
June 21, 2018 | Author: Martin Јosheski | Category: Linguistic Typology, Linguistic Morphology, Syntax, Grammar, Syntactic Relationships
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FORNOT SALE FREE COPY SAEIPTE VirginiaEvans- JennyDooley sfnt's Book m ffi Publishing Express Gramrnar cabulary o the EnglishAtphabet o Colours r Cardinalnumbers o Articteso/an o SchoolSubjects/Objects o Subject/Objectpronouns r Daysof the week o The verb "to be" . have got . Partsof the body o Plurals o 'oA pP earance Thislthese Personalthings c That/those o Countries& nationalities o There islThere are . Rooms o somelany r Ordinatnumbers(1st- 20th) o Possessiveadjectives e Furnitureandapptiances o Prepositionsof ptace r Famitymembers . Characteradjectives r Dailvroutine o Adverbsof Frequency o Partsof animal bodies . Questionwords o Pets o Seasons/Months o Countable-Uncountabte o Celebrations nouns o SomelAnyl(How) muchl (How) many o AlAn - The o Shopsand products o mustlmustn't . Ptacesto go o Typesof fitms . the lmperative o Precautions o con/con't (permission) . Meansof transoort . PresentContinuous(future meaning) t:-l' l-r Y: = I--.] =i 1 = o Classroomlanguage r teltingthe time e Internet Research re re --., -.1 . Textbooklanguage r a schoolnoticeboard r talkingaboutschoo[ . yourownschooltimetabte o Schootsin Engtand re r meetinga newstudent . talkingaboutschootobjects . a paragraph about o Workingtogether o an emai[to a penpat r introducingyourself yourself (Citizenship) -.1 . greetings o an emailto a penpal o Pronunciation lal , lel -a o Amazing Spidey o describingcartoon o describing yourfavourite o UKsouvenirs . Amy'spresent characters cartooncharacter r Engtish-speaking -a o lrtstuffed animals . talkingaboutyour o an emaitdescribing your countries(Geography) possessions cottection -, o buylnga souvenir . Pronunciation lu:l. lnl 4 . Housesin Engtand o talkingaboutdifferent . a shortdescription of your o Hauntedcasttesof o A newftat typesof houses house Britain o Mybedroom r viewinga house . a shorttext describing r TajMahat(Art &Design) -a r describingyourbedroom yourbedroom . Pronunciation /0/, ldl o Mysecretdiary o talkingaboutyourfamity o a diaryentryaboutyour . AmericanTV Famities . StevenGerrard . talkingaboutyourdaity famity o Myfamity(Literature) o Teen'sfavourite:Shakira routine . yourdailyroutine r identifying &describing o an articleaboutyour peopte favouriteactor r Pronunciation/s/, lzl , ltzl . shortdescriptions abouta TVfamity . a poemaboutyourfamity r Amazing Creatures r talkingabout animals o sentencesabout your o FurUFriends o Animatson ice o a visit to the vet habits o lt's an insect'slife o A dusteror a budgie? o Pronunciation /el. /e:/ o fact fites describinga witd (Science) animal o an article describingyour 's the weather o tatking about weather & o a shortemail r TheAtaskanCtimate o Askingabout clothes activities o shortdescriptions of o Whatweather! o Greetingsfrom ... r describingclothes peopte'sctothes (Literature) o makingsuggestions/ . a postcardto a friend responding o a web pagefor your o Pronunciationlc:l . lo:.1 o Gone,but not forgotten o readingyears . statements about . Famous o Fact or Fiction? o tatkingaboutfamous from the past r Thelncas(History) o Antonio Banderas people o an articte about mythical e Weekendactivities o talkingaboutyourweekend creatures o Pronunciation ll . /dl . /td/ o RickvMartin's o SpringCetebrations . tatkingaboutfestivats/ a shortarticteabouta o Thanksgiving o ExoticDishes cetebrations celebrationyouenjoyed . Danger!Keepout r BirthdayTreats . tatkingaboutyourtast an annuatcalendarwith (PSHE) e A takeawaymenu birthday cetebrations&specialfood o orderingfood a shortarticteaboutyour o Pronunciation /e/, /&/ r Shopping in London o offering hetp/askingfor o a shorttext aboutSelfridges r Leicester Square o A visit to an art gattery information o classroom rules o Roadsigns(Citizenship) o Eragon(fitm review) o tatking about fitms o a film review r askingfor/giving directions . a shorttext for tourists . Pronunciation/s/, /[l abouta famousareain the capitalcity of yourcountry . Hotspots in the uK . your or tne summer your o Howto staysafeat the e inviting/accepting/ intentionsfor thisweekend by coach! beach! refusing r a letter to a friendabout o Safecamping(Science) o a tetter from Madrid o giving advice yourholidayplans o Pronunciationlgl r a boardgame :.;,,,<l t:':;:;'' Whatarethese phrasesin your language? o Haveyougotthe time. lt'squarterpast I time. .Thencountfrom 100to 1. please? B: lt's 12o'clock. . I l=- @ thir ty l-- & @ m forty fifty l+- E_ @ sixty ts- seven twelve ru seventy F @ eighty I eight thirteen @ ninety nine t@ a/onehu ndr ed d four fourteen r @ two hundr ed ten five fifteen tu@ a/onethousand tw@ a/onem i tti on Tettingthe Time Asking Telling \ o Whattimeis it.OUARTERPA$T I HATFFAST b) Usethe tableandthe clocks to askeachotherthe time. Excuseme. I .. o ptease? .11- E E l+- l+- ts 4 O Listenandrepeat. 4 LIF. 2 a) Lookat the clock.what'sthe o lt's hatfpast five.J.Countfrom 1 to 20 andfrom 20 to 100. j o'clocK I QUARTERTO. ptease?o lt's fiveo'ctock. 2 A: Whattimeis it.please? six. r a-- r Bequiet.m late..Ptease.please? t_ Sitdown. t. Speaking SelfCheck Project 5 .tcr1 Grammar Jr WordList Reading .-t Standup. MayI goout? r L-- Whatpageis it. Songsheets GrammarReference -- NowI can..please. \ / Listening i:. r J-t a-tl please. t-- L_- )-t Ctassroom language L-- )-- Q Listenandrepeat. b) Pointto things l__ )-5 in the classroom andsaywhatcolour )-- theyare.Saythesesentences in your language. r )-- CanI borrowa pen.ptease.l- i- i= o[ours .Ptease' Sorry.-- t- t--- t- )-- 3 a) O tistenand repeat. t_ E .ptease? r L-- a-- TextbookLanguage t- t__ t -- Findtheseheadings/logos in yourbook. that. ptease? Openyourbooks. . 4 r L-t Hetto. L.Whatdo they mean?Saythemin your language. yourbooks.everyone' MayI comein? . Ctose Sorryl. Couldyourepeat L- .t Pronunciation l= -= r-{ Writing Vocabulary .-- r Goto page9.I forgotmy book. the lnternet.- L- for your projects: a) Lookat Ex. Wheredo you lookup information A v encyclopaedias.etc? t- Lookat the picturesandput the stepsA'F b) Doyou knowhowto usethe Internetfor research? in the right order. >-.4 on page25.ffi task? ts l- l- Whattypeof t- information l- information is do I need? relevantto the t- task? l- l- lsthewebsite Whatwebsites l- safe?lsthe . ts ]- }- l- ]- l- ts Doyouwantto bea pr0iectWorksuperstar? l- proiects! FollowtheInfo-0wl'sadviceandwritetop-class I- F l- Howdo I put whatI found Whatis the together? e. shoutd| look information at? F vatid? at F F ts 6 V . igcrrrrrlrbr. i {'r i L- 1. 1 t : r i y c 't . schoolsubjects L- ]. i ': i r . r l i i '*i . o an emailto a penpal !: !: L_- t _- L_- . c . . . O a noticeboard t.. .I u o objects& numbers o artictesd/dn .* *i *#.=..J.i l i s". f r j i j g . : i .i L- rL . daysof the week & i .r'..rt r t c ... i r . sub je ct/objectpronouns L: Findthe pagenumbersfor pictures1-3.i .*^****J* J 1--- L_- ]_ --ta L- = --ta L- l. sirurJulr. . -- i' 'i . 1 {'i ! .- !-: !-- ' -J -t -J J J J 1 . L- L_. l i r i tJ thr . verb to be f .-- . f or L_ L-- o a schooltimetable t_@ L. '. ir r Ihi'. illr. l i l '..r " E o introducingyourself v 'r n r r t r '. -a Vocabulary t t't'i i at".L r_-al L- r'--- L- r--{ t-. Find the classroomfor eachsubject...Wednesday. r )1 :1 . ' .Saturday -_t L-J Thursday.Saythesewordsin -__ L-J -._ri. II . l P 8:30-9:25 Maths P 9:30-10:25 IT a 10:25-10:40 Brcolr _ts 1 0 : 4 0 -1 1 : 3 5 English -!- 1 1 : 3 5 -1 2 : 3 0 P E _E- 12:30-1:30 lunch fieolt 1:30-2:30 Science { 2:30-3:30 History _-_ I= b-l -) >-) Vocabutary ? O Listenandrepeat. Friday. _l- _!- -!- _- _v GnerN Scnool _v f- :- f- l- j- _y _> _l- 2 Lookat the map of GreenSchool and the timetable.:"..] & f.-".' 't : .jt:l J your language. Sunday.*F*ia. _? -> W A: Where'sthe mothslesson? _y B: In RoomD. Tuesday. What'syour favouritesubject? -__ L-i 4I Monday. -- 1 ls the historyctassin Room B? -. d. -- -t * ()urSchool Schoolvisit to -. = Whenis theschoolvisitto the -.ourteachersandwhat -t RoomD we do eachday. g.. Anticles. o an + vowel 1 (a. 5th a " CONTACT US -- -t Readin Fillin: a ot an. museum? = \. . Museum o Photo Album Calt?aulon07957545796 Mrs Sawders Thursday. c. o.tEte oHH . f. p. g. { b . h. e. k. [. z) a book { Write down your own schooltimetablefor Monday.-{ o 5 schoolsubjects 3 attas 6 pen o 5 daysof theweek -a b) Answerthe questions.eu Mondays & for information aboutour -. Wednesdays to EngllshClasson aysnr n"rdil. y. ec t. LowPriaeal 'fnank gow. t. 6 4 -t a) Readthe noticeson the 1 penciI 4 notebook -t noticeboardaboveandfind: 2 ruler 5 eraser . 2 h. ]I]. Natural a School Galendar -- TE)ffW)Kefor 2ALEI 6th Historv B School Notices -. j.a/an = atlas -- 5 Read the rules. = .I .ttl** Tuesd school.n. z Who'sthe Engtish teacher? _4 3 Whatcan youfindonGreen A: What'sthisin English? Schoot's website? B: lt's a pencilsharpener. V W.greenschaol. s. 4''''' geaond'hand * OurTeachers NO PE the GeograPhY & Matha owFrLdar4.rrkfioolc 9 1 . Pluot" bring your TOOUNHEBSITH -a HistoryClass Dictionary www. o a * con so n a nt 4. l.X.. u) an appte 'tr'l V/r. -l- 10 . 5 Lookat Steve.. t o o .us.L. Are you new to the t.. Raleigh:lt's R-A-L-E-l-G-H. Susan:Hi! I'm Susan Wilson..1 '. a) Readandlisten.My name'sBob. 4 Davidand Rateigh aren'tin the samectass. *.I am. 1. -ts Reading 110. Suh'jeet/Objeet pronouns I L boys?Are they friends? lr-J II Raleigh: Excuseme. . we.:l - do youspetlit? -- Hil l' mJ o h nS mit h . you.see. you.:.Steveis newto the schoot. Subjectpronouns F-J t-J I I Iesson? II David: lt's in room D... David: I see. you. Find examplesin the text. (true)or F (false).How 2 . David: l'm twetvetoo!Areyouin ctass2E? He'sthe sameas Raleigh:Yes.Markstatements1-4 f 1 Lindais 12yearsotd. he/she/it. Raleigh: I'm twetve. My name'sRateigh. .That'sa strangename. David: Metoo! Let'sgo to the Science[esson We aretwins. y Rateigh. 3 HowoldareBillandSue? 3 Davidand Rateighare 12yearsotd. him/her/it.lam! me .Wherearethe two . _v 2 Lookat Tom and Lyn. Susan:Niceto meetyou. \. 4 Jim andI arefriends. where is the Science 3 a) Readthe box. I you.Niceto meetyou. twins.Lookat him.Bob _v Thomas. they L'-t II school? Objectpronouns )-/ Raleigh: Yes. )- I ' m 1 2 y e a rso ld . togetherthen! b) Replacethe wordsin bold with the correctpronoun. lr -F lr V '-Y j- . 1 _v t BobandSusan Actout related? similardialogues. 2 Rateighis newto the schoot. Tom and Lyn are 1 The Historylessonis in roomD. v Gfammflf p.too..Andyou? Tom.them I David: My name'sDavid. He ' s1 2 .l-r Bob: Niceto meetyou.- -X Bob: Hello.Howotdareyou? Thisis my brother. l- b) Readagain.Susan. .' }-- n. Introducing yourself I a1 EL- *- f& Read Howare thedialogue. -v . . .l'm twelve. g 2 Arewe in RoomE? Yes.. g./No.. I'm.. . { 0 a) Answerthe questions about 2 | . 4 a) Readthe box. ... . Theyaren'tin Room A. Howotdareyou? t-.. . .. 12? o Mark.?Yes.i t a ru te r? Y e s. .. . . 11? l'm notin Room A. 3 .. . subject is. 's.theyaren'tpencils. .llt. ls Wendy12? Youaren'tin Room A.weare. .yo u1 1ye a rs o l d ?N o .Myfavourite c t a s sN?o . asin theexample. 10.we'rein Year7. the questions.?Yes. s She'sin RoomD./No. .. Mary(17). . .it isn't./No./No. B: Myneme'sJuan. 11 ..heis.14?. I yo s.years otd.. . ti lsit in RoomE? Yes.1 3y e a rs old. ...o Sue. Areyouin RoomE?Yes. . .. What'syourname? !. . Complete Then. Wearen'tin Room A.. newto theschoot.youaren't. 4 H e.write answers. .. in RoomE. Writing -4 3 .-l They'rein RoomD.. 're.. No.. g./No. v sheis. verb 'fo be'in the dialogue 7 o Wendy. Speaking 1 Susan . ...heisn't..Findexamples of the on p. l'm. . It'sin RoomD.. 2 6 ? Negative o Ji[.l Complete aboutyourself. Whatctassareyouin? Rewritesentences 1-5in the negative What'syourfavouritesubject? r{ t J form.. .. .- 5 You ../No. I Mark(19). 5 4 .yo ua n dMa ryi n th e same In\. 4 3 They .youare. ) A: What'syournome? r-{ > Susanisn'tnewto the school. 4 Interrogative ShortAnswers (16). She' 11.. !-{ 'Z b) Complete the sentences.iilffiilff - I Areyouin Roomff Yes. .?No.. . We'rein RoomD. . in Year7. .youaren't. L I lsshein RoomE? Yes. Youaren'tin Room A. r-..youare..sheisn'f. rJ v 1 theyin grade5?Yes.it is. t-rl lshein RoomE? Yes.theyaren 5 ..- b) Askthesequestions in your language... It isn't in Room A.theyare. . .16? o Mary20?o Rit a ... .sheisn't. -=ll 2 .1 1 ? o J o h n . hea teacher? No.. .. Use'm./No.wearen't. thesentences !--l 4 . .. You'rein RoomD. . Writethe questions... 1 : :'::::'::'"':"i... Aretheyin RoomR Yes. a Theverb'to be' Askandanswer. Heisn'tin Room A.ii:'lil i. ... John Sue& Rita(17) A. .myb e stfri e n d . Sheisn'tin Room A. -J t-r Capitalletters l-r In Engtish. months(APril\and Ar student at Merton of countries (Spain).4 to write L- your replyto Patricia. Alisonis Englfsh. Yr ---1 k Reading 1 is / Ann/ 12yearsotd 2 student/is/he/a -I- Lookat the text. f- My favourite school al in Correctthe mistakes subjectsare English and J sentences1-4. l-i Speaking Ei Answerthe questions.the fr personal pronoun 'l'and daysof the l2years old and I'm a week(l. My favourite Fi 1 annis 12.{ portfotio:use your !- is a teacher.she'sin mYclass. you? Pleasewrite soon. . names SecondarySchool.schoolsubjects(l4aths).I'm (John). lr j f-a 9r . F-r 4 The art classis in RoomD on Patricia Jones tuesdaysandthursdaYs. 2 Theyareclaireandstevesmith. put thesubjectbeforetheverb.we usecapitalletters afterfutl stopsandfor names ]-i Hi! My name'sPatricia. singer is Enrique Iglesias.She J answersfrom Ex.ts History. E f:-. Whattype is it? Readit andcomplete . ts He's great! What about 3 NoraandPhilarefromengland.-1 the table. 3 singer /Shakir a/a/ i s I-r 4 are/ they/ 13yearsold j 1.londay).1 2 Putthe wordsin the correct order. t- -r 1 What'syourname? ts- 2 Howotdareyou? 3 Whatschoolareyouin? 'l- 4 What'syour favouriteschool F subject? Lt- Who'syourfavouritesinger? lj- l- Writing {an emailto a penPal) l- rd order: subiect+ verb we atways ln Engtish. L- L2 k . - -1 -1 I 2 Matchthe peoplein the picturesto the type of school. She'sat sixthform. Laura. J Lauro's17yearsold. Whatis it about? I I t-t I 4 t-t '-a . 4 Lookat the diagram.t Engtand's? 141 .Tellyour partner.17 \ & I . lrr '.. Mum! L- MrsBrown:Goodbye.thanks.name.: L_ Pau[:OK. L_ Jane: Notbad.Goodbye! L_ 2 Liz: Goodbye.Seeyoulater! ' : . f- t-k F I- >- I .Read O tistenandmatchthe dialogues Whoare relatives? L- . I-- f- l- f- ]- s t u i *".Saythese greetings in yourlanguage. Liz. Liz: Seevou. letl: grade. Actoutsimilardialogues.'.bag.Jane! Lr Jane: Howareyou? Andyou? Pau[: I'mfine. tr.See youlater.Thinkof morewordswith the samesounds. E- 1 Jane: Goodmorning.man Workbook1e . l n g s L- O tistenandrepeat. 3 tert Pronunciation .attas. thanks.t 4 (J Listenandrepeat.'i . to the pictures.1. Paut! F- Paut:Helto.F Ir* F 2 Whoarefriends? the dialogues.same.later lel: am. : V 3 Usethe lettersto formverbs.ra 5 stneit l1!-1v:"::!i9ryr€ t: 4 L-r--a Readagain. .-4 i: t-- #ITEEGRSilGTil .-. Howdo you likeworkingat school? t.-t L: t-- t- . a c € a t € eC€q L- .Whatis the poster L' g about?Read.'please' t: g L- r 4 g L: L-.-a L- 4 L_ 4 L- L-- L: r-- t: .- L- r-- L- 4 2 Lookat the title andthe pictures.-- L: . 1 . 1 ksa > ask t--- g 2 hares t_ l-.-- t-- . Say'sorry'.-- Workingin pairs/groupsis fun! Whenyou work in pairs/groups: L: . L^ g l.-- t: L-.then saythree t: l--r rulesyourememberabout l__- L-ra workingtogether.listenandcheck.-.r 3 4 ysa kolo t: l-. (nr"' . 1 Matchthe words. .or". . . 1 A: Goodmorning. I Ann..! 6 Choosethe correctresponse... 3 Pau[and Steveat secondary school? E Y e s. 4 Lookat they/them. Pau[. . .thanks.. .. he/him..then answerthe questions. . . . t-lT_l Information a Education fZT_l Physicat b break 4A: Seeyoulater! E B: a Seeyou.a t la s 5 .. Comeand meet ..JaneandClairein Grade 5 E E ltointr' :.) E l-TTl pencil e case E r.Seeyoulater. o (r'tv E 3 1 Completewith a/an. . .. (!ru'"'. E 3A: Goodbye Tony. .b o o k E (!iI"'-) o talk about schoolsin England& in my country in English E 4 1 Fill in: is. . . E E 2 Timin Grade5?No. B: a Goodmorning.l b Thankyou. E b Andyou? . Choose 1 He/Himis my best friend. 3 She/Hername'sLaura. I 5 l/Meam 12yearsotd. 16 D . ..They/themarefriends. use capital letterscorrectly E 2 .! (!ff"'m.\ 10 \sxz J E 5 the correctpronoun.She/Heris newhere. . l-ST-lschool lJT-l tunch c Technotogy d subjects b Fine. . E T 2 Look at they/them. pencitcase 4 eraser o talk aboutschoolsubjects/objects o writea schooltimetable o introducemyselfand greetpeople -u) E . T B: a Howareyou? L 5 b Goodbye Satty.thanks.Howold are. .ore. They/Them teachers.l 2A: Howareyou? B: a I'mSne.. .\ they/them? . 4 .) I Con . .ruler o writean emailto a penfriendabout myself 3 . ... .. t 7?No.. Lauranewto the school?Yes... ---t a Find the page numbersfor -t o an articteaboutUKsouvenirs o a fitm review --- ---tl __-a _J _--- _1 .thatl these.those -. Findthe pagenumbers for pictures1-3.= _1 --a _1 -1 5 "1 _--a My favourites! Vocabulary --a a Wh a t's i n th is module? a O Listen and repeat. What are these -4 o parts of the body o countries& nationatities o persona[things o continents& capita[cities o the verb hovegot __-a o pturats -- o this . - L -.Peterhasn't A -r (1-8)bestdescribe Whichsentences on the characters p. mouth.theevi[GreenGobtin.. 8 He'sshortandugly.buthe'sgot She'statlandslimwithredhair. .. spider!People lovehim.- Lookat the pictureandthe title of the text. Read L- the four namesbelow. 197 - r_ got manyfriends.She'stat[andstimwith[ong.He'sgot filmto findout! brilliant thinlegsandbigfeet..- 1 Where'sSpider-Manfrom? l-- 2 Whodoeshe livewith? 3 Who'shisbestfriend? L_ 4 HowdoesSpider-Man powers? gethisspecial do? = 5 WhatcanSpider-Man 6 Whois hisenemy? t-- in your language.iu|:.Oneday.blackhair. Whattype of text is it: a review =- or an email? F_ e PeterParker o AuntMay o MaryJane o TheGreenGobtin - A Readagainandanswerthe questions. 7 She'sbeautiful. '.Whoarethesepeople? Read or.listento find out. -a- 4 He'sgotanenemy.: by AnnSmith a- Vocabulary o Appearance i- PeterParker is a quietteenager. Peterin a science lab.Nowhe'sgot 3 He'stal[andfat withredhairanda redmoustache.. Hisbestfriendis 1 He'sshort. He livesin a smallhousein NewYork CitywithhisAuntMay.just likea t- moustache.big eyes. 3 Hecanclimbwatls. Saythesesentences .He'sgotbigearsandbigfeet.t - l'- 1 Peteris a quietteenager.a smallnoseanda smatl anenemy.justlikea spider. Spider-Man stop him?Watchthis He'sta[[andthinwithlongearsanda bignose.:) E- :. l- specialpowers! Heisstrong andfast 4 He'sshortwith fair hair. 18 . MaryJane..a big noseand a andhe can climbwalls.. theevilGreen Can Goblin.'..:a F > =- F +- F Reading }.a spiderbites L- 2 He'sshortandplumpwitha bigmouthanda bignose. z Peterhasn'tgotmanyfriends.:. shefrom?o Whatdoeshe/shetooktike? 3 Es m e r a t d a .J EI r Readthe table..l/you/we/they have.Find 4 As t e r i x . hasn't. 4 Fredgot longears? -J o Havegot 5 Obetixgot a smatlnose?.. J_ Writea few sentences abouthim/her. ./No. -l Llashe/she/itgot Yes.fa i rh a i r.. -a iravegotshorthair.he hasn't. a pictureto decorateyour project.. He / S h e /hl ta sg ot H e /S h e /lhta sn 'tg o t ) A: ls he tall? -.. rh -J O e*f oneof the characters Choose al Affirmative Negative v above. B: Yes.... on 18..Findexamples in the text Speaking p . ../No. Fillin: have/has q Whois yourfavouritecartooncharacter? v t Answerthe questions.he isn't. 5 Asterix andObetix .. --l a smallnose? No.l o n gh a i r. bigears.he/she/ithas. got.... -J 3 Wilmaand Obetixgot brownhair? Grammarseg p... longhair..he is. a bignose.. shorthair. haven'tgot longhair.he has..-4 4 I 1 1_ < -1 1_ 1_ Fred &Wilma Flintstone -- z_ -a Asterix &0belix -- -- Mickey Mouse &Goofy -- 1 Obetixgotlonghair?.110 -J \.l/you/we/they h a ve n 't... -... 2 Witmagotshorthair?. o What'shis/hername?o Whereis he/ -- 2 Mickey Mouse andGoofy . lnterrogative Shortanswers A: Hashe got red hair? -a 'ta'tellyou/we/ Yes.Yourpartner asksyou five YeslNo -J l/You/We/They l/You/We/They questionsto find out who the characteris...etc -_a theygota bignose? No. -_ 1 FredFlintstone .he/she/it Project --. a moustache. 19 .. B: Yes. Amy! O Listenandrepeat.Tim!lsthisyournewbike? i. . Reading a) Whatis Amy'spresent? Reador listento find out...t-:'r U ti!... Usethe onein Ex.ri-l':.it is! AssociateEngtish wordswith words Amy: Wow!lt's fantastic.114J".Whichof :.2aasa model. I . Portfolio:@ Yourfriend AI hasgota newskateboard.:rr .it-:.lt's mybirthdaytoday.. t'tt :.. wordsin yourlanguage? b) Readthe dialogue aloud... Tim!Smitefor the camera! thesewordsare similarto ':.:-rjiir' ' 'r:'t:-'r :':r'.Record yourselves. lnternationalwordsin English :..._r. ) l've got a skateboardand a helmet.rrlrl::'.Happy Birthday. .ls thatyournewcamera? Thishetpsyouremember them. . Amy: Hi..Amy! -# .1 .Act out a dialogue.rl . ':. Amy: Yes...::rt Tim: Hi.Whichof thesethings haveyou got?What colour are they?Tell your partner. '.. Tim: Thanks.-=1ffi5i5. Tim: Oh.r=lL-..t .lt's a digitatcamerafrom my mumand dad."r'l'tii!:tt':t. Speaking R ?I e€{ Lookat the picture J again. lvlyskateboardis blue and my helmet is red. 1.ti .. Amy: Thanks.r. Amy. Tim: Yes. thataresimilarin yourlanguage. Vocabulary 7 L o Personat things . hatsi ' ' / s ' / / z / ' -/ t z / I : /s/ .two dolls -s. Writing 5 b a tt...brush - -a brushes.thatlthose. tomato .Then. q Pointto thingsnear/farfromyou. -/ 2L .-.toys iI -fl-fe ' -rres -- Ieaf . 4 peter F skateboard fhis is my comeroond theseore mygloves.(pointsto the blackboard) 1 dotl > dol/s J C: Thotis a blackboard..closses.Ieaves..a bicycle.Iives -- IRREGULAR PLURALS -4 chitd.watches. 2 foot . Writea listof thingsyouwantfor yourbirthday. /7/ i! t 4 /j ties . -- 4 b o x. People Presents TUeS -.mice -.1 I -- -a Listening 7 I O tistenandtick (/). 10 -J 8 watch > gloves. Weusethis/these for thingsnearus. noun + -s onedoll .. bus . -. _- Readthe rules. 6 bo y. write A _. Listenandrepeat.4 1 Tony A gtoves o This/These. -.chitdren woman.etc.. -. -4 G bicycte Weusethat/those for thingsfar awayfromus. v the plurals. -o + -es -. -- Gfammaf see b) Makesentences.buses. 7 kn ife.tomatoes -- -- c onso n a n t+ y+-ies lady .-ch.teeth mouse.Iife .women foot . > A: (pointsto the ruler) B: Ihis is a ruler. j P ' 110-111 -. -z 3 m a n.men Ihis is a cap.wotch.ladiesBUTtoy .feet man.fox - foxes.class.Makesentences using t this/these. 5 Mary H cap a That is myscorfond thoseare myjeans. -ss. tl '- 5) 5 O Listenandmatchthe people to the birthdaypresents.That/Those B guitar 4 2 sue 4 3 Lyn c D E scarf watch basketbatI 8 a) Readthe rulesandthe examples. -- tooth .. o Pl ur a ls -.