180 Days of Math Grade 4

May 30, 2018 | Author: Marvin Calma | Category: National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics, No Child Left Behind Act, Educational Assessment, Teachers, Physics & Mathematics
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4Interactive Grade Whiteboard- 4 Grade Compatible CD Provide quick and purposeful daily practice to build mastery in mathematics. 180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade • Reinforce grade-level skills and enhance students’ mathematical proficiency using Practice, Assess, Diagnose: 180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade. This standards-based resource provides an engaging and purposeful practice page for every day of the school year. The practice pages follow a consistent format, and each key mathematical skill or concept is addressed daily. Use the included diagnostic tools to record evidence of student learning, assess student and class progress, and identify students’ intervention or enrichment needs. The mathematical skills targeted in this book include:  Addition and Subtraction  Measurement  Multiplication and Division  Geometry  Fractions, Decimals, and Percents  Data Analysis  Number Sense and Place Value  Word and Logic Problems  Algebra and Algebraic Thinking  Mathematical Reasoning with CD Other books in the series: SEP 50807 $19.99 Quality Resources for Every Classroom Instant Delivery 24 Hours a Day Thank you for purchasing the following e-book –another quality product from Shell Education For more information or to purchase additional books and materials, please visit our website at: www.shelleducation.com This e-book is copyrighted. If you accessed this e-book without making payment, you should be aware that neither the author nor the publisher has received any compensation, and you may be in violation of state and federal law. For further information about our products and services, please e-mail us at: [email protected] To receive special offers via e-mail, please join our mailing list at: www.shelleducation.com/emailoffers 5301 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030 714.489.2080 FAX 714.230.7070 www.shelleducation.com S964 Grade 4 Developed by Jodene Smith Publishing Credits Dona Herweck Rice, Editor-in-Chief; Lee Aucoin, Creative Director; Don Tran, Print Production Manager; Timothy J. Bradley, Illustration Manager; Chris McIntyre, M.A.Ed., Editorial Director; Sara Johnson, M.S.Ed., Senior Editor; Aubrie Nielsen, M.S.Ed., Associate Education Editor; Juan Chavolla, Cover/Interior Layout Designer; Robin Erickson, Production Artist; Corinne Burton, M.A.Ed., Publisher Shell Education 5301 Oceanus Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030 http://www.shelleducation.com ISBN 978-1-4258-0807-5 ©2011 Shell Education Publishing, Inc. The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be transmitted, stored, or recorded in any form without written permission from the publisher. 2 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . project. . . . . . . . . . . . . or test. . . . . . . . . . 83). concepts. . . build on their current understanding. .” Practice is especially important to help students apply their concrete. . . . This is important so that teachers can adequately address students’ misconceptions. . . . and reasoning (Kilpatrick. . . . . a necessary ingredient to learning procedural knowledge at a level at which students execute it independently. . 191 References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . According to Marzano (2010. . Assessment is a long-term process that often involves careful analysis of student responses from a lesson discussion. . . . . . . . . . In short. . . . . . . . students must deeply understand both concepts and procedures so that they can discuss and demonstrate their understanding. . . it is important for teachers to reflect on how their teaching practices may have influenced students’ responses and to identify those areas where additional instruction may be required. . . . . . . . . . conceptual understanding to a particular procedural skill. and will always be. . . . . . the data gathered from assessments should be used to inform instruction: slow down. . . . 4 Daily Practice Pages . © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 3 . This type of assessment is called formative assessment and is used to provide a seamless connection between instruction and assessment (McIntosh 1997). practice sheet. . . 11 Answer Key. and Findell 2001). . . . . . 3 How to Use This Book. . . Table of Contents Introduction and Research . . . . . . . . . . Swafford. . . . . and challenge them appropriately. . . . . 207 Contents of the Teacher Resource CD. . . . . . . . When analyzing the data. “practice has always been. . . . . . . . . . . 208 Introduction and Research The Need for Practice In order to be successful in today’s mathematics classroom. or reteach. . . . . . . . Understanding Assessment In addition to providing opportunities for frequent practice. . . terms. . . . . . teachers must be able to assess students’ understanding of mathematical procedures. Demonstrating understanding is a process that must be continually practiced in order for students to be successful. . . . . speed up. . . . . . . . . . . and graphs Applies appropriate techniques and formulas to 7 determine measurements. 2 Fractions.and three- Analysis dimensional geometric shapes Word/Logic Problem or Solves problems that arise in mathematics and in other 10 Mathematical Reasoning contexts Standards are listed with the permission of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). or as homework. using Thinking words. Understands measurable Measurement attributes of objects and the units. and 8 processes of measurement Uses visualization and spacial reasoning to solve Geometry or Data 9 problems. tables. Easy to Use and Standards-Based These activities reinforce grade-level skills across a variety of mathematical concepts. Every fourth-grade practice page provides 10 questions. Analyzes properties of two. Understands meanings of operations and how they relate to one Division another. and percents 3 Understands various meanings of division. each tied to a specific mathematical concept. and number systems. Algebra and Algebraic 6 Represents and analyzes patterns and functions. Decimals. allowing them to build confidence through these quick. standards-based activities. systems. Percents decimals. Recognizes and generates equivalent forms of fractions. The questions are provided as a full practice page. at the beginning of each mathematics lesson. relationships Place Value or Number 5 among numbers. Computes fluently and makes reasonable 4 estimates Understands representations of numbers. making them easy to prepare and implement as part of a classroom morning routine. 4 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Students are provided the opportunity for regular practice in each mathematical concept. How to Use This Book 180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade offers teachers and parents a full page of mathematics practice activities for each day of the school year. and functions. Understands Sense place-value structure of the base-ten number system Understands patterns. Question Mathematics Concept NCTM Standard Understands meanings of operations such as addition 1 Addition or Subtraction and subtraction and how they relate to one another Multiplication or Understands various meanings of multiplication. NCTM does not endorse the content or validity of these alignments. relations. Practice pages provide 2 DAY instruction and assessment opportunities for each day Name: _____________________________________ of the school year. Fill in the appropriate circle for each problem to indicate correct (Y) or incorrect (N) responses. What is the value of the 4 _______ 9. Y N – 8 square with 3-cm sides. 19 7. they may need additional help with those concepts as outlined in the table on page 4. Y N 9. You might wish to indicate only incorrect responses to focus on those skills. Y N 10. 5+ = 14 has a mass of 34 kg.) Using the Practice Pages As outlined on page 4. ___ / 10 What is Lou’s mass? Total ______________________ 12 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education Using the Scoring Guide Use the scoring guide along the side of each practice page to check answers and see at a glance which skills may need more reinforcement. Y N 8. who 6. 3. 2 x 12 = _______ 4. © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 5 . if students consistently miss numbers 2 and 6. Y N 60° 4. practice to a specific Y N 3 cm mathematics concept.) Use the answer key at the back of the book to score the problems. Directions Solve each problem. 16 ÷ 8 = _______ _______ 90° 5. How to Use This Book (cont. SCORE 1. What does the arrow show? 5. Y N 80° 70° 6. every question is aligned to a mathematics concept and standard. Y N in 45? ______________________ 10. What is the temperature? °F 100° 3. Calculate the perimeter of a 1. Divide twenty into five equal 7. Each question ties student ______________________ 2. (For example. ______________________ 8. or you may call out answers to have students self-score or peer-score their work. Y N groups. Y N 2. Lou's mass is 5 kg less than Don. Then. If the item is correct. To complete the Practice Page Item Analysis: • Write or type students’ names in the far-left column. record an X in the column if the student has the item incorrect. leave the item blank. grade each page using the answer key (pages 191–206). If you are using the Word file or if you have printed the PDF. If the item is correct. If you are using the Word file or if you have printed the PDF. you will need to compute the totals. How to Use This Book (cont.doc and studentitem. totals will be automatically generated.pdf ) for individual students. To complete the Student Item Analysis: • Write or type the student’s name on the top row.xls).doc) and as Microsoft Excel® files (pageitem. Each item correlates with the matching question number from the practice page. • If you are using the Excel file. so one copy per student is necessary. These charts are also provided as both Microsoft Word® files (pageitem. • If you are using the Excel file. Teachers and parents can see at a glance which mathematics concepts or skills students may need to target in order to develop proficiency. After students complete a practice page. • The question numbers are included across the top of the chart. more than one copy of the form may be needed or you may need to add rows. 6 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education .xls and studentitem. • The question numbers are included across the top of the chart. Count the Xs in each row and column and fill in the correct boxes. or the Student Item Analysis (page 8. • For each day. The data analysis tools included with the book enable teachers or parents to quickly score students’ work and monitor their progress. or studentitem.) Diagnostic Assessment Teachers can use the practice pages as diagnostic assessments. or pageitem. record an X in the column if the student has the item incorrect. Each item correlates with the matching question number from the practice page. Count the Xs in each row and column and fill in the correct boxes. Depending on the number of students. Teachers can input data into the electronic files directly on the computer or they can print the pages and analyze students’ work using paper and pencil. complete the Practice Page Item Analysis (page 7. leave the item blank. totals will be automatically generated. This form tracks the ongoing progress of each student. • For each student.pdf ) for the whole class. you will need to compute the totals. Practice Page Item Analysis Directions: Record an X in cells to indicate where students have missed questions. © Shell Education Day: _________________ Question # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # correct Student Name Sample Student x x x x 6/10 How to Use This Book (cont.) # of students missing #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade each question 7 . (2) the total correct score for each student. Add up the totals. and (3) the total number of students who missed each question. You can view: (1) which questions/concepts were missed per student. and (3) the total number of times each question/concept was missed. Add up the totals.) Student Item Analysis Directions: Record an X in cells to indicate where the student has missed questions. You can view: (1) which questions/concepts the student missed. (2) the total correct score per day. Student Name: Sample Student Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # correct Day 1 X X 8/10 Total 8 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . How to Use This Book (cont. How to Use This Book (cont.) Using the Results to Differentiate Instruction Once results are gathered and analyzed, teachers can use the results to inform the way they differentiate instruction. The data can help determine which concepts are the most difficult for students and which need additional instructional support and continued practice. Depending on how often the practice pages are scored, results can be considered for instructional support on a daily or weekly basis. Whole-Class Support The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that the entire class is struggling with a particular concept or group of concepts. If these concepts have been taught in the past, this indicates that further instruction or reteaching is necessary. If these concepts have not been taught in the past, this data is a great pre-assessment and demonstrates that students do not have a working knowledge of the concepts. Thus, careful planning for the length of the unit(s) or lesson(s) must be considered, and extra frontloading may be required. Small-Group or Individual Support The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that an individual or small group of students is struggling with a particular concept or group of concepts. If these concepts have been taught in the past, this indicates that further instruction or reteaching is necessary. Consider pulling aside these students while others are working independently to instruct further on the concept(s). Teachers can also use the results to help identify individuals or groups of proficient students who are ready for enrichment or above-grade level instruction. These students may benefit from independent learning contracts or more challenging activities. Students may also benefit from extra practice using games or computer-based resources. Teacher Resource CD The Teacher Resource CD provides the following resources: • NCTM Correlations Chart • Reproducible PDFs of each practice page • Directions for completing the diagnostic Item Analysis forms • Practice Page Item Analysis PDF, Word document, and Excel spreadsheet • Student Item Analysis PDF, Word document, and Excel spreadsheet © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 9 How to Use This Book (cont.) NCTM Standards The lessons in this book are aligned to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. The standards listed on page 4 support the concepts and skills that are consistently presented on each of the practice pages. Standards Correlations Shell Education is committed to producing educational materials that are research and standards based. In this effort, we have correlated all of our products to the academic standards of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense Dependent Schools, as well as to the Common Core Standards. How to Find Standards Correlations To print a customized correlation report of this product for your state, visit our website at http://www.shelleducation.com and follow the on-screen directions. If you require assistance in printing correlation reports, please contact Customer Service at 1-877-777-3450. Purpose and Intent of Standards The No Child Left Behind legislation mandates that all states adopt academic standards that identify the skills students will learn in kindergarten through grade twelve. While many states had already adopted academic standards prior to NCLB, the legislation set requirements to ensure the standards were detailed and comprehensive. Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula. Standards are statements that describe the criteria necessary for students to meet specific academic goals. They define the knowledge, skills, and content students should acquire at each level. Standards are also used to develop standardized tests to evaluate students’ academic progress. Teachers are required to demonstrate how their lessons meet state standards. State standards are used in development of all of our products, so educators can be assured they meet the academic requirements of each state. 10 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education 1 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 18 + 5 = _______ 7. Write the line length in 1. Y N centimeters. _ ______________________ 2. Y N 4 2. Color 5 of the rectangle. cm 1 2 3 4 5 3. Y N 8. Do you use a.m. or p.m. to 4. Y N write 7:00 in the morning? 3. Share 8 equally between 2. ______________________ 5. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 4. 8 ÷ 4 = _______ 9. How many sides does a pentagon have? _ 7. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N 5. Is 15 smaller than 51? 9. Y N ______________________ 10. Complete the addition grid. 10. Y N + 8 14 17 19 22 36 6. Fill in the missing number. 19 45, 50, 55, _______, 65, 70 29 ___ / 10 Total 39 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 11 2 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 19 7. Calculate the perimeter of a 1. Y N – 8 square with 3-cm sides. ______________________ 2. Y N 3 cm 3. Y N 2. 2 x 12 = _______ 4. Y N 8. What is the temperature? °F 100° 3. 16 ÷ 8 = _______ _______ 90° 5. Y N 80° 70° 6. Y N 60° 4. Divide twenty into five equal 7. Y N groups. _ ______________________ 8. Y N 9. What does the arrow show? 5. What is the value of the 4 _______ 9. Y N in 45? _ ______________________ 10. Y N 10. Lou's mass is 5 kg less than Don, who 6. 5+ = 14 has a mass of 34 kg. ___ / 10 What is Lou’s mass? Total ______________________ 12 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education 8 = 10 – + 400 1. Y N 10. Y N 2. How much did he 471 741 417 spend? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 13 . Y N 9. 16 ÷ 2 = _______ ______________________ 8. How many seconds are in 1 minute? 7. 6. Do parallel lines intersect? 9. Write the time. Circle the smallest number. Y N 7 06 4. Rex bought 4 pens at $1.50 each. Y N 2. Y N 5. Y N 4. Y N ______________________ 5. 3. 10. Y N 3. 500 6. Y N ______________________ 8. 3 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 7. Divide 18 into 9 equal _______ past _______ groups. SCORE 1. 1 2 of 16 is _______. Y N 3. 10 of 20 = 2. 6 tens + 4 ones = _______ 10. Y N 2. Y N ____________________ 10.00 7. Y N 3. 8 ∙ 40 8. 4 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 7. Y N 2. 7x = 28 1. Y N 4. so 10 of 20 = ______________________ ___ / 10 Total 14 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 32 ÷ 4 = _______ 9. Y N 1 3 5. _ _ _ 9. 26 – 9 = _______ 6. What is the term for + $1. Name this shape. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 5.25 the amount of space inside a container? 4. _______ quarts = 1 gallon 6. Y N 8. $2. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ 10. Write 306 in words. ___ / 10 Total 2 m2 40 m2 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 15 . Y N 6. Complete the multiplication wheel. Number of Pets 4. Record the data in the chart 3. 5 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N Tyrone has 3 pets. 20 + 80 = _______ 8. 8. 5 x 8 9. What day comes after 1. Aubrey has no pets. Y N 3. SCORE 1. How many groups 6. 9. ______________________ Mitch has 2 pets. Y N 5 ¥ 4 10 1 3 7. Y N Sunday? ______________________ 2. 4. Y N Cara has 3 pets. Y N of 10 are in 40? Melissa has 6 pets. 5. Y N using numbers. 9+ = 10 8 2 6 10. 7. Circle the best estimate for 4 9 7 the area of a door. 8 ∙ 12 Tyrone Melissa Aubrey Mitch Cara 5. Y N 1. What is the value 9. SCORE 24 1. ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 16 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N which she divided into stacks of 5. 6 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 2. _ 4. – 13 7. Name the shape of the cross-section. Divide 28 into 5. Y N 9. Beverly had 475 pennies 10. Complete the pattern. How many stacks did she have? 6. 8 ∙ 63 ______________________ 7. Y N 8. _______ inches = 1 foot 3. Y N 8. Y N of the 3 in 352? ______________________ 10. ______________________ 6. Y N 4 equal groups. How many buckets of water are needed to fill the tub? ______________________ 2. Y N 1 3. 2 of 18 is _______. Y N 5. 4L 20 L 4. What is the date of the first 4 1. Y N FEBRUARY 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2. 6 7. Y N 9. What number am I? 6. Y N 4. Y N October? 3. Y N is 43. 7 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N expanded notation. If you add 9 to me. Y N 5. Color 4 of the pentagons. SCORE 1. Y N 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4. 2 ∙ 18 ______________________ 6. Y N 8. Y N Monday in February? + 5 ______________________ 2. 12 shared equally by 6 is ______________________. Is the angle below a right angle? 7. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Write 247 in 9. What is the month before 5. ______________________ 10. 6x = 24 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 17 . the sum 10. ______________________ 8. _______ inches 2. translation._ 1400 _______ 1200 1000 ___ / 10 800 600 Total 400 200 mL 18 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Record the liquid amount in Actual Number: _______ the pitcher in liters. Y N ______________________ 10. 9. 8 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 7. Is 42 greater than 24? 7. Write the length in inches. Y N dots in the square. Then 6. SCORE 1. Y N 1 2.5? in. Y N reflection. 