As 1163 - Hollow Sections for Structural Steel
As 1163 - Hollow Sections for Structural Steel
June 15, 2018 | Author: Irene Yu | Category:
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AS 1163—1991Australian Standard® Structural steel hollow sections This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee BD/23, Structural Steel. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 30 August 1991 and published on 15 November 1991. The following interests are represented on Committee BD/23: Australian Chamber of Manufacturers Australian Institute of Steel Construction AUSTROADS Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia Confederation of Australian Industry Institute of Steel Service Centres of Australia Master Builders Construction and Housing Association Australia Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia Railways of Australia Committee Steel Reinforcement Institute of Australia University of Queensland University of Sydney Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new edit ions as necessary. It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edit ion, and any amendments thereto. Full detail s of all Australi an Standards and related publications will be found in the Standards Australi a Catalogue of Publications; this informati on is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australi an Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publi cati ons, new edit ions and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards. Suggesti ons for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head off ice of Standards Australi a, are welcomed. Noti fi cati on of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken. This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 90108. HOMEBUSH. AS A177 wit hdrawn 1976. Second editi on AS 1163—1981. Revised and redesignated AS 1163—1973. Thir d editi on 1991.AS 1163—1991 Australian Standard® Structural steel hollow sections First publi shed as AS A177—1969. NSW 2140 ISBN 0 7262 7109 8 . Incorporating: Amdt 1—1992 Amdt 2—1996 PUBLISHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA) 1 THE CRESCENT. . .. . . . . DESIGNATION . . The use of material in pri nt form or in computer soft ware programs to be used commercially. (d) A revised table on tensile test requirements. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . PREPARATION OF TEST PIECES FOR MECHANICAL TESTING .. . D METHOD FOR VERIFYING GRADE L0 COMPLIANCE OF THIN WALL SECTIONS 10 11 13 24 © Copyri ght STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Users of Standards are reminded that copyri ght subsists in all Standards Australi a publications and soft ware. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Requests for permission and information on commercial soft ware royalti es should be dir ected to the head off ice of Standards Australi a. . . . . . This policy may be vari ed by Standards Austr alia at any ti me... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . .. . B MEANS FOR DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STANDARD . . C DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF CROSS-SECTION . . Standards Austr alia wil l also permit the inclusion of it s copyright material in computer software programs for no royalt y payment provided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs. . . . . . . . . . .. . . (b) A revised table on chemical analysis. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . or in commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty. . .... . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. Care should be taken to ensure that material used is fr om the current editi on of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the Standard is amended or revised. . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ... . . . ROUNDING OF NUMBERS . .. . .. .. . DIMENSIONS. the tensile strengths of grades C250 and C350 are reduced to reflect the properties obtained on cold-formed sections..... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . with or without payment. . MASS AND GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES . .. . REMOVAL OF UPSET . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MECHANICAL TEST REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identif ied. . . STEELMAKING PROCESS . .. . . . . . . . . . namely C250L0. . . ... C350L0 and C450L0. . . . . . . . . . REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . The inclusion of a new cold-formed grade C450 and grades with guaranteed impact performance at 0°C. .. . . . . .AS 1163—1991 2 PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Structural Steel to supersede AS 1163—1981. . . .. Except where the Copyri ght Act all ows and except where provided for below no publications or software produced by Standards Austr alia may be reproduced... (c) An amended table on minimum inside radius. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . MARKING . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . MECHANICAL PROPERTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . In line with the above change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. MASS TOLERANCE . . . .. . . ... Permission may be conditi onal on an appropriate royalt y payment.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . REMOVAL OF SURFACE DEFECTS .. FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS . . . .. . .. ... .. .. .. . . (e) The deletion of the previous Appendix B on rounding of numbers in lieu of reference to AS 2706. .. .. . . MECHANICAL TESTING .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . stored in a retri eval system in any form or transmitt ed by any means without pri or permission in wri ti ng fr om Standards Australi a. . . . Standards Austr alia will permit up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively in-house by purchasers of the Standard wit hout payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Austr alia. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Page 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 APPENDICES A PURCHASING GUIDELINES . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . CHEMICAL COMPOSITION . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SCOPE . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . This edition incorporates the following changes: (a) The deletion of C200 and all H (hot-formed) grades. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... .. . . . . ... . DEFINITIONS . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . see Appendix A. both edges of which are continuously welded by either the electric resistance or submerged arc process. 3.2 Part 2: Charpy V-notch 1553 Covered electrodes for welding 1554 SAA Structural Steel Welding Code 1554.7 Test piece — piece prepared for testing.4 Longitudinal direction — direction parallel to the longitudinal weld. 3.3 Cold-formed hollow section — hollow sections formed and shaped at ambient temperature from a single strip of steel. made from a test specimen by a mechanical operation.2 Cast analysis — chemical analysis determined from a test sample taken during casting. 3. 3. 