Barsky v. - A Universal Weapon 1. d4 d6 - Chess Stars 2010

June 19, 2018 | Author: Mary San Jose Gonzalez | Category: Chess Openings, Board Games, Traditional Games, Competitive Games, Chess
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Technical Editor : 1 M Sergey Soloviov Cover design by: Kalojan Nachev Translation by: GM Evgeny Ermenkov The publishers would like to thank Phil Adams for advice regarding the English translation. Copyright © Vladimir Barsky 2010 Printed in Bulgaria by "Chess Stars" Ltd. - Sofia 1SBN13: 978-954-8782-79-1 d4 d6 Chess Stars . Vladimir Barsky A Universal Weapon 1. 2010 More details at www. chess-stars. 3rd. 2007 Volume 11. 4 . 2006 Volume 9: The Sicilian. 2009 The Modern Philidor Defence by Vladimir Barsky. 2008 Volume 3: Maroczy..Khalifman.ltJf3 vol. 2008 Kill KI.d6 Universal" by Nigel Davies. DVD-box. Khalifman Volume la: Old Indian. 2008 The Queen's Gambit Accepted by Sakaev and Semkov. Other CHES S STARS Books Repertoire books: Opening for White Acc. 2010 The French Defence. Anti-Queen's Indian. 2006 Volume 2: Anti-Nim-Ind. Khalifman Volume 8: The Sicilian. Kolev. 2nd rev. 2009 The King's Indian. Gambit 2001. Slav. English Attack. 2008 The Easiest Sicilian by Kolev and Nedev.e4 by A. Chess Stars 200l. 2006 Volume lb: The Classical Variation. Paulsen-Kan and rare lines. 2009 Volume 12: The Sicilian. Dragon. 2004.ed.Bc4 Gruenfeld by Sakaev. 2007 The Safest Sicilian by Delchev and Semkov.. 2009 The Scotch Game for White by Vladimir Barsky. 2009 Volume 13: The Sicilian. The Sicilian.c5)..Bibliography Opening for White Acc. to Kramnik l.ltJf3 by A. A Complete Black Repertoire by Nikita Vitiugov. "An Explosive Chess Opening Repertoire for Black" by Jorni Yrjola's and Jussi Tella's.D. 2010 Opening for Black According to Karpov by Khalifman Current theory and practice series: An Expert's Guide to the 7. 2007 Volume 10: The Sicilian. by Semko Semkov. Rauzer Attack. to Kramnik l. A Complete Black Repertoire by Victor Bologan. English. Dutch Volume 4: Queen's Gambit Accepted. English (L. "l. 3 by A. 2006 The Sharpest Sicilian by Kiril Georgiev and At. rare lines in the Classical Variation. 2010 Squeezing the Gambits by Kiril Georgiev. 2008 The Petrosian System Against the QID by Beliavsky and Mikhalchishin. Paulsen-Taimanov and other lines. ed. Modern. 2010 The Moscow & Anti-Moscow Variations by Alexey Dreev. Semi-Slav Volume 5: Queen's Gambit Declined Opening for White According to Anand 1. rey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lt:lfd2 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Step by Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g3j 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . .dxe5 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lt:lf3 e44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d5 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e4j 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lt:lg5 Quick Repertoire . . .e4 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . 81 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d4 d6 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contents 1. . . . . . . . . 54 Complete Games .c4 e5 1 3. . . . . . . 10 Step by Step . . . . . . . 71 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . . . . 52 Step by Step . . .lt:lf3 e4 4. . . . . . . . . . . .b3j 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Complete Games . . . . 117 6 3. . . . . . . 12 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . . 140 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Step by Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lt:lgl. . . . . . . . . . . 107 Step by Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . . . . 124 Step by Step . . . . . . 96 5 3. . . . 110 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . 208 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Complete Games . . . .c3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . . . . .�f3 i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 9 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 10 3. . . . .c4 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. .f4. . . . . . .d4 d6 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 8 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e4 and 3. 192 Step by Step. . . . . . . . . . .g5. . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Step by Step. . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 6 . . 201 1. .g4 7 Various wjo 3. . . . . . . . . .d4 d6 11 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. . . . 2. . . . . . . 163 Step by Step. . . . . . . . .e4 Quick Repertoire . . .J. . . . . . . . 205 Step by Step. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Complete Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c4 Quick Repertoire .lLlbd2 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . 177 Step by Step. . .tl�bd2. .g3 Quick Repertoire . . . . . . 2. . . You should not infer from this last statement that I have found the "secret of eternal youth".. or the Hodgson variation. not only against l.e4 . but if the Pirc-Ufimtsev Defence is a part of your open­ ing repertoire then you can manage without the Modern Philidor De­ fence. White has to dig deeper rather than wider. to which my previous book was devoted.c4 d6 2.c4 e5!? System. It quickly becomes clear that White does not have a very wide range of plans that are re­ ally dangerous for Black. I should mention that in this monograph. the first six chapters of my book are devoted to the 1. Both systems can be characterized by White's first move. but also against l. The fact is that with l.c4.d4 d6 2.. I have analyzed two original. So. I have not dealt with the move 2 . Black should not remain idle however. I hope that the book will make this problem easier to cope with . after l.d4 d6 Black "shortens his defensive perimeter" and reduces White's scope for surprising him with sorne original set-up. As an author I should be delighted if you read that book as well. opening schemes: 1. and in fact quite distinct. ). ltJf6 3.ltJf3 eS 3. Black's re­ sponse. (Nevertheless. and the somewhat disdainful attitude shown towards them by the chess theoreticians. for example: l.. or l. In order to try to obtain an advantage in the opening. 7 . I believe that it is typical of both systems that Black is trying to bring about a highly concrete struggle. in which the opponent is forced to make important decisions on practically every move.d4 d6. In four to five of the most principled variations it should be enough for him to set up a solid defensive line and he will have a reliable defence.ltJf3 and l. but strangely enough the first of these schemes does not have an established official name.ltJf3 d6 2 . The second variation has been referred to by various names - sometimes the Tartakower-Wade system.g4.d4 e4 etc.d4.then after 2 .d4 d6 2.ltJc3 eS. we enter the realm of the contemporary Philidor Defence.d4 d6 2. in the one volume.. That is why this book has been entitled "A Universal Weapon".ttJf3 J.PREFACE In this book.c4 e5 and 1. or the panacea that will radically solve the problem of playing with the black pieces in chess. They are encountered in practice quite frequentIy (there are more than a thousand games with each in the database).d4 �g4. advance his centre-pawn. O-O) and the opposing forces might not come into direct conflict for sorne time. However. White has numerous possibilities now. where White practically knows in advance Black's first five moves (ttJf6. or ignore altogether the threat of capturing on d4. A critical situation has arisen right away.dxeS dxeS 4. He can exchange on eS. This is very different from the King's Indian De­ fence. There can be no compromise! 1 also want to mention that the endgame after 3. complete the de­ velopment of his pieces and begin playing for a win thanks to his space advantage. White will try to destroy his opponent's centre and exploit the weakening of his opponent's king. d6..ig7. The move 2 . since Black forces his opponent .\Wxd8+ 8 .iilf3 e4 4. eS is really very direct. for example.iilg5 f5. protect it with another pawn or the knight. g6. to clarify the situation in the centre immediately. or else Black will manage to fortify his e4-pawn. It is very interesting to consider how the game develops in the basic theoretical variation 3. . the point is that White has to make up his mind right at this moment and cannot postpone his decision even for one move. :li. and Black has exceIlent chances of seizing the initiative if White plays imprecisely even for a momento In the l. as weIl as sorne other. as a positional �g4 system (Chapters 7-10). then Black plays in the spirit of the "French Defence Deferred" (with a bish­ op on g4. in response to e4-eS. masters and even ordinary chess enthusiasts. FinaIly. organizing the standard undermining pawn­ breaks c7-c5 and f7-f6. some­ what bizarre. possibilities. I hope that this "universal weapon" wiIl be a valuable addition to your opening repertoire. instead of on c8): e7-e6. as it has become for many grandmasters. in the eleventh and last chapter of the book. advancing later with d6-d5 and.mxd8 should not be considered as an invitation to a draw. If White avoids the doubling of his pawns on f3. for example with 3. for their great help with this work. with the emphasis on strategy. :li. December 2010 9 .g5.ttJbd2 . Black intends to compromise his opponent's pawn-structure and obtain a non-standard po sitio n in which a less experienced opponent might easily go astray and make strategic errors. I have tried to suggest the most resolute and concrete replies for Black against them.e4 or 3.g3 and 2. Vladimir Barsky Moscow. aIl the pieces are still on the board. In conclusion. among them sorne developing moves such as 2 . Except for the queens. the game gen­ eraIly develops quietly.d4 d6 2.e7. we analyze various possibilities for White on his second move. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Intema­ tional Master Maria Fominykh and to the editor of this book Intema­ tional Master Sergey Soloviov. Yet even in that opening Black has his chances to hold the balance and graduaIly equalize. is much more 10 . However.e4 d6 2. However.fbd8+ rights in both cases.dxe5 dxe5 4.d4 d6 2. he can play 6 .dxe5 dxe5 5.ttJc3 e5 4.d4 ttJf6 3. �xd8 in the contemporary Philidor Defence White has many more chances of seizing the initiative in the opening.c4 e5 Quick Repertoire It would be useful to com­ pare this endgame with the "Phi­ lidor type". For example. why should he avoid entering a quite comfortable and safe position? Black's king has lost castling 3. The end­ game to which we devote the first part of our book.�c4 and he not only devel­ ops his bishop.Chapter l l. which Black cannot avoid. arising after l.�xd8+ �xd8 (see my book - "The Modern Philidor Defence"). but simultaneous­ ly attacks his opponent's f7-pawn. We wiIl begin the analysis of this opening scheme with a the­ matic endgame (or rather a mid­ dlegame without queens). necessary. restricted by Black's pawn on c6..c4 eS 3..b2 <llc7 Black does not have any prob­ lems.ih3 . . restricting the enemy 6.g3 White is not playing this move to fiancheUo his bishop on g2. is still on its initial square.b3 tDd7 bishop and knight in the process. it is psy­ places his pawn on f6 immedi­ chologicaIly tempting to aUack a ately. hS 11. supporting ing the 'SOs and the '90s of last his central eS-pawn.f3 h4?! White plays 12 . It is useful to cover the pawn as early as on move S ! gS-square. Still. 12JM2 i.e7 13.. campo White wiIl hardly be able pawn impedes the development to exploit this however. It would do nothing there.. He is not afraid of ghosts and square for his king. with which he restricts the enemy 9 . Black wiIl need to place a pawn This position was tested dur­ on f6 sooner or later.0 tDh6 7. since the of his fl-bishop and the e2-pawn pawn-structure is symmetrical. without obvious defects. Wixd8+ <llxd8 comfortable for him.dxeS dxeS 4.g4 and Black's pawn on h4 becomes a liability. veloped.f6 knight on c3 and frees the c7. He wishes to develop it to h3 and exchange the light-squared bishops.tDxh3 •. White's c4. but his position should not be overestimated. since he can hardly manage of protecting his weak squares if without this prophylactic move. l. . 0 . 7 c6 8 .ixh3 9.0 .. 1 0 . so theoreticaIly we acceptable. and both 5. There wiIl century and the evaluation was be only dark-squared bishops left that Black's position was perfectly on the board.. 11 .ghdl can diagnose a potential weak­ gad8 with an approximately ness of the light squares in Black's equal game.d4 d6 2. 11. Black is perfectly capable c6.i.tDc3 i. After the over­ optimistic line: 10 .e6 sides' pieces are practicaIly unde­ Here Black can also play 5 . 8.lLlxe7+ �xe7 12. but that move was dubious.lLlf3 �c5 ploit his minimal lead in develop­ 6.f4?! He is trying to ex­ in the following game: 5. He should play more prudently . Oberwinden 2007.Y«xd8+ 4 ••• �xd8 In several games White avoid­ ed the exchange of queens and played for instance 4.�e2� with mutual chances.ig4 9. although I already prefer Black's position.dxe5 dxe5 Step by Step advisable for White to weaken the important d4-outpost. he has neither a lead in development nor a space advantage.e3 O-O 9. Gogollok .a3 a5 7....Vatter.hf3 a4 13. After the exchange of the d-pawns.�e2 O-O 1O.Chapter 1 l.c4 e5 3. He develops his piece to an ex­ cellent position and is threatening knight-sorties on b4 and d4 with tempo at an opportune momento It would still be too early to say A) 5.lLlc3 lLlge7 8. See what happened to play 5.�c3 �d4 14.ttJc3 but one or two careless moves by White may create serious difficul­ It is rather dubious for White ties for him..g3 that Black may seize the initiative.�c2 :¡Ud8::¡:.e4 Ot is not ment and disrupts radically his 12 . with an undoubted advan­ tage for him.d4 d6 2. B) 5.�c2.lLld2 f5 10. Black's sim­ plest move seems to be 4 . 4.) 8 .lLld5 hf3 1l. lLlc6. 1.g3 develop his dark-squared bishop to the long diagonal...e4?! does not seem the d4-outpost may become a convincing either.. for ex­ .0-0 tLld4 13. (after the seemingly Dnepropetrovsk 2005. which provides his opponent with a target for the pawn-break aS-a4.fxeS Gulko.Strikovic.�e6 6.tLlbd2 'i!ic7 12.d4 d6 2. Fulop - tLlc6 6.Rausis.tLle1 ie7+ He has deployed his light 13 . In the following game 9.tLlxd2 c6 9.tLlc3 �e6 6. White has also tried in prac­ tice the move S. Adela­ Cabrera .e4 tLla6 11. in 12.tLla3 riz 1994.!l:fd1 tLlf7 13.tLlc3 h6 11.cS? ! case White plans the manoeuvre tLlxcS lS. The move S.tLlf3 f6 6.�d2 tLle7 11.!l:fd1 tLlc6 13. tion is already preferable.ic3 aS 8.f4 tLla6 7. too cautious..tLle3 tLlcS lS..ixcs bxcS 16.e3 .) 14.see S.dxe5 dxe5 2.�g4 the c7-pawn in the process.!l:fc1 ixf3 18.) 6.�e2 tLlh6 10.b3 tLle7 12. avoiding the move b2-b3.. 5 .tLlc3 �e6 d4-outpost.�xf3 !l:hd8+ Pena tLld4+ L. for example: S .c4 e5 3.Grigorian . 'fffxd8+ 'i!ixd8 5...tLlxd4 hd4 Miles started the occupation of 14.Azmaiparashvili.tLlgf3 f6 9.�cS 7. ig4 9..a3 tLlcS 14. c6..0-0 (It was sensible for White to re­ aS 11.cS ixcS 8. the dark squares immediately: 5 .!l:ac1 ha3 !? 13.�e2 tLld7 10. York 1997.a3 aS 8.tLlc3 tLla6 7.g3 c6 pawn-structure in the process.�e3 tLlcS 8.tLlf3 id6 7.tLld2 17. New ide 1991 (game 1).bxa3 b6 14. tLlb4 !? 8..This move is tLlge7+ Truskavetsky . Athens 1993 . He wishes to A) 5.tLlc3 c6+ Petkova .tLlf1 move his knight from a3 in order 'i!ic8 (His king runs away from the to impede Black's attempts to open file and continues to protect unbalance the position.�gS+ 'i!ic8 1O. AH pieces harmoniously and his posi­ this is hardly worth the effort..�e2..�e2 the English grandmaster Anthony tLlbc6 12.0-0 c6 1l.e4.) 11 . this plan is too slow and completely harrnless for Black. Yucatan 1999.Miles.6. Now Black can be­ tLlf6 9. ample: 6. more aggressive attempt .tLlf3 f6 9.Matjushin.tLlc3 ie6 play more prudently S .tLlf3 f6) 6 .0-0 'i!ic7 1O.tLla4 �a7 1O.�f4 S.e3 tLld7 7...id2. Monda­ the queenside: 7 . since it unnec­ cause of trouble for White in the essarily weakens the important future: 6 .tLlxe4 tLlxe4? gin an immediate diversion on Aguirretze . !l:xcS tLle7 tLlf1-e3-dS..ie3 �e6 8. However.�d2 ixd2+ 7.fxeS tLlfxe4 1O. it is bet­ �b4+ (It is also good for Black to ter for him to play 6. e3 i. single move yet.Ilic.J. provoking White to 9. after which he wiIl have at 5 .b3 cJ. and here. since Black can coun­ king's rook on d8 and his knight ter this with the immediate move on f7.0-0 his opponent's c4-pawn. g5 . Black wiIl Black is threatening a4-a3..c7 9.h3 8 ••• a4 Black is trying to seize the White cannot harm his op­ initiative (not without reason. He wiIl place his dividends.J.�g2 �e6 (7. 12J:Udl �b4.ttJf3 f6 7.ttJc3 a5 solved all his opening problems.. building a barrier on this di­ agonal.g2 A2) 6. an integral part of Black's plan.g2 a5 In general. ponent in any way with the Hne: though. and he plans to attack variation Al) 8.b4 play a2-a3. instead the move b2-b3. Black should complete his de­ so he should not be worse.i. which ttJd7 1O.:.tiJd2 i.. Al) 6. It retreat his bishop to e7 and play is also useful for him to provoke 14 .Chapter 1 The development of White's ttJc5...i. ttJh6 1l.. cannot easily be protected without Belgrade 2010..tiJc3 Al) 6. 7.see queenside..• c6 least equal chances. Dukaczewski .. No doubt White of the overly optimistic move 10 . the move c7-c6 is After this pawn-advance. He light-squared bishop to the long wiIl then have nothing to com­ diagonal would not bring him any plain about. ) by seizing space on the 6. has not done anything wrong yet. Black's rook on a8 and his bishop He must cover the d5-square and on f8 wiIl participate actively in ensure the comfortable c7-square the game without having made a for his king. attacking the b3-pawn. but it velopment according to the stand­ is quite obvious that Black has ard scheme: 1O . After this. a5 .ttJf3 f6 8.�b2.e6 1 0 . g3 c6 White into playing a2-a3 and at squares .dxe5 dxe5 4..ltlf3 ltlh6 14. one 15 . Stierle . he sooner or later Black wiIl have to is still playing "obligatory" pro­ deploy his central pawns on dark gramme moves (king on c7. first activating the rest of his pieces. 0 .d4 d6 2. Meanwhile.�e3 �he8� Spacek .�d2 exf4 1O. Wffxd8+ �xd8 5. 7 . ¿¿¡e7+± with a double­ enemy king effectively..V. sider the possibility of doubling Still.ltlc3 f6 8.th3 !? .�e7 9.. " 6 .. 0 . . in the words of a popular his opponent's pawns on c3.f4. the ex­ 9 . This is the idea behind the move g2-g3. ¿¿¡d7 ..txc8 �xc8 (game 3). since for his knight. Black can hardly avoid the ex­ change of the light-squared bish­ ops. a5 change of the light-squared bish­ Black ensures the c5-square ops is favourable for White. Prague A2) 6 ..f6 8 .c4 e5 3.0 <Jtc7 9. 7.gxf4 giev.Hausner. so he wishes to do this under the most favourable circumstanc­ es.. "We will live through lUkl ¿¿¡d7 12.0 this .�hg1 �f7 15. l. For exam­ edged position... Bad Woerishofen 2 003 ltlc5 11.¿¿¡f3 White cannot achieve much with 7.adding to the pawn on sorne moment Black can even con­ e5 another one on the f6-square.. 1978.Geor­ pIe: 8 .. since he does not have sufficient resources to break in the centre and attack the 1 2. In principIe. 13.gdl . 0-0-0 �e8 12 . cartoon film. ic5 n.ttle3 ttle5 U.�bl ttlf5� with mutual chances.Mokry. There are insufficient tacti­ cal possibilities to compensate for the gaping hole on d4 and White should refrain from this pawn-advance.f3 a5 1O. so the position 6.f4 (7.f4.ttle3 i..heS �xeS 12.�d2 tLlgf6 White can prepare quick 9.0-0-0 remains approximately equal.ttlf3 f6 .ttlf3 f6 7. Internet 2003.e6 We have already comment­ ed on the consequences of this move and it aIl applies here as weIl..b3 ttle7 13....see the d4-square yet. exf4 8..e3 c6) 7.. B) 5.e3 c6 7. but we have already mentioned that this plan.e4 g6 n..Chapter 1 of the knights on c5.Solak. tLld7 7. Estonia 1996 (White is obviously trying for too much out of this position.�c2 .id2 ttld7) 8 .e4 1 0 .tLlf3.g3 c6 14. Germany 8 . it would be better to play 9.hc5 tLlxc5 queenside castling. Shish­ 1993.ttlf3 energeticaIly and precisely. ttld7 8.id2 (7..ttlf3 f6 7.see 6. Flores . tLlgf6 1O...id6+ .M4 ib4 kov ..�c7 9. (8.b3 can maintain the balance: 6 .ib4 8. Still.f4 f6 so clear how he should folow this 15 . he B2) 6. if he plays Bl) 6.ie2 !'le8� Black cannot occupy up: 6. strenuous brain work.Neff.ttlf3 f6 ..It wiIl finaIly 16 . but it is not 12J"!d1+ tLlfd7 13.ie3 . including the development of the knight to f3. 6. the other come to a position in which White one on f5 eyeing the d4-square) wiIl end up with a weak isolated and his moves do not require any pawn on e4.tLlf3 tLlg4 12J"!e1 .) 7.) 9 .e3 c6 Trachtmann . wiIl be analyzed sep­ arately. beS CiJxcS 13.bc3+ n. 8 . his opponent to play i.ii.f6 Black can continue with his devel­ (diagram) opment in a standard fashion: 8 . �c2 a4+ Guerra ...te3 the move f7-f6 is almost always If he plays 8. Hawaii 1998. CiJc3 .. 7.b4.eS CiJg4 14... Bl) 6 .i.d2 CiJgf6 10....d 2.c4 eS 3. Éid2 Éie8::¡: Gross - Benjamin. This move was played by sorne White can avoid the exchange of very strong players.te2 Blh) 7.Éihel CiJxd3+ 14.d3 .see 6. .CiJf3 .!Llf3 • White wins a tempo by attack­ ing the enemy pawn.. Éixd3 ..CiJbS hd2+ 13. f6. Minsk 20 09. V9xd8+ �xd8 5.ii. CiJd2 c6 15. Éie8 11. 0-0-0 �c8 13.e3 CiJh6 1O. then 6 .CiJe4 �c8::¡: White volun­ tarily created an isolated pawn in should not create a permanent his Own camp and now he can no hole on d4 in his position.0-0-0+ �e7 14. but it wiIl not be active 17 .i.Ko­ gan.CiJf3 Éie8 n. Smolich . 9. all evident. Odivelas 2000. but he may not have sufficient resources to break his opponent's defence.bxc3 h6 13.bc4 15. Bla) 7. Éixd2 a6 14.ii. Bla) 7.CiJgS (It is difficult to give White any good advice here.e4 aS 9.e6 and now: 9.b3 c6 16.h3 CiJf7 11. l.b3 CiJd7 .a3.bxc3 CiJcS 12.CiJc3 �c8 IS.e4 After the modest move 8 . The longer protect it. but he no longer has the possible manoeu­ vre g2-g3 and .i.e3 i. advantages of this move are not at Efanov. but White his bishop.cS (eyeing the d4-outpost) 12. It would hardly be satisfactory for him to opt for 1O.Varnavski.d4 d6 2.i.dxeS dxeS 4.Black's position is more attractive.e2 �c'ñ' . Cheliabinsk 2006. LZakharov . not allowing useful for Black.!Lld7 0-0-0 CiJg4 12 .CiJf3?! CiJgf6 1O..) 1O .0-0-0 hc3 12. 7.b3 CiJd7 7.f1-h3. Meanwhile. Santos - tLlxc5 12 . Cambados 2 005 ture.ie7 ••.bxc3 tLle7 ll.a3 8.. would still maintain control over the situa­ tion.tLld2 l"lhd8+ Alonso Gonzalez ..i.]e7 11. From there. Black 12.l"lcd1 b6't Piankov . Black has resisted the (game 4).]e2 cJ.0 . weIl.0-0.. Plancoet Black's knight may go to g4 as 2004. Paunovíc. 15. but Black is well prepared because of 12 .hc3 square vía h6.tLle1 l"lhd8? If White plays carelessly.Chapter 1 there. or to b3 vía a5.l"lxd7+.l"ld1 cJ..f3 b6 13.) ll .hc5 axb6 17.ttJa4 g5 13.�c5 12 .to the f7- of his pawn-structure: 9 . 1O.l"lc1 a 5 1O..0 14 .Chatalbashev. After 8. but he has no chances then 18 ...i.]f7 14. in­ cluding castling short.. Figueira da Foz 2008 tLle1 tLlc6. 9 ••• e6 1 0 .cJ. France 1995.�d2 White's rather timid plan. 15.cxb6+ •• 9..0-0 tLle7 14.ib4 9 .c6 9..e5 b5 16.l"lb1 14. 0 .]e8 12.hc5 His bishop is weIl placed on e7 tLlxc5 13J'!d1+ cJ.e2 a4 11. temptation to play c7-c6 (This move is ofien played almost au­ Blb) 7.0-0 tLlh6 and it does not impede his knight.e3 e6 tomaticaIly. to counter this. ) and has preserved the c6-square for his knight. it is not advísable 8 . it can go later to d4. ing problems then.te2 a4 13.ia3 cJ. Black wiIl have no open­ 1l .i.ic5? would not work tion.Dorfman.]c8 16.a3 .tbf7 15..e2 �b4 9.a3 a5 1O. for example: NaturaIly. 8 .ttJe3 b5? H.ttJd2 ttJh6 can double his opponent's pawns This is a standard route for and begin exploiting the defects Black's king's knight .]c7 14.. since he has other plans for its fu­ Torres.e3 for Black to exchange his bishop (White has decided to transfer for the enemy knight and the his bishop to a more active posi­ move ll .tc5 ll.tLlc2 cJ. then Serralta ... Denmark 2 009.lLld2 ib4 17.Vaulin.Hillarp Persson.) and here after 8 ••• lLld7 1O .Élg1 liJh6 11. ie7 lS.lLle4 would only provoke sim­ the f7-square) 11. ideas of this variation: 9..h4 (lt is obvious that White is afraid of hS-h4 foHowed by ie7 and g7-gS and Blaek's pawn-of­ fensive on the kingside may turn out to be very unpleasant.liJe4 aS and there arises the position from the game Antonsen . .id3 aS liJd2 ifS 16.f]xd6 17.d4 d6 2.ie3 lLlh6 13.f]e7 12. Perdomo .r.b3 aS 12.A. 0 .h3 liJf7 14.. hS (Under the cireumstanees. lLle4 aS 12 .Élg1 (The een­ ie2 lLld7 9..Éle1 if7 sion on the flank.h3 lLleS and he soon seized the initia­ liJf7 1l...beS 15.f]b2 18.) 10. in which Blaek sueeeeded in realizing almost aH the basic 9 .Élg1 hS (This is a quite natu­ 1O.f]e7 1O.ie3 lLlh6 13.Hillarp Persson. Sao Pau­ lLle4 lLld6 14.ie2 .ie3 r...liJfd2 lLld6 1S.g4 ib4 14.b3 lLld6 16.dxe5 dxe5 4.Éld2 lLlg4 17.) 1l. for example: 1l.b3 ie7 14. liJh6 1O.0-0 r. Here is one relatively reeent game.Éld1 lLlh6 tralization of White's knight by (this is the weH familiar route to 1O.f]e7 11.lLla4 plifieation: 1O .Felgaer.g4 r.0-0-0 r.f]e7 1O. 0-0-0 aS 13.lLleS 1l.ie2 lLlf7 14..g4 Éld8 13. Avoine 2 008. It is also good 16.axb4 b6f:±Vojinovie Élad8. Miton .id3 ig6 18. lLlh6 with sueeess. Nis 1993.lLlxeS heS liJf7 13.0 lLle7 game Kalantarian . draw.b3 lLlh6 16.r. which we have already analyzed above.a3 Élhd8 17. opponents agreed to a draw in the 9 .h3 lLlf7 12 .c4 e5 3.h3 lLlf7 12 .lLlxd6 r.ifS for Blaek to opt for 9 .) 14 .f]e2 lLld6 lS...'�xd8+ r.liJxd6 hd6 and the lo 2 009.ie3 ie7 lS.liJxeS . l. Yerevan 1994.Minasian. a5 1 0 . tive..0-0-0 r. Élgd1 liJeS 18.ie2 Éldf8°o Dieu - Sanduleae.b4 axb4 19.liJxeS heS'!' Anton­ sen . Koszalin 1998.lLle4 aS 9.Czerwonski. 19 ..f]e7 ral reaetion against White's diver­ 13.ib2 lLleS 14. Blaek can still play 1O . 9 .f]xd8 5JiJc3 ie6 of fighting for the advantage: 8. 12 ..ie1 liJe8 16. tb2 f6. 8. pieces and in the process prevents 20 . r:J. Sto Petersburg 2009 (game 5). It of breaking his opponent's pawn­ goes to b6 in order to support the structure there.gfdl lLlc8 12...te7 16.td2 lLlh6 .. it looks a bit strange for White to continue with the line 9.lLlxh3 hS 12.te2 he2 17.lLlg3 a4 lS.td3 aS 11..0-0-0!? not to go to the f7-square with r:J.f3 lLlh6 13.td3 (At least.lLla4 <t.r:J.iel lLld7 Black has failed to provoke the move c4-c5 and he begins a re­ grouping of his forces..lLlf3 f6 8.lLld2 lLlc5 18.lLlxb6 lLlxb6 15.g3 r:J.. pawn-break aS-a4 . Zagan 1997.!l:gl enables . c6 8.g3 c6 8 .lLlfe4 .:1l:ad1 !l:hd8+! T.Bauer.Gagu­ 7.lLlge2 .. B2) 6.he develops his latero This plan is not at all dan.e3 (8.lLlxcS hcS 14. hh3 11. The c4-pawn has become the Ponomarev .. .lLlxe2 a4+! Bregadze . .c7 11.lLlc3 !l:ad8 lS..lLlge2 lLlc8 . of his light-squared bishop only .f6 14.g3 nashvili.lLlg3 fS 18. 17.he has played e3 and g4 and now he trades the light-squared bishops ...Moskalenko.. It seems logical for White to 7.Balogh .c7 1O .e3 f6 1O .ie7 16 .7.lLlf2 lLlfS 14.c7 9.th3 . for Black is not afraid of the pawn­ example: 7. Da­ target for the attack.) 9 .tg4 16 .13..g3 f6 - offensive g2-g4-gS and he decides see 7.lLlge2 r:J.tb4+! D..ib2 (The somewhat fianchetto his other bishop first enigmatic move 8... O-O aS 12. lLlh6 1O.Chapter 1 After White has castled short.lLla4 lLlcS 13.1O .b3 lLld7 9 .a3 lLlcb6 g6 17..tb4 9 .c7 14. gomys 2 006) 8 . Tbilisi 2 009.this is an interest­ it to the queenside with the idea ing manoeuvre of his knight. gerous for Black however...A..b 1 lLlcb6 ll.tc2 lLle7 his king's knight.!l:fd1 .e 2 aS lS..Sakaev..lLlbl lLlb3 19.lLlxfS 13.gacl . but to transfer 12..tb2 and consider the future Black to equalize easily after 8 . gc3 a4 + Battaglini .tfS hfS+ 16.. Almansa 2009.h6 10...hh3 9.tb4 12. Haifa 1989. Gheorghiu . Czechoslovakia rooks suddenly beco me very ac­ 1992) 1O . <JJxd2 liJf7 12.Mokry.liJf2 ge8 ity. Wffxd8+ <JJxd8 S. <JJc7 1O. mutual chances.gac1 liJf7 17.R. he can also play l1.id2 tive. <JJe 2 a5 15. White did not find the move h7-h6 with the same anything better than to advance purpose.. to be insufficient even for equal­ ib2 liJgf6 l1.. Bad Kissin­ velopment of both sides' pieces is gen 1981. <JJb l ghd8 16.f4? be­ in the coming battle are approxi.h3 (Here.h4 h6 It is useful for Black to take the 15.liJd3 ie7 14.id2 a5 transposition.c!iJxh3 16.) 8 ... mately equal..0-0-0 (9.. Still.g3 comparable and rather slow..liJf2 . 0 ..liJxd6 cxd6= long-term weaknesses...dxe5 dxeS 4. <JJa l g5-square under control. but this plan proved for his knight: 9 ..f3 h5 11.. 14.ie2 liJd6 14. liJ c3 ie6 White's plan of advancing g2-g4 . <JJe 2 liJh6 8 . it is not The prospects of both sides good for him to choose 1 2. ing both his opponent's bishop Baku 2008) 9 .tc5 12. .txc3+ 16..f4 ge8 17.tf8 17.f3 (10.g4 b6 with linn 1988 (game 6). 8 .!.e3 ie7 14. 11.liJfe4 liJxe4 14.h4?! be­ cause of the natural reply 12.c6 8. 9 .ig2 ib4 11.e3 <JJc7 15.tc3 . 7.liJde4 liJf7 14.) 16. The pawn-structure 1O. 10 .a5 12..c4 eS 3. Instead..liJxe4 ib4+ 15.liJxh3 <JJc7 amonts to just a 1O.) 11. liJg4! and his numer- 21 .d4 d6 2.f6 liJd2 liJh6 13. . The de­ Sosonko .iel liJe6� Jimenez Martinez .f3 .e3 liJh6 and knight.liJd2 a4! 15.liJde4 hxg4 17. cause of 12 .gg1 liJc5 13..c6 9.ib2 1O..g4. h5.Kir. <JJc7 1O.ghdl Kveinys ..iel . <JJc2 h5! (Black .ghdl liJd8 18. restrict­ if5+ Akhmedov .ih3 hh3 1 0 ..g4 liJf7 13.Hort. <JJc7 After 1O .0 c!iJh6 (diagram) 12J:�d2 White should not try anything too risky. preserving the f6-square his g-pawn.Azmaiparashvili.liJxc3 <JJc7 17. l.0 .ih3 Georgiev.Mamedov..e3 is symmetrical and there are no <JJe7 13.1=í:d2 gad8= Mi­ breaks on both flanks and his chenka . For example.Serna Lara. 13..f3 and it is not advisable for Black to opt for 11 . liJgf6 l1.liJf2 <JJc7 12.tb2 f6 9.hxg4 gh2+ liJc5 13.liJe4 ixd2+ 11.0-0-0 a5 12. makes two consecutive pawn­ 0-0-0 liJc5 18. Tal­ ghe8 16. White wiIl play simply l1. e4 �e7 13.axb3 E:hd8 22. Leningrad 1985. ous self-inflicted weaknesses will become a telling factor for the fu­ ture. E:hd1 axb3+'lf2. .'itid2 a6 16.fxe5 tt'ldxe5'lf2 �b4'lf2 tt'lf7 17.:gd4 c5! 16. For example: 13. 13 gad8 14.fxe4 tt'ld6 16.ghd1 1995.tLle4 tLle5 15.APanchenko. Bue­ gxd8 l!xd8 16. the endgame is approximately 12 .) 14 .•• :gxd8 hd8= Amura ..:gd2 tt'lxc4 17.Tal. Ra­ mat Aviv 1998.'ld3 for long in the following game: a5 15.'itixc2 a4 20.e3 tt'le6+ Mikhalevski .gxd8 'itixd8 - nos Aires 1991.f5 tt'lg4'lc2 tt'lxc2'lc5!? 13.i. Oral . E:hd1 :gd8 18. Olomouc'le1 13.E:d3 E:hf8-+ Bai­ kov .E:xd8 tt'lxd8 19.Chapter 1 ing more energetically: 12 . romme'lb1 bxc4. Cseppko 2002. .'itie2 b5 17. tt'lxe4 15. .'itib1 tt'le3 16. The fight did not continue 12 .tt'lf4 tt'le3'le4 :ge8 15.f3 tt'lf5 14. 22 .e7 equal. with approximate equality.bxc4 �h6 19.Lukin.Radulov.••.E:d2 �e7 17. . Sanchis . Ma­ Black could also consider play. draw. It was betler for him to continue with 14.f3 tt'lf5'lxf6 gxf6'le4?! (White did not need to disrupt his pawn-struc­ ture in this fashion.f4 E:he8 14. Here are two more practical examples: 12.e3. Dovzik tt'lc5'le4 E:he8 14. e2 .ie6 S.c!lJc3 . Miles obviously did not like the juxtaposition of his king with the enemy rook along the e-file (White might have the idea of liJe3-d5+ at an opportune mo­ ment. The loss of tempo evidently did not bother Black has occupied the vulner­ him.c8-c7-b7.b4+ 6.b3 c!lJe7 12J. beautiful knight.ih5 27. sinee after that he will c!lJgf3 f6 9 .Grigorian Miles 2 0 . the board with his knights.ie2 c!lJd7 1 0 .J.id2 hd2+ 7. ) and he withdrew his king to a safer position. Naturally. the el­ ement of zugzwang is completely absent. .if7 26.c!lJxd2 . Miles brings his last reserves into the battle and seeks a weak point to break through.fdl c!lJc6 13.dxe5 dxe5 4J�'xd8+ �xd8 Complete Games 1 L. White's position remains very sol­ �bl c!lJce6 id and will not crumble by itself.�acllt>b7 It>cS 14.c!lJc3 �a7 Under the cover of his knight on d4. 1l.t3 �dS lS.'@xdS+ It>xdS 5. Black is preparing to dou­ ble his rooks along the d-file. d4-square.0 a5 • have a powerful passed pawn.e4 J.1t>f2 It>c7 24. but 25. but only on the .c!lJd2 c!lJd4 Black's king has made a trian­ gle .c4 e5 3. 23 .1t>f2 �ad7 21. . since White could not do able dark squares in the centre of much anyway.d4 d6 2.c4 e5 3.d4 d6>el h5 22.c!lJfl 23. 16 .dxe5 dxe5 He is ready to exchange his 4. Adelaide 1991 c!lJe2 h4 1.ifl c6 17.Chapter 1 l. 0 .c!lJbl • b6 19.c!lJe3 c!lJc5 15. id2 llJe7 1l .. he parries the im­ position was already very bad an­ mediate threat of ttJf4 but he com­ yway.ie2 ttJd3+ pro mises his kingside consider­ 39...ie5 7.ie2 llJbe6 f4-square becomes a very power­ 12.ie6 9. llJg5 bishop rather than his knight.0 llJd4 13.gh2 �e7 37.llJd2 White allows his opponent to Another mistake.¡h8 ably.. but then the position would become much sharper and White could obtain counter chances.ixd4 fuI threat.b4 !) 29.llJxd4 .d4 d6 2. Miles postpones this plan and makes a diversion on the kingside.hxg3 llJg5! Athens 1993 3 0 .. with chances of holding the posi­ tion.a3 a5 S. l:'ld2 with 36. gxd7+ gxd7 35.llJbl It was better for White to de­ fend with 35. bishop . well.tf1 �c7 (28 . but now..dxe5 dxe5 This is the only move. 2 Petkova Rausis 2S ..ia7 1 0 .hxg3+ 29.llJe3 e6 3 O .28 .e4 after the opening of the h-file. or 38. This time he did it with his 37. but 24 . �el? This is the decisive mistake. trying to create sorne counterplay on the queen­ side.�xd2 llJxf3+. For example: 38 .llJf3 f6 6..!'lh2. .. 14.�f1 ttJc1.llJc3 ... �g3.llJa4 transfer of Black's knight to the ..•.ig6 3U�hl llJge6 32. 35 ••• gdS 36. 29.• gbdl llJf4 33 ..a3. Black managed to occupy the After 37.. 4. which suddenly brings him success.�g3 White may still save central d4-square in this game as the day. but White's fulfil his plan.g3?! 3S.g4 l.e4 e5 3. . 2S. the . 0 . to be able to counter 35 .Chapter 1 The only plan to win this posi­ tion was probably connected with advancing the kingside pawns. ªxdS+ �xdS 5.. ltJf4 White resigned. ltJxf3 ! He should simply retreat his 3 S gxd2! 39.tf1 llJde6 34.�f2 Eld4 39J. f3 White is restricting his own light-squared bishop.idl. he has also concentrated all 17 axb4 18. 3 Stierle V.tg2 aS 7.dxe5 dxe5 4.axb4 gd7 19.¿.e1 gxbS He should stop marking time 36.ixb6 3 0 ..e4 eS 3.tb4 and if 29 .>xd8 S.gae1 ghd8 ga4 ge7 32.gxa1 of his passed pawn.c4 e5 3. Once :!'1:xe6 :!'1:c7 31..ga3 b6 2S.b8 24.>e1 'i!. lLlxa4 then 30. and maintaining ap­ pawn. O . because l.'i!.b4 geS 34. since now White's queenside .lLle3 a4 White's on the queenside.te4 instead. pawn-structure loses its flex- 25 .dxeS his king takes an active part in the dxeS 4Jbd8+ 'i!. not allowing the op­ Now White must give up his ponent to accomplish the pawn­ bishop for the enemy passed break b7-b6.O lLle7 This is a dubious decision.ga1 gxa1 21. White should play here 29.lLlf3 f6 8.b7 27.. lLle8 22.e7 23. 27 eS 28. l. 13 .>e7 14.>d1 It was obviously stronger to i.e6 1 0 ..e7 16.a3 29.• lS. be­ cause Black will attack this pawn much more easily on the fifth rank.td2 • 17.d4 33 .d4 d6 2.'i!..b4 ll.d8 2 O ..ga6 ¿. pawn.lLlxb6?! This is another poor decision. 23 ¿..J.lLla4 e4 .i. so he resigned. Wixd8+ ¿.>xbS and create quite real counterplay Not only has Black won a on the left side of the board.•• 13.h3 37.>b4 38.b6 3S..te1 ¿. maintaining a again..gb4 ¿.d4 d6 2. 29 . proximate equality.e4 play 23J''la 8.g3 e6 battle and his forces outnumber 6 ... •. 9.>e1 i.'i!. ••• his forces to support the advance .gxbS+ 'i!.f3 e3 39. White's position is quite defensible position. He should have played 13 .eS ¿. solid and not easy to break.lLld2 i.t7 31.te3 J.ge1 26.Georgiev lLlxb6 Bad Woerishofen 2 003 Black is again better. .b3+ 4 O..cxb6 ••.f1 J.gfd1 ¿.bS?! lLld7 12.e3 i.•• 'i!.xd8 it was still quite effective. E1xd7 + @xd7 game..bd4 It is understandable that White complied with this ex­ change reluctantly.'Llb1 gad8 23.. 20J'k3 'Lldb3 21.. if possible at a greater 23. White would not achieve any­ 19. Black obtains a quite to defend with 22. 2S .. •. Accordingly.. this should unpleasant and it is inconceivable mean the kingside. how he can get rid of the pin along 27..tDxd2 tDcS thing with 2S. i.@f2 e4!? ponent. Now his 14 ..his position is very distance. bd2!? 22 .i.'Llc3 'LlcS . but 26 . .Chapter 1 ibility. gd8 we advise him to do instead? The AH the positional pluses are in foHowing variation shows that Black's hands. Black is preparing to gobble Maybe it was even stronger for the enemy c4-pawn. @cS 26. @cS. After this surprising exchange..ie1 b6! (protect­ just one weakness (the c4-pawn) ing the knight on eS. but what can 26 . gxd4 21..if1 forever. tive and he dominates the open square simply cannot be ignored: file. gxd1 23.. therefore Black must cre­ White solves aH his problems with ate another weakness for his op­ the move 24.gxd1 tDxe4 24. the d-file. Little by little.iaS 1S.f2 tDd4 18 .E1d6 E1e8 and after 26 . .@f2) 2 2 .'it>e1 .d3 2 O .if7 28. as the classics asserted.gc2.f5 19. White wishes to attack the en­ tDe4? emy a4-pawn with his bishop.e3 !. meaningful advantage. fxe4 @b6 Black occupies the cS-square. his rook wiH have to re­ treat..lUd1 ghd8 16.@f2 with the same purpose. thanks to It was more resilient for White such trifles.. His pieces are ac­ the enemy penetration to the b3.d7 22.. E1xd7+ gxd7 24.E1d7 may not be sufficient to win the 22. 2S. him to play 18 . 'Llxb3! 'Llxb3 23. after 21.• bishop is isolated from the actions tDce4 tDf5 17.f4 E1d6 . Still.gc1 2 0 .gc3 hS! 29. lh5 9.t.le5 He is evidently fed up with Black uses the opportune doing nothing. �xd8+ c.f2 13h2+ c.llJe3 . 13a1 13hd8 was already very bad in any case.llJa2? for example: 35.le3 . 35. White's position 19. .llJd2 llJh6 hole on the kingside (the second 14.t.b6 22.t.!.e4 e5 3.le2 Black's pieces are more ac­ tive on the queenside.>g 2 White cannot let the enemy rook attack from behind: 32. White resigned.t.d4 d6 2. . White had to begin immediate action on the other side of the board: 18.idl 33. . . 6.ie7 12. 13ad1 27 . In anticipation of 44.id1 38.c.t.>xd8 5..c. c. Therefore.e5 b5 16.h4 g4 19.>g2 Instead he had to play 21.!.•• vres. time for such abstract manoeu­ 35 axb3 36J�xb3 b6 37. 4 H.c4 eS 3.f1 13h1+ 43.c.l':\adl g4 4 0 . 32 ••.le6 7.ic2 ga8 36.llJb4 13ad8 23. 1. c. 21 •.f2 .he5 llJxe5 2 0 .f3 llJt7 15.d4 d6 2. the least of the evils 1.el l':\h8 etc. mise.t.�c2 gd2+ 33..lf3+ 41.xd8 it does not even come to this.>e2 c.dxe5 for him was 30.dxe5 dxe5 4.c. creating counterplay 42. 0 .el gh2 and his position is a disaster.if3 18 .t. 21.lb4 • 30 •.0 .llJc3 b5 quietly into his opponent's campo 32. so later he can develop his initiative there.!.c. .b4+ 18 .Santos Paunovie 29 ••• h4! 3 0 .t.llJf3 f6 the position closed.0 e6 1 0 .e1 .e4 llJd7 8 .. trying to keep dxe5 4.llJa4 g5 13.cxb6+ weakness) in order to penetrate axb6 17.c.t.!.g4. c. c.c. However. c..f2 13e1 on the kingside.>e7 11. 13e3 13h8 39. Now Black's pieces use the a3 . but this attempt moment to exchange the dark­ at activity only speeds up his de­ squared bishops.ie2 with mutual chances.t.h4.t.f2 White does not have the g4 37.f2 g5 34.!.• 13d4 22.he4.t.hxg3 .c.Ybd8+ c.f2 Figueira da Foz 2008 Possibly.• hxg3+ 31.ie2 . tt:\d5+ i.h3 i.if7 24.�ac1 iLe7\a4 'it>c7\b1 'it>b6 38.f3 .�xe1 �4xd5.ie6\c3 �a8 32.0 tt:\e7 11. 26 .e4 . White should on no account part with his dark-squared bishop. 36 'it>c7 37. beautiful.exd5 tt:\xe1 + ••• nent by voluntarily advancing his 3 0 .tt:\b1 g6 31.ic5 Black is not in a hurry.e3 tt:\d7 8 .if5\b1 �hd8 25.c5 35.if4 43.�d8 �xd8 26 .Chapter 1 tt:\cb6\b1 h5 34.lLJxf3 ib3 + .•.tt:\d2 tt:\c5\c3 .ifl tt:\g5 26. He can afford to play preparatory consol­ idating moves without revealing 27 tt:\xf3! .a3 way. 24J�he1 g4 25 ..ie2 Naturally. White re­ pawns and placing them on the signed. but now he loses immediate- 28 . 0 .b:c5? • This is a positional mistake. • probably beyond salvation any­ �fd1 tt:\c8 12. iLd3 iLd4 33.• f5! Black breaks his opponent's centre with a series of blows. White's position is c6 9 . • h4 gxh3 27.d4 d6 2.'it>fl 'it>b6\f3 f6 7.b:c5+\b1 'it>c5 5 Battaglini Sakaev Black improves the position of Sto Petersburg 2009 his pieces to the maximum. same squares as his bishop.id2 a5 1 0 .tt:\d2 .gxh3 2 0 .g4 Or 28.. .'it>e2 .dxe5 4 0 . 1.ie3 41. White in fact helps his oppo­ 28 .tbd8+ 'it>xd8 5.e6 36..b:d5\b1 �d8 dxe5 4. �c2 iLd4\d2 tt:\c5\b1 tt:\b3 19.�c3 a4 23 •..if2 iLg6\d2 .c4 e5\c3\d2 28. but still very 3 0 . his further intentions.iLe1 tt:\d7 17. This is simple. ••• tt:\c3 iLd4\xb6 tt:\xb6 15. ponent off immediately with 24 . tLlc5 14. exf4 ..�e4 1:'lxd2 28.e6 6.tLlxe4 . and quite beautifully at that. White resigned.§e1 lLle6 0 .tLlc3 25.d4 d6 2..f1xd8+ cj.g4 tLlf7 13.dxe5 everything to the end.b 2 §g1+ Kosikov .•. 21 .'i!?cl tLle6 i.gg1 27...axb3 tLlxe4 as well.0 . 29 . Kiev 2005.gd2 axb3+ 19.d4 d6 2.. 22 . However.xd8 ly. ggl 'i!?c5 34.gxg7+ 'i!?b6 21.).�c5 26.xc3 §h1 24J:'lxh1 1:'lxh1 25. cj. .cj... this game was played in rapid chess 6 Kveinys ..xd2 §d8+ 29.e4 gxd2 27 .0 'i!?c7 12. lLle6! 25.f4 exf4 24.Pavlov.dxe5 dxe5 4.'i!?bl In the diagrarnmed position. 2 O .tLlf3 f6 7.tg2 hg4 23.•• gxd3! White resigned.tLld2 a4 15. dxe5 4.. White defended betler but still failed to equalize: 2U'le2 §ah8 22.bc3 23.f5 ge2 32.tb4 26.c 1 �g4.hxg4 gh2 in the game proved to be sufficient 18.�e4 lLld4+.tyxd8+ 'i!?xd8 5. 1.c4 e5 3.b3 It was again stronger for Black a5 9 .hc3 ge2 29. ga3.i. tLlg5! Black wins at least a pawn af­ ter this aggressive knight-sortie. (probably through ignorance .Azmaiparashvili (in the USSR Cup) and Black did Tallinn 1988 not have enough time to calculate 1.tb2 tLlh6 10 .tc3 gf2 35.hf6 gaa2 33.'i!?c2 h5 cj.h3 tLld7 11.�c3 .e3 c6 8. what he played 16.�g2 §c1+ 26.tLlde4 hxg4 17.cj. However.tLlc3 The same variation was epeat­ ed almost twenty years later 31.txt'5 hc3 • 28. • to play here 25..tf5+ He could have finished his op­ 43 ...c4 e5 3.he6 gxe6 3 0 . ) 6 . This is not the most ambitious 3 . 30 . and quite logical. exd4 White protects it.iWd2 �e6 6.ttJf6 7.d4 d6 2.Chapter 2 l... ttJxe4! 9. the transition into an end­ �g7 12 ..b3? slightly more space. because he will atlack the White has acquired additional enemy e5-pawn and Black can space. this pawn-advance needs sorne prepa­ ration. f5. he will have problems countering White's queenside offensive.for details. Black would like to advance f7-f5 and begin active operations in the centre and on the kingside.e3 ing choice has surprised him. move for White. White. see the Step by Step chapter.axb3 e5.ttJc3 a5 tre and continues to control 8J'!b1 (Black can counter 8. with the move 3 . he cause after 6. opened the a-file for his rook.) 3 .ttJd5 ttJc5 with mutual chances. If Black with an atlractive combination: wishes to occupy additional 8 .. then after the exchange on g6 9... be­ for the future. Black has at­ since the bishop may be useful tacked the central pawn and on d3 and even on e2.e4 (This important strategical decisions is a sad necessity for White.g3 (This is a solid move.) 8 . Still. Meanwhile.0-0 ttJd7 game is much more effective for 14.. otherwise. postponing the 4.b3 d5! Black seizes maintains the tension in the cen­ the initiative.�g2 axb3 1l.. We will examine sorne other possible plans for White.. space himself.b3 a4 1O. which he usually plays when Black's open­ 3..ttJge2 o-o 13. but it is reliable but it is somewhat premature.ttJxe4 d5 . while Black has deployed no longer protect it with the move his minor pieces perfectly and has f7-f6.c4 e5 Quick Repertoire In general.�xd4 ttJc6 5. i.i. aS.dxeS dxeS 6 tlJe7 7. whatsoever. l. it is more for a kingside offensive..ttJge2 o-o 8.c4 eS White cannot hurt his oppo­ White can develop his king­ nent with 3..dS ttJb4 1O. He is preparing f7-fS.i. ttJe7 also take care about White's pos­ 7. pawns. tlJd7 6 . then he has no problems position for Black.Wd2 dS Of Black i.g2 ttJh6!? (Black is trying d4-dS.b3 • • • S.tlJc3 g6 Strangely enough.0 O . Black and to follow this with ttJf7-gS-f3. He wishes to advance eS-e4 ample: 9. but still. the moves erly yet and both sides have scope g2-g3 and e2-e3 do not combine for creative endeavour.) 