Bernard Stiegler Political

June 23, 2018 | Author: Gabriel Noje | Category: Consumerism, Deconstruction, Jacques Derrida, Capitalism, Karl Marx
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•-Cr itique f ; . Politi I - - no my_ Bernard Stiegler For a New Critique of Political Econom y BERNARD STIEGLER tranl  ttd b Daniel Ross poli t Fmµ ææP ¤«rmm«tqwfwtr OÍAìtmtu1`aIiM¢. J09. Em×ImmWm¤±« OO&ä:g.¼!0. Hltë»g|J.m|tíunO1'0110, Fm¼ID •p&W|:�d�minb|H l=rmbLmtcttrm t m ðuI|« l'oN|dw|th:l :r |w:tro|¡0I·nhMtn D tìyo|LuItutc÷N 4t |o Þ ¡Cmní+t t ¤cW|k l'm|i)" nn ^"^^!! LxuIÞLlI?l1'K.LK 1uIu)1«v Yßl·I×iii5t mi Mam.MA02!�8.U5A Allnghtsm¬Ìlop Imìmq U IU¡Í0Do|« �mt¡hcyt|(»xv| tihlHuìaìt:!nh.¡¡0p.mnl:hìs»I>I'a,I, :: tnw/borcprodt|::m.·mro:n ~t×+Ìqtni.O tt+n·mluw.!ttaay�um0f|,·oytt· WHtutot·ì:wd¤km. PYPP%º'º8 0omwtmrdppmi MmthøM. |>8N·t1.778+7�½ 80Jtbæ4btck} |ä8N·|!·ºZ8¬7�×W·0|¡= p Ao�m~�taubìv¤IÎtMϤ1Mbtltw1aq Ä@in ÎÍM ¡5p�� by&bH| R ¡ @LHp,C|n lnntwæÞmmGn  æbwn¶MPßGm[.&mìn.LI ÆpubÍimhztuwdiubm wm¥m HótheUKLIar¬I ¬ m rm1Dm:hir &&¾ mæÆW¤¡Ntmm ¿Wp�, 1 mpI|mthztW�µw:mw mæwmWpm• vtewiII n¡|vcU:hzt¡~vntH\t11+IwiIItrmz|nzppm ••• lmmmwm10:m>'|cgy·r|@tmbtiÏw hav�b •n:J w mtlytæthcyb`dvl0bçt01" 1..»njmcmto |aaa,.ag«:tc¡:tini(i·�tr|øn. íIonh wIn|ttrmtíunonlmÌ| u I0lHw W|�.w ».po|iq b ON CONTENTS For a New Critique of Political Economy 1 Heads buried in the sand: a warning 3 Incroduction 8 Pharmacology of the prolt!tariat 1 4 To work 45 Pharmacology of Capital and Economy of Concriburion Nom Il 71 1 30 1 43 For a New Critique of Politicl Eonomy For An/fui c I'Epiu Imd Chris/itl rlri ONE Heads buried in the sand: a warning lhe [hests put forward in this small volume were hrst set aU( on January 1 5. 2009 at the Maiso" d I'Ettrope, during a lecture which tvdyne Grossman and the Co/Mt inr at;onal dt ph;[sopbit invited me (0 deliver, and they wert also discussed in my conrribution 10 the catalogue for "Work: Meaning and Care," an ohibi­ tion held in Dresden from June 2009 to March 20 I 0 at the initiative of the Demsches Hygiene-Museum, the German Fedtral Cultural Foundation and Daniel T yddlis. 1 decided (0 publish thee rdlecdons in the midst of economic and politicl debate taking pla� throughout the world about the necessity of implementing stimu­ lus plans in order [0 limit (he destructive efects of the frst planctary economic crisis of the  capitaliSt indus­ uial world. Now when, in such debates, "investment stimulus" and "consumption stimulus" ar: spoken of in opposing [enns, tO distinct qucsrions become con­ f, questions that, in fact. do require simultaneous treat ment, yet according to tO diferent scales of time, 3 fOR A NEW CRI TIQUE : difculty which is all the greater. given that th� pmmt crisis hmd tu /d o/Ihi' COl  llmm'l modil. Those\ho advocate srimuladng consumption as Ihe pouh to economic rccovery want ndlher ro hear nor speak about the end of consumerism. But the French government, which ldvocoues stimulating investment. is no more willing Ihan those who advocalc stimular· ing consumprion to C1l [he consumerist indumial model inw question. The Frcnch version of"stimularing investment" (which seems morc suhtle when it comes from Barack Obama) argues that the best way (0 51Ve consumption is through invesrmenr, rh:tt is, hy restring "proftability," which will in rr restore an entrepre· neurial dynamism itself founded upon consumerism and its counterpart, marker·driven productivism. In other words, this "invetment"' propose no long. term view capable of drawing any lessons fom the collapse of an induStrial mood based on the automobile, on oil. and on (he consrruction of highway networks. as well as on the Hemien networks of the ct indus· trie. This ensemble has until recendy formed me basis of consumerism, yet today it is obsolete, a faCt which became clear during the autumn of 2008. In other words, this "invcstment" is not an ilwesrmenr: it ison the contrary a disillvmmml, an abdication which consistS in doing no more than blrilg01�S h�ad hI th� WId. 4 H bUTi in II" sand: I wlmilg This "investment policy," which has no goal other t the reconsotmion of the consumerist modd, is [he translation of a moribund ideolog, desperatdy (ring to prolong the life of a model which has b«ome self-destr uctive, denying and concealing for as long as possible the fCt thar the consumerist model is now mas­ sivdy toxic (a [oxiciry extending fr beyond the question of "toxic assets") because it has re'J.ched its limitS. This denial is a matter of trying, for as long as possible, to maintain [he colossal profts that can be accrued by those capable of exploiting iI. The consumerist modd has rcached its limirs because it has become systemically short-termist. bCCJuse it has given rise to a tJUmic Slupidit that stufturll prVf S Ul Tomtution of a kmg-t hrzn. This "invest­ ment" is not an investment according [0 any terms other than those of pure accountg: it is a pure and simple reestablishment of me s,Ue of things. trying to rebuild the indusrrial landscpe without at all changing itS nuc­ rure, still les its axioms, a  in the hope of prorecting income levels that had hitherto been achievable. Such may be the hope, but these  are the flse hopes of those with buried heads. The genuine obj�t of debate raised by the crisis, and by the question of how (Q escape this crisis, ought (0 be how to ovcrcome the short­ termism to which we have been led by a consumerism 5 FOR A NEW CRIT1QUE intrinsically destructive of all genuine investment-that is, of investment in the frure-a short-term ism which has Jysuhlicall, and 1l0t acddmtlL, been translated into [he tcomposition ofillvestnlnt into tprculdriol1. Whether we must, in order ( avoid a major eco­ nomic catastrophe, and to anenuate the social injustice caused by the crisis, stimulate consumption and the eco­ nomic ma<hinc Sch as il slill is, is a question as urgenr as it is legitimate-as long as such a policy does not simply aggravate the situation at the COSt of millions and bil­ lions of euros or dollars while at the same time masking the true question, which is to produce a vision and a political will capable of progressively moving away from the uOl1omico-politictL compLex of C01l1llmp'ioll so asJO enter into the complex of a new tpe of il1VfJtment, which must be a social and political investment or, in other· words, an investment in a common desire, that is, in what AristOtle called philia, and which would then form the basis of a new type of economic investment. Between the absolute urgency which obviously imposes the imperative of salvaging the present situation-and of avoiding the passage from a global economic crisis to a global political crisis that might yet unleash military conficts of global dimensions­ and the absolute necessity that consists in prodUCing a potential fture in the form of a political and social will 6 Hmd buried il tlr sand: a wamilg capable of making a break wirh the prescnt situation, there is dearly a conrdictiol. Such a contradiction is characteristic of what happens to a dynamic system (in this case, the industrial system and the global capitalist system) once it has begun to mutate. This question is political as much as it is economic: it is a question of political economy, a matter of knowing in what prrciJt/y this 1flfU;Oll conim. and to what potit. iol, bur also industrial. choices ir leads: it is a matter of Inowing what nt! indus/l poli/ics i reqlirtd (on this point at least. Samck Obama seems slightly ahead of (he Europeans, who remain expertS at functioning in a stale of denial). Only such a response is capable of simultaneously dealing with the question of what urgent and immedi· ate steps are nc�s in order to salvage the industrial system. and with the question of (he how such steps must b inscribed within an economic and politi. c mutation amounting [0 a revolution-if it is true that when a model has run it COlire [revolu], [hen its transformation, through which alone it can avoid [Oral destruction, consdrutes a revolution. 7 <TWO Introduction RetentionaL economy In 200 1 I argued, in La Ttclmiql� n I T�mpJ 3: U r�mps dJI dnbnn �11 qU�lIi(m dl mnl·tlT�. and by way of reading Kam's Criliqlt ofPurt RtaJon. for a n�w critiqut for a critique addressing the question of tertiary reten· tion. that is, (he question of mnemotechnics-and in more general terms addressing lhe question of technic which, qun maurinli Zrion of atritnn, always consri· rutes a Jpati/;zalon of th� tim� of comciOUl1tsJ brond . comciolJntJJ and. thetefore. consrirutes an unconscious· ness, if not Iht unconscious. I would like to demonstrate here that (his question of tertiary retemion opens up a new perspective on political economy and its critique, and, now more than ever. that it makes a new critique of political economy the essemial task of philosophy. Conscious time is woven with what Husserl calls retentions and proremions.1 Primary retemion is that which is formed in the very passage of time, as the course of this rime, such that, as a presem which passlS, it is 8 IduCliolf constituted by the immediate and primordial retendon (the "primary retenrion ") of irs own passing. Becoming pat, (is passage of the present is (hen consticUled a secondary retemion, that is. a all those memorial con­ (ents [sollvtnirs[ which together form the woven threads of our memory [mimoire]. Tertiary retemion is a mnemotccnnical exteriori­ zation of secondary retentions which arc themselves engendered by primary retemions. But from the beginning of that process of hominization [hac Andre Leroi-Gourhan describes as a process of exterioriza­ tion, all technical objects constitute an inrergenerational support of memory which, a� mnuril m/tllrt, overdctcr­ mines learning InpprmiHngnJ and mnesic activities, To t extent. therefre. teniary retenoon always already precedes the constitution of primary and secondary retention, A newborn child arrives into a world in which te((iary retention boch precedes and awaits it, and which. precisely, constitUlC this world a world. And a the spalialization of individual rime becoming thereby collective time, tertiary retention is an original exteriorization of the mind [npri/), In the course of human history. however, the mne­ motechnical retenrionallayer is transformed, increasing in bt complexiry and densiry. It leads in pa((icular, from the advent of Neolithic sedcntarization, to the formation 9 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE I of tenia reremion systems which consritme increasingly analytical recordings of prim � ry and secondary reten· tional Aows or Auxes  IIXI-slICh � systems of writing and numeration. It is in thi� wi that .lgos is constituted: as the discretization of the continuous Aow of language which, spatialized, can rhen be considered analytically, which then enters ilHo.its diacritical era, and this is the point from which. fundamentally and specifcally, log!c proceeds. But this discretization of fows also afects gestures. The discretization of gesture was given concrete expression with the application of Jacques de Vaucanson's automation technolog to the Jacquard loom, and became generalized in the form of (he industrial revolution. Geture must here be com:idcred (like speech) as a rerentional 80w, iliar is, as a cOlll;nuozu chain kncbabu· mm:] of gestures, and the learning [apprmti HagtJ of a craf consists in producing gestural secondary reren· tions, whereas the discretization and the spatialized reproduction of the time of gestures constitutes techni· cal automation, but where it is no longer the logos of the souL but rather the gestures of the body that become analticall rtprodllcibit as tertiary ret � ntion. This re r o­ dudbiliry resultS in (cremional grains that one can call gramnlt. And this is why we posit chat the evolmion of terriary retemion, from the Neolithic age until our own, constitutes a process of grammati7.rion. 1 0 Intucion In the course of the nineteenth ce:nrury, technologies for grammati1ing aldioliSlal Irruption appear, through which the: Rows of the sensory organs are discre­ rized. All noctic, psychomotor and aesthetic functions then fnd themselves transformed by grammatization processes. Considered in terms of political economy, this amoums t (he facr that it is the functions of conception, production and consumption which are grammatize:d-and whi�h are thereby incorporated inlo an apparatus devoted (0 the production of tertiary retentions controlled by mrmionnl sysrms.! 7( work of gammatition I would like to show mat: • the question of tertiary retention. engendered a it is in the course of rhe process of grammatization, is the condition of rhe proletarianization described by Marx and Engels in the Communist Mnnifsfi • new forms of grammalizarion, unknown to Marx and Engds, constitute new forms of prolerariani7  a­ tioni • from this perspective, a new critique of political economy is the task ptr lcrlrct for philosophy. II FOR I NEW CRI TI QUE This short book propose a brief exposition of the con­ siderarions which consrirute the basis of such a new critique of political economy. focused around several questions. in order to open a debate with Ma, and on the question of labor and work today-given that labor. which frs! ap�ars with sedentarization. is always overdetermined by the 5ate of grammatization which is current at the time. and given that grammatization _is, at present. undergoing new and literally revolutionary developments. lhe essential aspects of this exposition are the following: • the qutSriol 0/ production. OL a moment when we . , are entering imo a new economic and industria era which, fced with the larest developments i gram­ matization. poses anew �he question of tht dtniriol of labor: • the qltSriol 0/ consumptiol, and of what Ma was unable to foresee, which w the way in which con­ sumption would be reconfgured in the twentieth century in an esential relation to desire and to its economy-in an essemial rdation to what, through the pathway t the imaginary, that is. to fntasy. and through that to the unconscious. transforms by binding to the material of the drives; 1 2 /mrotucrioI • the qJINtiol of tll proltornt, of the undersranding and extension of this concept, of its uses and misuses in the Maist tradition, of its being forgonen, and of its immlur imponlcl t • the qu�riol of ildust and irs inscription in human becoming. considered from the perspective of grammatizarion; • the QlltJt;Oll of Ixura/itits, such as these arc inces· sandy reconfgured in the course of the process of industriali.ation. insofr as industrialization is a process of grammatizadon, and in ,heir rdarion to tr.msindividuation. tbat is, to (011mllrr, • the qucstipn of social clm in the framework of a new proletarianization, of (be disappearance of what one c  me bourgedisie- pcuy, middJe or grand­ and te stke of a becoming.mafa of cpitalism. 13 TH REE Pharmacolog of the proletariat From commtrct to tht marktt One hundred and lfty years ago, in January 1859. Man published his Comriblllioll to a N�U Cr;tiql� of Political Eco1lomy, and hence when I argue here for a new cri­ tique of political economy. I am also commemorating this annivcrlary. Bu. at the same time, I am paying homage ( the journal, l  Nlvtlr Critiqlli, about which I spoke in September 2008 ar an annual event sponsored by the n�spaper L 'Hllmanit I describing the place this journal holds in my personal history as an adolescent and young militant: it was in the pages of this Communist Parry publication that for the frst cme I read about psychoanalysis, linguistics, anthropolog and philosophy. Finally. and above all. in speaking today about a new critiqui, I am engaging in polemical dialogue with an intellectual tradition which is very much my own, emerging from French philosophy in the second half of lhe lWentielh cen£Ory. and which. as POSI- 1 4 Phlrmnco/g of fh� pro/fllriflt mucturaH sm-following Barthe. author of Criticlll EstJs , and about whom J also heard for the frs! time in L NOlwl Crifiqlt  psited thar cririque was a concept insepardble from metaphysics. that it was to this etenr itself metaphysical, and that. henceforth, it would b less a marrCt of"cririquing" than of dcconmucring. In my own view, deconstruction remains a critique, and it is as such that it fCmains invaluable. Bur none of this is very dear, ad J would say that, in a way, deconstrucrion filed to critique its critique of critique, filed, that is, to critique the claim that the form taken by critique has historically been metaphysical. In other words, it has not clarified what a critique might be w�rt it no longrr flmd�d 01 t sJlttm of oppositolls. What do I mean whe I speak of having to s t af�sh in the critique of politicl economy? And frsr of all, what i political economy? J will nor in fCt give any kind of detailed answer to this question, which has . in any cse already been meticulously explored by Gido Bers. J will restricr myself to pointing our mar, whereas Berns relates the defnition of political economy given by Ancoine de Monrcbrcsrien in 1 61 5 (according t o which it refers t an economy surpassing the domestic sphere of the oi/os) to the question of com­ m�rc� formulated by Arould in 1 791 , in this work here iris a marter of a political economy w/ich is I/O lo n r 15 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE $tricr/ (omm�rdal. if it is ffUt: that comm� is a t of echange irreducible to what happens to the markn when industrialization and mechanizarion create ne\ forms of txchangt. Commerce is always an exchange of rauojr1jr� (knowledge of how to make or dol and Ut)iN);Ur� (knowledge of how [0 live). It is in this same senst. furthermore, that "commerce" may, in French. refer to conversarion and mort' gener:lly to all forms of fruit· ful social rdation. On the other hand. however. the COI/wl!r;t market prcsuppostS the liqUidation of borh Ulllir1'ir� and s(toir·viun. (The difference berween commerce and the market was recently afrmed and explored by Franck Aggeri. Olivier Favereau and Armand Hatchud at a colloquium i • . L activit marchald S I mlrhP)2 Philsoph". "onomy. and ilolg tody In the spring of 2008. tvdyne Grossman invired me to speak at the Col/� ;nunllf;onal d phjlosoph;�. and I suggested speaking on [ht [htme which forms the tide of the present work, because I w convinced that we were on [he verge of an unprecedented crisis, a crisis calling lS meh for a n� critique of politicl economy- 1 6 Prmnco/ oft/� protrfflnaf the specifcs of which I analyze in greatcr detail in Pour (  f nir II / "kr;It u: QlrtqltJ propos;t;01t d'" l "dllltt. J There w also, however. another rcason for spc:k. ing about this subject: I wanted to provoke a discussion within contemprary philosophy about the Slate of its political discourse. given that so often, if flot indeed most of the time, French philosophers from my own and the preceding gencration have (wirh some notable eceptions)" no/bing whatsoever to say about the con· temporary economy. as if nothing new had ,tppc:lrcd in this domain since (he end of the Second World War: or, again, as if [here were a prohibition on any philo­ sophicl intervention i the feld of economics after the advent of "�onomism"-(he economism of rhe inf· mow: "homo «anomicus," since become shamefl-an conomism whih encompasses Marxism (liquidating -me politicl"), leading to a  those terrible mistakes of which we are now aware. I will try here, then, ( open up a conversation with t who come to us from this twentieth cenrury. Blit I Would a and above al likC (Q invite their reders. a among rhe laner, those who, unlike mysdf. arC still ) philosop hers, and chose who arc not employed • phil osophCc s, but who study philosophy because t have made it their 0(;/1111: all (hose who are nOI 17 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE professional philosophers. but who are lovers (nmnttlm) of philosophy and. as such. frends of wisdom-that is. who are. as such, true philosophers. In opening up this exchange. what I waD[ to say before anything else is the following: the philosophy of our rime has abandoned (he project of a cririque of polirical economy. and this consritutcs a disastrous turn of events. Because if it is true that economism has led t horrifc ourcomes. neverthelc� the absence of a cri· rique of raday's economy prepares oTher horrors-and at rhe same rime leaves the coming generation tragiclly unprepared. As for this philosophical abdication in rela· tion to economics-which characterizes the an,icudcs of so many and which amounts to a renunciation of the an(mpr to think their time. ad i as such a cor· relate of the renunciation by politicias of the notion of struggling against a Slate of things which undennines the law-Ihis abdication w brought about by a certain rdonion to critique. or ramer by a non·rdadon. such that it leads to a non·rdarion to current economics­ often masked by an obsessive relation to philosophical textS devoted to the economic of the past. Now. rhis non·rdarion, which has bccome an occlu­ sion if not indeed an outright denial. was nlo produced. in large part. by the snmt prm that led fnanciers. industrialists. [echnocrau and politicians to imerior- 1 8 Pbammcolog of the proltariat i cin JiNiatio1 I fimpl givm. wlumlS thr are in "altt Ilufthlabk arpm: they will. inevitably. reach theit limits. and it will then become necessaty to submit these limits to a critique, in the K:mtian sense of this word. These processes form what used [0 � called" ie olg." This ideolog is �ginning to reappear, this time a fuch: it is beginning to appear for what it is, thanks to a vety brutal revdation of these limits. And yet, when fced with such questions. philosophy remains almost entirely mut C. To think and to critique political economy as com· mmt that has become txclJ ugt under the conditions of an induStrial society-that is, that has submitted 10 a muttion o /bor. (0 a fnctionalization of me processe of production and consumption. to a resultant function. alrion o focial rltion, and such that they can no longer b envisaged without mechanical tcchnolog­ requires aiming at the examination of both economics and politics, and spong about them insofar as they are in d  able.5 A fr the political discourse of French philosophers, rhey say practiclly nothing about economic. They a of immigration, of Europe, or of dcmocy. but they do not speak of cpital, nor labor. nor induStry. nor mark eting. A for those who do speak philosophically abou t work and labor-and there arc a few-they are 19 FOR" NEW CRITIQUE both inreresting and important. but they are in general not philosophers: they 3re sociologists or economists. or even computer sdendsrs. 