ASME B18.2.3.5M (Metric Hex Bolt)

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ACCEPTANCE NOTICEThis non-Government document was adopted on 26 April 1979 and is approved for use by the DoD and Federal Agencies. Metric hex bolts shall conform to this document and Appendix III, which establishes standard itemsfor Government application. Appendix 111, Table 4 shall be used for item selectionin accordance with the part numbering system and size information contained therein. Theindicated industry group has furnished the clearances required by existing regulations. Copies of the document are stocked by DoD Single Stock Point, Naval Publications and Forms Center, Philadelphia, PA, 19120, for issue to DoD activities and Federal Agencies only. Contractors and industry groups must obtain copies directly from: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers United Engineering Center, 345 E. 47th Street New York, NY 10017 or The American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 Title of Document: Bolt, Hex - Metric --``,`,,,,,,`,,,`,,```,,`,,`,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ANSI Document No.: ANSI B38.2.3.5M-1979 Date of Specific Issue Adopted: 26 April 1979 Releasing Industry Group: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Custodians: Military Coordinating Activity Army - AR Army - AR Navy - AS Air Force - 99 (Project 5306-0620) Review Activities: User Activities: Army - AV, MI, ER A m y - ME,AT Navy - M C Navy - SH DLA - IS NSA - NS Civil Agencies: GSA-FSS NOTICE: When reaffirmation, amendment, revision, or cancellation of this standard is initially proposed, the industry group responsible for this standard shall inform the Military Coordinating Activity of the proposed action and request their participation. [Ezõq No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrievalsystem or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Date of Issuance: August 31, 1979 Copyright 0 1 9 7 9 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT --``,`,,,,,,`,,,`,,```,,`,,`,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ERRATA to ANSI B18.2.3.5M-1979 METRIC HEXBOLTS Page 3, Note 18, chunge B1.13 to rem$ B1.13M Page 5, in the standard shall bereplaced withthe second pageof this errata Page 10, MATERIAL AND FINISH CODE, chunge to read: A - Steel w/CadmiumPlatingper QQP-416, Type II, Class 3 (5.1pm Plating.Thickness), Property Class 109. B - Steel w/Zinc Plating per QQ-2-325, Type II, Class 3 (5.1pm Plating Thickness), Property Class 10.9. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 345 East 47 Street, New York, N.Y. 1O017 May 1981 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .. E R I C A N S O C I E T Y OF M E C H A N I C A LE N G I N E E R S United Engineering Center 3 4 5 E a s t 47th Street New York.5Wl . Y.`.```.. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT PRf36LEM HARD COPY .. N.`. .-`-`.1979 M t .`.`--- T H EA M .`...`.3. Not for Resale.`. 1 O 0 1 7 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 f------7: No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS .`..`.. Hex-Metric SECRETA RIA T SOCiETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS P U B L I S H E D BY --``.`.. AMERICAN N A T I O N AS LT A N D A R D Metric Hex Bolts Government Key Words: ANSI B18..2.... SH DLA . PA.AV. Hex .99 (Project 5306-0620) Review Activities: User Activities: Army . Philadelphia..3.5M-1979 Document ANSI No. NY 10018 Title of Document: Bolt.`. 47th Street New York. for issue to DoD activities and Federal Agencies only.`--- Date of Specific Issue Adopted: 26 April 1979 Releasing Industry Group: Thë American Society of Mechanical Engineers Custodians: Military Coordinating Activity Army . AT Navy .`.`. ER Army .`.AR Army ..NS Civil Agencies: GSA-FSS NOTICE: When reaffirmation. ANSI B18. No part of this document maybe reproduced in any form. or cancellation of this standard is initially proposed.: --``. revision.`.`. Contractors and industry groups must obtain copies directly from: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers United Engineering Center. in an electronic retrieval systemorotherwise.Metric ANSI B18. the industry group responsible for this standard shall inform the Military Coordinating Activity of the proposed action and request their participation. amendment.S.3... Date of Issuance: August 31. New York. Metric hex bolts shall conform to this document and Appendix III.AR Navy . MI.5M-79 26 APRIL 1979 ACCEPTANCE NOTICE This non-Government document was adopted on 26 April 1979 and is approved for use by the DoD and Federal Agencies.`.. The indicated industry group has furnished the clearances required by existing regulations.```. withoutthepriorwritten permission of the publisher.2.