Aina Book Store ( Documentation)

June 2, 2018 | Author: Asyraf Norahairuzan | Category: Spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel, Sales, Revenue, Inventory
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PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] DOCUMENTATION NAME : MUHAMMAD ASYRAF BIN NORAHAIRUZAN POSITION : CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COMPANY NAME : AINA BOOK STORE COMPANY ADDRESS : NO 2323 , JALAN ISMAIL NAGORE , GEORGE TOWN , 11700 , PULAU PINANG CONTACT NUMBER : 011-14725140 FAX NUMBER : 03-4567890 EMAIL : [email protected] AICT003-4-1-PITS 1 PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to God , all praise be to Allah SWT , The Lord of the universe , who has given me beneficent and good health so that I able to finish this assignment . Peace and Salam are always blessed and poured down upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW as the last Prophet . This assignment are not completed without some support for many people . I would like to offer my greatest appreciation to my lecturer for the Practical IT skills (PITS) , MISS AKANSHA MANDHANA for her dedication on teaching me these programs I am using for the company . I want to express my depressed gratitude to my lecturer for the guidance , correction , great attention and patience , which finally enable me to finish my assignment . You have any sincerest gratitude . Next , the biggest thanks for my beloved parents , MOHAMAD NORDIN BIN ISMAIL and SALAPIAH BINTI ISMAIL . I thank my parents for their constant support and encouragement without whom it was impossible for me to complete my assignment . Finally , I am thankful to my fellow friends who helped me with the details for this documentation . Without them , this guide will not become complete and easier for the others to refer with . Their encouragement supported me all time along . TABLE OF CONTENTS AICT003-4-1-PITS 2 PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ……………………………………………..2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………3 - 4 ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………5 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………..6 - 7 BODY CONTENT :  WALKTHROUGH …………………………………………….. i. MAIN PAGE ……………………………………………8 - 9 ii. INVENTORY …………………………………………...10 - 11 iii. SALES …………………………………………………..12 iv. EMPLOYEE …………………………………………….13 - 14 v. ANALYSIS ……………………………………………..15 vi. CHART ………………………………………………….16  FUNCTION AND FORMULAE ……………………………… i. LINKING ………………………………………………..17 - 19 ii. PASSWORD …………………………………………….20 - 22 iii. SUM ……………………………………………………..23 iv. SUBTRACTION ………………………………………...24 v. MULTIPLICATION …………………………………….25  ABSOLUTE REFERENCE ………………………………………….26 AICT003-4-1-PITS 3 PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  CONDITIONAL FORMATTING ……………………………………27 - 31  DATA VALIDATION ………………………………………………..32 - 35  CHART ……………………………………………………………….36 - 38  MAIL MERGE ………………………………………………………..39 - 46 CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………………………………47 REFERENCES LIST ………………………………………………………….48 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………………49 - 51 ABSTRACT This documentation is mainly about the guidelines for preparing the spreadsheet and letter-like report for AINA BOOK STORE . This is to implement the application of Microsoft AICT003-4-1-PITS 4 PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] Office Excel and Microsoft Office Word into the maintenance of the company’s operation . The aim of this guide is to provide a more detailed tutorial for the person to apply the Microsoft Office Excel in preparing the spreadsheet , and apply Microsoft Office Word for writing the report to the other employee’s . This documentation consists of the steps on creating spreadsheets for Excel which includes the aspects of inventories , sales , employee’s , analysis and chart . The application of Word , on the other hand , focuses on the mastery of the function of Mail Merge in creating letter-like reports to multiple employee’s by creating a new database for the details . This guideline enables the user to create the spreadsheet via Excel and the report via Word in simpler approach and shorter time . My company name’s AINA BOOK STORE . This company is also company has mission and vision of their own . The mission and vision of my company is to help students in any standard and higher school to buy stationary and book for their study and do the work . This company also help them when worker who are use the stationary like teacher , officer and the others . Besides that , this students who are studying at university also will use the stationary to do their work and buy the book to do their revision or buy it for their examination . By using internet the author can get a lot of information about the stationary as the type of material that are use is safe or not , comfort and suitable for children or all age to use it . Furthermore , discussion with the other people can help us to improve our knowledge about how to do the calculation of profit and loss of sales in company . When calculation we need to use formulas to make it easily and systematically . This will make the operation of the AINA BOOK STORE are easier and more organized in the future . INTRODUCTION AICT003-4-1-PITS 5 That easy to all people for buy the things they want .glue and the other things . geometry box . The purpose of this documentation is to apply the functions of two applications of Microsoft Office – Excel and Word into the preparation of the spreadsheet and report respectively for the smoother operation of AINA BOOK STORE . safety when use it because it make from the material non- toxic . stapler and the other things. Besides that . All this make from good material . The last brand is PAPER MATE this company sold item such us ruler . This product is very suitable for student to use in class and to do homework . correction pen and the other things . art line ink .