Active Pieces - Jay Bonin

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Jay Bonin and Greg Keener Active Pieces © 2016 Jay Bonin and Greg Keener All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the Publisher. Publisher: Mongoose Press 1005 Boylston Street, Suite 324 Newton Highlands, MA 02461 [email protected] ISBN: 978-1-936277-77-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016918186 Distributed to the trade by National Book Network [email protected], 800-462-6420 For all other sales inquiries please contact the Publisher. Layout: Stanislav Makarov Editor: Jorge Amador Cover Design: Alexander Krivenda Printed in the United States of America First English edition 0987654321 Contents Acknowledgements About This Book Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Keep It Complicated, Stupid Chapter 2: Oh, No – Not You Again! Chapter 3: The Art of the Irrefusable Draw Offer Chapter 4: That’s No Way To Treat A Lady Chapter 5: Avoiding Dead Draws Chapter 6: The Endgame Chapter 7: Chess “Rope-a-Dope” Chapter 8: Beating Grandmasters Chapter 9: Tactical Potpourri Solutions Index of Games Acknowledgements he authors wish to thank Brian Lawson, who provided a collection of unpublished games T without which this book would not have been possible. In addition, the authors would like to thank the staff and board of the Marshall Chess Club, in particular its most recent presidents, Stuart Chagrin, Paul Rachlin, and Frank Brady, as well as its executive director, Bryan Quick. We would also like to thank Asa Hoffmann for his input on the manuscript and his thoughtful foreword; and Boris Izrayelit, Jon Munnell, and Cameron Hull for their encouragement and ideas offered from a reader’s perspective. Finally, we would like to thank Mongoose Press for investing in this project, as well as Jorge Amador for his tireless effort and thoughtful contributions throughout the editing process. About This Book t’s an established culinary fact that too many cooks spoil the broth, and I think it’s safe to I assume that any book with more than one author runs similar risks. However, we have taken a lot of effort to create a streamlined text for the reader here, in which Jay’s games are presented and analyzed with his own ideas front and center in every variation. Of course, we checked these variations with the help of our silicon friend Houdini, who sometimes showed us paths leading into the dark woods of uncertainty that we occasionally invite the reader to explore with us. However, throughout the book any reference to “I” or “myself” should be read as if Jay were speaking, with the one exception of this very page in which I – Greg Keener – have a chance to chat directly with you the reader. As a tournament director at the Marshall Chess Club over the last few years, I have seen Jay Bonin win tournament after tournament after tournament – not always finishing in clear first place, but very often finishing “in the money.” I recall one of his longer winning streaks when he managed to come in clear first or tied for first a remarkable 9 events in a row. This is not an easy feat, even for a veteran GM. I recall scratching my head and wondering just how on earth was he so consistently “lucky” when it came to playing in open Swiss events. While talking with a group of club members one day, I posed the following question: How does Jay win? This was not a rhetorical question. I actually wanted to get a concrete answer. I knew that he had a variety of pet systems he liked to play, but so do most tournament players. I was aware that he favored endgames with knights, and that he was a tricky tactician in original positions as well. But what I was really looking for was a more complete answer to my question, one that focused on how he won Swiss event after Swiss event. So I approached him one evening at the Marshall Chess Club with this question in mind. His answer, which wasn’t entirely forthcoming at first, is what you’re holding in your hands. My contribution to this book has been mostly in prodding Jay with further questions, helping to structure his thoughts and to present the material in a way that I hope comes close to answering my original inquiry. Poring through thousands of unpublished games, we tried to isolate those that were not only interesting, but which also fit into certain themes that I think the reader will find intriguing and engaging in equal measure. Of course, my greatest challenge as co-author was to coax the genius out of Jay and present it to the reader in a logically consistent format. A book, after all, is not made up of ideas but of words and sentences, and – in the case of a chess book – many, many diagrams. Ultimately, I wanted to help bring this book into existence because it is a book that I have wanted to read and no one else had written it yet. Having read it now, I can say Jay has answered my question to my satisfaction, and I hope that you will find as much pleasure in reading his reply as I did in transmitting to you. Greg Keener New York City, July 2016 Foreword ay Bonin, like many others in chess, is a product of the Fischer Age. At 17, he first became J hooked on chess while watching the Fischer-Spassky match on TV in 1972. Who would imagine that from these beginnings Jay would become an International Master and the most active titled tournament player in the U.S. for decades to come? I first met Jay in 1974 when he faced me in a simultaneous exhibition that I gave at Kingsborough Community College. One would hardly notice Jay at the time: he was mild- mannered, with a pleasant look and an unassuming demeanor. Soon, however, Jay would rapidly progress and become one of my most frequent, strong opponents, and indeed, a longtime friend. Jay’s path to success was to seek out all the possible venues to play in the New York area and beyond. He joined the Marshall Chess Club in 1972 and played in every weekend Swiss he could find. He also traveled around to small venues in the area. Later he would also join the Manhattan Chess Club. For decades, and to this day, if there was a tournament in the New York area, you could count on Jay playing in it. Like the mailman, Jay came through rain and sleet and snow and dark of night – sometimes to find out the tournament was cancelled! Nothing stopped Jay. Around 1980, the true heyday of New York chess began when the Bar Point Club, run by Bill Goichberg and Steve Immitt, opened on West 14th Street. Here there were tournaments every day, from quads to serious international events. Many young players and future grandmasters from the Soviet Union appeared here and both Jay and I faced them all, resulting in a great improvement in both of our games. With this experience behind us, Jay achieved the U.S. title of Senior Master and became an International Master in 1985, while I reached Senior Master and became a FIDE Master, at over 40 years of age. As the years progressed, Jay just kept on rolling like the Energizer Bunny, playing not only in New York but in the World Open, some U.S. Opens, and a brief trip or two to play in Europe. Among his famous feats are victories in the Marshall and Manhattan Chess Club Championships. In one year he won both of those events and also the New York State Championship, earning him the “Triple Crown” of New York chess. Jay always claimed he never studied chess, but I would often catch him playing over every game in the Chess Informant! I like to say that Jay could write a book titled “My 10,000 Greatest Games,” because he has played so much tournament chess over the last few decades that most of his games would not make the cut for that volume. However, much like myself, Jay is in the habit of carefully depositing his scoresheets in the nearest trashcan after an event, which makes the book your holding in your hands a rather unusual one. It contains mostly unpublished games that you will not find in Chessbase online or on any other database. When Internet chess arrived, Jay would play blitz online for many hours every day. In the early 2000s, the New York Masters, a weekly event, arrived at the Marshall Chess Club, organized by John Fernandez and Greg Shahade. Of course, Jay played in almost every one of these. Playing in this multitude of events earned Jay the nickname of “The Iron Man of July 2016 .S. some of which you will see in this volume. You can tell how the game is going by the expressions on his face. as he has some incredible tactical wins against grandmasters. tricky swindles. a visage of triumph all add up to the fact that this guy should not play poker! Jay’s chess style can be described as mostly positional. But this is not to say that Jay doesn’t create combinations. Our games have featured brilliant wins. will keep on “Bonin” along for many years to come! Asa Hoffmann New York City. Jay seems to have a score against me of roughly 2 to 1. a worried cloud.” Jay and I have now been playing against each other for over forty years. a true U. He loves maneuvering with knights so much that his characteristic knight maneuvers have become known as the “Bonin Knights. We expect that Jay. Jay is an interesting player to watch. the USCF’s official records only begin in 1991 and so many of our results have been lost. and egregious blunders! In all of this time. Sadly. A sly smile. chess institution.Chess.” He is also very strong in the endgame. with a TV on the premises to follow the match live. After Fischer beat Spassky. It wasn’t like the other clubs I went to: I had to ring a bell and was surprised to see that it was the famous chess teacher Bruce Pandolfini who had buzzed me in. winning a nice trophy. where I bought a Hasbro plastic set with instructions and managed to teach myself how to play. The place was jumping. when I was in junior high at Andries Hudde JHS in T Brooklyn. tournaments. imposing man named Petar Lovrich. which is still running today. I barely had enough money to get home. For the next couple of years I was a casual player. I was immediately hooked. One match was against Sheepshead Bay HS. The next club I visited was Charles Hidalgo’s Chess House. He was in the middle of a chess lesson as I walked up the stairs. . when I noticed two classmates playing chess on a wooden peg board. I started playing speed chess and was nervous at first. It was Bill Goichberg who directed my first event. As a junior at James Madison High School. I played first board. even playing some games with me. until the summer of 1972. I was working as a camp counselor in the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center. That caught my eye and I tried to follow the moves. greeted me as if I had been a member of the private club for years. and each table had an individual light above it. and I was happy to be a part of it. as I tied for first with 7 out of 8. My opponents were mostly Class A and B players and my first USCF rating was 1412. unsuccessfully. it was there that I learned that chess can be played with a clock. who beat me like a drum – a very humbling experience! Talking with him afterward. A flyer for the Greater New York Scholastic Championships at the Hotel McAlpin caught my eye. It was a good decision. and the first place I found was the Chess and Checker Club of New York in Times Square. Bill Slater.Preface he journey began in February 1970. and consultation games. After losing two games and paying my time. I was really impressed with how classy and busy this club was – the style of the pieces. when a nice older man. I went there four times to follow the match. It was the Thursday Night Open. many people joined the club in the ensuing chess craze.S. Soon I was playing with my classmates. I went to a toy store in my neighborhood. I was in homeroom. While on a break in the counselors’ lounge. There were blitz games. though all I can say was that I knew how to move the pieces and not much more than that. Later that day. a tall. When Bobby Fischer went to Iceland to battle Boris Spassky for the World Chess Championship. I played for the chess team. Bill made me feel right at home. Two months later I played in my first Marshall Chess Club competition. and on my last visit I played one of the local hustlers. and I played in the Novice section on the advice of my school team’s faculty advisor. bughouse. A nicer place by the looks of it. I caught a glimpse of Shelby Lyman analyzing the Fischer-Spassky match on television. My opponent was Paul Wurmbrand. I looked in the phone book. the wooden clocks. but soon would get the hang of it. waiting for classes to begin. I learned from Paul that he was a member of the Marshall Chess Club. and 44 years later he’s still directing major U. Bobby Fischer was an inspiration to me and I started to look for places where I could play chess more seriously. My rating went up very quickly, jumping to first category in a year, expert in two years, and master two years after that. As my game improved, I looked for more and more opportunities to play. There was “Chess City,” later known as the “Gameroom.” I played in the U.S. Open at the then-Statler Hilton, now known as the Pennsylvania. In 1974 and 1976, I played in the Pan-American Intercollegiate, which was the tourney that put me over 2200. In 1977 I played in my first FIDE-rated event at the Manhattan Chess Club and scored 5/9, earning a FIDE rating. However, other than sporadic tournaments at the McAlpin every couple of weeks and the Thursday Night Marshall tournaments, there wasn’t nearly as much chess activity as there is in New York today. Then in 1980, when Bill Goichberg opened up The Chess Center of New York, everything changed. It was a chess palace, with tournaments every day of the week and it was the place where my legacy started. Along with the late Lesley Braun, I played over three hundred games in 1981 and we were both featured in a Chess Life article by Andy Soltis as America’s most active chessplayers. Over the next 35 years, I would average between 400 and 500 tournament games a year, sometimes playing over 700 games in a single year. Most of these games would be held at the Chess Center of New York until it closed in 1984, then the Manhattan Chess Club from 1984 until its closure in 2002, and finally the Marshall Chess Club, where most of my games currently take place. Along the way there were such tournaments as the New York State Championship (which I have won four times) and numerous club championships at the Marshall, Manhattan, Queens, and Nassau County chess clubs. In 1997, I won all four of these clubs’ championships. All of this practice was supplemented by serious study, but not the kind of systematic, step- by-step program that we tend to think of nowadays. Instead, I would take copies of the Chess Informant, going through the games and deeply scrutinizing the annotations and commentary until I felt I understood what was going on. When Greg Keener approached me to write this book, I went to the USCF website to check my stats; these were the totals since 1991 when the USCF started keeping records: I had played 13,122 games, of which 8,133 were wins, 3,151 were draws – and 1,838 were losses. As I’ve been playing since 1972, one might only guess at how many tournament games I have played in total. The most interesting for me is the last figure: 1,838 losses. Nobody likes to lose, but I’ve taken it in the chin over 1,800 times. Despite many tournament wins, I have also suffered some really gut-wrenching defeats, after which I have had to rebound, get up off the mat, and try again. In this book, you’ll see what makes me tick, how I adjust and readjust, and then also – I hope – learn how to do so yourself. Jay Bonin New York City, July 2016 Chapter 1 Keep It Complicated, Stupid hen I go to a tournament, I go with certain expectations: I expect to get the kind of game W that I like – a nice sterile game, preferably a queenless middlegame or an endgame with at least one knight left on the board. Often, though, I can’t get the kind of game that I want and find myself one way or another forced into complications. I observe the strengths and weaknesses in a particular player’s game, make adjustments; my opponents do likewise. Many players who have faced me regularly have observed my preference for knights, so they will try to remove them early on, even if this leaves them slightly worse. Others will play aggressively and attack early in order to take me out of my comfort zone – which is often a good idea if you’re the weaker player and trying for an upset victory. Anyone who has read the late IM Simon Webb’s Chess for Tigers can tell you that the best way to trap a “Heffalump” is to lure them into a swamp of tactical complications. It’s this kind of uncertainty that makes chess so exciting! If it were always simple, it would be boring and in all likelihood I would no longer be playing today. In this chapter, you will find a few of my least simple games, containing sparkling complexities that temporarily confuse even strong chess engines such as Houdini and Komodo. Of course, the title of this chapter is a reference to the famous acronym, K.I.S.S. – “Keep It Simple Stupid” – which is attributed to the renowned aeronautical engineer Kelly Johnson, whose design contributions were integral to the production of the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane as well as many other jet aircraft produced by Lockheed Skunk Works. Originally, the acronym was intended to remind engineers to keep their designs simple and elegant – so simple that the designs could be called “stupid.” K.I.S.S. has also been used by software developers as well as animators in search of ever more elegant minimalism. In general, this is also the kind of chess that I like to play, grinding out victories from simple, small advantages without needlessly over-complicating matters. Interestingly, the business world of management consulting adopted the phrase as well, inserting a comma and thus making the adage a derogatory imperative (as in “keep it simple, stupid” – implying that the person to whom they are speaking is stupid, as opposed to the antecedent to which the pronoun “it” refers). But in this chapter we will not keep it simple. Over the years, I’ve played in many fast time-control games, anywhere from Game/30, where players must complete all their moves in thirty minutes, to Game/45 and Game/60. In these faster time controls, time pressure is very likely, so a player should whip out the first 10 to 15 moves very quickly to leave more time for the rest of the game. Often, it comes down to who can complicate better, which means avoiding captures and responding to threats with threats rather than passive defense. The “game within the game” is to play anything that makes your opponent think and use up time on the clock. So as simple as I would like to be, I find myself playing complicated games frequently as well, in order to win fast time-control tournaments. The games in this chapter are therefore instructive not only for their intrinsic “chess value,” but also because they offer insight into how an International Master routinely wins Swiss System tournaments by playing the game within the game. Let the complications begin! Oliver Chernin – Jay Bonin Marshall Chess Club, New York 2013 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 Oliver finally transposes into his favorite English. 5…d5 6.cxd5 He keeps it sharp. I get active piece play, but my opponent gets a central pawn mass. 6…Nxd5 7.d4 Nc6 8.Nc3 Nb6 9.e3 e5 Black forces a decision. 10.d5 Na5 11.e4 c6 12.Be3 Nac4 Here is where I decide to go for complications. 12…cxd5 was simpler, but it released the tension in the center, while the computer likes the solid 12…Re8. 13.Bc5 Re8 14.b3 Nd7 The point behind my plan, as without this move I am lost. 15.Bxa7 Rxa7 16.bxc4 Nc5 Maybe 16…cxd5 was the way to go. 17.Qc2 f5 Oliver has won a pawn, but he will miss that dark-squared bishop! Now Black gets an initiative. 18.Nd2 f4 19.Nb3 Bf8 Now my dark-squared bishop comes into the fray. 20.Nxc5 Bxc5 21.gxf4 Creating more weaknesses. 21.Kh1 is better. 21…exf4 22.Rfe1 Hoping to get in e4-e5. 22…Qf6 Stopping e5 and now …f4-f3 is a threat. 23.Na4 Bd4 24.Rab1 f3 and Black won. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Mackenzie Molner U.S. Chess League, New York 2007 This game won the “Game of the Week” prize in the United States Chess League. At the time, Mackenzie was not yet a GM but a quickly rising National Master, and was perhaps a bit too creative with his opening play, allowing an enterprising sacrifice in this particular game. WGM Jennifer Shahade had this to say about my play in the following encounter: A victory for New York in this battle of former teammates. Bonin wins a clean attacking game after finding the knight sacrifice, 18.Nxf7!. One thing I liked about this game is that if White had missed the opportunity to sack, his attacking chances would have been slim. Even in the final position, it’s nice that White can only win with one move, 29.Be6+, although both players probably saw this a few moves before. 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 I play this move in order to prevent the Benko Gambit, which I myself play from time to time. 2…c5 3.d5 b5 4.Bg5 Ne4 5.Qd3 Nxg5 6.Nxg5 g6 Or …h7-h6 and …Ng5-h7. 7.Qxb5 I’ve won a pawn, but give Black the initiative in return. 7…Bg7 8.Nd2 Na6 Now with threats of …Nb4 and …Rb8, I have to return the pawn. 9.c3 Rb8 10.Qd3 Rxb2 11.Nc4 Rb8 12.e4 Preparing to complete development. 12…d6 13.Be2 0-0 14.0-0 Nc7 15.Rab1 Rxb1 16.Rxb1 e6 At this point I was worried about 16…Ba6, which would pin my c4-knight to the loose e2- bishop and thus remove an important element from the queenside. The move 16…e6 seeks counterplay in the center but weakens the d6-pawn, setting the table for the sacrifice two moves later. 17.Qg3 h6 18.Nxf7! A strong positional sacrifice that works because of Black’s move 16. In return for the knight, White gets a couple of pawns and threatens Rb8 too! 18…Rxf7 19.Nxd6 Rf8 20.Rb8 Qd7 Black is stepping on his own toes. 21.Nxc8 Rxc8 22.Rb7 exd5 23.Bg4 What could Black do? I was also threatening g6! 23…Qa4 24.h3 Making Luft to avoid the embarrassing back-rank mate that would follow after 24.Bxc8?? Qd1#. 24…Qxe4 If the rook moves, then White has Qxc7 with mate threats. 25.Bxc8 d4 26.cxd4 cxd4 27.Rxc7 Qe1+ 28.Kh2 Be5 29.Be6+ Saving my rook and leaving Black without any further serious threats. For instance, on 29…Kf8 30.Rf7+; or 29…Kh8 30.Rc8+ Kh7 31.f4 winning. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Tatiana Vayserberg Marshall Chess Club Chp, New York 2006 This game won the brilliancy prize for the 90th annual Marshall Chess Club Championship. On move 23, I sacrifice my queen, only to have her reappear three moves later on a8. 1.d4 f5 Black wants to play a Dutch, but I sidestep the main lines with an offbeat move. If instead 1…e6, seeking to reach the Dutch through a different move order, she will have to play a French after 2.e4. 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bg5 This bishop move is annoying for Dutch players to face, as it threatens not only to double their pawns and spoil their fun early, but also lays a not-so-subtle positional trap. For instance, if now 3…e6 then White can immediately respond with 4.e4!, when White will already have a lasting edge, having achieved the thematic pawn break on e4 against the Dutch at such an early stage in the opening. 3…d5 4.Bxf6 exf6 5.e3 Be6 Black prepares to go queenside, as castling kingside would give me attacking chances with a timely h2-h3 and g2-g4. 6.Bd3 Nc6 7.Qf3 Qd7 8.a3 0-0-0 Now I know where the black king lives and can begin to reroute my pieces accordingly. 9.Nge2 g6 10.Nf4 Bf7 11.Bb5 Not so much to pin the knight as to vacate the useful d3 square for my f4-knight to redeploy to the queenside. 11…Qd6 12.0-0 Here I considered taking the c6-knight and playing with the knight pair against the bishop pair in this semi-closed position, but then I thought that my b5-bishop had a bright future attacking Black’s king someday and decided to keep it after all. My opponent must have sensed that I was contemplating playing Bxc6, though, as on the very next move she denies me this exchange by retreating her knight to e7. 12…Ne7 13.b4 The race to attack begins! The logical result of opposite-side castling. Black will advance on the kingside while I will pressure the queenside. 13…h5 14.Nd3 g5 15.Nc5 g4 16.Qe2 Here 16.Qg3 would have ended Black’s kingside pressure, but after the exchange of queens it isn’t clear if White has anything on the queenside either. The text move is slightly inferior but keeps the tension. 16…f4 17.exf4 Nf5 18.Rfd1 Nh4 19.N3a4 I’m not going to protect my f4-pawn with 19.g3?, since it allows 19…Nf3+ followed by …h5-h4. Instead, I decide to stick to the program and marshal my queenside forces for a breakthrough. 19…Bh6 20.Rab1 Bxf4 21.Ba6! There’s no turning back. 21…bxa6 22.b5! This pawn turns out to be a choo-choo train, as it is immune from capture. If 22…axb5, then 23.Qxb5 and mate to follow, as the c5-knight controls the key escape square d7. 22…Rde8 This move misses the point and now White’s plan is unstoppable. Black could have fought harder with the calm and cool 22…Rd7!, when White’s position is still preferable, though with best play Black may have practical chances of surviving. One interesting line leads to a position where Black has three minors for the queen but is still worse due to poor piece coordination and a lack of king safety: 22…Rd7 23.b6 cxb6 (of course not 23…axb6 24.Qxa6+ Kd8 25.Nb7+, winning the queen) 24.Nxb6+ axb6 25.Qxa6+ Kc7 26.Nxd7 Bxh2+ 27.Kh1 Kxd7 28.Rxb6 Rc8 29.Rxd6+ Bxd6 30.Rb1. 23.b6 The final, pretty point: 23…axb6 24.Qxa6+ either mates or wins the queen. 23…Rxe2 24.bxa7 There is no stopping this pawn from reaching the promised land. 24…Bxh2+ 25.Kh1 Kd8 The only move that forestalls mate, as Rb8# is threatened. 26.a8Q+ Ke7 27.Qxh8 Nf5 28.Rb8 and Black resigns, as there is no answer to 29.Qf8#. 1-0 Jay Bonin – IM Alexander Ostrovskiy Marshall Chess Club, New York 2012 Alex and I have are both creatures of habit, and have played this opening many times. Despite that fact, he managed to surprise me with an enterprising sacrificial attack in this game after carefully building up pressure on the dark squares. My plan in this position after 9.Qc2 is to retain a central majority as a latent long-term threat and to grind out a simple edge in a long and boring game, but move 23 changed all that! 1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.c4 c6 4.Nbd2 Bf5 5.Qb3 Qc7 6.e3 Nbd7 7.Bd3 e6 This move is going for sharpness rather than the bland position that occurs after 7…Bxd3 or the waiting move 7…Bg6. After the text move, Black will get saddled with doubled pawns following the bishop trade, but in return will gain an open e-file on which to place his rooks and apply pressure to White’s position. 8.Bxf5 exf5 9.Qc2 g6 10.cxd5 Nxd5 11.a3 A prophylactic move thrown in to preempt the harassing …Nb4. 11…Be7 12.0-0 0-0 13.b3 Bf6 14.Bb2 Rfe8 15.g3 Another prophylactic pawn push. This one takes the sting out of a possible …f5-f4 break, which is Black’s plan with the doubled pawns in this position. 15…a5 16.Rac1 Re7 17.Rfd1 Rae8 18.Nc4 Bg7 19.Ne1 This knight gets redeployed to d3 to support a b3-b4 pawn break. Black’s pieces look active, but where is the pawn break? 29. but my engine prefers the calm 25.b5. it looks like I have weathered the storm.Rxe1 Rxe1+ 29.Kg2 g5 .Rc7 Seventh Avenue! 31…f6 32. 23…Nxg3!? Black has had enough of positional jockeying and. In fairness. 19…N7f6 20. Also. Black’s last move is played in the hopes of bailing out into an endgame with a pawn majority.b5 Qd5 The material is equal but unbalanced. 24. 25…Bxe3 26. the exchange of queens gives me control of the c-file and allows me to penetrate with a rook within three moves. though more correct appears to be 23…Nxf2!. but my two minors turn out to be more than the rooks can handle. this move is also the culmination of Black’s dark-square strategy and d-file pressure. more importantly. lacking useful pawn breaks. which appears to simplify the position and refute outright the sacrifice on move 23.Qxc4 Rxe1+ 28.Re1 Re4 26.Bc5 Ra1+ 34.b4 axb4 22.hxg3 Nxe3 25.Ba3 Re6 31. resorts to sacrifices to open my king up to attack.Nd7 Ra8 33.Nxe3 Retaining pieces.Ra1 Nxc4 27.axb4 Bh6 23. and it contains some venom if White panics.Ne5 Bxc1 27.Rxc1 Qd6 28.Qb3 Getting ready to play 24.Nxe1.Qxd5 cxd5 30.Nd3 Ne4 21. one of many such championships in which I’ve competed. but White has a mating net in mind too! 35. here I gambit a pawn to snuff out Black’s initiative.e3 f6 4.c4 e6 6. Black is hoping to set up a mating net with the moves …g5-g4 and …Re6-e1. so I knew going into this game that it would likely be a sharp fight.Nd2 .Bg7+ will recover the piece with an easily won ending.Bg3 h5. and 39…Rxf6 40.bxc3 Qd5 12. 37…g4 38.Bg5 Nc6 3.Nxf6+ Kh8 38. 1. 11.Nxf6! The final finesse. 7…dxc4 8.0-0 Bxc3 This exchange helps me strengthen my center.Nf3 Bb4 10.Bh4 Nh6 5.Bxf5 exf5 9. 1-0 Jay Bonin – IM Timothy Taylor New York State Championship 2014 This game was played in the final round of the 2014 NYS Championship. 40.Nxh7 Re6 This move is forced. 37.Rh7#.Bf8 The bishop joins in and completes the mating net.Bg7# is threatened. and my opponent may miss this bishop later on.Nc3 Nf5 7.Nf8! Ree1 36.d4 d5 2.Bd3 Not liking the position after 7. as I’m threatening mate in two after 37. My opponent is a sharp and uncompromising player.Bh6 Kh8 39. Rfd1 Defending the knight in the short term and placing the rook behind the passer for the long term.d6 Rc6 25.Rxa7 Rb8 29.axb5 Rxb5 17.a4 Rb8 16. 20…Rc2 21.Qh5+ Qf7 14.Qxd1 Rb2 28.Bxe5 Trading advantages. Already the threat of f2-f3 and e3-e4 distracts my opponent.d5 Ne5 22.exf5 Rxd6 Switching advantages again. and White wins easily. but now my passed d-pawn is scary.Ne4 Rd3 Not 26…Rxd1?? 27. now my focus is on the d-file.e4 Rc7 24. 22…fxe5 23. My remaining knight is better than Tim’s bishop.Bg3 0-0 Returning the pawn to catch up in development.Nc5 Qxf5 31. 26.Bd6 Rb2 20.Bxc7 Rc8 19. 18. .Rxd7.h4 Rd8 30.Qf3 Bd7 15. 12…b5 13. who tries to shore up the c- pawn on the next move but allows a finesse that pins down his pieces to passive defense for a few moves. 0-0 0-0 8. but I have… 29.h3 with e3-e4 to follow.Nxe8 a5 38.a3 I don’t quite understand this move.Rxd3 cxd3 28. Better is 8.Nxh6 Kc7 41.g4 Ra1+ 32. 3.h3 dxc4 I strike at the center first. as Tim realizes now. 29…h6 30.Kg2 Qe7 33.Nf3 a6 6.Qxd3 Ra2 Hoping to bail out with this move after exchanging the rooks.Ra3 1-0 With this win I was in good company.Qh3+ Qh5 33.Nf5+ Kd7 40.f6 gxf6 35. The New York State Champion that year: GM Gata Kamsky.Bd3 c5 12.Nxf6 Ke7 37.d5 b4 .Bd3 Bg7 7. 27. Warren Wang – Jay Bonin Nassau Championship. 31. that 30…Kh7 would be met by 31. New York 2014 1.Rb8+ Be8 Forced to self-pin the bishop.Rb1 …and now the invasion on the b-file will be decisive.Ng7 a4 39. 10.Qxh5#.Bxc4 b5 11.Qd6 Kf8 34.Nc3 Nf6 4.Rb3 a2 43.Rb4 a3 42. to his horror.e3 g6 5.Ng5+ hxg5 32.c4 c6 I try to keep things solid against my youthful opponent.d4 d5 2.Qxf6+ Qxf6 36. 8…Nbd7 9. sharing second and third places with GM Maxim Dlugy. Thus far I’ve retained the bishop pair.Qe2 Qd6 Suddenly I have counterplay despite the two-pawn deficit.Nxa6 Rd8 I was relying on this counter-shot to meet 25. White’s 12.Nxc5 An overload combo. The a6-knight can’t return to the . 12…b4 is practically forced here. 22…Bxf3 23. 22. 26. 13.Qxd5 Rb8 16. but my king is under pressure.Qe2 Rd8 21.Qxf3 Rxd1+ 24.Bxg6 hxg6 15.d5 is interesting in that it leads to complications. Here I am happy.Nxa6.Ne2 Nxd5 14.Rd1 Qc7 17. 19.Qd3 Bb7 20. 21…Rb5 was called for. which is hanging in some variations.Nd3 Rb3 Now I spoil it all with this move. as after the queen moves I will play …Bb7 and control the e4 square while White still hasn’t developed the c1-bishop. as I can’t afford to wait for White to play e3-e4 when his center would be overwhelming.axb4 Rxb4 18.Qxd1 Rb8 25.Nf4 Nf6 I play this move to gain a tempo and to push the white queen around before White gets to play Nxg6. exploiting my b3-rook. recovering the piece and a pawn.a4 Bg7 14.Nf3 a6 3. Perhaps the simple 27. 27.d3 d6 6.d4 cxd4 4.Qe2 Nbc6 11.axb5 axb5 15.b4? I don’t know what to recommend. though he was already showing much promise as a young player at the time of this club championship. but it’s certainly not this.Qf1 Ne4 Winning lots of material. I was inspired to play the O’Kelly Sicilian by FM Asa Hoffmann.g3 b5 4.0-0 g6 We have reached a Closed Sicilian by transposition.Bxb2 Rd2+. 12. One of the main points of this variation is a positional trap – after the “normal” Sicilian moves. .Nh3 e6 9.Ra1 Ne4 34.Nb3 Bb4 and Black is equal already. This ending is likely drawn as well.g4 Bxb2 35. 29.Kf3 Nxb1 0-1 Robert Hess – Jay Bonin Marshall Chess Club Chp.Ng5 h6 8.Qc2 would be good enough for a draw after.Ra4 Nd6.Ra4 Nd6 33.Ke2 Nc3+ 32. Another line that avoids repetition would be 27.f4 Bg7 32.Ra4 Nd6 33. 7.g4 when White would have a dangerous initiative. 1.e4 c5 2. New York 2004 This game was played before Robert became a grandmaster.Kh2 Ne4 30.Rb1 Qxf1+ 30. for instance.Bg2 Bb7 5. etc.c3 f5 This move is double-edged and a little risky. 27…Qd1+ 28.Rxa8+ Bxa8 16.e4 c5 2.Nf3 a6 3.f3 Be5 31. Black equalizes easily: 1. but I don’t want to allow 12.f4 Ne7 10.Qxd1 Rxd1+ 29.f3 Be5 31.Kxf1 Rd1+ of operations.exf5 exf5 17.Kh2 Ne4 30.Nc3 e5 6.Ra1 Ne4 34. 27…Qd1+ 28.f4 Bg7 32.Re1 Qd7 13. while the c1-bishop can’t be developed and …Qd1+ is a big threat.Qxd1 Rxd1+ 29.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Qc2 Qd1+ 28.Na3 This move is played in the hope of exploiting the weak square b5. 32…Nxd2+ 33.Nb6 Qa7 20. 19…Rb8 20.Re2 Qd5+ 30.Kf1 Qa6 32. though 32.Re6 Bd4+ 26.Qd7 Ng5 36. 27…Qb7 28.Re1 Qa3=.Qe2 would be met by the devastating 32…Qa1+. but my young opponent wanted more! 20…cxb4 21.Kg1 Nf3+ 31.Nb6 Qb7+ 25.Kf1 Qa1+ 27. I thought 20.Qg2 White was relying on this move.Rg2 Bxb2 31.Nc4 0-0 19.Rd1 Qxb2 38.Rg1 Ne5+ 29.Rxd2 Nxf4+ Decisive. which can be won at any time: 21.Be3 would hold a draw by removing the dangerous d4-knight.bxc3 Bxc3 24.Qe6+ Kh7 23. 34. but now there’s a surprise… 25…Qxb6! 26.Qxc6 Qxc1+ 28.Rxd6 Qa1+ 37. Another big worry for my opponent is stopping my queen from coming to d5 and invading the weak light squares.Qf2 Kh7 22.Be3 Qb5 28.h4 Ne4 Mate is coming.Kh1 Nd4 23.cxb4 Weakening d4.Qe8? This allows an enveloping attack that is difficult to see coming.Bd2 Another interesting line that leads to equality flows from the tempting 19.Nf2 or possibly 20.Re2 An odd-looking move.Qb7+ Bg7 with a level if dynamic game.Rg2 Nxd3 30. 17…b4 18. The calm and cool 27. The idea is that Black is in no hurry to collect the trapped knight.Bxd4 Bxd4 29.Qe6 was OK for Black.Qxd6 Rxa8 25. 0-1 Jay Bonin – IM Bobby Kurniawan .Qxa8 Nec6 …and my knights are beasts. as in 27. 27.Bxc6 Nxc6 22.Ke1 Nxh3 35.Nxa8 bxc3!.Bxa8 Rxa8 24. c5 Nf6 12.Ba3 Ne8 16. 21…Bd7 22.d5 Ne7 9. After the dust settles.axb6 axb6 21.Rc1 Threatening to capture the knight.a4 h5 15.b4 f5 11. when White’s queenside attack will take a few more moves to become a threat again.Rxc8 .cxd6 cxd6 18.Nc3 0-0 5.Nd2 Ne8 10. I manage to find a long sequence of checks that chases Black’s king to nearly all corners of the board in search of refuge: a real thriller! 1. 16…b6.Ba5.0-0 Nc6 8. This game features everything you could possibly want from a classic KID melee: White penetrates on the queenside with a pair of knights.a5 Rf6 20.Nf3 g6 3.Ncxb6 Rxb6 23. 17. as White I tend to play the infinitely less interesting Exchange Variation with dxe5.d4 Nf6 2.New York 2011 What would a collection of my most complex games be without a King’s Indian Defense? I used to favor these sharp lines. these days.Nc4 g5 14.Naxb6 followed by 23.Ba5 Nc8 24. 24…Rg6 25.Bb4 Rb8 19.Na4 The idea behind this move: 22.f3 f4 13.c4 Bg7 4. while Black opens the g-file and attacks the king at all costs.e4 d6 6. Possibly 16…dxc5 is preferable. is interesting but also gives me an extra pawn break with the a4-a5 push.b5 b6 Black’s last move. however.Be2 e5 7. Qf8+ Kh7 42.Qg4+ Kxe4 49. as in the line 37…Rg1+ 38.Qa2+ Ke4 51.Bxb6 Black escapes into an equal ending after the alternative 26.Nxb6 Nxb6 26.Nd7 Qc1 41.Rc7 Kh8 At first glance. Better is 25.Nh7+ Qxh7 41.Rc6!! Bxc6 27. This looks natural. 37…Kh8 appears enigmatic.Qxb6 and White wins.Qe7+ Kg3 46…Kh5.Rc1 h4 31.Bxb5 Qxb5 29.Qe8+ Kh4 46. 38.Nxd7 Giving up this beautiful knight for Black’s bad light-squared bishop feels risky. I am out of the woods and have managed to retain my b-pawn as well.Kxh2 Rxf1 39. as a weaker player might try to win the f1- bishop only to find himself down a queen a few moves later.Qc8 Qe7 37. 35…Bxf2 36. 26…g4 27. 43.Qxf2 With this move.Nf6 Qxc7 39.bxc6 Bf6 28.Qf8+ Kh5 On 43…Kh7. . 47.Nf6+ Kf8 40.Kh1 g3 28.gxh3 Qd8 34.Qf8+ Rg8 45. but it misses a winning finesse.Qc1 Qa8 Understandably.Qb3 Kf8 29. 44. I think I have to take a draw.Qh8+ Rh6 45. In such positions.Nxb6 Qc5+ 27.Nxa4. it’s attack or die! 29.Bf2 h3 33.Nf6 Kh8 44.Qa4 Qxa4 30.Qf7+ Kh6 Not 42…Rg7 43.Nb6 Bh4 35.Qxg8#.Bf1 Bf6 32. but it is consistent with my idea of playing on the light squares.Qe2+ Kxd5 50.Qxe8+ Kg7 40.Qc4 gxh2 30.Qg5+ Kxf3 48. Black is not interested in a queen trade. 25…Qxc8 26.Rf2 Bxb5 28.Rxh7. b7 Ra2 59.Bh3+ Kf7 56. With the natural if incorrect text move 52…Rg6.Qxf4+ 1-0 FM Raul Allicock – Jay Bonin New York 2012 The following game is an oddball Modern Defense in which I leave my king in the center for quite a while. Not thinking about castling.Nc3 Bg7 4.h4 Ke6 55.d4 d6 2.Kg1 Qe1+ 66.Qe8+ Kf5 58.Kxh2 Qb3 54.d5 . I then let him get a strong kingside attack that requires a queen sacrifice on my part to escape.Qf3! Exploiting a double pin.a4 b4 11.Qd2 b5 6.Qh5+ Ke6 57. 53.Na2 Qc7 12.Bd3+ e4 55.b6 Rg6?? 52…Qb1 is necessary to hold the position level. White is able to attack the black king with a harassing series of checks once more after finally getting the chance to kill the pawn that has been haunting the white king on h2.Kh2 Qh4+ 65.Qxe2 Qg3+ 61. If 55…d5. 1. Having achieved this objective.Be2 Rxe2 60.Qf6+ Kh5 60.Be3 c6 5.e4 g6 3.Qf5+ Either winning the rook or mating.Kxh2 Qc6 This allows a pretty sequence. 60…Kh6 61.Rfe1 c5 10. 55…Rg3 56.Bd3 Bb7 7.Kh2 Qh4+ 67.Qf7+ Kg5 59.Nxe5 Qe1+ 64.Kh1 f3 62.Bg4 Rh8 57.Nf3 Nd7 8. 51…Kf5 52. 54. Houdini gives the following study-like line: 52…Qb1 53.Kg1 Qe1+=.Qa2+ Ke7 63.c4 Ngf6 13.h5 Ra8 58. then e5 becomes a square for my Bonin Knight.0-0 a6 9. I instead advance a queenside pawn storm in a high-risk attempt to discourage my opponent from playing 0-0-0. Now the center and the queenside are locked up.h3.Nd2 a4 27. White should batten down the hatches with 21.Ng3 Nxb2 Sure. 21…Qd7 22.Bh6 e5 15. All the chips are on the kingside.Ne2 Nh5 17.Qg5 h6 20.b3. where I didn’t really deserve it. .Nf5+ Qxf5! This queen sac slows down White’s attack and now my connected passers will have some say.Qh4 Nb6 21.Nc1 a5 16. Now 21…Qd7 wins a pawn and gives me hopes for a queenside offensive.gxf5 Nxd3 26. Missing this idea allows Black to create counterplay on the queenside.Kh1? A mistake. White tries to run the king over to the queenside.Kf1 Rfb8 29. 24. 13…0-0 14.Bxg7 Kxg7 18. 25. 22…Nxa4 23. why not? I’ve made my bed so I must lie in it.g4 Nhf6 19. Black plays 22…Nxa4 anyway.Kg2 Nf4+ 28.Rg1 If 22.Ke1 Clearly in defensive mode now. sticking with the program of a queenside breakthrough. Rc1 Rc8 14.Kxb3 Ra3+ 37.e6 . 0-1 Jay Bonin – GM Maurice Ashley Manhattan International 1988 1.Nc5 Rb2 20.bxc3 Bg7 7.Rg4 Perhaps White played this in the hope that I would take the g4-rook and miss the winning continuation.Nd2 Qd7 17.Kb2 Nd3+ wins in similar fashion.Kc2 Rc3+ 38.d4 Nf6 2. 33.cxd4 0-0 11.Be3 Bg4 12.Bb5+ My pet variation against the Grünfeld.e5 Be6 15.Kc1 b3 And the pawns come rolling through.e4 Nxc3 6.cxd5 Nxd5 5.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Kc2 a2 Making way for the rook to penetrate to the a3 square. 35…Bxb3+ 36. but the c5 square that I’m interested in.Nf3 c5 8. 8…Nc6 9.Bxc6 bxc6 13.0-0 cxd4 10. 15…Bd5 16.fxg6 fxg6 34.Kd1 Bd7 31.Nb3 35.Kxf2 f6 22.Nb3 Qf5 19.Kd2 Rd3+ 39. 29…Bc8 30.Qa4 It’s not so much the c6-pawn. 34…Ba4+ 35.f3 Rb8 18.f3 a3 32.Rf2 Rxf2 21. However.Ke1 Qh1+ 30. 27…Qxg2+ 28.g4!. but – 32…Bh6 Maurice has one more trick up his sleeve. and now 27…f5.Qxe7 f5 This might be the best chance to play for a win over the board.Nxg6+ would of course lose on the spot to 33…Qxg6. Black also had the solid 24…Qh4+ 25. The tempting 33.Ka4 .Qxa7 Qxh2 24. the text move is much more dynamic and also contains some venom.Kf2. 22. as now my king will be more exposed to an attack.Qxf4 I think I’m safe. however.Rg1 Qb8 27.Ke2 Qg3 26.Kc3 Qg3+ 35. Now I run the gauntlet. An important moment in the game.Nxf8 Qg3+ 27.Kb4 Qd6+ 36.Nd7 f4 26.Qxh6 Qxf2+ 34.exf6 is likely better. Objectively speaking. Now I need only find a refuge from the checks after capturing the bishop. 22…Qh5 23. 33. as 22…Bxe6 is met by 23.Qf7+ Kh8 32.Kd2 Qg2 31. 25.Ke2 The only move.Bf2 Qxf3+ 29. it’s best to avoid the early queen trade and instead play 3.Be2 Kh8 14. Finally. Asa certainly is one of the more interesting chess personalities. or if you want to. the checks run out and my extra rook will soon decide.” GM Yasser Seirawan has been known to play it.b4 Nc7 9. 11…0-0 12.Ng5 f5 5. as well as local New York legend FM Boris Privman. 12…Qe8 13. now I have to switch gears. the Czech Benoni.Nf3 e4 4. inducing Black’s e-pawn forward and inviting complications. such as the Pribyl.e3 After waiting so long for Black to play …Nf6 so that I could reply with Bg5. 6.Nc3 c6 Asa cleverly continues to avoid …Nf6. as 11. Accordingly.Rb1 Na6 8. and the O’Kelly Sicilian. frustrating my simple plan of development.0-0 Finally I’ve managed to castle: “Castle if you must.Nh3 Be7 If 5…Nf6.Ba3 Getting my bad bishop to an active post. 14…Qf7 15.bxc6 bxc6 11. 1. I’ve known Asa since the 1970s. In this opening.Qa4 Bd7 . then 6. I look for useful waiting moves and build up a queenside offensive.Bg5 is met by 11…Ne6!. 7. Asa Hoffmann.” – Hans Berliner. but not because you can.d4 d6 2.Nf3.b5 Nf6 10.c4 e5 3. 1-0 IM Jay Bonin – FM Asa Hoffmann New York Open 1993 Here is a game against my colleague.Bg5 and White has a good position. This particular game features an offbeat defense sometimes called “The Rat. and that comes through in his style over the board. and I’ve learned and picked up a few opening ideas from him over the years. then a familiar pattern appears in the garden of forking paths: 27.Ng6+ Kg8 29.Bc4 d5 24. 25. Better for Black is activating his pieces with 24…Nc7! 25. connecting the rooks.Ne5 f4 The solid 29…b5 is an obvious alternative.Qxf8 Rxf8. 22. I should stick with the program and put a rook on Seventh Avenue with 17. winning a tempo off the queen. while Asa develops a kingside attack.Qc5 Bf7 still leads to an unclear ending. Asa finds the best .Be2 Qe6 20. with this move. but the game move brings more pressure to the queenside in exchange for the temporary loss of a pawn.Qxc6 Qxc6 31. and netting the exchange. 