`..`.1979 Copyright 0 1 9 7 9 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printed in U.AS A i r Force . Naval Publications and Forms Center.. Table 4 shallbe used for item selection in accordance with the part numbering system and size information contained therein..-`-`.MC Navy . NY 10017 or The American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway. 345 E. Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale..ME. Appendix III. which establishes standarditemsfor Government application.IS NSA .A... Copies of the document are stocked by DoD Single Stock Point.. 19120. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT ..2. 1974.`..`--- iii Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. Committee B18 authorized preparation of a series of standards for metric fasteners. final actions were taken. 1979. 1976. This standard was approved by letter ballot of Committee B18 on September 15. screws and nuts. Committee B18affirmed the TC2 decisions at a meeting on June 29. This was granted on April 26. and was sub- sequently . 1969.`.-`-`.`. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT . rivets and similar fasteners was organized in March 1922. Inc. screws.. with the Society of Automotive Engineers and the American Society of MechanicalEngineersas joint sponsors.`. as of October 6 ... In February 1978.then the United States of American Standards Institute and. 1978..approved by the secretariat and submitted to the American National Standards Institute for designation as an American National Standard. The Department of Defense requested that each of the eight products be covered in separate standards.. screws and nuts.. Committee B18 established a cooperative program with the Department of Defense to draft American National Standards for metric Fdsteners in such a way that they could be used directly by the Government for procurement purposes. the American National Standards Institute. Af ISO/TC2 meetings held inApril 1977. At a meeting on September 22.`.. --``. Subcommittee 2 was assigned responsibility for developing standards for metric hex bolts..`.`. Actual drafting was postponed until ISO/TC2 could reach final decisions relating to basic dimensions and characteristics of hex bolts. nuts.). Subcommittee 2 was subsequently established and charged with the responsibility for technical content of standards covering wrench head bolts and nuts. At its meeting on December 4.. and Subcommittee 2 accepted this approach at its meeting on June 27. Subcommittee 2 organized the contents of a standard covering eight different hex head screw and bolt products...```. 1977and drafting of this standard was started. as Sectional Committee B18 under the aegis of the American Engineering Standards Committee (later the American Standards Association.`.1978. FOREWORD American National Standards Committee B18 for the standardization of bolts..`. -`-`. Indiana ENGINE MANU1”ACTURERS ASSOCIATION K. E. ffeldman. P. Rochester.3 .B. Moline. Moline Malleable Iron Company. Warren. SCREWS.Secretaw COMMITTEE PERSONNEL AMERICAN CHAIN ASSOCIATION L..`. P. Alternate. W. R. J. Inc. Illinois R.. Elgin. friesth. Naylor. B. Cleveland. Burdsall & Ward.. Armco Steel Corporation. Columbus. Derner.. Ingersoll. Holo-Krome Company. Chairman J. B.`. Muenchinger. Bethlehem Steel Company. SPS Technologies.`. Breed. M. D. Inc.. J. Virginia K. Connecticut Jack Shugart. Charles.asteners Institute.. Newport News. WASHERS AND SIMILAR FASTENERS OFFICERS R. Garrison. I:MC Corporation. Pennsylvania E. Deere & Company.`. Illinois D. Trowbridge. Milwaukee. Alternate. f . Industrial 1.RICTIONBEARING MANUI’ACTUKERS ASSOCIATION W. Ohio METAL CUTTING TOOL INSTITUTE D. E. A. McCullough. N Groover. G.. Russell. P. Inc. Ohio A. Illinois Tool Works. Hampel. Burdsall &Ward. Illinois HAND TOOLS INSTITUTIC C. Williams Company. J. West Hartford. New York 1 f . Lebanon. Belford. Rock Falls.`--- Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UAE/5940240027 Not for Resale. Vice-chairman H. California R. Rockford. Illinois D. Wheeler. Hitchcock Publishing Company. Bellas. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company. Lebanon.. Vice-chairman Richard McGinnis.```. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. R. H.. NUTS.`. New York INDUSTRIAL 1:ASTENERS INSTITUTE R. Machel/. Illinois R. RIVETS. Desert Hot Springs.. P.. Harris. Kansas City. Ohio D.. Kelly. Illinois AMERICAN SOCIETY 01”AGRICULTURAL blNGINEERS E. Illinois Tool Works. Jr. R. Indiana ¡. Cummins Engine Company. GM Technicd Center. Emanuelli..`.`. Rockford Products Corporation. Ling. Tisch.. Wagner. Adams..