16 ÷ 4 = _______ 9. Y N Estimate: _______ _ 10. Y N 1. Do the pencils show a 4. Y N 5. 50 – 15 = _______ 8. Is 2 equal to 0. 56 ÷ 8 = _______ 6. 1 2 3 4 5 3. 1x =8 check by counting. or rotation? 5. Y N ______________________ 3. Estimate the number of 8. SCORE 1. Divide 16 into 4 equal length of a shoelace: groups. He has grown 13 cm. 2x = 12 1. Color the polygons. 9 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 36 ÷ 4 = _______ 9. 8. Y N and 8. 10. Y N measuring tool for the 3. Circle the largest number. Last year Nick was 58 cm 10. ______________________ 2. Y N 8. Y N 4. a scale. Y N 2. or a clock? 6. Y N 5. 4. What is his height now? 639 963 936 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 19 . a yardstick. Y N 9. Y N one whole? ______________________ 4. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 7. Calculate the sum of 12. 6. _______ mm = 1 cm 3. Which would be the best 5. Y N tall. How many eighths are in 7. 6 x 9 = _______ 3. Y N – 8 2. Y N 7. 8 quarts = gallons 1. Circle the card that shows 4. Y N ______________________. 5. Y N ones place in 36? _ A B ______________________ 9. Y N C D 6. 2. Draw a line from the real‑life object to the matching solid. 10 x = 20 10. Y N 9. 27 8. Is the total distance around the outside of a shape ___ / 10 perimeter or volume? Total ______________________. Y N 10. 7. What is the value in the 8. 3 ∙ 24 5. 12 shared equally by 4 is the same fraction as the example on top. 20 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . SCORE 1. Y N 4. Y N 6. 10 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 3. and reached school at 8:05 a. _ 1 5 3. Tom left home at 7:40 a. Write two odd numbers that total the even number 12. 11 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Mark the parallel lines with 8. 5 1. Y N 7. _______. Y N + 3 3. 10. Y N Y N after 46? _ 10.m. 6 ∙ 12 9. 16 ÷ 2 = _______ 8. Y N 3. 18 2. Y N ______________________ 4. How many 6. Y N cm 1 2 3 4 5 5._ ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 21 . Y N an X. 5. Y N 2. 17 6. Fill in the missing number. Is 2 equal to 10 ? _______ ______________________ 4.m. 15. Write the length in millimeters. Y N minutes did it take him to get to school? _ 7. 6. 9. What is the number right _F 9. How many boys will ___ / 10 ______________________ be on each team? _ Total ______________________ 22 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 4 cm 5. A coach of the 1 in 312? wants to form 4 equal teams. Y N 3. There are 16 boys. 5+ = 25 1. Y N 9. Y N ruler to measure weight? ______________________ ______________________ 7. 12 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Would you use a scale or 6. 4 of 28 is _______. SCORE 1. Y N 5. Calculate the area 1 of the square. Y N ______________________ 10. What is the value 10. Y N 7. What is the area of a rectangle that measures 4 cm by 12 cm? 9. 36 – 7 = _______ 6. 3. Y N 2. Y N 4. Divide 24 into equal groups of 4. 28 ÷ 4 = _______ 8. _ 8. Y N 2. ______________________ 4. Y N 7 2. 13 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 7 ∙ 14 9. If 18 pens are divided into 9 8. 22 + 5 = _______ 6.7 equal to 100 ? 7. 3. Y N 10. Y N _______ to _______ 5. SCORE 1. 36 ÷ =9 1. Write the time. Y N 2. Y N 4. 1 day = _______ hours equal rows. 8. Name this shape. how many pens are in each row? 6. Y N am ______________________ 4. Y N 3. What is the place value of 7 10. Y N ______________________ 7. in 71? How much is one ticket? ______________________ ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 23 . Is 0. Y N 5. Y N _____________________ 9. Mel spent $20 on 5 tickets. Y N 2. Y N 10. 5 ∙ 40 8. 33 _ ___ / 10 Hundreds Total _______ ______ _______ 24 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ 5. Y N – 8 2. Y N 7. smallest to largest. Order the numbers from the number 423. How many 4s are in 20? A B C D ______________________ 9. Would you use kilograms or grams to measure the mass ______________________ of a banana? _ 4. 43 6. _______ pints = 1 quart 6. SCORE 1. Is 2 less than 4 ? 7. 8. Y N 4. 73. Y N 3. Complete the chart. Y N 10. Circle the solids that have a rectangular top view. Y N 1 1 3. 14 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Tens 43. 45 – = 39 1. Round 5. Y N 9. Y N 4. Y N 5. Is the distance around a polygon called perimeter? 2. 1 10. Calculate the product of 3. _ ______________________ ______________________ 4. SCORE 1. What is the value of the 9 in 892. Y N 9 and 6. Use different colors to color pairs of numbers that equal ______________________ the product shown in the 9. Y N groups. 24 6. 15 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N A B C 7. Y N 3. Y N 8. Y N 7.135? 15 15 3 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total 5 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 25 . 40 ÷ 10 = _______ 9. Circle the triangle that has 3 equal sides. 6. Divide 36 into 4 equal 8. _______ feet = 1 yard 5. 10. Y N center. Y N 2. x 4 = 24 + 7 1. Fill in the missing number. Y N 2. Dollars Earned in May 7. Y N higher. 9 ∙ 36 Dameon $23 Jason $12 8. Y N 1.M. 16 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N in 14? _ ______________________ ______________________ 6. and arrives 6. A bus leaves Oakton at 12:30 P. Calculate one-tenth of 40. Y N Lauren $18 How much money did 5. 29. ______________________ 4. 3. 32 – 7 = _______ 7. Y N Audrey $15 4. _______. Y N 10. Circle the one that would raise the water level 2. Y N 9. How long is the trip? ___ / 10 49. SCORE 1. 9 Total ______________________ 26 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . How many days are in 3. Y N notation. at Rockville at 4:18 P. How many groups of 7 are January? _ 5. Y N 8. _ ______________________ ______________________ 10. You can put either a ball or a brick into a bucket of water.M. Write 563 in expanded Lauren earn? _ 9. 19. 12 x = 24 1. What is the date of the third 2. Y N ______________________ 8. 17 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Are parallel lines always the same distance apart? 9. Y N Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5. Y N 5. 27 28 29 how many cups will each 6. Y N 2. How many fourths are in 1? Monday in February? 3. Y N ______________________ 10. 33 + 19 = _______ 6. the difference is 32. Y N 4. Y N 7. Would you use a ruler or a yardstick to measure a ______________________ flag pole? _ 7. What is the value of the tens place in 62? _ 10. Y N ______________________ ______________________ FEBRUARY 4. If you share 20 cups 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 equally among 10 people. SCORE 1. Y N 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3. If you subtract 14 from me. 2 ∙ 12 9. Y N person get? _ 8. What number am I? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 27 . 10. _ ______________________ 8. What is the next even 9. 24 ÷ =6 ___ / 10 Total 28 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 2. Circle the most likely mass of a dog. Name the shape of the 7. Y N 5. Y N 4. _ 5 kilograms ______________________ 5 kilometers 6. SCORE 1. 80 ÷ 8 = _______ 9. Y N ______________________ 25 3. 18 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 1L ______________________ 4. Y N 8. Y N groups. Divide 40 into 10 equal 5 grams 5. 3. Y N – 5 capacity of 1 liter have different shapes? _ 2. Write 100 as a decimal. Y N shaded face. Y N Continue the pattern by translating the tile three times. Look at the first tile. 6. Can containers with a 1. Y N number after 68? _ ______________________ 10. 20 7. Y N Cathy 3. 15 + = 37 9. Y N ______________________ How many books did Cathy 5. How long model? _ does he spend driving to and from work every day? _ _______ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 29 . Each cube has 1-cm sides. Y N 6. 21 8. Books Read in March 3. or p.m.? ______________________ 2. SCORE 1. Do you leave for school in + 14 1. Which is larger: 6 or 0. Y N Martin 5. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 8.m. What is 48 books shared Jose equally among 4 classes?_ = 5 books read 6. 4 of 24 is _______ 9. It takes Dad 20 minutes to 10. Y N 7. Y N the a. 19 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 4.6? read? _ 7. 3 ∙ 12 4. Y N 1 2. Y N What is the volume of the drive to work. 10. 65. 9. Y N 6. Y N 2. 20 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 60 minutes equals how many hours? ______________________ 2. SCORE 1. Color half of the area so 8. Would the area of a stamp most likely be measured in ___ / 10 cm2 or m2? Total ______________________ 30 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 18 divided into 9 equal 10 groups is _ 9 ______________________. Which numbers are inside x 8 the circle but not in the 3. Y N 3. Y N 4. 7. _______ unshaded parts have the same shape. Y N rectangle or triangle? ______________________ 4. 8 9. 40 ÷ 4 = _______ 1 4 3 2 5. 30 – 15 = _______ 8. 64. Y N that both the shaded and 63. Y N 5. 10. Fill in the missing number. Y N 7. Y N 7 5 6 8 6. Y N 1. 9x = 18 10. Y N cm 1 2 3 4 5 5. 24 2. _______. 8 of 24 is _______ ______________________ 4. What is the place value of 9 in 918? _ 10. SCORE 1. 16. Y N 3. Write two odd numbers that total the even number 8. 12. Y N water. 21 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 1 in centimeters. Fill in the missing number. Y N 10. 2. Y N 8. Y N ______________________ 4. Write the line length 3. 56 ÷ 8 = _______ 9. Y N 7. ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 31 . If you wanted a glass of 6. 5 ∙ 20 8. 1. 26 + 13 = _______ 6. would you pour a cup or a gallon of water? 7. Y N 5. Draw the axes of symmetry. 8. Y N 9. Y N 20° ______________________ 10° 0° 7. One bag of cookies has a ______________________ mass of 350 g. Is 102 greater than 120? 10. Divide 28 into 4 equal _______ °C 40° groups. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. Y N 8. What solid figure is a globe? 9. Y N 7.29? _ 6 cm 4. Which is greater: 0. Y N 2. What is the temperature? 3. 24 6. Y N ______________________ 3 cm 5. _ 30° 6.3 or ______________________ 0. Y N 5. What is the mass of 2 bags? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ 32 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ 10. Y N 8. Y N 4. SCORE 1. _ 3. Y N – 18 2. 13 + = 15 1. 8 ∙ 48 9. 22 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Total Rainfall 60 4. 11 12 1 10 2 2. Y N Which year received the most rainfall? _ ______________________ 10. 3. 23 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. groups of 8 are in 32? Y N 40 30 ______________________ 20 8. Y N 6. and 4. 9. Y N time shown. Y N 9 3 8 4 35 2. what do ___ / 10 5 kg of apples cost? Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 33 . 16 ÷ 4 = _______ 8. If 1 kg of apples costs $1. 35 7. 7 6 5 3.25. Y N 3. Write the smallest 2-digit 2007 2008 2009 Year 2010 number using 8. Y N 9. Y N ______________________ 4: ______ ___ past 4 4. Y N 10 5. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 6. 24 ÷ =4 10. Write the decimal for 100 . Fill in the blanks for the + 14 1. How many equal Inches of Rain 50 7. 7 days = _______ week 5. % 34 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Circle the best estimate for the weight of the object. Y N 1. Y N 6. 54 ÷ 6 = _______ 8. Y N ______________________ 4. Show the amount shaded as a fraction. SCORE 1. 24 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write the fraction for 0. 20 – 17 = _______ 7. Y N 10. Y N 10. _______ pints = 1 gallon 5. 300 + 80 + 6 = _______ percentage. decimal. 9. Y N 9. Y N ______________________ 8. 7 ∙ 14 7. – 4 = 12 ___ / 10 Total 100 0. Y N 2. and 5. _ 4. 3. Y N 6. Name the polygon with three vertices. Y N 3. 100 g 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 2.27. 061 in expanded notation. A parallelogram has: _______ angles 4. Y N 10. Write 1. Y N 9. _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ______________________ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ___ / 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 35 . SCORE 1. How many millimeters are 2. 7 ∙ 70 _______ axes of symmetry 8. Y N 7. 10. Y N 3. Y N 5. Y N x 3 ______________________ 4. 32 + 26 = _______ 6. Y N ______________________ 7. 25 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. _______ inches = 1 yard 5. How many groups of three are in 30? _ 6. Color the multiples of 4. Y N 9. Y N 2. Y N 8. 4 in 5 centimeters? _ 3. 4x = 40 1. 102. Y N ______________________ _____________________ 10. If 2 fill a and 1. male and 2. School Awards 4.235 6. Y N 3 fill a . Y N 9. Y N Evan Rich 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 8. ______________________ 4. How many ants are ___ / 10 112. 25 ÷ 5 = _______ Daniel Student 7. 72 there in the farm? _ Total ______________________ 36 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N – 15 2.16? _ 3. 82. Is 75 less than 57? awards? 9. SCORE 1. Which is smaller: 0. Which month has only 28 3. then 2. _______. Ms. Fill in the missing number.628 worker ants. 20 7. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 6.6 or 0. Y N Number of Awards Who has won the most 5. Y N 10. 26 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8. Nielson's class has an ant farm. How many groups days? _ of 6 are in 42? 5. Y N _______ fill a . There are 1. Our sum is 11. Y N A B C D 5. 8 ∙ 24 8. What number is 100 more than 1. 9 ÷ 3 = _______ 7. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Y N JANUARY 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2. 6. Circle the solids that have a circular top view. Y N 3. Y N 9. Y N 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4. 5. The difference between us is 1. Y N does January end? ______________________ 2. On what day of the week 1. 18 + = 20 What numbers are we? ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 37 . Y N 10. Y N _______________ inches 6.468? _ 9. 2 of 18 = _______ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3. Y N in. Y N ______________________ 10. SCORE 1. 26 + 35 = _______ 7. Write the length in inches. 27 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 8. Y N 6. Y N 10. SCORE 1. Y N _______ ______________________ 4. How many fourths are in 3? ______________________ ______________________ 3. I put 700 mL of water in A B C D E F G H the jug. Divide 8 by 2. Which would be the best tool for measuring the length of a book: a ruler. or a scale? 2. Y N was displaced by the toy? _______ mL was displaced. x 4 = 20 2 1 9. Y N 1. 14 ÷ 7 = _______ 5. Does this shape tessellate? 4. Y N 7. Y N 3. Y N 2. 1L 900 800 700 ___ / 10 600 500 400 Total 300 200 100 38 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . What is the place value of 7 8 in 1. a yardstick. Y N ______________________ 5 4 3 8. 9. Y N 5. Next I put a toy in the jug. 28 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.709? _ 7 6 7. 32 – 15 = _______ 8. 6.3). Draw a triangle on the coordinate (G. How much water 10. 25 + 27 = _______ 6. 4. 100 + 40 + 7 = _______ 3 charm bracelets that cost $5. Jan left home at 7:35 a. Y N symmetry. 18 ÷ =9 1. Y N 10.m. Y N 8:10 a. is used for volume? 3. 6 ∙ 24 8. She wants to buy 10. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 4.00 each. Y N 9. SCORE 1. Does she have enough money to buy the 3 bracelets? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 39 . Carole’s mom gave her $14.00.m. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 9. 29 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. How many groups minutes did she travel? _ of 2 are in 16? 6. Y N 2. and reached school at 5. Y N 8. Draw in the axes of 7. What unit of measure 2. Y N 5. Write the decimal for 2 . How many 3. Y N 1 7. x 6 = 36 1. Y N 8. The area of the flower bed 3. Y N Allison soccer diving swimming Which sport does Troy play in the 3rd trimester? 10. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 7. What is their combined area? _ 4. Y N 5. so 10 of 60 = ___ / 10 Total ______________________ 40 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . _ 6. Y N 4. 28 ÷ 7 = _______ 1st 2nd Trimester Trimester 3rd Trimester Troy soccer basketball baseball Jessica golf basketball track 9.m. Sports Played Each Year 8. Y N ______________________ 5. Y N 7. Y N 2. Y N 9. Is 63 closer to 60 or 70? ______________________ ______________________ 1 7 10. 5 x 7 = _______ is 12 m2 and the area of the grass is 24 m2. 10 of 60 = 6. Divide 16 into 4 equal groups. 30 6. Y N – 9 2. Is 12:00 p. 30 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. a reasonable bedtime? _ 3. SCORE 1. 60. Y N ______________________ 9. _______. 29 20. Fill in the missing number. Y N shown? _ 4. 100 39 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 41 . Y N 8. 2. Write the length in + 14 1. Complete the subtraction 9. _______ 5. would 4. Write the smallest 4-digit numeral using 0. Y N millimeters. Y N 1 1 2 3 4 5 2. _ grid. 10. 8. SCORE 1. What type of prism is 6. 31 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 8 ∙ 40 ______________________ 7. Divide 20 by 5. If the temperature were 89 degrees Fahrenheit. _ ______________________ 2. Y N 19 6. Y N 5. 4 of 36 is _______ cm 3. 12 7. Y N 8. Y N you wear a bathing suit or a jacket? _ 3. Y N and 7. ______________________ – 44 48 53 61 72 75 10. 40. 4 or 10 ? square with 3 cm sides. 15 ÷ 5 = _______ 6. Y N 8. Sam found one dollar. 8. Y N 10. 3 ∙ 18 A B 9. 43 – 17 = _______ 6. Y N 3.426 in expanded 10. Y N ______________________ 7. Calculate the area of a Y N 2. How much did he spend? ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total ______________________ 42 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . How many weeks are in one year?_ 3. SCORE 1. Y N 4. Which is smaller: 0._ kept half and spent the rest. Y N 9. 3 7. Y N 1. ______________________ _______ 3 cm 4. 32 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. He notation. Circle the set of lines that are parallel. Y N 5. Write 3. Y N 5. 25 + = 36 2. Sharon and Sue like tacos. Y N 3. Y N Sue likes pizza. Y N kept a quarter and spent ______________________ the rest. Joe found one dollar. 56 ÷ 7 = _______ Sue 8. 7. Y N ▲▲▲▲▲▲ 8 7 6 5 4 5. 42 – = 15 1.467 in words. 1 2. _______ pints = ½ gallon ______________________. Y N Pizza Tacos Sharon 4. He 10. Record the data in the chart. Color 2 . 6. The quotient of 40 and 10 is 8. Y N clocks. Y N 7. SCORE 1. How much did he ______________________ spend? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 43 . 9. 5. Y N 9. 33 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 11 12 1 3. 23 + 7 = _______ 6. Y N 10 2 ▲▲▲▲▲▲ 9 3 4. Y N Sharon does not like pizza. Write 2. Show 20 to 3 on both 2. 10. Y N mass? ______________________ 5. Y N 4. What is Dan’s 4. SCORE 1. Y N 10. 16 – 5 = _______ 6. Add 4 tens and 3 ones to the number 38. or rotation. + 3 = 18 2. Y N 1. Y N 60 2. Y N 7. _ ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 44 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 5 ∙ 30 8. 8. whose mass ______________________ is 39 kg. Y N 3. 7. Y N 9. Is 573 less than 537? 10. 28 ÷ 2 = _______ ______________________ 9. translation. Y N 5. Write the decimal for 100 . Dan's mass is double the mass of Tim. Label with reflection. _______ inches = 4 feet 6. Y N 3. 34 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. A B 5. Y N ______________________ 4. SCORE 32 7. 35 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 4. 7 ∙ 14 10. 1. 4x = 16 Total 7 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 45 . How many groups of nine are in the number_ twenty-seven? _ 6. Y N pairs of numbers that equal the product shown in the center. Y N + 29 ______________________ 2. Y N 3. Y N C D ______________________ 7. Use different colors to color 8. Y N 9. Y N 5. Is 357 closer to 300 or 400? 1 ______________________ 10. Y N 8. Circle the quadrilaterals. Y N 21 21 3 ___ / 10 6. Is 1 m2 greater than 1 cm2? 1. 9. What month comes after May? _ 2. 5 x 9 = _______ 3. Draw the top view of this solid. Y N ______________________ 9. Would you use a ruler or a yardstick to measure 5. How many liters are in 3. Y N 10. Y N Ruby. 700. 850 2. 27 – 15 = _______ 6.000 milliliters? _ 2. List all the factors of 6. Y N 8. He gives a 9-inch length to 10. 40 ÷ 4 = _______ 6. Y N 7. 36 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 800. ______________________ 9. Y N 8. _______. 650. Y N the length of your shoe? 3. Omar has a licorice rope that is 48 inches long. 4 of 28 is _______ ______________________ 4. What is 200 to Shen. and 10-inch more than 694? lengths to both Nita and Paco. How long is ___ / 10 ______________________ Omar's licorice rope now? Total ______________________ 46 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . an 8-inch length 5. Y N 1 7. 7. Fill in the missing number. Y N 1. Y N 4. How many groups 6 centimeters 8. Write the decimal for 4 . What day of the week is 3 January 31? _ 2. Y N 10. Circle the most likely height of a door. Y N 6 feet 4. 6 inches 7. Look at the calendar below. 37 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 15 ÷ =5 1. Y N ______________________ _____________________ FEBRUARY 4. 3. the sum is 473. Is 847 closer to 800 or 900? _ 10. 9. 7 ∙ 14 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 24 25 26 6. SCORE 1. Draw an obtuse angle. 35 + 37 = _______ 6. Y N Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5. Y N 5. Y N of 9 are in 81? ______________________ 9. What number _ ______________________ am I? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 47 . Y N 7. Y N 3. If you add me to 246. Y N 2. Y N 8. 56 – = 36 ___ / 10 Total 48 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Write the fraction for 0. 6. Y N 2.? ______________________ _____________________ 4. Follow the directions 7. 9. 3 up.m. How many milliliters are in 1. 24 7. 1 down. 38 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 3. Y N – 12 7 liters? _ ______________________ 2.000 + 300 + 70 + 4 = 10 left.1. 16 ÷ 4 = _______ 9. 1. SCORE 1. How many groups of 7 are 10. and color the path of the Y N in 42? _ counter. Name the quadrilateral 5. Y N with only one set of parallel sides. 4 down. Y N school in the a. Y N o 6. Y N ______________________ 10. 