contributions to the geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. However. 198-210. & T. p. Pseudodoliolina. In: T. E. (Thailandina and Neothailandina new genera of Permian fusulinids from Rat Buri Limestone proposed by Toriyama and Kanmera (1968). Misellina claudiae. 2. 54. Kobayashi et al. Mostly from reddish tuffaceous marls of Wesleo region and associated with rich crinoid. 360-361. Toriyama (eds.) Kon'no.Permo-Carboniferous trilobites from Thailand and Malaysia. 1-50. 20. p. T. etc. and their subfamily Thailandininae: an example of an invalid taxonomic group of Permian fusuline foraminifera. Amplexus. Neoschwagerina cf simplex. 139-159. In: T. K. T. Amphiastreidae. p. T. and Neoproetus sp.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Toriyama (eds. Trans. Paleontology 84. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. 2. Ross (2010). Pterophyllum.A new proetoid trilobite from Perlis.jst.. & T. late E Permian) Koker. Age ~Kungurian. N. Oriental Mindoro. Geogr.Anthozoa uit het Perm van het eiland Timor.Nefotassi. Palaeont. B..Three suites of Carboniferous trilobites in Southeast Asia.. 34. (1953). angustifolia among mainly 'Cataysian' Alethopteris thailandica. Taeniopteris from black shale at Khlong Wang Ang in Phetchabun province) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (eds. 92-95. Ed. kraffti.jstage. University of Tokyo Press. & T. Schubertella giraudi. Malaysia (Malaya). Kobayashi et al. . 167-172. Asama (1970). 13. 136-151. S part Malay Peninsula.Supplementary report on the occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic in West Borneo.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 8. Timorphyllum. Asama & S. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Timor Basleo Fm fauna with 'typical deep-water Peri-Gondwanan' Wannerophyllum. Malaysia. University of Tokyo Press. 2.original Dutch paper above) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Johore. 3.Some Permian plants from Thailand. 1932. West Malaysia. In: T. (1955). Ed. 5. Bull. 2. SE Pamirs) predominance of Verbeekiella. Malaysia.1 318 www. E. p. Survey Dept. (same paper as above) Kon'no.The Late Permian Linggiu flora from the Gunung Blumut area.) Geological accounts of West Borneo.Lobatannularia assemblage. (1965). Haile (ed. Tokyo University Press. University of Tokyo Press. 2007) Kon'no.Some Permian plants from the Jengka Pass. De Mijningenieur 14.Kon'no. incl.W Sarawak border area. 89-112. 1-85. K. E. E. In: N. 91-92. Very different from nearby Jambi Flora) Kossovaya O. (English translation of Krekeler (1933). Overlain by Triassic volcanoclastics with Monotis salinaria (Fusulinid limestone subsequently named Terbat Lst by Haile (1954). F. only seven species in common with the Jambi flora of Sumatra (probably due to age difference. Geol. Survey Dept. Asama & S. Kuching. Geol. & K. Haile (ed. 9. 7-14. S of Kuching. Van Waveren et al. Johore.L. (Rel. F.A new occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic rocks in the central part of West Borneo (provisional report). Strike of folded. ('A new occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic in the central part of West Borneo (provisional report)'. (Antitropical rugose corals distributed in temperate zones of Boreal and Perigondwanan realms. 491-580. Kobayashi & R. Fusulinid beds from Sadong valley examined by Tan Sin Hok and believed to be same species (and same volcanoclastic facies) as Upper Carboniferous. In: Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. De Mijningenieur 13.. (U Permian 'Cathaysian' flora with 24 species. Limestones associated with volcanic rocks and suggestive of Late Carboniferous age. etc. p.) Geological accounts of West Borneo.Triassic rocks predominantly N-S.S. steeply dipping Late Paleozoic. Palaeoworld 18.The Late Permian Linggiu flora from the Gunung Blumut area. British Territories in Borneo. 1933. F. Bull.vangorselslist. (1955). 97-132. p. and its fusulinids identified as Early Permian by Cummings (1955)) Krekeler. Sumatra (= Permian. (‘Supplementary report on the occurrence of fossiliferous Paleozoic in West Borneo’.Artinskian-Wordian antitropical rugose coral associations: a palaeogeographical approach. (Same paper as above. Bull. March 2014 . Timor. 15-16. Linggiu flora from C Johore with 41 early Late Permian species characteristic of N Cathaysian Gigantopteris. (1933). Roadian-Wordian in S Hemisphere Perigondwanan temperate zone (Australia. Rajah (1970).Aanvullende mededeelingen omtrent het voorkomen van fossielhoudend Palaeozoikum in West Borneo. p. See also English translation in Haile (1955). (1932).Permian of Jambi. 2. Brachiopod-bearing beds previously interpreted as Paleozoic contain Halobia and are now believed to be Triassic in age. Mus. Rajah (1971). Toriyama (eds. (English translation of Krekeler (1932) original Dutch paper above) Krekeler. p. Nat.Over een nieuw voorkomen van fossielhoudend Palaeozoikum in Midden-West Borneo (voorlopige mededeeling). (2009). Pahang. Bicoemplectopteris hallei (also common in Cathaysian Gigantopteris flora of South China) Kon'no. Kuching. p. E. rich Late Permian flora from Johore. British Territories in Borneo. First description of fusulinids and brachiopods in W Kalimantan. Forty species. HvG)) Krekeler. K. p. F. Verbeekiella. p.. See also English translation in Haile (1955). Sci. E-M Permian antitropical associations represented by ‘Cyathaxonia fauna'. In: N.1. Through time gradually replaced by Cathaysian faunas) Krekeler.Wannerophyllum assemblage. T. (eds. Mainly description of 79 species of foraminifera (incl.repository. A. Correl. Verbeekina. Lee et al. Verh. Geol. T. a Lower Permian fossil from Timor (should be Billiton. Symp.p. Akad. 3. Australian Nat. Famous M Permian reefal limestone locality in Padang Highlands near Lake Singkarak. Presence of neoschwagerinids and verbeekinids previously believed to be typical of paleo- equatorial Cathaysian domain. Wang & K.. In middle part E Midian fusulinid assemblages with Yangchienia. Progr. Nederl. X. Lakeman. Mijnbouwk. Proc. Verbeekina. p. Martin Memorial Volume). Nakazawa. New find indicates presence of E-M Permian sediments. Geol. (2) (3) Midian assemblages with more Tethys-type genera such as Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .naturalis. Lange. (1950).Eine mittelpermische Fauna von Guguk Bulat (Padanger Oberland. on Sibumasu Block. Win & K. Kuala Lumpur 2010.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie.dwc. Lonsdaleia) and 8 brachiopod species (= part of 'Cathaysian' West Sumatra block of Barber et al. (‘A Middle Permian fauna from Guguk-Bulat. Ueno (2009). Lamellibranchiata and Scaphopoda. Endothyra and 11 fusulinid genera) Latt. then interpreted as Carboniferous. Geological anatomy of East and South Asia. Three fusuline assemblages in m-u parts: (1) Late Murgabian.knaw. Z. E. Ed. 7... 105). (eds. March 2014 . Mededelingen 5 (K. (1925). W. Southwest China.Mesozoic molluscs (gastropods. 7. Sumatrina. including Eostaffella. p. (2005).Middle Permian Cimmerian fusuline succession of the Plateau Limestone in the Linwe area. HvG). Fontaine 1989. Ser.Carboniferous foraminifers from the lower part of Paleo- Tethyan seamount-type carbonates in the Changning-Menglian Belt. (1975). p.Some problems of ‘mixed’ floras in the Permian of Gondwanaland. p. Gen. cephalopods and trilobites are absent.W.. Geol.Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Gastropoda. Int.On the crinoid nature of Timorocidaris sphaeracantha Wanner.T. Project 516 (IGCP516). massive Waagenophyllidae. No figures) Kruizinga. Nederl. also common in Lower Permian of Timor (Bitauni) (but 'more likely Lower Middle Permian. (Extended Abstract) (M Permian Plateau Lst of E Myanmar Shan Plateau is part of Sibumasu/ Shan-Thai ~570 m thick and unconformable on Silurian Linwe Fm. In: K. Ueno (2008). etc. Univ.S. 1. western Yunnan. Leidsche Geol.F. Neoschwagerina). Kol. Ueno (2010). colonial corals (incl. upper part mainly oolitic limestone. T.bivalves) known from Indonesia in 1931. Win & K. 35-36 (Changning-Menglian Belt in W Yunnan is well-known as closed remnant of Paleo-Tethys Ocean.) Gondwana Geology. Acta Geoscientica Sinica 30. Bangkok 2008. 1056-1063. p. In: B. Re-sampled by Tobler in 1909.G.T. Int. 100-108. 213-295. (1931). HvG)) Latt. Suppl. E Myanmar. but here present in late M Permian of Sibumasu Block (but still lower diversity)) Latt. 170-171.P. R.Permian fusuline fauna from the Plateau Limestone of the Lebyin Area. W. Canberra. middle part bioclastic limestones. 164-205. p.T. Identified as Agathiceras sundaicum.S. p. lower part with shaly interbeds. Thick E Carboniferous-Late Permian carbonate successions formed as Paleo-Tethyan seamount-capping atoll. T. Escher et al. with Cimmerian genus Rugososchwagerina. Eastern Myanmar: biochronologic and paleobiogeographic assessments. Proc. with >28 foraminiferal genera. Proc. Kon.Krijnen. 125-134. Sumatra’. (1950).pdf) (First Paleozoic fossil found on Billiton island is small ammonite in lump of cassiterite from Lenggang district. Wetenschappen 53.Agathiceras sundaicum Han. Kon. Akademie Wetenschappen Amsterdam 53. Campbell (ed. Bivalves.) 6th Symp. Sumatra). Thickness 700m. 18 fusulinid species of Fusulinella. (online at: http://www. (online at: www. Lower 400m of carbonate all Carboniferous. subsequently intruded/ metamorphosed by post-Triassic 'tin granites') Lacey. p.. Pseudofusulina. Eastern Myanmar In: C. 5.. Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008). (Extensive listings of Paleozoic.1 319 www. 40-41 (Abstract only) (Permian Plateau Limestone in Linwe section. Neoschwagerina. Padang Highlands. first decribed by Volz 1904. March 2014 . Rev. 279-285.S.The Carboniferous flora of Eastern Peninsular Malaysia. B. Rieb (eds.. p. Lemoigne & B. Sci.P. p.. Comptes Rendus Acad. J.H. p. p. Demarque (2009).The Carboniferous flora of northeastern Thailand : additional documentation from the Na Duang-Na Klang basin. Geneve 19. (Floras suggest that Indochina. (Carboniferous floras of E Peninsular Malaysia and NE Thailand typical Euramerican aspect. Ed. 229-246. Ph. Lepidolina) and is of lower diversity compared with Indochina and S China faunas) Laveine. Verbeekina. Revue Paleobiologie. at least since E Carboniferous) Laveine.. Symposium on Biostratigraphy of Mainland Southeast Asia: facies and palaeontology. In: I.The Carboniferous flora of Northeastern Thailand. 1-286.Paleogeography of East and Southeast Asia during Carboniferous times on the basis of paleobotanical information: some methodological comments and additional results. Rotterdam. with Stigmaria. In: Proc.P. 831-849.P.. Northeastern Thailand). Lepidodendron.dur. Geneve. probably S China Block since at least E Laveine. Hussin (1999).PDF) Leman. Loei area. (1993). Ratanasthien (1999). J. Leman.) Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion. Chiang Mai. J. Revue Paleobiologie. J. & A. 28. etc. Ratanasthien & S. Ratanasthien & S. Geneve. 22.The Carboniferous floras of Southeast Asia: implications for the relationships and timing of accretion of some Southeast Asian blocks. Ratanasthien. China) 10. most probably S China Block. Paleobiol. Lee.P. IGCP 321 Final Results Volume. Symposium on Shallow Tethys (ST) 5. B. Y. 55-72. Thesis. 409-425. Zhang & Y. 2. In: B. B. Vachard. Revue Paleobiologie. 2. Zhang & Y. Sinica (Bull Geol. 273-290.P.S. Geneve. (Carboniferous plant fossils from near Na Duang coal mine. Acta Geol. S. NE Thailand. Fauna lacks Tethyan advanced neoschwagerinids (Yabeina.vangorselslist..P. p. Flora essentially of Euramerican aspect) Laveine.) Proc. 1. B. 761-797. E Malaysia.D. Indochina Block (NE Thailand) and probably also E Malaya Block (E Peninsular Malaysia) in terrestrial connection with N Palaeotethyan land mass. Ratanasthien & S. B.. E Malaya Block also part of North Paleotethyan domain) Laveine. 5. Soc.The Lower Carboniferous Na Duang Marine band (Na Duang Coal Mine. suggesting Indo-China Block was in terrestrial connection with N Paleotethyan landmass. (1990). Chiang Mai. (online at: http://www. (Carboniferous flora of E Peninsular Malysia ('Kuantan flora' of Asama) and NE Thailand typical Euramerican aspect. Lemoigne (2003). p. S. Int. J. Revue Paleobiologie. Balkema. Paleobiol. 2.P. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p.sp. Laveine. Laveine. Metcalfe (ed. Rev. S. M. Lemoigne (2000). on the basis of examples from the Carboniferous. 22. (online at: http://etheses. M. Geneve 22.Upper Permian brachiopods from northwest Pahang. Ratanasthien & S. p. 799- 809. 22.Additional documentation to the knowledge of the Late Palaeozoic floras of east and southeast Asia: general conclusions and references. J. and S and N China were closely connected during Carboniferous) Laveine. p. 203-208.P. J.. (1931).ville-ge.Afghanella. J. S.Permian Productidina of Britain and Malaysia. p.Palaeophytogeography and palaeogeography. 2.L.Distribution of the dominant types of the fusulinoid foraminifera in the Chinese Seas.. Durham University. 315-331. J.. Sithirach (2003). Sithirach & D. Hussin (2003). Ratanasthien & A. 811-830. D. 2. Sithirach (1993). Paris 317. ) Laveine.. 2.H. Sithirach (2003).The Carboniferous flora of Northeastern Thailand: its paleogeographic importance.pdf) (New Carboniferous plant material from E Carboniferous (Visean)of Na Duang-Na Klang basin in NE Thailand includes Lepidodendron timsuwanii n.1 320 www. J. and Pseudodoliolina. Zhang.P. p. Loei District. ) cuniculata. HvG).S. 149-156. E.1 321 www. 282 species. p. Geobios 28. M. Kelantan and their paleogeographic significance.. 113-121 Leman.Discovery of an Early Permian (Late Sakmarian) ammonoid from Langkawi Island. Propinacoceras. Soc. SW Kelantan. suessi.The significance of Upper Permian brachiopods from Merapoh area. in colder environment in Carboniferous-Permian. 6. & H. & S. etc. E.Middle Permian (Murgabian) fusuline faunas. Asselian. Torlesse Terrane. Sone (2002). (1993). Neoschwagerina. Malaysia 38. 1. with rich fusulinid faunas: 58 March 2014 . northwest Pahang. 5. NW part of Kuah town. 277-281. mainly species of Pseudofusulina. and small orthoconic cephalopods.9514799) (Two fusuline foram limestone localities in Torlesse Gp of Canterbury. Alcheringa 23. Adrianites. p. Resembles slightly younger Capitanian species of N Laos. Pahang. Popanoceras. By late Yahtashian. late E Permian). (Complete Permian section in Afghanistan.A Permian phillipsid trilobite from Peninsular Malaysia. New Zealand.Sakmarian in N Afghanistan and N Pamir tropical shelf carbonates and fusulinid assemblages. (Pygidia of trilobite Pseudophillipsia reported from M Permian Bera Fm sand-shale. Confirms Sakmarian (E Permian) age suggested by brachiopods) Lethiers.Main events in Permian history of the Tethys and fusulinids. (online at: www. p. p. incl. Stratigraphy Geol. M. low diversity.Sumatrina in Murgabian-Midian (M Permian) and miliolid Shanita amosi. from thin-bedded sands-shales in uppermost part of Singa Fm at Batu Asah. M. Correlation 1. lacking fusulinids.Permian ammonoids from Kuala Betis area. associated with rich brachiopod fauna of E Capitanian age..J. Fauna with Agathiceras cf.Y. Bull. In Central-South Afghanistan occurrences of Monodiexodina in Bolorian (= Kungurian. S Island. p. Leven.1998. Malaysia. Campbell (1998). ('Ostracode distribution and paleocurrents in Late Carboniferous and Permian'. Fauna correlates best with late M Permian (E Murgabian) sequences of Tethyan affinity in Eurasia) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . No species in common with N side) Leven. In: First European Palaeont. Limestones associated with volcanics and hemipelagic sediments which appear 'allochthonous' (fortuitous accumulations associated with oceanic seamounts). Age- equivalent rocks of S Afghanistan. E. Crasquin-Soleau (1995). p.R. T. M. America (GSA).J.S. Geophysics 41. N Africa and W Asia indicate oceanic link between these pelagic faunas in M Permian) Leman. Paper 316. Geol.S Pamir all siliciclastic. Geol. Geol. N Australian margin is at S side of Paleo-Tethys.. Similarities with Italian Socio. 1. Suppl. Soc.S. (1995). 2. 125-129. with cold-water macrofaunas typical of Peri-Gondwanan seas. New Zealand J. p.Distribution des ostracodes et paleocourantologie au Carbonifere terminal-Permien. due to milder climate and widespread transgression. (1997). 41 new. distinction between S and N fusulinid assemblages starts to disappear. F.Hemigordiopsis renz in Midian-Dzhulfian (M-L Permian)) Leven. 59-75. also Parafusulina ( Congr. Hoffmannia.tandfonline. In S Afghanistan first fusulinids in Sakmarian. & M. Central Malay Peninsula.Permian stratigraphy and fusulinida of Afghanistan with their paleotectonic implications. 35. Spec. (1994).1080/00288306. New Zealand. 153-158. (Ammonite Metalegoceras sp. 257-272. Geosciences J.Leman. 1-134. p. Low diversity fauna dominated by Parafusulina (Skinnerella) japonica. Assemblages resemble M Permian Sg Cheroh cephalopod fauna and are associated with deep water sediment in Bentong (Paleotethys) Suture zone.vangorselslist. Soc. (Two new Permian ammonoid localities in tuffaceous mudstones in Gua Musang Fm metasedimentary- pyroclastic sequence in Kuala Betis area. Geol. Leman & G.Y. Shi (1999).Verbeekina. Ed. Timor Basleo fauna and other ammonoid occurrences in Europe.S. S Langkawi. Malaysia Bull. suggesting additional faunal link between Indochina and Peninsular Malaysia (E Malaya terrane) in Capitanian time) Leonova.B.Bolorian (late E Permian= ~late Artinskian-Kungurian. Tropical conditions persisted in S China throughout Permian.Amarasi near Kupang. along deep-sea trench S of Java and. much of which based on Timor material) Mamet.B. (2) Junggar- Hinggan.) Palaeozoic biogeography and biogeography. Shen (1996). Soc. B. (In E Asia tabulate and rugose corals present from E J. Key species Neoschwagerina margaritae. McKerrow and C. N Island. D. Palaeobotany Palynology 90.X.1080/00288306. Ordovician corals of N China related to Americo-Siberian region. Krefeld. In E Permian N and S parts of Asia belong to cold-water Lytvolasma fauna. Yabeina spp. Congres Stratigraphie et de Geologie du Carbonifere. 4. Much more diverse than Murgabian faunas from Torlesse. p. (Review of Devonian-Permian floral provinces of China.The type species of the Permian blastoid Calycoblastus. & G. 22. p. B. 9. with map of Permian phytogeographical provinces. (online at: www. (On the discovery of second specimen of large blastoid Calycoblastus tricavatus Wanner from Lower Permian of Baun.end Permian. S China close affinity to E Australia in Early Silurian. Geol. W Timor) Macurda. ('A foraminifera zonation of the Lower Carboniferous of the Western Tethys') Mamet. 5. Orua Bay. Reichelina sp.A.. 473-486. etc.Carboniferous foraminifera.The Cathaysian and Gondwana March 2014 . p. (1972). Grant-Mackie (1997).H. p. Northwestern Australia.R. & J. middle part warm-water Tethyan with Iranophyllum/ Ipciphyllum fauna) Macurda. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 1-291. 1971. p. X. & X.J.J. Compte Rendus 7th Int. (3) Uralo-Tian Shan. South China also with abundant Psaronius tree ferns and Gleicheniaceous ferns) Liao. p. 12. & X. 391-408. S Island) Li. X. New Zealand. X. 94-98. (1983).Y. p. p. J.The biogeographic affinities of East Asian corals.1997. but in N China. 161-170. Wu (1996). Djambi flora of C Sumatra is southernmost Cathaysian flora.Une zonation par foraminiferes du Carbonifere inferieur de la Tethys Occidentale. J. 309-317. p. diverse E-M Midian fusulinids (24 species) from Waipapa Terrane. (Overview of Permian macrofloras of SE Asia. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. New Zealand J. E. 175-179. W. then possibly extends through Baoshan District of W.Late Paleozoic phytogeographic provinces in China and its adjacent regions. Bonaparte Gulf Basin.A brief review of the Permian macrofloras in southeast Asia and their phytological delimitation. Wu (1994). and by late Late Permian most of N Hemisphere in extreme arid conditions. both vegetated by Euramerican floras until Late Carboniferous when Cathaysian elements first began to differentiate Two Cathaysian provinces established by Permian.L. Mem. Belford (1968).X. Geophysics 40. (1974). then changes to E-W direction. 1. Paleontology 46. 41-62. Large leaved forms like Taeniopteris more common in N China and Gigantopteris almost completely restricted to S China. Lepidolina shiraiwensis. (Permian floras suggest boundary between E Gondwana and Laurasia runs along Bangongeo-Dengqen suture of Qinghai-Xizang plateau.Leven. New Guinea Permian flora mixed Gondwanan and Cathaysian) Li.Y. by early Late Permian alternating wet and dry climates. subsequently. Geol.Permian fusulinid foraminifera from Wherowhero Point. & D. Yunnan to link up with Pham Sore and Bentong-Raub sutures of Thailand-Peninsular Malaysia. D.X. Rev. In: W.tandfonline. turns S near Qamdo in E Xizang.Systematics of the fissiculate Blastoidea. London. (Review of Permian blastoids. Ann Arbor. Micropaleontology 14. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology. Cathaysian Floral province two major blocks: Sino- Korean-Tarim (N China) and S China Block.S. 339-347.1 322 www. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . but more akin to Urals and C Asia in M-L Silurian. (4) Paleotethys and (5) S China.vangorselslist. Probably East Paleotethys-Panthalassa seamount fauna.B. Ed. (1990). 3.9514777) (Abundant. ever-wet climatic zone. their contribution to determining the boundary between eastern Gondwana and Laurasia. 13. Northland. Cathaysian flora developed in tropical. Scotese (eds. from where it continues further S across E Sumatra to Indian Ocean. turns NE running through Banda Sea to link up with W New Guinea) Li. E-M Devonian 5 biogeographic provinces in E Asia: (1) Arctic. Reichsmuseums Leiden 1. Hanoi. etc. Keep (2006).Indochine. H. Ed. 53-80.. p.L. ('On the Carboniferous foraminiferal microfauna of Southeast Asia'.Sur la microfaune des foraminiferes carboniferes du Sud-est asiatique. 1823-1829 (Macklot and Muller. 71-136) ('The fossil-bearing sediments of Timor. With 3 plates) Martodjojo. Saurin (1970).Indochine 2. Mem. Eight Carboniferous foram assemblages. dulhuntyi. (1913).A study of the superfamily Adrianitaceae. Nach Sammlungen von Reinwardt. J. p. p. p. Vietnam. Malaysia) Mansuy. 356-363. Diverse Dulhuntyispora assemblage with 6 March 2014 . 1- (N Palawan Block regarded as S-most continuation of Late Mesozoic Busuanga accretionary complex. E Timor. 26-38. Marquez. Rev. 240.Faunes des calcaires a Productus de l'Indochine. Lophophyllum.seals. Early description of Timor fossils at Leiden Natural History Museum collections. 1. Globoendothyra). p. Aitchison & L. 5.vangorselslist. B. Macklot and Schneider'.M Jurassic radiolarians from 13 localities) Martin. 1-64. Balme & M. 54. with subduction of plate starting by E Cretaceous. Assemblage similar to Cape Hay Fm in Bonaparte Basin of NW Australia) McLoughlin. Contr. are of Gondwanan affinity.(Carboniferous foraminiferal faunas from well and outcrop samples of Bonaparte Gulf Basin..Nouvelle contribution a l'etude des faunes des calcaires a Productus de l'Indochine. Australian fauna strong Tethyan influence and resemble those from Tethyan SE Asia. Ged. 11-140.Gondwana-related Late Permian palynoflora. Bull. NW Australia. Sammlungen Geol. Mainly solitary corals (Amplexus. p. Service Geol. Laos and Vietnam. Queensland. J. (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen 11 (1882). Suppl. E. France (7) 12. Kupang area) and 1863 (Schneider). Mem. (online at: http://retro. U Permian. Fossils from Permian brachiopod limestone from Cambodia. Lithostrotion) and brachiopods (Spirifer. Endothyra. (1914). Radiolarians record Late Permian-Late Jurassic pelagic deposition on oceanic plate. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. etc. D. Australia. Macklot und Schneider. 3. (Two groups recognized in ?Permian ammonoid family. Backhouse. 2. 75-81. (1990).Indochine. collected in 1821 (Reinwardt). (1916). 4. Wetensch. 3. which is also rich in fusulinid foraminifera) Mansuy. D.. ('New contribution to the study of the faunas of the Productus Limestone of Indochina'. Timor Leste. S.J. p. Palaont.R. Soc. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 99. Palawan. 1. H. Abhandl. Service Geol. p. part of ocean plate stratigraphy now in Jurassic? subduction complex which developed along length of E Asian margin. described from Laos. (Late Permian palynomorphs from Cribas Fm turbidites from Wailuli Valley.C. Geol. Geology. Fossils from Permian brachiopod limestone) Mansuy. from collections of Reinwardt. E. B. Dept. p. Hanoi.Some Permian glossopterid fructifications and leaves from the Bowen Basin. Sujono (1964).Upper Permian to Middle Jurassic radiolarian assemblages of Busuanga and surrounding islands.1 323 www. Zamoras (2006).Die versteinerungfuhrenden Sedimente Timor’s. H. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Service Geol. Asteroarchaediscus. 1. Spirigera) from Permian. similar to Europe/ Asia. 1-61. incl. (1881).siliceous plankton through time. suggesting free migration between Gondwana and Laurasia) Mamet. parvithola. Mem. Palaeobotany Playnology 62. Philippines. ('Faunas of the Productus Limestone of Indochina. from Timor?) McCartain.Faunes des calcaires a Productus de l'Indochine-2 serie. K. Propermodiscus. & E.. foraminifers and lithofacies from the Wailuli Valley.. and also Didecitrelites eriacanus.2nd series'. D. 101-125. Many genera cosmopolitan (Archaediscus. ('Faunas of the Productus Limestone of Indochina'. Haig. Institute Technology Bandung 58. In: Radiolaria. etc. Malaysia. 14.Evolution of Permian conodont provincialism and its significance in global correlation and paleoclimate implication. E Malay Peninsula. (1981). S.wordpress. 313.. & C. 119-126. In: R. Asian Earth Sci. I. Mei. Rotterdam.Carboniferous conodonts from Perak. 2. Balkema. Geol. & C. Bull. Perak (also M Devonian conodonts near base of section. Findlay et al. EWWP by absence of Gondolelloides and Vjalovognathus in E-M Cisuralian. Wardlaw (2002).M. 20.wordpress. 253- 264. yielded Late Permian Neogondolella rosenkrantzi-Neospathodus divergens Zone and E Triassic conodonts) Metcalfe. Warta Geologi (Newsl.pdf) (Panching Lst of Pahang. S.K.H. 297-314.. March 2014 . etc. 5. (online at: https://gsmpubl.New records of Bergiopteris and glossopterid fructifications from the Permian of Western Australia and Queensland. p. 599-608. p.pdf) (Limestones exposed at Gunung Keriang.J.260. Paleoecol. S. 57-91. Paleoecol. West Malaysia. Soc. peri- Gondwana Cool Water (GCWP) and N Cool Water (NCWP. 237. Permian conodont provincialism not distinct until Kungurian) Mei. abundance of Sweetognathus and Pseudosweetognathus in Kungurian.Major Dutch collections of Permian fossils from Timor amalgamated.M. Pahang. S. C. Kedah. 180. 6. p. rich conodont faunas around L-U Carboniferous boundary) Metcalfe. p.Lopingian) Mei. S.pdf) (Carboniferous (Namurian) conodonts from Idiognathoides noduliferus. Paleontology 83. have E Permian (Wolfcampian) Neogondolella bisselli- Sweetognathus whitei and E Triassic (Smithian) Neospathodus waageni Zones conodonts.vangorselslist.. of Timor. 6. Palaeontology 23. Kedah. (Conodont faunas from SE Asia classified in new faunal provinces: Equatorial Warm Water (EWWP). 170.McLoughlin. p. (online at: https://gsmpubl. p.Glossopterid megafossils in Permian Gondwanic non-marine biostratigraphy. age and correlation of the Alas Formation (Carboniferous). Henderson (2001). Palaeoclimat.Upper Carboniferous conodont faunas of the Panching Limestone.1 324 www. etc. Kodiang Lst at Bukit Hantu near Palaeoclimat. (On evolution of condonts of E-M Permian Sweetognathus and Late Permian Iranognathus lineages) Meijer.Comments on some Permian conodont faunas reported from Southeast Asia and adjacent areas and their global correlation. (online at: www. (1995). (Early Permian Gondwana Cool Water Province with Vjalovognathus in Canning. Palaeogeogr. Carnarvon and W Timor.. SE Pamirs Kungurian and Salt Range Guadalupian. (Short note reporting that large collections of macrofossils from Permian. I.files. Palaeogeogr. Sumatra. Geol. (1983). GCWP marked by Vjalovognathus. 737-746. Geol. 3. N China). I. 35-39. Delft and Leiden.. Magazine 120. (1993). Alcheringa 19. 3. p.) Proc. Ed. Henderson & B. NE Australian Strong provincialism: Bowen Basin no Glossopteris species in common with Indian or South African successions) McLoughlin. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Henderson (2002).M. p. Donovan & W.files.. 1979)) Metcalfe. and their implications for climate change. (1980).Permian and Early Triassic conodonts from Northwest Peninsular Malaysia. characteristic of Gondwana.. are now combined in Leiden Naturalis Museum) Metcalfe. Lane et al. (eds.Evolution and distribution of the conodonts Sweetognathus and Iranognathus and related genera during the Permian.M. (1979). Gondwana Eight. I. Soc. originally kept in Amsterdam. S. Mixed faunas between EWWP and GCWP include W Timor Artinskian.. 175-192. Renema (2009).Conodont faunas. J. p.R. Malaysian Geological Society) 5. (Review of Permian Glossopteris floras. p. H.Streptognathodus lateralis zone in quarry in N part of Gunung Kanthan. evolution and Thailand. incl.Carboniferous conodonts.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Spiriferina. I.. (E Permian (Kungurian) conodonts from Saraburi Lst in C Thailand. Palaeogeogr.Biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of Lower Permian (lower Kungurian) conodonts from the Tak Fa Formation (Saraburi Limestone). (1985). Kol. Synprioniodina microdenta and Gnathodus girtyi rhodesi from NW Sumatra Alas Fm shelfal limestones suggest Late Visean (E Carboniferous) age. above basaltic volcanics. Aung (2013). (Sparse uppermost Carboniferous. 5. Previously single solitary coral identified as Allotropiophyllum sinense Grabau thought to indicate E Permian age. Productus sumatrensis believed to signify Late Permian age? (Little or no locality or stratigraphic information. CCOP Techn. Metcalfe 1983) and Agam River (C Sumatra near Bukittingi. Geol. In: G. S. Lower Carboniferous (Late Visean) with Gnathodus girtyi rhodesi. Spirigera.Conodont biostratigraphic studies in Sumatra: preliminary results. 243-247. & M. 5. Ser. Brachiopods from same locality identified as Cleiothyridina and Marginalia or Inflatia. Productus. (1986).. Gondwana Res.Late Tournaisian conodonts from the Taungnyo Group near Loi Kaw. etc. Bangkok. J.. 5th Reg. collected by Tobler from 6 localities in Jambi area. etc. Publ.. (Samples from Sumatra Late Paleozoic. p. Most species described also known from Timor. Tobler 1922 also mentions fusulinids Verbeekina. Paramananthan (eds. Myanmar (Burma): implications for Shan Plateau stratigraphy and evolution of the Gondwana-derived Sibumasu Terrane. I. 2. Geol. Nederl. I. Late Visean. making it oldest dated formation on Sumatra. Palaeoclim. 141-149. p. 45-46.g.. some of which (e. 19.P. Gafoer (eds. Geology.(Conodonts Spathognathodus campbelli. Chonetes. 1. Sumatrina from here. Ed. I. 50. Fontaine & Gafoer 1989 assign to late Early. (1989). M-L Visean) Metcalfe. Malaysia). 11. March 2014 . At Sungei Selajau with Dalmanella. 203-221. Asian Earth Sci.E.1 325 www. 1-4.Changhsingian (Late Permian) conodonts from Son La. O.early Lower Permian conodont assemblage from Terbat Lst at Gunung Selabor.Brachiopoden des Perm und Untercarbon der Residentschaft Djambi (Sumatra). (Two limestone localities with E Carboniferous conodonts: Alas Fm in Alas Valley (N Sumatra. Warta Geologi (Geol. NW Vietnam. p. Kuala Lumpur 1984. Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA V). Sungei Kalue Lst) were previously considered to be Permo-Carboniferous) Metcalfe. but no evidence of compressional Indosinian Orogeny) Metcalfe.vangorselslist. 15 species of brachiopods. 20.) Proc. (First record of Late Permian conodonts from Vietnam: Changhsingian Hindeodus julfensis in 40 cm thick limestone in middle Yenduyet Fm near Son La. northwest Vietnam and their stratigraphic and tectonic implications. Verhandelingen Geol. p. suggesting probable Visean age) Metcalfe. Pseudosweetognathus appears restricted to Kungurian of South China and Indochina terranes) Meyer. located on W margin of Indochina Terrane. (in press) (First record of Tournaisian strata on Shan Plateau (Sibumasu Terrane) of Myanmar. Congr. in Song Da Rift Zone. (2012). Color Alteration Index of 4 suggests heating to 190-300°C) Metcalfe. Gen. Fontaine & S. I. Soc. I. (1922). Malaysia Bull.M Permian Silungkang/ Palepat Fm)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Teh & S.Triassic limestones analyzed for conodonts. p. p. Soc. 5.H. ('Brachiopods form the Permian and Late Carboniferous from the Jambi Residency'. Association with fusulinids and presence of Sweetognathus and Pseudosweetognathus indicate equatorial warm water faunas. & K. scitulus.Lower Permian conodonts from the Terbat Formation. in Alas Fm of Alas Valley and near near Bukittinggi. In: H. Sone (2008). Mijnbouwk. M and U Triassic conodonts from dark limestones of six other localities. Biogeographic links support NW Australian Gondwana margin position for Sibumasu in Late Paleozoic) Metcalfe. Palaeoecology 257. p. First record of conodonts from N Borneo. Conodont Colour Alteration Index of 5 (T ~600°C). Streptognathodus. cagsbulletin. which represent M Devonian. p. 1-118.An occurrence of Wentzella subtimorica in northern Tai. ) (Late Permian foraminifers from massive Visean-latest Permian (earliest Triassic) Doi Chiang Dao Lst in Inthanon Zone of N Thailand.Malayan Lower Carboniferous fossils and their bearing on the Visean palaeogeography of Asia. Considered to be Paleotethyan seamount carbonate. M. Lonsdaleia frechi Volz 1904 from Bukit Bessi..M.Late Carboniferous- Early Permian foraminiferal assemblages from the Doi Chiang Dao Limestone in the Inthanon Zone. believed to correlate with negative d13C excursion in marine carbonates at Permian- Triassic boundary around world. (Lower Carboniferous brachiopod-dominated macrofauna from 4 localities in Kuantan district. p. In: K. R. Ed.On the Permian fossils from Jengka Pass. A.M. Also material from Timor. Nakazawa. Charoentitirat (2009). Ueno & T. (Monograph on Permian colonial corals. (1973). M. D. Tokyo.tohoku. Stubblefield. 2002) Miyagashi. W Sumatra. (Late Carboniferous-E Permian foraminiferal fauna of Doi Chiang Dao Lst (Paleo-Tethyan mid-oceanic seamount with basaltic rocks at base). p.1-242.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Acad. Int. Smith and trilobites by C. S China. Y. Padang Highlands.go.jst.) The Tethys. which can be compared with Shifodong Fm of Paleo-Tethyan mid-oceanic carbonates in Changning-Menglian Belt of W Yunnan. Sci. Oakley. bryozoa. p. and surrounded by shales and bedded 'Fang Chert'. recombined as Polythecalis frechi. Sera. Malay Peninsula.Minato. 277-296. 2. (online at: http://www. Historical Biology 11. Shift consistently near base of miospore Protohaploxypinus microcorpus Zone of Helby et March 2014 . Pseudoschwagerina fusulinids from nearby localities described by Toriyama 1944) Minato. Kato (1965). Imp. K. (1987)) Muir-Wood. 5. Kuala Lumpur 2010. (Mid-Permian Lonsdaleia-type colonial tabulate coral from limestone in N Thailand. Nakazawa & J.Late Permian (Lopingian) foraminifers from the Doi Chiang DaoLimestone in the Inthanon Zone of Northern Thailand.Permian and early Triassic isotopic records of carbon and strontium in Australia and a scenario of events about the Permian‐Triassic boundary. and closely resembles Wentzelella timorica (Gerth 1921) from Basleo. Y. Northern Thailand. Dickins (eds. 6 (Hatai Memorial Volume).library. Sorauf in Charlton et al. K. Proc. 94-97. (online at ir.J. Sardsud (2010). Mineralogy 12. J. A. Three age-diagnostic Late Permian fusulinid foram assemblages recognized. 185-198. Tokai Univ. Faunal diversity generally lower than in Cathaysian region) Morante. Tokyo. her paleogeography and paleobiogeography from Paleozoic to Mesozoic. & M. Timor. N of Chiang Mai. Geological Correlation Programme Project 516 (IGCP516) Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia. Sinica 30 Suppl. K. p. p. shows similarities to Cathaysian blocks (incl. (online at: www. 2nd ser.1 326 www.. London. Shimizu & Z.M Triassic deep- sea sediments. Japan. Kamata & A. SW China) Miyagashi. Species originally described by Huang (1932). Liao (1985).1. suggesting Paleo-Tethys mid-oceanic domain where Doi Chiang Dao Lst formed was paleobiogeographically in tropical Tethyan region. Press. (1948). Charoentitirat. (1944). (1996).N. 20.Waagenophyllidae. corals by S. Edwards. 6th Symp. Ser. With appendices on Carboniferous Lepidodendroid remains by W. Acta Geoscient. (Organic carbon in sediments obtained from wells in Australian basins have recognized negative d13C excursions of 6-10%. Many brachiopods similarities to W European species) Nakamura. deposited on basalts.journalarchive.P. 4. Fac. Ueno & T.. Rep.. (Geol. 104-106. mollusca and crinoidea by K.vangorselslist. Hokkaido University. No indications of Permo- Carboniferousglacial beds in area. p. E side of Malay Peninsula. K. Pahang. 289-310. 40-43.Permian palaeobiogeography of brachiopods based on faunal provinces. British Museum (Natural History). Sci. Vol.). Sukhothai Zone). Tohoku Univ. In. In: I. 105-110. Geology. evolution. (Small. (On distribution of M-L Permian foraminifer genus Hemigordiopsis. p.S. Lisse. Balkema. Soc. p.On Fusulina and other organisms in a partially calcareous quartzite from near the Malayan-Siamese frontier.S. In: G. and the mid- Carboniferous Boundary. W Australia.. Ser. now in belt from Mediterranean to peninsular Thailand and W Malay Peninsula)) Newell Arber..R. biostratigraphy. of Geology. Res. Spec. Record 2011/20.Canning basins of W Australia (palaeolatitude up to 60°S). palaeogeography and resources. High paleolatitude Permian conodont faunas of W Australia dominated by Vjalovognathus with occasional Hindeodus. p. Unconformably overlain by M-U Triassic (supposed Cathaysian/ E Malaya-Indochina block. & G. Conf.Cambrian to Permian conodont biogeography in East Asia-Australasia. Perth 2011.The Permian conodont biostratigraphy of Australia and New Zealand. (Three bivalve species from Permian H. Cushman Found. GSA Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Joint Meeting.Permian bivalves from the H. p. (Abstract only) (Summary of Permian conodont studies. 97. (Conodont faunas of allochthonous East Asian terranes show biogeographic affinities with Australasia during Cambrian. R. Mineral and Energy Resources of South East Asia (GEOSEA IV). Metcalfe (2011). (2004). 20-11 (Abstract only) Nicoll.A.A. R. Symp. (eds. R. p.Catalogue of the fossil plants of the Glossopteris flora in the Department of Geology. 9. Ross et al. K. Shi et al. (2002). 5. 4th Reg. p. Species of Hindeodus and Vjalovognathus cool-temperature tolerant forms were first conodonts to invade after Late Carboniferous-E Permian glaciation.New Permian cold water conodont faunas from the Tethyan Gondwanan margin of Australia. Publ. (2005).K.S.S. London.vangorselslist. p.Bullen (1926). Malaysia. 1. their implications for regional biogeography and paleoclimatology. & I. 1-255. p. being a monograph of the Permo-Carboniferous flora of India and the Southern Hemisphere. which appears to be characteristic of 'Cimmerian' (includes Sibumasu) terranes that rifted off N Gondwana margin in Permian. Geol.1 327 www. overlain by U Permian sandstone-shale with brachiopods. 59- 72.Early and Middle Permian conodonts from the Canning and southern Carnarvon basins. XVII Int. R. 49-64. Ed. & I. Lee No. Proc.) (Old monograph on Carboniferous-Permian plant fossils of Gondwanaland (mainy India)) Newton.250 Ma) Nicoll. Congr. Metcalfe (2001).S. Nepal/Tibet higher diversity. Metcalfe (1998). British Museum (Natural History). 17. Pakistan. Paleontological Res. bivalves.The distribution and age of the genus Hemigordiopsis. Natural History. 8 flooded tin mine in Perak: Sanguinolites ishii.S. Late Paleozoic foraminifera.Permian.). upper M Permian limestone with corals and abundant fusulinids (Yabeina asiatica fauna). Mesogondella and Sweetognathodus. 1-2. Manila 1981. attributed to warmer temperatures) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . March 2014 . 329- 340. Permian of eastern Tethys. & I. Foram.(Permian at Jengka Pass 160 km NE of Kuala Lumpur.. Dept. Proc. 419-461. R. E. (eds. British Museum (Natural History). wyomingensis) Nestell.) Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia.A Late Permian microfauna from Ta Thiet Limestone southern Viet Nam.books. low diversity conodont faunas from E-M Permian of S Carnarvon. Lee Formation. suggesting close proximity or Australian Gondwanaland from ~500. M. HvG)) Nakazawa. Survey West Australia. 67-72. and paleoecology. Lee Fm at H.) Strzelecki Int. Roy. Megalodon yanceyi and Myalina cf. Nguyen Van Liem (1981).Victoria 110.S. Lower latitude faunas from Timor. 3. J. Pronina (1997). (eds. Carboniferous and Permian. In: C. Faunas of similar age from Timor (palaeolatitude ~45°S) significantly greater faunal diversity) Nicoll. their biostratigraphy.P. 96. (online at: www. Metcalfe et al. S. H. 26.M. W Malaysia) Nogami.Niermann. B30. Johore. Paleontological Res.Biostratigraphical significance and faunal provinces of Tethyan Late Permian smaller foraminifera. B. Ross (1985). p. In: K. 6. Nakazawa (2000). Sections contain abundant Tethyan fusulines and record extinction of M Permian large-sized fusuline family Verbeekinidae at Guadalupian. S. p. 11. p. 59-68. signifying non-ammonoid cephalopod fauna at N margin of Gondwana near Sakmarian/ Artinskian boundary) Niko. p. No stratigraphy or locality information) Niko. Schwagerina nakazawae n. low latitudes during Carboniferous) Okimura. based on 490 specimens collected by Ehrat in 1927. Nakazawa & J.. and part of Sibumasu Terrane. & Y. Paleontological Res. 5. (New late E Permian (Kungurian?) orthocerid cephalopod species Mooreoceras sibumasuense from basal Chuping Fm in Bukit Tungku Lembu in Perlis. (1963).1 328 www.T. Kuantan Flora indicates warm-humid. also M.. Ishii & C. 83-88. Codonofusiella weberi. Y.Sibumasu. Y. K. Tokyo. 25 species. Munstersche Forsch. A.Orthoconic cephalopods from the Lower Permian Atahoc Formation in East Timor. p. (Permian plant Psaronius johorensis (fern stem) from Linggiu flora. Both sections represent seamount carbonate buildups developed on basaltic basement in mid-oceanic environment. (1975). Japan Academy 81. Trengganu. Khoo (1991).) The Tethys: her paleogeography and paleobiogeography from Paleozoic to Mesozoic. S. T. Leman (2007). Ed..Fusulinids from Portuguese Timor (Palaeontological study of Portuguese Timor 1). Most Permian Mooreoceras species confined to Australian Gondwana. Sone & M. 131-225. Mem.. p... NW Malaysia. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. which was widespread in E Belt of Peninsular Malaysia N of Pahang River. Peninsular Malaysia..S. 10. Series Geol.Lopingian boundary in mid-Panthalassa. T. 37. (Taxonomic revision of Polycoeliidae family of solitary rugose corals from the lower Upper Permian of Basleo. Proc. Sone & M. M. Kobayashi & R. 13 new species. (Four Early Permian fusulinid species (incl. S. J. Tokai University Press. Min.Polycoeliidae aus dem Oberperm von Basleo auf Timor.Psaronius from Linggiu. (Fusulinid biostratigraphy of upper M.go. 331-336. March 2014 . und Palaont. 2. J. In: T. Parafusulina) described from limestone lens in basic tuffs in Fatu Auveon near Pualaca in C East Timor and N of Hato-Builico in W part of E Timor. 2. S part Malay Peninsula. Kimura & T. sp in Atahoc Fm of Timor) Niko. Dickins (eds.lower U Permian shallow-water limestones at Kamura and Akasaka in SW Japan. p. Belong to Kuantan Flora. Geol.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Associated with Monodiexodia fusulinids. Trengganu. 329-333. and mainly building on work of Gerth (1921) and Koker (1924). T.sp.. 93-101.T.jstage. 115-138. 10 new subspecies.jst. See also Kon'no et al. (New locality with Carboniferous 'Euramerican' plant fossils Rhacopteris. Timor.Fusuline biotic turnover across the Guadalupian-Lopingian (Middle-Upper Permian) boundary in mid-oceanic carbonate buildups: biostratigraphy of accreted limestone in Japan. College of Science. 1971) Ohana. (Two new species of orthocerid cephalopods Kionoceras and Dolorthoceras from Bashkirian (Late Carboniferous) Panching Lst in Pahang. Japan. similar to shallow- water Tethyan shelf areas) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Isozaki (2006). Sphenopteridium and Sphenopteris at Tanjung Mat Amin. 117-124. Toriyama (eds. A. (online at: http://www. West Malaysia. E Timor. Malaya.vangorselslist. Ota. (Three species of orthoconic cephalopods described from Lower Permian Atahoc Fm in Cribas area. (1972). Leman (2005). Kyoto University.Further discovery of some Carboniferous plant fossils from Tanjung Mat Amin. 4. Samples collected by Nakazawa in 1961) Ogura. University of Tokyo Press. Asian Earth Sci.A new Permian species of Mooreoceras (Cephalopoda: Orthocerida) from northwestern Peninsular Malaysia. 4.Two new species of orthocerid cephalopods from the Carboniferous Panching Limestone. p. Nishida & K. M. p. Bondareva (1994). Heerlen 1935. 359-365. (First record of early fusulinid foram genus Eostaffella from Late Visean Kuantan Limestone. A.D. 51-52.. In: Geol.pdf) Pitakpaivan. T. p. Basleo area.. Malay Peninsula) Ozawa.A new occurrence of Schwagerina princeps in Sumatra. p. (Widespread Permian Rat Buri Limestone with 25 species of 11 genera of fusulinid larger foraminifera. Ph. K. p.A. V. K.. (1937). Terra Scient. (online at: http://library. Palaeont. K.vangorselslist. Ozawa. Queensland Geology 6. (Bibliography and index of published fossil coral research from Antarctica. Asian Earth Sci. D (Geology).1 329 www. Chitnarinc (2007). (1929). Wetensch. p. Geophysics 15.Die wichtigsten Kalkalgen des Jungpalaeozoicums und ihre geologische Bedeutung. p. Ged. Description of new genus of solitary coral collected by Verbeek: Verbeekia permica n. (1987). J. T. V. Assoc. New Zealand. Y.dmr. p. Publ. (Schwagerina princeps from this locality re-described as Pseudoschwagerina meranginensis n.V. 45-63. (online at: https://d28rz98at9flks.gen..go. n.seals. Taira & M. 607 genus names and 639 references) Pitakpaivan. University of Tokyo Press. Southeast Asia. 15. (online at: http://retro.Fusulines of the Rat Buri limestone of Thailand. Queensland. p. New Guinea and New Zealand. AGSO J. (1908). Australia.Permian brachiopods from new localities in northeast Thailand: Implications for paleobiogeographic analysis. 2. from Ayer Mati. (1965). ('The most important calcareous algae from the Late Paleozoic and their stratigraphic significance'.Permian fusulinacean biogeographic provinces in Asia and their tectonic implication. (1959). 504-517. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Thesis University of Cambridge. 30. p. Schwagerina princeps. 40.First record of shared species of Late Permian small foraminiferids in Australia and Russia: time correlations and plate reconstructions. J. 765-856. Tashiro (eds.) Historical biogeography and plate tectonic evolution of Japan and Eastern Asia. by Thompson (1936)) Palmieri. 17.pdf) (At least 12 species of small calcareous foraminiferids from early Late Permian assemblages from Arctic Russia also occur in assemblages from E Australian Ingelara Fm of Bowen Basin) Penecke. Australian Geol. p. Palmieri. Chonglakmani & A. Comptes Rendus 2nd Congres Avancement Etudes de Stratigraphie du Carbonifere. Mem. Oost-Indie 37. In: A. description of M Permian algae assemblages from Sumatra (Fontaine 1989)) Pickett. study of fusulinid foraminifera from the Permo-Carboniferous of March 2014 . J. (1975). HvG) of Garing River. (2011). 117-128. Incl..cloudfront. also show possible Gondwanan relationships with brachiopod taxa described in Australia) Pia. Australasian Palaeont. Science Kyushu University. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 22.sp. (1994). Some already described by Lange (1925).ch/cntmng?type=pdf&rid=egh-001:1929:22::8&subp=hires) (Short paper on fusulinids in Productus limestone of Teluk Gedang on Merangin River. Later renamed Verbeekiella) Perez-Huerta.sp. Neoschwagerina craticulifera Fusulina japonica not reported from Sumatra before. C.Uber eine neue Korallengattung aus der Permformation von Timor. C. New Guinea and Antarctica: bibliography and index. Foster & E. p. Fac. covering 1343 species names. Fossils in Nam Duk Fm molasse facies. (Small E-M Permian brachiopod faunas from Khao Khwang limestone. 3-69. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Fossil corals of Australia. p. 657-659. 1-189. Mem. Ed. Range in age from Sakmarian Pseudoschwagerina assemblage through Artinskian Schwagerina and Neofusulinella. ('On a new coral genus from the Permian of Timor'.Late Visean Eostaffella (Fusulininan Foraminifera) from West Malaysia.B. 1-125. Nam Duk Basin and Khao Khwang Platform confirm Cathaysian affinities for brachiopods and fusulinids in NE Thailand. below plant beds with Pecopteris ('Jambi Flora'.Ozawa.W.Permian Foraminifera in the Bowen Basin. 1-188. 5. igme. (Continuation of paper above. brachiopods Athyris. (online at: http://www. (online at: http://revistas.R. 18 species of pollen. O. Geol.Permian palynoflora of the Ainim and Aiduna formations. Centre.L. 1-2. 113-120.) Reed. Hemigordius reicheli. 137- 178. F. Hemigordiopsis renzi. Timorocidaris. Mines Energy.nhm.Permian echinoderms from Peninsular Thailand.Carboniferous fossils from Siam. including Shanita amosi. p. A. Bull. (Includes record of Posidonia becheri) Reed. p. Symposium on stratigraphic correlation of Southeast Asia. 172-178. P. In: P. Green (ed.. p.php/revista_micro/article/view/359/357) (Palynology of Permian samples from Birds Head (Ainim Fm) and W part of Central Range (Aiduna Fm) of W Papua. not Gondwana Glossopteris fauna. Also first author to suggest 'Jambi Flora' is of E Permian age. Smith & O. Acad. p. (Permian fusulinid Lepidolina from limestone blocks of border region between Thailand. (1981). p. (1997).Fusulines of the Rat Buri limestone of Thailand.Lepidolina multiseptata Deprat in (Four species of crinoid (Trimerocrinus. incl. Bangkok (Thailand). 628-634. Associated with Tubiphytes and 'mid-Permian' foraminifera. University of Tokyo Press. 6. (Same paper as above) Pitakpaivan. Permo-Carboniferous fossis. In: Proc.R.Permian to Jurassic palynostratigraphic nomenclature of the Bowen and Surat basins. Magazine 57. 40. Bangkok 1994. Int. Parafusilina sp. & J. Kon. Chonetes and trilobite Phillipsia)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Parabursacrinus. Geol.Cambodia (= part of E Malaya/ Indochina province)) Playford.early M Permian (Kungurian-Roadian).V. Magazine 57. Spirifer.F. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 21. not Carboniferous as initially suggested by Jongmans (1925. Mainly Gondwanan affinity spore-pollen suite (but key Gondwanan genus Dulhuntyispora spp notably absent) and megaflora.Cowper (1920). A. p. F. Revista Espanola Micropal. Tokyo University Press. Protohaploxypinus limpidus and other spp. and 5 species of microphytoplankton.) and one blastoid (Deltoblastus permicus) described for first time from Ratburi Lst of Peninsular Thailand. (Carboniferous or Permian fossil plants from Jambi show most resemblance to Gigantoperis flora of E Asia. K. In many places Rat Buri Limestone unconformably overlies intensely folded clastic series) Pitakpaivan. 63-129. 5. with 26 species of spores. West Papua. Ingavat (1980). etc. p.. Res. March 2014 .B. Sumatra.Kungurian Parafusulina to Kazanian Neoschwagerina assemblages. SE Queensland. Brisbane. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 2. All taxa previously known mainly or only from E-M Permian of Basleo. Laevigatosporites Similar palynoflora in both places. Racey. 37-42. Wetensch. suggesting Peninsular Thailand and Timor (Maubisse Lst) were in same faunal province around Artinskian time. Dawson (1994). incl. (1966). common in Late Paleozoic of Gondwanaland) Price.Some remarks concerning the Palaeozoic flora of Djambi. M.. 1-57. (1927). etc. (Planoxylon stopesii from Permian Aimau Fm of Birds Head shows characters of araucarian and abietinian wood types. K. Productus. Ed. but also minor Cathaysian elements) Posthumus.vangorselslist.New species of fossil wood Planoxylon from the Late Paleozoic of Irian Jaya. p. Geol. 37-40.Carboniferous fossils from Siam.Cowper (1920). Dev. & R.) The Surat and Bowen Basins. 106-114. Indonesia. p. 1935)) Prasad. 5.N. Queensland Dept. Dated as late Early. Rigby (2008). Amsterdam 30. Timor.1 330 www. (1998). J. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.W. perhaps reflecting narrower Paleo-Tethys seaway than commonly suggested) Roemer.Riding.Upper Palaeozoic floras of SE Asia. p.Uber eine Kohlenkalk-fauna der Westkuste von Sumatra. (Problematic sponge-like calcareous fossil generally called Tubiphytes is common in Permian. Glossopteris species dominate. Symposium on Permian of Eastern Tethys: biostratigraphy.F. p. In: G. Incl. A. (1881). 289-305. but also includes Cathaysian-related species Fascipteris aidunae and Gigantonuclea iriani. (eds. Victoria 110. associated with brachiopods of temperate water affinity) Rigby. Mainly of Gondwanan affinity. Palaeobotanist 45. p.) Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia.F. Smith et al. Metcalfe. p. p. description of Permian fusulinid Schwagerina verbeeki) Roemer. J. Several new species of Glossopteris) Rigby. F.B.Uber eine Kohlenkalk-fauna der Westkuste von Sumatra. First description of dark grey. suggesting land connection between two regions) Rigby. Royal Soc. Hall & ('On a 'coal-limestone' (=Carboniferous) fauna from the West coast of Sumatra'. J. 21-29. nautiloids. (Minor Carboniferous flora in Thailand and W Malaysia (including 'Kuantan flora'). palaeogeography and resources.F. probably similar to S China floras.Triassic reefs.Temperate water Shamovella from the Lower Permian of West Timor. Archbold & M.). Sumatra and Irian Jaya. F. S of main suture in W New Guinea. p.. More extensive Permian floras known from Thailand.sp. Assemblages transitional between temperate Gondwanaland Glossopteris flora and tropical Cathaysia flora. 5. Contains fusulinids (Schwagerina verbeeki Fusulina granum-avenae n. 1. F. but some floras from Thailand and Irian Jaya also contain Gondwanan Glossopteris) Rigby. 5-11.). Holloway (eds. Phillipsia sumatrensis n. Backhuys Publ. with striking resemblance to Upper Carboniferous ‘Kohlenkalk’ of NW Europe. Lethaea Geognostica. I. Ed. but also contains some Cathaysian elements (Gigantonoclea. 2. Palaeontographica 27. Oost-Indie 10 (1881). F. p. p. (Permian flora in Aiduna Fm outcrop in SW part of New Guinea ’body’ and in Birds Head well Poeragi 1. Shi. below) Roemer.sp. Oost-Indie 10 (1881). Fascipteris).com March 2014 . Proc. Barkham (1999).F. (1881). limestone from near Padang. 341-356. Indonesia. J. (1998).Australasia.A. (1978).A review of the Early Permian flora from Papua (West New Guinea).sp. R. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. J. (2001).The significance of a Permian flora from Irian Jaya (West New Guinea) containing elements related to coeval floras of Gondwanaland and Cathaysialand. brachiopods (incl. eastern W Timor. 1. ('On a 'coal-limestone' (=Carboniferous) fauna from the West coast of Sumatra'. Laos. Roemer. 289-305. 73-82. 75. crinoids.R. endemic species. Lisse. (1880). (Permian Aiduna Fm. Balkema. Same as Roemer 1981. N. & S..1 331 www. Leiden. Palaeontology 21. 3. Malaysia. Flora dominated by Gondwanaland Glossopteris. J. 85-95. p. In: R. In: I. 295-302.Kurzer Bericht uber Kohlenkalkversteinerungen von Sumatra und Timor. gastropods and trilobite (incl.vangorselslist. 1-2. Here called Shamovella obscura and locally abundant in Late Sakmarian Hoeniti Mb of Maubisse Fm near Bisnain. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . W Sumatra. (online at: http://archive.) Biogeography and geological evolution of SE Asia. (1997).Uber eine Kohlenkalk-fauna der Westkuste von Sumatra.)) Ross. (Re-determination of Permian floras from W Papua described by Jongmans (1940).Glossopteris occurrences in the Permian of Irian Jaya (West New Guinea). Productus sumatrensis n. 1880. Alcheringa 23. but mainly new.M. ('Brief note on Carboniferous fossils from the West coast of Sumatra and Timor'.D.) Strzelecki Int. These are seed plants. Grover (eds. with 20 plant fossil species. All are ‘Cathaysian’ floras. 309-315.Biogeography of Permian ectoproct bryozoa. W. 5. (1880). Eastern Thailand. S. Wetensch.. etc.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. thick-shelled myalinid bivalve species and genus Tanchintongia perakensis from open-cut tin mine H. p.Carboniferous bryozoa from Bukit Charas. 273-287.S.pdf) (Overview of Permian bryozoa distribution. comments on Timor assemblages) Rothpletz. Ed. 4.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. S.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. F wanneri. Kobayashi & R. also discussed in Isozaki et al.Jurassic macrofossils from Indonesia) Runnegar. near Rat Buri. Thailand. Palaeontology 18. p. University of Tokyo Press. p. Polypora. (1969). Paleont. Pal. Reprint of Palaeontographica 1892 paper. Several species in common with Timor (Goniacladia timorensis. Res. Pahang. 2. laxa.palass-pubs.) Sakagami. Gobbett (1975). 45-66.. University of Tokyo Press.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. (24 species of Visean bryoza from E part Malay Peninsula) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Discovery of Lower Permian radiolarian and conodont faunas from the bedded chert of the Chanthaburi area along the Sra Kaeo suture zone. (1968). (1894). University of Tokyo Press. 8. Sardsud (2009). Thailand. rouxi (Sakmarian?)) Sakagami. S. Fenestella spp. p. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. 2009)) Saesaengseerung. 119-138. S. In: T. Toriyama (eds. S. Penniretepora. Toriyama (eds. University of Tokyo Press. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast incl. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. incl. 5.und Jura-Formation auf Timor und Rotti im Indischen Archipel. Sakagami. Description of 14 species of Permian Cryptosomata. (Continuation of Sakagami (1966) paper above.. (1966). Oost-Indie 23 (1894).The Permian bryozoa n fauna of Ko Muk. Lee No. Khoo Ta Mong Rai on coast with Triticites obai. 2. 5. 2. 256-275. Probably deposited in pelagic environment at low latitudes of S Hemisphere in Paleotethys or Paleotethyan back-arc basin) Sakagami. & D. Trias. 10.(online at http://palaeontology. Kinta Valley. Part IV. 47-67.vangorselslist.Tanchintongia gen. Agematsu. 13. Kobayashi & R. E Thailand. University of Tokyo Press. Peninsular. Japan. p. Penniretepora scalaris) and W Australia) Sakagami. (Lower Permian (Asselian. University of Tokyo Press. K.. Associated with E Permian ammonoids and Pseudofusulina (tropical E Permian alatoconchid. Sakagami. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. (1968). S. a bizarre Permian myalinid bivalve from West Malaysia and Japan. W coast of Thailand.Permian Bryozoa from Khao Prik.1 332 www.Sakmarian) radiolarians and conodonts from bedded chert blocks in Thung Kabin melange of Chanthaburi area. Dunbarinella. Soc. Toriyama (eds. p.pdf) (New large. 2.Die Perm. p. Ged. S. (1968). lantenoisi (E Artinskian). S. 6. Sakagami. (1972). p. 255-2727. G. March 2014 .org/pdf/Vol%2021/Pages%20341-356. (1966).Permian Bryozoa from Khao Ta Mong Rai. with the description of the Cyclostomata. Kobayashi & R. 4. 35-62. A. 5-98. most of them new. In: T. B. (28 species of Permian (Artinskian) bryozoa from Ratburi Lst of Ko Muk island. Khao Chong Krachok with Pseudofusulina valida (Sakmarian?). Fistulipora simillina.nov. D.palass-pubs. Toriyama (eds.. University of Tokyo Press. (online at: http://palaeontology. On some Permian Fusulinaceans from Peninsular Thailand. p.Fusulinacean fossils from Thailand. Malaya. Perak. ('The Permian.Permian Bryozoa from Khao Chong Krachok. 315-322. Schwagerina mongraiensis and S. In: T. near Kuantan. Peninsular Thailand.The cryptostomatous bryozoa from Ko Muk. Sashida & A. Descriptions of many new Permian. (Permian fusulinids from 3 localities in Peninsular Thailand: Khao Prik with Ozawainella and Neofusulinella cf. Kobayashi & R. Peninsular Thailand. Triassic and Jurassic formation on Timor and Roti in the Indies Archipelago'. In: T. p. Peninsular Thailand. Fusulina. 139-168. Chusenella. Eridopora. In: Geology and Palaeontology of SE Asia 14. March 2014 .) Sakagami. Langkawi. Paraschwagerina Triticites. North Thailand. 63-73. Hatta (1982).). S.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia.On the Upper Permian Palaeofusulina-Colaniella fauna from Khao Doi Pha Phlung . Bull. (1973). Schubertella. S. etc. West Malaysia. p. douvillei. N. Ed. Science.Permian Bryozoa from Khao Raen. Museum. Sci. Pseudostaffella. P. Hist. Darvasites. Reichelina changhsingensis. p. In: Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. Part of S Tethys realm. 2. p. p. near Phetchabun. (Carboniferous planktonic bivalve fossils from Langkawi.Some Permian Bryozoa from p. also Peninsular Thailand and W Australia. Pahang and Jenka Pass. Associated with fusulinids Yabeina asiatica. Kitakyushi Mus.On Posidonia from Rebak Island. 5. 16. (M Permian bryoza from limestone blocks in andesite volcaniclastic matrix in Kampong Awah quarry. p. (1975). Tabulipora.Permian Bryozoa from Khao Hin Kling. etc. chert and shale. Indonesia. S. & T. 75-89. North Thailand. suggesting early M Permian (Wordian) age (= part of Sukhotai Arc. 33-43. Associated with fusulinids (schwagerinids. Faunas indicate typical S and C Tethys realms (see companion paper on brachiopods by Yanagida & Nakornsri (1999)) Sakagami. Beedeina. etc. Sci. 18 genera: Millerella. Thailand. intermedia. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Geol. Kobayshi & R. Verbeekina verbeeki. 31. Sumatrina annae. S. Kyushu University.Middle Permian Bryozoa from Irian Jaya. Kobayshi & R. Fusiella.Permian fusulinaceans from the Pha Duk Chik limestone and in the limestone conglomerate in its environs. (2000). Age most likely early Guadalupian. (1973). Sarawak. Incl. (U Carboniferous. 12. Boultonia. D. (29 species.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. 5-9. (Latest Permian (late Changhsingian) foram-rich limestone of Palaeofusulina sinensis. P. (1999). & J. P. W Sarawak. just E of Raub Bentong suture?. (online at: http://www. S of Kuching. HvG)) Sakagami. Earth Planet. S. p. Neoschwagerina cheni. North-central Thailand. 1- 14. Bull. Fusulinella. S China.Permian bryozoans from some localities in the Khao Hin Kling area near Phetchabun. Sakagami. Chusenella tingi. Soc. Tokyo. & A. Toriyama (eds. M Permian) Sakagami S. Twai (1974).S. . University of Tokyo Press. Paraglobivalvulina piyasini. Ishibashi (2002). Colaniella xikouensis. T. S. With Paleofusulina sinensis Colaniella lepida. 37.basal Permian Terbat Fm limestone. near Rat Buri. Nat. Malaysia Newsl. Profusulinella.Sakagami. Fauna closely similar to that of Timor described by Bassler (1929). University of Tokyo Press.1 333 www. Ozawainella. 3-4. 29-57. University of Tokyo Press. Rugosofusulina. p. Quasifusulina. In: T. 49-81. Malaysia. University of Tokyo Press. Some species in common with Timor. Ser. Nat. Sakamoto. (Diverse Artinskian (E Permian) bryoza from Ratburi Lst at Khao Raen near Rat Buri) Sakagami. New species: Posidonia elongata. Mem. 77-103.Paleontological study of fusulinoidean fossils from the Terbat Formation. 18. Sphaeroschwagerina) Correlates with faunas from E Tethys.Colaniella parva Zone from limestone 60km NE of Lampang. North-Central Thailand. Japan) Sarkar.pdf) 30 species of bryozoa in outcrops in Permian Tak Fa limestone of Ratburi Gp. Fac. In: T. conspicua) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . dilatata. S. Pachyphloia langei. 12. C 26. 24. with diverse fusulinid foram assemblage of M Moscovian (lower U Carboniferous) Asselian (basal Permian) age. Toriyama (eds. including Thailand.kmnh. p. (1972). East Malaysia. University of Tokyo Press. (Twenty-four species/ 18 genera of Permian bryozoans from Aiduna Fm at 4 localities in Waghete map sheet. Fistulipora spp. Sashida, K., S. Adachi, H. Igo, T. Koike & A.B. Ibrahim (1995)- Middle and Late Permian radiolarians from the Semanggol Formation, northwest Peninsular Malaysia. Trans. Proc. Palaeont. Soc. Japan, N.S. 177, p. 43- 58. (online at: ) (Semanggol Fm in NW Malay Peninsula subdivided into lower Chert, middle Rhythmite (with Triassic Daonella and Halobia) and upper Conglomerate Members. Allochthonous siliceous limestone block in lower Chert Member at Bukit Barak, 25km NE of Alor Setar, with late M Permian radiolarians, including Follicucullus monacanthus. Late Permian radiolarians of Neoalbaillella optima and N. ornithoformis assemblages in chert beds of same member at Bukit Nyan, E of Alor Setar. Permian radiolarian faunas similar to Japan, Philippines, and S China. Eight species and five unidentified species of radiolaria described) Sashida, K. & H. Igo (1999)- Occurrence and tectonic significance of Paleozoic and early Mesozoic radiolaria in Thailand and Malaysia. In: I. Metcalfe (ed.) Gondwana Dispersion and Asian accretion, IGCP 321 Final results volume, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 175-196. (On occurrences of U Devonian- M Triassic radiolarians in cherts various parts of Thailand and Malaysia. Late Devonian- E Carboniferous 'Pak Chom Chert' on W margin of Indochina Block is expression of Paleotethys Ocean formation) Sashida, K., H. Igo, S. Adachi, K. Ueno, Y. Kajiwara, N. Nakornsri & A. Sardsud (2000)- Late Permian to Middle Triassic radiolarian faunas from Northern Thailand. J. Paleontology 74, 5, p. 789-811. (Late Permian- M Triassic radiolarians from Shan-Thai Block in almost continuous chert- shale sequences exposed N of Chiang Mai, N Thailand. 50 species, 35 genera. Radiolarians identical to faunas of Late Permian Neoalbaillella ornithoformis and N. optima zones and E Triassic Parentactinia nakatsugawaensis and Triassocampe coronata Assemblage Zones in chert sequences of Japan) Sashida, K., H. Igo, S. Adachi, K. Ueno, N. Nakornsri & A. Sardsud (1998)- Late Paleozoic radiolarian faunas from northern and northeastern Thailand. Sci. Repts. Inst. Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, B, 19, p. 1-27. Sashida, K., H. Igo, K. Hisada, N. Nakornsri & A. Ampornmaha (1993)- Occurrence of Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic radiolaria in Thailand (preliminary report). In: B.K. Tan et al. (eds.) 7th Reg. Congr. Geology Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA VII), Bangkok 1991, J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 8, p. 97-108. (Devonian. E Carboniferous and Permian radiolaria found in 'Fang Chert' near Chiang Mai, NW Thailand (= Paleotethys ocean floor sediment). Late Devonian- E Carboniferous radiolaria also in tuffaceous shale/ chert in Loei area near Pak Chom (NE Thailand, Indochina Block). Well-preserved late E Triassic radiolarians in limestone near Patthalung, S Peninsular Thailand) Sashida, K., H. Igo, K. Ueno, N. Nakornsri & A. Sardsud (1998)- Late Paleozoic radiolarian faunas from northern and northeastern Thailand. Science Repts. Inst. Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, B 19, p. 1-27. Sashida, K., N. Nakornsri, K. Ueno & A. Sardsud (2000)- Carboniferous and Triassic radiolarian faunas from the Saba Yoi area, southernmost part of Peninsular Thailand and their paleogeographic significance. Science Reports Inst. Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, B, 21, p. 71-99. (see also Sashida et al. 2002) Sashida, K. & S. Salyapongse (2002)- Permian radiolarian faunas from Thailand and their paleogeographic significance. J. Asian Earth Sci. 20, p. 691-701. (Eight Permian radiolarian zones in chert and fine-grained pelagic-hemipelagic rocks in Permian of Thailand, Deposited in deep pelagic environment of Paleotethys Ocean that existed between Late Devonian- M Triassic. N Thailand uppermost Permian- M Triassic deposited in pelagic basin, in E Thailand change in depositional environment from deep pelagic in Permian to shallow seas in Triassic) Sashida, K., S. Salyapongse & P. Charusiri (2002)- Lower Carboniferous radiolarian fauna from the Saba Yoi- Kabang area, southernmost part of Peninsular Thailand. Micropaleontology 48, Suppl. 1, Proc. INTERRAD 9, p. 129-143. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 334 March 2014 (U Tournasian radiolaria from black chert in thick-bedded sandstone at Saba Yoi-Kabang, S Peninsular Thailand, near Malausia border. 23 species of Albaillella indensis assemblage, also known from Pyrenees, SW China, peninsular Malaysia and E Australia. Deposited in pelagic- hemipelagic environment in Paleotethys Ocean) Sashida, K., S. Salyapongse & N. Nakornsri (2000)- Latest Permian radiolarian fauna from Klaeng, Eastern Thailand. Micropaleontology 46, 3, p. 245-263. (Latest Permian radiolarian fauna from chert-clastic sequence at Khao Wang Chik, Klaeng, E Thailand (Shan- Tai Block). composed of Neoalbaillella, Albaillella, Entactinia, etc. and represent latest Permian Neoalbaillella optima Assemblage, also known from Japan, Russian Far East, Philippines, S and SW China, and N Thailand. Probably deposited in deep, pelagic environment of Paleotethys Ocean) Saurin, E. (1960)- Foraminiferes Viseens de Bhan Phit. Ann. Fac. Sci. Saigon, p. 345-376. ('Visean foraminifera of Bhan Phit', Vietnam) Schubert, R. (1915)- Die Foraminiferen des jungeren Palaozoikums von Timor. Palaontologie von Timor, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 2, 3, p. 47-60. ('The foraminifera of the younger Paleozoic of Timor'. First paper on Timor Permian fusulinids and smaller foraminifera from many localities, collected by Wanner, Molengraaff and Weber expeditions (no maps). (Thought to be Late Carboniferous age, but placed in Early Permian by later workers. Four species described. Parafusulina wanneri is type species of Monodiexodina wanneri; HvG) Schubert, R. (1915)- Uber Foraminiferengesteine der Insel Letti. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Oost-Indie 43 (1914), Verhandelingen 1, p. 169-187. ('On the foraminifera-bearing rocks of the island of Leti'. Abundant, rel. large elongate Permian fusulinids in loose limestone blocks, described as Doliolina lepida var. lettensis (Thompson 1948: small fauna of verbeekinids described here from Leti is different from Timor faunas). Also Upper Cretaceous Globotruncana linneana and E Miocene Lepidocyclina and Heterostegina (= Spiroclypeus; HvG)) Segroves, K.L. (1969)- Saccate plant microfossils from the Permian of Western Australia. Grana Palynologica 9, p. 174-227. (online at: (29 species of saccate spores from Permian of N Perth Basin) Senowbari-Daryan, B. & R. Ingavat-Helmcke (1993)- Upper Permian sponges from Phrae province (northern Thailand). In: Int. Symposium on Biostratigraphy of mainland Southeast Asia: facies and paleontology, Chiang Mai, p. 439-451. (online at: (Uppermost Permian in Phrae Province, ESE of Chiang Mai, N Thailand, is shale- sandstone- limestone sequence W of Nan-Uttaradit suture. Limestones in area contain Paleofusulina and Colaniella parva and locally rich sponge faunas) Senowbari-Daryan, B. & R. Ingavat-Helmcke (1994)- Sponge assemblage of some Upper Permian reef limestones from Phrae province (Northern Thailand). Geologija 36, p. 5-59. (Fauna of uppermost Permian reefal limestones of Phrae province, N Thailand dominated by sponges incl. hexactinellida, sclerospongea, 'sphinctozoans', and 'inozoans'. Associated with Tubiphytes and Hemigordius, but no corals and fusulinid foraminifers found. Locality is just W of 'Nan-Uttaradit' suture, which was probably not trace of Paleotethys, but closure of minor oceanic basin) Shen, S.Z. & G.R. Shi (1996)- Diversity and extinction patterns of Permian Brachiopoda of South China. Historical Biology 12, p. 93-110. Shen, S.Z. & G.R. Shi (2000)- Wuchiapingian (early Lopingian, Permian) global brachiopod palaeobiogeography: a quantitative approach. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecology 162, 3-4, p. 299-318. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 335 March 2014 (Late Permian brachiopods five marine biotic province: Cathaysian (tropical ), W Tethyan (tropical), Himalayan (warm temperate), Austrazean (cold temperate) and Greenland-Svalbard (cold temperate). Also Cimmerian biogeographical region from Middle East through Afghanistan and Himalayas SE to Shan-Thai terrane and Timor, typified by mix of genera of both Cathaysian and Gondwanan affinities) Shen, S.Z. & G.R. Shi (2002)- Paleobiogeographical extinction patterns of Permian brachiopods in the Asian- western Pacific region. Paleobiology 28, p. 449-463. (End-Permian extinction eliminated ~90% of genera and 95% of species of Brachiopoda. End-Guadalupian extinction less profound ) Shen, S.Z. & G.R. Shi (2004)- Capitanian (Late Guadalupian, Permian) global brachiopod palaeobiogeography and latitudinal diversity pattern. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecology 208, p. 235-262. (Six paleogeographic provinces based on M Permian brachiopods: (A) Greenland-Svalbard (Arctic region), (B) Grandian (W North America), (D) Cathaysian (Paleotethys and Mesotethys), (F) Austrazean (E Australia- New Zealand), and two transitional zones (C) Sino-Mongolian-Japanese (N temperate zone) and (E) Himalayan (S temperate zone) Province. West Timor Aileu-Maubisse assemblages grouped with Lhasa, Chitichun and Zhongba assemblages of S Tibet and Salt Range (Pakistan) in 'Himalayan Province') Shen, S.Z., G.R. Shi & N.W. Archbold (2003)- A Wuchiapingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna from an exotic block in the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone, southern Tibet, and its palaeobiogeographical and tectonic implications. Palaeontology 56, 2, p. 225-256. (online at: (Late Permian (Wuchiapingian) brachiopod fauna from exotic limestone block in Indus-Tsangpo suture zone in S Tibet. Comparable with faunas in Salt Range of Pakistan, Chitichun Lst in S Tibet and Basleo area of W Timor (incl. 'antitropical' peri-Gondwanan species Stenoscisma purdoni and S timorense, etc.). Fauna mixed peri-Gondwanan and Cathaysian character, possibly seamount biota originally from S margin of Neotethys in Late Permian, displaced and sandwiched into younger marine deposits in Cenozoic India- Eurasia collision) Shen, S.Z., G.R. Shi & Z.J. Fang (2002)- Permian brachiopods from the Baoshan and Simao Blocks in Western Yunnan, China. J. Asian Earth Sci. 20, 6, p. 665-682. (Four Permian brachiopod assemblages from W Yunnan, SW China. Faunas from Baoshan Block dominated by species characteristic of Cathaysian Province with some links with Peri-Gondwanan faunas. Simao Block characterised exclusively by taxa of Cathaysian Province) Shen, S.Z., H. Zhang, W.Z. Li, L. Mu & J.F. Xie (2006)- Brachiopod diversity patterns from Carboniferous to Triassic in South China. Geol. J. 41, p. 345-361. (Carboniferous to Triassic includes (1) 100 My-long stable biodiversity stage from Late Carboniferous- late Middle Permian,with highly diverse brachiopod faunas;(2) end-Permian most severe mass extinction in Phanerozoic; (3) bleak stage in E Triassic and (4) rapid recovery stage in M Triassic) Shi, G.R. & N.W. Archbold (1995)- Permian brachiopod faunal sequences of the Shan-Thai terrane: biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeographical affinities and plate tectonic/palaeoclimatic implications. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 11, p. 177-187. Shi, G.R. & N.W. Archbold (1995)- A quantitative analysis on the distribution of Baigendzhinian- Early Kungurian (Early Permian) brachiopod faunas in the western Pacific region. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 11, 3, p. 189-205. (Cluster analysis of distribution of 222 species of Early Permian brachiopods from 25 localities across E Asia- Australia suggest 6 bioprovinces. In SE Asia two provinces, both sub-provinces of Cimmerian terranes: (1) Group B, Shan-Tai/ Sumatra/ W Papua Birds Head (warm temperate to S-subtropical; with Stereochia- Stictozoster) and (2) Group C, Himalayan/ Lhasa/ Timor (S-temperate; with Reedoconcha, Callytharella; also fusulinid Monodiexodina). Notable conclusions: Timor (Maubisse) was southern extension of Lhasa terrane, W Thailand most similar to Birds Head, Sumatra Jambi and Padang faunas similar and grouped with Shan Tai) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 336 March 2014 Shi, G.R., N.W. Archbold & L.P. Zhan (1995)- Distribution and characteristics of mixed (transitional) mid- Permian (Late Artinskian-Ufimian) marine faunas in Asia and their palaeogeographical implications. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol. 114, p. 241-271. (Asia Permian marine biogeography 3 realms: Boreal, Tethyan and Gondwanan. In early E Permian sharp biogeographical boundaries, due to Gondwanan glaciation. In M Permian two transition zones with mixed faunas: (1) North (N China, Japan, etc.), with warm Cathaysian and temperate Boreal genera, (2) South (Arabia, Iran, Shan-Tai, Timor, W Irian Jaya, etc.) with both Gondwanan and Cathaysian elements. Both transition zones have antitropically distributed genera like Monodiexodina, Lytvolasma and Spiriferella and are succeeded by Late Permian tropical Tethyan faunas) Shi, G.R., Z.J. Fang, N.W. Archbold (1996)- An Early Permian brachiopod fauna of Gondwana affinity from the Baoshan block, westernYunnan, China. Alcheringa 20, 81-101. (E Permian brachiopod fauna from U Dingjiazhai Fm, 30 km S of Baoshan, W Yunnan, dominated by Stenoscisma sp. and Elivina yunnanensis sp. nov. Strong links with faunas from Bisnain assemblage of Timor and Callytharra Fm of W Australia. Late Sakmarian age suggested) Shi, G.R. & T.A. Grunt (2000)- Permian Gondwana-Boreal antitropicality with special reference to brachiopod faunas. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecology 155, p. 239-263. (Permian marine antitropicality (genera from Boreal and Gondwanan Realms but absent in Paleoequatorial Realm) reported from most marine pelagic or benthic invertebrate groups, suggesting biotic interchanges between Gondwanan and Boreal Realms. Possible migration pathways and mechanisms reviewed: ‘stepping- stone' migration via islands in E Paleotethys, migration along W coast of Paleotethys, etc.) Shi, G.R., M.S. Leman, K. Tan et al. (1997)- Early Permian brachiopods of Gondwanan affinity from the upper Singa Formation, Lankawi Island, NW Peninsular Malaysia: biostratigraphical and biogeographical implications.. In: P. Dheeradilok et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, Dept. Mineral Res., Bangkok, p. 62-72. Shi, G.R., L. Raksaskulwong & H.J. Campbell (2002)- Early Permian brachiopods from northern and central peninsular Thailand. In: L.V. Hills et al. (eds.) Carboniferous and Permian of the World, Canadian Soc. Petrol. Geol., Mem. 19, p. 596-608. Shi, G.R. & S.Z. Shen (2001)- A biogeographically mixed, middle Permian brachiopod fauna from the Baoshan Block, Western Yunnan, China. Palaeontology 44, p. 237-258. (Baoshan Block (= part of Sibumasu complex; HvG) M Permian brachiopod assemblage with Cryptospirifer in from lower Shazipo Fm. Associated with fusulinids Nankinella, Polydiexodina spp. and Schwagerina. Overlying U Shazipo Fm 500-700m carbonate contains Shanita- Hemigordiopsis foram assemblage. Paleogeographical distribution of Cryptospirifer overlaps with that of slightly younger (Capitanian-Wuchiapingian) Shanita- Hemigordius (Hemigordiopsis) foram fauna, also endemic or largely confined to M Permian transitional faunas of Cimmerian region (Baoshan Block)) Shi, G.R., S. Shen, S., H.J. Campbell & L. Raksaskulwong (2001)- A Meekella-dominated Early Permian brachiopod assemblage from central Peninsular Thailand. In: Contributions to Geology and Paleontology of Gondwana in honour of Helmut Wopfner, Cologne, p. 441-451. Shi, G.R. & J.B. Waterhouse (1991)- Early Permian brachiopods from Perak, West Malaysia. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 6, p. 25-39. (New Permian brachiopod fauna of probable Sakmarian (E Permian) age from Nam Loong 1 Mine of Kinta Valley, W of Kampar, Perak, on Sibumasu Terrane. Material collected by Gobbett below fossiliferous H.S. Lee Beds (Pseudofosulina kraffti and Misellina claudiae fusulinid zones; Ishii 1966). Nam Loong beds ~150m thick, with crinoid limestone of at base, overlain by brachiopod limestone) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 337 March 2014 Shi, Y. (2010)- Early Permian fusulinids from West Yunnan and their chronological puzzle. In: C.P. Lee et al. (eds.) 6th Symp. Int. Geol. Correl. Progr. Project 516 (IGCP516), Geological anatomy of East and South Asia, Kuala Lumpur 2010, p. 42-43. (Abstract only) (E Permian (Artinskian) fusulinids described recently from W Yunnan Sibumasu/ Cimmerian terranes: Eoparafusulina-Pseudofusulina faunas from Baoshan Block, Eoparafusulina-Monodiexodina fauna from Tengchong Block) Shi, Y., H. Huang, X. Jin & X. Yang (2011)- Early Permian fusulinids from the Baoshan Block, Western Yunnan, China and their paleobiogeographic significance. J. Paleontology 85, 3, p. 489-501. (Sakmarian-Artinskian fusulinids from N and S Baoshan and W Yunnan, dominated by Pseudofusulina and Eoparafusulina spp. and similar to those from C Pamir, S Afghanistan, E-C Iran, C Oman, E Hindu Kush and N Karakorum) Shi, Y., X. Jin, H. Huang & X. Yang (2008)- Permian fusulinids from the Tengchong Block, Western Yunnan, China. J. Paleontology 82, p. 118-127. (Permian fusulinid faunas from N Tengchong Block, SW China. Lower Dadongchang Fm dominated by Eoparafusulina, possibly Sakmarian age. Dadongchang Fm mainly Chusenella and Monodiexodina, indicating Wordian-Capitanian age. Similar to fusulinid assemblages from Baoshan and Sibumasu Blocks (both low diversity without Cathaysian- Tethyan Pseudoschwagerinidae, Verbeekinidae, Neoschwagerinidae)) Shimizu, D. (1966)- Permian brachiopod fossils of Timor (Palaeontological study of Portuguese Timor 3). Mem. Coll. Science, Kyoto University, Ser. B, Geol. Min., 32, 4, p. 401-427. (17 brachiopods from E Timor localities suggest Early Permian age. At some localities in part of autochthonous complex of reddish or purplish brown tuffaceous shale; in others associated with purplish tuffaceous, occasionally argillaceous limestones and shales) Smith, J.P. (1927)- Permian ammonoids of Timor. In: H.A. Brouwer (ed.) 2e Nederlandsche Timor-Expeditie 1916, IV, Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl.-Indie 55 (1926), Verhandelingen 1, p. 1-58. (Ammonoid material from 1916 Jonker expedition to Timor. Richest Permian ammonoid fauna in world, in both species and abundance. Especially rich in Cyclolobidae and Medlicottiidae and rel. poor in Ceratitoidea. Successive Permian age faunas: (1) E Permian Somohole (common Marathonites, Gastrioceras, Paralegoceras, Pronorites), Bitauni (Perrinites, Agathiceras sundaicum, Paralegoceras spp.) and Basleo (with Waagenoceras, increase in Haloritidae); (2) Late Permian? Amarassi/ Ajer Mati fauna (still with Cyclolobus). Latest Permian faunas not seen in Timor) Smith, S. (1941)- Some Permian corals from the Plateau Limestone of the Southern Shan States, Burma. Palaeontologia Indica. N.S., 30, 2, p. 1-21. (Permian corals from Plateau Limestone of E Myanmar (= Sibumasu Block?). With rel. common solitary rugose ncl. Lophophyllidium orientale, Pavastehphyllum), also Protomichelinia, Wentzelella cf timorica Gerth(= Paraipciphyllum?; Fontaine1988). (= part of Cyathaxonia faunas from Sibumasu Terrane of Wang et al. 2013) Sone, M. (2010)- A new species of the rare neritopsid gastropod Magnicapitatus from theGuadalupian (Middle Permian) of East Thailand (the Indochina Terrane). Alcheringa 34, 1, p. 1-6. (Neritopsid gastropod genus Magnicapitatus from a fusulinoid-rich limestone of Khao Taa Ngog Fm (Capitanian, M Permian) at Khao Makha in E Thailand near Cambodia border, in Indochina Terrane) Sone, M., C. Chonglakmani & A. Chitnarin (2009)- Middle Permian productidine brachiopods from Central Thailand (the Indochina Terrane) with paleobiogeographic implications. J. Paleontology 83, 5, p. 804-810. (Assemblage of productid brachiopods Haydenella, Paraplicatifera and Compressoproductus from Wordian of U Saraburi Limestone Gp of C Thailand (W margin Indochina Terrane) suggests endemism for M Permian marine faunule of Indochina Terrane) Sone, M. & M.S. Leman (2000)- Some mid-Permian fossils from Felda Mayam, Central Peninsular Malaysia. Proc. Geol. Soc. Malaysia Ann. Conf, p. 143-150. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 338 March 2014 Sone, M. & M.S. Leman & M. Ehiro (2001)- Middle Permian cephalopods from central Peninsular Malaysia: implications for faunal migration through the southern Tethys. J. Asian Earth Sci. 19, 6, p. 805-814. (Wordian (early M Permian) cephalopod fauna in steeply dipping shales- tuffaceous sandstones at Bera South, S Pahang, dominated by Agathiceras. Also ammonoids Tauroceras, Bamyaniceras and Pronoritidae and nautiloids Tainoceras and Orthocerida. Presence of Tauroceras. aff. scrobiculatum suggests correlation with S Tethys strata of NE Iraq, N Oman and Sicily) Sone, M., M.S. Leman & I. Metcalfe (2004)- Triassic nautiloid Sibyllonautilus from Gua Bama, Peninsular Malaysia and its regional stratigraphic implications. Alcheringa 28, p. 477-483. (Coiled nautiloid suggesting Late Permian- earliest Triassic (Lopingian- Anisian) age for Gua Bama sponge- algal reefal limestone, just E of Bentong-Raub suture, NW Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. Overlies Permian tuffaceous Leptodus brachiopod shales) Sone, M., M.S. Leman & G.R. Shi (2001)- Middle Permian brachiopods from central Peninsular Malaysia- faunal affinities between Malaysia and west Cambodia. J. Asian Earth Sci. 19, p. 177-194. (Moderately diverse Permian brachiopod fauna from Bera District, C Pahang, Central Belt of Peninsular Malaysia (on E Malaya- Indochina Plate). 19 species, typically warm-water Tethyan. Strong linkage to Yabeina beds of Sisophon Lst, W Cambodia. Possible E Capitanian (M Permian) age) Sone, M., I. Metcalfe & M.S. Leman (2003)- Palaeobiogeographic implications of Middle Permian brachiopods from Johore (Peninsular Malaysia). Geol. Magazine 140, p. 523-538. (New M Permian brachiopods fauna from folded tuffaceous sandstone at Sermin, N Johore, with Pseudoleptodus, Neochonetes, etc., associated with ammonoid Agathiceras sp.. Fauna lacks diagnostic Cathaysian taxa, but has minor Sibumasu elements. Locality just E of Bentong-Raub suture on East Malaya terrane of Cathaysian province, suggesting species interchange between shallow waters of E Malaya and Sibumasu across Paleo-Tethys. Sibumasu, Timor (Bitauni) and W Irian Jaya dominantly Gondwanan affinity and cooler, higher latitude than E Malaya) Sorauf, J.E. (1978)- Original structure and composition of Permian rugose and Triassic scleractinian corals. Palaeontology 21, 2, p. 321-339. (Study of Permian solitary coral structure based on exceptionally well-preserved material in Wanner collection from Guadalupian of Basleo 23 locality, SW Timor (Polycoelia angusta, Timorophyllum wanneri, Lophophyllidium spinosum)) Sorauf, J.E. (1983)- Primary biogenic structures and diagenetic history of Timorophyllum wanneri, Rugosa, Permian, Timor, Indonesia. Assoc. Australasian Pal. Mem. 1, p. 275-288. Sorauf, J.E. (1984)- Upper Permian corals from Timor and diagenesis. Palaeontogr. Americana 54, p. 294-302. (Description of phraetic cements in well-preserved Permian rugosan fauna from Basleo, supposedly from blocks in ‘Tertiary deep water wildflysch’ (= ‘Bobanaro melange’)). Sorauf, J.E. (2004)- Permian corals of Timor (Rugosa and Tabulate): history of collection and study. Alcheringa 28, 1, p. 157-183. (History of collection and study of corals in Permian of Timor began in 1911 with Wanner, Molengraaff and Weber. Biostratigraphy of faunas uncertain, partly because of collection from tectonic melange sequence in Baun to Basleo region, and purchase of fossils from indigenous people. Permian corals from Timor need restudy from stratigraphic sequences in northern 'Fatu' belt of outcrops) Spiller, F.C.P. (1996)- Late Paleozoic radiolarians from the Bentong-Raub suture zone, Peninsular Malaysia. The Island Arc 5, 2, p. 91-103. (Radiolarians from deep marine siliceous sediments from melange from Bentong-Raub suture zone contain 7 radiolarian zones from 10 localities: Late Devonian (Famennian), E Carboniferous (Tournaisian and Visean) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 339 March 2014 and E Permian. Suggests ocean existed between Sibumasu and East Malaya terranes from at least Late Devonian- late E Permian time) Spiller, F.C.P. (2002)- Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Peninsular Malaysia and implications for regional palaeotectonics and palaeogeography. Palaeontographica Abt. A, 266, p. 1-91. Spiller, F.C.P. & I. Metcalfe (1995)- Late Paleozoic radiolarians from the Bentong-Raub suture and the Semanggol Formation of Peninsular Malaysia- initial results. J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. 11, 3, p. 217-224. (Cherts and tuffaceous siltstones from Bentong-Raub suture zone, Peninsular Malaysia, with Late Devonian and E Carboniferous radiolarians. Cherts deposited in Paleo-Tethys ocean between Sibumasu and East Malaya. Radiolarians from siliceous Semanggol Fm of NW Peninsular Malaysia Early and Late Permian ages, extending age of Semanggol Fm down to E Permian and confirms presence of deep-marine basin in NW Peninsular Malaysia during Permian) Spiller, F.C.P. & I. Metcalfe (1995)- Paleozoic and Mesozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy of Peninsular Malaysia. Proc. IGCP Symposium on Geology of SE Asia, J. Geology, Hanoi, ser. B., 5-6, p. 75-93. Sprinkle, J. & J.A. Waters (2013)- New ridged, conical, fissiculate blastoid from the Permian of Timor. J. Paleontology 87, 6, p. 1071-1076. (Recent collections in Permian of N slope of Sonmahole (Somohole) Mountain, 3.5 km NE of Manufui, NE part of W Timor, produced first new genus of blastoid described from Timor in 70 years Corrugatoblastus savilli, n. gen. n. sp, is ridged and furrowed, conical, fissiculate blastoid with unusual thecal morphology mimicking a small, solitary, rugose coral. Placed in Family Codasteridae) Srivastava, A.K. & D. Agnihotri (2010)- Dilemma of Late Palaeozoic mixed floras in Gondwana. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecology 298, p. 54-69. (Carboniferous and Permian plant assemblages of N and S hemispheres distributed in four floral provinces. Mixed M and U Permian Cathaysian- Gondwanan floras from margins of Paleo-Tethys, i.e. New Guinea, Tibet, Oman, etc. No clear explanation) Stehli, F.G. (1961)- New genera of Upper Paleozoic Terebratuloids. J. Paleontology 35, 3, p. 457-466. (New genus and species name Timorina broili for small terebratulid brachiopod, originally described as Notothyris minuta by Broili (1916)- from M Permian of Basleo, Timor) Stephenson, M.H. (2008)- A review of the palynostratigraphy of Gondwanan Late Carboniferous to Early Permian glacigene successions. In: C.R. Fielding et al. (eds.) Resolving the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in time and space, Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper 441, p. 317-330. (E Permian W Australian, Arabian and S African sequences can be correlated using taxa like Converrucosisporites confluens and Pseudoreticulatispora pseudoreticulata. C. confluens and P. pseudoreticulata zones considered to be Sakmarian, and Striatopodocarpites fusus zone is Artinskian. Difficult to correlate Gondwana palynological assemblages precisely to Russian type areas because of scarcity of marine fauna in Gondwana and different paleolatitudes, so Carboniferous-Permian boundary cannot be precisely correlated in Gondwana by palynology) Stokes, R.B., P. Lovatt Smith, A. Racey, C.H.C. Brunton, O. Dawson, A.R.H. Swan & M.F. Whitaker (2012)- Some Upper Palaeozoic fossil localities in the Vientiane Contract Area, Lao PDR, and their geological Importance. J. Sci. Technol. MSU, p. 63-73. (online at: (New Upper Paleozoic (Carboniferous- Permian) localities from C and W Laos. Includes latest Permian limestone with Palaeofusulina- Colaniella fauna N of Vientiane) Strimple, H.L. & T.E. Yancey (1976)- Moscovicrinus preserved in magnetite from Selumar, Belitung Island, Indonesia. J. Paleontology 50, 6, p. 1195-1202. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 340 March 2014 (Rare, probably Early Permian age crinoid from folded, E-W trending sandstones-shales in Selumar open pit mine on E side of Billiton Island, near margin of magnetite-cassiterite vein. Moscovicrinus hoskingi n.sp.. Also mention Van Overeem (1960) record of fusulinid limestone in wells just off N coast of Beliting. See also Hosking et al. 1977) Sugiyama, T. (1982)- Middle Permian corals from the Ratburi Limestone in the Khao Khao area, Sara Buri, Central Thailand. In: T. Kobayshi, R. Toriyama & W. Hashimoto (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 24, p. 15-29. (M Permian corals from 360m thick Ratburi Lst in Khao Khao section (with Afganella spp.- Neoschwagerina haydeni zones fusulinids described by Toriyama and Kanmera 1979). Five coral localities with waagenophyllids Ipciphyllum saraburiense n.sp., Paraipciphyllum, Pseudohuangia Chihsiaphyllum kanmerai n.sp. and tabulate Tetraporinus) Sugiyama, T. & R. Toriyama (1981)- Coral and fusuline faunas from the Kabin Buri Area, East Central Thailand. In: T. Kobayshi & R. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, University of Tokyo Press, 22, p. 1-22. Sun, K. (1999)- Origin, evolution and extinction of Cathaysia flora. Chinese Science Bull. 44, 2, p. 100-108. (Carboniferous- Permian Cathaysia flora mainly distributed in China, Korea, Japan, Laos, Thailand, Sumatra and Malaysia. Mixed Cathaysian and Gondwanan flora known in S Tibet, Kashmir, Turkey and New Guinea. Cathaysian flora developed from global uniform E Carboniferous Lepidodendropsis flora) Swart, R.H. (1998)- Revision of Permian pleurotomarian gastropods from the Carnarvon and Bonaparte basins. In: G.R. Shi, N.W. Archbold & M. Grover (eds.) Strzelecki international symposium on Permian of eastern Tethys; biostratigraphy, palaeogeography and resources. Proc. Royal Soc. Victoria 110, 1-2, p. 163-172. Tan Sin Hok (1933)- Notiz uber das Basalskelett von "Verbeekina". Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Indie 25, p. 57-65. (Permian fusulinids from Padang Highlands, thought by Verbeek 1876, to lack 'parachomata', distinguishing it from Doliolina, so new genus Verbeekina was created. New material from Guguk Bulat type locality near Lake Singkarak shows this feature in later stages, so species belong in Doliolina) Tan Sin Hok (1933)- Uber Leptodus (Lyttonia auctorum) cf. tenuis (Waagen) vom Padanger Oberland (Mittel Sumatra). Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Indie 25, p. 66-70. (Permian brachiopod Leptodus collected by Musper from Padang Highlands, C Sumatra, confirms presence of rocks of younger Permian in Sumatra. Other Leptodus in Indonesia only known from Timor) Teichert, C. (1951)- The marine Permian faunas of Western Australia (an interim review). Palaeont. Zeitschrift 24, p. 76-90. (Marine Permian faunas (~350 species) compared with Tethyan, E Australian and Gondwana faunas. W Australian faunal province affinities with E Tethys (Salt Range, Timor) but dissimilar to E Australian province, although some W Australian elements migrated into N (Queensland) and S (Tasmania) parts of E province) Tesch, P. (1916)- Permische trilobieten van Atjeh. Tijdschr. Kon. Ned. Aardrijksk. Gen. Ser. 2, 33, p. 610-611. ('Permian trilobites from Aceh'. Two species of trilobite casts in dark red, tuffaceous marly rock, associated with corals, crinoids, brachiopods and gastropods, previously reported by Klein 1916 as presumably Devonian. Species very similar those described form Permian in Timor) Tesch, P. (1923)- Trilobiten aus der Dyas von Timor und Letti. Palaeontologie von Timor 12, 21, p. 123-132. (Trilobites from the Permian of Timor and Leti’. Phillipsia sp. and Neoproetus indicus n.sp., collected by Wanner, Molengraaff, Jonker et al. Trilobites relatively rare and poorly preserved in Timor Permian) Tharalson, D.B. (1984)- Revision of the Early Permian ammonoid family Perrinitidae. J. Paleontology. 58, 3, p. 804-833. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 341 March 2014 Fusulinids of Timor not similar to widespread complex fusulinid faunas in other parts of E Hemisphere) Tien.L. studied by Jongmans & Gothan.Foraminifera and algae from the Permian of Kampuchea. Nguyen D.gen. Silungkang locality with common Tubiphytes) Tien. Hemigordius) and algae (incl. Sumatra) Thompson. (Well-illustrated summary of foraminifera from Permian limestones from W and S Cambodia. J. known from Cambodia.The fusulinid genus Verbeekina. Nguyen D. See also Ueno et al (2006) and Ueno in Crippa et al 2014)) Thompson. p. 109-111. Species described by De Roever from Timor as Perrinites waageni was renamed Properrinites deroeveri by Gerth (1950) is here called Properrinites cumminsi.Suteethorn (eds.. 138-147. Verbeekina). etc. HvG)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 182-192. incl. meranginensis looks like fusulinids of the Schwagerina princeps group. Nguyen D. p. 1-166. P. Malay Peninsula (= also 'Sibumasu fossil' subsequently reported from Oman.) The Permian of Southeast Asia.Etude micropaleontologique (foraminiferes) de materiaux du Permien du Cambodge. S Vietnam) Tien. United Nations CCOP Techn. W. Paleontology 10. square in section. Fauna from this locality first described by Lange (1925). 18. Thailand. Pseudodoliolina. M. Jambi). Sumatrina. (1988). United Nations CCOP Techn. a small tube.sp. In: H. high diversity 'Tethyan' M Permian fusulinid assemblage with Neoschwagerina from Nui Com. (Two organisms of uncertain affinity relatively common in Permian of W Thailand: (1) Rectostipulina quatrata.Note on two "Incertae sedis" from the Permian of West Thailand. (U Sakmarian). Nguyen D. Leonardian or older age. Description of Verbeekina verbeeki (Geinitz) from Padang Highlands. Iran.) The Permian of Southeast Asia. Ed. Nguyen D.L. In: H.Quelques fusulinides de Nui Com. Appendix 3.vangorselslist. (1970). Fontaine (ed.The Permian fusulinids of Timor.. Thesis 3me Cycle. Sumatra. C Sumatra (Merangin.1 342 www. (1936). Schwagerina brouweri n. In: 11th Congress Carboniferous Stratigraphy Geol. Orsay. Bull. March 2014 . Also description of Artinskian Paraperrinites subcumminsi (Haniel) (originally Cyclolobus subcumminsi) from Bitauni) Thompson. Nguyen D. J. (1987). 18. (1979). a small bubble that may be foraminifer or fossil of algal affinity. p. Schwagerina.. etc. also known from Turkey.Foraminifera and algae from the Permian of Guguk Bulat and Silungkang. Fontaine & V. (Unpublished) ('Micropaleontological study (foraminifera) of material from the Permian of Cambodia') Tien. Mizzia. (Illustrations of foraminifera from two Permian limestone localities from Padang Highlands. Bangkok. etc. 5. Guguk Bulat reefal limestone with corals and diverse fusulinids (Colania. Sud Viet-Nam (Zone a). p. In: H. Cyprus. J.(Includes descriptions of Timor Permian perrinitid ammonoids. Bull. 193-201. Bull. 20. 1. Paleontology 23. n. All appear to indicate Early Permian. 2. (1986). Interpreted age Lower Permian. p. Tien. Fontaine (ed. using thin sections originally used by Gubler (1935)for study on fusulinids of Indochina) Tien. 1-70.Overlain by Soengi Garing plant beds with famous 'Jambi Flora'. Universite Paris Sud. 116-137. (Rel. (1936). C Sumatra. p.Description of a new microfossil from the Permian of Southeast Asia: Sphaerionia. (Genus Verbeekina includes 5 species and two varieties. 587-592. (2) Sphairionia sikoides n. (1986). 3.?. Permocalculus). Beijing 1978.Lower Permian fusulinids from Sumatra. Afghanistan. Paleontology 10. Archives Geol. CCOP Techn. M. small benthic foram assemblages (incl. (Fusulinid limestones collected by Brouwer expedition in 1937 in W Timor contain five species of fusulinids.L. Viet-Nam 13. Appendix 2. p. (1949).) Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils of West Thailand and their environments. p. M.. p. (Two new species of Early Permian fusulinids Schwagerina rutschi and Pseudoschwagerina meranginensis from dark grey. ~100’ thick "Productus limestone" of Telok Gedang. 7. p. Also already described in 1988 'Note on two 'Incertae Sedis' from the Permian of West Thailand'. Bangkok. Fac. (eds. 19. (online at: http://retro.Middle Permian foraminifera. p. (1989). Kobayashi & W. 5. etc. Geogr. Pseudoschwagerina cf. et sp.Kungurian age. (Review of M Permian foraminifera from four areas on Sumatra. p. Gafoer (eds. Beijing 1987. No locality maps) Toriyama. Central Thailand. R. p. Pronina 1996)) Tobler. No paleobiogeography. (1984). Ed. 1-69.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Elsevier. (Same paper Toriyama 1975. 291-307. Shi (2000). p. (1989). (1923). S Sumatra.M Permian Ratburi Limestone section in C Thailand. at Bukit Pendopo outcrop. Bangkok. spp.seals.. (Mid-Permian Pseudoschwagerina-dominated fusulinid assemblage from N Thailand) Toriyama. (1965). Mem. & G. Bull. Kyushu Univ. Nguyen D. (1989).vangorselslist. Hemigordius)and algae (incl. In: Comptes Rendus 11th Congress Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology. also Parafusulina. Developments in palaeontology and stratigraphy 18. Permocalculus spp.Lower Permian foraminifera. Central Thailand. (Brief review of localities with Carboniferous. see also Ueno et al. Japanese J.Fusuline fossils from Thailand. Review of localities with Carboniferous. nov. (Rel. CCOP Techn. Pseudodoliolina. J. with verbeekinids. In: H. In: H. 113-148.Fusuline fossils from Thailand. Ser. 20.