a330 Teardrop Non-precision Approach

June 26, 2018 | Author: Jeffrey Ford | Category: Aerospace Engineering, Aviation Safety, Aeronautics, Aerospace, Transport Safety
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A330 TEARDROP NON-PRECISION APPROACHãwww.a330jam.com (not an official document) Zibsey Example: Perth NDB - circle for RWY24 CAT C CIRCLING CRITERIA * maintain minimum visibility (as specified on app chart) along intended flight path * maintain visual contact with the runway threshold or approach lights * maintain obstacle clearance of at least 400' * maintain MDA until intercepting a 3 degree approach path (or minimum 1000' in daylight until intercepting a 3 deg path) * maintain inside the circling area (4.2 nm from thresholds) * maximum circling speed: 180 kts * Altitude tolerance on Minima = 0’ to 100’ * Tracking tolerance on NDB: ±5 degrees RDMI NAV SWITCHES TO ADF (WINDOWS STILL SHOW DME) APPROACH PREPARATION VOR 1 & 2 HARWIRED TO PH (FOR DME) RAD-NAV PAGE MCDU PRIMARY PLAN ADF 1 & 2 HARDWIRED TO PH (FOR NDB’S) RAD-NAV PAGE - YPPH DESTINATION PNF SELECT “TERR ON ND” - PH HOLDING PATTERN BIRD ON (FPA) - teardrop approaches are not available in the database APPROACH BREIFING - FIX PAGE: PH NDB AND RADIALS (270 & 237) APPROACH CHECKLIST PRIMARY PLAN (PERF-APPR PAGE) SET CONF FULL SEC PLAN: LANDING RUNWAY (PERTH RWY24 - this case) (enables profile doughnut) APPROACH ACTIVATED EITHER BEFORE OR IN THE HOLDING PATTERN. SEC PLAN (PERF-APPR PAGE) PROGRAMMED (enables “groundspeed mini”) CIRCLING MINIMA PROGRAMMED GPS PRIMARY / ACCURACY HIGH (PROG page) Allows FIX lines and ND runway picture to be trusted EFIS NAV SWITCHES TO ADF Note: no need to fully configure by 2,000’ HAT as this rule does not apply to circling approaches or circuits. SPEED REDUCES IN MANAGED MODE Start outbound descent when established on, or turning to intercept outbound track FLAP 1 FPA -1.0 (approx) intermediate descent START CLOCK CAT C outbound timing: 1 min 30 sec FIX LINE: PH (NDB) RADIAL (270) GEAR DOWN 270 LEAVING HOLD: “IMM EXIT” SPEED MANAGED DETAILS SPECIFIC TO THIS APPROACH MINIMA: 1440’ 4,000 m GO-AROUND: track 057 to 1,000’ then left turn track 270. Climb to 3,000’ (missed approach point is PH NDB). Circling not authorised beyond 4.0 DME East. PH VOR is very close to the 06 threshold. ALT * FLAP 2 NORMAL ALT CAPTURE AT 1,900’ (does not go below) SET INTERMEDIATE (OUTBOUND) ALTITUDE ON FCU (prior to descent) PH NDB 2800 1 06-24 LANDING CHECKLIST CONF FULL TEADROP SECTOR FLOWN IN HDG WITH A GRADUAL TURN RATE FLAP 3 CAO TOLERANCE ±100’ MISSED APPROACH POINT: PH NDB SELECT ALT AT ‘100 ABOVE’ 057 HOLDING PATTERN CONFIG: FLAP ZERO (GREEN DOT SPEED) DISCONNECT AP BY MDA(H) - 100’ (a limitation) DOWNWIND OUTBOUND TIMIMNG 4 seconds per 100’ AGL 1900’ FIX LINE: PH (NDB) RADIAL (057) START FINALS DESCENT WHEN ESTABLISHED ON INBOUND COURSE TRACK (within 5 degrees) FPA -3.0 DEG USE HEADING FOR TRACKING OR MCDU PROGRAM: “DIR-RADIAL- IN” - ARMS NAV (intercepts well - even from 90 degrees) LEVEL OFF AT CIRCLING MINIMA (1440’) 45 degree heading/track change start timing on completion of turn: 30 seconds CAO TOLERANCE -0’ TO +100’ FLIGHT DIRECTORS OFF ACTIVATE SECONDARY - not too early as may sequence the runway (check active waypoint on ND is CF or runway) INSIDE THE CIRCLING AREA (4.2 nm from runway complex) PF CALL “CIRCLING” HEADING CHANGE AS REQUIRED (nominally 45 deg crosswind for 30 seconds) (start clock on completion of the turn) CIRCLING AREA (4.2 nm) If circling for RWY 06 in this approach: overfly adjacent to the runway (to keep it visual), turn crosswind and maintain crosswind track for 10-15 seconds. Turn downwind, activate secondary and circle as normal MISSED APPROACH Must be flown as per published procedure on the chart. When circling, initially turn towards the runway complex. Recommend AP for flying the missed approach (in HDG) On finals: fly the doughnut accurately (not a precision glideslope) Small path variations can amount to 100 to 200’ off profile.


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