7� qu�ston of work Faced wirh increases in productivity gains due to auto­ mation and digitalization. and with the unemployment [0 which [his gave rise. a major debate rook place at [he end of the rwcnricrh cenrury on the possibiliry and necessity of shared work. It was in this comex[ that in France, the goverment of Lionel Jospin. under rhe authority of Minister of Socia A  ir Martine Aubry. passed a law limiting the working week to thirry-fve hours. Tis law was inspired by research published in 1995. both by Jeremy Rifkin in the United States (the French translation of this work was prefaced by Michel Rocard)6 and by Dominique Meda in France? infuenced in rurn by the research of Andre Con, in particular his work, Mttamorp"os�s du travail: Critiqllt d� I raison tcoflomiqu�.8 More recendy. aer rhe election of Jacques Chimc in 2002, questions were taised, in the frst place by the Minister of Culture Jean-Jacques Aillagon, about the role of Unedic {the French unemploymenr welfare 20 Pharmacolog of th� proletariat agency). and about the laws determining the condi­ tions under which occasiona and casua workers in the theatre and cinema [intritfs dll sp�c lC/�l could qualif for unemployment benefts. This in rur led Antonella Corsani and Mauri7io Lauarato again to address the question of work.') During this same period. new work practices appeared in the wake of digital and reticulated technologies. with respect to which innovative discourses developed in France and elsewhere. discourses which invite us to revisit the defnition of work in its relation to what I describe a a phnmlkoJ-and as an hypomncsic phar­ makon, that is, as a tecmolog of tlu spirit which, a t retention, can JUSt as well lead to [e proletari­ anization of the life of the mind a it can ro irs critical intensification, when it fnds itself confonted with what McKen7ie Wark calls "abstraction."IO These new work practices have brought profoundly into question the way in which work is distributed in the productivist and consumerisr industrial epochs, questions which have fequencly been raised by the journal Multit  des, and by the director of this journal, Yann Moulier-Boucang, opening the question of an economy of contribution and reinvigorating the question of property. It w in this comext that an imporranr proposal resurfac ed, from Rifn to Lazzarato, a proposal first 21 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE suggested by Mihan Friedman. and one mat. when it recurs during the global crisis, does so with renewed force: the idea of implementing a negative tax allowing the remuneration of non-salaried work. Corsani and Lazzarato, furthermore, show that the benefts regime in place for French occasional and casual theatrical and cinematic workers is a case of just such a negative taxation system. But wirh this proposition, just as with all those new work practices invented by those whom Pekka Himanem11 and McKenzie Wark call "hackers," the question of Uork tim� o/tid� of employmmt is posed with renewed vigour, having been tOlally ignored by me law reducing the working week to thirty-fve hours, JUSt as it ignored the exhaustion of the consumerist industrial model, a model within which production and consumption constitute a fnctional opposition, but one mar has now become obsolete.1l Today. as we undergo a global economic crisis of unusual violence, one that seems to constitute the end of a long cycle that is at once industrial and economic, l} can we keep posing the question of work in the same terms? Does the shake-up of the consumerist model thar has taken place not profoundly alter the stakes and even [he defnition of work, given that the latter was essentially conceived, over the preceding century, in 22 PbflmllCO/og oft/u pro/etfriat accordance with an industrial model resting on the cou­ pling of production and consumption, and given that it is precisely this funcdonal pair that now seems to have exhaus ted irself14 This is precisely the question raised by me research of Corsani and Lazzarato, considered from the standpoint of the current crisis and of its destructive e crs on the classical forms of work. J 908-2008: the ,e.dential foil of the rate of proft and the consumerist response The indusrrial capitalism of the producrivisr ninereenrh centur, founded on me steam engine and on the iron rails of railway networks, gives way in the twen­ tieth century to a consumerist model founded on the steel industry, the petrochemical industry, and on road networks. One hundred and fifty years afer the Contribution to a Crhiqu� of Political Economy, however, the productivisr and consumerist industrial model, having become global, has in fct di5inugraud, alld bas tne 50 to the precise extent that it has consisted in the economic and functional integration of production and consumption. If in 1908, with the launch of the Model T, Henry Ford invented a new industrial model which appeared 23 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE (Q counter the eff ects of the tendency of the rate of proft ( fall,l5 nevertheless in the course of 2008 the Ford Motor Company managed [0 lose mree quarters of its value-while at the same time the road networks of carbon·time :nd mobility founded on the consumption of hydrocarbons :re being replaced by digital ne{orks of light-time :nd the development of an economy of the hyperma(�riaI.16 These qu/.'rions h:ve received detailed analysis in Pour t fllir flt( f mirohIfnct.17 It is in this context of lighHime (dominated by the issues of aCCeSS to elcctronic nct\orks and of digital :utomation) that Jercmy Rifkin proposes the following hypothesis: Perhaps a lirde a 5 percent of the adult population will be neroed ( maae and operate the traditional indumial sphere by the year 2050.18 Why is it that Rifkin and others who refect on the ques· tion of work fil to analyze the relation be{een what (hey call the "end of work" and the tendential fl in the rate of proft, and why is it that, afer 1968 and above all after the 1980s (that is. after the "conservative revolu­ tion"). it was so frequently proclaimed that Marx was mistaken when he formulated this thesis? Mar and Engels predictcd that capitalism, or what 24 Pb"rmncol o of tb� pro /�tarint one calls the market economy. would r:pidly reach ill limit as the role of labor-that is. variable capital­ diminishes due £0 productivity gains achieved in the gobal economy of production. Now, thos concerned in me 1 990s with the question of work agrtd that productivity gains would inevitably lead to an "end of work," bur seemed also (0 share the idea, widely held in the wake of the "conserv:nivc revoludon" and the ideo­ logical domination of nco-liberalism, that the capitalist dynamic had owrrom� the rendential fall in the rate of profe. Nothing could be more False, and Marx was in faCt far from mistaken. The recent crisis is, very simply pur, a const q utnCt of this lJumic tendency. Marx could no(' however, have anticipated ml role of [he exploitation and functionalization of a ni!W m�r. which is not the energy of me proletarianized producer (labor a pure labor (orce), nor the mOtor energy of a new industrial apparatus (such a oil and electriciy, which are placed into the servicC of {he stC' industry and the culture industries}, but rather the energ of the proktarianiud cOlUlmo-rnat is, the consumer's libidinal Cnerg. the exploitation of which changes the libidinal �ronomJ and, with it, the economy m a who/i, to the point where the former is destroyed JUSt like the latter, and the former by the latter. 25 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE In other words, Marx w unable ro amicipate the way in which the question of consumption arises in the rwemierh cemury. and [he way in which rhis transforms the landscape which Marx tried r describe in (pital Marx did, of course, address rhe issue of consumption. and he did so frequently. Consider, for example, the following passage from Contribution /0 tu Critiqllt of Politi(/ Eollomy (1859): Consumption is simultnneously also production. juS! as in nature rhe production of a plant involvt$ the consump­ tion of demcnral forces and chemical materials. [ . . . 1 But the same applics to any other lUnd of consumption which [ . . . J contributes to the production of some ;pect of ma. Neverthel�, says political economy. chis t of produc­ don that is identical with consumption is a second ph� arising from the dcstruaion of [he frst product. In me frst rype of production (he producer assumes an objec­ tive aspecl, in the second rype the objectS created by him assume a personal aspect. I' And especially: Hunger is hunger; but the hunger rhat is satisfed by cooked meat eaten with fork and knife difers from hunger that devours raw mt;u I . . . J Production thus produces 26 Plaraco/l i of II� pro/�/arinJ nOI only Ihe objecl of consumplion bUI 31so Ihe mode of consumption. t Marx here underlincs In a certain way the question of ,dio1l of(olumptiolwhich poses the quetion of whal I will describe in what follows a prouscs of "" Ii lid; "Muadoll. And yet, this qucstion of consumption will not enable him (0 think ,he ncU frm ofprot�tnrial1iZ fiol consisting in the organization of (01lllmptioll II Ib� dntmcri(1I ofSI/loir·/;lIr� witb thr aim of(Wllillg nJIi/· ablt pllrchasing powtr, thereby refning and reinforcing that system which rested on rhe dmll ctioll ofSIIO;" firt witi tht aim 4 crtating availblt lbor frct. It dlXS not enable him. in other words, to anticipate what, in the twentieth century, in the form of the capiralist libidinal economy, will make possible the d" l ofblll alo Ibt IgrlVllil1I of,bt tct oj lIl lt11d11lill fat ill tit mi ofprofi. This is the very question posed by Guy Debord, who extends the concept of prolet2rianizarion­ a the expropriation of human rime submined to commodiry.time-to the fgure of rhe consum e r .21 Debord was unable. however, to connect this change in the capimlisr system to the plJlrmllcotogict qucstion of the eXleriori7 ti on techniques discuss(- below. 27 FOR A NEW CRI1QUE It is only possible to come to grips with [his question by way of Freud and the uses which marketing made of his theory of the unconscious-in panicular those instigated by his nephew. Edward Bcrnays. who played an essencial role in the history of American capitalism. as shown by Adam Curtis in his 2002 documenrary, 7", Cmt ry of ti, S'/ Before returning to this poi!­ which has been unerly neglected by those concered with the question of wurk, in spite of the f . 1cr that productivism and consumerism arc inseparable-we muSt frst proceed more profoundly imo the question of rhe essence of that process of proletarianization through which. according to Marx and Engds, labor undergoes radical change, but a process which is also. in my opinion, rhe condition of possibility of consumer­ im insofar as this emails the prolemrianiza£ion of me consumer . Now, a surprising a it may seem, it is necess.Y at [his poi! to return to the very origin of philosophy, and to its struggle against sophistry, in order to propose that rhe frst thinker of the proletariat, who thinks the proletariat without knowing that he does s, if I may put it this way. bur who thereby grams liS the possibility of thinking the proletariat, is Plato. 28 Pharmac%t of lh� p/'o/�larial plto and the proltariat Jacques Derrida. in "PlalO's Pharmacy,"ll developed a large parr of his projecl of the deconstruction of metaphysics on Ihe basis of his reading of Pha�drs, by showing how this dialoguc opposes philosophical allam­ ntis (that is. rhe remembrance of the truth of being) t sophistic h J Po1ll�sis (rhal is. to mncmorechnics, and in particular t writing as a fabricator of illusion and a technique for rhe manipulation of minds), and by showing Ihat it is impossibl�according lO what Dcrrida describes in Of Granmullolorl a a logi of thaI supplemem which is the trace-to oppoJ me interior (anamntsis) and the exterior (hypomntsis): it is impos­ sible to oppose living memory to the ta memory of the hpomn�matol, which the fnal Foucault will fnd so intereSling and which COltitum living memory as learned [saV nuJ. This impossibility opens the pharma­ colgical qlmiol, according to which the hypomnesic is a phanna/toll: at once poison and remedy. Now, what Socrates describes in Pha�dls, namely mar the (UriOrizl;OIt of IfItlllOr is a lss of lII�mory and ImolUltdg�, has today become the stuf of everyday experience in al aspects of our existcnce, and, morc and more often, in the feeling of our powerlessness [impllis­ Jnul, if not of our impoullct limpotencel, indeed of 29 !OR A NEW CRITI QUE our obso/ncmcr-ar the very moment when the extra­ ordinary ","�s;{, powrof digital networks make us aware of the immensity of hum:ln memory. which appears to have become infnitely recoverable and accessible. The spread of industrial hypomnesic appar[Uses causes our memories m pass into machines, in such a way that. for example. we no longer know the telephone numbers of those dose to us-while [he spread of spell checkers c:mses fear of the end of orrbobi COIIJcOIS­ IItS and of the literary hypolllncsic knowledge (hat goes with it and. mib Ibm. the anamncsic knowledge (If language. Now, rhis amouIHs to rhe everyday and perceptible aspecr of what I would like t prem here as a vast process of co;riw Ind affmiw probilrilniution-and a vast process of the loss of knowledge(s): sauoir-fir�. Juo;r-u;ur�. theoretical knowledge (.uo;r rhior. ill Ib� nbsmct of which ni Jlvor is 10S. When ouioriwtiol. which plays a major role in Tb� Gmllllll Idlg. and which is the ror of the techni­ cal question. lhar is. the question of this production of self by self in which the human consists. reaches the stage when the exteriorization of memory and knowl­ edge becomes hypcrindustrial. then it is at once what eXlends witham limit the power of hJPoml1�sic mili�ls, and what allows rhem to be conrrolled-comrollcd by 30 Pharlilcolot O/I/( prol(,lfrial the conilillt and culturaL jndl!lrn of control socie· ties which now formali� neurohemica activity and nucleotide sequences, and which thereby inscribe the neurobiological substrates of memory and knowledge into the history of what one must analyze a a proew of gammatiuliol/ (that is, of discreri7 tion. and as such of abstraction from a continuum), a history the most recent stage of which is that of biotechnologies. and lhe "tt stage of which is nanorcchnologies. Hence arises the question of a biopolitical, psychopolitical. sociop<)· liricai. and technopolhical industrial economy. and. in the fnal analysis, of a noopolitical industrial economy of memory. It is with the advent of mn�otcchnics that the process of exteriorization qua technical becoming expressly becomes a history of grammatization. The pro  of grammarization is the ucJmical hiIlor of m(mory, in which hypomnesic memory continually reinuoouces the constiTUtion of a tnlJion within anam· nesic memory. This anamnesic tension is exteriorized in me form of works of the mind [or of the spirit. nprilJ. through which epochs of psychosocial individuation IlId diJindividultioll are pharmacologiclly confgured. Grammaril{ion is the process through which the Aows and continuities which wrave our existrnces are diemiud: writing. as the discretization of rhe Aow of 31 fOR II NEW CRITIQUE speech. is a Sng� of grammatizarion. And grammatiza­ rion occurs within an organology the question of which is introduced in AlIti-O�dipllS: The primitive terrilOrial machine codes flows. inn'sls organs. and marks bodies. [ . . . J IJhe man who enjoys the full exercise of his rights and duties has his whole body marked under a regime that consigns his organs and their exercise 1 the collectivity [ . . . J. For it is a founding act-that the organs hc hewn into the socius. and that the Rows mn OV(T its surftce through which man ceases to be a biologiC31 organism and hecomes a rl body. an earth, to which his org.1ns become attached. where they are attracted. repelled. miraculated. following me require­ ments of a socius. Nietzhe says: it is a matter of cretng a memory fr man; and man, who was consrimred by means of an active fculty of forgetting (oubl, by means of a represion of biological memory. must create an ot�r memory. one that is co llcctive [ ... J. uPcrbaps indeed there was nOlhing more ff and unCnny in ,he whole prehiStory of man fhan his mll�mol«IJliC.�13 Now, with the industrial revolution. the process of grammarizarion constituring [he history of mnemotech­ nia; slfddml Stlrpnsm tlt sphtr� oflnguagt. that is, also, the sphere of logos. with which it is placed by Deleuze 32 Plllfn  oioK of ,hI prl,,,rirr and Guanari in an esential and original rdation:14 the process of grammalization invests bodies. And in the frst place, it discrcrizes the gtslr of producers with (he aim of making possible meir aurom(uic "prtt tiolwhile at [he ver same moment (hert also appear those machine and apparatuses for reproducing the visible and the audible mal so caught the ancmion of Walter Benjamin. machines and appamtUliCS which grammatized perception and, through lhat, the affectivc acriviry of the nervous system. Te grammati13tion of gesture, which was rhe basis of what Marx described a prolerariani7.tion, that is, a� loss 0/ sltvoir-,irt, i� then pursued with the development of electronic and digital devices t the point that al forms of knowledge become grammarized via cognitive and cultural mnemmechnologies. This will include the way in which linguistic knowledge bttomes the technologies and industries of automated language processing, but iI will also include uir-vivr. that is. behavior in general, from user profling ro the grammarization of affms-all of which will lead roward the "cognitive" and "culcurar cpitalism of the hyperinduStrial str;(t economie. Grammarization is (he history of the exterioriza­ tion of memory in all its forms: nervous and cerebral memory. corporeal and muscular memor, biogenetic memory. When technologically exteriorized. memory 33 FOR A NEW CRtTiQUE can become the object of sociopolitical and biopolitical concrols through the economic investments of social organizalions, which Ihereby In"nfg� plh;c orgnn;· UlOS through the imermediary of mnemotechnical organs, among which must be COUnted machine·rools (Adam Smith anal)'7.d a orly as 1776 the efects of the machine on the mind of the worker) and all auromata­ including household appliances, a well as the "inreret of things" and the communicating devices that would soon invade the hyperindusrrial market, and which are hypomfltJ;c obj(ClJ through which what Scott Lash and Celia Lury have described a t!;ngication1S rakes a new turn.11i This is why the (hinking of grammarization calls for a gtnmll organolog, that is, a theory of (hC articula­ tion of bodily organs (brain, hand, eyes, rouch, tongue. gCnital organs, viscCra, nCuro-vegerative system, etc.). anifcial organs (Iools. instrumems and technical sup­ pons of grammadzation) and social organs (human groupings, such a fmilie, clans, or Cthniciries, politi­ cal institutions and societie, businesse and economic organitarions, imernarional organizarions. and social systems in general, rCgardless of the extem to which they ar or arc nOI deIerrirorialized. and whether they be juridical,linguistic. religious, polirical, fscal, economic. et(.).27 34 Pb,m1llColoD of tb� proluariat If in toe hyrndus ial er we rcopen the ques­ tion po� in PIJl�drus concerning the hypomnesic object. and if we do s fom the standpoint of this kind of general organolog (founding a political organoloD, an "onomie orgmtolo, and an a(/b�tic orgal/olog), we discover rhat [he Platonic question of hypomncsis constirute the Frst version of a thinking of proletariani­ ution, insofr a it is true rnat the proletariat arc those economic actors who are without knowledge becuse they are without memor: their memory has passed ino the machine rhat reproduces gestures th:t the prole­ rariat no lon g er needs (0 know - they must simply serve the reproductive machine and thus. once again, they become serf. Examining tbe question of technical memory raday means r�opmilg tb� qll�tion of bJpomll�!iJ Itot (mly t t quion of th� pro/�tarjar, bUl also a a process of grammatization in which it is con  m�r who ar� hm«rth drild of mm/T ald Imowl�dg� b (h� smdc� indu!tri� nnd th�ir npparNS�!. We shall see how this produce short-circuits in the transindividuation p r . Examining the qu e stion of technical memory today means investigating the Stage of gt1tralud pro­ lariani tion induced by the spre:d of hypomnesic t echnol ogies. Te tru rh of Plato would then be found in Marx, bUl 35 FOR A NEW CRI1'IQU£ only on the condition th:u twO sllpplement2ry conclu· sions arc drwn: • Man himself fils to think (he hypomnesic character of technics and human existence, which accounts for (he f'ct that he is unable t think human life 3 (-istcnce and hence for the fact that, like PhHO. he continues to oppos the dead and rhe living. • 111e iI/Hug/mIl stru g le of philosophy aginst sophistic around Ihis question of memory and irs technicization is Ihe heart of tim polirical strug­ gle which philosophy was from the very beginning. Hence the reevaluation of the place of hypomneis in PlatO, a well as rhe deconsrruction of rhe Plaronic account of hypomncsis which Derrida propou:d, must constitute the basis of a renewed project of a critique of pliticl economy by philosophy, a cririque hI wl r�dmiN b«om� l cl slnlu. and in which is posed the Ihr�fold question of a organolog, a pharmacology and a therapeutic-it is therefore the question of a sociotherapy,18 which is what political economy is, and of which grammatiza­ tion is the dynamic process. 36 Phnmmc%D of rh� pro/tfrif  Pro/ttlritlniZ tion t loss ofknO/�d g � T� proletarian. we read in Gilbert Simondon, is a disin· difidufl�d worker. a laborer whose knowledge has passed inro [he machine in such a way that i[ is no longer the worker who is individuated through bearing lools and putting thcm inro prnctice. Rather. the laborer Serves the machine-tool, and it is the latter thai has become the technicl individual-in the sense Ihal it is within the machine· tool, and within the technical syStem (0 which it belongs. thar an individuation is produced. This tech· nicl individuation is, according to Simondon. a process of concreti7.,'lion through which rhe of industrial objects becom� fnctionally inregrated and thereby transformed-as does the sociotechnic milieu. The proletarianized laborer, however, is Literally excluded from [his rransformation-dirocinudfrom it, nOt associ­ Qua with it. Such a laborer is not co·individuated. He does not ex-iSt. Tis dissociation is in rlity a rupture in (he trlllSi,· dividu/ fbric which cntitul (ht /br t1I;r mtl. a it dos all r mb/i milieus, given that work is derly Qiso one such symbolic milieu. In the milieu of associated work. the workers. through their work, fshion an expcri. ence in which they C!use their milieu to evolve-their tools, for example, or the way in which they arc used. nOI 37 FOR A NEW CRITI QUE to mcmion, of cou�, the products of their u. They opm lip 101illmltl Ihis milieu of which they arc the workers (ollrm!. Proletarianizion is that which exclude this panicipation of the producer from the evolution of the conditions of production. and through which he works. In other words. proletarianization is a pr  of losing knowledge-that is. also. 3 loss of savor and of existence-which is engendered by grammatization insoFtr 3S it shorr·circuits the processes of transindi· viduatiol1 through which. by becoming individuated through work, that is. though learing something. the worker individuates the milieu of their work. It is just such a shorr-circuit which constitutes the stakes of [h31 loss of knowledge by which Marx 3nd Engels defned proletarianization in the Communist Manifsro of 1848: The less the skill and !enian of strength implied in manual labor. in other words. the more modem indusuy bcrom� developed, the more is the labor of men super­ seded by thaI of women. Difrence of age and s have no longer an) distinctive social validity (or the working c1:. All are instruments orJabar. more or les epensive to u, according to their age and sex.29 'This expense is what Marx and Engels call labor power. which is. then, no longer a knowledge bur becomes 38 Pharmacolo of th� pr/tariat instead a commodity. From a beatcr of [Ools and a prac­ tilioner of insrrum(nrs. the worker has himself b(come a tool and 3n instrumem in the service of a raol-bearing machin(. Now, as w precisely indicated by Mane and Engels. this is the Fe of all producers. and not only of workers: Te lower strata of the middle class-the small trades­ people. shopkeepers. and ("tired tradesmen generll ) . the handicrnfumen and pcas1Is-all the5 sink grnduaJly into the prolctariat [ . . . J. Thus the prletari31 is recruilcd from all classes of thc population.j(I Certainly, in (he MllniflO as in the Comribuliofl. the Grnd and in Capitl. the proletariat is always prtSem(d as being comprised precisely of the working class. But that this is so is due ro a stale of historical fc. te to a arcbair sta� (archaic in all senses of the term) of th( developmcm of capitalism and indus­ try. tbat i, ofgmmmatiztioll. and which is destintd to evolve appteciably by bringing ioro the process of proierarianization all those whose knowledge is absorbed by hypomnesic proccscs consisting not only in machines. but in apparatuses, expert systems. serv­ ices, n((Works, and technological objeCts and systems of all kinds. 