5 .cxdS i.ttJge2 ttJgf6 8.b3 exd4 4.g3 (In principIe.tlJge2 ttJxdS with a double-edged posi­ If White reduces the tension tion.b3 O-O. 31 .b3 the board.b3 succeeds in opening the position ttJfS 9. in the centre with 6..ttJc3 5 . and wishes to provoke the move �g7 6. 0 . tlJc6 4.g7 6. this posi­ 5.. Black ex­ well together. while Black obtains a comfortable avoiding the endgame that would game.e2 ttJe7 7.b4 8.i. He must prudent for him to choose 6 .exd4 sible activity on the other side of ge8=) 7...Wxd8+ . arise after after 3 .i. preventing the creating threats against the en­ advance of the enemy a and b­ emy king.ttJge2 O-O 8.fS 4..'\Wxd4 ttJf6 side naturally and then focus his (preparing the pawn-break dS) attention on the queenside: S.g7 6.d3 tion has not been analyzed prop­ S. must play 1O .�b2 ttJc6 6.0-0 exd4 9.d4 d6 2.. ..O 8. it cannot erts pressure against the d4-pawn be described as a mistake yet..b2 ge8 with a very solid like this.dS.) 7.0-0 O-O 8. therefore after for ex­ fS 9.i. .. which will free his hands to seize the initiative .ttJf3 S.fS 7. then after 3 •. because White determines This is an attempt to justify the placement ofhis light-squared the forced early queen-sortie. since it impedes square. Black has the possibility the development of White's own to react against the king's bishop bishop. At bishop a bit too early. A) 3. fianchetto his dark-squared bish- 32 .g3 B) 3. White.c4 eS Step by Step In this chapter we shall analyze 3 •.e3 A) 3.Chapter 2 1.e4 D) 3. exd4 tLlc6 the less ambitious third moves for Black's plan is quite simple.d4 d6 2.Wfd2 ture. develops his bishop to e6. If he succeeds in accomplishing this pawn-break in the centre. exd4 4.b3 e) 3. attacking the c4- pawn and creating the positional threat of d6-d5 in the process. He usually chooses them First he wins a tempo by attack­ when surprised by Black's open­ ing the enemy queen. he will seize the initiative. looks awkward.. again with tempo. Later however he plans to fianchetto in the optimal manner. It might be present the queen's placement useful on d3 and even on the e2. Then he ing choice.g3 This move is slightly prema­ 5. and b-pawns and his queen.cxdS �b4 8. minor pieces.e4 This looks rather dubious and inconsistent. After 6. Black begins ac­ bravely try to seize the initiative: tive operations in the centre and 8 .. In participate in the fight for the accordance with aIl the rules of centre.lüc3 a5 pied space and his pieces are Of course.ib2 0-0-0+ White has great a5-a4.Black has occu­ 6 •. After 1O .l'!cl aS (This is a 7.d4 d6 2.b3 dS! piece-deployrnent. He has already developed two is unable to play b2-b3 and �b2.'2Jf3 �e6 8. before White has declared a "general mobilization" . while White has After 6. l. his rook on a8 wiIl come problems with his development into action without having made and the pin on his c3-knight is a single move of its own..c4 eS op and to restore harmony to his over the centre.�g2 �g7 7.Muzychuk. d4 14. Al) 8 b3 . he is trying to maintain control A2) 8.�dl. his opponent with several tempi. Z. Black must exploit his lead in development and try to provoke an early conflict. if Black presents more active.'2Jc3 hdS 9. his pieces almost do not g..'2Jf6 9...f3 �f6! standard resource for him.Mamedjarova .• lüf6 7. wasted tempi on moves with his '2Jbd2. bishops and then. thanks to his 5 . A. creates the threat of �f8-b4.13bl 33 . because after 5 .) 13.a3 . After �a3 l'!e8 12. 5. g6 White . 6.ifS+ . Black already has the initiative It is weaker for him to choose and this should not be a surprise.e6 space advantage.b3 dS! 11.�b2 rather unpleasant. so Black can even correct strategy. . Rijeka 2010 (game White wiIl fianchetto both his 7).0-0 O-O 1O. Why should White first play g2-g3 but then close the long diagonal and leave his light­ squared bishop on fl? However. i. he wiIl have the edge. i.ixc3 �xg2 14.�c1 �e8.ttJc3 �dS 12.0 . after which he would have maintained an over­ whelming advantage.ig7 rovo 2003 ended very quickly: Black can force the exchange 1O.Chapter 2 Al) 8. Ilic .g2 �h3 signed.• a4 Now. but the endgame is very unpleas­ ant for White. 1 0 ..ib4 mate equality.Majeric.0 + 15.Wfb2 ! The game Saric .if5+ 16. this it unnecessarily weakens the aS­ prudent approach is not unneces­ el diagonal.. since As we have already seen.�xe4 d5 9 •. with approxi­ Wfxd2+ 13.0 pawn-structure is symmetrical. �xe4! 8 . ttJxe4 dS does not work.•.. the idea 9 . 8 . d4 11 .Majeric.ig2 axb3 1l.0-0 (13. because he lags considerably in development and his king is stranded in the centre.�h3?? ttJf3+) 13 . The material is equal and the 12.�b2.cxdS �b4 11..�e2 0 ..g6 9. because 1 0 . 13.ib2 dxc3 12.O 13. 34 . ..i'xg2 �g7.�xd2 .�b1 This move is too careless.. �c3 of 11.axb3 . Yugoslavia 1989 and here Black could have continued with 16 ..ttJxe4 10. sary.i.. 9.e2 0-0-0 and White re­ so wishes: 1l . 14.. .b3 Black's pieces become tremen­ dously active after this tactical trick.f3 of the light-squared bishops if he Wff6 13.�ge2 O . ttJeS!? 12 . 0 ..b3 A2) 8.�c2 . Bo­ 1 0 .. �d3 17.. b3 side pawns.hd2 id6+ and Black's pieces wiIl soon attack White's vulnerable queen­ B) 3. and has almost completed his de­ 5.. �xd5 9.�c3 queenside enables him to hold the After 8. Now the standard at least equalizes.\Wd2 d5 velopment.e3. to play c7-c6 and repel White's 8 . It is worse for White to play The prospects are approximately 9..b2 �c6 6. lLlxc3 ll.b4 8.e3 :ae8 seeks an immediate conflicto Here Black have grasped the 3 ... however not so "easy-going" and 13.c4 eS White has maintained his d5 and wishes to prove that the control over the occupied space move b3 is a loss of a tempo. If Black manag­ his minor pieces are weIl placed es to open the game without ma­ and he has the open a-file for his terial concessions.g4 White is playing too carelessly.\Wxd4 �f6 opportunity to disrupt his oppo­ He prepares the pawn-advance nent's pawn-structure.i.d4 d6 2. since similar positions. 9 . Río Germany 1984.• exd4 4.Perschke. then usuaIly he active rook. l. Opening 35 . �d7 14.b4 lead in development and his ini­ �a4 16. Black has This is a standard resource in nothing to complain about.hc3 \Wxd2+ 12.. Black has a considerable 13 .hc3 �xc3 11. Huebner .a3 powerful knight from its outpost. 9 hc3 10 .a3 de Janeiro 1979 (game8).cxd5 i. ••• \Wxc3 O . equal.O 12..�f3 i..Balashov. Black is has no problems at aIl. Kreutzkamp . lLlcxb4+.He wishes tiative is very powerful.0 1O.�d5 �c5 15. However.ic3 lLlxd5 9. 0 .ixb4 balance. He does not react to his oppo­ nent's provocation in the cen­ It is quite obvious that Black tre and almost "passes". transfer of his f6-knight to the 7.\Wc2 �e5+t . ... logical.ie2 Wld6 15. in with the "wrong" bishop on the which case the move e2-e4 may board: 13 . Tinstead. bility on our Chapter 4). Davos 2010.Wlxd4 tDc6 5.see 3. but if White is willing This move is consistent and to capture on d4 with his queen. 7. Kelecevic . In general.�xd3 8.ixf3 . lLlf6 6.Wd2.1.. Black's major-piece endgame in the fol­ most principled line would be 5 .Lematschko..lLlc3) 14 .lLlc3 (we will analyze this possi­ S .. empha­ square.�fd1 Wlf6 17. Black will soon play d6-dS.0 tDe5 • 6. the opening of the centre..exf5 is that there will be no better place Black's choice is much greater 36 . there was a transi­ 3 exd4 4.e4 9.gxf3 1.1..Chapter 2 the g-file would not be dangerous. there should not be anything so wrong 5 .. 7 .WdS 15.We2+ 1. fS!? (S. Bratto quick queenside castling and 2001 (game 9)..bfS. lLlf6 6..V. force numerous exchanges and equalize.f5!? with this.exfS .�d3.1. 0 .cxdS lLlb4 1O. not turn out to be obligatory.ixf3 19.. for his queen's knight than the c3- since Black will play g6. while his light-squared sizing the fact that White is left bishop may be fianchettoed. The point 6. lLlf6 8. but the ensuing early queen-sortie does not solve the problem.lLlc3 \!!Vd7 and thanks to his lead in development. to E:g1 g6+ say the least. White plays an active move in the centre.. 3..lLlc3 . He has exchanged 16.We7+) 7.9xf3 Wlxf3� • pawns and he wishes to prepare Mantovani ..Wld1 ••• tion into an approximately equal After the retreat S.Milov. even with the white queen he would do better to start with on the d1-square.see Chapter 4. lowing game.bf3 14.Wxd3 dS! e) 3.lLlf3 (7.lLlc3 .Wlxc7 tDxf3+ one of his opponent's central 18 . 'Llf6 9.g6� 11. �e7 Of course.�d5 are very good. It is essential for Black to 1 have already mentioned that eliminate his opponent's power­ Black wishes to advance O-fS. Therefore.e6 1O.f3 $.e3 �d7 If he allows his opponent to advance dS. 1. but fuI knight on dS and the appear­ the transition into an endgame ance of an isolated pawn on f6 after (3 . .'Llxe4 'fffe 7.'fffh4 �e7 14.0-0 dS+ 6 . then the position is simplified immediately and be­ comes equal: 10.De Los on the kingside.fS 4.'fffxf4 'LldS= 10 •.c4 e5 3.e3 'Ll d7 after 6. or 12. Asuncion 1960 (8.'Lle2 0-0-0 13. 0 .'fffa4! ? 'Llb6 13.0 �g8 14. Rios.0-0 dS 11. 0 .d6 1S. �f4 hf4 16.Ae2 �f6 There has arisen a complicated position with opposite sides cas­ tling in which Black's prospects 1 0 . for wiIl help Black to exert pressure example: 8.ixt'5 7. he choos- 37 . This is the most principled move for White.�xf6 gxf6 12.cxdS 'LlxdS 12. .0 . it does not look in the least a "human" move. Recalde .'fffg3 $...'fffxdS !'í:xdS 14. .�d4 Ae4 8 .d4 d6 2.�c3 . .�d3. this move was sug­ gested by the computer. whereas the half-open g-file for White.f3 i.'fffxd8 +) should not bother him too mucho is not favourable for him.$. D) 3. since White cannot exploit this weak­ his eS-pawn may become a target ness.dxeS dxeS S.�f3 �d7 8.f3 'Llf6+') 11.'Llc3 fxe4 7.'LlxdS 'fffxdS 13. .0 9.c4 !'í:d8 =. Yfe2 White's pawn is on dS indeed.lLld5 i. Black's light-squared bish­ Black exploits the fact that his op is perfectly deployed on the knight is still on g8 and he builds long diagonal.. better square than c3.dxe5 dxe5 12. after which White's kingside protection. 13. it would be almost impossible to avoid sorne transposition of moves.llJc3. Meanwhile.gdl b6 Whenever White's pawn is not on dS. 5 i.lLle3 This is an important resource. because White will have to devel­ op his knight to c3 in any case. started and in addition he cannot castle on the kingside. of his forces and needs additional hS. It has no other sensible future.lLle3 lLlgf6 9. The simplest way for Black to but it is too far away from the rest counter 1O.exd5 i.e2 o .Chapter 2 es a preparatory move with his attack is over before it has even knight....o 1 0 .i. up a pawn-chain on the kingside. Dla) 1l. comes obvious that White's knight lLlf3 is also playable.g7 6. the game trans­ f4-square is too long.dxe5 Dlb) 1l.h4 is by playing 10 .d5 Dla) 1l. so he should In this pawn-structure it be­ develop it first.b7 14. 15.. Still. poses to variation D2. AH this will on f3 is a bit misplaced: after eS­ not affect Black's set-up.lLlfd2 f5 8. DI) 4.b2 e4 •.lLlf3 eS-square for his pieces.lLlbl lLlxd5 7. the move 4. e4 it had to retreat to d2 and from 4 g6 5.. which enables Black to ensure the DI) 4. 38 . most of White's knight on bl has no all for his knight.lLlf3 10 .b3 ••• there its route to the wonderful After S.• e5 D2) 4. . since that is placed opposite the enemy would only emphasize the vul­ queen in order to protect the pawn nerability of the dark squares in on e3 later.h3 Wffe7 13. b5 ! ? 18.ih6 It was preferable for Black to 14.0 �gS 17. ttJj3 g6 lS ltleS 16.h3 . NaturaIly. Warsaw e3-pawn and keeps up his sleeve 2003 (game 1 0 ). J�·e7 13. the flank diversion b7-b5.e4 his dark chances of creating counterplay.f4 b4 19. since his pieces are perfectly cen­ ttJh5 17.he exerts pressure pawn-structure is superior.) 14 .) 18. but Black has good with the move 16.0-0-0 i.0 . Zlin 1995.f4 exf3 White's campo Nevertheless Black 16. 39 .d3 gae8 (Here maintained an edge in the game Black could have tried a flank at. 0 .d7 transposing to situations we wiIl analyze later.e3 ttJd7 4.0 O r 12.c4 eS 3..dS ltlf1 This move leads to a sharp­ If White protects his pawn er position.a6 15. 1. White could consider the pre­ consenting to the exchange of the paratory move 14J''lde1 (His rook dark-squared bishops.ge2 ge7� .ghe1 ttJe5 with an excel­ tralized. 17.. exf3 lS..i.f4 capture the pawn with his knight.. Haus­ ner . 1l ..d4 d6 2.9hg1 Wffd8 his knight is very active and his 20.gxf3 ttJf7 17. his knight on lent game for Black. squares become vulnerable: 16 . as weIl... 12 .f4! White is now forced to clarify his intentions concerning his pawn-structure.ttJd1 Wh1 gad8 � .... Cy­ against his opponent's backward borowski . 14 ..Krasenkow. 0 .The results of the ttJh6 with a very comfortable po­ opening are exceIlent for Black: sition. D1b) 1l.gxf3 ltlt7 16.f4 ttJh5 19..Mokry. ltle5 12. . tack .exf4 .17 .id7 16 . • . c5 is particularly powerful. Here 8 .Chapter 2 18)üd2 hf4 19.0-0 l:'1e8f±) 8 . After this Black should not have prob­ lems.i.exd4 :1'i:e8 1O. afier 1O . ttle7. centre and then to attack them. In practice he ofien plays the more solid move 6 .0-0 (8.i.g7 6..dxe5 respective of the pawn-structure...tg5 :1'i:e8 15.�xd8 (White cannot achieve much with 13. Black's idea gradually be­ comes clear.ttlge2 o-o 8. 0 ... He places his knight on f7 and leaves the d8-h4 diago- 40 .g3 .g3 structure is symmetrical and D2b) 5. 1L1h6!? Magalashvili . Plo­ vdiv 1987.e4. 12 .tg2 • Still. Kocaeli Black's position is flexible and 2002.f5 9.0 5 . but seizing the initiative be­ comes a bit more difficult..tf8= Black should not have serious problems in this endgame. Kurtenkov . There will always be fans of 8 . .. .1L1c3 g6 for example to h6.o 8.. About 5.cJ?bl lLle5+ 6 .g3. dxe5 1O. ).. Gyor 1990..td3 • but in general the game is equal.b3 the fianchetto of the fl-bishop. 9. For ex­ ample: 7. ttlc5!? 13.. This is a very ambitious plan. and it involves sorne risk (reasonable though . c6 1l. 5 ...g3 moves.see 7.exd4 9.l:'1ad1 .b3 f5 9 .ttlge2 i. D2c) 5 . 1L1f7 . The pawn­ D2a) 5.1L1f3 White has slightly more space.ttlxd4 ttlc5 10..b3 exd4 9.b3. ir­ White could consider 9..exf5 gxf5 12.) 13 .a3 �a5.. D2) 4.1L1ge2 o ...f4 ttlf5 11. he has different possibilities for the development ofhis g8-knight.tg7 6 ..Vulevic.0-0 ttlf7 amounts to just a transposition of D2a) 5.:1'i:ad1 ttlf6f± Kock - Gagarin.Izoría. :1'i:xd8 14 . in order to create so Black must be well prepared hanging pawns for Black in the for this variation.�d2 c6 12. while Black aUacks the enemy The following line is harm­ king. Oslo less for Black: 1O . 12. Ostenstad .e4! White 41 . His queen has come to the kingside and remains in ambush.l"lad1 �f6 14.�e7 13. 1 O. White This is possibly White's best creates threats on the queenside.. because it is not so sim­ ple to create any real threats yet.a3 capture now on e5 with his knight b6 and his position is very solid. after which White's queenside 15.tLlb5 l"le7 16. the pluses of the placement of d5). .h3 g5 16.b4 b6 17. 15.ia3 E!:e8 (1 have already with eS-e4 and tLlfl-gS-f3.l"lb1 g5? E!:e8 12.l"lb1 tLlf6? The fight is developing in the spirit of 10 . this mentioned that in reply to dxe5.Mohr.�c2 c6! This is an im­ tLlf6 12J'l:ad1 (White does not ob­ portant move.i.l"lfd1 �g5 13. 13.d4 d6 2. he plans to continue 1O .b4 a6 17..) and his d6-pawn becomes a weak­ 14 .a3 is not dangerous to Black owing to c6 12. reaction. 1. ing. .�d2 c6. He is forced to the simple response 14 .) 11. d5. Black played Bratlo 2000. ness. the following game.b4 (The immediate move 14.�d2 1991. One of the exchange on e5. . de Mallorca 1989. the knight on fl..ie6 15J'Ud1 l"lad8 16. or after d4.e3 tLld7 4..) 12 . Palma use it later to go to the kingside. Meanwhile.E!:fdU Cvitan .. After 11 .d5 worse position: 1O ..dxe5 tLldxe5. He prevents the move d4.�c2 �c7 14. .Schuurman.l"lac1 �h5. Tucepi 1996.eS square.Pan­ initiative may become threaten­ durevic. be­ comes clear.id7 16. The second . manoeuvre will be particularly Black wishes to capture on e5 strong if his other knight occupies with his pawn and follow this the e5-square (for cover the d5- 12. allowing his queen to Azmaiparashvili .l"ld4 l"le8 d5.f4 e4 imprecisely and he ended up in a 14.dxe5 dxe5 13. which is played tain any advantage by occupy­ with two purposes..a3 will become clear a bit latero (In l"lfe8? Cocchi . Still.a4 h6 17.d5 c5 15. instead of more usual squares such as e7 or f6.c5 .dxe5 the King's Indian Defence. after with e5-e4. its position there may act on White's nerves . The first one ing space on the queenside with is obvious . .c4 eS 3. just in case. 14.Jansa. Black covers the d5- square without having to worry about his d6-pawn.dxe5 dxe5 13..ib2 c6 11.h5?! 11.eS 15..tLlc3 g6 nal open. te3 lLle6= Koppenhoefer - Lammers..Bykhovsky . . It repels D2b) 5.) 1l.6. Black will play lLlf6. 17. lLlf6. leaves the open file and also protects the e5-pawn.Elad1 �a5 the queenside. 12.b3 lLle7 7. 13 ••• gxf5 14. .Eld1 tLlc6 defence to hold..0-0 Elb8 14 . Black's position is a bit too ex­ Black can reduce the tension in posed.h4 h6 1O. Yugosla­ via 1993.i.dxe5 veloped his knight to e7 with a dxe5 13..Sekulic. 12 ••.Postny. Later.) 1l . Black's knight qui­ etly comes closer to this outpost.exiS For 13.tLlf3 the enemy bishop from its active position.. .dxe5 dxe5 7 .Chapter 2 is better.e4 �a5!�.tLlf4 tLlde5 16. .tb2 and Black's and simple development of the pawn-centre is about to crumble.tb2 o-o 8:�c2.e2 •..e4 tLlc5 (After White has weakened the d4-square. you can more solid position.lLlxc6 bxc6 13. 42 .•• dxe5 11.. Av.. Budapest 2 009.see 1O.ia3 Ele8 12.te6 17. exd4 the powerful e4-pawn enable his 9.te2 tLle7 8. kingside and a pawn-offensive on 15. White's plan includes quick Elad1 .e4. 2 004. see the second purpose behind Black's 10th move: his queen will be very well placed on a5.�c2 e4 After 14 . c6 13. Budapest on move 6.lLla4! '\Wa5 16. In answer to the flank devel­ opment of White's queen-bishop . White has the powerful riposte 15.ia3 Ele8 12.lLlxd4 lLlc5 1O .Elb1 O-O 9. 10 .�c2. Now. then I will repeat that tion. Black could have de. but his active knights and the centre with the line 8 . Popovics .ib2 tLlg5� 5 ig7 6.• The exchange in the centre cannot create any real problems for Black: 6.te2 a5 1l.�c2 '\Wa5 .tf3 I f this situation seems t o be �e8°o with a double-edged posi­ too risky. with good counter chances. ia3 mh7 6 ••• . 1992.b4 a5 9.bxa5 lLlf5 1O.gfe1 l"!fe8 have enough targets to develop 15.d5 a5 1O. Per­ he must build up a solid defensive gericht .lLlc2 lLlg6 14.. d5 and lLle6.h6!? with the idea of advancing fl-f5 (The g5-square must be prudently protected in this case in order to avoid the typical manoeuvre lLlg5.d4 d6 2.. White may come under a dangerous attack: 1O.lLld5 e4 13. 8...Vescovi. Sao Paulo 1999 (game 11)... otherwise.e4! and the knight is not comfortable on h6.mh2 .Tonoli. him to reduce the tension in the centre.id3 WId7 14.exd4 lLlf6 12.ge1 gxa5 12..!lJf5 The sharper alternative for Black now is 8 .. lLlh6. .h3 In this set-up Black does not . WIc2 lLlf5 9.WIc2 lLlc6 12.. dxe5 1l.�d2 lLlc5f! Skvortsov .. l. 0 . forcing Black to exchange his light-squared bishop.Fedorowicz.) 9 .exd4 c6 16.g3 lLlf6 13.dxe5 (It is reasonable for Nizhnij Tagil 2005.�b2 ge8 11.f5 Here it looks rather dubious to play 6 . .lLle1 g5 12.Ar­ akelian.0 O .b:d4 hd4 15.WId2 e4 1l. Lone Pine 1977. so has only a symbolic edge.d5 lLlb6f! Marti­ novsky . 9 .lLlf4 WIe8f! Alonso . Urgup 2 004) 1O .ib2 (White's bishop wiH be useless on a3 in this situation: 9 . because of 7.WIxd3 a6 and he his initiative on the kingside.. as the foHowing example shows. Geraardsbergen line aH over the entire board..O 8.bd3 16.) 9 .WIc2 exd4 1l.b3 8.lLlc3 g6 8 .e3 lLld7 4.ib2 ge8 10 ..Ventskevich.c4 e5 3. 7.dxe5 43 .lLld4 lLlxd4 14 .!lJe7 1O.if5 13.mg2 f4� Sipahioglu . 1O. Minev.h3 tt'lge5 14Jl:b1 g5f! Guenner exd4'lge2 kangas'lge2 8Jl:b1 f5 9. 0 .c5 tt'lc4 16.dxe5 tt'lxe5f! Paasi­ 6. .gadl i.Chapter 2 1O. Perlis. 44 . Schumacher . . because of 7 . 15.b3 o-o 9.Sheremetieva.e4 Wixd1 tt'lxf3+'ld2 a5 12.exd4 c5f!) 8 ..0 Black should not b e afraid of 7. tt'lgf6 8.d3 i.d7 13.•. development of his g8-knight is 7 •. .c6f! ••.b4 �h8.dxe5 tt'lxe5 1O. Manila After 6.b3 perfectIy justified: 6.tf2 .l:l:b1 �b8+ Weiler 6 . Foisor .0-0 e4 12 ..tf5 12. Hilden 2 004.hxg6 hxg6 lOJ'lxh8+ hh8'la3 tt'lac6+ Kostic - o-o 8 .§'xd3 d5! He fixes the weak­ a standard fashion: 6. D2c) 5. tt'le7 .te3 l:l:e8 11. .tt'lg3 Wid7 13.b4?! exd4 9. ..e4 f4 12.) nearly a hundred years ago.Richter.§'c2 tt'lc5 13J'lab1 Wie7f! Wojcicki - Lagowski. 10 tt'lxe5 1l.tb2 f5 9.. dxc5 11. 12 i.bxc5 burg 2005 (1O. Ath­ Wie7 11.b3 17.g7 7. Black's delay in the 1992.f4 13. while everything sition in a game which was played is quite calm on the'lde2 tt'le5 12.d5 e4 11. 8. Binz 1994.. Zagreb'lxe5 ixe5 12.. .exd4 tt'lb6 1O . gins an immediate attack against Black obtained an excellent po­ the enemy'lb5 a6 18. ness on d4 and gradually prepares the move 6 .e2 aSf!) 10 . tt'le7 ('lf3 Black can react in 14..h5 tt'lf6 9. Carlsbad 1911.i.tc2 tt'lg4 (He be­ ens 2 004.f3 tt'lf6 1O.e4.b3 tt'la5 in view of 7. Trifunovic .d5.Wixf3 tt'lc6+ 13Jhd1 tt'lxc4 14.e4! exd4 8 .0 8.• 0 .f5 should be avoided to attack it.a4 hd3 After 6.t) 7.. ed2.ib2 a6 1O. .i.Kojoukhar. Poraj 2 003.Weber.f5 (The fearless computer considers that castling is quite safe for Black without being afraid of the open­ ing of the h-file: 7.a4 draw. 0-0 8.....Wib3 tt'lg4 13.h5 exd4'lxd4 c5 1O.f5 7.Fakhiridou. Bad Hom­ 8. both sides ment.1t1c3 g6 This prophylactic move is nec­ essary. . Black has an Now.ic2 aS= dermine his opponent's e4-pawn 9 . .d4 d6 2..a3 tLla6 13 .exd4 cS .to play push fS-f4 at an opportune mo­ �c8-d7 and c7-c6. the position holds chances for 1 0 . l. 10.ibl a5 . from there) and eventually un­ 11.ic2 e4+ Nei - • Klavins. Esbjerg 1996.. Palanga 1961. otherwise White wiIl gain too much space after a3 and b4. (it is also attacking the e6-square so he clears the long diagonal ..e3 ltl d7 4.c4 eS 3.. or eS. on the kingside.1t1e4 1t1c6+±) 1O. There arises a very interesting position which has not been ana­ lyzed properly yet. Black wishes to nullify the ten­ sion in the centre and to have his hands free for active operations Under perfect conditions. Rodgaard . So. 4S . 12.ic2 f5 • with the move f2-f3.�b2 exd4. 8 .d5 tLlb4 11 . a6 on the d3-square and to begin a 9. emy king. Black is threatening to almost identical plan . In order to prevent this ltlxd4 (1O.. tLlc6 . draw. pawn-offensive against the en­ Fries Nielsen.his knights White must place his knight on f4 need reliable squares on cS.1tlc5 11. He has another Black would like to deploy a knight promising plan as well: 8. both sides . so White must make up his have numerous possibilities and mind. . because after 2 0 . with 19.. be­ Wfxdl 22 .i.ih3 It was much stronger for Black to play 18 .exd4 ttJc6 5...0 O .�cxdl hc3) 21. . �xg2 �h3+ 25.. �axe2 25.ltJxf5 nates his opponent's powerful ltJxdl 24.gel ed7 16. On the other hand.d4 d6 2.�f1 ltJxcl 24 ..g7 7.ltJce3 cause with its help White elimi­ 22.. he has the beautiful com­ ring his knight to c5 and prepar­ bination 21.d4 d6 2.g2 lOxd4 .ia3 ge8 12.�xe2 ltJxe2 also rather unpleasant for White.b4!? 2 0.ltJf3..ttJbd2 lOf6 9 ..b3 d5 11. �a2 ! . now hc3) ltJxg2 24. or 23..gc1 a5 13 .edl g6 6 .�cxdl Wfxdl ! 25..•. .if5 ..c4 e5 Complete Games 7 Z.fxe3 ltJxe3 23.. ltJd7+.�xf2 ltJd3+ ing the pawn-breaks aS-a4. because of 19 . afraid of the exchange 19..i.axb4 ttJxb4 18.�h6 ltJc3::¡: since he did not have too many White would not achieve much useful moves left.�c3.a3 18 •.ltJxf2 ! 22... �gl 46 .ltJ2b3 ltJc2 ! 2 1. 4.bg7 (or 24.Chapter 2 l.i.ie6 8.Wfel (23.ib2 d4 14. The move in the game was �c2) 24 .Mamedjarova-Muzychuk Black's pieces become tremen­ Rijeka 2010 dously active. ltJg4 15.�fl (21.g3 exd4 16 .�xdl d4-pawn. 26.Wfxc1 d4-d3.1tJxfS Black had an interesting alter­ Wfxf5.c3 ltJg4 native here .ltJxc2 This is an atlractive move..c4 e5 3. 0 . transfer­ 21.. l. axb4 17.lOf3 .14 .O 1 0 . without being 14 .. l.d4 d6 2.c4 eS eS and Blaek maintains the advan­ terial advantage. tage in all the variations. 38 ga2 39.tLl2b3 tLlxe2 ••. 19.tLl2f3 hg2 2 0 .'itlxg2 tLle4 4 0 .tLlxe2 gxe2 41.'itlf3 gb2 42. 2U�al tLla2 tLld4 'itle5 43.tLle2 gb3+ 44.'itle2 Now, the position beeomes al­ tLle3+ 45.'itld2 tLle4+ 46.'itle2 most equal. Blaek eould have kept f5. White resigned. a slight edge after 21...eS 22.1Mrb3 �xa1 23.�xa1 Wie7. 8 Huebner Balashov 22.�e2 �a4 23.tLlb3 tLlb4 Rio de Janeiro 1979 24.�dl �e6 25 .txg7 'itlxg7 26. • l.e4 e5 2.tLlc3 d6 3.d4 exd4 gxa8 gxa8 27.�d4+ tLlf6 28. 4.�xd4 tLle6 5.�d2 tLlf6 6.b3 gel �e4 29.�xe4 .ie6 7.e4 a5 8.tLlge2 a4 9.gbl White was in too mueh of a axb3 10 .axb3 g6 1l.g3 .ig7 hurry to exehange queens. He should have eontinued with 29. eS! �a3 30J'k4 �xb3 31.�xf6+ 'itlxf6 32 .gxe4 with equality. 29 tLlxe4 3 0 .tLlbd4 ga2 31. ••• e5 tLld5 32.ge4 tLlee3 33.'itlfl 'itlf6 34.h4 e6 35.tLlg5 h6 36. tLlgf3 gal+ Blaek eould have tried here 36 ... tt:le4 37.�c1 tt:lde3. 37.'itlg2 ga4 12 .ig2 O - O 13. 0 - 0 tLld7 • 14.tLld5 tLlc5 15.b4 tLla4 16.�e2 tLle5 38.tLld2 Blaek's task would be mueh more diffieult after 38.�xa4 tt:lxa4 17.tLlef4 tt:lde3! (it is essen­ White ejeets his opponent's tial to retain the eS-pawn) 40 ... bishop from the e6-square. Blaek ttJxe2 41.ttJd3 and he wiIl have would have eountered 17.f4? with great problems realizing his ma- 17. . .ttJxe4! 18.�xe4 e6't 47 Chapter 2 l7 .id7 lS.gel c6 19.1l:Je3 •.• ter 25.bxc5 ltlxc5 Black's position lLlg4?! would be quite acceptable. It is difficult to understand 25.gxe2 ,ªf6 26.gd2 lLlc3 why Black voluntarily exchanges 27.h3 b5 his beautiful knight, which is so Now it is too late to offer Black powerful in the centre. After for any good advice. After 27 .. .l'�a2 example: 19 . . J:le8 20.i.d2 �b8 he 28.�d3 l"i:xd2 29.hd2 ttJa4 30.l"i:a3 would have a quite acceptable po­ ltlb6 31.i.c3± White's advantage is sition. not in doubt. 2 0 .gb3 1We7 21.gdl lLlxe3 28.cxb5 cxb5 22.he3 .ig4 23.gd2 White makes a mistake too. It was preferable for him to play 23.f3 i.d7 24J:ld2, exerting pres­ sure against the enemy d6-pawn. 29.'it>h2! This is an excellent prophy­ lactic move in the style of Kar­ pov. White's king runs away from eventual checks. 23 •••g5! 29 ... gac8 This move is surprising and If 29 ... l"i:a2, then 30.�xc3 strong. Now White's knight can­ �xc3 31.l"i:xc3 l"i:xd2 32.,bd2 ,bc3 not go to the h6-square and must 33.i.xc3 and the endgame is win­ retreat. ning for White. 24)l:Je2 he2? 3 0 .i.d4 ,ªxd4 3l.gxd4 This move is again difficult to hd4 32.1Wd2 .if6 33.1Wxd6 understand. Why was GM Bala­ i.g7 34.e5 gfdS 35.gxc3. Black shov so insistent on exchanging resigned. pieces in this game, completely against the requirements of his position? It was much stronger for 9 Mantovani V.Milov him to play 24 . . .c5! It is not good BraUo 2001 for White to follow with 25.b5? l.b3 ttJb6::¡: and his pawn on c4 will be­ In this game the variation come a target for Black, while af- which we analyze in Chapter 2 48 l.d4 d6 2.c4 eS was reached vía a very peculiar 21 ge6 22.gf4 gg6+ 23. 'it>fl .•. move-order. §,h3+? L ..e5 2.i.b2 d6 3.d4 exd4 Black makes a mistake in turno 4.§'xd4 �c6 5.§,d2 �f6 6.c4 After 23 ... �d5 (with the deadly d5 7.cxd5 i.b4 8. �c3 �xd5 threat of 24 ...�d3+) 24.�c4 '?tfd7 9.a3 hc3 1 0 .hc3 �xc3 11. his position would be preferable. §'xc3 O - O 12.�f3 i.g4 13.e3 Here, he loses his b7-pawn un­ ge8 14.i.e2 §,d6 15. 0 - 0 �e5 necessarily. 16.gfdl §,f6 17.ti'xc7 �xf3+ 24.'it>el §'e6 25.'lbb7 gd8'3 i.xf3 19.9xf3 ti'xf3 26.'it>e2 a5 27.gcc4 After 27.h4! gf6 28.gcc4 White would have the edge. N ow the game is again equal. 27... gg1 28.gfd4 �U'8 29. §,d5 §,h3 3 0 .gdl �dI 31.§'xdl §,h5+ 32.'it>el §,xh2 33.§,d5 §'gl + 34. 'it>e2 §,bl In an endgame with only ma­ jor pieces the vulnerability of the king is of particular importance. White must worry a bit about his king, but his actively placed queen and rooks should compensate for this. 2 0 .gacl h6 21.gd4? 35J:�a4? Here it was correct for him White would have kept the to play 21.gd7!, creating threats balance with the move 35.b4, for along the seventh rank. After 21... example: 35 ... axb4 36.axb4 gb8 ge6 22.�xb7 (White gains con­ 37.gf4 'ít>h8 38.'?tff5 '?tfxf5 39.gxf5 trol of the long diagonal just in gxb4 40.rud7= time.) 22 .. J3g6+ 23.';t>f1 �h3+ 24. 35 ... gb8! 36.gxa5 �b3 37. 'ít>e2 gf8, there arises a position 'it>f3 gb2 38.'it>g2 §'g6+ 39.'it>f3 with mutual chances. For exam­ §'c2 4 0 .ga8+ 'it>h7. pIe: 25.gc8 gxc8 26.�xc8+ 'ít>h7 White resigned, since the rook 27. zgd8 �h5+ 28.'ít>d2 gb6 and endgame after 41.�e4+ �xe4 Black's position is quite accept­ 42. 'ít>xe4 gxf2 would be beyond able. salvation. Chapter 2 1 0 Cyborowski - Krasenkow Still, Krasenkow was probably Warsaw 2003 not content with this and he de­ 1.c�Jf3 d6 2.d4 g6 3.e4 i.g7 cided to sacrifice a pawn himself 4.�e3 �d7 5.e3 e5 6.i.e2 f5 in order to seize the initiative. 7.b3 e4 8.�d2 �gf6 9.i.b2 This proved to be unsatisfactory O - O 1 0 .�e2 e5 1l.dxe5 dxe5 though ... 12.1Ml b6 13.�d5 i.b7 14.�bl 21.�xe4 fxe3 22.fxe3 gxf1+ �xd5 15.exd5 �e5 16. O - O 23.i.xfl gf8 24.ie2 �f7? �g5 17.�hl gad8 Here Black should have played 24 ... �d7 2S.i.f3 ixb2 26.Elxb2 �gS 27.:1l:bLt Black's forces seem to be more actively deployed, but he can scarcely create any real threats 25.�f4? against the enemy king. This was definitely not White's 18.�c3 �h8 19J�d2?! best. After 2S.�e7 ixb2 26.:1l:xb2 White's position would be �g7 27.e4 he would maintain an rather unpleasant after 19.f4 exf3 overwhelming advantage. 20.gxf3 �h4; instead he should 25 ... hb2 26.�xh6 �xh6 continue with 19.i.c4 a6 20.a4 27.gxb2 h:d5 28.gd2 ie4 �e7 21.ttJe2, although even then It is more precise for Black after 21...gS, Black retains a slight to opt for 28 ...ia8 ! ? 29.�g1 �fS initiative. 30.:1l:d3 i.e4 and his prospects are 19 ... �h6 not worse. He should have taken care 29.�gl �f5 3 0 .gd7 ie6 31. of the isolated dS-pawn: 19 ... a6 ge7 ia8 32.�xa7 �xe3 33.ge8 2 0.a4 Eld7 2 1.ic4 :l''1fd 8+ �g7 34.gxf8 �xf8 35.�e8 2 0 .�b5 f4?! �xg2?! After 20 ... :1l:xdS 21.:1l:fd1 :1l:xd2 It was more resilient for him 22 .�xd2 White controls the open to defend with 35 ... ttJd5 ! ? 36.i.f3 file as compensation for the sac­ bS 37.ttJd6 b4. rificed pawn and his prospects in 36.�xb6 ie6 37.�d7+ the ensuing fight are about equal. h:d7 50 . 0 .11?1e6 !.Ab2 f5 10 .c4 eS It is difficult to understand with 19 . 17.gg1+ g"h7 28.. 11?1eS 30...h4 �f6 18..f3 'WeS 23J:'1adl with a Sao Paulo 1999 defensible position.�fJ Ag7 6.. gxf4 22.�c2 �c6 12.d4 d6 2... since sate for the sacrificed pawn.b3 h6 9.. �f6 18.hd4 hd4 15..f3 !lf4 17.liJxgS 11?1eS! i His actively de­ draw here.!lxfl tual chances. 26 .'it>hl 11?1xf3+ 28. gf4! 27.�c3 g6 5.d5?! 26. l.. The endgame remains ployed forces more than compen­ rather unpleasant for Black.g"hl? This is a loss of an important White would have maintained tempo.tiJh4 !lxfl + 29. Ah5? Black was winning outright with 2S .h3 gh4.�xf4? It was necessary for White to 11 R. for example: 2 6..g5 2 0 . White's passed a-pawn could still 19 .hg4 hg4 24.dxc6 bxc6 19.h4 signed. �f4 �e8 25.. White re­ Here Black can counter 19.'Wd2 'it>h7 with mu­ 27.e3 �d7 22 . SI . 4. 'it>gl 'it>h7 29.�h3 why the opponents agreed to a f4 2 2.tiJxf3 'Wg4+ 27.O 8.11?1g3. 17. g3 �g2 AfJ 29.�g2 f4 21.11?1f2 'WgS+ 31.Alonso Vescovi choose 22 ..d4 d6 2.:1:Uel !lf4.hxgS hxgS 2 1.c4 e5 3. l.�d4 �xd4 14.�d5 e4 13. excellent chances of a successful It was correct for White to play defence with the line: 26. gS! 20.Ae2 �g2 AfJ 25.exd4 c6 16.�h4 �e7 7.dxe5 dxe5 11.gxf4 spell trouble. �g4 23.0 O .tiJg2 !lxf3 28. There is no The solid set-up based on the longer any danger of a transition king's bishop fianchetlo 4.ct:lc3 centre. 52 .. however. This is a common problem.e4. For example: 4 . The pawn-structure has been defined and his general plan is easy to understand .1g7 7. ct:lf6 5.e4 action of his own. but 1 believe he reduces the tension in the centre a bit too early. One of the drawbacks of g6 (White's rather timid and slow his last move is the fact that play enables Black to fianchetlo after 4. cult for Black to try something ct:lge2 ct:lbd7 9. principled decision. pawn with the idea of seizing the This is his most popular and central e4-outpost. Black must start immediate 4. since these days there are not so many uninformed players left an­ yway.d5 Quick Repertoire new with the idea o f outplaying sorne less skillful opponent.f5 . Having this in mind..) 6 .f3 aS. the subsequent play is his own king's bishop as well if he semi-forced and it would be diffi­ so wishes....c4 e5 3.d4 d6 2.Chapter 3 atlack on the queenside.e4 o-o 8.g3 can­ into an endgame (dxe5 dxe5) and not create any real problems for Black begins his fight for the Black.0-0 ct:lcS 1O. White certainly seizes space with this. .1g2 . White temporarily sacrifices a 3 . i. i. 5. most thirty years ago: 4. tive for Black here 6.i.i. 4 .d3 g6 9:�c2 tLJa6 10.. 0 . The this deserves serious considera­ idea of the text move is to force tion after the move g2 -g3 has been the exchange of a pair of knights.e3? tLJxd5 ! .. 53 .tte2 i.i.) In the chapter Step by Step we he wiIl inevitably weaken his con­ shaIl analyze the popular altema­ trol over the kingside... There may foIlow: 6 . .g6 5. on the cl-h6 diagonal than on f6.xf6 . it would be useful for He does not wish to reduce the him to weaken his opponent's tension with the move 4 .f5.xf6 position. However. Black has an Black's bishop is betler placed exceIlent position.i. .tLJge2 a5.g5 and Black found reliable liJxe4 O ... or 6:�c2? has the bishop-pair and a solid tLJxd5).liJe3 liJf6 6.exf5 gxf5? White has 14. Black does not have an excellent fashion and can face enough space for so many pieces the future with optimismo in his campo This main line was tested al­ 7.e7 6.0 i.liJg3 liJe5 8. .d4 d6 2. 12.i. 1.1Mrh5+. .f4 15.xf6.lZJc3 tLJf6 i. White has a n excellent outpost White is fighting for the e4-out­ on e4. played.e4 o-o 8.e7 9. .g5 i. 7.d5f5 Black has deployed his forces in otherwise..i.•. 5.d3 �e7 13. . liJa6 reasonable plan to win the game .g5 a3 tLJc5 11.c4 eS 3. Black pawn (6.liJexe4 liJxe4 11.g3 i.liJge2 If White launches an offensive on the queenside (he has no other 6 . .f4.h6� the powerful resource 6. while kingside slightly. but he cannot brag about post and avoids blundering a much else in this position. after 4 .fxe4 • Meanwhile..O paths to equality: 5 .ixf6 10 . d6 (This is an attraetive pawn­ wishes to exehange the dark­ break.. but a bit NaturaIly. It looks safer for Blaek to erably with the help of a eompu­ opt for 8 . you dxe5 !? (This is an enterprising can study and analyze them. pref­ move. Blaek can later ex. 1 wiIl not Tomsk 2 007.�e4 liJh6 1l.�e3 �g4 8...exd6 13.this is a useful prophylaetic move: Blaek's knight wiIl now be safe on the e5-square . Blaek's position is solid.Pridorozhni.) 3 .�e7 (This is a typical plan 9..e5!? sorne examples in whieh it aIl (White is trying to exploit his ended more or less favourably for slight lead in development. For example: 4 .liJb5 i>f8 1O. he5 .. prevent­ tains aeeess to the exeeIlent e6- ing the deployrnent of the blaek square..Chapter 3 1.liJe3 a5 .h4 �h6 13.) 4. liJf6. a5 5.e4 �g5 go into details. tried in praetiee several times.) 12 . Sinitsin .liJe3 (If 4. f5 dxe5 11.. him.) 4 .liJf3.liJxd6 liJe6 with a very good po- 54 . If you like these plans. liJd7 5. traetive possibilities too.e4 liJe5 7.'Wxd6 'Wxd6 bishop to g5...6.�h3 This is the most popular move o-o 14.g3 liJe7 12 . 14. The idea of ad­ from obvious. sinee the exehange of the dark­ squared bishops would solve all Blaek's opening problems .'Wh5 :Ele8 15. but its advantages are far squared bishops... The position is sim­ vancing f7-f5 also remains on his plified and Blaek's b8-knight ob­ agenda. which has been ter. 3 .hg5 'Wxg5 7. liJf3 'We7 8...10 .. Blaek 12 . but wiIl show you 6. he has sorne other at­ passive..d5 Step by Step ehange this knight with his bishop on e8 and play �g5 anyway.h3 g6 for the Benoni system.c4 e5 3.h3 hf3 9:�xf3 �g5 10.this is the eorreet decision.) 8 .d4 d6 2.0-0 liJe8 - for Blaek and 1 think it is the best.. trying to play in the spirit �c2 e4 1O. In reply.ig5 a4 11. White has position.Popchev. He does The move 4..ig2 ig7 . for example: 4 .i. Al) 7.g6 5.e3 b6 8.1�·c2 't!if8 13. White's kingside fianchetto is ttJd7 5. Black liJh7 11.liJf3 liJf6 5. since the idea of 55 .e3 A) 4.i. 5 g6 6.liJf3 liJeS 7.g3 liJf6 S. There is a transposition of Black has built up a solid defen­ moves after 5. l. but it is not O-O 8.liJc3 i. Berry .e3 f5f± Khmelniker .i.dSf5 4.:1'lad1 't!ig7 .ig5 is just 4.g3 A2) 7.e4 e) 4.liJc3 liJd7 7.) 5.•.ttJf3 About 4. bishop and develop his forces liJc3 liJd7 6. of the King's Indian Defence.g6 (Black fianchettoes his 6. dxc6 bxc6 13.liJd4 liJe5 11..g7 sition for Black.id2 c5 12. can fianchetto his own king's Nevednichy.liJf3 liJh6 8. any problems in obtaining a good Budva 20 09.e3 looks a bit arti­ not intend to exchange his bishop ficial and Black should not have for the knight. liJc3 g6 6.ie2 ig7 3 . sive line aH over the entire board.ig2 g6 6. a waste of time for White.. op.d4 d6 2. I think he would do bet­ sufficient compensation for the ter to to fianchetto his king's bish­ pawn.h4 B) 4. ttJf6 5. bishop.i.liJc3 liJf6 5 .liJf3 liJe7 7.ttJc3 ie7 12.liJf3. Oban 2 005.e2 a very solid set-up.h4 liJf6 9.liJc3.McNab.see I believe the move 7..g7 6.a3 liJf6 1O.liJg5 h6 10..c4 eS 3.) 4. noeuvred quite skilfully with his knights and obtained exceHent A) 4. Possibly.f4 exf3 14. comfortably.0-0 4 .gxf3 c5f± e4 a5 (In another game Black ma­ Plass .•.e4 A4) 7.ttJc3 A3) 7.liJc3 .. but not more.h4 o-o 9. Val Thorens 1990.g3 counterplay on the kingside: 4 .g2 i. Warsaw 2005. ie2 h5 9.Nijboer.liJh3 very ambitious. Postny . e3 The rnoves g3 and e3 do not cornbine weIl together. lüf8 l2 . h6 9...0-0 lLle5 11.Chapter 3 creating an outpost on e4 for his harrnoniously and now provokes pieces is not very realistic.i.lüg5 gen 1992.. 0 .. M. so he builds sorne pro­ tection against this possibility. Nijrne­ 7.e4 h6 Black has deployed his forces 56 . �xe3. lLla6+ A2) 7. De­ brecen 1998. He wishes to place his king on gl.. lüc5 l3. 1 0 .lLld4.. o-o 9J�b1 e4 10.lüge2 lübd7 9.e5-e4.a6 •. McMahon . but his opponent to begin prernature otherwise after h7-h6 he wiIl have active operations. the rook's file. ttJbd7 8. This aggression can hardly be Mondariz 2000. but White's idea is understandable. 12 .�c2 �e7+! The e6-square has been relia­ bly protected.Szarvas. If White con­ to retreat his bishop.b3 g5 12.e3 lLlg4 10.. l2.h4 Al) 7.SoIleveld.lüh3 a5 9.Fernando. 11 . then White is unable to exert pressure Black wiIl start an offensive hirn­ against the h6-pawn: 7..e4 self .0 8.Kovacs . After that tinues to rnanoeuvre calrnly... but is afraid of the pawn-breaks e5-e4 and f5-f4.a3 b6 lU�bl i. �e7 13. Srnit .�d2 lLlxe3 11.�a3 justified.b3. 0-0 8.. g6-g5 etc.. White's pieces are not �d7+! weIl prepared for an assault along 9 a5 10 . 7.. ie3 • 57 .g2 i. Here.) 1S.hc6+ 8 .g3 liJf6 S.liJxe4 liJxe4 16..f3 bxc6 19.i.0 liJe5 1 0 .liJge2 1l .c4 eS 3.i. Gorica 1999. 8. 8. he4 hc4 17. ••• (diagram) Hamilton 2010 (game 12). 0 .liJge2 liJa6 10. A3) 7. Wijk aan Zee 1971.e4 O . liJbd7 9.Minie.e3 E1ad8 13.V�'ifb3 bS+....e3 1!f!e8 13..c8+! �e2 Radzvilaviciene . Black simply wins a pawn and graduaIly neutralizes his opponent's piece-activity. 1S.Srebrnic.b3 liJhS 14J'k1 f4 (He is already well prepared for the start of his offen­ sive.f3 liJa6 11.O 1l .gxf4 exf4 16 . liJc3 g6 6.�g4 1!f!f6 18..g7 1l.. l. There however Black was forced to give up his bishop on c8 for the knight on e6 and his light squares were considerably weakened. Black has built up a solid de­ fensive line and he waits to see his opponent's intentions.id7 11.McNab. then Black long light-squared diagonal. aS 1O. Nova 1S. Black. but he can cope with it.liJge2.if2 liJeS+! Danov .h3 13 ••• he6 14.) 8 .'ttih 2 i. but the bishop on g2 This is an unpleasant move for may now feel a bit unhappy.d4 d6 2.) 12 ..liJe6 Penetrating with the knight to e6 is a standard idea which was played by Mark Taimanov in his match against Robert Fischer.dx:e6 e6 IfWhite presents his opponent It is essential for him to cover with a pawn-pair in the centre - the dS-square and to close the 8..f3 (This is admittedly a very 13. though.d7 (This is prophylaxis against the possible sortie liJc3-bS.1!f!xc4 dS't a5 15 d5+ Doyle .dSf5 4. Black's queen does not need to protect the c7- pawn and he can bring it closer to the kingside.i. 1!f!e7 12.•• liJxe6 12.h5 solid move. 0-0 . aS 9.0-0 i. Now. wiIl have an excellent position: 9 .hxg6 fxe4 15.exfS gxfS 9.. .. he should have no ries of exchanges. Eí:ad8.lLlxe4 lLlxe4 13 . from sacrificing a pawn: 8. following variation: 12.lLle2 c6� Cacco .e4 lLla6 9.if6 18 . diagonal. c6 etc.f3 (11.) 1O.) 13.gxf4 lLlxdS! Black simplifies the position. problems whatsoever.ig5 .gf1 \We7 lLlhS 14.lLlh3 (White possi­ lLla4?! looks rather dubious: 11 . Copenha­ his knight.0-0 such a great threat after all: 8 .lLlgS f4 (This is an important White can hardly manage S8 . 13. I n the following game White h6!? 9.fxe4 After his opponent has lost so ltJg4 many tempi to transfer his knight This move provokes a new se­ from f3 to f2..Berend.V!1c2 lLlb6� to penetrate the e6-square with Jacobsen . 13Ajxe4 ltJcxe4 14.V!1d1 ixh3 lS.Strikovic..e6 14.h3 lSJ�e1 1Mfd7 16..lLlf2 (Once again White sacrifice a pawn in the first it is not good for White to capture place? the pawn.1tJf3 O . lLlcS! 11. ) 1O . is happy to make this exchange.. 8 . although the following re­ (diagram) cent game shows that b2-b4 is not 8. ... 17 . He could have still maintained the ixh3 \wh4+) 12 ...b4 aS 1O.be4 dorm 2007 (game 13). if only because of the 1l ... bly believed that Black was forced fxe4 12.bxaS E:xaS 11. Beni­ lLlfxe4 12 ..hxg3 15.i.lLlh4 �h7 13.V!1xdS+ i. but that was an 14. corro 1976.Krasenkow.Kivi. but then he refrained gen 2010. Why did ixh3:¡:) 11. fxg3 (Now Black tension with: V!1e7.ixf3 dxcS to capture on g3..\Wd2 fxe4 •.id7 12.Chapter 3 White's attempt to provoke move. a5 This is useful prophylactic A4) 7.d2 seemed to be carrying out a plan lLlbd7 12 .bf6 1tJxf6 19..gxf4? b6"t Cruz Lledo .O move.e4 9. since Black closes the long complications with the move 11.�e3 illusion ..aS 12.h3 • Turin 2006. �g7= Laisaari .lLlc3 i.gxf8+ \Wxf8 16.lLlxcS exf3 13. l. Dhaka half-measures would not create 1993 (game 14). since the 9. Zaporozhje 2010.id2 g5 11.c4 eS 3.ttJd3 ttJxd3 12.exíS gxf5 11.d515 4.hf6 hf6 18. but later the eval­ uation changed.f3 square as well. but still the kingside example: usually belongs to Black.ig5 h6 17. 9 ••• tLla6 10 ...a3 1Mfe8 13Jl:ab1 1Mfh5 14.1Mfe8 This is a standard manoeuvre in the King's Indian Defence - Black's queen goes to h5. B3) 5. ie3 The complications are favour­ able for Black after 1l.1Mfc2 pawn-strocture favours his opera­ ttJa6 12.tLlc3 9.ttJe1 ttJbd7 1O.ig5 This move used to be consid­ ered as the best for White sorne thirty years ago.e4 1Mfe7 14. tLlf6 12 .@h2 B4) 5 . La Corona 1996.ªh5 15. 11 ••..b4 tions there.ig5 59 .Matjushin. For are active. although sometimes it may occupy the g6.ig5 f4! ? 13. B2) 5. .ªc2 tLlh4 . axb4 15. White's pieces any problems for Black at all.d4 d6 2.1Mfd2 ig7� Belous .ttJxe4 if5 16.hf6 1Mfxf6 15.if3 .1Mfd2 .1Mfh5 exf4't Gonzalez - Strikovic.ªf7 17. 