307145339 ASME B30!23!2005 Personnel Lifting Systems Texto
ersonn l L i ft i n gste s Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, IDerricks, Hoists, Hooks, [acks, and Slings AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Date of lssuance: January 25, 2006 The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2 0 1 0 . There will be no addenda issued to this edition. ASME issues written replies to i n q u i r i e s c o n c e r n i n g interpretations of t e c h n i c a l aspects of this Standard. lnterpretations are pub\ished on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at http:// www.asme.org/codes/ as they are issued, and are also published within this edition of the Standard. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from competen! and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate Toe proposed code or standard was made available far public review and comment that provides an opportunity far additional public input from lndustry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the publlc-at-large ASME does not ..approve," "rete," or .. endorse" any item, construclion. proprietary device, or activity ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document. and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters petent. nor assume any such liability Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the rtsk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representatlve(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this cede or standard ASME accepts responsibility far only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrleva! system or otherwise. without the prior written permission of the publisher The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016·5990 Copyright © 2006 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Al\ rights reserved Printed ln U S.A CONTENTS Foreword. iv Committee Roster V lntrociuction vii Summary of Changes X (hapter 23·0 Scope, Definltions, and References Section 23-0. 1 Scope of 830 23 . Section 23-0 2 lntent of 830 23 , 1 Section 23-0 3 Definitions 1 Section 23-0 4 References 2 Chapter 23-1 Constructlon and Characteristics 3 Section 23- 1 1 Design 3 Section 23- 1 . 2 Construction 5 Chapter 23·2 lnspection, Testing, and Maintenance 6 Section 23-2J lnspection 6 Section 23-2,2 Testing 6 Section 23-2 3 Maintenance 7 Chapter 23-3 Operation .. 8 Section 23-3 1 Personnel 8 Section 23-3 2 Practices 9 Mandatory Appendices I Lifting Personnel Near Electrical Power lines 13 II Personnel Platform lift Planning and Authorization Form 18 Ill Personnel Lift Platform Pre-Lift lnspection 19 ¡¡¡ FOREWORD This American National Standard, Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings, has becn developed under the procedurcs accreditcd by the Amer lcnn National Standards Institute (formerly the United States of Arner ica Standards Institute) This Standard had its beginning in December 1 9 1 6 when an cight-page Code of Safcty Standards for Cranes, prepared by an ASME Cornrnittee en the Protection of Industrial Workers, was presentcd to the annual meeting of the ASME Meeñngs and discussions regarding safety on cranes, dcrricks, and hoists werc held from 1920 to 1925, involving the ASME Safety Code Correlating Committee, the Association of Iron and Steel Electtical Engineers, the Arner ican Museum of Safety, the American Engineering Standards Committee (later changed to American Standards Association and subsequently to the USA Standards Institute), Department of Labor - State of New Jersey, Dcpartment of Labor and Industry - State of Pennsylvania. and the Locomotive Crane Manufacturers Association On June 1 1 , 1925, the American Engineering Standards Cornmittee approved the ASME Safety Code Correlating Committee's recornmendation and authorized the project with the U S Departrnent of the Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks, and ASME as sponsors In Match 1926, invitations were issued to 50 organizations to appoint representauves to a Sectional Cornmittee The cail for organization of this Sectional Committee was sent out October 2, 1926, and the cornmittee organizcd November 4, 1926, with 57 members rcpresenting 29 national organizations The Safety Code for Cranes, Derricks, and l-loists. AS A 830 2-19...J:3, was crea ted fr orn the eight-page document referred to n i the fi rst paragraph This document was reaffirrned in 1952 and widely accepted a s a safety st a nd a rd Dueto changes in d esign, advancernent in techniques, and g eneral interest of lab or and in dustry n safety, the Sectional Committee, under i he t joint sponsorship of A SME and th e Nava l Fac ilities Engineering Command, U S Depar t ment of the Navy, was reorganized a san A m e ric e n Nati onal Standards Comm it t ee on Ja n uary 31, 1962, w it h 39 members representing 27 n ati on a l organiza tions The f ormat of the previous code was c hanged so that separate v o l urnes ( each complete as to construction a nd i nstallatíon: inspection, testing, and rnaintenance: and operation) would cov er the different types of equipment i n cluded in the scope of 830 In 1982, the Committee was reorganized a s a n Accredited Organization Committee, operating under procedures developed by ASME and accredited by the Arnerican Nationa l Standards Institute This Stan d ard presents a coordinated set of rules that may serve as a guide to govcrnment and other regulatory bodies and municipal authoritíes responsible far the guarding and inspection of the equi p ment falling within its scope The suggestion s leading to accident prevention are given both as mandatory and advisory provisions; compliance with both types n1ay be r equired by employers of their employees In case of p ractica! difficulties, new dcvelopments, or unnecessary hardship, the ndministrative or regulatory authority may grant variances from the literal requirements or permit the use of other devices or methods but only \.Vhen it is clearly evident that an equivale n t degree of protection is thereby secured TO secure uniform application and interpretation of this Standard, administra tive or regulatory authoritie s are urged to consult the 830 Committee, in accordance with the format described in Section III, before rendering decisions on disputed points This volun1e of the Standard , \.\1hich ,vas approved by the 830 Corrlmittee and A S ME, \.Vas approved by ANSI and d esignated a s a n American Nationa! Standard on Dece111ber 13, 2005 Safety codes and standar ds are in tended to enhance public safety Re\'isions result fron1 con1rnit tee consi d eration of factors, such as technological ad vanees, ne\v data, and chanp;ing environmen tal and industry needs Revisions do not imply lhat previous editions \.Vere inadequate ASMIE B30 STANDARDS COMMITTIEIE Safety Standards for Cableways, Cranes, üerrlcks, Holsts, Hooks, [acks, and Sllngs (The foHowing is the roster of the Commiltee at the time of approval of this Standard) STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERS P. S. Zorich, Chair B. D. Closson, Vice Chair J. O. Wendler, Secretary STANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNEL N E, Andrew, Northrup Grumman Ship Systems P. A Boeckman, A/ternate, The Crosby Group Wº T. Hargrove, Alterna/e, Mantech lnternationa! Corp E. K. Marburg, Co[umbus McKinnon Corp R. E Bluff, Gantry Constructors, lnc M. G. Mlller, Alternate, Columbus McKinnon Corp L D. Means, Means Engineering and Consulting/Wire Rape R. J" Balen, Consu!tant G. B. Hetherston, Alternate, E 1 Dupont Technica! Board A. D. Brown, A D Brown, tnc D. M. Sleightholm, Alternate, Bridon American Corp O. Ritchle, Alternate, The Construction Safety Councll IC J. Miller, Jacobs Engineering T. A. Christensen, Liberty Mutual !nsurance/A!liance of American D. W. Smith, Alternote, Chicago Bridge and lron Co lnsurers G, L Owens, Granite Construction. tnc M. W. Milis, Alternate, liberty Mutual Group J. T. Perklns, lngersoll·Rand B. o. Closson, Craft Forensic Servlces. tnc H. G, leidich, Alternote, lngersolt-Rand T. L Blanton, Alternate, NACB Group. lnc J, E. Richardson, U 5 Department of the Navy S. Cloutier, U 5 Oepartment of Labor W. P. Rollins, Manitowoc Crane Group J. P. Colletti, John P. Colletti & Associates. tnc M Brunet, Alternote, Manitowoc Crane Group R. M. Lovgren, Alternate, Crane Partner lnternational J, W. Rowland 111, Consultan! R. A. Oahlin, Walker Magnetics Group E. E. Rudy, U S Department of the Army J. W. Downs, Jr., Alternote, Downs Crane and Hoist Co J C. Ryan, BOH Sras Construction L D. Demark, !nternational Union of Operating Engineers A. R. Ruud, Alternate, Atkinson Construction S. C. Buck, A/ternate. lnternationa! Union of Operating Engineers D. Sayenga, Associated Wire Rape Fabrlcators D. W, Eckstine, Eckstine & Associates D. J. Bishop, Alternote, Bishop Ufting Products, lnc R. J. Edwards, Schwing America G. W. Shlelds, Caterpillar, lnc R. H Fowler, U S Department of the Air Force W J, Smith, Jr., Maxim Crane Works J. L Franks, Consultant R. G. Straln, Advanced Automation Associates. tnc R, C. Slater, Alternate, McKay lnternationa! Engineering J. B. Hamill, Alternote, Advanced Automation Associates, !ne J L Gordon, Acco Chain and Ufting Products A, R, Toth, Morris Material Handling N. C. Hargreaves, Terex Corp /Power Crane & Shcvel Association B. E. Weir, Jr., Norris Brothers Co , lnc /National Erectors E. D, Fldler, Alternare, Grave Wor!dwide Association J. J, Headley, Crane !nstitute of Ame rica J. Conant, Alternate, Conant Crane Renta! Co R . M . Parnell, Alternate, Industrial Training lnternational J. D. Wendler, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers C. W. lreland, National OilweH R C. Wild, U 5 Army Cor ps of Engineers A. J. Egging, Alternate, National Oilwel! S, G, Testerman, Alternate, U S Army Corps of Engineers L S. Johnson, American Equipment Co D. N. Wolff, National Crane Corp E. P. Vllet, Alternote, Nichols Construction Co A. L (alta, Alternate, Natlonal Crane Corp R. M. Kohner, Landmark Engineering Services P. S, Zorlch, RZP lnternational Ltd H, l. Shapiro, Alternote, Specia!ized Carriers and Rigging Association/Howard I Shapiro & Associates C. E. tucas, The Crosby Group V HONORARY MEMBERS J. M Klibert, Lift-AH C o . lnc R. W. Parry, Consultant 830.23 SUBCOMMIITEE PERSONNEL 8, D Closson, Chair, Craft Forensic Servlces lnc K. J. Miller, Jacobs Engineering A. D. Brown, A D Brown, lnc B E Weir, Ir., Norris Brothers C o , lnc /National Erectors T. A. Chrlstensen, Libertv Mutual lnsurance/Al!iance of American Association lnsurers ü, N. Wolff, National Crane Corp H, B. Hayden, Hayden Enterprises \ i SAFETV STANDARD FOR