3.8 Test sample — portion of material or product or a group of items selected from a batch or group by sampling.1 Part 1: Welding of steel structures 2084 Non-destructive testing — Eddy current testing of metal tubes 3900 Quality systems — Guide to selection and use 3904 Quality management and quality system elements K1 Methods for the sampling and analysis of iron and steel ISO 2566 Steel — Conversion of elongation values 2566-1 Part 1: Carbon and low alloy steels Guide 44 General rules of ISO or IEC international third-party certification schemes for products 3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard. 4 DESIGNATION All grades shall be designated as follows: Example: AS 1163–C250L0 where AS 1163 = number of this Standard C = cold-formed sections 250 = nominal minimum yield strength of steel L = guaranteed impact properties of the material 0 = low temperature impact test at 0°C COPYRIGHT . 3. 3.5 Product analysis — chemical analysis determined from a test sample of the finished material.11 Unit — length of hollow section.6 Testing — mechanical and chemical analysis tests as required by this Standard.9 Test specimen — portion or a single item taken from the test sample for the purpose of applying a particular test. 2 Alternative means for demonstr ating compliance with this Standard are given in Appendix B. the definitions below apply. 3. 3. 3. NOTES: 1 For guideli nes on information to be supplied at the time of enquir y or order. for the six grades of steel that are suitable for welding. 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard: AS 1050 Methods for the analysis of iron and steel 1171 Methods for magnetic particle testing of ferromagnetic products and components 1199 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes 1210 SAA Unfired Pressure Vessels Code 1213 Iron and steel — Methods of sampling 1391 Methods for tensile testing of metals 1399 Guide to AS 1199 — Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes 1544 Methods for impact tests on metals 1544.1 Batch — hollow sections of the same size.3 AS 1163—1991 STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Australian Standard Structural steel hollow sections 1 SCOPE This Standard specifies the requirements for cold-formed steel hollow sections for structural purposes.10 Transverse direction — direction at right angles to the longitudinal weld. 3. thickness and grade manufactured from the same cast. Applies to niobium. subject to a total content of 0. vanadium and ti tanium only.15 percent (c) Chromium: 0.1 Length The maximum permissible variation in the length of a hollow section product specified as exact or cut shall conform to the limits given in Table 2.10 0. TABLE 2 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VARIATION IN LENGTH SPECIFIED AS EXACT OR CUT Range of length m ≤ 14 > 14 to ≤ 18 > 18 Maximum permissible variation in length mm +6 −0 + 10 −0 Not specifi ed (see Note) NOTE: Tolerances should be specifi ed at time of order.3 Product analysis The chemical analysis of the finished product is not a requirement of this Standard. When it is not specified as exact or cut.15 percent (b) Nickel: 0.10 0.39 0. C 0.030 Mo 0.AS 1163—1991 4 5 STEELMAKING PROCESS The steel shall be made to fine-grained continuously-cast practice.35 Al (see Note 3) 0. The reported cast analysis of the steel from which a hollow section is manufactured shall conform to the limits given in Table 1 for the appropriate grade.010 percent is not permit ted.39 NOTES: 1 The use of sulfi de modifi cati on steelmaking techniques for these grades is permitt ed. Chemical composition shall be determined in accordance with AS 1050 or AS K1. 6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 6. 8 DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES 8.10 0. mass and geometrical properties of common sizes of hollow sections produced in accordance with Table 1.15 (see Note 7) 0. MASS AND GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES Appendix C gives dimensions.50 1. 6. the carbon content (C) of grades C350 and C350L0 may be increased to 0.3 percent: (a) Copper: 0. However niobium greater than 0.25 0. −0 mm.04 — — Micro-alloying elements 0. COPYRIGHT . Applies to niobium and vanadium only. the analysis shall conform to the limits given in Table 1 for the appropriate grade.10 Ti 0.040 0. 6.15 (see Note 7) CE (see Note 4) 0.26 percent provided all other requir ements are met.15 percent 3 Limits specifi ed are for soluble or total aluminium.25 0.040 0.12 0.030 0.2 Cast analysis A chemical analysis of the steel from each cast shall be made to determine the proportions of the specified elements.60 P 0. When the steel is subject to a product analysis. TABLE 1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Grades (see Note 1) C250 C250L0 C350 C350L0 C450 C450L0 Chemical composit ion (cast or product analysis) (see Note 2) % max.040 S 0.20 (see Note 5) 0. 2 The foll owing elements may be present to the limit s stated.10 percent is not permitt ed.60 1.1 General The method of sampling for chemical analysis shall be in accordance with AS 1213.05 0.10 0.030 (see Note 6) 0. However vanadium greater than 0.45 Mn 0. 4 Carbon equivalent (CE) is calculated from the foll owing equation: 5 6 7 At the discretion of the manufacturer.20 Si 0. the maximum permissible variation from the length is +100. 7 DIMENSIONS.030 0. 5t (for RHS and SHS with perimeter equal to 50 × 50 or less).01 d o FIGU RE 1 MAX IMUM PE RMISSIBLE VA RIATION IN CROSS -SEC TION OF CIRC ULAR HOLLOW SEC TIONS Outside dimension of side (b) or (d) mm ≤50 >50 Maximum permissible variation in specif ied outside dimension of side mm ±0. mill imetres Specif ied outside diameter (do ) ≤50 >50 Maximum permissible variation in specifi ed outside diameter +0.5 AS 1163—1991 8. A thickness tolerance of ±10 percent shall apply.01d Maximum permissible out.01 b or ±0. 1.8t (for RHS and SHS with perimeter greater than 50 × 50). where t is the section thickness.2 Cross-section The maximum permissible variation in the cross-sectional dimensions of a hollow section shall conform to the appropriate limits given in Figures 1 and 2.ofsquare at corners degree 1 FIGU RE 2 MAX IMUM PE RMISSIBLE VA RIATION IN CROSS -SEC TION OF SQ UA RE AND REC TANGULAR HOLLOW SE CTIONS COPYRIGHT .8 ±0. (b) Minimum outside radius: 1. in millimetres.5 ±0.4 −0. The radii of the corners of square hollow sections (SHS) and rectangular hollow sections (RHS) shall be as follows: (a) Maximum outside radius: 3t. 2 Orientation of test pieces 13.3.2. Welds shall be sound.2 Cold flattening test A test piece shall be cut from one end of a test specimen which contains a longitudinal weld. surface flaws and other defects detrimental to its use for structural purposes.1 Tensile test and impact test The test piece shall be selected from any position along the length of the test specimen such that the requirements of Clause 13.2 Cold flattening test The test piece shall be cut in the transverse direction. Test pieces shall be in the same condition as the sections that they represent.2.2 Depositing weld metal Welding used in the repair of surface defects shall be performed in accordance with AS 1554. 10 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS The section shall be free from lamination. 13 MECHANICAL TESTING 13.3 Position and orientation of test piece 13.1 are complied with.1 Tensile test and impact test The test piece shall be cut such that the major axis is in the longitudinal direction. The weld metal shall project at least 1.4 Twist (rectangular sections) For rectangular hollow sections. using low-hydrogen electrodes complying with AS 1553. 13.96 times the specified mass.5 mm above the rolled surface and the projecting metal shall be removed by grinding flush with the rolled surface.AS 1163—1991 6 8.1 General Test pieces for tensile tests. 