-sh. -x. .. L questions. 1 Annis .Then. Whatnationalityareyou? I likestuffedanimalsbecausetheyarecuteandbrighten up my room. Whataboutyou? figures What's yourfavouritehobby? hats stuffed animals Reading _l lr 1-4. _-l B: lt's a sombrero... Canada andSpain...write a short -l emailaboutyourcollection(40-50words). sentences.)exct"atnat-tan c*mffie(. Australia. s 7 e Askandanswer 2 Annis from.year otd. 1 . 3 Thereare...(ll Complete: _l Weusea(n)1) Weusea(n)2) afteraffirmative & negative afterinterrogative sentences. in Ann'scottection. l'mproud of mycollection! ***NTV'\*$ NATIoNALITIES NATIONALITIES It makes mehappy. A: Where'sit from? :l lt'sMexican.J -_. Punctuation _l futt stop(.l'meleven yearsoldandl'mAustralian.. I'vegota greatstuffed animalcollection! r.myname's Ann..] ttatcnthe countries to the I l'vegottwenty-two TheyarefromChina. :l Weusea(n)3) to separatea listof items. nationalities...l . France.. stuffedanimals. I Listenandcheck. B: lt'sfrom lvlexico. _t expressing Sentences strong endwitha(n)4) feelings _l _l Wfiting @nemailaboutyourcollection) _l Portfolio:Answerthe questions.. r What'syourname?r Howotdareyou?r What _l nationalityareyou?r Whatdoyouco[[ect? j -_ -. Vocabulary o Countries& nationalities Hi. Readthe text andcompletesentences __ Speaking . stuffedanimals _l ) A: What'sthis? 4 Theyar efr om.)quesli*nmark(?l rnar*. = Thehat is lrish. Scottish 3 Scotland Project I tr Northern lrish .L Read. 1 p Wetsh -l 2 England f.t:::::::::::a 4 --t Here aresomepopular --t youcanuyintheuK.A dragon Thisisa pin. = .The -- Unron Jackistheflagof theUK.. souvenirs -- 4 shamrocks Scarf Thisis a tartanscarffrom -4 Scotland.:fi 4 Wates tr English = 5 Northern lretand p British 4 ffi=.lt hasgot -a shamrocks on it.r!tiirrrrill :$lll).The Stuffed toy shamrock isthesymbol of Thisis a stuffedtoy. --{ _.lt hasgota _{ isontheflagofWales UnionJackon it. Writea 1.Youcan seetheseinLondon. rtrrr. --t Northernlreland It lookslikea cow. Whichcountries arethe souvenirs t from? variousplaceson it.There aremanycowsinScotland -- -{ -{ Thesearetoybuses. few sentencesabouteach.lt hasgota Welsh dragononit.1 -{ Thisisa mug. Find/Drawa mapof yourcountry. -< -{ -4 4 I Matchthe countries theUK to the nationalities.listenandsay.. -1 Thisisa hat.1:.l Lookat the text.Stickpicturesof = souvenirsyoucanbuyin . 3 Whatsouvenirs canyoubuyin the UK?Tellthe class.lt'sfrom Nothern lreland.. Tartanclothisvery popular inScotland.Theyare -'1 double-decker buses... :. I want to buya souvenir. cut. A BUyingthingS ':'.1i'. Marta: Hereyouare.Whatis Martabuying? L . Shopassistant:Howaboutthiskeyring? Marta: That'sa goodidea.such. Usethe souvenirs in the pictures. in Ex.How muchis it? Shopassistant:It'st4./ O Listenandrepeat. /nl Pronunciationtu'.:':"'::: I 1 HowcanI helpyou? 2 I wantto buya souvenir.00. 6 Hereyouare.Monday.:.:_l .=.btue.Thinkof more 3 Portfolio:Youare at a souvenir shopin the UK.London.00.=i_.l_ Shopassistant:Goodafternoon. please? Shopassistant:Sure. 3 Howaboutthiskeyring? 4 Howmuchis it? 5 It's[4.2. Marta: CanI havetwo.1ato act out dialogues /u:/: gtue..How ': canI hetpyou? Marta: Goodafternoon. Ex. - 1 a) Readagain. l nl..:::11::"':'.. Recordyourselves.much. b) O Whosayseachsentence1-6above: Listenand a shopossistantor a customer? !- readto check.. mother - 24 . A a) O Listenandrepeat :::.Sue Ex. 1 in Your Saythe sentences AI language.Usethe sentences in likethe onein E J wordswith the samesounds..That'st8. [ove.::llL:. ll:::::i::::: e ll{ll ::::::1.: ..'. : : =.. b) @ aloud' Readthe dialogue . . !l -l +f :::. She's tt Matchthe citieson the mapto I h the countriesbelow.. i ICT Gl Howmuchdo you knowaboutEuropean A I yrw_ee*l"a. .I _"k[-.r I '.ltea - tt ffiAsk questions..nusFi"eJig). LI Geographu English-spe g eountriee -.-j - t{...J"21.-__usi i I capitals?In groupspreparea quizfor yourclassmates.1'r.::::::.' i lCanada 111"i.Jl.l Ctickon:EntrythenctickonEurope ) Londonis the capital of the UK. I A: Whatnationalityis she? I I Londonis in Europe. I flworkbooti tfl 25 .Whichcontinentis each A: What'sthecapitalof NewZealand? I in? B: Wellington. 3 Mary/ the UK 6 you/?? I A: Where'sLynfrom? AT' Lookat the caoitalcitieson the B: from NewZeoland.. andanswer J Rememberingnames 1 Lyn/ NewZeatand 4 John/ theUSA on a maphetpsyou places Finding 2 Tom/ Austratia 5 Sue/ Canada rememberthem. th e USA ' " "'* " . orgl nationsonline. " :. Youcanvisitthiswebsite:http://www. She's I map. .... B: a NewZeolander. .. .. .I .h eg o ta si ste r?N o ... . -r - 1 .. FTt HowcanI hetp d Yes.\ rr- t 100/ \/ tt Writethe words... Choose 1 That/ Thisboyoverthereis John.h e..th ey. . -\ \+xl 12) 5 the correctword. you? e That'sa good = L FTI Howmuchis it? idea. i o describepeople _t- 1 He'sgotshorth anda bign : o talkaboutcountriesand nationalities 2 Sh e 'ss --andp-. writeabout my favouritecartooncharacter i:-E e / potntr. . . 1 Japan 4 Spain lsthisyournew f5-I / po int s: ..\ 2 the USA 5 Austratia scarf? \sx+ zo) 3 the UK / Points:-\ \sxz 10) / Mvscore: . b It's L2. ts A Writethe nationalities. L= / pointt. .Pete.hove. ptease? c Sure. ..hasn't. .. .. 26 . . . _t- a. y oug o ta ska te b o a rdN o?.T o mg o tb i ge a rs? 4 . . . . ..t h e yg o ta co mp u teYr?e s. ..hoven't.it is. .\ \+x+ 16J I Writethe plurals.. .That'sE4. ...h e L= 3 Y e s. / point r . F IrTt CanI havetwo. .-\ : o writea paragraphabout my collection \lxz 6 I A_!- Fill in: hos. 4 8 tooth /potntr' -\ - \axz 16I Matchthe exchanges. .. . v - 1 chitd 5 watch 2 6 boy 3 7 tady. 2 This/ ThesebooksareTonY's. - 7 B - tlTl Howaboutthis I wantto buya keyring? dott... It'sgota hotein the middte. L= 2 . . . This/ Theseis ourfriend. t o talk & writeaboutmy personalthingsicollections 3 He'sgot smalte and btue i . i r :'i:'rl J 2l . ffi- -. gar den . { &'fi 4 4 --.furniture& appliances o or d in a lnumbers(1st-zOth) -= c o -= . -j -t o an advert for a vitta o a ghost t livinqr oom W _'. there is/thereare some.__{ __I __{ -- *-= --= -= Vocabulary ----_ o rooms.{f.any n* o possessive adjectives = o prepositions of place . o describing your houseor ftat ffi-w. _-t Findthe pagenumbersfor pictures1-3. 8 i. PrimeMinister's house. bathroom anda kitchen.a kitchenand E Thistenacedhouseis in the centreof London two bathrooms. lt hasgota niceviewof Therearetwo bedrooms.Whatis the articleabout? - [l John'shouseis detached. Thereisalsoa garage his for car.a small thetown. a livingroom.a living room. kitchenanda bathroom. got fivebedrooms. 1 Lookat the picturesandthe title of the article.Thereis a E Ann'sflatis onthefourthfloorof a blockof flats. andit is veryfamous. Thereareno houses of rooms. :- bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. Therearelovelyflowers house.lt hasgota largehallanda verylarge nextto it.lt is a bighousewithlots .Thereis a livingroom.the Therearelovely flowers allaroundthehouse.F Fredictingepntent that gowith a text Thetitle andthe pictures hetpyoupredictwhatthe text is about.a kitchen anda diningroom.lt has fl Jane'shouseis a semi-detached inthegarden. backgarden. It's got three bedrooms. :- -? F F {qsrmlilcru. lt's10Downing Street. lt hasalsogot a largegarden. a livingroom.lt hasn'tgota frontgardenbutthere bathroomdownstairsand there are three is a gardenatthebackofthehouse. Reading . a Lyn'sgot a beautiful cottagein the countryside. . -{ Writing d... { rd order Beginaffirmativeandnegativesentences with the subject. -{ 2 livingroom(1)downstairs --4 3 kitchen(1 smatt)downstairs 4 bathroom (2)upstairs -< 5 garden(x) --{ 6 garage (x) -. 4 3 ThePrimeMinister's houseis a terracedhouse.tr*.... in theptur a l ... . \.Then... o Thereis/Thereare 1 = Vocabulary o Ordinalnumbers 5 Readthe examples andcompletethe in the text on p.in questio ns ... = 7th = seventh 17th= seventeenth W euse2l . (. 1 2 is/ Laura's/ house/semi-detached 1 hasgottwogardens.. rules..... 4th = fourth 14th= fourteenfh =- = 5th = fifth 15th= fifteenlh 6th = sixth 16th= sixteenth W euse1) . John'shouse 3 got/the/hasn't/house/garden/a 1 2 Lynhasgota bigkitchen.Matchthe textsto the pictures. Writefoursentences in my house..' bedroomsupstairs. Hth"d.. . . 8th = eighfh 18th= eighteenth W euse3) .. I > Therearetwobedrooms aboutyourhouse. in England? } A: Whichfloor is Annon? Thereare .markthe 4 Putthe wordsin the correctorder.lvlybedroomisgreat!It isn'tverybig.. 1 1 1i 4 Therearetwo bathrooms in Ann'sftat.Findexamples -< = 3 a) O Listenand repeat.. 1 a/Ann/ nice/has/got/ftat sentences 1-5f (true)or F (false). (3)upstairs 7 Thereare threebedroomsupstairs.Jrammflf seet p .-{ B: She'son the thirdfloor.. 1st= first 11th= eleventh 2nd = second Thereisn't a garden. in thesingul ar ..... Speaking 1 -{ 7 Whatdifferenttypesof housesare there Tellyourpartner... 28....r -1 5 John'shousehasgota garage... = 9th = ninfh 19th= nineteenih --{ -- 10th= tenth 20th= twentieth 6 Writesentences 1 bedroom aboutRosa'shouse. 5 Workbook3a 5 29 ..1 1 2 O Listenandread. Therearen'ttwo 5 12th= twelfth -- 3rd= third 13th= thirteenfh -i#ffH'ffifm. o Furniture& appliances Grouping words !+ O Listen.Whatis there =+ J room?Tellyourpartner. towel r sofa o armchair o desk o fridge o washbasino wardrobe o toilet :+ o coffee table :- ir& Bedroom I i- ra-r 2I Lookat the roomsin the picture. EJ ) There'sa wordrobein thebedroom. l* 7 Groupthe words under the headings.point andsay. L L- L- lJ L{ lj ll t- L L l- Ir I& Vocabulary L. !+ L o sink r bed . IJ 30 . Groupingwordshetpsto learn new vocabulary. t and an armchairin the f.Whattypeof - Olga: Yes..... Otga..Explainthe adjectives in your 7r Sandy: Hi. = the bedroomthere's a 3 ls this our/we wardrobe? 6 Thisis l/myroom... Thereare . ... theftat? t 2 Whatfurniture is therein o Possessiveadjectives eachroom? . = 2 . What's your language... . Read.. Reading .... And in 2 Thisis her/shebook.. text is it: on emailor an advert? - fridgeanda tabtetoo.au = Thereoresomechairsin the room.... in affirmative sentences....There'sa sofa O Choose the correctword.Complete sentences1-3...Putfurniture/appliances in each Weuse1) . tiving room but there 1 Thatis they/their house... 4 Thisisn'tyou/yourbed.. Thisis my house.... m swimm ing \.. ..in questions... -.t Gfammafp.see 111... .. o Some/Any .. - Sandy: Hasit got anyfurniture? -l Olga: Yes....... bedanda desk. Fantastic views - - 5 Readthe examples.... -ta Have yougot.a bedroomanda bathroom..it has........... --a questions. onthe sofa? books...... pencils? in thegarden. p oolBeautiful 4) .Writedownwhatthereis in eachroom. in negative : sentences.a Readthe table. --t Sandy: Sounds great! House300m2 1 ) .. A.. 3 moder 2) n ....... Sandy: Reatty? . There'sa ..-..... Contact: 5).. your --a Olga: Yes.a kitchen.I Olga'ssisterhasgota newflat. sister'snewftat [ike? t Olga: It'sverynice....there is... I Weuse3) .- . Workbook3b 31 .. 1 Ar ether e... @house.listenandanswerthe 6 Someor any?Complete the sentences.... 5 Thatis he/hisdesk.There'sa smal[living his/her/its room..... I 0v room... --1 isn't a tetevision.. flowers 1 Howmanyrooms aretherein .com...... bedr oom s . Sandy: Howaboutthe kitchen? ls Listening - there a cooker? q O Listenandcompletethe gaps(1-5).cushions Hehasn'got t . 2 Weuse2l ....l Drawyourhouse. 1 0mx 3) .. av4vrbe - : F** { loov - Gram Reading !- t Prepositions of place }. lllill :l:llll - Mybedroomisgreat!lt.Where's ..sverybigandthereisalotoffurnitur ispinkin mybedroom in it. wardrobe and o bookcase. - 3 @ partner'sbedroom.|..Thebedis nextto thewordrobe'My deskisunder under o thewindow.. I Cl the balt?Look Where's I andsay. Everything andI callit'the pink - room'.:. B: lt'sunderthewindownextto nrybed.There's a big posterbehindmy bed'There's in the ts computer anda lamponmy deskandI'vegot books bookcose nexttomy desk.thereis. !- 7 A: Where'sthe football? B: lt'sunderthebed.':o'.Askandanswer. ? Wfiting @shorttextaboutyourbedroom) "ffiv Whatis yourroomlike?Answer thequestions.t.a des[o choir.. aboutyour Askquestions @ o lsit nice/big/smatt? o Whatcolouris it? r What furnitureis there?Whereis it exactty?o Doyoutikeit? F > A: ls thereo deskinyourbedrmm? - B: Yes. 1 fq Lookat Peter's - L !- bedroom.|vegoto smoll a bed...:::e)).n.lhaven'tgotaN butl'vegoto CD in frontof ""0'n::::o:*oo:.- :E:. 32 Workbook3c . wB{ { win *w . Portfolio:Writea shorttext aboutyour bedroom A: Whereexactlyis it? (30-50words). --t J w &'". .Il ghostsare in eachcastle?Whatcanthey do? .It is Cardiff Castle is a very old beautiful white cliffs of Dover very popular with tourists. Scary!! strange noisesin the castle.thentell the class. It has also got hasn't got a head.I Wnrkhonk3c1 33 .L Readthe texts.' Listenand saywhich of the following :-: soundsyou hear. lt has also got a [owers. orglcastles/ . &' f F' ----t -l t Edinburgh Castle is in Dover Castle is on the Edinburgh. It is a huge There are lots of ghostsin has got lots of towers and castle with tall walls and this castle. every morning you can Castle.!.& t''. pipes but you can't see It is a scarycastle.l . the stairs and sometimes the can hear him play the on and off by themselves. Wales. : { - I -- .castles.There is the ghost of a There is also the ghost of hear big heavy doors open woman in a long recl ch'esson the Tunnel Piper. One ghost rooms. Where is each castle?What Collectinformation. At 3:45 am are two ghosts in Dor-et- battle drum at night. ghost of a man in the king's ]. o heavydoorsopeningandctosingo piano country?Workin groups. bedroom.. There can hear him play the through walls. castle in Cardiff. ICT fl:ii:€ Aretherecastlesin your --. There are also him. You ghost which can pass underground tunnels. Scotland. You and closeand the lightsgo -. England. It in Kent.Il :-: :-: '".: 7' . o battledrums o pipes o strangenoises Youcanvisitthiswebsite: _-- www. tenth /0/: sixth.Who sayseach sentence?Listenand check. - Thisis the tenthfloor.Hereweare. go Let's in. o Let'sgo in. -F Ryan:Wow! lt's great and the gardenis beautifut. tel. Dad? o Thisone. - Portfolio: lmagine yourparentswantto move ? J to a newh lat. 2 a) Readthe dialogue. o Let'sgo upstairs.ld/ Pronunciation - 4 Q tistenandrepeat. b) Lookat the pictures.those. .ninth. got I've thekey. 34 rkbook3e . youandyourdad/mum. o The livingroomis very big.Dad! b) O The sentencesare from a dialoguebetweena father and his son.there The kitchenis on the fifth floor.Thinkof morewordswith the samesounds. 1ato act out the dialoguebetween Dad:Thisone. - o Whichhouseis it. ) the kitchen 2 It is upstairs. Dad? sentencesfrom Ex.Recordyourselves. Use -= Ryan:Whichhouse isit.RePlace the hightightedwordsin sentences1-3 with wordsfrom the dialogue.this.seventh. 1 illiiiirlili'rrlli liii. Theytakeyouto seeit. - - eighth. lilliirli ts o Viewinga house a) (J Listenand repeat. o Whichis my bedroom? o lt's great.Herewe are.Whichis their house? 3 This is hisfavouritecotour. 1 It is smatt. /d/: the. . Presentit to the class.]lliiutlu It is oneof the top seventourist l:l:l)).. Youcanvisitthiswebsite:en.Inside. ro o ms o Whichcontinent is it in? o Whatis it madeof? -J inside. o Whatdoesit looktike? Therearefour ..India..Outside.orgl J Thegarden hasgot Searchkeyrvord: sevenwonders Ctickon:GreatWallof China a:a -J 3 Usethe pictureto describe the TajMahal. Art a llesign 4 4 -{..Thereis a hugedome -'{..illllllllrl -a palaceis madeof white marble -f and orecious stones.tf. rriiltiitll travelwondersl of theworld. Writea shorttext aboutit. .. -1 Isomethrngthatpeopleadmire -{ 2 nirroc nr ri e hrinh+ linht --{ { I 2 Complete the sentences. -1 -1 l urllrrrrrr --.The ::..::::l::l)ll .Themarble shines2 with different like colours -- pinkat sunrise. andblueat nightwhenthereisa fullmoon.aL:1:a . . minaret in the centrethat lookslikea -4 largepearland thereare four -1 minarets at eachcorner. ::.wikipedia.. oneat -{ eachcorner. thereare two floorseachwith -1 eightrooms.:l -{. thereis a -1 beautiful gardenwith fourpools. -1 3 There a r e. yellow at sunset -.. TheTajMahalisin Agra. ..J Workbook 3f 35 .. 1 TheTajMahalis in - ICT @ fi tn groupscollectinformationabout 2 It is madeof anotherof the seventop touristtravelwonders. The Taj Mahal is a fantastic -1 buil d i n g . \sx+ \ 20) :. 4 T h et a b leis .chair 2 fridge.cooker 3 sofa. . . isn't. 7 There .. \axz tlTlwhich ftoorisyourftat a It'sonthe on? desk. aren't. 5 There .t h e s o f a . .. .thereis. the armchairs... 3 Writethe ordinalnumbers. under. 3 The booksare . t h e t a b le . 2 T h ec a rp e tis . . . 4 There ...bath . . -\ :a saywherethingsare in a room .. .. . a ta b te .or"' (mv 1 wardrobe . 1 There threechairs. fourgtasses. talk and writeaboutmy houseand my 4 armchair. behind.garden bedroom L 5 kitchen.. . tET--] lstherea TVin your / eoint' room? \ sxs 75J 36 > . fJT-lwn. ..coffeetable. 6 There . in.. anybooks. a ca rp e t.. ..tabte.. Lookat the picture.garage :a talkaboutfurnitureand appliances / p o i ntt. ..washbasin.. t4-lwhich ismybedroom? e Thisonehere. a [a mp ... --- \zxl I / toint t .thewatt. . 2 There ..in front of... / pointrt -\21 6 Thepainting is.sink. .. . .Fitlin: is. cu rta i n s.carpet. ar \6x3 the oddwordout. .. . 3 There .. f zl'-lwnat'syournewftat \ It'snice... Choose h r. tike? c Yes..bedroom .ore. next to.... 5 Fill in: on.. . ..book.toitet. 5 Thewardrobeis ..re'sthetamp? d The 5th. .. the room. 1 4th 5 11th talkand writeaboutfamousbuildings 2 3rd 6 20th 3 1s t 7 16th 4 zno g '12th / Po i n ts:-\ 16) 4 Matchthe exchanges. . the table. . 1 Thereare two armchairs .bed.bathroom .. o linkers(and. o . i: !I t_ o a diary o a poem lr o a famousfootbalter Jt Ir Ir brother sisters . but) (d a d ) mother (mum) i= t_ Findthe pagenumbersfor pictures1-3.I L- r L{ L t-_ - !: !: !- !: Vocabutary t_- LI L LI o your family L LI . .whose i= L- o presentsimple o prepositions of time father il .. describingpeople con (abitity) grandfather (grandpa)grandmother (grandma) l_ o 's genitive.4 31 . your daityroutine !t-. . J::.e.' -":::: :: {.l'!. I. I I )I . .- _- .- _- - -- _t- !- - _E- ts- -F _ts- E_ E- F F ts -t- II 38.r .!. { Reading E Readthe text on p.. pronunciation of words.. 38... andspetting 6 Readthe table. -1 members of her 4 Whatis herfather 3 Heten . thetable. p. taugh... watk.l/you/he/etccan.. ptaythe guitar... o Can(ability) { { 4 Read in thediary... -al Whataretheir Whatcanher 5 m akepeople Ben. Complete sentences a a 1 ReadKate'sdiaryandanswerthe questions. 1 names? motherplay? W hataboutyou?| . makebiscuits. speakEngtish? No..lB: KateandSally's. speakRussian.. Jane... 2 Emm a ..... {- 39 { ....Findexamples \ Affirmative Neqative t l/you/he/etccan l/you/he/etc can't r-'_ speakEngtish. Interrogative Shortanswers -{ Canl/you/he/etc Yes.. { \ adj fashionabte + 's nounsingutar nounplural-s+ ' cool lt<u:ll { lAydad'scool and Bill'sbrother the boys'battBUT t Whose brotherisTony? the men'scor j Vocabulary -tl o Character I A: Who'sLyn? A: Whose brotherisJoe? | -a 1 Useyourdictionaryto explainthe words. -- ) grammar see. 111: { Y. speakEngtish... It atsotettsuswhatpartof speecheachword is. famity? tike? 4 David. L Whatare Kate'sfamilymembers like? { 1 cool 4 clever 7 funny { 2 kind 5 friendty 8 naughty 3 sweet 6 noisy 9 caring { > Herfather is cool.l/you/he/etccan't. { Speaking { ! 3 Talkaboutyour family..Lookat Joe'sfamilytree..... }A: What'syour sisterlike? -T B: She'ssweetandclever.butI -{ o Possessive ('sls')/whose a Usingdictionaries = A dictionaryprovidesus with informationabout the meaning.... J 1 Whoarethe 3 Howotdarethey? 1 1-5with canor can't... Askandanswerquestions. B: She'sKevin's mother.. lt's like havinganotherman on your team. Why?"Oncethe ptayers put toothpastein my boots. "..1980 I 2 nickname? When'shisbirthday? I P1."" of birth: whiston. he always kisses his daughters andLexiefor goodluck.Stevengoesto the fansto thankthem. neaaor listento the text about Stevento answerthe | StevieG or Stevie I '? &* questions. t--- L- Duringthe match Stevenworkshard. Hisdadgoesto everymatch. Litty-Etta i-- f He atwayscheckshis footbatlbootsbefore L-- he putsthem on. "h e s a y s . Hisfans =- lovehim. "Our fans are the best. (.He tries his bestand nevergivesup. +#--*. 40 .*. Beforehe L_ leaves the house."he says.rame: 1 Whatis Steven's I Wonder Date of birthr Mav30th. I 3 Whoare his favouriteptayers? England 4 Howdoeshe starthisday? 1 t Teams: Liveroool FC& I 5 Whogoesto watchhim in everymatch? = I rngland I 6 Whatdoeshe do after eachmatch? Favourite players: Roy I Keane& PatrickVieira I \IIIII $leuen L :: !- Beforethe match Steven atways starts his day with a big ! breakfast.He [oveseggon toast. e$*l Reading you knowthe manin the picture?Whatis he famous _ Do r f o r? frrrr-\ *'. l-- After the match t-- At the end of eachmatch.. :111:.::l:::::::11llll::::l:11!tl:::::::::.t in thetextonp.. .. 3 .Complete 5 J 1-6. .I like...::11ltt)t:. aat):::):):a:. A I I runfast.3o' ctock 4 . t_ permanentstates:He lives in a-J i t_.. examples Speaking Lookat the pictures.seasons (in the summer) Writing -.he tikes t- I r-J verb-ss/-sh /-ch/-xl-o+ es I I go .. . . ::. . Theyrunfast. . I l-- 1 ltove. dates(onZnd ......them or ning 5 .I I Prepositionsof time = '. ... 40.mid d a y !-. . -_ J .. He/She/ltrunsfast. in + (in the morninglafternoon/ J evening).he goes. ..spellingrules r r-1 verb+ s I eat. . .he plays Fp L__ 4 I Writethe third personsingular. .. v in the morning/afternoon/evening? t- I Yourunfast. 5 t. . August).at midday / night / noon/ midnight I Lauragetsup in the morning. . 8 lwash 4 lput- i-. Barcelono..1 I 3rd personsingular. 1t. . I I o habits:I have coffee in the morning.. . . . t- I repeatedactions:Heploys tennison t: t- Mondays. ---..he eots.:. 7 What'syourdailyroutine?Writea shortarticle I schoolmagazine.: :.Mo n da y t- I a PresentSimple(affirmative) I I do my homeworkat 3 o'clock.lwash .. ) he loves 6 2 | leave 7 J^ 3 I k i s s. !--l !--l 1 .WhatdoesLaurado t . for an international --Jl . phrases Readthe box. .Find Read I ? . afterlgon) Workbook4b 4L .shewashes I y + -ies verb endingin a consonant I I cry . Gfamm6p p. . .I t . .. r-.Makesentences usingthe phrases.he cries I BUT / play ... dt + the time(at 3 o'clock).):::. partsof a day(onFriday :.on + days(lvlonday)..see'i 2 . Yourunfast..4411L! l ::::. ... months(inMoy).thewinter 6 . .t h e e v e n i n g I 112i \. Werunfast. tI - thetableandthe rules. ... 6 Whatdoesshe[ike? 2 .. i 42 .she'so hop...yourm umwor k? 3 ... She hI She'syoung.yourdadgetupear ty? -= interrogative) .-r. (40-50words) No. She'sgot fourbrothers ond four tI fovouriteLotinsinger. .. Ripoll... ....1..he...does..... Shokiro'sfullnomeisShokiro lsobelMeborok She'sfromBorronquillo.... articleabouthim/herfor the school F he/she/it r r s ' J rrs ' rr ! d o e s n tt. He/she/itdoesn'tlikepainting.. Colombio....E 2 ..... F 1 herfut[name? What's 2 Whereis shefrom? Speaking 3 When'sherbirthday? Askandanswer.