CABLEWAYS, CRANES, DERRICKS, HOISTS, HOOKS, JACKS, AND SLINGS 830 STANDARD INTRODUCTION (05) SECTION 1: SCOPE 830 23 Personnel L ifting Systems 1 830 24 Container Cranes The ASivlE 1330 S t a n d a r d contnins provisions that 830 25 Scrap and Material Handlers apply to the construction, inslallation, opera tion, inspec 830 26 Rigging Hardware tion, tcsting, malntcnancc, and use of cranes and othcr 83 0 27 Material Placement srstems lifling and mator ial-handling related equipment For the 810 28 Balance Lifting Units conveniencc of thc reader, the Standard has been divided into scpamtc volumcs Each volurne has bcen written SECTION 11: SCOPE EXCLUSIONS under the dircction of the ASME 830 Standards Commit tee and has successfully completed a consensusapproval The 830 Standard does nol apply to track and autorno process undcr the general auspices of the Arner ican tive jacks, railway or automobtlc wrccking cranes. ship National Standards lnstitute (ANSI) board cranes, s h i p b o a r d cargo-handling equ i p rn e n t . As of the date of issuance of this Volume, lhe 610 w e l l - d r i l l i n g d e r r i c k s , sk i p hoists, mine ho ist s , h uck Standard comprises thc following vclumes: body hoists, car or ba r ge pullcrs, conveyors, excavating e qu ip me n t, or equipment covered und e r the scope of 810 1 [acks the fo ll o w in g standards: A 1 0 , A 17, A90, A92, i\ 120, 820, Overhead and Cnntr y Cranes (Top Running 830 2 856, and 877 Bridge, Single 01 Multiple Girder, Top Run ning Trolley Hoist) 830 3 Construction Tbwer Cranes SECTION 111: PlJRPOSE 830 .J Portal, Tower. and Pedestal Cranes The 830 Standard is intended to 8305 Mobile and Locomotivc Cranes (n) prevent or minirnize injury to workcrs. and other 830 6 Dei ricks wise provide for the protection of life, limb, and proper ty B,O 7 Base Mounted 01 um I-loists by prescribing safety requirements 1330 S F l oating Crancs and Floating Dcrricks ({¡) pr ovidc d i r e c t i o n to m a n u f a c t u r e r s , o wnc r s, 830 9 Slings emplovers. users, and others concerned with or 1espon 830 10 Hooks sible for its application B.30 11 Monorails and Underhung Cranes ú) guide gover nments and other regu!atory bodics 830 1 2 Handling Loads Suspended Frorn Rotorcraft in the development, promulgation, and enforcemenl of 83011 Stor age /Retricval (S/R) Machines and Asso appropriate safety directives ciated Equipment 810 1-1 Side Boom Tractors SECTION IV: USE BY REGULATORY AGENCIES 830 15 Mobile Hydraulic Cranes (NOTE: 830 1 5 - 1 9 7 3 has been w i thdrnwn This S ta nd a rd may be a do p ted in \.Vhole or in part The revision of 830 1 5 is includcd in the for go v e r nm e ntal or r e gul at or y use If a do pte d far gov latest edition of 830 5) c rn n1e n ta l use, the references to othcr n at ion a l codes 830 16 Overhead Hoists (Under hung) and stan d a rd s in the specific volumes mr1y be chr1nged 830 17 Ovcrhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running to refer to the corresponding r e gula t i on s of the govcrn Bridge, Single Cir der. Underhung Hoist) m en ta l a u t hori t i e s 810 18 Stacker Cr anes (Top or Under Running Bridge, Multiple Girder With Top or Undcr SECTION V: EFFECTIVE DATE Running Trolley Hoist) 830 19 Cableways (a) Effective Dale The effective date of this Volume of 830 20 Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices the 1330 Standard shall be onc year after its date of B.30 21 Manually Lever Operated Hoists 1 l hcsc volun1es ,uc corrently in de\ c!11p1nenl 830 22 A r ti culatin g Boom Cranes vii íssuance Construction, installation, inspection, testing, SECTION IX: REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATION maintenance, and operation of equipment manufactured The 830 St andards Commi ttee will render an in terpre and facilities constructed after the effective date of this ta t i o n of the p ro v i s i o n s of th e 83 0 Stand ard Su ch Standard shall conform to the mandatory requirements of this Standard requests should be directed to: Sec,etar y of the 830 C omm i tt ee, A S ME , Ihree Park (b) Exíst111g l11stallatio11s Equipment manufactured Avenue, New Ymk, NY 10016-5990 and facilities constructed prior to the effcctive date of this Volume of the 830 Standard shall be subject to the 1he re quests should be in the foll o w i n g forma l : inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation require Vol u me: Cite the des igna t i on and ti t l e of t he volume ments of this Standard after the effective date It is not the intent of this Volurne of the 830 Standard Edition: Ci te the a p p lic a b l e e d i tion of the volume to require retrofitting of e x is t in g cquipment However, Subject: Cite the applicable paragr a p h numberrs) when an item is being modified, its pe r form a nce require ments sh a ll be reviewed rel a t iv e to the requirernents and the relcvant i he a d n g ( s ) w i l h i n the current volume The need to meet the c u rr e n t Question: Phrase the question as a request for an inter requirernents shall be e va luated by a q u a li fied person p r e t a ti on of a spe cifi c p r o vis i ó n su itab l e for selccled by the o w ner (user) Recommended changes g eneral unde rstanding a nd use, no tas a sh a ll be made by the owner (user) with¡n 1 year request for approval of a prop ri et a ry design or s it u ati on P la n s or drawings t ha t explain SECTION VI: REQUIREMENTS ANO the question ma y be su b mi tte d to clati f y the RECOMMENDATIONS question Howev er, they should not contain any p r op ri e ta r y names or information Requirements of this Standard are c harac l er iz e d by use of the wcrd shnl! Recommendations of this Standard Upan receipt by the Secretary, the request wi ll be are c haracter iz ed by the word stunüd forwarded to the relevant 830 S u bc ommitte e for a draft response, vvhich will then be subject to approval by the 830 Standards C ommittee prior to its formal issuance SECTION VII: USE OF MEASUREMENT UNITS Interpretations to the 83 0 Standard w ill be published ( This Standard contains SI (mctric) un i t s as well as in the subsequcnt edition of the respective volume and U S Customary units The values stated in c us t om a r y w i l l be ava i l a b le online at http:/ /cstools asrne org un i ts are to be regarded as the standar d Th e SI un it s are a d i rect (soft) conversion from the custornary uni ts SECTION X: ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE The e q uipment covercd by the 830 Standard is subject SECTION VIII: REQUESTS FOR REVISION to ha z ards that c annot be abated by mec h anica l means, The 830 S ta n d ar ds Committee will consider requests but onl y by the exercise of intelli g ence, care, and com for revision of any of thc volumes within th e mon sense It is therefore essential to have personnel 830 St a nda r d Such requests should be dir e ct e d lo: in\ohed in the use and operation of equipment who Secretary of the 830 Committee, A S M E, Three Patk are competent, careful, ph ysically and mentall y quali Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 fied, an d t r ained in the proper operation of the equip The requests shoul d be in the fol l o w n i g fo , ma t: n1ent and the h a n d l i n g of loads Serious hazards include, but a re not limited to, in1proper or inad e quate mainte Volume: Cite the des ignation and tit l e of the volume nance, ove!loading, dmpping m s li pp i n g of the load, E d i t i on : Cite the i appl c a ble i i ed t on of the v o l u me obs tru cti ng the fre e p assage of the load, and us n i g equip n1ent for a p ur pose for vvhich it was not intended or j Sub ect : Cite the app li c a b l e paragr aph numberts) designed and the relevant he ading(s) T h e 83 0 S tandards Comn1ittee fully re alizes the Request: I nd i c a te the sug gested re v i s i ó n importance of prope r d esign f actors, minimum or maxi mum d n i 1ensions, and othe r l im iJi n g criteria of wire Ra t i on a le : S tate the ra tionale for the suggested rop e or chain and th ci r f astenings, sh eaves, sprockets, re v is i on drums , and simil ar e q u i pment co vered by the stand a rd, Upan reccipt by the S ecrctary, the requ est will be a ll of \Vhich a re closel y c o nn ect ed ,vith safety Si zes, Ior warded to th e relevant 830 Subccmmittee for co nsid str cngths, and si n1 i l a r c r i t c r i a ar e depe ndenl on many eratíon and action Co rrespondence w i l l be pr o vi ded to different f actors, often v a ry in g ,vith th e ins ta!Jat ion and the requester de fin ing the a c tion s un dc r taken by the us es Thesc fc1 c t o r s d epend on the condition of the 830 S ta n da r d s Cornmíttee eq u i pn 1 ent or n1 ate r ia l ; on the loads; on the a cc e l e r a tio n \' i ¡¡ or speed of the ropes, chains, sheavcs, sprockets, or n1any variables that must be considered in each individ drums; on the type of attachments; on the number, size, ual case The rcquirements and rccornmendations pro and arrangernent of sheaves or other parts; on enviren vided in the volurnes rnust be interpreted accordingly, mental conditions causing corrosion or wear: and on and judgment used in deterrnining their application ix ( ASME 8 3 0 . 