39 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE Pro/tarianjZ tion and pharmacolg Th� proletariat is nOI the working class. A of Marxism has misinterpreted Marx in confusing the two. A typical case can be found. for example. in Jacques Ranciere's 7b� Nigbt of Lob or: 7b� Workm' Drrm in 191" Cmtllry Frnc�}1 But 01 the other hand, :tnd above all, gram­ matization. by allowing the harnessing ImpwiollJ of the attention of consumers and. through that, the har­ nessing of their libidinal energ, made equally possible their prolerariani7..tion, by destroying their Stvoir-lJilJr�, and not only their SlllJoirfirt, This prolemrianization of consumers is what made iT possible-by opening lip mass markeu enabling resistance against the {encen­ rial fll of the rate of proft-to conf�r buying powtr upon consumers, to accord them mort than simply the renewal of their lbor powtr, and to fndamenrally and prcticnll weken me Marxist meory of class stuge. The problem is that the surplus that has by necesity been redistributed to proletarianized producers who have become consumers led, toward me end of the twentieth century, to the desrrunion of their libidi­ nal energy and 10 ir decomposition into drives-rhe result of what Herbert Marcuse called "desublimacion." We must therefore engage in a cririque of libidinal economy: ( IIfW critiqut of political tcollomy ;s 1ttSlr, 40 Pbannacol oftb� pro/�rrill lnd it mUlt Ilso comtitttu a pbarmacological "itiqtl� of libiillal �rllomJ. Frcudian theory will only allow rhcsc questions to be advanced to the eXtent mat h, roo, is confronted with the question of the plmnnaion that is the ferish, and with the question of grammarization such a it trans­ forms fetishism-which take place through an analysis of the role of bypomlltmar32 in the history of desire and sublimation, the transitional object being a kind of proto-hypomJltmllfol and proto-fetish,JJ while con­ tcmporry hypomnesic objects arc bJPomlltwftf that henceforth link networks together. 1he proletarianization of the consumer is an epoch of libidinal economy, and a crucial task of te ne critique of political economy is to construct a gmtal of this economy. which i a pharmacolog the genesis of whkh i indissociable from organological becoming and grammarizadon. Now, this pharmacolog raises rhe question of tTmsilldividllion insofr a it clln prodltc� lng drmits o/individ'IlHo" o �ll shor-cimtit, that is, disbIvio,u. What Plato cls Ilamlcis is hence founded on a dialectic, and this is a dia-Iogicl! commtrt through which, in interlocution, lhat is, in a "dialogism � that I a understand in Bakhtin's sense of the rerm,J4 long circuiu of rrmsindividuation are formed, which tend 41 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE to be short-circuited by the poisonous uses to which lhe sophists put this literal pbarmalon. More generally. if [he grammatizmion of perception and of the nervous system-insofar as it is the seat of the aft 11 lead (0 the prolerarianization of consumers, thai is, deslroy Iheir sa/loir-lii/lr�, a wdl a rhe savors which thL'e am of living can procure, this is because libidin:tl economy in general conStitutes circuits of desire whhin a process of transindividuation through which libidinal energ is formed and accumulated, but this is also a process in which gramm:ui1.tion may either: • create long circuits. that is. flrCl/lllldtlt t libidinal tllt r b illttllSiing indiIJidulltion, and give ObjCLS of desire to the individual [hat infnirize his or her individuation (Simondon shows that individuation is structurally unachievable 2nd in lh sn infnite), because these objects C only be given I infinite and incommensurable; or • provoke shon-circuis. that is, disindividuation. and consequently desublill1atiol1, (hat is. the co",mt'lJlIr­ b jll;t;OIl of nlrMug, leading to rhe demuction of libidinal energy. Grammati7.tion is ;mdllribl pharmacological, and bypomlltlllllla can .hetefore either: 42 Pbllnlllc%D oftb, pr/ttnn'(u • proletarianize the pSc/" which it alecls; or • individuate rhis PSJ t by inscribing iI wilhin rhe lItW circuit of rransindividuarion that it conneclS up. and through which long circuits an rormed. lied 10 what Plato apprehended as an nlamlNu-which is a circuit giving access to a truth founded on the projcc· lion or an idea, thar is. or a consistence: or an object which does not exisi. because it docs not have any roundation in the subsistences which constitute the order or the commensurable. but which is t" wr obj«t of dnirt imojilr I it collsists illt:olllllltnfllmbl, It is rhis type or circuit grounding a tommerce tim the shon·circuit replaces. through a marker on which nothing remains except commensurabilities (ror example, labor power without lalirjiTt, rorming a buying power without Svoir�vhJT)-rhis is a marw of fols (dupes], For in rhe fnal analysis, this marker is not a market, And this is sol11eming which Socrates already noted, Contra Gorgias. Nevenhdess, an economy or pbarmaka is a thetapeu. tic that does not resuh in a hypostasis opposing poison and remedy: rhe economy or the pbanlalon is a composi. tioll of tendencies, and not a dialectical struggle between 0ppoJir.J5 Te concrete expression or this composition consim in arr.mgcmenu or the three Ic\ds or general 43 FOi A NEW CIlITIQUE Org2nOÍO. äucÞ tÞ2t tÞcäc cOnätItutc 2 Iltnn of rr ÎndIvIdu2tÎOn at tÞc pharmacological Ícvc (tccÞnIc2l tndIvÎdu2ttOn) tmnädi|ctIvOy Întc  näIhcä tÞc tndtv:du2- ttOn Oltl:c OtÞcr twO lcvOä (QäycÞtc tndIvÎdu2ttOn 2nd cOÌlcctÎvcIndÎvtdu2t ÎOn). Ln tÞc OtÞcr Þ2nd. ; diJ�rolomy Olpbnnlnkn Iä wÞ2trcäuÍtälntmIÞc 2pQcatJnCc of 2ny ncwphnrmnkol tnãOmr a tt äÞOH-CIrCuttä IÞc OtÞcr (O ÌcvcÍä-2nd tÞtä tä OCCurrIn_ tOd2y wItÞ tÞc tccÞnOlO_Îcä Ol¯äOct2Ì nc!wOrkIng.´`' lOr wÞICÞ nO QOÍItÎc2Ì cCOnOmy 2nd nO äyätcm Ol C2rc Iä QrcäCrIbcd Oy .my QuOÍÎca|itÞOrÎty: Or. 2g2in. It tä wÞ2t Otturä tn tÌ:c tuuräc OltÞc äyn2QtO_cn- cäIä Ol tÞc In!antIÍcccrcOr8Í organ wÞcn tÞc 2udIOvI8UJÌ äÞOr|-CIICuÎtãtÞc||ai1·ItIOn2ÍOOjcCt.tÞcInÍ0ntÎÍ0QäycÞÍC 2QQ2r2tuä bctn_ tÞcrcby QrOÌtt2tt2nÎzcd.`º 44 fQUI To work The proletarianiztion of the nervous sstem. sstmic stupidit, and new commerce The mort the place of producers shrinks. the more must markers and the number of consumers be enlarged. automation ceaselessly widening the held of prole. tariani7.arion while diminishing the role of labor-that is, of vari'lblc capital. Trading has itself been auto­ mated. Engineers have themselves b«n proletarianized. The engineer who conceived. develo�d, installed. and managed a system has disappeared. Today there are "processes," where more and more !Omllnaf intervene to short-circuit psychic individuals at every level. Within these processes. it is the labor power of the nervous sysrem that is being ever more proletarian. iud, and the prolulrilll of Ih� l(rUJ rsrrm arc no less deprived of knowledge chan are the prolflrinfl of ,hr musculr Ssum. The knowledge of which they have been stripped. however. is not that of Jlwoir.irr. it 45 FOR A NEW CRITI QUE is I J Noutiml knowledge-rhal is, knowledge which is noelie in actuality. A psychopower then devdops lhal controls consumers (in which c� it is a maner of chan­ neling Ihe libido) as wdl as producers al/d dm. whose nervous energ must be pbced into the service of "technical enscmbk-s," as Simondon calls them. We thus havc pur coliri! Inbor fl Jma/ dIid of Imowltdgt: with cognitive technologies. it is the cog­ nitive itself which has been proletarianizcd.1 In rhis consists. then. cognidve capitalism. also known as "crca­ tive" or "immaterial" capitalism. And this is concretely expressed in thc fCI that rht citilJ has b«" uduud to mlclllabilit I ogos has become. pharmacologically and economiClly. rtio.l If skilled professions [mirim] do in facr still remain, vcry f are connectc,d with that t of production that is called "c�[ive." and most of the time such jobs arc not really creative, For to be creativethat is. to work [ofUVrro work on something. ro open Up: work]-is to produce negcnlropy. But those who arc called "creative workers" roday a in fct merely creatOrs of that kind of"valuc" which is capable of being fvaillfud 01 tN markil. like press ofcers or public rda­ rions ofcials who work toward rhc tItropic adptation of the systcm. but who do nor creatc any works or opcn up any work Imah gli "otlurmt Ii r i m dl fOlf): to work 46 To work {omvml always means (0 work witb tbe i"cnl'llab� that is, to work with [hat innity of the desir.ble which means that a process of individuation is consdnued tbrough ir ulncbittbi/ir. Such i [he reality of what Mauri7io l  ra(O calls . the cooperation brween brains."J ; if is produced through grammatizarion systems which make possible the proletariani7..tion of all those (asks conducted :1 the highest levels of nervous system activity. -Ihis resulrs in the formation of a ssumir stupMir. making pos­ sible among other things Aan Greenspan's attempt 10 explain before the House of Rcprcsematives how he could in all sincerity have led the world t the brink of catastrophe, as well as the crctinization of those "fnan­ cial elites" who discovered they'd been roll« by Bernard Madof the elites have themselve been proletarianized, mat is. driw of Imowl of ,htir OWI logic Il by thtir oam lgc-a logic reduced to a calculation without remainder and leading as well to a market of fools. Why and how can, however. researchers such as Yann Moulier-Boutang or Mauririo l. tO nevertheles perceive in this cerebral or cognitive capitaIism4 an element of novelry opening OntO some kind of alrer­ native? My thesis (if not theirs) is that here, rhar is, y with whar has also been cled mi(ll/nud clitlliJ I, where the pbnmlnkofl constitutes a collaborative and 47 fOR A NEW CRI TI QUE dialogical milieu. a genuine murtion of gr3mmatization has occurred; digital reticulation. whereby cogniriv .  acdvities are themsdves proletarianized. constitutes a rupturt through which assoriaud mili�u ar .. formed. thaI is. milieus of individuation running coumer 10 the proclS es of dissociadon and disindividualion in which proletariani7.ation consists. II is within this reticulated milieu that what Pekka Him:men calls a "hacker ethics"5 could appear. and could open the fdd for a new struggle: a strll g /� fr abstmctioll opposing the class of hackers to those that McKenzie Wark calls the vecrorialists.6 Himan .. n and Wark show-from a neo-Wcberian viewpoint for rhc form .. r and a post-Marxist and Situationisr one for the lanet-mat rhe digital pharmnkon. which make possible rhe p�oletarianization of me nervous system. is alo what introduce the possibility of a new regime of psychic and collective individuation and. with it, the possibility of a new process of transindividua­ tion opening OntO an unprecedented politico-economic perspective: an economy of contribution. If dissociation results from short-circuits in transin­ dividu:uion made posible by rh .  phannalon emerging from that process of grammatizarion in which. in the epoch of reticulatc.- capitalism. cognitive technologies and digitali7.d cuhural technologies are formed. then 48 To work the formarion of an asocilud SodOlu/miml militu is the alternative to (his poisonous becoming of gram­ mathdon. Such an alternative prcsupposl  '. however. a veritable revolurion of rhe dominant induStrial modd­ which may f  short of an ovmhrow Irl ltl1tmm/l of cpitalism, but which would certainly be a rrllOlltiofl of capitalism. The question of association and dissociation is also the question of the formation of wh:\I in l. "onomics are called "externalities." When Yann Moulicr-Boutang takes up the met�phor of pollination,1 wh;tt he is describing is tied to the formation of digital reticll­ lation and constitutes a mutation in the process of grammari zation, and engenders a P OSifilt p/JnlJlUo­ lical t  lit an associated sociorechn.ical milieu in which strugle are waged against the dfcc of the spread of dissociated milieus, that is, prolerarianized mi1ieus� those engendering on rhe contrary tbe spread of negative externalities and pharmacological toxicity,S that is, a generalized environmenral destruction afect­ ing not only the natural and geophysical environment but equally the mental and psychosocial milieus a wll. Th� associated sociorechnological milieu allows struggles to be waged against Ihl'c environmental destructions brought about by the "vcclOrialim" and 49 fOR I NEW CRITI QUE opens a feld of industrial and commercial reladons which nullifes the producer/consumer opposition. and which as such breaks prcciscly with the desuuction of commerce by the market: it consrirutes a lUlU comm�r, that is. a new regime of psychic and collective individua· tion, producing long circuits of transindividuation-rhe conrribmors are those who comribure to this creation of long circuits. This milieu is neverthdess capable of implememing logics of dissociation-and this is why dil/og;r/9 and (I f  cb Ihmfp�ltir Jtruglrs must be waged with the pbarmnkol of absrracdon. which amounrs to a matter of taking care of the new commerce. The associated milieu which is formed in digitaJ reticulation is a specifc t of positive external· ity: technologiCal, industrial, emerging frm me most recent stage of grammarizarion, cognitive and symbolic, that is. restoring to rt;o its 1Jtic dimension, busc it connirmcs a dialogical relational space in which Pt (hopolr can be thrown over to become IIOOpO/iies. or in which the phan  lKOf can be pur inro the service of an economy of contribution. that is. of a psychosocial thera�Ulic-given that to economize means before anything else (0 rake care.IO domcstically as well as politically. 50 To /ork Odum and positive exteralities: illtermittence Within rhe associated sociOIechnical milieu. the func· tional opposition berween production and consumption has become obsolete. and externalities must be eco· nomically mlrivaud and valorized, even though. like values. Ihey cannol be reduced [0 the calculability of the economic indicators of a markel economy: they require a new conception of economic value. and of hs mtlllrt· mtlt. such that it is nOI reducible r ca/et/mion. 11is culturt is a libidi nal as well as a commercial economy, which requires new mutualization mechanisms, a new form of governmenral power. and new objects of public propeny. In this regard. me rwo works by Maurizio Lazzarato in which he analyze the sae of the muwe waged by the inl�rmittent performing am workers [inunnitttls il sprcll to maintain their stams (which had in June 2003 been called imo quetion by the French govern· mem, who were pressured to do s by employers), have an imponance extending beyond the feld of the arris· tic professions. Following me publication of a survey conducted in collaboration with the "Coordination des irnerminems et Precaires," Amondla Corsani and Maurizio Lzzararo start: 51 fOR A NEW CRI TI QUE . . . the struggle against Ihe reform of Ihe modd for unemployment benefts is in reality a strugle whos sl'akes arc those of the us of time. To the injunction to increase the amoufl of time spent in employmcnt [which is Ihe employers' prcscription mOlivuing the calling into question of the StalUS of inu:rmincnlSj , Ihal i, the lime of onc's lifc spent cmplo)'� on the job. fhc experience of intermim:net· opposed Ihe plumBr of employmem times. 11 '(be queslion of rime spent working cannol be reduced, in other words. 10 the question of time in employment. and • . . to speak seriously abUi increasing or reducing time spent working mens t3king into 3COUnt the tmalir of these Vrious u:mporalilics. L! Te  French Jaw rc=udng the working we: e: k [Q thirty. fve: hours complerely ignores this question. One rtsu!! of (his bw was an incre� in the time devote  d to can· sumplion, as Rifkin unde  rlined as crly as 20061J-but rhe  re was no incre  asc in the amoum of rime Spclll working in orher ways. ways lying outside the scope of employment lime. 1hese other eforts. beyond the time of employmcnr. belong within rhe realm of whal the 52 To work Romans cultivated as otirl11, a word which Jean·Marie Andre. in his analysis of its occurrence during the dOle of the Sdpiones, translate: "studious 'riIIITl."I< Otittm. which emerged from Roman culture and originated from a milirary conrext, and which [hen cme to represent the noble aspect of the rime of human activity-which in Micriaflu l1 disaijt I I have tried to show is the litl of nortir inunlilll'  Cl5-is the con· didon of possibility of l1eg·olillf1. that is. cmploymelH time. I [ is because the soul can only be actuall noetic for ilurmitUIif paiods, and is therefore as such constitutcd as a "being··inrermirrence." behaving most (If the time on the conrrary like a sensitive or even a vegcmlivc soul. {hat the "inrerminenu" (the occasional workers in theatre. flm and television) ceaselessly oscllate berween on the one hand the calculable employment of their noetic knowledge. this knowledge then being remuner· aled. that is. t  [negocieJ. and on the orher hand the actual development of this knowledge. And it is this noeridty thai rhe desrruction of intermittence (of the "intermirrenrs") then eliminates and prolerarianiz. mat is. instrumentalizi n order to proft the culture industrie. T time of the passage to the noeric act is that of otum, which does nOt at all men idle time, yet d(s mean the time of leisure. that is. of freedom and of 53 FOR A NEW CRI TI QUE "care of the sclf." Ot;lIl1I, from an economic perspective inscribed in 3 general economy (in [he sense in which Georges Baiaille deploys Ihis term)-for which it would be an epoch tied to 3 particular development of "ypom­ l�mnt , thaI is, an epoch of grammatization. supponjng techniques of the sdf(as shown by Foucault}-and for a poliliC31 economy inscribed within a libidinal economy cncomp:SSing it, constitutes an �xumnlr opening tJ spnct oflmmnlJ f01  1l tra iTofnr ns il i I proft' ofpsychic nlld coluliut illdillidUlUioll ill which long drellits of tmsindiuidllflioll art fmud. Ntg-otillm, on the other hand, constitutes an economy which is illtmnliZlbll vin all aeeo/Illring (the possibility uf which itscf stems from hypomllml) of what is calculable for a business­ man, and negotiable on a marker, a  sense of measure (I Itrt, that is, measure, moderation, or tempo; in Greek, tnttro", that is. also, reerve and rhythm) being rrouced 10 this calculation. What Corsani and l a  arato describe as the con­ junctioll of employment rime (that is. of the labor internalized by the employer) and work time (as tech­ nique of the sdO amounts to the economy of lI�titlll and ol i ln, insofr as these can be grasped as the teflllS of what Simondon calls a rransductive rciationship. according t which the lerms are constituted through their ;ldiuidlllillg Itmioll. 54 To work 'lbe way in which we observe interminelH workers spend­ ing rhdr time oblige us (0 lean' behind !hc binary logic opposing employment and unemploymenl, Ihe :cri\'e and the inactive, :nd oblige us to quetion the very Cll�ory of ·work. M If aCfiviry is also ecrciscd during periods of so-called unemployment or, yet again, during !he COUM of one's so-alled lifetime. during sled fret rime. during the rime spent on rraining and education, righ! up 10 Ihe poin! at which it occome rhe lime of rcs!, then \\h:1I is covered over by rhc concept of Mwurk,M since withIn it can be found a plurnliry of actjvilics and hcu:rogcncou5 tcmpor.lities� 16 lhese analyses show chr it is nor sufcient to pose rhe question of work i n me terms that were fshionable in the 19905, when the reality of chronic unemploy. mem frced a (eRcction on rhe structural consequences of productivity incresC. Beyond te terms. it is : maner of a change i the industrial modd, a change which would also consrilUle the dawn of an age of a new conception of work, which must nOt be confused with employment. and which, as rhe consumerist model falls apart, requires the invention of a new social temporality. and; as L  rato has shown. redefnes the question of whar Raben Castel calls social properry . l 1 What this raises. then. but in entirely flew terms. FOR I NEW CRI TI QUE is ' [he question of a negative tax such as was pro· posed by Jeremy Rifkin-and (hen raken up by Michel Rocrd IS _ in order to suppOrt the developmem of a "social sector," a sector defned as being non�o· nomic insofr as it is non·marker. Now, Ibis is lot I  ni n qUNliOI/ ofbrillgilg tu uOlomy to ni md. but of thinking an olb�r economy, and of overcoming a consumerism within which the purchasing power produced by employment in fCI destroys work and all forms of knowledge in the epoch of the generalized proletarianization of producers as well as consumers. Te Raw in Rifkin's proposal lies in rhe fct that his considcration of the ecunomic circuit docs nor include the question of otium or of knowledge in a  its forms. On rhe other hand. rhe notion of a negative t as a mutualitcd support for the development of positive externalities, and through the developmenr of a new frm of soial property, fnds i rhe granring of unemploymenr bndiu to imermim:m workers in [he performing artS a model which is panicularly well adapred to [he change which is currendy underway: [his is made dear by reading the works of Comni and Lararo. But it cannot b a matter of limiting such proposals merdy to the spheres of art, culture and "crea· tive workers": it is rhe social and economic industrial model as a totality that must be rethought. 56 To work DesolidriZ  tion and neative eeralities The reconstruction of posiri\'e atcrnalities and Ihe suppOrt of work practices stemming from olho" hhat is. from noedc interminence) is the n«:cssary condidon for Ihe reconstitution of long drcuiu of transindi­ viduation. which arc themselves thc only possibility of strugling againsl the spread of negalivc eXlcrnali­ lies. The cXlent of the sprcad of ncgtive cxternalities is now being discovcred by ,he world. as consumer­ ism falls ap:m and as environmental disequilibrium becomes a planetary obsession. Among Ihe forms of ,his disequlibrium must be c(Jumed the desrruclive efeCis that the dicrarorship of shon-t:rmism-cxeru:d upon every society by marketing-brings to ber on 'the public sphere (on political space and time) a well a on the private sphere. leading to the pure and simple liquidtion ofsodal r�lti01. It is in {his comer Ihat one cn see-in Belgium for example. where the Flemish exclude from public housing anyone who cnnol speak Dutch-how s�ort-drcuits in transindividuation have destroyed Ihe . individuation of rcference'� permitting tO linguistic psychosocial individuaton processes ro refer to ,he same process of political and territorial individuation. so as to coalesce within onc nation. lllcse ruinous efccts of 57 fOR A NEW CRI TI QUE dissociation and of such shon-circuiu. which are the inverse of wh:1t occurs in :ssoci:ted mjlieus. can be secn in the politico-linguistic opposition bet\ecn the Flemish and the Walloons. Innc1d of the individu:lIion of reference, the global culture industrie have substituted the behavioral prescriptions of marketing. which liqllMu solidritin: • frstly. in the territorial space of comemporaneity: the Flemish withdraw their solidarity from the Belgian Walloons. Icading to the destruction of their political space; • secondly. in the genenuional rime of contempo­ raneity: harnessing (cnptltiolj the atremion of a generation cuu it of from other generations, engen­ dering shof(..Qrcuits in the transindividuation of gener.uions - primary identifcation. for example, fils to t2ke place within the juvenile psychic appa­ ratus. or adult consumers, unable to afrd rhe costs of eduQting their children, somehow manage, never­ theless. to buy expensive cars. It is this ver process of desolidariution thal lies behind the decline of market value occurring today. marker cap­ itali.ation having becn ruined by the collapse to which a capitalism which has become drive-based Iplllj(lInr� 58 To work and speculative inevitably leads. One of the most violent effects of this process is [he pauperiz.ion of YOlllh. unleashing the threat of an economic confrolllation between the generations at the very moment when the illlcrgeneradonal symbolic bond capablc of containing such a threat has been shon-citcuited in the process of transindividuation. All this results in generalized irresponsibility, such that the spread of dissociated milieus becomes necessar­ ily correlated with rhe spread of negarivc exteralities. Dissociated milieus. as facrors disconnecting the psychic individual from rheir relation to collective individua­ tion and, correlatively, as FJcrors desrroying investment in a  its forms (for which fnancial speculation and drive-based obsessions are substitUed) engender roxic behavior i n every sphere of society, dominated by a srrucruraJ shon-rermism to the precise extelll that drives and sptularion arejntrinsicy shorr-term. The shorr-term tendency. induced by the liquidation of responsibility. desublimation and extreme disen­ chantment, is the mOSt immediate consequence of the rendemial fll of the rate of proft, combined as it is with the tcndential fl of libidinal energy and the spread of what Rene !}asset calls passages to the limit, that is. pro  through which the functioning of systems leads to the destruction of the very condhions of Ihi� 59 FOR I NEW CRITI QUE fncponing. processa which arc ineluctbly translated into a runaway increase in negadve externalides. 