AMD Graphics Guide | Rampage Dev | Page 10

June 23, 2018 | Author: Daniel | Category: Hdmi, Graphics Processing Unit, Booting, Computer Architecture, Personal Computers
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RAMPAGE DEV !MENU AMD GRAPHICS GUIDE Section 9: Framebuffer Personality Editing Part 1: Introduction The following section will show how to edit Framebuffer Personality to allow for all ports on ATI and AMD Graphics Cards under Mac OS X to be enabled. Use the appropriate Framebuffer from the Generation of Graphics Card being used. Please reference the Framebuffer in the appropriate section above. Part 2A: ATI/AMD Graphics Card ROM From Windows 1. Boot into Windows. 2. Download GPU-Z here. 3. Open GPU-Z. 4. The following screen should appear: ?w=640″ alt=”screen1″ width=”390″ height=”458″ /> 5. Locate BIOS Version: ?w=640″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.39.17 AM” width=”362″ height=”32″ /> 6. Click on the ROM icon to dump the ATI/AMD ROM and save the ROM to a Flash Drive. 7. Reboot back into Mac OS X. Part 2B: ATI/AMD Graphics Card ROM From DOS Bootable Drive 1. Download FreeDOS Boot ISO here or follow this guide here. 2. Restore the ISO to a flash drive using disk utilities. 3. Download ATIFlash here. 4. Place ATIFlash onto the usb drive. 5. Restart your system and boot into the flash drive. 6. Once it is loaded type in the following: atiflash -s 0 myrom.rom 20000 7. Press Enter. 8. Reboot back into Mac OS X. Part 3: Graphics Card ROM Output 1. Download Redsock BIOS Decoder here. 2. Open Terminal: ?w=166&h=194″ alt=”Screen Shot 9-10-12 at 1.10.01 AM” width=”83″ height=”97″ /> 3. The following screen should appear: ?w=1168&h=134″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.08.37 AM” width=”584″ height=”67″ /> 4. Drag Redsock BIOS Decoder into Terminal: ?w=640″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.18.36 AM” width=”581″ height=”71″ /> 5. Type in < into terminal: ?w=640″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.21.41 AM” width=”585″ height=”74″ /> 6. Drag your ATI/AMD ROM into terminal: ?w=640″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.23.01 AM” width=”581″ height=”72″ /> 7. Press Enter. 8. The following is one example of the output: ?w=1280&h=610″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.23.50 AM” width=”640″ height=”305″ /> 9. Open TextEdit: ?w=172&h=196″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 12.12.37 AM” width=”86″ height=”98″ /> 8. Copy the output into the Document. 9. Copy the Framebuffer to be edited into the Document. Part 4: Framebuffer Personality Structure 1. Using Personality Gibba we have the following: Personality: Gibba ConnectorInfo count in decimal: 5 Disk offset in decimal 179984 0000000 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 05 01 0000010 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 22 05 04 02 0000020 00 08 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 02 06 04 Then take last two lines and break it down into two equal parts respectively: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 05 01 5. Then once more take last two lines and break it down into two equal parts respectively: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 . 0000030 00 02 00 00 14 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 03 05 0000040 04 00 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 02 01 03 0000050 2. Break it down into four equal parts: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 05 01 4. Taking Port 0000000 we have the following: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 05 01 3. The following is what each part in step 5 is: Connector Type* 00 04 00 00 ATY.ControlFlags** 04 03 00 00 Features** 00 01 Unknown* 00 00 Transmitter* 12 Encoder* 04 Hotplug ID* 05 Sense ID** 01 * Value Must Be As Accurate As Possible **Incorrect Value Results In Broken Personality Part 5: Decoding Graphic Card ROM Output 1. 05 01 6. Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Connector Types: Connector Type LVDS 0×00000002 = 02 00 00 00 Note: Laptop Monitor Connector Type DVIDL 0×00000004 = 04 00 00 00 Note: Dual Link DVI Connector Type VGA 0×00000010 = 10 00 00 00 Connector Type S-V 0×00000080 = 08 00 00 00 Connector Type DP 0×00000400 = 00 04 00 00 Connector Type HDMI 0×00000800 = 00 08 00 00 Connector Type DVISL 0×00000200 = 00 02 00 00 Note: Single Link DVI . 0×0604. 0×0304. and 0×214 0×0010 : VGA ControlFlag : 0×0010 0×0080 : S-Video ControlFlag : 0×0002 0×0200 : DVI ControlFlag : 0×0014.ControlFlags: 0×0002 : LVDS ControlFlag : 0×0040 and 0×0100 0×0004 : DVI ControlFlag : 0×0016. 0×0104. 0×0014. and 0×0400 0×0800 : HDMI ControlFlag : 0×0200 0×1000 : DVI ControlFlag : 0×0016 Note: Different Values My Need To Be Tested Until One Is Found That Works For The Connector Example Connectors from the Example ATI/AMD ROM Output in the order given is as follows: . 0×0214. Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output ATY. and 0×0204 0×0400 : DisplayPort ControlFlag : 0×0100. Example Connectors from the Example ATI/AMD ROM Output in the order given is as follows: Connector Type DP 00 04 00 00 Connector Type DP 00 04 00 00 Connector Type HDMI 00 08 00 00 Connector Type DVIDL 04 00 00 00 Note: Dual Link DVI Connector Type DVISL 00 02 00 00 Note: Single Link DVI Connector Type DVISL 00 02 00 00 Note: Single Link DVI Open TextEdit and do the same 2. Connector Type DP 04 03 00 00 Connector Type DP 04 03 00 00 Connector Type HDMI 04 02 00 00 Connector Type DVIDL 14 02 00 00 Connector Type_DVISL 04 02 00 00 Connector Type_DVISL 04 02 00 00 Open TextEdit and do the same 3. Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Features: First Value: Use Internal* 0×01 = 01 Use RGB On YUV 0×04 = 04 Use Backlight* 0×08 = 08 Backlight Inverted 0×10 = 10 Use Clamshell 0×20 = 20 Second Value: 0×0002 : LVDS* 0×09 = 09 0×0004 : DVI 0×00 = 00 0×0010 : VGA 0×00 = 00 0×0080 : S-Video 0×04 = 04 0×0200 : DVI 0×00 = 00 0×0400 : DisplayPort 0×00 = 00 0×0800 : HDMI 0×00 = 00 0×1000 : DVI 0×00 = 00 * For A Laptop Use 0×01 and 0×08 to equal 0×09 Example Connectors from the Example ATI/AMD ROM Output in the order given is as follows: Connector Type DP 00 01 Connector Type DP 00 01 . Connector Type HDMI 00 01 Connector Type DVIDL 00 01 Connector Type_DVISL 00 01 Connector Type_DVISL 00 01 Open TextEdit and do the same 4. Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Unknown: Note: Nothing To Change At This Time Connector Type DP 00 00 Connector Type DP 00 00 Connector Type HDMI 00 00 Connector Type DVIDL 00 00 Connector Type_DVISL 00 00 Connector Type_DVISL 00 00 5. Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Transmitter: UNIPHY 0×00 = 00 UNIPHY1 0×01 = 01 UNIPHY2 0×02 = 02 DUALLINK 0×00 = 00 = LINKA + LINKB LINKA 0×10 = 10 LINKB 0×20 = 20 UNIPHYA 0×10 = 10 = UNIPHY:LINKA UNIPHYB 0×20 = 20 = UNIPHY:LINKB UNIPHYAB 0×00 = 00 = UNIPHY:DUALLINK UNIPHYC 0×11 = 11 = UNIPHY1:LINKA UNIPHYD 0×21 = 21 = UNIPHY1:LINKB . Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Encoder: DIG1 0×00 = 00 = DIGA DIG2 0×01 = 01 = DIGB DIG3 0×02 = 02 = DIGC Radeon HD 5XXX Series and Newer DIG4 0×03 = 03 = DIGD Radeon HD 5XXX Series and Newer DIG5 0×04 = 04 = DIGE Radeon HD 5XXX Series and Newer DIG6 0×05 = 05 = DIGF Radeon HD 5XXX Series and Newer DAC 0×10 = 10 . UNIPHYCD 0×01 = 01 = UNIPHY1:DUALLINK UNIPHYE 0×12 = 12 = UNIPHY2:LINKA UNIPHYF 0×22 = 22 = UNIPHY2:LINKB UNIPHYEF 0×02 = 02 = UNIPHY2:DUALLINK DACA 0×00 = 00 DACB 0×10 = 10 Note: These Values Are Provided In The ATI/AMD ROM Output Example Connectors from the Example ATI/AMD ROM Output in the order given is as followed: Connector Type DP 12 Connector Type DP 22 Connector Type HDMI 11 Connector Type DVIDL 11 Connector Type_DVISL 10 Connector Type_DVISL 00 6. Now combining all the information that was gathered in Part 5 into a string for each port in the Framebuffer . Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Hotplug ID: Note This Is A Unique ID Number For Each Port Start With 01 then 02…. Note These Values Are Provided In The ATI/AMD ROM Output Example Connectors from the Example ATI/AMD ROM Output in the order given is as followed: Connector Type DP 04 Connector Type DP 05 Connector Type HDMI 02 Connector Type DVIDL 02 Connector Type_DVISL 00 Connector Type_DVISL 10 8. Connectors from the Example ATI/AMD ROM Output in the order given is as follows: Connector Type DP 01 Connector Type DP 02 Connector Type HDMI 03 Connector Type DVIDL 04 Connector Type_DVISL 05 Connector Type_DVISL 06 7. Decode the ATI/AMD ROM Output Sense ID: Will Add Soon Part 6: Complete Modified Framebuffer Personality 1. The following screen will appear: ?w=1280&h=812″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 2. Go to the following location: ATIXXXXController.18 AM” width=”640″ height=”405″ /> 4. 