June 6, 2018 | Author: Dhaval Trivedi | Category: Stocks, Securities (Finance), Investing, Stock Market Index, Capital Market
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A PROJECT REPORT ON “MARKET BEHAVIOR TOWARDS INVESTMENT OF EQUITY”SUBMITTED BY: AMIT PATEL MBA-2 SUBMITTTED TO AES POST GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANGMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, Amit Patel, hereby acknowledge my special gratitude to Mr.Mehul Jani, branch manager of SHAREKHAN for carrying out summer training. I am gratefully to Mr. Pranav Patel, Sales Executive of Sharekhan, who helps me in explore my knowledge in Online Stock Trading and also gave guidance on my project. Signature, Amit Patel PREFACE A project report on analysis of investment in equity is being prepared in attempts to know stock market and investment scenario. This report helps us to understand various terminologies in stock market. This report gave me opportunity to have complete idea about volatility in stock market. This gave me idea about technical and fundamental analysis in stock market and how trading is being done in stock market. This project report helps in following aspects, Build understanding of central ideas and theories of Investment in stock market. Develop familiarity with the analysis of stock market. Furnish institutional material relevant for understanding the environment in which trading decisions are taken. This project will guide to investors for an investment in stock market. This project deployed a lot time for collections of information from various internal and external sources, which were very essential. This project will be very helpful to our company to guide their clients for investment in volatile stock market. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Executive Summary Subject Page no. no.TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. 5 7 14 24 67 68 73 75 77 Introduction of Stock Market Fundamentals Points to Invest in Equity Introduction of the Organization Questionnaire Results and Findings Recommendations Bibliography Conclusion . get advise from expert and research report on your investment choice and then just click the mouse to place your order.. At the same time when so many firms are listing intentionally the study of such a sector intensively lay down its importance. KARVY and various others offering such value addition in the services have been major samples to study. Today the picture is different. You wonder whether you had acquired the shares at the best possible price for the day. ICICI SECURITIES. Just few years ago the all the transaction made through the broker where you place the order at morning and confirm the order at night. Therefore the report analyses all the opportunities available that an Investor’s broking firm can harness upon. India offers a market that comprises a full spectrum of mankind and presents itself as a competitive location to fund managers spread from Hong Kong and Singapore. Seems like a dream? But online trading this has become a reality. Imagine a scenario where you log on your account. To companies that are truly global in outlook and perspective.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE: “MARKET BEHAVIOR TOWARDS INVESTMENT OF EQUITY” The economic scenario of financial service of stock broking firm has dynamically changed. now a days investors has invest his money themselves without broker through online transaction. INDIA BULLS. KOTAK SECURITIES. All this through just one click of mouse. India’s Capital Market offers higher rate of return in an atmosphere of relative safety and security. The positive transformation in the business brought about by the various reforms introduce by SEBI and perspective firms operating within the industry such as SHAREKHAN. get the live quote of scripts you are interested in. London and New York. J K SECURITIES. but this scenario has change due to the technology change. The various topics discussed in this report are based on the generalization of a few sample firms taken which are market leaders in providing the best quality services. pay the amount due. JHAVERI. . I will also learn what the equities. withheld the trust the company had kept on me at the time of selection for SIP. working of BSE and NSE functioning of capital market.The nature of the industry moreover has been self –regulating and therefore. the standard of one firm differs from the other to a huge extent. During my SIP in Sharekhan Ltd. . commodities and mutual fund and why it is important for the investor.. how to invest our money in equity and Share Market. The basic similarities occur to the frame work of operation and governing bodies is the same within the industry. I will study the view existing customer of sharekhan and the services. derivatives. SYNOPSIS During my six week SIP I want to gain more knowledge. through practical experience from OJT. product and brokerage is being provided by sharekhan and are they satisfied with the sharekhan I will also study the structure of a capital market in India. I will study working of primary and secondary market. I will learn about different human value. My short term goal is to put my best efforts and complete the entire task assigned to me hereby. The past performances in the capital markets especially the securities scam by Harshad Mehta has led to tightening of the operations by SEBI. which regulates the operations of stock exchanges. Stockbrokers are the ones who buy and sell securities on behalf of individuals and institutions for some commission. Its history dates back to nearly 200 years ago. The East India Company was the dominant institution in those days and business in its loan securities used to be transacted towards the close of the eighteenth century. professionals have opportunities to choose from for a wide range of jobs available in a number of organizations in this sector and one can expect to have good times ahead of him. On the career related aspects. Indian capital market overview . constant efforts are being made and to a certain extent improvements have been made. it has started drawing attention of lot more people than before. discipline and bring greater transparency in this sector. Stock market is a place where securities are bought and sold. reflecting the performance of the country's economic state of health. With the view to improve.1 1. In addition the international trading and investment exposure has made it imperative to better operational efficiency. banks and other financial institutions. 1.1 Evolution Indian Stock Markets are one of the oldest in Asia. The earliest records of security dealings in India are meager and obscure. prices fluctuate within minutes and are determined by the demand and supply of stocks at a given time. As the condition of capital markets are constantly improving. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the authorized body.1.INTRODUCTION OF STOCK MARKET Stock exchanges to some extent play an important role as indicators. It is exposed to a high degree of volatility. there are totally twenty-one recognized stock exchanges in India excluding the Over the Counter Exchange of India Limited (OTCEI) and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEIL). namely. Equity shares of dividend paying.000 shareholders are. A member broker in an Indian stock exchange can act as an agent. The brokers who carry over the outstanding pay carry over charges (cantango or backwardation). The nature of trading on Indian Stock Exchanges are that of age old conventional style of face-to-face trading with bids and offers being made by open outcry. where a member can act as a jobber or a broker only. They are broadly divided into two categories. buy and sell securities on his own account and risk.50 million and a market capitalization of at least Rs. specified securities (forward list) and non-specified securities (cash list). 1. in contrast with the practice prevailing on New York and London Stock Exchanges. at present. Two types of transactions can be carried out on the Indian stock exchanges: (a) spot delivery transactions "for delivery and payment within the time or on the date stipulated when entering into the contract which shall not be more than 14 days following the date of the contract”: and (b) forward transactions "delivery and payment can be extended by further period of 14 days each so that the overall period does not exceed 90 days from the date of the contract". which are usually determined by the rates of interest prevailing.Thus. there is a great amount of effort to modernize the Indian stock exchanges in the very recent times. put in the specified group and the balance in nonspecified group. However. . buy and sell securities for his clients on a commission basis and also can act as a trader or dealer as a principal.1.2 Trading Pattern of the Indian Stock Market Trading in Indian stock exchanges is limited to listed securities of public limited companies. normally. The latter is permitted only in the case of specified shares.100 million and having more than 20. growth-oriented companies with a paid-up capital of at least Rs. a counter receipt is generated out at the counter. .Any equity holding at least one-lakh debentures of particular scrip can offer them for trading on the OTC. unduly long settlement periods and benami transactions. SBI Capital Markets.1. electronic stock exchange . certificates of listed securities and initiated debentures are not traded at OTC. the system is similar to a traditional stock exchange. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. such as. lack of transparency. But.Certain shares and debentures listed on other exchanges and units of mutual funds are allowed to be traded • Initiated debentures . That is. The original certificate will be safely with the custodian. To provide improved services to investors. scripless. Securities traded on the OTCEI are classified into: • Listed Securities .The shares and debentures of the companies listed on the OTC can be bought or sold at any OTC counter all over the country and they should not be listed anywhere else • Permitted Securities .3 over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI) The traditional trading mechanism prevailed in the Indian stock markets gave way to many functional inefficiencies. The difference is that the delivery and payment procedure will be completed within 14 days. Trading at OTCEI is done over the centres spread across the country.was created in 1992 by country's premier financial institutions . which affected the small investors to a great extent. the country's first ringless. which substitutes the share certificate and is used for all transactions. Industrial Development Bank of India. General Insurance Corporation and its subsidiaries and CanBank Financial Services.Unit Trust of India. Industrial Finance Corporation of India.1.OTCEI . OTC has a unique feature of trading compared to other traditional exchanges. absence of liquidity. In the case of permitted securities. Industrial Development Bank of India. treasury bills. The prices at which the buyer and seller are willing to .4 National Stock Exchange (NSE) With the liberalization of the Indian economy. Industrial Finance Corporation of India. commercial paper. Wholesale debt market operations are similar to money market operations institutions and corporate bodies enter into high value transactions in financial instruments such as government securities. etc. Recognized members of NSE are called trading members who trade on behalf of themselves and their clients. selected commercial banks and others incorporated the National Stock Exchange in 1992. certificate of deposit.1. public sector unit bonds. There are two kinds of players in NSE: (a) Trading members and (b) Participants. Participants include trading members and large players like banks who take direct settlement responsibility. since they are linked through a communication network. all Insurance Corporations. it was found inevitable to lift the Indian stock market trading system on par with the international standards. which adopts the principle of an order-driven market. