2018 Brigada Eskwela Action Plan

June 6, 2018 | Author: Nelia Grafe | Category: Marketing, Public Sphere, Politics, Business
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Department of EducationRegion X District of Alubijid LAGTANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2018 BRIGADA ESKWELA Action Plan Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes I. Pre- - To organize 1. Organization of Brigada Teachers, School Head, January bondpapers, -Brigada Implementation Brigada Eskwela Eskwela committees and PTCA, Barangay 2018 snacks, Eskwela Stage committees and orientation on specific roles Chairman, SGC printers, ink Committees orientation on and tasks will be specific roles and organized and tasks persons involved will be oriented. -To conduct 2. Assessment of Physical School Physical Facilities January BE Form 1, -Physical assessment of Facilities and Maintenance Coordinator, School Head 2018 BE Form 2 Facilities of Physical Facilities Needs of the school the school will and Maintenance be assessed Needs of the school and maintenance needs will be identified. Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes -To increase public 3. Advocacy and Social Advocacy and Marketing February bondpapers, - Public awareness on and Marketing Committee, School Head 2018 printers, awareness on involvement in  attend district initiated ink, the BE Brigada Eskwela orientation on Brigada tarpaulin program will Eskwela be increased.  secure pertinent advocacy and marketing materials from the division/district office for information drive activities  convene target members of the School Brigada Eskwela Committee for awareness of roles and functions relative to the conduct of brigade Eskwela  organize, through the Advocacy and Marketing Committee, various advocacy and campaign meetings to discuss with potential partners the benefits of the BE program  tap local media in disseminating information about the program Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes  get the Advocacy and Marketing Committee invited to make presentations on the BE program in different assemblies/meetings of the LGU/Barangay Council  encourage more partners to help in Brigada Eskwela by letting them know about the Adopt-A- School Law or the Republic Act 8525 -To determine the 4. Resource Mobilization Resource Mobilization February- BE Form 3, -Resources resources needed,  firming-up the kind of Committee March 2018 BE Form 1, needed, partners to be services and materials bondpapers, stakeholders tapped, and to be sourced for the printer, ink to be tapped, volunteers to conduct of Brigada volunteers to participate in the Eskwela be invited will Brigada Eskwela  identify possible be determined potential partners who and identified. can help  send letters of invitations to identified potential partners and other stakeholders Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes -To prepare for the 5. Firming-up of Activities for School Brigada Eskwela April 2018 financial -Activities for actual event the Actual Brigada Eskwela Working and Steering resources, the actual  match expected Committees human Brigada volunteers, materials, resources, Eskwela will and resources against be firm-up. the identified needs of the school and address gaps, if any  prepare the opening and closing programs and other related activities during the week  organize working teams according to nature of services to be done: masonry, carpentry, electrical/electronics, gardening, painting, etc., and appoint team leaders  make sure that donations are in-kind and that all cash donations are converted into materials Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes II. -To execute all the 1. Simple Opening School Brigada Eskwela May 2017 food for the -The Brigada Implementation plans by the School Program/Kick-Off Ceremony Working and Steering stakeholders Eskwela will Stage Brigada Eskwela Committees, be formally Committees Stakeholders, opened. 2. Organization and Briefing Volunteers, Partners -The working of Working Teams teams will be organized and oriented. 3. Actual Implementation of -Work Plan Work Plan for the Brigada Eskwela will be implemented. 4. Recording of Daily Documentation BE Forms 4, - Accomplishments Committee 5, and 6 Accomplishme nts will be recorded daily 5. Debriefing of Working School Head -The working Committees committees will be given the chance to reflect on the daily accomplishme nts and will be reminded of the things to be done. Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes 6. Final Inspection School Brigada Eskwela May 2018 human -Final Working and Steering resources, inspection of Committees financial the different resources work and activities undertaken during the week will consolidated/f inalized. 7. Culminating/Closing School Brigada Eskwela May 2018 financial -A summary program Working and Steering resources of resources  presentation of Committees, generated, accomplishments Stakeholders work  awarding of certificate accomplished, of recognition to lessons partners/donors learned, and  forging of pledges of next steps will commitment be presented to all partners/stak eholders who will attend the program. Stage Objectives Activities Persons Involved Time Resources Expected Frame Needed Outcomes III. Post- -To put together all 1. Preparation of the Final School Brigada Eskwela June 2018 bondpaper, -A Implementation the data reflected in Accomplishment Report Working and Steering printer, ink, comprehensive Stage the different forms Committees human Accomplishmen completed and resources, t Report will be made submitted by the financial different working resources committees 2. Submission of the Final Documentation June 2018 financial - Accomplishment Report Committee, School Head resources Accomplishmen for the t report will be printing and submitted on binding of time the accomplish ment report 3. Sustaining Brigada Teachers, School Head, Year round -Brigada Eskwela GPTA and Other Eskwela  upkeep the school Stakeholders program will be  send letter of thanks to sustained the partners and whole school volunteers year through the partnerships formed during the entire conduct of the program. Prepared by: Noted: NELIA E. GRAFE GERRY G. FABRIA Teacher III/School In-Charge PS District Supervisor


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