7-Speed 0Am VW Training

June 9, 2018 | Author: eddix | Category: Transmission (Mechanics), Clutch, Valve, Automotive Technologies, Mechanical Engineering
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7-käiguline DSG 7-käiguline DSG käigukast 0AMServ ice Training VSQ/T T 1 Tehnilised andmed Tehnilised andmed Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 2/17 Technical data Weight: 70 kg including clutch Torque: Clutch: max. 250 Nm 2 x dry-plate clutches Gear stages: 7 x forward, 1 x reverse Operating modes: automatic/tip mode Oil volume and specification Gearbox: Mechatronics: Housing: 1.7 litre gear oil: - G 052 1711 litre central hydraulic / power steering fluid - G 004 000Aluminium VSQ/T T 2 Käigukasti skeem Väljund v õll 2 Väljund v õll 3 Sisend v õll 2 R 6 4 2 Käigukasti osa 2 K2 Diff erentsiaal v eoketas Kahemassiga hooratas 7 5 3 1 K1 Mootori moment Sisend v õll 1 Käigukasti osa 1 Väljund v õll 1 F414_002 Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 3/17 Gearbox diagram The torque of the engine is transferred through a dual-mass flywheel (its inner splines are meshed with the outer splines of the double clutch) to the double clutch. The double clutch gearbox 0AM is designed as a 4 shaft gearbox. Torque curve within gearbox : When clutch K1 is pressed against the drive plate, the torque can be transferred to input shaft 1. Input shaft 1 rotates. Before this can happen, the selector fork is moved by the selector lever e.g. in direction of 1st gear, and the flow of power is created between input shaft 1 and output shaft 1. Output shaft 1 rotates and passes on the torque to the differential via a gear wheel connection. From the differential, the torque passes to the front wheels and the vehicle is set in motion. The flow of power from clutch K2 to input shaft 2 and output shaft 2 and 3 is based on the same principle. VSQ/T T 3 Topeltsidur Topelt kuiv sidur sidur K2 surv elaager K1 surv elaager K2 sidur K1 v eoketas Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 4/17 The double dry-plate clutch The engaging lever with engagement bearings is pressed against the disk springs by the clutch actuators, which results in the clutch plate in question being pressed against the rotating drive plate. Clutch K1 is joined via a spline connection to input shaft 1 and thereby transfers the torque for gears 1,3,5 and 7 to output shaft 1. Clutch K2 is joined via a spline connection to input shaft 2 and thereby transfers the torque for gears 2,4,6 and R to output shaft 2 and 3. VSQ/T T 4 Mehhatroonika Rõhu akumulaator Hüdrauliline pump N435 N438 N434 N440 N436 N439 N433 V401 N437 Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 5/17 Key N433 N434 N435 N436 Valve 1 in part gearbox 1 Valve 2 in part gearbox 1 Gear positioner valve 1/3 Gear positioner valve 5/7 Valve 3 in part gearbox 1 Clutch positioner valve K1 Valve 4 in part gearbox 1 Part gearbox pressure regulator N437 N438 N439 N440 V401 Valve 1 in part gearbox 2 Valve 2 in part gearbox 2 Valve 3 in part gearbox 2 Gear positioner valve 2/4 Gear positioner valve 6/R Clutch positioner valve K2 Valve 4 in part gearbox 2 Part gearbox pressure regulator Hydraulic pump motor Valves are actuated with a PWM signal VSQ/T T 5 Hüdraulika skeem Hüdropumba mootor V401 Filter Rõhu piiramise v entiil Rõhu akumulaator Käigukasti rõhuandur G270 hüdropump N436 Tagasiv oolu klapid käigukasti osarõhud Pearõhu kanalid N440 KS Reguleeritud õli v ool N433 N434 N435 N437 N438 N439 Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 6/17 The hydraulic system The hydraulic pump motor V401 is actuated by the control unit and drives the hydraulic pump thereafter. Oil pressure build-up occurs to the pressure accumulator and in the main pressure channels up to the part gearbox pressure regulators. The gearbox hydraulic pressure sender G270 passes on the pressure in the pressure accumulator and the main pressure channels (up to the part gearbox pressure regulators) to the control unit. If pressure falls below 40 bar, the control unit actuates the hydraulic pump motor V401. If pressure reaches 60 bar, the motor is switched off. In the event of signal failure from the hydraulic pressure sender, the hydraulic pump runs on indefinitely. The pressure limiting valve then assures hydraulic pressure to avoid component damage. VSQ/T T 6 Rõhukanalid mehhatroonika plokis 2 9 8 10 11 7 5 4 3 6 6 1 Osarõhu kanal Reguleeritud v ooluga õlikanal Pea rõhukanal Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 7/17 Colour coding of the channels from the mechatronics for the individual gear and clutch actuators Colour definition of channels 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Green Dark yellow Lighter yellow White Grey Dark brown Light brown Dark blue Light blue = Main pressure channel = Clutch 1 = Clutch 2 = Part gearbox oil pressure for gear positioner 1/3 = Regulated volumetric flow for gear positioner 1/3 = Part gearbox pressure for gear positioner 2/4 = Regulated volumetric flow for gear positioner 2/4 = Part gearbox oil pressure for gear positioner 5/7 = Regulated volumetric flow for gear positioner 5/7 = Part gearbox pressure for gear positioner 6/R = Regulated volumetric flow for gear positioner 6/R 10. Dark red 11. Light red VSQ/T T 7 Hüdraulikapumba mootor V401 Püsimagnetitega rootor Staator Solenoid Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 8/17 The hydraulic pump motor V401 This is a brushless direct current motor. The rotor comprises 6 pairs of permanent magnets. The stator comprises 6 pairs of solenoids. A rotating magnetic field is generated in the stator coils through actuation by the control unit of the individual electromagnetic terminal pairs. This rotating magnetic field is followed by the rotor and this causes a rotating movement. VSQ/T T 8 Rõhu akumulaator / õli filter Rõhu akumulaator õlifilter Mööd av