2.03 AM” width=”91″ height=”90″ /> 3. Open Hex Edit: ?w=182&h=180″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 2.2. Example of a Final Output: 0000000 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 01 01 0000010 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 22 05 02 02 0000020 00 08 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 02 03 04 0000030 04 00 00 00 14 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 05 04 05 0000040 00 02 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 10 00 05 03 0000050 00 02 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 06 03 0000060 Part 7: Kext Patching 1.54.48. Open: . Download Hex Edit Here.kext/Contents/MacOS/ 5. The following screen will appear: ?w=640″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 2.59. Paste in the first line of the Original Framebuffer in the Find box: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 05 01 9. ATIXXXXController 6. 11. Open the Find & Replace Menu: ?w=640″ alt=”Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . Paste in the first line of the New Framebuffer in the Replace with: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 12 04 01 01 10. Reinstall the ATIXXXXController. Do this until all the Original Framebuffers are replaced.43 AM” width=”460″ height=”148″ /> 8.58.kext with Kext Helper B7.21 AM” width=”214″ height=”135″ /> 7. 0/rom <. 2015 at 3:56 pm M using ROM for my AMD Radeon HD 7650m from internet resources. Is VBios ROM device specific ! Also m having Gradient Issue ! Fully Confused. Resolution- . is it ok coz I’ve tried GPU-Z. i can see rom in Ubuntu 14.DPCI Manager but no luck. only wanted to know if its ok to use someone ROM(same device) or it will cause problem to my graphics card.DarwinDumper.01 (Live USB)! ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ find /sys/devices -name “rom” /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:02: 00.0/rom <.5GHz. M getting Full QE/CI.183 Comments on "AMD Graphics Guide" SiddRamesh February 5.this is VBios ROM (65kb) only need to copy ! Ive used Sudo but no luck ! But y does ubuntu is giving I/O error ! My Signature TYPE: Sony VAIO E Series (2012) MODEL: SVE15127CNB PROCESSOR: Ivy Bridge Core i5-3210M 2.0/0000:01: 00.this is Bios (131kb) /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.Turbo-Boost to 3. AIDA64.1GHz Chipset: Intel HM76 Express Chipset VIDEO: AMD Radeon HD 7650M. 10. 2015 at 6:21 pm You can use another ROM for the GPU as Long as it is the same Model.1366 x 768 AUDIO: Intel HD ETHERNET: Picked up as Realtek 8168E WIRELESS: Atheros AR9485 (WiFi/Bluetooth combo) (Bluetooth detected on the card only) OS X Yosemite(10. REPLY SiddRamesh July 2.2) Installed Method UEFI with Clover(Bootloader- 3142).024 BIOS Bootup Message: Sony/Wistron Z50CR ThamesPro DDR3 PCI ID: 1002:6841 Connector at index 0 Type [@offset 16006]: LVDS (7) . 2015 at 2:03 pm Can u make ATI personality for my VBios. Ive tried but few thing is hard to understand AMD Radeon HD 7650M ATOM BIOS Rom: SubsystemVendorID: 0x104d SubsystemID: 0x908a IOBaseAddress: 0x0000 Filename: BR41199. REPLY Andrew Kern February 5. OSX senseid: 0x8 REPLY SiddRamesh February 6. 2015 at 11:31 am SO if i use the clover bootloader ati injection then i would not need the dsdt injection ? i have clover boot loader and my card is amd 7970 GHZ 3Gb. i can run 3d . but i think the gpu is not fully utilizing. Encoder [@offset 16010]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY (0x1e) i2cid [@offset 16080]: 0x96. 2015 at 6:42 am Thanks a lot Kern for clearing doubt Is der any PM Method for GPU(AMD Radeon HD 7650M) n Also the ROM m using is 61kb(from net) n one in ubuntu(my sys) is 65kb ! will it make ny diff ! REPLY Imtiaz Evan February info shows 7xxx 3Gb. OSX senseid: 0x7 Connector at index 1 Type [@offset 16016]: HDMI-A (11) Encoder [@offset 16020]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (0x20) i2cid [@offset 16103]: 0x90.. OSX senseid: 0x1 Connector at index 2 Type [@offset 16026]: VGA (1) Encoder [@offset 16030]: INTERNAL_KLDSCP_DAC1 (0x15) i2cid [@offset 16130]: 0x97.. 2015 at 10:25 am I followed these steps closely but i cant get radeon 5450 HD to display on two monitor (Dvi + vga ) i just have one of those and Hdmi port . REPLY San February 22..apps like uniengine but still feels laggy. 2015 at 12:01 pm You do not Need injection for that Generation after 10. i am very new to hackintosh and also quite confused. But ineed vga + dvi so badly . 2015 at 1:38 pm Modded Framebuffer.8. You have fully functioning graphics if you see the Ram ammount. any ideas ? REPLY Andrew Kern February 22. Only some Cards from that Generation Need injection. REPLY Andrew Kern February 20.3. any help how i can enable full QE/CI for my card. REPLY .. Long Pham February 26. The card is being read properly except the RAM . I am having issues getting it to work properly. REPLY Jlowery February 26. REPLY Jlowery February 26. I have a successful boot. 2015 at 8:11 pm I have an update. 2015 at 12:23 am Sir… Can i use this guide with AMD Radeon 6530D ? Thanks… REPLY Andrew Kern February 26. 2015 at 5:57 pm AMD HD 6970 = 0x67181002 This is my video card. I get a white screen when I install it. I have Clover installed as my boot loader and have checked the ATI Injection but it still only gives a white screen. 2015 at 3:57 pm Yes. 2015 at 3:26 pm Thats something you have to test and find out. REPLY Jlowery February 27. Any tips? REPLY Andrew Kern February 26. 2015 at 1:47 am I mean a specific compatible Framebuffer for my gpu. In -X it shows the GPU correctly and shows the RAM correctly but obviously will not run properly under SafeMode. 2015 at 1:03 am So there is no Framebuffer for my gpu then? REPLY Jlowery February 27. REPLY Andrew Kern February 27. 2015 at 9:21 pm Will not work on a Hack. amount is only showing 5MB. . REPLY FrenchKickx March 11.Nothing I can do on my end. 2015 at 11:57 pm Hello. Here is a dump of a Gigabyte HD6970OC 2GB Subsystem Vendor ID: 1458 Subsystem ID: 2201 Object Header Structure Size: 372 Connector Object Table Offset: 48 Router Object Table Offset: 0 Encoder Object Table Offset: 118 Display Path Table Offset: 12 Connector Object Id [19] which is [DISPLAY_PORT] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x12 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x4)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [12] which is [HDMI_TYPE_A] encoder obj id [0x20] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (osx txmit 0x11 [duallink 0x1] enc 0x2)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [3] which is [DVI_D] encoder obj id [0x20] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (osx txmit 0x11 [duallink 0x1] enc 0x2)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [2] which is [DVI_I] encoder obj id [0x1e] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY (osx txmit 0x10 [duallink 0x0] enc 0x0)] linkb: false . . LaMore March 12. knowing that a display port too? REPLY Andrew Kern March 12. 2015 at 3:16 pm Hi. Connector Object Id [2] which is [DVI_I] encoder obj id [0x15] which is [INTERNAL_KLDSCP_DAC1 (osx txmit 0x00 enc 0x10?)] linkb: false Is that by using the framebuffer Gibba it would be possible to make it work. I have an XFX R9 270. You stated at the top of the page that Sapphire and XFX card’s BIOS are natively unsupported. You use the ROM Loading Features of the Boot Loader. What do I need to flash it with? Thanks REPLY Andrew Kern March 12. Will never work. 2015 at 12:49 am Unsupported. 2015 at 3:18 pm You do not Flash the Card. 2015 at 4:57 pm I don’t understand the Part 5 patches for the AMD 270 – could you or anyone else help please? What is supposed to be done with this information? Andrew Kern March 12. 