2 3 - 2 0 0 5 SUMMARY OF CHANGES F o l l o w í n g approval by the A S M E 830 C o m m í t t e e a n d A S M E , and after publíc review, ASME 830 23-2005 was approved by the American Natíonal Standards lnstítute on December 13, 2005 ASME 830 23-2005 íncludes the followíng changes ídentífíed by a margín note, (05) Pnge Lccatiou Change vii-ix 830 Standard lntroductíon Revised in its entirety 1, 2 Sectíon 23-0 1 Revísed Sectíon 23-0 2 Revised Section 23-0 3 (1) ground ,rew added (2) qunlificd pe, sa11 revised (3) sliackle, safet1¡ type deleted 3 2 3 - 1 1 J(a)(l)(b) Revised 4 23-l l 1(b)(7) First paragraph revised 2 3 - 1 1 l(b)(IO)(d) Revised 23-1 1 l(b)(lO)(i) Revised 5 23-1 1 2(b) Revised 23-1 2 2(a) Revised 6 23-2 1.2 Revísed 23-2.2 l(a)(2) Revísed 7 23-2 2 l(c) Revised 23-2 2 2(a) Revised 9 23-3 1 3(a) Revised 10 23-3 2 1(j)(7) Added 11 23-3 2 2(a)(18) Revised 23-3 2 2(a)(25) Added 12 23-3 2 5(a) Revísed 23-3 2 S(h) Added SPECIAL NOTE: The interpretations to ASME 830 21 are included in this edition as a sepárate section for the user's convenience ASME 030 23-2005 PERSONNIEl l i fT I N G SYSTEMS Chapter 23-0 Scope, Defínltlons, and References (05) SECTION 23-0.1: SCOPE OF 630.23 boom: a hinged structural member of hois ti n g equipment used for su p porting the hoisting tackle and load Within the general scope defined in Section 1, ASME B30 23 may a p p l y to h o i s t i n g and accessory brake: a device used for retarding or stopping motion e q u i p m e n t covered wí t h i n cer t a i n v o l u m e s of the brnke, mnoinotic: a device that retards or stops motion, ASME B30 Standard, which is used to lift, lower, hold, without actuation by the operator, when specific equip or transport personncl in a platform, by wire rope or ment operational parameters are met chain, from hoist equiprnent, or by a platform that is certified zuelder: a person holding a current certifica te, for rnounted on a boom of thc hoist equipment The lifting the type of weld being applied, as proof that qualified of personnel is not allowed using sorne ASME B30 Stan test welds have b een performed and passed in nccor dard equipment The ASME B30 vol u me addressing the dance with the American Welding Society or A merican hoisting equipment to be used shall be consulted far Society of Mechanical Engineers criteria the applicability of the ASME B30 23 vol u me design factor; the ratio of the ultima te strength of a mate rial to its working (u n it) stress, unless deflned otherwise (05) SECTION 23·0.2: INTENT OF 630.23 in the text of this volurne, for specific applications This vol u me establishes the design cr iteria, equipment designated perso11; a person who is selected or assigned characteristics, and operational procedures which are by the ernployer or employer's representative as being required when material handling equipmcnt, as defined competent to perform specific dut i es by the AS ME B30 St andard, is used to lift personnel H oi s tin g equipment a s d efined by the A SME B.30 Stan gro1111d cre1u; those ind i v i du a ls who are ínvolved i n the dard is i ntended for materi a l handling lt is not des igned, p ersonnel lift, other than the hoisting e q uipmen t opera ma nu fac t u r e d , or i ntended o t meet the standards for tor and platform occupants These ind i v i dua l s i n c lude pe rsonnel handlin g equipment, such as AN S I/ S I A A92 riggers, signa! persons, a nd supervision (Ae ria l Pl atforms) The equipment and implementation lumdmil. a mernber supported on brackets to furnish requirements listed in this volume are not the sanie a s support to p latform occupants during lifting operations t hat established for using eq uipment specifically !toisting enuipmcnt: a m a c h i n e for lifting and Iowering a desi gned a nd manufactured for lifting personnel l oad and moving it horizontaJly The machine may be H oi s ting e q u i p m e nt com p l y ing with the A SM E B30 fixed or mobile and be d riven manually, by power, or St andards s hall not be used to lift or lower pe rsonnel by a combination of both A s used in this v olume, the unless it is not p ossible to accomplish the task by a ess l term covers l a i types of lifting machines addressed by hazardous means The li ftin g or lowering of personnel the ASME B.30 Standard vol u mes and used to lift, lower, using A SME B30-compliant hoisting equipment is p ro or h anspor t personnel hibi ted unless ali applicable requírements of this v ol u me have be en me t intennediate uiii: the middle member of a barrier alon g the edges of a p latform, located approximately one-half (05) SEUION 23·0.3: DEFINITIONS the distance between the platform floor and top ra il a11ti-lt110-b!ock deuice a device that, when a c t iva t ed , discn Itüch, hook: a device used to bridge or clase the throat gag es al i hoi s tin g equipment functions whose move opening of a hook for the p urpose of preventing attach ments from being d islodged ment can cause two-blocking ounctnnent ¡10111t(s): the placeís) on a boom ora personnel lifli11g, pe1so1111cl r ai s i n g , lowering, or tr a nspo rt ing per pla tfo r m that is used t o connect cithei the platfor rn to sonnel using hoisting equipment c ove re d b y th e the boom or to a sus pcn sio n systcm ASME B,O S tandard ASME 830 23-2005 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS lioe boo111. a boom whose lowering is controlled by a shculd. thís word indicares that the r e quir ement is a b r a k e w i t h o u t the aid of other lowering r e t a r d i n g recommendation T he advisability of the recommenda devices (free-fall capable) tion depends on the facts in each s i t u a t i on lnie load line a load line whose lowering is controlled sialníizer: an extendable or fí xed member atta ched o the t by a brake without the aid of other lowering retarding moun ti ng base that, when p r operl y deployed, increases devices (free-fall capable) the stability of the hoist e q u i pm e nt Stabiliz ers may or load, uued capacity or rating established by the manufac may not have the capability of r elieving a l i of the weight turer or a qualified person far a s t i p u l a t e d hoisting from the hoist equipment wheels or tracks equipment configuration suspension s1¡sle111: the rape or chain slings and other load, workmg the externa! load applied to the hoisting components, includin g fastening devices, uscd to con equipment, including the personnel lifting platform, its nect the hoisting equip m ent to the personnel platform contents, and the load-attaching equipment, such as tclescop111g boom a boom in which one or more boom lower load block, shackles, and slings sections are telescoped for additional length load 1nti11gs: a set of rated loads for stipulated hoisting equipment configurations and operating conditions loe boaní a vertical bar r ier at floor leve! along thc edges of a platform to protect against material from falling 11011desf 1 uciioc test (NO T )- visual inspection coupled with over the edge any one of the following techniques: radiographic, n1ag netic particle, liquid die penetrant, or ultrasonic top uui the top member of a ba1 r i e r a long the edges of occupant, plntfonu: a person who is within the guardrail a platform to protect against persons from falling off barrier while the personnel platform is in a hoisted the platform position !11ruel. the function of the hoisting equipn1ent moving 01111 igge, s: extendable or fixed members attached to the under its own pov.'er from one location to another mounting base, which rest on supports at the outer ends, tzuo-blocki11g: the condition in which the lower load block used to support the hoisting equipment or hook assemb!y comes in contact with the upper load plntfon11, pe1son11el-boo111 attnched: pla tf or m attached to block or boom point shcave c1ssembly the boom of the hoist equipment platfor111, pet sonnel - suspended platforrn a tt a c he d to hoisting equipment using wire rape, chain, or jointed SECTION 23-0.4: REFERENCES attachment and that has no installed motion controls T he follovving is a Jis t of publica t ions referenced in for the platfor m itself this volume: platfonn, uuing: the máximum capacity of a personnel lifting platform, established by the platform manufac AISC Specification far Structural joints Using turer, in terms of we i gh t and numbe r of occup a n t s ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts allowable Publisher: An1erican Institute ofSteel Construction, I n c , pou1e1 controlled lotuet ing: a system or dev ice in the power 1 East Wacker Orive, Chicago, Il 60601-2001 train, other than the load hoist brake, that can regulate ASME 8309-1990 , Slings the lowering rate of speed of the load hoist mechanisrn ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, qunlifíed person: a person who, by possession of a recog Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure nized degree in an applicable field or certifica te of pro Vessels, 1992 fessional stand ing or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the abil Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical ity to salve or resolve problems relating to the subject Engineers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York, mattcr and work NY 10016-5990; Order Ocpartment: 22 law Ori v e, P.O Box 2300, Fair field, NJ 07007-2300 rape: refers to wire rape unless otherwise specified 1111H.un1r an assembly of r ails , bearns, girders, brackets, AWS 01 1 - 1 9 9 2 , S t r u c t u r a l W c l d i n g C o d e - Steel concrete, and framework that provides a stable travel (Section 5, Parts C and O) surface, within 1 (X) of leve!, at any posi ti on of travel Publisher: T h e A m e r i c a n Welding Society (AWS), and that is capable of safely suppor ti n g the hoisting 550 NW Le Jeune Road, Miami , Fl 3.3126 e q u i pme n t in he t ope ra tional con figu r at ion and with the o p e r a tion a l loads Federal Specification RR-C-271 O snall: thi s word indicares that the requtrernent s i manda Publisher: U S Government Printing O f f ice, t ory and mus t be followed Washington, O C 20-!02 2 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS ASME 830 23-2005 Chapter 2 3 - 1 Construction and Characteristlcs SECTION 2 3 - 1 . 1 : DESIGN of /1 and [: shall not be less than 1 10 and 1 25, respec tively The value of [: shall be verified as adequate by 23-1.1.1 Personnel Lifting Platform the manufacturer of the hoisting equipment on whích the platform is intended to be used (a) Des1g11 fnL/01 (b) Feat ures Platforms and suspension systems shall (1) Suspended Plntfm 11,s be designed to minimize hazards to the occupants The (a) The suspended platform shall have a rruru following items shall be the minimum design require mum design factor of five, based on the stated platform ments far a platform: rating Each !oad-supporting component shall have a (1) A mínimum platform rating of 300 lb (136 kg) mínimum design factor of five based on the maximum (2) Guardrail protection consisting of a top raíl, intended resultant stress in that component intermediate rail, toe board, and lower bar rier The top (05) (b) The suspended platform suspension system rail shall be not less than 39 in (990 mm) nor more than shall have íl rn i n i m u m design factor based on the rnaxi 45 in (1140 mm) in height with respect to the platform mum intended resultant stress in the suspension system íloor The toe board shall be around the entire periphery during use and guided by the following: of the platform and a mínimum of 3 5 in (90 mm) in (1) one-lcg systcm - design factor of seven height from the top of the platform floor The lower (2) two or more leg systern - design factor of barrier shall span the distancc between the toe board five for each leg with only two legs under stress and intermediate rail and be of solid construction or 12! 