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. (Description of 'small bubble'. (1976).) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. simplex Cancellina. At Guguk Bulat fusulinids Verbeekina verbeeki. Mem.Permian fusulinid forams in Thailand and Malaysia) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 2006 who restudied Batu Impi locality and prefers Artinskian. A. D-XVII-1.. Fusulinella cf. Permian fusulines from the Rat Buri Limestone in the Khao Phlong Phrab area. D. rich Lower Permian foram assemblages of fusulinids. Fontaine & S. p. 23. p. Sci. etc. a Permian incertae sedis organism: Sphairionia.Sphairionia sikuoides gen. Mem.Fusuline fossils from Thailand.. Overall assemblage 'of Tethyan aspect' (but is on Sibumasu Plate. p. Fusulines of the Rat Buri Limestone of Thailand.) Permian-Triassic evolution of Tethys and Western Circum-Pacific. Kyushu Univ. In: T. (Paper mainly on stratigraphic distribution of foram genera. 73-78. 2. Toriyama. chei.1 343 www.. R. R. either lagenid foraminifer or charophyte algae from M Permian of W Thailand and Cambodia. p. In: H. 3. J.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25. Yin.Evolution of Permian and Triassic foraminifera in South China. 137-146.On some fusulinids from Northern Tai.M.R. Fac. Fac. (Systematic descriptions and vertical distribution of 91 species/26 genera of fusulinid forams from 225m thick late Early. suggesting Late Asselian age (near locality of famous 'Jambi flora. Mesumai River localities with fusulinids Boultonia willsi. 243-247. neoschwagerinids. Geol. Sara Buri. Sci. 17. Fontaine & S. 313-342. meranginensis. Part I. March 2014 .) Tien. incl. Gafoer (eds. Kyushu Univ. (eds.Summary of the fusuline faunas in Thailand and Malaysia. Nguyen D. R. Part IX. Schwagerina sp. smaller benthic forams (incl. Sara Buri. Schubertella kingi. Kobayashi et al. (1944).Tien. University of Tokyo Press. Nguyen D. Permocalculus) from W Jambi province. HvG). 1-116. rich basal Murghabian fusulinid assemblage with Neoschwagerina cf. (1975). Colania douvillei. Part IX. Dickins et al. University of Tokyo (‘Our paleontological knowledge of Sumatra’. and algae Mizzia velebitana. above) Toriyama. Rugosofusulina rutschi and Parafusulina n. rare Monodiexodina. Pseudofusilina padangensis. Sci. utahensis. Papers 19. HvG)) Tien. (also reported from Thailand and other areas of Tethys. p.. Sumatrina annae. In: T. Permian fusulines from the Rat Buri Limestone in the Khao Phlong Phrab area. no fossil illustrations) Toriyama. CCOP Tech. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 18. Papers 19..Neogene macrofossils across Sumatra) Tong. Hashimoto (eds. CCOP Techn. B. 71-93. Neofusulinella.Unsere palaeontologische Kenntniss von Sumatra. (Four M Permian fusulinid zones with Afganella. Kanmera & R. Toriyama (eds. C and E. 5. lantenoisi from lower part of 'Ratburi Lst' in Khao Phlong Khrab section. Kobayashi & R. In Permian stronger affinity to E Tethys. 17-22. 14. 43-61. Genus ranges from Misellina zone to Neoschwagerina simplex zone and is good indicator of upper Lower. Thailand. Central Thailand. Hongnushonthi (1974). p. p. Sci. 25-48. Kanmera. N.lower Middle Permian) Toriyama. praecursor and N. Hashimoto ( (online at: http://library. 9. Sumatrina annae.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Permian Fusulinids from Central Thailand. Madrid 1983. 15-32. Kobayshi & R. Kobayshi & R. W and E zones similar paleobiogeographic characteristics. R. p. (Two new fusulinid genera Thailandina and Neothailandina described from rich fusulinid assemblages in 275m thick Rat Buri Limestone section at Phao Phlong Phrab. Changwat Lop Buri. (lower M Permian fusulinids from Ratburi Lst near Kirinakratanaram Temple. Verbeekina verbeeki. C Thailand. Fusuline faunas of Thailand and Malaysia close relationship to W Tethys in M-U March 2014 . (E-M Permian fusulinids Neofusulinella sarburiensis n. 128-132. Geology Mineral Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA III). Kaewbaidhoam & A. 7. Pitakpaivan (1973). with Neofusulinella lantenoisi. Fac. Permian fusulines from the Rat Buri Limestone in the Khao Khao area. S. Toriyama (eds. & (online at: http://library. C Thailand) Toriyama.Fusulinacean fossils from Thailand.Biostratigraphic zonation of the Rat Buri Limestone in the Khao Phlong Phrab area. University of Tokyo Press. appears to extend into Malay Peninsula and N Kalimantan. Neofusulinella from Thailand. p. p. 29-44. Subdivided in 3 zones. Sara Buri. R. & G. University of Tokyo Press.l. R. ~250m thick and very rich in fusulinids (81 species. High affinity of fauna with SE Pamir. Stratigraphie et de Geologie du Carbonifere. R.. In: T.1 344 www. Pitakpavan & R. C. 295-306. NE Thailand.) of Thailand with 238 species of fusulinids. Neoschwagerina in Ratburi Lst in Khao Khao section. Sugi (1959). NE Thailand (names deemed invalid by Kobayashi et al.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 4. p. Conf. Ingavat (1969).dmr. In: T. Ingavat (1978).Neoschwagerina- Presumatrina zones).pdf) (Permian 'Ratburi Lst' (s. p.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. University of Tokyo Press. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Kobayashi & R..vangorselslist.Fusuline fossils from Thailand.Fusulinacean fossils from Thailand. 3rd Reg.lower M Permian)) Toriyama. U Permian fusulinds (Paleofusulina. In: T. Kobayashi & R. R. Tripathi. Mem. Kanmera (1979).Maklaya. In: T. Part II: Two new Permian genera from Thailand. Toriyama (eds.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Kyushu University. & T. 26 genera). No maps) Toriyama. S China and Japan) Toriyama. 2010). Singh (1985). 20. In: T. Toriyama & W. Part V. Subdivided into 7 zones (Misellina. Central Thailand. K. Bangkok 1978. C. Part VII: Middle Permian fusulines from Wat Kirinakratanaram.) Toriyama... K. & K. Colaniella) only found in W zone. W.Carboniferous flora of India and its contemporaneity in the world.pdf) (late Early-Middle Permian 'Ratburi Lst' at Khao Phlong Phrab Hill section. Comptes Rendus Dixieme Congres Int. Section ranges from Misellina zone to lower part of Neoschwagerina zone (upper Lower. Central Thailand.Toriyama. Pseudodoliolina pseudolepida. p. Changwat Sara Buri. R. & K. Nutalaya (ed. Parafusulina gigantea. In: P. Series D. Part XII. Western zone with 41 species/ 28 genera. 12.Fusulinacean fossils from Thailand. etc. Sara Buri. R. Kanmera (1968).go. Ed. 23-93.sp.) Proc. University of Tokyo Press.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Toriyama (eds.The paleogeographic characteristics of fusuline faunas of the Rat Buri Group in Thailand and its equivalent in Malysia.. K. University of Tokyo Press. P. Lobatanularia.vangorselslist. and Neoalbaillella ornithoformis (late Late Permian)) Udchachon. 1. 1-24.270. F. tropical bivalves in M Permian Khao Khwang platform Permian limestones. Soc. p. Nine main microfacies types. Palaeogeogr. Glossopteris flora and Eurydesma fauna: (1) (S) Lesser Himalaya belt with Permian Volcanics directly on Precambrian/ Cambrian basement and with typical India Glossopteris flora. 4 (Spec. (Permian fusulinids in four levels in Baoshan and Sibumasu Blocks. Burrett. Philippines 46. Monogr. In: G. Amer. C. H. Palaeoclim. p. East Cimmerian continent poor Tethyan neoschwagerinid and verbeekinid genera in M Permian. (Permian radiolarians in chert from five sections in C Busuanga lsland suggest four Permian interval zones: Follicucullus monacanthus (late Early Permian). Mizzia velebitana) Ueno. 169-176.) Gondwana Six: Stratigraphy. incl. p. (1994). Tetrataxis) and algae incl. Chonglakmani. 160-163.go. & G.P. K. 6th Int. Philippines 49. Palawan. J. Thanee (2007).. M. 119-193. Geosciences J. Geophys. (Permian-Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy (see also Marquez et al. 5. McKenzie (ed. Campbell & Q. (2003). In Kashmir Basin Artinskian? Mamal Fm above Panjal Volcanics with rich E Permian flora. Columbus. Chonglakmani. C. F. 49-104. both with widespread diamictite. University of Tsukuba.. Conf. J. p.Permian to Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy of Busuanga Island. C Thailand (W side of Indochina Block). Philippines. Series 41.P. H. March 2014 .1 345 www. Singh (1987). Hemigordius sp. Union (AGU).) Proc. Gingkophyllum and Parasphenophyllum.Lingshi) with more complete Cambrian. Sedimentology. With common large alatoconchid bivalves. Doc.Permian section and more marine influence (limestones) and mixed Gondwana-Cathaysia flora.Gondwana and associated rocks of the Himalaya and their significance. (M Permian carbonate sequence in S of Khao Khwang Platform. Geophys. Palaeoecology 193. In: W.Tripathi. and Paleontology. Sci. 195-205.87. Thassanapak.. (Along N margin of India Plate (Permian rift margin) two Permian Gondwanan domains. In Karakorum Basin (= Lhasa or Qiantang Block?) Fenestella Shale.). 2006)) Tumanda. C. Philippines. Geol. Tumanda. Follicucullus scholasticus (early Late Permian) Latentifistula similicutis (middle Late Permian). Philippines. Midian-age limestone with fusulinids and smaller forams.Depositional setting and paleoenvironment of an alatoconchid-bearing Middle Permian carbonate ramp sequence in the Indochina Terrane. Palawan. p. (1991).Permian radiolarian from Busuanga Island.. p. (1991). Also endemic vertebrate fauna. incl. Ed.The Permian fusulinoidean faunas of the Sibumasu and Baoshan blocks: their implications for the paleogeographic and paleoclimatologic reconstruction of the Cimmerian Continent. K. p. p. Asian Earth Sci. 37-55. C Thailand (tropical Tethyan shelf of Indochina Terrane).dmr. Tantiwanit (ed.Permian fusulinacean faunas of the Sibumasu and Baoshan Blocks: implications for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Cimmerian continent. Increase in diversity from E to late M Permian (N- Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Agathammina. F. Rajahia. (2) (N) Tethyan Himalaya belt (Salt Range-Ladakh. Feng (2014). probably contemporaneous with Kamura event and related to global cooling and sea-level lowstand) Udchachon. Platform evolved from rimmed platform in E Permian to ramp in M Permian. Geol. central Thailand. (online at: http://library. Gondwana Symposium. Ed.Thakkola.Radiolarian biostratigraphy in central Busuanga Island. Gondwanan Glossopteris spp. Dissertation. endemic Gangamopteris kashmirensis.. Palawan. overlain by diamictite. Gangamopteris plant bed and fusulinid lst) Tumanda. Campbell & N. J.. Soc. 1985. (Expanded version see below) Ueno. Geology of Thailand: towards sustainable development and sufficiency economy. H. also common 'Cathaysian' elements like Taeniopteris. M.Late Middle Permian alatoconchid- bearing limestones from the south of the Khao Khwang platform.D.pdf) (Thick-shelled. Int. (2000). Bangkok.Abrupt negative shift in d 13C in late Wordian and late Capitanian indicate significant changes in paleoenvironment. exposed extensively along Phetchabun fold-thrust belt along W edge of Khorat Plateau. non-tropical. K. p. E. Monodiexodina-bearing areas can be restored to either N or S middle latitudes. Rare Tethyan fusulinids in Baoshan and Sibumasu blocks suggests E Cimmerian continent still far from Cathaysian domain and in warm temperate. Geosci. J. Igo (1997). J. etc. Geol. K.M. Inst. Asian Earth Sci. Artinskian. E Cimmerian migrated into tropical zone by Late Triassic with Carnian sponge-coral buildups in Sibumasu Block) Ueno.Artinskian conodonts from the Dingjiazhai Formation of the Baoshan Block. & H. Northeast Thailand. Sugiyama (1996). N.. K. Inst.Upper Carboniferous forminifers from Phu Tham Maholan.B (Geol. Arita. Saesaengseerung (2014). Generally found in monotypic. Sugiyama (1995).. Type species of Monodiexodina is Schwagerina wanneri Schubert 1915 first described from Timor. and paleobiogeographic implications. Sugiyama (1994). late E Permian fusulinid genus Monodiexodina from 33 areas. Changwat Loei. Asian Earth Sci. (2006). (2007). similar to Indochina Block) Ueno. Nakornsri & T.E Midian (=Capitanian)) Ueno.1 346 www. Sardsud & D.subtropical zone until end-Permian. Northeastern Thailand. 1. In: 13th Int. Iskandar et al. Wang & S. J. p.Early Permian fusuline faunas from Jambi. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. Meno. Inst. p. Northern Thailand: geologic age.) 16. p. I. faunal affinity.van Waveren. east of Wang Saphung. Repts. Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian. crowded manner in sandy sediments with uni-directionally aligned shells. Conodont fauna in limestones in upper part of formation consists of Sweetognathus spp. Prace Panst. Tsukuba. incl. Repts. and Gondwana-influenced assemblage developed at N margin of Gondwanaland just after deglaciation) Ueno. 29-37. Long-ranging 'mid-Permian'. ex gr. of Stratigraphy 31. K.An Early Permian fusuline fauna from southernmost Peninsular Thailand: discovery of Early Permian warming spikes in the peri-Gondwanan Sibumasu Block.Tsukuba. 15-45. all in middle part of Maubisse Fm. Carboniferous and Permian. Suyoko. Nagai. 4. Changwat Loei. taxonomy. Paleontology 76.The Permian antitropical fusulinoidean genus Monodiexodina: distribution. (in press) (E Permian fusuline fauna from Tarn To Fm of Yala area in S-most Peninsular Thailand (=E margin of Sibumasu Block). 12p. paleobiogeography and paleoecology.. Ueno. 380-404. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 14.A new Moscovian foraminiferal fauna from Huai Luang. Booi. Nakornsri & T. Changwat Loei. Ueno. 16th Int.E Kungurian) age estimated for this fauna... Ed. (Permian fusulinid fauna from N Thailand of Tethyan affinity. including forms resembling Tethyan and Panthalassan Pseudofusulina fusiformis and P. N. Y. J. K. dated as M Artinskian. p.ward drift of Cimmerian continent) and from E to W (W Cimmerian closer to tropical Tethyan domain than E). suggesting genus is paleobiogeographically anti-tropical taxon. X. Hasibuan. (Review of 'subtropical'. Mesogondolella.Middle Carboniferous foraminifers from Ban Sup. M Permian Cimmerian two subregions: W= Tethyan Cimmerian and E= Gondwanan Cimmerian. Indonesia: faunal characteristics and palaeobiogeographic implications. N. Univ. Dingjiazhai Fm overlain by basaltic volcanics related to rift volcanism during separation of Baoshan Block from Gondwanaland. S. 138-139.P. several Timor occurrences. K. Suppl. Faunas including brachiopods and fusulinids from limestones interpreted as middle latitudinal. K. Yakhtashian-Bolorian (=late Artinskian.. Nagai. M.Late Paleozoic foraminifers from the Chiang Dao area. 339-354. Northeast Thailand. Nishikawa. Mei (2003).. S. M.. March 2014 . Interpreted as warming spikes during late Yakhtashian-Bolorian transgression) Ueno.. 79-89... Southwest China. Nakornsri & T. 157.A. Fauna consists of Pseudofusulina and Praeskinnerella? spp. (E Permian conodonts from Dingjiazhai Fm diamictite-bearing unit in Gondwana-derived Baoshan Block. K. Univ. 741-750. Mizuno. 5. Krakow 1995. K. A. West Yunnan. F.. Sci. 26. K. J. (Small foraminiferal fauna with two species of Fusulinella) Ueno.) 15. Congr. K. Nanjing. p. Sumatra. Geosci.vangorselslist. southeast of Wang Saphung. p. Yala fauna almost coeval with Monodiexodina fauna known elsewhere on Sibumasu Block. Nagai. Similar Tethyan affinity shallow marine fauna in Sibumasu in E Permian of Kinta Valley area in W Peninsular Malaysia. kraffti. B (Geol. Geological anatomy of E and S Asia. Ed.Een Zaphrentis van Kota Tengah (Padangsche Bovenlanden). 145-161.B. West Yunnan. southern Peninular Thailand.) Ueno. fusulinid limestone in Palepat Fm at Batu Impi (18km W of Bangko). age and geotectonic implications. F. p. kwangsiana. associated with famous 'Jambi flora'.com March 2014 . Toriyamaia. Samples collected in 2004 contain Pseudoschwagerina meranginensis. ~1100m thick with 17 late E Carboniferous. (2006). K. (Late Permian foraminiferal succession in Changning-Menglian Belt (closed remnants of Paleo-Tethys Ocean). K. D. Tien 1989). Tropical Tethyan-type succession. most probably Yakhtashian due to absence of Brevaxina and Misellina.S. suggesting Artinskian.Early Permian fusuline faunas of the Mengkarang and Palepat Formations in the West Sumatra Block.Lopingian (Late Permian) foraminiferal faunal succession of a Paleo-Tethyan mid-oceanic carbonate buildup: Shifodong Formation in the Changning-Menglian Belt.H. 1. Restudy of Batu Impi locality (just above main plant horizon) shows Minojapanella. 246-247. T. comparable to circum-Tethyan shelves like S China. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . I. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. Wang (2003). Hasibuan. Pseudofusulina rutschi. and C Asia) Ueno. 98-102.Kungurian) age. indicating Yakhtashian or Bolorian (= ~Artinskian. 5.van Waveren. Indonesia: their faunal characteristics.-Indie 56 (1927). H. Indochina. p.M Permian fusulinid zones.Fusulinoidean faunal succession of a Paleo-Tethyan oceanic seamount in the Changning-Menglian Belt. K. which is main Paleo-Tethys suture in E Asia. although diversity lower than those of Paleo-Tethyan shelves. and others. ~17 km SW of Bangko with Pseudoschwagerina and Pseudofusulina? suggesting Asselian age (N. SW China. In: H. S. Schubertella.vangorselslist. Nagai (1996).M Permian fusulinid zones. Nishikawa. Ingavat-Helmcke 1993?). although diversity lower than those of Paleo-Tethyan shelves. Suyoko. Wang & X. Mengkarang Fm ~360m thick paralic clastics with intercalations of shallow marine limestone and thin coal seams. Igo Memorial Volume on Geology and Palaeontology of Japan and Southeast Asia. Island Arc 12. 1998?. also similar age as basal Ratburi Lst in Sibumasu Block of Thailand?.(Abstract only) (Fusulinids in Telok Gadang limestone bed at base of Mengkarang Fm (below E Permian 'Jambi flora') . (Fusulinids from Paleo-Tethyan seamount-type carbonates of Changning-Menglian Belt. In: Proc. SW China. 1989). K. W Sumatra. Chalaroschwagerina.L. & K.Fusulinoidean faunal succession of a Paleo-Tethyan oceanic seamount in the Changning-Menglian Belt. Ueno. 69-93. Indochina. Sashida (eds. Tsutsumi (2009). Y. Praeskinnerella. P. HvG)) Ueno. Shifodong Fm is uppermost unit in thick Carboniferous-Permian carbonate section on oceanic seamount basalts. which is main Paleo-Tethys suture in E Asia. p.Discovery of Permian foraminifers and corals from the Ratburi Limestone of the Phatthalang area. Chaney et al. Basalts and overlying carbonates. Comparison with N Afghanistan study by Leven (1971) suggest Sakmarian age (Late Asselian age proposed by Vachard. 2nd Int. In lower part ~5m thick dark grey limestone at Telok Gedang on Merangin River. etc.Kungurian age and Cathaysian/ Tethyan paleobiogeographic affinity (similar to E Malay Peninsula Terengganu limestone fauna described by Fontaine et al. Tropical Tethyan-type succession. Younger 21m-thick. West Yunnan. Praeskinnerella. Sixteen fusuline taxa. SW China. paleogeography and paleoenvironment in Eastern Tethys (IGCP 516). & S. such as S China. Wang & X. Southwest China: an overview. p. and C Asia) Umbgrove. (1928). p. de Boer. contains Minojapanella.) Prof. Verhandelingen 1. Foram fauna in Paleo-Tethyan shallow-marine environment high faunal diversity. 145-161.1 347 www. dark gray. (Extended Abstract) (Rel. 201-216. Southwest China: an overview. p. (Fusulinids from Paleo-Tethyan seamount-type carbonates of Changning-Menglian Belt. Island Arc 12. Paraschwagerina. Island Arc 18. Quezon City. Y. Palaeofusulina minima and Palaeofusulina sinensis Zones.F.. ~1100m thick with 17 late E Carboniferous. Noda. 2. high diversity E Permian fusulinid assemblages in Bangko area of Jambi. 3 zones: Codonofusiella cf. Overlying Palepat Fm >200m thick volcanic arc suite with limestone interbeds with fusulinids (first described by Thompson 1938. West Yunnan... Wang (2003). such as S China. and more diversified than coeval mid-oceanic Panthalassan faunas like Kamura Lst in Jurassic accretionary complex of SW Japan) Ueno. Symp. Basalts and overlying carbonates. K.. J. Sugiyama & K.M. Toriyamaia..: same genera as E coast of Peninsular Thailand= Sibumasu. 2. Chalaroschwagerina? and Paraschwagerina?. Sarawak. Australia. perforata (= Padangia perforata Lange 1925) and common Permocalculus. oncolites. Gafoer (eds. D. 57-74. (1989).Permian fusulinid biozones in SE Kelantan. foraminifera (incl. Haig & A. Jahrbuch B73.) Vachard. W Sumatra) Vachard.. Mizzia velebitana. (5) earliest Permian (lower Asselian) with Occidentoschwagerina fusulinoides. 20.J.Sakmarian) not represented (= plant fossil interval?). p. 137-147. 59-69. In: H. H. Fontaine (ed. Limestone rich in algae (incl. CCOP Techn. Geol. Lisun-Kwantan-Lalo Mts. D. Southern Carnarvon Basin. Carboniferous or Permian solitary corals Zaphrentis and Caninia? from limestone collected by Zwierzycki near Kota Tengah. In: H. Papers 19. also Yabeina parvula. M Carboniferous with Pseudostaffella.Lower Carboniferous (middle Visean) foraminifers and algae from an interior sea. Fontaine & S. (Rel. Schwagerina.Tricitites and (7) U Artinskian with Langella ex. Diverse foraminifera with >40 species.('A Zaphrentis from Kota Tengah (Padang Highlands)'. Mory (2014). Gafoer (eds. Calcareous algae strong Tethyan affinities) Vachard.Bashkirian assemblages from NE Thailand.) and small volcanic clasts. D. (Terbat Lst of W Sarawak. 31-40. CCOP Techn. Bull.Komia.vangorselslist. & J. 91-109. Fontaine & S. 201-230. Uppermost Permian with Colaniella media and Palaeofusulina bella. Geobios 47. p.Foraminifera. Fontaine (ed.NW Kalimantan border area with seven diverse M Carboniferous. Rugofusulina. (Three Visean. (3) latest Carboniferous with (3) Dutkevichites and (4) Pseudofusulina-Ozawainella.W. Smaller foraminifera common Tethyan species. ('A Yabeina association (fusulinid foraminifera) in the Midian (U Permian) of the Whangaroa region (Orua Bay. D.New data on foraminifera. incl. Jambi (same general area.A new biozonation of the limestones from Terbat area. Publ. D. 5. D. (Microfauna of grainstone sample from Mengkareng Fm of Pulau Apat. Faunas similar to eastern Tethys assemblages of S China. CCOP Tech. Revue Micropaleontologie 34. p. p. Thailand. Chusenella. U Murgabian. Staffelidae and Profusulinella) Vachard. Upper Lower Permian with Darvasites. In: H. Fusulinella.. 183-208. Japan. p. p. (Eight Carboniferous. etc. Permocalculus. (1990). fusulinids Boultonia willsi. Boultonia willsi. D.) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia. etc. Ferriere (1991). D. Outcrop is terrane that belonged to Cathaysia and which had migrated 3000 km S across Paleopacific) Vachard.Goksuella and (2) Beedeina. At least 3 biozones) Vachard. (1990). smaller foraminifera and pseudo-algae from southeastern Kelantan (Malaysia) and their biostratigraphic and paleogeographic value. CCOP Techn. Papers 19.A rich algal microflora from the Lower Permian of Jambi Province. Vachard.Microfossils and microfacies of the Lower Carboniferous limestones.Une association a Yabeina (foraminifere fusulinoide) dans le Midien (Permien superieur) de la region de Whangaroa (Baie d'Orua Nouvelle-Zelande). In: H. etc. Ed. Sarawak assemblages most similar to S and N China and Alps) Vachard. Lepidolina.). Warm climate assemblage and most likely Late Asselian age (Boultonia willsi= Late asselian- Sakmarian). but ~10km N of 'Jambi Flora' localities). Vietnam.earliest Permian(Asselian. Beedeina. Ozawainella (=Nummulostegina velebitana of Cummings). Microfauna/ microflora from exotic limestone blocks embedded in volcanic and volcano- sedimentary units in Whangaroa area. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . algae and pseudo-algae of the Visean and Bashkirian (Lower- Middle Carboniferous) from Northeast Thailand. Paleobiogeogrphic affinities with Australia and Vietnam. New Zealand. Fusulinids mainly Reichelina. (1989). Caridroit (1992). W of Bangko.earliest Permian fusulinid assemblages: M Carboniferous with (1) Profusulinella. Codonofusiella. (1990). Basal U Permian (Lower Murghabian) with Neoschwagerina simplex and Verbeekina verbeeki.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Revue Paleobiologie 11. 143-167.Midian with Yabeina. Algae dominated by Tubiphytes. Fontaine & M.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments.Fusulinoids. rich Lower Carboniferous foraminifera assemblage from C Sumatra limestones.) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia.. Late Carboniferous. etc. 20. March 2014 . Malaysia. algae and pseudo-algae from Carboniferous and Permian limestone of North-west Thailand.1 348 www. gr. Darvasites. D. Ozawainella. New Zealand'. (6) M-U Asselian with Ozawaiella angulata. p. Wannerophyllum n. HvG)) Volz. (Online at www. p.. N. Cosmopolitan genus Koninckopora and Plectinopsis suggest M Visean age) Vachard. Nederl.Microblastus gen. 90. Revue Micropal.T. p.An introduction to Paleozoic faunas and floras of Indonesia. p. 53. but non-marine Permian plant fossils are also known from Sumatra and West Papua. 1.M. p. Scripta Geologica 135. (Review of Ordovician-Permian fossils of Indonesia. (2014). Some new foraminifera and corals as well as hydrocorals from the Upper Carboniferous of Sumatra'.iagi. Late Paleozoic (mainly Permian) faunas and floras more widespread.Palaeozoic foraminifera: systematics. Five groups of Pecopteris-type ferns. smaller foraminifera Bigenerina spp. and new fusulinid foram genus/species Sumatrina annae from Bukit Bessi. Berita Sedimentologi 31. a relatively xeric Cathaysian flora. H. Oost-Indie 4 (1875). fennemai and stromatoporid Myriopora) Von Schouppe. Brachiopods and fusulinids indicate E Permian age (Asselian-Sakmarian?). Also new colonial corals Lonsdaleia frechi and L. Pille & J. M. nov. J. 2. observations and studies.P. 209-254. IV.. (Lower Permian condonts from samples collected by Jonker expedition near Bitauni in 1916 and SW Mutis region by De Roever in 1937. I.. 1-28.. New species of blastoids from the Brouwer/ University of Amsterdam Timor collection) Van Gorsel. (1942). (online at: www. 177-194. 86B. p. 282-298. Jena. D. M. Booi & J. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . gen. Ed. L. 6. E Paleozoic faunas mainly in W Papua. Lophophyllidium Grabau aus dem Perm von Timor. Beil. und einige andere neue permische Blastoideen von (E Permian Jambi flora from Mengkareng Fm on W Sumatra Block first described by Posthumus (1927) and Jongmans & Gothan (1935).-Bd. p. Iskandar.naturalis. Einige neue Foraminiferen und Korallen sowie Hydrokorallen aus dem Obercarbon Sumatras.D. Geol. Paleozoic fossils from Indonesia are mainly marine organisms. 186-189. Palaeontographica Suppl. Some assemblages or species signify 'low-latitude Tethyan' settings. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. 3. palaeoecology and responses to global changes. possibly indicative of relatively high latitude in S Hemisphere) Verbeek. March 2014 .Composition and palaeogeographic position of the Early Permian Jambi flora from Sumatra. W.(Moderately divrse foraminifera fauna in Yindagindy Fm. ('On the geology of Sumatra. ('The fossils of the (Permian) 'kolenkalksteen' limestone of Sumatra's west coast'. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 5.Zur Geologie von Sumatra. Beobachtungen und Studien. Stacul (1955). Akademie Wetenschappen. (1875).F. Revision of flora results in lower number of taxa (60. incl. 18 of which 'endemic'). Pal. 95-196. Comparisons with E Asian Permian floras of Cathaysian realm indicate greatest similarity with (M Permian) Lower Shihhotse beds in N China.A. Kon. Abh. Important constituent of fauna is Vjalovognathus shindyensis) Van Eykeren.Die Genera Verbeekiella Penecke..Lower Permian conodonts from western Timor (Indonesia). van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (2007).A. Geol.De fossielen in de kolenkalksteen van Sumatra's westkust. Beitr. Gaillot (2010). A. Appendix II. Descriptions of probably Permian-age faunas from limestones of Padang Highlands. E. Palaeont.H. Proc. (1987). (1904).repository. others have 'anti-tropical/subtropical Tethyan' or 'Gondwanan' affinities) Van Waveren. & P. 2. Timor and W Borneo. p. In German. 15-39. Paleogoniopteris and Gothanopteris primitive equivalents of 'Cathaysian' gigantopterids. Posthumus (1927) reported presence of Walchia conifer. R. but this is Lepidodendrales.1 349 www. NE of Lake Singkarak. (Review of biostratigraphy and facies models of Paleozoic forams) Van den Boogaard. ser B. Anhang II. 112. Fossils believed to be of Carboniferous age (probably Permian age. p.or. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. ('Microblastus new genus and other new Permian blastoids from Timor'. Timorphyllum Gerth.vangorselslist. mainly on Sumatra. Small. Eleven coral species including 5 new taxa described) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .com March 2014 . 10 of which new. Stacul (1959). 185-191. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. 'Jambi Flora' woods include Dadoxylon roviengense and D. W Timor. p. Permian larger foram Schwagerina verbeeki Geinitz from Padang Highlands. Nederl. Shi.Bois homoxyles du Permien inferieur de Sumatra: implications paleogeographiques. (Assemblages now regarded as M Permian. ('Homoxyle' wood from the Lower Permian of Sumatra: paleogeographic implications'. Mainly review of works of Gerth. (Mainly summary of Jongmans and Gothan (1925) work. 168-171.) The Pre-Tertiary fossils of Sumatra and their environments. Thailand. Geol. Geologie Niederlandisch-Indien 5. X. p. Koker. p. Cordaites and coniferous wood fragments show no annual growth rings) Wang. p.Z. Fontaine & S. Excellent preservation. In: H. Magazine 84. Oldest rocks known from SE Sulawesi are partly metamorphosed Triassic-Jurassic Kendari Beds and Toeli Lst with Jurassic belemnites. S. Eine morphogenetische und taxonomische Untersuchung. H. Lophophyllidium. M Permian corals in Sibumasu Terrane dominated by both solitary and compound Waagenophyllidae ('Cathaysian'). 5. Both lack growth rings. also common in S China.. 10. Savantes. A. HvG)) Vozenin-Serra. (Paleontological descriptions of Timor Permian solitary corals) Von Kutassy. (1947). C. Palaont. while Cathaysian corals reflect location near Paleo-equator. Fontaine (ed. Tropical species assigned to Dadoxylon. 53-57.(Descriptions of Permian solitary corals. Gen. suggesting tropical or subtropical regime) Vozenin-Serra.D. Kol. IV.Saulchenlose Pterocorallia aus dem Perm von Indonesisch Timor (mit Ausnahme der Polycoelidae). (1989). Seram and Misool) Von Staff. CCOP Techn. Bull. from where 12. 4. Lin. suggesting cool shallow marine conditions. mainly from Basleo area.Het Paleozoicum en de Trias van Oost Celebes. Verhandelingen Geol.R.vangorselslist. Genus name still used today. 1. In: H. 295-305. C. (Sibumasu Terrane(s) rifted from Gondwana in E Permian. Actes 110th Congr. but. Nat. CCOP Tech. W Sumatra should be classified in new genus Verbeekina (see also Thompson 1936. ('Contribution to the knowledge of the fusulinids'. (1909). X. (1934).5. Ser. Bangkok... drifted N in M-L Permian and collided with Eurasia in Triassic.Notes on some Permian rugose corals from Timor. Sciences. not related to Gondwanan woods) Vozenin-Serra. Gondwana Res. Publ. Tibet.C. Sumatra. Wang & Q. Geol.Two gymnospermous woods from the Lower Permian of Jambi. Wang (2013). A. Triassic Tokala Limestones and sandstones with macrofossils include locally common Misolia spp. 461-508. deeper water and cooler climate 'Cyathaxonia faunas' or 'Lytvolasma faunas'. Bangkok. Gafoer (eds. p. Chaodumrong. Crimea.) The Permian of Southeast Asia. Palaeontographica Suppl. solitary rugose Cyathaxonia coral faunas common in Lower Permian of Sibumasu in SE Asia and Sydney Basin of SE Australia. Shen. Ed. 197-359. Buru. (Description of Permian solitary corals from 4 W Timor localities in collection of British Museum of Natural History (Lytvolasma. (1985). 334-344. p. & P.1 350 www. also known from Timor. Material collected by Von Loczy also contains dark grey marly bituminous limestone with probable Paleozoic (Permian) Oxytoma bivalve and Productus and Streptorhynchus brachiopods.Lower Permian continental flora of Sumatra. G. H. 19. Amplexicarina. Beitr.Early Permian rugose coral Cyathaxonia faunas from the Sibumasu Terrane (Southeast Asia) and the southern Sydney Basin (Southeast Australia): paleontology and paleobiogeography. (Lower Permian fossil wood abundant at Telok Gedang. 18.Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fusuliniden. etc. Beilage Band 27. Timorphyllum. saxonium. (1986).. 3.000 specimens were collected in 1927. possibly Sakmarian age and corresponds to oldest stage and southernmost occurrence of Cathaysian flora. some endemic taxa in Sibumasu Terrane during this time suggesting it was still independent paleobiogeographical entity.L. P. W. Verbeekiella. (‘The Paleozoic and Triassic of East Sulawesi’. 24. des Soc. Schindewolf) Wang. etc. Famous Lower Permian Jambi flora probably Upper Asselian. sect. Distinguished 17 species. left bank of Merangin River. Geol. HvG) Von Schouppe. 6. p. Mijnbouwk. p. 55-63. and is 'Tethyan' species. C. probably remnants of Neotethyan seamounts. etc. Can be correlated with Palaeofusulina sinensis Zone in E Tethys.C. Changes related to rifting of Cimmerian continent from Gondwanaland in late Early Permian and subsequent N-ward drift) Wang. Science China. Eopolydiexodina. Baoshan. In late E Permian development of Himalayan (N margin of Gondwana) and Cimmerian provinces (Lhasa. where abundant large solitary and compound corals occur. Shi. implying occurrence not strictly related with Gondwanan or Peri-Gondwanan cold water environment. quieter sedimentary environments) Wang.Triassic limestone blocks along Yarlung-Zangbo Suture (between Lhasa Block to N and Himalaya Plate in S). Yang (2011). 1864-1872 (Cyathaxonia faunas of small solitary corals widely distributed in March 2014 . Palaeogeogr. 12.Qiantang. X. incl.D. Late Permian Himalayan fauna with small solitary corals only (Lytvolasma fauna) and Cathaysian with Ipciphyllum. HvG)) Wang.The Changhsingian foraminiferal fauna of a Neotethyan seamount: the Gyanyima Limestone along the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture in southern Tibet.. mud-rich. G. (Early Permian corals of E Cimmerian continent (= Sibumasu) of Peri-Gondwanan affinity with small solitary forms.Eoparafusulina. X. Ueno. Palaeoclim.R. Earth Sciences. climatic. but possibly controlled by deeper.Permian coral faunas of the eastern Cimmerian continent and their biogeographical implications. & T. 589-597.Late Palaeozoic corals of Tibet (Xizang) and West Yunnan. with Cathaysian aspect. K. 53.P. Sakmarian-Artinskian Cyathaxonia fauna. Ipciphyllum. Cyathaxonia faunas occur just below large dissepimented solitary and compound coral assemblages in continuous sequence. T.Carboniferous-Permian rugose coral Cyathaxonia faunas in China. also Cyathaxonia coral fauna. also Shanita and coral assemblage with Wentzellophyllum and of lower diversity than in Cathaysian regions. fusiformis- Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . K. Y. (2) Lower Permian Asselian- Sakmarian 'peri-Gondwanan' cold water siliciclastics with diamictites overlain by E Artinskian carbonate with low diversity fusulinids Pseudofusulina. Palaeoecology 170. Ed. Panthalassa and Paleo-Tethys probably no biotic differentiation in open ocean environment. 308-318.1 351 www. With common corals.Late Paleozoic faunal.Wang. 20. Geological Journal 45.Cathaysian fauna of large solitary and massive Waagenophyllidae. Discussion of evolutionary series of Pseudoalbaillella (late Guadalupian P.Q. 134-145. p. p. Cao (2010). and Artinskian rift basalts... In M Permian endemic Cimmerian. 3. and geographic changes in the Baoshan block as a Gondwana-derived continental fragment in southwest China.J. Tengchong.Q. Composition of fauna suggests paleogeographic position at lower latitudes in Neotethys (NB: = Mesotethys of other authors?.. X. Sugiyama (2001). W Yunnan). but low diversity fusulinids incl. Mizuno & T.Permian across China. Wordian-Capitanian Waagenophyllidae and endemic Cimmerian taxa such as Thomasiphyllum and Wentzellophyllum persicum. Palaeoecology 191.. Southwest China: successions and palaeobiogeography.W Yunnan and Cimmerian terranes. Y. Palaeogeogr.Biostratigraphy..) Wang. Palaeoclim.with Roadian solitary corals. Liangshanophyllum. (3) M Permian 'marginal Cathaysian/ Cimmerian' carbonates. Sugiyama & R. J. & Q. (On coral faunal provincialism on Carboniferous. etc.D. West (2003). p. 385-397. ishigai. p. p. Ueno.D. China. (Carboniferous-Permian radiolarian faunas from deep marine bedded chert of S China (Paleotethys?) divided into 22 radiolarian zones.R. mainly Waagenophyllum. Zhang & Wei Lin (2010).Permian of Tibet. (Carboniferous-Permian of Boashan Block of W Yunnan 3 main sequences: (1) Lower Carboniferous carbonate (diverse warm-water 'Eurasian-affinity' faunas. Palaeoworld 20. Gyanyima Lst with diverse latest Permian foraminiferal fauna dominated by Reichelina pulchra. Y. Asian Earth Sci. Y. phylogeny and paleobiogeography of Carboniferous-Permian radiolarians in South China.. also in W Sumatra. Sugiyama (2002). etc. X.D. Colaniella parva and Dilatofusulina. Thomasiphyllum has distinctive paleogeographical distribution in M Permian of Cimmerian continents. (Late Guadalupian. 197-218. 5. Upper Carboniferous absent) Wang. Zhang & C. Cyathaxonia coral fauna). different from Cathaysian area. warm water. p. Y..vangorselslist. Late Permian corals all Cathaysian. but low abundance compared to other fossil groups. Geol. Some issues still available from original publisher) Wanner. HvG)) Wanner.Palaontologie von Timor. p. Incl. C. No locality details) Wang. (‘The cephalopods of the Dys (Permian) of Timor’) Wanner. In: J. Co. Albaillella and Neoalbaillella zones. (‘Paleontology of Timor’. p. etc. In: J. Ser. Timor richest in Capulids of all known Permian faunas. J. C. aus dem Perm von Timor. 21-36. scholasticus. p. Gen.Die Gastropoden und Lamellibranchiaten der Dyas von Timor. (1910). ('Timorocrinus new genus from the Permian of Timor'. only 3 species known from elsewhere (Pakistan.. (‘The gastropods and bivalves from the Permian of Timor’. Schweizerbart. 2. New genus name for Timorechinus miriabilis from Molengraaff collection. (1916).N. Atomodesma in flysch W of Kasleo in Kekneno area) Wanner. 25 bivalve species). 11. Stuttgart. Stuttgart. In: J. Y. 1-153. orthogous/F. Kol. 137-203. Brouwer (ed. (‘New Permian bivalves from Timor’. hamatus. Zeitschrift Induktive Abstammungs Vererbungslehre 4. mainly from Basleo area. J. Foremanhelena. (‘The Permian echinoderms from Timor-1’. 31-53. Paleobiogeographically U Permian radiolarian faunas cosmopolitan in nature) Wanner.. Brouwer (ed. Mijnbouwk. J. 16 vols.F. High diversity faunas (61 gastropod. (U Permian radiolarian cherts well-developed basins in S China. W Timor. (1922). Co. 5.F. Stuttgart.) Palaontologie von Timor 6. Amsterdam.Uber eine merkwurdige Echinodermenform aus dem Perm von Timor. presumably Basleo) Wanner. 123-142. Total 123 species (105 new) of 44 genera (28 new)) Wanner. 369-395. Almost all new species.. charveti. Wanner (ed. Major monograph on crinoids of Timor. from various localities (genus often regarded as cold- water 'Gondwanan'. collected in 1909 and 1911. 1937. Verhandelingen Geol. 5. gen. Detailed description of anatomy of Permian blastoids Timorechinus spp.) Palaontologie von Timor 6. Noord Hollandsche Publ. Yang. scholasticus. published over 15 year period. 1-329.vangorselslist. Stuttgart. 4. Palaeoworld 15.F. Ed. Nederl.E Lopingian F. Li (2006). 2. ('On a remarkable echinoderm from the Permian of Timor'. one of richest in world. (ed. incl.. Pal. Amsterdam. Wanner (ed.) Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands. Q. Schweizerbart.X.Timorocrinus nov. 18. ventricosus- F. based on new material collected by Ehrat in 1927 and Brouwer/ De Roever 1937 expedition. (1940). (Permian gastropods from Timor 70 species.1 352 www. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Die permischen Echinodermen von Timor I. In: H..P.A. 1-82. In: H. from E of Nikiniki and comparison to Schizoblastus permicus) Wanner. C. (1912). No locality information. 11. Noord Hollandsche Publ. China)) Wanner. (1942). monacanthus lineage) and Follicucullus (latest Guadalupian. Min. Includes presence of Atomodesma spp.F. Zentralbl. Sicily. p. 19. p.) Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands 1937. bipartitus lineage). Wanner (ed. Schweizerbart Verlag. p. J. p. Series of beautifully illustrated paleontological monographs on Timor fossils by German paleontologists.) Palaeontologie von Timor.Neue Beitrage zur Gastropoden fauna des Perm von Timor. Follicucullus bipartitus.F. orthogonus Zone.Die Cephalopoden der Dyas von Timor. Geol.Ueber armlose Krinoiden aus dem jungeren Palaeozoikum. Six biozones. Addendum to 1922 paper. p. 599-605.A. Description of Permian bivalve material collected by Wanner and Molengraaff in 1909-1911.Neue Permische Lamellibranchiaten von Timor.) (1914-1929).Lopingian (Upper Permian) radiolarian biostratigraphy of South China. J. March 2014 .. Cheng & J. mainly from Basleo area. Y. (1920). (1915).J. Flexibilia.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Permischen Echinodermen von Timor. Proc. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 16. (1931). p. J. J. 1-31. J. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of Permian echinoderms of Timor 5. Hypocrinites. (1931).('On arm-less crinoids from the Late Paleozoic') Wanner. (1924). V. p. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 11. First of long series. (1926). II. probably representing different stages of Permian. 1-81. IV. und Bolboporites Pander). Paracatillocrinus und Allagecrinus. Character of faunas more European (Tethys) than American (NB: taxonomy of blastoids revised by Breimer & Macurda (1972). p.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Permischen Echinodermen von Timor. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of Permian echinoderms from Timor. Ammonite and brachiopod faunas mostly genera already known from elsewhere) Wanner. 5. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of Permian echinoderms of Timor 4.pdf) ('On some Paleozoic sea urchin spines (Timorocidaris gen. both in species and numbers. p. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 13. New crinoid species from Ehrat collection from Basleo and Niki-Niki) Wanner. Timorocidaris material from Permian of Basleo. Verh. Crinoids and blastoids particularly common. HvG)) Wanner. Rundschau 17a.Flexibilia’. p. J. p. Palaontologie von Timor XIV.II’. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. (online at: http://www. 1-348. J. VI. Oost-Indie 51 (1922).Hypocrininae. Timor Permian faunas richest of all known marine Permian faunas. 3. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. I.Poteriocrinidae part 1') Wanner. I. Hypocrinites’. and Bolboporites Pander)'. Corals dominated by solitary taxa. 163-233. Poteriocrinidae. Indie. J. ('The Permian blastoids of Timor'. 1-77. Indie. ('New contributions to the knowledge of the Permian echinoderms of Timor. J. Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederl. (1930). VII.Die marine Permfauna von Timor. (1924). nov.Die permischen Echinodermen von Timor-II. 1-61. J. with many species unknown elsewhere. Akademie Wetenschappen. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Oost-Indie 50 (1921). Die Anomalien der Schizoblasten. 1. ('The marine Permian fauna of Timor'. Monograph of Permian blastoids) Wanner. Indie. (1929).vangorselslist. New 'flexibilia'-group crinoid descriptions and species. (1923). In: H. II. 1-116. mainly based on material from Basleo. Timor Permian blastoid faunas richest in world. Many localities.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der permischen Echinodermen von Timor. Blastoidea.Die permischen Blastoiden von Timor. Ed. Nederl. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of Permian echinoderms of Timor 3.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Permischen Echinodermen von Timor. Verh.) 2e Nederlandsche Timor- Expeditie 1916. 7-8. J. Allagecrinus.knaw. (‘The Permian crinoids of Timor’) Wanner. The anomalies of the Schizoblasts') Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 23. New crinoid species. Pt. Brouwer (ed. 42 p. nov.VII. 20-48. III. 696-712.dwc. Sonderband (Steinmann Festschrift). (1930). Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 14.Ueber einige palaeozoische Seeigelstacheln (Timorocidaris gen.A. Amsterdam. Geol. in German) Wanner. Indie. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 20.-Indie. In German) Wanner. (1920). Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Paracatillocrinus and Allagecrinus’. p. p. Hypocrininae. (‘The Permian echinoderms of Timor.Die permischen Krinoiden von Timor. 22. In German.1 353 www.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Permischen Echinodermen Von March 2014 . Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Kon. p. 1. Dienst Mijnbouw Nederl. Timor) Wanner. Allagecrinus and II. HvG)) Wanner. Die Crinoidengattung Paradoxocrinus aus dem Perm von Timor. 297-314. 370-395. Pal. Lyttoniidae und ihre biologische und stammesgeschichtliche Bedeutung. & H.The crinoid genus Paradoxocrinus from the Permian of Timor'. 57-212. Descriptions of Lyttoniidae (incl. J.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der permischen Echinodermen von Timor VIII. Beitr. Noord Hollandsche Publ.XIII.. Systematic descriptions of 19 new genera and 43 new species of crinoids) Wanner. Palaeontographica. 213-242. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. p.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der permischen Echinodermen von Timor XVI. p. 4.. p.Zur Kenntnis der permischen Ammonoideen-fauna von Timor. In: H. Episagiceras nodosum n.Neue Blastoideen aus dem Perm von Timor. 1. Palaeontographica. Brouwer (ed. Leptodus) from Permian deposits of Timor and reconstruction Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .sp. B.Beitrage zur Palaontologie des Ostindischen Archipels XIX. Beitr. Most from Basleo area. J.. Webster 2007. (1942). Basleo area contains commeon microblastoids and microcrinoids. Palaont. Orbitremites) also occur outside Timor (But: Timoroblastus and Deltoblastus also in North Oman. 201-281.) Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of Permian echinoderms of Timor 14’..echinoids') Wanner. Neues Jahrbuch Miner. Geol. with a contribution to the systematics of the blastoids'.Poteriocrinidae part 4') Wanner. Geologie Niederl. 12. mit einem Beitrag zur Systematik der Blastoiden. Amsterdam. 4. B. J. Echinoidea. Monatschafte March 2014 . Beitr. p. Beitr. No stratigraphy. 295-314. already known from earlier Timor papers) Wanner. J. Geologie Niederl.. 1. 201-214. Beitr. Zentralblatt Min. Descriptions of Permian ammonites from Basleo.. 7. mainly from De Marez Oyens and Brouwer 1937 collections from Basleo. 5. (‘New blastoids from the Permian of Timor. collected by Ehrat. J. (‘Contributions to the paleontology of the East Indies Archipelago 19. In: H. J. p.1 354 www.Uber die Crinoidengattung Timorocidaris. Suppl. 2. 360-370. Poteriocrinidae. Beil. Suppl. Noord Hollandsche Publ. ('On the crinoid genus Timorocidaris') Wanner.Neue Permische Lamellibranchiaten von Timor. Geologie Niederl. J. 257-278. biogeography) Wanner..) Geological Expedition of the University of Amsterdam to the Lesser Sunda Islands. Beil. (1937). (‘New contributions to the knowledge of the Permian echinoderms of Timor 16. 4. Poteriocrinidae 4 Teil. zur Geologie Niederl. More systematic descriptions of new species of crinoids) Wanner.vangorselslist. Beitr. and are species of Atomodesma. Suppl. Neues Jahrbuch Min. Co. p. Ed. etc. Palaeontographica...A. W Timor. (1940). 1937.-Indien V. IV.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der permischen Echinodermen von Timor XV. 5.Wanner. New Permian blastoid species.-Indien IV. etc. 3. J. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of the Permian echinoderms of Timor 15. 1937. Lyttoniidae and their biological and evolutionary significance'. 2. In German) Wanner.-Indien IV. (1941). ('On the knowledge of the Permian brachiopods of Timor: 1. Of the 13 Permian blastoid genera known from Timor only two or three (Schizoblastus. Palaeontologie des Ostindischen Archipels III.A. p. J. (‘New contributions to the knowledge of Permian echinoderms of Timor 8-13’. Suppl. (1941). Sieverts (1935). 215. etc.277.Zur Kenntnis der permischen Brachiopoden von Timor. (1951). Palaeontographica. p. (Permian bivalves collected by Ehrat in 1927 and Brouwer1937 expedition.-Indien IV. Palaeontologie des ostindischen Archipels 12. Molengraaff. Amsterdam. Band 74. Pal. ('On the knowledge of the Permian ammonoid fauna from Timor. Band 67. 3 Teil. p. p. (1932). Geol.. Brouwer (ed. Geol.Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der permischen Echinodermen von Timor XIV. Co. B. (1940). J. Pal. 1. (1940). W Timor. p. (Common late E Permian (Baigendzhinian) bryozoa in outcrops of Aifat Fm (= M Aifam) of upper Aifar River.The evolution. 83-197.K. few families. Reg. Harland (eds.B. etc. 337-354. P. (online at: https://gsmpubl. southern Thailand. (1981).Origin and evolution of Permian brachiopods of Australia. J. R. n. especially Himalayas. Indonesia. East Australia. 11-25. Vietnam. Palaeontographica. (Permian brachiopods of Australia two main associations: (1) E Australia. (Cyclolobidae of M Permian age. (1972).. suggesting pebbly mudstones are cool water deposits. Rhabdomeson.B.E. Most genera are found in temperate. Paralyttonia transiens n. Magazine 119. Cambridge University Press. Conference on the Geology of SE Asia. With Lyttonia catenata n.sp. (1981).files. J.B. Bangkok. 251-270. (1989). Malaysia 6. (E Permian (Asselian) small brachiopod fauna from E Permian pebbly mudstones. In: B. Palaeont. 187-210. Assoc. (2011). In: March 2014 .B. Thailand. 43-213. affected by cool- glacial conditions. Piyasin (1970). probably of mid- Sakmarian age suggested by Brachythyrina rectangulus and Neospirifer sterlitamakensis.gen.) Earth's pre-Pleistocene glacial record. Thailand. Small fauna from pebbly mudstones at Ko Muk could be Asselian or Sakmarian age) Waterhouse. 196. Malaysia. J. (Brachiopods above earliest Permian glacial pebbly mudstone in S Thailand 40 species.pdf) (Correlations of Permian brachiopod assemblages in Indonesia (Timor). 4. correlation. Geol. Bull. like crinoid stems. using fusulinids and ammonoids) Waterhouse. Geol. Australasian Palaeont.) Proc. J. and Timorites is found around rim of Pacific Ocean (Both found on Timor. Streblascopora. Geol. Spiriferida and Terebratulida) from the Southeast Bowen Basin. J. contemporaneous with Late Asselian Gondwana glacial deposits (=Sibumasu terrane'. Waagenites speciosus n. permica n. & S. p.Age of the brachiopod faunas from Kaeng Krachan Formation of southern Thailand.Permian brachiopod correlations for South-East Asia. Bandung. p. Palaeontographica.Early Permian brachiopods from Ko Yao Noi and near Krabi.sp.Timorites lineage inhabited paleotropical latitudes. (1982). Dev.of lifestyle (mostly attached to other fossils.sp. Cancrinelloides.B. At one locality associated with solitary coral Euryphyllum.vangorselslist. p. HvG) Waterhouse. (1987). J.. p. interspersed with few warmer-water faunas.).B.Early Permian bryzoa from Irian Jaya. Survey Mem. p. 205-228.Mid-Permian brachiopods from Khao Prik.J. Waterhouse. 