7 bourgtoisit SWtpt away by tht mafa The  historical f".ilure of communism was due to the fact that it could no! think association, that is. it renounced the struggle against prolerarianil:uion as loss of knowledge. and against the shon-circuits in transin­ dividuarion that are clearly characteristics of Stalinist bureaucnnic totalitarianism, JUSt as they are of rhe tot:lli­ zatiun that is conduced by marketing: it is unly in terms of ways of dissociating that capitalism and communism have distinguished themselves from one another. Even [hose MarxiSlS who were situ:ned outside of Stalinism. and who wen� againSt Stalin, were never able to manage a critique of dissociation. because from the beginning they confsed proletarianization and pauprization. In the communist world. this dissociation led, intrin­ sically and structurally. to the totalitarian negation of structures of exisrence, which for a long time ws nOf [he case for capitalism, especially when it combined Forcism with Keynesianism.10 Capitalism. unlike com­ munism, for a long time fvored the constitution of motivational systems based on rhese structures of exist- GO To /orN cnce. structures that it nevertheless harnesst-d. exploilt'tI and fnally destroyed, but by means which were indeed effective. and that even consrirured a new libidinal economy and new perspectives of sublimalion, cOlllrary to communist dissociation.!1 Yet it remains the case that capirnlism would in rhe end become a process of dis· sociation leading ineluctably to demotivation:1l it was condemned to encounter its limit in the tendential full in libidinal energ which it had itsdf provoked. At this point it is nece�sary 1 return to the question of commerce. Political economy is a way of orgJ.nizing transindividuation not only at rhe level of symbolic exchange, but also at the level of the exchange (If com· moditics. Once. while i Beijing. the taxi in which I w riding drove past a score selling plastic manne· 'quins, and whar surprised me w that such a business could have been created by a Chinese shop owner in this purportedly communist economy, an economy which functions as powerfully as it does only insofur as within it psychic individuation is controlled by a collective individuation wirhoM il  tdinrirs. that is. de·psychologiled, short-circuiting tf:ansindividuarion. and therefore disindividuated. disindividuating. and destructive of all motive. Te capitalist economy strictly speaking 110 tOllgl'r works. because it wants the psychic individual t be self· 61 F Oi A NEW CRI TI QUE direct�. to become the "entrepreneur of irsdf."u withom collective individuation. but rather through a collective disindividuarion orchesmued by marketing. which exploitS the possibilities of conrrol emanaring from the provoking of shorl-circuits. and, since the "conservative revolution" and ncoliberalism (and the project of "refounding" Medef which al1101lns to the French translation of ncoliberalism), through a government of inequalities which ruins the social-all of which destroys the economic milieu itself, which thereby becomc� a "dis-economy." leading fnally to the Ii<juid:uion of intermt.-diation. which is the rransi:Hion of rr;msindividuation into the economic sphere and in its commercial form (all rht more true given that "compctition" leads in reality [0 the growth of monopolies). Oesublimation-which thus leads and in the same movement to rhe spread of negative externalities. to the li<uidation of commerce by the market and to thl destruction of social connecrednesn b nanslatoo by the fCI (hat the bourgeoisie is swept away by the mafa, which is the fate befalling the former communist countries. but also of all drivl-based capitalism. The mafa rends to replace the bourgeoiSie and capi­ talism rakes on an essenli:lly mafa-like character from the moment that the disenchantmenr of the world is 62 To work completed. lhis disenchantment becomes. then. no longer rv but nbsolllu: there can 10 long�r b� nn} rblj,� r-(hnltm�m-a w. for example. rhe advent of modern arr (rejecting rhe "industrial art" of which Flauben s�ks through (he character of Jacques Arnollx).l4 both within nl1d fr bOllr g ro; s modrrir. When disenchantment becomes absolute. rhe power of the powerful plays OUt w;t!OII (omisutlcr. wilhour rda­ lion (0 OI;lIm of any kind. without the slightest belief. and therefore a absolute cnicism: with neither faith nor law. I t is within this epoch of mafa capitalism-that is. of a capitalism without bourgeoisie-that one sees devdop me sYSlematic S£ate lie. drive-based politic. and an addictive consumerism induced by industrial populism. If fascism is a di� of bourgeois capiralism. the ocurrence of which is a warning sign foreshadow­ ing absolute disenchantment. rhen the becoming mafa of apiralism is not an 2ccident which would be more or less epiphenomenal: ramer. it is [he normal and eve­ ryday functioning of such a capitalism. In (his respct, Sarkozyism is nm, unfortunately, if one can put it like this, a refurn of Petainism: it is something fr morc seriolls, more complex and more difcuh ( think than the rerurn of rhe same old song. The middle classes will soon disappear. because 63 FON A NEW CRI TI QUE they have been proletarianized by the developmenr of consumerism. This is nor r say that they have been pauperized: the former is not the consequence of the Janer. It is [ say that the middle classes are no longer any kind of "perry bourgeoisie�-nor because they have been pauperized, bur through a smboli misery [mistre lymboliflle: symbolic impoverishmem or immiseration\ and through an n�tmic nld loetic prole­ tl'inlizltiol: without otium, without access for example to that instrumental practice which was such a delight to Roland Barthes. for whom a truc appreciation of the music of Schumann can only derive from its interpreta­ tion, that is. from the pracrice of playing it on the piano, a he explains in �Musica pracrica,"25 a sentimenr which also lies behind the refrain constantly repeated to Pierre Schaefer by his fther: Work on your instrument! In s doing, Schaefer's father reminds us that otitlm is work, thar work always involves an instrument, and hence thar so roo does otiuI. The perry bourgeoisie, even though it is nor rich, nevertheless belongs to the bourgeoisie insofar a ir has access ro something beyond subsistence. and can em�m­ cipate itslf from the pure necessity of reproducing its 64 To 10rk labor power, and can therefore libcr::ne itself from pure lIegorium, that is, from completely calculable exchange: the petry bourgeois arc able to be music lovers [amatellr de IfIIlSiqllt], What was once the privilege of the nobility became, in the nineteenth century. piT excellel/( that of the bourgeoisie, then became as wdl the privilege of the perry bourgeoisie, 1his is what was liquidated by dle extension of consumerism to all social classes. lluough what I have described. with Nicolas Donio. as a mechanical rurn in sensibility.2G condition of possibility of this age of the pbnnllllkol/ consrinHed by the psycho.rechnologics of psycho·powcr.27 consumerism transforms everything into nceds, that is, into subsistence, and liquidatcs desire, that is, objects of otium and sublimation, includ· ing for the highest levels of the bourgeoisie who rJS become a mafa. And as for the wage·eanur 0/tl idel [ls I/lre de l'iia�. as Jean-Claude Milner c  uni· versiry professors.28 they roo are unable ro escape this fare. Now, the libidinal and political economies of con· [ribution that are reconstiruted in associated milieus tend toward the reopening of rhis dimension, which is that of consistencies and of what 1 have c:tlled an orhon oftbe people.2, Only oriOl can reconstitute credit, thar is, an economy: there is no economy other than when 65 fOR A NEW CRITIQUE i t is projected illlo an inve5(mem. This reopens for the comemporary n=tcnlional system the question of protmriol-'use an economy. whether libidinal or political. is always an economy of protention. Economy ofprolltiom. pfmOnmt rroo/ution, and contribution Economic systems in general. and the capitalist system in particular. always constiulte systems of production of prmcntions. This protention production system clearly achieves greater efciency wilh the appearance of a very particular c of grammadzation: money, the word for which in Ladn evokes MlimoS ";)O In spire of that, the question of protention cannm be reduced (0 me question of fduciary credit: it is rooled in a retemionai ensemble. and this ensemble is constituted as much by machines and by the souls of producers and consumers as it is by money-money which. like a  forms of reten­ tion, convens time into space. but which dearly does so in a very splifc sense. If capitalism is a prorcmion production system which in terms of it perform:uiviry is very remarkable-thus when one says that the stockmarket has lost so many billions of dollars in the course of such and such a 66 To wrk crisis. (his m�ans mat a pow�r of active prorentions. a powcr of the nction of prmenlions (of anticipations). has been lost by the errd;1 rJlr1l J I -then the economy of contribution is . new economic arrangement (Iibidi· nOi and political) benvccn grammarized retentions and prmentions ofinvesrmem. lhe capitalist sysrem for crearing protcnrions is a system of credit which brings about : change in the system of belief-by mrning belief into something calculable. and by therefore engendering something better than belief (at least in rhe eye� of 1I«0IiIl1l ): trust [cOlifnnul. Credit in general, in all its forms­ whether banking. religious, scienrific, literary. arristic. political, or social-is rhe organization of prmenrions. Credit is the concrete social expression of proten· tions which ",ziu tl  r/uN, which p(fml. as onc could say. adapting Austin's theory of performativity to the quetion of credit performance such as i[ has led to the transformation of matter, social relations and behavior-mat is, of wih. and fom which proceeds me exrraordinary permanent revolution in which capimlism since the industrial revolution has consisted.J2 What rok place during the COUf of rhe nine· [ecmh and rwcmieth centuries \ the organi1 ion of the capitaliSt "protemion-aliz:tion" of the world. which consisted frstly in the disel1chanrmcnr of the 67 fOR " NEW CRITIQUE legirimating powers and the secularization of belief: not in their dotruction, bur in their transformarion into calculable beliefs. induding-through the harnessing of scientifc beliefs by the production apparatus in order to devise ways of transforming matter. nature. technique. human beings. and behavior. This transformation of belief was able to 3ccomplish enormous gains in produc� tivity throughour the nineteenth cemury. enabling new forms of membership and social cohesion within rhe sodal project, carried Ollt by the bourgeoisie through the development of schools. duough rhe engagement it made pos�iblc with national history, erc. In the rwentieth century, rhc mobilization oflibidinal energies took place through rhe capturing and hamess� ing of prorentions via rhe channeling of attention. I t was thus a maner of �/aborari"g Itodn] an indtttrial prolnliol: of causing the tensions accumulated in the protentions of consumers (0 reach out (fd"] toward industrial products, products which are the "realiza­ tion" of Ihe prolenrions of producers, with (he goal of causing the protentions of consumers and producers 10 converge. and thus of overcoming the contradiction in which consistS the tendenrial WI in the rare of proft. In the course of l recem crisis, this protention31 system collapsed. after having run Ollt of conuol as il was driven toward an ever·more extreme short-termism. 68 To wDrk eventually reaching the limit of its u!l""ih;uuiol (3 short-term tendency. when accomplished to (he point of perfection. leads r the destruction of the retentional time in which knowledge consists. as well as the destruc­ rion of the protcnrional time i n which investment consins). Tis collapse of protentions was inscribed in the fate of consumerist capitalism to the pre<ise extent that this form of Clpitalism depended on the proletari­ anization of rel�ntion in which (he comrol of :cnrion consists, a prolemrianiz.ion amounting t a loss ()f knowledge, and a loss afecdng consumption as much as produclion. "Ihe intermittent workers of the performing am, and all lho$C whom Jean-Claude Milner calls the wage­ earners of the ideal, continue (0 culrivate a relationship TO the pbamwKol. in order that they may stil pass into the noetic act, from which they draw a diStiner pleasure that annat be considered to be mere enjoyment, given (hat it consists in a feeling of i"j"i/� dirlc�. Te new work practices being developed on the net­ works of the associated sociotechnical milieu. however. themselves also [end {award the passage 10 the noelic act. a goal which. essentially. is their motiVe, Such a motive amounts to a prolention. And such a State of Fact awaits only one thing: for its constilUtion as a stale of law in order that retentional systems may be placed 69 FOR A NEW CRI TI QUE inco the service of this protentional activity. And it is to this question of a law such a this that a new critique of political economy must b consecr:ucd-and this is so to the extent that these practices. which are becoming very widespread, reconStitute the economic feld in its totality. well beyond the "cultural sector" or the "social sector . . . Such are the questions which arise for a cridque of political economy restarred on the basis of an analysis of the place of tcni:ry rctemion in the economy: these arc questions of pharmacolog. for which an economy of contribution constitute the JociothtrapJ proper t {he contemporary stage of grammatiz:. uion-it constitutcs, i other words. irs system of cre. 70 Pharmacolog of Capital ad Economy of Contribution For J�an.Micbt1 Snllllds To the nJtlor ofJI'III-Fllfoi Ly()((//'d Te suprtmc dfon of the writer a of lhl artist only suc­ ceeds in paniall) raising for u the veil of ugliness and insignifc.mcc that lcavt us unCring [inrurit before the world. ,'hen, he sys to u: Lok, look Fragr:l lu wilh clover and ancmesia Holding tight their quick. narrow streams The lands of the Aisnc and the Oisc. Morrll'nmSl On January 25, 2007, while participating in a colloquium devoted to the work of Jcan-Fran�ois Lyotard. I proposed a reading of Tht PosN1lOdml COlldition which characterized those traits of capitalism d�scrihcd by Lyorard a typifing:! new form of libidinal �conomy: that form invented by consumerist capital­ ism in North America at the bcginning of th� rwenricrh CCtlnlry. According to [his reading, posrmoderniry resulted from a consumerist organizdon of the libido leading evenrually [0 me liquidation of the libido itself, to its "diseconomy," that is. to the liquidation of that libidi­ nal economy which modernity hitheno constitured-a process of liquid ad on the consequences of which began r appear at the end of the 1 970s (f <o"dirioll post­ modtmt being published at the moment Margaret Tatcher gained power in Great Britain. constitUling thc beginning of the "conservative revolurion"). In the course of my reading, I tried to show why the concepn enabling the thinking of this rOllfl/lItri!f 73 FOR A NEW CRI TI QUE libidinal dietollolY [hal i s posrmoderniry were less those of Lyotard's eponymous work! than of Freud, whom. therefore. it was a mancr of rereading and reinterpreting. [ intended to show thaI Lyorard had in Tbr Postmodem Condilion opened the possibility of a ncw thinking of capitalism-and of the extension of proletarianization which everywhere accompanies it­ and thaI this thinking remains to be daborarcd, bur also that doing so presupposes a critique of rhe Lyomrdian account ofMlibidinal economy.n J n the course of the discussion that followed rhis inrervenrion, Jean�Michei Salanskis, who wirh Corine Jnaudeal! organized the colloquium, told me that he no longer wlderstood what it means to speak of mpita/im, nor did he understand discourse which continues to convoke this word: he then declared that he could not understand my own discourse. -!he present work, like Fol' (1 New Crilique ofPolifiml EconomJ, tries ro respond to this remark, made to me by my friend shortly before the crisis of capitalism revealed rhe extent of its di saster in rhe month ofOctobcr 2008. The theses advanced here. frst presented before the administrative council of Ars Industrialis.! thcn in a public session of [his associarion g:uhered on December 5, 2009.J continue the analysis bcgun in For a Nrlll Critiqlu ofPoNti cal EconomJ. 74 Phnrll/tl'olog ofCapital This work examines t\vo questions: • How should one understand "proft" in the phrase, "tendential fall in rhe rate of proft"? • More generally. whac is in play in the concept expressed with rhis phrase? 7ere i no tendenc without a counter-tendenc What the fhird volume of Cnpiml tries t think with the phrase "tendelllial f  in the rate of profr"-the stakes of which dearly cannot he measun:c hy refer­ ring t the formula p ' sf(c+v)-is a uegatiue dyunmic that, Marx posits, would in principle be inherent ro a capitalist system formed and held within contradic­ tory tendencies: capitalism would thus be a dynamic sstem threatened by a lim it that would be reached if the bearish tendency to which the very fW1C[ioning of the proft rate gives rise were to achieve completion [s 'nrcompliJlitJ. This is certainly nor how Marxism ba interpreted this theory: on the comrary. what Marxism has pronounced in this regard is the iu/uctable :Iccomplishrem of this tendency. And Marx himself probably read it this way. But if dlcre is a tendency for the rate of proft to fnll. 75 IOR A NEW CRI TI QUE then there must also be a counler·tendency, a we learn from both Nicl1che and Freud. \Iere this nor rhe c, we would no longer b speaking of a tendenc}'. but rather of a simple and linear. that is. deterministic. evolution. l:H Marxism and Marx himself (and before him ' 111= Hegelian di:llccdc) did not manage ro reason this way-in terms of tendencies-is a problem bequlamoo by Marx. bUi that does nOt invalidate his theor of the bearish tendency of the profit rare. "Ihis way of thinking in terms of tendencies passes through psrbo/ng. that is. through a discourse on souls. on their logic and their economy: on their logic insofar as ic is an economy. Given the nccl'Siry of a debate on rhe tendcntial fll in the rate of profit. the question is nor whether such a tendency exists: rather. it concerns the nature of its counter�tendency (orcounter-rendendes). Whar is rcally at stake is knowing how to think the play of tendencie. 7 proft to which Mar rfrs is th� r�tum on inv�stmt T uming to how the word "proft" should be under­ stood, the question is: if "proft" can be defned a the retur on investment. that is. as a function of a system 76 Phannacolo ofCpital ¢ nabÌÍng rc munc ratÍOn ÍOr Ínvmtcd czQ|tzÌ. and hc ncc lOr ríãks that arc takcn, thcn ãhOuÌd thíã dchnÍtÍOn Ol QrOht íncÌudc Or cxcÌudc ãgccuÌztíOn~whích tcndã tO dcrrOy thc systcm Olínvcstmcnt, _ÍVcn thzt, I�u, tI� smie i tim�. and, mOrcQrccÍscÌy, thztwhÍch zhcctã thc QÌayín_Out Olthc  ãhOrt tcrm znd thc ÌOng tcrm, bOth witI Onc anOthcrandftimt Onc znOthcr¦ Åc QrOht dcrÍving ÍrOm thc hnancízÌÍzcd ccOnOmy cÌcarÌy do nOt cOrrcsQOnd wÍth whzt Narx caÌÌã thc rmc OÍ QrOht [g), whcrc Q = sl(c+v). P dcgcndã on thc ãystcm OÍQrOductíOn a cOnãtznt czQÍtzÌ znd Varí� abÌc caQÍtaÌ. ¯Dc QrOhtã dcrÍvÍng ÍrOm hnzncÍz| ÍïztÍOn tcnd· On thc cOntr1ry, (Q dcct¡upÌc |rOm Q Ín rcÌztiOn ttisÍ(c+V),and tO bccOmccãscntÍzÌÌysQccuÌatÍVc grOhtã. Te thcrcmrc rzísc thc QucãtÍOn Ol what Nz:× czÌÌã `hctítíOuãczQítzÌ.¯ Proft, durabilit, and toxicit Ån Ob¡cctÍOn rzíscd zgzÍnãt mc thcOry Ol thr tcndcn· tíaÌ fl Ínthc ratc OlQrOht i s mat wc hzVc ãccnczQÍtzÌ zccumuÌatc cnOrmOus gzÍns Ovcr thc Ìzst Ícw dccadcã. Üut thc CrÍsÍs OÍ2008 íÌÍkc tnOãc th.u Qrccc dcd Ít, bu! mOrc than any OÍthc mrÌÍcr crÍs¢) makcã Ít ncccsãary tO cxzmÍnc both thc  nzmrc and thc ãOÌídÍty Ol thÍã 77 FOR A NEW CRI TIQUE profrabiliry-a prof{;lbility which during this crisis has come to appear JlmCllrnl1y txic. Te question of proft is first of all. and jointly: • that of its exogenous sustainabiliry. that is. for the rest of society (profts cannot be durable if they destroy society); • that of its endogenous durability. rim is. for capital i(self (it must conserve its value over time); • that of the temporality which it configures. [hat is, as concerns fictitious capital, the question of [he qualiry of the anricipations in which it consists, given rhat fictitious capiml. insofar as it is a sstem ofn4ltive/ CI1KlIltted protellrfms,4 is a necessary function of the system, irreducible in ti regard to mere specula4 tion, while entrepreneurial invcsrmem constitutes yet anmher type of anticipation. It is only within such systems of anticipation, which must be qualified and consolidated by rules, that proft can be produced. Could the gains achieved by Bernard Madof, esti­ mated at 50 billion doll:trs, and those of the speculators taken in by him, ever have been realized <S proflts? Yes, without doubt. Bur these profts "cre fraudulent, nOI very durable. and pllrt" roxie. because rhey were created 78 Pharmacology of Capitl through doctored anticipations. And for Madof's cI ients. the have become dead losses. When Albert Spaggiari. a criminal who was also a mil­ itant of the extreme right. robbed the Societe Generale bank in Nice in 1 976, thereby accomplishing what has been called "the heist of the century." he made a "proft" of 50 million fmnes. But these profts have never been recognized as such: rather. they are qualifed as theft. 1hose who are careless in the pharmacolog of capital Should we conclude thar a  fctitious capital always tends to produce systems that are [oxic. if not fraudulent (that is, plrel toxic)? Te answer is dearly positive: more than any other human prychotechllique. fctitious capital is a pharmakol15 and, more precisely. a accounting gamt Veu d'crit  m, dummy entries], and the anriciparion systems made possible by this phalUaia of capital pre­ suppose the existence of a free capital which structurally rends to djsinvest when it sees its profts dedine.6 lhese disinvestmenrs are short-circuits, in just the same way as :ut.ifcial and hypomnesic memory-tholr is, the phanJlkoll of writing-can shorr-circuit living and anamnesic memory'? 