13.1. impact tests and cold flattening tests shall be taken from a single test specimen.5 mm per metre length. the maximum value of V (see Figure 3) shall not exceed 2 mm plus 0. 9 MASS TOLERANCE The mass of a length of hollow section shall be not less than 0. 13. 13. the ground area shall be well flared and the remaining wall thickness in the ground area shall be not less than 90 percent of the nominal thickness.3 Straightness The maximum permissible variation from straightness in a length of hollow section product shall not exceed: 8.3. the weld metal being thoroughly fused without undercutting or overlap. 11. COPYRIGHT . 12 REMOVAL OF UPSET Hollow sections produced by electric resistance welding shall have the external upset removed. 11 REMOVAL OF SURFACE DEFECTS 11.1 Grinding When removal of surface defects by grinding is adopted. 1 General It shall be permissible to discard a test piece which shows defective machining or develops flaws during preparation and to submit another test piece. The location of the test piece shall be as specified in Clause 14. the test specimen shall be taken from the middle of either the long or short side remote from the weld (see Figure 4).2 Circular hollow sections (CHS) The tensile test piece cut from a test specimen shall not be flattened between gauge marks. The test piece shall not include a longitudinal weld. 14. For rectangular hollow sections. The test piece shall be prepared in accordance with AS 1544. as appropriate. 15 MECHANICAL TEST REQUIREMENTS 15. where necessary. It shall be permissible to discard a test piece which shows defective machining or develops flaws and to submit another test piece.4.2.65 So where S o is the original cross-sectional area. 14.2.3. the largest practicable subsidiary test piece. cut from the test specimen.5 Cold flattening test The test piece shall be taken in the form of a cross-section from one end of a finished length of a circular hollow section which contains a longitudinal weld.7 AS 1163—1991 14 PREPARATION OF TEST PIECES FOR MECHANICAL TESTING 14. 14. The length of the test piece shall be not less than 40 mm.2 or Clause 14. The rate of straining when approaching the yield point shall lie within the highest range of strain rate given in AS 1391.4 Ageing treatment Prior to tensile or impact testing.2 Tensile test pieces 14. the test pieces shall be aged by heating to a temperature between 150°C and 200°C for a period not less than 15 min. For a length of circular hollow section containing a longitudinal weld. 14. The test piece shall be aged in accordance with Clause 14.3 Impact test piece Three test pieces shall be prepared from each specimen and cut parallel to the longitudinal axis of the hollow section.2. All burrs shall be removed before testing. Conversion of results from a non-proportional gauge length shall be in accordance with ISO 2566-1. 14. 14. 15. Elongation results shall be reported on a gauge length L o = 5. the test piece shall be taken from approximately 90 degrees from the weld. with the axis of the notch perpendicular to the rolled surface of the section.1 Form of test piece The tensile test piece shall be in the form given in either Item (a) or (b) below: (a) A test piece with dimensions conforming to those specified in AS 1391.2. COPYRIGHT .3 Rectangular hollow sections (RHS) The tensile test piece cut from a test specimen shall be taken from any side midway between and excluding the corners.1 Tensile test The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with AS 1391.2 Impact test Impact tests shall be performed at 0°C in accordance with AS 1544.2 using.2.2. (b) A length of the full section test specimen. 18 MARKING The material shall be marked or tagged (for bundles) — (a) to identify the manufacturer. in millimetres.AS 1163—1991 8 15.3. TABLE 3 TENSILE TEST REQUIREMENTS Minimum elongati on as a proporti on of the gauge length of 5.5 mm 10 mm × 5 mm 10 mm × 2.5 mm Average of Individual Average of Individual Average of Individual Average of Individual 3 tests test 3 tests test 3 tests test 3 tests test 27 27 27 20 20 20 22 22 22 16 16 16 18 18 18 13 13 13 9 9 9 7 7 7 NOTE: For 10 × 10. 17 ROUNDING OF NUMBERS 17. and (b) the average of three tests.2 Impact test When tested in accordance with Clause 15. The number of significant places retained in the rounded-off values shall be the same as that of the specified value in the appropriate material Standard. 10 × 7. C350L0 C450. tensile strength and elongation of the test piece shall conform to the limits given in Table 3 for the appropriate grade.2 Tensile properties The determined value of tensile strength shall be rounded off to the nearest 10 MPa and the determined value of yield strength shall be rounded off to the nearest 5 MPa. COPYRIGHT .1. 16. C250L0 C350. shall conform to the specified values given in Table 4 for the appropriate grade.1 Tensile test When tested in accordance with Clause 15.5. it is permissible to designate the product as grade L0 provided requirements specif ied in Appendix D are met.65√S o Grade Minimum yield strength MPa C250.2. the absorbed energy value (J) resulting from — (a) each individual test.3 Cold flattening test The flattening test piece shall be flattened at room temperature between two parallel plane surfaces with the weld located as follows in relation to the direction of flattening: (a) For do ≤ 60 mm: at 45 degrees (b) For do > 60 mm: at 90 degrees where do is the nominal outside diameter of the circular hollow section. 16. and (d) with a serialized identification number. J Size of test piece 10 mm × 7. 10 × 5 or 10 × 2. (c) to enable product dimensions to be identified with this Standard.3 Cold flattening test When tested in accordance with Clause 15. shall be rounded off in accordance with AS 2706. observed or calculated. C450L0 250 350 450 Minimum tensil e strength MPa 320 430 500 Circular hollow sections 22 20 16 percent Rectangular hollow sections 18 16 14 TABLE 4 CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT TEST REQUIREMENTS Test temperature Grade °C C250L0 C350L0 C450L0 0 0 0 10 mm × 10 mm Minimum absorbed energy. the determined value. The test piece shall be flattened until the distance between the surfaces is 0.75d o . 17. (b) to indicate the grade of steel (see Clause 4). Superficial ruptures arising from surface imperfections shall not be cause for rejection.1 General For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this Standard is complied with.5 mm test piece sizes where it is not practical to machine fr om product. a test piece taken from a circular section with a longitudinal weld shall show no signs of cracks or flaws. the yield strength. 16 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 16. S.W. 2 Independent certi fi cati on is avail able fr om Standards Australi a under the StandardsMark Product Cert if ication Scheme. 