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Guide for teachersThe Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners forms part of our range of support for students in primary and early secondary education. You can use this test to help you place your students in the right English classes, giving them the best possible chance of success in their English language learning, as well as in their Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. About Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) Cambridge English: Young Learners, also known as Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) tests are the perfect introduction to internationally recognised language assessment for children in primary and lower secondary education. Learners are encouraged to move through three levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers. Key features of Cambridge English: Young Learners exams • • • • • 2 Attractive design with full-colour illustrations. Motivating task types and question formats. Based on how children learn and how they develop language skills. Use of current pedagogy and curriculum design. Pathway to other Cambridge English exams. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS A1 (Movers) and A2 (Flyers). The certificates Cambridge English: Young Learners tests encourage children to move forward in their language learning by celebrating their progress and achievements. The CEFR is used by organisations all over the world as a reliable description of language ability. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 3 . The Cambridge English: Young Learners tests are set at Levels Pre-A1 (Starters). reading & writing and speaking) shows what a young learner can do and points them to the next stage of their journey. The number of shields (from 1 to 5) in three key skill areas (listening.The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages All Cambridge English exams are aligned with the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This internationally recognised framework describes language ability on a scale of levels from A1 for beginners to C2 for mastery of a language. At each level children receive a Cambridge English: Young Learners certificate. … understand simple stories and short texts with the help of illustrations … understand signs and simple notices . personally relevant sentences My best friend is Harry … recognise and copy words.The Cambridge English: Young Learners Can Do Starters Movers … understand simple sentences This is a chair … understand simple expressions Thank you … respond to personal questions How old are you? … respond to simple expressions … listen to and repeat levelappropriate phrases … spell her/his name and simple words Anna … read short words sheep tiger cow frog … understand simple written instructions cat dog … write simple. phrases and short sentences This is a television This is a television 4 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS I don’t think so … understand when someone talks about their family or friends I have one sister … understand instructions given by the teacher Take off your coat This is a sausage Open your book … recognise and write the letters of the English alphabet I think this is pretty I have two sisters and one brother Colour this … understand and follow simple classroom instructions cat dog I’m 6 … agree/disagree with someone … understand simple written sentences Then the children went to the park. suggestions. pictures or words from the teacher I read a magazine yesterday I am sad because it is raining I like going swimming … continue a story or add missing words Then the children went to the __________ The wheel on the bicycle is broken When is your birthday? It’s in March CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 5 .o statements The learner CAN … Flyers … ask questions and use fixed expressions What’s the matter? … ask someone how they are and what they like doing. I like the story … ask questions about school activities What is our homework today? … write simple sentences using words provided park beach The children went to the park. and answer similar questions Do you like this lesson? … say that they do not Could you understand say it again or cannot do please? something and ask for help … talk in simple terms about a problem … arrange with friends to do something … make and respond to invitations. even if they do not know every word … use a dictionary … write a short message on a postcard or in an email … write about how they feel and give reasons why … write short dialogues … make up and tell a story using ideas. apologies and requests Yes please. Will you come I’d like to to my party? Let’s play volleyball! Yes. … write about what they like doing in their free time using provided words swimming dancing … understand audio and video clips used in the lesson … talk briefly about things they have done … understand longer texts. practice tests. including coursebooks. games and mobile apps here. sample papers.Lifelong support fo Young learners become … The journey starts here Taking the right path … Place students in the right English language class … to real-life English language learning. 6 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS Ca Ca Ca Getting ready for exam day s r rs ge En g brid m h lis Flyers F ly e s h lis CEFR A1 ge En g brid m e er Movers M ov S tart CEFR Pre-A1 ge En g brid m h lis Starters . CEFR A2 Find exam preparation materials. at the correct level Find a wide range of teacher support materials and professional development here. org for full details about Cambridge English examinations and support materials. learning and assessment … lifelong learners English for life … Visit www.cambridgeenglish.or English language teaching. More motivating ways of improving students’ English CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 7 . Teachers can use the placement test results to put students into different groups. help with teaching classes of mixed ability and choose suitable Cambridge English teaching and learning materials. Test format Listening Reading and Writing Four parts. each with up to 10 questions. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS . reading and writing skills. Students hear each part twice. Click on the Next button to begin the Listening part of the test. 99 Based on communicative language teaching and learning methodology. 99 Computer adaptive – the level of questions changes based on students’ answers. Now click Next to start the Reading and Writing section. An example is provided at the beginning of each part. Four parts. world leader in assessment. Students working at the correct level are more likely to stay motivated and become lifelong learners. An example is provided at the beginning of each part. It helps teachers to give children a head start by ensuring that their English language level is clearly understood as they begin their learning journey. each with five questions. Key features of the Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners 99 Developed and delivered by Cambridge English. 8 You have finished the Listening part of the test. 99 Covers listening.Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners The placement test is a fast and affordable way to place students on English language courses. 99 Uses Cambridge English: Young Learners task types and questions. 99 A short computer-based test with automatic marking and instant results. Reading a sentence. Listening for specific information (past tense). Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Students enter words or numbers in the correct spaces. Students write the object words. Selecting the correct responses. Completing sentences. Students read a text Students enter the correct containing gaps and look at words in the gaps. Students enter words in spaces next to written prompts. Students see a picture and read a sentence about the picture. Students decide which picture illustrates the dialogue and. or no. Listening for numbers and spelling. Students select the correct picture. Reading a dialogue. Skill focus Question format Response format Computer skills Spelling of single words. Students see a context picture and listen to a dialogue between two speakers. two or three words. Students hear and read a question. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Students listen to a dialogue which contains the answer. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Students select the correct word to complete the gap. words illustrated by pictures. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Reading a story. one letter in each box. Left click the mouse to reveal the menu and left click again to select the radio button for the correct response. Reading and Writing Students complete sentences about the story by entering one. Left click the mouse to reveal three options and left click again to select the correct option. Use the keyboard to type words. 3-option multiple-choice pictures. Use the keyboard to type words. Reading a short text. select the correct day. Students see an object picture and the object’s name in jumbled letters. Listening Skill focus Question format Response format Computer skills Listening for specific information of various kinds. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 9 . Since the test adapts to the answers given. Reading for specific information and gist. spellings and other information. Students decide whether the Use a mouse to indicate sentence is true or false and yes or no or to write yes respond with yes or no. Listening for names. Use the keyboard to type letters. Left click the mouse and select the chosen picture by clicking in the circle under the picture. Completing sentences. Students see a context picture and read a short text containing gaps. Deciding whether the sentence is true or false. Students see a context picture and read a story. Students select the correct written response from a choice of three and then continue until the dialogue is complete. from a pop-up menu. Students listen to a dialogue in which a child tells an adult what s/he did during the past week. Copying words. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Students see a context picture and read the first line of a dialogue. Left click the mouse to reveal the pop-up menu and left click again to select the correct day. Use a mouse to move the on-screen cursor. students may not see every task type. Use the keyboard to type words and numbers. Use the keyboard to type words and numbers. Use a mouse to move the on‑screen cursor. Students see a context picture and listen to a dialogue between a child and an adult.Task types The following task types and question formats are used in the placement test. Test session preparation is quick and easy. Test results The placement test is marked automatically and results are available straight away. • You can print clear. Movers or Flyers. This means you can make immediate decisions about which classes and courses are best for your students. which includes marking and reporting tools. The questions in the test change level depending on whether the student gets questions right or wrong.g. test date). until the appropriate level is determined. This means that students are exposed to questions matched to their ability based on their responses to each previous question. • You can choose to view the results of all students or filter results by other details (e. easy-to-understand reports for one student or groups of students. 10 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS . This can be downloaded here. name. The Cambridge English test delivery system The placement test is taken on a secure online test delivery system.Using the Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners Leading-edge technology The placement test uses adaptive testing technology. login. Quick start guide A full technical guide is available to help with running the test. Each student’s result shows which Cambridge English: Young Learners test they are ready to start preparing for – Starters. including: • coursebooks • preparation courses with real-life learning activities • practice tests • sample papers • support materials.Teaching and learning support Cambridge English: Young Learners tests are available on paper and on computer.cambridgeenglish. www.cambridgeenglish. You can find free resources – including downloadable lesson plans.