79 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE Let us propose (hat (his tendency leds (Q cn"lm1lm [ilc  ritl : one calls a speculator (and. in ti mes of war. a �proftecr") someone who scof at (he economic a well : social consequences of �profrable" decisions. Such a person bclongs to the CHeOe of those whom one oth· erwisc calls the indiferent. the uncring. or the rrl [incllrittL] :1 those "who are not bothered" ["qui m"r 0111 curt" ] . that is. who "don't have anything to do" wilh anything-dlOse who S'.y. "I dOIl ' r"." lhose who mock the world. It is because there is such a tmdmc to cnrtUSSItI, and becallse it is i"tduciblt, being inscribed within this pharmacology. that regulatory systems are imposed. which aim [) limit the desttuctive effects of mis spccu· larive tendency of free capical-and ro keep a rufcimr and sundy hl on thing, thll n. on intJtmmt, givn the instabiljty of capital circulation. In the capitalist economic syslem. the circuladon of free capital is supposed to measure the Ctdil that the fnancial sub-sysu�m accords to such and such an eo nomic actor within the production sub·system-and. through this system of measuremenr, establish [he belief thaI "society" invests in this activity. The circularion of free capital is a spt'ifc protentional organizal'ion resting on a complex. fllible and corruptible system of phnrmakn. in which one fnds money. actions and obli· 80 Pbllnllncolog ofCpinl b>tions, various fnancial insrruments, raTings agencies, erc, 'Ihis capital. however, rends to become purely specu· Iative when it no longer measures a capital of confdence in the fUllIre of rhe assets of (he production appar.Hus­ in relation to which it constitutes, as a system of anticipations, capacidcs for invcslmcnt-but instead relies on operations which are eithcr purely self·refercn· tial (such thar rhe anricip;nions created by the lin:l ncial sub·sysler :lIlricip:te nothing bur itselF :Uld come at the expense of the production system), or else ;lrc oriented toward the producrion apparatus, but arc srrllcrurally shorr-term (that is, based on disinvestment, that is, on me ping� of me production apparatus), Innovation, short-termism. and spemlation Let us now return to productive capital. A common objection r {he thesis of the tendenrial fll i n the proft rate is that the technical innovation lying at the heart of [he production apparatus enables the system ro ceaselessly stimulate its differentiation. with conStant capital [hereby conferring a competitive advantage upon rhe innovative entrepreneur. The quesrion of innovation, however, is nor only 8 1 POR A NEW CRI TI QUE a man�r or conc�ption and production as entrepre· neurs tran�J�r technological invenrions and scientifc discoveries OntO their businesses: innovation is also and before anything else the locinliztiol of innova­ tion-thai is, the transrormation of sodcry. Now, in the tw�micth century this tr:nsformarion operated through the organization of consumption, that is, through the implementation of appar:\ruses for sociery's adaptation to rcchno·industrial change, bur not as the ndoption of innovation by sodcry. l r would be :1 ratrcr of adoprion if technerindus· trial change was co·produced by sodery itself. Bur the organizarion of consumption presupposes, on the contrary. dlal the becoming of social Istnm must Jlme· furall !bmit to the becoming of the (OlOmie SJm. something enabled by granring rhe latter fll control over technological becoming, that is, over rhe tehnicnl sysrtm  rhis submission being obtained by capturing and harnessing die anention of consumers, by divering their libidinal energy toward objects of innovation. and by controlling th�ir behavior via marketing. Now. such harnessing of libidinal energy leads to its destruction: it submits to calculation that which, as object of desire, is only constituted through becoming infniti7ed, that is, through surpassing all calculation. This destruction of desire leads to a drive·bascd 82 ího¬no�o|c ¿ ojCì]iotl Mfrustration," forming a system with what. in rwcmieth-cenrury consumerist socicl), conditions the sa absorption of innovation describcd by Schumptter as Meconomic evolmioll," leading to the installation of a systcm (ending ro produce chtunicandttrucrt:~lobmk- nn t. a system for which the t:o¬ta|rdation to objeclS becomes dit]o:«bi/ig¨ And if fnancialiZtion consti· nne an aspect of that system, then both businesses (as constant capital) and workers (as variable capit;dl become as structurally disposable a any other obi('t of consumption. Consumption becomes, therefure, both an expedient and an outler-aplllmll,oll-aggrav:ning frustration by displacing it on a very shorNerm basis toward the newest object of consumption produced by this "permanent i nnovation." Novdry is thus systematically valorized at the expense of durabilil)'. and this o Q :ìtìituotto  o h mem, rhm ' u, o[un[irhj|nc or ittque|iq'" (equally called Rexibiliry),11 conuibures to rhe decomposition of the libidinal economy, to the spread of drive-based behaviors and to the liquidation of social systems. At the foundation of this systemic organization of inNrwhich is concretely cxprCSsed as much by the liquidation of primary identific3rion12 and the modification of infantile synaptogcncsislJ as by (hose shorl-circuits induced in sociery Ihat I have described 83 FOR A NEW CRI TI QUE a "dissoci:Hion"'1-the SYSI!ms of amicipation of free capital and 1  hyprlabile behavior of consumers act in harmony and are "potcn!izd" [polltialismt), in the �nse that cmbining drugs can pOUlti u IpormtabJ"1 !heir curative bUI also their roxic efects (a when, for insmnce. alcohol is combined wilh psychotrops or an Ii-i n Aamma rories). Amicipations of fflO capil'l and consumer behav­ ior therefore become correlatively and J)sumira/I siJort-unllist, sprCIIlalil alld d,i"r-bmrd. Economy ofprottntio1 Fictitious capiral is a system of annclpacions and gamble wii(i (an Dill makr jtlmt about ilmiol, (har is, speculations and calculations abour nnure pos­ sibilities wiki may /lrver br rrali ud. It is this system of projection of prolemions which, a the orgazation of risk-raking (more or less limited). gives the capitalist system irs dynamic: capiralism presuppose the existence of free Clpittl o�n 10 speculation understood in this sense. The "advance" on realiry mar produces these antici­ pations, however, such that Ihey arc structurally exposed (0 speculation, mUSI proceed before anything else fom 84 Pharacolog ofCpilI! a motilmiof, itself inscribed within an «onomy ofmoti­ tJnliolU. which is as an economy of fntasy: such an economy is what produce protean libidinal energ or, 10 express it in more precisely psychoanalytical terms, polymorphous libidinal energ. 11is polymorphism must be unifed by whar Max Weber called a spirit: it presupposes an investment in a libidinal economy which in some way confers lIpon it irs symbolic calibr:nioll. and irs conStitution wilhin a synem of exchange forming a polymorphous social commerce. Such are the questions pervading 'Jt N�l Spirit of Ctlpill!iJm, in which Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello refcr to both Max Weber and Alben Hirschman in order ro show that: sYfemic constraints [which ar eercisd on all the actors wilhin the cpitalist system) are insufciem on [heir own 10 dicil thcir enggcmcnl. Du  kOIl"ai1llt) must be internaliud and justifed.15 In other words, it presupposes that a libidinal economy keeps in rescrve an rchangMbl Ibidil1al tl1lr, which bestows consiStency on rhe "advance" that the syslem makes upon itself, and a irs dynamic, throughoUl the various forms of motivation rhat it dicits. 85 FOR I NEW CRITIQUE In fh� libidinal economy, ,he ":dvanc�" -th� pro· fentional structure of this economyl6-is constitlL[ed by desir�, and such desire is structurally infnite. thai is, incalculabl�. to th� extent rha! it tends (0 Kinfnilizc" its objectS: [h� libidinal economy is the economy of this infniri2ation and as such constitutes a system of intrin­ sically long-term care . Conversely. the destruction of this advance founded on desire. thai is. on symbolic capilal-a destruction induced by the "lniIi7..tion" of its objects. and as the organization of their ilHrinsic disposabiliry. including workers and businesses-demoys motivation itself in "I irs forms. It thus becomes an advance based on the drives. But given rhal [he drives are by nature shofermin. chis leads to disinvestment, thaI is, to the destruction of proltability understood as bmtr it leads f the demuclion of profllability understood as th� consolida· lion of the dynamism and durability of the system, as thac which dothe sysrem god fe qli ril du bien It  .Jlhm·J. 86 PlmmulColog O/Cllpill/ Consumrrist ctlpital and f nny mon r {monnaie de singe} th� math�mattion ofcartksntSI The tendemial fll in the rate of profit which haunted the producrivisl system characteristic of the nineteenth cemury and of European indusrriali7.tion (and which provoked severn I crises) was absorbed at the begin. ning of the rwentieth cemury. in North America. by a counter-tendency obtained through the consurerist organization of rhe libidinal economy: by the estab­ lishment of a system of pron:mions dircred by capiml from the side of consumptiun in functional ,lI1d direct relation to free cltpital invested and "prorcmionalizc:J" in this sense. The implememation of the consumerist society was [he principal response [hat rhe American economy found (0 this systemic tendency-and this form of capitalism therefore cannot be (hought with Marist conceptS alone. Ir was wirhin this emerging context. as the praduc­ tivist industrial model became consumerisr. that in 1913 Schumpcler wrote his evolutionary rheory of the capitalist economy. Ford then constilU( the perfect example of this ideal-type that Schumpctcr calls the elHrepreneur (Weber having himself supplied a frst version of this idcal·type through rhe fgure of the enrre­ preneur of Pennsylvania).17 Blit Fordist entrepreneurial 87 FOR A NEW CRI TI QUE innovation. bU on Taylorism. pmupposcs the organization of mass consumption-the harnessing and aploirnion of libidinal enerr in the service of constant behavioral control. II is for this reason that this form of cpitalism requires the mobilization of Freudian concepts. This consumerist coulHeNendency-invenred as a way of struggling against the rendemial Fall in the ratc of proft. and implemented via a function of the system of which Marx was unaware, rhat is. marketing, and which led to the reorganiz  1tion of fcririous capital and to the F.CI that the m:lOner of controlling produc­ tion shifts from entrepreneurial control to shareholer management-this counter-tendency in tur become bearish toward the end of the lWemieth cemury, and does so at the ver moment that buying power diminishes. everywhere sening up a massive process of pauperizarion. reconstituting the characteristic traits of the nineteenth cemury. Having detroyed the libidinal economy upon which it was founded. the consumerist coumer-tendency then systemically aggravates the roxicity of fnancial phar­ macolog. that is. rhe tendency. itself drive-based and shorr-rermist, of fictitiolls capilal, accentuating pau­ peritation in all layers of the population as well as undermining the apparatus of production, which is 88 Phamlolo olCnpiral pillaged via leverged buyouts and other speculative t:chniquc directed specifclly against busine . The Struggle against the tendendal fll in the rate or proft thus induces a tendential fall in libidinal energ. which reinrorca the speculative tendency of capital. that is. its disinvestmCIlI, thereby undermining profil. The enormous accumulation of capital tends there­ fore to be transformed into funny money [moll1l1lie dr sillgel-and rhe pension fnd system appears for what it is: one pole or a system, called fictitious capital, sllch that, having mttiJm/(uiud it pham/tcologiCII ttlldruf 10 cnrelrsSm, its other pole is constituu.:d by deceptions (ll"url dtlibtmttdy organizing the dilmion of respon­ sibility, deceptions with names such as "subprime," "sccuriti1adon," "Bernard Madof," erc. 7� Ihort-t�rmilt mlo-tmdm c If me way in which Marx calculated the nne of profit filed to rake rhe sptive tendency in which fcti­ tious capital essentially consistS fully imo aCCQum. this only serves to show, precisely that the capitalist invesr­ menr system is subject, as a dynamic synem. tithtr to a bearish tendency, or (0 a speculative funcrioning which necessarily becomes destructive and flse. 89 fOR A NEW CRI TI QUE Schumpcter COlllradicu thiS perspcctive by showing how innovation fmcHonnl/ arHmbms prodllcriv� Clpiral and fctitious capital-as risk capiul oriented to\vard "rl  chnological values," But Schum peter does not integr.u� th� quesdon of consumption a me har­ nessing of libidinal energ, nor th� bearish efecu that this hamming induces over rhis �nerg form essential to consumerist capitalism, nor the reinforcement of the tendeney toward shorHcrmist carelessness ,hat rhese effects inevitably provoke in fctidolls capital. In order to describe, then, the functioning of the appartus of production-such a it is mmored by a permanent innovation requiring an organization of consumption by me appararus of psychopower that marketing consdtutes. even if one retains from Ma Ih� separation of fctitiow from productive capital in his formulation of the calculation of p- we wowd need to: 1. add to his formula an innovation function and a consumption function. in order [0 descri� a appar:ltliS of producrion which, today. is no longer merly productivisl, but consumerist; 2. inregratc a rendential faU in libidinal energy. that is, a tendeney for the libido to decompose into its com­ ponent drives. 90 Phanacolo ofCapitl If, in addition, one admits: • that fctidous capital is essential to the syucm as it is the organization of calculable anticipacions; • that it is constituted by a structurally short�termist tendency. that is. by a tendency to carelessness which. in the consumerist industrial modd. forms a system with an incresing obsolescence of products and services. produced by a constant acceleration of the processes of innovation and technologi� cal transfer. and by a correlative aggressiveness of marketing; then it appears evident mat the consumerist modd has reached its limits because it accommodates a shor­ tnit mar-tmt. which in future c only lead to dosing the system of from any future. that is. to a blockage of me proc  of anridpation. whether enuepreneurial or fnancial, and to a generalized degra­ dation of social and psychk motivations. but equally of «onomie motivations. Given the existence of such a macro-tendency, the question become to know what the mt-Oluur­ tndnc might be. 91 fOR A NEW CRITIQUE Shartholtr capitalism a sstemic carelssness To quadons of durability and sust:inability, and of safeguarding the dynamic system that capiralism is as a system of motivations. must � added the problem of negative externalities: the crisis of 2008 coincides with the fulfllment of the predictions of the Meadows report and of Rene Passet. namely. that the consumer· ist industrial model is condemned to overshoot its own limits by destroying geological resources and geographi. cal and meteorological systems, all while provoking a demographic explosion. lhis destruction of physical systems is combined with the destruction of psychic and social systems, which are the conditions of production of a  libidinal energ­ that of producers as well as designers, investors and consumers. The proft rlU then tends very cenainly to fll, while the "proft" is only mainrained at high levels bu it has become inninsically speculative and care· le  ither throug ruinous instruments of fnancial pharmacology, or by frankly Mafa·esque operations. indeed ones that arc manifestly criminal and strictly ;)1' In this case. what is augmented is a proft that no longer �ars any rclation to the proft rare calculated by p, since c1phal, in (he fce of the eventual obsolescence 92 Phnm/lColog ofCnpitnl of innovation iuelf, and taking into account the essen­ tially drive-based character of consumption. tends [0 become structurally fctitious. that is. to be ded neither 10 c nor r v in the defnition which supportS the cal­ culation s/(c+v): it is this tendency which is concretely expressed in management bcoming shareholder­ based-of which the Forgean/EADS insider trading scandal revealed calamitous effects-and which installs a genuinely systemic carelessness. Economy ofexcessivmess [demesureJ lnd infnite mponsibilit However speculative this fctitious capital might be, it measures anticipations, making them relatively calcula­ ble. Prorenrions of psychosocial temporality. however. are not absolutely calculable, and always eceed rdative anticipations: they emerge from a libidinal economy that in6nici z irlf, [hat i s, an «01lomy ofacmiu­ nt that produces a psychosocial wil. otherwise called motivation. that is. thai produces motiv fr tx;uillg. otherwise called meaning. and which presupposes what Simondon names the transindividual-foundCd on a process of transindividuation in which prQ[cnrions are elaborated into the formarion of long circuits . I I 93 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE In other words, the prorenrion mat constitutes psy� chosocial temporality preupposes mat me a ption of an illf"iu mpo,uibilit will come c "back up" this temporality as a kind of (rt, where credit cnnot be reduced to trust [cuianul understoo as clculadon. ' 9 but presupposes 3 desire invested in an infnitizable object. At the origin of capitalism. it was the God of reformed monotheism who assumed the symbolic func� tion of this infnite responsibllil). as we arc informed by Weber. But what could take on the symbolic function of this infnite responsibilil)' when capitalism turns into a process of disenchantment. nihilism and the death of God? In what then will this relation co infnity consist, a rlation which spculation tends to dilute. and to liq� uidate (through which, however, it i s the system itself which becomes diluted-me mutualization of losses only allowing social and psychic systems to absorb this dilution by destroying them a little more. that is, by diluting themselves in order to preserve me fnancial sub�system within me cpiraJiS[ economic system, and always to the detriment of the producdon sub-system)?20 This infnite object is that of desire. What both Freud and Nietzsche gave us to think-and what they gave u to think as the play of tendencies-in the fnction� iog of what the Viennese analyst will call the psychic 94 Phanaclg o/Capital apparatus, is that me:psh� is intrinsically constirute: d by its rdation to infnity. 1his infnity is that objct of infnite:d�ire:which, ce n though it dos not exist (if is a fntasy), nevermdc consi st. Such consiste: nce alone allows a general cconomy to perpetuate, that is, to cceed speculative: fnirude-a fnitude which is encounte: rc when speculation, calcu­ lating and measuring anticipations, proves incrinsically careless because it has become the incarnation of a short-termist, thar is, drive-basc=. tendency. These are also the:stakc of general economy according to Georges Batille. From the: mome:nt thar American capitalism imple­ menu the "American way of lifc" as a new libidinal economy mrough me psychopower of marketing. it c only make:this infinity, which is infnite dir, fnaion by 6nitizing it, that is. by dcsrroying the: apparatus of production of libidinal ene  rg and of all sublimatory by-products. It can therefore only cause its dysfnction. Te  imple:me: nt2tion of t psychopower, however, which beiice at the se  time in the dotrine of sof po�r, will for a long time: contain its fnitizing effects through a public power theorized by Keynes and mate­ rialized by Rooscvdr. This public power, called the w/rt stat, will: 95 fOR A NEW CRI TI QUE • on the one hand. maintain. beneath psychopower. social and sublim:nor systems for the production of libidinal energy. in particular as educational systems: • on the other hand. limil the specula rive tendencies of fc[jdous capilal thar Ihis psychopower reinforces. through the roles of regulation and adjustment assumed by the public power when faced with the effects of dis.djustmems engendered by the incess.m muradons of the industrial technical system, which destabilizes olher social systems. To say this another way, the welfare state is not merely a avatar ofbiopower: added (0 it is rhe question of psy� chopower. This is me characler of the stare in the e  poch of what Adoro and Horkheimer wiU caJl the culmre industry-and in the epoch when these indusuies, vectors of the American way of life:. lin to fght over the:k of social change. 7� "comtrVativ� rtvo/ution" I subordination of th� uchnical ssu to tht lCOnomic sstroz Thre crucial points must here be e: mphasiz:: 1. Before marketing and fcritious capital took coorrol of indusrrial becoming and before the mass media 96 Phnnnncolog o/Capital bee thoroughly drive-based. that is. at rhe begin­ ning of the 1970s, the proft rate of businesses bonomed out-an economic faCt which meant that at (har rime it w difcult to argue that the ten­ dential fll i n the me of proft was an absurd proposition. 2. It was in order to reverse this situation. installed throughout the Wester world by Keynesi:mism, that the "conservative revolution" was implemented by Margaret Thatcher in England from 1979 and by Ronald Reagan in North America fwm 1 9BO-thc system based all the Btetton Woods agreement having been abandoned in 1 971 , the American appa­ ratus of production having drastically regressed JUSt as had occurred to the former British empire. and the "conservative revolurion" aiming to "fnancial­ ize" and ro globalize Western capitalism. in order [0 ensure that it cominued to direct the course of globali zation (a strategy which w a lamentable failure). 3. This clling into question of the stare-which (Oak the form of denouncing rhe welfre state on the grounds it destroys individual responsihiliry. and hence that government had become "the problem and not the solution" (to paraphrase Reagan)-had the goal of making it possible forcapital TO complc£c1y 97 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE direct (via the intermediary of psychopower imple­ mented through marketing) the course of what Bertrand Gille called {he di sadjustmem berween the technical system and the Q[her human systems, a role which from the beginning of the industrial revolu­ tion right up until that moment had belonged to government. In other words. afer the "conservative revolution," the becoming of the technicl system in the course of globali7.tion (leading to a process of economic globalization which afer 1989 no longer fc any obstacles)-constitu[cd by the infastructure of production. the orgtion of consumption (via psy­ chotechnologies), and the objects and services of this consumption itself (a of which are themselves i ndus­ trialized and technicized)-the becoming of this gbbal ttchnical sysum tends to become totall inttgattd into the uonomic su and submirud to it priorities a UNU a t its contadictions. In addilion, the economic system is hencefonh almost complelely directed by the fnancial sub-system, itself globalized, and t fnancial sub-system, in (urn, is itself structurally de-correlated from the production sub-system. 98 Phlrmacolog olGlpicli Technical system, social systems, and marketing From the Napoleonic state until various forms of Keynesianism, and passing through Gaullism, one func� tion of the state has been [0 ensure the direction and regulation of the disadjustment provoked by ever�more rapid evolutions of the technical system, and to imple­ ment processes of readjustment a they become necessary. Bertrand Gille wrote in 1978-one year before Thatcher came to power-that, failing such regulation, which constitutes a policy of industrial development, social systems could only fnd themselves annihilated by a chaotic becoming of this development.21 The technical system i a dynamic system i which there takes place what Simondon describes a a process of individuation. Gille shows that in the course of this individuation, the technical system enters regularly into conRict with the "other social systems" -which are themselves processes of collective individuation, and which presuppose processes of psychic individuation. and what Freud called psychic apparatuses. This means that it is possible for the individuation of the technical system to proceed in a way that is con� trary to the individuation of social systems and psychic apparatuses. This contrariness, however, IUO constitutes the dynamic of the technical. social and psychic 99 FOR A I"EW CRITIQUE individuation processes. (hat is, the pharmacological condidoll of their individuation: Simondon shows that individuation, qua process. presupposes the phase differ· ences [dpbmagr) which precisely induce thee diferent dynamic o£individuation, and vice versa. On the other hand, processe of pschic alld social illdi'Jit/afioll are nOf in any case Idaptffiolls of the social systems and psychic apparatuses to the becoming of Ihe technical sysrem: they are proesses of adoptiol. that is, of co-ildivilllrio1, in which social systems and psychic apparatuses produce and individuate {he tcch­ nical system as much as they parTicipate in their own resp«rive individuadons-and do so i n a way (hat is transductivdy interlinked. Gille argues that the st3[e muSt assume rhe regulation of (inevitable and necesary) conficts in order [Q avoid te destruction of these systems: the state regulate by determining the parameters of (he technical system and [he corrdative evolution of the social systems through negotiation, forecasting, and planning, that is, through the long.term organization of technologicl and indus· trial becoming; it must equally ensure {he possibility of research independent of private invesrmenr, which is Short-u.rmist when compared with intergenerational social time. Such policies arc therapcmic which defne regimes 100 Phanacolog ofCapital of individuation based on long circuits of rransindi· viduadon. and which prescribe conditions in which technological and industrial pharmacology produces individuation more than it docs disindividuation. Now, an essential aspect of the ideological war led by the neoliberals of the conservative revollUion w;\s the condemnation of govermenml industrial ;nd long-term policy and the corresponding accusa· tion that governments inevitably promote inefcielll models of economic adminisnmion-even though the United St:w:s military continues to determine the direction of rhe industrial policies of the American stare. "Ibis eventually evolved i nto the accusation that a/ social Structures rh.l produce long circuits of rransindividuation are guilty of curbing the mod· ernizarion made possible by the development of the technicl system. When Thatcher and Reagan initiated deregulation, dismantling and eventually liquidating all srate appara· ruses, their gamble was thar these adjustment processes could be entrusted l the operation of the market alone. thar is, [0 marketing. which then exploits wirholll limit the psychotechnologies constituting rhe mcdi:l infrastructure-and does so at rhe service of a bchav. loral control which is ;'narcotic." that is. which is anaesthetizing and which produces addiction. 