2 right. Directions ______________________ 8. Do you go home from 3. or p.m. 5. 8. 6 right. 2 down. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N Move: 3 right. SCORE 1. Y N 1 7. Y N does a rectangle have? _ 4. 22 6. Y N 5. Y N ______________________ 7. There are 8 squares. how many squares ______________________ ___ / 10 are red? _ Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 49 . List all the factors of 4. 100 _______ = 1 m 2. Y N 8. Y N 9. How many right angles 8. 4 of 20 is _______ 4. If 25% of the squares are red 5. 6 ∙ 36 cold day? _ 6. Y N 2. 39 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. ______________________ ______________________ 9. Y N 10. Y N 10. Is 265 less than 256? and the rest of them are blue. is it a warm or 3. If the outdoor temperature is 85°F. x 5 = 30 + 19 1. Y N 3. 2. What is the difference 6. 40 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Calculate the object. ________________ is the longest dimension of an 3. Y N 4. Y N ______________________ 8. 6 ∙ 12 10. Y N 5. A cylinder has: _______ surfaces 7. Y N between 24 and 7? _ ______________________. 4.000 + 300 + 20 = ______________________ ___ / 10 Total 50 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 2. Y N 3. If the shaded area is equal to one. Y N 9. x 4 = 32 1. 35 ÷ 7 = _______ 6. what is the area of the dotted region? _ 9. 1. 12 months = _____ year(s) 5. SCORE 1. Y N 7. Y N ______________________ 10. product of 7 and 6. Y N _______ edges 8. _ ______________________ 2. Y N 8. Fill in the missing number. SCORE 1. How many digits are in 600? _ 9. Y N Dameon $23 4. Y N _____________________ 6. Write the length in 1. Y N ______________________ 9. 5. 40. ______________________ 10. Write two odd numbers that total the even number 20. Y N ______________________ 5.16? cm 1 2 3 4 5 3. 48. _______ quarts = 2 gallons 3. 70 ÷ 7 = _______ Jason $12 Lauren $18 7. _______. Dollars Earned in May Audrey $15 6. 64 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 51 . 35 + 18 = _______ 7. 32. List all the factors of 9. Y N Who earned the most money? _ 8.6 or 0. Y N 10. Y N centimeters. Which is larger: 0. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 2. 41 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 9. 46 6. _______ inches = 2 foot 7. True or false? Plane shapes are 3-dimensional. _ How tall is Joe? Total ______________________ ______________________ 52 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ 10. 9 ∙ 18 8. 7. Jack is 87 cm tall. Y N 4. Y N a square with 5 cm sides. Y N – 25 2. 5. ___ / 10 after sixteenth. Calculate the perimeter of 3. ______________________ 4. List all the factors of 12. SCORE 1. 7x = 21 1. 42 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write the ordinal number Joe is 13 cm taller. Y N 3. Y N 5 cm 5. Y N 3 2. 9. Y N 1 8. ______________________ 10. Color 10 . Y N 6. Y N ______________________ 8. 8 of 48 is _______ 7 6 5 3. Y N ____ past 12 3. How many days are in 6. Y N ______________________ 10. Which is greater: 0.03 or 0. Y N 9 3 1 8 4 2. How much did he spend? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 53 . 5. 5. Y N 10.50 each. 11 12 1 10 2 2. 48 ÷ = 12 $2. Fill in the blanks for the + 17 1. Y N 8. Y N 12: _______ 4. 8 ∙ 64 ______________________ 7. Y N time shown. Y N April? 4. Dad bought 4 hats that cost 6. 22 7. List all the factors of 16. Y N 9. SCORE 1. Draw in the axes of symmetry. 43 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.3? _ 9. Y N 10. Subtract 4. Write the length in inches.564? _ Halve the result. 3. Y N ______________________. ___ / 10 Total 6. 37 – 23 = _______ have a mass of more than 1 kilogram? 2. Choose a number: 4. 24 ÷ 3 = _______ Add 6. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N _______ inches 4. Y N digit 6 in 1. Write your ending number. 9. SCORE 7. x 8 = 24 ______________________. Shade 0. Y N Double the result. Y N 9. 54 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 5. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Does a slice of pizza 1. Subtract the number with ______________________ which you began. What is the value of the 10. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 1. Y N in. How many sevens are in twenty-eight? _ 7. The cross-section will be a 6. 44 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 8. 3.53. Y N ______________________ 10. 6. Y N wheel. or a meter stick? _ 2. Y N 9. Calculate the sum of 23 8. 2. Which would be the best 1. Books Read in March Cathy 4. Y N = 5 books read ______________________ _ Which children read the 7. List all the factors of 18. Y N 2. 6. Y N 0 5 7 4 2 x8 7. Y N same number of books? 5. 3 ∙ 27 Martin 5.000 + 900 + 70 + 5 = ___________________ 8. Complete the multiplication 9. _ tool for measuring the temperature of water: ______________________ a scale. Y N and 15. 45 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 4x = 36 10. 6 x 5 ______________________ 3. Y N 3. Y N Jose 4. What is the abbreviation for 9 8 cubic centimeter? _ 6 3 10 ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 55 . a thermometer. How many groups of 6 6. Y N 4. A regular octagon has: 8. 0. SCORE 1. 169 2. Fill in the missing number. Y N 5. Y N – 6 129. 46 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 7. _______ inches = 2 feet ______________________ 7. What is the even number right before 36? _ 10.5 of 18 is _______. Y N ______________________ 5. 149. Y N are in the number 36? 8. What fraction must be added to ¾ of a pizza to ___ / 10 ______________________ make 1 whole pizza? Total ______________________ 56 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . bucket? 4. Y N 3. Y N 2. 1. 48 ÷ 6 = _______ _______ angles 9. 13 6. How many full oil bottles can be poured into the 3. Y N 9. Y N _______ sides _______ axes of symmetry 10. 139. _______. Y N 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 6.m. How 3. Y N 10. What numbers are we? _ ______________________ ___ / 10 _______ _______ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 57 . Our product is 72. 4 + 7 + 6 = _______ 6. What is the date of the first Monday in March? _ ______________________ 3. and ends at 5:30 p. A movie starts at 3:15 p. Is 42 smaller than 24? difference between us is 1.m. x 2 = 18 1. What decimal is shaded? 7. Y N 8. How many pairs of opposite parallel sides does a 4. 6 ∙ 60 parallelogram have?_ 9. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 8. Y N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 5. Y N 9. Y N 2. 47 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ FEBRUARY Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 4. How many threes are in long is the movie? _ 21? _ 7. The 5. Y N ______________________ 10. It took 4 buckets of water to fill a 20-liter tub. Y N 20 10 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year 7. SCORE 1. Y N 1. Use the same three colors 6. 42 ÷ 6 = _______ 30 6. Y N 5. 30° 3. Is 0. ÷7=6 for each flag. How many rows of 7 are in 49? _ 9. Y N 40° 1 2.06? Which year received the least rainfall? _ 8. 33 – 7 = _______ 8. What is the temperature? _______ °F 60° 50° 2. Y N 10. Total Rainfall 60 5. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 9. How many ___ / 10 liters are in each bucket?_ Total ______________________ 58 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ Inches of Rain 50 40 4. Y N 3. 10. Y N 7. 5 of 15 is _______.6 less than 0. Y N 20° 4. Color each flag in a different way. 48 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 472? _ His mom is twice as tall as he is. front. Y N 3. 6. Y N 4. Y N 2. How ______________________ tall is Shawn's mom? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 59 . SCORE 1. model? _ 3. and side views? _ 9. Y N 5. Which solid has a square for the top. What is the value of the 10. tall. List all the factors of 8. Each cube has 1-cm sides. Shawn is 36 in. 1 What is the volume of the 2. 2 hours = _______ minutes 7. Y N 9. 49 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 36 + = 40 + 8 1. 4 of 36 is _______. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 5. 16 6. Y N 7. digit 4 in 10. Y N ______________________ 8. 9 ∙ 45 8. Y N ______________________ 10. Y N 1 4 5. Y N 4. 28 1. List all the factors of 24. SCORE 1. so 5 of 45 is 3. A. Y N 1 3. 24 ÷ =4 2. _______ quarts = 2 gallon 6. ______________________ 9. How many mm are in 2 cm? 4.899? _ ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 60 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 10. Y N 8. How many twos are in 18? 8. Y N 2. Circle the right angles. 50 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 3. What is the number after 10. 9. Y N ______________________ 5. B. 9 x 6 = _______ 7. Y N – 9 6. C. 5 of 45 is 9. 8. Y N ______________________ 3 29 7. Draw in the diagonals for 4. _ ______________________ ______________________ 4. 21. SCORE 1. Write the number that 1. Y N 9. Write two odd numbers that total the even number 16. Y N 5. What is the next odd number after 421? _ 10. Y N cm 1 2 3 4 5 5. Write the line length in 3. Is 10 larger than 100 ? millimeters. Y N 2. Y N 8. _ 41. 9 ∙ 81 6. 31. 11. _ 2. Y N 9. 16 + 8 + 14 = _______ 6. _______ yard = 18 inches 7. ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 61 . Y N 3. 51 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 10. Y N comes next in the pattern. 54 divided by 9 is _______ the shape. 463 2. $1. Y N 9 cm 2. 52 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. How many sixes are in 30? ______________________ 5. Y N Daniel win? _ 5. How many months are in a 4. Y N Daniel Student Evan 4. Circle the larger number. Y N ______________________ 9. Calculate the area of a 1. Y N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Awards How many awards did 8. Y N second circle. x 4 = 24 ___ / 10 4 12 16 Total 62 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 8.634 10.50 + $1. 8 6.25 = _______ 3. Y N _ 2. ______________________ 2. 72 ÷ 9 = _______ Rich 7. School Awards 6. ______________________ 9. Follow the pattern in the first circle to complete the 10. SCORE 1. 41 – 8 = _______ 7. Y N square with 9-cm sides. Y N year? _ 3. 5 of 30 is _______ 3. SCORE 1. Y N 4. Y N 8. Y N 5. If one ticket costs $3. Y N 10:45 : 4. 24 7. Draw and write the time + 9 1. Y N ______________________ 10. 53 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8 4 + 15 8 4 7 6 5 minutes 7 6 5 4 2. 9. Would you use square inches or square feet to 3. ÷5=6 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 63 . Y N piece of paper? _ ______________________ ______________________ 6. measure the area of a 5. 11 12 1 11 12 1 10 2 10 2 9 3 9 3 2. 7 ∙ 28 7.75. Divide 36 in 4 equal rows. What does the arrow show? Y N ______________________ 8. What is the value of the tens place in 1. Y N that is 15 minutes later.906? 9. 10. Y N how much do 4 tickets cost? _ 6. Y N 10. Tens ___ / 10 ______________________ Hundreds Total 64 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Would you use kilograms or grams to measure the mass 3. Y N 8. 3. _ ______________________ ______________________ 9. Write 0. Y N your house. Label with reflection. Y N 7. Write the ordinal number 10. Y N 5. 8. Circle the most likely distance to the store from 5. Y N 1 meter 1 gram 7. 36 ÷ =6 1. SCORE 1. 4. 54 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Complete the chart. Y N 2. 56 ÷ 7 = _______ 1 kilometer 6. Round for 36. Y N – 7 2. Y N groups. Divide 63 into 9 equal translation. Y N 9. _ the number 872.67 as a fraction. or rotation. of a watermelon? _ ______________________ ______________________ 4. 45 6. 55 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Use different colors to color 9. Y N Allison soccer diving swimming 4. Y N 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 Trimester st nd rd Troy soccer basketball baseball Jessica golf basketball track 6. She walks 500 meters to the ______________________ bus stop. Y N x 8 8. Y N pairs of numbers that equal the product shown in the center. 7 ∙ 14 9. _ play? 7. To find 12 ÷ 4. Sports Played Each Year 5. Y N ______________________ 5. Divide 54 into 6 equal Which 3 sports does Allison groups. Y N 2. Y N 3. Find the sum 7. we say 30 6 1 x 4 = 12 30 ___ / 10 15 2 Total 5 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 65 . 24 inches = ______ feet 4. Ezra takes 2 steps to 1. Y N 6. Y N ______________________ _______________________ 8. How many steps does she take? 2. Is 36 an even number? ______________________ 10. 10. Y N of 496 and 784 cover a meter. SCORE 1. 3 ______________________ 3. _ ______________________ 4.916? _ pieces of string. 5 ∙ 50 9. 36. Draw the axes of symmetry. Y N 3. 62 – 8 = _______ 6. _______. Fill in the missing number. what in 42?_ day of the week is 15 days later? _ 7. 18. How many groups of 6 are 8. Color 100. Y N 9. If today is Tuesday. Y N raise the water level most. 7. Y N A B 5. Y N _____________________ ______________________ 8. Y N 10. 42 2. How many pieces of string can he cut ___ / 10 if he has 79 feet of string? ______________________ Total ______________________ 66 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 4. Javier is cutting 10 feet long in 3. Y N 6. SCORE 1. 56 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 1. 3 Y N 2. 24. Circle the model that when placed in the bucket would 3. What is the place value of 3 10. Y N 5. Y N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4. 57 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 6. or p. Y N . 8. What number am I? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 67 . 7. $5. Draw a line from the real-life object to the solid. Round 132 to the nearest ten. Y N 8.? 5. FEBRUARY 2.$2. On what day of the week is + 9 1. 49 ÷ 7 = _______ 9. Y N 4. Y N ______________________ 10. Share 63 equally among 7.m. Y N 3. _ 9. Y N 5. Y N March 15th? _ ______________________ 2. SCORE 1. 59 7.221. If you add me to 493.00 . Y N 10. the 6.25 = _______ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3. 18 + = 25 sum is 1. Do you go to bed in the a.m. number using 2. Y N – 7 °C 60° _______ 50° 2. (E. Write 0. Y N 4. Record in milliliters. 53 8. Y N ______________________ Jahir has 23 music CDs. 6 5 _______ mL 1400 4 1200 1000 3 800 ___ / 10 2 600 Total 400 1 200 mL A B C D E F G H 68 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 72 ÷ =9 (A. 7. and 1. Y N ______________________ 4. SCORE 1. 8. 8 ∙ 24 chart. 5). What is the temperature? 1. Y N 8 7 10. _ 6. How many sevens are in 70? 6. (A. 30° 20° 3.99 as a fraction. 8. Y N 40° 2. Gerald has 35 music CDs. Write the smallest 3-digit Olivia has 15 music CDs. 58 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. (E. Mimi has 3 music CDs. 5) 9. 2). Y N 7. Y N 9. Record the data in the 3. Y N 5. 2). Plot each set of coordinates to make a rectangle. Child’s Name Number of CDs 5. Y N ______________________ 10. 35 + 8 = _______ 6. Y N 3. hundred.874 to the nearest 10. Bananas cost 19¢ each. Y N _______ 5. Does this shape tessellate? 8. Y N 4. 10 of 90 = _______ 7. _ How much will 6 bananas cost? _ ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 69 . 3. 54 ÷ 9 = _______ 9. Each cube has 1-cm sides. Y N _______ 9. Y N What is the volume of the model? _ 4. 120 seconds = _______ minutes 7. Share 35 equally by 5. ______________________ 6. SCORE 1. Y N 2. 59 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8. – 16 = 23 1. Round 1. Y N 5. Y N 8 2. Y N 10. 72 – = 12 10. Y N ______________________ 5. Y N 3 2 7 5 6 4. ______________________ 9. 28 – 19 = _______ 8. Y N 4. Y N 2. 7 9. Y N 8 3. _______ pints = 2 quarts 2.571? _ the same fraction as the example on top. 8 ∙ 32 9 10 5. SCORE 1. _ ______________________ 7. Y N Which numbers are inside the triangle but not in the 6. 60 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Divide 45 into 5 equal circle or rectangle? _ groups. Y N 1. 1 x 3 4 3. Y N 6. What is the value of the 10. Y N A B 7. Circle the card that shows 8. Y N tens place in 3. Is the area of a handprint ___ / 10 measured in cm2 or m2? CD DE Total ______________________ 70 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 50 ÷ 5 = _______ 6. What shape is the base of a cylinder?_ 7. 400. Y N 4. Y N 30 2. _______ yards = 72 inches 5. _ ______________________ 2. Y N 4. 1. Fill in the missing number. Y N 3. SCORE 1. Y N 5. Y N 9. Color 100 . Y N 8. 63 ÷ 9 = _______ ______________________ 8. Complete the addition grid. Y N 9. Write the length in + 8 1. What is the first odd 10. 56 7. 800. ____. cm 1 2 3 4 5 3. 29 ___ / 10 200. Y N centimeters.000 39 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 71 . Y N ______________________ 19 6. 61 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. number before 81? _ + 7 15 18 23 25 28 10. How many faces does a rectangular prism have? _ 6. 12 ∙ 84 8. Y N 8. It takes 5 bottles of notation. How many liters ________________________ are in each bottle? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ ______________________ 72 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . _ 0. Y N 10. Y N 7. _ juice to fill a 20-liter tank. Y N 3.02 0. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 7. Calculate the perimeter of 3. Circle the greater number. Y N 4. Draw intersecting lines. Y N 2. 62 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 9.2 ______________________ 4. a square with 2-cm sides. 17 6. 23 + = 50 1. Y N – 9 2. Y N 2 cm 5.365 in expanded 10. Write 2. Y N 5. 36 ÷ 6 = _______ 9. 63 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 13 + 4 + 17 = _______ 7. Complete the labels for the 1. Y N time shown. 11 12 1 10 2 2. Y N 9 3 8 2. 10 of 70 is _______ 8 7 6 5 4 3. Y N 7: ______ 4. Y N ___ past 7 3. 60 ÷ 6 = _______ 8. Write the length in inches. 5. Y N _______ inches 6. Y N in. 1 2 3 4 5 4. 63 ÷ 7 = _______ 7. Y N 9. Are these lines perpendicular? _______ 8. Y N 5. What is the value of the digit 5 in 42,562? _ 9. Y N ______________________ 10. Michael buys 1 notebook and 5 pencils. If the 10. Y N notebook costs $3.50 and the pencils are 25¢ each, 6. x 5 = 10 what is the total he spent?_ ___ / 10 _____________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 73 64 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Y N 1. Subtract 19 from 36. 7. Circle the best estimate for the weight of the object. ______________________ 100 g 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 2. Y N 3. Y N 2. Is 0.4 less than 0.04? ______________________ 4. Y N 8. Which would be the best measure for the width of your pointer finger: a foot, 3. 81 ÷ 9 = _______ a degree, or a centimeter? 5. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 9. Does an angle get bigger if you make its lines longer? 4. Divide 27 into 3 equal 7. Y N groups. _ ______________________ ______________________ 10. Complete the chart below 8. Y N to represent the shaded part of the hundred grid. 5. Order the numbers from 9. Y N smallest to largest. _ 1,624; 1,264; 1,426 _ 10. Y N ______ ______ ______ 6. 8x = 64 ___ / 10 100 0. % Total 74 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education 65 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 18 7. Circle the best estimate for + 13 1. Y N the area of a handprint._ 75 cm2 750 cm2 2. Y N 2. 10 rows of 6 is _______. 3. Y N 8. 108 inches equals how 4. Y N many yards?_ 3. 5 ∙ 45 ______________________ 5. Y N 6. Y N 9. What type of prism is shown? _ 4. 56 ÷ 7 = _______ 7. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N 5. Is 2,509 less than 2,590? 9. Y N ______________________ 10. Complete the multiplication wheel. 10. Y N 2 1 5 7 6. 12 x = 36 x3 9 10 3 4 6 8 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 75 66 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 43 6. Fill in the missing number. 1. Y N – 29 4, 8, _______, 16, 20 2. Y N 7. How many 250-milliliter bottles are needed to 3. Y N 3 fill a 5-liter bucket? 2. 5 of 35 is _______ ______________________ 4. Y N 8. Calculate the number 5. Y N of seconds there are in 2 minutes. 3. The quotient of 35 and 7 is 6. Y N ______________________ ______________________. 9. Dollars Earned in May 7. Y N Audrey $15 Dameon $23 Jason $12 8. Y N 4. 9 ∙ 72 Lauren $18 How much more did Audrey 9. Y N earn than Jason? _ ______________________ 10. Y N 5. Write the numeral for two thousand three. 10. Find the perimeter of a figure with these 4 sides: ___ / 10 ______________________ 3 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm, 4 cm. Total ______________________ 76 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education Y N 5.m. Our sum is 13. Y N difference between us is 1. Y N 9. The 10. 67 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. What numbers are we? _ 6. How many Mondays 1. SCORE 1. and 5. ______________________ 8.m. Y N FEBRUARY 1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2. How many digits are in the number 2. Y N ______________________ 10. Divide 50 by 10. How long did she watch? 6. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N are in February? ______________________ 2. Y N ends at 8:10 p.967? _ 9. _______ 7. Y N 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 4. Trish starts to watch TV at 7:30 p. 23 + 17 = _______ 7. 14 ÷ 2 = _______ 8. 45 – = 40 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 77 . Y N 3. 2 of 14 is _______ 1 2 3 4 5 3. Name this shape. Y N 10. Y N 8. 18 – 9 = _______ 7.463? ______________________ A ______________________ ___ / 10 B C D E Total 6. What is the value in the hundreds place in 1. Draw the axes of symmetry. How many cups of ice cream will fill the tub of ice cream? _ 2. Y N 5. 6 ∙ 96 9. Y N 2. Y N ____________________ ____________________ 6. Y N 4. 55 ÷ 11 = _______ 9. 68 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. If tile A is rotated. Y N ____________________ 3. 7. which tile would it not look like? 10. Which months make up the third quarter of the year? 5. Y N ______________________ 250 ICE C L mL REAM 4 4. 6x = 42 78 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . SCORE 1. Y N 8. Y N 1. What decimal is shaded? ______________________ 3. 