Affidavit of Desistance

June 6, 2018 | Author: Anne Secretbox | Category: Affidavit, Prosecutor, Witness, Complaint, Philippines
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Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D AVAO ] S.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I, CHRISTY DE CASTRO JAO , of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Villamor Porras St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City, after having been sworn to in accordance with the law, do hereby depose and state that: 1. I am the complaining witness in Criminal Case No. 61,3822007 For: Violation of Sec. 5 (a) in relation to Sec. 6 (a) of RA 9262 entitled “People of the Philippines vs. Jefferson Hong Jao” now pending before RTC-Branch 33, Davao City; 2. My husband, accused Jefferson Hong Jao asked forgiveness to what he had done to me, and out of my love and compassion for him, and in view of the love and support that he has since bestowed on me and our children I have decided to forgive my husband, accused Jefferson Hong Jao; 3. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against accused Jefferson Hong Jao nor testify against him in the said case; 4. I respectfully request that the Honorable Regional Trial CourtBranch 33, Davao City and the Honorable Provincial Prosecutor to DISMISS the above-mentioned case against accused Jefferson Hong Jao; 6. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand this _____of August 2007 in the City of Davao, Philippines. CHRISTY DE CASTRO JAO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______ of August 2007 in the City of Davao, Philippines. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. Prosecutor Republic of the Philippines] GENERAL SANTOS CITY ] S.S x---------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I, REGINA S. BACALING, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Narciso Compound, National Highway, General Santos City, Philippines, after having been sworn to in accordance with the law, do hereby depose and state that: 1. I am the private complaining witness in People vs. Norman Gallego, docketed as criminal case no. 14592 and presently archived before the Regional Trial Court – Branch 23, 11 th Judicial Region, General Santos City; 2. The said case was ordered re-investigated and at present is pending review before the Department of Justice (DOJ) – Manila [I.S. No. 2K-00990, City Prosecution Office of GSC, for: RE-INVESTIGATION); 3. I filed the above-mentioned case against the person of NORMAN GALLEGO due to miscommunications regarding the payment of his indebtedness to me; 4. We have already settled the civil aspect of the case and I have no more monetary claim against accused NORMAN GALLEGO; 5. Because of the above-mentioned reason and considering the fact that I do not consider the same as a crime against my person, I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against NORMAN GALLEGO nor testify against him in the above-mentioned case; 6. I respectfully request that the Honorable Regional Trial Court – Branch 23, 11th Judicial Region, GSC and/or the Department of Justice (DOJ) to DISMISS the above-mentioned criminal case for estafa against NORMAN GALLEGO; 7. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my _____________ in the City of General Santos, Philippines. hand this REGINA S. BACALING Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _________ in the City of General Santos, Philippines. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. . of legal age.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. th 5. I respectfully request that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities-Branch 6. SHEILAH S. do hereby depose and state that: 1. I caused the filing of criminal complaint for Violation of BP 22 against MILDRED VILLARIZA with address at 146 Bolton Extension. 11th Judicial Region. I hereunto set my hand this August ____ . Hence. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. That we have already settled the civil aspect of the case. ____________ (Davao City Prosecution Office: IS NO. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against Mildred Villariza nor testify against her in the said case. Filipino. 2002 in the City of Davao. Mildred Villariza and docketed as Criminal Case No. 2002 in the City of Davao. 11 Judicial Region and/or the City Prosecution Office of Davao to DISMISS the above-mentioned case against MILDRED VILLARIZA. Davao City. 4. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. married and a resident of Davao City. SHEILA S. 2202-2258). IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ILANO. vs. entitled “Pp. 3. The criminal case for violation of BP 22 is pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities-Branch 6. Philippines. ILANO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this August ___ .S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Philippines. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. Prosecutor . 2. 11th Judicial Region. and is now ready for raffling before the Honorable Municipal Trial Courts in Cities. do hereby depose and state that: 1.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. Davao City. Davao City to DISMISS above-mentioned case against ROYLAN MANGLICMOT. MEDARIO S. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Philippines. GONZALES Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this August __ . NHA-Agdao Subdivision. GONZALES. 2. MEDARIO S. I respectfully request that the City Prosecution Office of Davao AND/OR the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities-Branch __. Because of the above-mentioned reason. I filed a complaint for Violation of BP 22 before the City Prosecution Office of Davao City against ROYLAN MANGLICMOT with address at Block 1. The case against said Roylan Manglicmot is docketed as I. 3.S. Philippines. Philippines. I hereunto set my hand this August __. 