101 fOR A NEW CRITIQUE Confunding the technical and economic sstems a a principal fetor ofcarelessness This unlimiud exploitation leads to the slow but inex· orable liquidation of [he apparatus of prOlctioll of libidinal mag. an apparanu frm(d byconjoining psychic apparafusN and soci al sys so a to produC( Slb/i"  ion ssums (and which concretize individuation insofr as i t is always at once psychic and collective). In the aurumn of 2008. this unlimited exploitation will tur OUt to have installed a genuinely plnunry car(/mnm. The confl/nding of th( t(c J mica/ and economic sysums is a catastrophe which inevitably leads these tO systems. which arc thoroughly pharmacological. to potentize and exacerbate teir toxic. emropic and self-detructive tendencies-for four resons: I . The subordination of the technical to the economic system, itsef dominated by the highly speculative and short-termist fnancial sub-system. reinforces me destructive efects of innovation and of the accd· eration of innovation for the other social systems: te technical system incessamly disadjusrs from the social syS(ems. Ad it tends to bury. suppres, and delay the efects of [his disadjustmem by substituting for these social systems technical processes amouoc- 102 Pharacolog ofCapit! ing (Q services which shor·circuir rhat process of uansindividuation of which these social systems are the organization-the absence of regulation leading in the end to the desrruction of temporaliries (long circuits) which are nor immediately "monetizable, � that is, cpable of being absorbed by a consumer market. 2. The extremely rapid and violent penetration of tech· nology in the diferent social systems (family systems. education systems. political systems, judicial systems. li nguistiC systems. etc.) leads t generalized prole. rarianiztion: technological innovation is imposed rhrough marketing a a process of adaptation of psychic and social individuals. and nOf appropriated a a vec(Qr of individuation and process of adoption defning a therpeutic regime, that is, 14voir·vivrr (lhrrapruml1 and � imr!rj4 a techniques of sef and others). This is why it no longer allows the creation of circuits of transindividuation and on the contrary sers a irs principle the shorc·circuiring of the transin· dividuation process-which amounts fO a principle of ! lumic c  lmr. 3. lne shorHlrmist pressure exerted by fctitious capital and shareholder managlment over the development of a technical system entirely subordinated to chI economy and therefore to the market, and for which 103 FOR " NEW CRITIQUE the only developmental possibilities that come to be selected are those enabling the Ir mpid comtitl­ liol ofsolvmci�s-thcrcby dosing of all possibilities for social invCtment in the phnrmnkol, both in the long (erm and as therapeuric implementation of irs socialization-this pressure of the economic system on the technical system leads to a systemically careless development oftbt fcmiel ssttm its�1 4. 1he geogrnphical, biological, demographic and psy­ chic systems fnd themselves disadjusred, leading to their disequilibrium, rather than TO benefcial disrup­ tions (that is, to disruptions that would be efectively ncgenrropic. disruptions capable of leading to rhe production of lt mttambililia, such a would occur if the phnnnnkol were implemented therapeutically). T. collp" of the ssum of motvations Human becoming is lhe resuh of a threefold process of individuation for which the technical system. social systems and psychic apparatuses are the meta­ stable configurations engendering proCesSC5 of technical. collective and psychic individuation. Te three individ­ uation processC5 arc inseparable: they form rransducrivc relations.22 104 Phllnnlcol o/Cpill l These transductive relations tie rogether three orga­ nological levels which must be distinguished. and which have their own logic and their own tendencies. bur which can nor be considered in isolation from one another: • The psychic appar:ulIs is bast- on a system of psycho­ som:ltic organs; • The technical system connects artificial organs which become the phrtllllka of the psychosomatic body. connecting it to Q(her bodies at the heart of social systems; • Social systems are [he organi7  tions through which the rransindividual merastabililcs and unifies the therapeutic regimes which constitute social blend­ ing [irt-c01.] through me collective individuation process. That the technical system is in transductive relation with the social systems means that it cannOt be devel­ oped without a human milieu in relation to which it is exogenous. a milieu formed OUt of psychic and collective individuals cultivating thtir silgllritit' b cullilllling cOlistt'  ct'. thlt is, ohjtcl.J which d not t'it, bt whih art infllil�and which. a such. permit the unifcation at infnity (infnitely to come) of systems and individuals. 105 fOR A NEW CRI TI QUE That the psychic apparatus is i n transductive rdation with the technicl syst:m means mat psychic appa­ ratuses cannot socialiu: without passing through the phlnnlli constitutive of thc technical system-which is also a syncm of tertiary retentions,l and which thus supports individual and collective protentions (and [he formation of credit), These pbnrila permit the forma­ rion of both long and short transindividuation circuits. Reciprocally, social synems, a proccsses of collective individuation, thar is, as evolving systems. cannot pr­ petuate themselves whhout adopting pIarma/a through the psychic individuals who transindividuare themsdves at the hearr of these social systems, pll  rmnkn which as such disrupt the organiutions i n which these systems cons in: each organological level being individuated in transductive rdation to thc individuadon of the other systems. In the rwentierh cenrury, howevcr. the economic system having taken a step beyond a the othcr systcms, and being charged with the rask of unifying them b fniti zing tm, that is. submitting them to a prO of generalized "monetization"-and the financial sub­ system having taken a step beyond [he production sub-system at {he heart of the economic systcm itself-it is infnitivt (mutmu (thc law of desire), constituting the condition of any genuine co-individuation of the lOG Pbannacolg o/Capital thref organological levels, which fnds itself destroyed. Now. there c be no suJlaillabk (that is, care-fl [mriLtU prttntion without infnitive consistency. Tis resuJrs in both the squeezing of a  aticipations imo an ultra-shorHerm horiron of specula£ion, and (he collapse of the system of motivations. Speculation, very far from producing a new dynamic. on the comrary fossilizes dme: it freezes it into a waU of time where past and future cancel each other OUt, and where all forms of invcstmenr disintegrate. Te ulna-short-term tendency of completely deregulated fctitious capital, which systemically shorr-circuits the process of rransin­ dividuation, thereby causes fctitious capital to become totalized and extremist. This tendency is, then. intrinsi­ cally self-destructive ad a such anihilates rime-time, of which the law is deJire, hr a it pmnit fht reali­ zHon (through Jublmation) ofmotilm ofimagination (oHibilitit). Sucb a situation of carelesne  which c only lead to the entropic disintegration of the three orga­ nological levels. while at the same time destroying the trrt-organologicl systems {geographical, climatologi­ cal, geological. and biological systems)-is induced by a consumerist model which, having reached its limits through (he spread of dissociated milieus,24 that is, pro­ letarianiled milieus, becomes self-destructive, insofar as 107 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE what it destroys is not merely the deire of consumers but also [heir health. Te reinvemion of the industrial economy presup­ poses the reconstitution of a libidinal economy withom which there can be no investmem, and this means that llW apparfllJt!l ofproduction of/ib;dila/ m�w mlJt b� cOllui/�d and imtitltud-beC3USC JUcb appardttlJts Irt tltcfari/y i1lJtil ti01lJ: hcncc the ecclesiastical institution and irs care-ful [cllri�/l.\j inhabiram, the curCi hence rhe school and its master, thc [cacher [hlItihlullrj. To rcol1omiu at/tw, that is. to Jtrug'� agaimt tht car�­ ms tmdc inherent to that piarmakol1 thar is capiral. and dUf to ftk� er� ofth� world, can clearly no longer pass by way of "scimulating consumption." But neither can it pass by way of a "decrease in growth" ["dicr­ oisslnul Rather, a pathway to gmuint growth must be refound, a growth running counter t the mis-growth [microhsl11Ct] rhat consumerism has become,25 and a growth which would consist in a renaissance of desire. Such a rebinh would be achieved by implementing a economy of contribution, an economy for which "to uOl1omiu" means 'to mkt rr,"26 and an economy within which carc culrivates associated milicus.!7 108 Pbll'ntcolo ofCllpitll Pharmacolog oftechnical tendences In the course ofhis ethnographic research, and by com­ paring ethnic groups, Andre Leroi-Gourhan created the concept of what he called "(eelmical telldtllcit." Technical tendencies emerge from char "interior milieu" which the "echnic group" constitures. Technical tenden­ cies emerging from the ethnic group are projected in the form of technical objects, the torality of which con­ stitute a "memhmne" (or a "flm" ) through which rhe erhnic group takes hold of its exterior milieu, which it rhus assimilates via irs technical objects. Leroi-Gourhan's analysis is greatly inspired both by Henri Bergson, as Leroi-Gourhan expliddy acknowl­ edges with his references to che theory of "life force," and by Claude Bernad, who makes use of the concepts of interior milieu, exterior milieu, a well as of mem­ brane and cell. in order to describe the "metabolic" functions of sodo-ethnic groups, Now. the interior milieu in which technical tendencies aTe formed is at the same time the sear of counter­ tendencies limiting their concrete expression. The inte­ rior milieu "secretes" these tendencies, bur it a/Jo secretes something simil ar to a (auto-)immune system in order to struggle against the tx efects that these tendencies may ar rimes provoke within the interior milieu. 109 POR A NEW CRITIQUE This is in efect constituted through a technical milieu which suppons it, which is its condition. and which is its double (in the double sense of the word. if I may put it like this): the technical milieu (equivalent to what Berrand Gille clled the technical system), harbored by the interior milieu, and supponing it. also does not cease to exceed it and to threaten it with destruction. as though it were a parasite that also happens to be the condition of possibility (and of impossibility) of that upon which it is parasiticl. In brief. it is a matter of a pharmacological milieu. bering tendencies which are curative as well as poisonous. This is why. within the interior milieu, a technical tendency. though it has its provenance in this milieu, is never completely expressed wirhin that milieu: a technicl tendency is omy relized through technical fcts which are a compromi se between technical char· acterisrics, emerging from the tendency. and ethnic characteristics that Leroi·Grouhan describes as degrees of technical fact18 limiting this tendency-degrees of which the tm is the pure rendency. but which is therefore covered over by other degrees which mask it, limiting its expression, indeed returning the technidty of the tendency against its own expression. In certain regards. there is a manifest comem (which is the tech­ nical fct) and a latent content (which is the technicl 1 1 0 P"nnllncolo� ofCapital tendency)-the manifest comenr expressing fie larenr content only by dissimulating it, tfrritlg (dirnntJ it, and dltiating [dirtnciiltltl itself from it. Such is the case because the interiot milieu (which constitutes the ethnic group) harbors within the tech­ nical milieu 3 social sub-group (the technical group), bearer of the tendency, which is distinguished fom other social groups, themselves bearers of coumer­ tendencies emerging fom other social systems. A social coumer-tendency consists in causing the technical ten­ dency to "diffract," to defect, and even to reverse irs direction. in order t ensure that the technical ten­ dency docs nor destroy those systems constituting (he interior milieu, which would be inevitable were it fa be expressed without any limitation whatsoever. The tendency which bes the technical group is therefore concretely expressed a a technical fct in the encoun­ rer wit other social groups which rake hold of this tendency in causing it to bifurcate. This defection. this difraction, and the bifurcations which are produced by it, and which arc specifc forms of what Derrida described as diranr� (which is also an economy)29 constitutes the reality of the process of co-individuation of the technical sysrem with the social sysremd. through them, the individuation of the psychic systems mar anticipate them and realize them 1 1 1 FOR A NEW CRI TIQUE jusr as much as {hey are submirted ro rhem and fnd themselves conditioned by rhem. In contrast with these conserv;nive reactions of the interior milieu. however. the technical group, which tends ro facilit:ue the expression of the technical ten� dency. is a step ahead when compared to the ethnic group. insof1T as it is extremely aware of dements of the exterior milieu th:1 we must I . . . J understand fr of all a a natur.] milieu, which is inert. composed of smnes. wind, trees. and animals. but also as rhe bearer of the objecrs and the ideas of diRerenl human grou p s.30 The technical group is. then, what causes the passing into action (or the transgression [tl i I;cun of the technical rendency (which is nothing other than a poremial), via the intermediary of objects and ideas coming from the exterior milku, that technicians assim� ilate, and through which they take a step ahead of the interior milieu. Te interior group is. however. led to itself assimilate rhis technical milieu in order to b able to assimilate that which. in irs exterior milieu, has changed, something Leroi-Gourhan demonsrr:les with his example of the snowshoe. adopted by the A�:lskan Inuit because their climate was becoming frozen: every� 1 1 2 Pbarmacolo g a/Ca p itaL thing here is a maner of arrangements between dynamic systems. The economy ofcontribution as the overturing {renversemenr} ofthe bearish macro-tendenc The technical tendencies proper to human groupsJl defne the human as such, and threaten [he human as such: they threaten the cohesive factors unifYing the group. Technical tendencies originate from the ethnic group itself. Leroi-Gourhan's "technical milieu" may be a step ahead when compared with the interior milieu, yet it is so, if one can put it like this, from our of this interior and, i n some way, by hollwing alit this interior. In Gille's account, on the other hand, the technical system and its dynamic seem to become exteriorized, t detach from the interior milieu, and to dc-correlate from the social systems: this is what Gille describes a disadjustment. The societies of which Gille speaks arc no longer ethnic and tribal groups: they are much larger social groups (empires, politically and economically organ­ ized and hierarchi7.d cities, churches, nations, etc.), the social srructures of which are profoundly distant from those of ethnic groups, a well as being divided and 1 1 3 FOR A NEW CRITI QUE differentiated into sulrgroups. social classes, economic sectors, etc. In these hierarchical societies, social groups are in a reladon to other social groups with which they form a uniey (imperial, political, religious. national, etc.). as if these "ethnic cells" have integrated to form a superior body constituting a new interior milieu. Furthermore, such hierarchical societies maintain commercial and mil­ itary relations with one another, leading to an exterior milieu that is more and more strongly "anthropited." that is, technlcizcd: a milieu of exchanges and of"exter­ nal commerce," through which inrernationa law c form, which is $Ometimes an economic site, and at other times a site of war. Disadjustment i manifested in the spatial difer­ entiation which urbanization induces. But it has only become a perceptible and constant factor of the social dynamic since the time of the industrial revolution. The technical system then tends to blanket and absorb the social systems, frst of all by inscribing stlloir.jirt inro machines (by grammarizing knowledge), rhen by shott­ circuiting Stooir-v;vu via the apparatus supporting the service industries (in the consumerist epoch), contem­ porary reticulated society grammacizing social relations themselves via sodtl mginttring. There have always been, in all preceding periods of 1 14 Pbamac% D OfCapitaL human sociery, proc�ses de-correlating the technical sYSle'm from the social systems, and the technical milieu has always exceeded the interior milieu-something the Greeks characterized as a form of hubri s. But for the past ten thousand years of sedentary life and urbanized civilization, such proc  which disrupt the social system and the overall collective individuation proc�, and which are provoked by "leaps" in the individuation of the technical systcm-always constituted exceptional episodes. Disadjustmenr becomes chronic from the time of the industrial revolution. And this becomes even more the c at the beginning of the rwentierh cemur, when industry, struggling against the tedrtial decline in the rate of proft, systematcally org a form of perma­ nent innovation which prCupposes the development of a consumerist sociery. and which depends upon the systematic and continual transformation of ways of life. From that poim, not only dos rhe technicl system no longer seem to b secreted by the ethnic group-a situation which began from the moment the ethnic "ceU" became integrated with other, similar "ceUs­ in order to form a more complex social body-but it seems as though the technical system, in fact, escapes to a new interior milieu within this complex body. Such is the process of d  at;�n, a proces through which 1 1 5 FOR A NEW CRI TIQUE social systems cease [0 appropriate the technical ten· dency by defecting it and individuating it. but rather in which the social systems themselves are shorr-circuited and literally dis-integrated via the technicizarion of rhe social. Within this process. rhe economic system toO is de­ correlated from the other social systems. both through fnancialization and by taking control of the technical system, which rhus becomes the vcctor of dererritoriali­ z.rion. 'fhe technical tendencies no longer proceed from out of rhe interior milieu, and arc no longer secreted by it, to the extent that thrr� 110 101g�r is I  illf�rior milm: the technical milieu. pa.�sing into the control of a techni­ cal system itself largely deterriroria  and globalized. leads to tbe pure and simple dilution of the inrerior miieu, as if ir had been parasitized-and poisoned. This amounrs, then. ro the attaining of a Iimir­ because the dilution of interior milieus is also the disintegration of psychic apparatuses. as well a rhe total exhaustion of libidinal energ and of capacities for investment, antiCipation. and will. According to the principles of general organology, a technical milieu stripped of the interior milieu is a process of technical individuation Stripped of the process of psychosocial individuation, and is hence a process which inevitably becomes entropic, given rh:1I it has destroyed its energ 1 1 6 Pharmacolog ofCnpir! base-libidinal energ, which is a necessary condition for every kind of protention-and given that technical tendencies are actualized in technical fcts which are the material expression of these ten de ncies. Having reached this stage. the tendential decline in the rate of proft. and its consumerist and speculative counter-tendency, together engender a bearish macro­ tendency which eventually becomes unsustainable: such is our lot. In order to overtllrn tbis tendenC. it is essential [cnpitn� to reconstitute a process of individuation of the technical milieu through the individuation of a new type of interior milieu (constituted by "multitudes" of "cells") via investment in the relational technologies chaacteristic of reticulated societics. The therapeutic program of this pharmacology, which rests on the formation of new associated milieus. is the economy of contribution.32 Organolog oftendencies and oftheir tramdttctive arrangements Tere are tendencies and counter-tendencies proper to each of the three organological levels, but these arrange and tie together the transduccive relarions between the three levels: 1 1 7 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE • At the psychosomatic level, drive-based and sublima­ tr tendencies and coumer-tendencies play out, the compromise between which constitutes a libidinal economy--xpressed concretely in the course of time through psychic confgurations which are each time specifc-by arranging pharmacological possibilities and through being projected across phnnnakl on the social plane, where psychic individuation equally becomes collective individuation and the formation of a circuit of cransindividuarion; • At the technical and pharmacological level, techni­ cal tendencies play our, which are only expressed concretely as technical facts encountering counrer­ tendencies elicited by orer social systems, which thus cross, animate. structure and individuate the techni­ cal system itself-an encounter which always takes place through psychic individuals inscribing their psychic individuation within collccrive individuation; • At the social level, which is that of organizations and institudons of collective individuation, tenden­ cie merasrabilizing roward synchronization (where synchronization is the condition of uniey of the social level in its totality) play both with and against diachronizing tendencies, which incessandy jostle against these Structures which are metastabilized through collecrive individuation-under the impetus 1 1 8 Phllmlcolog of Cipitil of psychic individuals themselves individuated and diachronically singularized through their relation [0 pblrmllkl (and to technical tendencies), wherever therapeutic spaces deriving from the social level make rhis possible. It i s through these arrangements of multilayered ten­ dencies that transindividuarion processes are woven. Each of (he social systems is itself constituted by specifc tendencies which instantiate the dynamics of synchro­ nization and diachronizacion, and which form irs own circuits of rransincividuarion. Nevertheless, with each new stage of grammari­ zarion, new synchronization processes, that i, new regimes of mera5cabilizacion, are enabled. Bur begin­ ning with that grammatization process which enabled the discretization of corporeal Rows, i turn enabling their calculation via machine tools and the appara­ tus of production, management and conception, and eventually via the psychorechnologies orchestrating con­ sumption (making it possible to calculate the fu of consciousness-"available brain-time"), the economic system rakes a step beyond a  the other social systems by taking control of the technical system itself-that is. by controlling which possibilities are selected from amongst all those constituting the protenrional felds 1 19 fOR I NEW CRITIQUE opened up by technical tendencies, and by imposing favorable technical fcts on fctitious capital, which is itself imposed on productive capital. Grammatization-that is. pharmacology-is never­ theless what also enables new proccsses of diachroniz- tion-thar is, of individuation. Faced with the bearish macro-tendency described in the preceding paragraphs. a macro-tendency amounting to a negative arrangement of tendencies issuing from the three organological levds, we must reacrivate an inherem ltlldmr IOllrd tkVI­ tion in human societies, and which was translated, at a cenain stage of grammati7.ation, and via the hypomnesic phfrmlkon, into the culture of consistences of the sklok and otium. T( tendenc to ekvation-"there ar( a lt of alteratives . For every stage of grammatization, societies institute therapeutic systems, sySlems of care, techniques of self and others. which constitute spirirualities and diverse noetic forms. from shamanistic modds to anistic models. passing through churches. medical therapies, schools. sports. philosophies. and every system of sub­ limarion. 