Anexos - Manual de Administração de Energia - Agência Para Aplicação de Energia Do Estado de São Paulo 1996
0,gB 0,99 1,001,5291,5 891, 7n 0 , 5 1 0,9370,9620,9891,015'1,04'1 1,2921,3241,3581,3951,4:}61,4841,5141,687 1,0671,0941,1201,147'1,1751,2031,2J1'1:261'. n  , 0,8930,9190,9450,9710,997í,023 1,0501,0761,103t,i3í 1,1s9't,187 .'12r:t 1,2481,2ffi 1,3141,3511,3921,44t Í,500 1.643 0,8500,8760,9020,9280,9540,9801,0071,0331,0601,0881,1161,144.1;17A: 1,2051,2371,27113AB1,3491,3971,4571,600 0,54 0,8090,8350,8610,8870,9130,9390,9660,9921,0191,047,|,0751,103'l;l_?3ì 1,1641,1961,2N 1,2671,3081,3561,4161,559 0,55 0,769 0,7950,8210,8470.8730.8990,9260,9520,979 1,0071,0351,063 1,1241,1561,190 1.n7 í,268 1,316'1.376í.519 i-_l,,.gljl 0,56 0,7300,7560,7820,8080,8340,8600,8870,9130,9400,9680,9961,024,1.,0541 1,0851,1171,1511,'1881,2n 1,2771,3371,180 n \ 7 0,6920,71S0,744o,no 0,7960,8220,8490,8750,9020,9300,9580,9S6.:1,016. 1.0471,0791,r13 1,150Í,r91 í,239 1,n9 1,M2 0,58 0,655 0,6B10,7070,7330,759 0,7850,812 0,8380,865 0,8930,9210,949.0'979,1,0101,0421,076 1,1131j51 1,2021,262 1l+5 0,59 0,6190,6450.67t 0,697o.7n 0]8 0,7760,8020,8290.8570,8850,9130.9$ 0,9741,006Í,040 1,0771,1181,1661,2261,369 0,60 0.583 0,6090,6350,6610,6870,7130,7400,766 0,793 0,8210,84!)0,877'O.90/,i 0,9380,970 |,004 1,041',1,082 í,130 1,190 1,333 0 , 6 1 0,5490,5750,6010,6270,6530,6790,7060,7320,7590,7870,8150,843.0;S73i0,904 0,9360,970 1,0071,0481,0961,1561,299 0,62 0,5160,5420,5680,5940,6200,6460,6730,6990,7260,7540,7820,810''0i84$' 0,871 0,9030,9370,9741,0151,0631Jn 1, 266 U , O J 0,4830,5090,5350,5610,5870,6130,6400,6660,6930,7100,7490,77 0.80r: 0,838 0,8700,9040,9410,9821,0301,0901,233 0,64 0,4510,4740,5030,5290,5550,5810,6080,6340,6610,6890,7170,745 0;77510,806 0,8380,8720,9090,9500,9981,0681,201 0,65 0,4190,4450,4710,4970,5230,5490,5760,6020,6290,6570,6850,713'10;'7.'{3i: '' 0,774 0,8060,8400,8770,9180,9661,0261,169 ..,,:.,:: 0,6ô 0,3880,4140,4400,4660,4920,5180,5450,5710,5980,6260,654 0,67 0,3580,3840,4100,4360,4620,4880,5150,5410,5680,5960,624 U,Dõ 0,3280,3540,3800,4060,4320,4580,4850,5110,5380,5660,594 0,69 0,2990,3250,351A377 0,4030,4290,456A,4820,5090,5370,565 0,70 0,2700,2960,3n 0,3480,3740,4000,4270,4530,4800,5080,536 