oolu kuulklapp Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 9/17 The pressure accumulator With ignition "on" the pressure accumulator is charged with oil from a hydraulic pressure of 20 bar. The working pressure is between 40 and 60 bar. The oil filter The filter is located behind the hydraulic pump. The oil flows through the filter once oil temperature is > - 5°C. If the oil temperature is < 5°C, the oil is too thick and cannot flow through the filter walls. A ball within the filter is pushed back, thereby opening the bypass. The oil can now make its way via the bypass to the main pressure channel. VSQ/T T 9 Elektro/hüdraulilised komponendid Solenoid klapi plokk Paaki tagasi Reguleeritud v ooluga õlikanal Osarõhu kanal Kanal mis on ühenduses pea rõhukanaliga ühiskanal N433 N436 N434 N435 Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 10/17 Design of solenoid valve block The part gearbox pressure regulator N436 changes main pressure to part gearbox oil pressure. The part gearbox oil pressure is thereby channelled via a hole to the distribution rail. In the distribution rail the part gearbox oil pressure makes its way to the gear and clutch actuator valves. At the same time, the part gearbox oil pressure makes its way via holes in the mechatronics block to the part gearbox pressure channels. Two channels per part gearbox are connected to the front piston chamber of the gear actuators. This means that part gearbox oil pressure can be built up in front of the gear actuator piston. A different channel of the part gearbox leads to the clutch safety valve (KS). There is part gearbox oil pressure here, too. VSQ/T T 10 Elektro/hüdraulilised komponendid Käigukasti osarõhu reguleerklapp N436/440 Tagasi õlipaaki Osarõhu kanalisse Pea rõhukanalist kolb Magn et südamik pool Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 11/17 The part gearbox pressure regulator N436 If the part gearbox pressure regulator is actuated by the control unit with a PWM signal, the control plunger moves upwards, thereby opening up the path for connection of the distribution rail (in the solenoid valve block). This is where the part gearbox oil pressure is built up. The part gearbox oil pressure is determined by the current strength set at the solenoid valve. The axiom here is: the more current received by the solenoid, the higher the part gearbox oil pressure. VSQ/T T 11 Elektro/hüdraulilised komponendid Käiguvahetus ja sidurilülitusventiil Tagasi õlipaaki Reguleeritud õli v ool käiguv ahetussüsteemile v õi sidurilülitusele Käigukasti osarõhukanalist kontrollkolb pool Magn et südamik Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 12/17 Gear actuator valve For activation of the solenoid by the gear actuator valve, a PWM signal is used by the control unit. The current moves the control plunger upwards and the path to the channel of the gear actuator is opened. The current strength determines what position the control plunger adopts and thereby the volumetric flow imparted on the gear actuator. The regulated volumetric flow flows in the rear piston chamber of the gear actuator. From the regulated volumetric flow behind the plunger of the gear actuator, any position required by the gear actuator can be set. Clutch positioner valve For activation of the solenoid by the clutch positioner valve, a PWM signal is used by the control unit. The current moves the control plunger upwards and the path to the channel of the clutch positioner is opened. The current strength determines what position the control plunger adopts and thereby the volumetric flow imparted on the clutch positioner. The plunger presses against the engaging lever and the clutch is pressed against the drive plate. In contrast to gear actuator valves, relieving the load on the clutch actuator is also achieved through activation of the control plunger. If contamination causes the control plunger to become jammed, the volume is built-up by the clutch safety valve (KS). If this fault occurs, the affected clutch no longer works and the part gearbox is isolated. VSQ/T T 12 Käiguvahetuse operatsioon 1-3 käigu aktuaator neutraalasendis N 436 N 433 Kolv i taga kamber Kolv i ees kamber käiguv ahetuskolb Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 13/17 The gear actuators 1-3 in neutral position When the gear actuator is in neutral position, the plunger is located in a state of equilibrium (different surfaces) in the front and rear piston chamber as a result of different pressures. The gear actuator valve N433 is energised by the control unit and frees the path to the rear piston chamber. Through regulated inlet and outlet of the very low volumetric flow in the rear piston chamber, the gear actuator plunger is held in neutral position against part gearbox pressure of the front chamber VSQ/T T 13 Käiguvahetuse operatsioon 1-3 käigu aktuaator, 1 käik on sisse lülitatud N 436 N 433 Kolv i taga kamber Kolv i ees kamber käiguv ahetuskolb Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 14/17 The gear actuators 1-3; 1st gear selected When 1st gear is selected, the gear actuator valve N433 is supplied with more power by the control unit. In this way, the volumetric flow in the rear piston chamber is increased. The pressure in the rear piston chamber can be raised up to the pressure of the front chamber. This causes an excess in force (different surfaces) resulting in movement of the gear actuator plunger in the direction of out. The fluid that is forced out of the front chamber is used to fill the rear chamber. 1st gear is engaged by the selector fork. Control/measurement of the position of the plunger/selector fork occurs in both situations by means of magnets on the selector form and travel sensors of the control unit. VSQ/T T 14 Serv ice Training 02.2008 • VSQ/TT • 15/17 VSQ/T T 15


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