2. Y N 10. and 5. It takes David 15 minutes number using 3. Color the solids that have a 8. Y N 7. Y N Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 4. would you more 6. How many times can he ride around the block in ______________________ 45 minutes? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 79 . 70 – = 55 + 19 1. Y N 5. C. SCORE 1. Y N 3. Write the largest 4-digit 10. How many threes are in the number twelve? _ 8. Y N 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 5. 7. B. Y N triangle for a front view. 42 6. Y N 1 ______________________ 2. 4 of 28 = _______ FEBRUARY 3._ A. to ride his bike around the block. Is this a leap year? 2. Y N ______________________ likely build a snowman or go swimming in the ocean? 7. If the outdoor temperature were 32°F. 9. 69 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 58 ÷ 6 = _______ 9. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 7. Y N 2. Complete the chart to find 1. 1 hour = _______ minutes 8. What is the total area? 3. Y N ______________________ 7. A classroom is 48 m2 and 5. SCORE 1.400 or unshaded parts have the 1. Y N 4. Y N – 19 the cost of 7 pens at 10¢ each.500? _ same shape.442 closer to 1. Is 1. Y N the coat room is 12 m2. 70 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Color the polygons. 48 ÷ 6 = _______ 9. Y N that both the shaded and 5. Y N 8. ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 80 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Shade half of the area so 10. Y N 10. A B C 9. 3 ∙ 24 6. 2. 45 6. Y N 1 2 3 4 Pen Pens Pens Pens 10¢ 3. 9 x 9 = _______ 5 6 7 8 Pens Pens Pens Pens 4. SCORE 1. Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 81 . How many more books did 9. 54 + 1 = _______ 7. Write 2. Y N Jose 8. Y N ______________________ 6. 1. Y N = 5 books read 5. Y N 4. Write two odd numbers that ___ / 10 total the even number 24. 6. 71 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 8 of 64 is _______ cm 3. 5. Y N 8. Y N Books Read in March ______________________ Cathy 6.047 in words. 18. Y N 3. 30 10. 36 ÷ 4 = _______ Martin 7. Measure in centimeters. _______ pints = 2 gallons 4. How many sixes are in 24? 9. Y N ______________________ 2. 12. Y N _______________________ Martin read than Cathy? ______________________ 10. Y N 1 1 2 3 4 5 2. Fill in the missing number. _______. SCORE 1.097.907 Total 4 12 21 ______ ______ ______ 82 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ 6 cm 5. Y N 4. 3 ∙ 24 9. 9. 3 yards = _______ feet 7. Y N ______________________ 8. 72 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Order the numbers from first circle to complete the largest to smallest. Y N 1. Calculate the area of a square with 6-cm sides. 2. Divide 64 into eight groups. 6. 7. 2. 34 – 19 = _______ 6. Y N 3. _ 8 ___ / 10 2. Y N 8. Y N ______________________ 10.079. 4x = 28 2. Follow the pattern in the 5. ______________________ 4._ second circle. Name the angle found at the corner of this page. Y N 3. Y N 10.3 as a fraction. Write 0. Y N 2. Y N cross-section? 4. What shape is the 7. 4x = 28 1. She 10. 7.50 at the movies. Y N 2. 73 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.245? spends $7. _______ ______________________ 6.65. Y N minutes later. Y N 9 3 9 3 8 4 8 4 7 5 7 5 6 6 4. SCORE 1. Y N 8. Tina has $12. Draw the time that is 10 2. Y N 9. 28 + 12 = _______ 6.00. Shade 0. How many months are in 5. Divide 26 by 7. Y N 9. 15 ÷ 3 = _______ ______________________ 8. 11 12 1 11 12 1 10 2 10 2 3. What is the value of 10. Y N 5. How much money does ______________________ she have left to spend on lunch? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 83 . Y N 2 years? _ 3. Y N the digit 2 in 3. Y N _______ 3. 74 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ 1 7 10. Is 0.090? _ Which year received 60 inches of rainfall? _ ______________________ 10. so 8 of 40 = 6. Y N 2. Y N – 29 of Nick. 36 ÷ =6 ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 84 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 10 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year 5. Y N ______________________ 3 3. What is the volume of the ______________________ model? _ 4. Jon's mass is half the mass 1. Y N number 3. How many sixes are in 24? 5. Y N 9. Y N 40 30 20 8. Each cube has 3-cm sides. Y N ______________________ 6. How many digits are in the 9. whose mass is 86 kg.3 equal to 100 ? 8. 8 of 40 = 5. What is Jon’s mass? _ 2. SCORE 1. 46 7. Total Rainfall 60 4. 3 ∙ 16 Inches of Rain 50 7. Y N 32 ______________________ 8 2 9. 8 x 9 = _______ 8. Is 100 cm equal to 1 m? + 16 1. 34 7. 5.058 in words. Y N ______________________ 32 ______________________ 10. Y N a yardstick to measure the height of a person? 4. 75 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ 2. How many groups of 8 are 6. Y N ______________________ 3. 42 ÷ 6 = _______ 9. Y N the product shown in the center. x 2 = 18 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 85 . Would you use a ruler or 3. SCORE 1. Are parallel lines always straight? _ 5. Y N 16 1 4 6. 8. Y N in 72? _ 10. Write 3. Y N ______________________ 4. Use different colors to color ______________________ pairs of numbers that equal 7. _______.360? _ _______ axes of symmetry ______________________ 10. Y N ______________________ 3.m. Which would be the 5. 53 – 29 = _______ 7. Y N 2. Y N in 1. Y N 1 L lk _ 1 i M _ ream 300 yo gu 3. 180. until 6:15 p. 300 Total ______________________ 86 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 6 ∙ 54 8. a meter stick. 6 of 36 is _______ _ c m L 100 rt mL _ _ 4. Y N in 32? _ 9. Fill in the missing number. How many groups of 4 are ______________________ 7. Y N 10. SCORE 1. What is the difference in capacity between the cream and the yogurt containers?_ 2. What is the place value of 6 _______ sides_ 9. from 3:25 p.m. Y N watch? _ 4. How long was practice? ___ / 10 60. Jill's soccer practice lasted 6. A regular pentagon has: ______________________ 8. 76 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. or a 6. 120. Y N 1. Y N best tool for measuring the height of a child: a calendar. Y N _______ angles 5. If you subtract me from 732. and no corners. Y N ______________________ 10. 77 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. I have one curved surface. Round 457 to the nearest hundred. Y N 8. 8. Y N 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ______________________ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4. Y N What solid am I? _ 5. you get 173. Y N 10. Y N 4. 17 + 13 = _______ 7. 5 ∙ 30 ______________________ 7. ÷5=9 number am I? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 87 . What is the date of the third 1.53 as a fraction. Y N Monday in August? _ ______________________ 2. 1 2 3 3. Write 0. What is the length of a rectangle that has a width of 3 inches and an area of 12 in² ?_ 6. Y N 9. Y N August Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 2. What 6. SCORE 1. _ ______________________ 9. Y N 3. 45 ÷ 6 = _______ 5. no edges. Is 2 greater than 3 ? milliliters? _ ______________________ ______________________ 4. Y N Who won exactly 6 awards? ______________________ 10. Y N 5. Y N 8.914? 10. Y N 4. Divide 70 by 10. Y N 1 1 7. 81 ÷ =9 1. _______ Rich 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Awards 9. Y N 5. Y N – 17 2. Y N 9. 34 ÷ 5 = _______ 6. Trace seven different paths from A to Z. 19 6. Y N 2.194 less than 2. Y N Daniel Student Evan 8. SCORE 1. One path has ______________________ been done for you. ___ / 10 A A A A A A A Total Z Z Z Z Z Z Z A A A A A A A 88 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 78 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.000 3. Is 2. School Awards 7. Does 1 liter equal 1. 3 yards = _______ inches 3. Y N What is the volume of the model? _ 6 2. Y N How long are you awake? _______________________ 7. and go to bed at 9:30 p. You wake up at 6:28 a. Y N 9. 10 ∙ 75 8. Y N 7. Y N 5.m. How many beads ______________________ do they need? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 89 . 6. 79 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write 10 as a decimal. ______________________ ______________________ 9. are you reflecting. Each cube has 2-cm sides. or rotating? 8. 7x = 21 + 25 1. Three sisters are each making themselves one 10. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 3. 35 6. Y N 5. What is the value of the beaded necklace. Y N of 80 and 10? . ______________________ 3. 4. SCORE 1. What is the quotient translating. Y N 10. 2.m. They tens place in 1. If you turn around a given point.378? use 125 beads on each necklace. 0. what is the area of the crossed region? 10. Would you use a thermometer or a ruler to 5. Y N 8. x 8 = 32 2. 24 – 6 = _______ Y N 6. 80 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8. 7. SCORE 1. Y N measure temperature?_ 3. 7. 2 ∙ 10 ______________________ 6. and 9. Y N 7. 9 x 7 ______________________ 4. 1. Y N or m2? 2. Y N 10. Complete around the axis of symmetry. 87 ÷ 10 = _______ 9._ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 90 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Is the area of the cover of a book measured in cm2 3. If the shaded area is equal to one. Y N 9. Y N _________ 5. Y N 4. Write the largest 4-digit numeral using 1. ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 91 . 54. 2 hours = _______ minutes 6. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 2. Y N 3. Y N 7. 100 ÷ 10 = _______ 9. _______. Y N 60. Y N ____________________________ 5. Y N 4. 36 2. 3. 31 + 29 = _______ 6. SCORE 1. Write the length in 7 7 millimeters. A cylinder has: 8. 42. _ 8. Fill in the missing number. 81 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Is 10 equal to 100? ______________________ cm 1 2 3 4 5 4. Y N _______ edges 10. 1. Y N _______ faces _______ vertices 9. Divide 50 into 10 equal groups. Y N 5. Write two odd numbers that total the even number 50. What is the first odd number before 291? 10. 9÷ =3 day. _ ______________________ 2. SCORE 1. Sports Played Each Year 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester 4. 82 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. How much do I drink ___ / 10 in 6 days? _ Total ______________________ 92 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N Which children play the same sport the 1st trimester?_ 5. Y N 10. Y N 9. Y N 3 cm 1 1 cm 3. How many digits are in the 9. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. _______ quarts = 6 pints 3. 2 of 40 is _______. Y N 2. Y N 6. 4. Y N 8. Y N number 2. 41 – 8 = _______ 7.040? _ ______________________ ______________________ 10. Y N 1. I drink 500 mL of milk each 6. 49 ÷ 7 = _______ Troy soccer basketball baseball 7. 7 ∙ 44 5. Y N Jessica golf basketball track Allison soccer diving Swimming 8. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N ______________________ 10. 7+7+7+ = 28 better value? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 93 . Y N 6. Y N ___ past 4 3. 11 12 1 10 2 2. 7 ∙ 57 8. 4 yards = _______ feet 5. Ice cream treats at a carnival are $2. Y N 9. Y N 10.400 or 2. Which is the 6. Y N time shown.50 each or 3 for $6. Y N 5. Is 2. 83 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 1 greater than 8 ? 4: ______ ______________________ 4.500? _ 9.00.497 closer to 2. 37 7. 7. Is this a right angle? Use 4. Y N 9 3 8 4 1 2. Fill in the blanks for the + 33 1. Divide 30 by 7. _______ the corner of a page to test. SCORE 1. Is 4 less than or 7 6 5 3. Y N 9. 1. How many angles are in a 8. What is 100 more than specified places. How many days are in 3. Y N 10. Y N 8. 24 ÷ 7 = _______ December? _ 6. Which is greater: 7. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 3.706? _ Ten ___ / 10 ______________________ Hundred Total Thousand 94 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 4. Y N 2. 10 ∙ 57 triangle? _ ______________________ 9. SCORE 1. 25 ÷ =5 1. Y N 10. Y N – 19 2. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 5. 36 6. 84 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.176 to the 5. Complete the chart by rounding 2. Would you use kilograms or grams to measure the 3 3 10 or 100 ? mass of a slice of cheese? 4. 42 + 28 = _______ 7. Is the area of a room measured in cm2 or m2? 1. Y N in. Y N 2. Color the multiples of 3. Y N of this pyramid? 4. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 5. Y N ______________________. 37 ÷ 7 = _______ 7. What shape forms the base 6.698? _ 10. Y N 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6. 8 8. 1 2 3 4 5 3. 82 – 15 = 73 – 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 95 . 9. 85 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. What is the quotient of 15 and 7? 5. What is the place value of 6 in 3. x 7 3. Write the length in inches. Y N ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10. Y N _________________ 8. Y N _______ inches 4. 9. ___ / 10 54. Y N 1. _______. 36. 86 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 5._ 6. 42. SCORE 1. What is the most likely mass of a boy? 45 kilograms 4. two hundreds. Fill in the missing number. 7 ∙ 65 5. Record the data in the pictograph. Y N Cheryl 8. Y N 9. five ten thousands. What number means 6. Y N 45 grams 45 liters 3. three thousands.738? _ = 2 plays ______________________ 10. Y N 2. What is the value of the 7 in Brooke 9. 30 one ten. 88 ÷ 9 = _______ 7. How many 20-liter containers can be filled from a 90-liter tank? 2. What is 10 of 50? _______ 8. 45 – 29 = _______ 7. Brooke has been in 8 plays Number of Plays 4. and no ones? Total ______________________ 96 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 2. Y N Cheryl has been in 4 plays. Y N ______________________ 1 3. Y N 10. 87 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 7. On which day of the week 1. What is the sum is September 1st? _ 1. Y N of 26 and 7? ______________________ ______________________ August 2. Y N Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 6 2. 10 of $1 is _______. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Y N 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4. Y N 3. 49 ÷ 9 = _______ 8. How many days are in 2 weeks? _ 5. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 4. 24 ÷ 9 = _______ 7. Y N 9. Is a square a regular shape? _ 8. Y N ______________________ 5. Is 316 an even number? 9. Y N ______________________ 10. Our product is 132. The 10. Y N difference between us is 1. What numbers are we? _ 6. 8x = 32 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 97 88 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 56 7. I put 500 mL of water in 1. Y N – 19 the jug. Next, I put a toy in the jug. How much water was displaced by the toy? 2. Y N _______ mL 1 3. Y N 2. 3 of 30 is _______. 1L 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 4. Y N 200 100 3. 9 ∙ 30 8. What day is 8 days before 5. Y N Saturday? _ 6. Y N ______________________ 4. 68 ÷ 9 = _______ 9. Circle the solids that have a 7. Y N rectangular front view. A B C D 8. Y N 5. Write 2,064 in words. 9. Y N 10. Draw the shape that must ______________________ be added so the pattern is complete. 10. Y N 6. To find 60 ÷ 6, we say ___ / 10 x 6 = 60 Total 98 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education 89 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 23 1. + 8 6. ÷8=3 Y N 2. Y N 6 3. 2. Is 0.6 equal to 100 ? 7. How many seasons are in a Y N year? _ ______________________ ______________________ 4. Y N 5. Y N 3. Divide 49 into 7 equal 8. 2 pints = _______ quart(s) groups. _ 6. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 9. Draw a 180° angle. 4. 9 ∙ 76 8. Y N 9. Y N 10. A pound of ground beef 10. Y N 5. How many digits are in costs $2.00. You have a 3,333? _ coupon for 25% off. How much will you pay for a ______________________ pound of beef? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 99 90 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Y N 1. 33 – 17 = _______ 7. To find the height of a door, is the unit of measure m or m2? 2. Y N ______________________ 3. Y N 2. How many objects are in 4 columns of 7? _ ______________________ 4. Y N 3. 9 ∙ 60 8. You want to see a movie 5. Y N that starts at 3:00. Is it a.m. or p.m.? 6. Y N ______________________ 4. 40 ÷ 9 = _______ 9. Does this shape tessellate? 7. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N 5. Round 372 to the nearest 9. Y N hundred. _ ______________________ 1 3 10. Y N 10. 4 of 24 is 6, so 4 of 24 = ______________________ 6. 6x = 42 ___ / 10 Total 100 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education Y N 10. 91 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. What type of prism is 7. Y N 2. $2. _______. 19 56. _ ______________________ 2. 700 + 40 + 6 = _______ 9. 49.25 3. Complete the subtraction grid. Y N 30° 20° 6. Y N 5. Y N 8. Write the length in 1. Y N 4. _______ 40° 5. Y N °F 60° _______ 50° 3. 35. Divide 30 by 8.50 cm 1 2 3 4 5 – $1. What is the temperature? 4. 24 + 33 = _______ 7. Y N centimeters. SCORE 1. Y N – 45 47 56 63 77 82 6. 28 ___ / 10 29 Total 39 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 101 . Fill in the missing number. 4 ∙ 36 9. Y N shown? _ ______________________ 8. 10. 45 7. Y N 6. 5 ∙ 23 9. Y N first circle to complete the second circle. Write 100 as a decimal. Complete the chart to find 6 the value of five 50¢ coins. Y N 5. 8. Follow the pattern in the 10. Y N 5 3. Y N 4.573? ______________________ 10. What is the volume of the ______________________ model? _ 4. Y N ______________________ 3. 6. SCORE 1. Y N 2. Y N – 26 mass or surface? _ ______________________ 2. 7. 42 ÷ 8 = _______ 5. Each cube has 1-cm sides. ___ / 10 1 2 3 4 5 3 9 30 Total Coin Coins Coins Coins Coins 50¢ 102 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . What is the value of the 9. Is area the measurement of 1. Y N hundreds place in 1. 92 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Complete around the axis of symmetry. Y N 8. Y N 3. 1. Draw the time that is 20 2. Y N 9 3 9 3 ______________________ 8 4 8 4 7 6 5 7 6 5 4. Y N ______________________ 10. SCORE 1. Y N 9.50. Y N + 14 7.00? ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 103 . If one ticket costs $2. Y N 5. Which is larger: 100 or 10 ? 10 11 12 1 2 10 11 12 1 2 3. 36 ÷ 9 = _______ Lauren $18 8. 4 4 2. Dollars Earned in May Audrey $15 Dameon $23 7. Y N Jason $12 4. 1 _______ = 60 seconds 6. Y N 5. Y N What was the total amount of money earned in May by the children? _ 9. number using 2. 93 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. and 4. Write the smallest 3-digit 10. Y N minutes later. 16 6. 36 ÷ 8 = _______ 8. 15 + 5 = 18 + 7 1. 8. how many tickets can be bought with $15. 10 – x = 2 x = _______ 2. What is the next even 10. 4. 9. Y N 1. _______ ______________________ 9. Round number after 398? the number 4. Y N 5. Name this shape. Y N 8. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 4. Divide 5 into 43. Y N 2. What is one‑fourth of 12? 7. 63 – 9 = _______ 6. SCORE 1.832. Y N 3. How many gallons make up four quarts? 6. Sam's mass is 8 kg greater than Joe's. Complete the chart. Tens ___ / 10 ______________________ Hundreds Total Thousands 104 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . ______________________ whose mass is 34 kg. Y N What is Sam’s mass? ______________________ 5. 94 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 10. 8 ∙ 65 8. Y N 3. 95 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 25 + 8 = _______ 7. How many centimeters are 1. Y N in 6 meters? _ ______________________ 2. Y N 2. 4 x 9 = _______ 8. What month is 4 months 3. Y N after September? _ ______________________ 4. Y N 3. Share 24 equally 9. Draw the top view of among 4 groups. the solid. 5. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 4. 77 ÷ 8 = _______ 7. Y N 10. Use different colors to color pairs of numbers that equal 8. Y N the product shown in the 5. What is 300 more than center. 2,476? _ 9. Y N 45 ______________________ 9 3 10. Y N 45 6. 9 + 4 = 13 – 15 1 ___ / 10 5 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 105 96 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 25 6. Fill in the missing number. 1. Y N – 6 28, 35, 42, _______, 56 2. Y N 3. Y N 7. How many liters are in 2. $1.20 + $1.15 = _______ 8,000 milliliters? _ ______________________ 4. Y N 8. 48 inches = _______ feet 5. Y N 3. 8 ∙ 60 6. Y N 9. Is this a reflection, 7. Y N translation, or rotation? 8. Y N 4. Calculate the quotient of 56 ______________________ and 4. _ 9. Y N ______________________ 10. Y N 5. Write 3,642 in expanded 10. A telephone costs notation._ $9.89. A calendar costs $5.99. A watch costs $19.50. What is the ___ / 10 ______________________ total cost of the items? Total ______________________ ______________________ 106 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education 97 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. 17 + 9 = _______ 8. Would you use a ruler or 1. Y N a yardstick to measure the height of a drinking glass? 7 2. Y N 2. Write 10 as a decimal. ______________________ ______________________ 3. Y N 9. Books Read in March 3. How many 4s are in 16? Cathy 4. Y N ______________________ 4. 52 ÷ 8 = _______ Martin 5. Y N Jose 5. What is 10 more than 437? = 5 books read 6. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 6. Does 6 + 4 = 3 + 7? Who read the most books? _ ______________________ 8. Y N ______________________ 7. On which day of the week is the last day of August? 9. Y N 10. If you subtract me from 1,437, you get 422. What ______________________ number am I? _ 10. Y N August Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ___ / 10 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 107 98 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Y N 1. 47 – 29 = _______ 7. How many milliliters are in half a liter? _ ______________________ 2. Y N 1 1 3. Y N 2. Is 8 more than 4 ? 8. Circle the most likely time for a 1-mile run. ______________________ 12 minutes 4. Y N 12 seconds 12 inches 3. 8 ∙ 20 5. Y N 9. Draw the diagonals in the shape. 6. Y N 4. 42 ÷ 4 = _______ 7. Y N 10. Estimate the number of 8. Y N dots in the square. Then check by counting. 