120 PbnmlCO/og ofCnpitnl Tese systems, which are concrete expressions of the tendency t cultivate consistence  s. ne:e nheJess presup­ pose the apparatus of production of subsistences with which they compose, and through which is formed a negotium which, as commerce, is also a calculation about what does exist and what will exist. What composes together, then, is the otiltm of consistences, the l1rgoti/lm of subsistences and that which constitutes existences worthy of this name-through which a $(toir-vivre is formed that one can caU exisull(t. 1he economy of contribution is the stimulation of desire through the reconstitution of systems of care founded on contemporary phanllflm and constituting a new commerce of subsistences in the serice of a new e: stence. In the course of histor, human societies arran g e, combine, and economIze vanous tendencies and counter-tendencies which weave and metastabili ze the dynamic systems that are formed on the: three orga­ nological levels. These arrangemems are formed by porentizing [otlia/isfmj the tendencies and counter­ tendencies occurring at these three levels. The dynamic historical processes resulting from these arrangements are generated from Ollt of the limits of those which precede them, and they are subsequently transformed through the encounter with their own limits. We live at 1 2 1 FOR I NEW CRI TI QUE such a moment-to a very grave degree: to the degree that the very survival of humankind is 31 stake. Toward the end of [he twentieth century. the tendential fll in the rue of proft, counteracted by coumer-tendencies harnessing libidinal energ. in the end produced f conjunction ofrht drivt-bastd undmc of I}t pschir !sl fnd Iht sptmllhlt Imdmc of tht tconomic IJsum. Bur in the new pharmacological contexi created by digital ne(orks. f controT 1l"lllgt­ mmt clerly h«omes imaginable: one can imagine that tmdmdt! 10 inlstmml couJd be combined with mbi- 1nltoT undtncit!. These arrangements presuppose articulations between [he economic system and the psychic apparatus at both the organizational level and the psychosomatic level. T� anculations are translated at the level of the technical system by giving orientations co technical tendencies. and more precisely through the rypes of technical fCt which are then selected by the ecnomic system conjOined to the psychic system, technical fcts which concretely express technical tendencies: the technictl tendency that come to b expressed in a [echnical system is not a determination. no more than the tendenrial fll in the rate of proft determines the end of capitalism-and the technical reality is not the tendency. but the fct. On the other hand, the 122 Pharmacolog ofCpila/ tendency o�ns various possibilities. and that is why [0 {he TINA ideology, "therr is 110 a/urlalivt." one must oppose the TALOA argument. "thtu nrt lot! of nJativts ... Tendencies are potenrials lying within the imerior and rtom which possibilities can b selected: they open felds or protemional possibilities. Possibilities which are selected are then expressed concretdy as technical FJctS. but these are always oriented through social syStems. Soial systems. on the other hand. are themselves cur· rendy involved in a slruggle ror comro1 or collective individuation. Our epoch is characterized by the fCt that it is thc economic system dominated by fctitious capital that imposes a tcchnical system the evolutions of which it presents as ineluctable-an ineluctability supposedly extending to the liquidation not only of the state, but or all long circujts of transinrviduation, which was the very thing advocated by Thatcher and Reagan in the 19805. and still advocated by Sarkozy and Berlusconi in ,he 2000s. But in reality such arrange· menu are hisrorical. and perfectly contingenr-what is more, they are profoundly roxic. 123 FOR A NEW CRITI QUE From drivt-based nnptintss to the ovtrring of the tendnc The ultraliberal parameters of the rechnicaJ system which led to what proved to be the catastrophe of 2008 were directed solely by the short term. rhat is, by techni­ cal facts organized and produced through marketing-a marketing which denies that long-Icrm tendencies exist: nothing other than the marker can direcl becoming. we are informed by this "managerial dogmatism.")) and it is just too bad if this becoming [d!mirj turns out to no longer have any future [n!miTj. 'mose arguing for and explicidy demanding this denial of long-term existence, and finally of time itself (that is. of the indivicuafion of singularities, of existence), claim that it is not possible to predict the technical future, nor is it possible to bui ld any kind of political will or bring it into reality. But this devaluing of anticipation, which i n its own terms is comradictory to al forms of invest­ mem, rests on a confsion operating betw�n technical faCt and technical tendency. Leroi-Gourhan in effect shows that it is entirely pos­ sible to anticipate technical becoming. on the condition that we understand that becoming, oriented, encour­ aged and moved by technical tendencies, is �difacted" and deAecred into technical Sets which, in the short 1 24 Pharmacolog oJCnpif1 term, can seem perfectly dearly ro rorally contradict this tendency (jUSt as the current of a river, observed at a very reduced scale, can give the feeling of Rowing from e ro west whereas it is in fact Rowing from west ro east. because the observed pOTtion, being a whirlpool, engenders contrary currents). indeed to durably block it (an available technique can be utilized in order ro counteract the new technique of which the tendency is a bearer). Such apparent contradictions are possible because technical fCtS are compromises between technical tendencies and social systems, which arc themselves organizations resulting from tendencies and counter­ tendencies constituting Utem as metastable sysums.J4 The question then becomes r know how a public power can, without reducing all social systems ro the economic system (because this would be ro dissolve desire into pure calculability), create adjustments ena­ bling the Tetonsrruction of the long term, anticipation. investment, etc. The careless tendency substituting the marker for commerce is currently dominant, a tendency resulting from a toxic combination oftmdencirs and cotmur-ulun­ c�s at the mree organological levels. This roxic economy of regressive tendencies, implemented by consumerism exercising the psychopower of irs cultural hegemony 1 25 FOR A NEW CRI TIQUE through [he intermediary of psychotechnologies, i n this way connols the becoming of individual and collective behavior, a well as the dynamic processes of the (echni· cal system. From the resulting destruction of circuits of rransindividuation also resulu the dilution of those interior milieus constituting human groups. "I nternalizing" ,"imiriori Jrr") capitalism and its functioning. jf one still wishes to speak the language of Bohanski and Chiapello, presupposes that the interior milieu has not been completely dillllcd-filing which, there is no longer any interalization, bur only pure exte· riorization leading (0 a drive·based emptiness. Such are the systemically bearish conscquences--onsequcnccs which include me production of an immense systemic swpidiry3S-of the tendential fll in the rate of proft ad its consumeri st counteNendency. Te tendency to carelessnes is irreducible: tere is not, there never has �n and there never will be a para· dise on earth. This is why it is necessary to organize a economy of carelessness by cultivating systems of care which presuppose a pharmacologicl intelligence, con· cretely epressing in this way an an of living. weaving therapeutic multiples. Our epoch is, however. very sin· gular: unlike any other before it, it bt mod crrlmrss ino Ih UtI princi plr o/it orolli2lion. This is what can no longer be endur(.d. 126 Phanacolo g oCpital Such a the urgency and the challenge-global and unpr«edemed-w conduct a grand ovenurning of (cn­ dencies in the fce of generaJiud drive-based emptiness. Tht tconomy ofcontibution a a ntw r�/tion btlWttl tht uchnical rsttm and social rsttms Under the infuence of t«hnical tendencies. the bttom­ ing of the (<hnical system-in particular afer the advenr of industrialization. and through those very specifc t«hnical objects that are machines. chen appara­ tus-is traversed by 3 process of concretization which is rciud through the integration of functions. a pr<S through which several fnctons come to be founded on a single fnction. whc thus becomes plurifunctiona. Gilbcn Simondon analyza this process of b«om­ ing in particula in relation to heat engines: hi s frst example is rhe passage frm eternal combustion (the furnace), which moves the piston of [he stem engine, to the combustion produced in the interior of the cyl­ inder, where the piscon slides open due c the force of the explosion of a gas. a passage which occurs when the Lenoir engine replaces the steam engine in the series of heat engines.J6 Another case of functional integration appears with 127 FOR A NEW CRITIQUE what Simondon calls the techno-geographic milieu asso­ ciated with [he Fnctioning of a technical system. Simondon developed this theory in relation to the Guimbal turbine. for which he showed thai Ihe marine element is fnctionally intcgr:Hed inro the engine and thus becomes an associated techno-geographical milieu. Other forms of techno-geographical milieu exist. nor strictly associated wirh the technical system, hur adapted via a technique which forms an intermediary between it and the geographical milieu. and which as such forms a rechno-geographical milieu. Consider, for example. the comours of a stretch of land. worked upon and tcchnicized so that it can incorporate a rail network. and enabling a locomotive to be adapted to these COntours of land: i this situation, the network constirures a inter­ face berween the geographical system and the technical system. In 1990 Philippe Aigrin and myself put frward the idea that the software industry and irs digital nerworks will eventually cause associated techno-geographical milieus of a new kind to appear. enabling human geog­ raphy to interface with the technical system, to make it function and, especially, make it evolve, thanks t this interfacing:;7 collaborative technologies and free license software rest precisely on the valorization of such associated human milieus, which also constitute 128 Phalltc% g oJCapitL techno-geographical spaces for the formarion of positive externalities. Tis process is an inter-systemic macro-tendency formed at the interfce of the technical system and social systems, and operating a functional integration between them-hur where this integration is, however, not necessarily beneficial: it is highly ph:!rmacological, and hence, for example, social nelworks are clearly also connected to processes of auromated traceability, set into motion by actions and requests rhar network acrors mostly produce without even knowing ir, bur which confer ro those who obtain rhis informarion a new rype of power. Here, me interface between the technical system and social systems docs not operate via the economic system, but precisely through those socia systems which ae bearers of the knowledge (savoirs] which society holds. Such forms of knowledge and their valorization are the only possibilities we have for struggling against the pro­ duction of information without knowledge. Developing such forms of knowledge and valuing them economi­ ca  y will calise a new economic system to emerge from the hean of the social systems, and respecting these soci:1 systems mcans constituting an economy of contribution, contr the economy of carelessness. 129 NOTES For I Ne Critique of Politicl Eonomy Iml rtio" " I T� COnctpfl are dcvclo� in L T «Imiqut t It Ttll ps 3: Lt temps du rillima tt' qumion till mnl-frt (Paris: Galilee, 2001). A summary an be found in PIiIOop/�r pnrltrridtnl, with Elic Durng {Paris: Galil�c, 2004}, pp. 74ff. 2 L 7«hniqllt tt It Ts 3. Phannacolg ofll proltlarial 1 A podWt is available on the A Inawtrialis websire: http:// ww 2 http://ww .ecic-erisy.asso.frlaCiviremarchanae08.hunl 3 Christian Faurl, Alain Gifrd, Bernard Sricer, Pour m fnir II I  ",koiJll r. Que/uf propositiolls d'n buiustriaus (Paris: Flammarion, 2009). " In panicular Andr� Gon . 5 And ,his would b contnry [0 the Fma. inspired by incau­ tious rading of Hannah Arendt, ,hl sl 10 puriff "the politiar of anything «onomie. ( S� Jeremy Rifkin, 7 End ofWo"": tbt Dt/hl oftil Gbal lbor Fort (lI d fIN DnllJ oft/� Pou-M  Era (Ne York: Putnam Books, 1995). And Michel Rord. "Prcfee,� to Rifkin, L Fin dll travail, frans. P. Rouve (Paris: L D.couvcnc, 20(6). 130 Notu to png�s 2022 7 Dominique Meda, Lt Tmvnil. VII //tur Il voit d disprj­ ,iol (Paris: Aubier, 1995). 8 Andn; Gon, Mitalnorp/osr dll tra/il. Critiqllt dt II misoll kOllo"iqut (Paris: Calma. 2004). In English. Criliqlt/ of&olomir Rtion. trns. C. Tum�r :nd C. H:ndysidt (Lndon: Ve. 1989). 9 Anronella Corsani and Mauririo L  o. Intr"irrnllJ " pmairt (Paris: Ams[erdam. 2008). 1 0 McKenzie Wark. A Ht:k" Malliro (Cambridge. Massachustti: Harvard Univtrit 1rS$, 2004). I I Pekka Himanen. 7J1 H,uJur ftlir: A &dirl APPNflch t/ Ihl' Philosoph] ofBI/inru (New York: Random House. 2002). 1 2 The new que[inn of work is a1su thaI of a new attitude. which is chnracmistic of [he nspiralions of youngtr gen­ trmions. ! argued in L4 Tt  rMtit rOltrt II dtlorrmit (Paris: Flammuion. 2006) that the demonStrations of French ULt­ dents against The CPE (Conua[ Premier Emploi: a first job contao) were Ixfre anythi ng else a prot�t against [he connon between work and job: �Not :ll employment i5 work: not a  jobs a conducive t the acquisition and dcvelopmem of knowledge ad therewith. ro individua­ tion. that is. the process whereby yu a make a placc for youlf in soiety a a producer. mlnot Oil" I a Clmlmtr whost job !lrMm ,h empl I Mllr which in tlm(JIfm blt]ing po/�. Individuation is on ,he conlr-y wiat t4J work bto"d ml rmplmtlll. jf one understands that 'work' (Olur in 1t(l;OIl ;n tht worM in ordtr to tr41srm it 01 lIl basi s oftit klow/t 01  I ofit. Now work, to the extent [hi! it has been afcted by grammariution. in the s«ondary as well a in the tertiaty sccrors. insofar a it has become more and more a matter of 'wages: is today most often reuced [0 the time spent in employment: this is what results from the 1 3 1 NOTES TO PAGES 2 2-3 3 spr.3d of dissociated milicus, :1 spread which is itself thc first consequence of the grammariltion of gcSt and modes of production in which the industrial revolurion comisrs� (Tl rafit (OlUrt la dtmocrntit. pp. 2434). I will rerum t th� queslionJ in more derail funh.r on. 13 It Is this �3t ClCC" th31 Immanuel Wallerstein has perhaps overlooked in his refercnce 10 Ihe Ihear of cydes. 14 r try 10 describe the negalive dynamic of rhis exhaustion in POllr til jillir /1« l mkiSlIlt. 1 5 Tat i� t say, thc increasc in the fxed Cpiral component (the mrans uf production) and the curresponding decrease of \'riable Cpital (wage labor) .  .. hich Man shows 1 be Ihe resul! of a dI.'rcasc in the proftabiliry ofinvcstmem. 1 6 Bernard Stiegler. Eronomit dt n1prrmntlritl n , pshOPbll­ fOir. Elltrrt;tI s (  IC Pbilippr PniJ n Vil/etIt BOllltlu (r3ri�: MiJlc er une nuit�, 2008). 17 POllr t jnir tV l mki stlllt. 1 8 Jeremy Rifkin, 7t Agt of Arus: 71 Nt elllfllrt of Hitalism Wllrt All ofLi Is a Paid-for Eptritl/u (New York: Putnam, 2000), p. 9. J 9 K] Ma, ContriblltiOIl t f Critiqllt ofPoliticl! Econom y . trans. S. W. Ryanzanskaya (Moscow: Progres Publishers, 1970). pp. 195-6. 20 Ibi., p. 197. 21 Guy Debord. 7)t Sodtt oftbt Sptctl ck. lrans. Dooald Nicholson-Smith (New York: Zone Books. 1995), p. J 59. 22 Jacques Dcnida. OiStmi"fl;OIl. lrans. Barbara Johnson {Chicago: Chicago University Press. J 98' l. pp. 61-171. 23 Gilles Deleul and Filix Guanari, A"ti-OtdiplfI. lrms. Roben Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R. Lne (Minneapolis: Universiry or Minnesota Press. 1 983). pp. 144-5. 24 �[AJ memory of words (pmir) and no longer a memory of 132 Nots to plges 34 J things. a memory of signs and no longer of cfects.� Allti­ OrdiprtJ, p. 144. 25 Scott Lash and Celia LuI), Global Culmrr InduSfry (London: Polity. 2007). 26 The reader may consult the repon of rhe Interational Tek-communicalion Union: hnp:llwww.ilU.inr/itunt's/ managerldisplay.asp?lang=cn&ycar=2005&issue=09&ipagc =thing,&cxt=html 27 Gr:lmm:nil:uion is the condition of possibiliry of what Guy Dlbord calls matcrialized ideology. Sec TIJ! S(rirr ofthr Spmlle/t. pp. 212-13. But Debord docs not think grllm­ matization itsdf. nor its phatma(]ogic:l charaCTer, and Ihis consritlJllS a block.1ge in his thought. 28 Micr,allrt t disrridit 3. L rsprit prrdll dll Cpitn/islllr (Paris: Galilee, 2006). 29 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engd�, Thr COt/lIlIlI/ist MrmijtSfo. trans. Samuel Moore (London: Penguin Uooks. 1 %7), p. 88. 30 fbid. 31 Jacques R:ciere. tr Nights ofLabor: 7r \\orkt7' DrMm ill l!th Crllrrtry Frlu. trans. John Drury (Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 1 989). 32 Hypolllllrlltltn are mnemo-rechniques, which is also 10 say hypomnesic p/tlrllltlkn, shown by Michel Foucault to plaY :1 decisive role in the formation of otirlland mOTe widely in rhe processes of sublimation thar he describes as �techojques of the �elf." On thcse <ucstions. se Mkritlllct I dimidil I. 1  dtfl dmr dn d,mom/tin indllstrit"rs (Paris: Galilee, 2004), p. 1 07 forthcoming in English !Tanslarion from Polit y , and Sliegler and An Industrialis, R,mchnllttr It IIIllr: L ,'a/tllr rsprit (olltrr It populsmt il/mm'rl (P:lris: Flammarion, 2006) p. 31 forthcoming in English translation from Continuum. 33 Paul-Laurent Assoun, Lt Fhichisme (r�Tis; PUr. 2006). 133 NOTES TO PAGES 4 1 -46 3 Bakhtin's dialogicl Ihcory is clO 10 t Simondonian conupdon of linguislic individuation: no pycholinguistic individuation c take place wilhoul a consistng in : soialinguistic individuation. 35 Minact dwr /, p. 76 a p. 88, 36 One sJsof"dis«nomy� in order to qualify te datruc­ riV dynamic broughr :but by n�tive exteralitie. rhal is. by �nvironmentl di srdert wh� com a� 001 pid by economic aCtort but . hich m:venhdes friliu the generl economy. 37 lhest: social neforks b.ed on the web 2.0 are produced by social engincering and by dcvdopmems in what is clled rhe soci: web, lh� most fmous inu:lna of which is Faabook, which in Augwt 2008 passed 160 million membrs. lherc arc. howc:er, all sorlS of Olh�r dimensions to these digilal "relational I«hnologks." '{be scond of te EnmitM tl nouwlu mt :=«:¬cI.organized by upDipll tt & IUpturt tt rltion immew.and the Pompidou Omcr'J Ior:totmm I t'nnltion, wll be on this subject. forthcoming from Mille el une nuit. 38 Scver:I studie have highlghted tis, one in panic· ua devoted 10 the �f of television and DVD on children under Ihr� years of �I a study heded by Frtc Zimmerman and Dimitri ChriscOs ar rhe Universiry of Washington. On this subject. s Srieler, TII;"K (r tf Yt.  , Int ,ht Grm  ions, 1r  Srcphr Barker (SWlfrd: Sianford Univcrsiry Pres , 2010). p. 56. To work I Maurizio Wurato shows very wdl how Ihis t",imuion of , t:¬etflffwlgt COnsrilUICS Ihe very heart of Iht project of a "governmellf of incqualick!; in which ncolibcnlism 13 Not to p/ 4� 50 tSnliaUy consius. and il doc s :H the Vtry momtnl whtn :m idrolog abunds which would havc us blievr Ihat Ihc very cognitiv( capitalism reponsiblc for proltl:rian­ i'ing Ihc Mknowtf� [MJdHlnMJ. a Jean-Fran�is Lyotud cUtd Ihem. could in Fa b m:de 1 pas for :  �knowl­ t"gt soiety. - 5 I  to. IJ Goul  nlnlr d� iflnlth. Criri'ur d fmiurirl "iliba/� (Paris: Amncrdam. 208). 2 Mkrllmc n drit I. p. 120. j Maurizio L1..rnn. P,;sl  r d li·fIlOt'tiol L PlhDI. tir ktmomiqlr d� Gabrirl Tlml� clm J'Jllomir pollilltr (Ilaris: L Empechcurs dt lOurcr en rondo 2002) and u COIIIJtmmrl d illigalitb. In Iht analyts propo.'  d in 2002, LlI.7.araco. who n . fef5 10 Gabrid dt T ardt, �ingularly lltgk'IS tht question of hypomnesis without which such cooper­ lion would be impossible, and, a10lg with hypomntsis. ht OVlrlook.� (he rt'tll1tional sysu�ms Ihal enabl� Ihe contrul of this copention. a well a the prolet.rianizadon (If the activity of brains thrmsdve, both on the sKic of production and on rat of consumption. On Ihc orer hand. in 2008. he desc: rioo the dfc of Ihis proltariaiution and the S5lem of!ht management of inequalities wilh : view, not to coop­ crouion b  n brains. but to comptirion bt n nervous systems for :e, not to work. but merdy to cmploymcnt. 4 Yano Moulier-Bout:ng, himself citing unar:lIo, sers Oil( hi, thc in u Cpitalilm� Cliti L 1/ouwl fald� tntl smlltiof (Pas: Anmcrdam. 2007). 5 Himantn. 7 Harlr Ethir. 6 Wark. A Hark�r Malimo. 7 Mouller-Boutang, u Cnpitlimr ro"itiJ pp. 199ft 8 On this question. sc Faurr. Gif. rd and SlicJer. PrJr ti jlir n�'I mlri  . 9 This diaJogism is less Ihal of dialccties \hlul the dialo g ism 1 35 NOTES TO IAGES $0-60 of Bakhtin. S L Tllimui, rmr II docli, and 8f"''""t, I mOlld. 10 -&OllomiJ" lipp' p""d" �i,· ,·Economi%ing mtn5 ming c�1 is the title of a scminar I gave in the spring of 2008 at the CoIJ, IlI mllliolial d,phillloplJi, as a p of [he theoretical acdvities of An Induwialis. An audIo recording is available at 1 1 Corsani and, Immll;nmls t praim. p. 1 21 . 1 2 Ibid. p. 1 21 . 1 3 Rlfkio. 7/, Elld o/l,k. "Illiroduction.· 1- Jean-Marie Andre. L otiulI/ r/ f vi, moralr " inttlmH­ al/, roma;I' t" oriKiliN n l'poqu, augullft",,, (Paris: ]UF. 1%5). p. m. I S In Mkrill  rt rt diuridif I I argue that the noetic soul passes into the nocfic act only ilifermirtelllly. and therefore live a� bri"K-'Il]in·;/Itrmlitttllrt. 16 Corsani and Lo. IlI rrmi  l ttp,«aim, p. 122. 17 L  o. Lr Goullmt,mrllt d ilralirt. p. 43. 18 Michd Rocud. -Prfc" fO Rifkin. L Fin tiu tlil. 1 9 On these concept. s L Ti, om,I domuit. 20 These [Oecollomic and historicl rities a� very diRrelif. even though I  tO ofen conA:s them (see especially, pp. 42-7). a many do ((ay. Fordism ha nothing 10 do with r­ ulation or redistribution. and il proposed no ·sia ptopeny·: it functiomdly intcr.ul produclion and consummation and thereby inveils consumerism. Ke}nesi�nism, on the other hand. repreents a compromi� bctwecn cpital and labr. Thai the tO na05formalions of the r�bfion bcfwCen capi[l and labor can be romhlned is clear enough. bur from thaf if dos not follow thai Ihey ,hould I conRated: on the COIIII. it is n  l to distinguish them in order to understand how they c b combined and. fnally. how fhey c decompose. 136 Notts to plg�J 61-67 21 Te denial of Ihe epim:mologial scope of psychoanalysis by Sovici p�ycholog and. morc broadly. by Sralini�t Marxists throughout the world. is intrinsically tied to this question. This is Ihe contCI in which a r: der of i NouwJk Crit;q"�, in April 19. ak the edilors: �Would il b psible fr L Nou, C,;tiqlr 10 stage a debate beTeen Marxists and ps)'choanaIY[5� I. . . 1 Young communisl psychi:l.rim annm undCTtand the psifions of ,heir Sovi(( comrade who 101:lIy condemn Ihis intpormOi a�J'C1 of p§chlany. A MarxiSi analy­ sis of this situ:uiun i5 lackingK (Ut NOlI/llIr Cririqur, no. 13). 22 [ have an:ly. this demotivalion in Cmlit" J'Elrpr 1. U fotimrp" (Paris: Galilee. 2(05). pp. 29f. 23 lhc analysis of Lur:uo i5 here singularly cler. 5  in panicular pp. 301 of Lr COIfIHnlrmmt t inralith. 24 GUSiave Flaubcn, I. 'tllrari/lsrllli",m""�. 2S Roland Banhc. KMwia Practica,w in Jll a K . Mlsk. Trxi (London: Fontana, 19n), p. 149. 26 S Ik L midt smblut 1. Ln (  tropht dl �liblr (Paris: Galilee. 2005). p. 26. 27 S Tafing Crt o/Youth and t Gnfl tifJ. 28 J(an-laude Milner. Lr SLirt d tWil L thi,;t t rL tt t ' Cltlr nI' Ximt situ (Paris: L Seuil, 1997). 