6. special features of ofs messages

June 27, 2018 | Author: nana yaw | Category: Computing, Technology, Computing And Information Technology, Business
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Open Financial ServiceTEMENOS EDUCATION CENTRE Warning: This document, is protected by copyright law and international treaties. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this presentation or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under applicable law.” Information in this document is subject to change without notice Session 6 - Objectives At the end of this session you should be able to     Control the no of authorizers in a message Describe & Use the Replace option Create a Unique Message Reference using ORD Describe & use special characters in OFS messages Slide 2 2 COUNTRY=SEATTLE.TOWN.MNEMONIC=AIRFRG.RELATION.CUSTOMER:1 =100424.CODE:2=2.INDUSTRY=1000.ACCOUNT.STREET=3101 WESTERN AVE. We can use a //0 after PROCESS to indicate zero authoriser.SECTOR=20 01.AUTHOR/123456.NATIONALITY =IN.RELATION.LANGUAGE=1 Slide 3 3 . This overrides the no of authorisers specified in the version ( if a version is used) CUSTOMER.1=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT.CUSTOMER:2=100724.CODE:1=1.NAME.SHO RT..NAME=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT./I/PROCESS//0.REL.OFFICER=1.TARGET=999.Feature 1 -Setting the No of Authorizers    OFS messages can contain the no of authorisers Eg.STATUS=1.REL.RESIDENCE=IN.CUSTOMER. CPARTY=NO:1:1.LANGUAGE=1:1:1.REVERS.BOOK=GB0010001:1:1.AUTHORISER=15_AUTHORISER _OFS_TAABS:1:1.REL.TARGE T=999:1:1.OFFICER=1:1:1.INPUTTER=15_AUTHORISER___OFS_T AABS:1:1.SHORT.STATUS=1:1:1.STREET=3101 WESTERN AVE:1:1.CODE=GB0010001:1:1.INDUSTRY=1000:1:1.SECT OR=2001:1:1.DEPT.1=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT:1:1.CODE=1:1:1 Slide 4 4 .CUSTOMER.COMPANY.DATE.OVERRIDE=INTRO/CUS*100 FROM 100966 NOT RECEIVED:1:1.CUSTOMER=1007 24:2:1.CODE=2:2:1.NAME=AIRB OURNE FREIGHT:1:1.CURR.TOWN.REL.response 100966/IM0723600001/1.RELA TION.TIME=712131510:1:1.RESIDE NCE=IN:1:1.NO=1:1:1.CLS.CO.RELATION.ACCOUNT.Setting the no of authorisers… .REL.CODE=1:1:1.NATIONALITY=IN:1:1.CODE=10:1:1.CUSTOMER=100424:1:1.REL.MNEMONIC=AIRFRG:1:1.COUNTRY=SEATTLE:1:1.CODE=12:2:1.NAME.REVERS. Changing field values   Null Removing subvalues Slide 5 .Feature 2 . CCY=USD:1:1 .CODE=1:1:1 Slide 6 .CODE=GB0010001:1:1.NO=3:1:1.MARKET=1:1:1.OPEN.OPENING.TITLE=AAA SHIPPING COMPANY OF PANAMA:1:1.2=NULL Response 39087//1.INTEREST.ACCOUNT.INTEREST.CONDITION.DEPT.SHORT.CO.39087.MKT=1:1:1.PASSBOOK=NO:1:1./I/PROCESS//0.CHARGE.TYPE=LEGACY:1:1.DATE.NETTING=NO:1:1.CHARGE=20080131:1:1.POSITION.ALLOW.TYPE=TR:1:1.OFFICER=27:1:1.CURRENCY .TELNET:1:1.INPUTTER=11_INPUTTER___OFS_TEST.Assigning NULL example Request ACCOUNT.LIM IT=Y:1:1.TE LNET:1:1.MKT=1:1:1 .DATE.CCY=USD:1:1.1=AAA SHIPPING COMPANY OF PANAMA:1:1.CURRENCY=USD:1:1.TITLE.DA TE=20080110:1:1.CURR.ACCOUNT.INPUTT/123123.CHARGE.CAP.CATEGORY=1001:1:1.CUSTOMER=100724:1:1.AUTHORISER=11_INPUTTER_ OFS_TEST.TIME=0811131421:1:1.ALT.GROUP=2:1: 1. ACCOUNT.SINGLE.TI TLE.ACCT.CATEGORY=1001:1:1. Removing a sub value example Before Slide 7 . REL.TOWN.LANGUAGE: 1:1=1.NAME:1:1=AFRIBANK.100424. RELATION./I/PROCESS//0.TIME:1:1=0811141247. COMPANY.TELNET.CO.CLS.SHORT.NATIONALITY :1:1=NG.CPARTY:1:1=NO.CODE:1:1=1 Slide 8 .N AME.CODE:1:1=GB0010001.STATUS:1:1=22.COUNTRY:1:1=PMB 12021 LAGOS NIGERIA.RESIDENCE:1:1=NG. DATE.INPUTT/123123.DEPT.ACCOUNT.AUTHORISER:1:1=4_INPUTTER_OFS_TE ST. REVERS.REL.TELNET.INPUTTER:1:1=4_INPUTTER___OFS_TEST.OF FICER:1:1=27.Removing a multi value example Request CUSTOMER.CODE:2:1=Response 100424//1.1:1:1=AFRIBANK.BOOK:1:1=GB0010001.MNEMONIC:1:1=AFRIBANK.TARGET:1:1=999.SECTOR:1:1=3001. RELATION.INDUSTRY:1:1=3100. CURR.CODE:1:1=12.CODE:1:1=2.NO:1:1=3.CUSTOMER:1:1=100724.CUSTOMER.STRE ET:1:1=51-52 BROAD STREET. Removing a sub value example After Slide 9 . Feature 3 . This option when used.Replace option    Amendments to existing records affect only the fields specified in the message From R7 there is a special option. that will allow records to be cleared and re-input. clears existing multi-values also Slide 10 10 . 1=1 Rel.customer.code.code.Rel.customer. Relation.Replace option example   Lets illustrate by using the CUSTOMER record created previously.code. This has 2 multivalue’s for the fields Relation.customer.2=100724   How do you change only the first multi-value? How do you replace the entire multi-value set ? Slide 11 11 .2=2 Rel.1=100424 Relation. CODE:1:1=10.CUSTOMER.SECTOR:1 :1=2001.CPAR TY:1:1=NO.NO:1:1=2.TIME:1:1=0712 131515.TARGET:1: 1=999.REVERS.NAME:1:1= AIRBOURNE FREIGHT.CO.DATE.REVERS.REL.100966./I/PROCESS//0.SHORT.CLS.DEPT.REL.REL.CUSTOMER:2:1=1007 24.REL.MNEMONIC:1:1=AIRFRG. INPUTTER:1:1=15_AUTHORISER___OFS_TAABS.COMPANY.STATUS:1:1=1.NAME.CURR.Transaction message without replace option Request CUSTOMER.1:1:1=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT.TOWN.AUTHORISER:1:1=15_AUTHORISER_OFS_TAABS.RESIDENCE: 1:1=IN.RELATION .OFFICER:1:1=1.STREET:1:1=3101 WESTERN AVE.NATIONALITY:1:1=IN.LANGUAGE:1:1=1.CODE:2:1=12.CUSTOMER:1:1=100172.BOOK:1:1=GB0010001.REL.OVERRIDE:1:1=INTRO/CUS*100 FROM 100966 NOT RECEIVED.COUNTRY:1:1=SEATTLE.CODE:1:1=1 Note that only the specific multi-value haschanged Slide 12 12 .ACCOUNT.AUTHOR/123456.INDUSTRY:1:1=1000.CODE:1:1 =GB0010001.RELATION.CUSTOMER: 1=100172 Response 100966/IM0723600003/1.CODE:1:1=1.CODE:2:1=2. RESIDENCE=IN.STATUS=1.NAME.OFFICER=1.TOWN.1=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT.100966./I/PROCESS//0.INDUSTRY=1000.COUNTRY=SEATTLE.CUSTOMER.TARGE T=999.SHORT.REL.STREET=3101 WESTERN AVE.SECTOR=2001.NATIONALITY=IN.ACCOUNT.MNEMONIC =AIRFRG. Slide 13 13 .NAME=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT.CUSTOMER:1 =100300.RELATION.AUTHOR/123456////1.Transaction Request with Replace option CUSTOMER.CODE:1=1.LANGU AGE=1  USER INFORMATION   Username/password/companycode///1 1 denotes replace option. CO.CUSTOMER.CPARTY=NO: 1:1.ACCOUNT.COUNTRY=SEATTLE:1:1.REVERS.CODE=10:1:1.COMPANY.REL.Transaction Response 100966/IM0723600005/1.CODE=1:1:1 Note : The existing multi-valued REL.OFFICER=1:1:1.LANGUAGE=1:1:1.RELATION.REL.CUSTOMERs are replaced totally Slide 14 14 .1=AIRBOURNE FREIGHT:1:1.INDUSTRY=1000:1:1.INPUTTER=15_AUTHORISER___OFS_T AABS:1:1.TOWN.MNEMONIC=AIRFRG:1:1.CODE=GB0010001:1:1.SHORT.NAME.AUTHORISER=15_AUTHORISE R_OFS_TAABS:1:1.STATUS=1:1:1.CURR.CLS.NO=3:1:1. NATIONALITY=IN:1:1.NAME=AIRB OURNE FREIGHT:1:1.BOOK=GB0010001:1:1.SECTOR=2001:1: 1.RESIDENCE=IN:1:1 .DEPT.TARGET=999:1:1. CUSTOMER=100300:1:1.CODE=1:1:1.OVERRIDE=INTRO/CUS*100 FROM 100966 NOT RECEIVED:1:1.STREET=3101 WESTERN AVE:1:1.TIME=0712131521:1:1.DATE. NAME:1:1=INPUT MISSING.REL.FAMILY.NAME:1:1=Input NAME.1 OR GIVEN.CUSTOMER:1:1=RELATION.LANGUAGE:1:1=INPUT MISSING.1 OR GIVEN.NAMES:1:1=Input NAME.CUSTOMER:1:1=MISSING CUSTOMER .SECTOR:1:1=INPUT MISSING.REL.REL.NAME.NAMES OR FAMILY.CUSTOMER:1:1=MISSING CUSTOMER -RECORD.NAME.NAME.RECORD.MNEMONIC:1:1=INPUT MISSING.AUTHOR/123456////1.CODE MISSING.NAME Slide 15 15 .1:1:1=Input NAME.REL.NAMES OR FAMILY.CUSTOMER:1:1=MISSING CUSTOMER RECORD./I/PROCESS//0.Replace – The wrong way to do it Request CUSTOMER.1 OR GIVEN.SHORT.STREET:1:1=INPUT MANDATORY FOR GIVEN SECTOR.GIVEN.NAMES OR FAMILY.100966. REL.CUSTOMER:1=100172 Response 100966/IM0723600004/-1/NO.  The highlighted section of the above OFS Message is the OFS Unique Reference Number Slide 16 16 . CUSTOMER=100424.INPUTT/654321.  How? ACCOUNT.34343/55555.CATEGORY=1001.SAMPLE/I/PROCESS.CURRENCY=USD.Feature 4 -OFS Unique identification number  OFS Unique Message Reference – This unique number can be sent as part of the OFS message. 1  Write a OFS transaction request to create an account with two OTHER.OFFICER fields. Slide 17 17 . Use a unique message reference also.  Use the replace option in a second OFS message to replace these Other Officer fields with a single Other Officer field.Workshop 6. Special characters in OFS messages   Some OFS messages may contain special characters as part of the data  An address might contain a comma • Eg: 146.MEMBER Comma in the data portion might convey a completely different meaning Slide 18 18 . Sterling Road  An OFS request to create a version would use comma as part of the record id • Eg: A version MEMBER of CUSTOMER would have an id CUSTOMER.Feature 5 . CODE=1:1:1 Slide 19 .ORIGINAL.TEXT=CUSTOMER? I F3 Response CUF3//1. I F3:1:1.RECORD.INPUTTER=13_INPUTTER___OFS_TEST.ORIGINAL.CODE=GB0010001:1:1.TEXT=CUSTOMER.CURR.DEPT.DATE.INPUTT/123123 .CUF3.NO= 1:1:1.TIME=0811111442:1:1.solution   Use ? instead of commas in the data Questions marks are converted to commas before processing by the OFS module Request ABBREVIATION.Commas in OFS messages ./I/PROCESS. CO. TELNET:1:1.STATUS=INAU:1:1. Special Characters in OFS Character OFS Replacement character . comma ? Question mark ‘ single quote @ “ double quote | pipeline () round parenthesis {} curled brackets / slash ^ caret Slide 20 . 2   Write a OFS transaction request to create a zero authorised version for ACCOUNT called NEWACCOUNT Test this out using the OFS online mode Slide 21 21 .Workshop 6. The transaction will be authorised To remove data from a multi-value field .Quiz – State True or False      You use a 0 authoriser version. set it to NULL You need to specify only the field to be replaced while using the replace feature No change fields must specified during a replace You can use a comma as part of the record id Slide 22 . but your message has no of authorisers set to 1. Summary You should now be able to     Control the no of authorizers in a message Describe & Use the Replace option Create a Unique Message Reference using ORD Describe & use special characters in OFS messages Slide 24 24 .


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