4 •..ig5 h6 1O.tLlf3 13. B1) 5.Hodgson.h3 tLlf6 14.1Mfxd3 b6 13.gxf4 h6 14.ttJh4 ttJcS 12. ttJc3 ttJf6 without this move. or B) 4... tLlg4 12 . because quiet @h8� Mishra . Zaragoza 1998.axb4 f4� Granero Roca - Garza Marco. :gel fxe4 15.id7 16 .1Mfc2 ttJc5 11. After the 60 ..e3 g6 7.o 8.J.g3 ••. simplest continuation.0-0 c. similar to the Saemisch comfortable position: system in the King's Indian De­ 1l . outpost.id2 O-O 12 .g3 ltla6 9. It looks very original for White 7.h3 12..e7! ..J.ltlb5 c6 13.see 4.J.ltld4 game: 8.ie2 ltlbd7 1O. 5. and instead place his knight on h5 and follow develops his pieces energetically up with the exchange of the dark­ (planning to fight for the centre squared bishops with ie7-g5.g3. Black has not fianchettoed . fuI pawn-chain on the light ih3 12J''!f2 a5 Black obtains a squares. 8 J.McNab.g4 9. Fa­ Sulava.ltlc3 White may seize control of the e4- ltlf6.. time on sorne enjoyable but not This is the right response. otherwise.e7 Saemisch.Grabarczyk.e4 fxe4 .e3 B1) 5. Hastings 1989.Wc2 ltlc5 ently and slowly in the following U .id7 14.O-O!?. chettoing bishops. Black can post­ development and immediately pone this exchange. Toscolano 1996.•.g3 g6 . then 6.gg1 ig400 Welke fence.fxe4 o .f3 It is possibly better to opt for White wishes to build a power­ U. later with the move e4).see 4. IfWhite does not wish to waste 5 J. yard . but even then after U .t>h8�. his bishop yet however.. but this is the place his bishop on e7.e4 fxe4 5.e4 fxe4 Black should hurry with his own In principIe.ih3 ltlc5 10 . so there will be no transposition to the B2) 5.ltlh3 ig7 White played rather inconsist­ 8.Chapter 3 5. .J. He essential operations.e2 �h5 10 . such as fian­ is preparing to castle quickly. but Black has 1We2 a5 11. Muehlhausen 2004.lüf3 to play 5.�f3 J.g2 c6=t Medancic - nothing to complain about.f4 e4 6.ltlf2 a5 9. �d7 11. liJfd7 l1.. Hamburg 1990.!J.f6i Gu­ nawan . 11.Ak­ shayraj.d5j5 4. owing to the fact that White's B2a) 6.liJd3. 13.�d2 !J.e4 Blaek's knights eye the e4-out­ 12 . the plan of g6 and !J. The following examples 8 •.0 b6 13. 10 b6 1l. Platonov . 12 .. �e8 9.d4 d6 2. 0 . 9 . l.!J. Negombo 2003.ie3 • Or 1O.liJxe4 .�c2 o-o .liJxe4 liJxe4 13. Jakarta 1983. 0 .�b2 !J. Black can protect For 6. It would not be sen.f4 ! ent. liJxd3 12.b4 liJce4 (This is an exeellent square for the knight!) 12.g7 seems good for Black to exchange on d3. Zsinka ..!J.!J.d7 1l.b3 �e8 1O.e3 6 .0 7.•. be­ B2a) 6.e3 liJcS't post.a3 Black should con­ his position and can now simply tinue in the same "gentleman-like wait for a while to see what his op­ fashion" with: 8 . 61 .Silivanov. liJxe4 13.�S't White eould eonsider transfer­ ring his knight to d3 in order to harass Blaek's knight on eS: 9.axb4 !J.'M>3 'We8 9.exd3 and.liJd4.b4 liJce4 12..b2 liJa6 1l. to me to be a bit slow for Black. Poobesh .Seirawan.liJd2.e4 pawn-centre...g3 ginning the destruction of Black's B2b) 6.• liJa6 show that White's queenside pawn-offensive is not so danger­ ous after all: 1 0 .a3 After 9.d7 ponent plans to do next. liJxcS 12.a4 1S.!J.c4 eS 3. since White may recapture with his pawn and later play f2-f4.f4!? 11.he has fortified After 8... .liJe1 liJeS l O. .• liJc5 Hausner.e3.d2 liJeS+!) 1l .•. This move is rather indiffer­ Blaek can eontinue with 12 .liJc3 liJf6 move-order which White has cho­ Smolensk 2005.gxf4 exf4 12.see variation his knight: 1O ..ig2 a5 8. 1O.�b3 axb4 14..E1b1 !J..b3 !J..d7+! . .a3 Black ean already start an attaek: 1O .liJxcS (if B3. then 1l .... 1l.g3 knight has abandoned the f-file. otherwise.Mohrlock.i.bxcS 1S.e2 tLlb4 12.d3 White is forced to comply with the exchange of his light-squared bishop.. 1 would like to for­ tLla6 14. so he captures on e4 with a knight. ..e4 1l. 0 .lüd2 i. White's queen on e2 is misplaced and he must lose two more tempi to develop his bishop on f1. 1 believe Copenhagen 1990.cxd5 O-O.e7 6 .. Black is consid­ erably ahead in development.Wb3 lüxd3+ 13. fight for the e4-square. 7.lüxe4 It is advantageous for him to exchange a pair of knights. B3) S. 14 . Black succeeds in creating If 1 have to sum up what 1 have real threats: 12. Wxd3 We8 14. this is the only plan that can cre­ ate any problems for Black.Vorotnikov.O ing and thanks to this Black acti­ vates his kingside pieces and seiz­ es the initiative.a6 16.lüxe4 fxe4 8.lüb4 12. . B2b) 6.fa White immediately begins the hSf! Auchenberg . similar positions White does not 62 . bxcS i.tg2 tLlc5+ Simantsev . Wc2 Following 9.0 Wg6 1S.1�fb1 c6 he is in a big trou­ ble.f5 9. mulate the following rule: if in Kovalevskaya.§'c2 i.�e2 c6 1O... Tula 2001.i.g3 �a5+ 13.ga2 gb8 17.Wc2 §.Chapter 3 14. Mean­ while.cS?! White is overextend­ 9 . lüa6 10 ..bS+ Meier ..lüxe4 O . Germa­ ny 1999.tLlxe4 cxd5 11. 1l. after 11.tLlc3 said until now. now both ltJc7xd5.0-0 9.ltJf3?.Wc2 e4) 12 .. 6. because Black has the pos­ carefuIly to avoid having great sibility of a double atlack with his problems. square. .Wxe4. in or­ as possible. but here Black can open nos . Black must try immediately to under­ mine his opponent's centre: 6 . Figueira da Foz 2009) 7.ltJf3 (This is an exceIlent multi-pur­ o-o 7.ltJge2 o-o 8.ltJf3 O-O 7. Wxd3 ltJd7 12 .g3.O 12 . Bratlo 2005.Kurilov.Wxe4 �f5 1O.ltJf3 if5 . Des­ threats. ltJxe4.. White has another idea - the idea to castle short as quickly 8.ig2 cxd5 8.fxe4 then it is reasonable for Black to If he begins with 6 .c6 7.ie2 c6 11.ltJh3 It is well known that the queen (White does not wish to cover the is not a good blocker and it wiIl diagonal of his bishop on g2.. pose move: Black is threatening 9 .ltJc3 ltJf6 lose time for moves ofthe type g2... 6.id7 12 .a4 Wc8! About 9.M.ig5 13..We2 i.id7 11.Hileyan.Gaponenko..ltJxe4 bilities in the diagrammed posi­ It would be too slow for White tion.ltJxe4 fxe4.a3 .We3 ltJa6+ Felicio .ie3 (12.Wxe4 O .. knight .. refrain from a king's fianchetlo then after 7. For example: .see 6.ltJa6-b4.. g3 and he fights for the e4-square.ltJxe4 c6+ 9.b3 a5 8.d4 d6 2.) 14 . not not remain for long on the e4- to lose at sorne moment his d5. ltJxe4 8.a5 Wb7+ Djukic ltJe2 ixe3 14.. Sto Petersburg 2002.. France 2002 (it is "a second front" on the queen­ betler for White to play here 13.b3 ltJa6 9.. 63 .e4 knight... a5 8. 6 .. ltJa6 9.dSj5 4.ltJe2 followed by ltJc3(g3).�e2 �h8 7.) 9 . 8 . ltJxe4 fxe4 9. Pozarevac 2009.b4 ltJc7 13..Papa.a3 . l..e3 o-o 7.�c2 h6 11.dxc6 bxc6 12.Wd3 (White parries both 13.ltJf3 .. besides and develop his bishop to e7 with 8.e4.) 14..a3 We8 1O..e3 (7.c4 eS 3.. In response to 6.cxd5 ltJa6 9. der to capture on e4 with his 6. Cardili cess.id3 �f5 1O. White must play very pawn.ltJg3. as weIl as f5.id7 1O. White has tested other possi­ 7.Wxe3 Wh4�) 13 . but without particular suc­ to play 7. side.Guseva . Vladimir 2002 (game 15). O-O ltJc5� Monin ..b5! 15.h4 c6� M.Fomi­ nykh.Todorov.e4 ltJxe4 8. 0-0 10..�b2 ltJa6 ltJgxe4 ltJxe4 1O.xd3 11.ltJf3? ltJc5 f4. d3 �g6 12..e3 J. or 6. exchange on fS.ie2 �e8 1O.�xe4 l'!e8 16. the move h4 does not create any threats and is hardly useful for B4) 5. exchange the 7.tLlxa4 He wishes to exchange his bishop l'!xa4+ Krasenkova .tLlf3 c6 1O.J.�e2 i. ably deployed on the central e4- tLlxgS �xgS 17.i.tLlf3 aS 9.0 .J.Chernikov. Gmunden 2 007. He has tried in practice the 13 ..�c2? board. on the kingside and he impedes i.g3 if6+ Handke .�c2 .e3? tLlxdS! 7.i. advance e2-e4.J.h4 �af8iZ She­ move 6.e4 It is at least inconsistent for him to opt for 7. �d7 14. there.d2 tLlg4 11.fxe3 �xe3-+ squared bishop.gS+ 64 .Chapter 3 tLlcS 14.tLld4 h6 1O.Tseshko­ for actions on the other side of the vsky. 0 .Fomi­ for Black's knight. the key e4-square continues! 5 . White blunders sometimes a .. but this does not h4 i. 0 . 12. Benasque 1998. outpost) against a "bad" dark­ i. e4 lS.�c2 e4 9.xf6 10 .J.White protects his naev .ixf5 lhf5 13.�xe8+ l'!xe8+ 18.e7 9..i. Odintsovo bishop and parries tLlf6xdS.i.e3 l'!xe3+ 19. 9 ••• W1e8 NaturaHy.tLlxdS hgS 8.tLlc3 tLld7 11...M.Strikovic.e4 O-O 9.xe7 tLlxe7 8.. to the queenside.l'!c1 tLlcS. The fight for without the help of the opponent. mean that his hands are quite free �c2 tLlf6+ Profaizer .Ubilava.fxe3 with a powerful knight (comfort­ e4-+) 14 .. 6 .d3 tLlbc6+ Oyaga .d3 light-squared bishops and with an 8.e3 o-o 8. it would be hardly Black concentrates aH his forc­ possible to accomplish aH that es on the kingside. White's queenside diversion cannot change this evaluation: He has a complicated agenda.f3 tLlcS 12.J. but 2008.h4 .b4 axb4 13.J. Black has deployed perfectly his forces and his position is prefera­ ble.0 pawn at this moment.b:e3 1S..g5 him in this position.tLlf3 tLla6 9. Moscow 2010. White's eventual pawn-offensive Pamplona 2007.f5 1l..e2 tLla6 1O. for exam­ White has evacuated his king pIe: 6.tLlf3 tLla6 8. to remain W1g6 11.J... 0-0 7.e7 6. There may follow: 6 .axb4 tLla4 14. Black's forces are focused tLlxdS 7.a3 id7 11.0 8. nykh.tLld2 insight in the future.xf6 7.hc5 (14. l. knight on e2...0 200l. not conceding White \Wd8-b8-a7.U7 • He maintains the tension in It deserves attention for him the centre and after an eventual to choose 15. lLlc3 lLlf6 Black wins the fight for the e4. His op­ ponent has no threats on the queenside and Black has already begun his kingside offensive. .. a3 tbc5 1l. for example: 1O.lLlge2 f4 1O.MicheU.tbge2 superior. In control over the dark squares. Ferk .h4+ 11. 9.d3. axb3 17.Mc­ Nab. because after the 12 ••• f4 13. White's direct attempt to win Szwier .d4 d6 2. Djakovo square and this means his pros­ 1994.f3 i. but he plans to do this lLla4. 'lWxb3 b6? Broemel . 14 . 1O .lLlxe4 �e8 11..te2 ¡. Milanowek the fight for the e4-outpost would 2001.f3 i. Austria a5 12. increasing the the e4-square to his opponent. Black maintains the initia­ only after White has placed his tive. 15 .d7 with a sudden exchange on f5.e4 ! .f5 4.exf5 hf5 9. Black has realised everything he has been dreaming of.h4 move for White.f3. wishes to recap­ and very unpleasant threat for ture with a pawn. since f5-f4 would be 16.b4 axb3 17. Tousif . it is also good for Black to 6. 18. Black has a very powerful argument 9 .. then after 16.e4 g3 i..f3 a4 14.Ponceleusz.c4 e5 3. 12.tbxb3 tbxb3 much stronger then..b4. tba6 1 0 . 0 .Medak.lLlxb3 play f5-f4. If general.i.Espig. 9. pects in the oncoming battle are 9 .h4+ 14.. He wishes to ob- 65 ..e'c2 Stralsund 1988.d4 with an advantage for him.'it>d2..i.i. f4? Petrovic ..d5. JMfg5+ not work.xb2 12.�b1 i. Manila 1992.tbc1 g5 straightforward Une: 8. 8 g6 • .lLlf3 lLla6 1O.g5+ This is the most energetic 9. C) 4.�c1 'it>h8 11.b3 f4 13. tLlf6+ Soln .xd3 17.�g3 :fJ.Tratar.�g5 tLlbd7 7.tLlxf4 �xg7 13.6. since this reduces the ten­ Biti. 5. tLlbd7 1O. In fact..tLlxe4 :fJ. Black will repel the enemy knight with the move h5- h4 and White will have problems recapturing his pawn) 9 .f5 8.) 8 .... sion in the centre and White will increase effortlessly his space ad­ vantage. Jacob .tLlxe4 Wlh4! ? (Black leads i n development.�ge2 This knight is headed fir the g3-square. g6 5.g6 9. 6 . he reaches a practically equal g6 12. 7.) 12 . so in principIe he should not be afraid 4 .. because after 4 . :fJ.Wle2 (otherwise.h5 7. Velika Gorica 2003..:fJ. a bit passive. tLld5 c6 14.tLlge2 :fJ..g3 Wld4 14.tLlh5..tLlc5 12. :fJ..fxe4 of complications.tLlgxe4 tLlxe4 1l..tLldc3 position. Zaja - well.Stevenson. 11.tLlxe4 :fJ...e7 8. though .h3 the e4-square.f8 13.Wlh6 :fJ.this is a well known mistake. after which White will restore the material balance. tLlxd5 for Black. in the main 9. His alternative is .exf5 Wlxd3 16. gxf5?. White has 6. el) 6 ••...f5 tLlg3? (He was rather careless in This is the most popular move this game as well. he should better push it further in order to weaken somehow Black's kingside.. �d2 �f5= He has a bishop-pair He is reluctant to play 4 .tLlge2 (7.h6 tLlf4 1O.hg7 �g8 el) 6 i.e7 8.xd3 :fJ. Bled 1999. White had better capture the knight on f6 with his bishop 8 .. In­ stead...g6 66 . would not bring White any divi­ dends.Wld2 c6 14.e3 tLld3+ 15.Chapter 3 tain an outpost for his pieces on The experimental idea 6. after which.tLlg3 :fJ..tLlg5 tLlc5 Black cannot keep his pawn on 13.Wlxd3 f5.. Troon e2) 6 �a6 ••• 2006.�c1 c5 18. tLlxd5 9.f5 . as and a very solid position. f4.tLlxe7 WlxeTt) 7.Wlh5+. if he will advance his rook pawn.tLlg3? . 11.:fJ.:fJ...�c3 �f6 6.tLlxd5 hg5 1O.Wlh5+ line.e7 11. Bie1 2004. This rather modest move enables Black to complete effort­ lessly his development and to en­ C1b) 8..te2 ltJa6 1l .ti'b3 • At first.... safety of his light-squared bishop. Avrukh .ie2 doy. O-O ltJf6 lS. C1c) 8 .l"lxdS ltJd7 14. ltJc3 ltJf6 6. Black not only ensures the ltJgxe4 ltJxe4 13. 8 .ti'c2 ltJbd7 12.ig5 16. This is a thematic move. White provokes the move b7-b6 and he places his queen on c2 only later. Black 9. h6 8 ..o 1 0 .ltJxe4 ltJf6 14.d515 4.ie5 17 .th7 1O .O ..l"ld2 Wic7 16.tc1- 15 .R.§'c2 opens the long diagonal for his 9. 67 . Mchedlishvili .Wid2 but he defends against his oppo­ (diagram) nent's thematic manoeuvre .ie2 is much easier to defend than to C1b) 8.l"lfd1 l"lfc8� Bozinovic .d4 d6 2.c4 eS 3.K1enburg.ltJxdS ltJxdS 13.•.e4 fxe4 S..te7 12 .. increasing the pressure against the e4-pawn. O .. 10 .. • draw..h4 atlack.te3 bishop on f6 and the pawn on e4 . l.ltJge2 C1a) 8 .Mame­ C1a) 8 .a3.. ltJxf6 + . b6 1l. Calvia 2007.ie7 9 .. e4!? gSxf6.ixf6 15. then Black can undermine the centre with 1O .Tischbierek.. . c6 1U�d1 cxdS 12 .id4 ti'f6.h4 ter complications advantageous­ This move is premature.ie3 o . ly.hS . Ifhe plays immediately lO:�c2. Bernasek . Pardubice 2008.Espig. It is essential for him to ex­ then in reply to 13... c7-c6 etc. liJa6. but White main- 68 .hS change the dark-squared bishops and later he wiIl place his knight on f6.fxe3 e4 18.i..) lS. liJxe4. 13 .d3 liJf6 16. JJ.xe4! ? 14"�xe4 i.he4 .�e7..�h7 12.0-0 14 he4!? ••• O-O� We have already seen this re­ 9 . 1 think it would be very unpleasant for Black ifWhite plays 9. tDbd7 .. cover the h7-square and prepare counterplay in the centre with eS-e4.�e3 JJ.ig5� ele) 8 .liJcxe4 liJxe4 12.. 8 . it wiIl be protected with the move liJcS) and thanks to this to exchange a pair of knights. 15.ig5 Black can already play 13 . which cannot be said for its counterpart.ltJxe4 O-O.. Kolomna The idea of this move is to 2008... The same idea is be­ hind the move 6 . liJc5 13. 12 . Black. 0 .JJ. 11 ..Gurov.�e2 c6+ Black's king is completely safe.tDexe4 tDxe4 13. . tDbd7 1 0 ..e7 11.h5 source in the game Bernasek - If White postpones this ad­ Espig: the vulnerability of the vance and regains at first his pawn light squares is not dangerous for .Chapter 3 Internet 2004.11. Voinov .�g6 he3 17..gS (He is notice­ ably ahead in development.d3 force the opponent to recapture the e4-pawn (otherwise..h4! In prac­ tice Black has tried numerous al­ ternatives here.. so he is not afraid of an attack against his king. which we shaIl analyze a bit latero In answer to 8 ..0 14. tiJa6 13.�g4t Ungureanu .tiJgxe4t tDe3 a5� White's advantage is rnaybe not White is probably slightly bet­ very great.xe4!? 15.fle2 is very difficult. but still his position ter. 13. e3! 12.bh4 i..tiJgxe4 (but not 11..h5.txf6 hf6 (After 10 ..1xf6 13.xe4 g6 16.ih7 13.h4 (1l .0-0 tiJf4 13 ..tiJcxe4 ing his dark-squared bishop for tiJd7 13..e4 fxe4 S. but this advantage is purely looks very attractive.0 i. tiJge2 tains superior prospects in all White has also tried in practice lines.1g6 gg8 15.Var­ f2-square..1c2 O-O 14.12 .. gxf6 11.tiJe4 �e7+ Danner . bishops of opposite colours: Danner .h5. g3 th5 15.1f6 14 .Yrjola.. White can weave a blockade net on Black's kingside .0-0-0t .td3 tiJd7� Black have opted for a position with has good counterplay.• • turni 1999 .tiJxh5 tiJd7 lands 2007.h5 weakens tiJh5 12. I think he should tiJgxe4 gh6 13.te2 tiJd7 (12 .d3 O .xf6 gxf6 1l. 17.. Avrukh .hh5±) 13..d4 d6 2.tDe2 �g4+ �h8 14 .ie8 12. Bologan tried to exert lishes a wedge on the flank (After sorne pressure against the enerny 1O. ... but that did not prove ga. Biel 1999 9 .Broekmeulen.1e8.tiJgxe4 te7 1O.td3 i. tiJd7 12.ie7 10 ... Budapest 2001..�g4 . Jakab . 14 i.�c8� 15..hf6 tiJxf6 1l ..O 12.).d5 15 4.tDexe4 any practical significan ce.fle7 14.bf6 11.�f1 hh5 14. to be effective.... Oberwart 2004. but it was quite clear that this was the rnost he could hope for. 11. Ba­ 9 . In the garne Black held the position. Nether­ exf2+ 13..if7 12. Black's kingside too rnuch: 10. te2? because of 1l .f7 13. .bf6 . 0 ..�xe4±) 11. 9.. 0-0 1O. acadernic and is not likely to have 9.Peredy..tiJxc5.Bologan.. White estab­ (game 17).game 16) 11 . Black's defence in such positions 13 .h6. 69 ..c5 dxc5 18. 1O .h5 tiJd7 If Black succeeds in exchang­ 16..d6 hd6 19.g3 �e7 14.c4 eS 3..i.. .....tiJc3 tiJf6 6.M6 .. Bucharest 1967.f3 tiJh3+ 16.•• 1l.1e2 o-o 12 .hh5 Piceu . events are alrnost the sarne: 1O.g3 tf6 14. After 9 ..White has a the enerny knight he wiIl have a slight but stable advantage and wonderful position.i.1xh5 �e7 15. tiJb5t) 12.h6 g6 12..Pav­ lov. 19 .g3 .�g2 �d7 hf6 hf6 11.1h5.id3 The rnove 9 . l. tries to provoke a weakening of while after the exchange every­ White's kingside in the process.Okhotnik.g4 O-O 16. .d8� Bacon . but after an opening of the 8. 15. thing wiIl be in order.i.0-0.f4 15.. Prague 1988 still somewhat restricted in their (game 18).¿¿¡xe4 O . 70 .¿¿¡g3 ¿¿¡eS 8 .e7 9.Mikhalevski . extra pawn.0-0.Srebrnic. Instead.hf6 hf6 1 0 .. come a force to be reckoned with.lLlb5 i.Vffe 8.tg5 exchange a pair of knights. lLlxd6! e4. 0 .�b1 i.lLlgxe4 i. Avoine 2005) 9 . A. He has tried sorne alternatives too: 8. a5 10. game (White cannot achieve any­ �b1 �e7 11. b4 lLld3+ 1l..lLlxe4 i.i..id3 �e7 Black's desire to open tbe posi­ tion quickly with the move 12 .xd3 exd3 12J''lc 1 a5 13.xb2 16. lLlb5 Vffe7 15.�xd3 �e8 16.xd3 exd3 10. Beer-Sheva 1996.Finkel. .t Black is not hoping to keep his 13. His Black activates his bishop and pieces do not have enough space.dxc6 bxc6 14.c!LJa6 •• 12 .0-0 lLlh5 17. c6 is easily understandable. .e3 b6 9. he wishes to 13 • .O 12 .i.i..g3 i.lLlxf6+ �xf6 14. .i..h6 13. too naive. thing without this .Bogdan. 8 i.0-0 g6 1l. since this would be Bad Woerishofen 2003.a3 axb4 14.f5� Black's powerful bishops are Gerber .�xd3 O-O 12.h3 i. Tbis is the most consistent move for White. ¿¿¡cxe4 ¿¿¡xe4 1l. action.e7 10.Chapter 3 C2) 6 .i.. Kuempers .e2 (9.xc5 bxc5 12.) they wiIl be­ Soln .axb4 o-o 15.0 .h6+t 7. 14. with counterplay on the kingside.Emami.d4 17. •.b4 lLld3+ 9.tg5 . . Ljubljana 2006. followed by lLlh5.a4 i. but in this particular case it can be re­ futed tacticaIly: 13.�c2 i. Wf5 We7 21..c4 e5 3. 0 .h4 c!LJbd7 8.d4 d6 2.@b1 @b7 16 .ti'e7? 21.Wxe4 ixh6 23.. 0-0-0 Eld8 22. l.f3 exf3 18 • • ..ig4 17. but in Wf6.0 c!LJd5 Black plays imprecisely. 23.g3 g6 6 .ti'e2 d5 2 0 .ha5! crete variations show this move to This beautiful tactical strike is be the correct decision.0 22. the position c!LJf8 1 0 .. but in this particular case the con­ 26. vain.ixf3 .c4 e5 3. .ti'e2 continue with 26 .d4 d6 2..id2 . o-o and now 21. after 22 . ln­ stead.) 20 . would have remained rather dxe6 c6 13. with a bishop on g7. bxa5 27.ti'xc4 0 .0 .Elde1 ltJd5 23. It was correct for him to 2 0 .hxg6 tense...ti'xf3 dxc4 Here Black could consider 19 . he would be reluctant to place his central pawns on dark squares.!'l:xh6 Black avoids that Hne.h5 he6 14..We6+ Wd7 he would maintain an edge. l'l:d4 23.i>b1 c!LJc3 c!LJf6 5.c!LJg5 two extra pawns.ti'c7 21.ixh6? fails to 26 .ltJxe4 22. fxe4 15..e4 h6 ll.ixf3 19.ltJe4 the best way to force a draw.c!LJe4 b6 24J!hf1 �hf8 25.c!LJh3 a5 9.ig2 .ltJcS+ 71 ..0 . d4 (Naturally.ig7 • and although Black would have 7.c!LJe6 c!LJxe6 12.Chapter 3 1.d5 f5 4.d5 f5 Complete Games 12 Doyle McNab It was obviously stronger for Hamilton 2010 White to opt for 20.. follow­ ing Nimzowitsch's advice.gxf4 gxf4.ig2 .b3 e4 2 0 .�a7 30. 24.ixi3 dxc5 14.�b3! gxfl 28.bxc5 28..txb6 ! ! tLlxb6 29.c4 e5 3. • White could have won this �ac1 �ae8 2 1 .:gxf8 gxf8 31. • game in a beautiful fashion with 'I1Mxh6 hg2 23.�e3 gf3 25..possibly because of time-trouble.27 .�d2 wanted a draw. 23 .�b3+ @a7 29.O 8..ih3 15.�g4 13 Cruz Lledo .. winning for White...ig7 7. 28.ie3 b6 • It looks as if White very much 17. tDc3 tDf6 5.tDge2 tDbd7 9. tDxc5 exf3 13. Black would have serious prob­ lems.@xg2 the line: 28 .. with perpetual check.Strikovic Here it was even stronger to Benidorm 2007 play 23 . 0 . ..ih6?! hh6 22. 27.:gxe3 tLlf5) 1. At the same time he opens the Hile for his rook and the long diagonal for his bishop (his future plans in­ elude advancing with e5-e4).. @b8? Black had to capture the knight .d5 f5 4.�b4 and it is elear that Black is incapa­ ble of protecting his knight.�f4 �xf4 26.�f7 25.Chapter 3 �b6 28J'lxf8 gxf8 29... tLla4+ @b7 tDc5 1 0 .. otherwise...gc1.:ge2 (24.hd8 �xd8 with mutual chances..:gxf1 :gf8 29. This was a . 28 @b7.ig2 tDd6 19. 27.tDa6+? 18 .tDc5+? tDc3 . Draw.d4 d6 2.'ti'e2 gem e4 O .. 17. 24.�e1 �d7 16 .0 Black could win immediately 72 . tDe8! Black's knight is transferred to the blockading square d6. 30.• rather tense game in which the last part was marred by mutual mistakes . after 27.tLld7+ . for example: 29 .tDa4 fxe4 12.f3 a5 1l.tLlc5+.g3 g6 6.e3! 24. %Vxf3 tt:Jh4+. move such as 24.f6 vred quite well so far.�d2 Here 28 . but unfortu­ nately he decided to try something 14 Mishra �g7 23.lLh5 tt:Je7 32 ••. after which the position is balanced again..O 8 .h3 tt:Jf6 14.fxe5 tt:Jxe5 1 0 .i.d4 d6 2.c4 e5 3. tt:Jxf6? �xh3#) 35 .lLe2 a4't 7. when Black's position 17.E1g1.exf5 gxf5 1l.<j.d4 d6 2.l':!:f1 h5 g6 6. Dhaka 1993 24. since his opponent's move as well.lLe2 tt:Je4 lLg5 �e8 13...�c2 tt:Jg8 2 0 . position has no obvious weak­ 26.f4?! l':!:g8 25.the transfer of the knight to h5.d5f5 with 25 . The same manoeu­ from clear how he should develop vre would be decisive on the next his initiative.. balance with a simple waiting White resigned.h8 would be preferable.d5 f5 4. tt:Jg6! ? deserved con­ �h5 15. 28.. :9:f5= 1 believe Black has manoeu­'3 exf3 34.�Yd1 i. l. White can maintain the l':!:xf3 exf3+ 29..lLf2 tt:Jg6 l... tt:Jd3 33.l':!:ae1 tt:Jc5 19.e4 26..l':!:gl a4 27.e4 tt:Ja6 26.lLf3 �f7 sideration.h2 <j. nesses..lLe3 tt:Jg4 12.e3 b6 22.a3 tt:Jf5 28. 29.Hodgson 18.d4 l':!:af8 32. It was correct for Black to continue with 32 .i. Now White has a powerful manoeuvre .lLg2 O .bf6+ E1xf6 lLd7 16. but it is far White overlooks his oppo- 73 . It was betler for Black to play tt:Jc3 tt:Jf6 5.c4 e5 3..g3 lLg7 25 . tt:Jf3+?! This is another imprecision for Black and White now obtains an edge. 0 . tt:Jf5.bd3 exd3 35J!g2 (35.0 a5 �h6 fxe4 3 0 . 13.O 7. Now White His king cannot cross the sev­ must enter a very unpleasant end­ enth rank now.e3 O .t>f5 gf3+ It seems more precise for Black to continue with 46 .ghl gh7 52.hxg7+ hg7 18.f2! 35 . Black to continue with 41. hh3 <.<.. which had an important mis­ sion ... which he After this mistake.�h5 �xh5 38. <.a draw. There­ 37.t>xg7 19.Guseva .1Lld2 Wíg6. �g3 .t>h7 5I.tbxh5 fore .tbf4 hf4 15 M.hxg7+ <.t>h4 (White can­ not save the day with 42.lLb2 tba6 9.!lg2.tba4 tbe4 47..<.t>c8 <.t>e6 gf4 48. Black line: 34.Chapter 3 nent's tactical idea. !lxgl 43.�c2 ILe7 6.g4 f2 35.tbh4 �g5? 74 ..t>xh3 gg5 4 0 . 17.!lxb2 4I.t>h6 etc.<.t>h8 12.d4 d6 2..h5 gb8 16. !le3 47. because he loses game in order to avoid the worst. 15.gdl �e7 50 .h6 1Lf6 <.�f3 • 51.gh3 <. lhf'2+ 39.<.Fominykh Black had a good alternative VIadimir 2002 here .t>g8 53.h4? 19..t>f6 !le4 48. !lxgl !lxf4+ 44.!.t>f8 54.b3 axb3 44. It was clearly even better for b3 a5 8.ixf2 lLe5 36.<. White sur­ could have prevented with the prisingly saves the game. lLlac5! 17.lLlxc5 lLlxc5 18. l.b:b2 37. so Black does not need to retreat his bish­ op..t>h2 !lh5+ 43..t>g5 !lxc4 and his advantage would be decisive.t>d8 White's threat to capture on g7 is not very protect the d6-pawn...d5 f5 4. <.dxc6 bxc6 14.t>e8 !lg7 52.!lc1 <. was winning with 50 . 41.h4 c6 for example: 42.t>g8. 34 .lLe2 <.c4 e5 3.t>g4 gxb3 46. with superior prospects.M.!lhl <..axb3 gf3+ 45..t>d7 gf7+ 5 0 .<.t>g8 This is the point.gcl h5 49..t>g2 !lxf4) 42 .!le2 a3.a3 �e8 1 0 .. he should have taken care of his only passive piece - 16 . all his queenside pawns.40 . <.<. Instead.<.gxf4 1b:gl tbc3 tbf6 5. 42.hf2 �e5+ 36.<.<. tbf3 lLd7 1l.!lf3+.gxgl gxf4 43.t>d8 <.. White resigned. White should have struck a blow from the other side .<.his cen­ i.g4! ltJg3 .ltJxf6 gxf6 23. !lf7 21.f3 ltJg3 16.c4 e5 3. after which Black's position is about to crum­ ble..id3?? This is the fatal mistake.ig6 8.<..if6 26.gxf5?! This is a hasty move..lb8 19.h4 h5 After this move the pride and 10 .0 .!lc1 �f7 24.e4 with 19 .ld2 !lf2+ .'ef5 25..ltJc3 ltJf6 6.ie7 9.lfl i.. tralized knight on e4 .d5 f5 This mistake allows White to 16 Danner Yrjola continue with his kingside offen­ Batumi 1999 sive. 21 ..ti'h5 21.c5 ! .Elf6 20.xh5 14.dxc6 28..c4 eS 3.d4 d6 2. 75 .ltJf5.d4 d6 2.i..!. ltJxf2! 23.ltJhg3 <.'exf2 hd3 24. 2 0 .!. White would have maintained a slight edge after 22. 24. b3 c6!? 22 .ixf6 ..ltJf3 Black has ensured the safety of Black's rook is untouchable: his king and begins to open the 24. with 3 0 . On the under the pressure of his oppo­ contrary.!lxg5 !lfl+ bxc6 22..ig5 . the position with the line: 21.'&xf5 ltJxf5 25J'1:d3..�xf7 '&xe3# centre. he needed to simplify nent's pieces.d5 f5 4.ixf6 1l. 2 0 .if3 Elh6= fxe4 5.!lxh5 fucb3 White enters complications White's position is crushed without any necessity.!lc2 ltJb6 2 0 .0 17.e2? e3! 12. approximately equal chances.ti'g4 0 .ltJe4 'ee7 hanging.ltJf5? 'exh5 27..ixf5 22 .ltJxf5 '&xf5 23.!.'eh4.ltJg5 hg5 29.. Black should have continued 1. joy of Black's position .21.if5 7.ltJge2 .t 18. suddenly ltJxh5 ltJd7 15.xh5 exf2+ 13. .e7 1 0 . 'i!!c 2 gt7 15.bxa5 dxc5 23.gd3 JJ.e4 28. the knight on d6 must be exchanged.a6 bxa6 24. Black is looking for trouble.c4 e5 3.e7 Black is quite consistent in the implementation ofhis plan.O the same time clears the way for 12.tlJexd6 �e6 23.c5 tlJc8 Naturally.JJ.. preventing Cat least tem­ porarily) the pawn-break c4-cS. O .d5 f5 4.xf6 1l.tlJge2 JJ.gxe2 tlJa7 3 0 .h4 13. after which White's advan­ tage is increased.g5 tlJbd7 9.b4 28 he2 29.gh3 e4 31.tlJxd6 �M7 26. 22.tlJcxe4 pressure on the kingside and at JJ. 27.d4 d6 2.�g8+ gc8 34. White re­ signed.e7.tlJf5 gc8 28.tlJxe7 �xe7 He should retreat his bishop - 29. 19. Black's passed pawns are tre­ 'i!!a 2 g3t7 27.�a6 tlJc8 76 .O JJ.e2! fxe4 5.gxf2 JJ.•.•• a6 17.�e2 �c4 �h3 31.g3 JJ.d3 O .g6 8.i.a4 a5?! This is another very risky move.gxd3 e2+. JJ.Chapter 3 21 cxd5 ••• 22. tlJb6?! action.bringing his rook on hl into 18 . Playing patient­ ly with 21.�c4 d3 32. gd2 �c5 33. 17 Avrukh Bologan Biel 1999 l.JJ. .tlJe2 'i!!e 7 14.:�d7 was worth con­ sidering. White still has not solved his main prob­ lem .�h7 e3 35.gc2 d4 18.f5 7.e7 21..h5 26.ha6 gf3 25. his passed pawn. .gadl �d8 18. 24. White reduces his opponent's tlJg3 JJ.�b4 tlJxd6 25.gd2 �d7 mendously fasto 3 0 .c5 tlJc8 2 0 .tlJ2c3 gaf'S 16.tlJc3 tlJf6 6.xf6 i.JJ. <!>xf6.fxe3 !1.liJgxe4 .a6 e3 This move practically forces 47.ih6 41. 42.iU7 ge2 57.e4 liJf6 5.dSf5 more tenaciously with 41.id6 35. !1.ig4 O .dxe6 gf3 34.liJb5 tie7 15.!1. powerful piece on the e6-square.fxe3 ga1+ 48. though .gxe7 liJb6 4 0 .g4 g6 43.ge4 It was stronger for White to play 41. Black ge8 37.liJge2 liJbd7 7.ge7 gd8 51.liJg3 liJe5 8 . .c3 ! .. .a7 e3 43.ie3 b6 9 . e4 42. 32.if5 77 .!1. Black can hardly put up with such gxg7 gf2+ 52.liJe5 ge8 18 Gerber Okhotnik Prague 1988 1. J''1xc5.d4 d6 2.a8.liJxf6+ tixf6 14. After 42. J'1g5 56.liJxc5 56. pinning the c5-knight. White ends up with an over­ gge7 ga5 whelming advantage in the end­ Black could have put up a more game. White cannot capture the pawn . l.!1..hxh7? be­ cause of 44 .tie6! !1. preparing doubling of the rooks along the seventh rank. resilient defence with the line: 32 tixe6 33.h4 !1. liJd5 . U.he5 bxe5 12.e4 e5 3.liJe3 fxe4 6.a5 liJf6 44.<!>f3 liJg4 5 0 .ga7 h5 43.liJe4 gxe6 38.e7 !1.d2.c4 eS 3.<!>g2 ga2+ the exchange of queens.!1.g6.b4 e4 45.!1.. <!>e5 gd5+ 54.0 g6 41.dd7 winning. A possible continuation is: 41. Black could have defended .axe3 44.ge1 ga3 36. <!>e6 gxe5 55.gbb7 <!>h8 46. since 49. Later.. ttJd5 •• 13.•• 55 .a5 ttJc4 45.44.d4 d6 2.liJxe7 resigned. he7 39. not without sorne exciting moments.ie2 a5 • • 1 0 .!1... he realized his advan­ tage. 0 .a4 .!1.<!>e4 liJf6+ 53.O 16..d5 f5 4. i>h2 though after 20 .. :gf2# 22.f3 �e8 ...fxe3 he3+ 24. 23.:gxf2 exf2 + 26.Ele2 with The black king finds shelter 22 '\Mff6 23.lOa7? This game is an instructive ex­ ample of how a single mistake may sometimes be decisive.h3 2 0 ..Ela2 (The game ends •.�e2 gf7 19.hg4 21..i>fl Therefore White resigned.i>hl '\Mfc3 and Black's threats are decisive..... Yl\fe6+ i>f8 Black can counter 22 . Ele2 '\Mfxf2 + ! 25.:gg3 Black would have good counter­ This was the only move.iel 24.Yl\fxg4 .Elxd2 e3 24.Chapter 3 17.b3 e3 25. gffl 29. but 25.id2! mate with 28 . 22 .'\Mfel+ ! this manoeuvre involves a tactical This i s a n attractive final com­ oversight.�a3 e4 18.if2 + 26.20 ....i>hl id4 25. al­ 26.. White had to exchange bination..g3 Black would check­ 2 0 .tLla7 f4. after 28. since play. In general.�el :gel#) 23 .gxf5 21. the bishops first .e3 Black breaks on the dark squares. checkmate on hl is unavoidable. 78 .. ie5+ 28. this move looks quite logical .the knight must come closer to the field of action. from the checks on h6.bf5.�dl 28 ...gxel �xel+ 27. after which beautifully after 23. Black tralization of White's queen and quickly completes the develop­ wins a tempo for his development ment of his kingside.d4.c4 eS 3. while Black has a slight placed on f6 . or tre. Black should will Black succeed in creating ad­ not have any problems and if vantageous complications? White plays carelessly he may 79 .see the details in initiative. ofien arises afier another move­ �d1. After this Black does not order as well .'e'd2 ment without clarifying the situa­ White sometimes retreats his tion in the centre. 3 . ing his bishop and deploying his 4. �c3 Quick Repertoire White continues his develop­ 5.5. In response. He provokes the cen­ the d2-square.d4 d6 2. d6-d5 or 0-f5.c4 e5 2.l.Chapter 4 1. The question now is the Step by Step chapter) and pre­ whether White will stabilize the pares the pawn-breaks in the cen­ position and exploit his pluses. fianchetto­ by attacking it with his knight. §'xd4 lbc6 knight most ofien to e7 (although White has a minimal space ad­ in sorne variations it is better vantage. the pin along the a5-el diagonal.lDc3 d6 have the tactical ideas based on 3.•• exd4 but the placement of White's This is the most popular move queen on dI is not so active as on for Black. This position queen to its initial position . His queen on d2 8 ••• axb3 9.liJge2 1J. The punishment is swift and instructive. lent counter-chances.1J.id3 o .g6 6.ib2 a4 8J'i:d1 • Black's idea can be best illus­ The slight disharmony in trated by the following variation: White's camp is only temporary.b4+ 12.b3 a5! 1J. long diagonal.@f1 1J. Naturally. although the idea itself was already familiar.ha8 liJf3+ 14.cxd5 liJe4 10.O liJce5.g7 7.liJxa4? d5 9. his opponent's centre. This move was played for the first time in this position by Lev Polugaevsky in his semi-final can­ didates match in 1977 against Vic­ tor Korchnoi.e3 o-o 9.g3 6. with excel­ White should try to prevent this..) 12 .e6. iob4.c6! 13.e4 protects the knight on c3 and later After the rather slow line for it also looks after of the bishop on White: 1O.@d1 '!!fxd5+ then develop his bishop on the and his threats are decisive.e6 1O. same diagonal as the king. and then to advance d6-d5. d5.liJh3? ! o-o b2. Hania 1995. O . he removes their only defender.h3# Dimitriadi - Zahariev.liJd5 liJe5 11.o 12. Black obtains a com­ that the queen is placed on the fortable game.ig7 1l . but Black 5 ••.g7 1l.g2 liJge7 8. White cumstance in sorne variations..axb3 g6 1 0 . The drawback of this move is 12.liJf4 liJa5.. has slightly more space. deflecting White's knight from the c3-square.'!!fe3 since he plans to play b2-b3 and �xa4 11.g3 i. Black wishes to use his rook pawn as bait. liJf6 has deployed his pieces comfort­ Black's general plan is to con­ ably and exerts pressure against tinue with i. but White resigned a move before the check­ mate.Chapter 4 even lose a miniature: 5 . Black 1 0 .. 8.liJxe7+ '!!fxe7 12.. • succeeds in exploiting this cir­ liJge2 liJg4 13. trying to achieve the impossible..bxa4 i. 7 . 80 . hb7? (White has first weakened the light squares on the kingside and then.. c4 eS 3.0-0 i. e4 ttJe5.�dl B) 5.e2 O-O 9.) A) 5.�e3.b3 ttJf6 ass his opponent's queen and at (White's position is already very the same time he opens the diago­ unpleasant and he wiIl be unable nal for his bishop on g7 and pre­ to maintain his knight on the d5- pares the pawn-advance O-f5 at outpost.ttJd5 (The complications af­ Black should not have any prob­ ter 6..g6 compensation for the missing 7.g4 pawn thanks to his bishop-pair.\t>d2 (otherwise Black wiIl play in vari­ ttJxe3 1O.ttJg5 ttJb4 ! ? are lems in obtaining an exceIlent po­ definitely in Black's favour.. White has sorne wiIl gain a lasting initiative) 6 ..Albers.g5 �e8 12. \t>c2 ous move-orders ttJb4 and d5 and l"lxd8 12.ttJf3 i. Wfxd4 �c6 Step by Step an opportune moment. advance d6-d5 and deploy his bishop to b4.. ttJe5 7.) 11. for example: 5 .g7 8.i.ttJxd8 ttJxc4+ 11.ttJxe6 ttJc2+ 9.e6 (He wishes to develop his knight to f6.�e3+ it looks best for Black to play 5 . for sition. 10J"ld1 ttJd7 (Black's knight is but it is obvious that he must fight transferred to c5. 6.e4 example: 8. Hamburg 2006...�c3 exd4 4. Stanke . Chapter 4 1.) 6 ..i. This means that the posi- 81 .d4 d6 2. ttJf6 6.. since he must constantly consider tacti­ cal sorties of the type ttJ b4 or ttJe5. The d3-square is not the best position for his queen..�d2 White has tried 5..ttJf3 ttJf6 7. 12 . in order to har­ for the draw. ttJc5? In response to the check 5.�d3 several times.i. :t>xf6 14..Chapter 4 tion will be opened and Black's 6.lLlf3 Ele8 1I. keeping the resource It might be better for him to fl-f5 up his sleeve.ib2 lLlf6 8.e4 better prospects on d2 than on dI.. Bad Wild­ ixf6 lLlxe3 1I.g6 undermining move d7-d5...�d2 better mobilized pieces will be­ (White is forced to move his queen come tremendously active. Black has the powerful 9.lLlf3 10.g3.fxe3 gxf6::¡:: ) 8 . White's queen has Al) 6. . 1 0 . In numerous positions it is better 6 .. 0-0 dxe5 12 . Heis­ 8..ie2 if5� and Black has a very good A) 5:@dl position.e4 White does better to accept A2) 6. queen to the a5-square.•• 0 . Sijbesma . This is a modest but reliable move..lLlf3 lLld4! .) 1I.ie3 lLlec6 12.lLlxf6+? �xf6 9.. 9 .1Mff6 13.Nill.1 2. because after 8.lLlf3!? he develops it closer to the centre 8 . square..ixg7 c. Still.g3 sorne weakening of his kingside: A3) 6. Dieren Buhmann .1Mfxe5+ ie7 13.�b2+ .id2 O-O::¡:: 9.b3 ig7 7.cxd5 lLlxd5 10.lLlxe5 �xf6+ c.lLle4! 9.ig2 �f6+ .0-0 ig4 1l.. knight but opens the way for his or 12 . 2005.:t>xg7 12 .1Mfc1 lLlxc3 10. The First Black fianchettoes his drawback of his last move howev­ bishop and then he will consider er is that it weakens the d4- where to deploy his king's knight.ig2 a5+) 8 .) 8.id3 lLlge7 8.ig7 7.Reicher..lLld2?! Al) 6. move Black not only protects his ixc3 O-O 1l. but sometimes play prudently 8.1Mfe4 c6 (After this riposte 8 .to f6...ixd5 bad 1993.Remmel.f4 placed on e7. a5 1O. Litohoto 1999.e3. to protect his knight and (It is not good for White to play bishop. . White radically prevents the 5 .0 9.�d2 82 . senbuettel .ib2 lLlxc4! 10.lLlf3 again. ... White A2) 6.e5 �f5 14 . Nestorovic . 'Wixd4 ltJc6 5.c6! vantage: 11 .i.ttlf3.. the king".ttlh3 1 have already mentioned nu­ merous times that the moves g3 and e3 do not combine well to­ Black's knights have occupied gether..�e2 o-o 9..g5 idea .0-0 ltJeS 1O.ltJd4 83 .ltJb3 ltJxb3 13.0 ttld4+ 8.ih3 14J'l:f2 aS? how this might happen: 9 . 8 ..ltJge2 �e6 (Black also has another attractive A3) 6.hb7? prepared this pawn-break and he White's bishop enters the trap.Chilin­ ..bxc3 'Wic8+) 10.0 d5 10. Black should have ltJdS ltJeS 11.ha8 ltJf3+. 10 ••• ttl7c6 11..0-0 hc3 1l. c6 11. Lombardy .0 9. ltJc3 exd4 4..'Wib3 ltJ7c6+ 16J'j!f2 d4 17.d4 d6 2. Belgrade 2002.bf5 ttldxf5 15.ttlf3 �g7 7.Yfl>3 With a queen on dI.ttle4 �Ud8? All 9 ttle5.• 0 .g3 �g7 7.gxf3 . end up with a knight against his Black need not fear either 7.�e6 ! ? 12.axb3 dS+ riev. exchange the move. Hania 1995 and White re­ double his opponent's This is the most consistent pawns on the e-file. the exception of the bishop on g7.e3 opponent's "bad" bishop.g4! ? 10 . Haifa 1976.ttlf4 Quinteros. White wishes to create a light-squared bishops and then pin along the d8-h4 diagonal. 0 . 'Widl g6 ltJxf3+ 13. Here's ltJf6 8. 'it>f1 �h3# .Zaha­ 13. with girova.. The next game is an in­ the dark squares in the centre of structive example on the subject the board and White must go on "vulnerable light squares around the defensive. 1 believe. signed in view of 14.cxd5 cxd5 13. because his knight on c3 is hanging. l. could then have obtained the ad­ not suspecting anything.c4 eS 3.0-0 �e8 1O.e3 o-o 9.�g2 ttlge7 cannot protect his c4-pawn with the move b2-b3. 15 \19b6+ ••• 9. Dimitriadi . 0 . 12 .1l.. 10 .• Black's pieces are very active. 8.ttJxe7+ 'Wixe7 12. tLlf3 B2) 6. tLlf6 Here White usuaIly chooses between a king's and queen's fian­ chetto.e3 1 have already mentioned that 8. 8.Vfid2 aS'!' bishops. or 7.�d2 7 .Ei:b1 ttJ as ls .hxg3 tLlxd4 15. Furthermore. .e4 B3) 6.Dobrovolsky. 5 •.tf4 o-o 1O .c!üf6 .g3 h6 9 . ttJxc3 White wiIl hardly be able to ex­ 13.Espig.b3 84 .td7 14.Chapter 4 ds l1. Lon­ Black's kingside.txf6 .tg2 .ig3 tLlh5 • d6-ds. these bish­ ops are tremendously active on adjacent diagonals. idea of creating a pin along the 8 h6 9 ...tfs White plan s to play b2-b3 and 11.ig6 17.e4 and 6.. while now he ob­ don 1998. Harkany 1995. Bl) 6.td2 ttJe4f± Ioseliani . g4 ... 0 .if5 11. Horvath .tb2.tgs h6 tains the advantage of the two 9 .bxc3 .il.e2 ••• .0 g5 12 . Black wiIl have the tactical .ttJds ttJf6 8 .tLld4 tLlxg3 14.cxds ttJxds 12 .O 1 0 .�d2 f5 f± J.ttJf3.te2 ploit the slight weakening of Vfie7+ GormaIly . The trade of the dark­ squared bishops and a couple of knights is in Black's favour. B) 5.0-0 gs 12 .txf6 Germany 1998 (game 19).Rowson.. oth­ erwise he wiIl repel the enemy bishop from the gs-square.• Black is in no danger here ei­ ther.th4 O . aS-el diagonal after advancing . Sometimes he also plays the natural developing moves 6.g3 B4) 6.exd4 c6 16. b3 ig7 8.e4 (18. 9 .ltJxe4 he4 12. Yerevan Vf1c5+ 16.i.hg7 12.. for example: 17.g3 ig7 8.f4 l"1e3) 18 . Kalka .Vf1xb2 Vf1e7 14.b:b2 13.�g2 o-o 9.o •. prevent­ of his bishops or by advancing his ing the move d6-d5.ttJge2 chetto .Timoshenko. Black can create ad­ ttJe5 1O.e3 7.�g5 15. seen this trick. It is advantageous �f5 10.0 E1e8= Si­ deif Sade .i. .Vf1xb2 E1e8 14. Reck­ f3 .Petrosian...f5 10 .'it>xg2 ttJfd7 14.. Black need not 1946 (game 2 O ). 14.) 11.. either by fianchettoing one White occupies space. Na­ White is trying to disguise his bereznye Chelny 1993. 6 g6 7.. Vf1xd4 ttJc6 5.e4 move. 1.9. ttJxf5 �xf5 18.0-0 . but in any case he wiIl have to show hand on the next B2) 6.f4 a5� with a double­ edged position.ltJf3 fear the advance of his opponent's central pawns.ttJd2 d5 !?� 12 . .. ttJh4. weakens the central d4-square. squared bishops.b3 In reply to the double fian­ 7.g3.b3 �h3 (We have already vantageous simplifications: 9 .c4 e5 3.ie2 ltJe4 Black is foIlowing an already familiar scheme.b:e4 for Black to trade the light­ 12.d4 d6 2.G. but this e2-pawn.b:g2 13.�g2 ttJe4 11.f3 Kalantar . 85 .. Vf1c5 19.b2 o . intentions. 6 .ttJxe4 . 1l. �xg7 13.. 0 .. ttJc3 exd4 4.0-0 l"1e8 12. g6 9..0-0 . Vf1d2 ttJf6 B1) 6.b:b2 1 ? 13.'it>h1 �f5.Arencibia.ia3 a5� linghausen 1998.. because he will sim­ position. d5. N aturally.g3 vou 2009. The Defence has arisen. 11 .. the position is still very dynamic.cxd5 cxd5. which is very drawback of his last move howev­ favourable for Black.d3 ••.i.ib1 �f6 13. but Black is not worse at all.ib2 f5 12 .tLld4 . .Chapter 4 7. tLlb4 1O .a3! with f7-f5 or �f6. a5� .ig2 . 1l.exf5 .f3 . Kirovakan 1978. Zhukova .id7 1I.td3 . worse.b2 o . 12.bf5 12.0-0 After 11. with opposite-sides cas­ ply transfer his knight to eS vía tling.d5 12. .0-0-0.Bron­ able) game for him.h4 h5 11.0-0 .i.. time prepares the pawn-break d6- Kovalevskaya.. Ed­ vre.Hantak.ih3 13.. 86 . With his last er is that Black can attack his c4- move he opens the way for his pawn.. Forintos ..�xd4 tLlxd4 16. 9. ge8� with chances for both sides.bf5 tLlxf5 with an approximately 12 . 0 .�xg2 terribly misplaced. 9 . Wijk aan Zee 2010.tLlge2 .0-0 tLlc5 14.. The knight is transferred to monton 2005..ie6! 7.) 1O.0 gad8 14.Akobian. .o 9. Heinola .f3 a5 1O. White has the pow­ c5. Zdar nad Saza­ B3) 6. Harikrishna stein.tg7 8.bg2 14.a3 tLla6 13. tLld7 (This is a standard manoeu­ Roussel Roozmon .g3 tLle5 White's light-squared bishop is 12 .Bologan.b3 tLlc5 1I.g7 8.�e7 13.tLlge2 .tg7 8.tLlg3 �d4 15.tLld4 14.. after which Black can continue erful riposte 13. equal (maybe even slightly prefer­ gel gfe8 draw. The move a2-a3 should not a5 1V2Jh3 lLlc5� and in this sharp bother him.b3 o-o 9. 7 i.tLlge2 O-O 9. Batumi 2000.i.ib2 lLld7 queen to a5 or b6 and at the same 1O.b1 c6 He wishes to prepare quick kingside castling and then devote A version of the King's Indian attention to the queenside. Black's prospects are not a6. 1.b2 Wif6 (Black's pressure White can protect this pawn in against the pinned knight forces numerous ways.b:c3 flxd2+ Black to accomplish the thematic 12.i.. This routine move enables 1 0 .. Lin­ coln 1981.éiJd5 9 . it is again very B3a) 7. Wif6.0 . Helier seize the initiative. because he would have better prospects in the end­ game.12 .• d5! 8. It is even more enjoyable for him to attack in the middle game. Smith.. St.. !lhe8 and White wiIl have great problems in B3a) 7.tb4 1 0 .0 .c4 e5 3. Stuart . Later. but every one of White to part with his light­ them has definite minuses. .e6 i. 13 . 0 .i..éiJf3. pawn-break in the centre and BaIlon . 87 .e4 .mf1 h6:¡:. 14 ..e6 16.i..g2 Wif6 . After 1O.R....cxd5 éiJxd5 White's king is vulnerable and 9 ..Wie3+ mf8 (Black could have exchanged the queens . !ld8 15. mg7.. éiJxc3 1l .b4 1O. squared bishop. S�d6:¡: 7 . for example: 13. 1999. he has difficulties with his devel­ White's alternative is 9.Wie3 i.tg2 .b3 strong for Black to play 1O .hd5 hd5 12.0 13.b3 completing the development of B3b) 7.hd2 0 .e4 his kingside.Wie5 or 12 .g2 opment as well.tb2 .J.f3 !le8 14. B3c) 7.).see 9 .. .) 11.Hickman..0 . Wixd4 éiJc6 5.Wie7..Wid2 . Black wishes to continue with g5.. Wid2 éiJf6 6 .éiJc3 exd4 4. For 1O.d4 d6 2. .. the vulnerability of the a5-e1 and Franco Ocampos .i.�xe4 d5 15. :gbS. for example: 7 i. lS .t>e2 llJxa1 16...• 1O.<.t>xd2 hc3+ lS. We have already mes.tb4 11.t>e1 llJxd2 19. variation Al. Budapest 1994..i. (why did White play g2-g3 in the l O . Leon 1990. Bentzen .�b2 0-0-0 14.0 l4.Romero Hol­ aS-h1 diagonals.Pedersen. be­ cause after �b4 he loses his queen. llJxb3! (in the game Black played the weaker 16 .Szabo. 16 .b2 This combination is based on \!tff6 l3.<. Vejgaard 1992..�g2 first place . .hc3.t>xd2 <.f3 serves all the advantages of his position.�g2 �xd2+ 14.0-0-0 hf3 16. White hopes to ss .Chapter 4 B3b) 7.) 17. White's position is crum­ bling..xb7.. �h6+ 19.0 .. lO .. 10.�ge2 0 . <. White won a pawn for the exchange and managed to save the game int the end.) 15. but also the bishop-pair in an open position. �xe4! 9.b4 12.ttJc3 d4 (White's knight cannot move away from c3. llJc3 �f6 13.ttJxc3 B3bl) 8.<. 13. After �c6+ and :gxa1. for White. Other moves are even worse d6-d5 has become quite serious.f3 i.'@Icl.ttJxf3 :gxd2 17..hd2 11Jc2+ 8 .t>e1 �e3-+ .�e2 (14.�c3 d4 l2.e7 .b3 Black regains his piece and pre­ B3b2) 8. Zupe - Z.Black has not only an extra pawn.t>cS+ .. but the threat of .<.11Jge2 dxc3 12. B3bl) 8.c6+ <. haS hc4+ lS.t>dS 20.) 11. ?).e4 seen an analogous combination in This move is a bit inconsistent Chapter 2 . E1heS (With his every move Black brings another piece into the heart of the action.b3 1lJb4! This is a very dangerous N ow Black can counter this knight-sortie fram the fIank! The careless move with a beautiful c2-square is very difficult to pro­ tactical blow: tect.cxd5 hd5 1l. . i..0-0-0 hf3-+) 14 . c!iJge2 a4 pawn.. We wiIl discuss this manoeu­ 8 .b3. l.0 vre in details when we analyze the variation with 6. a5 10 .Mokry..bxa4 dS.axb3 c!iJe5 13.) 