800111 Aüacued Platfnr111s expanded metal having no opening that ,,..1ould allov,, a (n) The load-supporting structural components O 5 in (13 mm) sphere to pass through Each top rail, of the platform shall havo a minimun1 design factor intern1ediale rail, and lo,ver barrier shall be capable of of two based on the mínimum yield strcngth of the withstanding a concentrated load of .300 lb (1.35 kg) material applied at any point in an outvvard or dü\.Vnvvard direc (b) The load-supporting structural componenls tion without reaching lhe yie!d point of the material A of the platform that are made of nonductile material, salid barrier from the top rail to the íloor ís permissible, which w i l l not deform plastically befare breaking, shall provided the top rail height and ba1rier structural com have a mínimum design factor of five based on the petence n1eet the requirements of this paragraph m í n i m u m ultimale strength of the rnaterials used (3) Anchorage points within the platfor m o r on the (e) The stress used in determining the design fac boom tip These points shall be suitable for attaching tor shall be the maximum stresses dcveloped within the personnel fall protection device lanyards and capable component, based on the platform ratíng and operated of v-.•ithstanding, without failure, the impact load created in accordance with the rnanufa c turer 's instructions This by falling loads The falling loads shall be calculated stress shall include the effccts of stress concentration using 300 lb (135 kg) as a single occupant weight, then and dynamic load ingas shown in the following formula: mult i pli e d by the numb e r of occupants l h at are 1 e qui re d to atta ch to the a nchor age point \Vhen the p la tform is . . a DESIGN l·AClOR = ( ) f f at m a x i mum occupancy In1pacl loads shall be c al cul a t ed rr¡ + CTz t a using this load and allov.1ed to freely fall fron, the top rail of the platform while attached to the point v.•ith a wherc Ianyard having a length t h at p e rm it s movement \vithin /1 = stress concenlr a t i o n factor the platform's peri meter but not exceeding 6 ft (1 83 m) [: = dynamic loading factor (4) I-Iand r a i li ngs \·vithin the suspended platforn1 ( T yield stiength fo1 m a l e r i a l s desc r i bed in (a ) I-land ra i lin g s sh a ll be provided a round the entire pl a t above or u l t i rn a t c strength for rne ter ia ls descr ibcd in (b) above forn, v.1ith the exception of a ny access g a te s or doo1 s ,r, 1-land r a iling s sh a ll have a clearance of not less than = stress due to the weight of the platforrn stress due to the m á x i m u m platfor m rating 1 5 in (39 mm) bet\veen th e railing and any oth er (T'2 = s tr uc t ur e The values of Ji and [: may be dcterrnined by experi (5) F loor i ng v.1ith a s l i p - resi s l a nt surfacc and pro v i mental stress analysis on a prototype unit The valúes sions to f a cil itate the free drninage of li q ui d s and thal 3 ASME 830,23-2005 PERSONNEL LIFTtNG SYSTEMS will withstand the forces developed under proof test (_() Suspension system legs shall be sized based loadings Flooring shall have no opening that will allow on the require m ents of para 23-1 1 l(a)(l)(b) a sphere of O 5 in (13 mm) to pass through (g) Suspension systems should be designed to (6) Means to secure loase iterns within the platforrn divide the load evenly among the suspension legs (05) (7) An identification plate shall be located on the (/1) Rope sling and chain sling suspension sys platform The location shall protect against damage and tems shall have each lcg of the systern permanently allow easy viewing from both the interior (while hoisted) mar ked with the rated load of the leg The master link and exterior (while not hoisted) of the platform As a in thc system shall be permanentl y rnarked with the rninimum, the following information shall be displayed: suspensión systern's rated load and identification as a (a) rnanufacturer name and address personnel lifting platfor m suspension cornponent (1) Shackles, if used in the suspension system, (05) (b) platform rating in ter ms of weight and per shall be of a bolt type with cotter pin sonnel (11) Overhead p r o t e c t i o n , when provided for a (e) platfor m identiflcation number platform, shall allow for a clear view of the hoist cquip (d) suspension systern description for suspended 1 ment components direc.tl y overhead, from any position platforms or thc intended hoisting equipment manufac in the platform An y openings designed in the overhead turer i dent ifi cat i on for boom-attached p l at for m s protection shall not allow a sphere of gr ea ter than O 5 in (e) weight of the empty platform and its suspen (13 mm) to pass through sion system (12) Include appropriate accessories to facilitate the (j) date of the platform manuf acture use of the platform in the special environments specificd (g) certification of cornpliance to the design, con by the manufacturer struction, and testing requirernents of this volume (13) Welds used in the constrnction of the platform (11) li s ti ng of any un iq ue o p e r a t i o n a l enviren shall be in accordance vvith American Welding Society ments far which the platforrn has been designed or ASME guidelines (8) Access gales, inclu di ng s li d i n g or foldin g types. (14) Bolted connections of load sustaining men1- If installed, shall be equipped with a p ositi v e act i n g: bcrs or con1ponents of the platfonn shall be in accor dev i ce to r estr ain the gate from a c c i d e n t a l o p e n i n g dance \Vith thc AISC Specification for Structural Joints Swinging type access gates shal! not swing outward Using A ST M A 325 or A �90 Bolts while the platform is suspended (15) The incorporation of a \Veatherproof con1part (9) The suspension system shall m ini m i z e tipp i ng n1ent suitable for storage of the Operator Manual and d u e t o mo v emen t of p e r sonnel on th e p ! a t f o r r n a nd assorted other docu m ents, or a \veatherproof placard should not allow rnotion of more than ten degrees off displa y ing the Open1tor Manual, and readable from the the horizontal plane platform, \Vhen motion controls that are operational from the platform are installed (10) Forsuspended platforms, a suspension system (16) Motion rnntrols, if installed on the platform, that minimizes the potential for the system's remov al shall and use far other purposes The suspension system shall (a) be clearly identified as to their function be sized by the platform manufacturer, and íts installed (b) be protected from inadvertent actuation sling angle established, so as not to ca use dama ge to (L) be inside the platfonn and readily accessible the platform Suspension systems shall comply with the to the ope,ator following: (d) \vhen possible be oriented and move in the (a) Rope sling suspension systems with mechani approximate direction of the function that they control cally spliced flemish eyes, if used, shall be designed (e) return to their neutral pos i tion and stop all with thimbles in ali eyes Wire rope clips, wedge sockets, n1otion \vhen released or knots shall not be used <17) 800111 motion controls, if provided, shall addi (b) Rope sling suspension systems with pared tional!) socket end connections, if used, shall be designed in (a) includc a control that must be continuously accordance with the manufact u rer's or qualified per acthated far controls to be operationa! son's application instructions (l,J inc!ude an Emergency Stop Control that does (e) Chain sling suspension systems, if used, shall not require continuous actuation for a stop condition be designed using a minimum of grade 80 chain (e) h a \ e motion c o n t 1 o l s 1 accessible at ground (05) (d) Ali sling suspension systems shall utilize a le, el, that can ovcrride platform con t rols master link for attachment to the hoisting equiprnent 23·1.l.2 Hoisting Equipment hook or bolt type shackle with cotter pin (e) S ynthctic webbing o r nat u r a l or s y n t h e t i c (a) Onl) the hoist i n g e qu ipm e n t manufacturer may fíber 1ope slings s h a l l not be used for suspcnsion app r o\ e the d es i g n , and ins ta l !ati on procedures, for plat systems fo1 n1 n 1ou n ting atta c h1ne nt p oints on lattice type boom .¡ ASME 830 23-2005 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS equipmentand lattíce type boom extensions The design, (b) provide a weatherproof cornpartrnent, in the and installation pr ocedur cs, for platfor rn m o u n t i n g platforrn, that is capable of storing the Operator Manual attachment points on other type h o i s t i n g equipment or have the Operator M anual displayed on a weather shall be approved by the hoisting equipment manufac proof placard, rcadable frorn the platform turer or a qualiíied person Ali approvals shall be in 23-1.2.2 Hoisting Equipment writing (OS) (b) Platfonn-mounting altachments on the hoisting I-Ioisting cquipment used to lift personnel platform s equiprnent and 011 the plntform should allow the plat s hall have been conslructcd in a c c o r d a n c e v...-i th the forrn f1oor to remain within 10 deg of the horizontal applicable ASME 830 volume Ali hoisling cqui p ment plane, regardless of boom angle shall be verified ns having the Iollowing fcatures prior (e) Platforrn mounting attachments on the hoisting to being used for personnel li f tin g: equipmcnt shall be designod to pro t ec t agai nst clisen (n) Hoist e q uipm cn t fcatures a nd / or controls that per- (05) gagement du r i ng li f t in g op e r a t io n mil live boom or livc load J ine o p er ati on s h a ll be rnadc inoperable so that neither a l i ve boom nor a live loa d li ne operation can take place du r i ng personnel lifting SECTION 23·1.2: CONSTRUCTION (b) Ropo or chain ho i s tin g systerns, which are used far personnel lifting, shall have an anti-two-block device 23-1.2.1 Personnel Lifting Platform installed (a) Standmds P l a tforms shall be constr u ct ed us i ng (e) I-Ioisting equipmenl with a vari a ble angle boom designs meeting the requirements of Section 23- 1 1 s h a ll havo a boom a ngl e indicator readily visible to the (b) Q11nlit1¡ Ass11rn11ce operator (1) E d ge s exposed to contact by pl a t f orm occupants (d) H oi st in g e q uipme n t w ith tel c scopi ng booms shall or p l a t f o r m handlers shall be srnoothed to p r otect have a boom length indicator, readable from the opera agai nst in j u r y tors station, unless the load r a t i ng is ind e pendent of (2) Welding of the pl a t f orm s h a ll be in a ccord a nce the boom Jength with A me r i c a n Welding Society or A SME procedures (e) Hooks used far a tt a chme n t of a personncl lifti n g and p e r f orm e d by a certified welder platform sh a ll be of a type th a t can be posit ive ly locked ( 3) Q u a li ty verifica tion testing shall, as a minirnum, closed and will prevcnt thc platform li f ti ng bridle from consist of the requircrnents outli n e d in para 23-2 2 l(a) bcing dislo dged (e) Ccr!ificnlio11s and M11111111/� (f) 1-l.oisling eq u ip n 