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. Trading at NSE takes place through a fully automated screen-based trading mechanism.1. Trading at NSE can be classified under two broad categories: (a) Wholesale debt market and (b) Capital market. On the basis of the recommendations of high-powered Pherwani Committee. Trading members can stay at their offices and execute the trading. And capital market being one of the major sources of long-term finance for industrial projects. Till the decade of eighties.THE BAROMETER OF INDIAN CAPITAL MARKETS For the premier Stock Exchange that pioneered the stock broking activity in India.1. Unless stock markets provide professionals service. • Delays in communication. NSE has several advantages over the traditional trading exchanges. 128 years of experience seems to be a proud milestone. Investors can trade at the same price from anywhere in the country since intermarket operations are streamlined coupled with the countrywide access to the securities.5 SENSEX . The Stock Exchange. The journey in the 20th century has not been an easy one. . Since then. there was no scale to measure the ups and downs in the Indian stock market.transact will appear on the screen. with the support of total computerized network. Mumbai" by paying a princely amount of Rs. late payments and the malpractice’s prevailing in the traditional trading mechanism can be done away with greater operational efficiency and informational transparency in the stock market operations.1. In this regard NSE gains vital importance in the Indian capital market system. India cannot afford to damage the capital market path. small investors and foreign investors will not be interested in capital market operations. When the prices match the transaction will be completed and a confirmation slip will be printed at the office of the trading member. 1. Mumbai (BSE) in 1986 came out with a stock index that subsequently became the barometer of the Indian stock market. They are as follows: • • NSE brings an integrated stock market trading network across the nation. the country's capital markets have passed through both good and bad periods. A lot has changed since 1875 when 318 persons became members of what today is called "The Stock Exchange. Small wonder. Right from early nineties the stock market witnessed heightened activity in terms of various bull and bear runs. As per this methodology. The index is widely reported in both domestic and international markets through print as well as electronic media.SENSEX is not only scientifically designed but also based on globally accepted construction and review methodology. Due to is wide acceptance amongst the Indian investors. it provides the time series data over a fairly long period of time (From 1979 onwards). First compiled in 1986. The "Free-float Market Capitalization" methodology of index construction is regarded as an industry best practice globally. The SENSEX captured all these events in the most judicial manner. The base year of SENSEX is 1978-79 and the base value is 100. One can identify the booms and busts of the Indian stock market through SENSEX. SENSEX Calculation Methodology SENSEX is calculated using the "Free-float Market Capitalization" methodology. the level of index at any point of time reflects the Free-float market value of 30 component stocks relative to a base period. As the oldest index in the country. SENSEX is regarded to be the pulse of the Indian stock market. S&P and Dow Jones use the Free-float methodology. The market capitalization of a company is determined by multiplying the price of its stock by the . FTSE. The Index was initially calculated based on the "Full Market Capitalization" methodology but was shifted to the free-float methodology with effect from September 1. The growth of equity markets in India has been phenomenal in the decade gone by. All major index providers like MSCI. SENSEX is a basket of 30 constituent stocks representing a sample of large. 2003. the SENSEX has over the years become one of the most prominent brands in the country. liquid and representative companies. STOXX. Debentures • • • • • Partly Convertible Debentures Fully Convertible Debentures Non Convertible Debentures Warrants / Coupons / Secured Premium Notes/ other Hybrids Bonds C. . The market timings of the equities segment are: Normal Market Open: 09:55 hours Normal Market Close: 15:30 hours The Closing Session is held between 15. This market capitalization is further multiplied by the free-float factor to determine the free-float market capitalization. Shares • • Equity Shares Preference Shares B. Units of the Mutual Funds.number of shares issued by the company.50 hours and 16. The base period of SENSEX is 1978-79 and the base value is 100 index points. The notation 1978-79=100 often indicates this. The calculation of SENSEX involves dividing the Free-float market capitalization of 30 companies in the Index by a number called the Index Divisor. The Divisor is the only link to the original base period value of the SENSEX.00 hours Securities Available for Trading The Capital Market (Equities) segment of NSE facilitates trading in the following instruments: A. Market Timings Trading on the equities segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). It keeps the Index comparable over time. The Procedure Costs Of Investing In Equity Computing Returns On Your Equity Investments Tax Impact On Equity Investing .FUNDAMENTALS POINTS TO INVEST IN EQUITY Equity Investing Equity Basics 5 Stock Selection Guidelines Sources Of Stock Information Equity Investing Strategies Risks Associated With Equity Investing Monitoring Your Equity Investments Investing In Equity --. Equity Basics Non Promoter 2% Public 25% Promoter 47% Mutual Fund 14% FII 12% Equity is a share in the ownership of a company. It represents a claim on the company's assets and earnings . you will be entitled to 50 shares as a bonus. Dividend income Based on the quantum of profits. which is lower than the current market price of the share. Rights shares Company will offer fresh equity shares to its existing shareholders at a price. etc Bonus shares Company declares a bonus in the ratio of 1:2 (this means it will issue one share for every two shares you hold) and if you hold 100 shares. if the current market price of the company’s share is Rs 35. Dividends are declared as a percentage of the share’s face value . The market prices of these shares are continuously moving up or down depending on the interest in the company’s stock. For instance. say Rs 25.Income from equity investing Capital appreciation Equity shares of companies are listed and traded on a stock exchange (BSE or NSE). it will offer shares at below this price. it’s business potential. companies declare dividends to distribute a portion of these profits to their shareholders. This is called ‘debt financing’. To do this. a company.Reasons for issuing equity To expand its business. needs to raise money.which is known as issuing stock. A company usually borrows from banks and/or financial institutions. Characteristics of equity Equity is unsecured and a high risk-return investment Equity remains in perpetual existence . at some point. it can either borrow by taking a loan or raise funds by offering prospective investors a stake in the company --. one of the world’s most successful investors.Stock Selection Guidelines Know the Business Warren Buffett. P/E ratio & EPS . Corporate governance & Concern for shareholders Stock Selection Guidelines Prospects of the company Order Size. Industry Growth Assess the Stock price ROCE. EBITDA. follows the philosophy of buying stocks of only those businesses that he understands… Performance Track record Financial performance. Execution Capacity. Credibility. Ratio Analysis Promoters & Credibility Competence. which will result in appreciation in their share prices Value Investing Value investing means investing in companies that are believed to be currently undervalued but whose worth will be recognized by the market eventually Equity Investing Strategies Rupee Cost Averaging / Value Averaging To buy ‘low’ and sell ‘high’ is very difficult to do. which offer high dividend yields. gold. mutual funds. debt. whose turnover and profits are expected to grow significantly.Equity Investing Strategies Diversification Equity. One investment strategy that helps overcome this volatility and take advantage of it by averaging out cost of investment Investing in Dividend Yield Stocks Companies. property. especially in volatile markets. etc Growth Investing Investing in companies. which ‘value investors’ look for . are usually ‘value’ companies. Demat account Bank account Step 2: Decide your mode of transacting – in cash or with margins A. By undertaking margin trading (you pay only a portion of the cost for purchases and Your broker funds the balance) and squaring off your positions (you don’t take delivery Of the shares.Monitoring Your Equity Investments Can’t afford to forget your Investments Business cycles Mergers & acquisitions New business developments Changes in managements Information on the economy and news on the global markets are available in daily business publications and websites of foreign business Publications. By making purchases in cash and taking delivery of the shares or B. Investing in Equity – The Procedure Step 1: Open the necessary accounts Broking account. You simply book your profit or loss Step 3: Deciding on which mediums to use for transacting Visits to the broker’s office/branches Your telephone The Internet Kiosks . your cost. Also take into consideration the time element of all your inflows and outflows and use the ‘Internal Rate of Return’ (IRR) formula (available in the MSExcel program) to compute your returns. you should take into consideration the sale value. . To do so. you should compute the returns you have earned on your investment. dividends received and rights/bonuses. IRR is the rate at which your cash outflows and inflows over different time periods are equal.Costs of Investing in Equity Brokerage charges Demat charges Payment of Securities Transaction Tax (STT) Payment of Service Tax (ST) and Education Cess (EC) Computing Returns on your Equity Investments Once you sell your shareholding. Nil Tax impact on your capital gains (sale of shares at a profit) 10% on Short Term Nil on Long Term Setting off capital losses .Tax Impact on Equity Investment Tax impact on your dividend income . . SSKI group also comprises institutional broking division caters to the largest domestic and foreign institutional investor. telecom and media. the corporate finance division focuses on niche areas such as infrastructure. 