2015 at 3:20 pm Oh ok. 2015 at 5:04 pm This is a Framebuffer patch.REPLY LaMore March 12. you do not Need to use the FB if you do not have a issue when one is not loaded. See Framebuffer Editing for more info on how the patch was made and how to apply the patch. so the card will stay safe then? And the ROM loading features are within Clover? Would that just be the ‘ATI=True’ flag? Thanks REPLY LaMore March 12. That said. IE when proper GPU and ROM is used. . 1 and I use chameleon bootloader. 2015 at 5:03 pm .10. 2015 at 4:16 pm What might happen if I use a fake id of HD6950 for HD6970? REPLY Andrew Kern March 12. No matter how you look at it the Card will never work.FrenchKickx March 12. but I can only boot with -x boot flag so I don’t have QE/CI. Buy a new Card that is supported. 2015 at 5:01 pm I have an AMD Radeon HD 6570 card. REPLY Giacomo Poggi March 12. 2015 at 5:05 pm Again. i just installed yosemite 10. Will never work. Is it a problem of my AMD6000controller kext? Do i need to fix it? Or do I need to look at different kernels? Thank you REPLY Andrew Kern March 12. Not supported. REPLY Giacomo Poggi March eNxbQ8dkIwcDlxbGJDWEE/view? usp=sharing Thank you in advance. I’m trying to follow your . Seems my post disappeared. Test others. 2015 at 11:29 pm I did. REPLY Giacomo Poggi March 13. Post a IOREG. 2015 at 6:23 pm Good morning.You Need a Framebuffer loaded. 2015 at 7:34 pm Please can you tell me something about my problem? I’ve posted an IOREG as you suggested REPLY Andrew Kern March 16. Giacomo Poggi March 2015 at 9:35 am This is my IOREG: https://drive. You have a Framebuffer loaded but it may be the wrong one. and took as example the “Ipomoea” framebuffer. that you can find here: – radeon_bios_decode: page_id=82&page=10 I don’t have any working port so I focused only on one port (the DVID one).com/file/d/0B5Y-N- eNxbQ8QlJHbEx4b1BPNDA/view? usp=sharing Any help is appreciated Thank you so far Giacomo Poggi March 18. 2015 at 2:09 pm i tried all the framebuffer for amd radeon 6xxx series but i always end up with a glitched black screen with only the cursor working REPLY .com/file/d/0B5Y-N- eNxbQ8TDlfN1I2MHZLQWs/view? usp=sharing – redsock_bios_decode: eNxbQ8dUFMRUc4NDZ0alk/view? usp=sharing I’ve based my results on the decoding of the bios. here: http://www. Can you please give a look at what I’ve made? These are my results: guide to edit the personalities. Nothing changed. Do you think I have to edit my own personality? Andrew Kern March 25. Which framebuffer choose to modify? Since I don’t have a fb that loads the system well.Andrew Kern March 18. 2015 at 8:11 pm Test each one. 2015 at 1:26 pm I’m reading your great guide about modify the personality. what should i go for? Andrew Kern March 25. 2015 at 3:53 pm Make sure to test EACH port when testing EACH FB. Giacomo Poggi March 24. 2015 at 3:18 pm I tried each framebuffer with each port i have. but i have a doubt. HDMI and vga ports evn worse than with DVI. 2015 at 3:57 am Yes Giacomo Poggi March 25. See what ports work for each one then based on that use the code… . I may say it’s not even viewable. Playing videos and watching videos on the internet seems fine though.? Which is the maximum numer of ports tha i . I have HD 6370M running on ProBook 4421s. Every time I open an image file with Preview the image gets distorted. 2015 at 10:40 pm Can you tell me more about it? I’m not really into this. I thought everything was fine but it turned out there’s still this thing. Etc. I tried each frambuffer booting like this: AtiConfig=”Gibba” Are you suggesting to try each framebuffer with atiports bootflag? So for example: AtiConfig=”Gibba” AtiPorts=0 AtiConfig=”Gibba” AtiPorts=1 AtiConfig=”Gibba” AtiPorts=2 Etc. I used EDID injection to boot.Alex March 16. 2015 at 12:21 pm Hello. Do you have any idea on this issue? REPLY Andrew Kern March 16. But that only happens when displaying image using Preview. 2015 at 4:10 pm Can you take a screen shot of the issue? REPLY Giacomo Poggi March 18. Best regards REPLY Andrew Kern March 19. 2015 at 10:08 am Yes.imgur. REPLY Andrew Kern March 2015 at 10:35 pm . REPLY applehacker March 19. Just the Fb. REPLY Giacomo Poggi March 19. 2015 at 10:10 am No.png I am currently plugged into the white one (DVI?). 2015 at 7:56 am Or do yu mean that I should try the framebuffer with everyport I have in my card? So3 times for every fb? This is the retro of my card: http://i.should try? Should i also add the GraphicsEnabler=Yes bootflag? And/or any other bootflag? Thank you for your kind help. I did make some progress though. REPLY Andrew Kern March 22. it activates the laptop internal LVDS screen. If I plug in my HDMI cord to my TV. 2015 at 12:31 pm Works OOB without a Framebuffer loaded. 2015 at 11:24 am Keep modding the FB. What can I do to fix this? I have two 7970M btw. If no HDMI. REPLY comrad8g6 March 22. it remains black screen. 2015 at 4:54 am . using a modded Buri frame buffer.I couldn’t get _OFF to work because that scope is inaccessible from crossfire mode. REPLY Andrew Kern March 20. 2015 at 1:08 am Hey guys does any one know if Asus R9 280x Direct CU II work OOB with clover on Yosemite or will i need to do the Framebufer inject to get all ports working I’m trying to drive 3 27′ monitors. REPLY Comrad8g6 March 25. I am in trouble with my HDMI audio. under OSX 10.10. My specs: Intel Core i5 3570T Zotac H77-itx-a-e Sapphire HD7770 Ghz OC edition I patched AMD7000Controller using clover: From Dashimaki (4) @ 0x19cc60 DP. Yes it loads exept i cannot get 3 monitors working one hdmi one dvi-d and third display port with active adaptor to dvi-d. DDVI. DP.2) to 00040000040300000001010112040102 00040000040300000001020022050205 . any thoughts? REPLY RobinQu March 28. 2015 at 8:17 am Hi. HDMI 00040000040300000001010112040202 00040000040300000001020022050305 04000000140200000001030100000404 00080000040200000001040011020101 (dumped from my own machine. the screen is totally not showing anything after clover boot screen. 2015 at 2:05 pm FB is not to blame here. With other FBName.04000000140200000001030110000404 00080000040200000001040011020301 Only after the machines goes to sleep and wake up. I’m currently using an AMD R7 265. Please re-install the combo update for your os version. REPLY Doldo April 1. Now please tell me how you are patching the acpi tables for hdmi. 2015 at 9:26 pm No. this has nothing to do with your Gpu. How did you patch for HDMI Audio? REPLY Andrew Kern March 28. What did I miss? REPLY Andrew Kern March 28. I did . 2015 at 8:03 pm Hi!. Then repatch audio for only the audio codec. the HDMI (video+audio) will be working. Thanks. John REPLY Andrew Kern April 16. REPLY Andrew Kern April 1. Winbond sequence ID=0xffff [AGPM Controller] unknownPlatform IOPPF: XCPM mode PlatformShim:SendPStates – Success PlatformShim:SendPStates – Success PlatformShim:SendPStates – Success” Any help is appreciated. REPLY John April 16. 2015 at 8:07 pm 7000 series and you may have to add your Device ID to the SSDT/DSDT injection.some research and found that R7 265 is actually a HD7850 rebranded. Which method should i use? Thanks in advance. 2015 at 4:11 am I just installed a R9 280 graphic card and my system is getting stuck on a black screen with the following message at the end “Super IODevice: [Fatal] found unsupported chips! ITE sequence ID=0x8X8620. 2015 at 10:50 am . ” I have a XFX R9 280. how can I turn injection off? Thanks. Thanks. 2015 at 10:59 pm Set it in the Clover config. REPLY John April 16. John REPLY Andrew Kern April 16.Make sure injection is turned “Off” and then try to boot. I turned injection off and it’s still getting stuck on black screen with the following message on the last line “[ALXEthernet] Enabling multicast mode. John Andrew Kern . 2015 at 10:28 pm Andrew. 2015 at 8:04 pm Hi Andrew. Any suggestion is appreciated. John April 18. Opposite of the Guide. Other ports. I tried to edit the personalities my self. Never buy from them again. it only works with the DVI-Dual Link Port together with Clover and ATI=true FB=Futomaki. Xfx cards are horrid. but it turned out that i got the white screen and black screen issue and i don´t have a integrated Graphic Card (Intel Core i5 750). This is what bios Decoder says: 21920C08. since 10.S4B: Tahiti B0 CR PRO C38602 GDDR5 3GB 500e/150m Subsystem Vendor ID: 174b Subsystem ID: 3000 Object Header Structure Size: 453 Connector Object Table Offset: 52 Router Object Table Offset: 0 Encoder Object Table Offset: 145 Display Path Table Offset: 12 Connector Object Id [19] which is [DISPLAY_PORT] encoder obj id [0x20] which is . Use a ASUS rim and load using clover. ToDD April 16. 