135. Soc. With Komukia. Waterhouse. Geol. Hambrey & W. 336. etc. In: J.. Ed.) The Permian stratigraphy and palaeontology of Southern Sulciplica. etc. J. Mem. p. Andaman Sea.1 355 www. 5. Played major role in stocking Lopingian faunas of S Asia. 6. Tan (ed. (2) W Australia more like faunas of SE Asia and Himalayan region. Burma. J. 3.high paleolatitudes.An Early Permian cool-water fauna from pebbly mudstones in south Thailand..Late Palaeozoic brachiopoda (Athyrida.B. SW part of Birds Head. 4. Waterhouse et al. Ser. interpreted Late Artinskian age by Sakagami 1976) and NW Australia Canning Basin (with Stenodiscus variablis)) Waterhouse.B. Centre. HvG)) Waterhouse. Assemblages affinities with Ko Muk region of Peninsular Thailand (with Sulcoretepora. (1973). Mineral Res.. 41.B. No mention of any Indonesian faunas) Waterhouse. Lethaia 5. Res. (eds. Waagenoceras.wordpress. A. Dept.sandstones of Phuket Gp at Ko Muk and Ko Phi Phi islands. Rhynchopora. Kuala Lumpur 1972. p. p. A.B.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . and paleogeographic significance of the Permian ammonoid family Cyclolobidae. (Incl. 1-56. Paralyttonia girtyi)) Wass. with limestone beds with diverse crinoid assemblage of 40 species. G. In: G. D. 1-2. & P. 64-68. (1998). 12. G. Alcheringa 11. p. Timor faunas Sakmarian-Asselian and Kazanian.Permian crinoids from the type-section of the Callytharra Formation. Halimeda limestone (deep fore-reef slope ~20-60m. In: G. G.) Strzelecki Int. Mem. Victoria. comb.A. 1. 2. London. p. (No Permian crinoid fauna in world as diverse and abundant as Timor. Donovan (2012). (Two cladid crinoid species of ?Ulocrinus described by Wanner (1924. G. (Coral.D. Archbold & M. Timor warm-water shelf. 1937) reinterpreted as cladid crinoid and renamed as Katerocrinus indicus n. Scotese (eds.foraminiferal nodule limestone. N. 4. In: W. Palaeontology 33.R.A. (2012). gen. Marine Geol.foraminiferal crust limestone (deeper fore-reef Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . with Calcarina). Mem.) Strzelecki Int. Victoria 110. n.289-308. W Australia. a historical review with an analysis of the crinoid and blastoid faunas.) Palaeozoic palaeogeography and biogeography.R. p. Renema. Permian of Eastern Tethys: biostratigraphy.Distortion in the stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Timor.. Grover (eds. larger forams facies models and development of Pleistocene carbonate platforms. McKerrrow & C. 204. Coleman-Riker & March 2014 . 110.vangorselslist. 2. Shi. 339-352. 51 from East Australia. (New canted-cup crinoid from W Timor described as Exotikocrinus dochmos gen. J. 45-72. 5. palaeogeography and resources. Australian faunas generally considered as cooler water faunas. Proc.D. 49-74.S.Revision of two species of ?Ulocrinus and a new pelecocrinid crinoid from West Timor. Paleoecology and stratigraphy poorly understood. (1987). and most diverse and abundant. p. Ed.Permian echinoderms from Western Australia. G. 1-2. Symposium on Permian of Eastern Tethys: biostratigraphy.D.) Webster. Heterostegina. (Rich Permian Timor fossils poorly constrained stratigraphically. n.. Palaeoworld 21. Reasons for local endemism unclear.Waters. J. p. Soc. Callytharra Springs. n. N. Potts. Wallace. Some common species between Timor and Australia. In Artinskian greater similarity beween W Australia and Timor than between W and E Australia) Webster. Gallup (2004)- Coralgal composition of drowned carbonate platforms in the Huon Gulf.. p. Western Australia.New Permian crinoids from Australia. Most likely age ~Sakmarian. Australian crinoids cooler water assemblages. 114 species identified. et sp. Kazanian Timor fauna is last successful blastoid community before going extinct) Webster. Braga.D. and Dochmocrinus conoideus n. 311-373. Operculina). p. Queensland Museum 32. Royal Soc. (E Permian Callythara Fm in Carnarvon Basin.. (1990). with Amphistegina. Archbold & M. Jell (1992). (Permian blastoids widespread but most diverse in SE Asia and Australia. coral reef lst (reef flat-upper reef slope <20m. Australoblastus not in Timor.D.Palaeobiogeography of Tethys Permian crinoids. (Crinoidea. G. coralline algal. Proc.1 356 www. (online at: http://cdn.D. Palaeoworld 21. 53 from W Australia.K. p. L. Grover (eds. Shi.) Webster. Royal Soc.The palaeobiogeography of the Blastoidea (Echinodermata). 2. but others conspicuously absent: Angioblastus. but Australian faunas less diverse and many endemics) Webster.W. 3. G. gen. Eleven species also known from Timor (150 crinoid species). with no species common to both regions) Webster. >35°S.C. Deltoblastus not in Australia. 59-89. (1990). algae. (1998). K. Papua New Guinea: implications for lowstand reef development and drowning. Two-thirds of Timor crinoid and blastoid genera unknown outside Timor) Webster. Silver. Symp. Huon Gulf. p. Facies from shallow to deep: 1. & S. gen.A canted-cup Permian crinoid Exotikocrinus n. 95-135.W. Webster. Dichocrinidae) from Timor with comments on canted or inclined radial summits.palass.. W. Five horizons between Sakmarian- Wuchiapingian.M. J.pdf) (13 new species of E Permian crinoids mainly from Teichert collections in W Australia. 108-115. Coralline algal. Geol.D. palaeogeography and resources. E. Middle and Late Permian reefs. (Study of Permian spiriferine brachiopods from Timor in Leiden collections resulted in revision of Spirifer timorensis Martin 1881 and Crassispirifer broilii Waterhouse 2004 and new species Latispirifer archboldorum. p. Age interpreted as Murgabian (=Wordian) based on presence of fusulinids Neoschwagerina craticulifera below and Neoschwagerina margaritae above) Winkler Prins. Geol. 6. About 300m thick series of M Devonian.R. (Unpublished) Wonganan. p.) A memorial issue in honour of Professor Neil W. Suppl. (Five E Carboniferous radiolarian assemblage zones recognized in ribbon-bedded radiolarites N of Chiang Dao. Archbold.. Devonian (Emsian) dacryonarid-rich black mudstones. Publ. Palynology 90. Heterostegina operculinoides. Feng (2011). Fourth unit (Cathaysia) differentiated from Euramerica in latest Carboniferous. 1. Cycloclypeus. Rev.1 357 www. 6. goniatites) from Satun Province. Sumatra and Timor ) Win. 1. N.C. Boucot.vangorselslist. N.. Ph. Cycloclypeus.Middle to Upper Permian radiolarian faunas from chert blocks in Pai area..Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) radiolarian biostratigraphy of northern Thailand (Chiang Dao area). p.Q. G.H.slope ~60-90m. p. Micropaleontology 57. SW China show Garze- Litang tectonic belt was deep-water basin in E Carboniferous-M Permian) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Twenty-four taxa.K. Sci. 1072-1085. northwestern Thailand. recently mapped as Carboniferous. with Amphistegina.Shanita thawtinti. In: G. Brachiopod fauna several new species and unlike any previously known from Asia) Xie. (M Carboniferous goniatite and brachiopod fauna described from Pa Samed Fm clastics in S Thailand. Racheboeuf (2004). (Radiolarians in exotic siliceous blocks in U Triassic sedimentary melange in Shangrila. Liu & Q. Soc. (eds. Victoria 120. W Shan Plateau of Myanmar. In: W. Zaw. Operculina) and 5.Namurian fossils (brachiopods. Shwe (2011). (SEPM) Spec.R. J. H. Caridroit (2009). Caridroit (2006). N. p. C. N Thailand. Royal Soc.F. Follicucullus. (Well-preserved Permian radiolarians in chert blocks in Mae Hong Son province. p. 339-390. Brunton. 5-40. Nothing on Sumatra or other SE Asia) Wonganan. Kiessling et al.Late Paleozoic Radiolaria from the Upper Triassic sedimentary melange in Shangrila. 389- 400. C. p. In N Thailand Devonian. 133-139. (2005). incl. a new milioloid foraminifer from the Middle Permian of Myanmar. p. Palaeoworld 20. (1996).J. (Includes SE Asia info: prolific Permian rugose coral faunas found in mainland SE Asia. Yang. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 99. Three main phytogeographic units in earliest fossil floras (Angara. (2008). proposed for pillared miliolid in M Permian of Plateau Limestone Group.) Phanerozoic reef patterns. W. 203-217. Planktonic foraminifera limestone (with Amphistegina.The development of floristic provinciality during the Middle and Late Paleozoic. southern Thailand. Univ. Thesis. M. (Shanita thawtinti n.distributional patterns and reservoir potential. Geobios 40. one of longest records of continuous deposition in oceanic setting) Wonganan. Gondwana). Palaeobot.L.M-L Triassic distal oceanic deposits present in N Thailand. characterized by very large size. C. 875-888. tectonic and palaeogeographic implications.C.Radiolaria and radiolarites of Northern March 2014 . Aung & K. (2002). O. T. House & P. Proc. Euramerica. A. reflecting long-lived (150-200My) Paleotethys oceanic realm between Indochina and Shan-Thai continental terranes) Wongwanich.paleontology.H. & M. Southwest China and its geological significance.Some spiriferid brachiopods from the Permian of Timor (Indonesia). (On evolution of floristic provinces since Silurian. Technologies de Lille. (eds. C. 125-137. Villeneuve d'Ascq. 5. p. Includes mention of New Guinea Gondwanan flora. Sedim. NW Thailand. which unconformably overlie E. Heterostegina) Weidlich.Triassic was zone of deep marine sedimentation. 72.D. Ed.R. sp. Randon & M. 1-577. New genus Archboldiella based on aberrant species Spirifer basleoensis Hayasaka & Hosono 1951) Wnuk. Paleontology 78. L. Shi et al. close affinities to C and S Tethyan realms) Yancey. (Listings of Paleozoic.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. etc. Malaysia.S. 1286- Also highly diverse bellerophontid and other gastropods. Changwat Loei. Paleontology 59. Tyloplecta yangtzeensis. 143-176. 5. In: T. etc.) Yanagida. Reticulatia.S. Nakornsri (1999). Kobayshi & R. 5. J. (Seven species of M-U Permian brachiopods from dark calcareous mudstone in Ratburi Lst. Bivalves dominated by giant clams of family Alatoconchidae. 18. Nat. adapted to warm-water. Lee mine.G. Prospondylus. (1964). carbonate bank environments) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Luang). With Shikamaia perakensis.Permian brachiopods from the Khao Hin Kling Area near Phetchabun.. Lee No.S. Hanzawa (1931). (1985). C Thailand. Triassic. China.naturalis. 35km S of Ipoh.1 358 www. Ban Nong Hin.E. of probable E Artinskian age. North-central Thailand. Martin).repository. p. (eds.E.Palaeozoic and Mesozoic foraminifera.Revision of the Alatoconchidae: a remarkable family of Permian bivalves. thick-walled Ceram. C Thailand (in Phetchabun foldbelt= W margin of Indochina Block). p. 8 tin mine. Kobayshi (ed. Leptodus spp. 3. Leidsche Geol.)) Yanagida. H. incl.early Late Permian brachiopods from Tak Fa Fm black mudstone of Rat Buri Group ~50 km SW of Phetchabun. (Brief review of work on Carboniferous and Permian brachiopods in Thailand and Malaysia) Yanagida. Fauanl affinities closest ot S China) March 2014 . Paleobiology 76. (online at: www.Bivalvia of the H. (online at: http://cdn. In: T. etc. Roti. Hist.Permian (Sumatra. Associated with fusulinids Paraschwagerina and Triticites sp. Java. (1984). lyttonid Oldhamina aff. Timor. Ed. ( (Review of M Permian large. (First description of E Permian brachiopods from Thailand: assemblage of 29 species from Asselian? of Tham Nam Maholan. most diverse Permian (Artinskian) mollusc-dominated biota in Tethyan province. Mededelingen 5. including material from Kinta Valley. Bull. Lee Fm section at (Bivalves of upper 15m of H. Borneo. Leti. In: B. Escher et al. & R. 23-34. p. Tokyo University Press.Brachiopods near the Permian-Triassic Boundary in South China.).) Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. p. Urals.E. G.Mesozoic foraminifera reported from Indonesia: Carboniferous. Timor. Tokyo University Press. p. In: T. (1967). After major extinction event 20 species in E Triassic (lower Griesbachian)) Yabe. Palaeontology 26. Oldest known alatoconchids Shikamaia (Tanchintongia) perakensis and Saikraconcha (Dereconcha) kaparensis. Saikraconcha. Fauna 21 species of 17 genera. Smithsonian Contr. 187-194. T. Similar to 'Productus-Limestone' of Indochina. J. nangkinensis.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. J. p. 497-520. Pernopecten. incl. & N.S. Haydenella. T. Perak. Kobayshi et al.. etc. etc. Grant (1994).Permian brachiopods from Central Thailand. Permartella with three new species) Yancey.pdf) (Latest Permian( Changxingian) in S China with Cathaysian Tethyan brachiopod assemblage of 164 species.palass.vangorselslist. 105-136.Early Permian brachiopods from North-Central Thailand. Boyd (1983). p.Carboniferous and Permian brachiopods of Thailand and Malaysia with a brief note on the Mesozoic.sil. Kinta Valley. (online at: http://www.Xu.kmnh. 25. 1. Costiferina.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie (Feestbundel K. (online at: www. 46-97. Lee Formation (Permian) of Malaysia. One new genus genus. 1-68. decipiens. Grammatodon obsoletiformis.Jurassic (Sumatra) and Cretaceous (Sumatra.pdf) (M.W. & D. Orthotichia. p. Typical Tethyan fauna. & S. Kitakyushu Mus. University of Tokyo Press. J. Toriyama (ed. Malay Peninsula (H. SW of Phetchabun. J. T. X. Sinica (English Ed. D. China.Z. Yang. Notes Lab.New materials of the Shanita-Hemigordius assemblage (Permian foraminifers) from the Baoshan Block. Thailand.) 78. Overlying U Lugu Fm Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Univ. J. X.C. Underlying Artinskian fauna has more peri-Gondwanan affinity. Y. Iran and Turkey. (online at: http://www. HvG) Ocean (comparable with Baoshan Block separation in E and C Pamir's separation in W) Zhang. Micropaleontology 1-7. Cheng & S. 5 . all believed to originate on tectonic blocks derived from N margin of Gondwana) Zaninetti. 15-21. Y. China University of Geosciences) 2009. Palaeogeogr. see also Jin & Yang. Central Tibet: implication of the rifting time of the Lhasa Block. J. (Fusulinid fauna from Xiala Fm of Tibet 9 species dominated by Nankinella and Chusenella. 1. Ji. 5. Zhang (2012). Palaeoworld 21. chert and basalt from the Nan Suture Zone. Y.Z.micropress. Palaeoecology 350-352. Tibetan Plateau: Qudi Fm thick turbidite deposits and with Artinskian fusulines Pseudofusulina and Chalaroschwagerina. northern Tibet and its palaeobiogeographical implications. Transition from turbidite Qudi Fm to seamount Lugu Fm interpreted as Qiangtang Block separation from Indian Plate.X. Y. Liangshanophyllum) and foraminifera such as Reichelina and Colaniella. p. M Kungurian fauna from lower Lugu Fm shows influx of palaeoequatorial Tethyan taxa: 7 species. Earliest record of fusulinids in Midian in Lhasa Block suggests it rifted later than Qiangtang Block to N and Baoshan-Tengchong blocks to E.Wang. p. Y. etc. Overlying Lugu Fm dominated by seamount-type carbonates with irregular basalt base.R.pdf) (Gyanyima Lst near Tibet-India border~700m thick M and U Permian limestone. Pseudofusulina. Feng & S. p. southwestern Tibet. W.. probably tectonic block between Cimmerian Lhasa Block and Gondwanaland (seamount formed during initial opening of Mesotethys?. Shen (2009). Z. U Permian with abundant compound corals (Waagenophyllum. Ed. but higher diversity than Lhasa block?).S. also Neofusulinella giraudi.X. Paleont. p. Y. Sumatrina and Afghanella absent. Yuan & Y. Zhang & D. Altiner (1979). M Permian grey limestone with abundant fusulines. Neoschwagerina.Middle Permian (Guadalupian) Fusulines from the Xilanta Formation in the Gyanyima area of Burang County. Armenina. 743-751. and to Permian of Burma. L.. W Yunnan.Tectonic evolution of the Qiangtang Block.. L. Shen (2009).X. Q. Western Yunnan. 955-973. Y..Yang. Zhengkang.J. Wang & S. incl. Paleontology 84.1 359 www.. Y.Z.. (Description of abundant late M Permian hemigordiid foraminifera Shanita and Hemigordius from 'Cracked Lst' NE of Woniu Temple of Baoshan.) Zhang. which have earlier (Artinskian) fusuline faunas and drifted away from Gondwana to relatively warm temperate zone in M Permian) Zhang. S. 139-152. Acta Geol.C. 463-486. Geneve 5. With Permian mixed faunas with both Cathaysian and Gondwanan affinities.C. J.Kungurian (Late Cisuralian) fusuline fauna from the Cuozheqiangma area. Whittaker and Zaninetti (Foraminifera) in the Late Permian of the Tethyan region. 139-148. Fusulines Cancellina..R. (Fusuline fauna of Qiangtang Block. signaling opening of Neotethys (Mesotethys?. Whittaker & D.C.Shi. Yang (2004). Pseudodoliolina and Parafusulina in base of carbonates confirm age as M Kungurian. Y. Northern Thailand. 5. Yao & H. Paraverbeekina.The occurrence of Shanita amosi Bronnimann. Verbeekina. Wang.vangorselslist.Permian March 2014 . Chusenella schwagerinaeformis. p. (E Permian evolution of Qiangtang Block. Shen.Late Guadalupian (Middle Permian) fusuline fauna from the Xiala Formation in Xainza County. W Yunnan. Tibet (Cimmerian terrane) characterised by pronounced transition from peri-Gondwanan affinity to transitional affinity (Tethyan Cimmerian subregion) from Artinskian to M Kungurian.. Yuan (2012). Assemblage similar to Shanita fauna from Shazipo Fm. Wang.Z. Palaeoclim. 5 p.J. p. (Late Permian small miliolid foraminifer Shanita appears to be marker for Permian of N Gondwana margin. Earth Science (J. dominated by Cancellina primigena (Hayden). 1. Jin. Shen (2010). 2005) Zhang.L... indicating Midian (Late Guadalupian) age. northern Tibet during Late Cisuralian (Late Early Permian): evidence from fusuline fossil records. G. M. Eopolydiexodina and Shanita-Hemigordiopsis. J.Midian (Guadalupian) age. Thailand. Sinica 39. & Z. 4. Northwest China. Also with Pleramplexus.1 360 www. Wang. Elsewhere on Qiantang Block typical 'Cimmerian' Kungurian forams Monodiexodina. Comparable to Basleo beds of Timor) Zhou. Associated with fusulinid limestones) Zhou. Lophophyllidium wichmanni. W China. Liengjarern (2004).with Neoschwagerina and Verbeekina of Murgabian. Zhu (2000). Ed. (E-M Permian Neofusulinella present in Baoshan area (Yunnan..vangorselslist.Permian ammonoids from Xinjiang. 378-388. p. p.Z. type species of the Permian fusulinid genus Neofusulinella from Baoshan County. & M. 2. Y.R. 317-339. p. C Thailand to Timor in E) Zhou.Neofusulinella lantenoisi Deprat. J. Z.Lower Permian perrinitid ammonoid faunas from Thailand. & G. Paleontology 79.SE Asia block) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . and Rar Buri Limestone near Takli. ('Middle' Permian perrinitid ammonoid areas from Xinjiang in W China very similar to faunas from adjacent Pamirs and Thailand. Maokouan age = ?). 457-465. China. J. etc. West Yunnan.Discovery of Lytvolasma fauna from western section of Eastern Kunlun Mountains. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 1987.D. 2. Yang (2005). 4. W Qinghai. Paleontology 78. Coral fauna characterized by simple forms with no March 2014 . 5. Z. 1913. (Lytvolasma late E Permian coral fauna from E Kunlun Mts. Sheng & K. Wannerophyllum. Timorphyllum.J. Z. p. (Artinskian Metaperrinites and Kungurian Perrinites faunas in Ratburi Group of N C Thailand and Saraburi Group of S C Thailand represent part of perrinitid belt of ancient Tethys ocean from Crimea in W to Pamir. Acta Palaeont.Y. Zhou (1987). J. along W margin of S China. Transition reflects N-ward drift of Qiangtang Block and climatic amelioration during Permian) Zhao. Afghanistan. signifying cold-water fauna. Southern Peninsular Thailand.. Sardsud (2008). Some Myanmar forms resemble species from Eifelian of SW China and E Australia) Aung. S. (online at: http://www.pdf) (Short note on occurrences of E-M Devonian tentaculites in Myanmar. p.B. Sashida. Similarities to Nowakia acuaria from Mahang Fm of NW Malay Peninsula (= part of 'Sibumasu' E Paleozoic stratigraphy. 2 p. N Myanmar. Three zones: Rossodus manitouensis. lies upon Upper Ordovician limestone and rich in graptolites. northwestern peninsular Malaysia.. Ed.X. J.K. 19-37. Sardsud (2006).Ordovician conodonts from the Satun area. S. Palaeontology 51.. S. 5. S Peninsular Thailand. p. (online at: http://www.Biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Middle and Late Ordovician conodonts from the Langkawi Islands. Salyapongse & A. (E Ordovician conodont faunas from E Tremadocian . Ibrahim (2008).Lower Devonian tentaculite bed in the Satun area. incl. Salyapongse & A. A. J. Paleontology 81. 23-32. including Normalograptus pseudovenustus. S. 10. p. (M-Upper Ordovician limestones of Langkawi Islands 20 species of conodonts in four biostratigraphic zones. S. index species for interval around Ordovician-Silurian boundary) Agematsu. 4. Warta Geologi 36.8. Pterorrhiza. 605-611. (1995).K. (2010). Peripaedium. (Well-preserved Ordovician conodonts from micritic limestone in Satun area of S peninsular Thailand. Late Arenigian. Japan) 17. 175-178. (Palaeont. central W Thailand. Genera Protopanderodus cooperi. K. K. Deposited on (Black shale N of Satun. March 2014 .jst. Nine species. Sashida. A. 11. 6. some of these faunas also reported from S China. S.New Middle Devonian (Eifelian) rugose corals from Myanmar. Southern Peninsular Thailand.M Arenig Thung Song Gp limestone (1000m thick) on SE Tarutao Island. 14 known and 8 undescribed species. Sashida & A. Dohmophyllum. J. M Arenigian deposited on shallow-water shelf.1 361 www. and P.gsm.jstage. first report of Eoplacognathus suecicus.. Paleontological Res. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. SW side of Peninsular Thailand. (New M Ordovician conodonts from Thong Pha Phum area.. Sashida. southern peninsular Thailand. Temnophyllum and Puanophyllum reported for first time from Myanmar. S. M Ordovician fauna belongs to low-latitude Australian Province. Ordovician. p. S2 member limestone and shale shallow-water) Agematsu. Faunas have N Atlantic Realm affinities. southern peninsular Thailand. Sashida & Myanmar. p. graeai in Thailand. S.Early Ordovician conodonts from Tarutao Island. Paleontology 82. 179-188. Sardsud (2006).A short note on the discovery of Early Devonian tentaculite-bearing unit from Taunggyi- Taungchun range. Soc. Asian Earth Sci.Ordovician-Silurian boundary graptolites of the Satun area. 3. HvG)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . S. Pygodus lunnensis. Similar E Devonian black tentaculites shale present from N Thailand to NW Malaysia (Langkawi Islands and Mahang-Baling)) Agematsu. K. p.1435-1453.. K. southern peninsular Thailand. Salyapongse & A. J. Sardsud (2013). Salyapongse & A. S. Conodont-bearing limestone deposited on continental margin of NE Gondwana) Agematsu.vangorselslist. K. K. 26. Sardsud (2007).M Darriwilian limestones formed in hemipelagic deeper-water conditions) Agematsu. p. (Lower Devonian (Emsian) tentaculite fauna including Nowakia acuaria in black shale in basal part of siliciclastic sequence N of Satun. 957-973. Protopanderodus calceatus. indicating cool-water fauna in W and in southern peninsular Thailand in M-L Ordovician) Aung. Paleontological Res. Sashida.Devonian Agematsu. Utahconus tarutaoensis and Filodontus tenuis. Southern Shan State. (Eight new species of M Devonian (Eifelian) rugose corals from Padaukpin and Pwepon areas in N Shan State.A new Middle Ordovician conodont fauna from the Thong Pha Phum Area of Western Thailand. Honolulu. Western Australia. 455-476.E. 5.J. Meor H.Miospores of Late Devonian (early Frasnian) strata. Additional report of Upper Devonian brachiopod Spirifer verneuilli from collection of Colonel G. March 2014 . Malaysia. A.A. Abt. 93-99. 109-166. Can not be assigned to particular biogeographic region) Boucot. (1988). Stratigraphy 1. 275-293. A. Miner.Silurian and Early Devonian biostratigraphy in northwestern Thailand. Verstege) Bruhl. p. (M Devonian (Eifelian-early Givetian) Moore Creek Limestone of Tamworth foldbelt in NSW. Geophys. Assemblage and depositional setting may be comparable to NE Kalimantan described by Rutten 1940. 54. Paleontology 42. Northwestern Australia.W. B. (1970). J.Upper Devonian and Carboniferous Foraminifera. 1967. Carnarvon Basin.) North Gondwana: Mid-Paleozoic terranes. C.Tabulate corals from the Moore Creek Limestone (Middle Devonian: Late Eifelian.E.Discovery of Late Devonian (Frasnian) conodonts from the “Sanai limestone”. Geol. Australia). 138- ('A Late Paleozoic and a Devonian fossil from Sulawesi?'. Johnson & C.B. 2.J. p. 49-80. J. London 120.Een jong-Paleozoisch en een Devonisch fossiel van Celebes? De Ingenieur. (1964). Paleontology 73. is pelagic with common tentaculitids.Vienna. p. collected by NNGPM geologists) Burton. Newslett. D. 5.. Palaeontographica.J.Early Devonian brachiopods from Satun Province. H. In: L. Hassan & Ng T..Silurian brachiopods from Malaya.E.R.The palynological record of Australian pre-Tertiary floras.G. Fatt (2013).E. Soc. Geol. Jones (1966). 1943) Bulman. Cymbidium. Ancyrognathus. (1921). 5. D. Koch. (online at: http://www. Bull.1 362 www. Balme. V. Micropaleontology 8. Bonaparte Gulf Basin. D. (Brachiopods from E Devonian (Emsian) Pa Samed Fm mudstones of S Thailand. 449-454.) Ancient Pacific floras. p. Limestone dips 60° NE. Balme.. Palmatolepis. and Atrypella described from Kuala Lumpur dolomitic limestones) Brouwer. A. p.. Stoppel & R.M. Western Australia.R. K. 850-859. 209.A. J. Res. J. 1-39.Upper Devonian spores from the Canning Basin. 1027-1031.M.vangorselslist. (Four Silurian brachiopod species of genera Capelliniella. on Shan Tai/ Sibumasu Block. Hess. Polygnathus. E Australia. (First record of Late Devonian (Frasnian) conodonts (Ancyrodella. H.…) Boucot. A.Aung. Perlis. stratigraphy and biota. Feist et al. Cocks & P.K. Ozarkodina and Belodella) of linguiformis Zone from U Sanai Lst.R. 'Conchidium'. Paleontology 40.Early Givetian) in the Tamworth Belt (New South Wales. Stein. trilobites and bivalves.. p.J. Bur. thought to be deposited in intra-oceanic island arc setting. Southern Thailand. Represent deeper-water benthic assemblages. straight nautiloids. Quart. (1964). 25-32. & S. with mention of Late Silurian species Monograptus turriculatus from Kemum Fm of North Central Birds Head.Lower Palaeozoic plankton. p. Cranwell (ed. Abhand. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Malaysia 59. B. In: R. Guar Jentik. p. B.Hassell (1962). Contains tabulate corals. including Heliolites porosus. Soc. L.M. p. Palaeontological papers. Ed. Sanai Lst has limited distribution in Malaysia.Dacryoconarid tentaculites in the Mid-Paleozoic euxinic facies of the Malaysian geosyncline. (Silurian and E Devonian graptolites from Paleotethys suture zone melange between Shan-Tai (=Sibumasu) and Indochina terranes) Belford. the pollen story. Bull. Wolfart (1970). Frasnian conodonts comparable to fauna (linguiformis Zone) of NW Thailand) Balme. (eds. (1967). 1-28. E. B. Pohler (1999).K. & C. 108. Braun. Malaysia. Geol. Bastin. (General review of graptolites. Racheboeuf (1999). O. University of Hawaii Press. p. Perlis. p. 1921. p. Quarles van Ufford (1995). p.E.I. R. L. Burma (Myanmar). & R. Including Heliolites porosus (also in N Thailand)) Fontaine. Actinostroma. Geol.Some Devonian corals and stromatoporoids from Northeast Thailand. Proc. C.) 54.vangorselslist. Rel. Fortey (1997).com March 2014 .A. (Ordovician and Silurian paleogeographic maps. Fortey (1988).Devonian stratigraphy of S Thailand and NW Peninsular Malaysia (Sibumasu plate). rich Devonian coral assemblages from Laos and S China. Australia. L. purchased in Karubaga in N part of Central Range. Favosites. Viet Nam 2.P.A review of Lower and Middle Palaeozoic biostratigraphy in west peninsular Malaysia and southern Thailand in its context within the Sibumasu Terrane.Late Ordovician (Caradoc-Ashgill) ellesmerocerid Bactroceras latisiphonatum of Irian Jaya and Australia. Perak.R. 5. Heliotes. Malayan tentaculites-bearing black shales in 'miogeosynclinal euxinic facies'.pdf) (Siluran.M.. 24. Myanmar and to S China.(45 localities with fossil tentaculites in NW Malaya. (New occurrence of widespread latest Ashgill Hirnantia shelly fauna from S Thailand.Caradoc brachiopods from the Shan States. New material extends geographic range and documents presence of U Caradoc. Soc. etc. 183-200. (online at: http://www. Audley Charles & A. Geobios 30. Single depositional basin in shallow-water and cratonic areas of S Thailand. etc. Soc.G.K. Spec. (1954).jp/download/TPPSJ/TPPSJ_NS65. 3. Endophyllum. locality unknown. 1.A. Most limestones probably Givetian age (Heliolites extict at end M Devonian)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Michelinia) in marls. Burma (Myanmar) and part of SW China (Yunnan)) Cocks. Heliolites porosus. Bull. Crick. p. L. p.Graptolite and tentaculite correlation and palaeogeography of the Silurian and Devonian in the Yunnan. Arch. Cladopora. p. Trans. but associated with Ordovician trilobites and Lower Silurian graptolites. some with W Papua data control points) Cocks.R. Hist. Asian Earth Sci. p.1 363 www.M. Japan 65. 27-46. (1990). HvG)) Fontaine. & R. Amphipora). ('Study and review of Devonian Tabulata and Heliolitidae from Indochina and Yunnan'. Langkawi.A new Hirnantia fauna from Thailand and the biogeography of the latest Ordovician of South-East Asia. 117-126.p. Alcheringa 19. (Review of Cambrian. & Zhan Ren-bin (1998). on which Thailand and N Shan States were situated closer to S China in Ordovician and Silurian than previously supposed) Cocks. described from New South Wales.Malayan geosyncline.M. indicating that Sibumasu (Shan-Thai) palaeocontinent. in contrast to deeper-water basin of N Perak. Mus.R. (NE Thailand (Loei Province) E-M Devonian limestones two facies belts: (1) east belt of thin limestone lenses with brachiopods and massive tabulate corals (Favosites. Ed. 1-86. p.M Devonian black shales with graptolites and tentaculites present from NW Malay Peninsula (Langkawi. Fauna similar to N Shan States. 2. Called Nowakia acuaria and placed in E Devonian (Emsian) by Agematsu et al. H. Nat. E-M Devonian aspect.. and mainland Kedah and Perlis.M.) into Burma.) Gondwana and Tethys Geol. (Fossils in nodules. Geol. which also included C and N Thailand. 2006. SW China (=Sibumau terrane)) Cocks. & A. Hallam (eds. Kedah.) and stromatoporoids (Chlathrodictyon. London (Geol. 235-241.palaeo-soc-japan. Jahrbuch B73. Paleont. R. 57-79. 703-717.A. Publ. 109-130. HvG) Burton. In: M. L. Lee (2005). (Ordovician nautiloid originally described as Irianoceras antiquum Kobayashi 1971 from Irian Jaya is synonym of Bactroceras latisiphonatum Glenister. (1967). J.Etude et revision des Tabules et Heliolitides du Devonien d'Indochine et du Yunnan.R.Lower Palaeozoic facies and faunas around Gondwana. London. Suppl. H. 37. and (2) western belt with thicker limestones with rugose and tabulate corals (Phillipsastraea. p.Lower Ashgill strata in Irian Jaya. Fortey & C. Area was part of Paleozoic Sibumasu Terrane.westernmost Thailand and Yunnan. appear to be commonly found near Jurassic-Cretaceous outcrops where no E Paleozoic rocks are known. M. Hall & J. Ordovician rocks in China. S Thailand and interior Australia mainly carbonates. p.)) Fortey. W. 5. W Thailand and Burma. Opikina) Hamada. p.. Publ. 228-229. Kobayashi & R. & L. a new Ambocoeliid genus (Brachiopoda) from north Thailand. Publ. D. (1997). In: T. 3. Favosites. (1966). small Devonian trilobite fauna from limestones in Satun Province. Ordovician trilobites from southern Thailand. R. Lower Ordovician shelf faunas from Thailand. HvG)) Gobbett.) Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. Burma. CCOP Newsl. 315-317) (online at: http://library.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.. p. H. Kinta valley. (also in CCOP Techn.Biogeography and palaeogeography of the Sibumasu terrane in the Ordovician: a review. p.pdf) (Brief paper on probably M Devonian (Givetian) outcrops of NE Thailand (= Indochina Plate). (1989).vangorselslist. p. p. S of Central Range.Eine Favosites Kolonie aus dem Palaozoikum von Neu-Guinea. 139°17’E).A. Cocks (1998). Clathrodictyon)) Fontaine. chert and thin-bedded limestone with stromatoporoids and corals (Heliolites spp. 5. Near outcrops with E Devonian graptolites.dmr. Heliolites. Murchisonia sp. Perak. (Common but low-diversity amboceliid brachiopods assemblage in red mudstones SW of Fang. (Record of Ordovician (Llanvirn) graptolites in Heluk River. Fortey. Brief report on discovery of Paleozoic tabulate coral from dark limestone float in Noord River. (1964). Soc.. Leidsche Geol. London 143. 3. Amsterdam. S Thailand (Shan-Tai/ Sibumasu Block). Southern Thailand. Palaeontology 40. (Devonian fossils from 5 areas in NE Thailand. but M-U Ordovician trilobites most similar to S China) Gerth. J. Malaysia. University of Tokyo Press. indicating marine fauna of Givetian (M Devonian) age. H.Fontaine.R.An Early Devonian trilobite fauna from Thailand. Phillipsastraea.Australia. Mededelingen 2. with examples from the Lower Palaeozoic. etc. Composed of shales with brachiopods. Early Devonian age. (Sibumasu (= Shan-Tai) paleocontinent comprises Sumatra. E Irian Jaya (4°25’S. New genus and species Swaicoelia rotunda (part of Sibumasu/ Shan-Tai Terrane)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Toriyama (eds.M. (1968).) Ten years of CCOP research on the Pre-Tertiary of East Asia. Fontaine (ed.D. 4.A. Age range of genus is Silurian- Permian (but in Australia most common in U Silurian. Limestones commonly rich in tabulate and rugose corals (incl.) and Stromatoporoidea (Amphipora. B. ('A Favosites colony from the Paleozoic of New Guinea'. 20. Backhuys Publ. Holloway (eds. Platyscutellum and two species of Reedops) Fortey. Oldest fossils in Indonesia ?) Fortey. Mistiaen. p. R. J. 25-26. etc. W Papua. 279-289. 257-267. 1-12.Swaicoelia. & L. probably Emsian. Tong-Dzuy (1990).Some Middle Ordovician brachiopods from Satun.) Hamada.A. Assigned to isograptid biofacies and taken as evidence of Ordovician ocean margin here. Associated fauna: dasycladacean alga. Cornuproetus. In: T. 1345-1348. Tantiwanit (1987).go. Palaeontology 40.M Devonian. Kobayshi (ed.Discovery of widespread and very fossiliferous Devonian beds in Northeast Thailand.. N Thailand.1 364 www. & W. Rafinesquina. (1927). 6 species of brachiopods: Cyrtonotella spp. stromatoporoids. Age likely U Devonian. 12. Cocks (1986). R. 319-330. T. H. p. 151-160. Ed.R. incl. (Stringocephalus perakensis n. 43-56. Tantiwanit & T. University of Tokyo Press. R. p.A. (Well-preserved.Devonian fossils from Northeast Thailand: some new data from Tabulata and Stromatoporoidea. March 2014 . Favosites. CCOP Techn. 1.) Biogeography and geological evolution of SE Asia.J. Thamnopora. Phillipsastraea. Geol.The brachiopod Stringocephalus from Malay. In: H. T. from alluvial tin-mining area.Marginal faunal belts and their structural implications. In: R.Langkawi are low-latitude faunas and show affinity with N China. tabulate corals. 108km N of Chiang Mai. p. sp. (Black calcareous shale in Satun are of Peninsular Thailand contains M Ordovician shelly fauna. p. Alcheringa 13. Includes Decoroproetus. H. H.Lw Devonian dark grey limestones on Langkawi islands. Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 15. Igo. p. Part II.Devonian brachiopods of W Thailand. Koike (1968). In: T. of NE Langkawi. 5. (Other types of conodonts from Ordovician. (Fauna of small brachiopods. T. Southern Thailand and the Setul Limestone.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. trilobites. (Similar 'Setul Fm' U Silurian. Igo. Perlis.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. ostracodes.Hamada. 25. University of Tokyo Press. etc. p. Toriyama (eds. p. University of Tokyo Press 5.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. 317-417. H.Devonian brachiopods from Kroh. etc. 26-30. University of Tokyo Press. In: T. T. 3. Kobayashi & R. p.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Playford (2005). 1-13. Koike (1968). (8 species of brachiopods from late Early-M Devonian Tentaculites (Novakia acuaria) shale from S of Kroh.Malay Peninsula) Hamada. 37. 4. T. Dominated by cosmopolitan forms Idiognathoides and Hindeodella.1 365 www. Toriyama (eds. p. University of Tokyo Press. Upper Perak in Malaysia (Malaya). (1968). H. 13-25.gen.Ordovician and Silurian conodonts from the Langkawi Islands. incl. 1-21. Malaya. NW Malay Peninsula and peninsular Thailand. associated with bivalve 'Posidonia' from Langgun Redbeds of Langkawi Islands. Kobayashi & R. also Spathognathodus. NW Malasia. 1-39. Kobayashi & R. (eds. 1948)) Igo.Ordovician and Silurian conodonts from the Langkawi Islands. 1-22. see also Kobayashi & Hamada 1973) Hamada. 289-293. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Silurian conodonts not described from Asia before) Igo. H. Koike (1973). Igo. Kobayashi & R. & T. In: T. University of Tokyo Press. p. In: T. Most species similar to species known from Europe and North America) Igo. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. University of Tokyo Press. Kobayashi & T. 3. 1-29.Silurian Setul Limestone of Langgon Island. in Devonian red beds (base Kubang Pasu Fm) of Langkawi and NW Malay Peninsula. rhynchonellid Langkawia n. Toriyama (eds. H. Queensland (Australia): descriptive systematics and stratigraphic significance. 5. Koike (1967). Malaysia. N Pahang. & T. p.Ambocoeliids from Red Beds in the Malayan Peninsula. Nearby Silurian bituminous graptolite shales. T. Kobayashi et al. & G. E Malay Peninsula (part of Indochina Plate). T.vangorselslist. (Simple cone-type conodonts from Ordovician. p. (1969). Orbiculoidea. Ed. (1984). (Five species of conodonts from described from Bukit Charas. & T. Mainly endemic assemblage with many new species. T. of NE Langkawi. 183-186.Older and Middle Palaeozoic brachiopods of Thailand and Malaysia. (Ambocoeliid brachiopods Echinocoeliopsis .Summary of the Palaeozoic conodonts from Malaysia and Thailand. Malaya.Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian conodonts from the Langkawi islands. p.Silurian Setul Limestone of Langgon Island. with note on conodont fauna of the Thung Song Limestone. etc. Revista Espanola Micropal. University of Tokyo Press. Age believed to be around Devonian- Carboniferous boundary) Hamada. 13.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. which unconformably overlie E Silurian rocks. Malaysia. In: T. (Brief review of Ordovician. Kobayashi & R. 7. University of Tokyo Press.. Hashemi.& T. Plectodonta. 6. In: T.) Hamada.Devonian spore assemblages of the Adavale Basin. University of Tokyo Press. p. incl.Late Paleozoic brachiopods from red beds in the Malayan Peninsula. p. (1984). Malaya. Conodont faunas include Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Older and Middle Palaeozoic formations and fossils of Thailand and Malaysia. 251-264. indicating E Namurian age (rich brachiopod fauna from area described by Muir-Wood. University of Tokyo Press. March 2014 . Toriyama (eds. Koike (1975). In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.Carboniferous conodonts from Kuantan. NW Malay Peninsula. Part I. p. (1969). Toriyama (eds.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 25. H. (online at: http://www. 245-257. ('Fauna (graptolites. 261-322. Janvier. 39. Pahang. J. 497. B 11/12. 18-28. (Ten radiolarian species from chert blocks along Bentong-Raub road (mainly Trilonche spp. (1969)) Jaeger. Charoentitirat & A.J. p.The Devonian vertebrates (Placodermi. p.Graptolites of the Monograptus hercynicus type recorded from Malaya. Hess. presumed to be of Silurian age. Palaont. H.Silurian) Janvier. Neues Jahrb. T. 2. H. Z.2. Includes re- evalution of Kobayshi and Igo (1966)-: Monograptus hercynicus. Geology (Geol. Nahakapong.Fauna (Graptolithen. Kamata..N. Geol. March 2014 . Fauna resembles graptolite assemblage d from Malay Peninsula by Jones (1967).Graptolites of the Lower Devonian from Thailand (preliminary result). (Foothils Formation of W Pahang contains shales with reticulate sponges.1 of Chiangmai. Two monograptids M. Ed. Presence of monograptids of of Monograptus hercynicus type suggestive of Early Devonian..Latest Devonian (Strunian) Ostracoda from the Buttons Formation.D.Spathognathodus steinhornensis repetitor similarities with Alps and Neningha Lst of N New South Wales and lower part of Mount Holly Bed of Queensland) Jaeger. Mem. as is presence of associated tentaculitids including Nowakia acuaria) Jones. representing Famennian (Late Devonian) age) Jones. Truong (1997).vangorselslist.S. Monograptus cf. P. K. 48. Geol. A. Soc. p. Tran (1998). Miyahigashi. (1970). p. yukonensis suggest E Devonian age. E. Nakinvodae. p. Bull. Tran. brachiopods) from the Lower Devonian black shale of North Thailand'. C.H. Monograptus hercynicus and M. Basir. Suppl. Geol. Australasian Palaeont. Malaysia Bull. indicative of mid-Early Devonian age) Devonian radiolarians from chert blocks in the Bentong-Raub Suture Zone. Kato. (Brief note on presence of graptolites at many localities of NW Malay Peninsula (Kedah. (1967). Acta Geoscientica Sinica 33. Asian Earth Sci. Survey .The Silurian and Devonian vertebrates of Viet Nam: a review. Malaysia 3. (New placoderm fish remains from terrigenous facies of Givetian Dong Tho Fm in C Vietnam confirm close ties between Indochina and S China blocks as early as M Devonian) Jasin. 5.subsp. Perak. praehercycnicus indicates early Lower Devonian age) Jones.Fang highway. V.landesmuseum. Monatshefte. H. More detail in Jaeger et al. Said (2004). & T. Wolfart & D.Underdevonische Graptolithen aus Burma. 5100. Brachiopoden) der unterdevonischen Schwartzschiefer Nord-Thailands.R. 728- 730. V. 15. A. Palaont.1 366 www. (Initial report on earliest Devonian graptolites incl. West Malaysia. Harun & U. 393-406. J.E. M. Pahang) and Langkawi island.D. T. Southeast Thailand. Koch & V. Y. Assoc.. p. P. described from northern Shan states. C. 12.1.. Soc. Stein (1968). thomasi helmckei n.). p. Phuong & D. 81-84. P. atopus and M. 171-190. T. 63-75. no Ordovician. Ueno.pdf) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Neues Jahrbuch Geol.Viet Nam). M aequabilis and M. Northwestern Australia: Biostratigraphy.pdf) ('Lower Devonian graptolites from Burma'. 33-35.R.On a Lower Devonian fauna from Pahang. brachiopods (Orbuciloidea sinensis) and graptolites. 133. Bonaparte Basin. Sarcopterygii) from Central Vietnam and their bearing on the Devonian palaeogeography of Southeast Asia.. Braun.5-106. (2011). Stoppel (1969). yukonensis from folded black shales between KM 105. Geol. Sardsud (2012). Abhandl. (online at: http://igcp589. Palaeoecology and Palaeozoogeography. (1983). p. Nature 215. p.cags.Middle to Late Devonian radiolarians from Klaeng of Rayong Province. Jahrbuch 126. Kobayashi. incl. p. 4. Sect.Discovery of ellesmereoceroid cephalopods in Irian.. 269-278. & T. (1958). Ed. etc. T. Geol.Some Ordovician fossils from the Thailand-Malayan borderland. Handelingen 28e Nederl. Succession coeval with Devonian part of Fang chert.K. Y. Look like E-M Ordovician nautiloids and may be from Kariem Fm. Hamada (1964). T. SW Thailand) Kobayashi. Summary of macrofossils reported from >1500m thick Paleozoic section. In: T.Upper Cambrian fossils from peninsular Thailand.vangorselslist. Geography 29. Asian Earth Sci. p.Middle-Late Devonian radiolarians from Klaeng District. Devonian (Heliolites barrandei. Kato. 3.journalarchive. Faculty of Science. N Thailand. (online at http://www. pp. (online at: http://umdb.On the Middle Ordovician fossils from Satun. tuffaceous shale. 221-235. Proc. Ueno. University of Tokyo. Cyathophyllum anisactis. Kobayashi (ed. pusilla and Entactiniidae. & C. Hamada (1964). (Early Silurian trilobite Dalmanitina malayensis n. 10. (in press) (Fine clastics-siliceous succession exposed at Laem Krabang Phet. University of Tokyo. but continental margin. (1961). Miyahigashi.. Rayong Province. p. Palaeoscenidium cladophorum. douvillei. 7. J.u-tokyo.sp. Geol. Propose new genus-species name Irianoceras antiquum (re-assigned to Bactroceras latisiphonatum Glenister by Crick and Quarles van Ufford (1995)) Kobayashi.1 367 www. C. M.mica sandstones. hastingsi from basal Silurian of Shan States. (1957). Japanese J. the Malaysian frontier of Thailand. 4. J. A. 35-43.On a new Malayan species of Dalmanitina. 367-382.. Natuur en Geneesk. ~20 km SW of Klaeng. southeastern Thailand: geotectonic significance of the Rayong area as a continental margin of the Sibumasu Block. University of Tokyo Press. p.G. Kobayashi. Includes Devonian-to Permian brachiopods and rugose and tabulate corals of Silurian (Halysites). these are oldest fossils known from Indonesia. 1. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .) and Permian (Lonsdaleia) ages) Kobayashi. T. from Langkawi Island. This shows environment not pelagic Paleo-Tethys ocean floor.) (Orthoconic cephalopods from dark shales that look like Jurassic Kembelangan Fm in Star Mountains near PNG border.jst. 387-407.pdf) (Cambrian trilobites from Phuket series from Tarutao island. Japanese Academy 47. F. T. p. 1. 223-231. Dark shales with graptolites. 4. Fac. (1959).) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. Myanmar) Kobayashi. K. Japanese J. 271-272. 8p. Sardsud (2014). In: T. p. T. probably from felsic plutonic rocks. Utrecht. Congres. 11. some Ordovician fossils from northern Malaya and her adjacence. Stigmosphaerostylus cf. J.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast (Ordovician nautiloids. 1. ('Fossils from the Paleozoic of South Central New Guinea'.com March 2014 .(Tightly folded Silurian-Devonian bedded siliceous rocks in Kanchanaburi Fm SW of Klaeng with M-L Devonian radiolarians. (online at: http://umdb. New Guinea.go. One chert horizon with poorly preserved M-L Devonian radiolarians. Science.On the occurrence of Ordovician nautiloids in northern Thailand and her adjacence. SE Thailand with thin bedded chert layers intercalated with carbonaceous shale. University of Tokyo Press. collected by probably Sibumasu block) Kamata. T.Fossielen van het Palaeozoicum van Zuidelijk Centraal Nieuw-Guinea. p. Geography & T. from thick Setul Fm of Langkawi isands and adjacent Perlis Malay Peninsula)) Kobayashi. Kobayashi (ed.u-tokyo. Favosites reticulatus. 5. If correct. Comparable to D. 2. T. (1941). 2. Depositional environment of section deep water continental margin of E Sibumasu Block) Keijzer. Burton (1971). brown glassy tuff and quartz- rich sandstones. Charoentitirat & A. incl. Malaysia. 1-34.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. In: T. Hamada (1970). 19. Kobayashi. Japan Academy 47. Kobayashi. East of this locality different. Rocks look different from Silurian low- metamorphic graptolite shale from Kamundan in C Birds Head) Lane. Peral.1 368 www.journalarchive.. & T. 8.A unique trilobite assemblage of the Devonian Kroh fauna in West Malaysia. 10..Cyrtosymbolids (Trilobita) from the Langgon red beds in northwest Malaya. 1. University of Tokyo Press. In: Geology and Paleontology of Southeast Asia. 1-4. In: T. In: T. T. & T. 12. Malaysia. (online at: http://www. Jones & T. (Trilobites associated with brachiopods from 4 localities U Devonian.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. p.. E. Kobayashi. 1-28. University of Tokyo Press. with notes on the Tentaculites facies and the older Palaeozoic faunal sequence in Thailand-Malaya. (Pulau Langgon (Langkawi Islands) with >2400' thick Setul Fm limestone-dominated section. Kobayashi (ed. with notes on the Dalmanitidae and Raphiophoridae.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 12. etc. T.Agnostoid trilobites in a Devonian formation in West Malaysia. (1970)) Kobayashi. new ser. (1957). & T.Cyrtosymbolids (Trilobita) from the Langgon red beds in northwest Malaya. Hamada (1964). 1968 and Baum et al. T.) Kobayashi. Geologica et Palaeontologica 13. & H. p. K. & T.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia.) Geology and palaeontology of Southeast Asia. p. Ed. 8. p. 4. H. University of Tokyo Press. (M Ordovician. etc. p. Leiden. T. Hamada (1978). Hamada (1973). 396-400. T. In: T. (eds. Kobayashi et al. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. NW Malay Peninsula) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . T. In: T. Kobayashi & R. Igo (1966). quarry in S part Gunung Kanthan. (eds. Hamada (1973) March 2014 . Contains molds of Orthoceras-like fossils.On the occurrence of graptolite shales in North Thailand. & T. NW Birds Head. Brill. Kobayashi et al. 213-222. University of Tokyo Press. C. Four species. p. West Malaysia. Macrobole kedahensis. Malaysia.go.vangorselslist. Hamada (1971). 87-134. trilobites (Dalmanitina malayensis).R. Ziegler (1979). University of Tokyo Press. 2.…) Kobayashi. (eds. Kobayashi et al.On the Lower Silurian shelly fauna in the Langkawi Islands.(Ordovician trilobites from black calcareous shale in Satun area.Devonian and Carboniferous conodonts from Perak. Toriyama (eds. & T.Lower Carboniferous Langgun Fm marine red mustones of NW Malay Peninsula and Langkawi. 5.Silurian trilobites from the Langkawi islands. Lophospira sp. T. p. University of Tokyo Press. 9. Muller & W. Hamada (1971). In: T.Silurian graptolites in black shale below 'Fang Chert' in N Chiang Mai Province (Paleo-Tethys suture) (Monograptus spp assemblage re-assigned to E Devonian by Jaeger et al. p.) Kobayashi. T. Cyrtosymbole (Waribole) perlisensis. p. 209-220. Kobayashi.Upper Ordovician trilobites from the Langkawi islands. 1-8. northwest Malaysia. Kobayashi et al. University of Tokyo Press.R. 1-2. (eds.Palaeozoische lei aan de Wesan Rivier op Nieuw Guinea? Nova Guinea. With detrital bands with graptolites (Climacograptus). T. suggesting Paleozoic age.. & T. 1-28. p. 1-16. Malaysia. (Highly folded phyllitic rock collected by Bemelmans in 1955 just N of mouth of Wesan River. Kobayashi.) Kruizinga. SW-most Peninsular Thailand: Basiliella satunensis n. (Devonian and Carboniferous conodonts from J. Proc.K. Hamada (1972).R.A Cyclopigid-bearing Ordovician faunule discovered in Malaya.J.jst. Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) folded shale with Inoceramus and Belemnopsis.sp.) Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia. p. P. University of Tokyo Press. (online at: http://australianmuseum. 5. 1. in headwaters of Noord or Lorentz River of Central Range foothills). NW Peninsular Malaysia. J. Perlis. (2002). (Nicoll (2006)-: Late Cambrian or Early Ordovician conodonts in these 2 wells. NW corner of Malay Peninsula.R. Thailand: systematics and biogeographic considerations. Lee (2003).show E Devonian (Emsian) age. Fauna contains chondrichthyans. Scolopodus spp. Mem. (2002). 10. Unpublished report. In marine red mudstone below Jentik Fm black shales with dacryoconarids and trilobites) Metcalfe. 5.Ordovician conodonts from the Kaki Bukit area. & C. 1.Early Devonian conodonts from the Kuan Tung Formation.vangorselslist. In: L. I. (eds. & C. in accord with recent paleomagnetic data) Long.Biogeographic significance of Ordovician brachiopods from Thailand and Malaysia. 