ÄOn the assumption that Pylos was expecting the attack which followed soon after the tablets were written, we can read into them references to the forthcoming event; it is obviously exciting if a series of tablets dealing with the movement of troops can be construed as preparations against an impending attack.³ Chadwick (1958b), S. 104.
ÄThere is also a tendency among Mycenological scholars not to review comprehensively the history of scholarship on related topics, so that underlying assumptions are perpetuated and problems and questions ignored because they are considered resolved.³ Palaima (2003), S. 69.
Für Sandra !
INHALTSVERZEICHNIS EINLEITUNG, PROBLEMSTELLUNG UND ZIELSETZUNG......................................................................................... 6 1
ERSTER TEIL: DIE OKA-TAFELN 1954 ± 2014 ........................................................................................... 12 1.1
GEORGIEV 1955, Lexique des inscriptions créto-mycéniennes .................................................... 41
BENNETT 1955, The Pylos tablets: texts of the inscriptions ......................................................... 42
PALMER 1956a, Military arrangements for the defence of Pylos .................................................. 42
VENTRIS & CHADWICK 1956, Documents in Mycenaean Greek .............................................. 45
MÜHLESTEIN 1956, Die oka-Tafeln von Pylos: ein mykenischer Schiffskatalog? ...................... 47
PALMER 1956b, Notes on the Personnel of the O-KA Tablets...................................................... 51
1.4.10 5,6&+/¶LQWHUSUpWDWLRQGHODVpULHGHVWDEOHWWHVFDUDFWpULVpHVSDUOHPRWR-ka ..................... 52 1.4.11 MÜHLESTEIN 1958, Interprétations de mots mycéniens .............................................................. 55 1.4.12 CHADWICK 1958b, The decipherment of Linear B ...................................................................... 56 1.4.13 PAGE 1959, History and the Homeric Iliad .................................................................................... 57 1.4.14 GALLAVOTTI 1961, Le origini micenee dell'istituto fraterico ...................................................... 59 1.4.15 PALMER 1963, The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek Texts ..................................................... 60 1.4.16 RUIPÉREZ 1963, En torno a la series J- de Pilo ............................................................................. 61 1.4.17 HEUBECK 1966, Aus der Welt der frühgriechischen Lineartafeln ................................................ 62 1.4.18 RUIJGH 1967, Études sur la grammaire et la vocabulaire du grec Mycénien ................................ 63 1.4.19 SCHMITT-BRANDT 1968, Die OKA-Tafeln in neuer Sicht ......................................................... 64 1.4.20 DEROY E8QHQRXYHOOHLQWHUSUHWDWLRQGHVWDEOHWWHVµRND¶GH3\ORV ...................................... 66 1.4.21 WATHELET 1968, Les verbes ਥȡȦ et ȡȣȝĮȚ .............................................................................. 68 1.4.22 '(52
Report "1954 - 2014: Die OKA-Tafeln von Pylos im Spiegel der Forschungsgeschichte. Alte und neue Interpretationen des mykenischen Wortes o-ka. "