5. No. We have already settled the civil aspect of the case and I was already paid by the accused of his monetary obligation towards me. Lot 38. ENGR. 6. married and a resident of Davao City. Filipino. 2002. in the City of Davao. Agdao. 2002-3504 and 3505. Prosecutor . I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against ROYLAN MANGLICMOT nor testify against him in the above-mentioned case. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. 11 th Judicial Region. 4. of legal age. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ENGR. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that he freely and voluntarily executed the same. 2002 in the City of Davao. 11th Judicial Region.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. MEDARIO S. married and a resident of Davao City. 4. MEDARIO S. GONZALES Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this June __. Philippines. ENGR. 6. We have already settled the civil aspect of the case and I was already paid by the accused of his monetary obligation towards me. do hereby depose and state that: 1. GONZALES. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against Alfredo Minoy nor testify against him in the above-mentioned case. Philippines. I hereunto set my hand this June __. I caused the filing of criminal complaint for Violation of BP 22 against ALFREDO MINOY with address at NDC Multi Motors Center Bajada. The criminal case for violation of BP 22 is now pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities-Branch 4. 2002. OSCAR SUAREZ TE Prosecutor 1 . Davao City and/or the City Prosecution Office of Davao to DISMISS the above-mentioned case against Alfredo Minoy. 2. 3. 2002 in the City of Davao. Because of the above-mentioned reason coupled with the fact that we are again now doing business together. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 195-D-00.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. 96. 5. Davao City. and docketed as Criminal Case No. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. entitled “Pp. Philippines. vs. of legal age. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that he freely and voluntarily executed the same. in the City of Davao. Alfredo Minoy”. ENGR. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Filipino. I respectfully request that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities-Branch 4. I am no longer interested in filing a case. 3. FEURILLO MACEDA MORIAL.. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. Filipino. arising from the said vehicular incident on January 28. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Philippines. against Mr. That I am the same Feurillo Morial. That I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. Agdao. 2002 due to a vehicular incident involving my pick-up truck and that of an Isuzu Cargo Truck owned by one Danilo Villamar of Lambayong. 2002 in the City of Davao. either civil or criminal. FEURILLO MACEDA MORIAL Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this April 23. hence. 2002 in the City of Davao.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Sultan Kudarat. That I have already entered an amicable settlement with Mr. Danilo Villamar nor testify against him in any court or administrative agency. I hereunto set my hand this April 23. the husband of the late Erlinda Morial who passed away last January 28. do hereby depose and state that: 1. Soliman St. widower and a resident of 28-A 1. Prosecutor . of legal age.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. 2002. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Philippines. 2. Davao City. Danilo Villamar. ______ ). I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. ILANO. ILANO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this November ___ . I caused the filing of criminal complaints for Violation of BP 22 against LORETA VERGARA with office address at DOTC-PIU. upper Car Park.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. SHEILAH S. do hereby depose and state that: 1. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Loreta Vergara nor testify against her in the said cases. Illustre St. 12 Philippine Japan Friendship Higway. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has . married and a resident of Davao City and business address ESSENTIALS – 2nd Floor. Davao City. 2001 in the City of Davao. 4. 6. entitled “Pp. SHEILA S. JS Gaisano. Loreta Vergara” (Davao City Prosecution Office: IS NO. 2001 in the City of Davao. I respectfully request that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities. Filipino. vs.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. Davao City and/or the City Prosecution Office of Davao to DISMISS the above-mentioned case against LORETA VERGARA. Philippines. 11th Judicial Region. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Philippines. Panacan. Considering the fact that the case stemmed out of miscommunications between my person and Loreta Vergara and the fact that I do not consider her as causing any crime against my person. That I have filed the above-mentioned cases against the person of LORETA VERGARA only because of miscommunications regarding the payment of the said check. The criminal case for violation of BP 22 are now pending for raffling before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 3. Davao City. 2. I hereunto set my hand this November ___ . 5.. Km. of legal age. Prosecutor .understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. Davao del Sur after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. al. I have decided to forgive accused Rodolfo Gomez. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that he freely and voluntarily executed the same. Rodolfo Gomez. I am the complaining witness in Criminal Case No. Digos City AND the Honorable Provincial Prosecutor to DISMISS the above-mentioned case against accused Rodolfo Gomez only. do hereby depose and state that: 1. 2. et. Magsaysay. 