Bata Report Mis

June 10, 2018 | Author: Muhammad Ans Shamas | Category: Point Of Sale, Retail, Business, Economies, Business (General)
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Spring 2012Assessment # 6 Final Report Management Information Systems (Sec-A) Group Number: Group Members: Muneeb Ahmad Rajpoot Muhammad Ans Shamas Qasim Bashir 0909-4769 09-4719 10 Lecturer: Ms. Fatima Saman Due Date 4/27/2012 ........................................................................... 6 Point of Sales:..................... 7 ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Business model: ............. 2 BATA PAKISTAN LIMITED ...... 5 Organizational structure: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Business Analysis: .......................... 3 General Information (2011): .................................... 6 IT Systems: ........................................................................................................ 4 Vision Statement:.... 7 RIMS: .........Table of Contents BATA Shoe Organization (BSO): .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS .............................................................................. 5 Mission Statement: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Bata Pakistan comprises three divisions: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Denmark.In the early 1920’s Bata established new companies in Poland. By 1918 the likelihood of the company’s 6. Bata’s reputation as the innovative industry leader has been. Yugoslavia. In the early 1930’s Bata and Czechoslovakia were the leading footwear exports in the entire world. Despite the outbreak of the first world wart material shortages. Bata also create companies while provided the communities with rail services. publishing and new tannery.BATA Shoe Organization (BSO): The company that evolved into Bata shoe organization was first registered in the town of Zlin Czechoslovakia on August 24. It was innovative from the beginning in that its founders intended the company to be a “shoe manufacturer”. A tight focus on the customer had again process itself as a sound strategy. New companies were also established in Egypt. Finland. Bata exported shoes to the USA. Following the death of the founder Tomas Bata. manpower shortages. international expansion was over seen by Mr.In order to meet growing demand during the early years. the personal effectiveness of each Bata employee far outdistanced the few pairs per day produced by their predecessors. J. Insurance. A. Cipera Bata convened the first congress of the international of young men . By 1905 Bata had grown too some 250-company employees. Tomas Bata thinking in terms of expansion into new markets even as a teenager. Belgium. Singapore and India before Tomas Bata died prematurely in an airplane crash in 1937. corbels and other challenges. Luxembourg. Europe and North Africa. While still a young company. Indonesia. Tomas conceived a plan to adjust to post war economic difficulties by maintaining the focus on the customer and reducing the price of shoe significantly. building construction. Currency was devalued and consumer purchasing power was at an all-time low. sales increased to about two million pairs by 1917.He . Remuneration was with complete control of their economic destinies. travelling to Vienna to sell his shoe to the city’s merchants. 1894. To all Bata companies was applied the Bata system one of its most impotent and innovative elements was the arrangements of autonomous workshop through which all employees were provided with the opportunity to contribute ideas and to know in exact figures how this personal day to day achievements would directly affect profitability of their departments. The post war economy presented a difficult environment for Bata. the United Kingdom and the USA. New kinds of shoes were introduced using new way to promote them. At 2200 pairs per day. Holland. new production machinery was found in other countries and innovative show making technique were devised by skillful and resourceful Bata employees.000 employees could only be guaranteed by aggressive marketing and future foreign expansion . This represented a significant departure from the centuries old tradition of the one-man workshop eking out a bare subsistence for his family on a Cobbler’s bench at home. maintained ever since. Italy. Hungary. Bata with D. The young company overcomes many early difficulties . advanced retail technique including coordinated product groups non foot-wear products and participative retailing integration of retail know how3 and manufacturing capability.In the early sixties the Bata international center was built in Toronto . Bata totally utilizes the company’s mission statement as a guideline for Bata Company operation . Bata companies in Zlin and in many other countries were nationalizing by the communist governments. quality control laboratories. Now the Bata shoe organization is the largest manufacture and under of footwear operations span the globe through 75 companies in 60 countries which together buy. During the 70’s. He has also identified a success recipe which includes emphasis on international product brands such as power. sell and produce shoes in almost every country on earth. This reinforced the importance of the company’s long time commitment to individual innovation and the Bata employed 42. engineering plants.000 pairs per year. producing and selling approximately 270 million pairs of shoes each year. 80’s. BATA CITY STORE. which became so popular that it was even incorporated into the company logo in some countries. Canada deliberately designed to present the building from being expanded .000 people and their families depend on hobs in support services created by Bata operations . from Lahore with due entrepreneurial dynamism it expanded and grew by leaps and bounds presently claiming to be the largest shoe manufacturing unit in Pakistan. producing shoe machinery and moulds. SHOE WORLD. Following the war. Primarily for internal markets . product development studies. These include shoe factories. but then Bata invented the ladies pump during the fifties. Following World War II. T . tanneries. 