5. Write the number for five 9. Y N thousand two hundred Estimate: _______ fifty‑three. _ Actual Number: _______ 10. Y N ______________________ 6. 6 + 5 = 17 – ___ / 10 Total 108 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education There are 5 toys in a 10.62 as a fraction. 5. Y N _______ surfaces _______ edges 9. Which months are in the second quarter of the year? _ 3. 52 6. Write the ordinal number for bag. ______________________ ______________________ 4. Y N ______________________ _______ 7. How many ___ / 10 toys did each friend get? Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 109 . _ of toys. Y N 7. Each cube has 1-cm sides. Y N 2. Y N 5. SCORE 1. 22 – x = 13 + 9 1. Y N x = _______ 2. Y N 10. 12 ÷ 4 = _______ 8. Shelly buys 8 bags forty-two. model? _ 6. She then divides the toys evenly among ______________________ 4 friends. Y N What is the volume of the 3. List all the factors of 20. A cone has: 4. Y N 9. 99 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write 0. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N the years combined? _ 5. List all the factors of 36. 100 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 27 7. What is the value of the ______________________ 9. My garden bed has an area 1. A B C D 6. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N ______________________ 3. 4 ∙ 28 9. 15 – 6 = –9 ___ / 10 Total 110 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . What area is left? _ 2. Circle the card that shows ______________________ the same fraction as the 10. Y N 7 in 374? _ 10. Y N 8. Y N 2007 2008 2009 2010 ______________________ Year How much did it rain in all 8. Y N 60 Inches of Rain 50 40 6. Total Rainfall 5. SCORE 1. 10 7. Y N 30 20 4. I planted 10 m2 with peas. 7 x 6 = _______ 3. Y N example. Y N – 19 of 18 m2. How many weekdays are there? _ 4. Write the length in 1. 32 ÷ 4 = _______ How long does she spend on homework? 5. Y N 9. 4. Y N parentheses. Y N 8. Round 756 to the nearest hundred. You may also add 10. 8 of 48 is _______. 28. 3. SCORE 1. Circle the sets of parallel lines. Fill in the missing number. ______________________ 2. Y N her homework from 2:35 p.m. Y N millimeters. Use each of the 5 numbers Y N once and any operations ______________________ to solve the problem below. 14 ___ / 10 =3 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 111 . 10 13 1 4 12 42. 101 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Maggie works on 4. 45 + 7 = _______ 7.m. _______. Y N A B C D 8. Y N 1 cm 1 2 3 4 5 2. 6. 9. until 3:15 p. 10. 7 ∙ 56 7. 21. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 5. 3. Y N eight are in sixteen? you fold along the axis of symmetry. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ it. Y N 8.4 greater than 0. Y N 5. Draw the shape made if 7. 43 ÷ 8 = _______ bathing suit or a jacket? _ 5. If the temperature were 53 degrees Fahrenheit. How many groups of 9. would you be more likely to wear a 3. 6. 63 – 9 = _______ 7. Y N 1. Y N ______________________ 10. Evelyn wants to give an equal number of pencils to each of her 12 friends. ______________________ 8.29? ______________________ 4. SCORE 1.091 in words. A box has 72 pencils in 10. Y N 4. 32 + 8 = –8 How many pencils will each ___ / 10 friend get? _ Total ______________________ 112 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Calculate the area of a square with 5-cm sides. Write 8. 9. Y N 5 cm 3. Is 0. 102 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. ______________________ 2. 103 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 9 3 4 2. Y N 4. Y N ___ past 5 3. Hiro gets $3. 5. Is 7 x 9 equal to 9 x 7? he save each week? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 113 . Y N time shown. Y N ______________________ 8. 8 ∙ 72 ______________________ 8. Divide 48 into 8 equal groups. Y N 5. Y N 9. He saves 3 of the money and spends the rest. Fill in the blanks for the + 18 1. 43 7. _ ______________________ 10. What does the arrow show? 7. Which is smaller: 8 7 6 5 3. How much does 6. SCORE 1.00 each week1 10. Y N 9. Write 386 in expanded notation. Y N 9 9 10 or 100 ? 5: ______ ______________________ 4. Y N for allowance. 1 _______ = 24 hours 6. 11 12 1 10 2 2. School Awards 5. 72 ÷ 9 = _______ 9. Y N 4. Does a shoe have a mass less than 1 kilogram? ______________________ 2. Y N 5. $1. SCORE 1. Y N School Daniel Evan Rich 6. Y N ______________________ the shaded region. Y N 6. 10. Y N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 4. Complete the chart to find the cost of 6 bags at $20 each. Y N 3. _ How many more awards 7. Y N 2. Complete the chart for the hundred grid to represent 9. Calculate the quotient of Number of Awards 32 and 8. 6 pints = _______ quart(s) 3. Y N 1.50 + $1. 104 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. % 114 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N did Rich win than Evan? ______________________ ______________________ 8. What is the next number after 809? _ 10. 24 – 8 = _______ 7.75 = _______ 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ___ / 10 Bag Bags Bags Bags Bags Bags Total $20 100 0. What is the abbreviation 1. ______________________ 4. Y N for centimeter squared? ______________________ 2. 56 ÷ 8 = _______ 9. 8. Y N 5. so 24 – = 14 1 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 115 . 5. How many digits are in 6. Circle the solids that have a triangular front view. Y N 7 35 35 6. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 10. 19 + 17 = _______ 7. Y N 2. 6 ∙ 54 7. 24 – 14 = 10. Y N 4. Y N A B C D 6. SCORE 1. Calculate the 8. 105 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 3 feet = _______ yard(s) 3. Use different colors to color pairs of numbers that equal the product shown in the center. Y N 10. Y N product of 5 and 10.427? _ 5 9. _ 6. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 9. If you divide me by 10 and add 4. then ____ fill a . Y N 2. Is 0. Write the length in inches. 72 ______________________ 116 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . I am a number. Y N Who does not play basketball? _ 9. ______________________ ________________ inches 4.609? _ ______________________ 10. Sports Played Each Year 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester 7. Y N Troy soccer basketball baseball 4. 106 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 54.7 equal to 10 ? 8. the answer is 7. 1 2 3 4 5 5. 63. Y N 5. Divide 40 into 5 equal groups. Y N 7 3. What is 400 more than 1. number am I?_ ___ / 10 Total _______. Y N ______________________ 10. If 7 fill a and 5 fill 1. Y N in. 45. What 6. SCORE 1. 2. Fill in the missing number. 16 7. Y N – 7 a . 28 ÷ 7 = _______ Jessica golf basketball track Allison soccer diving swimming 8. _ 7. ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 117 . 9 ∙ 45 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5. Y N 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. Circle the most likely capacity of a large bucket. Double 32. Y N 8. Y N begin the first weekday in September. SCORE 1. Y N 15 inches ______________________ 8. What date will school begin? _ 2. Y N _______ vertices 6. Y N ______________________ _______ edges 10. _______ 7. 107 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.6 less than 0. Y N 15 liters 4. Is 0. 6.58? August 3. then subtract 12. 80 – 37 = – 22 10. What is the next even number after 137? _ _______ faces 9. Divide 18 into 6 equal 15 cups groups. This prism has: 5. Y N 9. Add 45 and 16. Y N Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. School is scheduled to 1. Y N ______________________ 2. 2L 1L ______________________ 4. 108 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.7). _______ mL 2. How many months are in two and a half years? 3. Write 4 as a decimal. Y N 8 7 10. Y N 6 5 4 6. 8000 + 40 + 7 = _______ coordinate (C. SCORE 1. Y N 8. List all the factors of 30. Y N 1. Y N 8. Y N 2. Y N 3L 3 3. Y N 10. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 6. 5. 9. Draw a circle on the 5. 6+6+6+ =4x6 3 ___ / 10 2 Total 1 A B C D E F G H 118 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 12 ÷ 6 = _______ A B C 7. Y N 9. Record in milliliters. 32 – 9 = _______ 7. Which triangle has only 2 equal sides? 4. 4 x 5 = 20 ÷ orange. How many squares are orange? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 119 . Name this shape. Each cube has 1 cm sides. 5. Y N 5. Y N ______________________ 10. What is the first month of + 15 1. 7 ∙ 21 9. Y N What is the volume of the model? 3. 36 7. Half of them are green and 25% are blue. There are 12 squares. SCORE 1. Y N the year? 2. The rest are 6. What is the value of the 9 in 5. Y N the year? ______________________ What is the last month of 2. Y N ______________________ ___________ 6. Share 56 equally among 7. 109 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ 8.00 – $6. 7.50 = _______ 3. Y N 10. Y N 4. ______________________ Y N 8. 4.439? _ 9. $10. Y N 5. 10. Y N of 8 are in 48? 9. What is the area? ______________________ 2. 110 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. so 8 of 48 = Total ______________________ 120 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N Home Runs Hit 4. 28 ÷ 4 = _______ 7. Y N Batter 8. how long did you oversleep? _ 4. 8 of 48 = 6. Y N Harry has hit 4 home runs. How many groups 5. ______________________ 6. ______________________ Dean has hit 5 home runs. Record the data in the bar graph. Y N ______________________ 3. 43 7.. What ordinal number is after thirtieth? _ 0 1 2 3 4 5 9. 7 x 9 = _______ wake up at 6:30 A. You set your alarm clock to 3. If you sleep in until 7:28 A. 50 – 32 = 60 – n n = __________ 1 5 ___ / 10 10. One side of a square is 1.M. Y N – 8 9 cm.M. SCORE 1. Y N 2. Y N Dale has hit 2 home runs. 6. Y N 8. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 10. What is the temperature? 4. _______. 54 ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 121 . 36. Write two odd numbers that 6. ___ / 10 Total 30. 48. Y N 60° 3. 10 of 70 = _______ cm 1 2 3 4 5 3.903 in expanded notation. Y N ______________________ 10. What type of prism is shown? 8. SCORE 1. Write the length in centimeters. Fill in the missing number. 7 ∙ 63 _______ °C 50° 40° 5. Y N 30° 20° 6. Y N 5. 111 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 9. total the even number 42. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 4. _ 1. 27 + 14 = _______ 7. Write 7._ 9. Y N 8. 35 ÷ 7 = _______ 7. Y N 3 2. Y N ______________________ 7 cm 5. Y N 7. Y N ______________________ _______ sides _______ axes of symmetry 10. Calculate the quotient of 72 9. What is the place value of 7 10. Y N 8. 14 ÷ 7 = _______ 6. Write 0.25 as a fraction. 112 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. _____________________ 4. Y N 5. Y N 1. One bag of peas has a in 7. Is 5 x 4 equal to 5 x 3 + 5? ______________________ 2. An equilateral triangle has: and 9. Y N 4. _ _______ angles 9. 7 _______ = 1 week 7. What is the mass of 4 bags? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total 122 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 4 cm 3. 3.891? _ mass of 175 grams. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. SCORE 1. Y N 2. Y N 8. 52 – 6 = _______ 6. Find the perimeter of 3. 18 6. Y N 6. She saves 10. Y N 4. so + 13 1. Y N 3 8 4 8 4 7 5 7 5 6 6 5. SCORE 1. Cheryl has $25.00. Y N 9. 8 pints = _______ gallon(s) Y N 7. Y N with 3-inch sides. Y N $6. 7 x 8 = 56. ______________________ 9. 9 ∙ 25 a regular pentagon 8. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ 11 12 1 11 12 1 10 2 10 2 9 3 9 4. Is 357 greater than 375? her piggy bank now? ___ / 10 ______________________ Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 123 . How much does she have in 5. 18 ÷ 9 = _______ 10. What percent is shaded? 7.00 more and then spends $15. 8. Y N 56 ÷ = 8 2.00 in her piggy bank. 113 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Draw the time that is 8 minutes later. 3. Y N 8. Y N 10. Y N 5. What is the difference 6. 8+8+8+8= x8 1. Y N 5. _______ 6. Y N POTATOES 3. Is 4. Add 9 tens and 5 ones to ___ / 10 the number 43. 4. 63 ÷ 6 = _______ Y N 9. Is 10 greater than 100 ? the weight of the object. 2. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N 7 7 7. 9. Y N between 32 and 19? _ ______________________. Y N 2.736 even or odd? ______________________ 10. ______________________ 100 g 20 kg 5 kg 1 kg 4. Divide 54 by 9. Circle the best estimate for 3. Draw the front view. 114 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 36 inches equals how many yards? 7. _ Total ______________________ 124 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . SCORE 1. Y N x 8 are in 50 mm? ______________________ 4. Y N 4. Y N 3. Product 24 25 28 30 ______________________ ___ / 10 Factor 3 5 4 10 Total Factor © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 125 . 5x8= x 10 1. Y N 2. Y N 10. 63 ÷ 9 = _______ 8. Is 946 closer to 900 or 10. 8. 115 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 5. Y N 9. SCORE 1. Y N 5. Complete the chart with the 1. How many days are in July? ______________________ 6. Y N 7. 24 + 18 = _______ 6. Draw 1 line of symmetry.000? _ missing factors. Y N 2. How many cm 3. 6 ∙ 48 9. 7 7. 116 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Calculate 39 divided by 9. 24 7. SCORE 1. Y N 4. Fill in the missing number. Y N from her home. Y N 3. Name the shape of the solid’s base. 6 ∙ 36 10. Y N ______________________ 6. How 10. 48. ______________________ Total 32. Y N _____________________ 2. What fraction is shaded? 3. 56. Y N 8. Yi Min's school is six miles 9. 40. _ five days last week. ______________________ ______________________ 7. 9. Write the number for four traveled back and forth thousand six hundred to school on the bus all twenty. _______ 126 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 1L Milk m ea 300 yo g u 100 rt ______________________ cr mL mL 4. Y N 8. Yi Min 5. Y N – 9 in capacity between the cartons of milk and cream? 2. Y N many total miles did Yi ______________________ Min ride on the school bus during the week? ___ / 10 6. What is the difference 1. Would you use square inches or square feet to measure the area of a bedroom? _ 5. If today is July 31st. Is 10 equal to 100 ? ______________________ 3. Round 436 to the nearest 9. Y N 6. _ cross‑section? ______________________ 9. Y N ____________________________ how many are in 4 packets. a and 10. Molly’s birthday is the 3rd + 19 1. Y N ten. 12 seeds are in a packet. _ cup. 1_ 2 3 4 10. the product is 96. What shape is the 8. 15 7. how many days are there until Molly's birthday? _ 2. Y N 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Y N August ______________________ Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4. Complete the chart to show 10. Y N 4. 45 ÷ 9 = _______ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 5. Which would be the best measure for the lemonade 6. If you multiply me by Packet Packets Packets Packets 8. Y N 4 4 2. SCORE 1. Y N 8. or a kilogram? _ 7. Calculate the quotient of 91 in a full pitcher: a liter. What number am I? ___ / 10 12 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 127 . Y N Saturday in August. 117 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Shade 70%. Y N 1. or 5. Y N 3. 2. What is 100 more than rotating? 5. 35 – 19 = _______ 6. Y N 2. 6 ∙ 72 $5.634? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total 128 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 8. Dollars Earned in May Audrey $15 Dameon $23 7. Y N 4. Y N ______________________ 10. 7. SCORE 1. 24 ÷ 12 = _______ 9. Y N ______________________ 4.00. Y N Jason $12 Lauren $18 If Jason earns an additional 8. Y N ______________________ 6. what day is it 20 days from now? _ 5. Do you make this pattern by reflecting. How many 250 milliliter cups will fill a 1 liter bucket? 3. 8 x 4 is equal to x 8. 118 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. If it is Friday. Y N 10. how much money will he have? _ 9. translating. 9+9+9= x9 1. Write 100 as a percentage. Y N 7. Y N ______________________ 10. 4. Y N 7. Each cube has 1-cm sides. Y N 5. Y N 9. Y N March? _ ______________ 50 2. reflect. Fill in the blank with rotate. Y N ______________________ 4. 119 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 10. Y N 3. Y N 8. Write 56 in words. Patrick has swimming lessons 3 times a week ______________________ for ½ hour. 24 ÷ 6 = _______ 8. 24 + 29 = _______ 6. 9 ∙ 63 _______ 6. SCORE 1. What is the volume of the model? _ 5. Y N 9. How much time does he spend in 4 weeks at swimming lessons? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 129 . Which month follows: 2. May? _________________ 3. or translate. Y N 7. Y N 2. What is the first odd uncolored parts have the number before 624? same shape. Color half of the area so that both the colored and 10. so 1. Y N 5. Y N 9. Y N 8. 7 ∙ 63 9. 46 _ 1. Y N 4. Y N – 29 36 ÷ = 9 2. 72 ÷ 8 = _______ friend’s house? _ 6. 9 x 4 = 36. Does this shape tessellate? ______________________ 8. Is the area of a tennis court measured in cm2 or m2? 3. 120 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 6. Y N time will you arrive at your 3. 6 x 40 = _______ ______________________ 4. What 5. You leave at 8:10. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 10. It takes you 12 minutes to get to your friend’s house. ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 130 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 1 2. Y N cold? 3. What is the sum 7. . Y N 8. 121 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. . 6. SCORE 1. 6. Y N of 27 and 19? millimeters. _ ______________________. Fill in the missing fraction. 5 of 30 = _______ cm 1 2 3 4 5 3. Y N 9. Y N second circle. Is a 24°F day warm or 4. Calculate the quotient of twenty-four and six. ______________________ 2. Write the length in 1.000 + 40 + 6 = _______ 9. Follow the pattern in the first circle to complete the 10. Y N 10. Y N _____________________ A B C D 8. 6 1 2 3 5 . 7. _______. 5. Y N 5. 8 8 8 8 ___ / 10 3 9 32 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 131 . Y N 4. 81 ÷ 9 = _______ ______________________ 5. Draw a line from the real‑life object to the solid. Y N 2. Total How long is it now? ______________________ 132 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 8. _______ months = 1 year 3. ______________________ 4. ______________________ 2. 121 ÷ 11 = _______ 5.802 in expanded Jose’s goal was to read 25 9. Y N Martin 4. _ books in March. _ Jose ______________________ 8. Mick’s fishing line was ___ / 10 73 m. Divide 45 into 9 equal 7. 69 – 26 = _______ 7. Y N groups. 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = x7 10. Y N 9. Y N ______________________ 6. Did he reach his goal? _ ______________________ 10. Write 45% as a decimal. Calculate the area of a square with 7-cm sides. Y N notation. He cut off 42 m. Write 6. Books Read in March Cathy 6. Y N 7 cm 3. Y N 1. SCORE 1. 122 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N = 5 books read 5. 9 9 2. Y N 7 6 6: _____ 5. Write the ordinal number for 10. Y N 7. Jarome buys some school 10. 43 ÷ 8 = _______ 9.52. Y N 9. ______________________ How much change will he get? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 133 . SCORE 1. Y N time shown. 25 6. He pays with a $10 bill. 25 + + 12 = 57 + 8 1. Y N 10 2 9 3 ______________________ 8 4 5 4. Circle the prism and put an X on the pyramid. The total is $8. 8. _ supplies. 7 ∙ 56 _____ to 7 6. Y N 5. Is 10 equal to 100 ? 11 12 1 3. Y N 4. Y N 8. Fill in the blanks for the 2. 4 pints = _______ gallon(s) 7. 123 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 463. Y N 3. Y N 4. Y N 7. Y N ______________________ 8. 48 inches = _______ feet 5. Y N 2. 10 x 3 = 60 – 1. Y N – 15 2. 19 6. _ 10. What is the place value of 8 in 2. SCORE 1. Y N 8. Y N 9. 10. Calculate the quotient of 45 and 5.25 = _______ of a pen? _ ______________________ 4. % 134 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education .00 – $7. Y N 3. Do perpendicular lines meet at right angles? 7. Y N 5. $10. Complete the chart for the ______________________ hundred grid to represent 9. Y N the shaded region. 124 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 8 ∙ 40 6.836? _ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total 100 0. Would you use kilograms or grams to measure the mass 3. 59 + 5 = _______ 7. What is the total number of 8. Y N 150 cm2 150 m2 2. 125 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write the length in inches. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 7 3 8 2 9 6. 1 2 3 4 5 5. 5. SCORE 1.323 even or odd? 10. Y N A B C 4. Y N ______________________ in. 7 x 4 = 28. Y N 10. Y N wheel. Complete the multiplication 9. Y N triangle as their base. ______________________ 9. Each base is shown in grey. 7. Y N 3. Is 7._ 1. 6 ∙ 54 8. Circle the solids that have a 6. Circle the best estimate for the area of a CD case. Y N 2. Divide 8 into 48. so x6 6 4 _ 1 5 10 ___ / 10 28 ÷ = 7 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 135 . apples if there are 8 bags of 4 apples? _ ________________ inches 4. What is the most likely 4. How many times can a 1-L container of oil be filled from a 4-L jug? _ 2. Write the number for three thousand fifty-eight. Y N 8. Y N width of a book? 8 inches 8 feet 5. Y N 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year How much more did it rain 9. _ ______________________ 10. Y N 8 minutes 6. 180. Y N is shaded? _________ ______________________ 3. Y N 1. inches on each side? ___ / 10 Total 150. What percentage 2. Y N ______________________ 10. Fill in the missing number. ______. 27 – 16 = _______ 7. What is the area of a square that is 12 6. 160. Y N 40 30 20 4. 126 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 190 ______________________ 136 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 81 ÷ 9 = _______ 9. SCORE 1. Total Rainfall 60 Inches of Rain 50 7. Y N 3. Y N in 2009 than in 2010? _ 5. 45 ÷ 5 = _______ 10 8. Y N ____________ 10. What is 10 more than 479? ______________________ 10. ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 137 . 