a330 Etops Data
a330 Etops Data
June 26, 2018 | Author: Miroslav Stoyanov | Category:
Jet Aircraft
Transport Safety
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A330 ETOPSAFTER ETOPS IN-FLIGHT ETOPS SEGMENT WX may drop below OEI minimum PREFLIGHT PLANNING BEFORE ETOPS Applicable OEI minimum - disregard overmass - apply X-wind limits including gusts If conditions required are no longer available, a re-planning must be done with preflight conditions circ le 4 1 0 ETOPS 2 RWY (hardware only) CAT 2/3 CAT 1 or PAR CAT 1 NPA ** ETOPS 1 WX In case of diversion use applicable minima ST O PS N M CYQX KBGR PTO CYQX ETP EINN PTO EINN VERTICAL PROFILE 30 min at FL140 FUEL PROC Engine failure & decompression NPA circling or if not avail NPA + 200ft/1km* NPA the lower of the higher of NPA + 200ft/1km* NPA + 200ft/1km* or circling or circling Circling Circling Circling * or (5/8 0.625SM) ** if RWYs are crossing, at least 1 rwy 2200m from threshold to intersection for Circling use lowest sector for USA, minimum must not be below USA DA minima WIND forecast x-wind including gusts must be considered, be aware of magnetic variation LFPG LSZH KJFK OFP fuel calculation FL100 Hold 15 min at 1500ft / GND APP & Landing at EA with FR M 0N 123 rcle ETOPS ci ETOPS circles are calculated with OEI speed 410kts in still air under standard conditions. Actual diversion time with actual wind corrections may therefore exceed the rule time of 180min. ADDE fuel is not needed anymore and may be used as EXTRA fuel CRITICAL FUEL SCENARIO (CFS) If required fuel to EA is greater than required fuel to destination, ADDE fuel must be added TRIP to EA FL100 OEI GC + 15NM (APP+LDG) ADDE fuel must be on board if required at CFS ADDE ADDE EXTRA TAXI COF ADDE Required fuel to ETOPS alternate TRIP to DEST EXTRA (ex ADDE) TRIP to DEST DEST ALTN CF FR Required fuel to regular destination APU 130kg/hr ENG & WING A/ICE 3% * Ice Accretion 5% * TRIP to DEST TRIP to DEST MEL some MEL items may authorize ETOPS only after the first 60’ of flight without problem on the system concerned. In this case, use normal ETOPS planing. 5% COF 15' Hold FR *only if expected (always with Skytrack) DEST ALTN CF FR DEST ALTN CF FR DEST ALTN CF FR A330 DATAS min turn width for 180° turn 44m WEIGHTS MTW MZFW MTOW MLW 230’900kg 170’000kg 230’000kg* 182’000kg 9.37m *220’000kg at HECA, FKKD, OMDB, OEJN, OPKC, FGSL OOMS, OERK, LLBG, FKYS, all EUR except ZRH & GVA 60.3m PAX CONFIG F 332 03 12 332 04 332 S20 10.68m C 42 48 42 Y 142 182 187 TOT 196 230 229 LMC 2F/C, 4C/C, 6Y/C and/or 400kg dead load PAX norm 82 / 35 / 0 kg charter 76 / 35 / 0 kg japan 72 kg crew 90 kg STRETCHER on seats 39/40/41 A/B, add 50kg to DOW 58.37m 26 LD-3 containers 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 L/R L/R L/R L/R L/R L/R L/R 31 32 33 41 42 43 L/R L/R L/R L/R L/R L/R 5 BULK 6.67m 22.18m Tailstrike l/g comp 11° SPEED SCHEDULE OFP LRC clb 250/300/.80 crz LRC des .80/300/250 M.82 clb 250/300/.80 crz LRC<FL280<.82 des .80/300/250 M.83 clb 250/300/.83 crz 320<FL290<.83 des .83/340/250 FMS CI=30 CI=30 CI=30 250/300/.80 CI=30<FL280<.82 .82/300/250 250/300/.80 320<FL290<.83 .83/300/250 17.88m !!!NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE!!! A330 MEMO © Pierre-Michel Gasser, 20.01.08
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