2000 coinciding with the launch of its website. • • • • Founded in 1922. it is one of India’s largest brokerage houses having over eight years of broking experience. Voted four times as the top domestic brokerage house by Asia money survey. SSKI is the only domestic player in a market crowed by 44 multinational securities firm. SSKI is consistently ranked amongst the top domestic brokerage house in India. • • • Group interest investment banking. It acts as pioneer if investment research in the Indian Market aimed at generating quick investment ideas. Mumbai and pioneer instutional broker. It occupies 65% of business share from foreign institutional investors.INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANIZAION SSKI HISTORY Sevaklal Sevantilal Kantilal Ishwarlal Securities Private Limited. • Forerunner of investment research coverage amongst broking house in India. SSKI named its online division as “share khan” on February 8. institutional broking. • • • Research group was set up in December 1992. the company’s research team was set up in December 1992 and is rated as one of the in the country. Retail broking started in 1985. SSKI holds a sizeable portion of the market in each of these segments. Founding member of the stock exchange. Foray into in instutional broking and finance 20 years ago. SSKI is the veteran equities solution company with over 8 decades of experience in the Indian stock market. 2000. SSKI named its online division as a Sharekhan and it is into retail broking. an organization with more than 80 years of trust and credibility in the stock market. which is why investigating with Sharekhan is bound to be a hassle. built specifically for new investors. Sharekhan has a shop 170 cities across India. It acts as a discount brokerage house to a full service investment solution provider. They have talent pool of experienced professionals specially designated to guide customers when they need assistance. which guide throughout investing lifecycle. Retail distribution started in 1998. The business of the company overhauled 6 years ago February 8. It helps the customers/people to make informed decisions and investing in experience for customers! The Sharekhan Proves its customers First Step program. It has specialized research product for the small investors and day traders.Sharekhan is broking and retail broking arm of SSKI. . They have 510 Share shop across 170 cities in India to get a host of trading related services. 2000 and named it as www. whether trading is done done daily or occasionally. It has specialized research product for the small investors and day traders. • • • • . It offers its customers with the trade execution facilities on the NSE and BSE. The site was also launched on February 8.sharekhan. It gives advices based on extensive research to its customers and provides them with relevant and updated information to help him make informed about his investment decisions. 2002. for cash as well as derivatives. It helps the customers meet his pay in obligation on time thereby reducing the possibility of auctions. Ensures convenience in Trading Experience: Sharekhan’s trading services are designed to offer an easy. It has a team of professionals and latest technological expertise dedicated exclusively to their Demat department. A customer can avail of Demat. It acts as a discount brokerage house to a full service investment solutions access to the stock markets. The company believes in flexibility and therefore allows accepting late instructions without any extra The Speed Trade account of Sharekhan is the next generation technology Product launched on April 17.ABOUT SHAREKHAN • • • • • • • SSKI named its online division as SHAREKHAN and it is into retail broking. depository services. Sharekhan depository services offer Demat services to individual and corporate investors. providing the customers with a multi. hassle free trading experience. The customers will be entitled to a host of value added services in the investment process depending on his investing style and frequency offers a suite of products and services. repurchase and transmission facilities at any of the sharekhan branches and business partners outlets. Sharekhan offers its customers the convenience of a broker-DP. And execute the instruction immediately on receiving it and thereafter the customer can view his update account statement on Internet. The Brand name “SHAREKHAN” itself suggests the business in which the company is dealing so that the customer could easily identify the product or service category .BANK AFFILIATION Sharekhan has affiliation with 7 banks. But in its online division started since 1997. which allows its customers to enjoy the facility of instant credit and transfer of funds form his savings bank account to his Sharekhan trading account. The company has preferred to name themselves under a blanket family name. The affiliated banks are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) HDFC BANK UTI BANK CITI BANK ORIENTAL BANK OF COMMERC IDBI BANK UBI BANK CORPORATION BANK BRAND NAME The company as a whole in its offline business has named itself as SSKI Securities Private Limited – Sevaklal Sevantilal Kantilal and Ishwarlal Securities Private Limited. the company preferred to name itself as “SHAREKHAN”. our customers enjoy multi-channel access to the stock markets. and India's premier online trading portal www. With over 510 share shops in 170 cities. is the retail arm of one of India's leading brokerage houses.sharekhan. .Sharekhan Services Sharekhan. Hence unlike investing in assets like gold and real estate what determines stock prices? In the short run. Why would you want a piece of the action? For the rewards of course. Remember while investing in shares is lucrative in the long run.NATURE New to Stock Trading Why invest? If you were to open a book on economics and look up the word investing. others for more than Rs1. But do not be misled that an Rs10 share is better than a Rs. the market is a weighing machine. So as a shareholder you own a piece of the action that happens in that business. Can I put all my surplus money in shares at the age of 40? Investing in shares is risky but also lucrative over the long run.000 share When am I ready to buy shares? Before you decide to make your first share purchase. it helps to take stock of your net worth. it is also risky. As a shareholder you have a right over Why invest in shares? We know now that investing in shares is akin to owning part of a business. Some stocks sell for less than Rs10 a share. Hence it makes utmost sense to have the maximum exposure to shares when you are young and reduce your exposure as you age. How much does a share cost? The price is set by the market and it all depends on how many buyers and sellers think the share is worth that day. chances are that you would find the following definition: investing is building up to meet future consumption demands with the intention of making surpluses or profits. the market is a voting machine--reflecting a voter-registration test that requires only money. not intelligence or emotional stability--but in the long run. . A profitable business keeps pouching back profits to earn more profits or should we say "compounding profits". as they are What is a share? Shares or equity represents part of an ownership of a business. 000 a share. 1. Is there anything that I need to do before I buy my first share? There are three rules to follow before you take your first dip in the investing waters: Make a plan Take into account your strengths and weaknesses Review the plan often and change it as your needs and circumstances change How do I buy a share? Unlike buying clothes from your favorite showroom where you just walk in. when you buy a share you buy a business. Then you would be going "short" on the stock. What does going short on stocks mean? If you buy a share with the expectation that the price will rise. buying shares is a little different. you are "long" on the stock. Similarly it is what share you buy rather than how much of it you buy that is more important. What if the price of my stock goes down? That can be an even better reason for not selling. I am ready to invest. An investment operation is one which. Hence there is no control on the returns but an investor has control over managing her/his risks. Maybe your company will go through a period when business isn't so great. Benjamin Graham expounding on the distinction between these two activities. You'll get the market price of the stock for that day. Can I invest in any share? It is not how much you save but where you save it that holds the key to success. After all. The price of your stock is almost guaranteed to fall at some time. buy the stuff you like and pay for it. On the other hand.How do I manage the risks associated with investing in shares? Investing in stocks is risky since there are many uncertainties associated with the ability of a business to generate profits. What is the difference between investing and speculating? Here is the doyen of investing. you just hold sell this time around. You call your broker and tell him or her to sell your shares (or you enter your sale with an online broker). on thorough . Shares are traded on stock exchanges and you can buy them only from people recognized How do I sell a share? The same way you buy one. if you expect the price of a stock that you do not own to go down you can even sell it. We request you to view the details in your ledger.analysis. the order is forwarded to the exchange and the same gets traded at a price between the Trigger price and the order price. To carry on the auction procedure. What are the common mistakes an investor should avoid? Panic selling. promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return. What you do during a market panic has a great impact on the eventual wealth that it creates What is the procedure for placing Stop Loss Orders? Stop Loss order can be placed while placing a fresh order as well as a square off order. DAY4 NOTE:-The table depicted above is applicable to delivery trades (the stock exchanges . Settlement Settlement/payment cycle when customer buys shares DAY DAY1 DAY2 DAY3 DAY3 Transaction Day Party with obligation Activity T (SAY MONDAY) T+1 (TUESDAY) T+2 (WEDNESDAY) T+2 (WEDNESDAY) T+3 (THURSDAY) CUSTOMER BUYS SHARES OF A PARTICULAR COMPANY CUSTOMER FUNDS TO BE PAID BY CUSTOMER TO Sharekhan FOR SHARES PURCHASED Sharekhan TRANSFERS FUNDS TO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSFERS SHARES TO Sharekhan Sharekhan SHARES PURCHASED ON DAY 1 IS REFLECTED IN THE CUSTOMER'S DEMAT ACCOUNT AND ARE MADE AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY TRADE. (Trigger price entered should be lesser than the market price) When the market hits the trigger price. (Trigger price entered should be greater than the market price) Sell: Market Price > Trigger price > Order Price. There is one certainty about investing in shares--that there will be a number of market panics during your investment lifetime. then the shares go in for auction wherein the shares are purchased on behalf of the client in the auction market and delivered to the actual buyer. What happens in case my shares are short sold? At any point of time when the shares are short sold and the same are not delivered for the pay-in to the exchange. Basics of Stop Loss Order: Buy: Market Price < Trigger price < Order Price. The same shall be reversed subject to the debit of the actual auction charges. 