18.Qa3 dxc4.Rxb6 Now this works.Rxc6 Bxc6 30. when White may hold an edge in material but the position is very complex and Black might have adequate compensation in the form of a kingside attack.Rh3 Qd6 26.Nxd5 Nfxd5 29.Ne7+ Kf8 32. 16. My play will be on the queenside.Rxb6 will be met by 22…Nc7!.Rf3 Bd8 21. 17…exf3 18. although 23. 18…Qxc4 19.Qa3 Qxf8 26.Qa5 Nce8 17.Bxd6 Rfc8 26.Qxb6 Qxc7 28.f3?! This move is a little too frisky. Less clear would be 24…Nc7 25. with a level if unbalanced game. which is nice of me.Qxa8 dxc4 28.Bxf3!? Here I offer Asa a pawn.Qb7 axb6 25. 23. If 26…Nc7. however. The battle lines are drawn.Bxf8 Qxf8 There’s no need to recapture immediately. she will be pinned. 26…axb6 27.Rb7.Ng6+ Kg8 28.Qa6 Bb6 Asa sets a trap! The tempting 22.gxf3 are also good.Rxf3 or 18.Nf4 Qf7 24.Bxc7 Be8 27.Nxc6.Nf4 Qf7 If the queen goes to e7. Qb8+ Ne8 38.Nf3 Everything’s defended and I scoop up the e-pawn.Re6 Nf5 53.Kf2 Ng4+ 50.Ke1 Ng6 51. Next.Rf3 Nb5 35.Rxc2 Nd5 46.Rc1 Both c-pawns will fall and the passed d-pawn will decide.Ne2 Protecting my d4-pawn. the win from here is a simple matter of technique.Nxd7 Qxd7 31. 32…Qe6 33. Black’s king is hemmed in by White’s rook. 40…Ndc7 41.Qb1 Nd6 34. I intend to play my trump card: the outside passed pawn on the a-file.a6 c2 40.a7 Qa2 42.Nc3 Nf4 48. while the pinned e8-knight doesn’t contribute to Black’s defense either.Qb8 fxe3 32.a8Q Of course now is the time to push.Rf1 And now it’s my turn to press.a8N due to the pin.Ng5 Nf6 54.Ne4 No hurry here. 1-0 Jay Bonin – David Abramson . as Ng5 is threatened.Qxb6 Now I need to keep an eye on his passed e-pawn.a8Q. 35…Nd5 36.a5 c3 39. it would likely transpose after 42…Qxa8 43. 30. Also interesting to consider is 42. 51…Ne7 52. After all the complications.Qxa8 Nxa8 44.a4 Nd6 37.chance to complicate a difficult position. Up an exchange and with a protected passed pawn.Qxa8 Nxa8 when we would reach the same position as in the game. as it’s important to keep pawns on the board and not allow Black to escape into a drawn ending.Rxc6 Nef6 47. however. I just simplify into a technical win with 42.g3 e2 49. 42…Qxa8 43.Ra6 Kf8 55. 44…Nac7 45. 11. as now my passed a-pawn will be a long-term threat. play this line.0-0 exd5 9.Bxb6 Rc6 25.d6 Qe6 15.Nd5 Kh8 21. After the text move.Bxc5 Rc8 23.Bf4 Bxf3 12. too.Marshall Chess Club Summer Fun 1991 1.a5 Rxd6 .d5 e6 8.Be3 Ng4 20.Be2 c5 7.Bb5 Qf5? 18…Rb8 holds the position for Black.Bxa6 Rxb2 18.a4 Bg4 Funny – I get a taste of my own medicine as I.Nf3 0-0 6.cxd5 a6 10.Re1 Nbd7 16. Black loses control of the d5 square.e5 dxe5 14. 13. 19. which will prove painful two moves later.Nb6 Rxb6 24.Nc3 Bg7 4.Bxd7 Qxd7 22. 17.Bxb7 I win my pawn back and emerge with the bishop pair. e4 d6 5.Bxf3 Qe7 12…Ne8 would prevent White’s next move.c4 g6 3.d4 Nf6 2. 16…Rab8? 16…Ra7 is better. then 27. 13…Qd8 14. as now if 26…Rxd1.Re1 Re8 19.Bc3 Qf4 21. 1. Championship following 1. 26. His move order in this game prevents that premature fate. 26. 1-0 IM Kamran Shirazi – Jay Bonin New York 1990 My opponent here is a very aggressive romantic-style player. as their style is the opposite of my own.Nxc3 Qa5 8.Bxc6 bxc6 18.Qxd6 Nxd6 I am happy to have reached a queenless middlegame where White’s initiative will begin to peter out.Nd4 Nf5 22.Nxc6 a5 A good distraction move.Rexd1 followed by a6-a7 and Rd8+.0-0 0-0 17. 22…Qd6 23. Kamran ensures that he will get the dark squares. I’m always on the edge of my seat against such opponents. The opening he plays here is a Shirazi specialty. then I have 22…Rac8 with the idea of …d5- d4. 24.axb4?? Qe5+.Bb5 Nge7 13. then I will be able to create some winning chances by threatening to push it. If 22.Ne4 With this move.a6!! This move simply wins.g3 This weakens the light squares.c4 bxc3 7. I remembered his quick loss to Jack Peters in the 1984 U.Nxc6.b4 cxb4 4.d4 d5 5.Qc1 exd5 11.Nf3 Nc6 3.S.e4 c5 2.Bb4 Ne4 25.exd5 Qxd5 5.Qc5 White is not interested in winning back the pawn at the expense of the initiative.b4 cb4 3.e4 c5 2.Bb4 Qf6 16.a3 Bd6 12.Nxd6+ Qxd6 15.a3 d5 4. winning a rook. If I can retain a passed pawn. 19…Be6 20.d5 e6 9.Bd2 Bb4 10.exd5 Qxd5 6.Nxa5 . Rh5 Bd7 33.Bd2. 28. It was still possible to bail out into a bishops-of-opposite-color ending with 36. 36…Rc8 There is no stopping the rook from coming to c2.Rh4 Ba4 40. 27. 26…Ng5 Suddenly the tide is turning.Kh3 Rh1+ 40. as now I have counterplay on the light squares.Kh1 Re2.f4 Not wanting to be tied down to the back rank.Rxd3!) 38. 30…Nf3+ 31. but the seventh rank is very weak now.Rec1 d4 Here it occurred to me that I should push. 36.Rd2 Rc1+ 38.Bxe7 Ng4+ 35.Nc6 Bh3 30. The reason is not so much to advance the pawn as that my bishop would look nice on d5.Kg2 Bc6+ 39. If White tries to occupy the second rank with his rook.Kf2 Be4 43.Rg6 Bf3 42.Rxg4 Bxd1 41.Kf2 Forced: 31. Now the knight will not be going to the more useful d4 square anytime soon. 29. .Rd1 Rb8 (37…Rc8 38. Kamran tries to make his own Luft.Rh2 Rxh2#.Kg1 f5 This move cuts off the h5-rook and supports my attack on the light squares. 31…Nxh2 32.Rc5 h6 How convenient! This move is protecting my knight and making Luft at the same time. he gets mated – 37.Bc5! d3 37.Bb4 Rc8 39.Ne7+ Rxe7 34.Rd1 A natural but imprecise move that allows my rook to penetrate into the white camp. 8.Qa3 cxd4 15. luring me out of my comfort zone and into a complex middlegame.Kh3 Bg2# 0-1 It’s worth noting that I missed a slightly shorter mate: 42…Rg3+ 43.c4 g6 3.Rbd1.g4 Rxg4+ 43.Nc3 d5 4.Bg5 Qe6 12. By taking the pawn. 11.cxd4 and two pawns are hanging. Black will fall behind in development but in return has an outside passed pawn as well as pressure against White’s big center. 13…Nc6 If 13…Bd7. then 14.Kh1 Bc6 The mating net is now complete. 1. 41.Rxd4 Rg2+ 40.Qa3 b6 15.Bb5+ that we saw earlier in this chapter.Bc4. when it was located in the Carnegie Hall office building.Rd6 Bf3 42. 37. 10…Qxa2 The battle lines are drawn. Today I would play 10.Rb1 Qa5 10. when White will maintain a big center. Another line might be 13…Bd7 14.e5 Rd8 13. Ronald Young cleverly avoids my pet line against the Grünfeld. In this game.Qd2.Be2 c5 9. Jay Bonin – FM Ronald Young New York Championship 1989 This game was played at the now-shuttered Manhattan Chess Club.Kh2 Nf1+ 44. 14.Rh4 Ne3 39.bxc3 Bg7 7.Nf3 0-0 Avoiding my pet line 7…c5 8. heading for an early endgame after the exchange of queens.Qa4 Hoping to get in 14.Bc4 b5?! .Bb4 Rc2 38. cxd5 Nxd5 5.0-0 Back then I was young and frisky.d4 Nf6 2.Kh2 Nf1#.d5 Rxd5 Not 14…Qxd5 15. 15.e4 Nxc3 6.Rfd1. Rxd7 Qxd7 (of course. 18.gxf3 only delays matters by a single move) 26.Qxb5 Bd7 17.Kh1 Qxc3 30. allowing Black to crawl back from the grave.f3 Qc4 29. 26.Nxe5.Be3.Bxh6!.Rfd1 Ke8 23. More accurate is 15… h6 16. Unfortunately.Qb7 Qc6 25.Qxc5 would win a decisive amount of material. when Black would have to simplify into a slightly worse game. The simple 24. winning the house. A better try would be 15…h6.Nxe5? Bxe5 25.Qxb8.Bd4 Qc4 31. I missed this idea and played the much less accurate 24.Bc5 Qb5 .Rbd1 Qe6 20. 24.Qb7 Rd8 Not 17…Rb8 18.Qxc5 Bd6 Shielding the d-file. then Black can save the exchange with 16…Qg4! pinning the bishop to the queen. but now he is in a kind of Zugzwang as he has no useful moves and cannot resolve the pressure on the d-file.Be3 Nxe5 Black has defended stubbornly. 25… Rxd7 leads to mate after 26. with the idea that if (for instance) 16.Qb8+. though it turns out to not work.Rd2 Kf8 22. 16.Nd2. for example 24.Qb6 Qe4 28.Qc7 a5 21.Qb5+ Kf8 29.Qxa5 Bc6 27.Qb7 or 24. while 25…Nxf3+ 26.Qb8+ Rd8 28.Rxd7 Rxd7 27.Bxd5 Qxd5 19. Black’s move is an attempt to muddy the waters with complications. and White wins easily. drawn-out technical endgame.Bd4!. I will have to endure a few checks.h3 Qb7?? A fatal error that allows me to control the dark squares with 38.Rd8#.Rxd6 exd6 Not 33…Ra7 34. 38…Qb5 39. but my king will easily reach safety and the result is now clear. 34.Kh2 Qf5 41.Kxe2 Qxg3 . The move 36…h6 was an attempt to address this weakness by giving the king some refuge on the light squares.Qxc6 After winning the bishop. but an inaccuracy that misses the crushing 38.Kg1 Ra1+ 43. Better was sticking to the program with 37…Kh7. However.Kf2 Qh4+ 44.Re7 A natural move. as in 32.Bxd6 exd6 34.Qf6 With the idea of playing Bd4 now.Qxd6 h6?! Amazingly.g3 Ra2+ 45.Bd4!.Qe7+ Kg8 36.Rxd6 Ra8 when only White has winning chances and Black will suffer. However. I overestimated my winning chances after keeping the queens on the board. 38. Now I must return the exchange and Black has come back almost to equality! 33.Re2 Rxe2+ 46.Qa7? Ra8! This is the move that I missed.Re1+ Kf8 35. 39…Qb1+ 40. 37.Qxb5 Bxb5 33. I’m slightly better here as Black has weak dark squares. Here I should just trade and try to win a long. 41…Qf4+ 42. 32. Black lacked the time for this move and instead needed to marshal his forces for defense with either 36…Bd7 or 36…Qa5. Nd2 I want to use the c4 square for my knight.Qe7+ Kg8 50.Qh5 e6 Black has never fully equalized.Bh2 g5 This move does not stop me from playing 14.h3 A useful waiting move.d4 Nf6 2. and making Luft. 14. Jay Bonin – Majur Juac Marshall Grand Prix 2012 1.a4 0-0 8.Qe6+ Kf8 51.Bg4 Nde5 19.Kh1 Nd7 Black has gained use of the e5 square.f4.47.Qxf6+ and 1-0 as 51…Kg8 loses to 52.Rf2 Qe7 22.Nf3 c5 3.Qg7#.Bxc8 Raxc8 20. 21.Nc3 g6 5.Be2 Qc7 10.e4 Bg7 6.Bb5+ Nbd7 7. this will leave the f5 square weak.Qe8+ Kg7 48.Bxf4 Ng6 16. However. 10…b6 11. taking away g4 from Black’s pieces.f4 gxf4 15. while 51…Ke8 52.g3 Qb7 . which is why I often refrain from putting a pawn on that square on the second move of the game. it only makes the advance stronger.Be3 Kh7 Now the h6-pawn is a big target. Better was the Benoni-like 20…b5. Instead.0-0 a6 9.Bf4 h6 12. 18.Qe5+ will force the trade of queens. 12…Ne5 13.Bd4+ f6 49. and now Majur seeks counterplay by opening the e-file.d5 d6 4. 17. but not much else as his queenside pressure amounts to little more than a paper dragon. axb5 axb5 25.Nxf7.Nxe5 Nxe5 Not 26…bxc3 27.h5 Qxe4+ 33.Kg1 Re6 34. 23. both moves addressing the pressure on the f-file.Rf1 Qe7 38.Rf6 Re5 35. 27.Rxf5 Qe1+ 37.Nd1 exd5 This allows White to have too much pressure.R6f5 Rxf5 36. Black’s king now comes under tremendous pressure.Qxe6 fxe6 40. Better are the solid 27…f6 or the ambitious 27…f5!.Qg5+ Ng6 31. With the idea of pushing …b6-b5. 28…d4 is good enough to force a complicated ending that is hardly clear after 29. 26. The position is about equal.Nf3 b4 And now the fun begins.hxg6: analysis .h4 Rce8 32.Bxg7+ Kxg7 30.Bxh6! Bxh6?! Incredibly.g4!. but razor-sharp – whoever blinks first will get cut. Black wins the d-pawn.Qg4 Qe6 39. 28. as my last few moves were slow. but weakens d5 and f5. Black has managed to achieve balanced play now.Raf1 b5 24. I could have instead played for an all-out attack with 21. Qb3 Qc7 5…Qb6 is played more than it deserves.Nxe3 dxe3 36. though also possible was the cute 34.Qc2 Looks like I’m winning a pawn.Rf6 Ng6 30.Re1 Ne4 Not letting me play e3-e4.Rxd6. 4.Qxh6+ Kg8 34. and if the light-squared bishop retreats to g6. 29.e3 e6 7.Ne3 d4 31. It gets complicated now.Ng5 Nf6 12.Nh4.Qxg6+ Rg7 38. I respond with 6.Qe6+ 1-0 Jay Bonin – Tim Hoang New York 2012 1. as passive as it looks. With the text move. as my opponent instead played the more natural 28…Bxh6. The point is that my e1-rook is a big problem. though too well analyzed. then 7. 34…Qe3+ 35.Nbd2 I fell in love with this move late in my career.c4 c6 4. 10.d4 d5 2. my opponent is now in Bonin territory.R6f4 This move wins the queen.Rxf7 Rxf7 37.0-0 Nbd7 9.Qh3 gives White a winning position.c5 .Ng4 Qxe4+ 32.Nf3 Nf6 3. I did not have to solve this problem.Bd3 Bg6 8.Nc3 is the main line. but… 12…Qa5 I missed this move. because it discourages …dxc4. Luckily. 6. even the quietest-looking position can harbor a trap.Bxe4 dxe4 11. which defends the pawn by tactical means and hits my g5-knight. 4…Bf5 5. Black’s dangerous pawn mass provides just enough compensation to create headaches for White.Kg1 Kg7 33. 13. but on the other hand now possibilities based on b4-b5 appear on the horizon. Black should take it now.Bd2 Bxg6 23.Nh3 Nd5 15.Nc4 Be7 18.Bd4 b5 In stark contrast to the position after move 20. when Black has an advantage and the queen will soon penetrate along the d- .Bc3 Rgc8 27. as retaining the strong knight on e5 would ensure a solid edge in this position.Nf4 Finally getting the knight back into the game. 21. Instead.Rb1?! Bf6 22.b4 Qc7 17.a3 f5 16.Nxe7 is best. but instead plays 19…Qc8 20.Nfg6 Rg8 The “Bonin Knights” are causing some mischief around the uncastled black king. Here 21. 13…h6 14.Rf1! gxf1Q+ 33. Not happy to give up the d5 square.Kxg2 Nf4+ 33.dxe5 Qc7 26.Ne5 Bh7 19. 28. My opponent now locks up the queenside with the idea of firming up his edge.Ne5+ Bxe5 25. it is now Black who has a good knight against White’s bad bishop.Nxg6 Kf7 24.Kh1.Qh7 Rf8 (not 31…Rh8 32. but now the attack comes from a different direction.Qxe4 f2+ If 30…fxg2 31. I get a little positionally greedy and within a few moves the momentum shifts over to my opponent.f3! exf3 29. however.e4 fxe4 30.Rxf1+ and White wins) 32. Black will be able to exchange a bishop for at least one of them. 11.d4 d5 3.a3 or castling seems more natural. when he enjoys a winning position.Qg4 Re8 34. However. 14…a4 . 31. 33. No one should have these kinds of problems in the opening – so. 37.Re4 Rxa3?? An odd blunder that ends this otherwise interesting fight too soon.e4 e6 2. Instead. 10…a5 Preparing to activate my bad bishop and press on the queenside. I am eventually able to solve these problems and generate a counterattack.file. he wants to punish me for not castling. but only with a little help from my opponent.Qxe8+ 1-0 David Brodsky – Jay Bonin Marshall Chess Club Championship 2014 The French Defense is not for the faint of heart.0-0 b4 13.Nf3 Nc6 7. 14. 1. In the following game. Either 10. unorthodox moves can give your opponent a false sense of security.f4 c5 6. Passive defense is doomed to fail in this kind of position: the only chance for survival is counterattacking with every piece that can be marshaled.R4h4 and Rxh6+. why would I willingly do this to myself? Sometimes.e5 Nfd7 5.Be2 Qb6 10.Nc3 Nf6 4.f5 Understandably. and it is unclear where his king is going to live.Rb3 Kg8 Finally castling by hand – but into an attack.Bxf2 a5 32. I had thought that 36… bxa3 could be met by 37. Black has the simple 37…Re7.Nd1 Not sure about the future of this knight.Bxa6 Qxa6 One problem solved.Rh3 Kh8 35. he hangs a rook.Be3 a6 8.Qd2 b5 9. Black gets a cramped position and a bad bishop.Qg6 axb4 36.c3 Ba6 12. Rc1 – or even the clever 16.Rc1 Be7 19. only 22.Nxf8 Nxf8 24.Bf2?! Best here is 16.Qxc3 cxd4 20.a3 to block the a-file and limit Black’s queenside pressure.Bxd4 Nxd4 21. Now.Qf3+ retains an edge for White.Ng5 as in the line given in the previous note.cxd4 Nd8 18.Qxd4 Nxe5 26. A critical moment.Qc7! Rxh4 28.fxe6 fxe6 16. and he threatens Nf6 and Qh5+.Rac1 Re4 . I castle by hand.Rf7 Rh7. when White would hold all the cards. 22.Nxh7 Looks like White got his attack after all. which he can press with 15. The text move blocks the f-file. What to do? 21…Kf7! A difficult move to find.Bh4+?! Kg8 23. when Black is reduced to passive defense.Qxe5 Rxh4 Not 26…Ng6 27. 16…a3 17. 27. though another idea would be the natural 16. 20…Nd8 21. as the other checks allow me to regroup my forces and defend adequately.Ng5 axb2 18. which is where White’s pressure should be.Qg4 Nf7 25.fxe6 fxe6 16. winning the queen. walking into several different possible checks.Qh3 Obviously not 20. White has pressure on the kingside.Qxd4 Bc5. 15.Bxg5.Qc2 Bxg5 20.Nxb2 bxc3 19.Ng5 cxd4 17. 12…Re8 13. 15.Qe8 White resigned a few moves later.h3.e4 Worried about …e5-e4. 1. with resignation coming just six moves later.g3 Rf5 32. 29…Rf4 30.Bb1 Rc8 .Re1 Bb7 11. White employs a very quiet system and until move 16 it looks like perhaps it should be in another chapter. 28.dxe5. The b2-knight will be tactically exploited now to tie White into knots. this near-miniature quickly builds up to a crescendo of complications on every move after move 15.Bb2 0-0 6.Nf3 Nf6 2.Bxd4 Nc5 My knight gets a square. as otherwise the b2-knight falls.e3 g6 4. continuing the waiting policy. 9.Rc1 a6 12.d4 d6 3.Rf2 Forced. but the pin is decisive.Rcf1 Rxa2 31. 13…cxd4 14.a3 or even 12. 8. then 8…Ng4 exploiting the pin on the diagonal.Qh5 Qb6+ 29. However. Perhaps he should have developed the king’s bishop to e2 instead of d3.b3 Bg7 5.c4 e6 Deterring d4-d5.Bd3 Nbd7 7.0-0 c5 I can also play 7…e5 here and if 8. 0-1 Eugene Jarva – Jay Bonin Nassau Grand Prix 2015 In this game.Nbd2 b6 10. White blinks first.a4 Maybe 12. exd6 Bxd4 18. but there is… 21…exd4! The final rejoinder. after which I will emerge up a piece.Nxd4 Qh4 Instead of recapturing the pawn right away. 16. maybe 16. 0-1 . Instead.h3. My guess is that White overlooked this in-between move. Developing my last piece. my queen finds two weaknesses near White’s barely defended king. my opponent loses patience and overextends.e5 I don’t know what to recommend here. 17.Kh1 e5 21. 19.N2f3 Qxf2+ 20. 16…Ng4 Now White’s position collapses.Re2? White was relying on this. After my full English breakfast. I’ve held my own in many G/30s against Justin due to time pressure. He is always very well prepared. it’s important to keep them guessing too. you’ll notice that pitchers will throw fastballs. or the Marshall Chess Club (a club that I’ve been attending regularly for over forty years). but it gave me a false sense of security entering the next game in which I trot out the same variation. No – Not You Again! e are all creatures of habit. If a player loses a game. a blitz event. Most psychologically challenging for me as a frequent tournament player is facing a particular opponent multiple times in only a short period of time – sometimes as many as four times in a week! I’m very wary of repeating the same variation in back-to-back games. The following win was encouraging. If you follow baseball. For instance. . but then throw curveballs. Here is a selection of games against some of my most frequent opponents. If I repeat the variation. Add to this the fact that he has a natural knack for the endgame and it becomes clear that Justin may very well be America’s next GM. he may have found a way to improve on his previous play. I often find myself traveling to the Nassau County Chess Club. and sometimes with the same color. When I encounter the same opponent three or four times in a week. Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar New York 2015 In the first two games.Chapter 2 Oh. if my opponent is diligent enough. W mine: I wake up. changeups – all to keep the batter guessing. walk three-quarters of a mile to my favorite restaurant in the neighborhood where I live. sliders. But sometimes I’ll go off- script and substitute a ham steak for the Canadian bacon just to change it up a little and keep the wait staff on their toes. my opponent might have an improvement ready. I’m presented with a question: Should I switch it up. and order three eggs with Canadian bacon and whole- wheat toast. dry. In chess. In this pair of games. and is incredibly tenacious over the board in original positions as well. something that is easier to accomplish against a player whom you know and have faced many times. one thing you can be certain of is that Jay Bonin will be in your chess tournament. a Grand Prix – whatever it is. It’s important to steer the position into channels that you like while taking your opponent out of their comfort zone. like death and taxes. I make the mistake of throwing a fastball twice and get punished for it. Whether it’s the Thursday night action tournament. the Queens Chess Club. illustrating both how I switch it up and what happens when I don’t. so I deny them the chance to show me what they’ve learned since our last meeting and instead give them a new problem to solve. he or she can study the opening and see if there was a mistake somewhere. if he isn’t already by the time of publication. with our own typical day-to-day routines. I always hope to get the opposite color for the next encounter. if you’re a chessplayer in New York City. I do this a few times a week pretty consistently. I meet the talented IM Justin Sarkar. or do I risk repeating the same opening variation? I usually go with common sense and switch it up because. which ended in only 15 moves after 6. 5…Na5 Black moves his knight to avoid doubled pawns.bxc4 Qe7 9. a useful square that puts pressure on both the e5-pawn and the awkwardly placed bishop on d6. I want to leave the knight on a5 hanging out to dry with no useful moves. and White resigned.Bxe5 Qxe5 13.Nf2 d6 14. From b1. 6.Nc3 . when 10…Qb4 is met by 11.Nb1 Better than 8.Na3 This odd-looking move has the idea of bringing the knight to c4. An obvious plan behind this move is to play f2-f4 at some point. By developing the knight to a3. though the obvious drawback is that the bishop is awkwardly placed in front of the d-pawn.Nh3 Bc5 11. but incorrect.0-0 Qe7 8. 10.Bb2 Re8 15.Ba3 winning the exchange. Black’s idea is to overprotect his e-pawn.f4 Bxe3! 12.b3 e5 2.d4 Ng4. since the c8-bishop can’t chop it off and double my pawns anytime soon.Nc4 Nxc4 8. 12. 5.f4 exf4 11.a4 0- 0 10.Nxf4 Be5 Freeing himself for …d7-d5.Nc4.b4. 6…0-0 7. White also leaves his dark-squared bishop unobstructed.Be2 Re8 On 9…Bc7.Nh3 I might as well develop my knight to this odd square.Bb5 Bd6 I have been seeing this move a lot lately. White has 10. You can almost call it theory.Bxe5 Ba7 13. A more natural. 1. the knight will later re-emerge on c3 to join the fight for the center.Bb2 Nc6 3. 8…c6 9.Be2 a6 7. alternative was tried in Sakaev – Sveshnikov.e3 Nf6 4. Gausdal 1992. Bxh5 g6 16.g3 g5 33. 32.Nb5 Forking the rook and the a7-pawn.Bf7 Bd1 36.Ke3 Ke5 35. 22. As advertised.b4 gxh4 37.Rxe1 Nb7 25.d3 b6 21…c5 22.Rd5 Rxd5 29.Re5 f6 28. thus forcing exchanges. 14…Nxh5 15. This creates a second target. 18.Qe1 d4 Maybe 17…b6 followed by …Na5-b7 was the way to go.a3 Bd7 23. though it would not have changed the final result. and ultimately leading to a favorable endgame for White.Qf2 Rad8 20. 25…cxb5 26.Kf2 Kd6 31. .Bg8 h5 Very bad.Bxb7 Kf8 27. doubling Black’s pawns.Nh5 Looking to trade off an active piece. 37…f5? A subtle error that allows me to win. 33…Bg4 34.Bxd5 This should be a technical win.Nb5.Bf3 Be6 17.exd4 Qxd4+ 19.Rae1 Rxe1 24. 37…Kd6 would have held on longer. And the a5-knight? 13…d5 14. 29…Ke7 30. I have a passed d-pawn and Black’s b5-pawn is a target.h4 Fixing the weakness.Qxd4 Rxd4 21.gxh4 Now f4 is for my king. the knight re-emerges. Seeing Justin at the Marshall all the time with his computer.Bxh5 Bb1 41. I abandon my plan to play f2-f4 and instead play the passive 9.Ke5 Kxh6 50. 9.Bf3 Bf7 45.d7 Ke7 49.bxa5 bxa5 50. It turned out to be a bad decision.Be2 Qe7 8.c3 Ke7 41.d5 Be2 47.e3 Nf6 4.Be2 a6 46. and so my opponent resigns. for example 39…a6 40.d5 Be8 44.Nh3 c6 7.Kf4 Kf6 44.b3 e5 2. For instance.Bb7 a5 43.d6 Ke6 48.Kxf5 with a won ending.Bxf5 and White wins. The idea is that now Black will be able to play …d7-d5 and build a very strong center.f3 giving my knight a home on the f2 square.Nf2 c5 11.Bc6 Bc4 46.h5 Bd7 45. If instead Black tries to firm up his position with …a7-a6.Bb5+ .Kf4 Bf7 43.Bb5 Bd6 5.d6 Bc6 47. I must do something about my h3-knight.Nb1 Bc7 Here is the improvement.Na3 Na5 6. 1-0 Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar New York 2015 I repeated the same variation in this game. Accordingly. as soon enough Black’s light-squared bishop will be threatening to double my pawns. 39…Bxc2 40. 38.Be8 The endgame is won from here.Bc6 Bb3 42. then I will play c2-c3 and Kf4 while Black runs out of moves. and yet I willingly obliged.h6 Kg6 49.Bf3 Ba2 42. I should’ve figured that he was going to study this line for improvements.Bd3 Be8 48.f3 d5 10.d4+ Kf6 39. 1.Bb2 Nc6 3. which seeks to exchange off Black’s powerful dark-squared bishop.exd4 Bxd4 18. but Ted likes offbeat stuff and holds his cards close to his chest.Bd2 Qc7 10.bxc3 Qc7 7.Bd3 7. thinking that 11…Bd7 was forced. so I chose the French Defense.0-0 is necessary.e4 e6 2.e5 c5 5. I guess the lesson to be learned is.” Switching up is most often the recommended course.Rb1 Nc3–+.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nc3 Bf5 16. attacking player. but I have to play this move as otherwise Black will play …c5-c4 and …a7-a6.Nf3 Qxc3+ 9. After this move. The move 18.Nf2 Qe5 22. Ted usually plays unorthodox moves and attacks early. is a grave error and I went on to lose in time pressure. and this position is no exception. Ultimately. 1. Better is simply 13. Black builds an enveloping attack with 18…Rd8 when White cannot escape the pressure.Qd2 d4 17.cxd3 Nd5 21. It turns out there was another option. Ted Belanoff – Jay Bonin New York 2015 Ted Belanoff is a very aggressive.Nd3 Bxd3 20. 11…Kf8! 12.Ncd1?? Again. I really have to be confident in my preparation in order to repeat the same line in back-to-back games against the same player.0-0.d4 d5 3. 18. 7…cxd4 8. and the counterattacking French is a good choice against such players. 12…h5 13.Nxd4 . when the position is level. For instance.g4 and 7.Ncd1.dxe5 Bxe5 15.Nf3 are standard here.d4 Opening the center while behind in development is generally inadvisable. 0-1.a3 Bxc3+ 6. 13…Nc6 14. A blunder. 18…Rd8 19. because a good player will study and find improvements.Be2 Losing more time. trapping my bishop. “know your customers. Rh3 e5! Black’s monarch escapes.Rh3 Ne4 17.Qg5+ Ng6 22. So I take the pawn.Re3 Re8 An important move. White cannot quite justify this from an objective point of view. he could have done better: 14. Here.Qh6+ Kf6! . 20…Kxg7 21. My opponent has a big lead in development but invites me to win another pawn.Bg5 Ted enjoys a little initiative for the pawns. 14…Nbd7 15. giving me the possibility of …Nd7-f8 to hold the h7 square. shutting out the bishop and making the rook look misplaced. though. even stronger is 15… e5! 16. this is Ted’s style! He usually finds himself slightly worse out of the opening and then generates a blistering attack seemingly out of thin air.Bxe4 dxe4 Happy to see his light-squared bishop go.Bd6 would have given him some material back.Bf4 Nc6 16. Very risky.Rg3 Ng6 21.Bxg7 Forcing the issue.Nb3 e4.Qh5 Nf8 18. Simply taking on f6 is much better. however. there is no mate!” However. 16.0-0 0-0 13. 20. but tread carefully over the next few moves and try to finish development quickly. 10…Qxe5+ 11.Be3 Nf6 12.Bf6 e5 Here I get carried away with defending.Nb5 Qe7 15. as after 19… gxf6 20. “A knight on f8. leaving White down a decisive amount of material. In my opinion. 19.Re1 Qc7 14. Rd1+ Ke6 28. rules were made to be broken.Qc5+ Kd8 28.a3 Bxc3+ 6.d4 d5 3.Qh6+ Ke7 25. I had intended to play 7…cxd4 and proceed as in the previous game to see if Ted would try the same risky gambit as before.Qg5+ Kf8 26.Rh5 exd4 24. too.Qg3 is much better as the endgame is my comfort zone and the queens are necessary for the kind of fireworks that Ted usually employs.Kg2 Nf4+ Giving back material for the sake of counterattack. Out into the valley of doom. f4 But this gives me a chance.Qh6+ Ke7 with a repetition. though also a favorite of Ted’s. Ted and I meet again with the same colors and I decide to go with the French this time. 29. 25…Qxf4 26.Nb5 Qc6 27. 7…b6 8.Qd5+ Ke7 27. 9…Qf7 10.Qh5+ Practically speaking. it’s curtains: 25…Kd7 26.Bd3.Bd2 This move is a deviation from the previous game.Qg4 f5 9. 0-1 Ted Belanoff – Jay Bonin New York 2015 Only five days later. 23.Nc3 Bb4 4.f4! and Black’s king is in dire straits. then 23.bxc3 Qc7 7.gxf4 Rg8+ 32. 1.Qg5+ Ke6 25.Nf3 Ba6 . Had he continued with 7.e4 e6 2. Black’s extra piece and passed pawns will be decisive. 31.e5 c5 5. In general.Qd5+ Kc7 Looks like I’m escaping now. However. If the king steps to the d-file. If 22…Kg8.Qxf7+ Kxf7 11.g3 Qe3+ 30.Rg5 Bh3+ He’s had enough. this goes against my philosophy of switching it up.Qxh7+ Kf8 24. but also the only move. 9. dxc5 Ted will get the b-file.Bd2 Kd8 22.Rb1 h6 15.h5 Rc7 23. 11…h6 seems better.g4.Rxb7 Kc8 26. 18.c4 d4 21.Rxf1 bxc5 A level endgame has ensued in which White has more active pieces and a lead in development. 12…Bxf1 13.Ke2 Ke8 Preparing …Nb8-d7.Be3 Rc8 17.h4 Nc6 20. and Black has a big center. Instead.Rfb1 Nd7 19.Rb7+ Ne7 16.c3 dxc3 24. as it prevents any hanky-panky on the g5 square.Rg1? White plans to open a new avenue of attack with 21. White had the chance to simplify and squeeze with 20. 12.Rb1. 14.Bxc3 Rxb7 25. but there is no time for this as Black can now contest the already open b-file. 20…Na5 . and perhaps stronger still.Ke2 Nc3+ 31. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Ted Belanoff New York 2015 We meet for a third time just two more weeks later. Black should have considered 5…Qh4+ first and only then 6…Qe7. Of course. The rest is a matter of technique.fxe5 This move lets the pressure slip.Rgb1 Rxb7 22.Nf3 Bg4 7.Bb5 Bd6 5.b4 d4 Rooks need open lines.e3 d5 3…Nf6 is a popular move.Qxf3 Qxe5 12. 6. 24. 1. 21…Nxb3 22.0-0) 7…e4 8.Bxc6 bxc6 9. when Black has a lasting edge.Bd2 Rb3+ 30. although now it is my turn with the white pieces and I get this cute miniature.cxd4 cxb4 25.Qg4+ Kb8 13.Rxb7 Na5 23. 4.Rxa7 Nd5 29. though I was able to convert the advantage. Missing 20…Rcb8 21. 21. (7. . although an even more expedient solution.fxe5 Bxe5 10. as played by Justin Sarkar earlier in this chapter.Kd3 Nb6 28.Bxg7 will also lead to an edge for White.Bb2 Nc6 3.cxb3 Rab8 23.axb4 Rxb4 26.Nc3.b3 e5 2. is the simple 5…f6. Stronger is 7.f4 Qe7 Attempting to hold the e5 square at all costs.Rb3? But this makes Black’s job easy.Ra1 Rb2+ 27.Bxc3 Rcxc3 Here we each had less than five minutes and so the annotations stop.Bxe5 Bxf3 11.0-0 0-0-0 8.Rb1 Nc4. he makes his return to the chess arena and now we once again face off regularly at the Marshall. 10.Bxc6+ bxc6 10. but not the most accurate one. but the bishop retreat justifies the black queen’s sortie to f6. Black seeks to exchange a piece and take complete control of the dark squares.Qd2 would have tightened the screws a tiny bit.exd5 9. but White’s choice is dangerous.g3 Qe4 9…Qg4 10.d4 Nf6 2.0-0 exd5 9.Nc3 Bxd1 11.Be2 c5 6. 9…Re8 10. . 14…bxc6 15.c4 g6 3.a3 Bd7 15.e4 d6 5.Nxe4 Bxc2 12.d3 The bishop is trapped on c2 and Ted resigns in light of 15…cxd6 16.Nc3 Bg7 4.exd6 Qh4+ 9. as it grabs space.0-0 Nf6 12. 11.Bxc6 Removing the last defender.h3 Ne4 A typical idea to equalize.Bg3 A safe move. After 20 years.Bf4 Qf6 16.Qc2 Na6 14.Be2.Bxd4 Kf8 14. Black’s pieces are not placed on ideal squares.Nxe4 Rxe4 12.d5 e6 7.Nf3 0-0 8.Bxe5 Bxf3 9.cxd5 leads to sharper play.Bxc3 Bxd3. 8. 7…Bxf3?? A fatal miscalculation. 1-0 Nicholas Proudfoot – Jay Bonin New York 2015 I played Nick a lot in the 1990s at the Manhattan Chess Club. 1.Rc1 c5 17. too.Bd3 Re8 13. 16. when White is up a piece for a pawn once the dust settles.Qxf3 Qxe5 11.Nc3. 7…Bxe5 leads to simple equality after 8.Nf2 d4 13. 34…Bxb3 35.Nxf7 Kb3 47.Bb3 34. 16…b5 Trying to undermine the d-pawn.Bxb1 Nc3 33.Be4 Rb2 31. 42. as now Black’s king will be the first to reach the center.f3 followed by 35. quickly becoming much more active.Nd2 Qxb2 18.Kf2 seems better than the text move.Be4.Bxe5 Rxe5 22. Here I decide to exchange a pair of rooks and simplify.f3 White realizes to his horror that 38. 30.Nd4 Kxa3 44. but my pieces feel more active at the moment. Jay Bonin – Nicholas Proudfoot .Ke1 Kd5 38.Nd2+ Kb5 The difference between the two knights is self-evident.Nb3 Kc4 41.Bc2 Kf8 His Royal Majesty enters the fray! 34.Nd3 a3 0-1 The a-pawn decides.Nxd6 Nxd5 24.Qxb2 Bxb2 19.Ne5 a4 48.Kf1 Kd6 37. Mine on c3 controls key squares. winning the a-pawn.Bf3 Rc2 It looks drawish with equal material.Be4 Nc3 A fork in the road.Nxc5 Re2 29.Kd2 is answered by 38…Nb1.cxb5 Nc7 21. 17.Ne4 Bxb5 27. 25. 38…Kc4 39.Ra2 Be5 20. 23.Bxa8 Nxa2 26.Nd2+ Kd3 40.Ne5 a5 46.Nxb3 Ke7 36.Nb3 Ka4 43.Ra1 Bc4 28. though also possible is the solid 24…Be6 keeping the rooks on the board. while the white knight on d2 gets in the way.Rb1 Rxb1+ 32.Nc6 a6 45.Nc4 Re7 Not 22…Rxd5 23. Five weeks passed between the previous game and this one. 21…c5 22. but with the white pieces I knew I would likely be able to carry out this plan against Nick.b5 Nxc3 15. With the queens off the board.Nc3 d6 6.Bg2 Re8 8.Qa8+ Bf8 27.Nd5 Qd8 23.Qc2 Qe7 13. but stronger.Qg3+ Qxg3 30. 19.0-0 Nf6 12. we’ve reached an ending where White has an extra pawn and a superior pawn structure. while Black has no constructive pawn breaks. as they say. is a .Qxa7? Letting Black achieve a little undeserved counterplay.e3 Nd7 9.b4 Preparing b4-b5.Qa4 f4 What else? His dark-squared bishop has no active role to play.Nxc3 Bd7 16.Rxb1 Bf5 21.b3 Nf6 2. 3.Rab1 Rab8 18. 10…c6 11. 13…Ne4 14.Qf3 Rxa2 28.g3 0-0 7. who wasted no time in playing …g7-g6.exd4 Re2 25.Bxc6!. is 21.gxf4 Rxb1 20.Ne3 Qh4 26.New York 2015 I play the Nimzo-Larsen against opponents who I know like to fianchetto their king’s bishop. as it is very frustrating for them to face and if they insist on playing …g7-g6 and … Bf8-g7 then I quickly saddle them with a fractured pawn structure that I can play against while retaining my famous Bonin Knights. Black is able to create some pressure against my king.dxc5 dxc5 24.c4 Bg7 5.bxc6 bxc6 17.Rc1 Solid.Nxf5 gxf5 29. after the text move.Bb2 g6 This setup allows me to steer the game into my comfort zone at once. The rest. hxg3 Now I can breathe a sigh of relief.Qxa7. Preferable is 23.Nge2 I enjoy light-square control.Bxf6 exf6 4. 1. 23…cxd4 24.d4 f5 10. Rxc7 Rd2 36. 31…Bxd4 32.Rxf7+ Ke6 41. I have to face Nick with White yet again.e4 0-0 6.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.dxe5 dxe5 8.Kh2 No more tricks.Bd7+ Kf6 43.c6 Rxf2 33. Sensing that he may have recently prepared a better response to my 1.Rxh7 d3 42.d4 Nf6 2. 30…Bg7 31.c4 Bg7 4.d4 so as to sidestep anything that he may have prepared for me.c7 Bxc7 35.Bb5 There’s no stopping the bishop from reaching the e8 square.Bg5 .Bf1 Kf6 38. the c-pawn will cost Nick his bishop.Nf3 g6 3.Be2 e5 7.c5! The only winning move.matter of technique.Be8 d4 40. 33…Bb6 34.b3 system.Rh6+ 1-0 Jay Bonin – Nicholas Proudfoot New York 2015 And now only three weeks later. 38…d5 39.Nc3 d6 5. 1. I switch back to 1.Kh3 Kg7 37. 12.cxd5 c6 Creating a big weakness that I manage to exploit later.Kc2 Rb8 22.Be3 Nb6 (not 12…c6 13. 9…Nbd7 10.dxc6 bxc6 14.Ne7+ Kh8 14.Rxd7 and White is simply up a piece) 13. 23. the tiny edge that White enjoys will be more pronounced in the ending that follows. By exchanging a pair of rooks now.Bxc4 Bxc4 19.h3 Bxf3 19. The immediate 16…f5 pawn break.b3 Nd7 16.0-0-0 Rf8 11.Kb2 a6 17. 13. for instance 12.Nc4 Nxc4 18.Nc7 Bg4 18. 19…Rxd8 20. On move 20 it is still searching for a purpose in life. 17.Bxf3.Nxc7 Rb8 14.Be3 Nb6 15.Nd2 Be6 16.Rxd8+ An important in-between move. The Exchange Variation of the King’s Indian Defense has earned me a lot of points with the white pieces.Nb5 Be6 15.b3 Rfd8 Maybe here Black should try 16…Rfb8 with the idea of …a7-a5-a4 to create some problems for the white monarch. ends any hope Black may have for a swashbuckling kingside attack à la Mar del Plata variation.Rc8 c5 Here our notation ends due to time constraints. to open up the position for Black’s bishops.Rd8 Kg7 24.Bxc5 Bxc5 26. However. should also be considered.Nd5 Nxd5 11…Nxe4 isn’t recommended.Rd1 Rb7? This inaccuracy allows me to penetrate and win a pawn. My bread and butter. after 25. and achieves a simple position with a bit of pull thanks to Black’s passive dark-squared bishop.Rxc5 f6 . 21.bxc4 Bf8 The big problem for Black in the Exchange KID is the passivity of this bishop. The first player takes no risks. when White has an active bishop pair and a space advantage.Nxc8 Rfxc8 15. 14…Nd7 maintains equality.Qe5. Juan is a very versatile player: he can play solidly. which creates precisely the kind of game-within-a-game strategizing that this chapter is about.Nxd5 Bxd5 12. 15.d4.e5 wins a piece.0-0 c5 6.Rac1 Qb7 19. What follows is a mixture of preparation. when I faced him no fewer than three times in four days. his record against me should be a lot better than it is. 17.Bg2 Bb7 5.Red1 Qb8 18.b3 0-0 8. though even then I may be able to gain control of the c6 square.27. and he is a master of the rope-a-dope game.c4 e6 3. he can attack. I could have played 9. and luck – that is to say: chess! Though I will leave it to the reader to decide who was the teacher and who was the student in this particular series.e4 Bb7 13.Nxd4. 9…d5 10.Nf3 Nf6 2. A talented chess coach for several elite New York City scholastic teams.Ra5 it’s only a matter of time until Black resigns.Nxc6 Bxc6 16.g3 b6 4.Qf4 The threat is 20. In all honesty.Nc3 Be7 7.d4 cxd4 14.Re1 I choose the complicated route.Qg4 g6 Pretty much forced: 16…Bf6 17. tactics. 19…f6 20. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Juan Sena New York 2014 Here is a pair of games with NM Juan Sena.Bb2 a6 9.cxd5 Nxd5 11. These two games resulted from several tournaments we both played in.Qg4 .Nxd4 Nc6 This is an inaccuracy that allows me to seize the initiative. though I am often able to swindle him in the middlegame – as happens in the first game. 1. looking to swap bishops after 9…cxd4 10. who always jokes with me about “taking me to school” when the pairings are posted and we see that we are again paired with one another.Bxf6 Qxf6 18. Rc1 Qe7 29. in some cases. What to do now? 20…Kf7 is the only way to hold it.e4 with an advantage.e5!. Jay Bonin – Juan Sena New York 2014 After the previous game only the day before.c4 Bb4+ 4. as otherwise I will play 7.exf5 Bxg2 22. 5…0-0 6.Qd4+–. when White has a lasting advantage: 23…Bxe5? 24.Rc7 Bd7 30.gxh7+ With mate coming next. Instead.Qe2 Qa7 26.Qc2 d5 This pawn thrust is necessary. though even then Black will suffer – for instance.Rfc1 Jumping on the c-file.cxd5 exd5 9. as he might get saddled with a backward c-pawn or.Qxe5 Rac8 27. Juan decides to switch it up from a Hedgehog to a Bogo-Indian.Bh3 Bd7 22.Bg2! h5 25. 20…Kf7 21.Bxc3 Ne4 13.Bd3 Ba6 10.Nf3 e6 3. smelling the danger of Juan’s preparation.Bd2 a5 5. 8. the c6 square might become weak itself – as in both the previous game and this one. my opponent seeks exchanges and activity but in the process allows me a nice winning continuation.Qxd3 Bxc3 12. The queen comes back to attack the weak e6-pawn.Bc6 Rd8 31.g3 that I would normally play in this position.fxg6 Rf5 23. 1-0.d4 Nf6 2. 1.0-0 f6 14. 20…f5 21.Bxf6 Bxf6 23. I invite simplifications that follow from 5…Bxc3 and 6…Ne4.Ne5 Bxd3 11.Rxc8 Bxc8 28.Nf3 Nc6 15. 7.Nc3 Here I deviate from my usual path. hoping to bypass anything Juan may have studied in anticipation of facing me again. Instead of the usual 5. .e3 b6 This ambitious move may cause problems for Black later. 18. another plan for Black is to simply get rid of this weakness by moving the knight off c6 and then preparing …c7-c5.Qb5 Nb8 20.f3 Ng5 23. I can force a favorable ending where White can press from a position of strength while Black must struggle to untangle his pieces. However.Rc6 Nb8 24.Rc2 g6 25. 15…Qd6 16.Nh4 Qd7 18…g6 is necessary to keep the queens on the board. it seems likely that this bishop will show its teeth later in the game. Plus. 16…Rfb8 17.Qxd7 Nxd7 21. with Black’s pawns mostly on dark squares. 19. 17…Rb7 Protecting the weak c7-pawn. The long-term play is to move the f3-knight away in order to play f2-f3 and make the e4-knight retreat without having any useful moves to play. 21…Kf7 22. After the text move.Be1 I opt for retaining this bishop just in case Black was thinking of chopping it off with his knight.a3 Preventing the annoying 16…Nb4.Rd1 .Nf5 White is winning.Ng3 Ne6 26. Qxd4 a6 Preparing …Nc6. White can trade queens now.Bg3 Finally.d4 d6 2. but this move is played with the idea of pushing e2-e4 next.Qd1 I could probably go to d2 as well.Nc3 e5 Of course. which if played right away would be answered by 6. Therefore.Bxb8.Rc8 After a few more moves. we have met on the chessboard over 300 times. getting into my comfort zone. 4.Rxb8 Rxb8 36.Nd2 .Ne2 Kd7 29. Since 1991 when the USCF started keeping records.Bb2 Bf8 11. again with the idea of preparing …c7-c5!.e4 Nf6 3. 27.0-0 0-0 9. Placing the rook on a closed file seems odd at first glance. 29…b5 30.Be2 Nc6 7.Rdc1 Rb6 31. but one that is to my liking. 1-0 Jay Bonin – FM Boris Privman New York 2013 Like me. I keep the game dynamic for a while. 26…c6 Better is 26…Na6. 1. 7…Be7 8. 6. but that’s playing into Boris’s comfort zone.exd5 cxd5 32.b3 Re8 10.Nf3 exd4 5. Our play also matches in that Boris likes unorthodox openings and tries to steer the game into an ending. In this game we reach an ending soon enough. the bishop contributes. but d1 just feels right.Bb5.e4 Ke7 28.Rxc6 Kxc6 35. Boris Privman is a very active chessplayer. Black resigned as now the decisive loss of material cannot be avoided. for instance 32…b4 33.Rh8 Rc6 34. but the c8-bishop is still a problem.Rxc6 bxc6 26. 16.Qf3 Bc5+ 17. My rooks will challenge the e-file and eventually penetrate on the seventh rank.Kh1 dxe4 This may be premature. 18.Bxf6 Qxf6 21. but upon closer inspection there is the issue of his queen’s bishop. 25. Perhaps this is why d1 just felt right for the queen.Ng5 with an enveloping attack. 12…Ne6 13. though.Ne4 Qd8 22.Qf4 Re6 In order to allow …Qd8-f8. with my queen perhaps joining in the fun on the weakened c7 square. If Black tried 24…c6. I had 25.f4 Nc5 14.Qh6 Forcing a technically winning ending.f6 This wedge is going to cause problems for my opponent.Qxf8+ Kxf8 28.Rac1 Rc6 This makes it easy.Ncxe4 Now my backward d3-pawn cannot be exploited due to Black’s lack of development. 26…Qf8 27. It’s clear now that the d2 square is for the knight.Bd3 I definitely want to avoid exchanges. 18…Bd4 19.Nc5 Bf5 .f5 Nxd3 15.cxd3 d5 It looks like Boris is freeing his position. 17…Bd4 or 17…c6 would be better. 22…g6 23. 11…Nd4 12. 24.Nxf6+ Bxf6 20. 30. 1-0 Jay Bonin – FM Boris Privman New York 2013 We meet again a week later. and then create an outside passer with a2-a4 followed by b3-b4. too. At long last the bishop gets developed. 4…Nf6 5. but it is much too late. 1. The rook lift 33…Ra5 is a hard move to find. as it discourages …dxc4. 31…a4 32. is amenable to varying his openings.Kg1 a5 30. but it would have allowed Black to hold on for longer. so we go from an Old Indian to a Catalan with a flick of the Bic.Re1? Allowing Black counterplay that he doesn’t deserve with 30…Rd8!.Nf3 d5 3.Kf2 I’m in no hurry to capture on e6.Nxa4 Ke8 33. bring my king up to defend d3.d4 e6 2.Nbd2 I like putting my queen’s knight on d2. On 30…Re8 I would trade rooks.Qc2 And I like Qd1-c2 to overprotect e4. 30…Be6? Missing his chance to play …Ra8-d8. 34.Nc5 Bd5 35. 29. 31.Re2 Kd8? This allows the knight to reach c5 with a decisive advantage. preventing …Ne4 followed by …f7-f5 transposing . Instead.a4 Boris had enough here and resigned.c4 c6 4. and instead gradually improve my position.Rf4 was required to hold all of the advantages together. Boris. Ne1 cxd4 17. 