1 The Crescent. The StandardsMark. is a registered certi fi cati on tr ade mark owned by Standards Austr alia and granted under licence to manufacturers whose products comply wit h the requir ements of suit able Australi an Standards and who operate sound qualit y assurance programs to ensure consistent product qualit y. low-stress stamps may be used. shown below. NOTES: 1 Manufacturers making a statement of compli ance with this Austr alian Standard on a product. COPYRIGHT .9 AS 1163—1991 Where marking is by means of die-stamping. or on packaging or promotional materi al related to that product. N. 2140. Homebush. are advised to ensure that such compli ance is capable of being verif ied. 3 Furt her informati on on product cert if ication and the suit abil it y of this Standard for cert if ication is available from Standards Australi a’s Quali ty Assurance Services. after making due reference to the explanation. whose results should be accepted as final. NOTE: Attention is drawn to the desirabili ty of specifying cross-sectional dimensions in terms of Appendix C.AS 1163—1991 10 APPENDIX A PURCHASING GUIDELINES (Informative) A1 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER The purchaser should supply the following information at the time of enquiry or order.1 Non-destructive testing If non-destructive testing is required by the purchaser.2 Independent test In the event of a dispute as to the compliance of the steel with this Standard. (f) Whether it is the intention of the purchaser to inspect the steel at the manufacturer’s works (see Paragraph A4).g. (i) Special tolerances.g. (k) If impact testing other than that specified in this Standard is required. where appropriate. (e) Any information concerning processing or end-use that the purchaser considers would be of assistance. e. but are subject to negoti ation. for the field and class of testing. length. delivery point). this should be notified at the time of enquiry or order. (d) Whether a test certificate or certificate of compliance is required (see Paragraph A3). (c) Dimensions of steel. (g) Special finish or coating.1 Certificates of compliance Certificates of compliance include a statement that the material complies with this Standard. the purchaser and the supplier should agree to have referee testing carried out by an independent laboratory. A4 INSPECTION If it is the purchaser’s intention to undertake any of the following functions at the manufacturer’s works. Australia. and (ii) the average of three tests. A3. The manufacturer should afford the purchaser all reasonable facilities to establish that the steel complies with this Standard. (j) Any exceptions to the Standard or any special or supplementary requirements. The test method should be in accordance with AS 1171 and AS 2084. COPYRIGHT . A3 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE AND TEST CERTIFICATES A3. (c) Witnessing the tests being performed. section. e. size of test piece and minimum absorbed energy value resulting from — (i) each individual test. relating to — (a) tests performed by the manufacturer for the purpose of establishing compliance with this Standard. A laboratory registered by the National Association of Testing Authorities. advice and recommendations contained in this Appendix: (a) Designation of grade and Standard number. It should be noted that sizes not listed in Appendix C are not precluded for specif ication purposes. the test method to be used and the limits of acceptance should be determined at the time of enquiry or order.g. bundle masses. the test temperature. mass per unit length applicable. schedules. A2 SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS A2. galvanized. and should be accomplished in a manner which will not interfere with the operation of the works: (a) Inspection of the product during manufacture. (b) Witnessing of the selection and identification of test samples. impact testing at −30°C for rolled over protection structure (ROPS). (b) Quantity and delivery instructions (dates. (h) End finish. is recommended. e.2 Test certificates Test certificates show such results as may be required by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. and (b) additional tests as agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer. A2. Irrespective of acceptable quality levels (AQLs) or test frequencies. B5 OTHER MEANS OF ASSESSMENT If the above methods are considered inappropriate.2 and B5. determination of compliance with the requirements of this Standard may be assessed on the basis of the results of testing coupled with the manufacturer’s guarantee of product conformance. it requires the manufacturer to maintain an effective quality plan to control production to ensure conformance with the relevant Standard. (d) Other such means proposed by the manufacturer or supplier and acceptable to the customer. (c) Assurance using the acceptability of the supplier’s quality system. The StandardsMark serves to indicate that the products consistently conform to the requirements of the Standard. impact test and cold flattening test Test samples should be taken as follows: (a) One sample for a batch not exceeding 50 tonnes. In order for statistical sampling to be meaningful to the customer. COPYRIGHT . The StandardsMark can only be used by manufacturers approved and licensed by Standards Australia and only when accompanied by the number of the applicable Standard.3. The quality assurance requirements need to be agreed between the customer and supplier and should include a quality or inspection and test plan to ensure product conformity. B2 STATISTICAL SAMPLING Statistical sampling is a procedure that enables decisions to be made about the quality of batches of items after inspecting or testing only a portion of those items.11 AS 1163—1991 APPENDIX B MEANS FOR DEMONSTRATING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS STANDARD (Informative) B1 SCOPE This Appendix sets out the following different methods by which compliance with this Standard can be demonstrated by the manufacturer or supplier: (a) Assessment by means of statistical sampling. as well as full type testing from independently sampled production and subsequent verification of conformance. (b) The use of Standards Australia’s StandardsMark scheme. Guidance in determining the appropriate quality management system is given in AS 3900 and AS 3904. Sampling and the establishment of a sampling plan should be carried out in accordance with AS 1199.1 Sampling of tensile test. consideration may be given to the results of testing in accordance with Paragraphs B5. B5. the responsibility remains with the manufacturer or supplier to deliver products that conform with the full requirements of the Standard. guidance to which is given in AS 1399. a suitable sampling plan is defined. (b) For each different situation. the manufacturer or supplier needs to demonstrate how the above conditions have been satisfied. This procedure will only be valid if the sampling plan has been determined on a statistical basis and the following requirements are met: (a) The sample is drawn randomly from a population of product of known history that enables verification that the product was made from known materials at essentially the same time by essentially the same processes and under essentially the same system of control. B3 PRODUCT CERTIFICATION — STANDARDSMARK The general purpose of StandardsMark certification is to provide independent assurance of the claim by the manufacturer that products comply with the stated Australian or International Standard.1. It is a certification scheme that meets the criteria of an ISO Type 5 scheme as specified by ISO Guide 44 in that. such demonstration may provide the necessary confidence that the specified requirements will be met. B5. (b) One additional sample from the balance of the batch. To assess compliance with this specification. A sampling plan for one manufacturer of given capability and product throughput may not be relevant to another manufacturer producing the same items. B4 SUPPLIER’S QUALITY SYSTEM Where the manufacturer or supplier can demonstrate an audited and registered quality management system complying with the requirements of the appropriate or stipulated Australian or International Standard for suppliers’ quality systems. 