2015 at 12:55 pm My exact Graphics Card is a “Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 OC FLEX With BOOST” and i bought this card because i was told this will work OOB. FB or Bootloader don´t work at all.9 the Card works just fine the only Problem is. 2015 at 5:11 pm Xfx cards need a different rom. but with no luck no ports working. April 19. I have a 7950 . What do you think? can i make this Card working? what do i have to do?.[INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (osx txmit 0x21 [duallink 0x1] enc 0x3)] linkb: true Connector Object Id [19] which is [DISPLAY_PORT] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x12 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x4)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [19] which is [DISPLAY_PORT] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x22 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x5)] linkb: true Connector Object Id [12] which is [HDMI_TYPE_A] encoder obj id [0x20] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (osx txmit 0x11 [duallink 0x1] enc 0x2)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [2] which is [DVI_I] encoder obj id [0x1e] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY (osx txmit 0x10 [duallink 0x0] enc 0x0)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [2] which is [DVI_I] encoder obj id [0x15] which is [INTERNAL_KLDSCP_DAC1 (osx txmit 0x00 enc 0x10?)] linkb: false But i only have 2 Display Ports 1 HDMI and 2 DVI (one Dual-Link) but why 3 Display Ports. REPLY Andrew Kern April 16. its a bit confusing. 2015 at 2:11 pm You do not Need a FB Loaded. Enjoy. Some GPU’s still Need it but most of the newer Cards do not.5 and its now supported? and why do i not need a FB i thought it is important to make a card work? REPLY Andrew Kern April 16. I’m going to return my Xfx card. 2015 at 3:30 am Andrew. REPLY ToDD April 16. REPLY John April 20. John REPLY . 2015 at 3:53 pm Apple added some generic Support. Which AMD and Nvidia card manufacturers do you recommend? Thanks.9. 2015 at 3:37 pm WOW dude thx it really works!!! why didn’t it work before? is it that i just updated 10. and works fine. Andrew Kern April 20, 2015 at 3:38 am For AMD GPU’s Sapphire and for Nvidia PNY and EVGA. Best to buy a Nvidia GPU this time around. Better support. REPLY John April 21, 2015 at 1:08 am Andrew, I’m planning to use my system for Video editing with Final Cut Pro. Which graphic card model do you recommend? Thanks, John REPLY Andrew Kern April 21, 2015 at 7:05 pm Asus 280X if you want AMD (4 year old GPU). I would get a GTX 960 or higher (1/4 year old GPU). See the logic here. Zaff April 27, 2015 at 10:05 pm Hello I just wondering if I can install AMD Firepro W5100 on my hackintosh? I really hope you can reply. REPLY Andrew Kern April 27, 2015 at 10:54 pm That GPU has been troublesome. REPLY iamthekey April 28, 2015 at 4:14 am Hello, what i need to run r290x? Thanks REPLY DrLips May 13, 2015 at 10:50 am you need to boot clover with 290x on 10.10.1 at least i believe with -v ATI=true GraphicsEnabler=Yes etc….then follow the steps in the guide. you patch the system in clover do no select ATI Injection BOX! works with it OFF! REPLY Andrew Kern May 13, 2015 at 12:39 pm A litte more to it then that. REPLY Lucas May 22, 2015 at 1:52 pm Dear Rampage, Your guides have been very helpful while doing my first hackintosh attempt. Thanks for your efforts, guides and for sharing your knowledge! My system is composed by Asus P6T motherboard (No delux, no SE, just P6T) Bios Version 1408, I7 920 (not overclocked), GPU: XFX Radeon HD7750 1 SSD & 2 HDD SATA. I took my 320GB disk and used it to install Yosemite 10.10.3 with Chimera . After some research I got audio, network, etc. working. I extracted the DSDT from windows, added some kexts for audio and network and voilá! The only issue I have is with the GPU. I cannot get full acceleration. I followed your guide, installed kext/drivers, injected the code into DSDT (no errors). After the injection, my card is recognized as HD7750 but with 7MB memory, when it actually has 1GB. I have tried every framebuffer personality there is, I changed my device ID (0683f) code as first in AMD7000Controller.Kext’s plist and on AMDRAdeonX4000.kext, but I’m still unable to get acceleration. I can get 1920×1080 resolution, but the resolution without the acceleration is nothing. Is there anything you’d suggest I do in order to get the card working properly? Thanks! REPLY Andrew Kern May 22, 2015 at 6:29 pm Change the is via the SSDT/DSDT edit. REPLY Lucas May 23, 2015 at 10:55 am Thanks for your reply, Andrew. Do you mean to change de ID via ssdt/dsdt? If so, I’ve done that already. I’m trying to attach my DSDT here, but can’t find a way to do it. Thanks again! REPLY Andrew Kern May 23, 2015 at 12:06 pm Then roll back the kexts you modded. Not needed. golfleep May 26, 2015 at 12:22 am Andrew – I have dual Sapphire Vapor-X R9 280x installed and they are working great, other than a port issue. When I tried to hook up a second monitor today, I realized that none of the other but rather AMD Radeon 7xxx is displayed (the memory displayed is correct. but I guess not! What would be the best approach to troubleshoot at this point? Do I need to try out the various frame buffers you have listed in your AMD guide? Board is ga-z97x-ud7 th REPLY Andrew Kern May 26. 2015 at 8:06 pm Thanks for you reply.display ports were functional (DisplayPort. HDMI. only the single-link DVI (which is what I had been using) is functional. REPLY golfeep June 8. but have not yet successfully gotten all the ports on the cards to work. 2015 at 12:51 am You may need to use a FB to enable these functions. however). I played around with various framebuffers and with editing the personalities that worked the best. I had thought these cards worked OOB. Are there any . dual-link DVI). When I turn off ATI injection. The only thing I’ve noticed is that the proper card is no longer displayed. all ports work and I have not yet been able to detect any issues in terms of graphics acceleration and performance. other than by turning off ATI injection completely. I installed Yosemite 10. Isn’t it.3.3.2 applied this method (Patched-DSDT & Patched AMD6000Controller. 2015 at 3:44 pm You do not need a FB in newer versions of OS X with newer GPUS. issues with not using a framebuffer. and used the same DSDT with updated(patched new) kext but despite the DSDT the kext is not active at all.9. Actually i applied same method to 10. 2015 at 11:12 pm . Detailed answer/answers much appreciated.4 but same results i got.9.10. Mehmet Filiz May 28.kext) = iphomea and its working good AMD 6650M 1GB However.9. Normally it is supposed to work. 10. 2015 at 8:07 pm For the Mavericks 10. REPLY Andrew Kern May 29. or something I should be looking for in particular in terms of performance issues? REPLY Andrew Kern June 13. Then installed some kexts (old version 1. Not sure.kextinstalled the original and editex kexts and IT WORKED! Full acceleration. I didn’t have to inject the code to DSDT. I made a clean Yosemite install. After normal restart I edited the original AMDRadeonX4000. Just a quick note to let you guys know how I solved my issue with XFX Radeon HD7750. Restarted with - x.20. REPLY Lucas June 1. something) I found on the web and this allowed me to start my hackintosh ok but without accelleration. Copied the original Kexts for AMD7000Controller and AMDRadeonX4000 kexts installed with fresh Yosemite to the desktop. full 1920×1080 resolution and no mouse lag! I have my doubts about the procedure. 2015 at 1:33 pm Hello. As it turned out. 2015 at 5:06 am I am currently using Mavericks with (patched dsdt + patched 6000 controller kext) and the gpu performance is %95 compared to windows . Post a IOREG. but it worked for me and thought it might help somebody! REPLY Mehmet Filiz June 2. my Bios Seetings in Gigabyte-UEFI Dual Bios Bios Version: F6 VTD. This is a very slow process. motherboard or cpu has the problem. I literally killed my notebook by the stress of shutting down and booting up cycles over thousand times for test purposes of course.disable Boot mode: UEFI and legacy Initial display: Pcie 1 i use this boot flag to -v -x but i did not use it and just boot in the hdd i just get weird screen glitches. but when i reboot with the usb installer i can go to the hdd and use boot flag -x -v and i can enter yosemite. if i remove the usb installer and reboot its start to load but after that i get a glitch (checkered) screen with rainbow circle running. 