150% of the amount shall be blocked in your account. the customer may buy shares of a company today and sell of the shares bought the very next day . Is Call & Trade a secured option? Once you call our toll free number. the customer might want to place an order using AMO which would be executed when the market opens the next day.This facility is available in the time slots Anytime between 4.m. The process is simple and Sharekhan can be placed in two ways: After Market Orders can be placed by the customer himself by logging into his Sharekhan trading account and choosing Sharekhan.15 p.30 p. How can I place an AMO? Now customers can place After Market Orders after the trading hours of a day. You can call from anywhere in India on our toll free number. 95 to Rs. the customer can place an AMO within the price band of Rs. our Call & Trade dealer will ask a few questions to verify your identity. What is Call & Trade? Call & Trade is a service offered by Sharekhan Securities for its customers.. For example: If the closing price of a scrip X on Monday is 100 Rs.m.The facility of BTST is available all the scripts other then scripts which falls under BSE "T".m. to 9. However in the case of BTST. What is the contact number on which call has to be made? Sharekhan provides you a toll free number ----------.follow a system whereby the shares bought today will move into the demat account of the customer in T+2 Days). without incurring any long distance phone charges. "TS" and NSE "BE" Series. to 3. recommendations on scripts given by Sharekhan com.30 a. Any AMO for scrip that is beyond this price band would not be executed.56 a. Can I fix any price on scrip that I want to place an AMO on? For particular scrip.m. Only after your identity is verified. you would be able to place/ modify/ cancel orders . "Z". Sharekhan can be placed with a price band of +/-5% of the closing price at the end of the day. which provides customers with a facility to trade over the phone. b) Based on the fluctuations in the Market on a particular day and taking into account factors such as the closing price of particular scrip.105. What is the advantage of Sharekhan? Sharekhan has the following advantages: a) it allows the customer to place an order even after the regular trading hours (9.) during which time he /she might have been busy. What will happen in case the delivery for shares sold by you is received short? Sharekhan. For any inquiry. E. You can use Call & Trade for getting live rates prevailing in the market Can one trade in all scripts? You can trade in all scripts that are available for trading at Sharekhan. suppose you have bought 100 shares of ACC on Day 1. In case of the . Can I forward the orders of T2T or suspended scripts till 3:30 PM? No. after which no orders will be accepted. you need to call up our Customer Care on How do I confirm orders placed through phone? Details of the order placed through phone can be viewed on the site with respected User id & Password and can be confirmed through a Call & Trade Dealer only. Can I place more than one order per call? Yes.Can the rates be confirmed using Call & Trade? Yes. We may come with charges for the call & trade facility after the allotted call limit does not provide any guarantee in case short delivery. AMO orders can be placed from 4:15pm to 6:00pm & Post closing orders from Currently.g. Can I inquire regarding registration / limits / position or Dp related etc queries to a Call & Trade dealer? No. as per NSE directive.50pm to 4:00pm. The settlement day for this buy transaction is Day 3. How do I place an order in BTST? You can place the normal delivery sell order to sell all the shares bought by you in the previous settlements till the payout date of the buying settlement. What are the charges for availing Call & Trade facility? No charges for Call N Trade facility. You can sell all 100 shares of ACC under BNSTG on Day 2 or on Day 3 till your buy transaction is settled. Can AMO orders & Post closing orders be placed through Call & Trade? Yes. You can forward the offline orders till 3:00 PM only. Post closing session is subject to change. there is no limit on the number of orders that can be placed per call. You can buy stock on NSE and sell the same. What is a portfolio tracker? The portfolio tracker is a tool that sharekhan. What is the advantage of a portfolio tracker? A portfolio tracker has several advantages to offer. How will the margin be calculated in a BTST transaction? As you are selling the shares under Delivery. you cannot buy in NSE and square off the same in BSE. However. . You would not be required to do anything different from your normal transaction. can I sell the same on BSE and vice versa? Yes. What is the brokerage that would be charged? The brokerage would be charged as per normal delivery brokerage on either side of the has put in place so that investors may keep a track of how well their scripts are doing at a given point of time. That is. no extra limit would be required I have bought some stock on NSE. How would the movement of shares transacted for in BTST reflect in the Demat account? The shares that have been bought and subsequently sold under BTST would be first credited and then debited from your Demat account as per normal pay in and pay out. Please click here to view the Product Details. Can I buy stock in NSE and sell the same in BSE or vice versa? You need to take delivery of the stock bought on NSE and then sell the same in BSE and vice versa. You would not be guaranteed against any auction that you might face due to short allotment on such bought quantity. In short it displays the current valuation of the holdings that an investor has. It reveals data on: 1) The gain loss statements of an investor through the buy/sell trades that he has made.short delivery then Client has to bear the auction charges. the next working day under BTST in BSE and vice versa what will happen if I do not square off the Trading Position? If you do not Square off the Trading open position then System will Auto-Square off your trading open position after the cutoff time 3:15 p.m. you may sell the stock in BSE under BTST on the next working day. you can go to Cyber cafe also. you can trade on your own. You can take an experience once. What is online trading? Generally. The settlement payment has to be made on the T day before 3. If computer/Internet is not available at your place.2) The holdings of the investor at a particular point of time 3) The update prices of stocks What are the other benefits of a portfolio tracker? The portfolio tracker also gives data on the average holding cost of each scrip. . touch-tone telephones. you will know the advantages of that. which shall be at the sole discretion of Sharekhan. No more writing of cheques. Is there still a brokerage firm involved or do I really bypass the broker completely? All trades involve a brokerage firm even if a stockbroker is not used to help with the trade. Customers should also remember to do their homework where their investments are concerned. Why should I go for an online trading if I am satisfied with my Broker’s system? Internet share trading is more convenient and hassle free. while you are at home. This enables the investor to monitor his stock performance. Although customers may enter orders for trades via the Internet. No phone calls. and other new technologies. You can trade while working in the office. customers may consult information provided on the Web Site and log into their accounts to place orders and monitor account activity. Debtor's policy: Customers are requested to herewith note the debtor's policy. Failing to do so we will be compelled to square off your position/stock. the quantity of scripts that the investor holds in his account and the market price of the scripts.30 pm in case of the special request made to ignore the auto square off. online trading refers to buying and selling securities via the Internet or other electronic means such as wireless access. Market position will be in front of you. Once there. No paperwork. customers do not have direct access to the securities markets and therefore must use a brokerage firm in order to execute their trades. in most cases customers access a brokerage firm's Web Site through their regular Internet Service With online trading. The biggest advantage of the portfolio tracker is that it goes on to explain the unrealized gain/loss of his individual holdings. (NSDL) and Central Depository Securities Limited (CDSL). Complete protection against fraud and hacking. We do provide DP facilities of both National Securities Depositories Ltd. Why should I trade on sharekhan. ICICI Bank. Individuals as well as sole proprietary/partnership/corporate firms can open a trading account. 