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english Cambridge English Penfriends Cambridge English Penfriends is an exciting way for children learning English to connect with each other across the world. Official Cambridge English learning materials For the best exam preparation. We have a range of resources that you can use to help your students practise their English and get ready for their Cambridge English: Young Learners tests. Your students can design and exchange cards with students at schools throughout the world.org/webinars Cambridge English website We have a wide range of free teaching resources and information to support English language teachers throughout the world. interactive games and social networking opportunities. through their school.org/games Teacher webinars You can find out more about our exams at our free online seminars for teachers. handbooks and online forums. Led by a team of experts. teaching ideas. worksheets. we offer official Cambridge English preparation materials.cambridgeenglish.org/ penfriends Games and social media We support students in their English language learning through a growing number of fun. Every school that takes part is linked to a school in another country. www. www. classroom activities. www. sample papers. the webinars give teachers the opportunity to ask questions and download: • support materials • a certificate of attendance • a recording of the presentation.cambridgeenglish. www.org/teaching-english CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 11 . Movers and Flyers material you can photocopy for classroom use. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS . as an extra activity or as an introduction to Cambridge English: Young Learners exams. English at School Activity Sheet Starters Pre-A1 level For students working towards Starters Activity Sheet Movers A1 level For students working towards Movers Activity Sheet Flyers A2 level For students working towards Flyers School This activity provides: • • • • 12 reading and writing activities set in a familiar context an introduction to some task types used in Cambridge English: Young Learners tasks for students working towards Starters.After the placement test – student activity You could use this activity after students have taken the Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners. o h o c l S  Photocopiable © UCLES 2014 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 13 . ............  3.... The chairs are green.........  2....... There are four computers on the table...............  4..........  Photocopiable © UCLES 2014 14 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS . Look again at the computer room..... Who has a small computer? a …………........ …………. …………. Now read the questions...………….. …………. A child is asking the teacher a question..........…………...…………...... Write one-word answers....... …………....... A monkey is sitting on a computer...... no ………….………….................…………....... Questions  1...... Questions  6..  9.............. ………….......…………. What is on the wall? a …………... What is the teacher doing? …………......... How many girls can you see? ………….....  7....…………..................…………..………….  8................................ Examples The teacher is a man.... Examples Where are the children? How many children are there? classroom in the …………..................... Can you see the computer room? Read the sentences................. yes ………….. five …………...………….....  5.. 10.................... Write yes or no.....…………..... There are three boys in the classroom.... What colour are the chairs? ………….......…………......Student Activity Activity Sheet: Starters Suitable for students working towards Starters (CEFR Pre-A1) Note to the teacher: The English at School picture is used with this activity sheet Look at the picture..………….. The children look sad....................... ..…………. ………….. “I’ll phone him......………….. Write yes or no.  4. Fred. Fred..........…………....... A boy is climbing.. Charlie gets dressed and runs to school as quickly as he can....... He is the last one inside.. …………. Can you see the library? Read the sentences.. But it was ………….. ………….…………..... No holiday for Charlie Charlie wakes up on Friday but he thinks it is Saturday.......... The library floor is purple...... Mary brings her paintbrushes.  8.. 2 or 3 words.  2............. …………....  3......” says Fred. Your sentence ………………………....................Student Activity Activity Sheet : Movers Suitable for students working towards Movers (CEFR A1) Note to the teacher: The English at School picture is used with this activity sheet Look at the picture.... “I don’t know. You must come to school.... Two boys are talking loudly...... as quickly as he can...... are at the school door....……………………........ Two girls are laughing. 10.. Charlie thinks he is on holiday.... and Mary were there....………….....  7... Write a sentence. Questions  1.....  5..…………..... Charlie answers his phone..... Fred brings his books.... Lily brings her computer.... Charlie has to ………….. You can use 1.......... Charlie’s friends........ “Where’s Charlie?”..  9.. ………….... Lily called Charlie on …………. ………….... Examples The teacher has brown hair.…………. The children are hopping... “It’s Friday............………….... Lily and Mary.....………….................. No holiday for Charlie! Example Saturday Charlie thought it was …………...…………... Write some words to complete the sentences.... ..... inside! Now you do one Look at the picture...............…………....... yes …………....” says Lily...” says Lily........ asks Mary..…………..... and Charlie had to go to school... no …………... Now look at the children outside the school.. Questions  6.... Charlie gets to school but he is the ………….......... Charlie’s friends.. Read the story............…………..........………………………  Photocopiable © UCLES 2014 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 15 . The library is above the café.. ...............…………...................... ………….... and fork........... ………….......…………............... it’s peas... no …………....... The students were very (6)…………........ 