June 29, 2018 | Author: Ronak Chauhan | Category: Casting (Metalworking), Welding, Strength Of Materials, Heat Treating, Ultimate Tensile Strength
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1s210:1993( Reaffirmed 1999 ) Indian Standard GREY IRON CASTINGS - SPECIFICATION ( Fourth Revision) Second Reprint MARCH 1998 UDC 669.131.6-14 Reliance Energy Ltd, Santacruz, Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 Q BIS 1993 BUREAU MANAK i December 1993 OF INDIAN STANDARDS BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 PriceGroop5 therefore. This standard was first published in 1950 and subsequently revised in 1962. observed or calculated. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 Information to be supplied is given in Annex D.Pig Iron and Cast Iron Sectional Committee. A comparison between grades is given in Annex B. Reliance Energy Ltd.and thinner. after the draft This Indian Standard and Cast Iron Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical finalized by the Pig Iron Rngincering DivirionCouncil. For the benefit of the purchaser. Guidance on the effect of section size of the casting on the tensile strength is. expressing the result of a teat or analysis. . recommended. While reviewing this standard in the light of the experience gained during these years. 1970 and 1978. however. The various diameters of test bar according to the section size of the castings have been replaced by a single size of test bar. given in Annex A. Grade FG300. the grade of grey cast iron selected and The hipher any heat treatment involved should be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the apccified value in this standard. 185 ‘Grey For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this otindard is complied with. shall be rounded of? in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rouading off numerical values ( rrvisod ) ‘. It is The production of castings in the higher gr@es of grey cast iron often involve3 special techniques. that for either large or intricate castings or . MTD 6 FOREWORD ( Fourth Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Santacruz. FG350 and FG400 ) present special difficulties for section 10 mm . the final value.1 casting involving both these conditions or where the castings have to withstand exception conditions. by the purchaser while ordering to this specification Cast Iron Specifi- In the formulation of thir standard assistance cation’ issued by International Organization has been derived for Standardization. grades of grey cast iron ( that is. the committee decided to reviseit to align with the present practices followed by the Indian industries and to bring it in line with the other overseas standards. typical properties of grey cast iron have been added grey iron castings from IS0 according in Annex C. cracks. with the addition of such letters. the detailed chemical composition shall be as agreed to Eretween the purchaser and the manufacturer. as agreed between the supplier and purchaser. IO FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS 13655: 1993 3 SUPPLY General requirements relating to the supply of grey iron castings shall be as laid down in IS 1387 : 1993. IO. 9 MICROSTRUCTURE Where so required. FG200. distortion. coldshuts. 7 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH 1387 : 1993 General requirements supply of metallurrgical ( second revision ) for the material 1500 : 1983 Method for Brine11 hardness testfor metallic materials ( second revision ) Method for tensile testing grey cast iron ( jrst revision ) Code for designation castings of 7. 5 MANUFACTURE The castings shall be made by any process. if required by the purchaser.1 The composition of cast iron shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer.IS 210:1993 Indian Standard GREY IRON CASTINGS . that will produce castings complying with the requirements of this Indian Standard and shall be in accordance with the pattern or working drawing as supplied by the purchaser. shall specify tolerances.2 The machining location and allowances with reference to all important dimensions On other dimensions tolerances specified in IS 5519 : 1979 shall apply. The method of repair by welding ( see IS 5139 : 1969 ) and subsequent stress-relieving shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. purchaser 7. blow holes. FG350 and FG 400. They shall be well-dressed and fettled. but a m&ximum limit for phosphorus and/or sulphur may be specified by the purchaser.1 The castings shall be accurately moulded in accordance with the pattern or working drawings supplled by the purchaser. 