12. 0 ..éiJe2. However. White 13 i. Wid2 éiJf6 reach an equal endgame after the e7 dreams about going to b4.. Black wiIl play 14. but 14.'.) 13 . ing move 13.d4 d6 2.:Bxa4! 12. éiJd7 1O.éiJxa4.0 hg2 15.xh3?? but this wiIl enable his opponent éiJxf3+) Black exchanges the light­ to open the game even more. while Black's forces are c!iJe4 d3+ ready for a crushing attack. llS�bl axb3 12.) numerous exchanges on c3. 9 . I4 c!iJe5! .i.éiJf3 ic5+ and noeuvre at his disposal. centre.exfS ixfS (Black threatens éiJeS or éiJcS.0 c!iJd3 16.g2 9. Israel 1996 B3b2) 8.ig2 fS 1l.t.éiJxdS :Be8 (Now Black's rook Black has a very powerful ma­ Hes in ambush) IS. White radically fortifies his e4.éiJdS.c4 e5 3'cijc3 exd4 4... 0 .i.. White's pawn-advance f3- opment becomes critical after f4 seems very risky. I wiIl mention now that it would not work for White to play 1l.xg2 ge8f! 13 .c2 c!iJxb2 17. dS! (Black's bishop on it is not clear how he can fight for 89 .. squared bishops and thus weak­ éiJe3 ie6 13. because of 11.f3 (game 21). followed by the pen­ etration of his knight to d3.h3. By grasping the tac­ ••• must defend against this threat..f4 (After the develop­ ens his opponent's king position. tical opportunity (14. White's king must remain in the 15.. 0 .. his lag in devel­ on g2. Without the bishop control. Black should by no means exchange on ds but should instead prepare the under­ mining move f7-fS: 9 . Trnava 1989 White takes the eS-square under (game 22). followed by ib4. but otherwise this. Psa­ khis .. Wixd4 éiJc6 5. éiJdeS with a double attack.. so Bareev .•.Gofshtein.b3 After 9.ª. square with the move c7-c6 and If 10.f:xe5 tLlxb3 13.YNd4 tLlc5 10 . Tbilisi knight to cS.YNd2 0-0+ 10 . so the knight on b3 is un­ touchable. 11 . It is elear that he has an 10 .McNab. cxdS.. 1l YNb6!? . �e7! and then 14. because of 13 ... but now 12. c6!? 1l. Black's plan in­ B3cl) 9.fxeS?! dxeS 12. The rook on a8 has entered the action.�bl tLlxcl 15. excellent position.YNxeS cxdS 13.. planning to deploy his bishop on the long diagonal..f4 eludes transferring the king's Taimanov .YNxb6 Black can attack it from the side.tLlf3 f6 90 .tLle3 It is not good for White to play l1.• Black is trying to exploit his lead in development and create White's knight has blocked the complications.. Coulsdon 2009. B3cl) 9. attack on the c4-pawn. Baker . c6 1UiJc3. �e7 12 .dxe6 YNaS + ! (threatening liJd3+) leads to a catastrophe for him.�g2 then Black expels the deploying the bishop to the long enemy knight from the centre - diagonal.b3 tLle4 Black's knights are just raging in the centre of the board.�xcl dxe5 B3c2) 9..YNd4 14.Chapter 4 the advantage.YNe3 16..Smyslov. axb6 8.tLld5 tLle5 kingside.. covering the dS­ 1966 (game 23). and then he com­ pletes the development of his B3c) 7. .liJfh3 'fia5+ 14.. sition.ttJxe6 It>d7 17.b3..ea5+ 14.fxg4 b6 with an ad­ 1O. Hamburg 1985 (game 24).'fib6 (threatening liJxc4) 12. Hohler .liJf3 g6 7. Jansa.i. ttJc5 1 0 .'fid2 0-0-0+ liJxf2 + 18. vantage. while White has great 13.'fixe4?? B3c2) 9. liJaxb3+ 16. 0-0 15.'fixg7+ It>c8-+) 17.liJxc5 'fia5+ 16.c4 e5 3. ttJxh3 1S.e4 g6 7. ttJe4! for the piece and he is about to This is a beautiful move. BRD 'fiaS 13.ttJf4 ttJh3 (It would be a disaster for Black will counter l1. O-O f6? he6 fxe6 16.h3 problems completing his develop­ The idea behind the knight­ mento Black's prospects are much sortie can be best illustrated by better.i. the following simple but rather picturesque variation 13..liJxb7 parov. nja 1998 (12. Davos 2006.. Vrnjacka Ba­ 13..Kas­ liJc2 + 14. (diagram) B4a) 7.ee3 'fiaS+ 14. Black completes his development 91 .liJxd8 material equality.e3+ and White re­ 1O.liJf3 c6 l1..1t>c1 i.f5 14.'fixg7 liJexf2 + 17.i. 10 •.b2 i.d4 d6 2.c3 dxc5 17. 1985. 1.xa5 cxd4 18. after 13.liJxeS dxeS 12.liJxf2 'fib6 13. .ib2.f3 cS similar fashion.liJc3 exd4 4.. liJf3 i.ib2 • It is not advisable for White to win a pawn with 7.. 'fid2 liJf6 Black already has two pawns 12 .bxa4.c5 16.. 15.liJf3 a4 8. 13 . 9 •.. 18. the game develops in liJd3.i.. His bishops will about a quarter of a century ago be very powerful in this open po­ by Garry Kasparov.. he must choose between>dl liJxf2 + .. B4) 6.liJc3 with White to opt for 17.g2. 12 .g2 c6 l1. Schubert .b3 and 6.ed4 crushing atlack in a position with After 12.e4 B4b) 7 . 14 .b3 a5! If White wishes to avoid the variation with 6 . c6 ll.Milanovic.liJxe6 liJxe3 13..i. found capture a third.liJc3 signed. 'fixd4 liJc6 5.e7 14.Techmer.axb3 liJxb7 Black ends up with an extra>dl d5 15. Black plays 13 .ib2 i. Huebner .d2? liJxb3).. Here..i.1t>f1 ttJgxf2 15.�d2 liJxal 15. Bakic . 'fid2 a5+ exe4 geS::¡:: and Black has a 1l ••• ttJg4 12.liJxf8+ :gaxf8 11 ..liJc3 'fia5 12. a5. Tula 2003) 8. while against could have continued with a very 1O. but he has had serious consented to Black's opening of problems even maintaining equal­ the a-file... �f6+ The original move 7. but he securely prevent­ ity: 7. bringing his bxc4 1l.8...�d2 O-O 13. tLlb4 1l.e4 dS. Vakhidov ... Having pushed axb3 bS!? (He is up to the task the enemy bishop back to el..) 1O.cxdS tLld7 1l. powerful manoeuvre...�b2.tLlxa4 dS 9.e7 1O... he will hardly achieve anything by sacrificing a pawn: 8.. White must con- 92 .tLlxa4? dS.tLlh3 tLlcS with a good �b4 11. and consistently.) 1O.g3 several reached this position. Korchnoi times. has weakened the aS-el diagonal A more traditional set-up is also and wishes to exploit this by de­ worth considering: 9 .. Chennai 2004. �g2. In practice White has tried the B4a) In the first game that double fianchetto 7..ftJxc6 bxc6 13..b2 (lt would be too ed Black's thematic pawn-break risky for him to capture the pawn d6-dS: ..Arizmendi.�c1 very quick1y and obtains excellent counterplay: 8 .1O .�e3+ tLleS 11.cxbS .�d3 �fS lS. �e2 �fS 11. on the other hand.) 10 .e4 a4 8J.e4 tLlexdS+ Emilia 2004.cS tLle4 1 O.tb2.�e7 9 .Chatalbashev. Biel Black should probably play 10 ..tLldS?! axb3 9 ..tLlge2 �e7co queen's rook into action: 13 .. ga6 Naumkin .i..f3 cannot prevent Black from following his 9 . position.Rahman.b4 dxc4. 14.ha1 c6 13. Che­ 8.f3 �xa1 After 8. repovets 1997.. 2002 (game 26) and here he dS 1l. Reggio 14. 7. a4 8.�e3+ tLle7 12 .Chapter 4 12.fxe4 tLlb4 13. dS! (Black plays logically main plan: 7 .tLlxbS.. a4 8J'íb1 axb3 9...i.�c2.Kuzmin .�b2 gxa2 1O. 1O . hb2 dxe4-+ .�f6 11.e4 (After 1O. he and finds a clever counter strike.�b2 �xb2 14.tLlxe4 he4 14 .bl Panikarovsky .hc4 tLleS 12.tLlxf6+ �xf6+ Gladyszev .tLld4 tLle4 12.a3 9. A.�xb3 gxa1 + 12.Hasangatin..Komliakov.e3 o-o 10.e4 ploying his bishop to b4. Mos­ cow 1945. Belgorod 18.0-0 O-O 13.�e3 O-O 14.Epishin.lLJge2 ig7 11..�d3 �g7 1l.�b2 lLJc5 17.f4 and equalize) 12.ig2 O ..0 ge8 15. �xd4 lLJc6 5.. �xe4 �f5 (Black has managed to hg7 i>xg7 22 . His knight plain about after 14.0-0. . Dos Hermanas 1993. he also prepares a smaIl tactical combination which enables him to simplify.d4 d6 2.lLJf4 After 13.lLJc3 exd4 4.. reduce the tension 13.axb3 g6 .h3 ic8 15.i>xg2 lLJfd7.b4 lLJa4 20. ••• lLJge2 lLJe5 10 .Boleslavsky. Eí:e8? Ratner . White looks after his e4-pawn �g4 13. .Eí:dl ih3 14.lLJge2 lLJb4 (Black not only obtains the bishop pair.) tadze .ig2 b4.0-0 by preventing the move lLJcS. 93 .lLJxe4 Eí:xe4 17. In principIe. axb3 9. but the possibility a4-a3 as weIl.�xb7 ixbl== Karpov . 1 0 ig7 1l .g3 Korchnoi's historical rival Anatoly Karpov used to develop his bishop to another diagonal: 1O. .Eí:el lLJd7 15. against the e4-pawn) 14. lLJg4 19. 16. since it creates disharmony in his campo 8 .f4 15 . 0 .Vorotnikov.lLJe2 �b6? Taba­ exploit the loose rook on b1.�xd3 lLJe5't) 14.g3 lLJe5 12 . queenside.c4 e5 3. he would lLJxd3 15. . 13 lLJed7 14.hh3? lLJf3+) 14 .lLJxa4 Eí:xa4 21. lLJxe4 ! 16. 1989. can foIlow a standard route to the lLJa4 lLJxd3 16. ••• 1O . .lLJc1 c6 18.. (Black wiIl have nothing to com­ hg2 15. �d2 lLJf6 sider not only the exchange on b3.O 12. Black can trade Eí:e8 (increasing the pressure the light-squared bishops: 13 .f3 (14.�xd3 not object to further simplifica­ (diagram) tion. 1. Targoviste 2001. . a3.Davies.e3 a3 1O ..4:Jxe7 1!9xe7 1O.Polu­ gaevsky.ig2 o-o 12.bxa4 . a3 10 .g3 a3 1O.4:Jxe7+ 1!9xe7 11. 15 �e7 •. Black has the pow­ �xg4+ IS.Zaynard. 12 .ie3 fS+! Moldovan.ig7 11. ..tb4+ and White nikova . �xc3 o .. Khropov - and Black transfers his knight to Savon. Navrotescu - 1!9dl 4:JcS 14 . .. 9.4:Jxf6 + 1!9xf6 12.ig2 . 1993.1!9c2 4:Jxc3 12.ig4.i'i:dl o-o 13.ie2 d5 16.ie7 In practice Black has tried sev­ eral alternatives here. Volzhskij resigned.ie6 14.�e3 �xc3 12.�xa4? dS 9.4:Jf3 .axb3 :e:xal+ 13 .�xf6+ 1!9xf6 . Satu-Mare 1988.id3 1O.Chapter 4 However. B4b1) 8. 4:Jd7 14.�ge2 o-o 12 ..e3 .�cl i'i:xa4 9. Aleksan­ enna 200S (12.Bykhovsky . 12 .1!9c4 1!9h4-+) 9 . Berechet .'it>f2.0-0 8:fe8 16.. Evian 1977 (garne 25). 4:Je4 10...see 9. 4:JeS 13. decisive threats).ic2 �b4 IS..4:Je2 dS 16.�f3 9 .txal d4 14.. 1!9b2 1 4.e4 axb3 12. b6 in order to attack it.�d5 White wishes to block the en­ B4b) 7 .. 4:Jd7 13...ifS lS..id3 . draw.4:Je2 fS IS.ib2 a4 • erny d-pawn's advance and exert pressure against the knight on f6 .bcS 12.o 13. ...axb3 g6 1O.f3 O-O 1O. play here 9.e3 . Ri­ cxdS (It would not help White to shon le Zion 1995 (garne 27).4:Jxe7+ 1!9xe7.. Vi­ 1989) 1l ..g3 �xe7 15 .Oratovsky.ic3 • dark squares: 9 .1!9xc3 O-O 13 ..c5 94 .. Manor . after which he erful attack for Black.4:Jge2 4:Jc5+ 16.hf6 hf6 11. but without any particular success. 13 .. Dresden 2008. 8 . 9 .ie6 14.ig7 11.c5 this position too: 8 .0-0 � d7 13.cS �e4 1O.ic3 4:Je4 11. begins active operations on the 9 .f3 o-o 1O.hf6 hf6 1l. he weakens his c4-pawn .bxa4 . Sto Petersburg 1997.Okhotnik.. Weissel .Sherernetieva. with drov . 1!9gS+! Av.gd1 9.f3 o-o . :e:e8 12 .�d5 8:ad8+ B4b2) 8.e3 l1.'it>dl 1!9xdS+. The a4-pawn is poisoned in 4:Jxe7+ 1!9xe7 IS..�d3 �b6+t Korchnoi . �e4 11.4:Jc3 4:Jc5+ Prud­ 1!ge3 i'i:xa4 11...fxg4 After 8.Djuraev. .e4..i'i:bl axb3 9.td3 4:Jfg4+ ! ? 14. Nethanya 10 . 12J�dl .ib4+ 13.e3 B4b1) 8.e4.icl g6 1O . 'it>el 4:Jxe3 with a pow­ erful riposte 8 .�xe7+ 8.@e2 (11. ..�e3 ge8? . 13.g7 11.te2 Ele8 16. �xd3 liJe5 16. W1d2 liJf6 White must fight for control of the centre.12 . W1xd4 liJe6 5. but perfeetly . .liJge2 liJh5 15.. 16. 13 liJce5 14.axb3 enough. the move in the text (played with the same purpose inerease control over the dark-squares) is quite good enough.liJge2 liJg4 sition.f3 . Naney 2010.d3 O .e4 .0-0 12.W1xe2 va.. Blaek's last o-o 14. with Blaek eould consider the simple ehances for both sides..liJd1 . fol­ lowed by liJe5. My eomputer strongly prefers the standard route . liJe3 exd4 4.tb1 liJa5 15 .W1c2 . The rather slow line 1O.Kramnik.td7? Van Hoolandt ...liJh3?! enables Black to seize the initiative: 11..f5? Batsiashvili . Brunner 1 0 . ••.0-0 .Yrjola...• i. Batumi 2002. nobody has played this g6 so faro Meanwhile. Ele8 16. but This is played aeeording to an Black has two bishops and exerts already familiar scheme .h3 liJge5 14 .e4 e5 3. 10 •.tg7 1l.liJd3 c6't Brunner - Sehlosser..Solodovnichenko. 15 . also with a very good po­ 12. liJd4 12 . Instead. Budapest 2008 (game 29). but strangely B4b2) 8.h3 liJxd3 15. 95 . a very good game indeed. 28).d4 d6 2.Ela1 b6 17.!M1 axb3 9.. 0 .liJf4 liJa5 13.0 13.. Cannes 1993 (game playable nevertheless.the pressure against the enemy e4- bishop is developed on the long pawn and this provides him with diagonal.g3 .te5.tf5 14.i.tc2 liJxe2+ (The immediate 12 ...Klino­ eould also be eonsidered) 13.tg4. liJd7.O There is an interesting alter­ native here: 1l . liJh5 !? 16 . Belgium 2009..White has a slight spaee advantage. Lautier move is a bit risky. l. ltlf3 19.e4 eS 3.Chapter 4 1.�xd4 ltle6 6..g3 h6 9..fxe3 gxe3 2S.e4! White possibly un­ the position.ltle3 exd4 derstand.ltlxe4 �e7 23.if7 27. ig7 7. g4! ? 1S. .l¿je1 lLlcS 16.d4 ltlf6 2.dxeS 2 0 .if4 Wfc2.0 gS preferable.Petrosian Black must block his own bish­ Yerevan 1946 op. is balanced. ltld2 14..mxg2 dxeS 21.. while Black. worse.�e3 aS and his ltleS �xe3 24. otherwise his king on g8 may 1. in re­ derestimated this temporary sponse.d4 d6 2.b:b7 gae8 26 .e4 d6 3. simplifies.ge1 ge8 19 . ltld7 gxg3+. T.hxgS hxgS 17. Now Black's piec­ 14 . 22.t1lxd4 ltle6 S..ixeS?! Germany 1998 This decision is difficult to un­ 1. After the simple line: 4.b4 ltleS 19 . 4. 0 .idS+ .e4 exd4 S.ig2 if5 11.ig6 21.t1ld1 g6 6.h4!? White is trying to complicate 21.ie4 16.�d2 f6 2 O Kalantar . pawn-sacrifice..'�xd4 � c6 Complete Games 19 Ioseliani Espig 18..igS ltlf6 8.1LlxeS hg2 20.c4 eS 3)tJc3 exd4 4.o 10 . 12. prospects would not be at all ..ltlc3 eS come under attack.ixe3 .d4 d6 2.id2 ltle4 13. ltlxc3?! es are activated and the position It was preferable to play 14 . .�e3 . White's position is obviously o ..�d2 96 . Draw lS . White sends his knight to the !. ttJxa4? ttJxc4 17. 24 c!lJeg4 25.c!lJge2 the long diagonal.0 !. •..•• 97 . 18 b6 19.g3 i.'it>h3 c!lJf6 24.c!lJd4 c!lJe3 26. c!lJb5?! f5! !.ttJd4! ttJc6 19..!.d5 rnent a very original plan.g7 8.. The enerny king c!lJe5 1 0 .�c1 The pawn is untouchable: 16. open it.a3 a5 15. E:e2+.!.e8 is situated there.dd1 edge of the board. c!lJxf3! 22J. 18.E:xf3 Black can finish his opponent evidently underesti­ his opponent off irnrnediately rnated.c!lJa4?! 22 •.• axb3 17.ttJc3 exd4 4. Af­ The only way for White to offer ter 18. Wixd4 ttJ c6 g6 7. with 22 . c!lJfe5 23.ad1 a4 21. i.d4 d6 2. 16.bxc4 E:xa4.g2 o .E:fel.f3 h:g2 13. 1.ttJdb5 his sorne rneaningful resistance was prospects would have been at to sacrifice the exchange with least equal.c!lJec3 �b7 2 0 . 0 ...o 9.. but even then af­ ter 21.. 24. 16 •.i.b3 i.fxe4 22. but in vain.exf5 It was slightly better for White to play 21.'it>xg2 c!lJfd7 14.d3 Black transfers his queen to 27 �xf3!! . so he begins to 12.axb3 §'c8 Petrosian tries here to irnple­ 21 ••. •.ttJac3.fxe4 ttJg4 Black's advantage would be in no doubt.h3 11.f3 c!lJfg4 27.c4 eS 3. which After 22. ..g2 f5 11.tDxd5 ge8 15.tDg5 J. 1.f5 18.e4 J.lLlf2 ered check. Black 17J�bd1 c6 18.xd5+ �xd5 22.g3 J.e4 J.O 9.d4 White loses his rook now.f4 d5 14.�xd4 lLlf6 5.b3 14.lLld1 lLlc5 21. while It is impossible for White to his bishop might be useful on the castle kingside and queenside e7-square. 22 Bareev Mokry After 28.b4 16. 'it>xg2 ge8 16.�d2 signed. castling is highly unlikely.tDc3 exd4 i.'it>f1 knight immediately to eS.g2 J.exíS hf5 12.c4 e5 3. J.c4 d6 2. Israel 1996 O .d4 d6 2.b3 lLlb4! 19.ixg2 15. Accordingly Black must ex­ change it. 24 .lLlge2 a4 11.lDxf3 White is checkmat­ Trnava 1989 ed: 28 .�d2 tDf6 6..ª. lDfd7...e6 7. so White must leave �b6 22.lLlc1 gad8 23.�d3 The future ofhis position hing­ es on the placement of the knight on dS.c2 �c7 19.gfd1 f6 his king in the centre..O .f3 lLl6xd5 2 O .ª. 98 .f3 O .f8 Black played a bit too slowly in the last few moves and his posi­ tion is worse. transferring his 16..lLlc3 exd4 lDgS lDxfS#.e6 7.b3 a5 1 0 .f3 O .e7 8.J. He should have con­ sidered 16 .ic3 lLle6 25..Chapter 4 This is a beautiful final blow..b2 4. J.f4 lLlf7 26.J. was threatening a deadly discov­ gd2 lLlfd7 2 0 .e7 8.J.xd4 tDc6 5.c5 16 . so he resigned..@h4 �f6+ 30.d4 e5 3. tDb6 �a6 27. lDf2 + 29. l..O 9. Therefore he re­ 4. 17.axb3 lLle5 13.e6 13.tDd5 tDd7 1 0 .tDe3 J.J.cxd5 J.gb1 axb3 21 Psakhis Gofsbtein 12.g3 lLlc6 6.tDf3 J.xd5+ tDxd5 21.ª.. • 0-0-0 powerful force.ie7 into an endgame. 36 . knight would be untouchable. 35 d5! After this thematic .ib6 gb8 • 37.g3 19 .tDd4 tDxd4 16.�e3 . 28. White would have a c1ear advantage. It was correct for Here 13 . tDfxe4. tDb4!? should be con­ Black to continue with 19 .\!!!fb6 with rather un­ pleasant threats.ie6 7.i.\!!!fc3 with 14 .b3 tDe4 9. gxa6 ge7 4 0 . \!!!fxd4 tDc6 27 b5!? ... 0-0-0.\!!!fxd4 tDc6 5.�c3 �c6 18.xd4 �d7 17. 14.tDfJ ghe8 15. • �b3 �c6 33..•. 1. cause of the check with the second tDa2 knight on the d3-square.cxb5 cxb5 3 0 .'ffc2 The pawn is still poisoned.i. If White leaves his king in the centre with 14.tDe2 �a8 34. 12. 99 .d4 d6 2.f4 tDc6 11.b2 White's king is relatively safe now (diagram) and his bishop-pair becomes a 13 ..tDxe7 �xe7 13.d5 2 0. while after 33.�c2? The endgame now is quite ac­ ceptable for Black. He is trying to free himself fram the positional bind. tDc3 exd4 4..ia7 ga8 39.gc6 dxe4 38 .f5! and the dire straits.tDd5 tDe5 8.•• pawn-break the position becomes completely equal. . Black has the re­ sponse 19 . sidered.tDc3 d6 3.i. �a7 gxa7 42.. tDc3 gexa7 41. then Black can continue with 14 ..d4 exd4 4.c4 e5 2.• �xc2 34.xg7.id4 tDc7 32.'it>d1.�d2 tDf6 6.c4 eS 3. Smyslov forces a transition �d4 tDc5 1 0 . with the idea of counter­ h3 i..i. Smyslov Tbilisi 1966 1. Af­ ter 19.ga2 �b7 29.ig4 19. ggl ..gxc2 tDa6 35.�e4? ..f3 and White will remain in ing 14. but in vain. be­ 33 •.�c1. Draw 23 Taimanov ...�d5 �d7 31 .. .ic6#).if3 26.flgfl. but then Black forces a draw: 23 .f5 liJe5 posal a clever tactical resource .idl 3 0 ..@cl? liJd3+ 2 6.h6 . liJxf6? 27..h7! Black loses a piece.ixd5+ 64. It is obvious that White must capture the pawn .. 3l .gxe7 gxe7 27.) 25 .@f2 .. Instead..id3 @e7 35.if6±..if6 liJf8 • • is already better. In addition.ih6 .ih3 .@d2 powerful now in this open posi­ tion. 43.@d3 liJc5+ (Black must give perpetual check now.iel liJf8 45 .ig6 57 .if5 g4e7 • 48 . so he resigned..ixh5 33 . .@g3 a4 54. Black's kingside pawn-structure is in ruins.@bl .b4 liJe6 32 .h3 .if3 b5+ 67.idl • gel �e1 28..h3 .g4 It is possibly more precise for White to continue with 31. Black had at his dis­ .he2 . since it is very bad for him to continue with 2 6 .@e4 @e8 66 . 38..ih6 liJd4 34 .ig7 liJe6 37 .) 27. flxe2+ 24 .ih7 6 0 .ih5 5l .@e3 • After the natural move White e5 36 .h4 @d7 39 ...@c3 .ibl 59.if5+ @e8 4 0 .if8 .f6 liJg6 44 .. or is check­ mated (68 .@c3 (White loses after 25.idl 50 • • • 25. .ie2 56.ig4 .if5+ liJe6 47 . .if3 28.gael .if5..23 . 22 .•• e6 31. Even now.. 28 h5 29.ie3 b 6 42.ttxe4 lhe4 21..ibl 6l.ih7 • 58.ig3 • 22 .bf6.Chapter 4 2 O . 100 .ih5 49 .exd5 ..ie4 65.if4 ..@b3 d5 63. liJe4+ 2 6.ie4 62.b:h7 69 . liJe6 32.@e3 .@c3= 46 .. he gradually squeezes his opponent's pieces. however. shutting the enemy dark­ @d7 squared bishop out of play.ixe2 flxe2+ 25.ie4 liJd7 41.bxa4 ha4 55..f6!.@f2 . .idl • 23 .@f2 . h5 .@xel 53.hg7 White's bishop-pair is very gde8 22..ih3+ @b8 24 ..ie7 a5 52.gxh5 . @c3 liJg5 68. @d2 .@c3 . g3 . q"b2 Wle3 liJe5 10 .d4 exd4 Wld4+ 26.q"d1 l.Ybe5 2 0 .b3 liJe4 9. 25 Korehnoi . vation. 101 .q"fl liJgxf2 15 .ig5+ 28. .b4 Wle7 16.ig7 1l. O . liJxe4! 18. 27.Wld2 White is already beyond sal­ .ig2 O ..liJxe4 1/ffxe4 21.�b1 axb3 9.c4 eS 3.liJc3 exd4 4. initiative.q"e3 Wle5+. l..Wld3 liJb6 19.q"e1 Wlf2+ 25. Wlxe4 �e8 White resigned.. �a3?! Here Black should have tried a tactical solution: 17.liJe3 d6 3.g3 liJe6 6.ie7! with a slight edge (although the Black sacrifices a pawn and most probable outcome of the then the exchange and his aUack game would have been a draw). White firmly seizes the ishes his opponent off in a flash..'�bd4 liJf6 5.liJh3 liJxh3 18.liJe3 d6 3. Kasparov fin­ the game. liJge2 liJe5 13..1/ffxe4 :§xe4 2 2.d4 d6 2..be6 fxe6 16.f4 liJed7 14. 19 ..hf8 Hamburg 1985 �xf8+ 24.q"d2 4..tb2 e6 1l.e4 e5 2.q"b4 d5+ liJg4 12:�d4 liJe4 13 . • q"d4 1/ffe 3# liJxe6 q"d7 17.Wld2 liJf6 6. Wlxd4 liJc6 24 Huebner .liJd5 liJe5 8..liJf4 Wlxe2 + 28.1iJe5+ 17.e4 e5 2..th3 Wla5+ • 30. 14.hb6 he4 20. In becomes crushing. . he4 �f5! 19.q"xc5 1/ffe7+ 32.Polugaevsky Evian 1977 l.te6 7.. for example: 27. Wlxh3 17. Kasparov 22.q"e2 Wle4+ 27..d4 exd4 4.Wlg4+ q"e7 21.hg7 �hf8+ ! 23.O �e8 15.q"c3 :§f3+ 29.axb3 g6 1 0 .ie3 White saves his piece thanks to this tactical trick but his posi­ tion remains critical.e4 a4 8..c5 hc5+ 31.O 12.hc7 :§xe2 21 .Wlxd4 liJe6 5.b3 a5 7. ..0 With a knight on f3. 0 . 33 .ie6 21.c4 e5 3..f1 .�dl b5 Black could consider 13 .�el i..ªe3 �a6 28 .ªf2 .ªxb2 axb2 bly.�c3 exd4 4. tVf6 24.ic4 25..f1 h5 27... �d4 �e8 23.ie2 ...ªd8 31. White has a sta­ Black's pawn promotes..�db5 It seems even stronger for White to continue with 23.�xal .. instesd Korchnoi (possi­ 2 O .�e1. After 33 .ib2 a3 9.�bl �xa2 23..�f1 ...eS cs.d4 d6 2.�d5 . We have already pointed out lt:lxa2 É!xa2 2S.ªd2 �f6 6.�dl after 20.axb3 a2 2 1. Here.e4 �e7 19..Arizmendi Biel 2002 l.�xb2 .�2 21. 23 . .ªe7 29..b3 a5 7.ixb6! cxb6 19.id2 O . É!fa8 24..�c3 cided to repeat moves. .1t:lf3 is correct.ªxd2 .ib4 1l. .id3.�d7 �al +? here..�xd5 �xd5 15. in our theoretical section that 24.g2 23 .ªf6 26.. �exd5 to continue with 23 .Chapter 4 18. �a5? (diagram) It was much stronger for him 13 . White could have covered the long diag­ onal with the move e4-eS. Black could have maintained 102 .O 13. É!a6 26.ixb3! 2 0 .i..i.ªe3+ �e7 12 • .cl d5 1 0 .lt:lxe6! fxe6 24.ªd4 ixd2+ 16.ªxd4 �c6 5.g3 a4 8 ..0-0 alW..�al �xal 2 O .i.. 33.�cl .ªd8 25.ig4 32..id7 3 0 .Kuzmin .�e2? White overlooks a powerful tactical blow. ble advantage. 19 . Draw 26 A.e6 14.ig4 34.�dl .ªf6 17..�cl �a8 22.i.ie6 18.cxd5 .. because of time-trouble) de­ 22. ifl .ixf1 32.Davies Rishon le Zion 1995 27 . tLlg6 with outcome of the fight would have the following sample variation: remained completely unclear.ic2 lilxc2+ 13.lU4 ge7 24.lilc3 exd4 29.0 E:fd8 lS.lilf3? after 14.. .e3 a3 30.E:ac1 id7 21..f4 e'e7 19.Viffc4 . tLlxb1 gd8 30.. After.ib2 a4 8. :�xf4! 28. 14 .b3 lilc6 6.g3 e'g5 26 . Then White overlooks a crushing tactical blow.b3 a5 7.. 27J''l xc7 ga1+ 28.e'c2 lilxc3 12. tLld7 17.id3 .c4 e5 3.gbS gxe4 35.ic3 lile4 1l.ib2 a4 8.O 14. l.gb1 gxb1+ 29.e'd2 lilf6 6.lilxf1 gel 34. since after a5 7.lilxb1 lilg6 29.ic2 h5 White maintains a slight edge 27.ig4 15.E:f3 ge8 22. . 17.lilc3 d6 3.tLld4 Viffh4 103 .Bykhovsky .d4 d6 2.tLlc3 gd3... lilge2 For the next ten moves both sides manoeuvre skilfully.lild5 ie7 9.S:xb5 g6.lilh5 gel gae8 25.d4 exd4 4.gxc7 gaS 3 0 . lild4 tif6 2 0 .axb3 g6 10 .ie6 14.lild2 ga1+ 31.ic6 his position would 10 .c5 e'g5 28 Lautier Kramnik Cannes 1993 1. . for example: 27..gxf4 lilxt'3+ 1.f5 lile5 23..e'd2 White resigned.gd1 axb3 9. main­ taining approximate equality on the board.'i!?f2 d4 4.tixc2 O .0-0.id3 lild4 12 • • . crumble.c4 eS 3..O 13. .ie6 16. tLlc3 exd4 4.f3 . Viffxd4 tLlc6 his advantage after 26 . lilxe7+ e'xe7 15. Draw 27 Av.gcS+ lilf8 33.c4 e5 2.b4.e4 ig7 1l .d4 d6 2.e'xd4 lilc6 5. 0 . the for example 16 . 27J�b1 gxb1+ 2S. e'xc3 O .lile2 d5 16.e'xd4 lilf6 5. . White can set up a ter 34 .�fS he has a check with his threat of lLld7...�xb2 �e7! 19. lLle6 was better.l"í:e6 32.. �xc6 �b6 .c5 fxe4 Here Black should have played It is rather dubious for Black much more actively: 2S .tü2g3 he4 21.tüd4 �f6 would occupy the centre and 29. tüg5 34.c6 � Black loses after 34 . 2 O .tüb3! �d6 28.. 20.lLlcb5 l"í:ac8.'�xb2. but approximate equality. .. queen. to play 16 .1Llxe6 fxe6 20.�xc5 The rook and pawn ending af­ l"í:f7 23.b4 lLlf5 27.�c3 �e6 25.h:g7 tüxg7 After 18 . l"í:e2 26.lLlc5 lLlxcS 2 2.�fel �6f7 19.cxd6 �xe4 20.lLld4. lLle4?. 0 .. White seiz­ after 18. dxe4 37.fxe3 l"í:xf1+ 19.d7 �e7 21. l"í:xd2 27.0 f5 16.tüb3 tüh6?! His knight retreats to the wrong square. 32.f4?! in view of 17. lLle6 20.tüxe4 lLle6= It is obviously stronger for 26.�e2 tüf5 31.�e3 �ef8 Black's defence would be diffi­ Here Black could have consid­ culto ered 29 .l"í:e1 �f6.�xd2 �d6 28. cxb7 hb7 21. .lLld4 his knights 27..Chapter 4 18..j.b4 17.1"í:xf1 �xd6 es the initiative now.dxc8� l"í:axc8= 18.cxd6. 19... .l"í:xe4! dxe4 36. cause of 35....lLle4 �b6 21.h3 tüf7 33. l"í:f4 35.lLlc2 l"í:f4.lLlxe4 blockade on the dark squares. be­ In the variation 19 . 26 ...tüxe4 New York 2004... Black should not have any serious prob­ lems. l"í:b8 30.lLlxe4.�g3 lLle4 36..l"í:xe4 �xg3 104 . Sarkar . After 31.tüc5 17 d5 •..tüc5 �ee8 15..l"í:alI 24.e3 !?..l"í:xe4 l"í:xe4 38..i..Vovsha.bb2 18.bg7 \iJxg7 21.. 33 . Here 26 .l"í:d3 bxc6 23.c6! and after White creates the unpleasant 19 . l"í:b8 22.lLla4 �xb2 19.f3 l"í:d2 (or 26.• It seems that he could have equalized more easily after 17.b4 c6 White to continue with 17.. l"í:xe6 �xe6 33. White has the powerful riposte 19.l"í:dd1 c6=) �e6 18. \iJxg7. with Lautier was afraid of 17. 3 0 . b3 g8f4 a5 7. White's drawing ehanees.0 f4 21.g3 gb3 49.!lee7.!le4 �xf2+ 40. !ld4 54. He It is never too late to make a is a pawn down after all and he mistake.mg7 !lf4 ! Blaek 35.lIJc3 exd4 4.llJxe4 dxe4 would save the day. Here Blaek eould eonsider 22 .llJc3 exd4 gxf2 41.gee4 gxe4 44. • pawn . 29 Van Hoolandt ..ie2 ge8 l6.!lxe3 Blaek resigned.ibl• after 44. .. !lbl 49. gb6 54.. it was worth trying 38 .axb3 Blaek eould have regained his g6 1 0 . l. !lgl 48.mh2 �b6 55 . .g3 Wb5) 38 . beeause after �f4 39.id3 o .!lg4 md7 57..�e3 43.!lxg6? must still fight hard for the draw.. Wxd4 lIJc6 39. <ít>f7 for example: 38.e3 !? is interesting.d4 d6 2. 38.We3+ mh6 and he has good !lf6) 59. mg7 l"lxb4 58.!le2 (threat­ 2 0 .. pawn queens ..gxe4 <ít>f7 f5 45. In the variation 53..'ít>h2 4.�xd4 llJe6 5.gxe6 gf1+ 42.. mxh5 White wins.<ít>f4 h5 47. 0 . ening l"lb2) 48 .ie6 19.ib2 a4 8. After 47.gdl axb3 9..l"lf6 ! !le7+ 60.e4 .!lf2+ mg7 llJd4 fxg2 50.l"lxg6 41.. equal. 39..gel gf6?! Again..mg6..c4 e5 3.llJdl .gxe4 l. Budapest 2008 39. in order to ensure a safe 48. haven for his king on the e5- 105 ..h3 llJge5 l4 . me7 56.id7 18 .fxg3 is evaluated by Lautier as <ít>h6 hxg4 51.<ít>g5 This is Blaek's standard king­ 47 ..<ít>g7 as overly optimistie for Blaek. !lf4+ 59.h5 l"le4 (or 58 ..Yrjola e3. but 1 eonsider this opinion �g4 gd6 53.d4 d6 2.e4 e5 3.!le7 �b8+ 42.. l7. White should win llJa5 l5 . 37..ge4+ wd8 55.h4 llJe4 36.!lf6 !lxb4 51.gf4+! <ít>e7 52.•• gb2 side eounterplay. Here 37.42 .id7!?.Wfe4 �d5 53 •.g4 gd3 5 0 .l"lxg6+ mf7 52.!lb8 43Jk7 ! b6 • the game. but llJge2 llJg4 l3.ie3 .llJd5 f3 22.fxe3 (or 38.�d2 llJf6 6.o 12.�xe4 �xe4 4 0 ..<ít>g3 gb1 46.h5 !lxb4 55.ig7 1l . . ttJxe8 i.hfl 27.Chapter 4 square.tLlg4 It was stronger for White to this move is absolutely anti-posi­ choose 28. 'l!We3+ �g8 33.e2 and the position would remain very sharp.�g3 tLlb4 (having "in mind" the tactical re­ White's position remains source 31. gxf3 hc3 25. 28 ••• i.�xg2 .�xb6 with a ers who would be willing to place clear advantage.ttJf6+ �f7 28.g5 �d7 32.tLle3 �e7 27.b4 ttJb7 29. The computer program " Ryb­ 3 O tLle6 31.id7 24. tLlf3 e6 26.f4 tLlf7 25. all their pawns on light squares.f6 + �xf6 32.xg7 �xg7 28. There are not many play­ 30J'i:xa8 l"lxa8 31. 23.xg4 29. but the oppo­ from the "human" point of view nents agreed to a draw.�xc3 hh3 26.f4! (protecting against the threat �g5+) 2 6..f5!?. but slightly preferable.hl the e5-outpost to the opponent. ••• ka" recommends here 30.�d4+ �g8 tional..ttJg5).hxg4 e5 having a light-squared bishop left (diagram) on the board and also presenting 3 0 J'.i.ttJxf3 8xf3+ 24. Interesting complications could follow: 23. 106 . e4 nate one of the defenders of the Black has other possibilities d5-pawn . obtaining an In this variation a pawn-struc­ edge thanks to his space advan­ ture similar to the French Defence tage. Black attacks the enemy knight. (with colours reversed) very often In contrast to the variation arises: c6-d5-e4-f5 for Black with 3. since it impedes the coordina­ He is playing "scientifically". is 107 . although White's other possible plan.. but is also a target. developing his knight is quite comfortable on the queen to b3 and the knights to c3 d4-square. (for example 3 . ogously to the French Defence. gains space and wins tem­ pi for the development of his piec­ es. These are the advantages of the move. Black is not and f4. ) "Pawns can­ not go back ! " His pawn on e4 is . . This is the most popular and Black will be reluctant to exchange most principled move for White. de­ tion of White's forces on both veloping the knight.. In to lose tempi going into the centre this situation.d4 d6 2 .�f3 Quick Repertoire main on his agenda)..Chapter 5 l. Sometimes he first deploys at all obliged to exchange on d4.. ttJd7.ct:lc3. powerful. White usually at­ early and then retreating.c4 e5 3. attacking the sides of the board.. ture with his knight.. his queen will not need against c4-d4-e3 for White. his bishop to g5 in order to elimi­ 3 . . by the way. anal­ the exchange on d4 may still re. His tacks the d5-pawn. but 1 recom­ mend this move as the most am­ bitious. but its protec­ enemy e5-pawn and after an even­ tion might become a problem as tual exchange on d4 he will cap­ well. Its main drawback can be summed up in the cliché (which is true. it. Of course.Black's knight on f6. White's tire board. 5.on e3. ent and Black has more than suf­ ficient resources to counter it ef­ fectively. there on whether White will succeed in arise positions we analyze in advancing with e3-e4: if he is able Chapter 6.tLlc3 .) 6 .tLlh3. No forced to do that when Black plays doubt. the knights are not at plan however. . If we take a closer look at this 108 . the fight focuses �e7 6.e3 4 .lbfd2 spirit of this opening.naturally with colours tLlg5 and our next chapter is devot­ reversed. French. is rather transpar­ all inferior to the bishops.h4 �e6 9. Defence . The retreat of the knight ed to this. Now.4. Later.�g5 tLlf6 1O. but af­ ten reached.. fact a position from the French White's most popular reply is 4. after �f8-e7 or h7-h6. e4-pawn: he provokes the move tLlgl.e3 O-O. forcing the tune moment. without being opponent to exchange on f3..f5 5. Black's pawn on f5.c6 7. ble circumstances (that is without Black has no problems with his numerous exchanges or an addi­ development and in positions tional weakening of his position)..tLld5 After 6.Chapter 5 connected with the undermining situation..lbc3 lbf6 6. but there are sorne ter this exchange White ends up nuances too. White con­ White sometimes retreats his centrates all his forces against the knight to its initial position . however.tLlxe7 'if!fxe7 to push that pawn under favoura­ 8. Positions similar the exchange of its neighbour on to those arising after 4 tLlg5 are of­ e4 seems rather awkward. Here is how the with a backward pawn of his own game may develop: 4 . we shall to the d2-square (to d7 in The deal with his other two plans. f5 . . with pawn-chains all over the en­ he will obtain a small edge. we will see that this is in move f2-f3. ) is completely in the 4. in order to develop it later to f7-f5 and then plays the under­ h3 (and then to f4) at an oppor­ mining move f2-f3.. Black prudently forti­ on f3. Black should exchange Meanwhile. but this requires plenty of time and Black's attack will most probably be fast­ Black has concentrated power­ ero fuI forces on the kingside and his 8 . see the Step by Step chap­ ter.d4 d6 2. which may be­ opponent on e3.liJj3 e4 6 .b4 offensive there may become very On this move.b5 tLle7 13Jl!fc2 g5 8.ie6 10 . 9 ..ia3 tLlc6 12. White can evacuate his king to the queenside. creating a weakness for his fies his f5-pawn... since his previous one.a4 .. l.0-0 Naturally.. In ly placed on g7 or h6 than on e7. as well as on the dangerous for White.ie2 .g6 played the typically French De­ His bishop will be more active­ fence undermining move f2-f3. in order to exchange on f3.ig7 additional simplifications.0 9. White could have pieces are a bit discoordinated.. forcing 7. White must then come a target after f2-f3 and an try to advance e3-e4. get rid of his weak pawn. For details..c4 e5 3. 109 .. 0 .if7 1l.. response. Obviously on too large a scale and did not Black cannot attack the enemy achieve anything real.g3 c6 7.Hartoch. so White can first develop his other pieces.e3 after 4. . after 4. R.d4 d6 2.hS ltJa6 1O. White deploy it on f4.Chapter 5 1.Elxh3 must make up his mind imme­ ltJf6. 110 .4. A) 4. For ltJe6 12 . Po­ kept his knight on gl for six moves: sitions similar to those arising S. Natural­ ly it would be senseless for him to keep his knight on gl for long.ie2 ltJxh3 16.ltJc3 ltJc7 11.ih4 ltJg4 13. Berlín diately .ltJgS ie7.lLlc3 initial square and wishes later to In the foIlowing game.�fd2 We shaIl analyze the main líne for White . .ltJgS are often reached.h4 ltJf6 6.lLlgl B) 4.ltJh3 but there are sorne nuances. whether he wiIl 1988.Hofman .he7 Wixe7 example.ltJgS in the next chapter.c4 e5 3. Black's position is at least retreat his knight to h3. A) 4. However. via h3 or e2. O-O 9.tLlf3 e4 Step by Step knight on gl. so he will need to consider its future urgently.b4 ltJgS lS. 4 f5 . or protect equal. White tried an offensive it with the move h2-h4.lLlgl He retreats his knight to its 5.igS ie7 8. White 14.that is. d4 d6 2. 121fd2j5 his rear has been weakened con­ siderably. 5. in order to for­ plans will depend on this.i1. l2lc3 i1.i. bishop.Ro­ to part with his dark-squared driguez Lopez.) 9.e3 l2lf6 6.l2lxe4 fxe4 11. while on the contrary.�b3 Wfb4't Wil­ liams .g2 g6 7.e6 9.dxc5 dxc5 9.g7 8. because after 5 .f4 �a5 1O. 121j3 e4 4..lLlfd2 15 with 6.d5 l2le5 12 .c4 eS 3. c6 For 5..e3 l2lc6 12 . 5 •. l2lf6.e2 �d8 13.e7 i.lLlc3 6 .llj d5 For 6 .121g5 f5 5. 7. This example shows that it is better to carry out the plan with the undermining move f2-f3 with a knight on d2 and not on gl: 5.121h3 .e2 gfe8+t the development of his kingside . concern. by moving his bishop.�c2 �e7+ Martinez . Sas Van Gent 1992.i.xe4 Black should not be reluctant o-o 13.i1. 121h3..f7 l3.i.g3 l2lf6 6.fxe4 l2lxe4 1O.121c3 g6 111 .l¡::.i. 1.Prentos. 6.lLlh3 Black wishes to complete lLlbd7 12.e3 O ..g5 lLlf6 l O .g5..121f6 White can continue B) 4. Millfield 2002.f3 i1.xe7 �xe7 8.i. later developing his knight to f4 and exchanging on f6 at an opportune momento Black will then have great problems in completing his planned set-up with c6 and d5.e7 6.e6 11.h4 c5 8. 6. Black skilfully main­ tains the tension.O 1l.e7.h4 i. Barzeele tify his e4-pawn.l2lh3 i.e2 (6.lLlf4 i. O-O) and then ponent will castle and his further prepare c6 and d5.see 4.Skytte.121c3 l2lc6 (White wishes to clarify the situ­ ation in the centre.g3 l2lf6 7. i. because in positions with Black has an overwhelming lead pawn-chains occupying the entire in development as compensa­ board the knights are not inferior tion for the sacrificed pawn and to the bishops and he continues to White's situation is a casue for have a space advantage.Black waits to see where his op­ quickIy (i1. He must begin . Mondariz 1998. Nikolaidis.f4 Vietnam 2003.) 7.ttJc3 iJ.xe6 16..dS eS 1O. In exchange it for a knight.ttJb3 c6 6.iJ. but this is not very centre...ttJb3 is not very against the dS-square..ttJh6 the following game White tried to 12 .iJ.. Black can place his centre: 6 ... since Black can counter via d2 to f4 would take an eternity it by fortifying his position in the to accomplish. 13 . makes sense only when White's 9 .e2 iJ.b4 c6 6.exfS 112 . ttJf7! 14.iJ.h3 o-o 13. Greece 6.h4 bishop-pair and powerful pawn­ ttJf6 8. rificing a pawn in the process.xf3 ttJbd7 12.. dS 7.iJ.cS ttJd7 8.Mas...ttJc3) 6 .f3 exf3 with his main plan.g2 is a not very successful com­ 1998..f4 ttJe6 7 .ttJc3 c6 9.0-0 9. dangerous for him either..xe6+ White's knight-sortie to the iJ.. Black must consider 7.iJ.iJ.ttJc3.iJ. ttJf6 8.g3 ttJd7 9.) 7. I think the treat hs been cut off and Black can move 7.see S..e7 pawns on c6 and dS and his posi­ tion remains completely safe: 6 . Wuerzburg 1997.Chapter 5 .) see S.Werner. The bishop is admittedly for the bishop on g7 and the file beautifully placed on eS but its re­ for the rook on f8.iJ... since Black straightforward a manner and his plans to continue with g6 and opponent quickly seized the initi­ ttJf7.dS. iJ.dxeS '\Wc7 17..b7fi knight can quickly reach the f4- White's queenside pawn-of­ square in order to exert pressure fensive S. draw.ttJc3 iJ. Still.. ttJe7 (The idea of this move 11.e3 O-O 9. fearlessly sac. g6.gS.dxc6 ttJxc6 11. (7.eS (This manoeuvre is rather is to leave open both the diagonal dubious.g3 g6 ladinovic . Wong Meng-Kong .e4 ttJeS 13..e7 (After tains the advantage thanks to his 6 . Iss­ bination of two different plans.f3.xfS ttJxeS lS.g3 (this is timely prophylax­ is against Black's possible king­ side activity) 9 .g7 7. The route effective..iJ.. Mi­ The king's fianchetto S.) 11 .g6 7.iJ.'\Wd2 (White is eye­ undermine Black's centre in too ing the knight on h6. 11. It ing .g7 .dS eS 8. Now Black he can continue ative: 8.h4 iJ. ttJf6 is equally good. ttJf8 1O..b6 1O.'\Wc3 ElfS't - flank is harmless for his oppo­ Black regains his pawn and main­ nent: S. ie7 7. Still.exf3 tLlxdS 13.1�'c2 ih6 13.g3 o-o 8 . ing to worry about.6..c6 8. 12.ig2 O-O 9. Germany 2000 O-O 9 . the move Kuzmicz. Leipzig 1997.igS (7.g6 6... He advances 5 .ie2 g6 8.) c6 1 O . oped his knight to f6.tLlhS 12 .DamIjanovic..c4 eS 3.f3 dS 11.tc1 tLleS+) 7.i.tLlb3 b6+ Lun­ dermining move g2-g4 and clears din .igS tLlbd7 on d2 is not so eftective: 7. and then completes the development of his queenside.i>b1 13. cxdS 12 . if White plays less After Black has already devel.if4....cxdS cxdS 12.C..e3 The grandmaster from Belarus Alexey Alexandrov tried an origi­ nal idea here .tf4 tLlbc6 13J�c1 b6�) Twomey .tLlj3 e4 4.tLlde4 0-0+ Grigorjev .tLlb3 looks more sensible. fortifying his centre.e3 h6 9. Dublin 2 007.cxdS pecially since White can now de­ exf3 (Black wishes to play against velop his bishop to gS. Plovdiv 2003.h4 cS 1O. meier .�d2 tLlc7 11. Sofia 2 006.tLle2 11. Black has noth­ (game 3 0).a3 tLlc7 14.e3 nath . after his opponent's isolated pawn.f4 tLla6 12 .f4 b6� Wor­ l1. For example: 1O.Spiess...a3 tLlg4 12.0-0-0 dS 12.i>b1 b6 13J'k1 ie6� Iotov .ixf6 tLlxf6 1O.Murray. es­ O-O 9. tLlfd2j5 ixfS 14..tg2 is also good for him to play 11 ...Chekhov..0-0 tLlbd7 11. 7.Popchev. It 6 .tLld2 hS (Black prevents the un­ tLlc6 11..tLldbl!? Perhaps he got carried away with the idea of his king's knight ending up on the b1-square? Understandably. ambitiously and refrains from un- 113 .g3 ig7 8.e2 this waste of tempi did not go un­ I have already mentioned that punished and Black soon seized the king's fianchetto with a knight the initiative: 6 .0-0-0 dS 14. c6 7.f3 dS 11. Pardubice 200S) 8. l. a square for his king's bishop.Hansen.tLlc3 6.. In general. Moscow 1996) 9 ...b4 tLle6� Luechte­ 0-0+ Aleksandrov .0-0 (9.tLlb3 c6 1O.d4 d6 2.dS cS 10. 6 . c6 9.te2 •• d6-dS. .Chapter 5 dermining bis opponent's pawn �e7 lO.ltla4. is not at aH effec­ 11.�d2 �xd2 + his opponent's pawn-offensive on 14... portune moment and to prevent ltlc6 12. both sides the kingside. .i.�c2 tive here.bxc4 bS� Black wiIl play d6-dS himself. ig700 .Kavalek.E1a2 ltlf7 13.. cS Indian Defence. . a clash of pawns is very unlikely.exf5 �e7 lO.b3 ig7 send his knight there in anticipa­ 8.) lO . but after 11 .E1f7 13 .ltlb3 o-o 9. Castling did not occur in this game.) 8..E1f7 12.dS (otherwise lS. so Black intends to ple and natural moves: 7. 12.ie2 .0 Here's how how the game may de­ Queenside castling for White velop: 7. 7. 1982 (game 31).he3 �xe3 13.. this is not he3 9. Mos­ cow 1987.�c2 c6 lO.e2 hf5 done for optical effect .d2 ltlbd7 13. 0-0 9.ig7 8. If he does not play d4-dS..ie2 requires thorough preparation 1 14 . 7. but now White's unfor­ slaught on the kingside. McCambridge . Ivano-Frankovsk on eS. g3 a6 Garcia Martinez .ib2 o-o 9. .he simply 11.h3 id7 16.fxe4 light squares! In fact. The reason is that Black ltlf8 14.cxdS a6 lS.Kova­ a symmetrical pawn-structure.@xd2 ig4� there arises an ap­ the queenside. ltlxdS 14.Davies.a4 ltlc6 11. tion of this. After 13 .f3 ih6 (Black emphasizes the drawbacks of the move lLld2.�e2 dS 11. Black can obtain a very as if White is about to castle on comfortable position witb sim­ the kingside.a3 . 0 . because the op­ ponents agreed to a draw in this position. The straightforward pawn-on­ ie6 etc.ltlbd7 8 .bxa6 b6! Black would have exceHent counter chances.ltlb3 This is an amusing situation (Here White can reduce the ten­ .. Popovic . If White now plays have great problems in organizing d4-dS. Dubrovnik 20 08. Gorelov nent with a wonderful outpost . wishes to advance b7-bS at an op­ Estes Park 1985.) 12 .bS ltld8 (It looks centre.he has placed aH his pawns on sion in the centre with 8.i. because White's bishop on el is temporarily out of action.b4 ih6 this tense position with seizing space in the centre and on opposite sides castling.0-0-0 a6 1S. which is tunate knight on b3 turns out to typical of sorne lines of the King's be completely misplaced.0-0 dxc4 16...E1c1 proximately equal endgame with ie6 14.Korzubov..f4 c6 1O.g4 has advanced early with eS-e4.lLldS.i. he wiH present his oppo­ any atlack on the flanks. 14 .lLlf3..) cevic. Ris­ meantime and to fortify the cen­ hon le Zion 1995) 11.e6? Ibragimov .lLld2 lLle4 17.hf3. i.e6 1O.b2 c6 12.cS bs 16. but he wishes to dS 13. For exam­ 9. lLlfd2f5 and Black wiIl manage to com­ e4 fxe4 14. a straightfor­ draw..lLlxf3. Farina . White has the additional possibil­ ity of recapturing on f3 with his bishop. Black wiIl create forcetheissue. After the development of the bishop on e2.lLlc3. dS 13. a balanced position.Zaichik.i.0-0-0 is consider playing a waiting move still very risky.d4 d6 2.0-0 lLlc6 discussed in our notes to White's 1U�e1 (11.h4 (The move 12.b4 o-o 9.lLldb1 emy king. Still.Kantsler.f4 (Black could lLlc7 12 .l'!e1 i. or 10.i>b1 i...f3 definitely requires consid­ eration on every move..Polugaevsky. Just as before.�c2 lLlbd7 11.�c2 i.lLla4 b6 1S. White is harmless to Black: 8.. 8th move (after 8. Germany calmly even for a secondO 1S.e6 14.Marzano.) 13. l1S . or wiIl have to prepare e3-e4 and this prepare the pawn-offensive with wiIl lead to further exchanges and b2-b4. For example: 8. 0-0 after this.Preuschoff.lLlb3 i. such as 12 . He must either play on d2 and the bishop on cl. not to let White breath Hintze .. l'!e8.f3)..a3 Podolsk 1990) 12 .he3 lLlfxdS 17.h3 �c7..Komliakov.) 9 .f7 13. since sorne of White's White's choice is not as wide pieces are misplaced . The undermining resource 8. White the undermining move f2-f3.lLlg3 threats very quickly.lLlfl lLle7 13.lLlf3 e4 4. exf3 9 . 0-0 10.lLlxe4 lLlxe4 1S.) 12 .�c2 lLlc6 12..i.f2 c6 19.g3 dS (This move is played with the i.i>h8 12. trans­ lLle7. l. poses to the variations which we Rome 1995. the game.cxdS 1999. o-o 9.e6.lLlxf3 o-o After 9.b3 c6 1O.. 16 ..b2 lLla6 11.0-0 i>h8 1l. same idea.he4 plete his development in the i>h8? Kaminik . because after 12 . Ribli . draw..bS cS? Al­ burt . Philadelphia 1993 (game 32). as a rule. ..lLlfl fxe3 14.i.lLlxdS lLlxdS initiative.i.c4 eS 3. 18.b4 pIe: 8 .f3 exf3 1O.. 1 do not think that Black should have any problems 8 ..d7 13.l'!b1 tre..�b3 lLlf6 20.b3 c6 14.a3 l'!e8 pects for an attack against the en­ 1SJ'k1 dS 16.hf3 (9. aS and Black has the lLlb4 16.. radicaIly improving his pros­ (12.lLlb3 l'!e8 12.d2 1O.0-0 i. Buda­ ward assault on the queenside by pest 1975.the knight as before. !ilcxe4 !ilf5 Rozentalis.ie6 .. 10 .!ilxd4 �xd4� Ri­ !ile7 13 .Balashov.e6 11. a5 1O. 18.exf4 gxf4 17.ia3 !ilc6 12.a4 rificing a pawn in order to open 10.a4 lLlbd7� Black does not flinch from sac­ 1 0 .a3 some files.b5 14. h5 13.Elbl c6 11. • �a2 !ilxd4 21..!ilf3 .b5 •.ig6 2 0 . Black's king is some­ Black has concentrated all his what exposed. but all his pieces forces on the kingside.�c2 g5 bli .a4 lLlbd7 12.!ilxf6+ 1Hxf6 19.9 .a5 �e8 15.�fcl f4!? i.•• exception of his rook on aS and Here the recommendation of his queen.if7 1l .Chapter 5 9 . with the are very actively deployed. 16. It is high time he went the computer program "Rybka" on the offensive! deserves aUention . 116 .lLlb3 lLlg400 Grigoriadis . Athens 2006.. Leningrad 1977 (diagram) (game 33).i. �b3 22 .Hansen 2 2.%'If2 gfe8 22.gxc3 gxe3 24.) 7.9fe1 �e7 2 0 :�e2 The exchange of all the rooks would not solve aIl of White's problems: 20J'l:xc8 :B:xc8 2 1... just as befo re.and d4.o 9.f3 d5 1l.bxc3 �a3 the knight wiIl have to change its route and in­ stead of going to the centre it wiIl have to go into oblivíon: 24.f4 b6 14.e4 e5 3. with the idea of transfer­ Germany 2000 ring the knight to e5.0 �e7 8.�c6 23. exd5 15 .:B:xc8+ ttJxc8 2 2 .te3 �e6 16. Here we have a position with a bxe3 syrnmetrical pawn-structure and an almost mirror-like deployrnent of the pieces. �b4 with a double at­ 4. exf3 �xd5 13.