0,7+30,7750,8090,8460,8870,9350,9951,138 0,7130,7450,n9 0,8160,8570,9050,9651,108 0,6830,7150,7490,7860,8270,8750,9351,049 0,6540,6860,7200,7570,7980,8460,9061,049 0,6250,6570,6910,7280,7690,8170,8n 1,020 4, 7 1 0,2420,2680,2940,3200,3460,3720,3990,4250,4520,4800,508 0,72 0,2140,2400,2664,2920,3180,3440,3710,3970,4240,4520,480 V,I J 0,1860,2120,2380,2640,2900,3160,3430,3690,3964,4240,452 0, 74 0 ,1 5 90, 1850,2110,2370,2630,2890,3160,3420,3690,3970,425 0,75 0 ,1 3 20, 1580,1840,2100,2360,2620,2890,3150,3420,3700,398 0,5970,6290,6630,7000,7410,7890,8490,992 0,5690,6010,6350,6720,7130,7614,8210,964 0,5410,5730,6070,6440,6850,7330,7930,936 0,5140,5460,5800,6170,6580,7060,7660,909 0,4870,5190,5530,5900,6310,6790,7390,882 0,76 0 ,1 0 50, 1310,1570,1830,2090,2350,2620,2880,3150,3430,371 0,n 0,0790,1050,1310,1570,1830,2090,2360,2fl. 0,2890,3170,345 0,78 0,0520,0780,1040,1300,15ô0,1820,2090,2350,2r2.0,2900,318 0,79 0,026 0,0520,0780,1040,1300,1560,1830,2090,2360,2640,n2 0,80 0,000 0,0260,0520,0780,1040,1300,1t/ 0,1830,2100,2380,266 0,4600,4920,5260,5630,6040,6520,7120,855 0,4340,4660,5000,5370,5780,6260,685 0,829 0,4070,4390,4730,5100,5510,5990,659 0,802 0,3810,4130,4470,4840,5250,5730,6330,n6 0,3550,3870,4210,4580,499a,5470,609 0,750 0,81 0,82 0,83 0,84 0,85 0,0000,0260,0520,0780 , 1 0 40 , 1 3 10 , 1 5 70 , 1 8 40,2120,240 0,0000,0260,052 0 ,0 7 80 ,1 0 50 ,1 3 10 ,1 5 80,1860,214 0,0000,0260,0520,0790,1050,1320,1600,188 0.0000,0260,0530,0790,1060,1340,162 0,0000,0270,0530,0800,1080,136 0,3290,3610,3950,4320,4730,5210,5810,724 0,3030,3350,3690,4060,4470,4950,5550,698 0,2n 0,3090,3430,3800,4210,4690,5290,672 0,2510,2830,317 0,3540,3950,4430,56 0,646 a,2250,2570,291 0,3280,3690,4170,4770,620 0,86 0,87 0,88 0,89 0,90 0,000 0,026 0,053 0,0810,109 0,0000,0270,0550,083 0,000 0,0280,056 0,0000,028 0,000 0,1980,2300,2640,30í 0,3420,3900,4500,593 0,1720,2040,238 0,2750,3160,3640,4240,567 0,145ïJn 0,2110,2480,2890,3370,397 0,540 0,1170,1490,1830,n0 0,2610,3090,369 0,512 0,0890,1210,1550,1920,2330,2810,3410,484 0,91 0,92 0,93 0,94 0,95 0,96 0,0610,0930,1270,1640,2050,2530,3130,456 0,0310,0630,0970,1340,1750,n3 0,2830,426 0,0000,0320,0660,1030,1440,1920252 0,395 0,0000,0340,0710,1120,1600,m 0,363 0,000 0,0370,0790,1260,1860,329 0,0000,0410,0890,1490,n2 0,97 0,98 0,99 1,00 0,0000,0480,1080,2s1 0,0m 0,0600,203 0,0000,1€ 0,000 Comoutilizara tabela. atualna colunada esquerda. 