8 HEAT TREATMENT Reliance Energy Ltd. sand and slag inclusions and other harmful defects. FG260. the microstructure of grey iron castings and the location for taking the sample shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 10.2 so. 2 REFERENCES The following Indian Standards adjuncts to this standard: IS are necessary covers the requirements for grey 6 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 6. . figures or marks as may be specrfied. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 2078 : 1979 4843 : 1968 5139 : 1969 of ferrous procedure for Recommended repair of grey iron castings by oxyacetylene and manual metal arc welding untoleranced Deviations tor dimensions of grey iron castings ( jirst revzsion ) Guidelines for heat of cast iron OF MATERIAL treatment 5519 : 1979 Castings are generally supplied without having any heat treatment.1The castings shall be sound. 4 GRADES There shall be seven grades of grey iron castings namely. However. Welding referred to here includes fusion welding in accordance with the common foundry practice. clean and free from porosity. FG220. hot tears. hard spots. FG300.2 No welding or repairs shall be carried out without the prior permission of the purchaser. and shall be readily machinable. if he so desires. 6. Title In case of special castings.SPECIFICATION (Fourth Revision) 1 SCOPE This standard iron castings. Grades FG150. the heat treatment may be carried out in accordance with 2 of IS 13655 : 1993. Santacruz. 2 The location of the specific point on a casting for hardness measurement shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.1 The number of tests required for each melt or batch of castings shall be as laid down in Table 1. More than one test bar may be cast in a single mould. Brine11 hardness values for different grades or grey iron castings shall be as specified in Table 3. 17 TRANSVERSE TEST Table 1 Number of Tests ( CluuSG12. therefore. The minimum length of the test bar shall be 230 mm.1 ) Test Reqriremeats I’) 21) 3i) 4i) 5 Up to 12’5 kg Over 12’5 kg and up to 50 kg Over 50 kg and up to 500 kg Over 500 kg and up to 1 tonne Over 1 tonne One test for each 500 kg of castings or part thereof One test for every 1 tonne of castings or part thereof One test for every 2 tonnes of castings or part thereof One test for every 3 tonnes of castings or part thereof One test for every 4 tonnes of rastiogs or part thereof or one test for every casting weighing 4 tonnes or more If required. 1 and Table 2.4 The test bars shall be cast in dried.16 210 I 1993 11 PROVISION OF TEST BARS ‘13 SIZE OF TEST BARS 11. These specific points shall be such that they are amenable for hardness checking in routine procedure. with a good surface finish. 11.1.2 In the case of large tonnage of castings being produced continuously. 18 HYDROSTATIC TEST If specified at the time of enquiry and order the castings may be tested for the hydrostatic test t)In addition Groups 1. NOTE . 16 HARDNESS TEST Reliance Energy Ltd. 11.1 The hardness test shall be conducted at specific point on the castings. The tensile strength specified is that obtained from test bars cast separately from the castings to which they refer. The tolerance on the diameter shall be + a mm. Santacruz. using a test piece conforming to the dimensions in Fig. and 4 all castings reprepressure. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 16. The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with IS 2078 : 1979. The test piece shall be accurately machined. various classes of castings being divided into five representative groups according to mass. grips are recommended to 15 TENSILE STRENGTH 12 FREQUENCY OF TESTING 12. The requirements for the test pressure sented by one test shall be poured from the same ladle shall be mutually agreed to between the purchz:er or same heat as the bar or bars provided for the test. The minimum test requirements shall be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order. 