2015 at 2:07 pm I was successful installing yosemite in hdd. . Please help im not sure if its my graphic card.. REPLY Nuri June 12. As you mentioned X4000 for your HD7750. in my case have HD6650m and its related to X3000 kext. you can see that in my ioreg up there. but its okay for me. So if i can understand what causing the real problem i could go for it. i use your amd graphics guide method but now i cannot boot in the system its just keep on restarting. Thank you REPLY Mark Vande Brake June 14. Thank you. 2015 at 4:07 pm None of the info listed is helpful. 2015 at 4:17 pm Here are my specs: Gigabyte z97 D3H Asus Radeon hd 7770 2GB Intel Xeon E3 1220 V3 Gskill 16gb RAM Samsung 125gb SSD i apologize i forgot to mention. REPLY Nuri June 12. 2015 at 3:51 pm .Thank you REPLY Andrew Kern June 12. Please list your System Specs. any advice where to start with a AMD firepro W7100 ? Thanks! . I used the Personality Ikura. Wrong Personality? If FB isn’t needed. 2015 at 7:31 pm All ports should be defined. Based on the four Display ports and two DVI-D Ports. Or just leave it if it works fine. 2015 at 4:38 am Hi. REPLY luis June 15. ioReg shows only five framebuffers.I have installed ASUS R9 280x and used your PEGP example to inject graphics. One DP is unidentified. 0 – 4. Despite the card having 6 ports. what shall I put in the PEGP section? REPLY Andrew Kern June 14. I added two more ports as 4 and 5 and adjusted the size declaration to rid the error. each port type is correctly identified. although from what I can tell. What you should do is take the layout you are using and then patch one that has six ports with the FB you are using for port 1-5 and then try to get the 6th port working. REPLY luis June 18. you got my email? with the IOREG? REPLY Borabora June 23. Thanks Andrew!. 2015 at 12:17 pm Email me a IOREG with the card installed.REPLY Andrew Kern June 15. 2015 at 6:23 pm Hello. Is this card compatible? . 2015 at 6:42 pm Hi Andrew. REPLY luis June 16.10+? It’s on sale on my area but don’t want to buy it yet because maybe it won’t work on my hanckintosh. 2015 at 6:41 pm It has been sent. I would like to ask if AMD R7 260x is compatible with Yosemite 10. 2015 at 9:07 pm Not sure.5 gb/s to 5. Never had a chance to test one. 2015 at 2:57 pm Dear Andrew. 2015 at 5:15 pm Hi Andrew. REPLY Andrew Kern June 27. Do you recommend this procedure for a significant performance? Thanks. . 2015 at 1:19 pm Should work OOB with stock GPU ROM. Can you confirme – updating – by your experience that AMD ASUS DIRECT CU II R9 280X works OOB? Thank you.5.Thanks REPLY Andrew Kern June 23. I have read all the comments. from Asus 280x – to get a bandwith from 2. various threads recommend eliminate a transistor – in my case R17. REPLY Budafilms June 27. REPLY Budafilms June 26. 390.REPLY Andrew Kern June 27. 2015 at 10:01 pm http://forum.php/topic. I have to restart to get it up and running again.html REPLY Kristoffer July 2015 at 7:09 pm Link? REPLY Budafilms June 27. and I have picture on all three monitors so everything is working fine there.561 9. My FB are patched.netkas. No matter if its a HDMI or DVI. The same is happening when I try to rotate the orientation of a screen in system preferences. My hack is freezing everytime I am plugging/unplugging a monitor cable. Do you have any idea why? Graphic card: Sapphire R9 290 TRI-X Thanks! REPLY . 2015 at 12:30 pm Hi Andrew. 2015 at 1:31 am One would think so. 2015 at 8:53 pm Sounds like a Hot Plug issue with the FB. OSX senseid: 0x1 Connector at index 1 Type [@offset 42548]: HDMI-A (11) Encoder [@offset 42552]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (0x21) i2cid [@offset 42657]: 0x92. but the FB should be spot on: 00080000040200000001020022050203 00040000040300000001040012040101 00040000040300000001060021030502 00020000040200000001030011020304 00040000040300000001050010000605 00020000040200000001010010000406 Radeon Bios Decoder: Connector at index 0 Type [@offset 42538]: DisplayPort (10) Encoder [@offset 42542]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (0x21) i2cid [@offset 42630]: 0x90. OSX senseid: 0x3 Connector at index 2 Type [@offset 42558]: DVI-D (3) Encoder [@offset 42562]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (0x20) i2cid [@offset 42684]: 0x93. OSX senseid: . REPLY Kristoffer July 19.Andrew Kern July 18. OSX senseid: 0x6 Redsock Bios Decoder: Connector Object Id [19] which is [DISPLAY_PORT] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x12 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x4)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [12] which is [HDMI_TYPE_A] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x22 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x5)] linkb: true Connector Object Id [4] which is [DVI_D] encoder obj id [0x20] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (osx txmit 0x11 [duallink 0x1] enc 0x2)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [4] which is [DVI_D] encoder obj id [0x1e] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY (osx txmit 0x10 [duallink 0x0] enc 0x0)] linkb: false I can also add that the system is freezing if I’m trying to rotate the screen in system pref (one monitor is used vertically). Any other possible solution? A little info: – Im using SSDT from the X99.dmg – I have added the ID for th 290 in .0x4 Connector at index 3 Type [@offset 42568]: DVI-D (3) Encoder [@offset 42572]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY (0x1e) i2cid [@offset 42711]: 0x95. ATI Connectors Patch: the FB pasted earlier in this post. Ati Connectors Controller: 8000 Hope to sort this out! REPLY Javier Mollo July 31. Inject ATI checked Kernel and kext Patches: ATI Connectors Data: FB from Baladi. REPLY . 2015 at 12:42 am Same as the 290 Series and same issues. Ports: 4. 2015 at 12:01 pm Appear to be times of AMD 380/390 in good prices. AMD8000 and AMDRadeonX4000 kext (without it i get 7MB gpu memory). Have to buy Asus models to be safe due to ROM issues. Any user has one of this working OOB? I google it and I read thread that said 380=285 REPLY Andrew Kern August 4. – In clover configurator I have these settings: Devices: FakeID: 0x67B01002 Graphics: FB Name: Baladi. So here are my vbios dumps: ATOM BIOS Rom: SubsystemVendorID: 0x1458 SubsystemID: 0x226d IOBaseAddress: 0x0000 Filename: R927XO2D. 2015 at 12:45 am No Sapphire? I though the difficult manufacturer was XFX and MSI… REPLY uber_user August 1. When i try to apply patched framebuffer i got a kernel panic.10.FA1 BIOS Bootup Message: GV-R927XOC-2GD/FA1/0006 PCI ID: 1002:6810 Connector at index 0 Type [@offset 43554]: DisplayPort (10) Encoder [@offset 43558]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (0x21) i2cid [@offset 43664]: 0x90. hd 4000 is fully functional. OSX senseid: 0x1 Connector at index 1 . Javier Mollo August 4. I got a problem to get fully functional card.4. also patches are through clover. I use clover uefi and no custom dsdt. My configuration is ga-z77-ds3h + i5-3570k (intel hd 4000) + GV-R927XOC-2GD yosemite 10. 2015 at 8:03 pm Hello can you help me with FB patch for gigabyte r9 270x. OSX senseid: 0x6 Connector at index 4 Type [@offset 43594]: DVI-D (3) Encoder [@offset 43598]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (0x20) i2cid [@offset 43755]: 0x94.Type [@offset 43564]: HDMI-A (11) Encoder [@offset 43568]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (0x21) i2cid [@offset 43691]: 0x92. OSX senseid: 0x3 Connector at index 2 Type [@offset 43574]: DVI-I (2) Encoder [@offset 43578]: INTERNAL_UNIPHY (0x1e) i2cid [@offset 43728]: 0x95. OSX senseid: 0x6 Connector at index 3 Type [@offset 43584]: DVI-I (2) Encoder [@offset 43588]: INTERNAL_KLDSCP_DAC1 (0x15) i2cid [@offset 43728]: 0x95. OSX senseid: 0x5 R927XO2D.FA1: GV-R927XOC-2GD/FA1/0006 Subsystem Vendor ID: 1458 Subsystem ID: 226d Object Header Structure Size: 355 Connector Object Table Offset: 48 Router Object Table Offset: 0 Encoder Object Table Offset: fd Display Path Table Offset: 12 Connector Object Id [19] which is [DISPLAY_PORT] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x12 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x4)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [12] which is . [HDMI_TYPE_A] encoder obj id [0x21] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY2 (osx txmit 0x22 [duallink 0x2] enc 0x5)] linkb: true Connector Object Id [2] which is [DVI_I] encoder obj id [0x1e] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY (osx txmit 0x10 [duallink 0x0] enc 0x0)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [2] which is [DVI_I] encoder obj id [0x15] which is [INTERNAL_KLDSCP_DAC1 (osx txmit 0x00 enc 0x10?)] linkb: false Connector Object Id [4] which is [DVI_D] encoder obj id [0x20] which is [INTERNAL_UNIPHY1 (osx txmit 0x11 [duallink 0x1] enc 0x2)] linkb: false I managed to got this: 12 04 01 01 DP 22 05 02 03 HDMI 10 00 03 06 DVI-I 00 10 04 06 DVI-I – According to Vlada from insanelymac i can just remove it from final fb.1: 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 01 01 12 04 04 01 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 02 01 22 05 05 02 04 00 00 00 14 02 00 00 00 01 03 00 00 00 06 06 00 08 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 04 00 11 02 01 03 Modified connectors: . 