72 ÷ 9 = _______ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 6. 24 6. Y N year!) _ 4. Y N 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. _ 9. Y N 2. Y N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5. What type of prism is ______________________ shown? _ 9. Y N 8. Is 100 equal to 10 ? ______________________ ______________________ August Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 4. Y N ______________________ 2. What day of the week was July 31st?_ 70 7 3. Triple 16. 127 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Is 6 x 7 equal to 6 x 6 + 6? + 19 1. SCORE 1. Y N and 7. How many days are there in 4 years? (Remember leap 7. then add 100. Y N 7. Y N 5. Calculate the quotient of 35 ______________________ 8. 24 ÷ 5 = _______ ______________________ 1 5. SCORE 1. (G. Round 789 to the nearest hundred. Y N 1. Next I put a toy in the 4 cup. Y N 10. Y N ______________________ 9. 7 x 8 = 56 x 7 6 9. 3). Y N 7. 8 cm 3. 8. 7). and triangle? _ 4. _ 7. Write 10 as a percentage. Y N 9 6 cm 4 cm 2. Y N 10 9 5. 128 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Subtract 21 from 34. I put 700 mL of water in the 5 cup. circle. Y N 3 4 2 4. Y N displaced by the toy? 2 1L 1 800 _______ mL A B C D E F G H 600 ___ / 10 400 Total 200 100 138 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Plot each set of coordinates to make a triangle. (D. ______________________ 4 cm 2. Y N 3. ______________________ (B. Which numbers are inside the rectangle. Calculate the perimeter. Y N 8 6. 3) 8. 7 ∙ 28 5 6 7 8 6. How much water was 3 10. How much need 45 nails. You baby sister. 7 ∙ 36 2 cm 6. How many digits are in the 8. 2. How 10. SCORE 1. Draw the top view. There 10. Kelly’s mom pays her $4. 24 ÷ 6 = _______ 7. Y N _____________________ _____________________ 3. Y N 3. 28 + 29 = _______ 7. Y N number 1. Y N first quarter of the year? _____________________ 2. 129 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 4. Which months are in the 1. Y N ______________________ 5. Complete the chart. Y N 6. Y N 5. Y N money will she make in 4 many bags will you buy? weeks if she watches her sister 3 hours every week? ______________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ___ / 10 ______________________ Bag Bags Bags Bags Bags Bags Total 9 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 139 . Calculate the volume of a cube with 2-cm sides. Shade 90%. Y N 9.079? _ ______________________ 9.00 an hour to babysit her are 9 nails in a bag. Y N 8. 4. 28 7. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 1 3 10. Y N 2. Y N 4. so 4 of 36 = ___ / 10 Total 6. Y N theater. Y N _____________________. Y N Student Evan Rich 8. Is 473 greater than 4. 4 of 36 = 9. 100 ÷ 10 = _______ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Awards How many more awards 9. 41 divided by 4 is 6. School Awards Daniel 7. Y N ______________________ 3. 9. 130 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N – 17 50 m2.073? 10. What time should you leave? _ 5. Our lunchroom floor is 1. Y N does Daniel have to win to tie with Rich? _ 5. You want to go to a 3:15 movie. Y N ______________________ 3. The tables cover 14 m2. It takes you 25 minutes to get to the 4. 3 x 8 = _______ 8. 10 – 2 = 4 x ______________________ 140 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . What area is free? 2. Y N 9. Draw 1 line of symmetry. Y N 50˚ 40˚ 6. Y N ______________________ 10. Y N ______________________ 9 9 2. Y N the pencil in ______________________ centimeters or meters? 2. Y N 70˚ 3. Is 10 greater than 100 ? 3. 8. ______. Would you measure 1. Y N 4. Write two odd numbers that 10. Fill in the missing number. 131 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8. Is 537 even or odd? 9. What is the temperature? ______________________ _______ °F 80˚ 4. Total 35 and 27. Y N 5. Y N total the even number 58. 4 ∙ 64 7. SCORE 1. 890 ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 141 . 910. ______________________ 930. 920. 6. 7. 88 ÷ 11 = _______ 60˚ 5. What 9. Y N 4. Y N 3. Y N solid am I? _ ______________________ 10. I have one curved surface and no flat surfaces. 9+9+9+ =4x9 1. Y N 2. Y N 8. Y N 2.5 as a percentage. Y N ______________________ 7 cm 5. How many eggs did ______________________ she buy? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ 142 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Round 4. Calculate the perimeter of a square with 7-cm sides. ______________________ 4.506 to the nearest hundred. 46 – 25 = _______ 6. Y N 5. _ 10. ______ hours = 120 minutes 7. 7. Sheila bought 3 dozen eggs. 8 ∙ 40 9. 75 ÷ 5 = _______ 6. 132 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write 0. Y N 3. Y N 8. SCORE 1. Draw the time that is 16 + 6 1.50 each week Y N for allowance. _______ gallon(s) = groups. SCORE 1. 11 12 1 11 12 1 2. Y N minutes later. Y N How many children play 5. How much does he get in 4 weeks? 6. _ 2 quarts 5. Y N 3.825 in words. Y N 7 5 7 5 6 6 4. Y N 9. Divide 15 into 3 equal 8. Y N ______________________ 6. 18 7. soccer? _ 9. Y N ________________________ ______________________ ______________________ 10. 133 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 82 ÷ 6 = _______ 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester Troy soccer basketball baseball 7. 10. Y N 10 2 10 2 1 9 3 9 3 2. 10 of 20 = _______ 8 4 8 4 3. Y N Jessica golf basketball track Allison soccer diving swimming 8. 23 – 15 = +8 ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 143 . Write 4. Sports Played Each Year 4. Haru gets $2. Y N 9. 25 ÷ 5 = _______ 8. 134 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 5. A rectangle has: 8. Y N 2. ________________________ ______________________ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ 144 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Subtract 7 tens and 0 notation. Y N 7. Y N _______ axes of symmetry 10. 6 inches = _______ foot 6. Y N – 22 2. SCORE 1. Y N 3 3. Write 624 in expanded 10. 218 + 12 = 240 – 1. whose mass is 46 kg. Joe's mass is half the mass of Sam. 53 6. Y N 5. 4 of 16 = _______ 7. What is Joe’s mass? 4. 2 ∙ 17 _______ angles _______ sides 9. Y N 4. _ ones from the number 83. Complete the chart with the missing factors. Is a square a rectangle? 8. 600 + 70 = _______ 10. Y N ______________________ 9. Y N 10. How many meters are in 600 centimeters? _ 4. 8 x 6 = _______ 7. Y N 4. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 5. Is 4 x 3 equal to 6 x 2? 1. 19 ÷ 3 = _______ 9. Product 32 36 40 42 ___ / 10 Factor 4 6 5 6 Total Factor © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 145 . 37 + 24 = _______ 6. 135 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 7. 40 ÷ 4 = _______ 8. What month comes before August? _ 6. Y N 2. Y N 5. Y N 4. Each pencil costs 10 cents. Fill in the missing number. Y N 2. Y N 9:42 p. _______ _______ edges A ____________ for a base 8. You have 57 cents. Y N _______ faces 7. is the greatest number ___ / 10 of pencils you can buy? 0. 10. Y N 5.80.70 Total ______________________ 146 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ 3.m. 136 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 1. I drink 250 mL of milk each day. Y N 3. _______. This prism has: 6. 9 ∙ 45 9. SCORE 1. What is the value of the 9.85. What 6. 0.? ______________________ 5. 68 – 34 = _______ 7. and 4.743? _ ______________________ 10. 0. How many minutes are there between 5:38 a. How much milk do I drink in 5 days? _ 2. 10% of 30 = _______ 8.m. Y N You want to buy new pencils. Y N hundreds place in 1. Divide 37 by 3. Y N thermometer or a ruler to measure distance? _ ______________________ 6. What day of the week is + 14 1. SCORE 1. What number am I? n = _______ ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 147 . _ in 216? _ 9. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 10. 137 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 27 ÷ n = 9 get 6. If you divide me by 8. Y N December 1 1 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 2. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N acute angles and two equal 5. What is the place value of 6 obtuse angles. Y N 9. _ 8. Is 8 less than 4 ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Y N the first day in December? ______________________ 2. Name a two-dimensional shape that has two equal 8. Would you use a 5. you 6. 65 ÷ 10 = _______ 7. Y N 10. 24 7. Y N 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ______________________ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4. Calculate the quotient of 26 and 13. Y N start 6. 8. SCORE 1. 28 7. Y N path the counter moved. 100 ÷ 2 = x5 ___ / 10 Total 148 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 4. How many 250-milliliter 1. Y N 2. Y N ________________________ 5. 138 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 9. Y N – 13 scoops of ice cream are in a 6-liter carton? 2. Y N 9. 76 ÷ 8 = _______ ______________________ 5. Write the directions for the 7. Y N ______________________ 3. 48 hours = _______ days ______________________ 4. Y N 6. Calculate 50 percent of 40. Is this a right angle? 3.092? _ ________________________ ______________________ ______________________ 10. How many digits are in 9._ ________________________ 8. 6 ∙ 89 10. Y N 5. 50 ÷ 10 = _______ 8. 27 + 15 = _______ 6. 7. Draw 9 triangles. Y N 7. Y N 5 x 7 2. 8 of 40 is _______. Color the rest thousand. _ blue.737 to the nearest them yellow. 4. 9 ∙ 38 ______________________ 8. How many are blue? ______________________ ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 149 . How many days are in 1 2. Y N 3. Y N August? _______ 5. Y N 10. or translation. Y N May? ________ 4. 139 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Color ⅔ of 10. Label with reflection. January? _______ 3. Y N 9. SCORE 1. Y N rotation. 7+7+7+7+ = 1. Round 4. 10 mm = _______ cm 6. Y N 9. 8. Y N 4. SCORE 1. 6 ∙ 27 9. Draw the top view. Is the area of a computer screen measured in cm2 _______ ______ _______ or m2? 4. 43 ÷ 7 = _______ 8. Is 421 even or odd? ______________________ ___ / 10 Total 150 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N same shape. 5. _______ seconds = 6. 28 – 16 = _______ 6. Y N 2. Y N 10. Y N ______________________ 5. 7 x 6 = 42. Y N 3. Color half of the area so that both the colored and uncolored parts have the 10. Y N 3. so 42 ÷ =6 2. 140 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 9. List the first 3 multiples of 7. 7. Y N 1. Y N 14 minutes 7. Y N 6 7 9 . _______ yards = 12 feet 6. 10. 7. 10 2. Y N 7. ______________________ 10 13 1 4 12 ___ / 10 Total = 20 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 151 . SCORE 1. Write the length in millimeters. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ 9. Y N 5. 10% of 20 is _______. Use each of the five ______________________ numbers once and any 10. 33 6. + 25 1. 8. Y N operations to solve the ______________________ problem below. 141 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 10 10 . Y N cm 1 2 3 4 5 5. _______. Divide 4 into 90. Y N 3. Y N 3. Y N 9. _______ that has five vertices. Name the polygon 4. 77 ÷ 11 = _______ 8.931 in words. Fill in the missing fraction. Write 8. _______ 4. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle. How many times ___ / 10 can Beth jump? _ Total ______________________ 152 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 36 6. Y N ______________________ 1_ 2 3 3. What is the next odd 10. SCORE 1. Complete the chart. How many sides are on 6 cubes? _ 2. $10 – $4. How many lines of symmetry does a pentagon have? 9. Y N 2. Y N 4_ 5 6 Cubes Cubes Cubes 5. Veronica can jump 132 ______________________ times. Beth can jump rope twice number after 893? as many times as Veronica. 142 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 55 ÷ 11 = _______ 7. Y N 3. 7 ∙ 66 9. 6. Y N 8. Y N – 24 are six sides on a cube. Y N ______________________ 10.50 = _______ Cube Cubes Cubes 6 4. Y N 5. 104 weeks = _______ years 8. Y N 4 cm 2 cm 7. Y N 4. There 1. Y N ______________________ 7.00. 12 ÷ 3 = _______ 8. Y N 3. Y N 7. What month comes after June? _ 6. If the full-price ticket costs $12. 143 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. Is 928 greater than 982? early. True or false? All plane 4. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 9. 36 + = 72 – 14 1. Show 5 past 6 on both clocks. how much will ______________________ you save by buying a ticket early? _ ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 153 . Y N 8 4 7 6 5 5. Y N 5. Tickets for a movie are 2 off if you buy the tickets 10. Y N 1 10. 34 + 28 = 6. _ 8. 1 2. Is 50% equal to 2 ? 11 12 3. 44 ÷ 5 = _______ shapes are polygons. Y N ______________________ 9. Y N 1 10 2 ______________________ 9 3 4. 6. Y N _______ inches 7. Y N in. five hundred one. Subtract 5 tens and 2 thousand. 50% of 20 is _______. 9. Y N 4. Write the length in inches. Y N 3. SCORE 1. 7. Y N 2. ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total 154 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Write the number for seven 10. 1 2 3 4 5 8. 8 ∙ 53 9. 6x =8x3 2. Y N _________________ 10. ones from the number 97. Y N 1. Y N 3. What is the mass of 3 packs? 4. 144 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 5. Y N ______________________ 5. 78 ÷ 12 = _______ 8. Name the shape of the solid’s base. One pack of nails has a mass of 250 grams. 54 – 23 = _______ 6. pairs of numbers that equal the product shown in the ______________________ center. 145 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8. Y N 3. _______ 9. 3.99. Which would be the best tool for measuring the 2. 37 7. Y N Dameon $23 Jason $12 Lauren $18 6. or a meter stick? ______________________ 4. Use different colors to color 9. Y N ______________________ 5. SCORE 1. Y N a clock. Y N 1 40 2 ______________________ 20 40 4 ___ / 10 6.857 in expanded 10. Y N she earn enough money in May to buy the CD? _ 8. What is the abbreviation for + 26 1. Write 1. 7 x 6 = 42 ÷ 10 5 Total 8 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 155 . Y N cubic meter? _ ______________________ 2. 5 x 60 = _______ width of a book: a ruler. Dollars Earned in May Audrey $15 5. Y N Audrey wants to buy a new 4. 67 ÷ 10 = _______ CD that costs $13. Y N notation. Divide 5 into 52. Did 7. 10. Y N 5. A large can of green beans tens place in 3. 1. Y N 3. 146 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N – 27 749. What is the value in the 10. 91 ÷ 7 = _______ 9. Y N 3. Draw a line that is parallel to the line below.000 milliliters? _ 4. 728. Y N 10. Y N 4.827? weighs 500 grams. ______. Y N 1 1 2. 742. 8. Y N 9. How many liters are in 6. Is 2 more than 8 ? 7. Fill in the missing number. 68 6. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 5. 721 2. Y N 7. How many cans of green beans ___ / 10 ______________________ weigh 2 kilograms? _ Total ______________________ 156 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . ___ minutes = 360 seconds 6. 9 ∙ 39 8. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 5. ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 157 . How many days are in August? _ 7. Y N Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5. then add 12. Y N groups. 147 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 43 + 28 = _______ 6. 50% of 10 is _______. Does this shape tessellate? 9. Is 432 closer to 400 or 500? _ ______________________ 10. Y N 2. Y N 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3. Y N 8. Y N ______________________ 10. Halve 64. Y N 2. What is the date of the 3rd Sunday in December? 3. Divide 40 into 10 equal 8. SCORE 1. _ ______________________ 9. 245 = 200 + _______ + 5 1. Y N 7. 60 ÷ 6 = _______ 28 29 30 31 6. ______________________ December 4. _______ weeks = 2 years 7. Y N 1 3. How many times would you expect him ___ / 10 to bounce the ball in 1 minute? Total ______________________ 158 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education .000 + 600 + 30 + 2 = 10. Y N 3. 6 ∙ 54 6. How many 5s are in 15? 8. SCORE 1. Y N 2. Richard can bounce a basketball 36 times in 2 ______________________ minutes. Y N 2. Record in liters: _______ L 3L 4. 1. Y N 2L 1L 5. 148 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. What solid am I? _ 9. 25 – 14 = _______ 6. I have 2 circular bases and ______________________ my other face is curved. 10 x 6 = 6 x 1. Y N 4. Y N 5. Y N 9. 2 of 20 = _______ 7. Y N ______________________ 10. Y N 8. 59? 3. 5. Y N notation. 68 ÷ 9 = _______ Year 6. Y N 6. ______________________ Estimate: _______ 10. Y N 2. Y N 20 10 2007 2008 2009 2010 4. January? ______________________ ______________________ 8.6 greater than 0. Y N Inches of Rain 50 40 3. Which months are in the last quarter of the year? Actual Number: _______ ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 159 . Y N side of each cube is 5 cm. SCORE 1. Estimate the number of 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9? 9.490 in expanded How much did it rain in 7. Is 0. Y N dots in the square. Record the volume if the + 9 1. Y N Half of the rain in 2008 fell in the month of January. Then check by counting. 18 8. Y N ______________________ 9. Is 5 x 9 equal to 10. Y N 7. 8 ∙ 16 30 5. Total Rainfall 60 4. _______ 2. Write 7. 149 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 10 of 40 = 4. Y N 5. Y N 4. Calculate the product of 5 for the area of a hand be and 70. 45 + 45 = 90 x 2. so 10 of 40 = ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total 160 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 2 yard = _______ inches 7. Y N _______ angles _______ sides 9. 28 1. Y N 3. Y N 8. Y N – 15 6. What is the place value of 1 3 1 in 8. Would the unit of measure 2. 12 ÷ 4 = _______ 1 6.126? 10. cm2 or m2? 4. 55 ÷ 5 = _______ 9. Y N 3. Y N 7. Y N ______________________ 80 _________ 5. SCORE 1. A regular hexagon has: 8. 150 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N _______ axes of symmetry 10. Would you be more likely to use a ruler or a yardstick 6. Write the length in centimeters. Y N to measure the length of a room? 7. 25 + 13 = _______ 6. 321. $1. Y N 5. 15 ______________________ ___ / 10 5 25 40 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 161 . Fill in the missing number. Y N _______ axes of symmetry and _______ right angles. ______. Y N 7. Y N cm 1 2 3 4 5 5. Y N 2. 330 2. 5 ∙ 20 8. Y N 3.747 to the nearest second circle. Round 2. A square has: 4. 3. Y N 10. Y N 318. 9. Follow the pattern in the first circle to complete the 10. Y N ______________________ 9.25 ______________________ 4. 1. SCORE 1. 41 ÷ 9 = _______ 8. 327. hundred.50 + $2. 151 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Calculate the perimeter of a square with 4-cm sides. Write 81% as a fraction. _______ 9. How many digits are in the 10. Y N 4. Y N 7. SCORE 1. Y N 5. Subtract 29 from 68. Y N 8. Divide 6 into 92. 4 days = _______ hours 6. Y N 2. Y N ______________________ 2. 152 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. number 237? Alan cut off 36 cm. 80 ÷ 8 = _______ 8. A B C D 9. How tall is it now? ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total 162 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . A post was 189 cm tall. Y N 10. 6. ______________________ ______________________ 4. Circle the solids that have a triangular top view. Y N 4 cm 5. Y N 7. Y N 3. 20 ÷ 1 = x5 1. 3. What month comes before February? 4. Y N Student Evan 4. He saves ⅓ of the money and spends the rest. Hiro gets $3. Y N 8. 26 7. Y N ______________________ for allowance. Y N 9 3 8 4 2.058 in words. how many awards 5. School Awards Daniel 6.00 each week 10. Y N 3. 7 ∙ 69 Rich 7. 11 12 1 10 2 2. Y N 9. Y N awards. 153 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 10. SCORE 1. 16 ÷ 8 = _______ ______________________ 5. Y N 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of Awards If Evan wins 2 more 8. Write 9. How much does he save each month? ___ / 10 6. 29 – 17 = x4 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 163 . Complete the clocks for the + 18 1. 50% of 30 is _______ 7 6 5 3. Y N time 15 past 9. will he have won? 9. Y N 3. Write 2. SCORE 1. Y N 8. 5. Complete the chart by 10. Y N rounding 1. 2. 154 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Draw 1 line of symmetry. _______ months = 10 years 6. Y N ______________________ 4. 7.326 to the specified place. 17 6. 93 ÷ 10 = _______ 10. Y N – 15 7. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N 9. Divide 18 into 2 equal 9.573 in expanded Ten notation. Y N the weight of the object. Y N 4. groups. What percentage is shaded? 100 g 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 3. 46 + 14 = 20 x 1. Circle the best estimate for 2. ___ / 10 ______________________ Hundred Total ______________________ Thousand 164 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 5. Y N ______________________ 4. Add 34 and 37. Product 48 56 60 81 Factor 8 7 6 9 ___ / 10 Total Factor © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 165 . Y N 9. 6 x 7 = _______ 3. Y N 5. How many angles are in this shape? 7. Y N 7. Y N 3. 4. Y N 8. Y N 9. 4 pints = _______ quart(s) 5. Y N ______________________ 4. 81 ÷ 9 = _______ 6. Complete the chart with the missing factors. 6. 4 of 36 = 4 + 1. 7 ∙ 56 8. 155 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.000 + 50 + 3 = _______ 10. Is 10 mm equal to 1 cm? 2. SCORE 1 1. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 10. 42 ÷ 2 = _______ are in November? 5. Is 0.2 cm long. Ming's pencil was 6. 156 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.6. Y N ________vertices 5. Y N 4. Write the next two numbers 15. Joel's pencil was 13. SCORE 1.59? 60 L 10 L ______________________ 4. How many days 3. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N _________ faces 8.8. This pyramid has: 7. How much in the pattern. Y N 1. Y N 8. 21 ÷ 4 = _______ 9. 28 – 17 = _______ 7. _____. _____ ______________________ 166 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N before 1. How many buckets will it take to empty the tank? ______________________ 2.802? ______________________ 10. 