10. Burrett (1992). 156-158. K. I. 811-813.Hassan & C.files. J. J. Serratognathus bilobatus. some restricted to E Gondwana. Hills et al. 552-579. East Gondwana. Taxa suggest close affinity between Shan-Thai. 16-23.A.pdf) (Conodonts from limestone horizon in Kuan Tung Fm. J. S Thailand. dated as Late Famennian by conodonts. Australia.pdf) (First report of small tabulate corals in M-L Devonian Langgun/ Jentik Fm redbeds of Perlis district. Warta Geol. Indonesia. H. 89-92. N China terrane and W Australia) Long. 59-71.pdf) (Ordovician conodonts from Setul Lst of Perlis.Devonian and Carboniferous conodonts from the Kanthan Limestone. 6. p. (Early Ordovician brachiopods Spanodonta floweri and Aporthophyla tianjingshanensis? from peninsular Thailand and Langkawi Islands. Devonian Chondrichthyans and other microvertebrate remains from Northern Thailand. Records Australian Museum.) The Carboniferous and Permian of the World. a tributary of the Oesak R. in Nederl.Laurie. Canadian Soc.wordpress.1 369 www.V. 63-68. and S China suggests Late Devonian proximity of these terranes. (https://gsmpubl.S China Terranes) Meor. although E Devonian can not be excluded) Nicoll.Over het voorkomen van Halysites wallichi Reed op Nieuw p. p.Conodonts from Noordwest 1 and Cross Catalina 1. 3.A. several types of chondrichthyan scales. Second record of tabulate coral Halysites since Teichert (1928)-.Fish from the Upper Devonian of the Shan-Thai terrane indicate proximity to East Gondwana and South China terranes. NW Malaysia. 6. presumably in carbonates) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . R. p. West Papua. J. 3. Beseri. Satun Province. West Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia and their stratigraphic and tectonic implications. p. p. (1938).ShanThai. N Thailand. Loxodus bransoni. Many conodont species are cosmopolitan.R. J. De Ingen. actinopterygian scales and teeth.A. Vertebrate Paleont. Warta Geol.A.wordpress. 121-133. (Microvertebrates from limestones near Burmese border town of Mae Sam March 2014 . Incl. Geology 17. and S China Terranes at end of Devonian) Long. Burrett (1989). 29. new species of Phoebodus and occurrence of chondrichthyan Harpagodens in Late Famennian of Thailand.F.P. 2. collected by Terpstra in pebbles of Penanggi River. (1990).S. (online at: https://gsmpubl.) Metcalfe. (Coronodontid shark tooth. Sydney. Perlis. from limestone. (1980). Probably of Silurian age.On the occurrence of Pleurodictyum in the Jentik Formation of Kampung Guar Jentik. ('On the occurrence of Halysites wallichi Reed on Nieuw Guinea'.F. 41. confirm evidence for Ordovician juxtaposition of Shan-Thai terrane. Burrett (1989). p. p. and rare acanthodian scales. & C. Petrol. Paleontology 66.-Indie (IV Mijnbouw en Geologie). Malaysia. simplex. W. northern (Devonian sediments in Goulburn Graben are of Upper Devonian (Famennian) age. bassleri and Hindeodus minutus suggest Late Carboniferous age) Niko. Same sedimentary package hydrocarbon-bearing in Canning and Amadeus Basins. and unconformably overlie Cambrian.Nicoll.Silurian and Late Carboniferous conodonts from the Charles Louis Range and central Birds Head. Sone (2014). O. Australian Geol.M. (online at: https://www. mainly along Timika. p. Oepikodus communis. (2006).edu. C. Quarles van Ufford (1995).H. R.M. possibly comparable to NE Kalimantan Devonian coral) Randon.pdf) (Lower Devonian 'tentaculites limestone' from Perlis. Geoscience Australia Record 2006/06. Bergstroemognathus extensus. In: H. N.S.. Associated with brachiopods and stromatoporoids. probably Silurian age. (2006). 1-6.I. Guar Jentik. Struckmeyer (comp. Strat.M Devonian biohermal buildups in Tamworth Belt. Soc. M. 1-34. A. and their paleobiogeographic implications for Northern Gondwana. SW West Papua. Serratognathus bilobatus. S. p. Jasin (2007). Struckmeyer (comp. Genera include Scruttonia.I. 4. p.F. Armenoceras. & B. Prioniodus adami. (Conodonts from Modio Dolomite in Charles Louis Range. Australia. (online at: http://geology. Perret-Minouse & J.Cambrian and Ordovician sediments and biostratigraphy of the Arafura March 2014 . They indicate presence or former presence of more complete Middle Paleozoic sequence than previously known in Irian Jaya) Ong. Jumudontus brevis. Conodonts from upper part of carbonate-dominated sequence Late Cambrian.rivistaitalianadipaleontologia. p. Perlis: its significance and implications.Lower Ordovician (early Arenig) age (Cordylodus sp. New South-Wales. Caridroit.Actinocerid cephalopods from the Ordovician of Myanmar. 2.pdf) (U Devonian (Frasnian) -Lower Carboniferous conodonts from Paleotethys oceanic cherts in Chiang Dao chert (= 'Fang Chert'.Devonian carbonate buildup facies in an intra-oceanic island arc (Tamworth Belt. crepida and expansa conodont zones and suggests shallow water. & M. offshore Northern Territory. Indonesia. & G.E Ordovician Goulburn Gp.E Ordovician 'Goulburn Gp' carbonate shelf underlies most of Arafura Sea between Australia and New Guinea. (Actinocerid cephalopod fauna from shallow marine limestones in W part of Shan Plateau. Ital. offshore Northern Territory. Conodont faunas from Djabura and Yabooma Fms may represent. S. Pre-Frasnian corals (Favosites.) New datasets for the Arafura Basin. Peddler. Bull.) from stream cobbles at two localities.Devonian stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Arafura Basin. inner shelf depositional environments) Nicoll.Discovery of a Lower Devonian Dacryoconarid bed from Hill B. (online at: http://www. Geophysics 12. Lithophyllum.E.A. R. S. p. with Panderodus cf.Middle Palaeozoic corals from the southern slope of the Central Ranges of Irian Jaya. M. Facies (First description of in-situ Late Devonian (Frasnian) rugose and tabulate colonial corals in uppermost part of ~1000m thick Silurian-Devonian Modio Fm. Canberra. Paleontological Res. Alcheringa 19.Upper Devonian- Lower Carboniferous conodonts from Chiang Dao cherts.Ertsberg road. Paleont. cleftus)) Nicoll.M Degardin (2006). 191-206. p. Irian Jaya. N of Chiang Mai) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Weiland & etc. Float samples of Birds Head Aimau Fm with Neognathodus cf. P.S. 1-10. Indonesia. Sibumasu’s affinity to coeval Australian fauna less definable) Oliver.) New datasets for the Arafura Basin.M. In: H. Shan-Tai Block. 1-15. 112. Australia. Ed.. (E. Bladon (1991).my/gsmpublic/v53/Pdf%20individual%20papers/1%20Paper%20. Myanmar (Sibumasu Block: Ordosoceras. NW-most Malay Peninsula) Pohler. Strong linkage with North China during E-M Ordovician time.1 370 R. 279-286. 94-103.. R. Disphyllum and Haplothecia. (online at: https://www. 53. (1998). p. Canberra. 5. p. Riv.S. 18.T. Paratunkuskoceras and Wutinoceras (Extensive M Cambrian. Cooperignathus aranda. Geol. Wonganan. Australia). Geoscience Australia Record 2006/06. 1-16. BMR J.E.vangorselslist. in large area of 'Old Slates'. p. (1940). p. (1943). Telen location is ~200km NNW of Samarinda. Salyapongse (2008). 122. Timing of collision between Shan-Thai and Indochina later than E? Carnian (early Late Triassic)) Saesaengseerung. Bull. 58-59. in folded. D. Metcalfe & C.W Sarawak. Li. Rutten. probably on Nakhon Thai Block. Young (1996).hemipelagic rocks of Thailand) Stait.E Carboniferous radiolarian fauna in chert-clastic section along Khong River. NE Kalimantan. Akad. 4th IGCP 516. 54-71. Brief note on Devonian coral and sponge fossils in Utrecht collection. 625-634. collected by Witkamp (1927) in Telen River area. (1971). Handel. Int.Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous radiolarian fauna from the Pak Chom (Nautiloidea) from the Setul Limestone (Ordovician) of Malaysia. Powell (eds. & C. Earth Sci. radiolarites..go. Zeijlmans 1938). collected by Witkamp along Telen River (tributary of Mahakam R. B. Amsterdam 1943. subducted beneath Indochina Block. 2.. NE Kalimantan.SW Borneo Terrane'.and 5th APSEG.Rich.Over enkele Devonische fossielen uit Midden Oost-Borneo. Natuur. Tamworth Belt.C. Twelve radiolarian zones proposed. quartzitites (in other parts of C Kalimantan with Triassic Halobia and Monotis. This suggests subduction and accretion of Naknon Thai Block continued through E Carboniferous) Saesaengseerung. D. (‘On some Devonian fossils from Central E Borneo’.dmr. March 2014 . 8. D. etc.Paleozoic and Mesozoic radiolarian faunas in Thailand. Paleo-Tethys ocean probably existed between Shan-Thai (=Sibumasu) and Indochina terranes at least since E Devonian. and greywackes.Devonian and Carboniferous brachiopods from the Bonaparte Gulf basin. A. 43. as exposed in NW Kalimantan. 1-319. Proc. 109-121. XXIX Nederl. K. Symp. Kon.pdf) (Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Devonian-Triassic deep marine sequences in N and NE Thailand. Sashida. Bangkok 2008. spilitic diabase and diabase porphyrites associated with (Permian) fusulinids. Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008).A.1 371 www.McA. (E-M Devonian coral Heliolites porosus and possibly Silurian stromatoporoid Clathrodicyon cf spatiosum in dark recrystallized limestone. composed of isoclinally folded cherts. Conf.. Geoph. In: GEOTHAI '07. Sashida & A. 6. p. Pak Chom area. northeastern Thailand.Devonian to Triassic radiolarian faunas from Northern and Northeastern Thailand. Burrett (1982). and may also be similar to Australian Mid-Devonian limestones from Canning Basin. with nearby andesites. Within S China Block similar endemic freshwater fish faunas on Yangtze and Huanan terranes demonstrate juxtaposition in mid‐ Palaeozoic. Loei Province. Sardsud (2009). In: Proc. Bur. 1061-1064.Tournasian. or part of accreted arc terrane?. p. T. Geol.G. Nederl.en Geneeskundig Congres. p. Triassic tetrapod faunas of Australia quite distinct from China and Thailand) Roberts. M. (Late Devonian. Mineral Res.X.vangorselslist. 5.M Triassic radiolarian zones identified in pelagic.F. Sashida & A. Austral.hemipelagic environment within Paleotethys Ocean in Late Famennian. (Common straight nautiloid Wutinoceras robustum in Ordovician Setul Limestone of Langkawi islands) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .On Devonian limestones with Clathrodicyon cf spatiosum and Heliolites porosus from Eastern Borneo.G. (Fluctuating affinities between aquatic faunas of China and Australia in Devonian. Rocks part of 'Borneo continental core. Alcheringa 6. (http://library. (NB: appear to be blocks in melange) (Both taxa also reported from M-L Devonian of Laos and NE Thailand (Fontaine 1954. In: Z. J. Deposited in pelagic. Sardsud & S.).. HvG)) Rutten. p. p. 1993). NE Thailand. Int. K.) Breakup of Rodinia and Gondwanaland and Asembly of Asia. low-metamorphic 'Old Slates'. Northwestern Australia. Paleontological Res. J.H. Wet.Vertebrate biogeographic evidence for connections of the east and southeast Asian blocks with Gondwana. 43. M. I. HvG) Saesaengseerung. p. on Geology of Thailand. Ed. Rutten suggests Witkamp rocks are from 'Danau Fm'. 186-188 (Extended Abstract) (Fourteen M Devonian. 193-196. Sardsud (2007). above confluence of Long Hoet. K. & G. 165-178. R. Southern Thailand.Devonische Fossilien von Hollandisch-Neu-Guinea.. 201-207. p. Mem.F. C. East Central Thailand. & R. 167-257.T. Mon. Wutinoceras. (1927). 23. 21-28.D. 3. Thailand. Palaont. Material collected by Van Nouhuys during Lorentz 1909-1910 South New Guinea expedition) Thassanapak. Union. Int...E. Bangkok 2008. J. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Queensland.Ordovician nautiloid faunas of Langkawi Islands. 1-22. C. Stehn. Species known from Devonian of China.A. First record of dark Silurian limestone with tabulate coral Halysites from float in Upper Lorentz/ Noordwest Rivers. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. 71-92. p. (1928). Asian Earth Sci.F. Hardmanoceras chrysanthimum.) and tentaculitids (Homoctenus ultimus. Orthoceras. (2013). dark Permo-Carboniferous limestones with Martinia. McKenzie (ed. 5. Malaysia. American Geophys. J. Becker et al. J. (Late Ordovician-Silurian trilobite faunas collected by Deprat in ~1915 from Laos and C Vietnam on Indochina Terrane. Monatshefte 1984-1.. 18. Burrett (1987). Ed.A. Symp. collected by Heldring around 1910. NW Australia) Stait. All genera also occur in Australia and China) Stait.) Stokes.C.Ordovician nautiloid faunas of Central and Southern Thailand.Stait. 115-124. C Laos (N part of Indochina Terrane).C. West Papua. Geoscience Resources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008). 60. etc. Manson.J. No maps) Teichert. in upper 100m of Tarutao Fm clastics) Stait.. Sugiyama. p. Wongwanowich (1987). p. 104-113. In: Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia 22. Murchisonia. Burrett (2012). p.) Gondwana Six: stratigraphy.. p. Burrett (1987). Palaeont. Burrett (1987).vangorselslist. etc. (Summaries of Devonian fossil groups in Australia. M. Assoc.Deprat’s trilobites and the position of the Indochina Terrane in the Early Palaeozoic. Proc.Biogeography of Australian and Southeast Asian Ordovician nautiloids. Nova Guinea 6. Manchuroceras nakamense. H. University of Tokyo Press. and Tarutao Island. Vergoossen & G. Udchachon & C.Nachweis Palaeozoischer Schichten von Sudwest Neu-Guinea. p. Pelagic deep shelf fauna from Indochina Terrane similar to that from S China) Turner. etc. Stigmosphaerostylus spp. R. p..1 372 www.A. 41. indicative of Frasnian age. B. Palaont. Toriyama (1981). (Radiolarians (Trilonche spp. B. 4th IGCP 516 and 5th APSEG. Neues Jahrbuch Geol. Abh. Australasian Palaeont. p. (E Ordovician faunas of SE Asia Sibumasu plate similar to those of Canning Basin. R. 25-27. Young (1995). C. p.B. S. etc. desquamata and Orthotethes (Schuchertella) cf. (2000). Magazine 121.Coral and fusuline faunas from the Kabin Buri Area.M. ('Devonian fossils from Netherlands New Guinea'. & C.Devonian palaeobiogeography of Australia and adjoining regions. Aitchison. Geoph. Burrett & T.F. Also Devonian sandstones with Spirifer. Austral. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 5. March 2014 . B. J. 373-391. Chonetes and other brachiopods.Devonian radiolarians and tentaculitids from central Laos.Ordovician trilobites from the Tarutao Formation..Fish microfossils from Irian Jaya. B. have European affinities (paleo-location adjacent to Bohemia ? (but topic of controversy in 1919)) Talent. Geol. p. sedimentology and paleontology. Assoc. S of Wilhelmina Peak in Central Range. 53-64. T. (Nautiloids from Ordovician shallow marine carbonates of W and Peninsular Thailand grouped into five assemblages Incl. Wyatt & C. In: G. (Oldest Ordovician (U Tremadoc) fauna recovered from Sibumasu. umbraculum in sandstone pebbles from upper Setakwa River.A. D. Armenoceras chediforme. ('Report of Paleozoic beds from SW New Guinea'. Costulatostylionina vesca) from thick M-U Devonian section of silicified shales at Ban Phonxai. Brachiopods Atrypa reticularis var. Mem. & C. Entactinaria dominant.Ordovician faunas (Trilobita. 14-16.) Palaeobiogeography of Australasian faunas and floras. Most forms comparable to Late Silurian.1-265.(Late Silurian (M Ludlow) thelodonts and acanthodians micro-remains from Lorenz River in eastern W Papua and Kemum Fm of N part of Birds Head are first Paleozoic fish fossils from W Papua. p. 63-126. Q. p. J. Cystoidea. p. Edgecombe.M. p. presumably imported from China.Over het zogenaamde voorkomen van Spirifer verneuili Murch.D. Chiang Mai province. collected by Heldring in 1906 S of Camp Alkmaar. I. Palaeoworld 19. Wyatt & C. Dominated by two forms also known from SE Australia and Yunnan. Chiang Mai. (Devonian radiolarians from 4 new sections in SW Yunnan. N. R. Trilonche minax (lower Frasnian) assemblage from Australia recognized in area. Pickett et al.V.. R. not from Sulawesi (vK bought such fossils also in Bandung. 23. (Description of Silurian conodonts from calcareous quartz sandstone boulder from Lorentz (or Noord) River. (On Silurian-Devonian fish remains from Shan-Thai. Crinoidea) from West Thailand. Assoc. Paleozoic brachiopod reported from Sulawesi by Brouwer is almost certainly from a Chinese pharmacy. (2003). 1.D.Middle and Upper Devonian radiolarian faunas from Chiang Dao area. B. Aitchison & H. Wright et al.G.A Ludlow conodont fauna from Irian Jaya (Indonesia). Mem. F. ('On the alleged occurrence of Paleozoic brachiopod Spirifer verneuili on Sulawesi'. 1. 1-27. Ed. Micropaleontology 51. 127-145.repository. Alcheringa 9. Von Koenigswald 1931)) Wang. Scripta Geologica 92. northern Thailand. B. 5.A brief review of the Middle Palaeozoic vertebrates from Southeast Asia. with 15 genera/ 30 species.earliest Devonian N Hemisphere forms (Burrow et al. Age probably Late Ludlowian. part of newly described (Paleotethys) suture zone. p. morphotypic variation within genus Helenifore and abundance and diversity of U Devonian Holoeciscus foremanae fauna discussed) Webby.. Australian Palaeont. 2.Ordovician stromatoporoids from the Langkawi Islands. Zhu (2010). p.Ordovician biogeography of Australasia. p.naturalis.. M Devonian. op Celebes.. D. (2000). Qu & M. J. (Descriptions of Ordovician faunas from Khanchanaburi.Devonian radiolarian faunas from South China. Vandenberg. W. N Thailand. Micropaleontology 49.vangorselslist. S Irian Jaya. Cooper. 39-58. Webby. Fossils suggest proximity between S China and Indochina terranes in M Paleozoic and close relationship between Shan-Thai and E Gondwana (Australia) in M Devonian) Wang. reported previously from N China and New South Wales) Wolfart. Indochina and S China blocks and their biogeographic affinities. Luo (2003). Jahrbuch B 94. Malaysia. 159-166.. De Mijningenieur 1933. (Diverse Devonian radiolarians in ribbon-bedded chert in accretionary complex N of Chiang Dao. Burrett (1984). p. Rock initially described by Martin (1911). (1990). Stratigraphic significance of M Devonian Eoalbaillella lilaensis fauna. (1933). & M. Percival. Caridroit (2005).com March 2014 . (1995) to Thelodus trilobatus might be better placed in Praetrilogania)) Van den Boogaard. 27-36. including Labechia variabilis and Rosenella woyuensis. (Four species of labechiid stromatoporoids from M Ordovician Lower Setul Lst of Langkawi Island. S China. In: J. who noticed small trilobite fragments) Von Koenigswald. Their significance for biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography. (eds.M Permian (and younger?) 'Chiang Dao chert series' is (imbricated?) oceanic sequence of ~300m thickness Rich radiolarian assemblages with 43 species. Tong Pha Phum and Bo Noi regions and their meaning for biostratigraphy and paleogeography) Wonganan. M. (Online at: www. 2. Y.1 373 www. Geol. Ostracoda. 2010: Silurian thelodont scales originally referred by Turner et al. Radiolarian cherts evidence for presence of wide paleo-ocean between Shan-Thai and Indochina continental terranes) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . G. Geol. Hustedograptus. Geology. 5. NW Thailand (Paleotethys oceanic deposit) (partly same localities as Sashida et al. D. Geotechnology and General rources of Indochina (GEOINDO 2005).dmr. (W Yunnan generally considered part of Sibumasu/ Shan-Tai terrane) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Chian. murchisoni. 1998)) Yancey.Devonian radiolarians from Pai District. p. (online at: http://www. Geosciences 84. indicating Darriwilian age. & M. Liu (2009). Fan & X. (online at http://library. northern Thailand. In: Didymograptus artus. Malaysia Newsl. Incl. West Malaysia. T. (1972).geology. spinulosus. p. Ed..earliest Carboniferous)) Zhang. 35-40.E. 10-12.. Soc. Pterograptus sp. N.Graptolite biostratigraphy of the Shihtien Formation (Darriwilian) in West Yunnan.1 374 www. Caridroit (2005).go. March 2014 . Bull. 1. Langkawi Islands. p..pdf) (Rich M Ordovician graptolite fauna from the Shihtien Fm at Baoshan and Shidian in W Yunnan.Wonganan. etc.vangorselslist. SW China.Devonian fossils from Pulau Rebak Besar. Khon Khaen 2005. Mae Hong Son.pdf:) (Late Devonian radiolaria in highly folded cherts between Pai and Mae Hong Song. (Red mudstones below Singa Fm tilloid-bearing sediments yield uppermost Devonian marine fossils (Meor & Lee (2004) interpret red beds of nearby NW Peninsular Malaysia as Late 37. J. 637-648..X. D. Conf. March 2014 . K. p.nyu.Pleistocene mammal faunas of Sulawesi and their bearings to paleozoogeography. Bumiayu region.Palaeontological notes no. p.). F. 155-198. 27.X. Anton. etc. Dev. Seri Paleontologi 6. Ed.E.Natural history of Homo erectus. Aimi M. S. (2003). Trinil and Sambungmacan. Jurn. Ser. 243-266. (Macaque fossil tooth from Pleistocene of Ngandong along Solo River. Publ. 4. (Pleistocene pygmy stegodonts in Sulawesi. 1-106. p. 126-170. M. Archaeology in Oceania 42.C. 2-9. p. Geol. M. (1989).A. Center 1. (1937). eastern Indonesia. (1991). O'Connor (2007). 3.Cranial evolution in Asian Homo erectus. Hooijer (1973). (1983). Aziz. (1989). Dev. Res.C. 37-45.1 375 www. Spec. Geol. Kadar (eds. Asian Perspectives 30. Geol. (2001). Wajak. Res. Quaternary Hominids.15 ka) increased aridity and lowered sea level had significant impact on human hunter-gatherers in E Timor and Aru Islands) Audley-Charles. Dev. & Sudijono (1979) On the problematical species Aceratherium boschi von Koenigswald 1933. Geol.C Java) Aimi. 73-76. Yearbook Phys. Dev. 5. Central Java. 56-60. (New mandible (jaw) of pig species from coarse sands of Kali Glagh Fm at Cisaat. Bandung. 50-56. 5.pdf) Aplin. & D. first described by Von Koenigswald in 1933) Allen. 39-46. Supports earlier interpretations of open-country habitat) Aziz. Res. site of Homo soloensis. Bandung. Ser. Ph.Fosil fauna Sulawesi dan Batas Wallace. ('Fossil faunas of Sulawesi and the Wallace Line') Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Records Australian Museum 20. (Stone tools found associated with U Pleistocene-Holocene Homo fossils on Java (Ngandong. (1993). Aziz (1985). p. Res. 4. Geol. Indonesia. Indonesia. 4. Geol. In: N. Kyoto University. 197-198. Sumberdaya Min. Geol. fossil marsupials from New Guinea. Res.Notes on a new Meganthropus S.vangorselslist. Thesis. Anthropology 46. Flores and Timor. S. p. p.A matter of balance: an overview of Pleistocene occupation history and the impact of the Last Glacial Phase in East Timor and the Aru Islands. Centre (GRDC). Bandung. Spec. Mojokerto.G. p.A mandible of Sus stremmi Koenigswald 1933 from Cisaat. Central Java. M. Dev. (online at: www. 4-10. p. p. Watanabe & D. p. C. F. Publ. Bandung. 82-90.33 from the SangiranDome. Centre. Dev. (On Late Pliocene? rhinoceros species of Java. Centre. Nature 241.D. (Late Pleistocene Last Glacial Maximum (~30. (GRDC) Anton. F.Stegodonts and the dating of stone tool assemblages in island S.Relation of Pleistocene migrations of pygmy stegodonts to island arc tectonics in Eastern Indonesia. p. Paleont. F. Res. & F. Bull. Mammals Aimi. Centre. but not with any certainty with M Pleistocene Homo erectus) Anderson.Macaca fascicularis (Raffles) from Ngandong. p. Bandung. East Java. Dwarf Stegodon populations coexisted in Flores and Timor. Aziz. Paleont. Centre.Vertebrate fossils from the Sangiran dome. (1990). Asia. H.) Quaternary Geology of the hominid bearing formations in Java. areas now separated by deep seas. & S. and apparently wandered back and forth in Pleistocene) Aziz. still exists (latest Pleistocene or Holocene. 5. H. 1. Contributions to the West Pacific. Centre. Sondaar. see Storm et al.A new insight on the Pleistocene fauna of Sangiran and other hominid sites in Java. DEINSEA 7. van den Bergh (1995). Reumer and J. p. P.Vertebrate faunal evolution of Sulawesi during the Late Neogene. de Vos (1995). Proc.42. 103. 49-57. 21-32. p. H. Bandung.36 Ma) Aziz. J. (3) Ciharuman with fossil dated as ~29. Baba (eds.A dwarf Stegodon from Sambungmacan (Central Java.Morphological study on the Homo erectus Sangiran 17 skull based on the new reconstruction.. (eds. (Displaced hominid skull from Solo River sediments near Cemeng.0. (online at: www. Probably Homo erectus ofPleistocene age) Aziz & H. p.F. 133-144. Elephas maximus with age of ~0. J.W.) Pacific Neogene Events in Time and Space. J. p. (Discussion of the De Vos 1982 and Sondaar 1982 Java mammalian biostratigraphy scheme) Aziz. March 2014 ..D.J.. here called Sambungmacan 4. Sondaar. West Java.. with Sus. F. van den Bergh & Sudijono (1995). etc. 79-85.. Anthropol. p. Bandung Basin. Sondaar. In: J. (New hominid skull and mandible fragments. p. (Site of Wajak cave at Gunung Lawa near Tjermee/ Campur Darat villages in C Java.D. 11-16.jst. de Vos (1999). Narasaki (1994). 4. 11-25. Central Java: an announcement.Homo erectus in S. F. 125. F. IGCP-246.D. Ed.The fossil faunas from the Citarum area. Indonesia). J. de Vos (1989). The Java case. Leinders & J.Early dispersal of man on islands of the Indonesian Archipelago: facts and controls.Homo erectus in Indonesia.Y..Y. (Brief summary of succession of Pleistocene mammal/ hominid assemblages of Java) Aziz. W of Trinil. Res.) Elephants have a snorkel!. The hominids and their environment during the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Eurasia.go. Anthropol. II. Recent progress of the study and current understanding. van den Bergh & J. P. Tsuchi (ed.) (Review of Pleistocene hominid disperals across Indonesia) Aziz.Aziz. Dev. Geol. Centre.jstage. (2) Cipatik/Cililin lake deposits with fossil fish of possibly Pleistocene age. W Java: (1) Banuraja. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . F. Paleont. F. Dev. Soc. Seri Paleontologi 6. F. Indonesia.. F. Indonesia). F. C Java. Dev. Res. p. Rusa.vangorselslist. F. Nederl. F. Bandung. Conf.Fossil faunas and early man of Java. 349-368. found by local collectors in E part of Sangiran Dome. p. & G. G. 10.Rediscovery of the Wadjak Site (Java. Aziz. (1994). Ser. p. 2-7. (4) Cipeundeuy with Elephas maximus. p. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 4. In: de Vos (1989). (2002)-New discovery of a hominid skull from Cemeg. (online at: http://www. 229-241. & J. p. Watanabe (1996). Shizuoka Univ. Centre (GRDC). C Java) Aziz. Int. In: R. Ser. Baba & S. Orce 1995.) (2013). & J.E. with age of ~0. Baba & N. 1.) (Four fossil mammal faunas from Citarum area. 8.Preliminary report on recent discoveries of fossil hominids from the Sangiran area. p. 1-3. F. 29. Bandung. Nippon 97. Geol. (online at: www. G. P.Y. Aziz.6-42. Aziz. Java. Akademie Wetenschappen 98.. 2013) Aziz. Aziz. Sumber Daya Geologi 7. Manis palaeojavanicus. (2000). Geol. 363-368. Japan.1 376 www. Sondaar.8 Ma. Gibert et al. Rhinoceros sondaicus.M.3 k. Asia: time space and migration routes. Res.journalarchive.) Proc. Sambungmacan.. Papers in honor of Paul Y. de Vos. with 'Wajak man' hominid remains and originally excavated by Dubois in 1890. Centre for Geological Survey. Paleont.jst. J. Panthera. de Vos (eds.go. 637-640. Jacob (2000). & L. 3. Emerged tongues of land due to volcanoes colonized by mammals by latest Pliocene) Barker. Blin. Science 299.L. mortality profiles and evolution of the predator-prey relationships in an environmental context. p. Zhao et al. Suwa. (see also Storm et al (2005) for details of locality. Age may be latest Plioceneor earliest Pleistocene. Datan. (On mammal remains in Late Pleistocene karst deposits in N Laos.M. I.. Akazawa et al. F. Susanto & T. Johnson. 1-112.. Overlying clastics at this site yielded 1973 'Solo Man' Home erectus skull cap discovery and stone tools) Aziz. in fluviatile and lahar beds. Jacob (2003). F. Daly. Sudijono. Jacobs. p. Sudijono. K. J. 855-862. (1959). H. Demeter. 5. 18. Duringer. P. Aziz. Narasaki.) The evolution and dispersal of modern humans in Asia.A new hominid incisor from Sangiran. p 349-361. Djubiantono (1989). S.C.The `human revolution' in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak. p. p. ('First population by mammals of a region of E Java at the end of the Pliocene: age of the Gunung Butak fauna near Kedungbrubus'. F.(New dwarf Stegodon jaw fragment found in 1992 in shallow marine Kalibeng Limestone at Sambungmacan. p. D. Kono & T. M. (At least three immigrations of large-sized terrestrial mammals into S Sulawesi in Late Pliocene-Quaternary.. Tokyo.M. G. N. N March 2014 .. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Kaifu. J. 422.Frontal bone fragment of Homo erectus from Sangiran. Centre. (eds. Overall morphology intermediate between that of earlier and later Javanese Homo erectus) Baba. (Homo erectus calvarium from Sambungmacan. G. Supriojo. Geology 13.Premier peuplement par les mammiferes d’une region de Java Est.vangorselslist.Neogene mammalian faunal change in southern Asia: correlations with climatic. (Description of 'Punung' mammal fauna' from karst hills of S Mountains. Raz. H. 1-151..T.. Palaeoecology. Borneo).Late Pleistocene mammalian assemblages of Southeast Asia. (Modern humans in cave in Niah cave. (2007). Palaeoclim. Narasaki. N Borneo dated at ~50 kyr) Barry. H. Y. Y. F. Westaway. Java. Susanto (2004). (1985). Human Evolution 19. Semah. Bacon. A. C Java. In: T. possibly from 'Grenzbank') Baba. A. p. Fossil mammals appear just above. Doct. Geol. Aziz. F.. (2015). S.. Java. van den Bergh et al. Paris 308. Along flanks of Gunung Butak marine sediments abruptly overlain by coarse and slightly transported volcanic breccia. Top of basal breccia dated 1. pres de Kendungbrubus (Indonesie). Punung (C Java) and Sibrambang (W Sumatra)) Badoux. Y.D. p. Hyodo. S.1 377 www. (Homo erectus frontal bone fragment found in 1994 in Brangkal River river floor. Res. 1384-1388. Kaifu.L. Comptes Rendus Academie Sciences.1 Ma)) Bandet. p. 243-261.E. collected by Von Koenigswald in 1930's.Homo erectus calvarium from the Pleistocene of Java.87 Ma. A. R. Original stratigraphic level not known. Aziz (1992). (1995). E Java. Human Evolution 38. a la fin du Pliocene: age de la faune du Gunung Butak. Dykes et al. Publ. 197-201. 867-870. E. P. Thesis University of Utrecht. M.. Central Java. F. and eustatic events. new dating. tectonic. P.X. p..The geology and stratigraphy of the vertebrate-bearing deposits in the Sengkang Basin: the terrestrial faunal evolution of South Sulawesi during the Late Pliocene and Quaternary.M. A. J. Bird. G. Barton. Aziz. Y.Human tibial fragment from Sambungmachan. Baba.Fossil mammals from two fissure deposits at Punung (Java) with some remarks on migrations and evolution of mammals during the Quaternary in South East Asia. J. I. Palaeogeogr. Site may have been margin of a paleo-island in Kendeng zone. H.M. Kaifu. H. Sartono & T. Dev. Ponche. Spec. J. paleoenvironment (rainforest) and age (~0. Saefudin & E. S. Antoine.E. 3. Vetebrate fauna localities in Walanae Depression/rift) Baba. & F. 101-127. Ed. Human Evolution 52. Sangiran area. p. Balkema.1 378 www. Auther believes stone artifacts to be younger than S Sulawesi fossils) Bartstra. G.. Rotterdam. Java. his age. 4.Dating the Pacitanian: some thoughts.quartaer. Antiquity 52. Sands composed of andesitic material and unconformably overlie Late Neogene marine marls) Bartstra. Land Volkenkunde 139. 99-113. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 9. Bartstra. 204. Indonesia. p. (1977). Two fluvial sand horizons along Solo River at Trinil: (1) Lower horizon (Kabuh Beds) of M and Late Pleistocene age. and localities of hominid fossils) Bartstra. G. 253- 258.Notes about Sangiran (Java..J. p. G. Leiden. (Years of fieldwork in C Java between 1977-1981 failed to find conclusive evidence for E-M Pleistocene tools used by Homo erectus. 56-58. (1977). G. etc. etc. Thesis University of Groningen. (1982). (online at: www. (Includes good overview of geology of Southern Mountains (Gunung Sewu) of C Java. silts. (1976).J. Quartar 27/28. 5. Java. Many stone artifacts were found across E Java. which contain Pleistocene vertebrate fossils (Archidiskodon- Celebochoerus fauna of Hooijer. but these could be from modern Homo) Bartstra. the stone implements of Ngebung and the Paleolithic of Java. the site of first Pithecanthropus and of abundant vertebrate fossils collected by Dubois. Current Anthropol. Indonesia. Quartar 25. Courier Forschungs-Inst. Ngandong Solo Man fossils in T2/20m terrace) Bartstra. lower unit Pleistocene March 2014 . (1983). (online at: www. Bartstra. Brill. 23. Selenka. (Quaternary terraces in transverse valley of Solo River N of Ngawi. Leiden. (1983). 318-320.The age of the Djetis Beds in East and Central Java.J. p.Walanae Formation and Walanae terraces in the stratigraphy of South Sulawesi (Celebes.J. incl. p.vangorselslist. 329-336. 143-155. Senckenberg 69. 121 p. Rotterdam. sands and gravels. 421-434.kitlv-journals.J. G. (1978).J. Indonesia).J.J. (Geologic setting of terraces of Walanae River. Rotterdam.The height of the river terraces in the transverse Solo valley in Java.Some remarks upon fossil man from Java. second terrace at ~20m above rive (T2). Bartstra. p.pdf) (Brief review of Sangiran dome Pleistocene stratigraphy. with Homo erectus) Bartstra. p. p. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . ~10km N of Solo. Balkema. p. Java. G.The river-laid strata near Trinil. G. 21-30. (2) upper horizon of Late Pleistocene Solo River terrace deposits. 1-11.php/btlv/article/view/2001/2762) (Review of stratigraphy and hominid fossils of C Java. Ed. best preserved.Bartstra. Indonesia). Balkema. Sartono (1976).Sangiran. (1974). G.) Bartstra. etc. Bijdragen Taal. G. 1948). G. site of Homo erectus. (1984).J. (1982).nl/index. and his tools. third ~5m above river (T3. Solo River deposits near Trinil two units: upper unit typical modern Solo river terrace deposits with Homo soloensis. G. Geologie en Mijnbouw 62. 97-130. previously studied by De Terra (1943).J.Homo erectus erectus: the search for his artifacts. type locality of Homo erectus: a reinterpretation.J. (1985). (Historic review of stratigraphic interpretations of Pleistocene Trinil Beds of C Java.The fauna from Trinil. Highest terrace up to 40-50m above present Solo river level(T1. Pleistocene river terraces. p. Wonosari limestone karst terranes.Contributions to the study of the Palaeolithic Patjitan culture. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7. and stone artefacts (Tjabenge industry). 3. location of villages). poorly preserved). Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 3. Comment I: The vertebrate bearing deposits of Kedungbrubus and Trinil. p. E. (2007).J. Human Evolution 17. 5. Basoeki & B.J.A. E. 161-169. Indonesia. 1-384. p. 3. p.G. p. Ciochon. G. (Brief review of Pleistocene geology along Solo River in Trinil and Ngawi areas. Murray.On the dispersion of Homo sapiens in Eastern Indonesia: the Palaeolithic of South Sulawesi. The Scientific Monthly 3. Th/U ages for Ngandong vertebrate remains suggest Upper Pleistocene age (~30-100 ka?)) Bednarik. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 2. R. Milius.Way out of Africa: Early Pleistocene paleoenvironments inhabited by Homo erectus in Sangiran. Quartaer 47/48. 11-24.J. (2000). Anthropos 92. G. (Homo sapiens reached Sulawesi around 50. S. (Early discussion of environmental setting of Pleistocene Pithecanthropus erectus (Java man). Larick. G. & D.S.Recent work on the Pleistocene and the Palaeolithic of Java. (Review of Pleistocene mammal fossils (Stegodon. P. Basoeki & B. (Review of Pleistocene migrations of hominids into Indonesia and Australia) Bednarik. (online at: www. p.) Berry. Current Anthropology Bellwood.A fifty years commemoration: fossil vertebrates and stone tools in the Walanae valley. Bartstra.W. Bronto (2009). 29-50. Java.J. with associated small stone implements. 6-33.New finds of fossil vertebrates from Sulawesi. 355-367. (2002). 2. van der Wijk (1988). R.Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago.A.anu. 241-244. M.R.A..Solo Valley research 1975 p..K. 10. Hooijer) Bartstra. G. Recognized that during Pleistocene glacial lowstands Sumatra and Java were connected with Borneo and Malay Peninsula. (Walane Fm). Suminto & S. Zaim. p. Soeghondo & A. Rizal. A. forming landmass.P. Indonesia. J. p. van Heekeren and Lutra 35. Carpenter. Java Pleistocene mammal faunas of Siamese and Indian affinity and believed to have migrated from SE Asia mainland in NW) Bettis. Y. J. & Basoeki (1989). (online at: http://epress.000 B. Keates.G. R.The maritime dispersal of Pleistocene humans. South Sulawesi. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Ngandong man: age and artifacts. p. giant tortoise) and hominid artifacts of Timor) Bednarik. (1987).The initial peopling of Wallacea and Sahul. Ed. Santosa Azis (1976). Australia National University (ANU) Press.A. R. Human Evolution 56. March 2014 . D.J.Bartstra. (Homo soloensis found in 1930's in High Terrace of Solo River near Ngandong. 171-224.L.Pleistocene Timor: some corrections. P.. Migration and Diffusion 3. Canberra. Indonesia. Balkema. G. p. R. Homo erectus never reached Sulawesi) Bartstra. Australian Archaeology 5. Kallupa (1991). 113-122. 1. Bartstra. Current Anthropology 30. S.The prehistory of island Southeast Asia: a multidisciplinary review of recent research. 23-36.pdf (3rd edition of 1985 book.The environment of the ape man. S. 317-321. p.1 379 www. Y.pdf) (History of discovery of S Sulawesi Pleistocene mammals and hominid artifcts in 1947 by H. Discovery of stone implements in high terrace gravels) Bartstra. (1997).vangorselslist. p. G.G.ifrao. Tassier-Surine.quartaer. J. (online at: www. Hooijer (1992). (Sundaland region in W of SE Asia archipelago and isolated islands of Wallacea in E witnessed complex trajectories of human movement and evolution during Pleistocene) Bellwood. World Prehistory 325-337. (1997). 3. S. p.. 16-20. Rotterdam. 2. (1916).J.J. 47-49.pdf) ('Paleontology. Dennell. 4. Java and Borneo and served as barrier to dispersal of rainforest- dependent species between Sumatra and Borneo.L. (2005).com/abstracts/pdf/2010/hedberg_indonesia/abstracts/ndx_bettis. 229-243.A..pdf) (Extended abstract. A.New finds of vertebrate layers in the Wonogiri and Wonosari areas. H. forming land bridge between Malay Peninsula.vangorselslist. 115-131. 94. Late Pliocene. paleoecology and taphonomy of the E-M Pleistocene mammals from the Sangiran hominid site. Larick. (Unpublished) (online at: http://hopsea. R. R. Indonesie).J. 129-158. (online at: www.Palaeoenvironments of insular Southeast Asia during the last glacial period.Etude taphonomique d’assemblages fauniques de sites a Homo erectus du dome de Sangiran (Pleistocene moyen. Zaim & Y. paleoecologie et taphonomie des mammiferes du Pleistocene moyen ancien du site a hominides de Sangiran (Java central. Heizler (2004)- Landscape development preceding Homo erectus immigration into Central Java. M. C Java.I. p. Central Java.searchanddiscovery.Plio-Pleistocene climatic and volcanic controls on high to moderate accommodation space systems in the Solo Basin. R. 300. N. more complex out-of-Africa scenario involving multiple exits. Indonesia: the Sangiran Formation Lower Lahar.9 Ma. document environments of Homo erectus in E Pleistocene. p.New finds of fossil mammals from the Pleistocene strata of the Philippines. Long-term shift toward regional drying or longer dry seasons through E Pleistocene) Bettis.D. ergaster) or 'Meganthropus' material from Homo erectus. Y. p. Jakarta 2009. D. lacustrine and fluvial sediments exposed in Sangiran Dome interpreted in terms of interactions between tectonics and climate change over past 2 My) Beyer. Variations in fluvial-deltaic and coastal reservoirs deposited in tropical environments. p. Long interval between early and latest H. (No convincing morphological case for differentiating early African specimens (H. Anthropologie 43. (2005). A. Histoire Naturelle. Central Java') Bouteaux. (Sangiran Lower Lahar Unit debris flow age 1. By 1. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 2.Q.5 Ma. Allaby & M. Annal. biogeography and vegetation/climate modelling suggests N-S 'savanna corridor' through Sundaland continent through Last Glacial Period at time of lowered sea-level.. Survey Indonesia Bull. p. D. Boivin. Homo floresiensis probably derived from SE Asian Homo erectus via transilience event and selection for endemic dwarfing) Bird. Ed. Central Java... Geol.(Stratigraphy and paleosols at Sangiran. a savanna corridor in Sundaland? Quaternary Science Reviews 24. National Research Council of the Philippines. dental reduction. M. slower progress to Australia. March 2014 . Sumatra.A. Savanna corridor may have provided convenient route for rapid early dispersal of modern humans through region and on into Australasia) Boediharto. 32-47. p. Thesis Museum Nat.O & D..R.Pleistocene marginal marine. 41. Indonesia. etc. Quaternary Int. large streams filled lake and landscape became more riverine. Quezon City. R.. Bilsborough. E. 1.Paleontologie. 1-368.. varying terrestrial routes. 220-238. terminates Late Pliocene shallow marine sedimentation) Bettis. Earliest human immigrants encountered low-relief lake-margin landscape dominated by moist grasslands with open woodlands in driest positions. Regional trends include increase in brain size and cranial robusticity. Indonesie). (New.Human dispersal across diverse environments of Asia during the Upper Pleistocene. 5. 20-21. Java central. Rizal. Paleont. Fuller. R. (1964). p. Taylor & C. Minimal interpretation of 50-150 km wide zone of open savanna vegetation along divide between S China and Java Seas.mnhn. Reagan & M. Hunt (2005). a sub-divided African source population. (Geomorphology. Y. p.Homo erectus revisited: aspects of affinity and diversity in a Pleistocene hominin species. Ciochon. Palaeogeogr. erectus. and interbreeding with archaic varieties of Homo) Bouteaux. (2008).fr/pc/thesis/PhD_Bouteaux2005. Zaim. 3p. AAPG Hedberg Conf. Palaeoecology 206. 2228-2242. Suminto. Palaeoclim.1 380 www. E. Indonesia. Paris. Bull. Steinberg (1957). Doct. A. Rizal (2009). Petraglia (2013). Y. Java. B. Propose reconstruction of rivers pathways and development. Semah & T. erectus sites come from fluvial volcanic-sedimentary Kabuh layers (E-M Pleistocene). Carnivores and traces of their actions rare. Djubiantono (2011). Frequent weathering and reworking of volcanic tuffaceous material may explain wide range of radiometric dates in hominid bearing series. including Homo erectus.106-115.7 Ma. Jacob (2007). C Java. Central Java. Indonesie): caracterisation des surfaces d'occupation a Homo erectus. (online at: http://quaternaire.1 381 www.0 Ma of alluvial fan coming from N and linked to active tectonic phase. Modification of assemblages by water action. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Homo erectus in fluvial deposits outcropping in several localities. p. 169- 179.Les assemblages fauniques associes aux sites a Homo erectus du dome de Sangiran (Pleistocene moyen. B. (Presence of Pleistocene mammalian faunas on Luzon and Mindanao had lead Von Koenigswald (1935) to propose Pleistocene migration route from mainland SE Asia to Borneo/ Java through Philippines.M. Semah & T.New taphonomical approaches: the Javanese Pleistocene open-air sites (Sangiran.M. First fully terrestrial level identified at base of U Pucangan Fm. Thesis. with occurrence of lithic artifacts) Braches.Approche paleopedologique de l’environnement des hominides fossiles du dome de Sangiran (Java central. Quaternary Int. B. Djubiantono (2014). Indonesia'. Anthropic influence at Ngebung 2 site.vangorselslist. dominated by teeth and extremities of large bovids and smaller cervids. 3. & A. p. 84-100. Central Java).M. Indonesia): characterization of Homo erectus occupation layers'. Ed.Pedo-sedimentary dynamics of the Sangiran dome hominid bearing layers (Early to Middle Pleistocene. 13-34. Soils reflect long dry season and open vegetation landscape. 5. mostly in fragments. Indonesie). Six paleosoil types. (Unpublished) ('Dynamics and history of lower and early Middle Pleistocene deposits of Sangiran dome (central Java. A. Indonesie). p. Quaternary Int. Thick Quaternary sediments of Sangiran dome with oldest human fossils dated to 1. F. ('The faunal assemblages associated with Homo erectus sites at Sangiran (M Pleistocene. p. but most found in fluvio-volcanic layers dated between 1 to 0. Recurrent aridity proxies in Grenzbank and Kabuh series (with most commont hominid fossils). Java)'. 1.revues. & R. p. Bones most common in M Pleistocene fluvial Kabuh Fm volcanoclastics. Museum Nat.. environments indicative of seasonal climate with long dry season.D. F. at ~ March 2014 .. Philippine Quart. Semah. A. Shutler (1984). 376. High degree of fragmentation of fossils related to fissuration and fluviatile transport) (Study of paleo-soils in Pleistocene of Sangiran Dome area. (Excavations in Sangiran Dome produced numerous mammal fossils. Ph. Quaternaire (Paris) 22. Mechanical action of water responsible for accumulations) Bouteaux. Compt. in agreement with stratigraphical and palynological observations) Brasseur..The Philippines and Pleistocene dispersal of mammals in island Southeast Asia. Carnivores are rare. A. 1-360. corresponding to development of open landscape on earlier sites of wide coastal swamps. F. Moigne. Higher up. (2009). Herbivores dominate assemblages (large bovids like Bubalus palaeokerabau or Bibos palaesondaicus and smaller cervids like Axis lydekkeri). Rendus Palevol 6. Ngebung 2 hill with only preserved human occupation surface dating to 0. A.Dynamique et histoire des depots du Pleistocene inferieur et moyen ancien du dome de Sangiran (Java central. Most bone assemblages from H. However. Several mudflows rapidly covered Homo erectus occupation surface of Ngebung 2 site) Brasseur. Central Java. 220-225. Indonesia): a palaeopedological approach for reconstructing ‘Pithecanthropus’ (Javanese Homo erectus) palaeoenvironment. F. Thirteen taxa of M Pleistocene mammals determined. A. p. Semah. 8 Ma. 223-224. Histoire Naturelle. Semah & T. Luzon probably island fauna and Philippines probably played no major role in Pleistocene dispersal of 'Sino- Malayan faunas' to Java) Brasseur. Lithic tools rare at these sites.5 Ma.M.('Taphonomic study of faunal assemblages of Homo erectus sites at Sangiran Dome (M Pleistocene. alternating with periods of more humid palustrine conditions. Moigne (2010). Paris. Culture and Society 12. Mowbray. p.Early stone technology on Flores and its implications for Homo floresiensis.R. (1941). Jatmiko.A new small-bodied hominin from the Late Pleistocene of Flores.On fossil remains of a Hyaenid from Java. p. Komodo dragon. 748-752. Indonesia.naturalis. A. providing new minimum age for hominins on Flores and predates disappearance from Soa Basin of ‘pygmy’ Stegodon and giant Geochelone) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Sutikna.. Sarawak.De verzameling van Indische fossielen (Collctie Dubois). Recurrent aridity proxies in palaeosols of Bapang Fm.D. Kurniawan. C Java) Brongersma. rat. M.D. R. (online at: www. G. Zoologie. Anatomical Record 262. Nature 441. dated as 840-700 ka. J. (Tiny hominid Homo floresiensis from Liang Bua cave on Flores) Brumm. Ed. (1937).D. 323- 349. 9. F.Notes on some recent and fossil cats.Upper Pleistocene human skull from Niah caves. Brown. 624-628. p. van den Bergh.J. I. Indonesia. R.The endocast of Sambungmacan 3 (Sm3): a new Homo erectus from Java. L.P. A. and associated with small-bodied Homo floresiensis) Brumm. Apparent technological continuity with those excavated from Late Pleistocene at Liang Bua cave. Maart 1941. 1855-1865. Storey (2010)- Hominins on Flores. erosion of soil cover caused accumulation of pedosediments in topographic depressions.On the remains of carnivora from cave deposits in Java and Sumatra. Aziz & M.J. Hobbs & R. D.repository.vangorselslist. Marquez (2001).naturalis.naturalis. Comptes Rendus XIIe Congres Int. 5. reflecting long dry season and open vegetation landscape) Broadfield. Ignimbrite overlying artefact layers erupted 1. M. C Java. Brongersma. Jensen. Higher in stratigraphic succession.W. Brongersma. M.D. by one million years ago. Silver & S. 4.. in Dubois collection) (Study of Recent cats in Indonesian region and on Pleistocene fossils in Dubois collection from Trinil. Nature 464. etc. I. 1-90. L. F. Lisbon 1935.R. (1941). Zoologische Mededelingen 20.1 382 www. L. Holloway K. (1935).repository. (On hyaenid fossils from Kedung Brubus.repository.Notes on fossil and prehistoric remains of Felidae from Java and Sumatra. chiefly from the Malay archipelago. L. Moore. D. (1960).. p. 186- 202. p. De Indische Gids. with notes on recent specimens. corresponding to development of open landscape with wide coastal marshes and March 2014 . p. (2004).. E. Saptomo et al. Zoologische Mededelingen 18. dated as 95-74 and 12 ka. seasonal climate with long dry season alternating with periods of more humid palustrine conditions. ('The Indies fossils collection (Collection Dubois)') Brothwell. (online at: www. Sarawak Mus. Kurniawan. (Wolo Sege. Nature 431. D. I.. G. p. p. Brongersma. 50 km to W. a new site in Soa Basin has in situ stone artefacts stratigraphically below previously discovered Mata Menge site. 1055-1061. 7093. P. 97-116. Morwood. Zoologische (Descriptions of Late Pleistocene carnivore fossils from C Java caves: dog from Gua Lawa (=Wajak man locality) and a marten/weasel (Martes) from Gua Jimbe) Brongersma.D. G.02 Ma. p. T. Morwood. 369-379. Base of Upper Sangiran member earliest fully continental deposits. L. p. Morwood. A. (online at: www.D. Soejono. M.W.L. (C Flores Soa Basin sites contain stone artefacts associated with Stegodon florensis. From Upper Sangiran Mb to Bapang lower Mb. Aziz. Fullagar (2006). (1937).M. C Java.D.(Paleosols in Pleistocene of Sangiran dome. van den Bergh. 23. with rain forest cover on hinterland. Thailand. E. 280. I. Tafforeau.A Middle Miocene hominoid from Thailand and orangutan March 2014 . P.D. Nature 385. Nature 534. (online at: http://ro. p. 32-46. Hominins inhabited a savannah-like open grassland habitat with wetland component. 157-163.full. p. Springer.Brumm A. R. Chavasseau.. (New anthropoid from Late Eocene lignite seam near Krabi. piriyai from NE Thailand) Chaimanee.. Lazzari. and provides evidence for SE Asian evolutionary centre for anthropoids) Chaimanee. & J. Developments in primatology: progress and prospects.J. giant rat Hooijeromys nusatenggara. (Continental fossil vertebrates good indicators of former land connections between continental blocks. N Thailand. In: C.C. Jaeger (2004). Moussa & J. Y.First Middle Miocene rodents from the Mae Moh Basin (Thailand): biochronological and paleoenvironmental implications. p. Jaeger (2003). 249-253. Ed. Walanae River/Sulawesi. Nature 422. 