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] FIGURE 1 : LOGO AINA BOOK STORE AINA BOOK STORE is a company which sold three brands such as STABILO . stamp pad . The stationary have sold a variety of colors . At the logo have an image of carton that holding a book . FABER CASTELL and PAPER MATE . for children also suitable because this product make from material with non-toxic . The guideline is more focused on new users of these applications in the company so the new employee can adopt to the working environment easily after they master the skills required to ensure the company runs smoothly . mechanical pencil . For brand of STABILO this company sold item such us highlighter . it is also comfort and make them feel non bored while study . to attract the people . the aim is to attract the people to buy it . AICT003-4-1-PITS 6 . This company has filled with as special meaning. Especially the logo had combine. For each brand of my company has eight product . eraser . fusion ball pen . For brand of FABER CASTELL this company sold item such us black matt pencil . This includes introducing the functions of some basic formulas such us addition . understanding the function of matching fields and the overview of the format for the letter – like report for the AINA BOOK STORE employee’s . The steps include the creation of the list to be implemented into certain parts of the letter . subtractions and multiplications . This documentation will assist the AINA BOOK STORE employee’s in its operation so the company will runs smoothly and makes the company more easier and organized for the better development in the future .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] This documentation covers the application of Microsoft Office Excel for the spreadsheet first . As for the Microsoft Office Word . passwords and the importance of data validation for certain data . In order to make the spreadsheet look more organized and neat . the readers will be exposed to the mail merge function so the users will be more adapted to the usage for the function . BODY CONTENTS WALKTHOUGH  MAIN PAGE AICT003-4-1-PITS 7 . the general steps on creating charts are incorporated into this documentation . its application concentrates more on the functions of Mail Merge for the letter style . From that . the usage of conditional formatting in some cells . the application of absolute and mixed referencing via the shortcut buttons . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] FIGURE 2 : MAIN PAGE AINA BOOK STORE FIGURE 2. CONTACT NUMBER . OVERVIEW  Company LOGO  Company’s name  Company’ details ( such us ADDRESS . EMAIL )  Hyperlinks HYPERLINKS 1) INVENTORY : To inventories sheet AICT003-4-1-PITS 8 .0 shows the overview of the Main Page with hyperlinks in the spreadsheet . sales .analysis and charts with hyperlink into the certain sheet to makes it easily to see any sheet . This sheet also contains back . next and home button to makes easily moves and back to another sheet . The author also choose the bear background to attract the people especially kids to buy the stationary at the book store .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 2) SALES : To sales sheet 3) SALARY : To employee’s salary sheet 4) ANALYSIS : To analysis sheet 5) CHART : To chart sheet  Main page is consists of 6 buttons such as inventory . employee . In the button have different company’s information in the sheet .  INVENTORY AICT003-4-1-PITS 9 . This sheet consists of the Product Id . It also used any formulas to makes it easily and automatically calculate with any mistake . back arrow and home button . Number Of Each Item Sold .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  The inventory sheet is to show all information of the sales sheet . Number Item In Stock and Total Sales . Item Description . In this sheet also consists of next . 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 0 . Total Cost . Selling Price . Initial Cost . Number Bought . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] FORMULAS THAT HAVE AT THE INVENTORY SHEET : 1) TOTAL COST = Number Bought × Initial Cost 2) SELLING PRICE = Initial Cost × 140% 3) NUMBER ITEM IN STOCK = Number Bought – Number Of Each Item Sold 4) TOTAL SALES = Selling Price × Number Of Each Item Sold  SALES 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 1 . Number Of Each Item Sold . Number Bought . Item Description . Total Cost . Selling Price . This sheet also consists Product Id . This sheet are same with the inventory sheet . The formulas at the sales sheet are also same . The item sold are updated here .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  This sheet is telling about the sales of the company .  EMPLOYEE’S SALARY 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 2 . This sheet also have the protect sheet because when the other people want to changes they have to enter the password first . Number Item In Stock and Total Sales . Initial Cost . Staff Commission . This sheet also have some formulas . Staff Salary Per Month . Commission Value . FORMULAS THAT HAVE AT THE EMPLOYEE SHEET : 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 3 . Total Salary . Staff Name . Staff Performance and Total Sales . Sol Item . This sheet tell us about their performance and salary at the company . Brand .