3 as appropriate. If one of these additional samples fails to comply.3 as appropriate. (d) Reprocess (e. If the test pieces from both additional samples comply with Clause 16.1. (b) Make two test samples at random from the remainder of the test batch. The unit complies with this Standard if the reprocessed test pieces comply with Clauses 16. 16.2.1. (b) Take two further test samples at random from the remainder of the test batch. heat-treat) the units which failed and perform another complete set of tests in accordance with Paragraph B5. (c) Take test samples from each rolled unit of steel and individually test in accordance with this Standard.2 Compliance Each batch complies with this Standard if all of the samples tested give results which are within the specified limits. (d) Reprocess (e. B5.3 as appropriate. If the test piece from the additional sample complies with Clauses 16. Clause 16. the steel of the applicable test batch does not comply with this Standard.1. the rolled unit of steel complies with this Standard. If one of these additional samples fails to comply. heat-treat) the unit which failed and perform another complete set of tests in accordance with Paragraph B5. If any of the properties of the tested samples give results outside the specified limits. Clause 16.1 and 16. the remainder complies with this Standard.3.g. the requirements of Paragraph B5. The unit complies with this Standard provided both additional test pieces comply with Clauses 16.g.3.1 and 16.1) does not comply with this Standard.1.2 and.2 and.AS 1163—1991 12 B5.3 Retests B5. 16. one or more of the following procedures should be adopted: (a) If the average value of the three impact test results is less than the specified minimum average. If the test pieces from both additional samples comply with Clauses 16.2. If the test piece from the additional sample complies with Clause 16. If the reprocessed test pieces comply with Clauses 16.3 as appropriate. if applicable.1 and 16.3. or if one value is less than the specified individual test value given in Table 4 — (i) test three additional test pieces from the original sample in accordance with Clause 14. The remainder of the test batch complies with this Standard provided it is reprocessed in the same manner as the above reprocessed units and complies with the requirements of Clauses 16.1 and 16. then the unit complies with this Standard. one or more of the following procedures should be adopted: (a) Make two additional tests on test pieces from samples taken from a position as near as practical to the failed sample. then the rolled unit of steel complies with this Standard. and not more than one result of the six tests is below the specified individual test value. if applicable. If the average value of the six tests is not less than the specified minimum average. and (ii) add the results to those previously obtained and calculate a new average. The remainder of the test batch complies with this Standard provided it is reprocessed in the same manner as the above reprocessed unit and complies with the requirements of Clauses 16. then the remainder complies with this Standard.3. B5.1 and 16.2 Impact tests If a retest is carried out.1 Tensile test and cold flattening test If a retest is carried out. then the unit complies with this Standard.3.3 apply. (c) Make test samples from each rolled unit of steel and individually test in accordance with this Standard. COPYRIGHT . the batch (see Paragraph B5.3 as appropriate. NOTE: Users are advised to check availabili ty before incorporating holl ow secti ons in major designs. COPYRIGHT . certain sizes may not always be available in all grades. Other sizes in various grades are also available in Australia.13 AS 1163—1991 APPENDIX C DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES OF CROSS-SECTION (Normative) The following Figures C1 to C6 are not restrictive (see Clause 7). Although they appear in the following tables. 60 1.65 8.4 CHS 165.0 CHS 23 800 17 900 12 100 19 800 14 900 10 100 2 710 2 510 FIGUR E C1 (in part) CIRC ULAR HOLLOW SEC TIONS OF GRAD E C250 COPYRIGHT .7 20.7 m /m 1.2 24.92 1.3 16.6 6 J 10 mm 2 130 1 620 1 110 1 210 925 634 17.7 CHS 508.0 × 12.7 CHS 610.07 4 3 Z 10 mm 3 490 2 650 1 810 2 390 1 820 1 250 105 97.0 × 6.3 48.0 64.5 56.519 0.0 × 6.1 × 5.4 CHS 165.3 13.2 13.2 95.5 CHS 508.AS 1163—1991 14 1 Designati on Outside Thickness diameter 2 3 4 5 6 Gross area of crosssecti on 7 8 9 10 11 12 External surface area Mass per unit length Ratio per unit length per unit mass Second moment of area About any axis Elastic secti on modulus Plastic secti on modulus Radius of gyration Torsion constant Torsion modulus do mm t mm kg/m 187 141 95.92 1.0 2 Ag mm 2 6 l 10 mm 1 060 808 553 606 462 317 8.0 × 9.519 2 do t m /t 10.1 × 5.1 4 3 C 10 mm3 6 970 5 300 3 620 4 770 3 640 2 500 209 195 610.4 26.6 20.0 × 12.5 CHS 610.4 30.3 155 117 79.3 19.92 1.60 1.5 79.60 0.7 3 3 S 10 mm 4 530 3 430 2 330 3 120 2 360 1 610 138 128 3 r mm 211 212 213 175 176 177 56.1 10.0 53.0 × 9.2 21.3 40.6 33.4 CHS 508. 206 0.354 0.3 8.8 22.6 10.87 4.439 0.3 × 2.084 5 0.53 3.7 × 5.45 1.14 1.4 24.59 2.9 × 4.0 CHS 88.0 11.69 3.1 10.1 14.7 30.5 4.6 × 5.9 CHS 17.2 CHS 33.133 0.04 5.8 8.7 8.52 6.334 0.4 CHS 48.4 15.072 1 0.80 4.6 9.46 8.2 13.6 CHS 48.0 CHS 42.04 J 106 mm4 10.517 0.14 4.0 37.038 9 0.92 4.24 2.0 26.37 3.8 8.0 CHS 76.19 5.1 25.2 42.036 0 0.93 1.359 0.56 1.21 11.3 42.1 8.6 CHS 60.0 CHS 26.6 37.7 10.029 6 0.08 0.232 0.9 6.70 4.2 25.9 Ag mm2 2 280 2 120 1 850 1 550 1 520 1 230 1 540 1 320 1 070 1 300 1 010 820 931 789 641 728 557 453 577 483 394 413 373 307 288 238 198 200 182 153 130 108 96.06 0.722 0.4 23.2 CHS 21.7 × 4.279 0.1 32.9 28.8 48.6 × 4.68 5.133 0.3 × 5.4 30.66 2.066 9 0.77 1.4 9.5 × 2.1 × 5.084 5 0.392 139.63 12.0 CHS 101.5 6.33 3.359 0.8 20.61 5.1 17.279 0.8 63.2 CHS 26.239 0.7 36.02 0.53 2.89 4.49 4.93 2.4 45.806 0.89 2.61 1.2 17.38 10.5 38.9 21.56 4.439 0.48 7.1 37.87 3.9 34.017 0 0.3 7.57 1.5 19.076 2 0.50 6.3 × 3.767 0.152 0.6 34.3 5.81 2.2 14.279 0.5 CHS 76.5 CHS 33.170 0.49 2.9 l 106 mm4 5.7 19.1 15.5 17.014 8 0.089 9 0.39 6.54 1.5 8.7 8.9 × 4.3 CHS FIGUR E C1 (in part) CIRC ULAR HOLLOW SEC TIONS OF GRAD E C250 COPYRIGHT .4 10.711 0.152 0.152 0.180 0.2 12.601 0.7 × 3.4 43.015 4 0.002 64 C 103 mm3 147 138 96.045 0 0.084 5 0.33 1.066 9 0.44 1.003 06 0.31 6.9 52.001 46 0.618 0.67 2.651 0.7 35.6 26.99 2.5 CHS 60.0 13.196 S 103 mm3 97.6 CHS 17.35 4.006 12 0.97 4.19 5.27 1.6 59.340 0.2 28.3 23.4 CHS 114.090 1 0.042 4 0.9 25.7 38.4 × 4.4 16.09 3.1 27.4 × 4.001 32 Z 103 mm3 73.93 2.0 CHS 114.319 0.2 23.807 0.515 0.3 14.20 1.4 × 3.9 CHS 76.9 55.74 8.6 80.189 0.635 m2/m 0.106 0.16 5.116 0.9 CHS 13.3 25.0 41.9 CHS 88.2 8.4 CHS 139.8 10.216 0.3 × 3.4 20.1 40.9 57.8 52.4 25.41 2.106 0.5 20.1 × 3.9 16.133 0.53 1.2 CHS 26.003 47 0.4 CHS 60.1 54.3 46.2 28.9 30.293 r mm 47.083 8 0.2 5.9 21.7 5.152 0.26 1.93 5.019 4 0.95 6.71 4.2 21.7 38.81 1.79 3.006 81 0.1 × 4.3 × 5.639 0.3 9.2 7.9 9.3 × 3.0 69.540 0.0 24.24 3.054 0 0.319 0.1 15.3 × 4.7 21.9 29.75 2.189 0.9 27.3 15.008 16 0.2 54.33 1.4 35.9 16.4 90.845 0.3 × 3.2 34.709 0.58 7.5 26.006 93 0.041 9 0.239 0.103 0.20 1.15 1 Designati on Outside Thickness diameter Mass per unit length 2 3 4 5 Ratio per unit length per unit mass 6 Gross area of crosssecti on 7 8 9 10 11 Torsion constant AS 1163—1991 12 Torsion modulus External surface area About any axis Second moment of area Elastic secti on modulus Plastic secti on modulus Radius of gyration do mm t mm kg/m 17.9 CHS 42.4 13.138 0.16 0.016 3 0.066 9 0.3 × 4.0 CHS 48.002 92 0.013 6 0.5 47.5 29.7 16.30 1.8 do t 25.963 0.1 23.0 CHS 88.106 0.8 33.59 9.8 30.8 29.5 26.43 1.87 1.0 CHS 33.8 64.1 44.007 68 0.22 8.6 CHS 21.12 1.309 0.3 × 5.915 0.9 × 3.1 82.0 34.1 11.9 16.9 12.0 33.87 6.7 68.4 34.46 1.034 1 0.2 CHS 42.275 0.6 29.2 43.34 1.5 12.3 × 4.93 3.64 6.9 × 2.239 0.7 × 4.6 14.6 13.28 0.8 55.189 0.6 CHS 21.2 × 2.44 7.7 42.99 7.1 8.03 5.9 10.432 0.4 10.9 7.55 2.55 2.4 10.9 × 5.054 0 0.4 29.1 11.7 × 5.14 1.758 0.259 0.28 2.2 × 2.3 CHS 13.403 0.9 66.5 × 2.10 0.9 × 5.5 CHS 101.2 11.6 13.356 0.042 4 m2/t 24.6 46. 