3.............. Now you do one Look at the picture....... Your sentence����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ..... The teacher is looking worried...... looking at the food on his (8)…………...…………........ The boy at the back is using yellow paint.. and very noisy! “I want (7)…………. “What’s this?” asked David. “Why don’t you try (10)………….......... Ask the student to read your sentence and tell you the missing word......Student Activity Activity Sheet: Flyers Suitable for students working towards Flyers (CEFR A2) Note to the teacher: The English at School picture is used with this activity sheet Look at the picture.. Leave out one word...... 4..... There is one example.................…………....…………... yes ………….... at school... The children are painting a boy.………….. Now look at the school café....... Examples Some of the children are excited. Write a sentence... Read the story................” said David.................................. ………….. “Is it pasta?” “No.. Questions 1.....” said Robert.. There is an umbrella on the shelf.............. Show your sentence to another student.... “I don’t think you can use a (9)…………......…………... Choose a word from the box.......... Write the correct word next to numbers 6–10....... Write yes or no...........................................…………...................... ………….........………….... 5........ 2....…………....…………....  Photocopiable © UCLES 2014 16 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS lunch pizza chopsticks hungry plate knife .......…………. The boy with purple hair is using a large brush... The girl painting flowers is wearing grey shorts.........?” “That’s a great idea........................…………....” “I have a good idea.......... ………….............. and salad!” shouted William. Can you see the art room? Read the sentences....... Example lunch It was time for …………....” said Emma.... Answer key Question number Starters Activity Movers Activity Flyers Activity  1 yes yes yes  2 yes no no  3 no no yes  4 yes yes yes  5 no yes no  6 red Friday hungry  7 listening Lily pizza  8 (a) boy her phone plate  9 (a) mouse/picture run/run to school knife 10 two/2 last one chopsticks CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 17 . the test is computer-based only. C  an a student enter for a Cambridge English: Young Learners exam without first doing a Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners? Yes. Should I run preparation classes before students take the placement test? No. the test delivery system is easy to use. or sessions on different days. How can I access the placement test demonstration? You can access the demonstration here. How much does a Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners cost? Is  there a bulk purchase discount? Talk to your local exam centre or to the Cambridge English office in your country to find out more about pricing. What does the placement test assess? Listening. 3. Lessons that are too easy can bore students and lessons that are too hard can mean students lose confidence. How can we order placement tests for our students? Talk to your local exam centre or to the Cambridge English office in your country. There is a bulk purchase discount if you buy more tests. Is there a paper-based version of the placement test? No. but you can help your students understand what the test is like by trying the online demo. W  hy should children take the Cambridge English Placement Test for Young  Learners? It is important to teach children at a level that matches their existing skills and level.FAQs 1. 6. 5. Most tests take between 30–40 minutes. The Cambridge English Placement Test for Young Learners is an adaptive test that is designed to assess a child’s ability and give valuable information to teachers and parents. Is the placement test easy to run? Yes. 8. You can read the technical guide and technical support is available from the Cambridge English Helpdesk. The placement test is to help place students in classes and is not a requirement. I have more students than computers. 2. The time will vary according to a student’s input speed and response accuracy. 7. 4. 9. We are a school. 10. 11. 18 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS . reading and writing skills. Can I run more than one session? You can run more than one session on the same day. How long does the placement test take? There is no time limit. What are the minimum technical requirements for running the tests? Minimum technical requirements for each computer Processor Pentium III 800 MHz or equivalent RAM 512 MB Free hard drive space 4 GB Screen resolution 1280 x 1024 Operating system Windows XP. Windows 8 Apple Mac or Linux with similar specifications NB iOS (iPad/iPhone) and Android devices are not currently supported Internet connection 1 Mbps Network Reliable network connection with sufficient bandwidth to enable all users to access the test content at the same time Web browser Internet Explorer Version 8 (or later) Firefox. As part of this. Chrome or Safari (up-to-date version) Adobe Acrobat® Version 7 (or later) Adobe Flash Player® Version 10. Vista.1 (or later) Other Sound card (or built-in sound) and headphones CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST FOR YOUNG LEARNERS: GUIDE FOR TEACHERS 19 . Cambridge English produces a wide range of teaching and learning materials.cambridgeenglish.12. some of which are free. go to www. Windows 7.org/teaching-english 13. What support can you offer teachers? All Cambridge English exams are designed so they have a positive effect on teaching and motivate learners. For more information on support and career development for teachers. *7229279168* © UCLES 2014 | CE/2810/4Y10 Cambridge English Language Assessment is part of the University of Cambridge. We provide the most valuable range of qualifications for learners and teachers of English in the world.cambridgeenglish. Contact us Cambridge English Language Assessment 1 Hills Road Cambridge CB1 2EU United Kingdom www. Cambridge English Language Assessment – a not‑for‑profit organisation.org/helpdesk www.org/younglearners .cambridgeenglish.


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