2 . The average grain size of the sand shall be approximate to that of the sand in which the castings are poured. but each bar in the mould shall be surrounded by a thickness of sand which is not less than the diameter of the bar.1 The Brine11 hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with the method given in IS 1500 : 1983. 3.1. the test bars shall be heat-treated together with the castings they represent. 12. the test piece shall comply with the minimum requirements specified in Table 3. The transition between the ends and the parallel length shall be smooth. the minimum number of test bars to be provided shall be one tensile test representing every two hours production from a melting furnace. Moulds for the test bars shall be approximately at room temperature when poured. without undercutting or a sudden step down in diameter. only the quality of the metal from which the casting have been poured.Self-aligning ensure axial loading. baked or chemically bonded moulds made mainly of an aggregate of siliceous sand with appropriate binders. 2. When tested in accordance with the requirement of 13. 16. The test values.2 The test bar material shall be with that of the castings represented. They shall be cast at the same time and frc.m the same melt as the castings they represent. _ and the manufacturer. the transverse test may be carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with the method given in Annex E. 16. 14 TENSILE TEST 11. represent.3 When castings are subjected to heat treatment.1 All test bars shall be cast separately in sand moulds and the number of test bars required shall be as specified in 11. identifiable A test bar from which the tensile test piece is machined shall be cast as a uniform cylindrical bar of 30 mm diameter. 1 MACHINED TENSILE TEST PIECE Table 2 Dimensions of Machined ( Clause 14 ) Tensile Test Piece Gauge JXameter D Machining Tolerance im the Gauge Diameter (2) Minimum Parallel Length Lc Minimum Radas Phsii T-__--h-_ Minimum Diameter d. 22 MARKING 22. the castings represented shall not comply with the requirements of this Indian Standard. two further tests shall be made. castings complying with the requirements of this standard shall be. Em& Minimum Length 4 (8) mm 30 R (4) mm 25 Minimum Dia at Root ds (7) mm 25 (1) mm 20 mm +.1. When the castings are to be inspected during manufacture and tested in the presence of the purchaser’s representative.1 If on being tested any test piece shows obvious signs of a casting defect.0’5 (3) ‘mm 55 (6) mm 65 NOTE . sectioned from an agreed position in the castings. from which it was made. the results of the test may be discarded and a further test made.2 If any sound test piece fails. if feasible. 19. 3 21. Screwed -__--A_-_. diameter at the root of the Table 3 Mechanical Test Requirements 20 INSPECTION By agreement with the manufacturer.2 By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. any form of thread may be used provided that the thread is not less than that specified.1 Each casting. this shall be stated on the enquiry and order.IS 21u : 1993 Ls (SCREWED) -j----w FIQ. to witness the required tests and to reject any material that does not comply with this standard. the guidance mav be obtained from Annex A. after inspection. 22. he shall be at liberty to inspect the manufacturer at any stage. if done. ‘out the manufac- 19 RETESTS 19.1 The NOTE . legibly marked with an acceptance mark 23 STANDARD MARK also be marked with the The castings may Standard Mark.1 Failing facilities for carrying prescribed tests at his own works the turer shall carry out the tests elsewhere. (5) mm 23 Ends _--_ Minimum Length r.Although mechanical properties are specified for Grade FG 150 the material shall be only tested if required by the purchaser.3 In the absence of further separately cast test bars. . the manufacturer shall have the option of submitting test bars. However. manufacturer in supplying the test samples as required for testing shall prepare from them the necessary test pieces and supply the labour and appliances for making all tests on his premises in accordance with this standard. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 Min FACILITIES 21.With screwed-ends. the purchaser or his representative shall have across at all reasonable times to those parts of the manufacturer’s works engaged on his order. The requirements of the test shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. and the batch of heat treatment. 21 TESTING ( Cf~~ses 15 and 16. shall be legibly marked with a number of identification marks which it can be traced to the melt.1 ) Grade (su~Is4S43:196S) Tensile Strength MPa ( N/mm2 ) (1) FG 150 FG 200 FG 220 FG 260 FG 300 FG 350 FG 400 (2) 150 280 220 260 300 350 400 Brine11 Hardness HB (3) 130 to 180 160 to 220 180to 220 180 to 230 180 to 230 207 to 241 207 to 270 Reliance Energy Ltd. 19. should either of these test pieces fail. Santacruz. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 CROSS-SECT!ONAL 5 15 25 50-75 THICKNESS. For casting of non-uniform section or castings containing cored holes. The strength developed by a given metal shall vary with the coolingrate in the mould higher strengths being obtained if the same metal is cast into smaller bars than 30 mm diameter and lower strengths if the metal is cast into bars larger than 30 mm diameter. A-l. the cooling rate of a flat plate.1s 210 : 1993 ANNEX A ( Foreword and Clause 19. 100 mm 125 150 This dbam is for guidance and should not be used for acceptance purposes.3 ) APPROXIMATE VARIATION OF STRENGTH A-l The Indian Standard grades of grey cast iron are based on the minimum tehsile strength obtained when metal is cast into test bars of 30 mm diameter. the presence of bosses projections and intersections. Reliance Energy Ltd. and casting design should be based on the measured tensile strength in critical parts of the casting. the table provides only an approximate guide to the likely tensile strength in different sections. Similarly. such as the junctions of ribs and bosses. 2 VARIATION OF TENSILE STRENGTH WITH CROSS-SECTIONAL THICKNESS OF GREY IRON CASTIKGS 4 . in castings of other than simple shape and uniform thickness the cooling rate of any part can be expected to differ from that of a flat plate of similar section thickness. cooling rate of a casting in a mould ( hence the strength developed in any $rticular section thickness by the metal employed for its manufacture ) is influenced also by the presence of cores. A-2 Figure 2 gives a guide to the likely variation in tensile strength in different sections when a given grade of grey iron is cast into a casting of simple shape and uniform thickness or containing cored holes where the cooling rate in the mould of a given section shall differ from that in a castmg of sample shape and uniform thickness. IQ0 mm 125 159 250 0 15 30 50 BAR 75 DIAMETER. Santacruz. changes in section thickness. Fro. the diagram provides only an approximate guide to the likely tensile strength in different sections and design should be based on the measured tensile strength in critical parts of the casting.1 The A-2. Thus.is slower than that of a bar whose diameter is equal to the thickness of the plate so that the strength developed in the plate will be lower than that developed in the bar.1 Table 4 gives guidance to the likely variation in tensile strength for different casting section thicknesses when a given grade of grey cast iron is cast into a casting of simple shape and uniform thickness. 5 10 20 30 155 130 115 105 205 180 160 145 260 235 215 195 270 245 225 315 290 270 FG 200 2’5 10 20 30 FG 260 4. 3 COMPARISCNBETWEEN GRADES IN THIS EDITION AND THE PREVIOUS EDITION BASED ON MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH 5 . Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 FG 350 10 20 30 ANNEX B ( Foreword GRADE FG 600 MPa (=N/mm2) 600 ) kgf/mm* 60 GRADE LO FG 350 350 35 35 FG 300 300 30 30 FG 260 25@----_25 FG 220 FG 200 200--20 20 25 FG 150 150 +.5 MPa (=N/mm2) CONVERSION FACTOR 1 N/mm2 = lMPa=O.0 10 20 30 FG 300 10 20 30 Reliance Energy Ltd.IS 210 : 1993 Table 4 Anticipated Tensile Properties for the Castings ( for Information Only ) ( Clause A-2. Antidpated Tcndlc ShWgtk Up to and Including 10 20 30 50 10 20 30 50 10 20 30 50 20 30 50 20 30 50 MPa ( N/mms ) FG 150 2. I ) Grade Casting Section mm ~-_---_h_-_-_-_-~ Over Thickness.1020 kgf/mmz . Santacruz. 