0. Y N 10.45 cm long. 0.7 less than 0. What is the even number A ____________ for a base 9._ longer was Ming's pencil?_ ___ / 10 Total 0. Y N 2.7. SCORE 1. 70 ÷ 7 = _______ 5. 46 7. Y N 10. Write 4 as a decimal. you get 52. If you multiply me by 13. she ______________________ 9. 24 months = _______ years 6. Y N New Year’s Eve? ______________________ 2. What is the value of the 7. 10. 157 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. What number ______________________ am I? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 ___ / 10 58 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 167 . Y N covers 58 cm with each step.504? ______________________ 9. Y N tens place in 2. Y N 5. When Amy walks. 46 ÷ 6 = _______ 8. Y N 28 29 30 31 3. Which day of the week is + 25 1. Complete the chart to find the distance she covers in 5 steps. What is another name for a 8. Y N ______________________ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4. Y N December 1 2. Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Y N right angle? _ 6. Y N 4. Y N ______________________ 2. Y N 9.567 greater than or coordinates (G. 24 ÷ 8 = _______ 5. Y N the shape.5). 36 7. Y N 7 months 7 meters 3. Is 2. 158 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Circle the most likely length ______________________ of a vacation. Y N 8. 9. 4. Y N 5 4 6. Y N less than 2. How many 4 liter bottles 1. 8 ∙ 82 7. Draw in the diagonals for 6. Write 0. 1. Y N – 25 can be filled with 36 liters of juice? 2. Draw a square on the 5. 3.467 = 3 1.000 + _______ + 60 + 7 ___ / 10 2 1 Total A B C D E F G H 168 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education .675? 8 7 ______________________ 6 10. Y N 10. Y N 8. 7 days 4.71 as a fraction. SCORE 1. SCORE 1. Y N 10. _______ m = 1 km 6. 6 ∙ 94 7. 25% 10.000 + 50 + 6 = _______ The rest are orange. 50% are red. 5. How many days are in a 3. Y N 5. 8. reflection. Shade 85%. What fraction of the circles are orange? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 169 . Y N 3. 43 ÷ 7 = _______ 9. Fill in the blank with rotation. Y N are blue. or translation. Y N year? ______________________ 4. 7. Y N 8. Y N 9. 1. Y N 2. 10 – 2 = x4 1. Y N ______________________ 4. 159 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 38 + 23 = _______ 6. Y N 2. There are 8 circles. Y N mat of 9 m2. 160 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 6. What type of prism is ______________________ shown? 6. Y N 10. Y N 3. 50% of 60 = _______ 3. 9. Y N 8. Y N 525 and 7. Y N ______________________ 4. SCORE 7. 81 ÷ 9 = 9 x ___ / 10 Total 170 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . What area is uncovered? 2. 1 _______ = 60 minutes 4. The floor has an area of 1. It is covered with a 1. Y N 4.989? crossed region? ______________________ ______________________ 10. Y N ______________________ 2. 5. 47 – 8 = _______ 16 m2. 57 ÷ 5 = _______ 7. What is the number after what is the area of the 9. Calculate the quotient of 5. If the shaded area is one. Y N 8. 10 13 1 4 12 1 2 3 ______ 5 ___ / 10 . Y N 5. Y N ______________________ 9. Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 8. Y N millimeters. Write the length in + 14 1. 5. 29 7. Write 25% as a fraction. 100 = 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 171 . ______________________ 10. 24 ÷ 6 = _______ ______________________ 7. How many faces does a 6. Fill in the missing fraction. cm 1 2 3 4 5 3. 161 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 16 pints = _______ gallons 3. . . numbers once and any 9. Y N operations to solve the problem below. ______________________ 2. Write 1. 100 100 100 . SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N 8. Calculate 71 divided by 10.414 in 10. Y N square pyramid have? 4. Use each of the five expanded notation. Y N 2. What is the place value of 10. SCORE 1 1. Y N – 13 2. Write 100 as a percentage.647? the soccer team. Y N 4. One-half of the cookies are eaten. ______________________ ______________________ 6 cm 4. Is a hexagon a plane shape or a solid? 9. 95 ÷ 5 = _______ 8. Divide 8 into 44. Y N 3. Y N 5. Y N ______________________ 10. Mom bakes 24 cookies for 2 in 2. 3 x 3 = 3 of 1. 2 yards = _______ inches 6. Y N 8. Calculate the perimeter of a square with 6-cm sides. 162 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 7. 73 3. 9. Y N 5. ___ / 10 ______________________ How many are not eaten? Total ______________________ 172 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 26 6. Y N 2. Y N 7. 56 and 7. 9. 1. Y N 4. SCORE 1.00. 83 ÷ 6 = _______ _____________________ 5. Is 5 greater than. 163 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. How much do you still have to save? 6. You are saving for an mp3 player that costs $75. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N _____________________ _____________________ 6. less 4 6 3. Y N than. Which months are in the 4. Y N and 17. Write four thousand seven hundred with numerals. Calculate the sum of 25 7. or equal to 50 ? ______________________ 8. Y N last third of the year? 3. 11 12 1 10 2 ______________________ 9 3 2. Show 7:50 on both clocks. ______________________ Mom says she will help you by paying for ⅓ of the cost 10. Y N 10. Calculate the quotient of 9. 7. Y N 5. Draw the front view. Y N of the player. 100 x 1 = 10 x ______________________ ___ / 10 Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 173 . Y N 8 4 4 7 5 2. What is the number after her new book goal? 4. Divide 63 into 7 equal groups. 5 ∙ 25 Cathy’s goal is to read 10 9. Y N more books in April than she read in March. 164 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. SCORE 1. An empty wheelbarrow has a mass of 12 kg. Martin 7. ___ / 10 and 0 ones to 362. Y N = 5 books read 4. 8 of 48 is 2 x ______________________ 174 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . How many days are in May? 4. How heavy is the load if the full wheelbarrow has a mass of 2. Y N ______________________ Jose 8. 3 tens. Y N 9. Y N 1. 1 Total 6. What is 5. Add 4 hundreds. Y N 2. 42 – 8 = _______ 7.799? 10. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 10. Books Read in March Cathy 6. What percent is shaded? 22 kg? ______________________ ______________________ 3. Y N 8. Y N ______________________ 5. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 4. 45 ÷ 9 = _______ 9. What is the value of the hundreds place in 2. Y N 9. Y N the cost of 5 pens at 25¢ each. Y N 10. A pound of ground beef costs $2. Y N 2. How ______________________ much will you save? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 175 . 38 6. Y N 5. Is 49 a square number? 25¢ ______________________ 4. You have a coupon for 25% off.604? 10. Y N ______________________ 1_ 2 3 4 5 Pen Pens Pens Pens Pens 3. 2 ∙ 14 6. 8. 2. Complete the chart to find + 34 1.00. Y N 7. Y N ______________________ 3. How many times in a year is the date the 31st? 7. 165 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Draw 1 line of symmetry. How many millimeters are there in 8 centimeters? 5. Y N 8. SCORE 1. 59 ÷ 7 = _______ 7. What is the next number in the pattern? _ ___ / 10 642. Write 37% as a decimal. 654. 9. 666 Total 1. 166 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 648.014 in ______________________ expanded notation. SCORE 1. Which would be the best measure for the length of a groups. Y N ______________________ 4. a minute. Y N 9. Y N 5 fill a . 3. Fill in the missing number. 9. If 8 fill a and – 5 2. Y N 1. 23 7. 4. 13. 10. Divide 20 into 4 equal 8. Y N ______________________ _______ fill a . then 2. or a kilogram? ______________________ 6. Y N 6. _______ 176 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . What shape is the cross-section? . 5. Y N commercial on TV: an hour. Y N 5. 5. Y N 3. 8. ______. Y N ______________________ ______________________ 10. Write 3. SCORE 1. Is 1. 96 ÷ 9 = _______ 8. 44 + 27 = _______ 6. 50% of 50 is _______. or liter? 7. Y N ______________________ a bucket: cup. 8. 3. If you divide me by 12. Calculate the quotient of 72 and 7. Y N 9. Y N 3. Y N 7. Y N December Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. What number am I? ______________________ ___ / 10 ______________________ Total © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 177 . What is the name for lines that intersect to form right angles? 9. 27 ÷ 9 = 3 x 1. Which would be the best measure for the capacity of 6. you get 5.427 closer to 1. Y N 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5. Y N ______________________ 4. kilogram.500? 10. What date is it one day after December 31st? 2. Y N 5. 167 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ 10.400 or 1. Y N ______________________ 2. 2. 2. Y N 8. Y N 3. What is 400 more than commercial break. Y N 4. 168 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. True or false? 8. Y N 2. SCORE 1.000 + _______ + 70 + 3 ______________________ 2. with 5 commercials every 5. How many milliliters are in a 3. Y N Parallel lines never meet. How 3. _____ seconds = 4 minutes 6. Y N 10. Y N quarter of a liter? ______________________ 4. Y N 7. 7. 8 ∙ 84 9. Commercials are half a minute long. Calculate the difference 6. 28 ÷ 7 = _______ 10. Y N 1. ______________________ 9.473 = between 27 and 16. Shade 62%.570? long is each commercial ___ / 10 break? Total ______________________ ______________________ 178 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 5. What is the price she have $8. Y N 9. In what week will daisies.50 every 10. Y N ______________________ ______________________ Week Week Week Week Week ___ / 10 1 2 3 4 5 Total $2. 8. Y N January 1? + 19 ______________________ 2. Write 10 as a percentage. Is 5. Marcia saves $2. Draw a line from the real‑life object to the matching solid. Y N 6. Y N ______________________ 9.00? of each daisy? 10. 31 7. SCORE 1. Y N hexagon with 5-cm sides. Y N 3 2. Y N 4. ______________________ ______________________ 4. Y N 5.234? 8. 60 ÷ 10 = _______ 7.50 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 179 .00 for 8 week. Calculate the perimeter of a 3. What is the day before 3 1. 8 ∙ 24 5. 169 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem.243 less than 5. Kaylee pays $4. Y N 3. 6. SCORE 1. Y N ______________________ 7. Y N 5. Y N – 9 2. Y N 7. rotation. 32 6. Matthew wakes up at 5. __________________ is the amount of surface 2. Y N 7:00 a.35 as a percentage. 5 of 35 = 7. ______________________ 4. 42 ÷ 6 = 14 ÷ 1. 4 ∙ 23 to bed? 6. Label with reflection. Y N 8. Y N two-dimensional shape. Y N 9.m. 170 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N ______________________ 10. 46 ÷ 12 = _______ 9. or translation. What time did he go 3. 1 3 10. He got 10 hours sleep. Round 1. Y N 4.276 to the nearest ten. covered or enclosed by any _ 3. 8. so 5 of 35 = ___ / 10 ______________________ ______________________ Total 180 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Write 0. SCORE 1.081? 10. 10. 833. 8. Y N ______________________ 8.018 greater than 9. 171 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. ______. Y N describe any object that is ___________-dimensional. Y N 6. Y N 50˚ 40˚ 6. 840. Is 9. Use each of the five 9. Y N 5. Is 10 greater than 100 ? cm 1 2 3 4 5 3. 35 + 45 = _______ 7. ______________________ 2. Write the length in 1. Fill in the missing number. What is the temperature? 4. 826 10 13 1 4 12 ___ / 10 Total =6 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 181 . 27 ÷ 12 = _______ 70˚ 60˚ 5. Y N centimeters. ______________________ 854. Y N 3 3 2. Y N 80˚ °F _______ 3. Y N 4. Solid is a term used to 7. Y N ______________________ numbers once and any operations to solve the problem below. 5 ∙ 85 9. 100 cm = 1 _______ 97 and 6. Y N 8. 172 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write 30% as a fraction. Y N ______________________ 5. Y N ______________________ 7. SCORE 1 1. Y N 4. Y N 3. What is its area? ______________________ 4. Calculate the quotient of 8. Y N 2. 6. 73 ÷ 5 = _______ 9. Y N 2. What is its current ______________________ height? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ 182 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Draw the top view. 46 – 34 = _______ 6. What is the value of the 10. Y N 3. It has grown 34 cm. 60 ÷ 10 = 2 of 1. Y N 10. Y N 5. 9. Last year my tree was digit 4 in the number 2. A square has a perimeter of 12 cm.643? 67 cm tall. 7. Y N 2. Y N 7. Write 1. 47 6. 1 for allowance. Y N 5. How much does he spend in 3 weeks? ___ / 10 ______________________ Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 183 . 7x is 4 of 56 + 23 1. Y N 9. Dan gets $5. Y N 3. 173 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 8 4 7 6 5 5. 47 ÷ 10 = _______ _______ 8. He saves 2 of the money and spends _______________________ the rest.00 each week 10. 2. 3 quarts = _______ pints 6.846 in words. 3. Y N inside this polygon? 4. How many acute angles are 7. Write 0. Complete the clocks for the time 25 to 2. Y N 9. 15 ∙ 45 8. SCORE 1 1.84 as a percentage. Y N 10. Y N 11 12 1 10 2 ______________________ 9 3 4. Y N 10. Y N – 23 2. Trish eats one box of cereal every 2 weeks. Y N 5. Y N 7. How many boxes of cereal does she eat in 8 weeks? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ 184 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . SCORE 1 1. Draw a line perpendicular to the one below. Y N 9. 6 ∙ 61 9. 42 6. _____ hours = 180 minutes 6. Would you use kilograms or grams to measure the mass 3. Y N 5. 3. 174 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N 2. 30 ÷ 5 = _______ 8.000 + 40 + 7 = _______ 10. 5 of 45 = 3 x 1. Y N 4. 8. Y N 3. Y N 7. 9 x 8 = _______ of a soccer ball? ______________________ 4. 6. Draw the front view. Y N 3. Joshua has 14 cars. SCORE 1. Y N 3. Y N ______________________ 5. How many does Tim ______________________ have? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 185 . Tim has 3 times as many 10. Y N 2. 98 ÷ 7 = _______ 8. Calculate the quotient of 8. Write 25% as a decimal. Y N 9. Y N 2. 7. What is 400 more than race cars in his collection 1. 23 – 15 = _______ – 48 1. _______ yards = 9 feet 32 and 8.505? as Joshua. Y N 9. Y N 5. ______________________ 4. Y N ______________________ 7. Write the abbreviation for square meter. 32 + 7 + 28 = _______ 6. Y N 10. 175 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 4. Sports Played Each Year 5. 8. Wilson see? 10. Mr. ___ / 10 17 18 19 ______ 21 . Y N ______________________ 6. Y N 1. Y N children? 8. Y N ______________________ 3. 7 ∙ 56 9. 6 buckets of water are needed to fill a 30-liter bath. 10% of $1 is _______. 100 Total 186 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N 5. Y N 1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester Troy soccer basketball baseball Jessica golf basketball track 6. 176 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. . 86 ÷ 9 = _______ are played by these 7. How many liters are in each bucket? 2. SCORE 1. 33 – 18 = _______ 7. 100 100 100 . Y N ______________________ 5. Y N Allison soccer diving swimming How many different sports 4. Wilson counted 96 9. How many months are in half a year? 4. A spider has 8 legs. Y N ______________________ 3. .237 greater than 10. Fill in the missing fraction. Is 5. Y N 2.327? spider legs on a nature walk. How many spiders ______________________ did Mr. 177 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Y N + 8 as 20 – __________ 2. Grandma is coming to visit one week before New 35 Year’s Eve. Y N 28 29 30 31 7. 62 ÷ 9 = _______ 8. SCORE 24 1 1. Y N 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. Peaches are 89¢ a pound. Y N 5. Y N ______________________ December Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 5. True or false? A quadrilateral is a plane shape with more than 4 9. ______________________ 10. Y N 7. Y N 2. Is 35% equal to 100 ? date she will come? ______________________ 4. 4 ∙ 32 14 7 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 18 12 19 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6. 6. 4 of 40 is the same 1. What is the 3. Write six thousand forty-two using numerals. Y N straight sides. How much will 3 pounds of ______________________ peaches cost? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 187 . 1. 10. Y N 8. Y N 9.000 m = 1 _______ 4. Y N tickets to their classroom 5. Write 47% as a fraction. They have already sold 82 tickets. 7 + 8 = 18 – _______ 1. A class can sell 150 10. Y N in. 178 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Write the length in inches. Does this shape tessellate? ______________________ 8. Y N 10. ______________________ How many more can they ___ / 10 sell? Total ______________________ 188 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 35 ÷ 5 = _______ 6. 2. 47 6. SCORE 1.000 + 500 + 30 + 6 = performance. How many 250-mL mugs are in 5 L of water? 3. Y N – 28 2. 8 ∙ 48 9. 1 2 3 4 5 7. ______________________ 4. Y N ______________________ 8. Y N _______ inches 3. Y N 2. Y N 9. Y N 7. 5. Y N 4. 99 ÷ 11 = _______ 8. Y N 5. Jenny practices the 2. Y N 10. How many obtuse angles 6. 26 + 16 = _______ 6. 179 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. 3.039 = 3. Is 2. 10 ∙ 74 9. Is 3% equal to 10 ? ______________________ ______________________ 4.386 closer to 2. Y N are inside this polygon? _______________________ 7.400? piano 25 minutes every day. How long does Tina ______________________ practice each day? ___ / 10 Total ______________________ © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 189 . What is the volume of a Y N cube with 1-cm sides? _____________________. Y N _ 9. Y N 3. Y N measure the area of an area rug? 3 3. Y N 2.000 + _______ 1. Would you use square inches or square feet to 2. 8. Y N 7. SCORE 1. Tina practices the piano twice as long as her sister 10. 5.300 or Jenny. Y N _ 4. Draw the mirror image of this shape so it is symmetrical. Write 81% as a decimal. Y N 2. 36 – 19 = _______ 7. Y N 5. What is the place value of 7 in 3. What is the most likely 3. 87 ÷ 12 = _______ 7. 8.000 milliliters and 2 liters equivalent? ______________________ 2. Y N ______________________ 10. I have a square base and 5. Y N 6. Y N ______________________ 4. Y N temperature inside of a ______________________ house? 4. Y N 10. How much do 6 pens cost if 1 pen costs 30¢? ______________________ ___ / 10 1_ 2 3 4 5 6 Pen Pens Pens Pens Pens Pens Total 30¢ 190 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . Y N ______________________ all my other faces are triangular.972? 9. Y N 1. What solid am I? 6. Y N 7°F 70°F –70°F 3. 8. 180 DAY Name:______________________________________ Directions Solve each problem. Are 2. How many 5s are in 90? 9. SCORE 1. 10. yes shaded. circle 6. 4 tens or 40 should be colored. 10. 5 sides 10. 40.36. a line should be drawn to the 9. 17 1. 3. 1 R4 2. 2 8. 7 4. 2 9. 95 stacks 7. 60 1. 6 10. face or square 2. Clockwise. 10 3. 100 Day 9 2. 4 6. 6 2. 7 R7 3. pentagon 9. 24 29 37 43 46 48 51 65 3. 60 7. six minutes past seven 10. 6. 900 6. a. 19 10. 4 out of 5 boxes should be 2. perimeter 7. 8 8. yes 5. yes 10. 7 2. yes 6. 6 or 6 ones 2. 2 5. 64 5. no 2. 5 3. 32 6. volume 7. 11 7. 15 9. 8 4.00 colored 3. 2 5. 9. 5 buckets 4. 4 4. February 7 8. 2 m2 6. 11 Day 10 9. 4 3. 4.25 2. the square and triangle 5. Estimate: Answers will vary. September 9. Answer Key Day 1 Day 4 Day 8 1. $3. 3. Monday 7.m. 4 8. 6. 8 Day 3 5. 2 3. 2 7. 4 4.5 centimeters 8. 9 4. 4. 92°F 1. 4 10. 963 should be circled. $6. yardstick 4. 8 6. 5. 24. 0. rotation 9. 200 + 40 + 7 6. 35 2. 12 cm Day 6 8. 16. 3 1. 23 1. 9 10. 40 1.5 inches 8. 417 should be circled. 8 eighths 39 47 53 56 58 61 75 3. 24 8. 4 7. 2 sphere. 29 kg 3.1 Liters 7. 54 4. 3 8. D o’clock Day 7 8. 3 hundreds or 300 4. 1 1. three hundred six 4. 28. 34 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 191 . 4. 9 1. 1. 20. 4 5. 8 6. 12 5. 3 pentagons should be 10. 2. Actual Number: 17 dots + 8 14 17 19 22 36 Day 5 19 27 33 36 38 41 55 1. from the top: 8. 9 Day 2 5. 9. 12. 9. 71 cm 7. 6 6. 7 3. 1 ten or 10 5. 3 hr. C. 25 1.) Day 11 Day 15 Day 19 1. Hundreds: 400 192 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 8. 6 4. 15 books 10. 31 days 9. 9 cm3 8. 64 1. 1 8. 5 fours 6. 6 8. Day 13 Day 17 Day 21 1. The 3 left or the 3 right 10. 4 each row. 2 6. 27 1.25 and 5 1. 10 2. 8. 20 6. 4 3. $4 Day 18 1.m. Tens: 420. 48 minutes squares should be shaded. 25 2.000 5. 8 5. 4 4. 8 3. 43. yes 7. 4 2. 54 2. 0. 40 minutes 10. 4 5. 35 3. 12 6. 29 2. 7 4. cm2 7. hundreds 5. yes 9. 25 minutes 8. tens 6. and D should be 10. 2 4. 2 5. 48 cm2 9. 46 quadrilateral 10. 3 3. 70 4. 10 3. 2 sevens 4. scale 8. the 21st 7. Yes 2. parallelogram or 10. 9. Answers may vary: 1 and 11. 39 2. 3 and 5 Day 20 3 and 9. 2 6. 9 ten thousands or 90. 16 cm2 7. Cup 8. 4 5. a. 15 Day 12 1. 30 mm 7. 9 4. There should be 2 pens in 3. 7 5. 2 and 4 9. pentagon 9. 8 to 10 8. 24 9. 6 tens or 60 5. 10. The brick should be circled. 3 cm 7. 2 3. 9. 22 7. The following pairs should 10. 12 5. circled. 6 4. 5 and 7 Day 16 1. 4 3. 20 6. 66 4. yes 6. 35 2. 4 fourths 2. 5 kilograms should be 7. B. 9. 2 9. $18 10. be colored: 1 and 15. 31 1. 6 3. no 2. no 4. 6 6. 3 8. 52 1. 2 3. 47 5. yardstick 8. Answers will vary: 1 and 7. 4 7. 500 + 60 + 3 6. 4. 3 Day 14 2. 39 7. 15 10. 73 7. Triangle A 9. 4 boys 10. Answer Key (cont. grams circled. 33. 1 past 4 7. yes 19 5. 5 5.000 + 60 + 1 4. Thursday 7. 9 2. 4 4. 6 4. 28.35 2. 36 m2 8. 0. 8. baseball 10. 32. 12 fourths 39 5 9 14 22 33 36 3. A should be circled 9. 0. 10 kg 7. bathing suit 9. 61 1. 5 3 2. ruler 4. 10. 386 5. 1 8. 9 3. 7 3. 12 1. 16. 80 7. 25 mm 8. $6. 3. 11 Day 25 7. 49 1. 20. 100 2. B 3. no 5. 3 3. 2 5. 100 . 6 6. 5 and 6 10.3 2. 52 9. 3 1. 4 6. 2 8. 50 mm 6. no © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 193 . 10 5.000 + 400 + 20 + 6 10. Rich 9. no 5. 34 5. 1. 12.5 10. 21 2. 200 mL 10 3. 36 7. 700 g 10. 17 27 29 15 19 24 32 43 46 2. 9. 18 cm 7. 8 twos 5. 0 8. 2 6.16 2. 6 9. 26 2.568 5. 9 3. 2007 9. 32°C 8. 6 7. 26 6. 4 3. 10 threes 2. 0. cubic units or units3 9.078 6. 7 3. 3 8. 7. 35 minutes 10. 19% 10. 6 7. 4 4. 0. 3 4. 2 6. a sphere 9. 16 6. triangular prism 10. A triangle should be drawn on the coordinate (G. 147 7. 