1e n t sh a l l have a utom at ic br ake s (1) The manufacturer shall cer tify that the pl a tform such that when the eq uip m e nt operating controls are manufactured, and the suspension system incorporated, released, the motions a re brou g ht to test meet the design, const ru c t ion , and testing requirements (g) A holding devicc, such as a load hold check val ve, set forth in this volume This certi ficat ion shall be indi shall be provided in hydraulic or pneumatic systems to cated 011 the plate attached to the platform prevent uncontrolled n1ovement of thc hoisting eq u i p (2) The manufacturer shall provide written c e rtifi ment in the event of íl system f ailure (e g , sup p l y hose) c a t í on of the platform ratin g to the purchaser u p on (h) A means to prevent the r e t r a ct i on of any hydrauM request l i c a ll y or pn e umat i c a ll y activated outr i g g ers ot stabiliz (3) The manufacturer of a platform, which has plat ers in the event a hyd rauli c or pneun 1a t i c line fails, vvhen form motion controls in the platform. shall such devices are a component of the hoist i ng e qui pment (a) p r ovid e an Operator Manual with lhe (i) P cnda nt s u p p o r t c d , jib type, boom c x t e n sio n s w ithout positive stops shall not be used to lift personnel platform 5 ASME 830,23-2005 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS Chapter 23-2 lnspectlon, Testing, and Maintenance SECTION 23-2.1: INSPECTION 23-2.1.2 Hoisting Equipment (05) Hoisting equipment shall be inspected in accordance Ali equipment used in the lifting of personnel shall with the defined "Inspection Classification" r e q u l r e be inspected, tested, and maintained to protect against failure duting lifting operations ments of the applicable ASME 830 volurne 23.,2.1.1 Personnel Lifting Platform SECTION 23-2.2: TESTING (a) Geneial The platform manufacturer shall furnish 23-2.2.1 Personnel Lifting Platform complete inspection criteria for platform users The cri teria shall address ali inspection frequency classifica (a) Plntfonn Mm111faclt11L'1 Tests tions listed in this volume and shall cover (1) Personnel platfarms shall be tested by the man (1) the plalform ufacturer to the extent necessary to verify compliance (2) rigging components with the requirernents of this volume, including items such as the following: (3) fasteners (a) load suspension mechanisms or attachment (4) ali safety features and attachments components (b) Freq11e11c1¡ (b) occupant safety features (1) lnitiat inspection Prior to initial use and at each (e) platfarm rating new job site, ali platforms shall be inspected by a quali Where the complete production platform is not sup fied person to verify compliance with the provisions of plied by one manufacturer, such tests shall be conducted this volurne at final assembly by the platform assernbler or a quali (2) Regular inspccíion fied person (a) Frcqucnt The platform, suspension system, (2) Rape sling, chain sling, or other leg suspension (05) attachment points, and any platform motion controls systems shall be tested, prior to installation, by applying shall be inspected at least once each day, befare use, a test load to each individual leg equal to twice the rated by a designated person The inspection is to identify load of the leg If a master link is used in the suspension conditions that have been specifically indicated by the system, it shall be tested to at least twice the sum of the platforrn manufacturer, o r a qualified person, as poten weight of the platform and the platform rating Ali tested tially creating a hazar dous operating condition The components shall be visually inspected after testing inspection shall address at least those items listed in Any component showing damage shall be replaced and Appendix III Any conditions found that constitute a the test procedure repeated hazard shall be corrected prior to lifting personnel (3) The suspension system attaching points on sus (b) Periodic At least once every 12 months, or pended platforms shall be subjected to nondestructive as required by the platform manufacturer, a periodic testing by the platform manufacturer inspection of the platform shall be performed by a quali tb) Proof Tesiing fied person in accordance with the instructions provided (]) At each new [ob site, prior to hoisting people by the manufacturer Platforms which have been out of in the personnel platfarm, the platform and tigging shall service for 12 or more consecutive months shall receive be proof tested to 125% of the platforrn's rating With a periodic inspection pr ior to use the proof test load evenly distributed in the platform, (c) Records the platform shall be hoisted and held in a suspended (1) For frequent inspections, dated récords far position for not less than 5 min After the proof testing, the hoisting equipment and personnel platfarm shall be the platform shall be inspected by a qualified person made and kept by thc platfarm use, far the duration of Any damage revealed by the inspection shall be cor the personnel lift operation rected and another proof test conducted (2) Far periodic inspections, dated records far (2) When feasíble, the hoisting equipment to be the platfarm shall be made by the platfarm owner The used for lifting personnel should be the equipment used last pcriodic inspection shall be kept with the platform to perforrn the proof tests at the job site as defincd in and available for review para 23-22 l(b) 6 PERSONNEL LIFrlNG SYSTEMS ASME 830.23·2005 (3) After any structural repair or modiflcation, a 23-23.1 Personnel Lifting Platform platform shall be proof tested to 150% of the platform's (a) Prcoetuaín»: Mn111Jc11a11u' rating Boom attached platforrns shall use the test proce (1) A preventative maintenance program based on dure described in para 23-2 2 l ( b ) ( l ) Suspended plat the platform manufacture¡ 's recommendations should forms shall be tested by raising the loaded platform to be established a height, then lowering it at a speed of not less than (2) Replacement parts used shall be cqual to or 100 ft/min (30 5 m/min) Once a lowering speed of exceed the original equipmcnt specifications 100 ff/min (30 fi m y minj or mote is reached, the platform (b) Adj11sf1111!11ls a11d Rcpairs descent shall be halted by applying the hoisting equip· (1) Any hazardous c o n d i t i o n d i s c l o s e d by any ment brakes and then the platforrn allowcd to hang for inspection shall be corrected befare use of the platforrn a period of not less than 5 min After this test and is resumed Adjuslments and repairs shall be accorn hanging period, the platform shall be inspected by a plished by designated personnel qualified person Any damage revealed by the inspec (2) Adjustments shall provide for correct function tion shall be corrected and another proof test conducted ing of cornponcnts (05) (e) Records The record of the most recent proof testing (3) Replacement parts used or repairs made shall be shall be rnaintained at the job site equal to or exceed the original equipment specification (4) Ali welding repairs shall be done by a certified 23·2.2.2 Hoisting Equipment welder (5) Any adjustrnent or repair to the platform sus (05) (ni I-loisting equipmenl shall be tested in accordance pension system shall be done by a gualífied person with the defined "Operational Tests" and "Load Test" (6) Rape slings or chaín slings showíng indications requirements of the applicable ASME 830 volume described in ASME 830 9 shall be taken out of service (b) The hoisting equipment used for lifting personnel (e) Modificntious Only m o d i f i c a t i o n s approved in shall be tested during the trial lift, as d e f i n e d in writing by the manufacturer o r a qualified person shall paras 23-3 2 2(a)(9) and (a)(10) be accomplished (d) Records The platforrn owner shall maintain rec ords on any repairs to, or replacernents of, the structural SECTION 23-2.3 MAINTENANCE components of the platform Mainlenance instruclions in this volume are intended 23-2.3.2 Hoisting Equipment as the minimum guidance for general applications The Hoisting equipment shall be maintained in accordance personncl platform and hoisting eguipment manufac with the requirements of the applicable ASME B.,O vol turer 's information shall be consulted for specific or ume and be capa ble of operating in accordance with the more stringent maintenance instructions manufacturer's manuals 7 ASME 830.23-2005 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS Chapter 23-3 Operation SECTION 23-3.1: PERSONNEL (g) Job site m a n a geme n t shall designate the appro pri a te num be r of signalpersons, ground crew, and plat 23-3.1.1 Management fcrrn occupants to perform the pe rsonn e l li ft safely ln suspended and boorn-attached platforrns without boom (a) Management shall require that the provisions of motion controis, one occupant shall be designated as this volume are understood and applied at the opera the platform signalpcrson This person shall be responsi tional levels and that the appropriate portions of this ble for com m u n icat i ng with the operator an d / or other volume are included in the pre-lift briefing information designated si g n a lpe r sons (b) Management shall designa te qualified individua Is (/¡) Job site management sh a ll require that the ho i s t in g at each job site to perfarrn the duties of the "Personnel equipment used to lift personnel shall be in compliance Lift Authorizer" As a mínimum, these individua Is shall with the requirements prescribed in this volume and the be responsible far applicable hoisting equipment ASME 830 v olume (1) verifying the need far a personnel lift (2) verifying the equiprnent to be uscd far the per 23-3.1.2 Hoisting Equipment Operator sonnel lift meets the requirements of Chapter 23-1 (3) authorizing the personnel lift operation (a) Qrwlif1Cn/ro11s (4) requiring the personnel lift be accomplished in (1) The operator shall be qualified to opera te the accordance with the provisions of this volurne specific type of hois ti ng equipmcnt used in the person (cJ Job site management shall require that the preví nel lift sions of this volume are implemented during personnel (2) The o p er a t or shall compl y with any appli ca bl e lifting operations management-developed qua l ifi c a tion c r iteri a As a m i n ir nu m , the oper ator q u a l i f i c a t i o n requ ire ments sh a ll (d) Job site management shall designa te a "Personnel Lift Supervisor" for each personnel lift operation As a include but not be limited to minimum, the individual shall be responsible for (a) successfully meeting the physical qualífica tion criteria as established in the