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  This employee sheet consists the Staff Id . It is easily and automatically to calculate the employee commission and salary . = If the target sales revenue is less than RM1500 but greater than RM1000 . the performance is “BELOW AVERAGE” 3) COMMISSION VALUE = Sold Item × Staff Commission 4) TOTAL SALES = Staff Salary Per Month + Commission Value 5) TOTAL SALES = Selling Price × Number Of Each Item Sold  ANALYSIS 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 4 . the performance is “GOOD” . = If the target sales revenue is less than RM1000 but greater than RM500 . the items sold after that will be counted with a commission of 15% from the selling price .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 1) STAFF’S COMMISSION = If the target sales revenue is less than RM1500 . the performance is “ABOVE AVERAGE” . 2) STAFF’S PERFORMANCE : = If the target sales revenue is equal to or greater than RM1500 . the commission is 5%from the selling price of the item sold . = If the target sales revenue is less than RM500 . the performance is “SATISFACTORY” . = If the target sales revenue is equal to or greater than RM1500 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  The analysis sheet consists the Sales Revenue . Amount .  CHART 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 5 . Total Cost . Total Salary and Employee Performance . FUNCTIONS AND FOMULAE 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 6 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  The chart sheet shows the chart design based on the information at the analysis sheet . HOW TO CREATE THE LINKING : STEP 1 : select table that you want to linking . In this spreadsheet . there are few linking worksheet applied . (EQUAL) . Anytime the cell value in the source worksheet changes . 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 7 . The destination worksheet contains the link formula and it receive data from a cell in the source worksheet .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] LINKING  Linking worksheet is a formula that dynamically pulls in data from a cell in another worksheet . STEP 2 : press that symbols = . the cell containing the link formula will be updated as well as the next time it is opened . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 3 : go to sales sheet . 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 8 . STEP 4 : select number item bought in inventory and press ENTER . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] PASSWORD 1 AICT003-4-1-PITS 9 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  The input for the data has been restricted by passwords in the Sales page via the “Protect Sheet” function . It is easy for the employee to changes the number of item sold . Then press OK . 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 0 .  Password need to Sales sheet because to protect it .  As for the employee’s access . The range of the permitted cells are set there to ensure no unnecessary changes are made throughout the spreadsheet . When the author want to changes it they must to know it . select “Unprotect Sheet” from the Review Ribbon and type in the password to gain full access to the Sales sheet . To unlock it . they can gain access for only the “Item Sold” part due to the “Allow Users to Edit Rangers” function . HOW TO CREATE THE PASSWORD : STEP 1 : Go to tool bar and click REVIEW . STEP 2 : Enter the password then author need to remember it . 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 1 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 3 : Reenter password to processed . Then OK . 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 2 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 4 : Try to change any number in any cell and there will appear a box that the cell is protected . 2) Type in the cell with the equal sign (=) first.  SUBTRACTION 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 3 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  SUM FIGURE 7 : SUM FORMULAE 1) Select the cell where the result of the formula will be put. For example. 4) The cell for the result can be dragged down to achieve the same formula if there is multiple data on the same column. 3) Select the relevant cells for the formula . then select the values by clicking AUTO SUM on the cells to obtain the final value. you are required to slide down from the G22 until G29 as shown in FIGURE 7 . For example . THE NUMBER BOUGH subtraction NUMBER OF EACH ITEM SOLD as shown in FIGURE 8 . 4) The cell for the result can be dragged down to achieve the same formula if there is multiple data on the same column.PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] FIGURE 8 : SUBTRACTION FORMULAE 1) Select the cell where the result of the formula will be put. Then select the values by clicking on both cells and type “Enter” to obtain the final value. 3) Select the relevant cells for the formula .  MULTIPLICATION 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 4 . 2) Type in the cell with the equal sign (=) first. For example . ABSOLUTE REFERENCING 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 5 . 2) Type in the cell with the equal sign (=) first.PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] FIGURE 9 : MULTIPLICATION FORMULAE 1) Select the cell where the result of the formula will be put.THE NUMBER BOUGHT multiplied INITIAL COST as shown in FIGURE 9 . 