`. Jenkintown. Missouri N. Russell. Greenfield Tap & Die. T. Wisconsin AMKRICAN INSTITUTE 01: INDUSTRIAL ENCINEERS R. Illinois AMKRICAN HARDWARE MANU1:ACTURERS ASSOCIATION Donald Wanek. Massachusetts iv --``. THE A. Xerox corporation. Alternate.5 M7 9 H 07596700043307 9 m AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE B18 STANDARDIZATION OF BOLTS. ASME B 3 8 9 2 . Greenfield. Buffalo. Michigan C. J. Pennsylvania f .`. R.‘ARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT INSTITUTE E. Elgin. Pennsylvania ANTI-I. St. Indianapolis. Deere & Company.. Trowbridge. Wrought Washer Manufacturing Company. Inc. Cleveland. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT PROBLEM HARD COPY . Moline. Bethlehem Steel Corporation. The Lamson & Sessions Company. friesth. Mentor. Alternate. Levy. R. R. Wheaton. Alternate. Illinois AMERICAN SOCIETY 01.. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERSASSOCIATION J.. Washington.`. Pennsylvania Lewis Pieninck. R. GM Engineering Standards Section. K. Mahwah. Adamek. GM Corporation. Weingruber.C. IBM Corporation. Worcester. Marion. Ruff. General Electric Company. Ohio H. W. US. Detroif.`. O.`. Alternate. Michigan R. Ohio J. New Bedford. F. Columbus. Parker-Kalon. Bell Laboratories. Army Armament R& D Command. S. Continental Screw Company. D. National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Reed & Prince Manufacturing Company. Alternate.. Campbellsville. Badgley.`. Department of the N a e . F. Great Lakes Screw. Ohio Casey Gordon. F. New York F. Elco Industries. Illinois R.. Pennsylvania F. Zeratsky. New Jersey SOCIETY O F AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS H. Illinois TELEPHONE GROUP R. J. Carter. Parker-Kalon. Illinois D. S.W.S. Campbellsville. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .New Jersey i U. Colorado J. Massachusetts K. Clark Equipment Company. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Eli Sch warn.S.S. Hartford. Michigan R. Mingo Junction.`--- D. U S . Pennsylvania U. Alternate. Illinois Paul Foytho. Waupun. Michigan SOCKET SCREW PRODUCTS BUREAU f . Ringland.. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania C. Inc.`. Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Connecticut INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES --``. Boulder. Bertoia. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY J. Screw Service Bureau. Kitzantides.. Western Electric Company. Chicago. Alternate. Army Armament R & D Command..New York. Hinsdale. Department of the Navy. Connecticut Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale.`. Cummings. Vial. Taylor. R. Piofrowski.D. f . E. Orysh.. Ellison.. E. Chrysler Corporation. Harvey Hubbel.. Ferry Screw Products Company. Inc. Troy. Columbus. Tornow. Chicago. Dover. MACHINE CAP WOOD& TAPPING SCREW BUREAUS S. R. M. International Harvester Company. B. Ferry. The Ohio Nut& Washer Company. Otis Elevator Company. Chicago. Michigan S. Sjoberg.. G. Ohio TUBULAR RIVET & MACHINE INSTITUTE J. Franklin.INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS c. Jr.S. Mack Trucks.`. Illinois R. Massachusetts Louis Zanin. Kentucky R. W. W. Dearborn. Washington. Philadelphia. The Auen Manufacturing Company. G. Cowlin. Defense Industrial Supply Center. Schaening.C. M. USM Corporation. Inc.. Valley Bolt Company.`. C. Inc. Seymour.```. Battle Creek. New York T. Pennsylvania U. Schenectady.INC. A. Philadelphia. Connecticut Jack Trilling. Warren. Jr.. DEPARTMENT OF THEAIR FORCE To beappointed US. R. Allentown. Warren. Agnew.`. Wisconsin U S . Defense Industrial Supply Center. New Jersey c Allen Herskovitz... Alternate. H. Alternate. Ford Motor Company. Graves. Eaton. Bell Laboratories. Dover. Canton. Rockford. Byrne. f .. Michigan . NATIONAL ELEVATOR INDUSTRY. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY M.. Ohio E. D. U. J. Mallen. Kentucky H. Iowa F. f. Microdot Inc. National Rivet & Manufacturing Company. Bridgeport.. Muenchinger..-`-`. Morse. Cleveland. N. D... Levy. Haefeli. Pheoll Manufacturing Company. Philadelphia. Fairfield.Michigan R. A. Missouri Tony Nebesney. Pittsburgh. Sjoberg.`. N. Rochester. Michigan Lou Strang. Baustert. Dover. M. The Lamson & Sessions Company. Deere & Company. Defense Industrial Supply Center.-`-`. A. Caterpillar Tractor Company. M. Graves. Illinois W. Park... R.`. New York Art Clever. Trowbridge. Pieninck. Taylor. Clark Equipment Company. E. International Harvester Company. FMC Corporation. Jr. Chicago. Ohio R. F. Rock k.. M. Indianapolis. Armco Steel Corporation. Detroit. Ltd.. Inc. Muenchinger. Moline.alls. Xerox Corporation.. D. P. F. Machel/. Alternate. Bethlehem Steel Corporation.New York D. Defense Industrial Supply Center.`. T. Pennsylvania J. Fairfield. Pheoll Manufacturing Company..```. F. Secretary... SPS Technologies. Hamilton. Battle Creek.`. PERSONNEL OF SUBCOMMITTEE NO.