app!icable hoisting (1) holding the pre-lift meeting eq u i p ment ASME 830 volume Additionally, the ope ra (2) ver ifying ali required inspections have been tor shall have been tested for substance abuse Testing accomplished sh a ll be in accordance w it h a pplic a ble government regu (3) verifying qualified persons are assigned to per lations and the policies of the employer form the functions of the operator, signalpersons, and (b) successfully meeting the training and qualifi ground crew cation criteria establishe d in the applicable hoistin g (4) supervising the personnel lift operatlon equipment ASME 830 volume (5) accomplishing other tasks that may be needed (b) Rcsponsibiliííes The operator shall be responsible to enhance the safety of the personnel lift far complying with the requirements of this volurne w ith (eJ Job site management shall require that al! pe,son regard to nel associated with the lift receive the briefings and (1) hoisting equipment capability safety indoctrinations specified in this volume (2) rated load constraints (f) Job site management shall not allow or require any (3) operational Iimitations operator to lift personnel under the followíng circum (4) confirming that al! hoisting equipment inspec stances: tions have been completed and are satisfactory, prior to (1) The operator does not feel physically or men star ting the lift tally fit to perfarm the operation (5) operating the hoisting equipment in compliance (2) The operator has been working far more than with the procedures specified in this volume 10 hr prior to the start of the lift, 01 the lift will not be completed befare the operator has been working fo, (6) those operations under the operator's direct 12 hr control (3) The operator did not have at least 8 hroff, imrne (cJ Conduct diately prior to the w o rk shift containing the personnel (1) When physicall y or mentally unfit, the operator lift operation shall not engage in a personnel lift Ihe operator has 8 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS ASME 83023·2005 the right to refuse any personnel lift under the following (6) keeping people from passing under the raised circumstanccs: personnel platform (a) The operator does nol feel physically or rnen (7) not using a sus p ens i on systen1 for lí fting per tally fil lo perform the operation sonnel that has been used for liftíng loads other than (b) Thc operator has been working for more than the personnel pl at form 10 hr prior to the starl of the lifl, or the lift will not be (8) m ai nt ai n i n g co n tin u ous a nd pos itiv e con 1 mun i complcted before the opcratoi has bccn wor king for cation between the p e rsonn c l platforn1 occup a n t s and 12 hr the operator, if sign a lp e rsons are part of lhe ground crew (e) The operator did not havo at least 8 hr off (e) Colldl!cl The ground crew sh a ll not engage in any irnmcdiately prior lo the \VOi k shift containing the per p ra c ti c e or have any othcr d u ti es vvhich vvill reduce the sonnel lift operation safety of the personnel lift o p er a lion (2) While actually engaged in operating the 23-3.1.4 Personnel Platform Occupants hoisting equipment, the operator shall not engage in any practice that wil! divert his att en t ion (a) Qunl,ffrntiol!s (3) The opernlor shall only respond to signals from (1) Occupants shall have been inslructed in the rcc- the Personnel L ift S up e r v iso r o r a designated sign a l p er ognized hazards of personnel platform lifts, such as son The operator s h a ll obey a stop signa! ar any time, (n) i mpact i ng s t ructu re s outside the platform no matter who gives it (b) unexpected p l a tform motion (4) Wh enever the operator has any doubt as to the (e) any special h azai ds associated ivith the lift safety of the lift, the o p er a lor shall consult with the (2) Occupants shall have been instructed in the per Personnel L ifl Super visoi bcforc cornmencing or confin sonnel lif ti ng procedures and safety precautions uing the lift ( 3) Occupants sh a l l have attended a pre-lift bri efi ng (5) The ho i s t ing equiprnent operator shall as required by this volun1e (n) when involvcd with a suspended platforrn. (iJ) Occupants of a platform vvíth controls sh a ll be boom-mounted platforrn without controls, or a boom q ualified to operate the controls mounted platforrn with controls but without a means (b) Respo11sil,i!ities The l p a tform occupants shall be of lowering, re t r a c t in g , a nd r ot a ting in the event the responsible for prtmary po\ver sourcc becomes inopcrntivc, remain nt (1) m a i n t a inin g a stable and even lo a ding on the the hoist i ng equipmcnt controls whenever personnel are platform in the platform (2) keepin g ali parts of their body inside the plat (b) when involv e d with a boom-mounted plat form d u r i ng r ai s i n g, lo\.vering, and p osi t ion i n g, except for rn with boom motion co nt rols and a rneans of low when performing du ti es as a designated signalperson ering. retracting, a n d r ot a ting in the evenl the pr i m a ry (3) not i nterferin g wi t h the platform operator or po\ver source becomcs inoperative, be free not to rema in the designatcd signa l pe r s on in the l p a tform except to at the hoi s ting equ ipment controls give an emergency stop signa! 23-3.1.3 Ground Crew (4) keeping their personnel fall p rotection device lanyard fastened to the pr o v ided a ncho rage points at (05) (n) Q1111lific11f1011s I n d i v i d u a l s a ss i gned as g r o u n d ali times, \Nhile occupying the p l at fo r m , unless special crew shall be p h y s i c a ll y and mentally capable of per circumstance vvork requiren1ents d i c ta t e othervvise forming thc inspcctions and operat ions associated with (5) being f a mili a r with the hand s i gn a ls posled in the lift They sh a ll be lr ai n e d in the specífic requirernents the platform A li occup a nts sh a ll know the emergency of their tasks associated with the lift stop signa! (b) Respo11silnlil1cs The ground crew sh a ll be responsi (e) Co11d11ct Occupants shall conduct themselves in a ble for manner to help n 1aí n ta in the p l a tfo r m s ta b i l i t y and the (1) visu a lly i ns pe c ti n g the personnel lifting plat safety of the personnel lift oper a tion form, and its associated r lg g i ng , for hazardous condi tions, prior to a nd dur i n g any o pe r a t i on (2) a s si s t ing in the e n tra nc e and exit of personnel SECTION 23-3.2: PRACTICES lift occupants at ground leve! 23·3.2.l Management (3) verifying the per sonnel p l at form is securely attached to the hois t ing equip m e n t Job sitc managcn1ent sh a ll have a Personnel L ift i ng (4) verifying lh e load li n e is nol d i r e c t ly attached Mana g e m c n t and A ppro va l P 1 ogr a m that re q uir e s the to, or wrepped around, the personnel platforrn cr i teria of this volume to be n1ct, prio1 to lifting person (5) veri f yin g boorn-attached personne l p lat forms nel The program shall, as a n1inimum, require are only attnchcd using the pins and fittings specified by (n) the Personnel Lif t Super\·iso1 to prepare a person the hoisl equipn1c nt n 1anu f a c tu1e r 01 él qua lified person nel lift plan containing at least the information sho,vn 9 ASME 830,23-2005 PERSONNEL LIFTING SYSTEMS in Appendix II Ibis plan shall be presented to the (1) When wel d in g is to be accomplished from the Personnel Lift Authorizer for review / approval The plan p e rsonnel platform, suitable electrode holders shall be shall be retained as part of the job site records provided to protect thern from contact v...ith any conduct (b) the Personnel Lift Authorizer to verify that there ing components of the pla tform are no less hazardous alternatives to performing the (2) Job site rnanagernent shall instruct operators of work 01 providing access to the area The personnel lift h o i sting equipment, i ns t all ed on floating vessels, not to shall not be authorized when less hazardous means are lift personne! when the l ist or tri m of the vessel exceeds feasible 5 deg lf mobile hoisting equi p ment is placed on floating (e) the Personnel Lift Authorizer to verify that condi vessels, opera t ors shall not lift personnel when the lis t tions provide clear visibility When condítions such as cr trim of the vessel exceeds 1 deg darkness, fog, or snow prevent clear visibility, the Per� (.3) When personncl li fts are conducted over water, sonnel Lift A u t h o r izer shall not authorize personnel personnel flotation devices shall be provided a nd lifting required to be worn Personnel fall protection devíces (d) the Personnel Lift Authotízer to only authorize wi th qu ick rele a se features shall be provided and personnel lifting over, under, or in the vicinity of power required to be worn The fall protection device shall be lines, in accordance wi th the r e q u i r e rn e n t s of ap propr i ately attached while personnel are lifted over land and detached while personnel are lifted over water Appendix I (4) A boat with appropriate rescue personnel shall (e) personnel platfcrms not to be used in winds in be available at ali times during a personnel lift over excess of 20 mph (32 2 km/hr) at the hoisted platform height, elec trie stor ms, snow, ice, sleet, or other adver se wa ter (5) Appropriate personnel p r otective e g uipm e nt weather conditions which could affect the safety of per sh a ll be provided and required to be used around toxic, sonnel flamrnable, or hazardous substances or fumes (j) the Personnel Lift Supervisor to verify that each of the requirements in this Section have becn mct (6) Any concentrated l o a din g of the platform shall be rev iewed to prec!ude the O\ e rstr ess i n g of a ny compo (g) the Personnel Lift Supervisor to hold a pre-lift nent or imp a iri n g the platforrn stability briefing attended by the hoisting equipment operator, (7) Where the rotation of the platform, while (05) platfcrm occupants, and ground crew If i n d i v iduals are h oist e d , can c rea te a hazar d, ap p r o p r iat e restraining changed during a series of personncl lifts, each new methods shall be provided and required to be used person shall be appropriately briefed by the Personnel Lift Supervisor Contents of the b r iefin g shall, as a mini 23-3.2.2 Hoisting Equipment Operator mum, cover (1) the operations section of this volume (n) The ho i st e qu ipmen t and platform man u f a ctu r er ' s (2) assignment and responsibiliti e s of each person info r m ati on shall be consulted for specific ins tr u c tion involved in the lift operation on the equiprnent operation The hoisting equipment ( 3) the procedures to be followed and platform operat i on inst r uc t