27…Qxd2 28. but Boris has an idea. 5…Be7 5…Bd6.Rfd1 Qa8 Now the game is equal. h4 a6 26.Rd1 h6 25.Bxd4 Bxd4 18.Bb2 Rc8 11.Bxf3 cxd4. exactly the kind of position that I dream of achieving against most of my opponents! However. Boris is no slouch in the endgame and has a reputation as a fierce fighter and knowledgeable endgame player with excellent technique. is preferable.Rac1 Rc7 11…c5 is superior.b3 Bb7 10.Rxd4 Ne5 The threat: …Bxg2 and …Nf3+.Nxd2 Nd4 We have a dead-even knight-and-pawn ending – in other words. then 16.g3 0-0 7. controlling e5.Rdd1 Rd7 22.Nf3 Rfd8 23.a3 Nc2 30.Nxe4 c5 14. 12. just retreating to c3 is better.Rxd7 Rxd7 24. 6.e4 dxe4 13. 19.Qe2 Can’t let the knight stay on e5! 20…Nc6 21.Nb1 . 16.Nxf6+ This is bad.Rxd7 Qxd7 27.0-0 b6 9.Bxb7 Qxb7 20.Qd2 My queenside majority leads me to soldier on.Nb5 gives White a big edge.Bg2 Nbd7 8. and if 14…Bxf3 15.into a Stonewall Dutch. 29. 14…Bxf6 15. when c4-c5 can’t be stopped.e3.Ke2 Kd6 33. 3. The pawn exchange allows me to enter a winning king-and-pawn ending that Boris incorrectly judged to be drawn. Now b3-b4 is in the works.Kd2 Nf3+ 36. then 42. I’ve faced 3.Kf1 The king is a fighting piece in the endgame.Kd4 Nc6+ 41.f4 Kd7 I believe this was the last chance for …e6-e5.Kd3 No draw! 38…Kd6 39. Not 30.Kd3 e5? An unforced error. 31…Ke7 32.Taking White out of his comfort zone – I take pride in not giving .b4 Ke5 34. though there are other playable moves. 1-0 FM Boris Privman – Jay Bonin New York 2013 1.Nd2.fxe5+ Nxe5+ 46.g4 Ke6 44. The threat is 3…cxd4.Ke4 g6 43.d4 c5 2.Kd3 Ne1+ 35. 3. and even 3. Black can simply play 44…g6 or even retreat with the knight to e7. 3. If 47…f4.Nd2 Ne5+ 40.Nxe5 Kxe5 47. then 48.a4 which would cripple my majority. 43.Na3.dxc5. as I have placed my knight on a much better square and my king is ready to invade. It’s too late to implement this idea now.gxf4 Kxf4 49.g5. 30…Kf8 31.c3 Qa5 This is a Bonin specialty! It’s a great weapon against players who like to play the London System. 45. forcing a recapture by the queen.Ke3 Ne1 37.Nf3 Kd6 44.d5.Kd4 shouldering off the black king.Kd2 Nf3+ 38.h5 I won few moves later as Black is in Zugzwang.Ke3 f5 If 41…e5. 42. a4 This prevents the pawn push…b7-b5. 0-1 . This goal is easier to achieve when playing against a frequent opponent whose style and systems are familiar to you. 16. 12.e4 The idea behind this move is to activate the queen’s bishop.Bxe3 Nc6 15. 3.Bd3 d6 5.0-0 Bg7 7.Qd2 Bxf3 17.Bxb7 Rab8 From this position.Na3 0-0 8.exd5 Nxd5 13.e3 Nf6 4.Ne3 Nxe3 14. I went on to convert in time trouble. but it also leaves the d4 square opponent what he or she wants.Bxf3 Nxd4 18.cxd4 d5 Leaving White with an isolated d-pawn.e5!. from where it would not be easily dislodged.dxc5 or 10.Be4 Qd6 Wins the d-pawn. but committing on the flank allows a counter-strike in the center. 11…Nc6 is another path to advantage. as the knight would head to the b4 square. I have … Rxb2 followed by …Rf8-d8 when the pressure is too much for White to hold the game.Nf3 g6 6.Nc4 Qc7 10. 10…cxd4 11. 8…Bg4 9. If the b7-bishop moves. Better is to push in the center first with either 10.Bxd4 Bxd4 19. Bg5 Bf6 18.Rxd8+ Rxd8 22. 10… d6 or 10…Rfd8 would both be solid. then 20…Rd7 21. when Black is winning.Rbc1 was called for.a4 Qc7 10. For instance.b3? This is an error.e3 Nf6 3.Qxe4 Nd4 23.Bxe4 f5 19.Nbd2 0-0 6. if now 20. I almost got to repeat 2…Qa5.Qe3 Bxf3 24.Bc2 or 15.gxf3 Qxe5!.0-0 b6 7.Bxe4? The calm 20. Boris and I butt heads again. 11.c3 Bb7 8.h4.N3d2 If 22.Bxc6 Qxc6.h3 Rab8 15.Nf1 Simply hanging a pawn.Qe2 Nc6 9.Rxd1 Qxf3 24. The text move opens the d-file and loses control of the d4 square. though less ambitious. would have been better. 16…Bxc3 17.Rd1 Rfd8 14. but Boris changed course first.d4 c5 Well. 22…Nd4 23.FM Boris Privman – Jay Bonin New Jersey 2013 A week later. 2. 1. But after 16.Rb1 d5 Taking the center and threatening to hang onto it.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qe3 Qxe5 24.Re1. This time I intend to repeat the same idea. White has no really useful moves and is paralyzed by the threats of doubling rooks on the d- file and …Nxg2.Bd3 g6 4.Qf1 dxe4 18.dxc5 bxc5 12.Qxg2 Rxd1+ 23.Bxf6 Nxf6 19. such as 15. Black will respond with …e7-e6 when he will maintain a pawn duo on c5 and d5. 20…dxe4 21.e4 e6 13. 15…Nh5 16. If e2-e4.e5 Ne4 20.Bb2 Nf4 17.Qxf3 Bxf3. Constructive waiting moves.Nc4 Qf4 .Nc4 Nxg2 22. as the g7-bishop’s influence will be felt on the other side of the board immediately. a4 I’m not worried about the c-file.Nf3 Ngf6 4. We’ve had countless QGD.Qxf4.d4 d5 2. In this game I try 2. simplify. Against such a player. Catalan.Qb1 Covering the e4 square and threatening bxc5.fxe3 Ne2+ 0-1 Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki New York 2014 Eddie Kopiecki could be my heir apparent for the title of most active chessplayer. He plays in many open events as well as in class tournaments that I’m not eligible to play in. at least 250 going back to the 1980s.d4. (It’s harder to attack when you’re in an endgame!) When I open with 1.c3 b6 9. but doesn’t change the result as White is lost anyway. 12…Re8 13. Too many times he played 2…Nf6 when after 3. 26…Qxe3 27. If 25. you can learn a lot about their tendencies as a player. and – as you probably guessed – because we’re both so active. a longtime specialty.e3 Bg7 6.cxb4 Rc8 12.Bg5. 1. although we did have a Budapest Gambit with …e7-e5 once. the answer is always 1…d5. When ahead. then 25…Ne2+ recovering the queen.Bxf6 I would simply outplay him from a sterile middlegame that didn’t suit his active style. 25.Nbd2 g6 5.Bg5 Nd7 Eddie has learned his lesson from past encounters. Decision time! 10…cxb4 11.Rc1?? Loses a rook. and Tarrasch and Semi-Tarrasch Defenses.Bd3 0-0 7.Na5 Bd5 26.a5 Rc3?! .b4 Bb7 10. When you play somebody so many times. and that he favors gambit play to achieve those kinds of positions. 3.0-0 c5 8. we have met over the board many times. I know that Kopiecki can be very dangerous with the attack. I strive to keep the position quiet and try to trade queens early. Bxb6! .a6 Ba8 15.f4 Nxh2 This knight will now be out of the game for a long time.Qxc3 Bxf1 18. I will be able to collect the queenside pawns while the black knight on g4 looks on from afar. but is all dressed up with nowhere to go.a6.Qb2 Forcing trades.Ke2 The king enters the fray. 16.Bh4 e5 This works out badly.Ne4 Now my knight joins the fun.Bb5 Bc6 Otherwise. creating an annoying wedge and a long-term insurance policy for the endgame. 25…Bf8 26. Better is striking at the center with 13…e5!.dxe5 Ng4 24. 16…Bxb5 17.Nxe5 Nxe5 23. 14. 29…Rxd8 30. This gives White a free hand to clamp down on the queenside with 14. the pin is annoying.Rd3 Bxb4 27.Rd8+ Simple chess. but Eddie has already been taken out of his comfort zone. After this trade. 22. 28…h5 29. Black has the c-file. The a7-pawn is starting to look juicy.Rxd5 Ng4 28.Qxc8 Rxc8 20.Ra3 Preparing Rd3.Kxf1 Qc8 19.Bxd8 Kf8 31. 25. 20…h6 21. a4! bxa4 13.Rxa4 Qd8 15. Black must trade bishops. this is not the best move.Be2 Bb4+ 11.Kb2 Rb8 23.Rxb7 Rxc1 21.Rb1 in another game.Rc7+ Nd7 20. to apply pressure to the pawns. I only recently came up with 12. the most accurate path for White is 12. 12…Qxb4+ 13. 6.Rac1 Ke7 18.Rc5 Rc8 17.Ne5 Forcing trades once again.Bxb4 Amazingly.bxc3 cxd4 8.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 d5 2.0-0 Bxd2 14.cxd4 Nc6 9.Qxd2±. I switch it up just to avoid any recent improvements Kopiecki may have worked on from our previous game.Qd2.cxd5 Nxd5 The Semi-Tarrasch.Bc4 b5 10.Ra7 Keeping the rook of course.Qd2 Qxd2+ 14.Rhc1 Bb7 16. The final finesse that ends the game.e5 . 21…Rc8+ 22. 1.Kxd2 And here we are again in my comfort zone: an endgame.Bd2 Qa5 12. 18…Nxe5 19. 23…Rb6 24. not to mention the fact that my king’s not so bad on this square either. 14…a6 15.Kxc1 The result of these exchanges is that my rook and bishop are more active than my opponent’s pieces. This time. However. Ed and I meet again with the same colors.Bxb4 Nxb4 14. In that position. but instead castled and I got a better game after 12…0-0 13. a perennial Kopiecki favorite.c4 e6 4.e4 Nxc3 7.Nc3 c5 5. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki New York 2014 A couple of weeks later. Bxf6 We’ve had many games with 9.Rxd7.Kb4 Zugzwang.f4 fxe5 26.Nxc6 5. I decided that the Sicilian is the best defense to play when he has the white pieces. Not only is d6 unavailable to the black king.Qd2 d6 13. 2. but now my bishop can also use the h1-a8 diagonal. 29…Nb8 30.d4 cxd4 4. 1-0 Edward Kopiecki – Jay Bonin New York 2013 Now a pair of games with Kopiecki playing White. 5…bxc6 6.Bf3 g6 28.Nxd4 e5 5.Bc4 Nf6 7.Nb5 is much better. The capture improves my control of the center.Bg5 h6 9.e4 c5 Having played many games against Kopiecki.Kc5 The rook falls. 24…f6 25. This is the move that really highlights the problems with Black’s position. as 30…Nd7 is met by 31.Bh4. 28…h5 29. 9…Qxf6 10. but 9…g5 and later …h6-h5 made him uncomfortable. But this strategy gives my dark- squared bishop some much-needed life. Giving up the bishop pair could have long-term consequences.fxe5 Kd8 27. 1.Na4 Be7 12.f4 True to his aggressive style.Nf3 Nc6 3. however.Kb3 My king comes onto the stage. but White still has space. Eddie opens up the game. .0-0 Bc5 8.Nc3 0-0 11. Bxf6 Qxf6 11.Rxf8+ Rxf8 18.e4 c5 2.Bg5 h6 10.Nxc6 bxc6 6. tripling on the f-file and keeping White’s forces close to home.Bc4 Nf6 7.g3 It’s all over: 22.Qa8+ Kh7 White faces the prospect of mate. which would allow 21.Rf1? Allowing a decisive check on b5.Bxe6 fxe6 Here Kopiecki sees the possibility of winning the a7-pawn after trading on f8. 17.Qe3 with equality.a3 d6 14. 21. 22…Bg5 23.Qd2 Rb8 Sensing that Kopiecki had probably come up with a surprise for me in this variation that we had just played in another tournament. 18…Bh4! 19.h4 Be3+ 25.Qxa7?! Taking the bait.Kg1 Qe2 22.Qf2 Be6 16. Better is the calm and collected 17.h3 Bg3.b4 . Now the queen is far away from the action and I get a strong attack.d4 cxd4 4. 24. 12. However.Nc3 0-0 9. I deviate first.Rxf4 Qe5 15. 19…Rxf1+ 20. this continuation gives me a free hand to attack his poorly defended monarch.0-0 Bc5 8.Nxd4 e5 5.Kh1 Qf2 0-1 Edward Kopiecki – Jay Bonin New York 2013 1.Kxf1 Qb5+ Much better than committing the same error White made with 20…Qxh2?.Nf3 Nc6 3.Na4 Be7 13. 13…exf4 14.Raf1. Kopiecki avoids playing 14.Rad1 Allowing me to get into a queen-less middlegame with the bishop pair.Nxa6 Bxa6 27.g3? .Rb3 Rbe8 30.b5 White gets the d5 square. 20…cxb5 21. 22.f3 g5 19. he may well have done better to play 15.Nc7 e4 Trying to open as many lines as possible and to exploit White’s vulnerability on the back rank. 25.Re1 g4 Aggression! 20. From a purely psychological standpoint. Here.Nxb5 d5?! Trying to activate my bishop.exd5 Bc5+ 23.Nc3 f5 18.Rxd2 Kh8 17.Qd3 and keep the ladies in the game to try and create tactical problems for me later on.Rdd1.Rd3 White needs to play 28.Rde2 or 28.f4.fxe4 fxe4 26. but the straightforward 21…gxf3 is consistent and stronger.Kh1 a6 24. but the position is coming open for the bishops. as is his wont. 28…e2 29.Bxa6 e3 28. 15…Qxd2 16. 14…Qg5 15. which would create dark-square weaknesses around his king as in the previous game. Rxf1 e1Q Black wins. when White may well claim an edge.Rbb1. 30…Rf1+ 31. A positional oversight that allows a winning combination. 0-1 . Better is to simply retreat the rook with 30. as taking the queen leads to mate in two. Typically. taking the safe route is good for conserving energy. a grandmaster colleague took me aside and said. when I won a miniature (see Chapter 8). if I have more time than my opponent (say. don’t take it! Todd Bryant – Jay Bonin New York 2012 A well-timed draw offer can affect the outcome of the game in counterintuitive ways. we found ourselves in an endgame. For example. Quite often. however. take it!” Interesting advice. as there is something about capturing a piece nonchalantly with one hand and extending an olive branch and a handshake with the other that is irresistible to most players. Another obvious factor that can affect the outcome of a game is the situation on the clock. These early lessons in my career have informed my own technique for when and how to handle draw offers. but try it! Trust me. particularly when playing against a stronger opponent. It will likely come as no surprise to the reader that. but sometimes you’ve got to roll the dice. I ended up losing. and not be predicated on the past performance of your opponent. after declining his draw offer. when someone refuses a draw offer it is for a concrete reason: they think they have an advantage. I thought I was better. then my opponent will be more likely to accept simply because there’s too much to calculate and appraise in such little time. The first time was the year before in the same event. it works. Afterwards. and to my surprise the GM offered me a draw. Also. This time around. 10 minutes to my opponent’s 5) and I offer a draw in a more-or-less equal position.Chapter 3 The Art of the Irrefusable Draw Offer n the 1987 New York Open. Of course. they proceed to overreact later in the game as they try to justify . and perhaps to the surprise of the reader our conclusion here is the opposite of the advice that my grandmaster colleague once gave me: If a grandmaster offers you a draw. having shown bad etiquette for even making such an offer. in a 30-minute game. I played the Romanian grandmaster Florin Gheorghiu. whatever you do. I recall once finding myself in a rook- and-pawn ending against GM Jan Smejkal of the Czech Republic. he returned nothing but an icy stare as if to say: “What – are you crazy?” I went down very soon after that – and deservedly so. In general. In this chapter we will see a number of games in which draw offers are accepted or rejected. When I offered a draw. and I guess I showed a lack of respect for my talented opponent because I remembered beating him the year before and thought I should try and do it again. It was I the second time that I had played him. It sounds like black magic. it is generally rude to offer a draw if you are down material. There are a number of key moments in a game when I like to offer a draw – for instance. if I can. “When a grandmaster offers you a draw. when and whether to offer or accept a draw should involve an objective evaluation of the position in front of you. the 1986 New York Open. in which I had four pawns to his five. I will make the draw offer after making a capture. Be3 Nde5 12.Bxc5 Nc6 In this well-known gambit line.b3 Nexc4!.dxc5 dxc5 8. 15…Bd7 16.c4 g6 3. Black has more than adequate compensation for the pawn in the form of a lead in development. this happens more often than you might think and it is frequently part of my strategy for when and how to offer draws.Bd4 Bf8 19.Kxd1 Na5 15. 10. 1.b3 Nc6 A strong in-between move.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.their earlier refusal.Nf4 White covers the d3-square but impedes his own development. 13.Be3 c5 7.Nge2 Nd7 11.d4 Nf6 2. but necessary to cover d5 so as to prevent White’s minor pieces from making use of that square.Bf6 Nb4+ 21. c5 Not 15.Nc3 0-0 6.Kb1 Na3+ .f3 Bg7 4. Truth be told.e4 d6 5. 20. and actually wind up losing.Rd1 Rxd1+ 14.Be2 Nac4 18. 12…e6 A minor inconvenience.Kc2 Rc8 17. my opponent now goes on the attack. One reason my opponent may have refused the draw offer is because my a3- knight could become an issue for me. I’m winning my pawn back.Kb3 Bxc3 27.g4 fxg4 31. but that’s about it.hxg6 hxg6 36. as in 35.b4 Bxb4+ 26.h4 Trying to justify his refusal of a draw.fxg4 Ng7 32. I offered a draw with this move and my opponent refused. 29. so why take it now? 24…Nd3+ 25.h5 e5! Returning the pawn to activate my pieces. 35…Ne6 36.Bg2 Rc5 33.Bxe5 Rc5 38.Bf1 f5 An attempt to get some elbow room. 28. but he’s not out of the woods yet. 22.h6?! It would have been better to take.Ba1 Bh5=. My poor knight is stuck over there.Bxc3 Nxf4 Now Black is up a pawn.Rh6 Bxg4 37.Be5 Nh5 30.Kb2 Bxc5 23. 23…b5 24.Bxe5 Nc5+ .Bd6 Rc8 34. 35.Kxa3 This move is very ambitious. Kb3 Nc6 44. but now Black will win the g4-pawn and his pieces invade.Kd4. just going into a technically lost ending.Kc3 Kd5 47.Kc3 Ke4 Black went on to win here by liquidating the queenside and winning the g. 0- 1 .Ka3.Kb3 a5 48. Where does the white king go? If 37. when White would still be worse. 38…Nc5 39.Kxb4 Nd3+ wins the e5-bishop. then 37…b4+! 38.Bd5+ Be6 40.Rd1 Rd8 42. 45…Ke6 46. 38.and h-pawns.Bf6 Kf7 45. I love knights! 42…Nxd8 43. Better is keeping the threat of moving the knight and grabbing the g4-pawn with the bishop.Rxd8+ The final mistake.Kc3 Nxe4? Allowing White to centralize his king with 38. 37.Kb2?! Running backwards spells doom.Bxe6+ Nxe6 41.g5 Now the kingside pawns will be targets. Other squares don’t lose the piece. And suddenly I’m better – an amazing turnaround. Bd3 Nc6 11. is better.Nc3 Nb4 12.Nxd5 Rfe8 21. 16…Bxa6 17. and three knights on the rim! But I’ve had this position more than twenty times! They’re rewriting the books on opening theory and opening principles! 6…Qe7 7. 19. 14. 17…Be5 18.Qe1.Bb5 Bd6 5.Nc4 against NM Oliver Chernin and was not happy with the result. but on 18…Qh4 or 18…Qh6 I simply play 19.c4 .0-0 c5 9.Nf4 Now my idea is Nb5. then 16…Nc7 and I’m on the defensive. 14…Qxe5 15.fxe5 A little impatient. so here I steer the horse in a different direction.Rg3 Qf5 This allows a cute tactic.e3 Nf6 4.Ne7+ and the black queen drops.Bxa6 If 16.f4 b6 10.Ncd5 Nxd5 Obviously not 19…Bxb2 20.Bb2 Nc6 3.Nh3 This is one of the most bizarre positions you’ll probably ever see: a bishop on d6 blocking the d-pawn. with ideas of Qg3 or Qh4.Na3 Na5 6.a3 Na6 14.Bxe5 Rxe5 22. 20.Rf3 With the idea of Rf3-g3 followed by Nc3-d5.b3 e5 2. 7…0-0 8. 15…Qg5 16.Bc4 Bb7 13.Qe2.Jay Bonin – GM Michael Rohde New York 2012 1.Rh3.Nb1 I played 7. the engine gives the following line as best: 22…Rxd5 23.Nf1 Bb7 12. And here I offered a draw.Qe7 Qf7 28.Re1 h6 I never castle kingside here. With the black pieces.cxd5 Bd3 24. too.Nf4 d5.d4!. 1. can switch gears here and play 10.d3 d5 3. preferring to castle queenside. though perhaps a pleasant position for Black despite being down the exchange.Nd2 c5 4.c3 0-0-0 . Curiously. Objectively speaking.e4 e6 2.Ngf3 Nc6 5.g3 g6 6. when my backward pawn on d2 might be a problem. My knight is placed very well.exd5 exd5 11.0-0 Nge7 8.Rd1 f5 26.Qh4 Qxd5 27.h4 Qc7 10.Qe2 White. ½-½ Henry Qi – Jay Bonin New York 2014 It’s the final round of the Nassau Championship and a draw is good enough to at least tie for first.Bg2 Bg7 7. I face an up-and-coming scholastic player to whom I plan to offer a draw early in the game so I can ensure first place and not risk losing by needlessly trying to win. 10…b6 11. which was accepted.Qxf7+ Kxf7 with equality. however. 9.Qg4 Qe5 25. and I thought my opponent might be happier taking the draw than trying to solve the problem of this knight. I actually like Black’s position after 22…Bb7 23. I know they are serious players who often have bright futures in chess later on. 28. this kid’s got heart! At the end of the forcing sequence. which hangs at the end of the forcing sequence following the game move.Rd2 Nh3 I avoid trading knights because White’s h2-knight lacks scope.N1h2 next. as this would protect the f2-pawn.Rc2. with the idea of 18. 17…Bxc1 18.e5 d4 14. hoping to secure first place in the tournament without too much effort. and in this game my opponent surprised me by fearlessly refusing my draw offer! I remember when a 12-year-old Robert Hess refused a draw from GM John Fedorowicz.Nxe5 Nf4 Now it’s clear why Black played 19…Kb8: the b7-bishop is not captured with check. I predict Henry Qi will make master soon as well.Nd7+ A counter-combo to force an ending. But when scholastic players refuse my draw offer. White will drop the f2-pawn and be on the worse side of my favorite kind of ending. White appears to be completely lost as both the knight and queen are under fire. 13. But my opponent finds the only move to continue the fight.Rbd1 Nh3+ 27. now he himself is a GM. Here.hxg5 Ng6 16. Based on his tenacity in this game.Bxh6. 21.Rb1 Ncxe5 A combination to denude the white king of his cover! The chess engine Houdini suggests 20. 19.Bxb7 Kxb7 After the smoke clears. 15. 22…Qxd7 23.N1d2 or 17. Only a few years later.gxh6 Bxh6 17.Qe5+ Qc7 24.c4 g5 A Benko-like gambit for the attack.a3 Kb8 20. And here. 26. so trading it off would only . Many a youngster has accepted my draw offers over the years in such situations. 22. happy to gain rating points off me and tell their coach and friends that they drew an IM. after castling. I offered a draw. I’m still on top. if not achieve a higher title. Man.Qxc7+ Kxc7 25.Kg2 Nxf2 The technical phase arrives.Raxc1 Rdg8 With visions of …Nf4 dancing in my head.N1h2 White should not allow 17…Bxc1 and should instead consider 17. Not being afraid is a great quality to have at the chessboard. Rb1 Rb8 9.b4. though I .Nxe7+ Kh8 16.e4 c5 2.Bg2 Bg7 5. 13…exf5 14.Nxd4 cxd4 15. this is an obvious example of when not to trade.Rb5 Kd6 34.Nd5 only leads back to equality after 15…Qd8.Nxd4 Bxd4 15.Rf1 f5 30. White allows a massive exchange of material. The critical position. and boring.Nd5? After offering a pawn.Kf2 Nd4 18.g3 g6 4.c3 Nb3.Qd2 Qa5 8.a3 Nd4 10.bxc5 bxc5 33. This is inconsistent with the idea of the previous move.Bxd2 Nxe2+ 17. Note also that 14. would be 14…Qxd2 15. 0-1 Joshua Rubin – Jay Bonin New York 2012 him get rid of a problem.f5 A sharp pawn sac. But a way to an edge for Black was available here. It’s important to know when to trade and when not to trade.Be3 e6 7. 29.Nge2 b5 11. Better is 14.Rb2 Kc7 32.Nc3 Nc6 3.b4 Ng5 31. Equal.d3 d6 6.Ra5 Rh6 I went on to win both the tournament and the game after a time-scramble finish in which the rest of the score of this game wasn’t written down. with a complicated position where White has some compensation for the pawn.0-0 0-0 13.f4 Ne7 12. Bg5 f6 17. preferring instead to keep my options open. Rxb1 Re2.Bxb7+ Kxb7 15. on (14…Nxe2+) 15.Qxc6 cxd4 17. there’s this check that escapes into an ending and resolves the tension.h4 0-0-0 Obviously Black’s not going to castle kingside.Ba6 d5 13.Nxe4 Be7 6. ½-½ Jay Bonin – Arthur Tollefson New York 2013 1. or maybe he thought 21…Qb6 was a good ending for me.bxa3 Rxb1 23. when Black picks up a pawn with the desperado knight.Nxd4 cxd4 16. e4 fxe4 5. so I was ready to play Bd3-a6. 12.Bd3 Nc6 10.Qxd4. so it’s hard to say why White agreed to split the point here.Nc5 The point. but I come up with this clunker of a move: 20.Nc3 Nf6 3.Qc3 Qxc3+ 19.Bg5 e6 4. I could play anything and offer a draw.exd5 Bxh6 19.Ne5 20.Qxe2? Nxd5 16. and the game was drawn by agreement. Of course.d4 f5 2. 10…Qe7 11.Qe2 I don’t castle yet.Kh1 Nxg3+ 16. and my instincts should have led me to keep the knight on the board in .hxg3 Qd8.bxc3 Rhe8 And I have nothing.Nf3 b6 8.Qh4 b4 21. 18. 13…bxc5 14.Bh6 Nxd5 18.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.Qb5+ Kc8 16.c3 Bb7 9.missed it: 14…Nxe2+ 15. Maybe time pressure was a factor.Kd2 is better. or perhaps he was afraid of 21…bxa3 22.exd5 Re8 Black has serious threats against the e3-bishop.Qxh6 Re8 20. My bishop lacks an active role.cxd4 Qb4+ Fortunately for Black. 14…Qd8 15. The d4-knight is a powerful piece that. Rather than work out the position. will only be replaced by a protected passed pawn.Rh3?! It’s likely that 22. but this enigmatic rook lift gives my opponent lots to think about as I extend my hand with a draw offer. 17…Rb8 first is called for.c4 g6 3.e4 Nc6 7. 18.Qd3 Rb8 19.g3 0-0 5. 22.b4 . my opponent accepted the draw! A relief.0-0 b5 I thought I was good with this break.Nxb5 Bxb5 17.Qxb5 Rxb5 21.Nxd4 cxd4 16.Rxa8 Qxa8 15.Bd2 Qxb5 20.d5 Nd4 9.f3 c5 10.b3 Bd7 12. as Black is better in this ending and once again the Teflon-bone escapes with a well-timed draw offer! ½-½ Isaac Yetzman – Jay Bonin New York 2013 1.d4 Nf6 2. 13. Nge2 e5 8.Nc3 Bg7 4.Bg2 d6 6.0-0 is objectively correct. if exchanged.dxe5 Rf8 Now Black is slightly better due to my weak pawns.axb5 axb5 14.this ending too! 20…Bxe5 21. cxb5 Qa5 Here.a4 a6 11. and Rc1-c8 is threatened. there’s bishops of opposite colors on the board and I’m blockading both pawns. 22. but after 22. My protected passer is blockaded and White’s passer is ready to roll with the support of the bishop pair.c4 e6 3. 25…Nc5 26. I mistakenly think I see a restricting queen move and end up stepping into a briar patch of counter-play with: 16.d4 cxd4 10.Bf1 Rb8 24.b5 Bd8 25.Nc3 Nc6 7.Rb1 Bf6 Trying to redeploy the bishop to b6. ½-½ Jay Bonin – Denys Shmelov New York 2008 1. 23.Rfd1 Rfd8 14.Nf3 Be7 5.Bxc5 dxc5 Here I offered a draw and my opponent accepted.b3 a6 8. Here. True.Qb6?! .Bg2 c5 4.0-0 0-0 6. there is no reason to over-extend just yet.g3 Nf6 2. Now I started to get nervous.Nxd4 d6 11. followed by moving the rook and blockading b4 with the knight. as simple moves will threaten to squeeze the life out of Black’s position.Qxd4 Bd7 13. 21…Nd7 I really wanted to play 21…Ne8 with the idea of …Nc7.Bb4 Very well played.Rc1! I can’t do that. However. but White should play on with Ra1-Ra6 and look for winning chances as my own rook can’t find any daylight.Qe3 Qb8 Both sides have completed their development and White retains a pleasant edge thanks to his space advantage and greater scope for his pieces.Bb2 Qc7 9.Rc1 Nxd4 12.h3 Rac8 15. exf4 Bxa2 31.Qb8+ Kh7 29.Qe2.Qxa6 Qxg3! The point behind Black’s move 16.Ne4 with a slight edge. but this move is slightly inaccurate.e3 Qg5 21. 21…Bxb4 22. Better was 16. I’m fine.Qa5 b6 19. The better move is again the simpler one: 21.Qf4 Forcing a queen trade.dxe6 Bxe6 23. exposing Black’s weak back rank.Nxd5 Bd6 34. as everything gets defended.Bxh3 Qxh3 29.Qb5 Qh4 26.Bxf6 Qg4+ 30. Black has active counterplay. Rxd8+ Rxd8 24.Ne3 Despite my doubled pawns. while I am stuck with my queen practically out of the game over on a6. However.Kf1 Qxe5 with a drawn position. After the text move I allow Black to equalize with dangerous counter-play.Bd5 Bxd5 33. 29…Qxf4 30.Be5 Qh4+ 32. 20.cxd5 Bc5 18. Black had another interesting line to force a draw here with 27…Bxh3! 28.Rd1 Rxd1+ 27.Qxb6 Be7 25.b4?! My turn to seek activity.Kg1 Qg5+ 33.Kh2 Bd6+ 31. 16…d5 17.Nxd1 h5 It looks as if this move is necessary to prevent the shot Bxf6. 28.f5 . 31…Nd7 32. d4 d5 2.Bxd6 Nxd6 38. ½-½ Jay Bonin – William Wright Philadelphia 2000 1.0-0 c5 14.Bxf6?! Bxf6 17.Nf3 Nf6 4.Qc2 h6 9.c4 e6 3.Bf1 g5 23. Another try might be 16.Ndb1 Qb4 21. but this will run into the same issue of Black’s being the first to control the c-file with rooks. Keeping the black king out. 16. and extended my hand in peace.Bg5 Nbd7 6.Ne7 Ne4 With this move I demonstrated that there is little left to play for.Rc1 c6 8.Rfd1 Qa5 Black has equalized.Bxc4 b5 12.Bh4 a6 10. when White would be happy to return the knight for the two pawns and escape into equality.Nxb5 axb5 .Nc3 Be7 5.Rd4 Qa5 22.dxc5 Nxc5 15.Be2 Bb7 13.Bg3 e5 24.Rdd1. Here.Nd2 Rfc8 20. 16.Ba3 Ne4 37. 34…f6 35. Looking for an alternative path forward.e3 0-0 7. The issue is no longer in doubt. as White’s queen is not ideally placed to maintain control of the c- file in the long run. White could play a2-a3 with the idea of b2-b4.f4 Nc5 36.Nd2. For instance.bxc5 Rxc5 19.h3 dxc4 11.a3 Rac8 17. I try to squeeze blood out of a stone and trade on f6.b4 Qxa3 18. but the pressure that Black will be able to build on the open c-file with his rooks will be enough to hold the position level. with the idea of transferring the knight to the queenside. All the queenside pawns come off. The text pawn break gets me into trouble – following the simplifications.Qxc5 Qxa2 19.Nb5 d6 6. 12.d4 cxd4 4. 18.Na3 Be6 9. which is difficult to activate in this pawn structure. 9… Bg5 seeks to exchange off my dark-squared bishop. which my opponent accepted.Kh1 b5 Here 14…Re8 is good. when after 21.e4 Be7 7. I have to take back with the pawn.Qxb5 I confidently played this move looking to trade queens and offered a draw. However. preparing …f7-f5.Rxc1 Nf6 I should play 11…Nh6.Nd4 Qxb2 20.Bxb5 Black is better.Nd5 Rc8 14. I’m left with an inferior ending. Whew – another escape! ½-½ Jeffrey Mitchell – Jay Bonin New York 1999 1. 10.exd4 Qxb5 22. if Black plays 20…Bxd4.Bd3 Bg5 White has chosen the very solid Maróczy Bind setup against my Sicilian Kalashnikov. and Black’s pieces are now more active.Nxd4 e5 5. .c4 c5 2.0-0 Bxc1 11.N1c3 a6 8.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc2 0-0 13. Nd2 c5 4.e4 e6 2.Bxc6 Rxc6 19.exd5 exd5 6.0-0 Bd6 8.Nb3 Bd6 11. ½-½ Kyron Griffith – Jay Bonin New York 2014 1.Be2 Nc6 7.Qd2 Rc8 22.f3 h6 23.Nxf6+ Qxf6 16.Bxb5 Bxa2 18.cxb5 axb5 17.Nfd4 Bg6 I want to control the f5 square.c3 0-0 12.d4 d5 3. 5. Ngf3 a6 I play this when White delays capturing on d5 – it’s a personal preference. 15.Qxc1 Be6 21.h3 Bh5 14.Nb4 Rxc1 20. which I quickly accepted.Bg5 Bg4 13.Nxc6 Nxc6 Very risky! .Rc1 And to my surprise.dxc5 Bxc5 10.Bh5 But White insists.Re1 Nge7 9. while my d-pawn is backward and White has a grip on the d5 square. White has a strategically winning game as his knight is better than my bishop and he enjoys an outside passed pawn. 15…Qd7 16. 15. a draw offer. 8…Bxf3 9. 17.Be2 Nc6 6. e4 d6 5.Bxd4 exd4 12. 18…Ne7 With this retreat.d5 Nd4 11. 11…a5 . which my talented younger opponent accepted: where have we heard that before? Once again we see a bullet dodged with a well-timed draw offer.Nf3 Bg4 7.Nc3 Bg7 4.Bf3 h6 18.Be3 18.Bh4!. White can sit on the position with Nc5 or Bc5. instead of pressing he chose to respect his elder and let me off the hook with a draw in a slightly worse position. My young opponent helps me conquer d4. when if …dxc4 then Nc5 followed by taking on b7. ½-½ Shaun Swindell – Jay Bonin New York 2014 1.Bxf3 e5 10.Qxd4 Nxe4 13. Luckily for me.h3 8.d5 is standard here. as I’m clearly worse here. I both protected my d-pawn and offered a draw. or he can choose to mix it up with c3-c4.Qxe4? Re8–+.Be3 0-0 8.d4 Nf6 2.a4 Of course not 11.c4 g6 3. 19…Nc5 20. I win a pawn but yield the initiative. 16…Nc5 17. 23.Nb5 Re8 13. If instead 13…Nxf3 followed by …Nf6-d7. and White strengthens his positional grip.Bd2 Going for the b2-b4 break.Rea1 Rxa3 21. This game could just as easily fit into Chapter 2.e4!. Once again. 12.Qxf3 Nd7 16. I would be solid.b4 A nice concept. but 11…c5 is slightly better. 17…axb4 18. ½-½ Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar New York 2015 This game was played in the final round of a weekend FIDE event at the Marshall Chess Club.e4 c6 Justin usually plays the Najdorf Sicilian.0-0 b6 This works out badly for Black.Bxc5 bxc5 Now my extra pawn is doubled. 14. I needed only a draw to finish in first place.Ra3 And White will control the a-file. but here he dodges my surprise with one of his .Re1 Nxf3+ 15. I rolled the dice and offered a draw.Ra7 Rc8 In this position. 1. he should definitely play on here: my extra pawn is worthless and I have a rather bad bishop compared to his well-placed knight. which my young opponent accepted.Rxa3 Qd7 22.Bxb4 Nxa4 19. but I also wanted to surprise my opponent by playing 1. This looks like the natural reaction. but it makes more sense here as it is an interesting if quick draw by two IMs. c3 c5 5. However.d3 Bd7 And here I think I could have played on for a slight edge with 9. ½-½ .Qf3 Qd5 16.Nc4 0-0-0 12.h3 h6 13. 2.bxc3 a6 10.Na3 Nf6 11.Re1. my favorite sports bar in the West Village.e5 d4 4. Benjamin – J. I opted to give up the pawn for a lead in development instead. Of course. However.Nf4 g5 13.d3 dxc3 9.Bxc6 Bxc6 14. I chickened out and left the chess club early to enjoy the rest of my evening at Wogie’s.Qe2 Bf5 8. Black could retreat the queen to b8 when she would be slightly out of play and the pin on the e-pawn would be a source of concern for Black who remains underdeveloped. for example 9. and the game concluded in a draw after 38 moves.Bb5+ Nc6 Both players have opted for very unusual moves in the hopes of tripping one another up. In my game.0-0 Qxe5 8. 9.Nd5 Qd8 11.Na3 With this move. I chose a quieter move before extending an olive branch. Sarkar. I offered a draw. though. There. Philadelphia 2012.Bxc6+ bxc6 12.Ne2 d5 3. I probably should have played on as I am light-years ahead in development for the pawn. and White has recovered the pawn but maintains the initiative.own and instead employs the Caro-Kann Defense. Sensing that my opponent may be feeling the pressure of lagging behind in development. as Sarkar had the exact same game a few years earlier in J.Rxc5.Re5 Qd7 15. the position isn’t exactly novel.Re1 Qf5 10.Qxg4 gxf4 15.g4 Bxg4 14. Joel Benjamin decided to hold the pawn with 7.Qxd5 cxd5. 7.Nf4 Qc7 6. Not needing the win to secure a prize. when Black’s queen will struggle to find a square that is both useful and safe from attack. however. the Berlin has enjoyed wild popularity in elite chess competition and has been played in world championship matches by Vishy Anand. However. Many tournament players aren’t prepared for a long.Chapter 4 That’s No Way To Treat A Lady nowing when and how to exchange queens is an issue that bedevils even grandmasters. More often than not. I rarely play 1…e5 so the opportunity to play the Berlin never arises in my games. Exchange Variation 1. Swapping the ladies early decreases the chances of falling into a mating attack.Bg5: I pretty much make my living by playing White’s side of this position. The Trompowsky Attack . and it allows me to steer the game towards my favorite types of endings more quickly without too much risk.Be2 e5 7.e4 d6 6. allowing for a winning ending to appear on the board seemingly out of thin air. Yet. Personally. and White has nothing more than a tiny space advantage. Kramnik survived 16 games against Kasparov without suffering a single loss! Since then. K though in my own games I favor queenless middlegames and have developed a handful of lines in which I can reach them early on.Qxd8 Rxd8 9. it can create psychological discomfort for my opponent. One famous example of this strategy in top-level chess was Vladimir Kram-nik’s choice of the Berlin Defense when facing Garry Kasparov in the Ruy López at the 2000 World Chess Championship in London. boring game without queens when they play the KID. I do have a number of tried-and-true setups that lead to queenless middlegames: The King’s Indian Defense.c4 Bg7 4. Effectively shutting down the world champion’s winning chances with the white pieces. Black lacks the dynamism that most KID players relish and instead is forced to passively play accurate moves just to maintain the balance.d4 Nf6 2. my opponent will crack and give up control of a key square.Nf3 g6 3. who may not have been expecting a queenless middlegame.dxe5 dxe5 8.Nc3 0-0 5. Nbd2 Bf5 5.c3 Bf5 4.d4 d6 2. In addition to the KID Exchange.Qb3 Qb6: In his book The Queen’s Bishop Attack: Revealed.Nd2 Nd7 5.dxe5 dxe5 4.c4 e5 3. GM James Plaskett gives excellent analysis of this type of position. 1. then axb3 gives White a few mid-dlegame ideas.c4 c6 4. If Black captures on b3. the doubled b-pawns can then be used like a tin can opener to march up the board and pry at Black’s position.Qxd8+ Kxd8: . with similar ideas to the ones given for the Trompowsky. And second. these kinds of positions where the queens face off on b3 and b6 are my bread and butter.Qb3 Qb6: Another position that I reach frequently in my games.d4 d5 2. The Rat Defense 1.d4 d5 2. First of all. The Slav Defense 1.Bg5 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 3. the pressure on the open a-file will be felt by Black’s a-pawn and often White will be able to double rooks on this file. 0-0. as Black’s kingside pawn majority is a long-term positional trump and there’s no clear way to immediately punish Black for having an uncastled king. This is a system I sometimes use as Black to achieve a quick.e4 c5 2. White is not obligated to play 3. 1.Bc4 Ke8 9. Michael Shapiro – Jay Bonin New Jersey 2001 In our first game. White must play actively with something like 6. White often will exchange queens early – Sveshnikov himself advocates the line 1.Nxf3 Nf6 8. the present game features a slightly different variation in which White may have been too eager to remove the ladies from the board. my opponent attempts to play the Smith-Morra Gambit.d4 cxd4 3.exd5 Qxd5 4. which I transpose into a c3 Sicilian and by move 6 we find ourselves in a queenless middlegame. .dxe5 and the games where White doesn’t exchange in the center can be wildly complex and interesting as well.f3 exf3 7.Kxd1 e5 in The Complete c3 Sicilian.Nf3 Bg4 6.Qxd4 dxe4 5.dxc5 Qxd1 7.c3 d5 4. However.e4 c5 2. In the c3 Sicilian. queenless middlegame.d4 Nf6 5. he plays passively and allows me to catch up in development and find safe haven for my king. Now let’s see some examples of how this strategy works in practice. with adequate compensation. Instead.Qxd8+ Kxd8 It’s a little risky going into a queen-less middlegame here for White. Having gambited a pawn.c3 d5 3. Of course. 6.fxg4 hxg4 30.f3 exf3 11.Ra6+ Kg5 36.Ra8 g2 0-1 Jay Bonin – IM Yurij Lapshun New Jersey 2001 1.d4 d5 2.Kc2 f5 27.Nd4 Nc6 The knight has done a wonderful job on a5 and it will now die peacefully.Be3 Nc6 7.Rxc6 Rh8 31.Rxa7 Rxh2+ 33. 27…h5 28.Rxd8 Kxd8 21.Ra6 g4 29. but mine is winning the race. 33…Rh1 34. 13.Kb3 Rf2.Bc4 Bg4 I prefer to have my bishop outside the pawn chain whenever possible.Ra4 e5 Having a 4-2 majority offsets my queenside weaknesses. 26.Re4 g5 23.Ke1 g3 35.Be2 Rhd8 18. 17.Nxc6+ bxc6 25.Bxd6+ Kxd6 14.Rc7+ Kf6 32.Bf1 Ke7 22.Rhe1 Nf4 20. 19.Bf4+ Bd6 Not fearing the discovered check.gxf3 Na5 And now the process begins.b4 Trying to get his majority going.Ne4+ Ke7 15. The winning procedure involves simplification followed by advancing the kingside majority.Kd1 Or 33.Ngxf3 e6 12.Nb5 Nd5 Heading for f4 to dominate the bishop. as my king has a safe haven on e7. 10. 24.Bg5 f6 .0-0-0 Kc7 9.Nd6 Bxf3 16.Nd2 Nf6 8. Be3 f4 22.Ng3 Be6 14.Bh4 Recently.Bxe6+ Kxe6 20.Bc4 Rhd8 16. when material would be equal but White’s position would be passive and under pressure. 13.dxc5 e5 7.Qxd8+ Rxd8 10.Ne2 Bxc4 19. 8…dxe4 9. . 17.Bf2 Bf5 8.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 21.dxc5.c3 Nc6 6.Nxc4 Rxd1+ 20. although preparing this pawn push with 8. with an objectively level position. though. 5. to prevent Black’s next move.b3 Rd7 15. with 18.e4 I return the pawn for piece activity at once. as it’s still a legal move.h4 …Be7-h4 was another threat that this move prevents.Ne2 Kf7 Of course he could have also just castled here.hxg5 Bxg5 19.0-0-0 f5 Black tries to get his majority rolling.f3 c5 A strong gambit.Kxd1 gxh4 Black wins a pawn. A very sharp reaction. then 5… d4 followed by …e7-e5 right away.Bf2.gxf3 Capturing with the knight looks more natural.Bf4. 17…g5 18. I have switched to 3. 3.Ngf1 Ng8 21. 3…Nh6 4. while maintaining a pawn on f3 halts the movement of Black’s majority. We’ve quickly reached a queenless middlegame in which both sides have 4-2 majorities and the race to push is on! 11…Be7 12. I could have prevented this line. but it’s not going anywhere for now.Nd2 exf3 11.Nd2 would have been slightly more accurate. If 5. but the knight has no future on that square and would need to be redeployed. but my f3-pawn holds it off. Bxb6 Bxb6 37. 29…Bf6 30.Nxb7 Be3 35.f4 Gaining control of d4. 23…a6 24. 32…Bxf4 33.Nd2 Kd7 29.Bxd8? f3! (32… h2?! 33. 33…Nd7 34.Ng3 Bh4! when the power of Black’s majority is felt.Bxe5 Kxe5 36. 28.Na5 The b-pawn looks tasty! 28…Nd8 29.Kf1 The king keeps an eye on Black’s h-pawn.Nxf5 h2! 31.c6 Nb6 36. For instance.c4 . 25…Nf7 26.Nxf4+ But the text move nips these ideas in the bud. 22.b4 Now it’s my turn. and the f5-pawn is immune from capture because White drops a piece after 30. If 32. 32.Ke1 Ke6 23.axb5 Nb8?! 27…Ncd8 is preferable.Nd4+ Bxd4 34. White’s position is hopeless due to Black’s pawns on f3 and h3.Bh4 f4 A clever try.Bxd8 Now the b-pawn is toast.b5 axb5 27.Ne3+ Kxc5.Ng3! fxg3 34.a4 h3 25.Kg2) 33. as it controls the c6 square and ensures that Black’s extra kingside pawn is felt.Nc4+ Kd5 37.Bc7 (34.fxe5 Bxe5 31.Kg2 Bxf2. 28.cxd4?? h2!) 34…Be5 35. d4 d5 2.e3 Be7 8. There is no stopping c4-c5 followed by the advance of my pawns. 6. because of the half-open a-file that results.Qb3 Qb6 5. Neither player should trade queens in this type of position.Bb2 g6 3. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Vladimir Getman New Jersey 2001 1. 10.axb3 Be6 11.Bxf6 exf6 4. 7. It’s very hard for the second player to plan any kind of pawn break with this structure.Bd3 Taking over the diagonal.Ngf3 0-0 9. .c3 Bf5 4.b3 Nf6 2.c4.Bxf6 exf6 I love playing against this structure.Bg5 c6 3. I can reach it via Larsen’s Opening: 1.Nd2 Nf6 5…Nbd7 is usually played before this.Nh4 Qxb3 Black blinks first. 21. 29.h4 h5 26.Be2 .Rxe2 Bxc4 Black can’t stand the c4-knight any longer. 30…Be7 31. 14.Re2 Rfe8 22.Nc5 Nxc5 18.Kf2 All of Black’s pawns are on light squares now. 26…Re7 27. 18…Bd5 19. 13…a6 The pressure on the a-file takes its toll.b4 Nd7 13. 15…dxe4 16.f4 Bh4 This helps me.bxc5 Fixing Black’s queenside.bxa5 Bxc5.e4 This break gives me the better pawn majority as Black’s doubled f-pawn will be a liability.Bxc4 Kf8 30.b5.Ne5 Rcd8 White threatened Nd7.0-0 Not 13. Now all the queenside pawns are on light squares: potential targets for my bishop.b4 Bf6 31…a5 is a better try: 32. 15. 11…g6 12.Rb2 then Black has the amazing 33… Rxd4.Rae1 h6 23.Nc4 Rxe2+ 28. and now if 33.g3 Bf6 25. but what can Black do? 24.Nhf3 Back to the center. because of 13…c5.Rfe1 Bf6 20. 14…Rac8 14…f5 is a must.Rd2 Preparing the d4-d5 break comes next. 32.Nxe4 f5 17. but the bishop will turn out to be equally annoying. Rd3 Re7+ 36.d5 Kc8 38.Rf5 winning a piece.d4 cxd4 5.Rd7 is also embarrassing. leading to sharp if very well-known lines.Bb7 1-0 Russel Porter – Jay Bonin New York 1995 1.Nc3 Nc6 3.Kc2 Kd7 41.Bb6 . 47. 7…a6 8.Bg5 is the standard move.Rd5+ Ke6 Not 46…Kc6 47.Rb3 cxb5 44. playing …e7-e5 without a preliminary 5…Nf6.c6+ Kxd6 46.Bd5+ Kf6 Black’s king is boxed out and the c-pawn decides.Be3 Of course. 46…Kc7 47.Rd7 The threat: 48.d5#!.c4 Rd8 40. 32…Rd7 33. 7.d6 Rd7 39.Bf3 Ke7 34. Since then.Nge2 Nf6 4.Ndb5 d6 7.Nxd4 e5 The Sveshnikov Sicilian.Nxd5 Nxe4 10. 6. 45.Kd2 Kc7 37. which frees my game.Na3 d5 I waste no time playing this move. 49.c7 Rc8 50.b5 axb5 42. Preparing Bf3 with a d4-d5 or b4-b5 break in due course. but instead got… 9. played when I was young and handsome.e4 c5 2. I’ve switched to the Kalashnikov. 34…Kd8 35.Ke3 Overprotects d4. I expected 9.exd5 followed by Nc4. 47…Be7 48.Rxb5 b6 Black tries to liquidate.cxb5 Rb8 43. But now White breaks through. though White’s position would still be shaky due to his poorly located king.b4 Ba7 24.Bb6 Bg4 16. for instance 20. 19.Ke2 Bg4+ 13.Kd2 Bxd1 15. White’s rooks remain undeveloped while my minor pieces are swarming around the stranded royal in the middle of the board.Bxc5+ Bxc5 18.Bd3. 20…Nf3+ 21.bxa3 Nxc2+.Bd3 Be6 21.Nc2 g6 23.c4 Nh4 25. so White tries for complications and the queens come off early. I suppose I like bishops too. Better is the logical 20.Nc7+ Ke7 17.c3 Nf5 22.Bxd8 Bxf2+ 12.Ke2 e4! .Nxd4 Bxd4.Rc1 Stopping the threat of 20…Bxa3 21.Kd3 White’s king wanders into a dangerous neighborhood. developing and defending at the same time. when the time is right – and here the time is definitely right. 