`. U.`. Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Ohio H. G. Byrne. Russell. Pennsylvania vi Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. Mentor. Nagy. McCullough. McMurray. R.. Kansas City. Connecticut R. C. General Electric Company. Screw Service Bureau. The SteelCompany of Canada. Canada C. Pennsylvania F. B. U... Industrial Fasteners Institute. Levy. Federal Screw Works. Indiana L. Breed. Warren. General Motors Corporation.. Indianapolis. Harris. Lipari. C. Michigan --``. 2 - SQUARE AND HEX BOLTS AND NUTS R. PMC Corporation. BurdsaIl & Ward. Alternate.Ohio A. Wheeler.`. Continental Screw Company.. General Motors Corporation. Illinois M. Belford. Pennsylvania J. New Jersey R.`. Schenectady. R. Bell Telephone Laboratories.. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT . Inc. Michigan 1. Warren. Adamek. Easf Peoria. Massachusetts J.New York K. Columbus. Indiana D. Garrison. Philadelphia. Ford Motor Company.S. Cleveland. Derner. Michigan P. Illinois R. Pennsylvania D. Illinois F. Weingruber. New York. Schaening. Philadelphia.. G. Hinsdale. Vacca...`. Ontario.New Bedford. Ohio S. Jenkintown.S. E. Cleveland.. Lebanon. Dearborn. B.`--- A. Army Armament R & D Command. Badgley. Chairman. Burdsall & Ward Inc. Illinois D. J. E. Michigan A. Russell. .. .. . . .. .`.`.. . .`. ..`. . . . .. . . . 5 2. .. . .`.. . . ..`--- Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. .. Length Tolerances. . . . . 1 TABLES 1... ..... . . ... . . .. . 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT . ...... . ... .... . . . .. .. .. ... 6 3. . . .... . . ... .. .. .`... .`. .. . ... .......Government Standard Items and Part Numbering System . . . . . .. .. .. .... ... .. .. . .... .`.. . .. .. .... . .. . 6 APPENDIXES Appendix I .. ..... ..... .. Dimensions of Reduced Body Diameter. .. . . ......Recommended Clearance Holes for Bolts.... . Dimensions of Hex Bolts. . .. . ... . .. 8 Appendix III . . .. 7 Appendix II . . . .. . . .. ... .. . . . 9 --``....Bolt Straightness. . .```..-`-`.. .. . CONTENTS Page GENERALDATA ..... Referee Gage and Gaging Procedure . ..... ... . . . .`. Consumers are re- quested to consultwithmanufacturersconcerning M10 bolts with 15 mm width across flats are lists of stock production hexbolts.5M-1979 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD METRIC HEX BOLTS GENERAL DATA considerations influencing determination of the best series of width across flats for hexagon bolts.1 This standard covers thecomplete general and a logical ratio between under head (nut) bearing sur- dimensional data for metric hex bolts recognized as face area(which determines the magnitude of the “American National Standard... currently being producedand used in U. Dimen- sioning and Tolerancing. to the extent possible..`--- 4016. herein are stock production items. is not an IS0 standard. are normally supplied..`. Hex bolts in sizes M5 thru M24 are Widths across flats (see 2. with IS0 processing convenience instead of lower case letters --``. Head heights whichever is shorter. Availability.S.2 At its meeting in Varna.2.5-1973.`.” compressive stress on the bolted members) and the tensile stress area of the screw thread (which governs 1.2 Symbols specifying geometric characteristics are this ANSI standard and IS0 401 6 : in accord with American National Standard.3 Lettersymbols designafingdimensional charac- 2. The following functional characteristics ofhex bolts in sizes M5 thru M36 are in agreement between 3.. Diameters and threadpitches (see 26) Body diameters 4.3 Hex bolts purchasedforGovernment use shall ever. relatively minor. inconformance Thread dimensions with ANSI B18.andnone will affect thefunctionalinter. M10 bolts with 16 mm width across flats shall be furnished.. screws 11scope and nuts. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT . ISO/TC2 screws may be substituted foranydiameter-length studied several technical reports analyzing design combination.`.hexcap screws.`.) Table 1 lists the sizes selected by inconjunctionwith the various options described ISO/TC2 to be I S 0 standard. Unless M10 bolts with conform to this standard.`. except capitals have been used fordata been coordinated. A primarytechnical objective was to achieve 1. hex cap 2.A.. This size. and many other countries of the world.2. ANSI standardand IS0 4016 are few. unless stated otherwise.3. Comparison With IS0 Standards teristics areused in accord with those used in I S 0 2. however.3.2) standard only in lengths longer than 150 mm or 10D. how- 1. 3. 1 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. requirements of Appendix III..`.1M.-`-`.1 All dimensions in this standard are in millimeters... When shorter lengths of these Thread lengths sizesare ordered.