1. Encontreo Fatorde Potência o valorde Fatorde Potênciadesefado. 2. Procurehorizontalmente pelademandaativaem kW. 3. Multipliqueo valorencontrado Exemplo:Sua instalaçãoconsome500kW,tem Fatorde Potênciade 7596,quevocêdesejaaumentarpara9ão. Nestecaso: a) Encontre 0,75na colunada esquerda. ' atéa coluna0,92. b) Sigahorizontalmente 0,456por500= 28. c) Multiplique d) Conclusão: Vocêprecisaem tomode 230kVArparaconigiro Falorde Potênciagara92o/o. Obs.:Se você nãosoubero seu Fatorde Potênciaatual,vocêdeverácalculá-loantesde usaresla tabela, usandoa fórmulaóaixo: FP- KW KVA Manualde Administraçáode Ernrgia Ëatorde ValcrAtual 12% 13% 11% 10% 8% 9% 7% 696 4% 5% 0.9259 0.9174 0,9091 0,9009 0,8929 u.óÕ3J 0.934€ 0 . 9 6 1 5 0,9524 0,943t t o.l'ìç í,7591 1,7355 1.7125 1,6901 1 . 6 ô ô 1 1, 9 7 C 4 1, 9 4 1 6 1.8080 í,7833 1 , E 8 6 1 1,8594 í,8334 2.5771 2,5313 2.4869 2,4.$7 2.4418 2.3612 2.941A 2.6243 2.8286 2.7751 2.7232 2,6730 3,3€72 3.3121 323s7 3 . 1 6 9 9 3,1024 3.0373 2.971sI I 3.9020 J.ôU I I 3.5460 3,465Í 3 . 7 1 7 1 " Êtoo t 8 5 3 4 4 . 7 1 3 5 4,5797 4 4 5 1 8 4,3295 4.10@ 3,9927 3,8897 3,7908 3.6959 3.6048 3 . 5 1 7 2 42124 4.6229 4,4859 4,3553 4,2305 4 , 1 1 1 4 J , : V t J I 5,6014 5 . 4 1 7 2 5,2421 5.0757 4,9173 4.766 5.2064. 5,0330 4,8684 4,7122 4,5638 4.4226 5"3893 6.4720 6,2303 6.002Í a./ zót 5.786/- 5.fi24 7 Ê=17 62096 5p713 5,7466 5,5348 5,3345, 5,1451 4.9676 4.7938| 7.0197 6.7327 6A632 82469 5.s952 5.7590 5.5370 5,3282 5.1317 8,5í52 8.1622 7,4353 7,1078 6.ú17 7,7861 8.4177 6,1446 5.8892 5.6502 5.42629,4713 o,vÕ25 8.5302 6 . 1 1 0 9 7,7217 7.3601 7,o236 6.7í01 C 7PA,E ín 8.8ffi2 6,4951 6:06s 5.9377 7.1390 7,4987 8,3064 7.888 9.2526 8.7605 "â;A . t1 ) É 4 1 1n q7q? 7,5361 7.7@7 6.8137 6,4924 6 . 1 9 4 4 6 0 í 7 4 9,9540 9.3851 8,8633 6,3dFE 7,9427 12.1337 11.3184 10.6.350 9.9856 9.3936 8,8527 ESsn 7,9038 7,4869 7,1034 6.7499 6.4235 6 , 1 2 1 8 { ? nn?7 7,786.2 7,3667 6 . 9 8 1 9 6.6282 6,3025 12-1062 1 1 , 2 9 6 1 10.5ô31 9.8986 E,4/.2 9:s50 9,7tfi 1? AÊq1 E.0607 7,6061 7,1909 6.8109 6,4624 1 2 . 