| . .Shelikespointingond tlr I bequtiful.Bobsleepa [ot?Yes...youtikefootbatt?Yes...she's doncesond singswell. SouthAmerico.i r does. sisters...they questionsaboutShakira.theylivein Br azit? No.Herbirthdoy'son 2nd -=I She'slhe wolld's Februory..... Portfolio:Useyour answersto write a short N. Yes..y Jo n ..t.. Answerthe questions...t= 5 Whatcanshedo? 1 ) Doyouptayfootball?Yes... 4 ..s Gram ^'i t: 4 . magazine.yourfr iendgojogging? maf p.youlivein a ftat? E \ 5 . 5 Thinkof yourfavouriteactor/actress...youswimwe[t? o PresentSimple(negative & 6 .. Answerthe 3 .Findexamples Wfiting @narticleaboutanactorl actress) F Negative -ts |lyou/we/ theydon't like painting.. L.... Reador listento the text. /w e ..Doyou likeher? 'Womqnof ts tl Fill in do.Shedoesn'tlikehip listening - L. ? s he... J Reading 1 . 1 Whereis he/shefrom? F Interrogative 2 When's his/herbirthday? Dol/you/we/theylike painting? ts Doeshe/she/itlikepainting? 3 Howmanybrothers/sisters hashe/shegot? Shortanswers 4 Whatcanhe/shedo? F 5 Whicharehis/hermostfamous fitms? Yes..I do. Readthe table.. Shokiro con speokfivelonguoges... /th eldo..r.'.. gteolvoice.yourfr iendhavea sisterNo.don'tor doesn't. _b- l / y ou.t- 2 in the text...she'sgof o lo )ou music.... -b: 4 Howmanybrothers hasshegot? andsisters 4 ... -tl 1 O Readthe text andcompletethe missing _-l Readthe theory. . --r Linkers(and. . Iike? . hairisblue!Shecancookwellandsheisverypatient -a vervctever. .but) --I --I . He's 4 2 ) ..lt isabouto funny I cortoonfamilyfromSpringfield... shecan't speakltatian.USA.. . . family. .. look |ike? o Whatis . . ...Heisshort lot. He -. o Who's.not justin IJ t- Americo 0)*" but ollovertheworld. -! 43 -{ . . -I He candancebut he con't sing....Sheisveryclever.. is 8 yearsold..1 skateboarding.. the fatherof the 4 andshecansoeakSwedish andFrench. buthe'sfunny. isthebabyof thefamily.S heisquiet...-- singandplaythesax o p h o n e 1 ) . . . .. Sheis themotherof thefamilv. . .. andkind. He'stall and thin. . . LisaandMaggie. .Shecan'twalkand is3 8y e a rs o ld ....S h eist a lla n ds lima n d5 ) ..t^ I t--t t - I l- I I The Simpsons' is o verypopulorTVshow... ... . . . .friendly 3) .1!1 3 Hecandance . friendty.Thenfillin words.. L Listenandcheck.a. He canspeakFrench./ c Whatdoes. .. Heisnotvery J withfairhair. naughty andnoisy.. 3 Askandanswerquestions aboutTheSimpsons. . ... Weuseand to addsomething... . ... -{ 2 She'sfriendly not very -I funny. .n.. . . .. . likescomicbooksand -.. ...Heis . . tr. . two = sisters.i s 4 t a lla n d p lu mp . She'sshort andshe'sgot fairhair..:E Workin groups. . She -1 smallandshehasgotfairhair..Writeshortdescriptions gA abouta -I 4 She can speak French I TVfamilyin yourcountry.. .? o Howold . Howold is he? etc -I 1 He'sctever .1 }A: Who'sHomer? B : Thefather of the family... 7 andor but....Heis39 years 4 ). . . H el i k e s = eatinganddrinking a years old. sing. She HomerSimpsonis . .. Project .Shedoesn't likeaeroolanes.. . .. We usebut to showcontrast. d ... sh ecan 'tta lk. . l- ": '" ,',, h- l-- L- L-- a ldentifying& describingpeople ? in your language. Saythesesentences .) lr-- 4 t ; ListenandrePeat. 1 Lookat that girloverthere. I 2 Theonewith the fair hair? E- o Whois she?o What'shername? o Howotdis she?o What'sshe[ike? 3 What'sshe[ike? 4 Comeandmeether. O Listenandreadthe dialogue.Find 5 Howotdis she? h-- 7 L Laurain the picture. t @ Portfotio:lmagine youare in the -t schoolplayground. Usesentences from b- Ex. 1 and3 to find out aboutthe people there.Usethe dialogue in Ex.2 asa ' Whois she? model.Recordyourselves. I Janet: Theonewith thefair hair? Steve:Yes.What'shername? Pronunciationrs/, rzl,/tzl Janet:Laura. She'sBitt'ssister. Steve:She'svery beautifut.How otd is t O Listenandtick (/). Listenagainand she? { repeat. , ,, Janet: She'ssixteen. /s/ /z/ /r z/ /sl /z l '/r z / lives writes walks teaches goes retaxes 44 L- ll{ l: t--{ l: r-tta literaturG l_ r-{ t: r-{ L-- &f r-{ t: 1 as ..asabee #,n*\,ts My mum'sos busyos o bee Becouse shelooksoftermy fomilyond me My dod isosstrongos on ox Becousehe'sgot big muscles ond he con box L-< My sisisos quietos o mouse t- L-{ 2 as you con hordlytellwhenshe'sin the house .. asanowl Becouse L- r-- My brotherisos slowos o snoil Buthe'scleverond con neverfoil L- l-- I om osstubbornos o mule L- L- 'cousel'm heodstrongl but reollycooll L__- tra l si ubborn L.{ a s. . . . . . . . . a . sa ki tte n t__ !-rl !-- : r-.I 5 as asa mouse -- Explaintheseadjectives.Usethem to L{ completesimiles1-9. - € ptayful o proud ;w;;1';lr::1. e rr*rjseo busY -= a gentle o strong . stubborn c s[*'+ -I Writing Closeyourbooks.Tryto rememberas I Writeyourownpoemaboutyourfamily. manyanimalsimilesasyoucan. 4 Useanimalsimiles.Readyourpoemout to - =l the class. ) O Listenandreadthe poem.What !-! i L canyoufind? animalsimiles Mymumis asbusyasa bee. t_- She'sverybusywith me. @ Findthe rhymingwordsin the M ydadis as... asa/an... ? J poem(thewordsthat soundsimilar). He... etc. >bee-me 45 =a 5 Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present simple. t- 1 She........ ( get)uPa t 7:00. ts -_1 2 she ........ . (notwatch)a DVDin the ts- afternoon. 3 He ...... (have)a cupof teain theevening. ts- 4 He ... . (not/go)to bedat 10:00. t- 1 Joanis Brian's 5 He ...........( wor k)onhis com pu teri n the z 2 SarahisAndrew's afternoon. / \ .h-, 3 Wittiamis Simon's (!iI"' zo; .tsr- 4 Joanis Sarah's 5 SimonisAndrew's / toint* -\ 10J 6 Matchthe questionsto the answers. B l=r-, \ sx2 tlTl what'shername?a She'sverynice. b-,1 A funny,sweetor Fill in clever,naughty, ETI where'sshefrom? b No,shehasn't. !::-' L patient, llTl Howoldis she? c Atice. .h:- 1 Mybrotheris very .... andnoisY. ETI Hasshegotany d She'1s 3. AnnspeaksSwedish andRussian. She's.... . brothersor sisters? e She'sfrom !=- 2 3 Mybabysisteris ...'.. butverynoisy. ITTI What'sshetike? China. hr /eointt, =-\ 4 Hetettsgreatjokes.He'svery ....... \5X4 tu I 5 Grandma nevergetsangrywithus.She's... . .- t.. tto'"' iro\ (!ff"'-; (*Y l .ts tr & ffim*,, Fillin the gapswlth canlcan't. b- J a talkandwriteaboutmyfamilY 1 .......Marycookwetl?Yes,she o describe people's character .ts a talkaboutwhatI can/can'tdo 2 . . . . . . .Bi ttd a n ceN?o ,h e i h- a writea profileof a famousPerson t?e s,sh e.......... 3 . . . . . . .Su ep ta yfo o tb a lY o writea textaboutmyfavourite W family a writemyown poem using similes animal F 4 .......yourbrother speak Yes,he.. . French? 5 .......TonyandStevepaint? No,they 1pointr, -- -2-ol -\ h- \ bi+ 4 Writequestionsandshortanswers,asin the example. Whatdoyousay - F 0 you/ tike / footbatt(I) whenyoumeet F ) Doyou likefootball?No,I don't, a monsterwith (/) two heads? b 1 she/ watk/ to schoot? 2 they/ like/ tennis? (/l b 3 they/ tive/ in a ftat?0r) 4 Ann/ eat / meat?(I) F (/) 5 Bob/ ptay/ theguitar? (!iI,'' -\20J F 45 L - |. { lil I.t -l Fi ndthe pa genumbersfor pictures1-3 ..r ..I snowyowl o a qu iz -l o an advertisement :J o a fact file 7t o a song -. r 4l .i i . .-1 o a n im a ts& pets f) t. o L- L-1 adverbsof frequency t- L- o questionwords wotf !.{ o a visit to a vet t_ ..{ l: L{ ryi t.l-_ L-< r L-{ L_ L-.{ t- L_-- ! t- L_" -{ Vocabulary L{ t- l:."# ***+ t: *ri .*.*di -**#' L- L{ t- L_--- L--{ t-- L_- L. Theyneversleep - J duringtheday.Male seahorses are the only maleson the planetthat havebabies!Thefemale Ieavesher eggsin the male'spouch.Whentheysee theirfood.theyarespecial J and they alwaysqmazeus! J l-- j Chameleonscanmovetheireyesin two different directions at thesametime. YUMMY!lf youseea chameleon sleepingduringtheday.Eachmorningthe couplesdancetogether. Crocodiles grow newteethto replacetheirold onesall thetimebuttheynevercleantheir teeth. or with oneor botheyesclosed.theylose2it.theyopentheirstrongjaws andswallowit.3The malecarries them for a month and then therethey are:A THOUSAND TINYBABIES!! Seahorses haveone partnerduringtheir lifetime. thenhe is sick. 3 bag 4B .Their danceusuallylastsfor severalminutes. }- l- L- lE- L_ L-- Ourplanetis hometo about30 L_ milliondffirent kindsof animals.Andtheycan'tmovetheir tongues! : Seahorsesor'hippocampus' can changecolourto :- protectthemselvesfrom their enemies.Asa chameleon grows/itsskindoesn't. L- I see 2 drop = Crocodilesrunfastandsometimes L- jumpto catchtheirfood. i Theyarebeautiful.Theyeatbugsandarefamousfor theirabilityto change colour.Thishelpsthemto spotltheirenemies and = theirfood. Theirold skinis quitetastysotheyoften eatit. Thefoodgoesstraight downto theirstomach. Whenit getstight. . = -a -1 2 Reador listento the text.Correctthe false = 3 doesn'tsteepduringthe day? statements.. 48?Whatotheranimalsdo you know? 5 Completethe table with adverbsof frequency. Whatdo you always.. 4 hasa lot of babies? -- 5 [ikesdancing? = 6 is goodat running? I 7 ofteneatsits skin? 8 can'tmoveits tongue? = -- --) 3 Tellyourpartnerthreefacts you remember fromthe text. aboutyourself. t- I mainverb..... Readthe sentences.Findexamples t-.. LJ- r-t{ 49 I .but . theverb"to be".4 1 Reading _1 Whatdo you knowaboutthe animalson p. the rulewit Complete A I in the text. t{ eat meat? tidyyourroom? 4 goswimming? goto the cinema? L workonyourcomputer?eatcrisps? r-I ptayfootbatt? buycomics? I i-r- I r-{ t- I Writing !r- l. after or before. Tellyourpartner. Listening 4 1 2 canchange cotour? doesn'tcteanits teeth? 6 T (true)or F (false).. n'esor neverto makesentences !r{ aboutyourself..often.usually. l__ 7r r-r. O Mart the sentences Listenandcheck.the u su a tty t neverdo?Writesentences sometimes.rammilf see- I p.usually.- l__ Speaking r-- Useolwoys.. L Howoftendo you .112 : -.. g . I R L-r{ Ad v e r bosf f r e q u e n cy g o. often.... Whichof the threeanimals... . 50 l . l-- L----- Vocabulary Reading t-=- a.1:tt'.Whatarethe animals in yourlanguage? in the pictures riilil& {-t - How longdoesa How do sealsswim? u_ reindeerlive? a) with theirtail a) 10 years b) with theirlegs -l b) 20 years c) with theirflippers c) 30 years Whatdo penguins Wheredoesa usuallyeat? reindeerlive? a) seals a) in Africa b) fish a- b) in tropicalforests c) polarbears c) in theArctic How tall are polar How manywings bears? 5- hasa penguingot? a) B-10feet =- a)1 b) 2-3feet b)2 c ) 1 5 -1 7 f e e t .g.Compare withyour partner...1: Dothe quiz.Checkin the key.:. O Listenandrepeat.. '{& c)4 WhoAtrhatis theArctic =- When doesa snowy wolf'sonlyrealenemy? owl sleep? a) cold a) at night b) man b) duringtheday c) polarbears c) both Saythreethingsyouremember fromthe text..:. ... 4 What......? h At schoot. 7 8 Findexamplesfrom the quizon p....4:00pm Times: 2) .......? i EveryTuesday. 8 Who/your/actor/is/favourite? . - tigers.? = g 3 metres.1 1 3 W h e r e ..6asam odel... Saythe questionwordsin your language..? = 10 Why.... to the answers. . a A bag. . ^ Gfammaf see. 1 Who. -1 E Putthe wordsin orderto formquestions.............. 50... 7 Howoften. 1 Where/you/tive/do? Opening you/do/Howoften/eat/crisps? am........ r What'sits name?r Wheredoesit [ive? = ffi ru o Whatdoesit tooktike?o Howtatt is it? o Whatdoesit eat?r Howlongdoesit [ive? = = ) Wheredopolorbearslive? 51 = ...... Address.? c Peter. 2 When.....50 5 schoot/What time/you / to/ doI go? Animals:otters.t Answerthe questions..Then. Thenmatchthem 4 = 4 Matchthe question wordsto the answers.. .? morning.... 8 H o wm a n y. 5 W h a t i m e.. 2 closed3). 1 o Questionwords \.. " .? 1 e Three... 7 Complete the questions. Day 3 breakfast/ forlWhat/you / do/have/ usually? Tickets: Adult 4)t ..? f Monday = 6 How. -il* # Writing €3 - J * 'A- 9 Answerthe questions. Listening = i 6 :3 0 ... penguins... .thenaskand answerwh-questions. Speaking = 6 @ Readthetext..... - 4 When/do/up/you/get? chird(3-15)re...write a fact file abouta wild animal. 5).Regent's 1). andlotsmore 7 How/do/ to/ youI get/ schoo[? .. I 112: D.. 9 H o w[ o n g.Usethe text in = g Ex...? d B e ca u se .. London -. O Listenandcomplete theadvertisement. Fora great0l > f amilydayout! = .. .? 1 b Bycar.. giraffes 6 the/Howoften/do/to/cinema/you / go? .... Answerthe questions. n. b- h- 4 Answerthe questions.. .he'scute. t Whipper.isn'the? rtr Reading b-- 4 hamster 3 O Loot at the picturein the text.Useyouranswers to write a b- A w shortarticleaboutyourpet for yourschoolmagazine. O Lookat the pictures.Tellyour -b- Wordorder:Adjectives L- Readandunderline.He'sgotlong.. 1 Who'sWhipper? 4 Canhefty? l-- 2 Wheredoeshe live? 5 HowdoesMrsHayward b- 3 Whatdoeshe took[ike? feelaboutherpet? b- Speaking b- 5 youhavean unusual lmagine partner about it. Whipper lookslikea duster." saysMrsHayward. Whichanimals Zealand hasgotaveryunusual pet. .Hecan't singeither. l've got a . . -b- He'sverycute. . 1 dog curly. Infact.hedoesn't makethesamesoundas b- 2 tortoise anythingreally. He c o n. Adjectivescomebefore/afterthe aboutyourpet) Wfiting @narticle b- verb"to be".feathers buthecan'tfly. Hisnameis . b. . \ buthe'sactuallya budgie.Listen MrsJulieHayward fromNew ! to the sounds. . pet. 1 Haveyougot a pet? 5 Whatdoeshe/shelook -E- 1 is/my/dog/brown 2 Whatis it? tike? b- hasgot 2 long/his/a/tait/cat/ 3 What'sits name? 6 Whatcanhe/shedo? 3 gotdfish hasgot / he/an/orange/ 4 Howotdis he/she? 7 Whyis he/shesospeciat? l-- 52 ^ . yearsold. and he's.. MrsHaywardisvery L- proudof herpet. ft Putthe wordsin the correct h- (50-60words) & order.."Hedoesn't makethesame soundasa budgie.Afterall. . He'sgot lvlybudgiehasgot yellowfeathers.. Whatis it? Reador listento find out. . A W$JEMK Vocabulary o Pets A BT'D9IE? ({. b- Adjectives comebefore/afternouns.. listenandcheck.1 koalas. -1 7 Readagainandcompletethe fact file. 4 53 .buttheyaren't.but Theyhave 1 gotsharp theyarewildandtheydon't clawsfor -- makegoodpets. --- theyarebears. 1 Theyarecute. -'1 most KoalasareAustralia's Theyhave 4 gotshort.butthey Theylive getalltheliquidtheyneed in trees. -1 a koalameans'no water'? = O theyneverdrink. -1 fromeucalyptus leaves? 1 a theyswimverywell? o theysleepduringtheday? = a Whatis the animalinthe picture?Wheredoesit live? Whatdoesit eat anddrink?Read.. -{ Theyeat --4 eucalyptus leaves. 3 Youare a zoologist. L .Youmaythink climbingtrees.t- -1 Animal: Koala Project Face: 1 = Collectinformationfrom Body: 2 AI encyclopaedias.= Theyhave Theyhave gotbiground got grey earsanda a ) fur. strongarms -1 andlegs.Usethe text to answer them. blacknose. popularmarsupial mammals. Colour: 3 textbooksor the Internetand Home: 4 1= write a fact file aboutan animal Food: 5 that livesin yourcountry. classasksyouquestions The about .school J.theyaresoft. Vet: Let'shavea [ookat him. b- Pronunciationht.hurt F-- 54 F-- l .Youtakeit to the vet's. F Vet: Oh.myparrot.Usethe t- F sentences from Exs.girt. 5 gotanearache.breast.> dog Vet: Hi. health.Thinkof morewords with the samesounds. t.end. 3 Max'sgottoothache.What's the matter? John: lt'sTom.send. i= Vet: Reatty?Howdoyouknow? 4 gottwo broken[egs. F.John. John:OK. 2 Whatprobtemhashispetgot? tE- breath 3 Howotdis he? ls.Saythesesentences in your language.rl ts- 3 O Listenandreadthe dialogue answerthe questions.Act out the dialogue.men. Stripe's John: Hecan'tfty. F F F F F F ts- F F F ts- F-- b L-- A visit to the vet t- 1 1 Matchthe sentences to the animals. ts 2 O tistenandrepeat. h- John: I thinkhe'sgota broken wing. Rex'sgot fteas. Mittens's b- Vet: Howotdis he? John: He'saboutfouryearsotd.burn.l curt.1 and2.what'swrongwith him? 2 Tom'sgota broken wing. E- o What'sthe matter? F o What'swrongwith him? o Reatly? Howdoyouknow? o Howotdis he? 4 eQ Portfolio:Yourpet is ill. yourselves. and 5 J Q Listenandrepeat.- h- 1 Whatpet hasJohngot? lel vet. Record o Let'shavea [ookat him. Theykeepour gardens = 2 Wheredothey[ive? cleanbecause theyeatdeadleaves andotherwastel.parksandforests.net I Ctickon: butterflyicon a 55 . fl J = Q Listenandrepeat. Theselittlecreatureslivein ourhomesandgardens. Some -{ = 2 Readthe text andanswerthe questions. = 3 Whichfactsfrom the text do youfind interesting? Tellthe class. http://www. = = = Make a list of insectsthat you aa a honeybee expectto find.rubbish = Proiect:Becomea gardendetective. ffi Listanyflyinginsects A [tr& PrePare v T/F quizaboutinsects.Some insectscomeout duringthedaywhileotherscomeoutat = 1 Howmanytypesof insectsare therein night.honey. = Writedownanyinsectsyoufind ontheground.go = A I on an insecthunt.earthlife. 3 Whyareinsects important? Theyarealsoimportant foodfor birdsandother = 4 Whatcanbeesdo? animals. Someinsects. ffi Describe theinsects. = € Takeor findpictures oftheinsects. likebees. livenearwater.otherslivein fields.= $ciencG -4 dragonfly - 4 - 4 -1 = -l ante grasshopper teg = r'i"'-. It'saninsect's life Thereareabout10 milliontypesof insects in theworld. Ingroups a short = yousee. t unwantedthings. the wortd? Insectsarereallyimportant.even = makefood. Youcanvisitthiswebsite: = ffi Talkto theclassaboutthe insects.Saythesewordsin your language. 4) 1lirpffill. t- 1 usuatlyI we /shoppingI on I Fridays / go )- 2 goes/ to / he / bed/ sometimes / late L- 3 W / watches/ neverI the I in / Samantha / morning lE / | / dinner/ eatI seven/ at. -\ \lxs 2ol 1lotnt' -\10) h- tr \ 1oxl Findthe oddoneout... >- 2 Putthe wordsunderthe correctheading. . talk/writeabout insects 5 tiger.? L- o tiger o wotf o hamster.tut. )-- Usethe sentences v o What'swrongwith him o Let'shavea )-- lookat him r Reatty? Howdo youknow ts- o What'sthe matter L-. 1 toothache.. Whathasgot a redspottedbody...../ past/ hatf usually lE / Points:-\ \+xs \/ zol h- L to completethe dialogue...wings riteaboutpets& animals \_ 3 rhino..Hedoesn'ttookhappy.or"r .mydog. f- l- Dothe crossword..1::... L- . -\ \sxz 1oJ L Fillin the correctquestionwords. -r - 1 doesheplayfootbatt? EverySunday.? Kelly: lt's Ben. ...... ..earache b- 2 feathers..wolf . h- I i g1116..iffitlis|rlll vet: oK. ..flippers..beak. Kelly: I thinkhe'sgota brokenleg... .. -\ 20J vet: Hi.tail .feathers : o talk/writeabout an animalfrommy country L i o talk about koalas 4 rabbit.. . \ J \' 100J >....Ketty....? >- r polarbear o cat Kelly: Hecan'twatk..legs...ears.....n.... . . h- 3 is Mr Carter? Ourteacher. >- / eoints:-\ I don'tknowbut thereis h- \5x4 20) 56 oneonyourshoutder. ... o butterfly o crocoditeo beetle o ant Vet: 2l ..insects.. F- E F.r..dog. 5 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto make full sentences..six hairylegsandthreebigeyes? ts- 2 doeshe [ive?ln a flat. 4 do rhinoseat?Plants. L 5 tatl is the Indianelephant?3 metres... .. 1) . .llir..wings... tortoise vet: 3) .111fffi€ct$ ts- / poin.fteas..leopard e F i . / t...wings b- : ...in En cl l i sh >- / pointr.. th. _-t { --_- Vocabulary . o am a p --{ o a poem --.. o a postcard a .seasons & weather t o ctothes/activities o presentcontinuous/presentsimpte ---. -t --J -"#* d*t -l M = -J .iidt-.: :'t:* ij.:l ."1t'll.--{ -{ -= -a --a --_-t .ii_1 1i:1 ' _-_t o months.': :. . = :..!!::::::a!:: r.-r'-: j.:.{ a -t I I ---[ { . -| -I --l --l . r.: :.: ti..#.:. .e.-.r o talkingaboutthe weather -= Fjndthe pagenumbersfor pictures1-3. " C b- Moscow 'C = degrees -"C= minus its da l l b- 0c 4 2 A: What'sthe weatherlikein Londontoday? B: lt'swet andrainyandthe temperatureis 10'C. . . l- F- |11ti1: is*i.y1-. b- . . 2 ). h- Co p e n h a g e n ): .. /. Lr- t-- Reading l-- ? Reador listento the text.Saythese h- wordsin your language.Askandanswer.. ' C 6".Listenandcomplete.. .February 3 Whatarepeoptein Engtand doing? ts- 4 ln whichcountryarepeopteswimming today? h- 5 today? What'sthe weather[ikein Argentina > . Answerthe questions.: ''4..(_t 5) .t 1 Whyis theweatherdifferentin variousptaces? :lr- 2 What'stheweathertikein Canada 8th? today. sE*#tr June July August Vocabulary & Speaking Listening s Weather O toot at the chart. E- O Listenandrepeat...i'..1e . .r-{ l-_ I i-{ Therearedifferent kindsof weatherall i... 58to v yourpartner. Let'ssee . J continuous. --r Affirmative Lucky her!HopeyouareOK..Thisis because different placeshavedifferent climates...l aroundtheworld...... -{ street....My dad and my brother 3) . do) herhomework (not/help) andshe7l ..l'm sleeping now... --{ Somekidsarebuilding a bigsnowman inthe Mostpeople areswimming andsunbathing.. (play) mum... not/'mnot . funl ARGENTINA -{ ENGLAND It'scloudyandwindyhereinBuenos Aires.. gameswith herfriend. H e/Sh e /l t is not/isn't i -ta :: - Foractionshappening now.... --f P.-r of actionshappeningnowin the text..... Othersareplayinginthesnow...She5)...Anyplansfor Sunday? xxx I fi i tm'-.. having picnicsorflyingkites. -{ It'sverywetandrainyhereinLondon... -- -{ CANADA AUSTRALIA ---a It'ssnowingheavily hereinOttawa. 4)..lt'sfreezing cold. You/We/They are/'re i reading.. Mostpeople arewatching TVor playingboard { games athome...lt 1) ...Suel --iI o Present continuous Howareyou?l'm at homenow.......lt'sgreat Some arefishing!lt'sa lovely day...She8) ...... Hi.... (rain) -{ heavily outside..... -I You/We/They are not/aren'ti reading... H e /Sh e /l t is/'s .The temperatureisaround-150C..... I .. The It'shotandsunny inAdelaide today. Mum --r 4 Howdo we formthe presentcontinuous? Whatare the spellingrules?Findexamples (cook)dinner.. (lay)thetable.... -a I 59 .. (have) 5)..-r n ---li Speaking .February8th. | 2) .. { temperatureis80C. temperature is260C. Everyone isatthebeach...__ "am _ _"....5.. 1. umbrellas... 112 \.Thereareonlya few People arewalking inthepark..--l whattheweather is likearoundtheworld today.Rainydaysaresoboring! -{- = Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present 5 Grammar seeij .... The Thetemperature is 18oC soit'snotverycold...(do) myhomework....... (not/ ......: Spelling rules 7 Whatis the weatherlikein yourtown/city -a I today?Whatareyoudoing? Writeanemailto a friendsimilarto the onein Ex.... Mysister Jane a goodtime.c. Writing -rl =-"' ---'-' ......... We'reallbusy......-t- I f.A feware people Theyareallholding outside.. : A @ Describethe pictures onp....... Which 3 clothesdo youwearin warm/ Asking Answering E. 4 WhereisAnngoing? Whowith? 60 . b- rememberthem. b- F Sfeveis weoringa looseT-shirt.. b clothesin Ex. b trT_l[ong a tight 1 WhatisAnnwearing? h-. h- Opposites F A: Whotdo you thinkof my dress? Learn words in pairs of B: lt looksgreotonyou. lTr heavy b short 2 Whyis BettyangrywithAnn? Ft-r tight c loose 3 What'stheweathertike? h-. It/Theytook(s) my (dress)? o Youlook[ovety/great. b This witt hetp you opposites.qfAeregsorieE @ Usethesentences to askandanswer. Reading b 2 Matchthe opposites. blouse l-- l-- L- Vocabulary € { !r:the. --- o Howdo | lookin this? o That/Thosetook(s) terribte b- onyou.1.Use themto describethe people's 4 a) Readthe first andthe lastexchange Howis Annrelatedto Betty? in the dialogue.. Answerthe questions.. L- O Listenandrepeat. coldweather? o Whatdoyouthinkof a greatonyou. b) Listenandreadthe dialogue. . Project ! 