�g2 �g7 tack on the b2.te6 Of course.�fd2 f5 5. but after 2 2.ge4 21.�e3 o . 0 .pawns..ttJc1 ttJd6 .�xd5 2 0 .Chapter 5 1... 22 •.cxd5 exf3 12. 18.. vía d2.g3 g6 6..d4 d6 2. slight edge.ttJd2 :B:xc3 23.ge3 gae8 19.ge1 %'Id6 �f1 17.�f3 e4 Complete Games 30 Wornath . White must move his knight away from b3.. since there it is restricted by Black's pawn on b6.ttJc1. C.�e2 (Afterthe immediate FinaIly White has a real weak- 117 .%'If3 .d4 d6 2.�b2 :B:e8 with better pros­ pects for Black. Black l.he has a e6 1 0 . Black's knight and bishop are a bit more active.c4 e5 3. gxe3 23.�f3 e4 plays 22 .ttJbl �a5 25. so he has a slight initiative. Chapter 5 ness in his campo Soon, (not evaluated the ensuing king and without sorne help from his op­ pawn ending, overestimating the ponent . . .) , Black succeeds in cap­ power ofhis own protected passed turing this pawn. pawn. 24 .. :�c6 2S . .id2 tLlc8 26. 38 .. :{t¡'c5 39.vtlxc5+ bxc5 §'e2 .if7 27.tLlcl tLld6 28.tLld3 4 0 .hf7 g¡,xf7 41.g¡,g2 c4 42. tLle4 29.tLleS .beS 3 0 .dxeS g¡,f2 c3 43.g¡,e2 c2 44.g¡,d2 d3 tLlxc3 31 .bc3 §'xc3 32.§,bS • 4S. g¡,cl g¡,e6 §'cS+ 33.g¡,g2 Black's c-pawn has already White is willing to exchange reached the seventh rank and queens, but not on the cS-square; now he has the threat of penetrat­ since then Black would obtain two ing with his king to the c3-square, connected passed pawns. followed by d3-d2 #. Therefore the moment Black's king comes to d4, c4 or b4, White will need to place his king on d2 or b2 and then Black wiIl counter by penetrat­ ing to the seventh rank to support the promotion of his c2-pawn. As you see, the winning plan is not so complex after aH... 46.g¡,d2 a4! 33 ...§'c8 Black did not wish to enter a king and bishop endgame. White has a powerful passed pawn and Black's own kingside pawns are fixed on the same colour as his bishop. The position without queens resembles a mathematical problem: win or draw, whereas with queens on the board Black This is an important move; it has many more purely practical is necessary because in a position chances to win the game. with the black king on b4 and the 34.§'a4 aS 3S.g¡,h3 g¡,f8 36. white king on b2, Black can now �bS §'c7 37 .ig2 d4 38 .idS? • • play a4-a3+ and then penetrate Despite being a pawn down, with his king to the c3-square. with 38.�d3 White could have \Vhite resigned in view of offered a long and tenacious de­ the following sample variations: fence. It looks as if he wrongly 47.<±>c1 (To make things simple, 118 l.d4 d6 2.c4 eS 3.tiJj3 e4 we wiIl not toueh the pawns on the White has managed to be the kingside, beeause the moves with first to open a file against the en­ these pawns wiIl run out quickly, emy king, but Blaek is not lagging while Blaek has an endless choice very far behind. of waiting moves of the type of 19.a4 b5 2 0 .cxb5 axb5 21. �d5-e5-d5.) 47... �d5 48.�d2 axb5 ttJe8 22.gdg1 �c7 23.gg3 �e5 (Blaek wins a tempo, staying ttJxb5 24.ghg1 ttJg6 inside the square ofhis enemy e5- pawn, in order to go to the fourth rank when White's king is on el.) 49.�c1 (The move 49.a3 weakens the b3-square and Blaek wins ae­ eording to the foIlowing seheme: 49 ... �d5 50.�c1 �e4 5l.�d2 �b3 etc .. ) 49 ... �b4 50.�d2 (1 have al­ ready mentioned that if 50.�b2 50 ...a3+ 5l.�c1 �e3.) 50 ... �a3 5l.�c1 �xa2 5 2.e6 �b3 53.e7 (Af­ The bishop on g7 is important ter 53.�d2 �b2, White's pawn both for attaek and defenee, so fails to promote.) 53 ... �e3 54.e8,ª this knight is proteeting it "bod­ d2# ily". 25.h4!? 31 Gorelov Korzubov In principIe, it is logieal for Ivano-Frankovsk 1982 White to saerifiee a pawn and an l.c4 d6 2.d4 e5 3.�f3 e4 exehange in order to bring his 4.ttJfd2 f5 5.e3 ttJf6 6.�c3 g6 queen closer to the enemy king. 7.f3 .ih6 8.ttJb3 O - O 9.f4 c6 Still, this idea involves a taetieal 1 0 .d5 eS 1l . .ie2 gf7 12 .id2 • oversight. �bd7 13.�c2 ttJf8 14. 0 - 0 - 0 25 ... ttJxh4 26 ..ih5 ge7 27. a6 15.h3 .id7 16.g4 .ig7 17.gxf5 gxg7+ !? gxg7 28.gxg7+ �xg7 gxf5 18.�b1 �b8 29.ttJxb5 119 Chapter 5 29 ••• ,hb5? White's queen and two bishops Here Black had a brilliant in­ are a powerful attacking force! termediate move - 29 ... <;t>h6! This 34 liJg6 35.,hg6 hxg6 ••. is in complete accord with the 36.'ll!fxg6+ @t'B 37.ti'xd6+ 'll!fe7 principIes of Steinitz - the king is 38.'ll!fh 6+ @e8 39.d6 'll!ft7 4 0 . a powerful piece and is capable of 'll!fh 8+ defending itself. Here is how the 40.liJxcS would be even strong­ game might proceed: 30 .�c3 (30. er, but obviously he did not have liJc3 @xhS 31.�el liJf3 and White's enough time to consider this on attack reaches a dead end.) 30 . . . his 40th move. @xhS 31.�g7 �g8 (defending 40 •.. ti't'B against the mate on gS) 32.'Wxd7 �xdS 33.�xh7+ @g4 34.liJSd4 (In the variation 34.�g7+ @h3 3S.�el �d3+ 36.@cl �xe3+, Black's threats tum out to be much more dangerous.) 34 ...�g8! (or 34 ...cxd4 3S.�el! and he has great problems) 3S.'Wxg8+ �xg8 36.liJe6 �c8 - Black's attacking forces include an "extra" king, so White's defence is very difficult. According to the database, 3 0 .�c3+ @g8 the players agreed a draw here, Or 30 ... @h6? 31.�f6+ liJg6 32. although after 41.�eS+ @d7 42. �gS+ @g7 33.�c3+ and White's �dS, White has a great, if not de­ attack is decisive. cisive, advantage. 31.�f6 'll!fa7 32.'ll!fe 6+ Possibly he decided to gain sorne time by repeating moves. 32 Alburt Zaiehik 32 •.. @t'B 33.'ll!ff6+ @g8 34. Philadelphia 1993 �e3! l.d4 d6 2.e4 e5 3.liJf3 e4 4.liJfd2 f5 5.e3 liJf6 6.liJe3 g6 7.1e2 �g7 8.b4 O - O 9.liJb3 �e6 1 0 .�e2 liJbd7 11.�b2 e6 12. 0 - 0 �t7 13.b5 e5 14.gfd1 exd4 (diagram) 15.gxd4 It is not good for White to play IS.exd4, because after IS ... �c8 it seems he has to continue with 120 1.d4 d6 2.c4 eS 3. lLlj3 e4 19.c5 It is a well-known cliché that the threat is stronger than its ex­ ecution; after 19.1Llb3! Black could scarcely parry the pawn-break c4- c5. 19 ..• dxc5 2 0 JWxc5 liJd3 21. �c3 White could have begun with 2 1.lLlf5 ! ? The subsequent play 16.d5, granting his opponent con­ would be almost the same, but trol of the e5-square for free. Now still, it is a very beautiful move. he at least attacks the d6-pawn. 21 ... liJxb2 22.liJf5 gxf5 23. 15 liJg4 16.hg4!? •.. liJf6+ After 16.Eld2 lLlde5 17.h3 Black can try an interesting piece-sa­ crifice: 17...lLlxf2 !? 18.mxf2 ixc4 19. mg1 Elc8 and he obtains excel­ lent compensation for the slight material deficit. White, in turn, plans to sacrifice the exchange in order to preserve his opening ini­ tiative. 16 hd4 17.liJxd4 fxg4 18. ..• liJxe4 23 ..• �xf6 Black is forced to part with his queen now, because after 23 ... mg7, he gets checkmated: 24.lLle8+ mh6 25.�g7+ mh5 26.�xh7+ mg5 27.h4+ gxh3 2 8.f4+ mg4 29.�xh3# 24.�xf6 liJd3 25J�d1 After 25.�xf5 i.g6 26.�e6+ Elf7, Black has good counter­ chances by exerting pressure 18 ... liJe5?! against the f2-pawn. This inaccuracy went unpun­ 25 ....ic4 26.�d4 gac8 27. ished. It was correct for Black to h4 gfd8 atlack the c4-pawn with the move Black could probably manage 18 ... �c7!?, not relinquishing con­ to draw after 27...gxh3 2 8.Elxd3 trol of the f6-square. hd3 29.�xd3 Elc1+ 30.mh2 hxg2, 121 ixe4 Black sacrifices a pawn and �xe4f!) 24 .'ti'b6+ 'tt> d7 41.ie2 f5 6.ie1 ieS. (particularly if we have in mind that his opponent's king is ex­ posed).'it>e1 'it>f7 36.lLlcxe4 lLlf5 18. ation was 23 .d4 e4 • 7. Leningrad 1977 28. creates an outpost for his knight �xe6+ :gxe6 27.'ti'f6 gf8 29. incarcerating the enemy king. a6 seek refuge in the centre .ª.lLlxd4 .h3 g4e6 3 0 .fxg3 lLleS 32J�xd8+ gxd8 White to play 30.a4 'tt> e6 37.\!ba7 White thinks he can continue playing for a win without any great risk..'ti'd4 'tt> e 6 bxa6 .cS+ 'tt>h8 2S..ia3 lLlc6 12.:gc7! :gg6 31. .ixe4 gxe4 rooks in order to avoid being 26. checkmated and his king must .ixd6 �xaS 33.Chapter 5 but he does not need to give up 33 Ribli Balashov two minor pieces for a rook.exf4 gxf4 17.. 0 .ib4 :ge4 30.cS+ dS 2S..cS+ �e6 26.a4 ..ixe4 (24.'ti'c2 gS 14.ig6 2 0 ... Black has skilfully regrouped 122 .ie6 1 0 .aS ge8 1S. :�reS.• 'ti'f6?! fighting unit and this should This inaccuracy could cost be sufficient to balance the chanc­ Black dearly.gc7 geg8 42.b6+.'ti'f3 bxa6 32..:gxb7 with 3S.b4 .g7 S .:gac1 dxcS 28.• g3!? 24.lLlf3 .ieS 33.lLld2 lLlf6 8.dS 34.gd1 3 0 . with the plan of ixcS b6 29.d4 lLlg4+ �xbS 32.ª.•.e3 g6 4.if7 1l . with approximate equality.0 O . Draw.O 9. but Black's rook. bS lLle7 13..'ti'a2 lLlxd4 21. gfc1 f4 16.�f3 33.lLlxf6+ 'ti'xf6 19.gac1 gae8 28. lLlf3 i.cxd6 cxd6 27.lLlc3 d6 3..ª.'it>f2 i.if3 .'I!n>6+ 'it>d7 39:�M4 'it>e6 3 0 gg6 31.'ti'd4 gfd8 l..xd4 22 . White must exchange a pair of 24. gc8 38. on the g4-square. His queen is very pow­ erful indeed in this open position.c4 eS 2.b3 'ti'gS 29. for instance 30 .ª. It was much stronger for 31. �xe4 2S.aS excellent winning chances. bishop and knight are also a powerful 23 . 4 0 . The correct continu­ es.ie4 23. yet it \'9g6.t>e2 �e8 perpetual check.<..<.•• He could equalize more easily with 34 .lDj3 e4 his forces and created counter­ ter 40 .d4 d6 2.mg4. E:h2 41.mh4 \'9xd5 \'9xa6= E:h2#) 44 .\'9xd5? f3+ ) 38 . E:a2 ! 43..mf1 This move is also good. It is preferable for White to �b6 h5. E:f1+ 45..<. 34. l. 44. :gg1+ 37..<. :gxa7 E:xg2 36.\'9f6.E:dd7 E:xf2+ (38.) was even more precise for Black 36 . draw..t>h2 •• 34 \Wxg2+ .t>g7 47.me2 d5 ! 38..mh2 E:f2 + with 35. �a3 41.E:dd7 E:xa6 42.E:xg8+ to opt for 42 .\Wxg2 lhg2 36.t>f3 �h2 38 .:ghg7+ mh8= 41 J�g8+ 42..ga8+ �g8 45.mh3? E:g3+ 45. for example: 35. but even then af. :gxg8 39... The players agreed to a play 40.mh1 (44.b:d6 39.b:d6 .t>h3 <.t>xg2 f3+ 38.<.�h6 �g7 44.t>g2 �xg8+ <...t>f1 40 . should be able to hold.E:dd7 mg8 Black play along the g-file.c4 eS 3. • 43. 42 J�a5 •• \'9xg2? :gxg2 37.t>xg8 46.E:a8 (After 36.�a7 41..E:xh7+ mg8 43.<. Black's attack is decisive. 123 .<.. 37. �xd6 lhh3+ 4 0 .. lLlh3 For example: 5. playing h2-h4 for this purpose.1Wxd6 .) 8.g2 exf3 12.tg2 bxc6 15..•• This is White's most principled move: his knight occupies an ac­ tive position and attacks the e4- pawn. e4-pawn with d6-d5.d8 11.d4 d6 2.te7 . 5 .f3 1J.llJg5 Quick Repertoire have problems with this. After 1O. the is played in order to support the knight on g5 is no danger to Black.Black attacks White can protect his knight with the enemy knight winning a tem­ the move 6.tLlf2 We8. It is obvious (if you 7. 4 f5 5.e2 c6 9.M3 tLlbd7!? 13.llJf3 e4 4. Later.tLlc3 c6 (This not support it at the moment... or to transfer it to f4 via h3. 6.b3 124 .tLlh3 tLlf6 7. but forcing its exchange is not such an easy task.lLlc3 ••• Of course.1J.c4 e5 3. Black's e4-pawn impedes the normal development of White's pieces. he will make up his mind whether to keep it on g5.dxc6 tLle5 14 .e3 O-O 8.d5 O-O A possible continuation is: 6 . in which Black has good compensation for the sacrificed pawn.tb7 a sharp position arises.Chapter 6 1.g3 1J. 1J.e7 (This is a 1 have already mentioned that typical resource . see the Step by Step chapter) that it would not be good for White to capture the e4-pawn. bearing in po for the development of his mind that the rest of his pieces do pieces.tLlf6 9.) 6.h4 but.d5 tLla6 1O. In that case.td2 • prospects are approximately White cannot win the enemy equal. creating an outpost on d5. He removes his king from the a2- g8 diagonal. (or 16. Black has evídent that the d5-pawn is un­ excellent counter chances..i.d4 d6 2. Wlb3 c!tla6 12 .cxd5 •.. on a6: 12. he would deploy his knight to e5. .e2 o .f3 d5 A typical French Defence This is an important move.éiJfe2 White can gain space with 9. It is against the d5-pawn.. After 9 . l.fxe4 fxe4 9. éiJfJ e4 4. . mh8 .e3 c6 8. cxd5 This is a useful waiting move. 0-0 14. Black may change his mind and capture on c4 himself.. but this would present the e5. 12 c!tlc7 13.>h8 was necessary - lowed by the transfer of the queen White's knight cannot capture on to f7 and subsequent pressure e7 or f6 with check) 16 .. The fight usu­ protect the pawn on d5.éiJf4 g5! 16. potential defender .. ally develops quite slowly and the 11.�b2 h6!?. 125 .cxd5 cxd5 13. ered check.c4 e5 3. his knight because of the pin. éiJg5f5 éiJc7 11. it is outpost to his opponent.éiJfxd5? �e6 and he loses d5. now Black begins to create threats on the kingside. rather than to c7. with chances for d5-pawn if he first exchanges its both sides.• If White postpones this ex­ change. vía a6. vía d7. now clear why the prophylactic éiJbd7 1O. 1 0 . pawn-structure has arisen (with Black has sufficient resources to colours reversed). .b3 éiJe5 11. touchable because of the discov­ 9 .ha6 bxa6 15. fol­ move cj. 13 .the knight 6 c!tlf6 7.�d6+.o .�b2 c5. frees the g8-square for his bishop and waits for his opponent to play d4-d5. After S.h4 exchange the bishop..h4 c6 8..tiJc3 .dxe6 alyzed after the move-order 5.) 6 .see vari.g4!? (this is the essence of 8.ttJc3 is not so important. but he wiIl not find a better square for it than c3. 126 . while 6.0-0 c6 9.d4 d6 2. where the c8-bishop is essential for the organization of the attack against the enemy king.ii.f3 not the case here. since the bishop e) 5. the game transposes to varia­ tion el.tiJh3.tiJe6!? (We see a similar idea in the King's Indian Defence.Chapter 6 1. if it is missing.xe6 7. 0-0 8.tiJh3 ttJf6 7.c6 .h4 ttJf6 7.g3 �e7 6.ttJc3 (8.. transposing to var­ iation e.�f3 e4 4.. ttJc3 �c8 ii..dS �e7 6.. Nevertheless.g2 (7.tiJc4. fxg4 (8 .ttJc3 . White can postpone the development of his knight on b1 for a while.ttJc3 there much easier to undermine Black's arise positions which we have an­ pawn-centre.e7 6. For example: 6..i. But this is B) 5.�g5 f5 Step by Step ation e2b) 8 ..tiJc3 c6.c4 e5 3. It is interesting for White to try here a relatively untested idea to breach his opponent's defences on the light squares: S..see variation e2) 7. White wiIl find it After S. NaturaIly.ttJh3 �e7 6. g6? 9. so White is wiIl­ ing to sacrifice a pawn merely to A) 5. White's idea) 8 ..tiJf4 tiJf6 7.transposes to variation e2b. ixf4 c5 13.b3 g6 17. 1l.b4 O-O 13J':!b1.�h3 .ixf3. draw.. but White protects it forces very flexibly and he can be in advance. Ver­ nay ..ih3 't:Jg4 15. This is an attempt by White to 9.) 1O .see variation el. retreat it now that he has a pawn Bigler .'t:Jc3 1J. O-O id7 17. • site flank...'t:Jj3 e4 4.0 13.f3 exf3 18.e7 8. because this is where he wiIl evacuate his king later. 13.1J. (game 34).g5 1J.�f4 �e6! •. 't:JgSf5 gxf5 gxf5 1O.�xe6 Or 11. Danner - Plachetka. 127 . It would be useful for Black to A) 5.•• 6. 5 't:Jf6 6.�d5±) 9. It is not so simple to be developed to the c3-square.'t!?g2 Wf7 16. �e8 14.g3! (Black does best to avoid opening files on the kingside.�c2 a6 15.Krasenkow.g3 a6 14. he wishes to quite optimistic about the future. Prague 1988.h4 �xe6 13.�c3 eliminate the annoying e4-pawn Sooner or later this knight wiIl immediately. Berlín 1994.Kornliakov. Gstaad 1993 on h4. colours reversed and on the oppo­ 9 �c7 10 .�c2 e3c:o White has good compensa­ tion for the pawn. since it has nowhere else to go too h3 (White intends to play in the Later the game develops accord­ spirit of the Benko Gambit with ing to the standard schemes.d4 d6 2. Black has not yet attacked the Wc2 Wg7c:o Black has deployed his knight on g5.e2 ••• 12..�b3 b6 14.. but Black has nothing to complain about.�xe6 12.a4 Wa5 16. B) 5.'t:Jc3 't:Jf6 10. In fact.Oratovsky.e7 . fxg3 c6 (Black could consider the more energetic 11 . France 2010.c4 eS 3.1J.) 11...�xb7 't:Jbd7+) 12. Budnikov .13 6 c6 7. l.h4 exchange the f4-knight immedi­ ately.e3 �a6 ••.d5 't:Jxf4 12. ie2 O-O 14.'t!?f1 • •• We8 15. 1l he6 12.�b3 O-O 13.b5 c5� 12 0 . get rid of it though . . Black exploits to gS.�f4 (12. on a trampoline. Brno 1992 (game 35).�d3 8. l"!e8 14.lLJf4 not only the vulnerability of the lLJa6 11. h3. lLJc7 12. Paks 1999. Pardubice 2008.lLJhS c6 dS't) 10 . so White's problems with his king.Sakaev.e3. 12..lLJhS..) 8 .fxe4 lLJxe4 9.e3 �e6 13.0-0 dS?) 9 . Rukavi­ na ..fxe4 fxe4 1O.�gS lLJa6 (This knight will go to the c7-square to support the pawn-advance d6-dS. 11 .0-0 O-O? Varga .Vau­ �h4+ 13.'it>d2 (Black is better af­ !in. Black should not be afraid of 8. dS 9. lLJxhS 14. but also the mis­ Ree .ie7 6.cxdS b6? �d7 14J'¡ae1 l"!ae8 1S.g3 lLJb4 14.d5 White physicalIy prevents the move d6-dS..�e2 �e7+) 13 .Quinteros. ter 13.) li:Jf6 7.�e2 lLJc7 12. Tikkanen fxe4 11.and eS..lLJxe4 fxe4 ••• play 1O.'it>d2 �e2 cxdS 16.White wilI still have port his e4-pawn. Pula 2002. 8.e3 gS 12.�xf3 O-O 11.l"!ae1 lLJeS! This is another lLJf2 (It is not good for White to tactical trick helping Black to in- 128 .lLJf4 o-o 11...g3 exf3 1O.dS gS 13..lLJg4! This is a surprising on el and thus cannot develop it tactical resource. 13 . Black's queen..�d2 �fS 13. 8 . Amsterdam placement of the white knight on 1977.cxdS cxdS 1O. White has a wide choice of plans here.�gS lLJc6 12.. as if soon as possible. exf3 1O. �e2 cS 14. �d7 14.exd4 lUc6 16.Schuh.lLJf2 (Black can easily sup­ �xf2 lLJc7+ .Chapter 6 5 . 8.outposts to his opponent. 0-0 11. but in the process he presents the important cS. because with this White vol­ untarily confines his own bishop 11.e3 (9...he7 �xe7 13. enemy e3-pawn.e2. 0-0 9.g3 cxd4 lS.) 12 .) 9.lLJf2 lLJxf2 16.. moves straight to the kingside..e3 �aS+ (Thanks Black wishes to play d6-dS as to this check. since knight is in fact doing nothing on Black will not let it remain undis­ f2. 8.fxe4 turbed on the queenside.�e2 .hhS �d7! 1S.exf3 o-o 11.�e3 dS+ Bischoff .. fxe4 fxe4 1l. l.t>e2 CLJxd3+ Dan­ 12 ..tlJc3 .Agrest.d8 CLJg4 .il. el) 6. e) 5. Black wishes to start a fight in bishop to b6 or aS at an opportune the centre and on the kingside momento and is even prepared to sacrifice a 1l.1O.g2 (The pawn is again untouchable: 12.h4 tlJf6 7. 1O . After White's queen has gone to pawn but is ready to deploy his b3. He could have continued with.3 tlJbd7 ielsen .h4+ 13.tlJf2 �e8 13..i. 0 .Davies.tlJh3 1Wg4=t=) 11. pawn on e5 3JiJj3 e4 4JiJg5 j5 5JiJc3 .dxeS dxeS in the game. Black continues with his development and forces his oppo­ nent to clarify his intentions.ixf.e2 (8.CLJxe4 CLJeS 14. Denmark 1988 Black sacrifices a pawn and (game 36).h3!-+) 12 CLJeS+! ••• 7. CLJf6!? 1l.i.cxdS exf3 13.. d6 2. England 2002.b3? White should not be afraid of �g6 lS. 8 ..fxe4 129 ..dxc6 tlJe5 14..Gayson.g3 CLJfxe4 CLJxe4 13. 10 .g2 il.xf3 CLJbd7.1Wb3 1 0 .CLJxe4 il.g3 (11.this is a bit of provocation.CLJfxe4? CLJxe4 el) 6. with tion of Black's queen.i. on the same approximately the same ideas as file as White's CLJb4 17.f3. 16. Black not only protects his e4..c.CLJg3 1WhS 14. brings fresh forces into the battle.e3 o-o 8.ie7 This a natural and strong move.b4 c6 9.CLJbd7 12.ib� Engqvist .g3 The following variations illus­ trate that White cannot capture the e4-pawn without coming un­ der a very powerful attack: 10...cxdS combination is based on the posi­ 12.h4 12.0 9.g2 exf3 pawn .te7 crease his advantage. �xd6 .g2 bxc6 Black's queen goes to the king­ 15. This little out sacrificing a pawn: l1. lS.8:g1 e2) 6. McNab . indirectly protecting the Stockholm 1994. 0 .lLlh3 �f6 14... lLlg4? Leras 2009) 1O .cxdS �f6? Williams - be willing for his f4-bishop and Koshy.) 9.�b2 cS 12.Mchedlishvili.e3 �eS (Black's position in the centre is very solid now and he is about to prepare a queenside offensive.�e2 Wd7 11.cxdS O-O 12 . cS 1l..b3 coming into play. 12 ...b3 lLlc7 pawn-chain? 11.dS cxdS 1l. h6 8.. White possibly lLld7 13. White has fortified his also quite useful on a6 knight on gS.. After 8.�f4 (In general.bS lLlxf4 16. It would be harmless for Black e3 (The f4-bishop prevents for White to play 8.tlJa6 . 0-0 10..b4 lLle6 lS. It is understandable that Black cannot play lLlbd7 with a white knight on gS.lLlfe8 8.�d2.�e2 lLlf6 Black is covering the eS-square 14..b4 lLlc6 12J�lbl. sibility of lLle6. move is quite useful.a4 bS 18..lLlxe4 plan to break his opponent's �g4�) 8 . but what is he sup­ 9..g2 mov.hs �d7 16. Dundee 1996.�e2 White's knight from effectively lLlc7 1O. placed on f4. Philadelphia 1992. be­ O-O lLlg4 .see 8.dS lLla6 9.�g2 (9.hf6 i. a6 saved several tempi? 8 . 12 .�e2 a6 17.b3 lLlc7 13.lLlgxe4 fxe4 13. lLla6 9.Ibragi­ 8. relied on being able to deploy his �d2 lLlf6 16. vacat­ Rowson.xf6 12.lLlf4 lLlg4!? 11. or whether he could have Firt .Chapter 6 lLlxe4 12.lLld1 hbS+ Nemeth - Sanduleac.lLlxdS 7.0-0 O-O 14..O 10 . White should lLlfxdS 13. 13.gxf4 with both his knights.hxgS WxgSco 1O:&d2 O-O 11.. but his knight is So. 8 . ing the f4-square for the knight.lLlh3 �e6 9.) lS.cxbS �a1+ 21.. Szombathely 2003. White.�b2 cxdS 12.�g2 lLla6 9.lLlf4 �e8 14..Blatny.) 7.e3 lLla6 9.�g3 dS (Now this �gS lLlc7 1O.dS lLla6 10.�b2 i.dS (1O.0-0-0 hgS 14. after d6-dS.0 O .) IS.e3 O-O 13. axbS axbS 19J�lxa8 �xa8 20.dS lLlg4.. India 1999) 9 . because of the pos­ 7 c6 . gS-knight to change places. because �xe7 �xe7 12.cS �e6? Jeremic .�d2 O-O 13...0-0 cause his bishop is slightly mis­ O-O 1O. c6 9.d5 posed to do now? How does he If White refrains from playing 130 . h4 have really been useful to �f7 10.lLlh3 the question aris­ but Black has other viable plans in es as to whether the moves g3 and which his d6-pawn stays put.lLlf4 �d7? McNab - bishop on eS.eS IS.i. Rohde . Opava 2000.. �e2 0.c6 11.0.xe4 fxe4 15. 0.xcS 12. Athens Germany 2 001.hf4 0.t>f2 bxa2 c5 14.Nikolaidis.e3 h6 9.b3 ••• cxb4 14.c3 i.b4 0.f4 (After dxc6 bxc6 14.dS exf3 12.11.�e2 b3+ 15.f3 O-O 13. .c6? Uhlmann .ltJh3 ltJf6 10 .g4 The move 7.i.i. 1 think 7.Spiess.Zielin­ ger to enter complications .i. 8.a6 11.f6 this move.d2 c6 9.a3 1998.i.'?9xf1 .d4 d6 2.be6= Pinter .h3 0.Adams. 0.�xf3 Wa5+ 13.f3 cS!?.0.�gS is a more logical move than 7.�bl ltJe5 13.b4 1l i.0..f6 1O.g5 (This is a simple and logical decision.e2 0. A thing more than maintaining the possible continuation is 7.a6 13..hf3 g5co Bellon Lopez .hS 8.f4 is again hann­ less for Black.0-0 0.xe4 14. 0-0 balance: l1. trovasilis .<.e6 lead in development and he is ea­ 19J''!b1 �c6� Radziewicz .ltJf4 ltJc7 15.h3 0.0.f4 exf3 13.f6 17:�c2 �e8 18.g3 1 0 . 1O.e3 place his own pawn on dS.) C2) 6. for example: 7. 0. ska. However. France 1991.c7 i..Galego. 1.c7 12.e7 6.f4 0. until 1l. 0.0. 0. Black's dark- 131 .. Sroda Wlkp 2003.e7 12.a4 M6? Mas­ 16. 0.d7 12.fxe4 0.bxc6 i.cS 1O. C2b) 7..h3 there is a black pawn on dS.xe6 ¡'!xf1+ 17.f4. Black has an obvious 16..c4 e5 3.j3 e4 4JiJg5j5 5. Habana 1997.bS h6! lS.cS!? is hardly sufficient for any­ square is more or less "virtual".0.0. Black will be happy to C2a) 7.. i. White's main idea is to exchange the knight on f6 and increase his control over the dS-square.0. .0.e3 0.e6 16.. The spectacular pawn-break White's pressure against the dS­ 11.hf6 hf6 1O. i.e2 idea of starting an offensive on C2a2) 8. c5 d5 17.te6 and in response to tlJg5 he seems very attractive.) l1.ib2 a5 (This lactic mave.f3 o-o 12.�e2 tlJf6 cal ideas based on the pawn­ 15.) 13. Black wishes to play somewhat straightforward move . . Later he might have tacti­ 12. quickly organize counterplay: 9 .tlJf2 lLlfe8!? (This is plan.b3 tlJe5 1l.Wb3 c6 14. 0-0-0 We7 (Black has seized breaks b7-b6 and then c6-c5. 0 .O kus .Stefanova.g3 hf4 pawn. but it is double-edged. Black transfers The move 9.Wc2 outpost for his knight and can tlJc7 10.Vallejo Pons. �e2 Wh8 (This is a useful prophy­ tlJbd7 1O.e2 O . The following example shows with the idea of later exerting that the plans in this position re­ sorne pressure in the centre and main the same despite the pass­ on the queenside.. Novi Sad 2009. and later continues according to since Black gains access to the e5- circumstances: 8 .Chapter 6 squared bishop is restricted by an interesting manoeuvre: he de­ the pawn-chain so it makes sense ploys his knight on f5. C2a) 7.) cannected with creating 132 .d5 looks very ag­ his knight to c7.0-0-0 d5 1l.td7 18. Caleta 2010. ing of the years.ttJf4 the kingside and just wishes to calmly complete his development.. in order to for him to exchange it for his op­ exert pressure on the enemy e3- ponent's active knight. although will retreat his bishop to g8.c5 tlJf5� Degtiarev opponent's attack along the g-file .. advances d6-d5 gressive.Wd2 b6� Mar­ C2al) 8. He gives up the C2al) 8.td2 tlJa6 9.0 This is not the most ambitious plan for White. Black has another interesting fxe4 fxe4 14.gxf4 tlJd7 13.Wa4 . no longer seems dangerous.) more space in the centre and his 15.tlJg4 tlJd6 16.e3 c6 9. Black's king is the board: 11. solid and White wiIl not easily Ajaccio 2006 (game 37)..�a4 g5 17. �d7f± Black's c6-pawn is weak.. h6.CiJc3 �c7f± ble. CiJb6 13.) 12.) 14.dxc6 bxc6 13.Black's knight on e5 is very pow­ nation is the point of White's erful..Bologan.b5!? It is unusual Meanwhile.c4 eS 3.�xe5 hc5 White's c4-pawn considerably re­ 16.id2 Quick Repertoire section. Black's knight on d5 to find such a wild position in is very strong.�b3 CiJxc6.bxc6 bxc6 13. d5 11.CiJfe2 �c7� Uhlmann .. foIlowed by the trans­ After 1O. here then the position would have pawn . should immediately reduce the 9 .. Bareev . Norwich 1994.bxc6 b5 14.Wid2 �h4 quite safe on h8 and he frees the 13.Agrest.�b2 c5 (If Black plays 12 . while the vulnerability of idea.. while its white competitions between "seniors"! counterpart is idle at the edge of However. The recom­ diately continue with the transfer mendation of the computer pro­ of his queen's knight to e5. dxc4 12. ll . which we have cxd6 hd6 15.Bologan..ciJgSj5 S.bxc6 bxc6 15..CiJf4 CiJa6 . 10.. ) 12. lieve Black's position is prefera­ CiJb5 �d7 15. a5 quent pressure against the d5.d4 d6 2...b3 CiJe5 fer of the queen to f7 and subse­ 12. Braun .b4 d5 1l. Bareev ..1'!c1 stricts his active possibilities.�b3 . with a comfortable game.CiJf4 (It seems that White should play 12.. Dresden 2008. IfWhite 16.see 8..CiJfg4 12.d5 CiJbd7 11.ciJh3 CiJf6 counterplay on the other side of prophylactic move. Black's position is quite the board.Tsesh­ kovsky.Wat­ now plays d4-d5 Black wiIl imme­ son.) 13. this is a The protection of Black's d5- 133 .Wic2 1'!d8 and 1 be­ already analyzed..!Lla6 12 .hc4 a6! 13.CiJf4. with a slight edge.. gram "Rybka" is worth consider­ 1 0 .c5 CiJc4. vía d7.) 14 . wh8 ..CiJg1 g5!? 15.CiJxd5 (This liUle combi­ . tension by 1l ....ciJc3 �e7 6.CiJxd5 15.0-0 Wie7 17.a3 �e8 14. Black obtains the bishop-pair and gains time to or­ ganize his counterplay: 14.b4 a6 16.) 12 .. breach it. As 1 already mentioned in the 1 0 .�d4 �d6 18.c5!? d5 resembled even more the game (Here 13 . This knight-sortie is based on a pawn-sacrifice.f3 ing: 1l.g3 �e7 14.ciJj3 e4 4. Passau 1994. l. Wic7! is stronger: 14. CiJ bd7?! (Black About 9. but White cannot easily aUack it.CiJd1 CiJg6 g8-square for the bishop.h3 CiJ4e5f± Cummings .c5 here.hc4 dxc4 16. .. draw.Chapter 6 pawn relies on tactics: 12.�c4 lLlg4? 14.'?{fxa7 E:xb2 24. completing the a blunder.lLla4 b6 17. otherwise C2a2) 8.Zaichik.h4 for free..hf6 gxf6 22. Barsov . It is clear that White must accept it.�b4 In the variation 13. Or 15.h4 lLlg4 1l..lLlfxd5? dously active and White wiIl hard­ �e6 and White loses his knight ly be able to hold on to his extra because of the pin) 16 . could exchange on f3 and develop '?{fxb5 :1:1f7 20. Du­ �e6 17J''lfc1 h6 18.fxe4 dxe4 17. an immediate crisis. Tash­ 12 ..d6 15.lLlg1 cxd5 13.a3 :1:1ab8 19. :�e7 16.i. tlJc7 13..�d6+ a2-pawn. 9. This is not his bishop to d7.hd6.d5 o-o 1O.hc4 �d6 16. for the initiative. �h1 E:d8 Black 15 .g3 lLle5 134 . cxd5 have been much calmer in the line: 16. for instance he E:b8 17.Mokry. exceIlently in the complications.f4 played quietly.�e2 Watson.ha6 bxa6 :1:1f7+ Black's pieces are tremen­ 15...cxd5 kent 1986. Events would 13 .lLlf4 g5! 16.1Lla4 bai 1986 (game 38).f4 h6 16.tlJa2 has a completely acceptable posi­ White's knight is decentralized tion. There is liule benefit to White 14.tlJf4 tlJa6 Black wiIl double his rooks along (diagram) the e-file and seize the initiative 9.:1:1ac1 �e6 18. although he could also have 14.lLlb5 lLlxb5 19. Dubai for a moment and Black provokes 1986.l'!ac1 14.Hawelko. Germany 1997.fxe4 fxe4 14.�e1 �d6 15. but a pawn-sacrifice development of his queenside.'?{fd1 �f5 18. After 21. Petursson . f4! ? Pinter ..cxd5 '?{fxb7 gb8 23.Nogueiras.�h4 h6 16. '?{fe8 17.lLlf4 dxc4 15.. Black fared b600 Matamoros .fxe4 fxe4 �a6 18.f4 �d6 15J�l:ac1 '?{fe7 16J'k2 16 . Uhlmann - 14.. �h1 :1:1c8. Santa Clara 1996.a4 in delaying this exchange.lLlfe2 (or 16. Wg2 id7 la . So­ !lb1 ll:Jc7 16 .dxe5 Wixf2 20.wf1 g6 and here the 13 ..if6 15 .i.. ..a4 aS+! Lin­ 9 . b4 .see 9.Dittmar..g3 eS !lb1 .0-0 (1O.. Prior to this.wh1 !lg7. the move 11.ll:Jh3 (lt is more principled for him to play 13. 0 .e5 dxe5 19. because the conse­ bility aH the time.. whereas now Black has managed to protect it.ie2 .ll:Jf2 ll:Je6 17.Kharitonov.ia6 19.d5 (With cow 1989. 19... Bremen 1998. g5! 12. then White's knight would naturaHy have gone to h5.c4 e5 3.h4 ll:Jc7 ll:Je8+! Dlugy .id7 16.) 13 .Wid2 .!lgl Wib6 18. 12 .d5 ll:Jc7 11. but after 13 . chi 2008.d5 ll:Jg4 12.ic8 20. my king. Mos­ ...ixf6't Biedekoepper .id2 b6 opponents agreed to a draw.exf6 .ll:Jh3..h6 14..0 1 0 . exf3 13.if6 14. 13. 1O.!lb1 !lfc8 20. .ie2.e2 .ib2 Wie7 17.ie2 O-O 10.bxc5 dxc5 21. since his forces are focused on the ene­ 12 .wh1 ll:Jd7 15.if6. Usti nad Labem 1994.ll:Jxe6 he6 135 .•• d1-h5 diagonal and Black exploits this immediately to eject the ene­ my knight from the centre: 11 .see 10. the g5-pawn was untouch­ able because of the pin.Espig. but 1 think it is easier for Black. Black's counterplay is obviously sufficient for equality..ll:Jj3 e4 4.ie2 g6 13.d4 d6 2.d5 ll:Jg4 .d5 Germany 1991.ll:Jh3 ll:Jf6 h5.. Gasanov .ie7 6.b5 .a3 ll:J c7 11.!lae1 b6 19.id2 O-O 1O.ie2 ll:Je5 14. ll:Jc3 .Wg2 eS 15.h4) 1O .a3 aS 15.ie2 c5 14.wf1 Wie7 18.hh5 g4 15. ll:Jg5.h4 ll:Jc7 11..ll:Jc7 11.1l:Jg1 ll:Jf6+! The position is still approximately balanced..) 11 .id2 b6 17.e4 f4 16. 1O.ll:Jh5. even if he can quences may be unpleasant for reply by exchanging knights on him: 11.g3 ll:Je5 13.f5 5. denmair . l.<M1 ..!lc1 g6 17.Yatsenko.c5 12. ment so he should not play too ag­ White should consider this possi­ gressively. 12.a3 g5!? White is behind in develop­ After the centre has been fixed.f3 gxf3 16.a4 9 . If the pawn had been on f2.b4?! ll:Je6! 12.a3 Wie7 18. 1l.Jansa. ll:Jxh5 14.ig7 18. 15..gxf3 .gxf3 !lf7 14. Babu­ 16.b4 �f6 16 . 9.b4 .f3 White closes the 1 0 �c7 . CJwpl('1' {¡ 1:i.b5 dS 14.cS ltJg4! lS.g3, Shep­ the initiative on the queenside.) herd - Hickman, Port Erin 2000 18.cxbS c4 19.a4 ltJd3+ 20.hd3 and here after lS ...cxbS 16.ltJxbS exd3 21.'\Wc1 ieSgg Illescas - Vladi­ b6, Black seizes the initiative. mirov, Logrono 1991 (game 39). The young Levon Aronian failed to create serious problems for his opponent - the experi­ enced Masha Klinova, who has played this system aIl her life: 11.'\Wb3 E1:b8 12.a4 (Black should not be afraid of 12 ..td2 ltJe6 13.dS ltJxf4 14.exf4 cS lS.hS �d7 16.a4 h6 17.0-0-0 a6 18.B:de1 b6 19.f3 exf3 20.M3, draw, Skembris - Lazic, Verona 200S.) 12 ....td7 13 . .td2 �e8 14.'\Wc2 �f7 lS.b4 ltJe6 16.ltJh3 dS 17.g3 h6 18.cS .thS 12.cxd5 19.hhS ltJxhS 20.ltJe2 '\Wd7 21. It is not good for White to re­ ltJhf4 ltJhxf4 22.ltJxf4, draw, Aro­ capture on dS with the knight, be­ nian - Klinova, Antalya 2004. cause after the exchange of aIl the 1l... cxd5 knights he wiIl have to forget According to the statistics, the about his kingside offensive and move 1l ... ltJd7 is the most popular the unfortunate pawn on h4 wiIl for Black here, but the immediate be under attack by Black's bishop exchange on dS is preferred by on e7. For example: 12.ltJcxdS two of the greatest contemporary ltJfxdS 13.ltJxdS ltJxdS 14.'\WxdS+ chessplayers: Vishy Anand and 'it>h8 lS.id2 �c6 16.0-0-0 ia4!? "Rybka 4". We wiIl analyze this 17.b3 �c6 with an excellent game move briefly: for Black. 11...ltJd7 (This is another ver­ 12 ltJd7 13.g3 ••. sion of an already familiar idea. Black had a very comfortable The knight goes to eS, but not vía position after 13.hS if6 14 ..td2 aS g4, since the e4-pawn would be lS.'\Wc2 ltJcS 16.0-0 �d7 17.f3 bS hanging in this case, but vía d7, 18.ltJd1 b4+ Sorokin - Tseshko­ since Black's other knight is cov­ vsky, Zvenigorod 200S. ering the e6-square. Meanwhile 13 .tf6 14 .id2 .ie5 15Jkl .•. • the h4-pawn is attacked.) 12.hS cS lS. 'it>f1 ltJf6 16. '\Wb3, Salov - 13.b3 .tf6 14 ..tb2 ltJeS lS.'\Wc2 '\We7 Romero Holmes, Madrid 1992, 16.a3 id7 17.b4 bS!? (This is a 16 ... hf4 17.exf4 b6 18.'it>g2 ia6? timely counterstrike. Black does 15 ltJf6 ..• not wish to grant his opponent Black has deployed his pieces 136 l.d4 d6 2.c4 eS 3. liJ.f.3 e4 4.tiJgSj5 S.tiJ c3 i.e7 6. liJh3 liJf6 perfectly and attacks the dS-pawn. liJfd7 11.f3 (White's attempt to 16.,ªb3 \!¡lh8 17.a4 lLla6 18.,ªa3 break in the centre with 11.0-0 i.d7 19.b4 ¡';e8 2 0 .a5 lLlc7 21. lLleS 12.dxc6 bxc6 13.cS did not ,ªb3 a6? Ruban - Anand, Palma turn out well for him after 13 ... de Majorca 1989 (game 40). dxcS 14.i.f4 c4 1S.�c2 i.f6 16.a4 i.e6 17.i.e3 �e7 18.liJf4 i.t7 19.aS C2b) 7.g3 c6 liJbd7'!' Gupta - Lie, Wijk aan Zee 2010.) 11 ...exf3 12.exf3 liJeS 13. iWc2. White covers the d3-square and creates the threat of f3-f4 (Black would counter the imme­ diate 13.f4 with 13 ... liJd3+ 14.@f1 liJeS'!'). 8 ..ig2 After 8.dS, Black can facilitate his defence a bit byplaying 8... 0-0 and if 9.i.g2 there is a transposi­ tion to the variation with 8.i.g2. 1 13 ... 0-0. Black refrained from should like to show you one very capturing the c4-pawn and that original idea for Black. Even if it is seems to be the right decision. Af­ not so appropriate in this posi­ ter 13 ... liJbxc4 14.iWe2 cxdS 1S.f4 tion, you can try it sometimes in a liJg4 16.i.xdS, or 13...liJexc4 14.b3 similar situation ... 8...lLl bd7 9.i.g2 liJaS 1S.liJf4, White would have liJb6 !? (It is also good for him to excellent compensation for the continue in the standard fashion slight material deticit. 14.f4 liJexc4 with 9 ... liJeS, but in this case the 1S.b3 i.f6!? "Rybka" asserts that knight-sortie to the edge of the Black could have waited a bit and board creates concrete problems retreated with the knight to aS, for White. It is also possible for but the "human" desire to sacri­ Black to play 9 ... 0-0 - see 8.i.g2.) tice a piece to exploit the lead in 1O.�b3 (The natural move 1O.b3? development is easilyunderstand­ loses a pawn for White: lO ... cxdS able. 16.bxc4 �e8+ 17.@f1. Now, 11.cxdS liJbxdS! 12.liJxdS �aS+ 13. White's kingside is as if semi-fro­ i.d2 �xdS 14.lLlf4 �f7+ Lazarev - zen. 17...iWe7 18.i.d2 liJxc4::::; Black Gofshtein, Oberwart 1993.) 10 ... has a couple of pawns for the 137 Chapter 6 knight and a powerful initiative, ttJxdS 17.cxdS exf3 18.exf3 :gfc8+t Nikolic - Vallejo Pons, Bled 2002. Lacrosse - Toledano, Cullera 1 should also mention that it 2004) 12 .. J'lc8 13.f3 �aS 14.i.d2 would not work for White to play �b6 1S.i.f4 tLlf7 16.�d2 exf3 17. 19J��e 1?, because of 19 ... �xe1+ exf3 :gce8+t Genutis - M.Socko, 20.he1 ttJe3+. Warsaw 2006. 8. 0 - 0 . . 9 ttJa6 ••• 9.0-0 1 0 .f3 9.�b3 tLla6 10.0-0 �b6 11. 1O.dS ttJc7 1l.f3 (It is too slow �xb6 axb6 12.i.d2 tLlc7 13.f3 dS for White to opt for>h1, be­ 14.cxdS, draw, Sakaev - Jansa, cause Black creates queenside GausdaI 1992. counterplayvery quickly: 11...cxdS 9.i.gS i.e6 1O.b3 dS 11.tLlf4 i.f7 12.cxdS bs 13.b4 aS 14.:gb1 axb4 12.cS e3 13.hf6 exf2+>xf2 1S.:gxb4 id7 16.fí:b1 tLlg4+t Piket - i.xf6 1S.h4 tLld'7+ Ginting - Rome­ Adams, Tilburg 1996 - game 41; ro Holmes, Novi Sad 1990. 11.ltJf4 ltJg4 12.f3 exf3 13.i.xf3 tLleS 9.dS ttJbd7 (After the advance 14.ig2 eS 1S.b3 i.f6+t Dolinskij - of the white pawn to dS, Black has Sanduleac, Eforie Nord 1999; 11. obtained the wonderful eS-out­ a4 aS! ? 12.f3 cxdS 13.cxdS tLla6. post and his knight will go there Black sacrifices a pawn, in return with pleasure.) 10.0-0 tLleS for exerting powerful pressure on (White has evacuated his king White's compromised queenside. from the centre, so the tLl b6 idea 14.fxe4 �b6+ 1S.e3 fxe4 16.tLlf2 is less effective now - Black no tLlcS 17.tLlfxe4 tLlb3 18,l''l a3 tLlxc1 longer has a combination based 19.�xc1 id7 with excellent com­ on sacrificing on dS followed by a pensation for the pawn for Black, check on aS.) 11.b3 i.d7>h1 Galianina - Markowski, Cualcutta (12.f3 �aS 13.�d2 �c5+ 14.�e3 2001.) 11...cxdS 12.cxdS bS 13.a3 �xe3+ 1S.i.xe3 cxdS 16.tLlxdS (l3.b4 aS 14.ia3 tLla6 1SJ��b 1 id7 138 l.d4 d6 2.c4 e5 3. llJj3 e4 4.llJg5j5 5.l1Jc3 1J.e7 6. llJh3 llJf6 16.�d4 llJhS 17J''1fc1 1J.f6 18.�e3 have equal space now and White 1J.eS+ Kleist - Benjamin, Edmon­ cannot reaHy exploit the weakness ton 2000) 13 ...exf3 14.exf3 aS of the eS-square. lS.llJf4 1J.b7 (The pressure against Players who are interested in the dS-pawn ties down White's more complex positions can study forces.) 16.llJe6 llJxe6 17.dxe6 for themselves the main alterna­ �b6+ 18.wh1 dS+! Van Wely - tive for Black here - 1l ... llJc7. Fridman, Liepaya 2004. 12.cxdS 10 exf3 ..• After 12.b3 cS! Black has seri­ "Rybka" 's recommendation ous chances of seizing the initia­ deserves consideration: 10 ... tive right away, for example: 13. �b6!? 1l.llJf4 (or 1l.fxe4 fxe4 and llJf4 dxc4 14.dS cxb3 1S.�xb3 wh8 White cannot capture the e4- 16.1J.b2 c4 17.�c2 (17.�xc4? �b6+ pawn since his knight on h3 is 18.1'!f2 .ic5) 17 ... llJb4 18.�e2 llJd3!+ hanging) 1l ...gS 12.llJh3 h6+! Wilson - Lund, Bolton 1997. 1l.exf3 12 tLlxds 13.tLlf4 tLlac7 14. .• • The recaptures with the bishop 'lWb3 i.f6 ISJ��dl lU'7. Black wish­ or the rook are not at aH danger­ es to exchange on f4 and then de­ ous for Black: velop his bishop on e6. It seems 11.1J.xf3 llJc7 12.llJf4 1'!b8 13.1J.d2 that White is forced to create fur­ llJe6 14.llJxe6 JJ.xe6 lS.b3 dS 16 ..if4 ther simplification. 16.tLlfxdS 1'!c8 17.cS �d7+! Navrotescu - Ne­ tLlxdS 17.tLlxdS 'lWxdS 18.'lWxdS vednichy, Baile Herculane 1996; cxdS 19 .if4 .ie6. Van Wely - • 11.1'!xf3 llJc7 12.1'!f1 .ie6 13.�b3 Adams, Groningen 1995. bS 14.JJ.xc6 hc4 1S.�c2 1'!b8+! Hort - Pirc, Marianske Lazne 1965. White may have a slight edge in this symmetrical position, but 1l dS ••• it is purely symbolic. Black should This is Black's simplest way to be able to make a draw without balance the position. The players too much effort. 139 l"lxc5 l"lxa2 33.d4 d6 2.Ah5 15. 18.cxd5 iUd6 29. 10 .hS bS with c!lJc3 c6 8.d5 hc3 22.cJ.c4 e5 3.�dc2 b6 31.�cdl �ad8 26.g3 Ae7 6.l¿)f3 e4 4.29.cxdS i.e3 c!lJc7 1l. �f6 27..O 9.f6 24.l"lc1 l"lxb7 32.c!lJf3 e4 4.ie2 a5 32.�cl He could have sacrificed the exchange .cJ. but after 30 .�acl .hf6 hf6 2 0 ..Chapter 6 l.�xdl hd5 �xdI 34. They must remain at the edge of the board only to pro­ tect a pawn.h4 c!lJf6 7.c!lJh3 O .h5 h6 19.b3 g6 17.l"lb8 31. Ac6 24.�xc3 Gstaad 1993 It was preferable for White to l.>g2 �t7 16.. Black would have excellent win­ ning chances.�d2 d5 28..>f1 �e8 25. cxb7.�c2 White's bishops are not to be �g7 envied at all.At7 140 .>xg7 he6 13.l¿)g5 f5 Complete Games 34 Bigler Oratovsky 23.Wfxg7+ cJ..d4 d6 2. hxg6 c5 21.�xd5 3 0 .dxc6 l"lxd2 30.i..c!lJxe6 23 .Ac4 �dl 33.. 26 .Ae2 a6 14..Ag5 c!lJa6 chances for both sides. 29 . have captured the other bishop - c!lJg5 f5 5. 23.l"lxfS l"lb2.c!lJf4 c!lJe6 12.c4 e5 3. �e2 fxg4 � f6 41.ie7 It was very good for Black to 7. fxe4 1 0 . White resigned. 27.e3 �a5+ Wxc3 :!'1:ac8 25.i. 35 Bisehoff Sakaev Brno 1992 l.te8 36 . l.f3 � e6 39. Maybe.:!'1:fS+ �g6 4S. nent's checkmating threats and 17 tLla5 18. �f1 :!'1:xa2 51.e6 and ened queenside. 0 . Meanwhile.�d2 . tLlg5f5 34 �b5 .ie3 d5 • 24.tb4+ he may not even castle at d8 and captures the g6-pawn.• Naturally.0 36.i.tLle3 gf3 31..fxe4 tLlxe4 9.e4 e5 2 .•• decided to give up a pawn imme­ After 18. 35 .i.f3 e4 4 .a3 dxc4 18.bxc4 bS.gxf7 d5 .bxc3 �xf7 38.Wb1 gae8 26.gel �g6 29. White was afraid of his oppo­ i...�e2 b5! 17. tLl.hc3! with the idea 24. tLld1 gíB 3 0 . tLlxe4 19.:!'1:e6 :!'1:b2 S2. but after 17.g2 Wa5+ 19.:!'1:h5 �g7 49..g2 later he retreats with his rook to .tc5 Wg5+ 26. 35 .ia4! 32.tLlg5 e6 6.d2 Wb6 20 .J. �h3 :!'1:e1 44.. but his position remained superior and he broke gradually his opponent's defence anyway.if7 hf7 37.if6 2U�he1 c3!? 22. �b3 h5 He overlooked the possibility to finish the game off with a single strike. �g2 :!'1:d3 47.�a3 �d6 33.:!'1:xb6 a4..g4 fxg4 40. all.ie4 • him was to opt for 17.id2 �f5 13.tLlf2 O ..c4 e5 3 .:!'1:e5 �f6 48. diately..td5 3S.35J''lb 2 and only after bare..exd4 tLle6 16 .xe4 dxe4 2 O .:!'1:eS :!'1:d2+ 50.•• 4.d4 e4 5. � b1 12 .Yba4 gxe3 34.tLle2 .g3 • :!'1:xf2 and he wins.:!'1:d5 :!'1:xe3+ 46.0 ..ie5 28.tLlf3 f5 23 gfe8 .O 1l. it is risky for White It is more precise for Black to to evacuate his king to the weak­ choose 34 .e5 141 .d4 d6 2. 18 .:!'1:f2+ �g5 42..tLlh3 ..e4 b6 25.tLld4 ga3 35..tLlxe4 play 23 . �d7 23.c4. he had better White's king ends up completely wait a bit .b3 dxc4 19. the least of evils for 35 .. J'le1 reply with 36.i.f3 tLlf6 8.tc3.gd2 .�e2 e5 14. �g3 :!'1:g1+ 43. exd4 15.e8 i..tLlc3 d6 3. ie4 . e4.llJc3 llJf6 6.�e1 18.id7 The knight was untouchable because of 18 .o 8 .• Black should have got rid of 142 .e3 o .e4 e5 3.�xd3 "ifle7 2 0 . Black resigned.e4 g4 27.�e3 �d738.ie6 21. his queen.f3 . White resigned. llJg5 f5 5. .c5 d5 14. in a position with material equality. �xe5 19.d4 d6 2. .e5 �d8 33. llJxd5 llJxd5 15 .O �e7 17.d4 d6 2. White loses 21.d5 llJbd7 1 0 .�d1 llJb4 17.<i>e2 llJxd3 12.<i>d2 �e8 14.�e4+ <i>g8 �e2 a5 39."iflxf4 .... tyd1 19 .�d6 �e6 31.�xf3 o . ..ie7 7.ie8 25.�d2 .id4 .if4 .."iflg5.�e1 <i>h7 36.if6 23.exf4 �fd8 23. �xd5 37.llJf3 e4 4.�e3 "ifla3 34.�xe6 he6 pawn: 36.if6 4 0 . �hd1 . 1 0 .g3 .llJh3 .. .�ae1 llJe5 15.ixe5 he5 16. tye2 "ifle6 27 f3 28.e4 e5 3.llJb3 �f7 38.he5 .e3 exf3 7.o 1l .id3 llJg4 12. 32.id6 18.ih4+ 13.�d1 a4 37. l.h4 h5 29.ig5 llJa6 9..hd5 hd5 After 27.igS. "ifla5 35. O . 18 .llJh3 llJf6 llJg5 f5 5.ib2 a5 .ie2 e6 9....ixf4 22.�xe4 .Chapter 6 White cannot capture the .ig7 3 O .dxe6 bxe6 13.�e1 f4! 26.b3 �e8 White's king is stranded in the centre.ie6 2 0 .llJf4 .<i>f2 g5 24. 36 Danielsen Davies 37 Bareev Bologan Denmark 1988 Ajaccio 2006 l.dxe5 dxe5 16.llJf3 e4 4. 22. Black has a tremendously powerful initiative.ltJxbS i'fifb4+.�b1 36 .<i>f1�e739.llJg1 .llJe3 e6 8 .b3 llJe5 11 .ie7 6. .�xa2? :gxf1+ 26.�c3 h4 34. Black resigned.hxg3 �xg3+ and he has a perpetual check.gd2 �e8 32. 143 .�f3 e4 4.xh4. but Bareev decided to play more cautiously 3 0 �h5 31.hxg3+ 36.te5 h6 25.�c3 �g6 i.�xg3 �g6 4 0 . .gg3 �f7 47. i.e6 22.e3 c6 8.. �e3 �f7 41.a4 �e7 16.0 �h8 1 0 . tLlxf4 with the following exempla­ ry variation: 17.ikdl gg8 28.gg1 gh4 42.hg4 �g8 27.mxf1 �g5. 18.d1 hg3 28..te5 �h5 h3 g5 27. .f4 gh5 It was more resilient for Black 17.tLlh5 (18.. 38JMl gxg3 39.d2 �c7 13.hh3 tion would not be a bed of roses.d4 d6 2..) 25 .d6 15.f3 d5 11..c4 e5 3.exf4? in view of 17 .te7 6. gh5 43.'�c2 g4 23.�b3 �a6 12..:gxf8+ (Black is bet­ ter after 25.�a2 f4 Now.. hh5 i. tLlxh5 19..i. l.b3 :gf8 25. and on the next move.�g3 24.tiJj3 e4 4 JiJ g5f5 his weak pawn by playing 23 .f6 �h5 49. 38 Pinter Mokry Dubai 1986 l.hf3 g4) 18 .c4 e5 3.fxe4 :gxf1+ 20.d4 d6 2.�xf8 26.. with approximate equality .• �xa5 The time for the pawn to be captured has arrived at lasto 32 h5 33.�c3 . although even then his posi­ 17.�c3 gh4 44. i.O 9 ..cxd5 cxd5 14. �g5 f5 5..gfel �h7 26.gg7+ �h6 46.fxg5 ••.�f2 to defend with 35 .i. gxg5 35.�h2 gacl i. 0 ..te2 O . 29.:gxf1 dxe4 21. tLlh3? exf3 19.�h3 �f6 7.g7+ �h7 48.gxh3 tLle6.i. 3 0 . but it was obviously stronger for him to choose 17..g3 ha2 24..fxg3 It is not good for White to play :gh5..g5 18. White could have captured the a5-pawn. a4.g3 gaf8 45. g3 c!lJe8 23.%Yf2 24.Wc4 l'l:xf2!? 24. 4.@d2 c!lJf6 24.VIadimirov It deserved attention for Black Logrono 1991 to play 17. but finally his king has ended up in the centre. 1.ie5 22 .txf4 ixf4 %Ye7 16. fxe3 39 Illeseas .b4 b5 18.h4 c!lJa6 10 .1. His extra pawn is practically im­ material.O 9..@xf2 . since Black will regain it soon.llxf3 ! 23.h5 .. 21. White tried to attack on both sides of the board.'�gl %Yf7 26.c!lJh3 e6 18.%Ye2 ••.ie2 c!lJe7 1l.ag1 a6 White resigned.l'l:c2 dxe4 with initiative.a3 .c!lJf3 f5 the issue.c!lJg5 .tg4 he would still need to prove the correctness of his concept. while after 22. play simply 19 . exb5 e4 19.ab8 27.'Llc3 dxe4 23.