8 4 9 3 1 1 , 9 3 7 9 1 1 , 1 1 8 410.3797 9.712 9,1079 8,5595 6,E514 83126 7,8237 7,3792 6,9740 6,6039 1 4 . 7 1 7 9 13.3777 1 2 , 5 61 1 1 , 6 5 2 3 10.8378 10.1059 9.4465 1 q qA?? 1 4 , 2 9 1 9 1 3 . 1 6 6 1 12.1657 11.2741 10.4773 8,76ts2 9,1216 8,5436 E.0216 7,5498 7 , 1 1 9 6 6.7291 í  'ìo2? 1 4 . 9 9 2 0 13.7535 12.6593 11.6896 10,8276 10,0591 9.3719 8,7556 82014 7,7016 7,2497 O . õ J Y Y 1 5 . 6 7 8 5 14,3238 13.1339 12,0853 11.1581 10.356 9.6036 8.9501 8,3649 7.8393 7.3658 6.9380 | /,dr:iU 1 8 ,j . : 5 6 1 6 , 3 5 1 4 14,8775 13,5903 12.4622 1í,4699 10.594{) 9,8181 9.1285' E,5Í36 7,9633 7,46,94 7,424E 1 8 . 3 5 7 0 17,0112 15.4150 14.4292 12.E212 11,76/1 10.8355 ío.0168 s2s22 9.6,47 8.0751 7,5620 7 . 1 0 1 6 9,4/.24 8,7715 8.1757 7,6446 7.1695 1 9 . i ; 6 0 4 1 7 . 6 5 8 0 1 5 , 9 3 6 9 1 4 . 4 5 1 1 13.1630 12.0/'16 11,06í2 102007 112722 10,371í 95802 E.6E3l2 8.266,4 7,71E4 72297 2 C . 4 5 5 8 18.2922 1 6 , 4 4 3 6 14.8568 13,4886 12,fiU 21.2434 1 8 , 9 1 3 9 í a o?6li 152470 13.7986 12.S04 11,4691 10.52EE 9.7066 E.9847 8.34{tl 7.7843 7,2829 s,0770 8,4217 7.8431 7.3300 11,6536 10.6748 9,W6 22.0232 í o < ? ? q 17,4131 15.6221 14,0939 1L78F/ 22.7952 70.1210 17.8768 15.9828 14,3752 13.0(m 11.E258 10,8100 9.9290 9.160Íl E,4881 7,8957 7,3717 ZU. / UOJ 18.3270 16,3296 14,6430 132105 11p867 10.9352 10.@66 92372 E,5478 7,9426 7,4086 11.05rí 1 0 , 1 1 6 1 93066 E.6016 7.984 7,4É12 2 4 . 3 1 6 4 21.2813 18.7641 16,6631 14.8981 Í3,4064 121371 122777 11.15E4 10,19&t 93696 8.6501 8.0218 7,4701 z 3 . u b : Õ 2 1 , 8 4 1 4 1 9 . 1 8 8 5 16,9837 1 5 . 1 4 1 í Í35907 ?5.8A77 22.3965 19.6004 172920 15,3723 13,76.1E 12,,1{XrO11:57E 102737 9.4269 E,6938 8.0552 7,4957 26.4423 22.9377 ?0,0004 17.5EE5 15.592E 13.92Ít1 12531E 1134{'E 103r''2E 9.4790 6.7331 E.0Es0 7,5183 6.7686 6 . 1 1 1 6 7,5383 11;4350 10.4062 9,52il 23.4683 20.388E 17,E736 15.8027 í4,0840 1affi 6.8005 8.1354 7,5560 10,4641 95ô94 11.5í3S) rz753E zt,3ô3 I 23,9886 20,7658 18.1476 16,0025 14,Fg2 )9 7A17 24,4986 2 1 . 1 3 1 E 18.4112 16.1929 1436E1 12.8W 1158Gt 105r78 9.6086 E.8293 E,Í566 7,5717 'tE.5546 16.3742 14.4982 1Zgï7 8.8552 8.1755 7.5856 1Í,63f6 105668 9.W2 2 9 . 