29 Mkio"c tl tliJ<rldit I. 30 If money is a form of grammalizlion and of tertiary relen­ [ion. one esscmial question is 1 guge Ihe conscuenc of change in i[5 reremional materiality. a for cmple when Ihe meraI coins fn[ imroducc by the Lydians a C'enlU­ ally replaced by John Law's paper mon( and i n rurn by the French Revolution's assig1ns. This is onc of the impom.rn stakes of Jean Michel Rey's Lt Ttmps dl rriit (Paris: Ocscl&­ de Brouwer, 2002). 31 On this question. s J(n-Frn\i s Lyolard. 1M 1,)J  mln: 1 37 NOTES TO .. CES 67-8 J R1r t" Tintr. tl'  ns. Grf Bennington :nd R.chd Bowlby (Cambridge: Polity, 1991). 32 Hcre a n�w rC:ding of Lymard's nJ( POltmodtm COlditio" would b u: trans. Groflknnington and Brian Mmuml (Manchetcr. Manchestcr Univcrsil)' Pres. 1 992). Pharmacolog of Capital ad Economy of Contribution Jean-Fram;oil Lymard. LibidillJ £rollollJ (Bloomingmn and Indianapolis: Indiana Unin:niry Pr, 1993). 2 Ars Induslrialis. an imcrn:uional usoci:rion fr an indUlri:1 polltia of I«.hnologic� of spiril: "' : This confcrcnce is ueee.uible :u: hnp:llww.:usindumi:lis. orglpour-une-�cunom ic-dc-la-u)nrribul ion-] 4 S pp. 6 and 84. 5 In the sn in which I take this term, 5 p. 29f. 6 The tcndency offclilious cpital is always 10 reduce the rule to a minimum, if not 10 diminatc them :lmgcher. in order, a frequently : possible, m unleash power. 7 Sttp. 41 . 8 I frst approacbcd this theme of";,(1Irit, � i n the ff'lt instance by citing Jacques �nigne Bosuel, in Mlalu rt d I. I. dldmu dn dhn(rltin ;Iltltli (Puis: Galilt, 20), p. 15. forthcming in Engli�h lransl:tion from Poli()' Press. ProUSt :t so made u�e of this word in his work, Slir 1( l«tutr (P:ris: Acte Sud, 1988), p. 34. I mU51 thank Alain GiRard for Ihi5 rcrercnce. 9 lllis W tXprcS5«1 cJtarly by Paul Mazur. a busint5 pUlntr or Ew Bcmays, citro by A Gort in 7 A  ult 01 & 138 Nola 10 paga 85 (New York: Penguin, 2007), p. 94. Mazur dedued: �We must shift America from a necru 10 dnire culmrc. I . . . / P«lplc rmU[ b Irain(od 10 desire:. 10 Wll new Ihing. even bcforc the old have been entirely consumed. � 10 Thlt is, of rupture with wh:u A Go� dC'ribed a alraen· menl in referring 10 tile Iheory of John Bowlby. � AI Gore. 7 Alsu/t tl RrllI. 1 1 Bolt:nski and Chiapdlo an:d)7:e Ihe con5Cquences this Rex­ ibililY hu for conlug�l life. 1 2 I have Hied t �how how Ihis dt'$ttuctiun ocurs in Tn1'i1lS CArr ofYtlllh II/d tlr Gl  rratioli. (mns. SI�phen Barker (Stanfrd: Sian ford Unh'eriry I'ress. 2010). 13 On this subject. 5: Frederick J. Zimmermann. Dimitri A. Christakis :lnd Andrew N. Mchwl �Tdt'Vi�ion and DVDI Video Viewing in Children Younger 'Jhan 2 Years," Archil/d tfPrJl ntria alld Ad/um Mr1lr 161 (2007), pp. 4739: and Dimitri A. Christakis. frederick J. Zimmerman CI a .• �E:ly Television Exp and Subsequent A[[enriona/ Problems in Children,� Pnrl 1 13 (2004), pp. 70813. 14 Sec pp. 37. 48/. and 59. 1 5 L Boltanski and Ev Chiapello. 7  N Spirit tf Cnpitdlim. tnms. Gregory E1lioll (New York and Lndon: Verso. 2005). p. 10. [ have tried to show in M«rilllrt tl Jiit 3. L 'prit pmlu du ettpitlllnt (Pari s: Galil�. 2006) why Bolranski and Chiapello Iiil co grap desire a such an economy. and why Ihey at the same lime f1 (0 describe the consumerisl libidinal eonomy and Ihe imJ 10 which it [cads. In particular, they fil to analy.c Ihe ef or the Hq. uidation of the apparlus of production of libidinal energy, and nlore gCIlCr:lly of tile psychic appar.uus in it links 1 Ihc social and symbolic appar:IUS, hence their description of thl Rcxibiliry or affcctive rdalions lacks consequenc. 139 NOTES TO PAGES 86-1 08 16 h is bu the IIbidi economy is prolcntional and bu�cpilal is an organiution of the production of pro­ lemions thai capitalisnl is :n cpoch of libidinal economy. 1 7 Ma Weber. 71� Protnllnt £llJir al/II/� Spirit a/Capila/  l (London: Unwin, 1930). p. 71 . 18 This is wh:u Philippe Birud and Fr.nck I) to think undcr rhcmmlC. �:a:icìulv:ilitt� I�VlIleur socitlalc"l, 10 which Cormct3is joint Ihe queslion of lorina/ imlomtioll. 1 9 lhis poim is dc\'c!0IX'I furthcr in M  orìJrm¡r !.pp. 95-107and 120-4. 20 Jc wave of suicidc commilted by cmpto)'tO of Fromcc­ HJ&Um is thc tt3gie reality of the joim destruction of the appanllus of innovation and production. a well a of psychic individuals. without whom thcre is nothing. 21 BcrtnUid Gille. Hino;" m udnp c (Paris: Gallimard. 1978). p. 77: "II is no lunger a matter of undergoing unccmin lechnologicl pr in irs realiulions, | . . . 1 of accepting willy-nilly what occurs in the u"chnial domain and of efecting aer a fshion tbe nece adap[lrons. In adomains, In Ihe economic a well a Ibe military domain, me mtmmut be organized. H 22 The tr.nsductive rdation is a cancep! dabonucd by Gilbert Simondon. In a tt3nsductivc rebrion, the terms of mr rela­ tion are ronstitU[ed through the relation. :nd do not prtcd� the rdation. 23 5« p. 140. 24 Sec p. 37. 25 On MmkislfC, s Christian Fault, Alain Gifrd and B�rnard Stiegler, I¼ur ti flir nU  1 mkisll  u (Puis: Flammarion. 2(09), pp. 20-1. 26 On Ihis subj�t. s the Al Indum`a|s seminar, "Trlllr dr uom& u¬nc�: hllp;lIwww.arsindwtrialis.orgl 1 40 Nom t paga 108117 le-stminairC-trouver-de-nouvdles-armes-colltt;e-internatlo­ nal-de-philosoph ic 27 Sec p. 37 and Berard Stiegler and Ars InduSlfi:IIi�. RdHlmt, II /01  : I mltll' npn', (ll I populilllll il/d,mritl (Paris: Flammarion. 2(06), pp. 4955 forthcom­ ing in English translation fom Continuum. 28 5 Andti l.cmi-Gourhan. Militll rt udmiqun (Paris: Albin Michel, 1�45). 29 Sec Jacquo: Derrida. ·Diffcranc(.� MI'Sill of1i/olOpb, (Chicagu: Universiry ufChicago. 11)72). 30 l. roi-Gouman. Militll lt tuhl/iqun. p. 334. 31 Tese icndencieJ :ue Ihc rauh of IhC play of twO forcCs: physicl fotcC$ and biologicl foret. On Ihis subjca. i  Slicglcr. T rclJllirr III/d Tilllr. J: 1  t FIIIII, ofEpimrthrlll. trans. Gcre Cullins and Richard BC.Ird,wurth (Slanforo: Sianf,rd Univcrsity Press. I 99tl. lhtse lendencies arc exprcss(d across all human groups and in Ihis sense Ih(}, aC univcB;I. All groups harbr tem. bu ach group concrclius them in (hdr own way. spcifcally. that is. by individuting rhem in a speifc way. and by individuating thcmselvC through Ih(m. 32 This economy must � introducai bu, befurc a) other reason, the model of centralized networks--of telecom­ municuion Ihrough the u�lephonic eemer. of distribution of energy through the da:triciy cemer, of produClion and disrribution rhrough buying cemrc: according 1 the mod of con5ump!ion-has been reconfgured and has given way to comributive networks. in very many domains. :nJ for rtaSlms of pure rationality. As far as the econolllY of energ, is COnCefl1l-. for ex:tmple. ecntralist models have b. .'ome unsUSfainable: encrg cconomics :re no ...  bcoming bidi­ rcctiollal ne"vorks. jusl as Jeremy Rifin pr(:diclld. as the 141 NOTES TO IAGES 1 24-1 2 8 contributive production of encrg begins [0 be inrroduccd, making possible new infltructul'-logical a well : rcrlcularcd-infr.truc[uT Ihal a smelime cll� Jmlm ( M . 33 lhis nolion of Mm:n:geri:J oog: rismM com" from Pierrc �cndrc. in lminium Munti, L �mpirt tll I  m (Paris: Millc CI unc nuiu, 2007). 34 A mC{:smblc 'tcm is a dyn�mic system at thc limit of tullibrium :nd disequilibrium. and GUben Simon don shows th:t :  process of lndh'iduation constitute a dynamic system rcgulat«l through such a metastability. See Gilbcn Shnondnn. L 11titlitllluiDII prydJiql1r if cD//«tili (paris: Aubier, 2007), forthcoming in English tran51ation from University of MinnOOf; PreMo 35 Se p. 45. 36 Sec Gilbcrt Simoudnn. 01 motf ,iUrII( tn objru t«/­ niqllt (P:ris: Aubler, 1989). pp. 20-3, (o"heoming in English tl l;!ion fom Uni\Crsiry of Minncst; Prm. 37 We worked then with Alain Gifrd and for thC devdopmeOl a  ialion of Ihe Bibliolheque NationalC de Francc, with a vic to dCdoping Mpom for rtading misted by computer. W 142 I NDEX abstraction 21 . 48, 50 iptlion or adoption 82, 100, 103 emrop!c 46-7, 1 1 6-17 Adoro, TtiKior % AS&�ri, Franck 1 6 Aigrln, PhilipI 128 Ailt�gol\, Jean-J:ua 20 ahunmiva; 120-3, 123 "",mll/tljl 29, 41 , <3 Andre, Jtn-Maric 53 antici�tion S 781, 84-6. 91, 93-, 107, 1 16, 124 AriSlolle 6 Ar  , AmbroiK Marie 1 5 afi proflions 51-6, 69 alattd milieus <8-50, 51, 65-6, 69-70, 108, 1 17, 1 27-9 anemion, c�nnding of 68-9, 82-' Aubrry, M3nine 20 audiol'i'ual pcrceplion, gnmmaliulion of I I Au!tin.J.L67 aUlomaln! language pling 33 automation 10, 20, 24, 34. 45 Sakhtin. Mikhail 41 Ibnhc. Rol.nd erlinl EtJl l 5 "Musica rr:ctlC�' 64 Bmlll�. GeorgC5 5�. 95 bcoming control by I)Chopowcr 125- l runcrional irmF�lion 127-9 as indivldualion 104-8 Indum} and hs ImcrirtlUI1 In 13,31 Icchnicl 82-. 124-5 Belgium 57-8 belief, change in 67-8 bndiu 20-1. 22, 52. 56, 86 Benjamin. Waltu 33 Berpon, Henri 1 0 BerlUKni. Sil·;o 123 Bernard. Claude 10) Bernays. Ewr 28 BrN, Gido 1 5 bioutnoJ 31 bdie. nf .u4 10. 33. 105 Boltanliki, Luc, 7 NtUI Spirit ! Gpil"lum 85. 126 burgei!ie dillppear:nce of the 13. 62-6 JOeial project 68 143 I NDEX BrWDn \oocis 3"rtm�nI 97 CJlcul�ilhy 46. 5 I . 54. 67-8. 82. 93, 125 ('  pitOiI lclilious n. 78. 79-81 . 84-6, 87-9.90-1. ', 96. 10j-4. 107. 120. llJ frC 7', 80. 84 ph�mucologyor 71-129 CJpitlllisr Am(rican 28. 117-9. 9S-G �rch�ic $rngc or39 bmlring-malia or 13. 6-. 92-3 "cognilll- and cullUrJIW 33. <"-7 communi�m "(rSm 60-1 crub or3-7. 61-6. 69. 74 drivc-based 58-9. 62-6. 97 indwni.2- internalizing 126 Mar .nd Engds on 24-5 muralion nf global and thc i ndumial �)"tcm 7 nqplive dynamic in 75--. 8-. 89-91 as prOlenl;O" produclion splcrn 6- 70 Ilicul.tnl47-50 sharehulder 88- 9. 92-3_ 103-4 om ofthr sdCS4 $)'lenl or44, 50. 70, 86. 108. 120. 1 11 . 1 26 (  ls ncu economy of 1 25-6, 129 144 m3themaliul;on 0(87-9. 90 in pha(m�colog)' of c�pit 79-1 . 125-6 �ymmic 92-3. 102-'. 107_11 uslel. Rabn 55 cells. clhni.' 1 1 4-17 Chiar.dlo. Eve, 1N NrwSpirit I/ Crtpimlism 85. 126 Chil'c. Jacque 20 co-Individuation 100. 106-7. 1 1 1-1 2 comnH:nsurbilitilS 43 C011lm�1' cornp.1 with nlarkcl J-16, 43. 61-{). 125- dialogiol 41-2 and cmr.llirl. 13, 54- ne 15-16. 19.45-50. 1 21 comrodifcution 38-9 cummunbnl GO CI/lmllmist Ml  limD (Mar alld Engels) I I competition 62 w,OIUII ;\,e r-ohl1;on" 24-5. 62,73. %, 101 consistence 10>-8. J 20. 12] consumer prolctarlanized 25. 27-8. 35, , .. prntcllliOrls of the 68-9. 84 cOltJlllcrism 16, 23-8. 6J-. 71. 87-9, 91-3. 107-8. 1 1 5. 125- end or4-7, 22-3. 5}-6. 69, 10' conSlLlllption ; Ih( dtSltucdon of III'ir­ flirt ami SI Iir-l/' 27 gr.lmnmiz:uion or 1 1 and iLl rdation 10 desire 12. 41-.65. 82-4, 1 21 . 125 ma 88 : a pJlllnltnkQl/ 83-4 relations wiJh produclion 4. 23-8. 50. 90-1 stimulus policy 3-5 contempormeir gcner:lIional tire or 58 rlrri!Orj�1 spact 58 contribution. tonomy or2 J , 48-50. 65-. (,9-70. 71-129. lOS. 1 1 3-17. 1 21 . 127-9 con/rot �(>ciClic� 30-1. 34, 46. 62. 6i9, 82-. 88-9, 1 01 Cur'Sani, Amondla 21. 22, 51-2, 54.56 �rcalivilY 46- 7, 51-6 crrolt 67. 80. 94. 106 critique 8. 1 1 dcomsfcrion a 1 5 Kli: 1 9 orlibidinal economy 40-4 �nd meta p h y sics 1 5 n� or palirla! economy 1 4- 15, 16-19. 36. 40--.70 culture indumioo 4. 31. 53-6, 58-0 . 96 Curlis. Adam. 711 C"wr of Stlf28 cnicism 63 Debord. Guy 27 deconSTnlcrlon IS, 29. 36 DcJcUlC, GUles. /mi·Ordiplil 32-3 lude.\· deregulation 1 01 . 103. 107 Derrida.Jacquo diTilrt 1 I 1 O/Grnmnsalo!1J1J29 �Plato'S Pharracyw 29. 36 desire inliniriuuion or 43. 82-4. 86. 93-6. 106-8 rdmion 10 consumption 12, ·1-, 65, 82-. 1 21 . 125 dCS(llid�riutiol1. and negativc cxterallties 57-60 d('sublimation 40. 42. 59. 62-3 diachroniurion 1 1 1. 1 1 9-20 dblogistl'l (Ihkhtin) 41 dihnllrt 1 1 1 digital networks 24 mncsic powt"r of3U. 1 22, 128-9 digitl !(tieulalion 47-50. 1 14. 1 1 7 digitali7tion 20. 21 disdll.l!mcill 1 1 3-15 dis(tiution JII. 31-2 diseconomr 62, 73  discnehantm(nt 59-60. 62-3. 67-S. 94-6 disequilibrium 104 disindividuation 31, 37-S. 41-4. 62 di sinvtstm�nt 4. 79-B1 . 16. 89 dispmabilil}' 30. H3. 86 dissociation 37-8, 49-50. 58-60. 84. 107. 1 1 5-16 communist 60-1 Donin. Nicola! 65 1 45 I NDEX drivC 40. 59-G. 86. 121 eonsumpliou �ud material of 12. 82-. 8S-9, 95-. 124-7 economic crisis (2008) 3-7. 22-3. 74. n-9. 92-3. 102. 124 "e�ouornic tv()lulion � (Schump<tN) 83. 87 a:onomic Stcm 3nd pychic S1cm 122 3ud social syttems 81-. \06-8, 1 1 6-17. 1 2' 3nd ta:hnical sitlr H2-4, 96-8, 102-. 1 1 9-22 l'Onomic. aud philosophy 16-20 econllmiun 17-18 l"collomy or contrihutlon It ronuibulMll. economy of enm of prolcmions," prolenliOlu, economy of rouc:nional system 96 clev:tion 120-3 employmcut, and tme qUCtion 51- Enauda.u. Crine 74 cnergy, libidinal I libidin31 energ Engel. Fri�rieh 24-5. 28 umllll"';s, Mll  i,o 1 1 . 38 cntreprentur 87 tnltllpic ad3pt3tion "6-7, 1 16-17 environment31 de;tructlon 49-50, 57. 92-3. 102 cthnic group, intcrior milicu of 109-1 1 . 113-1 4 146 elcesivellcs 93-6 existence 1 21 . 124 aledor milieu 112, 1 1 4 CIterMri7lion 9, 27, 126 of memory and knowledSI' a 10' 29-31 , 33-5 Cltmalitie nq;ative 49, 57-60, 62. 92-3 po,]dvc pharma(ulugic:l 49-50. 51-6. 129 and IrI1sindi\'idu�tion 13. 49-50 1:\"rtau. Olivier 1 6 fn�nci�1i1ion 83. 97. 106-8. 1 16 finitiution "2. H6. 95-6. 106-8 Fbu\xrt, Guye 63 flexibility 8}4 Fordism 23-4. GO. to- Founult. Md 29, 54 Fren(h government emplo)'mem policy 20-1 'd inl  iunr al,pttd� 51-" invctment polic 45 Freud. Sigmund 28, 41 , 74, 76. 88.94.99 Fritdm�n. Milton 22 functional imegion 127-8 rl pssibilili(f 6-7, 8. 107. 124 Gaullism 99 generatIons. tr.tlSindividu�tion or589 gcslUr di5rtilion or 10, 33. 35 Gil r. Brnrand 98. 99. 100. 1 10. 1 13-15 glob31i7ion 97-. J 16 God. [he d�th of94 Gon. Andre, M  'r au Ilil20 gO\'�rnmentaJ power. m form of 51 , 97-8. 101 gr;m"'�tizIion 10-1 1 . 33-. 36. 1 14 as coopera[Ion bc\wun b/  Jiu " induslrl1iution :la pr of 13. 30-5 Ilmr:nion of48-50 new forms of 1 1-13, 39. 54..(,. 1 19-20 a phum:ologiOI 42-4. 70, 1 1 9-20 tnn5form, fetishism 41 which short-its tnnsindividu�don 3S-9 gnmll t (retlntional gll iru) 1 0 GIlt Britai n 73. 97. 99. 101. 123 Clffnspan, Abn 47 Crogman. i!veiyne 3, 16 Guamri. Felix. Ami.OdipUJ 32-3 Mhacker e[hie" 22. 48 H:l.chud, Armand lG hirr.tchicll societi« I I3-15 Himanen. Pcl 22. 48 Hirschman. Alben 85 hominiution 8-9 Mhomo economicw- 1 7 Horkheimff. Mu 96 Imux 'lbri s 1 1 5 Hum/mili. L' 1 4 HUSKri. F..umunU 8 hypcrindllSlrial em 30-1. 33-5. 1 14-15 hyplrmau:rial 24 iYP"W(II IUIl 29. 3--5. 41-4. 45.54 hypomneic mllkus 30-1 "y"lI niJ 29, 35 . . J6 ident!fiutlon. primary 58-9. 8}4 ideulogy S. 19-20. 123 im�gil1nry. [he 12 indIviduation -17. 9'.1-100. 12. :uwcialed mtu� of 48-50. 1 17 psychic and colk'Ctivc 4. 48-50, 5  . 59-60. 61. 99-100. 102. 1 (  , 1 1 1-12. 11 5. 1 1 8. 123 of rfrence 57-8 !«nial44. 1 16-17 individuaI;on (cOni.) Jr Ills" co-individuation; disindividuallon; Innsinaividualion inausuial economy and human bcroming 1 3. 31 noopolilical of memory 31 rin"ention 108 indumial modd collapS! of obsolett 4. 22-3. 49. 55. 87 consurerul JrrCOnslImeriSni indumbl polili(, ntw 7, 1 01 147 I NDEX i ndusuial mlolulion 10, Ij, 32-3, 67, 98, 1 14, l i S, 127 infanillc 'rn�plocnCi) 44, 83 infnitiulion of d(:ir 43, 82-, 86.93-6, 106-8 innovallon pm1:ntnl l i S JaIiulion 0(82 and ,p«\II�tion 8 1-4, 9, 92-3. 102 in.idcr I'ltding 93 irulitUliuns 108 hUctca 128-9 inltrlurillilicu 109-1 1 , 1 13-15. 1 1 6-17, J26 intcriorirdon 18-1\1, 126 InlcrrcJlarinn 62 ill1ormil1oncc S 1-, 57, 69 inu�rnalional law 1 14 i o\'Otmonl : anddp:uion 78-81 derNCtion ofS-7, 59, 69. n. 107, 116, 124 ne t·P of tcQnomic 6-7, 6 1 1 7, 122 prfl a rClum on 76-7 s: id plhk 6-7 stimulu politI 3- Jospin. Uond 20 Kant. Immanuel, Criliqu(#/IU" R#I 8 Kianism 60, 95, 9, 9 knowledgc Cfcrioririon :lS 11 0(29-30, " infrmifll\ wilhoUi 129 148 Iho hypomn(K 3 �lic H  . 6 prolcrlli:mil.alion a loss of 37-9, 40--, 4S-50. 56, 60,69 and tc1cntion; time 69 Iho�kI 3. 4 I 111  1ir·f;rr. SiNI L TrrlJ  iqlllrtk rn (Stiegler) I I�bof dcf;nidon of and thc quetion ufpruduclion 1 2 mUiation of I', 18 oycrdetcrmined hy the ml� (f gralllmululion 1 2 a vari:lc �-pital 45 l�bor po .  cr 38-9. 40 without knowted� 43, 46 la � :amneic knowledge 000 aUfDUfo: pring 33 discrctizton of Row of 1 011. 31-3 and jo indi\'idWtion 17-8 Ush. Sn 3 bw and proltl ioru 69-70 on "  king Wttk 10. 22. 51 L0, Mauriio 21-2, 47, 51 -2. 54, 55.56 Loi-Gour. Andri 9, 109, 1 1 0. 1 12, 1 13. 124-5 libidinal oconolll)' 2S. 27, S 1-6. 61 , 83- . 93-6, 108. 1 1 8 critiquc of 40--. 73-4 libidinal enel' 25. 40. 46. 59. 61. 68-9. 82-4. 85-6. 88  9. 90. 92. 102. 1 16-17 nc: �pp�res for producion of%. 108. 122 life forc. Ihcry of 109 limit. p:age to the 59-0. 75-6. %. 1 16-17. 121 logle 10.76 of the tf� 19 ItIf 10. 32. 46 tury. Cdil 34 Lymar. Je�n-F"ln�ois. 7hr l'ITlIod,m Omilit;w 71 . 7 machine-tools 34 . .17. 1 1 9 m�thlnn: 19. 66. 1 1 4. 127 Maduf. l1emard 47. 78-9 maf�. npitaliH 6. '12-3 Mars. Hcn 40 market economy 5 capitalism marke! offools 43. 47 matkcring 60-1. 62. 82-4. 88-9. 90-1. 95-6. 98. 1 01 . 103. 124 !echnini StcntS ;d sa sptenu 99-101 Man. K 12. 28. 33. 35-6. 88 Cp"'1I126. 39. 75 Qmllllli sr Mlmil I I . 38. " untriblllil" ti I N er/i 'l'll IIPoliriral &111I1 J 14. 23. 26-7.39 Grrnlllll UMIIK30-1 Grlllld,inr 39 Indo tendcnq of tlC of prufl 10 flll 23-8.75. 76-7.89 �hnim 17. 40. 60. 75 maM m�ia 96-7. 101 Meadows te" 92 Mkmm( l1 dimMil (Stiegler) 53 Mnb. Dominique 20 M�ef62 mcmlmulc 109 memo' C\crioriution of a loIS of 29-31 . 3J-5 hypomnelc �nd anan1leJic len5ion j] , 79 inlcrgcner.liolul )Uppor, nf 9-11 living nppu� to dead Z'-JO. 36 : mat�riaJ culmr!.· 9-1 1 memory (tont.) noopolidcaJ indumill cconomyof31 lechnini jl ,35 S III mlmur in mcphysic and ultique 1 5 d«OIutruaion of 29 nlC1tabi1i;  tion 1 1 8-20. 121 middle d� 63- S RI bouroiie pt bourgci�ic Milner. Jcan.CI�ude 65. 69 mind rffet of nl�chine on J4 and hypomnesic lnd anamnt  ic lension 31 . 79 prolel�rjaniutiol uf the life of Ihe 21 149 I NDEX 1T11«nia 8-1 1, 21..)1, " modem:1 63 Monlchrim, Antoine de I S money 66, 80 "funny" 87-9 mOliv.ion 6-1. 69-70, 85-, 91 , 9� eoliapi of 10 Moulief"80ul�ng, Y�nn 21 , 47, 49-S0 mmu.iUlioll m�h:ll1i,mJ SI , 56 UJnmt'chnologie j I ncg-olium 53. 5<1. 121 nel iYe In 2, S6 ll q emropy46. to< nrolibenlim lS, 62, 1 01 neru Jtcm. prolcurimizl ion oflhc45-S0 Nictuche. Frrd 32, 76. 9 llihl m9� nOicity 53-. 6. 69-70, 120 n  phia 3 I, 50 N(lv Criti'ur. U 14 Obam�, &rk 4, 7 obsol�nce 30, 83. 91 , 92-3 orpnolog )1, 34-5. 3, 4. 105-8. 1 16-17 oftcndcndn 1 17-20. 121, 12>-6 orthographit corciousnw3O OIium6H. 120, 121 and poJilivc extcrnalhle153-6, 57,64.6S 1 50 Po. RM S�. 9 �upcriulion 88 cnK wilh prvi;izion 60-1 ofyoulh S9 pcrcq>lion. gramm�liulion o( )).42 pcrformaliviry. Auslin'l theory 0(67 prmallClI rtlmion 66-70 pwy bourgeoisic 64-5 plurmxolog o(OpitaI 71-129 CIeriuri1.1illn ttthniques 27. 29.70 pr"lelari�niudon �nd <0  of Ihe prolclariat 14-44 o( u:chnical lcndcncie 109-13 pilllaim (If ab511"aiion 49-50 consumption u 8} digital 48 dnomr of 4, 79-81 eonomy of u Ihcplic 43-, 104 auhe mish 41, 65 o( faitious Cpilal 77, 78. 79-81. 84-6, 87-9, 90-1. 93,96, 10}, 107. 108 hypmneic 21. 29, 34-5. 41-4. S4. 120 in fticubtcd Clpipm <7-50 and lechnitl su 105-8 phil 6 philoophy conlcmpulry 16-20 French 14-15. 17-19 politia1 strugle 36 tuk of no ctique 8. I I v. sophistry 29. 36. 42 Pbto on .""llliJ 29. 41 . <3 11h1trw29-30, 35, 36 and the proletari�t 28-36 polldal c:wnomy ddlnnl I5.36 new tridqu� of 14-15, 16-19. 36.70 {eniary retention pcDpcctive 0-1 1 as a w:ly uf ol'aniting tr.lJIsindil·iduation 61 p()lIda.I .�I'm� 58 1)Il!lc�l will 6-7. 124 politics drive·b3sal63 andthc !aw 18-J9 poS·nrucrr.lism 14-15 po�tmodemil)' 73-4 P(ur m fnir IV f m/ i Wll c (SlitgeJ 17,24 powerlmnm- 29 Pr, :ld rolc of bbor 4> prouction and Ihe definition ofbbor 1 2 exclusion of workCr fom conditions 008 and the fnancial sub-splcm " gr.mmatization of I I , 1 2 relations with coruumprion 4, 23-, 50. 90-1 profe.�rs 65. 69 proft durdhlliry and toxicity 77-9 IlIdrx and proft nlc 92. 97 ; retur on invetment 76-7 lendentlal fll in the Ite of 2 . 59-60, 68. 75-129 proftbility 4. 86 proletarianization cognitive and alfl;\'( 30-1 of the consumcr 25. 27-8, J5. ," CICnsioll of7<. 103-4 ; 10M ofknuwlnlge 33. J7-9. 60,69 of middlc duscs by consumerism 63-5 of the nervous system 45-50 prol(t�rianj1lltiOJ' (roll .) ncw form of 1:3. 27-8 �nd ph�rm�oo]ogy �0 of the psyche 43 tcrtiary retcmion a the condition of 1 1 . 21 pro]ctriat defnition 40 a dindividualnl workers 37-8 the imponance today 1 28. 3S pharm�cology of the 14-44 I'bto and Ihc 28-36. 35 m:ruitnl fWI aldas39 propmy21 new objects of publit 51 SOci3J 55- pmftllllons 8. 66. 93-6. 106. 107. 123 <Conmnyof66-70. 78. 80-1. 84-6,87-9 ProuSt. M�rcd 71 1 5 1 I NDEX "  , prolC�ri�nilIion or the 43 rdation 10 infinity 9S pS'Chil :lpparlu 99-100, 104-8, 1 1 G-17 �nd �onomk system 122 psycholog 76 psydlopowcr 46, 50,65,90-1. 95-6.98, I 2S-G Randere, jal;que, 7 N:/I of LAbr 40 rnio 46, 50 Rca]�n. RUllald 97, 1 01 , 123 rrgulalory s)'Slems 80, 96, 9), 100 Ich, inlcpendenl o priwle inveSlmcnt 100 responsihility 59-60. 89. 97 infinite 9U relallion primary 8-9 �ond�r 9 tertial)' 8-1 1 . 21. 70. lOG retemion�1 Konomy 8-1 1 . 66-70 reticuation, digitl -7-50, 1 1-. 1 17 rcvoludon 7, 49-50 permanent 66-70 R, jeremy 20. 21 . 24. 52, 56 R.M khtl 20, S6 Roo�dl. F.O. 95 !�nski�. Je�n.Mkhd 7\, 74 Sarkoty. Nicl� 63. 12J $wi"/ir 16. 27,30. 3..40. 42. 43. 1 1 4 152 SIlliN'ill" 16. 27, .W. 33, 40, 42. 103, 1 14. 1 21 $thumpcter. jOKph 83. 87. 90 "lor . .scial 56 scdcl1tarizlion 9-10. 12. 1 1 5 �If produttion by sdr JO I I�hniqua or the (FouCull) 54, 10}. 1 20 sensibility, mehanical lur in 65 servke .onomi'. hypcrindu�trial }}-5. 1 14-15 shareholder man� J emcnt 88-9, 92-3, 13 shoflermism 5, 57-60, 6S-\l. 81-4. 86, 88-9, 89-91 . 95-6. 102-3. 107, 124 Simondon. GUlle,t 37. 42. 46. 54-5. 93, �-IOO, 127-11 Smith, Aam 34 soial c� 13, 39. 40, 6  wda engineering 1 1 4 soda i njustke, economic crisis -nd 6 social nrking 4 social relations functionaHution or 19, 67 liquidation or 57-60 Si: Slems b mingof82-4. 105-6. 123 �nd lechniClI system 109-16. 12), 1 24, 127-9 t«hnic i)'5!ent �nd markeling <)-101. 102-4 socimhel'py )6, 70 Wrt power 95 Spaggiari. Albert 79 speculation 6. 59--0, 77. 78-81 . 84-6. 89. 92-, 102. J07. 1 1 7, 1 22 and innovation 81-4 spirit (Weber185 Stalinism 60--1 state 97-8, 99-100, 123 Napoleonic 99 JU I/Q wdfre st�te �timuhlS piatls �7 sublim�tion 40-. 61 . 65. 102. 1 07. 120, 122 �ynchronilatlon 1 18. I 19 systemic Sfupidity 5. 47-50. 126 Tarlnrism 88 �technical ensembles" (Simnmlnn) 46 technical sysrem 1 1 0 and economic synem 82-4. 96-8. 102-4, 1 19-22 aodphnrmnlm 1 05-8 and social Stems 109-16. 12,, 125. 127-9 social systems and marketing 99-1 01 . 102-4 cechnic:J tcndenda �nd economy of conuibution 1 13-17, 1 18 pharmacolog of 1 09-13 t�'hniC 8. 36 t!nnlogy mechnnkal 19. 30. 33 of the spirit 21 tcmporJlir new social 55-6. 93-6 Jr lis timr IJd�x tcndcncic� and count�r·tcndcnci< 43-1, 75-6. 87-9. 91 . 109. 1 1]. 122 orgallolog of 1 1 7_20 overfUrning of 124-7 a potentials 123 to carde�ness 79-8 1 tertiary rctcllIion 8-1 1 . 21 . 70. 106 a the condition of prol<ttri3niz�tion 1 1 l'Yulution 0(9-1 1 Thatcher, Margaret 73. 97. 99. l Ot . 123 thmpeutiCS 36, 43-4. 50, 100-1, 103--, 1 17, 1 19. 120. 126 "thingifcatinn" 34. 38-9 dme and ctnpJoymem 51-6 (rtc 55-6 human 5ur:lN to commodit.time 27 imcrgencr:nion: soial 100 light. 24 of nCtic in{ermillence 53-6 mcmional and protentional 69 short term versus Inng term 7. 1 24 spatialiution of consciol 8-10,66 sp(cllblion rouilizcs 107 �s studious leisure 1r otium u or 52-6 1ftal� cotllempol  neil,; temporalit) tnt�limrianism. St;llinist 60-1 1 53 I NDEX loxidf) pharmaclogial 5. 49-50. 59. 84. 88-9. IO. 123. 125-6 ofprofl I-9 I�( 21 tr.uJucli\� rtiolhip }4-5. 100-1. 104-8. 1 17-20 l�nsindh'iduation 1J. 27. 41�. 48-50. 93. 105-6. 1 18-19. 126 of gen(rt!!lI\� 58-9 longdrcuhs of 5. 51�. 57. 9}. 101. 123 �hon-ltcuheJ .�5. 38-'). 44. 57-60. 60. 61 , 103. 107 tr.l!lsllional objet 41 , 44 trun 67 truth uf an ide (i'1�101 43 mllh orbeing, r�rembrnl1c( uf th� 29 TyDddlis. Dlnid 3 unconscious. Ih( 8. 12,28 UnMIt2G-1 uncmp�)'m<m 2G-1. 52. 55-6 Unil� Sttt 20. 28. 73. 87-9, 97. 101 u�nitlion 1 14-15 154 new col  ion of emic S1 l«hnologicl90 Vauansn, JacquC d( 10 \'«Ioralisu 48, 49-50 \'ision 6-7 1'g-rc ofthe Idcl 65. 6. Wark. Md(nm 21, 22, 48 Weber, Ma 85, 87. 9 wdfu( Slal( 95�, 97-8 wilt.. Ir.tnsfrmalion of 67. 9J . .(" 1 16 work 2G-3. 45-70 definition of2!, 22-3. 55-6 the ·enJw of2� negin I  fr fcmUncrllion of nun· waded 22 new pr.ctite 22 a a 'lk milicu 37- lin outidc of mlplormcnl 22. 54  writing a di  n of I f of sfUh 31-2 : illusion for manipulation of md 29 the pn�" of 79 youlh. paupcriulion of 59


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