1N-o.. Read Whatare youwearingnow? .listen..actions a coo[. They'reso abouthabitslroutines..She'swearinga raincoat. il:i#:ili:l I :il.yes. sis.t I 1 Youlookgreat. Saythe sentences 3 What .1 .. : :r i"lillrillllfrjliti+:+fll b) Putthe verbsin brackets ..". Discuss the clothesyou ! o PresentContinuous (questions) R v differentseasons.1..: i .F . -..u/we1!_tqlar-e-{t. helshe/it I Yes.:: . i 1 ..". Ann? 7 Ann: lt's freezingoutsideandI can'tfindmyscarf.Whereareyou I going? lj Shealwayswearsbootsin thewinter. r . Readthe dialogue presentcontinuous.Youcanborrowthem.:y_9. ts . he/she/it is' !_ "l N o . .* ..L..You'regreat.rl .. 7 Present Continuous Betty: Whyareyouwearingmyctothes... 'l a) Readthe sentences. l jliF into the presentsimpleor the a c) aloud. Which I Betty: Andyoucan'tfindyourjacket...v)/ watchTV (/l I . ! Ann: Thanks.. 3 Mary/ reada book(.. hoppening now? Betty: Atright... !- Gfammaf .I suppose.Usetheideasto askandanswer.. 9 Findpicturesof your family andfriendsor picturesof i_ Laura/ weara jacket(X)/ weara raincoat(/) peoplefrom magazines. (you/live)? I E in your language. (go)to 2 That'sright. Whatdo you usuallywear? 1_ I 6 thetable... ' ':-..( itlr ain)in thewinter ? 2 Where .am . [1teq1og. amlo-!. r verb form do we useto talk a Ann: Okay.. 61 .= I Betty: Andis that myscarfyou'rewearing? o Present Simpleor Ann: Wett. s +..Sue'swaitingfor meoutside. Betty: Havea nicetime.She's wearing ... i l '-^^f i No.i h e /sh e /it : r isn' ! .. 4 SueandDave/ eat (X)/ cook(/) 7 5 Bitt/ ptayfootbatl(I) / do his 3 homework (/) Ann: That'sright.S " " __:. Areyou/we/they readinn:.* .Y e s. ::.."" .... I 3 I just loveyourctothes. (you/do)now? .. i 2 Joe/ makea snowman (X)/ workinthe garden(/) Thisis mymum.a!iy.. Anryg:l " __shgrt I Eml I . Speaking I p. 113: \.I just loveyourctothes. myctothes? schoo[ onfoot.... see.sheisn't.. 4 Why are you wearing 4 Sheoften . people'sclothes. 5 Havea nicetime...j llXt^ il i : ..-: ! Ann: Tothe cinema... 5 He (not/swim) welt.. Write ) A: ls Lauraweoringa jacket? sentencesdescribing the a B: No. . -- F-- I I Reading Greebinqafrom Greece. Greetyourfriendandsaywhereyouare.. Mysister's L is hot. . We'reatayin7 on the i i l-- postcard andanswerthe >-- questions. . . l'm .Thehotel. We're. II F-- 22 FarlanRoad ..Usethe plan.. 62 t-- . 1 Where'sSandrastaying? Dublin2 a F-- 2 What'stheweather[ike? you 6oon. = a-"" b- Paragraphs 't Alwaysgroupyourideasinto paragraphs. € ptaygotf E. Ireland 3 Whatareherparents doingnow? 5andra I l--- 4 Whatis shedoingnow? f$sqw* {d*l'sddfi\'ildw\sws\\d*h\\il$ryd\*nw..e j I Sandra is on holiday..wh*.rainy? Thehotel's. L Whichof the activitiesdo Greetings from. >. . Lookat the pictures. . Theweather's . Mum's.Readher fantaatic..f.{ >- ts- F- lL )-- h- >... .rehavinq a 1reat.*M. 3 Portfolio:lmagineyou andyour familyare on holiday. cold/snowy. Mybrother's... warm. Talkaboutwhatyouandyourfamilyaredoingnow. Findthe peoplein i MyandMryI Myryhy the pictures.. ) Weusuallygo fishingwhenit Dad's.. l . . A newideaneedsa b....time here.. b- I L Writing @postcard) b- n.We.. . Describe the hotelandtheweather.. newparagraph..w\Mssfltu\ffi^d**\r*w*q**m*a$"Mw*d*\\sws*'d*\sd*. you do when it is hot.Write a postcard to a friend.. I li t. r--I Temperatures inAlaska inthe t. . lf youdecide to visit"TheGreat 6\ q KtsKA |SLAND !-rl Land". .ffi cornerof NorthAmerica. summer varyfrom16"Cto 27"C.GEORGE ISLAND t. rkbook6d 63 -4 .r-{ t- r-{ t- :{ I r-I t - L-q t.makesureyoupacktheright PACIFIC OCEAN t. from4"Cto 10"C.Answerthe questions. - -= u. r. ST.Youare goingto south-westAlaska. laskais inthenorth-west BERINGSEA r--.I Earlymornings andnighttimeare t. Decidewhatclothesto pack. clothes. r-I L- r-{ t- l__ t--I l- r--I l__ r-{ l__ r-rl t- !.Winters are sr PAULtsLANo Gr_rrvo L_T coldwithlotsof snow.= o Whatis theweatherlikein eachseason? o Whatctothesdoesa touristneedto bringfor each --{ = 2 It'sMarchnow.-. season? Preparea similarwebpagefor yourschool's website. o Whereisyourcountry? andcheck.read { Workin groups.LateAugust and PRIBILOF sr umuew ISLAND r--al ISLAND ISLANDS Seotember arecool.{ r-l (J Wherecouldyouseethe -= text above?Where'sAlaska? r-l Whatdo you knowaboutthe A weatherthere?Listen. 1 in your c) Saythe sentences Jenny: SorryI'm busythis afternoon' h'- Howaboutgoingtomorrow? language. Usethe sentences in h- Ex.that'sa goodidea' b'- JennY: OK.thanks.sport David: Sounds great! /o:/:garden. o Makingsuggestions/Respondi ng O Listenandrepeat._ . whatyou cando (e.Recordyourselves.I.l'm busythisafternoon.seeYouat 3 o'ctock then' 3 Discuss Portfolio:lt's Saturdayafternoon. 1. Usethe dialogues A & B in Ex.twe gojogging in the I Q Listenandrepeat.reatty.t.Mark h- 64 -.9.g. doing? L- Sally: Nothing. Sally: No. Readthe dialogues b- Matt: Let's go shoPPing!I want to buYsomenewfootbatlboots' L- in Ex. Matt: Sure.park etc).Thinkof two more park? T b- wordswith the samesounds. Answerthe questions:WhatdoesMatt want to do?DoesJennyagree?What doesDavidwant to do?WhatdoesSally suggest? h- A L- Matt: Hi.go to the h- cinema.2aas b- David: Helto.that'sa goodidea. JennY'AreYoufree this L afternoon? Jenny: WhY? b) aloud.Satty. o Howaboutgoingtomorrow? o Whydon'twe gojoggingin the park? o Sounds great! o Let'sgoshopping! o Sorry. .Whichsentences (S) canwe useto: makea suggestion? (R) respondto a suggestion? o Sure. Whatareyou models. b- Howaboutgoingfor a burger? /c:/:morning. Pronunciation tal L David: Whydon.mvery tired. o Howdboutgoingfor a burger? 2 a) Readandlistento the dialogues. Whatis the poemabout?Read website : http://www.+J O tistento the sounds. =? Thewordsin Ex. .I -:a Wemihe -= by AngelaFletcher _I The1) areblowingaway -J Up. Collectinformation aboutair pollution.Youcanvisitthe J Ex. in the 2) --- Thetreesare standingthere.2 arefrom the poemin Presentit to the class. Whatimagescome to mind?Whatis the weatherlike? 4 ( J Usethe words(A-D)from Ex. What'stheweatherlike today? .-. --{ Their3) all bare. o sky o brancheso wind o [eaves J.-.< -{ _1 _-{ a'::'i = 5 .1 --{ --{ .swoosh.theygo. The4) is getttnglouder. Listenandcheck.4. Swish.gov/Education/ELSI --- - quicklyto find out.2 to complete the gaps(1-4)in the poem. Like a dancingballerina Up. 4 2 Matchthe wordsbelowto the pictures (A-D).-t ! j Portfolio:Workin groups. . Ctickon INDOOR ANDOUTDOOR AIR = POLLUTION 4 65 . and awaytheygo.. ' havenothingon .lbl.. up and awaytheygo Wayup. up. gloves.. (paint)the house today.shoes . . (you/do)... l* l- l- h- Rose.Heatways >- . moment.. < / pointt. (John/repair) hiscar?Yes.December A: Whatdoyouthinkof myscarf? F- / pointt' -\ \ +xt 16J B:.trainers L- o Let'sgoto the cinema! 4 June. L- \2 raincoat.. (speak)French verywell. o writea postcardfrom a holidayresort 2 What ... Mybrother. I L'- 1 c o t d .today? B:.. L- .August . L 6 Completethe exchanges.They.. b- lr- B: lt'sveryhotands ..tie o lt'sverycotd.... (not/want)to go out. talk/writeabout the seasonsand the weather h- r describeclothes continuous. (wear)shortsbut todayhe b- 2 w -.scarf..Sam?| (write) an o talkaboutair pollution = emailto myfriend.o'"'*-) b- Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present ...shirts..... (study)for a l- test now.. B: Sounds great! A: Howdo I lookin thisd ? 4 A: Whydon'twe goshopping thisafternoon? h- B: YoulookI B: / pointt' -\ b- \lxs zoJ / pointt' -\ \lxl 16J F- (mv'.. -\ / Pointtt -\ h- 16) \sx2 16) \ lx+ < L- ar Findthe oddwordout.... Tomusually. (play)footbalt onSundays. o Sorry.She. (wear)trousers. 3 boots. L- / Points:-\ \ rx+ 16) \- Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the present L- simpleor presentcontinuous..t e ave s-w a rm-h o t o lt's great. Thechildren..I've got a lot of homework. 1 A: What'sthe weather[ ..Juty. | ... (talk) to a Frenchtourist at the Writethe seasons. (play)footballnow.. - (do)theirhomework.. b- A: What'sthe weatherliketoday? 3 Findthe missing words. l- 66 L .. 4 a---m. h- 1 s_ _ _ _ r 3 s. A: . (noVwatch)TVnow. o makesuggestions& respondto them L- 1 Mydad. l- 1 | ..heis. |.:lL11ti1tlilti))):ta.. t-{ .....:.... posters E = = = -4 - -= - -l r { }r+d --ra -I .:tli::lit..ill- ".:)...::l::::::....i:::::::..l ::..::)::)))...1..|tiii:.:. -...:::::l l_ t-{ : 't.:.t::aaalaa:.tt:11111111.:.. .. Findthe pagenumbers = Find the page numbersfor -a o a quiz tI = o a timetine E _- .:::l:111':'rll rl "rlllll:.:::...::::1 -.'.:.-. l: L{ l: 1-{ L: L-{ l_- L-r{ l-- t-< Gtorydays t_ Vocabulary L-r{ & Jobs t-....::11.l.::::::.were = o pastsimple(regutar verbs) = for pictures1-3.a1. :::l L- a.: ::.11...1lllt]lt: illllll:illirrl.))...r..Whatare o activities thesewordsin your language? g .:::.:. a What'sin this module? L-{ o famouspeopte & jobs a O Listenand repeat.1:.1t::: l::::.))):) ... was.| ..1.::111)tt:ll::. l:t'.t)) :::at):)a::4. ::::...i:a:ai... '.. Copyand completethe table with was-weren'f./No..Whendid he die? they ' ..f'El Greco rrom? A Jim Charles B Toledo B JamesCleveland C Crete C JonathanCleiton Vocabulary Reading O 3 !.we/you/they fromSpain? r. 1 Jesse Owenswasan athlete. . o abatterina? o ascientist? o anastronaut? Listening o apainter?o anexptorer?o anurse? o aninventor?o anathlete? 4 O tistento the quizshowandcheckyour answers.'.::. A : ln 1980.he/she/it r.li-..::: ::t:l". 6g I .asin the example.#.he/she/it".1964= nineteen sixtyfour examplesin the quiz.-rq.tp.r Dothe quiz.113 a waslwere* Years we readyearsas two setsof two In English 5 Lookat the quiz.rtlt't' ( 2 ) Yuri Gagarinwas the first man A in space B on the moon C in a rocket 9. = BUT2007 two thousand andseven Speaking Askandanswer.Compare youranswers with Lookat the pictures. rY &srr #f /i?ffi'#fc'#7-p JesseOwenstreal namewas o fffi. we/you/ B: ln 1913. yourpartner. L Spain? No.Find more digitnumbers.!rl .r t sA : WhenwasJesseOwensborn? Sili:l"er we/you/they Yes.i. Gfammaf seer P.. t:t)t):. Whowas. fi Wasl/he/she/it from i Yes.. .= = = nickname = ... = = = = t 5 ) Anna Pavlova was a famous ballerina.. 4 C three.... 114. 6 Beethoven a composer? t better painterthan hisfather. Cotumbus fromSpain? in Malaga..... 1 : ... Spain. R |y' atementsaboutpeoplefromthe = past..." 4 . = Which of the following was named after her? A a lake 4 ...Hewasa painter...There9).. Writefour ..Picassol0) ..r... By the time 5 Laikathe first animalin space? = he 4) .he wasn't.. Shakespeare writer? -= Picasso one of the l) ......... 7 theMontgotfier thefirst brothers In 1895.in wasa genius. 7 the questions..Correctthe 1 on the text..:..a:.Checkyouranswers.....t:...8 Scortish B a river C a dessert ! Welsh = E 1 Llrl Eiott.Seep. This mento fty? = 7) ....:.:.. and Pierre MarieSktodowska most famous artists of the Curiefromltaly? 2fth century.t):)) .He 2) ....:::. --.11. L. Complete Thenanswer them.. born 3 .....HisteachersI l) ..:.: Writing = Greco....... student.... a::i.. B four.Exchange papers.......a.His father. a lot of good art i..Abraham Lincotn a German Dresident? Jose a professorof art.. a great ..At school.....Velisquez and El ':a:.... verygoodfor youngPablo.......he 5) .... anEngtish ... Testyour knowledge. ...r'. schoolsthere.).:::a::t::.. a) Complete I \.. 6) . very happywith him.He wasn't ableto speakuntil he was = A five. =- A the text with wasor were. Ruiz 3) painterand .a.......... falsestatements...... Barcelona 8) . . = PabloPicasso(r88r-re73) 1 .... . 1 * A: LeonardoDaVinciwasan explorer.Guernico ( 1934 is one of hisgreatestworks.:t::. a 13. ....? Where B: No... * A: WhenwosPicassoborn? = B: ln 1881. = His favouritepaintersl2).a. rkbook7a 69 = .. fromPotand? theWrightBrothers a big city eventhen........the Picassos in Barcelona..... Are theytrue? Wewill neverknow.two more appearedin its place.::. What do you know 3 lolauswasHercules' brother.': i.i't't. about these people?Think of one question 4 5t Georgetravettedto Libya.ii' ittl. : Then.St Georgedecidedto save L- the princess.The Hydra was a monsterwith nine heads. : l-- !-- IE Thereare a lot of rnyths Of andlegends aroundthe world.t)''i{}. Readand listen and see if you 5 Thedragonwasveryfriendly.the mostpowerful of thegods.. .::. thevstill fascinate us.' l:':l:1'1. Hercutes' Reading 2 TheHydrawasa monsterwith eightheads./.he grabbedthe ninth headand buried it undera big rock.The dragonwas very scary./.. Look at the pictures...Herculesmanagedto cut off eight of the heads. 6 Thedragonkitted5t George. However..He was the sonof Zeus. 1 tasks2 fight 2 Readthe texts.With the help of his nephew Iolaus.". Only the king's daughterwas still alive. The peoplethere were b- very sad A dragonkilled all the younggirls. Eachtime he tried to cut off oneof her heads.St Georgetried to kill it with his E- spearbut he failed"He tried againbut still he didn't b- succeedIn the end after a long battlel he managedto kill it. E.:..'.He travelleda lot until he L- reachedLibya.Are the sentences true or false? below 1 parentsweregods.:ii!7 Herculeslived in Greece.Herculeswas very strong. .. 70 .Its headwasbig and its tail was long. The princessand all the peopleweresafeat last.:!1.Shewasn'teasyto kill.l".and Alcmene. in North Africa..Xit:q.The Hydra was dead St Georgewas a bravesoldier. can answerthem.He had to carry out twelvelaboursrto becomea gd Oneof thesewas to kill the Hydra. for each. = 6 Findthe pastsimpleof the verbsin Ex. = 2 She.... = o Verbs 5 She. Youcanvisitthiswebsite: http://www... = 3 He .. 4 -.write sentencesaboutyourself. simpte? > 1 Hercules = Iivedin = Greece.. (visit)herfriendlastweek. Howdo we form the negativeof the past .. yesterday.. net 1 live > lived CtickonTales -41 = = 7L . 1 Howdo we form the affirmativeof the past sentences Hercules about and simpteof regutar verbs? SaintGeorge.. Vocabulary 4 They.. . to goto thep ar k ... = - brammar see_i p. = l/ Y o u / H e / Sh e/l t We/YouiThey i yesterday.4 to make = = 5 Readthe tableandanswerthe questions. 4 ? J rememberfrom the text abouteach person. (study)French twoyearsago.(not/travel)abroad [astyear... = theserenedragon..4 in the text.... = Negative = l/You/He/She/lt i didn'tptaytennis = We/You/They _ I::':'o* "m@ dragons Workin groups. 113r = \. E = = o yesterday o [ast Friday o [astweek o yesterdayafternoon o two yearsago = > I listenedto somemusicyesterday. ( decide) 4 Explain these verbs......Arethere in yourcountry'smyths?Whatare = their names? Whatdo they looklike?What happened to them?Writea shortarticle. . Then. Speaking o PastSimple(regularverbs) Usethe pastsimpleformsof = 0 t the verbsin Ex. (not/like)the foodyesterday..= -l = Speaking = Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the post @ Tellyourpartnertwo thingsyou I simple.{ 4 I Writethe pastsimpleof the verbsbelow.. 1 They .. g. !:- ' Questiontiir'o.the Spanishfilm directorPedroAlmodovaraskedhim to starin one of hrs films.llyo u /he /sheetc meetJohn g .- I Reador listenandanswerquestions (1-6).. -:- € PastSimple(questions) E- t- ? Lookat questions 2-6in Ex.Antonio movedto Los Angeles h- to film TheMamboKings eventhoughhe didn't speakanyEnglishat that time. he joined the National Theatreof Spainin Madrid.Antonio is a big fan of Real Madrid FootballClub.His dreamended L- whenhe injuredhis leg. ts- In biographies we useappropriate wordsto helpusfotlowthe order of events.nr*"rr' Writing fu biosraphy) !r- .In 1991. E- E- GrammarPsee . ' 1 1 3 -i \.he performedall over Spain. Portfolio:Usethe informationin Ex.. Theyworked togetherfor the next 8 years. Two years h- Iater.t andcompletethe table. / No.ln 1979. Two years later. Antonio wantedto becomea footballer. l/youetc didn't. In 1929. 4 to write a short i:- . 1 . He/Shewasborn. -- As a child. Usesequencewords.l/youetc did. togetherwith a group of actors. L- Later. Putthe wordsin the correct h- Sequencing -t orderto form questions.e. biographyfor RickyMartin. h- b- / @ Readthe factfile. Reading 4I Where'sAntonioBanderasfrom?Whatdo you knowabouthim? L. h- Antonio is now married to Hollywood star Melanie Griffith and hasa daughter.Spainon 10thOctober. At the ageof five.l. Now.he startedactingclasses. !i- E- 2 Find sequencewordsin the biographyin Ex.1960. b- In 1982.yesterday? Yes. 1. thenanswerthem.They oftenvisit Spain. Antonio Banderaswasborn in Malaga.. 11- 12 t . L- As a child. was a musicianand 5 = 2. l soldierand an artist. Workbook7d 73 1 ..Whichcountrywerethesepeoplefrom?Who -{ was: o politician?a queenTan authorTa princess? a ploywright? a musician? 4 n Readthe text.Twoof his mostfamousplays started. --f This person's fatherwasa king.He wasone of the 1558-1603. qnrl. ShewasthefirstQueen PrimeMinisters of Englandduringthe to reignfor so manyyears. Whoarethe five mostfamousones?In groups.a R nl ovn S ho roi nnod i n Fnnl .q. Replacethe wordsin bold with the correct name. -L 3 This personwasa primeminister. -L =1 Hamletwashis play.she is famousfor = are Romeoand Julietand Hamlet.He is very quiteill. frnm.l A fan kittedhim. v .il of all! theresults: = q wasa pollrcran. . 4 .votefor the mostfamouspeoplein yourcountry.Presentthe peopleto the class. _f 4 PoirotandMissMarpteare characters she created. I ' l wasone cnmnnscrHc r.Hermothersuggested that = famotrs anr-lhc nrnduceddozensof she wrte a story Thatis how it all plays. = -l ) peoplevoted. = 20thcenturyand he wasveryfamous.-..everyonewas A fan killedhimin 1980 shocked.eo nervery lnrr 1960sHismostfamoussongsinclude muchand whenshediedin a car Help.a.v:sa membefOl The of the UnitedKingdom's favourite Beaflesthe hinnestrock band of the = nannlo Tha nannlo .= Lastyear.Hereare Overa million i rl i. This persondiedin an accident.collect informationaboutthemandwrite a few sentences about 4 each. . -6 = = Project -t ? Asa class.Now. 1 4 daughter was the of KingHenryVlll and Anne = _{ Lookat the pictures. Let it Be and lmagine = accidentin 1997.theBritish publicvotedto = findtheGreatest Britonof alltime.v. her detectivestorieswithHercule Polrotand MissJaneMarple. Shewasonly36 yearsold. v .Whenshe wasyoung.she was playwrightand poet. . : 6"'i' wasafamous = WAS A writer. I stayedhome. -- from Ex..listento a guitarconcert o art galtery . I o Howwasyourweekend? b- o Quiteboring.Jclincatledmea.t.lt wasgreat. l' tiked walked 14 .. i.. Tony: Quiteboring.. 1 are from the dialoguebelow.Howarethe speakers r related?Whichfilm did Bobsee? . Listenand repeat.Wereatlyenjoyedit.1:.goon a rottercoaster b- .3 asa model. -'_ 2I Readthe dialogue. zoo.. i :::.."rJ Pronunciation /I/. o Whataboutyou? o Didyou tike it? b- o Whoelsewaswith vou? dR -: 7 L O fne sentencesin Ex.. o adventure park.. .What o theatre.: "::::"r.'.seewitdanimats b- o concerthall.- \ e Weekendactivities b- | \/ Listenand repeat. Tony: Didyoutikeit? T- Bob: Yes. 1 to act out yourdialogue..fle (. ttdt L_ askedmeto goto the r-rnerna. t i i.::' I ld td L.Record -L yourselves. Copythe table in your notebook" wantedto seeTheDraganFIy.Usethe -=- ideasin the postersandthe sentences about?Listen.read and check. 5 r Listenand tick (/).i l ':. /dt...seeHomlet aboutyou? t- Bob: lt \"asgood. t- l- l- b< h. nl /d/ /td/ lt l /d l l t d l Tony: Whoetsewaswithyou? watched ptayed b- Bob: Mysister. wanted stopped t- i . ..: l.-D .seepaintings byJohnNush ::' Bob: Howwasyourweekend? .Use the dialogue in Ex.What is the dialogue 4 a€t Portfolio:Yourfriendwantsto find out whatyourweekendwaslike.. potatoes.Thereweren't any doors in their houses.L1. 4t CHI Civilisations = In groupscollectinformationaboutthe Azteccivilisationandwrite a shorttext 1 TheIncas[ivedin NorthAmerica. The Incas workedveryhard.. = . '.rt:. = af\A q/Ll Howmuchdo you knowaboutthe A = Incas?Markthe sentences f (true)or F ICT Great Ancient (false). ) A: Wheredid the lncaslive? = B: ln SouthAmerica. 4 Theydidn'ttrave[far.5 = ffiH##ffi = P'* \.. Workbook7f = 75 . . = aboutit. : .:.-a i:ai TI The Incashad a greatsystemof roads.Theyworkedin the fieldsto growcorn.*1"'t TheIncaslivedin SouthAmerica. ? J the text. livedin a palacein Cuzco.4. . . = Whatwerethey like?Whatdid they do? 3 TheIncasweregoodfarmers.They ut used animalsto transpofifood across the e"{ Askeachotherquestions based on emorre.. The peoplelivedin smallvillages.r'.# = = History = 1 = (1197AD-1572AD) = t.beansand peppers..11. .:. Check youranswersfor Ex.The peoplehad everythingthey needed. . Wheredid they live?When? 2 Theiremperorlivedin a palace.Their templeswere verybeautiful.. 1.wikipedia. ll r::.His w advisorslivedwithhimandheloedhim..They alsoraisedducksanddogs. calledtheSapaIncaor theChild of the Sun. orgl = Searchkeyword:Aztec = 2 O Llstento andreadthe text.. Youcanvisitthiswebsite: = http://en. 77.7 m Eachemperor.1::':' MostIncaslivedin stonehouses.. : l'..\l:'.: y. she.. 2 . E Fillin: was.."/z l- L Matchthe questions to the answers. a- t4T--] Wherewashe = 2 Writethe datesin yournotebook.. L- 5 ..\ |rii'"' \ "" to/I -s- --_ 1 1863.they.. 2 . heplaytennisyesterday?No.... l- Picasso born? b Spain.... i 1 .. shecatlyouyesterday?No. (work)lateyesterday.. (travel)to Spainlastsummer.. v ]- B tlTl whenwas a ln 197 3... l- /P oint s: ==\ \ 5X4 /. ..../ / / potntt. /\ i MV S C Or€: -t -- 2 1965..*qabm E ngl i sh F 3 She..he .. tt* writethejobsinyournotebook... I- /eoin s ' 20) I- \sx4 l- Putthe wordsin the correctorder.. (not/visit)uslastweekend. I\ '. 'tnn rvv I \. 4 2001.... I- 4 They. 3 1 9 8 9 . ....mm 6*& \+xz l- o talkand writeaboutfamouspeopleand theirjobs tl Putthe verbsin bracketsin the past simple.U I l- \..t questions..Thenanswerthe F- 1 .wereor did...| .. l|- 3 . t- ETI whendidhedie? c ln 188. 4 . youwatkto school yesterday?Yes. 5 He.. a talkaboutmy activitieslastweekend a writea singer'sbiography l- 1 | .1 I3Tl whatwashe? d Anartist.^ro. (watch)TVtastnight. . . O readyears l- a. -\ l- 8) Q €.. theyat the parkyesterday? Yes. -T I- 1 where/you /yesterday/were? I- 2 TV/he/watch /didn't/yesterday did/they/play/yesterday/ footbalt? 3 4 a/was/Picasso/ painter ffii'ffi--- questions aboutthings-l- 5 did/when/die/he? that happenedbeforerT . a talk and writeaboutancientcivilisations He... harnl /- /roint' 20J \ 5x4 76 . . from? /P oi nt s: . .. Einstein aninventor?No.. (not/play)basketbatlyesterday...he . .: o a qu iz -< tomatoes : -= -l cheese -l pineapptes -: . _---< = 1 .-J Vocabulary I=r _tr o festivats& festive activities __u o food. .{ r-= ! -! -= -- 11 . i..* orange tea -< o a menu . _) .any & muchlmany " o describingcetebrations o orderingfood =) W' carrots Find the page numbers for eggs I pi ctu r e s1.3 . drinks& containers o pastsimpte(irregutarverbs) := o countabte/uncountabte nouns -. . some.