```. 3.`. the clamping force that can be developed by tighten- dard is not intended to imply that all of the sizes ing the fastener..ANSI Y14.`. Hex Nominal lengths bolts in sizes M30 and larger are standard in all lengths. at manufacturer’s option..2 The inclusion ofdimensional data in this stan.1 Hex bolts as presented in this standard have standards.`. The dimensional differences between this used in I S 0 standards. ANSI 618. and additionally tothe 15 mm width across flats are specifically ordered.Dimensions changeability of bolts manufactured to the require- ments ofeither.. 2. May 1977. `. the plane closest to the top of head themanufacturer. from the under- side of the head to theface of anon-counterbored or 12. The referee gage and gaging procedure for check- sizes larger than M24. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT ..00 mm for M56 thru M72 7.`.80 mm for M80 thru Ml00 measured parallel to theaxis of the bolt.2 Grip Gaging Length. following: 0. measured parallel to the axis of bolt.. in its specified limits.65 mm forM6 and chamfered or rounded. A plane of the bearing surface to the last plane of full shoulder under the head may be supplied at option of formed hex.`.. The length of the boltshall be measured shall be located at true position with respect to the parallel to the axis of the bolt from the underside of axis of the bolt (determinedover a distance under the head to the extreme end of the shank. BearingSurface. and 2 deg fol mm.`.2 thru 17. Angularity measurement shall ing boltstraightness is given in Appendix I. bolts with nominal lengths shorter than 4Dare not recommended.`. 2.50 mm for M20 thru M30 of minus 15 percent. 13.HeadHeight. the body di- distance.3..5M-1979 5.1 Bolts shall be furnished with full diameter body in 17.2 Theremay be areasonable swell.75 mm for M8 thru M14 chamfer circle or the start of rounding shall be equal 1. or die non-countersunkstandard GO thread ring gage seam on the body adjacent to the underside of head assembled by hand as far as the thread will permit. a die seam across the bear. Bearing surface shall be shorter. fin. 10. When ashoulder is supplied. Where 8.30 mm for M36 thru M48 3. Lg max. The axis of the hex head 14. of R minimum and a radius tangent to the shank and form.. be taken at alocation to avoid interference from a die seam..BoltDiameter trolled by the grip gaging length Lg max as set forth 12. as 4.ThreadLength 17.006 mm/mm of bolt reasonably flat.-`-`. Tolerancesfor head equal to one bolt diameter) within a tolerance bolt lengths ate given in Table 3.. measured at a comer of the hex. Bolts need not be pointed.. its at which the width across comers of the hex is with- diameter and lengthshall be as specified in Table 2. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD METRIC HEX BOLTS ANSI 818.3 Bolts may be obtained with “reduced diameter body” if so specified..`. WrenchingHeight..4. Point. Length. 15. The head height is the distance. Theroundingdue to lack offill at shall be a smooth concave curve within an envelope the six corners of the head shall be reasonably uni. Le. Shanksof bolts shall be straight 11.. 17..1 The lengthofthreadon bolts shall be con- 12. zone of diameter equal to 6 percent of the specified maximum width across flats.50 mm for M5 6.`. The bearing surface shall be within a maximum camber of 0. True Position of Head.Thediameterof the --``. The top of head shall be full form 0. The fillet at junction of head and shank 9. from the top of the head to theunder head bearingsurface. The wrenching height is the “reduced diameter body” is Specified.. However.008 mm/mm of bolt length for perpendicular to the axis of the body within a toler. however.`--- 0. Fillet..2. 2 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. bolts having nominal lengths over 300 mm to 600 ance of 3 deg for sizes M24 and smaller. withinthe limits specified in Table 1or shall be threaded to the head unless the purchaser specifies 17. Corner Fill. 16. Bolts need not be finished on not to exceed the nominalboltdiameterby the any surface except the threads. length for bolts having nominal lengths of 300mm or ing face shall be permissible. 12. is the distance bolts with “reduced diameter body”(12. from the ameter shall be within limits specified in Table 2.3). Straightness.`.25 mm for M16 to the maximum width across flats within a tolerance 1. SurfaceCondition.`. to the underside of the head at a point equal to one- half of Da maximum from the axis to the bolt.```. Top of Head. and within 0. Identification Symbols..3 Basic Thread Length.1 Hex bolts shall be designated by the following the allowance. When raised. 0. Designation plating or coating.