4 0 8 6 24.9986 21/a72 17,7172 10,611E 9,6765 E,87E6 8,1924 7.597s 30,1075 25.4888 21.8323 1E.9083 16.5469 14,6210 13,652 30.7995 25.9695 22.1672 19.1426 1 6 , 7 1 1 3 14.736E 13.1170 11,7752 10,6530 9,7(159 E,E996 8.2075 7.6A87 31.4847 26,4406 ?2.4925 19.3679 16,E679 Í4,84d1 13.19r5 11,62&' Í0,590E 9,TAl7 6.91E6 E2210 7.6183 9,7570 6,9357 E2330 7,62'68 3 2 . 1 6 3 0 26,9026 22,8082 19.5845 17.0170 14,94.9Í 13264Íf 1Í.E786 10,nlfi 9,7791 8.9511 E.2438 7,6ts44 11.9246 13,9117 10,7í14 3?.8347 27.3355 23,1148 19,792E 17,1591 15.046Él 33.4997 27.7995 23,4124 19,9931 172944 15.13EOr33941 11,9672 í0,71[i6 9.7p9í E,9649 8253d 7,6410 12,ffi7 10.8134 9.8í74 9,9774 82619 7.6/,6e 3 4 . 1 5 8 1 28.2348 23,7014 20.1E56 17,4232 152245 13,4$4 12,U9 9.E340 8,9EE6 E2696 7,6522 10,E3EO 135070 1530õl 17.5459 34.8100 2 8 . 6 6 1 6 23,9819 20.370a 17,6628 153en 135579 12.0771 ío,8ãxi 9.8491 8,9988 82764, 7.6568 35.4555 29.0800 24.2543 20.w 36.0945 29.4902 24,5187 20.72cp 17,7741 15,4558 13,6055 12,1W 10,8812 9.E62E 9.0079 E282s 7.6609 36.7272 29,8923 24,7754 20.8E/-7 17.8E01 15,524r'- 13,6500 12.1374 10,90q2 9,875.3 9.0161 6,2EE0 7,6645 37,3537 30.2E66 25.0247 21.0429 17,9ElO 15.5690 13,6Éì16 12,164Íl 10,9í76 9,EE66 9.O235 E.2928 7.6677 37.974A 30.6731 25.2667 2 1 . 1 9 5 1 1E.OTT2 1s€soo 13,73(E 12,1891 10,s36 9.896t) 9,0302 82972 7,674s 13,7668 1221212 10,94E:! 9"90Êl 9.0362 6.3010 7.6730 38.5881 31.0521 25.5017 21,3/15 1E.1687 $.m76 3 9 , 1 9 6 1 31.4236 25.7298 21.4€,22 1E,2559 15.7619 13,6007 12:33s 10s617 9"9í4E 9,0/-17 6.3045 7,6752 E.3076 7.6772 3 9 . 7 9 8 1 31.7878 25.9312 21.6175 16.3390 15,8131 13,8325 122532 10.9740 s,9226 I,Q455 8'310:! 7,6789 9.0509 932s6 .10.3942 32.14l,9 13,8õ11 1U2715 10.9553 ?.6.1662 21,7476 1E.4181 15,E614 7.680s 9.9160 9.04|9 ë . J Ì Z O 40.9844 32.4950 26.3750 21.E727 ÍE.4934 15.907r' 13.6E96. 1?''2E€/. 10,9957 7.681E Õ,Jlp(, 9.O5E5 9941E ll,ooGl 4 1 . 5 6 8 7 32.8383 26.57T1 21.9930 18.565í 15.95(11 13,9157 12fi41 7.6830 42,1472 33.174t1 26,774 22.14E6 16.63:t5 15.9ÍlC5 13,SSXI 1z3166 11,0140 99471 9.0617 8,3170 9-9519 9.0416 E.3167 7,6841 42.7200 33.5047 26,9655 222198 1E.6985 16.02EE 13"962q 12.3í321 11.@ ssSEt 9.0672 8,3203 7.6851 17.W 43.2871 33.8281 27,1509 ?2.3267 1E.7605 16,064S1 13.9E37 12.95 9.96(x] 9.0695 E,3217 7.6859 11,Gl61 43.4486 34.1452 27.3310 22.4296 18.8195 16,0990 14.