8 63.3 13.0 63.0 × 12.1 × 9.1 31.8 CHS 36.5 73.4 Z 103 mm3 1 920 1 460 1 010 1 500 1 150 792 1 130 871 602 930 717 497 492 349 267 S 103 mm3 2 510 1 900 1 300 1 970 1 500 1 020 1 490 1 140 781 1 230 939 645 647 455 346 r mm 157 158 159 139 140 141 121 122 123 110 111 112 93.1 × 6.4 CHS 323.4 × 6.4 72.6 29.5 28.12 1.7 36.4 CHS 273.02 1.4 13.5 CHS 457.7 CHS 355.1 60.1 123 93.1 55.44 1.1 50.0 do t Ag mm2 l 106 mm4 438 334 230 305 233 161 201 155 107 151 116 80.1 71.1 47.4 42.858 0.9 × 6.0 37.3 10.9 × 12.9 × 9.12 1.7 50.28 1.7 CHS 323.5 CHS 355.44 1.8 20.4 CHS 406.6 × 9.2 10.2 20.02 0.4 32.1 97.7 20.3 14.9 J 106 mm4 876 669 460 609 467 322 403 310 214 301 232 161 134 95.0 × 6.5 42.4 13.4 55.7 56.8 C 103 mm3 3 830 2 930 2 010 3 000 2 300 1 580 2 260 1 740 1 200 1 860 1 430 994 983 699 533 457.4 CHS 355.6 × 12.4 13.858 m2/t 10.AS 1163—1991 16 1 Designati on Outside Thickness diameter 2 3 4 5 Ratio 6 Gross area of crosssecti on 7 8 9 10 11 12 External surface area Mass per unit length per unit length per unit mass About any axis Second moment of area Elastic secti on modulus Plastic secti on modulus Radius of gyration Torsion constant Torsion modulus do mm t mm kg/m 139 105 71.5 CHS 323.3 CHS 273.5 67.5 34.3 94.4 × 9.0 × 9.28 1.5 CHS 406.02 1.6 25.1 107 81.12 1.7 CHS 457.4 × 12.4 27.7 CHS 406.6 × 6.7 20.9 17 700 13 400 9 060 15 700 11 800 8 040 13 700 10 300 7 020 12 400 9 380 6 380 7 710 5 360 4 050 FIGUR E C2 (in part) CIRC ULAR HOLLOW SEC TIONS OF GRAD E C350 COPYRIGHT .1 × 4.858 0.0 48.8 20.4 CHS 273.2 10.8 m2/m 1.3 94.0 42.44 1.28 1. 3 30.26 1.319 0.7 Ag mm2 5 430 4 280 3 230 3 600 3 260 2 470 1 780 1 530 1 500 1 290 2 1 1 1 040 650 250 120 989 809 1 440 1 270 862 705 733 533 523 419 414 332 325 254 254 199 178 156 121 30.61 2.02 3.4 27.8 57.2 23.4 78.1 39.432 0.90 3.7 27.1 × 3.027 1 0.9 12.5 41.5 25.0 11.8 CHS 168.6 25.6 30.359 0.8 35.6 44.12 3.6 10.5 4.6 29.3 11.025 1 0.1 57.4 57.8 31.02 6.16 5.3 21.40 1.4 22.2 CHS 219.3 CHS 48.5 CHS 165.0 56.6 25.84 3.01 3.6 CHS 42.52 2.9 11.6 CHS 33.519 0.2 39.8 26.8 67.1 × 2.53 5.1 × 3.7 13.529 0.75 4.214 0.2 2.56 7.005 71 101.0 CHS 139.7 36.0 CHS 21.6 × 3.5 27.0 CHS FIGUR E C2 (in part) CIRC ULAR HOLLOW SEC TIONS OF GRAD E C350 COPYRIGHT .95 6.0 12.72 1.81 1.55 7.0 39.2 13.1 46.6 46.9 × 88.2 55.4 13.5 11.47 3.319 0.8 64.4 47.066 9 m2/t 16.6 l 106 mm4 Z 103 mm3 276 221 169 139 127 98.2 60.3 9.7 × 2.051 9 0.0 23.4 17.6 75.6 19.3 60.1 × 8.1 41.748 r mm 74.0 29.6 35.4 × 2.688 0.80 5.8 35.40 1.176 0.7 8.3 37.8 26.1 20.189 0.6 CHS 88.0 CHS 26.6 29.3 43.52 2.0 16.24 0.0 57.3 × × × × 6.01 0.8 53.3 24.3 25.4 16.2 43.3 114.10 4.6 CHS CHS CHS CHS 76.7 21.7 34.4 CHS 168.2 23.99 4.0 13.8 39.657 0.02 1.064 6 0.2 16.8 70.353 0.0 41.084 5 0.129 0.98 2.2 37.7 8.1 57.7 × 3.49 1.19 4.3 17.1 16.3 × 2.7 28.8 14.2 105 86.48 1.20 0.2 18.45 1.3 24.00 4.216 0.1 × 4.133 0.7 × 3.084 5 0.86 7.2 39.1 CHS 168.05 2.4 28.2 25.84 1.2 66.1 16.25 1.6 19.6 × 2.5 CHS 139.133 0.1 67.3 34.65 3.0 11.45 2.3 11.40 1.1 47.024 4 0.98 2.1 14.279 0.6 19.83 6.1 14.3 35.3 × 2.8 30.6 33.5 86.5 28.74 8.519 0.6 68.439 0.2 18.1 16.2 CHS CHS CHS CHS 11.5 19.0 70.5 48.9 56.4 CHS 219.86 J 106 mm4 60.11 3.279 0.27 2.3 × 2.99 1.12 0.5 43.152 0.1 23.189 0.67 2.07 219.8 9.359 0.7 31.6 57.8 12.9 CHS 48.7 20.3 48.7 10.31 0.3 × 4.359 0.58 1.92 1.488 0.0 6.2 CHS 76.3 × 2.359 0.2 45.1 18.9 × 88.152 0.56 1.74 5.1 50.77 7.5 41.9 46.106 0.439 0.29 3.177 0.3 × 7.9 × 2.6 3.1 × 3.30 6.00 2.9 CHS 60.7 26.012 2 0.9 × 5.3 38.688 0.9 × 2.2 52.8 49.85 4.0 25.1 20.35 11.3 34.106 0.0 9.1 23.239 0.3 × 2.991 1.279 0.4 37.1 × 6.2 CHS 101.5 27.43 3.3 57.83 8.1 20.8 3.976 0.688 0.279 0.8 33.363 0.8 39.536 S 103 mm3 365 290 220 185 168 128 91.952 m2/m 0.3 do t 26.4 33.23 0.061 9 0.8 10.529 0.1 70.3 14.96 6.792 0.3 CHS 26.8 CHS 165.17 1 Designati on Outside Thickness diameter Mass per unit length 2 3 4 5 Ratio per unit length per unit mass 6 Gross area of crosssecti on 7 8 9 10 11 Torsion constant AS 1163—1991 12 Torsion modulus External surface area About any axis Second moment of area Elastic secti on modulus Plastic secti on modulus Radius of gyration do mm t mm kg/m 42.3 114.99 1.013 6 0.7 58.3 114.96 3.0 CHS 33.030 9 0.4 21.2 8.7 43.3 CHS 42.3 × 6.011 4 C 103 mm3 552 442 339 278 254 196 141 122 99.6 50.529 0.55 1.8 3.088 1 0.6 23.5 9.907 0.01 1.4 × 2.0 16.107 0.77 6.239 0.87 4.104 0.727 0.5 38.3 CHS 60.76 5.2 48.0 4.8 34.25 5.9 × 88.5 31.3 20.0 CHS 114.7 60.5 16.050 2 0.6 19.2 75.8 57.25 2.3 50.5 10.1 52.7 × 2.3 38. 0 SHS 150 × 150 × 6.04 2.0 5.7 23.0 6.3 38.63 2.25 7.15 4.38 6.91 3. ly 2 Z x.70 8.AS 1163—1991 18 1 Designati on Depth Width Thickness 2 3 4 5 Ratio 6 Gross area of crosssecti on Ag 7 8 9 10 11 12 Torsion constant 13 Torsion modulus External surface area Mass per unit length per unit length per unit mass Second moment of area About x .1 44.383 0.8 26.361 0.77 FIGUR E C3 (in part) SQ UA RE HOLLOW SEC TIONS OF GRA DE C350 COPYRIGHT .2 14.5 16.6 35.6 8.0 SHS 200 × 200 × 9.1 72.0 53.0 23.0 6.761 0.0 SHS 200 × 200 × 5.0 31.0 SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS 8 400 5 730 6 600 4 530 3 810 4 800 3 330 2 810 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 900 730 310 880 000 130 810 480 140 15.0 SHS 150 × 150 × 9.1 18.9 18.961 0.0 11.00 5.4 68.1 78.5 49.0 36.6 79.479 0.0 SHS 200 × 200 × 6.5 99.0 5.474 0.5 25.390 2 lx.8 26.7 46.5 63.4 26.6 14.8 37.9 37.2 m /t 14.8 39.0 SHS 150 × 150 × 5.6 58.5 52.2 11.0 SHS 250 × 250 × 6.96 m /m 0.3 32.974 0.42 3.1 56. ry 3 J 10 mm 129 88. y and n.7 14.8 56.774 0.3 2 mm 10 mm 79.1 60.2 28.7 18.0 3 10 mm 750 521 465 327 277 248 178 151 165 120 103 84.779 0.2 22.574 0.5 33.5 10.5 98.0 23.374 0.4 250 × 250 × 9.0 77.6 41.0 14.4 53.2 15.6 47.2 58.4 22.29 5.0 26.axes Elastic secti on modulus Elastic secti on modulus Plastic secti on modulus Radius of gyration d mm b mm t mm kg/m 65.0 4.7 38.7 64.3 9.87 7.561 0.11 14.7 26.0 SHS 125 125 125 125 100 100 100 100 100 × × × × × × × × × 125 125 125 125 100 100 100 100 100 × × × × × × × × × 9.8 23.3 78.5 65.1 30.6 73.52 3.6 32.23 1.7 15.7 53.1 40.8 35.379 0.579 0.8 23.4 3 10 mm 477 330 297 207 175 159 113 96.8 39.6 81.0 3.6 21.0 51.9 6 10 mm 639 450 392 280 239 205 150 129 134 101 87.3 38.1 22.3 9.0 28.9 22. Sy 3 r x.79 6 4 3 C 10 mm3 972 681 599 425 362 316 229 197 208 154 133 110 123 93.7 14.66 2.6 21.5 26.7 20.461 0.1 26.1 37.483 0.2 31.1 106 76.6 29.0 9.4 11.9 43.4 8.4 15.6 63.9 45.0 48.4 18.44 4.7 21.0 4.0 29. Zy 4 Zn 3 Sx.0 14.5 44.2 39.4 48.2 3 mm 97. 