15 FIT. Santacruz. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 MPa ( N/mm2 ) 150 200 220 2G0 300 350 40(: MPa ( N/mm2 ) MPa ( N/mm2 ) MPa ( N/mm2 ) MPa ( N/mm’ Percent ) 600 84 195 173 173 >4 720 111 260 230 230 >4 768 123 286 253 253 >4 864 146 338 299 299 >4 960 168 390 345 345 Upto 1 080 196 455 403 403 Upto 1 200 224 520 460 460 Upto MPa ( I%/mms ) elasticity GPa GPa GPa - 100 JO0 40 c__--_-_-_--- 114 114 46 120 120 48 0’26 128 128 51 -----_-------__-j 135 135 54 140 140 56 145 145 58 Compression Modulus of rigidity Poisson’s ratio Fatigue limit ( M’ohJer ) Unnotched mm dia ) ( 8’4 MPa ( N/mm* ) MPa ( N/mm’ ) 68 68 90 87 99 94 117 108 135 122 149 129 152 127 V-notched ( Circumferential 45” with V-notch 0’25 mm root radius. notch dia 20 notch gzh ‘3.15 0’17 0’18 Total minus elastic strain at failure Notched tensile strength ( see Note 2 ) (Circumferential 45” V-notch.3 mm. notch diameter 7. root radius 0’25 mm or Notch depth 2’5 mm.501) 0.25 0.IS 210 : 1993 ANNEX C ( Foreword) TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF GREY CAST I RON It does Iiot form C-1 The following information is given for the guidance of engineers and designers.1 percent stress 0’1 percent stress Shear strength Torsional strength Shear strain failure M. Radius 9’5 mm ( Notch depth 2’5 mm.3 l-0.2 1-0’45~) MPa ( N/mm2 ) 120 160 176 208 240 280 320 Reliance Energy Ltd. notch diameter 20 mm ) Compressive strength 0.pntof at proof proof 0. Diameter at notch %4 mm depth of notch 3’4 mm ) Hardness Refer Table 3 for hardness values .50 0’22 0.25 FG 400 4QO ’ Tensile strength WOl percent proof stress 0’1 percent stress Total strain failure Elastic failure strain proof at at MPa ( N/mm2 ) MPa ( N/mm% ) MPa ( N/mm’ Percent Percent ) 150 42 98 220 62 143 112 260 0’50 0’28 0’28 o’60-o’751) 0S48-O*671)O’39-O*631) 0.6 mm ) Circumferential notch.37 300 84 195 0.45~o’601) 0.28 FG 350 350 98 228 0’50 0. part of the standard and shotild not be used for acceptance purposes: Properties unit c---------FG 150 FG 200 200 56 130 FG Grade --~-_-_------_-_ 220 FG 260 FG 300 260 73 169 0.57 0’20 0. 800 0. are for notch material diameter.1 49’ 1 48’ 1 47’ 1 46’1 420 455 465 475 495 560 7.___-_--_-_+ 0’5____--_ _ _-----_~ --f t_----__---_-560 + -_---_------2 720 ________ J/m’ W/k &m 500 to 3 OOO.Magnetic and electrical prouerties J/kgIc J/k6 J/J@ J/k+ . notch FG 400 radius.640 . tensile strengths increase slightly as notch severity ratio.J/kgK .5 50. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 Maximum magnetic permeability Remanent tism Coercive Hysteresis 50 Hz Electrical NOTES magneforce loss at PW/m T A/m c_-_-__-___-_301 f_--_ _____0’4 to to to 380-_-____. Where the tensile strength does not correspond to that given.770 rcsistivity 1 The typical properties given in this Annex are the proprrties in a 30 mm diameter separately cast test bar or in a casting section correctly represented by this size of test bar. ANNEX D ( Foreword ) INFORMATION D-l BASIS FOR ORDER TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE PURCHASER on the sulphur and D-l. other properties may differ slightly from those given.15 48.--_--_---_-_-_-_-_-_-j to 20-g---_--_---_-_-_-+ 0’760 0.30 44. along with a copy of the drawing. of iron.30 conductivity W/mK W/mK W/mK W/mK W/mK capacity to 200% to 400% 52’5 51.730 0’700 0’670 0.+__-----_--__-17’6 0.5 49.8 49.J:k$ Reliance Energy Ltd.8 47’8 46’8 45’8 44’8 460 495 505 515 535 605 7’20 ‘20°C 20% 20°C to 300°C 2OOC to 500% 20°C to 600°C 20°C to 700% Relative density . the purchaser should specify the following: a) Material specification.7 41’7 460 495 505 515 535 605 7. Santacruz..IS 210 : 1993 Piopcrtics Unit r---7---------mFG 150 Grade A-.4 46’4 45’4 44.Note 3) 41.0 42’0 41’0 40’0 468 495 505 515 535 605 7.----FG 260 ----FG350 FG 200 FG 220 FG 300 FGMJtl Coefficient of thermal expression 100°C 20% Thermal to 20°C to 2oo”c 4130°c x IO-s/K x IO-s/K x IO-*/K +-_-__-____ +__-_ f--_---_-_-____ -___ ----_--_11’0 -_10’0 --_-- -____ -+ j 10’0 1lq)) ) (&a 20°C to 100°C 200°C 300°C 400°C 500°C Specific heat -_--- 12.10 50. .7 44’7 43’7 42.25 45. of Grade Where accicular iron is used for this grade appropriate values are: 20°C to 200% 20% to 400°C I) Values depend on the composition 15’0 x 16’5 x 10*/K lo-s/K pearlitic iron.5 48.4 43’4 460 495 505 515 535 605 7.0 43.8 48.5 265 355 400 425 445 490 7-05 50. in increase 3 The values quoted for coefficient of thermal expansion. 