`. markings cluding M24. L. The recommended sizes of purpose external threads given in ANSI B1.13. where specified. steel property class or material identification.2 thread ring gage assembledby hand as far as the mm for M8 and M10 bolts.. Material and Mechanical Properties. refer to American National Standard.preferablyinthesequenceshown:product bolts after plating or coating. and 0.4 mm forM16 and larger bolts.. unless clearanceholes in material to beassembledusing otherwise specifiedby the purchaser. omit thread pitch from the product size Bolts of other materials such as stainless steel. M10 x 1. measured parallel 23. the basic thread length. loose scale 18. The class 6g hex bolts are the normal series given in Appendix II. - (Lg max = L B). this standard. agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser. Options.`. Terminology.0 mm for M16 and All bolts of nominal lengths equal to or shorter larger bolts.g. and 4.`.M10is agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser. shall be at --``. and B plus 3% thread pitches for sizes shall project not less than 0. Glossary of Terms for Mechanical Fasteners. ANSI 17.`. thread series conforming to dimensions for general 25. the distance surface of the head. and 3% thread pitches for sizes largerthan M24. e. and to plated or coated bolts before 26. For bolts. B. such as burrs. Markings shall be located on the top of than the sum of the basic thread length. forany bolt length bolts shall be supplied with a natural (as processed) shall be equal to the nominal bolt length. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .. name.2.. ” - ASME B L B m 2 * 3 * 5 M 77 m 0757b70 0043113 4 m AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD METRIC HEX BOLTS ANSI B18. For definitions ofterms relating to the axis of the bolt. It is common practice in IS0 standards to quirements specified in SAE J1 199 or ASTM F568.5. 24. B. manufacturer’s identification symbol. i.-`-`.`.1 mm for M5 and M6 bolts. eter of incomplete thread shall not exceed the actual major diameterof the full form thread. plus a the head and may be raised or recessed unless other- length of 2% thread pitches for sizes up to and in. It represents the minimum design 21.3 mm for M8 and M10 bolts.12. tolerance shall apply to plain finish (unplated or un- coated) bolts. is areferencedimension.Unless otherwise specified. Thread Series.. Workmanship.5M-1979 The maximum gripgaging length..4 Incomplete Thread Diameter. as specified in Table 1. 3 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale.`. Unless other.3 mm for M16 and larger bolts above the bolts which are threaded full length. B. 22. laps. 2.5 mm for threads may extend beyondthis point.Options.3 mm for M12 and M14 thread will permit. the basic diameters shall apply to data.`. steel bolts shall conform to the re.nominaldiameter and thread pitch. B18. Finish. For bolts with additive finish.... 0. minus finish..```.3. NOTE wise specified. 19.`.. nominal length. and protective coating. seams.`--- the discretion of the manufacturer unless otherwise 17. wise ordered by the purchaser. Bolts shall not contain an excess of surfaceimperfections which might affect their serviceability. Steel bolts shall be marked with the property class symbol and with the grip length of the bolt and shall be used as the crite- rion for inspection and for determining thread avail.2 mm for M12 and M14 bolts. Threads shall bemetriccoarse and other irregularities. unplated or uncoated. brass. shall not exceed the equivalent of bolts. and 0. M5 and M6 bolts. the 6g diameters may be exceeded by the amount of 26. and total head height(head plus from the bearing surface of the head to the face of a markings) shall not exceed the specified maximum non-counterbored or non-countersunkstandard GO head height plus 0. Minimum ability when selecting bolt lengths even though usable height of property class symbols shall be 1. if required. Clearance Holes. designation whenscrew threads are the bronze and aluminum alloys shall have properties as metric coarse thread series.. screwsand rounded to one decimal place.intendedfor calculation purposes only. as specified in Table 1.. 3.lmm for M14 and smaller larger than M24shallbe threaded full length. as calculated and 20. The major diam.`. from the extreme end of the to fasteners or component features thereof used in bolt to thelast complete (full form) thread.. and is the distance.e. 2% thread pitches for sizes up to and including M24. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT ... Hex bolt.5 x 160. 400 Commonwealth Drive.`--- =F.. N.. M20 x 2. 1916 Race Street.. M36 x 4 x 80. ReferencedStandards Copies of referenced IS0 standardsmay be ob- Copies ofreferenced ASTM standards' may be ob. Penn- sylvania 19 1 03.`.. 