0 3.39 J 106 mm4 3.093 0.5 27.00 10.279 0.321 0.0 2.882 0.873 m2/m 0.1 11.36 1.143 0.6 49.6 3.027 2 0.185 0.117 0.6 SHS 3.1 32.47 2.38 1.0 4.5 mm2 1 870 1 590 1 150 1 530 1 310 1 080 959 841 709 721 609 494 681 541 459 374 303 521 359 294 239 361 309 254 207 214 175 241 209 174 143 111 7 Second moment of area 8 Elastic secti on modulus 9 Elastic secti on modulus 10 Plastic secti on modulus 11 12 Torsion constant AS 1163—1991 13 Torsion modulus External surface area About x .3 19.6 11.5 SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS lx.023 1 0.4 25.6 21.780 0.6 12.045 4 0.6 22.53 6.8 54.010 3 NOTE: The calculati on of secti onal properti es is based on the foll owing corner geometr y: Size range Thicknesses 3.074 5 0.3 11.51 7.04 1.0 28.21 5.1 48.1 16.059 0.5 23.6 10.66 4.23 3.8 23.77 1.5 2.21 1.36 3.012 4 9 8 8 1.330 0.0 2.7 53.0 1.4 82.3 8.3 13.130 0.64 1.608 Zn 10 3 mm 3 36.0 19.141 0.0 1.80 1.5 19.63 1.02 2.0 10. Sy 103 mm3 56.0 2.6 SHS SHS SHS SHS 0.12 0.3 22.8 13.2 24. Zy 10 3 mm3 46.155 0.16 1.57 2.151 0.5 14.5 26.0 29.6 18.0 SHS 1.5 SHS 6.082 2 0.0 9.54 0.67 12.193 0.290 0.2 19.057 9 0.5 28.285 0.0 16.26 4.24 9.0 16.0 15.021 3 7 3 2 C 103 mm3 71.83 2.3 37.66 5.5t 2.47 1.4 14.09 2.92 5.6 62.02 0.5 9.6 SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS SHS 2.029 0.40 3.88 5.0 SHS 5.8 29.61 2.5 13.5 38.49 7.19 1.33 5.0 5.192 0.5 8.32 2.69 3.71 1.1 36.1 14.4 12.7 34.8 6.89 1.25 3.3 47.39 1.7 24.99 1.195 0.0 33.3 31.2 40.6 65.0 2.78 3.1 65.2 25.88 2.36 5.91 1.5 2.0 3.6 4.5t FIGUR E C3 (in part) SQ UA RE HOLLOW SEC TIONS OF GRA DE C350 COPYRIGHT .07 1.102 0.4 23.54 1.31 1.60 2.5 11.0 2.7 24.3 84.8 81.323 0.6 18.0 18.13 2.7 34.195 0.0 9.15 7.74 4.44 7.094 7 4 1 5 m2/t 22.35 1.4 33.41 4.403 0.6 14.251 0.4 9.0 mm Inside corner radii Outside corner radii mm mm 1.2 66.291 0.0 SHS 4.8 15. y and n.16 1.35 4.4 8.6 36.44 4.091 0.0 SHS 3.90 3.8 19.54 3.0 30.0 23.3 11.153 0.56 5.03 0.6 28.66 4.27 2.9 43.509 0.716 0.0 10. ly 106 mm4 2.924 65 × 65 × 65 × 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 30 30 25 25 25 25 20 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 3.018 0.624 0.0 1.42 1.33 6.8 82.16 1.9 52.3 25.1 15.006 08 0.95 1.6 14.09 4.2 33.99 9.061 1 0.4 23.5 21.46 6.0 mm and less Thicknesses greater than 3.614 0.016 0.2 42.5 19.250 0.5 2.926 0.113 0.025 0.09 2.113 0.82 2.67 2.1 13.115 0.58 3.79 6.60 5.069 4 0.4 55.23 4.275 0.7 18.00 14.26 2.733 0.169 0.62 1.0 1.68 1.135 0.9 53.474 Sx.092 7 0.105 0.9 30.24 0.7 21.94 9.84 1.7 47.5 10.191 0.24 2.0t 1.38 4.1 85.18 4.93 2.1 14.133 0.1 25.15 2.190 0.037 5 9 1 9 Z x.7 67.13 3.2 12.1 16.11 3.0 28.2 44.5 13.74 8.33 8.5 28.68 5.074 1 0.5 19.97 4.15 0. ry mm 33.78 5.6 28.033 0.391 0.4 44.6 12.2 15.7 68.06 1.29 7.334 0.1 52.58 2.3 45.47 1.8 27.2 29.07 6.226 0.7 66.75 2.20 3.4 15.9 27.3 8.0t 2.8 10.341 0.08 0.39 8.0 18.454 0.89 3.183 0.971 0.2 8.33 1.axes Radius of gyration d mm 89 × 89 × 89 × 75 75 75 75 75 75 × × × × × × b mm 89 89 89 75 75 75 75 75 75 65 65 65 50 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 30 30 25 25 25 25 20 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × t mm 6.5 3.045 0.37 1.5 2.037 7 0.32 1.136 0.014 0.4 10.052 0.03 8.274 0.3 34.0 23.3 19.81 1.7 30.089 0.253 0.131 0.4 83.0 12.91 7.751 r x.6 SHS 0.0 SHS 2.7 37.283 0.088 9 0.05 2.229 0.48 1.81 1.9 14.9 13.06 12.21 1.0 19.5 SHS 2.19 1 Designati on Depth Width Thickness Mass per unit length 2 3 4 5 Ratio per unit length per unit mass 6 Gross area of crosssecti on Ag kg/m 14.0 16.797 0. 474 22.axis 15 16 17 FIGUR E C4 (in part) RE CTAN GULAR HOLLOW SE CTIONS OF GRAD E C350 COPYRIGHT .5 125 × 75 × 5.96 0.0 28.4 307 374 92.89 142 2 730 8.8 250 × 150 × 5.2 94.390 43.43 38.579 26.3 31.0 23.4 1.6 150 × 50 × 4.3 324 375 60.6 0.9 272 3 330 16.574 22.0 RHS 21.0 RHS 8.3 1 810 3.64 105 1 810 4.79 75.9 150 × 50 × 3.3 150 × 100 × 4.3 3.0 42.0 9.379 26.5 91.7 18.15 63.0 RHS 22.5 1.479 26.5 21.3 115 55.1 172 2 280 11.07 81.765 30.3 40.99 39.0 RHS 17.8 40.2 0.383 32.7 Gross Torsion Torsion area of Plastic Radius Second Elastic Plastic Radius constant modulus cross.0 35.561 14.7 262 317 92.9 0.0 1.9 49.7 4.583 32.390 43.4 30.0 RHS 8.0 48.2 0.3 39.51 147 2 310 7.7 56.8 23.0 RHS 35.383 32.5 0.3 111 41.5 233 264 62.0 16.65 43.0 23.0 RHS 14.0 200 × 100 × 5.9 0.779 26.8 1.4 144 179 71.2 0.5 150 × 100 × 6.74 49.9 60.3 46.96 0.05 48.7 18.8 5.1 2.9 6.2 0.5 33.9 47.7 150 × 50 × 5.Second Elastic secti on of moment secti on secti on of secti on moment secti on of area modulus modulus gyration of area modulus modulus gyration Ag lx Zx Sx rx ly Zy Sy ry J C mm2 10 6 mm4 10 3 mm3 10 3 mm3 mm 10 6 mm4 103 mm4 103 mm3 mm 106 mm4 10 3 mm 3 6 600 53.0 29.9 3.3 102 40.8 65.7 20.8 1 480 3.44 59.3 9.AS 1163—1991 20 1 Designati on 2 Mass per unit Depth Width Thickness length per unit per unit length mass d b t mm mm mm kg/m m 2/m m2/t 250 × 150 × 9.1 150 × 100 × 5.9 7.379 26.5 3 4 External surface area 5 Ratio 6 7 8 14.2 24.4 8.5 4.0 554 4 530 38.0 RHS 26.11 14.7 13.0 14.6 0.16 63.1 1.6 33.2 200 × 100 × 4.3 1 480 3.2 200 2 810 14.7 167 210 70.0 RHS 18.9 119 147 72.0 337 4 800 22.36 87.4 51.64 153 180 39.0 395 3 810 32.6 55.2 39.39 37.1 30.9 19.761 14.axis 11 12 13 14 About y.2 31.83 75.92 98.0 RHS 11.1 3.2 78.0 71.30 56.9 51.1 29.774 21.526 21.0 35.0 RHS 14.9 125 × 75 × 3.8 0.6 0.0 42.07 94.0 RHS 29.7 23.6 35.9 200 × 100 × 6.0 23.3 14.0 28.0 RHS 37.8 21.5 48.3 45.1 4.0 23.6 15.0 RHS 51.1 0.93 48.1 23.0 9.8 51.87 78.3 38.5 2.0 1 140 2.8 39.6 125 × 75 × 4.0 200 × 100 × 9.4 0.0 RHS 11.50 38.11 29.0 25.7 250 × 150 × 6.8 0.3 72.2 0.0 17.7 430 533 90.0 RHS 14.7 44.6 3.7 48.17 109 134 54.00 10.12 127 1 880 5.8 228 293 68.5 9 10 About x.7 87.4 50.7 0.5 28.2 1 140 2.0 199 224 62.2 0.43 49.483 32.64 58.0 8.5 14.653 26.8 12.0 20.69 114 130 41. 7 18.3 14.7 35.098 9 3.197 5.5 RHS 3.223 9.00 8.9 0.0 RHS 3.058 5 3.7 3 4 External surface area 5 Ratio 6 7 8 6.193 65.5 13.7 0.112 4.26 17.60 11.96 8.10 374 0.0 35.084 3 4.78 16.754 21.15 0.4 584 0.141 54.7 35.5 0.5 RHS 4.0t 1.372 9.7 1.1 12.335 13.2 45.257 10.1 33.60 0.31 26.63 7.285 7.0 RHS 8.07 0.11 14.7 65 × 35 × 3.90 2.5 RHS 2.0 29.5 0.3 33.285 37.912 18.62 3.65 11.8 23.238 6.78 3.53 0.39 4.0 RHS 2.4 0.0 RHS 6.07 14.53 30.49 254 0.1 24.0 RHS 12.12 2.5 0.51 16.4 16.028 1 2.31 25.4 20.106 6.3 0.9 100 × 50 × 2.0 10.036 7 2.5 13.67 12.3 Gross Torsion Torsion area of Plastic Radius Second Elastic Plastic Radius constant modulus cross.77 10.886 25.4 459 0.6 RHS 2.0 23.311 12.0 28.92 223 0.0 RHS 1.91 0.9 100 × 50 × 3.92 0.93 0.5 36.8 50 × 20 × 1.1 0.131 54.5 0.8 100 × 50 × 5.145 82.233 33.072 3 2.046 6 3.62 10.5 2.9 0.62 391 0.5 14.33 8.00 10.2 959 1.3 0.6 20.7 19.5 12.8 0.5 44.06 21.016 7 1.35 4.17 10.400 16.5 0.81 25.0 23.71 34.195 81.6 RHS 1.60 274 0.120 6.75 0.441 17.077 8 4.5 14.5 28.240 9.13 14.048 7 3.084 8 3.083 8 3.50 0.199 7.092 6 5.041 4 3.021 2 2.42 0.0 100 × 50 × 4.190 44.133 66.55 9 10 About x.184 7.014 2 1.43 3.45 23.5 RHS 2.7 691 0.0 20.144 7.3 0.140 45.7 75 × 50 × 3.83 0.7 65 × 35 × 2.3 38.593 18.1 459 0.259 10.49 0.0 20.1 0.0 15.4 14.11 10.69 0.7 18.28 7.0 23.5 50 × 25 × 2.5 21.8 0.0 50 × 25 × 2.6 9.72 0.2 0.0 RHS 2.099 3 5.3 0.6 20.095 1 3.2 0.9 35.096 4 5.7 18.6 39.278 11.7 75 × 50 × 2.0 19.12 9.axis 11 12 13 14 About y.99 0.53 10.31 3.0 23.14 374 0.279 27.96 9.7 27.58 0.7 0.243 65.0 26.81 5.8 21.567 22.5 RHS 5.67 1.281 8.1 75 × 25 × 2.511 20.5 RHS 7.92 2.6 31.204 6.0 30.9 20.33 8.11 0.7 18.7 0.35 36.32 7.29 6.56 9.0 18.754 22.2 1.29 361 0.0 22.2 22.3 11.070 6 3.1 0.191 53.0 RHS 5.135 82.9 0.1 0.290 43.04 303 0.4 1.81 3.2 75 × 50 × 2.9 0.60 0.6 0.293 65.18 23.5 20.93 3.62 0.60 10.5 574 0.00 10.25 0.630 16.8 34.36 8.0 mm Inside corner radii mm 1.034 7 2.67 6.89 4.750 15.3 100 × 50 × 3.00 207 0.130 45.274 22.5 RHS 3.1 65 × 35 × 2.6 50 × 25 × 1.9 19.38 0.86 16.7 881 0.14 17.1 0.522 13.8 50 × 25 × 3.5 0.143 66.0 29.0 0.2 0.0 18.56 0.0 0.6 RHS 1.89 3.4 75 × 25 × 2.1 27.193 65.6 0.7 18.29 0.070 2 2.0 mm and less Thicknesses greater than 3.0t 2.038 9 2.0 RHS 10.9 17.42 0.060 8 2.25 2.91 12.4 0.5t Outside corner radii mm 2.9 474 0.89 0.1 26.023 7 1.0 RHS 4.4 16.63 0.244 