-J -. : . :..'. 18 .1.".I wenthomefora familydinnerWe !^ atesomejuicyroastlambwithpotatoesDelicious! (Hugh.'.i..- .'. ..:.Whatare the peopledoing?Use the phrasesto describethem.12) lf y o u a re s t illin t h e UK o n 2 3 rd I- April why not visitLondonfor St George's Day LastyearI was in CoventGardenand it was l- greatfun We watchedsomemedieval streettheatre and some peoplewore dragoncostumesTherewas evena stallthatservedroastbeefandYorkshire puddings Wehada greattimelMakeit a datein yourdiaryl / .. : .$.* )- ts D- I- F L- whv notcometo WalesforSt Davids Day?lt is on 1stMarchandlastyear'scelebrations in Cardiff werebrilliant Welshcostumes Allthegirlsandboysworetraditional andsang L- songsdancedandreadpoetryAllthebuildings in townflewthe flag Wehadstreetparades national wherepeopleplayedtheWelsh flu bagpipesIntheevening.13) T^ Dont forgetSrPatrrcks DaylTryto pop overto Dublinon 17thMarchbecause thewholecitygoescrazyI celebrated withmyschoolmates lastyearandeveryone woreshamrocks greenclothesand L- paintedtheirfacesIntheevening peopleletofffireworks Mymum madesomespecialfood Weallatelrishsodabreadbaconand cabbagelt wasyummyYoumustcomeandseeforyourself (James. i?..:it::'. .:.:.:. . . > > .A boy is f lying the nationalf lag. -i .:. 9am 14) \v " " 't "/ Vocabulary The picturesshowcelebrationsin the UK and lreland.: .. .... morning. They.l. (getup)[ateyesterday David'sDay..he.. ate a pizza a -{ yesterday. you. eat a > A: Didyougo to a partyyesterday? = pizzavesterdav? B: Yes. 3 yourdad/ goto bedearty/ lastSunday? = Thepastformsof irregutarverbsdon't end 4 yourfriend/ sendyouanemail/ yesterday? = with -ed.. to write sentences = E o PastSimple(irregular verbs) E = 3 Readthe table. partylosf Saturdoy..he.. -+{ Samwatcheda concerton St George's Day... you. B B watch have flY B e T t ir il 79 I L .. Askandanswer. .. = Grnmma 6 Usethe time expressions aboutyourself. falsestatements.. you..f (true)or F (false). E ShortanswersYes./No. 4 We . 5 you/ drinka glassof mitk/ yesterday? ^/ = 3 4 Findthe pastformsof the verbsbelowin the text on p. . etc... 4 3 Hughhad roastlamb and potatoeson St Ann.etc..Theyhaveirregutarforms. etc.. .. Remding Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the past simple..he. 2 yourmum/ makea pizza/ lastnight? No.. 1 St David's Dayis on 17thMarch. you.. : ... you.. (leave)twodaysago.(go)to thecinemalastnight.. ) I wentto thecinemotwo daysago. asin theexample. didn't.ldidn't.. he.. goto a party/ yesterday? Interrogative Did l... etc... ( make) a cakeyester day .. 7 =r Negative l...a 2 Listento andreadthe text andmarkthe sentences.etc.. did. (have)a greattimeat the = 2 Peopleptaybagpipes on St George's Day.. he... 78.. didn't eat a pizzavesterdav.l. Whichare regular? wer wh-questions based B Whichare irregular? B I A: Whenis St Dowd'sDay? :::-*ear B: Onlst March.d 3 He .I did... Affirmative l.Correctthe 1 2 She.. .: \.:! l- -<:'' 1 fish and rice? 4 sausages? =. bread.. example. r-- 2 5 . ... language? 3 Ther eisn' t. 80 -l .. In which countrydo peopleeat L- . fish... Ets 5=- People havea typical Reading dishof roastturkey with potatoes.r 10=.7 B: Yes. l- o in thepturat 7 lsthere. onions. biscuits? . Howmanycarrotshavewegot?Notmany.i : -il :. :::.(How)much/(How) Some/Any many -r 1- 1 Thereare. -l- 4 Thereis ... carrots l- Weuse(how)manywith countablenouns... meat? we can'tcount)somemilk L E Complete with a/anor some.*... } A : CanI havesomepotatoes? l- Weuse(how)muchwith uncountablenouns... mitk? . br ead Wecanusesomein requests.Fordessert pictures? F- theyhavepumpkinpie -Th* -S 2 O Listento andreadthe text.tr- 9 Thereisn't.. I-- Howmuchricehavewegot?Notmuch. I a m bo r L- they eat each dish? beefbut neverfish For dessert theyoftenhavecake F A gfammaf see "1 b_ ^.Aretheresimilarstructures 2 Therearen't.. 2 turkey? 5 chicken? TheIndonesians celebrate E the end of thc holv m ont h :-:I 3 goosewith potatoes? '- of Ramadan by eating _= On what specialoccasion do d is h eosf c h ic k e n.. o in the singutar o ban 6 Thereis ........' L- o Countable/Uncountable nouns Fillinsomeor any.... cheese.- Thereare somebananas.CanI have... I- J Thenaskandanswer.... youcan.. pp. apples.onions Doyou knowanyof the dishesin the andcarrots.. Thereisn'tany cake...ls thereany milk? -- 1 4 .............asin the . 3 L- in your Readthe box.... l- o hatwecancount) 5 Therearen't.. 113-114.:. m i tk CanI havesomemilk? 3 6 .tea.." tl- fourlsomebananas 8 Arethere.:t.lsthere. Weuseanyin the negative andinterrogative. Uncountablenouns(nouns r that r:. eggs. ...Makeanannual Writeeachmonth'scelebrations calendar.....Peopleroast I s"S' t gooseandserveit with potatoesandredcabbage." ar ether e?" = 4 "How. .. .. 81 .... v Thenaskandanswer questions.. c\ ro e 6) \9 peoplecelebrate In lceland..." r iceisther e?" 3 "How.... Thinkof celebrations fooddoyoueat?Discuss. there aren't any. "Not..ls there an orange? andthe foodyoueat on thosedays. They sometimes eatfishwith breadand ootatoesaswell... partof anycelebration.." ar ether e?" = = Speaking = 8 Whatspecial pairs.... . "Not.. i"&Wzt1W Whenthecherry tree blossom flowers." = 2 "How.....there is... midwinter by eatingmeatandsausages...... o potatoes o orange o pineappteso bread -= .... of theworld! fromallfourcorners fromtheseexoticdishes E *4 = Thesymbolof Martinstag isa goose....takeinspiration reallyspecial....... "Not.." ar ether e?" = 5 mitkisther e?" "How.. In mostcultures.... A: Yes.Talkin .biscuits "Not .. f*f Loorat rhepictures.A popular dishissushi. 8: No.. temons o cheese o fish r rice = o cherries o biscuits o tea o carrots Project o tomatoes o eggs ) A: Are there any potatoes? 9 Workin groups." 6 apptes "How..... in yourcountry.Theyalso drinkcalled drinka soecial sake. A ....... .. fs% = I = 1 "HowF rnnnv oranges arethere?" "Not .....theJapanesecelebrate with picnics or parties undera tree.... madeof fishandrice. food isan essential and a chanceto cooksomething = lf you feellikesomethinga littledifferentfor dinnertonight...._..onions "Not. ice 3 Labelthe pictureswith words fromthe text. Answerthe questions. b- 82 L . to the music. Whereareyou?Whatareyou l-J doing? Whoelseis with you? I In Britain. lt wasfantastic.We brought I l-. words..0) D Fridag22ndJanuorg Birthdaycelebrationsareveryspecial Di- T i m e : ' l ).. L- Howdidyoucetebrateyour birthdaylastyear? b- Writing @narticte) 2 Whatdidyoudo? L 3 Whatdidyoueat? Portfolio:Useyour answersfrom Ex.Listen L.Myfriends partylastyear My birthday our birthdays. megifts. sticks.Picturea scene. L. .chocolatebiscuits. andfill in the missing hr- Dote. in China.I also dancrng got money In red -- envelopes. tablefullof foodwith crisps. My the housewith balloons.feel? wasgreat.They >- Food/Drinks: meanwe will have a lonq Thev life. '. small cakes. . Reading (J Closeyoureyesandlisten WWffiw v_ L.. colourfor us. Activlties: Wedecorated thehouse b- with red paper. E 5 Thinkof your birthdaylastyear.arge pizzas and we tried not to cut them becauseit's b- 1 0b u r g e r s unlucky!We alsoate red eggs. Listening Jane(1 3 ) h- I O eoUandAnnaretalking -t abouta birthdayparty. ... We special 2 4 ) .. were in the soup 3l. 5 to write a short A 4 Didyouenjoyit? v articleaboutyourbirthdaylastyear(40-60words).- All my friendsand relatives birthday. We allhada Speaking lot of fun...Redis a tr- 1 packet oJchocotate 3) . Howdid each personcelebrate birthday? their decorated mummademea birthday Wehada cake. to our houseto celebrate. . I o o t '1 ? \ L. came NumberoJpeopLe:2) .smell. 2 Readthe text. sandwiches. o Jl emo n o d e believe it bringsgoodluck. partg5) .We ate verylongnoodles. havea partyto celebrate we usually lrl -l Whatcanyousee.I had a greattime on my h. I justlovethem cream and sausageson ! | playedpartygames ts- E- with myfriends. = 1 andcheckyour O Listento the radioprogramme = L answers. Thanksgiving is sometimes called.yum. C family.That'show C pumpkin soup. successful harvest. knowaboutThanksgiving? 1 AtThanksgiving Americans you' say'thank fortheir. A food. B baseball. o Whatdoyoudo? = Round andfat.Whatdid youscore? = Project dF\. B country.potatoes. = Americanscelebrate onthe.yum. Exchange yourquiz Yum.theyhada A typicalThanksgiving mealis .fries --{l *.. with anotherpair..m Listento the song. A melon..Howis it relatedto 'Thanksgiving'? E'" = = 30 4 in . yearlater.chicken andpumpkin icecream... o Whendoyoucetebrate it? MrPumpkin.preparea quiz -2.yThanksgiving started. B TurkeyDay.dl Thinkof a celebration your country. In 1 6 2 0p.hamburger. witha feast. o Whatis its name? = MrPumpkin. o Whatdoyoueat? = Round andfat. i l g ri ms fromEngland travelled to B 4thThursday in November.r Harvest timeis coming. Therewas enoughfoodforthewinter. * Sr. thendo the quiz..One C 2ndFridayin November. aboutit.ore: A PumpkinDay. timeis coming.. Thepilgrims celebrated this B turkey. ** Howmuchdo you Readthe text... 4-5 Way to go! A basketball. Thanksgiving = A 4thFridayin October. C American football. Harvest In pairs. 0-1Oh dear! C Harvest Day. 2-3 Not bad! AtThanksgiving American families watch. Thatis that! 83 --7 . = Americaandsettledthere. andcarrotcake.. cornand pumpkin pie. ptease. ....': l Youare at a fast food restaurant....- mineralwater. . l-- #. . tuna lt-_ or beefchilli . customerand the cashier. .gg -. ..please. .. .'FBEnfgH'.Use drinkwiththat? # the menuto act out a similardialoguebetweena l-- Ann:Anorange juice. L Howmuchis it? ordering? DBrltr5' I-- Orangejuice 9op l.egg. fcg 6Rtnfvr' lr- . r-- o Enjoyyourmea[.l o Thankyou..81.. Cheese.Usethe sentences in Ex... Enjoyyour t-- ..[arge l-- 84 t- . . L- 7 Whatis Ann Readthe dialogue. 75p Man: CanI takeyourorder? l-- Ann: I'd likea [arge cheeseburger. l-- takeaway? Ann: Takeaway.|..89.. . l-- Man:lsthatto eat-inor Recordyourselves. or vanilla strawberry Chocolate. Coke. SnryowrsHEs o Anorange juice..82. 1a. or chicken EL."' abovesentences?Which sentencesdoesthe cashier L- say?Whichdoesthe customer 6Rrr Et. . l-- ptease.8 Man:Woutdyoutikeanything to ? Portfolio: e. ptease.49 t l -- o CanI takeyourorder? Lar ge..ptease..gartic /d5/: margin. r:. . Pronunciationtgt.99 o Takeaway. Fnrrs l-- 95p Medium .. Man:Thankyou.20 b) O Wherecanyou hearthe L a rg e. ptease. ...€1 . Ann: Thankyou. . c Ordering food a) O tistenandrepeat. ptease. 6HmsreuBcEB Small . .40. 8299 o lsthatto eat-inor takeaway? t-- o Hereyouare. Medium ... . . . . /g/: gtue.. tuna .. BAKED o Woutdyoulikeanything to drinkwiththat? Cheese.8299 o l'd likea largecheeseburger.. O Listenandrepeat..lemonade. meat.8t..Thinkof two morewordswith l-- Ann: Hereyouare..zo r say?Listenandcheck. AI the samesounds. td3t lr- Man:That'st3.. .to cutyourbread.:.Whatis wrong? ... = = 2 | useone knifeto chopl everything.Howmuchdo you know lwashfruitand --' 3 vegetablesreallywell.Cleanthe work surfaceswellto = keepbacteriaaway! = = = = = food: Storing Bacteriacan'tlivein the = well..cookedfoodanddairy examnleTherearelotsof i = I productslikemilk. tr A Je"I Workin groups. the dosanddon'tsto the class.:llii ::t:.::. = t"r l^ T Co o k v\r r : ... 1t Lookat the kitchenin the picture.for meat..... ..:. = J r partner. i.. Always wash {:.kidshealth.:::::i:ll. = 1 I alwayswashmy hands first. I Youcanvisitthiswebsite:http://www.-. = or IThe meatisn'tin thefridge..]i yourhandswell beforeyou = touchanyfood.. T 7 A|wayswashyour handsbeforeyou touchanyfood. . = = 4 | sometimesforgetto put milkbackin thefridge. PSHE* * Personal.. h Read.org Ctickon:TEENS site 5 and afteruse.!ll:.. T 'f about then Present fety?Collectinformation.buttheylovewarm andthenusethe sameknifefor kitchens!Alwayskeepraw = otherfood.listenandcheck.Neverchoprawl meat cold..^ ru!!- -he k i tc h e n he rrr 1I Writethe dosanddon'fswhenin the kitchen.. :ii]dii]. yoghurtin the fridge.. before lcleansurfaces2 1cut into small pieces tr 2 top of something Type'foodsafety'into'search' ThenCtickon: FoodSafety 85 -1= .Don't = put otherfood nextto rawmeat! = ' I]OT LOOKEU = 1I Whichof the sentences 1-5are -3 true for vou?Tickthe boxes..l:::: DAN = kitchen.:..cheese and danoerousbacteria on rawmeat.:.Socialand Health Education = = Keeping clean: Don'tletoetsin the llBlilll. (make)a cakeyesterday...and sevenapptesin myteft hand.. carrots. onions.please. Yes.. l-- / Point' -\ B: Thankyou... \8x2 2 Mum. Peopte..00.. ... l... . B: ..butnot.....any. off fireworks. ts B: I don'tthinkso.thereisn't. Arethere.. (meet)MrSmithyesterday.... somespecial food._\ o Enjoyyourmea[.much. havewe got? 1 A: How... ts t.. (not/send) the lettersyesterday. \ sx4 1 She... 5 They.... potatoes righthand.ptease. 1 a/somepotatoes 5 some/abiscuits E 2 some/anegg 6 a/somerice 3 a/anappte 7 an/abanana b- 4 some/amitk 8 some/asugar b- / eoint* -\ \ 8x2 16) l've got five b- apptesin my 5 Fill in the gapswith: some. . 6 Completethe exchanges below. \ roxr 10) A: That'sL4. /pointr. mitk? o flew o dressedo wore o let o made No.. J 1eoint' 20J . (write)a letter yesterday. . apples? Fitlin the correctword.. WhathaveI ts Thereare . / eotnt' 16) 1 They.... o CanI takeyourorder? o Howaboutpizza?o Hereyouare.. ts 86 __-h . b h- B: N o t.. -r E..or"' 2 Ann. dragon costumes.- Choosethe correct word. o cheeseo meat o orangeso fish B: I'd likea cheese sandwich.. . l-- A: . (he/go)to ltalylastsummer? talk and writeaboutfestivalsand celebrations talk about and orderfood/drinks 5 We.. \sx+ 20) A: Woutdyoulike a glassof mitk? Listthe wordsunderthe headings. E 4 . rice o tea A: . o Thatwoutdbe nice.many. (have)fishyesterday at lunchtime. E2 o milk o eggso cherrieso pineapples A: .but therearen't ..- / Points:-\ talk about safetyin the kitchen \ 6x3 18) l....- writean articleabout how we celebrate 6 They... ts tl Putthe verbsin bracketsinto the past B:. . 3 4 They. lsthere. birthdaysin my country l. (mv 100) E- 3 They.ts simple.. thenationatftag. upin traditional costumes. a road map o a fi(m review o roadsigns ! a # - -1 -- 87 . .-r- :!l -t3 5 -3 . meansof transport o must/mustn't I o a/an lthe -) o givingdirections "t F i ndthe p a g enumbersfor pictures1-3. Vocabulary -l I o sho p s& pr oducts o ptacesto go -- ' typesof fitms . I {tlnMmEfr. You can find anything there. Burger burgers.and. Waterstone's O Waterstone's is England's ltsfirstshopopenedin 1982.*a=lF: Boots Thefirstone openedin Nottingham.HarryPotterl o Thetwo mainWaterstone's shopsin centralLondonhaveover14milesof shelves! Harrods a storein London. milkshakes o YoucanfindBurger in London. England. The store'smotto is AttThings. Hamleys o Hamleysis a verylargetoy shop. french anddesserts. o AboutfivemillionpeoplevisitHamleyseveryyear. Bootsis the biggestchainof chemist'sin England.lt is nearly250yearsold.of course. a It haseverytypeof book. Harrodsbeganin 1835. in 1849. you canfindbeautyproducts. testyoureyesightand evenprint yourholidayphotos! Bootssold800. Apartfrommedicine. Thereare28restaurants insideit. largestchainof bookshops. >- 1 >-_ 1 1 >-- t L ] >-' t T L ! L-- !-- Aretheresimilaronesin yourcountry? Doyouknowthe shopsin the pictures? L- {ii' BurgerKing .000pairsof glassesin 2005-2006.fromcrimenovelsto cookerybooks.lt is the largestdepartment a Even/where. fries. o Therearesevenfloorssellingeverything fromdollsto modelcarsand magictricks.fromdishesto diamondrings. Kingonmanystreets o Themostpopularburgeron themenuis calleda "Whopper". . chicken Kingsellshamburgers.For AllPeople. see. = = 7 l9T_ Selfridges is a department storein = I the UK. * = products | 2T-l Boots b jewettery } A: CanI helpyou? :' = llT--] Hamteys B: Yesplease.en. Write: = o whereit is o whenit openedo whatit 2 Youcanbuy tomatoesat the greengrocer's. 1 e a 1 tooJoJbreoa B: Thanks. ftorist'swhereDianaworks. chemist's... .l'd like o 1 kitotomotoes c burger& fries a 1 kitotomb = tZT-l Waterstone's toys a kiloof tomatoes.ctothes shop. - Gfammaf p... O Focus mogoztne = Askandanswerquestionsbasedon ? = J ext. newsagent's around? . . settso anyotherinterestingfacts.. = v 1 I wantto buy loafof bread...Weuse the whenwe mentionsomething for a second = timeor whenit isctearwhichperson/thing we = mean.Present = it to the class.." d o 12tutiPs ET-l Harrods books A : Hereyouare..org the boxto act out short Searchkeyword:Selfridges = dialogues. = I Filtin: a.or the.Writea shorttext aboutit..liatch the shopsto what h youcanbuythere. .ls there = . .please? 3 Thisis ... r offeringhelp Askingfor informatioff -! tt Reador listen. = 4 I want to buy magazine..... on...wikipedia. = FTI Burger King medicine& beauty "o HowcanI hetpyou? lwa n t a / s o me .ThebakeryI buybreadfrom = everydoyis nextto thegreengrocer's.please. shoeshopopposite my houseis very = cheap. shopnextto it is ...... = TopShopis . = 2 CanI have aspirin..' r Shops andproducts = Weusea/anwith singular countable nounswhen = we mentionsomething for thefirst time.Theshoeshopis nextto Karen's. o CanI helpyou? o Yes. 114 i = Vocabulary o A/An. = Speaking Youcanvisitthiswebsite: q ne youareat oneof the shops 1 J http://www.Benny's is a shoeshop.The \... 89 -t . .. quiet! @ whatcanyoudoat F- II Alex' ButI'm sobored! each placein the pictures? : Sarah:Thenlookat the paintings.Thisoneis quitenice.. F- l. Alex:Hmm .:. WhereareAlexandSarah? the art gattery?| AIex tot of rutes? t- Whodoesn'tlikethe place? 2 reatty[ikesthe paintings? 5 leavesthe gatleryearly? 3 wantsto takea photo? 6 feetsfed up? -L {hva \ / Listenand read to find = out. thedialogue l- 3 90 --D .rtai.lli'ly'::':"'llli"iki&Y"i'6' :.tartlt h- F- ll- F- gattery concerthatl tr- lr- F_ F- >_ museum >- Ir- Vocabutary E Placesto go l- .. L- o seea play Alex: Youmustn'tdothis.lt saysyou mustbe .- o seeacrobats .They'refantastic! l.i Sarah: Shh.Can o seea fitm l- o seestatues Oh.Atex!Whydon'tyougo to the caf6and f- o seedotphinsandwhates havea cup of coffee?Waitfor me there. takephotographs..Atex!Lookat the sign.. ?..Let' stak ea lr- o seeexoticbirds photo! o listento music Sarah:Can'tyou read?The signsaysyou mustn't l- o lookat paintings lt's badfor the paintings...1:11tt)tlt:.- V'17: F- ).. l- > Wecanseeexotic birds at a zoo. @ Read aloud.. -- Reading l- in a) Readthe first exchange Who.liil:.t:. 7 1 doesn'twant to be at thinksthe gatleryhasa r- L the dialogue.youmustn'tdothat. (/) Children3) ....... Listenand ti (obligation. Youmustn'tsmoke in here....(rule Listening I .lt's the rule. Youmustn'ttake pictures You mustn't feed the here. = Youmustbequiet.. eat o talk o listento o ptay o be quiet ) Wemustn'teot in class... Find examples p.x) You4) ... I - DURINGYOURVISIT TO THE MUSEUM .fi4i \.. - You1) ..pay atthedoor......( 3 - eator drinkinside. the poster.(I) ...Where 3 1 It saysyoumustbe quiet. Speaking 3 o must/mustn't youdoin class? WhatmusUmustn't Makesentences. 90.) Youmustn'ttouchthe paintings.youare obliged) completegaps iir 1. I ollowed to) Whatis it for? Youmustrespectyour teachers.. animats... in your Saythesesentences 7 Matchthe signs(A-D)to their meanings canyouseethem? (1-4)... You2) .. 3 Canwe gonow? I 4 Youmustn'tbe [ate.5. e 1 91 . I 8 T 5 Readthe grammarbox. e leaveby 5 o'clock..I I 4 language.. a 2 Thisoneis quitenice...( You 5) . in the dialogue on . I Gram mare.Youoren't .. touchthestatues. t/ Look at 5 0 (prohibition....Completethe rules with musfor mustn't.. e a lesrn a Learn grammar structures in context.(...bewith anadult. I 6 Lookat the museum notice... I T MusVMustn't Youmustbe quiet in here..lt hetpsyou understand 3 thembetter. aDragon Rider.a kind and l-- strong dragon.- l. l-- L 1 Whattypeof text is it? l-- 2 Whattypeof film is it? l-- 3 Whatis the fitm about? 4 Whoarethe leadactors? l-- 5 HowdoesAdamrecommend it? l-- f-- @ the mistakes.t Thentell your completethe sentences. l-- Speaking j&_ byAdamWalker rm€fl Eragon is a great fantasyfilm about a young farm boy called Eragon (Ed 4 T-€.helpshim to overcome evil. (50'80words) l-- . . ...He decidesto become l-- 5 It' sa ....Carmenand Juni.Themother L- and father (Carlagugino and antonio banderas)are t-- spyes. l-- partner..lt isaboutthe cortezfamily. The specialeffects are greatand the Writing @fitmreview) fight scenesare really exciting..h ..... Correct 3 tr- *iat 2: The lsland of Lost Dreamsis a great QOf Jaction film. Speleers)who comesacrossa dragon's B- egg one day. 4 Them ainchar acter (Robert Carlyle).- E- ili\ I e TYPesof fitms t. fitmfor .He finds out that he is the 1 fitmis . fitm.4 to great film for the whole family.Saphira....Which type of film is Eragon? l-- o horror o romance o comedy o action l-- o adventure o animated o fantasy l-- o sciencefiction Reading l-- Reador listenandanswerthe questions.- l-- t O Listento the musicandlookat the I I poster... the bad king Galbatorix (John 3 It'sabout t-- Malkovich) and an evil wizard Dtrza . arse..It's a E Portfolio:Useyour answersin Ex. Don't J write a shortreviewfor yourschool l-- missit! magazine....Theydisappearand their kids... _1 ). isthe onlypeoplewho canrescue they..1 Think of vour favourite film and ? +.. Myfavourite ]-- only one who can savehis home from 2 It' sa. L-{ L- ' 'l L-- r{ -. Collectinformation abouta < 2 famousareain the capital I A: Where'sLeicester SquoreT city of your country. = B: ln London's WestEnd.Talkto yourgroupaboutLeicester Square. 4 5.Whereis this place? I Thinkof threequestions = aboutit.rl. Reador listento the Writing text. l firstpedormances = -{ IT Lookat the title andthe picture. Thinkabout: o whereit is Writea shorttext for tourists. Canyouanswerthem? tr #.Answerthe 2 3 4 Whereis it? Whatis it famous for? Whatcanyoudoandseethere? -= group'squestions.Whatis it famousforT 1 Whatis its name? < 3 @ lmagineyouare a tour guidein London.^: El Workin groups. = o whatit is famous for = o whatis there Z 93 .r€n -! €i Askandanswerwh-questions based onthetext.1 -4 = -4 -3 -3 -{ -g -- -{ -4 -g -g = * (pronouncedLesterSquare. .. The cinemais onyour[eft.Thinkof morewordswith the samesounds.Watk down Eldon Road.. o lt's nextto/near/ Bill: Yes.. lt' tonyour r ighti teft.Go down Bath - opposite/between .. Streetandturnright.lt's oppositethe fast foodrestaurant.? I .Whereis each shop? 3 Portfolio:Lookat the map..supermarket missit..Act out dialogues askingforlgivingdirectionsfrom: o thebakery to the f-r newsagent's o the bookshopto the caf6 o the music o nextto o opposite shopto the chemist'so the toy shopto the park o betweeno onthe cornerof o the chemist'sto the supermarket t- o onthe right o onthe [eft Usethe phrasesin the box. Askingfor directions i Clvingdirections 2 O tistenandread.sure. can you tell o Couldyoutett mehow I . :- /s/ : street. l- Thecinemais betweenthecafe andthe newsagent's. lst.Where doesAnnwant to go? o Where's the.. 94 . t!