11. 10…Bc5 Now if the bishops get traded I have full equality. but now the attack comes from a different direction. but his king will have trouble finding haven from the Bonin Bishops. Yes. and Black’s extra pawn and bishop pair are still more than adequate compensation for the exchange. You’d think I had overlooked this – but in fact I had a response ready.Ke2 Nd4+ 27.g3 Nf3+ 26.Nxa8 Rxa8 White has won the exchange. 13…Nc5+ 14.Ke1 Nd4 20. hxg4 Nxh1 27.h3 Rd8 Now the threat of …Rd2# is in the air and the end is near.Bg2 Rxa2 37. 24…Ne2+ Black wins back the exchange.Kxf2 Rxd1 31.Nc3 Nh1+ Luckily.Nc3. but at great cost: he loses all of his pawns. 22.Nd2 Kf6 42.Ke3 b5 39.Ke2 Ng3+ 30. Taking away the d3 square. I had this in-between move.Kd3 Rh2 40.Ke1 Nxc2+ and …Rd1#. 25. 38.Nb1 Nd4+ 24. 28.Bxh1 a5 The passed pawns will not be denied. is less accurate than the simple retreat 24…Be6 which keeps all of the pressure on White.Kf3 Rxc2 35.Ke2 Rg1 33.Bc4 Missing my next move.Ke1 Bxh1 White’s position is hopeless. This ambitious move. better but still leaving White worse would be 27. as after 22.Ne4+ Ke5 The black king joins in the fun.Nxe4 Rxg2+ 34. 35…Rxb2 36.gxf3 Bxf3+ 23. 27…Be3 Black wins the other exchange. 32.Rd1 Bf2+ 29.Ke1 Ng3 26.Bf1 White will win the h1-knight.Bf3 a4 41. . though.Kd2 24. 23. The knight is still immune from capture. dxe5 Qxd1+ 8.Bd5 And after making his move.Nc3 a3 44. It is important to take away squares from the black knights and quash Black’s counterplay possibilities before getting the pawns rolling. 10…Ne7 11. 3.cxd5 Bxb1 4.d4 d5 2.f3. as it has a safe haven on c2.Kxd1 Nxe5 9. and so seek first to restrict Black with the prophylactic 9.f3 I was not overly worried about my king in this queenless middlegame.Kc2 As advertised.Nh3 . 0-1 Jay Bonin – FM Konstantin Dolgitser New York 1995 1. 43. White resigned.a3 Nc6 6. Because I enjoy the bishop pair and a more mobile pawn majority. I am in no rush to commit my pieces.Rxb1 Qxd5 5. as now it’s clear that I will simply play 44… Rh3+ and 45…Rxc3.e3 e5 7. 9…Rd8+ 10.c4 Bf5 The Baltic Defense. a sharp line that yields the center and often leads to queenless middlegames. Headed for the f2 square. 11…Nf5 12.Nf2 Be7 13.f4 Removing the offender so that I can develop my extra bishop. 13…Nd7 14.g4 Nd6 On h4, the knight would be out of play. 15.h4 f5 Trying to get more space, but this creates a target and weakens a critical diagonal. 16.g5 c5 Black tries to make use of his queenside majority, but it doesn’t get very far. 17.b3 b5 18.Bb2 Kf7 19.Bg2 Finally, with the threat of 20.Bd5+. 19…Nb6 Covers the d5 square but surrenders e5. 20.Nd3 Rhe8 Black tries to castle by hand, but my kingside pawns storm the gates. 21.Bc6 Rf8 22.h5 Rc8 23.g6+ Opening up the files for my rooks and creating multiple deadly threats. 23…Kg8 The only move. For instance, if 23…hxg6 24.hxg6+ Kg8 25.Rh7 Rf6 26.Rbh1 Rxg6 27.Rh8+. 24.h6 hxg6 25.hxg7 Rfd8 26.Rh6 The bishop is immune to capture: 26…Rxc6 27.Rh8+ Kf7 28.Ne5+ Kxg7 29.Nxc6+ Bf6 30.Rxd8 Nf7 31.Bxf6+ Kxf6 32.Rg8. 26…Kf7 27.Ne5+ Kxg7 28.Nd7+ The final offensive begins. 28…Kf7 Of course not 28…Kxh6 29.Rh1+ Bh4 30.Rxh4#. 29.Rh7+ Ke8 30.Ne5+ Rxc6 31.Nxc6 Rd7 32.Ne5 Rc7 33.Rh8+ Bf8 34.Nxg6 Rf7 35.Rd1 Ne4 36.Bg7 Now’s the time to simplify. 36…Nd7 37.Bxf8 Nxf8 38.Rd5 Rf6 39.Re5+ White wins a piece. 39…Kf7 40.Nxf8 Kg7 41.Nd7 Rd6 42.Rd8 Rd2+ 43.Kc1 Re2 44.Re7+ Kg6 45.Rg8+ Kh6 46.Rxe4 1-0 Jay Bonin – FM Stephen Muhammad New York 2001 1.d4 d5 2.Bg5 h6 3.Bh4 c6 4.c3 Bf5 5.Qb3 Qb6 6.Nd2 Nd7 7.Ngf3 Ngf6 8.e3 g5 9.Bg3 Nh5 10.c4 Nxg3 11.hxg3 Bg7 12.cxd5 Qxb3 13.Nxb3 Normally, I take back with the pawn in situations like this, but in this case I judged that I could use the c-file that was about to come open. 13…cxd5 14.Bb5 In this sterile position, I favor knights over bishops. 14…0-0-0 15.Rc1+ Kb8 16.Bxd7 Bxd7 17.Ne5 Be8 Not 17…Bxe5, after which my other knight will occupy d4 unchallenged. 18.Kd2 No need to castle here. My king is safe. 18…f6 Ousting my knight, but burying his bishop. 19.Nd3 b6 The c5 square is covered, but c6 is weak. 20.Rc3 e6 20…Rc8 must be played now. I control the c-file. 21.Nb4 Kb7 22.Rhc1 Rd7 This move stops Rc7, but it lets my knight in. 23.Nc6 Bg6 24.Nxa7 A cute combo to cash in on the pressure. If king captures knight, then Rc7 wins it all back. 24…Bf8 25.Nc6 Black threatened …Bb4. 25…Bd6 26.a4 This pawn push is like a can opener used to pry away Black’s control of the c5 square. 26…Rc7 27.a5 b5 28.Nc5+ Ka8 Not 28…Kxc6 29.Nxe6+. 29.Nb4 I could have taken on e6, but after 29…Rcc8 I couldn’t see how to get the e6-knight back into play. Post-mortem analysis shows that this was the best line after all, as White’s attack on the king doesn’t require extracting this knight, for instance 29.Nxe6 Rcc8 30.Rb3 Rhe8 (30… Be8 31.Nb4 Rxc1 32.Kxc1 Bxb4 33.Rxb4 is no better for Black) 31.Rxb5 Rxe6 32.Rb6 Bb8 33.Rc5 Rf8 34.Rcb5 Ba7 35.Ra6 Rxc6 36.Rxc6 Bf5. 29…Bf7 30.Nbd3 Now it’s on to simplification mode. 30…e5 Black tries to get active… 31.Ne4 …but the hits just keep on coming. 31…Rxc3 32.Nxc3 exd4 33.Nxb5 dxe3+ 34.Kxe3 The king enters the action. 34…Bb8 35.Rc6 Re8+ 36.Kd2 Re6 37.Nc7+ Bxc7 38.Rxc7 Bh5 39.f3 All game long, the black bishops have lacked scope. This move closes yet another door on them. 39…Re8 40.Nc5 1-0 He’s had enough. Jay Bonin – IM Joshua Waitzkin New York 1994 My opponent in this game was a top U.S. junior and the subject of the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer. No longer active, he’s now a martial-arts instructor and the author of The Art of Learning. 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 c6 3.Bg2 Bg4 4.c4 e6 5.Qb3 Qb6 6.Ne5 Nf6 It is very risky to surrender a bishop for a knight in a position that could blow open at any moment. 6…Bf5 is better. 7.cxd5 7…Qxb3 Not 7…cxd5 8.Qa4+ winning a piece. The theme in these positions, with the queens staring at each other on b3 and b6, is that, in general, the player who initiates the trade will feel long-term pressure because of the open file created when the other player recaptures with the a-pawn. 8.axb3 As compensation for my doubled pawns, I have a half open a-file to work with and the a8- rook will be stuck babysitting the a-pawn for the rest of the game. 8…exd5 9.Nxg4 Nxg4 10.Bh3 Already using the bishop for a strong purpose. Knight retreats to f6 or h6 allow 11.Bc8, winning the b7-pawn. 10…f5 11.f3 Nh6 12.d4 Threatening to win the f-pawn by Bxh6. 12…Bb4+ 13.Kf2 Not 13.Bd2 Bxd2 14.Kxd2, when Black no longer need worry about Bxh6 ideas and the f- pawn will be safe. 13…0-0 14.Bxh6 Leaving all kinds of weak pawns. 14…gxh6 15.Na3 Heading for c2. 15…Kg7 16.Nc2 Be7 17.b4 Now the idea is 18.b5 cxb5 19.Ne3. 17…b5 Now the c- and a-pawns are backward. 18.Ra3 A versatile concept. I can double on the a-line while from a3 the rook can shuttle over to e3 as needed. 18…Bd6 19.Rha1 a6 20.Ne3 Kg6 21.Ng2 The f-pawn is looking like toast, while the b8-knight is a mere spectator. 21…Bxb4 22.Re3 Ra7 23.Nh4+ Kf6 24.Nxf5 h5 25.Nh4 Re7 I was threatening Re6+. 26.Rxe7 Kxe7 27.Nf5+ Kf6 28.Ne3 Ke7 29.Nc2 Bd6 30.Kg2 Breaking the pin and preparing to play 31.e4 dxe4 32.fxe4, with decisive control over the central squares. 30…h4 31.e4 dxe4 32.fxe4 hxg3 33.hxg3 c5 Too little, too late. 34.e5 Bc7 35.Ne3 Preparing the decisive invasion on the light squares. 35…cxd4 36.Nd5+ Kd8 37.Rc1 The final point. If 37…Bxe5, then 38.Rc8#. 37…Rf7 38.e6 1-0 39.e7 is next. Evan Rosenberg – Jay Bonin New York 2012 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.d3 Nc6 6.e4 Nd4 Might as well grab a weak square. 7.Nge2 c5 8.0-0 d6 9.Nxd4 cxd4 10.Nb5 Ne8 I did not want to commit to …e7-e5 too soon. 11.b4 This only leads to weakening squares in White’s position. 11…a6 12.Na3 a5 Gaining control of the c5 square. 13.bxa5 Qxa5 14.Nb5 Qa4 Stopping a2-a4. 15.Bb2 Qxd1 16.Rfxd1 e5 Now …e7-e5 is in order, while the e8-knight covers the d6 square. 17.Ba3 Ra6 Thankfully, this rook lift is available as there is no other way to defend the weak pawn on d6. 18.Bb4 A good move, enabling a2-a4. 18…f6 Prepares …Rf7 and …Bf8. 19.a4 Rf7 20.f4 This advance is not as dangerous as it looks, as I can capture either way. 20…Bf8 This bishop seeks a more active role. 21.h3 Ng7 Aiming for …Ne6-c5. 22.Kh2 Bd7 The other bishop finally gets out. 23.Bf3 Ne6 24.Bg4 h5 I opt for the bishop pair instead. 25.Bxe6 Bxe6 26.fxe5 This exchange helps Black. Now …f6-f5 is a possible break. 26…dxe5 27.Bxf8 Kxf8 28.c5 The white pawns on the a. though more accurate is the patient 34…Ra7 35.Rb1 Bc8 37. 35.Rxf7+ Kxf7 31.Kf3 b5. Hoping to use the d6 square. 32. but I have everything else. 28…f5 White may need to worry about his central pawns.and c-files are starting to look weak.Rc7 Ra2+ 40.Rc1+ Kb4 38.Nd6 Kc6 Mission accomplished: now something must fall.Kf2 Re3 43.Rh8 d2 46. Instead 29.exf5 Bxf5 30.Rxc8 Rxa5 39.Rxg6 Ra2+ 41. 30.b7 Bxb7 38.Rb6+ Kc5 The rest needs no comment.Kg2 b6 Gaining a pawn and forcing a winning ending.a5 Kd7 33.Kf2 Kxc5 36.Rd8 Rd4 0-1 .Rf1?! Now Black gets the upper hand.Rxh5 d3 45. 29…fxe4 Now I have a protected passer as an insurance policy against any endings. with a simple technical win for Black.Rg5 Rxe4 44.dxe4 Ke7 Heading towards c6. 34. 29. 40.Rxb7 Rxa5 39.cxb6 Kxd6 36.Rd2 keeps the position equal.Nc8 Bxc8 37.Kf3 Ra3+ 42. Be3 h6 9.Be2 Nbd7 7. For I instance.Nc4 . 10…c6 Eventually this move has to come in to keep a knight out of d5.0-0 e5 8.c4 g6 3. the answer involves a combination of some risk-taking and playing a few key waiting moves to give my opponent just enough rope to hang himself. The theme of this chapter is therefore not only avoiding draws when an opponent plays drawish lines. how do I then re- complicate the position enough to create winning chances? One idea that you will see come up again and again in these positions is that I consistently leverage pawn majorities effectively.Nc3 Bg7 4. but Black could become the proud owner of the d4 square if I’m not careful. instead choosing to exchange in the center early and reach simple positions that leave most KID aficionados frustrated. in this chapter you will see several examples of how I handle the King’s Indian Defense. but more specifically how to generate full points out of the sometimes lifeless lines that I favor. In an otherwise balanced position with an equal number of pawns where both sides have majorities on opposite wings of the board. here I have a second hurdle to clear: having taken my opponent out of their favorite system and into an equal middlegame. However. I seek out a dull middlegame from the get-go. Often. Jay Bonin – Luis Bernardo Hoyos Millán New Jersey 1990 1.d4 0-0 5.dxe5 dxe5 So the pawn structure is symmetrical. It has always been my preference to sidestep the thickets of the main lines.e4 d6 6.Nf3 Nf6 2.Chapter 5 Avoiding Dead Draws n many of the lines that I play as White.Nd2 A useful waiting move.c5 Qe7 12.b4 Rd8 13. 10. I am patient and plodding in waiting for the right moment to mobilize my pawn mass or infiltrate my opponent’s with a minor piece. but now the d6 square is available. 11. 19.bxc6 bxc6 26. if 27.f3 I would love to play Nc1 with the idea of Nb3.Rad1 Rd7 A good move.Bd2 Nxc5. For instance.Kh2 f5 29.Rb1 Rd7 27. Black should be fine now. Black’s advantage could be called a winning one.Qc4 Ne8 Well.f3 because the resulting exchange lets me contest control over the central square d4.Qc1 Kh7 15.Nc1 Rd1+ 28.b5 Qd3 24. there goes my trump card.a4 So I try to open the b-file for counterplay.Rb2 f4 30.Qxd3 Rxd3 25.h3 I chose this over 16. 21…Rad8 22. With the d-file the focal point of the position. 13…Nf8 14. 21. but …Rd1+ would be embarrassing as it would allow Black to paralyze my pieces. as Black will take over the d-file.Rxd7 Qxd7 23. play is dictated by the balance between my control of the d6 square and Black’s control of the d4 square. 27…Bf8 28.a5 . while it also takes the sting out of a possible …Nh5-f4 invasion by avoiding the creation of additional dark-square weaknesses.Nxe8 Qxe8 20.Nd6 Bg4 16. 16…Bxe2 17.Nxe2 Ne6 18. for instance 28…Nxc5 29.Rd7 Kg7 39. but this move actually falls short as the passed d-pawn is easily blockaded.g3 d5 2.Ngf3 Bg4 In this symmetrical position.Rxd3 Rc2 38. There’s no time for defense. 28…Nd4 An interesting idea: making use of the rook on the open file as well as the strong grip on d4.Bd2 Bxc5 31.a6 Be5 A blunder.Bd4+ All I have to do is go Ra8 and a6-a7.0-0 Bc5 .d3 Nf6 4. though.Rxc6 Bg3 33.Bg2 c6 3.Rc1 Bd6 32.Rd5 After this move.Rc8 Bd6 32.e4 dxe4 6. 36…Rc7 37. The a7-pawn is toast. 35. The calm 34…g5 or even the natural 34…Rd4 would hold the position level.dxe4 e5 7.Rc1. then 28…Rd3 followed by 29…Ra3 when my a- pawn is indefensible.Nc3 Rb7.Qxf3 Nbd7 10. 1-0 Roman Krant – Jay Bonin New York 1993 1.Rc5 Bg3 36. or perhaps even because of it.Nd2 h6 5.Kf1 d3 34.Rxc6 Nxa5 31.Rxa7 Ra2 41. Better was taking the c-pawn right away. it’s over.h3 Bxf3 9. If 28. when Black enjoys an outside passed pawn and an edge.Rc1 Nb3 30.Nxd4 exd4 30.Be3 g5 40. 29. A very interesting game despite the symmetry. 8. I trade this bishop for a knight because my cleric will otherwise lack for an active role. .Bxf3 Nf8 Played not so much to redeploy the knight as to clear the d-file for my rooks. Also note that the g2-bishop has no active role. guarding an e-pawn. with the threat of jumping into the cozy f5 square.Qf3 h4 The barbarians have arrived at the gates. while White still needs to develop his bishop sitting at home on c1. 14.Kh2 Nd7 19.Bg4 b6 23. 18. 16…h5 17. as now I can breach White’s castled position by using my h-pawn as a battering ram.Bd2 Of course not 24. 22.hxg5 Be7 26. though 24. but there is no need to rush here as exchanging would be bad for White.Rd1 Qe7 12. it’s very important to challenge this knight.Bd2 Qf6 20.Rfd1 Ra7 27.Rad1 Nf6 26. Of course.Nc4 Nb6 Trying to keep pieces on the board is key when attempting to win such symmetrical positions.Bf3 On sentry duty. However. Not a great role for a bishop. 26…Ke7 Finally connecting the rooks. White isn’t obligated to trade and decides instead to redeploy to e3. 11.gxh4 Nxg5 25. All of my minor pieces are in play here.Ne3 g6 15. as it is White’s most active piece.Kg2 Bxg5 is equal.a4 a5 13.Rf1 Qxf3 21.Bxh4?? g5 when the bishop is toast.Ng4 Nxg4 16.Qxg4 16.hxg4 looks better to my eyes. whereas pushing g3-g4 would solve one issue (the open h-file) while creating another (dark-square weakness and the possibility of an eventual …f7-f5 pawn break).Bg5 Nh7 24. 24…Rd8 25. Kg2 Nh5 28.axb5 cxb5 35.Rb5? Rxc2+!) 39…Rxc3 40. but giving me an open file and the possibility of a passed pawn.Bg5+ f6 29. Let’s see: 37.” 36…b4 With the idea …a5-a4-a3. with a clear win for Black.Rd3 Ke6 34.h4 b5 A risky break. and d8 are all covered. weakening d5. etc.b3? a4! 38. while White has the potential for an outside passer on the h-file.g4 Ideas of g4-g5 and h4-h5 are in the air. d6. while White’s rook looks more active than mine but has no entry point into my side of the board as d5.Rxd1 Rxh5 31.Kg3 b3. 37.Bh6 Rc2+ 41. 33. The position should be a dead draw here. These are the little kernels of complexity that can yield winning chances in this otherwise sterile endgame.c3 bxc3 38. with a level game still.Bc1 hxg3 32.bxc3 Ke6 . However.c3 bxc3 39.Rf3 Ke6 37. My bishop looks more active but it’s not striking at anything at the moment.Rc3 Kd6. d7.Bd2 Bd4 38. takes chances. but you must take risks to capitalize on them.bxa4 Bd4 39.bxc3 Bc5.Bxh5 Rxd1 30. For instance.c3 (not 39.Rd5 Rc8 36. the imbalance in the pawn structure creates some winning chances if either side plays inaccurately. Best for White here is something like 37.Rc3 Kd6 36. 34.fxg3 Rh8 Time to take stock. In only a few moves we have gone from “dead draw” to “double-edged. 27. 33. while Black has a clear plan now of creating a passed a-pawn. or misses this forced repetition. I can try for an …f6-f5 or …b6-b5 break at some point.h4 b5 35. Nf3 d6 3. so good.e4 Nc6 2.Nd2 0-0 13. as my a-pawn is much faster than his h-pawn.h3 Bxf3 6. 41.Bb2 Rd7 19.Nf3 Nd7 14.Rad1 Ng6 17. White’s move 37 was inaccurate.Qd2 c5 18.d3 Bg4 5.Qxf3 Ne5 7.0-0 c6 10.Ke2 Bxc1 44.gxh5 f5 Creating a second passer. 42. Bora has played solidly and retains an edge.Ba3 Rfd8 15.Rd3 Nf8 16. 46.dxc4 e6 9.Re6 Bf4 0-1 Bora Yagiz – Jay Bonin New York 2015 1.exf5 Rh3 I collect the h-pawn and will cash in with my extra piece and e-pawn.Rd1 Qc7 12. .b3 Be7 11.Ra6+ Kf7 45.h4 So far.Rxa5 Rxc3+ 43.Bc4 Nf6 4. 39.Kf3 Ba3 A killer: Black is threatening …fxe4 followed by …Rc4+. The trades that follow give me the better pawn structure and a little more activity than I deserved.Qe2 Nxc4 8.h5 gxh5 40. exf5 exf5 33.Qf4 Qd8 22.Rxd6? Here he misses the boat by trading.g3 g5 While the position is still technically level. 0-1 M. In time pressure.Nxh4 Bxh4 21. only Black can really press here with the kingside majority.Bg2 Nf6 5.Ba7 b6 and the bishop is trapped.Nc3 Nc6 3. only Black retains winning chances due to this imbalance. 19…Nxh4 20.c3 f5 32.g3 f5 4. Suddenly Bora is saddled with a doubled c-pawn.Bf4 Else 29…Bc7 30.Be3 Be7 31. It’s almost as if I am up a pawn here: although the position is likely drawn.Qxd2 Kh8 11. 25. 21…Rxd6 22.Bd2 0-0 7. how fast things change.c4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 8.Rxd8+ Bxd8 My.Ke2 Kd7 29.e5! would have left me struggling to defend an inferior position.d3 Bb4 6.Be5 Kf8 26.Rac1 Nxd5 .Bb8 a6 27.Nd5 Bxd2 10. while I have a healthy 4-3 majority on the kingside. I managed to convert.0-0 a5 9.Kf1 Ke8 28.Qxd6 Qxd6 23.Rxd6 Rd8 24. 21. 29…h5 30. Zlotnikov – Jay Bonin New Jersey 2009 1. White will drop the exchange. After the text move. 12.Qe7 One last gasp of an attack. 21.dxe4 Bxh3 And trading these bishops weakens the light squares.Nxh3 Nf6 20. but he loosens the stops on his position with this aggression. but it misses the in-between move 14…Nxa2 15.Rc4 Nb4. when Black stands better but White may be able to hold.cxd5 Nb4 13. 21…Nd2 22. White will win the c7-pawn after all.Qg5 Qd7 An awkward move as my c8-bishop is temporarily unable to develop. 14…Qf7 This move is safe.f3 Nc5.Qh4 Nxd5 16.Bh3 White is committed to the attack. After a relatively quiet opening. After the text move.Kg1 Nf3+ 25.Rf2 Qb1+ 23. as doing so would simply activate all of his pieces. but now I get counterplay on the f-file.Rxc7 Nxe4 Threatening …Nd2-Nf3 and inducing another weakness.f4? Better is the calm and cool 21. I manage to complicate the position and the fireworks begin.Ng5 Qg6 17. but I need to protect the c7-pawn and avoid trading queens. 14.e4?! Better is the simple retreat 17.Rxf3 Qxf3 26. netting a clean pawn and leaving the b-pawn looking lonely. .Bg2. The tables are turning. 15.Kg2 Qe4+ 24. but objectively Black is completely winning here. I still must be careful.Kg2 h6 22. 19. 17…fxe4 18. 7…Ne8 8.b4 Nce4 19.Be3 cxd4 10.Nf3 0-0 6. 15…Nc5 16.Nh3 Rd8 With a decisive invasion.S.Qxc1 f6 20. though nowadays I take on d6 instead of castling on move 8. 31. 12…a6 13.Bd4 Keeping the bishop centralized and nullifying its counterpart’s nefarious effects along the long diagonal. 17. 12.cxd5 Bxc1 19.c5 . 18.Qxd6 e4 Now my passed e-pawn has some say.Rc1 Bh6 This attempt at aggression allows a cute riposte.f5 Qf3 29.Nd3.Nf2 Rg8 28.Bf1 Re8 15. 26…Qe3+ 27.Be2 Nbd7 7.Bxe5 Nef6 And we have an open position with opposite-side pawn majorities.e4 d6 5.Nd5! Qd6 If 17…Nxd5? 18.Qg3 Qe2 32.Nc3 Bg7 4.g4 Raf8 30. Open 1990 1.0-0 c5 9.Re1 Qc7 14. in effect raising the white flag.d4 Nf6 2. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Norman Rogers U. the knight is lost due to the pin on the c- file.e5 My pet line against 7…Nd7.Bxd4 dxe5 11.Rc1 e3 33.c4 g6 3.Ne5 Else …e7-e5. White runs back to defend. 22…Bd2 Black finds the right move.Bxb2 Qxd3 25. 22. The hits just keep coming.Nf3 Qd5 27.Nxd3 Rad8. 23.Nb6?! I counterattack rather than defend.Nxf6+ exf6 25.Qe3 Bd7 29. now the question is who will throw the last punch. but here this is inaccurate as Black can emerge the exchange ahead with precise play: 20…Bxc1 21.Qd4 Qxd4 30.Bc4! Qd8 21. 27…Kg7 28. 19…Qd8 20. while my 3-2 on the queenside remains healthy.Nxd4 .Bc4 Be6 22. Now 19…Qxd5 20. With both sides attacking. as Black has compromised his majority into a doubled pawn.Bxe6 fxe6 23.Qd3 Bb2 24.Nc7 Deflection. However. So I switch into trading mode and aim to simplify into an endgame with the ladies off the board. 20…Bxc1 21.a3 The smoke has cleared and it looks good for Black as his pieces are active.Nxa8 Be6? Here 21…Bd2! would hang on to the material. but one turn too late. the change in the pawn structure favors me. I decide it is better to jettison this knight than to lose my centrally placed bishop.Qxe1 Qxd4 26.Nxf7! is embarrassing.Nxe8 Bxe1 24. 43…h6 44.Kd4 Bd7 Better is 38…Nd2 39. 35…Nc3 36. 30…f5 31.gxf5 gxf5 46. After gradually building up a better position.cxb6 Kxb6 48. 39.Bd5 Bc8 35.a4 Ng3.Nxc6 Kxc6 43.Nc4 f6 Black’s doubled pawn is useless.Bc4 Kf6 32.f4 Taking away the e5 square.g4 h5 45. Mission accomplished.Bd5 Nf1 40.h3 h6 41.Bf3 Ke7 37.Kf2 My king will have some say here. Next step: to target the b7-pawn. but I’m not taking the bait! 38. when Black’s knight is harassing my pawns and his bishop remains faithful to the defense of b7. 39…Bc6 40. 41.h4 b6 47. Black will run out of moves soon. something’s gotta fall now.Bxe4 1-0 Jay Bonin – Steven Jablon New York 2013 . 33…Nb1 34.Nc2 Temporary defense until my king’s position improves.Ke3 Ne4 A nice try.Ne3 The knight heads to a5. a4 Another important in-between move.Na5 Kd7 42. 32…Nc3 33. hxg3 Qxb3 I never recommend this exchange because of the tactics on the a-file.Ngf3 Nd7 7.Bh4 Bd6 10. 15. but instead I try to exchange Black’s knights to reach a knight-vs.Qb3 e6 6.b4 Ndf6 14.Nxa6 Bd3 26.Rfe1 Bh7 26.Nd2 Qb6 5.f3 Bf5 22.Bg3 Bxg3 11.Bg5 c6 3.e4 dxe4 19.Nb3 Ng4 This act of aggression is easily repelled. when Black has neutralized any pressure White may have had on the a-file.axb3 Ne4 13.Be2 h6 9. 16…Nxd2 17.Ne4 Kb7. although he would objectively stand slightly worse.0-0 a6 16. One way to hold steady would be with 24…b6! 25. where my knight will have much more scope. 20…h5 21.Kh2 Rd6 A natural-looking move.Nxe4 On my way to c5.c3 Bf5 4.d4 d5 2. 25. or 24…b6! 25.Bxg4 Bxg4 20.Nc5 h4 23. 18.g4 Bg6 24. 1. when Black has counterplay and practical chances. where the knight forks b7 and a6.-bishop position.b5 Bxb5 28.Rfc1 Kb7 27.Nfd2 I could have played b4-b5. but not the best one here.dxe5 Rd2.Nb4. undoubling my forward b-pawn. A riskier line was also possible: 24…e5!? 25. 12.Nxd2 0-0-0 And now I force a trade where White’s knight runs rings around Black’s bishop.Re5 .e3 Ngf6 8. Rh5. 18. 15.Rd7 . With the threat of 27. Rd8+ Re8 13.b5 The decisive breakthrough. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Daniel Vasserman New York 2014 1.Nf3 g6 3. as 17…Nxc4 would meet with 18.Rd1 Nd7 16.Rxd5 cxd5 28. 27.Bxd8 Be6 So I come out a pawn ahead but Black starts to get piece activity more quickly than I do.f4 f6 An important in-between move that allows Black to regain his pawn while limiting White’s play.Be2 e5 7. Preferable are 26…Rdd8 or 26…Bc2.c4 Bg7 4.f5.dxe5 dxe5 8. Taking the pawn right away would be a mistake. but loses differently.Nxe5 Re8 11.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 c6 10.0-0-0 Rxe5 12.Nc3 0-0 5.e4 d6 6.Bh4 Nxc4 19.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Bg5 Ne5 17. 26…Rd5 Answers the threat.Bxf6 Rxd8 14.Bxc4 Bxc4 20. and Black’s bishop pair is offset by the white rook on the seventh. from a practical standpoint.Kd2 Ke6 43. 24. which limits his options.Kf2 Kd4 39. Drawing was 36…Kd6 37.Na6 h6 33.Nxc5 And.g3 Bg2 It looks like Black has gotten enough out of the position for easy equality. 31…Ke7 32. but in fact Black can hold. lots of imbalances that need to be considered with every move.Na4 Bxe4 26.Bb6 Preparing Bc5. After the trade.hxg4 c5?? Up until this point the endgame had been unwinnable for either side.Ke2 Kc5 38.Ke2. 20…b5 21. Psychologically speaking.Bxa5 Bf8 29. when . While an engine will evaluate this position as nearly dead even.Nxe4? I had evaluated that White could win this king-and-pawn endgame.g5 c5 42. 26…Rxd8 27.Ke3 Kd5 41. 25.Bxd8 f5 28. but allowing my knight to have a clear path to invade is precisely the kind of break I’ve been waiting for on the queenside.g4 h5 35.b3 Bf1 23.Bc5 Bxc5 31. when White has a clear win. The b4-pawn will fall.Ke2 Kc5 40. 32…fxe4 33.Bb6 b4 Objectively not a bad move. I win the a5-pawn and b4 is weak. Better is 32. but with this serious misstep Black falls into Zugzwang.Rd8+ Of course.Nxb4. because White must choose between giving Black a passed pawn right away after exchanging or having his knight kicked away with the impending pawn push 25…b4. 29…Kf7 30.Bf2 a5 22.Ke3 Kd5 45.Kd2 Ke6 46.h3 hxg4 36. Both sides have pawn majorities on opposite wings. Black is lost. there’s plenty of chess left to be played and.Kd2 Ke6 34. just like that. 24…a4 is a more challenging move for White to face.Ke2 Kd6 44. 9. as would happen after 13.Be2 Nbd7 7. but the price – weakening g6 – is too high.g5 The only move to win.Nf3 g6 3.b3 is also OK here. 16. which also covers the e4 square and prevents the knight from reaching greener pastures on c5.e5 My favorite move against 6…Nbd7.0-0 Ndf6 10. 38…c4 39. Either 38. 40…gxf5 41. 13…Ng4 14.Kxe4 1-0 Jay Bonin – James Jeffrey New York 2013 1.f5 or 38.g6 f4+ 42.Ndxe2?! Better is 12.Qd3 The position requires precision.Qe3 .e4 d6 6.b3 Ne5 15. I prefer to cover the weak pawn with my queen. 7…Ne8 8.Qd3 Nc5. 12…Rc8 13.Nc3 0-0 5.Nd4 Bxe2 12.Ke3 Kd5 38. 37.Bb2 Qa5 15.Qh3 h5 He wants to bring his knight back to g4.exd6 cxd6 We’ve reached a nice and sterile position that could have arisen from Alekhine’s Defense.bxc4+ Kxc4 40. While 13.f5 White’s pawns run faster.b3 Ne4 14. when Black has annoying pressure on the queenside.Ke2 merely draw.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Bg7 4.neither side can make progress.Qxe2.d5 Bg4 11. defending the c4-pawn with Her Majesty. Nxb5 Nc4 20. with the idea of exploiting this new weakness. 18.Qb6 Qxa2 25. 16…a6 17.Nf5 bxc4 I don’t care about the queenside any longer and don’t bother defending it – I’m after bigger game! 24.dxc6 Qa8 24. though it would have been better to let it rest a while longer and strive for queenside counterplay. Perhaps he should have gambled with 22…e6.f5 Now Black’s king safety will be compromised.Kh1 Rc2 28.Bg5 or 16.h3 Controlling the g4 square so that I don’t have to fret about his knight’s arriving there. The following sharp line would lead to a dull ending: 17…b5! 18.Be3 Be5=.Ng3 b5 Here Black finds the right idea.Qg5 Qb6+ 27. as my attack comes quicker.fxg6 Nxg6 22.Be3 are also good here. 17…Nf6 At last this knight awakens from its slumber. Now I regroup.Ne4 cxb3 26.Bxf6+ exf6 29.cxb5 axb5 19. Jay Bonin – Gerald Towns New York 2013 . 20…Ne5 21.Nxd6 1-0 Decisive material loss is unavoidable. 18…b5 is called for.Bb2 Re8?! Again. though 16.Nc6 Rxc6 23. but a few moves too late.Nxg7 Kxg7 25.bxc4 Bxa1 21.f4 Ned7 20.Na7 Rxc4 22.Qxf6+ Kh6 30. 23. 19. Qe2 gxh5 is fine for Black. Knowing this. 12.Bf4 With this move. 10. 8.Be3 e5 Consistent. 10…dxc5 11.0-0 Qc7 A rather offbeat line that Gerald likely employed to avoid the KID Exchange Variation. however.c5.Bxh5 Bd4! 15. KID devotees like to play a closed position where they have time to build up an attack on the kingside. Objectively.Nd2 The h5-knight is toast.c4 Bg7 4.Nf3 g6 3. I provoke an aggressive response.e4 0-0 6. 14. such as the Exchange Variation or (as in this case) the idea with 10.e5! . 8…Nh5 9. followed by Bxh5.Be2 c6 7. This is a key idea I use when facing the King’s Indian Defense. but falls into a terrible position. 12…Qxe5 13.dxe5 Rd8 Or 11…Bxe5 12.c5 Breaking up the center. these positions are often stale and symmetrical.f4.Nc3 d6 5.f4 Qd6? Black doubles on the open file. I favor lines that open the center and deny them their fun. I’m happy with the resulting endgames and practically speaking many KID players quickly go astray by trying to generate an attack from a dead-level position. 1. 13…Qe7 14.d4 Nf6 2. From a psychological angle.Nxe5 Qxe5 13. but now I strike. despite having made the first move in the game only seven short moves ago. Now Black’s kingside will be shattered after 14…Qe7 15.0-0 Ne3 .c3 cxd4 6.e3 Bb4+ 9. The Bonin Knights strike again! Jay Bonin – Carl Brandon Boor Philadelphia 2003 1.Bf2 e5 Black already has an excellent position and White is almost behind in development. Better to move away and pray. 15.f3 c5 5.Nc4 He probably didn’t see this move either. 3…Nh6 4.Nge2 Nc6 13. 14…Bxe5?? This is sheer panic. My opponent makes the mistake of trying to simplify quickly. 8. I still have to be careful.Qxh5. as in this game.Bxh5 gxh5 16.d4 d5 2. The text move buys a tempo off the queen while at the same time denying Black’s bishop the d4 square. though.Nxe5 Rxa1 18.Bh6 1-0 It’s mate after Nf6 and Nf7#. as he lags behind in development. 16…Rxd1 17.Rd1 Not even three pawns for a piece saves Black here. cxd4 Nf5 7.fxe5 Qxe5 16.Rxa1 Ng7 19.Bh4 These days. 19…Ne6 20.Nc3 exd4 10.g4 meets with 14…Bd4!. and misses a tactic on move 15. as the aggressive 14.Bd3 Re8+ 12.exd4 0-0 11.Ne4 Na6 21. when Black has solved all of his problems and emerges with the better position.Bg5 f6 3. I prefer to retreat the bishop to f4 to avoid finding myself in a worse position. Rxd4.Rd1 The threat of 23.Qc2 g5 20.Bc4 Be6 24. As a practical matter. this works out badly for Black. when Black has managed to finish development though he still stands slightly worse. and it turns out that this move is a blunder plain and simple. 18…Qd6 19. 1-0 .g3 Re7 18.Bc4 is too much to bear.Nxe6 Qxe6.Nxe3 Qxf4 18. this looks like an active move that forces some liquidation.b3 Qd7 22.Ncxd5 Qd6 17. However.Qe1 Qa4 21.Nxb4 Qxb4 20. Better is 15…Bxc3 16.Nf4 Nxd4? Black has fallen too far behind in development for such pawn-snatching.Qb3 Be6 19.bxc3 Qd6 17.Bxe3 Rxe3 15.Nd5 Now it’s easy. as it drops the exchange. for instance 22…Qf7 23. 14. he should just finish development with 13… Be6 and a simple level game. 16. At first glance. Nb3 Ne5 15.Nxe2 Red8 20. At first glance one might think. I focus on grinding out queenless middlegames and drawish endings for hours on end until my opponents crack. it should be no great secret that this is how I win and in this chapter you will see some examples of my dull style in practice. By now.Chapter 6 The Endgame y approach to Swiss System tournaments is not glamorous: I do not seek to win any M brilliancy prizes or to spring theoretical novelties on my unsuspecting opponents – I leave this style of play to the chess youth who have infinitely more energy for study and memorization than I do.Rad1 Rxd6 21.Be3 a6 13.Na5 Bxe2 19.f3 c6 10. Please note.d4 Nf6 2. I play in chess tournaments to win. and my approach is often to steer my opponent into an endgame as quickly as possible.c4 g6 3.Rfd1 Be6 16.” But we have to think outside the box and look a little deeper than simply counting material.0-0 exd4 8. If the .b3 Bf6 24.Rd1 b5 23. “draw.Nc3 Bg7 4.Qxd6 Qxd6 17.Bg5 h6 12.Rxd8 Bxd8 And we have a minor-piece ending with even material.Rxd6 Bxc4 18.Kh1 Nbd7 11.e4 d6 5.Rxd6 Ne8 22. I am not suggesting that I am particularly talented in the endgame or that I am the second coming of Capablanca – I consider myself unworthy to even shine his shoes – it’s just that in my career as a chessplayer I have noticed that most tournament players are so incredibly inept at handling endgame positions that it is infinitely easier to rush towards an equal ending where they have plenty of subtle errors to discover on their own. Not necessarily a good endgame – just a simplified position where I run no risk of falling into a surprise attack. Jay Bonin – Larry Remlinger New York 1992 1.Nf3 0-0 6. plain and simple.Qd2 h5 14.Nxd4 Re8 9. The first thing I look at when evaluating an endgame is the pawn structure.Be2 e5 7. one by one. Instead.h3 Rd8 25. than it is to try to out-calculate them in a complex middlegame where I may be unpleasantly surprised by a cunning opponent who is more familiar with a particular position than me. b4 Fixing the a6-pawn. Now Black’s c7-knight is tied down.Nd4 Now I pick up the h4-pawn.Bc5 I’ll be very happy with a knight on c5. 33…Kf7 34. 26. I would offer a draw. Now the c6-pawn is a target. With Black’s majority compromised.Nb7 Be7 27. 27…Kf8 28. 29. The next phase of the plan is to bring my king to the center where he will exert the most influence. 36. a mirror image.Nd4 Ke8 37. As more pieces get traded. the pawn structure is unbalanced: Black has a queenside majority and White has his own majority on the kingside. it’s less likely that the king will get mated. h4 f6 32. Meanwhile.Kg1 My previous move fixed the h5-pawn. Black stops f3-f4 at the big cost of weakening the f5 square. but that’s as far as it will go.Nxc6 Nd7 38. 32…Ng6 33. Here. In defending g5. I have a straightforward winning plan of pressing forward on the kingside and eventually creating a passed pawn.Nd4 g5 With this move. With my next move. giving me two targets to work against. giving my kingside pawns an advantage in the race.Nxd7 Kxd7 39. Note that the black knight can’t find its way to an active . seeking to trade off the strong knight on c5. which my d4- knight is eyeing.structure were identical. my opponent’s king may inch forward to f7. I seize the opportunity to exploit the weak c5 square and paralyze Black’s majority. though. my opponent has weakened the e6 square.Ke3 Nf8 Better here is 35…Ne6!. The key comes down to which majority runs faster. given that my knights cover all the entry points. Endgames often cannot be won without using your king and now His Royal Majesty makes his grand entrance into the thick of the battle.Nxc5 Nc7 31.Kf2 gxh4 35. and …f7-f6 starts a chain reaction.Nf5 Bxc5 30. Nb2 Re4 23.Nf5 Nb6 41.e3 .0-0 0-0 7.a4 bxa4 20. but it’s Black’s turn to move and he wastes no time going after my one weakness.Rd1 Qd7 13.Ne1 Bxg2 10.Nb7 The knight’s coming leap to c5 will decide matters.Rc1 Rxb4 29.d4 Nf6 2. 31…Re6 32.Bg2 Be7 6.Be3 Rfd8 17.square.Nxg2 d5 11.Kf1 Not 31.Qa4 Bf6 12.Ra3 a6 34. with a likely draw.Qxd7 Nxd7 14.Rf3 Kg7 33.Nc3 Nxe3 25. 39…Na8 40.Nxe4 Bxe4 9.Nc3 Ne4 8.Nf5 The threat is Ng7.Rxd1 At first sight.e3 d4.Nxf6+ gxf6 27.Nf4 c6 16.Rxc6 Rxd4 30.Rac1 Rac8 18.Nxe4 Nxd1 26.The king must run back to defend.cxd5 exd5 15.Nd3 Re8 22.Nd6+ Ke7 45.b4 b5 19.Kd4 Na4 44.Nxa4 Nc4 24.Nxh4 Ke6 42.Nf3 b6 4. 27…Rb8 28.Rxf6 Re4 31. 42…Kf7 43.g3 Bb7 5. it looks like I’m better due to the many weak pawns in Black’s position.c4 e6 3.Ra5 Rd6 35. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Justin Sarkar New York 2001 1.Ra1 Nb6 21. Now if 19…fxe5. For example. I play 20. 19…Ne8 20.f3 Rf6 39.Kd3 Rb6 38.h5 Kg8 52.Kf3 Rb4 51.e4 d6 5.Kc3 Rb6 42.d4 Nf6 2.g5 Rxf4 48. the game peters out into a draw. the direct exchange 36.Kd4 Rb4+ 41.Nxe5 Bxe2 17.f5! gxf5 21.g5 fixes two pawns with one. I had thought I might respond with 36.b4 c6 13. 42…dxe4 43.Kf3 Rh6.Kd2 Rb2+ 41.e4 Not best. mostly because it gives me so many opportunities to outplay my opponent in an ending.Kxe2 Re6 18.dxe5 dxe5 8.Rh5 e3 44.g6 fxg6 ½-½ A nicely defended game by Justin.Nf3 0-0 6. and Black holds.Bxf6 Bxf6 12.Kxe3 Rg4 49. but is probably still a draw. I love playing the King’s Indian Exchange Variation.Bg5 Na6 A position with which the reader should be familiar by now.Kxd3 Rxh2 42.f4+ Kd6 39.exd4 Rxd4 37. In the game.Rxa6 leaves White with something to play for.Nxf6+ Rxf6 14.f4 Rb6 40.Be2 e5 7. 35…Kf6 36.Rd7 Seventh Avenue is a good place to start. for instance 36…d3 37.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Ke1 Re6! 38. Jay Bonin – Sergey Shchukin Philadelphia 2000 1.Kf3 Rxc4 . 42.h4 Kf8 50. but this likely is even easier for Black to draw with. Now 35…d4 would have been interesting.Ng4 Rxe4+ 21.a3 Bg4 15.Ke3 Rh3 43. 47.Rxc7 fxe4 22.Rf1 and White’s better.Nd5 Rd6 11. After the text move.Ke2 Ke5 37.g4 Rb3+ 40.Rd1 Nc7 16.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.Rxb7 Rf8 23.Rxh7 Re6 46.e4!? just to try and keep things interesting.Ke2 Re4 This move is the drawing resource that I missed. 10.f4 f6 19.Rh6 Rb5 53.Kd3 Ke7 45. Rfe7 Rxe7+ 33. but my active pieces provide more than adequate compensation.Kg5 and Black cannot escape Rxh7#. with a simple draw.Rh7#) 28.Nxg4 fxg4 46. For instance.Ke1 Re8+ 35. even after the text move Black has a drawing continuation demonstrated to me by my silicon sparring partner.Ke8+ Kg8 49.Rxb7 is obvious.Nxf5 Threatens mate.Nf6+ Kf8 (not 25…Kh8 26. I had been planning on the tactical trick 24.Rxe7 Ra4?! Missing the ideas pointed out in the previous variation. 24…Kh8 25. falling into a well-known perpetual-check pattern: 29…Nc3+ 30.Ke5 Re8+ 32.Kf1 Ra1+ 36.Ree7 Rc3+ 25.Re7.Rg7 Ra4 31. 36…Kg8 37. when Black can claim an advantage.Ke3 Not 29.Kd4 Rd8+ 31.Rxa7 Rd5+ 35.Ke3 c5.bxc5 Nxc5 40.Nh6 Kh8 41. if (after 22. For instance.Kf7 Rf6+ 37.Kf2 Ne4+ 37.Ne6 .Kc1 Ne2+.Ke6 Rd6+ 36.Kg4 f5+ 26.Rxe7 Rd3! 34.g3 Nf2 43. Of course not 33. 29…Ra3+ 30.Re1) 22…b6.Kc1 Ne2+ 31.Rd7 Ng4 44.Ree7 Nf6 26.Ke8+ Kg8 47. 22.Rfe7 Rxe7 33.Ke7 Kg7 45. then 23. Black has won a pawn.Kb1 Nc3+ 32.Kd4 Rd8+ 31.Nd4 Nf2 38. etc.gxf5 gxf5 36. 34.Nxh7+ Kg8 27.Ke2 Nd6+ 38.Rxb7 Rxa3 30.Rxg6 Rxb4 32.Ke2 Ra2+ 29.Re1 22. Houdini: 29…Ra3+ 30. 22…Rc3+ 23.Rxe7 Rg1.Rxe8.Re7 Nd3 42.Rxe8 Rxe8 25.Ke8 c5 38.Nh6+ Kh8 24.Rf7 Ne4+ 28. 24. but here I decided against it as it leads merely to a massive exchange of material and a likely draw.Ke7 Kg7 48.g4 Exploiting f5 and winning a new pawn.Kd1. but this in-between move has other threats.Kf2 f5 24.Nxe8 Kxe8 29.Nf7+ Kg8 39.Rfe7 Rxe7+ 39.Kd1? Nc3+ 34.Nf6+ Kf8 26.Rxb7 Rxa3 27.Ke5 Re8+ 32.Nh6+ Up to this point. 34…Rxb4 35. However. Rd7 Rc7 27.Ng5 Kg8 16. which also explains my blunder on the next move. This formula is tried and true. creating a deadly passed pawn. The f-pawn will also have a say in matters. This game shows that despite my preference for playing out drawish endgames.Kg6 Rb8 41.Rd6 Rc8 23.f5 Phew! Sigh of relief.Nf3 b6 21.Nd5 c6 12.Ne7+ Kh8 13. but not the correct move order.Rxd7 Nxd7 19. we trade queens and enter an early endgame.Rg7+ The simple 41.Nf7+ Rxf7 44.d4 Nf6 2. though at this point I was in time pressure. 1. First. Next. Perhaps he saw the idea.Kf6 Ne4+ 40.Ne1 Ne6 25. 42…Rf8?? Inexplicably. Decisive.Nxc8 Rexc8 15.Bxc5 a6 24. I’m not even Bonin.Rxc7 Nxc7 . Black returns the favor.0-0-0 Rf8 11.Bg4 Rd8 17.Be3 Re8 14. the white king penetrates the queenside and overwhelms Black’s forces.Nf3 g6 3.f5 is better here. and the king-and-pawn ending is hopeless for me.Rxf7 Kg8 45. 38…h5 39. Finally. On some days.Be3 Bf8 26. Black can now easily simplify into a winning ending with 42… Nxg5 43. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Keith Espinosa New York 2014 This game is an excellent example of one of my formulaic wins against the King’s Indian Defense.fxg5 Rg8. and is responsible for many of my wins against this favorite defensive weapon of many class players and experts alike.Ng5?? Throwing away the win.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Rxa7 Kf8 46. 41…Kh8 42. we exchange more pieces.dxe5 dxe5 8. 43.Bg5 Nbd7 10.c4 Bg7 4.c5 bxc5 22. I’m certainly no Capablanca.Nc3 0-0 5.Be2 e5 7.e4 d6 6. leaving pawn weaknesses on Black’s queenside.Bxd7 Rxd7 18.Rd1 Nf8 20. Ng3 Bg4 14.Bxf6 exf6 4.Nc3 Be6 7.Ka5 h5 33.a3 Rc8 11. Black is hampered by split isolated pawns and a bishop that lacks scope.d4 d5 2.f3 fxe4 37.cxd5 cxd5 8. I relish these kinds of positions where Black .Bg5 Nf6 3.Kc2 Aiming to penetrate via a5.Kb7 1-0 Jay Bonin – Cameron Hull New York 2014 1.Kxa6 f5 36.Bb6 Bd6 34.c4 c6 6.b4 h4 39.Qxd5 Rxd5 I have a passed d-pawn.Ka4 Kd7 32.fxe4 g5 38. White’s outside passed pawn will then be unstoppable.Nd3 f6 29.0-0 Qd7 13.Kxh2 Qxd5 18. 28.Nge2 a6 12. In this minor-piece ending.Bd3 0-0 9.Nxf5 Rcd8 16.Kb3 Ke6 30…Nb5 is a better try. The winning plan for White is to penetrate on the queenside with his king and apply pressure to the weak pawns until one of them eventually falls.e3 Bd6 5.Qf3 Nc6 10.Bf5 Bxf5 15.Bxc7 Kxc7 35.h3 Kd7 40. with the idea of …Nd6-Nb7 keeping the white king at bay. 31.Rac1 Rfe8 19. while Black’s position is compromised by his doubled f-pawns. a result of his second move of the game.Nxd5 Bxh2+ 17. 29…Kf7 30. Kg3 White misses a cute idea: 30. I can liquidate into a winning king-and-pawn endgame.Bg5 Nd7 3.Rb6 Kc7 32. White plays 35.e5 fxe5+ 36. Here I should play 20. However.Bd3 0-0 7.Rxc6 h6 26. It’s a matter of taste I suppose.Rb7+ Thanks to my extra pawn.e3 Be7 6. but I will take the Bonin Knights and a better pawn structure over the bishop pair any day.Bh4 . 20…Rxc5 21.a4! Kd7 31. 30…Kd7 31.Kf4 Kc6 If instead 34…g6.Nf3 Ngf6 4.Nd6 Rxc5 23.Ng3 instead and consolidate my positional edge patiently.axb7 Kxb7 34.a6 Kf8 29. Of course. 32…Rxb7 33. 35.c4 h6 9. 27.dxc5 Re5 22.a5 and White’s advantage is undeniable.e5 f5 36.Rc5 This move is impatient and gives Black more counterplay than he deserves.Nxb7 Rb5 24.Rb6 Kc7 32.Kxe5 1-0 Eventually. 24…Rxb7 25.Nbd2 e6 5.e6! fxe6 37. Better is 26…Ra7 and praying.bxa5 Ra7 28. Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki New York 2012 1.immediately accepts doubled pawns in exchange for the bishop pair.e4 Ke7 30. after the text move White still achieves a winning ending.0-0 b6 8. 20.Rc1 Trying to exploit the back rank. 20.Ke5 and the pawns fall.g4 would allow Black to play 20…h5.b4 a5 Black loses patience. I will decoy Black’s king with the a-pawn and invade on the kingside to sweep up the pawns.d4 d5 2. cxd5 Nxd5 12.g4 Not so much a waiting move as a way to fix Black’s pawns. freeing my knight.Kf2 Kf8 37. 33…Nab6 34. for instance 37…e5 38. etc.Bd3 b5 22.Kd3 Ke7 39. .Nxe7+ Rxe7 20.a4 Nb6+ 43. but the threat is always there.Nxb6 Rxc1+ 35.Be3 Nc8 40.Nb3 Re8 23. 36.a3 cxd4 14. At the moment.Kd4 Kd6 39.Bg3 Rc8 13.Bc5 Kc6 42.Qxb8 Rxb8 31. 32…Na4 33.Qxc1 Qc8 16.Rc1 Nb6 28. 40…Kb5 Positional fool’s gold.Bd6 Headed for f8. 38.-knight ending. and my c1-bishop quells any …Nc4 invasion.Rc1 c5 11. 39…Kc6 40.Qd6 Nfd7 29.Bxc1 Nxb6 We have reached a bishop-vs.Nc6 Re8 19.Bb5 N5f6 17. The knight can’t stay on b6 forever.f3 a6 21.Qd2 Bd5 25.Nxd4 Rxc1 15.Bxc4 bxc4 27. The a.Bf2 Qb8 30. 41.Kd5. with White a pawn to the good.Be3 Now the rook is protected.Na5 Rc8 24.Bb7 10. So I activate my king. my majority cannot be mobilized.b4 Qa8 18.Nxc4 Rc8 32.Ke3 Ke7 37…e5 does not succeed in keeping my king out.e4 Bc4 26.Bxb6 Kxb6 44.and b-pawns will serve as sacrificial lambs to draw the black king away from the action.Bc5 I had to see this move before going into this liquidation.Kc4 Kd7 41.Bf4+ Now the bishop has its say. h5 Kxa3 44. I would have b4-b5 with discovered check – for example. 47.f3 Bf5 17.Qb3 Nd7 6.Kd2 Connecting the rooks.c3 Bf5 4. but if Black ever took the a3-pawn.Ke5.Ngf3 h6 7.fxg4 Nf6 Black has no good moves.h4 a5 This makes it easy.a7 Nb6 47.Ne5 Nxe5 13.Bg5 c6 3.h5 f5 45.Qxb6 axb6 A very interesting ending has arisen where both sides have doubled pawns.Bc7! Ka6 48.dxe5 Ne4 14. 43.Bxf6 gxf6 48.g4 Bg6 18.Nxe4 Bxe4 15.b5+ Ka4 45.e5 And White will queen.Bg3 Bxg3 11. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Aravind Kumar New York 2014 1.Be2 Bd6 10.e3 Ngf6 9. 16. Some people might agree to a draw here: Aravind did not.Bxb6 Kb7 49.Be5 fxg4 46.bxa5 Kxa5 44.Bh4 e6 8.bxa6 Ka5 46. 41…Nd7 42. .d4 d5 2.hxg3 0-0 12.Nd2 Qb6 5. 42…Ka4 43. Rxa5 Rxa5 25. 29…Kd6 30. 28…Be4 should be played as the bishop sits passively on f7. 18…f6 Black should hold off on this break and play …b6-b5 first. 30…Bg6+ 31. taking up a centralized post on d4. It seems like 27…Be4 may be an easier way forward for Black in this position.exf6 Rxf6 20. 26…Ke7 Trying to transfer the king to the c7 square.f4 exf4 Undoubling my pawns and giving me fewer things to worry about. 25…Rd7 26. 20…e5 Trying for central counterplay with the …d5-d4 break.a4 Now I have simple plan to double rooks on the a-file and then break with a4-a5.Rha1 Kf7 A mature move.g3 Planning f4-f5.Rxa5 My rook threatens to invade on the seventh or eighth ranks.e4 c5 25.a5 bxa5 24.b4 A restraining move. though either way the position would remain equal.cxd4 exd4 24. 29.gxf4 Bf7 Again.f5 Bf7 32. 23. 28.Kd4 b6?! .Ra3 Rd6 22. 27. freeing up his rook.Kd3 My king finally enters the fray. 19. 21.a5 gives White an advantage. as the hasty 22… d4 23. when it would be hard for White to get anything going. gxf4 Nd7 28.Bf4 Qe7 24.Bc6 Rg8 .d4 Nf6 2.exf5 Nxf4 27.c4 This break is a real killer. A needlessly weakening move.d5 exd5 5. 33…Rb7 34. g3 Nhg6 25.Nf5 Bxf5 26. In the end. 34…g6? This makes White’s task easy. when things get complicated although White still retains an edge. here Black’s flag fell.0-0 Ne5 14.Be2 Nbd7 13.Bg5 h6 8.e4! intending e5-e6. not so much to attack b6 as to prevent …c6-c5.f4 gxf4 15.Rf2 Qg5 23.Bg3 Bg7 10.Qc2 Nh4 22.Nc4 Nde5 20.Bb5 Qxc3 32.Bg3 a6 17.Ne3 b6 21. my king penetrates via e5 and f6. 33. Black could have simply done nothing here with 32…Re7 and shuffled his pieces.Bf3 If I remember correctly. 35…Re7 36. carefully protecting everything as White has no way to make progress.e4 Qe7 12. 35.Rxb6 Liquidation.bxc3 Nf6 33.Bxf4 Nfd7 16.Nd2 0-0 11.Kh1 Ng6 19.Bxa6 Bxc3 30.Qxc3+ Qf6 31.c4 c5 4.Bh4 g5 9. If 34… dxc4. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Benjamin Katz New York 2013 1.a4 Rb8 18. Better is 34…dxc4.Nf3 e6 3. then 35. but in any case Black’s position is lost.Ra6 An important move.Rg2 Kh8 29.cxd5 d6 6.Nc3 g6 7. but to activate the king.Re4 Rg7 36. Here I have a good bishop against an awkwardly placed knight. 38…Ng7 39.Re1 Nxf5 40. but I choose the rook ending.Rb1 Threatening a4-a5. 34. A key point in this position is that my bishop controls e8. Not necessarily to trade rooks.a5 Nc8 Taking my bishop would only give me another passer to work with.Kg2 Now my king is free to roam.Kf3 My king protects the f-pawn a second time and frees my rook for a more active role. This means my rooks can use both the b.Bd7 b5 Black hopes to save himself. 43.and e-files to infiltrate into Black’s camp.Bxc8 Rxc8 44. 42. Black’s b6-pawn is now a target. so a black rook can’t go there. 37…Kf6 38. The minor-piece ending might allow the black knight to blockade. 40…Ne7 41.Rxb5 Ke7 45.Rxg7 Kxg7 37.Re1 Nh5 35.Ke3 . Kd3 Rd8 49.Rf4 Ra1+ 27.Nf3 Bf6 19.Re7+ Kf6 56.Kc6 f4 55. 52…f5 53.h3 Rd8 12.Kc4 Ra8 50.hxg4 Kc7 23.Nc3 c6 10.g4 Nd7 20.Bg2 g6 5.Rb6.Bxd5 Rxd5 17.Nxe1 Nd7 29. I should stick to my plan with 47. Post-mortem analysis showed an even stronger continuation here with 47.Rhe1 hxg4 22.Ba3+ Ke8 14.g3 Nf6 4.exd5 Nxd5 15.Kb5 and an overwhelming position. Headed for c4 with the idea of penetrating on the queenside.Rxf7+ Ke5 49.Qe3+ Qe7 8.Kb2 Rxe1 28. It will .Bb2 d6 3.Rxf7 Rf8 George has done very well to force a knight ending and quelling a big initiative.Rb7 f6 50.Re6+ 1-0 Jay Bonin – George Berg New York 2013 1.Bxf6 Nxf6 26.Kb5 Ke5 54.Re1+ Kd8 18.c4 Ra5 24.Re7+ Kf5 51.d4 exd4 6. 45…Kf6 46.Re4 h5 21. The same idea mentioned in the previous note will be decisive. followed by a5-a6 with a straightforward winning plan.Ke3?! Silly.Nxd5 Bxd5 16. 47…Re8+ 48.a6 Kxf4 51.Qxd4 Bg7 7.Rb7 Kxf4 48.b3 e5 2.Kc4 Kxf4 48.Qxe7+ Kxe7 9.0-0-0 d5 11.Kd3 Kf5 47.Kc4 Here we are again.Bb2 Rxa2 25.a7 Ra8 52.e4 Be6 13. 37…Nd4 38.Kd2 Kf6 45.Kd3 Kf7 46. Now if 40. boil down to the pawn majorities.Kd2 b6 36. with a draw where both kings have to babysit protected passed pawns.Kd3 g5 43.b4 Ke7 34.Kd5 Ne3+.p. 32…Kd6 White has a slight edge after 32…a5 33.Ne5 Intending Nc6.Kd2.b5 Two pawns hold three.Ke4 Mission accomplished. 31…Ne6 32.Kc2 With the idea of transferring my king to e4. then 40…a5! 41. 30. Even in simple-looking positions there are traps.Rxf8 Nxf8 31.Nxb4 axb4 42. 39. giving me the qualitative majority. 38…Nc2 A good try: 39. 34…Kf6 35. 39…Nb4 Another great try. Kxb6.Nc6.Nd3 .f4 Wasting no time.cxb6 e. so you must always be on guard! 40.f5 Ke5 44.Ke3 c5 37.c5 b5 34.Nd3 Played more to keep the knight out of c5 than to defend f4. My guess is that my majority is further away from George’s king. Bxc4 Bb7 13.g8Q with a theoretically won ending.Qe7#.Qf6 Kd7 67.Qa4+ Nfd7 9.Nbd2 d5 6.Kf5 Nh7 73.Ne3 Kh7 52.Qa7+ Ke8 70.Qf4 Ke6 62.exd4 dxc4 12.Ne7+ Kf8 56.Qb7 Ke8 75.Kxf5 a6 45. then 53.Qe4 Kd6 63.bxa6 Nxa6 Now I must stop …Nc7 and …b6-b5.Nxb4 cxb4 44. A Nalimov tablebase gives the following sample sequence: 57…Kf6 58.Qxh7 Kd8 74.a3 Ba6 5.Kg4 Ne7 49.Kh5 Nc6 50. 48.g6+ Kg8 54.Kg5 Kd5 60. But now the idea in the previous note no longer works.Kd5 Nd8 69.0-0 0-0 14.e3 Be7 7. 46.Ne5 Nb4 42.d5 .Kd5. For example. 40…Nc2 41.Nf5 My opponent might have lost on time here.Ke4 Nb4 66.g7+ Kxe7 57.Nd5 Ne5 51.Qb3 cxd4 11.Qc7 Nf7 71.d4 Nf6 2.Ke6 c4 76.Kh6 Ne5 55. 40…a5 41. when after 42…Nb4+? 43. 1. Champion and a fierce competitor.c4 e6 3. I had the pleasure of facing this legendary player four times. 1-0 Jay Bonin – GM Walter Browne New York 1985 Grandmaster Walter Browne passed away recently. He was a six-time U. though his position is already hopeless. In the following game. 42…Kg7 43.Bb2 Bf6 10. stubborn defense by George.g5+ So I’ll enter this way. I go for queening the g-pawn.Nd7 Nb4 47.Nxb6 Nc6 Again.Rac1 Na6 15.Kf5 Nc6 64.Qf5 Kd6 61.Kd4 White will come around to collect the pawns.b4 c5 8.Ke6 Ng5+ 72.Qe6 Kc7 65. If 52… Nxc4. drawing each time.Nf3 b6 4.Qb6 Nc6 68.S.f5 gxf5+ 44. we get into a fierce endgame tussle.Qf8+ Ke6 59.bxa6 Nxa6 42. 28…Kf6 29. 27. I had a path to something slightly better here after 15.bxa5 bxa5 28.Qc2 g6 17. to prevent …Nc6. I control the c-file and attack the knight on a6.Nc4 Rc8 Black has gained some freedom.Bxb7 Rxb7 19.Rxc1 Qxa8 19. but my outside passed a-pawn will be a long-term threat.Rc7 a6 24. while Black’s a6-knight keeps my rook out but is stuck for a while. Walter was threatening to play …Na6-c7-d5. My rook threatens to invade Seventh Avenue and my e4-knight is coming to d6. 21…Na6 22.Bxd5 Bxb2 17.Ra7 Here maybe 28. I was threatening Nc4.Rb5 Rc7 33. 15…Bxd5 16.a4 Kg7 Bringing his king up the long way.Qc6 Rb6 21.Rb1 Nc5 . However. blockading my isolani.Nd4 first. Black’s pieces would be poorly coordinated and my clamp on the c-file would be good enough for a nagging edge. I pitch a pawn for activity.Bd3 Be7 16.Qc4 As compensation.Qe4 Off come the queens. 20…Qxe4 21.Rxa5 Ke7 30.Kf1 g6 25.Nd6 Nab8 23.Qc3.Be4 Rb8 18. The king is a fighting piece in the endgame.Rb7 a5 I’m winning back the pawn anyway.Nxe4 Here I was very happy despite being a pawn down.Nfd2 Nc6 32.Bxa8 Bxc1 18.a5 Nd4 34. 26. 31. 19…Nab8 20.Qc4 b5 20. g3 Many pawns will get traded now. this move is possible. I go for exchanges to ease the pressure. 43…Nb7 44.Rb6+ Kd5 42. 45.Nb5 Thanks to the hanging knight on d4. 53…Rxa5 54.Rb5 Kd4 43.Kc5 Kf2 52.Kd1 43.Rb5 I’m happy with a draw.Kc6 f4 .Kxb3 e5 It’s Walter’s turn to activate his pawn majority.Kb6 Ra8 53.Rxa5 followed by Nb3+.Rxc5+ Kxb3.Rb6+ Kd5 40. 40…Kc6 41.Nb3+ would be a blunder because of 43…Kc4! 44. 49…e3 50.Rxb5 Kd6 38. We’re going down to the wire! 47. 35.Kb7 With my king too far away. and I’ll lose my a- pawn to …Kb4. but Walter is a fighter.Kb4 f5 48. now the following sac works.Kc2 Nc5 Obviously not 44…Nxa5 45. 36…Nxb5 37.Rxa5 Kxg3 55.Ke2 Kc6 39.Nb3+ Now this is possible. 45…Nxb3 46.Na3 Ra7 36. He’s really gotten active now.h4 e4 49.fxe3+ Kxe3 51. Rxg6 f2 60.Bxf3 Qa5 18.c4 c6 3.hxg6 hxg6 58.Rxd6 Qc5 21. 56.Nxd4 Ne5 11.Rg5+ Kh4 59.Bxd6 Bxd6 19.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 Bd7 13. A draw looks likely.Rb1 Re8 9.h5 This seals the deal.Rxd6 Rxd6 20. Meanwhile.Rd2 Rad8 14.Qc2 exd4 10. Jay Bonin – Geoffrey Caveney New York 2014 1. Spurning the h4-pawn. Walter Browne had enlisted the services of GM Pal Benko.Rxd4 Ng6 Black is about to recover his pawn. as his adjournment advisor.Qd4 Qxd4 24.0-0 0-0 8.Rf6 Right down to the last pawn. my second was Brian McCarthy. but my pieces enjoy more scope.Qd3 Nd5 22.Be2 Be7 7.e5 Nf4 23.Rbd1 Bc8 15.Nc3 d6 4.e4 Nbd7 5. a 2300-level player.Nf3 Nxf3+ 17. 56…f3 57. ½-½ I would like to add that the game would have been adjourned at move 60.Rd1 Qc7 12.Nf3 e5 6. So this draw felt like a victory. Black goes for the touchdown. . who’s no slouch in the ending.h3 Bf8 16. when White still has an edge although material is even.Rb1 Ng6 19.d4 d5 3.bxc3 Qc7 7. or 29.0-0 Bxd3 10.Bxf7+ for that matter. 28. 30…Nxf4 There was another way.Rd1 The rook is protected and f4-f5 is on again.Nxe8 Nxh5 32.Ra7 h6 22.Be3 Qa5 14.Nc3 Bb4 4. 29…c5 30.Rf1 Kg7.Qxa5 Nxa5 16.Nd6 Rb8 29. 25…Nxe5 26.Bf3 Bd7 33.f5 Nf4 32.Bh5 27.e4 e6 2. The e6-bishop will be the victim of tactics. 25.Bxc5 Ra8 21.Nc7 The bishop gets traded and the d7-rook mops up.Nf6+.Rb6 Nc4 17.Qxd3 Nc6 11.b3 Renewing my threats.f4 Ng6 29. 31.Nf3 b6 8.Ne4 Heading for d6. so Black coughs up the exchange in the hope of releasing the tension.dxc5 bxc5 12. 27…h6 Not 27…Nd7 28.Nxb7 Ne6 35.Nd6 White has f4-f5 in the air.Bd5 Be8 36.Nxf7 winning a pawn. 26…g6 allows 27.Rb5 0-0 20. 1-0 Yefrim Zatz – Jay Bonin New York 2014 1.f4 is a threat.Rd8 Kh7 33.a4 Ngxe5 .e5 c5 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.Qb5 Rc8 13.f6 gxf6 34.Rab1 a6 15.Bd3 Ba6 9. however: 30…Re7 31. 26…Be6 27.Rxa6 Ne7 18. a5 e4 38.Kf2 Kg7 29. but White doesn’t bite. White’s a-pawn is frozen by the knight on the c4 square. 26…g5 Black tries to get a passed e-pawn.Rbb7 Rxa7 26. White’s king can’t go too far as Kd3 is answered by …Nb2+ and …Nxa4.g3 g4 Hoping for a break with …h5-h4 and counterplay for my rook. making a passer of my own.Bf8 Nb6 38.Bg7 e4 39.Bb4 Kc6 Black threatens to win the a-pawn with 37…Nb6 38. which is just enough for a level game.Bb4 Preparing a4-a5. 29…f6 Preparing …e6-e5. 33…Kd7 34.Nxe5 Nxe5 24. 31…e5 32.Kd3 Nb2+.Bf8 h5 36.f4 Nc4 25. He also has a dangerous. 30.Rb8 Seemingly logical. On the other hand.Bc5+ Ke8 33.Ke2 .Rxf8 Kxf8 31. I have a nice-looking knight and some targets to shoot at. outside passed a-pawn. or 37.fxe5 fxe5 35. but now I get active. 27.Bxa7 Here I seem to be on the wrong side of things: I’m a pawn down and my opponent’s rook and bishop are active.Kf2 Kb5 39.Ke2 Ironically.a5 Nc4 followed by …Kb5 – what a turnaround! Now on 37. 37.23.Ke3 Nxa4. 28. I won on time.Bxf8 Rxf8 23.Be2 e5 7. when White has a clear win.a3 a5 What to suggest? Black has too many weaknesses. however.e4 0-0 6.Ke3.Bxe4 Qxd1 17.Ndxe4 dxe4 14.dxc6 bxc6 11. 40…Nc4 0-1 Jay Bonin – James West New York 2014 1.Rxd1 Bf8 Black trades off his problem bishop.Nxe4 Bf5 15.Nf3 g6 3.Be3 f5 19.0-0 Nc6 8.b4 d5 12.Bxa5 Kxa5 41. but the rook ending offers no salvation due to the doubled e-pawns. 24.Nc3 d6 5. 39…Nxa5?? Simply 39…Ka6 holds equality. .Bf3 Bxe4 16.Rb1 Nxe4 13.Nd2 c5 10.Bxe7 Rxd1+ 21. 22. He should take the knight with 40. After this time-pressure blunder. 40.b5 Capturing on a5 gives chances. Creating a passed pawn is much simpler.d5 Ne7 9.Bg5 fxe4 20.c4 Bg7 4.d4 Nf6 2.Rxd1 Rfd8 18.Be7?? White returns the favor. .Nbd2 Qe7 7. Black ventures one last desperate try.Be2 0-0 10.Qb4+ Ka1 43.g4 Kb3 37.Kxe5 It’s easy now. 24…cxb5 25.Rfd1 b6 17. 26…Rb8 27.0-0 Ng6 11.Nxe5 Nxe5 9. 34…Kc5 35.Qb3+ Ka1 45.Ke3 Rxb7 32.Rc1 Qe5 14.cxb5 a4 26.Qc7 Qxc7 26.e3 Ngxe5 8.Ke2 Kc7 31.dxe5 Ng4 4.b7 Ke7 29.Bxd6 Qxd6 13.Qc3+ Kb1 44.Nf3 Qe7 16.f7 a3 41.bxc5 Be4 20.Nf3 Bb4+ 6.g3 Rxd1+ 22.f5 gxf5 38.c5 dxc5 19.Bf4 Nc6 5.Qc2 In the end.f6 Kb2 40.Nd4 Ne5 24.Rb1 Kf7 28.Rxc7 Nc6 It looks like I have a problem with my back rank.f8Q a2 42.d4 Nf6 2. the h7-pawn hurts Black as it has to move.Bxd1 Rd8 23.b4 Bb7 18.Rxb7+ Kxb7 33.gxf5 Kxa3 39.Kxe4 Kc6 34. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Paul Saint-Amand Philadelphia 2001 1.cxb6 cxb6 25.b6 My plan is very simple: use the b-pawn to tie up Black’s rook and then walk my king up to e3 and collect the e-pawns.Kf1 Kd7 30.Qc2 d6 15.Qc3 Rfd8 21.f4 Kc4 36.c4 e5 3.Bg3 Bd6 12. as after 27…Bxf3 28.Ba2 Rf8 White was threatening to put the rook on f7.f4 Nf5 41. 35.Bxf6 Qxf6 8.Bxe4 The combination of my active rook and bishop will give me good winning chances in this ending.Rf6 Rd8 37.a4 Nd6 31. 28…Nb5 29.d4 Nf6 2. 39…Ke7 40. 27…Nxd4 28.e5 Nf5? Better is 34…Nb7 35.Nxf6+ Bxf6 7.c3 Bd7 11.Qd4 Bc6 12.Bg2 Bxg2 18.Ne5 is crushing).Ne4 Be7 6.Bg5 Nbd7 4.Kg2 Ke7 34. 27.e4 Kf8 33.Bf3 But after this shot it is Black who has the problem.Bc4 Preventing …a7-a6 and …b6-b5.Nf3 d6 3.Rc6 Not 29.g3 Kf6 17.Qxe5+ dxe5 13.Nbd2 e5 5. 38.Rxf8 Kxf8 39.Ba2 Nc5. Pehme – Jay Bonin New York 1993 1.Nxe5 Qxe5 10.Rg1 Rhd8 15. 31…Rd7 32.0-0-0 Ke7 14. when Black has managed to coordinate his minor pieces effectively.Kf3 1-0 Morgan L.Rxd8 Rxd8 16. 29…g6 30.Rb7 Nd6 30.Bxf7! Nd4 36.Rxg2 Kf5 .Bd5 Ready to support this bishop with e3-e4 when my majority starts to roll.Nxf3 White will win the a-pawn (28…Rd6 29.dxe5 Nxe5 9.Re7 Kf8. it needs an entry point. my rook cuts off White’s king.a4 a5 Zugzwang! White must give way now.bxc4 bxc4 31.h3 Ke4 20. 19. 28. .Kf1 f4 27.Kxd1 The king-and-pawn ending gives Black practical winning chances because of his more active king. Still.Rg1 Going the wrong way. We have reached a rook-and-pawn ending with my king running amok. 22…g5 23.Kd2 g4 Just in time to stop f2-f3+.a3 c4 30. 20…h5 21. 20.g4 followed by Rg2-g3 is the only hope.Rd1 Rxd1+ 22.Kg2 b5 Now we exhaust all the pawn moves on the queenside. 26.hxg4 hxg4 25.b3 c5 29. 24.Ke1 f5 Readying a new breach into the enemy camp. Meanwhile. h4 My opponent.g4 b5 34. while my idea now is to play …Kf7-f6 and …Ne7-f5. A more interesting line is 32.Bd2 Qa4 18. Dzindzichashvili wants to get his rook active.0-0 Qa5 8.exd5 Qb4 17. Therefore.f4 Ned7 32.b4 44.g6 exf3+ 37.e3+ Ke4 34. 37…Nxg4 38.Ba4 Nef6 28.h5 Nc8 Transferring my knight to a more active square.Kxf5 Kf7 42.d4 c6 7.cxb5 axb5 46.Kg5 Kg7.Kg1 Ke2 35.Bf1 Qb6 13.Kh3 Qf3+.Be3 c5 15.Rb7+ Re7 50. 32.Rxb5 Nf6+ 48. I opt for a tactical solution but wind up losing a pawn in the process.Kd5 c3.Nc3 Bg7 4.g5 e4 36.Bg2 d6 6.Kg1 Kd3 0-1 GM Roman Dzindzichashvili – Jay Bonin Chicago 1992 1. With help from my king.Bc3 b6 20.Bc2 Rc7 31. 44…cxb4 45.g4 Ke2! 35.f3+ gxf3 33.e4 Nbd7 10.Kf5 Nxh5 49.Rb1 Re7 25.Rc1 Rfe8 19.c4 g6 3.a3 Kf8 30.Nxd4 Ne5 12.a4 is almost certainly a better try for an advantage for White here. His bishop is also slightly better than my knight.Kf5 Kxc3 37. etc.h3 e5 9. it will land on f5.Bxg7 Kxg7 27.g8Q Qf2+ 40.Kxg4 e4 36.b3 Nb6 35.Bc2 f5+ 40.Kf1 Ne5 29.Kg4 Ne7 44.Re1 exd4 11. a legendary grandmaster. 43.Rxb4 Nxd5 47.Nd5 Bxd5 16.Bc2 Ne8 26.Kg2 e4 36. has a slight space advantage.Kh2 f2 38. as the text move allows for massive simplification. 32…f3 33.Nd2 Qxd1 21.g3 0-0 5.Kxe4 Kd2 38.Bxf5 gxf5+ 41. 39.Nb3 Be6 14.gxf4 Kxf4 33.exf3+ Kd3 34.Rcxd1 Ned7 22.f5! quashes that idea.exf3+ Kxf3 34.Bd3 Rxe1+ 23. but 40.a4 .Kf3 Re7 37.Kh2 32.g7 f1Q 39.Kxg4 Re3 I wanted badly to play 38…h5+ 39.Kf2 a6 33.Bd3 h6 36.Rxe7+ Kxe7 51.Nf3 Nf6 2.Rxe1 Re8 24.Kg3 Kd3 35. Bxf3 0-0 10.Ne4 Kc6 53.Rc1 Ng4 20.Be3 Bc5 30.Kf5 h5 Something’s gotta give now.Bb2 Bg4 3.a3 e5 12.Bg2 e6 6.Kxf4 Kb6 55.Nd2 Qe7 11. 51…Kd7 52.0-0 Bd6 7.Rd1 Ne6 27.Bxc1 Qxd4 25.Ne7+ Kf7 35.Qb1 h5 19. My rook is more active. as 57. Dzindzi was gambling that the outside passed pawn would do the trick.Na3 a6 18. ½-½ Carl Haessler – Jay Bonin New York 1990 1. 29.Nxd5 Qc2 28.b4 Nxa4 33.Nb1 Rc7 16.Nc2 Qf6 22.cxd5 e4 13.Qxc2 Rxc2 Another rook-and-minor-piece ending. though there are still some tactical considerations beyond this positional feature.Nc3 Ka5 56.g3 Ngf6 5.Ne3 Rxc1+ 24.Bxg4 hxg4 21.b3 d5 2.Ra2 Nf8 23.Bh3 Rac8 15. but my king rushes to the rescue. My two passers will tie down his king. 54.Nf3 Nd7 4.Rd2 Qc3 26.Bxc5 Nxc5 32. nudging the knight and snagging the last pawn.Kg5 is answered by …d6-d5-d4.Nd6+ Kf6 37.Kf1 Rb2 31.Rd4 f5 34.Kg4 Nxf4 Just in time.Nxf5 Nc3 36.c4 c6 8.Rc4 .a4 Rfc8 17.d4 Bxf3 9.Bg2 cxd5 14. Kf1 Rb1+ 45.Kxh3 Kd3 The knight is trapped.Nd2 Nxc2 44.0-0 exd4 14.h3 gxh3+ 40.d4 Nf6 2.Nd2 Ra4 49. 45.Nxb1 Nxb4 Once the smoke clears.Bg5 0-0 6. White cannot play 37.h3? White pulls the wrong lever.a3 Nd7 10.Kg2 Nxe2 With the threat of mate.Kxh3 Ke5 41.Rxg7.exd4 Nb6 15.Ba2 Be6 16.Nc4 Nxf4+ 44. 39.Kh2 Nd4 43. but after the game move White will be in trouble.Bxe6 Rxe6 . when Black stands better but White still may have practical drawing chances.Rc7 Ke6 43.Be2 dxc4 12. 40…b5 This wins material.Nxe4+ There was no rush to win this doomed pawn.Nc3 Be7 5.Nxe4+ because of 37…Ke5.Kd3 b5 48. 37…Rb1+ 38. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Matthew Horwitz New York 2012 1.Rc2 gxh3+ 42.h3 Re8 11. Better is 39. Up until this point.Nd2 Rb2 42.Nf3 e6 3.Ke2 Rxb4 47. Best now is 40.Kf2 Nh3+ 46.f4+ Kd4 46.Rc5+ Kd4.f4+ Kd5 41. 39…Ke5 Now White’s in trouble. 40.e3 h6 7.c4 d5 4.Nxb7 Kd5 42. the position was level. 41.Bxc4 e5 13. it’s evident we have a technical win for Black.Bxf6 Bxf6 8.Rc1 c6 9. with an even game. which is likely dead drawn.Nd5 f4 Making another concession.Rd8 Rxd8 26. After the game move.Re1 Rxe1+ 18.Ke2 Kf6 35. preparing Ke4.Nxd4 cxd4 22.a4 Qc6 24. as …Ke6 is met by Ne8+ and Nxg7.Ne8+ Again forcing the king to an awkward square.Rxd4 Rc8 23. The symmetrical pawn structure leaves little in the way of targets.Rd1 c5 20.Qe4+ I force the knight ending.Qe8 f6 29.Nxe4 b6 31.Qxe1 Bxd4 19.a5 Nd7 28.Kd3 g5 Black has to safeguard his pawn.Nc3 . However.axb6 axb6 Black should probably take with the knight to go after White’s b-pawn.Qxd8+ Kh7 27. preventing the black king from entering the battlefield. 41…Kd6 42. 39…Ke6 is a better try. Simply marking time with 42…Ke6 is sufficient for a draw.Ke4 Kc6? This move demonstrates a misunderstanding of the position.f3 Ke6 41.b4 Covers c5.Nd6 A key move. 29…Qxe4 30. 35…Kf7 36. Now my king gets active. I still prefer to play out these positions because of my better-placed knight.17. 33…f5 34. 32.Kd4 Kd6 39.Kf1 Kg6 33.Qe7 Re8 25. 40.Nc7 Ke7 37. 43. my knight and pawn will keep the king from entering on the queenside while my king will infiltrate the kingside pawn phalanx from the rear.Qe4 Qf6 21. 38. Ne4+ Kd5 46. The king is locked out again.Bxd7 Rexd7 27. 49.Nf7 Nxg2 54.Ne4+ Kh5 59.Nf3 e6 3.Rxe3 Qxe3+ 31. Indicated for Black is 48…Kf5 49.Kxh6 Ne6 50.gxf4 Kg6 35.Nd6+ Kf6 51.Bd3 Nd7 15.Kxf4 Nxg2+ 51.Nc4 Nd5 50.Bg5 Bg7 8. White should play 45.Rf5 Qe8 28.Kxh6 Nd3?? A time-pressure blunder that throws away the draw.Bh4 g5 10.d5 exd5 5.Kxg5 Ne1 50.Nc4 Nxg3 12.0-0 Rac8 19.f4 gxf4 21.d6 Rd7 36.Nd5 Nxf3 61.Qf4 Qxf4 34.Kf5 Ne5 45.Qf2 Re7 23. 45…Nd3 46.Ne4 Nh4 56.Nxb6 Nxb4 47.Qb8+ Kh7 33.Kh2 Re7 32.Nxf4 Kxf4 ½-½.Nf6+ Kg5 60. e3 Qe7 14.Kg6.cxd5 d6 6.Bg3 Nh5 11.Bf5 a6 26.Re4 Qf6 24.hxg3 0-0 13.Nf6+ Kd4 47.Nxe5 Qxe5 17.Nc3 g6 7.Nxg5 Ne3 53.a4 Bd7 18.Qc2 Ne5 16.Ne4+ Kf5 52.Ng8 Nf7 48.Qxd6 Rxe3 30. with a simple win.Rf4 Qe5 25.Rd5 f5 37.Kg5 1-0 Jay Bonin – FM Carlos Pujols New York 2012 1.d4 Nf6 2. while mine threatens to munch on the king-side pawns.Rae1 Rc7 20. Rxf4 Re8 22.Kg6 Nd8 49.Nd2 h6 9.Qf4 Re7 29.Na4? Missing the win.c4 c5 4.Kg7 Kg5 58.Kg6 Ke6 48. 43…Kd6 44.g4 .Nd2 Kf5 57.Nd6+ Ke5 55. Qxa7 Be2 26.Rh7+ Bg7 44. 37…fxg4? The mistake I was hoping for.b4 Nd3 20.Qd2 Better to take Black’s invading knight. 22.Nxc5 Rd8 41. allowing my knight to wreak havoc. with an advantage for White.Rac1 c5 14.Nxe4 Bxe4 12.Ne4 b6 39.e3 0-0 6. The calm 23.Bb5 Rac8 16. 20…Bxf3 21.bxc3 b5!.a5 h5? Without the help of Black’s pieces. For instance.axb6 Kf7 41.a3 .Qd7 Qe5 24.gxf5+ Kf6 39. 23…Qg4 24.g3 h5 23. his two connected passed pawns will not go very far.Bxe4+ Qxe4 27. Meanwhile.Bf1 Qa1 25. this advance allows me to cause problems on the opposite flank.dxc5 Rxc5 17. after this defensive move I get a favorable sequence.Rxg7+ Kxg7 47.Qd7 Qg4? 24.Nxc5 Rb8 45.Qxd3 Qg5 Now I obtain an attack.Qe2 Ne4 11. and the ending should liquidate to a simple draw.b7 A combo which leads to a cute win.d4 Nf6 4. Better is 37…Bxc3 38. Better is 39… bxa5 40.Qxf7 Qd5.Nf3 b6 7.h4 An overreaction.Bxe7 Qxe7 13. 23. 40.Nb7 Rb8.Rfd1 Rfd8 15.d7 Bf6 42.d7 Kg6 46.Rxc5 Nxc5 18.Bd3+ Be4 26.c4 e6 2.Bxc4 Bb7 9.Rxd8+ Qxd8 19.Rxh5 Bxb2 42.Nc3 d5 3.Qe8+ Kh7 25.d8Q 1-0 Oliver Chernin – Jay Bonin New York 2012 1. 42…Rxb7 43.Qd8+ Kh7 25.Qg2. 38. Likely best would be something like 23.Bg5 Be7 5.Qa8+ Kh7 27.Bd3 dxc4 8.0-0 Nbd7 10.Qd7 holds easily. when Black may be holding. Bxd7+ Nxd7 10. Unquestionably defending the b-pawn – but allowing checkmate.Nh4 Kd7 16.g3 g6 ½-½ Joshua Colas – Jay Bonin New York 2012 1.Nf3 c5 4.Bxd6 Nxd6 23.c3 0-0 12. my king reaches the center just in time. However.Rxe2+ Be7 14.Kd3 Kd5 30.cxd5 d6 6.b3 f5 31.Bg5 Nfxd5 18.Nf3 Ng6 20.Nxd5 Nxd5 19.Qf1 Qxb4 27.h3 Bh5 5. 0-1 GM Mikhail Kekelidze – Jay Bonin New York 2012 1.Re1 Qxe2 13.h3 b5 7.0-0 Nf6 7.d5 exd5 5.d4 d6 2.Ndf3 Nd7 13.d4 Nf6 2.Bd2 Rae8 15.Nf5 Bf8 17.exd5 Nxd5 9.Rxd8 Rxd8 26.Bf4 Nc8 22.Qe2 Qe7 11.Ne5 Qc8 17.Nc3 Nb6 15. split pawns.Qc2 Nf4 27.Rd1 Nb6 20. this combo regains the pawn.Kf1 White’s position is still cosmetically better than Black’s due to my ugly. 27…Kd7 28.Qxe2 Be7 11.Nxd6 Thanks to White’s better development.Rad1 Bd6 16.e4 c6 3.b3 Rd8 26.Red2 Rhd8 All the pieces come off the board and my active king is able to hold crucial squares just in time to maintain the draw.Rxd6+ Kc7 25.Bc4 Qd6 28.Qd3+ f5 With mate to follow.Bd4 e5 23.c4 Ne7 18. 20…Bxd6 21.dxc5 Bxc5 22.f4 a6 32.Nbd2 d5 8. However.Kh2 offers practical drawing chances.e4 Nxe4 8. the pressure on this file is released with a massive exchange of material that allows me to escape into a drawn K+§ ending.c4 e6 3. 25…Qh3 26.Bxb5+ Bd7 9. 25.Rxd8 Kxd8 27.Nxd7 Qxd7 14.Bxc5 Qxc5 24.Ke2 Ke6 29.Be2 e6 6.Rfe1 f6 19.0-0 Nef6 12. 24.Rxd8 Rxd8 .Qd3+ f5 26.Qe4 b6 25.Ne5 Bxe2 10.Nf3 Bg4 4.Bc3 c5 21. Qg4+ Qg5.gxh3 exf3 33. 30. but the move he makes loses a pawn. winning the f-pawn.Qxd1 h6 Creating an escape hatch for His Majesty.Qd7+ Kg6 35. Therefore White decides to trade off one of his problem pieces. 32.Rd1 Rxd1+ 29.Qd3+. 34. 35…Kg5 .Qd7 e4 31.Qxd4 and 32…Ne2+. 31…Nxh3+ The desperado knight kills a pawn before succumbing itself.Qe8+ Or 35.Nd4 is met by 31.Qd8+ Kf7 Not 33…Kh7 34.Qd2 White realizes that 31. but my pieces are more active and my pawn majority is more mobile. Material is even here. 28. Qg4+ Kd3 40. as the black pieces are hampered and the white bishop pair controls everything.Bc3 Rb8 18.b6 Nd6 37.Kb1 Rfd8 17.Nxe4 f5 34.c4 c6 4.hxg5 hxg5 42.fxe3 Kf5 38. when Black still has a nagging edge but White can hold with annoying checks.Bb3 Nb8#.Kb5 Kf8 30.Nxe4 dxe4 10.Qe3+ White seeks salvation in a king-and-pawn ending.Qxf3+ Kc2 41. 36.Nxe4 f5 33.Kb2 Kg8 25.Qe2+ Kb1 42. I thought that taking on e4 led to the same fate.Kc6 Ke7 31. But in fact I could have snatched this pawn.c5 bxc5?! Better is the solid 32…f5.Nf5 e6 11. .b5 fxe4 34.Kb3 Nf8 26.Rd2 Kf8 20.axb4 Ra8 24. an active king. although it would have led to simplification and an easy draw for my wily opponent: 32.Bb4 Nc5 35. 31…Ne8 Black sets a trap: the careless 32.b4 a5 22.Rhd1 Be7 21.e3 Nbd7 13.Ng3 Nd6 34.Bd2 Rac8 15. 36…Qxe3 37.Qd7+ Ke4 39. Here. because there is no going back.Ka4 N8d7 29.Nf3 Nf6 3.Be2 0-0 14. During the game.Qe8+ Kf5 38.Nxc5 Nxc5 35.a3 axb4 23.b5?? meets with 32…Nd6 33.d4 d5 2.Nh4 Qxb3 7.Nbd2 Bf5 5. 33. Before trading down into this type of endgame.h4 g5 41.Ng3 Bd6 12. but comes up short. 32.a3 g4 0-1 Jay Bonin – Jason Margiotta New York 2012 1. my talented young opponent rushes into this ending.Nc5 b6 9.Rxd8 Bxd8 28.c5 Nb8#. a healthier pawn majority.Qd7! Kg6 37.Bxc5+ bxc5 36.Qb3 Qb6 6.Nxb3 Be4 8. as in 32.Qd2 a5 43.b4 f5 40.Kg2.0-0-0 c5 16. it is always critical to calculate carefully.dxc5 Bxc5 19.Bd1 Here I seem to have everything going for me: the bishop pair.Rxd8 Rxd8 27. missing a drawing resource: 36.Kf2 Ke4 39.b7 Nxb7 38.bxc5 Now it’s an easy game.Nxe4 f5 33. But nothing in chess is easy.Kxb7. Rxb4 cxb4 46. 38.e4 e5 6.Rab1 Bd4+ 33.f3 f5 14. winning the rook.Qa3 Bxa4 28.Be2 g6 7. but they need support and at the moment they aren’t getting any from my bishop. 43…Kf6 44. 42…Ra3 43.Kf1 Re5 35.Qb2 Qe8 27.Rd1 Qg7 32.b4 cxb4 17.Bd7 Rb4 45.Nxb6 f4 16.c4 Nf6 20.a4 0-0 9.Nab6 Nxb6 15.a5 a6 12.Bd2 Rf7 18.Bb3.d5 e6 4.Rxb2 An interesting ending has arisen.Qb2 37…Qxb2 The queen exchange is forced.Be5 h5 37.Na4 Rb8 13.Bd3 Re5 41.e7 leads to a simple winning endgame for White.Nc3 d6 5. then 43.h3 Rf5 40. Of course.e5 Rf5 30.Na4 Be7 22. 40…Re3 41.Rb6 Ke7 40.Ke2 The king joins the battle.d4 Nf6 2.Rfc1 Qf8 23.Bxh5 1-0 Jay Bonin – Kapil Chandran New York 2012 1.e6 Bf6 31.Be4.Qc3 Nc5 24. as otherwise Black’s lady is running out of squares: 37… Qe3 38.Bd7 .Ba4 Rc3 42.Nd2 Bg7 8.Qxe5 Bd7 26.Qxa4 Qf8 29.Nc4 Ne8 10.d6+! Kxe6 44. when Black must jettison the exchange with 41…Rxe4 in order to avoid losing the queen. If now 42…Rxc4?.Bxb4 Bf8 19.Nf3 c5 3. which needs to find a more active role. 38…Kf8 39.Qd1 Qc3 36. I am banking on my connected passed pawns to cash in. 35…g5 36.Qd2 Nd7 21.Bd1 Heading to a4 and then d7.Rxd4 Qxd4+ 34.0-0 Nd7 11.Rd1 (threatening to trap her in the middle of the board with Rd3) 38…Rh5 39.Qc1 Qd4 37.Bxc5 dxc5 25. 44. Better is to get his king out of the line of fire and seeking to return the exchange for the passers. 43…Rxa5? Black doesn’t have the luxury of capturing this pawn.d6+ is shaping up as a strong concept.d7+ Kxd7 49.h4 Re3+ 45. 46…Rh8 47.e7 Kf7 46.Bxe6 Kxe6 48. as in the following line: 43…Kf6 44.Kd3 Ra2 48.Bc6 Ra3+ 49.Kd2 h5 46.Kc3 Rh8.d6 Rxe6 47. Now 44.Kc2 1-0 .Rxg6 Rd8 50. Black is slightly worse here. but he retains practical drawing chances.d6+ Kf6 45.Rxb7 The winning breakthrough. George?’ I realized that this ain’t what I thought it was. Ali called this strategy “the rope-a-dope” and put it into great effect. as now Black has less to worry about.Chapter 7 Chess “Rope-a-Dope” hen in 1974 the late Muhammad Ali took on world heavyweight champion George W Foreman in Kinshasa. and I employ it myself. or maybe creating a weakness in their pawn structure. 8. . Zaire. Foreman admitted that I thought he was just one more knockout victim until.f3 exf3 11.Nfd2 Nf6 7. and don’t throw too many punches too early. though.Nf3 Nd7 4. and suddenly I hit my opponent with a haymaker of a combination or manage to liquidate into an ending where they are simply worse. and in doing so they end up neglecting some key aspect of their position such as development. And then I strike. I choose solid systems.Nc3 d5 9. Ali used a paradoxical tactic that had been suggested to him by a boxing photographer at Madison Square Garden. about the seventh round. In chess.d4 d6 2. they are swinging at ghosts. All too often.Bc4 Nb6 5. I hit him hard to the jaw and he held me and whispered in my ear: ‘That all you got. strategically speaking. In a lot of my games. 9…Nbd7 10.c4 c6 Preparing to protect e4.Bb3 e4 6.e3 e5 Avoiding the reverse Stonewall. However. The chess rope-a-dope springs into action when their attack fails. tread with care. Later. he counterpunched. Once his opponent had tired himself out. During the fight – which was dubbed “The Rumble in the Jungle” and which has been called one of the greatest sporting events of the 20th century – Ali even leaned in to taunt the champ as he blocked and absorbed his punches: “They told me you could punch. George!” In an interview after the fight. Tyrell Harriot – Jay Bonin New York 2015 1. most boxing fans expected Foreman to retain the title.c5 This looks strong but. a bit passive-looking but fundamentally sound. He leaned against the ropes and allowed them to absorb the energy from his opponent’s blows. so they launch an attack.e4 The rope-a-dope in action: Tyrell gets aggressive. this technique is employed by weak and strong players alike. 3. a favorite of my opponent’s. My opponents sometimes get a false sense of security and interpret my play as passive or weak. keeping the tension may be preferable.Qxf3 Be7 12. So my fellow chessplayers. 18.Bxf7+ This in-between move gets White into trouble. If 24. then 24…Ne4 25. 16…Nf6 Now everything is hanging.Rxe1 Nxg2!) 24… Rxf1+ 25.Ng5 h6 Not a bad counterpunch. and now will find that his opponent comes off the ropes with better footing and counterplay. 24…Qxe3+ 25. Better is the simple 15.Qb3 Rae8 26.Kh1 Nf4! 25. but missing the knockout 17…Ng4! 18.Qxf2 Rxf2 28.Rxe3 Re7 26.Rxf2 Qxf2 27.Kg1 Qxb2.Nxe4 Nf6 16. though the engine revealed a way to win another pawn by force here with the enigmatic line 22…Nh5 23.R3e2 . and we start the simplifying process.Nxe4 Or 16.h3 Bxg5 19.Rfe1 Rfe8 27.Qe3 The only move. winning the exchange.Rae1 Rae8 My last piece is developed.Bxc5 Qxc5+ 24.Bxe6 Qxd4+ 20.Ndxe4 0-0 14.Bxg5 Qxg5 20.Bxc5 Qxc5 24. 21.Ne6 Bxe6 19.Qh4 Nf2+ 26.Be3 Qe5 And now I will be a pawn up.Qxe4 Nf6.h3 Rf6 would be dispositive. picking up a piece.Kh1. 15…Kh8 16.0-0 Nxe4 Freeing up my game.Be3 Kh8. 12…dxe4 13. 23. The boxer threw too many punches too fast.hxg4 Be6!.Kxf1 Qb5+ 26. etc. 17.Bc4 Rxe1 27.Qe3 (of course not 24.Qh3 Bxc5 22. 15. Kd4 Kd6 35. Preparing to go into the minor-piece ending.Rxe2 Rxe2 30.Ke5 Nd4 My knight takes up a dominating square.Kf3 Ke6 33. and it becomes a race.g3 Nc7 29.Kf2 Kf7 32.Bf3 Here 35. 31.h4 Here White should take on b5.Bd1 Nc5 38.Bxe2 g6.Ke4 Nf6+ 34.Bxe2 Kg8 This ending is not as easy as it looks.Bd1 b5 42. which turns out to be not so easy.Bg4 Best is probably trying to keep one rook on the board with something like 28. 35…a5 36.b4 should be played to restrain Black’s queenside majority. 37.Bc2 Ne6+ 39. 27…Nd5 28. when Black is up a pawn but the story is far from over. 42…b4 .a4 Nd7 Now my Bonin Knight will get good squares. While I am up a pawn and my knight has a central outpost from which to direct operations. White’s bishop will find targets on both wings if I’m not careful.Bc4 Rxe2 30.Ke4 Kc5 Going for broke. 28…Rxe2 29. 41. 40. Ke7 Kxa4 49. 50.Be2 b6 8. my opponent resigned.dxe5 .Kd6 Kb4 48.Bg4 Nh4 51. 46. 43.Re1 Bb7 10.e3 Nbd7 7. 3…Bg7 4.hxg5 b3 Making room for the king to use the b4 square. 43.Nf3 g6 3.g5 hxg5 45.b3 is called for.d4 Nf6 2. This is exactly the kind of position that the side with the knight must avoid in endings like this.c3 d6 6. when White could even claim a small edge due to his better-placed king and longer-range minor piece.Kf7 Nf5 Black prepares to play …Nh4 and …Nxg6. 43…Kc4 44.g6 c5 47. when White’s last threat will be nullified and Black’s pawn majority will decide.h3 I could have tried 10.Bg5 Tim loves the Grünfeld. The rope-a-dope in action! 11.0-0 0-0 9. but by playing this conservative move I am hoping to provoke an aggressive response such as… 10…e5?! …which will likely work out badly for Black in the long term as it weakens the critical d5 square. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Tim Mirabile New York 2008 1.Kxg6 c4 After a few more moves.a4 here.g4? The fatal error.Kf6 Nxg6 53.Kxg7 Kb4 52. letting the black king to reach the c4 square and penetrate on the queenside.Nbd2 c5 5. so I decide to avoid it. Nc4 The Bonin Knight comes in with a bang! 20…Nb8 .Bxf6 There goes another defender of the center. 19…Bxf6 20. 17…Bxb5 18.Rad1 Rae8 Black does not like the d8 square for the rook because of the pin. 11.Nc4 first is more accurate. while e4 and e5 are occupied by pawns. 11…dxe5 11…Nxe5 would prevent White from gaining a grip on the center.Qe2 Preventing …b6-b5. 17.Bb5 Removes a defender of d5. What more could White ask for from an opening? 12…Qc7 13. 12.e4 Now I control d5 and Black does not control d4.Ba6 Qc7 16. though perhaps a more logical continuation would be to put the question to the bishop first to resolve this unpleasant issue.Qxb5 h6 19.Bc4 Bc6 14. 14…Qb7 15. it’s the rook that reaches d5 first.Nf3 fxe4 26.Qc4 No endgame for you – exchanging on c6 would solve the problem of Black’s poorly placed knight and allow him to play for a draw in a slightly worse ending. though perhaps more consistent with my plan would be to reroute the knight via e3 to the promised land on d5.Nh4 Kh7 24. 25.Rd5 Instead. 22…f6 Black protects e5 at the cost of weakening g6. White controls the open file and the center. so the lady retreats to c4. 29…Re7 30. 21…Be7 22. and has two active knights.Rxe3 Qc6 29. 23.Rd6 Trying to stop 21…Nc6. Black has a knight that has moved twice only to return to its home square. . 21. Let’s take stock of the position.Ne3 f5 More weaknesses.Nd2 Bg5 27. but now it’s White to move and win. After provoking my opponent with a few jabs.Nxe4 Bxe3 28. Meanwhile. it’s now time for the right hook. and a bishop hemmed in by a poorly placed pawn on e5.Rd6 Qc7 Black’s position has been bad for a while. So now I switch gears to focus on a new target. Qxd5 Nxd5 12.0-0-0 0-0-0 13.Bb2 d6 3.Bxf6 would deal with both threats but leave Black with a powerful bishop pair.Qe3+ Be6 6. 14.Rg3+ Kh7 33.d4 exd4 4.g3 Nf6 A very fine move.Qxd4 Qg5 9.b3 e5 2.Nd4 Nxd4 8.f3 d5 Black has equalized.Qxd4 Nc6 5. I really don’t want to give up the dark squares for the sake of .Re1 Rhe8 17.Nd2 Ne7 10. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Bora Yagiz New York 2014 1.h4 Qd5 11.Nf3 h6 7. 14. 31. 15.Bd3 Bb4 17…Bd7 is interesting. 31…Kxg6 32.Nf6#.e3 Bc5 16.Qg8+ It is mate after 33…Rxg8 34.Rxg6!! A killer. with twin threats of …Ng4 and …d6-d5. Bd4 Suddenly.Kxd2 Ne4+ A loss of patience. when the bishop would be trapped.Rc1 Kd6 29.bxc5+ bxc5 31. The positional 19…Ne8. 25…c6 26. my bishop is a monster while Black’s pawns are targets. trying to improve the knight’s Black doubled pawns. Previously. 27…Rc8 28. 18.Kc1 Nf2 22. this brilliant-looking combo actually lets me out of the box.Rhg1 Nxd3+ 23. 19.Bxa7 b6.fxg5 Bf7 33. Even in solid positions.b4 I can play on both sides. 24…Kd7 25. is good. I learned this pattern by watching in agony as Fischer grabbed the h2-pawn in the first game of the 1972 world championship match against Spassky in Reykavík.g4 Bxd2+ Boris finally blinks.f4 b6 27.h5 White tries to gain a little space somewhere.Ba3 . I was just a spectator. 21. restraining the queenside while preparing the g4-g5 break.g6 Be6 34.Bb2 hxg5 32. Like many American chessplayers. 20.cxd3 f6 24. 30.g5 c5 Finally achieving his break.Kd2 Of course not 25. 18…Rg8 Here I would try 18…Re7. but this pawn will become another target. there are hidden dangers if one side is passive. Nxb6 Going the simple route.g3 Qa5 This early queen sortie is a jab that I ignore.Rxh6 Rxg7 39. I lean back on the ropes and finish my development. although 12. both sides have played solid.Qc2 Bg4 7.g7 Rhg8 38.Nbd2 Nbd7 8.0-0 Qh5 Up until now. almost boring.Qb3 dxc4 5. Instead of responding.N4e5 was an alternative which avoided simplification.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Rh1 Bg4 36.Ne5 . but ultimately works out badly for my opponent. 12…axb6 13. 9.Qxc4 Be6 6. 34…Rh8 35. chess.Bg2 e6 10.Rxf6+ I went on to win in straightforward fashion.h6 gxh6 37.c4 c6 4.Nc4 Nb6 12. Now the c5-pawn is toast. This second jab with the queen looks intimidating. 11. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Andre Zaremba New York 2011 1. Qxe6+ There shouldn’t be any relief in this ending. Black has yet to castle.Nxg4 leaves Black worse.Ra1 Now I’ll invade on Seventh Avenue.Bd5 Rac8 29.Bd5 Ra6 30. 19…e5 20.b3? Nc3 with a great position for Black).Qb3 b5 The very hard-to-see 16…Qe2 may have been enough to hold for Black.d5 Opening up the game for the better-developed pieces.Ra7+ Kf6? This is an inaccuracy that Black will not recover from.Nxg4 Qxg4 15.Bxe6 Rhd8 offering improved defensive chances. giving Black just enough time to catch up in development.e4 Nb4 16. For instance.dxc6 bxc6 21. After this uppercut. Better is the calm and collected . The tactical threat is 14. 13…Nd5 14. as it gains a tempo on Black’s weaknesses.Nxc6 bxc6 15. the idea being that it prevents White from freely developing the bishop to d2 as in the game.a4 b4 19.Be3 The immediate 23.Bxc6+.Bxe6 Ke7 28.Rd3 and Black is fine (not 30. 26.Rfd1+ Kc7 28. 22…fxe6 23. 17.Rac1 Nxa4 Or 25…Ra5 26.Rac1 is preferable.Rc4 followed by Rfc1. while 14. Black falls apart. 29…Nb6 30. 23…Bc5 24.Bxc5 Nxc5 25.Bd2 Na6 18. either. 27. 29.Qc4 Qe6 22.Bh3 26…c5 A better try is 26…Kd7 27. Qxd8+ As always.R1a6+ and take on g7 with check.Re6+.Nxe4 Nxc5 9. Bournival New York 2011 1.Rxe7+. 33. I play 32.Bb7 loses the knight. . my rooks will invade and the c-pawn is sure to fall. 31.Bb3 Now e5 and b4 are targets.Bc1 e5 5. 1-0 Jay Bonin – B. while if 41…Ne7. when the royal will hold both weak pawns from a single promontory.30…Kd6.d4 d5 2.Rf7+ Kg6 34.Re8 Corralling the hapless knight: 41…Nd6 42. 32.R1a6 Rhd8 Black must allow the invasion. I’m happy to trade queens and keep matters simple.f4 This wins the pawn.Rc7 Winning a pawn. While I’m happy to trade down into endgames quickly. After the text move. 6…Kxd8 7.Rxe5 g6 41. 34…Rd6 35. 39…Rd4 40.Nc3 Nd7 8.Bg5 c5 3.Rxc5 Rbd8 36.Rb5 Nc8 38.dxc5 f6 4.e5+.e4 dxe4 6.Ng3 Avoiding exchanging off my knight. 36…Kf6 37.Rxd6+ Rxd6 39. as 39…exf4 is met by 40. or 41…Na7 42.e5+. then 42.Rfa1 Rb8 If 31…Nxd5. as 32…Rhf8 33.e5+ Kg7 43. What he missed was the coming cross-punch. He was banking on this threat to justify it. 14. and in addition the a2-knight is stranded.Rf1 Now Black’s out of punches and it’s my turn.fxg7 with discovered check.I favor keeping at least one knight on the board.exf6 Nb4 The point behind Black’s pawn sacrifice. 11. Black swings wildly with a pawn sac followed by a queenside right-hook. to hinder my next move.Ne4 .Nh4+ Kf7 21. 13…Nxc2+ 14.Nf3 Nc6 13. 16…Nxa2+ 17.Be3 I’m threatening many things including Nh4+.Bxc5 Bxc5 22. 13. 9…Be6 Understandably.Nf3 Kg6 19.Bb5+ Kf7 16.f4 Ne7 With an interesting idea in mind.0-0-0 gxf6 15. but 9…Bd6.Kb1 Be7 18.a3 a5 with a level game. Instead. Black doesn’t want to allow Bf1-c4.Bg5! Ke8 Obviously. 12.fxe5 Nc6? Better is the simple 11…fxe5 12. 19…Nb4 20. might have been preferable. 10.Kd2 picks up the knight as I threaten 15. 14.Nxg5 Nxe2+ 16.Qxg5+ Qxg5 15. and the e2-knight is trapped.Bg2 d6 5.Qc2 Bd7 15.Bb2 g5 This is too big of a punch to throw. 23. Leaning back on the ropes and connecting the rooks with 10…Bd7 is better. White wins a pawn.dxe6 Nxe6 13.d4 e6 2.b3 Nc6 10.Kh1.h3 Nh6 16. 11…Nd8 12.Nf3 f5 3.Qxf5 Ng4 13…Nf4 14.0-0 Be7 6.Nbd2 Qh5 9. 11. A wing attack is best met by a reaction in the center.Ng5+ 1-0 Jay Bonin – Michael Cavallo New York 1991 1.g4 . as the saying goes.Qc2 Qe8 8.g3 Nf6 4.d5 Of course.c4 0-0 7. the light-squared bishop falls to a fork. after Black’s move. 22…Be7?? 22…Ba2+ was called for. Nh2 Qh5 19. e3 Stopping 19…Nf4.Bb2 Nbd7 8. 12.Qxg4 1-0 IM Michael Brooks – Jay Bonin Philadelphia 1990 1.d3 h6 6.Bg2 c6 4.Qe1 White signals his intention to attack. 24…Ng5 25.Qe2 a5 I try to distract my opponent with this jab. 20…Qh4 21. After Black’s sacrifice. Retreating with 16…Qg6 at least leaves Black standing to fight a few more rounds.Ng3 Ng5 22. The attack is repulsed.Ne4 With a pair of ideas – Ng3 and Qc3. 9…0-0 10.h3 Preempts any …Nf6-g4 ideas.0-0 Bf5 5. but the punch-drunk fighter tries one last sac.Qe4 And that’s that. 16…Nxg4? An overreaction.Nf3 Nf6 2. . White quickly crashes through.g3 d5 3.hxg4 Qxg4 18.Nbd2 Bc5 9.Bxe6+ Nxe6 24. 19…g4 20.a3 Qb6 13.e4 Bh7 It’s important to maintain control over the d5 square. 17. 11. while trading pawns would surrender control of c4. so I reroute my knight via c7 to b5.Bd5+ Be6 23.b3 e6 7. is superior.exd5 exd5 20. 16…Nc7 17. but he must tend to e4. is unappealing: 26. keeping options open. hitting g3.Kh1 Rae8 This rook move contains some poison.Kxg2? An inaccurate move. White had another variation at his disposal. 13…Ne8 14. 21.d4 Here White overextends himself. too.Kh1.Bd4 c5 25.Bxf6 Nxf4 This powerful in-between move turns the tables. 14. 14…Be7 15. 18…f6 Now I open lines of my own.exf6 Having thrown one punch too many. 21…Bxf6 22.Bg1 Be4 A critical moment has been reached and White is confronted with a daunting question: which way to recapture? 26.dxe5 White hopes to use the d4 square for a piece. but I’m ready for this pawn break.Ne5 Nxe5 16. 23. 19. White finally blinks. though it.Qd2 Nxg2 24. as a new problem is exposed.f4 Aiming to push f4-f5.Nf3 Ne6 Intending …Ne6-c5-e4. The a1-rook is loose and will drop off. 18.Qxg2 Re7 . Here it is my . as the king is too far away.h4 g6 42.Bc5 Rb3+ 40.bxc4 Qxc4 36. though at least not down the exchange.Kh2 gxf4 30.Kh2 Kf7 43.c4 d6 3.Kg2 Ke6 44.Kxf3 Qf6+ 29.Rxf3 Bxf3+ 28.Nc3 Bg7 4.Be3 Ref7 28.Be2 Ne7 7. After winning the h-pawn. to decisive effect.Bxh4 Kxh4 53. 51. 50.Kf2 Kg4 49.Kxf3 Rb2 39. 38.g4.Kg2 With White’s king cut off. White’s king will be too far away to box me into stalemate. 30.Kg2 Qxa1 The smoke has cleared and I’m up the exchange. 50.Kg2 Kf5 48.Kh2 Now the plan is to win a king-and-pawn ending.Nf3 e5 6.h4 This move may objectively be premature.Ke2 Rh3 Now is the time to win the pawn. 26…Rxf3 27.27. as Black has not castled yet.Bf4 g5 29.Kg2 is answered by 50…Re3 and the bishop will have to leave one of the pawns hanging.Kh4 Ke5 I leave the h-pawn as a decoy and collect the a-pawn.Qxd5+ Kh8 31.Kg3 Qxf3+ An important move to get my pawns off dark squares.Be7 Rf3+ The power of the rook over the bishop. it is time to activate my own king.Kg3 Kf5 55. 40…Kg8 41. 46…a4 47.g4 Qe4 37.Qf3 c4 35. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Brian Campbell Boston 1988 1.gxh5 gxh5 46.Qc6 Qxc2+ 33.Kf3 Kg5 54. Now the we enter the technical stage.Bf8 h5 45.Bf2 Re2 34.d4 g6 2.Kf2 Rxh4 52.e4 Nd7 5.Qxb7 Qc3 32. when White is still worse. 18. in this game I have enough of an initiative to come crashing through the rope-a-dope. then 18. 11.cxd5 exd5 17. However.Rxc6 anyway. 16. this punch doesn’t work out tactically and I quickly pummel my opponent back into the ropes with a series of crosspunches.Nxd4 Ne5 9. 14.Nxe6 fxe6 12.Rxc6! .Be3 Be6 Black may miss this bishop later on.h5 N7c6 10.Rc1 0-0-0 15. However.f4 Nf7 13.Qa4 d5 Black has been coyly leaning into the ropes this whole game as I grabbed space and applied pressure on both wings. 7…exd4 8. This move looks very logical – it opens the center and exploits the placement of my bishop on e3.Nb5 a6 If 17…dxe4.Bd3 Qe7 It looks like Black is escaping to the queenside.opponent who tries to lean into the ropes and bait me into tiring myself out with early punches. so I turn my attention to that side of the board. .Bg5 h6 3. so opening the game must favor me here. 9. After the game move.c3 Qb6 5.Nd2 Nc6 8. for instance 9…dxe4 10.dxc5 Qxc5 7.Bxb5 Qxe4 There is no good move anyway.Qa4 Be7 13.Nxe5 and White nets a pawn.Qa8+ Kd7 21. Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki New York 2014 1.Bxc6+ Qxc6 14.e4 I’m a million light-years ahead in development. which would avoid the queenside pressure that arose in the game. The only move to make him lose his footing practically suggests itself. my opponent has managed to build an impressive center. 9…Be6 10.Qa3+.Na7+ Kb8 20. 18…axb5 Or 18…bxc6 19. Therefore.Bh4 c6 4.Bxe7 Nxe7 16.Ngf3 e5 At the cost of his piece development.exd5 Bxd5 11. as exchanging the e4-pawn won’t save Black either.Bc4 Bxc4 12. The killer. This works out tactically as well.0-0-0.Qxc6+ bxc6 15.Bxa6+ Kd7 22. best for White is continuing with the theme of leading in development with the strong move 13. 6.Nd4+ Kd6 23. but I simply couldn’t resist the following punch. 1-0.d4 d5 2.Qc6#.Nxc6 Kc8 21.Nxe4 Qb6 11. or 21…Kd6 22.Qb3 c5 This works out very badly.Bb5 Be6 12.Nxc4 Be7 He should at least try 12…b5.Rc4+ Black faces an unpleasant choice: either the king can go to the e-file and I take the queen with check. 19. 20. a4 a5 7.dxe5 dxe5 13.Nxh4 Nge7 16. 16…g5 17. this plan comes up a tad short.Qxc6+ Kf8 19. .Kf1 Even stronger is the unnatural 16.g3 c6 6.h3 Nf6 5. 13. but none of them are enough to parry my uppercut.Re1 e5 11. 11…Re8 is a useful waiting move.Nxe5 Nh5 I guess this was the point – an attack on the dark squares in exchange for the pawn.Bg3 Qxb2 18.Be3 Nb6 This leads to fireworks that work out in White’s favor. The text move is pure desperation. while the tension-releasing 11…exd4 is good enough for simple equality.e4 Bg7 3.Nf3 0-0 9.Nxb2 Qxc3+ 16.Qxb7 Rb8 14. when Black is bloodied but still standing. This hook comes with threats.0-0 0-0 17.Kd1. 15.Qa6 Rxb2 Better is to go stumbling back with 14…Bxh4 15.Rfe1 Rb5.Bg2 Nbd7 8. 12. as all of the queen’s checking squares are covered.Bxe5 1-0 Jay Bonin – Sam Barsky New York 2013 1.Nc3 d6 4. However.d4 g6 2.0-0 Qc7 10. g4 Nf6 18. but it creates more weaknesses.Ne7+ Kh8 28.Bh6 Removing a defender.Nd3 Nc4 15.Qd2 Ra6 The rook lift looks natural.Nxc8 Nxe5 29. 26…Qxb3 27.Bc1 Bd4 16.Nf4 Qb6 26.Qxa6 Nxg2 36.Bf4 Qe7 19. 17. 14.Qxb7 Nf4 35. 21. But the punch-drunk fighter keeps flailing. 29…Nxc4 30.c4 Ne8 22. 19…Nb6 20. but it leaves the c8-bishop hanging and vulnerable to tactics. 24.Qf6+ 1-0 37.Rec1 Qd2 34.Bxg7+ Nxg7 31.b3 Black is pushed back.Nd5 Wins a piece. Jay Bonin – Michael Hehir New York 2013 .e5 My turn.Rab1 Qc3 33.Bg5 Qe6 25.Ng3 c5 White has weathered the storm and pushed back Black’s forces. 16…Bg7 16…Bb6 would leave the dark squares around his king weak. This pawn thrust is an attempt to continue the aggression. 22…Nd7 23.Ne7# is unavoidable.Ne2 It’s important to overprotect the g3 square.Qd7 Ne6 32. Rhe1 Nf8 15.d4 Nf6 2.Ne8+ Rxe8 21. 1.Rxf8+ Leading either to mate or to the win of a rook.Nf6+ Rxf6 Or 19…Kg7 20. as the white knight will exert a lot of pressure on Black’s position after recapturing on e4.Ne4 Be5 18.Bh6+ 1-0 . After 13.Bf3 But I must be careful.Rd8 Bc7? All tied up now. 20. 13…Nd7 14.Nf6? Bxf6 14.0-0-0 Nxe4 It’s dangerous to win back the pawn here. 19. Black solves his back-rank weakness and wins material since both white bishops are hanging.Nxe4 Bxe5 13.dxe5 dxe5 8.Bxf6 Nd7.c5 Bd4 17.Nc3 0-0 5.Be2 e5 7.Nd6 Re6 16. 12. Preferable is to break the pin on the knight with the simple 18…Kg7.Bg5 c6 10. Black missteps with this unnecessary retreat.c4 Bg7 4. 20…Kxf8 21. which allows for an enveloping attack.Rdxe8.e4 d6 6.Nxe5 Re8 11.Nf3 g6 3.Qxd8 Rxd8 9. d4 Nf6 2.Rf1 Kg7 Trying to patch things up on the f-file. this move is now critical. 21.Rc1 a6 13.Nc3 Rac8 15.h3 g6 Black was playing to take the sting out of an e4-e5 break.Jay Bonin – Nick Vetese Cleveland 2015 1. as it potentially weakens Black’s kingside.f4 Rfc8 17.Qd2 h5 Agressive but double-edged. 19…Ne5 20.Nb1 Nbd7 14.Re1 c5 10.f5 With Black having weakened e6 and g6. 17…Nf8 would avoid weakening his position.Bd2 Qe7 7.fxe6 fxe6 22. but now instead comes… 19.0-0 Bxd2 8.Nf3 e6 3. 18.Nd5! .g3 Bb7 5.Bg2 Bb4+ 6.e4 cxd4 11.Nbxd2 d6 9.Nxd4 0-0 12.c4 b6 4.b3 Rc7 16. I switch it up here.R1xf7+. 22…exd5 23. 23…Kh7 24.0-0 0-0 10.bxc3 c5 8. 10…Qa5 11.Bxa4 cxd4 13.Nxd4.d4 Nf6 2.g4 hxg4?? Opening the h-file leads to certain doom. 27.Ne6+ Qxe6 29. I always steer the contest into an ending because they usually struggle in that phase of the game.Bxc6 followed by 11.Qa4 When facing young players.Qh4+ Kg7 28.Ne6 Rxf6 28. 24.e4 Nxc3 7. which I used to beat GM Gata Kamsky (see Chapter 8).Rxf6 Rf8 25.Be3 I usually play 10. 8…Nc6 9.Nf5+ is the big threat now.Ba3. when if 11…cxd4 then 12.Rcf1 dxe4 Here the prophylactic 25…Bc8.Bxc6 Only now do I capture.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Qg5 The point. Black could have held things together with 26… Rc5 27. 26. while 29…Nf7 is met by 30. is called for. A bolt from the blue that muddies the waters. .Rxf8 Obviously much stronger than taking the queen. cxd4 Bg4 14. as now mate on h8 cannot be prevented. 11…Qxa4 12.Rxf6 Ra5.Nf3 g6 3.Bb5+ My pet variation. preventing my next move.Nc3 d5 5.c4 Bg7 4. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Hans Niemann New York 2015 1.Qxf6 Qxf6 29. 23. 18.Rfc1 Rb6 20.a4 Rd6 21.Rxc6. 19. Better is 22…Kf8. 14…bxc6 15.Rxc4 Rd1+ 29.dxe5 Re4 To stop e5-e6+. which allows 26…Rxd4!. 26…fxe5 27.Rf4+ Bxf4+ 31.dxe5 Rxc4 28.Rxc6 Rxe5?? .Rc5 Rb4 Black counterattacks. but it’s a little late in the day for that. with active play. Better is 17…Bxf3 followed by 18…Rb2.Nxe5+ But not 27. 29.Rc4 Defending and attacking at the same time.Nc4 Rd7 25.h3 Bd7 Black will regret this decision.Ne5 Be8 Taking on e5 would leave the dark squares very weak. 16…Rab8 17.Kh2 Bxe5 30.e5 Much better than the tempting 26.Kh2 Avoiding …Rd1+ ideas.Rb1 f6 24. 29…h5 30.Rac1 Rfd8 16. when White can no longer claim any advantage.Bxf4. 22. 27…Bxe5 28.a5 Ra4 Conceding the b-file is a positional mistake.Rb8 Kf7 26. and Black may be able to escape into a drawish opposite-colored-bishops ending if he can engineer a rook trade.Rc8 Bb5 33.Bb6. my young opponent played on a while before resigning. 31. This just drops a piece.Rxd8 Bxc6 32.Bxa7 Rxe5 34.Rcc8 From this position. Better is 30…Rd8 31. 1-0 . to a heartbreaking loss or draw that prevents me from winning the tournament or a place prize. eight- time United States Champion as well as contender for the World Championship title in 1948 and 1953 – on my 27th birthday. For those who remember Igor. I don’t always have the advantage. Where are the grandmaster games? Well.Chapter 8 Beating Grandmasters ell. and a streak in the 2005 New York Masters Action tournaments. who developed into another major organizer and tournament director in the United States. Champions at the time. in the last few chapters you’ve seen me doing the grunt work. Two that stand out are the 1986 New York International. I happily volunteered. I can win with attacks culminating in some kind of sacrifice or combination. I have not forgotten about the grandmasters. where I began my chess career and which I dearly miss. Otherwise I outplay them in a queenless middlegame or in an endgame. because he would not play on Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath). grinding W out wins with small positional advantages against players rated 1700-2400. you will see exactly that – games against grandmasters. which meant that organizers of major events in the United States often had to make schedule changes to accommodate the famous GM. other times. My game with him took place in a Manhattan chess haven known as the Chess Center of New York. Bill was later aided by Steve Immitt. Games with combinations are always satisfying. Steve kept the Chess Center moniker going long after the closure of the bricks-and-mortar club in 1984. Enjoy. The occasion of my game with Sammy Reshevsky was an international tournament and Bill needed a volunteer to play Reshevsky in the first round at an earlier date.S. It was run by none other than Bill Goichberg. but he did eventually earn the GM title. In this chapter. while others were followed by losses to other grandmasters and missing out. Life goes on. some of them reigning U. Games against GMs having a banner year. Some of you might be asking. but somehow get it done. Games that were part of significant tournament runs. Always got to include the first one. feeling thrilled to have my first chance at playing a GM on my birthday. but space is limited. I played my first game against a grandmaster – the illustrious Samuel Reshevsky. Turn the page. maybe the late longtime IM Igor Ivanov has more. High-profile GMs. When the situation arises. The games here will have merit. To his credit. you would’ve thought he was long a grandmaster. I have defeated many over the years. And I must admit. dear reader. Many people have come to me and said. Reshevsky was also a devout Orthodox Jew who would not play on the Sabbath. it isn’t always pretty. I wish I could put every game I’ve won against grandmasters in this book. Some of those wins led to tournament victories. one of the premier organizers in this country for over four decades. it is what it is. . Some of these wins could lead to winning a tournament. be it a norm or a cash prize – disappointment either way. A prolific chess writer and an accountant by profession. My first GM win was against Sammy Reshevsky.” This may be true. “Jay. he wasn’t. Whatever it takes. Anyway. I think you have more grandmaster scalps than anyone else I know. Qd2 Rae8 . in which White opts for maintaining his center and a space advantage. 13. 7…Bg7 8.Be3 f5 I strike first. taking the sting out of White’s center with this thematic break. making Luft and preparing to play Bc1-e3 at some point without having to worry about …Nf6-g4 ideas.Nge2 0-0 9.Kh2 Nc7 This puts pressure on the d-pawn. 10. 16.Nc3 exd5 5.Samuel Reshevsky – Jay Bonin New York 1982 1.Ng3 Ne5 12.f4 Ng6 17.exf5 Bxf5 15.0-0 Na6 Intending to shift the knight to c7 to support a …b7-b5 break. and covers the potentially weak square e6. 3…e6 4. 10…Nd7 11. trying for an e4-e5 break.Bd3 Sammy chooses the solid Penrose-Tal line.cxd5 d6 6.What more can you ask from a single move? 18.Nxf5 gxf5 Better than recapturing with the rook.d4 Nf6 2.h3 A useful move.Be2 Qh4 Not so much to develop as to prevent f2-f4.c4 c5 3.d5 The Benoni – a sharp and possibly dangerous choice. 14. supports …b7-b5.e4 g6 7. Sammy’s going to work in the center. which gives White the e4 square. Rxg7 Rxg7 34.Ree1 Bxf2 27.Kh2 Qe7 Preparing the final assault.Qa1?? Pinning my helpless rook. 23…Qh5 24.Kg2 Kh5.Kh2 Qh5+.Re7 Qg6 33.Qe1.Rbe1 Nc8 This knight is heading to a better neighborhood. I weaken e3.Bf2 Kh8 Eyeing a counterattack on the g-file.Re6 Nf6 36.g4 Qh5! (with the idea of a perpetual) 39. He stops 37…Ne4 with the text move.axb5 Qf7 37.a4 Nb6 31. Finishing development. As weak as it looks.Ba2 Nd7 32.Nb5 Nxb5 35. then 37…Ne4 38. He should challenge the e-file immediately.Re6 Qh4 41.hxg4 Qxg4+ 41.Kg2 Rg8 25.Re8+ Kg7 44.Bc4 Ne7 23.Re3 Reg8 29.Bb1 Rxg4+ 40.Qxf2 Rg7 28. 26. By trading the bishops.Bc2 Rxb2 43.Qf1 Rb3 42. but now I play instead: 37…Nh5 The Bonin Knight reaches a different premium square. and also moving off the light-squared diagonal just in case I win the d-pawn. but allowing mate in 2.g3 Qe7 20.Qg1+ Kh6 45. 19. 30.Kg2 Qg4+ 43. etc. 22.Kh2 Qh5+ 42.Rf3 Qf7 21.Rxd6 Rxg3+ 39. my f-pawn cannot be exploited yet. Black is still better but at least White is still fighting. 38.Re6+ Nf6 46.Rb1 This move feels too slow.Re3 Bd4 An important move.Qxc5 Qxf4+ 47. . 40.Bb1 If 37. After 43. exf6 exf6 10. When the event concluded.f3 I use the Sämisch sparingly today.cxb5 Objectively.e5 b4 9.Qe3 cxb2 11.Bd3 Nbd7 10. I played much riskier and more interesting chess than the above lines which look sterile by comparison to the game.Qd2.Qe3+ Be6 11.e5 b4 9. I would prefer 8.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 in this position. it’s probably not a good idea to trade here and the tension on the queenside should be met with action in the center. He was also a World Championship challenger in 1974.d5 .Qd2 b5 8.Nge2 0-0 11.dxe6 Re8 14.exf6 bxc3 10.Bxe7 Qxe7 15. 8…axb5 9. We begin with my last game from that event. I finished this tournament 5/9. Three decades later. In retrospect.d4 Nf6 2. One of the finest chess players of his generation. 5…a6 6. I still look back on this event fondly as one of my best performances among such elite players. just narrowly missing a GM norm as well as a piece of the prize money. and Helgi Olafsson. Jay Bonin – Robert Byrne New York 1986 1. When I was younger. I had beaten 3 GMs (along with an IM) and felt – for the first time – like I may belong among them. I not only beat the legendary Sammy Reshevsky – I checkmated him! And on my 27th birthday. I went on to lose three in a row before finally winning my last game.Bg5 c6 The Byrne variation – what else? 7. with a nice space advantage for White.Nd1 fxg5 12. András Adorján. including three wins and two draws. he authored the chess column for the New York Times.Ne2 Rxe6 15. no less – an exhilarating feeling.Rxb2 Be6 13. which I read avidly at the time. Four years after my win against Reshevsky.Rb1 Bf8 12.0-0 e5 12. I managed to rally with the following tactical win against none other than the late GM Robert Byrne in the last round. I entered the 1986 New York Open and started out like a house on fire with 4 points after the first five games. 43…Qf2+ 44. After losing three straight to GMs Jón Árnason. losing in the quarterfinal Candidates’ Match to former World Champion Boris Spassky.d5 0-0 13.c4 g6 3. preferring 5.fxe7 Bxe7 14.Bd3. One alternative line is 8. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present. which came against the legendary Robert Byrne.Kh1 Ng3# 0-1 The first of many grandmaster scalps. with a level if ugly position. with dynamic possibilities for both sides.Be3 Qa5 15. Forcing the queenside to clear up.Bxf6 Nd3 19. After the game move.Ne3? Here 17.Rxf4! Bxf4 24. 22…Be6 looks better at first glance.Nxf6+ Kg7 25. Having missed the opportunity to put me away on move 17. After 22…Nh5 23. the antidote is 22…Nh5 – a difficult move to see which at one stroke holds the dark squares around Black’s king and uncovers the h6-bishop. Instead.Nxe4+ Qxc3 29.Kh1 is best.Nxc3.dxe5 Nxe5 17. Robert is threatening to play Nxa4.Nf6+ Kh8 28. when Black’s bishop pair will give him a slight edge in this ending despite the backward pawn on d6 and the hole on d5.Bb5 Rb8 16. but then I have a surprising shot: 23.a4! b4 13.Kh1.Qxe3 Bxe3 23. my opponent himself now blunders with this move that allows a mating attack. the game would have headed towards a drawish ending.Nd5 threatening Ne7#.Nb3.Nd5 Nxf6 24. I was delighted to see 22…Nd3?? .a4 Qb6 This move looks very strong.Qxf4 with Qh6 and mate next.Ne3 fails to the tactic 17…Ne6! winning a piece.f4 exf4 21. 18. 20. as 17. A simpler path forward is to simply exchange with 19…Bxf6 20. In fact.Kh1 Finally getting out of the pin. Black will enjoy some initiative and the c5 square for his knight. 12…b4 13. piling up on the pinned knight. 17…dxe4? Missing the idea in the previous note.Qxb4 Nc5 15.Nd1 Qb6 14.fxe4 Bg5 21. 17. my opponent now allows my pieces to occupy favorable squares.Qd2 Bh6 This looks strong at first sight.Nc1 Qc7 18.Qxd3 Qxe3 22.Nxf4 Nxf4 22.Qc3 Qe3 26. and if 24…Bxd5 25. However. the bishop is loose on h6 and Black may come to regret the weakened dark squares around his king.Nd1 cxd5 14. though there was a better way of achieving this goal: 12.Nf2 Bb7 16.Nh5+ Kg8 27. it controls b6 for my knight that’s headed to c4.S. or 23…Qb7 24. Lev also went on to be an accomplished chess author in his own right.Bd3 Nd7 9. 1.d4 Nf6 2. This is a major drawback of this system for Black. Championship that year.Nf3 c5 3.Ne7#. 12…Bh6 13.a4 b4 Now the c4 square is mine for the taking.Bg5 d6 You might say I make my living doubling my opponent’s f-pawns. 11. we quickly arrived at an unusual Benoni and an unbalanced middlegame. and in addition he won the U. I chose a move order that denied Lev the opportunity to employ his favorite line against me.Nxe5 I undouble the pawns. 23. and here I waste no time in doing so. Instead.Nbd2 g6 Maybe 10…Bg4 is better. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Lev Alburt New York 1986 My second win in that event was against Lev Alburt.Nd5! It’s mate after 23…Bxd2 24.Bxf6 exf6 6. A known connoisseur of the Benko Gambit. but leave the black dark-squared bishop in limbo. as opposed to the main-line Benoni where White’s access to c4 is blocked by one of his own pawns. 5.Qg7#. 8. 11…fxe5 12.e4 a6 7. and it makes the c2-c3 break stronger.d5 b5 4.Nc4 .Qxh6 and 25.a5 This is a very important move: it fixes the a6-pawn.0-0 Ne5 10. 16…fxe4 17.Rf1 Rb7 33.Qb8.Qa4 Qd7 31. when either the b. tying up Black’s forces to the defense of d6.Qd3 Bxe4 20.Rf3 Rc7 Removing the rook from the open file highlights the helplessness of Black’s position.fxe4 Rxf1+ 21.Rxf1 Together with my control of the b-file. Black can only watch as I repurpose my last piece for the attack.Ne3 Qe7?? .a6 Ra7 34. while threatening to invade via b6 at any moment.Bxe4 Rf4 18. 14…bxc3 15.h3 I’m in no rush.Ra1 with a simple winning ending for White.bxc3 f5 16. After the game move. when Rxf8 and Qxa7 are coming. 13…0-0 14. but decides to resolve this tension first.Qxa6 h4 29.Kg2 Kg7 32.Nb6 Kg7 30.Qe6+ Kg7 24.Qh3 Bf8 23.Qc8 Ra7 28. If Black tries to mark time and hold onto the a-pawn he gets squeezed off the board: 26…Qe7 27. Leaving the h6-bishop hitting thin air.h4 Kg8 33. 24…h5 25. The knight’s done a wonderful job on c4. He may have tried 26…Qe7 here.Rb1 Threatening to penetrate with Rb6. hoping for a queen trade.Qxd7 Rxd7 32.g3 Kg8 31.Kh2 Rb7 26.Rf1 Kg8 29.Qb5 Rb7 30. these exchanges have improved my position by enhancing the importance of the outposts on c4 and e4. Black is now a sitting duck with no more counterplay levers to pull. but now it is needed for the offensive on the other flank.Nb6. Black would like to get something going with …f7-f5. 27. My knight takes up residence on this strong outpost. 21…Ra7 22. though this would drop the a-pawn after 27.or the c-file will open up in my favor.f3 Bf5 19.Qc8 Rc7 28.c3 Now 14…Rb8 is met by 15. as this move takes away the g4 square and demonstrates that Black has no good moves left to make. 28. so I redeploy it to a more active post.0-0 Nh5 13.Be3 Nbd7 On 11…Bh6.Rg3+ Mate will follow on g6 or g8.Bd3 exd5 10.e4 Bg7 6.Nf5+ gxf5 29.a4 e6 9. Black seeks to exchange queens in order to relieve the pressure around his king.Nf3 0-0 7.Nc3 g6 5.Be2 The bishop is not doing much on d3.Rfe1 Bd7 18.fxe3 Rxe3 14.Qd2 Re7 (not 14…Qe7? 15. Understandably.Bh6 Trying to eliminate a kingside defender. 12.Bf3 .c4 c5 3.Bg5 Qa5 17. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Florin Gheorghiu New York 1986 1.h3 a6 8.d4 Nf6 2. this move walks into a mating combination due to the well-placed knight.Nd1!) with an initiative for the pawn. 18…Nf6 19. However.Nxe5 Bxe5 16.Qd2 f5 14.0-0 Bxe3 13. I was planning 12.d5 d6 4. 14…Ne5 15.exd5 Re8+ 11. This makes White’s task considerably easier. 19…Kg7?? A blunder.Rxe5! …exploiting the unprotected queen on a5.Bxf6+ Kxf6 22.Kf3 He’s had enough.Ne4+ fxe4 23. 28…Rf8 29.Qc7 Ke7 25.Nf3 d5 4.axb5. 24.Qb7 Forcing Black off the a-file. Covering the e4 square.Kxg2 Rb1 32.cxb5 axb5 30.e4 Nxc3 7.Qxa5 exf3 Florin plays on in vain.fxe3 b5 28. After 19… Kg7.bxc3 .Nc3 c5 5. as the a-pawn can’t be stopped from promoting.d4 Nf6 2.a5 Better than 30.a6 Rxb2+ 33. 30…Rf1+ 31. Better is 19…Rf8 20. 1. 20…Rxe5 21. I have the shot… 20. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Stefan Djurić New York 1986 This game is one of my chess combination crown jewels. however.Bf4 Bxf4 21.cxd5 Nxd5 6. 25…fxg2 26.c4 e6 3.Qxf4 Qc7.Re3 Rxe3 27.Ra3 Getting my last piece into play. with a level position. though Black is still hanging on.d6 Nc6 21. Meanwhile. picking up the queen. . Best (though not quite enough) is simply to attack my light-squared bishop with 17… Rac8 18.Ng5 Bg4? Note that 17…f6 would be a blunder here due to 18. when the passed d-pawn is an annoying intruder in Black’s camp. As in the Grünfeld. and instead get the last piece into play.0-0 Qd6 This awkward square for Her Majesty can lead to tactical problems. Black’s queenside majority is a long-term strategic trump that Black hopes to put into motion once he has blunted White’s central aggression.Rxe7 Qxe7 19. 13…Rd8 14.Bd3 Bf5 20. 14…Bd7 15.d5 exd5 16. White is handed a nice center. 13.d6+.Ne4 Qg6 19. which if left unchallenged could blow Black out of the water.exd5 Ne7 17.Bc4 Nc6 12.Bd2 Bxd2+ 10. as in this game. 12… b6 or 12…Na5 are more thematic in this kind of position.Rad1 Signaling White’s intent to push d4-d5.Rfe1 I’m in no hurry to open the center.Bb1. And we have a Semi-Tarrasch.cxd4 Bb4+ 9. 7…cxd4 8.Qxd2 0-0 11. Qxg4 Nf6 Black was relying on this to save him. pretty point: the queen is lost.Bc4 0-0 6.Qg5 The point. Christiansen – Jay Bonin New York 1976 It was the last round of the Pan-American Intercollegiate Championship.d4 g6 3.Nf3 Nf6 2.Qxg7 Ke8 23. as 21…Kxe7 22. After Black’s last move comes the lightning bolt: 18. 1.Ne4 b6 13. I am including this game in this chapter despite the fact that Larry was not yet a GM at the time it was played – though he was certainly playing at GM strength and earned the title a few months later in Linares. Other leading chess schools in my era were the University of Toronto and the University of Chicago. So. 18…Kxf7 19.d6+ Ke8 23. though White’s next move rules that out.Rd1 Qc6 She flirts with danger on this square.e4 d6 5. though nothing like today where teams often have several grandmasters lured by generous scholarships to Texas and St. but the illusion is quickly shattered. 12. but I was young then.Re7+ The final.e5 dxe5 8. I think I was planning …Qg4 at some point here. player for many years.Re1 leads to mate. Now 19…Bxd1 20.Bb5+ 1-0 Larry M. My opponent in the last round was Larry Christiansen. I played first board for Brooklyn College and we were up against the powerhouse University of Southern Florida.dxe5 Nd5 9. 21. Louis. The teams were strong in the ’70s. 19…Ng8 20. and yet not to include it would be an oversight in my own career as Larry was my first SM scalp and my performance in this tournament put me over 2200 for the first time. 11…Qd7 A weird-looking move. This game doesn’t neatly fit into any of the other chapters in this book. in 1977. at the time a Senior Master who went on to be a top U.0- 0 Na5 10.Bb3 Nxb3 11.Qe2 Nc6 7. 21…Qxe7 22.S.Ra4 a5 . Spain. but where else is a girl to go? 14.axb3 Today.Nbd2 Bg7 4. I try to keep my knights.Rxe7 wins for White.Nxf7!! A positional sacrifice to expose the king. 16. 15.Rc4 Qb7 Not 15…Ba6 now. 17…f6 Trying for counterplay on the f-file like a rodeo clown taunting a bull so a rider can jump the wall to safety – anything to take his eyes off my king. 18.h3 Qc6 Preparing …Bb7 with latent tactical ideas on light squares and on g2 in particular. as my d5-knight hangs.Rh4 Aiming for my king. it would look like this rook is offside and may run short of safe squares. tactical style. but Larry beats me to the punch. Preparing …Bc8-a6.Rxh6 Ne6 22.Rd5 .c4 Nc7 20. At first. Such aggression is a hallmark of Larry’s fierce.Bh6 Bxh6 21. 17. 19.Ng3 c5 Gaining some space. But look again – it controls the entire fourth rank and is ready to swing back to the queenside if needed. and then …Nxg2.Ng6+ Rxg6 35.Kh2 h6 35.Nh5 Qe6 27. 36.Re4 Not 33.Kh2 Qxe5+ 35.Rxe6 Bf3 33. 26. when 23…Nxd5?? loses quickly: 24.Rxg6 hxg6 27.Qxf4 Bxd5 29.Rxc6+–.Qxg6+ Kh8 28.Ng5 fxg5 27.Rc4 Qf5 37.f5 g5 41.Rh6 Rf7 26. …Nd5-f4.Qh6+ Kg8 29.Rxg6 Rg8 36.f4 h5 Stopping any g2-g4 ideas.Qb5 Re5 I get there first.Qf6+ Rg7 37.Nxf4 Rxf4 Simplification.Rxe5 Qxe5+ 45. 31.Qf2 Rd3 40.Re4 h4 38.Qe3 Rd5 33.Qg5+ Kh8 32.Ng5 Nxg5 25.Qe4!.Rxg6+ Kh8 25. Plugging up the light squares to avoid tricks like …Bc8-b7.g3 Qg7 and Black is ahead in material with no weaknesses.Qh6? Rd1+ 34.Kh1 Qxe6 .Rd6 Qh7 31.e6 Qf6 39. 22…f5 Here I almost played 22…Nf4? falling for 23.Qxg5 f4 Not 25…e6?? 26.Qxg8 Kxg8 40. 23.Qd8+ Rg8 38. 33…Kg7 34. 28.Qc2 Rd5 The f-pawn falls.Qd2 Bb7 24.Nf4 Rg8 34.Rxg8+ Qxg8 39.cxd5 Qxd5 The smoke has cleared and White’s attack has come to a halt. and White wins. 42.Rh4 Rd8 32. 30. 44.gxf3.Qc4 Rxf5 43.Nh5 Qc7 30.Qg3 Qe6 Still keeping an eye on g6. Now the rook becomes a liability on h6. bxa4 bxa4 56. 57.Qb1+ Kg7 60.Qc6+ Kg7 65.Nxe5 d6 4.Qd7+ Qf7 0-1 The e-pawn will promote next.Qa1+ Kh7 58.Qd7 Qe3 49.Kh2 a4 55. and so White resigns.Nc3 c6 10.Qg4 Qe7 53. an opening not featured in my repertoire and likely a surprise for my opponent. but my king is a little airy. 3.d4 d5 6. 48. Alexander Stripunsky – Jay Bonin New York 2011 1.Qe4 b5 Now a second passer will be created on the far wing. as I recall the rest of my team lost their games in this match. so trading it makes life easier for the second player.Kg1 e3 59.e4 e5 2.0-0 Nd6 This move (maybe a novelty) stops c2-c4 and supports the f5-bishop.Bd3 Be7 7. As thrilled as I was with this win. .Ne2 Bf5 This bishop is usually a problem. 62.Re1 0-0 9. 54.Qc6 Qxb3 Make that three pawns. With two extra pawns it should be easy.b3 Qd6 51.Kh2 e2 64. 8.Qb7+ Kh6 No more checks to worry about.Nf3 Nf6 A rare Petroff.Qb5 Qf2+ 63.Qxa4 e4 I give up a pawn in order to create a simple and solid formation where my queen can both support my passed pawns from behind and defend the king from checks. 46.Qe8 Qf7 47.Nf3 Nxe4 5.Qb5 Qe6 50.Qe2 e5 52.Qb2+ Qf6 61. 14. but Sasha has the more active pieces. isolated pawn.Bg5 Re8 16.Qf5 g6 White was threatening Ng5. there is pressure.Nf3 b6 Having exchanged and defended carefully for the last 27 moves in order to slow down . a4 a5 I prevent White from pushing to a5 and gaining space. 17.Rae1 Re8 19. Objectively. 24…Qf6 25.Rxe8+ Nxe8 21. 26…Qf5 I kill the attack at the cost of accepting a doubled.b3 Nf6 15. I have 26…Qg5. but gain time thanks to the attack on the d-pawn. 22.hxg3 Nc7 The knight is headed for e6.Qxf5 gxf5 28.Ng3 Bxd3 12.Qg4 Ne6 24.Ne5 Threat: Nxf7.Qxd3 Nd7 13.Bxe7 Rxe7 18.c4 Trying to undermine my position.Rf3. 27. the position is equal.Re2 Nfe4 Here I am playing for exchanges to release the pressure from my opponent’s piece activity. 19…Nxg3 20. 23. 25…Rd8 26. 11.c5 On 26.Re3 Even in this simplified position. Kb1 Kd3 .Kc1 Nxf2 Black starts a pawn collection on the other wing.White’s nagging edge from having gone first. 51. 32.Kd3 Ke7 35.Ke3 Rb4 Eyeing both of White’s weaknesses. 36.dxc5+ Nxc5 38. finally I go on the march with a strike on the queenside.Nd4+ Kc3 52.Ke2 Nxa4 With …Nc3 in mind. 34.Rc3 Rxb6 And now White has to defend b3.Kc2 Kd6 Black threatens to create a passed pawn with …c6-c5. 41.Rd8+ Kc5 45. 29. 53.Rxd2 White has won the d-pawn but now the a-pawn kicks in. 50.Rd4+ Kb3 47.Re3 d4 Wasting no time.Ke2 Kf7 33. 31. 47…Nc3+ 48.Kf1 f6 Stopping Ne5. 39.Kd2 Rxb3 Black is making inroads: a4 is weak and …Nc5-e4 is now a threat.cxb6 Rb8 30.Kxd2 Ne4+ Stopping Nc5 while hitting the f-pawn.Re8 d3+ 40. 44.Rd3 c5 37.Ke3 d2 43.Nd4 Rb2+ 42.Ne6+ Kc4 46.Kd3 Rxd2+ 49.Nxf5 Ne4 Taking away d6 from the white knight. 1.d4 d6 7.Nc4 h3 And the pawn promotes.c4 e5 2. 66. The a-pawn serves as a decoy while I go after the remaining pawns on the g-file. an Action Chess series that operated for three years.Ka3 Nc5 59.Nc6 a4 57.S.Qc2 c6 4. White is too far away to stop my other pawns.Kd3 h4 65.Ka2 Kxg2 58.Kb3 h5 63.S. Chess League as well as the U.Kc2 Kf3 64.Qxc3 Qe7 6.Nd4+ Kf2 56.Nd5 Ne4 The a-pawn has done a wonderful job of distracting White’s royal. while his sister Jennifer has become a fixture in American chess journalism.Ne7 Kg3 60. 61.g4 Ke2 55. a3 Bxc3 5.Kxa4 Kxg4 62. Greg went on to run the U. 54.Nc3 Bb4 3. Chess School. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Alexander Stripunsky New York 2005 This game was played during my glory days in the New York Masters. run by Greg Shahade and John Fernandez.c5 White’s idea is to open up the center as quickly as possible in order to maximize the effect .Ne3 Ng3 My knight takes away f5 and f1 from his knight. b4 f5 Sasha tries to fix my majority. 17.Rg7 Seventh Avenue! 23…Nh5 24.Bh3 18.Bd3 is interesting.Bd4 Rd8 28.Rg1 g6 This weakens the dark squares on the long diagonal.Nf3 Nxf3+ 12. keeping pressure on both wings.Kxd1 Nd5 Black hopes that the knight will offer salvation. but it is blockaded and d5 is weak. 7…Nd7 8. we will also get an early exchange of queens.Be3 Nd7 16. I get a protected passed pawn. exf5 Opening the g-file.e4 Nf6 14.Kd2 . but White’s rook on the seventh rank has to be tended to – not to mention the passed h-pawn.Qxe5+ Nxe5 Both players are happily within their element: sterile-looking endgames.of the bishop pair.e5. If I play 18. With any luck.Bxf5+ gxf5 22. 11.Bxh8 Kd7 30. You can’t have everything.f4 a6 This saves the a-pawn but weakens b6. but surrendering the d5 square. 27.Bd4 Rhf8 23. 18. 12…Be6 13. 15. Another reason to capture this way is to maintain a central pawn majority.gxf3 I hope to use the half-open g-file.0-0-0 Nf6 20. 18…0-0-0 19. 28…Rxh8 29.Bb6 Rxd1+ 26. 20…Bxf5 21.Rh8 I decide that the minor-piece ending is the way to go.dxe5 Qxe5 10.cxd6 Qxd6 9.Rxh7 Nxf4 25. but the b6- pawn will now become a target for my bishop. 45…c4 Black has a protected passed pawn. We’ve reached a bishop-vs.h5 It’s important to avoid trades.Kf5 c5 45. 46. but it’s not going anywhere.Kd3 Nf4+ 32. The kings join in the action. 30…Ke6 31. 33. but Black’s task is made slightly harder by having the short-range piece. my king walks over to the queenside for the kill.Ke3 Bg7-d4 is threatened.Ke5 Kg6 . 42…Nf8 43.Kf4 Ne6+ 38. Objectively speaking this is an equal game.Bb2 Now the h-pawn will spell the difference by tying up Black’s king.Kxf5 Nxf3 40.Bd4 b5 37.h4 Ne6 44. 35…Kf7 36.Kg4 Ng6 42.Kd4 b6 This move prevents me from invading by keeping my king off the c5 square.f3 Ng5 35.Be5 Nh4+ 41.-knight ending with the same number of pawns.Bg7 Nh3 34.h6 Nf8 47. forcing a compromise in the structure. Meanwhile.Ke5 Ng5 39. Be3 c3 53. protecting my own passer while containing Black’s. 54.Kd6 Ng6 50.Nxd4 Bg7 8.Be3 Nge7 9. championed by my colleague Asa Hoffmann.a5 Nd4+ 57.Bc1 Nd6 53.a4 d6 10.Bg2 g6 6.Bb6 Qb8 18.Kc6 Ng5 50.Kb6 Nd3 52.Bc1 Nd6+ 59.e4 a6 4. 6…cxd4 7.Nb3 Intending to play a4-a5 and squeeze Black on the queenside.Kc6 Nf5 55.Kb6 Kh7 54.Qf2 b5 Black chooses activity over the passive 15…Nc8.Kc4 Nf5 58.Kb6 Ne4 51. 1. 48.Kc3 1-0 Jay Bonin – Hikaru Nakamura New York 2003 This game is my last victory against a young grandmaster who would later go on to be one of the top players in the world.Nf3 e6 3.Kxb5.Nxb5 .Kc6 Ne5+ 51. even stronger here is the direct 48.d4 Here I open it up and we transpose into a kind of Sicilian.f4 Nb4 15.Kxb5 Ne5 55.Kxa6 c2 I can let go of the bishop. However.Rad1 Qc7 14. 1…c5 2.g3 Nc6 5.a4 Nf3 56. as his knight can’t cope with my pawns. 11…b6 12.Kxa6 c3 52.0-0 0-0 11. 48…Kh7 49. He was 16 at the time and had just earned the GM title. 16.Nc3 Once in a while I play this move.Bc1 The bishop performs miracles.axb5 axb5 17.Kd5! Nh7 49.Qe2 Bb7 13. Rd2 Ra2 22.Nxb5 Rxb2 29. as Black has 32…Ne5 holding the f7 square and embarrassing the c4-bishop.Nd4 Rxf2 28. 19.Rxd1 Rc2 Black has gotten a lot of activity.Qxb8 Rxb8 with an edge for White. 32…Rc2 33.c4 Bxb5 20.Ba7 Rxa7 20.Ba7 Qxb5 27. only to open another one.Rfd1 Bf8 23.cxb5 Rc8 21.Be3 g5 .Bc5 I’m happy with a draw here. 18…Rc8 19. I win material. Obviously not 32. so I simplify matters and head into an ending.Nxd6 Nec6 30. Otherwise.Bc4 right away. 31. 26. 18…Ba6 He was relying on this resource to double my pawns and maintain a level game. 30…e5 Hikaru blunts one light-squared diagonal. For instance.Ne2 Rxd1+ 25. but my much higher-rated opponent (he was 2560 at the time) wanted more.gxf4 I must recapture here.Qxa7 d5 21.Nc1 Ra1 24.Bf1 exf4 32. Rb7+ Kd8 45. 41…Kf8 42.Bxf6 Nxb5. 34.Be5+ Kg8 41.Bc4!.Ba6#) 44. Though here I missed the deep 42.Nf6+ This was an “Action” tournament (meaning 30-minute games).Kh1 Nc6 37. 39…N6d4 40.Nh5 Nc2 39.Ne8 I try to get squares of my own.Rd7+ Ke8 45.Kg2 Ne3+ 48.Bb5 The parties are duking it out.Nf5 Nce5 38.Bf4 Nf3+ 36. etc.Bg3 .h4 Ng4.Ra1 Kxg8 46.Rd7+ Kc8 46.Nxh7+ Kg8 43.Bc5 Rxc4 49. 34…gxf4 35. Cute! If I take the pawn.Bxd4 Rc2 48.Rxh7 Kf8 50.Bg3 Rf1+ 47.Ra8+ Bf8 47.Ng8+ Kf8 45.Rd7 Nf3 51. 42…Ke7 43.Nf6+ Kh8 36. e.Bxf8.fxg5 Ne5 35.Kh3 Safe! Now a couple of things are hanging. which sets up a mating net around the black king that forces Black to jettison material in order to avoid checkmate.Rb1 Nb4 (forced: 43…Ne3? 44.Nd7+ Obviously not 42.Rb7 f6 46. 53. for example 34.Ne6 Who’s mating whom? 52…Rg1 Black’s idea is …Rg4 and …Ng1#.g. etc.Kh1 Rf2 38. then 34…Ne5 is annoying as it threatens mate in two. However. 42. 48…Nd4 49. trying to get all their pieces to maximum-impact squares. taking is objectively best here as the threat is easily parried. with an equal if unbalanced ending. and about here we were both in time pressure.Nxc5 Nxb5 44.Bc4 Ke7 43.Bxf4 Bc5+ 37.Nf6+ Rxf6 44.Bd6+ Kg8 52. when 60…Ng1 meets with 61. William Lombardy. or 60…Kg8 61.Nbd2.Nc7 Ngh4 62. otherwise he will play …a7-a6 followed by …c6-c5.c4 c6 3.Rd7+ Kh8 64.0-0 dxc4 9.e4 I must act quickly. Now I favor the offbeat variation you’ve seen in earlier chapters with 4. winning a piece.h4 Nc4 66. The Manhattan club closed its doors for good in 2002.Rd7+ Kf8 65.Nc3 Back in the day.A.Kh4 Ng2+ 56. 1.Nf3 Nf6 4.e5 Ra5 65. Bobby Fischer.dxe5 Nxe5 13.Bd3 Bb7 11.Rd3!.h3 Qe7 .Kxf6 Nf3 59.Nxe5 Bxe5 14.e3 Nbd7 6.h5 Ne5 67. including Arnold Denker.Ne7 and the rook gives itself up for the passed pawn with an easy win for White. In its 125 years of operation.d4 d5 2.Ra7 Nc6 68. 11…e5 12.Be2 0-0 8. A quick victory could be had with 60. I. 53…Ra1 54.h7+ 1-0 Jay Bonin – Alexander Shabalov New York 1992 This game was played at the famous Manhattan Chess Club.Kf5 Ra7 58.Bxg7 Kxg7 64.Kf6 Kg8 70.Rd3 Ng1+ 55. at its 46th Street location.Bxc4 b5 The thematic pawn push in this Anti-Meran system.Rd8+ Kh7 63. the Manhattan Chess Club hosted some of the most prestigious events in the world.Kg4 Ra4 57.Rd8+ Kh7 60.Rc7 Nd4 69.Nd5 Ra6+ 66.Rd7 Nc3 72.Ng5+ I really must’ve been in time trouble to make this lemon.Bf2.e6 Rc6 67. Threatening Rd3. Many of the finest players in America cut their teeth at the Manhattan. 60…Nxg5 61.Be5 Rg7+ 63. 10. 4…e6 5.h6 Nb5 71. though 9…e5 is also possible here. and Samuel Reshevsky. including the New York International in 1924 and two world championship matches in 1886 and 1891.Kxg5 Ne3 62.Qc2 Bd6 7. Horowitz. I played the main line against the Slav/Semi-Slav complex. he will be squashed. The idea is that Black recovers the pawn by capturing on e4 later on.f4 Nd7 24. 17…Rac8 18. and squeeze his position. If Black tries to enforce the pawn push with a rook move.Nb3 My trusty steed redeploys to pressure Black’s weak dark squares on the queenside.Bc4 Bxc3 19.f3 Qc7 leads to equality. Time to switch gears. 15.Be3 Rac8 18.Bd3 Rfe8 17. 20. his position suffers.e5 Bb4 26.Rd1 Qxb7 24.Na5 Ne5 21.Qxd3 Bb4 23. After the text move.f4 Bb8 19. the d-file is weak too. for instance 14…c5 15. 17…Bd6 18.Be3 Rfe8 16. I will retain the light-squared bishop and ultimately use it to great effect.Rd1 Nf8 Black covers e6… . If Black cannot push to c5 in this position.Rae1 a6 He intends …c6-c5.Ne2 I don’t let him play it.Bg4 A very powerful pin. 22.Bc5 is clearly better for White.Bxb5 Qa5 16. 17.Be2 Rac8 23.bxc3 Rxe4.Qxc3 Qxc3 20.Nd4 And now Nf5 is threatened. 18…g6 19. as Black’s light-squared bishop will be entombed on the queenside while White has both a strong center and an iron grip on the dark squares. 14…c5 is an interesting gambit that would simplify the position. For instance. 24…Rc7 25. 19…Nd7 He covers c5 and threatens to occupy it himself with a pawn.Nxb7 Qxb7?! Better to get rid of my dangerous light-squared bishop while he still can: 21…Nxd3 22. 33…Red7 34.d7 The final tactic.Rd6 Rxd6 36. Championship earlier . 30…Qb8 31. He had won the U.Rc1 Re6 29. winning a piece.Rd1 Qb7 35.Bc6.Qb3 Ba5 32. Shabalov and I meet again.Bd5 Rd8 33. 27. 41.Bf3 …therefore. taking advantage of Black’s overloaded pieces. White focuses back on the c-pawn. the bishop Black neglected to trade off wins a key pawn.Bxc6 Nine moves later. 40…Re7 Or 40…Nd7 41. 27…Rcc8 28. 29…Re7 30.S.Bh4 1-0 Jay Bonin – Alexander Shabalov New York 2003 Eleven years later.Rc6 Not allowing …Bb6.exd6 Qd7 37.Kf1 White stops …Re2.Bd5! Now f7 is the target. 39…h5 40.Bf2 Qd8 39.Qa3 Where do we go now? 37…Re8 38. Bc4 Vacating squares for my queen.Rf5 g6 21.Nc3 d5 4.e6! This sac leaves many weaknesses in Black’s camp. in particular the e-pawn and the g6 square. If 15. and here was looking to win the Marshall Chess Club Championship.dxe5 Nxe5 13. The b7-bishop is out of the game. 15.Be2 0-0 8. 15…Bd4 16.Ne2 instead.e3 Nbd7 6.d4 Nf6 2. 16…Bxe3 17. 20…Qe7 21. 10.e4 e5 12.Qc2 Bd6 7. then Black is OK.Na4 I go after c5. This time.Bd3 Bb7 11.fxe3 Nd7 18.Bxc4 b5 The same variation. isolated pawns to kill Black’s dangerous initiative.Nf3 e6 5.Bxh7+ Kh8 20. 18…h6 White stands much better after 18…Nxe5 19. he improves on our previous encounter with a different idea.Be3 A move not for the faint of heart – I willingly give myself doubled.Rxe5 Kxh7.c4 c6 3.h3 b4 Here it is. This game won me the Brilliancy Prize. If I just allow …Ne5 here.Nxe5 Bxe5 14. 1.0-0 dxc4 9. then Black has 15…c5 with easy equality. too.Qg6 Rf6 22. 19…fxe6 20.Rxf6 .e5 The point: I attack h7. the year. 19. Bxe6+ Kh7 39.Rg3 h5 36. 23…Rd8 24.Rf1 With many threats.Qd6 Nf6 38. 23.Rd6.Rf3 Qe1+ 34. I can take on f6. as it has been dead the whole game. as Black will have a few weaknesses that need tending to. in the long run this turns out to be an error. 29…Qg5 30. as here Shabalov refuses my offer and places his lady on g5 to avoid the exchange. 35. then 40…Qxg3+ wins for Black! After the text move.Qc5 The threat is 37. However. This game could also have been in the chapter on trading queens.Rc1 Threatening Na4-c5.Nc5 Bc8 26. 25…Rf8 26. But it’s too late. for instance 22…Qxf6 23. 36…Rb7 37.Nc5 Bc8 25. 32…Nd5 33.Nd3 I avoid one last trap: if 40. .Qd4 I’m happy with the level ending that arises after the queen trade.Ng6 Qc5 29.Ne5 Re7 31.Qxf6 Nxf6 24. 22…Nxf6 22…Qxf6 leaves White better off after winning back the pawn.Nd3 Heading to e5 or f4.h4 Qg3 32. such as Rf3 and Rf6.Qd3 Rf7 28.Qf6??.Bd5.Kh2 Be8 The bishop tries to find a nice diagonal.Bf5+ Kg8 40. as the king cannot find refuge and is chased further around the board.Nf4 Bd7 27.Rd1 Re8 25. I admit to having won a few games like that.Rxf8+. 7…c5 8.0-0 0-0 11.cxd4 Rc8 13.dxc5 bxc5?? 13.Rxe4 Nxe4 18.Nf3 7.Rxb8! winning a piece.Ba1. while bringing another attacker to e4 with 15…Nc5 would be met by 16. this is my pet line.c4 g6 3.Bc4 is the Classical Variation.Re1 I hold off on the d-pawn push. 1-0 Jay Bonin – Gata Kamsky New York 2004 1. .Nc3 d5 4. 13…Na6 14.bxc3 Bg7 7. but I eschew popular lines in favor of less well-trodden paths.Bb5+ As I said before. as 13…Qxd1 meets with 14. as 14…Nc5 would follow.d4 Nf6 2.Bxg7 Rxe4 (not 16…Kxg7 17. which simplifies matters and often heads into an endgame early.Bxd7+ Qxd7 10. 12.Bb2 My intent is to play d4-d5 and trade bishops.e4 Nxc3 6. 14…Rc4 15.Ne5. weakening Black’s kingside. 9. 8…Bd7 8…Nc6 and 8…Nd7 are also playable. cxd5 Nxd5 5.d5 Nf3-e5 is in the air now. though there was no such luck against this former world championship contender.Rb1 11…cxd4 A cheap trick here follows after 11…b6 12. forking the queen and rook) 17. I scored 3. threatening Nc5 and Nf6+. 19…Qxd6 20.Ng5 Ne6 25. 21.Ne5+. Nc7+ Kd7 33. I find time to create some Luft.Rd8 Rxd8 23. one of my best-ever performances against top- flight competition.e6! Vacating the e5 square for knight tricks.Rxb2 Qc7 17. 19.Nc5 Rc2 31. 17…Nc5?! 17…Rd8 is necessary here to halt the d-pawn’s advance.5/4 against GMs.Ne6+ Ke8 29.g3 Finally. 18. 18…Qa5 is preferable.Nxf7 Nxd8 26.Qxd8 Qxf7 24.Nxd8 b5 27.with a decisive material advantage for White – not to mention control over the dark squares.Kh3 Rd2 37. The following is the one game that I drew in that event.e5 Intending d5-d6. 1-0 Gata Kamsky – Jay Bonin New York 2005 In this event. 27…Kf8 28. Kamsky for years has been one of the finest players in the world.Re5 a6 30. but this allows a vicious tactic.Rd2 Qf6 22.d6 Qd7 There’s nowhere safe to go.Kg2 e6 35.Nxa6 Rxa2 32. This same setup could have arisen from a Semi-Tarrasch. 15…Bxb2 16.f4 Ra2+ 36. see Bonin– Djurić earlier in this chapter.Nc3 I will play Ne4 next.Nxb5 Ra5 34.exf7+ Kg7 Of course not 20…Kxf7 21. meeting Veselin Topalov in a Candidates’ . 22…Qxf7 23. A draw against such opposition can sometimes feel like a win.Bc4 Rhe8 20.a4 Nd5 15.Bg5 Nbd7 4.Nxd8?? in view of 23…Nf3+ 24. 8.dxc6 Qxc4 25.0-0 0-0-0 I’m very happy here. Accordingly.gxf3 Rg6+ 25. 15…a6 16. I win the piece back.d5 Re5 24.Rac1 Qf6 I play this move thinking of mounting an attack myself.Qe2 Nb4 19.Ne5 Qf4 Black’s endgame is certainly better here thanks to White’s weak pawns. 17. I missed the fact that it was actually a blunder as I have 22…Nxd4!.d4 Nf6 2. 14.Nxe4 d5 The point.c3 Be7 6. Gata will get the piece back with d4-d5.Qc4 Nc6 22. He can’t play 23.Kh1 Qxf3#. as my development is complete and Gata has a potentially weak d- pawn.Rxc4 Rxa5 26.Bxe7 Qxe7 pins the e4-knight to the white king.cxb7+ Kxb7 27. as 9. cxd4 Nxe4 Equalizing immediately.Nxf7 Oops! I missed this shot. but my position is solid. The idea is that after I take the knight on f7. while I have two weak pawns.Bxe7 Qxe7 13.a5 Gata tries to attack. 1.Nbd2 e5 5. when White must surrender material with 23.Bxe6+ Rxe6 21. Surprised by the brilliance of the idea.Bd3 Be6 12. However.match as well as Karpov in a World Championship match in 1995. 9.Nf3 d6 3. I was still . Using the f4 square is a good place to start. I’m including this game in this “Beating Grandmasters” chapter even though I split the point with Gata. 18.g3 Gata’s position has improved a lot.Qxe6+ Nxe6.Qxe4 Nb6 11.e4 exd4 7.Qe2 dxe4 10. d4 Nf6 2.Kxh2 Qf6 . 34. 32.confident in my drawing chances because my rooks are active.Bd3 These days. The recent Mongoose Press series Wojo’s Weapons explores his approach to winning big Swiss tournaments with a style similar to my own.Kf5 Ra4 ½- ½ Jay Bonin – Aleksander Wojtkiewicz New York 2005 Aleksander Wojtkiewicz was a real talent of Latvian-Polish origin who dominated the American chess scene after emigrating here.R1c2 a5 30.Rc3 Rf6 The idea is …Ra6. 6…d6 7.Bh2 Be5 14.Bc2 Na6 11.e4 c6 6.Bf4 Nc5 12.Rb4+ Kc8 33.g4 Kd7 35.Kg3 Rb6 36.Re1 Nh5 13. renewing the threat of …a4-a3.h5 h6 44.c4 Bg7 4.0-0 exd4 9.Rxc2 Rxa3 42.f4 c5 46.Nf3 Bxh2+ 15.Nc3 0-0 5.bxa3 Rxc2 41.Nf3 g6 3. 1.Rfc1 Rd7 29.h4 a4 Trading off the a-pawn should make things easier.Nxd4 Re8 10.Rdc4 Rb7 38. a more solid if less aggressive square.h3 e5 8.Rd4+ Kc8 37. 40. I normally put the bishop on e2. 27…Ra2 28.f3 Ra7 39.Kg2 Rf7 31.Ke4 Kd6 45.Kf4 Kd7 43.Rc2 a3 This move seals the draw. Qxd6 Nxf3+ 25.Kxh3.Rxd8 Rxd8 32. Obviously.Kh2 Ne5 24.Rf4 Rf8 . 19. I can play 19. 30…Rad8 31. However. but a backward d-pawn.Qg3 Qh5+ 27.Rxe4 Now f7 is exposed. Likely best is likely 18.Qe3.Kg2 Qh6 28. but I also appear to have gotten away with the extra piece. 18.gxf3 Qxf3 26.Qd4 Qe6 22.Kg1 Bxd1 22. 18.Ne4 Bxe4+ 30.b4 Nd7? On 18…Ne6. Wojo missed a shot here with 18…Bg4!! 