11 02 05 05 DVI-D Connectors from Futomaki 10.10. But in your example you added it to 5 connector framebuffer and got 6 connectors data total… i’m a bit confused here. 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 01 01 12 04 01 01 00 08 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 02 01 22 05 02 03 00 02 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 03 00 10 00 03 06 04 00 00 00 14 02 00 00 00 01 04 00 11 02 05 05 Any ideas what can i try to do? i’ve already changed video card by money back service and got another1. sound randomly disappears then appears (simple sleep/wake makes it appear too). Thank you! REPLY Andrew Kern August 4. However i have problems with applehda. WIthout it system boots up. 2015 at 12:42 am Email me about this. Right now card is functional through hdmi. but in clover AddHDMI_8000000=true key. I need to . because i lose sound randomly for few minutes or get it back after sleep/wake and yes sleep/wake is functional. Other forum members have confirmed such clover issue as well. REPLY uber_user August 6. 2015 at 4:37 pm I have figured out that the problem was not in the patched personality. but i can’t get hdmi audio and it seems that there is a conflict beetween intel hd audio and this card. in my case as you can see i have 1st dp 2nd hdmi 3 and 4 dvi.take a look at dsdt/ssdt editing. In futomaki framebuffer from 10. because clover fix is not an option here. Usually in most connectors there are 00.10. however i don’t know what is second pair of digits.1 there are 01 and 00. 01 01 1st dp 02 01 2nd dp 03 00 dvi 04 00 dvi REPLY . Applelifedotru forum member xite666 found a dependency between transmitter and hotplugid: 12 – 03 22 – 04 11 – 01 10 – 05 21 – 02 yet it is not 100% accurate but 11-01 and 10-05 appears to be always 100% true relation ship. Also take a look at hotplugid. and data that goes before transmitter is connector number. 2015 at 6:45 pm . Inject the card into a ssdt if you want HDMI audio. 2015 at 1:37 pm btw i think it is better to make a standalone ssdt rather then keep all in one dsdt. uber_user August 7.Andrew Kern August 6. 2015 at 12:27 pm what do you mean “unsupported”? you mean that it simply doesn’t work for me? well i know it already) Andrew Kern August 7. 2015 at 6:46 pm That Boot flag is not supported means its broken. Do it the right way. Andrew Kern August 7. right? then how i can clear main dsdt from card and then add it in ssdt? thanks! I mean that if i simply want to remove or change video card i will remove ssdt alongside with card and keep main dsdt without any changes. 2015 at 9:15 pm Unsupported boot flag. uber_user August 7. 2015 at 6:45 pm The GPU you purchased is not natively supported. shan August 7. 2015 at 3:58 pm hai sir m having sapphire radeon R7 240 I’m in 10.1 how to get accelaration about mac shows only 5Mb REPLY Andrew Kern August 7. You will then need to spoof the ID of the GPU. Nothing should be in the DSDT. i have these artifacts like on hd4000 and can’t get reed of them. All edits to the DSDT can be done externally using the SSDT. I tried to change dp and hdmi connector number but the only thing changed is that progress bar changes it’s possition from left bottom corner to middle of the screen (where progressbar should be).10. That is what the DMGs are all about. 2015 at 10:31 am Hello do you know anything about progressbar artifacts (progressbar prior login screen). Please update to the latest version of OS X and then start from there. uber_user August 10. . 10. I have same problem – 5Mb Yosemite 10. 2015 at 7:41 pm Can we put 290X Asus ROM into a Sapphire Reference or other manufacturer? I read several times it’s not recommend Amd Saphire o Xfx. …). fake ids (6798. find the one that works and then go from there. I can send additional info. Thanks REPLY Andrew Kern January 14. fix dsdt. REPLY divbyzero January 14.5. 2016 at 1:42 am Hello. I’ve used patch connectors. My video card: HIS r7 240 DDR5 2Gb (0x66131002) – Oland. …). Please help me to start. 665D. IOreg. but I’m not sure if this is for 290X. 2016 at 6:21 am Start with device ID’s. REPLY . (Darwin Dump. 6640. Budafilms August 14. In About this Mac show ¨R9 290X 4096 MB¨. I had applied the modification in Clover Config File. one monitor? REPLY Andrew Kern August 19. with nothing added in Config File. to a Sapphire 290X Reference Card. I delete the Fake Id 0x100267b0. via HDMI. and the test are similar or a little less than before. Any Suggestion? REPLY . Sapphire R9 290X 4G D5 works in Yosemite. and not work fine. In About this Mac show ¨R9 290X 7MB¨. 2015 at 4:03 am Dear Andrew. All the system work like in slow motion. 2015 at 9:55 am Dear Andrew.Budafilms August 19. I have to add the patch to the documentation which will be part of are road map. and restart with the rest of the modification that you put and works fine. REPLY Javier Mollo September 7. 2015 at 2:45 pm Yes. Javier Mollo September 7. With the fake ID it’s glitchy with 14MB listed for the size in About My Mac. Appears to be the Fake ID. I get the black screen upon boot. Andrew Kern September 7. BTW. However without the fake ID. REPLY Awesome Donkey September 7. 2015 at 11:23 pm @Awsome try the code inverted: 0x67B01002 . 2015 at 9:42 pm I can confirm this too with my ASUS R9 290X DirectCU II 4GB card via Clover injection. REPLY Javier Mollo September 7. I’m going to play with this some and see if anything helps. 2015 at 7:12 am I have the exactly guide do it with you. 2015 at 6:58 am If you have modded the kexts already this will happen. I’m on El Capitan Public Beta 6 on a MSI Z97 MPOWER Max AC board and i7- 4770K CPU. In my case is Mac 14. Hopefully the fan fix will work for that at least. Though the default 8xxx framebuffer seems to work just fine.REPLY Awesome Donkey September 8. 2015 at 7:50 am No go here. 2015 at 4:12 pm The fan fix was added… REPLY . REPLY Javier Mollo September 8. minus the fans that don’t ramp up under load. he is the boss ? REPLY Andrew Kern September 8. I’m only using the DVI-DL port since my monitor is DVI-DL only. 2015 at 8:10 am The only way I found in your problem is check wich smbios are you using.2 . More solutions we have to wait Andrew´s recommendation. Awesome Donkey September 10. and works in two monitors (DVI + HDMI). No black screen. I applied the fan fix (El Capitan Beta 6) but I haven’t noticed any difference using the default framebuffer. justo a little less than a Sapphire reference card. So. The only thing I do was do the Guide exactly as Andrew propose from zero. I’ll change it and see if the patch works.2 but I see 15.2 is required. Also. If I can’t get it to work under iMac 15. Probably needs patched for it to work correctly. It’s not fast as my card. 2015 at 1:21 am > The only way I found in your problem is check wich smbios are you using. 2015 at 11:17 pm @Awseome I tried your card from a friend. It’s not the last versions of files as I thought. . he knows which works and how fit in the major of hacks and hardwares. I’m using iMac 14.2 what would the next step be? What would I need to post? REPLY Javier Mollo September 10. No fan issues.2 . I know Asus is a better card. I think Andrew has a combination of files. In my case is Mac 14. and script that works better. My recommendation it’s start with a total fresh install from here. My hardware: Mobo Gigabyte z87x ud5h Cpu 4770K @4300 SSD Samsung 840 Evo Javier Mollo September 11. 