/ Pronunciation Ann: Onmy [eft? :- Bill: Yes. = mewherethe cinemais? to getto .. ... F = I Excuseme..Youcan't 4 O Listenandrepeat... Coup/down.sheep Thankyou.. Recordyourselves.? I .. /l/: shop. r AskingforlGivingdirections f- r< fr I- f-i l-l l-r f-J l- f-r Lookat the map.? o HowdoI getto. lt'sonthecornerof . Turnteft/right. Therearemanydifferentsignsandit'shardto memoriseallof them.while = Signswith@circles usuallygivepositiveinstructions aboutwhichdirectionto = follow whil bluesignsgiveinformation anddirections on motorways = andtell uswhichlanesbicycles canusein towns. = = 3 Readthe text andanswerthe questions. 5 teltsyouwherethereis a museum? = = = lf youthinkthatyoudon'tneedto payattentionto roadsignsbecause youdon'tdrivea = car. = = timeyou're sonext lil0lOhllul flll lhg SignS.B B E lI Gitizen$ni[ B = 2 Lookat the travelsigns.Theyaretherefor everyone's safety. = Signswithltilcirclesshowspeedlimitsandtell youwhat you mustn'tdo. culturalor recreational interest. and E informyouthat thereareroadworks signswith blacklettersor symbols = to places signsgivedirections of historic.if you or evenjust ridea bicycle = walk. Yellow signswith blacklettersor symbolsgivewarningsto drivecarefully t informyou aboutthe conditionof the road.youneedto knowwhatthesignsmean.Which 1 tettsyouwhatyoumustn'tdo? sign: :l 2 givesyouinformationaboutthe condition of a road? = 3 tetlsyouhowfast youcandrive? 4 shows youwhichdirectionto fotlow? = > I like travellingby car. So.butyoushouldtryto = remember the mostimportant ones.thinkagain. outandabour. E signsgiveprecise information aboutdirections anddistances.Howare they different?Read andlistento find out. = = = 4 Lookat the signs. 5 = 1 I 95 .Usethe text to explainwhatthey mean. chemist's L i s n e x t o ..florist's. Bootsis chemist's. b- 4 caf6oppositemyhouseis verynice. L 5 I buymeatfrom .theatre.bookshop.b o o k.concerthatt... 3 Tony's is .fitm B: 2 museum . 1 is .bus 3A: Excuse me. onor the. .... 7 Thisis toy shopI boughtyourmodel F Matchthe products to the shops.... 1A: It's nextto the bakery. ... i ..adventure.action B: F 4 plane.. B: L- /Rointr' *\ t'I \5Xs ts b- No cvclinoin the garddrs h : o talk about placesin a town/roadsigns : o writea film review L. o writeabout a famousarea in the capitalcity Keepdogs on leads -- L / eoints:-\ 18) \6x3 b- Fill in: a..Youcan't missit..circus. please.. F t Findthe oddwordout. ts loTl aots t butcher's a l'd tikesometomatoes.. / point* -\ F 18) o You're wetcome.. F ETI tutips e newsagent's o Thank you..statue B: Fr / eotntt..bakery...is therea caf6aroundhere? 5 theatre... F- 3 comedy.marinepark 2A: Thankyouverymuch.painting. \6x3 o It'sopposite the caf6. Whatdo the signsmean?Use mustlmustn't..n e w sa g e n t's.chemist's .. Waterstone's F tlTl magazines a departmentstore / Point' -\ \8x3 24) F ETI medicine b florist's F lSTl clothes l7Tl meat c chemist's d toy shop 5 Completethe exchanges. 96 -f .museum .. -\ 4A: Whereis the bakery? \sx3 15) B: . aYes.. ask for & give directions L- .a stro n a u t.There'soneonAlmaStreet.... L.. butcher's nearmy house. .coach.. carfrom...ts 5A: HowcanI hetpyou? 3 F. -r t- 1 l w a n tt o bu y.gattery. h 2 H e ' s.. . L F 1 zoo. .. .. I l-.< = -- 91 . o writing a letter aboutyour ptansfor the sum m e r = = Findthe pagenumbersfor pictures1-3..LI. = o srgns = o a cartoonstrip -= o a boardgame = -= .< -I < I l < dff.Lll LJ . -. t:: r-rD l- I t Dl l- I t t l'l t- I t--_ l---l J t_-_ -= Vocabulary -+ --+ o typesof hotiday o o activities& feetings --rj:= o heatth matters o the imperative o con/can't -= o going to o presentcontinuous(futuremeaning) o inviting/suggesting/accepting/refusing = . a wetsuit. lt firstopenedin 1975 andattracts about150. lf yougetthe chance art and treasures in the world'You goingto seesomeof the finestfurniture.000 peoplea week. mostfamous|andmarks. a s to tourthe palace' youare the Queenisawayin scotland.so Well. 5 TheQueenspends hersummer holiday 2 It'swarmin Newquay. 4 Camden Marketfirstopenedlastyear.howaboutNewquay. whynotjoinuson a whaleanddolphin the surfingcapitalof England? watchingtrip in Scotland.listenandseeif youcan answerthem. Read.Thinkof one questionabouteachplace. |f you Buckingham Pa|ace oneof London.s is probab|y vi si td u r in g A ugustandS eptember. f Youcantravelatongthe river Oxford.y o u c a n g o in s id e a n d h a v e a |o o k a ro u n d . won't believe youreYes! E z Readthe text andmarkthe sentences (true)or F (false).- l- Reading Readthe title andthe headings.Takea seat Havefun andmakenewfriends aboarda boatandcomeandseethese ridingthewaves.lt'sgot everything fromtrendy clothes andsouvenirsto antiques.lt'sgoingto be cold! Camden Marketisoneof London's top attractions. Ne uay Areyougoingto try Scotland anything newthissummer?I They'renot goingto cometo you. 98 _l . You'llloveit. 1 Youcanseewhatesin Scottand. aswellascaf6sandrestaurants. :f- b. in Oxford. Butbring beautiful creatures at play. Vocabulary 6 1 in your language. Saythesesentences I'm goingto ptaybasketbatl tomorrow. B o Holidayactivities 2 Heisn'tgoingto goto the cinematonight. a 3 4 She'sgoingto sit anexamnextFriday. He'sgoingto havea partythisweekend. ? Explainthe phrases. = J o gosurfing o makenewfriends = o o buysouvenirso walkthroughthe streets seetreasures. goon a boattrip 7 aboutyourself.Use: Writesentences T o gopunting a Whichof theseactivitiescanyou do in a eachplacein the text? = l'm goingto visit my grandparents next = Sunday. { = 4 Readthe table.Findexamples in the text. 8 Putthe wordsin the correctorderto form questions. Answerthem. B = Affirmative 1 Are I ptay / you / football / goingto / l'm goingto travelabroad. tomorrow? = goingto travelabroad. He/She/lt's Are you goingto play football tomorrow? = We/You/ They'regoingto travetabroad. Yes,lam. Negative 2 Are / goingto / tonight/ you/ watchTV? = l'm not goingto travelabroad. 3 tomorrow/ yourfather/ ls / work / late / He/She/ltisn't goingto travelabroad. = goingto? We/You/They aren'tgoingto travelabroad. goingto / your mother/ tomorrow/ ls / = Questions make/a/piza?. I Am I goingto travelabroad? 5 goingto / you / ptay / tomorrow/ Are / ls he/she/itgoingto travelabroad? Arewe/you/they goingto travelabroad? computer games? = t Weusegoingto + infinitiveto tatkaboutour ptansandintentions in the future. Speaking .# = q areyougoing/notgoingto do t Tellyour partner.Usephrases = =i 5 Q Listenandtick (/) whatCatherine goingto do while on holiday.Thensay is from Ex.3. what sheis going/notgoingto do. a 1 gosightseeing/ 4 goswimming l'm not goingto ... ,, t a l".,i:,'r . ',:::',' . ,i ' I' t , ,", 2 gofishing 5 buysouvenirs ,',i l'-.1,,,' ,,,':,,r t, ,"1 I 3 eat [oca[dishes 6 hirea motorbike a > Shetgoingto go sightseeing. -I a Workbook1 99 1 * ,' ; i t i d i f l' ": . t -*-#""@-ry*i# *# *# *i *'' # -"**pff''...'.*1 r-- ! I Summeris hereat last.lt's holidaytime! There's ! nothinglike a day at the beachwith your family when the weather is warm and sunny.But beaches canalsobe dangerousplacesfor children.Hereare someusefultips for keepingyou and your family safeat the beachthis summer. /\ /!\ Sunburn It is red,hot and painful. Alwaysput sunscreen on your skinto protectyour ' A snacklngandswlmmlng skinfr omth e hot sun! Don'tswimaftereating. It is verydangerous to swimon a full stomach. A /!\ Protectyour eyes Youmayget cramps. Always They wearsunglasses, protectyour eyesagainst damage thatcanbecaused byUV*rays. A weara hat *ultraviolet Atways weara hat! lt protectsyourheadfrom thesun.Don' got outin A staycool thesunbetween 11am Drinkplentyof and3pm.Thesunis at water! Yourbody its hottestthen. needswater to keepcool. L- /\ eewareof windsurfers A Don'tswimnear z I r Protect your feet windsurfers. Always wear flip-flops or Thereis alwaysthe sandalson the beach!You can dangeo r f an burn your feet in the hot sand accident. or cut them on brokenglass. 100 E Reading -5 Putthe wordsin the correctorder. I a) Lookat the text on p. 100. = I Wherecanyou seetexts like a this: in a magazineor in on email? = b) Readand listento the text. = What'sthe author'spurpose? E It Readthe text on p. 100.How = L can the followinghelp you o can/can't(permission) stay safe at the beach?Write = sentences a) Readthe grammar box. = = I r Can:it is attowed,it's possible. Youcanbuysouvenirs here.(it is possible) = Youcangonow.(youareallowed) o Can't:it isn'ta[[owed. = Youcan't smokehere.(it isn'tallowed,you mustn't) = b) Matchthe signs(1-5)to the meanings (a-e).Say = sentencesa-ein your language. = = = F Suncreomprotectsyourskin from the hot sun. ffiffi = a Youcanparkhere. Youcan'ttake = Speaking b Youcan makea phone photographs. = = 3 Whatmust/mustn't do whenyouare at the beach?Tellyour partner. you cattin 5 miles. Youcan'teator drink. Youcan'tcamphere. = Listening b Youmustwear sunglasses. = = Youmustn'tswimafter eoting. 7 O Listento someonebookinga ticket overthe phone information. andfilt in the missing partner. with your Compare = Name:Harry> Smith = o the lmperative Place:1) ............... Date/leave ' Juty 21............. = = 4 Readthe examples.Howdo Find we form the imperative? Date/come back:3) August examplesin the text. = Puton yourhat. 1 Don'teat too much. 1 101 = . . -i r-'. . = -. Go back1. L A snake B monster o Oban I Thistown has a 6 tu f a mo u s . A cathedral B tower -= StAndrews Peoplecomehereto play.. . A castle B river Howmuchdo youknowaboutScotland? Play -= the boardgamein groupsandcheck.Makea boardgameaboutyour Missa turnif you getan answerwrong! I yourgamewith anothergroupandplayl country. Tails: Project *A t- I Move2 squares l-< €l Workin groups.E Did you win? Howlongdid it takeyou -! to completethetour? . = A football B golf -- Stirlingon the River = Stirlingis on the river... -= r Go back 2.. = Go back 1. $tart teu for its.- --: -= Thisplacehasa famous.min . 103 t- . . .. .. A Forth -:3 B Thames Edinburgh = Driverforgets This city is famous -= = hismap..Exchange t-1 q 9t e tt q I q 9 e I e z t. utes -a = E = !3 Coachgets a flat tyre. rkbook10d L-... ]- o Sure!Whynot? Yreffi& L- d serebe 2 The sentencesaboveare from a dialogue betweentwo friendsat a hotel.Doyouwant to comewith us? Lucy: l'm sorrybut I can't. We can usethe presentcontinuousfor fixed 3- Lucy: Goodmorning. Whatare Bittand Lucydoingtoday? o sitting o reading o coming o playing b- ? .Whydon't yourselves. andSteve? I'm seeingmyfriendstonight. Discuss what you are doingtoday.Record l- t- myparents thisafternoon. Findexamples F- ]- Bilt: Goodmorning. t- my dad this morning. sure! What are you doing Discuss. in the a) Readthe rule. 1e1 4ii \. L- L- the dialogue check. !t- o Goodmorning.t o sleeping o eating o swimming o going h- 104 1 -'- . today? l- Bill: Welt. I'm goingscubadivingwith 2 I'm goingto thecinemawith myf riends.We'remeeting l- Bill: They'resailingwith their father. 4 dialogue.WhereareTony futurearrangements.Thenl'm goingswimmingwith 5 Portfolio:Workin pairs.readand mmaf spe. o Whydon'tyoujoin mefor !|- breakfast? !l- o Whatareyoudoing OT today? l- o Whydon'tyoujoin us? F- o I'm goingscubadiving.lmagine you are at the PineBayhotel.Whatis about?Listen. l- youjoin usafterscubadiving? Bill: Sure!Why not? /n/ Pronunciation t- 6 h- Listen and repeat. Bitt. l'm goingjet skiing. I- Why don't you join me for breakfast? b) Whatare you doingthis weekend? L- Lucy: Yes. o I'msorrybutI can't. at 6 o'clock. Lucy. F- (J Listenandrepeat. -/ don't . = { take yourrubbish homewithyou.d in thewoods. b) Readagain. = Theyrehere.. Shutup Searchkeyword:protect = T o ml!J u s t environment ru n ! l 1 Ctickon:TheEnvironment - Howcanyouhelpprotectit? 1 Workhook 10f 105 1 ..org. = .yptenc./ findoutabout thatlivethere. matches! Dont worry. = = Fr = 4 ICT Gl Workinsroups.What havethe = childrengot with them? = Rightthen.waita minute! = Simon.make sureyou. = = No.whereare ( ttrewhistleand = compass? Whenyougo camping ./ packfood incontainers. thewildanimals = = = 3 Usethe leafletto tellsomeone whattheymust/mustn't do if they gocamping in the woods.readandcheck. andthe . Whatcanyoudo to help = endangeredspeciesand Cotlectinformation habitats? = andthenwrite a leaflet. = oK.= $cience a a) Lookat the cartoonstrip.anonereare . = T o ml { onlydrink water.Wherearethe children? Whatis wrong?Listen. = . bottled Fvorvthi nn'c light matches inside thetent. / packsomewarm clothes. t h o to n t'c r rn l = Nowlets have 1t Howis the cartoonrelatedto somefun! h the leaflet?Readand check. = Youcanvisitthiswebsite: = uk http://www.wsmmsilmm plastic bags awhistle "r take andacompass.. thewaterand forourrubbish. o in En g l i s h JF / Pointt.W hy2l . E t __ in London.. 5 She.. o . -\ \sxl 20) I- 106 --JL . F Writethe correctword. (they/have) a party o writea letterabout my summerplans -= thisweekend? o invite/accept& refuseinvitations f- 4 Bob .. smoke lt isn'tatlowed. (take)a lot of pictures. ..... a A: Whydon'tyoujoin mefor breakfast? B: Yes... . 2 Youmustwearyours 2 You. to protectyoureyesfromthe sun.... 1 basketbatl -t- I are/ ptaying / you/tomorrow? I- 2 to / isn't/ meet/ friends/ she/ her/ this/ a- going/ weekend 3 their / to / they/ going/ are/ visit/ friends l- 4 saitingi Sheita/ is / going/ tomorrow? l- 5 to / he / going/ stay/ a / isn't / in / hotel l- / pointt..F 2 Matchto form namesof sportsand activities. / eoint' -\ \4x3 12) 6 Complete the exchanges... F ].1).. 1 Pu t o n s o me s_ _ 5 1 Fill in canor can't.. . t in hospitats..... .. F 4 Theyboughta lot of s / toint* \sx4 20J ........t at Camden Market.. / Mv score: ........ -\ / potnttr-\ \oxl 18) \nxs 20J .... . .. -\ \sxz 10) -l- -r- 4 Putthe wordsin the correctorder.. A: Whydon'tyoucomecanoeing fi s hi ng.. .(not/play) tennisnextThursday.... There'soneeveryhour.. | [isten to some music?No. L 2 S u e.... with me? -ts il e diving B: Sor r but y | 4l . (w a tcha) fi tmtonight. Cq n . .F t Completethe sentences with goingto. .| 3) ... 3 Buckingham Palaceis oneof the mostfamous 4 We take the bus to the beach. m a surfing A: Whydon'tyoucomehikingwith me? m b bathing B: Sur e. .. 3 we hirejet skisfromthe hotet?Sure.... talk about holidaysand activities 3 . ......? I- t c punting E m d waterrafting B: W et[.. you E __to F protectyouskinfromthe hotsun.(not/travel) abroad thisyear.. 4l f skiing -+ / Pointt. A: Whatareyoudoingtoday? ...... ]- J \' 100J 1 He. \ .. Dadis asleep.. F - . *' _ i t f " '': Modute1 Modute5 II ?l Readthe title of the song.Whatdo you Readthe title of the song.Thinkof two I Ir think the songis about?Listen,read and reasons why homeis 'sweet'. *.@%A*uWw;aw** check. Bring'yournotepad,b,ringyour pens l*srung, &'?PK& Bring:yourschoolbag, too ' I run homefrom schooleachday Bringyourbooks,callyourfriends I don't want to be late Bringthe,nallwithyou And when I get home sweet home I alwaysfeel so great It'stimefor school,hooray,hooray Hurryup, it'smy firstday Home is full of happiness It'stime for school,rf's /ofs of fun The perfect place for me .Schoo/is greatfor everyone Home is always full of love , Mathsand History It's where I want to be Art and Science,too When I walk throughthe door; Musicand.Geography I alwaysstop and smile Are fun for me and you All my problemsdisappear Justfor a little while 7 List the schoolsubjectsin the song?Which is your favourite? 2 (J Listenand read. Doesthe singerfeel the sameway about homeas you do? 3 Whichschoolobjectscan you see in the pictures?What thingsdo you bring to 3 What doesthe singermeanwhen he sayshis "home is alwaysfull of love"? school? Discuss. 107 we are. The verb to be is usedto: o express general actions (situations).. -) it for an animalor a thing b) describethe characteristicsof people.pototoes How much is the shirt?Thecorridoris two metreslong..you aren't. hets he isn't Yes.they I've got I haven't got me'you'him'her:it'us' you've got you haven't got oBJECT PRONOUNS you. -x.she...He is o mechonic.on objea she. you haven"t. -sh. show prices or measurements: bush . I'm not.busheg box . it's got it hasn't got Object pronouns go after verbs or prepositionsas objects.. it has.potato .. Are you ..? t.kisseq church .o doctor we . No.. I haven't.He is o Catholic.octopuses..o womon..glr:l. No.them he'sgot he hasn't got o she'sgot she hasn't got Subject pronouns go before verbs as subjects. -ss.animalsor things or things.jobs or religions: i n the pl ural . -ch. toble . SINGULAR l.es a talk about nationalities. on eroser. Yes. he isn't. you. INTERROGATIVE] SHORTANSWERS The indefinite article (alan) Am 1. Yes.I hove got one sisten l'You' he'she'it'we' AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE suBrEcr PRoNouNs you. Tom has got long black hoir ond brown eyes.. Object pronouns c) talk about relationships. you aren't.you have.. N ouns endi ng i n -s. expressfeelingsor qualities: Most nouns form their plurals by adding-s to the I om sod. which begin with a vowel sound.boxes. they haven't.. No.keys 110 .. sheisn't. t ake . I No. they're they aren't Yes.toys. No. octopus. No. He is French.tobles. : No. shets she isn't Yes.you are. r No. they aren't. No. we have. she hasn't. Nouns endingin a vowel + y take -s in the plural.1 lr Yes..girls a talk about age:Sheis twenty.? Yes.animals -) they + for people. he has.facts: Plurals Modrid is the copitol of Spoin.lam.it PLURAL we. o boy.? rtYes.kiss . it's it isn't Yes. . No.he. we arentt.toy . We use a before nouns which begin with a it . we haven't. boy . r No.churches.on he . it isn't. singularform. you have.he is. you haven't. dnswer. it hasn't. Yes.1 Yes. Personalpronouns chey.you are.sheis. The houseis big.they have.? . consonant sound. No. wetre we arentt Yes. No.. No. -) she for a woman or a girl Mory hos got o red bag. youtre you aren't Yes. We use the indefinite article an before nouns Are you . ' No. she has..they are.key . -o.boys. No.. I have. he hasn't.it is. you.1 Yes. we've got we haven't got Listento her! Give me the boll! Lookot them! you've got you haven't got they've got they haven't got The verb to be INTERROGATIVE AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Haveliyoulwe/they got? got? Has he/she/it I'm I'm not SHORTANSWERS youtre you aren't Yes.? Yes.they The verb hove got I + alwayswith a capital letter you in the singularand plural o The verb have got is used to: -) he for a man or a boy a) show that sth belongsto sb. . . form of can is cannot or can't. countries and animafsor things which are far away from us. in front of this . you/theyski? No.foot. i We use that (singular)/those (plural) for people. sth is.cliff. t Sheis our mother.? Yes. i I housesl : SHORTANSWERS l s th e r e. PLURAL yrri ri"ir "r..mice./ . drop the -f or -fe and coffee.. There ar" l Affirmative i There! a house.t . pluralcountablenounsand uncountablenouns..people o Possessiveadjectivesshow: a) that sth belongsto sb.fish .. ferry .sheep.people In.. t trout. .those l We use this (singular)/these (plural) for people..l/you/he/shelit/wel Are th er e..ferries Are there ony orongesin the fridgeTThere isn't any t Nouns ending in -f or -fe. l/you/he/she/it/we/ you/theycan't. drop the -y and o We use any in the negativeand interrogative before I take -ies in the plural. I con speak English.. . 111 . Ihere is o stor. .. a: : iaaa: I there is ...there ore The verb con t o The verb can is the same in all persons.....there is. I lrregular plurals b) the relationshipbetween two or more people. c) to ask for sth.children.these I thot . : inl"iiogative ... d) to ask for permission to do sth.. We use in with names of cities.' :. cottle.. Yes.1 ..child. a) to show ability. SINGULAR o Possessiveadjectivesgo before nouns.person I Ihis is his bike.. Can you stop tolking. :t take -ves in the plural. ? Yes. Ihis is my room.'.. continents.there isnt. (NOT:eanret) i .woman. 1. I:men. deer . .fishlfishes t Other nouns only use the plural form.. N"gitir" . .negativeand interrogative).... Con I oskyou o We use some in the affirmative before plural question? countablenouns..next to.. .wives Possessiveadjectives Some nouns. pafty .. Pl-Utinr':-.in Greece i ::" :.Thereisnt o stor.I I GrammarReferenceSection t Nouns endingin a consonant + y. mouse.cffi \ There are some nouns which have the same form " t in the singular as in the plural.. ...there aren't.. : .goose. . Prepositions of place are used to say where sb or animalsor thingswhich are near us.in Athens.potties...wife . Can l/you/he/she/it/we/ you/theycan....teeth.. any houses. on. .women. I thief ./No. alon-some-any We use a/an before singular countable nouns We use can: (affirmative.thieves.there are. underi Uetrina./No."*-... i some houses.l ri1l'"iti r''our"i l Are there any .. between.deer.tooth.]".l Thereis a house.. ! .trout .. I li man. Con I onswer the phone? You use can to expressprohibition: You con't open your booksnow.pleose? We needsorne biscuitsond some flour.geese.sheep ...howeveriending in -f take only -s in the I plural.. :! PLURAL Prepositionsof place t r feet.. .Thenegative ' r iirciiui" I. There isnt a l : There aren't I house.-.ls there o stor? b) to ask sb to do sth for us. I fix . work. I kr'ss. Why ore you sod? or -o.he goes.in the morning/in the Where's John? afternoon/in the evening. -2. o holidays:qt the weekend. We use in with: .er.These are: always ( 100%). When do you have Englishlessons? where: we use where for places. o We add -es to verbs ending in -ss. This is my fathefs cor. dates:on 6thlune.never (0%). a verb (play.etc. preposition of.ltt HelenS.etc. c) generally.lreod. you l !l youdon't run !! He usually goes to the cinema ot the weekend. PresentSimple o the expressions:in holf on hour.usually (75%).ot Christmos.in I 0 minutes. We use whose to ask about possession. Whose diary is this?. . Grammar ReferenceSection Possessivecase ('s genitive)/whose Prepositionsof time We use the possessivecaseto show possession: o Prepositions of time are used when we want to a) for singular nouns and proper names. we add '.I drink.I frV . -ch.etc. I cry . -sh./frequencyadverbs/frequencyphrases How con I do this? whose: we use whose for people (possessive). Whose is this pencil? Spelling (3'd person singular) which: we use which for things.don't run he) i! hedoesn'trun Adverbs of frequency tell us how often sth she 7 shedoesn'trun happens.he does o Verbs ending in consonant t y.To talk about things.in l492.he kisses.l poy .etc.Thelegsof the table. every daylweek/month/year. etc.he fries o Verbs ending in vowel + y.at Eoster.he drinks. etc.he cries. how:we use how for manner. drop the -y and take -ies.I go .he lays LL2 . etc.we use the midnight. on Monday'on Tuesday. talk about when sth happens. Tom\ fother. -x. What is your nome? when:we use when for time.I push . parts of the day:in the morninglofternoonlevening.run.he pusheq I cotch - he catches. Question words who: we use who for people.etc. We use at with: b) for plural nouns endingin -s. Who\ this? -This is Kote. ot middoy.we use the possessivecase to talk o the expressions: ot noon.l do .etc. "i i! we don't run Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb wel !l but after the verb to be. months: in Aqril. o the time: ot 9 o'clocK at 20:45.he ftxes. Thisis my cousins'house.he reods why: we use why to ask for a reason.onFridoys. seasons:in the winterlspringlsummerlautumn o yeors:in2000. I soy-he soys. . ! etc. theyJ theydon't run She always goes swimming in the summer. o Most verbs take -s in the third person singular Which cor is yours? (he/she/it).in November. ot night.we add ts. whafi we use what for things. lj it it doesn'trun often (50%).onweekdoys. o The present simple is formed by usinga personal We use on with: subj ect p ronou n ( l/yo u/he/sheI itl w eI you I they) and o days:on Sundoy. I buzz .take -s.he buzzes. ot about people.sometimes (25%).) . * ^^-^^: ffi#ffi#a*ffis r1 f'**ldd"t t* Adverbs offrequency vou j ii ro. i! theydidn't play. He is not working ot presenL expressions used with the past simple: .. Use at the momeng at present. trovel .sitting stoP .