@gl c!lJg3 exd3 21...if6 15.d4 e4 5..@g2 . If White gives up his b4-pawn.ie7 6..• c!lJe2+ f3 1.c!lJf4 O .fxe4 7.c!lJc3 d6 3.d5 c!lJd7 12...ib2 • 19 hh2+?! ••• This sacrifice is rather dubi­ ous. without forcing 1.he3 c!lJh5 19.%Ye1 .e4 e5 2.hd3 2 0 . Black finishes the game off spectacularly..a4 c!lJd3+ 2 0 . 22.if3? After this move.Chapter 6 17. It was preferable for him to 13 e5 14.@xh2 %Yh4+ 21.gxf3 .fe8 25. 'Llf4 20 .b3 • c!lJe5 13 . 144 .id7 17. 22 .td7!?.ih3+ .e3 c!lJf6 8. \Wg2 .gg3 ge6 48. éiJj3 e4 4.ie8 51.ie5 15.d4 d6 2.. gxg6 56.f5 his king wiIl he endangered.\!�'b3 'í!lh8 17.d4 d6 2. .ie8 6 O . . 33.hxg6 material.ie2 llJe7 1l.ie6 61 .ie3...llJxd5 \Wxd5 35.g1g2 . llJg5 f5 5..gxh6 'í!lf8 57.exd5 12. l. He ggl .gh3 'í!lg8 55.gel gbe7 32.gg3 must therefore return the extra gaa6 54.gc1 llJf6 ge6 4 0 . .'í!ld4 'í!ld6 63 .llJf4 .a5 llJe7 21.ggxg6 28. . Black now wins a pawn.id2 .ie8 gxg6 58.gf2 \Wg5 43. .g3g2 ga8 53.llJe3 llJf6 6.if6 3 0 .a4 llJa6 18.O 1 0 .�h4 h6 39 .e3 llJa6 8.llJf3 e4 4. 'í!lfl llJe5 27. hut White huilds up a solid defensive line on the dark squares. ..gg2 gg8 46.ih4 .b4 ge8 2 0 ..ie3 llJb5 25 .ie4 \We8 23.ie5 .id4 g3 .if7 52. Draw 40 Ruban Anand Palma de Majorca 1989 l.éiJg5.id2 .id4 .llJh3 e6 7.. 49 .id7 19.ial 62.'í!le3 \Wf8 41.ie7 9.e4 e5 3. gxf4 'í!lh7 45.a5 ..llJee2 llJg4 47.if6 26.he3+ It is inconceivahle that White can improve his position.d5 32 .gegl \Wb3 a6 g6 22 .ib7 36.id7 50 .ghfl \Wf7 1l .\Wh2 axb5 29.h4 O . .ie8 24 .exd5 llJd7 13..gxg6 hg6 59 . 37.if6 14..gh2 �xf4 44.�h3 gb7 31.�h2 d5 38.\Wa3 42.\Wf4 �e7 16.'í!lg2 145 .iel 'í!le7 .c4 e5 3.he3 llJxd5 34.. tractive trick here 44..fxg4 45. gxc8 gxc8 36. For example: 44 .bxc6 45. Black would have seri­ ous problems.t>g2 g5 43.. instead ofthe seemingly attractive move in the game.g4? 28.ltJc6!. Now.Chapter 6 ually organizes a dangerous king­ side offensive. or 44 .ea2 ee5 29. :�f7.ec2 ef6 42.ltJ2f4!.h5 After 43.edl <.1Mfxc4 Elc8.h:b5 h:b5 White could have tried an at­ 3 0 .hxg5 hxg5 44.en during his younger years Vishy Anand often played very quickly and rather superficially. threatening h5 and ltJg6+.Val �e5 35.gc3 g6 41..t>g6..td3 34.. Anand grad- 146 .<.t>gl h6 39..hf6 exf6 32..tc4 37J�a4 en 38.Vxe4+ <. for example..t>gl bxc6 46.<. Black's threats along the h­ 27 �f3?! .<.t>gl <. it was much stronger for him to have opted for 27 .�2d4?! Centralization is the panacea for almost everything in chess! After 33.<.Elxc4 ltJxc4 30. 44.<. 44.. Black has the initia­ tive.t>h8 46. �xf5 �f3+ ! 49. Here.Elxc4 cS. It is a well-known fact that 43 .1Mfxc4.tc3 ee7 31. ltJd3 45.. which �e6 gg8 seems to be sufficient to save the game.<.• file are almost decisive.t>h7 4 0 .t>g2 �h4+ 33. 33 .gcl .Vf5 exf5 48.. eyeing the .Elxc4 ltJxc4 46...t>gl g3! 47. enemy d5-pawn. After for in­ stance 28Jk2 Elxc4 29. 1.d4 d6 2.c4 e5 3. 0,./3 e4 4.0,g5j5 This is a very rare case of a double atlack with a knight against a king and another knight... 5 0 .�xg3 After SO.tL:lxh4 .bdS+, White loses his rook, so he must give up a piece. 5 0 ...�xf5+ 51.�h2 �e7 52. e4 i.e2 53.gxc8+ �xc8 54.�g3 hh5 55.�d8 b6 56.f4 bxa5 �b5 22.g4 �h4 23.�g5 �d4 57.bxa5 �g7 58.e5 i.f7 59.fxg5 It was obviously even stronger hxg5 6 O .exd6 �xd6. White re­ for Black to play 23 ... 0,a3 24..ba3 signed. �xa3 2S.0,e4 \Wxg4 with an edge. 24.�e4 �a2 25.�e6 �e2 26.i.f4 �xf4 27.gxf4 i.e5 28. 41 Piket Adams �xf8 �xf8 29.�f3 i.b5 3 0 .h3 Tilburg 1996 1.d4 d6 2.c4 e5 3.�f3 e4 4. �g5 f5 5.�c3 i.e7 6.�h3 c6 7.g3 �f6 8.i.g2 �a6 9.d5 O - O 1 0 . 0- 0 �c7 11.�h1 cxd5 12. cxd5 3 0 ...i.d3?! Black loses his advantage with this move, whereas after 30 ... �a3 31.\Wf2 \Wxf2 32.�xf2 �d3 33.�d1 �c3 White would have great prob­ lems restraining his opponent's 12 ...b5 13.b4 a5 14.gb1 passed pawn. axb4 15.gxb4 i.d7 16.gb1 �g4 31.\Wxd3 i.xf4 32.tyc4 \Wf2 (diagram) 33.tyc8+ �e7 34.tyc7+ �e8 17.f3 exf3 18.exf3 i.f6! 19. 35.�c8+ �e7 36.tyc7+ �e8. fxg4 .ixc3 2 0 J�'c2 b4 21.gxf5 Draw. 147 Chapter 7 1.d4 d6 2.c!iJf3 Quick Repertoire for example the Saemisch, or the Four Pawns Attack). Generally speaking, all you would need to do is read half of the book "The King's Indian. A Complete Black Repertoire" by Victor Bologan for you to have an excellent reper­ toire for Black! However, it would not be fair for me to treat my read­ ers in this fashion, since in this monograph I have promised to After he sees this move played provide a universal defence for on the board, an optimist might Black after l.d4 d6. Therefore, think "Hmm, this guy is afraid of here we shall analyze an interest­ my encyclopaedic knowledge of ing and original system, which the lines after 2.c4 eS, so he is try­ will certainly surprise your oppo­ ingto avoid an opening dispute ... ". nent and will force him to find This assumption is not justified new ways of treating the position, however, since according to the without being able to apply his statistics the moves is en­ usual positional criteria. In addi­ countered about 50% of the time tion, you will master it much fast­ (the difference is less than 1%), so er than even half of the rather Black must be well-prepared to complex King's Indian Defence. fight against the text move! 2 ig4!? ... I believe that Black's main According to the Mega Data­ achievement after 2 .tt:lf3 is that he base, this move was played for the can now transpose to the King's first time in the game Tartakower Indian Defence, having avoided - Spielmann, Nordwijk-aan-Zee several dangerous systems, in­ 1938. This is possibly why this cluding sorne where Black must system has been named in several know the theory in detail (such as, sources as the Tartakower system. 148 l.d4 d6 2. t;J.f3 i,g4 It seems more logical, however, to name it in honour of Rudolf Spielmann, a true champion of the King's Gambit and various other interesting opening innova­ tions. It has another popular name as well - the Wade system, afier an English master who ofien (not always successfully though... ) played the move 2 . .i,g4 at the be­ . ginning of the '70s of the last cen­ What is the idea behind the tury. In Jorni Yrjola's and Jussi early bishop-sortie? First of all, Tella's book "An Explosive Chess Black wishes to exchange on f3 Opening Repertoire for Black" the and compromise his opponent's �g4 section is entitled "The pawn-structure. This does not Hodgson Variation", because the seem to be such a dangerous English grandmaster Julian Hod­ threat, however, since White will gson elaborated on the ideas of obtain the bishop-pair and quite Robert Wade and achieved excel­ easy development, but still this lent practical results with it. Later, idea will be permanently on another Englishman, Anthony Black's agenda in this variation. Miles, was absolutely brilliant As a rule, afier this exchange, with this variation; it is clear that original, non-standard positions this system was well suited to his arise and a less experienced oppo­ fighting spirit (Miles used to be nent may easily go astray afier characterized as "a cat that hunts sorne strategical mistakes. alone" ... ), so that with this varia­ Black has another idea too - to tion he ofien won games in which deploy his central pawns on the his position was at best equal and light squares: e6, d5, and ofien c6 sometimes almost lost. Maybe it as well. Then we reach a peculiar would be most appropriate to type of a French Defence pawn­ name this system the Wade - structure in which the "bad" bish­ Hodgson - Miles, or simply the op on cS is already outside the English variation of the Queen's pawn-chain. Naturally, Black has Pawn Opening. 1 am not inclined other plans in reserve too. For ex­ to complicate your lives with my ample, he can place his bishop on opinion about this. This introduc­ g6 in order to exert pressure tion has become a bit too long, in against White's centre and pro­ any case, so it is high time we vide his king with additional pro­ dealt with the theory. tection. 149 Chapter 7 White has numerous possibili­ 3 ••• c6 ties as well. Chapter 8 is devoted to the move 3.tLlbd2, Chapter 9 to 3.e4 and Chapter 10 to 3.c4. Here we will analyze sorne other plans, which are played only seldom in practice. 3.tYd3 Out of all the "second-rate" moves I like this one the best. White prevents the doubling of his pawns on f3, creates the sim­ ple threat of �bS+ and, in addi­ tion, his queen is quite well placed Black defends against the check on d3, contributing to the prepa­ from bS and opens the way for his ration of queenside castling. queen to go to the queenside. Black has nothing to complain 4.lDc3 lDf6 5.e4 e6 about after the modest move 3.e3, Black wishes to push d6-dS and for example: 3 ... e6 4.c4 tLld7 (in toenteragood version ofthe French order, after �b3, to protect his Defence with his light-squared b7-pawn with the rook from b8) bishop already developed on g4. S.tLlc3 fi.e7 c6 7.dS (other­ 6.h3 �h5 wise Black will place a pawn on dS himself) 7... eS 8.dxc6 bxc6 with chances for both sides. In response to 3.g3, Black can carry out his main idea - doubling his opponent's pawns: 3 ...�xf3 4.exf3 e6 S.i.g2 dS 6.0-0 cS. First he fixes the enemy d4- pawn and then he atlacks it. After 7.c3 cxd4 8.cxd4, White's d4- pawn is isolated from its neigh­ bours and may become a real weakness in his camp, while after 7.�g5 (In practice White often 7.dxcS hcS 8.c4 tLlf6 9.f4 tLlc6 blunders a pawn here after the 1O.tLlc3 dxc4, Black obtains a com­ trick: 7.g4 fi.g6 8.tLlh4? he4!) 7 ..• pletely acceptable game in a posi­ i.e7 8 . 0 - 0 - 0 d5. Black's coun­ tion with a symmetrical pawn­ terplay is sufficient to maintain structure. equality. 150 ) 12.tLlc5 ic8 6.ªxb3 8.g4 Step by Step tLlh5�..e3 early and Black's queen attacks C) 3... ih4 c5 6. the tLle4 d5 5. be that the following moves were Moscow 1996. 7..tLlf1 ie6 did this position c3 (4.tLld3 tLlf6 possible consequences of a natu­ (There may arise an interesting ral developing move . !" Black's hands that he wished to circle the entire are completely free for creative board with his knight. this maneuver is much ter 9) and 3.axb3 a6 9. variation with sorne second-rate 3.g3 has abandoned the queenside B) 3. wiIl begin studying the i.c4 (Chapter 10). Piankov . Black's kingside weak­ nesses are practicaIly immaterial.ig3 arise? The first impression may ig7 7. because it is not good for White to foIlow with the undermining move h2-h4: in that case.tLld3!? tLlf6. 3.tLlbd2 tLlgf6 1O. Black wiIl take the bishop on g3..Chapter 7 1. 151 .. forcing recapturing fxg3.ªb3 .g7� Piankov .ig5.tLlbd2 h6 5 . WeIl.�f3 J.e4 played l. This bishop-sortie be­ • man is famous for his quite origi­ longs to the series "Play and let nal ideas and this time it seems others play too .. France 200l.h6 4.tLlbd2 (Chapter 8).d4 d5 2.) 7.�d3 the b2-pawn.3 .d4 d6 2.. Se e. for example.Vorotnikov.. stronger.ªb6 (This is a typical maneuver: White's bishop on el A) 3.. after which White's king shelter wiIl be com­ promised considerably. dom-chess"! Grandmaster Lev Gut­ 3 .ig3 White's main lines here are tLlh5 (After the queens are off the 3.) 3 ..c3.c!LJg5 (This looks like "ran­ moves.id3 g5 11.tLld7 4.Lupu.) 4 .e3 .. inventions.e4 (Chap­ board..h6 5.tLl3d2 as usual. We. tLlgf6 8. enigma .ih4 g5 6 . Hickl..Wb3 o-o 12. but still. that is the only l:'!e1 e6 (Sooner or later. wasting tempi nent's pawns. I do not understand the logic of this move.Bocharov. Now. because White can hard­ ly create any meaningful threats against Black's king.Schlindwein. Now.c3 ttJbd7+t knight. anyway.) 6. Black builds up a pawn-chain in since he does not need any prepa­ the centre.Wc2 exf4 14.. Black leads in development. then he 4. he wiIl try way for White to activate his bish­ to exchange his doubled pawns. l:'!bS 13.i. Black has the d5 cxd5 S.i.this winning a pawn and in the mean­ cannot be dangerous for White. I have al­ ready mentioned that Black is ready to trade his bishop for the 7. the game is within the frame of ap­ proximate equality. then Black sure on the queenside . Alten­ kirchen 2001.�xf3 4.ttJc3 ttJf6 7..12 ..0-0 �g7 7.�f4 ttJe7 9. This provocation is ab­ solutely unnecessary. Black f4-f5.e5 he5 10.c4 c6 (At first. On the other hand.e7 11.White is busy.) 11.f4 c5+t Ko­ lesnikov .gxf3 e6 5. If White wishes to play e2-e4. wishes to transfer his knight to c4 152 .h3. so Black should better try to pre­ i.xf4 Wb6 15J:'!b1 l:'!fcSgg Schoene vent in advance the pawn-break .f4 ..Wb3 ttJbd7!? opportunity to double his oppo­ .�d3 g6 6. time Black wiIl calmly complete but if he had started with e4 and his development and exert pres­ played ttJc3 only later.Wxb7 would not have that possibility.a5 �f5 9.1O. ration for that. Still. Bad Ragaz 1993. 3. It is not easy to un­ derstand why White's knight should be better placed on d3 than on f3? In addition. I wiIl repeat . this move is not so risky.hf3 Gutman .g5 (7. 3.lLlc3.this is an­ 3 .. ops . should better do it immediately.) 5. 3 .cxd5 e5 9.) S. it is evident be wise for White to open files that White's knight on c3 is doing while Black leads in development? nothing. Sochi 2006.Chapter 7 why is Black's pawn on h6 then?) dxe5 O-O (The dark squares on Black's kingside are vulnerable indeed.a4 c6 S. i.exf3 d5 (This is an ex­ other arguable momento Would it ceIlent idea. square.eS of his bishop.g3 g6 . Black 13. d6 etc. ) S. ttJf3 . Tbilisi 3. Belgrade 1993. The position is with bination: 11. White has slightly more space and a bishop-pair.. Czestochowa 1992) 5 .0-0 o-o 11.) S .ii..Wd3 c6 . (The knight can go to fS from this ttJbd2 e6 7.ixb7 l"1b8 1S..e3 ttJbd7 9:�c2 WaS lOJ'1g1 a600 Glavína ..c3.e7 8..bg6 hxg6 14. ttJe7 1O.ie7 8.ttJd2 ig7 9. ig6 10. Buenos Aires 1988.hS 7.Wc2 ihS 9.te7 8. Jyvaskyla tects the pawn and its pride is just 1991. 0-0 9.thS ploiting the fact that White's 7. 153 ..if4 ttJgf6 6.ie3 WaSf2 Ra­ here..tg4 vía eS and fortify his bind on the flank.h3 .ttJf3 ie7 .ttJg3 ig6 12. his king may castle on both sides already familiar exchanging com­ of the board.if3 4.e4 dS 11.ttJbd2 (S.g3 e6 7.c3 Wc7 12...f4 ttJd7 (The French Defence is welcomed 7.exf3 e6 S. should try to prevent the pawn­ l"1xe4 cS: Karpov .ixe4 ixe4 15.Salov.h3 (6.ttJbd2 e6 6.l"1ae1 cSf2 Aleksandrov - (Black exploits the fact that the Agrest. khalashvíli .) 9.ttJh4 deed.Shanava.ih2 Wd2 ttJbc6 9. is trying to prolong the diagonal O-O o-o 9. The fight is raging aH over the entire board.g2 ie7 8.c3 aggressive.ig2 c6 11..Kuporosov.i. !) 11.8. pressure against the d4-pawn. but Black leads in development and his pawn-struc­ ture is more flexible.d4 d6 2. ttJd7 the habitual scheme .d3 ig6 1O.h4 exd4 12.igS ttJd7 4.Har-Zví.Vaulin...g6 6.ii.) 7.g4 ig6 8.ttJh4.6.. ex­ 4. l.) 11.id3 (S.e4 .ttJf1 eS 9.cxd4 ttJe8 12.. Sakadin ttJxg6 hxg6 1O.Wd1 a6f2 Char­ ttJf5f2 Fancsy .we have already made again .h3 O-O 11.c3 eS l"1c8 1S.ttJg3 queen has been decentralized. Alma­ break f4-fS ..a4 cS 1O.ixe4 12. Trier 1989. complications in the centre. Pardubice 1997 and 12.0-0 dS 12.l"1e1 c6 1O.. This move is possible in­ 2007) 6 .King.xe4 ixh4 14.dxeS dxeS 13.. He wishes to provoke h6.Rubi­ netti. dSf2) 8 .ie3 ig7 7.ttJf3 4.id3 ii. but 1 think White should eS!? (Black could have followed play more aggressively.l"1e1 ttJc7 13.e4 ttJgf6 S.ttJf1 dS mind the check on bS! ..see 3.ttJxe4 ttJxe4 14. exdS ttJxdS 13.igS h6 .Wb3 l"1b8 (Black's rook pro­ cSf2 Hakulinen .ttJe2 Wd7 1O.if4 dxe4 comments about this move..0-0 o-o 11. In addition. (diagram) but the move in the game is more 4.e6. 13. 3 . Black had to foHow with the dosevíc .ig2 Ata 1995.ttJc3 ttJe7 ignored . move d4-dS is impossible and he ttJgf6 6.0-0 (8.ttJxe4 ttJxe4 chances for both sides.. in order to increase the ii.) 8. !fb3 and to attack the b7- ka .) the protection of the pawn on b7.Schebler.g7 wiIl have problems later develop­ 7...h6 (White wiIl weaken the dark­ 4 . scheme of development and Black 154 . Black exchanges move.. then the placement of White's bishop on f4 wiIl be justified.e7 6. O-O O-O 11. Seel ..'¡!. After 4.c3 c6 5..g6 9.) 10 .exf3 tUf6 squares..) 7.hg6 hxg6 12.i.!fh5 13.!fd7= Wojtaszek .d3 g6 6.'¡!..!fc1?! e5! (Black makes ing his queen's rook.hd4 tUc6 11.!fd2 c6 8.. otherwise. 4.hh6 11.e3 5. Black frees the Now..!fa5 12.e3 ent 14.e3 exd4 1O .Hort. Black would be reluctant to '¡!.d3 O-O? drawbacks too.e6 4. c2-c4.!fe3 (Or 13.!fc8 has sorne fi.c4 bishop.mb1 '¡!..e4 tUbd7 6. for example. Main­ play '¡!...tUbd2 fi.c4.b3 i. �d7 squared complex in Black's posi­ The early development of the tion with this exchange.Chapter 7 3 . draw. pawn. tUd7.d3 tUf6 7. 9.0-0 fi..!fc7 1O.tf4. Cala White has chosen a calm Galdana 1996. Germany 1993. 4.'¡!. on f3 and fianchettoes his other 3 . White has the possibility to ..h5 8.�c3 . This is just an indiffer­ A) 3.g7 9. 12 .tUc3 g6 (Ifhe wishes to deploy his cen­ tral pawns on light This is a solid but harmless In response. After comes terribly weak as weIl.xf3.'¡!.0-0-0 fi. he 4.gxf3 tUf6 5.!fc2 i.c3 O-O 8. 3 .) 13 .'¡!. White's bishop on d3 is b8-square for the rook and from hanging and Black inflicts a pow­ there it wiIl cope perfectly with erful strike against the centre.!fg7?! E:f8 and reply with b7-b6. but the bishop to g4 has naturaIly weak­ f4-square in his own camp be­ ened a bit Black's queenside. he White's queen may never ron would compromise his light away from its exile..'¡!.fi. The move '¡!.te7 '¡!.i.a3 tUbd7.a4 '¡!.!fc7 10.i.Guseinov.. Ger­ many 2006.!fxh6 '¡!. use ofhis opponent's imprecision. ih5. Zueger . . trary.h3 .ig2 In the next game. famous for their wild im­ bishop on e7 is very useful. now Black is reluctant to exchange on f3.ªa4 . looks like the further simplifica­ tions are unavoidable. Portisch . be­ agination. Reykjavik 1988. The nents.Speelman. . e5 8. .lLlxe4 lLlf6 15.0-0 a6 8..Miles.exf3 e6 . g6-square free for an eventual re­ treat ofhis light-squared bishop.ie3 �gf6� Korchnoi . g4 . Black would have placed a pawn on d5.ib2 d5. It 3 hf3 4.i:f5 1l.f4 eS 7. the pawn on he2 11:�xe2 o-o 12.ig6 8. 7.ªc8 1 0 .lLlj3 . 5 .dxc6 bxc6.e4 . 6 . f4 and to advance f4-f5 at the first lLlcxe4 lLlxe4 14.ig4 does not need to fianchetto his .. l. ingenuity: 5.ie2 6.ih7 1O .h3 .h4 h6 9.f5!? 155 . If that game had continued. .h4 d5 6. Naturally.h5 ..d4 d6 2. On the con­ 12 . he should better leave the Horgen 1994 (game 42). opportune momento draw.d5 White understands that his 7.ig6 dark-squared bishop. B) 3.B:fd1. draw.e4 dxe4 13. 9. Graz 1993.b3 lLlgf6 9 .�xd3 lLlgf6 12.Lau.id3 hd3 11. The prospects of both sides would be about equal indeed. or c7 and castled long..B:g1 c6 13 . opponent intends to exchange on Black deploys his pawns in an al­ f3 and he plans the following set­ ready familiar fashion..g3 6..lLld2 up: the bishop on g2.. organized a contest in cause it protects the d6-pawn.. both oppo­ 7 . developed his queen to b6.c6 7. 1O.id2. 0-0 O-O 1l.This is an attempt to weaken a bit his opponent's light squares.l':1e1 position is very solid. Dresden 2010.. White has greater O-O d5 .. Bindrich - Wic7 12. 1l . exd5..a4 lLle7 10..Chapter 7 exf5 8 .0-0 4:lge7 10.ta3 E:e8 13. . There arose 5 .. Miles.Wixd5 lLlc6 8. 6.. Wic2 c5+! Black obviously got tired 6 . but Black's lLld7 9. E. .. it would be harmless for him if 1l.tg2) 7.. Black is reluctant to allow the exchange on e6.Atalik - created real tension in the centre.�b5 Wid7 9.�xe4 (game 43).0-0 g 6 8.tg7 1l..�c3. Chalkidiki 2010.dxc5 0-000 Gutman . 6.0 6.e4 �f6 of this "cat and mouse" game and 9.lLld2 �g7 9.lLle5 lLlf5. As it often happens in this system.td2 E:fd8 14.d5 a relatively standard position with an isolated pawn. Naturally...E:e1 lLld7.lLlf3 lLle7 1O.d5 . Rozentalis.bxc6 12. e5 7. 10 ••• Polugaevsky .hc6.tg7 8.tf6 13. 5. Biel 1990 dxe4 l1J�/a4 O-O 12.0-0 lLlf6 10.f4 g6 .tg5 . White is trying to keep his opponent's king in the centre.lLlf3 E:ac8 13 . 0 .. E:e1 . New York 1989. 14. Black's And then: knights hide behind his pawns. Tischbierek.c3 scope for movement..dxe5 he5 8..tg2 c6 7.b3 O-O 12 . but this attempt is parried easily by Black.Miles.lLlc3 O-O+! Bonin .f4 c6 7. Germany 1986.f4 �e6 1 0 ..Miles.tb5+ lLlc6 9.Wie4 156 .iWe2 �b4 6. because his pawn there would be quite vulnerable....Black is building his pawn-wall.te7 1l. except that the absence of white pawns on g2 and h2 provokes a strange feeling.see 5 . iWd4 13. 7.lLld2 (7.Wid2 lLlf6 White plays 6 . .. Contrary This position is also very inter­ to that opening however.. in­ absolutely no theory and the play­ stead of on c8). in reply to the natu­ the threat b4-b5) 12.b4. 4.e3 1'l:c8 (defending against For example.d4 d6 2.'!Wd2 a5� Blasko - Sergeev. at least due to the fact that light-squared bishop is placed (after only three moves! ) there is much more favourably (on g4. White will play 5.e4 There arise positions with (Chapter 9).. he really won a tempo by attacking the en­ emy queen.h3 �d7 13. a5 14. will show you several exemplary exd4 1O. �e7 8.. In addition. 12. Black prevents the check on b5.) 6.�b2 a6 11. I queen on d3 looks awkward..0-0 O-O 9. 9 .�g2 ltJgf6 analogous pawn-structure in the 6.g3 tLlgf6 6. l.ltJbd2 d5 7..d5 ltJc5. tLlh7 exchanging his enemy dark­ Black wishes to prove that his op. he 157 .see 3.0-0 �e7 9.ltJbd2 (7. At the end.. 4.Jos­ ment. well placed and creates the threat of a double attack. but it has sorne more Okhotnik. serious positional justification. Black's esting.h3 �h5 5:�b3 W1b6 (Black is 13 . h6.see 4.. Cappelle la Grande 2000. Indian Defence as well. Varga . squared bishop..c4 ltJd7 5.1'l:b1.tLlc3 C) 3. 4. while White's ers must use their own brains. Hungary 2006. b3-square.c4 e5 . ginners play.e4.'!We3 W1b6 games just for general enlighten­ 12.tLlc3 About 4. Kruppa .ltJg5 (He continues the policy He has problems neither with of playing for small tricks.e4 ltJf6 . ltJgf6 11.c4..g 4 He has a quite acceptable game ponent's queen on d3 is not so in this position. threat­ weaknesses.'!Wd3 c6 W1c7 8. 10 . This all looks like be­ axb3 ltJd7 9. sien..c4 '!Wxb3 8.ltJxd4 ltJc5 1l. 4.g3 ltJd7 5..id3 e600 ral move 4.1'l:d1 1'l:fd8� quite happy to enter an endgame. 7..c5 a6 1O.) 7.ltJj3 ii. 4. Zalakaros 2002. nor with his develop­ ening a double attack from the ment.�g2 e5.b3 o-o 1O. .ttJh4? he4! 9. Ifyou are reluctant to exchange 7.ttJe2 d5 8. e6 5. 4 c!iJf6 5.0 . but he wins three order to activate his own knight.ig5 • 7.. 8 . Bronstein .�b3 �b6 9.�b5+ c!iJc6+! Mikhailuk type move .�xe4 �xh4 and Black won a pawn in the game Magg - Katzameyer.e3 ttJe7 12.i. 8.ttJxe4 ttJxe4 1O.g5 i.�e3 hf3. Plovdiv 2006.. d5 9.Rashkovsky.. 158 . This plan is a bit amazing to mention that he not too slow indeed. 14.. Reykja­ vik 1994.c!iJxd5 cxd5 12.ttJg3 dxe4 9.�xb6 axb6 16..d3 eS+! i.g4 ig6 8.exd5 c!iJxd5 1 0 .Rouleau.ie7 8.Da­ nailov.i.•.) tempi in the process! 8..e7 7. beca use he wiIl only exchanges his bishop for the need to waste several tempi in enemy knight. Germany 2002.ttJh3 d5 7.ttJxg6 hxg6 1O.Chapter 7 wishes to place his pawn on f3 and 6.xf3 1O..i.ih5 7 . Philadelphia 2002.d6.ig6 13.e4 e6 .hd6 ttJxd6 15.0 your light-squared bishop for the enemy knight. 0 .�xf3 �xd4 and he had again an extra pawn.g6. then you should betler not play the Wade variation ever.i. It is squared bishop.f4 ttJd7 1l.. Zaragoza 1992.d3 b5+! Black's position is very solid and his pawns restrict considerably White's bishops.. Gil Capape .ttJf4 9.e2 o-o 1O.ie3 b5 1l.h5 6.f3 i.c3 ttJc8 13. 7. .�xf3 ttJbd7 4 . It is always useful to neutralize your opponent's two­ bishop advantage.ttJd2 i.g4 Black is preparing the "French" .h3 restrict in this way Black's light­ 6. 6 .d6-d5. he7 ti'xe7 11.. Pantev - Marholev.i.ttJxe4 i. lLlxe5 .d5 e5 8. E1d8 19.dxe6 bxe6 9. .f5 1l..c!iJh4 o ..ªc2 (15.e2 e6 tactical discovery of my own: 14 .e3 e6 would like to show an amusing 4. 7.fxe3 hxg6 with equality. V!'le8 10 .•.e3 c!iJgf6 lLlxe3 18. 0 .he5 are equal.the pawns 17. maneuvers of the type of lLla4..ªb3 �xe4) 15 .lDf3 i..g4 Complete Games 42 Korehnoi Miles the commentators have become Horgen 1994 much brighter tactically..g4 3.d4 d6 2Ajf3 i.V!'la4 lLlb6! 15.c!iJc3 i.h3 i.0-0 �d4 and later. 1 1. lLlxc5? squared bishops.e4 c!iJd7 5.llJxg6 hxg6 16J�e2 13.d4 d6 2..0 V!'le7 159 . 14 . powerful computer programs. Miles returns the pawn voluntar­ It is not good for Black to cap­ ily in order to trade the dark ture with the knight: 13 .c5!? Korchnoi sacrifices a pawn in 16 e4 •.lLlxg6 i. Black 14.e5 18. .e7 6. but his weaknesses It is hardly advisable for White along the c-file have remained on to avoid this exchange: 18.i. 19.he4 i.ixc5 dxc5 15. lLlfd5! 16.g6 12. So.o will even fortify his bishop with After the appearance of the the move c6-c5.e4 i.. 13 dxe5 •. all 18 llJxc5 . 15.lLlxd5 lLlxd5 17.�d2 the board.Chapter 7 1. order to compromise his oppo­ In anticipation of forceful nent's pawn-structure... his queenside weaknesses much d7. l':í:a6 39.�cS... nor after 40. Now. but it supports from there both hís pawn-breaks . running away with hís king from the eventual checks along the last rank. heavy pieces.he6 l':í:xe6 with gerous enemy pawn. risome. White achieves much neither with 40.�b4 It seems White had better play 39. Black's position would be wor­ easier...l':í:bc1... Still.�d5 llJxd5 27. passed d-pawn. �a6 36.�fe1 �fe8 29. Miles attention for Whíte to try here was not afraid of the move b2-b4.l':í:c7 �xc7 41.exd5 llJb7 28. llJa2 e5 25. � h2 l':í:c6 The situation has been clari­ 44. in order to en­ �e4 �a8 34..l':í:xeS=. tinues to defend ínventively. It deserved nearly equal position.a4 39..l':í:c7 �xd6 42. Miles however. � h2 l':í:a6 has seízed the initiative and his 41.�xeS l':í:a6 41.l':í:c6! �fS 41. �a7 that he would manage to get rid of After 38 . 160 . dangerous.�e8 3 0 ..Chapter 7 2 O .llJe3 �d7 31.l':í:b7 WifS 40. might become very dxc7 l':í:xdS 42.d6 �d7 It was also interesting to opt for 38.cS and aS.�xe5 �xa4 37. �h7!. with the idea to transfer Black will counter 38. 21.dxc7 l':í:xd1+ 43. Still.l':í:xdS (following 42. For exam­ with 38 . It is evídent that White c7-pawn.Wixe5 the knight to d4 vía e6.llJxd6 �xd6 33. l':í:a6.�b1 �ed8 35. to choose 20 .. threatening l':í:c7.. because he conSidered that after 38 .�edl sure the c5-square for his knight.�d5 20 . supported by his Wixc7 l':í:xd1. or 40.bxa5 llJxa5 26. 38..l':í:c7 Wixc7! 42.�ad1 �ad8 29 .b4 éLle6 22. 22.Wixf7 �xc7 43..�b3 �e7 23. Black's best reply would be 39 . It deserved atlention for him llJb5 llJd6 32...l':í:b6. J':í:fe8. after 40.b4 llJb7 Black's knight may not look so beautifully placed on this square.a3 a5 24. aS. is not c8� l':í:xd1 + Black will be fighting losíng his fighting spirit and con­ for a win) 42 .Wie7 f6 and Black captures the fied a bit. winníng the dan­ pIe: 21. l':í:xc7 43.. Possibly. 12.tlJf3 J.f8 27.dxe5 tlJxe5 16.�f5 4 0 J�b7 gxb7 41.'it>gl f4 The perpetual is unavoidable now and the opponents agreed to a draw.gxdS+ l'!xdS �e2 e5 15. 39 ..g2 while its counterpart may even g6 7.gd1 �e6 26.g3 stranded at the edge of the board.he5 Polugaevsky hopes to transfer his knight to the blocking c4- square and to exert pressure against his opponent's queenside.tlJd4 24. 0 . in 19.tlJd2 J.g2? 161 ..ge1 �e7 opportune moment.e3 a6 i. �eS 19..exf3 e6 5.�eS+ 'it>h7 43.tlJf3 gaeS 13. �d6= thanks to the permanent threat of 19 dxc5 2 0 . 22.d7 f5 52. White had better This counter attack is quite simplify the position with the line: timely! Black saves the game. J.�e6 e3 49. 43 Polugaevsky Miles So. .�e2 tlJe6 17.aS this king and queen ending.e3 tlJd7 9.xf3 4. �e2! of day..�xd7 �xd1+ 45. �xb7 gd7 42.'it>gl e4 4S.J.'it>f2 �d2+ 54.a4 penetrate to the d3-square at an tlJe7 1 0 . White's knight is 1.v�·e7 �f4+ 47.J.O n.fxe3 �xe3+ 5 0 .tlJb1 tlJb3 2S.f4 e6 6. there is no blocking square Biel 1990 any more.d2 gfdS 14.g7 S.f1 B:eS 25.J.tlJa3 tlJa5! 21.�e2 �e7 23.d4 d6 2.�e7 �d1+ 53. 'it>f1 �d2 51.tlJj3 ig4 White maintains powerful pres­ sure. gad1 e4 44. a perpetual check. but this plan wiIl not see the light 43.tlJb5 �bS lS.0 O .g4 3.J.1tJd4 dS 20.'it>h2 �d2 46.•.d4 d6 2.ltJxc6 B:xc6 21.J. l. id4 36. 51. 35..f5 S:xh2+ • 46. ••.8:c2.mg2 c!tJel+ tive final combination.ig7 34.mh4 Now. with an extra exchange and a 39. Meanwhile.g7 45.ttJf6 8:xh2+ 47.mh3 exf5 48.S:c7 g4+ 5 0 .hb7 S:b8 30 . Black ends up dangerous attack.d5 hc7.h6 .ic4 . his position becomes very difficult.• .rj:.hc4 É\xc4 30..ifJ c!tJc5 31.8:c8 ixf4.rj:. despite being a pawn down: 35.mf4 gh4+ 54.ie4 hf2+ 39. The computer proves that after 43 .>h3 c3 4 0 . 5 0 <LlfJ+.¡�k6 <Lld3 37.S:al .mxe5 and White's king comes under a ih2+ 55.ih2+ 56. 162 .igl 45.f6+ rj:.mxg4 <Lle5+ 53. • 55.<Lle4 gb2 43. White could have forced a transition into an ending with bishops of oppo­ site colours.<Llxc3 S:b2 pawn.) 53 ¡�k2 54.<Lld2 <Llxb2 33.ie3 44.8:xc4=) 37J'1:xc4 8:b2 38. 35 .c!tJe4? gxf5 g5 49.<Lld6 .ie2 8:b2 38. S:h2+ 52.mxg5 h6+ winning.ie2 S:bl+ 38. ttJxb3= 28 �xa4 29.mg3 there are knights left on the board (Following 53. He should be able to hold this position. Black has nothing to be afraid of: 46.g7 ••• This is a typical "human" deci­ sion..g5 rj:.Chapter 7 White could have restored the balance here with the help of a small exchange combination: 28.• . . 44 .ia6 gxf2 42.tf4.S:Xa6 hc3 43 'it. mg2 ib6+ 40.�xa4 c!tJxa4 32.mg3 S:g2+ 47. g4 White resigned.•• 41 . This is an attrac­ •. ttJd2 �xa4 29.'i!.mh3 . J::¡b4 37.mh5 Besides rooks and bishops.ttJxc4! ttJxc4 36J:k6 ie1 (36 .g4 hg5 48.. and then he will consider his fu­ should not create any problems ture pawn-structure.Vf1c2 ttJbd7 9. as usual. but there may be Black could have placed his other developments as well. but it is justi­ It is still unclear what kind of fiable for him to fight for the ini­ pawn-structure White will choose. .g3 c6 bly he will fianchetto his light­ S.ll)bd2 Quick Repertoire easy and understandable plan and it is ofien the most unpleasant for the opponent.a4 o-o 10.g2 Vf1c7 6.i. because that A) 4. whatever 8. Naturally.d4 d6 2. White could have played e2-e4 on his third move (sorne people prefer to play it as early as move 1!) and then deploy the knight on c3.0-0 eS!? (instead.c6-e6-dS. First White defends against 1 think the alternative plan the doubling of his pawns on f3 based on a king's fianchetto.e7 which will be useful. He will develop his bishop to d3.Chapter 8 l. move. .c3 i. squared bishop. it would be bet­ B) 4. on the light 3 ttJf6 . 1 believe that if White plans a A) 4.i.g4 3. for­ tify his d4-pawn with the move c2-c3 and later he will begin an This is a solid multi-purpose offensive on the kingside. Most proba­ for Black. squares . but this set-up is reasonable too.e4 l':'ife8.) 7. pawns. Black has an excellent position. For example: 4.e4 way he wins tempi for the devel­ Central strategy is usually an opment of his pieces in the proc- 163 . happens.h3 ter to cosnider consider an ex­ tended fianchetto.e4 king's fianchetto. tiative if White allows this with so Black makes a developing move his rather passive play. and here. 7.g4 .c3 If Black re captures on dS with White has completed the set­ his pawn.. . Anthony Miles did not know how to breach his favourite sys­ tem even when playing with White .c4 �a5+ 12 .tlJh4 e5 With this move he seizes con­ trol of the f4-square and in the process prevents the pawn-ad- 164 . . .Chapter 8 ess . then after up which we discussed aboye.�xd2 tlJbd7 Black obtains a very solid and practicaIly equal position in the endgame. .a3 . .. In addition he wiIl play d6-dS at the first opportune moment.tlJg3 d5 9.ig6 8. As you might have no­ ticed.td2.id3 ie7 6. �xd2 �xd2+ 15.. c6 Black takes care immediately to restrict the action of his oppo­ nent's bishop on the long diago­ nal.ih5 5. Wijk aan Zee 1996 tional bind.tfxd5 4 . l1.ih5 12 . after the natural line: 6 .ig2 He wishes to place his bishop on g6..ig6 6 .. e6 5 . to exchange the light­ squared bishops.ixd2+ 14..see variation B..1WbS+ White wins the b7-pawn. after which he wiIl not be afraid of any attack on the king­ side connected with the pawn­ advance e4-eS. or his knight.h3 . Black must take immediate meas­ 1l... Miles - ures in order not to suffer a posi­ Van Der Wiel. 1 0 .�xd3 6 . B) 4.exd5 hd3 1 0 .tlJfl . .. 7.ib4 13.. b3 8. 12 ..e7 14.d4 d6 2. After this Blaek wiIl eontinue Blaek should not have any with e5-e4. 13 J. Blaek did not let the enemy bishop go to the e3- square and White prevented the possibility of ¿¿jf4.'k!fxdl ¿¿j bd7 ••.fib2 fie7. If Blaek regroups his forees and proteets it with the move 0- f6. for example is quite aeeeptable. l. 1O.¿¿jxg6 hxg6 9.a3 V!fe7 12. 9 dxe5 1 0 . and his posi­ tion is quite solido 1 0 V!fxdl + l1.e3 ¿¿jbd7 1l.e3 The opponents are exehanging "polite" gestures. 165 . ¿¿jf3 fig4 3. ¿¿jbd2 ¿¿jf6 vanee f4-f5.. ) and the other bishop wiIl be restrieted by its own pawns. he wiIl weaken the light squares (his light-squared bishop is al­ ready off from the board.@e2 f5! . His position main on the board.dxe5 0-0-0 13.¿¿jc4 ••.id2 ¿¿jd5 13.•• White plans to exert pressure against his opponent's weak e5- pawn.. moving the pawn to a problems even if the queens re­ less exposed square. and transfers his knight to fS.lLlxg6 hxg6 1l. Vilela The set-up with lLlbd2 and i. 13 .g6 14. more actively.e4 Élfe8 after 1l .i.c3 lLlbd7 S. sive.h3 i.f4.g4 i. Matanzas 1993.. 9.a4 o-o 1O.lLlh4 c6 8.lLlfS lLle6f2 Afifi ­ Miles. 7.Spangenberg.g6 1l.0-0 O-O 8. Later.g2 is .gS lLlhS 1O.ig2 1Jfjc7 6.c3 i..d4 d6 2 .game White's e4-pawn. so Black can afford to play lLle1 dS 9. he can 44) S ..lLlh4 lLlcS 1S.) 1l.Chapter 8 l.e4 infantry (his pawn on gS) is away B) 4. no matter dxeS 12. but Black immediately neutralizes its activity.dxeS wiIl be useful for Black..ig2 dS.g3 c6 S.g4..e7 8. Black seized the ini­ (He wishes to retreat his bishop to tiative in the game Gutman - f8 and create pressure against Miles. White has developed his bishop to g2.g3 e6 6.h3 ihS 6...fS 1O. AH this seems very attractive.h3 ihS 13. in aIl that and smaIl wonder that Wc2 lLlbd7 9.There is sorne dissonance gle" plan of c6-e6-dS..�bd2 �f6 Step by Step This natural developing move transfer his bishop to g6.Wb3 (S.0-0 eS!? lems creating counterplay. Wijk aan Zee 1987 . 4. cS'!'.ig4 3.e3 eSf2 A part of White's A) 4. g4 ig6 7.ig2 ie7 7. Lucerne 1985.. without necessarily Pawns in front and pieces be­ adhering to the "Bermuda trian­ hind .1Jfjb8!? 166 .h3 from the supporting panzers and Black should not have any prob­ 4. rather slow and not very aggres­ S. but White has irrevocably weakened the f4-square and Black's knight heads there right away. White re­ what plan White is going to stricts the enemy bishop on g6 choose. . 6 . J'l:b8..h3 see 5 . Black can inactive at the rnoment.�e1 eS!?+! turns out once again that Black's 5.) 1O . diately to the c8-square.c3 . tively.tiJbd2 ttJf6 This is an original idea.ie7 6. Frank1y move .d4 d6 2.c5 . Sao Bernardo 1999. in differ­ .5 ..ttJxe4 bilities.ic7 Black he will be easily do not see any other positive sides able to continue with the under­ ofthis queen-move. First.0-0 O-O queen is perfectIy placed on b8.ig4 3.) 1l. For example. .c4 c6 (Here is the first ent lines of this system.. 5. Black should fortify his tabia. Many times.e5 ttJe4 (Black can af­ because his rook can come imme­ ford this aggressive knight-sortie.ie7 6. we shall analyze sorne of targets to create counterplay of his other plans.d3 you should know about it. 8. or 5 .Black has set up a battery speaking. You are not obliged necessarily to in­ elude it your armoury.ih5 - e3 e6 7.e4 e6 instead of the senseless exchange This is a very popular opening on d2.ib2. the opponent will lose his d4- pawn.h3 . White de­ consequence of the elever queen­ velops his queen to b3. It is still what it is doing there. he wants to 167 .id3 . opposite because after an exchange on e4.Milos. .0-0 ttJbd7 9.. Black could have played Bl. 1 do not understand along the b8-h2 diagonal..id3). A) 4. repelling the enerny bish­ hardly attack the e4-pawn effec­ op to g6 .Kara­ sev.ie2 . but still 5.if5 1l..id6 9..0-0 . the enemy queen on c2.. while Black has nurnerous however...ie2 d5 8.id3 rnining move e6-e5. Angra Dos Reis 1999.ih5 1O.ttJe1 ttJd7+! White can and g4.Wíc8..Wíc2 o-o o-o 8..i. Taimanov . .ih5 .c4 c6 7.) 6.b3 �c8+! Dos Santos Guirnaraes. but after easily protect his b7-pawn and 1 11. (Natu­ About 5. Wíc8 7.see variation Bl. White has numerous possi­ centralized piece: 1O ..Wíb3 (6 . routinely .ih5 1O.b3 d5 9.tiJj3 . his own..see variation rally. Sto Petersburg 1995 and here. l. He plays most often h3 dxe4 12. It 9 .h3. Limp - 12J'l:e1 c5 13. the knight on g3 wiIl not be so weIl B) 4.�b2 e6 7.ih5 . 6 .Groszpeter.0-0 O-O 1O. 0-0 7.h3 hd3 10 . White transfers 1l.ih5 placed and he wiIl not even have the tactical idea of lLlfs available: 6 .id2. saving a tempo for the move l'!f1.lLlfl i.�xd2 •. e6 and ds.) Black transfers his bishop to 1l.see variation B1.c4 'l!!Ya 5+ 12 .g6 8.. For 6. This idea belongs to the his queen..0-0 lLlbd7 7. lLlbd7 6.exd5 B1.a4 aS 12.lLle1 ig6 13.b3 (This move is rather timid and White is showing his cards right away.Wie2 id6+ Dizda­ revic . if any case .Chapter 8 play Wic7 and cs.ib4 13.g4 5.h3 . White must lose another tempo. but this move is not bad in known from the time of Steinitz.lLlfl.e4 B2) 5.lLld3 h6 168 .f(xd2 lLlbd7 with an change of the light-squared bish­ approximately equal endgame.see variation 7. el. Miles - • his knight to g3 prior to castling.h3 hf3 1O. Black develops his pieces and creates the threat of lLles in the process. e3 c6 8.a3 hd2+ 14. Van Der Wiel.. Black is forced to capture with 6.'l!!Yxd3 �xd5 ihs .pawns on c6. not even earlier. kingside attack.lLlg3 d5 9. ops with the move h2-h3.c3 l'!fd8 13.Wid1 Wic7 12..c3 . 11.) s .Wixf3 lLlc6. Zenica 1987. after which g6 in order to exchange the light­ White's es-pawn would be endan­ squared bishops after d6-ds and gered. parry in advance White's eventual 5 . 6. so as not to lose his b7- Ruy Lopez opening and is weIl­ pawn.c..ie2 ie7 9.lLlg3 cs 8.•. Wijk aan Zee 1996.h3 ihs .. and later he wiIl force the ex­ 'l!!Yxd2+ 15.l'!e1 O-O 8.c4 ds (In the centre we can see the already familiar pawn-triangle for Black . In this particular case however.ie7 6.. 12 .• B1) 5.dxcs dxcs 9. exd5 ttJxd5f! Yusupov simpler for Black to have ex­ .) 5 . of the f5-square. id and White has great problems beginning an offensive anywhere B1) 5..h3 i. ttJbd7 7. 15. Kava­ la 1990 (game 45).'W'xd7 sion in the centre.e7 9.'W'xe4 ttJd7.g3 d5 9.i.c3 i.e7 7. Las Palmas 1993. l.i..'W'e2 c6 8.h5 is very much in dxe5.'W'e2 c6 7..e5 dxe5 10.f4 �g6 built a wall against the enemy's 15J:�f2 a5f! Bator .g4 i. 1O.e3 of e4-e5.e7 8.. 6.c3 i.c3 i. Black 9.) 9 . 6 i.ttJf4 i. changed twice on e4 and place his 6.ttJe5 i.d3 ttJe4f! Bellon 6.'W'e1 o-o 1l.ttJxd7 �xd7 16.ttJbd2 ttJf6 4..Topalov.e4 i..:ge1 �b6f! Skembris .i.White loses two i.) 12 ..:gel.his bishop is clos­ Black is threatening to capture er to the g6-square. His position is very sol­ grade 1988. Bel­ d4-pawn.d4 d6 2JiJj3 i.e5.Epishin.ttJxg6 hxg6 1O. He equalizes by following the scheme of Topalov from the previous game. Logrono 1991.:ge1 i.ttJb3 'W'b5 14. White is incapa­ Kovalev.e4 e6 on the board.0-0 (lt would not work 5.f8 12..ttJf5 strange idea .'W'c2 Lopez .ttJxe4 must already consider the threat dxe4 12. 'W'xe4 ttJd7 12.h5 14. Black has an alternative here: 6 . d5 7. pawn on c6..g6 11. ttJbd7 9..i.ttJe5 he4 12.i.d6 9. (White could 1O.ttJh4 d5 After castling kingside.. draw.d5 ble of creating any real threats on 8..0-0 O-O 1O.e4 ttJxe4 11.ttJc4. This inaccurate move tem pi in order to exchange his op­ enables Black to reduce the ten­ ponent's passive knight.ttJxd7 (This is a the kingside.g2 the d3-bishop with check.Adams. From the have maintained the tension with point of view of fighting for a the move 12. Despite the weakening ttJf6 15.Miles..i. 169 . because of 1O .0-0 O-O 13.he4 c6 13.g2 dxe4. ttJc5! and Black's favour . Tel Aviv 2001) 7. Miles evidently was i.e5 ttJe8 13. He has than a draw out of this position! liberated his c8-bishop and has 12.d3 Internet 2004.he4 dxe4 14.g6 8.g2 ttJd5f! I.ttJh4 :ge8 11.0-0 (7. 1O.g3 (The inclusion of the for White to play 9.g4 3. This is the simplest thinking about extracting more road to equality for Black. it would have been much cxd4 d5 14.d3 O-O 8.ttJxe4 ttJxe4 11.d6 14.f4 'W'd5= Starosek .) 9 ..exd4 13.h3 i. e6 6.h7 15.e7. ttJxe4 ttJxe4 13.Botvinnik .e7 •.c3 i..i.Chuprov. moves 4. 7.b3 (The he has a worthy opponent! immediate pawn-break in the Miles played 9 . 0 . 10 .cxd4 This patient transfer of the knight is in the spirit of the Ruy Lopez.llJf1 .. 12. 0-0 12.e5 dxe5 10.�e3 c6 14..liJxe7+ 'ffxe7 2008. Andersson .1O .e5 rious problems after 1O.c4 a5 9..g4 . so he radically prevents this game. 11 .e4 11. protected.) 11 . . nent's centre by playing 11 . c5.�g6 here and centre is not dangerous for Black: the game ended quickly in a draw.) 11.liJg3 liJh5 (Black cannot be constantly wor­ (Here Black could also consider rying about the pawn-break e4. It is time to remind White that 7. but e5 but on e6. c3 Ele8 13..0-0 h5!?� The 13....) 12. with a rather complex e5..liJf5! h6 12. 1O .• however: Black's pawn is not on This is an atlractive move.0 8J. which means that Black could also have increased White's knight has no access to his pressure against his oppo­ the f5-square.'ffe 2 liJbd7 8. be­ only a couple of minor pieces.e5 llJe8 170 . draw.ttJxe4 !g6�) 9 . but after the exchange of this should be in his favour.hh5 (This has lidor Defence.. 1l d5 •.Tseshkovsky.ttJxh5 (White should possibility. 9. . 'ffb 6..10. he cause his king is more securely has no problems whatsoever. There is a minute nuance.Miles. 1 believe tion.e5 and Black's knight on h5 pawn-structure resembles one of would be completely cut off from the versions of the Modern Phi­ the action. Benasque 1995. 9 c5 • ..Chapter B 7 0 0 ..el llJbd7 9. Dresden source 11.c3 cxd4 1l.g4 �g6 11. have considered the powerful re­ Sloth . except that Black's happened in chess countless light-squared bishop is not on times: Black had a cramped posi­ c8 or b7.!b2.dxe5? liJxe5! but he could have encountered se­ .'ffe 2.... but on g6.) 1O. tLlb6+± Eingorn .16.�xb3 17. White's exiled knight rank . Black's position would bd2 c6 12 .lLJh4..Okhotnik..�c1. but he has e3 o-o 15. be rather unpleasant. bishops.�xb3 �d7+±) 9 . or 16 . East­ bourne 1990 (game 46). b6 18..lLJxe4 lLJxe4 8. transfer of his rook to the third c3 e6 .lLJd2 lLJxd2 11.lLJh4 e5 8. 13. dark-squared bishops... lLJe4 lLJd5. so that the knight on h4 remains in isolation: 6 . 6 •. comes under attack .if4 ie7 14.1LJe3 lLJc6. lLJe4!? 13.c3 exd4 9..i....tLlxg6 B2) 5. after 16 .ih2 if6 17.�e2. �xb6 axb6 prepares the undermining move 18..c3 lLJd7 13. ie4 7.. e6 1O. c6 7. Ravikumar .lLJg3 ig6 16J'1e1 �c8 17. Uzh­ �e8 16.�a4.. 171 .tbb6 not need to retreat his knight and White could create greater he can indirectly attack his oppo­ problems for his opponent with a nent's d4-pawn with 9 .g4 ig6 Or 8..h3 ih5 Here Black had a promising pawn-sacrifice at his disposal: 12 .• the enemy bishop on g2 even ic3 lLJc7 19.gec1 lLJc4 18.ªd3.Yfb3 �b6 6. or restrict 16 lLJxb6 17. 15 .Hodgson.lLJf3 �c8 17.lLJf3. lLJc6! 10.�e3!? Now.. It is time to look in the database.�b3 id8 19. in order to exchange the close to equality.b3 more with the move e5-e4.Burton. White has the two an interesting manoeuvre 16 .ig2 d5 9.xg6 fxg6 15. since they can­ the e-file and attacking the ene­ not be activated. (If 9.cxd4 d5 10.Now.lLJbd2 lLJf6 4.�g2 In reply to 6.a4 lLJa6 2 0 ..�d2 ig6 14..be4 dxe4 14J�xe4 lLJb6 15. it would be sensible for Black to exchange his bishop for White's knight on d2. with excellent compen­ sation.. Black is e6-e5. l.d4 d6 2JiJfJ ig4 3.11. Black calmly my's d4-pawn. but that is nothing to lLJb8!? with the idea of plugging brag about here. Berlin 2005. Black does 16.. Korell ..0-0-0 a5+± gorod 1988. After 17. . i.t>b8 17. Black frees the f6-square on dark squares.e3 tiJbd7 11.Drazic.. Csom .tiJc3 0-0-0 16.. for example: 9.t>xb2. 12 .