27. tained from the American National Standards Insti- tainedfrom the American Society for Testingand tute.`. zinc plated Hex bolt..5M-1979 Examples: Materials. ASME B L 8 . 26.```. Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale.`..-`-`. New York..`. sylvania 15096.2 .`. 1430 Broadway.`.`..Y. 1001 8.`.3 * 5 M77 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD METRIC HEX BOLTS ANSI B18.2 Thegovernmentpartnumberingsystemfor Inc..`...Warrendale.. Philadelphia. Penn- metric hexbolts is given in Appendix III.6. silicon bronze Copies of referenced SAE standards may be ob- tainedfromtheSociety of Automotive Engineers. t --``. class 4.3.2. 26 39.64 115 5 10.0 124 137 M64 x 6 65.4 5.07 57.00 40.4 1.8 22.85 7.8 54 60 73 M30 x 3.0 70. 5 Copyright ASMEi International - .o 172 185 M90 x 6 .0 86.2 45.00 17.25 8.1o 43.7 9.00 67.63 3..00 47.o 72 85 M36 x 4 37.57 39.15 93.00 15.43 1159.5 26.00 35.5 43.12 8.0 17.24 8.5 78.20 98.30 24.24 1I 15.O0 ~ M42 x 4.90 60..74 54.```.2.70 1104.38 3.O 7.5 57.4 22 28 41 --``.1 7 10.7 0.00 91.24 5.4 32 26 45 M12 x 1.90 75.2 96.2 O .55 21.16 24.5 108 121 M56 x 5.70 15.3 24 18 37 M8 x 1.93 21.`..00 35.79 1126.1O 3.59 6.42 13.92 13.0 52.00 9.5 62.`.5 10.7 0.55 31. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD METRIC HEX BOLTS ANSI B18.95 13.60 86..60 130.`.00 32.2 13.0 2 . Max Min - Max Min Max Min Max Min Min Max Min M5 x 0..00 41.76 31.80 98.1 33.00 53.57 20.00 75.`.85 6..0 25 212 225 .20 33.95 7.12 50.25 8.78 9.78 19.80 24.51 60.- .4 1.1 7 4..03 18...58 9.84 19. 92.00 4 1.71 27.4 107.30 21 .05 25.o 84 97 .8 0.65 41.79 23.`.55 15.00 55 .- See Notes 6.-`-`.06 71.0 2.75 12.50 50.84 29.88 3.45 43.70 13.00 01.64 32.00 25.00 29.48I 17.68 7.57 17.80 115.16 46.19 5.16 34.80 09.84 70.52 10.1 1 1143.2 of General Data.57 15.2 15.52 62.0 2 .80 63.`--- M10 x 1.52 8O ..70 11 -30 18.16 27.20 54..`.8 6.75 9.71 36.46 ZqTT 'See Note 2..71 26.60 46.O7 28.00 45.7 0.4 0.35 2.6 34 40 53 M16 x 2 16.00 65 62.89 4.68 5.o 156 169 M80 x 6 82.8 5.40 12.60 63.--.85 2.2 0.57 18.6 38 44 57 M20 x 2. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .8 46 52 65 M24 x 3 2484 23..16 30.4 1.0 2 .3 Width AWO!iS E K Head K1 lrench- Fillet Tami- Da of f Bolt Diameter Flats Comers Height 'Y ielght tion Bolt Fillet Bolt Bolt Dia and Dia Lenoth Lengths > 125and .48 4.5M-1979 SEE NOTE 7 7.4 0.00 23.32 I 16.7 0.20 5.42 16.o 192 205 Ml00 x 6 102.16 36.--.60 82.2 22 16 35 M6x1 6.80 95.01 14.`.32 38 -68 28.58 48 -42 35.WgthS Thread Pitch 125 <200 > 200 .62 15.o 140 153 M72 x 6 73.80 05.00 72.16 78.5 30.25 22.3.o0 20. \ Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale.0 2 .3 SEE NOTE 14 TO APPEAR ON TOP OF HEAD SEE NOTE 21 Table 1 Dimensionsof Hex B o l t s D Nominal BOdY Ds Width S ACfOS.40 21.75 17.00 11.`.54 51.o0 53.0 1.60 145.00 82.64 9.51 6.58 7.2 96 109 M48 x 5 49.56 10.00 12..8 39.00 1 14.90 14.48 88.80 85..5 11.6 30 36 49 M14 x 2 14.9 7 15.5 20.55 19.`. 0 4.o4 4 .0 4.0 All tolerances are plus and minus 6 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Licensee=UAE/5940240027 .49 19.16 24.O M16 x 2 16.42 9.52 4. 15.8 5.5 --``.42 7. AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD METRIC HEX BOLTS ANSI B18.26 7 .5 4..48 4.6 4..58 7.58 9.`.75 12.0 Note: Shoulder ir Iptionel.6 6.0 - over 50 to 80 mm 1.`.`....52 5.5M-1979 "I Table 2 Dimensions of Reduced Body Diameters Shoulder Shoulder Dia and Diameter Diameter L W h T h d Pitch Max Min Max Min P .5 over 80 to 120 mm 1d la 3.0 6.08 8.77 12.0 4..25 8..0 M14 x 2 14.3 2 .O M20 x 2.`.46 2.-`-`.`.0 over 240 mm 6..86 5 .0 6.77 8 .0 2.`.2.`.70. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .O M10 x 1.30 12. Not for Resale.30 14.84 12.68 6.0 6. Table 3 Length Tolerances Nominal Bo# Dianwht..13 23.o 3.```.16 20.70 11.5 18.0 6.70 13.O M12 x 1.`. Nominal Lmoth M5 thru M6 M10 thru M16 M20 and M24 M30 and M36 o m M36 to 50 mm O8 1. M5 x 0.95 10. M8 x 1.`.0 over 120 to 180 mm 2.39 3...0 6.0 M24 x 3 22.0 ..0 6.0 18 2.50 7.`--- M6x1 6.0 OVar 180 to 240 mm 4.0 3.3..0 6.48 5.5 10.5 3.30 10.84 10. `.```. Allowable total camber on the product to be in. TYPICALSTRAIGHTNESSGAGE 2 TIMES BASIC BOLT DIAMETER 7 --``. The product shall be product length expressed as a one place decimal... excessive camber.`..`.. The product shall then be inserted between rails..`--- Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. APPENDJX I BOLT STRAIGHTNESS REFEREE GAGE AND GAGINGPROCEDURE The conformance of bolts to shank straightness or justable rail of gageshallbe adjusted to provide a camber limitations set forth in therespective product parallel space between the rails equal to this distance standards shallbe checkedby using the gageillus.... Any inter- total camber thus derived shall be added to the ference occuring between the product and the gage specified maximum body diameter exclusive of which is sufficient to prevent rotation shall indicate allowance for swell or fin underhead and the ad.