AP6 A3 Ev4 Desarrollo CueStionario HTML5

June 23, 2018 | Author: ناس وناخ نف | Category: Html5, Html, Computer File Formats, World Wide Web Consortium Standards, Web Standards
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“DEVELOPMENT HTML5 QUESTIONNAIRE”JHON JAIRO BELTRÁN CALDERÓN SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE SENA ANÁLISIS Y DESARROLLO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN 2017 WHATWG was working with web forms and applications and W3C was working with XHTML 2. Apple. and JavaScript  Reduce the need for external plugins (like. The internet has changed significantly since then. music to movies. How did HTML5 get started? HTML5 is cooperation between the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) and the web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG). Mozilla.0 in 2006. CSS. and can also de used to build complicated applications that run in your browser. it does everything from animation to apps. Can also be used to write web applications that still work when you are not online Working group includes AOL. document. HTML5 is designed to deliver almost everything you want to do online without requiring additional plugins.What is HTML5? HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML. Is also cross-platform (it does not care whether you are using a tablet or a smartphone. Opera. they decided to cooperate and create a new version HTML. and it is very simple: <IDOCTYPE> html> Minimum HTML5 document Below is a simple HTML5. and hundreds of other vendors. or a smart TV). flash)  Better error handling  More markup to replace scripting  HTML5 should be device independent  The development process should be visible the public The HTML5 <IDOCTYPE> In HTML5 there is only one <idotype> declaration. Some rules HTML5 were established:  New features should be based on HTML. came in 1999. HTML 4. Microsoft. DOM. a netbook.01. IBM. The previous version of HTML. with the minimum of required tags: <IDOCTYPE> html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8”> <title>Title of the document</title> </head> . several elements in HTML 4. search Browser Support for HTML5 HTLM5 is not yet an official standard.01 became a standard in 1999. <section>  New from controls. All those elements are removed or re-written in HTML5. Internet Explore) continue to add new HTML5 features to their latest versions. <header>. The new <canvas> element Tag Description <canvas> Used to draw graphics. include web storage. To better handle todays internet use. global attributes. url. better form handling. better page structure. Firefox. find geolocation. Opera. and several APls to drag/drop elements. via scripting (usually JavaScript) . Chrome. like calendar. has changed a lot since HTML 4. like <article>. HTML5 References: At W3Schools you will find complete references about tags . on the fly.01 are absolute. application cache. web workers. time. New elements in HTLM5 The internet. or not use the way they were intended. email. Today. never used. and the use of the internet. But all major browsers (Safari. etc. standard events. HTML5 also includes new elements for drawing graphics. and no browsers have fuil HTML5 support. adding media contest. <footer>.<body> Content of the document </body> <html> HTML5 New Features Some of the most interesting new features in HTML5:  The <canvas> element for 20 drawing  The <video> and <audio> elements for media playback  Support for local storage  New contest-specific elements. <nav>. and more. date. on the fly. and adding images. via scripting (usually JavaScript). boxes. circles.New media elements Tag Description <audio> Defines sound contest <video> Defines a video or movie <source> Defines multiple media resources for <video> and <audio> <embed> Defines a container for an external application or interactive contest ( a plug- in) <track> Defines text tracks for <video> and <audio> New form elements Tag Description <datalist> Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls <keveen> Defines a key-pair generator field (for forms) <output> Defines the result of a calculation HTML5 Canvas: The <canvas> element is used to draw graphics. What is Canvas? The HTML5 <canvas> element is used to draw graphics. on the fly. You must use a script to actually draw the graphics. The <canvas> element is only a container for graphics. multicolor rectangle and some multicolor text that is drawn onto canvas. text. The example at the left shows a red rectangle. Canvas has several methods for drawing pahts. a gradient rectangle. on a web page. . Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions. do not support the <canvas> elements What is SVG?  SVG is used to define vector-based graphics for the Web  SVG defines the graphics in XML format  SVG graphics do NOT lose any quality if they are zoomed or resized  Every element and attribute in SVG files can be animated . Firefox. Opera. Chrome. and Safari support the <canvas> element.Browser Support Internet Explorer 9+. asp GLOSSARY Attribute: Atributo Browser: Navegador Content: Contenido Current: Actual Data: Información Draggable: Arrastrable Draw: Dibujar Established: Establecidas Event: Evento Features: Características File: Archivo Graphic: Grafico Handling: Encabezado Location: Ubicación Manipulate: Manipulación Playing: Reproducir Rules: Reglas Should: Debería .w3schools.Bibliografía http://www.com/html/html5_intro.


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