19. A double-edged position.gxh3 Qxf3 is good for Black.gxh3 Qe5+ 21.e5 Preparing Ne4.bxc5 Bxf3 20. 20…Nxc4 21.Nxd1.Qd2 Nf4 17. with a clear plus for Black. 28…Bf5 29. Black has the f4 square.Kg3 It looks like my king is sitting on an awkward square. 16.Rad1 Nxh3 Now the fun begins.Bb3 Qg4+ 23.Kxh3 Ne5+ 20. but I chose to muddy the waters with complications. Bd4 Perhaps 18.N1a2 White plans to counter with b2-b4.Nc1 Na6 13.Qc3+ 1-0 Kamil Miton – Jay Bonin New York 2005 First I had to face Wojo. the knight may be misplaced. 8.Be3 c5 A sound gambit. 1.Be2 Nc7 14.f3 0-0 6. 33. 10…h5 11.e6 fxe6 34. and next his protégé. 18…bxa4 .b4 c4 18. we have reached a Benoni.Bg5 h6 7.d5 e6 9. 16…b5 17.0-0 Rb8 15.Qd2 exd5 10.d4 Nf6 2. On a2.a4 a6 I really want to play …b7-b5. 16.cxd5 By transposition.a5 is better.Nge2 Re8 12.Nc3 Bg7 4.c4 g6 3. e4 d6 5.Bxe6+ Kh8 35. Qxd4 Nxd4 33.Rfe1 Qb6 In return for the pawn. 24…f5 Black breaks up White’s center. This strategy is a little risky. 21.Bxg7 Kxg7 23.Nc3 Here White could have won a key pawn with 31.Rac1 Nd7 22. 25. 30. which has been watching the game at a distance.Bxc4 Ne3 28.Nf2 Covering d3.Qd3 Kh6 .h3 Stopping ideas of …Ng4. 31…Rbe8 32. Another piece White might consider repositioning is the a2- knight. as my king could come under fire at some point. 31. 19. when Black’s superior piece activity is not quite enough compensation for White’s two-pawn advantage.N4c3 Bb5 Holding my passer. I break up my pawns to gain piece activity. 23…Ne5 24.f4 Ng4 27.Nxa4 Bd7 20.Rc6 Qd4 32. leaving the game equal. The b5 square looks juicy.Rxd6.exf5 gxf5 26. my pieces enjoy great activity.Nd1 White tries to reorganize. 30…Re7 I missed 30…Qd4.Bxb5 Nxb5 29. however.Kh1 Rg3 41.Nxb5 Qxb5 34. 39. though from a practical viewpoint it’s understandable why my opponent was reluctant to accept the sacrifice. but it runs into Black’s greater activity: 34…Qd4! 35.Qxd4 Nxd4 36.Qe6+ Rg6 42. when White is better.Ne2. Clearing the g-file for the rook.Ng3 Kg6. 35…fxg4 36.Nxg4+ Rxg4 38.Qd3 Qf3+ 42.Qxe4 Qf2+ 40.Nxc1 Nxd5.hxg4 Nxg4+ 37.Qxe4 Qf2+ 40. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Michael Rohde New York 1997 One of many encounters against my longtime rival. However. For instance. 33. and White’s queen would be able to create some distractions with checks and consolidate the material advantage. 33…Rg8 34. the weak d6-pawn could have been a target with 33. I’ve played more games against Rohde than anyone else – over 300 games dating back to 1974. 39.Qf3?? This.g4 This does not work out very well. 34…h4 35.Rc6. 39…Rgxf4 40. GM Michael Rohde. etc. my king is not that safe here.Ne4 Rxe4 Subsequent analysis shows that White can just eat the rook and weather the storm. he simply loses the d-pawn: 35…Qxd5 36. and Black stands better.Kh2 Again.Kh1 Rxf4 41. either.Rc4 Kh5. An alternative line is 39.g3 34.Nd3 Rc7 37.Qh3.Qg2 Rxe1 and White resigned before I could play 41…Rf2 pinning the queen to the king.Rg1 looks like a reasonable (if passive) response. etc.Qxf3 Rxf3 43. .Qxd5 Nxd5 37. loses immediately to a tactic. If instead White avoids the queen exchange with 35.Nd1 Rxc1 38. a5 Not sure where to place my pieces yet. as my other rook might go to b1. 14…Rxf7 15.Nxf7 At the board I felt pretty committed to this sacrifice.Bxa6 Rd8 15.Ng5 Nh5 12.Nc3 g6 4. 1.a4 Qc7 8. as retreating allows …Rfd8 and … Bc8-e6.Rfd1 I choose this rook. would have been a better way to go. 17…Be6 18. 8…e5 9.Qd8+ Qf8 Now I have the option of an ending where my rooks are more active and Black is tied up on the queenside. 11. when Black has solved all of his problems.d4 d6 2. My bishop comes to the active square c4 and focuses on tactical motifs around the f7 square. I decline the offer to double his pawns at the expense of the bishop pair. Looking at it now. although as I’ve just moved my light-squared bishop and Black’s knight is not very well placed on a6. it seems that 14.Be3 h6 14. 17.Bc4 This is a good place to start. 7.0-0 c6 Michael chooses an unusual line of the Pirc. with an equalish position. 6…Nc6 and 6…Bg4 are more popular.e4 Nf6 3.Be2 0-0 6.Bxf7+ Qxf7 He decides to capture with the queen so as to avoid any danger on the f-file.Nf3 Bg7 5. I decide to claim queenside space with this waiting move.dxe5 dxe5 10.Qe1 bxa6 16.Ne2 Qe7 13.Nf3. 16.f3 Kf7 .Qxf8+ Bxf8 19. 10…Na6 Tempting. 30.axb6 axb6 31. when 30…hxg4 is met by 31. but the ship has already sailed.Kf2 Nxd3+ 25.c3 Overprotecting b4 and more or less forcing Black to reroute his knight via b8. 20. If everything goes according to plan. Why not 19…Nc5? This knight doesn’t see daylight otherwise. too late. This would allow my b1-rook to swing over to the h-file and invade with decisive effect before Black had a chance to coordinate his forces.Rxh3 anyway. this rook now holds the b-pawn. 23…Nf4 24. my rook will penetrate on the h- file and I’ll have a passed g-pawn. though understandably Black is striving to open a file for his encumbered pieces. I play 30. 26…Nb8 27.Nd3 Bd6 22. the only real target for the poorly placed a6-knight. On 29…h5.g4 b6 Here 29…Nd7 seems best. This proves to be too little.Nc1 Destination: d3.Rxd3 So I have the d-file.Rxh3 Nd7 Finally.Rxh6 Nf8 33. 22…Bc7 23. I also spotted the pawn push h2-h4 as a new breakthrough possibility on the opposite wing. and I threaten …b7-b5 opening another front. 32. the knight comes into play. which will be awkward as the a8-rook still has yet to be developed. 20…g5 21.Rh8 Kf7 34.b4 Now c5 is in my control. 25…Ke7 26.Bh6 1-0 .Rh1 h3 29.Rh7+. Here.Rab1 As advertised.h4 gxh4 28. 9…e5 10. then the pressure on c2 gives Black some initiative. he prepares to castle long and launches a pawn assault right in the opening.Bxc6 Qxc6 12. so I again cautiously cover squares with pawns and wait.c3 Qh7 Black can do damage on this diagonal.Ng1 Redeploying to e2 via the g1 square. 18. this would drop the c7-bishop: 34…Re8 35. 4…Bf5 5. I thought the knight had more options here because if it goes to d2 now it doesn’t have much further to go.Bg5 f6 3.Bf4 Nc6 4.Nc3 0-0-0 and Black has some pull.Rh7+ Ke8 37. I thought that my opponent could play on for a while after 34…Re8. 1.Ba4 If I take.exd4 Na5 14. 15…Ne7 16. 5…Qd7 6.Bg3 h5 8. With this victory in hand. However. 11…b5 12.Nf3 Bg4 is annoying.0-0 N6a5 .a4 Nc6 17.Bb3 exd4 13. Therefore. for instance 11.d4 d5 2.Ra2 A convenient way to defend.Rxc7. 7. While I have been playing waiting moves. my opponent resigned.e3 4.a3 I want to play c2-c4 but …Nb4 is threatened. and now a3-a4 is in the air.Bb5 a6 11.h4 g4 9. I went on to win my third New York State Champion title! Jay Bonin – Alexander Shabalov New York 2014 Here we see another victory against the talented GM Alexander Shabalov. A good start but poor finish for me in this edition of Foxwoods.Bxf8 Rxf8 36.Nf3 g5 This is why Shabalov is such a great player: consistent aggression.Ne2 Nc4 15. so I delay committing my pieces with this waiting move. With my back against the wall, I go into sac mode almost instinctively. 19.Nf4 Nxb3 20.Nxd5 This in-between move initiates complications that work out in my favor. 20…0-0-0 Castling at long last, but there are weaknesses around the king. 21.Nxf6 Qg6 22.axb5 Nca5 I have many pawns for my piece. and Black’s king lacks cover. 23.Nd2 Be6? This natural-looking move loses. Now I’ll be a rook down, but I open a new path to the black king. Better would have been the clever 23…Bc2, though even here White emerges with an advantage thanks to his queenside pawns, e.g. 23…Bc2 24.Qe2 Qxf6 25.Nxb3 Bxb3 26.Rxa5 Qe6 27.Qxe6+ Bxe6 28.bxa6 Bc4 29.Rb1 Kd7 30.b3 Bd3 31.Re1 Ra8 32.c4. 24.Rxa5 Nxa5 25.Qa4 Qxf6 26.Qxa5 Threatening mate. 26…Bd6 On 26…Rd7, 27.bxa6 is strong, though 27.Be5 is simple and decisive. 27.Ne4 Qf5 28.Nc5 A killer. The knight is immune from capture and a new mate threat appears. 28…Rdf8 29.Qxa6+ Kd8 30.Bxd6 Bc8 31.Qa5 1-0 31…Qf7 32.b6 wins. Jay Bonin – Mikhail Kekelidze New York 2013 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 Another unorthodox favorite of mine to steer away from the main lines. 3…Bg7 4.Nbd2 0-0 5.c3 d5 6.Bxf6 exf6 Very clever. On 6…Bxf6, I play 7.e4 and gain space. After the game move, 7.e4 is not possible (7.e4 dxe4 8.Nxe4 Re8). 7.e3 c6 8.c4 But this break is – and, against this doubled-pawn structure, it’s a good idea to hammer away at d5. 8…dxc4 9.Bxc4 f5 The black bishop is freed up, but the white bishop’s scope is cut down. 10.0-0 Nd7 11.Rc1 c5 It’s dangerous to open the game when behind in development. 11…Nb6-d5 followed by … Be6 is more solid. 12.Nb3 cxd4 13.Nbxd4 Qe7 14.Qb3 Nb6 15.Bb5 Trying to provoke the weakening …a7-a6. 15…Rd8 16.Rfd1 f4 17.exf4 Bg4 18.Re1 Qf6 19.h3 Bxf3 20.Nxf3 Qxf4 Perhaps 20…Qxb2 is superior to this move from a practical standpoint, as it gives Black a 2-to-1 queenside majority after the queen trade. 21.g3 Qf5 22.Rc7 The f7 square could be a nice target. 22…Rd5? An interesting but incorrect rook lift. 22…Rf8 or 22…Qd5 would have held the crucial squares. 23.Be8! Black had not considered this surprising move. The f7-pawn falls and Black’s king is encircled by enemy forces. 23…Kh8 24.Rxf7 Qh5 25.Ree7 With two rooks on the seventh, it’s over now. 25…Qxh3 26.Rxg7 Winning, but missing the more elegant mate in four 26.Rf8+ Bxf8 27.Qc3+ Rd4 28.Qxd4+ Kg8 29.Bf7#. 26…Rh5 27.Qg8# 1-0 Jay Bonin – Irina Krush New York 2013 As of this writing, Irina Krush is a 7-time U.S. Women’s Champion, as well as the first American woman to earn the grandmaster title. This game was published in the “My Best Move” column in Chess Life magazine in June 2015. 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.c4 d5 4.Nbd2 I like this early Nd2 in the Queen’s Gambit. 4…Be7 Conservative; 4…c5 should be tried here. 5.g3 0-0 6.Bg2 b6 Taking on c4 is less desirable because from c4 the knight would exert influence on e5 and a5. 7.0-0 Bb7 8.b3 c5 9.Bb2 Nc6 Here 9…Nbd7 is in order, as explained in the next note. 10.cxd5 Nxd5 11.dxc5 With Black’s knight on d7, I would not make this capture. As things stand, now the position opens up in White’s favor. 11…Bxc5 12.a3 a5 13.Nc4 Qe7 14.e4 Gaining space. 14…Nf6 15.e5 Nd5 16.Nfd2 This looks wrong, but it has a nice tactical point. 16…b5 17.Ne4 The point: I get a great attack on the kingside. 17…bxc4 18.bxc4 Ne3 On 18…Nc7, I have 19.Nf6+ with a strong offensive. 19.fxe3 Bxe3+ 20.Kh1 Rad8 21.Qh5 Ne4-f6+ is threatened again, though now it is even stronger as I also have the f-file. 21…h6 22.Rf3 More ammunition. 22…Bd4 This looks like it holds. 23.Nf6+ Kh8 24.Bc1! Now h6 is the fatal target. Clearly worth the rook on a1. 24…Bxe5? This doesn’t help, although intuitively it looks like it should. Black now loses, though my famous opponent missed the continuation 24…Bxa1! 25.Bxh6 Rd1+ 26.Bf1 gxf6 27.Bc1+ Kg7 28.Qg4+ Kh8 29.Qh5+ Kg7 30.Qg4+, when White must take the perpetual as there is no mate and I have sacrificed more than I can get back. 25.Bxh6 Bxf6 26.Rxf6 Qxf6 27.Bg5+ Kg8 28.Bxf6 The rest is easy. 28…gxf6 29.Rf1 Rd7 30.Qg4+ Kh7 31.Rxf6 1-0 Black cannot avoid mate. Mikhail Kekelidze – Jay Bonin New York 2012 Not the flashiest win in the world, but a victory nonetheless. 1.d4 d6 2.e4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5 4.dxe5 dxe5 5.Qxd8+ Kxd8 6.Bc4 Be6 7.Bxe6 fxe6 I have had this position a few times now, making draws with top American grandmasters like Tamaz Gelashvili and Giorgi Kacheishvili. This defense is basically a drawing weapon, but it also tempts the first player to overreach as the doubled e-pawns are not easy to exploit. This is precisely what happens in this game, as my opponent strained too hard with an illusory advantage and wound up with a losing position instead. 8.Be3 Nbd7 Intending …Bf8-c5. 9.0-0-0 Bb4 10.f3 Bxc3 11.bxc3 So I double his pawns, too, and now my chances improve. I have the c4 square for a knight someday as well. 11…Ke7 12.Nh3 c5 Overprotecting d4 in case White plays f2-f4. 13.Rd2 Rhc8 I’m not worried about the d-file yet, as I have the idea …Rc8-c6-a6 with counterplay against White’s weak pawns. 14.Rhd1 Rc6 15.Bg5 Nb6 16.f4 White strikes. 16…h6 17.fxe5 hxg5 18.exf6+ gxf6 19.e5 fxe5 20.Nxg5 Rg8 21. h4 e4 Now it all comes down to tactical tricks in time pressure. 22.Nxe4 Rg4 recovers the pawn, while I have the idea of playing …e4-e3 to distract White’s rooks and activate my knight with tempo gain. 22.Re2 e3 As advertised, the idea is to play …Nc4 with tempo as this pawn is doomed anyway. 23.Rxe3 Nc4 24.Rf3 Rg7 25.Re1 Ra6 Now the a-pawn falls, as 26.Kb1 is met by 26…Nd2+. 26.g4 Rxa2 Threatening mate. 27.Rxe6+ Kd7 28.Kd1? The losing move – time pressure was a factor here. I am certain that my opponent thought that, after 28….Rxg5 29.hxg5, the g-pawn would queen as the rook cuts the king off from attacking the passers. However, Black has a way to stop both pawns with 29…Kxe6 30.g6 Ra4 31.g7 Nb2+ 32.Kc1 Rxg4 Kxb2 a6 34.Kb3 Rxg7, when Black is on top. Of course, the simple 28.Rd3+ Kc7 29.Kb1 is good enough for a winning advantage. 28…Rxg5! 0-1 This game just goes to show that even a solid grandmaster can overreach in a simple- looking position. Michael Rohde – Jay Bonin New York 1988 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 c5 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Be3 Qb6 Times have changed a lot. Today my preference is 7…a6 followed by 8…b5. 8.Na4 Qa5+ 9.c3 cxd4 10.b4 Nxb4 A sharp piece sacrifice. The compensation comes in the form of queenside pressure together with the fact that the queen’s knight will be stuck on a4 for a while, from which it has no good squares to jump to. In addition, Black gets tremendous piece activity. 11.cxb4 Bxb4+ 12.Bd2 Bxd2+ 13.Nxd2 b6 Preparing to play …Bc8-a6 and bolstering c5. 14.Bd3 Ba6 15.Nb2 Nc5 Taking over the d3 square and angling to penetrate White’s camp with a knight, perhaps on the outpost e4. 16.Bxa6 Qxa6 Further compensation now: White cannot castle. 17.Nb3 Or 17.Qe2 Qa3, threatening …Qxb2 and …Nd3+. 17…Rc8 18.Nxd4 Ne4 19.Qd3 Qa5+ 20.Kf1 0-0 Completing development. I try to grab the c-file while White is still busy untangling himself. 21.Nd1 He was worried about …Rc8-c3, though I have another entry square for my rook. 21…Rc4 22.Nb3 Qb4 23.g3 Of course not 23.a3 Qxb3 24.Qxb3 Nd2+. 23…Rfc8 24.Kg2 Rc2+ On 35. He came to NYC in 1975 and was the first grandmaster I ever played in a live tournament game. as 28. 31. 28…Rxf2 29.fxg5 allows 36…Qg4#. while White’s d1-knight only serves to disconnect his forces.Kh3 h5 Setting up a mating net.d4 Nf6 2. 25. 6.Nd1 Despite having a rook and two knights for the queen.Nc1 Rd2 32. 29…Re2 30. 35…g5 seals the deal.Kh4 is answered by 28…Qe7+ 29.e4 e5 The Old Indian.Ng2 Qe4 The winner.Be2 a6 .c4 d6 3. 0-1 Jay Bonin – Leonid Shamkovich New York 1987 Leonid Shamkovich was one of the earliest Russian immigrants to arrive on the New York chess scene. He won. The rook stops by for a visit on the second rank.Ne3 Re2 34.Rf1 a5 The threat of a passed pawn is a further worry. 26. but several years later I was able to get my revenge.Kh6 Ng4#. as 36. a very stodgy defense that I often employ myself.Nxc3 Nf2+ 28.Qe3 R8c3 Decisive – this wins by taking advantage of White’s overloaded pieces.Nb3 Rc2 33. White lacks the coordination necessary to mobilize his forces.Kxh5 g6+ 30. 1.Nf3 Nbd7 4. 27.Nh4.Nc3 c6 5.Qxf2 And the queen must go. Bb3 Bc8 19.Rd1.Bxe6 fxe6. occupy c5 with a knight someday. 22…Ng7 23.Rb1 This move is intended to gain my own space. 11…a5 12.Qe2 Ndf6 18.axb4 Qc7 15. when his position looks ugly but remains solid as it’s hard to get at those doubled pawns.dxe5 dxe5 11.Qc2 axb4 14.a3 0-0 13.Bb2 Now I target e5.Ng5 Rad8 Maybe Black needs to try 23…Ne6 24.0-0 Be7 8. 16…g6 17. possibly. .g3 No …f7-f5-f4 for you.c5 This move not only gains more space. Black has no point of entry on the a-file for his pieces. 19…Bh3 20.Rfd1 Nd7 21. Hinting at a …b7-b5 pawn break? 7.Nxe6 Bxe6 25.Bd1 A natural move here would be 15.b4 Bb7 10. 8…b5 9. as trying to prevent Leonid from playing … b7-b5 with a2-a4 would only weaken squares and invite Black to play …a6-a5! and. it also ensures that the black b7-bishop will remain unhappy for a long time.Rd2 Getting out of the pin. I try to transfer my king’s bishop to a more useful diagonal where it pressures the f7 square. 21…Bg4 22. 15…Nh5 16.Qe3 Eyeing h6. 26. 25.Rxd8 Rxd8 29. but the long-term disadvantage on the dark squares remains.gxf4 Now f4-f5 is in the air.Ne2 Covering d4 and preparing f2-f4 to pry open the dark squares. when I can play 26. though I’m happy to trade rooks.Qb3 is very strong. 27.Qe3 Qd7 35. 31…f6 32. then 28. .Qxg5 Be6 Better than 25…Bxh3. 31.Qc3 This in-between move forces Black to loosen his king’s cover.Ne2. followed by Nd4 hitting c6. 24. but now the dark squares get very weak.f5 wins.h3 Bxg5 Forced.Bxe6 Nxe6 Black has solved a major problem with this bishop trade. 31.f5 Rd1+ Black looks to relieve the pressure through this exchange. 29…Ne8 30.f4 exf4 On 30…f6.Qe3 Nf6 If 27…Nd4. while 31…Qf7 hangs the e5-pawn. 34. as if 31…N8g7 then 32.Qh6 with an attack.Qb3 Qf7 33. 28. 33…Rd2 Black seeks counterplay. 4.f3 .Be2 Re8 Going for pressure against the e-pawn.Bh6 Wins by force: 44…Kf7 45. Along the way. 1. 1-0 Bosko Abramović – Jay Bonin New York 1985 When talking about my best tournaments.Nd5. The following game is my win from that event against the Serbian GM Bosko Abramović.Nd4 Nc7 44. 11.He would have been better served to keep the tension. White will probably play 11. and fellow IMs Bernard Zuckerman and Igor Ivanov. 12. 10.Qxh3 Nxf6 39. 40…Qb3 41.Bxf3 e5 Consistent.d4 Bg7 3. for instance with 35…gxf5 36.h3 8.Qd2 Ned7 13.Rxd1 Qxd1+ 37.Be3 Nc6 8.5/9 and earned my final IM norm.Qe4 Now c6 is the problem. 36.exf5 Ng5 37.Re1 when.exf5 N6g7 39. I Intend to trade on f3 anyway.Bxf6 Nxh3+ 38.Nc3 0-0 6.Kf2 gxf5 38.Bxg7 Kxg7 46.Bc1 The bishop finds a new diagonal.Be2 Nf6 5.d5 is a move here.Be3 Qd5 This solves nothing.e4 g6 2. Black stands slightly better. people often bring up my performance at the 1986 New York Open. But I also had a standout performance in the same event the previous year.Ne6+ and I queen the c-pawn. I want to conquer the d4 square. if anything. and Eugenio Torre.dxe5 Nxe5 If 10…dxe5. 8…Bxf3 9. 42. as the ensuing endgame leaves me winning.0-0 Bg4 7. when I scored 5.Qxd5 cxd5 43. 39…Kf8 40.Nf3 d6 Today I choose the Pirc Defense. I made many draws against notables like GMs Shamkovich. Walter Browne. then 20…Nxd5 21.f5 g5 I prevent a line from opening up for White. This natural move weakens the dark squares.Be3 Bxe3+ 18. If 20. followed by …Nh4-g3 and taking on e4. The battle lines are drawn! 14…Nb6 15. 23.f6 d4 Deflecting the queen from g3.Bc4 White has his sights on f7. If 17.Kh1 Rad8 A useful in-between move.Bf3.Qf2 gxh3 He cannot trade queens. 19.f4 is a blunder.Kh2 g4 The only way to stop …g4-g3. 13…Nh5 14.Nxd5. I can go back to e5 with the knight and offer a draw. 22.Qxd4 Qg3+ 24. lock it up and at the same time make possible …g5-g4 opening my own lines. 25. 17. on pain of dropping the exchange. The counterattack begins. the dark squares are weaker. which would weaken e4. 16.f4 d5 Black must react quickly to the threat of f4-f5.Bg5 Bd4+ This tactical trick gives White another chance to draw. 20.Bxd5 c6. then 17…Be5+ and now 18. On 13. .Kh2.Qxe3 Qh4 With the black bishops off the board.Bb3 Be5 Trying to provoke f3-f4. 21. 34. .Kxh2 Nxf1 32.Qxg2 Qh4+ 29.Kxg2 Rxe4 29.Kg2 Rxf6 Finally removing the annoying f-pawn.Qxg2+ hxg2+ 28.Qh2 Ng3+ 30. 32.Kg5 The white king walks the gangplank to his doom.Rxf1 Re5. 26. Better was keeping the queens on the board for a while longer and complicating with something like the following creative line starting on the previous move: 25. 30.Kg1 Qxh2+ 31.Kg4 h5+ 34.Qf2 hxg2+ 28.Kh3 Nf4+ 33. 26…Qxg2+ Even in the ensuing endgame.Ne2 White’s position was already quite bad. White remains worse. 27. my initiative remains strong and here White is just lost after the queen trade.Bxf7 Kh8 27. but things remain complicated. now it’s easy.Kf3 Rde8 There are too many threats along the e-file.Kg3 would have made things a little harder for me.Nc3 Rf4+ 31.Qc5 gxh3 26. but there’s no coming back from this forcing exchange of pieces. Rad1 Nf8 37. or 39.e4 e6 2.Kh4 Not 35. but his king needs a home.a4 c5 White has the bishop pair.Ba4 Rg6 14.a5 Qc7 11.Qxg7 Rg8 8. 4.Qf4 As usual. .Kxf6 Nd7#! 35…Nd7 And now the other knight comes around to finish business.Kf2 Nd5+ 40. 0-1 Alexander Lenderman – Jay Bonin New York 2014 1. Therefore. 6…Nf6 7. 10.Bxf4 c4 After this.Nc3 Bb4 The Winawer.Kh2 Rh3#. I’m happy to trade queens as I won’t have to worry about getting mated anytime soon.Kg2 Nh4+ winning an exchange or mating.Ne2 a6 13. 36.bxc3 dxe4 6. A favorite.Qg4 Alex opts for a sharp line.Kg3 Re3+ Now there is the unpleasant choice of 39.0-0 when the position is complicated but the bishops may outclass the knights if the center comes open.Rg1+ N8g6+ 38.Bb5 Ke7 12.d4 d5 3.a3 Bxc3+ 5. White should play 16.Qh6 Nbd7 9. 34…Re5+ 35. 14…Qxf4 15. 18.fxe3 Ne4+ 23.Rxa8 Bxa8 29.Nf4 Bc6 30.d5 b5 4.e4 Bg4 I play thematically for control of the dark squares. 22.d4 Nf6 2. 5.Ra2 Rg8 31. 7.Rb2 N7f6 19.Rxh7. I found that White could have made my job a little harder with 27.Bxc4 Nbd7 8.hxg3 Rxg3 Practically speaking.Ra1 e3+ The breakthrough.Bg3 f5 Now I have the initiative and soon the a4-bishop will be left out of the action.Ke1 Nxe3 24. 0-1 In the post-mortem analysis. 20.Kd2 b5 A tactical trick to activate my bishop.Be2 Bxf3 9. though here I’m quite happy as I’ve managed to open the b-file without giving up a pawn for it.Bb5!.Rb1 Nd5 17.Nc3 d6 6.axb6 Bb7 21.Ra7+ Kd6 32.Nf3 bxc4 I play the Benko Gambit sparingly.Nf4 Nxg2+ 25. 16.gxf3 . Mikhail Kekelidze – Jay Bonin New York 2014 1. there are too many threats to answer. so White resigns.c4 c5 3.Nxg2 Nxg3 26. jettisoning the bad pieces and exchanging a pair of rooks to escape into an ending where White is only slightly worse after 27…axb5 28. Nd1 He could have tried 20.Kf1 Bd4 My bishop joins the party on the dark squares.Bxh5 gxh5 14.Qf3 Already in retreat. and is running out of useful moves to make. 20…Rg8 Finally my king’s rook gets involved. 16. although even the power of prayer here would come up short. so I opt for keeping my king in the center. 21. With this capture.Be3 Bxe3 19.b3 . 15…c4 This is a typical Benko Gambit maneuver that is played to vacate the square c5 for a Bonin Knight.e5 now and prayed. 17. 20.Nd1 Nf6 White cannot even play e4-e5. 9…g6 10.h5 Nxh5 13.Qxh5 Qa5 15. as 9…0-0 would put His Majesty directly into the line of fire. White signals his intent to attack along the g-file.Nxe3 Qa4 With an eye on the e-pawn.h4 Here he comes! 11…Rb8 12. 18.Ne3 c3 22. The position is very double-edged.f4 Bg7 11. Rxc1 Qxc1+ 0-1 All through the game. 8…Bd7 9. but the game move just loses. which we’ve seen several times now.Ke2 Qb2+ 25. my king sat safely on e8 and watched the fireworks on the wings. .cxd4 Nc6 12.Nf3 g6 3.Bxd7+ Qxd7 10.cxd5 Nxd5 6. 27.Nc3 d5 5. 22.0-0 cxd4 11. 22…Rxb3! The passed pawn is now is a monster. Jay Bonin – Alexander Bagratoni New York 2014 1.e5 c1Q+ 28.Kd3 Qd2+ 26.axb3 Qxa1+ 24.bxc3 Nxe4 is not great for White.e4 Nxc3 7.bxc3 c5 8.Bb5+ My pet line in the Grünfeld. 23. Black should probably hold off trading on d4.Kc4 c2 And I queen.d4 Nf6 2.Bb2 And this is my favorite plan in my favorite variation. as releasing the tension makes White’s task easier.c4 Bg7 4. Nxf7. 18…Qe8 19. 22…Rxa2 23.d6 Nb7 26. 12…0-0 13. 23…Qf8 We’re both in time pressure as this is Game/30. 26…Rac2 27. 21. 24.h5 Rc4 20.Nf3 Preparing e4-e5 and d5-d6.Qf4 Rfd8 18.Ne5 Rc2 22.h4 Getting ready to use my h-pawn as a battering ram to further weaken Black’s kingside.Ng5? . 25.Qf6 White prepares Rb4-h4.Qh6 when obviously 17…Nxb2?? is met by 18.Re1 Rdc8 On 20…Rxd5. 14…Bxb2 15.d5 Getting the central majority going and preparing the bishop trade to weaken the kingside. I have 21.Rb4 I gamble the a-pawn. 16…b6 17. hoping to use the b4-rook for an attack.Rxb2 Rac8 16.e5 e6 Panic.Rb1 Na5 14. then 17.Ng5 with a good game.Qd2 This sets up a cheapo: If 16…Nc4.Ne5 Ra4 22. g5 This will slow him down. Missing the decisive idea 27.Qe7 Rb8 30. 1. White prevents this idea and signals his intent to attack with his kingside pawns now. it looks as though White missed a chance to win the h7-pawn.Bd3 Re8 12. if instead 12.c4 e6 3.Qc2 Be7 8.Bf4 c6 7.Be5 0-0 11. so I play… 12…g6 …with the idea of “fianchettoing” my knight on g7 and playing …Bf5 to hold back the coming storm and buy some time for my attack on the opposite flank. then after 13…Kf8 14. but that line doesn’t quite work with his king still stuck in the center.Nxd4 Bxd4 Black is doing just fine. 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 13.e3 Ne6 10.Ng5. For instance.0-0-0 At first glance.Kb1 a5 Here we go! 14.Bxh7+.g4 b5 15.cxd5 exd5 6.Rh4 Qg7 29. so he decides to castle.Bf5 Nxd4 15. 27…Nc5 In extreme time pressure. I stopped keeping score at this point. 15…Nh5 Occupying h5.hxg6 hxg6 28.h3 Nf8 9. 1-0 Anthony Miles – Jay Bonin New York 1994 My game against Great Britain’s first GM.Nf3 Nbd7 5.Nc3 Nf6 4. The push h2-h4-h5 is the preferred plan. With the text move.d4 d5 2. when something has to give. though I went on to win from this dominating position. . Bf3 Nxd4 39. Where does the queen go? 44.Nhf3 Rac8 24.Nh2 Qa5 Preparing …b5-b4.h4 a4 Black intends to break with …a4-a3.Ne1 Bd7 36.Qe2 Bg7 25.Bh2 Why not trade? The g7-bishop might make life miserable. 25…a3 26.Qe1 Nc3+ 29.Qd2 Bg4 35. White decides not to concede the light squares.Nd3 Nf5 38.h5 White finally gets this break in.b3 Ne4 Aiming for c3.Bxf8 Kxf8 34. 37.Nf4 Be4 43.Qe3 Bf5 45. 40…Bf5 41. 32.Ne2 c5 Since b5 is attacked only once.Be2 Ng7 Next stop: the f5 square. 39…Qb8 40.Bd6 Bf8 33. exd4 At last opening the e-file. now is the time to open the c-line.16.hxg6 hxg6 42.Rxc8 Rxc8 28.Ne2 .Ka1 Re8 30.Rg1 Qc5 31.Qc1 Qc8 …Bd7-g4 is the idea. 43…Nb1! A funny move.Rc1 b4 Now intending …b4-b3. 17. 27. but it works.Qd1 Bf8 23.Bd1 The bishop will be passive here. 22.dxc5 Nxc5 20. 19.Qg3 Qb6 46. 18.Nd4 Bd7 21. Rxg6 d3 60. this move misses a mating idea: 47…Qc7! 48. 46…Rxe2! The crusher.Rc1 d2 63.Qh4 Obviously not 47.f4 Rd2 56.Rf1 Kd6 55.g6 fxg6 59. 52. with …Nc3# to follow.Rh1 Re2 64.Bxf5 Rb2+ 53.Kc2 Re1 0-1 .Kb1 d4 57.Ka1 gxf5 54. but Tony soldiers on. 48.Qh8+ Ke7 49.Rg1 Rf2 61.Qc3 Qxc3#.Rd1 Kd4 62. 47.Kxb1 Rd2 It’s easy now.f4 Be4 51.Qg3 Qxg3 49.Bc2 Qxd4+ 50.Rg1 Kd5 58.Qxd4 Rxd4 51.Rh3 Rxd1. 47…Re4 While still winning.Rxg3 Re1 50.Bxe2 Qxd4+ 48. both as an avid reader of Chess Informant as well as a fan of Laszlo Polgár’s book Chess. while others may be tricky enough to give pause even to masters. in the diagram taken from the game J. but the missteps that led to them. and overloading. Happy Solving! . Balck – J. but – just as importantly – the route taken by the players to arrive at the fork. While many of the problems feature back-rank weaknesses. though numbers 22-23 and 81-82 are taken from the same game and notated accordingly. my favorite positions involve finding a tactical path to simplification into a technically won ending. it is White to move. I never had a coach. Similarly. which features a similar chapter of problems taken from his three famous daughters’ games with complete scores given in place of solutions. Frumkin (#85). and taking the time to thoroughly understand the critical positions in the games published there. Bonin (#99). it is Bonin to move. Ultimately. I learned by playing stronger opposition and subjecting my own games to the same scrutiny. Bonin – E. I would try to understand not just the tactics that occurred in a game.Chapter 9 Tactical Potpourri hen asked about my own study habits. or – more directly – when someone asks. W how did you make it to 2400?”. The idea for this format has always appealed to me. you will find 100 diagrams taken from my own games. and in the ’70s and ’80s as I was climbing the rating list. Rather than give engine-like positions out of context. there is only one diagram per game. Generally. the reader will appreciate not just the brutal truth of the fork on the board. chess engines. “Jay. this meant that as an autodidact I had little in the way of formal training other than what was available in Chess Informants and Shakmatny Byulletens when I could find them. whole games are presented with the moves actually played by both sides following the diagram/puzzle section. game databases. By playing through the score of the game. it is Black to move. and computers in general were neither as powerful nor as ubiquitous as they are today. forks. Some of the tactics will be immediately obvious to strong players. with minimal commentary where necessary. Taken together with the fact that the Internet had not yet created the possibility for the instantaneous and free exchange of information. In each position. In this chapter. So in the diagram taken from the game E. I don’t always have a great answer. Schlonsky – J. J. Chen New York 2015 . Bonin New York 2015 2. 1. Bonin – V. A. 3. Bonin Philadelphia 1998 . Rajlich – J. J. Bonin – K. V. Dolgitser New York 1995 4. Bonin New York 1998 6. I. Bonin – A. J. Krush – J. Karklins Philadelphia 1995 . 5. Tegshsuren – J. 7.S. Chess League 2005 8. E. Bonin – S. Bonin U. Muhammad New York 2001 . J. Bonin – M. Kreitner – J. Bonin Philadelphia 2000 10. J. 9. I. Hehir New York 2012 . J. J. Relingado New York 2012 . 11. Hellner New York 2012 12. Bonin – A. Bonin – W. Hess – J. Bonin – L. R. J. Bonin New York 2003 . Pressman New York 2012 14. 13. J. Rolletschek – J. Bonin New York 1990 16. 15. H. Feuerstein New Jersey 1999 . Bonin – A. Berg – J. Bonin New York 2014 18. W. G. 17. Hellner – J. Bonin New York 2000 . Bonin – P. Taylor – J. T. Bonin New York 2014 . Berner New York 2014 20. 19. J. Chess League 2007 . 21.S. Bonin U. D. Pruess – J. Braylovsky New York 2007 22. Bonin – G. J. 23. Bonin U.S. D. J. Pruess – J. Chess League 2007 24. Moore New Jersey 2007 . Bonin – D. Berg New York 2006 26. N. J. 25. Cardenas – J. Bonin – G. Bonin New York 2014 . Terminotto New York 2014 . 27. Bonin – H. Harden – J. Bonin New York 2014 28. J. Albano – J. Yagiz New York 2014 . Bonin – B. Bonin New York 2015 30. 29. J. L. Mena New York 2014 . Pressman – J. 31. Bonin – C. J. Bonin New York 2015 32. Bonin New York 2014 . Juac New York 2014 34. J. Bonin – M. Vitoux – J. C. 33. Fuchs – J. Bonin – S. 35. Djurić World Open. B. Philadelphia 1986 . J. Bonin New York 2014 36. Bonin – E. Bonin New Jersey 2006 38. Stepa – J. Gaillard New York 2005 . D. J. 37. R.S. 39. Bonin – R. Costigan U. J. Johnson – J. Bonin Minneapolis 2005 . Chess League 2005 40. Bonin Philadelphia 2011 42. Bonin New York 2015 . J. C. Gu – J. 41. Margiotta – J. Bonin New York 2013 . E. Bonin – M. J. 43. Uminer New York 2012 44. Rosenberg – J. 45. J. Bonin – E. Cimafranca New York 2014 46. J. Bonin – Dennis Fan Li New York 2015 47. R. Olsen – J. Bonin New York 2015 48. J. Bonin – D. Penkalski USA 1993 49. R. Krant – J. Bonin New York 1993 50. J. Bonin – M. Belorusov New York 2001 51. J. Bonin – R. Simonaitis New York 2015 52. J. Bonin – A. Simutowe New York 2001 53. D. Ippolito – J. Bonin New York 2001 54. J. Bonin – S. Shchukin Philadelphia 2000 55. J. Bonin – J. Colas Brooklyn 2015 56. Y. Zatz – J. Bonin New Jersey 2001 57. E. Bannon – J. Bonin Philadelphia 2001 58. J. Bonin – P. Saint-Amand Philadelphia 2001 59. J. Bonin – S. Ginert New York 2001 60. E. Kopiecki – J. Bonin New York 2005 Hanken Philadelphia 2003 62. 61. R. Bonin New York 2003 . Bonin – J. Hess – J. J. Agaian – J. 63. Bonin – D. Kedyk New York 2003 . J. S. Bonin New York 2003 64. V. Bonin Philadelphia 1998 . Oresick – J. Bonin New Jersey 1999 66. Rajlich – J. R. 65. 67. Cortese New York 2013 . Bonin U. Martirosov – J. Chess League 2011 68. Bonin – A.S. J. V. K.S. J. Davidson – J. Bonin – E. Epp U. Bonin New York 2013 70. 69. Senior Open 2012 . 71. Bonin – A. J. Bonin – W. Hellner New York 201 . Bokiev New York 2014 72. J. Large – J. P. 73. J. Westin London 1987 74. Bonin London 1987 . Bonin – B. Young New York 1988 76. Bonin – J. Bonin – R. Lewis New York 1991 . J. 75. J. Hall Philadelphia 1991 78. J. J. Bonin – C. 77. Bonin – K. Burger Philadelphia 1990 . Bonin – L. 79. J. Song New York 1990 80. Braun New York 1992 . J. Bonin – P. Lawrence Bezviner – J. J. Lawrence Bezviner – J. Bon New York 1992 . Bonin New York 1992 82. 81. Bonin – Y. Marcus Philadelphia 1991 84. J. Bonin – B. Izrayelit New York 2014 . J. 83. J. Shapiro – J. Frumkin New York 2014 86. Bonin New York 1989 . D. Bonin – E. 85. J. Bonin New York 2014 88. S. 87. Balck New York 2014 . Bonin – E. Cappelan – J. J. 89. Belorusov New York 2001 90. J. Vuličević New York 1992 . Bonin – N. Bonin – M. Bannon – J. 91. King – J. E. Bonin Philadelphia 2001 92. Bonin New York 2012 . A. Pressman New York 2012 . Bonin – L. Ballantine New York 2012 94. 93. J. J. Bonin – R. 95. J. Bernstein New York 2012 96. Bonin New York 2014 . Bonin – N. Offermann – J. 97. Margiotta New York 2013 . Jr. J. New York 2013 98. Bonin – J. Black. Bonin – J. J. E. Schmauch New Jersey 2000 . Bonin – B. J. Bonin New York 2014 100. 99. Balck – J. d5 Bxf3 7.Rfe1 Rfc8 15.f4 Ned7 10.Ne4 0-1 . A.e4 Nc6 2.Rxd4 Re8 25.Rbd1 Qc7 22.Kh1 Nb6 16.Be2 g6 6.Nf3 d6 3.Rad1 Qb4 17.Solutions 1.Be2 Bg7 9.Rb1 Nc4 18.Nc3 Bg4 5.Be3 0-0 11. Schlonsky – J.0-0 c6 12.Bd4 Rac8 21.Qd2 cxd5 13.Rde4 Nf6 27.d4 Nf6 4.g3 Qh3 29.Re7 Qc8 28.Bxf3 Ne5 8. Bonin New York 2015 1.Qe2 Qd7 23.Bxc4 Rxc4 19.exd5 Qa5 14.Qxe7 23…Rxd4! 24.Qxe8+ Nxe8 26.a3 Qa5 20. cxb5 c5 18.Rc7 Rad8 23.g3 Bf5 7. Chen New York 2015 1. 2.d4 Bg6 11.Nf3 Nd7 8.0-0 Qc7 10.e3 Bf6 15.Bxf6 exf6 4.c4 Be7 5.Nb6! Nxb6 25.Rb1 Qa4 24.Rc1 f5 13. J.Bb2 d6 3.Bg2 0-0 9. Bonin – V.Qf3 cxd4 19.Nc3 c6 6.b5 axb5 17.Qxf5 Qxb5 22.Nxg6 fxg6 14.Nh4 a6 12.exd4 Kh8 20.Be4 g6 26.Rxh7+ 1-0 .b4 g5 16.b3 Nf6 2.Nd5 Qa5 21. Ne5+ Rxc6 31.f4 Nd7 14.dxe5 Qxd1+ 8.Rxb1 Qxd5 5.h5 Rc8 23.Rxe4 1-0 .Nd7+ Kf7 29.Nxg6 Rf7 35.h4 f5 16.Bg2 Nb6 20.g6+! Kg8 24.Kc2 Ne7 11.Rg8+ Kh6 46.Bg7 Nd7 37. Dolgitser New York 1995 1.Re7+ Kg6 45.Kc1 Re2 44.hxg7 Rfd8 26.a3 Nc6 6.Ne5+ Kxg7 28.Bxf8 Nxf8 38.Bb2 Kf7 19.h6 hxg6 25.g4 Nd6 15.e3 e5 7.Nxf8 Kg7 41.Nf2 Be7 13.Ne5 Rc7 33.d4 d5 2.Re5+ Kf7 40.Nxc6 Rd7 32. J.Bc6 Rf8 22.Rh6 Kf7 27.Rd1 Ne4 36.f3 Rd8+ 10.Rd8 Rd2+ 43.Nh3 Nf5 12.Nd3 Rhe8 21.c4 Bf5 3.Kxd1 Nxe5 9.Rd5 Rf6 39.g5 c5 17.Nd7 Rd6 42.Rh8+ Bf8 34.Rh7+ Ke8 30. Bonin – K. 3.cxd5 Bxb1 4.b3 b5 18. Qa4+ Kf8 11.Bb3 Nd6 34.Qxg5+ Rg6 26.Qd3 Ra3 18.Rxg6+ fxg6 31.Nxb5 Nxb5 16.d4 Bg7 3. 4. V.Qf5 Qb6 27.Qf2 Qxb5 28.f4 Nd7 22.0-0 h6 13.cxb5 axb4 17. Bonin Philadelphia 1998 1.Bxc4 Nxe4 33.Nf3 d6 4.Be3 e5 8.Bb3 h5 19.c4 Bg4 5.Bxf3 Nc6 7.Qd2 Kg7 23.b4 b5 14.Bd1 Nf6 12.f5 g5 24.Rae1 Bh6 20. Rajlich – J.Nc3 c5 10.Rc1 Ra5 35.d5 Nd4 9.Qxc5 dxc5 32.f6+ Nxf6 25.Qa3 a5 15.Bxh6+ Rxh6 21.Rg3 Qc5 30.h3 35…c4! 36.e4 g6 2.Be2 Bxf3 6.Bxc4 Rc5 0-1 .Re3 c4 29. e3 0-0 7. Krush – J.0-0-0 g6 11.Ka1 38…Nc3! 0-1 .Nf3 Nbd7 5. I.g4 c6 13.Nxg6 fxg6 37.Nf6+ Nhxf6 25.c4 d6 3.h3 Ng7 12.g5 Nfh5 14.Rd2 Qe6 19.Qb3 Qf5+ 27.Bg5 Be7 6.d4 Nf6 2.Ka1 Nd5 29.Rhd1 Rd5 21.a3 h6 30.e4 Qxe4+ 28.gxf6 Nb4 26.Rc2 Rd8 31.Rg4 Qf1+ 33. 5.Rxd2 Ne7 23.Nh4 a5 36.Bxf5 Nxf5 17.Nc3 e5 4.Rg3 Qe6 35.Ne4 b6 18.Ne4 Nd5 24.Nc3 Rxd2 22.Rc4 Qe2 32.Bd3 Ndf6 10.Kb1 Rfd8 20. Bonin New York 1998 1.Qc2 Ne8 8.Rxg6+ Kf8 38.Bxe7 Qxe7 9.dxe5 Bf5 16.c5 dxc5 15.Ka2 Qxh3 34. Ne4 Bd4+ 21. J.h3 Nf6 30.fxg6! Nxe6 27.Nfxd6 Rb3 31.a7 h5 39.cxb5 a6 9.Rxf6 exf6 32.exf5 Rxf5 18.d5 b5 8.Be3 Bxe3+ 22.Bxb5 Ba6 11.Re1 1-0 .a6 Nc7 38.Qe2 Bxb5 12. Bonin – A. 6.0-0 axb5 10.Qxe3 Nf6 23.Kd2 Nxd5 37.a3 Rb7 15.f5 Nxg4 25.e4 d6 5.Qe6 Nc7 26.Kf2 Nf4 34. Karklins Philadelphia 1995 1.Be2 c5 7.Nxf7 Nd4 29.Ng5 Na6 24.g4 Rf7 20.Nc3 Rb4 14.d4 Nf6 2.Nxb5 Ra4 13.f4 Qf8 19.gxf7+ Qxf7 28.Ke2 Nf4+ 36.Nf3 0-0 6.a4 Ne2+ 33.c4 g6 3.Nd2 Nfd7 16.Nc4 f5 17.a5 Nxh3+ 35.Nc3 Bg7 4. Qh8+ Kg5 29.Rd2 22…Re2! 23.axb4 f5 21.d4 0-0 6.Nc3 Qg5 19.Nxd4 Re8 9.Be2 e5 7.Qxa8 Bxc4 28.Nxe2 b6 16.0-0 Nxd4 12.Qd5+ Kg7 26.Rxe2 Qxc1+ 24.Kf2 Bxe2 25. Tegshsuren – J.c4 g6 3.g4+ Kxg4 31.Qd8+ g5 0-1 . Bonin U.Qd2 Nh5 11.Nc3 Bg7 4.exf5 Bxf3 22.Nf3 Nf6 2.Bxd4 Nf4 13.b4 a5 17.Rfd1 Bxd4+ 14.S. E.Qc8+ Kh4 32. Chess League 2005 1.Rac1 axb4 20. 7.f3 Nc6 10.a3 Bb7 18.Qxd4 Nxe2+ 15.f6+ Kxf6 27.Qd8+ Kh5 30.e4 d6 5.Be3 exd4 8. Nxb3 cxd5 14.f3 Re8 40.Bh4 c6 4.Rc1+ Kb8 16.Nd2 Nd7 7.a4 Rc7 27.Nxc3 exd4 33.Nd3 b6 20.Qb3 Qb6 6.Nbd3 e5 31.Nc6 Bd6 26.Kd2 Re6 37.c3 Bf5 5.a5 b5 28. if 24…Ra8 then 25.Bxd7 Bxd7 17.Nc5 1-0 .Kxe3 Bb8 35.Nb5 renews the threat of Rc7) 25.Bg3 Nh5 10. Muhammad New York 2001 1.hxg3 Bg7 12.Ngf3 Ngf6 8.Bg5 h6 3.e3 g5 9.d4 d5 2.Nc6 Bg6 24. 8.Ne4 Rxc3 32.c4 Nxg3 11.Nb4 Kb7 22.Nxa7! Bf8 (or 24…Kxa7 25.Rc7. Bonin – S.Bb5 0-0-0 15.Rc3 e6 21.Nxb5 dxe3+ 34.Kd2 f6 19.Ne5 Be8 18. J.Rc6 Re8+ 36.cxd5 Qxb3 13.Rxc7 Bh5 39.Nc7+ Bxc7 38.Rhc1 Rd7 23.Nb4 Bf7 30.Nc5+ Ka8 29. e4 c5 2.exd5 b5 18.Kh3 R7c3 35.f3 Kf8 26.b3 Nd4 15.N1c3 a6 9.Rxc1 Nf6 12.Be2 Be6 8.Bf1 bxc4 19.Nc2 Bxc1 11. I.h4 g6 31.Red1 f5 30.Kh3 R3c2 threatens two different mates.Be2 Rc2 33.Bb5 f4+ 34. 9.Na3 Bg5 10. Kreitner – J.Rcc1 Rc5 24. then 36…Rxg2+ 37.Ba6 R8c7 28.0-0 0-0 13.Rcd1 Rfc8 25.Nb5 d6 6.Rxc3 a5 23.Bxc4 Nb5 20.Rxc2 Rxc2 38.d4 cxd4 4.Kg5 (if 36.Nxd4 e5 5.Nf3 Nc6 3.g4 fxg3 40.c4 Be7 7. on g3 and h2) 36…Ne3 37.Rd3 Nf5 39.Rd2 Nb6 29.Ned5 Bxd5 17.h5 Nd4 0-1 .Kg3 Ke7 32.Qxc3 Qxc3 22.Rxd5.Qf3 Nxc3 21.Re1 Qa5 16.Kg4 35…Nxd5 36.Ne3 Rc8 14. Bonin Philadelphia 2000 1.Rd1 g2 41.Kf2 Nd7 27. Nd5 bxc5 21.Kxg2 Qd7 19.Nxd4 Nc5 15. J.Rxe1 Re8 27.0-0 0-0 11.f4 exd4 14.Nc7 Ke7 36.Kf1 hxg5 31.Nxc6 Bxc6 17.e5 Bxg2 18.e4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4. 10. Hehir New York 2012 1.Bg2 Nd7 8.Rxe8+ Qxe8 30.a5 Kd7 40.g6 b3 44.Nxd4 cxd4 43.Rad1 a5 13.a7 Kb7 42.g3 Bb7 7.Be3 Ne7 10.hxg5 Bd4 32.h3 a6 5.Rfe1 Kh8 25.Qd2 Nc6 12.Ke2 Kf7 35.b3 Rac8 23.a6 Kc6 41.Nge2 e5 9.b4! (I use the overload on the d4-bishop to create an outside passed pawn) 37…axb4 38.Nb5 Ke6 37.g4 Rxe1 26.f5+ (creating a second passer) 38…gxf5 39.c4 f5 24.Qxe4 fxe4 34.Qe2 Qe4 33. Bonin – M.a4 b6 6.g7 (White queens with check) 1-0 .Qf2 Re8 16.d4 g6 2.Bxc5 Qc6+ 20.exd6 cxd6 22.h4 Kg8 29.g5 h6 28. Nxe4 Nxe4 11.Qc2 e6 6.Qxa7 Bc5 27.Rd7! (interference) 23…Qxe5 24.Nf3 Nf6 3.c5 Kf8 35.Qxc5 Rd8 31.dxc5 Bxc5 18.Rad1 c5 17.e4 dxe4 10.Bxc5 bxc5 30.Bxe5 Nxd7 25.Ne5 Bb7 16.Qf3 Rc8 23.Bc7 Re8 28.Bb2 b6 15.Bg2 Nbd7 8. 11.Qxd2 Nxd2 37.Bd6 Nf6 29.Rd3 Rad8 19.b4 Rd2 32. Hellner New York 2012 1.a4 Ne4 33.b3 Qc7 14.0-0 0-0 9.Nbd2 h6 5.d4 d5 2.Qxe4 Nf6 12.Qb7 Rd8 26.g3 Bd6 7.a6 1-0 . J.Rfd1 Rxd3 20.Kxg2 Be7 22.a5 Ke8 36.Qe3 f5 34.Qxd3 Bxg2 21. Bonin – W.Qe2 Re8 13.c4 c6 4. if 26…Qxe5.Kf1 Ke6 33. then 27.Ne5 Bf5 6.Qxe5! (in the spirit of Capablanca.Nxd8 Nd5 31.Nf7+ wins back the queen as 27…Rxf7 allows 28. Relingado New York 2012 1.e4 Nc3 41. J.a3 Kc5 36.Rd8 Rxd8 29. 12.Nf7+ Kg8 30.Rc1 Bxb4+ 14.cxb5 cxb5 11.a4 Nb6 38.Qxe7 Nxe7 28.Bxd3 e5 18.Qb3 Qd6 19.Qxd5 Qe7 26.Rxc7 Qxc7 24.Rd8 with mate) 26…Nc6 27.Kd3 b4 37.Nc6 Kf7 32.Nf8 1-0 . Bonin – A.c4 c6 4.g3 a5 40.Be2 Nfd7 13.b3 Nd5 39.Rfd1 Kh8 22.Nd3 Bxd3 17.Ke2 Kd6 34.Ne6+ Kd6 42.Nbd2 a6 5.Ndf3 e6 8.d4 d5 2.Nd4 g6 35.e3 0-0 12.Be4 Nb6 20.dxe5 fxe5 21.Ng5 Nxd5 25.Bd2 Be7 9.0-0 f6 16.Qxb4 Qb6 15.Nf3 Nf6 3.Bxd5 Rc7 23.Bb4 b5 10.Qb3 Ra7 7. Bonin – L.Nf3 Be7 29.Bg5 Ne4 6.Qe3+ Kf8 10.Bd3 Na6 14.Qd2 exd5 9.Nd2 Nd8 28.Nd6 Rh5 21.Rb1 Rxb1+ 24. 13.Rg1 h5 17.Nc5 Rxb2 23.cxd5 Nxg5 7.Nxb7 Rb8 22.Nd3 Ne6 27.g4 Qc7 15.d4 Nf6 2.Nfe5 1-0 .Nc3 d5 5.Ke2 Rf5 26. J. Pressman New York 2012 1.Bxf5 Rxf5 20.h4 Kg7 12.gxh5 Rxh5 18.c4 Bg7 4.Nf3 g6 3.e3 c6 13.Rc1 Rf6 30.Nxf7! Bf5 19.Qxc7 Nxc7 16.Nxg5 e6 8.Nxb1 Bxh4 25.Qf4 Bf6 11. Nf3 c4 22.Be1 Qa6 16.Kb2 Ba3+ 0-1 .Ng1 c5 21.Kb1 Nb6 18.f5 gxf5 28.Be2 e6 8.Nc3 c6 4. Bonin New York 2003 1.Nxf7 31…Rxa2+! 32.Kxa2 Ra8+ 33.Bf2 Nf5 10.Rg7 Ra8 29.Nxh4 Bxe2 12. R. Hess – J.g3 h4 11.Ng5 axb3 30.Rdg1 a4 27. 14.f4 d5 5.Be3 Nh6 9.cxb3 Kd7 31.d4 Bg7 3.Bc3 Qb5 23.0-0-0 Qa5 15.Kb1 c2+ 34.Qe3 Nd7 17.Qxe2 Nxh4 13.Ka1 Qc6 24.gxh4 Bf8 14.Ne2 Be7 20.Bb2 c3 25.b3 Rc8 19.e4 g6 2.Bc1 a5 26.e5 h5 6.Nf3 Bg4 7. Ng3 Qf3 25.Bd2 Bc5 29.e5 Qc7 10.Qf1 Qxg4 26.Bd2 fxe5 19.c3 Ba6 12.g4 g5 13.Ngf3 Nc6 5.a3 0-0 17.d3 d5 3.Bg2 g6 7. Bonin New York 1990 1.Nf1 f6 18.g3 Nge7 6.Bb4 Rf3 27.Re2 d3 33.Qg2 (if 30.e4 e6 2.bxc5.cxd4 Nf4 16.Ke1 g4 37.Qe3 Ng6 14.Qxf2 Rxf2 35.Qe2 h6 11. then 30…Rxf2 leads to mate) 30…Be7 31.Rad1 Bf8 28.Re1 b6 9.d4 cxd4 15.dxe5 Nxg2 21.Bc1 Qh4 32. H.Kxf2 Qxh2+ 36. 15. Rolletschek – J.Nd2 c5 4.Kxg2 d4 22.b4 29…Raf8! 30.Qh3 Bb7+ 23.Rexd3 Bf3 0-1 .Re3 Rxf2 34.Nxe5 Nxe5 20.0-0 Bg7 8.Kg1 Qc6 24. 16.f4 d6 9.Ngf3 Nh6 15. Bonin – A.c4 c5 3.d6 Bxc4 21.fxe5 Bg7 14.Qe2 Qb6 12.Bc7! (back-rank weakness) 27…Rxc7 28.exf7 Nf5 26. Feuerstein New Jersey 1999 1.e6 Nd4 25.cxb5 a6 5.Rd1 Kh8 18.Kh1 Bb5 20.Bf4 0-0 17.Bc4 g6 11.Ne4 Nf5 16.Bb5+ Bd7 10.Ne6 Rxf7 27.Nd2 dxe5 13.Nfg5 d5 23.Qd8+ 1-0 .Qxd5 Na6 24.e5 Ng8 8.d5 b5 4.f3 axb5 6.Qxc4 exd6 22. J.e4 b4 7.d4 Nf6 2.0-0 Ra5 19. fxe4 Bxb5 (with the idea of …Bd4) 0-1 .Bd3 25…e4! 26.Nf3 d6 4.f3 e5 16.d4 Bg7 3.Nxd4 Bb7 14.exd5 Bxd5 23.Nb5 d5 17.Nb5 cxd4 13.Be3 Na6 9. Berg – J. Bonin New York 2014 1.Nc3 0-0 6.Nc4 Qe7 20. 17.Bxc5 bxc5 19. G.c4 Bc6 25.e4 g6 2.h3 c6 7.Nb6 Rad8 21.Be2 Nf6 5.Nxd5 Nxd5 22.0-0 Nb4 10.Qe3 Bf6 24.Qc1 b6 11.c3 Na6 15.a4 a5 8.Nd2 c5 12.Rd1 Nc5 18. d5 Nce7 4.Nge2 Ng4 10.Nxe4. Bonin New York 2000 1.Rxf2 Bxf2 wins the house) 0-1 . but now 12. Hellner – J. W.Qd3 d6 9.g3 Nf6 6.0-0 f5 11.d4 e5 3. 18.h3 11…Nxf2! (not 11…fxe4 12.Nc3 Bc5 7.Bg2 0-0 8.e4 Ng6 5.c4 Nc6 2. d4 Nf6 2.Rd1 Rd8 21.Nxe4 Nxe4 11. Bonin – P.Qe2 c5 13.Nf3 d5 3.0-0 a6 9.c4 e6 4.Nbd2 c6 7.dxc5 Bxc5 14.g3 Be7 5. Berner New York 2014 1.Bg2 0-0 6.b3 Ne8 15. 19.Rfd2 Nf7 22.Qxe4 Nf6 12.Ne5 Qe7 17.Rxf2 bxc6 20.Qc2 Nbd7 8.Nc6 Bxf2+ 19.Bb2 Nd6 16.e4 dxe4 10.Qh5 f6 18.Qe8# 1-0 .Rxd8+ Nxd8 23.Ba3! (overload – White either mates or wins a piece) 23…Qc7 24. J. exd4 Nf8 11.b3 0-0 8.Nxe4 Bxe4 14.Ne5 23…Qh3! and mate is coming.Bb2 Re8 9.d6 Ne6 19.Qd2 Ne4 13.d7 Qxd7 23.Nf3 g6 6. Bonin New York 2014 1.e3 Nbd7 5.Ba1 d5 17.Rae1 Qf6 15. Taylor – J.Be2 Bg7 7.c4 d6 3.Bd1 c5 16.Qa5 Qf5 21. 20. T.0-0 Bf5 12.Bc4 Nf4 22.Qc2 exd4 10. 0-1 .d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 4.cxd5 Qf5 18.Be2 Qd5 20. a3 a5 8.Be3 b5 19.Rb8 1-0 .g3 g6 5.Qd5 Bf8 34.Qb8 Rxa4 38.Qxb8 Rxb8 30.d6 Rc8 21.Bg2 Bg7 6.Nf3 Nc6 3.c4 c5 2.Nc3 e5 4.dxc4 Nxb4 23.Rb1 Nge7 7. Bonin – G.0-0 d6 10.Qb3 Rcc7 36.Qe8 Rd2 39.Rb1 Nxd5 15.Rxb3 Na5 14. Braylovsky New York 2007 1.Bc5 Re8 20.b3 axb3 13.Nc2 c3 32.Rb1 Rd7 37.a4 Ra7 33.d8Q+ Re8 29.Bd5 Be6 25.Rxb4 bxc4 24.Nd5 a4 12.cxd5 Bd7 16.f4 c4 17.Qd6 Rbc8 31.Rb8 (removing the blockade) 27…Qxb8 28.Ne1 Be6 11.d7 Rc7 27.Bxe6 Rxe6 26.Kg2 Rc5 35.fxe5 dxe5 18. 21.Bb4 Nc6 22. J.d3 0-0 9. Qd3 Rc6 14.f3 Nxd5 18.Be3 Be7 13.Bf2 Qe7 20.Qxb5 Rc2 27.e4 c5 2.S.Rb1 Qf4+ 34. and 23.Qg4 Rxa2 33.Rad1 Rfc8 21.Kh2 Kg5 37.Kh3 Kf4 38.Kh2 Qg5 32.Rf1+ Bf2 0-1 .b5 Bb6 40.Be3 Nd4 10.Bxd4 Bxc4 11.N1c3 a6 7.Rxd6 27…Rxf2! 28.Nc4 Rc8 9.Kxf2 Rc2+ and 29…Qg5–+) 28…Rxc6 29.Kh1 Qxg4 35.h3 Bf4 24. D.Qxd5 Bg5 19.Na3 Be6 8. Pruess – J.g3+ Kxf3 43. Chess League 2007 1.Rd3 h4 23.hxg4 Kh6 36.Nb5 d6 6.Bxc4 Rxc4 12.Nf3 Nc6 3.b4 g5 39.Rc6 (or 28.c4 0-0 17.d4 cxd4 4.Qc8+ Kh7 31.Rfd1 b5 25.Kxh3 Ra8 42.Kh2 40…h3 41.Nxd4 e5 5. 22. Bonin U.b3 h5 22.Nd5 Nf6 16.0-0 h6 15.Qxc6 Be3 30.cxb5 axb5 26. Nd5! (this forces the win of a piece) 13…Nxd5 14.Ba3 c5 12. Bonin – D.Nf3 g6 3.d4 Nf6 2.dxe5 dxe5 10. Moore New Jersey 2007 1. 