259. Hominin fossils occur alongside remains of insular fauna (Stegodon florensis.. Marandat & J. M. 341-368. eosimiiforms and amphipithecids. Setiyabudi et al. Carnegie Mus. C Flores.g. Chaimanee. but bifaces relatively common in SE Asia (e. Jolly. & M. In: A. 1771.W. 5.. van den Bergh. p. Asian Eocene anthropoids two distinct groups. previously dated between 13. P. Lamphang Province.Siamopithecus eocaenus. Y. Vertebrate fauna from Norian Huai Hin Lat Fm of NE Thailand close affinities with faunas from Laurasia. but similar to Mae Long fauna from Li Basin. M. p. A. Krabia minuta.cgi?article=7783&context=scipapers) (Movius Line suggests that ‘true’ Acheulean biface stone tools.vangorselslist. (Excavations in fluvial valley-fill sandstone at M Pleistocene (0. Nature 427. p.V. p.)) etc.A new Late Eocene primate from the Krabi Basin (Thailand) and the diversity of Palaeogene anthropoids in southeast Asia.A new late Eocene anthropoid primate from Thailand. O. V. Australian Archaeology 74. Soa Basin. K. 429-431. Kay (eds. (First report of M Miocene microvertebrates from Mae Moh coal mine. C. D.J. which shares several derived characters with amphipithecid) Chaimanee..7 Ma) Mata Menge site. Associated with fragments of primitive deer Stephanocemas cf. (New species of Khoratpithecus.. B. Species about size of Aegyptopithecus. S Thailand. especially handaxes. B. Storey. (onine at: http://rspb. Euriat. Alloway. D. V. C. can be related to Burmese forms.J. Chaimanee.. Pacitan/Java. yielded hominin fossils ancestral to Late Pleistocene Homo floresiensis.J. B.F.. Ross & R. Jaeger (2013). J. in relatively dry climate. Jaeger & S. I. Benammi. etc. 645-653.pdf) (Recent discoveries from M Eocene of Myanmar and China suggest anthropoid primates originated in Asia rather than Africa. Suteethorn. Vidthayanon. are common only in Africa and W Eurasia.) Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan Region.Age and context of the oldest known hominin fossils from Flores. Natural History 39.1 383 www. Jaeger (2007). From Q and K coal seams. E. 61-65. Yamee.royalsocietypublishing. and indicates continental link between Indochina microcontinent and Laurasia in Late Triassic) Chaimanee. Duzer. Ducrocq (1997).The contribution of vertebrate paleontology to the geodynamic history of SE Asia. Setiawan. Sengor et al. Suteethorn. Kurniawan. Ser. Varanus komodoensis. Moore (2012).1-13.Biface distributions and the Movius Line: a Southeast Asian perspective. Y. Biological Sci.M. anthropoid primate from the Late Eocene of Krabi. rucha and pig Conohyus thailandicus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . G. Jintasakul. Y.J. (2016). Y. C. Marandat & J.) and simple stone technology) Buffetaut.V.) Anthropoid origins.A new orangutan relative from the Late Miocene of Thailand.3 Ma. p. estimated to date between 16-18 Ma. 20132268.. 9p. (2004). A. (1989). ( NATO Advanced Study Inst. Bull. Y. 7606.F. Description of new small anthropoid primate from Late Eocene of Krabi. 439-441. Proc Royal Soc. L. and large vertebrate remains.pdf) (Brief review of mammal occurrences in Tertiary basins of Thailand: Krabi Basin (Late Eocene. (1. Jaeger (2007). tropical). Driwantoro (2007). G. K.go. P. traditionally viewed as anthropoids) Cosijn. In: C. (2003). Handaxe-like tools from Pacitan. (1932). p.Chaimanee. central Java. C. Quaternary Int.Eocene primates from Myanmar: historical perspectives on the origin of Anthropoidea. Mae Moh basin (M Miocene. associated with fossil tree trunk.F. Springer. R. erectus soloensis. Evolutionary Anthropology 11. C Java'. J. Conf. & D. (Lower jaw of Khoratpithecus piriyai. 311-323. J. Originated from fluvial sand-gravel deposits of a large Gunnell (2004). p. Serie 9. In: W. document use of first tools in Sangiran and oldest evidence of shell tool use in world) Ciochon.) Int.F.F. Nemoz & J.F. & G. 113-119.dmr. and the questions of the age of the species and its association with stone artifacts. 48-58. Chapter 11... Ed. but likely incorrect. New York.. American J. R. Phys. erectus.. p. Ciochon. (online at: http://library. erectus found In C Java. Tian. Tantiwanit (ed. Tafforeau. Bangkok. R. 249-282. Khaowiset.Voorloopige mededeeling omtrent het voorkomen van fossiele beenderen in het heuvelterrein ten Noorden van Djetis en Perning (Midden Java). 131. Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol. Geol.Shell tool use by early members of Homo erectus in March 2014 . Serie 9.L.J. In: J. Associated mammal fauna gives geological age between 9-6 Ma) Chaimanee.Tweede mededeeling over het voorkomen van fossiele beenderen in het heuvelland ten Noorden van Djetis en Perning (Java). HvG) Cosijn. (eds.6. tropical with temperate elements). Khorat (Late Miocene)) Choi.1. but not sure which tools belonged to H. in areas devoid of forest. Anthropol. Sangiran and Ngandong industries of small flakes provisionally connected with H. C Java') Corvinus. Archeol. p. Tian & J. Sci. Jaeger (2006)- Khoratpithecus piriyai.L. p. 117. but not with heavily forested. (Many fossil remains of H. Dept. p. Sulawesi are of uppermost Pleistocene age and work of modern humans) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . P.Homo erectus in East and Southeast Asia. P. & G.J. Fleagle et al. Springer. (Eocene large-bodied primates known from SE Asia: Pondaungia and Arnphipithecus from Myanmar and Siamopithecus from Thailand. 156-168. Indonesia: cut mark evidence.1 384 www.Eocene large-bodied primates of Myanmar and Thailand: morphological monsiderations and phylogenetic affinities. Geol.vangorselslist. Kaya (eds. K.G.) Out of Africa I: The first hominin colonization of Eurasia. Marandat. (1931). B.Diversity of Cenozoic mammals in Thailand: paleoenvironment and age updated. 141-151. (Pleistocene Stegodon-Ailuropoda fauna of S China and peninsular SE Asia contains ape species previously attributed to early hominins. p. and considered to be Pliocene in age (now viewed as Pleistocene. p. Y. 5. Localities N of Mojokerto. ('Preliminary communication on the occurrence of fossil bones in the hill country N of Jetis and Perning. Java and Cabenge. 2. Yamee. humid-climate adapted Stegodon-Ailuropoda mammalian fauna) Ciochon.. a late Miocene hominoid of Thailand. Res. 3. Bone-bearing layers similar to those from Trinil. Chapter 8. Early hominins may have inhabited parts of S China. C. J. Nong Ya Plong (Late Oligocene. 34. Gunnell (2002). Min. Y. Ross & R. with special attention to handaxe-like tools. (2010). 73-79. inflicted by thick clamshell flakes. Chiang Muan (M Miocene). Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol. Yamee. tropical swamp). 111-126. on Geology of Thailand: Towards sustainable development and sufficiency economy (GEOTHAI’07).) Anthropoid origins.Divorcing hominins from the Stegodon-Ailuropoda fauna: new views on the antiquity of hominins in Asia. p. C.5 Ma old cut marks on Pleistocene bovid bones from Pucangan Fm in Sangiran. ('Second communication on the occurrence of fossil bones in the hill country N of Jetis and Perning. 135-148. a Late Miocene orangutan-like hominoid from NE Thailand. C. M.R. suggesting early hominids to reach Flores were capable of using watercraft) Dennell. R. (Timing and the paths of colonization of S Asia by Homo sapiens poorly known. p. Yogyakarta.0. (IAGI) and 10th Reg. (Stone artifacts suggest hominids arrived on Flores before 1 Ma and small hominin species (Homo floresiensis) lived on on Flores in Late Pleistocene.A giant crocodile in the Dubois Collection from the Pleistocene of Kali Gedeh (Java). M. 205-226. Central Java.1 385 www. 21st Ann. Reddy. p. R.W. Dispersal from E Africa between 60. Proc. but U Pleistocene population history of S Asia likely complex) De Neve. Proc. Integrative Zool.W. (1971). 27-32.5 Mya.. 30th Ann. & M.Fossil mammals of Java I. (Homo erectus site near base of Solo River terrace deposits at Ngandong. (1949). Bandung. & J. R.library.A revision of the Dubois crocodylians. at least 19 km from other islands on Sunda Shelf. & J. large carnivores or headhunters?). Conv. (Sambungmacan (Sm) 3 calvaria. p. (Revision of two extinct Javanese crocodylian species Gavialis bengawanicus Dubois 1908 and Crocodylus ossifragus Dubois 1908 (= C. Majalah Geologi Indonesia 16. Danisworo. T. Petraglia (2012). 3. Harvati. 131-139. GEOSEA Congress.leiden. or in Pleistocene Jaramillo magnetic event) Dawson.Stratigraphic position (in the Quaternary stratigraphy) and the age of Pithecanthropus erectus VIII discovered in the Sangiran area.90 Ma old. Geol. because 12 crania are present. (online at: http://colonial. Sawyer. J. 98-107. B74. Amsterdam. discovered on Java in March 2014 . 2.J.W. Jacob & S. Vertebrate Paleont. which is considered to be largely result of E Pleistocene dispersal from Siwaliks Hills via Siva-Malayan route) Delfino. Mowbray. 141-147.97. Indon. De Vos (2014). Ed.M. Proc. Akademie Wetenschappen. lower Bapang Fm. (1992). Kon. p. 81-90. how complex? Quaternary Science Reviews 47.. L. differs other sites with hominin remains in fluvial deposits. D. Notes on Quaternary Leporidae (Mammalia.A. Archaeology in Oceania 40.0. Chronica Naturae 105. p.Hominid dispersals and Asian biogeography during the Lower and early Middle Pleistocene.vangorselslist. was illegally removed from Indonesia in 1998. Flores was always island. Anatomical Record 262.D.000 mammalian fossils excavated from Ngandong now lost) Dennell. c. 9. 30. Louys. p.The origins and persistence of Homo floresiensis on Flores: biogeographical and ecological perspectives. M. Spec. but few other skeletal elements (fluvial disarticulation. K.W. p.The Solo (Ngandong) Homo erectus assemblage: a taphonomic assessment. De Vos (2010). Nederl.…. p. Java) Delfino. G. 15-22. Asian Perspectives 43. Marcus. 2. Wilkinson (2014). C. R. Indon. 118-120.. Both found with Stegodon-Homo erectus fauna. E. 4.The dispersal of Homo sapiens across southern Asia: how early. Assoc. H. (On fossil rabbits/ hares from Pleistocene of Sangiran.. C. 427-441.40 ka. Central Java. 5. Lagomorpha) from Central Java. 4. Marquez (2001). Dennell.F. Ed. (Unpublished crocodylian specimen collected by Dubois in latest E Pleistocene of Kali Gedeh tentatively referred to genus Crocodylus. Sm 3 probably Homo erectus. O'Regan & D. with greatest similarity to specimens from Ngandong) Dennell. 477-485. G. excavated by Oppenoorth-led crew of Geological Survey in 1931-1933. J. p. p. how often.0.The Sambungmacan 3 Homo erectus calvaria: a comparative morphometric and morphological analysis. Assoc. Mtg. Geol. (2004). (2001). ~1 m long lower jaw indicate total length of ~6-7 m) Delson. p.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Most of the >25.Note on the occurrence of the remains of a Cetacean in the alluvial tin deposits of the island of Billiton. siamensis Schneider 1801).J. 2. Gavialis bengawanicus and Crocodylus ossifragus. 380-397. (IAGI). from the Pleistocene Homo erectus beds of Java. (2005). (Pithecanthropus erectus VIII skull considered to be from within Jagan Tuff Member.Magnetostratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene deposits in the Sangiran area. between 0. Quaternary Science Reviews 96.Danisworo. Holocene Homo sapiens populations from Malaysia. Flores.). March 2014 .fr/pc/thesis/Detroit_2002_PhD_thesis. Odontologie 1. (2002). Oldest hominids in Sangiran of Trinil HK or Ci Saat age) De Vos. Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change 40. (1949). American Philosophical Soc. Second whale vertebra fossil from Manggar. From old to young: Satir. 3. sapiens in M Pleistocene) De Vos. Kedung Brubus. Ci Saat. Leiden University. Symposium. on Pleistocene stratigraphy and hominid sites of Java. Paris. 215-220. F. In: H. Pacitan. Kedung Brubus fauna reflects greatest interchange with Asian mainland. (2002). Vermeulen & J. Java.pdf) (' Origin and evolution of Homo sapiens in SE Asia: overview and morphometric analyses of new fossils'. Ngandong. Geol.Origine et evolution des Homo sapiens en Asie du Sud-Est: descriptions et analyses morphometriques de nouveaux fossiles. New York. 2.F. H.) Ancestors. Howell (ed. Nederl. p. and Sumatran caves. etc. Thailand (Moh Khiew).R. De Vos. Oldest faunas rel. 32-36.R. 1-445.A.Faunal turnovers in Java in relation to faunas of the continent. (1910). In: W. probably from marine shell layer first identified by Verbeek at ~2m(?) below sea level) De Terra. Doct. (1985). American Assoc. De Vos. p. p.A century of Dutch paleo-anthropological research in Indonesia. (Review of work by Dubois.Opmerking over de fossiele wervel gevonden in Billiton. Belitung. B86. Acta Anthropol. Kommers (eds. etc. (online at: http://hopsea. Ed. Palawan (Tabon). p. N.(Vertebra of whale in Quaternary tin ore-bearing deposits near Manggar. p. Chicago 1946.Pleistocene geology and early man in Java. 1910. Sangiran. Two periods in Pleistocene evolution of Homo: (1) time of Homo erectus. (2000). p. (1983). Liss. Supplement of De Terra and Movius (1943) Research on early man in Burma. Gua Lawa. (Review of succession of Pleistocene mammalian faunas from E Java. Gunung Sewu.The migration of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens in SE Asia and the Indonesian Archipelago. and both indicative of humid forest climate) De Vos. Amsterdam. J. Chronica Naturae 105. 293-294. p. J. Von Koenigswald. (1949). p. Trinil.) Human evolution and ecology of Homo erectus. Tulungagung. (1995). 11. J. incl. J. 1-3.W.The period of transition between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens in East and Southeast Asia: new perspectives by the way of geometric morphometrics. (2) intensified migrations with first arrival of H. Detroit.vangorselslist. Bower & S. Punung and Wajak. Ngandong. Java (Wajak. A. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . F.. ('Remark on the fossil vertebra found on Billiton'. DSWO Press. Akademie Wetenschappen. G. Trinil HK. Phys. the hard evidence. history of anthropology in the Netherlands. Related to fin whale Balaenoptera) De Neve. Belitung. Kon. 19.Faunal stratigraphy and correlation of the Indonesian hominid sites.The Pongo faunas from Java and Sumatra and their significance for biostratigraphical and paleo-ecological interpretations: Proc. 7-15. ('On a monkey molar from the Kendeng beds of Java') De Terra. J. (Fossil faunas from Punung. 75-81. K. 417-425. 5. (1996). Study of U Pleistocene. Deninger. Palaont. H.) Early man in the Far East.. Histoire Naturelle. In: E.) Tales from academia. poor island faunas. Centralblatt Mineral. 239-260. p. as also described by Sondaar (1984).Uber einen Affenkiefer aus den Kendeng-Schichten von Java. Anthropologists.S. p. 32. In: J. Sinica. 1095-1116. Niccos. Thesis Museum Nat. p. Biostratigraphically intermediate between Ngandong and Wadjak faunas. Includes study of Solo River Quaternary terraces) Detroit. Trans. Sartono (eds.mnhn. (1943).1 386 www. Suppl. Delson (ed. 437-464.Geology and climate as factors of human evolution in Asia. marked by some endemism in SE Asia archipelago. S. 1726-1727. Aziz (1989). Selenka (1906-1908) and the Geological Survey by the Indonesian-Japanese Team (1976-1977) at Trinil (Java. p. suggesting island setting) De Vos.M. E-M Pleistocene migration via Siva- Malayan route from Siwaliks via Birma to Java brought in Homo erectus in M Pleistocene. found by Indonesian-Japanese team in 'Grenzbank' Bed in Sangiran Dome.pdf) (Review of history of paleoanthropology in SE Asia and principal localities in Indonesia) De Vos. Felidae) from the Pleistocene of Java. 267-285. (Review of Dubois collection of Pleistocene mammals from C Java. & S. 4. J. C Java. 35-63. p. p. (online at: www. Gibert et al. importance of the 'Dubois collection' reconsidered.Archives - Museums. p. & P. Nederl. 'Cultural Heritage in Geosciences.) De Vos. Sartono. J. bringing in Homo sapiens and leading to extinction of Homo erectus) De Vos.Y. In: F.repository. p. A. Anthropol. p. 207-211. Sanz ( (Description of large Dubois collection in Leiden Naturalis museum and its role in studies of Java Pleistocene stratigraphy. 68-82. Sondaar (1993. J.Y. Science 266. Much of material not collected in stratigraphic context. Rotterdam. In: A. (online at: http://unesdoc. J. & A. (eds. Grimaud-Herve (eds. These canines belong to Megantereon sp. In: C. Aziz (1987).D. (2004). type locality of Homo erectus: a reinterpretation. a la decouverte du chainon manquant. Bautista (2007).The fauna from Trinil. Aziz. Leiden. 81-84. and reported as Homotherium zwierzyckii.. Int.F. Migration routes and evolution. 407-420. (Mammalia. De Vos. etc.) VII Int. van den Bergh (1995).Y.An update on the vertebrate fossils from the Philippines. p.) First Islanders. III. Sondaar & G. (Brief review of Pleistocene mammal fossil occurrences in SE Asia.Les faunes quaternaires de Java. Semah & K. Orce 1995. (2014). Semah & D. De Vos.E.go. p. Setiagama (eds. Les dossiers d'Archeologie 184. 5. Material in Naturalis Museum. The hominids and their environment during the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Eurasia.) Proc.The Dubois collection: a new look at an old collection. & F. Scripta Geologica.jst. Cambodia via 'Sino-Malayan' corridor. National Museum Papers 11. Ed. Hardja-Sasmita & P. 57-63.vangorselslist. Bouteaux & A. mammal faunas.Homo erectus in S.. p. March 2014 .. J. (Teeth of sabre-tooth cat. Donovan (eds. Asia: time space and migration routes. B90.Dating hominid sites in Indonesia. (Online at: www. ('The Quaternary faunas of Java') De Vos. J. Indonesia). 369-381..The mammalian faunas chronology in island Southeast Asia. Akademie Wetenschappen. 3.De Vos. p. & F. Proc. J. Conf. Soc. Nippon 97. In: J. human origins patrimony in Southeast Asia. 56- 61. Sondaar (1982). UNESCO World Heritage Papers 39. Geologie en Mijnbouw 61. Sondaar (1982).) Human origin sites and the World Heritage Convention in Asia. Vietnam.1 387 www. hominid evolution.naturalis. With locality maps and listings of species) De Vos.journalarchive.) De Vos. S. Bautista (2001). p.The history of palaeoanthropological research in Asia: reasons and priorities for future cooperation in research and preservation of sites and collections. Aziz & P. Balkema. since. (Fauna at Trinil type locality is older than ‘Jetis-fauna’ of Von Koenigswald 1934 and also older than Kedung Brubus fauna. F.Note on two upper canines of Megantereon sp. Mining and Metallurgy: Libraries . During Late Pleistocene Sunda Shelf became connected with continent. Sondaar (1994).) Le Pithecanthrope de Java. Leiden 2003. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . J. J. J. Issue.The excavations by Dubois (1891-1900). Spec. P. & P.) De Vos.Winkler Prins. F. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7. In: N.unesco.Y.. Symp. J.K. 58-62. faunal migrations. causing migration from China. Many endemic species. mainly from excavations at Trinil along Solo River and Kedung Brubus near Madiun in 1890's. the large murid. J. 7-13. Di Geronimo. Publ.Chronology and palaeoenvironment of Plio. Aziz (1994). 5. Indonesia. G. 103-107. Senckenberg. ouderdom en fauna. & S. Park (1998). Sartono (1990). Paris 1998.Lower Pleistocene marine-continental transitional beds in the Solo depression and their relation to the environment of the Pucangan hominids.Pleistocene molluscan environments.The geology and stratigraphy of the vertebrate-bearing deposits in the Sengkang Basin: The terrestrial faunal evolution of South Sulawesi during the Plio-Pleistocene. and islands. & T.vangorselslist. p. Ed.8-1. (Unpublished) (‘The final marine deposits of the Solo Depression. Semah (1992). L. Indonesia): Upper Pliocene.L’ile de Java et son peuplement.66 Ma instead of 'conventional' 0. Cranium 11. In: Y. p. 12-19. (Includes review of Pleistocene mammal island faunas of SE Asia) De Vos.First settlements: relations between continental and insular Southeast Asia.L. Lorenz (ed. Paruromys dominator. involving uplift of ranges around Solo Depression: Kendeng zone last major phase of folding and probably S Mountains uplift) Downing. Sondaar. 33-35.Homo modjokertensis. Bandung. Int.php/bippa/article/view/595/584) (Kaliuter River section 10 km N of Sangiran shows transition from Pliocene folded marine Lower KalibengFm marls and Late Pliocene.73 Ma)) De Vos.Sangiran (Java. Courier Forschungs Inst. Bellwood ( Central Java. 129-140. 24. p. Museum Nat. p. In: VIth Nat. Geol. Res. van den Hoek Ostende & G. p.E. In: W. & F.8 Ma) dramatic volcano-tectonic activity. Semah (1991).(Question correctness of Swisher et al. & F. De Vos. Origine des peuplements et chronologie des cultures paleontkigques dans le sud-est asatique.Y. Bull. & March 2014 .G. (‘Java island and its colonization by humans’) Djubiantono. In: P.L. Semah (1993). J. T. Histoire Naturelle. Dev. Paris. barriers. Djubiantono.) Indo-Pacific Prehistory 1990. Proc.0.. p. 191-242. (Online at: http://ejournal.1 388 www.The Homo bearing deposits of Java and its ecological context.D. 225-249. G. In: F. ‘Grenzbank’ is unconformity surface) Djubiantono. Musser & L. Springer. Centre (GRDC). In: J. Frankfurt. Archaeological Congress on Indonesian Archaeology.. from the Late(?) Pliocene Walanae Formation. Semah & A. 1-112. J.Les derniers depots marins de la depression de Solo (Java Central. F. De Vos. van den Bergh & F. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc. P.97-0. p.Y. chonostratigraphy and paleogeography’) Djubiantono. 315-345.The first fossil record of small mammals from Sulawesi.) Les dossiers d’ Archeologie 184.Vu (2001). Le Pithecanthrope de Java.Pleistocene deposits in the Solo Depression (Central Java): the Kaliuter area and its relations with the ancient Javanese settlements. p.. 2.) Biogeography. van den Bergh (2007).D. 171. Malang 1992.anu.) 100 years of Pithecanthropus: the Homo erectus problem. time.. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 20.W. 1-208. (1994) older-than-generally-accepted new radiometric ages of pumice associated with Java hominids at Mojokerto and Sangiran sites of C Java (1.F.0. unconformably overlain by unfolded M-U Pleistocene non-marine series with hominids. Renema (ed. and place: distributions. p. 18. (C Java around Lw-M Pleistocene boundary (1. Doct.M. I. Semah et al. vindplaats.E Pleistocene Upper Kalibeng Fm regressive series. Thesis. Tomida Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Indonesie): chronostratigraphie et paleogeographie. J. K. 11. T. T. (eds. Spec. Sondaar (1994). Symp. p. II. (1992). DIRSP (Dutch-Indonesian Joint-Research Group on Sedimentology and Paleontology of South Sulawesi) (1995).Patterns in insular evolution of mammals: a key to island palaeogeography. 38.knaw. Akademie Wetenschappen. Dubois. 2. identified as Paruromys dominator. Nederl. the mandible and the teeth of Pithecanthropus erectus. 5-77) ('Pithecanthropus erectus a transitional human-like transitional form from Java' Classic first description of ‘Java man’/ Homo erectus.archive. 949-958. Tokyo. Akademie Wetenschappen.pdf) (Description of large Pleistocene ant eater from Kedung Brubus. het reuzenschubdier van de Kendeng fauna. (1924).Pithecanthropus erectus. based on skull cap.On the gibbon-like appearance of Pithecanthropus erectus. 139-145. a transitional form between man and the apes. 6. Proc. 1013-1051.On the principal characters of the cranium and the brain. erectus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . p. (1924).dwc. (1926). nothing in common with P. p. Science Mus. a fragment of the mandible and three teeth of Pithecanthropus erectus. Akademie Wetenschappen. (1934). March 2014 . (Dutch version of Dubois 1926) Dubois. Kon. Amsterdam. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen. p.New evidence of the distinct organization of Pithecanthropus. almost all other workers assume Pleistocene age) Dubois. Kon. Nat. Trans. (online at: www. Nederl. E. (1908). 37. E. Kon. 27. Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte. Akademie Wetenschappen. 459-464.1 389 www. 105-121. (online at: https://ia802704. the giant pangolin of the Kendeng fauna. E.dwc. Amsterdam. 1235-1270. (1922).On Pithecanthropus erectus.vangorselslist. 5. SW Sulawesi) al. 265-278. Kon. Nederl. (1926). p.Figures of the calvarium and endocranial cast. (Dutch version of Dubois 1926) Dubois. B 23. Kon. femur (upper thigh bone)and molar from Trinil) Dubois. Nederl. p.dwc. Amsterdam.pdf) Dubois. p. 25. Ser. Amsterdam. Proc.pdf) (Thighbones of Pithecanthropus erectus suggest close affinity with gibbon group apes) Dubois. Eine menschenaehnliche Uebergangsform aus Java. Verslagen Kon. p. 8. p. 1233-1243. Amsterdam. Landsdrukkerij.. Amsterdam. E. (Recently discovered Homo soloensis is primitive Homo sapiens and proto-Australian.Manis palaejavanica. p. (online at: www. (1935). ( Proc. 9. 1-7.pdf) (also in Jaarboek Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie 1895. ('The geologic age of the Kendeng or Trinil fauna'. Java. Nederl. Proc. 6. E. E. Dubois. 35. (online at: www. Akademie Wetenschappen. 1-64. Nederl. E.On the fossil human skulls recently discovered in Java and Pithecanthropus erectus. Ed. (1937). p. Proc. E. Dubois.Manis palaejavanica. Akademie Wetenschappen. Proc. 3. p. 29.The Proto-Australian fossil man of Wadjak. (1894). 3. C Java. p. Possibly suggesting drier climate than today) Dubois.knaw. E. 5. Batavia. Amsterdam. 578-585. Mon. Tijdschrift Kon. 40 km ESE of Trinil. 1-18. Royal Dublin Soc. (Discovery of first small mammal fossils from Sulawesi: two teeth of large rat species. (1896). (Erroneously) suggests most likely age of hominid bearing beds is Late Pliocene.oder Trinil-Fauna. Kon. Man 37. p. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 2. from Walanae Fm at Lakibong.) Advances in vertebrate paleontology and geochronology.Das geologische Alter der and Hexaprotodon sivalensis. Bawean leucite-bearing volcanics M Pleistocene age (0. (1986). p. 648-662. the lower one the true Trinil beds with Pithecanthropus and of Early Pleistocene age ('Unterdiluvial')) Elbert. Amsterdam. Overview of Kendeng. Akademie March 2014 . Memorie Scienze Geol. compared with the mandible of Pithecanthropus erectus described in 1924 by Eug.Dubois. p. J. Khokhlov & D. Centralblatt Mineral Geol. 25. mammal and mollusc distributions. 2. 5. 1. Centralblatt Mineral. (1911). Padova.A. E Java’. M.Further note on Sangiran flake industry.C. 143-153. Few reverse polarity flows probably emplaced during late Matuyama chron. E.M.Pleistocene (Pucangan. Geol.1 390 www. Geogr. J. Dubois. K. Quidelleur. Ed. Tesson.Dubois' Altersbestimmung der Kendengschichten. Recognizes two similar-looking fluvial packages at Trinil. Palaeont. p. Solihin. 3.The mandible recently described and attributed to Pithecanthropus by G. Akademie Wetenschappen. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1-78. 2. 513-520. p 167-181. 2. Nederl. Ages mainly in Brunhes chron. Nederl. (2006). Ansyori. Human Evolution 2. Mulyadi. Wirakusumah (2004). p. A. 441-454. Reply to Dubois 1908 paper) Elmaleh.ein Wort der Entgegnung. p. with hominid. p. J. Beilage Band 25.L’industrie osseuse de l’horizon Keplek Holocene de la grotte Song Terus. A. typical dry and open-woodland environment in M-U Pleistocene. (Brief review of 300-350m thick Late Pliocene (Kalibeng Fm). Proc.vangorselslist. Amsterdam. With Stegodon trigonocephalus.H. A. 211-214. Also lithic flake-tools and some crude core-tools. 41. 1911.S. Bubalus paleokarabau. M. D. Punung.R.R. 139-147. E. Dept.Kabuh Fms) stratigraphy. (Review of Selenka & Blankenhorn 1911 report on Trinil expedition and its results) Fadjar. K.. Grimaud-Herve.Palaeosecular variation in Java and Bawean islands (Indonesia) during the Brunhes chron. 267-276. Java (Yogyakarta. 23. similar to Ngandong) Ghosh. Indonesia).a reply'. p. Mem. Palaeont.Uber das Alter der Kendeng-Schichten mit Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois. Wibowo. H. 193-201.8 Ma)) Elbert. Histoire Naturelle Paris. Rahmanendra. T. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. (1908).The parietal bone of Indonesian Homo erectus. Prastiningtyas. M. Human Evolution 21. H. 6. Simanjuntak (2016). Punung. Java Est. (2006).P. p.. U. 157. Int.Die Selenka'sche Trinil-Expedition und ihr Werk. 416. Durband. Bouquerel. 730-741.Craniometric variation within the Pleistocene of Java: the Ngawi 1 cranium. M. X. p. Quaternary Int. G. Duller. J. Proc.Dating methods: the role of geochronology in studies of human evolution in Southeast Asia and Australasia.Pleistocene stratigraphy. A. (Matar locality near Ngandong on E bank of Solo River with fossils and lithic artifacts in terraces of poorly consolidated sand and gravels. (1996). Geophysical J. (1938). 17.T. Geol. Bibos paleosondaicus.S. A. Museum Nat.Solo River Late Pliocene. Lurus and Bawean Island. (‘The bone industry of the Holocene Keplek horizon of Song Terus cave. (1978).3-0. Bromo-Tengger.. Palaeont. Valet. Elbert.F.Matar: A forgotten but promising Pleistocene locality in East Java. ('Dubois' age determination of the Kendeng beds. Progress in Phys. Kon. Intan. B 81. Gunung Sewu site) Fae. (1909). in Sangiran. 183-192. (Paleomagnetic study from lava flows and dykes of Merapi and Merbabu.Lithobiostratigraphy and fossil hominids of the Sangiran-Krikilan area. p. von Koenigswald. H. D. C Java) Fauzi. (2001). Kon. ('On the age of the Kendeng beds with Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois'. 1909. Widianto & T. Wulandari.. Prehistoire.P. p. 48. P.The origin of the mammalian fauna of Sulawesi (Celebes).. Franzen (eds. 1-177. Inst. Andrews & J. 331-357.(Comparative study of parietal (skull) bones from Sangiran. clearly different from those of Kabuh (Bapang) and Zhoukoudian Lower Cave specimens) Grimaud-Herve. Many characters closer to Ngandong hominins. (‘The fossil humans discovered in Java since the 1980’s’) Grimaud-Herve. Cour. consider the Solo high terrace to represent a mix of materials reworked from different levels. F. C. p. F. 1575-1576. F. p. Bukuran area. phylogeny and paleogeography. Gunung Sewu. p.Plio-Pleistocene mammals in island southeast Asia. Science 276. Balzeau. Semah et al.D.) Origin des peuplements et chronologie des cultures Paleolithiques dans le sud-est Asiatique. J. p. 637-652. Rotterdam. Balkema. Lydekker Lines)) Groves.) Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia. p.vangorselslist. 193-209. Smith et al. D.M. A. Semah. (2016). In: P. Sambungmacan 1.J.Evolution of the genus Sus (Suidae. Thorne (1997). 43-54.Australia. Semah (2012). 267-273.. Lisse. Zeitschrift Saugetierkunde 41.Comparative morphological and morphometric description of the hominin calvaria from Bukuran (Sangiran. H.P. p. Taxonomy. Weber. 398-402. E side of Sangiran dome. & J. and ages) Hameau. C. 5. Semah & J. J. Balkema. 392 ka)) Hardjasasmita.Les fossils humains decouverts a Java depuis les annees 1980. Falgueres. A. Quaternary Int. H. Teknologi Bandung (ITB). J. 4. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 9. Forsch. 1994. Semenanjung. Indonesia).Fossil hominid teeth from the Sangiran Dome (Java.Mammals in Sulawesi: where did they come from and when. Ph.M. Metcalfe. p. 416.M.M.S. 2. sites. and what happened to them when they got there ? In: I. Sambungmacan 1 and Ngandong. A.P. Human Evolution 63. Indonesia) among the Javanese Homo erectus record. Groves. (Critique of Swisher et al. Purnomo et al. Senckenberg 69. Detroit & F. Moigne. Franzen (1994). Some morphological metrical features allow separation of Sangiran and Ngandong samples. E Java shows that cave belongs to karstic system which has been in place since M Pleistocene (216. A. Widianto (2001). & H.Mammal faunas and the palaeogeography of the Indo-Australian Region. C. A. (New part of Homo erectus skullcap fossil from 'Grenzbank' at Sendang Klampok in Sangiran Dome among more ancient hominids from Sangiran dome.A.ESR dating in Song Terus cave (East Java. Groves. Bahain. (Dating on animal teeth from Song Terus cave.M.) The early evolution of man with special emphasis on Southeast Asia and Africa. (online at: www. (1985). D. Detroit.landesmuseum.pdf) (Discussion of present-day mammal faunas of Sulawesi and relation to classic faunal province boundaries suggested for Indonesia ((Wallace. Ed. In: F.. Paris. Java. Central Java. p. Indonesia). 1996 dating results of Ngandong hominids. Widianto. R. 333-342. p. Indonesia). Quaternary Geochron. Semah. C. Dolo (2007).1 391 www. 75-103. F. (2001). Groves. (eds. Mammalia) in Indonesia. appears to be closer to Ngandong men) Grimaud-Herve. C. C Java) Grine. (1984).L. H. p. A. (1983). Courier Forschungsinst. (Description of heavily mineralized Homo erectus skull discovered in 1977 in cross-bedded fluvio-volcanic sands of lower Kabuh series near Sendangbusik.L. Djubiantono. 201-216. p.Dating the Ngandong humans. Thesis Inst. D. (Unpublished) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Position of the posterior skullcap fragment from Sendang Klampok (Sangiran March 2014 . (eds. whose chronological age is not well established. & A. Senckenberg 171. (1976). (Present day faunal endemism suggests Sulawesi was cluster of islands until quite late in geologic time) Grun.P. T. Widianto. (1987). Rizal (2005). one subspecies (Sus macrognathus terhaari) and two questionable species (Sus stremmi. Proc. S. (1971). Amsterdam. Nederl. Schutt (1972). p.Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Suidae (Mammalia) in Indonesia. (Non-human primates on Sundaland taxonomically diverse (27 species). (Description of Pleistocene fish remains from Trinil. macrognathus). starting at ∼2.Recent wild pigs in Indonesia. 75-84. Some precipitation of calcite and other authigenic minerals) Hertler. Akademie Wetenschappen. Palaeogeogr. mainly from Java) Harrison. S. Kon. mainly represented by genus Sus. Nederl. C. when sea levels fell by >100 m) Hemmer. Amsterdam. Zur Fossilgeschichte des Tigers (Panthera tigris L.Fossile Nebelparder (Neofelis) aus dem Pleistozan Sudchinas und Javas. New York. Kon. 35-52.(In Indonesia fossil suids (pig family) known from Pliocene. ('Fossil mammals of Java 2: the fossil record of the tiger Panthera tigris in Java'. & G. Zur Kenntnis der Evolution javanischer Kleinkatzen: Prionailurus bengalensis koenigswaldi ssp. 2. Geologi Indonesia 6. In: March 2014 . J. H. Two fossil species (Sus brachygnathus.palaeo. p. Krigbaum & J. 67-80 Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (Overview of ?Pliocene. (1971). 1. Hylobates spp.Holocene. ('Fossil hippopotamus from South China and Java') Hennig. E. Akademie Wetenschappen. Blanckenhorn (eds. & G.repository. Proc. p. mainly of genus Sus. On Sulawesi also Babyrousa and Celebochoerus.Primate biogeography and ecology on the Sunda Shelf islands: a paleontological and zooarchaeological perspective. aus dem Neolithikum von Sampung. B 67. Borneo and Mentawai Islands. ('Pleistocene leopards from Java and S China') Hemmer. p. Palaeoclim.) in Java.Die Fischreste. paleoanthropology and fossil hominid sites) Hertler.2 Ma old at Trinil) Hemmer. 5. B 74.Fossilization type of Elephas hysudrindicus from Blora on the basis of petrographic and Scanning Electron Microscopic analyses. Ed. and relatively high provinciality and endemism.) Die Pithecanthropus Schichten auf Java. T. & Y. Proc. C. p. 1-16.pdf) (Overview of Pleistocene mammal fauna biostratigraphy.a scenario for prey competition and its evolutionary consequences for tigers in Pleistocene Java. Proc. Scripta Geologica 85.1 392 www. Engelmann..R.. Fleagle (eds. von Koenigswald (1964). sangiranensis). H. and ITB Bandung. H. Palaeoecology 257.. p. & R. H. Leipzig. C Java') Hemmer. 365-367. (On 2009 discovery of nearly complete skeleton of ancient elephant Elephas hysudrindicus in Solo River terrace in Sunggun area near Medalem Village. (1911).8 Ma. Manser (2006). p. JW Goethe University. Amsterdam.vangorselslist. On presence of extinct tiger 'Trinil Tiger' (Panthera tigris trinilensis) in beds of 1. 37-49. Amsterdam. on Sumatra. D. Lehman & J.Fossil mammals of Java III.S. ('On the knowledge of the evolution of javanese small cats from the Neolithic of Sampung.M.Pleistozane Leoparden (Panthera pardus) aus Java und Sudchina. By Late Pliocene main islands of Sunda Shelf had primate fauna that included Pongo pygmaeus. B76. Akademie Wetenschappen. excavated by Selenka expedition) Herman.Assessing prey competition in fossil carnivore communities. 1-68.naturalis. (online at: www. B 74.) Primate biogeography. In: E. Selenka & M. (2011).Z. Most probably arrived during Pretiglian cold phase. p. n. Macaca nemestrina etc. J. Frankfurt. Springer. Volmer (2005).. Nederl. p. Mittel- Java. 54-60. und Felis chaus ssp. Kon.Fossil mammals of Java II. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen. H. nine Recent species and subspecies are recognized) Hardjasasmita.Excursion guide to the Pleistocene hominid sites in Central and East Java.G.H. Java. (at www. Fossil mammals faunas and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in Java.(Five carnivore species overlapped in time in Java Pleistocene: two pantherines. D. 1322-1330. D. 265-282. B55. 14. p. 1024-1032.pdf) (Descriptions of Holocene ('Toalian'.nl/document/150703) (Description of rhinoceros fossils collected by Dubois in caves of C Sumatra in 1888-1890.A. (Molar from Samarinda region. 205-226.A. (online at: www. 10. namadicus (Falconer et Cautley) from Borneo. D.Man and other mammals from Toalian sites in south-western Celebes. Ed. B55. p. (First of series of descriptions of Pleistocene mammal fossils from around Tjabenge.The geological age of Pithecanthropus.gen.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. Monthly 72. (1946). Proc. spec. Nederl Akademie Wetenschappen Hooijer.naturalis. Neolithic) subfossil human and mammal bones from of Bola Batoe cave near Badjo Barebo district. D. p. 1169-1182.Pygmy elephant and giant tortoise. Meganthropus and Gigantopithecus. Proc. D. 9. 1-164. (1949). Nederl Akademie Wetenschappen 6. (1947).A.) Hooijer. Represents link between Stegodon. Significant increase in body mass of tigers in Ngandong faunal level reflects intense competition among carnivores in preceding Kedung Brubus level) Hooijer. 46. ~100 km NE of Makassar. (1952).A. 3-8. p.A. 8. 5.naturalis. Nederl. a hyaenid and two canid species. (online at: www. Celobochoecerus heekereni nov. Kon. p. Natuurkunde. collected by Van Heekeren) Hooijer. Anoa depressicornis (Smith) subsp. (1949). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Resembles M Pleistocene elephant Palaeoloxodon namadicus of S and E Asia. Nederl Akademie Wetenschappen 6. D.repository.vangorselslist. each in one or more faunal levels. Akademie Wetenschappen. Kon.nov. subsp. 2. (1948). 4. Kon. (Review of Pleistocene Java mammal successions) Hooijer. IV. spec. 395-398. Nederl. (1951). D.A. p. 30. Proc.dwc. p. Hooijer. 1 (January 1951). Trinil. (Pleistocene giant land tortoise fossils from S Sulawesi) Hooijer. probably from Java) Hooijer.A. Amsterdam. Afd. Kon. Physical Anthropology 9. The Scient.A. Amsterdam.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. p. 1.A. Proc.The Pleistocene vertebrates of southern Celebes. Archidiskodon celebensis nov. (1950). D. 253-299.A. p. D.A. D.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. (1952). (1948).A. Leiden. 3.Palaeoloxodon cf. (Pleistocene dwarf elephant fossils from S Sulawesi) Hooijer. Testudo margae nov. Amsterdam.1 393 www. (On migration of Pleistocene mammal 'island fauna' from S Sulawesi. 20 km SW of Watampone in Central Bone and ~100 km NE of Makassar in and other SW Sulawesi sites) Hooijer.Ailuropoda fauna of Java and Indochina) Hooijer.repository. p.knaw. Nederl. Zoologische Mededelingen. D. (online at: www. II.. Hooijer. p. S Sulawesi. E Kalimantan.On fossil and prehistoric remains of Tapirus from Java.Prehistoric and fossil rhinoceroses from the Malay Archipelago and India. etc. Akademie Wetenschappen. Sumatra and China. March 2014 . American J. Zoologische Mededelingen 26. 148-150. III. (1951). p. D. Verhandelingen Kon. spec. 436-443. 1-138. is first record of M Pleistocene Stegodon fauna on Borneo. Kon. Chronica Naturae 105. Akademie I. and Babyrousa babyrussa beruensis nov. Zoologische Mededelingen 27. 5.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. (1948). 1-146. V. Molars and a tusked mandible of Archidiskodon celebensis Hooijer. D. Leiden.A.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes.A. D. Zoologische Verhandelingen 28.Report upon a collection of fossil vertebrates from Ola Bula. (Dwarf elephantoid from area N of Djetis and Perning in E Java. Leiden. Sopeng District. B57.A.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. Early Pleistocene) Hooijer. p. Quaternaria 3. (1954). 11. Leiden. should be assigned to Lower Pleistocene) Hooijer. D. (online at: www. March 2014 . 5-10. 15. Elasmobranchii. X. (1954). 6-9. Lower molars of Archidiskodon celebensis Hooijer. (1956). Flores. Dentition and skeleton of Celebochoerus heekereni Hooijer. p. p. Proc.A. Ed. 91-102. Zoologische Mededelingen. (1957). 31. Zoologische Mededelingen. p. Zoologische Verhandelingen. Kon. p. 125-128. originally considered to be of Middle-Late Pliocene age by Von Koenigswald. 486-489. 4. (1954). Amsterdam. Stegodon spec. Central Ngada.1 394 www.naturalis. D. S Sulawesi) Hooijer.(Tjidjulang and Kali Glagah mammal assemblages of Java.The correlations of fossil mammalian faunas and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary in Java. 60. Zoologische Mededelingen. Kon. trigonocephalus Martin from Pleistocene of Java) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. (On Pleistocene large tortoise fossils from S Sulawesi) Hooijer.vangorselslist. Nederl.A. Sumatra. etc. collected by Van Heekeren) Hooijer. (online at: www.Fossil Proboscidea from the Malay Archipelago and India. 24.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. 263-266.A. Berita Madjelis Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. (Reiteration of 1952 position that Tjidjulang and Kali Glagah mammal faunas of Java should be assigned to Villafranchian.The lower boundary of the Pleistocene in Java and the age of Pithecanthropus. D. p. IX. 4. Leiden. S Sulawesi.Crocodilian remains from the Pleistocene of Celebes. (1954). 104-120. similar to S. Amsterdam. VIII.A. Zoologische Mededelingen (On Pleistocene small Stegodon sp. collected by Cosijn) Hooijer. 475-485. (1954). 107-112.A.A.) Hooijer. 5. D. 1.repository. (Mammal fossils suggest Tjidjoelang and Kali Glagah faunas of Java are of basal Pleistocene age) Hooijer. Akademie Wetenschappen.A. p. p. p. (1957). India. (online at: www. 1-46.. November 1957. Nederl Akademie Wetenschappen. 311-318. D. 32. Testudinata. Hooijer.repository. (On Pleistocene elephant fossils from Java. (Vertebrate remains discovered in 1956 at Ola Bula on Soa Plateau of Flores belong to extinct primitive Asian elephantids Stegodon. p. p.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. Proc.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. (1955).A. VI. etc. D. 33.A.repository. Proc. (1953). (On Pleistocene shark teeth from Tjabenge area.A pygmy Stegodon from the Middle Pleistocene of Eastern Java.naturalis. Hooijer. Jakarta. 14. (1953).nl/document/149035) (On Pleistocene pig from Tjabenge area. S Sulawesi) Hooijer. Copeia 1954. (1954). D. elephantoid from Tjabenge area. Sulawesi. D. Nederl Akademie Wetenschappen. (On teeth of Pleistocene dwarf elephant from S Sulawesi) Hooijer. Amsterdam. Kon. B57. 28.naturalis. D. XI. Hooijer. (Pleistocene dwarfed elephants known from Celebes. D. 13. D.naturalis. etc.A. p. Zoologische Mededelingen 40. Suppl. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . a gigantic murine rodent from Timor. Geochelone atlas (Faulconer & Cautley) from the Pleistocene of Timor. Sus celebensis Muller & Schlegel. but probably siliar to newly discovered pygmy stegodonts from Flores. B74. first described as Stegodon timorensis by Sartono 1969) Hooijer. Amsterdam. sp. Hooijer. (Sulawesi Stegodon decidedly smaller than Stegodon trigonocephalus Martin from Java. 3. Wherever we find pygmy elephants we have also giant rodents) Hooijer. (Additional description of Pleistocene dwarf elephant mandible and molars collected by Verhoeven E of Atambua. 1845. D. 12-33.Hooijer. D. p. W March 2014 . (1965). 5231.A. Amsterdam. (1958). B72. (1971). Hooijer. 1-110. Nederl. D.A.Stegodon trigonocephalus florensis Hooijer and Stegodon timorensis Sartono from the Pleistocene of Flores and Timor. 5. p.repository. 1. Not much new) Hooijer. Genetica 38. XIII. p. Hooijer.A.) Hooijer. (Large Pleistocene rat fossils from Liang Leluat cave. D. (1957). (Common material of giant land tortoise from Pleistocene gravel deposits at Raebia in Atambua area.Indo-Australian insular elephants. p. (1958). (Pleistocene mammal faunas discovered in fluvial deposits of Tjabenge area SW Sulawesi by Van Heekeren in 1948 different from any Pleistocene fauna in Indo-Australian region: island fauna with dwarf elephant and buffalo. (online at: www.A.repository. Nederl. Kon. Israel J. 504-525. 201-210. (1970).The Stegodon from Timor. Kon. SW Timor. W Timor N coast. indistinguishable from Geochelone atlas from E Pleistocene of Java) Hooijer.vangorselslist. 37-44. (Stegodon remains discovered in 1956 at Ola Bula on Soa Plateau of Flores described as Stegodon trigonocephalus floresiensis) Hooijer. Central Java. D. Proc.A Stegodon from Flores.naturalis. 5.1 395 www.Pleistocene South-East Asiatic pygmy stegodonts. 474-475.A.A. p.A. freshwater sharks and rays.A. Akademie Wetenschappen. p. giant tortoise. 73-87. 16. (online at: www. (On mammal fossils from Sangiran donated to Leiden museum by Van Heekeren and Houboldt. Zoologische Mededelingen 38. 215-218. Beaufortia 222.A. XII. (1964). 143-162. Advancement Sci. D. collected by Verhoeven at Maubesi River) Hooijer.Fossil Bovidae from the Malay Archipelago and the Punjab.A giant land tortoise. p. D. (1962). D. Akademie Wetenschappen. (online at: www.New records of mammals from the Middle Pleistocene of Sangiran. Proc. Amsterdam.A. Akademie Wetenschappen. Zool. 89-96.Note on Coryphomis buhleri Schaub. 119-129. Flores and Timor described and relationships considered.A.A.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. Arch. Zoology 14. (1969). Pygmy forms arose independently on each island as result of isolation and genetic drift favouring small size. D. (1967).Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. Ed.The Pleistocene vertebrate fauna of Celebes.Paleontology of hominid deposits in Asia. p. p.repository. D. Notes on pygmy Stegodonts. (1972). p. 1962. Kon. Proc. Neerl. (1964). D. 485-489.naturalis. Treubia 24. Zoologische Mededelingen 40. p. B75. Renamed Stegodon sompoensis n. originally described as Testudo margae Hooijer (1948). Nature 225. p. 128-133. (1964).) Hooijer. A. Hooijer. Balkema. D. D. Zoologische Mededelingen 46. (1984). Geologie en Mijnbouw 62. but are roughly equivalent) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .J. comprising Flores. In: G. atlas and made their way to Indonesian islands by overseas dispersal (not land bridges).Facts and fiction around the fossil mammals of Java. Bartstra & W. Stegodon sompoensis. XIV. D. (online at: www. 1-15. (Nature of Sumba Stegodon described by Sartono (1979) still uncertain. (1975). (1983). Zoologische Mededelingen 48. (1974). (1983). p. p. characterized by pygmy stegodonts S. p. 1. Ed.repository. Sulawesi.A. All pygmy stegodonts are conspecific.Elephas celebensis (Hooijer) from the Pleistocene of Java.Varanus (Reptilia.The extinct giant land tortoise and the pygmy stegodont of Indonesia. 25. (Comments on De Vos et al.repository. Hooijer. A. (1982). 171-176. D. D. 37-51. collected by Verhoeven at Raebia in Atambua area. (On Pleistocene 'komodo dragon'-like lizard fossils from gravel deposits. (1972). S.1 396 www. 265-272. W Timor) Hooijer.naturalis. (Introduces concept of hypothetical M Pleistocene 'Stegoland' landmass.naturalis.Premolars of Elephas planifrons Falconer & Cautley from the Pleistocene of Java. Proc.A. Sauria) from the Pleistocene of Timor. Hooijer. 85-93. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7. from which they probably evolved) Hooijer. p. D.The mammalian faunas of Trinil and Kedungbrubus in Java once more. (1975). (online at: www.A. Hooijer does not accept that the more diverse Kedungbrubus fauna is younger than Trinil fauna. (1983) papers. is Stegodon sumbaensis Sartono? Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 6. D. 3.repository.A. D. HvG)) Hooijer. 5. Zoologische Mededelingen.A. D. (online at: www. p.Comment II: Remarks upon the Dubois collection of fossil mammals from Trinil and Kedungbrubus in Java. 46- 56. (1982) and Sondaar et al. (Same paper as above) Hooijer. 445-448. Rotterdam. p. 1. Zoology. Balkema. Amsterdam. (1981).Quaternary mammals west and east of Wallace’s (Descriptions of new mammal material collected by 1970 Dutch-Indonesian expedition to Beru area.A.Quaternary mammals west and east of Wallace’s line.A. sompoensis (based on erroneous assumption that elephants are not good swimmers and therefore unlikely to migrate between islands. Rotterdam. Not necessarily pygmy Stegodon) Hooijer. Geologie en Mijnbouw March 2014 . if anything new. Rotterdam. p. p.What. trigonocephalus. Stegodon sompoensis) Hooijer. 95-102. cf. (1982). 339- 343. Balkema. 337-338. D.) Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia. Timor and Sulawesi. All known Geochelone tortoises in Indonesia can be grouped in G. Additions to the Archidiskodon- Celebochoerus fauna. p. Museum Leiden 47. B85.naturalis. (1972).A. p. Celebochoerus heekerei and Anoa depressicorni) Hooijer. 11. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 8.vangorselslist. Additional material of Archidiskodon celebensis. Hooijer. Netherlands J. Akademie Wetenschappen. (Mainly critical discussion of Sondaar (1981) paper on Geochelone faunas. Casparie (eds.A.A. Nederl. Rotterdam. Balkema.A.A.(Flores and Timor Middle-Late Pleistocene Stegodon elephants much smaller than Java Stegodon.Pleistocene vertebrates from Celebes. 89-90. D. F. J.A. Kurten (1984)-Trinil and Kedungbrubus: the Pithecanthropus-bearing fossil faunas of Java and their relative age. O. O. Mineral Techn.utexas. Rizal. F. Jawa Tengah.Geologic context and age of the Perning/Mojokerto Homo erectus. Sanyoto (1997). Aziz (2010).) Guidebook for field trip to Central Java. Hominin discoveries and other vertebrate remains from Lunt. Aziz & C.vangorselslist. and environment in Pleistocene times.pdf) (Same paper as above.paleoanthro. Oct 1998. F. Nat. (2001). Solo 1998. 2.Homo erectus of Sangiran March 2014 . Conv. (manuscript online at: www. J. East Jawa: paleoenvironment of Homo modjokertensis- first results. J. 431-451. (online at: www. Proc. Human Evolution 40. 353-362.. Zaim.Magnetostratigrafi daerah Patiayam.R. p. 2000) Husain. 231-256. gravelly volcaniclastic stratum near base of fluvial terrace remnant ~20m above Solo River) Huffman. Zool.W. In: T. 93-107 (Late Pliocene-Pleistocene paleogeography of E Java. With Plio-Pleistocene paleogeographic map. p. A.Provenience reassessment of the 1931-1933 Ngandong Homo erectus (Java). D.F. 1-60. Central Java. J. Huffman (eds. Fennici 21. O.utexas. In: P. de Vos & F. Hertler.A.An Early Pleistocene way of life.F. Human Evolution 50. p. p. H. Jakarta. Jakarta.) Sangiran: man. (online at: www.Mojokerto Delta.Hooijer.Plio-Pleistocene environmental variety in eastern Java and early Homo erectus paleoecology.Pleistocene environmental variety in eastern Java and early Homo erectus paleoecology- a geological perspective. (ITB). culture. p. O. p.. Res. (online at: Huffman. Ed.pdf) (Geologist of Geological Survey of Netherlands Indies unearthed 14 Homo erectus fossils in 1931-1933 from Excavation site I Ngandong. Bandung. Sunata & P. 22nd Ann.. Hominid fossils in Patiayam area near Top Brunhes normal polarity subchron) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . M.81 Ma by Swisher et al. Sangiran Solo. J. (online at: www. O. Int. East Java. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 31. 135-141. Shipman. Huffman. O. Geophys. J. Berkhout & F. confirmation of the Bone-bed origin reported by the discoverers. Y. Centre Archaeology. PaleoAnthropology 2010.F.F. S. Y. (1998). Human Evolution 48. p.utexas. Colloq. Kudus. Kudus.1 397 www. 5. p. D. Ann. Indonesian Petroleum Assoc. With Late Pliocene-Pleistocene paleogeography. P.Relocation of the 1936 Mojokerto skull discovery site near Perning. East Java. 321-363. Proc. ('Magnetostratigraphy of the Patiayam area. de Vos. C Java'. p.Historical evidence of the 1936 Mojokerto skull discovery. J. Kappelman. Indon. Assoc.sekj. & Y. 2. 1994. R. (IPA). Discovery site formed as fluvial channel on delta plain of ancient Mojokerto Delta) Huffman. Homo erectus homeland was volcanic archipelago) Huffman. Hertler (2006). Aziz (2005). East Java. & B. (eds. similar to Huffman (1999)) Huffman. Zaim (2003).pdf) (Dispute De Vos (1982) interpretation that Trinil mammal fauna is older than the Kedungbrubus fauna) Huffman.F. Homo erectus’ homeland was volcanic archipelago with variety of paleoenvironments like Java today. (HAGI). (2001). Netherwood & O F. Eko. Mahfi. de Vos. (Homo modjokertensis remains found in 1936 found in situ in Plio-Pleistocene bedrock at Perning site. C. Ruez. (Mojokerto skull discovery site was probably in beds 20m higher than ash layer dated as 1. (Perning/Mojokerto Homo erectus believed to be of latest Pliocene age) Huffman. W. 15 p. J. (1999).org/journal/content/PA20100001. 4. O. Simanjuntak et al.a geological perspective. SW of Surabaya. I. (Paleomagetic records from Sangiran and Mojokerto suggest large-scale declination swing between Olduvai and Jamarillo events. (Paleomagnetic study of Plio-Pleistocene formation at Sangiran and Mojokerto. Indriati E. S.Earliest Indonesian facial and dental remains from Sangiran. 2.85-1. just below Upper Middle Tuff.Pleistocene stratigraphy exposed in Sangiran Dome. 117-134. Matsu’ura. Centre (GRDC).97 Ma) Indriati. Indonesia-Japan Joint Research Team (1979). Research Dev. Dev. Y. Levels of hominid fossils in Sangiran range from lower Jamarilo event at 0.pdf) (Detailed paleomagnetic study in Sangiran area. Watanabe.nih. in 2003 list more than doubled. Meteorite impact preceded M-B reversal by ~12 ka) Hyodo. Takeshita. Kamishima.000 years) Hyodo. 2 p. Centre.Indonesian fossil hominid discoveries from 1889 to 2003: catalogue and problems. N. Centre.Magnetostratigraphy of hominid fossil bearing formations in Sangiran and Mojokerto. 19563- 19568.Stratigraphy and geological structure in the Central Part of the Sangiran Dome. Bandung.79 Ma).nlm. (1983). 21.97 Ma to Brunhes-Matayama boundary at 0. with 3 short reversal episodes overlain by thick normal polarity magnetozone.. National Science Museum Mon. M. 1985) Indonesia-Japan Joint Study Team (1991). B6. 1.1 Ma. p. Geol. Research Dev. (2004).gov/pmc/articles/PMC3241771/pdf/pnas.8 Ma) and Lower Kabuh Beds (~0. 47-60.Stratigraphical correlation of the Quaternary system in the Sangiran area and its surroundings. Geophysical Research 97. Kurniawan & H.2 Ma. which underlies MB transition. with Ngandong Fauna)) Hyodo. 198. Described in more detail in Watanabe & Kadar. Ed. F. Structure is dome. W. (online at: www. lasting ~130.ncbi. K. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Proc.. M. Tokyo. Sunata & E. p. Java. with 'Djetis Fauna near top at ~0. Geol. 219-229. M. (Brief description of Late Pliocene. Bull.E. (Indonesian hominid fossil discoveries catalogue in 1975 listed 57 hominids.E. Fifth and Sixth Symposia on collection building and natural history studies in Asia and the Pacific Rim. Anthropological Science 101. 55-61.201113106.High-resolution record of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition constrains the age of Javanese Homo erectus in the Sangiran dome. central and east Java. Bull.157-186. ~0. J. albeit lacking provenance for some discoveries) Indonesia-Japan Research Cooperation Programme (CTA-41) (1979).5 Ma) and Notopuro Beds (<0.Quaternary geology of the northern foot area of Mount Lawu and along the middle course of the Solo river. A reverse-to-normal polarity transition in 7-m thick section across Upper Tuff in Bapang Fm. p.Absolute dates for the hominid-bearing deposits in Java: an overview. Susanto (1992). Pattern closely resembles Matuyama-Brunhes (M-B) transition (~0. Anton (2008). Indonesia. Homo modjokertensis in Mojokerto lies at lower border of Jamarillo event at 0. Central Java. p. Kitaba. E.vangorselslist. Sunata & E. 1-84. S. Bandung. Res. Y.L. Akiyama et al. (eds. with raduial and concentric faults.5-0. T. p. Asian Perspectives 25.1 398 www. National Academy Sciences USA. C Java.73 Ma. M. p. Aziz. Bandung. p. Danhara. p. Indonesia-Japan Joint Study Team (1990). 2. 53-65. In: S.) March 2014 . Susanto (1993). 24.A long-term geomagnetic excursion from Plio-Pleistocene sediments in Java. (Literature review of published radiometric dates of Upper Pucangan Beds (~0.Hutterer. 49. Anthropological Science 116. Geol. I.. Bull. Hominid last occurrence and tektite level in Sangiran nearly coincident. with Trinil Fauna. W. 163-177.. Kondo. With four mud volcanoes with exotic blocks and some natural gas seepage. 9323-9335. United Nations CCOP Techn. Java: a description of Sangiran 27.7 Ma.C. Kumai (2011). p.Progress report of the Indonesia-Japan joint research project on geology of human fossil bearing formations in Java. 5. T. Shibasaki.F. Watanabe & D.1 399 www. Res. In: N. Kadar (1985). American J. (1966).Tektites from the Sangiran area.The oldest gibbon fossil (Hylobatidae) from insular Southeast Asia. but suggesting older age than currently accepted) Ingicco.. 3. D.. 6.1371%2Fjournal. Itihara. West Java.9 Ma. e21562. Indonesia and the survival of Homo erectus in Asia. 1948. Proc. Sudijono. Living Hylobatidae inhabit evergreen rain forests. Spec. de Vos & O. Kadar (eds. Indonesia. Centre (GRDC). n. Geol. 1-10. recognized here as that of Hylobatidae (gibbon). H.Indriati. Indonesia. U. based on tooth-bearing upper jaw fragment from volcanic breccia between U Kalibeng Fm and Lower Pucangan Fm. Bandung. (Horizon with tektites. Plos One 6. H.Mud volcanoes in the Sangiran Dome.plosone. D. Dev. p.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java. Geol. present between 2nd and 3rd Tuff Horizon in Bapang/ Kabuh Fm of Sangiran Dome) Jablonski. Kadar. 1-15. but larger) Jacob. & Tyler.. Geochronological age 1. R. Itihara. Publ. Suriyanto. Sudijono. p. a new fossil monkey from Sangiran.C. Int.Geology and stratigraphy of the Sangiran area.T. Kurniawan (2015).The age of the 20 meter Solo River terrace. Watanabe. 285-291. (1999). T. G.Senckenberg 171. Hascaryo. C.L. 4p. (2011). N.0021562) (Wide range and conflicting results of radiometric ages for hominid-bearing beds of East Java. M.A new species of Celebochoerus (Suidae. Kumai. Centre (GRDC). Amano & A. Quinn. (online at: www.E. Watanabe & D. Wikarno & Y. making it oldest insular record in SE Asia. F. T. E99531.. Bautista (2016). Watanabe & D. Itihara. Insani. G. In: N. C Java) Jacob.A new hominid skull cap from Pleistocene Sangiran. Res.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java. Assigned to Hippopotamus sivalensis sivajavanicus) Itihara. Central Java. N. 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Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Kadar (eds. Lepre. 5. (New maxilla fossil of small hippopotamus from conglomeratic sandy layer of E Pleistocene Citalang Fm in Pasir Cabe. Anthropologica. Subang District. JCB2015-277. p. Geol. 6. Dev. (1985). Castro. New Ar/Ar ages from '20m terrace' at Ngandong and Jigar also inconsistent. 4. Kadar (eds. Wikarno & D.On variation of extinct Java Hippopotamuses: a note from a new finding of Hippopotamidae fossil from March 2014 . )) (Fossil femur excavated by Dubois in 1891-1900 in E-M Pleistocene bone bed of Trinil and now in Dubois Collection at Naturalis.pone. 11-43. S. Spec. Courier Forschungs-Inst. M. de Vos. C. HAGI-IAGI-IAFMI-IATMI. (online at: www.s.The sixth skull cap of Pithecanthropus erectus. making it oldest monkey in SE Asia. A. Yoshikawa. p. Balikpapan. E.vangorselslist.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java. Kadar & H. T. J. Dev. p. J. Morphological similarities to living leaf monkeys of Java. Bandung. 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Vietnam)) Kaifu. 215-219. I.C. Suparka & H. Sediment in shells dated with 40Ar/39Ar and luminescence dating methods as between ~0. collected by Selenka expedition) Joordens. Baba. p. in de residentie Djapara.Taxonomic affinities and evolutionary history of the early Pleistocene hominids of Java: dentognathic evidence. possibly by hominin) Junghuhn. Midden-like characteristics of large bivalve shell assemblages from Trinil HK indicate deliberate collection. H. Human Evolution 55.Cranial morphology of Javanese Homo erectus: new evidence for continuous evolution. Leipzig. p. ('On the fossil mammal bones at Patiayam in the Jepara Residency. E. T. p. C. Physical Anthropology 128.54 and 0. Centre for Geological Survey. Die Pithecanthropus-Schichten auf Java. College Station. Ed. Asian Perspectives 15. Gunawan (2007). i. Y. Jacob.P. Ankjaergaard et al. Laos. F. 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Collection building and natural history studies in Asia and the Pacific Rim. Amsterdam. central Java. 34.. Klitik Beds younger than concluded here?. Aziz (2006). Anthropological Science. Bartstra (1994). erectus and support discontinuity between H.The hominoid radiation in Asia.) Proc. G. S.. Cambridge University Press.Groundwater flow systems in the northern coastal lowlands of West.Island migration of early modern Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia: the artifacts from the Walanae Depression. Irian Jaya studies. Indonesia.) The primate fossil record. Baba et al. East Java. H. intermediate between earlier and later groups of Javanese H. C Java. etc. 179-191.58 Ma. Palaeohistoria 33/34. Current fossil evidence still insufficient to reject competing claim of continuity between Javanese Homo erectus and modern aboriginal Australians. Hayashi. 369-384. erectus crania from Ngawi and Sambungmacan generally similar to those of U Pleistocene Ngandong H. Y. a programme for interdisciplinary research. H. Setiyabudi. stratigraphy. Ph. Indonesia contains diverse shallow marine molluscs that have been standard of Neogene mollusc sequences in Indonesia. New H. D.pdf) (Mainly on groundwater systems on N Java coastal areas. 65-91. 7th and 8th Symp. Aziz & March 2014 . In: W.. Mem.Indonesian Homo erectus and modern human origins in Australasia.05) from Sangiran. Hartwig (ed.New reconstruction and morphological description of a Homo erectus cranium: skull IX (Tjg-1993. 127-138. Y. 19- Kelley. p. F. 1-298.ubvu.vangorselslist. Emergence of Java as island in Pleistocene resulted not only from huge volumes of Pleistocene volcanic rocks but also major uplifts along axis of island) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .1 402 www. Pleistocene tectonics and climate. erectus. but also features close to terminal Pleistocene Bapang AG Homo erectus from Sangiran) Kaifu. Museum Natural Sci. & M.The sabre-toothed cat Megantereon from the Pleistocene of Java. 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(Account of life and science of Eugene Dubois and debates on 'Java Man') Leinders.nature.Homo erectus newyorkensis: an Indonesian fossil rediscovered in Manhattan sheds light on the middle phase of human evolution. 7p. Niah Caves exhibits structure consistent with modern communities. Ciochon & Y.25 Ma age) Larick. Indonesia). (Review of uncertainties of numerical ages assigned to Java Homo erectus fossils. P. B. M.Extraterrestrial evidence on the age of the hominids from Java.. Hydrogeol. Notosiswoyo & R. 5. Zen. van den Bergh & L.5 Ma. M. 8. At 5 locations in Bapang (Kabuh) Fm H.T. Quaternary Science Reviews 26. Indonesia. (Not much geology.vangorselslist. p. F.8 Ma) Lipson. Ma above hominid-bearing sequence.258. Gautama (2000). Indonesia. Modern community structure in Sundaland may have Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Homo erectus and the emergence of Sunda in the Tethys Realm. (online at: www. Ed.D.full. Moorjani. 47-57 Louys. Human Evolution 38. Ci Saat / Satir fauna~1. p. P. 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Langbroek.Mammal community structure of Sundanese fossil assemblages from the Late Pleistocene.pnas. 271-278. Quaternary Int.R. Zaim. Ciochon. R. Intermediate level with four crania has ~1. 341-343.000-800.. 40Ar/39Ar ages from 1. Proc. J. Tattersall (2001). Due. S. J. J. Anatomical Record 262. (2001).000 years BP.pdf) (Gentic studies of 31 Austronesian-speaking peoples in SE Asia suggest ‘Austronesian expansion.. (2012). likely had roots in Taiwan) Locatelli. Roebroeks (2000).Man-ape ape-man: the quest for human's place in nature and Dubois' 'missing link'.E. 281. van den Hoek Ostende (2012). Zaim (2004). Central Jawa. 80-87. ('On the Paleolithic of Timor Island'. Indonesien.and large-bodied mammals.Zum Palaolithikum der Insel Timor. Turner (2012). Indonesia. incl. p. mixed (heterogeneous tree cover) and open (limited to no tree cover. Natural Science (Majalah Ilmu Alam untuk Indonesia) 109. Disappearance of hyenids probably related to climate change... (Extinction of large-bodied taxa from Pleistocene in mainland SE Asia and Indonesia (incl. Quaternary Science Reviews 96. (SE Asia dominated by mix of savannah.vangorselslist. Batu (1991). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclim. lies within expected range of variation of Homo erectus) Mahirta (2005). 3-4. preferred habitats and potential refugia for Pleistocene Homo in Southeast E part of W Timor) Marks.Stone technology and the chronology of human occupation on Rote. proboscideans Stegodon and Palaeloxodon. Nusa Tenggara Timur. Several large carnivores from Java unique genetic and morphological variations. 14-36.Stratigraphy along the middle course area of Solo River and its tributaries between Teluk and Ngawi. Palaeoecology 243. 228-236. Bull. P. 8. some obsidian) from Talau River area S of Atambua. Sites classified as closed (continuous tree cover).Environment. Ed. p. p. Indonesian J. Centre Bandung. (1970). Sudijono & U. 2.Preliminary note on the discovery of a new jaw of Meganthropus Von Koenigswald in the lower Middle Pleistocene of Sangiran.000-35.php/bippa/article/view/700/662) (Human occupation in Nusa Tenggara started from at least 30.000 years ago) Mano. C. p. 5. 26-33. At least one endemic large carnivore evolved in Sundaland (Sunda clouded leopard)) Louys. Man 5. (Material described as Meganthropus palaeojavanicus by Von Koenigswald in 1941 from Djetis beds of Java. Meijaard (2010). p. conditions ideal for early hominin subsistence. Sawu and Timor. 29.The taxonomic status of the 'Meganthropus' mandibular fragments from the Djetis beds of Java. Disappearance likely tied to both climatic and human agents) Louys. 152-173. J. pygmy hippopotamus Hexaprotodon.Palaeoecology of Southeast Asian megafauna-bearing sites from the Pleistocene and a review of environmental changes in the region. Dev. Central Java. 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Trinil) Louys. (1953). Anthropos76. Maringer. 86-97. In: Quaternary geology of the northern foot area of Mount Lawu and along the middle course of the Solo River. p.O. J. & A. Two significant extinctions represented by Pachycrocuta and Pliocrocuta.anu. J. J. p. central and East Java. J. & E. J. Comptes Rendus Palevol 11. tapirs Tapirus and Megatapirus and giant Asian ape Gigantopithecus.formed between 128-118 ka and 45-39 ka. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . & J. (2014).edu. 1432-1449. 203-211. (Online at: http://ejournal. Curnoe & H. (SE Asia’s Pleistocene large terrestrial carnivores appearances and disappearances from region poorly understood. Quaternary Int.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java. (online at: www. Wetenschappelijk Gedeelte. C Java) Martin.1046/pdf) (On skull cap of M Pleistocene Homo cf. 1884. p. K. B. Nederl. Tokyo. (1884).repository. 4. 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Indonesia. assigned to Homo floresiensis n. 3.W.Revised age for Mojokerto 1. R. P. 7. T. Anthropologists. Aziz & A. NW India.The giant rat of Flores and its relatives east of Borneo and Bali. Ed. Y. Sci. E Java. C. E Java. 17.. M.The startling discovery and strange story of the “hobbits” of Flores.Further evidence for small-bodied hominins from the late Pleistocene of Flores.J. S. Jatmiko.Early man and Pleistocene stratigraphy in southern and eastern Asia. 5. Soc. M. (Homo floresiensis from Late Pleistocene of Flores has stature. (Excavations at Liang Bua cave on Flores yielded tiny hominins. Dev. H. Excavation yielded more evidence for behavioural capabilities.A. Amer. American Philos. E. p. (2004)- Archaeology and age of a new hominin from Flores in eastern Indonesia. an early Homo erectus cranium from East Java. Bull.Morwood..L. 1012-1017. Nature 431. Phys. M. 2. 35.. Westaway.Madiun Wahyu Saptomo. (1948). (1944).E. p. It existed from before 38 ka until at least 18 ka. 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Elephantoid tooth from Mindanao in Dresden Museum.H. (1890). 6.Recent murids (rats) known only from Flores: Papagomys armandvillei and new species P. (1887).9 Ma age for U Kalibeng assemblage)) Ninkovich.F. U. D. W. Zool. p. Balkema.Stegodon mindanensis. 9. 62.sp. Australian Archaeology 54 p. p. (1932).F. Obradovich. Hooijeromys nusatenggara.F. small Rattus trinilensis n. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Gen.F.) Naumann. (1932). Komodomys rintjanus occurs on Flores and Komodo Islands of Rintja and Padar) Musser. theodorverhoeveni. 49-75.W. E Timor is earliest evidence for migration by modern humans E of Sunda Shelf into Island SE Asia) Oppenoorth.Homo (Javanthropus) soloensis. in German) March 2014 . p.Palaeogeographic and geologic setting for early man in Java.Pleistocene Timor: further corrections. eine neue Art von Uebergangs-Mastodonten.Fossile Elephantenreste von Mindanao. (1936). S. 523-535. (1982). Ed.De vondst van Palaeolithische menschelijke schedels op Java. Rotterdam. Sumatra und Malakka.F. 269-279. 1.G.(online at: http://digitallibrary. & C. G. Rare murid rodents in Pleistocene Trinil fauna represent two species incl. E.Absolute age of the base of the hominid-bearing beds in Eastern Java. Opdyke (1982). In: R. Paper 1275. p. Museum Dresden 1. p. initially identified as same as Stegodon trigonocephalus from Java.Een prehistorisch cultuurcentrum lands de Solo Rivier. (Analysis of planktonic marine diatoms from marine intercalations in lowermost hominid-bearing beds and from underlying U Kalibeng Fm marine sediments in E Java (~2. Voorloopige mededeeling. 285-286.D. D. E. Antiquity 81.S. p. 1-11. Sumatra and Malacca') Naumann. Survey USGS) Prof. 6. (2007). (1932). Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7. 5. 166-169.Indonesia. (Review of extant and fossil murid rodents of Java. ('The discovery of Paleolithic human skulls on Java'.. but is different) Ninkovich. ('Stegodon mindanensis.H. S. p. p. ('A new Pleistocene hominid from Java. J. Talwani (eds.The Trinil rats. 65-85. Abhandl. 211-227.D. a new species of transitional mastodonts'. C. W.amnh. (New age date of ~38000-42000 yrs BP from rock shelter of Jerimalai. O’Connor. (2007). Nature 275. a reply to Bednarik. Senckenberg. 46-51.1-1.A. Java) Oppenoorth. E Java') Oppenoorth. O’Connor. een Plistoceene mensch van Java. Gesellschaft 42.F. W. W.F. 306-308. New York. Burckle (1978). p. Scrutton & M. Tijdschrift Kon. ('Homo soloensis. p. Geol. age of Homo erectus from Java. Burckle & N. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 20. Naeser (1981).) The ocean floor. a new Upper Pleistocene hominid from Solo River terrace at Ngandong.vangorselslist. 106-110.New evidence from East Timor contributes to our understanding of earliest modern human colonisation east of the Sunda Shelf. & L. & J. W.G. Human Evolution 13. Pope. Subic Bay 1998. Terrell (2008). 1-83. Underlying marine Upper Kalibeng Fm Late Pliocene microfaunas) Polhaupessy. A.G. G. In: T. Balkema.E. (1995).45 Ma. Cronin (1984). 1. p. Solo and Madiun areas. Museum Nat. and all early Asian hominids can be accommodated in Homo erectus. p. G. 83-101. Maximal exposure of continental shelves such as Sunda occurred at ~ 3 Ma. p.P. (1983). Coastal Offshore Geosc.65-0.000. E Java. (1999).vangorselslist. Polhaupessy. low diversity grass-dominated terrestrial vegetation and lacustrine fresh water plants.Quaternary palynological study of the Trinil area. Res. 35th Sess. & W. also various man- made tools made from bones) Oppenoorth. Many of the Pleistocene sites with abundant Graminae (grass) pollen. (All known Asian hominids <1 Million years old. Vrba et al. enabling them to reach coasts of NE Russia and Japan by 38. Yale University Press. In: Proc. p.000 yr BP. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .45 Ma most likely provided opportunities for migration of hominids and Pleistocene mammals to Java) Pope. 493-506. 5. In addition to bones. Co-ord.G. 2.83 Ma for pumice in Lower Kabuh Fm.000. and of dubious value.) Paleoclimate and evolution. K.R. p. (Rapid expansion of modern humans from Africa into SE Asia along coastal routes facilitated by period of stable climate and sea level from ~45. p. Repts.000 yr BP) Purnomo. Lower Kabuh Fm higher diversity mixed freshwater swamp and terrestrial vegetation..A.9-0. Sangiran.1 410 www. etc. particularly sites with hominids or other vertebrate fossils: Bumiayu (Cisaat). (1999).G.The Asian March 2014 . A. with maximum age 1·3 Ma. 4988-4992. J. de Tautavel.25 Ma and 0. Simanjuntak et al. 299-308. suggesting more seasonal climate with savannah grasslands.A. Solo River downstream of Ngawi. Indonesie). (Majority of known Asian hominids less than 1.F.3 Ma. (1937). Pollen during Last Glacial Maximum with common Dacrycarpus. Entire record of Homo erectus in Asia may only span period of ~ 0. Techn. 131-149. with emphasis on human origins.('A prehistoric culture center along the Solo River'.40.The place of Homo soloensis among fossil men.37.A. (2007). (Review of chronostratigraphy of hominid-bearing formations of C and E Java. etc. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7.Evidence on the age of the Asian Hominidae. Comm. perhaps suggesting slightly drier climate than today) Polhaupessy.La sedimentation du lac de Guyang Warak (Punung-Java Est. LIPI Press.25 Ma and 0. Proc. (eds. (Two pollen zones distinguished in Pleistocene of Trinil (site of first Homo erectus in C Java) Pucangan Fm rel. A. p. & J. Asian fossil record suggests gradual change over ~1 million years) Pope. East Java. Most radiometric dates without well documented stratigraphic position or analytical uncertainty. Seri Paleontologi 9.Palynological evidence for a Pleistocene environment in Trinil.W.0 Ma old. Orchiston.E.The influence of climate and geography on the biocultural evolution of the Far Eastern hominids. suggest temperatures several degrees cooler than today) Pope. In: E. (eds. East Jawa. New Haven. Most reliable date is 0. Histoire Naturelle.Environmental setting of human migrations in the circum-Pacific region. Dev. Bandung. 377-396. D.P.O. Soejono's Festschrift. Ed.F. 5.S. Trinil. J. On mammal and hominid remains in Pleistocene fluvial terraces near Ngandung. 1-21. 1-7. Sess. p. All can be incorporated in Homo erectus or Homo sapiens. Centre (GRDC). 16. Exposures at 1. R. C.65-0. G. p. Siesser (1982).Chronostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene fossil hominids of Java. Master Thesis. 348-360. Jakarta.) Archaeology: Indonesian perspective. Early Man.Environment of early man in Java. p. A.E. (2006). Rotterdam. Biogeography 35. (Review of palynological analyses at Quaternay deposits of Java. National Academy Sciences USA 80. Geol. Programs E and SE Asia (CCOP). Absence of large carnivores and primates suggest more insular affinity than Borneo. show Late Miocene transition from stegolophodons to stegodons. 1-13. East Java. (2013). Mojokerto.The ages of the Solo Terraces at the Ngancar and Ngandong Region. 448-451 and p. (Humans first colonized Palawan at ~40. 455-459. Palaeoclim. Y.R. Re-described by Martin 1886) Rahardjo. Palaeogeogr. Garong (2001). G. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 37. Epileptobos groeneveldtii). ('On fossil bones from the Pandan'. Palombo (2013).. Philippines. Rizal. (online at: http://eprints. Palaeoecol.und Ost-Java.1 411 www. 73-85. Middle Jawa. etc.E. R. Yunnan. K. 5. flourished in eogene and Quaternary of Asia. ('Climate change and Pliocene-Pleistocene age boundary based on foraminifera and palynology analysis in the Mojoroto area.65 + 1. 1-251. C Java. Cambridge University Press. 433-437. & A.pdf) (Best estimates of ages of Pleistocene terraces along Solo River: High-terraces ~47 ka.Stratigraphie et sedimentation au Sud Est de Dome de Sangiran: l’environnement des Homo erectus au debut de Pleistocene moyen. H. p. De Vos. 1.5 ka) Rizal. Javanese bovid Duboisia santeng from Sangiran regarded as typical insular endemic species due to small size. Iriani (2005). Y. but higher diversity than truly ocenaic islands in Late Quaternary) Rightmire. 409-412. Palaeoecology. East Java') Reis.. Thesis Universita degli Studi di Ferrare. p..R. but is present in late M Pleistocene of what is now Peninsular Malaysia) Saegusa. E. Y..unife.mnhn. (2005). p.Jawa Timur. A. Winkler.. 1891) from the Early-Middle Pleistocene of Java: a multiproxy approach to its palaeoecology.Kabuh Formations. M. (1998). 31-48. South Sukabumi. p. Bibos palaesondaicus. 377. p.D. March 2014 . llike fossil bovids. Palaeogeogr. Y.Die Terrassen entlang des Solo-Flusses in Mittel.(online at: http://hopsea. 29-34. Zaim & Y.mnhn. (online at: http://hopsea. D.Over fossiele beenderen van den Pandan. identification of soil horizons with human occupation. (Unpublished) (’The terraces along the Solo River in Central and East Java’) Rizal. Ph. Plalaeoclim. 1- Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 29. (1993). Ed.. Depositional environments of Upper Pucangan. frequent volcanic eruptions. Middle-terraces ~20 ka and Lower-terraces on Asian stegodontids. Thesis Universitat Koln. 1. (Stegodontids (elephant-like proboscideans). Ratanasthien (2005). (1999). Y.. 422-423.Late Quaternary terrestrial vertebrates from Palawan Island.Late Tertiary fossil whale from Surade. p. Indonesia. Rozzi. A. (During Pleistocene. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 3. 171. Thailand and Yuanmou Basin.pdf) ('Sedimentation of Guyang Warak lake (Punung. Italy.000 yr BP. Thasod & B. Indonesia'.The evolution of Homo erectus: comparative anatomical studies of an extinct species. 126-128. J.The enigmatic bovid Duboisia santeng (Dubois. p. Significant recent finding of new stegodontid fossils at Nakhon Ratchasima.)) Raden Saleh (1867). 276p. South Central Java ) Purnomo.M. common in E-M Pleistocene 'Stegodon- Homo erectus fauna' (Bubalus palaeokerabau. Cambridge. suggesting stegodons originated in Asia) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Mojokerto. faunal elements of Indo-Chinese origin entered Java and most Javanese mammalian taxa are close or identical to their mainland relatives. West Java. 426-429.Perubahan iklim dan batas umur Pliosen-Plistosen berdasarkan analisis foraminifera dan palinologi di daerah Mojoroto.pdf) (Stratigraphy and sedimentation at the SE Sangiran Dome: the environment of Homo erectus at the start of the Middle Pleistocene'. Quaternary Int.Grenzbank. wordpress. (1972). C Java.K. 3. Paleontol. Survey Indonesia. (1973). Nederl. HvG) (see also Siesser & Orchiston 1978)) Sartono. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 2.pdf&id=887&up=13) (Pithecantropus C mandible is from surface of Lower Pleistocene Putjangan beds from Sangiran area. S. Reg. Proc. Kon. Migration followed two routes. 124-126.Sartono. Sartono.Observations on a newly discovered jaw of Pithecanthropus modjokertensis from the lower Pleistocene of Sangiran. (First description of Pleistocene dwarf elephant from Timor. Sartono. 26-31. Publ. (1969). p. presumably suggesting Lower Pleistocene age (NB: most forams in Sangiran fluvial Pleistocene deposits are reworked from underlying Kalibeng Fm marine beds. Nederl. Bandung (ITB) 4. Current Anthropol. S. Central Java.. Malaysia 6. crassa. Gr. Sartono. Sartono. Akademie Wetenschappen. (1961)-Notes on a new find of a Pithecanthropus mandible. and an eastern route via Taiwan and Philippines toward Sunda Land area and Sulawesi) Sartono. March 2014 . S. Teknik. Publ. (1975). Proc Inst. Proc. at base of low bluff on S side of Putjung creek) Sartono. 5. Akademie Wetenschappen B 74.On the stratigraphic position of Pithecanthropus mandible-C. p. p. (1970). S. Kon. S. Geol. S. a male specimen of Pithecanthropus erectus.Discovery of another hominid skull at Sangiran. 185-194. S. Nat. Conf. (online at: https://gsmpubl. (1974). 5 km E of Atambua) Sartono. Akademie Wetenschappen B 71. Rotterdam. Akademie Wetenschappen.Observations on a new skull of Pithecanthropus erectus (Pithecanthropus VIII) from Sangiran. Geol. 1. (1969). In: B. 5. Bull. p. Bull.files. Proc. Geology and Mining (NIGM).vangorselslist. p. p.) Palaeoanthropology. 4. Globigerinoides obliquus. Tan (ed. S. Tuttle (ed.Genesis of the Solo terraces. Kon. Geology of Southeast Asia. 396-422. p. 1-19. Pulleniatina) and deeper marine smaller benthic foraminifera. Seri Paleontologi 2. 1-21. p.Implications arising from Pithecanthropus VIII. S. In: R. Globorotalia tumida. 327-360.itb. S. 1-51. collected by Verhoeven from sandy conglomerate overlying marine claystones near Umaklaren (Atambua). Kon. a western route across Sunda Land area. (In Sangiran area of C Java Plio-Pleistocene boundary should be placed between Corbicula beds and Lower Volcanic Breccia bed.On the Plio-Pleistocene boundary of Java. Ed. (1973). Inst. (New fossil Homo erectus skull discovered in 1969 at S flank Sangiran dome.1 412 www. (1971). Balkema. 91-102. B72. 2. W Timor) Sartono.) Proc.On Pleistocene migration routes of vertebrate fauna in Southeast Asia. (1976).Early man in Java: Pithecanthropus skull VII. (Description of additional Stegodon tooth. (online at: http://journal. Proc. B 77. central Java. Bandung 2.php?file=A70002. 1-13. Teknik Direkt.Stegodon timorensis: a pygmy species from Timor (Indonesia).H. Based on mammalian fauna it should be placed between 'Unterer Wirbeltierhorizont' and 'Oberer Wirbeltierhorizont' of Von Koeningswald) Sartono. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Soc. p. Central Java. (1968). Nederl. 13. p. S.On an additional Stegodon timorensis Sartono. Sartono. p. Geol. Ser. collected by Verhoeven in 1964. Nederl. Encrusting matrix of mandible with planktonic (incl. S. Kuala Lumpur 1972. (Pleistocene vertebrates in SE Asia originated on Asian continent and migrated during Pleistocene into the island archipelago of Indonesia. 2. Teknol. N of Ngawi. De Lumley (eds. 121-131. S.Migrasi manusia Plistocen Indonesia: kaitannya dengan tektonik lempeng. (1986). Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 4. p. complete Homo erectus trinilensis lower jaw from black claystones of Pucangan Fm in central part of Sangiran dome) Sartono. Rotterdam. March 2014 . p. Kuala Lumpur 1984. Spec. p. hampering movement of early humans from Asia) Sartono.1 413 www. less well-known terraces identified. 2. de Paleontologie Humaine. p.Pleistocene peopling of the Southeast Asian Archipelago. In: G. C-E Java: Upper Pleistocene High terrace (Ngandong. Penablanca-Cagayan. 7. Rotterdam.and M. S. Indonesia. 7-20. (1982). coincided with onset of Gunz glacial.8 Ma. (Fossiliferous terrace deposits of Walanae River most likely Pleistocene. 1-12. Indonesia. (1980). Balkema.H. Geol. (1978).The age of the vertebrate fossils and artifacts from Cabenge in South Sulawesi. 5. S. p. Sartono.New lights on human evolution in Southeast Asia. Appear to be associated with more advanced Homo erectus ngandongensis) Sartono.The stratigraphy of the Sambungmacan site in Central Java. S. 57-63. 83-88. mainly from aerial photos. p.pdf) (Until 1980 the subdivision of Pleistocene human fossils as proposed by Von Koenigswald (1968) was used. Mineral and Energy Resources of SE Asia (GEOSEA V). Highest terraces oldest (Early Pleistocene?) and 97m above Solo River. p. (see also Bartstra 1977)) Sartono. off Solo River. Publ. In: Geologi Kuarter dan lingkungan hidup. Res. Rotterdam. (Rel. p. Sartono. S. Development Center. Bandung. 12th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia S.) Congres Int. Phillipines. possibly coinciding with Riss glaciation). Rotterdam. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia possibly Holocene) Sartono.equivalent) Sartono. S. Geol. (First report of Pleistocene Stegodon mandible from Sumba (Watu Mbaka). 2. Rotterdam. Anthropologie 18. Balkema. p. p. New discoveries in last 5 years necessitate re-assessment. 129-135.Notes on the Pleistocene stratigraphy of Java. (Primitive stone artefacts named 'Sangiran flakes' limited to Top Kabuh/ Base Notopuro Formations at Sangiran. (online at: www. Teh & S. ('Pleistocene human migration in Indonesia: relation to plate tectonics') Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .vangorselslist. (1985). S. CNRS. Sartono. (1979). Nice (France). Proc. S. Rotterdam. 115-125. (1979).gsm. Described as Stegodon sumbaensis) Sartono.Datings of Pleistocene man of Java. Ed. 65-82. S. East Indonesia: an announcement. In: H. (1985). Earliest wave of human migration into SE Asia (Java) at ~1. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 8. 495-541.Homo erectus ngandongensis: the possible maker of the 'Sangiran flakes'. Balkema. Paramananthan (eds. not E-M Pleistocene 'Grenzbank'/ Kabuh Fm. 269-288. (1984). (1987).The site of Homo erectus mandible F. p. C Java. Before this period most of SE Asian region still inundated by sea. Congress Geology. Balkema. Low Terrace and Flood Terrace.The discovery of a pygmy Stegodon from Sumba. Balkema. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 5. Malaysia 20. 5th Reg. 19-24. Sartono. snads and silts at small Sambungmacan site. S. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 5.) Proc. (Gravels. in which Homo erectus cranium was found in 1973.Characteristics and chronology of early man in Java.(Three well-known river terrace levels along transverse valley of Solo River. Also three older. (1979). Bull. now regarded as of part of Ngandong Fm of Late Pleistocene age. Balkema. none found in lower levels with hominid remains. Sartono, S. (1991)- A new Homo erectus skull from Ngawi, East Java. Bull. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc. 11, p. 23-35. (online at: Sartono, S. (1991)- Meganthropus paleojavanicus v.K.: its place in human evolution. Fourth Int. Senckenberg Conf., Frankfurt 1991, p. Sartono, S. (1996)- Java: diversity of Upper Pliocene- Pleistocene hominids. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 26, 1, p. 1- 12. (Final paper by Sartono; overview of hominids distribution, evolution, migration on Java) Sartono, S. (1991)- Homo (Pithecanthropus) erectus: le debat sans fin. L'Anthropologie 95, 1, p. 123-136. ('Homo erectus: the debate without end'. On taxonomic status of Homo (Pithecanthropus) erectus. Two groups of early men are found in Java: Homo (H. robustus and H. erectus) and Australopithecus (A. (Meganthropus) palaeojavanicus). Pleistocene hominids from SEt Asia probably subjected to evolution while they migrated from Asia toward Australia. Two migration routes, a western (Sunda Shelf) and a northern one (Philippines), both arriving in Wallacea, possibly also in Sahul (Australia-New Guinea) Sartono, S. & S. Hadiwisastra (1983)- Fosil vertebrata Plistosen di Busur Banda: implikasi struktural. Proc. 12th Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), p. 153-161. ('Pliocene fossil vertebrates in the Banda Arc: structural implications') Sartono, S. & R. Marino (1978)- A mandibula and a maxilla of Stegodon timorensis. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 4, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 41-50. (Additional Pleistocene elephant teeth from Weaiwe region, Atambua, NE part of West Timor) Sartono, S., D.W. Orchiston, W.G. Siesser & T. Djubiantono (1981)- Upper Pliocene sediments in Sangiran, Central Java (Indonesia). Buletin Geologi (ITB) 5, p. 1-25. (Base Sangiran Fm between nannofossil zones NN16 and NN18 (1.65- 3.25 Ma); Bettis et al. 2004) Sartono, S., F. Semah, K.A.S. Astadiredja & T. Djubiantono (1981)- The age of Homo modjokertensis. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 6, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 91-102. (On age of fossil child skull cap originally described by Von Koenigswald in 1936, from locality near Perning, 14 km ENE of Mojokerto. Supposedly from Lower Pleistocene Upper Pucangan Fm/ volcanic facies,but rocks more likely equivalent of M Pleistocene Kabuh Fm of Sangiran. Underlying clay facies of Lower Pucangan/ Lidah Fm with zone N21 planktonic foraminifera (Globorotalia tosaensis, Globigerinoides obliquus extremus; also Asterorotalia trispinosa. New finds of associated Hippopotamus, Sus, Buffelus bubalus, etc., suggest M-U Pleistocene Trinil or Ngandong fauna) Satyana, A.H. (2007)- Geological disaster in the demise of Jenggala and Majapahit empires: a hypothesis of historical mud volcanoes eruptions based on historical chronicles of Kitab Pararaton, etc. folklore of Timun Mas; analogue to present LUSI eruption, and geologic analysis of the Kendeng depression- Brantas Delta. Proc. Joint Conv. 36th IAGI, 32nd HAGI, Bali 2007, 38 p. (Jenggala and Majapahit are two empires of 11th to early 16th centuries at Brantas delta, E Java. Rise and fall related to geological processes in Brantas delta. Large mud volcano eruptions may have caused or contributed to demise) Satyana, A.H. (2008)- Roles of mud volcanoes eruptions in the decline of the Jenggala and Majapahit Empires, East Java, Indonesia: constraints from the historical chronicles, folklore, and geological analysis of the Brantas Delta-Kendeng Depression. Majalah Geologi Indonesia 23, 1-2, p. 1-10. (Mud volcanoes in Kendeng zone may have lead to demise of 11th- 16th century Jenggala and Majapahit empires) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 414 March 2014 Satyana, A.H. (2009)- Sangiran dome, Central Java: mud volcanoes eruption, demise of Homo erectus erectus and migration of later hominid. Proc. 37th Ann. Conf. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Bandung 2008, 12 p. Schutt, G. (1972)- Fossil mammals of Java IV. Zur Kenntnis der pleistozanen Hyanen Javas. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam B 75, p. 261-287. ('On the knowledge of Pleistocene hyenas from Java') Schutt, G. (1973)- Fossil mammals of Java V. Pleistozane Caniden (Carnivora, mammalia) aus Java. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, B 76, 5, p. 446-471. ('Pleistocene canids from Java') Selenka, M.L. & M. Blanckenhorn (eds.) (1911)- Die Pithecanthropus-Schichten auf Java. Geologische und palaontologische Ergebnisse der Trinil-Expedition (1907-1908). W. Engelmann, Leipzig, p. 1-342. (Extensive report of 1907-1908 excavations of Pleistocene beds near Trinil, C Java, by Selenka Trinil Expedition No new hominid fossils found, but extensive documention of localities and good descriptions of Pleistocene vertebrate and invertebrate faunas and flora) Semah, A.M. (1982)- Etude palynologique de sites a hominides de l'ile de Java. These 3me cycle, Universite de Provence, Marseille, p. 1-127. ('Palynological study of hominid sites of Java island') Semah, A.M. (1982)- A preliminary report on a Sangiran pollen diagram. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 165-170. (Summary of palynology work on U Pliocene- Pliocene of Sangiran Dome, C Java. Rel. common mangrove pollen (Rhizophora, Sonneratia, Nypa)in Upper Kalibeng Fm Blue Clays (absent in Pucangan Black Clay and in younger section). In Pucangan/ Kabuh interval mainly Graminae (grasses)) Semah, A.M. (1984)- Remarks on the pollen analysis of the Sambungmacan section (Central Java). Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 8, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 29-34. (Pollen diagram of Pleistocene deposits of Sambungmacan, E of Solo, site of 1973 discovery of Homo erectus skull. <10m thick poorly-dated fluvial, sandy-tuffaceous section, unconformable over Pliocene limestone) Semah, A.M. (1984)- Palynology and Javanese Pithecanthropus environment. In: P. Andrews and J.L. Franzen (eds.) The early evolution of man with special emphasis on Southeast Asia and Africa. Courier Forsch. Inst. Senckenberg. 69, p. 237-243. Semah, A.M. (1984)- Le milieu naturel lors du premier peuplement de Java, Resultats de l’analyse pollinique. Doct. Thesis, Universite de Provence, Marseille, p. 1-152. ('The natural environment of the first human seetlement of Java; results of pollen analysis') Semah, A.M. & F. Semah (2001)- La signification paleoecologique des couches a hominides de l’ile de Java. In: F. Semah et al. (eds.) Origine des peuplements et chronologie des cultures paleolithiques dans le sud-est asiatique, Semenanjung/Artcom, Paris, p. 251-277. Semah, A.M. & F. Semah (2012)- The rain forest in Java through the Quaternary and its relationships with humans (adaptation, exploitation and impact on the forest). Quaternary Int. 249, p. 120-128. (Landscape change in Java over last 2.5 million years highly complex, with repeated expansion and fragmentation of rain forest. Evidence of intensive human impact on rain forest observed late, ~1500 years ago) Semah, A.M., F. Semah, T. Djubiantono & B. Brasseur (2010)- Landscapes and hominids' environments: changes between the Lower and the Early Middle Pleistocene in Java (Indonesia). Quaternary Int. 223, p. 451- 455. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 415 March 2014 (Change in paleoenvironments in Lower and early M Pleistocene, based on sediment and pollen records in C Java. 'Grenzbank' layer at ~0.9 Ma at Sangiran marks major tectonic (folding of Kendeng zone) and climatic change (fragmentation of rainforest cover)) Semah, F. (1982)- Pliocene and Pleistocene geomagnetic reversals recorded in the Gemolong and Sangiran Domes (Central Java). Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 151-164. (Notopuro and Kabuh Fms of Sangiran and Gemolong all with normal geomagnetic polarity and tied to Brunhes Epoch. Reversal events in underlying Pucangan Fm, tied to Matuyama Event. Top of U Kalibeng Fm normal polarity, probably Olduvai Event (1.67-1.87Ma)) Semah, F. (1984)- The Sangiran Dome in the Javanese Plio-Pleistocene chronology. In: P. Andrews and J.L. Franzen (eds.) The early evolution of man with special emphasis on Southeast Asia and Africa. Courier Forschungen Inst. Senckenberg. 69, p. 245-252. (Review of Late Pliocene- M Pleistocene stratigraphy of Sangiran, C Java (~2.0- 0.5 Ma)) Semah, F. (1986)- Le peuplement ancien de Java: ebauche d’un cadre chronologique. L’Anthropologie 90, p. 359-400. (Chronology of human population of Java) Semah, F. (1997)- Plio-Pleistocene reference sections in Indonesia. In: J.A. van Couvering (ed.) The Pleistocene boundary and the beginning of the Quaternary, World and Regional Geology 9, Cambridge University Press, p. 264-272. (Brief review of Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy in C Java areas known for vertebrate fossils (Bumiayu, Sangiran)) Semah, F., C. Falgueres, Y. Yokoyama, G. Feraud, H. Saleki & T. Djubiantono (1997)- Arrivee et disparation des Homo erectus a Java, les donnees actuelles. Abstracts 3rd Mtg European Assoc. Archaeol., p. 11-12. ('Arrival and migration of Homo erectius on Java, the actual data'. Critique of Swisher et al. (1994), suggesting their 1·66 Ma age assigned to H. erectus skulls from Sangiran is based on radiometric age of volcanic tuff that underlies these skulls and therefore too old) Semah, F., G. Feraud, H. Saleki, C. Falgueres & T. Djubiantono (2000)- Did early man reach Java during the late Pliocene? J. Archaeol. Sci. 27, p. 763-769 Semah, F., H. Saleki, C. Falgueres, G. Feraud & T. Djubiantono (2000)- Did early man reach Java during the Late Pliocene? J. Archaeol. Sci. 27, 9, p. 763-769. (Homo erectus (Pithecanthropus) reached Java from Asian continent and became one of oldest islanders in world. Combined 40Ar/39Ar and paleomagnetic data of 'Lower lahar' at base of fossil-bearing series of Sangiran dome show that emergence of first dry land at Sangiran, took place at end and just after Olduvai subchron. Therefore ~1.7 Ma is max. age for arrival of first hominids at Sangiran) Semah, F., A.M Semah & T. Djubiantono (1998)- From the shoreline to the slopes of the volcanoes: the long Pithecanthropus trek. In: H.T. Simanjuntak et al. (eds.) Sangiran: man, culture and environment in Pleistocene times, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Nat. Research Centre of Archaeology and Ecole Francaise d’Extreme Orient, p. 195-218. Semah, F., A.M. Semah, T. Djubiantono & H.T. Simanjuntak (1992)- Did they also make stone tools? J. Human Evolution 23, p. 439-446. (Recent excavations at excavation in Ngebung, NW part of Sangiran dome, C Java, found archeological layers in M Pleistocene Kabuh beds with several stone tools (flake artefacts, bolas made of andesite and quartz; older than other stone implements known from Java)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 416 March 2014 Semah, F., A.M. Semah, C. Falgueres, F. Detroit, X. Gallet, S. Hameau, A.M. Moine & T. Simanjuntak (2004)- The significance of the Punung karstic area (eastern Java) for the chronology of the Javanese Palaeolithic, with special reference to the Song Terus cave. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 18, p. 45-62. (Caves in S Mountains (Punung- Wonosari) existed at least since middle M Pleistocene. Human remains, including numerous stone artifacts, date back to ~230 ka) Semah, F., A.M. Semah, R. Moukridah, F. Frohlich & T. Djubiantono (2004)- A Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentary record in Central Java and it palaeoclimatic significance. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 18, p. 63-88. (Study of 40m cores from Ambarawa Basin, C Java, representing Late Pleistocene- Holocene, ~21 ka- Recent. Pollen from ~21-15 ka reflect open, herbaceous landscape of rel. cool-dry climatic conditions. From ~15-10.5 ka more humid. From 10.5 ka onward more forest vegetation. First evidence of human activity at ~1500 yrs BP) Semah, F., A.M. Semah & T. Simanjuntak (2002)- More than a million years of human occupation in insular Southeast Asia. In: J. Mercader (ed.) Under the canopy- The archaeology of tropical rain forests, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, p. 161-190. Setiyabudi, E. (2016)- Pleistocene reptiles of the Soa Basin (Flores, Indonesia): adaptation and implication for environment. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 17, 2, p. 107-124. (Presence of fossil reptiles from mainland Asia, like giant tortoise (Megalochelys sp.), fresh water turtle (Geoemydidae), crocodiles and komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) in Pleistocene of Soa Basin, Flores. After crossing 'Wallace Line' at ~1 Ma lived in isolated conditions and adapted to savannah environment. Vertebrate faunas of Soe basin dominated by extinct proboscideans (Stegodon)) Setiyabudi, E., I. Kurniawan & G.D. van den Bergh ( (2012)- Fossils of Stegodon and Varanus komodoensis Sumba and Flores: a Pleistocene landbridge? Proc. 41st Ann. Conv. Indon. Assoc. Geol. (IAGI), Yogyakarta, 2012-SS-31, 4p. (Recent field survey in Sumba relocated original locality of Stegodon sumbaensis mandible described by Sartono (1979). At Lewapaku dwarf Stegodon found, with tooth of Varanus komodoensis and giant murine rodent. Lewapaku fauna similar to 900 ka old Tangi Talo fauna from Flores) Setyanta, B., H.P. Siagian & H. Wahyono (2014)- Penentuan umur fosil manusia purba di Jawa berdasarkan magnetostratigrafi. J. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 15, 1, p. 11-24. ('Determination of the ages of the ancient hominid fossils in Java based on magnetostratigraphy'. Review of previous magnetostratigraphic studies of hominid sites of C Java: Sangiran (hominids between base Jamarillo subchron and Brunhes-Matuyama chron boundary (0.78- 1.07 Ma)), Trinil (near top Jaramillo (0.99 Ma)), Kedungbrubus, Mojokerto (near lower limit Jaramillo (1.07 Ma)) and Patiayam (hominids in Brunhes or younger (<0.78 Ma)) Shutler, R., J.M. Head, D.J. Donahue, A.J.T. Jull, M.F. Barbetti, S. Matsu’ura, J. de Vos & P.Storm (2004)- AMS radiocarbon dates on bone from cave sites in Southeast Java, Indonesia, including Wajak. Modern Quaternary Research in SE Asia 18, p. 89-93. (14C apatite dates for bones from Wajak Cave, SE Java. Wajak fauna calibrated age ~12,1-12,9ka, Wajak femu ~7.5 ka (older ages obtained by Storm et al. 2013)) Siesser, W.G. & D.W. Orchiston (1978)- Micropalaeontological re-assessment of the age of Pithecanthropus mandible C from Sangiran, Indonesia. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 4, p. 25-30. (Pithecanthropus mandible C discovered in 1960 in Pucangan Fm near Mandingan, Sangiran Dome. Sartono (1970) reported 11 planktonic and 15 benthic species of foraminifera in claystone adhered to mandible. Co- occurrence of Globorotalia crassaformis and Globigerinoides obliquus suggests Late Pliocene age, between 4.2-1.6Ma. (N.B.: Sangiran Pleistocene fluvial-lacustrine Pucangan Fm contains locally abundant Pliocene planktonic foraminifera, all reworked from underlying Kalibeng Fm; Van Gorsel and Troelstra 1981)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 417 March 2014 Sighinolfi, G.P., S. Sartono & G. Artioli (1993)- Chemical and mineralogical studies on hominid remains from Sangiran, Central Java (Indonesia). J. Human Evolution 24, p. 57-68. Simanjuntak, T. (2001)- New light on the prehistory of the Southern Mountains of Java. Bull. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc. (IPPA) 21, p. 152-156. (online at: (Many limestone caves in Gunung Sewu, S Java, were inhabited in Prehistoric times. Excavations revealed chronology from Early Holocene (possibly Late Pleistocene) to 4500 BP. by ‘Australomelanesian’ people) Simanjuntak, T. (2002)- Gunung Sewu in prehistoric times. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta p. Simanjuntak, T. (2004)- New insight on the prehistoric chronology of Gunung Sewu, Java, Indonesia. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia, Balkema, Leiden, 18, p. 9-30. (C Java Southern Mountains numerous Late Pleistocene- Holocene, Paleolithic- Neolithic prehistoric sites) Simanjuntak, T. (2006)- Indonesia-Southeast Asia: climates, settlements, and cultures in Late Pleistocene. Comptes Rendus Palevol 5, p. 371-379. (Late Pleistocene period between Paleolithic culture and E Holocene Preneolithic culture, marked by climate and sea level fluctuations and appearance of modern human (oldest Homo sapiens), replacing H. erectus) Simanjuntak, T., B. Prasetyo & R. Handini (eds.) (2001)- Sangiran: man, culture and environment in prehistoric times. Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, p. 1-443. (Collection of papers on Sangiran hominid site, C Java, presented at 1st Int. Colloquium on Sangiran, Solo 1998) Simanjuntak, T. & F. Semah (1996)- A new insight into the Sangiran flake industry. In: The Chiang Mai papers, 1, Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc. Bull. 14, p. 22-26. (online at: (Flake tools made of chalcedony, jasper, etc., and supposedly made by Homo erectus, first discovered by Von Koenigswald in 1936. Flakes can be found throughout Kabuh Fm at Negung, NW Sangiran Dome, C. Java) Simanjuntak, T., F. Semah & C. Gaillard (2010)- The Palaeolithic in Indonesia: nature and chronology. Quaternary Int. 223-224, p. 418-421. (Brief review of Indonesian ‘older’ Paleolithic stone tool assemblages. Human presence on Java dates back to ~1.5 Ma, but no stone tools known older than ~1.0 Ma) Soares, P., J.A. Trejaut, J.H. Loo, C. Hill, M. Mormina et al. (2008)- Climate change and postglacial human dispersals in Southeast Asia. Molecular Biol. Evol. 25, 6, p. 1209-1218. (Modern humans in Island SE Asia since at least 50,000 years, commonly thought to be from Neolithic dispersal from China. Genome sequencing of modern humans suggest migration of humans from Sundaland across region since start of Holocene, at time of Sundaland breaking up into archipelago by rising sea levels) Soerastopo Hadisoemarno (1972)- Geomorphology of the Sangiran dome, Java, Indonesia. Ilmu Alam, 1, p. 57- 65. (in Indonesian) Soergel, W. (1914)- Stegodonten aus den Kendengschichten auf Java. Palaeontographica Suppl. 4, 3, 1, p. 1-24. ('Stegodont elephants from the Kendeng beds on Java'. On Pleistocene Stegodont elephant teeth collected by Elbert) Sondaar, P.Y. (1981)- The Geochelone faunas of the Indonesian Archipelago and their paleogeographical and biostratigraphical significance. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 6, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 111- 120. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 418 March 2014 (E Pleistocene giant tortoise Geochelone atlas known from Java (Sangiran, Kali Klagah), Sulawesi and Timor. Probably part of island faunas, which became extinct with arrival of Asiatic mamals via land bridge in E Pleistocene. (see also critical discussion by Hooijer 1982)) Sondaar, P.Y. (1984)- Faunal evolution and the mammalian biostratigraphy of Java. In: P. Andrews & J.L. Franzen (eds.) The early evolution of man with special emphasis on Southeast Asia and Africa. Courier Forsch. Inst. Senckenberg 69, p. 219-235. (Re-interpretation of Java fossil mammal successions, linked to changes in paleobiogeography. Seven Late Pliocene- Pleistocene vertebrate faunas, from old to young: Satir (early island fauna), Ci Saat, Trinil HK (with arrival of Homo erectus), Kedung Brubus, Ngandong, Punung and Wajak faunas) Sondaar, P.Y. (1987)- Pleistocene man and extinctions of islands endemics. Mem. Soc. Geologique France, N.S., 150, p. 159-165. Sondaar, P.Y. (1989)- Did man reach Australia via the giant rat and Dingo route? Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Seri Paleontologi 5, p. 76-83. (Discussion of possible routes followed by Pleistocene man from China to Australia) Sondaar, P. (1994)- De Homo erectus fauna’s van Java. Cranium 11, 2, p. 92-96. Sondaar, P.Y., F. Aziz, G.D. van den Bergh & J. de Vos (1996)- Faunal change and hominid evolution during Quaternary of Jawa. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Seri Paleontologi 8, p. 1-10. (Quaternary vertebrate assemblages, from old to young: Satir (unbalanced island fauna), Cisaat, Trinil, Kedung Brubus, Ngandong, Punung and Wajak. Homo erectus in several different stratigraphic levels) Sondaar, P.Y., J. de Vos & J.J.M. Leinders (1983)- Reply. Facts and fiction around the fossil mammals of Java. Geologie en Mijnbouw 62, p. 339-343. (Discussion of Bartstra (1983) critique of De Vos, Sartono et al. (1982) reinterpretation of relative ages of mammalian faunas of Trinil and Kedungbrubus of Java. See also Hooijer and Kurten 1984) Sondaar, P.Y., G.D. van den Bergh, J. de Vos & F. Aziz (1995)- Homo erectus in S.E. Asia: time space and migration routes, IV. Overseas traveling of Homo erectus and faunal turnovers. In: J. Gibert et al. (eds.) Proc. Int. Conf. The hominids and their environment during the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Eurasia, Orce 1995, p. 383-388. (Homo sapiens generally believed to be first to cross water barriers. Stone tools of 0.7 Ma age on Flores suggest Homo erectus probably also had this capability) Sondaar, P.Y., G.D. van den Bergh, J. de Vos & F. Aziz (2001)- The Flores case: the earliest island colonizers. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 27, p. 15-19. Sondaar, P.Y., G.D. van den Bergh, B. Mubroto, F. Aziz, J. de Vos & U.L. Batu (1994)- Middle Pleistocene faunal turnover and colonization of Flores (Indonesia) by Homo erectus. Comptes Rendus Academie Sciences, Paris, II, 319, p. 1255-1262. (Artifacts associated with fossil Stegodon tigonocephalus florensis Hooijer and fresh water molluscs in fluvial sands of Ola Bula Fm near Mata Menge, W Central Flores dated as slightly older than 0,73 Ma, were probably made by Homo erectus) Spriggs, M., C. Reepmeyer, Anggraeni, P. Lape, L. Neri, W.P. Ronquillo, T. Simanjuntak et al. (2011)- Obsidian sources and distribution systems in Island Southeast Asia: a review of previous research. J. Archaeol. Sci. 38, p. 2873-2881. (Review of distribution and origin of stone age obsidian artifacts in Philippines, Sulawesi, Flores, W and E Java, S Sumatra, Borneo and E Timor. Many were probably sourced from islands on which they were found) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 419 March 2014 Stehlin, H.G (1925)- Fossile Saugetiere aus der Gegend von Limbangan (Java). Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie, Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen 3, p. 1-12. (‘Fossil mammals from the Limbangan area, Java’. Diverse Pleistocene mammal assemblage in conglomeratic sandstone near Limbangan, Brebes District, Pekalongan Residency, C Java) Storm, P. (1995)- The evolutionary significance of the Wajak skulls. Scripta Geologica 110, p. 1-247. (online at: (Two Late Pleistocene- Holocene robust hominid skulls from Gua Wajak, SE Java, first described by Dubois (1922). Most likely interpretation as Mesolithic robust representatives of present Homo sapiens of Java.) Storm, P. (2001)- The evolution of humans in Australasia from an environmental perspective. In: R.A.C.Dam & S. van der Kaars (eds.) Quaternary environmental change in the Indonesian Region. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclim., Palaeoecology 171, p. 363-383. (Incl. climatic sequence for Java: before and around 135 ka climate considerably drier and hot; between 126- 81 ka mainly humid-warm (with Punung fauna), becoming drier and cooler (with Wajak fauna) before returning to more interglacial conditions in Holocene) Storm, P. (2012)- A carnivorous niche for Java Man? A preliminary consideration of the abundance of fossils in Middle Pleistocene Java. Comptes rendus Palevol 11, p. 191-202. (Anatomical and archaeological aspects of Homo erectus suggest vertebrates meat was important part of diet) Storm, P., F. Aziz, J. de Vos, D. Kosasih, S. Baskoro, Ngaliman & L.W. van den Hoek Ostende (2005)- Late Pleistocene Homo sapiens in a tropical rainforest fauna in East Java. J. Human Evolution 49, 4, p. 536-545. (Redescription of two original sites of 'Punung fauna', as first described by Von Koenigswald (1939) and Badoux (1959) from karst hills of S Mountains, E Java. Punung and new nearby mammal site Gunung Dawung reflect tropical rainforest environment with common Pongo (orangutan) fossils. Punung fauna younger than Ngandong, possibly around 100 ka) Storm, P. & J. de Vos (2006)- Rediscovery of the Late Pleistocene Punung hominin sites and the rediscovery of a new site Gunung Dawung in East Java. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 86, 2, p. 121-131. (On re-location of Von Koenigswalds's Punung sites where in 1930s he collected hominin remains and mammals indicating presence of tropical rainforest like orang-utans (Pongo) and gibbons (Hylobates)) Storm, P. & A.J. Nelson (1992) - The many faces of Wajak Man. Archaeology in Oceania 27, p. 37-46. Storm, P., R. Wood, C. Stringer, A. Bartsiokas, J. de Vos, M. Aubert, L. Kinsley & R. Grun (2013)- U-series and radiocarbon analyses of human and faunal remainsfrom Wajak, Indonesia. J. Human Evolution 64, p. 356- 365. (Radiometric dating of human and faunal bone fragments from Wajak, Java, indicate minimum age of 37.4- 28.5 ka, significantly older than previously published radiocarbon estimates, probably due to secondary carbonatisation. Requires reassessment of evolutionary relationships of human remains in SE Asia- Oceania) Stremme, H. (1911)- Die Saugetiere mit Ausnahme der Proboscidier. In: M.L. Selenka & M. Blanckenhorn (eds.) Die Pithecanthropus-Schichten auf Java, geologische und palontologische Ergebnisse der Trinil Expedition (1907 und 1908), W. Engelmann, Leipzig, p. 82-150. (Description of mammals, not including elephants, from Pleistocene of Trinil area, from material collected by Selenka expedition, 1907-1908) Sudijono, K. Mano & R. Wikarno (eds.) (1995)- Geology of the Quaternary environment of the Solo-Madiun area, Central-East Java. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Spec. Publ. 17, p. 1-128. Suminto, J. Kimura & T. Hirayama (1995)- Subsurface geology in Sangiran, Kedungbrubus and Ponorogo area. In: Sudijono et al. (eds.) Geology of Quaternary environment of the Solo-Madiun area, Central-East Java, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Spec. Publ. 17, p. 81-86. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 420 March 2014 Suminto, G.D. van den Bergh, I. Saefudin & K. Mano (1996)- The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the hominid skull find site, Grogolan Wetan, Sangiran area, Central Jawa. Geol. Res. Dev. Centre (GRDC), Bandung, Seri Paleontologi 8, p. 51-57. (New H. erectus skull from upper Bapang Fm, between Upper Tuff and Uppermost Lahar. This is youngest level of hominid fossil occurrence in Sangiran) Sunardi, E. (2010)- Penelitian magnetostratigrafi dan penerapan satuan stratigrafi polaritas magnet sebagai satuan kronostratigrafi: studi kasus di cekungan Bandung serta daerah Mojokerto dan Sangiran, Jawa. J. Geologi Indonesia 5, 2, p. 137-150. (online at: ('Magnetostratigraphy study and application of magnetic polarity stratigraphy units as chronostratigraphy units: a case study in the Bandung Basin and the Mojokerto and Sangiran regions, Java'. Magnetic polarity reversals of rocks in Sangiran Area (C Java), Mojokerto (E Java; 3 Ma) and Bandung Basin (W Java; 4 Ma) correlated to magnetostratigraphy of Pleistocene formations at Mojokerto) Suyono (2009)- The study of fossil faunas in the Walanae Basin, Indonesia. Ph.D. Thesis University of Wollongong, p. 1-115. (Unpublished) (online at: (Mainly on morphology and phylogenetic history of Celebochoerus heekereni, an endemic pig species from Pliocene in Walanae Basin, SW Sulawesi) Suzuki, M., W. Budisantoso, I. Saefudin & M. Itihara (1985)- Fission track ages of pumice tuff, tuff layers, and javites of fossil hominid fossil-bearing formations in Java. In: N. Watanabe & D. Kadar (eds.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java, Geol. Res. Dev. Centre, Spec. Publ. 4, p. 309-357. (Eight radiometric ages obtained from 21 pumice tuff layers and 2 javites of Pleistocene of Sangiran. Tuffs from Pucangan Fm 1.16 Ma and Kabuh Fm 0.71- 0.78 Ma). Javites 0.71 Ma) Swisher, C.C., G.H. Curtis, T. Jacob, A.G. Getty, A. Suprijo & Widiasmoro (1994)- Age of the earliest known hominids in Java, Indonesia. Science 263, p. 1118-1121. (40Ar/39Ar ages from pumice from Mojokerto hominid sites 1.81 and 1.66 Ma, 0.6 million years older than Homo erectus fossils from Olduvai Gorge, and comparable to age of H cf. erectus (H. ergaster) in Kenya. Ages would suggest Homo erectus may have evolved in Asia instead of Africa (NB: these Java age dating results widely disputed in subsequent literature due to erroneous locality information (Huffman et al. 2006, etc.)) Swisher, C.C., G.H. Curtis & R. Lewin (2000)- Java Man- how two geologists’ dramatic discoveries changed our understanding of the evolutionary path to modern humans. Scribner, New York, p. 1-244. (Popular account of events leading to new conclusions on human evolution. (This ‘dramatic' but highly controversial relatively old age dating of Mojokerto hominids probably based on erroneous location information) Swisher, C.C., W.J. Rink, S.C. Anton, H.P. Schwartz, G.H. Curtis & A. Suprijo (1996)- Latest Homo erectus of Java; potential contemporaneity with Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia. Science 274, p. 1870-1874. (Hominid fossils from Ngandong and Sambungmacan considered the most morphologically advanced Homo erectus. Dating of fossil bovid teeth collected from hominid-bearing levels gave mean ages of 27 to 53 ka, much younger than previous age estimates for these hominids) Tassy, P., P. Anupandhanant, L. Ginsburg, P. Mein, B. Ratanasthien & V. Suteethorn (1992)- A new Stegolophodon (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Early Miocene of northern Thailand. Geobios 25, 4, p. 511- 523. Ter Haar, C. (1934)- Homo-soloensis. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie,1, 4, p. 52-60. (Discussion of geological setting of Homo soloensis discovery in Solo River terrace deposits at Ngandong, Kendeng Hills, C Java) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology , Ed. 5.1 421 March 2014 Sondaar & F. 4. Jakarta. Soc. p.Eugene Dubois and the ape-man from Java. Kluwer Acad. Soejono's Festschrift. Simanjuntak et al. 4958. 2. 337-358. (Seven human mandibular remains from Java (Kedung Brubus.. Tyler. p. (Thailand at boundary of Indochinese and Sundaic faunal provinces and in continental migration route of mammals migrating to SE Asia in M Pleistocene) Tougard. Tyler. 6. (Preliminary palynological study of Pleistocene of Sangiran. 39-53. Watanabe & D. P.. H.A taxonomy of Javan hominid mandibles.Pleistocene paleoenvironmental reconstructions and mammalian evolution in South-East Asia: focus on fossil faunas from Thailand. Palaeoecology 168. p. Geol. Paper 242. 81-101.F. Probably from juvenile individual) Tobias. Rel. 41. Palaeogeogr. Human Evolution 6.) Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java..R. C Java. Oshima. In: T.E.A. p.Theunissen. D. p. 498-517. (1989). Nature 204.) The changing face of East Asia during the Tertiary and Quaternary.Geological evidence for Quaternary land bridges in insular Southeast Asia. March 2014 . LIPI Press.cgi?fid=150000) (Description of fragment of Pithecanthropus erectus jawbone collected by Dubois at Kedung Brubus in 1890 and described in 1924.vangorselslist. (1995). (Brief historical survey of discovery of Pleistocene mammals and hominid-bearing deposits in Java since mid- 1850's. common grass pollen from M-U Pucangan and Lower Kabuh Fms) Tougard. Montuire (2006). & S. Quaternary Science Reviews 25. University of Hong Kong Press. Aziz (1990).Biogeography and migration routes of large mammal faunas in South-East Asia during the Late Middle Pleistocene: focus on fossil and extant faunas from Thailand. 1-293. p. discoverer of ‘Java Man’ in 1891) Theunissen. P. (Study of the life and scientific contributions of Eugene Dubois. C. D.The establishment of a chronological framework for the hominid-bearing deposits of Java: a historical survey. Geol. (1991). 307-320.New and significant fossil finds from Sangiran. S. H. but are probably result of recent tectonic subsidence. (1966).1 422 www. not older than 100 ka when modern humans began to populate region) Tobias. Central Java. (During most of Quaternary (<1. Zoologische Mededelingen..E.H. Kadar (eds.A palynological study of the Pucangan and Kabuh Formations in the Sangiran area. Publ.P.) Archaeology: Indonesian perspective.V. 9. B. Spec. D.E. Leiden. 199-217. Today these land bridges contain passages >200m deep. 126-141. p. Bandung. (1997). America (GSA). p.A re-examination of the Kedung Brubus mandible.“Meganthropus” cranial fossils from Java. Ito (1985). Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . C. p. Res. Dev. J.G. 5.8 Ma) four major land bridges provided access from Asia into Wallacea (= mobile region between Sundaland and Sahul-land).Y. p. (2001). p. Ed. La Porte (ed. Centre (GRDC). 285-299.uva. (ed.E. 515-518. In: N. J. Tyler. J.D. In: L. (online at: http://dare. (eds. Human Evolution 16. (2001). Tokunaga. (2006).. 5. Spec.) Establishment of a geologic framework for paleoanthropology. de Vos. Publ. Polhaupessy & Y. R. Palaeoclim. In: N.A comparison between the Olduvai hominines and those of Java and some implications for hominid phylogeny. The history of the first “missing link” and its discoverer. Homo erectus) Tyler. & G. A. p.The current picture of hominid evolution in Java. Acta Anthropol. D. 8. and 22) are single species. Jablonski. Sinica 14. Sangiran 1. P. 71-78. 401-420. and of attempts to establish chronological framework for Javanese hominids) Tjia. von Koenigswald (1964). 8-11. 60. Aziz. p. erectus and must be pongid ape) Tyler.4 Ma.D. D. 125-130. G.1. 'H.E.9 Ma. D. “Meganthropus.Sangiran 5 (“Pithecanthropus dubius”). de Vos. & F. Van den Bergh. (Pithecanthropus dubius). G..E. p. with dwarf Stegodon sondaari. meganthropus'. J. possibly female counterpart to Sangiran 17) Van Baren. Hussain (1992). Dated as ~1. The world of elephants. leucite bearing series) Van den Bergh. 117. Scripta Geologica 117. Centre (GRDC). F. and 27 from U Pucangan Fm and dated as ~1.the giant tortoise Geochelone atlas and large crocodile. p.J. S Sulawesi. D. erectus.E. meganthropus' and possibly a pongid. (2001). (1948). p. p. Sartono (2001). Meded. 17.T. Human Evolution 16. 22-39. C Java.A. Morwood (2001).Elephantoidea in the Indonesian region: new Stegodon findings from Flores. but if it is.repository.vangorselslist. erectus) Tyler.A new Homo erectus cranium from Sangiran. M. (2004). Van den Bergh. 1. dated at 0.Tyler. they are a mixture of undoubted H. 229-241. must be placed with 'H.On the petrology of the volcanic area of the Goenoeng Moeria (Java). Morphologically. South March 2014 . Dev. beyond known range of any H. A study of the terrestrial faunal succession of Sulawesi.. Res. Bandung.1 423 www. (1999). (Two new mandibles from U Pucangan Fm of Sangiran. de Vos (1994).” or Pongo?. also dwarf Stegodon.Fossil vertebrates from the Walanae Formation and younger Pleistocene deposits. Varanus komodoensis and giant tortoise remains. (2003). E Pleistocene island assemblage. Flores and Java. & S. (Petrographic descriptions of volcanic rocks of Muria volcano. 151-158.D.D. Homo erectus.The Late Neogene elephantoid-bearing faunas of Indonesia and their paleozoogeographic implications. 22.E. Sangiran 21. Evolution 16. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral 1. Leiden. D.D. G. J.naturalis. 2. Centre (GRDC). one from Kedung Brubus. Bull. Ed. Aziz (1991). p. D. Seri Paleontologi 7. deposited on floodplain of N-flowing Walanae River.6-1. F. ~1. p.2 Ma) Tyler. Aziz. (2001). Dev. “Meganthropus”. not H. and paleozoogeography of Plio-Pleistocene Proboscideans from the Indonesian islands. 103-115. stratigraphy.2. Geol. Bandung. (online at: www. Res.Two new “Meganthropus” mandibles from Java. Conf.Y. Human Evolution 18. J. Proefstation Landbouw Buitenzorg. all but one from Sangiran. (New H. Java. Sondaar & S. Endemic species show S Sulawesi was isolated from SE Asian mainland) Van den Bergh. Human Evolution 16. p. p.Three new Homo erectus mandibles from Java. F. Java.The first Stegodon fossils from Central Sulawesi and a new advanced Elephas species from South Sulawesi. initially named Sangiran 1939 and recovered by Von Koenigswald. p. erectus cranium found in 1993 at Sangiran M Pucangan Fm. Sangiran 21 (E). Van den Bergh. Sondaar & J. CNRS Rome. P. In: Proc. p.8 Ma in age. incl. F. Aziz.Taxonomy. Braincase and most of face. 1-419. (Recent discoveries of fossil Stegodon remains from Flores confirm earlier discoveries. 13-25. Alg. G..D. 28-58. all from Sangiran. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 1-69. P.Y. (Eleven E-M Pleistocene jaw fragments now known from Java. Bull. Human. (Eleven known Homo erectus manidublar pieces from E-M Pleistocene of Java. (Morphology of Sangiran 5 mandible fossil.E. Skull is longer and consistently narrower than Trinil. Morphologically compatible with other“Meganthropus” mandibles described from Java) Tyler. 'Pithecanthropus dubius' (Sangiran 5) may not be hominid. 3.An examination of the taxonomic status of the fragmentary mandible Sangiran 5. 623-627. 5. including evidence for early hominid dispersal east of Wallace's Line. Geol. J. and Sangiran 37 (G) first described here. (>1500 Late Pleistocene vertebrate fossils recovered from Walanae Fm grey clay layer. Homo erectus. or Pongo? Quaternary Int. Sangiran 22 (F). Most abundant is large pig Celebochoerus heekereni. G. Yurnaldi. P. when Homo erectus G. Morwood. van den Hoek Ostende. Setiawan.A. 208-211. Sondaar & F. (online at: http://ejournal. Indonesia. Kaifu. F. Jatmiko & E.. komodoensis.large Stegodon florensis. A. de Vos.D. G. The Flores case. P. (Stegodon remains from Late Pleistocene of Liang Bua cave described as new endemic dwarf subspecies: Stegodon florensis insularis. (Flores E.W. and two human species: H.. Morwood (2016).Pleistocene zoogeographic evolution of Java (Indonesia) and glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations: a background for the presence of Homo. Suyono. J. Setiyabudi. 5.. No proof for presence of mammals on Java during first marked glacio-eustatic sea level lowering at 2. March 2014 . G. F. R.1 424 www. Palaeoecology 171. p. Brumm. associated with human stone tools) Van den Bergh. Flores.D. Grun.8 Ma. G. Moore. Y. Orce 1995.D. Due. G. Nature 534.W.W. include mandible fragment and isolated teeth. p. p. J. Due Awe.The youngest Stegodon remains in Southeast Asia from the Late Pleistocene archaeological site Liang Bua. Van den Bergh. Aziz (1995). giant Hooijeromys nusatenggara and V. p. G. de Vos. Int. Aziz. floresiensis from Liang Bua.D. I Kurniawan. Setiabudi & M. (New excavations at Talepu in Walanae Basin NE of Maros with stone artefacts and fossil megafauna (Bubalus. I. 27-34. Nature 529. Aziz & M. Human Evolution 57.Y. Palaeogeogr. 385-408. (Excavations at Liang Bua limestone cave on Flores faunal sequence spanning the last 95 ky. D. 7585. Sondaar & J. contain intermediate. 14 (Chiang Mai Papers.M.anu.Y. Celebochoerus) from stratified deposits that accumulated from before 200 ka until ~100ka) Van den Bergh.T. Sutikna. age between 2. Belwood (ed.yr. Van den Bergh. G.D. p. p. Sondaar (2001). J. Roberts. and modern humans from 11 ka.) Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc.M Pleistocene assemblages from numerous localities dated as 0.J.Saptomo (2008). C Flores.. Aziz. Sondaar & F.Earliest hominin occupation of Sulawesi. Dated as ~0.1. Soa Basin.J. Oldest recognizable fauna is Satir fauna.J. (eds.. Brumm. p. 14 (Chiang Mai Papers.7 Ma. Confirms long- term isolation. Bull. Saptomo.0.Did Homo erectus reach the island of Flores? In: P.G. R. sequence from Flores. suggested by unbalanced Ci Saat (1.present.vangorselslist. Stegodon.2 Ma) and Trinil faunas (0. Storey.Homo floresiensis-like fossils from the early Middle Pleistocene of Flores. In: J. 5. East Indonesia.M Pleistocene stone artifacts too old for Homo sapiens. Mata Menge fossils tend to support view that H.Y.Y. floresiensis from 95 to 17 ka. P. M. 1). Piper & K.. impoverishment. T.D. Ed. Faunal assemblage comprises island gigantism in small mammals and dwarfing of large taxa.. oldest known hominin remains from Flores.The Late Quaternary palaeogeography of mammal evolution in the Indonesian Archipelago. Kono.J. similar to H. M.5 Ma and indicates island conditions. M.php/bippa/article/view/425/414) (Relation of Java mammal faunal changes in last 2. (Hominin fossils excavated in 2014 from early M Pleistocene Mata Menge sit. 182. Major faunal immigration at 0. R.9 Ma).5 My to global sea level changes not clear. 16-48. L. de Vos & P.The Liang Bua faunal remains: a 95 k. probably made by Homo erectus) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .W. R. R. Aziz (1996). Isolated conditions continue until ~0. P. E. Morwood.Homo erectus in S. Mubroto. R. Hominin activities likely played role in Stegodon bone accumulation at cave) Van Den Bergh. Bull. floresiensis is dwarfed descendent of early Asian Homo erectus) Van den Bergh. E. 527-537. Asia: time space and migration routes.) Proc.D. Morwood (2016). E. B. J.. Gibert et al.J.E.8 Ma with Kedung Brubus fauna. Indonesia.M.4 Ma.7Ma. Meijer. 1). H. T. 353-362. Szabo. The hominids and their environment during the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of Eurasia. K. Bo Li. Sutikna.. A. 7606.85. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc. 7-21.. Palaeoclim. Conf.M. Dobney (2009). Kurniawan.D. and phylogenetic continuity of Flores faunal community) Van den Bergh.J. Quaternary Int. de Vos (1996). F. major climatic fluctuations.. 245- 248. G. corresponding with marked lowering of glacio-eustatic sea level) Van Den Bergh. 240-248. In: J. The Philippines (Ch. Tassy (eds.M. Rel. PalArch’s J. West-Java. 117. 471-484. Rhinoceros sondaicus. deer and giant tortoise Geochelone) Van der Plas. S.. p.A new model for the evolution of Homo sapiens from the Wallacean islands. (With reviews of Pleistocene mammal localities and biozones of Java (Ch. (eds. Fluin. 1. modern fauna with Rusa H. 5. 172-189). Lawah Hill. W. Ed. 55-72. 206-215). Palaeoecol. 185-212. & M.H. 1-14. p. and very warm and humid interglacial conditions from 126. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7.D. 13. while increased numbers indicate slightly wetter climate from 74.D. (2007). Sulawesi (Ch.C. Batavia/Bandung 1929. 216-227)) Van der Kaars. Panthera tigris. 1-121. p. Verhandelingen Kon. Fourth Pacific Science Congress. Java.47 ka. p.Trinil. & P. Distinctly cooler and possibly drier climate from 47. L. p. (On Late Pleistocene mammal and hominid fossils from Wajak cave.. Vertebrate Paleontology 1.C. Mededelingen 5. Lyras. Shoshani. p. L.The age of March 2014 .Late Quaternary palaeoecology. Homo sapiens and Presbytis cristatus) Van der Geer. Rembang.naturalis.Contributions to the knowledge of the fossil mammalian fauna of Java. The Hague. Flores (Ch. Java (Indonesia).Mammalia.A 135. Land.A. For Last Glacial Maximum 4-7 °C lower temperatures recorded) Van der Kaars.20 ka.Evolution of island mammals: adaptation and extinction of placental mammals on islands. Onset of Holocene coincides with change to more humid conditions) Van der Maarel. Dermitzakis (2010).A.81 ka. J. J. A. (1931). & F. palynology and paleoclimatology of a tropical lowland swamp: Rawa Danau.) (Review of age of Trinil Beds of C Java. Rotterdam. Oxford University Press. Inst. 1-461.) De palaeontologie en stratigraphie van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie ('Feestbundel K. geology of Kendeng zone. de Vos.C Dam & P.The stone age of Indonesia. Balkema.J. (1957). (1931). Escher et al. Thesis. Martinus Nijhoff. Tapirus indicus. 12. Reduction in Asplenium ferns from 81.) Van Heekeren. Martinus Nijhoff. Van den Brink.Y. Madiun and (Listings of Pleistocene mammal species as known from Indonesia in 1931 and bibliography) Van der Maarel. P. p.On the mammal fauna of the Wajak Cave. J. Dam (1995).. distribution of fossil vertebrates in Java.1 425 www. Palaeoclim. p.000 years. West-Java. but no evidence for cooler conditions. S of Kediri. Hystrix javanica. D. Anomalously dry conditions in penultimate glacial period. Martin'). p. G.C.000-year record of vegetational and climatic change from the Bandung area.The Proboscideans of the South-East Asian islands. p. Suparan (2001). Tibby.repository. (Field guide to Trinil hominid site.Volkenkunde 21.. (Open vegetation and drier climate suggested for Late Glacial. 190-205). R. Wiley and Sons.A. Sondaar. In: B. Indonesia. M. 1-247) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . (1982). J. etc. around 135 ka. Palaeoecology 171.tudelft. 1-208. 177-193. evolution and palaeoecology of elephants and their relatives. Ph.G.. p.74 ka suggests drier conditions. Sus scrofa. (1929). (Unpublished) (online at: http://repository. Muntiacus muntjac. Taal-.) The Proboscidea.. p. Technische Hogeschool Delft. Van Es. F. 1-142. de Vos & M. F. Palaeogeogr. G. L. 15. (1932). (Sediment cores from Bandung intramontane basin provide paleoclimatic record for Java for last 135.R. The Hague p. Indonesia. Palaeoclim. p. (Descriptions of vertebrate fossils collected by geological survey in 1925/26 in residencies of Pekalongan. Leidsche Geol. p. Bojonegoro. (online at: www. Excursion E5. First description of E Pleistocene island fauna from Bumiayu with Tetralophodon.Van den Bergh. 1-141.vangorselslist. Penny. (also 1972 second edition. C Java) Van Es. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 15. 14.J. p. Palaeogeogr. Aziz(1996). by Von Koenisgswald and Ghosh (1973). Palaont. p. Ost-Java. 67- 70. (1935). 85-88. & J. West-Java. p. 29-42.earliest Pliocene rhinoceros tooth is oldest mammal fossil from Java.Das geologische Alter der Pithecanthropus-Schichten bei Trinil.H. Timor and Sumba') Volz.) Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia.Ein neuer Urmensch aus dem Diluvium Javas. volcanics-rich Pleistocene hominid-bearing Trinil sands as lahar-style mudflow deposits from Lawu volcano) Von Koenigswald. In: G. Akademie Wetenschappen. Tji Djoelang and 7. from young to old: 1.. Comptes Rendus Palevol 11.H.The Tjabenge flake industry from South Celebes. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .Bemerkungen zur fossilen Saugetierfauna Javas. 2. 3. Pliocene-Pleistocene mammals grouped into 7 faunas.R. p. 2. Geol. 47-53..2.Die fossilen Saugetierfaunen Javas. I'. p. confirming crossing to Flores by Homo erectus) Verhoeven.H. Anthropos 54. Ngandong. 970-972. A.knaw. p. In Anthropica: Gedenkschrift P.R. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch- Indie (IV) 1.R. G. Asian Perspectives 2.Chronology of the Indonesian prehistory. (1933). De Ingenieur in Nederl.Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen auf Flores. H.H. 185-201. C Java. Uber das Vorkommen von Nestotherium und Hyaena in der Djetis-Fauna Mittel-Javas.H. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral. 181-189. 393-403. (Stone implements found on Flores similar to those found in Sangiran. ('Stegodon fossils on the island of Timor' March 2014 . I. W. 1-127. (‘Contribution to the knowledge of the fossil vertebrate fauns of Java. 2. Kon. On characteristics and stratigraphic position of Pleistocene Djetis.R. Eine Djetis-Fauna aus den Tambakan-Schichten der Gegend von Soeband. p.1 426 www. T. Rotterdam. G. (1935). Timor und Sumba. G. T. Van Heekeren. (1968). Balkema. Interprets the rel. (1975). 10. Geol. 38. (On new Pleistocene hominid Homo (Javanthropus) soloensis. p. Sampoeng.R. Ed.Van Heekeren. p. 256-271. H.vangorselslist. Festband 1907. (1964).Stegodon-fossilien auf der Insel Timor. p. 1933. Pleistocene elephantoids first discovered near Atambua in 1964) Verhoeven. Studies of Pleistocene vertebrate faunas of Java.R. ('Remarks on the fossil mammal faunas of Java. Arnold (eds. East Java'.Beitrag zur Kenntnis der fossilen Wirbeltiere Javas I. mainly collected during geological survey Java mapping) Von Koenigswald. 11. 77-81.Stone implements from Java and Flores: a history of the discoveries. C Java) Von Koenigswald. massive.R. Trinil. 5. Palaont.J. 7.Zur Stratigraphie des javanischen Pleistocan. ('The geological age of the Pithecanthropus Beds near Trinil. Van Heteren. de Vos (2012). Nederl. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 23. Amsterdam. Bartstra & W. B. (1907). (‘On the stratigraphy of the Pleistocene of Java’. G. (1935). (1934). discovered recently by Oppenoorth) Von Koenigswald. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie (IV). (online at: www. p. G. 5. 6. Centralblatt Mineral. part 1’. p. Tji Sande: latest Miocene. II. Djetis/ Jetis. On the occurrence of Nestoritherium and Hyena in Jetis fauna of Sangiran. p. Studia Instituti Anthropos 21.pdf) ('The fossil mammal faunas of Java'. (1933). Trnil. G.W. Kali Glagah. 188-198. (1958). ('Prehistoric investigations on Flores.dwc.H.Indie (IV). No figures) Von Koenigswald. Ngandon mammal faunas) Von Koenigswald.Bemerkungen zur fossilen Saugetierfauna Javas. Age if Pithecanthropus beds probably Middle Diluvium (=M Pleistocene). 4. 1. Proc.R. Java) Von Koenigswald. G. 5. (online at: www. Grahmann & L. also Java).Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber das Vorkommen von Tektiten auf Java. Akademie Wetenschappen. 883-893. 394-419. Review of known hominid fossils from Java) Von Koenigswald.pdf) ('First communication on a fossil hominid from the Early Pleistocene of East Java'.H. (1935). This paper reports on occurrence of tektites at base of M Pleistocene Trinil beds) Von Koenigswald. G. Popular review of skeletons of mammals from Java in various museums) Von Koenigswald. p. NW Sangiran Dome. 38. 4.) Quartar. Proc. ('New Pithecanthropus finds from Central Java'. II'. collected by Harloff) Von Koenigswald. New hominid skull from basal Trinil Beds at Sangiran Dome. 1000-1009.en Volkenkunde 75. (1939).knaw. ('On some fossil mammals of Java'.Jahrbuch Erforschung des Eiszeitalters u.R.R. Proc. Nederl. p. Tijdschrift Indische Taal-. (online at: www. (1935). G. 26-53.knaw. p. Akademie Wetenschappen. p. B1.H. G. (1938). Same paper as above on discovery of child skull in Upper Pucangan beds at N flank Kedung-Waru anticline near Mojokerto. Akademie Wetenschappen.1 427 www. Kon. 2.Das Pleistozan Javas.Early Palaeolithic stone implements from Java.R. (online at: 3.Nieuwe Pithecanthropus-vondsten uit Midden-Java. In: R. 2. 41. Kon. presumably made by Pithecanthropus) Von Koenigswald.pdf) ('A new Pithecanthropus skull'.H.R. including 'Punung Fauna not described elsewhere) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .H. widespread in SE Asia (Indochina.Erste Mitteilung uber einen fossilen Hominiden aus dem Altpleistocan (1936). Tektites (glass pebbles associated with meteorite impacts) rel. p. p. Raffles Museum. 539-543.knaw. Proc. Billiton. March 2014 .H. G.Ein neuer Pithecanthropus Schadel. p. Zotz (eds.H. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Gen. Singapore. (Discovery of stone flake tools in M Pleistocene of Ngebung Hills. C Java) Von Koenigswald. Land. G.dwc.R.dwc. 39.('Remarks on the fossil mammal faunas of Java. (online at: www. Ed. seiner Kulturen. 3.H. Akademie Wetenschappen.R. 8.H.knaw. 185-192. ('A fossil hominid from the Early Pleistocene of East Java'. 195-207.pdf) ('Preliminary note on the occurrence of tektites on Java'. On a Jetis fauna from the Tambakan beds SE of Subang.. G. G. Nederl. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 98.vangorselslist. p. De Ingenieur in Nederlandsch-Indie IV.F. De Gruyter. Nederl.Das Neolithicum der Umgebung von Bandoeng. ('The Neolithic in the area of Bandung') Von Koenigswald. Amsterdam.Ein fossiler Hominide aus dem Altpleistocan Ostjavas.dwc. p.Ein Unterkieferfragment des Pithecanthropus aus den Trinilschichten Mitteljavas.pdf) (On a new lower jaw fragment of Pithecanthropus from Trinil Beds at Sangiran Dome. 10. Overview of Java Pleistocene stratigraphy and vertebrate/ hominid finds.quartaer. Bull. p.pdf) ('The Pleistocene of Java'. 149-157.H. 8. 52. 52-60. C. Nederl. Tijdschrift Kon. (online at: www. Small hominid skull from Upper Pucangan beds near Mojokerto area. G. Amsterdam. 40. Amsterdam. (1935).H. Proc. (1937). 2. (1936). (1936).nl/DL/publications/PU00016947.Over enkele fossiele zoogdieren van Java. named Homo modjokertensis) Von Koenigswald. G. 287-289. Berlin. Kon.dwc. (1938). named Homo modjokertensis) Von Koenigswald.R. Amsterdam.R. p. (1954). The geology of Indonesia and adjacent archipelagos. G. In: R. G.R. p. (1952). 5. (1957). (1959). (1949). B 60. Ed. etc.H.The geological age of Wadjak man from Java.H.R. Ngandong. Von Koenigswald (ed. Von Koenigswald. Nederl. Akademie Wetenschappen. In: R. (1940).A mastodon and other fossil mammals from Thailand. Localities include Kedung Brubus. 2. London. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology .R. 1.R.) Hundert Jahre Neanderthaler. 371-382. The geology of Indonesia and adjacent archipelagos.Remarks on the correlation of mammalian faunas of Java and India and the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. 4th Far-Eastern Prehistoric Congress. 455-457.R. Elephant teeth from 'Tji Djulang'. p.H. In G. 25-34. 610-613. Royal Dept. (Popular book on discovery of early hominids. (1949). p. Akademie Wetenschappen. Nyalindung. (1956). Mojokerto. Von Koenigswald. Nederl.H. G.R. Paper 22.H.Fossil Sirenians from Java. (Listing of known hominid discoveries on Java. 194-199. Eclogae Geol. Trinil and Wajak) Von Koenigswald.H.Der Solo-Mensch von Java: ein tropischer Neanderthaler. Bohlau. Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen Dienst Mijnbouw Nederlandsch-Indie 28. probably of extraterrestrial origin.W. 1. In: Proc. G.H.H. Nederl.vangorselslist. (1956).H. G. Rept. Nederl. Also Eocene rib from U Eocene of Nanggulan?) Von Koenigswald. Elephas beyeri. ('An elephant of the planifrons group from the Pliocene of W Java'.R.H. G. p.H.Neue Pithecanthropus-Funde 1936-1938. Kon. 106-107. Proposal to call these ‘javanites’ (now thought to be part of very large Australasian tektite strewn field tied to Pleistocene asteroid impact near Laos-Cambodia around 700-800 ky.Von Koenigswald. G. Also present Stegodon cf. S. a contribution to the knowledge of the pre-hominids’) Von Koenigswald. G. G.R. G. (‘New Pithecanthropus finds 1936-1938. p. p. Akademie Wetenschappen. (1956). The Hague. 1-233. (online at: www. 91-94. van Bemmelen.Meeting prehistoric man. presumably in Bumiayu area) Von Koenigswald. ('Solo Man from Java: a tropical Neanderthaler') Von Koenigswald. Helvetiae 43. 268-274.Ein Elephant der planifrons Gruppe aus dem Pliocaen West-Javas. Proc. Kon. (1950). 2. molar of new species Indosiren javanense from U Miocene at Tji Paringan.pdf) (With first descriptions of Rhinoceros philippinensis. G. p. Thames and Hudson. Alger 1952. Quezon City. The Hague.p.Vertebrate stratigraphy of the Neogene and Quaternary. Geological Congress.1 428 www. R. p. 339-369. particularly on Java) Von Koenigswald. G. Indonesian March 2014 . B 1-208. p. Nijhoff. reprinted from Catalog of hominid fossils published at 19 th Int. Akademie Wetenschappen B 55. 21-26. G. Stegodon luzonensis.) Von Koenigswald. Research Council Philippines.W. Nat.H. Nijhoff. incl. 1.The fossil hominids of Java.H.Fossil hominids from Java. Bangkok. trigonocephalus. (Description of large collection of tektites from Pleistocene Trinil beds of C Java.Fossil mammals from the Philippines.R. H. collected in 1935. Proc.R.R. No. B 59. mindanensis. ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Praehominiden. Koln. W Java. Invest. 204-210 Von Koenigswald. van Bemmelen. Natural Science (Majalah Ilmu Alam untuk Indonesia) 110. p. Kon.rhinoresourcecenter.Tektites from Java. Mines. Sonde. Amsterdam. Proc. (1956). (1956).R. p. Von Koenigswald. (On fossil sea cows ('dugong') from Java. Amsterdam.R. Proc. Kon. HvG) Von Koenigswald. R. Kon. Also crane birds on Java and mountain goat on Sumatra suggest 6-9° C temperature drop during last glaciation) Von Koenigswald.H. 192-197. Stone implements known from M Pleistocene fluviatile part of Sangiran section (most not found in-situ). (Description of jaw and teeth of two genera of Pleistocene sabre tooth cat from Jetis Fauna.Tektite studies XII: Minute tektites from Central Java. Proc. Medical Sciences 8. Amsterdam. (Mammal fauna of U Pleistocene of Java (Ngandong) not typical of tropical forest.Observations upon two Pithecanthropus mandibles from Sangiran. Kurth (ed. from China region via Philippines. Tuttle (ed. G. (Lower Pleistocene 'black clay' of Sangiran deposited in fresh water lake according to mollusc fauna. 4. 303-309.R. Amsterdam. from India region. Repts. (1963).Fossil pygmy Suidae from Java and China. G. Akademie Wetenschappen. (1974). degree from Gadjah Mada University. 2nd ed. Von Koenigswald. (1964). Ikawa-Smith (ed. 99-107. G. Machairodontinae from the Lower Pleistocene of Java. University of Michigan Press.) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Congress Quaternary. 117-125. Kon. 87-90. (2) Sinomalayan migration. VI. Von Koenigswald. h. (1975).R. 3. Amsterdam. 6th. p. Int. with average K-Ar ages of 830. Amsterdam. Von Koenigswald.R. Presence of marine fish Pristiopsis cf P. Akademie Wetenschappen. 1-158. (1978)-Selachia (Pisces) from the black clay of Sangiran.c..R. The Hague. G. Kon. B 77. Sangiran. Kali Glagah). G. The Hague.Early Man in Java: catalogue and problems.) Paleoanthropology.R. p. C.H. B 81. Von Koenigswald. In: G.Das absolute Alter des Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois. Akademie Wetenschappen. G. Ann Arbor. Heberer). B 66. Proc. ('The absolute age of Pithecanthropus erectus Dubois') Von Koenigswald.R.H. Mouton Publ. Von Koenigswald. 112-119. Nederl. In: R. G. 325-327. Nederl. (Brief review of five different types of early hominids known from Java.Evolution of man.) Early Palaeolithic in South and East Asia.H.Fossil mammals of Java. (1976).Climatic changes in Java and Sumatra during the Upper Pleistocene. p. Akademie Wetenschappen.R.1 429 www. (1976). Two main episodes of mammalian migration: (1) Sivamalayan migration. microdon and Eulamia gangetica that can enter and live in fresh water indicates outlet of lake into open sea) Von Koenigswald. March 2014 . 23-27.H. Amsterdam.000 yr radiometric age of tektites from hominid-bearing Trinil Beds in Sangiran. p.R. Central Java. p. p. p. G. In: G.000 years. Ed. 364-369. 710. 55-60. Kon. Kon.The importance of Java for the early history of man. G.. Nederl. (1968). Fischer.H.H. (1962). Mouton Publ.R. Fischer. 232-234. (Sangiran area of C Java yielded five skulls of Pithecanthropus erectus since 1937. Stuttgart.Potassium-Argon dates and early man: Trinil. Kalimantan) Von Koenigswald. B 81.R.H.. p. (1976). Akademie Wetenschappen. Stuttgart.H. Revised edition. Java) Von Koenigswald.Kurth (ed.) Evolution und hominisation (Festschrift G. Nederl.Von Koenigswald. G. but more open country. Amsterdam.R.H.) Evolution und hominisation. p. J.R. Central Java.H. 267-273. C Java ?) Von Koenigswald. (Incl. Von Koenigswald.vangorselslist. G. Akademie Wetenschappen. Proc. B 71. (1978). G. Oldest mammalian fossils on Java in West Java (Cijulang.Lithic industries of Pithecanthropus erectus of Java. (1978). In: F. G.The real date of Java Man. p. 79. 5. (1968). 3. Kon.H. 2. Nederl. G. Warsaw 1961. Proc. Nederl. Yogyakarta. Proc. Proc. p.H.H. Summary of lecture given after receiving Dr. Flakes rarely larger than 5-6 cm. p. Geol.) Science and scientists in the Netherlands Indies. Mojokerto.M.uow.Giant early man from Java and South China. Indonesia and Malaysia. p. Surinam and Curacao. 5-134. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . 715. & F.Reconstructing the Quatermary landscape evolution of Western Flores: an environmental and chronological context for an archaeological site. & D. Similar to Late Pleistocene cave faunas from Padang (Sumatra). J. p. P. 3598. (1945).) (1985). in Trinil Fm of Sangiran. Bull. C Java) Vu The Long. 1-411. Dev. (2006). Publ. p. 101-109. American Mus. (1982). (Pleistocene Stegodon fauna from Lang Trang caves. Anthropological Papers 40. compared with Southeast Asian fossil and recent mammal faunas: the geographical implications. 87-90. N.K. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Assoc.Von Koenigswald. Nederl. History.Preliminary observations on the taphonomic processes at Ngandong and some implications for a late Homo erectus survivor model.Stone implements from the Trinil Beds of Sangiran. C Java. Nature 142. p. (Pleistocene bird fossils from Trinil. suggests cooler climate than present-day during deposition of Trinil beds) Weidenreich. Kadar (eds. 5.The fossil mammal fauna of the Lang Trang Caves. Board for the Netherlands Indies. Branta. K. Weidenreich. (2002).R. G. Pavo.Discovery of an additional Pithecanthropus skull. p.D. Thesis University of Wollongong. p. (unfinished study due to Weidenreich's death in 1948). (Extensive report of multi-year Indonesian. In: P. Hist. 57-65.Japanese Research Project 1976-1979. and comparison to similar faunas in S China. Weidenreich. etc. K. Rotterdam. Assemblage include species now restricted to more northern regions. p. 380- 390. New York. F. (1945). Ghosh (1973). Akademie Wetenschappen. Vietnam. mainly on Pleistocene of Sangiran area. Weidenreich. Centre (GRDC).R. & A. (Crude stone tools from Trinil Beds at Sangiran believed to be of human origin (fist discovered by vK in 1936)) Von Koenigswald. 3.Morphology of Solo man. 1. Vietnam.H. 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R.9 Ma) still active and contemporaneous with beginning of activity at Muria 1) Zaim.Les formations ‘volcano-sedimentaires’ quaternaires de la region de Patiayam (Central Java.5 Ma) Yuwono.G. p. Zaim. Y. 33-44. Y.E. Indonesia). Thesis Mus.Yokoyama. Ciochon. Indonesia. Y. 10. Mojokerto. Assoc. Jawa Tengah. (New H. Jawa Timur.L. Springer Science. Larick et al.Indonesie). Y. (eds. attributed to Axis lydekkeri. Bull.L. p. Shoshonitic volcanic activity of Patiayam Dome. Polanski. Sangiran. The first hominin colonization of Eurasia. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology 2. F. 10th Ann. Rizal & Sujatmiko (1999). Rizal.) Out of Africa 1. Mojokerto. Indonesia. Histoire Naturelle. Bandung. p. (‘Revision of age and stratigraphy of the Pucangan Fm in the Perning area. (On Java Southern Mountains karst and prehistoric settlement) Zaim. found in 2001 in excavation E of relocated site that produced Homo modjokertensis in 1936. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 28. F. 1886). Central Java. reflecting glacial eustasy. Y. Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . E Java’) Zaim.vangorselslist. R. (IAGI). Huffman. E. Palaeoecology 72. Indonesia. Geol. p. J. 363-376. 135-150. Tectonics and glacioeustatic changes during Pleistocene formed Indonesian Archipelago. central Java. Proc. Ed. Aziz. Pumice hornblende 2m above locality with 40Ar/39Ar age of 1. J.A new antler specimen from the 1936 Perning hominid site. Jurnal Teknologi Mineral. 4.. (1981). Not reported previously from hominid-bearing bed) Zaim.Geological evidence for the earliest appearance of hominins in Indonesia. Geodynamique 5.. First arrival of vertebrate faunas from Asia to Indonesia through Sunda Land at end of Late Pliocene. de Vos. Buletin Geologi.. p.A. Conv. 97-110. S of Muria Volcano in N Java.. (2011). Milieu de sedimentation et mineralogie. Universite de Paris. Larick.6-1. ('New data on the stratigraphy and depositional environment of the volcano-sedimentary formations of the Patiayam region (Java.73 Ma. & R. Zaim.Nouvelles donnees sur la stratigraphie et le milieu de sedimentation des formations volcano-sedimentaires quaternaires de la region de Patiayam (Java.Late Pleistocene to Mid-Holocene coastal and inland interaction in the Gunung Sewu karst area. (1989). 31-36. initiated ~2 Ma ago. Y. R. Sunda Land acted as land bridge and migration route for Homo erectus and vertebrate faunas from Asia mainland to Java. In: J.0 Ma)) Zaim. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 26. (2010). Kappelman & Y.8. East Jawa.1 433 www.A premolar of Homo erectus from Patiayam region. ('The Quaternary 'volcano-sedimentary' formations of the Patiayam region (C Java. J. 2. Bettis. Doct.Karakteristik satuan Lahar Bawah dari formasi Pucangan di Sangiran. 1-9.The age of Pitu Terrace of Watualang region.F. J. p. 177-193. attributable to Axis lydekkeri (Martin.New 1. Y. Ciochon. (Diatoms and electric conductivity suggest four marine transgressions in Pleistocene Pucangan Fm. 2. (IPPA) 29. Indonesie). W. 416. In: A.('Characteristics of the lower lahar unit in the Pucangan Fm in Sangiran') Zaim. Y. 45-52. Fossil elephants (incl. Setiagama (eds. p. no figures) (more Bumiayu locality info see Semah 1997)) Bibliography of Indonesia Geology . Y. Elephas). p. Frere & P. Zaw. p. Ed. S. Localities in river valleys of Kali Glagah and Ci Saat. Takai. Yomo. AsiaLink-HOPSea Programme. Semah & K. Chinnawut. possibly E Pleistocene like Trinil (lecture summary. Buletin Geologi (ITB) 34. C Myanmar) Zeitoun. Kecamatan Tomo. Kab. Meffre. Marino (2002). Htike et al. Widianto (2010). Zeitoun. W Java) Zaim. Quaternary Int. R. March 2014 . Rizal & Aswan (2007). Age believed to be Late Pliocene.. p. Jawa Barat. 5. Sumedang regency. H. (Homo (Javanthropus) soloensis Oppenoorth from Solo River bank terraces thought to belong to either archaic Homo sapiens.. J.. Debruyne.) Proc. M. 12. 223-224. 281-292. 122-131. S. Stegodon. T. Gondwana Research 26. p. (Afrasia monkey and other terrestrial mammal fossils in Late Middle Eocene Pondaung Fm. or (most paleoanthropologists) evolved Homo erectus) Zwierzycki. Auetrakulvit (2016).De beteekenis van nieuwe fossile werveldiervondsten bij Boemiajoe. ('The significance of new fossil mammal discoveries near Bumiayu'. Burrett. Quaternary Int. (2014). Grimaud-Herve & H. & R. D. Detroit. K. Int.The oldest anthropoid primates in SE Asia: evidence from LA-ICP-MS U-Pbzircon age in the Late Middle Eocene Pondaung Formation. Myanmar. p.Solo man in question: convergent views to split Indonesian Homo erectus in two categories. Ongoing excavations of mammal bones in several horizons in ~1200m thick series of coarse sandstones.M. 92-98. Suzuki.The geological background of hominid colonization of Java. Sumedang. 229-234. Y.1 434 www. described by Stehlin (1925). hippopotamus. Paris. (1926). conglomerates and clays with fresh-water molluscs. 'West Kendeng Zone'. De Mijningenieur 7. etc..Pygmy Stegodon dari Desa Cariang.vangorselslist.. C Java. First islanders.human origins patrimony in Southeast Asia. V. C. (Dwarf Stegodon elephant from Cariang village.A sustainable review of the Middle Pleistocene benchmark sites including the Ailuropoda-Stegodon faunal complex: The Proboscidean point of view. F. 12-26. V.


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