4) The cell for the result can be dragged down to achieve the same formula if there is multiple data on the same column. Then select the values by clicking on both cells and type “Enter” to obtain the final value. 3) Select the relevant cells for the formula . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 1) Select the cell(s) that is required to be “locked” that it will not affect the value of the results (The cells required should only contain the cell’s coordinates) . 2) Press the “F4” button on the keyboard to “lock” the cells . 3) The “F4” button can be pressed continuously for different types of cell referencing :  1st press : Absolute referencing / Completely locks the cell  2nd press : Mixed referencing / Locks only the row of the cell  3rd press : Mixed referencing / Locks only the column of the cell  4th press : Revert to original state CONDITIONAL FORMATTING 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 6 . If the value of the cell . and have that formatting change depending on the value of the cell or the value of a formula are created .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  For the Conditional Formatting (CF) is a tool that allows to apply formats to a cell or range of cells . So it easy to make sure the stock of the company less than 1500 the employee have to order the items . less than and greater than are same the colors will be same . It will be more quickly to check the list of stockiest .  A cell have up to 2 format conditions .  The cell automatic change when the author are change the value . 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 7 . For examples . HOW TO CREATE A CONDITIONAL FORMATTING : STEP 1 : Click HOME and then click the Conditional Formatting . the author can have a cell appear hold when the value of the cell are less than 1500 and greater than 1500 . each with own formats . A drop down menu will appear. we will choose highlight cell for this example . Select highlight . 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 8 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 2 : In the home table .  Select the cells you want to do formatting to . click the conditional formatting. STEP 4 : Then press OK . 2 AICT003-4-1-PITS 9 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 3 : Click the highlight cell rules then click Greater Than . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 5 : Next . for the Less Than use the same line Greater Than . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 0 . STEP 6 : Then press OK . DATA VALIDATION 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 1 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 7 : reenter the number we selected. have specific rangers . stop and information will be shown .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] Use data validation in the Excel to make sure that users enter certain values into a cell . example . STEP 2 : Go “SETTING” and follow it . When the value are not excepted the warning . 5) From “ERROR ALERT” type the description of the message if the data is typed wrongly . 1) Select the cells that requires data within certain limits . HOW TO CREATE DATA VALIDATION : STEP 1 : Click the DATA then click Data Validation . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 2 . 2) Select from the “DATA” ribbon the menu “DATA VALIDATION” 3) From “SETTINGS” choose the type of range of the data input and set the range . 4) From “INPUT MESSAGE” type the description for that series of cells . STEP 4 : Next . For examples . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 3 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 3 : Go to the “INPUT MESSAGE” then follow it . go to “ERROR ALERT” and choose another one . INFORMATION . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 5 : Then press OK . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 4 . when we choose “STOP” when the amount of the item bought are changes less then 1500 it automactically stop you .  It become like that because author changes to 1000 . It cannot less than 1500 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  For examples . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 5 . but it may have a profound impact in the way we see . A well-known set of transformations is the column chart . STEP 3 : Click right then CUT . HOW TO CREATE THE CHART : STEP 1 : Go to ANALYSIS and click to the picture . It has a qualitative scale nominal and ordinal . It also can spread the data points evenly along the x-axis and draw a rectangle between each data point and the x-axis . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 6 . STEP 2 : Click INSERT then column for charts .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] CHART  A chart type is a specific set of transformations make to the origin chart . The design are changes and not changes to the data by itself .  You can choose what design you want . EXAMPLES FOR THE OTHER ANALYSIS AND CHART SHEET 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 7 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 4 : Then go to CHART then click paste . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] MAIL MERGE  Mail merge is a unique function implemented in Microsoft Office Word which enables the editor to create multiple documents with similar format but to different recipients . 