7 11) Any required limits phosphorus content c) Drawing or reference number of the pattern ( if supplied by the purchaser !. 2 Notched above 0’47.1 FVhile placing an order for the purchase of grey iron casting covered by this standard.8 47’8 46’8 375 435 465 480 500 555 7.5--_-_-__+ 12’5 ) . 3 Determine the deflection of the test bar from the motion of the thrust relative to the fixed supports or to the supper ting table of the machine.Appror tion at Supports.=~ Load d Ccntre of DiameLoadP. Santacruz. e) Whether the castings are to be inspected and tested in the presence of the purchaser’s representative. and h) Test reports. 4 ) Nominal Distance Accuracy of Readings PreDiameter Between . 4 TRANSVERSE TEST BAR OF GREY CAST IROX .1 The cast test bars shall have the dimensions given in Table 5. The mean value of the two diameters shall be the diameter do ( see E-4 ) of the test bar. 4 ). ( Clauses E-2. In order to eliminate any errors in m-asuring the deflection. f) Condition of delivery.2 ) Diameter of the Cast Test Bar Permissible Variation from Nominal Diameter ---.2 Increase the load uniformly without shock until the bar fracture. and Fig.1 Place the two ends qf the test bar on horizontal supports. the measurement should be started after applying a small preload as given in Table 6. E-2 TEST BARS E-2. The difference between two measurements shall not exceed 5 percent of the normal diameter. Deflec. Table 5 Dimensions of Transverse Test Bars ( Clauses E-2. The load should be applied in such a way that the increase of stress does not exceed 3 MPa per second Find out the load at the fracture of the test bar with the accuracy indicated in Table 6.1 (4) mm 100 (5) mm 0’2 (6) mm 200 to 400 LOAD POSITION I Fra. The support and the point of application. E-3. if required. of the load shall be rounded to a radius of 5 to 20 mm.3 and The object of this test is to determine the transverse bending strength of grey cast iron by applying constantly increasing single load at the centre of a test bar arranged as a beam between two supports until fracture occurs. Table 6 Testing Conditions Accuracy of Readings E-3.2 Test bar is normally tested unmachined.1 and E-2. The diameter shall be measured at the centre ot the test bar in two directionsperpendicular to one-anbther.h_--. hardness tests and locations of non-destructive testing. etc. Apply a single load vertically at the centre of the bar ( see Fig.*--_-7 Unmachined Machined (2) mm + 1’2 (3) mm + 0’2 Length (L) Reliance Energy Ltd.2.------. The surface of the test bar shall be free from unevenness and seams which may be removed by careful grinding. the values indicated in Tables 5 and 6 shall apply. For its permissible variations from the nominal diameter and the accuracy of measurement of the diameter. ter of Ml%% Bar Frac1s d ture (1) mm 30 (2) mm 450 (3) mm 0.IS 210 : 1993 d) Tests required. quality assurance. E-3. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 Min (1) mm 30 (4) mm 500 E-2. of the purchaser.2. g) Any special requirement for example. ANNEX E ( Clause 17 > TRANSVERSE E-l OBJECT OF THE TEST TEST FOR GREY CAST IRON E-3 PROCEDURE ~-3. E-3. and do . Santacruz. fb = xd” 0 P = maximum load at fracture in N. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 9 .mean diameter in mm.IS 210:1993 E-4 TEST RESULT where The test report shall include: a) load at fracture in N. b) bending strength fb. to an accuracy of O-5 MPa calculated from the formula: 8 PL. Reliance Energy Ltd. Ls = distance between centres of supports in mm. and c) deflection at fracture in mm. .... 1 AUGUST 1998 -. Reliance Energy Ltd.. ‘ Mm 6 ) > Reprography Unit.!.AMENI)MENT NO.Tuble6. .. .. .’ . New Delhi. .!! TO !.. .‘. . India .1. Santacruz.“.lRON CAf’INGS — .. IS 210:1993 GREY.. Mumbai Viewed on 30-10-2007 Time 10:08:13 ‘. BIS.CO14 Revision) and6 ) — Substitute.. .. ‘N’ ~or ‘mm’ as unit of load. .. : ‘ SPECIFICATION (Fourfh (Page8.:.


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