*-. we add -ed.Time I PresentSimple.*-^*:.we double the -l no matter o We use the present continuousto talk about actions which syllablethe stress is on.l/you/hehhe/it/we/! main verb.i t/h"/rh"/it t*tt'. Spelling: Past Simple affirmative of regular verbs double the consonantand take -ing.r-.t i :!z'r 9*ts r!:rlflil!sq-!11s* *i ! No. Poul finishes work ot 5 o'clock (do'ilyroutine) He tokes the metro to wok (repeoted oction) He worl<s os o chef.preferred Use .alwaysdouble the last consonant.rocingmoke . i Are youlookingl I Arc theylooking? Did l/you/he/she/it/we/!l Ves.'*. try .* *-.etc ! We use the present simple for daily routines.--*-": 1 ! you'relooking you aren't looking Ly:/v:y{t!e1y:r!*gny.preferring stoyed o Verbs ending in -1..{tz:ss:-i i he'slooking he isn't looking ! she'slooking sheisn't looking I it's looking it isn't looking i we'relooking we aren't looking you'relooking youaren't looking 1i ! l Yes'you/we/theywere' Were we/you tthey. stop .wotching 1 you/they didn't.*. drop the -e and take -ing. Mory is sleeping ot the moment.prefer .we drop the -y o Two-syllableverbs ending in a vowel * consonant and add -ied. . t : Are we looking? 1.trovelled happeningnow at the moment of speaking. For verbs ending in consonant + y..*-. !] you/theydid.in 1990.". o For verbs ending in one stressed vowel between trovel .moking o Monosyllableverbs endingin a vowel + consonant. (permonent stote) We use the present continuous for actions happeningnow the moment we are speaking. roce .! o Most verbs take -ing after the base form of the l1 No.-*"*-. Grammar ReferenceSection wqwYJL$UW" & p {3ffi#rffi 7 PresentContinuous The PastSimpleof the verb to be I'm looking i I'm not looking i-l /t*/th"/'t .stoPPing .prefer . you/we/theywerentt.tovelling two consonants. .stoped. repeated actions and permanent states. specifictime in the pasL Ihe Smiths ore having dinner ot the momenL I finished on hour ogo.we double the last consonant and add -ed. For verbs ending in -1.. : ls it looking? ! theyplayed. o We add -d to verbs ending in -e..'like . stqy - is on the last syllable.tried always double the last consonant when the stress o For verbs ending in vowel + y... eot .. etc..Illked sit . (the moment we ore speoking) 113 . We use the past simple for actions which happenedat a She is doing her homework now. -.PresentContinuous I yesterday.-. last week/month/yean two days/weeks/ i months/yearsago. i o Verbs ending in -e.eotingewotch.Time expressionsused with the present continuous:now.l/you/he/she/idwe/ Spelling you/theyplay? . I Am llooking? PastSimple(regularverbs) I Are youlooking? i ls helooking? j ls shelooking? elitlwelyoul ' l/you/he/sh s f/you/he/sh elitlwelyoul . These nouns include: food: cheese.an hour Clean up your desks! We use the with countableor uncountablenouns The negative form of the imperative is formed to talk about sth specificor when you mention the with do/don't and the base form of the verb. Youcon\ go out now.youa^nentt Yes.1 SimplePast(irregularverbs) goingto .11 about the amount of sth. Some verbs have irregular affirmative past forms.. You mustn\ park your cor here. Use How mony childrendo you hove?(amount) We use going to: r to talk about future plansand intentions..sugor.. ls he/she/itgoing to..sol\ meat.You can borrowmy loptop.we arentt.? Yes.. same noun for the second time."-.-..... PresentContinuous (future meaning) We use the present continuous to talk about fixed arrangements in the near future.. olon . "". (l con see the clouds.3i.? ! Yes. We use how many with countable nouns to ask t. canlcon't mustlmustn't We use can to: o ask for permission. We use can't to express prohibition.any (seeD.*tik!.? ]l Yes.. o"Y... orongejuice. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE (See list of irregular verbs at the back of the book... Corlotto. Answers:Ex. I catch .Uncountablenouns Countablenouns are nouns which we can count.the o We use a before words which begin with a The imperative consonant sound...butter.u ltl h.. 69 1 Yes 3N o5Y es 7 Yes 2No 4N o6Y es 8No 114 . o Expressionscan be used with uncountablenouns Are you going to..) olan . Grammar ReferenceSection * .There are dark clouds in the sky.. a dolphin The imperative is formed with the base form of We use an before words which begin with a vowel the verb without the subject.. two books Uncountable nouns are nouns which we cannot count. You must get o ticketto enter the museum. obligation or duty. o kilo of.I am/No."they alen'!.I cought Countable.. No..l1llill11 know...... Con you help me with this exercise.pleose? We use mustn't to expressprohibition.etc Am I goingto.theyare.. some sugor o Uncountable nouns have only singular forms.".li Yes. 1 . The postcard wos from her Swedishfriend.. o sliceof.coffee.. 1l How much sugordo you wont? (quantity) No_...*. We use how much with uncountablenouns to ask I A* you )..I wrote.. etc INTERROGATIVE SHORTANSWERS drinks: woter. Morio got a Don\ tofk in closs! postcord for her birthdoy.he/she/it isn't.l youare/No.. o give permission. I I l) I om going to tovel to Molto in the summer..1t. o ask sth... It's going to roin.. sound. -.!:$fi ..tf" .lemonode........7 p.Can I useyour phone? We use must to express a rule..youardNqyou arcn't about the quantity of sth.sorne. to express quantity. an umbrello. especially when we know the time and place. etc. we arelNo. I'm not.he/she/it is..goingto.. l'm going to the cinemo nen Friday.teo. o to make predictions based on what we see or llil.11l. how muchlhowmany i " w e' l l Yes. I write .. o loof of.. /armfaln watl /wc:l/ I Schoolsubjects(n) 1b First day! OeqOks/ Not bad.gt secondary schoo[/sekendriPartsof the body (n) Personalthings (n) notebook/nootbuk/ sku:l/ arm/o:rm/ singer/sl1er/ batllbc:l/ notepad/nqutpad/ eats lgrzl basketball/bo:skrtbc:l/ pen /pen/ student/stju:dont/ eyes lazl bicycte/barsrkel/ penci[/pensel/ foot /fr:t/ bike /bark/ penciIsharpener/pensel Adjectives(adj) handlhend/ box /boks/ Jo:rpner/ favourite/ferverrt/ hair /heer/ cap /kep/ ruter /ru:ler/ great/greil/ head /hedi digitat camera/dtdsrtal textbook /tekstbuk/ legs/legz/ K@mre/ Phrases (phr) moustache/mesto:[/ dottlootr Verbs (v) Whataboutyou?AwBt mouth lmaa9l gloves lgltvzl bring /br11/ ebautju:/ nose/nouz/ guitar /gfto:r/ cat[ /kc:l/ Writesoon. /not bed/ Adjectives (adj) Art /o:rtl Seeyou (tater)! /sr ju:(lerter)/ Verbs(v) I Engtish /Dslrl/ big /brg/ spet[ /spel/ Geography /Q5iogrefi/ 1f CurricularCut best /best/ I History/hrsteri/ btack /blek/ InformationTechnology Nouns(n) Verbs (v) briltiant/brrlient/ I teknoled5i/ name/nerm/ /nfermer[on ask /o:sk/ evi[ /i:val/ fair ltee'l Maths/maOs/ room/ru:m/ [isten /hssn/ I Music/mju:zrkl look /lr:k/ fast /fo:st/ PhysicaIEducation/ftzrkel Adjectives(adj) say /sc!/ fat ltall long /lBnl I eQ5okq[on/ strange/strernQ5/ share{ger/ ptump /pllmp/ smite/smarl/ quiet /kwaret/ I Daysof the week (n) Phrases (phr) think /0pk/ red lredl Sunday/snnde/ Excuseme/rkskju:z mi/ Nouns (n) short {c:'tl I Monday/mnnde/ Niceto meetyou. /lets gqo/ kind /karnd/ Phrasalverbs (phr v) Schoolobjects (n) 1c Write soon find out /farndaut/ atlas /atles/ MODULE 2 dictionary /drkjenri/ Nouns(n) My favourites! 2b My things eraserlretzetl bag lb6. thanks./narste smatl/smc:l/ Tuesdayltju:zderl mttju:/ idea /ardi:e/ specia[ /spelol/ I Wednesdaylwenzda/ Howdo youspellit? /hau partner /po:rtner/ question strong/strBn/ Thursdayllelzdal de ju:spelt/ /kwestJsn/ thin /Orn/ I Friday ltradetl Saturday/seterde/ Howotd are you?/hau thing /Orn/ Adjectives (adj) ugty/4gli/ ouldo:rju:/ Let's go./rartsu:n/ handbag/handbag/ contact /kpntakV 2a Favourite hetmet/helmrt/ download/daonloud/ 1d CultureCorner characters jeans /d5inz/ find /farnd/ knife lnartl Typesof schools(n) Verbs (v) scarf /sko:rfl Other nouns (n) primaryschool/prarmeri bite /bart/ skateboard/skertbc:rdl sku:l/ climb /klarm/ shoes{qzl break /brerk/ sixthform /srksO fc:rm/ live /lv/ teddy bear /tedi beer/ catendar/kelrnder/ university/ju:nrvg:rsrti/ love /lnv/ watch /wBtl/ information/lnferme{en/ museumlmju:zieml stoP/stop/ newsletter I nju:zlelet 1e H ei l o! watch /wBt/ I Adjectives (adj) notice /noutrs/ Phrases (phr) fantastic /fentastrk/ price /prars/ goodmorning/gud Nouns(n) timetable ltamtebol/ mc:rnr1/ aunt /o:nt/ Phrases(phr) visit /vrztl goodafternoon/gud character lkeflr:iKletl Happybirthday!/hapi website/websail o:fternu:n/ enemy/enemi/ bsr0de/ good evening/gud [vnrn/ friend ltrendl Smilefor the camera!/smarl good night /gud nat/ house/hausi fer 6e kemre/ good bye /gr:d bq/ powers lpaaetzl 115 .I I I Whatare thesewordsin yourlanguage? r I M$murrI Adjectives (adj) greetings lgrttrnz/ spider /spalder/ Sefimoldays low /loo/ helto/helou/ sciencelab /sarensleb/ How are you?teu o:r ju:/ teenager/tinerd5er/ I 'la 5efiool secondhand/sekendhend/ I'm fine. shamrockfiemroV symbol/slmbol/ Ordinal numbers(adj) : Phrases(phr) Nationalities (adj) . eststent/ fourteenth /fc:rti:n0/ table /terbal/ Nouns(n) .rz*-z"x|xr{u:!. on /Dn/ Russia/r4[e/ doubtedecker/dnbaldeker/r hatt /hc:l/ Spain/spern/ dragon ldragen/ kitchen /kdJrn/ r Adverbs (adv) the United Kingdom/de flag ltlagl living room /lrynlru:m/ ju:na$rd dfound lerasndl kndemi ' map /m@p/ ' downstairs/daunsteerz/ the United Statesof . Its vgri r emenke/ nice /nars/ i nals/ Nationalities (adj) .{{2V{"e%K\# . Africa letrrkal painting/perntrrl/ view /vju/ .* irz upstairs lnpstep[zl America/de ju:natrd . lamp llemp/ happy/hepi/ : k{ #'. towel /taoel/ . Europeliaerepl lretand/alelend/ detached ld:dta[tl washbasinArq[beson/ London/lnnden/ different ldrfrenll Northern lretand /nc:rde'n window /wrndou/ . T-shirt lti [e!t/ fifteenth /frfti:n0/ wardrobe/wc'droub/ ' thermosftask /Os:'mos l sixteenth/srksti:n0/ collection /kelekJen/ seventeenth/sevanti:n0/ . all around/cl eraond.&fut **\1**ti*rz Scottish/skBtrl/ e#ffi#?_ffi3 Wetsh/welJ/ **{tr2*. semi-detached/semi : Soundsgreat! /saundz Engtish&ghl/ ' di: sj.l poputar/pppjuler/ : Furniture(n) New Zeatander/nju: sixth /srks0/ armchairldmlleetl zi:lendar/ . Antarctica /entq:rkttke/ . American/emerrken/ i UnionJack /ju:njendsek/ : second/sekendi British/brgrl/ third /0sJd/ 'FhpWrzmfr's fourth /fcr0/ 9'fli"4*"*? French lfrentil Adjectives (adj) b fifth /frfe/ JapaneseldSpysang. key ring Rt rnl twetfth /twelfO/ . /hp' ju: o:r/ Things(n) (n) mug /m4g/ : How can I hetp you?/hao l Nouns bath /bo:0/ stuffed animal/stnftenrmal/ ken a helpju:/ centre /senter/ book /oukl sombrero/spmbreerou/ : How much is it? lhar:mntJrz . cottage 4<BtrdJ carpet lkdpttl toy car ltr ka::l . tartan cloth /tqrtonklBO/ first /fs:rst/ . chair /tleq'/ betl /bel/ tenth /ten0/ .:r. Asia /gge/ Adjectives (adj) : sink /snki : stairs lsleetzl Countries (n) : Austratia/ostretlie/ back /bak/ : Canberra lkanberel : toilet /tolet/ England/nglend/ beautifu[/bjutrfol/ . WashingtonDC/wqfr1ten . Word List .**a:Et*y***rn*r . customer/knstemer/ eleventh/levan0/ cupboard/knberd/ brighten lbralanl . North America /ncr0 famous/fermes/ arerlend/ . Ottawa /qtewe/ targelto:'Oy Wales/werlz/ . l seventh/sevon0/ bed /bed/ Russianir4["n/ eighth /qt0/ bookcaselbukkes/ Spanish/spenrl/ r Nouns (n) ninth /narn0/ . (prep) Countries(n) r behind/brharnd/ France/fro:ns/ Nouns(n) Rooms(n) ' in lnl Japan /d5epani bus /bns/ bedroom/bedru:m/ . shop assistant4op thirteenth /Os:rti:n0/ sofa /soufe/ . SouthAmerica /sauO lovely /lavli/ It's very nice. emenke/ front ifrnntl Scottand/skotlend/ Phrases(phr) .e/ : gardentgg[danl floor ltlcll cute /kju:t/ . souvenir/su:venrer/ W"r:gimrz4 :very lveril steftsev emenke/ . 3..* *xrx g*# ei'*. Prepositionsof place X"r. #. next to /nekstte/ New Zealand/nju:ztlend/ cow /kau/ bathroom/bo:Oru:m/ . Here you are. pin /ptn/ 3a &E*x**.tl countryside(n) /k4ntrisard/ i curtain /ks:rton/ That's a good idea. flq:sk/ : Appliances(n) fan llenl eighteenth/etin0/ : umbrelta/nmbrele/ . pitlow lpllor:l . /dats flower ltlaaetl garage/g@ro3/ : cushion lkpJen/ Adjectives (adj) e gud ardi. coffee table /kofi terbal/ Verbs (v) . PrimeMinister/prarm mat /mat/ mrnrstar/ proud /praod/ : Continents & Cities (n) ' town /taon/ ' mirror /mrrer/ stuffed /stnfti ./ grg!t/ Northern lrish /nc:rdern dfteetlt/ Wetlington/welqten/ terraced /tenst/ aprrl 116 . desk/desU make /merk/ . cooker/kuker/ figure /fgeri nineteenth /narnti:n0/ hobbyihBbi/ twentieth /twentie0/ r fridge ltrr6l : Phrases(phr) mask/mo:sk/ Matryoshka/matriqlke/ . /hrerwr o:r/ age /erq5/ never/never/ It's great!/rtsgrqt/ poem/pourm/ cookie /kot<i/ Thisone. caring lkeern/ in front of /rnfrnntev/ Nouns(n) dance/dq:ns/ I cteverlklever/ under/nnder/ [ike/lark/ Agra/o:gre/ cool /ku:l/ paint/penV buitding/bildn/ ! deep/dip/ Nouns(n) ./drswnn/ simite/srmili/ famity llamrlil : Phrasalverbs (phr v) pitot /parleV sis/srs/ ] give up /gw ap/ snai[/snerl/ n] . toothpaste/tu:operst/ grandmother/grenmnder/ Nouns(n) grandpa lgranpa:. do laal Verbs (v) CardiffA<o:ldrll white Fwart/ castte/ko:sal/ yetlowlrelou/ : have/heqv/ tatk /tck/ ctiff ftlf/ .ter/ AdJectives (adj) tower lta(setl $tnongties egg lggzl patient /pedont/ underground /4ndergraund/ . kisslxrs/ Dover/douver/ i leave/li:v/ Nouns(n) Pronouns(pron) dress/dres/ put /put/ aeroptane/eereplern/ each/itj/ Edinburgh /edrnbere/ I start /sto:rV baby /bebi/ ghost/goust/ : wash/wp/ comic book/komkbuU Prepositions(prep) Kent/kent/ r work /ws:rlv saxophone/seksefoun/ piper/pa{cer/ inside/rnsard/ skateboarding /skedbcJdlt/ pipe/parp/ outside/autsard/ .lwazl ox /oks/ Herewe are. tiiJer/ Prepositions of place Verbs(v) 4c Famouspeople (prep) shinelarnl r AdJectives(adj) Verbs(v) between/bltwi:n/ . hard/hoJd/ mum /m^m/ Adjectives (adj) goon /gouBn/ sister /srster/ passthrough/po:sOru:/ . daY out Colours(n) Nouns(n) Verbs(v) 4d CultureCorner blue/olu/ battle drum/bateldrnm/ pink/prnk/ check/tleU '. every/evri/ 3e Lmt's ga iffi 4f funr"icr"rtar Cut Verbs (v) ' Prepositions of time Nouns(n) Verbs(v) burn /bs:rn/ . Word List 3c fvtybedroom 3f f.rder/ 4e Who'swho? : buts/ Adjectives(adj) dad ldadl I match/maU/ father lto:6erl Verbs (v) haunted/hc:ntrd/ team/ti:m/ heavy/hevi/ grandfather/grendfo:der/ : toast /tqusV come /k^m/ scary/skeeri/ grandma/grqgnmo:/ . atwayslg. musicteacher/mju:zk put on /pqt Bn/ . Nouns(n) Swedish/swidd/ tourist /tuensV breakfast/brekfest/ tunnet/tnn6l/ r\rt$Dt"!LE4 daughter ldq. friendty/frsndli/ steeplslipt corner lkclne(l poster/pguster/ Nouns(n) dome/doum/ i funny/f4ni/ CDptayer/si dl plerer/ lndiarnoie/ naughty/nc:ti/ ful[ name/fol nerm/ marble/mo:rbol/ r noisy/nozi/ grace/grers/ 3d CultureCorner minaret/mrneret/ sweet/swi:t/ language /|engwr6/ palace/palrs/ Latinsinger/lqqtnsger/ Verbs(v) pear[/ps:rli Adverbs(adv) voice/vcrs/ ctose/klouz/ pool/pu:l/ open/gEcen/ r often /Bfan/ Adverbs(adv) stone/stoon/ pass/pq:s/ well /wel/ 4h ila5rf n. Determiners(det) gorgeous/gc:rq5es/ 4a tutyfanntly .urricularCut .l Phrasalverbs(phr v) ' Adverbs(adv) weather /weder/ mother /mnder/ go off /gouBf/ . (prep) key/kV box/boks/ laughlorl at latl ptay /ple/ I before/brfcr/ Adverbs(adv) Nouns(n) speak /spik/ quite/kw4t/ walk /wck/ r Adverbsoffrequency bee/oi:l (adv) mouse/mdus/ Phrases(phr) Nouns(n) mute/mju:l/ . fans lfenzl slim /shm/ Familymembers(n) woman/women/ I footbattboots/futbcl brother/br. July/d5u:lql 118 . *ft *1i wmmtfu*rs coat /kouti li:t/ .bftl fur ltsll sometimes/snmtamz/ : tadybird/qdibe:rdl tortoise /tc:rtes/ ' mosquito/moskito<. April/epnl/ lqcerd/ snowy/snoui/ parrot lparetl May/me/ IndianrhinoIndienrarnoo/ ta[[ /tc.gantlal * beak/bik/ gotdfish/gouldfrl/ . slow /sloui stomach/stnmek/ How often? lhas. MarchlmolIIl Indian teopard/lndien extra /ekstre/ fleas ttti:zt . broken/lcrooken/ gentle /d5entol/ pouch /paqtf/ How?/hau/ ptayfut/plefol/ seahorse/si:hc's/ How [ong? lhaa lBnl . Insects(n) win6#*nz tasty /tersti/ I ant /ent/ Pets (n) Animals& partsof their tight /t4t/ I beetle /bit"t/ bodies(n) tiny /tarni/ budgie/badsi/ .l/ toothache/tu:0erk/ June/d5u:n/ jaw /6c:/ thick /0rk/ wonderfu[/wnnderfol/ . Seasons (n) coupte/k^pol/ round /raond/ . winter/wrnter/ try ltrail hippocampus /h4cekggmpes/ weigh /we/ %w\Nfutat'sCha* Indiancobra/rndien n*mEt*rT ' Months(n) koubre/ Adjectives (adj) : Januaryld3enieri/ Indianetephant4ndien Nouns(n) cotd /kould/ : February/febjueri/ elfent/ earachelerelk/ . *&:#W#3-ffi * claw /klc:/ swaltow/swoloo/ Nouns(n) eucalyptusleaf /ju:kelptes . autumnlc:Ieml crocodile/krokedarl/ Verbs (v) sharp{qrp/ spring/sprl1/ ' direction ldareklanl swim /swrm/ soft /soft/ : summef/snmer/ food lfu:d/ .5ueli/ tail /terl/ . What'swrongwith him? Adjectives (adj) Where?l^weetl reatly /r1eli/ : /hwBtsrBrl wrOhlm/ dark ido:rkl Who?/hu/ H###iltrS mate /merl/ Why?fwa/ : %{ {"qzrrar. insectInsekt/ .s ofonl : ilets hev e lok et htm/ stubborn/stnbern/ tongue/t^n/ What?fwot/ : What's the matter?/hwots wise lwazl teeth /tLO/ What time? /hwottam/ : 6e meter/ Adverbs (adv) When?lhwenl . Phrases(phr) similar/srmrler/ skin /skrn/ How many?/hau meni/ : Let's havea look at him. grasshopper/grq:shopar/ feather ltedett rabbit lra.*E*r {-tst old /ould/ T** mrryirrzml sick /srk/ S* &&yp*t .fly ltlal ear lw. &e e{ e{t*y \g*er Nouns(n) fat ltatl koala /kooo:le/ mammal lmemoll . Verbs(v) abitity /ebrlti/ flippers /flper/ Bengattiger ibelgc:l ice /ars/ marsupia[/molsu:piel/ buitd/brld/ targer/ kitogram/kllegram/ .grow /grqo/ otter /Dtor/ Adjectives (adj) r insecthunt /rnsekthnnV jump /d54mp/ penguin/pq1gwrn/ curty /k3:'lil miItion/mtlien/ last /lo:st/ polar bear /poolerbeer/ unusua[/nnjgSuel/ r park /po:rkl lose /lu:z/ reindeer/rerndrer/ type /tarp/ mOVe/mu.r. Word List Adjectives (adj) minute /mrnrt/ r Adjectives (adj) busy /blzil planet lplenftl Question words (quest) . wasp /wBSp/ Verbs (v) wing /wrn/ Determiners (det) wolf /wulf/ fly tftat r Nouns(n) several/sevrel/ I creature lkrttletl %x W*ri# *st*ffi#As ntuWi\*am*n*ai: Nouns(n) fietd /fi:ld/ duster /dnster/ forest /fpnst/ Verbs(v) Wild animals(n) pet /pet/ ground lgraandl catch /keetli fish ttfl sound/saond/ : honey/hnni/ change/tlend:/ giraffe ldSrcfil . butterfty bulettlal cat lketl r dragonfty ldra. sunbathe/snnberd/ bug /blg/ tayer /lere'/ Adjectives (adj) chameleon/kemi:lien/ quiz lkwlzl littte /t"t/ .v/ sea[/si:l/ ** {"ustrLrsr* **rn*r Wilst€ /werst/ protect /pretekt/ tiger /targe'/ reptace/rrplers/ whale /werl/ Nouns(n) spot /sppt/ .r/ owl /ar:l/ usua[[y/ju.t/ Adverbs of frequency (adv) hamster/hamster/ . .sl wootlensweater/wulen raincoat/rernKoot/ swetar/ skirt /sk3:'tl Places(n) Adjectives (adj) Adjectives (adj) BarceIona/bo:rsrloone/ alive /elarv/ Adjectives (adj) Crete /kril/ brave /lcrerv/ late /tet/ tight /lqt/ long-sleeved/lqr:slrvd/ Sevitle /sevrl/ sad /sed/ toose/lu:s/ north-west/nc:'0westr Totedo /tolerdou/ safe /serf/ wafm /wcrm/ right /rartl young/j^D/ short-steeved{crt sllvd/ Nouns(n) Phrases(phr) south-west/saoOwest/ artist /o:rtrst/ Adverb (adv) How do I took in this? city /srti/ sti[[ /strl/ /haode a luk rn drs/ dessertldtzeltl That looksterribte on ftour /flaue'/ Adjectives (adj) genius/d51./ batterina/lceleri:ne/ lolaus/i:oulaos/ windy /wlndi/ boots /buts/ exptorer/rksplc:rarl labour /lerbar/ warm /wc:rm/ ctimate/klarmet/ inventor/rnventer/ legend/lqdSend/ corner lkclna'/ nUfse /n3:rs/ Libya/l1bie/ Adverbs (adv) earty morning/g:rlimc:rnr1/ painter /pernter/ monster/monster/ heavity/hevrli/ night time /na1ttam/ scientist /sarentrsV myth /m10/ PacificOcean/pesfrk nephew tnetjuJ qgj"n/ ptace/pters/ region/rLd5an/ princess/prynses/ Nouns(n) Phrases(phr) shirt 4grtl the Hydra/de hardre/ btouse lblaazl be abte to /bi elbalte/ soldier /sould5er/ watking shoes/wc:krr1 Ju:z/ the mostfamous/6e moosr clothes lkloadzl winter coat /wrnterkoot/ spear /spFr/ jacket /d5ekrt/ femes/ Teuslzlu'... /hwptdo 1u:014kev Phrases(phr) pasta/po:ste/ end /end/ mar.ntfl kitt /krl/ kite /kart/ Expressions(exp) reach/rrtll picnic/plknrk/ Phrasalverbs (phr v) SaVe/sev/ ptay gotf /plergolf/ snowman/snoum€en/ btow away /blor:ewa/ succeed/seksi:d/ read a book /ri:da b<. /ju: rice /rars/ injure /1n{5er/ afternoon?/er ju:fr!.tml star /sto:r/ 119 ..dls lok grqt/l4vli/ river /nve'/ join /d5crn/ o:fternu:n/ perform lpatfc'./ets goo greatest /grqtest/ December/drsember/ ski /ski:/ IBpu/ sunbathe/snnberd/ Nouns(n) swim /swrm/ Adetaide/edelerd/ windsurf/wrndsa:rfl Verbs (v) Verbs (v) Austratia/ostreilp/ beach/bilJ/ Nouns(n) stand /st€nd/ appear/ap|er/ board games/bc:rdgermzl gotf /gqlf/ bury/beri/ Cairo/karroo/ Greece/gr1s/ Nouns(n) fai[ /ferl/ Copenhagen hotel /houtel/ /koopenhergan/ air lea(l fascinate/fasrnert/ degreeslilgryzl balterina/beleri:ne/ grablgrebl fun lf nnl Activities branch lbro:. Word List August/c:gest/ How about going Adjectives (adj) September/september/ tomorrow?/haoebaut real /reel/ October/oktouber/ Verbs (v) goorqtemorou/ better lbetatl November/nouvember/ fish /fill Let's go shopping.nies/ you.rk/ temperature/tempratJer/ go away /gou owe!