128 bit super safe encryption – SSL (Secured Socket Layer) Complete password Following reasons make you to trade with us. It is mandatory to open the designated accounts with us. UTI Bank. But what we have done is tied up with Internet enabled banks like HDFC Bank. Transparency in Dealing. allows you to integrate Trading Account. your Bank account and Demat account. What is the 3-IN-1 concept? Here we take care of your trade settlements to avoid any delays in pay in and payout. Do you offer banking and DP facilities? We are not a bank. to avoid any delays in pay in and pay is a trade name owned by Sharekhan. to offer you net transfer facility. What are the exchanges where sharekhan. Instant Trade confirmation. to offer you net transfer facility. all the three accounts will have to be opened with Sharekhan The facilities are available to Resident as well as Non-Resident Indians. What is sharekhan. • • • • • • • • User friendly. We have tied up with HDFC Bank. Very soon we will come live with commodities as offers Internet trading facilities? Sharekhan com. Bank and the Demat account. .Who can open a trading account with sharekhan. offers trading on both NSE and BSE and all segments. Sharekhan com. If I already have a Demat/Bank account with other Bank or Depository? To avail of the advantage offered by the integration of the brokerage. and in that sense cannot offer any banking services. Brokerage rate is very It is a Financial Portal for online stock trading. Personalized customer service. Sharekhan. we will inform you by e-mail. (Margin. you need not to maintain any minimum home page to request us to reset the password. The forms will be as under:• • • • • Client Registration Form HDFC/ICICI/UTI Bank Account Form DP Account Form Power of Attorney Member Client Agreement As soon as your application is accepted. Payment to HDFC/ICICI/UTI Bank Rs. Do I have to maintain any minimum balance in my Bank Account? NO. 2500/. If I’ve forgotten the password.. You just have to fill the same with correct and sufficient details. what should I do? You can always contact our customer service executive by Email or Chat or Phone or you can click on forgot password link provided on the Ananrathi.How do I become a customer? To register with Sharekhan com. To ensure complete safety and privacy the user will be forced to change his password the very first time he logs into the trading site. login id and password will be sent you How safe is my user ID and password? The password is generated by the system and sent to you such that not even employees of Sharekhan would know about it. Margin & Delivery) Note: The management reserves the right to change these rates without any prior notice. Password will be recorded in system in encrypted format. just email/call us and we will send you a kit with all required papers. Deposits . Delivery. What are the other charges? Following is the table showing payment favour of Bank for New Account Creation To be paid as per the product requirement. How do I get my user ID and password for the first time? The trading password will be issued only on completion of all registration formalities and a email containing details about your trading id. the Depository system functions very much like the banking system. The company is also called the Issuer. A Depository (NSDL and CDSL) is an organization like a Central Bank.If I already have a HDFC Bank account and a Demat account with ARG. To achieve this purpose. A depository functions somewhat similar to a commercial bank. i. Depository Participants. How does the Depository System operate? A. a . A Depository Participant is the agent of the Depository and is the medium through which the shares are held in the electronic form. What about my Trading limits? Sharekhan allows Trading limits (exposure) depending upon the product selected by you at the time of opening the account & Respective balance (in terms of Stock & Ledger balance) available in your trading account. They are also the representatives of the investor.e. through a registered Depository Participant (DP). a depository is an organization. We will apply a haircut of exchange vat margin on the valuation of your holding and then exposure will be provided. To draw analogy. providing the link between the investor and the company through the Depository. To avail of the services offered by a depository. which enables securities transactions to be processed by book entry. What is a depository? A depository is a facility for holding securities.' India has chosen the dematerialization route. Company/Registrars and Investors. Note: The management reserves the right to change or increase the exchange var margin (increase the haircut on the Stock Valuation) according to the Market situation without any prior notice. The operations in the Depository System involve the participation of a Depository. The shares considered for exposure purpose are NSE top 500 stocks and certain stocks approved by Sharekhan. can I use these accounts for online investing? Yes. A bank holds funds in accounts whereas. through Depository participants. you just need to tell us the account details and we shall link up your existing accounts for online investing. Reserve Bank where the securities of an investor are held in electronic form. a Depository holds securities in accounts for its clients. which holds the beneficial owner's securities in electronic form. What if I am holding shares in my account? Can I use them as margin? You can use your shares and securities along with initial minimum deposit. the investor has to open an account with it through a registered DP. the depository may immobilize the securities or dematerialize them (so that they exist only as electronic records). A bank transfers funds between accounts whereas. In India. Your Depository Participant will maintain your securities account balances and intimate to you the status of your holding from time to time. Normally the demat process takes 2 to 4 weeks. According to SEBI guidelines. custodians and . DP is like a branch of your bank with which you can have an account. enclose the share certificates and submit them to Navia for dematerialization along with the stipulated fee. Please insist on collecting the stamped acknowledgement tear-off slip and retain it safely. While the Depository can be compared to a Bank. What is dematerialization? Dematerialization is a process by which physical certificates are converted into electronic form. A separate DRF form is required to be used for each company. After filling in the form. banks. Who is a Depository Participant? Similar to the brokers who trade on your behalf in and outside the Stock Exchange. Financial Institutions like banks.Depository transfers securities between accounts. The company has to sign an Agreement with NSDL/CDSL (the depositories) and install the necessary hardware/software for operations. How do I demat my shares? You may request your Depository Participant to send you a Demat Requisition Form (DRF). Who is a Beneficial Owner (BO)? "Beneficial Owner" is a person in whose name a demat account is opened with CDSL/NSDL for the purpose of holding securities in the electronic form and whose name is recorded as such with CDSL/NSDL. can become participants in the depository. stockbrokers etc. Who is a Depository Participant? A Depository Participant (DP) is an agent of the depository who is authorized to offer depository services to investors. custodians. In both systems. Both the banks and the Depository are accountable for safe keeping of funds and securities respectively. How do I get to know about the status of the Demat? The account statement sent to you every fortnight will reflect credit balance of shares wherever the demat process has been completed. A DP is one with whom you need to open an account to deal in electronic form. a Depository Participant (DP) is your representative (agent) in the depository system providing the link between the Company and you through the Depository. Financial institutions. the transfer of funds or securities happens without the actual handling of funds or securities. Hindu undivided family (HUF). proprietary firm. Whether different securities issued by the same Issuer will have same ISIN? No. different securities issued by the same issuer will have different ISIN. i. • Pledging of dematerialized securities. How do I open an account? . Further information on DP. stock split or merger/amalgamation of companies. • Facilitating Securities Lending and Borrowing. allotment of bonus and rights shares in electronic form or securities ensuing upon consolidation. • Settlement of trades by delivering/ receiving underlying securities from/in BO accounts. such as.stockbrokers complying with the requirements prescribed by SEBI/ Depositories can be registered as DP. Account Opening Am I eligible for opening a trading account? Any individual. • Settlement of off-market trades i.e. • Receiving on behalf of demat account holders non-cash corporate benefits. partnership Who is an Issuer? Issuer means any entity making an issue of securities. What services are provided by a DP? Following services can be availed of through a DP: • Dematerialization i. What is an ISIN? ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is the identification number given to a security of an issuer at the time of admitting such security in the depository system.e. transactions between BOs entered outside the Stock Exchange. • To maintain record of holdings in the electronic converting electronic securities balances in a BO account into physical form.e.cdslindia. can be accessed from CDSL's web site www. or a company can open an account with Sharekhan. • Providing electronic credit in respect of securities allotted by issuers under IPO or otherwise. if the DP is registered as an "Approved Intermediary" for the purpose. • Rematerialisation. converting physical securities into electronic form. Click on the link to find out the nearest branch. 2000. Internet Based Trading The Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) approved the report on Internet Trading brought out by the SEBI Committee on Internet Based Trading and Services In February 2000. 10000. SEBI has stipulated the minimum conditions to be fulfilled by trading members to start Internet based trading and services. Copy of pan card. vide their circular no. Members can procure the Internet trading software from software vendors who are empanelled with NSE or they may develop the software through their own in-house development team or may procure the software from other non-empanelled vendors. Thus a client sitting in any part of the country would be able to trade using the Internet as a medium through brokers' Internet trading systems. NSE has issued circulars detailing the requirements and procedures to be complied with by members desirous of providing Internet based trading and services. Internet trading can take place through order routing systems. This minimum margin can be in the form of Cash or Stocks What are the documents required for opening an online trading A/c? Passport size photo. Members can also avail of services provided by Application Service Providers (which may inter-alia include providing / maintaining software / hardware / other infrastructure etc. copy of residence proof. which will route client orders to exchange trading systems for execution. copy of bank details. Internet Trading at NSE NSE became the first exchange to grant approval to its members for providing Internet based trading services.To open an online trading a/c you can apply online or visit any of our branches.) for providing Internet based trading services subject to the Application Service Provider (ASP) being empanelled with the Exchange for providing such services. Detailing the formalities / requirements for members desirous of using ASPs for providing Internet based trading services as well as formalities / requirements for ASPs desirous of being empanelled with the Exchange for providing such services to trading members of NSE. In line with SEBI directives.SMDRP/POLICY/CIR-06/2000 dated February8. SEBI-registered brokers can introduce Internet based trading after obtaining permission from respective Stock Exchanges. . What is the minimum amount required to start online trading? You can start trading by placing a minimum margin of Rs. photo identity proof. 