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 8 . in which the name of the recipients (employee) must be different . become complete letters ready to be sent . HOW TO CREATE WATERMARK : STEP 1 STEP 2 3 AICT003-4-1-PITS 9 . The mail merge function makes this kind of mission easier by creating a list (or import one fro other application) which contains the “VARIABLE DATA” of different “RECIPIENTS” and a general draft so the details in the list can fit into the draft and thus .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] For examples . there is a request where the editor is required to send the letter to employee about 3 people . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] HOW TO CREATE MAIL MERGE : 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 0 . STEP 3 : 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 1 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] Step 1 : Choose letters . STEP 2 : Then Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard . 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 2 .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 4 : STEP 5 : Choose TYPE A NEW LIST . Home Phone 14. Address Line 2 6.PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  From the new list . Work Phone 15.  Include these aspects into the list as shown in : 1. Contact 12. Zip Code 8. Address Line 1 5. First Name 3. Remove any unwanted aspects by selecting it and choose “Delete” . Staff commission 18. Country and Region 11. Add any necessary by choosing the “Add” button and type the names for the respective fields and choose “Ok” once it is done . ID 7. select “Customize Columns” and the window as in Figure will appear . Final Remarks 17. Staff Performance 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 3 . Email Address 13. Last Name 4. City 9. Title 2. Commission Value 19. Company Name 16. State 10. save the list as “MAIL MERGE” . STEP 7 : Insert the MAIL MERGE FEILD 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 4 . Examples are shown in Figure on how to edit the information. Total Sales 21.PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 20. select “New entry” from the New Address List . Sold Item STEP 6 : Edit all aspects with the details you have . To edit more than one person’s details. Brand 22. After the editing . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] STEP 8 : Make sure the letter looks smooth and clear after inserting the data from the list by previewing all the letters by selecting different recipients in Step 7 . 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 5 . The letter shall look like this as shown in Figure . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] CONCLUSION 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 6 . It can improve our knowledge about the Microsoft Excel . in which is important if there is any need to generate multiple documents with similar content but different recipients . the readers will get the fundamentals on creating a mail merge-based documents . California: O’Reilly Media. the reader can understand the usage of Microsoft Office Excel in preparing a spreadsheet that allows restricted access to the other employees . customizing the recipient list and insert the data into the document . sales revenue and the total amount of salary that will be received based on their sales revenue) and the analysis on the previous three sheets that applies the usage of charts Also. Print. salary. Throughout the guideline . Inc. the readers will have a basic concept on how to create a simple spreadsheet with different functions and formulas . prices and the name of the employee in charge of selling the product) . In such. their respective brand . FREEDMAN (2013). 334-347 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 7 . p. the sales (including the number of the items sold and the number of items left after the sale) . the employees (including their name . the readers can know how to create the documentation by using the Microsoft Word . Microsoft Word 2013 Plain & Simple. the readers will master the skills of generating new list for the documents via mail merge . REFERENCES  JOSEPH J.PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] From this documentation. costs . The readers will gain knowledge on the application of the mail merge function into the documents of a Word file . ID. Besides that . The spreadsheet created mainly consists of the details about the inventory (including the names of the items . .PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL]  JOHN WALKENBACH (2013). 195-230  FROM ASKING LECTURER AND FRIEND  EXAMPLE ABOUT THE DOCUMENTATION FROM GOOGLE APPENDICES APPENDIX A : First sample of mail merge 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 8 . Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons. p. Print. Excel 2013 Bible. . Inc. 2013. PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] APPENDIX B : Second sample of mail merge 4 AICT003-4-1-PITS 9 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] APPENDIX C : Third sample of mail merge 5 AICT003-4-1-PITS 0 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 5 AICT003-4-1-PITS 1 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 5 AICT003-4-1-PITS 2 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 5 AICT003-4-1-PITS 3 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 5 AICT003-4-1-PITS 4 . PRACTICAL IT SKILLS [ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL] 5 AICT003-4-1-PITS 5 .


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