6. I hereunto set my hand this _______ in the City of Digos. Philippines. now pending before RTC-Branch 19. HONORIO CRISOSTOMO. Filipino and a resident of Bala. 3. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Rodolfo Gomez only nor testify against him in the said case.” for Robbery in Band. Digos City. and considering further that he has stayed in jail already for a quiet a length of time. 4. XXI13(85) entitled “People of the Philippines vs. Philippines. HONORIO CRISOSTOMO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______ in the City of Davao. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D IG O S ] S. of legal age.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Prosecutor . Accused Rodolfo Gomez asked forgiveness to what he had done to me and for humanitarian reasons. I respectfully request that the Honorable Regional Trial Court-Branch 19. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. ALFREDO CRISOSTOMO. Rodolfo Gomez. I respectfully request that the Honorable Regional Trial Court-Branch 19. now pending before RTC-Branch 19. of legal age. al.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D IG O S ] S.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. Magsaysay. 3. et. XXI12(85) entitled “People of the Philippines vs. Davao del Sur after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. I have decided to forgive accused Rodolfo Gomez. Philippines. Digos City. Prosecutor .” for Robbery in Band. and considering further that he has stayed in jail already for a quiet a length of time. Accused Rodolfo Gomez asked forgiveness to what he had done to me and for humanitarian reasons. Filipino and a resident of Bala. I am the complaining witness in Criminal Case No. Philippines. 2. I hereunto set my hand this _______ in the City of Digos. 4. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Rodolfo Gomez only nor testify against him in the said case. do hereby depose and state that: 1. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that he freely and voluntarily executed the same. Digos City AND the Honorable Provincial Prosecutor to DISMISS the above-mentioned case against accused Rodolfo Gomez only. 6. ALFREDO CRISOSTOMO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______ in the City of Davao. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. married and a resident of Davao City after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. MAHELINDA Z. Jose Domingo” (Archived). I caused the filing of criminal complaint for Estafa against JOSE U. Considering the fact that the case stemmed out of miscommunication between my person and Jose Domingo and the fact that I do not consider it as causing any crime against my person. 4. Obrero. do hereby depose and state that: 1. vs. Davao City. That I have filed the above-mentioned case against the person of JOSE DOMINGO only because of miscommunication regarding the payment of his obligation to me. CLEMENTE. 3. The criminal case for Estafa is pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities. 2. I hereunto set my hand this October 12. of legal age. Filipino. CLEMENTE Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this October 12. docketed as Criminal Case no. Philippines. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against JOSE DOMINGO nor testify against him in the said case. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. 2001 in the City of Davao. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements.. . Davao City. 5. 2001 in the City of Davao.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. Branch 5. 6. 9622-E-94. MAHELINDA Z.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Philippines. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. DOMINGO with address at 47 Lacson St. entitled “Pp. I respectfully request that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 5 of Davao City to DISMISS the abovementioned case against accused JOSE DOMINGO. Prosecutor . Paras has no more monetary obligation towards me and I am no longer interested to pursue the criminal cases for BP 22 I filed against her. 2001 Received from MS. SHEILA S. Paras . PARAS the amount of Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Six (P12. ILANO Essentials – Upper Car Park JS Gaisano.00) as FULL payment of her obligation towards me. Neptalie C. With such payment. NEPTALIE C.736. Davao City BELLA MARIE MAXEY Authorized Representative Of Neptalie C.ACKNOWLEDGMENT RECEIPT June 22. I certify that Ms. Paras .00 P 3. 15. PDCP Branch Bank Bank – CM Recto Bank – CM Recto Bank – CM Recto Bank – CM Recto Check no. 0161389 0161390 0161391 0161392 Date Oct. 2000 Amount P 3.ACKNOWLEDGMENT June 22. 184. PDCP Branch 4. 2000 Dec. PDCP Branch 2. 2001 Received from MS. 31. to wit: 1. 15. 184. subject of criminal cases for violation of BP 22. ILANO the following bounced checks. 2000 Dec. 184. PDCP Branch 3. 2000 Nov. 184. 15.00 BELLA MARIE MAXEY Authorized Representative Of Neptalie C.00 P 3.00 P 3. SHEILAH S. married and a resident of Davao City and business address ESSENTIALS – 2nd Floor. 101. docketed as Criminal Case no. The criminal cases for violation of BP 22 are now pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities. ILANO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this August 15. 5. Sasa.613-C-2001. 2001 in the City of Davao. Davao City. do hereby depose and state that: 1. 2. with address at AIR SERVICES COOPERATIVE. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. 3. I hereunto set my hand this August 15.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S.. ILANO . 4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Branch 3. I caused the filing of criminal complaints for Violation of BP 22 against EDGAR MA. entitled “Pp. Davao City. SHEILA S. Considering the fact that the case stemmed out of miscommunications between my person and Edgar Ma and the fact that I do not consider her as causing any crime against my person. That I have filed the above-mentioned cases against the person of EDGAR MA only because of miscommunications regarding the payment of the said check. I respectfully request that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 3 of Davao City to DISMISS the abovementioned case against accused EDGAR MA. 2001-2079). Philippines. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against EDGAR MA nor testify against her in the said cases. SHEILA S. 6. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that she has . JS Gaisano. 2001 in the City of Davao. Filipino.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. vs. of legal age. Davao City. upper Car Park. Edgar Ma” (Davao City Prosecution Office: IS NO. Davao International Airport. Philippines. Illustre St. understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. Prosecutor . I will also no longer testify against him in the abovementioned case. Captain Delfin Sadon and the fact that I do not consider his complained act as causing crime against my person. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. RAUL MONTALBAN. and a resident of Malita. Don Marcelino. 2. vs. docketed as Criminal Case no. with address at Barangay Lawa. Davao del Sur. 6. Davao del Sur. 4. 5. Captain Delfin Sadon only because of some miscommunications. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against Brgy. of legal age. Philippines. I hereunto set my hand this ________ at _______ . The criminal case for violation of Article 316 of the Revised Penal Code is now pending before the 5th Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Malita. 3. Captain Delfin Sadon. Captain Delfin Sadon. .S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Philippines.Republic of the Philippines] ____________________] S. 8821. That I have filed the said case against the person of Brgy. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Davao del Sur of Davao City to DISMISS the said case against accused Brgy. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. RAUL MONTALBAN Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _______ in ________. entitled “Pp. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for violation of Article 316 of the Revised Penal Code against Barangay Captain Delfin Sadon. Considering the fact that the case stemmed out of a miscommunication between my person and Brgy. Davao del Sur. I respectfully request that the 5th Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Malita. Delfin Sadon”. Davao del Sur. do hereby depose and state that: 1. Filipino. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that he freely and voluntarily executed the same. . FELY BOCTOTO. Branch 2. FELY BOCTOTO Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ day of August. Davao City. 225. 2000 in the City of Davao. Davao City. Prosecutor . vs. entitled “Pp. docketed as Crim. Philippines. 6. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against John Johnson nor testify against him in the said case. Davao City. of legal age. That I have filed the said case against the person of John Johnson only because of a miscommunication regarding the payment of the said check 4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for Violation of BP 22 against JOHN JOHNSON. Bonifacio Street. John Johnson”. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. with address at No. 3. 2nd Floor. Case no. 5. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing statements. I hereunto set my hand this ____ day of August..S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Filipino. 96. The criminal case for violation of BP 22 is now pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities. Major Bldg. Philippines. married and a resident of 165-B. 5th Street. I respectfully request that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 2 of Davao City to DISMISS the said case against accused John Johnson. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that she freely and voluntarily executed the same. do hereby depose and state that: 1.204-B-2000. Ecoland. Considering the fact that the case stemmed out of a miscommunication between my person and John Johnson and the fact that I do not consider him as causing any crime against my person. 2000 in the City of Davao.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. 2. CAMILO CABATU with address at Camellia St. docketed as Crim. vs. MEDARIO S. The criminal case for violation of BP 22 is now pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. 5. Philippines. . Davao City.600-F-2000 entitled “Pp. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements.598-F-2000. Camilo Cabatu. 6. do hereby depose and state that: 1. Camilo Cabatu have already settled amicably the civil aspects of the case. married and a resident of c/o WALBROS HARDWARE. 93. 3. I respectfully requests that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 6 of Davao City to DISMISS the said case against accused Engr. San Pedro Village. Davao City. Davao City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Engr. ENGR.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. 5 Buhangin. Km. I hereunto set my hand this ____ day of May. Filipino. Camilo Cabatu”. Branch 6. Philippines. Case no. 2000 in the City of Davao. 2. 2000 in the City of Davao. Considering that the accused Engr. GONZALES. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for Violation of BP 22 against ENGR. 93. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. Camilo Cabatu nor testify against him in the said case. of legal age. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that the same was freely and voluntarily executed by him. ENGR. MEDARIO S. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the above-mentioned case against Engr. GONZALES Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of May.599-F-2000 and 93.. vs. 94.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. Victor Malnegro nor testify against him in the said case. GONZALES Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of May. Victor Malnegro have already settled amicably the civil aspects of the case. 2000 in the City of Davao. Toril. 5. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Case no. Davao City.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Philippines. Davao City. docketed as Crim. Considering that the accused Engr. 5 Buhangin. of legal age. MEDARIO S. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Engr. I respectfully requests that the Honorable Municipal Trial Court in Cities Branch 1 of Davao City to DISMISS the said case against accused Engr. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements. Davao City. do hereby depose and state that: 1. Philippines. Engr. VICTOR MALNEGRO with address at Manggahan. GONZALES. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that the same was freely and voluntarily executed by him. MEDARIO S. 2. Branch 1. Victor Malnegro.212-A-2000 entitled “Pp. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. . 3. I hereunto set my hand this ____ day of May. 2000 in the City of Davao. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for Violation of BP 22 against ENGR. Filipino. The criminal case for violation of BP 22 is now pending before the Municipal Trial Court in Cities. ENGR. married and a resident of c/o WALBROS HARDWARE. Km. 6. Victor Malnegro”. ENGR. 5. 2000 in the City of Davao.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. 2000 in the City of Davao. Considering that the accused Engr. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. ENGR. Davao City. ___________ entitled “ Pp. The criminal case for violation Article 315. Engr. 6. Victor Malnegro”. 2(d) (Estafa) is pending before the Regional Trial Court. Philippines. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for Estafa against ENGR. Km. 5 Buhangin. Branch ___ of Davao City to DISMISS the said case against accused Engr. Filipino.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Davao City. No. . vs. married and a resident of c/o WALBROS HARDWARE. MEDARIO S. VICTOR MALNEGRO with address at Manggahan. Case no. MEDARIO S. Toril. Victor Malnegro nor testify against him in the said case. GONZALES Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of May. ENGR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. do hereby depose and state that: 1. Branch ___ . GONZALES. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Engr. I hereunto set my hand this ____ day of May. docketed as Crim. of legal age. 2. Victor Malnegro have already settled amicably the civil aspects of the case. Victor Malnegro. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that the same was freely and voluntarily executed by him. Philippines. I respectfully requests that the Honorable Regional Trial Court in Cities. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements. Davao City. 3. JR. I hereunto set my hand this ____ day of June. I am executing this affidavit in order to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements. do hereby depose and state that: 1. 1999 in the City of Davao.. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Alvin D. 99-6429 and presently investigated by Prosecutor Victor C. . JR. Albios and Danny Montejo with address at Washington. I respectfully requests that the City Prosecution Office of Davao City dismiss the said case against the above-mentioned respondents. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Davao City (Back of Almendras Gym). Philippines. 4. MALINAO. FELIX T. The said case is now pending before the CITY PROSECUTION OFFICE of Davao City. MALINAO. Philippines. 2. 1999 in the City of Davao. Christopher L. Christopher L. 5.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. Davao City. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. FELIX T. married and a resident of Quimpo Boulevard. docketed as Investigation Sheet No. 3. Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of June. Lumakang. Albios and Danny Montejo nor testify against them in the said case. of legal age. Sepulveda. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that the same was freely and voluntarily executed by him.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Lumakang. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for Theft against Alvin D. Filipino. Quimpo Boulevard. CECILIO C. Davao City before the Office of the OmbudsmanMindanao. after having been sworn to in accordance with the law. docketed as OMB-MIN-99-005 entitled “Cecilio Arcenas versus Reynaldo S. ARCENAS. I respectfully requests that the Office of the OmbudsmanMindanao dismiss the said case against respondent Reynaldo S. married and a resident of Emilia Homes Subdivision. and presently investigated by Graft Investigator I Atty. CECILIO C. . Engineer II of the City Engineers Office. of legal age. do hereby depose and state that: 1. 2000 in the City of Davao. 2000 in the City of Davao. Filipino. I am no longer interested in prosecuting the abovementioned case against Reynaldo S. Lot 22. Ruiz nor testify against him in the said case. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said case is now pending before the Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao. Jocelyn Araune. Davao City. Philippines. Ruiz” for falsification of public document. 2. 5. I caused the filing of a criminal complaint for Falsification of Public Document against Reynaldo S. ARCENAS Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of May. 4. Buhangin. I certify that I have personally examined the affiant and I am satisfied that he has understood the contents of the foregoing affidavit of desistance and that the same was freely and voluntarily executed by him. Block 2. I hereunto set my hand this ________ day of May. I am executing this affidavit freely and voluntarily in order to attest to the truth of the foregoing statements. Philippines. Ruiz.S x------------------/ AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE I. Ruiz. Cabantian.Republic of the Philippines] C I T Y O F D A V A O ] S. 3.


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