28523413/14 M/s.560 052 3rd Floor. Plot No. No. Ph: 022-67099000 Suren Road.2772 0968 500 009 Air India Building. Andheri(E). 5th Block. 6th Floor. Hyderabad Fax : 040 . Tulsiani Chambers. KHB Colony. Trade Globe. Navi Mumbai400 614 Contact Nos. Mumbai-400 093 10th Floor. Sector 11. Financial Technologies (India) Ltd. NSE. Andheri-Kurla Ph: 022-2826 8841-48 Road. Ground Floor. Boston House. Internet ExchangeNext. B-Wing. Ph: 022 . Fax : 022-2826 8855 Mumbai-400 059. Ltd. Gunrock Ph: 040-2772 0969 / 70 Enclave. “Omnesys House”. Bangalore-561 229 M/s. SDG Software Technologies M/s. "A" Wing. Tata Consultancy 162/A. 62.1st Main Road.") Tel. Aggarwal Trade Centre. Millers Road. 3/1. Ph: 080-51104235/36 Fax: 080-51104244 M/s.Housur Road. Omnesys Technologies Pvt. Chakala. : 022-27566836 / 27560649 / 27506609 Telefax : 022-27566906 M/s. (Formerly known as "ENC Software Solutions Pvt. Nariman Point. West Wing. 67506859 . No. Address B-7. 55/B.67503515. Ltd. Belapur CBD.IT Ltd. Koramangla Layout. Marketplace Technologies Pvt.Vendors & ASPs empanelled with NSE The following vendors are empanelled with NSE for providing Internet trading solutions to its trading members: Vendor Name M/s. Bangalore . Ltd. Fax: 022-67099066 Andheri (East). 17th 1st Main. Techspan India Ltd Ph: 080-41982000 Fax: 080-41327777 M/s. Mumbai 400 021 M/s. Ph: 080-28521464/68 Fax: 080 . Bangalore560 095 JP Techno Park.22847696 M/s. Asian CERC Information Technology Ltd. Electronic City. Ph: 022-22847698 Fax : 022 . in ADROIT FINANCIAL SERVICES PVT LTD AGROY FINANCE & www.agsslagra.acchoksi.abnamro. Mumbai .080 28521464 . Ph . ABHIPRA CAPITAL LTD. www. Karnataka – 560 100 Contact www. Net Equity Technologies Ltd.agroy.ansplshares.4000 21 Fax: 022 .etrade. PVT LTD AJAY NATAVARLAL SECURITIES PVT. Code 1 08257 2 09929 3 12544 4 08150 5 06080 6 08538 7 06919 8 06127 9 10585 Member Name A. Member No. ABN AMRO ASIA EQUITIES (i) LTD Website www. LTD.67506855 The following ASP is empanelled with NSE for providing Internet trading services to its trading www.C.Choksi Share Brokers Pvt.aspl786. ASP Name Address No 55/B I Main Road. INVESTMENT LTD AISHWARYA & CO.ebroking. Ltd AADINATH SECURITIES PVT.080 2226 7454 Ph . www.080 2653 2927 M/s. Members granted permission for Internet Trading The following are the trading members who have been granted permission by the Exchange for providing Internet based trading services: Sr. Houser Road.Services Nariman Point.abhipra.68 Fax . SHARES & SECURITIES LTD www. Electronic City. 13 05976 14 06002 15 07838 16 08171 17 08529 ANKIT SECURITIES & FINANCE CO PVT www.moneypore.apollosindhoori. ANGEL CAPITAL AND DEBT MARKET LIMITED BROKING LIMITED ASIT C MEHTA INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATES LTD ASL CAPITAL FINANCE SERVICES LTD ANAGRAM SECURITIES 24 06072 25 09215 .com www. LTD. APOLLO SINDHOORI CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 12 07588 AMRAPALI CAPITAL & ASHIKA STOCK ASSIGNMENTS ARPAN SECURITIES www. LTD ANUSH SHARES & SECURITIES APEEJAY SECURITIES 18 08255 www.angelbolt.alkasecurities.assbl.alankittrade. ARYAN SHARE & STOCK BROKERS LTD.etrading. ALKA SECURITIES LIMITED BROKERS PVT LTD ARIHANT FINCAP LIMITED www. 10 08812 11 06292 ALANKIT 19 07782 20 07839 21 12485 22 08055 23 08334 ARCADIA SHARE AND STOCK PVT LTD. SECURITIES LTD . BRICS SECURITIES LTD. 29 11097 30 09391 31 08157 32 10741 33 07724 34 12331 35 06378 36 12057 37 10942 38 08046 39 11674 40 07811 41 12511 42 09304 43 07599 www. BMA STOCK 28 10703 Bharat Bhushan Equity Traders Ltd.bricssecurities.balance-equity.capstocksindia. Ltd. BALANCE EQUITY BROKING (I) PVT LTD CENTURY FINVEST PVT. C D INTEGRATED SERVICES LTD LIMITED BEST BULL STOCK TRADING BgSE FINANCIAL CAPMAN CAPITAL PVT LTD CHOLAMANDALAM BAMA SECURITIES www.investindiaonline. CD EQUISEARCH (P) LTD Centrum Broking www. www.HOLDINGS PVT LTD. LTD. 26 12227 27 07141 ASTHA CREDIT & SECURITIES B N RATHI SECURITIES LTD BAKLIWAL FINANCIAL SERVICES (INDIA) BROKING PVT LTD BONANZA PORTFOLIO LTD.chola-sec. MARKETS LIMITED CAPSTOCKS & SECURITIES (INDIA) www.capman-capital. co. COMPETENT FINMAN COMPOSITE INVESTMENTS PVT 59 12517 60 05980 www. LTD CONSORTIUM SECURITIES PVT LIMITED CRIMSON FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD www. LTD www. DB (INTERNATIONAL) STOCK BROKERS LIMITED DDAV SECURITIES Pvt. .com SERVICES PVT LTD.daycoatlyonsrange.dimensional.44 07543 45 06430 46 12697 47 07529 48 11300 49 07520 CHONA FINANCIAL CAPITAL PVT. www.compositeinvestments. CAPITAL SERVICES CROWN CONSULTANTS (P) LTD DALAL & BROACHA STOCK BROKING DALMIA SECURITIES LTD DANI SHARES & STOCKS PVT LTD DAYCO SECURITIES 58 06432 www. CIL SECURITIES 50 08772 51 08865 52 12295 53 08076 www. Dimensional Securities 54 09806 55 06453 56 11416 57 07007 COIMBATORE www. Citigroup Wealth Advisors CROSSEAS www. www. LTD. EXPONENTIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES PVT.elitestock. ELITE STOCK MANAGEMENT LTD. FAIR INTERMEDIATE INVESTMENT PVT LTD FAIRWEALTH SECURITIES PVT. GCM SECURITIES 65 00684 66 07775 67 08535 .com www. FARSIGHT SECURITIES LTD 64 09018 EMKAY SHARE & STOCK BROKERS P EQUITIES www.fairwealth.fesecurties.61 08268 62 10718 63 08051 DURGA PRASAD & 68 12098 www.firstfinancialholdingltd. LTD. www. FIRST FINANCIAL HOLDINGS LTD FIRST GLOBAL STOCKBROKING PVT LTD GANGA YAMUNA FINVEST GEOJIT SECURITIES 69 12723 70 08537 71 07596 72 12365 73 06813 74 07221 75 07696 76 07934 77 08067 www.LTD. EUREKA STOCK & SHARE BROKING SERVICES LTD EXCLUSIVE SECURITIES FE SECURITIES PVT LTD FINQUEST SECURITIES PVT DYNAMIC www. LTD.shriamonline. 83 11460 84 09939 85 07235 www.globecapital.highsight. 78 06637 79 07929 80 08846 81 11866 82 11271 GLOBE CAPITAL MARKET LTD GOGIA CAPITAL SERVICES LTD.hemonline. GUINESS SECURITIES LIMITED GUPTA EQUITIES PVT. H NYALCHAND FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD SERVICES PVT IDBI CAPITAL MARKET SERVICES GOLDMINE STOCKS www.LTD. HORIZON PORTFOLIO LTD. LTD. HEM FINLEASE PVT www. Indbank Merchant Banking Services Lts INDIA CEMENTS LTD HIGH SIGHT CAPITAL MKT www.grishma. ICDS SECURITIES LTD ICICI WEB TRADE LTD PRIVATE LTD GRD SECURITIES LTD GRISHMA SECURITIES LTD. www.guinessonline. HDFC SECURITIES 86 06382 87 11094 88 11100 89 12548 90 08052 91 07637 92 11476 93 07066 94 05968 95 11634 HAVEN FINANCIAL SERVICES PVT. INDO THAI SECURITIES LTD INDUS PORTFOLIO (P) BROKERS PVT. INTEGRATED MASTER SECURITIES PVT.INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD 96 10975 INDIA INFOLINE SECURITIES INSIGHT SHARE INDIRA SECURITIES www. INNOVATE SECURITIES PVT LTD. 105 09017 106 07825 107 10208 108 07095 109 10777 110 12028 www.investmentoronline. INVESTMENTOR SECURITIES LTD INVESTSMART INDIA LTD INVESTWELL www. INTERFACE BROKERAGE & RESEARCH LTD INVENTURE GROWTH & SECURITIES ISE SECURITIES & J G SHAH FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PVT. LTD. www. LTD. J M MORGAN .5paisa. 97 08756 98 07844 99 07767 100 07762 101 07002 102 09470 www. INDIABULLS FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED ITI FINANCIAL SERVICES 111 09815 112 10548 103 08383 104 06770 www.shiramshare. PRIVATE LIMITED KASS SECURITIES www. KASSA FINVEST PVT LTD KAYCEE FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD KAYNET FINANCE LIMITED KEDAR NATH AGARWAL KASAT SECURITIES KHAJANCHI & GANDHI STOCK BROKING PVT LTD KHAMBATTA www. LTD. JBS SECURITIES LTD JHAVERI SECURITIES PVT LTD RETAIL SERVICES PVT LIMITED 113 09075 114 08139 115 07840 116 08232 117 08239 118 07088 J V CAPITAL SERVICES (P) LTD.krctrades. (P) LTD K R CHOKSEY K&A SECURITIES (P) LTD KARVY STOCK BROKING www.khajanchiandgandhi.kasecurities. JAYPEE CAPITAL SERVICES 119 07827 120 09758 121 07536 122 07701 123 07546 124 08050 125 07702 126 09301 127 06738 128 00565 129 12107 130 09775 LTD JRG SECURITIES LTD JYOTI JAIN INVESTMENT & FINANCE JK SECURITIES PVT www. com 132 08081 133 10195 134 12221 135 09228 KOTAK SECURITIES LTD MANSUKH SECURITIES & FINANCE LTD MANTRI SHARE BROKERS 141 10756 142 12503 143 09774 144 06529 MANIPUT INVESTMENTS PVT FINSTOCK PVT LTD KUSHAL SHARE www. 131 07760 KHANDWALA INTEGRATED FINANCIAL SERVICES P LTD 136 10720 www. LKP SECURITIES LTD LSE SECURITIES LIMITED M G CAPITAL SERVICES 137 07200 138 10870 139 07012 140 09300 www.mangalkeshavonline.mansukh.lkponline.SECURITIES LTD. www. LTD. LTD www. LABDHI FINANCE CORPORATION LATIN MANHARLAL SECURITIES MAHIPAT RAICHAND SHARE www. BROKING LIMITED KUNVARJI FINSTOCK PVT LTD MAN FINANCIALSIFY SECURITIES INDIA PVT LTD MANGAL KESHAV SECURITIES LTD 145 07814 146 11604 .com BROKING PVT LTD MALIRAM MAKHARIA www. NAVRATAN CAPITAL & www. www. LTD.147 09837 MANUBHAI MANGALDAS SECURITIES MESH STOCK .com BROKERS PVT. LTD MARKET CREATORS LIMITED www. MARCK SECURITIES PVT LTD 148 11071 149 11925 150 06962 151 08760 152 06436 153 08768 154 12692 155 11159 156 08775 MARWADI SHARES & FINANCE PVT BROKING INVESTMENTS LTD MOTILAL OSWAL SECURITIES 157 06470 158 08117 159 10412 160 12007 161 09354 162 07708 163 06769 MARFATIA STOCK www. MSB SECURITIES P LTD NARAYAN SECURITIES PVT LTD NAVIA MARKETS LTD. MOONGIPA LTD MASTER CAPITAL SERVICES LTD MEGHVARSHA SECURITIES PVT. MICROSEC INDIA LIMITED MODEX INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES LTD MONARCH PROJECT AND FINMARKETS LTD www. 167 09701 NORTHEAST BROKING www. PRABHUDAS LILLADHER PVT CONSULTANCY SERVICES PVT LTD PEE AAR SECURITIES LIMITED PENINSULAR CAPITAL MARKET BROKING LTD NEW MILLENIUM SECURITIES PVT. www.clicknetworthstock. www. www. SERVICES LIMITED OMNESYS TRADENET 172 08388 PATCO INVESTMENTS AND www. 168 11365 169 07711 170 07727 171 09140 www. PRAVIN RATILAL 173 09028 174 08814 175 08127 176 05977 NETWORTH STOCK www.northeastltd.itrade.S Securities Ltd PACE FINANCIAL SERVICES PADMAKSHI FINANCIAL SERVICES PVT.indianstocks.pacefin. PKJ SHARE BROKERS LTD.SECURITIES PVT.peeaarsecurities.C. 164 06438 165 06386 166 11088 NDA SECURITIES LTD www. www.ndaindia. PRASHANT JAYANTILAL PATEL PRATIBHUTI VINIYOG 177 06498 178 06455 179 07589 www. com BROKERS PVT LTD R WADIWALA SECURITIES PVT LTD www.SHARE AND STOCK BROKERS LTD 180 11938 PRAYAS SECURITIES PVT LTD PROGRESSIVE SHARE BROKERS RELIABLE STOCKS & SHARES (INDIA) www. www.salasaronline. R K GLOBAL SHARES & SECURITIES LTD www.psbppl. Ltd R R EQUITY 181 08561 182 07096 183 09068 184 08250 185 12310 186 12196 187 12219 188 12170 189 07780 190 07790 191 07544 192 12348 193 06537 194 07948 195 10229 196 07549 197 07526 www. SALASAR STOCK R K Stockholding LTD RELIANCE SECURITIES LTD.rrfinance. SAJAG SECURITIES BROKING LIMITED RATNAKAR SECURITIES LTD REFLECTION INVESTMENTS www. RELIGARE SECURITIES PVT. S G SECURITIES S S KANTILAL ISHWARLAL SECURITIES LTD.religaresecurities.sgsecurities.reliableshares. RAJVI STOCK www.sajagonline. PRP FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PSJ SECURITIES PVT. www. LTD.smcindiaonline.ssbpl.shreepatiholdings. www. LTD.smifs. SELECT STOCK BROKERS SHAH INVESTORS' HOME SHAREKHAN LTD. SHRI PARASRAM HOLDINGS www. SHIVMANGAL SECURITIES PVT LTD SHREE BAHUBALI INTERNATIONLA 208 06390 209 12240 210 08140 211 08153 212 07075 213 07714 214 05999 SHREEPATI HOLDINGS & FINANCE .com 201 11686 202 08063 203 07590 204 10733 205 10574 206 08135 SHILPA STOCK www. SKI CAPITAL SERVICES SERVICES BROKERS PVT.shahinvestors.shreyasindia. SAS BROKING PRIVATE LIMITED www. SATCO SECURITIES & FINANCIAL www. SHREYAS STOCKS PVT. 199 12171 200 06422 www.skitrade.BROKING LTD 198 08039 SANCHIT FINANCIAL & MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD. SMIFS SECURITIES LTD www. 207 07818 www. SKP SECURITIES LTD SMC GLOBAL SECURITIES www. SEETA PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT PVT.sasbro. TRANSPARENT SHARES & SECURITIES PVT LTD TRANSWORLD SECURITIES COMPANY LIMITED SOVEREIGN NV SECURITIES PVT. Techno Shares & Stocks Ltd. TWIN EARTH www. LIMITED SPAN CAPLEASE PVT LTD SPFL SECURITIES LTD SVS SECURITIES PVT.uniconindia.twinearthsecurities. SURESH RATHI SECURITIES 230 12213 www. SUSHIL STOCKBROKER PVT 231 08244 232 11225 www. STEEL CITY SECURITIES LTD SUGAL & DAMANI SHARE & STOCK BROKERS www. www. LTD SWASTIKA FIN LEASE LIMITED SYKES & RAY EQUITIES (I) 223 06764 225 06074 226 09957 227 11297 228 07277 229 10336 SUNIDHI CONSULTANCY SERVICES SHARES PVT LTD STAR FINVEST www.215 06293 216 08544 217 10419 218 08125 219 09202 220 10639 221 08061 222 08062 SOMAYAJULU & SRI MAHALAKSHMI 224 09763 www.spfl. LTD. 233 06558 234 06392 235 07604 236 07259 237 08752 238 09643 UAE EXCHANGE & FINANCE 240 10557 241 08532 242 06849 WELLWORTH SHARE AND STOCK www.vinitenterprises.zensec.vertexindia. www.yohasecurities.SECURITIES www.voguestock. ZEN SECURITIES LTD BROKING LTD YOHA SECURITIES www. UTI SECURITIES LTD VENTURA SECURITIES ORGANIZAIONAL STUCTURE SERVICES PROVIDED BY SHAREKHAN Online Services Offline Services Depository Services Equity and Derivatives Trading Fundamental Research . www. VERTEX SECURITIES VINIT ENTERPRISES VNS FINANCE & CAPITALS SERVICES LTD VOGUE COMMERCIAL COMPANY 239 08820 www.wellworthshares. com Physical contract notes Types of Account Classic A/c Speed-trade Classic A/c: . Offline Services: Trading with the help of Dealer Trading without credit By calling to the Share shops Credit facility (Only in Delivery-based) T+2 facility Special website for Offline Clients: www.Technical Research Portfolio Management Commodities Trading Dial-n-trade Share shops 1. sharekhan. Online Services: Mutual Funds Commodity Futures PMS Technical PMS Demat Services Share shops 2. Personalized Market Scan with your own customized stock ticker. highest value and lots of other relevant statistics) Hot keys similar to a brokers terminal Alerts and reminders Back-up facility to place trades on Direct Phone lines Single screen interface for cash and derivatives Dial-n-trade: Features of Dial-n-trade: Two dedicated numbers for placing your orders with your cell phone or landline. For people with difficulty in accessing the toll-free number. Instant cash transfer facility against purchase & sale of shares Make IPO bookings. Speed-trade: Features of Speed-trade: Instant order Execution & Confirmation Single screen trading terminal Real-time streaming quotes. 1.Features of Classic A/c: Online trading account for investing in Equities and Derivatives via sharekhan. You get Instant order and trade confirmations by e-mail Streaming Quotes. tic-by-tic charts Market summary (most traded scrip. we also have a Reliance number 30307600 which is charged at Rs. Integration of: Online trading + Bank + Demat account. Toll free number: .50 per minute for STD calls. Single screen interface for cash and derivatives. Enter your TPIN to be transferred to our tele-brokers. this sort of consolidation is well on its way. The latest breed to wake up to opportunity is the PSU bank.Automatic funds transfer with phone banking (for Citibank and HDFC bank customers). The National Stock Exchange or NSE (inaugurated on 23 July 1994) provides nationwide trading facilities with access to investors all over the country. Merrill Lynch.rapidly expanded market shares and gained control of almost half the retail trading volumes. when the top five brokers . The evolution of India's broking business is mirroring the developments in the US markets from the 1970s through the 1990s. Schwab's trading volume was equivalent to more than a quarter of the total NASDAQ volume. Simple and Secure Interactive Voice Response based system for authentication. They try to provide all attendant functions of financial management at one place. Indian bourses (stock exchanges) are now dealing with big numbers and big buyers. The automated. professional advice of our tele-brokers. Communication links between the dealing room and the trading ring are being improved. As stockbrokers are venturing into other territories. You also get the trusted. After hours order placement facility between 8. other financial service providers are moving into the broking business. In India too. E*Trade. No waiting time. or visiting fund managers abroad seeking investment here. In 2003. The capital markets are undergoing transformation. which can get into broking using their network of branches.30 am (timings to be extended soon) INDUSTRY ANANLYSIS Indian industry has now really taken off and this fact has been acknowledged globally. Stock market houses are redefining themselves. brokers today have all their operations computerized and employ qualified industry specialists to advise on buying and selling of stocks Erstwhile brokers sat back waiting for business to come to their offices. Now brokers or stock market professionals are either playing host to foreign investment bankers. . Liberalization has eased restrictions and foreign companies are freely gaining access to India. The broker-franchiser faces his biggest challenge yet from banks. The business of stock broking is highly visible today. Instead of being stuck in tiny booth-like offices with a telephone. Today's progressive brokers deal in billions rather than in millions.00 am and 9. screen-based trading system using state-of-the-art technology makes market operations transparent. Dean Witter and Smith Barney . who are looking for opportunities on the Indian stock market.Charles Schwab. Bombay) have already redefined themselves and have introduced the compilation of a database to identify avenues for investments in industries. financial specialists and so on. It wouldn’t be long before others spot the opportunity.Banking houses like ICICI. professionalism has come into the stock market business. financial analysts. New Delhi and SSKI. industry specialists. It is the regulatory body in charge of the country's capital markets. sales and after-sales. In every way possible. Some of the Indian finance service companies have already made some progress in setting up equity research for identifying growth scripts for portfolio investment and have taken up stock broking earnestly. Watch out for more tie-ups. vibrant and challenging atmosphere. In this charged. HDFC and Kotak have already become entrenched players in this market. INDIA'S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES All this interest from global players is due to several inherent advantages that India offers apart from its large size and a consumer base lager than several European countries put together.sales. work many specialists economists. The shakeout is just beginning. accountants. mergers and acquisitions in this industry. The best firms today provide a blend of three functions: pre. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been empowered by an Act of Parliament to protect the rights of investors and ensure the promotion and regulation of the capital markets. The best stock broking houses (such as Brisk Capital Market Services. . 4. A stable democratic political system and an institutionalized legal and regulatory framework. 2. CASH FLOW STATEMENT 5. A wide and diversified industrial base with a long and successful tradition of business and industry. CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZAION 2.000 bank branches. A large pool of highly skilled and English speaking manpower across all branches of humanities.1. FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE ORGANIZATION 3. 3. A strong banking and financial network with necessary regulatory institutionsOver 60. A strong Private sector (Accounting for over 75% of GDP). A wide agricultural base with self-sufficiency in food production. science and technology. 6. 2 national and 20 regional stock exchanges with over 9000 listings. COMPANY ANALYSIS 1. 5. RATIO ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS • • • Online Trading Facility Largest Chain of Retail Share Shops in India 80 years of Experience in securities market . FUNDS FLOW STATEMENT 4. To focus on developing a superior and powerful portal To spread awareness of its Brand Name.• • • • • • Dedicated and responsive workforce/staff Value added service for HNI client Research Center Membership of NSE & BSE Trading option like Future & Option and Commodities Volume based differentiated product. COMPETITIVE POSITION IN THE INDUSTRY Comparative Charges COMPAN Y SERVICE Sharek han UTI ICICI INDIA INFOLI NE ANAN DRAT HI KOTA K HDFC . WEAKNESSES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Less informative website Does not have slab rate brokerage which is provided by competitors Problems due to network crash Unawareness Among Investors OPPORTUNITIES Collaboration with international financial institution To tap the Untapped market To Capture the market lost to its Competitors. THREATS Follow government laws Severe Competition Competitors develops Prolonged depression and high volatility in the market New Entrants. 40% 50 lakh 1Cr=0.50 lakh = 0.75% 10-25 lakh =0.30% 50lakh2Cr =0.10 lakh = 0.50% 25-50 lakh =0.40% 10-20 lakh = 0. ME 500 for FREE HNI 750/100 500 0 No 500 No <25 lakh = 0. 999 transacti LIFETI on / rs.02% of RS.3 5% 1Cr 2Cr = 0.50% flat YES < 1lakh = 0.55% NO <25 lakh =0.25% 20 .25% NO 0.50% 0.30% YES <10 lakh =0.45% 40 -75 lakh = 0.18% .55% 50lakh1Cr=0.S Cash BTST Spot Futures Options IPO's Online On-line Contract Notes Bills and Statements Commodit y Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes no No yes yes yes Yes Yes No yes yes yes Yes No No yes yes yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO No Yes No No No No No No DP Transactio n Charges A/c Opening Brokerage Brokerage Slabs Delivery Charges ACTUA L Yes 0/500/75 499 /749 0 / 1499 Included in the brokerag e 750 No 0.60 lakh = 0.23% Rs 20 > 2 Cr = 0.50% 25-40 lakh =0.40% 10 .70% 20.59% 1-5 lakh =0.36% Above 2Cr = 0.2 Cr = 0.25% YES <10 lakh =0.35% 20.4 5% 2Cr5Cr = 0.20% 0.27% 60 lakh .45% > 2 Cr = >2cr = 0.50 lakh =0.15% Min Brokerage - Rs 15 Rs 25 - Rs 20 5 .20 lakh = 0. and Insurance. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To know the portfolio of an individual.g. Mutual funds. Equity. PROBLEM STATEMENT “Market Behavior Towards Investment of Equity” B.10% Call N Trade FREE - NIL NIL 0.Square Off RS. 25 AFTER 20CAL LS - 0. Postal Savings.10% nil GATE WAY20 VALUE 15 RESEARCH REPORT A. It indicates the investment scenario going on in different segment e. . RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS i. b. FINDINGS QUESIONNAIRE I have prepared questionnaire and taking personal interviews of customers to get information for my project regarding Stock Market. SAMPLING UNIT iii. DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS a. EXPLORATORY b. BIVAIATE AND MULTIVARIATE c. DATA COLLECTION a. Is there any savings at the end of the month? Yes No 2. SAMPLING PROCEDURE ii. OBSERVATION iii. SOURCES OF DATA a. TABULATION b. SECONDARY E. Where do you save/invest your money? . CLASIFICATION. F. UNIVARIATE. TYPES OF RESEARCH a. ii. DESCRIPTIVE D. SCHEDULE c. Mode of contact i. Personal interviews. ANANLYSIS d. SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of research was 100.C. 1. SAMPLING PLAN i. PRIMARY b. QUESTIONNAIRE: I used questionnaire for my project regarding investment in equity. Have you ever heard any complaints regarding Sharekhan Securities? Or its services? Yes No 12. how Sharekhan Securities does differs from the other share . Have you got high returns/profit from it? Yes No 4. Are you aware about the working of the Share and Stock Market? Yes No 5. At which position would you like to put Sharekhan Securities in the market (on the basis of its services) 1 2 3 4 5 11. Are you aware about Sharekhan Securities? Yes No 6. satisfied 10. According to you. Which type of a/c do you have? Offline Online 8. Which type of trading do you do? Intraday Delivery-based 9.• • • • • • • Post and Savings PPF Mutual Funds Pure Gold Stock Market Real Estate Insurance 3. How much are you satisfied with the services provided by Trading Member? Satisfied Highly Satisfied Avg. Do you have your Demat A/C? Yes No 7. Name: ___________________ 15. Age: ____ . if any __________________________________ __________________________________ 14.Broking firms? _________________________________ __________________________________ 13. Address:__________________ 16. Suggestions. . Due to this it gave again birth to the trading of shares where the people having shares would sell their shares to the ones who required it for this a particular space was allotted to them and it was called the share market. Before this period the industries which required more and huge investments were tend to put out there shares as IPO to the general public and the invests were brought into the business there after. This made it more interesting and also attracted more investors to the share market and due to this it gave birth to those firms. India is basically an agricultural country where 70% of people rely on agriculture but though the growing world and increasing markets and penetration of them in the commercial and financial markets gave birth to the share market. Then the GDP and the NNP were also been calculated on the basis of Stocks and shares. which were needed to the share-trading event. which played the role of mediator between the investor and the share holding company and also gave the space and all the necessary requirements.RESULTS AND FINDINGS In the results I can say that many people in the Bardoli region are interested in opening of Offline account rather then opening of online account. Offline Trading .Graphical Presentation Type of Trading Offline 65% Online 35% Online Offline On the basis of Type of Trading: • • • Most of the clients preferred Offline Trading 35%.Online Trading 65%. Sati. . Level On the basis of Satisfaction Level: • • • Around 70% of the clients are Highly Satisfied. Around 19% of the clients are satisfied.Level of Satisfaction 70% 60% 50% 40% Paercentage 30% 20% 10% 0% Satisfied Highly Sati. Avg. Around 11% of the clients are average satisfied. Sati. Type of Transaction 45% Intraday DeliveryBased 55% On the basis of Type of Transaction: • • Delivery-based.45% .55% Intraday. View of Customers for Service 50 40 30 1 2 3 4 5 Percentage 20 10 0 Ranking On the basis of Ranking for Services of Sharekhan: • • • • • Rank 1st – 48% Rank 2nd – 33% Rank 3rd – 10% Rank 4th – 05 % Rank 5th – 04% . RECOMMENDATIONS 1) It should be like that young executives should be given chance to sit at office and the experience candidates are to be send into the market to sale the demat accounts. So that they can make used of their experience and can bring new business easily. The targeted clients should be qualitative rather then the Quantitative one. The strategies of the Tele-calling should be changed according to the Indian culture. OBSEVATIONS SUGGESIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS Following are the recommendation, which helps to the Investors, Brokers and SEBI. 2) 3) Investors Long term Investors should not invest into panic market, which led investors to erode their wealth. Long-term investors should go for frontline stocks, which helps to keep their income regular and steady. Investors should take into consideration various things before investing into scripts such as: 1. Long term growth prospect in company 2. Financial positions of company 3. Liquidity position 4. Dividend policy 5. Past performance of company Brokers Brokers should separate their portfolio from High Net worth Individuals (HNI). Brokers should not exceed their trading limit in terms of upper and lower limit. Brokers should not go for margin trading which results into defalcation to the investors. Brokers should go for margin trading where HNIs are major clients because of reputation working with them to some extent. STRATEGIES: To achieve a goal successfully, one needs to sketch a perfect roadmap or adopt a strategy to the destination and also need to follow the path strictly. The strategies applied to achieve the above-mentioned targets are as follows: Door-to-Door selling. Tele-calling. Canopy Through friends, relatives and the references given by the Company. In OJT I have to learn the different methods of convincing people to open up Demat Account by the company. In India We all are known that we are investing our money in the market where we are not getting sufficient return on our money because we don’t know how we will get more return. After Joining Sharekhan I come to know how we can get more return and secured our life. Now I will suggest my customer that to purchase company’s products which will gives you investment plan where you will get higher return on your investment. LIMITATIONS 1. I was facing many problems like Customers were asking me why we should invest our Money in Share Market when I was trying to sell them Demat Accounts. When I had conducted one survey of the Customers that why they don’t want to invest their money in the equity market then I come to know that they are Scared of getting their money in loss. I had also faced one surprising problem is that because of barred market from last 20 days or so, the customers are not ready to listen a single word for also opening up of the demat accounts of the company. Sometimes we cannot clarify the doubts of customers satisfactorily The customers are not ready to invest their money in share market frequent fluctuations. because of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Some customers find the charges are higher of India Infoline. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY/ REFERENCES Magazines 1. Business week 2. Frontline 3. Business world News papers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Business standard Business line Financial express Economic times Times of India Websites 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. despite finance minister P Chidambaram himself saying he would be worried if the market touched 8. Many thought the fouryear cycle was in play in October 2005. .200 points. The markets gained steam. the markets plunged and it took over three years till 1996 for the market to touch another lifetime high. India has been witness to a four-year up and down cycle in the stock markets. then. had liberalized the capital market for easier entry of foreign institutional investors. The markets touched 8k. the markets dropped again significantly.CONCLUSION In the Conclusion. I would like to say that I have successfully completed 6 weeks of SIP in Sharekhan Limited. when the Sensex dropped about 1. Incidentally. I have also found that most of the people in the market are confused for whether to open up Demat Account or to invest their money in any other Investment Schemes. Since 1992. the markets peaked in 1992 with Big Bull Harshad Mehta as a key operator. But for one major correction in October 2005. who was finance minister.000. In the market I have observed that people are required to get Convince more and more to the extent of their satisfaction. crossed 10k and are close to 14k now. Since the Black Monday crash. After this. Man Mohan Singh. which swept markets across the globe. the market has only risen. To give some background. the markets have only seen a sustained upswing. but were proven wrong. After the scam broke out. What is surprising though is that the Dalal Street has bucked the trend this time around. the Indian markets have peaked every fourth year and then dropped 35-45% during the next three years. except for occasional blips. before we saw the technology boom of 2000. The technology bubble burst and the crash followed. Capital spending 6. Government policy toward foreign firms 8. 15. Crude oil prices 3. a well-distributed rainfall will boost agro growth. which in turn will help sustain the economic growth momentum. Strong manufacturing output growth may be there Sensex may trade between 13000-17000 levels. Inflation data Predictions for next 6 to 12 months • • • • • • • • • • Outstanding financial performance is anticipated from cement. Rising interest rates and raw material prices will slow down earning’s growth Progress of monsoon.Major factors. Capital goods industry may be benefited due to high future demand of machinery and construction equipment demand from real estate sector. Quarters 1 result is expected to be strong. Foreign institutional investors (FII) withdrawals 11. US economic growth 2. Equity supply 7. It will take cues from global and Asian markets. Steel sectors may emerge as profitable sector for investment FMCG sectors will be most benefited with in few months. are as follows1. Tax circular regarding transaction tax to FII. which may lead stock markets up. Rising crude oil may erode oil companies. Indian industry growth 13. IT sectors. US Fed interest rates 12. Politics 9. . Emerging market valuations 4. FII may erode market capitalization due to high expectations of global interest rates. Foreign direct investment (FDI) 5. Domestic risk 10. Budget and finance bill 14. which have contributed to fall & rise of SENSEX & NIFTY.


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