`.The adjustable rail shall then be locked in cedure: place by tightening securing screws.`.. spected shall be calculated by multiplying the speci.. heads.`.`.-`-`. by obtaining common readings on both micrometer trated below in accordance with the following pro.. The rotated by handthrough full 360 deg.`.`. excludingfrom the gage any permissible length of fiedpermissiblecamberper mm oflengthbythe swell or filet under the head. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT ... ClusaClearance. 2.O M42 x 4..6 7 .4 9.0 17.0 26.5 10.`.Whencloseclearanceholesarespeci.0 M36 x 4 37 .0 M64 x 6 66.andplus 0.O M8 x 1. special provision (e. M100.25 8.O 39 .o 12.5 43.0 M80 x 6 82.5 11.O 82. Normal Clearance.O 42 .0 M12 x 1.`.plus 0.0 96.O 33.0 15. plus 0.5 31 .0 74.4 6.0 101.0 Ml00 x 6 104.0 M48 x 5 50. Close clearance hole sizes should be 4. --``.. 8 f Copyright ASME International L--------" Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale. Basic Nom Bolt Normal Close Loose Dia and Clearance Clearance Clearance Thread Pitch (Preferred) M5 x 0..5 M14 x 2 15.6 mm for bolt diametersM80 thru bolt head.. Normal clearance hole sizes are 3.o 22.5 M16 x 2 17.0 13.0 56.0 45. mm for diametersM6 thru M16.0 35.wall thicknessorother limitations necessitate tolerancesareplus0.0 M72 x 6 74.O 62.```.`.g.8 5.`--- APPENDIX II RECOMMENDED CLEARANCE HOLESFOR BOLTS Clearance Holes for Bolts Dh-Clearance Hole Diameter.5 58 .0 91...8 M6 x 1 6.`.0 M56 x 5. for either a close or loose clearance hole...0 M30 x 3.`.0 112.5 M20 x 2.0 66.0 52.0 107.0 28..3 use of a minimal hole.0 24.3 5.4 mm for bolt di- fied.0 70.plus0.`.-`-`. Recommended assembled parts.`.5 16.5 mm for bolt diametersM48 videdatthe bolt entry side to permit proper seating of the thru M72.`.0 86.75 13.0 78 .. countersinking)must be pro.`..2 mm for bolt diameterM5.5 18.andshouldbespecified onlyfor applications where maximum adjustment specified unless special design considerations dictate the need capability between components being assembled i s necessary.o M90 x 6 93.0 48.5 14. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .. Theclearance hole di- specified only where conditions such as critical alignment of ameters given in the table are minimum sizes..0 M10 x 1. Loose Clearance.5 21 .0 M24 x 3 25. Recommended Tolerances.5 5..0 Notes: 1. Loose clearance hole sizes shouldbe preferred for generalpurposeapplications.0 10. ametersM20 thru M24. .Special Features Government application selected from the possible f.-`-`. Property Class 10. b.ANSI Standard Number less decimal points.. TheGovernmentencourages the general use of this appendix to achieve maximum b. PPP-H-1581. Cap..`. Hardware (Fasteners and Related The part number shall consist of the following ele. Slotted andHexagon Head. Document Identifier .`. Nominal Diameter d.... Items).`. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT .Finish-Cadmium plating or zinc plating as provisions shall be in accordance with FF-S-85 Screw. Packaging and Packing forShipmentand ment codes in the order shown: Storage of. 9 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale.`.. APPENDIX I I I Government Standard Items and Part Numbering System Note a. Note tion and application in engineering documents. a... d. coded in Part Numbering System.9.`. Diameter/ThreadPitchandLengthCombina- tions-as specified in Table 4. Material-Steel.`--- This appendix establishes the standarditemsfor e. The Part Numbering System may also be The followingvariations are standard: used for non-standard diameter and length combinations. Nominal Length --``..```. Material and Finish parts standardization. as Packaging: Packagingshallbe in accordancewith specified.`. Quality Assurance Provisions: Quality assurance c.`.. c. Special M10 Width Across Flats Size variations of items within the scope of the standard and provides a part numbering system for identifica..`.`. Special Features-drilled head or self-locking.. I f I- L O c W v) 3 -I a B z W [3 a W I I- v) Lu [3 a a 3 m 82 W c) I- --``.`.. *m 5 W n 3 t.. u 22.`.....`--- z W S z N a W > O (3 W W I k W c c O z I I m a m f 10 Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale.....-`-`. (D S v.`.`.`.`.. i Pa N n a a c3 Z a n Iñ Ea n I -IX O a H (D W > Lu I o c a O I.```..`..`. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT ..`. ....`.`..`. œ X I 8 E --``.`...`..```..`...-`-`. 08/25/2013 22:07:59 MDT ..`--- $- Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=UAE/5940240027 No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale..`.`.`.


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