2015 at 6:37 am Which method are you using with the card? DSDT/SSDT Injection or Clover injection? REPLY Javier Mollo September 11. REPLY Awesome Donkey September 11. I think 290x has more to give. Now I’am using my Sapphire with Baladi.I don’t know if this is the best result for our card. 2015 at 12:51 pm The complete guide for installation from here. Maybe Andrew find something else for this incredible and maybe most powerful card from the range. In Final Cut works better than a 980 and for me it’s enough. 2015 at 12:52 pm Clover! . the patch and nothing else – no fake ID – in two monitors. 1 and no dice there. I’m highly considering at some point replacing the 290X with a GTX 980 and replacing the monitor if I need to (assuming there’s issues using the DVI-DL only monitor with a 980). I’ve triple checked everything. I’ve had issues for over a year now trying to get framebuffer patches to work.1 and that didn’t work.plist in the Haswell. only a black screen. I’m using one of those Korean Qnix 27″ 1440p DVI-DL only monitors. 2015 at 1:57 am Yeah. I tried using a clean Clover install and config using the config.Awesome Donkey September 13. it *should* work but it doesn’t.dmg – only adding the parts needed to boot El Capitan and the AMD framebuffer patch and it still doesn’t work. Hopefully that’d be the end to the nightmare getting the card fully .1 as suggested and MacPro 6. tried it again several times and still no go.2 and 15.1 and 14. it’s following the tutorial for Clover inject to the letter. Also tried using iMac 14. Tried both DVI-DL ports and it didn’t make a difference. Once in a blue moon I’d find one that’d work for awhile – I’ve searched down those once working patches and again no go. I also tried the dual BIOS switch on the card. Then I tried MacPro 3. It’s strange. doesn’t help either (it’s set on uber mode right now). plist that had a working connectors patch back in May and adapted it. working as intended. REPLY Andrew Kern September 10. Graphics DualLink 1 FBName Baladi Inject ATI Intel NVidia VRAM 4096 VideoPorts 5 .1 REPLY Awesome Donkey September 13. 2015 at 11:40 pm MacPro 3. 2015 at 6:50 am I actually made some progress tonight. I found an old config. VRAM and VideoPorts to be set to the above values. But.KernelAndKextPatches ATIConnectorsController 8000 ATIConnectorsData 0004000004030000000103001204030300040 00004030000000101001102010100040000040 3000000010200210302020004000004030000 0001040022050404000400000403000000010 5001000050500040000040300000001060020 010606 ATIConnectorsPatch 0008000004000000000103002205030300040 0000400000000010100210301020004000004 0000000001020012040201040000000400000 0000104000102040404000000040000000001 0500000005060004000004000000000106002 0010605 AppleRTC It only works when DualLink. I’ll keep trying stuff… maybe I’ll get lucky. The patch *kinda* works as in it’ll boot with the monitor working… but it glitches like crazy making it unusable. REPLY Javier Mollo September 13. 2015 at 9:05 am @Awsome Wich is your hardware? . nonetheless it’s progress. So the issue for me is likely in the connectors patch. 2015 at 12:45 am An update.REPLY Awesome Donkey September 13. Still no go with El Capitan final. Intel Core i7-4770K MSI Z97 MPOWER Max AC (BIOS version 1. 2015 at 4:20 pm I’m using the following. I’ve tried multiple patches and it still doesn’t want to work for me. which doesn’t surprise me. Mac OS X El Capitan 10. REPLY Awesome Donkey October 1. Clover is the main bootloader handling all three. really strange.04 Vivid Vervet 64-bit in a tri-boot setup on three different Samsung SSDs (Two 840 Pros and one 850 Pro).9) ASUS Radeon R9 290X DirectCU II OC 4GB (R9290X-DC2OC-4GD5) (BIOS version 1. It’s just really.SKILL Trident X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 2400MHz CL10 DDR3 RAM QNIX QX2710 LED Evolution ll 27″ 1440p DVI-DL Monitor I’m also using Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.2) G.11 GM Candidate and Ubuntu 15. . Anyways I’ll likely be looking to replace the R9 290X with a GTX 980 at some point because of this. 2015 at 1:16 am I’ve had multiple Gigabyte boards the last couple years and let’s just say I don’t ever want another one. 2015 at 1:10 am Why dont try with a cheap motherboard. 2015 at 1:31 am Yes. especially in regards to support and RMA. if I was going to get another motherboard I’d just get another ASUS Z97 Deluxe.REPLY budafilms October 1. REPLY budafilms October 1. The negative experiences have been very bad. I’d rather just install the Nvidia web drivers and be done with it. which was the best board I’ve used in the last couple years. that motherboard is the best for me too. That said. . As for why I’m considering changing from a 290X to a 980 it’s simple… I don’t want to really mess with framebuffer patches and whatnot anymore. gigabyte? Don’t waste your money in a 980 if you can go faster with 290x! REPLY Awesome Donkey October 1. Great performance and compatibility. you can buy a 660 GTX and have both in the same machine. 4K. But if I have your problems. Lot of user install El Capitan beta like an upgrade. Maybe – I never tried this. but its expensive. but in El capitan after normal install and first boot we get black screen -no signal. you don’t have to write or modify framebuffers. everything working except we cant see bios. REPLY Johnny5 October 3. I never going to choose MSI motherboards. This card working OBB without any injection in Yosemite. I have 980 and 290X and with Final Cut X and Davinci Resolve 12. I think with Clover. If we change boot option to IGPE and boot with HD4600 working normal and after that reconnect cable to R9 380 working well.With Msi always I had bad expierences. Maybe 980 Ti could be better. I want to ask for help related to R9 380. I can edit faster with AMD. If we use boot option IGPE but cable connect to R9 380. GA-Ud3h and Ud5h are the most compatibles in my hacks. 2015 at 5:58 pm Hello. like your case.on monitor. This problem is 3 months old and really is insane that we haven’t fix yet? REPLY . So please RapageDev for your opinion. . You must use a Asus ROM for the same GPU loaded by the Bootloader to make the card work. 2015 at 9:45 am Hello. thanks for your support.Kevin Sheth October 11. 2015 at 12:06 am That is not even close to what I said. so what could be the work around? Is there any patched rom available for this gpu? Because I tried flashing to older versions but I had all sorts BSOD’s and lock-ups so I am back to stock! REPLY Andrew Kern October 12. DO NOT FLASH THE CARD or it will not work under Windows. so there is no work-around other than getting a Asus GPU! Thanks for the help BTW. REPLY Kevin Sheth October 12. REPLY Andrew Kern October 14. I have a XFX R9- 280X and as you said that the roms are not supported. 2015 at 1:43 am Not supported under Mac OS X. 2015 at 11:40 am Ok. 2015 at 12:48 pm Ohh no. I am using chamaleon and I tried putting it in the /extra folder but with no luck! One more question. 2015 at 12:15 am There is no Crossfire support currently. its just that I am unable to find the solution. .. Please read what I said. I googled a post yesterday about you giving the same advice over at tonymacx86 but I don’t know as to how to ahead with steps of using the bootloader to load bios. how to rename that bios file? I mean if I use Asus ROM it will have a different revision and sub-system ID so (while renaming) should I use that or should I use the one of my current XFX Bios? sms1202 October 16. I am sorry thats not what I meant! I completely get what you said. We only published what we know so far to try to make it work. 2015 at 6:28 pm Is Crossfire supported for dual fury(non-x) cards ? What about Fury support in general ? REPLY Andrew Kern October 17. Kevin Sheth October 14. its AcerAspire 7750g with I7 sandy bridge amd 6650m . then the million inputs in one post in some other guide i was following. as most people are clueless like myself heheh. thanks for a great guide! But i would like to know if this would work for a Radeon HD 6750M befor i try it. REPLY Joachim January 12. 2016 at 7:39 am Hi. and no its not switchable. 2016 at 5:26 am . to confusing. REPLY Andrew Kern January 14. 2016 at 5:23 am I was wrong its 6650m . heres the zen more :p REPLY joachim January 14. 2016 at 12:37 am Can you disable onboard Intel Graphics in the BIOS? If you can not then no. REPLY joachim January 14. i have it working somewhat. but this guide seemed clearer. plist from you haswell DMG. How do I know which ASUS vbios to use? REPLY Andrew Kern February 15. I have also tried different Framebuffers. 2016 at 5:28 am or wait. I have tried loading differnet XFX and ASUS vbios with clover. 2016 at 6:50 pm . and not chip thats on that place hehe mike February 4. it is pointing i would guess. I have it with a ASUS Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2 with Yosemite. I saw a post where you mention ASUS vbios for this card. I have tried numerous methods to get it to work. 2016 at 5:46 pm I have XFX R9 280x that I’m having trouble with. http://www. I was trying to install Yosemite on this motherboard with unibeast and it did not work until I got the config. however I think the problem may be the page_id=82&page=9 is where i am currently. but how do i tell thats my gnu card. or i could have compared joachim January 14. only part i get lost (part 2 finding card adress ) as the picture isn’t really exactly showing what i am looking for right? its iron picture but not pointed to the address.rampagedev. Also please reinstall since your install method is broken and will cause issues. Thank You In Advance REPLY Andrew Kern March 2. REPLY Arsal March 2. REPLY Joachim March 4.8. 2016 at 1:03 pm .5 on it first i have lot of issues like screen but now after a lot of struggle i have successfully booted in it and then comes the issue of GPU i have almost tried every thing but still cannot resolve it in Its recognized by AMD 7050 but shows its vram only 4mb Please help I am also a newbie so please explain so i can understand. Follow are install guide and never mix and match. You can use ROM archive sites to get the Asus ROM. 2016 at 5:58 pm Update to Mac OS X 10. 2016 at 10:52 am Hi Guys I have GPU AMD Redon 7950 and i have installed Hackintosh 10.9 or higher as you will not need a Framebuffer with newer versions of Mac OS X. GPU ROM issue. no rom is in the folder. 2016 at 12:40 pm hi. just checked it. then duallink on. i got a 0 error warning remark and optimize dsdt.aml is also in the patched clover acpi folder. as imstill trying to perfect it. what would be my best bet to get full harware acceleration? (currently ipomoea patched i am using with vbios on. while i found a patch earlier that injects _dsm (like 9 lines of dsdt) and i can run the graphics on max. any ideas would be much apreciated. with 2gb but the gradient issues are pretty nasty. and inject edid on. also i wanted to say my dsdt is not completely finished yet. with ssdt from pikeralphascript for my i7- 2630qm (sandy) and the pegp ssdt(4). but still gradient.oh no need for framebuffers?? i run capitan. in vram i got 2048. but i didnt put anything in there. . i have a GA-R9-390X-8GB and want to know if i have something to patch or set-up in clover to get the card full working. thank you. also i cant run like xcom 2 smoothenough to have decent graphics. i get my 6650m 2gb displayed as 6750m. wich shuold be in the near future. thanks in advance REPLY Aaron March 5. same as for vbios. i tend to post a clean overlook of the complete process of my acer 7750g as soon as i am finished. vbios patched.aml atm. (and i didnt inject the converted video rom to dsdt code in the pegp either as someone told me i may have to do (but they running mav and im cap) pls . but i checked it. You need to provide information. please help REPLY Andrew Kern April 6. 2016 at 10:19 am every bootflag i enter just restarts my computer. it’s work for yosemite? and what frame buffer i must use? REPLY . I’m using hd 7730.REPLY Andrew Kern March 9. 2016 at 10:15 am Hello. 2016 at 1:37 pm 390X is just a rebranded 290X so same patches apply. REPLY Adi April 9. REPLY tim britton April 4. 2016 at 9:04 pm Your not telling me anything. In clover try enable AMD/ATI injection. 2016 at 11:04 pm Will my ATI 4670 work with OS X 10. 2016 at 10:10 pm Some 4670 models work under Mac OS X however some never have. Try using the injectors before looking to apply the SSDT/DSDT methods. 2016 at 11:27 am Hello I have setup a low-cost Mavericks Hackintosh using C2D Processor + Intel Motherboard + 4GB DDR2 RAM + ASUS Radeon HD5450 Graphics card. REPLY Ayan June 7.10? REPLY Andrew Kern April 19. 2016 at 6:50 am You would have to test. Andrew Kern April 10. The only problem I face is when I open the Photo . All working fine.10. If your model is one that works then yes. REPLY Shankhneel April 18. What to do? REPLY Andrew Kern June 10. You might have the device ID tricked but OpenCL is not running. it takes long long time and then it shows the images in garbage format! Somehow and some where I saw an error saying the crash is due to OpenCL error. 1st time it show any image properly. REPLY . 2016 at 4:52 am GPU is not supported. it takes a long long time. like minutes! When I try to open the same or any other image. REPLY Ayan Debnath June 10. When I closes the app.Preview in-build app. 2016 at 7:45 am Can you pls suggest me a low-profile graphics card for my Mavericks hackintosh? It will be a great help. Try forcing the 7770 ID. Andrew Kern June 17. . 2016 at 9:24 am 68391002 worked ! REPLY Tommy Kuhler June 18. What should i do to make it work ? currently it is detected as 7mb cram. REPLY Andrew Kern June 17. 2016 at 2:58 am Gigabyte GT 620 and use Graphic Enabler = Yes. 2016 at 12:36 am Hello. 2016 at 9:11 pm i have a XFX 7730 1GB GDDR5. 0x68371002 is its id. Note: THE BRAND DOES MATTER! Satyajit Ghana June 10. REPLY Satyajit Ghana June 17. 2016 at 2:57 am Not sure this is supported. 2016 at 10:51 pm Hello. Currently.I have tried to get my ASUS EAH HD5450 (0x68E1 1002) to work in vmware with Clover using FakeID. I ran Novabench and got an EXTREMELY low GPU score (in the 100’s range). But whatever I do the ID is not beeing faked. Is this supposed to work in Vmware? REPLY Chaz June 20. however. but unfortunately my setup is not functioning at 100%. Here’s some information: GPU: SAPPHIRE Radeon R9 270X 100364-4GL Monitor1: Asus 1080P (Connected via HDMI) Monitor2: HP 900P (Connected via DVI-D) Framebuffer: Futomaki Modified Code: 0000000 00 04 00 00 04 03 00 00 00 01 01 00 12 04 02 02 DP 0000010 00 02 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 02 00 . Over the past few days. my Hackintosh will recognize the GPU proper name and VRAM. and boths displays work inside OSX. I’ve been trying to modify my framebuffer to get everything working correctly. To be sure it was a GPU problem. and although I’ve made progress from where I started (only 1 monitor working). this is basically the only remaining issue I have. SMBIOS fake works but the HD5450 is just not faked to 68E01002 which is the preferred. I’ve been trying to get my GPU working with dual monitors. I experience slight stutters/freezing every few seconds. . but it gets stuck on the Apple logo after the verbose mode finishes. I tried it with ozmosis bios on QUO motherboard in EC. As such. 1DP. 1HDMI. 2016 at 1:39 am Have you tested every port with every Framebuffer? REPLY John September 30. Through my experimenting of testing EVERY personality. 2016 at 4:36 pm Hi I have : Juniper XT [Radeon HD 5770] [1002:68b8] Subsystem: XFX Pine Group Inc. so I am not able to see the reason for freeze. I found that Dashimaki enabled the HDMI monitor. REPLY Andrew Kern July 9. Any help would be greatly appreciated. though with DVI-D signal.10 00 03 06 DVI-I 0000020 04 00 00 00 14 02 00 00 00 01 03 00 11 02 05 05 DVI-D 0000030 00 08 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 01 04 00 22 05 01 03 HDMI Your listed patch for the 270x results in a green- screen on my HDMI monitor. I use a HotPlug ID of 01 instead of 02. and a sleeping DVI- D monitor. Device [1682:2990] Vervet personality 2DVI. 2016 at 6:59 pm Hi ! Image eror. REPLY cvulam September 30. Thanks REPLY Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. REPLY Andrew Kern October 1. 2016 at 6:07 pm You need Graphic Enabler for that GPU. Required fields are marked * Comment Name * . please fix it !. Notify me of new posts by email. Email * Website three × 3 =  POST COMMENT Notify me of follow-up comments by email. RECENT POSTS ∠ © Rampage Dev " # .


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