/ travel /tr@vol/ go up /gou Ap/ Adjectives(adj) Nouns(n) chitty/t[lil Verbs (v) Atcmene/elkmi:ni/ cloudy/klaudi/ pack /pek/ fact /fekt/ foggy /fpgil need/ni:d/ fiction /ftklsn/ hot /hot/ vary /veeri/ Jobs (n) god /gqd/ rainy/relni/ astronaut/astrenc:t/ help /help/ sunny/s^ni/ Nouns(n) athtete lalli:tl Hercules/hgrkju|:z/ wet /wet/ BeringSea/beerrrls!.l Are you free this professor/profssar/ film ffrlml Youlook great/lovety. /a@tluksterrbol tired /tarard/ lake /lerk/ Verbs (v) DN JU:/ Whatdo youthinkof my nickname/nrknerm/ become/brknm/ . lmat<tedgtrn goodluck/gqdlak/ resu[t /rrzllt/ Phrases(phr) jcr daleri/ noodteslnu:.2{enl mediaeva[/medii:vel/ mean/mi:n/ SaPaInca (= the chitd of .ft/sft/ pubtic /p4blrk/ diary. Word List Nouns(n) Nouns(n) pineapple lpanepall Nouns(n) actor /akter/ adventure /adventJer potato /petqtou/ park bananaibeno:ne/ class/klo:s/ pdld tea /ti:/ chickenltlrt<rn/ director /darrekter/ art galtery/o:rtgeleri/ tomato /temo:tou/ cutture /kaltJer/ film /frlm/ ride lrard'l dish /dil footbatter /fotbc:le. Peru/peru/ member/member/ juicy /Q5u:si/ decorate/dekerert/ potato /petetou/ musician lmju:../ weekend/wi:kend/ &a fisiebrations Eid/i:d/ group igrupl zoo lzuJ Verbs (v) goose/gu:s/ Hottywood/hpliwud/ lceland/arslend/ forget lfetgg. ptay /ple/ roast /roust/ the sun)/sape mke/ ptaywriter /plerrarter/ traditionat /tred{enel/ Nouns(n) the AndesMountains/6i poet /poud/ yummy/j^mi/ endi:zmauntrnz/ balloon/belu:n/ politician /polftdsn/ the lncas l6i nkezl birthday/be:rOde/ PrimeMinister /prarm Phrases(phr) transport /trenspcrt/ China/tjane/ mrnlster/ vitlage /vrhdS/ Makeit a date in your gi.delzl rock band /rok band/ see for yoursetf/s1fer treat /tri:t/ systemof roads/slstemev jc:rself/ roadzl paper/perper/ Adjectives (adj) Youare sure to have the party/po:rti/ shocked4Bkt/ time of your [ife.tl Madrid/medrrd/ Adjectives (adj) IndonesiaIndouni:ziel theatre /0i:eter/ serye /sg:rvl inspiration/tnsprrer[on/ crazy lkrazil royat/roel/ Martinstag/mo:rtrnztegi Adjectives (adj) Nouns(n) midwinter/mrdwrnteri acting /e&tn/ Phrases(phr) bacon/berken/ mitk/mrlk/ married lmeridl bagpipe lbegparpl part /po:rtl nothing specia[/n40rr3 celebration/sehbrer[sn/ nationa[/ngq[enot. lju: retative/reletv/ M$m[.1il s e' Jqqrte hev de tarm Spectaldays soup/su:p/ Phrases(phr) ev jc:rlafl stick/shk/ dozensof ldnzanzevl Food& drinks(n) chocotate/tlBkht/ tet it be /tet rt bi:/ biscuit/brskrt/ Phrasalverbs (phr v) of att time /ev c:l tam/ bread/bred/ let off /let pf/ Adjectives(adj) carrot lkerell missout on /mrsaot pn/ untucky/nnlaki/ 7* *Xwesgreat! cheese/tlizl pop over /pop quver/ cherry/tJgri/ Phrases(phr) Verbs(v) &h Fest*vefsmd egglqgt bringgoodluck /brn gud presentlprvenll fish /frl meat/mi:t/ Verbs(v) Ink/ cook/kuk/ get money iget mlni/ orange/Brrnd5/ t20 . pie /pa/ spe[oll costume/kostju:m/ pumpkin/plmpkrn/ 7d Cultureeorner CoventGarden/kovont Ramadanlramedanl 7f eurricularCut go:rdon/ sake/so:ki/ * Verbs (v) Verbs (v) date /dert/ sausage/sosrQ5/ imagine /rmeQ5rn/ diary /dareri/ sushi/slLli/ raise lraz/ produce /predjus/ dinner/drne'/ Thankgiving/Oenksgryrn/ steal /sti:l/ reign /rern/ Dubtin/dnblrn/ turkey /ts:rki/ suggest/se{5est/ lamb /lem/ Nouns(n) Vote /vout/ schootmate/sku:lmert/ Adjectives (adj) advisorladvaver/ sodabread /soudebred/ write /rart/ essentiaIlsenJel/ beans/bi:nzl statl /stol/ cart /ko:rtl exotic hgzptrk/ Nouns(n) street parade/strtt pererd/ hoty corn /kcrn/ /houli/ street theatre /stri:tOi:eter/ typical- accident/eksrdent/ Cuzco/ki:skou/ /trprksl/ trip /trp/ Briton /bnton/ dog /dBg/ Yorkshi re pudding/jcrkler career lkerptl duck /dnk/ pudr1/ 8c lt was composer/kempouzer/ emperor /emperer/ fantastic! detective story /drtektv location /loukq[en/ Adjectives (adj) Verbs(v) stc:ril pepperslpepetzl king /k6/ delicious/drldes/ betieve/brliv/ . {x{tur* il*rffi#r book /buk/ Nouns(n) Food(n) Nouns(n) feed /fi:d/ bacteria /bakheriei burger/bs:lger/ hate /hert/ Americanfootbatt /emenken danger/danQ5er/ chickenburger/tlksn must /mnsV ftrtbcl/ fruit /frul/ basebal[/bersbcl/ bg:rger/ mustn't /mnsont/ product /prodekt/ french fnes lfrentltrazl pay lpsl feast /fi:st/ surface /ss'frs/ fnes lfratzl read /ri:d/ vegetabtes/ved5tebalz/ Other nouns (n) respect/nspekt/ harvest /ho:'vlst/ yoghurt liogettl meton/melen/ aspirin /gqsprnn/ heatth /helO/ Nouns(n) pitgrim /prlgrrm/ chain /Uqn/ score /skcr/ cookery /kuksri/ caf6 lketa/ Adjectives (adj) crime ftrarm/ circus/serkes/ Adjectives (adJ) dairy /deeri/ eyesight la:sarll door ldc:tl dangerous/dern{5eres/ glasseslglo:sezl diatogue/darelog/ successfu[/seksesful/ persona[/ps:rsenal/ hotiday/hotrde/ ./pliz dountfi:d ?a #***g sh*pp$r:g 6i antmelzl order /crder/ Adverbs (adv) ' tuna /tju:no/ Shops(n) Youmustn't be late. obtigation/obligerfen/ Phrases(phr) sociat /sqq[ol/ medicine/medsen/ prohibition /prourbden/ Oh dear! loa d:e'/ menu /menju:/ ' rule /ru:l/ Way to gol /werte gqu/ Adverbs (adv) sign /sarn/ mitkshake/mrlklerk/ carefulty /keerfuli/ model car /mpdelko:r/ '.l magazine lmegezinl . /ju: stawberry/strcbri/ nearty/nrerli/ mnsentbi lert/ bakery/berkeri/ : Wait for me there. fantasy fitm /fentesifrlm/ eat in /it rn/ Harrodslhere$l horror film /hororfrlm/ see dolphins/sl dolfrnz/ Waterstone's nz/ /wcterstou see exotic birds rsi rgzotrk romance/remens/ be{dzl L2L .rklop/ beauty /bju:ti/ coke ikouk/ Can we go now?/kan wi chemist's/kemrsts/ gou nau/ lemonade/lemenerd/ departmentstore Adjectives (adj) minerat water /mrnerel No smoking!/nou stc. marine park /marinpoJk/ faw ftJ. /wert takeaway /terkewe/ butcher'sr:.r/ /drpo:rtment centra[ /sentrel/ smoukrl/ wcter/ toy shopfta lopl cheap /tllp/ Pteasedon't feed the meal /mi:l/ main /mern/ orangejuice /qrrnd5d5u:s/ animats. Word List have a tong tife /h@ve lBrl *f eurriex**rr fluc Verbs(v) see statues /sL steqtlu:z/ hfl begin/brgrn/ see whates/si:hweilz/ have a party /h€qve po:rti/ Verbs (v) buy/ba/ see a film /si:e frlm/ have a great time /hgqve chop /tlqc/ print /prynt/ see a play /si e plqr/ grerttarm/ prepare /pnpeer/ sell/sel/ touch itltll test /test/ Verbs (v) .giletzl vanitla/venrlei Phrases(phr) fer mi deer/ ftorist's/flonsts/ greengrocer's apart from /epq:rtfrem/ Adjectives (adj) /gri:ngrquserz/ #* *rsrz't" nx?ss {t3 baked /berkt/ newsagent's /njqzerQ5ents/*h L*t's g*$ Everyday English (phr) medium/mi:diem/ restaurant/resteront/ Activities action fitm /eqklonfrlm/ shoeshoplulopl Expressions (exp) adventurefilm /edventle' Phrases(phr) frlm/ London'sshops(n) listento music/hsan te take an order /telk en mju:zrkl animated fitm /egmmerhd crder/ Bootslbu:ts/ lookat paintings /luket frlm/ BurgerKing/bg:'ge' kr1r pentnlz/ comedy/komedi/ Phrasalverbs(phr v) Hamleyslhamliz/ see acrobats/si: ekrobats/ . . f*j*y y*tJr motto /motou/ Adjectives (adj) ffi*e*? Phrases(phr) Nottingham/nptnlham/ bad /bad/ Verbs (v) keep ctean/kip klin/ nove[/npvol/ bored /bcrd/ keep away /kip ewe/ photo fieutou/ drink /drnk/ shetf 4elfl Adverbs (adv) &4#**ii-ffi{F store /stcr/ Nouns(n) daily /derli/ street /stril/ beef /ci:f/ &*dryr* L*wi*g tulip /tju:hp/ twice /twars/ getI cheeseburger ltli1:zbs! Shops(n) whopper Fwopa'/ chitti /thli/ Phrases(phr) bookshop /br. mi ken ju:tel /rkskju:z precise/pnsars/ mo:rklt/ hotspot /hqtspot/ mi hweor6e . /ts:'n sporty/spqrti/ i Phrases(phr) leftlraftl top /tpp/ Youcan't missit.? /hau payattention/peretenJen/Newquay/nju:ki:/ fit lfrt/ de a get te/ Oxford /oksferd/ Thinkagain!/0rnkegen/ It's on the cornerof ... Adjectives(adj) Phrasalverbs(phr v) tferry lteril irts nekstte/npriBpezlt/ charming/tlo:.. Word List Verbs (v) 9f CurricularCut hiking lhar|lrql Phrases(phr) jet skiing/d:et skun/ go punting/gou pnntlqr correct ikerekt/ Ways of travelling (phr) decide /drsard/ saiting/serlq/ ride the waves/rardde miss/mrs/ by bike bar bqkl scubadiving /sku:be wervz/ recommend/rekomend/ by car lbarkdl d4vrr3/ take a seat aboard a boat rescue/reskju:/ by coach/barkqutl/ sunbathing/snnbadq/ /terke si:tebc:rde boot/ by motorbike/bar swimming/swtmrD/ travel abroad /trevsl Nouns(n) mouterbark/ white water rafting fwat ebrc:di by ptane/barplern/ wc:terrq:ftrn/ Youwon't believeyour fight sceneslta| si:nzl windsurfing/wtndss:rfnl/ home/houm/ by ship tbarIpt eyes!iju:wpntblli:vjcr by train /ba trern/ avl kid /Kd/ mistake/mrsterk/ on foot /on fut/ 10aTiavel& review /nvju:/ Leisure 10b SafetyFirst Verbs (v) rider /rarde'/ Holidayactivities(phr) Verbs(v) special effects /spq["| drive /drarv/ give /gry/ buysouvenirs /bar camp/k@mp/ fekts/ su:venprz/ cut /cnt/ spy /spq/ inform Infc:rm/ memoriselmemerarzl eat [oca[ dishes 4t loukal protect/pretekt/ wizard lwrzsldl smoke/smook/ ride lradl dlezl showlqul go on a boat trip /gou on Adjectives (adj) yietd /jiqld/ e bqut trp/ Nouns(n) evi[ /i:vel/ go sightseeing /goo exciting /rksatn/ damage/demrQ5/ Nouns(n) saltsi:rrl/ phonecatl/founkc:l/ whote/houl/ go surfing/gou ss:rfn/ circle /se:'kol/ ftip-ftops /flrpflopsi hire a motorbikefrarere hittside/hrlsard/ 9d CultureCorner condition /kendilen/ mouterbailV di rections / dareklanzl sand/send/ Nouns(n) make new friends /merk snackingisnlqkry' distance/drstens/ nju:frendz/ sunburn /snnbs:rnl nightclub/natklnb/ instructions/rnstrnkJenz/ visit monuments/vrzrt /snnskri:n/ premiere/premreer/ interest /rntrest/ sunscreen monju:ments/ lane /lern/ tip /trp/ watk through the streets UVrays/iu:vi:rerzl Adjectives(adj) motorway/mqgterwe/ /wc:k0ro 6e strits/ road signs/roud sanz/ windsurfer/wrndss:rf erl new/nju:/ road works /roud wg:rks/ Verbs (v) Adjectives(adj) Adverbs(adv) safety /seffti/ speed limit /spid lrmft/ hire /harer/ steep/stip/ especiatly lspe[oli/ triangle/trarcngol/ surf /se:rfl nearby/nprba/ usefu[/ju:sfr:l/ warning/wc:rnry tour /tuer/ 9e Turn left Phrases(phr) Adjectives(adj) Nouns(n) l swimon a full stomache Phrases(phr) cultural/klltlerel/ antique /antlk/ j /swtmon e ful st^mek/ Excuseme.. mewherethe . . treasure llrg3e(l Nouns(n) be out andabout/bi aut /rts on de kc. /ju:ko:nt l\il0nuLE10 trendy/trendi/ las for melez fermi:/ Holidays : first of all /fg:rstev c:l/ mrsft/ Watkup/down/wc:k Holidayactivities(n) Adverbs(adv) 4p/daon/ fishing/fdrn/ probabty/probebli/ i 122 .. canyou te[[ historic/hrstorrk/ attractions I etrajkl6nzt i There'snothingtikeit..... tzl recreationat /rekrier[en"l/ intentionIntenJan/ I 10c$eeyou Go up/down .rmD/ I OperaHouse/Bperehaus/ watch out for /wBUast bftwi:n/ finest/farnest/ terI Turn [eft/right .. . /gor:lp/ daun/ Phrases (phr) [andmarkilandmo:rk/ Verbs(v) How do I get to . is? positivelpozrt|l CamdenMarket /kemden ldetz nl0m lak !t/ .rnerev/ wetsuit /wetsul/ /betenrk BotanicGardens endebaot/ It's next to/near/ go:rdonz/ opposite/ between ... Why not? 4qqr hwar Phrases(phr) Corner noV Don'tworryl /doontwari/ Adjectives(adJ) What'sthat noise? fwots Yerbs (v) flat /fleV 10f CurricularCut 6et ncrz/ complete/kempllV scenic/si:nlu Shutupl IN rpl Nouns(n) Let'shavesomefunl /lets Nouns(n) 1 0 eJ o i n m e ! cartoonstrip /ko:rtunstrrp/ hevsemfnn/ whistteFwrsel/ Waita minutet/werte coachftqot/ Phrases(phr) compass/k4mpes/ mrnt/ heads/hedz/ l'm sorry but I can't. Word List 10dCulture tyre /tarqr/ Sure.manrzl Hightandslhatlendzl /am spribet arko:nt/ rubbishlraur/ tails /terlz/ t23 . matches. dl read comei/knm/ came ride tradl rode cost /kDSt/ cost ring lrg/ rang cut /k^t/ cut rise lrarzl rose run /r^n/ ran dig lorg/ dug say/se/ said do /du/ did see /si:/ saw draw /drc/ drew sell /sel/ sotd dream/dri:m/ dreamt(dreamed) send/send/ sent drink /dnnk/ drank set /set/ set drive /drarv/ drove sew/sou/ sewed shake4qkl shook eat /il/ ate shine{4n/ shone shoot4utl shot fall/fcl/ fett show4aol showed feed /fi:d/ fed shut4atl shut feel/fi:l/ fett sing/sgg/ sang fight /fat/ fought sit /srt/ sat find /farnd/ found sleeprstip/ sl.|al tay begin/brgrn/ began lie /lar/ tied bite loartl bit tight /lat/ tit blow /blo<l/ blew lose/lu:z/ lost break /brerk/ broke bring/bnn/ brought make/merld made build/brld/ buitt mean/mi:n/ meant burn/bs:rnl burnt(burned) meet /mit/ met buy toat bought pay /pe/ paid can /k@n/ could put /put/ put catch /k@tj/ caught choose/tJu:z/ chose read lri'.ept fly lttei.l flew smell/smel/ smett(smetted) forget ferggt/ forgot speak/sptik/ spoke forgiveforgtv/ forgave spell/spel/ spett(spetted) freeze ltri:zl froze spend/spend/ spent stand/stand/ stood get /gct/ got stea[ /sti:l/ stole give /gry/ gave stick/shk/ stuck go lgqpl went sting/stm/ stung grow /grgs/ grew swear/sweer/ swore sweep/swiip/ swept hang/h@n/ hung(hanged) swim/swrm/ swam have/h@v/ had hear/hF7 heard take /terk/ took hide /hard/ hid teach /tiu/ taught hit /h$/ hit tear /tear/ tore hold/hould/ hetd te[[ /tel/ totd hurt /h3:rtl hurt think /Omk/ thought throw /0roo/ threw Keep/k!ip/ kept know/noo/ knew understand /nndarstend/ understood lay Aa/ taid wake /werk/ woke lead/li:d/ ted wear /weer/ wore [earn/13:rnl learnt(learned) win /wrn/ won leave/li:v/ teft write /rart/ wrote -J 124 . be /bi/ was lend/lend/ lent beat /bit/ beat let /let/ tet becomebrknm/ became Lie . oY lCtl boy.full. rgpe.pen.goose e lel egg.tank. lal ice.Smite lell name.sing black. caught.tabte. lie y latl sky.cold I join /S/ cet[. touch.joy.sheep.three.ctean.hand.mother.Sme[[. oi lctl oit.learn.ftat. fear.men.tatt.Americ6 bring.burn.face. heir th l0l thief. cousin. jump tooth k lkl keep. clever. hill.btack .atso.fafe./ room. i[[. ie lal die.silly nk hkl think.COld y lll youth.doubt b lbl box. chicken. uncle.hur[.chocotate h lh/ heat. tooth.ca[[.te[t. li'.shout.run.[ook.bank.vein u /g:/ turn. bone. joke.pencit. train.it. beer.dream.1 earth.bath.feather I Al lift. hand. trip.man.kind .bank 125 .seat.bee /c'. doubte.kite.[eg.father.rare. tree. cushion ' lg:.buzz. tooth.taught I lfl fat.ox.tear /a/ pu[t. lpl pay. arrive. eo.voice.employ d ldl down.market.how. year. fry. Seat.fast.be[[.vote.lake. team. shy.fai[.cirCle.bett.quack.tie. q /kw/ queue.sai[. toy. Double letters ' give sh lll shell. spooh.city.tent I ltl two.often.honest.walt.neat. chop.glue.pet.slim. . fan.snake.get.acto6facto6manner ptease /c'.clear.shower ld1l gem. hen.Star. eo lee/ pear.question.now cow Diphthongs oo lal book.trout.push.giant ch /tl/ cheese.[ast.try.fifty. i ldSl jam. oi leil pain.wash. dare.hen.crazy box.cap. Set. hot. ache.sock.1 ba[[.big. hear.dotphin. ou lC:l court.blue. main.sixty. s /S/ sit.poo[ pink.brother.fat. w lWl water.perhaps ph lf / photo. too[.fur.word. hope. vet.ask. near. lu:.much. dear.flood .tail.cherrychips.btOw. rOOf.round.feed. gtass. fifth g tgl grass.jungte.gin.butter.goat.what.brought drink ou lc:l naughty.bought. toit. Snake.dim.drive.hit.white.fan.zebra. troubte COnSOnantS I /aul mouse.urge.know. choice. ready. riCh.move.eway.house.young'yeS.cry grass. first.plane.bite.freight.go.peart.chitty v lV / veat.please.ca[t.no. tea.union .cheer.kind..dress.duck.top.coa[. tip. moon.heat. lel atarm.ha[[. /n/ btood.run lel apple. three.pea. just. enough.ten.man.shrimp.too.song. dog. food.sme[[.snow. jOke.fty. queen. coin. dishonest.foot . ou /nl tough.kick lAl the.catm. tent. boit.road. watk.brown. job.wish.hat.fox laal owl. is.mask gtass.search ljl unique.take.weight.pen. this. ' lzl houses. lid.chalk quiet lDl want.watCh. look.| eat. far. n lnl next. c /k/ cat. throne.free.husband penny.noon.phone.wortd nOSe. tone. turn. o /eg/ Care.king.plot.door ei lel eight.put[.ee/Ie/ ear.tree tift.wasp r ltl rat.bar./ floor.pencit . Vowels m tmt map.war. not.shark. [ive.clock. each.by .such. food. mOnth.tift.baby.king.wrong.fry carry red.deer boot '. city.high. read lqll arms.bait.earth.shine. i ltl in.[amp.view o lOUl home.end.ctoth. tenth.ship.town.luck .hut. soit.[eave.sma[[. make sniP. ten.soft. sitty. mud. keep.ctown. annoy..year lol on.wea[ bear. vacuum.quarter.ugly.Share SOme. ng lnl thing. P black.yacht. let.late.bed.mouse. z lzl zoo.warn. Smalt.meat. jump. .burst lail height /n/ up. gotd.bag.Scare.etephant BUThour.Soup.cat. n6te.coupte.day.cousin.cry. ink.mail duck.car. teave.age.dark. v) practice(n) mail post practise(v) make a reservation program programme book reaIize motorcycle motorbike/ motorcycte realise movie fitm tire tyre movie house/theater cinema trave(t)[er travelter mom mum N with prepositions Expressions and particles news-stand newsagent differentfrom/than differentfrom/to o live q X street tive in X street office(doctor's/dentist's) surgery @ a team !n a team one-way (ticket) singte(ticket) on the weekend at the weekend overatIs dungarees Monday throughFriday Monday lq Friday 126 .etc z ftashtight torch (prdnounced. gra0e ctass/year Hehasjust goneout. is that Steve? intermission interval intersection crossroads Doyou havea car?/ Havevou got a car? Havevou got a car? J janitor porter caretaker/ Spelling K al umi num atuminium kerosene paraffin analyze anatyse center centre L check Iawyer/attorney cheque solicitor cotor colour line queue non0r nonour lost and found tostproperty jewetry jewettery M practice(n.shop shop cookie biscuit subway underground corn sweetcorn.) hoover drugstore/pharmacy chemist's(shop) vacuum cleaner hoover duptex semi-detached vest waistcoat E w eggptant aubergine .van D two weeks fortnight/twoweeks deskclerk receptionist dessert pudding/dessert/ sweet V downtown (city)centre vacation hotiday(s) drapes curtains vacuum(v.etc groundfloor. AmericanEntlish BritishEn$ish AmericanEnglish BritishEnglish A P account bill/account pants/ trousers trousers airptane aeroprane pantyhose/ nytons tights anyplace /anywhere anywnere parkingtot car park apartment ftat pavement roadsurface pedestrian crossing zebracrossing B (potato)chips cnsps bathrobe dressinggown publicschool stateschooI bathtub bath purse handbag bitt banknote bi[[ion=thousand mittion bittion=mittion mittion R busy(phone) engaged (phone) railroad raitway rest room toiIet/ctoakroom c cab taxi s catt/phone ringup/phone girl salescterk/sales shopassistant can tin schedule timetable canoy sweets shorts(underwear) pants check bitl (restaurant) sidewatk pavement closet wardrobe standin line queue connect(tetephone) put through store..is thisSteve? Hetlo. I He[[o./ He has iust goneout. "zee") (pronounced.first ftoor. maize ctazy mad T truck lorry.secondftoor. with or without (milk/cream btackor white etevator tift in coffee) F Y fatt autumn yaro garden faucet tap first f[oor. "zed") Frenchfries chips zero nought front desk (hotet) reception zip code postcode G garbage/trash rubbish garbagecan dustbin/ bin Grammar gas petrol gas station petrolstation/garage HeigElsent out. have 3 Has.They 2 yes.can't 4 Can.theyare 2 can.shedoesn. they are 4 1 Doesshewalkto school? yes.sheis. 4 | usuallyeat dinnerat hatfpastseven.has 2 Has.swrongwith him? 2 is 5 are 3 Reatty? Howdo you know? 3 isn't 6 are 4 Let.t. 5 1 He.shavea tookat him.eyes insects:butterfty.beetle. _ 61a 2a 3b 4a 5 1 gets 3has 5 works Self Check 2 2 doesn'twatch 4 doesn'tgo llbasketbatt5watchgcap6lcZe3d4b5a 2 handbag 6 bett 10 guitar 3 gtoves 7 hetmet Se[f Check S 4 trainers 8 bicycle . 3 Her. tortoise.tiger.ant witd animats:crocodite. 7 1 e 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 6 3 SamanthaneverwatchesTVinthemorning.nose 2 short.am writing 2 under 4 in front of 6 on 3 aren'twatching.can 3 can. 4 Are.theyaren't 3 1 can.can 5 can. Dotheytiketennis? theydo. Keyto SetfCheck$ectio I Self Check 1 Setf Check4 llatlas 3notebook 5notepad 11mum/mother 4grandma/grandmother I 2 pencil 4 eraser 2 sister 5 brother 3 grandpa/grandfather 21c2a3d4b5e 21 naughty 3 sweet 5 patient 31a2an3a4an5a2clever4funny 4 1 ls.shedoes. Self Check 3 6 1 What'sthe matter? 1 1 are 4 isn't 7 aren't 2 What.ptump 3 ears.he does.they don.cat 3 t hair.hasn't 4 Have.t. 5 DoesBobptaythe guitar?Yes.They 5 l.llpenguin3seahorse5rhino 21 Japanese 3British 5 Austratian 2leopard 4budgie 2 American 4 Spanish 2 pets:hamster.him 4 them.haven't 3 1 teg 3 rhino 5 dog 2 insects 4 rabbit 5lThat2These3This4Those 41When 3Who 5How 6l chitdren 4teaves Ttadies 2Where 4What 2 men 5 watches 8 teeth 3 boxes 6 boys 5 1 Weusualtygo shoppingon Fridays.wotf. he isn't 5 Are. they 3 Dothey live in a flat?No. 2 them. 2 1 sink 3 sofa 5 garage Self Check 6 2 book 4 garden ll summer 2winter 3spring 4autumn 31 fourth 4second Tsixteenth 2 third 5 eleventh 8 twetfth 21leaves 2 raincoat 3 shirts 4 December 3 first 6 twentieth 31tike 2sunny 3dress 4tovety 41 d 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 c 4 1 is painting 5 1 in 3 on 5 behind 2 areyoudoing.are doing 4 ls Johnrepairing r27 . 2 Hesometimes goesto bedlate.can 3 Are. potarbear 4 1 Have.can't 2 ls.She 4 DoesAnn eat meat?No. meat. 4 Picassowasa painter.pineapptes. 4 1 Wherewereyou yesterday? 3 yes. rice 2 sheisn't goingto meetherfriendsthisweekend.The. 2 1 fitm 3 chemist's 5 statue 3 Let'sgo to the cinema! 2 painting 4 bakery Setf Check 7 3 1 Youmustn'tbringanimats.please. 2 astronaut 5 exptorer 8 athtete 4 you muststop. 2 Hedidn't watchTVyesterday. of homework.many 2 some. 3 1 made 3 had 2 didn'tsend 4 Didhego 6 wrote 5 1 can. am studying 3 is talking.the 8 a 3l watched 3worked 5travelted 2 didn'tplay 4 didn'tvisit 5 1 Thankyou. 2 CanI take yourorder? 5 Hereyou are. 4 lt's oppositethe caf6.were 1 1 sunscreen 3 landmarks 2 Did. 3 Howaboutpizza? t28 .is wearing 1le 2 c 3a 4 f 5 b 6 d 6 1 lt's great. 3 nurse 6 painter .asses 4 souvenirs 3 Did.any 4 any.did 5 Did. 2 You'rewelcome. oranges 4 ls Sheitagoingsailingtomorrow? 5 met 5 Heisn't goingto stayin a hotel. tea 3 Theyare goingto visit their friends' Fruit:cherries. 4 Sorryl've got a lot 2 lt's verycold. 4 Enjoyyourmeat.speaks Sglf CheCk 9 2 is ptaying. Key to SetfCheck Sections 5 1 don't want. 1 1 ba[terina 4 scientist 7 singer 3 youmustkeepdogson leads. 5 Whendid hedie? Self Check 10 5 1 Was. fish.d tike sometomatoes. 3 Didthey ptayfootbattyesterday? 5 l.any 6 1 Thatwoutdbe nice.cheese. Drinks:milk. 2 1 eighteensixtythree 3 nineteeneightynine 2 nineteensixtyfive 4 twothousandandone 4 1 a 3 a 5the 7 the 2 an 4 The 6a.wasn't 4 Were.5 youmustn'tcyctein the gardens. 6 Youmustcteanup after yourdog.plays 4 wears.can't 2can't 3 can 4 can 41some4some7a E some 61 sure znot 3 'mgoing 4 can't 2 an 5 some 3 an 6 some 5 1 many.There'sone on AtmaStreet.didn't 21b 2f 3e 4c 5d 6a 61c z a 3 d 4b Se[f Chee k I 3 1 isn't goingto travel 4 is goingto take 2 is goingto watch 5 isn't goingto ptay t 1 1 dressed 3 ftew 5 tet 3 Are they goingto have 2 made 4 wore 4 1 Are you ptayingbasketbatttomorrow? 2 Food:eggs.many 3 any. 2 Youmustn'tsmoke.didn't 2 sungl. Access is a four-levelEnglishcoursedesignedexclusivelyfor studentsstudyingEnglishat BeginnerLevel. Activities. Pairwork Games& Tests) Book(interleaved) Teacher's tsB N 978-1-84679-470-4 E] Publishing Express lfilrlillrltilltl . Fr- sdd@ 'dryw vignrEsil l'nryocoq Workbook b rqrarf|Il Boo\<' Grammar E{gri$t Boor Student's vqNSw tdqo4 Teocher's ResourcePock & Tests Teacher's Pack Resource (Worksheets.l|l IllI .The coursefollows the principlesof the Councilof EuropeCommon Frameworkof ReferenceLevelA1. 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