90’s the world-manufacturing base for footwear has shifted to developing countries.000 people are employed. This company was expected to become the new international home base of the beginning of World War II when it seemed likely the organization would lose Zlin . This create event more challenges for the reconstruction team .G. been head office consistent with the policy of worldwide decentralization. to the Pacific Rim and especially to China. BATA PAKISTAN LIMITED Batapur came into being in 1942 at distance on 18 km.had already worked in several leadership positions with distinction and would soon spearhead the establishment of our Canadian company. bubble garments Bata industrial a variety of retail store concepts such as ATHLETES WORLD. hosiery factories and 6300 retail stores and 100. a temporary worlds headquarters was established in the UK to help rebuild the seriously depleted organization . .To be successful as a dynamic flexible and market responsive worldwide organization with footwear as its core business.An additional 40.Now all these affairs are controlled by the foundries grandson. and worldwide implantation of state of the art production technologies.At first some of our companies were slow to react to the dramatic style shifts desired in most markets following the war.000 people and produced more than 100. It thus maintained an efficient. Mr.000 franchises more than 60. DESCRIPTION OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS There are many departments in BPL which are described under below:    Personal department Finance department Purchasing department     Local Purchase Imports Marketing department Other department   Tannery Production department     Leather factory  Plastic factory  Rubber factory Designing department Laboratory Merchandizing department .likewise the company . canvas and PVC Plastic footwear of high quality.being leader in the market . Multan road Lahore was established in 1984 which produces highly sophisticated leather shoes on the most modern machines . rubber. Batapur has its own tannery where leather of high quality is produced and is being consumed in the manufacture of footwear of all kinds of cater to various marketing segments and exports .has future plans of further expansion besides updating existing auxiliary operations like quality control laboratory .In accordance with the expansion program a new modern unit at Maraka .General Information (2011): Permanent Employees = 2495 Retail Outlets = 396 Wholesale Depots = 13 Bata Pakistan comprises three divisions:    Production Marketing Administration It annually produces more than 12 million pairs of leather.product development department and engineering workshops. etc. culture and environment in which we operate” Mission Statement: “To be successful as the most dynamic. with footwear as a core business. flexible and market responsive organization. Seasonal planning     8 week forecast  4 week forecast  1 week forecast Costing department Training department Distribution department Vision Statement: “To grow as dynamic. innovative and market driven domestic manufacturer and distributor. while maintaining a commitment to the country. with footwear as its core business” . IT Systems: They are using 2 key systems for data storing and processing. The main problem or barrier which is on their way to start using this channel is the payment method. which are:   Point of Sales (POS) Retail Information Management System (RIMS) . they are working on that and it will be operational in short time span.Organizational structure: Bata management hierarchy Managing Director Director Finance Head of Human Resource Purchase Manager Retail Manager Manager Wholesale Product Development Officer Quality Assurance Manager Plant Manager Maraka Factory Business Analysis: Business model: BATA Shoe Organization is currently operating on “Brick and Mortar”. they do not have e-commerce business operational but in their strategies it is one of the major one to cater their customers via using internet. all the retail stores record their detailed sales in POS and then it is automatically passed on to RIMS on daily bases to keep record and to ensure the safe inventory level maintenance. RIMS: RIMS is used for analysis and it has all the historical data. They haven’t outsourced it. BSO has an automated system in form of RIMS that information is automatically passed to the production department that these articles (designs) are less than minimum inventory level and hence the other departments work for that problem and distribute that article within the short time span. all the data regarding daily sales is stored in it and then it passes information to RIMS. POS only stores data that is current. with the help of software engineers. BSO (BATA shoe organization) has developed RIMS on their own. so in that way it helps the top management to make decisions and thus can be categorized as Decision Support System. The main purpose for RIMS is to integrate all the data and provide the required information to both middle level and top management. POS works as initiative for the integration. . It also reduces their cost as they have not to bear the expenses to maintain large amount of stock in all the stores as well as it assures that the orders are fulfilled in time according to the upcoming demand from each area in which they are operating.Point of Sales: POS is in place in each and every retail store. it doesn’t deal in historical data. it is also used to check the minimum inventory level.


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