<.f6 There are no other construc­ 17. Slovakia 1998.d2 <. Pancevo 2002. dxe5 1 0 AJc4 This bishop is headed for the In the following game White c3-square.g5 tiJh5 with the queens still on the board: 13.. though .Chapter 8 tiJxg6 hxg6 11.. 15.<.Priehoda.. but Black does not decided to continue the struggle wish to let it go there.�b3 �c7 1l. fight as if at a distance.dxe5 I have already mentioned that Black's position is very solid this exchange is necessary for and his only problem is to find an White in order to create pressure active plan.) 17.cxd4 d5 dubious .�e2 tiJh7 9.�c3 i. . e4 18. Admittedly White wins 13..tiJb1 �d6 15..�c4 tiJb6 16.b3 (Both es for both sides.e3 tiJd7 with chanc­ 1O. Af­ �xa7 hb2+ 20.b2 i.) 12 .�a5?! (lt is quite unclear how tive plans for White in sight. Budapest 1998. His opponent has the against Black's e5-pawn and force same task.c3 tiJbd7 but his last move is simply rather 1O.e7 14.0-0-0 E!:d5 19.t>c1 �e5::¡: agreed to a draw in the game Mar­ 1 0 .d6 14..id2 9. restricting his for his bishop in order to later own bishop and weakening the play e5-e4 and exchange the b2- light squares.. hence 8 . but he hands over the ini­ quite efficiently White's pawn-of­ tiative in the centre to his oppo­ fensive on the queenside and he nent. Likavsky ter 14.�b3 �c7 12.. 0-0-0 13.a3 �c7 12.a4 exd4 12... has evacuated his king there..i.g¡xdl llJbd7 kovic . has tried.. \Wxdl+ l1. 20 . 172 . .Mi­ sides avoid direct conflict and khaletz. hxg6 White can afford to play such tim­ id preparatory pawn-moves.. He White can improve his position.tiJf3 i. bishop. With his last Black to place his kingside pawns move. Black has neutralized a pawn.a5 a6.g5 the opponents E!:hd8 21. g4 3..O . He was square under control.f3 White's pieces are less well co­ White must somehow activate ordinated and his pawn-structure his light-squared bishop. es of an exchange on dS.lDa5 O . t¡jJ3 id. However. 173 . White has the powerful resource 18. London 1991.g"e2 knight.gadl e4 l6.O � Larsen - Hodgson. Black will advance eS-e4 and can stop worrying about his e-pawn.!xf3 lD5b6 •..e3 After this move. Black does not White in turn restricts the en­ need to consider the consequenc­ emy knight on dS. l.d4 d6 2. this open position should provide l6 exf3+ l7 . not able to support his centralized l3 .lJJ bd2 l¡jf6 4.tijd5 l3.hS l2 . l¡j7b6. . his e3-square becomes the presence of his two bishops in weak. . . is not without defects.!e7 14.• • full compensation.. Now. l4 f5 ! ••• This is a n excellent idea. however.l¡jeS! lS. because if 17.h3 id. taking the f4.. 15. f5 \We4 .e3 27.�g2 .ie3 �ce8 23.31.exf4 \We7 22. even then..g5 f6 18.fxeS? Wijk aan Zee 1987 '1ffxgS+ and he wins.'1ffxdS+ �h7 It was also good for him to 33:�h1+ .g3 e6 6 . l. line: 19 . because of: 21. .g4 .ie7 7.ig4 3)bbd2 llJf6 .h3 h6 25.dxe5 he3 tLlf6 34.\Wb5 �xe3.\Wd2 tLlb6 24.ig4 '1ffe7. �h2 + ! 34. 174 ..if4 29.�xf3 hxg5 .d4 .Chapter 8 1.tLlf3 d6 2..tLle1 d5 9.ie2 tLle4 tains powerful pressure.. ••• tLlf6 4. 28.tLlf3 .ixf3 26.. Complete Games 44 Gutman Miles untouchable.cxd4 �c8 He has won a pawn and main­ 15 .�fe3 ponent's defences.1"lc3 !? '1ffxc3 32. Black wiIl counter 2 0. 2 0 .f2 tLld7 3 0 .c3 tLlbd7 5. continue with the less spectacular Black has a worthy response: 33 .0 O . .i.ig2 .f3 cxd4 14.O 8..d4 d6 2 .bxg5 e5!? . he3 32. 0 .i.b3 . �e1 '1ffc2 White has considerably weak­ ened his king-position and Black graduaIly begins to breach his op­ 31. White should have implement­ 16.if5 10 .ig4 3.h6 20 ..�xd5+ �t7 33.tLlbd2 2 O exf4 21. White with 20 ...ig6 1l.. ed the same idea in a better way h4 fxg5 19. 't:lxeS and his knight is resigned. Meanwhile..tLlxe4 he4 17.f4 c5 12.id6 13.ig4 31.ªxh2+ �g8 winning. �xe4 tüd7 12.<.tüxe4 tüxe4 1l.idl! This is the start of the assault...gael b6 the struggle: 36.9f1 �e7 Black vacates the b6-square for his bishop and attacks the g3- pawn in the process.tübd2 194 4. gfe8 15.CiJg6! Elxc8 (After Black is preparing an offensive 36 .ic3 i. White has failed to find a good moment to play g3-g4.gexe5 fid2 34. ge2 he3 27.'\Wxg6+ <.�xe3 gd3 28. .15.gfel �e5 26. 24. Now Black does no longer needs to worry about the possibility g3-g4.. tüf6 17.e5 Kavala 1990 l. l. evidently he was afraid of the bishop-sacrifice on g4. CiJ bd2 CiJf6 45 Skembris Topalov �b4 29..e4 e6 6.>f8 35J�k8 g5 etc. fxg6?. iWxf6+ etc.o 13.d4 White's knight remains strand­ ed at the edge of the board and 36.l. CiJj3 194 3.b3 gad8 16 .e3 i.gel �b6 29.g3 d5 9 .tüf3 d6 3. chance of changing the course of 23.�e2 e5 18. 3 0 . 37.0 o .CiJf5 .d4 d6 2.>f8 39..34..d4 tüf6 2.'\Wb2 CiJe5. 0 . Black simply loses - on the queenside.'it>hl gd7 21. fashion . 14 ..ig2 dxe4 1 0 ..!.but Black should execute it in a different easily parries it.) 37J'l:xc8+ �g7 38.h5 5.'\Wal? Black begins the occupation ofthe White overlooks an excellent dark squares in the centre. but Black parent threat .Elxd8+ Elxd8 38.ge8 g5 19..'it>h2 14.. White's knight is released 175 .. �b2 a5 25.ib2 The reason will soon become cIear.e5 a3 32.e7 8.�e2 e6 7.h3 i.!.dxe5 he5 35.e4 ged8 22 .�bl bxe5 33. 2 0 .tüh4 h6 White creates a rather trans­ This is the right idea.gel a4 31. ih5 5.b4 e5 45.xd4 �xal 3 O .ih2 . . Wbite resigned.d3 gb4 34. with chances for both sides.e5 ge3+ 4 0 .g¡.md3 the llJf3 e6 1 0 .'&c8+ �f8 38.ig6 6. �b5 ge8 36 g¡.exb4 axb4 g¡.gxh6 gxh6 simpler 24 . balanced.d4 In the variation 38. g¡.h3 . g¡.�xb3? ..gg1 gxa2 42.e5 .• 22..hd2 onus is on Black to prove that his e6 12.g5 E:b4.llJd2 llJxd2 1l.. • After 32..e6 gb3+ 38.'&d7 �c5+ 33.if4 . 176 . Black could have played the ning..ie7 14.e2 e5 since he was losing his queen.Wxc4 '&b6 43 .0 .xd5 g6f5+. 46 Ravikumar .g¡. White's gel llJe4 21.e5 gaxf4 45.g4 . 0 .mc1 E:xh2.g¡.e3 compensation for the sacrificed O . b5 19.llJxe4 llJxe4 8 .exf7+ mxf7 39.ig4 3.llJh4 32.d4 d6 2. but Black to play 40 .mg5 it is not completely correcto In­ mf7! 42.g¡.if8 37. e6 E:bxb2 37.e3 exd4+ 29.1hd8 gxd8 38. dxc4 25.e3 llJd7 13 . 38 ga4+ 39. •.f5 gxe6 24.llJbd2 llJf6 4.g¡.. 25. E:bxb2 + 39.llJf3 .ie4 7. Black is ahead of his opponent..g7 37. Now White's defence g¡.�e2 ge8 16 .ig2 gd2 41.Hodgson Eastbourne 1990 l. 36 . llJf3 .if6 • material is adequate.�fl �xfl 46. �e8+ It would be more tenacious for White to have defended with 36..mh4 �e7+ 43. . . crumbles.�g1 and somehow he is surviving. •..�e5 ge2 43.O 15.f4 llJb6 2 0 .ht'3 '!'9xf2 + 4 O . win­ stead.ixf3 39. g¡. Wbite re­ signed.gxe4 �a5!? It was slightly more precise for This is an interesting idea.0 a5 32 ge4+ 33. fxe6+ 41.hd5 exd5 36.gxal gxal 31.Chapter 8 from its exile and the position is 27J�al b3+ 28.• '&e3 ga2 35.geel '&xa2+ 26.g5 h5 42.e4 b4 king wiIl be unavoidably check­ The first impression is that mated on the first rank. 17.gxfl llJd5.igl gf6+ 44.•.ig2 d5 9.ie7 23.�al a2 44.md2 18. dxeS tLlxeS Blaek wishes to push d6-dS 13.f4 fS! Blaek re­ squared bishop. but without its he2 (9 .�e3 on e3. For example: S.te2 ..f4 eS) 1O.the "bad" light­ eS 11. which we have already an­ eastling is not dangerous to Blaek.. . �fS!? 1O.0-0-0 tLle4 14.what more ter S . . eastles short.tLlxe2 main defeet . In this ehapter we wiIl deal because he has enough resourees with positions with a white knight to organize eounterplay: 6.eS tLlfd7 9.�d2 dS S.h4 eS 12. (The plan of.e4 Quick Repertoire White sets up a powerful 5..0-0 poses to the variations with 3. Blaek develops his bish­ can you aehieve with just a single op on e7. then ad­ move? vanees d6-dS and in response to 3 Ajf6 . alyzed. o-o 7.g4 3.h3 pawn-eentre and avoids the dou­ White has fewer problems af­ bling of his pawns .d4 d6 2 )i)f3 i..te3 dS 8.• e4-eS retreats with his knight to There are more than a thou­ d7.h3 i.�e2 �e7 6. preparing the standard under­ sand games in the database with mining pawn-breaks e7-eS and f7- this tabia and the play ofien trans­ f6. stricts his opponent's kingside ae- 177 .tLlxe4 he4�) and to play something like the 6 . includíng queensíde tLlbd2.hS 4.g4 .tg6 1l.eS tLlfd7 9.lüc3 e6 1O.e3 tLle6 12.Chapter 9 1. 0-0 7 .tLld2 Freneh Defenee. gest that here we study another Black will save his bishop.g4 . 178 . h5 9.ig6 7.. bS and llJd2 e5!? After this timely blow subsequent play on the long diag­ against White's centre Black ob­ onal. h4 etc.hf6 on the opposite flank. ponent with a plan like a6.h4 this quite popular opening tabia.. ready to un­ coil at any momento 6 •.. increasing his then continues with active actions control over the centre. winning a pawn. combining it with a pawn­ and reliable move .ih5 and. It is obvious that Black will need to create counterplay and the best place for that is on the opposite flank. Accordingly.6 . but he move. in answer to e4-eS.. c6. After 6. (otherwise Black will play d6-dS 5 . hf6 10. solve. The idea of the move in the text is to prepare b7- 6:�e2 bS with the support of the a-pawn White proceeds with his devel­ and to preserve the possibility of White's most dangerous plan is based on a swift pawn-storm on the kingside . Of course.. but has thus imped­ also analyze here the interesting ed his own pawn-storm on the recommendation of "Rybka" . In 7. Black is ltJg4! ? not forced to try to match his op­ 1 O . preparing queenside cas­ playing the undermining move tling and threatening a check from c7-cS in one move.. . 8 .g4.Chapter 9 tivity at the right moment and more solid move.g5 llJfd7 Wle2 c6 (White has developed his In the Step by Step section we bishop to gS.igS .�h3 fi. but can instead make a much tains a very good position.. .. a6!? In this situation. . which is also quite correct will have serious problems to but much less analyzed. Black's posi­ tion is like a spring.) 9.e3 b5 12. the bS-square. This is a real threat to win the Black most often plays a standard bishop.ie7 8.0-0-0 ltJd7.9 . kingside. I sug­ storm on the kingside. ltJe4) 9 ..g4 �g6 8.e7 1l. e6 6.e4 �f6 Step by Step 9.exd5 cxd5 1O.e7 7.0-0 i...Altounian.) 5 ..c4 e6. It is not surprising ltJxc3 15. see 3.exd5 cxd5 14. the foHowing game. .ltJbd2 ltJf6 4.d3 (5.cxd5 exd5 simple and understandable. exd5 9. The anything extraordinary: 4.ltJe5 ltJbd7 1l. on the same di­ agonal as the enemy queen. 6 .ltJc3 e6 .i.g6 (Black is re­ O-O 8.i.. but not at aH consent to simplification: 14.d3 e6 5. This bishop is headed for the g6-square. Still.cxd5 ltJa6tt Kasparov . because White can­ not create any real threats on the kingside.c3.Miles.i. White's emy knight on e4 and Black has to set-up is very solid. since the op­ 4.d5. Kretchetov .f4 ltJxe5 12 . prepares the undermining move because now Black's game is quite d6-d5. they did not come up with 4.h5) 5 .g3 o-o 8.h5 pawn-chains of both sides have 5. . Black's bishop is perfectly placed on h5.0-0 i.d4 d6 2)L�f3 i.. 4.e7 6... 1 believe that White stricted to the last three ranks and should refrain from this move.i.Chapter 9 1.ltJc3 e6 5.h3 i.ltJbd2 (5.ltJbd2.c1. 12.W'd3 c6 5.e2 8.g2 d5 It seems somewhat naive for 179 . 1O. We cannot help mentioning e4.i.0-0 '&d7 14.'&e2 i.e5 ltJe4 13. Toscolano 1996.ltJf3 gb8tt Lagrotteria .ltJbd2 .see 3.i.fxe5 ltJd7 13.) lOJ'l:d1 d5 11.g4 3.c4 i. ponents were both great players. Black is preparing the standard minority attack on the 4A:lc3 queenside.h5. Paris 1992. 8 ..bxc3 .ltJc3 i.i.e7 7.txd3 16JBxd3 that Black has no problems what­ gab8 !?tt soever.see 4.ltJc3 ltJc6 into conflicto 6. aggressive.e6 6.ltJbd2 .e3 O-O 9.e7 7. been set up and are ready to come h3 i. Las Ve­ White wishes to eliminate the en­ gas 2 003.Anand. see variation A or 6.) 5 .Pham Le Thao �d6 16.�g3 Dworakowska .Komliakov. after which see where this bishop should be the game usuaIly transposes to developed.h3 �h5 to the Ruy Lopez. Black's simplest 7.d5 exd5 7. later on the bishop may be hit by the pawn-advance d6-d5.see variation B. �h7. 4 .Peder­ Nguyen. Beijing 2 008. but it c6 the same variations arise.) 8 . since he has already de­ 13.�e7.g4 ig6 is supposed to be quite harmless 1O. draw. while seems to me that both sides' pros­ after 1O. ltJc6 (NaturaIly Black cannot capture on e4.. 9 . c5 sen .ltJf5 O-O 11.h3 ble attack ....gxf5 ltJbd7 12.gxf5 �b6. �e2 . e6 .:Bg1 g6 A) 5.ltJc4 ltJd7 zhnij Novgorod 1998 (game 47).ltJg5 �e7 14.Chapter 9 White to try the move 4.0-0 O-O 7.c3 (Now White is threatening another dou­ For 5.�e3. It was a (Here Black could also consider pity that the game ended at the 9 .�c4. has nothing to fear.�e2 �e7 8. 6.ltJf4 pects are approximately equal.c6.�d3.dxe5 dxe5 14.ig2 c5 11.see variation B.e6 6.ltJh4 �h7.g4 �b6+t Isanbaev .e5 ltJfd7 9.exd5 �e7 7.1d3 d5 8.i.) 5. bishops is advantageous for Black..�e2 �e7 6... but Black par­ �h5 .g4 ig6 9. AH Black has to do is place his pawn on e6 and the bishop on c4 wiIl feel uncomfortable.�d2 0-0-0 16.ltJd4. for example: 6.see 5. because of �d5 and he loses the exchange..1e3 with the patient re­ position has become quite similar ply 5 .�h5 8.. Denmark 1987.) 1O.ig2 180 .�g2 !xf5 4 .h3 (7.ltJde2 h6 12.h3 square for a while..�h4 �h5 .cxd4 veloped his bishop to g4.1g5 (lt is not easy to reply would be 5 . (diagram) ltJf5 .) 12. ries it effortlessly... In ad­ dition. B) 5.Hoi..h6 9..f4 cxd4 15. because the f4-square in White's exd5) 7. or 1O. Black can o-o 1O.ltJe2 c5 11.bi5 11. E. maybe it was best for variations A or B..d5 exd5 6.c3 ltJc6 for Black.hg6 hxg6 12 .�b3. for example: 6.�d3 �e7 6. in a form which 7.h3 0-0-0 ltJh5+t) 1O .c6!? If White now captures on most interesting moment. camp is hopelessly weak) 15.e2 13.ltJbd2 a6 11. it looks as if Black This is a popular opening tabia.. 12. Ni­ �g6 13..dxc6 (10.h3 1h5 After 5..�d3 e5 (The counter 5. with the idea of exploiting the well­ known vulnerability of the f7- square.ltJxc6 1l. (The exchange ofthe dark-squared 5.�f4 �b6 14.. White to leave it on its initial �e2 O-O . .xf3 ct:le5 12. .ct:ld1 f6+! Jung - see 6.ª.a4 ct:lb6 14.0-0-0 ct:le4 14. because Black has enough has excellent counterplay. 5 .i.axb5 cxb5 not be good for White to opt for 15.f4 in view of 14 .e3 h5 and Black played. 7 ..0-0 d5 .g5 i.see variation The next game can be consid- Bl.h3 i. We (preventing the pawn-advance should mention that it would c2-c4) 13.e3 O-O 7. thanks to his control pawn-structure Black must try to over the dark squares...f5 (in this exchange. Forthoffer.0-0 ument. ous" system with 2 .Petro­ 14.0-0 c6 .i.e3 ct:lfd7 13 .h5 1O. Germany 1994.�d2 (7.d5 queenside castling is only seldom 12. Wijk aan 7. see variation Bl.ie7 .h5 .g4 i.te2.E:a2 �a7+! Langeweg . White wishes to ex- 181 . 1. ered an interesting historical doc­ 6. d5 8.i. �xe3! 16. The exchange of a pair 1O.dxc5 White plays a very accurate ct:lxc5 13.i.f4 i. ct:lj3 i. For 6.E:e1 ct:lbd7 1O.f4 c6 8.ct:le1 i.d5 exd5 7. but one which ixe4+! Minaya .h3 .Cuartas.i. . 0 . O-O O-O 13. It shows that the "dubi­ �e8 9. ct:lg6 15.d2 sian.h3 i.b5 :Bc8 13.h4 c5 12. preserve his light-squared bishop.�xe3 hf4 and Black has 7. 6.tg4 was i.�d3 a6 11.ie3 .0 7.e4 ct:lf6 4.ct:le2 b5 of bishops is in Black's favour. 6.g4 3.. 6 .xf3 11. Amsterdam 1973..).see variation Bl.exd5 O-O 8.g6 11.. if possible) 12 . Colom­ cannot create any problems for bia 1989. i.. 7. 0-0 . .ixf6 10. White's plan of 7.h3 A) 5 .e4+!) 11.i.hf3 d5 Zee 1987.h3 .h5 .te2 played even by Tigran Petrosian! i..hf6 excellent compensation for the . Black.ct:lg5.txf3 9..th5 8.i.e5 ct:lfd7 9.e5 ct:lfd7 12.g5 ct:lc6 8.e5 i.e7 11..g5+! Korchnoi .0-0. resources to create meaningful counterplay: 7.Miles.ct:lxe4 and reliable move.ct:lc3 e6 (11.d4 d6 2.�d2 d5 9. . Black has an exceHent position.h3 .�xe2 tLlc6 9. while White must be very careful.td3 . but should B) 5.e5 ••• Bl) 6 .0-0 (7.tLlf3 dS 10. weaken­ La Coruna 1990..tg6 9.e3 tile6 12. ing his kingside..dxeS dxeS 11. Black must ex­ change the bishops.tLld1 �e8.�xe2 tLld7 12.tcS= Dizdar ..he4 . Black has the .) 1O.txf6 14 . lS .exf6 .. 8 •...te7 7. standard tactical strike 9 ..te3 dS - . dS. considerably restricts White's London 1982.c3 . 7.tLlxd4 1S.txe2 8.tLlf3 @g8. ttJfd7 9.eS tLld7 1l.�f3 tLl c6 (After this.exd4 �e8f! Ivkov .'ee2 1O.th5 ignore the provocation. a3 tLld4 13. 0-0 8. tLlxd7 �xd7 13. swer to tLlf3-h4.tLlxdS exdS B3) 6.. Bos­ nia & Herzegovina 1987..ttJxe2 e5 1l.tLlfS tLlcS 12 .tLleS he2 11. 1 0 . so as not to end up an ex­ change dOWll . after 1O.exdS tLlxdS 9.tLlxd4 hd4 16..te3 tLlce6f! Johansson . nent into playing h7-h6. .Melgar.tf4 f6! Black exerts pressure on his opponent's centre and opens a path for his queen to g6 or hS.te3) 7.Miles.) 12.. Both sides bring ad­ ditional pieces to the kingside.c3 eS and Black's position is quite ac­ ceptable) 14 .�d2 �bS= Hulak 6 ..Miles.te2 • Mass simplification takes place B2) 6..Chapter 9 change the light-squared bishops kingside activity. 182 .. Wijk aan Zee 1987. since his king-position has been weak­ ened. 7 d5 8. 13. .f4 cS. see 6.ifS 1O..cJihl exd4 and he tries to provoke his oppo­ 14.tLlxe4 tLlxe4 1l.. he must insert the move 1l . 13. 12 .Miles. After 12 ..he4.tild2 he2 tLlh4 eS (Remember that in an­ Here Black could consider 9 .f4 However. Black again has good counterplay and aH three results are possible in this position.txc7 (or 14. f5 ! With this move Black . .txh7+ @xh7 13.g4 after 8..g4 .�g2 tLld7 14. eS dxeS 183 . or 7.a4 CiJc6 CiJxeS lS.dxcS CiJc6 12.c3 CiJc6 �e8 and Black seized the initia­ 12..dS exdS h6 :ixcS+t Movsziszian . 9. Germany 1990) 7 . Hair .i. however. CiJfd7 9..CiJc3 e6 5.CiJg3 :ig6 11.l'!ac1 Benasque 1997) 1O .CiJe2 (1O.:if4 (Probably the idea of this move is to prevent the pawn­ advance e6-eS.Tibensky.0-0 Wc7 14.e7 8.:ixf4 Wxf4= Hulak . Hausner.a3 dxe4 7. Sisak 2008. shows that he has other 7.:ixd3 13..Wd2 you might get check­ mated on a bad day.Wxe4 CiJf6 17. 12.. 2010.h3 :ih5 6.We2 c6 13.f4 with his usual plans such as 7.CiJf3 CiJc6+t) 8 .:id4 CiJc6 16.:igS a6!? (Black can continue 8.:igS CiJxdS cxdS 13.Petit.:id3 c6 9. 7.g4 (7.Conquest.CiJd2 dS 9...CiJe4 CiJxe4 16.tiJj3 :ig4 3.CiJf4 b5 lS.:ig6 7. 8.h4 cS l1. From the e3-square the bishop is active on both flanks and cannot be attacked by the en­ emy pieces and pawns.�e1 dS l1..:ie3 o-o 8.eS CiJfd7 d6. 0-0. Osmanovic ..g4 .Haba.g4.CiJxeS your opening erudition.:ixg7 �g8 17..:if4 :ig6!? 8.0-0 9.e2 i.. 7.h4 CiJb6 17.0 plans in mind. Hamilton recommends the following Hne 1999.eS 7.eS CiJfd7 1O .e4 CiJf6 4. CiJd7= Freisler .see 7.CiJxd3 c4 7. dS 9.CiJxg6 hxg6 14. so 1 1O .CiJhS O-O.:ie3 :ie7 7.exdS CiJb4 13. am quoting this game to broaden hS :ixd3 13.:ic2 bS 16.:ixf6 :ixf6 14. Bl) 6.>d2 It>d7 18.:id3 dS 8. 0 .0 14.Wxd3 :id6 1S.c6 and then d6-d5.Wd2 :ig6 11.see see variation Bl.) 8.:ixg6 O-O 1O. Brno We2 :if4 18.cxd3 CiJdxeS 14. 8.CiJf4 l'!c8 (The fearless "Rybka" tive. c6 9. ) 13.0-0 O-O 1O... hxg6 12.. cS 11.e3 This is the most flexible move for White...:id3 (8. because after 16. for Black: 12 . 0 . but it seems rather risky for human players to play like this...) 8 .0-0 c6 ..a3 c4 15.CiJxe4 CiJbd7 1O.d4 d6 2.exdS CiJxdS 12. Black's next move.CiJeS :ixd3 14.i. cS 1l.:ie2 o-o . l.CiJgS. .dS White is now also forced to ex­ 1O.tgS lLlc6 9. a piece.lLlxdS cxdS 8 ••• c6 12... �g6 .td3 cS 13. St. Here Black perhaps overes­ the only defender of his kingside.tf4 lLlxeS. Andersson - Hickl..�e2 lLld7 14.lLld4 (White decides to play Maybe Black could have played safe and simplify the position.hf6 hf6 12.. it is ad­ Przewoznik .. after emy knight.) 9 .Ibragimov.�d4 lLlg6 17.dxeS lLldS 14. d6-dS immediately.�d2 lLlb6f± his knight to g4. Warsaw vantageous for Black to preserve 1990.�g6 12 . cleverly obtaining an asym­ 13. lLlxeS 13.Agrest.eS lLlfd7 1l. because after 9 ..he7 �xe7 1S.. However.tLld2 tiative. but also creates the threat of lLlxdS 9.hg6 fxg6 ing that the dS-pawn might be. about his future plans. 1 have already mentioned that the pawn on eS may become weak.Kuczynski.he has j ust eliminated one of the against b7-bS. threatening fS and g4.txf3! (This is an excellent inter­ he has the powerful resource 10. but Black is quite defenders of the bishop on gS and happy to play in the centre.lLlg3 lLlf4 16.) 12 . White should have accepted the fact that he had not achieved any opening advantage whatsoever: 12. (This is a typical resource for 184 .lLlxc6 bxc6= metrical pawn-structure.lLlxeS he2 1l.exdS of bishops. It is time Turov .Chapter 9 10.. mediate move! Black not only en­ f4.tgS (This is a slightly inaccurate move.) l1. Nevertheless.lLlxe2 lLlbd7 12 . but he wishes while enabling his eS-pawn to be to be able to answer exdS with securely protected. Panormo 2 001. come a liability.lLlh2 (White wishes change his own bishop for the en­ to exchange the bishops.E:ad1 E:fd8 18. which White forces the exchange 8...) l1. Andrianov .a4 (This is prophylaxis . This is a clever move with Las Vegas 2004.. 8J�e1 c6 9.�xe2 lLlc6 14. �e3 �b4 and Black seized the ini­ 9. winning sures the eS-outpost for his knight.dS exdS 1O. Petersburg for White to make up his mind 1994. 1 a comfortable position and believe that the position remains White's eS-pawn may soon be­ approximately equal..) timated his chances a Httle.) 12 .dxeS lLldS (Black has obtained come a weakness. he2 cxdS. draw. think­ 1l .hf3 which his queen can go to hS and lLleS 13..eS dxeS 1O. xdS cxds 1l..exd6 hd6 13...h5 Black in the French Defence..Barthel. draw.g6 (As 1 have already mentioned. The threat of f4.. have nothing better than to repeat 185 . Germany 1989.f4 eS 13.f3 counter this pawn-advance.) 12.e2 0.c3 quite reliable. Wattens 1999.0.c3 cs 14. Can­ 0.f3 15.dS 1O.2f3 :gc8 9:�d2 d5 1O.c6 15. 0.d2 (White pro­ tects his e4-pawn and threatens the manoeuvre f2-f4-fs. White wiIl be unable to effectively aUack Black's e4-pawn. to say the least.cxe4 dxe4 (The bishop on g6 is not reaIly bad and should be preserved.0..xcs� Miles . Warsaw 2009 18..f4 cs 13.d4 d6 2. He 9 . after which he squeezes the enemy bishop into the corner.fd7 0. but it is Wb6!? acting on Black's nerves.0.�h5 g6 17. . 15 .g7 :gf8 19. to ds and have the beUer position) White achieves less with the 16 .c6 14. 0.g4 3. 9.�g4cxd4 good defender.f4 cs 13.0.Johansen.0.Ziltener.0.eS� 12. d5 U. :ge8 Sakalauskas.xd4 0. Base1 2 001) 12 .c6 ls.) 13. l..cxd4.Grischuk.) 1O .es 0. After 1O:�xe2 ds ll. the complete safety ofhis king.fd7 1l..c6 16.dxcs 0.13 il.Wg4 (12. he2 1 0 .g4 13.c6 berra 2002. Arco 1 0 .e4 !? (This is a natural Khanty-Mansyisk 2005.�f4 cxd4 0.c3 0. tiative.Gawehns.0.a3 (otber­ The inventor of this clever wise Black wiIl transfer his bishop move is Ruslan Ponomariov. Furthermore.f4 0.0.0.h2 16..c3 �c6 14.. :gg8!?� Rogers .xd6 %Vxd6 14.e4 0.dxeS Black i s trying to seize the ini­ 0.0.d4 :gc8� Rozentalis .. Black's position is 12. b3 12. c3 cxd4 14.hs= White would (game 48). 9.ds ll. Djakovo 2 00l.e4 12. Black must take measures against this.h3 il.0. Black should keep his bishop as a 12.0.g5 17:�d2 he3.cxd4 0.xd4 (Black is wel1 prepared to It>h8 13..) 9 .0.e5 �fd7 2009.e2 cs 14.�xe2 captures away from the centre White begins the immediate and this helps him to create pres­ transfer of his knight to the king­ sure along the f-file and to ensure side.lk8 16. :gac8= Wahlbom .g4 il.Stevic. Ponomariov . ) ls.f6 4.c3 cxd4 16. Nemet .es 0..0.c3 e6 5. Duer straightforward line: 12. . It seems that after 17 .) 14.c6 ls.g6 fs is not so dangerous. human reaction.cs� Njirjak ...xcS 16.Kuporosov... f4 O-O 18. Tunik .axb4 Elxal 19. 0-0-0 186 . Krasnodar 1991.g5 this liUle tactical trick. Without the inclusion of the moves h4 and h5.Vf1e2 a6 .a3 IiJc5! With the help of Milos.h4 h5 1l.Elxd5 Vflb4+! Epishin B2) 6. a5 16.hf6 defensive line along the 6th rank 9. 12 .id3 lUt>bl Vflc7 12.h5 13. gxf6. Black re­ ie7 14.h5 ih7 15.0-0-0 �xd4 2 0 .. 7. IiJc6 16.Elfdl axb4 18.hg4 counterplay at an opportune mo­ d5 13. or d5.�f3 �b4� Gt:ld7 13.Vf1e2. dxe5 Vfla5 16.�e2 c6 Black has built up a flexible 9.lg6 7.Chapter 9 moves.see 6.b4.Vf1e3 d5 1O.h4... be­ cause later his bishop might be­ come trapped on the g6-square. it would be too risky for Black to play 9 . 15 ..0 the right momento 13.. Hastings 1997. Rogers - liJa6 12.ih3 d5 14.0 . cS.0-0 O-O 17. .g4 .h4 14.dxc5 d4 13.hf6 gxf6 ClO .hf6 and is ready to start effective .tbf4 1O..h4 h5 1O.g5 ie7 12.Mokry..Vorot­ nikov.1"1g1 ment with moves such as b5.Vf1f4 dxc3 15.exd5 cxd5 17. Vienna 1991.lg5 ..exd5 cxd5 14.@b1 0 . Adams.ixf8 'i!?xf8 19..le7 8. 11. 18 .hf6 .f5 exf5 19.liJe5 Gt:lxe5 15. 10 ••• �d7 7.Vf1e3 0-0-000 duces the tension in the centre at 11.Elxal h6+! 9 .�a5 12.�e3 9. 10.hf6) 1l.ih3 hxg4 12 .see 9....... Manila 1992. 0-0-0 Vflc7+! Hebden .hf6 hf6 1l. Wb1 0.g5 i.9.g4 i.0. for example: forward attempts to capture the 187 .h5 . but Gulko wanted to 2 0 06.i. in response to 14.ig8+ Tukmakov . Gulko.i. Moscow 1990.6.i.Miles.e4 0..f6 4.g5 hxg5 on g4 and foIlow this with f6-f5. . c6.xh5 16.e7 9. to capture the pawn. impedes White's offensive consid­ "Half-measures" by White leave erably and his efforts to trap it do Black with more space for ma­ not seem to work.g4!? is worth con­ 8. activating both emy bishop on f6 wiIl beco me tre­ his bishops) 12 .0. 0. l. • h6 8 .g4 3. It was obvious­ (White cannot really exploit the ly best for him to opt for 17. Montigny le Bretonneux mal 13 .f4....g2 i.�e2 weakening of the f5-square.b6. 1O.exd5 e5 mendously active. The active knight This is the most resolute move..e1 17 YNe5 18. capture with the pawn in order to lLlxd6+ 'i!?b8 17.d4 d6 2.g5 Black has a good altemative here .id3 e5 15..0.i.h3 c6 12. B3) 6J��'e2 a6!? Black has sufficient counterplay 1 have already mentioned in on the queenside..) 1l..e7 2 0 . Black can exchange i.443 i.e4 �a5 17.0-0-0 0.g6 9 .xf6 the long diagonal.h4 sidering here.•• lLlfd7 The move recommended by "Rybka" . Millfield 2000.h3 i.9del •. draw. .YNel increase his control over the cen­ It is too dangerous for White tre.d5 (otherwise.i.h5 13 • . for example.d7 15.cxd5 13.ih7 21. Sum- merscale . gxf6!? (I believe Black must re­ 14 .h4 h5 1O. 0-0 10.0-0-0 d5� keep his dark-squared bishop on 8.gxh5 i.c4� Meanwhile....i.e7 9. since the en­ Black will play d5.c3 e6 5.h5 9..) 22. the Quick Repertoire section that 8 .f4 (Straight­ noeuvres. 9 .lLlxg5 .Au­ He could have played the nor­ rel.0. 7.h5. Legky . 14.lLlb5 exd4 16. �c5 18.lLle4 e5 19. .g. so this move is just exeellent.e3 ttJe4 14. Germany 1995. Andorra 1994.ttJe1 he can ad­ this blow against White's centre..ttJxg6 1O ..tg3 eS and Blaek en­ Tula 1999.ttJeS i. 12.Polgar .a3 ttJb6 moment White's knight is not 13. Am­ sterdam 1990 (game 49). the game Lastin .ttJxf8 hf8 20.g3 e6?! 1 believe Blaek eannot afford this waiting move in sueh a tense situation.Sum­ 2Lf4 with a positional and mate­ merseale.0-0 O-O beeause without it White's king­ lS. dS ! (at the 1O. White has a vital 1 0 .a3 ttJe6f± Palliser .ttJeS heS 2L fxeS Ele8+' Z.f4 bS 12.0 tt:1b6f± 188 . Torquay 2 009.c3 ttJe6.ttJf4! exd4 18.ttJf1 eSf± Haus­ f4.e7 16J:'i:g1 O-O 17. c5!? eontinue with 13 .ih3 • extra tempo: 17.te3 bS 1l.ttJd2 eS 12.Chapter 9 knight fail. Pogorelov - vanee with lS .a3 ttJd7 12 . ttJe1! dS 16. 14. in eomparison with the varia­ of the knight.) lS . dangerous.ttJxg6 fxg6 19.dS eS 1Li.Mohr.a3 ttJb6 13.ttJd2?! (White found an im­ side initiative might beeome very provement nine years later: lS.ttJd1 dS 1LeS eS 18..d6 13..te3 1l. 1l. tion 13 . ttJ8d7 16.td6 19J:'i:ad1 ttJe7 2 0..ttJd3 dxe4 17.ttJd2 eS and Blaek he6 and Blaek was in trouble in has no problems at aH.f4 ttJe6 18.Rashkovsky.)..b3 g6 ttJxeS 13...ttJf3 10 ••. e..d5 e5 14.h3 bS 1 2.ttJd3 sures the eS-square for the retreat eS.. he should 12 . .. 0-0 etc.i.0-0 It is time for Blaek to strike ttJ 8d7 and if lS.Anand. rial advantage.) 1O . 16.. After lS .i..... 1l . or 1O. 0-0 14.dxeS dxe3 !? 19.b5 12.i.) rath . (Instead. 1l. 1O.0 .�xe4 wh7 20..ttJd2 ttJxe3 lS:�xe3 threatening to go either to eS or ii.te7 .exdS exdS 17. 0 . e5 c!Llfd7 9.e7 14.c!Lle3 a6 22.e3 e6 7..e4 d6 2.d4 d6 2.d4 c!Llf6 3.. while it covers the important c4- square.g6 1 0 ..c!Llc3 e6 been difficult.e4 llJf6 Complete Games 47 Isanbaev .exd4 flYb6 16:�b3 It would be difficult for Black to attack the weak b3-pawn.h4 This is an excellent move.c!Lle3 �d3 tion.<!>e2 c!Lla5 16 .�a6! 25.h3 i.c!Lle2 e5 1l.d3 d5 8.c!Lld2 1'k7 26. it looks as if Black played a bit hastily.d4 c!Llf6 3.axb3 1. 4.. Chapter 9 1.g4 i.llJf3 .<!>f2 �xb3 Nizhnij Novgorod 1998 2 0 .ttJf3 ttJb6 he could have 48 Rozentalis . Black is still slightly better.e2 e6 6.i.c!Llf3 B:e8 23.<!>d3 i.i.<!>e2 c!Llb4 which Black establishes control 3 0 .h5 6.e7 27.ig4 3..Sakalauskas patiently improved his position Warsaw 2009 and White's defence would have 1. however.B:h3 c!Lla7 31.c!Llg5 i. Here.e4 d6 2.Komliakov 18.h3 i.e3 c!Lle6 13. but he can hardly win this posi­ 17. c!Llb6 21.g4 5.c!Lldl i. B:c8 18.i.c!Llf3 i.i.b4+ 19. after c!Lle8 28. king to remain in the centre.l'�ael <!>d7 24.c!Lle3 e6 4. 2 0 .f4 exd4 15.B:ehl c!Llb5 32. over the squares weakened by the c!Lldbl B:ee8 exchange of the light-squared The opponents agreed to a bishops and forces the enemy draw..hg6 hxg6 12. With 17.c!Llf3 i.f2 c!Lle6 29.h5 189 .g4 5. d6 38.•• tLld7? 35.g3 e6 14.. 15.h4 10 .gxd8+ hd8 3 0 .e8 Black overlooks a wonderful ii. and he remains a piece down.ie5 41.!?e5 39.e5 tLlfd7 1l.e4 on the enemy e4-pawn by 26J�d4 15. e3 27.!?g2 gc8 28.g6 White would do better to focus 12.!?f6 37.�f1 etc. Draw.xb7 c.a3 ii.tLlh2 ii. 3 O g5 31.fxe5 ge8 the back rank.Chapter 9 7.e6 fxe6 34.ii.c.c.b4? 26 axb6 27.. tLlxe6 �e6 18.g4 3 .ii.e6.d7 c.a4 nent hasjust presented to him: 18 .gxf5 ••• ii.ie5 gxd1+ • 7.b5 c..!?d4 tactical chance. �e6 18.0 O .tLle5 he5 21.'@fe2 a6 21.d5 e3 36.d4 ii.ii.!?e2 .g5 tLlfd7 23.tLlf3 d6 2.c.tLlf3 tLle6 14. �h2 ¡''líc8 and he regains his piece 49 Z. 0 .tLlxe4 dxe4 2 0 .�d2 26. h5 43.ii. 24.d4 �h4 21.9ad1 �e7 because of the threat of mate on 2 O .tLld2 d5 16.if4• l It would not work for Black to �b6 13.f4 c4. He will soon capture the en­ emy b7-pawn.g4 ii.ii.e7 8.h3 b5 11.f5 exf5 32. which his oppo­ 4 0 .e3 O .hb6 d5 10 .!?g7 18 .hc5+ 24. lLlb3! 19.�f3 ii.gxd1 ii.e4 tLlf6 19.gd7 ••• gd8 29.tLld4 ge8 17.e6 c.�e3 e6 5.Polgar Anand because of the pin.ii. 0 .e7 33.ii.g4 ii.h4 h5 9..b5 ge7 25.!?e4 42. l.!?f3 c.d6 19.ii. but Black should manage to save the game thanks to the presence of bishops of op­ posite colours. White also main­ tains his advantage in this posi­ tion.ii.e4 h6 Black has successfully parried 190 .dxe5 tLlxe5 16.axb3 hb4 20.ii.d7 Of course.bxc5 tLld5 25.O 9.exd5 exd5 17.ii.e7 12 .f4 e5 13.'f[xd8 gxd8 22 .h5 6.gfd1 tLlb6 4.O play 23 . while White Amsterdam 1990 ends up with great problems.he6+ c.0 ii.!?e5 44.ii.h3 ii.g6 8. 35 .Capablanca 4 0 .�xf3 �d7 (New York 1927).�d3 b2 53.gb2 lLlc6 3l..b4!? 36. 56.�xd8+ perfect light-squared blockade.�f2 �c6 27. exd5 40.�d3 �b6 26..gfc1 solutely hopeless for White.e4 lLlf6 White's kingside offensive (but.gdl lLld5 46. �f2+ �d3 63. lLlj3 �g4 3. sive line on the opposite side of 36.�g3 �d4 62.lLld2 gcd8 43. �xf5 lLlxf5 39 ...lLldl �f5 24.1'kl lLlc4 23. b3 5l. White re­ signed.�c8 �a8 48.�g2 �xf3+ 4l. not without sorne help for White to defend with 36.b3 lLla5 29J'.�f3 g6 33. strategy became the victim of a �dc1 ga3 47. g6c7 3 O . z�f3 �d5 61.d5 the board.�d3 e5 58.lLlf6+ lLlxf6 5 0 .exf6 25.d4 d6 2...�xd5 Here Black could have played The pawn-structure that has immediately 39 .�c3 �d7 57. �b7 39. game Nimzowitsch . in which the 42.lLlxc4 22...�el lLld6+ 6 0 .c4 dxc4 38. from his opponent) and now Black giving up a pawn but transferring begins to breach White's defen­ his knight to the c5-outpost. �al �fc8 28. but his bishop is forced to protect the pawns on the kingside. �e4 �e6 59.�e2 �xb3 45.�bl �b8 52. 191 .lLle4 �d3+ great exponent of the blockading 44.c3 lLlce7 �xb2 �e8 32. He is not only a pawn down.�g2 �e2. l.�xb2 �xb2+ 55.lLla4. �xd8 49.lLle3 arisen reminds us of the famous lLld4 etc.axb4 as we have seen in our theoretical It was much more resilient section.if2 lLld4+ 65.a2 �c2 �f8 54. axb4 37.�c5 lLlf5 64.lLlb2 This endgame is of course ab­ �a7 35.gc2 a5 34.. .Chapter 1 0 l.hrJ almost always fianchettoes his Black captures the enemy other bishop. so that if S.tg7 7. It would be advantageous for move. . sible "mosquito bite" on f3. he should choose the King's Indian wishes to protect the b7-pawn Defence.c4 Quick Repertoire This is White's most popular file. liJgf6 1O. then in reply to 2.g4 3. ation is S. He usually begins knight in order to justify the early with 4 .d4 d6 2 . ignoring the pos­ tack it. I have already men­ does not need to weaken the light tioned at the beginning of this squares even more with the move section that ifBlack wishes to play b7-b6.. . This variation is also with his rook. He continues his normal Black to play dS.e3 a6 11. Instead.liJc3 g6 6. 0-0 e6 9.gxf3.lDf3.tg2 (diagram) �b8 8. Black 3 . liJd7..f4 .i.1Wb3 he bishop-sortie. he light square (1Wc8).exf3 Black will place a pawn on this White plans calm piece devel­ square) 9 . In response to 4. move Black obtains excellent 192 .. in order to fix the development in the spirit of the enemy pawn on d4 and then at­ closed openings.liJf3 i. or to place his queen on a solidly. A possible continu­ based on the element of surprise.1Wb3 opment in the centre in the hope eS!? Thanks to this undermining of exerting pressure along the e..dS (otherwise 4. '&b3 Black wishes to play d6-d5 him­ '&b8. After 7.e3 tLlbd7 9..h5 !?. Black must play very '&b3 ti'd7 1l..O precisely not to end up without White maintains a slight space counterplay. 8. but his pawn on d5 re­ In order to master this theme.i. Black has solved his development Belgrade 1997). squared bishops) 7 .g4 3. exd5 9.d5 arises after 6. in order to fix the enemy's his opponent's pieces to the de­ weak (Le.ttlc3 g6 .. problems and can be moderately 6 ..h4.i.i. deprived of the support fence of his queenside and then of its neighbours) pawn on d4..g7 7. switch the focus of the fight to the 8 .0 O . ment to exchange the dark­ 4 . 7. 0 . other flank.g7 7. tLlj3 i.c4 hj3 counterplay on the kingside.i. .'&d2 (with the idea of which was weakened as early as playing i..cxd5 ttle7 1 0 ..h6 at an opportune mo­ move three.. advantage.Ivanchuk.e2 optimistic about the future.0-0 tLlf6 1 have already mentioned that 8. Black should reply with 8 . with the idea of holding up his op­ ponent's kingside pawn-storm. l.. e6 6. quires protection and restricts the 1 recommend thorough study of movement of his own pieces. c6 5.d5 O-O 1O. White is trying to tie down self..e2 i. e6 8. one which is essential for an under­ standing of the whole variation.e3 An important position.i.d4 d6 2. 193 . game 50 (Gelfand . . 194 . A more frequent choice for 5. square with iMlc8.Spangenberg. he usuaIly obtains a solid..ltJf3. He considers that the pluses of his position (the 1 wiIl remind you . gxf3 Nalbandian .Chapter 1 0 1.�g2 g6 6... after however. his free development this move is to be able to protect and the slight space advantage) the b7-pawn with the rook in re­ wiIl more than compensate for the sponse to 5. iMlb3 Elb8. the same for Black whether his 1 have already mentioned that rook is on a8 or b8. line of the enemy rook.f4 ltJgf6 1O. it is aIl somewhat passive. ltJd7.i. In general.f4 c6 .f4..exf3 inhos 1994.) 11..id2 1J. after which 5. 6.iMlb3.c4 Step by Step A) 4. or placing the queen on a light 3 .e3 the King's lndian Defence.lilc3 Black here is 3 . it would be better to choose on b3.ltJc3 g6 7. With a6 9.d4 d6 2. but 5. is doing nothing useful 2 .g7 8. Mat­ B) 4.. White's queen if you are after solidity. instead of weak­ minute defect of his pawn-struc­ ening the light squares with b7-b6 ture. position.�e2 b5 11.the idea of bishop-pair.ig4 3.gxf3 lild7 White is not afraid of the ex­ change on f3..xf3 we seek non-standard (He should move his queen off the positions with counter chances.ixí3 .iMlc2 3 .c6°o A) 4.11Jf3 . .see 5. :lg2. Thank heavens! 5 . 6 .e3 �c7 14.:lg2 :lg7 7.h6.. Lippstadt 1993.ltJxb4 dxc4 19. Our �xf7 12... Ovie- 195 . Cacho Reiga­ das .ltJa2 :lf8 1O.. ltJxg5 8.Karner.11.. Lat­ (The idea of this move is to force er.17.Petrosian .gxj3 ltJd7 5. with the help of "Rybka".:ld2 a6 14.ltJc3 E1c8 11. ltJgf6 (One game went like this. while king to the queenside with an Black forces simplifications .15.d5 cxd5 8.f4 E1b8 .rnfl (lt would be 16. ltJgf6 square takes place . 1O.:lh3.. with d6-d5.Romero Holmes.a4 a5 14.!... 6..see 6.ltJc3 E1b8oo) Not many games have reached 7.1O .:lg2 O-O 11.�b5 E1e7= Palat­ leave the centre "on foot" . ) 6.ltJb1 o-o 15.. A. instead. he wiIl have a very 6.:lc3 :ld6 17.) 9 . Tallinn 1985.fxg5 e6 9..:lg5.Black builds this.:lg2 c6 (Black is try­ have any serious problems in this ing to build a defensive line by variation.e3 c6 9.bxc3 c6 9.0-0 E1e8 12. fxg6 11..:lf3 h5 13.:lh4 c5 8. c6... or anything..White has suicide for him to evacuate his achieved what he wanted.f4.E1c2 :lf8 15. placing his pawns on the 6th rank. Black could also try 5 .ltJc3 (7.E1d1 1tJh5 16. draw.:lg2 �a5+ 9.b4 . 5 .:lb2 e6 (We are fa- good position...:lh3 .E1ac1 (After 13. White prevents miliar with this idea . So White's monarch must 2 0.... ltJxc3 (7....) 11 . nik . Spain 1992...gxf7+ and '90s of the last century. Is it worth it...g6.ltJj3 :lg4 3.E1b1 h6 analysis.) 13 .b3 :lg7 7.f4 g6 6.Danailov.f4 If he manages to play follow up 6.rnf1 ltJef6 1O.) 7. :ld6� Timman .. This move should be a Matthias.. 1 .�xc4 ltJd5 g7. ltJe4!? The following analysis is just an attempt to find sorne useful orientation in "terra incognita": 7.:lh4 �a5 11.g6!? �f6 .h4 this position and strong players h6 1O.ltJxd5 cxd5 21.cxd5 :lg7 9..E1g1 rnf7 13 .c4 hj3 4.h4 a waIl against the pawn on f4.f4 ltJgf6 and to dissuade him from the ma­ 1O. a6 12.) 8.. good illustration of the fact that 5 g6 . 13.f4.) 8.�d2 E1b8� showed that Black should not 5. 5 .E1fc1 however? Now.�d3 tested it mostly during the '80s �f6 12. he would like to place a pawn Black to deploy his knight on f6 on d5 as well. open c-file and a black bishop on axb4 18. White cannot ltJ b8 a limited struggle for the b4- safely castle kingside.d4 d6 2. you cannot study the entire data­ base and sometimes you have to improvise as early as move 5.�e2 d5 noeuvre ltJh6-f5. but he has sorne other useful of the pawn-structure. �g7 .1M!b3 !'1. Franco Ocampos .b3. 0-0-0 lLlxd5 13. 8.bxc3 lLlgf6 1O .lLlg5 lLle7 7.e3. He has no long-term Of course.1M!d2 for him to accomplish this..e4 c5 !? (It is useful for Black O-O� Pinter .a3 general. 7..i..1M!c2 d5 12.e3 1M!a5 1O. ideas as well.g7 7.Chapter 1 0 do 1993. 6.i.i.lLle4 lLldf6 1O.. Reg- 196 . Maybe Black was dream­ to increase the scope of his fian­ ing about a kingside attack. 9 .b2 e6 .f4 1M!b6�. but still it would interest­ with his development.e2 e6 9. his position remains lLl b6� A Smirnov ..Chernyshov...f3 O-O 12 . c6 ing to see the result of the struggle between two knights and two bishops. bile) pawn-centre.b3 o-o 1O.tg2 lLlgf6 9. as weH. Of chettoed bishop.cxd5 1M!e7� Kiss ..d5 hc3+. but in lLlgf6 11.e3 e6 (Black could 7. and now: 8 .. White is in the mood to consider creating counterplay enter a long manoeuvring battle.Okhotnik. Hungary 1995. 6 .td2 a6 13.i.ie3 course it would hardly be possible 1M!b6oo) 8 .e2 exd5 1l. Leon 1989. Black has no It is more difficult for Black to oc­ weaknesses and should react ap­ cupy the e4-square with his knight propriately to aH possible changes now.see 6. 9. .Rivas Pastor.) 8.h6 1M!a5oo) 8.i.d5 a6 9.i. 8.d5 (8 .i.lLlf3 lLle4� Black has built up his trade­ mark pawn triangle and has occu­ pied a central square with his knight. lLldf6 1O.b8 12 .d3 e6 9.Christiansen. but massive (although not very mo­ with a bishop on d3 instead of e2.lLle4.ig2 1l...c1 7.a4 lLlh5 13. this is a very risky weaknesses and has no problems move.c5!? 8.!'1..e4 i.lLlxd5 lLlf6 12. a6 9. 8. White's knight White has two bishops and a is following a familiar route.lLlg5 lLle7 11. against the enemy d4-pawn with but Black is weH-prepared for that 7. Voronezh 2005.�d2 h6 13. quite solid and reliable. with two pairs of doubled pawns on the board.1M!d2 lLle5 1O.!'1. Efi­ rnov. B) 4.c4 :!ixj3 4.ttlj3 j. gb8 O-O. j..e3 o . with the enerny bishop back in the centre of the board. .0-0 O-O 1O.ªe2 burg 1997.. 16. so Black wiIl also reap dividends out of the opening of the position.ªaS I4.i.. Sakaev . After 14. 8. Sto Peters­ 8. his pieces rernain stranded on the queenside and Black threatens to advance with fS-f4.dxeS ttlxeS+± Sarno ..h3.) 14..b4 eS!? (Opening the position usually favours the side that has the bish­ op-pair. or sirnply recapture the c4-pawn..b3 cS 12.Svidler..i.0 draw. Saint Vincent 1999.d5 �gf6 1 0 . e6 9.�e2 �e5 2 0 .1'lfdl 1'le8 13.ªe2 a6 12.i. rifice.j.hdS b4+± 8 .fxeS dxeS IS. Danailov .e3 ttlgf6 9..Bri­ card.. 14..d2 ttlgf6 9.�g2 O-O 10.d4 d6 2.�c2 tLlxc4 19.c3 f5 21. tLlh5 15.dxcS ttlxcS 13.1'labl.gael Yflh4 22. a6 1l.g4 3.�b3 gtb8 18..�xb7 �e7 17.exj3 c6 gio Ernilia 1988.hg7 1t>xg7 17.. J. .i. Andorra 1991. 14 . However.b2 . 12. bS IS.'�b3 e5!? Black is ready to sacrifice a pawn to create sorne threats on the kingside. 0 ..fxe5 �xe5 13 .e3 7. this underrnin­ ing rnove weakens the white king's defensive perirneter. 8.d4 White declines the pawn-sac- 197 .o H e is willing to sacrifice a pawn even under less favourable circurnstances.a7 ga8 (diagrarn) 14 .exf3 c6 ttldS ttlxdS 16.e3 a6 11.ªxb7? ! ttlhS IS.0-0 1'lb8 11. a4 2 006.1e3 leaving his surprised opponent ttJbd7 9.ttJa2 aS? Bagirov . wondering why the move g2-g3 Elfd1 Elc8 12.f4 ttJf6 6.�d3 (7.cS bring his king to safety from a di­ bS 11.. ttJgf6 9.f4 (This is the correct set-up for ttJb6 12.Vovsha..�e3 g6 7.. so it is advantageous for S.) Ftacnik .see S. ttJxb6 White's d4-pawn may become 18.�e2 O-O 9. there arose a complicated 5 0 ) 8 . Be 14.) 6 . position with chances for both see 8.�f3 Elc8 11.1f1f1. Belgrade 1997 . .dS (8.0-0 dS 1O.�e3 ttJbd7 cow 1994.h4 (9.dS ttJf6.f4 a6 12.�g2 6. 0-0 10.ttJxcS dxcS and Black deal 2006 (game 51)..Milos.cxdS 17.f4 that as it may. Vaganian .. Now Black must play very accu­ S.hS 11... Brisbane 12.ie3 have difficulties..'�aS �g7 8.�e2 ttJbd7 9.) 17.�e3 e6 .fS Ele8 13..Wb3 anchuk.�e3 ttJd7 8.ttJc3 g6 .b4 Wd8 1S. rect attack: 6 .Iv­ Elfc8 14.0-0 Wc7 17. 16 .a3 cxdS 13.) 9 ..Wf3 Elc8 1SJ'l:e2 ttJc4 16. Black.. (White played 9.) 8 .�xc4 Elxc4? Postl .. otherwise he will soon 6 .game ttJb6.%k1 bS 16.ttJxdS ttJxdS 1S..0-0 (7. see variation 7.see 1O. ttJf6 8.Chandler.�f3 ttJcS 19.c!Llc3 a target.f4 WaS 12.ttJc3 �g7 rately to create counterplay and 8. Graz 1992.Wb3 Elac8 13. 1O .Elb1 a4? Gelfand .dS O-O) 9 ..Elfe1 Elfe8 14. Pre­ cxdS ttJcS 18.0-0 ttJf6 8.ttJc3 him to push it forward with 6..ttJf6 7.�b6 (After 17.Ele1 ttJbd7 11. Biel ttJbd7 1O. 6.0-0 WaS 11.�gS ttJb6 (White's attention is distracted by his vulnerable pawn.dS ttJf6 6.cxdS ttJa4? 198 .ElxdS Elc6 16. since he must force the op­ �h3 Elcd8 1SJ'l:ad1 ttJfd7 16.dS O-O) 7..a4 b4 12.Wb3 cxdS 13.�e3 ttJbd7 9.) 9 . ponent to protect his dS-pawn. 0-0 10.Eldd1 aS 18.�e2 in one game. is too slow and does not create any problems for Black. Lucerne 1993) 9 .g3 ttJbd700 9 .ttJe4..Petran.g3 (This plan.�d3 ttJbd7 .�e3 Minasian.0-0 cxdS (He 5 ••• g6 immediately creates a weak pawn for his opponent on dS. g6 6.. Mos­ 6.0-0 O-O .. seizes the initiative.dS..Wc2 a6 11..f4 (9. ttJc4? Ionescu .dS (White must place his pawn on dS in any case.. 0-0 9.cxdS O-O 1O. O'Cinneide .dS O-O 1O.Elac1 a6 13.) 14...Eld2 cxdS was played in the first place.'�b3 Wb8 11.�g7 8.�e2 �g7 7..�e3 ttJb6 2 003.cxdS ttJfd7 14.Chapter 10 5.Sanduleac.�g7 7. sides. after 9 . based on the king's fianchetto.cxdS Elb6 20..�e2 �g7 7. thwarting his oppo­ d5 1O. 11. Zatonskih l1. lLla4 e5 13J':i:b1 O-O 14..E:e1 �e7? Aronian - Svidler.lLlj3 �g4 3.g3 lLlxe3 gxh5!? 12.E:h3 lLlb6 17.c4 hj3 4.�e2 d5 9. trying to get rid of his weak pawn immediately.) 1O.e5 ltJbd7 11.�d3 lLlf6 8.G. although maybe not the best.d5 exd5 9.�e2 O-O 14..g4..i>d2... Internet 2 004.... but Blaek side.. d5 Drasko . Bl) 7.b4 bxe5 11. Budapest (It is also interesting for Blaek to 2001..ig7 7.bxe5 lLlfd7! (with two threats .) 14..Varga.. Blaek must eoneentrate the dark-squared bishops.'We5 18. It is more reliable for Blaek to 7. ) 13 .