ürt5 123ffi 9.0717 83229 7.6866 9Sõt9 fi,ua 44.4046 34.4561 27.5058 22.5284 1E.8758 1 6 , 1 3 1 1 14.0:119 12.#7 9,0736 6.3240 7.6873 9.9672 44.9550 34.7609 27.6756 22.6235 18,9293 1 6 , 1 6 1 4 14,(x82 12.976€ 11,Ír4EO r--enoco;Taxa i I .a |  iC 11 1) 1? . A 15 rI 't 7 1A t:t 'ìÍì t.t 1l 22 )? aq z= Ll) 27 1ó JU ?í JZ ?? 34 JJ .:o 37 3E ?o 40 41 qz 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 <? 54 57 =tt 5U 1% íì ccn.t $, /.-h 0.9t04 3% 0.oq709 /sr\ Ivklnual de Adninistaçilo de Eneqi a I Fatorde ValorAtual PerrodorTaxa I I z A c 7 n 2 Ê 7 ,rì a í L I 22 2.1 25 27 31 1' 33 34 ?q Jb '\7 4'l 42 43 A ' ^c. 46 47 48 49 50 51 JZ 54 çE f,b OU 't4% 15% 16% 17% 1E% 19% 2Ao 21% 22% 23% 240 o,8772 0.8696 0,8621 0.E547 o.8/75 0,8403 0,6333 o.8264 0.E197 0.8130 0,8065 1,6467 2,3216 2,9137 3.433í 3.8887 4.2883 4.6389 1.6257 1,6052 1.5852 1.5656 1,5465 1.5278 1,5095 1 , 4 9 1 5 1 , 4 7 4 0 1 . 4 5 6 8 2.2832 2.2459 2.2096 2.1743 2.1399 2,1065 2.0739 2,0422 2,0114 1 , 9 8 1 3 2.8550 2,7982 2,7432 2.6901 2.6386 2.5887 2,5404 2.4936 2.4483 2,4043 3.3522 3.2743 3.1993 3,1272 3.0576 2.9906 2.9260 2.8636 2.803s 2,7454 3.7845 3.6847 3,5892 3.4976 3,4098 3.3255 3.2446 3 . 1 6 6 9 3.0923 3,0205 4,0386 3.9224 3 . 8 1 1 5 3.7057 3.6046 3,5079 3.4155 3.3270 3.2423 4,4873 4,3436 4.2072 4.0776 3,9544 3,8372 3.7256 3.6193 3 . 5 1 7 9 3,4212 6Â<q 4.9464 4.7716 4,6065 4,4506 4,3030 4.1633 4,0310 3.9054 3.7863 3,6731 " 5 . 2 1 6 1 5.0188 4.8332 4.6586 4,4941 4.3389 4.1925 4.0541 3,9232 3.7993 3:6819 5.4527 5.2337 5.0286 4.8364 4.6560 4.4865 4,3271 4,1769 4.0354 3.9018 3.7757 5.6603 5.4206 5 . 1 9 7 1 4,9864 4.7932 4.6105 4.4392 4.2784 4,1274 3.9852 3 . 8 5 1 4 5.8424 5.5831 5,3423 5 , 1 1 8 3 4,9095 4,7147 4,5327 4.3624 4.2028 4.0530 3,9124 6.0021 5,7245 5.4675 5.2293 5,0061 4.6023 4 , 6 1 0 6 4.4317 4.2646 4,10E2 3 . 9 6 1 6 6.1422 5,8474 5,57ss 5.3242 5.0916 4.8759 4,6755 4.4890 4.3152 4,1530 4,0013 6.2651 5,9542 5.6685 5,4053 5.1624 4.9377 4,7296 4,5364 4.3567 4,1E94 4.0333 6,3729 6,0472 5.7487 5.4746 5.2223 4.9897 4,7746 4.5755 4.3908 4.2190 4.0591 6.4674 6.1280 5.8178 5,5339 5,2732 5.0333 4,8122 4,6079 4,4187 4.2431 4.0799 6.5504 6,1982 5.8775 s.5845 5.3162 5.0700 4.8435 4,6346 4,4415 4,2627 4.0967 6,6231 6.2593 5.9288 5.6278 5.3527 5,1009 4,E696 4.6557 4.4603 4.2786 4 , 1 1 0 3 6,6870 6,3125 5,9731 5.6648 s,3837 5.1268 4 . 