ions in this volume are (4) guidance on general and specific safety precau- intended as mi n i m u m criteria for general a pp li ca ti ons tions Th e operator sh a ll (5) special signals for the operation (1) inspect the ho i st e q uipm e nt setup area befare (6) unique considerations of the lift the personnel lif t and report his observations to the Personnel L i ft Super v isor The ope rat o r sha l! inspect the (7) wo rk to be accomplished durin g lift area for pot e nt ic1 l hazards, such élS bu t not lin1it e d to (8) if applicable, the re s ponsibilities and assign (a) excessive load and/or radius ments contained in Appendix I when li ft i ng personnel (b) o v e r he a d o b st r u c t i o n s an d electrical t r ans near electrical power lines miss i on !i nes (/¡) the Personnel Lift Supervisor to term i na te person (e) hazardous locations nel li fting operetions if hazardous con diti ons de v elop dur ing the lift (d) inadequate surf a ce and support to vvithstand a li forces imposed (i) personnel platforms to be only uscd for personnel, (e) wind, \Veather, and u n sta b le cond it ion s their tools, and sufficient mate ri al to do their wor k 1hey shall not be used for solely t r a nsporti n g bulk materials (j) any potent ial ly hazardous cond i tions (j) a qualified person to evaluare the safety concerns (2) i ns pec t the hoist equ i pmen t i m med i ate ! y prior of the operational env ironment a nd verify the pl at for m to starting a personnel lift o p er a tion T he cr it eri a for and hoisting equipment are suitable for use Addition a F requ e n t Insp e ction as specified in the appropri ate ally, special work circumstances may r e qu ir e fu r ther pre hoistin g equipment AS Mt:: 830 volume shall be used cautions Precautions such as, bu t not lirnited to, the (3) operate hoisting equipment \Vith outriggers following shall be taken: \Vith the outriggers or s t ab i l iz ers extended, blocked, and 10 PERSONNEL LIFrlNG SYSTEMS ASME 830 23-2005 locked in accordance with the manufacturers' specifica inoperative, be free to not ren1ain at the hoisting eguíp tions n1ent controls (4) verify that the hoisling equipment is set up and (19) set ali brakes and locks on the hoisting equip maintained within !'Vi) of leve! during a personnel lift menl after positioning of the pe1sonnel platform and (5) for hoisting cquipmcnt with a boom-attached before personnel perform any wor k platform. verify that the platform is attached as specified (20) move the platform under controlled conditions by the platforrn manufncturer and hoisting equipmcnt and under the direction of a designated signalperson manufacturer or qualified person (21) not movc pl;¡tfonns over, under, or in the vicin (6) for hoisling cquipment that uses rope to hoist ity of po1¡1,1er lines unless the requiren1ents of Appendix I a personnel platform, ver ify that the equipment has an are n1et anti-two-block d e v i c e or upper tr avel l i m i t switch, (22) not lift any other loads, on any other load J ines, installed and operational \vhile conducting a personnel lift When the hoisting (7) not allow the lolal weight of the lifted load, equipment has a boom-attached platforn1 ,vithout con including rigging, platfor rn, pcrsonnel, tools, and mate trols, it shall not be used for other lifting service 1 rial, to exceed 50 }:i of the hoisting equipment's rated (23) not disable, or allow to be disabled, any hoist load, under the planned conditions of operation (except eguipment s;¡fety device during a personnel lift during tcsting as outlined in Chapter 23-2) (24) not operate a platform \víth 1notion controls (8) not allow the platforrn's rating or the hoisting without the platform operation manual ílvailable in the equipment's reduced rated load to be exceeded when platform loads are transferred to the hoisted platform (25) hoist the platform at a speed suitable for the (05) (9) perform a tria! lift prior to lifting personnel with safety of the o p e r a t i o n b u t in no case in excess of the platforrn on each shift and after any change of setup 90 ft/min (30 m / m i n ) or 1 5 ft/sec (O 5 m/sec) Iocation, hoist equipment configuration, or operator (b) The operator shou l d avoid the símultaneous oper These lifls shall be used to ascer tain that hoistequipment íltion of more than one of the hoisting equipment motion setup and configuration is correct, load capacities are controls, unless such practice increases the safcty of the adequate, and no hazardous interferences exist and to lift operation further dcmonstrate the operators competence 23-3.2.3 Ground Crew (10) verify that during the tria! lift, the platform is loaded to at least the weight expected during the The platform operation instru c tions in this volume actual lift are intended as minimun1 criteria for general é!pplica (11) position the platform so that it may be tied off tions The pla t fo r m m a n u f ;¡ c tu r e r ' s i nform at ion shall be to the structurc to which the occupants are entering or consulted for specific ins tr uction on the platforn1's oper leeving. if the platform cannot be landed during the ation The ground cre1¡1,, shall ennance or exit of the occupants If the platform has (n) inspect the platfor m prior to each lift to vc rify a li been ticd off, the opera t or shall no t move the platforrn attachments and the platform stru c tu1e are securc until it is ver ified that it is frcely suspended (b) observe the wcight test ílnd rcporl any deforn1a (12) n o t k n o w i n g f y a J ! o 1¡1, , thc p l a t f o r rn load to tion or h aza rdous c on d itions to the Pcrsonnel Lifl Super exceed the pl a tform rating, e xc e p t dur i ng proof t e s ti ng visor Items noted d urin g the 1¡1,reight test shílll be ve1 ificd (13) not travel the hois ti ng cquiprncnt with person as safe by íl q u ali fied person prior to comm e n ci ng thc nel in thc pe rsonnel platforrn excepl when the equip personnel lift ment r u ns on fixed r a i ls or run\.vays (e) inspect a nd ílttach the p e rsonn e l pl at forn 1 in the (14) perforrn a ll movcmcnts of the platform in a manner specified by thc platform manufacturer slow, c o n t r o l l e d manner to m i n i m i z e s u d d e n move (d) verify the plíltforn1 is e v e nly l o íl d e d , n1aterial ments of the p l a tform sccured, and the total pl at form \veight does not cxceed (15) engage thc power-controlled lowering mecha the pl at form r at ing or the reduced ho i st i n g e qu i pmen t nlsm at ali times thc pl at f o rm is occupied (no freefall) lift capacity (16) not lif t or lower an occupied platform nt a (e) not allo\v an occupied platform over, under, or in speed in cxcess of 100 ft/ min (30 5 m/ min) ( except dur the vicinity of po\.ver lines unless thc requirements of ing testing as out!ined in Chapter 21-2) Appendix I are met (17) in thc case of suspended or boorn-rnounted (f) use tag lines for 1notion control of suspended plat p l a t f o r rn s , , v i t h o u t c o n t r o l s , rcmnin at thc h o i s t i n g fo1n1s, unless their use creates an unsafe c o n d i t i o n equiprnent controls al ;¡JJ limes when thc platfor m is 23-3.2.4 Platform Occupants occupicd (05) (18) in thc case of boon1-mountcd p!atforn1s, ,vith (a) The platforn1 operíltion instructions in this volu1ne controls nnd a n1cans of lü\\'cring, retracting, and rotat are intended as n1inin1un1 c,itcria for general applica ing in thc e\ cnt the prirnary po,ver s oui c c becon1cs tions The platfo r n1 m a n u f a c t u 1 c r ' s inforn1ation shall be 11 ASME Bfü23·2005 PERSONNEL LlfTING SYSTEMS consulted for specific instruction on the platform's oper (2) keep ali parts of their body inside the platform ation The platform occupants shall during raising, lowering, and positioning unless they (1) rema in in continuous sight or in communication are performing the duties of a designated signalperson with the operator and in sight and comrnunícation of a 23-3.2.5 Communications signalperson (n) Hand signals to the operator shall be in accordance (05) (2) use personal protective equipment. such as hard with the applicable hoisting equipment hats, safety glasses, hearing protection, and gloves, in ASME 830 volume conditions where a hazard of injury exists (b) S i g n a l s s h a l l be d i s c e r n i b l e or a u d i b l e to the (3) wear personnel fall protection devices with lan operator yards attached to a specific anchorage point(s), unless (L) Hand signa Is shall be posted conspicuously at the following locations: special circumstance work re q u i r e rnen ts dictate 11) as required by the hoisting equipment otherwise ASME 830 volume (4) be limited in nurnber, and commensurate with (2) inside the personnel platform the work being performed, platform design, and (3) at any platform motion control locations hoisting equipment limitations (d) Sorne o p e r a t i o n s may require a d d i t i o n s to, or (5) have rnaterials and equipment evenly distrib modifications of, standard signals uted and secured while the platform is lifted (1) Any special signals shall be agreed upan and (6) not stand, sit on, or work írorn the top rail, understood by the signalpersons and hoisting equip interrnediate rail, toe board, or use any other device to ment operator enhance their vertical height working capability (2) Special signals s h a l l not c o n f l i c t w i t h the (7) not pull the platform out of plumb with the hoisting equipment standard signals (e) No response shall be made unless s i g n a l s are hoisting equipment clearly understoocl (8) not enter or exit a suspended platfonn while it (f) lf communicalions between operator and platform is raised unless the platform has an installed gate and occupants are disrupted, all operations shall be stopped is physícally secured to the structure to which the occu until comrnunication is reestablished pants are enteiing or exiting (g) If radios ar other electronic mea ns of communka (b} The occupants should tions are used, they should opera te on a secure channel (1) have audible and visual alert devices in the plat (11) Communication systems to be used during the lift (05) form far use in an emergency (i e , air horns or strobe shall be ver ified as functioning and effective prior to lights) commenclng the lift 12 ASME 830 23·2005 MANDATORY APPENDIX i urnas PERSONNEl NEAR ElECTRICAl POWER liNES This volurne recognizes that lifting personnel where (d) Durable signs shall be installed at the operator 's the hoisting equipment or platform can become electri station and on the outside of the crane warning that fied from electric poiver lines is an extremely hazardous electrocution or serious bodily injury may occur unless