�f4 �e7+ 13. White would have maintained the initiative .E:xh5 lLlgf6 13.h4 lLlf6 8.. Tivat 1995.fxe3. eould have survived the other 1 0 ..g4 time as well.e5 b6 1O.%M2 B2) 7.'Wd2 play h5!?. 1....exd5 lLle7 1O.f4 (White has nent's pawn-storm on the king­ defended against e7-e5. h5!?.E:ae1 �xb2+ play 13 . e6 8.e2 7. Blaek's position seems rather 199 ..g4 dxe4 11.lLlxc5 and e5) 12.f5 dxc3 14. . Saint Louis 2009.. exd5 1l. This is an amusing move.�h6 opening erossroads. Bl) 7. Svidler his forees on attaeking the enemy faeed this twiee. In one game Pe­ d4-pawn and exploiting the exeel­ ter defended sueeessfully and he lent d5-outpost. �xe3 lLlg4 15.cxd5 the help of a little eombination. with 9.0-0 o-o 9. 17.ixe4. 0-0 14. hh6 11.exj3 c6 6 .lLlxc5! 12.h5 tLld7 1 0 .h4 This is the last important 8..dxc5 d4 13.h5 E:e8? 8 .0-0-0 0-0-0 and in The idea of this move is to play this position with mutual weak­ ih6 at sorne point and exehange nesses.Nikolie. Kallio .Akobian.i. (Af­ ter 13.%Yd2 �e2 �e7 15.d4 d6 2.�xh6 lLlf5 12 .�b3 �e7 16. reduces the tension anyway. 0 O .W1c2 d5�. Cullera change of one of his bishops in 2002.d5 If 8.0-0 CiJe7 9.E1adl O-O Svidler. if 13 .�b3 �b6!? Black has a very good position. forcing a transition into an endgame: 19 . 8 ... Copenhagen 2010 (game 13.�b3. 18. Moscow (blitz) 2009 and here Black should have sacrificed a pawn. 13.• (Black's position would be accept­ able after 20.if6 • with: 8 . CiJe7!? 9.h6 . White cannot prevent the ex­ Vera .. ¡Ud1 tilf5 Svidler.O 12.W1d7 11.ic4 b5 !?? 16.E1xf5 W1xh6.!. Bareev .. tild7 16.0-0 O-O 1l. Black could consider a any case. I should like to em.ixf5 gxf5 • 1 0 .ig5 W1c7 15 ...if4.. 0 .W1xf5 •.) 2 0 ..tile4 After the immediate 8 .cxd5 tile7 1 0 .Villalba Izquierdo. f4 tile7 14.Wd3 W1f6 19J'�h5. Black brings his last reserves W1b3 into the defence. 0 .if8 15 ....0 .Chapter 1 0 dangerous. Wxf5 2U�xf5 c.. pawn sacrifice for the initiative 13 .. then 13 .id6 2 0 .0 tile6 13.W1xb7 CiJd7 10...exd5 9.ie2 e6 (diagram) 8.gxf5 tilxf5 17 ... 11 tilf8 12. since Black could have simply protected his b7-pawn on move 8 . •.id3 f5 phasize that this sacrifice is not at all forced..>e� B2) 7. but his defensive re­ sources are not exhausted yet. 200 . 52).hg7 tilxg7? Nielsen - O-O a5 11.�b3 CiJf5 12. CiJd4.. c5 14 .. 10. gd2 cxd5 not worse at all.ia3 �f8 29.gxd6! This is an excellent tactical blow..gxd6 33. but makes a serious mis­ 1.V!ih7 ize an attack on the kingside.ixf3 Complete Games 5o Gelfand Ivanchuk Black decides not to repeat Belgrade 1997 moves.�h1 . .d5 o .ig7 8 .g3 gaa6 26.d4 d6 2. 0 . .0 .ixa3 ga6 36.c4 .ie3 tLlgf6 Black had to play 31.V!ih1 �f8 ga6 39 . 31.V!ic7.h5 �e7 23.�d1 V!ie7 3 0 .ic5 �c7 38 . This is a rather purposeful ap­ 32 .ttJf3 ..ixc5 gbb6 proach! White is trying to organ­ 34. 'it>g2 gb4 27...if3 • tLlc5 19.ext'3 c6 5.gb1 a4 21.Chapter l O 1..gdd1 a5 18 . White is in no hurry while in response Black simply to regain the exchange and he in­ evacuates his king from the dan­ creases the pressure. ••.ie2 g6 7.ig4 3.•.hxg6 hxg6 28. after which Black is forced to conduct a difficult and labori­ 23 .b8 1U''!fd1 though 1 think White's position is �'!c8 12. h4 e6 22. 24. 14.tLlxd5 tLlxd5 15.d4 d6 2 ..tlJf3 .�b3 .if6 201 .ig4 3.o 10 .c4 take on the very next move . 'it>f8!? ous defence.ixf3 4.ib4 . creating ad­ ger zone! ditional threats.gac1 a6 13.�d1 'it>e8 25.gxd5 gc6 16. al­ 9.�c2 gb6 2 0 .f4 �c7 17.gbd1 gxb2? .. 34 a3 35... Of course.tLlc3 tLld7 6.ib4 gab6 37.ª.gd2 32. '�a6 (After 17.ia3 �bc6 44 . queenside only.b3 �c3 42.f5 This is an attractive pawn­ break. but it seems somewhat premature.c4 c6 4.hb7 62.ia6 1J.e2 .0 o .fxe3 �xe3 63.gxf5 41 . Black is relying ture the pawn: lS.o 9.if3 �c5 • small.Chapter 1 0 47.e3 lLlb6 12..g7 42. 45.f4! (diagram) Ivanchuk is ready to give up a 15.ie5 5 0 .) 17.ig7 8..ig4 3.�el �d4 54.. 61 . a4 1L1c4 46.1J..�xd6 �xd6 46.�h4 me8 48.1J. 202 .�xe3. his queen gets trapped. Draw 51 Ionescu Sanduleac Predeal 2006 l.�e4 me7 51 ..1L1f3 . .ic5 55.mh2 and kingside pawns are exchanged he wiIl soon capture the enemy now and White cannot win on the g6-pawn..if3 l:k8 1l.�e2 md6 56... 0 .ih5 1J.exf3 g6 7. lLlcS.ib5 1J. on the presence of bishops of op­ fxe3 �b8 17.�xa7? posite colours. The distance be­ 40 .a6 me5 58.b6 53. This is the last finesse. For example: 40 .d5 e4 61.d4 d6 2.cxd5 lLlfd7 14...1L1c3 lLlf6 5.hc5 �xc5 49.�e2+ mf6 59.�b3 cxd5 13.d5 hf3 6. After 40...a5 . e3! me7 41.�acl second pawn just to force Gelfand It is too risky for White to cap­ to exchange on cS.a4 tween his two passed pawns is too �ab6 43 .. AH the �e4 mf8 44.a4 ! (to place the bishop on the a3-square with­ out being hassled by the enemy rook) White should graduaIly manage to breach his opponent's fortifications.f4 lLlbd7 1 0 . g4 4 0 .c6 e5 6 0 .�xf4 .�f3 f5 57..�b1 �a7 43.1J.c7 52 .�xb7 lLlxe3 16.�d1 �aa6 4S.1J.. �b2 �d3 his posi­ tion is of course worse. because of the threat of Copenhagen (blitz) 2 010 �f8. I.�xe7 gxe7 3 0 .g4 ef8 37.dxe6 dxe5 42:�e3 tiJcs 18. 43.e4 203 . but he could have defended it.e4 a4 4 0 .�g1 a2 46. 'I!!lId8! ther resigned or lost on time..'I!!lIxa5 34.bxe3 �e7 21. mania).gb4 control was in this tournament gfe8 27..i.f5? White blunders in turno After the simple move 44. 44.�d4 a5 39. Black's king ends up in a cage from which there is no escape.'Wxe5+ �g8 44.'Wb2.i. After 22 . 42 .a5 'I!!lIb3 19.e4?! White did not need to give up a pawn. �g8. a3 45.1!ffe 2 �aS and Black's com­ pensation for the pawn is more than sufficient. but the end of this game 'I!!lIxe1 tiJe5 32.Nielsen Svidler gered.fxgS. In effect. tiJ b3 and Black wins a pawn anyway. 15 . 33 . White's aS-pawn is hanging and his h6-pawn is also endan­ 52 P .g4 3.. Black was winning easily with 42 ..�h4..fxg5? 22 'I!!lIxe4 23. this is a double at­ tack.�tb1 'I!!lIe2 22.fxe3 tiJe5 17. because of 34 .d4 d6 2.'I!!lIb 2 b5 47..ea1 b4 48.�h2 was full of mistakes.g5 �d8 36.e5 tiJxe6 41.e6+ �h8 38.�el �f8 34.. tiJxe3 16..h6 �xe1+ 31.h4 'I!!lIf5 26.. tiJj3 ig4 3.�b2 f6 35.1:�a1 he3 2 0 . l. �a3 'I!!lIb 6 18..�c1 'I!!lIb5 24.d4 d6 2.c4 ixj3 33. ••• I do not know what the time gab1 'I!!lId7 25..gbe4 'I!!lId7 28. White ei­ 32 •.tiJf3 i.g4 White would not save the day with 33. He would have to acquiesce to a draw by a per­ petual check...h5 tiJa6 (the team championship of Ro­ 29. for White to opt for 27.f4 c!lJe8 32.he8 ge8 17.• 22.ib5 23.Chapter 1 0 .ixf3 4. 27 ••• c!lJd4! Black wins a piece thanks to the double attack on e2 and f6.gel tfd8 27.. It was correct c!lJd4 with chances for both sides.f5 18.O wrong piece! After 21.c!lJe4 e5 14. 23 ge7 24..ie3 21.h4 ge7 25. tfe7 15..i.c!lJc3 g6 6.tfb3 e"d7 11.xf7? c!lJa4 and White loses a piece.igJ 7.gel But not 23.ie6 tfxf4! In the end the knight-fork worked! White resigned.d5 exd5 9.hgJ c!lJxg7 21 gxe8 .ie2 e6 8..c!lJg5 a6 19. but the c!lJe7 1 0 ... 28.•• c!lJb6 It was preferable for Black to play here 17 .gxf7 �g7 3 0 .if6 c!lJd7 16.gxe7 ••• e"xe7 26. i.c!lJxb6 Wxe8 with an approxi­ mately equal position. 2 04 .c!lJf6+ �h8 19.tfe3 tfxf6 29.xd7 Wxd7= 18.id7 c!lJe7 33.ie8! White 12.ig5 would maintain the initiative.0 O .c!lJd7+ c!lJd4 2 0 .h5 c!lJf5! 17 . 0 ...gfdl c!lJ f5 13.. c!lJf5 20J:'í:ad1 intermediate move...exf3 e6 5.ge8 .tfe4 h5 31. .exd5 The right square.e"e3 a6 28.hxg6? It was again more precise for He overlooks a very powerful him to choose 19 . ih4 g5 7..e4 g6 8..) 3 . To avoid the theoretical dis­ cause White's options have been pute in the main lines White usu­ considerably reduced.ttJf3 �g4.. preventing the In the last chapter of this book.ig3 .ie2 ttJg7 g 5 5 .. on the board we have a position that resembles the Drag­ on variation of the Sicilian under very favourable conditions for Black.d5 ? ! 6 .ig7.f4 �g7.d4 d6 Quick Repertoire not be at aIl easy.. ttJbd7 4.dxc5 (After 4..) 4. His alternatives are ttJf6 3.lL'lf3 and the King's Indian Defence.ttJfd2 ttJdf6 8 .) 4 . It would be interesting for White to try 2 .. h6 3 . Wfa5+ 5..ih4 c5 (White ttJbd7 and advances with either has removed his bishop from cl a e7-e5 or c7-c5...g3 places his pawn on e6.ttJd2 ttJc6 7. 2. we only seldom played. fianchetto.ig5 h6 queenside.e3 (After 3.ttJf3 �g4. Suddenly.. White's defence wiIl 9 . be­ 2 .if4. variation 2 .. Chapter 11 1. develops Against 2 .ig3 ttJf5. counter-strike in the centre ... then he replies with 3 ..�g5 I suggest a quite his bishop to e7 and then castles concrete scheme in which White and continues with d5 and c5. Black usuaIly 2. aIly chooses the plan with a king's Black has an alternative plan: 2 .ttJf3 bit too early and Black begins im­ ttJh5 (Black wants to exchange the mediate counterplay on the enemy bishop on f4. mon sense: 2 .e4.c4.. However.ttJc3.c3 Wixc5 6. but they wiIl have one of the versions of the not be ignored in our analysis. His plan includes exchang­ ing queens and a pawn-storm on the queenside. White has faíled to 205 . It would be attractive for Black ous possibilities on move 2. If cannotjust play according to com­ 3..e7- we shaIl analyze White's numer­ e5.) 5 . with now to continue in the spirit of the exception of 2. 1 believe that in this particular Wid2 tLlf6 (Black plays quite sim­ position.tLlc3 l"í:e8 1O. 1 think Black's defence here is much easier than in the analo­ 2 ••• e5 gous endgame in the Philidor 1 would recommend that play­ Defence.) ed in advancing his pawn to dS 7 .g3 with the King's 3.tLlh3 (following the route problems in a calm. jority of Dvoretsky's pupils.tLlgS tLlgf6 11.l"í:e1 tLleS 11. so we endgame.dxeS dxeS 4.tLlf4 .i. We due to the fact that...tLlxe6+ fxe6 12..c4 eS respond to 2.�xd8+ �xd8 op.Wixd8+ �xd8. ll:l c3 has several good systems against This is the favourite move of the king's fianchetto.f4 (Black has no tions. since there Black 5.ig2 velop his bishops to active posi­ c6 6. we started our book excellent practical results in this with studying endgames.ib2 dS+! Black has succeed­ h4 hS with chances for both sides.ie6 7.0-0 struggle such as: 7. but a bit more complex ers with a wide opening repertoire than in the line: l.g6 7. with 3 .... c6 12 . Artur Yusupov. Black has sufficient de­ ply. 0-0-0 l1e7. .tLlf3 . to the centre. He develops his knights closer fensive resources. maneuvering h3-f4-dS) 6 .ig2 exd4 4..a3 tLle7 10. then he wants to Black's task is much simpler place his pawn on ds and to de­ after the rather slow line: S . exf4 8 . like the ma­ must complete the circle.ixf4 tLld7 9. he 3.b3 l1c7 9.tLlc3 . dxe5 4.0-0-0 tLld7 11.) 6. The position is a complicated one with chances for both sides. Indian Defence.d4 d6 2.dxe5 plays all kinds of endgames ex­ White would not achieve much tremely well.ib4! ? and he is about to seize the initia­ 1O.Wixd4 tLlc6 S. tive.Chapter 11 prevent the exchange of his bish­ 3 • .ig7 8.. who has achieved However. This is of course also will finish it in the same way.e3 O-O 9.tLlf3 f6 8. Black has given his 206 . requires concrete knowledge..ie6 7. 6 .a3 .0 •. but his position is neverthe­ less quite solido 5 . .lLlgxe2 lLlg4� 207 . 6 . so .f4..0 .e4 .ib4 Black pins his opponent's knight and frees the e7-square for his king. such as 6.ig2. (diagram) 6 .ie2 he2 12.id2 There are not very many games played using this line.••. This position lLld7 9. l. .igS+.ig4 11.d4 d6 opponent the two-bishop advan­ tage.ie7 8 .. ous tries for White. so in the chapter Step by Step we have ana­ common-sense reasoning is not lyzed all these more or less seri­ adequate. 6.f4 lLlh6 1 0 . 0 . 'l:ld2. but without e4. the game usually transposes to variations we have already analyzed.. otherwise. if :ge8 9.Modern dxe5 4.'l:lfd2 g5 6. Internet 2 000.f4 f6 1O.'l:lf3 (Or 4.a3 ta5 10.e4 'l:lxg3 8..'l:lf3 Philidor Defenee. It is obvious that the ample: 3. e) 2.'l:le3 g6 . Glienke ..te5 13 .el 'l:lgf6= Kaidanov - there.g3 'l:lbd7 4.e4 (5.'l:lf3 tb4 7. that is great problems equalizing..'l:le3 'l:lf6 (Now.th4 f6 6.dxe5 move g2-g3 is mueh more useful dxe5 6.ie3 'l:ld7 8. 12 .e3 'l:ld7 7.tg3 'l:lh5 7.0-0-0 We7= ehang .hxg3 i.'l:lf3 td6 1l.ig5 ern Philidor Defenee.td2 in the endgame than h2-h3.dxe5 'l:lbd7 4.'l:le3 e6 (It makes sense to restriet the c3-knight and free the e7-square for the king in the proeess..Stuemer.) 3 ..i.'l:lge4 . for ex­ with 2 . king's fianehetto.h3. 4.0-0 O-O 8 .g3 2.b4 9.) 8.e4 i.'l:lf3 tg4..f5 i. while after3.c3 (After 3.f4 g4 1O.if4 'l:lf3 tg4 we are in the system with D) 2.Wd2 h6 5.b:e5 'l:lxe5� 2 .d4 d6 Step by Step Crea .tg2 e5 5..ig5 A) 2.te3 Blaek has an aeeeptable position 'l:lg4 12. I sug­ the Modern Philidor Defenee! I gest that Blaek eontinues in the believe that Blaek should not have same fashion as after 2..1ifíxd8+ Wxd8 5.g3...te6 6.V 12..Saeeona.) 208 .) 3 . Asti 1997) 5 . see Chapter 2 .e3 'l:ld7 3.tf8 1l.i.h3 he should Komliakov. Germany 2002..i. it would once again be Against the move 2.Chapter 11 1.e4 e5 we enter the Mod­ B) 2. e5.e4 e5 . Original positions arise only after the plan with a 2 . Goeh 2008. then against 2.te4 a600 Zsehis­ 'l:lxb6 12.Dornieden.'l:lg5 h6 1O.'l:le3 e6 13. 3.0-0-0 We7 9.e6 7 . not have any problems.e2 tb6 11.e4 e5 4. .txb6 tg7 9. ttJg2 (White's knight is foIlowing an unusual route. Lyngby 1990. ttJh6 8.hxg3 c5� Nedimovic .d5.0-0-0 e6 2. White's e4-square is weak.ttJf4 ttJt7 13.. If ttJxg3 13.e3 c5� WeIling .e4 .ig7 (It seems a bit prema­ ture for Black to play 1O . Portoroz 2005 (game e4.h3 �5 9. while CiJgf6 .) 2 .ig3 CiJh5 7. .f4 (White physicaIly prevents 1O..'?!lfe3.) 5.ie2 e6 8.. since it is quite comfortable in the centre and can go at any moment either to c8 or g8.. but its final desti­ nation is quite familiar .) 3.e4 4.te7 scheme l...ttJf3 e4 6. h6 5 . ttJd7 "A pawn against a pawn" .. In addition.�b1 '?!lfe7 11.cxd5 cxd5 12.. Black has already started an centre.g3 (4.CiJh4 CiJdf6 7. White can later advance with e2- Tratar.) 11.) 7.Modern Philidor Defence.h4t and his pieces are overbur­ The weakening of the kingside dened with the protection of the should not bother Black. 3. 0-0 11. (Black operates in a standard Tula 2002..the f4- square.ttJf3 209 . The point is that Black can attack against the enemy king.transposition to the .c4 e5) 4 . it does not make much sense for White to fianchetto his queen's bishop.d4 d6 2 . 10 . 2 .hf6 CiJxf6 6..'?!lfd2 a6 9. but there is sorne logic in this move too.d4 d6 \ 4 . e5 imme­ is a standard way of playing in the diately here.tg7 the centre and then completes his development under its cover..'?!lfd2 . 1.e3 f5 .�b2 e5 4.Okhot­ evacuate his king to either side of nik...Derezuk. he wiIl have a powerful pawn­ 53).e4 e5-square with his pawn.CiJc3 .) 2 .td3 Black's pawn-advance e7-e5. but I like this pre­ opening. 8.d5 o-o 12...c4 c6 9.0-0-0 powerful bishop on g7 and can CiJhg4 13.f5!? while it is still unclear for White where he should start the hunt for the enemy monarch.0-0-0 fashion: he creates a pawn-pair in d5�) 5 ..ih4 (5.. Zhuravlev . He has a d5-pawn. impede the move e2-e4.... . it is in paratory move with the knight Black's favour that he controls the even more. be­ cause of 11.f5 1O.tg4 7.this (Black can also play 2 .ic4 b5 12 .b3 (1 think that with a pawn on d4.. the board. g5 6 .'?!lfd2 g6 1O. .Hausner..cS. Both 4 .e4 liJf6 6. even less problematic for him 7 liJxg3 8.id6 7...dxeS (H is better for White to play 4. 1 do not see consider striking a blow against anything dangerous for Black af­ his opponent's centre from the ter 2 . fence with 4 .0-0 O-O 8..�c4. so an exchange of a pair of minor pieces is exactly what Black would be very happy with.liJe4 liJxe4 12 . but still 1 think that he can 3 h6 4.liJf3 eS 4.liJgf3 •.Greifzu.. while after 3 . Reis .e4 White increases his control over the centre.. He would not achieve much by playing timidly: 7. Gron­ ports his d4-pawn and opens the ingen 2003.ih4 liJgf6 5. He could also Frankly speaking.. White sup­ liJgf6 6.V!1c2 O-O 7. He can enterschemes liJc6 ! ? 8.) 4 ..hxg3 �g7 9.liJeS liJbd7 9. Lazne Bohdanec 1995. but A) 2.e3 liJxg3 8.liJc3 g6 S.ig3 liJh5 opponent with more energetic Black does not have enough and enterprising play. The endgame is other side.dS lijaS 9 ..hxg3 . 8.) the extra effort involved.liJd2 o-o 1O. so maybe he does not need prospects are about balanced.g4 liJf6 11. with a white pawn on c3 than with e5 210 .Perez 4.e4 here.liJd2 g5 ••• create greater problems for his 6 ..liJf3 �g7 a pawn on c4. Bad Black has no problems at all Woerishofen 2002.. eS either. . Ourense 20 07. . space... or 4 .. dxeS S.�e3.c4 liJf6 4. Black has a wide choice of Mauricio.e3 this transposes to the Modern 1 would define this move as Philidor Defence.e3 g6 S.V!1d3 cS�) 3 .0-0 dS 7... 7.�c4 e6 6. with a closed centre. after 3.. Meis .�d3.Chapter 11 (3.xe4 dS 13.ig7 9. Black activates his light­ squared bishop and attacks the 2 •. how­ development and in general the ever. liJbd7. liJc6.id3 e6 1O. way for his queen to the queen­ liJbd2 aS� side. . dS! ? There is pIen­ sides have approximately equal ty of theory to study there.ig5 • liJe4� Ganslmayer . for example rical. from the Modern Philidor De­ liJf6 4. 7 .Frhat. possibilities.�f3 eS� Me­ duna . or play some­ �d3 ig7 (The position is symmet­ thing more original.• liJd7 enemy gS-pawn.e4 "semi-developing". 6 . . by 13 . ..ltJe3 Wfb7? It is obvious that this rather "abstract" move cannot be so bad 1 0 .. h6 White could have won a pawn This is a quite concrete scheme in two different ways... He can choose �d6. structure. because his bishops 2 O .�xc4 dxc5 an enormous variety of plans.�xc5 hdl 22.ic4 1O.dxc5 ltJxc5 11. 0 . Of course.d4 d6 Now the move e7-e5 would 19 ...ih4 21.�e3 e6 16. The alternative is 3.bxa4 hc3 22 .�d7 13.. B:xf2+...ltJf1 try to destroy his opponent's cen­ �c6+ tre somehow.�h2 h5 19. 0-0 11. the table yet either.a4 2 0.id7 17. Black has 1l.Wfxd8+ �xd8 14.f4 2 .B:d7+ cj{c6 23.. as well as great players Black. He also has a solid alterna­ such as Veselin Topalov and Vass­ tive: 10 .ltJd4 b5 14. practically any kind of pawn­ Austria 2 000. 17.ltJg5 sense alone..1tJxf7 B:hf8 20. ltJc4. Schlindwein ..g4 18. but 13..Wfc2 Wfc7 12. l.Ceschia.b3 �xb7 3 ..�f4. but I B:xf7 B:ab8gg think that ifWhite wished to place 211 . 12 . l!xdl l!d8:¡: 1 0 .. l!aíS 2 0 . �b6!? if it is regularly played by grand­ Now the position is simplified masters such as Ivan Sokolov.1tJxb7 i.ia4 21.�xb7 make less sense.�c4 .0 . although he must Black is better after 2 0.Wfe2 Wfc7? ily Ivanchuk.ig5 merovo 2008. Yankin .. must be activated. 19.dxc5 �xc4 12.0 + White has not laid his cards on �c7 15. to an endgame in which every­ Mikhail Gurevich and Dmitry Ko­ thing seems advantageous for marov. Ke­ B) 2 ..Sosnovskiy. but neither and White cannot counter it by of them would be sufficient even playi ng according to common for equality: 19. �g3 Wib4 1O.Wid3..h4 g4f! and his queenside is endangered. lyzing original ideas to investigate 7 .dS? ! in view of 4 .c3 hands WiaS 12.c3 ltJf6 7.Wid2.dxcS WiaS+ (I can recom­ 6. 5 Jbc5 6. 4 Wia5+ 5. because too optimistic: White lags in de­ the move h7-h6 may turn out to velopment and he cannot afford be quite useful for Black: 3 .. looks like the Richter-Rauzer sys­ 4. does it not?) 1O..a3 �e7 11.Wixc3+ ltJe4 12 .Wia4+.Wixe4 Wixb2 e4 ltJc6 11.�c1 �g7 1l. in essence transpos­ a6'!').squares. for ex­ him.ltJf3 �g4.bxc3 ltJf6 9.Le over the initiative to Black: 4 .ltJf6 to play so ambitiously Ot would 4. least equal. He has another even more ample. 1O. Belgrade 1988.dxcS dxcS g6 7. Kopeikin - mend to players who enjoy ana­ Shamsutdinov.ltJf3.f3 Stankovic . Quang Kim. This is a quite standard reac­ In the foHowing game.c4 (After 4..ltJc3 WiaS 7. it would ing to the system 2 .gS 6.Wid2 WixcS 6. so Black im­ fence: S..�g3 ltJf6 9.. Metz 2009. it is better to do 6...ltJc3 WixcS 7.f4 ltJc6 7.ig3 ltJe4 7..�d1 ltJbd7 gS 9. pawn..) 8.e4?! This move is it on his second move.Lojanica.e2 ltJc6'!' 9.ixe4 ixc3+ 13. Wib6 S.�d3 e6 (This queen to the b6. 7.. however: 4 . 8.e4 mediately opens the way for his id7 8..Todorovic.. punished after aH.c3 ••.a4 ie6 12. 3 .e3 ie6 8. Adelaide ltJeS and Black's position is at 2002.Wixc3 O believe a gambit suggested here by "Ryb­ White's defence is even more dif­ ka": S . Dieren 1991. 4 .. Sterlitamak 2008.ltJa3 with 4 .. S..ttJd2 ttJc6 7.dxcS dxcS 10.id3 1O.e4 id7'!') 8 . 8.) Verdonk ..bxc3 ltJf6 10. 4. the op­ tion . he can capture the concrete argument. Black can reply be better for him to play 7.b4 Wic7f! Poussier .�f2 The modest move 4.ixd6 o-o 1l.Wic2 ltJxe4! The absence gS S. 9.ltJf3 ltJb6 11. �xc3+ ! ? 8..ltJxc4 �d8f! Kova­ id7 13.c3 cS 9..g7 2 12 . the Sicilian De­ queenside slightly.gS S .0-0-0 ltJbd7 11.dxc5 tem.b3..1Mfc2 Wic7 13.tg3 ig7 gS!? 8. eS !? 6. weakening his a position from.cxd6 ficult with queens still on the ixd6) 6. but after.id3 fS 12 ...'.and aS. of the bishop from el has been hxg3 �g7 8... and be a disaster for Black to play 7...Wib6 (NaturaHy.White has removed his ponents suddenly decided to play bishop from el.Wixe7 ic4 ixc4 14.ltJa3 ie6'!' Black could consider playing It is dubious for White to play even more ambitiously with 7. eS . cS S.. �g4. Donka .ltJbd2 ltJxg3 7.ig3 ltJc6 8.�g3 ltJe4 6.t.Chapter 11 his bishop on f4.ltJf3 ltJf6 9. the move h6 is hardly harmful for ltJxe4? 8.Hartoch.Meszaros.Wie3 �e8 14.f4 i..e4 •• Hungary 1994.ie7 Wixa1-+ cevic ...b3 board: 8 . . Tbere. 13 .hS to impede it.. and he decides to try (4.tLlc4 tLlf6 1 0 .lLlh4 lLlxe4. �xh5 (11.i.f4 of the struggle would not change If your opponent knows or much as a result of this.f4.e2 i.c8-g4.i.e3 lLlbd7 S..i. However.e2 e6 6...lLlf3 i.lLlh4.. .dS+t) 4 . lLlbd7 S. Heron . Black can­ 10.lLlf3 .. then Aberdeen 1999. lLld7. to prepare it with 2 .�c2 i.e7 8.g6 13. Black would capture side.�xb6 axb6 12 .lLlf3 i. lLlf6. he may play this par­ 7. in re­ and a pawn-storm on the queen­ ply to 3. I will recommend some­ thing else to you.e3 Black's plan ineludes completing After 3. since we have de­ cided not to enter King's Indian territory.d4 d6 It seems to me therefore that this is the right moment for Black to revert to typical King's Indian schemes.. The character e) 2. l.Epishin. tLlf6 Now the position looks like a version of the Dragon variation of the Sicilian Defence! 9. because White's options have been reduced to the mini­ mum.g4.Henderson..0-0 O-O 11. Indeed. however.i. while here he would con­ tinue with 3 .i.g4 not play now e7-eS and if he tries i.hS 9 .lLlc3 c6 ticular move. 11..g6 e7-eS nor i.lLlbd2 lLld7 and eS.h3 (S. Dos Hermanas 1993. because suspects that you will try to carry we are already familiar with the out the plan with e7-eS. So: 4. 3.g3 tLlf6+t Rivas Pastor . 2 .g4=) 11 .c4 O-O 9.f2 �h5 Black is quite willing to ex­ change queens. 10.�b3 E:b8 7.0-0 i. .e7 8. because in an endgame of a Sicilian type he would probably have the initia­ tive.c3 e6 6. transferring of tions analogous to the variation his king's rook to the c8-square 2 . tLlxh5 12..�b3 �b6 11. Here 213 ..g4 we reach posi­ the development. or with plans of both sides. after which Black can play neither e4 i. White can continue with 3. on f3.h3 i.i.d3 i. a4 Wa5 10':¡�a3 lDh5 l1.Mahadevan.. e5 5 ... can wait a little.e3 (After 4...ttlh4 �e4..g5 ttld5f2 cumstances. or reduces the tension in the cen­ 8.:1!b1 gd8f2 Djoric - sition.Wi'd2.h4 h5 7.�d3 Wf6 17. longer route.c3 e6 (here Black con­ bishop goes to the g3-square via a tinues with his standard plan . then ing to the following scheme: he kingside castling and advancing protects his e5-pawn with the d5 and c5. g6 18. because there White's 5 .d5.c4 ttldf6f2 Bo­ guszlavszkij . he can try an extended fian­ chetto with 5. .g4 �g6 6. castles short and then.ttlf3 �g4 4. 1l. Here is another idea for fans of 3.ttlf3 ttlh5 5. otherwise. 0-0 8.ttlf3 Wi'c7 7.hd6 ttlxd6 16. 12.ttlf3) 4 .. but not quite cS=¡: Fauland . h6.�d3 f5 16. ttlbd7 2002. ing a blow against his opponent's ttlf3 ..Horvath.ig4 !? 4.ttld1 Wc7 13.g6 6. 2 14 ..Chapter 11 this well-known tactical strike has We shall also analyze 4..Peter. Black plays accord­ pawn on e6.ig4f2. Graz 1991. ei­ tacks the b7-pawn and Black pro­ ther begins a queenside offensive tects it with his rook.ig3 (This bishop on f4 is hanging...Wd2 a6 9.ih5 centre: e5 or c5.) 5 .ttlf3 d5 14 .h4 g6 7.f4 Philidor Defence..�d6!? portant communication square 15.ie2 O-O 1O. depending on cir­ 5. Vrnjacka Banja 2004. several times..e4 (in­ become possible.. c6 6. Filipovich . White knight on d2 and his other knight will continue with a4-a5 himself.ie7 8.ttld2 b6. Black is prepar­ experimenting: 3 . We have queen from c7.�h5 6. while if this is not feasible he should continue with a normal fianchetto: 6. Hungary 1995...) 1O. 1VtJxg6 position is similar to the Modern fxg6 13.Mokry.) 7. Zalakaros 2002. Barva .) 15.�e2 Wb6 12.e4 �g7 8. This is again nothing �c4 O-O 9. Toronto 3 . .0-0 ttlb6 9 .e3) 4.g3 :1!f8 15..a4 . because White's stead of 4.g4 �g6 tre. develops his bish­ already discussed this moment op to e7...ttlxe4 :1!xf4 14.ttlh4 g6 11. .gxf5 exf5f2 Obradovic..ih2 f5 12.h4 c5 with a very sharp po­ dxe5 dxe5 13...) 5 .e3 �e7 9.grc2 :1!c8 (14 .ttlxe4 ttlxe4 depriving Black's pieces ofthe im­ 13. It is advisable for Black to to remind you that Black must exchange this bishop for the play this move.0-0 a5 (1 should like new.grb3 :1!b8. bishop on e7.) the same.lDc3 lDbd7. 4.�c4 �g7 7.id3 .exf5 gxf5 14. White's queen at­ depending on circumstances.f3 (4.ttlf3 c5 5..see 3 . 7. After the straightfor­ ward response . Las Vegas 2007. . Abramovic .0-0. San move..�xg4 �gS+ Kodua .0-0 �e7 8.c4 'Llxg3 1O.'Llf1. it man.ig5 wiIl finaIly be exchanged.A.�g7� 5 . 7. 215 .ig3 llJf5 exchange it.Ele1 �g4 11.�e2 c6�) 9. 1O .. l.c3 dxc3 6.�d1 g6 6..�g7 9.. retreat and now Black wants to 9 . h6 6 . but nothing more.�xd4 (He can sacrifice a pawn to speed uphis development. but 1 think it is even more Sebastian 2 009. 1O .�xf3 Ele8 13. llJg7 ..�c4 1 0 .�d3 c6 1O.Petrosian. .. 4.id3 llJxg3 1l.Cha­ talbashev.g3 e5 11..�d3 �g4 1O.. Germany queens.d4 d6 White has left his own bishop wiIl soon leave this square.c3 c6 D) 2. which on f4 without any possibility of belongs to another piece..�d2 (S.e4 'Llc6 9.'Llf3 cS S. 'Llc6 S. S. aS 11.0-0 g4 12..Ker­ knight very often. . the only line leading to 2009.�f4 O-O 1O.llJc3 c5� Prié .�c3 'Llf6 8..�d3 e6.�d1 �aS 14.Richter.ie2 3. White has sorne compensation for the sacri­ ficed pawn. If White does not exchange Muschik . but 1 do not think this attempt is suffi­ cient to play for a win: 4.. flexible for Black to play 8 .�c1 �e6+ original positions is 3.�d2 �g7 7.�g3 'Llxg3 6.�b3 �b6 12. Epishin .�g3 �g7 8.'Llxc3 'Llf6 7.�e3 Elad8. McCarthy - Roberts. for ex­ ample: 9.'Llbd2 dS (This is a good 12.'Llh3 O-O 9..�b6 11.hxg3 .7. White's dark-squared bishop 5 .'Llf4 You do not see a fianchettoed Ele8 10.dxe5 8.'Llfd2 cxd4 13.�g2 exd4 8 ..ih4 g5 7.hxg3 g6 7.. llJdf6 8 . 12 .'LleS.�g3 �g7 9.. Meanwhile. Cutro 1999.ig7 'Llf6 8.llJfd2 White is trying to complicate the position.) 4 .h3 �xf3 12. Black's game would be easy and quite understandable. . England 2009.hxg3 cS 11. Yere­ van 1997 (game 54).Galego. ) 1O .e4 ltJd7 7.) 6 .e6.ltJfd2 fS S.e7 7.e7 (The last g6 7.e6 (Black wishes to exchange on follows his "central strategy".ltJe3 fi.c4 !l.ge1 ltJeS 1l.f3 c6 9. White's knight wiU go to f4 and maybe even to dS.f3 fi.c4 . variation ltJeS� Galliamo­ transfer of his knight to the d4- va .e7 . Koszalin 1997. aS O-O 9. Romanishin Chapter 6.ltJc3 fi. Germany 1992.ltJh3. on cS and g4 for example.) S. S.ltJf3 Black would Sorne other. the other the e4-square. Mos­ who is going to be trickier.ltJc3 few moves of both sides resemble ge8 1O. win a tempo for the transfer of his White must play very accurately knight to the c4-square. have the powerful riposte 13 .b3 h6 1l.xh3 ! ? Black quite consistently fi. that his king can occupy this 3..Chekhov. 14..aS 1O.b4 9. manoeuvres are not so dangerous ltJe4. e6. but he has not created any real problems for his opponent. Black has an ex­ ceUent position.e6 8.White D2) 5.ltJd2 f6 strange routes for his pieces .g2 ltJf6 6.b:h3 ge8 lS.Chapter 11 e3 ltJeS�.. White is trying to find for Black.see Chapter 6) is reluctant to exchange the light- 216 . He has Kecskemet 1992.b2 ltJg4 12 .ltJxb6 axb6 13. already seized the initiative.ltJa3 �d7 1O.ltJf4 Black fS S.a3 fi.b2 a game between young children - dS� Donchenko .h3 fi.see 7. Black in order not to end up in a worse wants the exchange to be on e7.ltJf3 ltJf6 S .fi.. . 6 .Tomczak. rather abstract.ltJa4 o-o Dl) 5 . Black wishes to place a pawn on dS and to de­ velop his bishops...ltJgS (4.ltJh3 .�e3+ fi. Of 3 ••• dxe5 4.�xd8+ <!>xd8 course.Vaulin. so position. (6. Black has placed a White wants the exchange ofbish­ strong pawn on dS and controls ops to take place on a3...f6.ltJc3 c6 .e7 6. in order to win a tempo for the .�d2 fi.13 .b3 dS 7. One of ? cow 1996.d2 bS his knights eyes the c4-square and 12.h3 ltJbd7 (However.b:e6 ltJxe6 1l.!l. 12. for example: S.g7 c6 12.b3 c6 6.b2 fi.a3 fi.ltJc3 lags in development and after the natural move 13.b4 fi.b6 1l.) S ..c4 fi.. ltJf6 6. in order to much more space thanks to this. square right away.h4 (S.ltJf3 e4 4.0-0 O-O 8.ig2 . he is playing very origi­ naUy. .ltJf6 (He plays strictly in the centre.e4 ltJf6 8.Belikov..see Chapter S) 4 . After 9.ltJc4 ltJcS 8..cs� Bandza .c4 fi..) 6. but 6 ••• exf4 7 . because under favourable circumstances Black wiIl soon expel the enemy Black may obtain an exceIlent knight from the b5-square.).f4 (The drawback of this move is that White voluntarily creates an isolated pawn for him­ self on e2. a3 h5 12..) 5 . ct:Jf3 ct:Jd4!?) 6. c6 .ct:Jb5 ct:Je8 (This is with an isolated pawn on e2 and just a temporary retreat.g2 ct:Jc6 12.ct:Jf4 ct:Jf6 15. Dl) 5 . Pula 1992.) 1O . Black builds a wall on the long diagonal and frees the c7-square for his king. in order weaknesses...d4 d6 2.tg2 .) 10.td6!? (Black Dla) 6.g3 e5 3.0 . Germany 1997.. 217 .) 7. . g5 etc.) 12 .b3 !"lb8+! Reschke and occupy the e5-square. 0 . a6 13. 1.dxe5 dxe5 4. Black 8... dreams about going to d5..f4 is also ready to end up with an White leads in development isolated pawn just to get rid of the and according to aIl the principIes pressure against his c7-pawn and of strategy he should strive to to ensure the e7-square for his open the position.!xd6 cxd6 8.ct:Jd4 ct:Je5 to repel the enemy bishop from f4 14. 5.!xf4 .. mxe7 11. after that the enemy knight might go to h3 and from there occupy the g5-square.. !xe7+ (White is the first to tire of the waiting game . This is a logical move. �xd8+ mxd8 squared bishops.lLlc3 serves consideration: 5 . The drawback king..Lorenz..f4 's recommendation for Black de­ Dlb) 6.mf2 h4+! Samovojska - Lalic. ct:Jc6 6. 5 .ct:Jc3 ct:Jf6 of this move is that he ends up 9J"ldl me7 10.0 + lLld7 has protected everything and now wants to begin a kingside offen­ sive (h5.lLlc3 lLlg6 9. or the d3-outpost. via f2 . but it is a bit slow.) 11. exf4 (Here "Rybka" Dla) 6.hf4 lLle7 • Black succeeds in covering aIl his This knight goes to g6.ct:Jh3 (White's knight square. outpost for his pieces on the e5- i. White must play this under­ Lipka.i.tLlc3 i. Beer-Sheva 1994.lLld6 i.a3 prospects are at least equal.f4 d4 i. Jirovsky .:1'lxh3 lLlfS 14.Bagirov. After 16.a3 IS. pose fortifying move 9 .h3 hh3 13.i.tLlxc6+ eS-outpost.b4 12..tLld4+ mf6 18.tLld4? This spectacular move is based 9 i. Czech Republic 2 0010 mining move because in a calm 10 tLlxf4 1l.f6..Antok.• maneuvering struggle Black's tLle4 me7 13. Aviles 2003.Finkel.e3 rj]c7 l1olLlf3 lLldeS= Black is not afraid of ghosts! Black wiIl fortify his knight in the 16. but now . D1b) 6.:1'lc4 :1'ldS't lLle7 10..d2 (game 55).gxf4 i. •. slight advantage.lLlh3 lLlxf4 11olLlxf4 it is :1'lbS::¡: White's knight wiIl not es­ far from clear what White's knight cape from the c7-square. It was cor­ 1 think Black does not have rect for White to continue with enough time to play the aH-pur­ IS.• i.exd3 f6 15. Black obtained a i. Shneider .i. lLlxd3+ 14.. .) 13 .lLlxc7 After 1O. d7-knight and transfers it to eS: ghf1 a6-+ .e6 7. for After 13.i.lLlf3 f6 S.a5 14..b4 .f3.. then 15 • • .lLld3 aH the threats and remained with (White corrects his pawn-struc­ an extra piece in the game Davies ture thanks to this move.0-0-0 lLld7 l1oh4 hS 12. If White's bishop retreats. Moscow 1991 i.�e3 rj]c7 9. 7.tLld6 i.b6 example: 7.. the position is simplified even more.• on a tactical oversight.g4 16. mxd6! after 1O.e3 with an ap.lLlxcS+ :1'laxcS 16.lLlxcS+ :1'lhxcS 16.e7+ Pali .Black has parried 11.:1'lhf1 lLleS 13..c7 is much more active. Black unpins his 16 me6 17.Chapter 11 1 0 . tLlf3 proximately equal position. is doing on f4. ••.xf4 tLld7 9.:1'ld4 �aS 14. exf4 8.. Black has more space and his king 13 .lLlbS+ rj]c5 17.tLlf3 15. draw. He 21S .mc7 12. l. in this po­ sition. schak. sent to the exchange of his light­ ... �ad8! 18.h3) 11.th3 (12 . 0 .f4 . ker-Jensen .Ad2 219 ...•• e4.exf4 11. Wuerzburg 1997.tc4± tLlg4?! 14. So Black must con­ 6.0-0-0+ ltJd7 8 .td3. In fact..tg5+ f6 7.ltJg5 ltJgf6 11.. c6..tLlf3 .a3 strong move for White . for Benjamin . in contrast to the endgame in the Modern Philidor Defence. h6 (1O . instructive CD "1. .. Den­ 1 0 . right in the centre of the board. pawn and.te6 7. Inter­ example: 1O .. tLlxe6+ E:xe6 12 .. mise his pawn-structure irrevoca­ The idea is to prevent the dou­ bly for the sake of obtaining the bling of the pawns on c3.tb4 8.0 . in his exceIlent and penetrate to the d6-outpost.Ah3 tLlc6 12 .e4 (6 . and White's central �he8� In this particular position pawns are ready for a decisive of­ Black's knights are not inferior at fensive: 1O . weakening the d6-square in the process. Bezold . 6. ..te3 c6 9.. tLlc6 11.d6 Universal"...0-0-0. White does not have a pawn on 5 Ab4 .tb4� Bek­ squared bishop. .d4 d6 2. 12. WIxd8+ @xd8 lags considerably in development recommends here the seldom and in this case White wiIl suc­ played move 5 .td2! White is willing to compro­ (in the game 1O .tLlg5 E:e8..e5.ltJc3 13.tf5. Davies does not consider a very 13..1O ..Dut­ Now his king is quite safe.. 17. Black's de­ bxc3 ltJb6 16. to elimi­ famous advantage of the two bish­ nate the pressure against the e4- ops..tc4 ! ? E:e7 D2) 5.. so his knight on c3 may use The English grandmaster Ni­ this square at sorne point and gel Davies.). ).e4 ltJc4 17.a3 . to prepare 13 hc3 14.ltJxe6+ fxe6 mark 1999) 6 ...td7 13 .gxf4 net 2 010.. The main theoretical line here is 5 . However.tc5 12.te3 was played.Rasmussen. He suggests ceed in occupying the vulnerable studying the foIlowing games: d6-outpost. fence would be very difficult. of course.Christiansen....g3 e5 3.Ad6+ @f7 15.. but I do not like this move for Black very mucho He is behind in development anyway and in­ stead of developing a piece he makes an abstract move with a pawn (he may not need this move at aH . ••• queenside castling.t.f5 aIl to White's bishop-pair.fxe5) 12 .0 @e7 tLlf3 tLlf6 9.dxe5 dxe5 4. E:e7 13.f4 @c7 1O. éiJf3 (1O.hgS+ Iflc8 14. Cro­ The exchange of the light­ atia 2007.te6 move....tg2. .tgS lfle7 8. fxeS éiJe4 8.e4 . 0 ...0 .éiJgS éiJgf6+! lfle7 8.a3 moves: 12..f4 (7.taS!? (Black could consider act properly to concrete situa­ 8 .te2 he2 12. 9...f4 éiJgf6 éiJc3) 12 . then the game may end in a repetition of 7.f4 ••• 6.) 6 .c4 aS+!) 7.hf4 éiJdS éiJgxe2 éiJg4 13.) 1O .) 9. Black may easily seize the éiJf3 exf4 11. 220 .exf4 9. 1 only wanted to show here with aH the reasonable pos­ you that Black has numerous and sibilities for White.. 7 .. Iflxd2 8:e8+! he has an exceHent position.i..0-0-0 éiJd7 8.éiJxgS 13. éiJf6 ! ? (Black wants squared bishops is not at aH dan­ to develop his kingside pieces as gerous for Black: 9. éiJf6 ! ? 7..Bozic.0 éiJd7 9.te7 8..tg2 éiJxc3 9 .a3 (After 8.éiJf3 éiJg4. Black has an interesting tactical possibility.tfS ! ? 12.f4 éiJbc6 10.éiJf3 éiJxc3 lS .f4 1fle8 12 . Winterthur 2001 (game 56). • éiJh3 8:e8+!) 8 . tions.id2 éiJxh3 c6 11. hc3+ 9.bxc3 i.éiJgS h6 A double-edged position might 14.id2 éiJxc3 11. 10 .éiJxV+ lfle7 13..g2 éiJcS and Black has good compensation for the sacrificed pawn.ig2 (His pieces are very active and if White cap­ tures a second pawn.éiJf3 éiJc6 9 ••. éiJbd7 8.Chapter 11 There have not been very many 1 have analyzed here cannot ex­ games played with this line.te6+! initiative. varied resources.éiJf3 (8.0-0-0 éiJe7 8. a6 9.f4 éiJbc6. 0-0-0 hc3 9. Black could also consider 9 .gf3 1O.éiJbS id6+!..) 8 .tg4 1l .. Vidakovic .d6+! ge8 15.td2 éiJe4 16. at least briefly..) 7. quickly as possible. but 1 haust aH the possibilities of the wiH try.bxc3 h6 1O . 6 .th3 hh3 10.tc5 14...hf4 . 8:d8 11.gdf1 .... to deal position..td2 éiJxa2 1OJ:l:xa2 hd2+ 11... éiJc6 11.d2 .éiJf3 éiJg4! ? lOJ'l:e1 f6<Xl 0-0-0 8:xeS+! 7 ..éiJgS .. éiJh6 1O..f4 (In response to this logical 6 ••• .Piku­ Of course the variations which la.bxc3 8:e8 1O. 6.te3 arise after 7. If White does 6 ..tgS+ lfle8 7.h3 éiJgf6+! Milov .tb2 ie6! ? 11.td2 éiJgf6 1O. not play precisely and does not re­ i.0-0-0 8:d8 9. hxg3 eS In response to 17.\1!!lc1 ge8 24.!Bxg3 13.ghe1+ <.0 . •. In fact. 18.d5 Here White could have tried an interesting pawn-sacrifice to impede Black's offensive: 14. but 18.dxe6 he6 16.!Bbd7 4 .t>d8 The safest place for Black's king is in the middle of the board.ltJxb6 Wxb6 18. 25 • .e4 0-0-0 20. position. Looking at the diagrammed 2 O .c3 gd8 .. with slightly the better prospects. .id3 .ig3 • 16 .e5!? dxe5 16.!Bd5 . . you might gain the im­ cxb4 axb4 23. Nedimovic decided to con­ tinue the fight in a position with material equality.Chapter 11 l.We3. In­ stead.i..0 e6 1 0 .ixd5.!Bh5 7.ic4 17.!Bf6 3.d4 d6 Complete Games 53 Nedimovic Tratar 14 .'tt>b 1 \1!!le 7 11.dxc5 ltJxc5 15.gxe2 the initiative.ixb5+ axb5 19.ge2 a5 21.c3 id7 19. 0 .\1!!ld 2 a6 9.�a5 and White would have dangerous initiative for the sacrificed pawn.�xd5 o-o when the open a-file would be the basis for a powerful attack for Black.e6 19.!BfJ .\1!!lc2 pression that Black already has gxe2 25..e4 i.!Bxd5 1. nothing very terrible for White has happened yet.g7 8.exd5 \1!!lf6 b5 12.ih4 g5 6. White would not play 18 . ia4 221 . . .!Bb6 15..ghe1 i.!Bc3 h6 5. .ig5 Black could also have played .gde1 b4 22. Portoroz 2005 .d4 d6 2 .Wb7 17. 14. Black resigned.ttJe4 �e5 defence is tremendously difficult. 34. 222 .Chapter 11 Black does not achieve much Black breaks through along with the spectacular move 25 ..b:d3 • 26.hxg3 e5 11..�e2 White did not need to give up In the endgame after 14.ttJe3 �xe4 31.'it.ib5 32. 3 O .. liJh2 h5 29.i.<.E1e3 �d1#..o 17.ttJfd2 exd4 13.d4 ttJf6 2.exd4 bd4 16.ge1 ge7 33 .• • prove his position.tbg4 �g5 This is the correct decision.bxa3? �a1+ 29.e3 ttJh5 5 . 34. 17. 0 . the a-file and finally organizes a E1a3.he4 .ig3 .ie2 .. . ga7 16.t>d2 i.liJc3 bc3 should have played 33. White's defence 33 •. ..ttJf1 �d4 54 Kodua .t�·e4 ..0 g4 12. so he is It would be even worse for him trying to create complications by to move his king into the comer: sacrificing a pawn.ttJf3 d6 3 . He hxg5 15.t>a1 c4 35. After 26. exd3. dxe3 15.if4 ttJbd7 4.fxe3 o .28.h7 and resistance with 35.d4 and White's 14 . it hard to see how Black can im­ 35 e4 36 .fxe3 ers his king and exerts pressure E1xe3-+ against the enemy position.liJe1 h5 27. . A. mating aUack.i.<.. Black's queen has occupied an For example: 36..<.e2 i.ie3+ 38.e2.if3? 14. ideal position in the centre. but could have offered more tenacious White can play simply 28. he should not try for too much out of the position and he should enter a favourable end­ game instead.i.�d1 fuca4 39 .ig7 8 .a4 ..b:b2 37.�xg5 control of the d3-square.�e1 would be very difficult.ih4 g5 7.\!ffc4 g4..id3 e6 9.t>b1 f5 38.bd3 cxd3 37.�e4 ga7 27.id7 28. It cov­ <.Petrosian Yerevan 1997 1.t>c2 i.f3.bxc3 liJc5.g4 d5 18.. He 30.a4+ This move loses right away..id3+ 34. Black's rook is again untouchable 35.h6+ 31. If he cannot checkmate his oppo­ nent.ig5 h6 6 .>d2? . e4 ttJxg3 1 0 .E1d1 he3 39. . Shneider .b4 c!L\g5 27.c!L\e3 .0 + c!L\d7 1 0 .!.d4 d6 2.!.>b1 c!L\f2 23. mh2 l:'!g2#. .<.if3 tLlg4 26.0 .'1f1e2 '1f1d7! and his king is . Black is 23 .>f8 19. 0 .<.!.>xd8 5 . . but that would hardly have 1.dxe5 dxe5 changed the final result.d4 d6 2.'1f1xe3 in view of 25 .c!L\h5 �g6 3 0 . 4..mg1 i.mf1 i. Black could have finished the 23 ..!. �e3+ 37.tlJxf4 c!L\e5 19.l:'!xe3 tLlxh1.�f3 erably.>e7 13.c!L\e3 c!L\g6 • <. 9. �d4 .c!L\gxe2 c!L\g4 13.�f1 very uncomfortable.te5 14..tb4 6 .�f3 �e8 15.ie3+ 22.te6 Now he wins a pawn thanks to the 28.!.�m �d8 29. threatening a checkmate on dI.g4.b5 exb5 33.ta5 14.!.c!L\h3 c!L\g4 25..c!L\xe8+ 56 Milov Pikula �hxe8 16. <.c!L\f3 c!L\xf4 11.tlJd3 . weakness of his opponent's back c!L\f4 .�xf4 �h8 rank.0 . .h3 c!L\gf6 16.th1 �xe2+ 36.td6 223 .�e1 .tb6 15.c!L\e4 <. worsen White's position consid­ 22.ixb7 Moscow 1991 me7.�e7 <. After 23.ie7 8.g3 e5 3.g5 17.txf4 31.�e4 �d8 Winterthur 2001 l.txf4 c!L\e7 8.'1f1xf4! 32 .id7 26.c!L\e5 etc. He should think about de­ White would not solve his fending: 17.c!L\be3 f5 This atlempt at activity is not It was even stronger for him to justified at all and only serves to play 21.c!L\xg5 c!L\f6 23. .!.e4 .tLlf3 '1f1c5 24.l:'!b7 l:'!xb7 39 .>a2 <.dxe5 dxe5 4.0 c!L\d7 9.g2+ 34.gxf4 tLlf2 + a6 28.c!L\e4 dxe3 2 0 .f4 c!L\h6 1 0 . 3 O .ig4 1 1. ¡k3 g6 2 O .gxf4 . l.>a3 • tions.c!L\f4 �f6 27.. White could have defended more resiliently with the line 37.ie4 �d2. 55 A.ie2 he2 12.>xd8 5. 17 c!L\f6 18. game off with an aUractive check­ hxg3 c!L\h3 26. problems with 23.�xa6 �b2+ 39.l:'!c3 c!L\f6 18. 0 ..hb7 �b8 31.a4 �d6 29.. not interested in beautiful solu­ �a7 �d2 35 .h3+ 35. . Bagirov mxa4 tLle6 38.f4 • 37 a3 38.•• exf4 7 .�m c!L\fd7 2 O .!.txf4 24. but he was obviously ..!..tg2 e6 6.id2 .e3 hg3 25.g4 exf4 18.ih6 24.c!L\d4 hxg5 21.!.d4 d6 c!L\ee3 d4 19.th1 mate: 31. White resigned. •.a3 .c!L\g3 c!L\g4 21 . ••• c!L\a4 '1f1e7 25.�e1 e6 17.>d8 34.ig2 bxa4+ 33. �xd8+ <. White resigned.>a1 �xe3.>e8 32 .g3 e5 3.<.c!L\d6 ..c!L\f5+ <.ie6 7.g3 ••.!.ib4 12.Ybd8+ <.>a2 32 . �df1 . his king In principIe. the final outcome of more resolutely: 28 . <tlf4 the initiative. because after 53 <tlh8 54.ttle2 <tlc7 22. 61.ttlg3 ttlc5 28.ttld4 gxh5 56. <tle7 (or 57.Chapter 11 difference in the activity of the kings is considerable and most probably White's monarch will manage to break through on the queenside in time.b4 <tlg8 51.a5 <tlh8 52. <tlf6 �xd7 <tlxd7 46..cxb5 b6 62. <tle5 <tle7 27.h6+ <tlf7 57.:Sxf6 :Sxf6 41.a6 h4 65. he could have tried to seize h6+ 58. 224 .<tle3 �d7 45.ttlxc5 59.cxb5 cxb5 32 hc5 33. �ef1 ttld6 4 0 .ttld4 �ad8 58.a6 <tlf7 63.a7 h2 67.td2 ttlc5 3 O ...a6 <tlg7 62.<tlf5 curely.d6 36.e5 <tlg5 64. cxb5 b6 62.<tlb6.gxh5 <tlh8 on eS and protected it quite se­ 55. 2 6 .:Seel i.<tlf4 <tle6 47.<tlb6 h3 It looks as ifhe was only think­ 66.�e2 g6 34.<tld6 <tlg6 60.�f7 ttlxd2 43..ttlc4!? 27J�e2 g6 28..h5 gxh5 54.�xf4 �de8 39. id6 29.<tlf5 <tlg7. The 64.ttlf5 �f8 24 .ttle2 i. 59 <tle7 6 0 . 49.c3 It appears that White could have won with the following vari­ Black has created an outpost ation: 53. b5 cxb5 f6 26.b5 cxb5 61. <tle5 <tlg6 63. Draw.�f2 ttlf7 63. 66.<tlg5 ttl de5. <tlf5 <tlf7 59. ing about drawing.. ••• �xf6 ttlxe4 42.<tle5? White avoids the repetition of White makes a mistake in turno moves and gradually outplays his He could have won the game with rather timid opponent.i.a6 <tlf7 Here. b5 58.ttlf4 �4 38. Maybe White simply forgot <tlg5 <tlf7 48.�a7 <tlc7 and 58 •.a6 <tle7 59.tf4 <tlc8 25.<tlf5 b5 60. ttlxe4 30. <tlf6= 31.i..<tlh6 <tlg8 about this idea? Now..h5 •.a8Wi.<tlxh5 <tlg7 57.b5 cxb5 61.<tlg5 <tlg7 56.l'%g2 1f8 31.d2 ttlc5 32. It was correct for Black to play 29 ..• <tlf7? his position would be preferable.e3 ttld7 60.<tlc7 <tle7.i.e3 ttld7 58 . <tld6 :Se6 35. should be winning for White.<tlb7 h5 37. <tlxb7 <tlg5 62.�f1 •.c4 <tlg8 55.<tlc6 <tlxg4 65..ttlf5 this game would be a draw. After 58.a4 <tlh8 5 O .<tle5) 21.h4 <tlg8 53.<tle5 <tlf7 59.<tlxa7 h5 64.:Sdl • <tlxh6 61. this position cannot leave the back rank.<tlxa7 h4 67.<tlc7 23.<tld6 <tlxd2 �d8+ 44.. the line: 59. Blackshould have played 63. 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