8 9 1 3 4.6750 4,4756 4.2916 4,1212 6.7429 6.3587 6 , 0 1 1 3 5.69&Í 5.4099 5,1486 4.9094 4,6900 4.4882 4,3021 4,1300 6.7921 6.3988 6.0442 5.7234 5,4321 5,166E 4.9245 4,7025 4.4985 4,3106 4,1371 6.8351 6.433E 6.0726 5.7465 5.4509 5.1822 4.9371 4,7128 4.5070 4,3176 4,1428 6.8729 6.4641 6,0971 5.7662 5.4669 5,1951 4,9476 4,7213 4.5139 4.3232 4,1474 6.9061 6.4906 6 , 1 1 8 2 5,7831 5.4804 5,2060 4,9563 4,7284 4,5196 4,3278 4 , Í 5 1 1 6.9352 6.5135 6,1364 s.797s 5.49í9 5 . 2 1 5 1 4.9636 4.7342 4.5243 4,3316 4.1542 6,9607 6.5335 6.1520 5.8099 5.5016 5.2228 4.9697 4,7390 4.5281 4,33/,6 4.í566 6.9830 6.5509 6.1655 5.8204 5,509E 5.2292 4,9747 4,7430 4.5312 4.3371 4.1585 7,0027 6,5660 6.1772 5,8294 5.5í68 5,2347 4,9789 4.7463 4,5338 4.3391 4,1601 7,0199 6,5791 6,1872 5,E371 5,5227 5,2392 4.9824 4.7490 4.5359 4,3407 4,1614 7.0350' 6.5905 6.1959 5.E437 5,5277 5,2430 4.9854 4,7512 4,5376 4,3421 4,1624 7,0482 6.6005 6.2034 5.8493 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0.0230 o,o1470.0094 0.0060 0.0039 0.0025 0.6080 0,3715 o.2281 o,1407o.08720,0543 0,0339 0.0213 0,0134 0.0085 0.0054 0,0035 0,oo22 0.6020 0.3642 o.22150.1353 0.0831 0.05120,0317 0,0197 0,0123 o,0077 0,0049 0,0031 0.0020 0.5961 0,3571 0,2150 0.í301 0,0791 0.04E3 0.0297 0.0183 0 . 0 1 1 30.0070 0.0044 0.002E 0.00í7 0.s902 0,3501 0.2088 0 , 1 2 5 10,0753 0,0456 o,0277 0,0169 0,0104 0,0064 0.0040 0,0025 0.0015 0.5843 o.3432 o.2027 0,1203 o,o7170.04:t0 0.0259 0.0157 0.009s 0.0058 0,0036 o.oo22 0.0014 0,5785 0.3365 0.196E0 , 11 5 7 0,0683 0.0406 o.0242 0,0145 0.0087 0.0053 0,0032 0,0020 0.0012 0.5728 0.3299 0 , 1 9 1 00 , 1 1 1 20,0651 0,0383 o.0226 0.0Í34 0.0080 0.0048 0,0029 0.0018 0,0011 0,5671 o.3234 0.1E550,1069 0.0620 0.0361 0,0211 o,0124 o.oo74 0,0044 0,0026 0,00Í6 0.0009 0 , 5 6 1 50 , 3 1 7 10.1801 0,1028 0.0s900.0341 0,0198 0 , 0 1 1 50.0067 0,0040 o.oo240,0014 0.0008 0,5560 0,3109 o,1748 0.0989 0.0562 0.0321 0.0185 0,0107 0,0062 0,0036 0,0021 0,0012 0,0007 0.5504 0.3048 0 , 1 6 9 7 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