6 1. 42 Day 23 Day 27 Day 31 1. 4 5. 4 4. 2. February 8. 58 Day 29 8. 92 6.19. no 9. 6. 4. 24. 4. hundreds Day 32 1. 10 3. 8 8. Answer Key (cont. 2 8. 2 4. 0. 4 4. 4:01. triangle 9. – 44 48 53 61 72 75 Day 24 Day 28 19 25 29 34 42 53 56 1. 3. 52 2.25 10. 9 cm2 1.3). 60 6. 36. 5 1. and 40 should be colored. 5 4.863 ants 10.) Day 22 Day 26 Day 30 1. 1. 50¢ 4. 35 3. 9. 4 10. 3 7. 4. 10 3. 30 days 5. 4. 4 Day 43 7. 4. 17th 1.m. 41 5. 2. Monday 8. 9 past 12 4. The following pairs should 4. 5 6. Pizza Tacos Day 41 Sharon X Day 37 1. 0. 6 9. 7 and 13. Dameon 8. no 90°should be drawn. 8. 30 1. 1. June 2. or 9 and 11. trapezoid 10. 9. 2 4. 20 7. 3. 21 1. 4 4. 8 5. 5 and 15. 2. 11 inches 9. Day 39 1. 30 boxes should be shaded. 3 digits Day 34 5. reflection 1 2. 9 10. 7 2. analog and digital time 9. 12 Day 35 4.3 2. warm 10. $10. 100 cm or 1 m 5. 6. 16 10. 10. 78 kg Day 42 8. 27 8. 194 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . A. four hundred 6. 2 7. 15 10. 1. 8 be colored: 21 and 1. no 9. 0. 6 7. ruler 9.374 6. 9 nines 5. 2:40. 6 triangles should be 2. 7. 9. 7 liters 6. 3 2. 61 5. 20 cm 3. 2 10. 6 4. 6. 0. yes 1. 6. p. 2 4. 6 groups 5. 12 2. 6 8. 11 6. 2 cm 2. 894 5. 1. 6 9. 5 3. 2. 17 2. 8 6. cm 8. 3 and 7. length 7. 12 1.00 9. A circle should be drawn.) Day 33 Day 36 Day 40 1. false 4. 3.000 millimeters 8. 227 7. 45 6. 6 7. 53 1. B and D should be circled. 3 nines 7.320 5. 400 10. Answers will vary: 1 and 19. 4 8. 3. 1. 1.6 Sue X X 2. 10 4. 3. 39 o 8. 12:09. 2 squares should be red. 1. 5. 2. 1 8. 4 3. 48 Day 38 1. 1. An angle greater than 3 and 17. 42 colored. 6 feet should be circled. 81 3. Answer Key (cont. 72 2.75 3. 3. 800 6. two thousand.60 7. 56 1. 3. 750 sixty-seven 7. 2 9. 10 3. 75¢ 3. 0. 4 4. 14 10. 4 10. 6. 8 3. 1 8. 8. 54 1. 8 cm3 6. 1/4 pizza 1. 4 5. and 5. 2. 8 Day 51 10. 1. cube 8. 2. 2. 1. 2. 120 7. 5 3. 19 Day 54 Day 46 2. 36 circled. 1 kilometer should be 8. 6 3. 2 7. 9. 3 2. 81 cm2 8. 24 3. 2008 9. 10. reflection 9. 9 4. thermometer 8. 3. 38 1. 33 2. 26 1. kilograms 7. 24 2. Diving. 30. 6 sixes 5. 9. 7 rows 3. 159 8. cm3 7. No 7. 34 7. Swimming 9. 72 in. 5 liters 7. 870. 55 mm 6. edge 40 56 16 64 80 Day 50 10. 1. no 5. 38 Day 55 Day 47 2. 2 3. $2.32 4. 3. 38 1. 6.975 5. 2 or 0. 6 tens or 60 5. 2 9. 24 Day 53 2. 6 5. 4 6. Cathy and Jose 9. analog and digital time 9. 6. 11:00. 18 4.000 steps 7. 5 8. 10. Soccer. 14 1. Answers will vary. 6 should 10. 3. 8 3. 8 6. Answer Key (cont. 6 6. 4 sevens 3. 5 and 11.900 4. no 7. square inches 10. tall 9. © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 195 . 2 hours 15 minutes 9. 9 1. 2. 8. 1. 5 sixes 4. 9 4. 0 7. 42 6. 20 mm 6. 8 2. 33 3. 8. 17 3.) Day 44 Day 48 Day 52 1. or 7 and 9. 4. 2. 24 10. 9 8. 15. be colored. rectangle 9. 2 8.5 7. 36th 5. yes 1.634 6. 7 threes 5. 9 5. 900 10. 1. 1. 67 100 2. 4 10. 0. 3 1 6. 8 awards 10. 53 boxes should be shaded. 6 7. 2 pairs 10. 30 2. 3 6. Multiply by 2. 2. 9 6. 8. A and C should be circled. 7 3. 4 hundreds or 400 4. 34°F 8. 2 possible patterns: Add 4 to get 20. 9 2. 8 4. 48. 8 and 9 3 and 13.280 1. 423 4. from the top: 10. yes 5. 9 twos 2. Clockwise. 1. 12 months 9. 30 8.75 3. 1 5. 10 6. Answers will vary: 1 and 15. March 6 9.00 24 48 72 32 0 1. Day 45 Day 49 then by 3 to get 32. or 6 ft. 24. 8 5. 9 3. 8. 7 4. 4. 24 4. $15. 7 4. 12. 2. 72 2. 2. 128 8. $3 1 7. 4 8. B 8. centimeter 7. 75 cm2 5.624 4. 10 4. 56 3. 8 5. 1 and 10 9. 4 3. 1.75 4. 31
 10.003 5 3. 7:26.5 cm 7. 20 bottles 3 5. 7 with 9 feet remaining 1. 12 4 4. 14 39 46 54 57 62 64 67 Mimi: 3 2. 19 cm A B C D E F G H 9.) Day 56 Day 59 Day 63 1. 3 boxes should be shaded. 8 4. yes 100 3. Wednesday 9. 46% 9. A 10. 9 1. 6 4. 3. 8 9. 43 1. 7 sixes 3.m. 60 Day 58 3. 3 4. 600 6. 1. circle 9. Answer Key (cont.264. 6 faces 10. cm2 7. 5 hundreds or 500 5. cube or rectangular 7. 54 1. 24°C 3 15 27 9 24 18 19 26 34 37 42 44 47 12 30 21 6 9.100 mL 10. 39 6. 30 boxes should be shaded. 10 3. 120 2 6. 10 sevens 7. 6 7. 9 cm3 7. 728 2. no 9. 60 6. 10 4. 8 2.426. 10. 1. 17 Day 57 2. 1. 7 6.900 5. A line should be drawn from Day 61 Day 65 the cube to the die. 100 . 10. $1. 100 g 6. 99 5. 7 8. Day 62 8 3. 30 7. 21 10. 9 2. 9 4. 27 9. 8 cm 8. Clockwise. 5 7 1. from top: 8. 64 1. 0. 2 8. Wednesday 9. 34 2. 2 6. $4. + 7 15 18 23 25 28 10. 4 liters 196 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 3 6.46. 9 3. 7 3. 1. 7 4. 46 4. 1. 2. no 9. 9 5. $2. 2 8.2 5. 0. 21 2.75 Day 60 Day 64 10. 7 tens or 70 5. 3 6. 2.000 + 300 + 60 + 5 8. Jahir: 23 Olivia: 15 29 36 44 47 52 54 57 Day 66 Gerald: 35 1. 1. 8 6 2. thousands 6. no 46 8. no 1. 130 7. 68 3. Answers will vary 10. 9 1. 79 5. p. 9 5.14 10.5 or 1 12 inches 8. 7 6. 26 past 7 7. 40 4. 4 threes 1. Answers will vary. Multiply by 2. July. 243 cm3 9. 5. 30 1. 5. 200 mL 9. 11 and 13. D 10. trapezoid 9. 17 2. 55 1. Three cubes on either the 8. B should be colored.5 cm 7. The clock should read 1:10. 8 2. meter stick 8. hexagon 10. 40¢. 50 minutes 10. The following pairs should 3 and 21. 7 Day 73 100 3. 8 1. yes 7. yardstick 9. 24 6. 1. 5 books 9. fifty-eight 6. 108 10. 8 5. 4 sixes 4. 4. 2007 10. 7 2. 2 possible answers: Add 4 to get 25. 7 7. 3R5 6. forty-seven 5. 50 2. 40 1. 2 hr. 7 4. build a snowman 8. 2. 60 m2 5. tens 7. 45 6. 43 kg 8. 29.079 6. 32. yes 9. 81 Day 78 Day 74 1. 240 8. two thousand. 35 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 197 . 26 10. 5. 2. Day 77 Day 69 then by 3 to get 42. September 6. 10. 7 3.532 3. 9 R4 2. 15 4.50 2. $4. 9. 7 9. 5 7. August. 9 9. 6 7. 6 3 4.42 Day 72 1. or 5 and 19. 40 minutes 8. 4 inches 6. 3 times 8. answers include sphere 10. 4 digits 5. 7. 2 3. 4 Mondays 7. Answer Key (cont. 24 3.8 5. 7 and be colored: 8. 9.) Day 67 Day 71 Day 75 1. 8 6. A and C should be colored. 16. 72 3.907. 7 4. 9 groups 5. 15 2. 1 Day 68 17. 20¢.097. 9 Day 76 2. 9 and 15. 65 boxes should be shaded. 5 2. 60 6. Evan right or left should be shaded. no 3. 60¢. 2 hundreds or 200 8. 16 8. 8 4. 61 2. yes 8. 7. 4 hundreds or 400 3. 10. the 19th 5.400 3. 500 5. 9 7. 7. . 5. 16 cups of 250 mL each 5. yes 7. Day 70 9. 7 6. 70¢ 4. right angle 10. 559 1. 4 digits 6. Possible 7. 9 8. 5 4. 1. 2. 36 cm2 8. 5 6. 6 4. 7 and 6 10. 5 9. 50¢. 9 4. three thousand. 7 R3 3. yes 4. 24 months and egg. 8 2. yes 10. 9 5. 2. 6 R4 or 6. 4 sixes 3. 16 1. 63 1. 10 3. Answers will vary: 1 and 23. 30¢. 53 2. 5R1 5. Answers may vary. thermometer 8. 4.000 10.5 3.18.5 containers 8. 5 6. 10 2. 37 3 2. 4 digits 7. A straight line should be 7. 24 4. hundreds 5. Friday 9. 45 kilograms 9. 45 mm drawn. 8 4. 8 R4 2. 7 R5 or 7. 3.7 4. 5 3. 3. 3 for $6. 1. 4.m. 1. 4 R4 2. Troy and Allison 10. 9. 2 colored. 16 2. no Day 81 3. $1. 7 6. 8 R7 or 8. 10 3. 400 3. 289 8.500 5. two thousand. 15. 12 8. a square should be added Day 85 Day 89 10. 375 beads 10. 2 R1 3. 6. 16 Examples: 1. 4 7. Cheryl: 2 smiley faces. 12. 17 1. p. 6 R6 1.5 or 4 12 inches 8. 60¢ 3. 6 R2 5. 100 mL 8. sixty-four 6. 25.210 10. 70 1. 70 1. 48 7. 60 4. 15 hours and 2 minutes 8. 3. 3 6. 36. 63 2. 2. 27. Answers will vary. 18 8. yes 6. 5 6. 2. 7 tens or 70 5. 5 R7 or 5. 4 seasons 5.) Day 79 Day 83 Day 87 1. 120 30. a square 9. ¼ is greater than ⅛ 2. 3 Brooke: 4 smiley faces 9. 56 2.00 10. m2 7. 48 9. 9 R2 4. 49. 11 and 12 Day 80 Day 84 Day 88 1. No 5. 3 R3 4. 4:07.200. B and C 10. Answer Key (cont. 9. 10 7. 6. 18 1. and 39 should be 10. 33 2. 2.806 5. Sunday 8. 4 digits 3. 0.000 mL or 3 L 198 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 31 2. 53. 10. 14 days 9. 10. 3 8. 1 6. m 5.6 2.7 4. 3 angles 9. yes 7. 5 R2 4. 5 3. 33 3. 7 past 4 7.50 9. cm2 7. 6 6.180. yes 9. 7 4. 31 days 8. 0. 8 cm 9. 21. 7 hundreds or 700 6. 2 1. 33.710 5. 3 R3 3. 4 6. 60 1. 4 R2 4. 7 6. Day 90 Day 86 1. 5 R4 4. yes 10. 10. 9. 25. 2. 9 R7 5. 8 R1 3. 10 7. grams 7. 7 1. 72 cm3 7. 7 R5 5. 28 Day 82 2. 20 4. 8. rotating 9. 24. 2 R6 5. 12 minutes should be 8. 36 Actual Number: 24 dots 3. 10 1. 4 then by 3 to get 60. 35 9.25 2. 8 7. 7 R4 or 7. Martin 10. 5.830.7 4. 6 6. 800 8. 6. 12 cm3 Day 96 9.05 2. 7. 5 R2 7. 7 6. A and C 10. 6. 9 6. 0. 124 5. Clock should show 3:35. 0. 9. 39 6 8 17 24 38 43 2. 400 6. 6 tickets 7. 54 1. 5. 58°F 8. 4. $2. Answers may vary. June 7.50 10. 1. minute 5. 90 6. 7 tens or 70 8.000 + 600 + 40 + 2 3. 14 2. no 3. 500 milliliters 7.00. 3. forty-second 5.5 4.800. – 45 47 56 63 77 82 10.50. 9 8. 18. 9. 2 R4 or 2. 5 hundreds or 500 9. Saturday 4. 0 3. 19 1. 180 inches 4 2. 4 R4 or 4. Answer Key (cont.253 5. 4. be colored: 45. 19 10. 37 Day 97 9. 2. 3 2.00. The following pairs should 7. 8 8. 36 7. yes 3. 20 3. 746 5. 42 6. 9 R5 1. 8 7. 8 R3 4. January 5. octagon 9. 2. 5. 5. Area measures surface. 2. 8 4. 600 cm 4. $1. 36. Possibilities include (13 + 12 + 4 + 1) ÷ 10 = 3 or 13 – 12 + 10 ÷ (4 + 1) = 3 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 199 . $35. $68 6. 5 weekdays 1. May. 2. 10. $1. 2 possible answers: Add 3 4. C 3.38 8. 42 5. rotation or reflection 7. 8 R1 3. $2. 10.) Day 91 Day 94 Day 98 1.5 2. 26 10.5 Day 100 1. 1. 8 liters to get 33. 1. 4 R3 8. 3 4. rectangular prism 9. 2 surfaces. 4 3. 40 minutes 9. 30 mm 10. 15. $2. 447 2. 10 toys 2. 33 10. 4. 10 R2 or 10.776 62 2. 12. A square should be drawn. 57 1.5 5. 3.5 1. 4 fours Day 101 4. ruler 9. 18 9. 1 edge 9. 1 circled. 5. 8 m2 Day 93 10.015 8. 6 Day 92 Day 99 4. 6 6. $1. Estimate: Answers may vary. 2 6. 52 5. 8 cm3 8. 9 4. Multiply by 2. 3 R6 3. 1.35 3. 6 R4 or 6. 42 kg 8. April. 4. 49 10. 18 2. 100 or 3150 6. 1.000 19 26 28 37 44 58 63 Day 95 29 16 18 27 34 48 53 1. 3. 61 5.5 cm 7. jacket 9. 61 Day 111 Day 103 2. 9 6. 42 6. 9 7. 10. 50 5. 52 9. no 6. 3.047 2. 8 Day 113 1. 9. $3. 100 4. 2 R7 4. 3. 12 8. 70% 3. yes 7.00 1. 6 3. 31 2. 8. 2 eights 3. 3 coordinate (C. 7. 3 7. eight thousand. 65 5. 30 10. Allison Dale 10. 2. Answers will vary. 3 3.) Day 102 be colored: 35. 810 8. Day 104 2. 15 inches 10. 6 5. 6 pencils Day 107 1.5 cm 7. $1. ninety-one 4. 81 cm2 7. 9 3. A and D should be circled. 1. 2.7). 8. 48 5.25 25 1 5. 7 4. 3. 3. yes 8. thousands 6. $60. $40. 2. 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 10. 42 6. 5:16. 1 3. 15. 8. 25 cm2 6. 36% 1. $120 9. 36 4. 4 6.00 200 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 5 2. day 10. 100 . 22 cm 8. 8 5. 2 4. 1 8. 9 2. 35 Harry 9.36. 1 9. 3. 10 9. 16 4. 3 10. 8 6. The clock should read 6:29.50 3. yes 10. 10. 9 3. Day 108 Possibilities include: 1. 0. 2.000 + 900 + 3 5. 7. 61 9 3. vertex 10. 35 Day 106 2. $100. December 4. The following pairs should 10. 20°C 8. 0. 5 R3 2. 5. 16 past 5 9. January. 41. 18. 6 eights 3. hexagon 6. Answer Key (cont. 4 digits 8. 36 8. 41 1. thirty-first 5. 23 39. 8 5. yes 4. No 1. $80. 3 1. $3. 30 Day 112 1. B 6. 700 grams Day 105 2. 4 7. 100 or 4 3. 8. 5 4. A circle should be drawn at 7. 54 1. 7 7. 63 1. 6 more awards 36 Day 109 9. 7 6. triangular prism 9. 300 + 80 + 6 7. $16. 5. 5 Day 110 1. 51 10.75 3. 2 5. etc. cm2 10. 2 1. 1. September 2 6. Batter 8. 7. 30 months 5. days 9. 58 minutes 8. 21 2. 15 liters should be circled. 46 2.500 4.5 or 2 12 inches Dean 9. 7. 138 4. 37. 6. yes 2. 8 cm3 5.009 7. 9 2. 1 7. 623 3. 700 mL 10. 0. 64 9. 900 6. 5.000 + 800 + 2 6. 138 10. $2. 32 apples 2. 7. 16 1.620 8. 8 5. 4 250 mL cups 8. no 4. 56 2. 12 5. 2 4. fifty-six 6. grams 7. odd 5. 6 3. or an L shape. out. 6 hours (center) should be crossed be drawn from any vertex. 60 Day 121 1. a V. 8:22 6. $1. 4 2. 30 6. m2 5.) Day 114 Day 118 Day 122 1. 7 4.45 3. 3. cold 7. 2 7.48 1. There are 8 possible correct 8. 4 7. translate be circled and pyramid 9.5 3. 4 7. 10 R3 or 10. 463rd 4. $17 10. 20 mm 6. 31 m 10. A rectangle should be 8. 4 8. 4. 150 cm2 7. 9 4. 2 4 40 4. liter between the ice cream cone 9. no 2.75 3. 9 1. 4 3. from top: 10. 3 10. 15 3. 10. 100 . 2 possible answers: Add 3 to get 35. even 4. 9 R1 4 6. 4 5. 64 1. 5 cm 8. 11 4. Day 120 10. 6. hundreds 5. 17 days 9. 9. 43 2. 3 7. 9 5 or 10 or 100 2. 48. no 7. 8. 34 2. 5 6. 13 1. 6 7. 4 7. 48 8. square feet designs involving either a 9. A and C should be circled.5 or 1 12 inches 8. 5 kg 6. 4 5. 96 30 6 36 12 42 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 201 . 8 5. 38. April. 440 7. 9. Thursday 9.046 4. 48 10. yes 9. 6 be shaded. June 1 8. 5 5. 7 minutes to 7 6.734 6. 50% 3. Answer Key (cont. hexagon line. no drawn. circle and the cone. 7 4. There should be a line drawn 8. 7 rows or 70 squares should 2. 31 days 9. 46 Day 125 Day 117 1. 33 1. 0. 6:53. 5. 4 4. 53 2. 20 5. 9 4. 18 48 54 24 60 then by 3 to get 64. 17 Day 116 2. A line of symmetry should 10. 1. 12 9. 240 Day 124 1. 42 1. 49 cm2 8. 24. 5 5. rotating Day 123 Day 115 Day 119 1. 9 cm3 9. 5 R3 3. 48% 10. 4 R3 5. 36. 6 3. 12 10.48. 8 3. 4 6. 5. yes 2. Multiply by 2. Clockwise. The prism (far right) should 8. centimeters 8. 9 6. $48 10. 45. 28 cm 6. 12 4. 600 + 20 + 4 7. 6 R1 A B C D E F G H 5. 5 bags 8. 7. 10. Possible 9. 13 5 Day 135 4 10. One of the following lines 1 10. 4. yes 10. 54. March 9. 4 awards 8. 144 in2 9.500 5. 50% 3. 8. 4. 57. 2 4. four thousand. Wednesday 6. 9 be shaded. A circle should be drawn. 489 4. no 5. Answers may vary. yes 7. 57 1. 4 R4 2. The clock should read 6:37. 13 R4 6. 4 4. 6. 2:50 7. 8 should be drawn: 8. 10" 8. 8 cm3 answers include sphere 10. 2 7 9. 10 4. 36. 16 3. odd 4. 15 4. February. 2. 10 4. and egg. July 9. 200 mL 5. 36 m2 6. 2 hundred twenty-five 8. yes 1. 8 inches should be circled. 4 digits 6. 8. 23 kg 9. 28 cm 7. 3. 3.461 days 7. etc. 900 7. 11 1. 5 5. 2 8. 4. 12 10. Answer Key (cont. 13 Day 131 2. 1. 6 7. 52% 2. 36 eggs Day 127 1. 5 5. 5 R1 4. 73°F 9. Answers will vary. 5 3. 43 Day 130 Day 133 2. 31 3. 1. 10. 8 2. 1 6. $10 1. 0 9. 2 children Day 128 10. eight 7. 670 6. 9 3. 55. 6 meters 8. 8 R1 6. 5 4. 10 8.) Day 126 Day 129 Day 132 1. 4 5. 2 6 10. yes 1. 148 9.058 5. January. 4 times 6. 27. 21 2. 90% 1. 800 5. 62 Day 134 3. yes 5. 61 3 Possibilities include: 1. 18. 10 R1 3. 9 rows or 90 squares should 2. 24 2. 3. 8 2. 24 3. 170 7. 27 9. 11 1. 7 202 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . pentagonal prism 8. 48 2 1 3. 250 mL 7. 10 R2 2. 6 triangles should be colored 8. 44 10. yes 5. 10 3. a square 9. up 3. 4 10. nine 6. 6 R1 3. 7 hundreds or 700 5. 50 mm 9. Answers will vary. 6 R5 5. 6 liters 7. 895 9. 2 3. 5 Day 143 3. 8 R4 7. 7. July yellow.4 8.75 6.5. 41 1. 38 2. right 6. 4 R3 4. 3 7. 5 2. down 5. yes 3. 10. 735 6.00 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 203 . 13 4. cm2 7. 40. 18. 30. 14 R5 1. translation 7. 5. 7. parallelogram or rhombus 10. 6 R7 3. December 21 7. 4 4. ones 6. 31 5. 10 3. $5. 264 times 1. 2 tens or 20 5. 14. 6 8. A square should be drawn. 400 5. 840 8. up 4. 12. 10. Monday 8 8. 964 minutes 8.1. yes 7. 5 Day 147 Day 139 10.000 + 800 + 50 + 7 4. 6 faces. 5 1. A parallel line should be 9. 1. 1. 71 1. 36. 15 Possibilities include: 2. 20. 8. 24.2. 1 5. 9. yes 13 –10 + 12 +4 + 1 2. 31 2. 4 2. 8. 48 9. 21 2.000 3. 5 pencils Day 145 Day 137 1. right 2. 22 9. ruler 9. down 7. 45 10. 31. 12 R1 4. $6. 6 R5 5. 750 g 8. 1 6. odd 5.50 6. 4 R2 2. 5 3. 0. 300 1. 22 R2 5. 42 2. 1. or 10. 7 4. 31 days 8. 12 1.501 6. 40 6. pentagon Day 146 Day 138 10. 2 4. left 4. rectangle base 10. 62 4. false colored blue. 24 4. 5 7. 12 5. 9 R4 Day 142 4. 10. left 2. 2 9. 58 2. no 8. 34 1.) Day 136 Day 140 Day 144 1. 3 triangles should be 9. 36 sides drawn. 4 7. 20 3. 7 6. 63 Day 141 1.25 9. 7 4. 10. yes 6. 12 cm 10. 9 R3 8. 4 digits 2. 12 edges. m3 hundred thirty-one 7. 2 5. 4 14 inches or 4. yes 9. Eight thousand. 10 8. 4 6. Answer Key (cont. The clocks should read 6:05. 10 3. 3 2. 31. 4 R3 3. 6 R6 4. ruler 6. 8. The clocks should read 6. 350 3. Answer Key (cont. 10 6. 9. 1. 10 R2 4. yes 8. Wednesday 8. yardstick 7.75 1. 39 1. 27 1. Multiply by 3.056 7. 0.700 5. 2 diagonals should be 8. $3. 1. cylinder 9.567 is less than 2. 4 6. 232. 4 R5 4. 30 days 9. 153 cm base 10. 61 2. 15 R2 4. 2 9.000 in (G. 4. 400 7. 3 fives 4.0 7. 3 3. 1. 10 5. 15 R4 5. 6 buckets 8. 3 6. 5 5.000 + 400 + 90 5. 14 then 5 to get 120. 12 10. 13 2. 4 8. 9 R3 4. 9 R6 3.5 or 5 12 cm 6. 11 1. 8 awards 9. 1. 7 R5 4.330. 6. 11 1. 2 kg 7.125 cm3 8. 7 R4 6. 4.300. 10. 10 2. 2 3.800 6. yes 2. 5 faces. Day 151 Day 155 1. 18 times 10. 10. 116. 16 cm 7. no 3. 675 5. rotation to get 50. January 8.) Day 148 Day 152 Day 156 1. 11 5. 9 3. 71 100 2. 4 Actual Number: 35 dots Day 154 Day 158 Day 150 1. 38 Day 159 1. 2 9. 0. 71 3. A line of symmetry should 9. 6 R1 6. 100 2. 6 vertex. 2000 + 500 + 70 + 3 5. D should be circled.25 cm Day 149 Day 153 1. A square should be drawn 10. 7. 2 1. 1 8. 1. 1.5). 6.00 10. 68% 2. 290. 9 shaded. $4. 2. 2 7. 290 cm December 9:15. 9 bottles 6. 324 6. 5 angles 10. 9 10. 2 2. 7 days 7. 10 3. 9 3. 15 inches 9. hundreds 6. fifty-eight 4. 85 squares should be 3. 5 R1 5. 200 204 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . October. 2. cm2 9. 60. 2 possible answers: Add 10 9. 1.000 9. 8 3. 90o angle 10. 1. 2. November.25 4.053 4. 3 digits 5.5 or 2 12 liters 7. 120 8. 3 4. 4 3. 15 1. Estimate: Answers will vary.632 5. 7. 42 2. 71 2. 10. 3 5. 104 8. vertex or side to side. 11 81 2. 4. 18 drawn from vertex to be drawn from vertex to 9. 0 7. 2. 10. 174. 1. 96 8. 6. 44 Day 157 2. 365 days 8. no 6. a square 10. 21 4. 5. 7.9. nine thousand. 5 vertices. 45% 2.00. 23 4. 73% 1. 9. 34 1. 5 3. 240 10. 21 2. 4. 6 hundreds or 600 4. 18 2. $50 © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 205 . 20 mm 7. 0. 60 10. 2 8. 100 6. 4 4. hour 8. 5 3. 10 kg 6. 40 5.400 7. liter November. rectangular prism 1 9. 3 7. 31 days 7. A line should be drawn 10.280 8.00. 5 R3 6. 71 3. 11 R2 4. a minute 6. 1. 6. 25 books 8. greater than 1. 10 5. January 1 8. 3 5. 1 10 to 8 7. 1. Answer Key (cont. 50¢ 2. 11 2.970 6. 7 Week 4 9. $10. A line of symmetry should 7. 53 3. perpendicular lines 9. 3 R10 7. 30% 4. 1 5. 75¢.990 4. A square should be drawn. 1. 792 9. 8 3. area 10. 39 1. 19 3. 42 Day 167 10. December 31 10. 8. 400 8. 75 3. 3.000 + 400 + 10 + 4 4 5. 35% 5. a circle 7. 7 R1 3. $7. 9:00 p.800 6. yes 9. 24 cm 7.700 4. 4 5. 10 R2 5. true Day 161 10. September. 80 mm 6. Day 163 9. 10. yes 1. 50¢ from the can to the Day 162 cylinder. 25 or 1 1.37 Day 170 3. 8. 3. 2 12 minutes 1.m. $1. The clock should read 7:50. 9 shaded. 13 R5 2. 4. be drawn from vertex to 8. rotation 1. 660 4. 2 10. 7 m2 7. $1. 72 8. 43 Day 165 2. Answers will vary. 5 9. 30 2. 10 R4 5.25 5. October.50. 30 cm Possibilities include: 12 + 13 – 10 – 4 – 1 vertex or side to side. 13 Day 166 10. $5. 10 R6 6.00. 2 9. 250 milliliters 9. 27 6. 62 squares should be 3. 5 1. 50¢. 72 Day 169 100 4 2. 7 2.000 + 10 + 4 3. thousands 5. no 7. 6 6. December 9.) Day 160 Day 164 Day 168 1. 17 8. 4. 1. 25 4. 5 R4 4. 12 cookies 10. 4. 8 R3 2. Answers will vary. 12 7. 1. 3 acute angles 2. December 24 8.50 3. 15 2. Answer Key (cont. 9 R5 5. 18 fives 10. 16 R1 5. 4 R7 8. hundred forty-six played 6. 10.042 6. 14 R3 6. 4 3. 7 R3 4.) Day 171 Day 174 Day 178 1. 8 4. 0. 6 5. 6 3. 0. 10¢ 3.536 6. false 10. 9 cm2 should be drawn. 12 8. 80 1. 2 R3 3. grams 7. 3 8. $0.60. 6. 17 1. 67 1. 6 R8 5. 3.81 2. 12 3. 68 tickets Possibilities include: 13 – 4 + 10 – 12 – 1 Day 175 Day 179 1.047 5. 6 pens cost $1. 10. m2 7. yes 2. 2 10. 1. 6 1. no 5. 7 R4 30 3 2. yes 10. Day 177 8. 14 4. $2.90.80 2. tens Day 173 6.50. 3 should be drawn. 7 different sports are 10. 70 5. 3 7. 10 7. 9 3. 4 tens or 40 7. 19 2. 20 8. 19 1. $7. 5 liters 8. 50 minutes 8. square pyramid 5. A triangular front view 9. 101 cm 3. 10 R1 4. 56 6. 3 6. The clocks should read 1:35. A perpendicular line 8. square feet 6. 42 race cars 9. 2. 42 Day 172 2. 32 9. 8 4. $1. yes 3.25 2. 7 4. 1 obtuse angle 7. $1. 847 6. km 9.400 4. 39 5. yes 10. 4 boxes 10. 3 34 or 3. 3 cm 7. 3 7. 1 cm3 9.67 206 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education . 2. meter 10.80. 100 or 10 4. 72 2. 6 months 9. eight 9. $0. 3 8. 47 100 3.20. 73°F 9. 20/100 7.905 5. Day 180 Day 176 1. 70°F 4.75 inches 9. 17 4. 84% 6. 9. one thousand. no $1. no 1. E. Findell. Swafford. eds. © Shell Education #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade 207 . Formative assessment in mathematics. Clearing House 71 (2): 92–96. and B. R. When practice makes perfect…sense. 2010. J. DC: National Academies Press. Marzano. McIntosh. Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. Educational Leadership 68 (3): 81–83. 1997. M. J. Washington. 2001. References Cited Kilpatrick.. doc Practice Page Item Analysis Excel spreadsheet pageitem. open the PDF and select the pages to print.pdf Student Item Analysis Word document studentitem.xls Reproducible PDFs of Practice Pages and References All of the 180 practice pages are contained in a single PDF. In order to print specific days.doc Student Item Analysis Excel spreadsheet studentitem.pdf Practice Page Item Analysis Word document pageitem. Contents of the Teacher Resource CD Diagnostic Item Analysis Resources Diagnostic Assessment Directions directions.pdf 208 #50807—180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade © Shell Education .pdf Practice Pages Day 1–Day 180 practicepages.pdf Practice Page Item Analysis PDF pageitem. NCTM Correlations Chart correlations.xls Student Item Analysis PDF studentitem. Decimals. This standards-based resource provides an engaging and purposeful practice page for every day of the school year. 4 Interactive Grade Whiteboard- 4 Grade Compatible CD Provide quick and purposeful daily practice to build mastery in mathematics. and Percents  Data Analysis  Number Sense and Place Value  Word and Logic Problems  Algebra and Algebraic Thinking  Mathematical Reasoning with CD Other books in the series: SEP 50807 $19. The practice pages follow a consistent format. 180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade • Reinforce grade-level skills and enhance students’ mathematical proficiency using Practice. and each key mathematical skill or concept is addressed daily.99 . Diagnose: 180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade. The mathematical skills targeted in this book include:  Addition and Subtraction  Measurement  Multiplication and Division  Geometry  Fractions. assess student and class progress. Use the included diagnostic tools to record evidence of student learning. and identify students’ intervention or enrichment needs. Assess.


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