24.b4 Qe7 11.e4 d6 6.Rb1 e5 9. J.Be2 c6 7. White takes the a8-rook) 1-0 .Qxd5 (now on 14…b6.c4 Bg7 4.bxc5 Nxc5 13.Nc3 0-0 5.0-0 Na6 8. Kc2 Bd4 29.Qe2 0-0 12.Rxf8+ Kxf8 19.Rxb8! (winning a piece) 17…Qxd3 18.Rxb5 Bb4 15.d4 Nf6 2. 25.Rc1 Bg7 21.Rxc3 Bxc3 27.Kb1 Kd8 30.Kd1 Ke8 28.Rb1 Qxa2 9.Nc4 Bc3 13.Rc2 Rc3 26.Bxb5 Bg7 10.Nd2 Rb8 22.c3 Qa6 16.0-0 Ba6 11.Nbd2 g6 8.Bxf6 Qxf6 6.Nc4 a4 24. Berg New York 2006 1.Nb2 Bxc3 17.d5 b5 4. Bonin – G.Nxd3 d6 20.Ke2 Rb3 25.e4 Qxb2 7.Kf1 a5 23.Qd3 Bxb5 14. J.Ka2 1-0 .Bg5 Qb6 5.Nf3 c5 3. Ra1 Nb4+ 18.Qd2 exd5 9.Nc3 Bg7 4. 26.Qd4 Rab8 (White cannot escape the deadly discovery) 22.Nge2 Qa5 15.c4 g6 3.f4 0-1 .0-0-0 a6 11.Bxb5 Bd7 14.Bxd7 Nfxd7 16.e4 d6 5.Kb3 18…c4+! 19.d5 e6 8. Bonin New York 2014 1. N. Cardenas – J.d4 Nf6 2.axb5 axb5 13.cxd5 Re8 10.a4 b5 12.Be3 c5 7.f3 0-0 6.Kb3 Qc7 21.Kc2 Na6 17.Kxc4 Ne5+ 20. he lost on time here) 0-1 .Nxe5 dxe5 15.Bg5 Bf6 24.Be3 Bg7 8.Bb1 b6 12.c4 d6 6.Rcd1 Rd7 20.b3 Qe7 18.Qf2 Bb7 22.fxe4 28…Nc2 (interference) 29.exf5 Re8 (White threatened 32.Re1 e4 28.Rc1 Nf6 9.Rfd1 Nd4 16.Rd3 Rfd8 19.h3 Nd7 10.c3 d3 4. 27.Qe3 Bc6 27.f3 Rad8 21.Bxd3 Nc6 5.d4 cxd4 3.Qe2 0-0 11. Bonin New York 2014 1.Bxc2 Rxd3 30.Bxd3 Qxc3 31.Bxf6 Qxf6 25.Nc3 g6 7.exf5 exf5 26.Qe6.Nf3 Ba6 13.e4 c5 2.Qf1 e6 17.0-0 Nde5 14.Qd2 f5 23. Harden – J. Nxd7 Rxd7 21.Qh5.Qe2 Bd7 12.0-0 Rae8 13.Rae1 Re7 14.Ne5 c6 19. Terminotto New York 2014 1. while if 21…Kf8 then 22.Nf3 0-0 8.a4 Rfe8 16.b5 axb5 17.Nxf6+ Qxf6 10.b6 c5 20. if 21…Kh8 then 22. J.Bxh7+! (winning a pawn.c3 d5 9.Nxe4 Nf6 5.Bd3 Nc6 11.Bxf6 Bxf6 7. 28.Qb5 wins a second pawn) 1-0 .e4 fxe4 4.axb5 Na5 18.d4 f5 2.Bg5 Be7 6.b4 a6 15. Bonin – H.Nc3 e6 3. Albano – J.0-0 a6 15.f4 c5 6.Bxf3 Nd6 17.Be2 Nd7 14.Kh1 Ne4 22.Nc3 Bxf3 16.Qa4 Ng4 20.e4 d6 5. Bonin New York 2015 1. 29.d4 Nf6 2.fxe5 Ng4 9.Qc6 23…Ng3+! 0-1 .Rxf8+ Qxf8 19.Nxb5 0-0 12.d5 b5 7.Nf3 Bg4 13.Nd1 Bd4+ 21.Be2 Ne5 18.exf7+ Nxf7 11.Bf3 Qf5 23.Nc3 Bg7 4.e5 dxe5 8.e6 Ne5 10.c4 g6 3. Kh1 1-0 .Qc1 exd4 16.Nf5 Nc5 20.h3 b6 11.Re1 Qc7 10.d4 d6 2.Rxe1 cxd5 19. Yagiz New York 2014 1.e4 Nf6 3.a4 Re8 9.Qe5 (White wins a pawn) 22…Bd6 23. J.Bxb7 Qxg3+ 28.Nc3 e5 4.Nxf7+ Qxf7 24.Bxd5 Bc5 27.Qg5 Ne6 21.exd5 Rxe1+ 18.Nxd4 d5 17.Nh6+ Kh8 22. 30.Qd2 Rad8 14. Bonin – B.g3 Be7 6.Qxe6 Qc7 25.0-0 c6 8.b3 Bb7 12.Bg2 0-0 7.Bb2 a6 13.Nf3 Nbd7 5.Nxd5 Nxd5 26.Rad1 Bf8 15. Rdf2 Rc3 25. Bonin New York 2015 1.Rf8 Bxd3 27.e4 e6 2.Nf3 Nc6 7.dxc5 Bxc5 9.f5 Kh8 21.Nc3 Nf6 4.Qf7 (it looks like White is forcing mate.bxa3 bxa3 23.fxe6 fxe6 26.Kxg2 Qb2+ 30.f4 c5 6. L.g4 a4 20.Qf2 Rxf8 0-1 .Qf2 Bxf1 28.Rd2 Rg8 24.Qd2 b5 10.Ned4 Nxd4 14.Rad1 a3 22. Pressman – J. 31.d4 d5 3.0-0 Nxd3 17.Ne2 Qb6 11.cxd3 0-0 18.Be3 a6 8.e5 Nfd7 5.Bxc5 Nxc5 12.Nxd4 a5 15.Bd3 Ba6 16. but there’s more to the story) 28…Bg2+! 29.Kh1 Rac8 19.Qe3 b4 13. Be2 Nbd7 8.0-0 Be7 10.a4 a6 9.Qxf7+–) 23.Be6) 25…Bd8 (25…Rg6 26.e3 Nf6 3.Nf2 f5 18. J.Rxf4 Qd8 16.Ne5+ Kc8 22.Ne5) 26. 32.axb6 Ne4 21.Ne5 gxf4 14.Nxd7 Kxd7 15.a5 Rg8 20.Rxe4! dxe4 (22…fxe4 23.b3 d5 2.Qe1 Qc7 11.Qf4 (threat: 26.Qf1 Ne4 17. Bonin – C.Nd6+ 1-0 .Nd3 Nd6 19.Bc4 Qd6 24.Nf3 Bb7 6.Nf7 Qd7 25. Mena New York 2014 1.Nd1 g5 13.Bb5+ c6 7.Nc3 h6 12.f4 b6 5.Bb2 e6 4. d4 Nf6 2.b4 c6 12.Qxd8 Rxd8 11.dxe5 dxe5 10.Nc3 0-0 5. J. and the hapless g4-knight is lost.e4 d6 6.Be2 Na6 7.0-0 e5 8.h3 Bh6 16.Bd2 Nc7 15.Be1!. 1-0 .Nf3 g6 3.Be3 Ng4 13.c4 Bg7 4. Juac New York 2014 1.Rb1 Re8 9.Bg5 f6 14. 33. Bonin – M. Bonin New York 2014 1.Nc4 Nxc4 19.Rd4 a4 39.h4 gxh4 26.Bd3 Bd5 28.Kxe3 bxc5 21. C.Ne4 Bc6 14.gxh3 Kd7 36.Rc4 a5 37.e5 c5 5.Ke3 Bxd3 30.Kxc3 g5 23.Rxd8 Rxd8 25.Rb8+ Ka4 42.Ke2 b6 18.Rh1 Rd4 27.Ke1 Ra1+ 49.Bxc4 Nxe3 20.Ra8 Kd4 46.Kd3 Rhd8 22.Ng5 Ne7 12.Rxc5 Ra2+ 34.Rxf4 Kc6 38.Rb8+ Kc3 44.f4 Ke4 47.e4 e6 2.Nf3 d4 7.Rd6+ Kb5 40.Nc3 Bb4 4.a3 Ba5 8.Ra8+ Kb3 43.Kf1 h3 35.dxc5 Nc6 6.Kd2 Bc4 29.bxa5 Qxd1+ 10.Rd8 a3 41.Bd3 Bd7 13.b4 dxc3 9.Kxd1 Nxa5 11.f5 50…Rf1! (winning a rook) 0-1 .d4 d5 3.Be3 Nd5 17.Rc1 Rxa3 33.cxd3 f4+ 31.Kd2 a2 50.Rc8+ Kxd3 45.Nd6+ Kd7 15. 34.Rhd1+ Ke7 24.Ke2 Ra4 32.f3 f5 16. Vitoux – J.Ra4+ Kf3 48. Qxe5 Bxe5+.Rxc7 Qa1+ 30.exd4 Nh5 10.Rxd7 Qxa3 25.Qxd3 Nf6 13.Bd3 cxd4 9.c5 dxc5 23.Qe2 Re8 15.Red3 28…Rxc7! (netting a pawn) 29.c7 a5 28. B.Kh2 Qe5+ 31.Nc3 Bf5 14.0-0 Nf4 11.Qxe4 a6 20.Nf3 d6 3.Rad1 b5 21. and Black will be up two pawns.Ne4 Nxe4 19.b3 Bg7 5. Fuchs – J.dxc5 Bxb2 24. 35.Nh4 Bd7 18.d4 Nf6 2.Re3 Qa4 27.Re1 Nxd3 12.c4 Nbd7 7.h3 Qa5 16.Bb2 0-0 6. Bonin New York 2014 1.c6 Bf6 26. 0-1 .e3 g6 4.b4 Qa4 22.Qc2 c5 8.a3 Rac8 17. d4 Nf6 2.Rfe1 Bd7 15.dxe7 wins) 1-0 . then 24.Rad1 Rd8 14.exd5 Ne7 17.bxc3 cxd4 8.Bd2 Bxd2+ 10.Nxf7 Kxf7 19.Bb5+ (the final point: if 23…Kf7.d6+ Ke8 23. Bonin – S. Djurić USA 1986 1. J.cxd4 Bb4+ 9.Ng5 Bg4 18.Qxg4 Nf6 21.Nf3 d5 4.0-0 Qd6 13.Nc3 c5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e4 Nxc3 7.Qg5 Ng8 20.c4 e6 3.Qxd2 0-0 11.Re1+) 22.Bc4 Nc6 12.Re7+! Qxe7 (21…Kxe7 gets mated: 22.Qxg7+ Ke8 23.d5 exd5 16. 36. and the pawn will queen. 0-1 .Qxb2 a4 28.0-0 Qe7 12.Be3 (or 29.Ra2 22…Rxb2! (winning a pawn because of a fork trick) 23.Rb1 a5 (intending to join his comrade) 26.Qc2 cxb2 25.Bf4 Qc5+.Qd2 Qf8 16.Be2 Bxf3 10.Rxb2 (26.Nf3 c5 4.axb6 Nxb6 18.d5 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.c4 e6 3.Nxb6 Rxb6 22.Qa4 Nc5) 26…Bxb2 27.f3 Nfd7 19.Nc3 g6 7.Na4 Reb8 21.Bd1 b5 17.a4 Bg4 9.a5 Rfe8 15.e4 a6 8.Kf2 Qc2 31. Bonin New Jersey 2006 1.Bg5 0-0 14.Qa3 Qb8 29.Rxb2 c3 24.Bd1 Qb1) 29…Qb1+ 30.Be2 c4 20.Bxf3 Nbd7 11. Stepa – J.Re1 Bg7 13. 37.d4 Nf6 2. D. Nf3 d5 4.Rxe6 1-0 .Bb1 Rc8 18. Gaillard New York 2005 1.Ba2 Bd7 16.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.Bg5 h6 6. 38.Qd3 Nd5 19.Nd6 (winning a pawn) 31…Qd7 32.e3 0-0 8.Nxf7 Qxf7 31.Rfd1 Qb6 23. Bonin – E.0-0 cxd4 14.b5 Be8 25.c4 e6 3.Be2 dxc4 12.Rxc8 Qxc8 27.a3 Nd7 10.Qf3 Rf8 21.h3 Re8 11.d4 Nf6 2.Rc1 c6 9. J.Re1 Qc7 30.Nec4 Bf7 29.Ne5 g6 20.exd4 Nb6 15.a4 f6 26.Ba2 Bg7 22.Ne4 Bc6 17.Bxc4 c5 13.Nd6! Qb8 28.b4 Qd8 24.Nc3 Be7 5. Qe4 Qxc5 22.Nf3 Bg4 12.Rxe4. and it’s all over) 29…Qc7 30.Qg6 Qc8 23.Bb5+ Kf8 9.S.dxc5 g5 5.c3 Na6 7. 39.Nd5 Qe5 32. Costigan U.Ne4 Bf5 24.d4 d5 2. J. followed by Rf4.Nf6 Re3 31.Qb4 e5 20.Qa4 Qc7 15.Bg5 h6 3.Bh4 c5 4.f3 (now 29… fxe4 30.Rg1 Rd8 19.Kh1 Qc6 18.Rae1 f6 21.Nbd2 Nf4 13.Bxa6 bxa6 10.Nxf4 (much better than taking the rook) 1-0 . but…) 29.Qh5 Bg4 25.Qh4 Qf5 26.Nxe5! Qxe5 27.Qxg4 f5 28.0-0 Rb8 16.e4 Nf6 8. Chess League 2005 1. Bonin – R.Qa3 Rg8 17.Bxf4 gxf4 14.Qh4 (the point) 28…Re8 (he was relying on this to save him.exd5 Nxd5 11.Bg3 Bg7 6. Nd6+ (this looks strong) 23…Rxd6 24.Ne4 Nf6 22. R.0-0 g4 17.c3 Nbd7 6.Qd3 Bb7 16.gxh4 Qxh4 21.Qd2 Ng4 27.Bf4 d6 3.fxg3 Qxg3 26.Qc4 c5 15. Johnson – J.Qxg2 Qxe1+ 29.Re1 Bxg2 (the final blow) 28.Bg3 Nxg3 10.Nh4 Bf6 18.Bd3 a6 12.Bh4 g5 9.Qe2 Qe7 13.Ngf3 Nh5 7. Bonin Minneapolis 2005 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bc2 b6 14.e3 g6 4. 40.Nd2 Bg7 5.Rxd6 24…g3! (but this is stronger) 25.Rfd1 0-0-0 19.Bg5 h6 8.hxg3 e6 11.Qe2 Bxh4 20.Qf1 Qg3+ 0-1 .dxc5 dxc5 23. Be2 dxe4 14.Bd3 a3 51.Bxc4 Rc1+ 39.Rd3 a5 43.Rb6 Ke7 47.Nxe4 Nxe4 15.Bf4 Bd6 29.Ra4 Kf6 55.Kb5 Kd6 61.Be3 Nbd7 13.Kc4 g3 69.Rc5 Ne4 41.Kf2 Ra1 45.Nc3 a6 4.Bh5 f6 64.a5 c4 22.Kd4 Nxf5+ 0-1 .Bxe4 b4 28.Bf3 Ne7 67.Kb4 Nb7 60.Bc1 e4 27.d5 Nd6 44.Rxa3 Rxh3 53.Bxf3 Bb4 9.Nf3 Bg4 6.Ra5 56…Rxg4! 57.Bd5 Rxc3 38.Qd3 0-0 11.Be4 Rbb3 37.f5 e5 26.g4 a4 48.Ke3 Nd6 50.Qxe4 Nf6 16. Bonin Philadelphia 2011 1.Bg2 Nc8 66.Bxg4 Nc4+ 58.Be2 e6 7.Qxg5 hxg5 35.Kc4 Nc5 62.h3 Bxf3 8.Qc2 c5 19.Bf1 Raa1 40.0-0 Nf6 10.Rxc1 Rxc1 42.Be2 Ke5 56.f4 Rxa5 24.Kc3 Nxa5 59.Qd3 Qc7 17.Bc2 Rd5 23.Ra6 Ne4+ 49. 41.Qd2 Qg3 33.Bxd6 Qxd6 30.a4 d5 5.Qe2 Rac8 21.Bf3 Nb6 65.Bd3 h6 20.Bc2 bxc3 31.e4 c6 2. C.Kd2 Rh1 52.Re5 Rb8 36.Kd4 Nd7 63.Ra6 Rg3 54.c3 Rfd8 18.Rb3 Kf8 46.Rf3 Qg5 34.Rae1 b5 25.d4 d6 3.bxc3 Ra3 32.Bg5 Be7 12. Gu – J.Be4 g4 68. c4 c5 3.e3 a6 8.Nxd4 e5 5.bxc3 Qxd5 14.Rfxd1 Bg4 20.Qb3 Nbd7 15.Nb5 d5 6.Be2 e4 10. J.Qa4 Bxc3 13.Qxd5 Nxd5 16.Bb2 Nxd1 19.c4 Nc3 17.0-0 Re8 12.d4 Nf6 2.Rxb3 28…Nc5! 0-1 .Nf3 cxd4 4.cxd5 Bc5 7.Bd4 Ne6 22.Rxa4 Bxb3 28.N5c3 0-0 9.a4 Bc4 26.Rdb1 Rad8 21.Nd2 Bb4 11. Margiotta – J.Nb3 Be2 23.Rc3 bxa4 27. 42.Bd1 Nc5 18.Rc1 b5 24. Bonin New York 2015 1.cxb5 axb5 25. J.Ngf3 Ngf6 8.Qb4 Ke8 23.d4 d5 2.Rxf3 Bxf4 19.e3 Bg7 6.Bg5 g6 3.Qd6 1-0 .Rd1 Qc7 17.Qxe6 is a blunder because of 15…Ne5) 15.g4 fxg4 11. Bonin – M.h4 Nd7 7.Bd3 Ne4 9.Bxe4 gxf3 13.Rf7+ Qxf7 21.dxe5 e6 16.Bxf7 Kxf7 22.Qb3! Ne5 (not 14…e6 15. 43.Bxg6+ Kf8 14.Rh3 Bxe5 18.Bf4 h6 10. 15.Nxe4 dxe4 12.Bd6+ and wins.Nd2 f5 5.Rxf4+ Kg7 20.c3 c6 4. Uminer New York 2012 1. Na3 a5 13.Nb5 Qa4 15.dxe4 Ke7 32.Rb6+ Kc5 40.Kg2 34…b6 35.Bb2 Qxd1 16.cxb6 Kxd6 36.c4 Nf6 2.0-0 d6 9.a5 Kd7 33.Nc3 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Nb5 Ne8 11. E.b7 Bxb7 38.Rd8 Rd4 0-1 .Rg5 Rxe4 44.Rf1 fxe4 30.Kh2 Bd7 23.Bxf8 Kxf8 28.f4 Bf8 21.Bb4 f6 19.Bg4 h5 25.e4 Nd4 7.Bg2 0-0 5. 44.Ba3 Ra6 18.Bf3 Ne6 24.Rb1 Bc8 37.Nxd4 cxd4 10.c5 f5 29.Rxf7+ Kxf7 31.fxe5 dxe5 27.Rh8 d2 46.a4 Rf7 20. Bonin New York 2013 1.Kf3 Ra3+ 42. Rosenberg – J.Rfxd1 e5 17.Rxh5 d3 45.bxa5 Qxa5 14.Bxe6 Bxe6 26.d3 Nc6 6.b4 a6 12.Kf2 Re3 43.Rxg6 Ra2+ 41.Rxb7 Rxa5 (a technical win) 39.Nge2 c5 8.h3 Ng7 22.Nd6 Kc6 34. Rxe7+ Kxe7 28.Nf3 e6 3.Qc2 c5 17.Rfd1 Rfd8 18.Nxc6 bxc6 15.Rc1 a4 13.Bg2 0-0 6.Ne5 Bb7 16.e4 h6 19.c4 d5 4.Be5 (Zugzwang) 1-0 .Nxf7 Kxf7 21.Bf4 a5 12.Qg8+ Bf8 26. Bonin – E.0-0 Nc6 8.Kg2 g6 30.Nbd2 c5 7.Qxd5 Ra7 25.Rxd5 Rxd5 22. J.Bxd5+ Bxd5 23. Cimafranca New York 2014 1. 45.Re1+ Re7 27.Nbd4 Qb6 14.g3 Be7 5.Qf5+ Ke8 24.cxd5 exd5 9.d4 Nf6 2.Nb3 Be7 11.exd5 Nxd5 20.dxc5 Bxc5 10.Qd5 Qa6 29. a3 0-0-0 9.e3 Be6 6.Ba4 (Black cannot stop Qa6 with a winning attack.Bxc6+ Qxc6 22.d4 f5 2.Bb5 h4 16.Rfb1 f4 17.0-0 g5 13.Bg5 d5 4.Bxf6 exf6 5.Rb1+ either mates or wins the queen) 1- 0 . J.Na4 b6 12.Rxb8+ Kxb8 23.b4 Kb8 11. Bonin – Dennis Fan Li New York 2015 1.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nc5 bxc5 18. 46. then 20.Qe2 Ka8 15.Qf3 Qd7 8.Qa6 Be8 21.Nec3 g4 14.Bd3 Nc6 7.bxc5 Rb8 19. if 19…Bf7.Nge2 h5 10. b3 Na5 18.a4 Nd7 11.d4 Nf6 2.0-0 Ng6 9.Bxc8 Nxc4 (an in-between move that nets a pawn) 16.Qe3 14…Nb6! 15.Nf3 Nf8 8.c4 c5 3.Nc3 d6 5.Qc2 Nxb3 19. 47.Be2 Nbd7 7. or if 22.Qd2 then 22…Qg5 threatening both mate and …Rxc3) 0-1 . R. Bonin New York 2015 1.Ne1 a6 10. Olsen – J.Qc2 cxd3 21.Bg4 Bxc1 13.Qxc1 0-0 14.Qe2 Rxc8 17.Qxb3 c4 20.e4 Be7 6.Nd3 Bg5 12.Qxd3 Nf4 (wins a piece to …Rxc3.d5 e5 4. Nc4 g5 14.cxb7 Rxb7 28.c5 Nf6 12.Qb3+ Kh7 31.f3 f4 13.Bxg7 Nxb8 39.Qf7+ Kh6 42.c4 g6 3. Penkalski USA 1993 1.e4 d6 5. J.d5 Ne7 9.Nf3 0-0 6.Ba5 Rfb7 24.b8Q dxe4 36.b7 Qxa6 35.Nd2 Nd7 10.a5 Rb8 20.Na4 h5 22.b4 f5 11.d4 Nf6 2.axb6 axb6 21.Rc6 Bxc6 26.Rh7+ (forcing mate) 40…Kxh7 41.0-0 Nc6 8.Bf8 Nd7 38.b6 Nf6 29.cxd6 cxd6 18.Ncxb6 Rxb6 23.a4 Ng6 15. 48.Rc1 Bd7 25.Nc3 Bg7 4.Rc8 Qd6 33.b5 b6 17.Bb4 Qe6 34.Rc7 Rd3 37.Bb4 Rf7 19.dxc6 Qb8 27.Qg7# 1-0 . Bonin – D.Ba3 Ne8 16.Be2 e5 7.Ba6 Rd7 30.Rc1 d5 32.Bxe5+ Kh6 40. Bd2 Rd8 25.Bg5+ f6 29.Rd5 Rc8 36.Ne3 g6 15.Re6 Bf4.d3 Nf6 4.Rxd1 Rxh5 31.Rad1 Nf6 26.Bd2 Qf6 20.Kg2 Nh5 28. Krant – J.Rf1 Qxf3 21.Ra6+ Kf7 45.a4 a5 13.Rd1 Qe7 12.fxg3 Rh8 33.Bxh5 Rxd1 30.Ngf3 Bg4 8.gxh5 f5 41.axb5 cxb5 35.e4 dxe4 6.g3 d5 2.Bf3 Ke7 27.exf5 Rh3 46. and the h-pawn falls.Kh2 Nd7 19.h4 b5 34.h5 gxh5 40.h3 Bxf3 9.Ng4 Nxg4 16.Ke2 Bxc1 44. 49. Bonin New York 1993 1.bxc3 Ke6 39.Qxg4 h5 17.Kxe4 Rc4+ and the d5-rook drops) 42.Qxf3 Nbd7 10. 0-1 .Nd2 h6 5. R.Qf3 h4 18.Bc1 hxg3 32.dxe4 e5 7.0-0 Bc5 11.Bxf3 Nf8 22.Rxa5 Rxc3+ 43. then 42…fxe4 43.Bxa3.g4 b4 37.c3 bxc3 38.Bg4 b6 23.Nc4 Nb6 14.Bg5 Nh7 24.Bg2 c6 3.Kf3 41…Ba3 (winning material: if 42. Nxg6+ Kg7 19.Rb2 Bh6 15.e3 g6 5.Nd1 Bc8 18.Bb3 Qe7 12. with the unstoppable threat of Rb7+.e4 Qxa2 32.Rc1 Qa4 33.c4 dxc4 6.Qxh7+ Ke6 (the pretty point here is that 28…Bg7 is met by 29.Bxf6 exf6 4.Nbc3 Nd7 9.Qxf5 Qxc3 28.0-0 Nb6 11.Nxf7 Nc4 21. this should not be taxing) 30…Qc2 31.Rxc6+ 1-0 .Nd6 Qa6 23.Rxf7+ Kxf7 27. Bonin – M.Nc3 Qa3 24.Bg5 Nf6 3.d4 d5 2. 50. J.b4 c6 10.Qf3 Kh8 16.g4 Qxb4 17.Bxc4 Bg7 7.Rb7+ Kf8 and now the quiet 31.Rxb7+ Rf7 26.Nf4 Bf5 14.Qf4 (with three pawns to the good and Black’s king exposed. threatening mate on f7 or Rb8+xg8) 29.Ne5 Rf8 20.Qxh6 Rg8 30. 29…Rg8 is answered by 30.Nf5+ Bxf5 25.Rb1 Rd8 13.Bxc4 Qxc4 22.Ne2 0-0 8.Qg6.Rb1. Belorusov New York 2001 1. Ne5 Nxe5 11.Rxc5 hxg3 22.Nf3 Nf6 3. 51. J.exf6 Bxf6 13.g3 c5 5.Qd3 Be6 18.dxe5 d4 12.d4 d5 2. A lucky escape! 1-0 .Ne7+ and mate on h5.Ra5 h4 21. Simonaitis New York 2015 1.Nc3 Nc6 7.hxg3 Bxg3 23.fxe3 Bxb2 15.Nd5 dxe3 14.cxd5 exd5 6.0-0 0-0 9.e4 Rad8 19.Rb1 Be5 16.Bg2 Be7 8.Rxa7 h5 20. Bonin – R.Qxg3 (setting up for a cute finish) 23…Qxg3 24.Rxb7 Qg5 17.Be3 Bg4 10.c4 e6 4. Nxc4 c5 8.Nc3 Nd5 12.Rxd6 Na4 19. 52.Rc6 Bb7 22.Rfd1 Rc8 16.c4 e6 3.Be3 Bd7 15. J.Bg2 cxd4 9.d4 d5 2.Nxd4 Nc5 10.Nb5 a6 11.Nf3 c6 4.Kxg2 1-0 .Nbd2 Nbd7 6. Bonin – A.Rac1 b5 17.Rxc8+ Bxc8 21.Nd6+ Bxd6 18.Qxc8 Qxc8 20.g3 dxc4 7.0-0 Nxc3 13.Qc2 Nf6 5.Qxc3 f6 14. Simutowe New York 2001 1.Rc2 (simplest) 22…Bxg2 23. Kb1 Kb8 19.Qe3 0-0-0 18.Bxa6 Qf1+ 29.Nxg1 Qg6 22.b4 h5 38.Qd3 Qxf2 28. Bonin New York 2001 1.Kd3 h4 39.Rxf6 Qxf6 23.Rg1 Qh3 11.Kxc4 cxd4 35. Ippolito – J.Kxc3 Rxh2 37.0-0-0 Nf6 16.d5 e5 3.Rdg1 Bd7 17.Rxg7 Qh6 12.Rg7 Rhg8 20. 53.Nc3 Be7 5.Ke3 Rb2 0-1 .a5 Nf4 15.Kb3 Nd4+ 33.Bb5 31…Rg2! 32.Bxg5 Qxg5 9.Qd3 Ne1 26.Bc4 Rg8 24.a4 a6 7.e4 d6 4.Bb5+ Nd7 6.Qe3 Ng2 27. D.Qc4 Nxc2 31.Nge2 Ng2 25.Rxf7 Rxg1+ 21.Nxd4 Qxc4+ 34.Rg5 Nf8 13.Bxd7 dxc3 36.Ka2 Ne1 30.d4 c5 2.Be2 Bg5 8.Qd2 Ng6 14.Nf3 Qxg2 10. Nf3 0-0 6.gxf5 (A blunder.Rd1 Nc7 16.Ne6 h5 39.e4 d6 5.Nd4 (instead.Ke2 Ra2+ 29.Rg7+ Kh8 42.Ke3 Ra3+ 30.Ree7 Nf6 26.Re8+ Kg7 36.b4 c6 13.Bxf6 Bxf6 12.Rfe7 Rxe7+ 33.Nh6+ Kh8 25.Rxb7 Rxa3 27. then 37.Nd5 Rd6 11.f5 1-0 .g4 Rxb4 35.Rxe7 Ra4 34.Nxf5 Kg8 37.Kxe2 Re6 18.Rd7 Ne8 20. Bonin – S.Rxa7 Kf8 46.Nc3 Bg7 4.Ng5 Rf8 43.Re7+ followed by taking the knight) 35…gxf5 36.Kf3 Rxc4 22.f4 f6 19.g5. Shchukin Philadelphia 2000 1.Kg6 Rb8 41.Be2 e5 7.Nf7+ Rxf7 44.Bg5 Na6 10.dxe5 dxe5 8.Rg8#. I missed 35.d4 Nf6 2.Rxf7 Kg8 45.Kd4 Rd8+ 31.Ng4 Rxe4+ 21.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Re1 Rc3+ 23.Kf2 f5 24. If now 36…Nf6.Nxe5 Bxe2 17. threatening 37.Kf6 Ne4+ 40.Nxf6+ Rxf6 14. 54.Ke5 Re8+ 32.a3 Bg4 15.c4 g6 3. J. I win the hard way) 37…Nf2 38.Rf7 Ne4+ 28. Bg2 0-0 5. Bonin New Jersey 2001 1.Kh1 Bd4 (weaving a mating net) 32.Qg5+ 1-0 56.c3 Ng6 23.0-0 d6 6. Y.Qd2 Bc4 19.Nc2 Qc7 20.Qxb7 Rxe2+ 31.Nxe7+ Nxe7 22.d3 Nf6 9.0-0 Qa5 8. 55.e5 dxe5 10.Be3 Na6 12. Zatz – J.e4 e6 3.Qh3 0-0 15.Ne4 (if 19…Bxe5 then 20.Rxg7+ and mate) 19…Qe7 20.Kh2 Re2+ 35.d4 d6 6.Bg5 Bxc2 22.Nf3 c5 2.Kh1 Bg2+ 0-1 .Qh6 Qc7 19.b4 Qd8 13.f3 Rc2 26.a4 Re1+ 33.Nd2 Be7 12.Nf3 c6 7.Kg2 Bc2 28.Re1 b5 13.Nc3 g6 3.h4 Nxh4 25.Rc1 Nc7 14.Nd4 Rc8 18.Nxb5 Rxc1 16.Qd1 Ra2 27.Rxg7 Kxg7 27.Nf6+ Kh8 26.Nc6 Bxb2 21. Colas Brooklyn 2015 1. Bonin – J.Qd2 Ba3 24.b3 Nc6 4.Rxc7 Rxc7 25.c4 Nf6 2.d5 cxd5 9.Bb5 Qc7 5.a3 Rc8 11.g3 Bg7 4.h3 Nb5 15.Bb2 a6 7.Bxc6+ Qxc6 8.cxd5 Bd7 10.Rc1 Bb3 21.Qxc1 Bxb5 17.Bxf6 Bxf6 23.Qf3 Bb7 14.Re1 Qa5 18. J.Qc1 Bd3 29.Re3 Nd5 16.Kg2 Bf1+ 34.Qc8+ Kg7 30.Nxe5 Qc7 11.Be4 23…Bxe4! 24.Rg3 Bf6 17. Bxe6 Bxf2+ 17.d4 cxd4 4.Kxg1 dxc4 32. E.Qg1 Qxg1+ 31.Bc5 Qg4 28.Bd6 Kf7 35.g4 h5 37.Bc1 Ne7 15.Kh1 d5 20.Be1 c3 (the final combo.h3 hxg4 38.Nxd4 e5 5.c4 Nh4 27.Re2 Qb6+ 19. 57.Nxe5 Nxe4 21.Ke3 Ne7 36.Qd3 d6 10.Bd2 b4 42.Nf3 Nc6 3.g3 Ng6 34.axb4 axb4 43.Be3 Qf5 25.Nxf8 Rxf8 24.a3 0-0 11.Qc2 28…Rf2! 29.Rxf2 Qxf2 23.e4 c5 2. Bonin Philadelphia 2001 1.Bf4 a5 41.Qxf2 Qxd1+ 30.Bc4 Nf6 7.0-0 Bc5 9.bxc3 b3 45. creating a passer) 44.Ne3 Bxe3 16.Ke4 b5 40.Qb3 Ng6 26.Nd7 Nf2+ 22.Nc3 a6 8.Rxf2 fxe6 18.Bd2 Rc8 13.Rad1 Kh8 14.hxg4 Nc6 39.Kd3 Ne5+ 0-1 .Nd5 Be6 12. Bannon – J.Kf2 Kg8 33.Nf3 h6 6. a4 Nd6 31.Nf3 Bb4+ 6.Be2 0-0 10.bxc5 Be4 20.b4 Bb7 18.Ba2 Rf8 38.Bxd1 Rd8 23.Bxf7! Nd4 36.Qc7 Qxc7 26.Rxc7 Nc6 27.e4 Kf8 33.Nf3 Qe7 16.Nbd2 Qe7 7.c4 e5 3. J.Kg2 Ke7 34.dxe5 Ng4 4.Kf3 1-0 .f4 Nf5 41.Nxe5 Nxe5 9.d4 Nf6 2. Saint-Amand Philadelphia 2001 1.0-0 Ng6 11.Bc4 Ke7 40.Rfd1 b6 17. 58.Rf6 Rd8 37.e5 Nf5 35.Qc2 d6 15.Qc3 Rfd8 21.Nd4 Ne5 24.cxb6 cxb6 25.Rc1 Qe5 14.Bf4 Nc6 5.c5 dxc5 19.Bxd6 Qxd6 13.Bg3 Bd6 12.Bf3 Nxd4 28.e3 Ngxe5 8. Bonin – P.Bxe4 Nb5 29.Bd5 Rd7 32.Rxf8 Kxf8 39.g3 Rxd1+ 22.Rc6 g6 30. Nc3 d5 4.c4+ bxc4 29. 59.Rad1 Ke8 20.Re7+ Kd5 26.fxe5 Bxe5 21.Qd8+ Rd6 30.dxc6 Bxc6 15.Qb3+ Re6 17.Ba4 0-0 9. Bonin – S.c4 g6 3.cxd5 Nxd5 5.0-0 Nd7 14.Rf7 Ke6 24.bxc3 Bg7 7.Qxa8+ Qc6 27. Ginert New York 2001 1.Ne2 e5 10.Qg8+ Nf8 (or 22…Ke7 23. J.d5 b5 12.Bb3 Bb7 13.Bb5+ c6 8.Qa5+ 1-0 .Qxf8+ Kd7 24.Kh1 Bxe4 19.f4 Qb6+ 18.Rf8+ Ke7 25.Rd6! (interference and deflection) 21…Rxd6 22.Qf7#) 23.Bxf7+ Kxf7 16.e4 Nxc3 6.Qg8+ Re6 28.Rf7+ Ke6 25.Ba3 Re8 11.d4 Nf6 2. Nf2 Qa5 10.fxg4 dxe4 16. 60. I create a triple threat – the b7-rook hangs. and mate is threatened on d1.Nh3 Bb4 9.Qd2 Nf7 7.Bxh8 Ne3 26. The Dutch chess journalist Tim Krabbé posted this game in his column.Qxe4 Qxc3 19.Ng4 Bxg4 15.Rb1 Nxg4 27.f3 f6 6.Bxe4 Nd6 17.Be3 Nh6 5.Bf6 Nxd1 25.Rxb7 27…0-0-0!.Qxe5+ fxe5 21.dxe5 Qxe5 20. A novel position: with this move.c4 Nc3 24.e4 c6 2.h4 e6 8. Kopiecki – J.0-0 Nd7 12. E.Qd3 Nxe4 18. 0-1 .Nc3 g6 4. the h8-bishop hangs.a3 Bxc3 13.Bd3 e5 11. Bonin New York 2005 1.bxc3 Nb6 14.Rad1 Nd5 22.d4 d5 3.Bg5 h6 23. Rxf7! Rg8 24. 61.Ne7 Rc7 25.Ra8 Kh8 22.Nxg8 Qxa8 26.axb5 axb5 16.h4 (the threat: 35.Qxc1 Rb8 14.dxc6 Rb6 20. pretty point.Kh2 Qd2 34.Qe6+ Kf8 36.Nd2 Ne8 11.Bg4 Bxc1 13.Kh3 (no more checks) 1-0 .d7 Qf4+ 37.d4 c5 2.Qxf6+ Kg8 31.Nc4 Bg5 12.Na5 Qh4 17.a4 Be7 6.h3 (escape hatch) 32…Qd1+ 33.Qf1 Nf6 29.Nc3 0-0 8.Bb5+ Nd7 5.f4 b5 15.0-0 a6 9.Rxg7+ (the final.Bxd7 Bxd7 18.Rf8 Rf7 27.h5 h6 36. J.Nc6 Bxc6 19.Nf3 Ngf6 7. Bonin – J. I liquidate into a technical win) 29…Kxg7 30. Hanken Philadelphia 2003 1.Qg7#) 34… c4 35.Be2 b6 10.Nd5 Rxc6 21.e4 d6 4.Rxf7 Kxg8 28.d5 e5 3.exd6 Qd5 32.fxe5 Qxe4 23. Bb2 c3 25. Bonin New York 2003 1.Ng1 c5 21.Ka1 Qc6 24.Rg7 Ra8 29.g3 h4 11.Kb1 Nb6 18.Kb1 c2+ 34.f4 d5 5.d4 Bg7 3. Hess – J.Ne2 Be7 20.Be2 e6 8.Nxh4 Bxe2 12.Nf3 Bg4 7.e5 h5 6.gxh4 Bf8 14.b3 Rc8 19.Rdg1 a4 27.Nf3 c4 22.Be1 Qa6 16.Bf2 Nf5 10.Be3 Nh6 9. 62.Bc1 a5 26.Qe3 Nd7 17.Nc3 c6 4.e4 g6 2.Kb2 Ba3+ (wins the house) 0-1 .Nxf7 31…Rxa2+ (mating attack) 32.cxb3 Kd7 31.0-0-0 Qa5 15.Bc3 Qb5 23.Kxa2 Ra8+ 33.Ng5 axb3 30.f5 gxf5 28.Qxe2 Nxh4 13. R. 63. Bonin New York 2003 1.b5 Bb3 0-1 . S.Ne2 Bxa2 24.b3 d5 11.c4 Nb6 5. Agaian – J.Qc4 a6 20.Nge2 0-0 9.e4 Nf6 2.Ba4 Be6 21.Bb5 Rd8 18.Qe2 Nd4 19.exd6 cxd6 6.Bxc3 Bxc3+ 16.Nxc3 Qa5 17.c5 Nd7 12.Nc3 g6 7.Bd3 Bg7 8.Be3 Nc6 10.b4 Qc7 22.dxc5 d4 14.Qf1 Qe5+ 23.Bd2 dxc3 15.Rc1 12…Nxc5 (the fork trick on d4 recovers the piece) 13.f3 a5 25.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4. Rg1 f6 30.Rhg1 Bf3 24.Rxg7+! (exposing the king to a mating attack) 30…Kxg7 31.Be3 Nxe3 20.Bxh7+ Kxh7 27.Bd3 Bb7 11.0-0-0 Qb6 16.e4 dxe4 3.h3 Ngf6 5. Bonin – D.Qxe5 Nd5 19.Ne5 Bd4 17.Rc1 Bh5 25.c3 Bxe5 18.Qg3+ Kf7 32.d4 Be7 8.Nf3 a6 9.Qxe3 Qa5 21.Nc3 d5 2. J.c4 Bxg2 23.Qe2 b5 10. Kedyk New York 2003 1.Bd3 0-0 13.Qg6+ (33.Kb1 Rab8 22.Bxb5+ c6 12. 64.Qd3+ (delayed reaction) 1-0 .b3 Qa3 29.Nxf6+ Nxf6 6.Rg5 Qb4 26.Rh7+ Ke8 33.Rxh5+ Kg8 28.Qxb8 is slightly stronger as it ends the game with checkmate) 33…Kd8 34.Nxe4 Nd7 4.Bg5 c5 14.Bc4 e6 7.dxc5 Bxc5 15. f4 d2 28.Qf4 Qe7 22.Bxe5 Rxe5 20.Q-moves Rg5.c3 b6 9.e3 0-0 6. Bonin New Jersey 1999 1.Bf3 Rf5 24.Be2 22…d4! (a powerful clearance sacrifice.Ng5 Nxg5 14.Nxe5 Bxe5 19.Rxe1 Rd8 30.Nf3 g6 3.Bxg5 e5 15.dxe5 Nxe5 16. 65.Be2 Nbd7 7.Qe2 Ne4 11.Qe2 Qe4 31.Qf2 Rfd5 0-1 .Bh4 Re8 12.Bg5 Bg7 4.Bd3 Bb7 10.0-0 c5 8. and g2 falls) 23.Rfe1 d3 27.Bf4 a6 17.Rc1 Bxg2 26.Rad1 Qc7 13.Qf3 Qc7 21.d4 Nf6 2. Oresick – J.Qxg2 dxe1Q+ 29.Nbd2 d5 5.Qg3 Bxf3 25.Nf3 Qc6 18. R.cxd4 Rf5 24. the pretty point is 23. V. Bonin Philadelphia 1998 1.Bb3 h5 19.Be3 e5 8.Bb3 Nd6 34.f5 g5 24.Rc1 Ra5 35.Bxh6+ Rxh6 21.f4 Nd7 22.Rxg6+ fxg6 31.Qxg5+ Rg6 26.0-0 h6 13.Qa3 a5 15.Qd2 Kg7 23.Nxb5 Nxb5 16.Rg3 Qc5 30. 66.Qxc5 dxc5 32.h3 35…c4! (winning everything) 36.Be2 Bxf3 6.Nc3 c5 10.d4 Bg7 3.Bxf3 Nc6 7.e4 g6 2.Bd1 Nf6 12.Rae1 Bh6 20.Bxc4 Rc5 0-1 .b4 b5 14.Re3 c4 29.Qf5 Qb6 27.c4 Bg4 5.Qa4+ Kf8 11.Qd3 Ra3 18.cxb5 axb4 17.f6+ Nxf6 25.d5 Nd4 9.Nf3 d6 4.Bxc4 Nxe4 33.Qf2 Qxb5 28. Rajlich – J. b6 a3 0-1 .Nxe2 b6 16.Qd2 Nxd4 12.S.a4 bxa4 29.b4 b5 26.Bxd4 Nf4 13.e4 0-0 6. V. Chess League 2011 1. Bonin U.Qd2 Qxd2 22. Martirosov – J.Nd5 Bxd5 19.Be3 Nh5 11.Rc4 f5 21.Rac1 Qg5 18.Nf3 d6 3.Rd4 Rf4 27.c4 g6 4.Rxe4 Rxe4 31.Be2 e5 7.Qxd4 Nxe2+ 15.0-0 exd4 8.fxe4 Rf8 24.Rxd2 fxe4 23.Rxh7 32…a6 33.Nc3 Bb7 17.Nxd4 Re8 9.Rdc2 Rff7 25.a3 Kg7 28. 67.Rxc7+ Kf6 32.cxd5 Re7 20.f3 Nc6 10.b5 Rfxe4 30.Rfd1 Bxd4+ 14.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 Bg7 5. Cortese New York 2013 1.Nf3 c6 3. 68. J.Bxf6 Rxd3 23.Qb3 Qc7 6.g3 a6 20.Bd3 Bxd3 8.Bb2 Rfe8 16.e3 Nbd7 7.Qe2 e6 13.0-0 Be7 14.Rfd1 c5 19.b3 0-0 15.Nxe4 Nxe4 11.e4 dxe4 10.Qxd3 Rd8 9.Qd2 cxd4 21.Rad1 Nd7 17.Qg5 1-0 .Qxe4 Nf6 12. Bonin – A.c4 Nf6 4.Rd3 Bf6 18.d4 d5 2.Nbd2 Bf5 5.Bxd4 Nc5 22. Qe2 Nf5 11.bxc3 Qxc3 16.Nd3 Rc8 18. 69. Davidson – J.Qxf7+ Kh8 17.d4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d5 5.Nc3 c6 4.e4 g6 2.Ne5 14…Rxc3 15.Bd3 Nh6 10.Bf4 Qa5 7.Bxb8 Rxb8 9.Qxe7 Rfc8 14.Bxf5 Bxf5 12. K.0-0-0 0-0 13.exd5 cxd5 8.Ne1 Bxc2 19. Bonin New York 2013 1.h3 a6 6.Qf3 Bd3+ 0-1 . S.g3 Qc7 8.Be3 0-0 11.Ra8+ 1-0 .Rxe8 Rxe8 24.Kf2 Rc1 27.Kd4 a3 38. Epp U.g4 Ba6 16.Qxh6 Bb7 19.d4 g6 2.Ke3 Rxb2 31.Rfe1 Rad8 17.Rc7+ Ke8 32.Nxd4 Nc5 14.Nd5 Nxa4 33.Nf5 gxf5 21.Bxc6 Ke7 28.Nc3 c6 4.exf5 Nxg4 22.Qxf8+ Kxf8 25.a4 a5 7. Bonin – E.Bh6 Bxh6 18.Rxf7 Nc5 35.f6 Nd7 39. Senior Open 2012 1.Qd2 Re8 12.f4 Qe7 20.Nf3 d6 5.Rh6 Bxc6 29.Rxd6 Re1+ 26.h3 Nd7 6.Rxc6 Rxc2+ 30.f3 b6 15.Rad1 exd4 13.Ra7 Rb3+ 37.e4 Bg7 3. 70. J.0-0 Ngf6 10.Bg2 e5 9.Nd5 a4 36.Nf6+ Kd8 34.hxg4 Qf8 23. Bokiev New York 2014 1. J.Nxd8 1-0 .Nxc6 Qxc6 23.Nec6 (this will win at least an exchange.f3 h6 20.e4 Bd6 21.Kg1 Qb7 18.Nxc4 cxd4 14.Bg2 Nbd7 8.Rac1 c5 12. 71.b4) 21…Be7 22.c4 c6 4.Nxd4 Bxg2 15. Bonin – A.0-0 b6 9.Qb1 dxc4 13.d4 d5 2.Nbd2 e6 5.Ne5 Rfd8 19.Bb2 Rc8 11.Rfd1 Qc7 17.e5 or 21…Rxc6 22. as White threatens 22.b3 Bb7 10.Kxg2 Nc5 16.g3 0-0 7.Qc2 Be7 6.Nf3 Nf6 3. Rf1 Ra6 20.Qb3 Qb6 6.Bh3+ followed by 26.g3 Qd7 10. Bonin – W.e3 Bb6 23. J. winning at least twenty games with it.Rc1 Bb6 19.Bd2 a5 18.Nxg6 fxg6 9.) 7…Qc7 8. as 24…Kxe6 fails to 25.e6 (wins a piece by force. After GM Tamaz Gelashvili pulled this on me a few years ago. 72.Qxd7+ Nxd7 15.c4 c6 4.Nf3 Ng4 11.f4 Ke7 16. Hellner New York 2014 1.Bf1 Raa8 24. Black finds the best chance) 11…e5 12.Nxe5 Nxe5 13.Bxd7) 1-0 .Rf3 Rb8 21.Nf3 Nf6 3. I started using it myself.dxe5 Bxc5 14.d4 d5 2.Nh4 Bg6 7.Nbd2 Bf5 5.c5 (all White needs now is Bf4 and total control.Rb3 Bd4 22.Bh3 h5 17.Qh3 (A very powerful move: the twin threats of Qc8+ and Nxg6 will compromise Black’s position. Nf3 Nf6 4.Qb3 Rd8 12.Bg6 hxg5 22.Bh7+ and mate) 23.Bd3 Qf8 15.c4 e6 3.Rxe7 Bxe7 20.Ne5 (leads to a winning attack.Neg5 h6 19.Rfe1 Nd7 14.Nc3 Be7 5.d4 d5 2.Bc4 Re7 18.Qe6 is even stronger) 22…Qf4 (if instead 22…Nf6.Bxf6 Bxf6 9.Bxf7+ Kh8 21. then White wins with 23.e4 dxe4 16.0-0 Qe7 11.e3 b6 7.Nxg5+ Kh8 25. 73.Nf7+ 1-0 . Westin London 1987 1.Bg5 0-0 6. J. although 22.Be2 Bb7 8.Nxe4 Re8 17.cxd5 exd5 10.Nf7+ Kg8 24.Rad1 c6 13.Qh3+ Kg8 26. Bonin – B. Nb3 Qxc2+ 32.g4 Nh6 14. 74.a3 Bxc3+ 6.Qxd5 Qe2# 0-1 .Bxa6 Nxa6 9.Qh3 Nc6 13.Qf3 Nf5 12.Nc3 Bb4 4.f5 exf5 17.Kd1 Qxc3 31.Kg2 Qg8+ 28.Ke1 Qg3+ 30.Ke1 a6 33. winning the queen) 24.Kxh2 Rh8+ 27.e4 e6 2.e5 Ne7 5.Qxh5 Qd7 15.Kh1 Qc8 23.Ng5 h5 10.Bf4 Nxh2 (now 25.d4 d5 3.f4 0-0-0 16.Qb5 23…Ng4! (Who’s mating whom? 24. Large – J. P.bxc3 b6 7.Bxh2 Rxh2+ 26.Nf3 Ba6 8. Bonin London 1987 1.Kf2 Rh2+ 29.Na6 is met by 25…Qxa6) 25.Kg1 Nxe5+.Qxc6 is met by 24…Rxh2+ 25.Qe2 g6 20.gxf5 f6 18.Qa6+ Kb8 21.0-0 Nb8 11.Nc5 gxf5+ 22.Ne6 Rdg8 19. Rxb2 e6 16.Nh6+ Kg7 23.Qe5 Rf7 36.Qe5+ Kh6 (39…Rf6 loses to 40.h4 Rf8 33.Re7+ (the beginning of a mating attack) 34…Kg8 35.Rd2 exd5 17.Bb5+ Bd7 9.Qxa5 Re8 29.Qc7 Qd4 28.e4 Nxc3 7.Rh8+ Rh7 41.Nf3 g6 3.cxd5 Nxd5 6.Ng4 h5 22.Re7+) 40.Qe6+ Kg7 38.Qc1 Qd2 27.Re6 Kg7 34.Qg5 Rxe7 30.Re7+ Kf8 26.Re8+ Rf8 37.Qg5 Qd3 32.Qf4+ 1-0 .Rb1 cxd4 12.Bb2 Rfd8 14. Bonin – R. J.c4 Bg7 4.Nc3 d5 5. Young New York 1988 1. 75.d4 Nf6 2.d5 Bxb2 15.Bxd7+ Qxd7 10.Qxe7+ Kg8 31.cxd4 Nc6 13.bxc3 c5 8.Re1 Re8 20.Rde2 Red8 21.0-0 0-0 11.exd5 Na5 18.Re6 Qxd5 25.Nxf7 Kxf7 24.Ne5 Qd6 19.Qe7+ Rf7 39. Qxe7 Qxe7 26.Qe3 (with twin threats on e6 and e7) 24…R5b7 25. 76.0-0 Nxe4 12.Bd3 b5 10.Rae1 Qf8 22.d5 exd5 5.Nxb5 Re8 11.Rg7+ Kf8 28.e4 0-0 9.g4 Bf6 16.fxg5+ Ke8 30.Nc3 g6 7.Bxe4 Rxe4 13.d4 Nf6 2.Ng5 Rb4 14.Qc3 f6 21.Bb2 Rab8 20.gxf5 Rxb5 17.Ng5 (coming into e6 by tactical means) 23…Qg7 24.Qf3 Bf5 15.cxd5 d6 6. at least.f4 Qf7 23.Bc3 and White will win a piece.fxg6 hxg6 29.b3 Nd7 19. J.c4 e6 3. Bonin – J. 1-0 .Rxe7 fxg5 27.Rff7 Kd8 31.Ne4 Be7 18.Nf3 c5 4. Lewis New York 1991 1.h3 Bg7 8. 77.Ngf3 Qe7 7.c4 e5 3.bxc5 Qxc5 16.b4 Bb7 14.Qxc7 Qxc7 19. Bonin – C.Qc3 Ng6 18.Bd7 f6 22.Bb5 Ra8 21.d4 Nf6 2.Bb3 Rc8 26.e3 Ngxe5 8.Nxe5 Nxe5 9.dxe5 Ng4 4.Kf2 Rf7 24.f3 Kh8 23.Bxc7 Rac8 20.Bf4 Bb4+ 5.Be6 Re7 25.Rfd1 b6 13. Hall Philadelphia 1991 1.Be2 d6 10.Nd2 Nc6 6.Qxd2 0-0 12.Rac1 Qe7 17. J.Bxb6! 1-0 .0-0 Bxd2 11.c5 dxc5 15. J.c4 e5 15.d5 Ne5 11.d4 Bg7 4. 78.Qd3 1-0 .Bg4 f6 20.Qd2 e6 13.Rg3 Be8 19.Nxe5 Bxe5 12.c4 g6 3.cxd5 Nxd5 6. Burger Philadelphia 1990 1.0-0 Qd6 16. Bonin – K.e4 Nxc3 7.Be2 Nc6 10.Rb1 c5 9.Nf3 Nf6 2.Rf3 Bd7 18.bxc3 0-0 8.f5 b6 17.Nc3 d5 5.Be6+ Kh8 22.fxg6 Bxg6 21.f4 Bg7 14.Rxg6! hxg6 23. Ne1 Nd4 20.Nf4 Rf8 27.Qb1+ Kf6 38.bxc3 Bg7 7.Nf6+ Kd8 43.Qg6+ Kf8 41.Qf2 Kh7 28.Qf5+ Kg7 39.Qd2 Qc7 14.Qxh6+ Ke8 42.Rf1 Qd7 25. Song New York 1990 1.Rb1 b6 12.0-0 0-0 11.Rg4 h6 24.d5 Nc6 18.Nd3 f6 21.Bb5+ Bd7 9.Re6+! (getting a strong passed pawn and access to Black’s king) 34…Nxe6 35.exf5 Rxf5 30.Nh5+ Kg8 40.Nh5 f5 29.Rbd1 Nb8 17.Rxf5 Rxf5 32.c4 g6 3.Rxf4 g5 23.Qf8+ 1-0 .Bxd7+ Nxd7 10.cxd5 Nxd5 5.Ng3 Rf7 34.Nc3 d5 4.h3 Qd6 26.dxe6 Qd4+ 36.Qe1 Rdf8 31.c4 e5 19.Bxg7 Kxg7 16.Nf3 c5 8.Kh2 Re7 37.f4 exf4 22.e4 Nxc3 6.Re4 Kg6 33.d4 Nf6 2. J. Bonin – P.Bh6 Rad8 15. 79.Bg5 Re8 13. Re1+ Kd7 26.Bd3+ Kf7 24. 80.Re5+ Kf6 19.h3 Nc6 23. Bonin – L.Qxe7+ Kxe7 11. My opponent was a fellow highly active player. he died in 1998.exd5 c5 7.Nd6+ Kd8 10.) 15…Kxf7 16.Nxf7! (Winning a pawn and compromising an already shaky king position.g4 (tightening the noose) 21…Bd6 22.Nd2 e5 4.d4 exd4 6.Rxh5 Nb4 20. Braun New York 1992 1.Qe2+ Qe7 8.Re1 Nh5 15.e4 c6 2.Rf7+ Kc8 27.Rf5+ Ke6 25.d3 d5 3.Bg3 N7f6 13. J.Bh4+ Kg6 21.Ne4 Ngf6 9.Rxe6+ Kxg5 18.Re6 1-0 .Ngf3 Nd7 5.Bf4 Nxd5 12.0-0-0 Be6 14.Ng5+ Kf6 17. e4 d6 5.a3 Nbd3+ 15.Rd8 Rxd8 20.Nc3 Bg7 4.Qxd6 Qxd6 15.b3 Nf8 24.Be3 exd4 9.Nxb7 Kg7 23. 81.Nxe2 Re7 18.Rc1 Be6 14. J.f3 0-0 6.c4 g6 3.dxc5 dxc5 8.Bxd3 Rxd3 17.Nf3 0-0 6.d4 Nf6 2. J.Nxd4 Re8 10. Marcus Philadelphia 1991 1.Rxb7 Bxc4 20.Be3 c5 7.Rxd6 Bxc4 16.Rfd1 Ne8 19.Be2 e5 7.Nb3 Be6 14.Nd6 Nc7 .c4 g6 3.Nge2 Nd7 11. Lawrence Bezviner – J. Bonin – Y.0-0 Nbd7 8. and 82.e4 d6 5.f3 c6 11. while moving the king to a light square is met by …Ra3 with discovered check) 0-1 83. Bonin New York 1992 1.Nxd3 Nxd3+ 16.Na5 Bxe2 17.Rb1 Bxa3 19.Bxa7 20…Rxa7! (Black will win the a7-rook with …Bb4+.Qxd8 Rxd8 9.Nc3 Bg7 4.Nd1 17…Bxb2! (overloaded pieces) 18.Rad1 a6 13. and if Kf2 then …Bc5+.Nf4 Nb4 13.Be3 Nde5 12.Rxd8 Bf6 21.Nf4 Nd7 22.d4 Nf6 2.Qd2 Ne5 12.Bxc5 Nc6 10. Nc6 Bb6 33.Rxe8 Nxe8 29.Ne7+ Kg7 34.25.Nf5+ Kg6 27.Nd4 c5 32.Be5 Bd8 35.Kf1 Nf6 31.Nd5 1-0 .Nh5+! (simplification by tactics) 25…gxh5 26.Rxf8 (with a fairly routine win) 27…Re8 28.Bf4 Bd8 30. and 27…h6 28.a3 bxa3 21.g3 Nbd7 7.d5 threatens a million discoveries. Bonin – B.0-0 a6 9.Qc2 Bd6 6.Bf5 is killing) 28.Qe2 Be7 15.Nc8 (and the d-pawn queens) 1-0 .Nd6+ Kh8 33.Bxe6 (threatening 28.d4 Nf6 2.Qxf7+ Kh8 27.Bg2 0-0 8. J.Qxe4 Bb7 13.Rda1 Nb4 23.c5 Nf6 14.Bc3 Nc2 24.Rxa5 (a rook sacrifice for the attack) 24…Nxa1 25.e4 dxe4 11.Qf3 Bb5 20.Nxe4 Nxe4 12.Nf3 d5 3.Rxa8 Rxa8 26.Bb2 b4 16.Ne5 Nd5 18.b3 b5 10.Ng6+ Kh7 29.Nxf7+ Kg8 30.Bh3 Ba6 19. 84.Rfd1 a5 17.d7 (and I win back my rook investment with enormous interest surplus) 30…Kf8 31. Izrayelit New York 2014 1.Bb4+ Kg8 32.Nbd2 e6 5.c4 c6 4.Rxa3 Qc7 22.Qg8+ and Nf7#) 27…Bd6 (What can Black do? If 27…g6 then 28.cxd6 Qxf7 29. Bb2 Bd6 4.Qa1 Nfd7 19.Rxc8 Rxc8 18.cxd5 cxd5 7.Nxd5! (back-rank weakness.e3 e5 3.Ne2 Bd7 11. rook moves are met with 24.Bxe5 Nxe5 20.b4 Rb5 22.Nxd6+ Qxd6 9. Frumkin New York 2014 1.Rc1 Qd6 17.Bxd7 Qxd7 15.0-0 Ne5 14.b3 d5 2.Bb5 0-0 10.h3 Rac8 16.Qxa7 Rxb4 23.Ne7+) 1-0 . Bonin – E.Qd4 Rc5 21.Nb5 Nc6 8.c4 Nf6 5. 85.f4 exf4 12.Nxf4 Rfe8 13. J.Qa8+ Qf8 25.Na3 c6 6. Bxd3 Nh4 33.e3 c5 5.a3 Nxc3 12.c4 f6 27.Bb4 Rg7 31.Bc1 f4 25.Nc3 Bb4 4.Kh1 Rdg8 34.c4 e6 3.Ba3 Qe3 30.exd4 Nd5 10.Bf1 Bh3 35.Re1 Qxd3 32.0-0 dxc4 8.f5 e5 16.Bh6 Rg8 20.Rad1 Qd6 22.d6 Nxg2 36. 86.Bb1 Qc5 29.Nh5 Kh8 17.Bb3 Rad8 23. Shapiro – J.f4 b6 14.Bd3 Nc6 6. D.Ng3 Bb7 15. Bonin New York 1989 1.bxc3 Be7 13.Ba2 Nf5 28.Rc1 36…Ne1! (back-rank weakness again) 0-1 .Rf2 f5 24.a4 Bc8 26.Nge2 d5 7.Nxf6 gxf6 19.Qd3 0-0 11.f6 Bxf6 18.d5 Ne7 21.Bxc4 cxd4 9.d4 Nf6 2. Bxg7 Kxg7 15.Qd2 Nc6 10.Nd5 Bxd5 11.d5 e6 8.cxd5 Ne5 12. instead of 13.g3 Kg8 0-1 .Nh3 Qd7 13.dxe6 Bxe6 9. White should have played 13.Bh6 13…Qxh3 (a winning simplification.Nc3 Bg7 4.Qc3 Qh6 16.e4 d6 5. Bonin New York 2014 1.Nf2) 14. 87.f3 0-0 6. S.c4 g6 3.Be3 c5 7.Bh6?.d4 Nf6 2. Cappelan – J. Qd3 Qc7 18.Rxe5 Kf6 25.Nbxd2 Nxd5 9.Qd4 Qc3 23.Qc2 Nbd7 12.e5 Nd5 14.dxc5 Nxc5 15.Ne8+! Ke6 29.Rae1 Rc7 26.g3 Bb7 5. 88.Nxc7 Rxe5 28.b4 Nd7 16.Nd4 Nxe5 21.e4 Nf6 11.Neg5 g6 19.Bg2 d5 6.Ndxe6+ fxe6 22.Rfe1 Kg7 20.Qxe5+ Qxe5 24. J.Bh3+ 1-0 . Bonin – E.d4 Nf6 2.Ne4 Rc8 17.0-0 0-0 10.Nxe6 Re8 27.c4 b6 4.Nf3 e6 3.cxd5 Bb4+ 7. Balck New York 2014 1.Bd2 Bxd2+ 8.a3 c5 13. 0-0 Nb6 11. Belorusov New York 2001 1.Qh5+) 28…Ke6 29.c4 dxc4 6.Qxf5 Qxc3 28.e4 Qxa2 32.Nd1 Bc8 18.Qf3 Kh8 16.Nd6 Qa6 23.Ne5 Rf8 20.g4 Qxb4 17.Nf5+ Bxf5 25.Rb2 Bh6 15.b4 c6 10.Nc3 Qa3 24.Qf4 Qc2 31. J.Qxh6 Rg8 30.Bb3 Qe7 12.Nf4 Bf5 14.e3 g6 5.Rb1 Rd8 13.Rxf7+ Kxf7 27.Ne2 0-0 8.Nxg6+! Kg7 19.Rb1 was very strong: if 28…Re8. Bonin – M.Rc1 Qa4 33.Bxc4 Bg7 7.Bxc4 Qxc4 22.Nxf7 Nc4 21.Rxc6+ 1-0 .Rxb7+ (leading to a strong attack) 25…Rf7 26.d4 d5 2. 89.Nbc3 Nd7 9. then 29.Bxf6 exf6 4.Bg5 Nf6 3.Qxh7+ (not best – 28. Rde2 Rfe8 21. Vuličević New York 1992 1.Rxe4 Qc7 15.Kd5) 45…Ke6 46.Be4 Qxh2 35.Qd5 f5 36.Nh4 d4 23.Qc2 Nf6 17.Kg4 Bxf5+ 38.Qxe4 Rxe4+ 40.Kf3 Kd7 48.Bd2 Be7 8.Kf3 Re7 33.Nbd2 0-0 11. J.Kg2 Qd7 31.Nf3 b6 4.b3 c6 6.Nxh6+ Kg7 42.c4 e6 3.Bxf5 Qh1+ 37.0-0 d5 9.Nd6 (with the twin threats of 46.d5 exd5 20.Qh5 Bd7 34.Nf5+ Kf6 43.Nxa7 1-0 .Kxe4 Bxd2 45.Bg2 Bb4+ 7.Qxd3 Re1+ 30.Qg6+ Bg7 29.Rd2 Bf8 26.Nxe4 Nxe4 14.Bc3 Nbd7 10.Bxf6 gxf6 22.Qf5 Bc8 24.Nxf5 Qe4+ 39.Rad1 h6 18.Rxe8 Rxe8 27.g3 Ba6 5.d4 Nf6 2. 90.Bd5 Re5 28. Bonin – N.Qh5 d3 25. the knight is immune to capture) 43…Bc3 44.Re1 Rad8 16.Qg6 Qh3+ 32.Nc8 and 46.Kf3! (making way for g3-g4.Re1 Bb7 12.Nc8 f5+ 47.f4 Bd4 41.e4 dxe4 13.Rd2 c5 19. Kxg1 dxc4 (two pawns to the good.e4 c5 2.hxg4 Nc6 39.Bc1 Ne7 15.Nc3 a6 8.axb4 axb4 43.Be1 c3 44.Rad1 Kh8 14.Nd5 Be6 12.Kf2 Kg8 33.c4 Nh4 27.Qg1 Qxg1+ 31.bxc3 b3 45.Ne3 Bxe3 16.Qc2 28…Rf2! (interference and deflection: 29.Ke3 Ne7 36.Kd3 Ne5+ 0-1 . E. 91.Nxe5 Nxe4 21.Ke4 b5 40.Nxd4 e5 5.Be3 Qf5 25.d4 cxd4 4.Qd3 d6 10.Re2 Qb6+ 19.Qxf2 Qxd1+ 30.Bc4 Nf6 7.Bc5 Qg4 28.Rxf2 fxe6 18.a3 0-0 11.Kh1 d5 20.Bd2 b4 42.Rxf2 Qxf2 23.Nd7 Nf2+ 22.Bf4 a5 41.Bxe6 Bxf2+ 17.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bannon – J.g3 Ng6 34.g4 h5 37.Nxf8 Rxf8 24. Black’s task becomes purely technical) 32.Nf3 h6 6.Bd2 Rc8 13.Bxf2 Qxg2#) 29.h3 hxg4 38.Qb3 Ng6 26.Bd6 Kf7 35. Bonin Philadelphia 2001 1.0-0 Bc5 9. Nc3 e6 6.Bc2 Nh5 21. King – J.Rfe1 Rfe8 17.Bxf4 Rf8 wins back the piece with dividends) 0-1 . A.axb3 e5 10.Be2 d5 7.f3 Bf8 19.Be3 f5 22. Bonin New York 2012 1.Kf1 Bg7 20.exf3 c6 5.b4 Ngf6 13.Be3 exd4 11.Na4 a6 16.Qb3 Qb6 8.Bxd4 Nd7 12.Nf3 Bg4 3.d4 d6 2.fxg4 23…Nxf4! (winning a pawn. 92.c5 Qxb3 9.c4 Bxf3 4.g4 fxg4 23.Bd3 0-0 15. as 24.f4 g6 18.0-0 Be7 14. Ballantine New York 2012 1.Qe2 Bd6 19.e4 dxe4 12.Kh3 Re7 27. is next) 1-0 . Bonin – R.Rad1 Qc7 15.c4 c6 4.Nxd7 Rxd7 21.Bg2 0-0 8.Nxe4 Bb7 13.Rxd6. while 27…g5 is met by 28.Qg6 (29.Nxf6+ Nxf6 14.Qc2 Nbd7 6.Bb2 b6 11.f5 exf5 25.Qg4! f5 (if 27…g6 then 28.Qd4) 28.Qxf5 Qc6+ 26. J.Rfd1 h6 23.b3 c5 10.Nbd2 e6 5.Rd3 Red8 22. exploiting the overload. 93.Nf3 Nf6 3.0-0 Re8 9.Ne5 Bxg2 17.f4 Nd7 20.Kxg2 Rad8 18.dxc5 Qxc5 16.Qf3 Qc7 24.g3 Be7 7.d4 d5 2.Rxd6. the c-pawn decides) 27…Rg8 28.Ba6 e5 17.Bxe5 Nxe5 21.Rxd5+! (a combo leading to a winning attack) 25…cxd5 26.c5 Qxb3 8.Bg3 e6 14.Bf4 Nbd7 10. Pressman New York 2012 1. Bonin – L.Nxc5+ Bxc5 24.Ne5 Nxe5 12.Rxf7 (much better than taking the rook.f3 Bf5 15.e4 dxe4 16.c6 (if 28…Rc8.dxc5 Rhe8 25. 94.Nbd2 Bf5 5.Rxe5 Kd7 22.Bb5+ Kd8 27.c7! and White wins) 1-0 .Nf3 Bg4 11.Be2 bxc5 23.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 d5 2. J.Bxe5 Nd7 13.Rd7+ Ke8 30.Nh4 Be6 7.Nxb3 b6 9.0-0 Be7 19.Qb3 Qb6 6.fxe4 Bxe4 18.Rae1 Bd5 20. then 29.c4 c6 4. Kf2 Rc2+ 33.exd4 Be4 winning a piece.Qc7 Qc5 21.Nbd2 Ne4 11.Nxe4 fxe4 13.f3 exf3 15.Rc7+ Kf6 30. 95.dxe5 Nd7 19.Kf4! Rc3 36.Ba3 Rd8 26.Nf3 d5 3. Bernstein New York 2012 1.Nd2 Nf6 14. Bonin – N. he takes the bait) 34…Rxe3? 35. J.0-0 0-0 8.Rxa7 Rc6 31.d4 e6 2.c4 c6 4.Nxf3 Bd7 16. with the idea of 35.Ne5 Bxe5 18.Bg2 Bd6 7.Rxc5 Rxd6 28.e3 b6 12.g3 Nf6 6.Rc1 Nc5 25.Bb2 Nbd7 10. instead.g5# 1-0 .Rc8+ Kf7 29.Qd6 Qxd6 22.Bxc5 bxc5 27.exd6 Bg6 23.Rxf8+ Rxf8 24.Bf3 (here Black misses 34…d4!.b3 Qe7 9.cxd5 cxd5 20.g4 Rc1+ 32.Kg3 Rc3 34.Rae1 Be8 17.Qc2 f5 5. Nb4 Nf4 20. Bonin New York 2014 1.Nc6 Rc7 18.Nxd4 Nf6 5.d4 cxd4 4.cxb5 axb5 19.c4 Ne6 17.Rb1 Ra7 15.0-0 0-0 12.Bxf6 Bxc3+ 9.Rfe1 20…Qg5! 0-1 .Bg5 h6 8. 96.Nf3 a6 3.Bc4 d6 11.Qd2 b5 16.Na5 Nc5 14.Bd5 Nd7 13.e4 c5 2.Nb3 Bb4 7. Offermann – J.Nc3 e5 6.bxc3 Qxf6 10. J. 97.Na4 Ng8 17.h4 Bg4 9.Ra3 Bxg5 18. Black.Nc3 Bxe2 13.d5 e5 3.Qf6 Rxb6 26.Bg5 Qc7 16.a5 Bb5 12.e4 d6 4.Nf3 Nf8 8.d4 c5 2.Bb5+ Nd7 5.Rxb7! (wins the house.Nb6 Nxb6 24.Rxb6 Rb8 25. 19…Rb8 instead of 19…Ne7 was necessary) 20…Qd8 21.Rb3 Ne7 20.Nfd2 Bd7 11.hxg5 g6 19.Qxe7+ 1-0 .Nc4 N8d7 15.Qxe2 h5 14.axb6 Qxb6 27.a4 a6 6.Nxd6+ Kf8 22. Jr.g3 Nf6 10. New York 2013 1.Qf3 Rh7 23.Be2 Be7 7. Bonin – J. Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 Bh7 21.dxc5 Be7 25.cxd5 Rxd5 26.Nh4 Qxb3 7.Qb3 Qb6 6.Nhf3 Ne4 14.Nxd2 Bh7 16.Nxb3 Bc2 8.Bd3+ f5 33. Margiotta New York 2013 1. but this move loses.Kd2 Kg6 (Black’s last prepares …Be7-f6. too) 34.a3 a5 10.Na4 Rfe8 22.Rxd5 exd5 27.gxf5+ followed by Rg1+ winning a piece.g4 Be6 (not 31…Be4 32.Bd4 Bf5 28.h4 (this shot will win at least a pawn) 33…Bf6 (33…gxh4 meets with 34.Nb1 Bg6 20.Be2 0-0 17.Ke1 g5 30.d4 d5 2.Nd2 e6 9.c4 c6 4. 98.Rfd1 Bh7 19.f3) 32. J.Rc1 Nxd2 15.Nc5 Nxc5 24.Bb2 h6 12.e3 Bd6 13.b3 Nbd7 11.g3 Rad8 23. but more precise is 30…g4! – what happens now is embarrassing) 31.Kf1 Kh7 29.gxf5+ 1-0 .Nbd2 Bf5 5. Bonin – J.0-0 Bg6 18. Qe3 Rce8 22.Bd3 Bd7 7. though I’m also threatening 33…h4 34.Kg3 Rh1 32.Rd2 Bb5 29.Bf4 Bd6 18. Balck – J.e4 c5 2. E. .Ng2 32…Bf1! (What’s simpler than liquidation? The threat is simply to play …Rg1. coupled with the advance of the h- pawn.Nxb3 cxb3 28.h4 Nf5 13.Bxd6 Qxd6 20.Nxh4 Rh3+ winning the knight.Nxe1 Rxh4+ 31.h3 h5 11.c3 e6 4.Bg5 Qb6 14.Rad1 Rg4 27.Ne3 is met by 34… Rh3#) 33.gxf4 Rhg8+ 24.Bc2 Be7 10.d4 d5 5.Ra2 Na5 15.Kh2 Re2 25.exf6 gxf6 17.Bxf5 exf5 19.f3 Bxg2 34.Rxg2 Rc1 0-1.Re1 Rxe1 30. Bonin New York 2012 1.Nbd2 f6 16.a3 c4 9.0-0 Rc8 8.Nf3 a6 3.Raa1 Nb3 26. while 34. 99.Qf4 Qxf4 23.Qe2+ Kf7 21.g3 Nh6 12. The threat of …Rc2. proves too much.e5 Nc6 6. cxd5 cxd5 18.Nd3+ Ke4 33.Kb1 Qxe5 27.Qf4 also wins: 36…Kd5 37.Rdh1 Be8 22.c4 e6 3.Qb5 Qc7 29.g5 Bg7 14.R7h6 Kg7 25.0-0-0 a5 10.Ne2 Qc7+ 26.exd4+. and if 35…e5 then 36.Qg2+ (36.Qg2#) 35…d4 36.Qd3 Bxe5 23.Qf4# is the threat.g4 Nb4 12. and Black resigned before I could play 37.Qxg6+ Ke5 32.Qe8 Kf6 (30…Rh6 31.e3 0-0 8.h4 Na6 11. J.Nf4 Rf6 28. Schmauch New Jersey 2000 1.hxg6 f5 17.Qg6#) 31. Bonin – B.Rh7 g4 20.h5 hxg5 16.Qxg3 (now 36.Qc2 c6 9.Ne5 Bd7 21.dxe5 Bxg6 24. 1-0 .Rxg6+ (a powerful sacrifice allowing my queen to participate in the attack) 29…Rxg6 30.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.a3 Na6 15.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc5+ (giving back the piece to set up a mating net) 34…Qxc5 35.Bg5 h6 6.Rd1 g3 34.d4 d5 2.Rxd4+ Kc6 Rc4) 36…Ke5.Nc3 Be7 5.Bxa6 Rxa6 19.Rxh6 Kxh6 32.Qb1 g6 13. 100. Index of Games Oliver Chernin – IM Jay Bonin English Opening IM Jay Bonin – Mackenzie Molner Indian Defense: Pseudo-Benko IM Jay Bonin – Tatiana Vayserberg Dutch Defense IM Jay Bonin – IM Alexander Ostrovskiy Slav Defense IM Jay Bonin – IM Timothy Taylor Pseudo-Trompowsky Warren Wang – IM Jay Bonin Slav Defense Robert Hess – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Defense IM Jay Bonin – IM Bobby Kurniawan King’s Indian Defense FM Raul Allicock – IM Jay Bonin Modern Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Maurice Ashley Grünfeld Defense IM Jay Bonin – FM Asa Hoffmann The Rat IM Jay Bonin – David Abramson King’s Indian Defense IM Kamran Shirazi – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Defense IM Jay Bonin – FM Ronald Young Grünfeld Defense IM Jay Bonin – Majur Juac Benoni Defense IM Jay Bonin – Tim Hoang Slav Defense . David Brodsky – IM Jay Bonin French Defense Eugene Jarva – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar Nimzo-Larsen Attack IM Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar Nimzo-Larsen Attack Ted Belanoff – IM Jay Bonin French Defense Ted Belanoff – IM Jay Bonin French Defense IM Jay Bonin – Ted Belanoff Nimzo-Larsen Attack Nicholas Proudfoot – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Defense Nicholas Proudfoot – IM Jay Bonin Nimzo-Larsen Attack IM Jay Bonin – Nicholas Proudfoot King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Juan Sena Symmetrical English IM Jay Bonin – Juan Sena Bogo-Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – FM Boris Privman Pirc Defense IM Jay Bonin – FM Boris Privman Catalan FM Boris Privman – IM Jay Bonin Old Benoni FM Boris Privman – IM Jay Bonin Old Benoni IM Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki Pseudo-Trompowsky . IM Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki Semi-Tarrasch Edward Kopiecki – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Defense Edward Kopiecki – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Defense Todd Bryant – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Michael Rohde Nimzo-Larsen Attack Henry Qi – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Attack Joshua Rubin – IM Jay Bonin Closed Sicilian IM Jay Bonin – Arthur Tollefson Dutch Defense Isaac Yetzman – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Denys Shmelov English Opening IM Jay Bonin – William Wright Queen’s Gambit Declined Jeffrey Mitchell – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Kalashnikov FM Kyron Griffith – IM Jay Bonin French Defense Shaun Swindell – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar Caro-Kann Defense Michael Shapiro – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Defense IM Jay Bonin – IM Yurij Lapshun Pseudo-Trompowsky . Zlotnikov – IM Jay Bonin English Opening IM Jay Bonin – Norman Rogers King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Steven Jablon Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – Daniel Vasserman King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – James Jeffrey King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Gerald Towns King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Carl Brandon Boor Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – Larry Remlinger King’s Indian Defense .IM Jay Bonin – Vladimir Getman Pseudo-Trompowsky Russel Porter – IM Jay Bonin Sicilian Defense IM Jay Bonin – FM Konstantin Dolgitser Baltic Defense IM Jay Bonin – FM Stephen Muhammad Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – IM Joshua Waitzkin King’s Indian Attack Evan Rosenberg – IM Jay Bonin English Opening IM Jay Bonin – Luis Bernardo Hoyos Millán King’s Indian Defense Roman Krant – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Attack Bora Yagiz – IM Jay Bonin Nimzowitsch Defense M. Pehme – IM Jay Bonin Indian Defense GM Roman Dzindzichashvili – IM Jay Bonin English Opening Carl Haessler – IM Jay Bonin Nimzo-Larsen Attack IM Jay Bonin – Matthew Horwitz Queen’s Gambit Declined .IM Jay Bonin – IM Justin Sarkar Queen’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Sergey Shchukin King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Keith Espinosa King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Cameron Hull Trompowsky Attack IM Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – Aravind Kumar Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – Benjamin Katz Benoni Defense IM Jay Bonin – George Berg Nimzo-Larsen Attack IM Jay Bonin – GM Walter Browne Queen’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Geoffrey Caveney Old Indian Defense Yefrim Zatz – IM Jay Bonin French Defense IM Jay Bonin – James West King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Paul Saint-Amand Budapest Defense Morgan L. Brooks – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Attack IM Jay Bonin – Brian Campbell King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Edward Kopiecki Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – Sam Barsky Pirc Defense IM Jay Bonin – Michael Hehir King’s Indian Defense . Bournival Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – Michael Cavallo Dutch Defense IM Michael A.IM Jay Bonin – FM Carlos Pujols Benoni Defense Oliver Chernin – IM Jay Bonin Queen’s Gambit Declined GM Mikhail Kekelidze – IM Jay Bonin Benoni Defense FM Joshua Colas – IM Jay Bonin Pirc Defense IM Jay Bonin – Jason Margiotta Slav Defense IM Jay Bonin – Kapil Chandran Benoni Defense Tyrell Harriot – IM Jay Bonin Queen’s Pawn Opening IM Jay Bonin – Tim Mirabile Torre Attack IM Jay Bonin – Bora Yagiz Nimzo-Larsen Attack IM Jay Bonin – Andre Zaremba Slav Defense IM Jay Bonin – B. Christiansen – IM Jay Bonin Pirc Defense GM Alexander Stripunsky – IM Jay Bonin Petroff Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Alexander Stripunsky English Opening IM Jay Bonin – GM Hikaru Nakamura Van Geet Opening IM Jay Bonin – GM Alexander Shabalov Slav Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Alexander Shabalov Slav Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Gata Kamsky Grünfeld Defense GM Gata Kamsky – IM Jay Bonin Old Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Aleksander Wojtkiewicz King’s Indian Defense GM Kamil Miton – IM Jay Bonin King’s Indian Defense .IM Jay Bonin – Nick Vetese Queen’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – Hans Niemann Grünfeld Defense GM Samuel Reshevsky – IM Jay Bonin Benoni Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Robert Byrne King’s Indian Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Lev Alburt Indian Game IM Jay Bonin – GM Florin Gheorghiu Benoni Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Stefan Djurić Semi-Tarrasch GM Larry M. IM Jay Bonin – GM Michael Rohde Pirc Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Alexander Shabalov Pseudo-Trompowsky IM Jay Bonin – GM Mikhail Kekelidze Torre Attack IM Jay Bonin – GM Irina Krush Queen’s Gambit Declined GM Mikhail Kekelidze – IM Jay Bonin Philidor Defense GM Michael Rohde – IM Jay Bonin French Defense IM Jay Bonin – GM Leonid Shamkovich Old Indian Defense GM Bosko Abramović – IM Jay Bonin Pirc Defense GM Alexander Lenderman – IM Jay Bonin French Defense GM Mikhail Kekelidze – IM Jay Bonin Benko Gambit IM Jay Bonin – GM Alexander Bagratoni King’s Indian Defense GM Anthony Miles – IM Jay Bonin Queen’s Gambit. Exchange Variation .


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