Aml learning matrix key

June 4, 2018 | Author: shivakumar | Category: Money Laundering, Regulatory Compliance, Business, Government, Politics
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Which of these is not non banking method of laundering money 3f 1f 2Financial transactions that are not in compliance with law are to be 3f1 Companies that are set up according to the laws of the land but do not do any real business are called 3f 1f 2 Reports on anti money laundering compliance to regulatory agencies is called 123 All SBUs must implement necessary procedures and controls to ensure 2 Customer identification procedure for legal person is 3f Appointing a compliance officer within a organization falls under which aspect of money laundering regulations 3 Who reviews and approves risk profiling of various product segments 1 SBU compliance officer is responsible for 12 Multiple accounts set up by the same person with standing instructions is called 2 Passport of the customer is used for 12 This means also features in the placement methods of laundering money 3f1f 2 According to FATF money laundering is 1 This is a suspicious transaction 3 Each SBU will develop appropriate measures for transaction processing in consultation with 3f Placement methods using banking and financial institutions is broadly divided into 12 Revised anti money laundering guidelines of RBI cover 23 ICICI bank will have proper record maintenance policies and procedures in place to 3 Collating and maintaining AML records is the responsibility of 1 This is not a step in the money laundering process 3 A bank which doesn`t have any physical presence in any country is called 2 Money laundering is usually carried out in 2 Detailed guidelines on identification of suspicious transactions is given to the employees via 3 ICICI bank maintains records of the transaction for a period of 2 The policy is applicable to all activities of the bank including all SBU`s in India and abroad 1 All SBUs would conduct risk profiling of various 2f 3 When a customer moves from a low risk to high risk the approach used is 2 Regulations empowering the director to levy a fine or order on banking companies or financial institutions or intermediaries for failure to comply with provisions of section 12 are laid down in 2 The stage where clean money is mixed with illegal money to disguise it further is called 2f 3f 1 What are the key anti money laundering objectives of ICICI bank 12 Process whereby people send each other money without going through the banking system is called 3 Adequate diligence is the fundamental requirement for any business transaction 1 Risk profiles of customer segments should be submitted to the MLRO 1 Cooperation with law enforcement agencies means 1 Which section of the PMLA talks about the powers of the director to impose fines 3 Which of these customers fall under the high risk category 2 What approach would ICICI bank adopt in implementing its anti money laundering framework 1f3f Regulations stating that banking companies. financial institutions.Common means of integrating money into the financial system is 3 Pillars of AML standards are 12 Money laundering is 2f 1 From the cessation of the date of the transaction. intermediaries and their officers shall not be liable to any civil proceedings against them for furnishing information are laid down in 3 The bank shall deal with the bank providing services to shell banks only with the prior approval of the bank`s AMLG 1 Above the AML framework is 2f 1 . Customer identification procedures fall under which aspect of money laundering regulations 1 At the integration stage of the money laundering process 1 or 12 SBU compliance officer also does 1 Facilities provided by the bank for the transfer of money via electronic media are called 2f 1 Separating the funds from their illegal source is called 3 Before offering its services to its correspondent banks ICICI bank will 1 Transactions that are inconsistent with the customer`s known legitimate activities are called 3 The stage where legitimate explanation is given to illegitimate funds is called 2 Banks are required to apply basic due diligence for 1f 3f Before employing temporary or outsourced people ICICI bank adheres to 1f3 Basic due diligence is an approach the bank takes to 1 What does reselling and repurchasing assets for laundering money do 1 Placement stage is when cash is channeled into 3f 1 Consequences of money laundering are 123 MLRO will escalate the suspicious transaction to 1f Laundering money by putting it in cash intensive businesses like restaurants is called 2 FATF guidelines consist of how many regulations 1 This is the preferred means of laundering money accumulated by tax evasion 2f3 Internal controls must be adequately supplemented by 3f 1 ICICI bank will monitor all cash transactions beyond the threshold limit set by the 1f 3f 2 Information of the violation of the provisions of section 12 is provided to the director by 2 At what point it is difficult for the bank to distinguish between legal and illegal funds 3f1f . financial institutions and intermediaries should maintain records 1 Use of multiple cash deposits each smaller than the minimum cash reporting requirements is called 2 Driving license of the customer is used for 1 The MLRO report would contain 12 Illegal activity where stacks of gold. financial institutions and intermediaries for 12 At which stage of the money laundering process it is relatively easy to detect the crime 3f 1 The bank`s approach for establishing a customer behavior pattern includes 3 Significant suspicious activity is reported to the audit committee on 3 This document is accepted as an identity proof at the time of opening the account 2 Which section of the PMLA talks about procedure and manner of furnishing information 4f 2 In submitting information to MLRO all SBUs must use 2f 1 What forms an integral part of ICICI bank`s group AML policy 2f Risk profiles of customer segments should be submitted to the board of directors of the bank 1f2 Person responsible for monitoring day-to-day implementation of ICICI bank`s groups AML policy and procedures is 2 Who can call for records defined in the section 13 of PMLA 2f Which section of the PMLA talks about banking companies. cash. jewllery or even rare stamps are moved from place to place is called 2 AN card issued by income tax department is used as 2 . for banking companies.MLRO will submit the quarterly report to 2f 3f 1 How many special regulations were issued to combat terrorist financing 3 This is not a sources of funds for illegal money 3 Which intergovernmental body develops promotes anti money laundering guidelines 1 Govt of India in consultation with RBI has notified the rules under PMLA. Which section of the PMLA talks about civil proceedings 2f 1 According to RBI guidelines branches should intimate their controlling offices about cash transactions above 1 FATF guidelines are intended to meet 1 FATF provides guidelines for anti money laundering policies and procedures at 2 KYC procedures will be applicable to existing customers only if the risk profile of the customer or customer segment changes from low to high 1 Effective element of a Know your customer (KYC) procedure is 2f 3f 1 . At which stage of the money laundering process it is relatively easy to detect the crime -ICICI bank will have proper record maintenance policies and procedures in place to -Collating and maintaining AML records is the responsibility of .


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