7.4 34.5 6.26 6.450 12.42 1.0 RHS 2.04 7.0 0.0 14.80 23.7 0.191 53.93 0.88 309 0.616 17.8 50 × 20 × 3.11 17.05 541 0.5 1 080 1.0 16.1 75 × 50 × 4.291 52.21 AS 1163—1991 1 Designati on 2 Mass per unit Depth Width Thickness length per unit per unit length mass d b t mm mm mm kg/m m 2/m m2/t 100 × 50 × 6.06 20.3 26.53 17.4 24.44 5.2 1.95 5.4 0.240 44.2 0.0 RHS 4.7 24.414 13.0 0.283 33.0 709 0.2 50 × 20 × 2.0 RHS 6.18 334 0.6 29.0 23.0 RHS 3.0 RHS 50 × 20 × 2.00 10.0 8.062 0 3.60 0.47 5.019 2 1.2 0.67 0.032 8 2.3 14.0 35.4 100 × 50 × 2.16 16.9 1 310 1.53 40.13 31.7 0.055 0 3.5t FIGUR E C4 (in part) RE CTAN GULAR HOLLOW SE CTIONS OF GRAD E C350 COPYRIGHT .63 8.6 4.8 75 × 25 × 1.52 9.0 28.4 19.Second Elastic secti on of moment secti on secti on of secti on moment secti on of area modulus modulus gyration of area modulus modulus gyration Ag lx Zx Sx rx ly Zy Sy ry J C mm2 10 6 mm4 10 3 mm3 10 3 mm3 mm 10 6 mm4 103 mm4 103 mm3 mm 106 mm4 10 3 mm 3 1 530 1.5 14.00 10.505 15.6 27.361 14.3 0.9 0.241 52.0 48.01 28.2 841 1.axis 15 16 17 NOTE: The calculati on of secti onal properti es is based on the foll owing corner geometr y: Size range Thicknesses 3. 1 19.2 11.AS 1163—1991 22 1 Designation 2 Mass Depth Width Thickness per unit length per unit length d b t mm mm mm kg/m m2/m 100 × 100 × 3.7 0.05 57.1 0.5 13.2 17.0 1.2 39.159 6.028 0 1.5 25.5t Outside corner radii mm 2.27 13.7 57.676 18.4 19.384 100 × 100 × 3.8 SHS 6.256 9.292 65 × 65 × 2.0 21.32 0.0t 1.159 6.3 SHS 4.3 33.1 0.3 SHS 3.7 0.14 42.0 mm Inside corner radii mm 1.1 0.049 9 2.9 39.14 42.676 18.8 58.364 11.54 4.3 24.286 75 × 75 × 2.moment section section section of moment section section of section of area modulus modulus modulus gyration of area modulus modulus gyration 9 10 11 About x.5t FIGURE C5 SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS OF GRADE C450 COPYRIGHT .192 35 × 35 × 2.39 0.3 33.8 30.9 13.61 50.3 1.axis 16 17 18 24.5 25.5 1.3 15.0 1.7 50.2 0.579 16.87 0.092 1 3 4 External surface area per unit mass m2/t 34.3 15.130 35 × 35 × 2.3 12.2 0.34 7.3 12.46 0.9 19.2 9.7 24.5 1.9 29.7 0.571 15.60 8.5 28.4 19.14 0.5 13.303 11.3 24.6 39.87 24.7 10.7 10.53 0.3 38.390 75 × 75 × 3.0 13.016 1 1.0t 2.8 SHS 11.62 rx mm 38.19 0.40 5.and n.4 38.7 20.7 46.9 39.85 3.290 75 × 75 × 2.132 25 × 25 × 2.55 0.5 40.87 0.3 1.097 0 4.29 1.67 33.02 0.571 15.8 57.6 26.67 0.99 0.2 9.axes 12 13 14 15 About y.0 50.049 9 2.0 28.2 17.8 SHS 8.7 32.1 19.2 8.40 8.0 mm and less Thicknesses greater than 3.29 1.3 SHS 1.3 15.2 44.19 3.1 5 Ratio 6 7 8 Gross Plastic Radius Torsion Torsion area of Second Elastic Elastic Plastic Radius Second Elastic constant modulus cross.386 100 × 100 × 2.083 1 4.9 29.6 26.34 4.1 0.85 2.6 60.1 46.90 38.016 1 1.46 0.3 SHS 2.9 0.2 8.761 20.08 27.1 0.900 22.3 28.185 7.3 SHS 9.190 50 × 50 × 2.9 56.0 47.2 0.52 0.3 SHS 7.52 0.1 0.252 50 × 50 × 2.2 13.057 0 3.25 0.364 11.14 0.67 33.7 20.2 39.3 24.3 28.34 0.62 ry mm 38.9 0.73 0.1 3.5 28.47 65.0 44.9 19.26 4.02 1.02 0.74 7.7 24.90 38.3 29.3 29.42 0.2 8.95 0.09 ly Zy Sy 106 mm4 103 mm3 103 mm3 2.057 0 3.87 Ag mm2 1 410 1 240 1 070 909 788 655 563 508 425 340 287 195 lx Zx Zn Sx 106 mm4 103 mm3 103 mm3 103 mm3 2.3 21.9 13.8 SHS 3.8 SHS 2.26 2.09 J C 106 mm4 103 mm3 3.25 31.185 7.7 0.97 NOTE: The calculation of sectional properties is based on the following corner geometry: Size range Thicknesses 3.761 20.3 SHS 5.6 48.8 30.7 2. 7 57.091 2 3.419 11.2 57.96 0.65 — 4.3 RHS 2.73 0.4 2.7 36.1 46.05 2.3 15.3 0.7 41.2 17.1 — 0.7 24.13 22.33 35.09 0.7 30.8 RHS 3.0 0.7 46.8 31.290 100 × 50 × 2.3 RHS 2.92 0.2 35.6 — 28.2 26.9 42.96 10.390 100 × 50 × 3.192 50 × 25 × 2.7 15.101 5.23 rx mm 45.130 50 × 20 × 2.2 — 16.70 30.7 15.229 7.4 1.39 0.093 1 3.8 RHS 11.93 46.6 1.92 0.78 0.20 4.1 20.0t 2.axis 16 17 18 17.6 35.14 6.96 5.31 NOTE: The calculation of sectional properties is based on the following corner geometry: Size range Thicknesses 3.57 — 0.091 7 4.axes 12 13 14 15 About y.3 RHS 5.6 0.6 48.341 13.28 46.7 10.8 RHS 5.83 2.60 41.8 30.48 2.558 17.72 0.2 13.4 16.6 2.9 22.93 8.018 3 1.6 0.386 125 × 75 × 2.89 0.9 19.1 14.99 0.107 4.2 15.292 75 × 50 × 2.5 20.2 0.964 26.8 — 57.263 10.53 0.87 5.142 50 × 20 × 2.242 65 × 35 × 2.8 RHS 6.5 12.0 mm and less Thicknesses greater than 3.059 4 3.2 20.29 36.035 2 2.7 — 2.190 65 × 35 × 2.9 23.031 0 2.8 RHS 2.5 45.9 31.140 50 × 25 × 2.18 ry mm 30.8 58.6 13.290 11.82 3.8 0.98 J C 106 mm4 103 mm3 3.14 0.8 13.5 40.1 0.2 6.72 4.0 17.0 0.051 8 3.6 5 Ratio 6 7 8 Gross Plastic Radius Torsion Torsion area of Second Elastic Elastic Plastic Radius Second Elastic constant modulus cross.23 AS 1163—1991 1 Designation 2 Mass Depth Width Thickness per unit length per unit length d b t mm mm mm kg/m m2/m 125 × 75 × 3.6 15.4 0.9 — 2.24 0.020 5 2.7 Ag mm2 1 410 1 240 1 070 909 788 655 648 540 508 425 368 310 340 287 lx Zx Zn Sx 106 mm4 103 mm3 103 mm3 103 mm3 2.834 23.080 0 3.8 RHS 2.8 21.079 0 4.91 — 0.81 0.5t FIGURE C6 RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS OF GRADE C450 COPYRIGHT .0 0.848 17.14 0.9 56.0t 1.4 14.7 20.0 27.67 0.384 125 × 75 × 3.383 15.6 27.39 0.and n.5t Outside corner radii mm 2.4 48.6 50.78 10.34 0.9 19.3 0.086 9 4.5 — 1.245 9.04 8.493 13.3 33.66 53.44 0.267 8.3 16.132 3 4 External surface area per unit mass m2/t 34.19 31.208 8.3 9.5 13.2 35.9 19.34 0.3 RHS 3.21 — 10.1 25.1 — 0.5 40.0 7.9 19.240 75 × 50 × 2.699 20.02 60.6 0.6 0.76 7.3 RHS 9.75 6.moment section section section of moment section section of section of area modulus modulus modulus gyration of area modulus modulus gyration 9 10 11 About x.6 44.7 ly Zy Sy 106 mm4 103 mm3 103 mm3 1.19 0.9 1.9 35.6 39.73 0.1 47.5 0.6 21.0 21.0 20.469 14.4 — 0.286 100 × 50 × 2.25 0.0 mm Inside corner radii mm 1.9 0.51 0.5 58.00 20.8 47.04 27.3 RHS 7.6 28.8 RHS 8.73 0.8 46.224 8.27 — 5.3 RHS 4.5 24.3 17. (iii) Cold strain experienced during the manufacture of the hollow section.AS 1163—1991 24 APPENDIX D METHOD FOR VERIFYING GRADE L0 COMPLIANCE OF THIN WALL SECTIONS (Informative) D1 SCOPE This Appendix sets out the method for verifying the compliance of thin wall sections with the requirements of grade L0 where the wall thickness precludes standard subsize Charpy V-Notch (CVN) impact specimens. (b) The wall thickness is greater than the section being assessed. This limit is recognized in AS 1210. grain size and steel cleanliness. 10 × 10. that section is considered to comply with the requirements of grade L0 if other hollow sections are available and meet the following criteria: (a) The steel used is of the same nominal chemistry.0. D3 BACKGROUND This Standard recognizes the following principles: (a) The preferred lower size limit for CVN impact tests is 10 × 2. The level of cold strain is proportional to the thickness to perimeter ratio. e. (b) Susceptibility to brittle fracture is directly proportional to the wall thickness of the section being considered. e. (c) The thickness to perimeter ratio is equal to or greater than the section being assessed. It is generally recognized that brittle fractures do not occur in material less than 3. carbon content and carbon equivalent. 10 × 7. manufactured by the same steelmaking and strip processing procedures. D2 METHOD Where it is impracticable to obtain a standard subsize specimen. 10 × 5. (ii) Steel microstructure. 10 × 2.g. i. (c) The manufacturing factors that affect CVN impact values are as follows: (i) Steel chemistry.5 mm substandard specimens.0 mm thick.5 mm from a hollow section.e. COPYRIGHT . and supplied by the same steel manufacturer.g.5.
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