practice It is advisable to perform the líft so there is the minimum clearance shown in Table l- 1 is maintained no possibility of the hoisting equipment, load line, or between the h o i s t i n g equipment and platforrn and personnel p l a t f o r m b e c o m i n g a c o n d u c t i v e pa t h power lines These signs shall be posted at the hoist Hoisting equipment shall not be used to lift personnel equipment operating station, on the outside of the hoist under electric power lines if any combination of boom, eguipment, and inside the personnel platform personnel platform, load line, and machine component (e) Jf proximity warning devices, insulated links, or will enter the prohibited zone shown in the appropriate boom cages are used, by choice or legal mandate, they figure Lifting personnel near electric power lines is not shall not be a substitute for any of the requirements of allowed unless there is no less hazardous way to do the this section Jf these devices are used, the hoist equip job The four situations to consider, and take steps to ment operator, ground crew, and platform occupants establish, whcn lifting personnel near electric power shall be instructed by management on the limitations lines are of the devices, operating condition requirements of the devices, and the devices' testing requirements pre scribed by the device manufacturer A Power lines are de-energized and grounded as shown in Fig l· 1 (This is the safest and preferred 1-2 CONDITION B condition) 8 Power lines are energized with the hoisting equlp- The following steps shall be taken when lifting per ment outside the prohibited zone, but there is a sonnel in a Condition B situation: potential for the hoisting equipment or platform (a) A meeting, on the job site, between the job site being energized as shown in Fig. 1·2 management and either a gualified representative of the C Power Hnes are energlzed wilh the hoisting equlp- rnent inside the prohibited zone, and there is a owner of the power lines or the electric utility shall take possibility that the hoisting equipment or plnt place, Procedures to safely complete the lift shall be Iorm can bccome energized as shown in Fig. I-3 established (l ífting personnel in this condition is prohibited ) (b) Toe clearance specified in Table J.¡ shall be main O Hoisting equipment is in transit with the boom tained between the hoisting eguipment, load line, and lowercd and no personnel in the platform as personnel platform at ali times shown in Fig I-4 (e) Power Iine movement, horizontal and vertical, due to wind shall be added to the distances specified in I· 1 CONDITION A Table l-I. A gualified representative of the power line owner ora designated representative of the electric util This is the preferred condition under which a person ity shall be consulted for the movement distances nel lift can be performed The hazard of injury or death (d) Toe reguired clearances to the power Jines shall due to electrocution has been removed The following be continuously monitored by a dedicated and qualified steps shall be taken when lifting personnel in a Condi signalperson in constant communication with the hoist tion A situation: eguipment operator, (a) The power company or owner of the power lines (e) Personnel platform movement restrainr, when shall de-energize the lines reguired, shall be done through electrically nonconduc (b) The power lines shall be visibly grounded to avoid tive tag lines the possibility of electrical feedback (f) No person outside the personnel platform shall be (e) A qualified representative of the owner of the permitted to touch the hoist equipment, load line, or po\ver lines o r a designated representative of the electric platform unless the signalperson identified in (d) above utility shall be on the site to verify that steps (a) and indicates it is safe (b) of this section have been completed and that the (g) Operation of the boom or the personnel platform power Jines are not energized over power lines should be avoided Poor perception of 13 ASME 630.23-2005 MANDATORY APPENDIX 1 distance and multiple contact points, as viewed from shall be instructed by n1anagement on the limitations the operator 's and signalperson's positions, makc this of the devices, operating condition requirements of the a very hazardous situation devices, and the devices' testing requirements pre (/1) Power line visibility enhancing devices, such as scribed by the device manufacturer ribbons or balls, should be attached to the power lines to aid in the location of the prohibited zone established 1-3 CONDITION C in (b) and (e) above Lifting personnel under this condition is prohibited (i) Durable signs shall be posted warning that electro cution or serious bodily injury may occur unless the minimum clearance shown in Table I-1 is rnaintained 1·4 CONDITION D between the hoisting equipment and p l a t f o r m and The following steps shall be taken when tr·ansiting to power lines These signs shall be posted at the hoist a personnel lifting location in a Condition D situation: equipment operating station, on the outside of the hoist (n) While in transit with no occupants in the platform equipment, and inside the personnel platform and the boom lowered, the clearance to the power lines (j) Jf proximity warning devices, insulated links, or shall be as specified in Table I-1 boom cages are used, by choice or legal mandate, they (b) When planning the transit of the hoisting equip shall not be a substitute for any of the requirements of ment, the effect of ground speed and terrain on the this section Jf these devices are used, the hoist equip h o i s t i n g e q u i p m e n t and boom movement s h a l l be ment operator, ground crew, and platform occupants considered 14 MANDATORY APPENDIX I ASME 830.23-2005 POWER UNES DE-ENERGIZED sJ ANO GROUNDED ] Fig. 1-1 / / / / /) Í V THIS AREA S H O U L D I BEAVOIDED � : PROHIBITED ZONE I <, <, I SEE TABLE 1-1 <, I � � f-. '-1 i -, PERSONNEL SHALL NOT BE I Boom shall not be positioned beyond this line HANDLED IN THIS AREA -, , '--���-,--,-������ Fig. 1-2 15 ASME 630 23-2005 MANDATORY APPENDIX I Fig. 1-3 PROHIBITED ZONE SEE TABLE 1-1 • Fig. 1-4 16 MANDATORY APPENDIX I ASME 830.23·2005 Table l·l Required (learance for Normal Voltage in Operation Near High-Voltage Power Lines and Operation in Transit With No Load and Boom or Mast Lowered Minimum Radial Oistance, D Normal Voltage, kV (Phase to Phase) ft m When operating near hlgh-voltage power Unes Up to 50 10 3 05 Over 50 to 200 15 4 6 Over 200 to 350 20 6 1 Over 350 to 500 25 7 62 Over 500 to 750 35 1 0 67 Over 750 to 1000 45 13 72 While in transit with no load and boom or mast lowered Up to o 75 4 1 22 Over O 75 to 50 6 1 83 Over 50 to 345 10 3 83 Over 345 to 750 16 4 87 Over 750 to 1000 20 6 10 17 ASME 830.23·2005 MANDATORY APPENDIX II PERSONNEL PLATFORM LIFT PLANNING AND AUTHORIZATION FORM 1. Location: Date: _ 2. Purpose of Lift: --------------------------- 3. Hoisting Eqpt Mfg: --------- Model # : - - - - - - S e r i a l # : _ 4. Expected Radius: (maximum); (at w o r k location) 5. (A) Rated Load at Radius: (B) Maximum Lift Load: [50% of 5(A) 1 6. Platform ID: Platform Rating: ----------- 7. Platform Weight: --------- Type: (Pin On) (Suspended) _ 8 (A) Number of Platform Occupants: (B) Approx. Wt. (With Equip): _ 9. Total Lift Weight: [7 + B ( B ) ] [ N o more than 5(8) above] 10. Personnel Lift Supervisor:------------------------ 11. What Are the Alternatives to This Personnel Lift? ---------------- 12. Why Are They Not Being Used? _ 13. Pre-Lift Briefing Held: .Ll.L �A=M.,,. / ,_ P M =--- Attendees: ----------------------------- 14. Anticipated Hazards (wind, weather, visibility, power l i n e s ) : ------------ 15. Lift Accomplished Date: Time: _ 16 Remarks: _ Personnel Lift Authorizer Signature Date 18 ASME 830 23-2005 MANDATORV APPENDIX III PERSONNEL LIFT PLATFORM PRE-LIFT INSPECTION Date: � Inspector:----------------- Platform ID: l . Markings SAT UNSAT Platform (AII lnformation Legible) Suspension System 2. Structure Load S u p p o rt i n g Welds/Bolts Load S u p p o rt i n g Members Barrier From Toe Board to lntermediate Rail Hand Raíl Fall Protection Device Anchorage Points Gate Locking Mechanisms Platform Flooring Suspension Attachment Points 3 Attachment Mechanisms Pins/Ears/Bolt-Ups/Eyes (Circle) Wire Rope/Chain/Rigid Leg (Circle) Master Links 4 Special Purpose ltems (Overhead Protection, Flotation, Platform Controls) List: ( 1 ) ------------- (2l ������������ (3)������������- 5. General Comments: --------------------------- Personnel Lift Supervisor Signature 19 ASME 8 3 0 . 2 3 INTERPRETATIONS Replies to Technical lnquiries May 2000 Through October 2000 FOREWORD This publication includes ali of the wrilten replies issued between the indicated dates by the Secretary, speaking for the ASME 630 Committee, Safety Standards for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings, to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspccts of ASME 830 23, Personnel Lifting Systems These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters except for a few typographical corrections and sorne minor editorial corrections made far the purpose of irnproved c larity In sorne instances, a review of the interpretations revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature In these cases, a corrected interpretation Iollows i mme d i at e ly after the ori g i nal reply. These interpretations were prepared in accordance w it h the accredited ASME procedures ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if a dd it ion al i nfor m ation is av a í l a ble that the ínquirer believes m ig ht affect the interpretation Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcornmíttee ASME does not "approve." "certífv," " rate ," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietarv device, or actívity 1-1 ASME 830 23·2005 23·1, 23·2 lnterpretation: 23-1 Subjecl: 830 23-1998, Personnel Lifting Systems, Para 2 3 - 1 1 l ( b )CI O )( h ) Date Issued: May 23, 2000 Question: When using a four-par t bridle with a master link as a suspension system, is it necessary to individually tag each leg as well as the master link? Reply: Yes lnterpretation: 23-2 Subject: 830 23-1998, Personnel lifting Systems, Para 23-2 2 l(b)(l) Date Issued: October 5, 2000 Question (1 ): Does para 2 2 l(b)(J) require the test load to be placed physically into the platform? Reply (1): No Question (2): If the volume requires the test load to be physically inside the platform, is this the best practice relative to the information provided? Reply (2): See response to Question (1) !-2
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