82591707 Aquaponic Plumbing

June 30, 2018 | Author: Enric Toledo | Category: Plumbing, Aquaponics, Aquarium, Hydraulic Engineering, Building Engineering
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http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Aquaponic Plumbing TCLynx (Aleece B. Landis) Aquaponic Lynx LLC Decomplexing Plumbing Hooking it all togete! "!om simple Aquaponics systems to mixed type aquaponics systems http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ This Is NOT a Siphon Class ➲ I have a demo we can play with if there is time. ➲ Siphons can work anywhere you have enough fall and can adjust the flow rate in constant pumping but you do have to get the balance right. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Overview ➲ igure out your general layout ➲ !et an idea of flow rates and needed pipe si"es ➲ !et tools and materials on hand ➲ #o the ground work ➲ $ook up drain plumbing first ➲ %hen run supply plumbing http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/  Figure out your general layout ➲ Space you have to work with ➲ %ape measure ➲ #rawing ➲ !row beds ➲ ish tank ➲ &alkways ➲ #raw a picture or lay it out on site http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Important design tips ➲ 'ump bypass( note that you can % off the pump line and add a ball valve to spray water back into the fish tank or sump tank( this is a better way to reduce flow to grow beds than simply adding ball valves at the grow beds. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Important design tips ➲ S)* drain. %hat stands for solids lifting overflow. %his is a way to draw water from the bottom of a fish tank while still keeping the water level in the fish tank fairly constant. ➲ +$I% 'IS% as in last slide provides clean water sump. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Important design tips ➲ %he +$*' ,ark - method doesn.t provide a clean water sump but it does provide more control and flexibility over layout. ➲ /ou can control the flow to individual beds easier and not worry about the fish tank overflowing since it overflows to the sump tank. %his makes siphon operation easier. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/  et an idea o! !low rates and needed pipe si"es ➲ I often start with the pump( what si"e plumb0 ing does it take1 !onna upsi"e it1 ➲ %hen make drain plumbing bigger( much bigger. ➲ Siphons are a bit different( they require a balance http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/  et tools and materials on hand ➲ 2se your layout and pipe si"e figures to help you estimate the amount of pipe and what fittings you will need to hook it all to0 gether. ➲ %ools and safety glasses for cutting. ➲ Sandpaper ➲ '3+ primer/cement ➲ !loves unless you like purple stained hands http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Tools http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Or Power Tools http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ #on$t %e a!raid o! P&C pipe ➲ ,any people seem to want to use irrigation pipe or something because they feel it is more flexible and temporary but regular '3+ pipe is not difficult to get( cut( or glue and the fittings are not that costly. /ou get far more flow through the '3+ than you do irrigation pipe hooked together with barb fittings. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ P&C Cement or Silicone http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Temporary P&C Options ➲ %here are flexible couplers for '3+. ➲ Some plumbing with no chance of getting knocked apart can be left dry fitted. ➲ 4nd if you need to secure plumbing tem0 porarily a stainless steel screw can keep it from being knocked apart and some silic0 one can keep it from dripping. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/  #o the ground wor' ➲ 'lace tanks and beds in correct location. ➲ #o any digging and leveling. ➲ 'rep trenches for pipes. ➲ )ook at everything and visuali"e the plumb0 ing runs to make sure it will all work out. ➲ #rain plumbing outlet into sump or fish tank needs to be lower than the beds or water won.t drain. ➲ 3ents may be needed if gravity plumbing does much up and down. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/  (oo' up drain plumbing !irst ➲ #rill holes for grow bed drains and install. ➲ ,ake sure stand pipes are removable. ➲ it gravel guards. ➲ If running siphons add extra overflow ➲ )ay out drain piping and fittings. ➲ $ook it all up without glue first. ➲ 5un some water to make sure drains work. ➲ !lue or secure once satisfied. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Then )un supply plumbing ➲ rom pump to beds ➲ *r from fish tank to beds for +$I% 6con0 stant height in fish tank7 system ➲ If +$I% plumb supply from pump to fish tank. ,ake sure the !ravity drain from fish tank is plenty large enough that the fish tank won.t overflow. ➲ )ayout and dry fit first and make sure it all looks good before securing. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Test ➲ *nce it.s all hooked up( test it out. ➲ %his is a good time to rinse everything off ➲ &ithout media in you may not be able to really test flood and drain. ➲ 5un water around to let it air out and do a good test for leaks. ➲ 4fter a day of circulating you can check your source water.s 8real9 p$ and also get a good baseline on other water tests. 'repare for gravel washing 6test likely media for p$ compatibility.7 http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ So that was %asic ➲ &hat about hooking up... ➲ 5afts ➲ :% ➲ %owers ➲ etc http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Clean *ater Sump ➲ If you want a combo system a clean water sump +$I% 'IS% 6+onstant $eight in fish tank pump in sump tank7 is a good way to go. ➲ *n the other had( if you do +$*' ,ark - you can add additional filtration before the :%( 54%S or %owers if you add them. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ #iagram http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ Towers ➲ %here are different kinds of towers. ➲ ,ost require solids filtration and bio0filters. ➲ ;ipgrow towers are the exception. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ (ow much +edia grow bed do you need For a +i,ed System- ➲ %hat is still being determined. ➲ It will depend on many things. ➲ %here are only a couple of commercial scale aquaponics systems experimenting with media bed filtration instead of settling thanks and bio0filters. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ *hat about Sequencing- ➲ 4quaponics Indexing 3alves allow for more grow beds with less water level fluctuation for flood and drain situations. ➲ %hink of them as a %imed flood and drain system but the pump only stays off for short periods. ➲ Sequencing with 4quaponics Indexing 3alves is most appropriate to simple and +hop ,ark - systems. ➲ 'ump si"ing for flow and pressure is im0 portant or the 3alve function. http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ http://www.aquaponiclynx.com/ It$s Only a . (our Class ➲ I would love to give tons more tips but I don.t have time for everything right now. ➲ +atch me online with some specifics of your proposed layout and I can help you out. ➲ *n the &eb www.aquaponiclynx.com ➲ %+)ynx on 4quaponic !ardening *r the </4' orum.


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